
User Manual:

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Groups, Algorithms and Programming
version 3.4.4 distribution gap3-jm
Martin Sconert
Hans Ulrich Besche, Thomas Breuer, Frank Celler, Bettina Eick
Volkmar Felsch, Alexander Hulpke, J¨urgen Mnich, Werner Nickel
otz Pfeiffer, Udo Polis, Heiko Theißen
Lehrstuhl D f¨ur Mathematik, RWTH Aachen
Alice Niemeyer
Department of Mathematics, University of Western Australia
Jean Michel
Department of Mathematics, University Paris-Diderot, France
GAP 3.4.4 of 20 Dec. 1995, gap3-jm of 19 Feb. 2018
Copyright c
1992 by Lehrstuhl D f¨ur Mathematik
RWTH, Templergraben 64, D 5100 Aachen, Germany
GAP3 can be copied and distributed freely for any non-commercial purpose.
If you copy GAP3 for somebody else, you may ask this person for refund of your expenses.
This should cover cost of media, copying and shipping. You are not allowed to ask for more
than this. In any case you must give a copy of this copyright notice along with the program.
If you obtain GAP3 please send us a short notice to that effect, e.g., an e-mail message to the
address, containing your full name and address. This
allows us to keep track of the number of GAP3 users.
If you publish a mathematical result that was partly obtained using GAP3, please cite GAP3,
just as you would cite another paper that you used. Also we would appreciate it if you could
inform us about such a paper.
You are permitted to modify and redistribute GAP3, but you are not allowed to restrict
further redistribution. That is to say proprietary modifications will not be allowed. We
want all versions of GAP3 to remain free.
If you modify any part of GAP3 and redistribute it, you must supply a README document.
This should specify what modifications you made in which files. We do not want to take
credit or be blamed for your modifications.
Of course we are interested in all of your modifications. In particular we would like to see
bug-fixes, improvements and new functions. So again we would appreciate it if you would
inform us about all modifications you make.
GAP3 is distributed by us without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable state
law. We distribute GAP3 as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose.
The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should GAP3
prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
In no case unless required by applicable law will we, and/or any other party who may
modify and redistribute GAP3 as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including
lost profits, lost monies or other special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of
the use or inability to use GAP3.
Welcome to the first release of GAP3 from St Andrews. In the two years since the release of
GAP3 3.4.3, most of the efforts of the GAP3 team in Aachen have been devoted to the forth-
coming major release, GAP4.1, which will feature a re-engineered kernel with many extra
facilities, a completely new scheme for structuring the library, many new and enhanced
algorithms and algorithms for new structures such as algebras and semigroups.
While this was going on, however, our users were not idle, and a number of bugs and
blemishes in the system were found, while a substantial number of new or improved share
packages have been submitted and accepted. Once it was decided that the computational
algebra group at St Andrews would take over GAP3 development, we agreed, as a learning
exercise, to release a new upgrade of GAP3 3.4, incorporating the bug fixes and new packages.
Assembling the release has indeed been a learning experience, and has, of course, taken
much longer than we hoped. The release incorporates fixes to all known bugs in the library
and kernel. In addition, there are two large new data libraries:of transitivie permutation
groups up to degree 23; and of all groups of order up to 1000, except those of order 512 or
768 and some others have been extended. This release includes a number of share packages
that are new since 3.4.3:
for computing the automorphism groups of soluble groups;
for computing with finite Coxeter groups, Hecke algebras, Chevalley groups and re-
lated structures;
for computing with crystallographic groups;
for comnputing with near-rings and semigroups;
for computing with rational and integer matrix groups;
linking to Knuth-Bendix package for monoids and groups;
for analysing matrix groups over finite fields, replacing smash and classic;
linking to a polycyclic quotient program;
for computing the representation theory of the symmetric group and related struc-
tures; and
for computing with crossed modules.
A number of other share packages have also been updated. Full details of all of these can
be found in the updated manual, which is now also supplied in an HTML version.
Despite the tribulations of this release, we are looking forward to taking over a central role
in GAP3 development in the future, and to working with the users and contributors who are
so essential a part of making GAP3 what it is.
St Andrews, April 18.,1997, Steve Linton.
In the distribution gap3-jm, there are the following additional packages:
The p-quotient algorithm, to work with p-groups.
The soluble quotient algorithm.
Constructive representation theory.
Cohomology and extensions of finite groups.
Double coset enumeration.
Computing with graphs and group.
Coding theory algorithms.
Splitting modular representations.
Computing with monoids and semigroups.
The nilpotent quotient algorithm.
Modular group algebras of p-groups.
Vector enumeration, for representations of finitely presented algebras.
Finite-dimensional algebras.
Fundamental group of the complement of a complex hypersurface. Also provides
multivariate polynomials and rational fractions.
GAP3 stands for Groups, Algorithms and Programming. The name was chosen to
reflect the aim of the system, which is introduced in this manual.
Until well into the eighties the interest of pure mathematicians in computational group the-
ory was stirred by, but in most cases also confined to the information that was produced by
group theoretical software for their special research problems – and hampered by the uneasy
feeling that one was using black boxes of uncontrollable reliability. However the last years
have seen a rapid spread of interest in the understanding, design and even implementation
of group theoretical algorithms. These are gradually becoming accepted both as standard
tools for a working group theoretician, like certain methods of proof, and as worthwhile
objects of study, like connections between notions expressed in theorems.
GAP3 was started as an attempt to meet this interest. Therefore a primary design goal
has been to give its user full access to algorithms and the data structures used by them,
thus allowing critical study as well as modification of existing methods. We also intend to
relieve the user from unwanted technical chores and to assist him in the programming, thus
supporting invention and implementation of new algorithms as well as experimentation with
We have tried to achieve these goals by a design which in addition makes GAP3 easily
portable, even to computers such as Atari ST and Amiga, and at the same time facilitates
the maintenance of GAP3 with the limited resources of an academic environment.
While I had felt for some time rather strongly the wish for such a truly open system for
computational group theory, the concrete idea of GAP3 was born when, together with a larger
group of students, among whom were Johannes Meier, Werner Nickel, Alice Niemeyer, and
Martin Sconert who eventually wrote the first version of GAP3, I had my first contact with
the Maple system at the EUROCAL meeting in Linz/Austria in 1985. Maple demonstrated
to us the feasibility of a strong and efficient computer algebra system built from a small
kernel, with an interpreted library of routines written in a problem-adapted language. The
discussion of the plan of a system for computational group theory organized in a similar
way started in the fall of 1985, programming only in the second half of 1986. A first
version of GAP3 was operational by the end of 1986. The system was first presented at
the Oberwolfach meeting on computational group theory in May 1988. Version 2.4 was the
first officially to be given away from Aachen starting in December 1988. The strong interest
in this version, in spite of its still rather small collection of group theoretical routines, as
well as constructive criticism by many colleagues, confirmed our belief in the general design
principles of the system. Nevertheless over three years had passed until in April 1992 version
3.1 was released, which was followed in February 1993 by version 3.2, in November 1993 by
version 3.3 and is now in June 1994 followed by version 3.4.
A main reason for the long time between versions 2.4 and 3.1 and the fact that there had not
been intermediate releases was that we had found it advisable to make a number of changes
to basic data structures until with version 3.1 we hoped to have reached a state where we
could maintain upward compatibility over further releases, which were planned to follow
much more frequently. Both goals have been achieved over the last two years. Of course the
time has also been used to extend the scope of the methods implemented in GAP3. A rough
estimate puts the size of the program library of version 3.4 at about sixteen times the size
of that of version 2.4, while for version 3.1 the factor was about eight. Compared to GAP3
3.2, which was the last version with major additions, new features of GAP3 3.4 include the
-New data types (and extensions of methods) for algebras, modules and characters
-Further methods for working with finite presentations (IMD, a fast size function)
-Some “Almost linear” methods and (rational) conjugacy classes for permutation groups
-Methods based on “special AG systems” for finite soluble groups
-A package for the calculation of Galois groups and field extensions
-Extensions of the library of data (transitive permutation groups, crystallographic groups)
-An X-window based X-GAP3 for display of subgroup lattices
-Five further share libraries (ANU SQ, MEATAXE, SISYPHOS, VECTORENUMERA-
Work on the extension of GAP3 is going on in Aachen as well as in an increasing number
of other places. We hope to be able to have the next release of GAP3 after about 9 months
again, that is in the first half of 1995.
The system that you are getting now consists of four parts:
1. A comparatively small kernel, written in C, which provides the user with:
-automatic dynamic storage management, which the user needn’t bother about in
his programming;
-a set of time-critical basic functions, e.g. “arithmetic” operations for integers, finite
fields, permutations and words, as well as natural operations for lists and records;
-an interpreter for the GAP3 language, which belongs to the Pascal family, but, while
allowing additional types for group theoretical objects, does not require type
-a set of programming tools for testing, debugging, and timing algorithms.
2. A much larger library of GAP3 functions that implement group theoretical and
other algorithms. Since this is written entirely in the GAP3 language, in contrast to
the situation in older group theoretical software, the GAP3 language is both the main
implementation language and the user language of the system. Therefore the user can
as easily as the original programmers investigate and vary algorithms of the library
and add new ones to it, first for own use and eventually for the benefit of all GAP3
users. We hope that moreover the structuring of the library using the concept of
domains and the techniques used for their handling that have been introduced into
GAP3 3.1 by Martin Sch¨onert will be further helpful in this respect.
3. A library of group theoretical data which already contains various libraries of
groups (cf. chapter 38), large libraries of ordinary character tables, including all of
the Cambridge Atlas of Finite Groups and modular tables (cf. chapter 53), and a
library of tables of marks. We hope to extend this collection further with the help
of colleagues who have undertaken larger classifications of groups.
4. The documentation. This is available as a file that can either be used for on-line
help or be printed out to form this manual. Some advice for using this manual may
be helpful. The first chapter About GAP is really an introduction to the use of the
system, starting from scratch and, for the beginning, assuming neither much knowledge
about group theory nor much versatility in using a computer. Some of the later
sections of chapter 1 assume more, however. For instance section About Character
Tables definitely assumes familiarity with representation theory of finite groups, while
in particular sections About the Implementation of Domains to About Defining
New Group Elements address more advanced users who want to extend the system
to meet their special needs. The further chapters of the manual give then a full
description of the functions presently available in GAP3.
Together with the system we distribute GAP share libraries, which are separate packages
which have been written by various groups of people and remain under their responsibility.
Some of these packages are written completely in the GAP3 language, others totally or in
parts in C (or even other languages). However the functions in these packages can be called
directly from GAP3 and results are returned to GAP3. At present there are 10 such share
libraries (cf. chapter 57).
The policy for the further development of GAP3 is to keep the kernel as small as possible,
extending the set of basic functions only by very selected ones that have proved to be
time-critical and, wherever feasible, of general use. In the interest of the possibility of
exchanging functions written in the GAP3 language the kernel has to be maintained in a
single place which in the foreseeable future will be Aachen. On the other hand we hoped
from the beginning that the design of GAP3 would allow the library of GAP3 functions and
the library of data to grow not only by continued work in Aachen but, as does any other
part of mathematics, by contributions from many sides, and these hopes have been fulfilled
very well.
There are some other points to make on further policy:
-When we began work on GAP3 the typical user that we had in mind was the one wanting to
implement his own algorithmic ideas. While we certainly hope that we still serve such
users well it has become clear from the experience of the last years that there are even
more users of two different species, on the one hand the established theorist, sometimes
with little experience in the use of computers, who wants an easily understandable tool,
on the other hand the student, often quite familiar with computers, who wants to get
assistance in learning the theory by being able to do nontrivial examples. We think
that in fact GAP3 can well be used by both, but we realize that for each a special
introduction would be desirable. We apologize that we have not had the time yet to
write such, however have learned (through the GAP3 forum) that in a couple of places
work on the development of Laboratory Manuals for the use of GAP3 alongside with
standard Algebra texts is undertaken.
-When we began work on GAP3, we designed it as a system for doing group theory. It
has already turned out that in fact the design of the system is general enough, and
some of its functions are also useful, for doing work in other neighbouring areas. For
instance Leonard Soicher has used GAP3 to develop a system GRAPE for working with
graphs, which meanwhile is available as a share library. We certainly enjoy seeing
this happen, but we want to emphasize that in Aachen our primary interest is the
development of a group theory system and that we do not plan to try to extend it
beyond our abilities into a general computer algebra system.
-Rather we hope to provide tools for linking GAP3 to other systems that represent years of
work and experience in areas such as commutative algebra, or to very efficient special
purpose stand-alone programs. A link of this kind exists e.g. to the MOC system for
the work with modular characters.
-We invite you to further extend GAP3. We are willing either to include such extensions
into GAP3 or to make them available through the same channels as GAP3 in the form of
the above mentioned share libraries. Of course, we will do this only if the extension
can be distributed free of charge like GAP3. The copyright for such share libraries
shall remain with you.
-Finally to answer an often asked question: The GAP3 language is in principle designed
to be compilable. Work on a compiler is on the way, but this is not yet ready for
inclusion with this release.
GAP3 is given away under the conditions that have always been in use between mathemati-
cians, i.e. in particular completely in source and free of charge. We hope that the
possibility offered by modern technology of depositing GAP3 on a number of computers to
be fetched from them by ftp, will assist us in this policy. We want to emphasize, however,
two points. GAP3 is not public domain software; we want to maintain a copyright that in
particular forbids commercialization of GAP3. Further we ask that use of GAP3 be quoted
in publications like the use of any other mathematical work, and we would be grateful if we
could keep track of where GAP3 is implemented. Therefore we ask you to notify us if you have
got GAP3, e.g., by sending a short e-mail message to
The simple reason, on top of our curiosity, is that as anybody else in an academic environ-
ment we have from time to time to prove that we are doing meaningful work.
We have established a GAP3 forum, where interested users can discuss GAP3 related topics
by e-mail. In particular this forum is for questions about GAP3, general comments, bug
reports, and maybe bug fixes. We will read this forum and answer questions and comments,
and distribute bug fixes. Of course others are also invited to answer questions, etc. We will
also announce future releases of GAP3 in this forum.
To subscribe send an e-mail message to containing
the line subscribe gap-forum your-name, where your-name should be your full name,
not your e-mail address. You will receive an acknowledgement, and from then on all e-mail
messages sent to also accepts the following requests. help for a short
help on how to use miles,unsubscribe gap-forum to unsubscribe, recipients gap-forum
to get a list of subscribers, and statistics gap-forum to see how many e-mail messages
each subscriber has sent so far.
The reliability of large systems of computer programs is a well known general problem and,
although over the past year the record of GAP3 in this respect has not been too bad, of
course GAP3 is not exempt from this problem. We therefore feel that it is mandatory that
we, but also other users, are warned of bugs that have been encountered in GAP3 or when
doubts have arisen. We ask all users of GAP3 to use the GAP3 forum for issuing such
We have also established an e-mail address gap-trouble to which technical problems of
a more local character such as installation problems can be sent. Together with some
experienced GAP3 users abroad we try to give advice on such problems.
GAP3 was started as a joint Diplom project of four students whose names have already been
mentioned. Since then many more finished Diplom projects have contributed to GAP3 as
well as other members of Lehrstuhl D and colleagues from other institutes. Their individual
contributions to the programs and to the manual are documented in the respective files.
To all of them as well as to all who have helped proofreading and improving this manual I
want to express my thanks for their engagement and enthusiasm as well as to many users
of GAP3 who have helped us by pointing out deficiencies and suggesting improvements.
Very special thanks however go to Martin Sconert. Not only does GAP3 owe many of its
basic design features to his profound knowledge of computer languages and the techniques
for their implementation, but in many long discussions he has in the name of future users
always been the strongest defender of clarity of the design against my impatience and the
temptation for “quick and dirty” solutions.
Since 1992 the development of GAP3 has been financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft in the context of the Forschungsschwerpunkt “Algorithmische Zahlentheorie
und Algebra”. This very important help is gratefully acknowledged.
As with the previous versions we send this version out hoping for further feedback of con-
structive criticism. Of course we ask to be notified about bugs, but moreover we shall
appreciate any suggestion for the improvement of the basic system as well as of the algo-
rithms in the library. Most of all, however, we hope that in spite of such criticism you will
enjoy working with GAP3.
Aachen, June 1.,1994, Joachim Neub¨user.
1 About GAP 75
2 The Programming Language 197
3 Environment 215
4 Domains 227
5 Rings 241
6 Fields 257
7 Groups 267
8 Operations of Groups 335
9 Vector Spaces 355
10 Integers 361
11 Number Theory 373
12 Rationals 379
13 Cyclotomics 385
14 Gaussians 395
15 Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields 401
16 Algebraic extensions of fields 411
17 Unknowns 419
18 Finite Fields 423
19 Polynomials 431
20 Permutations 447
21 Permutation Groups 453
22 Words in Abstract Generators 475
23 Finitely Presented Groups 483
24 Words in Finite Polycyclic Groups 519
25 Finite Polycyclic Groups 527
26 Special Ag Groups 575
27 Lists 583
28 Sets 607
29 Boolean Lists 613
30 Strings and Characters 619
31 Ranges 625
32 Vectors 629
33 Row Spaces 633
34 Matrices 647
35 Integral matrices and lattices 657
36 Matrix Rings 665
37 Matrix Groups 667
38 Group Libraries 671
39 Algebras 723
40 Finitely Presented Algebras 739
41 Matrix Algebras 747
42 Modules 753
43 Mappings 763
44 Homomorphisms 781
45 Booleans 787
46 Records 791
47 Combinatorics 805
48 Tables of Marks 819
49 Character Tables 831
50 Generic Character Tables 875
51 Characters 879
52 Maps and Parametrized Maps 907
53 Character Table Libraries 927
54 Class Functions 943
55 Monomiality Questions 955
56 Getting and Installing GAP 965
57 Share Libraries 981
58 ANU Pq 1009
59 Automorphism Groups of Special Ag Groups 1019
60 Cohomology 1029
61 CrystGap–The Crystallographic Groups Package 1035
62 The Double Coset Enumerator 1049
64 Grape 1109
65 GRIM (Groups of Rational and Integer Matrices) 1135
66 GUAVA 1137
67 KBMAG 1217
68 The Matrix Package 1233
69 The MeatAxe 1281
70 The Polycyclic Quotient Algorithm Package 1297
71 Sisyphos 1305
72 Decomposition numbers of Hecke algebras of type A 1313
Decomposition numbers of the symmetric groups . . . . . . . . . . . . .1319
Hecke algebras over fields of positive characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . .1319
The Fock space and Hecke algebras over fields of characteristic zero . . .1320
73 Vector Enumeration 1351
74 AREP 1359
75 Monoids and Semigroups 1445
76 Binary Relations 1455
77 Transformations 1465
78 Transformation Monoids 1471
79 Actions of Monoids 1481
80 XMOD 1487
81 The CHEVIE Package Version 4 – a short introduction 1553
82 Reflections, and reflection groups 1557
83 Coxeter groups 1563
84 Finite Reflection Groups 1577
85 Root systems and finite Coxeter groups 1591
86 Algebraic groups and semi-simple elements 1601
87 Classes and representations for reflection groups 1613
88 Reflection subgroups 1627
89 Garside and braid monoids and groups 1635
90 Cyclotomic Hecke algebras 1655
91 Iwahori-Hecke algebras 1663
92 Representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras 1677
93 Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and bases 1685
94 Parabolic modules for Iwahori-Hecke algebras 1697
95 Reflection cosets 1701
96 Coxeter cosets 1711
97 Hecke cosets 1727
98 Unipotent characters of finite reductive groups and Spetses 1729
99 Eigenspaces and d-Harish-Chandra series 1749
100 Unipotent classes of reductive groups 1753
101 Unipotent elements of reductive groups 1763
102 Affine Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1769
103 CHEVIE utility functions 1773
104 CHEVIE String and Formatting functions 1781
105 CHEVIE Matrix utility functions 1785
106 Cyclotomic polynomials 1791
107 Partitions and symbols 1797
108 Signed permutations 1803
109 CHEVIE utility functions – Decimal and complex numbers 1807
110 Posets and relations 1813
111 The VKCURVE package 1819
112 Multivariate polynomials and rational fractions 1825
113 The VKCURVE functions 1835
114 Some VKCURVE utility functions 1845
115 Algebra package — finite dimensional algebras 1851
1 About GAP 75
1.1 AboutConventions.............................. 76
1.2 About Starting and Leaving GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
1.3 AboutFirstSteps .............................. 77
1.4 AboutHelp.................................. 78
1.5 AboutSyntaxErrors............................. 78
1.6 About Constants and Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
1.7 About Variables and Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
1.8 AboutFunctions............................... 82
1.9 AboutLists.................................. 83
1.10 AboutIdenticalLists ............................ 85
1.11 AboutSets .................................. 87
1.12 About Vectors and Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
1.13 AboutRecords ................................ 90
1.14 AboutRanges ................................ 91
1.15 AboutLoops ................................. 92
1.16 About Further List Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
1.17 About Writing Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
1.18 AboutGroups ................................ 99
1.19 About Operations of Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
1.20 About Finitely Presented Groups and Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . 115
1.21 AboutFields ................................. 120
1.22 About Matrix Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
1.23 About Domains and Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
1.24 About Mappings and Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
1.25 About Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
1.26 About Group Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
1.27 About the Implementation of Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
1.28 About Defining New Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
1.29 About Defining New Parametrized Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
1.30 About Defining New Group Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
2 The Programming Language 197
2.1 LexicalStructure............................... 198
2.2 LanguageSymbols.............................. 198
2.3 Whitespaces ................................. 199
2.4 Keywords................................... 200
2.5 Identiers................................... 200
2.6 Expressions.................................. 200
2.7 Variables ................................... 201
2.8 FunctionCalls ................................ 202
2.9 Comparisons ................................. 203
2.10 Operations .................................. 204
2.11 Statements .................................. 204
2.12 Assignments ................................. 205
2.13 ProcedureCalls................................ 206
2.14 If........................................ 206
2.15 While ..................................... 207
2.16 Repeat .................................... 207
2.17 For....................................... 208
2.18 Functions ................................... 209
2.19 Return .................................... 211
2.20 TheSyntaxinBNF ............................. 211
3 Environment 215
3.1 MainLoop .................................. 215
3.2 BreakLoops ................................. 217
3.3 Error ..................................... 217
3.4 LineEditing ................................. 217
3.5 Help...................................... 219
3.6 ReadingSections............................... 219
3.7 FormatofSections.............................. 219
3.8 Browsing through the Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.9 Redisplaying a Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
3.10 Abbreviating Section Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
3.11 HelpIndex .................................. 221
3.12 Read...................................... 222
3.13 ReadLib.................................... 223
3.14 Print...................................... 223
3.15 PrintTo .................................... 223
3.16 AppendTo................................... 224
3.17 LogTo..................................... 224
3.18 LogInputTo.................................. 224
3.19 SizeScreen................................... 224
3.20 Runtime.................................... 224
3.21 Prole..................................... 225
3.22 Exec...................................... 226
3.23 Edit ...................................... 226
4 Domains 227
4.1 DomainRecords ............................... 228
4.2 Dispatchers.................................. 228
4.3 More about Dispatchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
4.4 An Example of a Computation in a Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
4.5 Domain .................................... 231
4.6 Elements ................................... 232
4.7 Comparisons of Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
4.8 Membership Test for Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
4.9 IsFinite .................................... 234
4.10 Size ...................................... 235
4.11 IsSubset.................................... 235
4.12 Intersection.................................. 235
4.13 Union ..................................... 236
4.14 Dierence................................... 237
4.15 Representative ................................ 238
4.16 Random.................................... 238
5 Rings 241
5.1 IsRing..................................... 241
5.2 Ring...................................... 242
5.3 DefaultRing.................................. 242
5.4 Comparisons of Ring Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
5.5 Operations for Ring Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
5.6 Quotient ................................... 244
5.7 IsCommutativeRing ............................. 244
5.8 IsIntegralRing ................................ 244
5.9 IsUniqueFactorizationRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
5.10 IsEuclideanRing ............................... 245
5.11 IsUnit..................................... 246
5.12 Units ..................................... 246
5.13 IsAssociated ................................. 246
5.14 StandardAssociate .............................. 247
5.15 Associates................................... 247
5.16 IsIrreducible ................................. 248
5.17 IsPrime .................................... 248
5.18 Factors .................................... 248
5.19 EuclideanDegree ............................... 249
5.20 EuclideanRemainder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
5.21 EuclideanQuotient.............................. 250
5.22 QuotientRemainder ............................. 250
5.23 Mod...................................... 251
5.24 QuotientMod................................. 251
5.25 PowerMod .................................. 252
5.26 Gcd ...................................... 252
5.27 GcdRepresentation.............................. 253
5.28 Lcm ...................................... 253
5.29 RingRecords................................. 254
6 Fields 257
6.1 IsField..................................... 257
6.2 Field...................................... 258
6.3 DefaultField ................................. 258
6.4 FieldsoverSubelds............................. 259
6.5 Comparisons of Field Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
6.6 Operations for Field Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
6.7 GaloisGroup ................................. 260
6.8 MinPol .................................... 261
6.9 CharPol.................................... 261
6.10 Norm ..................................... 262
6.11 Trace ..................................... 263
6.12 Conjugates .................................. 263
6.13 Field Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
6.14 IsFieldHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
6.15 KernelFieldHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
6.16 Mapping Functions for Field Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
6.17 FieldRecords................................. 266
7 Groups 267
7.1 GroupElements ............................... 268
7.2 Comparisons of Group Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
7.3 Operations for Group Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
7.4 IsGroupElement ............................... 269
7.5 Order ..................................... 270
7.6 More about Groups and Subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
7.7 IsParent.................................... 271
7.8 Parent..................................... 271
7.9 Group..................................... 272
7.10 AsGroup ................................... 273
7.11 IsGroup.................................... 273
7.12 Subgroup ................................... 273
7.13 AsSubgroup.................................. 274
7.14 Subgroups................................... 274
7.15 Agemo..................................... 274
7.16 Centralizer .................................. 275
7.17 Centre..................................... 275
7.18 Closure .................................... 276
7.19 CommutatorSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
7.20 ConjugateSubgroup ............................. 277
7.21 Core...................................... 277
7.22 DerivedSubgroup............................... 278
7.23 FittingSubgroup ............................... 278
7.24 FrattiniSubgroup............................... 279
7.25 NormalClosure ................................ 279
7.26 NormalIntersection.............................. 279
7.27 Normalizer .................................. 279
7.28 PCore..................................... 280
7.29 PrefrattiniSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
7.30 Radical .................................... 281
7.31 SylowSubgroup................................ 281
7.32 TrivialSubgroup ............................... 281
7.33 FactorGroup ................................. 281
7.34 FactorGroupElement............................. 282
7.35 CommutatorFactorGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
7.36 SeriesofSubgroups ............................. 283
7.37 DerivedSeries................................. 283
7.38 CompositionSeries .............................. 284
7.39 ElementaryAbelianSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
7.40 JenningsSeries ................................ 284
7.41 LowerCentralSeries.............................. 285
7.42 PCentralSeries ................................ 285
7.43 SubnormalSeries ............................... 285
7.44 UpperCentralSeries.............................. 286
7.45 Properties and Property Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
7.46 AbelianInvariants .............................. 287
7.47 DimensionsLoewyFactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
7.48 EulerianFunction............................... 288
7.49 Exponent ................................... 288
7.50 Factorization ................................. 288
7.51 Index ..................................... 289
7.52 IsAbelian ................................... 289
7.53 IsCentral ................................... 289
7.54 IsConjugate.................................. 290
7.55 IsCyclic .................................... 290
7.56 IsElementaryAbelian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
7.57 IsNilpotent .................................. 291
7.58 IsNormal ................................... 291
7.59 IsPerfect.................................... 292
7.60 IsSimple.................................... 292
7.61 IsSolvable................................... 292
7.62 IsSubgroup .................................. 293
7.63 IsSubnormal ................................. 293
7.64 IsTrivial for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
7.65 GroupId.................................... 294
7.66 PermutationCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
7.67 ConjugacyClasses .............................. 297
7.68 ConjugacyClasses .............................. 298
7.69 ConjugacyClass................................ 298
7.70 PositionClass................................. 299
7.71 IsConjugacyClass............................... 299
7.72 Set Functions for Conjugacy Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
7.73 Conjugacy Class Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
7.74 ConjugacyClassesSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
7.75 Lattice .................................... 301
7.76 ConjugacyClassSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
7.77 IsConjugacyClassSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
7.78 Set Functions for Subgroup Conjugacy Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
7.79 Subgroup Conjugacy Class Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
7.80 ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
7.81 MaximalSubgroups.............................. 309
7.82 NormalSubgroups .............................. 310
7.83 ConjugateSubgroups............................. 310
7.84 CosetsofSubgroups ............................. 310
7.85 RightCosets.................................. 311
7.86 RightCoset .................................. 311
7.87 IsRightCoset ................................. 312
7.88 Set Functions for Right Cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
7.89 Right Cosets Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
7.90 LeftCosets................................... 314
7.91 LeftCoset ................................... 314
7.92 IsLeftCoset .................................. 315
7.93 DoubleCosets................................. 315
7.94 DoubleCoset ................................. 316
7.95 IsDoubleCoset ................................ 316
7.96 Set Functions for Double Cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
7.97 Double Coset Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
7.98 Group Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
7.99 DirectProduct ................................ 318
7.100 DirectProduct for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
7.101 SemidirectProduct.............................. 319
7.102 SemidirectProduct for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
7.103 SubdirectProduct .............................. 321
7.104 WreathProduct................................ 322
7.105 WreathProduct for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
7.106 Group Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
7.107 IsGroupHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
7.108 KernelGroupHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
7.109 Mapping Functions for Group Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
7.110 NaturalHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
7.111 ConjugationGroupHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
7.112 InnerAutomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
7.113 GroupHomomorphismByImages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
7.114 Set Functions for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
7.115 Elements for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
7.116 Intersection for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
7.117 Operations for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
7.118 GroupRecords ................................ 332
8 Operations of Groups 335
8.1 OtherOperations............................... 336
8.2 Cycle ..................................... 337
8.3 CycleLength ................................. 337
8.4 Cycles..................................... 338
8.5 CycleLengths................................. 339
8.6 MovedPoints ................................. 339
8.7 NrMovedPoints................................ 339
8.8 Permutation ................................. 340
8.9 IsFixpoint................................... 340
8.10 IsFixpointFree ................................ 341
8.11 DegreeOperation............................... 341
8.12 IsTransitive.................................. 342
8.13 Transitivity.................................. 343
8.14 IsRegular ................................... 343
8.15 IsSemiRegular ................................ 344
8.16 Orbit ..................................... 345
8.17 OrbitLength ................................. 346
8.18 Orbits..................................... 346
8.19 OrbitLengths................................. 347
8.20 Operation................................... 348
8.21 OperationHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
8.22 Blocks..................................... 350
8.23 IsPrimitive .................................. 350
8.24 Stabilizer ................................... 351
8.25 RepresentativeOperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
8.26 RepresentativesOperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
8.27 IsEquivalentOperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
9 Vector Spaces 355
9.1 VectorSpace.................................. 355
9.2 IsVectorSpace................................. 356
9.3 Vector Space Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
9.4 Set Functions for Vector Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
9.5 IsSubspace .................................. 357
9.6 Base...................................... 357
9.7 AddBase ................................... 358
9.8 Dimension................................... 359
9.9 LinearCombination.............................. 359
9.10 Coecients .................................. 360
10 Integers 361
10.1 Comparisons of Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10.2 Operations for Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
10.3 QuoInt .................................... 363
10.4 RemInt .................................... 363
10.5 IsInt...................................... 364
10.6 Int....................................... 364
10.7 AbsInt..................................... 364
10.8 SignInt .................................... 364
10.9 IsOddInt ................................... 365
10.10 IsEvenInt ................................... 365
10.11 ChineseRem ................................. 365
10.12 LogInt..................................... 365
10.13 RootInt .................................... 366
10.14 SmallestRootInt ............................... 366
10.15 Set Functions for Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
10.16 Ring Functions for Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
10.17 Primes..................................... 369
10.18 IsPrimeInt .................................. 369
10.19 IsPrimePowerInt ............................... 369
10.20 NextPrimeInt................................. 370
10.21 PrevPrimeInt................................. 370
10.22 FactorsInt................................... 370
10.23 DivisorsInt .................................. 371
10.24 Sigma ..................................... 371
10.25 Tau ...................................... 372
10.26 MoebiusMu.................................. 372
11 Number Theory 373
11.1 PrimeResidues ................................ 373
11.2 Phi ...................................... 374
11.3 Lambda.................................... 374
11.4 OrderMod................................... 375
11.5 IsPrimitiveRootMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
11.6 PrimitiveRootMod.............................. 376
11.7 Jacobi..................................... 376
11.8 Legendre ................................... 376
11.9 RootMod ................................... 377
11.10 RootsUnityMod ............................... 377
12 Rationals 379
12.1 IsRat ..................................... 379
12.2 Numerator .................................. 380
12.3 Denominator ................................. 380
12.4 Floor ..................................... 381
12.5 Mod1 ..................................... 381
12.6 Comparisons of Rationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
12.7 Operations for Rationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
12.8 Set Functions for Rationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
12.9 Field Functions for Rationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
13 Cyclotomics 385
13.1 More about Cyclotomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
13.2 Cyclotomic Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
13.3 IntCyc..................................... 387
13.4 RoundCyc................................... 387
13.5 IsCyc ..................................... 387
13.6 IsCycInt.................................... 387
13.7 NofCyc .................................... 388
13.8 CoesCyc................................... 388
13.9 Comparisons of Cyclotomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
13.10 Operations for Cyclotomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
13.11 GaloisCyc................................... 389
13.12 Galois..................................... 390
13.13 ATLAS irrationalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
13.14 StarCyc.................................... 392
13.15 Quadratic................................... 392
13.16 GaloisMat................................... 393
13.17 RationalizedMat ............................... 394
14 Gaussians 395
14.1 Comparisons of Gaussians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
14.2 Operations for Gaussians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
14.3 IsGaussRat .................................. 397
14.4 IsGaussInt .................................. 397
14.5 Set Functions for Gaussians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
14.6 Field Functions for Gaussian Rationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
14.7 Ring Functions for Gaussian Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
14.8 TwoSquares.................................. 399
15 Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields 401
15.1 IsNumberField ................................ 402
15.2 IsCyclotomicField .............................. 402
15.3 Number Field Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
15.4 Cyclotomic Field Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
15.5 DefaultField and Field for Cyclotomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
15.6 DefaultRing and Ring for Cyclotomic Integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
15.7 GeneratorsPrimeResidues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
15.8 GaloisGroup for Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
15.9 ZumbroichBase................................ 406
15.10 Integral Bases for Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
15.11 NormalBaseNumberField . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
15.12 Coefficients for Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
15.13 Domain Functions for Number Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
16 Algebraic extensions of fields 411
16.1 AlgebraicExtension.............................. 411
16.2 IsAlgebraicExtension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
16.3 RootOf .................................... 412
16.4 Algebraic Extension Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
16.5 Set functions for Algebraic Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
16.6 IsNormalExtension.............................. 413
16.7 MinpolFactors ................................ 413
16.8 GaloisGroup for Extension Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
16.9 ExtensionAutomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
16.10 Field functions for Algebraic Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
16.11 Algebraic Extension Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
16.12 Extension Element Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
16.13 IsAlgebraicElement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
16.14 Algebraic extensions of the Rationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
16.15 DefectApproximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
16.16 GaloisType .................................. 416
16.17 ProbabilityShapes .............................. 416
16.18 DecomPoly .................................. 416
17 Unknowns 419
17.1 Unknown ................................... 420
17.2 IsUnknown .................................. 420
17.3 Comparisons of Unknowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
17.4 Operations for Unknowns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
18 Finite Fields 423
18.1 Finite Field Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
18.2 Comparisons of Finite Field Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
18.3 Operations for Finite Field Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
18.4 IsFFE..................................... 426
18.5 CharFFE ................................... 426
18.6 DegreeFFE .................................. 427
18.7 OrderFFE................................... 427
18.8 IntFFE .................................... 427
18.9 LogFFE.................................... 428
18.10 GaloisField .................................. 428
18.11 FrobeniusAutomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
18.12 Set Functions for Finite Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
18.13 Field Functions for Finite Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
19 Polynomials 431
19.1 Multivariate Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
19.2 Indeterminate................................. 433
19.3 Polynomial .................................. 434
19.4 IsPolynomial ................................. 434
19.5 Comparisons of Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
19.6 Operations for Polynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
19.7 Degree..................................... 437
19.8 Valuation ................................... 438
19.9 LeadingCoecient .............................. 438
19.10 Coecient .................................. 438
19.11 Value ..................................... 439
19.12 Derivative................................... 439
19.13 Resultant ................................... 439
19.14 Discriminant ................................. 439
19.15 InterpolatedPolynomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
19.16 ConwayPolynomial.............................. 440
19.17 CyclotomicPolynomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
19.18 PolynomialRing ............................... 441
19.19 IsPolynomialRing .............................. 441
19.20 LaurentPolynomialRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
19.21 IsLaurentPolynomialRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
19.22 Ring Functions for Polynomial Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
19.23 Ring Functions for Laurent Polynomial Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
20 Permutations 447
20.1 Comparisons of Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
20.2 Operations for Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
20.3 IsPerm .................................... 449
20.4 LargestMovedPointPerm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
20.5 SmallestMovedPointPerm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
20.6 SignPerm ................................... 450
20.7 SmallestGeneratorPerm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
20.8 ListPerm ................................... 450
20.9 PermList ................................... 451
20.10 RestrictedPerm................................ 451
20.11 MappingPermListList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
21 Permutation Groups 453
21.1 IsPermGroup................................. 453
21.2 PermGroupOps.MovedPoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
21.3 PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
21.4 PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
21.5 PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
21.6 StabilizerChains............................... 455
21.7 StabChain .................................. 456
21.8 MakeStabChain ............................... 457
21.9 ExtendStabChain .............................. 458
21.10 ReduceStabChain .............................. 458
21.11 MakeStabChainStrongGenerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
21.12 Base for Permutation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
21.13 PermGroupOps.Indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
21.14 PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
21.15 ListStabChain ................................ 460
21.16 PermGroupOps.ElementProperty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
21.17 PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
21.18 CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
21.19 PermGroupOps.PgGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
21.20 Set Functions for Permutation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
21.21 Group Functions for Permutation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
21.22 Operations of Permutation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
21.23 Homomorphisms for Permutation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
21.24 Random Methods for Permutation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
21.25 Permutation Group Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
22 Words in Abstract Generators 475
22.1 AbstractGenerator.............................. 476
22.2 AbstractGenerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
22.3 ComparisonsofWords............................ 477
22.4 Operations for Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
22.5 IsWord .................................... 478
22.6 LengthWord ................................. 479
22.7 ExponentSumWord ............................. 479
22.8 Subword.................................... 479
22.9 PositionWord................................. 480
22.10 SubstitutedWord............................... 480
22.11 EliminatedWord ............................... 480
22.12 MappedWord................................. 481
23 Finitely Presented Groups 483
23.1 FreeGroup .................................. 484
23.2 Set Functions for Finitely Presented Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
23.3 Group Functions for Finitely Presented Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
23.4 CosetTableFpGroup ............................. 488
23.5 OperationCosetsFpGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
23.6 IsIdenticalPresentationFpGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
23.7 LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
23.8 Presentation Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
23.9 Changing Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
23.10 Group Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
23.11 Subgroup Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
23.12 SimpliedFpGroup.............................. 501
23.13 Tietze Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
23.14 DecodeTree.................................. 515
24 Words in Finite Polycyclic Groups 519
24.1 MoreaboutAgWords............................ 519
24.2 AgWordComparisons............................ 520
24.3 CentralWeight ................................ 521
24.4 CompositionLength ............................. 521
24.5 Depth..................................... 521
24.6 IsAgWord................................... 522
24.7 LeadingExponent............................... 522
24.8 RelativeOrder................................. 522
24.9 CanonicalAgWord .............................. 523
24.10 DierenceAgWord .............................. 523
24.11 ReducedAgWord............................... 524
24.12 SiftedAgWord ................................ 524
24.13 SumAgWord ................................. 524
24.14 ExponentAgWord .............................. 525
24.15 ExponentsAgWord.............................. 525
25 Finite Polycyclic Groups 527
25.1 MoreaboutAgGroups ........................... 527
25.2 Construction of Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
25.3 Ag Group Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
25.4 AgGroupRecords.............................. 529
25.5 Set Functions for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
25.6 Elements for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
25.7 Intersection for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
25.8 SizeforAgGroups.............................. 530
25.9 Group Functions for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
25.10 AsGroup for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
25.11 Group for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
25.12 CommutatorSubgroup for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
25.13 Normalizer for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
25.14 IsCyclic for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
25.15 IsNormal for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
25.16 IsSubgroup for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
25.17 Stabilizer for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
25.18 CyclicGroup for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
25.19 ElementaryAbelianGroup for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
25.20 DirectProduct for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
25.21 WreathProduct for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
25.22 RightCoset for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
25.23 FpGroup for Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
25.24 AgGroupFunctions............................. 539
25.25 AgGroup ................................... 539
25.26 IsAgGroup .................................. 539
25.27 AgGroupFpGroup .............................. 540
25.28 IsConsistent.................................. 540
25.29 IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
25.30 MatGroupAgGroup ............................. 541
25.31 PermGroupAgGroup............................. 542
25.32 RenedAgSeries ............................... 542
25.33 ChangeCollector ............................... 542
25.34 The Prime Quotient Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
25.35 PQuotient................................... 543
25.36 Save...................................... 545
25.37 PQp...................................... 546
25.38 InitPQp.................................... 546
25.39 FirstClassPQp ................................ 546
25.40 NextClassPQp ................................ 546
25.41 Weight .................................... 547
25.42 Factorization for PQp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
25.43 The Solvable Quotient Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
25.44 SolvableQuotient............................... 547
25.45 InitSQ..................................... 549
25.46 ModulesSQ .................................. 549
25.47 NextModuleSQ................................ 550
25.48 Generating Systems of Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
25.49 AgSubgroup ................................. 551
25.50 Cgs ...................................... 551
25.51 Igs....................................... 552
25.52 IsNormalized ................................. 552
25.53 Normalize................................... 552
25.54 Normalized .................................. 552
25.55 MergedCgs .................................. 552
25.56 MergedIgs................................... 553
25.57 Factor Groups of Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
25.58 FactorGroup for AgGroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
25.59 CollectorlessFactorGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
25.60 FactorArg................................... 554
25.61 Subgroups and Properties of Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
25.62 CompositionSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
25.63 HallSubgroup................................. 556
25.64 PRump .................................... 556
25.65 RefinedSubnormalSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
25.66 SylowComplements.............................. 557
25.67 SylowSystem ................................. 557
25.68 SystemNormalizer .............................. 558
25.69 MinimalGeneratingSet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
25.70 IsElementAgSeries .............................. 559
25.71 IsPNilpotent ................................. 559
25.72 NumberConjugacyClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
25.73 Exponents................................... 560
25.74 FactorsAgGroup ............................... 560
25.75 MaximalElement............................... 561
25.76 Orbitalgorithms of Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
25.77 AneOperation ............................... 561
25.78 AgOrbitStabilizer .............................. 562
25.79 LinearOperation ............................... 562
25.80 Intersections of Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
25.81 ExtendedIntersectionSumAgGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
25.82 IntersectionSumAgGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
25.83 SumAgGroup................................. 565
25.84 SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
25.85 One Cohomology Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
25.86 OneCoboundaries .............................. 566
25.87 OneCocycles ................................. 567
25.88 Complements................................. 569
25.89 Complement ................................. 569
25.90 Complementclasses.............................. 569
25.91 CoprimeComplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
25.92 ComplementConjugatingAgWord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
25.93 HallConjugatingWordAgGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
25.94 Example, normal closure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
26 Special Ag Groups 575
26.1 More about Special Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
26.2 Construction of Special Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
26.3 Restricted Special Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
26.4 Special Ag Group Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
26.5 MatGroupSagGroup............................. 579
26.6 DualMatGroupSagGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
26.7 Ag Group Functions for Special Ag Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
27 Lists 583
27.1 IsList ..................................... 584
27.2 List ...................................... 584
27.3 ApplyFunc .................................. 585
27.4 ListElements................................. 585
27.5 Length .................................... 586
27.6 ListAssignment ............................... 587
27.7 Add ...................................... 588
27.8 Append .................................... 589
27.9 IdenticalLists ................................ 589
27.10 IsIdentical................................... 591
27.11 EnlargingLists................................ 591
27.12 Comparisons of Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
27.13 Operations for Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
27.14 In ....................................... 593
27.15 Position.................................... 594
27.16 PositionSorted ................................ 595
27.17 PositionSet .................................. 595
27.18 Positions ................................... 596
27.19 PositionProperty............................... 596
27.20 PositionsProperty .............................. 596
27.21 PositionSublist ................................ 597
27.22 Concatenation ................................ 597
27.23 Flat ...................................... 597
27.24 Reversed ................................... 598
27.25 Sublist..................................... 598
27.26 Cartesian ................................... 598
27.27 Number.................................... 599
27.28 Collected ................................... 599
27.29 CollectBy................................... 600
27.30 Filtered .................................... 600
27.31 Zip....................................... 600
27.32 ForAll..................................... 600
27.33 ForAny .................................... 601
27.34 First...................................... 601
27.35 Sort ...................................... 601
27.36 SortParallel.................................. 602
27.37 SortBy .................................... 602
27.38 Sortex..................................... 603
27.39 SortingPerm ................................. 603
27.40 PermListList ................................. 603
27.41 Permuted................................... 604
27.42 Product.................................... 604
27.43 Sum...................................... 604
27.44 ValuePol ................................... 605
27.45 Maximum................................... 605
27.46 Minimum ................................... 605
27.47 Iterated.................................... 606
27.48 RandomList.................................. 606
28 Sets 607
28.1 IsSet...................................... 608
28.2 Set....................................... 608
28.3 IsEqualSet .................................. 608
28.4 AddSet .................................... 609
28.5 RemoveSet .................................. 609
28.6 UniteSet.................................... 609
28.7 IntersectSet.................................. 610
28.8 SubtractSet.................................. 610
28.9 Set Functions for Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
28.10 MoreaboutSets ............................... 611
29 Boolean Lists 613
29.1 BlistList.................................... 613
29.2 ListBlist.................................... 614
29.3 IsBlist..................................... 614
29.4 SizeBlist.................................... 614
29.5 IsSubsetBlist ................................. 615
29.6 UnionBlist .................................. 615
29.7 IntersectionBlist ............................... 615
29.8 DierenceBlist ................................ 616
29.9 UniteBlist................................... 616
29.10 IntersectBlist................................. 616
29.11 SubtractBlist................................. 616
29.12 More about Boolean Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
30 Strings and Characters 619
30.1 String ..................................... 621
30.2 ConcatenationString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
30.3 SubString................................... 622
30.4 Comparisons of Strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
30.5 IsString .................................... 623
30.6 Join ...................................... 623
30.7 SPrint..................................... 623
30.8 PrintToString................................. 623
30.9 Split...................................... 624
30.10 StringDate .................................. 624
30.11 StringTime .................................. 624
30.12 StringPP ................................... 624
31 Ranges 625
31.1 IsRange.................................... 626
31.2 MoreaboutRanges ............................. 626
32 Vectors 629
32.1 Operations for Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
32.2 IsVector.................................... 631
32.3 NormedVector ................................ 631
32.4 MoreaboutVectors ............................. 631
33 Row Spaces 633
33.1 More about Row Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
33.2 RowSpaceBases............................... 634
33.3 RowSpaceCosets .............................. 634
33.4 QuotientSpaces ............................... 635
33.5 Subspaces and Parent Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
33.6 RowSpace................................... 636
33.7 Operations for Row Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
33.8 Functions for Row Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
33.9 IsRowSpace.................................. 638
33.10 Subspace ................................... 638
33.11 AsSubspace.................................. 638
33.12 AsSpace.................................... 639
33.13 NormedVectors................................ 639
33.14 Coefficients for Row Space Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
33.15 SiftedVector.................................. 639
33.16 Basis...................................... 640
33.17 CanonicalBasis................................ 640
33.18 SemiEchelonBasis .............................. 641
33.19 IsSemiEchelonBasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
33.20 NumberVector ................................ 642
33.21 ElementRowSpace .............................. 642
33.22 Operations for Row Space Cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 642
33.23 Functions for Row Space Cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
33.24 IsSpaceCoset ................................. 643
33.25 Operations for Quotient Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
33.26 Functions for Quotient Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
33.27 RowSpaceRecords ............................. 644
33.28 Row Space Basis Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
33.29 Row Space Coset Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645
33.30 Quotient Space Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
34 Matrices 647
34.1 Operations for Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
34.2 IsMat ..................................... 649
34.3 IdentityMat.................................. 650
34.4 NullMat.................................... 650
34.5 TransposedMat................................ 651
34.6 KroneckerProduct .............................. 651
34.7 DimensionsMat................................ 651
34.8 IsDiagonalMat ................................ 651
34.9 IsLowerTriangularMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
34.10 IsUpperTriangularMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
34.11 DiagonalOfMat................................ 652
34.12 DiagonalMat ................................. 652
34.13 PermutationMat ............................... 653
34.14 TraceMat ................................... 653
34.15 DeterminantMat ............................... 653
34.16 RankMat ................................... 654
34.17 OrderMat................................... 654
34.18 TriangulizeMat................................ 654
34.19 BaseMat ................................... 655
34.20 NullspaceMat................................. 655
34.21 SolutionMat ................................. 655
34.22 DiagonalizeMat................................ 655
34.23 ElementaryDivisorsMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
34.24 PrintArray .................................. 656
35 Integral matrices and lattices 657
35.1 NullspaceIntMat ............................... 657
35.2 SolutionIntMat................................ 657
35.3 SolutionNullspaceIntMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
35.4 BaseIntMat.................................. 658
35.5 BaseIntersectionIntMats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
35.6 ComplementIntMat ............................. 658
35.7 TriangulizedIntegerMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
35.8 TriangulizedIntegerMatTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
35.9 TriangulizeIntegerMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
35.10 HermiteNormalFormIntegerMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
35.11 HermiteNormalFormIntegerMatTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
35.12 SmithNormalFormIntegerMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
35.13 SmithNormalFormIntegerMatTransforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 660
35.14 DiagonalizeIntMat .............................. 661
35.15 NormalFormIntMat ............................. 661
35.16 AbelianInvariantsOfList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
35.17 Determinant of an integer matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
35.18 Diaconis-Graham normal form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
36 Matrix Rings 665
36.1 Set Functions for Matrix Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
36.2 Ring Functions for Matrix Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666
37 Matrix Groups 667
37.1 Set Functions for Matrix Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
37.2 Group Functions for Matrix Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668
37.3 MatrixGroupRecords............................ 669
38 Group Libraries 671
38.1 The Basic Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
38.2 SelectionFunctions.............................. 675
38.3 ExampleFunctions.............................. 676
38.4 Extraction Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
38.5 The Primitive Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
38.6 The Transitive Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
38.7 The Solvable Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682
38.8 The2-GroupsLibrary ............................ 683
38.9 The3-GroupsLibrary ............................ 685
38.10 The Irreducible Solvable Linear Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687
38.11 The Library of Finite Perfect Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
38.12 Irreducible Maximal Finite Integral Matrix Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
38.13 The Crystallographic Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
38.14 The Small Groups Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
39 Algebras 723
39.1 MoreaboutAlgebras............................. 724
39.2 Algebras and Unital Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
39.3 Parent Algebras and Subalgebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
39.4 Algebra .................................... 726
39.5 UnitalAlgebra ................................ 726
39.6 IsAlgebra ................................... 727
39.7 IsUnitalAlgebra................................ 727
39.8 Subalgebra .................................. 727
39.9 UnitalSubalgebra............................... 728
39.10 IsSubalgebra ................................. 728
39.11 AsAlgebra................................... 729
39.12 AsUnitalAlgebra ............................... 729
39.13 AsSubalgebra................................. 729
39.14 AsUnitalSubalgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
39.15 Operations for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
39.16 Zero and One for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
39.17 Set Theoretic Functions for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
39.18 Property Tests for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
39.19 Vector Space Functions for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
39.20 Algebra Functions for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
39.21 TrivialSubalgebra .............................. 734
39.22 Operation for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
39.23 OperationHomomorphism for Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
39.24 Algebra Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
39.25 Mapping Functions for Algebra Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
39.26 AlgebraElements .............................. 736
39.27 IsAlgebraElement .............................. 737
39.28 AlgebraRecords ............................... 737
39.29 FFList..................................... 738
40 Finitely Presented Algebras 739
40.1 More about Finitely Presented Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
40.2 FreeAlgebra.................................. 740
40.3 FpAlgebra .................................. 741
40.4 IsFpAlgebra.................................. 741
40.5 Operators for Finitely Presented Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
40.6 Functions for Finitely Presented Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
40.7 PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
40.8 MappedExpression.............................. 743
40.9 Elements of Finitely Presented Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
40.10 ElementAlgebra ............................... 745
40.11 NumberAlgebraElement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
41 Matrix Algebras 747
41.1 More about Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
41.2 Bases for Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
41.3 IsMatAlgebra................................. 748
41.4 Zero and One for Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
41.5 Functions for Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
41.6 Algebra Functions for Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
41.7 RepresentativeOperation for Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
41.8 MatAlgebra.................................. 749
41.9 NullAlgebra.................................. 750
41.10 Fingerprint .................................. 750
41.11 NaturalModule................................ 751
42 Modules 753
42.1 MoreaboutModules............................. 753
42.2 RowModules................................. 754
42.3 FreeModules................................. 754
42.4 Module .................................... 755
42.5 Submodule .................................. 755
42.6 AsModule................................... 756
42.7 AsSubmodule................................. 756
42.8 AsSpaceforModules............................. 756
42.9 IsModule ................................... 756
42.10 IsFreeModule................................. 757
42.11 Operations for Row Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757
42.12 Functions for Row Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
42.13 StandardBasis for Row Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
42.14 IsEquivalent for Row Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758
42.15 IsIrreducible for Row Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759
42.16 FixedSubmodule ............................... 759
42.17 Module Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759
42.18 Row Module Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
42.19 Module Homomorphism Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
43 Mappings 763
43.1 IsGeneralMapping .............................. 764
43.2 IsMapping .................................. 764
43.3 IsInjective................................... 765
43.4 IsSurjective.................................. 765
43.5 IsBijection .................................. 766
43.6 Comparisons of Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
43.7 Operations for Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768
43.8 Image ..................................... 770
43.9 Images..................................... 772
43.10 ImagesRepresentative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
43.11 PreImage ................................... 773
43.12 PreImages................................... 775
43.13 PreImagesRepresentative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
43.14 CompositionMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
43.15 PowerMapping ................................ 777
43.16 InverseMapping................................ 778
43.17 IdentityMapping ............................... 778
43.18 MappingByFunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
43.19 MappingRecords............................... 779
44 Homomorphisms 781
44.1 IsHomomorphism............................... 781
44.2 IsMonomorphism............................... 782
44.3 IsEpimorphism................................ 783
44.4 IsIsomorphism ................................ 783
44.5 IsEndomorphism............................... 784
44.6 IsAutomorphism ............................... 784
44.7 Kernel..................................... 785
45 Booleans 787
45.1 Comparisons of Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
45.2 Operations for Booleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788
45.3 IsBool..................................... 789
46 Records 791
46.1 Accessing Record Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792
46.2 RecordAssignment.............................. 792
46.3 IdenticalRecords............................... 793
46.4 Comparisons of Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795
46.5 Operations for Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
46.6 InforRecords ................................ 798
46.7 PrintingofRecords ............................. 799
46.8 IsRec ..................................... 800
46.9 IsBound.................................... 800
46.10 Unbind .................................... 801
46.11 Copy ..................................... 801
46.12 ShallowCopy ................................. 802
46.13 RecFields ................................... 803
47 Combinatorics 805
47.1 Factorial ................................... 805
47.2 Binomial ................................... 806
47.3 Bell ...................................... 806
47.4 Stirling1.................................... 807
47.5 Stirling2.................................... 807
47.6 Combinations................................. 808
47.7 Arrangements................................. 808
47.8 UnorderedTuples............................... 809
47.9 Tuples..................................... 810
47.10 PermutationsList............................... 810
47.11 Derangements ................................ 811
47.12 PartitionsSet ................................. 811
47.13 Partitions................................... 812
47.14 OrderedPartitions .............................. 813
47.15 RestrictedPartitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
47.16 SignPartition................................. 814
47.17 AssociatedPartition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
47.18 BetaSet .................................... 814
47.19 Dominates .................................. 815
47.20 PowerPartition................................ 815
47.21 PartitionTuples................................ 815
47.22 Fibonacci ................................... 816
47.23 Lucas ..................................... 816
47.24 Bernoulli ................................... 817
47.25 Permanent .................................. 817
48 Tables of Marks 819
48.1 More about Tables of Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
48.2 Table of Marks Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
48.3 The Library of Tables of Marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820
48.4 TableOfMarks ................................ 821
48.5 Marks..................................... 822
48.6 NrSubs .................................... 822
48.7 WeightsTom ................................. 822
48.8 MatTom.................................... 823
48.9 TomMat.................................... 823
48.10 DecomposedFixedPointVector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
48.11 TestTom ................................... 824
48.12 DisplayTom.................................. 824
48.13 NormalizerTom................................ 825
48.14 IntersectionsTom............................... 825
48.15 IsCyclicTom ................................. 826
48.16 FusionCharTableTom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
48.17 PermCharsTom................................ 826
48.18 MoebiusTom ................................. 826
48.19 CyclicExtensionsTom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
48.20 IdempotentsTom............................... 827
48.21 ClassTypesTom................................ 827
48.22 ClassNamesTom ............................... 827
48.23 TomCyclic .................................. 828
48.24 TomDihedral ................................. 828
48.25 TomFrobenius ................................ 829
49 Character Tables 831
49.1 Some Notes on Character Theory in GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
49.2 Character Table Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
49.3 Brauer Table Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837
49.4 IsCharTable.................................. 839
49.5 PrintCharTable................................ 839
49.6 TestCharTable ................................ 839
49.7 Operations Records for Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
49.8 Functions for Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
49.9 Operators for Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
49.10 Conventions for Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
49.11 Getting Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
49.12 CharTable................................... 843
49.13 Advanced Methods for Dixon Schneider Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . 846
49.14 An Example of Advanced Dixon Schneider Calculations . . . . . . . . . 848
49.15 CharTableFactorGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 849
49.16 CharTableNormalSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
49.17 CharTableDirectProduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
49.18 CharTableWreathSymmetric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852
49.19 CharTableRegular .............................. 853
49.20 CharTableIsoclinic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
49.21 CharTableSplitClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854
49.22 CharTableCollapsedClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
49.23 CharDegAgGroup .............................. 856
49.24 CharTableSSGroup.............................. 857
49.25 MatRepresentationsPGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
49.26 CharTablePGroup .............................. 858
49.27 InitClassesCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
49.28 InverseClassesCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
49.29 ClassNamesCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
49.30 ClassMultCoeffCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860
49.31 MatClassMultCoeffsCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860
49.32 ClassStructureCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
49.33 RealClassesCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
49.34 ClassOrbitCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
49.35 ClassRootsCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
49.36 NrPolyhedralSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 862
49.37 DisplayCharTable .............................. 862
49.38 SortCharactersCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 864
49.39 SortClassesCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
49.40 SortCharTable ................................ 866
49.41 MatAutomorphisms ............................. 867
49.42 TableAutomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 868
49.43 TransformingPermutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 868
49.44 TransformingPermutationsCharTables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
49.45 GetFusionMap ................................ 869
49.46 StoreFusion.................................. 870
49.47 FusionConjugacyClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871
49.48 MAKElb11 .................................. 871
49.49 ScanMOC................................... 871
49.50 MOCChars .................................. 872
49.51 GAPChars .................................. 872
49.52 MOCTable .................................. 872
49.53 PrintToMOC................................. 873
49.54 PrintToCAS ................................. 874
50 Generic Character Tables 875
50.1 More about Generic Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
50.2 Examples of Generic Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876
50.3 CharTableSpecialized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 878
51 Characters 879
51.1 ScalarProduct ................................ 879
51.2 MatScalarProducts.............................. 880
51.3 Decomposition ................................ 880
51.4 Subroutines of Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
51.5 KernelChar.................................. 882
51.6 PrimeBlocks ................................. 882
51.7 Indicator ................................... 883
51.8 Eigenvalues.................................. 883
51.9 MolienSeries ................................. 884
51.10 Reduced.................................... 884
51.11 ReducedOrdinary............................... 885
51.12 Tensored ................................... 885
51.13 Symmetrisations ............................... 886
51.14 SymmetricParts ............................... 886
51.15 AntiSymmetricParts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
51.16 MinusCharacter ............................... 887
51.17 OrthogonalComponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
51.18 SymplecticComponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888
51.19 IrreducibleDifferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888
51.20 Restricted................................... 889
51.21 Inated .................................... 889
51.22 Induced.................................... 890
51.23 InducedCyclic ................................ 890
51.24 CollapsedMat................................. 891
51.25 Power ..................................... 891
51.26 Permutation Character Candidates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892
51.27 IsPermChar.................................. 892
51.28 PermCharInfo ................................ 892
51.29 Inequalities .................................. 893
51.30 PermBounds ................................. 894
51.31 PermChars .................................. 894
51.32 Faithful Permutation Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
51.33 LLLReducedBasis .............................. 896
51.34 LLLReducedGramMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
51.35 LLL ...................................... 898
51.36 OrthogonalEmbeddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
51.37 ShortestVectors................................ 900
51.38 Extract .................................... 900
51.39 Decreased................................... 901
51.40 DnLattice................................... 902
51.41 ContainedDecomposables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903
51.42 ContainedCharacters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904
51.43 ContainedSpecialVectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904
51.44 ContainedPossibleCharacters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
51.45 ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
52 Maps and Parametrized Maps 907
52.1 More about Maps and Parametrized Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
52.2 CompositionMaps .............................. 908
52.3 InverseMap.................................. 908
52.4 ProjectionMap ................................ 909
52.5 Parametrized................................. 909
52.6 ContainedMaps................................ 909
52.7 UpdateMap.................................. 910
52.8 CommutativeDiagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910
52.9 TransferDiagram............................... 911
52.10 Indeterminateness .............................. 912
52.11 PrintAmbiguity................................ 912
52.12 Powermap................................... 913
52.13 SubgroupFusions............................... 913
52.14 InitPowermap................................. 914
52.15 Congruences ................................. 915
52.16 ConsiderKernels ............................... 916
52.17 ConsiderSmallerPowermaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 916
52.18 InitFusion................................... 917
52.19 CheckPermChar ............................... 917
52.20 CheckFixedPoints .............................. 918
52.21 TestConsistencyMaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918
52.22 ConsiderTableAutomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919
52.23 PowermapsAllowedBySymmetrisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 919
52.24 FusionsAllowedByRestrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920
52.25 OrbitFusions ................................. 921
52.26 OrbitPowermaps ............................... 922
52.27 RepresentativesFusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 922
52.28 RepresentativesPowermaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
52.29 Indirected................................... 923
52.30 Powmap.................................... 924
52.31 ElementOrdersPowermap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 924
53 Character Table Libraries 927
53.1 Contents of the Table Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927
53.2 Selecting Library Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929
53.3 ATLASTables ................................ 930
53.4 Examples of the ATLAS format for GAP tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933
53.5 CASTables.................................. 937
53.6 Organization of the Table Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937
53.7 How to Extend a Table Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 939
53.8 FirstNameCharTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940
53.9 FileNameCharTable ............................. 940
54 Class Functions 943
54.1 Why Group Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 943
54.2 More about Class Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
54.3 Operators for Class Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 946
54.4 Functions for Class Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
54.5 ClassFunction................................. 948
54.6 VirtualCharacter............................... 949
54.7 Character................................... 949
54.8 IsClassFunction................................ 950
54.9 IsVirtualCharacter.............................. 950
54.10 IsCharacter.................................. 950
54.11 Irr ....................................... 951
54.12 InertiaSubgroup ............................... 951
54.13 OrbitsCharacters............................... 951
54.14 Storing Subgroup Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 952
54.15 NormalSubgroupClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 953
54.16 ClassesNormalSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
54.17 FactorGroupNormalSubgroupClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
54.18 Class Function Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 954
55 Monomiality Questions 955
55.1 More about Monomiality Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 955
55.2 Alpha ..................................... 956
55.3 Delta ..................................... 957
55.4 BergerCondition ............................... 957
55.5 TestHomogeneous .............................. 957
55.6 TestQuasiPrimitive.............................. 958
55.7 IsPrimitive for Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
55.8 TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 959
55.9 TestSubnormallyMonomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 960
55.10 TestMonomialQuick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 961
55.11 TestMonomial ................................ 961
55.12 TestRelativelySM............................... 962
55.13 IsMinimalNonmonomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 963
55.14 MinimalNonmonomialGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 963
56 Getting and Installing GAP 965
56.1 GettingGAP................................. 965
56.2 GAPforUNIX................................ 966
56.3 Installation of GAP for UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966
56.4 Features of GAP for UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 967
56.5 GAPforWindows .............................. 970
56.6 Copyright of GAP for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
56.7 Installation of GAP for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971
56.8 Features of GAP for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
56.9 GAPforMac/OSX ............................. 977
56.10 Copyright of GAP for Mac/OSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
56.11 Installation of GAP for Mac/OSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
56.12 Features of GAP for Mac/OSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 977
56.13 PortingGAP................................. 977
57 Share Libraries 981
57.1 RequirePackage................................ 982
57.2 ANUpqPackage............................... 983
57.3 Installing the ANU pq Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984
57.4 ANUSqPackage............................... 990
57.5 Installing the ANU Sq Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992
57.6 GRAPEPackage............................... 994
57.7 Installing the GRAPE Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995
57.8 MeatAxePackage .............................. 998
57.9 Installing the MeatAxe Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998
57.10 NQPackage.................................. 1000
57.11 Installing the NQ Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1001
57.12 SISYPHOSPackage ............................. 1003
57.13 Installing the SISYPHOS Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
57.14 Vector Enumeration Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1005
57.15 Installing the Vector Enumeration Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1006
57.16 TheXGapPackage.............................. 1008
58 ANU Pq 1009
58.1 Pq....................................... 1009
58.2 PqHomomorphism .............................. 1010
58.3 PqDescendants................................ 1010
58.4 PqList..................................... 1013
58.5 SavePqList .................................. 1014
58.6 StandardPresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1014
58.7 IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1016
58.8 AutomorphismsPGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1016
58.9 IsIsomorphicPGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
59 Automorphism Groups of Special Ag Groups 1019
59.1 AutGroupSagGroup ............................. 1020
59.2 Automorphism Group Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
59.3 Operations for Automorphism Group Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021
59.4 AutGroupStructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023
59.5 AutGroupFactors............................... 1025
59.6 AutGroupSeries ............................... 1025
59.7 AutGroupConverted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026
60 Cohomology 1029
60.1 CHR...................................... 1030
60.2 SchurMultiplier................................ 1030
60.3 CoveringGroup................................ 1030
60.4 FirstCohomologyDimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
60.5 SecondCohomologyDimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1030
60.6 SplitExtension ................................ 1031
60.7 NonsplitExtension .............................. 1031
60.8 CalcPres ................................... 1031
60.9 PermRep ................................... 1032
60.10 Further Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1032
61 CrystGap–The Crystallographic Groups Package 1035
61.1 Crystallographic Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1036
61.2 SpaceGroups................................. 1036
61.3 More about Crystallographic Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
61.4 CrystGroup.................................. 1038
61.5 IsCrystGroup................................. 1038
61.6 PointGroup.................................. 1038
61.7 TranslationsCrystGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1038
61.8 AddTranslationsCrystGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1038
61.9 CheckTranslations .............................. 1039
61.10 ConjugatedCrystGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
61.11 FpGroup for point groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
61.12 FpGroup for CrystGroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039
61.13 MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040
61.14 IsSpaceGroup................................. 1040
61.15 IsSymmorphicSpaceGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040
61.16 SpaceGroupsPointGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1040
61.17 WyckoPositions .............................. 1040
61.18 WyckoPositions............................... 1041
61.19 WyckoffPositionsByStabilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
61.20 WyckoffPositionsQClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1041
61.21 WyckoOrbit................................. 1042
61.22 WyckoLattice................................ 1042
61.23 NormalizerGL ................................ 1043
61.24 CentralizerGL ................................ 1043
61.25 PointGroupsBravaisClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
61.26 TranslationNormalizer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1043
61.27 AneNormalizer............................... 1043
61.28 AffineInequivalentSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
61.29 Other functions for CrystGroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044
61.30 ColorGroups................................. 1045
61.31 ColorGroup.................................. 1045
61.32 IsColorGroup................................. 1045
61.33 ColorSubgroup ................................ 1046
61.34 ColorCosets.................................. 1046
61.35 ColorOfElement ............................... 1046
61.36 ColorPermGroup............................... 1046
61.37 ColorHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
61.38 Subgroup for color groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
61.39 PointGroup for color CrystGroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1046
61.40 Inequivalent colorings of space groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047
62 The Double Coset Enumerator 1049
62.1 Double Coset Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049
62.2 Authorship and Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
62.3 Installing the DCE Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050
62.4 Mathematical Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1052
62.5 Gain Group Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1053
62.6 DCEWords.................................. 1054
62.7 DCEPresentations.............................. 1054
62.8 Examples of Double Coset Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055
62.9 TheDCEUniverse.............................. 1057
62.10 Informational Messages from DCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058
62.11 DCE...................................... 1058
62.12 DCESetup .................................. 1059
62.13 DCEPerm................................... 1059
62.14 DCEPerms .................................. 1059
62.15 DCEWrite .................................. 1059
62.16 DCERead................................... 1059
62.17 Example of DCE Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059
62.18 Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061
62.19 Example of Double Coset Enumeration Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . 1062
62.20 Functions for Analyzing Double Coset Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066
62.21 DCEColAdj.................................. 1066
62.22 DCEHOrbits ................................. 1067
62.23 DCEColAdjSingle .............................. 1067
62.24 Example of DCEColAdj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1067
62.25 Double Coset Enumeration and Symmetric Presentations . . . . . . . . 1068
62.26 SetupSymmetricPresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068
62.27 Examples of DCE and Symmetric Presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
63.1 Installing the Glissando Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1073
63.2 Transformations ............................... 1073
63.3 Transformation................................ 1074
63.4 AsTransformation .............................. 1074
63.5 IsTransformation............................... 1074
63.6 IsSetTransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
63.7 IsGroupTransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
63.8 IdentityTransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075
63.9 Kernel for transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
63.10 Rank for transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
63.11 Operations for transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1076
63.12 DisplayTransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
63.13 Transformation records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1077
63.14 Transformation Semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
63.15 TransformationSemigroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1078
63.16 IsSemigroup.................................. 1079
63.17 IsTransformationSemigroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1079
63.18 Elements for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
63.19 Size for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
63.20 DisplayCayleyTable for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1080
63.21 IdempotentElements for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
63.22 IsCommutative for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
63.23 Identity for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081
63.24 SmallestIdeal................................. 1082
63.25 IsSimple for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082
63.26 Green ..................................... 1083
63.27 Rank for semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1084
63.28 LibrarySemigroup .............................. 1084
63.29 Transformation semigroup records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085
63.30 Near-rings................................... 1086
63.31 IsNrMultiplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086
63.32 Nearring.................................... 1087
63.33 IsNearring................................... 1089
63.34 IsTransformationNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089
63.35 LibraryNearring ............................... 1089
63.36 DisplayCayleyTable for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1090
63.37 Elements for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1090
63.38 Size for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091
63.39 Endomorphisms for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091
63.40 Automorphisms for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1091
63.41 FindGroup .................................. 1092
63.42 NearringIdeals ................................ 1092
63.43 InvariantSubnearrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1092
63.44 Subnearrings ................................. 1093
63.45 Identity for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093
63.46 Distributors.................................. 1094
63.47 DistributiveElements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094
63.48 IsDistributiveNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094
63.49 ZeroSymmetricElements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1094
63.50 IsAbstractAffineNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
63.51 IdempotentElements for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
63.52 IsBooleanNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
63.53 NilpotentElements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1095
63.54 IsNilNearring................................. 1095
63.55 IsNilpotentNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096
63.56 IsNilpotentFreeNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096
63.57 IsCommutative for near-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096
63.58 IsDgNearring................................. 1096
63.59 IsIntegralNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1096
63.60 IsPrimeNearring ............................... 1097
63.61 QuasiregularElements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097
63.62 IsQuasiregularNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097
63.63 RegularElements............................... 1097
63.64 IsRegularNearring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
63.65 IsPlanarNearring............................... 1098
63.66 IsNeareld .................................. 1098
63.67 LibraryNearringInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1098
63.68 Nearringrecords ............................... 1099
63.69 Supportive Functions for Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100
63.70 DisplayCayleyTable for groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100
63.71 Endomorphisms for groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1101
63.72 Automorphisms for groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1101
63.73 InnerAutomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102
63.74 SmallestGeneratingSystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102
63.75 IsIsomorphicGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1102
63.76 Predenedgroups .............................. 1103
63.77 How to find near-rings with certain properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1103
63.78 Defining near-rings with known multiplication table . . . . . . . . . . . 1106
64 Grape 1109
64.1 Functions to construct and modify graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110
64.2 Graph..................................... 1110
64.3 EdgeOrbitsGraph .............................. 1111
64.4 NullGraph .................................. 1112
64.5 CompleteGraph ............................... 1112
64.6 JohnsonGraph ................................ 1113
64.7 AddEdgeOrbit ................................ 1113
64.8 RemoveEdgeOrbit .............................. 1114
64.9 AssignVertexNames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1114
64.10 Functions to inspect graphs, vertices and edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115
64.11 IsGraph.................................... 1115
64.12 OrderGraph.................................. 1115
64.13 IsVertex.................................... 1115
64.14 VertexName ................................. 1116
64.15 Vertices .................................... 1116
64.16 VertexDegree................................. 1116
64.17 VertexDegrees ................................ 1116
64.18 IsLoopy .................................... 1116
64.19 IsSimpleGraph ................................ 1117
64.20 Adjacency................................... 1117
64.21 IsEdge..................................... 1117
64.22 DirectedEdges ................................ 1117
64.23 UndirectedEdges............................... 1118
64.24 Distance.................................... 1118
64.25 Diameter ................................... 1118
64.26 Girth ..................................... 1119
64.27 IsConnectedGraph.............................. 1119
64.28 IsBipartite .................................. 1119
64.29 IsNullGraph ................................. 1120
64.30 IsCompleteGraph............................... 1120
64.31 Functions to determine regularity properties of graphs . . . . . . . . . . 1120
64.32 IsRegularGraph ............................... 1121
64.33 LocalParameters ............................... 1121
64.34 GlobalParameters .............................. 1121
64.35 IsDistanceRegular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1121
64.36 CollapsedAdjacencyMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
64.37 OrbitalGraphIntersectionMatrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
64.38 Some special vertex subsets of a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
64.39 ConnectedComponent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1122
64.40 ConnectedComponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1123
64.41 Bicomponents................................. 1123
64.42 DistanceSet.................................. 1123
64.43 Layers..................................... 1123
64.44 IndependentSet................................ 1124
64.45 Functions to construct new graphs from old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124
64.46 InducedSubgraph............................... 1124
64.47 DistanceSetInduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1124
64.48 DistanceGraph ................................ 1125
64.49 ComplementGraph.............................. 1125
64.50 PointGraph.................................. 1126
64.51 EdgeGraph .................................. 1126
64.52 UnderlyingGraph............................... 1127
64.53 QuotientGraph................................ 1127
64.54 BipartiteDouble ............................... 1128
64.55 GeodesicsGraph ............................... 1128
64.56 CollapsedIndependentOrbitsGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129
64.57 CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1129
64.58 NewGroupGraph............................... 1130
64.59 Vertex-Colouring and Complete Subgraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1130
64.60 VertexColouring ............................... 1131
64.61 CompleteSubgraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131
64.62 CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131
64.63 Functions depending on nauty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1132
64.64 AutGroupGraph ............................... 1132
64.65 IsIsomorphicGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1132
64.66 Anexample.................................. 1133
65 GRIM (Groups of Rational and Integer Matrices) 1135
65.1 Functions to test finiteness and integrality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135
65.2 IsFinite for rational matrix groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135
65.3 InvariantLattice for rational matrix groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1136
65.4 IsFiniteDeterministic for integer matrix groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1136
66 GUAVA 1137
66.1 LoadingGUAVA............................... 1138
66.2 Codewords .................................. 1138
66.3 Codeword................................... 1139
66.4 IsCodeword.................................. 1140
66.5 Comparisons of Codewords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1140
66.6 Operations for Codewords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141
66.7 VectorCodeword ............................... 1141
66.8 PolyCodeword ................................ 1142
66.9 TreatAsVector ................................ 1142
66.10 TreatAsPoly ................................. 1142
66.11 NullWord................................... 1143
66.12 DistanceCodeword.............................. 1143
66.13 Support.................................... 1143
66.14 WeightCodeword............................... 1144
66.15 Codes ..................................... 1144
66.16 IsCode..................................... 1146
66.17 IsLinearCode................................. 1146
66.18 IsCyclicCode ................................. 1147
66.19 Comparisons of Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147
66.20 Operations for Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1147
66.21 Basic Functions for Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1149
66.22 Domain Functions for Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1149
66.23 Printing and Saving Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1150
66.24 GeneratorMat ................................ 1151
66.25 CheckMat................................... 1152
66.26 GeneratorPol................................. 1152
66.27 CheckPol ................................... 1152
66.28 RootsOfCode................................. 1153
66.29 WordLength ................................. 1153
66.30 Redundancy ................................. 1154
66.31 MinimumDistance .............................. 1154
66.32 WeightDistribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155
66.33 InnerDistribution............................... 1155
66.34 OuterDistribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1155
66.35 DistancesDistribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1156
66.36 IsPerfectCode................................. 1156
66.37 IsMDSCode.................................. 1157
66.38 IsSelfDualCode................................ 1157
66.39 IsSelfOrthogonalCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1157
66.40 IsEquivalent ................................. 1158
66.41 CodeIsomorphism .............................. 1158
66.42 AutomorphismGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1158
66.43 Decode .................................... 1159
66.44 Syndrome................................... 1159
66.45 SyndromeTable................................ 1160
66.46 StandardArray ................................ 1160
66.47 Display .................................... 1161
66.48 CodewordNr ................................. 1161
66.49 Generating Unrestricted Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1162
66.50 ElementsCode ................................ 1162
66.51 HadamardCode................................ 1162
66.52 ConferenceCode ............................... 1163
66.53 MOLSCode.................................. 1164
66.54 RandomCode................................. 1164
66.55 NordstromRobinsonCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165
66.56 GreedyCode ................................. 1165
66.57 LexiCode ................................... 1165
66.58 Generating Linear Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166
66.59 GeneratorMatCode.............................. 1166
66.60 CheckMatCode................................ 1167
66.61 HammingCode ................................ 1167
66.62 ReedMullerCode ............................... 1167
66.63 ExtendedBinaryGolayCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168
66.64 ExtendedTernaryGolayCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168
66.65 AlternantCode ................................ 1168
66.66 GoppaCode.................................. 1168
66.67 GeneralizedSrivastavaCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169
66.68 SrivastavaCode................................ 1169
66.69 CordaroWagnerCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
66.70 RandomLinearCode ............................. 1170
66.71 BestKnownLinearCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1170
66.72 Generating Cyclic Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171
66.73 GeneratorPolCode .............................. 1171
66.74 CheckPolCode ................................ 1172
66.75 BinaryGolayCode .............................. 1172
66.76 TernaryGolayCode.............................. 1172
66.77 RootsCode .................................. 1173
66.78 BCHCode................................... 1173
66.79 ReedSolomonCode.............................. 1174
66.80 QRCode.................................... 1174
66.81 FireCode ................................... 1175
66.82 WholeSpaceCode............................... 1175
66.83 NullCode ................................... 1175
66.84 RepetitionCode................................ 1176
66.85 CyclicCodes.................................. 1176
66.86 Manipulating Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177
66.87 ExtendedCode ................................ 1177
66.88 PuncturedCode................................ 1178
66.89 EvenWeightSubcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1178
66.90 PermutedCode ................................ 1179
66.91 ExpurgatedCode ............................... 1179
66.92 AugmentedCode ............................... 1179
66.93 RemovedElementsCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1180
66.94 AddedElementsCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1180
66.95 ShortenedCode................................ 1181
66.96 LengthenedCode ............................... 1182
66.97 ResidueCode ................................. 1182
66.98 ConstructionBCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1182
66.99 DualCode................................... 1183
66.100 ConversionFieldCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1183
66.101 CosetCode .................................. 1184
66.102 ConstantWeightSubcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1184
66.103 StandardFormCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
66.104 DirectSumCode................................ 1185
66.105 UUVCode................................... 1186
66.106 DirectProductCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1186
66.107 IntersectionCode............................... 1186
66.108 UnionCode .................................. 1187
66.109 CodeRecords................................. 1187
66.110 Boundsoncodes ............................... 1190
66.111 UpperBoundSingleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190
66.112 UpperBoundHamming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190
66.113 UpperBoundJohnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1191
66.114 UpperBoundPlotkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1191
66.115 UpperBoundElias .............................. 1192
66.116 UpperBoundGriesmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1192
66.117 UpperBound ................................. 1192
66.118 LowerBoundMinimumDistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1192
66.119 UpperBoundMinimumDistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193
66.120 BoundsMinimumDistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1193
66.121 Special matrices in GUAVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1194
66.122 KrawtchoukMat ............................... 1194
66.123 GrayMat ................................... 1195
66.124 SylvesterMat ................................. 1195
66.125 HadamardMat ................................ 1195
66.126 MOLS..................................... 1196
66.127 PutStandardForm .............................. 1197
66.128 IsInStandardForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1197
66.129 PermutedCols................................. 1198
66.130 VerticalConversionFieldMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1198
66.131 HorizontalConversionFieldMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1198
66.132 IsLatinSquare................................. 1199
66.133 AreMOLS................................... 1199
66.134 Miscellaneous functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1199
66.135 SphereContent ................................ 1199
66.136 Krawtchouk.................................. 1200
66.137 PrimitiveUnityRoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200
66.138 ReciprocalPolynomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200
66.139 CyclotomicCosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1201
66.140 WeightHistogram............................... 1201
66.141 Extensions to GUAVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1202
66.142 Some functions for the covering radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1202
66.143 CoveringRadius................................ 1203
66.144 BoundsCoveringRadius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
66.145 SetCoveringRadius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
66.146 IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1204
66.147 ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
66.148 GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
66.149 GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
66.150 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1205
66.151 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206
66.152 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1206
66.153 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
66.154 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
66.155 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1207
66.156 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusInduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
66.157 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusRedundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
66.158 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusDelsarte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
66.159 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusStrength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
66.160 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusGriesmerLike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1208
66.161 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusCyclicCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
66.162 New code constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
66.163 ExtendedDirectSumCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1209
66.164 AmalgatedDirectSumCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210
66.165 BlockwiseDirectSumCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210
66.166 PiecewiseConstantCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1211
66.167 Gabidulincodes ............................... 1211
66.168 Some functions related to the norm of a code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1212
66.169 CoordinateNorm ............................... 1212
66.170 CodeNorm .................................. 1212
66.171 IsCoordinateAcceptable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213
66.172 GeneralizedCodeNorm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213
66.173 IsNormalCode ................................ 1213
66.174 DecreaseMinimumDistanceLowerBound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1213
66.175 New miscellaneous functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214
66.176 CodeWeightEnumerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214
66.177 CodeDistanceEnumerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1214
66.178 CodeMacWilliamsTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1215
66.179 IsSelfComplementaryCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1215
66.180 IsAneCode ................................. 1215
66.181 IsAlmostAneCode ............................. 1215
66.182 IsGriesmerCode ............................... 1216
66.183 CodeDensity ................................. 1216
67 KBMAG 1217
67.1 Creating a rewriting system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1218
67.2 Elementary functions on rewriting systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1219
67.3 Setting the ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1220
67.4 Controlparameters.............................. 1220
67.5 The Knuth-Bendix program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1222
67.6 The automatic groups program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1222
67.7 Wordreduction................................ 1223
67.8 Counting and enumerating irreducible words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1223
67.9 Rewriting System Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1224
68 The Matrix Package 1233
68.1 Aim of the matrix package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233
68.2 Contents of the matrix package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233
68.3 The Developers of the matrix package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234
68.4 Basic conventions employed in matrix package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1234
68.5 Organisation of this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1235
68.6 GModule ................................... 1236
68.7 IsGModule .................................. 1236
68.8 IsIrreducible for GModules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1236
68.9 IsAbsolutelyIrreducible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1236
68.10 IsSemiLinear ................................. 1236
68.11 IsPrimitive for GModules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1237
68.12 IsTensor.................................... 1237
68.13 SmashGModule................................ 1239
68.14 HomGModule................................. 1239
68.15 IsomorphismGModule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1239
68.16 CompositionFactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1240
68.17 Examples ................................... 1240
68.18 ClassicalForms ................................ 1245
68.19 RecogniseClassical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1248
68.20 ConstructivelyRecogniseClassical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250
68.21 RecogniseMatrixGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1251
68.22 RecogniseClassicalCLG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1258
68.23 RecogniseClassicalNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1261
68.24 InducedAction ................................ 1266
68.25 FieldGenCentMat .............................. 1266
68.26 MinimalSubGModules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267
68.27 SpinBasis ................................... 1267
68.28 SemiLinearDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267
68.29 TensorProductDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1267
68.30 SymTensorProductDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1268
68.31 ExtraSpecialDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1268
68.32 MinBlocks................................... 1269
68.33 BlockSystemFlag............................... 1269
68.34 Components of a G-module record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1269
68.35 ApproximateKernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1270
68.36 RandomRelations .............................. 1271
68.37 DisplayMatRecord.............................. 1271
68.38 The record returned by RecogniseMatrixGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1271
68.39 DualGModule................................. 1272
68.40 InducedGModule............................... 1272
68.41 PermGModule ................................ 1273
68.42 TensorProductGModule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273
68.43 ImprimitiveWreathProduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273
68.44 WreathPower................................. 1273
68.45 PermGroupRepresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1273
68.46 GeneralOrthogonalGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1274
68.47 OrderMat enhanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1275
68.48 PseudoRandom................................ 1276
68.49 InitPseudoRandom.............................. 1276
68.50 IsPpdElement ................................ 1276
68.51 SpinorNorm.................................. 1277
68.52 Other utility functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1278
68.53 References................................... 1279
69 The MeatAxe 1281
69.1 More about the MeatAxe in GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1282
69.2 GapObject .................................. 1282
69.3 Using the MeatAxe in GAP. An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283
69.4 MeatAxeMatrices .............................. 1285
69.5 MeatAxeMat ................................. 1285
69.6 Operations for MeatAxe Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1286
69.7 Functions for MeatAxe Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1287
69.8 BrauerCharacterValue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288
69.9 MeatAxe Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1288
69.10 MeatAxePerm ................................ 1288
69.11 Operations for MeatAxe Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1289
69.12 Functions for MeatAxe Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1289
69.13 MeatAxe Matrix Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1289
69.14 Functions for MeatAxe Matrix Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1289
69.15 MeatAxe Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1290
69.16 Functions for MeatAxe Matrix Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1290
69.17 MeatAxeModules .............................. 1291
69.18 Set Theoretic Functions for MeatAxe Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1291
69.19 Vector Space Functions for MeatAxe Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1291
69.20 Module Functions for MeatAxe Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1291
69.21 MeatAxe.Unbind............................... 1293
69.22 MeatAxe Object Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293
70 The Polycyclic Quotient Algorithm Package 1297
70.1 Installing the PCQA Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1297
70.2 Inputformat ................................. 1300
70.3 CallPCQA .................................. 1300
70.4 ExtendPCQA................................. 1301
70.5 AbelianComponent.............................. 1302
70.6 HirschLength................................. 1302
70.7 ModuleAction ................................ 1303
71 Sisyphos 1305
71.1 PrintSISYPHOSWord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1305
71.2 PrintSisyphosInputPGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1306
71.3 IsCompatiblePCentralSeries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1307
71.4 SAutomorphisms............................... 1307
71.5 AgNormalizedAutomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308
71.6 AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1308
71.7 IsIsomorphic ................................. 1308
71.8 Isomorphisms................................. 1309
71.9 CorrespondingAutomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1310
71.10 AutomorphismGroupElements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1310
71.11 NormalizedUnitsGroupRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1310
72 Decomposition numbers of Hecke algebras of type A 1313
72.1 Specht..................................... 1316
Decomposition numbers of the symmetric groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319
Hecke algebras over fields of positive characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319
The Fock space and Hecke algebras over fields of characteristic zero . . 1320
72.2 Schur ..................................... 1321
72.3 DecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1322
72.4 CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1323
72.5 DecompositionNumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1324
Partitions in Specht .................................. 1324
Inducing and restricting modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1325
72.6 InducedModule................................ 1325
72.7 SInducedModule ............................... 1327
72.8 RestrictedModule .............................. 1327
72.9 SRestrictedModule.............................. 1328
Operations on decomposition matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1328
72.10 InducedDecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329
72.11 IsNewIndecomposable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329
72.12 InvertDecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1331
72.13 AdjustmentMatrix.............................. 1331
72.14 SaveDecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1332
72.15 CalculateDecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1332
72.16 MatrixDecompositionMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1333
72.17 DecompositionMatrixMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1333
72.18 AddIndecomposable ............................. 1334
72.19 RemoveIndecomposable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1334
72.20 MissingIndecomposables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1334
Calculatingdimensions................................. 1335
72.21 SimpleDimension............................... 1335
72.22 SpechtDimension............................... 1335
Combinatorics on Young diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1335
72.23 Schaper .................................... 1336
72.24 IsSimpleModule ............................... 1336
72.25 MullineuxMap ................................ 1337
72.26 MullineuxSymbol............................... 1338
72.27 PartitionMullineuxSymbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1338
72.28 GoodNodes.................................. 1338
72.29 NormalNodes................................. 1339
72.30 GoodNodeSequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1339
72.31 PartitionGoodNodeSequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1339
72.32 GoodNodeLatticePath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1340
72.33 LittlewoodRichardsonRule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1340
72.34 InverseLittlewoodRichardsonRule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1341
72.35 EResidueDiagram .............................. 1341
72.36 HookLengthDiagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1342
72.37 RemoveRimHook............................... 1342
72.38 AddRimHook................................. 1343
Operationsonpartitions................................ 1343
72.39 ECore..................................... 1343
72.40 IsECore.................................... 1344
72.41 EQuotient................................... 1344
72.42 CombineEQuotientECore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1344
72.43 EWeight.................................... 1344
72.44 ERegularPartitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1345
72.45 IsERegular .................................. 1345
72.46 ConjugatePartition.............................. 1345
72.47 PartitionBetaSet ............................... 1345
72.48 ETopLadder ................................. 1345
72.49 LengthLexicographic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1346
72.50 Lexicographic................................. 1346
72.51 ReverseDominance.............................. 1346
Miscellaneous functions on modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1347
72.52 Specialized .................................. 1347
72.53 ERegulars................................... 1347
72.54 SplitECores.................................. 1348
72.55 Coefficient of Specht module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1348
72.56 InnerProduct................................. 1349
72.57 SpechtPrettyPrint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
Semi–standard and standard tableaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
72.58 SemistandardTableaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349
72.59 StandardTableaux .............................. 1350
72.60 ConjugateTableau .............................. 1350
72.61 ShapeTableau................................. 1350
72.62 TypeTableau ................................. 1350
73 Vector Enumeration 1351
73.1 Operation for Finitely Presented Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1351
73.2 More about Vector Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1352
73.3 Examples of Vector Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1354
73.4 Using Vector Enumeration with the MeatAxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1357
74 AREP 1359
74.1 LoadingAREP................................ 1360
74.2 Mons ..................................... 1360
74.3 ComparisonofMons............................. 1361
74.4 Basic Operations for Mons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1362
74.5 Mon...................................... 1362
74.6 IsMon..................................... 1363
74.7 IsPermMon.................................. 1364
74.8 IsDiagMon .................................. 1364
74.9 PermMon................................... 1364
74.10 MatMon.................................... 1364
74.11 MonMat.................................... 1364
74.12 DegreeMon .................................. 1365
74.13 CharacteristicMon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1365
74.14 OrderMon................................... 1365
74.15 TransposedMon................................ 1365
74.16 DeterminantMon............................... 1366
74.17 TraceMon................................... 1366
74.18 GaloisMon .................................. 1366
74.19 DirectSumMon................................ 1366
74.20 TensorProductMon.............................. 1367
74.21 CharPolyCyclesMon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1368
74.22 AMats..................................... 1368
74.23 AMatPerm .................................. 1370
74.24 AMatMon................................... 1371
74.25 AMatMat................................... 1371
74.26 IsAMat .................................... 1371
74.27 IdentityPermAMat.............................. 1372
74.28 IdentityMonAMat .............................. 1372
74.29 IdentityMatAMat .............................. 1372
74.30 IdentityAMat................................. 1373
74.31 AllOneAMat ................................. 1373
74.32 NullAMat................................... 1374
74.33 DiagonalAMat ................................ 1374
74.34 DFTAMat .................................. 1375
74.35 SORAMat .................................. 1375
74.36 ScalarMultipleAMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1376
74.37 Product and Quotient of AMats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1376
74.38 PowerAMat.................................. 1377
74.39 ConjugateAMat ............................... 1377
74.40 DirectSumAMat ............................... 1378
74.41 TensorProductAMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1378
74.42 GaloisConjugateAMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1379
74.43 Comparison of AMats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1380
74.44 ConvertingAMats .............................. 1380
74.45 IsIdentityMat................................. 1381
74.46 IsPermMat .................................. 1381
74.47 IsMonMat................................... 1381
74.48 PermAMat .................................. 1382
74.49 MonAMat................................... 1382
74.50 MatAMat................................... 1382
74.51 PermAMatAMat............................... 1383
74.52 MonAMatAMat ............................... 1383
74.53 MatAMatAMat................................ 1383
74.54 FunctionsforAMats............................. 1384
74.55 InverseAMat ................................. 1384
74.56 TransposedAMat............................... 1384
74.57 DeterminantAMat .............................. 1385
74.58 TraceAMat .................................. 1385
74.59 RankAMat .................................. 1385
74.60 SimplifyAMat ................................ 1386
74.61 kbsAMat ................................... 1387
74.62 kbsDecompositionAMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1387
74.63 AMatSparseMat ............................... 1388
74.64 SubmatrixAMat ............................... 1389
74.65 UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389
74.66 AReps..................................... 1389
74.67 GroupWithGenerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1392
74.68 TrivialPermARep............................... 1393
74.69 TrivialMonARep ............................... 1393
74.70 TrivialMatARep ............................... 1394
74.71 RegularARep................................. 1394
74.72 NaturalARep................................. 1395
74.73 ARepByImages................................ 1395
74.74 ARepByHom................................. 1397
74.75 ARepByCharacter .............................. 1397
74.76 ConjugateARep ............................... 1398
74.77 DirectSumARep ............................... 1398
74.78 InnerTensorProductARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399
74.79 OuterTensorProductARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1400
74.80 RestrictionARep ............................... 1400
74.81 InductionARep................................ 1401
74.82 ExtensionARep................................ 1402
74.83 GaloisConjugateARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
74.84 Basic Functions for AReps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
74.85 Comparison of AReps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1403
74.86 ImageARep.................................. 1404
74.87 IsEquivalentARep .............................. 1404
74.88 CharacterARep................................ 1405
74.89 IsIrreducibleARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1405
74.90 KernelARep.................................. 1406
74.91 IsFaithfulARep................................ 1406
74.92 ARepWithCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1406
74.93 GeneralFourierTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1407
74.94 ConvertingAReps .............................. 1407
74.95 IsPermRep .................................. 1408
74.96 IsMonRep................................... 1408
74.97 PermARepARep ............................... 1408
74.98 MonARepARep ............................... 1409
74.99 MatARepARep................................ 1409
74.100 Higher Functions for AReps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1410
74.101 IsRestrictedCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1410
74.102 AllExtendingCharacters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1410
74.103 OneExtendingCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411
74.104 IntertwiningSpaceARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411
74.105 IntertwiningNumberARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1412
74.106 UnderlyingPermRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1412
74.107 IsTransitiveMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
74.108 IsPrimitiveMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
74.109 TransitivityDegreeMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1413
74.110 OrbitDecompositionMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414
74.111 TransitiveToInductionMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414
74.112 InsertedInductionARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1415
74.113 ConjugationPermReps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1416
74.114 ConjugationTransitiveMonReps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1417
74.115 TransversalChangeInductionARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1417
74.116 OuterTensorProductDecompositionMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1418
74.117 InnerConjugationARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1419
74.118 RestrictionInductionARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1420
74.119 kbsARep ................................... 1420
74.120 RestrictionToSubmoduleARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421
74.121 kbsDecompositionARep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421
74.122 ExtensionOnedimensionalAbelianRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1422
74.123 DecompositionMonRep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1423
74.124 Symmetry of Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425
74.125 PermPermSymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1425
74.126 MonMonSymmetry.............................. 1426
74.127 PermIrredSymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1428
74.128 Discrete Signal Transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1429
74.129 DiscreteFourierTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430
74.130 InverseDiscreteFourierTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430
74.131 DiscreteHartleyTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1430
74.132 InverseDiscreteHartleyTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
74.133 DiscreteCosineTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
74.134 InverseDiscreteCosineTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
74.135 DiscreteCosineTransformIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1431
74.136 InverseDiscreteCosineTransformIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432
74.137 DiscreteCosineTransformI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432
74.138 InverseDiscreteCosineTransformI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432
74.139 WalshHadamardTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
74.140 InverseWalshHadamardTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
74.141 SlantTransform................................ 1433
74.142 InverseSlantTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
74.143 HaarTransform................................ 1434
74.144 InverseHaarTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434
74.145 RationalizedHaarTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1434
74.146 InverseRationalizedHaarTransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435
74.147 Matrix Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435
74.148 MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1435
74.149 MatrixDecompositionByMonMonSymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437
74.150 MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1438
74.151 ComplexNumbers .............................. 1440
74.152 ImaginaryUnit ................................ 1440
74.153 Re....................................... 1440
74.154 Im....................................... 1440
74.155 AbsSqr .................................... 1441
74.156 Sqrt ...................................... 1441
74.157 ExpIPi .................................... 1441
74.158 CosPi ..................................... 1441
74.159 SinPi ..................................... 1441
74.160 TanPi ..................................... 1441
74.161 Functions for Matrices and Permutations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1442
74.162 TensorProductMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1442
74.163 MatPerm ................................... 1442
74.164 PermMat ................................... 1442
74.165 PermutedMat................................. 1442
74.166 DirectSummandsPermutedMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1443
74.167 kbs....................................... 1443
74.168 DirectSumPerm ............................... 1444
74.169 TensorProductPerm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1444
75 Monoids and Semigroups 1445
75.1 Comparisons of Monoid Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1446
75.2 Operations for Monoid Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1446
75.3 IsMonoidElement............................... 1447
75.4 SemiGroup .................................. 1447
75.5 IsSemiGroup ................................. 1447
75.6 Monoid .................................... 1447
75.7 IsMonoid ................................... 1448
75.8 Set Functions for Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1448
75.9 GreenClasses................................. 1448
75.10 RClass..................................... 1448
75.11 IsRClass.................................... 1449
75.12 RClasses ................................... 1449
75.13 LClass..................................... 1449
75.14 IsLClass.................................... 1449
75.15 LClasses.................................... 1449
75.16 DClass..................................... 1450
75.17 IsDClass.................................... 1450
75.18 DClasses ................................... 1450
75.19 HClass..................................... 1450
75.20 IsHClass.................................... 1451
75.21 HClasses ................................... 1451
75.22 Set Functions for Green Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1451
75.23 Green Class Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1451
75.24 SchutzenbergerGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1452
75.25 Idempotents ................................. 1452
75.26 Monoid Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1452
75.27 Monoid Records and Semigroup Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453
76 Binary Relations 1455
76.1 More about Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1456
76.2 Relation.................................... 1457
76.3 IsRelation................................... 1457
76.4 IdentityRelation ............................... 1457
76.5 EmptyRelation................................ 1457
76.6 Degree of a Relation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1458
76.7 Comparisons of Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1458
76.8 Operations for Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1458
76.9 IsReexive .................................. 1459
76.10 ReexiveClosure ............................... 1460
76.11 IsSymmetric ................................. 1460
76.12 SymmetricClosure .............................. 1460
76.13 IsTransitiveRel ................................ 1460
76.14 TransitiveClosure............................... 1461
76.15 IsAntisymmetric ............................... 1461
76.16 IsPreOrder .................................. 1461
76.17 IsPartialOrder ................................ 1461
76.18 IsEquivalence................................. 1462
76.19 EquivalenceClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1462
76.20 HasseDiagram ................................ 1462
76.21 RelTrans ................................... 1462
76.22 TransRel ................................... 1462
76.23 Monoids of Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463
77 Transformations 1465
77.1 More about Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466
77.2 Transformation................................ 1466
77.3 IdentityTransformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1466
77.4 Comparisons of Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467
77.5 Operations for Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1467
77.6 IsTransformation............................... 1468
77.7 Degree of a Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1468
77.8 Rank of a Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1468
77.9 Image of a Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469
77.10 Kernel of a Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1469
77.11 PermLeftQuoTrans.............................. 1469
77.12 TransPerm .................................. 1469
77.13 PermTrans .................................. 1470
78 Transformation Monoids 1471
78.1 IsTransMonoid ................................ 1472
78.2 Degree of a Transformation Monoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1472
78.3 FullTransMonoid............................... 1472
78.4 PartialTransMonoid ............................. 1472
78.5 ImagesTransMonoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473
78.6 KernelsTransMonoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473
78.7 Set Functions for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1473
78.8 Monoid Functions for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1474
78.9 SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . 1474
78.10 H Classes for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1474
78.11 R Classes for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1475
78.12 L Classes for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1476
78.13 D Classes for Transformation Monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1477
78.14 Display a Transformation Monoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1478
78.15 Transformation Monoid Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1479
79 Actions of Monoids 1481
79.1 OtherActions ................................ 1481
79.2 OrbitforMonoids .............................. 1483
79.3 StrongOrbit.................................. 1483
79.4 GradedOrbit ................................. 1484
79.5 ShortOrbit .................................. 1484
79.6 Action..................................... 1484
79.7 ActionWithZero ............................... 1485
80 XMOD 1487
80.1 AboutXMOD ................................ 1487
80.2 About crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1488
80.3 TheXModFunction............................. 1490
80.4 IsXMod.................................... 1491
80.5 XModPrint.................................. 1491
80.6 ConjugationXMod .............................. 1491
80.7 XModName.................................. 1492
80.8 CentralExtensionXMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1492
80.9 AutomorphismXMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1492
80.10 InnerAutomorphismXMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1493
80.11 TrivialActionXMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1493
80.12 IsRModule for groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1494
80.13 RModuleXMod................................ 1494
80.14 XModSelect.................................. 1495
80.15 Operations for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1495
80.16 Print for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496
80.17 Size for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496
80.18 Elements for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496
80.19 IsConjugation for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1496
80.20 IsAspherical.................................. 1497
80.21 IsSimplyConnected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497
80.22 IsCentralExtension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497
80.23 IsAutomorphismXMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1497
80.24 IsTrivialAction ................................ 1497
80.25 IsZeroBoundary ............................... 1497
80.26 IsRModule for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1498
80.27 WhatTypeXMod............................... 1498
80.28 DirectProduct for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1498
80.29 XModMorphism ............................... 1499
80.30 IsXModMorphism .............................. 1499
80.31 XModMorphismPrint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500
80.32 XModMorphismName............................ 1500
80.33 Operations for morphisms of crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500
80.34 IdentitySubXMod .............................. 1501
80.35 SubXMod................................... 1501
80.36 IsSubXMod.................................. 1501
80.37 InclusionMorphism for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1501
80.38 IsNormalSubXMod.............................. 1502
80.39 NormalSubXMods .............................. 1502
80.40 Factor crossed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503
80.41 Kernel of a crossed module morphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503
80.42 Image for a crossed module morphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1503
80.43 InnerAutomorphism of a crossed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1504
80.44 Order of a crossed module morphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1504
80.45 CompositeMorphism for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505
80.46 SourceXModXPModMorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1505
80.47 Aboutcat1-groups.............................. 1506
80.48 Cat1...................................... 1507
80.49 IsCat1..................................... 1508
80.50 Cat1Print................................... 1508
80.51 Cat1Name .................................. 1508
80.52 ConjugationCat1............................... 1509
80.53 Operations for cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1510
80.54 Size for cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1510
80.55 Elements for cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1510
80.56 XModCat1 .................................. 1510
80.57 Cat1XMod .................................. 1511
80.58 SemidirectCat1XMod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511
80.59 Cat1List.................................... 1512
80.60 Cat1Select .................................. 1512
80.61 Cat1Morphism ................................ 1514
80.62 IsCat1Morphism ............................... 1514
80.63 Cat1MorphismName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515
80.64 Cat1MorphismPrint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515
80.65 Operations for morphisms of cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515
80.66 Cat1MorphismSourceHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1515
80.67 ReverseCat1 ................................. 1516
80.68 ReverseIsomorphismCat1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1516
80.69 Cat1MorphismXModMorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1516
80.70 XModMorphismCat1Morphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1517
80.71 CompositeMorphism for cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1517
80.72 IdentitySubCat1 ............................... 1518
80.73 SubCat1.................................... 1518
80.74 InclusionMorphism for cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1518
80.75 NormalSubCat1s............................... 1519
80.76 AllCat1s.................................... 1519
80.77 About derivations and sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1520
80.78 XModDerivationByImages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1523
80.79 IsDerivation.................................. 1523
80.80 DerivationImage ............................... 1523
80.81 DerivationImages............................... 1523
80.82 InnerDerivation................................ 1523
80.83 ListInnerDerivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1524
80.84 Operations for derivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1524
80.85 Cat1SectionByImages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1524
80.86 IsSection ................................... 1525
80.87 IsRegular for Crossed Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525
80.88 Operations for sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525
80.89 RegularDerivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1525
80.90 AllDerivations ................................ 1526
80.91 DerivationsSorted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1526
80.92 DerivationTable ............................... 1526
80.93 AreDerivations ................................ 1527
80.94 RegularSections ............................... 1527
80.95 AllSections .................................. 1527
80.96 AreSections.................................. 1528
80.97 SectionDerivation .............................. 1528
80.98 DerivationSection .............................. 1528
80.99 CompositeDerivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529
80.100 CompositeSection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529
80.101 WhiteheadGroupTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529
80.102 WhiteheadMonoidTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1529
80.103 InverseDerivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1530
80.104 ListInverseDerivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1530
80.105 SourceEndomorphismDerivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1530
80.106 TableSourceEndomorphismDerivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1530
80.107 RangeEndomorphismDerivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1531
80.108 TableRangeEndomorphismDerivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1531
80.109 XModEndomorphismDerivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1531
80.110 SourceEndomorphismSection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1532
80.111 RangeEndomorphismSection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1532
80.112 Cat1EndomorphismSection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1532
80.113 Aboutactors ................................. 1533
80.114 ActorSquareRecord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1534
80.115 WhiteheadPermGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535
80.116 Whitehead crossed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1535
80.117 AutomorphismPermGroup for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536
80.118 XModMorphismAutoPerm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536
80.119 ImageAutomorphismDerivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1536
80.120 Norrie crossed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537
80.121 Lue crossed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1537
80.122 Actor crossed module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1538
80.123 InnerMorphism for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1538
80.124 Centre for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1539
80.125 InnerActor for crossed modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1539
80.126 Actor for cat1-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1539
80.127 About induced constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1541
80.128 InducedXMod ................................ 1542
80.129 AllInducedXMods .............................. 1544
80.130 InducedCat1 ................................. 1544
80.131 Aboututilities ................................ 1545
80.132 InclusionMorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1546
80.133 ZeroMorphism ................................ 1547
80.134 EndomorphismClasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1547
80.135 EndomorphismImages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1548
80.136 IdempotentImages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1548
80.137 InnerAutomorphismGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1548
80.138 IsAutomorphismGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549
80.139 AutomorphismPair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549
80.140 IsAutomorphismPair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549
80.141 AutomorphismPermGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1549
80.142 FpPair..................................... 1550
80.143 IsFpPair.................................... 1551
80.144 SemidirectPair ................................ 1551
80.145 IsSemidirectPair ............................... 1551
80.146 PrintList ................................... 1551
80.147 DistinctRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1552
80.148 CommonRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1552
80.149 CommonTransversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1552
80.150 IsCommonTransversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1552
81 The CHEVIE Package Version 4 – a short introduction 1553
82 Reflections, and reflection groups 1557
82.1 Reection................................... 1558
82.2 AsReection ................................. 1559
82.3 CartanMat .................................. 1560
82.4 Rank ..................................... 1560
82.5 SemisimpleRank ............................... 1560
83 Coxeter groups 1563
83.1 CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1565
83.2 CoxeterGroupHyperoctaedralGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567
83.3 CoxeterMatrix ................................ 1567
83.4 CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567
83.5 CoxeterGroupByCartanMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1567
83.6 CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1568
83.7 Functions for general Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1568
83.8 IsLeftDescending............................... 1569
83.9 FirstLeftDescending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1569
83.10 LeftDescentSet ................................ 1569
83.11 RightDescentSet ............................... 1569
83.12 EltWord.................................... 1570
83.13 CoxeterWord ................................. 1570
83.14 CoxeterLength ................................ 1570
83.15 ReducedCoxeterWord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1571
83.16 BrieskornNormalForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1571
83.17 LongestCoxeterElement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1571
83.18 LongestCoxeterWord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1572
83.19 CoxeterElements............................... 1572
83.20 CoxeterWords ................................ 1572
83.21 Bruhat .................................... 1572
83.22 BruhatSmaller ................................ 1573
83.23 BruhatPoset ................................. 1573
83.24 ReducedInRightCoset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1573
83.25 ForEachElement ............................... 1574
83.26 ForEachCoxeterWord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1574
83.27 StandardParabolicClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1574
83.28 ParabolicRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575
83.29 ReducedExpressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1575
84 Finite Reflection Groups 1577
84.1 Functions for finite reflection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1578
84.2 PermRootGroup ............................... 1579
84.3 ReectionType................................ 1580
84.4 ReectionName................................ 1581
84.5 IsomorphismType .............................. 1581
84.6 ComplexReflectionGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1582
84.7 Reections .................................. 1582
84.8 MatXPerm .................................. 1582
84.9 PermMatX .................................. 1583
84.10 MatYPerm .................................. 1583
84.11 InvariantForm for finite reflection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1584
84.12 ReflectionEigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1584
84.13 ReectionLength............................... 1584
84.14 ReectionWord................................ 1584
84.15 HyperplaneOrbits .............................. 1585
84.16 BraidRelations ................................ 1586
84.17 PrintDiagram................................. 1586
84.18 ReflectionCharValue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1586
84.19 ReflectionCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1586
84.20 ReectionDegrees .............................. 1587
84.21 ReflectionCoDegrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1587
84.22 GenericOrder................................. 1587
84.23 TorusOrder.................................. 1587
84.24 ParabolicRepresentatives for reflection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1588
84.25 Invariants................................... 1588
84.26 Discriminant ................................. 1589
84.27 Catalan .................................... 1589
85 Root systems and finite Coxeter groups 1591
85.1 CartanMat for Dynkin types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1594
85.2 CoxeterGroup ................................ 1595
85.3 Operations and functions for finite Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 1596
85.4 HighestShortRoot .............................. 1598
85.5 BadPrimes .................................. 1598
85.6 PermMatY .................................. 1598
85.7 Inversions................................... 1599
85.8 ElementWithInversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1599
85.9 DescribeInvolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1599
85.10 ParabolicSubgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600
85.11 ExtendedReflectionGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600
86 Algebraic groups and semi-simple elements 1601
86.1 CoxeterGroup (extended form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1603
86.2 RootDatum.................................. 1604
86.3 DualforrootData.............................. 1604
86.4 Torus ..................................... 1604
86.5 FundamentalGroup for algebraic groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1605
86.6 IntermediateGroup.............................. 1605
86.7 SemisimpleElement.............................. 1606
86.8 Operations for semisimple elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1606
86.9 Centralizer for semisimple elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1607
86.10 SubTorus ................................... 1608
86.11 Operations for Subtori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1608
86.12 AlgebraicCentre ............................... 1609
86.13 SemisimpleSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1609
86.14 IsIsolated ................................... 1610
86.15 IsQuasiIsolated................................ 1610
86.16 QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1610
86.17 SemisimpleCentralizerRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1611
87 Classes and representations for reflection groups 1613
87.1 ChevieClassInfo ............................... 1619
87.2 WordsClassRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1620
87.3 CharNames for reflection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1621
87.4 CharParams for reflection groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1621
87.5 ChevieCharInfo................................ 1621
87.6 FakeDegrees ................................. 1623
87.7 FakeDegree .................................. 1624
87.8 LowestPowerFakeDegrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1624
87.9 HighestPowerFakeDegrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1624
87.10 Representations ............................... 1624
87.11 LowestPowerGenericDegrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1625
87.12 HighestPowerGenericDegrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1625
87.13 PositionDet.................................. 1625
87.14 DetPerm ................................... 1625
88 Reflection subgroups 1627
88.1 ReflectionSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1629
88.2 Functions for reflection subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1630
88.3 ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631
88.4 PermCosetsSubgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1631
88.5 StandardParabolic.............................. 1632
88.6 jInductionTable for Macdonald-Lusztig-Spaltenstein induction . . . . . 1632
88.7 JInductionTable ............................... 1633
89 Garside and braid monoids and groups 1635
89.1 Operations for (locally) Garside monoid elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1640
89.2 Records for( locally) Garside monoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1641
89.3 GarsideWords................................. 1643
89.4 Presentation ................................. 1643
89.5 ShrinkGarsideGeneratingSet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1644
89.6 locally Garside monoid and Garside group elements records . . . . . . . 1644
89.7 AsWord.................................... 1645
89.8 GarsideAlpha................................. 1645
89.9 LeftGcd.................................... 1645
89.10 LeftLcm.................................... 1645
89.11 ReversedWord ................................ 1646
89.12 RightGcd ................................... 1646
89.13 RightLcm................................... 1646
89.14 AsFraction .................................. 1646
89.15 LeftDivisorsSimple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647
89.16 EltBraid.................................... 1647
89.17 The Artin-Tits braid monoids and groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1647
89.18 Construction of braids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1648
89.19 Operations for braids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1648
89.20 GoodCoxeterWord.............................. 1649
89.21 BipartiteDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1649
89.22 DualBraidMonoid .............................. 1649
89.23 DualBraid................................... 1650
89.24 Operations for dual braids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1651
89.25 ConjugacySet................................. 1651
89.26 CentralizerGenerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1651
89.27 RepresentativeConjugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1652
90 Cyclotomic Hecke algebras 1655
90.1 Hecke ..................................... 1656
90.2 Operations for cyclotomic Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1657
90.3 SchurElements ................................ 1658
90.4 SchurElement................................. 1658
90.5 FactorizedSchurElements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1658
90.6 FactorizedSchurElement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1659
90.7 Functions and operations for FactorizedSchurElements . . . . . . . . . . 1659
90.8 LowestPowerGenericDegrees for cyclotomic Hecke algebras . . . . . . . 1660
90.9 HighestPowerGenericDegrees for cyclotomic Hecke algebras . . . . . . . 1660
90.10 HeckeCentralMonomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1661
90.11 Representations for cyclotomic Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1661
90.12 HeckeCharValues for cyclotomic Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1662
91 Iwahori-Hecke algebras 1663
91.1 Hecke for Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1665
91.2 Operations and functions for Iwahori-Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . 1666
91.3 RootParameter................................ 1666
91.4 HeckeSubAlgebra............................... 1667
91.5 Construction of Hecke elements of the Tbasis............... 1667
91.6 Operations for Hecke elements of the Tbasis ............... 1669
91.7 HeckeClassPolynomials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1671
91.8 HeckeCharValues............................... 1671
91.9 Specialization from one Hecke algebra to another . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1671
91.10 CreateHeckeBasis .............................. 1672
Parameterizedbases............................. 1674
92 Representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras 1677
92.1 HeckeReflectionRepresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1678
92.2 CheckHeckeDefiningRelations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1678
92.3 CharTable for Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1679
92.4 Representations for Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1680
92.5 PoincarePolynomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1681
92.6 SchurElements for Iwahori-Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1681
92.7 SchurElement for Iwahori-Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1682
92.8 GenericDegrees................................ 1682
92.9 LowestPowerGenericDegrees for Hecke algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1682
92.10 HeckeCharValuesGood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1683
93 Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and bases 1685
93.1 KazhdanLusztigPolynomial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1687
93.2 CriticalPair.................................. 1687
93.3 KazhdanLusztigCoefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1688
93.4 KazhdanLusztigMue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1688
93.5 LeftCells ................................... 1688
93.6 LeftCell.................................... 1689
93.7 Functions for LeftCells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1689
93.8 W-Graphs................................... 1690
93.9 WGraph.................................... 1691
93.10 WGraphToRepresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1691
93.11 Hecke elements of the Cbasis........................ 1692
93.12 Hecke elements of the primed Cbasis ................... 1693
93.13 Hecke elements of the Dbasis........................ 1693
93.14 Hecke elements of the primed Dbasis ................... 1694
93.15 Asymptotic algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1694
93.16 Lusztigaw................................... 1695
93.17 LusztigAw .................................. 1695
94 Parabolic modules for Iwahori-Hecke algebras 1697
94.1 Construction of Hecke module elements of the MT basis . . . . . . . . . 1697
94.2 Construction of Hecke module elements of the primed MC basis . . . . 1698
94.3 Operations for Hecke module elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699
94.4 CreateHeckeModuleBasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1699
95 Reflection cosets 1701
95.1 ReectionCoset................................ 1703
95.2 Spets ..................................... 1704
95.3 ReectionSubCoset.............................. 1704
95.4 SubSpets ................................... 1704
95.5 Functions for Reflection cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1704
95.6 ChevieCharInfo for reflection cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1706
95.7 ReflectionType for reflection cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1707
95.8 ReflectionDegrees for reflection cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1708
95.9 Twistings ................................... 1708
95.10 ChevieClassInfo for Reflection cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1709
95.11 CharTable for Reflection cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1709
96 Coxeter cosets 1711
96.1 CoxeterCoset................................. 1714
96.2 CoxeterSubCoset............................... 1715
96.3 Functions on Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1716
96.4 ReflectionType for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1718
96.5 ChevieClassInfo for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1718
96.6 CharTable for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1719
96.7 Frobenius................................... 1719
96.8 Twistings for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1720
96.9 RootDatum for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721
96.10 Torus for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1721
96.11 StructureRationalPointsConnectedCentre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1722
96.12 ClassTypes .................................. 1722
96.13 Quasi-Semisimple elements of non-connected reductive groups . . . . . . 1724
96.14 Centralizer for quasisemisimple elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725
96.15 QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725
96.16 IsIsolated for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1726
97 Hecke cosets 1727
97.1 Hecke for Coxeter cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1727
97.2 Operations and functions for Hecke cosets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1728
98 Unipotent characters of finite reductive groups and Spetses 1729
98.1 UnipotentCharacters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1732
98.2 Operations for UnipotentCharacters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1734
98.3 UnipotentCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736
98.4 Operations for Unipotent Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1736
98.5 UnipotentDegrees .............................. 1737
98.6 CycPolUnipotentDegrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1737
98.7 DeligneLusztigCharacter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1738
98.8 AlmostCharacter............................... 1738
98.9 LusztigInduction............................... 1738
98.10 LusztigRestriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1739
98.11 LusztigInductionTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1739
98.12 DeligneLusztigLefschetz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1740
98.13 Families of unipotent characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1741
98.14 Family..................................... 1742
98.15 Operations for families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1742
98.16 IsFamily.................................... 1743
98.17 OnFamily................................... 1743
98.18 FamiliesClassical............................... 1744
98.19 FamilyImprimitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1744
98.20 DrinfeldDouble................................ 1744
98.21 NrDrinfeldDouble .............................. 1746
98.22 FusionAlgebra ................................ 1747
99 Eigenspaces and d-Harish-Chandra series 1749
99.1 RelativeDegrees ............................... 1750
99.2 RegularEigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1750
99.3 PositionRegularClass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1751
99.4 EigenspaceProjector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1751
99.5 SplitLevis................................... 1751
100 Unipotent classes of reductive groups 1753
100.1 UnipotentClasses............................... 1757
100.2 ICCTable ................................... 1760
100.3 SpecialPieces ................................. 1761
100.4 InducedLinearForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1762
101 Unipotent elements of reductive groups 1763
101.1 UnipotentGroup ............................... 1765
101.2 Operations for Unipotent elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1767
101.3 IsUnipotentElement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1767
101.4 UnipotentDecompose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1767
101.5 UnipotentAbelianPart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1768
102 Affine Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1769
102.1 Ane ..................................... 1771
102.2 Operations and functions for Affine Weyl groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1771
102.3 AneRootAction............................... 1771
103 CHEVIE utility functions 1773
103.1 SymmetricDifference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1773
103.2 DierenceMultiSet.............................. 1773
103.3 Rotation ................................... 1773
103.4 Rotations................................... 1774
103.5 Inherit..................................... 1774
103.6 Dictionary .................................. 1774
103.7 GetRoot.................................... 1775
103.8 CharParams ................................. 1776
103.9 CharName .................................. 1776
103.10 PositionId................................... 1776
103.11 InductionTable................................ 1777
103.12 CharRepresentationWords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778
103.13 PointsAndRepresentativesOrbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778
103.14 AbelianGenerators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1779
104 CHEVIE String and Formatting functions 1781
104.1 Replace .................................... 1781
104.2 IntListToString................................ 1781
104.3 FormatTable ................................. 1782
104.4 Format .................................... 1783
105 CHEVIE Matrix utility functions 1785
105.1 EigenvaluesMat................................ 1785
105.2 DecomposedMat ............................... 1785
105.3 BlocksMat .................................. 1786
105.4 RepresentativeDiagonalConjugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1786
105.5 Transporter.................................. 1786
105.6 ProportionalityCoefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1787
105.7 ExteriorPower ................................ 1787
105.8 SymmetricPower............................... 1787
105.9 SchurFunctor................................. 1788
105.10 IsNormalizing................................. 1788
105.11 IndependentLines............................... 1788
105.12 OnMatrices.................................. 1788
105.13 PermutedByCols............................... 1789
105.14 PermMatMat................................. 1789
105.15 RepresentativeRowColPermutation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789
105.16 BigCellDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789
106 Cyclotomic polynomials 1791
106.1 AsRootOfUnity................................ 1791
106.2 CycPol .................................... 1792
106.3 IsCycPol ................................... 1792
106.4 Functions for CycPols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1792
107 Partitions and symbols 1797
107.1 Compositions................................. 1798
107.2 PartBeta ................................... 1798
107.3 ShiftBeta ................................... 1798
107.4 PartitionTupleToString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1798
107.5 Tableaux ................................... 1799
107.6 DefectSymbol................................. 1799
107.7 RankSymbol ................................. 1799
107.8 Symbols.................................... 1799
107.9 SymbolsDefect ................................ 1800
107.10 CycPolGenericDegreeSymbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800
107.11 CycPolFakeDegreeSymbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1801
107.12 LowestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1801
107.13 HighestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1801
108 Signed permutations 1803
108.1 SignPermuted................................. 1803
108.2 SignedPermutationMat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1803
108.3 SignedPerm.................................. 1804
108.4 CyclesSignedPerm .............................. 1804
108.5 SignedPermListList . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1805
109 CHEVIE utility functions – Decimal and complex numbers 1807
109.1 Complex ................................... 1807
109.2 Operations for complex numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1808
109.3 ComplexConjugate.............................. 1808
109.4 IsComplex .................................. 1808
109.5 evalf...................................... 1809
109.6 Rational.................................... 1809
109.7 SetDecimalPrecision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1810
109.8 Operations for decimal numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1810
109.9 Pi ....................................... 1810
109.10 Exp ...................................... 1811
109.11 IsDecimal................................... 1811
110 Posets and relations 1813
110.1 TransitiveClosure of incidence matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813
110.2 LcmPartitions ................................ 1814
110.3 GcdPartitions................................. 1814
110.4 Poset ..................................... 1814
110.5 Hasse ..................................... 1815
110.6 Incidence ................................... 1815
110.7 LinearExtension ............................... 1815
110.8 Functions for Posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816
110.9 Partition for posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816
110.10 Restricted for Posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816
110.11 Reversed for Posets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1816
110.12 IsJoinLattice ................................. 1817
110.13 IsMeetLattice................................. 1817
111 The VKCURVE package 1819
111.1 FundamentalGroup.............................. 1822
111.2 PrepareFundamentalGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1823
112 Multivariate polynomials and rational fractions 1825
112.1 Mvp...................................... 1825
112.2 Operations for Mvp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1826
112.3 IsMvp..................................... 1830
112.4 ScalMvp.................................... 1830
112.5 VariablesforMvp .............................. 1831
112.6 LaurentDenominator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831
112.7 OnPolynomials................................ 1831
112.8 FactorizeQuadraticForm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1831
112.9 MvpGcd.................................... 1832
112.10 MvpLcm ................................... 1832
112.11 RatFrac.................................... 1832
112.12 Operations for RatFrac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1832
112.13 IsRatFrac................................... 1833
113 The VKCURVE functions 1835
113.1 Discy ..................................... 1835
113.2 ResultantMat................................. 1835
113.3 NewtonRoot ................................. 1836
113.4 SeparateRootsInitialGuess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1836
113.5 SeparateRoots ................................ 1836
113.6 LoopsAroundPunctures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1837
113.7 FollowMonodromy .............................. 1837
113.8 ApproxFollowMonodromy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1838
113.9 LBraidToWord ................................ 1840
113.10 BnActsOnFn ................................. 1840
113.11 VKQuotient.................................. 1841
113.12 Display for presentations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1841
113.13 ShrinkPresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1842
114 Some VKCURVE utility functions 1845
114.1 BigNorm ................................... 1845
114.2 DecimalLog.................................. 1845
114.3 ComplexRational............................... 1845
114.4 Dispersal ................................... 1846
114.5 ConjugatePresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1846
114.6 TryConjugatePresentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1846
114.7 FindRoots................................... 1848
114.8 Cut ...................................... 1848
115 Algebra package — finite dimensional algebras 1851
115.1 Digits ..................................... 1851
115.2 ByDigits ................................... 1851
115.3 SignedCompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1852
115.4 SignedPartitions ............................... 1852
115.5 PiPart..................................... 1852
115.6 CyclotomicModP............................... 1852
115.7 PiComponent................................. 1853
115.8 PiSections................................... 1853
115.9 PiPrimeSections ............................... 1853
115.10 PRank..................................... 1854
115.11 PBlocks.................................... 1854
115.12 Finite-dimensional algebras over fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1854
115.13 Elements of finite dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1855
115.14 Operations for elements of finite dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . 1855
115.15 IsAlgebraElement for finite dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1856
115.16 IsAbelian for finite dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1856
115.17 IsAssociative for finite dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1856
115.18 AlgebraHomomorphismByLinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1856
115.19 SubAlgebra for finite-dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1857
115.20 CentralizerAlgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1857
115.21 Center for algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1857
115.22 Ideals ..................................... 1858
115.23 QuotientAlgebra ............................... 1858
115.24 Radical for algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1858
115.25 RadicalPower................................. 1858
115.26 LoewyLength................................. 1859
115.27 CharTable for algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1859
115.28 CharacterDecomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1860
115.29 Idempotents for finite dimensional algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1860
115.30 LeftIndecomposableProjectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861
115.31 CartanMatrix................................. 1861
115.32 PolynomialQuotientAlgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1861
Groupalgebras ..................................... 1862
115.33 GroupAlgebra ................................ 1862
115.34 Augmentation ................................ 1862
GrothendieckRings .................................. 1862
115.35 GrothendieckRing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1863
115.36 Degree for elements of Grothendieck rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1863
115.37 Solomonalgebras............................... 1863
115.38 SolomonAlgebra ............................... 1864
115.39 Generalized Solomon algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1865
115.40 GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1865
115.41 SolomonHomomorphism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1866
115.42 ZeroHeckeAlgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1866
115.43 Performance ................................. 1866
Chapter 1
About GAP
This chapter introduces you to the GAP3 system. It describes how to start GAP3 (you may
have to ask your system administrator to install it correctly) and how to leave it. Then a
step by step introduction should give you an impression of how the GAP3 system works.
Further sections will give an overview about the features of GAP3. After reading this chapter
the reader should know what kind of problems can be handled with GAP3 and how they
can be handled.
There is some repetition in this chapter and much of the material is repeated in later
chapters in a more compact and precise way. Yes, there are even some little inaccuracies
in this chapter simplifying things for better understanding. It should be used as a tutorial
introduction while later chapters form the reference manual.
GAP3 is an interactive system. It continuously executes a read–evaluate–print cycle. Each
expression you type at the keyboard is read by GAP3, evaluated, and then the result is
The interactive nature of GAP3 allows you to type an expression at the keyboard and see
its value immediately. You can define a function and apply it to arguments to see how
it works. You may even write whole programs containing lots of functions and test them
without leaving the program.
When your program is large it will be more convenient to write it on a file and then read that
file into GAP3. Preparing your functions in a file has several advantages. You can compose
your functions more carefully in a file (with your favorite text editor), you can correct errors
without retyping the whole function and you can keep a copy for later use. Moreover you
can write lots of comments into the program text, which are ignored by GAP3, but are very
useful for human readers of your program text.
GAP3 treats input from a file in the same way that it treats input from the keyboard.
The printed examples in this first chapter encourage you to try running GAP3 on your
computer. This will support your feeling for GAP3 as a tool, which is the leading aim of
this chapter. Do not believe any statement in this chapter so long as you cannot verify it
for your own version of GAP3. You will learn to distinguish between small deviations of the
behavior of your personal GAP3 from the printed examples and serious nonsense.
Since the printing routines of GAP3 are in some sense machine dependent you will for
instance encounter a different layout of the printed objects in different environments. But
the contents should always be the same.
In case you encounter serious nonsense it is highly recommended that you send a bug report
If you read this introduction on-line you should now enter ?> to read the next section.
1.1 About Conventions
Throughout this manual both the input given to GAP3 and the output that GAP3 returns
are printed in typewriter font just as if they were typed at the keyboard.
An italic font is used for keys that have no printed representation, such as e.g. the newline
key and the ctl key. This font is also used for the formal parameters of functions that are
described in later chapters.
A combination like ctl-Pmeans pressing both keys, that is holding the control key ctl and
pressing the key Pwhile ctl is still pressed.
New terms are introduced in bold face.
In most places whitespace characters (i.e. spaces, tabs and newlines) are insignificant
for the meaning of GAP3 input. Identifiers and keywords must however not contain any
whitespace. On the other hand, sometimes there must be whitespace around identifiers and
keywords to separate them from each other and from numbers. We will use whitespace to
format more complicated commands for better readability.
Acomment in GAP3 starts with the symbol #and continues to the end of the line. Com-
ments are treated like whitespace by GAP3.
Besides of such comments which are part of the input of a GAP3 session, we use additional
comments which are part of the manual description, but not of the respective GAP3 session.
In the printed version of this manual these comments will be printed in a normal font for
better readability, hence they start with the symbol #.
The examples of GAP3 sessions given in any particular chapter of this manual have been
run in one continuous session, starting with the two commands
SizeScreen( [ 72, ] );
LogTo( "erg.log" );
which are used to set the line length to 72 and to save a listing of the session on some file.
If you choose any chapter and rerun its examples in the given order, you should be able to
reproduce our results except of a few lines of output which we have edited a little bit with
respect to blanks or line breaks in order to improve the readability. However, as soon as
random processes are involved, you may get different results if you extract single examples
and run them separately.
1.2 About Starting and Leaving GAP
If the program is correctly installed then you start GAP3 by simply typing gap at the prompt
of your operating system followed by the return or the newline key.
$ gap
GAP3 answers your request with its beautiful banner (which you can surpress with the
command line option -b) and then it shows its own prompt gap> asking you for further
The usual way to end a GAP3 session is to type quit; at the gap> prompt. Do not omit
the semicolon!
gap> quit;
On some systems you may as well type ctl-Dto yield the same effect. In any situation GAP3
is ended by typing ctl-Ctwice within a second.
1.3 About First Steps
A simple calculation with GAP3 is as easy as one can imagine. You type the problem just
after the prompt, terminate it with a semicolon and then pass the problem to the program
with the return key. For example, to multiply the difference between 9 and 7 by the sum of
5 and 6, that is to calculate (9 7) (5 + 6), you type exactly this last sequence of symbols
followed by ;and return.
gap> (9 - 7) * (5 + 6);
Then GAP3 echoes the result 22 on the next line and shows with the prompt that it is ready
for the next problem.
If you did omit the semicolon at the end of the line but have already typed return, then
GAP3 has read everything you typed, but does not know that the command is complete.
The program is waiting for further input and indicates this with a partial prompt >. This
little problem is solved by simply typing the missing semicolon on the next line of input.
Then the result is printed and the normal prompt returns.
gap> (9 - 7) * (5 + 6)
> ;
Whenever you see this partial prompt and you cannot decide what GAP3 is still waiting for,
then you have to type semicolons until the normal prompt returns.
In every situation this is the exact meaning of the prompt gap> : the program is waiting
for a new problem. In the following examples we will omit this prompt on the line after the
result. Considering each example as a continuation of its predecessor this prompt occurs in
the next example.
In this section you have seen how simple arithmetic problems can be solved by GAP3 by
simply typing them in. You have seen that it doesn’t matter whether you complete your
input on one line. GAP3 reads your input line by line and starts evaluating if it has seen
the terminating semicolon and return.
It is, however, also possible (and might be advisable for large amounts of input data) to
write your input first into a file, and then read this into GAP3; see 3.23 and 3.12 for this.
Also in GAP3, there is the possibility to edit the input data, see 3.4.
1.4 About Help
The contents of the GAP3 manual is also available as on-line help, see 3.5–3.11. If you need
information about a section of the manual, just enter a question mark followed by the header
of the section. E.g., entering ?About Help will print the section you are reading now.
??topic will print all entries in GAP3’s index that contain the substring topic.
1.5 About Syntax Errors
Even if you mistyped the command you do not have to type it all again as GAP3 permits a lot
of command line editing. Maybe you mistyped or forgot the last closing parenthesis. Then
your command is syntactically incorrect and GAP3 will notice it, incapable of computing
the desired result.
gap> (9 - 7) * (5 + 6;
Syntax error: ) expected
Instead of the result an error message occurs indicating the place where an unexpected
symbol occurred with an arrow sign ^under it. As a computer program cannot know what
your intentions really were, this is only a hint. But in this case GAP3 is right by claiming
that there should be a closing parenthesis before the semicolon. Now you can type ctl-P
to recover the last line of input. It will be written after the prompt with the cursor in the
first position. Type ctl-Eto take the cursor to the end of the line, then ctl-Bto move the
cursor one character back. The cursor is now on the position of the semicolon. Enter the
missing parenthesis by simply typing ). Now the line is correct and may be passed to GAP3
by hitting the newline key. Note that for this action it is not necessary to move the cursor
past the last character of the input line.
Each line of commands you type is sent to GAP3 for evaluation by pressing newline regardless
of the position of the cursor in that line. We will no longer mention the newline key from
now on.
Sometimes a syntax error will cause GAP3 to enter a break loop. This is indicated by the
special prompt brk>. You can leave the break loop by either typing return; or by hitting
ctl-D. Then GAP3 will return to its normal state and show its normal prompt again.
In this section you learned that mistyped input will not lead to big confusion. If GAP3
detects a syntax error it will print an error message and return to its normal state. The
command line editing allows you in a comfortable way to manipulate earlier input lines.
For the definition of the GAP3 syntax see chapter 2. A complete list of command line editing
facilities is found in 3.4. The break loop is described in 3.2.
1.6 About Constants and Operators
In an expression like (9 - 7) * (5 + 6) the constants 5, 6, 7, and 9 are being composed
by the operators +,*and -to result in a new value.
There are three kinds of operators in GAP3, arithmetical operators, comparison operators,
and logical operators. You have already seen that it is possible to form the sum, the
difference, and the product of two integer values. There are some more operators applicable
to integers in GAP3. Of course integers may be divided by each other, possibly resulting in
noninteger rational values.
gap> 12345/25;
Note that the numerator and denominator are divided by their greatest common divisor
and that the result is uniquely represented as a division instruction.
We haven’t met negative numbers yet. So consider the following self–explanatory examples.
gap> -3; 17 - 23;
The exponentiation operator is written as ^. This operation in particular might lead to very
large numbers. This is no problem for GAP3 as it can handle numbers of (almost) arbitrary
gap> 3^132;
The mod operator allows you to compute one value modulo another.
gap> 17 mod 3;
Note that there must be whitespace around the keyword mod in this example since 17mod3
or 17mod would be interpreted as identifiers.
GAP3 knows a precedence between operators that may be overridden by parentheses.
gap>(9-7)*5=9-7 *5;
Besides these arithmetical operators there are comparison operators in GAP3. A comparison
results in a boolean value which is another kind of constant. Every two objects within
GAP3 are comparable via =,<>,<,<=,>and >=, that is the tests for equality, inequality,
less than, less than or equal, greater than and greater than or equal. There is an ordering
defined on the set of all GAP3 objects that respects orders on subsets that one might expect.
For example the integers are ordered in the usual way.
gap> 10^5 < 10^4;
The boolean values true and false can be manipulated via logical operators, i. e., the
unary operator not and the binary operators and and or. Of course boolean values can be
compared, too.
gap> not true; true and false; true or false;
gap> 10 > 0 and 10 < 100;
Another important type of constants in GAP3 are permutations. They are written in cycle
notation and they can be multiplied.
gap> (1,2,3);
gap> (1,2,3) * (1,2);
The inverse of the permutation (1,2,3) is denoted by (1,2,3)^-1. Moreover the caret
operator ^is used to determine the image of a point under a permutation and to conjugate
one permutation by another.
gap> (1,2,3)^-1;
gap> 2^(1,2,3);
gap> (1,2,3)^(1,2);
The last type of constants we want to introduce here are the characters, which are simply
objects in GAP3 that represent arbitrary characters from the character set of the operating
system. Character literals can be entered in GAP3 by enclosing the character in single-
quotes .
gap> ’a’;
gap> ’*’;
There are no operators defined for characters except that characters can be compared.
In this section you have seen that values may be preceded by unary operators and combined
by binary operators placed between the operands. There are rules for precedence which
may be overridden by parentheses. It is possible to compare any two objects. A comparison
results in a boolean value. Boolean values are combined via logical operators. Moreover you
have seen that GAP3 handles numbers of arbitrary size. Numbers and boolean values are
constants. There are other types of constants in GAP3 like permutations. You are now in a
position to use GAP3 as a simple desktop calculator.
Operators are explained in more detail in 2.9 and 2.10. Moreover there are sections about
operators and comparisons for special types of objects in almost every chapter of this manual.
You will find more information about boolean values in chapters 45 and 29. Permutations
are described in chapter 20 and characters are described in chapter 30.
1.7 About Variables and Assignments
Values may be assigned to variables. A variable enables you to refer to an object via a name.
The name of a variable is called an identifier. The assignment operator is :=. There must
be no white space between the :and the =. Do not confuse the assignment operator :=
with the single equality sign =which is in GAP3 only used for the test of equality.
gap> a:= (9 - 7) * (5 + 6);
gap> a;
gap> a * (a + 1);
gap> a:= 10;
gap> a * (a + 1);
After an assignment the assigned value is echoed on the next line. The printing of the value
of a statement may be in every case prevented by typing a double semicolon.
gap> w:= 2;;
After the assignment the variable evaluates to that value if evaluated. Thus it is possible to
refer to that value by the name of the variable in any situation.
This is in fact the whole secret of an assignment. An identifier is bound to a value and
from this moment points to that value. Nothing more. This binding is changed by the next
assignment to that identifier. An identifier does not denote a block of memory as in some
other programming languages. It simply points to a value, which has been given its place
in memory by the GAP3 storage manager. This place may change during a GAP3 session,
but that doesn’t bother the identifier.
The identifier points to the value, not to a place in the memory.
For the same reason it is not the identifier that has a type but the object. This means on
the other hand that the identifier awhich now is bound to an integer value may in the same
session point to any other value regardless of its type.
Identifiers may be sequences of letters and digits containing at least one letter. For example
abc and a0bc1 are valid identifiers. But also 123a is a valid identifier as it cannot be
confused with any number. Just 1234 indicates the number 1234 and cannot be at the same
time the name of a variable.
Since GAP3 distinguishes upper and lower case, a1 and A1 are different identifiers. Keywords
such as quit must not be used as identifiers. You will see more keywords in the following
In the remaining part of this manual we will ignore the difference between variables, their
names (identifiers), and the values they point at. It may be useful to think from time to
time about what is really meant by terms such as the integer w.
There are some predefined variables coming with GAP3. Many of them you will find in the
remaining chapters of this manual, since functions are also referred to via identifiers.
This seems to be the right place to state the following rule.
The name of every function in the GAP3 library starts with a capital letter.
Thus if you choose only names starting with a small letter for your own variables you will
not overwrite any predefined function.
But there are some further interesting variables one of which shall be introduced now.
Whenever GAP3 returns a value by printing it on the next line this value is assigned to the
variable last. So if you computed
gap> (9 - 7) * (5 + 6);
and forgot to assign the value to the variable afor further use, you can still do it by the
following assignment.
gap> a:= last;
Moreover there are variables last2 and last3, guess their values.
In this section you have seen how to assign values to variables. These values can later
be accessed through the name of the variable, its identifier. You have also encountered the
useful concept of the last variables storing the latest returned values. And you have learned
that a double semicolon prevents the result of a statement from being printed.
Variables and assignments are described in more detail in 2.7 and 2.12. A complete list of
keywords is contained in 2.4.
1.8 About Functions
A program written in the GAP3 language is called a function. Functions are special GAP3
objects. Most of them behave like mathematical functions. They are applied to objects and
will return a new object depending on the input. The function Factorial, for example, can
be applied to an integer and will return the factorial of this integer.
gap> Factorial(17);
Applying a function to arguments means to write the arguments in parentheses following
the function. Several arguments are separated by commas, as for the function Gcd which
computes the greatest common divisor of two integers.
gap> Gcd(1234, 5678);
There are other functions that do not return a value but only produce a side effect. They
change for example one of their arguments. These functions are sometimes called procedures.
The function Print is only called for the side effect to print something on the screen.
gap> Print(1234, "\n");
In order to be able to compose arbitrary text with Print, this function itself will not produce
a line break after printing. Thus we had another newline character "\n" printed to start a
new line.
Some functions will both change an argument and return a value such as the function Sortex
that sorts a list and returns the permutation of the list elements that it has performed.
You will not understand right now what it means to change an object. We will return to
this subject several times in the next sections.
A comfortable way to define a function is given by the maps–to operator -> consisting of a
minus sign and a greater sign with no whitespace between them. The function cubed which
maps a number to its cube is defined on the following line.
gap> cubed:= x -> x^3;
function ( x ) ... end
After the function has been defined, it can now be applied.
gap> cubed(5);
Not every GAP3 function can be defined in this way. You will see how to write your own
GAP3 functions in a later section.
In this section you have seen GAP3 objects of type function. You have learned how to apply
a function to arguments. This yields as result a new object or a side effect. A side effect
may change an argument of the function. Moreover you have seen an easy way to define a
function in GAP3 with the maps-to operator.
Function calls are described in 2.8 and in 2.13. The functions of the GAP3 library are
described in detail in the remaining chapters of this manual, the Reference Manual.
1.9 About Lists
Alist is a collection of objects separated by commas and enclosed in brackets. Let us for
example construct the list primes of the first 10 prime numbers.
gap> primes:= [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29];
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 ]
The next two primes are 31 and 37. They may be appended to the existing list by the func-
tion Append which takes the existing list as its first and another list as a second argument.
The second argument is appended to the list primes and no value is returned. Note that
by appending another list the object primes is changed.
gap> Append(primes, [31, 37]);
gap> primes;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 ]
You can as well add single new elements to existing lists by the function Add which takes
the existing list as its first argument and a new element as its second argument. The new
element is added to the list primes and again no value is returned but the list primes is
gap> Add(primes, 41);
gap> primes;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41 ]
Single elements of a list are referred to by their position in the list. To get the value of the
seventh prime, that is the seventh entry in our list primes, you simply type
gap> primes[7];
and you will get the value of the seventh prime. This value can be handled like any other
value, for example multiplied by 2 or assigned to a variable. On the other hand this mech-
anism allows to assign a value to a position in a list. So the next prime 43 may be inserted
in the list directly after the last occupied position of primes. This last occupied position is
returned by the function Length.
gap> Length(primes);
gap> primes[14]:= 43;
gap> primes;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 ]
Note that this operation again has changed the object primes. Not only the next position
of a list is capable of taking a new value. If you know that 71 is the 20th prime, you can as
well enter it right now in the 20th position of primes. This will result in a list with holes
which is however still a list and has length 20 now.
gap> primes[20]:= 71;
gap> primes;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,,,,,, 71 ]
gap> Length(primes);
The list itself however must exist before a value can be assigned to a position of the list.
This list may be the empty list [ ].
gap> lll[1]:= 2;
Error, Variable: ’lll’ must have a value
gap> lll:= [];
[ ]
gap> lll[1]:= 2;
Of course existing entries of a list can be changed by this mechanism, too. We will not do
it here because primes then may no longer be a list of primes. Try for yourself to change
the 17 in the list into a 9.
To get the position of 17 in the list primes use the function Position which takes the list
as its first argument and the element as its second argument and returns the position of
the first occurrence of the element 17 in the list primes.Position will return false if the
element is not contained in the list.
gap> Position(primes, 17);
gap> Position(primes, 20);
In all of the above changes to the list primes, the list has been automatically resized. There
is no need for you to tell GAP3 how big you want a list to be. This is all done dynamically.
It is not necessary for the objects collected in a list to be of the same type.
gap> lll:= [true, "This is a String",,, 3];
[ true, "This is a String",,, 3 ]
In the same way a list may be part of another list. A list may even be part of itself.
gap> lll[3]:= [4,5,6];; lll;
[ true, "This is a String", [ 4, 5, 6 ],, 3 ]
gap> lll[4]:= lll;
[ true, "This is a String", [ 4, 5, 6 ], ~, 3 ]
Now the tilde ~in the fourth position of lll denotes the object that is currently printed.
Note that the result of the last operation is the actual value of the object lll on the right
hand side of the assignment. But in fact it is identical to the value of the whole list lll on
the left hand side of the assignment.
Astring is a very special type of list, which is printed in a different way. A string is simply
a dense list of characters. Strings are used mainly in filenames and error messages. A string
literal can either be entered simply as the list of characters or by writing the characters
between doublequotes ". GAP will always output strings in the latter format.
gap> s1 := [’H’,’a’,’l’,’l’,’o’,’ ’,’w’,’o’,’r’,’l’,’d’,’.’];
"Hallo world."
gap> s2 := "Hallo world.";
"Hallo world."
gap> s1 := [’H’,’a’,’l’,’l’,’o’,’ ’,’w’,’o’,’r’,’l’,’d’,’.’];
"Hallo world."
gap> s1 = s2;
gap> s2[7];
Sublists of lists can easily be extracted and assigned using the operator { }.
gap> sl := lll{ [ 1, 2, 3 ] };
[ true, "This is a String", [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]
gap> sl{ [ 2, 3 ] } := [ "New String", false ];
[ "New String", false ]
gap> sl;
[ true, "New String", false ]
This way you get a new list that contains at position ithat element whose position is the
ith entry of the argument of { }.
In this long section you have encountered the fundamental concept of a list. You have
seen how to construct lists, how to extend them and how to refer to single elements of a
list. Moreover you have seen that lists may contain elements of different types, even holes
(unbound entries). But this is still not all we have to tell you about lists.
You will find a discussion about identity and equality of lists in the next section. Moreover
you will see special kinds of lists like sets (in 1.11), vectors and matrices (in 1.12) and ranges
(in 1.14). Strings are described in chapter 30.
1.10 About Identical Lists
This second section about lists is dedicated to the subtle difference between equality and
identity of lists. It is really important to understand this difference in order to understand
how complex data structures are realized in GAP3. This section applies to all GAP3 objects
that have subobjects, i. e., to lists and to records. After reading the section about records
(1.13) you should return to this section and translate it into the record context.
Two lists are equal if all their entries are equal. This means that the equality operator =
returns true for the comparison of two lists if and only if these two lists are of the same
length and for each position the values in the respective lists are equal.
gap> numbers:= primes;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,,,,,, 71 ]
gap> numbers = primes;
We assigned the list primes to the variable numbers and, of course they are equal as they
have both the same length and the same entries. Now we will change the third number to
4 and compare the result again with primes.
gap> numbers[3]:= 4;
gap> numbers = primes;
You see that numbers and primes are still equal, check this by printing the value of primes.
The list primes is no longer a list of primes! What has happened? The truth is that the lists
primes and numbers are not only equal but they are identical. primes and numbers are two
variables pointing to the same list. If you change the value of the subobject numbers[3] of
numbers this will also change primes. Variables do not point to a certain block of storage
memory but they do point to an object that occupies storage memory. So the assignment
numbers:= primes did not create a new list in a different place of memory but only created
the new name numbers for the same old list of primes.
The same object can have several names.
If you want to change a list with the contents of primes independently from primes you will
have to make a copy of primes by the function Copy which takes an object as its argument
and returns a copy of the argument. (We will first restore the old value of primes.)
gap> primes[3]:= 5;
gap> primes;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,,,,,, 71 ]
gap> numbers:= Copy(primes);
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43,,,,,, 71 ]
gap> numbers = primes;
gap> numbers[3]:= 4;
gap> numbers = primes;
Now numbers is no longer equal to primes and primes still is a list of primes. Check this
by printing the values of numbers and primes.
The only objects that can be changed this way are records and lists, because only GAP3
objects of these types have subobjects. To clarify this statement consider the following
gap> i:= 1;; j:= i;; i:= i+1;;
By adding 1 to ithe value of ihas changed. What happens to j? After the second
statement jpoints to the same object as i, namely to the integer 1. The addition does
not change the object 1but creates a new object according to the instruction i+1. It is
actually the assignment that changes the value of i. Therefore jstill points to the object
1. Integers (like permutations and booleans) have no subobjects. Objects of these types
cannot be changed but can only be replaced by other objects. And a replacement does not
change the values of other variables. In the above example an assignment of a new value to
the variable numbers would also not change the value of primes.
1.11. ABOUT SETS 87
Finally try the following examples and explain the results.
gap> l:= [];
[ ]
gap> l:= [l];
[ [ ] ]
gap> l[1]:= l;
Now return to the preceding section 1.9 and find out whether the functions Add and Append
change their arguments.
In this section you have seen the difference between equal lists and identical lists. Lists are
objects that have subobjects and therefore can be changed. Changing an object will change
the values of all variables that point to that object. Be careful, since one object can have
several names. The function Copy creates a copy of a list which is then a new object.
You will find more about lists in chapter 27, and more about identical lists in 27.9.
1.11 About Sets
GAP3 knows several special kinds of lists. A set in GAP3 is a special kind of list. A set
contains no holes and its elements are sorted according to the GAP3 ordering of all its
objects. Moreover a set contains no object twice.
The function IsSet tests whether an object is a set. It returns a boolean value. For any list
there exists a corresponding set. This set is constructed by the function Set which takes the
list as its argument and returns a set obtained from this list by ignoring holes and duplicates
and by sorting the elements.
The elements of the sets used in the examples of this section are strings.
gap> fruits:= ["apple", "strawberry", "cherry", "plum"];
[ "apple", "strawberry", "cherry", "plum" ]
gap> IsSet(fruits);
gap> fruits:= Set(fruits);
[ "apple", "cherry", "plum", "strawberry" ]
Note that the original list fruits is not changed by the function Set. We have to make a
new assignment to the variable fruits in order to make it a set.
The in operator is used to test whether an object is an element of a set. It returns a boolean
value true or false.
gap> "apple" in fruits;
gap> "banana" in fruits;
The in operator may as well be applied to ordinary lists. It is however much faster to
perform a membership test for sets since sets are always sorted and a binary search can be
used instead of a linear search.
New elements may be added to a set by the function AddSet which takes the set fruits as
its first argument and an element as its second argument and adds the element to the set if
it wasn’t already there. Note that the object fruits is changed.
gap> AddSet(fruits, "banana");
gap> fruits; # The banana is inserted in the right place.
[ "apple", "banana", "cherry", "plum", "strawberry" ]
gap> AddSet(fruits, "apple");
gap> fruits; #fruits has not changed.
[ "apple", "banana", "cherry", "plum", "strawberry" ]
Sets can be intersected by the function Intersection and united by the function Union
which both take two sets as their arguments and return the intersection (union) of the two
sets as a new object.
gap> breakfast:= ["tea", "apple", "egg"];
[ "tea", "apple", "egg" ]
gap> Intersection(breakfast, fruits);
[ "apple" ]
It is however not necessary for the objects collected in a set to be of the same type. You
may as well have additional integers and boolean values for breakfast.
The arguments of the functions Intersection and Union may as well be ordinary lists,
while their result is always a set. Note that in the preceding example at least one argument
of Intersection was not a set.
The functions IntersectSet and UniteSet also form the intersection resp. union of two
sets. They will however not return the result but change their first argument to be the
result. Try them carefully.
In this section you have seen that sets are a special kind of list. There are functions to
expand sets, intersect or unite sets, and there is the membership test with the in operator.
A more detailed description of strings is contained in chapter 30. Sets are described in more
detail in chapter 28.
1.12 About Vectors and Matrices
Avector is a list of elements from a common field. A matrix is a list of vectors of equal
length. Vectors and matrices are special kinds of lists without holes.
gap> v:= [3, 6, 2, 5/2];
[ 3, 6, 2, 5/2 ]
gap> IsVector(v);
Vectors may be multiplied by scalars from their field. Multiplication of vectors of equal
length results in their scalar product.
gap> 2 * v;
[ 6, 12, 4, 5 ]
gap> v * 1/3;
[ 1, 2, 2/3, 5/6 ]
gap> v * v;
221/4 # the scalar product of vwith itself
Note that the expression v * 1/3 is actually evaluated by first multiplying vby 1 (which
yields again v) and by then dividing by 3. This is also an allowed scalar operation. The
expression v/3 would result in the same value.
A matrix is a list of vectors of equal length.
gap> m:= [[1, -1, 1],
> [2, 0, -1],
> [1, 1, 1]];
gap> m[2][1];
Syntactically a matrix is a list of lists. So the number 2 in the second row and the first
column of the matrix mis referred to as the first element of the second element of the list m
via m[2][1].
A matrix may be multiplied by scalars, vectors and other matrices. The vectors and matrices
involved in such a multiplication must however have suitable dimensions.
gap> m:= [[1, 2, 3, 4],
> [5, 6, 7, 8],
> [9,10,11,12]];
gap> PrintArray(m);
[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 5, 6, 7, 8 ],
[ 9, 10, 11, 12 ] ]
gap> [1, 0, 0, 0] * m;
Error, Vector *: vectors must have the same length
gap> [1, 0, 0] * m;
gap> m * [1, 0, 0];
Error, Vector *: vectors must have the same length
gap> m * [1, 0, 0, 0];
gap> m * [0, 1, 0, 0];
[ 2, 6, 10 ]
Note that multiplication of a vector with a matrix will result in a linear combination of
the rows of the matrix, while multiplication of a matrix with a vector results in a linear
combination of the columns of the matrix. In the latter case the vector is considered as a
column vector.
Submatrices can easily be extracted and assigned using the { }{ } operator.
gap> sm{ [ 1, 2 ] }{ [2] } := [[1],[-1]];
gap> sm;
The first curly brackets contain the selection of rows, the second that of columns.
In this section you have met vectors and matrices as special lists. You have seen how to
refer to elements of a matrix and how to multiply scalars, vectors, and matrices.
Fields are described in chapter 6. The known fields in GAP3 are described in chapters 12,
13, 14, 15 and 18. Vectors and matrices are described in more detail in chapters 32 and 34.
Vector spaces are described in chapter 9 and further matrix related structures are described
in chapters 36 and 37.
1.13 About Records
A record provides another way to build new data structures. Like a list a record is a
collection of other objects. In a record the elements are not indexed by numbers but by
names (i.e., identifiers). An entry in a record is called a record component (or sometimes
also record field).
gap> date:= rec(year:= 1992,
> month:= "Jan",
> day:= 13);
year := 1992,
month := "Jan",
day := 13 )
Initially a record is defined as a comma separated list of assignments to its record com-
ponents. Then the value of a record component is accessible by the record name and the
record component name separated by one dot as the record component selector.
gap> date.year;
gap> date.time:= rec(hour:= 19, minute:= 23, second:= 12);
hour := 19,
minute := 23,
second := 12 )
gap> date;
year := 1992,
month := "Jan",
day := 13,
time := rec(
hour := 19,
minute := 23,
second := 12 ) )
Assignments to new record components are possible in the same way. The record is auto-
matically resized to hold the new component.
Most of the complex structures that are handled by GAP3 are represented as records, for
instance groups and character tables.
Records are objects that may be changed. An assignment to a record component changes
the original object. There are many functions in the library that will do such assignments to
a record component of one of their arguments. The function Size for example, will compute
the size of its argument which may be a group for instance, and then store the value in the
record component size. The next call of Size for this object will use this stored value
rather than compute it again.
Lists and records are the only types of GAP3 objects that can be changed.
Sometimes it is interesting to know which components of a certain record are bound. This
information is available from the function RecFields (yes, this function should be called
RecComponentNames), which takes a record as its argument and returns a list of all bound
components of this record as a list of strings.
gap> RecFields(date);
[ "year", "month", "day", "time" ]
Finally try the following examples and explain the results.
gap> r:= rec();
gap> r:= rec(r:= r);
r := rec(
) )
gap> r.r:= r;
Now return to section 1.10 and find out what that section means for records.
In this section you have seen how to define and how to use records. Record objects are
changed by assignments to record fields. Lists and records are the only types of objects that
can be changed.
Records and functions for records are described in detail in chapter 46. More about identical
records is found in 46.3.
1.14 About Ranges
Arange is a finite sequence of integers. This is another special kind of list. A range is
described by its minimum (the first entry), its second entry and its maximum, separated by
a comma resp. two dots and enclosed in brackets. In the usual case of an ascending list of
consecutive integers the second entry may be omitted.
gap> [1..999999]; # a range of almost a million numbers
[ 1 .. 999999 ]
gap> [1, 2..999999]; # this is equivalent
[ 1 .. 999999 ]
gap> [1, 3..999999]; # here the step is 2
[ 1, 3 .. 999999 ]
gap> Length( last );
gap> [ 999999, 999997 .. 1 ];
[ 999999, 999997 .. 1 ]
This compact printed representation of a fairly long list corresponds to a compact internal
representation. The function IsRange tests whether an object is a range. If this is true for
a list but the list is not yet represented in the compact form of a range this will be done
gap> a:= [-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5];
[ -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
gap> IsRange(a);
gap> a;
gap> a[5];
gap> Length(a);
Note that this change of representation does not change the value of the list a. The list a
still behaves in any context in the same way as it would have in the long representation.
In this section you have seen that ascending lists of consecutive integers can be represented
in a compact way as ranges.
Chapter 31 contains a detailed description of ranges. A fundamental application of ranges
is introduced in the next section.
1.15 About Loops
Given a list pp of permutations we can form their product by means of a for loop instead
of writing down the product explicitly.
gap> pp:= [ (1,3,2,6,8)(4,5,9), (1,6)(2,7,8)(4,9), (1,5,7)(2,3,8,6),
> (1,8,9)(2,3,5,6,4), (1,9,8,6,3,4,7,2) ];;
gap> prod:= ();
gap> for p in pp do
> prod:= prod * p;
> od;
gap> prod;
First a new variable prod is initialized to the identity permutation (). Then the loop variable
ptakes as its value one permutation after the other from the list pp and is multiplied with
the present value of prod resulting in a new value which is then assigned to prod.
The for loop has the following syntax.
for var in list do statements od;
The effect of the for loop is to execute the statements for every element of the list. A
for loop is a statement and therefore terminated by a semicolon. The list of statements is
enclosed by the keywords do and od (reverse do). A for loop returns no value. Therefore
we had to ask explicitly for the value of prod in the preceding example.
The for loop can loop over any kind of list, even a list with holes. In many programming
languages (and in former versions of GAP3, too) the for loop has the form
for var from first to last do statements od;
1.15. ABOUT LOOPS 93
But this is merely a special case of the general for loop as defined above where the list in
the loop body is a range.
for var in [first..last] do statements od;
You can for instance loop over a range to compute the factorial 15! of the number 15 in the
following way.
gap> ff:= 1;
gap> for i in [1..15] do
> ff:= ff * i;
> od;
gap> ff;
The following example introduces the while loop which has the following syntax.
while condition do statements od;
The while loop loops over the statements as long as the condition evaluates to true. Like
the for loop the while loop is terminated by the keyword od followed by a semicolon.
We can use our list primes to perform a very simple factorization. We begin by initializing a
list factors to the empty list. In this list we want to collect the prime factors of the number
1333. Remember that a list has to exist before any values can be assigned to positions of
the list. Then we will loop over the list primes and test for each prime whether it divides
the number. If it does we will divide the number by that prime, add it to the list factors
and continue.
gap> n:= 1333;
gap> factors:= [];
[ ]
gap> for p in primes do
> while n mod p = 0 do
> n:= n/p;
> Add(factors, p);
> od;
> od;
gap> factors;
[ 31, 43 ]
gap> n;
As nnow has the value 1 all prime factors of 1333 have been found and factors contains
a complete factorization of 1333. This can of course be verified by multiplying 31 and 43.
This loop may be applied to arbitrary numbers in order to find prime factors. But as primes
is not a complete list of all primes this loop may fail to find all prime factors of a number
greater than 2000, say. You can try to improve it in such a way that new primes are added
to the list primes if needed.
You have already seen that list objects may be changed. This holds of course also for the
list in a loop body. In most cases you have to be careful not to change this list, but there are
situations where this is quite useful. The following example shows a quick way to determine
the primes smaller than 1000 by a sieve method. Here we will make use of the function
Unbind to delete entries from a list.
gap> primes:= [];
[ ]
gap> numbers:= [2..1000];
[ 2 .. 1000 ]
gap> for p in numbers do
> Add(primes, p);
> for n in numbers do
> if n mod p = 0 then
> Unbind(numbers[n-1]);
> fi;
> od;
> od;
The inner loop removes all entries from numbers that are divisible by the last detected
prime p. This is done by the function Unbind which deletes the binding of the list position
numbers[n-1] to the value nso that afterwards numbers[n-1] no longer has an assigned
value. The next element encountered in numbers by the outer loop necessarily is the next
In a similar way it is possible to enlarge the list which is looped over. This yields a nice and
short orbit algorithm for the action of a group, for example.
In this section you have learned how to loop over a list by the for loop and how to loop
with respect to a logical condition with the while loop. You have seen that even the list in
the loop body can be changed.
The for loop is described in 2.17. The while loop is described in 2.15.
1.16 About Further List Operations
There is however a more comfortable way to compute the product of a list of numbers or
gap> Product([1..15]);
gap> Product(pp);
The function Product takes a list as its argument and computes the product of the elements
of the list. This is possible whenever a multiplication of the elements of the list is defined.
So Product is just an implementation of the loop in the example above as a function.
There are other often used loops available as functions. Guess what the function Sum does.
The function List may take a list and a function as its arguments. It will then apply the
function to each element of the list and return the corresponding list of results. A list of
cubes is produced as follows with the function cubed from 1.8.
gap> List([2..10], cubed);
[ 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000 ]
To add all these cubes we might apply the function Sum to the last list. But we may as well
give the function cubed to Sum as an additional argument.
gap> Sum(last) = Sum([2..10], cubed);
The primes less than 30 can be retrieved out of the list primes from section 1.9 by the
function Filtered. This function takes the list primes and a property as its arguments and
will return the list of those elements of primes which have this property. Such a property
will be represented by a function that returns a boolean value. In this example the property
of being less than 30 can be reresented by the function x-> x <30 since x <30 will evaluate
to true for values xless than 30 and to false otherwise.
gap> Filtered(primes, x-> x < 30);
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 ]
Another useful thing is the operator { } that forms sublists. It takes a list of positions as
its argument and will return the list of elements from the original list corresponding to these
gap> primes{ [1 .. 10] };
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 ]
In this section you have seen some functions which implement often used for loops. There
are functions like Product to form the product of the elements of a list. The function List
can apply a function to all elements of a list and the functions Filtered and Sublist create
sublists of a given list.
You will find more predefined for loops in chapter 27.
1.17 About Writing Functions
You have already seen how to use the functions of the GAP3 library, i.e., how to apply them
to arguments. This section will show you how to write your own functions.
Writing a function that prints hello, world. on the screen is a simple exercise in GAP3.
gap> sayhello:= function()
> Print("hello, world.\n");
> end;
function ( ) ... end
This function when called will only execute the Print statement in the second line. This
will print the string hello, world. on the screen followed by a newline character \n that
causes the GAP3 prompt to appear on the next line rather than immediately following the
printed characters.
The function definition has the following syntax.
function(arguments)statements end
A function definition starts with the keyword function followed by the formal parameter
list arguments enclosed in parenthesis. The formal parameter list may be empty as in
the example. Several parameters are separated by commas. Note that there must be no
semicolon behind the closing parenthesis. The function definition is terminated by the
keyword end.
AGAP3 function is an expression like integers, sums and lists. It therefore may be assigned
to a variable. The terminating semicolon in the example does not belong to the function
definition but terminates the assignment of the function to the name sayhello. Unlike in
the case of integers, sums, and lists the value of the function sayhello is echoed in the
abbreviated fashion function ( ) ... end. This shows the most interesting part of a
function: its formal parameter list (which is empty in this example). The complete value of
sayhello is returned if you use the function Print.
gap> Print(sayhello, "\n");
function ( )
Print( "hello, world.\n" );
Note the additional newline character "\n" in the Print statement. It is printed after the
object sayhello to start a new line.
The newly defined function sayhello is executed by calling sayhello() with an empty
argument list.
gap> sayhello();
hello, world.
This is however not a typical example as no value is returned but only a string is printed.
A more useful function is given in the following example. We define a function sign which
shall determine the sign of a number.
gap> sign:= function(n)
> if n < 0 then
> return -1;
> elif n = 0 then
> return 0;
> else
> return 1;
> fi;
> end;
function ( n ) ... end
gap> sign(0); sign(-99); sign(11);
gap> sign("abc");
1# strings are defined to be greater than 0
This example also introduces the if statement which is used to execute statements depend-
ing on a condition. The if statement has the following syntax.
if condition then statements elif condition then statements else statements fi;
There may be several elif parts. The elif part as well as the else part of the if statement
may be omitted. An if statement is no expression and can therefore not be assigned to a
variable. Furthermore an if statement does not return a value.
Fibonacci numbers are defined recursively by f(1) = f(2) = 1 and f(n) = f(n1) + f(n
2). Since functions in GAP3 may call themselves, a function fib that computes Fibonacci
numbers can be implemented basically by typing the above equations.
gap> fib:= function(n)
> if n in [1, 2] then
> return 1;
> else
> return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
> fi;
> end;
function ( n ) ... end
gap> fib(15);
There should be additional tests for the argument nbeing a positive integer. This function
fib might lead to strange results if called with other arguments. Try to insert the tests in
this example.
A function gcd that computes the greatest common divisor of two integers by Euclid’s
algorithm will need a variable in addition to the formal arguments.
gap> gcd:= function(a, b)
> local c;
> while b <> 0 do
> c:= b;
> b:= a mod b;
> a:= c;
> od;
> return c;
> end;
function ( a, b ) ... end
gap> gcd(30, 63);
The additional variable cis declared as a local variable in the local statement of the
function definition. The local statement, if present, must be the first statement of a
function definition. When several local variables are declared in only one local statement
they are separated by commas.
The variable cis indeed a local variable, that is local to the function gcd. If you try to use
the value of cin the main loop you will see that chas no assigned value unless you have
already assigned a value to the variable cin the main loop. In this case the local nature of
cin the function gcd prevents the value of the cin the main loop from being overwritten.
We say that in a given scope an identifier identifies a unique variable. A scope is a lexical
part of a program text. There is the global scope that encloses the entire program text,
and there are local scopes that range from the function keyword, denoting the beginning
of a function definition, to the corresponding end keyword. A local scope introduces new
variables, whose identifiers are given in the formal argument list and the local declaration
of the function. The usage of an identifier in a program text refers to the variable in the
innermost scope that has this identifier as its name.
We will now write a function to determine the number of partitions of a positive integer. A
partition of a positive integer is a descending list of numbers whose sum is the given integer.
For example [4,2,1,1] is a partition of 8. The complete set of all partitions of an integer n
may be divided into subsets with respect to the largest element. The number of partitions
of ntherefore equals the sum of the numbers of partitions of niwith elements less than
ifor all possible i. More generally the number of partitions of nwith elements less than m
is the sum of the numbers of partitions of niwith elements less than ifor iless than m
and n. This description yields the following function.
gap> nrparts:= function(n)
> local np;
> np:= function(n, m)
> local i, res;
> if n = 0 then
> return 1;
> fi;
> res:= 0;
> for i in [1..Minimum(n,m)] do
> res:= res + np(n-i, i);
> od;
> return res;
> end;
> return np(n,n);
> end;
function ( n ) ... end
We wanted to write a function that takes one argument. We solved the problem of determin-
ing the number of partitions in terms of a recursive procedure with two arguments. So we
had to write in fact two functions. The function nrparts that can be used to compute the
number of partitions takes indeed only one argument. The function np takes two arguments
and solves the problem in the indicated way. The only task of the function nrparts is to
call np with two equal arguments.
We made np local to nrparts. This illustrates the possibility of having local functions in
GAP3. It is however not necessary to put it there. np could as well be defined on the main
level. But then the identifier np would be bound and could not be used for other purposes.
And if it were used the essential function np would no longer be available for nrparts.
Now have a look at the function np. It has two local variables res and i. The variable res
is used to collect the sum and iis a loop variable. In the loop the function np calls itself
again with other arguments. It would be very disturbing if this call of np would use the
same iand res as the calling np. Since the new call of np creates a new scope with new
variables this is fortunately not the case.
The formal parameters nand mare treated like local variables.
It is however cheaper (in terms of computing time) to avoid such a recursive solution if this
is possible (and it is possible in this case), because a function call is not very cheap.
In this section you have seen how to write functions in the GAP3 language. You have also
seen how to use the if statement. Functions may have local variables which are declared in
an initial local statement in the function definition. Functions may call themselves.
The function syntax is described in 2.18. The if statement is described in more detail in
2.14. More about Fibonacci numbers is found in 47.22 and more about partitions in 47.13.
1.18 About Groups
In this section we will show some easy computations with groups. The example uses permu-
tation groups, but this is visible for the user only because the output contains permutations.
The functions, like Group,Size or SylowSubgroup (for detailed information, see chapters
4, 7), are the same for all kinds of groups, although the algorithms which compute the
information of course will be different in most cases.
It is not even necessary to know more about permutations than the two facts that they are
elements of permutation groups and that they are written in disjoint cycle notation (see
chapter 20). So let’s construct a permutation group:
gap> s8:= Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) )
We formed the group generated by the permutations (1,2) and (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), which
is well known as the symmetric group on eight points, and assigned it to the identifier s8.
s8 contains the alternating group on eight points which can be described in several ways,
e.g., as group of all even permutations in s8, or as its commutator subgroup.
gap> a8:= CommutatorSubgroup( s8, s8 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ),
[ (1,3,2), (2,4,3), (2,3)(4,5), (2,4,6,5,3), (2,5,3)(4,7,6),
(2,3)(5,6,8,7) ] )
The alternating group a8 is printed as instruction to compute that subgroup of the group s8
that is generated by the given six permutations. This representation is much shorter than
the internal structure, and it is completely self–explanatory; one could, for example, print
such a group to a file and read it into GAP3 later. But if one object occurs several times it
is useful to refer to this object; this can be settled by assigning a name to the group.
gap> "s8";
gap> a8;
Subgroup( s8, [ (1,3,2), (2,4,3), (2,3)(4,5), (2,4,6,5,3),
(2,5,3)(4,7,6), (2,3)(5,6,8,7) ] )
gap> "a8";
gap> a8;
Whenever a group has a component name,GAP3 prints this name instead of the group itself.
Note that there is no link between the name and the identifier, but it is of course useful to
choose name and identifier compatible.
gap> copya8:= Copy( a8 );
We examine the group a8. Like all complex GAP3 structures, it is represented as a record
(see 7.118).
gap> RecFields( a8 );
[ "isDomain", "isGroup", "parent", "identity", "generators",
"operations", "isPermGroup", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"stabChainOptions", "stabChain", "orbit", "transversal",
"stabilizer", "name" ]
Many functions store information about the group in this group record, this avoids duplicate
computations. But we are not interested in the organisation of data but in the group, e.g.,
some of its properties (see chapter 7, especially 7.45):
gap> Size( a8 ); IsAbelian( a8 ); IsPerfect( a8 );
Some interesting subgroups are the Sylow psubgroups for prime divisors pof the group
order; a call of SylowSubgroup stores the required subgroup in the group record:
gap> Set( Factors( Size( a8 ) ) );
gap> for p in last do
> SylowSubgroup( a8, p );
> od;
gap> a8.sylowSubgroups;
[ , Subgroup( s8, [ (1,5)(7,8), (1,5)(2,6), (3,4)(7,8), (2,3)(4,6),
(1,7)(2,3)(4,6)(5,8), (1,2)(3,7)(4,8)(5,6) ] ),
Subgroup( s8, [ (3,8,7), (2,6,4)(3,7,8) ] ),,
Subgroup( s8, [ (3,7,8,6,4) ] ),,
Subgroup( s8, [ (2,8,4,5,7,3,6) ] ) ]
The record component sylowSubgroups is a list which stores at the p–th position, if bound,
the Sylow psubgroup; in this example this means that there are holes at positions 1, 4 and
6. Note that a call of SylowSubgroup for the cyclic group of order 65521 and for the prime
65521 would cause GAP3 to store the group at the end of a list of length 65521, so there are
special situations where it is possible to bring GAP3 and yourselves into troubles.
We now can investigate the Sylow 2 subgroup.
gap> syl2:= last[2];;
gap> Size( syl2 );
gap> Normalizer( a8, syl2 );
Subgroup( s8, [ (3,4)(7,8), (2,3)(4,6), (1,2)(3,7)(4,8)(5,6) ] )
gap> last = syl2;
gap> Centre( syl2 );
Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 3, 4)( 7, 8) ] )
gap> cent:= Centralizer( a8, last );
Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 3, 4)( 7, 8), (3,4)(7,8), (3,7)(4,8),
(2,3)(4,6), (1,2)(5,6) ] )
gap> Size( cent );
gap> DerivedSeries( cent );
[ Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 3, 4)( 7, 8), (3,4)(7,8),
(3,7)(4,8), (2,3)(4,6), (1,2)(5,6) ] ),
1.18. ABOUT GROUPS 101
Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 6, 3)( 2, 4, 5), ( 1, 8, 3)( 4, 5, 7),
( 1, 7)( 2, 3)( 4, 6)( 5, 8), ( 1, 5)( 2, 6) ] ),
Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 3)( 2, 7)( 4, 5)( 6, 8),
( 1, 6)( 2, 5)( 3, 8)( 4, 7), ( 1, 5)( 3, 4), ( 1, 5)( 7, 8) ] )
, Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 3, 4)( 7, 8) ] ),
Subgroup( s8, [ ] ) ]
gap> List( last, Size );
[ 192, 96, 32, 2, 1 ]
gap> low:= LowerCentralSeries( cent );
[ Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 3, 4)( 7, 8), (3,4)(7,8),
(3,7)(4,8), (2,3)(4,6), (1,2)(5,6) ] ),
Subgroup( s8, [ ( 1, 6, 3)( 2, 4, 5), ( 1, 8, 3)( 4, 5, 7),
( 1, 7)( 2, 3)( 4, 6)( 5, 8), ( 1, 5)( 2, 6) ] ) ]
Another kind of subgroups is given by the point stabilizers.
gap> stab:= Stabilizer( a8, 1 );
Subgroup( s8, [ (2,5,6), (2,5)(3,6), (2,5,6,4,3), (2,5,3)(4,6,8),
(2,5)(3,4,7,8) ] )
gap> Size( stab );
gap> Index( a8, stab );
We can fetch an arbitrary group element and look at its centralizer in a8, and then get other
subgroups by conjugation and intersection of already known subgroups. Note that we form
the subgroups inside a8, but GAP3 regards these groups as subgroups of s8 because this is
the common “parent” group of all these groups and of a8 (for the idea of parent groups, see
gap> Random( a8 );
gap> Random( a8 );
gap> cent:= Centralizer( a8, (1,2)(3,4)(5,8)(6,7) );
Subgroup( s8, [ (1,2)(3,4)(5,8)(6,7), (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8),
(3,4)(6,7), (3,5)(4,8), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> Size( cent );
gap> conj:= ConjugateSubgroup( cent, (2,3,4) );
Subgroup( s8, [ (1,3)(2,4)(5,8)(6,7), (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8),
(2,4)(6,7), (2,8)(4,5), (1,4)(2,3) ] )
gap> inter:= Intersection( cent, conj );
Subgroup( s8, [ (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> Size( inter );
gap> IsElementaryAbelian( inter );
gap> norm:= Normalizer( a8, inter );
Subgroup( s8, [ (6,7,8), (5,6,8), (3,4)(6,8), (2,3)(6,8), (1,2)(6,8),
(1,5)(2,6,3,7,4,8) ] )
gap> Size( norm );
Suppose we do not only look which funny things may appear in our group but want to
construct a subgroup, e.g., a group of structure 23:L3(2) in a8. One idea is to look for an
appropriate 23which is specified by the fact that all its involutions are fixed point free, and
then compute its normalizer in a8:
gap> elab:= Group( (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8),
> (1,5)(2,6)(3,7)(4,8) );;
gap> Size( elab );
gap> IsElementaryAbelian( elab );
gap> norm:= Normalizer( a8, AsSubgroup( s8, elab ) );
Subgroup( s8, [ (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6),
(2,3)(6,7), (1,2)(7,8) ] )
gap> Size( norm );
Note that elab was defined as separate group, thus we had to call AsSubgroup to achieve
that it has the same parent group as a8. Let’s look at some usual misuses:
Normalizer( a8, elab );
Intuitively, it is clear that here again we wanted to compute the normalizer of elab in a8,
and in fact we would get it by this call. However, this would be a misuse in the sense that
now GAP3 cannot use some clever method for the computation of the normalizer. So, for
larger groups, the computation may be very time consuming. That is the reason why we
used the the function AsSubgroup in the preceding example.
Let’s have a closer look at that function.
gap> IsSubgroup( a8, AsSubgroup( a8, elab ) );
Error, <G> must be a parent group in
AsSubgroup( a8, elab ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
gap> IsSubgroup( a8, AsSubgroup( s8, elab ) );
What we tried here was not correct. Since all our computations up to now are done inside s8
which is the parent of a8, it is easy to understand that IsSubgroup works for two subgroups
with this parent.
By the way, you should not try the operator <instead of the function IsSubgroup. Some-
thing like
gap> elab < a8;
gap> AsSubgroup( s8, elab ) < a8;
1.18. ABOUT GROUPS 103
will not cause an error, but the result does not tell anything about the inclusion of one group
in another; <looks at the element lists for the two domains which means that it computes
them if they are not already stored –which is not desirable to do for large groups– and then
simply compares the lists with respect to lexicographical order (see 4.7).
On the other hand, the equality operator =in fact does test the equality of groups. Thus
gap> elab = AsSubgroup( s8, elab );
means that the two groups are equal in the sense that they have the same elements. Note
that they may behave differently since they have different parent groups. In our example,
it is necessary to work with subgroups of s8:
gap> elab:= AsSubgroup( s8, elab );;
gap> "elab";;
If we are given the subgroup norm of order 1344 and its subgroup elab, the factor group
can be considered.
gap> f:= norm / elab;
(Subgroup( s8, [ (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6),
(2,3)(6,7), (1,2)(7,8) ] ) / elab)
gap> Size( f );
As the output shows, this is not a permutation group. The factor group and its elements
can, however, be handled in the usual way.
gap> Random( f );
FactorGroupElement( elab, (2,8,7)(3,5,6) )
gap> Order( f, last );
The natural link between the group norm and its factor group fis the natural homomorphism
onto f, mapping each element of norm to its coset modulo the kernel elab. In GAP3 you can
construct the homomorphism, but note that the images lie in fsince they are elements of
the factor group, but the preimage of each such element is only a coset, not a group element
(for cosets, see the relevant sections in chapter 7, for homomorphisms see chapters 8 and
gap> "f";;
gap> hom:= NaturalHomomorphism( norm, f );
NaturalHomomorphism( Subgroup( s8,
[ (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6), (2,3)(6,7),
(1,2)(7,8) ] ), (Subgroup( s8,
[ (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6), (2,3)(6,7),
(1,2)(7,8) ] ) / elab) )
gap> Kernel( hom ) = elab;
gap> x:= Random( norm );
gap> Image( hom, x );
FactorGroupElement( elab, (2,7,3,4,6,8,5) )
gap> coset:= PreImages( hom, last );
gap> IsCoset( coset );
gap> x in coset;
gap> coset in f;
The group facts on its elements (not on the cosets) via right multiplication, yielding the
regular permutation representation of fand thus a new permutation group, namely the
linear group L3(2). A more elaborate discussion of operations of groups can be found in
section 1.19 and chapter 8.
gap> op:= Operation( f, Elements( f ), OnRight );;
gap> IsPermGroup( op );
gap> Maximum( List( op.generators, LargestMovedPointPerm ) );
gap> IsSimple( op );
norm acts on the seven nontrivial elements of its normal subgroup elab by conjugation,
yielding a representation of L3(2) on seven points. We embed this permutation group in
norm and deduce that norm is a split extension of an elementary abelian group 23with L3(2).
gap> op:= Operation( norm, Elements( elab ), OnPoints );
Group( (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6), (2,3)(6,7),
(3,4)(5,6) )
gap> IsSubgroup( a8, AsSubgroup( s8, op ) );
gap> IsSubgroup( norm, AsSubgroup( s8, op ) );
gap> Intersection( elab, op );
Group( () )
Yet another kind of information about our a8 concerns its conjugacy classes.
gap> ccl:= ConjugacyClasses( a8 );
[ ConjugacyClass( a8, () ), ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,3)(2,6)(4,7)(5,8) )
, ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,3)(2,8,5)(6,7) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (2,5,8) ), ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,3)(6,7) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,3,2,5,4,7,8) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,5,8,2,7,3,4) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,5)(2,8,7,4,3,6) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (2,7,3)(4,6,8) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,6)(3,8,5,4) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,3,5,2)(4,6,8,7) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,8,6,2,5) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,7,2,4,3)(5,8,6) ),
ConjugacyClass( a8, (1,2,3,7,4)(5,8,6) ) ]
gap> Length( ccl );
1.18. ABOUT GROUPS 105
gap> reps:= List( ccl, Representative );
[ (), (1,3)(2,6)(4,7)(5,8), (1,3)(2,8,5)(6,7), (2,5,8), (1,3)(6,7),
(1,3,2,5,4,7,8), (1,5,8,2,7,3,4), (1,5)(2,8,7,4,3,6),
(2,7,3)(4,6,8), (1,6)(3,8,5,4), (1,3,5,2)(4,6,8,7), (1,8,6,2,5),
(1,7,2,4,3)(5,8,6), (1,2,3,7,4)(5,8,6) ]
gap> List( reps, r -> Order( a8, r ) );
[ 1, 2, 6, 3, 2, 7, 7, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 15, 15 ]
gap> List( ccl, Size );
[ 1, 105, 1680, 112, 210, 2880, 2880, 3360, 1120, 2520, 1260, 1344,
1344, 1344 ]
Note the difference between Order (which means the element order), Size (which means
the size of the conjugacy class) and Length (which means the length of a list).
Having the conjugacy classes, we can consider class functions, i.e., maps that are defined
on the group elements, and that are constant on each conjugacy class. One nice example is
the number of fixed points; here we use that permutations act on points via ^.
gap> nrfixedpoints:= function( perm, support )
> return Number( [ 1 .. support ], x -> x^perm = x );
> end;
function ( perm, support ) ... end
Note that we must specify the support since a permutation does not know about the group
it is an element of; e.g. the trivial permutation () has as many fixed points as the support
gap> permchar1:= List( reps, x -> nrfixedpoints( x, 8 ) );
This is the character of the natural permutation representation of a8 (More about characters
can be found in chapters 49 ff.). In order to get another representation of a8, we consider
another action, namely that on the elements of a conjugacy class by conjugation; note that
this is denoted by OnPoints, too.
gap> class := First( ccl, c -> Size(c) = 112 );
ConjugacyClass( a8, (2,5,8) )
gap> op:= Operation( a8, Elements( class ), OnPoints );;
We get a permutation representation op on 112 points. It is more useful to look for properties
than at the permutations.
gap> IsPrimitive( op, [ 1 .. 112 ] );
gap> blocks:= Blocks( op, [ 1 .. 112 ] );
[ 55, 68 ], [ 50, 67 ], [ 13, 16 ], [ 27, 34 ], [ 22, 29 ],
[ 28, 38 ], [ 24, 37 ], [ 31, 35 ], [ 9, 12 ], [ 106, 112 ],
[ 100, 111 ], [ 11, 18 ], [ 93, 104 ], [ 23, 33 ], [ 26, 30 ],
[ 94, 110 ], [ 88, 109 ], [ 49, 62 ], [ 44, 61 ], [ 43, 56 ],
[ 53, 58 ], [ 48, 57 ], [ 45, 66 ], [ 59, 64 ], [ 87, 103 ],
[ 81, 102 ], [ 80, 96 ], [ 92, 98 ], [ 47, 52 ], [ 42, 51 ],
[ 41, 46 ], [ 82, 108 ], [ 99, 105 ], [ 21, 25 ], [ 75, 101 ],
[ 74, 95 ], [ 86, 97 ], [ 76, 107 ], [ 85, 91 ], [ 73, 89 ],
[ 72, 83 ], [ 79, 90 ], [ 78, 84 ], [ 71, 77 ] ]
gap> op2:= Operation( op, blocks, OnSets );;
gap> IsPrimitive( op2, [ 1 .. 56 ] );
The action of op on the given block system gave us a new representation on 56 points which
is primitive, i.e., the point stabilizer is a maximal subgroup. We compute its preimage in the
representation on eight points using homomorphisms (which of course are monomorphisms).
gap> ophom := OperationHomomorphism( a8, op );;
gap> Kernel(ophom);
Subgroup( s8, [ ] )
gap> ophom2:= OperationHomomorphism( op, op2 );;
gap> stab:= Stabilizer( op2, 1 );;
gap> Size( stab );
gap> composition:= ophom * ophom2;;
gap> preim:= PreImage( composition, stab );
Subgroup( s8, [ (1,3,2), (2,4,3), (1,3)(7,8), (2,3)(4,5), (6,8,7) ] )
And this is the permutation character (with respect to the succession of conjugacy classes
in ccl):
gap> permchar2:= List( reps, x->nrfixedpoints(x^composition,56) );
[ 56, 0, 3, 11, 12, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1 ]
The normalizer of an element in the conjugacy class class is a group of order 360, too. In
fact, it is essentially the same as the maximal subgroup we had found before
gap> sgp:= Normalizer( a8,
> Subgroup( s8, [ Representative(class) ] ) );
Subgroup( s8, [ (2,5)(3,4), (1,3,4), (2,5,8), (1,3,7)(2,5,8),
(1,4,7,3,6)(2,5,8) ] )
gap> Size( sgp );
gap> IsConjugate( a8, sgp, preim );
The scalar product of permutation characters of two subgroups U,V, say, equals the number
of (U, V )–double cosets (again, see chapters 49 ff. for the details). For example, the norm
of the permutation character permchar1 of degree eight is two since the action of a8 on the
cosets of a point stabilizer is at least doubly transitive:
gap> stab:= Stabilizer( a8, 1 );;
gap> double:= DoubleCosets( a8, stab, stab );
[ DoubleCoset( Subgroup( s8, [ (3,8,7), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5,4,8,7),
(3,6,5)(4,8,7), (2,6,4,5)(7,8) ] ), (), Subgroup( s8,
[ (3,8,7), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5,4,8,7), (3,6,5)(4,8,7),
(2,6,4,5)(7,8) ] ) ),
DoubleCoset( Subgroup( s8, [ (3,8,7), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5,4,8,7),
(3,6,5)(4,8,7), (2,6,4,5)(7,8) ] ), (1,2)(7,8), Subgroup( s8,
[ (3,8,7), (3,4)(7,8), (3,5,4,8,7), (3,6,5)(4,8,7),
(2,6,4,5)(7,8) ] ) ) ]
gap> Length( double );
We compute the numbers of (sgp,sgp) and (sgp,stab) double cosets.
gap> Length( DoubleCosets( a8, sgp, sgp ) );
gap> Length( DoubleCosets( a8, sgp, stab ) );
Thus both irreducible constituents of permchar1 are also constituents of permchar2, i.e.,
the difference of the two permutation characters is a proper character of a8 of norm two.
gap> permchar2 - permchar1;
[ 48, 0, 2, 6, 8, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 1 ]
1.19 About Operations of Groups
One of the most important tools in group theory is the operation or action of a group on
a certain set.
We say that a group Goperates on a set Dif we have a function that takes each pair (d, g)
with dDand gGto another element dgD, which we call the image of dunder g,
such that didentity =dand (dg)h=dgh for each dDand g, h G.
This is equivalent to saying that an operation is a homomorphism of the group Ginto the
full symmetric group on D. We usually call Dthe domain of the operation and its elements
In this section we will demonstrate how you can compute with operations of groups. For an
example we will use the alternating group on 8 points.
gap> a8 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) );;
gap> := "a8";;
It is important to note however, that the applicability of the functions from the operation
package is not restricted to permutation groups. All the functions mentioned in this section
can also be used to compute with the operation of a matrix group on the vectors, etc. We
only use a permutation group here because this makes the examples more compact.
The standard operation in GAP3 is always denoted by the caret (^) operator. That means
that when no other operation is specified (we will see below how this can be done) all the
functions from the operations package will compute the image of a point punder an element
gas p^g. Note that this can already denote different operations, depending on the type
of points and the type of elements. For example if the group elements are permutations
it can either denote the normal operation when the points are integers or the conjugation
when the points are permutations themselves (see 20.2). For another example if the group
elements are matrices it can either denote the multiplication from the right when the points
are vectors or again the conjugation when the points are matrices (of the same dimension)
themselves (see 34.1). Which operations are available through the caret operator for a
particular type of group elements is described in the chapter for this type of group elements.
gap> 2 ^ (1,2,3);
gap> 1 ^ a8.2;
gap> (2,4) ^ (1,2,3);
The most basic function of the operations package is the function Orbit, which computes
the orbit of a point under the operation of the group.
gap> Orbit( a8, 2 );
Note that the orbit is not a set, because it is not sorted. See 8.16 for the definition in which
order the points appear in an orbit.
We will try to find several subgroups in a8 using the operations package. One subgroup is
immediately available, namely the stabilizer of one point. The index of the stabilizer must
of course be equal to the length of the orbit, i.e., 8.
gap> u8 := Stabilizer( a8, 1 );
Subgroup( a8, [ (2,3,4,5,6,7,8), (3,8,7) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u8 );
This gives us a hint how to find further subgroups. Each subgroup is the stabilizer of a point
of an appropriate transitive operation (namely the operation on the cosets of that subgroup
or another operation that is equivalent to this operation).
So the question is how to find other operations. The obvious thing is to operate on pairs of
points. So using the function Tuples (see 47.9) we first generate a list of all pairs.
gap> pairs := Tuples( [1..8], 2 );
Now we would like to have a8 operate on this domain. But we cannot use the default
operation (denoted by the caret) because list ^perm is not defined. So we must tell the
functions from the operations package how the group elements operate on the elements of
the domain. In our example we can do this by simply passing OnPairs as optional last
argument. All functions from the operations package accept such an optional argument
that describes the operation. See 8.1 for a list of the available nonstandard operations.
Note that those operations are in fact simply functions that take an element of the domain
and an element of the group and return the image of the element of the domain under the
group element. So to compute the image of the pair [1,2] under the permutation (1,4,5)
we can simply write
gap> OnPairs( [1,2], (1,4,5) );
As was mentioned above we have to make sure that the operation is transitive. So we check
gap> IsTransitive( a8, pairs, OnPairs );
The operation is not transitive, so we want to find out what the orbits are. The function
Orbits does that for you. It returns a list of all the orbits.
gap> orbs := Orbits( a8, pairs, OnPairs );
The operation of a8 on the first orbit is of course equivalent to the original operation, so we
ignore it and work with the second orbit.
gap> u56 := Stabilizer( a8, [1,2], OnPairs );
Subgroup( a8, [ (3,8,7), (3,6)(4,7,5,8), (6,7,8) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u56 );
So now we have found a second subgroup. To make the following computations a little bit
easier and more efficient we would now like to work on the points [1..56] instead of the list
of pairs. The function Operation does what we need. It creates a new group that operates
on [1..56] in the same way that a8 operates on the second orbit.
gap> a8_56 := Operation( a8, orbs[2], OnPairs );
Group( ( 1, 2, 4)( 3, 6,10)( 5, 7,11)( 8,13,16)(12,18,17)(14,21,20)
( 1, 3, 7,12,19,28,39)( 2, 5, 9,15,23,33,45)( 4, 8,14,22,32,44, 6)
(18,26,36,48,31,42,54)(21,30,41,53,27,37,49) )
gap> := "a8_56";;
We would now like to know if the subgroup u56 of index 56 that we found is maximal or
not. Again we can make use of a function from the operations package. Namely a subgroup
is maximal if the operation on the cosets of this subgroup is primitive, i.e., if there is no
partition of the set of cosets into subsets such that the group operates setwise on those
gap> IsPrimitive( a8_56, [1..56] );
Note that we must specify the domain of the operation. You might think that in the last
example IsPrimitive could use [1..56] as default domain if no domain was given. But
this is not so simple, for example would the default domain of Group( (2,3,4) ) be [1..4]
or [2..4]? To avoid confusion, all operations package functions require that you specify
the domain of operation.
We see that a8 56 is not primitive. This means of course that the operation of a8 on orb[2]
is not primitive, because those two operations are equivalent. So the stabilizer u56 is not
maximal. Let us try to find its supergroups. We use the function Blocks to find a block
system. The (optional) third argument in the following example tells Blocks that we want
a block system where 1 and 10 lie in one block. There are several other block systems, which
we could compute by specifying a different pair, it just turns out that [1,10] makes the
following computation more interesting.
gap> blocks := Blocks( a8_56, [1..56], [1,10] );
[ [ 1, 10, 13, 21, 31, 43, 45 ], [ 2, 3, 16, 20, 30, 42, 55 ],
[ 4, 6, 8, 14, 22, 32, 44 ], [ 5, 7, 11, 24, 29, 41, 54 ],
[ 9, 12, 17, 18, 34, 40, 53 ], [ 15, 19, 25, 26, 27, 46, 52 ],
[ 23, 28, 35, 36, 37, 38, 56 ], [ 33, 39, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 ] ]
The result is a list of sets, i.e., sorted lists, such that a8 56 operates on those sets. Now we
would like the stabilizer of this operation on the sets. Because we wanted to operate on the
sets we have to pass OnSets as third argument.
gap> u8_56 := Stabilizer( a8_56, blocks[1], OnSets );
Subgroup( a8_56,
[ (15,35,48)(19,28,39)(22,32,44)(23,33,52)(25,36,49)(26,37,50)
( 9,25)(12,19)(14,22)(15,34)(17,26)(18,27)(20,30)(21,31)(23,48)
(41,54)(42,55)(43,45)(46,53), ( 5,17)( 7,12)( 8,14)( 9,24)(11,18)
( 2,11)( 3, 7)( 4, 8)( 5,16)( 9,17)(10,13)(20,24)(23,47)(25,26)
(41,55)(42,54)(43,45)(46,52), ( 1,10)( 2, 6)( 3, 4)( 5, 7)( 8,16)
(36,49)(37,39)(38,51)(40,53)(41,54)(42,44)(43,45)(46,52) ] )
gap> Index( a8_56, u8_56 );
Now we have a problem. We have found a new subgroup, but not as a subgroup of a8,
instead it is a subgroup of a8 56. We know that a8 56 is isomorphic to a8 (in general
the result of Operation is only isomorphic to a factor group of the original group, but in
this case it must be isomorphic to a8, because a8 is simple and has only the full group as
nontrivial factor group). But we only know that an isomorphism exists, we do not know it.
Another function comes to our rescue. OperationHomomorphism returns the homomorphism
of a group onto the group that was constructed by Operation. A later section in this chapter
will introduce mappings and homomorphisms in general, but for the moment we can just
regard the result of OperationHomomorphism as a black box that we can use to transfer
information from a8 to a8 56 and back.
gap> h56 := OperationHomomorphism( a8, a8_56 );
OperationHomomorphism( a8, a8_56 )
gap> u8b := PreImages( h56, u8_56 );
Subgroup( a8, [ (6,7,8), (5,6)(7,8), (4,5)(7,8), (3,4)(7,8),
(1,3)(7,8) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u8b );
gap> u8 = u8b;
So we have in fact found a new subgroup. However if we look closer we note that u8b is not
totally new. It fixes the point 2, thus it lies in the stabilizer of 2, and because it has the
same index as this stabilizer it must in fact be the stabilizer. Thus u8b is conjugated to u8.
A nice way to check this is to check that the operation on the 8 blocks is equivalent to the
original operation.
gap> IsEquivalentOperation( a8, [1..8], a8_56, blocks, OnSets );
Now the choice of the third argument [1,10] of Blocks becomes clear. Had we not given
that argument we would have obtained the block system that has [1,3,7,12,19,28,39] as
first block. The preimage of the stabilizer of this set would have been u8 itself, and we would
not have been able to introduce IsEquivalentOperation. Of course we could also use the
general function IsConjugate, but we want to demonstrate IsEquivalentOperation.
Actually there is a third block system of a8 56 that gives rise to a third subgroup.
gap> blocks := Blocks( a8_56, [1..56], [1,6] );
[ 11, 13 ], [ 12, 14 ], [ 15, 34 ], [ 17, 20 ], [ 18, 21 ],
[ 19, 22 ], [ 23, 46 ], [ 25, 29 ], [ 26, 30 ], [ 27, 31 ],
[ 28, 32 ], [ 33, 56 ], [ 35, 40 ], [ 36, 41 ], [ 37, 42 ],
[ 38, 43 ], [ 39, 44 ], [ 45, 51 ], [ 47, 52 ], [ 48, 53 ],
[ 49, 54 ], [ 50, 55 ] ]
gap> u28_56 := Stabilizer( a8_56, [1,6], OnSets );
Subgroup( a8_56,
[ ( 2,38,51)( 3,28,39)( 4,32,44)( 5,41,54)(10,43,45)(16,36,49)
( 5,17,26,37,50)( 7,12,19,28,39)( 8,14,22,32,44)( 9,15,23,33,54)
( 1, 6)( 2,39,38,19,18, 7)( 3,51,28,27,12,11)( 4,45,32,31,14,13)
( 5,55,33,23,15, 9)( 8,10,44,43,22,21)(16,50,56,46,34,24)
(17,54,42,47,35,25)(20,49,37,52,40,29)(26,53,41,30,48,36) ] )
gap> u28 := PreImages( h56, u28_56 );
Subgroup( a8, [ (3,7,8), (4,5,6,7,8), (1,2)(3,8,7,6,5,4) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u28 );
We know that the subgroup u28 of index 28 is maximal, because we know that a8 has no
subgroups of index 2, 4, or 7. However we can also quickly verify this by checking that
a8 56 operates primitively on the 28 blocks.
gap> IsPrimitive( a8_56, blocks, OnSets );
There is a different way to obtain u28. Instead of operating on the 56 pairs [ [1,2],
[1,3], ..., [8,7] ] we could operate on the 28 sets of two elements from [1..8]. But
suppose we make a small mistake.
gap> OrbitLength( a8, [2,1], OnSets );
Error, OnSets: <tuple> must be a set
It is your responsibility to make sure that the points that you pass to functions
from the operations package are in normal form. That means that they must be sets
if you operate on sets with OnSets, they must be lists of length 2 if you operate on pairs
with OnPairs, etc. This also applies to functions that accept a domain of operation, e.g.,
Operation and IsPrimitive. All points in such a domain must be in normal form. It is
not guaranteed that a violation of this rule will signal an error, you may obtain
incorrect results.
Note that Stabilizer is not only applicable to groups like a8 but also to their subgroups
like u56. So another method to find a new subgroup is to compute the stabilizer of another
point in u56. Note that u56 already leaves 1 and 2 fixed.
gap> u336 := Stabilizer( u56, 3 );
Subgroup( a8, [ (4,6,5), (5,6)(7,8), (6,7,8) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u336 );
Other functions are also applicable to subgroups. In the following we show that u336
operates regularly on the 60 triples of [4..8] which contain no element twice, which means
that this operation is equivalent to the operations of u336 on its 60 elements from the right.
Note that OnTuples is a generalization of OnPairs.
gap> IsRegular( u336, Orbit( u336, [4,5,6], OnTuples ), OnTuples );
Just as we did in the case of the operation on the pairs above, we now construct a new
permutation group that operates on [1..336] in the same way that a8 operates on the
cosets of u336. Note that the operation of a group on the cosets is by multiplication from
the right, thus we have to specify OnRight.
gap> a8_336 := Operation( a8, Cosets( a8, u336 ), OnRight );;
gap> := "a8_336";;
To find subgroups above u336 we again check if the operation is primitive.
gap> blocks := Blocks( a8_336, [1..336], [1,43] );
[ [ 1, 43, 85 ], [ 2, 102, 205 ], [ 3, 95, 165 ], [ 4, 106, 251 ],
[ 5, 117, 334 ], [ 6, 110, 294 ], [ 7, 122, 127 ], [ 8, 144, 247 ],
[ 9, 137, 207 ], [ 10, 148, 293 ], [ 11, 45, 159 ],
[ 12, 152, 336 ], [ 13, 164, 169 ], [ 14, 186, 289 ],
[ 15, 179, 249 ], [ 16, 190, 335 ], [ 17, 124, 201 ],
[ 18, 44, 194 ], [ 19, 206, 211 ], [ 20, 228, 331 ],
[ 21, 221, 291 ], [ 22, 46, 232 ], [ 23, 166, 243 ],
[ 24, 126, 236 ], [ 25, 248, 253 ], [ 26, 48, 270 ],
[ 27, 263, 333 ], [ 28, 125, 274 ], [ 29, 208, 285 ],
[ 30, 168, 278 ], [ 31, 290, 295 ], [ 32, 121, 312 ],
[ 33, 47, 305 ], [ 34, 167, 316 ], [ 35, 250, 327 ],
[ 36, 210, 320 ], [ 37, 74, 332 ], [ 38, 49, 163 ], [ 39, 81, 123 ],
[ 40, 59, 209 ], [ 41, 70, 292 ], [ 42, 66, 252 ], [ 50, 142, 230 ],
[ 51, 138, 196 ], [ 52, 146, 266 ], [ 53, 87, 131 ],
[ 54, 153, 302 ], [ 55, 160, 174 ], [ 56, 182, 268 ],
[ 57, 178, 234 ], [ 58, 189, 304 ], [ 60, 86, 199 ],
[ 61, 198, 214 ], [ 62, 225, 306 ], [ 63, 218, 269 ],
[ 64, 88, 235 ], [ 65, 162, 245 ], [ 67, 233, 254 ],
[ 68, 90, 271 ], [ 69, 261, 301 ], [ 71, 197, 288 ],
[ 72, 161, 281 ], [ 73, 265, 297 ], [ 75, 89, 307 ],
[ 76, 157, 317 ], [ 77, 229, 328 ], [ 78, 193, 324 ],
[ 79, 116, 303 ], [ 80, 91, 158 ], [ 82, 101, 195 ],
[ 83, 112, 267 ], [ 84, 108, 231 ], [ 92, 143, 237 ],
[ 93, 133, 200 ], [ 94, 150, 273 ], [ 96, 154, 309 ],
[ 97, 129, 173 ], [ 98, 184, 272 ], [ 99, 180, 238 ],
[ 100, 188, 308 ], [ 103, 202, 216 ], [ 104, 224, 310 ],
[ 105, 220, 276 ], [ 107, 128, 241 ], [ 109, 240, 256 ],
[ 111, 260, 311 ], [ 113, 204, 287 ], [ 114, 130, 277 ],
[ 115, 275, 296 ], [ 118, 132, 313 ], [ 119, 239, 330 ],
[ 120, 203, 323 ], [ 134, 185, 279 ], [ 135, 175, 242 ],
[ 136, 192, 315 ], [ 139, 171, 215 ], [ 140, 226, 314 ],
[ 141, 222, 280 ], [ 145, 244, 258 ], [ 147, 262, 318 ],
[ 149, 170, 283 ], [ 151, 282, 298 ], [ 155, 246, 329 ],
[ 156, 172, 319 ], [ 176, 227, 321 ], [ 177, 217, 284 ],
[ 181, 213, 257 ], [ 183, 264, 322 ], [ 187, 286, 300 ],
[ 191, 212, 325 ], [ 219, 259, 326 ], [ 223, 255, 299 ] ]
To find the subgroup of index 112 that belongs to this operation we could use the same
methods as before, but we actually use a different trick. From the above we see that the
subgroup is the union of u336 with its 43rd and its 85th coset. Thus we simply add a
representative of the 43rd coset to the generators of u336.
gap> u112 := Closure( u336, Representative( Cosets(a8,u336)[43] ) );
Subgroup( a8, [ (4,6,5), (5,6)(7,8), (6,7,8), (1,3,2) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u112 );
Above this subgroup of index 112 lies a subgroup of index 56, which is not conjugate to
u56. In fact, unlike u56 it is maximal. We obtain this subgroup in the same way that we
obtained u112, this time forcing two points, namely 39 and 43 into the first block.
gap> blocks := Blocks( a8_336, [1..336], [1,39,43] );;
gap> Length( blocks );
gap> u56b := Closure( u112, Representative( Cosets(a8,u336)[39] ) );
Subgroup( a8, [ (4,6,5), (5,6)(7,8), (6,7,8), (1,3,2), (2,3)(7,8) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u56b );
gap> IsPrimitive( a8_336, blocks, OnSets );
We already mentioned in the beginning that there is another standard operation of permuta-
tions, namely the conjugation. E.g., because no other operation is specified in the following
example OrbitLength simply operates using the caret operator and because perm1 ^perm2
is defined as the conjugation of perm2 on perm1 we effectively compute the length of the
conjugacy class of (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8). (In fact element1 ^element2 is always defined
as the conjugation if element1 and element2 are group elements of the same type. So
the length of a conjugacy class of any element elm in an arbitrary group Gcan be com-
puted as OrbitLength( G,elm ). In general however this may not be a good idea, Size(
ConjugacyClass( G,elm ) ) is probably more efficient.)
gap> OrbitLength( a8, (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8) );
gap> orb := Orbit( a8, (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8) );;
gap> u105 := Stabilizer( a8, (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8) );
Subgroup( a8, [ (5,6)(7,8), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8),
(3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u105 );
Of course the last stabilizer is in fact the centralizer of the element (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8).
Stabilizer notices that and computes the stabilizer using the centralizer algorithm for
permutation groups.
In the usual way we now look for the subgroups that lie above u105.
gap> blocks := Blocks( a8, orb );;
gap> Length( blocks );
gap> blocks[1];
[ (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8), (1,4)(2,3)(5,8)(6,7),
(1,5)(2,6)(3,7)(4,8), (1,6)(2,5)(3,8)(4,7), (1,7)(2,8)(3,5)(4,6),
(1,8)(2,7)(3,6)(4,5) ]
To find the subgroup of index 15 we again use closure. Now we must be a little bit careful
to avoid confusion. u105 is the stabilizer of (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8). We know that there
is a correspondence between the points of the orbit and the cosets of u105. The point
(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8) corresponds to u105. To get the subgroup of index 15 we must add
to u105 an element of the coset that corresponds to the point (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) (or
any other point in the first block). That means that we must use an element of a8 that
maps (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8) to (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8). The important thing is that
(1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) will not do, in fact (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) lies in u105.
The function RepresentativeOperation does what we need. It takes a group and two
points and returns an element of the group that maps the first point to the second. In fact
it also allows you to specify the operation as optional fourth argument as usual, but we do
not need this here. If no such element exists in the group, i.e., if the two points do not lie
in one orbit under the group, RepresentativeOperation returns false.
gap> rep := RepresentativeOperation( a8, (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8),
> (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) );
gap> u15 := Closure( u105, rep );
Subgroup( a8, [ (5,6)(7,8), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8),
(3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3)(6,7) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u15 );
u15 is of course a maximal subgroup, because a8 has no subgroups of index 3 or 5.
There is in fact another class of subgroups of index 15 above u105 that we get by adding
(2,3)(6,8) to u105.
gap> u15b := Closure( u105, (2,3)(6,8) );
Subgroup( a8, [ (5,6)(7,8), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8),
(3,4)(7,8), (3,5)(4,6), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3)(6,8) ] )
gap> Index( a8, u15b );
We now show that u15 and u15b are not conjugate. We showed that u8 and u8b are
conjugate by showing that the operations on the cosets where equivalent. We could show
that u15 and u15b are not conjugate by showing that the operations on their cosets are not
equivalent. Instead we simply call RepresentativeOperation again.
gap> RepresentativeOperation( a8, u15, u15b );
RepresentativeOperation tells us that there is no element gin a8 such that u15^g=
u15b. Because ^also denotes the conjugation of subgroups this tells us that u15 and u15b
are not conjugate. Note that this operation should only be used rarely, because it is usually
not very efficient. The test in this case is however reasonable efficient, and is in fact the one
employed by IsConjugate (see 7.54).
This concludes our example. In this section we demonstrated some functions from the
operations package. There is a whole class of functions that we did not mention, namely
those that take a single element instead of a whole group as first argument, e.g., Cycle and
Permutation. All functions are described in the chapter 8.
1.20 About Finitely Presented Groups and Presenta-
In this section we will show you the investigation of a Coxeter group that is given by its
presentation. You will see that finitely presented groups and presentations are different
kinds of objects in GAP3. While finitely presented groups can never be changed after they
have been created as factor groups of free groups, presentations allow manipulations of
the generators and relators by Tietze transformations. The investigation of the example
will involve methods and algorithms like Todd-Coxeter, Reidemeister-Schreier, Nilpotent
Quotient, and Tietze transformations.
We start by defining a Coxeter group con five generators as a factor group of the free group
of rank 5, whose generators we already call c.1, ..., c.5.
gap> c := FreeGroup( 5, "c" );;
gap> r := List( c.generators, x -> x^2 );;
gap> Append( r, [ (c.1*c.2)^3, (c.1*c.3)^2, (c.1*c.4)^3,
> (c.1*c.5)^3, (c.2*c.3)^3, (c.2*c.4)^2, (c.2*c.5)^3,
> (c.3*c.4)^3, (c.3*c.5)^3, (c.4*c.5)^3,
> (c.1*c.2*c.5*c.2)^2, (c.3*c.4*c.5*c.4)^2 ] );
gap> c := c / r;
Group( c.1, c.2, c.3, c.4, c.5 )
If we call the function Size for this group GAP3 will invoke the Todd-Coxeter method,
which however will fail to get a result going up to the default limit of defining 64000 cosets:
gap> Size(c);
Error, the coset enumeration has defined more than 64000 cosets:
type ’return;’ if you want to continue with a new limit of
128000 cosets,
type ’quit;’ if you want to quit the coset enumeration,
type ’maxlimit := 0; return;’ in order to continue without a limit,
AugmentedCosetTableMtc( G, H, -1, "_x" ) called from
D.operations.Size( D ) called from
Size( c ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
In fact, as we shall see later, our finitely presented group is infinite and hence we would get
the same answer also with larger limits. So we next look for subgroups of small index, in
our case limiting the index to four.
gap> lis := LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup( c, TrivialSubgroup(c), 4 );;
gap> Length(lis);
The LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup function in fact determines generators for the subgroups,
written in terms of the generators of the given group. We can find the index of these
subgroups by the function Index, and the permutation representation on the cosets of these
subgroups by the function OperationCosetsFpGroup, which use a Todd-Coxeter method.
The size of the image of this permutation representation is found using Size which in this
case uses a Schreier-Sims method for permutation groups.
gap> List(lis, x -> [Index(c,x),Size(OperationCosetsFpGroup(c,x))]);
We next determine the commutator factor groups of the kernels of these permutation
representations. Note that here the difference of finitely presented groups and presenta-
tions has to be observed: We first determine the kernel of the permutation representa-
tion by the function Core as a subgroup of c, then a presentation of this subgroup using
PresentationSubgroup, which has to be converted into a finitely presented group of its
own right using FpGroupPresentation, before its commutator factor group and the abelian
invariants can be found using integer matrix diagonalisation of the relators matrix by an
elementary divisor algorithm. The conversion is necessary because Core computes a sub-
group given by words in the generators of cbut CommutatorFactorGroup needs a parent
group given by generators and relators.
gap> List( lis, x -> AbelianInvariants( CommutatorFactorGroup(
> FpGroupPresentation( PresentationSubgroup( c, Core(c,x) ) ) ) ) );
More clearly arranged, this is
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
Note that there is another function AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroup which we could
have used to obtain this list which will do an abelianized Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier.
This function is much faster because it does not compute a complete presentation for the
The output obtained shows that the third last of the kernels has a free abelian commutator
factor group of rank 6. We turn our attention to this kernel which we call n, while we call
the associated presentation pr.
gap> lis[8];
Subgroup( Group( c.1, c.2, c.3, c.4, c.5 ),
[ c.1, c.2, c.3*c.2*c.5^-1, c.3*c.4*c.3^-1, c.4*c.1*c.5^-1 ] )
gap> pr := PresentationSubgroup( c, Core( c, lis[8] ) );
<< presentation with 22 gens and 41 rels of total length 156 >>
gap> n := FpGroupPresentation(pr);;
We first determine p-factor groups for primes 2, 3, 5, and 7.
gap> InfoPQ1:= Ignore;;
gap> List( [2,3,5,7], p -> PrimeQuotient(n,p,5).dimensions );
[ [ 6, 10, 18, 30, 54 ], [ 6, 10, 18, 30, 54 ], [ 6, 10, 18, 30, 54 ],
[ 6, 10, 18, 30, 54 ] ]
Observing that the ranks of the lower exponent-pcentral series are the same for these primes
we suspect that the lower central series may have free abelian factors. To investigate this
we have to call the package ”nq”.
gap> RequirePackage("nq");
gap> NilpotentQuotient( n, 5 );
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
gap> List( last, Length );
[ 6, 4, 8, 12, 24 ]
The ranks of the factors except the first are divisible by four, and we compare them with
the corresponding ranks of a free group on two generators.
gap> f2 := FreeGroup(2);
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> PrimeQuotient( f2, 2, 5 ).dimensions;
[ 2, 3, 5, 8, 14 ]
gap> NilpotentQuotient( f2, 5 );
gap> List( last, Length );
The result suggests a close relation of our group to the direct product of four free groups of
rank two. In order to study this we want a simple presentation for our kernel nand obtain
this by repeated use of Tietze transformations, using first the default simplification function
TzGoGo and later specific introduction of new generators that are obtained as product of two
of the existing ones using the function TzSubstitute. (Of course, this latter sequence of
Tietze transformations that we display here has only been found after some trial and error.)
gap> pr := PresentationSubgroup( c, Core( c, lis[8] ) );
<< presentation with 22 gens and 41 rels of total length 156 >>
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
#I there are 6 generators and 14 relators of total length 74
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
#I there are 6 generators and 13 relators of total length 66
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
gap> TzPrintPairs(pr);
#I 1. 3 occurrences of _x6 * _x11^-1
#I 2. 3 occurrences of _x3 * _x15
#I 3. 2 occurrences of _x11^-1 * _x15^-1
#I 4. 2 occurrences of _x6 * _x15
#I 5. 2 occurrences of _x6^-1 * _x15^-1
#I 6. 2 occurrences of _x4 * _x15
#I 7. 2 occurrences of _x4^-1 * _x15^-1
#I 8. 2 occurrences of _x4^-1 * _x11
#I 9. 2 occurrences of _x4 * _x6
#I 10. 2 occurrences of _x3^-1 * _x11
gap> TzSubstitute(pr,10,2);
#I substituting new generator _x26 defined by _x3^-1*_x11
#I eliminating _x11 = _x3*_x26
#I there are 6 generators and 13 relators of total length 70
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
#I there are 6 generators and 12 relators of total length 62
#I there are 6 generators and 12 relators of total length 60
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
gap> TzSubstitute(pr,9,2);
#I substituting new generator _x27 defined by _x1^-1*_x15
#I eliminating _x15 = _x27*_x1
#I there are 6 generators and 12 relators of total length 64
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
#I there are 6 generators and 11 relators of total length 56
gap> TzGoGo(pr);
gap> p2 := Copy(pr);
<< presentation with 6 gens and 11 rels of total length 56 >>
gap> TzPrint(p2);
#I generators: [ _x1, _x3, _x4, _x6, _x26, _x27 ]
#I relators:
#I 1. 4 [ -6, -1, 6, 1 ]
#I 2. 4 [ 4, 6, -4, -6 ]
#I 3. 4 [ 5, 4, -5, -4 ]
#I 4. 4 [ 4, -2, -4, 2 ]
#I 5. 4 [ -3, 2, 3, -2 ]
#I 6. 4 [ -3, -1, 3, 1 ]
#I 7. 6 [ -4, 3, 4, 6, -3, -6 ]
#I 8. 6 [ -1, -6, -2, 6, 1, 2 ]
#I 9. 6 [ -6, -2, -5, 6, 2, 5 ]
#I 10. 6 [ 2, 5, 1, -5, -2, -1 ]
#I 11. 8 [ -1, -6, -5, 3, 6, 1, 5, -3 ]
gap> TzPrintPairs(p2);
#I 1. 5 occurrences of _x1^-1 * _x27^-1
#I 2. 3 occurrences of _x6 * _x27
#I 3. 3 occurrences of _x3 * _x26
#I 4. 2 occurrences of _x3 * _x27
#I 5. 2 occurrences of _x1 * _x4
#I 6. 2 occurrences of _x1 * _x3
#I 7. 1 occurrence of _x26 * _x27
#I 8. 1 occurrence of _x26 * _x27^-1
#I 9. 1 occurrence of _x26^-1 * _x27
#I 10. 1 occurrence of _x6 * _x27^-1
gap> TzSubstitute(p2,1,2);
#I substituting new generator _x28 defined by _x1^-1*_x27^-1
#I eliminating _x27 = _x1^-1*_x28^-1
#I there are 6 generators and 11 relators of total length 58
gap> TzGoGo(p2);
#I there are 6 generators and 11 relators of total length 54
gap> TzGoGo(p2);
gap> p3 := Copy(p2);
<< presentation with 6 gens and 11 rels of total length 54 >>
gap> TzSubstitute(p3,3,2);
#I substituting new generator _x29 defined by _x3*_x26
#I eliminating _x26 = _x3^-1*_x29
gap> TzGoGo(p3);
#I there are 6 generators and 11 relators of total length 52
gap> TzGoGo(p3);
gap> TzPrint(p3);
#I generators: [ _x1, _x3, _x4, _x6, _x28, _x29 ]
#I relators:
#I 1. 4 [ 6, 4, -6, -4 ]
#I 2. 4 [ 1, -6, -1, 6 ]
#I 3. 4 [ -5, -1, 5, 1 ]
#I 4. 4 [ -2, -5, 2, 5 ]
#I 5. 4 [ 4, -2, -4, 2 ]
#I 6. 4 [ -3, 2, 3, -2 ]
#I 7. 4 [ -3, -1, 3, 1 ]
#I 8. 6 [ -2, 5, -6, 2, -5, 6 ]
#I 9. 6 [ 4, -1, -5, -4, 5, 1 ]
#I 10. 6 [ -6, 3, -5, 6, -3, 5 ]
#I 11. 6 [ 3, -5, 4, -3, -4, 5 ]
The resulting presentation could further be simplified by Tietze transformations using
TzSubstitute and TzGoGo until one reaches finally a presentation on 6 generators with
11 relators, 9 of which are commutators of the generators. Working by hand from these,
the kernel can be identified as a particular subgroup of the direct product of four copies of
the free group on two generators.
1.21 About Fields
In this section we will show you some basic computations with fields. GAP3 supports at
present the following fields. The rationals, cyclotomic extensions of rationals and their
subfields (which we will refer to as number fields in the following), and finite fields.
Let us first take a look at the infinite fields mentioned above. While the set of rational
numbers is a predefined domain in GAP3 to which you may refer by its identifier Rationals,
cyclotomic fields are constructed by using the function CyclotomicField, which may be
abbreviated as CF.
gap> IsField( Rationals );
gap> Size( Rationals );
gap> f := CyclotomicField( 8 );
gap> IsSubset( f, Rationals );
The integer argument nof the function call to CF specifies that the cyclotomic field containing
all n-th roots of unity should be returned.
Cyclotomic fields are constructed as extensions of the Rationals by primitive roots of unity.
Thus a primitive n-th root of unity is always an element of CF(n), where n is a natural
number. In GAP3, one may construct a primitive n-th root of unity by calling E(n).
gap> (E(8) + E(8)^3)^2;
gap> E(8) in f;
For every field extension you can compute the Galois group, i.e., the group of automorphisms
that leave the subfield fixed. For an example, cyclotomic fields are an extension of the
rationals, so you can compute their Galois group over the rationals.
1.21. ABOUT FIELDS 121
gap> Galf := GaloisGroup( f );
Group( NFAutomorphism( CF(8) , 7 ), NFAutomorphism( CF(8) , 5 ) )
gap> Size( Galf );
The above cyclotomic field is a small example where the Galois group is not cyclic.
gap> IsCyclic( Galf );
gap> IsAbelian( Galf );
gap> AbelianInvariants( Galf );
This shows us that the 8th cyclotomic field has a Galois group which is isomorphic to group
The elements of the Galois group are GAP3 automorphisms, so they may be applied to the
elements of the field in the same way as all mappings are usually applied to objects in GAP3.
gap> g := Galf.generators[1];
NFAutomorphism( CF(8) , 7 )
gap> E(8) ^ g;
There are two functions, Norm and Trace, which compute the norm and the trace of elements
of the field, respectively. The norm and the trace of an element aare defined to be the
product and the sum of the images of aunder the Galois group. You should usually specify
the field as a first argument. This argument is however optional. If you omit a default field
will be used. For a cyclotomic athis is the smallest cyclotomic field that contains a(note
that this is not the smallest field that contains a, which may be a number field that is not
a cyclotomic field).
gap> orb := List( Elements( Galf ), x -> E(8) ^ x );
[ E(8), E(8)^3, -E(8), -E(8)^3 ]
gap> Sum( orb ) = Trace( f, E(8) );
gap> Product( orb ) = Norm( f, E(8) );
gap> Trace( f, 1 );
The basic way to construct a finite field is to use the function GaloisField which may be
abbreviated, as usual in algebra, as GF. Thus
gap> k := GF( 3, 4 );
gap> k := GaloisField( 81 );
will assign the finite field of order 34to the variable k.
In fact, what GF does is to set up a record which contains all necessary information, telling
that it represents a finite field of degree 4 over its prime field with 3 elements. Of course, all
arguments to GF others than those which represent a prime power are rejected – for obvious
Some of the more important entries of the field record are zero,one and root, which hold
the corresponding elements of the field. All elements of a finite field are represented as a
certain power of an appropriate primitive root, which is written as Z(q). As can be seen
below the smallest possible primitive root is used.
gap> + k.root + k.root^10 -;
gap> k.root;
gap> k.root ^ 20;
Note that of course elements from fields of different characteristic cannot be combined in
gap> Z(3^2) * k.root + + Z(3^8);
gap> Z(2) *;
Error, Finite field *: operands must have the same characteristic
In this example we tried to multiply a primitive root of the field with two elements with the
identity element of the field k. As the characteristic of kequals 3, there is no way to perform
the multiplication. The first statement of the example shows, that if all the elements of the
expression belong to fields of the same characteristic, the result will be computed.
As soon as a primitive root is demanded, GAP3 internally sets up all relevant data struc-
tures that are necessary to compute in the corresponding finite field. Each finite field is
constructed as a splitting field of a Conway polynomial. These polynomials, as a set, have
special properties that make it easy to embed smaller fields in larger ones and to convert
the representation of the elements when doing so. All Conway polynomials for fields up to
an order of 65536 have been computed and installed in the GAP3 kernel.
But now look at the following example.
gap> Z(3^3) * Z(3^4);
Error, Finite field *: smallest common superfield to large
Although both factors are elements of fields of characteristic 3, the product can not be
evaluated by GAP3. The reason for this is very easy to explain:In order to compute the
product, GAP3 has to find a field in which both of the factors lie. Here in our example the
smallest field containing Z(33) and Z(34) is GF (312), the field with 531441 elements. As we
have mentioned above that the size of finite fields in GAP3 is limited at present by 65536
we now see that there is no chance to set up the internal data structures for the common
field to perform the computation.
As before with cyclotomic fields, the Galois group of a finite field and the norm and trace
of its elements may be computed. The calling conventions are the same as for cyclotomic
gap> Galk := GaloisGroup( k );
1.21. ABOUT FIELDS 123
Group( FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(3^4) ) )
gap> Size( Galk );
gap> IsCyclic( Galk );
gap> Norm( k, k.root ^ 20 );
gap> Trace( k, k.root ^ 20 );
So far, in our examples, we were always interested in the Galois group of a field extension k
over its prime field. In fact it often will occur that, given a subfield lof kthe Galois group
of kover lis desired. In GAP3 it is possible to change the structure of a field by using the
/operator. So typing
gap> l := GF(3^2);
gap> IsSubset( k, l );
gap> k / l;
changes the representation of kfrom a field extension of degree 4 over GF (3) to a field given
as an extension of degree 2 over GF (32). The actual elements of the fields are still the same,
only the structure of the field has changed.
gap> k = k / l;
gap> Galkl := GaloisGroup( k / l );
Group( FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(3^4)/GF(3^2) )^2 )
gap> Size( Galkl );
Of course, all the relevant functions behave in a different way when they refer to k/l
instead of k
gap> Norm( k / l, k.root ^ 20 );
gap> Trace( k / l, k.root ^ 20 );
This feature, to change the structure of the field without changing the underlying set of
elements, is also available for cyclotomic fields, which we have seen at the beginning of this
gap> g := CyclotomicField( 4 );
gap> IsSubset( f, g );
gap> f / g;
gap> Galfg := GaloisGroup( f / g );
Group( NFAutomorphism( CF(8)/GaussianRationals , 5 ) )
gap> Size( Galfg );
The examples should have shown that, although the structure of finite fields and cyclotomic
fields is rather different, there is a similar interface to them in GAP3, which makes it easy
to write programs that deal with both types of fields in the same way.
1.22 About Matrix Groups
This section intends to show you the things you could do with matrix groups in GAP3.
In principle all the set theoretic functions mentioned in chapter 4 and all group functions
mentioned in chapter 7 can be applied to matrix groups. However, you should note that at
present only very few functions can work efficiently with matrix groups. Especially infinite
matrix groups (over the rationals or cyclotomic fields) can not be dealt with at all.
Matrix groups are created in the same way as the other types of groups, by using the function
Group. Of course, in this case the arguments have to be invertable matrices over a field.
gap> m1 := [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ],
> [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
> [ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ];;
gap> m2 := [ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
> [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
> [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ];;
gap> m := Group( m1, m2 );
Group( [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] )
As usual for groups, the matrix group that we have constructed is represented by a record
with several entries. For matrix groups, there is one additional entry which holds the field
over which the matrix group is written.
gap> m.field;
Note that you do not specify the field when you construct the group. Group automatically
takes the smallest field over which all its arguments can be written.
At this point there is the question what special functions are available for matrix groups.
The size of our group, for example, may be computed using the function Size.
gap> Size( m );
If we now compute the size of the corresponding general linear group
gap> (3^3 - 3^0) * (3^3 - 3^1) * (3^3 - 3^2);
we see that we have constructed a proper subgroup of index 13 of GL(3,3).
Let us now set up a subgroup of m, which is generated by the matrix m2.
gap> n := Subgroup( m, [ m2 ] );
Subgroup( Group( [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ),
[ [ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ] )
gap> Size( n );
And to round up this example we now compute the centralizer of this subgroup in m.
gap> c := Centralizer( m, n );
Subgroup( Group( [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ),
[ [ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ] )
gap> Size( c );
In this section you have seen that matrix groups are constructed in the same way that all
groups are constructed. You have also been warned that only very few functions can work
efficiently with matrix groups. See chapter 37 to read more about matrix groups.
1.23 About Domains and Categories
Domain is GAP3’s name for structured sets. We already saw examples of domains in
the previous sections. For example, the groups s8 and a8 in sections 1.18 and 1.19 are
domains. Likewise the fields in section 1.21 are domains. Categories are sets of domains.
For example, the set of all groups forms a category, as does the set of all fields.
In those sections we treated the domains as black boxes. They were constructed by special
functions such as Group and GaloisField, and they could be passed as arguments to other
functions such as Size and Orbits.
In this section we will also treat domains as black boxes. We will describe how domains are
created in general and what functions are applicable to all domains. Next we will show how
domains with the same structure are grouped into categories and will give an overview of
the categories that are available. Then we will discuss how the organization of the GAP3
library around the concept of domains and categories is reflected in this manual. In a later
section we will open the black boxes and give an overview of the mechanism that makes all
this work (see 1.27).
The first thing you must know is how you can obtain domains. You have basically three
possibilities. You can use the domains that are predefined in the library, you can create new
domains with domain constructors, and you can use the domains returned by many library
functions. We will now discuss those three possibilities in turn.
The GAP3 library predefines some domains. That means that there is a global variable
whose value is this domain. The following example shows some of the more important
predefined domains.
gap> Integers;
Integers # the ring of all integers
gap> Size( Integers );
gap> GaussianRationals;
GaussianRationals # the field of all Gaussian
gap> (1/2+E(4)) in GaussianRationals;
true #E(4) is GAP3’s name for the complex root of -1
gap> Permutations;
Permutations # the domain of all permutations
Note that GAP3 prints those domains using the name of the global variable.
You can create new domains using domain constructors such as Group,Field, etc. A
domain constructor is a function that takes a certain number of arguments and returns the
domain described by those arguments. For example, Group takes an arbitrary number of
group elements (of the same type) and returns the group generated by those elements.
gap> gf16 := GaloisField( 16 );
GF(2^4) # the finite field with 16 elements
gap> Intersection( gf16, GaloisField( 64 ) );
gap> a5 := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );
Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ) # the alternating group on 5 points
gap> Size( a5 );
Again GAP3 prints those domains using more or less the expression that you entered to
obtain the domain.
As with groups (see 1.18) a name can be assigned to an arbitrary domain Dwith the
assignment := string;, and GAP3 will use this name from then on in the output.
Many functions in the GAP3 library return domains. In the last example you already saw
that Intersection returned a finite field domain. Below are more examples.
gap> GaloisGroup( gf16 );
Group( FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^4) ) )
gap> SylowSubgroup( a5, 2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ), [ (2,4)(3,5), (2,3)(4,5) ] )
The distinction between domain constructors and functions that return domains is a little
bit arbitrary. It is also not important for the understanding of what follows. If you are
nevertheless interested, here are the principal differences. A constructor performs no com-
putation, while a function performs a more or less complicated computation. A constructor
creates the representation of the domain, while a function relies on a constructor to create
the domain. A constructor knows the dirty details of the domain’s representation, while a
function may be independent of the domain’s representation. A constructor may appear as
printed representation of a domain, while a function usually does not.
After showing how domains are created, we will now discuss what you can do with domains.
You can assign a domain to a variable, put a domain into a list or into a record, pass a
domain as argument to a function, and return a domain as result of a function. In this
regard there is no difference between an integer value such as 17 and a domain such as
Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ). Of course many functions will signal an error when you
call them with domains as arguments. For example, Gcd does not accept two groups as
arguments, because they lie in no Euclidean ring.
There are some functions that accept domains of any type as their arguments. Those
functions are called the set theoretic functions. The full list of set theoretic functions is
given in chapter 4.
Above we already used one of those functions, namely Size. If you look back you will see
that we applied Size to the domain Integers, which is a ring, and the domain a5, which
is a group. Remember that a domain was a structured set. The size of the domain is the
number of elements in the set. Size returns this number or the string "infinity" if the
domain is infinite. Below are more examples.
gap> Size( GaussianRationals );
"infinity" # this string is returned for infinite domains
gap> Size( SylowSubgroup( a5, 2 ) );
IsFinite( D)returns true if the domain Dis finite and false otherwise. You could also
test if a domain is finite using Size( D) < "infinity" (GAP3 evaluates n< "infinity"
to true for any number n). IsFinite is more efficient. For example, if Dis a permutation
group, IsFinite( D)can immediately return true, while Size( D)may take quite a
while to compute the size of D.
The other function that you already saw is Intersection. Above we computed the inter-
section of the field with 16 elements and the field with 64 elements. The following example
is similar.
gap> Intersection( a5, Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ) );
Group( (2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ) # alternating group on 4 points
In general Intersection tries to return a domain. In general this is not possible however.
Remember that a domain is a structured set. If the two domain arguments have different
structure the intersection may not have any structure at all. In this case Intersection re-
turns the result as a proper set, i.e., as a sorted list without holes and duplicates. The follow-
ing example shows such a case. ConjugacyClass returns the conjugacy class of (1,2,3,4,5)
in the alternating group on 6 points as a domain. If we intersect this class with the sym-
metric group on 5 points we obtain a proper set of 12 permutations, which is only one half
of the conjugacy class of 5 cycles in s5.
gap> a6 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4,5,6) );
Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4,5,6) )
gap> class := ConjugacyClass( a6, (1,2,3,4,5) );
ConjugacyClass( Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4,5,6) ), (1,2,3,4,5) )
gap> Size( class );
gap> s5 := Group( (1,2), (2,3,4,5) );
Group( (1,2), (2,3,4,5) )
gap> Intersection( class, s5 );
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,4,5,3), (1,2,5,3,4), (1,3,5,4,2), (1,3,2,5,4),
(1,3,4,2,5), (1,4,3,5,2), (1,4,5,2,3), (1,4,2,3,5), (1,5,4,3,2),
(1,5,2,4,3), (1,5,3,2,4) ]
You can intersect arbitrary domains as the following example shows.
gap> Intersection( Integers, a5 );
[ ] # the empty set
Note that we optimized Intersection for typical cases, e.g., computing the intersection of
two permutation groups, etc. The above computation is done with a very simple–minded
method, all elements of a5 are listed (with Elements, described below), and for each element
Intersection tests whether it lies in Integers (with in, described below). So the same
computation with the alternating group on 10 points instead of a5 will probably exhaust
your patience.
Just as Intersection returns a proper set occasionally, it also accepts proper sets as ar-
guments. Intersection also takes an arbitrary number of arguments. And finally it also
accepts a list of domains or sets to intersect as single argument.
gap> Intersection( a5, [ (1,2), (1,2,3), (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ] );
[ (1,2,3), (1,2,3,4,5) ]
gap> Intersection( [2,4,6,8,10], [3,6,9,12,15], [5,10,15,20,25] );
[ ]
gap> Intersection( [ [1,2,4], [2,3,4], [1,3,4] ] );
The function Union is the obvious counterpart of Intersection. Note that Union usually
does not return a domain. This is because the union of two domains, even of the same
type, is usually not again a domain of that type. For example, the union of two subgroups
is a subgroup if and only if one of the subgroups is a subset of the other. Of course this is
exactly the reason why Union is less important than Intersection in algebra.
Because domains are structured sets there ought to be a membership test that tests whether
an object lies in this domain or not. This is not implemented by a function, instead the
operator in is used. elm in Dreturns true if the element elm lies in the domain Dand
false otherwise. We already used the in operator above when we tested whether 1/2 +
E(4) lies in the domain of Gaussian integers.
gap> (1,2,3) in a5;
gap> (1,2) in a5;
gap> (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) in a5;
gap> 17 in a5;
false # of course an integer does not lie in a permutation group
gap> a5 in a5;
As you can see in the last example, in only implements the membership test. It does not
allow you to test whether a domain is a subset of another domain. For such tests the
function IsSubset is available.
gap> IsSubset( a5, a5 );
gap> IsSubset( a5, Group( (1,2,3) ) );
gap> IsSubset( Group( (1,2,3) ), a5 );
In the above example you can see that IsSubset tests whether the second argument is
a subset of the first argument. As a general rule GAP3 library functions take as first
arguments those arguments that are in some sense larger or more structured.
Suppose that you want to loop over all elements of a domain. For example, suppose that you
want to compute the set of element orders of elements in the group a5. To use the for loop
you need a list of elements in the domain D, because for var in Ddo statements od will
not work. The function Elements does exactly that. It takes a domain Dand returns the
proper set of elements of D.
gap> Elements( Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ) );
[ (), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,2),
(1,3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,2), (1,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ]
gap> ords := [];;
gap> for elm in Elements( a5 ) do
> Add( ords, Order( a5, elm ) );
> od;
gap> Set( ords );
gap> Set( List( Elements( a5 ), elm -> Order( a5, elm ) ) );
[1,2,3,5] # an easier way to compute the set of orders
Of course, if you apply Elements to an infinite domain, Elements will signal an error. It is
also not a good idea to apply Elements to very large domains because the list of elements
will take much space and computing this large list will probably exhaust your patience.
gap> Elements( GaussianIntegers );
Error, the ring <R> must be finite to compute its elements in
D.operations.Elements( D ) called from
Elements( GaussianIntegers ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
There are a few more set theoretic functions. See chapter 4 for a complete list.
All the set theoretic functions treat the domains as if they had no structure. Now a domain
is a structured set (excuse us for repeating this again and again, but it is really important
to get this across). If the functions ignore the structure than they are effectively viewing a
domain only as the set of elements.
In fact all set theoretic functions also accept proper sets, i.e., sorted lists without holes and
duplicates as arguments (we already mentioned this for Intersection). Also set theoretic
functions may occasionally return proper sets instead of domains as result.
This equivalence of a domain and its set of elements is particularly important for the defi-
nition of equality of domains. Two domains Dand Eare equal (in the sense that D=E
evaluates to true) if and only if the set of elements of Dis equal to the set of elements of
E(as returned by Elements( D)and Elements( E)). As a special case either of the
operands of =may also be a proper set, and the value is true if this set is equal to the set
of elements of the domain.
gap> a4 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) )
gap> elms := Elements( a4 );
[ (), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,2),
(1,3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,2), (1,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ]
gap> elms = a4;
However the following example shows that this does not imply that all functions return the
same answer for two domains (or a domain and a proper set) that are equal. This is because
those function may take the structure into account.
gap> IsGroup( a4 );
gap> IsGroup( elms );
gap> Intersection( a4, Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> Intersection( elms, Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ) );
[ (), (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ] # this is not a group
gap> last = last2;
true # but it is equal to the above result
gap> Centre( a4 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ), [ ] )
gap> Centre( elms );
Error, <struct> must be a record in
Centre( elms ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
Generally three things may happen if you have two domains Dand Ethat are equal but
have different structure (or a domain Dand a set Ethat are equal). First a function that
tests whether a domain has a certain structure may return true for Dand false for E.
Second a function may return a domain for Dand a proper set for E. Third a function may
work for Dand fail for E, because it requires the structure.
A slightly more complex example for the second case is the following.
gap> v4 := Subgroup( a4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ), [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> := "v4";;
gap> rc := v4 * (1,2,3);
gap> lc := (1,2,3) * v4;
gap> rc = lc;
gap> rc * (1,3,2);
gap> lc * (1,3,2);
[ (1,3)(2,4), (), (1,2)(3,4), (1,4)(2,3) ]
gap> last = last2;
The two domains rc and lc (yes, cosets are domains too) are equal, because they have the
same set of elements. However if we multiply both with (1,3,2) we obtain the trivial right
coset for rc and a list for lc. The result for lc is not a proper set, because it is not sorted,
therefore =evaluates to false. (For the curious. The multiplication of a left coset with an
element from the right will generally not yield another coset, i.e., nothing that can easily be
represented as a domain. Thus to multiply lc with (1,3,2) GAP3 first converts lc to the
set of its elements with Elements. But the definition of multiplication requires that a list l
multiplied by an element eyields a new list nsuch that each element n[i]in the new list
is the product of the element l[i]at the same position of the operand list lwith e.)
Note that the above definition only defines what the result of the equality comparison of
two domains Dand Eshould be. It does not prescribe that this comparison is actually
performed by listing all elements of Dand E. For example, if Dand Eare groups, it is
sufficient to check that all generators of Dlie in Eand that all generators of Elie in D.
If GAP3 would really compute the whole set of elements, the following test could not be
performed on any computer.
gap> Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) )
> = Group( (17,18), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) );
If we could only apply the set theoretic functions to domains, domains would be of little
use. Luckily this is not so. We already saw that we could apply GaloisGroup to the finite
field with 16 elements, and SylowSubgroup to the group a5. But those functions are not
applicable to all domains. The argument of GaloisGroup must be a field, and the argument
of SylowSubgroup must be a group.
Acategory is a set of domains. So we say that the argument of GaloisGroup must
be an element of the category of fields, and the argument of SylowSubgroup must be an
element of the category of groups. The most important categories are rings,fields,groups,
and vector spaces. Which category a domain belongs to determines which functions are
applicable to this domain and its elements. We want to emphasize the each domain belongs
to one and only one category. This is necessary because domains in different categories
have, sometimes incompatible, representations.
Note that the categories only exist conceptually. That means that there is no GAP3 object
for the categories, e.g., there is no object Groups. For each category there exists a function
that tests whether a domain is an element of this category.
gap> IsRing( gf16 );
gap> IsField( gf16 );
gap> IsGroup( gf16 );
gap> IsVectorSpace( gf16 );
Note that of course mathematically the field gf16 is also a ring and a vector space. However
in GAP3 a domain can only belong to one category. So a domain is conceptually a set of
elements with one structure, e.g., a field structure. That the same set of elements may also
support a different structure, e.g., a ring or vector space structure, can not be represented
by this domain. So you need a different domain to represent this different structure. (We
are planning to add functions that changes the structure of a domain, e.g. AsRing( field )
should return a new domain with the same elements as field but with a ring structure.)
Domains may have certain properties. For example a ring may be commutative and a group
may be nilpotent. Whether a domain has a certain property Property can be tested with
the function IsProperty.
gap> IsCommutativeRing( GaussianIntegers );
gap> IsNilpotent( a5 );
There are also similar functions that test whether a domain (especially a group) is repre-
sented in a certain way. For example IsPermGroup tests whether a group is represented as
a permutation group.
gap> IsPermGroup( a5 );
gap> IsPermGroup( a4 / v4 );
false #a4 / v4 is represented as a generic factor group
There is a slight difference between a function such as IsNilpotent and a function such
as IsPermGroup. The former tests properties of an abstract group and its outcome is
independent of the representation of that group. The latter tests whether a group is given
in a certain representation.
This (rather philosophical) issue is further complicated by the fact that sometimes repre-
sentations and properties are not independent. This is especially subtle with IsSolvable
(see 7.61) and IsAgGroup (see 25.26). IsSolvable tests whether a group Gis solvable.
IsAgGroup tests whether a group Gis represented as a finite polycyclic group, i.e., by a
finite presentation that allows to efficiently compute canonical normal forms of elements
(see 25). Of course every finite polycyclic group is solvable, so IsAgGroup( G)implies
IsSolvable( G). On the other hand IsSolvable( G)does not imply IsAgGroup( G
), because, even though each solvable group can be represented as a finite polycyclic group,
it need not, e.g., it could also be represented as a permutation group.
The organization of the manual follows the structure of domains and categories.
After the description of the programming language and the environment chapter 4 describes
the domains and the functions applicable to all domains.
Next come the chapters that describe the categories rings, fields, groups, and vector spaces.
The remaining chapters describe GAP3’s data–types and the domains one can make with
those elements of those data-types. The order of those chapters roughly follows the order of
the categories. The data–types whose elements form rings and fields come first (e.g., integers
and finite fields), followed by those whose elements form groups (e.g., permutations), and so
on. The data–types whose elements support little or no algebraic structure come last (e.g.,
booleans). In some cases there may be two chapters for one data–type, one describing the
elements and the other describing the domains made with those elements (e.g., permutations
and permutation groups).
The GAP3 manual not only describes what you can do, it also gives some hints how GAP3
performs its computations. However, it can be tricky to find those hints. The index of this
manual can help you.
Suppose that you want to intersect two permutation groups. If you read the section that
describes the function Intersection (see 4.12) you will see that the last paragraph describes
the default method used by Intersection. Such a last paragraph that describes the default
method is rather typical. In this case it says that Intersection computes the proper set
of elements of both domains and intersect them. It also says that this method is often
overlaid with a more efficient one. You wonder whether this is the case for permutation
groups. How can you find out? Well you look in the index under Intersection. There you
will find a reference Intersection, for permutation groups to section Set Functions
for Permutation Groups (see 21.20). This section tells you that Intersection uses a
backtrack for permutation groups (and cites a book where you can find a description of the
Let us now suppose that you intersect two factor groups. There is no reference in the
index for Intersection, for factor groups. But there is a reference for Intersection, for
groups to the section Set Functions for Groups (see 7.114). Since this is the next best
thing, look there. This section further directs you to the section Intersection for Groups
(see 7.116). This section finally tells you that Intersection computes the intersection of
two groups Gand Has the stabilizer in Gof the trivial coset of Hunder the operation of
Gon the right cosets of H.
In this section we introduced domains and categories. You have learned that a domain is
a structured set, and that domains are either predefined, created by domain constructors,
or returned by library functions. You have seen most functions that are applicable to all
domains. Those functions generally ignore the structure and treat a domain as the set of
its elements. You have learned that categories are sets of domains, and that the category a
domain belongs to determines which functions are applicable to this domain.
More information about domains can be found in chapter 4. Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 9 define
the categories known to GAP3. The section 1.27 opens that black boxes and shows how all
this works.
1.24 About Mappings and Homomorphisms
A mapping is an object which maps each element of its source to a value in its range.
Source and range can be arbitrary sets of elements. But in most applications the source
and range are structured sets and the mapping, in such applications called homomorphism,
is compatible with this structure.
In the last sections you have already encountered examples of homomorphisms, namely
natural homomorphisms of groups onto their factor groups and operation homomorphisms
of groups into symmetric groups.
Finite fields also bear a structure and homomorphisms between fields are always bijections.
The Galois group of a finite field is generated by the Frobenius automorphism. It is very
easy to construct.
gap> f := FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(81) );
FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(3^4) )
gap> Image( f, Z(3^4) );
gap> A := Group( f );
Group( FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(3^4) ) )
gap> Size( A );
gap> IsCyclic( A );
gap> Order( Mappings, f );
gap> Kernel( f );
[ 0*Z(3) ]
For finite fields and cyclotomic fields the function GaloisGroup is an easy way to construct
the Galois group.
gap> GaloisGroup( GF(81) );
Group( FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(3^4) ) )
gap> Size( last );
gap> GaloisGroup( CyclotomicField( 18 ) );
Group( NFAutomorphism( CF(9) , 2 ) )
gap> Size( last );
Not all group homomorphisms are bijections of course, natural homomorphisms do have a
kernel in most cases and operation homomorphisms need neither be surjective nor injective.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> := "s4";;
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> := "v4";;
gap> s3 := s4 / v4;
(s4 / v4)
gap> f := NaturalHomomorphism( s4, s3 );
NaturalHomomorphism( s4, (s4 / v4) )
gap> IsHomomorphism( f );
gap> IsEpimorphism( f );
gap> Image( f );
(s4 / v4)
gap> IsMonomorphism( f );
gap> Kernel( f );
The image of a group homomorphism is always one element of the range but the preimage
can be a coset. In order to get one representative of this coset you can use the function
gap> Image( f, (1,2,3,4) );
FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,4) )
gap> PreImages( f, s3.generators[1] );
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( f, s3.generators[1] );
But even if the homomorphism is a monomorphism but not surjective you can use the
function PreImagesRepresentative in order to get the preimage of an element of the range.
gap> B := Z(3) * [ [ 0, 1 ], [ -1, 0 ] ];;
gap> G := Group( A, B );
Group( [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] )
gap> Size( G );
gap> := "G";;
gap> d8 := Operation( G, Orbit( G, Z(3)*[1,0] ) );
Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4) )
gap> e := OperationHomomorphism( Subgroup( G, [B] ), d8 );
OperationHomomorphism( Subgroup( G,
[ [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ] ), Group( (1,2)(3,4),
(1,2,3,4) ) )
gap> Kernel( e );
Subgroup( G, [ ] )
gap> IsSurjective( e );
gap> PreImages( e, (1,3)(2,4) );
(Subgroup( G, [ ] )*[ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ])
gap> PreImage( e, (1,3)(2,4) );
Error, <bij> must be a bijection, not an arbitrary mapping in
bij.operations.PreImageElm( bij, img ) called from
PreImage( e, (1,3)(2,4) ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( e, (1,3)(2,4) );
[ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ]
Only bijections allow PreImage in order to get the preimage of an element of the range.
gap> Operation( G, Orbit( G, Z(3)*[1,0] ) );
Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4) )
gap> d := OperationHomomorphism( G, last );
OperationHomomorphism( G, Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4) ) )
gap> PreImage( d, (1,3)(2,4) );
[ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ]
Both PreImage and PreImages can also be applied to sets. They return the complete
gap> PreImages( d, Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ) );
Subgroup( G, [ [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ] )
gap> Size( last );
gap> f := NaturalHomomorphism( s4, s3 );
NaturalHomomorphism( s4, (s4 / v4) )
gap> PreImages( f, s3 );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] )
gap> Size( last );
Another way to construct a group automorphism is to use elements in the normalizer of a
subgroup and construct the induced automorphism. A special case is the inner automor-
phism induced by an element of a group, a more general case is a surjective homomorphism
induced by arbitrary elements of the parent group.
gap> d12 := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6),(2,6)(3,5));; := "d12";;
gap> i1 := InnerAutomorphism( d12, (1,2,3,4,5,6) );
InnerAutomorphism( d12, (1,2,3,4,5,6) )
gap> Image( i1, (2,6)(3,5) );
gap> IsAutomorphism( i1 );
Mappings can also be multiplied, provided that the range of the first mapping is a subgroup
of the source of the second mapping. The multiplication is of course defined as the com-
position. Note that, in line with the fact that mappings operate from the right,Image(
map1 *map2 ,elm )is defined as Image( map2 , Image( map1 ,elm ) ).
gap> i2 := InnerAutomorphism( d12, (2,6)(3,5) );
InnerAutomorphism( d12, (2,6)(3,5) )
gap> i1 * i2;
InnerAutomorphism( d12, (1,6)(2,5)(3,4) )
gap> Image( last, (2,6)(3,5) );
Mappings can also be inverted, provided that they are bijections.
gap> i1 ^ -1;
InnerAutomorphism( d12, (1,6,5,4,3,2) )
gap> Image( last, (2,6)(3,5) );
Whenever you have a set of bijective mappings on a finite set (or domain) you can construct
the group generated by those mappings. So in the following example we create the group
of inner automorphisms of d12.
gap> autd12 := Group( i1, i2 );
Group( InnerAutomorphism( d12,
(1,2,3,4,5,6) ), InnerAutomorphism( d12, (2,6)(3,5) ) )
gap> Size( autd12 );
gap> Index( d12, Centre( d12 ) );
Note that the computation with such automorphism groups in their present implementation
is not very efficient. For example to compute the size of such an automorphism group all
elements are computed. Thus work with such automorphism groups should be restricted to
very small examples.
The function ConjugationGroupHomomorphism is a generalization of InnerAutomorphism.
It accepts a source and a range and an element that conjugates the source into the range.
Source and range must lie in a common parent group, and the conjugating element must
also lie in this parent group.
gap> c2 := Subgroup( d12, [ (2,6)(3,5) ] );
Subgroup( d12, [ (2,6)(3,5) ] )
gap> v4 := Subgroup( d12, [ (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ] );
Subgroup( d12, [ (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ] )
gap> x := ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( c2, v4, (1,3,5)(2,4,6) );
ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( Subgroup( d12,
[ (2,6)(3,5) ] ), Subgroup( d12, [ (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6)
] ), (1,3,5)(2,4,6) )
gap> IsSurjective( x );
gap> Image( x );
Subgroup( d12, [ (1,5)(2,4) ] )
But how can we construct homomorphisms which are not induced by elements of the parent
group? The most general way to construct a group homomorphism is to define the source,
range and the images of the generators under the homomorphism in mind.
gap> c := GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, s4, [A,B], [(1,2),(3,4)] );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, s4,
[ [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ], [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )
gap> Kernel( c );
Subgroup( G, [ [ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ] )
gap> Image( c );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )
gap> IsHomomorphism( c );
gap> Image( c, A );
gap> PreImages( c, (1,2) );
(Subgroup( G, [ [ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ] )*
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ])
Note that it is possible to construct a general mapping this way that is not a homomorphism,
because GroupHomomorphismByImages does not check if the given images fulfill the relations
of the generators.
gap> b := GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, s4, [A,B], [(1,2,3),(3,4)] );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, s4,
[ [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ], [ (1,2,3), (3,4) ] )
gap> IsHomomorphism( b );
gap> Images( b, A );
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3,2), (2,3,4), (1,3,4), (1,4)(2,3), (1,4,2)
] )*())
The result is a multi valued mapping, i.e., one that maps each element of its source to a
set of elements in its range. The set of images of Aunder bis defined as follows. Take all
the words of two letters w(x, y) such that w(A, B) = A, e.g., xand xyxyx. Then the set of
images is the set of elements that you get by inserting the images of Aand Bin those words,
i.e., w((1,2,3),(3,4)), e.g., (1,2,3) and (1,4,2). One can show that the set of images of the
identity under a multi valued mapping such as bis a subgroup and that the set of images
of other elements are cosets of this subgroup.
1.25 About Character Tables
This section contains some examples of the use of GAP3 in character theory. First a few
very simple commands for handling character tables are introduced, and afterwards we will
construct the character tables of (A5×3) :2 and of A6.22.
GAP3 has a large library of character tables, so let us look at one of these tables, e.g., the
table of the Mathieu group M11:
gap> m11:= CharTable( "M11" );
CharTable( "M11" )
Character tables contain a lot of information. This is not printed in full length since the
internal structure is not easy to read. The next statement shows a more comfortable output
gap> DisplayCharTable( m11 );
24413.133 . .
3212..1.. . .
51...1... . .
111....... 1 1
1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 8a 8b 11a 11b
2P 1a 1a 3a 2a 5a 3a 4a 4a 11b 11a
3P 1a 2a 1a 4a 5a 2a 8a 8b 11a 11b
5P 1a 2a 3a 4a 1a 6a 8b 8a 11a 11b
11P 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 8a 8b 1a 1a
X.1 11111111 1 1
X.2 10 2 1 2 . -1 . . -1 -1
X.3 10 -2 1 . . 1 A -A -1 -1
X.4 10 -2 1 . . 1 -A A -1 -1
X.5 11 3 2 -1 1 . -1 -1 . .
X.6 16 . -2 . 1 . . . B /B
X.7 16 . -2 . 1 . . . /B B
X.8 44 4 -1 . -1 1 . . . .
X.9 45 -3 . 1 . . -1 -1 1 1
X.10 55 -1 1 -1 . -1 1 1 . .
A = E(8)+E(8)^3
= ER(-2) = i2
B = E(11)+E(11)^3+E(11)^4+E(11)^5+E(11)^9
= (-1+ER(-11))/2 = b11
We are not too much interested in the internal structure of this character table (see 49.2);
but of course we can access all information about the centralizer orders (first four lines),
element orders (next line), power maps for the prime divisors of the group order (next four
lines), irreducible characters (lines parametrized by X.1 . . . X.10) and irrational character
values (last four lines), see 49.37 for a detailed description of the format of the displayed
table. E.g., the irreducible characters are a list with name m11.irreducibles, and each
character is a list of cyclotomic integers (see chapter 13). There are various ways to describe
the irrationalities; e.g., the square root of 2 can be entered as E(8) + E(8)^3 or ER(-2),
the famous ATLAS of Finite Groups [CCN+85] denotes it as i2.
gap> m11.irreducibles[3];
[ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, E(8)+E(8)^3, -E(8)-E(8)^3, -1, -1 ]
We can for instance form tensor products of this character with all irreducibles, and compute
the decomposition into irreducibles.
gap> tens:= Tensored( [ last ], m11.irreducibles );;
gap> MatScalarProducts( m11, m11.irreducibles, tens );
The decomposition means for example that the third character in the list tens is the sum
of the irreducible characters at positions 5, 8 and 9.
gap> tens[3];
[ 100, 4, 1, 0, 0, 1, -2, -2, 1, 1 ]
gap> tens[3] = Sum( Sublist( m11.irreducibles, [ 5, 8, 9 ] ) );
Or we can compute symmetrizations, e.g., the characters χ2+, defined by χ2+(g) = 1
χ(g2)), for all irreducibles.
gap> sym:= SymmetricParts( m11, m11.irreducibles, 2 );;
gap> MatScalarProducts( m11, m11.irreducibles, sym );
[ 1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 2, 2, 8, 4, 7 ],
[ 1, 3, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 11, 7, 10 ] ]
gap> sym[2];
[ 55, 7, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
gap> sym[2] = Sum( Sublist( m11.irreducibles, [ 1, 2, 8 ] ) );
If the subgroup fusion into a supergroup is known, characters can be induced to this group,
e.g., to obtain the permutation character of the action of M12 on the cosets of M11.
gap> m12:= CharTable( "M12" );;
gap> permchar:= Induced( m11, m12, [ m11.irreducibles[1] ] );
gap> MatScalarProducts( m12, m12.irreducibles, last );
gap> DisplayCharTable( m12, rec( chars:= permchar ) );
2646125512133 1 . .
331132...11.. . . .
511.....1.... 1 . .
111........... . 1 1
1a 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 6a 6b 8a 8b 10a 11a 11b
2P 1a 1a 1a 3a 3b 2b 2b 5a 3b 3a 4a 4b 5a 11b 11a
3P 1a 2a 2b 1a 1a 4a 4b 5a 2a 2b 8a 8b 10a 11a 11b
5P 1a 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 1a 6a 6b 8a 8b 2a 11a 11b
11P 1a 2a 2b 3a 3b 4a 4b 5a 6a 6b 8a 8b 10a 1a 1a
Y.1 12.43..42.1.2 . 1 1
It should be emphasized that the heart of character theory is dealing with lists. Characters
are lists, and also the maps which occur are represented as lists. Note that the multiplication
of group elements is not available, so we neither have homomorphisms. All we can talk of
are class functions, and the lists are regarded as such functions, being the lists of images
with respect to a fixed order of conjugacy classes. Therefore we do not write chi( cl )
or cl^chi for the value of the character chi on the class cl, but chi[i] where iis the
position of the class cl.
Since the data structures are so basic, most calculations involve compositions of maps; for
example, the embedding of a subgroup in a group is described by the so–called subgroup
fusion which is a class function that maps each class cof the subgroup to that class of the
group that contains c. Consider the symmetric group S5
=A5.2 as subgroup of M11. (Do
not worry about the names that are used to get library tables, see 49.12 for an overview.)
gap> s5:= CharTable( "A5.2" );;
gap> map:= GetFusionMap( s5, m11 );
The subgroup fusion is already stored on the table. We see that class 1 of s5 is mapped to
class 1 of m11 (which means that the identity of S5maps to the identity of M11), classes 2
and 5 of s5 both map to class 2 of m11 (which means that all involutions of S5are conjugate
in M11), and so on.
The restriction of a character of m11 to s5 is just the composition of this character with
the subgroup fusion map. Viewing this map as list one would call this composition an
gap> chi:= m11.irreducibles[3];
[ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, E(8)+E(8)^3, -E(8)-E(8)^3, -1, -1 ]
gap> rest:= List( map, x -> chi[x] );
[ 10, -2, 1, 0, -2, 0, 1 ]
This looks very easy, and many GAP3 functions in character theory do such simple cal-
culations. But note that it is not always obvious that a list is regarded as a map, where
preimages and/or images refer to positions of certain conjugacy classes.
gap> alt:= s5.irreducibles[2];
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ]
gap> kernel:= KernelChar( last );
The kernel of a character is represented as the list of (positions of) classes lying in the kernel.
We know that the kernel of the alternating character alt of s5 is the alternating group A5.
The order of the kernel can be computed as sum of the lengths of the contained classes from
the character table, using that the classlengths are stored in the classes component of the
gap> s5.classes;
[ 1, 15, 20, 24, 10, 30, 20 ]
gap> last{ kernel };
[ 1, 15, 20, 24 ]
gap> Sum( last );
We chose those classlengths of s5 that belong to the S5–classes contained in the alternating
group. The same thing is done in the following command, reflecting the view of the kernel
as map.
gap> List( kernel, x -> s5.classes[x] );
[ 1, 15, 20, 24 ]
gap> Sum( kernel, x -> s5.classes[x] );
This small example shows how the functions List and Sum can be used. These functions
as well as Filtered were introduced in 1.16, and we will make heavy use of them; in many
cases such a command might look very strange, but it is just the translation of a (hardly
less complicated) mathematical formula to character theory.
And now let us construct some small character tables!
The group G= (A5×3) : 2 is a maximal sub-
group of the alternating group A8;Gextends
to S5×S3in S8. We want to construct the
character table of G.
First the tables of the subgroup A5×3 and
the supergroup S5×S3are constructed; the
tables of the factors of each direct product are
again got from the table library using admis-
sible names, see 49.12 for this. b
b b
b b
gap> a5:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> c3:= CharTable( "Cyclic", 3 );;
gap> a5xc3:= CharTableDirectProduct( a5, c3 );;
gap> s5:= CharTable( "A5.2" );;
gap> s3:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 3 );;
gap> s3.irreducibles;
# The trivial character shall be the first one.
gap> SortCharactersCharTable( s3 ); # returns the applied permutation
gap> s5xs3:= CharTableDirectProduct( s5, s3 );;
Gis the normal subgroup of index 2 in S5×S3which contains neither S5nor the normal
S3. We want to find the classes of s5xs3 whose union is G. For that, we compute the
set of kernels of irreducibles –remember that they are given simply by lists of numbers of
contained classes– and then choose those kernels belonging to normal subgroups of index 2.
gap> kernels:= Set( List( s5xs3.irreducibles, KernelChar ) );
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21 ], [ 1, 3 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ], [ 1, 4, 7, 10 ],
[ 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 ] ]
gap> sizes:= List( kernels, x -> Sum( Sublist( s5xs3.classes, x ) ) );
[ 1, 6, 360, 720, 3, 360, 360, 60, 120 ]
gap> s5xs3.size;
gap> index2:= Sublist( kernels, [ 3, 6, 7 ] );
[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ] ]
In order to decide which kernel describes G, we consider the embeddings of s5 and s3 in
s5xs3, given by the subgroup fusions.
gap> s5ins5xs3:= GetFusionMap( s5, s5xs3 );
[ 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 ]
gap> s3ins5xs3:= GetFusionMap( s3, s5xs3 );
gap> Filtered( index2, x->Intersection(x,s5ins5xs3)<>s5ins5xs3 and
> Intersection(x,s3ins5xs3)<>s3ins5xs3 );
[ [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ] ]
gap> nsg:= last[1];
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ]
We now construct a first approximation of the character table of this normal subgroup,
namely the restriction of s5xs3 to the classes given by nsg.
gap> sub:= CharTableNormalSubgroup( s5xs3, nsg );;
#I CharTableNormalSubgroup: classes in [ 8 ] necessarily split
gap> PrintCharTable( sub );
rec( identifier := "Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 2\
0 ])", size :=
360, name := "Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ])",\
order := 360, centralizers := [ 360, 180, 24, 12, 18, 9, 15, 15/2,
12, 4, 6 ], orders := [ 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 15, 2, 4, 6
], powermap := [ , [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 3, 5 ],
[ 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7, 9, 10, 9 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 ] ], classes :=
[ 1, 2, 15, 30, 20, 40, 24, 48, 30, 90, 60
], operations := CharTableOps, irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 6, 6, -2, -2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 2, 0, -1 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -2, 0, 1 ],
[ 8, -4, 0, 0, 2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 10, -5, 2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ], fusions := [ rec(
name := [ ’A’, ’5’, ’.’, ’2’, ’x’, ’S’, ’3’ ],
map := [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ] ) ] )
Not all restrictions of irreducible characters of s5xs3 to sub remain irreducible. We compute
those restrictions with norm larger than 1.
gap> red:= Filtered( Restricted( s5xs3, sub, s5xs3.irreducibles ),
> x -> ScalarProduct( sub, x, x ) > 1 );
[ [ 12, -6, -4, 2, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
gap> Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( nsg ) ],
> x -> not IsInt( sub.centralizers[x] ) );
Note that sub is not actually a character table in the sense of mathematics but only a
record with components like a character table. GAP3 does not know about this subtleties
and treats it as a character table.
As the list centralizers of centralizer orders shows, at least class 8 splits into two conjugacy
classes in G, since this is the only possibility to achieve integral centralizer orders.
Since 10 restrictions of irreducible characters remain irreducible for G(sub contains 10
irreducibles), only one of the 11 irreducibles of S5×S3splits into two irreducibles of G, in
other words, class 8 is the only splitting class.
Thus we create a new approximation of the desired character table (which we call split)
where this class is split; 8th and 9th column of the known irreducibles are of course equal,
and due to the splitting the second powermap for these columns is ambiguous.
gap> splitting:= [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ];;
gap> split:= CharTableSplitClasses( sub, splitting );;
gap> PrintCharTable( split );
rec( identifier := "Split(Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14,\
17, 20 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ])", size :=
360, order :=
360, name := "Split(Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 2\
0 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ])", centralizers :=
[ 360, 180, 24, 12, 18, 9, 15, 15, 15, 12, 4, 6 ], classes :=
[ 1, 2, 15, 30, 20, 40, 24, 24, 24, 30, 90, 60 ], orders :=
[ 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 15, 15, 2, 4, 6 ], powermap :=
[ 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 10 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 2, 10, 11, 12 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 6, 6, -2, -2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 0, -1 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -2, 0, 1 ],
[ 8, -4, 0, 0, 2, -1, -2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 10, -5, 2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ], fusions := [ rec(
name := "Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ])"
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] )
], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> Restricted( sub, split, red );
[ [ 12, -6, -4, 2, 0, 0, 2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
To complete the table means to find the missing two irreducibles and to complete the
powermaps. For this, there are different possibilities. First, one can try to embed Gin A8.
gap> a8:= CharTable( "A8" );;
gap> fus:= SubgroupFusions( split, a8 );
[ [ 1, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, 8, 13, 14, 3, 7, 9 ],
[ 1, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, 8, 14, 13, 3, 7, 9 ] ]
gap> fus:= RepresentativesFusions( split, fus, a8 );
#I RepresentativesFusions: no subtable automorphisms stored
gap> StoreFusion( split, a8, fus[1] );
The subgroup fusion is unique up to table automorphisms. Now we restrict the irreducibles
of A8to Gand reduce.
gap> rest:= Restricted( a8, split, a8.irreducibles );;
gap> red:= Reduced( split, split.irreducibles, rest );
remainders := [ ],
irreducibles :=
[ [ 6, -3, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, -E(15)-E(15)^2-E(15)^4-E(15)^8,
-E(15)^7-E(15)^11-E(15)^13-E(15)^14, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 6, -3, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, -E(15)^7-E(15)^11-E(15)^13-E(15)^14,
-E(15)-E(15)^2-E(15)^4-E(15)^8, 0, 0, 0 ] ] )
gap> Append( split.irreducibles, red.irreducibles );
The list of irreducibles is now complete, but the powermaps are not yet adjusted. To
complete the 2nd powermap, we transfer that of A8to Gusing the subgroup fusion.
gap> split.powermap;
[ 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 10 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 2, 10, 11, 12 ] ]
gap> TransferDiagram( split.powermap[2], fus[1], a8.powermap[2] );;
And this is the complete table.
gap> split.identifier:= "(A5x3):2";;
gap> DisplayCharTable( split );
Split(Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ]),[ 1, 2, 3\
, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ])
232321.. . .221
32211221 1 11.1
511....1 1 1...
1a 3a 2a 6a 3b 3c 5a 15a 15b 2b 4a 6b
2P 1a 3a 1a 3a 3b 3c 5a 15a 15b 1a 2a 3b
3P 1a 1a 2a 2a 1a 1a 5a 5a 5a 2b 4a 2b
5P 1a 3a 2a 6a 3b 3c 1a 3a 3a 2b 4a 6b
X.1 1111111 1 1111
X.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
X.3 2 -1 2 -1 2 -1 2 -1 -1 . . .
X.4 6 6 -2 -2 . . 1 1 1 . . .
X.5 4 4 . . 1 1 -1 -1 -1 2 . -1
X.6 4 4 . . 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -2 . 1
X.7 8 -4 . . 2 -1 -2 1 1 . . .
X.8 5 5 1 1 -1 -1 . . . 1 -1 1
X.9 5 5 1 1 -1 -1 . . . -1 1 -1
X.10 10 -5 2 -1 -2 1 . . . . . .
X.11 6 -3 -2 1 . . 1 A /A . . .
X.12 6 -3 -2 1 . . 1 /A A . . .
A = -E(15)-E(15)^2-E(15)^4-E(15)^8
= (-1-ER(-15))/2 = -1-b15
There are many ways around the block, so two further methods to complete the table split
shall be demonstrated; but we will not go into details.
Without use of GAP3 one could work as follows:
The irrationalities –and there must be irrational entries in the character table of G, since
the outer 2 can conjugate at most two of the four Galois conjugate classes of elements of
order 15– could also have been found from the structure of Gand the restriction of the
irreducible S5×S3character of degree 12.
On the classes that did not split the values of this character must just be divided by 2. Let
xbe one of the irrationalities. The second orthogonality relation tells us that x·x= 4 (at
class 15a) and x+x=1 (at classes 1a and 15a); here xdenotes the nontrivial Galois
conjugate of x. This has no solution for x=x, otherwise it leads to the quadratic equation
x2+x+ 4 = 0 with solutions b15 = 1
2(1 + 15) and 1b15.
The third possibility to complete the table is to embed A5×3:
gap> split.irreducibles := split.irreducibles{ [ 1 .. 10 ] };;
gap> SubgroupFusions( a5xc3, split );
The images of the four classes of element order 15 are not determined, the returned list
parametrizes the 24possibilities.
gap> fus:= ContainedMaps( last[1] );;
gap> Length( fus );
gap> fus[1];
Most of these 16 possibilities are excluded using scalar products of induced characters. We
take a suitable character chi of a5xc3 and compute the norm of the induced character with
respect to each possible map.
gap> chi:= a5xc3.irreducibles[5];
[ 3, 3*E(3), 3*E(3)^2, -1, -E(3), -E(3)^2, 0, 0, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4,
-E(15)^2-E(15)^8, -E(15)^7-E(15)^13, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3,
-E(15)^11-E(15)^14, -E(15)-E(15)^4 ]
gap> List( fus, x -> List( Induced( a5xc3, split, [ chi ], x ),
> y -> ScalarProduct( split, y, y ) )[1] );
[ 8/15, -2/3*E(5)-11/15*E(5)^2-11/15*E(5)^3-2/3*E(5)^4,
-2/3*E(5)-11/15*E(5)^2-11/15*E(5)^3-2/3*E(5)^4, 2/3,
-11/15*E(5)-2/3*E(5)^2-2/3*E(5)^3-11/15*E(5)^4, 3/5, 1,
-11/15*E(5)-2/3*E(5)^2-2/3*E(5)^3-11/15*E(5)^4, 1, 3/5,
-11/15*E(5)-2/3*E(5)^2-2/3*E(5)^3-11/15*E(5)^4, 2/3,
-2/3*E(5)-11/15*E(5)^2-11/15*E(5)^3-2/3*E(5)^4, 8/15 ]
gap> Filtered( [ 1 .. Length( fus ) ], x -> IsInt( last[x] ) );
[ 7, 10 ]
So only fusions 7 and 10 may be possible. They are equivalent (with respect to table
automorphisms), and the list of induced characters contains the missing irreducibles of G:
gap> Sublist( fus, last );
gap> ind:= Induced( a5xc3, split, a5xc3.irreducibles, last[1] );;
gap> Reduced( split, split.irreducibles, ind );
remainders := [ ],
irreducibles :=
[ [ 6, -3, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, -E(15)-E(15)^2-E(15)^4-E(15)^8,
-E(15)^7-E(15)^11-E(15)^13-E(15)^14, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 6, -3, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, -E(15)^7-E(15)^11-E(15)^13-E(15)^14,
-E(15)-E(15)^2-E(15)^4-E(15)^8, 0, 0, 0 ] ] )
The following example is thought mainly for experts. It shall demonstrate how one can work
together with GAP3 and the ATLAS [CCN+85], so better leave out the rest of this section
if you are not familiar with the ATLAS.
We shall construct the character table of the group G=
=Aut(A6) from the tables of the normal subgroups
=P GL(2,9) and A6.23
We regard Gas a downward extension of the Klein four-
group 22with A6. The set of classes of all preimages of
cyclic subgroups of 22covers the classes of G, but it may
happen that some representatives are conjugate in G, i.e.,
the classes fuse.
The ATLAS denotes the character tables of G,G.21,G.22
and G.23as follows: b
360899455 2424433
p power A A A A A A A A A AB BC
p' part A A A A A A A A A AB BC
ind 1A 2A 3A 3B 4A 5A B* fus ind 2B 2C 4B 6A 6B
χ2+ 5 1 2 -1 -1 0 0 : ++ 3 -1 1 0 -1
χ3+ 5 1 -1 2 -1 0 0 : ++ -1 3 1 -1 0
χ5+ 8 0 -1 -1 0 * -b5 .
χ7+ 10 -2 1 1 0 0 0 : ++ 2 -2 0 -1 1
104455 244
fus ind 2D 8A B* 10A B* fus ind 4C 8C D**
: ++ 1 1 1 1 1 : ++ 1 1 1 χ1
. . χ3
: ++ 2 0 0 b5 * . + 0 0 0 χ4
: ++ 2 0 0 * b5 . χ5
: ++ -1 1 1 -1 -1 : ++ 1 -1 -1 χ6
: ++ 0 r2 -r2 0 0 : oo 0 i2 -i2 χ7
First we construct a table whose classes are those of the three subgroups. Note that the
exponent of A6is 60, so the representative orders could become at most 60 times the value
in 22.
gap> s1:= CharTable( "A6.2_1" );;
gap> s2:= CharTable( "A6.2_2" );;
gap> s3:= CharTable( "A6.2_3" );;
gap> c2:= CharTable( "Cyclic", 2 );;
gap> v4:= CharTableDirectProduct( c2, c2 );;
#I CharTableDirectProduct: existing subgroup fusion on <tbl2> replaced
#I by actual one
gap> for tbl in [ s1, s2, s3 ] do
> Print( tbl.irreducibles[2], "\n" );
> od;
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ]
gap> split:= CharTableSplitClasses( v4,
> [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4], 60 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( split );
rec( identifier := "Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, \
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ])", size := 4, order :=
4, name := "Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,\
4, 4, 4 ])", centralizers := [ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ], classes := [ 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5,
1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 ], orders :=
[ 1, [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 ],
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 ],
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 ],
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ],
[ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120 ] ], powermap :=
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ] ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1 ]
], fusions := [ rec(
name := [ ’C’, ’2’, ’x’, ’C’, ’2’ ],
map := [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]
) ], operations := CharTableOps )
Now we embed the subgroups and adjust the classlengths, order, centralizers, powermaps
and thus the representative orders.
gap> StoreFusion( s1, split, [1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]);
gap> StoreFusion( s2, split, [1,2,3,4,5,5,11,12,13,14,15]);
gap> StoreFusion( s3, split, [1,2,3,4,5,16,17,18]);
gap> for tbl in [ s1, s2, s3 ] do
> fus:= GetFusionMap( tbl, split );
> for class in Difference( [ 1 .. Length( tbl.classes ) ],
> KernelChar(tbl.irreducibles[2]) ) do
> split.classes[ fus[ class ] ]:= tbl.classes[ class ];
> od;
> od;
gap> for class in [ 1 .. 5 ] do
> split.classes[ class ]:= s3.classes[ class ];
> od;
gap> split.classes;
[ 1, 45, 80, 90, 144, 15, 15, 90, 120, 120, 36, 90, 90, 72, 72, 180,
90, 90 ]
gap> split.size:= Sum( last );
gap> split.order:= last;
gap> split.centralizers:= List( split.classes, x -> split.order / x );
[ 1440, 32, 18, 16, 10, 96, 96, 16, 12, 12, 40, 16, 16, 20, 20, 8,
16, 16 ]
gap> split.powermap[3]:= InitPowermap( split, 3 );;
gap> split.powermap[5]:= InitPowermap( split, 5 );;
gap> for tbl in [ s1, s2, s3 ] do
> fus:= GetFusionMap( tbl, split );
> for p in [ 2, 3, 5 ] do
> TransferDiagram( tbl.powermap[p], fus, split.powermap[p] );
> od;
> od;
gap> split.powermap;
[ 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, 11, 13, 12, 15, 14, 16, 17, 18 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 12, 11, 11, 16, 18, 17 ] ]
gap> split.orders:= ElementOrdersPowermap( split.powermap );
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 8, 8, 10, 10, 4, 8, 8 ]
In order to decide which classes fuse in G, we look at the norms of suitable induced charac-
ters, first the + extension of χ2to A6.21.
gap> ind:= Induced( s1, split, [ s1.irreducibles[3] ] )[1];
[ 10, 2, 1, -2, 0, 6, -2, 2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
gap> ScalarProduct( split, ind, ind );
The inertia group of this character is A6.21, thus the norm of the induced character must
be 1. If the classes 2B and 2C fuse, the contribution of these classes is changed from
15 ·62+ 15 ·(2)2to 30 ·22, the difference is 480. But we have to subtract 720 which is half
the group order, so also 6A and 6B fuse. This is not surprising, since it reflects the action of
the famous outer automorphism of S6. Next we examine the + extension of χ4to A6.22.
gap> ind:= Induced( s2, split, [ s2.irreducibles[4] ] )[1];
[ 16, 0, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 2*E(5)+2*E(5)^4,
2*E(5)^2+2*E(5)^3, 0, 0, 0 ]
gap> ScalarProduct( split, ind, ind );
Again, the norm must be 1, 10A and 10B fuse.
gap> collaps:= CharTableCollapsedClasses( split,
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,6,7,8,8,9,10,11,12,12,13,14,15] );;
gap> PrintCharTable( collaps );
rec( identifier := "Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,\
2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 1\
1, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15 ])", size := 1440, order :=
1440, name := "Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3\
, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12\
, 12, 13, 14, 15 ])", centralizers := [ 1440, 32, 18, 16, 10, 48, 16,
6, 40, 16, 16, 10, 8, 16, 16 ], orders :=
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 2, 8, 8, 10, 4, 8, 8 ], powermap :=
[ 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 9, 11, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 10, 9, 13, 15, 14 ]
], fusionsource :=
[ "Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 \
])" ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1 ]
], classes := [ 1, 45, 80, 90, 144, 30, 90, 240, 36, 90, 90, 144,
180, 90, 90 ], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> split.fusions;
[ rec(
name := [ ’C’, ’2’, ’x’, ’C’, ’2’ ],
map := [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]
), rec(
name :=
"Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,\
3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 1\
3, 14, 15 ])",
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13,
14, 15 ] ) ]
gap> for tbl in [ s1, s2, s3 ] do
> StoreFusion( tbl, collaps,
> CompositionMaps( GetFusionMap( split, collaps ),
> GetFusionMap( tbl, split ) ) );
> od;
gap> ind:= Induced( s1, collaps, [ s1.irreducibles[10] ] )[1];
[ 20, -4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
gap> ScalarProduct( collaps, ind, ind );
This character must be equal to any induced character of an irreducible character of degree
10 of A6.22and A6.23. That means, 8A fuses with 8B, and 8C with 8D.
gap> a6v4:= CharTableCollapsedClasses( collaps,
> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,13,13] );;
gap> PrintCharTable( a6v4 );
rec( identifier := "Collapsed(Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2\
, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8\
, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10\
, 11, 12, 13, 13 ])", size := 1440, order :=
1440, name := "Collapsed(Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, \
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, \
10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11,\
12, 13, 13 ])", centralizers := [ 1440, 32, 18, 16, 10, 48, 16, 6,
40, 8, 10, 8, 8 ], orders := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 2, 8, 10, 4,
8 ], powermap := [ , [ 1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 4 ],
[ 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 12, 13 ] ], fusionsource :=
[ "Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3\
, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14\
, 15 ])" ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1 ] ], classes :=
[ 1, 45, 80, 90, 144, 30, 90, 240, 36, 180, 144, 180, 180
], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> for tbl in [ s1, s2, s3 ] do
> StoreFusion( tbl, a6v4,
> CompositionMaps( GetFusionMap( collaps, a6v4 ),
> GetFusionMap( tbl, collaps ) ) );
> od;
Now the classes of Gare known, the only remaining work is to compute the irreducibles.
gap> a6v4.irreducibles;
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1 ] ]
gap> for tbl in [ s1, s2, s3 ] do
> ind:= Set( Induced( tbl, a6v4, tbl.irreducibles ) );
> Append( a6v4.irreducibles,
> Filtered( ind, x -> ScalarProduct( a6v4,x,x ) = 1 ) );
> od;
gap> a6v4.irreducibles:= Set( a6v4.irreducibles );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 10, 2, 1, -2, 0, -2, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 10, 2, 1, -2, 0, 2, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 16, 0, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -4, 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 16, 0, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 20, -4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
gap> sym:= Symmetrizations( a6v4, [ a6v4.irreducibles[5] ], 2 );
[ [ 45, -3, 0, 1, 0, -3, 1, 0, -5, 1, 0, -1, 1 ],
[ 55, 7, 1, 3, 0, 7, 3, 1, 5, -1, 0, 1, -1 ] ]
gap> Reduced( a6v4, a6v4.irreducibles, sym );
remainders := [ [ 27, 3, 0, 3, -3, 3, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ] ],
irreducibles := [ [ 9, 1, 0, 1, -1, -3, 1, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ] ] )
gap> Append( a6v4.irreducibles,
> Tensored( last.irreducibles,
> Sublist( a6v4.irreducibles, [ 1 .. 4 ] ) ) );
gap> SortCharactersCharTable( a6v4,
> (1,4)(2,3)(5,6)(7,8)(9,13,10,11,12) );;
gap> a6v4.identifier:= "A6.2^2";;
gap> DisplayCharTable( a6v4 );
Collapsed(Collapsed(Split(C2xC2,[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, \
3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12,\
13, 14, 15 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13 ])
25514144133 133
32.2..1.1.. ...
51...1...1. 1..
1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 2b 4b 6a 2c 8a 10a 4c 8b
2P 1a 1a 3a 2a 5a 1a 2a 3a 1a 4a 5a 2a 4a
3P 1a 2a 1a 4a 5a 2b 4b 2b 2c 8a 10a 4c 8b
5P 1a 2a 3a 4a 1a 2b 4b 6a 2c 8a 2c 4c 8b
X.1 1111111111 111
X.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
X.3 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 -1 -1
X.4 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1
X.5 10 2 1 -2 . 2 2 -1 . . . . .
X.6 10 2 1 -2 . -2 -2 1 . . . . .
X.7 16.-2.1...4.-1..
X.8 16 . -2 . 1 . . . -4 . 1 . .
X.9 9 1 . 1 -1 -3 1 . 1 -1 1 1 -1
X.10 9 1 . 1 -1 -3 1 . -1 1 -1 -1 1
X.11 9 1 . 1 -1 3 -1 . 1 -1 1 -1 1
X.12 9 1 . 1 -1 3 -1 . -1 1 -1 1 -1
X.13 20-42....... ...
1.26 About Group Libraries
When you start GAP3 it already knows several groups. For example, some basic groups
such as cyclic groups or symmetric groups, all primitive permutation groups of degree at
most 50, and all 2-groups of size at most 256.
Each of the sets above is called a group library. The set of all groups that GAP3 knows
initially is called the collection of group libraries.
In this section we show you how you can access the groups in those libraries and how you
can extract groups with certain properties from those libraries.
Let us start with the basic groups, because they are not accessed in the same way as the
groups in the other libraries.
To access such a basic group you just call a function with an appropriate name, such as
CyclicGroup or SymmetricGroup.
gap> c13 := CyclicGroup( 13 );
Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13) )
gap> Size( c13 );
gap> s8 := SymmetricGroup( 8 );
Group( (1,8), (2,8), (3,8), (4,8), (5,8), (6,8), (7,8) )
gap> Size( s8 );
The functions above also accept an optional first argument that describes the type of group.
For example you can pass AgWords to CyclicGroup to get a cyclic group as a finite polycyclic
group (see 25).
gap> c13 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 13 );
Group( c13 )
Of course you cannot pass AgWords to SymmetricGroup, because symmetric groups are in
general not polycyclic.
The default is to construct the groups as permutation groups, but you can also explicitly pass
Permutations. Other possible arguments are AgWords for finite polycyclic groups, Words
for finitely presented groups, and Matrices for matrix groups (however only Permutations
and AgWords currently work).
Let us now turn to the other libraries. They are all accessed in a uniform way. For a first
example we will use the group library of primitive permutation groups.
To extract a group from a group library you generally use the extraction function. In
our example this function is called PrimitiveGroup. It takes two arguments. The first is
the degree of the primitive permutation group that you want and the second is an integer
that specifies which of the primitive permutation groups of that degree you want.
gap> g := PrimitiveGroup( 12, 3 );
gap> g.generators;
[ ( 2, 6)( 3, 5)( 4, 7)( 9,10), ( 1, 5, 7)( 2, 9, 4)( 3, 8,10),
( 1,11)( 2, 7)( 3, 5)( 4, 6), ( 2, 5)( 3, 6)( 4, 7)(11,12) ]
gap> Size( g );
gap> IsSimple( g );
gap> h := PrimitiveGroup( 16, 19 );
gap> Size( h );
The reason for the extraction function is as follows. A group library is usually not stored as
a list of groups. Instead a more compact representation for the groups is used. For example
the groups in the library of 2-groups are represented by 4 integers. The extraction function
hides this representation from you, and allows you to access the group library as if it was a
table of groups (two dimensional in the above example).
What arguments the extraction function accepts, and how they are interpreted is described
in the sections that describe the individual group libraries in chapter 38. Those functions
will of course signal an error when you pass illegal arguments.
Suppose that you want to get a list of all primitive permutation groups that have a degree
10 and are simple but not cyclic. It would be very difficult to use the extraction function to
extract all groups in the group library, and test each of those. It is much simpler to use the
selection function. The name of the selection function always begins with All and ends
with Groups, in our example it is thus called AllPrimitiveGroups.
gap> AllPrimitiveGroups( DegreeOperation, 10,
> IsSimple, true,
> IsCyclic, false );
[ A(5), PSL(2,9), A(10) ]
AllPrimitiveGroups takes a variable number of argument pairs consisting of a function
(e.g. DegreeOperation) and a value (e.g. 10). To understand what AllPrimitiveGroups
does, imagine that the group library was stored as a long list of permutation groups.
AllPrimitiveGroups takes all those groups in turn. To each group it applies each func-
tion argument and compares the result with the corresponding value argument. It selects
a group if and only if all the function results are equal to the corresponding value. So in
our example AllPrimitiveGroups selects those groups gfor which DegreeOperation(g) =
10 and IsSimple(g) = true and IsCyclic(g) = false. Finally AllPrimitiveGroups
returns the list of the selected groups.
Next suppose that you want all the primitive permutation groups that have degree at
most 10, are simple but are not cyclic. You could obtain such a list with 10 calls to
AllPrimitiveGroups (i.e., one call for the degree 1 groups, another for the degree 2 groups
and so on), but there is a simple way. Instead of specifying a single value that a function
must return you can simply specify a list of such values.
gap> AllPrimitiveGroups( DegreeOperation, [1..10],
> IsSimple, true,
> IsCyclic, false );
[ A(5), PSL(2,5), A(6), PSL(3,2), A(7), PSL(2,7), A(8), PSL(2,8),
A(9), A(5), PSL(2,9), A(10) ]
Note that the list that you get contains A(5) twice, first in its primitive presentation on 5
points and second in its primitive presentation on 10 points.
Thus giving several argument pairs to the selection function allows you to express the logical
and of properties that a group must have to be selected, and giving a list of values allows
you to express a (restricted) logical or of properties that a group must have to be selected.
There is no restriction on the functions that you can use. It is even possible to use functions
that you have written yourself. Of course, the functions must be unary, i.e., accept only one
argument, and must be able to deal with the groups.
gap> NumberConjugacyClasses := function ( g )
> return Length( ConjugacyClasses( g ) );
> end;
function ( g ) ... end
gap> AllPrimitiveGroups( DegreeOperation, [1..10],
> IsSimple, true,
> IsCyclic, false,
> NumberConjugacyClasses, 9 );
[ A(7), PSL(2,8) ]
Note that in some cases a selection function will issue a warning. For example if you call
AllPrimitiveGroups without specifying the degree, it will issue such a warning.
gap> AllPrimitiveGroups( Size, [100..400],
> IsSimple, true,
> IsCyclic, false );
#W AllPrimitiveGroups: degree automatically restricted to [1..50]
[ A(6), PSL(3,2), PSL(2,7), PSL(2,9), A(6) ]
If selection functions would really run over the list of all groups in a group library and apply
the function arguments to each of those, they would be very inefficient. For example the
2-groups library contains 58760 groups. Simply creating all those groups would take a very
long time.
Instead selection functions recognize certain functions and handle them more efficiently. For
example AllPrimitiveGroups recognizes DegreeOperation. If you pass DegreeOperation
to AllPrimitiveGroups it does not create a group to apply DegreeOperation to it. In-
stead it simply consults an index and quickly eliminates all groups that have a different
degree. Other functions recognized by AllPrimitiveGroups are IsSimple,Size, and
So in our examples AllPrimitiveGroups, recognizing DegreeOperation and IsSimple,
eliminates all but 16 groups. Then it creates those 16 groups and applies IsCyclic to
them. This eliminates 4 more groups (C(2),C(3),C(5), and C(7)). Then in our last
example it applies NumberConjugacyClasses to the remaining 12 groups and eliminates all
but A(7) and PSL(2,8).
The catch is that the selection functions will take a large amount of time if they cannot rec-
ognize any special functions. For example the following selection will take a large amount of
time, because only IsSimple is recognized, and there are 116 simple groups in the primitive
groups library.
AllPrimitiveGroups( IsSimple, true, NumberConjugacyClasses, 9 );
So you should specify a sufficiently large set of recognizable functions when you call a
selection function. It is also advisable to put those functions first (though in some group
libraries the selection function will automatically rearrange the argument pairs so that the
recognized functions come first). The sections describing the individual group libraries in
chapter 38 tell you which functions are recognized by the selection function of that group
There is another function, called the example function that behaves similar to the selection
function. Instead of returning a list of all groups with a certain set of properties it only
returns one such group. The name of the example function is obtained by replacing All by
One and stripping the sat the end of the name of the selection function.
gap> OnePrimitiveGroup( DegreeOperation, [1..10],
> IsSimple, true,
> IsCyclic, false,
> NumberConjugacyClasses, 9 );
The example function works just like the selection function. That means that all the above
comments about the special functions that are recognized also apply to the example function.
Let us now look at the 2-groups library. It is accessed in the same way as the primitive groups
library. There is an extraction function TwoGroup, a selection function AllTwoGroups, and
an example function OneTwoGroup.
gap> g := TwoGroup( 128, 5 );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7 )
gap> Size( g );
gap> NumberConjugacyClasses( g );
The groups are all displayed as Group( a1, a2, ..., an), where 2nis the size of the
gap> AllTwoGroups( Size, 256,
> Rank, 3,
> pClass, 2 );
[ Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ),
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ),
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ),
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ) ]
gap> l := AllTwoGroups( Size, 256,
> Rank, 3,
> pClass, 5,
> g -> Length( DerivedSeries( g ) ), 4 );;
gap> Length( l );
The selection and example function of the 2-groups library recognize Size,Rank, and
pClass. Note that Rank and pClass are functions that can in fact only be used in this
context, i.e., they can not be applied to arbitrary groups.
The following discussion is a bit technical and you can ignore it safely.
For very big group libraries, such as the 2-groups library, the groups (or their compact
representations) are not stored on a single file. This is because this file would be very large
and loading it would take a long time and a lot of main memory.
Instead the groups are stored on a small number of files (27 in the case of the 2-groups).
The selection and example functions are careful to load only those files that may actually
contain groups with the specified properties. For example in the above example the files
containing the groups of size less than 256 are never loaded. In fact in the above example
only one very small file is loaded.
When a file is loaded the selection and example functions also unload the previously loaded
file. That means that they forget all the groups in this file again (except those selected of
course). Thus even if the selection or example functions have to search through the whole
group library, only a small part of the library is held in main memory at any time. In
principle it should be possible to search the whole 2-groups library with as little as 2 MByte
of main memory.
If you have sufficient main memory available you can explicitly load files from the 2-groups
library with ReadTwo( filename ), e.g., Read( "twogp64") to load the file with the groups
of size 64. Those files will then not be unloaded again. This will take up more main memory,
but the selection and example function will work faster, because they do not have to load
those files again each time they are needed.
In this section you have seen the basic groups library and the group libraries of primitive
groups and 2-groups. You have seen how you can extract a single group from such a
library with the extraction function. You have seen how you can select groups with certain
properties with the selection and example function. Chapter 38 tells you which other group
libraries are available.
1.27 About the Implementation of Domains
In this section we will open the black boxes and describe how all this works. This is complex
and you do not need to understand it if you are content to use domains only as black boxes.
So you may want to skip this section (and the remainder of this chapter).
Domains are represented by records, which we will call domain records in the following.
Which components have to be present, which may, and what those components hold, differs
from category to category, and, to a smaller extent, from domain to domain. It is possible,
though, to generally distinguish four types of components.
The first type of components are called the category components. They determine to
which category a domain belongs. A domain Din a category Cat has a component isCat
with the value true. For example, each group has the component isGroup. Also each
domain has the component isDomain (again with the value true). Finally a domain may
also have components that describe the representation of this domain. For example, each
permutation group has a component isPermGroup (again with the value true). Functions
such as IsPermGroup test whether such a component is present, and whether it has the
value true.
The second type of components are called the identification components. They distin-
guish the domain from other domains in the same category. The identification components
uniquely identify the domain. For example, for groups the identification components are
generators, which holds a list of generators of the group, and identity, which holds the
identity of the group (needed for the trivial group, for which the list of generators is empty).
The third type of components are called knowledge components. They hold all the
knowledge GAP3 has about the domain. For example the size of the domain Dis stored
in the knowledge component D.size, the commutator subgroup of a group is stored in
the knowledge component D.commutatorSubgroup, etc. Of course, the knowledge about
a certain domain will usually increase as you work with a domain. For example, a group
record may initially hold only the knowledge that the group is finite, but may later hold all
kinds of knowledge, for example the derived series, the Sylow subgroups, etc.
Finally each domain record contains an operations record. The operations record is
discussed below.
We want to emphasize that really all information that GAP3 has about a domain is stored
in the knowledge components. That means that you can access all this information, at least
if you know where to look and how to interpret what you see. The chapters describing
categories and domains will tell you what knowledge components a domain may have, and
how the knowledge is represented in those components.
For an example let us return to the permutation group a5 from section 1.23. If we print the
record using the function PrintRec we see all the information. GAP3 stores the stabilizer
chain of a5 in the components orbit,transversal, and stabilizer. It is not important
that you understand what a stabilizer chain is (this is discussed in chapter 21), the important
point here is that it is the vital information that GAP3 needs to work efficiently with a5 and
that you can access it.
gap> a5 := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );
Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) )
gap> Size( a5 );
gap> PrintRec( a5 );
isDomain := true,
isGroup := true,
identity := (),
generators := [ (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ],
operations := ...,
isPermGroup := true,
isFinite := true,
1 := (1,2,3),
2 := (3,4,5),
orbit := [ 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 ],
transversal := [ (), (1,2,3), (1,2,3), (3,4,5), (3,4,5) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ (3,4,5), (2,5,3) ],
orbit := [ 2, 3, 5, 4 ],
transversal := [ , (), (2,5,3), (3,4,5), (3,4,5) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ (3,4,5) ],
orbit := [ 3, 5, 4 ],
transversal := [ ,, (), (3,4,5), (3,4,5) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ ],
operations := ... ),
operations := ... ),
operations := ... ),
isParent := true,
stabChainOptions := rec(
random := 1000,
operations := ... ),
stabChain := rec(
generators := [ (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ],
identity := (),
orbit := [ 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 ],
transversal := [ (), (1,2,3), (1,2,3), (3,4,5), (3,4,5) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ (3,4,5), (2,5,3) ],
orbit := [ 2, 3, 5, 4 ],
transversal := [ , (), (2,5,3), (3,4,5), (3,4,5) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ (3,4,5) ],
orbit := [ 3, 5, 4 ],
transversal := [ ,, (), (3,4,5), (3,4,5) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ ],
operations := ... ),
operations := ... ),
operations := ... ),
operations := ... ),
size := 60 )
Note that you can not only read this information, you can also modify it. However, unless
you truly understand what you are doing, we discourage you from playing around. All GAP3
functions assume that the information in the domain record is in a consistent state, and
everything will go wrong if it is not.
gap> a5.size := 120;
gap> Size( ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,4,5) ) );
24 # this is of course wrong
As was mentioned above, each domain record has an operations record. We have already
seen that functions such as Size can be applied to various types of domains. It is clear that
there is no general method that will compute the size of all domains efficiently. So Size
must somehow decide which method to apply to a given domain. The operations record
makes this possible.
The operations record of a domain Dis the component with the name D.operations, its
value is a record. For each function that you can apply to Dthis record contains a function
that will compute the required information (hopefully in an efficient way).
To understand this let us take a look at what happens when we compute Size( a5 ). Not
much happens. Size simply calls a5.operations.Size( a5 ).a5.operations.Size is a
function written especially for permutation groups. It computes the size of a5 and returns
it. Then Size returns this value.
Actually Size does a little bit more than that. It first tests whether a5 has the knowledge
component a5.size. If this is the case, Size simply returns that value. Otherwise it
calls a5.operations.Size( a5 ) to compute the size. Size remembers the result in the
knowledge component a5.size so that it is readily available the next time Size( a5 ) is
called. The complete definition of Size is as follows.
gap> Size := function ( D )
> local size;
> if IsSet( D ) then
> size := Length( D );
> elif IsRec( D ) and IsBound( D.size ) then
> size := D.size;
> elif IsDomain( D ) then
> D.size := D.operations.Size( D );
> size := D.size;
> else
> Error( "<D> must be a domain or a set" );
> fi;
> return size;
> end;;
Because functions such as Size only dispatch to the functions in the operations record, they
are called dispatcher functions. Almost all functions that you call directly are dispatcher
functions, and almost all functions that do the hard work are components in an operations
Which function is called by a dispatcher obviously depends on the domain and its oper-
ations record (that is the whole point of having an operations record). In principle each
domain could have its own Size function. In practice however, this would require too many
functions. So different domains share the functions in their operations records, usually all
domains with the same representation share all their operations record functions. For exam-
ple all permutation groups share the same Size function. Because this shared Size function
must be able to access the information in the domain record to compute the correct result,
the Size dispatcher function (and all other dispatchers as well) pass the domain as first
In fact the domains not only have the same functions in their operations record, they share
the operations record. So for example all permutation groups share a common operations
record, which is called PermGroupOps. This means that changing a function in the operations
record for a domain Din the following way D.operations.function := new-function;
will also change this function for all domains of the same type, even those that do not
yet exist at the moment of the assignment and will only be constructed later. This is
usually not desirable, since supposedly new-function uses some special properties of the
domain Dto work more efficiently. We suggest therefore that you first make a copy of the
operations record with D.operations := Copy( D.operations ); and only afterwards
do D.operations.function := new-function;.
If a programmer that implements a new domain D, a new type of groups say, would have
to write all functions applicable to D, this would require a lot of effort. For example, there
are about 120 functions applicable to groups. Luckily many of those functions are inde-
pendent of the particular type of groups. For example the following function will compute
the commutator subgroup of any group, assuming that TrivialSubgroup,Closure, and
NormalClosure work. We say that this function is generic.
gap> GroupOps.CommutatorSubgroup := function ( U, V )
> local C, u, v, c;
> C := TrivialSubgroup( U );
> for u in U.generators do
> for v in V.generators do
> c := Comm( u, v );
> if not c in C then
> C := Closure( C, c );
> fi;
> od;
> od;
> return NormalClosure( Closure( U, V ), C );
> end;;
So it should be possible to use this function for the new type of groups. The mechanism to do
this is called inheritance. How it works is described in 1.28, but basically the programmer
just copies the generic functions from the generic group operations record into the operations
record for his new type of groups.
The generic functions are also called default functions, because they are used by default,
unless the programmer overlaid them for the new type of groups.
There is another mechanism through which work can be simplified. It is called delegation.
Suppose that a generic function works for the new type of groups, but that some special
cases can be handled more efficiently for the new type of groups. Then it is possible to
handle only those cases and delegate the general cases back to the generic function. An
example of this is the function that computes the orbit of a point under a permutation
group. If the point is an integer then the generic algorithm can be improved by keeping a
second list that remembers which points have already been seen. The other cases (remember
that Orbit can also be used for other operations, e.g., the operation of a permutation group
on pairs of points or the operations on subgroups by conjugation) are delegated back to the
generic function. How this is done can be seen in the following definition.
gap> PermGroupOps.Orbit := function ( G, d, opr )
> local orb, # orbit of dunder G, result
> max, # largest point moved by the group G
> new, # boolean list indicating if a point is new
> gen, # one generator of the group G
> pnt, # one point in the orbit orb
> img; # image of pnt under gen
># standard operation
> if opr = OnPoints and IsInt(d) then
># get the largest point max moved by the group G
> max := 0;
> for gen in G.generators do
> if max < LargestMovedPointPerm(gen) then
> max := LargestMovedPointPerm(gen);
> fi;
> od;
># handle fixpoints
> if not d in [1..max] then
> return [ d ];
> fi;
># start with the singleton orbit
> orb := [ d ];
> new := BlistList( [1..max], [1..max] );
> new[d] := false;
># loop over all points found
> for pnt in orb do
> for gen in G.generators do
> img := pnt ^ gen;
> if new[img] then
> Add( orb, img );
> new[img] := false;
> fi;
> od;
> od;
># other operation, delegate back on default function
> else
> orb := GroupOps.Orbit( G, d, opr );
> fi;
># return the orbit orb
> return orb;
> end;;
Inheritance and delegation allow the programmer to implement a new type of groups by
merely specifying how those groups differ from generic groups. This is far less work than
having to implement all possible functions (apart from the problem that in this case it is
very likely that the programmer would forget some of the more exotic functions).
To make all this clearer let us look at an extended example to show you how a computation
in a domain may use default and special functions to achieve its goal. Suppose you defined
g,x, and yas follows.
gap> g := SymmetricGroup( 8 );;
gap> x := [ (2,7,4)(3,5), (1,2,6)(4,8) ];;
gap> y := [ (2,5,7)(4,6), (1,5)(3,8,7) ];;
Now you ask for an element of gthat conjugates xto y, i.e., a permutation on 8 points that
takes (2,7,4)(3,5) to (2,5,7)(4,6) and (1,2,6)(4,8) to (1,5)(3,8,7). This is done
as follows (see 8.25 and 8.1).
gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, x, y, OnTuples );
Now lets look at what happens step for step. First RepresentativeOperation is called. Af-
ter checking the arguments it calls the function g.operations.RepresentativeOperation,
which is the function SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, passing the argu-
ments g,x,y, and OnTuples.
SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation handles a lot of cases special, but the op-
eration on tuples of permutations is not among them. Therefore it delegates this problem
to the function that it overlays, which is PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation.
PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation also does not handle this special case, and del-
egates the problem to the function that it overlays, which is the default function called
GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation views this problem as a general tuples problem, i.e.,
it does not care whether the points in the tuples are integers or permutations, and decides
to solve it one step at a time. So first it looks for an element taking (2,7,4)(3,5) to
(2,5,7)(4,6) by calling RepresentativeOperation( g, (2,7,4)(3,5), (2,5,7)(4,6)
RepresentativeOperation calls g.operations.RepresentativeOperation next, which is
the function SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, passing the arguments g,
(2,7,4)(3,5), and (2,5,7)(4,6).
SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation can handle this case. It knows that g
contains every permutation on 8 points, so it contains (3,4,7,5,6), which obviously does
what we want, namely it takes x[1] to y[1]. We will call this element t.
Now GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation (see above) looks for an sin the stabilizer of
x[1] taking x[2] to y[2]^(t^-1), since then for r=s*t we have x[1]^r = (x[1]^s)^t
= x[1]^t = y[1] and also x[2]^r = (x[2]^s)^t = (y[2]^(t^-1))^t = y[2]. So the
next step is to compute the stabilizer of x[1] in g. To do this it calls Stabilizer( g,
(2,7,4)(3,5) ).
Stabilizer calls g.operations.Stabilizer, which is SymmetricGroupOps.Stabilizer,
passing the arguments gand (2,7,4)(3,5).SymmetricGroupOps.Stabilizer detects that
the second argument is a permutation, i.e., an element of the group, and calls Centralizer(
g, (2,7,4)(3,5) ).Centralizer calls the function g.operations.Centralizer, which
is SymmetricGroupOps.Centralizer, again passing the arguments g,(2,7,4)(3,5).
SymmetricGroupOps.Centralizer again knows how centralizer in symmetric groups look,
and after looking at the permutation (2,7,4)(3,5) sharply for a short while returns the
centralizer as Subgroup( g, [ (1,6), (6,8), (2,7,4), (3,5) ] ), which we will call c.
Note that cis of course not a symmetric group, therefore SymmetricGroupOps.Subgroup
gives it PermGroupOps as operations record and not SymmetricGroupOps.
As explained above GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation needs an element of ctaking
x[2] ((1,2,6)(4,8)) to y[2]^(t^-1) ((1,7)(4,6,8)). So RepresentativeOperation(
c, (1,2,6)(4,8), (1,7)(4,6,8) ) is called. RepresentativeOperation in turn calls
the function c.operations.RepresentativeOperation, which is, since cis a permutation
group, the function PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, passing the arguments c,
(1,2,6)(4,8), and (1,7)(4,6,8).
PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation detects that the points are permutations and
and performs a backtrack search through c. It finds and returns (1,8)(2,4,7)(3,5),
which we call s.
Then GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation returns r = s*t = (1,8)(2,7)(3,6)(4,5),
and we are done.
In this example you have seen how functions use the structure of their domain to solve
a problem most efficiently, for example SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation
but also the backtrack search in PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, how they use
other functions, for example SymmetricGroupOps.Stabilizer called Centralizer, and
how they delegate cases which they can not handle more efficiently back to the func-
tion they overlaid, for example SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation delegated
to PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, which in turn delegated to to the function
If you think this whole mechanism using dispatcher functions and the operations record is
overly complex let us look at some of the alternatives. This is even more technical than the
previous part of this section so you may want to skip the remainder of this section.
One alternative would be to let the dispatcher know about the various types of domains,
test which category a domain lies in, and dispatch to an appropriate function. Then we
would not need an operations record. The dispatcher function CommutatorSubgroup would
then look as follows. Note this is not how CommutatorSubgroup is implemented in GAP3.
CommutatorSubgroup := function ( G )
local C;
if IsAgGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupAgGroup( G );
elif IsMatGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupMatGroup( G );
elif IsPermGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupPermGroup( G );
elif IsFpGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupFpGroup( G );
elif IsFactorGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupFactorGroup( G );
elif IsDirectProduct( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupDirectProduct( G );
elif IsDirectProductAgGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupDirectProductAgGroup( G );
elif IsSubdirectProduct( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupSubdirectProduct( G );
elif IsSemidirectProduct( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupSemidirectProduct( G );
elif IsWreathProduct( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupWreathProduct( G );
elif IsGroup( G ) then
C := CommutatorSubgroupGroup( G );
Error("<G> must be a group");
return C;
You already see one problem with this approach. The number of cases that the dispatcher
functions would have to test is simply to large. It is even worse for set theoretic functions,
because they would have to handle all different types of domains (currently about 30).
The other problem arises when a programmer implements a new domain. Then he would
have to rewrite all dispatchers and add a new case to each. Also the probability that the
programmer forgets one dispatcher is very high.
Another problem is that inheritance becomes more difficult. Instead of just copying one
operations record the programmer would have to copy each function that should be inherited.
Again the probability that he forgets one is very high.
Another alternative would be to do completely without dispatchers. In this case there would
be the functions CommutatorSugroupAgGroup,CommutatorSubgroupPermGroup, etc., and it
would be your responsibility to call the right function. For example to compute the size of
a permutation group you would call SizePermGroup and to compute the size of a coset you
would call SizeCoset (or maybe even SizeCosetPermGroup).
The most obvious problem with this approach is that it is much more cumbersome. You
would always have to know what kind of domain you are working with and which function
you would have to call.
Another problem is that writing generic functions would be impossible. For example the
above generic implementation of CommutatorSubgroup could not work, because for a con-
crete group it would have to call ClosurePermGroup or ClosureAgGroup etc.
If generic functions are impossible, inheritance and delegation can not be used. Thus for
each type of domain all functions must be implemented. This is clearly a lot of work, more
work than we are willing to do.
So we argue that our mechanism is the easiest possible that serves the following two goals.
It is reasonably convenient for you to use. It allows us to implement a large (and ever
increasing) number of different types of domains.
This may all sound a lot like object oriented programming to you. This is not surprising
because we want to solve the same problems that object oriented programming tries to solve.
Let us briefly discuss the similarities and differences to object oriented programming, taking
C++ as an example (because it is probably the widest known object oriented programming
language nowadays). This discussion is very technical and again you may want to skip the
remainder of this section.
Let us first recall the problems that the GAP3 mechanism wants to handle.
1 How can we represent domains in such a way that we can handle domains of different
type in a common way?
2 How can we make it possible to allow functions that take domains of different type
and perform the same operation for those domains (but using different methods)?
3 How can we make it possible that the implementation of a new type of domains
only requires that one implements what distinguishes this new type of domains from
domains of an old type (without the need to change any old code)?
For object oriented programming the problems are the same, though the names used are
different. We talk about domains, object oriented programming talks about objects, and
we talk about categories, object oriented programming talks about classes.
1 How can we represent objects in such a way that we can handle objects of different
classes in a common way (e.g., declare variables that can hold objects of different
2 How can we make it possible to allow functions that take objects of different classes
(with a common base class) and perform the same operation for those objects (but
using different methods)?
3 How can we make it possible that the implementation of a new class of objects only
requires that one implements what distinguishes the objects of this new class from
the objects of an old (base) class (without the need to change any old code)?
In GAP3 the first problem is solved by representing all domains using records. Actually
because GAP3 does not perform strong static type checking each variable can hold objects
of arbitrary type, so it would even be possible to represent some domains using lists or
something else. But then, where would we put the operations record?
C++ does something similar. Objects are represented by struct-s or pointers to structures.
C++ then allows that a pointer to an object of a base class actually holds a pointer to an
object of a derived class.
In GAP3 the second problem is solved by the dispatchers and the operations record. The
operations record of a given domain holds the methods that should be applied to that
domain, and the dispatcher does nothing but call this method.
In C++ it is again very similar. The difference is that the dispatcher only exists conceptu-
ally. If the compiler can already decide which method will be executed by a given call to the
dispatcher it directly calls this function. Otherwise (for virtual functions that may be over-
laid in derived classes) it basically inlines the dispatcher. This inlined code then dispatches
through the so–called virtual method table (vmt). Note that this virtual method table
is the same as the operations record, except that it is a table and not a record.
In GAP3 the third problem is solved by inheritance and delegation. To inherit functions you
simply copy them from the operations record of domains of the old category to the operations
record of domains of the new category. Delegation to a method of a larger category is done
by calling super-category-operations-record.function
C++ also supports inheritance and delegation. If you derive a class from a base class,
you copy the methods from the base class to the derived class. Again this copying is
only done conceptually in C++. Delegation is done by calling a qualified function base-
Now that we have seen the similarities, let us discuss the differences.
The first differences is that GAP3 is not an object oriented programming language. We only
programmed the library in an object oriented way using very few features of the language
(basically all we need is that GAP3 has no strong static type checking, that records can
hold functions, and that records can grow dynamically). Following Stroustrup’s convention
we say that the GAP3 language only enables object oriented programming, but does not
support it.
The second difference is that C++ adds a mechanism to support data hiding. That means
that fields of a struct can be private. Those fields can only be accessed by the functions
belonging to this class (and friend functions). This is not possible in GAP3. Every field of
every domain is accessible. This means that you can also modify those fields, with probably
catastrophic results.
The final difference has to do with the relation between categories and their domains and
classes and their objects. In GAP3 a category is a set of domains, thus we say that a
domain is an element of a category. In C++ (and most other object oriented programming
languages) a class is a prototype for its objects, thus we say that an object is an instance
of the class. We believe that GAP3’s relation better resembles the mathematical model.
In this section you have seen that domains are represented by domain records, and that you
can therefore access all information that GAP3 has about a certain domain. The following
sections in this chapter discuss how new domains can be created (see 1.28, and 1.29) and
how you can even define a new type of elements (see 1.30).
1.28 About Defining New Domains
In this section we will show how one can add a new domain to GAP3. All domains are
implemented in the library in this way. We will use the ring of Gaussian integers as our
Note that everything defined here is already in the library file LIBNAME/"gaussian.g", so
there is no need for you to type it in. You may however like to make a copy of this file and
modify it.
The elements of this domain are already available, because Gaussian integers are just a
special case of cyclotomic numbers. As is described in chapter 13 E(4) is GAP3’s name for
the complex root of -1. So all Gaussian integers can be represented as a+b*E(4), where
aand bare ordinary integers.
As was already mentioned each domain is represented by a record. So we create a record to
represent the Gaussian integers, which we call GaussianIntegers.
gap> GaussianIntegers := rec();;
The first components that this record must have are those that identify this record as a
record denoting a ring domain. Those components are called the category components.
gap> GaussianIntegers.isDomain := true;;
gap> GaussianIntegers.isRing := true;;
The next components are those that uniquely identify this ring. For rings this must be
generators,zero, and one. Those components are called the identification components
of the domain record. We also assign a name component. This name will be printed when
the domain is printed.
gap> GaussianIntegers.generators := [ 1, E(4) ];;
gap> := 0;;
gap> := 1;;
gap> := "GaussianIntegers";;
Next we enter some components that represent knowledge that we have about this domain.
Those components are called the knowledge components. In our example we know that
the Gaussian integers form a infinite, commutative, integral, Euclidean ring, which has an
unique factorization property, with the four units 1, -1, E(4), and -E(4).
gap> GaussianIntegers.size := "infinity";;
gap> GaussianIntegers.isFinite := false;;
gap> GaussianIntegers.isCommutativeRing := true;;
gap> GaussianIntegers.isIntegralRing := true;;
gap> GaussianIntegers.isUniqueFactorizationRing := true;;
gap> GaussianIntegers.isEuclideanRing := true;;
gap> GaussianIntegers.units := [1,-1,E(4),-E(4)];;
This was the easy part of this example. Now we have to add an operations record to
the domain record. This operations record (GaussianIntegers.operations) shall con-
tain functions that implement all the functions mentioned in chapter 5, e.g., DefaultRing,
IsCommutativeRing,Gcd, or QuotientRemainder.
Luckily we do not have to implement all this functions. The first class of functions that we
need not implement are those that can simply get the result from the knowledge components.
E.g., IsCommutativeRing looks for the knowledge component isCommutativeRing, finds it
and returns this value. So GaussianIntegers.operations.IsCommutativeRing is never
gap> IsCommutativeRing( GaussianIntegers );
gap> Units( GaussianIntegers );
[ 1, -1, E(4), -E(4) ]
The second class of functions that we need not implement are those for which there is a gen-
eral algorithm that can be applied for all rings. For example once we can do a division with
remainder (which we will have to implement) we can use the general Euclidean algorithm
to compute the greatest common divisor of elements.
So the question is, how do we get those general functions into our operations record. This is
very simple, we just initialize the operations record as a copy of the record RingOps, which
contains all those general functions. We say that GaussianIntegers.operations inherits
the general functions from RingOps.
gap> GaussianIntegersOps := OperationsRecord(
> "GaussianIntegersOps", RingOps );;
gap> GaussianIntegers.operations := GaussianIntegersOps;;
So now we have to add those functions whose result can not (easily) be derived from the
knowledge components and that we can not inherit from RingOps.
The first such function is the membership test. This function must test whether an object is
an element of the domain GaussianIntegers.IsCycInt(x)tests whether xis a cyclotomic
integer and NofCyc(x)returns the smallest nsuch that the cyclotomic xcan be written
as a linear combination of powers of the primitive n-th root of unity E(n). If NofCyc(x)
returns 1, xis an ordinary rational number.
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.\in := function ( x, GaussInt )
> return IsCycInt( x ) and (NofCyc( x ) = 1 or NofCyc( x ) = 4);
> end;;
Note that the second argument GaussInt is not used in the function. Whenever this function
is called, the second argument must be GaussianIntegers, because GaussianIntegers
is the only domain that has this particular function in its operations record. This also
happens for most other functions that we will write. This argument can not be dropped
though, because there are other domains that share a common in function, for example all
permutation groups have the same in function. If the operator in would not pass the second
argument, this function could not know for which permutation group it should perform the
membership test.
So now we can test whether a certain object is a Gaussian integer or not.
gap> E(4) in GaussianIntegers;
gap> 1/2 in GaussianIntegers;
gap> GaussianIntegers in GaussianIntegers;
Another function that is just as easy is the function Random that should return a random
Gaussian integer.
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.Random := function ( GaussInt )
> return Random( Integers ) + Random( Integers ) * E( 4 );
> end;;
Note that actually a Random function was inherited from RingOps. But this function can
not be used. It tries to construct the sorted list of all elements of the domain and then
picks a random element from that list. Therefor this function is only applicable for finite
domains, and can not be used for GaussianIntegers. So we overlay this default function
by simply putting another function in the operations record.
Now we can already test whether a Gaussian integer is a unit or not. This is because the
default function inherited from RingOps tests whether the knowledge component units is
present, and it returns true if the element is in that list and false otherwise.
gap> IsUnit( GaussianIntegers, E(4) );
gap> IsUnit( GaussianIntegers, 1 + E(4) );
Now we finally come to more interesting stuff. The function Quotient should return the
quotient of its two arguments xand y. If the quotient does not exist in the ring (i.e., if it is
a proper Gaussian rational), it must return false. (Without this last requirement we could
do without the Quotient function and always simply use the /operator.)
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.Quotient := function ( GaussInt, x, y )
> local q;
> q := x / y;
> if not IsCycInt( q ) then
> q := false;
> fi;
> return q;
> end;;
The next function is used to test if two elements are associate in the ring of Gaussian
integers. In fact we need not implement this because the function that we inherit from
RingOps will do fine. The following function is a little bit faster though that the inherited
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.IsAssociated := function ( GaussInt, x, y )
> return x = y or x = -y or x = E(4)*y or x = -E(4)*y;
> end;;
We must however implement the function StandardAssociate. It should return an associate
that is in some way standard. That means, whenever we apply StandardAssociate to two
associated elements we must obtain the same value. For Gaussian integers we return that
associate that lies in the first quadrant of the complex plane. That is, the result is that
associated element that has positive real part and nonnegative imaginary part. 0 is its
own standard associate of course. Note that this is a generalization of the absolute value
function, which is StandardAssociate for the integers. The reason that we must implement
StandardAssociate is of course that there is no general way to compute a standard associate
for an arbitrary ring, there is not even a standard way to define this!
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.StandardAssociate := function ( GaussInt, x )
> if IsRat(x) and 0 <= x then
> return x;
> elif IsRat(x) then
> return -x;
> elif 0 < COEFFSCYC(x)[1] and 0 <= COEFFSCYC(x)[2] then
> return x;
> elif COEFFSCYC(x)[1] <= 0 and 0 < COEFFSCYC(x)[2] then
> return - E(4) * x;
> elif COEFFSCYC(x)[1] < 0 and COEFFSCYC(x)[2] <= 0 then
> return - x;
> else
> return E(4) * x;
> fi;
> end;;
Note that COEFFSCYC is an internal function that returns the coefficients of a Gaussian
integer (actually of an arbitrary cyclotomic) as a list.
Now we have implemented all functions that are necessary to view the Gaussian integers
plainly as a ring. Of course there is not much we can do with such a plain ring, we can
compute with its elements and can do a few things that are related to the group of units.
gap> Quotient( GaussianIntegers, 2, 1+E(4) );
gap> Quotient( GaussianIntegers, 3, 1+E(4) );
gap> IsAssociated( GaussianIntegers, 1+E(4), 1-E(4) );
gap> StandardAssociate( GaussianIntegers, 3 - E(4) );
The remaining functions are related to the fact that the Gaussian integers are an Euclidean
ring (and thus also a unique factorization ring).
The first such function is EuclideanDegree. In our example the Euclidean degree of a
Gaussian integer is of course simply its norm. Just as with StandardAssociate we must
implement this function because there is no general way to compute the Euclidean degree
for an arbitrary Euclidean ring. The function itself is again very simple. The Euclidean
degree of a Gaussian integer xis the product of xwith its complex conjugate, which is
denoted in GAP3 by GaloisCyc( x, -1 ).
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.EuclideanDegree := function ( GaussInt, x )
> return x * GaloisCyc( x, -1 );
> end;;
Once we have defined the Euclidean degree we want to implement the QuotientRemainder
function that gives us the Euclidean quotient and remainder of a division.
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.QuotientRemainder := function ( GaussInt, x, y )
> return [ RoundCyc( x/y ), x - RoundCyc( x/y ) * y ];
> end;;
Note that in the definition of QuotientRemainder we must use the function RoundCyc, which
views the Gaussian rational x/yas a point in the complex plane and returns the point of
the lattice spanned by 1 and E(4) closest to the point x/y. If we would truncate towards
the origin instead (this is done by the function IntCyc) we could not guarantee that the
result of EuclideanRemainder always has Euclidean degree less than the Euclidean degree
of yas the following example shows.
gap> x := 2 - E(4);; EuclideanDegree( GaussianIntegers, x );
gap> y := 2 + E(4);; EuclideanDegree( GaussianIntegers, y );
gap> q := x / y; q := IntCyc( q );
gap> EuclideanDegree( GaussianIntegers, x - q * y );
Now that we have implemented the QuotientRemainder function we can compute greatest
common divisors in the ring of Gaussian integers. This is because we have inherited from
RingOps the general function Gcd that computes the greatest common divisor using Euclid’s
algorithm, which only uses QuotientRemainder (and StandardAssociate to return the
result in a normal form). Of course we can now also compute least common multiples,
because that only uses Gcd.
gap> Gcd( GaussianIntegers, 2, 5 - E(4) );
gap> Lcm( GaussianIntegers, 2, 5 - E(4) );
Since the Gaussian integers are a Euclidean ring they are also a unique factorization ring.
The next two functions implement the necessary operations. The first is the test for pri-
mality. A rational integer is a prime in the ring of Gaussian integers if and only if it is
congruent to 3 modulo 4 (the other rational integer primes split into two irreducibles), and
a Gaussian integer that is not a rational integer is a prime if its norm is a rational integer
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.IsPrime := function ( GaussInt, x )
> if IsInt( x ) then
> return x mod 4 = 3 and IsPrimeInt( x );
> else
> return IsPrimeInt( x * GaloisCyc( x, -1 ) );
> fi;
> end;;
The factorization is based on the same observation. We compute the Euclidean degree of
the number that we want to factor, and factor this rational integer. Then for every rational
integer prime that is congruent to 3 modulo 4 we get one factor, and we split the other
rational integer primes using the function TwoSquares and test which irreducible divides.
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.Factors := function ( GaussInt, x )
> local facs, # factors (result)
> prm, # prime factors of the norm
> tsq; # representation of prm as x^2 + y^2
> # handle trivial cases
> if x in [ 0, 1, -1, E(4), -E(4) ] then
> return [ x ];
> fi;
> # loop over all factors of the norm of x
> facs := [];
> for prm in Set( FactorsInt( EuclideanDegree( x ) ) ) do
> # p = 2 and primes p = 1 mod 4 split according to p = x^2+y^2
> if prm = 2 or prm mod 4 = 1 then
> tsq := TwoSquares( prm );
> while IsCycInt( x / (tsq[1]+tsq[2]*E(4)) ) do
> Add( facs, (tsq[1]+tsq[2]*E(4)) );
> x := x / (tsq[1]+tsq[2]*E(4));
> od;
> while IsCycInt( x / (tsq[2]+tsq[1]*E(4)) ) do
> Add( facs, (tsq[2]+tsq[1]*E(4)) );
> x := x / (tsq[2]+tsq[1]*E(4));
> od;
> # primes p = 3 mod 4 stay prime
> else
> while IsCycInt( x / prm ) do
> Add( facs, prm );
> x := x / prm;
> od;
> fi;
> od;
> # the first factor takes the unit
> facs[1] := x * facs[1];
> # return the result
> return facs;
> end;;
So now we can factorize numbers in the ring of Gaussian integers.
gap> Factors( GaussianIntegers, 10 );
[ -1-E(4), 1+E(4), 1+2*E(4), 2+E(4) ]
gap> Factors( GaussianIntegers, 103 );
[ 103 ]
Now we have written all the functions for the operations record that implement the oper-
ations. We would like one more thing however. Namely that we can simply write Gcd(
2, 5 - E(4) ) without having to specify GaussianIntegers as first argument. Gcd and
the other functions should be clever enough to find out that the arguments are Gaussian
integers and call GaussianIntegers.operations.Gcd automatically.
To do this we must first understand what happens when Gcd is called without a ring as
first argument. For an example suppose that we have called Gcd( 66, 123 ) (and want to
compute the gcd over the integers).
First Gcd calls DefaultRing( [ 66, 123 ] ), to obtain a ring that contains 66 and 123.
DefaultRing then calls Domain( [ 66, 123 ] ) to obtain a domain, which need not be
a ring, that contains 66 and 123. Domain is the only function in the whole GAP3 library
that knows about the various types of elements. So it looks at its argument and decides
to return the domain Integers (which is in fact already a ring, but it could in princi-
ple also return Rationals). DefaultRing now calls Integers.operations.DefaultRing(
[ 66, 123 ] ) and expects a ring in which the requested gcd computation can be per-
formed. Integers.operations.DefaultRing( [ 66, 123 ] ) also returns Integers. So
DefaultRing returns Integers to Gcd and Gcd finally calls Integers.operations.Gcd(
Integers, 66, 123 ).
So the first thing we must do is to tell Domain about Gaussian integers. We do this by
extending Domain with the two lines
elif ForAll( elms, IsGaussInt ) then
return GaussianIntegers;
so that it now looks as follows.
gap> Domain := function ( elms )
> local elm;
> if ForAll( elms, IsInt ) then
> return Integers;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsRat ) then
> return Rationals;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsFFE ) then
> return FiniteFieldElements;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsPerm ) then
> return Permutations;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsMat ) then
> return Matrices;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsWord ) then
> return Words;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsAgWord ) then
> return AgWords;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsGaussInt ) then
> return GaussianIntegers;
> elif ForAll( elms, IsCyc ) then
> return Cyclotomics;
> else
> for elm in elms do
> if IsRec(elm) and IsBound(elm.domain)
> and ForAll( elms, l -> l in elm.domain )
> then
> return elm.domain;
> fi;
> od;
> Error("sorry, the elements lie in no common domain");
> fi;
> end;;
Of course we must define a function IsGaussInt, otherwise this could not possibly work.
This function is similar to the membership test we already defined above.
gap> IsGaussInt := function ( x )
> return IsCycInt( x ) and (NofCyc( x ) = 1 or NofCyc( x ) = 4);
> end;;
Then we must define a function DefaultRing for the Gaussian integers that does nothing
but return GaussianIntegers.
gap> GaussianIntegersOps.DefaultRing := function ( elms )
> return GaussianIntegers;
> end;;
Now we can call Gcd with two Gaussian integers without having to pass GaussianIntegers
as first argument.
gap> Gcd( 2, 5 - E(4) );
Of course GAP3 can not read your mind. In the following example it assumes that you
want to factor 10 over the ring of integers, not over the ring of Gaussian integers (because
Integers is the default ring containing 10). So if you want to factor a rational integer over
the ring of Gaussian integers you must pass GaussianIntegers as first argument.
gap> Factors( 10 );
gap> Factors( GaussianIntegers, 10 );
[ -1-E(4), 1+E(4), 1+2*E(4), 2+E(4) ]
This concludes our example. In the file LIBNAME/"gaussian.g" you will also find the defini-
tion of the field of Gaussian rationals. It is so similar to the above definition that there is no
point in discussing it here. The next section shows you what further considerations are nec-
essary when implementing a type of parametrized domains (demonstrated by implementing
full symmetric permutation groups). For further details see chapter 14 for a description of
the Gaussian integers and rationals and chapter 5 for a list of all functions applicable to
1.29 About Defining New Parametrized Domains
In this section we will show you an example that is slightly more complex than the example
in the previous section. Namely we will demonstrate how one can implement parametrized
domains. As an example we will implement symmetric permutation groups. This works
similar to the implementation of a single domain. Therefore we can be very brief. Of course
you should have read the previous section.
Note that everything defined here is already in the file GRPNAME/"permgrp.grp", so there is
no need for you to type it in. You may however like to make a copy of this file and modify
In the example of the previous section we simply had a variable (GaussianIntegers), whose
value was the domain. This can not work in this example, because there is not one sym-
metric permutation group. The solution is obvious. We simply define a function that takes
the degree and returns the symmetric permutation group of this degree (as a domain).
gap> SymmetricPermGroup := function ( n )
> local G; # symmetric group on <n> points, result
> # make the group generated by (1,n), (2,n), .., (n-1,n)
> G := Group( List( [1..n-1], i -> (i,n) ), () );
> := n;
> # give it the correct operations record
> G.operations := SymmetricPermGroupOps;
> # return the symmetric group
> return G;
> end;;
The key is of course to give the domains returned by SymmetricPermGroup a new operations
record. This operations record will hold functions that are written especially for symmetric
permutation groups. Note that all symmetric groups created by SymmetricPermGroup share
one operations record.
Just as we inherited in the example in the previous section from the operations record
RingOps, here we can inherit from the operations record PermGroupOps (after all, each
symmetric permutation group is also a permutation group).
gap> SymmetricPermGroupOps := Copy( PermGroupOps );
We will now overlay some of the functions in this operations record with new functions
that make use of the fact that the domain is a full symmetric permutation group. The first
function that does this is the membership test function.
gap> SymmetricPermGroupOps.\in := function ( g, G )
> return IsPerm( g )
> and ( g = ()
> or LargestMovedPointPerm( g ) <=;
> end;;
The most important knowledge for a permutation group is a base and a strong generating
set with respect to that base. It is not important that you understand at this point what
this is mathematically. The important point here is that such a strong generating set with
respect to an appropriate base is used by many generic permutation group functions, most
of which we inherit for symmetric permutation groups. Therefore it is important that we
are able to compute a strong generating set as fast as possible. Luckily it is possible to
simply write down such a strong generating set for a full symmetric group. This is done by
the following function.
gap> SymmetricPermGroupOps.MakeStabChain := function ( G, base )
> local sgs, # strong generating system of G wrt. base
> last; # last point of the base
> # remove all unwanted points from the base
> base := Filtered( base, i -> i <= );
> # extend the base with those points not already in the base
> base := Concatenation( base, Difference( [], base ) );
> # take the last point
> last := base[ Length(base) ];
> # make the strong generating set
> sgs := List( [1..Length(base)-1], i -> ( base[i], last ) );
> # make the stabilizer chain
> MakeStabChainStrongGenerators( G, base, sgs );
> end;;
One of the things that are very easy for symmetric groups is the computation of centralizers
of elements. The next function does this. Again it is not important that you understand
this mathematically. The centralizer of an element gin the symmetric group is generated
by the cycles cof gand an element xfor each pair of cycles of gof the same length that
maps one cycle to the other.
gap> SymmetricPermGroupOps.Centralizer := function ( G, g )
> local C, # centralizer of g in G, result
> sgs, # strong generating set of C
> gen, # one generator in sgs
> cycles, # cycles of g
> cycle, # one cycle from cycles
> lasts, # lasts[l] is the last cycle of length l
> last, # one cycle from lasts
> i; # loop variable
> # handle special case
> if IsPerm( g ) and g in G then
> # start with the empty strong generating system
> sgs := [];
> # compute the cycles and find for each length the last one
> cycles := Cycles( g, [] );
> lasts := [];
> for cycle in cycles do
> lasts[Length(cycle)] := cycle;
> od;
> # loop over the cycles
> for cycle in cycles do
> # add that cycle itself to the strong generators
> if Length( cycle ) <> 1 then
> gen := [];
> for i in [1..Length(cycle)-1] do
> gen[cycle[i]] := cycle[i+1];
> od;
> gen[cycle[Length(cycle)]] := cycle[1];
> gen := PermList( gen );
> Add( sgs, gen );
> fi;
> # and it can be mapped to the last cycle of this length
> if cycle <> lasts[ Length(cycle) ] then
> last := lasts[ Length(cycle) ];
> gen := [];
> for i in [1..Length(cycle)] do
> gen[cycle[i]] := last[i];
> gen[last[i]] := cycle[i];
> od;
> gen := PermList( gen );
> Add( sgs, gen );
> fi;
> od;
> # make the centralizer
> C := Subgroup( G, sgs );
> # make the stabilizer chain
> MakeStabChainStrongGenerators( C, [], sgs );
> # delegate general case
> else
> C := PermGroupOps.Centralizer( G, g );
> fi;
> # return the centralizer
> return C;
> end;;
Note that the definition C := Subgroup( G, sgs ); defines a subgroup of a symmetric
permutation group. But this subgroup is usually not a full symmetric permutation group
itself. Thus Cmust not have the operations record SymmetricPermGroupOps, instead it
should have the operations record PermGroupOps. And indeed Cwill have this operations
record. This is because Subgroup calls G.operations.Subgroup, and we inherited this
function from PermGroupOps.
Note also that we only handle one special case in the function above. Namely the compu-
tation of a centralizer of a single element. This function can also be called to compute the
centralizer of a whole subgroup. In this case SymmetricPermGroupOps.Centralizer simply
delegates the problem by calling PermGroupOps.Centralizer.
The next function computes the conjugacy classes of elements in a symmetric group. This
is very easy, because two elements are conjugated in a symmetric group when they have the
same cycle structure. Thus we can simply compute the partitions of the degree, and for
each degree we get one conjugacy class.
gap> SymmetricPermGroupOps.ConjugacyClasses := function ( G )
> local classes, # conjugacy classes of G, result
> prt, # partition of G
> sum, # partial sum of the entries in prt
> rep, # representative of a conjugacy class of G
> i; # loop variable
> # loop over the partitions
> classes := [];
> for prt in Partitions( ) do
> # compute the representative of the conjugacy class
> rep := [];
> sum := 1;
> for i in prt do
> rep[sum+i-1] := sum;
> sum := sum + i;
> od;
> rep := PermList( rep );
> # add the new class to the list of classes
> Add( classes, ConjugacyClass( G, rep ) );
> od;
> # return the classes
> return classes;
> end;;
This concludes this example. You have seen that the implementation of a parametrized
domain is not much more difficult than the implementation of a single domain. You have
also seen how functions that overlay generic functions may delegate problems back to the
generic function. The library file for symmetric permutation groups contain some more
functions for symmetric permutation groups.
1.30 About Defining New Group Elements
In this section we will show how one can add a new type of group elements to GAP3. A lot
of group elements in GAP3 are implemented this way, for example elements of generic factor
groups, or elements of generic direct products.
We will use prime residue classes modulo an integer as our example. They have the advan-
tage that the arithmetic is very simple, so that we can concentrate on the implementation
without being carried away by mathematical details.
Note that everything we define is already in the library in the file LIBNAME/"numtheor.g",
so there is no need for you to type it in. You may however like to make a copy of this file
and modify it.
We will represent residue classes by records. This is absolutely typical, all group elements
not built into the GAP3 kernel are realized by records.
To distinguish records representing residue classes from other records we require that residue
class records have a component with the name isResidueClass and the value true. We
also require that they have a component with the name isGroupElement and again the
value true. Those two components are called the tag components.
Next each residue class record must of course have components that tell us which residue
class this record represents. The component with the name representative contains the
smallest nonnegative element of the residue class. The component with the name modulus
contains the modulus. Those two components are called the identifying components.
Finally each residue class record must have a component with the name operations that
contains an appropriate operations record (see below). In this way we can make use of the
possibility to define operations for records (see 46.4 and 46.5).
Below is an example of a residue class record.
r13mod43 := rec(
isGroupElement := true,
isResidueClass := true,
representative := 13,
modulus := 43,
domain := GroupElements,
operations := ResidueClassOps );
The first function that we have to write is very simple. Its only task is to test whether an
object is a residue class. It does this by testing for the tag component isResidueClass.
gap> IsResidueClass := function ( obj )
> return IsRec( obj )
> and IsBound( obj.isResidueClass )
> and obj.isResidueClass;
> end;;
Our next function takes a representative and a modulus and constructs a new residue class.
Again this is not very difficult.
gap> ResidueClass := function ( representative, modulus )
> local res;
> res := rec();
> res.isGroupElement := true;
> res.isResidueClass := true;
> res.representative := representative mod modulus;
> res.modulus := modulus;
> res.domain := GroupElements;
> res.operations := ResidueClassOps;
> return res;
> end;;
Now we have to define the operations record for residue classes. Remember that this record
contains a function for each binary operation, which is called to evaluate such a binary
operation (see 46.4 and 46.5). The operations =,<,*,/,mod,^,Comm, and Order are the
ones that are applicable to all group elements. The meaning of those operations for group
elements is described in 7.2 and 7.3.
Luckily we do not have to define everything. Instead we can inherit a lot of those functions
from generic group elements. For example, for all group elements g/hshould be equivalent
to g*h^-1. So the function for /could simply be function(g,h) return g*h^-1; end.
Note that this function can be applied to all group elements, independently of their type,
because all the dependencies are in *and ^.
The operations record GroupElementOps contains such functions that can be used by all
types of group elements. Note that there is no element that has GroupElementsOps as its
operations record. This is impossible, because there is for example no generic method to
multiply or invert group elements. Thus GroupElementsOps is only used to inherit general
methods as is done below.
gap> ResidueClassOps := Copy( GroupElementOps );;
Note that the copy is necessary, otherwise the following assignments would not only change
ResidueClassOps but also GroupElementOps.
The first function we are implementing is the equality comparison. The required operation
is described simply enough. =should evaluate to true if the operands are equal and false
otherwise. Two residue classes are of course equal if they have the same representative and
the same modulus. One complication is that when this function is called either operand
may not be a residue class. Of course at least one must be a residue class otherwise this
function would not have been called at all.
gap> ResidueClassOps.\= := function ( l, r )
> local isEql;
> if IsResidueClass( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> isEql := l.representative = r.representative
> and l.modulus = r.modulus;
> else
> isEql := false;
> fi;
> else
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> isEql := false;
> else
> Error("panic, neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> fi;
> return isEql;
> end;;
Note that the quotes around the equal sign =are necessary, otherwise it would not be taken
as a record component name, as required, but as the symbol for equality, which must not
appear at this place.
Note that we do not have to implement a function for the inequality operator <>, because
it is in the GAP3 kernel implemented by the equivalence l<> ris not l=r.
The next operation is the comparison. We define that one residue class is smaller than
another residue class if either it has a smaller modulus or, if the moduli are equal, it has a
smaller representative. We must also implement comparisons with other objects.
gap> ResidueClassOps.\< := function ( l, r )
> local isLess;
> if IsResidueClass( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> isLess := l.representative < r.representative
> or (l.representative = r.representative
> and l.modulus < r.modulus);
> else
> isLess := not IsInt( r ) and not IsRat( r )
> and not IsCyc( r ) and not IsPerm( r )
> and not IsWord( r ) and not IsAgWord( r );
> fi;
> else
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> isLess := IsInt( l ) or IsRat( l )
> or IsCyc( l ) or IsPerm( l )
> or IsWord( l ) or IsAgWord( l );
> else
> Error("panic, neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> fi;
> return isLess;
> end;;
The next operation that we must implement is the multiplication *. This function is quite
complex because it must handle several different tasks. To make its implementation easier
to understand we will start with a very simple–minded one, which only multiplies residue
classes, and extend it in the following paragraphs.
gap> ResidueClassOps.\* := function ( l, r )
> local prd; # product of l and r, result
> if IsResidueClass( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> if l.modulus <> r.modulus then
> Error("<l> and <r> must have the same modulus");
> fi;
> prd := ResidueClass(
> l.representative * r.representative,
> l.modulus );
> else
> Error("product of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> fi;
> else
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> Error("product of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> else
> Error("panic, neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> fi;
> return prd;
> end;;
This function correctly multiplies residue classes, but there are other products that must
be implemented. First every group element can be multiplied with a list of group elements,
and the result shall be the list of products (see 7.3 and 27.13). In such a case the above
function would only signal an error, which is not acceptable. Therefore we must extend this
gap> ResidueClassOps.\* := function ( l, r )
> local prd; # product of l and r, result
> if IsResidueClass( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> if l.modulus <> r.modulus then
> Error( "<l> and <r> must have the same modulus" );
> fi;
> prd := ResidueClass(
> l.representative * r.representative,
> l.modulus );
> elif IsList( r ) then
> prd := List( r, x -> l * x );
> else
> Error("product of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> fi;
> elif IsList( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> prd := List( l, x -> x * r );
> else
> Error("panic: neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> else
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> Error( "product of <l> and <r> must be defined" );
> else
> Error("panic, neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> fi;
> return prd;
> end;;
This function is almost complete. However it is also allowed to multiply a group element
with a subgroup and the result shall be a coset (see 7.86). The operations record of sub-
groups, which are of course also represented by records (see 7.118), contains a function that
constructs such a coset. The problem is that in an expression like subgroup *residue-class,
this function is not called. This is because the multiplication function in the operations
record of the right operand is called if both operands have such a function (see 46.5). Now
in the above case both operands have such a function. The left operand subgroup has the
operations record GroupOps (or some refinement thereof), the right operand residue-class
has the operations record ResidueClassOps. Thus ResidueClassOps.* is called. But it
does not and also should not know how to construct a coset. The solution is simple. The
multiplication function for residue classes detects this special case and simply calls the
multiplication function of the left operand.
gap> ResidueClassOps.\* := function ( l, r )
> local prd; # product of l and r, result
> if IsResidueClass( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> if l.modulus <> r.modulus then
> Error( "<l> and <r> must have the same modulus" );
> fi;
> prd := ResidueClass(
> l.representative * r.representative,
> l.modulus );
> elif IsList( r ) then
> prd := List( r, x -> l * x );
> else
> Error("product of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> fi;
> elif IsList( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> prd := List( l, x -> x * r );
> else
> Error("panic: neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> else
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> if IsRec( l ) and IsBound( l.operations )
> and IsBound( l.operations.\* )
> and l.operations.\* <> ResidueClassOps.\*
> then
> prd := l.operations.\*( l, r );
> else
> Error("product of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> fi;
> else
> Error("panic, neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> fi;
> return prd;
> end;;
Now we are done with the multiplication.
Next is the powering operation ^. It is not very complicated. The PowerMod function (see
5.25) does most of what we need, especially the inversion of elements with the Euclidean
algorithm when the exponent is negative. Note however, that the definition of operations
(see 7.3) requires that the conjugation is available as power of a residue class by another
residue class. This is of course very easy since residue classes form an abelian group.
gap> ResidueClassOps.\^ := function ( l, r )
> local pow;
> if IsResidueClass( l ) then
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> if l.modulus <> r.modulus then
> Error("<l> and <r> must have the same modulus");
> fi;
> if GcdInt( r.representative, r.modulus ) <> 1 then
> Error("<r> must be invertable");
> fi;
> pow := l;
> elif IsInt( r ) then
> pow := ResidueClass(
> PowerMod( l.representative, r, l.modulus ),
> l.modulus );
> else
> Error("power of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> fi;
> else
> if IsResidueClass( r ) then
> Error("power of <l> and <r> must be defined");
> else
> Error("panic, neither <l> nor <r> is a residue class");
> fi;
> fi;
> return pow;
> end;;
The last function that we have to write is the printing function. This is called to print
a residue class. It prints the residue class in the form ResidueClass( representative,
modulus ). It is fairly typical to print objects in such a form. This form has the advantage
that it can be read back, resulting in exactly the same element, yet it is very concise.
gap> ResidueClassOps.Print := function ( r )
> Print("ResidueClass( ",r.representative,", ",r.modulus," )");
> end;;
Now we are done with the definition of residue classes as group elements. Try them. We
can at this point actually create groups of such elements, and compute in them.
However, we are not yet satisfied. There are two problems with the code we have imple-
mented so far. Different people have different opinions about which of those problems is the
graver one, but hopefully all agree that we should try to attack those problems.
The first problem is that it is still possible to define objects via Group (see 7.9) that are not
actually groups.
gap> G := Group( ResidueClass(13,43), ResidueClass(13,41) );
Group( ResidueClass( 13, 43 ), ResidueClass( 13, 41 ) )
The other problem is that groups of residue classes constructed with the code we have
implemented so far are not handled very efficiently. This is because the generic group
algorithms are used, since we have not implemented anything else. For example to test
whether a residue class lies in a residue class group, all elements of the residue class group
are computed by a Dimino algorithm, and then it is tested whether the residue class is an
element of this proper set.
To solve the first problem we must first understand what happens with the above code if we
create a group with Group( res1 ,res2 ... ).Group tries to find a domain that contains
all the elements res1 ,res2 , etc. It first calls Domain( [ res1 ,res2 ... ] ) (see 4.5).
Domain looks at the residue classes and sees that they all are records and that they all
have a component with the name domain. This is understood to be a domain in which the
elements lie. And in fact res1 in GroupElements is true, because GroupElements accepts
all records with tag isGroupElement. So Domain returns GroupElements.Group then calls
GroupElements.operations.Group(GroupElements,[res1 ,res2 ...],id ), where id is the
identity residue class, obtained by res1 ^ 0, and returns the result.
GroupElementsOps.Group is the function that actually creates the group. It does this by
simply creating a record with its second argument as generators list, its third argument
as identity, and the generic GroupOps as operations record. It ignores the first argument,
which is passed only because convention dictates that a dispatcher passes the domain as
first argument.
So to solve the first problem we must achieve that another function instead of the generic
function GroupElementsOps.Group is called. This can be done by persuading Domain to
return a different domain. And this will happen if the residue classes hold this other domain
in their domain component.
The obvious choice for such a domain is the (yet to be written) domain ResidueClasses.
So ResidueClass must be slightly changed.
gap> ResidueClass := function ( representative, modulus )
> local res;
> res := rec();
> res.isGroupElement := true;
> res.isResidueClass := true;
> res.representative := representative mod modulus;
> res.modulus := modulus;
> res.domain := ResidueClasses;
> res.operations := ResidueClassOps;
> return res;
> end;;
The main purpose of the domain ResidueClasses is to construct groups, so there is very
little we have to do. And in fact most of that can be inherited from GroupElements.
gap> ResidueClasses := Copy( GroupElements );;
gap> := "ResidueClasses";;
gap> ResidueClassesOps := Copy( GroupElementsOps );;
gap> ResidueClasses.operations := ResidueClassesOps;;
So now we must implement ResidueClassesOps.Group, which should check whether the
passed elements do in fact form a group. After checking it simply delegates to the generic
function GroupElementsOps.Group to create the group as before.
gap> ResidueClassesOps.Group := function ( ResidueClasses, gens, id )
> local g; # one generator from gens
> for g in gens do
> if g.modulus <> id.modulus then
> Error("the generators must all have the same modulus");
> fi;
> if GcdInt( g.representative, g.modulus ) <> 1 then
> Error("the generators must all be prime residue classes");
> fi;
> od;
> return GroupElementOps.Group( ResidueClasses, gens, id );
> end;;
This solves the first problem. To solve the second problem, i.e., to make operations with
residue class groups more efficient, we must extend the function ResidueClassesOps.Group.
It now enters a new operations record into the group. It also puts the modulus into the
group record, so that it is easier to access.
gap> ResidueClassesOps.Group := function ( ResidueClasses, gens, id )
> local G, # group G, result
> gen; # one generator from gens
> for gen in gens do
> if gen.modulus <> id.modulus then
> Error("the generators must all have the same modulus");
> fi;
> if GcdInt( gen.representative, gen.modulus ) <> 1 then
> Error("the generators must all be prime residue classes");
> fi;
> od;
> G := GroupElementsOps.Group( ResidueClasses, gens, id );
> G.modulus := id.modulus;
> G.operations := ResidueClassGroupOps;
> return G;
> end;;
Of course now we must build such an operations record. Luckily we do not have to implement
all functions, because we can inherit a lot of functions from GroupOps. This is done by
copying GroupOps as we have done before for ResidueClassOps and ResidueClassesOps.
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps := Copy( GroupOps );;
Now the first function that we must write is the Subgroup function to ensure that not only
groups constructed by Group have the correct operations record, but also subgroups of those
groups created by Subgroup. As in Group we only check the arguments and then leave the
work to GroupOps.Subgroup.
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps.Subgroup := function ( G, gens )
> local S, # subgroup of G, result
> gen; # one generator from gens
> for gen in gens do
> if gen.modulus <> G.modulus then
> Error("the generators must all have the same modulus");
> fi;
> if GcdInt( gen.representative, gen.modulus ) <> 1 then
> Error("the generators must all be prime residue classes");
> fi;
> od;
> S := GroupOps.Subgroup( G, gens );
> S.modulus := G.modulus;
> S.operations := ResidueClassGroupOps;
> return S;
> end;;
The first function that we write especially for residue class groups is SylowSubgroup. Since
residue class groups are abelian we can compute a Sylow subgroup of such a group by simply
taking appropriate powers of the generators.
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps.SylowSubgroup := function ( G, p )
> local S, # Sylow subgroup of G, result
> gen, # one generator of G
> ord, # order of gen
> gens; # generators of S
> gens := [];
> for gen in G.generators do
> ord := OrderMod( gen.representative, G.modulus );
> while ord mod p = 0 do ord := ord / p; od;
> Add( gens, gen ^ ord );
> od;
> S := Subgroup( Parent( G ), gens );
> return S;
> end;;
To allow the other functions that are applicable to residue class groups to work efficiently
we now want to make use of the fact that residue class groups are direct products of cyclic
groups and that we know what those factors are and how we can project onto those factors.
To do this we write ResidueClassGroupOps.MakeFactors that adds the components facts,
roots,sizes, and sgs to the group record G. This information, detailed below, will enable
other functions to work efficiently with such groups. Creating such information is a fairly
typical thing, for example for permutation groups the corresponding information is the
stabilizer chain computed by MakeStabChain.
G.facts will be the list of prime power factors of G.modulus. Actually this is a little bit
more complicated, because the residue class group modulo the largest power qof 2 that
divides G.modulus need not be cyclic. So if qis a multiple of 4, G.facts[1] will be 4,
corresponding to the projection of Ginto (Z/4Z)(of size 2), furthermore if qis a multiple of
8, G.facts[2] will be q, corresponding to the projection of Ginto the subgroup generated
by 5 in (Z/qZ)(of size q/4).
G.roots will be a list of primitive roots, i.e., of generators of the corresponding factors in
G.facts.G.sizes will be a list of the sizes of the corresponding factors in G.facts, i.e.,
G.sizes[i] = Phi( G.facts[i] ). (If G.modulus is a multiple of 8, G.roots[2] will
be 5, and G.sizes[2] will be q/4.)
Now we can represent each element gof the group Gby a list e, called the exponent
vector, of the length of G.facts, where e[i]is the logarithm of g.representative mod
G.facts[i]with respect to G.roots[i]. The multiplication of elements of Gcorresponds
to the componentwise addition of their exponent vectors, where we add modulo G.sizes[i]
in the i-th component. (Again special consideration are necessary if G.modulus is divisible
by 8.)
Next we compute the exponent vectors of all generators of G, and represent this information
as a matrix. Then we bring this matrix into upper triangular form, with an algorithm that
is very much like the ordinary Gaussian elimination, modified to account for the different
sizes of the components. This upper triangular matrix of exponent vectors is the component
G.sgs. This new matrix obviously still contains the exponent vectors of a generating system
of G, but a much nicer one, which allows us to tackle problems one component at a time. (It
is not necessary that you fully check this, the important thing here is not the mathematical
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps.MakeFactors := function ( G )
> local p, q, # prime factor of modulus and largest power
> r, s, # two rows of the standard generating system
> g, # extended gcd of leading entries in r, s
> x, y, # two entries in r and s
> i, k, l; # loop variables
> # find the factors of the direct product
> G.facts := [];
> G.roots := [];
> G.sizes := [];
> for p in Set( Factors( G.modulus ) ) do
> q := p;
> while G.modulus mod (p*q) = 0 do q := p*q; od;
> if q mod 4 = 0 then
> Add( G.facts, 4 );
> Add( G.roots, 3 );
> Add( G.sizes, 2 );
> fi;
> if q mod 8 = 0 then
> Add( G.facts, q );
> Add( G.roots, 5 );
> Add( G.sizes, q/4 );
> fi;
> if p <> 2 then
> Add( G.facts, q );
> Add( G.roots, PrimitiveRootMod( q ) );
> Add( G.sizes, (p-1)*q/p );
> fi;
> od;
> # represent each generator in this factorization
> G.sgs := [];
> for k in [ 1 .. Length( G.generators ) ] do
> G.sgs[k] := [];
> for i in [ 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> if G.facts[i] mod 8 = 0 then
> if G.generators[k].representative mod 4 = 1 then
> G.sgs[k][i] := LogMod(
> G.generators[k].representative,
> G.roots[i], G.facts[i] );
> else
> G.sgs[k][i] := LogMod(
> -G.generators[k].representative,
> G.roots[i], G.facts[i] );
> fi;
> else
> G.sgs[k][i] := LogMod(
> G.generators[k].representative,
> G.roots[i], G.facts[i] );
> fi;
> od;
> od;
> for i in [ Length( G.sgs ) + 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> G.sgs[i] := 0 * G.facts;
> od;
> # bring this matrix to diagonal form
> for i in [ 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> r := G.sgs[i];
> for k in [ i+1 .. Length( G.sgs ) ] do
> s := G.sgs[k];
> g := Gcdex( r[i], s[i] );
> for l in [ i .. Length( r ) ] do
> x := r[l]; y := s[l];
> r[l] := (g.coeff1 * x + g.coeff2 * y) mod G.sizes[l];
> s[l] := (g.coeff3 * x + g.coeff4 * y) mod G.sizes[l];
> od;
> od;
> s := [];
> x := G.sizes[i] / GcdInt( G.sizes[i], r[i] );
> for l in [ 1 .. Length( r ) ] do
> s[l] := (x * r[l]) mod G.sizes[l];
> od;
> Add( G.sgs, s );
> od;
> end;;
With the information computed by MakeFactors it is now of course very easy to compute
the size of a residue class group. We just look at the G.sgs, and multiply the orders of the
leading exponents of the nonzero exponent vectors.
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps.Size := function ( G )
> local s, # size of G, result
> i; # loop variable
> if not IsBound( G.facts ) then
> G.operations.MakeFactors( G );
> fi;
> s := 1;
> for i in [ 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> s := s * G.sizes[i] / GcdInt( G.sizes[i], G.sgs[i][i] );
> od;
> return s;
> end;;
The membership test is a little bit more complicated. First we test that the first argument
is really a residue class with the correct modulus. Then we compute the exponent vector of
this residue class and reduce this exponent vector using the upper triangular matrix G.sgs.
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps.\in := function ( res, G )
> local s, # exponent vector of res
> g, # extended gcd
> x, y, # two entries in s and G.sgs[i]
> i, l; # loop variables
> if not IsResidueClass( res )
> or res.modulus <> G.modulus
> or GcdInt( res.representative, res.modulus ) <> 1
> then
> return false;
> fi;
> if not IsBound( G.facts ) then
> G.operations.MakeFactors( G );
> fi;
> s := [];
> for i in [ 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> if G.facts[i] mod 8 = 0 then
> if res.representative mod 4 = 1 then
> s[i] := LogMod( res.representative,
> G.roots[i], G.facts[i] );
> else
> s[i] := LogMod( -res.representative,
> G.roots[i], G.facts[i] );
> fi;
> else
> s[i] := LogMod( res.representative,
> G.roots[i], G.facts[i] );
> fi;
> od;
> for i in [ 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> if s[i] mod GcdInt( G.sizes[i], G.sgs[i][i] ) <> 0 then
> return false;
> fi;
> g := Gcdex( s[i], G.sgs[i][i] );
> for l in [ i .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> x := s[l]; y := G.sgs[i][l];
> s[l] := (g.coeff3 * x + g.coeff4 * y) mod G.sizes[l];
> od;
> od;
> return true;
> end;;
We also add a function Random that works by creating a random exponent as a random
linear combination of the exponent vectors in G.sgs, and converts this exponent vector to
a residue class. (The main purpose of this function is to allow you to create random test
examples for the other functions.)
gap> ResidueClassGroupOps.Random := function ( G )
> local s, # exponent vector of random element
> r, # vector of remainders in each factor
> i, k, l; # loop variables
> if not IsBound( G.facts ) then
> G.operations.MakeFactors( G );
> fi;
> s := 0 * G.facts;
> for i in [ 1 .. Length( G.facts ) ] do
> l := G.sizes[i] / GcdInt( G.sizes[i], G.sgs[i][i] );
> k := Random( [ 0 .. l-1 ] );
> for l in [ i .. Length( s ) ] do
> s[l] := (s[l] + k * G.sgs[i][l]) mod G.sizes[l];
> od;
> od;
> r := [];
> for l in [ 1 .. Length( s ) ] do
> r[l] := PowerModInt( G.roots[l], s[l], G.facts[l] );
> if G.facts[l] mod 8 = 0 and r[1] = 3 then
> r[l] := G.facts[l] - r[l];
> fi;
> od;
> return ResidueClass( ChineseRem( G.facts, r ), G.modulus );
> end;;
There are a lot more functions that would benefit from being implemented especially for
residue class groups. We do not show them here, because the above functions already
displayed how such functions can be written.
To round things up, we finally add a function that constructs the full residue class group
given a modulus m. This function is totally independent of the implementation of residue
classes and residue class groups. It only has to find a (minimal) system of generators of the
full prime residue classes group, and to call Group to construct this group. It also adds the
information entry size to the group record, of course with the value φ(n).
gap> PrimeResidueClassGroup := function ( m )
> local G, # group Z/mZ, result
> gens, # generators of G
> p, q, # prime and prime power dividing m
> r, # primitive root modulo q
> g; # is = r mod q and = 1 mod m/q
> # add generators for each prime power factor q of m
> gens := [];
> for p in Set( Factors( m ) ) do
> q := p;
> while m mod (q * p) = 0 do q := q * p; od;
> # (Z/4Z)^* = < 3 >
> if q = 4 then
> r := 3;
> g := r + q * (((1/q mod (m/q)) * (1 - r)) mod (m/q));
> Add( gens, ResidueClass( g, m ) );
> # (Z/8nZ)^* = < 5, -1 > is not cyclic
> elif q mod 8 = 0 then
> r := q-1;
> g := r + q * (((1/q mod (m/q)) * (1 - r)) mod (m/q));
> Add( gens, ResidueClass( g, m ) );
> r := 5;
> g := r + q * (((1/q mod (m/q)) * (1 - r)) mod (m/q));
> Add( gens, ResidueClass( g, m ) );
> # for odd q, (Z/qZ)^* is cyclic
> elif q <> 2 then
> r := PrimitiveRootMod( q );
> g := r + q * (((1/q mod (m/q)) * (1 - r)) mod (m/q));
> Add( gens, ResidueClass( g, m ) );
> fi;
> od;
> # return the group generated by gens
> G := Group( gens, ResidueClass( 1, m ) );
> G.size := Phi( n );
> return G;
> end;;
There is one more thing that we can learn from this example. Mathematically a residue
class is not only a group element, but a set as well. We can reflect this in GAP3 by turning
residue classes into domains (see 4). Section 1.28 gives an example of how to implement a
new domain, so we will here only show the code with few comments.
First we must change the function that constructs a residue class, so that it enters the
necessary fields to tag this record as a domain. It also adds the information that residue
classes are infinite.
gap> ResidueClass := function ( representative, modulus )
> local res;
> res := rec();
> res.isGroupElement := true;
> res.isDomain := true;
> res.isResidueClass := true;
> res.representative := representative mod modulus;
> res.modulus := modulus;
> res.isFinite := false;
> res.size := "infinity";
> res.domain := ResidueClasses;
> res.operations := ResidueClassOps;
> return res;
> end;;
The initialization of the ResidueClassOps record must be changed too, because now we
want to inherit both from GroupElementsOps and DomainOps. This is done by the func-
tion MergedRecord, which takes two records and returns a new record that contains all
components from either record.
Note that the record returned by MergedRecord does not have those components that appear
in both arguments. This forces us to explicitly write down from which record we want to
inherit those functions, or to define them anew. In our example the components common to
GroupElementOps and DomainOps are only the equality and ordering functions, which we
have to define anyhow. (This solution for the problem of which definition to choose in the
case of multiple inheritance is also taken by C++.)
With this function definition we can now initialize ResidueClassOps.
gap> ResidueClassOps := MergedRecord( GroupElementOps, DomainOps );;
Now we add all functions to this record as described above.
Next we add a function to the operations record that tests whether a certain object is in a
residue class.
gap> ResidueClassOps.\in := function ( element, class )
> if IsInt( element ) then
> return (element mod class.modulus = class.representative);
> else
> return false;
> fi;
> end;;
Finally we add a function to compute the intersection of two residue classes.
gap> ResidueClassOps.Intersection := function ( R, S )
> local I, # intersection of R and S, result
> gcd; # gcd of the moduli
> if IsResidueClass( R ) then
> if IsResidueClass( S ) then
> gcd := GcdInt( R.modulus, S.modulus );
> if R.representative mod gcd
> <> S.representative mod gcd
> then
> I := [];
> else
> I := ResidueClass(
> ChineseRem(
> [ R.modulus, S.modulus ] ,
> [ R.representative, S.representative ]),
> Lcm( R.modulus, S.modulus ) );
> fi;
> else
> I := DomainOps.Intersection( R, S );
> fi;
> else
> I := DomainOps.Intersection( R, S );
> fi;
> return I;
> end;;
There is one further thing that we have to do. When Group is called with a single argument
that is a domain, it assumes that you want to create a new group such that there is a
bijection between the original domain and the new group. This is not what we want here.
We want that in this case we get the cyclic group that is generated by the single residue
class. (This overloading of Group is probably a mistake, but so is the overloading of residue
classes, which are both group elements and domains.) The following definition solves this
gap> ResidueClassOps.Group := function ( R )
> return ResidueClassesOps.Group( ResidueClasses, [R], R^0 );
> end;;
This concludes our example. There are however several further things that you could do.
One is to add functions for the quotient, the modulus, etc. Another is to fix the functions
so that they do not hang if asked for the residue class group mod 1. Also you might try
to implement residue class rings analogous to residue class groups. Finally it might be
worthwhile to improve the speed of the multiplication of prime residue classes. This can be
done by doing some precomputation in ResidueClass and adding some information to the
residue class record for prime residue classes ([Mon85]).
Chapter 2
The Programming Language
This chapter describes the GAP3 programming language. It should allow you in principle to
predict the result of each and every input. In order to know what we are talking about, we
first have to look more closely at the process of interpretation and the various representations
of data involved.
First we have the input to GAP3, given as a string of characters. How those characters enter
GAP3 is operating system dependent, e.g., they might be entered at a terminal, pasted
with a mouse into a window, or read from a file. The mechanism does not matter. This
representation of expressions by characters is called the external representation of the
expression. Every expression has at least one external representation that can be entered
to get exactly this expression.
The input, i.e., the external representation, is transformed in a process called reading to
an internal representation. At this point the input is analyzed and inputs that are not legal
external representations, according to the rules given below, are rejected as errors. Those
rules are usually called the syntax of a programming language.
The internal representation created by reading is called either an expression or a state-
ment. Later we will distinguish between those two terms, however now we will use them
interchangeably. The exact form of the internal representation does not matter. It could be
a string of characters equal to the external representation, in which case the reading would
only need to check for errors. It could be a series of machine instructions for the processor
on which GAP3 is running, in which case the reading would more appropriately be called
compilation. It is in fact a tree–like structure.
After the input has been read it is again transformed in a process called evaluation or
execution. Later we will distinguish between those two terms too, but for the moment
we will use them interchangeably. The name hints at the nature of this process, it replaces
an expression with the value of the expression. This works recursively, i.e., to evaluate an
expression first the subexpressions are evaluated and then the value of the expression is
computed according to rules given below from those values. Those rules are usually called
the semantics of a programming language.
The result of the evaluation is, not surprisingly, called a value. The set of values is of course
a much smaller set than the set of expressions; for every value there are several expressions
that will evaluate to this value. Again the form in which such a value is represented internally
does not matter. It is in fact a tree–like structure again.
The last process is called printing. It takes the value produced by the evaluation and
creates an external representation, i.e., a string of characters again. What you do with this
external representation is up to you. You can look at it, paste it with the mouse into another
window, or write it to a file.
Lets look at an example to make this more clear. Suppose you type in the following string
of 8 characters
GAP3 takes this external representation and creates a tree like internal representation, which
we can picture as follows
/ \
1 *
/ \
2 3
This expression is then evaluated. To do this GAP3 first evaluates the right subexpression
2*3. Again to do this GAP3 first evaluates its subexpressions 2 and 3. However they are
so simple that they are their own value, we say that they are self–evaluating. After this
has been done, the rule for *tells us that the value is the product of the values of the two
subexpressions, which in this case is clearly 6. Combining this with the value of the left
operand of the +, which is self–evaluating too gives us the value of the whole expression 7.
This is then printed, i.e., converted into the external representation consisting of the single
character 7.
In this fashion we can predict the result of every input when we know the syntactic rules that
govern the process of reading and the semantic rules that tell us for every expression how
its value is computed in terms of the values of the subexpressions. The syntactic rules are
given in sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.20, the semantic rules are given in sections 2.6,
2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, and the chapters describing
the individual data types.
2.1 Lexical Structure
The input of GAP3 consists of sequences of the following characters.
Digits, uppercase and lowercase letters, space,tab,newline, and the special characters
Other characters will be signalled as illegal. Inside strings and comments the full character
set supported by the computer is allowed.
2.2 Language Symbols
The process of reading, i.e., of assembling the input into expressions, has a subprocess,
called scanning, that assembles the characters into symbols. A symbol is a sequence of
characters that form a lexical unit. The set of symbols consists of keywords, identifiers,
strings, integers, and operator and delimiter symbols.
A keyword is a reserved word consisting entirely of lowercase letters (see 2.4). An identifier
is a sequence of letters and digits that contains at least one letter and is not a keyword
(see 2.5). An integer is a sequence of digits (see 10). A string is a sequence of arbitrary
characters enclosed in double quotes (see 30).
Operator and delimiter symbols are
= <> < <= > >=
:= . .. -> , ;
Note that during the process of scanning also all whitespace is removed (see 2.3).
2.3 Whitespaces
The characters space,tab,newline, and return are called whitespace characters. Whites-
pace is used as necessary to separate lexical symbols, such as integers, identifiers, or key-
words. For example Thorondor is a single identifier, while Th or ondor is the keyword or
between the two identifiers Th and ondor. Whitespace may occur between any two sym-
bols, but not within a symbol. Two or more adjacent whitespaces are equivalent to a single
whitespace. Apart from the role as separator of symbols, whitespaces are otherwise insignif-
icant. Whitespaces may also occur inside a string, where they are significant. Whitespaces
should also be used freely for improved readability.
Acomment starts with the character #, which is sometimes called sharp or hatch, and
continues to the end of the line on which the comment character appears. The whole
comment, including #and the newline character is treated as a single whitespace. Inside a
string, the comment character #looses its role and is just an ordinary character.
For example, the following statement
if i<0 then a:=-i;else a:=i;fi;
is equivalent to
if i < 0 then # if i is negative
a := -i; # take its inverse
else # otherwise
a := i; # take itself
(which by the way shows that it is possible to write superfluous comments). However the
first statement is not equivalent to
since the keyword if must be separated from the identifier iby a whitespace, and similarly
then and a, and else and amust be separated.
2.4 Keywords
Keywords are reserved words that are used to denote special operations or are part of
statements. They must not be used as identifiers. The keywords are
and do elif else end fi
for function if in local mod
not od or repeat return then
until while quit
Note that all keywords are written in lowercase. For example only else is a keyword; Else,
eLsE,ELSE and so forth are ordinary identifiers. Keywords must not contain whitespace,
for example el if is not the same as elif.
2.5 Identifiers
An identifier is used to refer to a variable (see 2.7). An identifier consists of letters, digits,
and underscores , and must contain at least one letter or underscore. An identifier is
terminated by the first character not in this class. Examples of valid identifiers are
a foo aLongIdentifier
hello Hello HELLO
x100 100x _100
Note that case is significant, so the three identifiers in the second line are distinguished.
The backslash \can be used to include other characters in identifiers; a backslash followed
by a character is equivalent to the character, except that this escape sequence is considered
to be an ordinary letter. For example G\(2\,5\) is an identifier, not a call to a function G.
An identifier that starts with a backslash is never a keyword, so for example \* and \mod
are identifier.
The length of identifiers is not limited, however only the first 1023 characters are significant.
The escape sequence \newline is ignored, making it possible to split long identifiers over
multiple lines.
2.6 Expressions
An expression is a construct that evaluates to a value. Syntactic constructs that are
executed to produce a side effect and return no value are called statements (see 2.11).
Expressions appear as right hand sides of assignments (see 2.12), as actual arguments in
function calls (see 2.8), and in statements.
Note that an expression is not the same as a value. For example 1 + 11 is an expression,
whose value is the integer 12. The external representation of this integer is the character
sequence 12, i.e., this sequence is output if the integer is printed. This sequence is another
expression whose value is the integer 12. The process of finding the value of an expression
is done by the interpreter and is called the evaluation of the expression.
Variables, function calls, and integer, permutation, string, function, list, and record literals
(see 2.7, 2.8, 10, 20, 30, 2.18, 27, 46), are the simplest cases of expressions.
2.7. VARIABLES 201
Expressions, for example the simple expressions mentioned above, can be combined with
the operators to form more complex expressions. Of course those expressions can then be
combined further with the operators to form even more complex expressions. The operators
fall into three classes. The comparisons are =,<>,<=,>,>=, and in (see 2.9 and 27.14).
The arithmetic operators are +,-,*,/,mod, and ^(see 2.10). The logical operators
are not,and, and or (see 45.2).
gap> 2 * 2; # a very simple expression with value
gap> 2 * 2 + 9 = Fibonacci(7) and Fibonacci(13) in Primes;
true # a more complex expression
2.7 Variables
Avariable is a location in a GAP3 program that points to a value. We say the variable is
bound to this value. If a variable is evaluated it evaluates to this value.
Initially an ordinary variable is not bound to any value. The variable can be bound to a
value by assigning this value to the variable (see 2.12). Because of this we sometimes say
that a variable that is not bound to any value has no assigned value. Assignment is in fact
the only way by which a variable, which is not an argument of a function, can be bound to
a value. After a variable has been bound to a value an assignment can also be used to bind
the variable to another value.
A special class of variables are arguments of functions. They behave similarly to other
variables, except they are bound to the value of the actual arguments upon a function call
(see 2.8).
Each variable has a name that is also called its identifier. This is because in a given scope
an identifier identifies a unique variable (see 2.5). A scope is a lexical part of a program text.
There is the global scope that encloses the entire program text, and there are local scopes
that range from the function keyword, denoting the beginning of a function definition, to
the corresponding end keyword. A local scope introduces new variables, whose identifiers
are given in the formal argument list and the local declaration of the function (see 2.18).
Usage of an identifier in a program text refers to the variable in the innermost scope that
has this identifier as its name. Because this mapping from identifiers to variables is done
when the program is read, not when it is executed, GAP3 is said to have lexical scoping. The
following example shows how one identifier refers to different variables at different points in
the program text.
g := 0; # global variable g
x := function ( a, b, c )
local y;
g := c; # c refers to argument c of function x
y := function ( y )
local d, e, f;
d := y; # y refers to argument y of function y
e := b; # b refers to argument b of function x
f := g; # g refers to global variable g
return d + e + f;
return y( a ); # y refers to local y of function x
It is important to note that the concept of a variable in GAP3 is quite different from the
concept of a variable in programming languages like PASCAL. In those languages a variable
denotes a block of memory. The value of the variable is stored in this block. So in those
languages two variables can have the same value, but they can never have identical values,
because they denote different blocks of memory. (Note that PASCAL has the concept of
a reference argument. It seems as if such an argument and the variable used in the actual
function call have the same value, since changing the argument’s value also changes the value
of the variable used in the actual function call. But this is not so; the reference argument is
actually a pointer to the variable used in the actual function call, and it is the compiler that
inserts enough magic to make the pointer invisible.) In order for this to work the compiler
needs enough information to compute the amount of memory needed for each variable in a
program, which is readily available in the declarations PASCAL requires for every variable.
In GAP3 on the other hand each variable justs points to a value.
2.8 Function Calls
function-var(arg-expr {,arg-expr})
The function call has the effect of calling the function function-var. The precise semantics
are as follows.
First GAP3 evaluates the function-var . Usually function-var is a variable, and GAP3 does
nothing more than taking the value of this variable. It is allowed though that function-var
is a more complex expression, namely it can for example be a selection of a list element
list-var[int-expr], or a selection of a record component record-var.ident. In any case GAP3
tests whether the value is a function. If it is not, GAP3 signals an error.
Next GAP3 checks that the number of actual arguments arg-exprs agrees with the number
of formal arguments as given in the function definition. If they do not agree GAP3 signals
an error. An exception is the case when there is exactly one formal argument with the name
arg, in which case any number of actual arguments is allowed.
Now GAP3 allocates for each formal argument and for each formal local a new variable.
Remember that a variable is a location in a GAP3 program that points to a value. Thus for
each formal argument and for each formal local such a location is allocated.
Next the arguments arg-exprs are evaluated, and the values are assigned to the newly created
variables corresponding to the formal arguments. Of course the first value is assigned to
the new variable corresponding to the first formal argument, the second value is assigned to
the new variable corresponding to the second formal argument, and so on. However, GAP3
does not make any guarantee about the order in which the arguments are evaluated. They
might be evaluated left to right, right to left, or in any other order, but each argument is
evaluated once. An exception again occurs if the function has only one formal argument
with the name arg. In this case the values of all the actual arguments are stored in a list
and this list is assigned to the new variable corresponding to the formal argument arg.
The new variables corresponding to the formal locals are initially not bound to any value.
So trying to evaluate those variables before something has been assigned to them will signal
an error.
Now the body of the function, which is a statement, is executed. If the identifier of one of
the formal arguments or formal locals appears in the body of the function it refers to the
new variable that was allocated for this formal argument or formal local, and evaluates to
the value of this variable.
If during the execution of the body of the function a return statement with an expression
(see 2.19) is executed, execution of the body is terminated and the value of the function call
is the value of the expression of the return. If during the execution of the body a return
statement without an expression is executed, execution of the body is terminated and the
function call does not produce a value, in which case we call this call a procedure call (see
2.13). If the execution of the body completes without execution of a return statement, the
function call again produces no value, and again we talk about a procedure call.
gap> Fibonacci( 11 );
# a call to the function Fibonacci with actual argument 11
gap> G.operations.RightCosets( G, Intersection( U, V ) );;
# a call to the function in G.operations.RightCosets
# where the second actual argument is another function call
2.9 Comparisons
left-expr =right-expr
left-expr <> right-expr
The operator =tests for equality of its two operands and evaluates to true if they are equal
and to false otherwise. Likewise <> tests for inequality of its two operands. Note that
any two objects can be compared, i.e., =and <> will never signal an error. For each type
of objects the definition of equality is given in the respective chapter. Objects of different
types are never equal, i.e., =evaluates in this case to false, and <> evaluates to true.
left-expr <right-expr
left-expr >right-expr
left-expr <= right-expr
left-expr >= right-expr
<denotes less than, <= less than or equal, >greater than, and >= greater than or equal
of its two operands. For each type of objects the definition of the ordering is given in the
respective chapter. The ordering of objects of different types is as follows. Rationals are
smallest, next are cyclotomics, followed by finite field elements, permutations, words, words
in solvable groups, boolean values, functions, lists, and records are largest.
Comparison operators, which includes the operator in (see 27.14) are not associative, i.e.,
it is not allowed to write a=b<> c=d, you must use (a=b) <> (c=d)instead.
The comparison operators have higher precedence than the logical operators (see 45.2), but
lower precedence than the arithmetic operators (see 2.10). Thus, for example, a*b=c
and dis interpreted, ((a*b) = c) and d).
gap> 2 * 2 + 9 = Fibonacci(7); # a comparison where the left
true # operand is an expression
2.10 Operations
left-expr +right-expr
left-expr -right-expr
left-expr *right-expr
left-expr /right-expr
left-expr mod right-expr
left-expr ^right-expr
The arithmetic operators are +,-,*,/,mod, and ^. The meanings (semantic) of those
operators generally depend on the types of the operands involved, and they are defined in
the various chapters describing the types. However basically the meanings are as follows.
+denotes the addition, and -the subtraction of ring and field elements. *is the multi-
plication of group elements, /is the multiplication of the left operand with the inverse of
the right operand. mod is only defined for integers and rationals and denotes the modulo
operation. +and -can also be used as unary operations. The unary +is ignored and unary
-is equivalent to multiplication by -1. ^denotes powering of a group element if the right
operand is an integer, and is also used to denote operation if the right operand is a group
The precedence of those operators is as follows. The powering operator ^has the highest
precedence, followed by the unary operators +and -, which are followed by the multiplica-
tive operators *,/, and mod, and the additive binary operators +and -have the lowest
precedence. That means that the expression -2^-2*3+1is interpreted as (-(2 ^
(-2)) * 3) + 1. If in doubt use parentheses to clarify your intention.
The associativity of the arithmetic operators is as follows.^is not associative, i.e., it is
illegal to write 2^3^4, use parentheses to clarify whether you mean (2^3) ^ 4 or 2 ^ (3^4).
The unary operators +and -are right associative, because they are written to the left of
their operands. *,/,mod,+, and -are all left associative, i.e., 1-2-3 is interpreted as
(1-2)-3 not as 1-(2-3). Again, if in doubt use parentheses to clarify your intentions.
The arithmetic operators have higher precedence than the comparison operators (see 2.9
and 27.14) and the logical operators (see 45.2). Thus, for example, a*b=cand dis
interpreted, ((a*b) = c) and d.
gap> 2 * 2 + 9; # a very simple arithmetic expression
2.11 Statements
Assignments (see 2.12), Procedure calls (see 2.13), if statements (see 2.14), while (see
2.15), repeat (see 2.16) and for loops (see 2.17), and the return statement (see 2.19) are
called statements. They can be entered interactively or be part of a function definition.
Every statement must be terminated by a semicolon.
Statements, unlike expressions, have no value. They are executed only to produce an effect.
For example an assignment has the effect of assigning a value to a variable, a for loop has
the effect of executing a statement sequence for all elements in a list and so on. We will
talk about evaluation of expressions but about execution of statements to emphasize this
It is possible to use expressions as statements. However this does cause a warning.
gap> if i <> 0 then k = 16/i; fi;
Syntax error: warning, this statement has no effect
if i <> 0 then k = 16/i; fi;
As you can see from the example this is useful for those users who are used to languages
where =instead of := denotes assignment.
A sequence of one or more statements is a statement sequence, and may occur everywhere
instead of a single statement. There is nothing like PASCAL’s BEGIN-END, instead each
construct is terminated by a keyword. The most simple statement sequence is a single
semicolon, which can be used as an empty statement sequence.
2.12 Assignments
var := expr;
The assignment has the effect of assigning the value of the expressions expr to the variable
The variable var may be an ordinary variable (see 2.7), a list element selection list-var[int-
expr](see 27.6) or a record component selection record-var.ident (see 46.2). Since a list
element or a record component may itself be a list or a record the left hand side of an
assignment may be arbitrarily complex.
Note that variables do not have a type. Thus any value may be assigned to any variable.
For example a variable with an integer value may be assigned a permutation or a list or
anything else.
If the expression expr is a function call then this function must return a value. If the
function does not return a value an error is signalled and you enter a break loop (see 3.2).
As usual you can leave the break loop with quit;. If you enter return return-expr;the
value of the expression return-expr is assigned to the variable, and execution continues after
the assignment.
gap> S6 := rec( size := 720 );; S6;
size := 720 )
gap> S6.generators := [ (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5) ];; S6;
size := 720,
generators := [ (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5) ] )
gap> S6.generators[2] := (1,2,3,4,5,6);; S6;
size := 720,
generators := [ (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6) ] )
2.13 Procedure Calls
procedure-var(arg-expr {,arg-expr});
The procedure call has the effect of calling the procedure procedure-var. A procedure call is
done exactly like a function call (see 2.8). The distinction between functions and procedures
is only for the sake of the discussion, GAP3 does not distinguish between them.
Afunction does return a value but does not produce a side effect. As a convention the name
of a function is a noun, denoting what the function returns, e.g., Length,Concatenation
and Order.
Aprocedure is a function that does not return a value but produces some effect. Procedures
are called only for this effect. As a convention the name of a procedure is a verb, denoting
what the procedure does, e.g., Print,Append and Sort.
gap> Read( "myfile.g" ); # a call to the procedure Read
gap> l := [ 1, 2 ];;
gap> Append( l, [3,4,5] ); # a call to the procedure Append
2.14 If
if bool-expr1 then statements1
{elif bool-expr2 then statements2 }
[ else statements3 ]
The if statement allows one to execute statements depending on the value of some boolean
expression. The execution is done as follows.
First the expression bool-expr1 following the if is evaluated. If it evaluates to true the
statement sequence statements1 after the first then is executed, and the execution of the
if statement is complete.
Otherwise the expressions bool-expr2 following the elif are evaluated in turn. There may
be any number of elif parts, possibly none at all. As soon as an expression evaluates to
true the corresponding statement sequence statements2 is executed and execution of the
if statement is complete.
If the if expression and all, if any, elif expressions evaluate to false and there is an else
part, which is optional, its statement sequence statements3 is executed and the execution of
the if statement is complete. If there is no else part the if statement is complete without
executing any statement sequence.
Since the if statement is terminated by the fi keyword there is no question where an else
part belongs, i.e., GAP3 has no dangling else.
In if expr1 then if expr2 then stats1 else stats2 fi; fi;
the else part belongs to the second if statement, whereas in
if expr1 then if expr2 then stats1 fi; else stats2 fi;
the else part belongs to the first if statement.
Since an if statement is not an expression it is not possible to write
abs := if x > 0 then x; else -x; fi;
2.15. WHILE 207
which would, even if legal syntax, be meaningless, since the if statement does not produce
a value that could be assigned to abs.
If one expression evaluates neither to true nor to false an error is signalled and a break
loop (see 3.2) is entered. As usual you can leave the break loop with quit;. If you enter
return true;, execution of the if statement continues as if the expression whose evaluation
failed had evaluated to true. Likewise, if you enter return false;, execution of the if
statement continues as if the expression whose evaluation failed had evaluated to false.
gap> i := 10;;
gap> if 0 < i then
> s := 1;
> elif i < 0 then
> s := -1;
> else
> s := 0;
> fi;
gap> s;
1# the sign of i
2.15 While
while bool-expr do statements od;
The while loop executes the statement sequence statements while the condition bool-expr
evaluates to true.
First bool-expr is evaluated. If it evaluates to false execution of the while loop terminates
and the statement immediately following the while loop is executed next. Otherwise if it
evaluates to true the statements are executed and the whole process begins again.
The difference between the while loop and the repeat until loop (see 2.16) is that the
statements in the repeat until loop are executed at least once, while the statements in
the while loop are not executed at all if bool-expr is false at the first iteration.
If bool-expr does not evaluate to true or false an error is signalled and a break loop (see 3.2)
is entered. As usual you can leave the break loop with quit;. If you enter return false;,
execution continues with the next statement immediately following the while loop. If you
enter return true;, execution continues at statements, after which the next evaluation of
bool-expr may cause another error.
gap> i := 0;; s := 0;;
gap> while s <= 200 do
> i := i + 1; s := s + i^2;
> od;
gap> s;
204 # first sum of the first i squares larger than 200
2.16 Repeat
repeat statements until bool-expr ;
The repeat loop executes the statement sequence statements until the condition bool-expr
evaluates to true.
First statements are executed. Then bool-expr is evaluated. If it evaluates to true the
repeat loop terminates and the statement immediately following the repeat loop is executed
next. Otherwise if it evaluates to false the whole process begins again with the execution
of the statements.
The difference between the while loop (see 2.15) and the repeat until loop is that the
statements in the repeat until loop are executed at least once, while the statements in
the while loop are not executed at all if bool-expr is false at the first iteration.
If bool-expr does not evaluate to true or false a error is signalled and a break loop (see 3.2)
is entered. As usual you can leave the break loop with quit;. If you enter return true;,
execution continues with the next statement immediately following the repeat loop. If you
enter return false;, execution continues at statements, after which the next evaluation of
bool-expr may cause another error.
gap> i := 0;; s := 0;;
gap> repeat
> i := i + 1; s := s + i^2;
> until s > 200;
gap> s;
204 # first sum of the first i squares larger than 200
2.17 For
for simple-var in list-expr do statements od;
The for loop executes the statement sequence statements for every element of the list list-
The statement sequence statements is first executed with simple-var bound to the first
element of the list list, then with simple-var bound to the second element of list and so on.
simple-var must be a simple variable, it must not be a list element selection list-var[int-
expr]or a record component selection record-var.ident.
The execution of the for loop is exactly equivalent to the while loop
loop-list := list;
loop-index := 1;
while loop-index <= Length(loop-list) do
variable := loop-list[loop-index ];
loop-index := loop-index + 1;
with the exception that loop-list and loop-index are different variables for each for loop
that do not interfere with each other.
The list list is very often a range.
for variable in [] do statements od;
corresponds to the more common
for variable from from to to do statements od;
in other programming languages.
gap> s := 0;;
2.18. FUNCTIONS 209
gap> for i in [1..100] do
> s := s + i;
> od;
gap> s;
Note in the following example how the modification of the list in the loop body causes the
loop body also to be executed for the new values
gap> l := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ];;
gap> for i in l do
> Print( i, " " );
> if i mod 2 = 0 then Add( l, 3 * i / 2 ); fi;
> od; Print( "\n" );
gap> l;
Note in the following example that the modification of the variable that holds the list has
no influence on the loop
gap> l := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ];;
gap> for i in l do
> Print( i, " " );
> l := [];
> od; Print( "\n" );
gap> l;
[ ]
2.18 Functions
function ( [arg-ident {,arg-ident}])
[local loc-ident {,loc-ident};]
A function is in fact a literal and not a statement. Such a function literal can be assigned
to a variable or to a list element or a record component. Later this function can be called
as described in 2.8.
The following is an example of a function definition. It is a function to compute values of
the Fibonacci sequence (see 47.22)
gap> fib := function ( n )
> local f1, f2, f3, i;
> f1 := 1; f2 := 1;
> for i in [3..n] do
> f3 := f1 + f2;
> f1 := f2;
> f2 := f3;
> od;
> return f2;
> end;;
gap> List( [1..10], fib );
[ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ]
Because for each of the formal arguments arg-ident and for each of the formal locals loc-
ident a new variable is allocated when the function is called (see 2.8), it is possible that a
function calls itself. This is usually called recursion. The following is a recursive function
that computes values of the Fibonacci sequence
gap> fib := function ( n )
> if n < 3 then
> return 1;
> else
> return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
> fi;
> end;;
gap> List( [1..10], fib );
[ 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ]
Note that the recursive version needs 2 * fib(n)-1 steps to compute fib(n), while the
iterative version of fib needs only n-2 steps. Both are not optimal however, the library
function Fibonacci only needs on the order of Log(n)steps.
arg-ident -> expr
This is a shorthand for
function ( arg-ident ) return expr; end.
arg-ident must be a single identifier, i.e., it is not possible to write functions of several
arguments this way. Also arg is not treated specially, so it is also impossible to write
functions that take a variable number of arguments this way.
The following is an example of a typical use of such a function
gap> Sum( List( [1..100], x -> x^2 ) );
When a function fun1 definition is evaluated inside another function fun2 ,GAP3 binds
all the identifiers inside the function fun1 that are identifiers of an argument or a local of
fun2 to the corresponding variable. This set of bindings is called the environment of the
function fun1 . When fun1 is called, its body is executed in this environment. The following
implementation of a simple stack uses this. Values can be pushed onto the stack and then
later be popped off again. The interesting thing here is that the functions push and pop in
the record returned by Stack access the local variable stack of Stack. When Stack is called
a new variable for the identifier stack is created. When the function definitions of push and
pop are then evaluated (as part of the return statement) each reference to stack is bound
to this new variable. Note also that the two stacks Aand Bdo not interfere, because each
call of Stack creates a new variable for stack.
gap> Stack := function ()
> local stack;
> stack := [];
> return rec(
> push := function ( value )
2.19. RETURN 211
> Add( stack, value );
> end,
> pop := function ()
> local value;
> value := stack[Length(stack)];
> Unbind( stack[Length(stack)] );
> return value;
> end
> );
> end;;
gap> A := Stack();;
gap> B := Stack();;
gap> A.push( 1 ); A.push( 2 ); A.push( 3 );
gap> B.push( 4 ); B.push( 5 ); B.push( 6 );
gap> A.pop(); A.pop(); A.pop();
gap> B.pop(); B.pop(); B.pop();
This feature should be used rarely, since its implementation in GAP3 is not very efficient.
2.19 Return
In this form return terminates the call of the innermost function that is currently executing,
and control returns to the calling function. An error is signalled if no function is currently
executing. No value is returned by the function.
return expr;
In this form return terminates the call of the innermost function that is currently executing,
and returns the value of the expression expr . Control returns to the calling function. An
error is signalled if no function is currently executing.
Both statements can also be used in break loops (see 3.2). return; has the effect that the
computation continues where it was interrupted by an error or the user hitting ctrC.return
expr;can be used to continue execution after an error. What happens with the value expr
depends on the particular error.
2.20 The Syntax in BNF
This section contains the definition of the GAP3 syntax in Backus-Naur form.
A BNF is a set of rules, whose left side is the name of a syntactical construct. Those names
are enclosed in angle brackets and written in italics. The right side of each rule contains
a possible form for that syntactic construct. Each right side may contain names of other
syntactic constructs, again enclosed in angle brackets and written in italics, or character
sequences that must occur literally; they are written in typewriter style.
Furthermore each righthand side can contain the following metasymbols written in bold-
face. If the right hand side contains forms separated by a pipe symbol (|) this means that
one of the possible forms can occur. If a part of a form is enclosed in square brackets ([ ])
this means that this part is optional, i.e. might be present or missing. If part of the form
is enclosed in curly braces ({ }) this means that the part may occur arbitrarily often, or
possibly be missing.
Ident := a|...|z|A|...|Z| {a|...|z|A|...|Z|0|...|9| }
Var := Ident
|Var .Ident
|Var . ( Expr )
|Var [Expr ]
|Var {Expr }
|Var ([Expr {,Expr }])
List := [[Expr ]{,[Expr ]}]
|[Expr [, Expr ].. Expr ]
Record := rec( [Ident := Expr {,Ident := Expr }])
Permutation := (Expr {,Expr }){(Expr {,Expr })}
Function := function ( [Ident {,Ident }])
[local Ident {,Ident };]
Char := any character
String := "{any character }"
Int := 0|1|...|9{0|1|...|9}
Atom := Int
|(Expr )
Factor := {+|-}Atom [^{+|-}Atom ]
Term := Factor {*|/|mod Factor }
Arith := Term {+|-Term }
Rel := {not }Arith {=|<>|<|>|<=|>=|in Arith }
And := Rel {and Rel }
Log := And {or And }
Expr := Log
|Var [-> Log ]
Statement := Expr
|Var := Expr
|if Expr then Statements
{elif Expr then Statements }
[else Statements ]fi
|for Var in Expr do Statements od
|while Expr do Statements od
|repeat Statements until Expr
|return [Expr ]
Statements := {Statement ;}
Chapter 3
This chapter describes the interactive environment in which you use GAP3.
The first sections describe the main read eval print loop and the break loop (see 3.1, 3.2,
and 3.3).
The next section describes the commands you can use to edit the current input line (see
The next sections describe the GAP3 help system (see 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11).
The next sections describe the input and output functions (see 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16,
3.17, 3.18, and 3.19).
The next sections describe the functions that allow you to collect statistics about a compu-
tation (see 3.20, 3.21).
The last sections describe the functions that allow you to execute other programs as sub-
processes from within GAP3 (see 3.22 and 3.23).
3.1 Main Loop
The normal interaction with GAP3 happens in the so–called read eval print loop. This
means that you type an input, GAP3 first reads it, evaluates it, and prints the result. The
exact sequence is as follows.
To show you that it is ready to accept your input, GAP3 displays the prompt gap> . When
you see this, you know that GAP3 is waiting for your input.
Note that every statement must be terminated by a semicolon. You must also enter return
before GAP3 starts to read and evaluate your input. Because GAP3 does not do anything
until you enter return, you can edit your input to fix typos and only when everything is
correct enter return and have GAP3 take a look at it (see 3.4). It is also possible to enter
several statements as input on a single line. Of course each statement must be terminated
by a semicolon.
It is absolutely acceptable to enter a single statement on several lines. When you have
entered the beginning of a statement, but the statement is not yet complete, and you enter
return,GAP3 will display the partial prompt >. When you see this, you know that GAP3
is waiting for the rest of the statement. This happens also when you forget the semicolon ;
that terminates every GAP3 statement.
When you enter return,GAP3 first checks your input to see if it is syntactically correct
(see chapter 2 for the definition of syntactically correct). If it is not, GAP3 prints an error
message of the following form
gap> 1 * ;
Syntax error: expression expected
The first line tells you what is wrong about the input, in this case the *operator takes two
expressions as operands, so obviously the right one is missing. If the input came from a file
(see 3.12), this line will also contain the filename and the line number. The second line is a
copy of the input. And the third line contains a caret pointing to the place in the previous
line where GAP3 realized that something is wrong. This need not be the exact place where
the error is, but it is usually quite close.
Sometimes, you will also see a partial prompt after you have entered an input that is
syntactically incorrect. This is because GAP3 is so confused by your input, that it thinks
that there is still something to follow. In this case you should enter ;return repeatedly,
ignoring further error messages, until you see the full prompt again. When you see the full
prompt, you know that GAP3 forgave you and is now ready to accept your next – hopefully
correct – input.
If your input is syntactically correct, GAP3 evaluates or executes it, i.e., performs the re-
quired computations (see chapter 2 for the definition of the evaluation).
If you do not see a prompt, you know that GAP3 is still working on your last input. Of
course, you can type ahead, i.e., already start entering new input, but it will not be
accepted by GAP3 until GAP3 has completed the ongoing computation.
When GAP3 is ready it will usually print the result of the computation, i.e., the value
computed. Note that not all statements produce a value, for example, if you enter a for
loop, nothing will be printed, because the for loop does not produce a value that could be
Also sometimes you do not want to see the result. For example if you have computed a
value and now want to assign the result to a variable, you probably do not want to see the
value again. You can terminate statements by two semicolons to suppress the printing of
the result.
If you have entered several statements on a single line GAP3 will first read, evaluate, and
print the first one, then read evaluate, and print the second one, and so on. This means
that the second statement will not even be checked for syntactical correctness until GAP3
has completed the first computation.
After the result has been printed GAP3 will display another prompt, and wait for your next
input. And the whole process starts all over again. Note that a new prompt will only be
printed after GAP3 has read, evaluated, and printed the last statement if you have entered
several statements on a single line.
In each statement that you enter the result of the previous statement that produced a value
is available in the variable last. The next to previous result is available in last2 and the
result produced before that is available in last3.
3.2. BREAK LOOPS 217
gap> 1; 2; 3;
gap> last3 + last2 * last;
Also in each statement the time spent by the last statement, whether it produced a value
or not, is available in the variable time. This is an integer that holds the number of
3.2 Break Loops
When an error has occurred or when you interrupt GAP3, usually by hitting ctr-C,GAP3
enters a break loop, that is in most respects like the main read eval print loop (see 3.1).
That is, you can enter statements, GAP3 reads them, evaluates them, and prints the result
if any. However those evaluations happen within the context in which the error occurred.
So you can look at the arguments and local variables of the functions that were active when
the error happened and even change them. The prompt is changed from gap> to brk> to
indicate that you are in a break loop.
There are two ways to leave a break loop.
The first is to quit the break loop and continue in the main loop. To do this you enter quit;
or hit the eof (end offile) character, which is usually ctr-D. In this case control returns to
the main loop, and you can enter new statements.
The other way is to return from a break loop. To do this you enter return; or return
expr;. If the break loop was entered because you interrupted GAP3, then you can continue
by entering return;. If the break loop was entered due to an error, you usually have to
return a value to continue the computation. For example, if the break loop was entered
because a variable had no assigned value, you must return the value that this variable
should have to continue the computation.
3.3 Error
Error( messages... )
Error signals an error. First the messages messages are printed, this is done exactly as if
Print (see 3.14) were called with these arguments. Then a break loop (see 3.2) is entered,
unless the standard error output is not connected to a terminal. You can leave this break
loop with return; to continue execution with the statement following the call to Error.
3.4 Line Editing
GAP3 allows you to edit the current input line with a number of editing commands. Those
commands are accessible either as control keys or as escape keys. You enter a control
key by pressing the ctr key, and, while still holding the ctr key down, hitting another key
key. You enter an escape key by hitting esc and then hitting another key key. Below we
denote control keys by ctr-key and escape keys by esc-key. The case of key does not matter,
i.e., ctr-Aand ctr-aare equivalent.
Characters not mentioned below always insert themselves at the current cursor position.
The first few commands allow you to move the cursor on the current line.
ctr-Amove the cursor to the beginning of the line.
esc-Bmove the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
ctr-Bmove the cursor backward one character.
ctr-Fmove the cursor forward one character.
esc-Fmove the cursor to the end of the next word.
ctr-Emove the cursor to the end of the line.
The next commands delete or kill text. The last killed text can be reinserted, possibly at a
different position with the yank command.
ctr-Hor del delete the character left of the cursor.
ctr-Ddelete the character under the cursor.
ctr-Kkill up to the end of the line.
esc-Dkill forward to the end of the next word.
esc-del kill backward to the beginning of the last word.
ctr-Xkill entire input line, and discard all pending input.
ctr-Yinsert (yank) a just killed text.
The next commands allow you to change the input.
ctr-Texchange (twiddle) current and previous character.
esc-Uuppercase next word.
esc-Llowercase next word.
esc-Ccapitalize next word.
The tab character, which is in fact the control key ctr -I, looks at the characters before the
cursor, interprets them as the beginning of an identifier and tries to complete this identifier.
If there is more than one possible completion, it completes to the longest common prefix of all
those completions. If the characters to the left of the cursor are already the longest common
prefix of all completions hitting tab a second time will display all possible completions.
tab complete the identifier before the cursor.
The next commands allow you to fetch previous lines, e.g., to correct typos, etc. This history
is limited to about 8000 characters.
ctr-Linsert last input line before current character.
ctr-Predisplay the last input line, another ctr-Pwill redisplay the line before that, etc. If
the cursor is not in the first column only the lines starting with the string to the left of the
cursor are taken.
ctr-NLike ctr-Pbut goes the other way round through the history.
esc-<goes to the beginning of the history.
esc->goes to the end of the history.
ctr-Oaccepts this line and perform a ctr-N.
Finally there are a few miscellaneous commands.
ctr-Venter next character literally, i.e., enter it even if it is one of the control keys.
ctr-Uexecute the next command 4 times.
esc-num execute the next command num times.
esc-ctr -Lrepaint input line.
3.5. HELP 219
3.5 Help
This section describes together with the following sections the GAP3 help system. The help
system lets you read the manual interactively.
The help command ?displays the section with the name section on the screen. For example
?Help will display this section on the screen. You should not type in the single quotes, they
are only used in help sections to delimit text that you should enter into GAP3 or that GAP3
prints in response. When the whole section has been displayed the normal GAP3 prompt
gap> is shown and normal GAP3 interaction resumes.
The section 3.6 tells you what actions you can perform while you are reading a section. You
command GAP3 to display this section by entering ?Reading Sections, without quotes.
The section 3.7 describes the format of sections and the conventions used, 3.8 lists the
commands you use to flip through sections, 3.9 describes how to read a section again, 3.10
tells you how to avoid typing the long section names, and 3.11 describes the index command.
3.6 Reading Sections
If the section is longer than 24 lines GAP3 stops after 24 lines and displays
-- <space> for more --
If you press space GAP3 displays the next 24 lines of the section and then stops again.
This goes on until the whole section has been displayed, at which point GAP3 will return
immediately to the main GAP3 loop. Pressing fhas the same effect as space.
You can also press bor the key labeled del which will scroll back to the previous 24 lines
of the section. If you press bor del when GAP3 is displaying the top of a section GAP3 will
ring the bell.
You can also press qto quit and return immediately back to the main GAP3 loop without
reading the rest of the section.
Actually the 24 is only a default, if you have a larger screen that can display more lines of
text you may want to tell this to GAP3 with the -y rows option when you start GAP3.
3.7 Format of Sections
This section describes the format of sections when they are displayed on the screen and the
special conventions used.
As you can see GAP3 indents sections 4 spaces and prints a header line containing the name
of the section on the left and the name of the chapter on the right.
Text enclosed in angle brackets is used for arguments in the descriptions of functions and
for other placeholders. It means that you should not actually enter this text into GAP3 but
replace it by an appropriate text depending on what you want to do. For example when
we write that you should enter ?section to see the section with the name section,section
servers as a placeholder, indicating that you can enter the name of the section that you
want to see at this place. In the printed manual such text is printed in italics.
Text enclosed in single quotes is used for names of variables and functions and other text
that you may actually enter into your computer and see on your screen. The text enclosed
in single quotes may contain placeholders enclosed in angle brackets as described above. For
example when the help text for IsPrime says that the form of the call is ’IsPrime( <n>
)’ this means that you should actually enter the IsPrime( and ), without the quotes, but
replace the nwith the number (or expression) that you want to test. In the printed manual
this text is printed in a monospaced (all characters have the same width) typewriter font.
Text enclosed in double quotes is used for cross references to other parts of the manual. So
the text inside the double quotes is the name of another section of the manual. This is used
to direct you to other sections that describe a topic or a function used in this section. So
for example 3.10 is a cross reference to the next section. In the printed manual the text is
replaced by the number of the section.
_and ^
In mathematical formulas the underscore and the caret are used to denote subscription and
superscription. Ordinarily they apply only to the very next character following, unless a
whole expression enclosed in parentheses follows. So for example x_1^(i+1) denotes the
variable xwith subscript 1 raised to the i+1 power. In the printed manual mathematical
formulas are typeset in italics (actually mathitalics) and subscripts and superscripts are
actually lowered and raised.
Longer examples are usually paragraphs of their own that are indented 8 spaces from the
left margin, i.e. 4 spaces further than the surrounding text. Everything on the lines with
the prompts gap> and >, except the prompts themselves of course, is the input you have to
type, everything else is GAP3’s response. In the printed manual examples are also indented
4 spaces and are printed in a monospaced typewriter font.
gap> ?Format of Sections
Format of Sections ______________________________________ Environment
This section describes the format of sections when they are displayed
on the screen and the special conventions used.
3.8 Browsing through the Sections
The help sections are organized like a book into chapters. This should not surprise you,
since the same source is used both for the printed manual and the online help. Just as you
can flip through the pages of a book there are special commands to browse through the help
The two help commands ?< and ?> correspond to the flipping of pages. ?< takes you to
the section preceding the current section and displays it, and ?> takes you to the section
following the current section.
?<< is like ?<, only more so. It takes you back to the first section of the current chapter,
which gives an overview of the sections described in this chapter. If you are already in this
section ?<< takes you to the first section of the previous chapter. ?>> takes you to the first
section of the next chapter.
GAP3 remembers the sections that you have read. ?- takes you to the one that you have
read before the current one, and displays it again. Further ?- takes you further back in this
history. ?+ reverses this process, i.e., it takes you back to the section that you have read
after the current one. It is important to note, that ?- and ?+ do not alter the history like
the other help commands.
3.9 Redisplaying a Section
The help command ?followed by no section name redisplays the last help section again. So
if you reach the bottom of a long help section and already forgot what was mentioned at
the beginning, or, for example, the examples do not seem to agree with your interpretation
of the explanations, use ?to read the whole section again from the beginning.
When ?is used before any section has been read GAP3 displays the section Welcome to
3.10 Abbreviating Section Names
Upper and lower case in section are not distinguished, so typing either ?Abbreviating
Section Names or ?abbreviating section names will show this very section.
Each word in section may be abbreviated. So instead of typing ?abbreviating section
names you may also type ?abb sec nam, or even ?a s n. You must not omit the spaces
separating the words. For each word in the section name you must give at least the first
character. As another example you may type ?oper for int instead of ?operations for
integers, which is especially handy when you can not remember whether it was operations
or operators.
If an abbreviation matches multiple section names a list of all these section names is dis-
3.11 Help Index
?? looks up topic in GAP3’s index and prints all the index entries that contain the substring
topic. Then you can decide which section is the one you are actually interested in and
request this one.
gap> ??help
help ______________________________________________________ Index
Reading Sections (help!scrolling)
Format of the Sections (help!format)
Browsing through the Sections (help!browsing)
Redisplaying a Section (help!redisplaying)
Abbreviating Section Names (help!abbreviating)
Help Index
The first thing on each line is the name of the section. If the name of the section matches
topic nothing more is printed. Otherwise the index entry that matched topic is printed in
parentheses following the section name. For each section only the first matching index entry
is printed. The order of the sections corresponds to their order in the GAP3 manual, so that
related sections should be adjacent.
3.12 Read
Read( filename )
Read reads the input from the file with the filename filename, which must be a string.
Read first opens the file filename. If the file does not exist, or if GAP3 can not open it, e.g.,
because of access restrictions, an error is signalled.
Then the contents of the file are read and evaluated, but the results are not printed. The
reading and printing happens exactly as described for the main loop (see 3.1).
If an input in the file contains a syntactical error, a message is printed, and the rest of this
statement is ignored, but the rest of the file is read.
If a statement in the file causes an error a break loop is entered (see 3.2). The input for this
break loop is not taken from the file, but from the input connected to the stderr output of
GAP3. If stderr is not connected to a terminal, no break loop is entered. If this break loop
is left with quit (or ctr-D) the file is closed and GAP3 does not continue to read from it.
Note that a statement may not begin in one file and end in another, i.e., eof (end of
file) is not treated as whitespace, but as a special symbol that must not appear inside any
Note that one file may very well contain a read statement causing another file to be read,
before input is again taken from the first file. There is an operating system dependent
maximum on the number of files that may be open at once, usually it is 15.
The special file name "*stdin*" denotes the standard input, i.e., the stream through which
the user enters commands to GAP3. The exact behaviour of Read( "*stdin*") is operating
system dependent, but usually the following happens. If GAP3 was started with no input
redirection, statements are read from the terminal stream until the user enters the end of file
character, which is usually ctr-D. Note that terminal streams are special, in that they may
yield ordinary input after an end of file. Thus when control returns to the main read eval
print loop the user can continue with GAP3. If GAP3 was started with an input redirection,
statements are read from the current position in the input file up to the end of the file.
When control returns to the main read eval print loop the input stream will still return
end of file, and GAP3 will terminate. The special file name "*errin*" denotes the stream
connected with the stderr output. This stream is usually connected to the terminal, even
3.13. READLIB 223
if the standard input was redirected, unless the standard error stream was also redirected,
in which case opening of "*errin*" fails, and Read will signal an error.
Read is implemented in terms of the function READ, which behaves exactly like Read, except
that READ does not signal an error when it can not open the file. Instead it returns true or
false to indicate whether opening the file was successful or not.
3.13 ReadLib
ReadLib( name )
ReadLib reads input from the library file with the name name.ReadLib prefixes name with
the value of the variable LIBNAME and appends the string ".g" and calls Read (see 3.12)
with this file name.
3.14 Print
Print( obj1 ,obj2 ... )
Print prints the objects obj1 ,obj2 ... etc. to the standard output. The output looks exactly
like the printed representation of the objects printed by the main loop. The exception are
strings, which are printed without the enclosing quotes and a few other transformations (see
30). Note that no space or newline is printed between the objects. PrintTo can be used to
print to a file (see 3.15).
gap> for i in [1..5] do
> Print( i, " ", i^2, " ", i^3, "\n" );
> od;
3 9 27
4 16 64
5 25 125
3.15 PrintTo
PrintTo( filename,obj1 ,obj2 ... )
PrintTo works like Print, except that the output is printed to the file with the name
filename instead of the standard output. This file must of course be writable by GAP3,
otherwise an error is signalled. Note that PrintTo will overwrite the previous contents of
this file if it already existed. AppendTo can be used to append to a file (see 3.16).
The special file name "*stdout*" can be used to print to the standard output. This is
equivalent to a plain Print, except that a plain Print that is executed while evaluating an
argument to a PrintTo call will also print to the output file opened by the last PrintTo call,
while PrintTo( "*stdout*", obj1 ,obj2 ... ) always prints to the standard output.
The special file name "*errout*" can be used to print to the standard error output file,
which is usually connected with the terminal, even if the standard output was redirected.
There is an operating system dependent maximum to the number of output files that may
be open at once, usually this is 14.
3.16 AppendTo
AppendTo( filename,obj1 ,obj2 ... )
AppendTo works like PrintTo (see 3.15), except that the output does not overwrite the
previous contents of the file, but is appended to the file.
3.17 LogTo
LogTo( filename )
LogTo causes the subsequent interaction to be logged to the file with the name filename,
i.e., everything you see on your terminal will also appear in this file. This file must of course
be writable by GAP3, otherwise an error is signalled. Note that LogTo will overwrite the
previous contents of this file if it already existed.
In this form LogTo stops logging again.
3.18 LogInputTo
LogInputTo( filename )
LogInputTo causes the subsequent input lines to be logged to the file with the name filename,
i.e., every line you type will also appear in this file. This file must of course be writable
by GAP3, otherwise an error is signalled. Note that LogInputTo will overwrite the previous
contents of this file if it already existed.
In this form LogInputTo stops logging again.
3.19 SizeScreen
In this form SizeScreen returns the size of the screen as a list with two entries. The first
is the length of each line, the second is the number of lines.
SizeScreen( [ x,y] )
In this form SizeScreen sets the size of the screen. xis the length of each line, yis the
number of lines. Either value may be missing, to leave this value unaffected. Note that
those parameters can also be set with the command line options -x xand -y y(see 56).
3.20 Runtime
Runtime returns the time spent by GAP3 in milliseconds as an integer. This is usually the
cpu time, i.e., not the wall clock time. Also time spent by subprocesses of GAP3 (see 3.22)
is not counted.
3.21. PROFILE 225
3.21 Profile
Profile( true )
In this form Profile turns the profiling on. Subsequent computations will record the time
spent by each function and the number of times each function was called. Old profiling
information is cleared.
Profile( false )
In this form Profile turns the profiling off again. Recorded information is still kept, so you
can display it even after turning the profiling off.
In this form Profile displays the collected information in the following format.
gap> Factors( 10^21+1 );; # make sure that the library is loaded
gap> Profile( true );
gap> Factors( 10^42+1 );
[ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ]
gap> Profile( false );
gap> Profile();
count time percent time/call child function
4 1811 76 452 2324 FactorsRho
18 171 7 9 237 PowerModInt
127 94 3 0 94 GcdInt
41 83 3 2 415 IsPrimeInt
91 59 2 0 59 TraceModQF
511 47 1 0 39 QuoInt
22 23 0 1 23 Jacobi
116 20 0 0 31 log
3 20 0 6 70 SmallestRootInt
1 19 0 19 2370 FactorsInt
26 15 0 0 39 LogInt
4 4 0 1 4 Concatenation
5 4 0 0 20 RootInt
7 0 0 0 0 Add
26 0 0 0 0 Length
13 0 0 0 0 NextPrimeInt
4 0 0 0 0 AddSet
4 0 0 0 0 IsList
4 0 0 0 0 Sort
8 0 0 0 0 Append
2369 100 TOTAL
The last column contains the name of the function. The first column contains the number of
times each function was called. The second column contains the time spent in this function.
The third column contains the percentage of the total time spent in this function. The fourth
column contains the time per call, i.e., the quotient of the second by the first number. The
fifth column contains the time spent in this function and all other functions called, directly
or indirectly, by this function.
3.22 Exec
Exec( command )
Exec executes the command given by the string command in the operating system. How this
happens is operating system dependent. Under UNIX, for example, a new shell is started
and command is passed as a command to this shell.
gap> Exec( "date" );
Fri Dec 13 17:00:29 MET 1991
Edit (see 3.23) should be used to call an editor from within GAP3.
3.23 Edit
Edit( filename )
Edit starts an editor with the file whose filename is given by the string filename, and
reads the file back into GAP3 when you exit the editor again. You should set the GAP3
variable EDITOR to the name of the editor that you usually use, e.g., /usr/ucb/vi. This can
for example be done in your .gaprc file (see the sections on operating system dependent
features in chapter 56).
Chapter 4
Domain is GAP3’s name for structured sets. The ring of Gaussian integers Z[I] is an
example of a domain, the group D12 of symmetries of a regular hexahedron is another.
The GAP3 library predefines some domains. For example the ring of Gaussian integers
is predefined as GaussianIntegers (see 14) and the field of rationals is predefined as
Rationals (see 12). Most domains are constructed by functions, which are called do-
main constructors. For example the group D12 is constructed by the construction Group(
(1,2,3,4,5,6), (2,6)(3,5) ) (see 7.9) and the finite field with 16 elements is constructed
by GaloisField( 16 ) (see 18.10).
The first place where you need domains in GAP3 is the obvious one. Sometimes you simply
want to talk about a domain. For example if you want to compute the size of the group
D12, you had better be able to represent this group in a way that the Size function can
The second place where you need domains in GAP3 is when you want to be able to specify
that an operation or computation takes place in a certain domain. For example suppose you
want to factor 10 in the ring of Gaussian integers. Saying Factors( 10 ) will not do, be-
cause this will return the factorization in the ring of integers [2,5]. To allow operations
and computations to happen in a specific domain, Factors, and many other functions as
well, accept this domain as optional first argument. Thus Factors( GaussianIntegers,
10 ) yields the desired result [ 1+E(4), 1-E(4), 2+E(4), 2-E(4) ].
Each domain in GAP3 belongs to one or more categories, which are simply sets of domains.
The categories in which a domain lies determine the functions that are applicable to this
domain and its elements. Examples of domains are rings (the functions applicable to a
domain that is a ring are described in 5), fields (see 6), groups (see 7), vector spaces (see
9), and of course the category domains that contains all domains (the functions applicable
to any domain are described in this chapter).
This chapter describes how domains are represented in GAP3 (see 4.1), how functions that
can be applied to different types of domains know how to solve a problem for each of those
types (see 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4), how domains are compared (see 4.7), and the set theoretic
functions that can be applied to any domain (see 4.6, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14,
The functions described in this chapter are implemented in the file LIBNAME/"domain.g".
4.1 Domain Records
Domains are represented by records (see 46), which are called domain records in the
following. Which components need to be present, which may, and what those components
hold, differs from category to category, and, to a smaller extent, from domain to domain.
It is generally possible though to distinguish four types of components.
Each domain record has the component isDomain, which has the value true. Furthermore,
most domains also have a component that specifies which category this domain belongs
to. For example, each group has the component isGroup, holding the value true. Those
components are called the category components of the domain record. A domain that
only has the component isDomain is a member only of the category Domains and only the
functions described in this chapter are applicable to such a domain.
Every domain record also contains enough information to identify uniquely the domain in
the so called identification components. For example, for a group the domain record,
called group record in this case, has a component called generators containing a system
of generators (and also a component identity holding the identity element of the group,
needed if the generator list is empty, as is the case for the trivial group).
Next the domain record holds all the knowledge GAP3 has about the domain, for example
the size of the domain, in the so called knowledge components. Of course, the knowledge
about a certain domain will usually increase as time goes by. For example, a group record
may initially hold only the knowledge that the group is finite, but may end holding all kinds
of knowledge, for example the derived series, the Sylow subgroups, etc.
Finally each domain record has a component, which is called its operations record (be-
cause it is the component with the name operations and it holds a record), that tells
functions like Size how to compute this information for this domain. The exact mechanism
is described later (see 4.2).
4.2 Dispatchers
In the previous section it was mentioned that domains are represented by domain records,
and that each domain record has an operations record. This operations record is used by
functions like Size to find out how to compute this information for the domain. Let us
discuss this mechanism using the example of Size. Suppose you call Size with a domain
First Size tests whether Dhas a component called size, i.e., if D.size is bound. If it is,
Size assumes that it holds the size of the domain and returns this value.
Let us suppose that this component has no assigned value. Then Size looks at the compo-
nent D.operations, which must be a record. Size takes component D.operations.Size
of this record, which must be a function. Size calls this function passing Das argument.
If a domain record has no Size function in its operations record, an error is signalled.
Finally Size stores the value returned by D.operations.Size( D)in the component
D.size, where it is available for the next call of Size( D).
Because functions like Size do little except dispatch to the function in the operations record
they are called dispatcher functions.
Which function is called through this mechanism obviously depends on the domain and its
operations record. In principle each domain could have its own Size function. In practice
however this is not the case. For example all permutation groups share the operations record
PermGroupOps so they all use the same Size function PermGroupOps.Size.
Note that in fact domains of the same type not only share the functions, in fact they share
the operations record. So for example all permutation groups have the same operations
record. This means that changing such a function for a domain Din the following way
D.operations.function := new-function;will also change this function for all domains of
the same type, even those that do not yet exist at the moment of the assignment and will
only be constructed later. This is usually not desirable, since supposedly new-function uses
some special properties of the domain Dto work efficiently. We suggest therefore, that you
use the following assignments instead:
D.operations := Copy( D.operations );
D.operations.function := new-function;.
Some domains do not provide a special Size function, either because no efficient method
is known or because the author that implemented the domain simply was too lazy to write
one. In those cases the domain inherits the default function, which is DomainOps.Size.
Such inheritance is uncommon for the Size function, but rather common for the Union
4.3 More about Dispatchers
Usually you need not care about the mechanism described in the previous section. You just
call the dispatcher functions like Size. They will call the function in the operations record,
which is hopefully implementing an algorithm that is well suited for their domain, by using
the structure of this domain.
There are three reasons why you might want to avoid calling the dispatcher function and
call the dispatched to function directly.
The first reason is efficiency. The dispatcher functions don’t do very much. They only check
the types of their arguments, check if the requested information is already present, and
dispatch to the appropriate function in the operations record. But sometimes, for example
in the innermost loop of your algorithm, even this little is too much. In those cases you
can avoid the overhead introduced by the dispatcher function by calling the function in the
operations record directly. For example, you would use G.operations.Size(G)instead
of Size(G).
The second reason is flexibility. Sometimes you do not want to call the function in the
operations record, but another function that performs the same task, using a different algo-
rithm. In that case you will call this different function. For example, if Gis a permutation
group, and the orbit of punder Gis very short, GroupOps.Orbit(G,p), which is the default
function to compute an orbit, may be slightly more efficient than Orbit(G,p), which calls
G.operations.Orbit(G,p), which is the same as PermGroupOps.Orbit(G,p).
The third has to do with the fact that the dispatcher functions check for knowledge com-
ponents like D.size or D.elements and also store their result in such components. For
example, suppose you know that the result of a computation takes up quite some space, as is
the case with Elements(D), and that you will never need the value again. In this case you
would not want the dispatcher function to enter the value in the domain record, and there-
fore would call D.operations.Elements(D)directly. On the other hand you may not want
to use the value in the domain record, because you mistrust it. In this case you should call
the function in the operations record directly, e.g., you would use G.operations.Size(G)
instead of Size(G)(and then compare the result with G.size).
4.4 An Example of a Computation in a Domain
This section contains an extended example to show you how a computation in a domain
may use default and special functions to achieve its goal. Suppose you defined G,x, and y
as follows.
gap> G := SymmetricGroup( 8 );;
gap> x := [ (2,7,4)(3,5), (1,2,6)(4,8) ];;
gap> y := [ (2,5,7)(4,6), (1,5)(3,8,7) ];;
Now you ask for an element of Gthat conjugates xto y, i.e., a permutation on 8 points that
takes (2,7,4)(3,5) to (2,5,7)(4,6) and (1,2,6)(4,8) to (1,5)(3,8,7). This is done
as follows (see 8.25 and 8.1).
gap> RepresentativeOperation( G, x, y, OnTuples );
Let us look at what happens step by step. First RepresentativeOperation is called. Af-
ter checking the arguments it calls the function G.operations.RepresentativeOperation,
which is the function SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, passing the argu-
ments G,x,y, and OnTuples.
SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation handles a lot of cases specially, but the
operation on tuples of permutations is not among them. Therefore it delegates this problem
to the function that it overlays, which is PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation.
PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation also does not handle this special case, and del-
egates the problem to the function that it overlays, which is the default function called
GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation views this problem as a general tuples problem, i.e.,
it does not care whether the points in the tuples are integers or permutations, and decides
to solve it one step at a time. So first it looks for an element taking (2,7,4)(3,5) to
(2,5,7)(4,6) by calling RepresentativeOperation( G, (2,7,4)(3,5), (2,5,7)(4,6)
RepresentativeOperation calls G.operations.RepresentativeOperation next, which is
the function SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, passing the arguments G,
(2,7,4)(3,5), and (2,5,7)(4,6).
SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation can handle this case. It knows that G
contains every permutation on 8 points, so it contains (3,4,7,5,6), which obviously does
what we want, namely it takes x[1] to y[1]. We will call this element t.
Now GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation (see above) looks for an sin the stabilizer of
x[1] taking x[2] to y[2]^(t^-1), since then for r=s*t we have x[1]^r = (x[1]^s)^t
= x[1]^t = y[1] and also x[2]^r = (x[2]^s)^t = (y[2]^(t^-1))^t = y[2]. So the
next step is to compute the stabilizer of x[1] in G. To do this it calls Stabilizer( G,
(2,7,4)(3,5) ).
4.5. DOMAIN 231
Stabilizer calls G.operations.Stabilizer, which is SymmetricGroupOps.Stabilizer,
passing the arguments Gand (2,7,4)(3,5).SymmetricGroupOps.Stabilizer detects that
the second argument is a permutation, i.e., an element of the group, and calls Centralizer(
G, (2,7,4)(3,5) ).Centralizer calls the function G.operations.Centralizer, which
is SymmetricGroupOps.Centralizer, again passing the arguments G,(2,7,4)(3,5).
SymmetricGroupOps.Centralizer again knows how centralizers in symmetric groups look,
and after looking at the permutation (2,7,4)(3,5) sharply for a short while returns the
centralizer as Subgroup( G, [ (1,6), (1,6,8), (2,7,4), (3,5) ] ), which we will call
S. Note that Sis of course not a symmetric group, therefore SymmetricGroupOps.Subgroup
gives it PermGroupOps as operations record and not SymmetricGroupOps.
As explained above GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation needs an element of Staking
x[2] ((1,2,6)(4,8)) to y[2]^(t^-1) ((1,7)(4,6,8)). So RepresentativeOperation(
S, (1,2,6)(4,8), (1,7)(4,6,8) ) is called. RepresentativeOperation in turn calls
the function S.operations.RepresentativeOperation, which is, since Sis a permutation
group, the function PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, passing the arguments S,
(1,2,6)(4,8), and (1,7)(4,6,8).
PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation detects that the points are permutations and
and performs a backtrack search through S. It finds and returns (1,8)(2,4,7)(3,5), which
we call s.
Then GroupOps.RepresentativeOperation returns r = s*t = (1,8)(2,7)(3,6)(4,5),
and we are done.
In this example you have seen how functions use the structure of their domain to solve
a problem most efficiently, for example SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation
but also the backtrack search in PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, how they use
other functions, for example SymmetricGroupOps.Stabilizer called Centralizer, and
how they delegate cases which they can not handle more efficiently back to the func-
tion they overlaid, for example SymmetricGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation delegated
to PermGroupOps.RepresentativeOperation, which in turn delegated to to the function
4.5 Domain
Domain( list )
Domain returns a domain that contains all the elements in list and that knows how to make
the ring, field, group, or vector space that contains those elements.
Note that the domain returned by Domain need in general not be a ring, field, group, or
vector space itself. For example if passed a list of elements of finite fields Domain will return
the domain FiniteFieldElements. This domain contains all finite field elements, no matter
of which characteristic. This domain has a function FiniteFieldElementsOps.Field that
knows how to make a finite field that contains the elements in list. This function knows
that all elements must have the same characteristic for them to lie in a common field.
gap> D := Domain( [ Z(4), Z(8) ] );
gap> IsField( D );
gap> D.operations.Field( [ Z(4), Z(8) ] );
Domain is the only function in the whole GAP3 library that knows about the various types of
elements. For example, when Norm is confronted by a field element z, it does not know what
to do with it. So it calls F := DefaultField( [ z] ) to get a field in which zlies, because
this field (more precisely F.operations.Norm) will know better. However, DefaultField
also does not know what to do with z. So it calls D := Domain( [ z] ) to get a domain
in which zlies, because it (more precisely D.operations.DefaultField) will know how to
make a default field in which zlies.
4.6 Elements
Elements( D)
Elements returns the set of elements of the domain D. The set is returned as a new proper
set, i.e., as a new sorted list without holes and duplicates (see 28). Dmay also be a list, in
which case the set of elements of this list is returned. An error is signalled if Dis an infinite
gap> Elements( GaussianIntegers );
Error, the ring <R> must be finite to compute its elements
gap> D12 := Group( (2,6)(3,5), (1,2)(3,6)(4,5) );;
gap> Elements( D12 );
[ (), (2,6)(3,5), (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,2,3,4,5,6), (1,3)(4,6),
(1,3,5)(2,4,6), (1,4)(2,3)(5,6), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6), (1,5)(2,4),
(1,5,3)(2,6,4), (1,6,5,4,3,2), (1,6)(2,5)(3,4) ]
Elements remembers the set of elements in the component D.elements and will return
a shallow copy (see 46.12) next time it is called to compute the elements of D. If you
want to avoid this, for example for a large domain, for which you know that you will
not need the list of elements in the future, either unbind (see 46.10) D.elements or call
Since there is no general method to compute the elements of a domain the default function
DomainOps.Elements just signals an error. This default function is overlaid for each special
finite domain. In fact, implementors of domains, must implement this function for new
domains, since it is, together with IsFinite (see 4.9) the most basic function for domains,
used by most of the default functions in the domain package.
In general functions that return a set of elements are free, in fact encouraged, to return a
domain instead of the proper set of elements. For one thing this allows to keep the structure,
for another the representation by a domain record is usually more space efficient. Elements
must not do this, its only purpose is to create the proper set of elements.
4.7 Comparisons of Domains
D<> E
=evaluates to true if the two domains Dand Eare equal, to false otherwise. <> evaluates
to true if the two domains Dand Eare different and to false if they are equal.
Two domains are considered equal if and only if the sets of their elements as computed by
Elements (see 4.6) are equal. Thus, in general =behaves as if each domain operand were
replaced by its set of elements. Except that =will also sometimes, but not always, work
for infinite domains, for which it is of course difficult to compute the set of elements. Note
that this implies that domains belonging to different categories may well be equal. As a
special case of this, either operand may also be a proper set, i.e., a sorted list without holes
or duplicates (see 28.2), and the result will be true if and only if the set of elements of the
domain is, as a set, equal to the set. It is also possible to compare a domain with something
else that is not a domain or a set, but the result will of course always be false in this case.
gap> GaussianIntegers = D12;
false #GAP3 knows that those domains cannot be equal because
#GaussianIntegers is infinite and D12 is finite
gap> GaussianIntegers = Integers;
false #GAP3 knows how to compare those two rings
gap> GaussianIntegers = Rationals;
Error, sorry, cannot compare the infinite domains <D> and <E>
gap> D12 = Group( (2,6)(3,5), (1,2)(3,6)(4,5) );
gap> D12 = [(),(2,6)(3,5),(1,2)(3,6)(4,5),(1,2,3,4,5,6),(1,3)(4,6),
> (1,3,5)(2,4,6),(1,4)(2,3)(5,6),(1,4)(2,5)(3,6),
> (1,5)(2,4),(1,5,3)(2,6,4),(1,6,5,4,3,2),(1,6)(2,5)(3,4)];
gap> D12 = [(1,6,5,4,3,2),(1,6)(2,5)(3,4),(1,5,3)(2,6,4),(1,5)(2,4),
> (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(1,4)(2,3)(5,6),(1,3,5)(2,4,6),(1,3)(4,6),
> (1,2,3,4,5,6),(1,2)(3,6)(4,5),(2,6)(3,5),()];
false # since the left operand behaves as a set
# while the right operand is not a set
The default function DomainOps.’=’ checks whether both domains are infinite. If they are,
an error is signalled. Otherwise, if one domain is infinite, false is returned. Otherwise
the sizes (see 4.10) of the domains are compared. If they are different, false is returned.
Finally the sets of elements of both domains are computed (see 4.6) and compared. This
default function is overlaid by more special functions for other domains.
D<= E
D>= E
<,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the domain Dis less than, less than or equal to, greater
than, and greater than or equal to the domain Eand to false otherwise.
A domain Dis considered less than a domain Eif and only if the set of elements of Dis
less than the set of elements of the domain E. Generally you may just imagine that each
domain operand is replaced by the set of its elements, and that the comparison is performed
on those sets (see 27.12). This implies that, if you compare a domain with an object that
is not a list or a domain, this other object will be less than the domain, except if it is a
record, in which case it is larger than the domain (see 2.9).
Note that <does not test whether the left domain is a subset of the right operand, even
though it resembles the mathematical subset notation.
gap> GaussianIntegers < Rationals;
Error, sorry, cannot compare <E> with the infinite domain <D>
gap> Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6) ) < D12;
true # since (5,6), the second element of the left operand,
# is less than (2,6)(3,5), the second element of D12.
gap> D12 < [(1,6,5,4,3,2),(1,6)(2,5)(3,4),(1,5,3)(2,6,4),(1,5)(2,4),
> (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(1,4)(2,3)(5,6),(1,3,5)(2,4,6),(1,3)(4,6),
> (1,2,3,4,5,6),(1,2)(3,6)(4,5),(2,6)(3,5),()];
true # since (), the first element of D12, is less than
#(1,6,5,4,3,2), the first element of the right operand.
gap> 17 < D12;
true # objects that are not lists or records are smaller
# than domains, which behave as if they were a set
The default function DomainOps.’<’ checks whether either domain is infinite. If one is, an
error is signalled. Otherwise the sets of elements of both domains are computed (see 4.6)
and compared. This default function is only very seldom overlaid by more special functions
for other domains. Thus the operators <,<=,>, and >= are quite expensive and their use
should be avoided if possible.
4.8 Membership Test for Domains
elm in D
in returns true if the element elm, which may be an object of any type, lies in the domain
D, and false otherwise.
gap> 13 in GaussianIntegers;
gap> GaussianIntegers in GaussianIntegers;
gap> (1,2) in D12;
gap> (1,2)(3,6)(4,5) in D12;
The default function for domain membership tests is DomainOps.’in’, which computes the
set of elements of the domain with the function Elements (see 4.6) and tests whether elm
lies in this set. Special domains usually overlay this function with more efficient membership
4.9 IsFinite
IsFinite( D)
IsFinite returns true if the domain Dis finite and false otherwise. Dmay also be a
proper set (see 28.2), in which case the result is of course always true.
gap> IsFinite( GaussianIntegers );
gap> IsFinite( D12 );
4.10. SIZE 235
The default function DomainOps.IsFinite just signals an error, since there is no general
method to determine whether a domain is finite or not. This default function is overlaid
for each special domain. In fact, implementors of domains must implement this function
for new domains, since it is, together with Elements (see 4.6), the most basic function for
domains, used by most of the default functions in the domain package.
4.10 Size
Size( D)
Size returns the size of the domain D. If Dis infinite, Size returns the string "infinity".
Dmay also be a proper set (see 28.2), in which case the result is the length of this list. Size
will, however, signal an error if Dis a list that is not a proper set, i.e., that is not sorted,
or has holes, or contains duplicates.
gap> Size( GaussianIntegers );
gap> Size( D12 );
The default function to compute the size of a domain is DomainOps.Size, which computes
the set of elements of the domain with the function Elements (see 4.6) and returns the
length of this set. This default function is overlaid in practically every domain.
4.11 IsSubset
IsSubset( D,E)
IsSubset returns true if the domain Eis a subset of the domain Dand false otherwise.
Eis considered a subset of Dif and only if the set of elements of Eis as a set a subset of
the set of elements of D(see 4.6 and 28.9). That is IsSubset behaves as if implemented
as IsSubsetSet( Elements(D), Elements(E) ), except that it will also sometimes, but
not always, work for infinite domains, and that it will usually work much faster than the
above definition. Either argument may also be a proper set.
gap> IsSubset( GaussianIntegers, [1,E(4)] );
gap> IsSubset( GaussianIntegers, Rationals );
Error, sorry, cannot compare the infinite domains <D> and <E>
gap> IsSubset( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6) ), D12 );
gap> IsSubset( D12, [ (), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6) ] );
The default function DomainOps.IsSubset checks whether both domains are infinite. If
they are it signals an error. Otherwise if the Eis infinite it returns false. Otherwise if
Dis infinite it tests if each element of Eis in D(see 4.8). Otherwise it tests whether the
proper set of elements of Eis a subset of the proper set of elements of D(see 4.6 and 28.9).
4.12 Intersection
Intersection( D1 ,D2 ... )
Intersection( list )
In the first form Intersection returns the intersection of the domains D1 ,D2 , etc. In the
second form list must be a list of domains and Intersection returns the intersection of
those domains. Each argument Dor element of list respectively may also be an arbitrary
list, in which case Intersection silently applies Set (see 28.2) to it first.
The result of Intersection is the set of elements that lie in every of the domains D1 ,D2 ,
etc. Functions called by the dispatcher function Intersection however, are encouraged to
keep as much structure as possible. So if D1 and D2 are elements of a common category
and if this category is closed under taking intersections, then the result should be a domain
lying in this category too. So for example the intersection of permutation groups will again
be a permutation group.
gap> Intersection( CyclotomicField(9), CyclotomicField(12) );
CF(3) #CF is a shorthand for CyclotomicField
# this is one of the rare cases where the intersection
# of two infinite domains works
gap> Intersection( GaussianIntegers, Rationals );
Error, sorry, cannot intersect infinite domains <D> and <E>
gap> Intersection( D12, Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5) ) );
Group( (1,5)(2,4) )
gap> Intersection( D12, [ (1,3)(4,6), (1,2)(3,4) ] );
[ (1,3)(4,6) ] # note that the second argument is not a set
gap> Intersection( D12, [ (), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(4,6), (1,4)(5,6) ] );
[ (), (1,3)(4,6) ] # although the result is mathematically a
# group it is returned as a proper set
# because the second argument was not a group
gap> Intersection( [2,4,6,8,10], [3,6,9,12,15], [5,10,15,20,25] );
[ ] # two or more domains or sets as arguments are legal
gap> Intersection( [ [1,2,4], [2,3,4], [1,3,4] ] );
[4] # or a list of domains or sets
gap> Intersection( [ ] );
Error, List Element: <list>[1] must have a value
The dispatcher function (see 4.2) Intersection is slightly different from other dispatcher
functions. It does not simply call the function in the operations record passings its argu-
ments. Instead it loops over its arguments (or the list of domains or sets) and calls the
function in the operations record repeatedly, and passes each time only two domains. This
obviously makes writing the function for the operations record simpler.
The default function DomainOps.Intersection checks whether both domains are infinite.
If they are it signals an error. Otherwise, if one of the domains is infinite it loops over the
elements of the other domain, and tests for each element whether it lies in the infinite domain.
If both domains are finite it computes the proper sets of elements of both and intersects
them (see 4.6 and 28.9). This default method is overlaid by more special functions for most
other domains. Those functions usually are faster and keep the structure of the domains if
4.13 Union
Union( D1 ,D2 ... )
Union( list )
4.14. DIFFERENCE 237
In the first form Union returns the union of the domains D1 ,D2 , etc. In the second form
list must be a list of domains and Union returns the union of those domains. Each argument
Dor element of list respectively may also be an arbitrary list, in which case Union silently
applies Set (see 28.2) to it first.
The result of Union is the set of elements that lie in any the domains D1 ,D2 , etc. Functions
called by the dispatcher function Union however, are encouraged to keep as much structure
as possible. However, currently GAP3 does not support any category that is closed under
taking unions except the category of all domains. So the only case that structure will be
kept is when one argument Dor element of list respectively is a superset of all the other
arguments or elements of list.
gap> Union( GaussianIntegers, Rationals );
Error, sorry, cannot unite <E> with the infinite domain <D>
gap> Union( D12, Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ) );
[ (), (2,3), (2,6)(3,5), (1,2), (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,2,3),
(1,2,3,4,5,6), (1,3,2), (1,3), (1,3)(4,6), (1,3,5)(2,4,6),
(1,4)(2,3)(5,6), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6), (1,5)(2,4), (1,5,3)(2,6,4),
(1,6,5,4,3,2), (1,6)(2,5)(3,4) ]
gap> Union( [2,4,6,8,10], [3,6,9,12,15], [5,10,15,20,25] );
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 ]
# two or more domains or sets as arguments are legal
gap> Union( [ [1,2,4], [2,3,4], [1,3,4] ] );
[1,2,3,4] # or a list of domains or sets
gap> Union( [ ] );
[ ]
The dispatcher function (see 4.2) Union is slightly different from other dispatcher functions.
It does not simply call the function in the operations record passings its arguments. Instead
it loops over its arguments (or the list of domains or sets) and calls the function in the
operations record repeatedly, and passes each time only two domains. This obviously makes
writing the function for the operations record simpler.
The default function DomainOps.Union checks whether either domain is infinite. If one is
it signals an error. If both domains are finite it computes the proper sets of elements of
both and unites them (see 4.6 and 28.9). This default method is overlaid by more special
functions for some other domains. Those functions usually are faster.
4.14 Difference
Difference( D,E)
Difference returns the set difference of the domains Dand E. Either argument may also
be an arbitrary list, in which case Difference silently applies Set (see 28.2) to it first.
The result of Difference is the set of elements that lie in Dbut not in E. Note that E
need not be a subset of D. The elements of E, however, that are not element of Dplay no
role for the result.
gap> Difference( D12, [(),(1,2,3,4,5,6),(1,3,5)(2,4,6),
> (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),(1,6,5,4,3,2),(1,5,3)(2,6,4)] );
[ (2,6)(3,5), (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,3)(4,6), (1,4)(2,3)(5,6),
(1,5)(2,4), (1,6)(2,5)(3,4) ]
The default function DomainOps.Difference checks whether Dis infinite. If it is it signals
an error. Otherwise Difference computes the proper sets of elements of Dand Eand
returns the difference of those sets (see 4.6 and 28.8). This default function is currently not
overlaid for any domain.
4.15 Representative
Representative( D)
Representative returns a representative of the domain D.
The existence of a representative, and the exact definition of what a representative is,
depends on the category of D. The representative should be an element that, within a given
context, identifies the domain D. For example if Dis a cyclic group, its representative would
be a generator of D, or if Dis a coset, its representative would be an arbitrary element of
the coset.
Note that Representative is pretty free in choosing a representative if there are several.
It is not even guaranteed that Representative returns the same representative if it is
called several times for one domain. Thus the main difference between Representative
and Random (see 4.16) is that Representative is free to choose a value that is cheap to
compute, while Random must make an effort to randomly distribute its answers.
gap> C := Coset( Subgroup( G, [(1,4)(2,5)(3,6)] ), (1,6,5,4,3,2) );;
gap> Representative( C );
Representative first tests whether the component D.representative is bound. If the
field is bound it returns its value. Otherwise it calls D.operations.Representative( D
), remembers the returned value in D.representative, and returns it.
The default function called this way is DomainOps.Representative, which simply signals
an error, since there is no default way to find a representative.
4.16 Random
Random( D)
Random returns a random element of the domain D. The distribution of elements returned
by Random depends on the domain D. For finite domains all elements are usually equally
likely. For infinite domains some reasonable distribution is used. See the chapters of the
various domains to find out which distribution is being used.
gap> Random( GaussianIntegers );
gap> Random( GaussianIntegers );
gap> Random( D12 );
gap> Random( D12 );
4.16. RANDOM 239
The default function for random selection is DomainOps.Random, which computes the set of
elements using Elements and selects a random element of this list using RandomList (see
27.48 for a description of the pseudo random number generator used). This default function
can of course only be applied to finite domains. It is overlaid by other functions for most
other domains.
All random functions called this way rely on the low level random number generator provided
by RandomList (see 27.48).
Chapter 5
Rings are important algebraic domains. Mathematically a ring is a set Rwith two oper-
ations +and *called addition and multiplication. (R, +) must be an abelian group. The
identity of this group is called 0R. (R− {0R},) must be a monoid. If this monoid has an
identity element it is called 1R.
Important examples of rings are the integers (see 10), the Gaussian integers (see 14), the
integers of a cyclotomic field (see 15), and matrices (see 34).
This chapter contains sections that describe how to test whether a domain is a ring (see
5.1), and how to find the smallest and the default ring in which a list of elements lies (see
5.2 and 5.3).
The next sections describe the operations applicable to ring elements (see 5.4, 5.5, 5.6).
The next sections describe the functions that test whether a ring has certain properties (5.7,
5.8, 5.9, and 5.10).
The next sections describe functions that are related to the units of a ring (see 5.11, 5.12,
5.13, 5.14, and 5.15).
Then come the sections that describe the functions that deal with the irreducible and prime
elements of a ring (see 5.16, 5.17, and 5.18).
Then come the sections that describe the functions that are applicable to elements of rings
(see 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.22, 5.24, 5.25, 5.26, 5.27, 5.28).
The last section describes how ring records are represented internally (see 5.29).
Because rings are a category of domains all functions applicable to domains are also appli-
cable to rings (see chapter 4) .
All functions described in this chapter are in LIBNAME/"ring.g".
5.1 IsRing
IsRing( domain )
IsRing returns true if the object domain is a ring record, representing a ring (see 5.29),
and false otherwise.
More precisely IsRing tests whether domain is a ring record (see 5.29). So for example a
matrix group may in fact be a ring, yet IsRing would return false.
gap> IsRing( Integers );
gap> IsRing( Rationals );
false #Rationals is a field record not a ring record
gap> IsRing( rec( isDomain := true, isRing := true ) );
true # it is possible to fool IsRing
5.2 Ring
Ring( r,s... )
Ring( list )
In the first form Ring returns the smallest ring that contains all the elements r,s... etc. In
the second form Ring returns the smallest ring that contains all the elements in the list list.
If any element is not an element of a ring or if the elements lie in no common ring an error
is raised.
gap> Ring( 1, -1 );
gap> Ring( [10..20] );
Ring differs from DefaultRing (see 5.3) in that it returns the smallest ring in which the
elements lie, while DefaultRing may return a larger ring if that makes sense.
5.3 DefaultRing
DefaultRing( r,s... )
DefaultRing( list )
In the first form DefaultRing returns the default ring that contains all the elements r,s...
etc. In the second form DefaultRing returns the default ring that contains all the elements
in the list list. If any element is not an element of a ring or if the elements lie in no common
ring an error is raised.
The ring returned by DefaultRing need not be the smallest ring in which the elements
lie. For example for elements from cyclotomic fields DefaultRing may return the ring of
integers of the smallest cyclotomic field in which the elements lie, which need not be the
smallest ring overall, because the elements may in fact lie in a smaller number field which
is not a cyclotomic field.
For the exact definition of the default ring of a certain type of elements read the chapter
describing this type.
DefaultRing is used by the ring functions like Quotient,IsPrime,Factors, or Gcd if no
explicit ring is given.
gap> DefaultRing( 1, -1 );
gap> DefaultRing( [10..20] );
Ring (see 5.2) differs from DefaultRing in that it returns the smallest ring in which the
elements lie, while DefaultRing may return a larger ring if that makes sense.
5.4 Comparisons of Ring Elements
r<> s
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two ring elements rand sare equal, and
to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two ring elements
rand sare not equal, and to false otherwise. Note that any two ring elements can be
compared, even if they do not lie in compatible rings. In this case they can, of course, never
be equal. For each type of rings the equality of those ring elements is given in the respective
Ring elements can also be compared with objects of other types. Of course they are never
r<= s
r>= s
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the ring element ris less than, less than
or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the ring element s, and to false
otherwise. For each type of rings the definition of the ordering of those ring elements is
given in the respective chapter. The ordering of ring elements is as follows. Rationals are
smallest, next are cyclotomics, followed by finite ring elements.
Ring elements can also be compared with objects of other types. They are smaller than
everything else.
5.5 Operations for Ring Elements
The following operations are always available for ring elements. Of course the operands must
lie in compatible rings, i.e., the rings must be equal, or at least have a common superring.
The operator +evaluates to the sum of the two ring elements rand s, which must lie in
compatible rings.
The operator -evaluates to the difference of the two ring elements rand s, which must lie
in compatible rings.
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two ring elements rand s, which must lie
in compatible rings.
The operator ^evaluates to the n-th power of the ring element r. If nis a positive integer
then r^nis r*r*..*r(nfactors). If nis a negative integer r^nis defined as 1/rn. If 0
is raised to a negative power an error is signalled. Any ring element, even 0, raised to the
0-th power yields 1.
For the precedence of the operators see 2.10.
Note that the quotient operator /usually performs the division in the quotient field of the
ring. To compute a quotient in a ring use the function Quotient (see 5.6).
5.6 Quotient
Quotient( r,s)
Quotient( R,r,s)
In the first form Quotient returns the quotient of the two ring elements rand sin their
default ring (see 5.3). In the second form Quotient returns the quotient of the two ring
elements rand sin the ring R. It returns false if the quotient does not exist.
gap> Quotient( 4, 2 );
gap> Quotient( Integers, 3, 2 );
Quotient calls R.operations.Quotient( R,r,s)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.Quotient, which just signals an error,
because there is no generic method to compute the quotient of two ring elements. Thus
special categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.
5.7 IsCommutativeRing
IsCommutativeRing( R)
IsCommutativeRing returns true if the ring Ris commutative and false otherwise.
A ring Ris called commutative if for all elements rand sof Rwe have rs =sr.
gap> IsCommutativeRing( Integers );
IsCommutativeRing first tests whether the flag R.isCommutativeRing is bound. If the flag
is bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.IsCommutativeRing( R
), remembers the returned value in R.isCommutativeRing, and returns it.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsCommutativeRing, which tests whether
all the generators commute if the component R.generators is bound, and tests whether all
elements commute otherwise, unless Ris infinite. This function is seldom overlaid, because
most rings already have the flag bound.
5.8 IsIntegralRing
IsIntegralRing( R)
IsIntegeralRing returns true if the ring Ris integral and false otherwise.
A ring Ris called integral if it is commutative and if for all elements rand sof Rwe have
rs = 0Rimplies that either ror sis 0R.
gap> IsIntegralRing( Integers );
IsIntegralRing first tests whether the flag R.isIntegralRing is bound. If the flag is
bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.IsIntegralRing( R),
remembers the returned value in R.isIntegralRing, and returns it.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsIntegralRing, which tests whether the
product of each pair of nonzero elements is unequal to zero, unless Ris infinite. This
function is seldom overlaid, because most rings already have the flag bound.
5.9 IsUniqueFactorizationRing
IsUniqueFactorizationRing( R)
IsUniqueFactorizationRing returns true if Ris a unique factorization ring and false
A ring Ris called a unique factorization ring if it is an integral ring, and every element
has a unique factorization into irreducible elements, i.e., a unique representation as product
of irreducibles (see 5.16). Unique in this context means unique up to permutations of the
factors and up to multiplication of the factors by units (see 5.12).
gap> IsUniqueFactorizationRing( Integers );
IsUniqueFactorizationRing tests whether R.isUniqueFactorizationRing is bound. If
the flag is bound, it returns this value. If this flag has no assigned value it calls the func-
tion R.operations.IsUniqueFactorizationRing( R), remembers the returned value in
R.isUniqueFactorizationRing, and returns it.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsUniqueFactorizationRing, which just
signals an error, since there is no generic method to test whether a ring is a unique factor-
ization ring. Special categories of rings thus must either have the flag bound or overlay this
default function.
5.10 IsEuclideanRing
IsEuclideanRing( R)
IsEuclideanRing returns true if the ring Ris a Euclidean ring and false otherwise.
A ring Ris called a Euclidean ring if it is an integral ring and there exists a function δ,
called the Euclidean degree, from R{0R}to the nonnegative integers, such that for every
pair rRand sR− {0R}there exists an element qsuch that either rqs = 0Ror
δ(rqs)< δ(s). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean
algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisor of two elements, which in
turn implies that Ris a unique factorization ring.
gap> IsEuclideanRing( Integers );
IsEuclideanRing first tests whether the flag R.isEuclideanRing is bound. If the flag is
bound, it returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.IsEuclideanRing( R),
remembers the returned value in R.isEuclideanRing, and returns it.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsEuclideanRing, which just signals an
error, because there is no generic way to test whether a ring is a Euclidean ring. This
function is seldom overlaid because most rings already have the flag bound.
5.11 IsUnit
IsUnit( r)
IsUnit( R,r)
In the first form IsUnit returns true if the ring element ris a unit in its default ring (see
5.3). In the second form IsUnit returns true if ris a unit in the ring R.
An element ris called a unit in a ring R, if rhas an inverse in R.
gap> IsUnit( Integers, 2 );
gap> IsUnit( Integers, -1 );
IsUnit calls R.operations.IsUnit( R,r)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsUnit, which tries to compute the inverse
of rwith R.operations.Quotient( R,, r)and returns true if the result is not
false, and false otherwise. Special categories of rings overlay this default function with
more efficient functions.
5.12 Units
Units( R)
Units returns the group of units of the ring R. This may either be returned as a list or as
a group described by a group record (see 7).
An element ris called a unit of a ring R, if rhas an inverse in R. It is easy to see that the
set of units forms a multiplicative group.
gap> Units( Integers );
[ -1, 1 ]
Units first tests whether the component R.units is bound. If the component is bound, it
returns this value. Otherwise it calls R.operations.Units( R), remembers the returned
value in R.units, and returns it.
The default function called this way is RingOps.Units, which runs over all elements of R
and tests for each whether it is a unit, provided that Ris finite. Special categories of rings
overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
5.13 IsAssociated
IsAssociated( r,s)
IsAssociated( R,r,s)
In the first form IsAssociated returns true if the two ring elements rand sare associated
in their default ring (see 5.3) and false otherwise. In the second form IsAssociated returns
true if the two ring elements rand sare associated in the ring Rand false otherwise.
Two elements rand sof a ring Rare called associates if there is a unit uof Rsuch that
ru =s.
gap> IsAssociated( Integers, 2, 3 );
gap> IsAssociated( Integers, 17, -17 );
IsAssociated calls R.operations.IsAssociated( R,r,s)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsAssociated, which tries to compute the
quotient of rand sand returns true if the quotient exists and is a unit. Special categories
of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
5.14 StandardAssociate
StandardAssociate( r)
StandardAssociate( R,r)
In the first form StandardAssociate returns the standard associate of the ring element r
in its default ring (see 5.3). In the second form StandardAssociate returns the standard
associate of the ring element rin the ring R.
The standard associate of an ring element rof Ris an associated element of rwhich is,
in a ring dependent way, distinguished among the set of associates of r. For example, in the
ring of integers the standard associate is the absolute value.
gap> StandardAssociate( Integers, -17 );
StandardAssociate calls R.operations.StandardAssociate( R,r)and returns the
The default function called this way is RingOps.StandardAssociate, which just signals an
error, because there is no generic way even to define the standard associate. Thus special
categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.
5.15 Associates
Associates( r)
Associates( R,r)
In the first form Associates returns the set of associates of the ring element rin its default
ring (see 5.3). In the second form Associates returns the set of associates of rin the ring
Two elements rand sof a ring Rare called associate if there is a unit uof Rsuch that
ru =s.
gap> Associates( Integers, 17 );
[ -17, 17 ]
Associates calls R.operations.Associates( R,r)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.Associates, which multiplies the set of
units of Rwith the element r, and returns the set of those elements. Special categories of
rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
5.16 IsIrreducible
IsIrreducible( r)
IsIrreducible( R,r)
In the first form IsIrreducible returns true if the ring element ris irreducible in its default
ring (see 5.3) and false otherwise. In the second form IsIrreducible returns true if the
ring element ris irreducible in the ring Rand false otherwise.
An element rof a ring Ris called irreducible if there is no nontrivial factorization of rin
R, i.e., if there is no representation of ras product st such that neither snor tis a unit (see
5.11). Each prime element (see 5.17) is irreducible.
gap> IsIrreducible( Integers, 4 );
gap> IsIrreducible( Integers, 3 );
IsIrreducible calls R.operations.IsIrreducible( R,r)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsIrreducible, which justs signals an
error, because there is no generic way to test whether an element is irreducible. Thus
special categories of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.
5.17 IsPrime
IsPrime( r)
IsPrime( R,r)
In the first form IsPrime returns true if the ring element ris a prime in its default ring
(see 5.3) and false otherwise. In the second form IsPrime returns true if the ring element
ris a prime in the ring Rand false otherwise.
An element rof a ring Ris called prime if for each pair sand tsuch that rdivides st
the element rdivides either sor t. Note that there are rings where not every irreducible
element (see 5.16) is a prime.
gap> IsPrime( Integers, 4 );
gap> IsPrime( Integers, 3 );
IsPrime calls R.operations.IsPrime( R,r)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.IsPrime, which just signals an error, be-
cause there is no generic way to test whether an element is prime. Thus special categories
of rings must overlay this default function with other functions.
5.18 Factors
Factors( r)
Factors( R,r)
In the first form Factors returns the factorization of the ring element rin its default ring
(see 5.3). In the second form Factors returns the factorization of the ring element rin
the ring R. The factorization is returned as a list of primes (see 5.17). Each element in the
list is a standard associate (see 5.14) except the first one, which is multiplied by a unit as
necessary to have Product( Factors( R,r))=r. This list is usually also sorted, thus
smallest prime factors come first. If ris a unit or zero, Factors( R,r)=[r].
gap> Factors( -Factorial(6) );
[ -2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5 ]
gap> Set( Factors( Factorial(13)/11 ) );
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 ]
gap> Factors( 2^63 - 1 );
[ 7, 7, 73, 127, 337, 92737, 649657 ]
gap> Factors( 10^42 + 1 );
[ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ]
Factors calls R.operations.Factors( R,r)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.Factors, which just signals an error, be-
cause there is no generic way to compute the factorization of ring elements. Thus special
categories of ring elements must overlay this default function with other functions.
5.19 EuclideanDegree
EuclideanDegree( r)
EuclideanDegree( R,r)
In the first form EuclideanDegree returns the Euclidean degree of the ring element rin its
default ring. In the second form EuclideanDegree returns the Euclidean degree of the ring
element in the ring R.Rmust of course be an Euclidean ring (see 5.10).
A ring Ris called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ,
called the Euclidean degree, from R{0R}to the nonnegative integers, such that for every
pair rRand sR− {0R}there exists an element qsuch that either rqs = 0Ror
δ(rqs)< δ(s). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean
algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in
turn implies that Ris a unique factorization ring.
gap> EuclideanDegree( Integers, 17 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( Integers, -17 );
EuclideanDegree calls R.operations.EuclideanDegree( R,r)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.EuclideanDegree, which justs signals an
error, because there is no default way to compute the Euclidean degree of an element. Thus
Euclidean rings must overlay this default function with other functions.
5.20 EuclideanRemainder
EuclideanRemainder( r,m)
EuclideanRemainder( R,r,m)
In the first form EuclideanRemainder returns the remainder of the ring element rmodulo
the ring element min their default ring. In the second form EuclideanRemainder returns
the remainder of the ring element rmodulo the ring element min the ring R. The ring R
must be a Euclidean ring (see 5.10) otherwise an error is signalled.
A ring Ris called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ,
called the Euclidean degree, from R{0R}to the nonnegative integers, such that for every
pair rRand sR− {0R}there exists an element qsuch that either rqs = 0Ror
δ(rqs)< δ(s). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean
algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which
in turn implies that Ris a unique factorization ring. EuclideanRemainder returns this
remainder rqs.
gap> EuclideanRemainder( 16, 3 );
gap> EuclideanRemainder( Integers, 201, 11 );
EuclideanRemainder calls R.operations.EuclideanRemainder( R,r,m)in order to
compute the remainder and returns the value.
The default function called this way uses QuotientRemainder in order to compute the
5.21 EuclideanQuotient
EuclideanQuotient( r,m)
EuclideanQuotient( R,r,m)
In the first form EuclideanQuotient returns the Euclidean quotient of the ring elements r
and min their default ring. In the second form EuclideanQuotient returns the Euclidean
quotient of the ring elements rand min the ring R. The ring Rmust be a Euclidean ring
(see 5.10) otherwise an error is signalled.
A ring Ris called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ,
called the Euclidean degree, from R{0R}to the nonnegative integers, such that for every
pair rRand sR− {0R}there exists an element qsuch that either rqs = 0Ror
δ(rqs)< δ(s). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean
algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in
turn implies that Ris a unique factorization ring. EuclideanQuotient returns the quotient
gap> EuclideanQuotient( 16, 3 );
gap> EuclideanQuotient( Integers, 201, 11 );
EuclideanQuotient calls R.operations.EuclideanQuotient( R,r,m)and returns
the value.
The default function called this way uses QuotientRemainder in order to compute the
5.22 QuotientRemainder
QuotientRemainder( r,m)
QuotientRemainder( R,r,m)
5.23. MOD 251
In the first form QuotientRemainder returns the Euclidean quotient and the Euclidean
remainder of the ring elements rand min their default ring as pair of ring elements. In
the second form QuotientRemainder returns the Euclidean quotient and the Euclidean
remainder of the ring elements rand min the ring R. The ring Rmust be a Euclidean ring
(see 5.10) otherwise an error is signalled.
A ring Ris called a Euclidean ring, if it is an integral ring, and there exists a function δ,
called the Euclidean degree, from R{0R}to the nonnegative integers, such that for every
pair rRand sR− {0R}there exists an element qsuch that either rqs = 0Ror
δ(rqs)< δ(s). The existence of this division with remainder implies that the Euclidean
algorithm can be applied to compute a greatest common divisors of two elements, which in
turn implies that Ris a unique factorization ring. QuotientRemainder returns this quotient
qand the remainder rqs.
gap> qr := QuotientRemainder( 16, 3 );
gap> 3 * qr[1] + qr[2];
gap> QuotientRemainder( Integers, 201, 11 );
[ 18, 3 ]
QuotientRemainder calls R.operations.QuotientRemainder( R,r,m)and returns
the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.QuotientRemainder, which just signals an
error, because there is no default function to compute the Euclidean quotient or remainder
of one ring element modulo another. Thus Euclidean rings must overlay this default function
with other functions.
5.23 Mod
Mod( r,m)
Mod( R,r,m)
Mod is a synonym for EuclideanRemainder and is obsolete, see 5.20.
5.24 QuotientMod
QuotientMod( r,s,m)
QuotientMod( R,r,s,m)
In the first form QuotientMod returns the quotient of the ring elements rand smodulo the
ring element min their default ring (see 5.3). In the second form QuotientMod returns the
quotient of the ring elements rand smodulo the ring element min the ring R.Rmust be
a Euclidean ring (see 5.10) so that EuclideanRemainder (see 5.20) can be applied. If the
modular quotient does not exist, false is returned.
The quotient qof rand smodulo mis an element of Rsuch that qs =rmodulo m, i.e.,
such that qs ris divisable by min Rand that qis either 0 (if ris divisable by m) or the
Euclidean degree of qis strictly smaller than the Euclidean degree of m.
gap> QuotientMod( Integers, 13, 7, 11 );
gap> QuotientMod( Integers, 13, 7, 21 );
QuotientMod calls R.operations.QuotientMod( R,r,s,m)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.QuotientMod, which applies the Euclidean
gcd algorithm to compute the gcd gof sand m, together with the representation of this
gcd as linear combination in sand m,g=a*s+b*m. The modular quotient exists
if and only if ris divisible by g, in which case the quotient is a* Quotient( R,r,g).
This default function is seldom overlaid, because there is seldom a better way to compute
the quotient.
5.25 PowerMod
PowerMod( r,e,m)
PowerMod( R,r,e,m)
In the first form PowerMod returns the e-th power of the ring element rmodulo the ring
element min their default ring (see 5.3). In the second form PowerMod returns the e-th
power of the ring element rmodulo the ring element min the ring R.emust be an integer.
Rmust be a Euclidean ring (see 5.10) so that EuclideanRemainder (see 5.20) can be applied
to its elements.
If eis positive the result is remodulo m. If eis negative then PowerMod first tries to find
the inverse of rmodulo m, i.e., isuch that ir = 1 modulo m. If the inverse does not exist
an error is signalled. If the inverse does exist PowerMod returns PowerMod( R,i, -e,m
PowerMod reduces the intermediate values modulo m, improving performance drastically
when eis large and msmall.
gap> PowerMod( Integers, 2, 20, 100 );
76 # 220 = 1048576
gap> PowerMod( Integers, 3, 2^32, 2^32+1 );
3029026160 # which proves that 232 + 1 is not a prime
gap> PowerMod( Integers, 3, -1, 22 );
15 # 3*15 = 45 = 1 modulo 22
PowerMod calls R.operations.PowerMod( R,r,e,m)and returns the value.
The default function called this way is RingOps.PowerMod, which uses QuotientMod (see
5.24) if necessary to invert r, and then uses a right-to-left repeated squaring, reducing the
intermediate results modulo min each step. This function is seldom overlaid, because there
is seldom a better way of computing the power.
5.26 Gcd
Gcd( r1 ,r2 ... )
Gcd( R,r1 ,r2 ... )
In the first form Gcd returns the greatest common divisor of the ring elements r1 ,r2 ... etc.
in their default ring (see 5.3). In the second form Gcd returns the greatest common divisor
of the ring elements r1 ,r2 ... etc. in the ring R.Rmust be a Euclidean ring (see 5.10) so
that QuotientRemainder (see 5.22) can be applied to its elements. Gcd returns the standard
associate (see 5.14) of the greatest common divisors.
A greatest common divisor of the elements r1,r2... etc. of the ring Ris an element of
largest Euclidean degree (see 5.19) that is a divisor of r1,r2... etc. We define gcd(r, 0R) =
gcd(0R, r) = StandardAssociate(r) and gcd(0R,0R)=0R.
gap> Gcd( Integers, 123, 66 );
Gcd calls R.operations.Gcd repeatedly, each time passing the result of the previous call
and the next argument, and returns the value of the last call.
The default function called this way is RingOps.Gcd, which applies the Euclidean algorithm
to compute the greatest common divisor. Special categories of rings overlay this default
function with more efficient functions.
5.27 GcdRepresentation
GcdRepresentation( r1 ,r2 ... )
GcdRepresentation( R,r1 ,r2 ... )
In the first form GcdRepresentation returns the representation of the greatest common
divisor of the ring elements r1 ,r2 ... etc. in their default ring (see 5.3). In the second form
GcdRepresentation returns the representation of the greatest common divisor of the ring
elements r1 ,r2 ... etc. in the ring R.Rmust be a Euclidean ring (see 5.10) so that Gcd
(see 5.26) can be applied to its elements. The representation is returned as a list of ring
The representation of the gcd gof the elements r1,r2... etc. of a ring Ris a list of ring
elements s1,s2... etc. of R, such that g=s1r1+s2r2.... That this representation exists can
be shown using the Euclidean algorithm, which in fact can compute those coefficients.
gap> GcdRepresentation( 123, 66 );
[ 7, -13 ] # 3 = 7*123 - 13*66
gap> Gcd( 123, 66 ) = last * [ 123, 66 ];
GcdRepresentation calls R.operations.GcdRepresentation repeatedly, each time pass-
ing the gcd result of the previous call and the next argument, and returns the value of the
last call.
The default function called this way is RingOps.GcdRepresentation, which applies the
Euclidean algorithm to compute the greatest common divisor and its representation. Special
categories of rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
5.28 Lcm
Lcm( r1 ,r2 ... )
Lcm( R,r1 ,r2 ... )
In the first form Lcm returns the least common multiple of the ring elements r1 ,r2 ... etc.
in their default ring (see 5.3). In the second form Lcm returns the least common multiple
of the ring elements r1 ,r2 ,... etc. in the ring R.Rmust be a Euclidean ring (see 5.10) so
that Gcd (see 5.26) can be applied to its elements. Lcm returns the standard associate (see
5.14) of the least common multiples.
A least common multiple of the elements r1,r2... etc. of the ring Ris an element of smallest
Euclidean degree (see 5.19) that is a multiple of r1,r2... etc. We define lcm(r, 0R) =
lcm(0R, r) = StandardAssociate(r) and Lcm(0R,0R)=0R.
Lcm uses the equality lcm(m, n) = mn/gcd(m, n) (see 5.26).
gap> Lcm( Integers, 123, 66 );
Lcm calls R.operations.Lcm repeatedly, each time passing the result of the previous call
and the next argument, and returns the value of the last call.
The default function called this way is RingOps.Lcm, which simply returns the product of
rwith the quotient of sand the greatest common divisor of rand s. Special categories of
rings overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
5.29 Ring Records
A ring Ris represented by a record with the following entries.
is of course always the value true.
is of course always the value true.
is true if the multiplication is known to be commutative, false if the multiplication
is known to be noncommutative, and unbound otherwise.
is true if Ris known to be a commutative domain with 1 without zero divisor, false
if Ris known to lack one of these properties, and unbound otherwise.
is true if Ris known to be a domain with unique factorization into primes, false if
Ris known to have a nonunique factorization, and unbound otherwise.
is true if Ris known to be a Euclidean domain, false if it is known not to be a
Euclidean domain, and unbound otherwise.
is the additive neutral element.
is the list of units of the ring if it is known.
is the size of the ring if it is known. If the ring is not finite this is the string ”infinity”.
is the multiplicative neutral element, if the ring has one.
5.29. RING RECORDS 255
if the ring is, as additive group, isomorphic to the direct product of a finite number
of copies of Zthis contains a base.
As an example of a ring record, here is the definition of the ring record Integers.
# category components
isDomain := true,
isRing := true,
# identity components
generators := [ 1 ],
zero := 0,
one := 1,
name := "Integers",
# knowledge components
size := "infinity",
isFinite := false,
isCommutativeRing := true,
isIntegralRing := true,
isUniqueFactorizationRing := true,
isEuclideanRing := true,
units := [ -1, 1 ],
# operations record
operations := rec(
IsPrime := function ( Integers, n )
return IsPrimeInt( n );
’mod’ := function ( Integers, n, m )
return n mod m;
... ) )
Chapter 6
Fields are important algebraic domains. Mathematically a field is a commutative ring F
(see chapter 5), such that every element except 0 has a multiplicative inverse. Thus Fhas
two operations +and *called addition and multiplication. (F, +) must be an abelian group,
whose identity is called 0F. (F{0F},) must be an abelian group, whose identity element
is called 1F.
GAP3 supports the field of rationals (see 12), subfields of cyclotomic fields (see 15), and
finite fields (see 18).
This chapter begins with sections that describe how to test whether a domain is a field (see
6.1), how to find the smallest field and the default field in which a list of elements lies (see
6.2 and 6.3), and how to view a field over a subfield (see 6.4).
The next sections describes the operation applicable to field elements (see 6.5 and 6.6).
The next sections describe the functions that are applicable to fields (see 6.7) and their
elements (see 6.12, 6.10, 6.11, 6.9, and 6.8).
The following sections describe homomorphisms of fields (see 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.16).
The last section describes how fields are represented internally (see 6.17).
Fields are domains, so all functions that are applicable to all domains are also applicable to
fields (see chapter 4).
All functions for fields are in LIBNAME/"field.g".
6.1 IsField
IsField( D)
IsField returns true if the object Dis a field and false otherwise.
More precisely IsField tests whether Dis a field record (see 6.17). So, for example, a
matrix group may in fact be a field, yet IsField would return false.
gap> IsField( GaloisField(16) );
gap> IsField( CyclotomicField(9) );
gap> IsField( rec( isDomain := true, isField := true ) );
true # it is possible to fool IsField
gap> IsField( AsRing( Rationals ) );
false # though this ring is, as a set, still Rationals
6.2 Field
Field( z,.. ) Field( list )
In the first form Field returns the smallest field that contains all the elements z,.. etc. In
the second form Field returns the smallest field that contains all the elements in the list
list. If any element is not an element of a field or the elements lie in no common field an
error is raised.
gap> Field( Z(4) );
gap> Field( E(9) );
gap> Field( [ Z(4), Z(9) ] );
Error, CharFFE: <z> must be a finite field element, vector, or matrix
gap> Field( [ E(4), E(9) ] );
Field differs from DefaultField (see 6.3) in that it returns the smallest field in which the
elements lie, while DefaultField may return a larger field if that makes sense.
6.3 DefaultField
DefaultField( z,.. ) DefaultField( list )
In the first form DefaultField returns the default field that contains all the elements z,..
etc. In the second form DefaultField returns the default field that contains all the elements
in the list list. If any element is not an element of a field or the elements lie in no common
field an error is raised.
The field returned by DefaultField need not be the smallest field in which the elements
lie. For example for elements from cyclotomic fields DefaultField may return the smallest
cyclotomic field in which the elements lie, which need not be the smallest field overall,
because the elements may in fact lie in a smaller number field which is not a cyclotomic
For the exact definition of the default field of a certain type of elements read the chapter
describing this type (see 18 and 15).
DefaultField is used by Conjugates,Norm,Trace,CharPol, and MinPol (see 6.12, 6.10,
6.11, 6.9, and 6.8) if no explicit field is given.
gap> DefaultField( Z(4) );
gap> DefaultField( E(9) );
gap> DefaultField( [ Z(4), Z(9) ] );
Error, CharFFE: <z> must be a finite field element, vector, or matrix
gap> DefaultField( [ E(4), E(9) ] );
Field (see 6.2) differs from DefaultField in that it returns the smallest field in which the
elements lie, while DefaultField may return a larger field if that makes sense.
6.4 Fields over Subfields
The quotient operator /evaluates to a new field H. This field has the same elements as F,
i.e., is a domain equal to F. However His viewed as a field over the field G, which must be
a subfield of F.
What subfield a field is viewed over determines its Galois group. As described in 6.7 the
Galois group is the group of field automorphisms that leave the subfield fixed. It also
influences the results of 6.10, 6.11, 6.9, and 6.8, because they are defined in terms of the
Galois group.
gap> F := GF(2^12);
gap> G := GF(2^2);
gap> Q := F / G;
gap> Norm( F, Z(2^6) );
gap> Norm( Q, Z(2^6) );
The operator /calls G.operations./( F,G).
The default function called this way is FieldOps./, which simply makes a copy of Fand
enters Ginto the record component F.field (see 6.17).
6.5 Comparisons of Field Elements
f<> g
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two field elements fand gare equal, and
to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two field elements
fand gare not equal, and to false otherwise. Note that any two field elements can be
compared, even if they do not lie in compatible fields. In this case they cn, of course, never
be equal. For each type of fields the equality of those field elements is given in the respective
Note that you can compare field elements with elements of other types; of course they are
never equal.
f<= g
f>= g
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the field element fis less than, less than
or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the field element g. For each type of
fields the definition of the ordering of those field elements is given in the respective chapter.
The ordering of field elements is as follows. Rationals are smallest, next are cyclotomics,
followed by finite field elements.
Note that you can compare field elements with elements of other types; they are smaller
than everything else.
6.6 Operations for Field Elements
The following operations are always available for field elements. Of course the operands must
lie in compatible fields, i.e., the fields must be equal, or at least have a common superfield.
The operator +evaluates to the sum of the two field elements fand g, which must lie in
compatible fields.
The operator -evaluates to the difference of the two field elements fand g, which must lie
in compatible fields.
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two field elements fand g, which must lie
in compatible fields.
The operator /evaluates to the quotient of the two field elements fand g, which must lie
in compatible fields. If the divisor is 0 an error is signalled.
The operator ^evaluates to the n-th power of the field element f. If nis a positive integer
then f^nis f*f*..*f(nfactors). If nis a negative integer f^nis defined as 1/fn. If 0
is raised to a negative power an error is signalled. Any field element, even 0, raised to the
0-th power yields 1.
For the precedence of the operators see 2.10.
6.7 GaloisGroup
GaloisGroup( F)
GaloisGroup returns the Galois group of the field Fas a group (see 7) of field automorphisms
(see 6.13).
The Galois group of a field Fover a subfield F.field is the group of automorphisms of
Fthat leave the subfield F.field fixed. This group can be interpreted as a permutation
group permuting the zeroes of the characteristic polynomial of a primitive element of F.
The degree of this group is equal to the number of zeroes, i.e., to the dimension of Fas
6.8. MINPOL 261
a vector space over the subfield F.field. It operates transitively on those zeroes. The
normal divisors of the Galois group correspond to the subfields between Fand F.field.
gap> G := GaloisGroup( GF(4096)/GF(4) );;
gap> Size( G );
gap> IsCyclic( G );
true # the Galois group of every finite field is
# generated by the Frobenius automorphism
gap> H := GaloisGroup( CF(60) );;
gap> Size( H );
gap> IsAbelian( H );
The default function FieldOps.GaloisGroup just raises an error, since there is no general
method to compute the Galois group of a field. This default function is overlaid by more
specific functions for special types of domains (see 18.13 and 15.8).
6.8 MinPol
MinPol( z)
MinPol( F,z)
In the first form MinPol returns the coefficients of the minimal polynomial of the element
zin its default field over its prime field (see 6.3). In the second form MinPol returns the
coefficients of the minimal polynomial of the element zin the field Fover the subfield
Let F/S be a field extension and La minimal normal extension of S, containing F. The
minimal polynomial of zin Fover Sis the squarefree polynomial whose roots are precisely
the conjugates of zin L(see 6.12). Because the set of conjugates is fixed under the Galois
group of Lover S(see 6.7), so is the polynomial. Thus all the coefficients of the minimal
polynomial lie in S.
gap> MinPol( Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
gap> MinPol( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
gap> MinPol( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2^2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ]
The default function FieldOps.MinPol, which works only for extensions with abelian Galois
group, multiplies the linear factors xcwith cranging over the set of conjugates of zin
F(see 6.12). For generic algebraic extensions, it is overlayed by solving a system of linear
equations, given by the coefficients of powers of zin respect to a given base.
6.9 CharPol
CharPol( z)
CharPol( F,z)
In the first form CharPol returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the
element zin its default field over its prime field (see 6.3). In the second form CharPol
returns the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of the element zin the field Fover
the subfield F.field. The characteristic polynomial is returned as a list of coefficients, the
i-th entry is the coefficient of xi1.
The characteristic polynomial of an element zin a field Fover a subfield Sis the [F:S]
power of µ, where µdenotes the minimal polynomial of zin Fover S. It is fixed under
the Galois group of the normal closure of F. Thus all the coefficients of the characteristic
polynomial lie in S. The constant term is (1) = (1)[F:S]times the norm
of z(see 6.10), and the coefficient of the second highest degree term is the negative of the
trace of z(see 6.11). The roots (including their multiplicities) in Fof the characteristic
polynomial of zin Fare the conjugates (see 6.12) of zin F.
gap> CharPol( Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
gap> CharPol( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2),
Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
gap> CharPol( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
The default function FieldOps.CharPol multiplies the linear factors xcwith cranging
over the conjugates of zin F(see 6.12). For nonabelian extensions, it is overlayed by a
function, which computes the appropriate power of the minimal polynomial.
6.10 Norm
Norm( z)
Norm( F,z)
In the first form Norm returns the norm of the field element zin its default field over its
prime field (see 6.3). In the second form Norm returns the norm of zin the field Fover the
subfield F.field.
The norm of an element zin a field Fover a subfield Sis (1) = (1)[F:S]
times the constant term of the characteristic polynomial of z(see 6.9). Thus the norm lies
in S. The norm is the product of all conjugates of zin the normal closure of Fover S(see
gap> Norm( Z(2^6) );
gap> Norm( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
gap> Norm( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
The default function FieldOps.Norm multiplies the conjugates of zin F(see 6.12). For
nonabelian extensions, it is overlayed by a function, which obtains the norm from the char-
acteristic polynomial.
6.11. TRACE 263
6.11 Trace
Trace( z)
Trace( F,z)
In the first form Trace returns the trace of the field element zin its default field over its
prime field (see 6.3). In the second form Trace returns the trace of the element zin the
field Fover the subfield F.field.
The trace of an element zin a field Fover a subfield Sis the negative of the coefficient
of the second highest degree term of the characteristic polynomial of z(see 6.9). Thus the
trace lies in S. The trace is the sum over all conjugates of zin the normal closure of Fover
S(see 6.12).
gap> Trace( Z(2^6) );
gap> Trace( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
gap> Trace( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
The default function FieldOps.Trace adds the conjugates of zin F(see 6.12). For non-
abelian extensions, this is overlayed by a function, which obtains the trace from the char-
acteristic polynomial.
6.12 Conjugates
Conjugates( z)
Conjugates( F,z)
In the first form Conjugates returns the list of conjugates of the field element zin its
default field over its prime field (see 6.3). In the second form Conjugates returns the list
of conjugates of the field element zin the field Fover the subfield F.field. In either case
the list may contain duplicates if zlies in a proper subfield of its default field, respectively
of F.
The conjugates of an element zin a field Fover a subfield Sare the roots in Fof the
characteristic polynomial of zin F(see 6.9). If Fis a normal extension of S, then the
conjugates of zare the images of zunder all elements of the Galois group of Fover S
(see 6.7), i.e., under those automorphisms of Fthat leave Sfixed. The number of different
conjugates of zis given by the degree of the smallest extension of Sin which zlies.
For a normal extension F,Norm (see 6.10) computes the product, Trace (see 6.11) the sum of
all conjugates. CharPol (see 6.9) computes the polynomial that has precisely the conjugates
with their corresponding multiplicities as roots, MinPol (see 6.8) the squarefree polynomial
that has precisely the conjugates as roots.
gap> Conjugates( Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^2, Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^8, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6)^32 ]
gap> Conjugates( GF(2^12), Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^2, Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^8, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6)^32, Z(2^6),
Z(2^6)^2, Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^8, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6)^32 ]
gap> Conjugates( GF(2^12)/GF(2^2), Z(2^6) );
[ Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^16, Z(2^6), Z(2^6)^4, Z(2^6)^16 ]
The default function FieldOps.Conjugates applies the automorphisms of the Galois group
of F(see 6.7) to zand returns the list of images. For nonabelian extensions, this is overlayed
by a factorization of the characteristic polynomial.
6.13 Field Homomorphisms
Field homomorphisms are an important class of homomorphisms in GAP3 (see chapter 44).
Afield homomorphism φis a mapping that maps each element of a field F, called the
source of φ, to an element of another field G, called the range of φ, such that for each pair
x, y Fwe have (x+y)φ=xφ+yφand (xy)φ=xφyφ. We also require that φmaps the
one of Fto the one of G(that φmaps the zero of Fto the zero of Gis implied by the above
An Example of a field homomorphism is the Frobinius automorphism of a finite field (see
18.11). Look under field homomorphisms in the index for a list of all available field
Since field homomorphisms are just a special case of homomorphisms, all functions described
in chapter 44 are applicable to all field homomorphisms, e.g., the function to test if a
homomorphism is a an automorphism (see 44.6). More general, since field homomorphisms
are just a special case of mappings all functions described in chapter 43 are also applicable,
e.g., the function to compute the image of an element under a homomorphism (see 43.8).
The following sections describe the functions that test whether a mapping is a field homo-
morphism (see 6.14), compute the kernel of a field homomorphism (see 6.15), and how the
general mapping functions are implemented for field homomorphisms.
6.14 IsFieldHomomorphism
IsFieldHomomorphism( map )
IsFieldHomomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a field homomorphism and false
otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping map is a field homomorphism if its source Fand range Gare both fields and if for
each pair of elements x, y Fwe have (x+y)map =xmap +ymap and (xy)map =xmapymap.
We also require that 1map
F= 1G.
gap> f := GF( 16 );
gap> fun := FrobeniusAutomorphism( f );
FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^4) )
gap> IsFieldHomomorphism( fun );
IsFieldHomomorphism first tests if the flag map.isFieldHomomorphism is bound. If the
flag is bound, IsFieldHomomorphism returns its value. Otherwise it calls
map.source.operations.IsFieldHomomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value
in map.isFieldHomomorphism, and returns it. Note that of course all functions that create
field homomorphism set the flag map.isFieldHomomorphism to true, so that no function
is called for those field homomorphisms.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsFieldHomomorphism. It computes
all the elements of the source of map and for each pair of elements x, y tests whether
(x+y)map =xmap +ymap and (xy)map =xmapymap. Look under IsHomomorphism in
the index to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
6.15 KernelFieldHomomorphism
KernelFieldHomomorphism( hom )
KernelFieldHomomorphism returns the kernel of the field homomorphism hom.
Because the kernel must be a ideal in the source and it can not be the full source (because
we require that the one of the source is mapped to the one of the range), it must be the
trivial ideal. Therefor the kernel of every field homomorphism is the set containing only the
zero of the source.
6.16 Mapping Functions for Field Homomorphisms
This section describes how the mapping functions defined in chapter 43 are implemented for
field homomorphisms. Those functions not mentioned here are implemented by the default
functions described in the respective sections.
IsInjective( hom )
Always returns true (see 6.15).
IsSurjective( hom )
The field homomorphism hom is surjective if the size of the image Size( Image( hom ) )
is equal to the size of the range Size( hom.range ).
hom1 =hom2
The two field homomorphism hom1 and hom2 are are equal if the have the same source and
range and if the images of the generators of the source under hom1 and hom2 are equal.
Image( hom )
Image( hom,H)
Images( hom,H)
The image of a subfield under a field homomorphism is computed by computing the images
of a set of generators of the subfield, and the result is the subfield generated by those images.
PreImage( hom )
PreImage( hom,H)
PreImages( hom,H)
The preimages of a subfield under a field homomorphism are computed by computing the
preimages of all the generators of the subfield, and the result is the subfield generated by
those elements.
Look in the index under IsInjective,IsSurjective,Image,Images,PreImage,PreIm-
ages, and equality to see for which field homomorphisms these functions are overlaid.
6.17 Field Records
A field is represented by a record that contains important information about this field.
The GAP3 library predefines some field records, for example Rationals (see 12). Field
constructors construct others, for example Field (see 6.2), and GaloisField (see 18.10).
Of course you may also create such a record by hand.
All field records contain the components isDomain,isField,char,degree,generators,
zero,one,field,base, and dimension. They may also contain the optional components
isFinite,size,galoisGroup. The contents of all components of a field Fare described
is always true. This indicates that Fis a domain.
is always true. This indicates that Fis a field.
is the characteristic of F. For finite fields this is always a prime, for infinite fields this
is 0.
is the degree of Fas extension of the prime field, not as extension of the subfield
S. For finite fields the order of Fis given by F.char^
a list of elements that together generate F. That is Fis the smallest field over the
prime field given by F.char that contains the elements of F.generators.
is the additive neutral element of the finite field.
is the multiplicative neutral element of the finite field.
is the subfield Sover which Fwas constructed. This is either a field record for S, or
the same value as F.char, denoting the prime field (see 6.4).
is a list of elements of Fforming a base for Fas vector space over the subfield S.
is the dimension of Fas vector space over the subfield S.
if present this is true if the field Fis finite and false otherwise.
if present this is the size of the field F. If Fis infinite this holds the string ”infinity”.
if present this holds the Galois group of F(see 6.7).
Chapter 7
Finitely generated groups and their subgroups are important domains in GAP3. They are
represented as permutation groups, matrix groups, ag groups or even more complicated
constructs as for instance automorphism groups, direct products or semi-direct products
where the group elements are represented by records.
Groups are created using Group (see 7.9), they are represented by records that contain
important information about the groups. Subgroups are created as subgroups of a given
group using Subgroup, and are also represented by records. See 7.6 for details about the
distinction between groups and subgroups.
Because this chapter is very large it is split into several parts. Each part consists of several
Note that some functions will only work if the elements of a group are represented in an
unique way. This is not true in finitely presented groups, see 23.3 for a list of functions
applicable to finitely presented groups.
The first part describes the operations and functions that are available for group ele-
ments, e.g., Order (see 7.1). The next part tells your more about the distinction of par-
ent groups and subgroups (see 7.6). The next parts describe the functions that compute
subgroups, e.g., SylowSubgroup (7.14), and series of subgroups, e.g., DerivedSeries (see
7.36). The next part describes the functions that compute and test properties of groups, e.g.,
AbelianInvariants and IsSimple (see 7.45), and that identify the isomorphism type. The
next parts describe conjugacy classes of elements and subgroups (see 7.67) and cosets (see
7.84). The next part describes the functions that create new groups, e.g., DirectProduct
(see 7.98). The next part describes group homomorphisms, e.g., NaturalHomomorphism (see
7.106). The last part tells you more about the implementation of groups, e.g., it describes
the format of group records (see 7.114).
The functions described in this chapter are implemented in the following library files.
LIBNAME/"grpelms.g" contains the functions for group elements, LIBNAME/"group.g" con-
tains the dispatcher and default group functions, LIBNAME/"grpcoset.g" contains the func-
tions for cosets and factor groups, LIBNAME/"grphomom.g" implements the group homomor-
phisms, and LIBNAME/"grpprods.g" implements the group constructions.
7.1 Group Elements
The following sections describe the operations and functions available for group elements
(see 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5).
Note that group elements usually exist independently of a group, e.g., you can write down
two permutations and compute their product without ever defining a group that contains
7.2 Comparisons of Group Elements
g<> h
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the group elements gand hare equal and to
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the group elements gand
hare not equal and to false otherwise.
You can compare group elements with objects of other types. Of course they are never
equal. Standard group elements are permutations, ag words and matrices. For examples of
generic group elements see for instance 7.99.
g<= h
g>= h
The operators <,<=,>= and >evaluate to true if the group element gis strictly less than,
less than or equal to, greater than or equal to and strictly greater than the group element
h. There is no general ordering on group elements.
Standard group elements may be compared with objects of other types while generic group
elements may disallow such a comparison.
7.3 Operations for Group Elements
The operators *and /evaluate to the product and quotient of the two group elements g
and h. The operands must of course lie in a common parent group, otherwise an error is
The operator ^evaluates to the conjugate h1ghof gunder hfor two group elements
elements gand h. The operands must of course lie in a common parent group, otherwise
an error is signaled.
The powering operator ^returns the i-th power of a group element gand an integer i. If i
is zero the identity of a parent group of gis returned.
list *g
In this form the operator *returns a new list where each entry is the product of gand the
corresponding entry of list. Of course multiplication must be defined between gand each
entry of list.
list /g
In this form the operator /returns a new list where each entry is the quotient of gand the
corresponding entry of list. Of course division must be defined between gand each entry of
Comm( g,h)
Comm returns the commutator g1h1ghof two group elements gand h. The operands
must of course lie in a common parent group, otherwise an error is signaled.
LeftNormedComm( g1 , ..., gn )
LeftNormedComm returns the left normed commutator Comm( LeftNormedComm( g1 , ...,
gn-1 ), gn )of group elements g1 , ..., gn. The operands must of course lie in a common
parent group, otherwise an error is signaled.
RightNormedComm( g1 ,g2 , ..., gn )
RightNormedComm returns the right normed commutator Comm( g1 , RightNormedComm(
g2 , ..., gn ) ) of group elements g1 , ..., gn. The operands must of course lie in a
common parent group, otherwise an error is signaled.
LeftQuotient( g,h)
LeftQuotient returns the left quotient g1hof two group elements gand h. The operands
must of course lie in a common parent group, otherwise an error is signaled.
7.4 IsGroupElement
IsGroupElement( obj )
IsGroupElement returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a group
element, and false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsGroupElement( 10 );
gap> IsGroupElement( (11,10) );
gap> IsGroupElement( IdWord );
7.5 Order
Order( G,g)
Order returns the order of a group element gin the group G.
The order is the smallest positive integer isuch that giis the identity. The order of the
identity is one.
gap> Order( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), (1,2,3) );
gap> Order( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), () );
7.6 More about Groups and Subgroups
GAP3 distinguishs between parent groups and subgroups of parent groups. Each subgroup
belongs to a unique parent group. We say that this parent group is the parent of the
subgroup. We also say that a parent group is its own parent.
Parent groups are constructed by Group and subgroups are constructed by Subgroup. The
first argument of Subgroup must be a parent group, i.e., it must not be a subgroup of a
parent group, and this parent group will be the parent of the constructed subgroup.
Those group functions that take more than one argument require that the arguments have a
common parent. Take for instance CommutatorSubgroup. It takes two arguments, a group
Gand a group H, and returns the commutator subgroup of Hwith G. So either Gis a
parent group, and His a subgroup of this parent group, or Gand Hare subgroups of a
common parent group P.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) )
gap> c3 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2,3) ] )
gap> CommutatorSubgroup( s4, c3 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,3,2), (1,2,4) ] )
# ok, c3 is a subgroup of the parent group s4
gap> a4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ] )
gap> CommutatorSubgroup( a4, c3 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
# also ok, c3 and a4 are subgroups of the parent group s4
gap> x3 := Group( (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> CommutatorSubgroup( s4, x3 );
Error, <G> and <H> must have the same parent group
# not ok, s4 is its own parent and x3 is its own parent
Those functions that return new subgroups, as with CommutatorSubgroup above, return
this subgroup as a subgroup of the common parent of their arguments. Note especially that
the commutator subgroup of c3 with a4 is returned as a subgroup of their common parent
group s4, not as a subgroup of a4. It can not be a subgroup of a4, because subgroups must
7.7. ISPARENT 271
be subgroups of parent groups, and a4 is not a parent group. Of course, mathematically
the commutator subgroup is a subgroup of a4.
Note that a subgroup of a parent group need not be a proper subgroup, as can be seen in
the following example.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) )
gap> x4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2,3,4), (3,4) ] )
gap> Index( s4, x4 );
One exception to the rule are functions that construct new groups such as DirectProduct.
They accept groups with different parents. If you want rename the function DirectProduct
to OuterDirectProduct.
Another exception is Intersection (see 4.12), which allows groups with different parent
groups, it computes the intersection in such cases as if the groups were sets of elements.
This is because Intersection is not a group function, but a domain function, i.e., it accepts
two (or more) arbitrary domains as arguments.
Whenever you have two subgroups which have different parent groups but have a common
supergroup Gyou can use AsSubgroup (see 7.13) in order to construct new subgroups which
have a common parent group G.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) )
gap> x3 := Group( (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> CommutatorSubgroup( s4, x3 );
Error, <G> and <H> must have the same parent group
# not ok, s4 is its own parent and x3 is its own parent
gap> c3 := AsSubgroup( s4, x3 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2,3) ] )
gap> CommutatorSubgroup( s4, c3 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,3,2), (1,2,4) ] )
The following sections describe the functions related to this concept (see 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10,
7.11, 7.12, 7.13).
7.7 IsParent
IsParent( G)
IsParent returns true if Gis a parent group, and false otherwise (see 7.6).
7.8 Parent
Parent( U1, ..., Un)
Parent returns the common parent group of its subgroups and parent group arguments.
In case more than one argument is given, all groups must have the same parent group. Oth-
erwise an error is signaled. This can be used to ensure that a collection of given subgroups
have a common parent group.
7.9 Group
Group( U)
Let Ube a parent group or a subgroup. Group returns a new parent group Gwhich is
isomorphic to U. The generators of Gneed not be the same elements as the generators of
U. The default group function uses the same generators, while the ag group function may
create new generators along with a new collector.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] )
gap> Group( s3 ); # same elements
Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) )
gap> s4.1 * s3.1;
gap> s4 := AgGroup( s4 );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> a4 := DerivedSubgroup( s4 );
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g2, g3, g4 ] )
gap> a4 := Group( a4 ); # different elements
Group( g1, g2, g3 )
gap> s4.1 * a4.1;
Error, AgWord op: agwords have different groups
Group( list,id )
Group returns a new parent group Ggenerated by group elements g1, ..., gnof must
be the identity of this group.
Group( g1, ..., gn)
Group returns a new parent group Ggenerated by group elements g1, ..., gn.
The generators of this new parent group need not be the same elements as g1, ..., gn. The
default group function however returns a group record with generators g1, ..., gnand identity
id, while the ag group function may create new generators along with a new collector.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> z4 := Group( s4.1 ); # same element
Group( (1,2,3,4) )
gap> s4.1 * z4.1;
gap> s4 := AgGroup( s4 );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> z4 := Group( s4.1 * s4.3 ); # different elements
Group( g1, g2 )
gap> s4.1 * z4.1;
Error, AgWord op: agwords have different groups
Let gi1, ..., gimbe the set of nontrivial generators in all four cases. Groups sets record
components G.1, ..., G.m to these generators.
7.10. ASGROUP 273
7.10 AsGroup
AsGroup( D)
Let Dbe a domain. AsGroup returns a group Gsuch that the set of elements of Dis the
same as the set of elements of Gif this is possible.
If Dis a list of group elements these elements must form a group. Otherwise an error is
Note that this function returns a parent group or a subgroup of a parent group depending
on D. In order to convert a subgroup into a parent group you must use Group (see 7.9).
gap> s4 := AgGroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,3) ) );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> Elements( last );
[ IdAgWord, g4, g3, g3*g4, g2, g2*g4, g2*g3, g2*g3*g4, g2^2, g2^2*g4,
g2^2*g3, g2^2*g3*g4, g1, g1*g4, g1*g3, g1*g3*g4, g1*g2, g1*g2*g4,
g1*g2*g3, g1*g2*g3*g4, g1*g2^2, g1*g2^2*g4, g1*g2^2*g3,
g1*g2^2*g3*g4 ]
gap> AsGroup( last );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
The default function GroupOps.AsGroup for a group Dreturns a copy of D. If Dis a
subgroup then a subgroup is returned. The default function GroupElementsOps.AsGroup
expects a list Dof group elements forming a group and uses successively Closure in order
to compute a reduced generating set.
7.11 IsGroup
IsGroup( obj )
IsGroup returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a parent group
or a subgroup and false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound
gap> IsGroup( Group( (1,2,3) ) );
gap> IsGroup( 1/2 );
7.12 Subgroup
Subgroup( G,L)
Let Gbe a parent group and Lbe a list of elements g1, ..., gnof G.Subgroup returns the
subgroup Ugenerated by g1, ..., gnwith parent group G.
Note that this function is the only group function in which the name Subgroup does not refer
to the mathematical terms subgroup and supergroup but to the implementation of groups
as subgroups and parent groups. IsSubgroup (see 7.62) is not the negation of IsParent
(see 7.7) but decides subgroup and supergroup relations.
Subgroup always binds a copy of Lto U.generators, so it is safe to modify Lafter calling
Subgroup because this will not change the entries in U.
Let gi1, ..., gimbe the nontrivial generators. Subgroups binds these generators to U.1, ...,
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> IsParent( v4 );
7.13 AsSubgroup
AsSubgroup( G,U)
Let Gbe a parent group and Ube a parent group or a subgroup with a possibly different
parent group, such that the generators g1, ..., gnof Uare elements of G.AsSubgroup returns
a new subgroup Ssuch that Shas parent group Gand is generated by g1, ..., gn.
gap> d8 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) )
gap> z := Centre( d8 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ), [ (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> Normalizer( s4, AsSubgroup( s4, z ) );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (2,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,3)(2,4)
] )
7.14 Subgroups
The following sections describe functions that compute certain subgroups of a given group,
e.g., SylowSubgroup computes a Sylow subgroup of a group (see 7.16, 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, 7.20,
7.21, 7.22, 7.23, 7.24, 7.25, 7.26, 7.27, 7.28, 7.29, 7.30, 7.31, 7.32).
They return group records as described in 7.118 for the computed subgroups. Some functions
may not terminate if the given group has an infinite set of elements, while other functions
may signal an error in such cases.
Here the term “subgroup” is used in a mathematical sense. But in GAP3, every group is
either a parent group or a subgroup of a unique parent group. If you compute a Sylow
subgroup Sof a group Uwith parent group Gthen Sis a subgroup of Ubut its parent
group is G(see 7.6).
Further sections describe functions that return factor groups of a given group (see 7.33 and
7.15 Agemo
Agemo( G,p)
Gmust be a p-group. Agemo returns the subgroup of Ggenerated by the powers of
the elements of G.
gap> d8 := Group( (1,3)(2,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,3)(2,4), (1,2) )
gap> Agemo( d8, 2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,3)(2,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2)(3,4) ] )
The default function GroupOps.Agemo computes the subgroup of Ggenerated by the
powers of the generators of Gif Gis abelian. Otherwise the function computes the normal
closure of the powers of the representatives of the conjugacy classes of G.
7.16 Centralizer
Centralizer( G,x)
Centralizer returns the centralizer of an element xin Gwhere xmust be an element of
the parent group of G.
The centralizer of an element xin Gis defined as the set Cof elements cof Gsuch that
cand xcommute.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> v4 := Centralizer( s4, (1,2) );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (3,4), (1,2) ] )
The default function GroupOps.Centralizer uses Stabilizer (see 8.24) in order to com-
pute the centralizer of xin Gacting by conjugation.
Centralizer( G,U)
Centralizer returns the centralizer of a group Uin Gas group record. Note that Gand
Umust have a common parent group.
The centralizer of a group Uin Gis defined as the set Cof elements cof Csuch c
commutes with every element of U.
If Gis the parent group of Uthen Centralizer will set and test the record component
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> v4 := Centralizer( s4, (1,2) );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (3,4), (1,2) ] )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,3) ] )
gap> Centralizer( v4, c2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ ] )
The default function GroupOps.Centralizer uses Stabilizer in order to compute succes-
sively the stabilizer of the generators of U.
7.17 Centre
Centre( G)
Centre returns the centre of G.
The centre of a group Gis defined as the centralizer of Gin G.
Note that Centre sets and tests the record component G.centre.
gap> d8 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) )
gap> Centre( d8 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ), [ (1,3)(2,4) ] )
The default group function GroupOps.Centre uses Centralizer (see 7.16) in order to com-
pute the centralizer of Gin G.
7.18 Closure
Closure( U,g)
Let Ube a group with parent group Gand let gbe an element of G. Then Closure returns
the closure Cof Uand gas subgroup of G. The closure Cof Uand gis the subgroup
generated by Uand g.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2 ) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> s2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2) ] )
gap> Closure( s2, (3,4) );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )
The default function GroupOps.Closure returns Uif Uis a parent group, or if gor its
inverse is a generator of U, or if the set of elements is known and gis in this set, or if g
is trivial. Otherwise the function constructs a new subgroup Cwhich is generated by the
generators of Uand the element g.
Note that if the set of elements of Uis bound to U.elements then GroupOps.Closure
computes the set of elements for Cand binds it to C.elements.
If Uis known to be non-abelian or infinite so is C. If Uis known to be abelian the function
checks whether gcommutes with every generator of U.
Closure( U,S)
Let Uand Sbe two group with a common parent group G. Then Closure returns the
subgroup of Ggenerated by Uand S.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2 ) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> s2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2) ] )
gap> z3 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,3) ] )
gap> Closure( z3, s2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] )
The default function GroupOps.Closure returns the parent of Uand Sif Uor Sis a parent
group. Otherwise the function computes the closure of Uunder all generators of S.
Note that if the set of elements of Uis bound to U.elements then GroupOps.Closure
computes the set of elements for the closure Cand binds it to C.elements.
7.19 CommutatorSubgroup
CommutatorSubgroup( G,H)
Let Gand Hbe groups with a common parent group. CommutatorSubgroup returns the
commutator subgroup [G, H].
The commutator subgroup of Gand His the group generated by all commutators [g, h]
with gGand hH.
See also DerivedSubgroup (7.22).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> d8 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) )
gap> CommutatorSubgroup( s4, AsSubgroup( s4, d8 ) );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,3,2) ] )
Let Gbe generated by g1, ..., gnand Hbe generated by h1, ..., hm. The normal closure
of the subgroup Sgenerated by Comm(gi, hj) for 1 inand 1 jmunder
Gand His the commutator subgroup of Gand H(see [Hup67]). The default function
GroupOps.CommutatorSubgroup returns the normal closure of Sunder the closure of Gand
7.20 ConjugateSubgroup
ConjugateSubgroup( U,g)
ConjugateSubgroup returns the subgroup Ugconjugate to Uunder g, which must be an
element of the parent group of G.
If present, the flags U.isAbelian,U.isCyclic,U.isElementaryAbelian,U.isFinite,
U.isNilpotent,U.isPerfect,U.isSimple,U.isSolvable, and U.size are copied to
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> ConjugateSubgroup( c2, (1,3) );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,4)(2,3) ] )
The default function GroupOps.ConjugateSubgroup returns Uif the set of elements of U
is known and gis an element of this set or if gis a generator of U. Otherwise it conjugates
the generators of Uwith g.
If the set of elements of Uis known the default function also conjugates and binds it to the
conjugate subgroup.
7.21 Core
Core( S,U)
Let Sand Ube groups with a common parent group G. Then Core returns the core of U
under conjugation of S.
The core of a group Uunder a group SCoreS(U) is the intersection TsSUsof all groups
conjugate to Uunder conjugation by elements of S.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> := "s4";;
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> Core( s4, d8 );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> Core( d8, s4 );
The default function GroupOps.Core starts with Uand replaces Uwith the intersection of
Uand a conjugate subgroup of Uunder a generator of Guntil the subgroup is normalized
by G.
7.22 DerivedSubgroup
DerivedSubgroup( G)
DerivedSubgroup returns the derived subgroup G0= [G,G] of G.
The derived subgroup of Gis the group generated by all commutators [g, h] with g, h G.
Note that DerivedSubgroup sets and tests G.derivedSubgroup.CommutatorSubgroup
(see 7.19) allows you to compute the commutator group of two subgroups.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> DerivedSubgroup( s4 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,3,2), (2,4,3) ] )
Let Gbe generated by g1, ..., gn. Then the default function GroupOps.DerivedSubgroup
returns the normal closure of Sunder Gwhere Sis the subgroup of Ggenerated by
Comm(gi, gj) for 1 j < i n.
7.23 FittingSubgroup
FittingSubgroup( G)
FittingSubgroup returns the Fitting subgroup of G.
The Fitting subgroup of a group Gis the biggest nilpotent normal subgroup of G.
gap> s4;
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> FittingSubgroup( s4 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) ] )
gap> IsNilpotent( last );
Let Gbe a finite group. Then the default group function GroupOps.FittingSubgroup
computes the subgroup of Ggenerated by the cores of the Sylow subgroups in G.
7.24 FrattiniSubgroup
FrattiniSubgroup( G)
FrattiniSubgroup returns the Frattini subgroup of group G.
The Frattini subgroup of a group Gis the intersection of all maximal subgroups of G.
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup( AgWords, 4 );;
gap> ss4 := SpecialAgGroup( s4 );;
gap> FrattiniSubgroup( ss4 );
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ ] )
The generic method computes the Frattini subgroup as intersection of the cores (see 7.21)
of the representatives of the conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups (see 7.80).
7.25 NormalClosure
NormalClosure( S,U)
Let Sand Ube groups with a common parent group G. Then NormalClosure returns the
normal closure of Uunder Sas a subgroup of G.
The normal closure Nof a group Uunder the action of a group Sis the smallest subgroup
in Gthat contains Uand is invariant under conjugation by elements of S. Note that Nis
independent of G.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> := "s4";;
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> NormalClosure( s4, d8 );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3,4,2) ] )
gap> last = s4;
7.26 NormalIntersection
NormalIntersection( N,U)
Let Nand Ube two subgroups with a common parent group. NormalIntersection returns
the intersection in case Unormalizes N.
Depending on the domain this may be faster than the general intersection algorithm (see
4.12). The default function GroupOps.NormalIntersection however uses Intersection.
7.27 Normalizer
Normalizer( S,U)
Let Sand Ube groups with a common parent group G. Then Normalizer returns the
normalizer of Uin S.
The normalizer NS(U) of Uin Sis the biggest subgroup of Swhich leaves Uinvariant
under conjugation.
If Sis the parent group of Uthen Normalizer sets and tests U.normalizer.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2) ] )
gap> Normalizer( s4, c2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (3,4), (1,2) ] )
The default function GroupOps.Normalizer uses Stabilizer (see 8.24) in order to compute
the stabilizer of Uin Sacting by conjugation (see 7.20).
7.28 PCore
PCore( G,p)
PCore returns the p-core of the finite group Gfor a prime p.
The p-core is the largest normal subgroup whose size is a power of p. This is the core of
the Sylow-p-subgroups (see 7.21 and 7.31).
Note that PCore sets and tests G.pCores[ p].
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> PCore( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> PCore( s4, 3 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ ] )
The default function GroupOps.PCore computes the p-core as the core of a Sylow-p-subgroup
(see 7.21 and 7.31).
7.29 PrefrattiniSubgroup
PrefrattiniSubgroup( G)
PrefrattiniSubgroup returns a Prefrattini subgroup of the group G.
A factor M/N of Gis called a Frattini factor if M/N φ(G/N) holds. The group Pis a
Prefrattini subgroup of Gif Pcovers each Frattini chief factor of G, and if for each maximal
subgroup of Gthere exists a conjugate maximal subgroup, which contains P.
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup( AgWords, 4 );;
gap> ss4 := SpecialAgGroup( s4 );;
gap> PrefrattiniSubgroup( ss4 );
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ ] )
Currently PrefrattiniSubgroup can only be applied to special Ag groups (see 26).
7.30. RADICAL 281
7.30 Radical
Radical( G)
Radical returns the radical of the finite group G.
The radical is the largest normal solvable subgroup of G.
gap> g := Group( (1,5), (1,5,6,7,8)(2,3,4) );
Group( (1,5), (1,5,6,7,8)(2,3,4) )
gap> Radical( g );
Subgroup( Group( (1,5), (1,5,6,7,8)(2,3,4) ), [ ( 2, 3, 4) ] )
The default function GroupOps.Radical tests if Gis solvable and signals an error if not.
7.31 SylowSubgroup
SylowSubgroup( G,p)
SylowSubgroup returns a Sylow-p-subgroup of the finite group Gfor a prime p.
Let pbe a prime and Gbe a finite group of order pnmwhere mis relative prime to p. Then
by Sylow’s theorem there exists at least one subgroup Sof Gof order pn.
Note that SylowSubgroup sets and tests G.sylowSubgroups[ p].
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> SylowSubgroup( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (3,4), (1,2), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> SylowSubgroup( s4, 3 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (2,3,4) ] )
The default function GroupOps.SylowSubgroup computes the set of elements of ppower
order of G, starts with such an element of maximal order and computes the closure (see
7.18) with normalizing elements of ppower order until a Sylow group is found.
7.32 TrivialSubgroup
TrivialSubgroup( U)
Let Ube a group with parent group G. Then TrivialSubgroup returns the trivial subgroup
Tof U. Note that the parent group of Tis Gnot U(see 7.14).
The default function GroupOps.TrivialSubgroup binds the set of elements of U, namely
[U.identity], to T.elements,
7.33 FactorGroup
FactorGroup( G,N)
FactorGroup returns the factor group G/Nwhere Nmust be a normal subgroup of G(see
7.58). This is the same as G/N(see 7.117).
NaturalHomomorphism returns the natural homomorphism from G(or a subgroup thereof)
onto the factor group (see 7.110).
It is not specified how the factor group Nis represented.
gap> a4 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) );; := "a4";
gap> v4 := Subgroup(a4,[(1,2)(3,4),(1,3)(2,4)]);; := "v4";
gap> f := FactorGroup( a4, v4 );
(a4 / v4)
gap> Size( f );
gap> Elements( f );
[ FactorGroupElement( v4, () ), FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,3,4) ),
FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,4,3) ) ]
If Gis the parent group of N,FactorGroup first checks for the knowledge component
N.factorGroup. If this component is bound, FactorGroup returns its value. Otherwise,
FactorGroup calls G.operations.FactorGroup( G,N), remembers the returned value
in N.factorGroup, and returns it. If Gis not the parent group of N,FactorGroup calls
G.operations.FactorGroup( G,N)and returns this value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.FactorGroup. It returns the factor group
as a group of factor group elements (see 7.34). Look under FactorGroup in the index to
see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.34 FactorGroupElement
FactorGroupElement( N,g)
FactorGroupElement returns the coset N*gas a group element. It is not tested whether
gnormalizes N, but gmust be an element of the parent group of N.
Factor group elements returned by FactorGroupElement are represented by records. Those
records contain the following components.
contains true.
contains true.
contains a right coset of N(see 7.86).
contains FactorGroupElements (see 4.5).
contains the operations record FactorGroupElementOps.
All operations for group elements (see 7.3) are available for factor group elements, e.g., two
factor group elements can be multiplied (provided that they have the same subgroup N).
gap> a4 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) );; := "a4";;
gap> v4 := Subgroup(a4,[(1,2)(3,4),(1,3)(2,4)]);; := "v4";;
gap> x := FactorGroupElement( v4, (1,2,3) );
FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,4,3) )
gap> y := FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,3,4) );
FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,3,4) )
gap> x * y;
FactorGroupElement( v4, () )
7.35 CommutatorFactorGroup
CommutatorFactorGroup( G)
CommutatorFactorGroup returns a group isomorphic to G/G0where G0is the derived sub-
group of G(see 7.22).
gap> s4 := AgGroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ) );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> CommutatorFactorGroup( s4 );
Group( g1 )
The default group function GroupOps.CommutatorFactorGroup uses DerivedSubgroup (see
7.22) and FactorGroup (see 7.33) in order to compute the commutator factor group.
7.36 Series of Subgroups
The following sections describe functions that compute and return series of subgroups of a
given group (see 7.37, 7.41, 7.43, and 7.44). The series are returned as lists of subgroups of
the group (see 7.6).
These functions print warnings if the argument is an infinite group, because they may run
7.37 DerivedSeries
DerivedSeries( G)
DerivedSeries returns the derived series of G.
The derived series is the series of iterated derived subgroups. The group Gis solvable if
and only if this series reaches {1}after finitely many steps.
Note that this function does not terminate if Gis an infinite group with derived series of
infinite length.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> DerivedSeries( s4 );
[ Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ),
[ (1,3,2), (1,4,3) ] ), Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ),
[ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4) ] ),
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ ] ) ]
The default function GroupOps.DerivedSeries uses DerivedSubgroup (see 7.22) in order
to compute the derived series of G.
7.38 CompositionSeries
CompositionSeries( G)
CompositionSeries returns a composition series of Gas list of subgroups.
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup( 4 );
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> := "s4";;
gap> CompositionSeries( s4 );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3,2), (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
gap> d8 := SylowSubgroup( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> CompositionSeries( d8 );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,2), (3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ (3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
Note that there is no default function. GroupOps.CompositionSeries signals an error if
7.39 ElementaryAbelianSeries
ElementaryAbelianSeries( G)
Let Gbe a solvable group (see 7.61). Then the functions returns a normal series G=
E0, E1, ..., En={1}of Gsuch that the factor groups Ei/Ei+1 are elementary abelian
gap> s5 := SymmetricGroup( 5 );; := "s5";;
gap> s4 := Subgroup( s5, [ (2,3,4,5), (2,3) ] );
Subgroup( s5, [ (2,3,4,5), (2,3) ] )
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( s4 );
[ Subgroup( s5, [ (2,3), (2,4,3), (2,5)(3,4), (2,3)(4,5) ] ),
Subgroup( s5, [ (2,4,3), (2,5)(3,4), (2,3)(4,5) ] ),
Subgroup( s5, [ (2,5)(3,4), (2,3)(4,5) ] ), Subgroup( s5, [ ] ) ]
The default function GroupOps.ElementaryAbelianSeries uses AgGroup (see 25.25) in
order to convert Ginto an isomorphic ag group and computes the elementary abelian series
in this group. (see 25.9).
7.40 JenningsSeries
JenningsSeries( G,p)
JenningsSeries returns the Jennings series of a p-group G.
The Jennings series of a p-group Gis defined as follows. S1=Gand Sn= [Sn1, G]Sip
where iis the smallest integer equal or greater than n/p. The length lof Sis the smallest
integer such that Sl={1}.
Note that Sn=Sn+1 is possible.
gap> G := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 27 );
Group( c27_1, c27_2, c27_3 )
gap> := "G";;
gap> JenningsSeries( G );
[ G, Subgroup( G, [ c27_2, c27_3 ] ), Subgroup( G, [ c27_2, c27_3 ] ),
Subgroup( G, [ c27_3 ] ), Subgroup( G, [ c27_3 ] ),
Subgroup( G, [ c27_3 ] ), Subgroup( G, [ c27_3 ] ),
Subgroup( G, [ c27_3 ] ), Subgroup( G, [ c27_3 ] ),
Subgroup( G, [ ] ) ]
7.41 LowerCentralSeries
LowerCentralSeries( G)
LowerCentralSeries returns the lower central series of Gas a list of group records.
The lower central series is the series defined by S1=Gand Si= [G, Si1]. The group
Gis nilpotent if this series reaches {1}after finitely many steps.
Note that this function may not terminate if Gis an infinite group. LowerCentralSeries
sets and tests the record component G.lowerCentralSeries in the group record of G.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> LowerCentralSeries( s4 );
[ Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ),
[ (1,3,2), (2,4,3) ] ) ]
The default group function GroupOps.LowerCentralSeries uses CommutatorSubgroup (see
7.19) in order to compute the lower central series of G.
7.42 PCentralSeries
PCentralSeries( G,p)
PCentralSeries returns the p-central series of a group Gfor a prime p.
The p-central series of a group Gis defined as follows. S1=Gand Si+1 is set to
[G, Si]Sp
i. The length of this series is n, where n=max{i;Si> Si+1}.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "s4";;
gap> PCentralSeries( s4, 3 );
[ s4 ]
gap> PCentralSeries( s4, 2 );
[ s4, Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (1,3,4) ] ) ]
7.43 SubnormalSeries
SubnormalSeries( G,U)
Let Ube a subgroup of G, then SubnormalSeries returns a subnormal series G=G1>
... > Gnof groups such that Uis contained in Gnand there exists no proper subgroup V
between Gnand Uwhich is normal in Gn.
Gnis equal to Uif and only if Uis subnormal in G.
Note that this function may not terminate if Gis an infinite group.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2) ] )
gap> SubnormalSeries( s4, c2 );
[ Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ) ]
gap> IsSubnormal( s4, c2 );
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> SubnormalSeries( s4, c2 );
[ Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ),
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] ),
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ) ]
gap> IsSubnormal( s4, c2 );
The default function GroupOps.SubnormalSeries constructs the subnormal series as fol-
lows. G1=Gand Gi+1 is set to the normal closure (see 7.25) of Uunder Gi. The length
of the series is n, where n=max{i;Gi> Gi+1}.
7.44 UpperCentralSeries
UpperCentralSeries( G)
UpperCentralSeries returns the upper central series of Gas a list of subgroups.
The upper central series is the series Sn, ..., S0defined by S0={1}<Gand Si/Si1=
Z(G/Si1) where n=min{i;Si=Si+1}
Note that this function may not terminate if Gis an infinite group. UpperCentralSeries
sets and tests G.upperCentralSeries in the group record of G.
gap> d8 := AgGroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ) );
Group( g1, g2, g3 )
gap> UpperCentralSeries( d8 );
[ Group( g1, g2, g3 ), Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3 ), [ g3 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3 ), [ ] ) ]
7.45 Properties and Property Tests
The following sections describe the functions that computes or test properties of groups (see
7.46, 7.47, 7.48, 7.49, 7.50, 7.51, 7.52, 7.53, 7.54, 7.55, 7.56, 7.57, 7.58, 7.59, 7.60, 7.61, 7.62,
7.63, 7.64, 7.65, 7.66).
All tests expect a parent group or subgroup and return true if the group has the property
and false otherwise. Some functions may not terminate if the given group has an infinite
set of elements. A warning may be printed in such cases.
In addition the set theoretic functions Elements,Size and IsFinite, which are described
in chapter 4, can be used for groups. Size (see 4.10) returns the order of a group, this is
either a positive integer or the string “infinity”. IsFinite (see 4.9) returns true if a group
is finite and false otherwise.
7.46 AbelianInvariants
AbelianInvariants( G)
Let Gbe an abelian group. Then AbelianInvariants returns the abelian invariants of G
as a list of integers. If Gis not abelian then the abelian invariants of the commutator factor
group of Gare returned.
Let Gbe a finitely generated abelian group. Then there exist nnontrivial subgroups Aiof
prime power order pei
iand minfinite cyclic subgroups Zjsuch that G=A1×... ×An×
Z1... ×Zm. The invariants of Gare the integers pe1
1, ..., pen
ntogether with mzeros.
Note that AbelianInvariants tests and sets G.abelianInvariants.
gap> AbelianInvariants( AbelianGroup( AgWords, [2,3,4,5,6,9] ) );
The default function GroupOps.AbelianInvariants requires that Gis finite.
Let Gbe a finite abelian group of order pe1
nwhere piare distinct primes. The default
function constructs for every prime pithe series G,Gpi,Gp2
i, ... and computes the abelian
invariants using the indices of these groups.
7.47 DimensionsLoewyFactors
DimensionsLoewyFactors( G)
Let Gbe p-group. Then DimensionsLoewyFactors returns the dimensions ciof the Loewy
factors of FpG.
The Loewy series of FpGis defined as follows. Let Rbe the Jacobson radical of the
group ring FpG. The series R0=FpG> R1> ... > Rl+1 ={1}is the Loewy series. The
dimensions ciare the dimensions of Ri/Ri+1.
gap> f6 := FreeGroup( 6, "f6" );;
gap> g := f6 / [ f6.1^3, f6.2^3, f6.3^3, f6.4^3, f6.5^3, f6.6^3,
> Comm(f6.3,f6.2)/f6.6^2, Comm(f6.3,f6.1)/(f6.6*f6.5),
> Comm(f6.2,f6.1)/(f6.5*f6.4^2) ];;
gap> a := AgGroupFpGroup(g);
Group( f6.1, f6.2, f6.3, f6.4, f6.5, f6.6 )
gap> DimensionsLoewyFactors(a);
[ 1, 3, 9, 16, 30, 42, 62, 72, 87, 85, 87, 72, 62, 42, 30, 16, 9, 3,
1 ]
The default function GroupOps.DimensionsLoewyFactors computes the Jennings series of
Gand uses Jennings thereom in order to calculate the dimensions of the Loewy factors.
Let G=X1X2... Xl> Xl+1 ={1}be the Jennings series of G(see 7.40) and let di
be the dimensions of Xi/Xi+1. Then the Jennings polynomial is
(1 + xk+x2k+... +x(p1)k)dk.
7.48 EulerianFunction
EulerianFunction( G,n)
EulerianFunction returns the number of n-tuples (g1, g2, of elements of the group
Gthat generate the whole group G. The elements of a tuple need not be different.
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup( AgWords, 4 );;
gap> ss4 := SpecialAgGroup( s4 );;
gap> EulerianFunction( ss4, 1 );
gap> EulerianFunction( ss4, 2 );
gap> EulerianFunction( ss4, 3 );
Currently EulerianFunction can only be applied to special Ag groups (see 26).
7.49 Exponent
Exponent( G)
Let Gbe a finite group. Then Exponent returns the exponent of G.
Note that Exponent tests and sets G.exponent.
gap> Exponent( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ) );
The default function GroupOps.Exponent computes all elements of Gand their orders.
7.50 Factorization
Factorization( G,g)
Let Gbe a group with generators g1, ..., gnand let gbe an element of G.Factorization
returns a representation of gas word in the generators of G.
The group record of Gmust have a component G.abstractGenerators which contains a
list of nabstract words h1, ..., hn. Otherwise a list of nabstract generators is bound to
G.abstractGenerators. The function returns an abstract word h=he1
i1... hem
that ge1
i1... gem
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> Factorization( s4, (1,2,3) );
gap> (1,2,3,4)^3 * (1,2) * (1,2,3,4) * (1,2);
The default group function GroupOps.Factorization needs a finite group G. It computes
the set of elements of Gusing a Dimino algorithm, together with a representation of these
elements as words in the generators of G.
7.51. INDEX 289
7.51 Index
Index( G,U)
Let Ube a subgroup of G. Then Index returns the index of Uin Gas an integer.
Note that Index sets and checks U.index if Gis the parent group of U.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> Index( s4, DerivedSubgroup( s4 ) );
The default function GroupOps.Index needs a finite group G. It returns the quotient of
Size( G)and Size( U).
7.52 IsAbelian
IsAbelian( G)
IsAbelian returns true if the group Gis abelian and false otherwise.
A group Gis abelian if and only if for every g, h Gthe equation gh=hgholds.
Note that IsAbelian sets and tests the record component G.isAbelian. If Gis abelian it
also sets G.centre.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> IsAbelian( s4 );
gap> IsAbelian( Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2) ] ) );
The default group function GroupOps.IsAbelian returns true for a group Ggenerated by
g1, ..., gnif gicommutes with gjfor i>j.
7.53 IsCentral
IsCentral( G,U)
IsCentral returns true if the group Gcentralizes the group Uand false otherwise.
A group Gcentralizes a group Uif and only if for all gGand for all uUthe equation
gu=ugholds. Note that Uneed not to be a subgroup of Gbut they must have a
common parent group.
Note that IsCentral sets and tests U.isCentral if Gis the parent group of U.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] );;
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> IsCentral( s4, c2 );
gap> IsCentral( d8, c2 );
The default function GroupOps.IsCentral tests whether Gcentralizes Uby testing whether
the generators of Gcommutes with the generators of U.
7.54 IsConjugate
IsConjugate( G,x,y)
Let xand ybe elements of the parent group of G. Then IsConjugate returns true if xis
conjugate to yunder an element gof Gand false otherwise.
gap> s5 := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) )
gap> a5 := Subgroup( s5, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) ] )
gap> IsConjugate( a5, (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3,4,5)^2 );
gap> IsConjugate( s5, (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3,4,5)^2 );
The default function GroupOps.IsConjugate uses Representative (see 4.15) in order to
check whether xis conjugate to yunder G.
7.55 IsCyclic
IsCyclic( G)
IsCyclic returns true if Gis cyclic and false otherwise.
A group Gis cyclic if and only if there exists an element gGsuch that Gis generated
by g.
Note that IsCyclic sets and tests the record component G.isCyclic.
gap> z6 := Group( (1,2,3), (4,5) );;
gap> IsCyclic( z6 );
gap> z36 := AbelianGroup( AgWords, [ 9, 4 ] );;
gap> IsCyclic( z36 );
The default function GroupOps.IsCyclic returns false if Gis not an abelian group. Oth-
erwise it computes the abelian invariants (see 7.46) if Gis infinite. If Gis finite of order
n, where piare distinct primes, then Gis cyclic if and only if each Gpihas index pi
in G.
7.56 IsElementaryAbelian
IsElementaryAbelian( G)
IsElementaryAbelian returns true if the group Gis an elementary abelian p-group for a
prime pand false otherwise.
Ap-group Gis elementary abelian if and only if for every g, h Gthe equations gh=
hgand gp= 1 hold.
Note that the IsElementaryAbelian sets and tests G.isElementaryAbelian.
gap> z4 := Group( (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> IsElementaryAbelian( z4 );
gap> v4 := Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) );;
gap> IsElementaryAbelian( v4 );
The default function GroupOps.IsElementaryAbelian returns true if Gis abelian and for
some prime peach generator is of order p.
7.57 IsNilpotent
IsNilpotent( G)
IsNilpotent returns true if the group Gis nilpotent and false otherwise.
A group Gis nilpotent if and only if the lower central series of Gis of finite length and
reaches {1}.
Note that IsNilpotent sets and tests the record component G.isNilpotent.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> IsNilpotent( s4 );
gap> v4 := Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) );;
gap> IsNilpotent( v4 );
The default group function GroupOps.IsNilpotent computes the lower central series using
LowerCentralSeries (see 7.41) in order to check whether Gis nilpotent.
If Ghas an infinite set of elements a warning is given, as this function does not stop if G
has a lower central series of infinite length.
7.58 IsNormal
IsNormal( G,U)
IsNormal returns true if the group Gnormalizes the group Uand false otherwise.
A group Gnormalizes a group Uif and only if for every gGand uUthe element ug
is a member of U. Note that Uneed not be a subgroup of Gbut they must have a common
parent group.
Note that IsNormal tests and sets U.isNormal if Gis the parent group of U.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4) ] );;
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> IsNormal( s4, c2 );
gap> IsNormal( d8, c2 );
Let Gbe a finite group. Then the default function GroupOps.IsNormal checks whether the
conjugate of each generator of Uunder each generator of Gis an element of U.
If Gis an infinite group, then the default function GroupOps.IsNormal checks whether the
conjugate of each generator of Uunder each generator of Gand its inverse is an element of
7.59 IsPerfect
IsPerfect( G)
IsPerfect returns true if Gis a perfect group and false otherwise.
A group Gis perfect if Gis equal to its derived subgroup. See 7.22.
Note that IsPerfect sets and tests G.isPerfect.
gap> a4 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4) )
gap> IsPerfect( a4 );
gap> a5 := Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) );
Group( (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) )
gap> IsPerfect( a5 );
The default group function GroupOps.IsPerfect checks for a finite group Gthe index of G0
(see 7.22) in G. For an infinite group it computes the abelian invariants of the commutator
factor group (see 7.46 and 7.35).
7.60 IsSimple
IsSimple( G)
IsSimple returns true if Gis simple and false otherwise.
A group Gis simple if and only if Gand the trivial subgroup are the only normal subgroups
of G.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> IsSimple( DerivedSubgroup( s4 ) );
gap> s5 := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) )
gap> IsSimple( DerivedSubgroup( s5 ) );
7.61 IsSolvable
IsSolvable( G)
IsSolvable returns true if the group Gis solvable and false otherwise.
A group Gis solvable if and only if the derived series of Gis of finite length and reaches
Note that IsSolvable sets and tests G.isSolvable.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> IsSolvable( s4 );
7.62. ISSUBGROUP 293
The default function GroupOps.IsSolvable computes the derived series using the function
DerivedSeries (see 7.37) in order to see whether Gis solvable.
If Ghas an infinite set of elements a warning is given, as this function does not stop if G
has a derived series of infinite length.
7.62 IsSubgroup
IsSubgroup( G,U)
IsSubgroup returns true if Uis a subgroup of Gand false otherwise.
Note that Gand Umust have a common parent group. This function returns true if and
only if the set of elements of Uis a subset of the set of elements of G, it is not the inverse
of IsParent (see 7.7).
gap> s6 := Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6), (1,2) );;
gap> s4 := Subgroup( s6, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ] );;
gap> z2 := Subgroup( s6, [ (5,6) ] );;
gap> IsSubgroup( s4, z2 );
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s6, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> IsSubgroup( s4, v4 );
If the elements of Gare known, then the default function GroupOps.IsSubgroup checks
whether the set of generators of Uis a subset of the set of elements of G. Otherwise the
function checks whether each generator of Uis an element of Gusing in.
7.63 IsSubnormal
IsSubnormal( G,U)
IsSubnormal returns true if the subgroup Uof Gis subnormal in Gand false otherwise.
A subgroup Uof Gis subnormal if and only if there exists a series of subgroups G=G0>
G1> ... > Gn=Usuch that Giis normal in Gi1for all i∈ {1, ..., n}.
Note that Umust be a subgroup of G. The function sets and checks U.isSubnormal if G
is the parent group of G.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2) ] )
gap> IsSubnormal( s4, c2 );
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> IsSubnormal( s4, c2 );
The default function GroupOps.IsSubnormal uses SubnormalSeries (see 7.43) in order to
check if Uis subnormal in G.
7.64 IsTrivial for Groups
GroupOps.IsTrivial( G)
GroupOps.IsTrivial returns true if Gis the trivial group and false otherwise.
Note that Gis trivial if and only if the component generators of the group record of Gis
the empty list. It is faster to check this than to call IsTrivial.
7.65 GroupId
GroupId( G)
For certain small groups the function returns a record which will identify the isomorphism
type of Gwith respect to certain classifications. This record contains the components
described below.
The function will work for all groups of order at most 100 or whose order is a product of
at most three primes. Moreover if the ANU pq is installed and loaded (see 57.1 and 57.2)
you can also use GroupId to identify groups of order 128, 256, 243 and 729. In this case a
standard presentation for Gis computed (see 58.6) and the returned record will only contain
the components size,pGroupId, and possibly abelianInvariants. For 2- or 3-groups of
order at most 100 GroupId will return the pGroupId identifier even if the ANU pq is not
a pair [o, n] where ois the size of Gand nis the catalogue number of Gfollowing the
catalogue of groups of order at most 100. See 38.7 for further details. This catalogue
uses the Neubueser list for groups of order at most 100, excluding groups of orders
64 and 96 (see [Neu67]). It uses the lists developed by [HS64] and [Lau82] for orders
64 and 96 respectively.
Note that there are minor discrepancies between nand the number in [Neu67] for
abelian groups and groups of type D(p,q)xr. However, a solvable group Gis iso-
morphic to SolvableGroup(o, n), i.e., GroupId(SolvableGroup(o,n)).catalogue
will be [o,n].
If Gis a 2- or 3-group of order at most 100, its number in the appropriate p-group
library is also returned. Note that, for such groups, the number nusually differs from
the p-group identifier returned in pGroupId (see below).
if Gis non-abelian and its size is a product of at most three primes then 3primes
holds an identifier for G. The following isomorphisms are returned in 3primes:
["A",p] =A(p^3),["B",p] =B(p^3),["D",p,q,r] =D(p,q)xr,
["D",p,q] =D(p,q),["G",p,q] =G(p^2,q),["G",p,q,r,s] =G(p,q,r,s),
["H",p,q] =H(p^2,q),["H",p,q,r] =H(p,q,r),["K",p,q] =K(p,q^2),
["L",p,q,s] =L(p,q^2,s),["M",p,q] =M(p,q^2),["N",p,q] =N(p,q^2)
(see names below for a definition of A... N).
if Gis a 2- or 3-group, this will be the number of Gin the list of 2-groups of order
at most 256, prepared by Newman and O’Brien, or 3-groups of order at most 729,
7.65. GROUPID 295
prepared by O’Brien and Rhodes. In particular, for an integer nand for oa power
of 2 at most 256, GroupId(TwoGroup(o,n)).pGroupId is always n(and similarly for
3-groups). See 38.8 and 38.9 for details about the libraries of 2- and 3-groups. Note
that if Gis a 2- or 3-group of order at most 100 its pGroupId usually differs from
its GAP solvable library number returned in catalogue.
if Gis abelian, this is a list of abelian invariants.
a list of names of G. For non-abelian groups of order 96 this name is that used in the
Laue catalogue (see [Lau82]). For the other groups the following symbols are used.
Note that this list of names is neither complete, i.e., most of the groups of order 64
do not have a name even if they are of one of the types described below, nor does it
uniquely determine the group up to isomorphism in some cases.
mis the cyclic group of order m,
Dm is the dihedral group of order m,
Qm is the quaternion group of order m,
QDm is the quasi-dihedral group of order m,
Sm is the symmetric group on mpoints,
Am is the alternating group on mpoints,
SL(d,q) is the special linear group,
GL(d,q) is the general linear group,
PSL(d,q) is the projective special linear group,
K^n is the direct power of mcopies of K,
K$H is a wreath product of Kand H,
K:H is a split extension of Kby H,
K.H is a non-split extension of Kand H,
K+H is a subdirect product with identified factor groups of Kand H,
KYH is a central amalgamated product of the groups Kand H,
KxH is the direct product of Kand H,
A(p^3) is hA, B, C;Ap=Bp=Cp= [A, B] = [A, C] = 1,[B, C] = Ai,
B(p^3) is hA, B, C;Bp=Cp=A, Ap= [A, B]=[A, C] = 1,[B, C] = Ai,
D(p,q) is hA, B;Aq=Bp= 1, AB=Axisuch that p|q1, x6= 1 mod q, and xp= 1
mod q,
G(p^2,q) is hA, B, C;Ap=Bq= 1, Cp=A, [A, B]=[A, C]=1, BC=Bxisuch that
p|q1, x6= 1 mod q, and xp= 1 mod q,
G(p,q,r,s) is hA, B, C;Ar=Bq=Cp= [A, B]=1, AC=Ax, BC=B(ys)isuch
that p|q1, p|r1, xminimal with x6= 1 mod rand xp= 1 mod r,yminimal with
y6= 1 mod qand yp= 1 mod q, and 0 < s < p,
H(p^2,q) is hA, B;Aq=B(p2)= 1, AB=Axisuch that p2|q1, xp6= 1 mod q, and
x(p2)= 1 mod q,
H(p,q,r) is hA, B;Ar=Bpq = 1, AB=Axisuch that pq|r1, xp6= 1 mod r,xq6= 1
mod r, and xpq = 1 mod r,
K(p,q^2) is hA, B, C;Aq=Bq=Cp= [A, B] = 1, AC=Ax, BC=Bxisuch that
p|q1, x6= 1 mod q, and xp= 1 mod q,
L(p,q^2,s) is hA, B, C;Aq=Bq=Cp= [A, B] = 1, AC=Ax, BC=B(xs)isuch
that p|q1, x6= 1 mod q,xp= 1 mod q, and 1 <s<p, note that L(q,p^2,s)
L(q,p^2,t) iff st = 1 mod p,
M(p,q^2) is hA, B;A(q2)=Bp= 1, AB=Axisuch that p|q1, x6= 1 mod q2, and
xp= 1 mod q2,
N(p,q^2) is hA, B, C;Aq=Bq=Cp= [A, B]=1, AC=A1B, BC=A1Bxq+x1i
such that 2 < p,p|q+ 1, xis an element of order pmod q2,
^has the strongest, xthe weakest binding.
gap> q8 := SolvableGroup( 8, 5 );;
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup(4);;
gap> d8 := SylowSubgroup( s4, 2 );;
gap> GroupId(q8);
catalogue := [ 8, 5 ],
names := [ "Q8" ],
3primes := [ "B", 2 ],
size := 8,
pGroupId := 4 )
gap> GroupId(d8);
catalogue := [ 8, 4 ],
names := [ "D8" ],
3primes := [ "A", 2 ],
size := 8,
pGroupId := 3 )
gap> GroupId(s4);
catalogue := [ 24, 15 ],
names := [ "S4" ],
size := 24 )
gap> GroupId(DirectProduct(d8,d8));
catalogue := [ 64, 154 ],
names := [ "D8xD8" ],
size := 64,
pGroupId := 226 )
gap> GroupId(DirectProduct(q8,d8));
catalogue := [ 64, 155 ],
names := [ "D8xQ8" ],
size := 64,
pGroupId := 230 )
gap> GroupId( WreathProduct( CyclicGroup(2), CyclicGroup(4) ) );
catalogue := [ 64, 250 ],
names := [ ],
size := 64,
pGroupId := 32 )
gap> f := FreeGroup("c","b","a");; a:=f.3;;b:=f.2;;c:=f.1;;
gap> r := [ c^5, b^31, a^31, Comm(b,c)/b^7, Comm(a,c)/a, Comm(a,b) ];;
gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup( f / r );
Group( c, b, a )
gap> GroupId(g);
3primes := [ "L", 5, 31, 2 ],
names := [ "L(5,31^2,2)" ],
size := 4805 )
gap> RequirePackage("anupq");
gap> g := TwoGroup(256,4);
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )
gap> GroupId(g);
size := 256,
pGroupId := 4 )
gap> g := TwoGroup(256,232);
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 )
gap> GroupId(g);
size := 256,
pGroupId := 232 )
7.66 PermutationCharacter
PermutationCharacter( G,U)
computes the permutation character of the operation of Gon the cosets of U. The permu-
tation character is returned as list of integers such that the position contains the value
of the permutation character on the conjugacy class of G(see 7.68).
The value of the permutation character of Uin Gon a class cof Gis the number of
right cosets invariant under the action of an element of c.
gap> G := SymmetricPermGroup(5);;
gap> PermutationCharacter( G, SylowSubgroup(G,2) );
[ 15, 3, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
For small groups the default function GroupOps.PermutationCharacter calculates the per-
mutation character by inducing the trivial character of U. For large groups it counts the
fixed points by examining double cosets of Uand the subgroup generated by a class element.
7.67 Conjugacy Classes
The following sections describe how one can compute conjugacy classes of elements and
subgroups in a group (see 7.68 and 7.74). Further sections describe how conjugacy classes
of elements are created (see 7.69 and 7.71), and how they are implemented (see 7.72 and
7.73). Further sections describe how classes of subgroups are created (see 7.76 and 7.77),
and how they are implemented (see 7.78 and 7.79). Another section describes the function
that returns a conjugacy class of subgroups as a list of subgroups (see 7.83).
7.68 ConjugacyClasses
ConjugacyClasses( G)
ConjugacyClasses returns a list of the conjugacy classes of elements of the group G. The
elements in the list returned are conjugacy class domains as created by ConjugacyClass
(see 7.69). Because conjugacy classes are domains, all set theoretic functions can be applied
to them (see 4).
gap> a5 := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );; := "a5";;
gap> ConjugacyClasses( a5 );
[ ConjugacyClass( a5, () ), ConjugacyClass( a5, (3,4,5) ),
ConjugacyClass( a5, (2,3)(4,5) ), ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,4,5) ),
ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,5,4) ) ]
ConjugacyClasses first checks if G.conjugacyClasses is bound. If the component is
bound, it returns that value. Otherwise it calls G.operations.ConjugacyClasses( G),
remembers the returned value in G.conjugacyClasses, and returns it.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.ConjugacyClasses. This function takes
random elements in Gand tests whether such a random element glies in one of the already
known classes. If it does not it adds the new class ConjugacyClass( G,g)(see 7.69).
Also after adding a new class it tests whether any power of the representative gives rise to
a new class. It returns the list of classes when the sum of the sizes is equal to the size of G.
7.69 ConjugacyClass
ConjugacyClass( G,g)
ConjugacyClass returns the conjugacy class of the element gin the group G. Signals an
error if gis not an element in G. The conjugacy class is returned as a domain, so that all
set theoretic functions are applicable (see 4).
gap> a5 := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );; := "a5";;
gap> c := ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,4,5) );
ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,4,5) )
gap> Size( c );
gap> Representative( c );
gap> Elements( c );
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,4,5,3), (1,2,5,3,4), (1,3,5,4,2), (1,3,2,5,4),
(1,3,4,2,5), (1,4,3,5,2), (1,4,5,2,3), (1,4,2,3,5), (1,5,4,3,2),
(1,5,2,4,3), (1,5,3,2,4) ]
ConjugacyClass calls G.operations.ConjugacyClass( G,g)and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.ConjugacyClass, which creates a conju-
gacy class record (see 7.73) with the operations record ConjugacyClassOps (see 7.72). Look
in the index under ConjugacyClass to see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.70 PositionClass
PositionClass( G,g)
Gmust be a domain for which ConjugacyClasses is defined and gmust be an element of
G. This functions returns a positive integer isuch that g in ConjugacyClasses( G )[i].
gap> G := Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) );;
gap> ConjugacyClasses( G );
[ ConjugacyClass( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ), () ),
ConjugacyClass( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ), (3,4,5) ),
ConjugacyClass( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ), (2,3)(4,5) ),
ConjugacyClass( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ), (1,2,3,4,5) ),
ConjugacyClass( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ), (1,2,3,5,4) ) ]
gap> g := Random( G );
gap> PositionClass( G, g );
7.71 IsConjugacyClass
IsConjugacyClass( obj )
IsConjugacyClass returns true if obj is a conjugacy class as created by ConjugacyClass
(see 7.69) and false otherwise.
gap> a5 := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );; := "a5";;
gap> c := ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,4,5) );
ConjugacyClass( a5, (1,2,3,4,5) )
gap> IsConjugacyClass( c );
gap> IsConjugacyClass(
> [ (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,4,5,3), (1,2,5,3,4), (1,3,5,4,2),
> (1,3,2,5,4), (1,3,4,2,5), (1,4,3,5,2), (1,4,5,2,3),
> (1,4,2,3,5), (1,5,4,3,2), (1,5,2,4,3), (1,5,3,2,4) ] );
false # even though this is as a set equal to c
7.72 Set Functions for Conjugacy Classes
As mentioned above, conjugacy classes are domains, so all domain functions are applicable
to conjugacy classes (see 4). This section describes the functions that are implemented
especially for conjugacy classes. Functions not mentioned here inherit the default functions
mentioned in the respective sections.
In the following let Cbe the conjugacy class of the element gin the group G.
Elements( C)
The elements of the conjugacy class Care computed as the orbit of gunder G, where G
operates by conjugation.
Size( C)
The size of the conjugacy class Cis computed as the index of the centralizer of gin G.
hin C
To test whether an element hlies in C,in tests whether there is an element of Gthat takes
hto g. This is done by calling RepresentativeOperation(G,h,g)(see 8.25).
Random( C)
A random element of the conjugacy class Cis computed by conjugating gwith a random
element of G.
7.73 Conjugacy Class Records
A conjugacy class Cof an element gin a group Gis represented by a record with the
following components.
always true.
always true.
holds the group G.
holds the representative g.
The following component is optional. It is computed and assigned when the size of a
conjugacy class is computed.
holds the centralizer of gin G.
7.74 ConjugacyClassesSubgroups
ConjugacyClassesSubgroups( G)
ConjugacyClassesSubgroups returns a list of all conjugacy classes of subgroups of the
group G. The elements in the list returned are conjugacy class domains as created by
ConjugacyClassSubgroups (see 7.76). Because conjugacy classes are domains, all set the-
oretic functions can be applied to them (see 4).
In fact, ConjugacyClassesSubgroups computes much more than it returns, for it calls (indi-
rectly via the function G.operations.ConjugacyClassesSubgroups( G)) the Lattice
command (see 7.75), constructs the whole subgroup lattice of G, stores it in the record
component G.lattice, and finally returns the list G.lattice.classes. This means, in
particular, that it will fail if Gis non-solvable and its maximal perfect subgroup is not in
the built-in catalogue of perfect groups (see the description of the Lattice command 7.75
for details).
gap> # Conjugacy classes of subgroups of S4
7.75. LATTICE 301
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> := "s4";;
gap> cl := ConjugacyClassesSubgroups( s4 );
[ ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4, [ (3,4) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4, [ (2,3,4) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)
] ) ), ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4,
[ (3,4), (1,2) ] ) ), ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4,
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,4,2,3) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4, [ (2,3,4), (3,4) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4,
[ (3,4), (1,2), (1,3)(2,4) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, Subgroup( s4,
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4) ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s4, s4 ) ]
Each entry of the resulting list is a domain. As an example, let us take the seventh class in
the above list of conjugacy classes of S4.
gap> # Conjugacy classes of subgroups of S4 (continued)
gap> class7 := cl[7];;
gap> # Print the class representative subgroup.
gap> rep7 := Representative( class7 );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,4,2,3) ] )
gap> # Print the order of the class representative subgroup.
gap> Size( rep7 );
gap> # Print the number of conjugates.
gap> Size( class7 );
7.75 Lattice
Lattice( G)
Lattice returns the lattice of subgroups of the group Gin the form of a record L, say, which
contains certain lists with some appropriate information on the subgroups of Gand their
conjugacy classes. In particular, in its component L.classes,Lprovides the same list of all
conjugacy classes of all subgroups of Gas is returned by the ConjugacyClassesSubgroups
command (see 7.74).
The construction of the subgroup lattice record Lof a group Gmay be very time consuming.
Therefore, as soon as Lhas been computed for the first time, it will be saved as a component
G.lattice in the group record Gto avoid any duplication of that effort.
The underlying routines are a reimplementation of the subgroup lattice routines which have
been developed since 1958 by several people in Kiel and Aachen under the supervision of
Joachim Neub¨user. Their final version, written by Volkmar Felsch in 1984, has been available
since then in Cayley (see [BC92]) and has also been used in SOGOS (see [Leh89a]). The
current implementation in GAP3 by J¨urgen Mnich is described in [Mni92], a summary of
the method and references to all predecessors can be found in [FS84].
The Lattice command invokes the following procedure. In a first step, the solvable residu-
um P, say, of Gis computed and looked up in a built-in catalogue of perfect groups which is
given in the file LIBNAME/"lattperf.g". A list of subgroups is read off from that catalogue
which contains just one representative of each conjugacy class of perfect subgroups of P
and hence at least one representative of each conjugacy class of perfect subgroups of G.
Then, starting from the identity subgroup and the conjugacy classes of perfect subgroups,
the so called cyclic extension method is used to compute the non-perfect subgroups of
Gby forming for each class representative all its not yet involved cyclic extensions of prime
number index and adding their conjugacy classes to the list.
It is clear that this procedure cannot work if the catalogue of perfect groups does not contain
a group isomorphic to P. At present, it contains only all perfect groups of order less than
5000 and, in addition, the groups P SL(3,3), M11, and A8. If the Lattice command is
called for a group Gwith a solvable residuum Pnot in the catalogue, it will provide an
error message. As an example we handle the group SL(2,19) of order 6840.
gap> s := [ [4,0], [0,5] ] * Z( 19 )^0;;
gap> t := [ [4,4], [-9,-4] ] * Z(19)^0;;
gap> G := Group( s, t );;
gap> Size( G );
gap> Lattice( G );
Error, sorry, can’ t identify the group’s solvable residuum
However, if you know the perfect subgroups of G, you can use the Lattice command to
compute the whole subgroup lattice of Geven if the solvable residuum of Gis not in the
catalogue. All you have to do in such a case is to create a list of subgroups of Gwhich
contains at least one representative of each conjugacy class of proper perfect subgroups
of G, attach this list to the group record as a new component G.perfectSubgroups, and
then call the Lattice command. The existence of that record component will prevent GAP3
from looking up the solvable residuum of Gin the catalogue. Instead, it will insert the given
subgroups into the lattice, leaving it to you to guarantee that in fact all conjugacy classes
of proper perfect subgroups are involved.
If you miss classes, the resulting lattice will be incomplete, but you will not get any warning.
As long as you are aware of this fact, you may use this possibility to compute a sublattice
of the subgroup lattice of Gwithout getting the above mentioned error message even if the
solvable residuum of Gis not in the catalogue. In particular, you will get at least the classes
of all proper solvable subgroups of Gif you define G.perfectSubgroups to be an empty
As an example for the computation of the complete lattice of subgroups of a group which
is not covered by the catalogue, we handle the Mathieu group M12.
gap> # Define the Mathieu group M12.
gap> a := (2,3,5,7,11,9,8,12,10,6,4);;
gap> b := (3,6)(5,8)(9,11)(10,12);;
gap> c := (1,2)(3,4)(5,9)(6,8)(7,12)(10,11);;
gap> M12 := Group( a, b, c );;
7.75. LATTICE 303
gap> Print( "#I M12 has order ", Size( M12 ), "\n" );
#I M12 has order 95040
gap> # Define a list of proper perfect subgroups of M_12 and attach
gap> # it to the group record M12 as component M12.perfectSubgroups.
gap> L2_11a := Subgroup( M12, [ a, b ] );;
gap> M11a := Subgroup( M12, [ a, b, c*a^-1*b*a*c ] );;
gap> M11b := Subgroup( M12, [ a, b, c*a*b*a^-1*c ] );;
gap> x := a*b*a^2;;
gap> y := a*c*a^-1*b*a*c*a^6;;
gap> A6a := Subgroup( M12, [ x, y ] );;
gap> A5c := Subgroup( M12, [ x*y, x^3*y^2*x^2*y ] );;
gap> x := a^2*b*a;;
gap> y := a^6*c*a*b*a^-1*c*a;;
gap> A6b := Subgroup( M12, [ x, y ] );;
gap> A5d := Subgroup( M12, [ x*y, x^3*y^2*x^2*y ] );;
gap> x := a;;
gap> y := b*c*b;;
gap> z := c;;
gap> L2_11b := Subgroup( M12, [ x, y, z ] );;
gap> A5b := Subgroup( M12, [ y, x*z ] );;
gap> x := c;;
gap> y := b*a^-1*c*a*b;;
gap> z := a^2*b*a^-1*c*a*b*a^-2;;
gap> A5a := Subgroup( M12, [ (x*z)^2, (y*z)^2 ] );;
gap> M12.perfectSubgroups := [
> L2_11a, L2_11b, M11a, M11b, A6a, A6b, A5a, A5b, A5c, A5d ];;
gap> # Now compute the subgroup lattice of M12.
gap> lat := Lattice( M12 );
LatticeSubgroups( Group( ( 2, 3, 5, 7,11, 9, 8,12,10, 6, 4), ( 3, 6)
( 5, 8)( 9,11)(10,12), ( 1, 2)( 3, 4)( 5, 9)( 6, 8)( 7,12)(10,11) ) )
The Lattice command returns a record which represents a very complicated structure.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of M12 (continued)
gap> RecFields( lat );
[ "isLattice", "classes", "group", "printLevel", "operations" ]
Probably the most important component of the lattice record is the list lat.classes. Its
elements are domains. They are described in section 7.74. We can use this list, for instance,
to print the number of conjugacy classes of subgroups and the number of subgroups of M12.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of M12 (continued)
gap> n1 := Length( lat.classes );;
gap> n2 := Sum( [ 1 .. n1 ], i -> Size( lat.classes[i] ) );;
gap> Print( "#I M12 has ", n1, " classes of altogether ", n2,
> " subgroups\n" );
#I M12 has 147 classes of altogether 214871 subgroups
It would not make sense to get all components of a subgroup lattice record printed in full
detail whenever we ask GAP3 to print the lattice. Therefore, as you can see in the above
example, the default printout is just an expression of the form ”Lattice( group )”. However,
you can ask GAP3 to display some additional information in any subsequent printout of the
lattice by increasing its individual print level. This print level is stored (in the form of a
list of several print flags) in the lattice record and can be changed by an appropriate call of
the SetPrintLevel command described below.
The following example demonstrates the effect of the subgroup lattice print level.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of S4
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> lat := Lattice( s4 );
LatticeSubgroups( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ) )
The default subgroup lattice print level is 0. In this case, the print command provides just
the expression mentioned above.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of S4 (continued)
gap> SetPrintLevel( lat, 1 );
gap> lat;
#I class 1, size 1, length 1
#I class 2, size 2, length 3
#I class 3, size 2, length 6
#I class 4, size 3, length 4
#I class 5, size 4, length 1
#I class 6, size 4, length 3
#I class 7, size 4, length 3
#I class 8, size 6, length 4
#I class 9, size 8, length 3
#I class 10, size 12, length 1
#I class 11, size 24, length 1
LatticeSubgroups( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ) )
If the print level is set to a value greater than 0, you get, in addition, for each class a kind of
heading line. This line contains the position number and the length of the respective class
as well as the order of the subgroups in the class.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of S4 (continued)
gap> SetPrintLevel( lat, 2 );
gap> lat;
#I class 1, size 1, length 1
#I representative [ ]
#I maximals
#I class 2, size 2, length 3
#I representative [ (1,2)(3,4) ]
#I maximals [ 1, 1 ]
#I class 3, size 2, length 6
#I representative [ (3,4) ]
#I maximals [ 1, 1 ]
#I class 4, size 3, length 4
#I representative [ (2,3,4) ]
#I maximals [ 1, 1 ]
#I class 5, size 4, length 1
#I representative [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
7.75. LATTICE 305
#I maximals [ 2, 1 ] [ 2, 2 ] [ 2, 3 ]
#I class 6, size 4, length 3
#I representative [ (3,4), (1,2) ]
#I maximals [ 3, 1 ] [ 3, 4 ] [ 2, 1 ]
#I class 7, size 4, length 3
#I representative [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,4,2,3) ]
#I maximals [ 2, 1 ]
#I class 8, size 6, length 4
#I representative [ (2,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,1][3,1][3,2][3,3]
#I class 9, size 8, length 3
#I representative [ (3,4), (1,2), (1,3)(2,4) ]
#I maximals [ 7, 1 ] [ 6, 1 ] [ 5, 1 ]
#I class 10, size 12, length 1
#I representative [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4) ]
#I maximals[5,1][4,1][4,2][4,3][4,4]
#I class 11, size 24, length 1
#I representative [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ]
#I maximals[10,1][9,1][9,2][9,3][8,1]
LatticeSubgroups( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ) )
gap> PrintClassSubgroupLattice( lat, 8 );
#I class 8, size 6, length 4
#I representative [ (2,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,1][3,1][3,2][3,3]
If the subgroup lattice print level is at least 2, GAP3 prints, in addition, for each class repre-
sentative subgroup a set of generators and a list of its maximal subgroups, where each max-
imal subgroup is represented by a pair of integers consisting of its class number and its posi-
tion number in that class. As this information blows up the output, it may be convenient to
restrict it to a particular class. We can do this by calling the PrintClassSubgroupLattice
command described below.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of S4 (continued)
gap> SetPrintLevel( lat, 3 );
gap> PrintClassSubgroupLattice( lat, 8 );
#I class 8, size 6, length 4
#I representative [ (2,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,1][3,1][3,2][3,3]
#I conjugate 2 by (1,4,3,2) is [ (1,2,3), (2,3) ]
#I conjugate 3 by (1,2) is [ (1,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I conjugate 4 by (1,3)(2,4) is [ (1,2,4), (1,2) ]
If the subgroup lattice print level has been set to at least 3, GAP3 displays, in addition,
for each non-representative subgroup of a class its number in the class, an element which
transforms the class representative subgroup into that subgroup, and a set of generators.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of S4 (continued)
gap> SetPrintLevel( lat, 4 );
gap> PrintClassSubgroupLattice( lat, 8 );
#I class 8, size 6, length 4
#I representative [ (2,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,1][3,1][3,2][3,3]
#I conjugate 2 by (1,4,3,2) is [ (1,2,3), (2,3) ]
#I maximals[4,2][3,2][3,4][3,5]
#I conjugate 3 by (1,2) is [ (1,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,3][3,1][3,5][3,6]
#I conjugate 4 by (1,3)(2,4) is [ (1,2,4), (1,2) ]
#I maximals[4,4][3,4][3,6][3,3]
A subgroup lattice print level value of at least 4 causes GAP3 to list the maximal subgroups
not only for the class representatives, but also for the other subgroups.
gap> # Subgroup lattice of S4 (continued)
gap> SetPrintLevel( lat, 5 );
gap> PrintClassSubgroupLattice( lat, 8 );
#I class 8, size 6, length 4
#I representative [ (2,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,1][3,1][3,2][3,3]
#I minimals [ 11, 1 ]
#I conjugate 2 by (1,4,3,2) is [ (1,2,3), (2,3) ]
#I maximals[4,2][3,2][3,4][3,5]
#I minimals [ 11, 1 ]
#I conjugate 3 by (1,2) is [ (1,3,4), (3,4) ]
#I maximals[4,3][3,1][3,5][3,6]
#I minimals [ 11, 1 ]
#I conjugate 4 by (1,3)(2,4) is [ (1,2,4), (1,2) ]
#I maximals[4,4][3,4][3,6][3,3]
#I minimals [ 11, 1 ]
The maximal valid value of the subgroup lattice print level is 5. If it is set, GAP3 displays
not only the maximal subgroups, but also the minimal supergroups of each subgroup. This
is the most extensive output of a subgroup lattice record which you can get with the Print
command, but of course you can use the RecFields command (see 46.13) to list all record
components and then print them out individually in full detail.
If the computation of some subgroup lattice is very time consuming (as in the above example
of the Mathieu group M12), you might wish to see some intermediate printout which informs
you about the progress of the computation. In fact, you can get such messages by activating
a print mechanism which has been inserted into the subgroup lattice routines for diagnostic
purposes. All you have to do is to replace the call
lat := Lattice( M12 );
by the three calls
InfoLattice1 := Print;
lat := Lattice( M12 );
InfoLattice1 := Ignore;
Note, however, that the final numbering of the conjugacy classes of subgroups will differ
from the order in which they occur in the intermediate listing because they will be reordered
by increasing subgroup orders at the end of the construction.
PrintClassSubgroupLattice( lattice,n)
PrintClassSubgroupLattice prints information on the nth conjugacy class of subgroups
in the subgroup lattice lattice. The amount of this information depends on the current
value of the subgroup lattice print level of lattice. Note that the default of that print level is
zero which means that you will not get any output from the PrintClassSubgroupLattice
command without increasing it (see SetPrintLevel below). Examples are given in the
above description of the Lattice command.
SetPrintLevel( lattice,level )
SetPrintLevel changes the subgroup lattice print level of the subgroup lattice lattice to
the specified value level by an appropriate alteration of the list of print flags which is stored
in lattice.printLevel. The argument level is expected to be an integer between 0 and 5.
Examples of the effect of the subgroup lattice print level are given in the above description
of the Lattice command.
7.76 ConjugacyClassSubgroups
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( G,U)
ConjugacyClassSubgroups returns the conjugacy class of the subgroup Uin the group G.
Signals an error if Uis not a subgroup of G. The conjugacy class is returned as a domain,
so all set theoretic functions are applicable (see 4).
gap> s5 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5) );; := "s5";;
gap> a5 := DerivedSubgroup( s5 );
Subgroup( s5, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) ] )
gap> C := ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s5, a5 );
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s5, Subgroup( s5,
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) ] ) )
gap> Size( C );
Another example of such domains is given in section 7.74.
ConjugacyClassSubgroups calls
G.operations.ConjugacyClassSubgroups( G,U)and returns this value.
The default function called is GroupOps.ConjugacyClassSubgroups, which creates a conju-
gacy class record (see 7.79) with the operations record ConjugacyClassSubgroupsOps (see
7.78). Look in the index under ConjugacyClassSubgroups to see for which groups this
function is overlaid.
7.77 IsConjugacyClassSubgroups
IsConjugacyClassSubgroups( obj )
IsConjugacyClassSubgroups returns true if obj is a conjugacy class of subgroups as cre-
ated by ConjugacyClassSubgroups (see 7.76) and false otherwise.
gap> s5 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5) );; := "s5";;
gap> a5 := DerivedSubgroup( s5 );
Subgroup( s5, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (2,4)(3,5) ] )
gap> c := ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s5, a5 );
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( s5, Subgroup( s5,
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (2,4)(3,5) ] ) )
gap> IsConjugacyClassSubgroups( c );
gap> IsConjugacyClassSubgroups( [ a5 ] );
false # even though this is as a set equal to c
7.78 Set Functions for Subgroup Conjugacy Classes
As mentioned above, conjugacy classes of subgroups are domains, so all set theoretic func-
tions are also are applicable to conjugacy classes (see 4). This section describes the functions
that are implemented especially for conjugacy classes. Functions not mentioned here inherit
the default functions mentioned in the respective sections.
Elements( C)
The elements of the conjugacy class Cwith representative Uin the group Gare computed
by first finding a right transversal of the normalizer of Uin Gand by computing the
conjugates of Uwith the elements in the right transversal.
Vin C
Membership of a group Vis tested by comparing the set of contained cyclic subgroups of
prime power order of Vwith those of the groups in C.
Size( C)
The size of the conjugacy class Cwith representative Uin the group Gis computed as the
index of the normalizer of Uin G.
7.79 Subgroup Conjugacy Class Records
Each conjugacy class of subgroups Cis represented as a record with at least the following
always true, because conjugacy classes of subgroups are domains.
as well, this entry is always set to true.
The group in which the members of this conjugacy class lie. This is not necessarily a
parent group; it may also be a subgroup.
The representative of the conjugacy class of subgroups as domain.
The following components are optional and may be bound by some functions which compute
or make use of their value.
The normalizer of C.representative in
A special entry that is used when the conjugacy classes of subgroups are computed
by ConjugacyClassesSubgroups. It determines the normalizer of the subgroup
C.representative. It is a list of length 2. The first element is another conju-
gacy class D(in the same group), the second is an element gin The
normalizer of C.representative is then D.representative ^ g.
A right transversal of the normalizer of C.representative in Thus the
elements of the class Ccan be computed by conjugating C.representative with
those elements.
7.80 ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups
ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups( G)
ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups returns a list of conjugacy classes of maximal sub-
groups of the group G.
A subgroup Hof Gis maximal if His a proper subgroup and for all subgroups Iof G
with H < I Gthe equality I=Gholds.
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup( AgWords, 4 );;
gap> ss4 := SpecialAgGroup( s4 );;
gap> ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups( ss4 );
[ ConjugacyClassSubgroups( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), Subgroup( Group(
g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g2, g3, g4 ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), Subgroup( Group(
g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g3, g4 ] ) ),
ConjugacyClassSubgroups( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), Subgroup( Group(
g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g2 ] ) ) ]
The generic method computes the entire lattice of conjugacy classes of subgroups (see 7.75)
and returns the maximal ones.
MaximalSubgroups (see 7.81) computes the list of all maximal subgroups.
7.81 MaximalSubgroups
MaximalSubgroups( G)
MaximalSubgroups calculates all maximal subroups of the special ag group G.
gap> s4 := SymmetricGroup( AgWords, 4 );;
gap> ss4 := SpecialAgGroup( s4 );;
gap> MaximalSubgroups( ss4 );
[ Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g2, g3, g4 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g3, g4 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1*g2^2, g3, g4 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1*g2, g3, g4 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g2 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g2*g3*g4 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1*g4, g2*g4 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1*g4, g2*g3 ] ) ]
ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups (see 7.80) computes the list of conjugacy classes of
maximal subgroups.
7.82 NormalSubgroups
NormalSubgroups( G)
NormalSubgroups returns a list of all normal subgroups of G. The subgroups are sorted
according to their sizes.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "s4";;
gap> NormalSubgroups( s4 );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,4)(2,3) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (2,3,4), (1,3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (3,4), (1,4), (1,2,4) ] ) ]
The default function GroupOps.NormalSubgroups uses the conjugacy classes of Gand nor-
mal closures in order to compute the normal subgroups.
7.83 ConjugateSubgroups
ConjugateSubgroups( G,U)
ConjugateSubgroups returns the orbit of Uunder Gacting by conjugation (see 7.20) as
list of subgroups. Uand Gmust have a common parent group.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] )
gap> ConjugateSubgroups( s4, s3 );
[ Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] ),
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (2,3,4), (2,3) ] ),
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,3,4), (3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,2,4), (1,4) ] ) ]
7.84 Cosets of Subgroups
The following sections describe how one can compute the right, left, and double cosets of
subgroups (see 7.85, 7.90, 7.93). Further sections describe how cosets are created (see 7.86,
7.87, 7.91, 7.92, 7.94, and 7.95), and their implementation (see 7.88, 7.89, 7.96, and 7.97).
A coset is a GAP3 domain, which is different from a group. Altough the set of elements
of a group and its trivial coset are equal, the group functions do not take trivial cosets as
arguments. A trivial coset must be convert into a group using AsGroup (see 7.10) in order
to be used as group.
7.85 RightCosets
Cosets( G,U)
RightCosets( G,U)
Cosets and RightCosets return a list of the right cosets of the subgroup Uin the group
G. The list is not sorted, i.e., the right cosets may appear in any order. The right cosets
are domains as constructed by RightCoset (see 7.86).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> := "G";;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );;
gap> RightCosets( G, U );
[ (Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*()),
(Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*(2,4,3)),
(Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*(2,3)),
(Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*(1,2,4,3)),
(Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*(1,2,3)),
(Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*(1,3)(2,4)) ]
If Gis the parent of U, the dispatcher RightCosets first checks whether Uhas a compo-
nent rightCosets. If Uhas this component, it returns that value. Otherwise it calls
G.operations.RightCosets(G,U), remembers the returned value in U.rightCosets
and returns it. If Gis not the parent of U,RightCosets directly calls the function
G.operations.RightCosets(G,U)and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.RightCosets, which calls Orbit( G,
RightCoset( U), OnRight ). Look up RightCosets in the index, to see for which groups
this function is overlaid.
7.86 RightCoset
Coset( U,u)
RightCoset( U,u)
Coset( U)
RightCoset( U)
The first three forms return the right coset of the subgroup Uwith the representative u.u
must lie in the parent group of U, otherwise an error is signalled. In the last two forms the
right coset of Uwith the identity element of the parent of Uas representative is returned.
In each case the right coset is returned as a domain, so all domain functions are applicable
to right cosets (see chapter 4 and 7.88).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );;
gap> U * (1,2,3);
(Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )*(1,2,3))
RightCosets (see 7.85) computes the set of all right cosets of a subgroup in a group.
LeftCoset (see 7.91) constructs left cosets.
RightCoset calls U.operations.RightCoset( U,u)and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.RightCoset, which creates a right coset
record (see 7.89) with the operations record RightCosetGroupOps (see 7.88). Look up the
entries for RightCoset in the index to see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.87 IsRightCoset
IsRightCoset( obj )
IsCoset( obj )
IsRightCoset and IsCoset return true if the object obj is a right coset, i.e., a record with
the component isRightCoset with value true, and false otherwise. Will signal an error
if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> C := Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ (1,2,3) ] ) * (1,2);;
gap> IsRightCoset( C );
gap> D := (1,2) * Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ (1,2,3) ] );;
gap> IsCoset( D );
false # note that Dis a left coset record,
gap> C = D;
true # though as a set, it is of course also a right coset
gap> IsCoset( 17 );
7.88 Set Functions for Right Cosets
Right cosets are domains, thus all set theoretic functions are applicable to cosets (see chapter
4). The following describes the functions that are implemented especially for right cosets.
Functions not mentioned here inherit the default function mentioned in the respective sec-
More technically speaking, all right cosets of generic groups have the operations record
RightCosetGroupOps, which inherits its functions from DomainOps and overlays the com-
ponents mentioned below with more efficient functions.
In the following let Cbe the coset U*u.
Elements( C)
To compute the proper set of elements of a right coset Cthe proper set of elements of the
subgroup Uis computed, each element is multiplied by u, and the result is sorted.
IsFinite( C)
This returns the result of applying IsFinite to the subgroup U.
Size( C)
This returns the result of applying Size to the subgroup U.
If Cand Dare both right cosets of the same subgroup, =returns true if the quotient of
the representatives lies in the subgroup U, otherwise the test is delegated to DomainOps.=.
hin U
If his an element of the parent group of U, this returns true if the quotient h/ulies in
the subgroup U, otherwise the test is delegated to
Intersection( C,D)
If Cand Dare both right cosets of subgroups Uand Vwith the same parent group the
result is a right coset of the intersection of Uand V. The representative is found by a
random search for a common element. In other cases the computation of the intersection is
delegated to DomainOps.Intersection.
Random( C)
This takes a random element of the subgroup Uand returns the product of this element by
the representative u.
Print( C)
A right coset Cis printed as (U*u)(the parenthesis are used to avoid confusion about
the precedence, which could occur if the coset is part of a larger object).
If vis an element of the parent group of the subgroup U, the result is a new right coset of
Uwith representative u*v. Otherwise the result is obtained by multiplying the proper
set of elements of Cwith the element v, which may signal an error.
The result is obtained by multiplying the proper set of elements of the coset Cwith the
element v, which may signal an error.
7.89 Right Cosets Records
A right coset is represented by a domain record with the following tag components.
always true.
always true.
The right coset is determined by the following identity components, which every right coset
record has.
the subgroup Uof which this right coset is a right coset.
an element of the right coset. It is unspecified which element.
In addition, a right coset record may have the following optional information components.
if present the proper set of elements of the coset.
if present this is true if the coset is finite, and false if the coset is infinite. If not
present it is not known whether the coset is finite or infinite.
if present the size of the coset. Is ”infinity” if the coset is infinite. If not present the
size of the coset is not known.
7.90 LeftCosets
LeftCosets( G,U)
LeftCosets returns a list of the left cosets of the subgroup Uin the group G. The list is
not sorted, i.e., the left cosets may appear in any order. The left cosets are domains as
constructed by LeftCosets (see 7.90).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> := "G";;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );;
gap> LeftCosets( G, U );
[ (()*Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )),
((2,3,4)*Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )),
((2,3)*Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )),
((1,3,4,2)*Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )),
((1,3,2)*Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )),
((1,3)(2,4)*Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )) ]
If Gis the parent of U, the dispatcher LeftCosets first checks whether Uhas a component
leftCosets. If Uhas this component, it returns that value. Otherwise LeftCosets calls
G.operations.LeftCosets(G,U), remembers the returned value in U.leftCosets and
returns it. If Gis not the parent of U,LeftCosets calls G.operations.LeftCosets(G,U)
directly and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.LeftCosets, which calls RightCosets(
G,U)and turns each right coset U*uinto the left coset u^-1 * U. Look up the
entries for LeftCosets in the index, to see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.91 LeftCoset
LeftCoset( U,u)
LeftCoset( U)
LeftCoset is exactly like RightCoset, except that it constructs left cosets instead of right
cosets. So everything that applies to RightCoset applies also to LeftCoset, with right
replaced by left (see 7.86, 7.88, 7.89).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );;
gap> (1,2,3) * U;
((1,2,3)*Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ))
LeftCosets (see 7.90) computes the set of all left cosets of a subgroup in a group.
7.92 IsLeftCoset
IsLeftCoset( obj )
IsLeftCoset returns true if the object obj is a left coset, i.e., a record with the component
isLeftCoset with value true, and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is an unbound
gap> C := (1,2) * Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ (1,2,3) ] );;
gap> IsLeftCoset( C );
gap> D := Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ (1,2,3) ] ) * (1,2);;
gap> IsLeftCoset( D );
false # note that Dis a right coset record,
gap> C = D;
true # though as a set, it is of course also a left coset
gap> IsLeftCoset( 17 );
IsRightCoset (see 7.87) tests if an object is a right coset.
7.93 DoubleCosets
DoubleCosets( G,U,V)
DoubleCosets returns a list of the double cosets of the subgroups Uand Vin the group
G. The three groups G,Uand Vmust have a common parent. The list is not sorted, i.e.,
the double cosets may appear in any order. The double cosets are domains as constructed
by DoubleCoset (see 7.94).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );; := "U";;
gap> DoubleCosets( G, U, U );
[ DoubleCoset( U, (), U ), DoubleCoset( U, (2,3), U ),
DoubleCoset( U, (1,3)(2,4), U ) ]
DoubleCosets calls G.operations.DoubleCoset( G,U,V)and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.DoubleCosets, which takes random ele-
ments from G, tests if this element lies in one of the already found double cosets, adds the
double coset if this is not the case, and continues this until the sum of the sizes of the found
double cosets equals the size of G. Look up DoubleCosets in the index, to see for which
groups this function is overlaid.
7.94 DoubleCoset
DoubleCoset( U,u,V)
DoubleCoset returns the double coset with representative uand left group Uand right
group V.Uand Vmust have a common parent and umust lie in this parent, otherwise
an error is signaled. Double cosets are domains, so all domain function are applicable to
double cosets (see chapter 4 and 7.96).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );;
gap> D := DoubleCoset( U, (1,2,3), U );
DoubleCoset( Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ),
(1,2,3), Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ) )
gap> Size( D );
DoubleCosets (see 7.93) computes the set of all double cosets of two subgroups in a group.
DoubleCoset calls U.operations.DoubleCoset(U,u,V)and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.DoubleCoset, which creates a double
coset record (see 7.97) with the operations record DoubleCosetGroupOps (see 7.96). Look
up DoubleCosets in the index to see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.95 IsDoubleCoset
IsDoubleCoset( obj )
IsDoubleCoset returns true if the object obj is a double coset, i.e., a record with the
component isDoubleCoset with value true, and false otherwise. Will signal an error if
obj is an unbound variable.
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> U := Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );;
gap> D := DoubleCoset( U, (1,2,3), U );;
gap> IsDoubleCoset( D );
7.96 Set Functions for Double Cosets
Double cosets are domains, thus all set theoretic functions are applicable to double cosets
(see chapter 4). The following describes the functions that are implemented especially for
double cosets. Functions not mentioned here inherit the default functions mentioned in the
respective sections.
More technically speaking, double cosets of generic groups have the operations record
DoubleCosetGroupOps, which inherits its functions from DomainOps and overlays the com-
ponents mentioned below with more efficient functions.
Most functions below use the component D.rightCosets that contains a list of right cosets
of the left group Uwhose union is this double coset. If this component is unbound they will
compute it by computing the orbit of the right group Von the right coset U*u, where u
is the representative of the double coset (see 7.97).
Elements( D)
To compute the proper set of elements the union of the right cosets D.rightCosets is
IsFinite( D)
This returns the result of IsFinite( U) and IsFinite( V).
Size( D)
This returns the size of the left group Utimes the number of cosets in D.rightCosets.
If Cand Dare both double cosets with the same left and right groups this returns the result
of testing whether the representative of Clies in D. In other cases the test is delegated to
gin D
If gis an element of the parent group of the left and right group of D, this returns true if
glies in one of the right cosets in D.rightCosets. In other cases the the test is delegated
Intersection( C,D)
If Cand Dare both double cosets that are equal, this returns C. If Cand Dare both
double cosets with the same left and right groups that are not equal, this returns []. In all
other cases the computation is delegated to DomainsOps.Intersection.
Random( D)
This takes a random right coset from D.rightCosets and returns the result of applying
Random to this right coset.
Print( D)
This prints the double coset in the form DoubleCoset( U,u,V).
Those returns the result of multiplying the proper set of element of Dwith the element g,
which may signal an error.
7.97 Double Coset Records
A double coset is represented by a domain record with the following tag components.
always true.
always true.
The double coset is determined by the following identity components, which every double
coset must have.
the left subgroup U.
the right subgroup V.
an element of the double coset. It is unspecified which element.
In addition, a double coset record may have the following optional information components.
a list of disjoint right cosets of the left subgroup U, whose union is the double coset.
if present the proper set of elements of the double coset.
if present this is true if the double coset is finite and false if the double coset is
infinite. If not present it is not known whether the double coset is finite or infinite.
if present the size of the double coset. Is ”infinity” if the coset is infinite. If not
present the size of the double coset is not known.
7.98 Group Constructions
The following functions construct new parent groups from given groups (see 7.99, 7.101,
7.103 and 7.104).
7.99 DirectProduct
DirectProduct( G1, ..., Gn)
DirectProduct returns a group record of the direct product Dof the groups G1, ...., Gn
which need not to have a common parent group, it is even possible to construct the direct
product of an ag group with a permutation group.
Note that the elements of the direct product may be just represented as records. But more
complicate constructions, as for instance installing a new collector, may be used. The choice
of method strongly depends on the type of group arguments.
Embedding( U,D,i)
Let Ube a subgroup of Gi.Embedding returns a homomorphism of Uinto Dwhich
describes the embedding of Uin D.
Projection( D,U,i)
Let Ube a supergroup of Gi.Projection returns a homomorphism of Dinto Uwhich
describes the projection of Donto Gi.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> S4 := AgGroup( s4 );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> D := DirectProduct( s4, S4 );
Group( DirectProductElement(
(1,2,3,4), IdAgWord ), DirectProductElement(
(1,2), IdAgWord ), DirectProductElement( (),
g1 ), DirectProductElement( (), g2 ), DirectProductElement( (),
g3 ), DirectProductElement( (), g4 ) )
gap> pr := Projection( D, s4, 1 );;
gap> Image( pr );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
7.100 DirectProduct for Groups
GroupOps.DirectProduct( L)
Let Lbe a list of groups G1, ..., Gn. Then a group element gof the direct product Dis
represented as record containing the following components.
a list g1G1, ..., gnGndescribing g.
contains GroupElements.
contains true.
contains true.
contains the operations record DirectProductElementOps (see 4.5).
7.101 SemidirectProduct
SemidirectProduct( G,a,H)
SemidirectProduct returns the semidirect product of Gwith H.amust be a homomor-
phism that from Gonto a group Athat operates on Hvia the caret (^) operator. Amay
either be a subgroup of the parent group of Hthat normalizes H, or a subgroup of the
automorphism group of H, i.e., a group of automorphisms (see 7.106).
The semidirect product of Gand His a the group of pairs (g, h) with gGand hH,
where the product of (g1, h1)(g2, h2) is defined as (g1g2, hga
1h2). Note that the elements
(1G, h) form a normal subgroup in the semidirect product.
Embedding( U,S,1)
Let Ube a subgroup of G.Embedding returns the homomorphism of Uinto the semidirect
product Swhere uis mapped to (u,1).
Embedding( U,S,2)
Let Ube a subgroup of H.Embedding returns the homomorphism of Uinto the semidirect
product Swhere uis mapped to (1,u).
Projection( S,G,1)
Projection returns the homomorphism of Sonto G, where (g,h)is mapped to g.
Projection( S,H,2)
Projection returns the homomorphism of Sonto H, where (g,h)is mapped to h.
It is not specified how the elements of the semidirect product are represented. Thus
Embedding and Projection are the only general possibility to relate Gand Hwith the
semidirect product.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );; := "s4";;
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] );; := "s3";;
gap> a4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ] );; := "a4";;
gap> a := IdentityMapping( s3 );;
gap> s := SemidirectProduct( s3, a, a4 );
Group( SemidirectProductElement( (1,2),
(1,2), () ), SemidirectProductElement( (1,2,3),
(1,2,3), () ), SemidirectProductElement( (), (),
(1,2,3) ), SemidirectProductElement( (), (), (2,3,4) ) )
gap> Size( s );
Note that the three arguments of SemidirectProductElement are the element g, its image
under a, and the element h.
SemidirectProduct calls the function G.operations.SemidirectProduct with the argu-
ments G,a, and H, and returns the result.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.SemidirectProduct. This function con-
structs the semidirect product as a group of semidirect product elements (see 7.102). Look
in the index under SemidirectProduct to see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.102 SemidirectProduct for Groups
The function GroupOps.SemidirectProduct constructs the semidirect product as a group
of semidirect product elements. In the following let G,a, and Hbe the arguments of
Each such element (g,h)is represented by a record with the following components.
the list [g,h].
contains the image of gunder a.
always true.
always true.
contains GroupElements.
contains the operations record SemidirectProductOps.
The operations of semidirect product elements in done in the obvious way.
7.103 SubdirectProduct
SubdirectProduct( G1 ,G2 ,h1 ,h2 )
SubdirectProduct returns the subdirect product of the groups G1 and G2 .h1 and h2
must be homomorphisms from G1 and G2 into a common group H.
The subdirect product of G1and G2is the subgroup of the direct product of G1and G2of
those elements (g1, g2) with gh1
2. This subgroup is generated by the elements (g1, xg1),
where g1loops over the generators of G1and xg1G2is an arbitrary element such that
g1together with the element (1G, k2) where k2loops over the generators of the
kernel of h2.
Projection( S,G1 ,1)
Projection returns the projection of Sonto G1 , where (g1 ,g2 )is mapped to g1 .
Projection( S,G2 ,2)
Projection returns the projection of Sonto G2 , where (g1 ,g2 )is mapped to g2 .
It is not specified how the elements of the subdirect product are represented. Therefor
Projection is the only general possibility to relate G1 and G2 with the subdirect product.
gap> s3 := Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) );;
gap> c3 := Subgroup( s3, [ (1,2,3) ] );;
gap> x1 := Operation( s3, Cosets( s3, c3 ), OnRight );;
gap> h1 := OperationHomomorphism( s3, x1 );;
gap> d8 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) );;
gap> c4 := Subgroup( d8, [ (1,2,3,4) ] );;
gap> x2 := Operation( d8, Cosets( d8, c4 ), OnRight );;
gap> h2 := OperationHomomorphism( d8, x2 );;
gap> s := SubdirectProduct( s3, d8, h1, h2 );
Group( (1,2,3), (1,2)(5,7), (4,5,6,7) )
gap> Size( s );
SubdirectProduct calls the function G1 .operations.SubdirectProduct with the argu-
ments G1 ,G2 ,h1 , and h2 .
The default function called this way is GroupOps.SubdirectProduct. This function con-
structs the subdirect product as a subgroup of the direct product. The generators for this
subgroup are computed as described above.
7.104 WreathProduct
WreathProduct( G,H)
WreathProduct( G,H,α)
In the first form of WreathProduct the right regular permutation representation of Hon its
elements is used as the homomorphism α. In the second form αmust be a homomorphism
of Hinto a permutation group. Let dbe the degree of the range of α. Then WreathProduct
returns the wreath product of Gby Hwith respect to α, that is the semi-direct product of
the direct product of dcopies of Gwhich are permuted by Hthrough application of αto
gap> s3 := Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) )
gap> z2 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 2 );
Group( c2 )
gap> f := IdentityMapping( s3 );
IdentityMapping( Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) ) )
gap> w := WreathProduct( z2, s3, f );
Group( WreathProductElement(
c2, IdAgWord, IdAgWord, (), () ), WreathProductElement( IdAgWord,
c2, IdAgWord, (), () ), WreathProductElement( IdAgWord, IdAgWord,
c2, (), () ), WreathProductElement( IdAgWord, IdAgWord, IdAgWord,
(1,2,3) ), WreathProductElement( IdAgWord, IdAgWord, IdAgWord, (1,2),
(1,2) ) )
gap> Factors( Size( w ) );
7.105 WreathProduct for Groups
GroupOps.WreathProduct( G,H,α)
Let dbe the degree of α.range. A group element of the wreath product Wis represented
as a record containing the following components.
a list of delements of Gfollowed by an element hof H.
the image of hunder α.
contains GroupElements.
contains true.
contains true.
contains the operations record WreathProductElementOps (see 4.5).
7.106 Group Homomorphisms
Since groups is probably the most important category of domains in GAP3 group homomor-
phisms are probably the most important homomorphisms (see chapter 44)
Agroup homomorphism φis a mapping that maps each element of a group G, called
the source of φ, to an element of another group H, called the range of φ, such that for each
pair x, y Gwe have (xy)φ=xφyφ.
Examples of group homomorphisms are the natural homomorphism of a group into a factor
group (see 7.110) and the homomorphism of a group into a symmetric group defined by an
operation (see 8.21). Look under group homomorphisms in the index for a list of all
available group homomorphisms.
Since group homomorphisms are just a special case of homomorphisms, all functions de-
scribed in chapter 44 are applicable to all group homomorphisms, e.g., the function to test
if a homomorphism is an automorphism (see 44.6). More general, since group homomor-
phisms are just a special case of mappings all functions described in chapter 43 are also
applicable, e.g., the function to compute the image of an element under a group homomor-
phism (see 43.8).
The following sections describe the functions that test whether a mapping is a group ho-
momorphism (see 7.107), compute the kernel of a group homomorphism (see 7.108), how
the general mapping functions are implemented for group homomorphisms (see 7.109), the
natural homomorphism of a group onto a factor group (see 7.110), homomorphisms by con-
jugation (see 7.111, 7.112), and the most general group homomorphism, which is defined by
simply specifying the images of a set of generators (see 7.113).
7.107 IsGroupHomomorphism
IsGroupHomomorphism( map )
IsGroupHomomorphism returns true if the function map is a group homomorphism and
false otherwise. Signals an error if map is a multi value mapping.
A mapping map is a group homomorphism if its source Gand range Hare both groups and
if for every pair of elements x, y Git holds that (xy)map =xmapymap.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> phi := NaturalHomomorphism( s4, s4/v4 );;
gap> IsGroupHomomorphism( phi );
gap> IsHomomorphism( phi );
true # since the source is a group this is equivalent to the above
gap> IsGroupHomomorphism( FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(16) ) );
false # it is a field automorphism
IsGroupHomomorphism first tests if the flag map.isGroupHomomorphism is bound. If the
flag is bound, IsGroupHomomorphism returns its value. Otherwise it calls
map.source.operations.IsGroupHomomorphism( map ), remembers the returned value
in map.isGroupHomomorphism, and returns it. Note that of course all functions that create
group homomorphisms set the flag map.isGroupHomomorphism to true, so that no function
is called for those group homomorphisms.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsGroupHomomorphism. It computes
all the elements of the source of map and for each such element xand each generator y
tests whether (xy)map =xmapymap. Look under IsHomomorphism in the index to see
for which mappings this function is overlaid.
7.108 KernelGroupHomomorphism
KernelGroupHomomorphism( hom )
KernelGroupHomomorphism returns the kernel of the group homomorphism hom as a sub-
group of the group hom.source.
The kernel of a group homomorphism hom is the subset of elements xof the source Gthat
are mapped to the identity of the range H, i.e., xhom =H.identity.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> phi := NaturalHomomorphism( s4, s4/v4 );;
gap> KernelGroupHomomorphism( phi );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> Kernel( phi );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
# since the source is a group this is equivalent to the above
gap> rho := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s4, Group( (1,2) ),
> [ (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ], [ (1,2), (1,2) ] );;
gap> Kernel( rho );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (2,4,3), (1,4,3) ] )
KernelGroupHomomorphism first tests if hom.kernelGroupHomomorphism is bound. If it is
bound, KernelGroupHomomorphisms returns that value. Otherwise it calls
hom.operations.KernelGroupHomomorphism( hom ), remembers the returned value in
hom.kernelGroupHomomorphism, and returns it.
The default function for this is MappingOps.KernelGroupHomomorphism, which simply tries
random elements of the source of hom, until the subgroup generated by those that map
to the identity has the correct size, i.e., Size( hom.source ) / Size( Image( hom ) ).
Note that this implies that the image of hom and its size are computed. Look under Kernel
in the index to see for which group homomorphisms this function is overlaid.
7.109 Mapping Functions for Group Homomorphisms
This section describes how the mapping functions defined in chapter 43 are implemented
for group homomorphisms. Those functions not mentioned here are implemented by the
default functions described in the respective sections.
IsInjective( hom )
The group homomorphism hom is injective if the kernel of hom KernelGroupHomomorphism(
hom )(see 7.108) is trivial.
IsSurjective( hom )
The group homomorphism hom is surjective if the size of the image Size( Image( hom )
)(see 43.8 and below) is equal to the size of the range Size( hom.range ).
hom1 =hom2
The two group homomorphisms hom1 and hom2 are equal if the have the same source and
range and if the images of the generators of the source under hom1 and hom2 are equal.
hom1 <hom2
By definition hom1 is smaller than hom2 if either the source of hom1 is smaller than the
source of hom2 , or, if the sources are equal, if the range of hom1 is smaller than the range
of hom2 , or, if sources and ranges are equal, the image of the smallest element xof the
source for that the images are not equal under hom1 is smaller than the image under hom2 .
Therefor GroupHomomorphismOps.< first compares the sources and the ranges. For group
homomorphisms with equal sources and ranges only the images of the smallest irredundant
generating system are compared. A generating system g1, g2, ..., gnis called irredundant if
no gilies in the subgroup generated by g1, ..., gi1. The smallest irredundant generating
system is simply the smallest such generating system with respect to the lexicographical
Image( hom )
Image( hom,H)
Images( hom,H)
The image of a subgroup under a group homomorphism is computed by computing the
images of a set of generators of the subgroup, and the result is the subgroup generated by
those images.
PreImages( hom,elm )
The preimages of an element under a group homomorphism are computed by computing a
representative with PreImagesRepresentative( hom,elm )and the result is the coset
of Kernel( hom )containing this representative.
PreImage( hom )
PreImage( hom,H)
PreImages( hom,H)
The preimages of a subgroup under a group homomorphism are computed by computing
representatives of the preimages of all the generators of the subgroup, adding the generators
of the kernel of hom, and the result is the subgroup generated by those elements.
Look under IsInjective,IsSurjective,equality,ordering,Image,Images,PreImage,
and PreImages in the index to see for which group homomorphisms these functions are
7.110 NaturalHomomorphism
NaturalHomomorphism( G,F)
NaturalHomomorphism returns the natural homomorphism of the group Ginto the factor
group F.Fmust be a factor group, i.e., the result of FactorGroup(H,N)(see 7.33) or
H/N(see 7.117), and Gmust be a subgroup of H.
Mathematically the factor group H/N consists of the cosets of N, and the natural homomor-
phism φmaps each element hof Hto the coset Nh. Note that in GAP3 the representation
of factor group elements is unspecified, but they are never cosets (see 7.87), because cosets
are domains and not group elements in GAP3. Thus the natural homomorphism is the only
connection between a group and one of its factorgroups.
Gis the source of the natural homomorphism φ,Fis its range. Note that because Gmay be
a proper subgroup of the group Hof which Fis a factor group φneed not be surjective, i.e.,
the image of φmay be a proper subgroup of F. The kernel of φis of course the intersection
of Nand G.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> := "v4";;
gap> phi := NaturalHomomorphism( s4, s4/v4 );;
gap> (1,2,3) ^ phi;
FactorGroupElement( v4, (2,4,3) )
gap> PreImages( phi, last );
gap> (1,2,3) in last;
gap> rho :=
> NaturalHomomorphism( Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] ), s4/v4 );;
gap> Kernel( rho );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ ] )
gap> IsIsomorphism( rho );
NaturalHomomorphism calls
F.operations.NaturalHomomorphism( G,F)and returns that value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.NaturalHomomorphism. The homomor-
phism constructed this way has the operations record NaturalHomomorphismOps. It com-
putes the image of an element gof Gby calling FactorGroupElement( N,g), the preim-
ages of an factor group element fas Coset( Kernel(phi), f.element.representative
), and the kernel by computing Intersection( G,N). Look under NaturalHomo-
morphism in the index to see for which groups this function is overlaid.
7.111 ConjugationGroupHomomorphism
ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( G,H,x)
ConjugationGroupHomomorphism returns the homomorphism from Ginto Hthat takes
each element gin Gto the element g^x.Gand Hmust have a common parent group P
and xmust lie in this parent group. Of course G^xmust be a subgroup of H.
gap> d12 := Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6), (2,6)(3,5) );; := "d12";;
gap> c2 := Subgroup( d12, [ (2,6)(3,5) ] );
Subgroup( d12, [ (2,6)(3,5) ] )
gap> v4 := Subgroup( d12, [ (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ] );
Subgroup( d12, [ (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ] )
gap> x := ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( c2, v4, (1,3,5)(2,4,6) );
ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( Subgroup( d12,
[ (2,6)(3,5) ] ), Subgroup( d12, [ (1,2)(3,6)(4,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6)
] ), (1,3,5)(2,4,6) )
gap> IsSurjective( x );
gap> Image( x );
Subgroup( d12, [ (1,5)(2,4) ] )
ConjugationGroupHomomorphism calls
G.operations.ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( G,H,x)and returns that value.
The default function called is GroupOps.ConjugationGroupHomomorphism. It just creates
a homomorphism record with range G, source H, and the component element with the
value x. It computes the image of an element gof Gas g^x. If the sizes of the range
and the source are equal the inverse of such a homomorphism is computed as a conjugation
homomorphism from Hto Gby x^-1. To multiply two such homomorphisms their elements
are multiplied. Look under ConjugationGroupHomomorphism in the index to see for
which groups this default function is overlaid.
7.112 InnerAutomorphism
InnerAutomorphism( G,g)
InnerAutomorphism returns the automorphism on the group Gthat takes each element h
to h^g.gmust be an element in the parent group of G(but need not actually be in G)
that normalizes G.
gap> s5 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5) );; := "s5";;
gap> i := InnerAutomorphism( s5, (1,2) );
InnerAutomorphism( s5, (1,2) )
gap> (1,2,3,4,5) ^ i;
InnerAutomorphism( G,g)calls ConjugationGroupHomomorphism( G,G,g)(see
7.113 GroupHomomorphismByImages
GroupHomomorphismByImages( G,H,gens,imgs )
GroupHomomorphismByImages returns the group homomorphism with source Gand range
Hthat is defined by mapping the list gens of generators of Gto the list imgs of images in
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> h := Group( (2,3), (1,2) );;
gap> m := GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,h,g.generators,h.generators);
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), Group( (2,3),
(1,2) ), [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ], [ (2,3), (1,2) ] )
gap> Image( m, (1,3,4) );
gap> Kernel( m );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] )
Note that the result need not always be a single value mapping, even though the name
seems to imply this. Namely if the elements in imgs do not satisfy all relations that hold
for the generators gens, no element of Ghas a unique image under the mapping. This is
demonstrated in the following example.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) );;
gap> h := Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6) );;
gap> m := GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,h,g.generators,h.generators);
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10
) ), Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6) ), [ ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10) ],
[ (1,2,3,4,5,6) ] )
gap> IsMapping( m );
gap> Images( m, () );
(Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6) ), [ ( 1, 3, 5)( 2, 4, 6) ] )*())
gap> g.1^10;
() # the generator of gsatisfies this relation
gap> h.1^10;
(1,5,3)(2,6,4) # but its image does not
The set of images of the identity returned by Images is the set of elements h.1^nsuch that
g.1^nis the identity in g.
The test whether a mapping constructed by GroupHomomorphismByImages is a single valued
mapping, is usually quite expensive. Note that this test is automatically performed the
first time that you apply a function that expects a single valued mapping, e.g., Image or
Images. There are two possibilities to avoid this test. When you know that the mapping
constructed is really a single valued mapping, you can set the flag map.isMapping to true.
Then the functions assume that map is indeed a mapping and do not test it again. On
the other hand if you are not certain whether the mapping is single valued, you can use
ImagesRepresentative instead of Image (see 43.10). ImagesRepresentative returns just
one possible image, without testing whether there might actually be more than one possible
GroupHomomorphismByImages calls
G.operations.GroupHomomorphismByImages( G,H,gens,imgs )
and returns this value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.GroupHomomorphismByImages. Below we
describe how the mapping functions are implemented for such a mapping. The functions
not mentioned below are implemented by the default functions described in 7.109.
All the function below first compute the list of elements of Gwith an orbit algorithm, sorts
this list, and stores this list in hom.elements. In parallel they computes and sort a list of
images, and store this list in hom.images.
IsMapping( map )
The mapping constructed by GroupHomomorphismByImages is a single valued mapping if for
each iand for each kthe following equation holds
=map.images[i] * imgs[k].
Image( map,elm )
If the mapping map is a single valued mapping, the image of an element elm is computed
as map.images[ Position(map.elements,elm) ].
ImagesRepresentative( map,elm )
The representative of the images of an element elm under the mapping map is computed as
map.images[ Position(map.elements,elm) ].
InverseMapping( map )
The inverse of the mapping map is constructed as GroupHomomorphismByImages( H,G,
imgs,gens ).
CompositionMapping( map1 ,map2 )
If map2 is a mapping constructed by GroupHomomorphismByImages the composition is con-
structed by making a copy of map2 and replacing every element in map2 .images with its
image under map1 .
Look under GroupHomomorphismByImages in the index to see for which groups this
function is overlaid.
7.114 Set Functions for Groups
As already mentioned in the introduction of the chapter, groups are domains. Thus all set
theoretic functions, for example Intersection and Size can be applied to groups. This and
the following sections give further comments on the definition and implementations of those
functions for groups. All set theoretic functions not mentioned here not treated specially
for groups. The last section describes the format of the records that describe groups (see
Elements( G)
The elements of a group Gare constructed using a Dimino algorithm. See 7.115.
IsSubset( G,H)
If Gand Hare groups then IsSubset tests whether the generators of Hare elements of G.
Otherwise DomainOps.IsSubset is used.
Intersection( G,H)
The intersection of groups Gand His computed using an orbit algorithm. See 7.116.
7.115 Elements for Groups
GroupOps.Elements( G)
GroupOps.Elements returns the sets of elements of G(see 4.6). The function starts with the
trivial subgroup of G, for which the set of elements is known and constructs the successive
closures with the generators of Gusing GroupOps.Closure (see 7.18).
Note that this function neither checks nor sets the record component G.elements. It
recomputes the set of elements even it is bound to G.elements.
7.116 Intersection for Groups
GroupOps.Intersection( G,H)
GroupOps.Intersection returns the intersection of Gand Heither as set of elements or
as a group record (see 4.12).
If one argument, say G, is a set and the other a group, say H, then GroupOps.Intersection
returns the subset of elements of Gwhich lie in H.
If Gand Hhave different parent groups then GroupOps.Intersection uses the function
DomainOps.Intersection in order to compute the intersection.
Otherwise GroupOps.Intersection computes the stabilizer of the trivial coset of the bigger
group in the smaller group using Stabilizer and Coset.
7.117 Operations for Groups
The operator ^evaluates to the subgroup conjugate to Gunder a group element sof the
parent group of G. See 7.20.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> := "s4";;
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ] )
gap> v4 ^ (2,3);
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> v4 ^ (2,5);
Error, <g> must be an element of the parent group of <G>
sin G
The operator in evaluates to true if sis an element of Gand false otherwise. smust be
an element of the parent group of G.
gap> (1,2,3,4) in v4;
gap> (2,4) in v4^(2,3);
The operator *evaluates to the right coset of Gwith representative s.smust be an element
of the parent group of G. See 7.86 for details about right cosets.
The operator *evaluates to the left coset of Gwith representative s.smust be an element
of the parent group of G. See 7.91 for details about left cosets.
gap> v4 * (1,2,3,4);
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ] )*(1,2,3))
gap> (1,2,3,4) * v4;
((1,2,3,4)*Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ] ))
The operator /evaluates to the factor group G/Nwhere Nmust be a normal subgroup of
G. This is the same as FactorGroup(G,N)(see 7.33).
7.118 Group Records
As for all domains (see 4 and 4.1) groups and their subgroups are represented by records
that contain important information about groups. Most of the following functions return
such records. Of course it is possible to create a group record by hand but generally Group
(see 7.9) and Subgroup (see 7.12) should be used for such tasks.
Once a group record is created you may add record components to it but you must not alter
informations already present, especially not generators and identity.
Group records must always contain the components generators,identity,isDomain and
isGroup. Subgroups contain an additional component parent. The contents of all compo-
nents of a group Gare described below.
The following two components are the so-called category components used to identify
the category this domain belongs to.
is always true as a group is a domain.
is of course true as Gis a group.
The following three components determine a group domain. These are the so-called iden-
tification components.
is a list group generators. Duplicate generators are allowed but none of the generators
may be the group identity. The group Gis the trivial group if and only if generators
is the empty list. Note that once created this entry must never be changed, as most
of the other entries depend on generators.
is the group identity of G.
if present this contains the group record of the parent group of a subgroup G, other-
wise Gitself is a parent group.
The following components are optional and contain knowledge about the group G.
a list of integers containing the abelian invariants of an abelian group G.
contains the centralizer of Gin its parent group.
7.118. GROUP RECORDS 333
contains the centre of G. See 7.17.
contains the commutator factor group of G. See 7.35 for details.
contains a list of the conjugacy classes of G. See 7.68 for details.
contains the core of Gunder the action of its parent group. See 7.21 for details.
contains the derived subgroup of G. See 7.22.
is the set of all elements of G. See 4.6.
contains the Fitting subgroup of G. See 7.23.
contains the Frattini subgroup of G. See 7.24.
contains the index of Gin its parent group. See 7.51.
contains the lower central series of Gas list of subgroups. See 7.41.
contains the normalizer of Gin its parent group. See 7.27 for details.
contains the normal closure of Gin its parent group. See 7.25 for details.
contains the upper central series of Gas list of subgroups. See 7.44.
contains a subnormal series from the parent of Gdown to G. See 7.43 for details.
contains a list of Sylow subgroups of G. See 7.31 for details.
is either an integer containing the size of a finite group or the string “infinity” if the
group is infinite. See 4.10.
contains the a list of subgroups which includes at least one representative of each
class of conjugate proper perfect subgroups of G. See 7.75.
contains the subgroup lattice of G. See 7.75.
identical to the list G.lattice.classes, contains the conjugacy classes of subgroups
of G. See 7.74.
contains the table of narks of G. See 48.4.
The following components are true if the group Ghas the property, false if not, and are
not present if it is unknown whether the group has the property or not.
is true if the group Gis abelian. See 7.52.
is true if the group Gis central in its parent group. See 7.53.
is true if the group Gis cyclic. See 7.55.
is true if the group Gis elementary abelian. See 7.56.
is true if the group Gis finite. If you know that a group for which you want to
use the generic low level group functions is infinite, you should set this component to
false. This will avoid attempts to compute the set of elements.
is true if the group Gis nilpotent. See 7.57.
is true if the group Gis normal in its parent group. See 7.58.
is true if the group Gis perfect. See 7.59.
is true if the group Gis simple. See 7.60.
is true if the group Gis solvable. See 7.61.
is true if the group Gis subnormal in its parent group. See 7.63.
The component operations contains the operations record (see 4.1 and 4.2).
Chapter 8
Operations of Groups
One of the most important tools in group theory is the operation or action of a group on
a certain set.
We say that a group Goperates on a set Dif we have a function that takes each dD
and each gGto another element dgD, which we call the image of dunder g, such that
didentity =dand (dg)h=dgh for each dDand g, h G.
This is equivalent to saying that an operation is a homomorphism of the group Ginto the
full symmetric group on D. We usually call Dthe domain of the operation and its elements
An example of the usage of the functions in this package can be found in the introduction
to GAP3 (see 1.19).
In GAP3 group elements usually operate through the power operator, which is denoted by
the caret ^. It is possible however to specify other operations (see 8.1).
First this chapter describes the functions that take a single element of the group and compute
cycles of this group element and related information (see 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5), and the
function that describes how a group element operates by a permutation that operates the
same way on [1..n](see 8.8).
Next come the functions that test whether an orbit has minimal or maximal length and
related functions (see 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12, and 8.13).
Next this chapter describes the functions that take a group and compute orbits of this group
and related information (see 8.16, 8.17, 8.18, and 8.19).
Next are the functions that compute the permutation group Pthat operates on [ 1 ..
Length(D) ] in the same way that Goperates on D, and the corresponding homomorphism
from Gto P(see 8.20, 8.21).
Next is the functions that compute block systems, i.e., partitions of Dsuch that Goperates
on the sets of the partition (see 8.22), and the function that tests whether Dhas such a
nontrivial partitioning under the operation of G(see 8.23).
Finally come the functions that relate an orbit of Gon Dwith the subgroup of Gthat fixes
the first point in the orbit (see 8.24), and the cosets of this subgroup in G(see 8.25 and
All functions described in this chapter are in LIBNAME/"operatio.g".
8.1 Other Operations
The functions in the operation package generally compute with the operation of group
elements defined by the canonical operation that is denoted with the caret (^) in GAP3.
However they also allow you to specify other operations. Such operations are specified by
functions, which are accepted as optional argument by all the operations package functions.
This function must accept two arguments. The first argument will be the point and the
second will be the group element. The function must return the image of the point under
the group element.
As an example, the function OnPairs that specifies the operation on pairs could be defined
as follows
OnPairs := function ( pair, g )
return [ pair[1] ^ g, pair[2] ^ g ];
The following operations are predefined.
specifies the canonical default operation. Passing this function is equivalent to speci-
fying no operation. This function exists because there are places where the operation
in not an option.
specifies the componentwise operation of group elements on pairs of points, which are
represented by lists of length 2.
specifies the componentwise operation of group elements on tuples of points, which
are represented by lists. OnPairs is the special case of OnTuples for tuples with two
specifies the operation of group elements on sets of points, which are represented by
sorted lists of points without duplicates (see 28).
specifies that group elements operate by multiplication from the right.
specifies that group elements operate by multiplication by their inverses from the left.
This is an operation, unlike OnLeftAntiOperation (see below).
specifies that group elements operate by multiplication from the right on sets of
points, which are represented by sorted lists of points without duplicates (see 28).
specifies that group elements operate by multiplication from the left on sets of points,
which are represented by sorted lists of points without duplicates (see 28).
specifies that group elements, which must be matrices, operate on lines, which are
represented by vectors with first nonzero coefficient one. That is, OnLines multiplies
8.2. CYCLE 337
the vector by the group element and then divides the vector by the first nonzero
Note that it is your responsibility to make sure that the elements of the domain Don which
you are operating are already in normal form. The reason is that all functions will compare
points using the =operation. For example, if you are operating on sets with OnSets, you
will get an error message it not all elements of the domain are sets.
gap> Cycle( (1,2), [2,1], OnSets );
Error, OnSets: <tuple> must be a set
The former function OnLeft which operated by mulitplication from the left has been renamed
OnLeftAntiOperation, to emphasise the point that it does not satisify the axioms of an
operation, and may cause errors if supplied where an operation is expected.
8.2 Cycle
Cycle( g,d)
Cycle( g,d,operation )
Cycle returns the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of arbitrary type, under the
group element gas a list of points.
The points ein the cycle of dunder the group element gare those for which a power gi
exists such that dgi=e.
The first point in the list returned by Cycle is the point ditself, the ordering of the other
points is such that each point is the image of the previous point.
Cycle accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argument,
which specifies how the element goperates (see 8.1).
gap> Cycle( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), 3 );
gap> Cycle( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,4], OnPairs );
Cycle calls
Domain([g]).operations.Cycle( g,d,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called
this way.
The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.Cycle, which starts with dand
applies gto the last point repeatedly until dis reached again. Special categories of group
elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
8.3 CycleLength
CycleLength( g,d)
CycleLength( g,d,operation )
CycleLength returns the length of the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of
arbitrary type, under the group elements g. See 8.2 for the definition of cycles.
CycleLength accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the group element goperates (see 8.1).
gap> CycleLength( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), 3 );
gap> CycleLength( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,4], OnPairs );
CycleLength calls
Domain([g]).operations.CycleLength( g,d,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called
this way.
The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.CycleLength, which starts with
dand applies gto the last point repeatedly until dis reached again. Special categories of
group elements overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
8.4 Cycles
Cycles( g,D)
Cycles( g,D,operation )
Cycles returns the set of cycles of the group element gon the domain D, which must be a
list of points of arbitrary type, as a set of lists of points. See 8.2 for the definition of cycles.
It is allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the
operation of g. In this case Dis silently replaced by the smallest superset of Dwhich is
The first point in each cycle is the smallest point of Din this cycle. The ordering of the
other points is such that each point is the image of the previous point. If Dis invariant
under g, then because Cycles returns a set of cycles, i.e., a sorted list, and because cycles
are compared lexicographically, and because the first point in each cycle is the smallest point
in that cycle, the list returned by Cycles is in fact sorted with respect to the smallest point
in the cycles.
Cycles accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argument,
which specifies how the element goperates (see 8.1).
gap> Cycles( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,5,7] );
gap> Cycles( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [[1,3],[4,6]], OnPairs );
Cycles calls
Domain([g]).operations.Cycles( g,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called
this way.
The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.Cycles, which takes elements
from D, computes their orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until
Dhas been emptied. Special categories of group elements overlay this default function with
more efficient functions.
8.5 CycleLengths
CycleLengths( g,D)
CycleLengths( g,D,operation )
CycleLengths returns a list of the lengths of the cycles of the group element gon the domain
D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type. See 8.2 for the definition of cycles.
It is allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the
operation of g. In this case Dis silently replaced by the smallest superset of Dwhich is
The ordering of the lengths of cycles in the list returned by CycleLengths corresponds to
the list of cycles returned by Cycles, which is ordered with respect to the smallest point in
each cycle.
CycleLengths accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the element goperates (see 8.1).
gap> CycleLengths( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [3,5,7] );
gap> CycleLengths( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [[1,3],[4,6]], OnPairs );
CycleLengths calls
Domain([g]).operations.CycleLengths( g,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called
this way.
The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.CycleLengths, which takes el-
ements from D, computes their orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats
this until Dhas been emptied. Special categories of group elements overlay this default
function with more efficient functions.
8.6 MovedPoints
MovedPoints( g)
gap> MovedPoints( (1,7)(2,3,8) );
8.7 NrMovedPoints
NrMovedPoints( p)
NrMovedPoints returns the number of points moved by the permutation g, the group ele-
ment g, or the group g.
gap> NrMovedPoints( (1,7)(2,3,8) );
8.8 Permutation
Permutation( g,D)
Permutation( g,D,operation )
Permutation returns a permutation that operates on the points [1..Length(D)] in the
same way that the group element goperates on the domain D, which may be a list of
arbitrary type.
It is not allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., Dmust be invariant under the
element g.
Permutation accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the element goperates (see 8.1).
gap> Permutation( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), [4,7,6] );
gap> D := [ [1,4], [1,6], [1,7], [3,4], [3,6], [3,7],
> [4,5], [5,6], [5,7], [4,8], [6,8], [7,8] ];;
gap> Permutation( (1,5,3,8)(4,6,7), D, OnSets );
( 1, 8, 6,10, 2, 9, 4,11, 3, 7, 5,12)
Permutation calls
Domain([g]).operations.Permutation( g,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for the functions called
this way.
The default function called this way is GroupElementsOps.Permutation, which simply ap-
plies gto all the points of D, finds the position of the image in D, and finally applies
PermList (see 20.9) to the list of those positions. Actually this is not quite true. Because
finding the position of an image in a sorted list is so much faster than finding it in D,
GroupElementsOps.Permutation first sorts a copy of Dand remembers how it had to re-
arrange the elements of Dto achieve this. Special categories of group elements overlay this
default function with more efficient functions.
8.9 IsFixpoint
IsFixpoint( G,d)
IsFixpoint( G,d,operation )
IsFixpoint returns true if the point dis a fixpoint under the operation of the group G.
We say that dis a fixpoint under the operation of Gif every element gof Gmaps dto
itself. This is equivalent to saying that each generator of Gmaps dto itself.
As a special case it is allowed that the first argument is a single group element, though this
does not make a lot of sense, since in this case IsFixpoint simply has to test d^g=d.
IsFixpoint accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argu-
ment, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> IsFixpoint( g, 1 );
gap> IsFixpoint( g, [6,7,8], OnSets );
IsFixpoint is so simple that it does all the work by itself, and, unlike the other functions
described in this chapter, does not dispatch to another function.
8.10 IsFixpointFree
IsFixpointFree( G,D)
IsFixpointFree( G,D,operation )
IsFixpointFree returns true if the group Goperates without a fixpoint (see 8.9) on the
domain D, which must be a list of points of arbitrary type.
We say that Goperates fixpoint free on the domain Dif each point of Dis moved by at
least one element of G. This is equivalent to saying that each point of Dis moved by at
least one generator of G. This definition also applies in the case that Dis a proper subset
of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the operation of G.
As a special case it is allowed that the first argument is a single group element.
IsFixpointFree accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> IsFixpointFree( g, [1..8] );
gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );; Length( sets );
56 # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
gap> IsFixpointFree( g, sets, OnSets );
IsFixpointFree calls
G.operations.IsFixpointFree( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsFixpointFree, which simply loops over
the elements of Dand applies to each all generators of G, and tests whether each is moved
by at least one generator. This function is seldom overlaid, because it is very difficult to
improve it.
8.11 DegreeOperation
DegreeOperation( G,D)
DegreeOperation( G,D,operation )
DegreeOperation returns the degree of the operation of the group Gon the domain D,
which must be a list of points of arbitrary type.
The degree of the operation of Gon Dis defined as the number of points of Dthat are
properly moved by at least one element of G. This definition also applies in the case that
Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the operation of G.
DegreeOperation accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> DegreeOperation( g, [1..10] );
gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );; Length( sets );
56 # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
gap> DegreeOperation( g, sets, OnSets );
DegreeOperation calls
G.operations.DegreeOperation( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.DegreeOperation, which simply loops
over the elements of Dand applies to each all generators of G, and counts those that are
moved by at least one generator. This function is seldom overlaid, because it is very difficult
to improve it.
8.12 IsTransitive
IsTransitive( G,D)
IsTransitive( G,D,operation )
IsTransitive returns true if the group Goperates transitively on the domain D, which
must be a list of points of arbitrary type.
We say that a group Gacts transitively on a domain Dif and only if for every pair of
points dand ethere is an element gof Gsuch that dg=e. An alternative characterization
of this property is to say that Das a set is equal to the orbit of every single point.
It is allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the
operation of G. In this case IsTransitive checks whether for every pair of points d,eof
Dthere is an element gof G, such that dg=e. This can also be characterized by saying
that Dis a subset of the orbit of every single point.
IsTransitive accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> IsTransitive( g, [1..8] );
gap> IsTransitive( g, [1,6] );
false # note that the domain need not be invariant
gap> sets := Combinations( [1..5], 3 );; Length( sets );
10 # a list of all three element subsets of [1..5]
gap> IsTransitive( g, sets, OnSets );
IsTransitive calls
G.operations.IsTransitive( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsTransitive, which tests whether Dis
a subset of the orbit of the first point in D. This function is seldom overlaid, because it is
difficult to improve it.
8.13 Transitivity
Transitivity( G,D)
Transitivity( G,D,operation )
Transitivity returns the degree of transitivity of the group Gon the domain D, which
must be a list of points of arbitrary type. If Gdoes not operate transitively on Dthen
Transitivity returns 0.
The degree of transitivity of the operation of Gon Dis the largest ksuch that G
operates k-fold transitively on D. We say that Goperates k-fold transitively on Dif
it operates transitively on D(see 8.12) and the stabilizer of one point dof Doperates
k-1-fold transitively on Difference(D,[d]). Because the stabilizers of the points of D
are conjugate this is equivalent to saying that the stabilizer of each point dof Doperates
k-1-fold transitively on Difference(D,[d]).
It is not allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., Dmust be invariant under the
operation of G.
Transitivity accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> Transitivity( g, [1..8] );
gap> Transitivity( g, [1..5] );
gap> sets := Combinations( [1..5], 3 );; Length( sets );
10 # a list of all three element subsets of [1..5]
gap> Transitivity( g, sets, OnSets );
Transitivity calls
G.operations.Transitivity( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.Transitivity, which first tests whether
Goperates transitively on D. If so, it returns
if not, it simply returns 0. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with
more efficient functions.
8.14 IsRegular
IsRegular( G,D) IsRegular( G,D,operation )
IsRegular returns true if the group Goperates regularly on the domain D, which must be
a list of points of arbitrary type, and false otherwise.
A group Goperates regularly on a domain Dif it operates transitively and no element
of Gother than the idenity leaves a point of Dfixed. An equal characterisation is that
Goperates transitively on Dand the stabilizer of any point of Dis trivial. Yet another
characterisation is that the operation of Gon Dis equivalent to the operation of Gon its
elements by multiplication from the right.
It is not allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., Dmust be invariant under the
operation of G.
IsRegular accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argu-
ment, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> IsRegular( g, [1..5] );
gap> IsRegular( g, Elements(g), OnRight );
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );;
gap> IsRegular( g, Orbit( g, [1,2,3], OnTuples ), OnTuples );
IsRegular calls
G.operations.IsRegular( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsRegular, which tests if Goperates
transitively and semiregularly on D(see 8.12 and 8.15).
8.15 IsSemiRegular
IsSemiRegular( G,D)
IsSemiRegular( G,D,operation )
IsSemiRegular returns true if the group Goperates semiregularly on the domain D, which
must be a list of points of arbitrary type, and false otherwise.
A group Goperates semiregularly on a domain Dif no element of Gother than the idenity
leaves a point of Dfixed. An equal characterisation is that the stabilizer of any point of
Dis trivial. Yet another characterisation is that the operation of Gon Dis equivalent to
multiple copies of the operation of Gon its elements by multiplication from the right.
It is not allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., Dmust be invariant under the
operation of G.
IsSemiRegular accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2)(3,4)(5,7)(6,8), (1,3)(2,4)(5,6)(7,8) );;
gap> IsSemiRegular( g, [1..8] );
gap> g := Group( (1,2)(3,4)(5,7)(6,8), (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7,8) );;
gap> IsSemiRegular( g, [1..8] );
8.16. ORBIT 345
gap> IsSemiRegular( g, Orbit( g, [1,5], OnSets ), OnSets );
IsSemiRegular calls
G.operations.IsSemiRegular( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsSemiRegular, which computes a per-
mutation group Pthat operates on [1..Length(D)] in the same way that Goperates
on D(see 8.20) and then checks if this permutation group operations semiregularly. This
of course only works because this default function is overlaid for permutation groups (see
8.16 Orbit
Orbit( G,d)
Orbit( G,d,operation )
Orbit returns the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of arbitrary type, under the
group Gas a list of points.
The points ein the orbit of dunder the group Gare those points for which a group element
gof Gexists such that dg=e.
Suppose Ghas ngenerators. First we order the words of the free monoid with nabstract
generators according to length and for words with equal length lexicographically. So if Ghas
two generators called aand bthe ordering is identity, a, b, a2, ab, ba, b2, a3, .... Next we order
the elements of Gthat can be written as a product of the generators, i.e., without inverses
of the generators, according to the first occurrence of a word representing the element in the
above ordering. Then the ordering of points in the orbit returned by Orbit is according to
the order of the first representative of each point e, i.e., the smallest gsuch that dg=e. Note
that because the orbit is finite there is for every point in the orbit at least one representative
that can be written as a product in the generators of G.
Orbit accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argument,
which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> Orbit( g, 1 );
gap> Orbit( g, 2 );
gap> Orbit( g, [1,6], OnPairs );
Orbit calls
G.operations.Orbit( G,d,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.Orbit, which performs an ordinary orbit
algorithm. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient
8.17 OrbitLength
OrbitLength( G,d)
OrbitLength( G,d,operation )
OrbitLength returns the length of the orbit of the point d, which may be an object of
arbitrary type, under the group G. See 8.16 for the definition of orbits.
OrbitLength accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> OrbitLength( g, 1 );
gap> OrbitLength( g, 10 );
gap> OrbitLength( g, [1,6], OnPairs );
OrbitLength calls
G.operations.OrbitLength( G,d,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.OrbitLength, which performs an ordinary
orbit algorithm. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient
8.18 Orbits
Orbits( G,D)
Orbits( G,D,operation )
Orbits returns the orbits of the group Gon the domain D, which must be a list of points
of arbitrary type, as a set of lists of points. See 8.16 for the definition of orbits.
It is allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the
operation of G. In this case Dis silently replaced by the smallest superset of Dwhich is
The first point in each orbit is the smallest point, the other points of each orbit are ordered
in the standard order defined for orbits (see 8.16). Because Orbits returns a set of orbits,
i.e., a sorted list, and because those orbits are compared lexicographically, and because the
first point in each orbit is the smallest point in that orbit, the list returned by Orbits is in
fact sorted with respect to the smallest points the orbits.
Orbits accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argument,
which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> Orbits( g, [1..8] );
gap> Orbits( g, [1,6] );
[[1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8]] # the domain is not invariant
gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );; Length( sets );
56 # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
gap> Orbits( g, sets, OnSets );
Orbits calls
G.operations.Orbits( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.Orbits, which takes an element from D,
computes its orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until Dhas
been emptied. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more efficient
8.19 OrbitLengths
OrbitLengths( G,D)
OrbitLengths( G,D,operation )
OrbitLengths returns a list of the lengths of the orbits of the group Gon the domain D,
which may be a list of points of arbitrary type. See 8.16 for the definition of orbits.
It is allowed that Dis proper subset of a domain, i.e., that Dis not invariant under the
operation of G. In this case Dis silently replaced by the smallest superset of Dwhich is
The ordering of the lengths of orbits in the list returned by OrbitLengths corresponds to
the list of cycles returned by Orbits, which is ordered with respect to the smallest point in
each orbit.
OrbitLengths accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> OrbitLengths( g, [1..8] );
gap> sets := Combinations( [1..8], 3 );; Length( sets );
56 # a list of all three element subsets of [1..8]
gap> OrbitLengths( g, sets, OnSets );
[ 10, 30, 15, 1 ]
OrbitLengths calls
G.operations.OrbitLenghts( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.OrbitLengths, which takes an element
from D, computes its orbit, removes all points in the orbit from D, and repeats this until
Dhas been emptied. Special categories of groups overlay this default function with more
efficient functions.
8.20 Operation
Operation( G,D)
Operation( G,D,operation )
Operation returns a permutation group with the same number of generators as G, such
that each generator of the permutation group operates on the set [1..Length(D)] in the
same way that the corresponding generator of the group Goperates on the domain D, which
may be a list of arbitrary type.
It is not allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., Dmust be invariant under the
element g.
Operation accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argu-
ment, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
The function OperationHomomorphism (see 8.21) can be used to compute the homomor-
phism that maps Gonto the new permutation group. Of course if you are only interested in
mapping single elements of Ginto the new permutation group you may also use Permutation
(see 8.8).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> Operation( g, [1..5] );
Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) )
gap> Operation( g, Orbit( g, [1,6], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,12)( 4, 7, 9)( 6,10)(11,14), ( 2, 4)( 3, 6,11)
( 5, 9)( 7,10,13,12,15,14) )
Operation calls
G.operations.Operation( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.Operation, which simply applies each
generator of Gto all the points of D, finds the position of the image in D, and finally
applies PermList (see 20.9) to the list of those positions. Actually this is not quite true.
Because finding the position on an image in a sorted list is so much faster than finding it
in D,GroupElementsOps.Operation first sorts a copy of Dand remembers how it had to
rearrange the elements of Dto achieve this. Special categories of groups overlay this default
function with more efficient functions.
8.21 OperationHomomorphism
OperationHomomorphism( G,P)
OperationHomomorphism returns the group homomorphism (see 7.106) from the group G
to the permutation group P, which must be the result of a prior call to Operation (see
8.20) with Gor a group of which Gis a subgroup (see 7.62) as first argument.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> h := Operation( g, [1..5] );
Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) )
gap> p := OperationHomomorphism( g, h );
OperationHomomorphism( Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) ), Group(
(1,2,3), (3,4,5) ) )
gap> (1,4,2,5,3)(6,7,8) ^ p;
gap> h := Operation( g, Orbit( g, [1,6], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,12)( 4, 7, 9)( 6,10)(11,14), ( 2, 4)( 3, 6,11)
( 5, 9)( 7,10,13,12,15,14) )
gap> p := OperationHomomorphism( g, h );;
gap> s := SylowSubgroup( g, 2 );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) ),
[ (7,8), (7,8), (2,5)(3,4), (2,3)(4,5) ] )
gap> Images( p, s );
Subgroup( Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,12)( 4, 7, 9)( 6,10)(11,14), ( 2, 4)
( 3, 6,11)( 5, 9)( 7,10,13,12,15,14) ),
[ ( 2, 4)( 5, 9)( 7,12)(10,15)(13,14),
( 2, 4)( 5, 9)( 7,12)(10,15)(13,14),
( 2,14)( 3, 6)( 4,13)( 7,15)( 8,11)(10,12),
( 2,12)( 3, 8)( 4, 7)( 6,11)(10,14)(13,15) ] )
gap> OperationHomomorphism( g, Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) ) );
Error, Record: element ’operation’ must have an assigned value
OperationHomomorphism calls
P.operations.OperationHomomorphism( G,P)
and returns the value.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.OperationHomomorphism, which uses the
fields P.operationGroup,P.operationDomain, and P.operationOperation (the argu-
ments to the Operation call that created P) to construct a generic homomorphism h. This
homomorphism uses
to compute the image of an element gof Gunder h. It uses Representative to compute
the preimages of an element pof Punder h. And it computes the kernel by intersecting
the cores (see 7.21) of the stabilizers (see 8.24) of representatives of the orbits of G. Look
under OperationHomomorphism in the index to see for which groups and operations
this function is overlaid.
8.22 Blocks
Blocks( G,D,seed )
Blocks( G,D,seed ,operation )
In this form Blocks returns a block system of the domain D, which may be a list of points
of arbitrary type, under the group G, such that the points in the list seed all lie in the same
block. If no such nontrivial block system exists, Blocks returns [D].Gmust operate
transitively on D, otherwise an error is signalled.
Blocks( G,D)
Blocks( G,D,operation )
In this form Blocks returns a minimal block system of the domain D, which may be a list
of points of arbitrary type, under the group G. If no nontrivial block system exists, Blocks
returns [D].Gmust operate transitively on D, otherwise an error is signalled.
Ablock system Bis a list of blocks with the following properties. Each block bof Bis
a subset of D. The blocks are pairwise disjoint. The union of blocks is D. The image of
each block under each element gof Gis as a set equal to some block of the block system.
Note that this implies that all blocks contain the same number of elements as Goperates
transitive on D. Put differently a block system Bof Dis a partition of Dsuch that G
operates with OnSets (see 8.1) on B. The block system that consists of only singleton sets
and the block system consisting only of Dare called trivial. A block system Bis called
minimal if there is no nontrivial block system whose blocks are all subsets of the blocks of
Band whose number of blocks is larger than the number of blocks of B.
Blocks accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third, resp.
fourth, argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> Blocks( g, [1..5] );
gap> Blocks( g, Orbit( g, [1,2], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
Blocks calls
G.operations.Blocks( G,D,seed ,operation )
and returns the value. If no seed was given as argument to Blocks it passes the empty list.
Note that the fourth argument is not optional for functions called this way.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.Blocks, which computes a permutation
group Pthat operates on [1..Length(D)] in the same way that Goperates on D(see
8.20) and leaves it to this permutation group to find the blocks. This of course works only
because this default function is overlaid for permutation groups (see 21.22).
8.23 IsPrimitive
IsPrimitive( G,D)
IsPrimitive( G,D,operation )
8.24. STABILIZER 351
IsPrimitive returns true if the group Goperates primitively on the domain D, which may
be a list of points of arbitrary type, and false otherwise.
A group Goperates primitively on a domain Dif and only if Doperates transitively (see
8.12) and has only the trivial block systems (see 8.22).
IsPrimitive accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> IsPrimitive( g, [1..5] );
gap> IsPrimitive( g, Orbit( g, [1,2], OnPairs ), OnPairs );
IsPrimitive calls
G.operations.IsPrimitive( G,D,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsPrimitive, which simply calls Blocks(
G,D,operation )and tests whether the returned block system is [D]. This function
is seldom overlaid, because all the important work is done in Blocks.
8.24 Stabilizer
Stabilizer( G,d)
Stabilizer( G,d,operation )
Stabilizer returns the stabilizer of the point dunder the operation of the group G.
The stabilizer Sof din Gis the subgroup of those elements gof Gthat fix d, i.e., for
which dg=d. The right cosets of Scorrespond in a canonical way to the points pin the
orbit Oof dunder G; namely all elements from a right coset Sg map dto the same point
dgO, and elements from different right cosets Sg and Sh map dto different points dg
and dh. Thus the index of the stabilizer Sin Gis equal to the length of the orbit O.
RepresentativesOperation (see 8.26) computes a system of representatives of the right
cosets of Sin G.
Stabilizer accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas optional third argu-
ment, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> := "G";;
gap> Stabilizer( g, 1 );
Subgroup( G, [ (3,4,5)(7,8), (2,5,3)(6,7) ] )
gap> Stabilizer( g, [1,2,3], OnSets );
Subgroup( G, [ (7,8), (6,8), (2,3)(4,5)(6,7,8), (1,2)(4,5)(6,7,8) ] )
Stabilizer calls
G.operations.Stabilizer( G,d,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.Stabilizer, which computes the orbit of d
under G, remembers a representative refor each point ein the orbit, and uses Schreier’s the-
orem, which says that the stabilizer is generated by the elements regr1
eg. Special categories
of groups overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
8.25 RepresentativeOperation
RepresentativeOperation( G,d,e)
RepresentativeOperation( G,d,e,operation )
RepresentativeOperation returns a representative of the point ein the orbit of the point
dunder the group G. If d=ethen RepresentativeOperation returns G.identity, other-
wise it is not specified which group element RepresentativeOperation will return if there
are several that map dto e. If eis not in the orbit of dunder G,RepresentativeOperation
returns false.
An element gof Gis called a representative for the point ein the orbit of dunder Gif g
maps dto e, i.e., dg=e. Note that the set of such representatives that map dto eforms a
right coset of the stabilizer of din G(see 8.24).
RepresentativeOperation accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas op-
tional third argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, 1, 5 );
gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, 1, 6 );
gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, [1,2,3], [3,4,5], OnSets );
gap> RepresentativeOperation( g, [1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2], OnTuples );
RepresentativeOperation calls
G.operations.RepresentativeOperation( G,d,e,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the fourth argument is not optional for functions called
this way.
The default function called this way is GroupOper.RepresentativeOperation, which starts
a normal orbit calculation to compute the orbit of dunder G, and remembers for each
point how it was obtained, i.e., which generator of Gtook which orbit point to this new
point. When the point eappears this information can be traced back to write down the
representative of eas a word in the generators. Special categories of groups overlay this
default function with more efficient functions.
8.26 RepresentativesOperation
RepresentativesOperation( G,d)
RepresentativesOperation( G,d,operation )
RepresentativesOperation returns a list of representatives of the points in the orbit of
the point dunder the group G.
The ordering of the representatives corresponds to the ordering of the points in the orbit
as returned by Orbit (see 8.16). Therefore List( RepresentativesOperation(G,d),
r->d^r ) = Orbit(G,d).
An element gof Gis called a representative for the point ein the orbit of dunder Gif g
maps dto e, i.e., dg=e. Note that the set of such representatives that map dto eforms a
right coset of the stabilizer of din G(see 8.24). The set of all representatives of the orbit
of dunder Gthus forms a system of representatives of the right cosets of the stabilizer of d
in G.
RepresentativesOperation accepts a function operation of two arguments dand gas
optional third argument, which specifies how the elements of Goperate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3)(6,7), (3,4,5)(7,8) );;
gap> RepresentativesOperation( g, 1 );
[ (), (1,2,3)(6,7), (1,3,2), (1,4,5,3,2)(7,8), (1,5,4,3,2) ]
gap> Orbit( g, [1,2], OnSets );
gap> RepresentativesOperation( g, [1,2], OnSets );
[ (), (1,2,3)(6,7), (1,3,2), (1,2,4,5,3)(6,8,7), (1,4,5,3,2)(7,8),
(1,3,2,4,5)(6,8), (1,2,5,4,3)(6,7), (1,5,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2,5)(6,7,8),
(1,3,2,5,4) ]
RepresentativesOperation calls
G.operations.RepresentativesOperation( G,d,operation )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is GroupOps.RepresentativesOperation, which com-
putes the orbit of dwith the normal algorithm, but remembers for each point ein the orbit
a representative re. When a generator gof Gtakes an old point eto a point fnot yet in the
orbit, the representative rffor fis computed as reg. Special categories of groups overlay
this default function with more efficient functions.
8.27 IsEquivalentOperation
IsEquivalentOperation( G,D,H,E)
IsEquivalentOperation( G,D,H,E,operationH )
IsEquivalentOperation( G,D,operationG,H,E)
IsEquivalentOperation( G,D,operationG,H,E,operationH )
IsEquivalentOperation returns true if Goperates on Din like Hoperates on E, and
false otherwise.
The operations of Gon Dand Hon Eare equivalent if they have the same number of
generators and there is a permutation Fof the elements of Esuch that for every generator
gof Gand the corresponding generator hof Hwe have P osition(D, Dg
i) = P osition(F, F h
Note that this assumes that the mapping defined by mapping G.generators to H.generators
is a homomorphism (actually an isomorphism of factor groups of Gand Hrepresented by
the respective operation).
IsEquivalentOperation accepts functions operationG and operationH of two arguments d
and gas optional third and sixth arguments, which specify how the elements of Gand H
operate (see 8.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2)(4,5), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) );;
gap> h := Group( (2,3)(4,5), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) );;
gap> IsEquivalentOperation( g, [1..6], h, [1..6] );
gap> h := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) );;
gap> IsEquivalentOperation(g,[[1,4],[2,5],[3,6]],OnPairs,h,[1..3]);
gap> h := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3)(4,5,6) );;
gap> IsEquivalentOperation( g, [1..6], h, [1..6] );
gap> h := Group( (1,2,3)(4,5,6), (1,2)(4,5) );;
gap> IsEquivalentOperation( g, [1..6], h, [1..6] );
false # the generators must correspond
IsEquivalentOperation calls
G.operations.IsEquivalentOperation(G,D,oprG,H,E,oprH )and returns the value.
Note that the third and sixth argument are not optional for functions called this way.
The default function called this way is GroupOps.IsEquivalentOperation, which tries to
rearrange Eso that the above condition is satisfied. This is done one orbit of Gat a time,
and for each such orbit all the orbits of Hof the same length are tried to see if there is
one which can be rearranged as necessary. Special categories of groups overlay this function
with more efficient ones.
Chapter 9
Vector Spaces
The material described in this chapter is subject to change.
Vector spaces form another important domain in GAP3. They may be given in any repre-
sentation whenever the underlying set of elements forms a vector space in terms of linear
algebra. Thus, for example, one may construct a vector space by defining generating ma-
trices over a field or by using the base of a field extension as generators. More complex
constructions may fake elements of a vector space by specifying records with appropriate
operations. A special type of vector space, that is implemented in the GAP3 library, handles
the case where the elements are lists over a field. This type is the so called RowSpace (see
33 for details).
General vector spaces are created using the function VectorSpace (see 9.1) and they are
represented as records that contain all necessary information to deal with the vector space.
The components listed in 9.3 are common for all vector spaces, but special types of vector
spaces, such as the row spaces, may use additional entries to store specific data.
The following sections contain descriptions of functions and operations defined for vector
The next sections describe functions to compute a base (see 9.6) and the dimension (see
9.8) of a vector space over its field.
The next sections describe how to calculate linear combinations of the elements of a base
(see 9.9) and how to find the coefficients of an element of a vector space when expressed as
a linear combination in the current base (see 9.10).
The functions described in this chapter are implemented in the file LIBNAME/"vecspace.g".
9.1 VectorSpace
VectorSpace( generators,field )
Let generators be a list of objects generating a vector space over the field field. Then
VectorSpace returns this vector space represented as a GAP3 record.
gap> f := GF( 3^2 );
gap> m := [ [, ], [, ] ];
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ]
gap> n := [ [, ], [, ] ];
[ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ]
gap> VectorSpace( [ m, n ], f );
VectorSpace( [ [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] ], GF(3^2) )
VectorSpace( generators,field,zero )
VectorSpace returns the vector space generated by generators over the field field having zero
as the uniquely determined neutral element. This call of VectorSpace always is requested
if generators is the empty list.
gap> VectorSpace( [], f, [ [, ], [, ] ] );
VectorSpace( [ ], GF(3^2), [ [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ]
] )
9.2 IsVectorSpace
IsVectorSpace( obj )
IsVectorSpace returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a vector
space and false otherwise.
9.3 Vector Space Records
A vector space is represented as a GAP3 record having several entries to hold some necessary
information about the vector space.
Basically a vector space record is constructed using the function VectorSpace although one
may create such a record by hand. Furthermore vector space records may be returned by
functions described here or somewhere else in this manual.
Once a vector space record is created you are free to add components, but you should never
alter existing entries, especially generators,field and zero.
The following list mentions all components that are requested for a vector space V.
a list of elements generating the vector space V.
the field over which the vector space Vis written.
the zero element of the vector space.
always true, because vector spaces are domains.
always true, for obvious reasons.
There are as well some optional components for a vector space record.
a base for V, given as a list of elements of V.
the dimension of Vwhich is the length of a base of V.
9.4 Set Functions for Vector Spaces
As mentioned before, vector spaces are domains. So all functions that exist for domains may
also be applied to vector spaces. This and the following chapters give further information
on the implementation of these functions for vector spaces, as far as they differ in their
implementation from the general functions.
Elements( V)
The elements of a vector space Vare computed by producing all linear combinations of the
generators of V.
Size( V)
The size of a vector space Vis determined by calculating the dimension of Vand looking
at the field over which it is written.
IsFinite( V)
A vector space in GAP3 is finite if it contains only its zero element or if the field over which
it is written is finite. This characterisation is true here, as in GAP3 all vector spaces have a
finite dimension.
Intersection( V,W)
The intersection of vector spaces is computed by finding a base for the intersection of the
sets of their elements. One may consider the algorithm for finding a base of a vector space
Vas another way to write Intersection( V,V).
9.5 IsSubspace
IsSubspace( V,W)
IsSubspace tests whether the vector space Wis a subspace of V. It returns true if Wlies
in Vand false if it does not.
The answer to the question is obtained by testing whether all the generators of Wlie in
V, so that, for the general case of vector space handling, a list of all the elements of Vis
9.6 Base
Base( V)
Base computes a base of the given vector space V. The result is returned as a list of elements
of the vector space V.
The base of a vector space is defined to be a minimal generating set. It can be shown that
for a given vector space Veach base has the same number of elements, which is called the
dimension of V(see 9.8).
Unfortunately, no better algorithm is known to compute a base in general than to browse
through the list of all elements of the vector space. So be careful when using this command
on plain vector spaces.
gap> f := GF(3);
gap> m1 := [[,,, ]];
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ]
gap> m2 := [[,,, ]];
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ]
gap> V := VectorSpace( [ m1, m2, m1+m2 ], GF(3) );
VectorSpace( [ [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ], GF(3) )
gap> Base( V );
[ [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ]
gap> Dimension( V );
9.7 AddBase
AddBase( V,base )
AddBase attaches a user-supplied base for the vector space Vto the record that represents
Most of the functions for vector spaces make use of a base (see 9.9, 9.10). These functions
get access to a base using the function Base, which normally computes a base for the vector
space using an appropriate algorithm. Once a base is computed it will always be reused, no
matter whether there is a more interesting base available or not.
AddBase installs a given base for Vby overwriting any other base of the vector space that
has been installed before. So after AddBase has successfully been used, base will be used
whenever Base is called with Vas argument.
Calling AddBase with a base which is not a base for Vmight produce unpredictable results
in following computations.
gap> f := GF(3);
gap> m1 := [[,,, ]];
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ]
gap> m2 := [[,,, ]];
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ]
gap> V := VectorSpace( [ m1, m2, m1+m2 ], GF(3) );
VectorSpace( [ [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ],
9.8. DIMENSION 359
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ], GF(3) )
gap> Base( V );
[ [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ]
gap> AddBase( V, [ m1, m1+m2 ] );
gap> Base( V );
[ [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ] ]
9.8 Dimension
Dimension( V)
Dimension computes the dimension of the given vector space Vover its field.
The dimension of a vector space Vis defined to be the length of a minimal generating set
of V, which is called a base of V(see 9.6).
The implementation of Dimension strictly follows its above definition, so that this function
will always determine a base of V.
gap> f := GF( 3^4 );
gap> f.base;
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4), Z(3^4)^2, Z(3^4)^3 ]
gap> V := VectorSpace( f.base, GF( 3 ) );
VectorSpace( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4), Z(3^4)^2, Z(3^4)^3 ], GF(3) )
gap> Dimension( V );
9.9 LinearCombination
LinearCombination( V,cf )
LinearCombination computes the linear combination of the base elements of the vector
space Vwith coefficients cf .
cf has to be a list of elements of V.field, the field over which the vector space is written.
Its length must be equal to the dimension of Vto make sure that one coefficient is specified
for each element of the base.
LinearCombination will use that base of Vwhich is returned when applying the function
Base to V(see 9.6). To perform linear combinations of different bases use AddBase to
specify which base should be used (see 9.7).
gap> f := GF( 3^4 );
gap> f.base;
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4), Z(3^4)^2, Z(3^4)^3 ]
gap> V := VectorSpace( f.base, GF( 3 ) );
VectorSpace( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4), Z(3^4)^2, Z(3^4)^3 ], GF(3) )
gap> LinearCombination( V, [ Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] );
gap> Coefficients( V, f.root ^ 16 );
[ Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), 0*Z(3) ]
9.10 Coefficients
Coefficients( V,v)
Coefficients computes the coefficients that have to be used to write vas a linear combi-
nation in the base of V.
To make sure that this function produces the correct result, vhas to be an element of V.
If vdoes not lie in Vthe result is unpredictable.
The result of Coefficients is returned as a list of elements of the field over which the
vector space Vis written. Of course, the length of this list equals the dimension of V.
gap> f := GF( 3^4 );
gap> f.base;
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4), Z(3^4)^2, Z(3^4)^3 ]
gap> V := VectorSpace( f.base, GF( 3 ) );
VectorSpace( [ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4), Z(3^4)^2, Z(3^4)^3 ], GF(3) )
gap> Dimension( V );
gap> Coefficients( V, f.root ^ 16 );
[ Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), 0*Z(3) ]
Chapter 10
One of the most fundamental datatypes in every programming language is the integer type.
GAP3 is no exception.
GAP3 integers are entered as a sequence of digits optionally preceded by a +sign for positive
integers or a -sign for negative integers. The size of integers in GAP3 is only limited by the
amount of available memory, so you can compute with integers having thousands of digits.
gap> -1234;
gap> 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890;
The first sections in this chapter describe the operations applicable to integers (see 10.1,
10.2, 10.3 and 10.4).
The next sections describe the functions that test whether an object is an integer (see 10.5)
and convert objects of various types to integers (see 10.6).
The next sections describe functions related to the ordering of integers (see 10.7, 10.8).
The next section describes the function that computes a Chinese remainder (see 10.11).
The next sections describe the functions related to the ordering of integers, logarithms, and
roots (10.12, 10.13, 10.14).
The GAP3 object Integers is the ring domain of all integers. So all set theoretic functions
are also applicable to this domain (see chapter 4 and 10.15). The only serious use of this
however seems to be the generation of random integers.
Since the integers form a Euclidean ring all the ring functions are applicable to integers (see
chapter 5, 10.16, 10.17, 10.18, 10.19, 10.20, 10.21, 10.22, 10.23, 10.24, 10.25, and 10.26).
Since the integers are naturally embedded in the field of rationals all the field functions are
applicable to integers (see chapter 6 and 12.9).
Many more functions that are mainly related to the prime residue group of integers modulo
an integer are described in chapter 11.
The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"integer.g".
10.1 Comparisons of Integers
n1 =n2
n1 <> n2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the integer n1 is equal to the integer n2 and
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if n1 is not equal to n2 and
false otherwise.
Integers can also be compared to objects of other types; of course, they are never equal.
gap> 1 = 1;
gap> 1 <> 0;
gap> 1 = (1,2); #(1,2) is a permutation
n1 <n2
n1 <= n2
n1 >n2
n1 >= n2
The operators <,<=,>, and => evaluate to true if the integer n1 is less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the integer n2 , respectively.
Integers can also be compared to objects of other types, they are considered smaller than
any other object, except rationals, where the ordering reflects the ordering of the rationals
(see 12.6).
gap> 1 < 2;
gap> 1 < -1;
gap> 1 < 3/2;
gap> 1 < false;
10.2 Operations for Integers
n1 +n2
The operator +evaluates to the sum of the two integers n1 and n2 .
n1 -n2
The operator -evaluates to the difference of the two integers n1 and n2 .
n1 *n2
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two integers n1 and n2 .
n1 /n2
The operator /evaluates to the quotient of the two integers n1 and n2 . If the divisor does
not divide the dividend the quotient is a rational (see 12). If the divisor is 0 an error is
signalled. The integer part of the quotient can be computed with QuoInt (see 10.3).
10.3. QUOINT 363
n1 mod n2
The operator mod evaluates to the smallest positive representative of the residue class
of the left operand modulo the right, i.e., imod kis the unique min the range [0 ..
AbsInt(k)-1] such that kdivides i-m. If the right operand is 0 an error is signalled.
The remainder of the division can be computed with RemInt (see 10.4).
n1 ^n2
The operator ^evaluates to the n2 -th power of the integer n1 . If n2 is a positive integer
then n1 ^n2 is n1 *n1 *..*n1 (n2 factors). If n2 is a negative integer n1 ^n2 is defined as
1/n1 n2 . If 0 is raised to a negative power an error is signalled. Any integer, even 0, raised
to the zeroth power yields 1.
Since integers embed naturally into the field of rationals all the rational operations are
available for integers too (see 12.7).
For the precedence of the operators see 2.10.
gap> 2 * 3 + 1;
10.3 QuoInt
QuoInt( n1 ,n2 )
QuoInt returns the integer part of the quotient of its integer operands.
If n1 and n2 are positive QuoInt( n1 ,n2 )is the largest positive integer qsuch that
q*n2 <= n1 . If n1 or n2 or both are negative the absolute value of the integer part of
the quotient is the quotient of the absolute values of n1 and n2 , and the sign of it is the
product of the signs of n1 and n2 .
RemInt (see 10.4) can be used to compute the remainder.
gap> QuoInt(5,2); QuoInt(-5,2); QuoInt(5,-2); QuoInt(-5,-2);
10.4 RemInt
RemInt( n1 ,n2 )
RemInt returns the remainder of its two integer operands.
If n2 is not equal to zero RemInt( n1 ,n2 ) = n1 -n2 *QuoInt( n1 ,n2 ). Note that
the rules given for QuoInt (see 10.3) imply that RemInt( n1 ,n2 )has the same sign as
n1 and its absolute value is strictly less than the absolute value of n2 . Dividing by 0 signals
an error.
gap> RemInt(5,2); RemInt(-5,2); RemInt(5,-2); RemInt(-5,-2);
10.5 IsInt
IsInt( obj )
IsInt returns true if obj , which can be an arbitrary object, is an integer and false other-
wise. IsInt will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsInt( 1 );
gap> IsInt( IsInt );
false #IsInt is a function, not an integer
10.6 Int
Int( obj )
Int converts an object obj to an integer. If obj is an integer Int will simply return obj .
If obj is a rational number (see 12) Int returns the unique integer that has the same sign
as obj and the largest absolute value not larger than the absolute value of obj .
If obj is an element of the prime field of a finite field F,Int returns the least positive integer
nsuch that n* = obj (see 18.8).
If obj is not of one of the above types an error is signalled.
gap> Int( 17 );
gap> Int( 17 / 3 );
gap> Int( Z(5^3)^62 );
4#Z(53)62 = (Z(53)124/4)2=Z(5)2=P rimitiveRoot(5)2= 22
10.7 AbsInt
AbsInt( n)
AbsInt returns the absolute value of the integer n, i.e., nif nis positive, -nif nis negative
and 0 if nis 0 (see 10.8).
gap> AbsInt( 33 );
gap> AbsInt( -214378 );
gap> AbsInt( 0 );
10.8 SignInt
SignInt( obj )
SignInt returns the sign of the integer obj , i.e., 1 if obj is positive, -1 if obj is negative and
0 if obj is 0 (see 10.7).
gap> SignInt( 33 );
10.9. ISODDINT 365
gap> SignInt( -214378 );
gap> SignInt( 0 );
10.9 IsOddInt
IsOddInt( i)
Determines whether iis odd.
gap> IsOddInt(3);IsOddInt(4);
10.10 IsEvenInt
IsEvenInt( i)
Determines whether iis even.
gap> IsEvenInt(3);IsEvenInt(4);
10.11 ChineseRem
ChineseRem( moduli,residues )
ChineseRem returns the combination of the residues modulo the moduli, i.e., the unique
integer cfrom [0..Lcm(moduli)-1] such that c=residues[i] modulo moduli[i] for all
i, if it exists. If no such combination exists ChineseRem signals an error.
Such a combination does exist if and only if
residues[i]=residues[k]mod Gcd(moduli[i],moduli[k]) for every pair i,k. Note that
this implies that such a combination exists if the moduli are pairwise relatively prime. This
is called the Chinese remainder theorem.
gap> ChineseRem( [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );
gap> ChineseRem( [ 6, 10, 14 ], [ 1, 3, 5 ] );
gap> ChineseRem( [ 6, 10, 14 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
Error, the residues must be equal modulo 2
10.12 LogInt
LogInt( n,base )
LogInt returns the integer part of the logarithm of the positive integer nwith respect to the
positive integer base, i.e., the largest positive integer exp such that baseexp <=n.LogInt
will signal an error if either nor base is not positive.
gap> LogInt( 1030, 2 );
10 # 210 = 1024
gap> LogInt( 1, 10 );
10.13 RootInt
RootInt( n)
RootInt( n,k)
RootInt returns the integer part of the kth root of the integer n. If the optional integer
argument kis not given it defaults to 2, i.e., RootInt returns the integer part of the square
root in this case.
If nis positive RootInt returns the largest positive integer rsuch that rk<=n. If nis
negative and kis odd RootInt returns -RootInt( -n,k). If nis negative and kis even
RootInt will cause an error. RootInt will also cause an error if kis 0 or negative.
gap> RootInt( 361 );
gap> RootInt( 2 * 10^12 );
gap> RootInt( 17000, 5 );
7# 75= 16807
10.14 SmallestRootInt
SmallestRootInt( n)
SmallestRootInt returns the smallest root of the integer n.
The smallest root of an integer nis the integer rof smallest absolute value for which a
positive integer kexists such that n=rk.
gap> SmallestRootInt( 2^30 );
gap> SmallestRootInt( -(2^30) );
-4 # note that (2)30 = +(230)
gap> SmallestRootInt( 279936 );
gap> LogInt( 279936, 6 );
gap> SmallestRootInt( 1001 );
SmallestRootInt can be used to identify and decompose powers of primes as is demon-
strated in the following example (see 10.19)
p := SmallestRootInt( q ); n := LogInt( q, p );
if not IsPrimeInt(p) then Error("GF: <q> must be a primepower"); fi;
10.15 Set Functions for Integers
As already mentioned in the first section of this chapter, Integers is the domain of all
integers. Thus in principle all set theoretic functions, for example Intersection,Size, and
so on can be applied to this domain. This seems generally of little use.
gap> Intersection( Integers, [ 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2 ] );
gap> Size( Integers );
Random( Integers )
This seems to be the only useful domain function that can be applied to the domain
Integers. It returns pseudo random integers between -10 and 10 distributed according
to a binomial distribution.
gap> Random( Integers );
gap> Random( Integers );
To generate uniformly distributed integers from a range, use the construct Random( [ low
.. high ] ).
10.16 Ring Functions for Integers
As was already noted in the introduction to this chapter the integers form a Euclidean ring,
so all ring functions (see chapter 5) are applicable to the integers. This section comments
on the implementation of those functions for the integers and tells you how you can call the
corresponding functions directly, for example to save time.
IsPrime( Integers, n)
This is implemented by IsPrimeInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time
(see 10.18).
Factors( Integers, n)
This is implemented as by FactorsInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of
time (see 10.22).
EuclideanDegree( Integers, n)
The Euclidean degree of an integer is of course simply the absolute value of the integer.
Calling AbsInt directly will be a little bit faster.
EuclideanRemainder( Integers, n,m)
This is implemented as RemInt( n,m), which you can use directly to save a lot of time.
EuclideanQuotient( Integers, n,m)
This is implemented as QuoInt( n,m), which you can use directly to save a lot of time.
QuotientRemainder( Integers, n,m)
This is implemented as [ QuoInt(n,m), RemInt(n,m) ], which you can use directly to
save a lot of time.
QuotientMod( Integers, n1 ,n2 ,m)
This is implemented as (n1 /n2 ) mod m, which you can use directly to save a lot of time.
PowerMod( Integers, n,e,m)
This is implemented by PowerModInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of
time. Note that using n^emod mwill generally be slower, because it can not reduce
intermediate results like PowerMod.
Gcd( Integers, n1 ,n2 .. )
This is implemented by GcdInt, which you can call directly to save a lot of time. Note that
GcdInt takes only two arguments, not several as Gcd does.
Gcdex( n1 ,n2 )
Gcdex returns a record. The component gcd is the gcd of n1 and n2 .
The components coeff1 and coeff2 are integer cofactors such that
g.gcd = g.coeff1*n1 +g.coeff2*n2 .
If n1 and n2 both are nonzero, AbsInt( g.coeff1 ) is less than or equal to AbsInt(n2 )
/ (2*g.gcd) and AbsInt( g.coeff2 ) is less than or equal to AbsInt(n1 ) / (2*g.gcd).
The components coeff3 and coeff4 are integer cofactors such that
0 = g.coeff3*n1 +g.coeff4*n2 .
If n1 or n2 or are both nonzero coeff3 is -n2 /g.gcd and coeff4 is n1 /g.gcd.
The coefficients always form a unimodular matrix, i.e., the determinant
g.coeff1*g.coeff4 - g.coeff3*g.coeff2
is 1 or -1.
gap> Gcdex( 123, 66 );
gcd := 3,
coeff1 := 7,
coeff2 := -13,
coeff3 := -22,
coeff4 := 41 )
# 3 = 7*123 - 13*66, 0 = -22*123 + 41*66
gap> Gcdex( 0, -3 );
gcd := 3,
coeff1 := 0,
coeff2 := -1,
coeff3 := 1,
coeff4 := 0 )
gap> Gcdex( 0, 0 );
gcd := 0,
coeff1 := 1,
coeff2 := 0,
coeff3 := 0,
coeff4 := 1 )
Lcm( Integers, n1 ,n2 .. )
10.17. PRIMES 369
This is implemented as LcmInt, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time. Note
that LcmInt takes only two arguments, not several as Lcm does.
10.17 Primes
Primes[ n]
Primes is a set, i.e., a sorted list, of the 168 primes less than 1000.
Primes is used in IsPrimeInt (see 10.18) and FactorsInt (see 10.22) to cast out small
prime divisors quickly.
gap> Primes[1];
gap> Primes[100];
10.18 IsPrimeInt
IsPrimeInt( n)
IsPrimeInt returns false if it can prove that nis composite and true otherwise. By
convention IsPrimeInt(0) = IsPrimeInt(1) = false and we define IsPrimeInt( -n)
= IsPrimeInt( n).
IsPrimeInt will return true for all prime n.IsPrimeInt will return false for all composite
n < 1013 and for all composite nthat have a factor p < 1000. So for integers n < 1013,
IsPrimeInt is a proper primality test. It is conceivable that IsPrimeInt may return true
for some composite n > 1013, but no such nis currently known. So for integers n > 1013,
IsPrimeInt is a probable-primality test. If composites that fool IsPrimeInt do exist, they
would be extremly rare, and finding one by pure chance is less likely than finding a bug in
IsPrimeInt is a deterministic algorithm, i.e., the computations involve no random numbers,
and repeated calls will always return the same result. IsPrimeInt first does trial divisions
by the primes less than 1000. Then it tests that nis a strong pseudoprime w.r.t. the base 2.
Finally it tests whether nis a Lucas pseudoprime w.r.t. the smallest quadratic nonresidue
of n. A better description can be found in the comment in the library file integer.g.
The time taken by IsPrimeInt is approximately proportional to the third power of the
number of digits of n. Testing numbers with several hundreds digits is quite feasible.
gap> IsPrimeInt( 2^31 - 1 );
gap> IsPrimeInt( 10^42 + 1 );
10.19 IsPrimePowerInt
IsPrimePowerInt( n)
IsPrimePowerInt returns true if the integer nis a prime power and false otherwise.
nis a prime power if there exists a prime pand a positive integer isuch that pi=n. If
nis negative the condition is that there must exist a negative prime pand an odd positive
integer isuch that pi=n. 1 and -1 are not prime powers.
Note that IsPrimePowerInt uses SmallestRootInt (see 10.14) and a probable-primality
test (see 10.18).
gap> IsPrimePowerInt( 31^5 );
gap> IsPrimePowerInt( 2^31-1 );
true # 231 1 is actually a prime
gap> IsPrimePowerInt( 2^63-1 );
gap> Filtered( [-10..10], IsPrimePowerInt );
[ -8, -7, -5, -3, -2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 ]
10.20 NextPrimeInt
NextPrimeInt( n)
NextPrimeInt returns the smallest prime which is strictly larger than the integer n.
Note that NextPrimeInt uses a probable-primality test (see 10.18).
gap> NextPrimeInt( 541 );
gap> NextPrimeInt( -1 );
10.21 PrevPrimeInt
PrevPrimeInt( n)
PrevPrimeInt returns the largest prime which is strictly smaller than the integer n.
Note that PrevPrimeInt uses a probable-primality test (see 10.18).
gap> PrevPrimeInt( 541 );
gap> PrevPrimeInt( 1 );
10.22 FactorsInt
FactorsInt( n)
FactorsInt returns a list of the prime factors of the integer n. If the ith power of a prime
divides nthis prime appears itimes. The list is sorted, that is the smallest prime factors
come first. The first element has the same sign as n, the others are positive. For any integer
nit holds that Product( FactorsInt( n))=n.
Note that FactorsInt uses a probable-primality test (see 10.18). Thus FactorsInt might
return a list which contains composite integers.
The time taken by FactorsInt is approximately proportional to the square root of the
second largest prime factor of n, which is the last one that FactorsInt has to find, since
10.23. DIVISORSINT 371
the largest factor is simply what remains when all others have been removed. Thus the time
is roughly bounded by the fourth root of n.FactorsInt is guaranteed to find all factors
less than 106and will find most factors less than 1010. If ncontains multiple factors larger
than that FactorsInt may not be able to factor nand will then signal an error.
gap> FactorsInt( -Factorial(6) );
[ -2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5 ]
gap> Set( FactorsInt( Factorial(13)/11 ) );
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 13 ]
gap> FactorsInt( 2^63 - 1 );
[ 7, 7, 73, 127, 337, 92737, 649657 ]
gap> FactorsInt( 10^42 + 1 );
[ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ]
10.23 DivisorsInt
DivisorsInt( n)
DivisorsInt returns a list of all positive divisors of the integer n. The list is sorted, so
it starts with 1 and ends with n. We define DivisorsInt( -n) = DivisorsInt( n).
Since the set of divisors of 0 is infinite calling DivisorsInt( 0 ) causes an error.
DivisorsInt calls FactorsInt (see 10.22) to obtain the prime factors. Sigma (see 10.24)
computes the sum, Tau (see 10.25) the number of positive divisors.
gap> DivisorsInt( 1 );
gap> DivisorsInt( 20 );
[ 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20 ]
gap> DivisorsInt( 541 );
[ 1, 541 ]
10.24 Sigma
Sigma( n)
Sigma returns the sum of the positive divisors (see 10.23) of the integer n.
Sigma is a multiplicative arithmetic function, i.e., if nand mare relatively prime we have
σ(nm) = σ(n)σ(m). Together with the formula σ(pe) = (pe+1 1)/(p1) this allows you
to compute σ(n).
Integers nfor which σ(n) = 2nare called perfect. Even perfect integers are exactly of the
form 2n1(2n1) where 2n1 is prime. Primes of the form 2n1 are called Mersenne
primes, the known ones are obtained for n= 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 61, 89, 107, 127,
521, 607, 1279, 2203, 2281, 3217, 4253, 4423, 9689, 9941, 11213, 19937, 21701, 23209, 44497,
86243, 110503, 132049, 216091, 756839, and 859433. It is not known whether odd perfect
integers exist, however [BC89] show that any such integer must have at least 300 decimal
Sigma usually spends most of its time factoring n(see 10.22).
gap> Sigma( 0 );
Error, Sigma: <n> must not be 0
gap> Sigma( 1 );
gap> Sigma( 1009 );
1010 # thus 1009 is a prime
gap> Sigma( 8128 ) = 2*8128;
true # thus 8128 is a perfect number
10.25 Tau
Tau( n)
Tau returns the number of the positive divisors (see 10.23) of the integer n.
Tau is a multiplicative arithmetic function, i.e., if nand mare relatively prime we have
τ(nm) = τ(n)τ(m). Together with the formula τ(pe) = e+ 1 this allows us to compute
Tau usually spends most of its time factoring n(see 10.22).
gap> Tau( 0 );
Error, Tau: <n> must not be 0
gap> Tau( 1 );
gap> Tau( 1013 );
2# thus 1013 is a prime
gap> Tau( 8128 );
gap> Tau( 36 );
9#τ(n) is odd if and only if nis a perfect square
10.26 MoebiusMu
MoebiusMu( n)
MoebiusMu computes the value of the Moebius function for the integer n. This is 0 for
integers which are not squarefree, i.e., which are divisible by a square r2. Otherwise it is 1
if nhas an even number and -1 if nhas an odd number of prime factors.
The importance of µstems from the so called inversion formula. Suppose f(n) is a function
defined on the positive integers and let g(n) = Pd|nf(d). Then f(n) = Pd|nµ(d)g(n/d).
As a special case we have φ(n) = Pd|nµ(d)n/d since n=Pd|nφ(d) (see 11.2).
MoebiusMu usually spends all of its time factoring n(see 10.22).
gap> MoebiusMu( 60 );
gap> MoebiusMu( 61 );
gap> MoebiusMu( 62 );
Chapter 11
Number Theory
The integers relatively prime to mform a group under multiplication modulo m, called the
prime residue group. This chapter describes the functions that deal with this group.
The first section describes the function that computes the set of representatives of the group
(see 11.1).
The next sections describe the functions that compute the size and the exponent of the
group (see 11.2 and 11.3).
The next section describes the function that computes the order of an element in the group
(see 11.4).
The next section describes the functions that test whether a residue generates the group or
computes a generator of the group, provided it is cyclic (see 11.5, 11.6).
The next section describes the functions that test whether an element is a square in the
group (see 11.7 and 11.8).
The next sections describe the functions that compute general roots in the group (see 11.9
and 11.10).
All these functions are in the file LIBNAME/"numtheor.g".
11.1 PrimeResidues
PrimeResidues( m)
PrimeResidues returns the set of integers from the range 0..Abs(m)1 that are relatively
prime to the integer m.
Abs(m) must be less than 228, otherwise the set would probably be too large anyhow.
The integers relatively prime to mform a group under multiplication modulo m, called the
prime residue group.φ(m) (see 11.2) is the order of this group, λ(m) (see 11.3) the
exponent. If and only if mis 2, 4, an odd prime power pe, or twice an odd prime power 2pe,
this group is cyclic. In this case the generators of the group, i.e., elements of order φ(m),
are called primitive roots (see 11.5, 11.6).
gap> PrimeResidues( 0 );
[ ]
gap> PrimeResidues( 1 );
gap> PrimeResidues( 20 );
[ 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19 ]
11.2 Phi
Phi( m)
Phi returns the value of the Euler totient function φ(m) for the integer m.φ(m) is
defined as the number of positive integers less than or equal to mthat are relatively prime
to m.
Suppose that m=pe1
k. Then φ(m) is pe11
k(pk1). It
follows that mis a prime if and only if φ(m) = m1.
The integers relatively prime to mform a group under multiplication modulo m, called the
prime residue group. It can be computed with PrimeResidues (see 11.1). φ(m) is the
order of this group, λ(m) (see 11.3) the exponent. If and only if mis 2, 4, an odd prime
power pe, or twice an odd prime power 2pe, this group is cyclic. In this case the generators
of the group, i.e., elements of order φ(m), are called primitive roots (see 11.5, 11.6).
Phi usually spends most of its time factoring m(see 10.22).
gap> Phi( 12 );
gap> Phi( 2^13-1 );
8190 # which proves that 213 1 is a prime
gap> Phi( 2^15-1 );
11.3 Lambda
Lambda( m)
Lambda returns the exponent of the group of relatively prime residues modulo the integer
λ(m) is the smallest positive integer lsuch that for every arelatively prime to mwe have
al= 1 mod m. Fermat’s theorem asserts aφ(m)= 1 mod m, thus λ(m) divides φ(m) (see
Carmichael’s theorem states that λcan be computed as follows λ(2) = 1, λ(4) = 2 and
λ(2e)=2e2if 3 <=e,λ(pe)=(p1)pe1(= φ(pe)) if pis an odd prime, and λ(nm) =
Lcm(λ(n), λ(m)) if n, m are relatively prime.
Composites for which λ(m) divides m1 are called Carmichaels. If 6k+ 1, 12k+ 1 and
18k+1 are primes their product is such a number. It is believed but unproven that there are
infinitely many Carmichaels. There are only 1547 Carmichaels below 1010 but 455052511
The integers relatively prime to mform a group under multiplication modulo m, called the
prime residue group. It can be computed with PrimeResidues (see 11.1). φ(m) (see
11.4. ORDERMOD 375
11.2) is the order of this group, λ(m) the exponent. If and only if mis 2, 4, an odd prime
power pe, or twice an odd prime power 2pe, this group is cyclic. In this case the generators
of the group, i.e., elements of order φ(m), are called primitive roots (see 11.5, 11.6).
Lambda usually spends most of its time factoring m(see 10.22).
gap> Lambda( 10 );
gap> Lambda( 30 );
gap> Lambda( 561 );
80 # 561 is the smallest Carmichael number
11.4 OrderMod
OrderMod( n,m)
OrderMod returns the multiplicative order of the integer nmodulo the positive integer m.
If nis less than 0 or larger than mit is replaced by its remainder. If nand mare not
relatively prime the order of nis not defined and OrderMod will return 0.
If nand mare relatively prime the multiplicative order of nmodulo mis the smallest
positive integer isuch that ni= 1 mod m. Elements of maximal order are called primitive
roots (see 11.2).
OrderMod usually spends most of its time factoring mand φ(m) (see 10.22).
gap> OrderMod( 2, 7 );
gap> OrderMod( 3, 7 );
6# 3 is a primitive root modulo 7
11.5 IsPrimitiveRootMod
IsPrimitiveRootMod( r,m)
IsPrimitiveRootMod returns true if the integer ris a primitive root modulo the positive
integer mand false otherwise. If ris less than 0 or larger than mit is replaced by its
The integers relatively prime to mform a group under multiplication modulo m, called the
prime residue group. It can be computed with PrimeResidues (see 11.1). φ(m) (see 11.2) is
the order of this group, λ(m) (see 11.3) the exponent. If and only if mis 2, 4, an odd prime
power pe, or twice an odd prime power 2pe, this group is cyclic. In this case the generators
of the group, i.e., elements of order φ(m), are called primitive roots (see also 11.6).
gap> IsPrimitiveRootMod( 2, 541 );
gap> IsPrimitiveRootMod( -539, 541 );
true # same computation as above
gap> IsPrimitiveRootMod( 4, 541 );
gap> ForAny( [1..29], r -> IsPrimitiveRootMod( r, 30 ) );
false # there does not exist a primitive root modulo 30
11.6 PrimitiveRootMod
PrimitiveRootMod( m)
PrimitiveRootMod( m,start )
PrimitiveRootMod returns the smallest primitive root modulo the positive integer mand
false if no such primitive root exists. If the optional second integer argument start is given
PrimitiveRootMod returns the smallest primitive root that is strictly larger than start.
The integers relatively prime to mform a group under multiplication modulo m, called the
prime residue group. It can be computed with PrimeResidues (see 11.1). φ(m) (see 11.2) is
the order of this group, λ(m) (see 11.3) the exponent. If and only if mis 2, 4, an odd prime
power pe, or twice an odd prime power 2pe, this group is cyclic. In this case the generators
of the group, i.e., elements of order φ(m), are called primitive roots (see also 11.5).
gap> PrimitiveRootMod( 409 );
21 # largest primitive root for a prime less than 2000
gap> PrimitiveRootMod( 541, 2 );
gap> PrimitiveRootMod( 337, 327 );
false # 327 is the largest primitive root mod 337
gap> PrimitiveRootMod( 30 );
false # the exists no primitive root modulo 30
11.7 Jacobi
Jacobi( n,m)
Jacobi returns the value of the Jacobi symbol of the integer nmodulo the integer m.
Suppose that m=p1p2..pkas a product of primes, not necessarily distinct. Then for n
relatively prime to mthe Jacobi symbol is defined by J(n/m) = L(n/p1)L(n/p2)..L(n/pk),
where L(n/p) is the Legendre symbol (see 11.8). By convention J(n/1) = 1. If the gcd of
nand mis larger than 1 we define J(n/m) = 0.
If nis an quadratic residue modulo m, i.e., if there exists an rsuch that r2=nmod m
then J(n/m) = 1. However J(n/m) = 1 implies the existence of such an ronly if mis a
Jacobi is very efficient, even for large values of nand m, it is about as fast as the Euclidean
algorithm (see 5.26).
gap> Jacobi( 11, 35 );
1# 92= 11 mod 35
gap> Jacobi( 6, 35 );
-1 # thus there is no rsuch that r2= 6 mod 35
gap> Jacobi( 3, 35 );
1# even though there is no rwith r2= 3 mod 35
11.8 Legendre
Legendre( n,m)
11.9. ROOTMOD 377
Legendre returns the value of the Legendre symbol of the integer nmodulo the positive
integer m.
The value of the Legendre symbol L(n/m) is 1 if nis a quadratic residue modulo m, i.e.,
if there exists an integer rsuch that r2=nmod mand -1 otherwise.
If a root of nexists it can be found by RootMod (see 11.9).
While the value of the Legendre symbol usually is only defined for ma prime, we have
extended the definition to include composite moduli too. The Jacobi symbol (see 11.7) is
another generalization of the Legendre symbol for composite moduli that is much cheaper
to compute, because it does not need the factorization of m(see 10.22).
gap> Legendre( 5, 11 );
1# 42= 5 mod 11
gap> Legendre( 6, 11 );
-1 # thus there is no rsuch that r2= 6 mod 11
gap> Legendre( 3, 35 );
-1 # thus there is no rsuch that r2= 3 mod 35
11.9 RootMod
RootMod( n,m)
RootMod( n,k,m)
In the first form RootMod computes a square root of the integer nmodulo the positive integer
m, i.e., an integer rsuch that r2=nmod m. If no such root exists RootMod returns false.
A root of nexists only if Legendre(n,m)=1(see 11.8). If mhas kdifferent prime factors
then there are 2kdifferent roots of nmod m. It is unspecified which one RootMod returns.
You can, however, use RootsUnityMod (see 11.10) to compute the full set of roots.
In the second form RootMod computes a kth root of the integer nmodulo the positive integer
m, i.e., an integer rsuch that rk=nmod m. If no such root exists RootMod returns false.
In the current implementation kmust be a prime.
RootMod is efficient even for large values of m, actually most time is usually spent factoring
m(see 10.22).
gap> RootMod( 64, 1009 );
1001 # note RootMod does not return 8 in this case but -8
gap> RootMod( 64, 3, 1009 );
gap> RootMod( 64, 5, 1009 );
gap> List( RootMod( 64, 1009 ) * RootsUnityMod( 1009 ),
> x -> x mod 1009 );
[ 1001, 8 ] # set of all square roots of 64 mod 1009
11.10 RootsUnityMod
RootsUnityMod( m)
RootsUnityMod( k,m)
In the first form RootsUnityMod computes the square roots of 1 modulo the integer m, i.e.,
the set of all positive integers rless than nsuch that r2= 1 mod m.
In the second form RootsUnityMod computes the kth roots of 1 modulo the integer m, i.e.,
the set of all positive integers rless than nsuch that rk= 1 mod m.
In general there are knsuch roots if the modulus mhas ndifferent prime factors psuch
that p= 1 mod k. If k2divides mthen there are kn+1 such roots; and especially if k= 2
and 8 divides mthere are 2n+2 such roots.
If you are interested in the full set of roots of another number instead of 1 use RootsUnityMod
together with RootMod (see 11.9).
In the current implementation kmust be a prime.
RootsUnityMod is efficient even for large values of m, actually most time is usually spent
factoring m(see 10.22).
gap> RootsUnityMod(7*31);
[ 1, 92, 125, 216 ]
gap> RootsUnityMod(3,7*31);
[ 1, 25, 32, 36, 67, 149, 156, 191, 211 ]
gap> RootsUnityMod(5,7*31);
[ 1, 8, 64, 78, 190 ]
gap> List( RootMod( 64, 1009 ) * RootsUnityMod( 1009 ),
> x -> x mod 1009 );
[ 1001, 8 ] # set of all square roots of 64 mod 1009
Chapter 12
The rationals form a very important field. On the one hand it is the quotient field of the
integers (see 10). On the other hand it is the prime field of the fields of characteristic zero
(see 15).
The former comment suggests the representation actually used. A rational is represented as
a pair of integers, called numerator and denominator. Numerator and denominator are
reduced, i.e., their greatest common divisor is 1. If the denominator is 1, the rational is
in fact an integer and is represented as such. The numerator holds the sign of the rational,
thus the denominator is always positive.
Because the underlying integer arithmetic can compute with arbitrary size integers, the
rational arithmetic is always exact, even for rationals whose numerators and denominators
have thousands of digits.
gap> 2/3;
gap> 66/123;
22/41 # numerator and denominator are made relatively prime
gap> 17/-13;
-17/13 # the numerator carries the sign
gap> 121/11;
11 # rationals with denominator 1 (after cancelling) are integers
The first sections of this chapter describe the functions that test whether an object is a
rational (see 12.1), and select the numerator and denominator of a rational (see 12.2, 12.3).
The next sections describe the rational operations (see 12.6, and 12.7).
The GAP3 object Rationals is the field domain of all rationals. All set theoretic functions
are applicable to this domain (see chapter 4 and 12.8). Since Rationals is a field all field
functions are also applicable to this domain and its elements (see chapter 6 and 12.9).
All external functions are defined in the file "LIBNAME/rational.g".
12.1 IsRat
IsRat( obj )
IsRat returns true if obj , which can be an arbitrary object, is a rational and false oth-
erwise. Integers are rationals with denominator 1, thus IsRat returns true for integers.
IsRat will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable or a procedure call.
gap> IsRat( 2/3 );
gap> IsRat( 17/-13 );
gap> IsRat( 11 );
gap> IsRat( IsRat );
false #IsRat is a function, not a rational
12.2 Numerator
Numerator( rat )
Numerator returns the numerator of the rational rat. Because the numerator holds the
sign of the rational it may be any integer. Integers are rationals with denominator 1, thus
Numerator is the identity function for integers.
gap> Numerator( 2/3 );
gap> Numerator( 66/123 );
22 # numerator and denominator are made relatively prime
gap> Numerator( 17/-13 );
-17 # the numerator holds the sign of the rational
gap> Numerator( 11 );
11 # integers are rationals with denominator 1
Denominator (see 12.3) is the counterpart to Numerator.
12.3 Denominator
Denominator( rat )
Denominator returns the denominator of the rational rat. Because the numerator holds the
sign of the rational the denominator is always a positive integer. Integers are rationals with
the denominator 1, thus Denominator returns 1 for integers.
gap> Denominator( 2/3 );
gap> Denominator( 66/123 );
41 # numerator and denominator are made relatively prime
gap> Denominator( 17/-13 );
13 # the denominator holds the sign of the rational
gap> Denominator( 11 );
1# integers are rationals with denominator 1
Numerator (see 12.2) is the counterpart to Denominator.
12.4. FLOOR 381
12.4 Floor
This function returns the largest integer smaller or equal to r.
gap> Floor(-2/3);
gap> Floor(2/3);
12.5 Mod1
The argument should be a rational or a list. If ris a rational, it returns (Numerator(r) mod
Denominator(r))/Denominator(r). If ris a list, it returns List(r,Mod1). This function
is very useful for working in Q/Z.
gap> Mod1([-2/3,-1,7/4,3]);
[ 1/3, 0, 3/4, 0 ]
12.6 Comparisons of Rationals
q1 =q2
q1 <> q2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two rationals q1 and q2 are equal and to
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two rationals q1 and
q2 are not equal and to false otherwise.
gap> 2/3 = -4/-6;
gap> 66/123 <> 22/41;
gap> 17/13 = 11;
q1 <q2
q1 <= q2
q1 >q2
q1 >= q2
The operators <,<=,>, and => evaluate to true if the rational q1 is less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the rational q2 and to false otherwise.
One rational q1=n1/d1is less than another q2=n2/d2if and only if n1d2< n2d2. This
definition is of course only valid because the denominator of rationals is always defined to be
positive. This definition also extends to the comparison of rationals with integers, which are
interpreted as rationals with denominator 1. Rationals can also be compared with objects
of other types. They are smaller than objects of any other type by definition.
gap> 2/3 < 22/41;
gap> -17/13 < 11;
12.7 Operations for Rationals
q1 +q2
q1 -q2
q1 *q2
q1 /q2
The operators +,-,*and /evaluate to the sum, difference, product, and quotient of the two
rationals q1 and q2 . For the quotient /q2 must of course be nonzero, otherwise an error is
signalled. Either operand may also be an integer i, which is interpreted as a rational with
denominator 1. The result of those operations is always reduced. If, after the reduction,
the denominator is 1, the rational is in fact an integer, and is represented as such.
gap> 2/3 + 4/5;
gap> 7/6 * 2/3;
7/9 # note how the result is cancelled
gap> 67/6 - 1/6;
11 # the result is an integer
The powering operator ^returns the i-th power of the rational q.imust be an integer. If
the exponent iis zero, q^iis defined as 1; if iis positive, q^iis defined as the i-fold product
q*q*..*q; finally, if iis negative, q^iis defined as (1/q)^-i. In this case qmust of course
be nonzero.
gap> (2/3) ^ 3;
gap> (-17/13) ^ -1;
-13/17 # note how the sign switched
gap> (1/2) ^ -2;
12.8 Set Functions for Rationals
As was already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter the GAP3 object Rationals
is the domain of all rationals. All set theoretic functions, e.g., Intersection and Size, are
applicable to this domain.
gap> Intersection( Rationals, [ E(4)^0, E(4)^1, E(4)^2, E(4)^3 ] );
[ -1, 1 ] #E(4) is the complex square root of -1
gap> Size( Rationals );
This does not seem to be very useful.
12.9 Field Functions for Rationals
As was already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter the GAP3 object Rationals
is the field of all rationals. All field functions, e.g., Norm and MinPol are applicable to
this domain and its elements. However, since the field of rationals is the prime field, all
those functions are trivial. Therefore, Conjugates( Rationals, q)returns [q],Norm(
Rationals, q)and Trace( Rationals, q)return q, and CharPol( Rationals, q)
and MinPol( Rationals, q)both return [ -q,1].
Chapter 13
GAP3 allows computations in abelian extension fields of the rational field Q, i.e., fields with
abelian Galois group over Q. These fields are described in chapter 15. They are subfields
of cyclotomic fields Qn=Q(en) where en=e2πi
nis a primitive n–th root of unity. Their
elements are called cyclotomics.
The internal representation of a cyclotomic does not refer to the smallest number field but
the smallest cyclotomic field containing it (the so–called conductor). This is because it
is easy to embed two cyclotomic fields in a larger one that contains both, i.e., there is a
natural way to get the sum or the product of two arbitrary cyclotomics as element of a
cyclotomic field. The disadvantage is that the arithmetical operations are too expensive
to do arithmetics in number fields, e.g., calculations in a matrix ring over a number field.
But it suffices to deal with irrationalities in character tables (see 49). (And in fact, the
comfortability of working with the natural embeddings is used there in many situations
which did not actually afford it . . . )
All functions that take a field extension as —possibly optional— argument, e.g., Trace or
Coefficients (see chapter 6), are described in chapter 15.
This chapter informs about
the representation of cyclotomics in GAP3 (see 13.1),
access to the internal data (see 13.7, 13.8)
integral elements of number fields (see 13.2, 13.3, 13.4),
characteristic functions (see 13.5, 13.6),
comparison and arithmetical operations of cyclotomics (see 13.9, 13.10),
functions concerning Galois conjugacy of cyclotomics (see 13.11, 13.14), or lists of
them (see 13.16, 13.17),
some special cyclotomics, as defined in [CCN+85] (see 13.13, 13.15)
The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"cyclotom.g".
13.1 More about Cyclotomics
Elements of number fields (see chapter 15), cyclotomics for short, are arithmetical objects
like rationals and finite field elements; they are not implemented as records —like groups—
or e.g. with respect to a character table (although character tables may be the main interest
for cyclotomic arithmetics).
E( n)
returns the primitive n-th root of unity en=e2πi
n. Cyclotomics are usually entered as
(and irrational cyclotomics are always displayed as) sums of roots of unity with rational
coefficients. (For special cyclotomics, see 13.13.)
gap> E(9); E(9)^3; E(6); E(12) / 3;
-E(9)^4-E(9)^7 # the root needs not to be an element of the base
For the representation of cyclotomics one has to recall that the cyclotomic field Qn=Q(en)
is a vector space of dimension ϕ(n) over the rationals where ϕdenotes Euler’s phi-function
(see 11.2).
Note that the set of all n-th roots of unity is linearly dependent for n > 1, so multiplication
is not the multiplication of the group ring Qheni; given a Q-basis of Qnthe result of the
multiplication (computed as multiplication of polynomials in en, using (en)n= 1) will be
converted to the base.
gap> E(5) * E(5)^2; ( E(5) + E(5)^4 ) * E(5)^2;
gap> ( E(5) + E(5)^4 ) * E(5);
Cyclotomics are always represented in the smallest cyclotomic field they are contained in.
Together with the choice of a fixed base this means that two cyclotomics are equal if and
only if they are equally represented.
Addition and multiplication of two cyclotomics represented in Qnand Qm, respectively, is
computed in the smallest cyclotomic field containing both: QLcm(n,m). Conversely, if the
result is contained in a smaller cyclotomic field the representation is reduced to the minimal
such field.
The base, the base conversion and the reduction to the minimal cyclotomic field are described
in [Zum89], more about the base can be found in 15.9.
Since nmust be a short integer, the maximal cyclotomic field implemented in GAP3 is
not really the field Qab. The biggest allowed (though not very useful) nis 65535.
There is a global variable Cyclotomics in GAP3, a record that stands for the domain of all
cyclotomics (see chapter 15).
13.2 Cyclotomic Integers
A cyclotomic is called integral or cyclotomic integer if all coefficients of its minimal
polynomial are integers. Since the base used is an integral base (see 15.9), the subring
of cyclotomic integers in a cyclotomic field is formed by those cyclotomics which have not
only rational but integral coefficients in their representation as sums of roots of unity. For
example, square roots of integers are cyclotomic integers (see 13.13), any root of unity is a
13.3. INTCYC 387
cyclotomic integer, character values are always cyclotomic integers, but all rationals which
are not integers are not cyclotomic integers. (See 13.6)
gap> ER( 5 ); # The square root of 5 is a cyclotomic
E(5)-E(5)^2-E(5)^3+E(5)^4 # integer, it has integral coefficients.
gap> 1/2 * ER( 5 ); # This is not a cyclotomic integer, . . .
gap> 1/2 * ER( 5 ) - 1/2; # . . . but this is one.
13.3 IntCyc
IntCyc( z)
returns the cyclotomic integer (see 13.2) with Zumbroich base coefficients (see 15.9) List(
zumb,x->Int(x))where zumb is the vector of Zumbroich base coefficients of the
cyclotomic z; see also 13.4.
gap> IntCyc( E(5)+1/2*E(5)^2 ); IntCyc( 2/3*E(7)+3/2*E(4) );
13.4 RoundCyc
RoundCyc( z)
returns the cyclotomic integer (see 13.2) with Zumbroich base coefficients (see 15.9) List(
zumb, x -> Int( x+1/2 ) ) where zumb is the vector of Zumbroich base coefficients of
the cyclotomic z; see also 13.3.
gap> RoundCyc( E(5)+1/2*E(5)^2 ); RoundCyc( 2/3*E(7)+3/2*E(4) );
13.5 IsCyc
IsCyc( obj )
returns true if obj is a cyclotomic, and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is an
unbound variable.
gap> IsCyc( 0 ); IsCyc( E(3) ); IsCyc( 1/2 * E(3) ); IsCyc( IsCyc );
IsCyc is an internal function.
13.6 IsCycInt
IsCycInt( obj )
returns true if obj is a cyclotomic integer (see 13.2), false otherwise. Will signal an error
if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsCycInt( 0 ); IsCycInt( E(3) ); IsCycInt( 1/2 * E(3) );
IsCycInt is an internal function.
13.7 NofCyc
NofCyc( z)
NofCyc( list )
returns the smallest positive integer nfor which the cyclotomic zis resp. for which all
cyclotomics in the list list are contained in Qn=Q(e2πi
n) = Q(E(n)).
gap> NofCyc( 0 ); NofCyc( E(10) ); NofCyc( E(12) );
NofCyc is an internal function.
13.8 CoeffsCyc
CoeffsCyc( z,n)
If zis a cyclotomic which is contained in Qn,CoeffsCyc( z,n)returns a list cfs of length
nwhere the entry at position iis the coefficient of E(n)i1in the internal representation
of zas element of the cyclotomic field Qn(see 13.1, 15.9): z=cfs[1] + cfs[2] E(n)1+. . . +
Note that all positions which do not belong to base elements of Qncontain zeroes.
gap> CoeffsCyc( E(5), 5 ); CoeffsCyc( E(5), 15 );
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 ]
gap> CoeffsCyc( 1+E(3), 9 ); CoeffsCyc( E(5), 7 );
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 ]
Error, no representation of <z> in 7th roots of unity
CoeffsCyc calls the internal function COEFFSCYC:
is equivalent to CoeffsCyc( z, NofCyc( z) ), see 13.7.
13.9 Comparisons of Cyclotomics
To compare cyclotomics, the operators <,<=,=,>=,>and <> can be used, the result will
be true if the first operand is smaller, smaller or equal, equal, larger or equal, larger, or
inequal, respectively, and false otherwise.
Cyclotomics are ordered as follows: The relation between rationals is as usual, and rationals
are smaller than irrational cyclotomics. For two irrational cyclotomics z1 ,z2 which lie in dif-
ferent minimal cyclotomic fields, we have z1 <z2 if and only if NofCyc(z1 )<NofCyc(z2 ));
if NofCyc(z1 ) = NofCyc(z2 )), that one is smaller that has the smaller coefficient vector, i.e.,
z1 z2 if and only if COEFFSCYC(z1 )COEFFSCYC(z2 ).
You can compare cyclotomics with objects of other types; all objects which are not cyclo-
tomics are larger than cyclotomics.
gap> E(5) < E(6); # the latter value lies in Q3
gap> E(3) < E(3)^2; # both lie in Q3, so compare coefficients
gap> 3 < E(3); E(5) < E(7);
gap> E(728) < (1,2);
13.10 Operations for Cyclotomics
The operators +,-,*,/are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of
two cyclotomics; note that division by 0 causes an error.
+and -can also be used as unary operators;
^is used for exponentiation of a cyclotomic with an integer; this is in general not equal to
Galois conjugation.
gap> E(5) + E(3); (E(5) + E(5)^4) ^ 2; E(5) / E(3); E(5) * E(3);
13.11 GaloisCyc
GaloisCyc( z,k)
returns the cyclotomic obtained on raising the roots of unity in the representation of the
cyclotomic zto the k-th power. If zis represented in the field Qnand kis a fixed integer
relative prime to n,GaloisCyc( ., k)acts as a Galois automorphism of Qn(see 15.8);
to get Galois automorphisms as functions, use 6.7 GaloisGroup.
gap> GaloisCyc( E(5) + E(5)^4, 2 );
gap> GaloisCyc( E(5), -1 ); # the complex conjugate
gap> GaloisCyc( E(5) + E(5)^4, -1 ); # this value is real
gap> GaloisCyc( E(15) + E(15)^4, 3 );
GaloisCyc is an internal function.
13.12 Galois
Galois( z,e)
This function is a kind of generalized version of GaloisCyc. If zis a list it returns the list of
Galois(x,e) for each element xof z. If zis a cyclotomic, if eis an integer it is equiv-
alent to GaloisCyc(z,e)and if eis a Galois element it is equivalent to z^e. Finally,
if zis a record with a .operations field, it returns z.operations.Galois(z,e).
One such operations is predefined if zis a polynomial, it does Galois(x,e) on
each coefficient of z.
gap> Galois(E(3),-1);
gap> Galois(E(3),-1);
gap> G:=GaloisGroup(CF(3));
Group( NFAutomorphism( CF(3) , 2 ) )
gap> E(3)^G.1;
gap> Galois([E(3),E(5)],-1);
[ E(3)^2, E(5)^4 ]
gap> Galois(X(Cyclotomics)+E(3),-1);
X(Cyclotomics) + (E(3)^2)
13.13 ATLAS irrationalities
EB( N),EC( N), . . . , EH( N),
EI( N),ER( N),
EJ( N),EK( N),EL( N),EM( N),
EJ( N,d),EK( N,d),EL( N,d),EM( N,d),
ES( N),ET( N), . . . , EY( N),
ES( N,d),ET( N,d), . . . , EY( N,d),
NK( N,k,d)
For Na positive integer, let z=E(N) = e2πi/N . The following so-called atomic irrational-
ities (see [CCN+85, Chapter 7, Section 10]) can be entered by functions (Note that the
values are not necessary irrational.):
EB(N) = bN=1
j=1 zj2(N1 mod 2)
EC(N) = cN=1
j=1 zj3(N1 mod 3)
ED(N) = dN=1
j=1 zj4(N1 mod 4)
EE(N) = eN=1
j=1 zj5(N1 mod 5)
EF(N) = fN=1
j=1 zj6(N1 mod 6)
EG(N) = gN=1
j=1 zj7(N1 mod 7)
EH(N) = hN=1
j=1 zj8(N1 mod 8)
(Note that in cN, . . . , hN,Nmust be a prime.)
ER(N) = N
EI(N) = iN=N
From a theorem of Gauss we know that
2(1 + N) if N1 mod4
2(1 + iN) if N≡ −1 mod4 ,
so Ncan be (and in fact is) computed from bN. If Nis a negative integer then ER(N) =
For given N, let nk=nk(N) be the first integer with multiplicative order exactly kmodulo
N, chosen in the order of preference
1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4, . . . .
We have EY(N) = yn=z+zn(n=n2)
EX(N) = xn=z+zn+zn2(n=n3)
EW(N) = wn=z+zn+zn2+zn3(n=n4)
EV(N) = vn=z+zn+zn2+zn3+zn4(n=n5)
EU(N) = un=z+zn+zn2+. . . +zn5(n=n6)
ET(N) = tn=z+zn+zn2+. . . +zn6(n=n7)
ES(N) = sn=z+zn+zn2+. . . +zn7(n=n8)
EM(N) = mn=zzn(n=n2)
EL(N) = ln=zzn+zn2zn3(n=n4)
EK(N) = kn=zzn+. . . zn5(n=n6)
EJ(N) = jn=zzn+. . . zn7(n=n8)
Let n(d)
k(N) be the d+ 1-th integer with multiplicative order exactly kmodulo N,
chosen in the order of preference defined above; we write nk=n(0)
k, n0
k, n00
and so on. These values can be computed as NK(N,k,d)=n(d)
k(N); if there is no integer
with the required multiplicative order, NK will return false.
The algebraic numbers
N, y00
N, . . . , x0
N, x00
N, . . . , j0
N, j00
N, . . .
are obtained on replacing nkin the above definitions by n0
k, n00
k, . . .; they can be entered as
EY(N,d) = y(d)
EX(N,d) = x(d)
EJ(N,d) = j(d)
gap> EW(16,3); EW(17,2); ER(3); EI(3); EY(5); EB(9);
13.14 StarCyc
StarCyc( z)
If zis an irrational element of a quadratic number field (i.e. if zis a quadratic irrationality),
StarCyc( z)returns the unique Galois conjugate of zthat is different from z; this is often
called z(see 49.37). Otherwise false is returned.
gap> StarCyc( EB(5) ); StarCyc( E(5) );
13.15 Quadratic
Quadratic( z)
If zis a cyclotomic integer that is contained in a quadratic number field over the rationals,
it can be written as z=a+bn
dwith integers a,b,nand d, where dis either 1 or 2. In
this case Quadratic( z)returns a record with fields a,b,root,dand ATLAS where the
first four mean the integers mentioned above, and the last one is a string that is a (not
necessarily shortest) representation of zby bm,imor rmfor m=|root|(see 13.13).
If zis not a quadratic irrationality or not a cyclotomic integer, false is returned.
gap> Quadratic( EB(5) ); Quadratic( EB(27) );
a := -1,
b := 1,
root := 5,
d := 2,
ATLAS := "b5" )
a := -1,
b := 3,
root := -3,
d := 2,
ATLAS := "1+3b3" )
gap> Quadratic(0); Quadratic( E(5) );
a := 0,
b := 0,
root := 1,
d := 1,
13.16. GALOISMAT 393
ATLAS := "0" )
13.16 GaloisMat
GaloisMat( mat )
mat must be a matrix of cyclotomics (or possibly unknowns, see 17.1). The conjugate of a
row in mat under a particular Galois automorphism is defined pointwise. If mat consists of
full orbits under this action then the Galois group of its entries acts on mat as a permutation
group, otherwise the orbits must be completed before.
GaloisMat( mat )returns a record with fields mat,galoisfams and generators:
a list with initial segment mat (not a copy of mat); the list consists of full orbits
under the action of the Galois group of the entries of mat defined above. The last
entries are those rows which had to be added to complete the orbits; so if they were
already complete, mat and mat have identical entries.
a list that has the same length as mat; its entries are either 1, 0, -1 or lists:
galoisfams[i] = 1 means that mat[i] consists of rationals, i.e. [mat[i]] forms an
galoisfams[i] = 1 means that mat[i] contains unknowns; in this case [mat[i]] is
regarded as an orbit, too, even if mat[i] contains irrational entries.
If galoisfams[i] = [l1, l2] is a list then mat[i] is the first element of its orbit in
mat;l1is the list of positions of rows which form the orbit, and l2is the list of
corresponding Galois automorphisms (as exponents, not as functions); so we have
mat[l1[j]][k] = GaloisCyc(mat[i][k], l2[j]).
galoisfams[i] = 0 means that mat[i] is an element of a nontrivial orbit but not the
first element of it.
a list of permutations generating the permutation group corresponding to the action
of the Galois group on the rows of mat.
Note that mat should be a set, i.e. no two rows should be equal. Otherwise only the first
row of some equal rows is considered for the permutations, and a warning is printed.
gap> GaloisMat( [ [ E(3), E(4) ] ] );
mat := [ [ E(3), E(4) ], [ E(3), -E(4) ], [ E(3)^2, E(4) ],
[ E(3)^2, -E(4) ] ],
galoisfams := [ [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 7, 5, 11 ] ], 0, 0, 0 ],
generators := [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] )
gap> GaloisMat( [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ] );
mat := [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ], [ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ] ],
galoisfams := [ 1, [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2 ] ], 0 ],
generators := [ (2,3) ] )
13.17 RationalizedMat
RationalizedMat( mat )
returns the set of rationalized rows of mat, i.e. the set of sums over orbits under the action
of the Galois group of the elements of mat (see 13.16).
This may be viewed as a kind of trace operation for the rows.
Note that mat should be a set, i.e. no two rows should be equal.
gap> mat:= CharTable( "A5" ).irreducibles;
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ],
gap> RationalizedMat( mat );
Chapter 14
If we adjoin a square root of -1, usually denoted by i, to the field of rationals we obtain a
field that is an extension of degree 2. This field is called the Gaussian rationals and its
ring of integers is called the Gaussian integers, because C.F. Gauss was the first to study
In GAP3 Gaussian rationals are written in the form a+b*E(4), where aand bare rationals,
because E(4) is GAP3’s name for i. Because 1 and iform an integral base the Gaussian
integers are written in the form a+b*E(4), where aand bare integers.
The first sections in this chapter describe the operations applicable to Gaussian rationals
(see 14.1 and 14.2).
The next sections describe the functions that test whether an object is a Gaussian rational
or integer (see 14.3 and 14.4).
The GAP3 object GaussianRationals is the field domain of all Gaussian rationals, and
the object GaussianIntegers is the ring domain of all Gaussian integers. All set theoretic
functions are applicable to those two domains (see chapter 4 and 14.5).
The Gaussian rationals form a field so all field functions, e.g., Norm, are applicable to the
domain GaussianRationals and its elements (see chapter 6 and 14.6).
The Gaussian integers form a Euclidean ring so all ring functions, e.g., Factors, are appli-
cable to GaussianIntegers and its elements (see chapter 5, 14.7, and 14.8).
The field of Gaussian rationals is just a special case of cyclotomic fields, so everything that
applies to those fields also applies to it (see chapters 13 and 15).
All functions are in the library file LIBNAME/"gaussian.g".
14.1 Comparisons of Gaussians
x<> y
The equality operator evaluates to true if the two Gaussians xand yare equal, and to
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two Gaussians xand
yare not equal, and to false otherwise. It is also possible to compare a Gaussian with an
object of another type, of course they are never equal.
Two Gaussians a+b*E(4) and c+d*E(4) are considered equal if a=cand b=d.
gap> 1 + E(4) = 2 / (1 - E(4));
gap> 1 + E(4) = 1 - E(4);
gap> 1 + E(4) = E(6);
x<= y
x>= y
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the Gaussian xis less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the Gaussian y, and to false otherwise.
Gaussians can also be compared to objects of other types, they are smaller than anything
else, except other cyclotomics (see 13.9).
A Gaussian a+b*E(4) is considered less than another Gaussian c+d*E(4) if ais less
than c, or if ais equal to cand bis less than d.
gap> 1 + E(4) < 2 + E(4);
gap> 1 + E(4) < 1 - E(4);
gap> 1 + E(4) < 1/2;
14.2 Operations for Gaussians
The operators +,-,*, and /evaluate to the sum, difference, product, and quotient of the
two Gaussians xand y. Of course either operand may also be an ordinary rational (see 12),
because the rationals are embedded into the Gaussian rationals. On the other hand the
Gaussian rationals are embedded into other cyclotomic fields, so either operand may also
be a cyclotomic (see 13). Division by 0 is as usual an error.
The operator ^evaluates to the n-th power of the Gaussian rational x. If nis positive, the
power is defined as the n-fold product x*x*...x; if nis negative, the power is defined as
(1/x)^(-n); and if nis zero, the power is 1, even if xis 0.
gap> (1 + E(4)) * (E(4) - 1);
14.3. ISGAUSSRAT 397
14.3 IsGaussRat
IsGaussRat( obj )
IsGaussRat returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a Gaussian
rational and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsGaussRat( 1/2 );
gap> IsGaussRat( E(4) );
gap> IsGaussRat( E(6) );
gap> IsGaussRat( true );
IsGaussInt can be used to test whether an object is a Gaussian integer (see 14.4).
14.4 IsGaussInt
IsGaussInt( obj )
IsGaussInt returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a Gaussian
integer, and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsGaussInt( 1 );
gap> IsGaussInt( E(4) );
gap> IsGaussInt( 1/2 + 1/2*E(4) );
gap> IsGaussInt( E(6) );
IsGaussRat can be used to test whether an object is a Gaussian rational (see 14.3).
14.5 Set Functions for Gaussians
As already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter the objects GaussianRationals
and GaussianIntegers are the domains of Gaussian rationals and integers respectively. All
set theoretic functions, i.e., Size and Intersection, are applicable to these domains and
their elements (see chapter 4). There does not seem to be an important use of this however.
All functions not mentioned here are not treated specially, i.e., they are implemented by the
default function mentioned in the respective section.
The membership test for Gaussian rationals is implemented via IsGaussRat (14.3). The
membership test for Gaussian integers is implemented via IsGaussInt (see 14.4).
A random Gaussian rational a+b*E(4) is computed by combining two random rationals a
and b(see 12.8). Likewise a random Gaussian integer a+b*E(4) is computed by combining
two random integers aand b(see 10.15).
gap> Size( GaussianRationals );
gap> Intersection( GaussianIntegers, [1,1/2,E(4),-E(6),E(4)/3] );
[ 1, E(4) ]
14.6 Field Functions for Gaussian Rationals
As already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, the domain of Gaussian rationals
is a field. Therefore all field functions are applicable to this domain and its elements (see
chapter 6). This section gives further comments on the definitions and implementations
of those functions for the the Gaussian rationals. All functions not mentioned here are
not treated specially, i.e., they are implemented by the default function mentioned in the
respective section.
The field of Gaussian rationals is an extension of degree 2 of the rationals, its prime field.
Therefore there is one further conjugate of every element a+b*E(4), namely a-b*E(4).
According to the definition of conjugates above, the norm of a Gaussian rational a+b*E(4)
is a^2 + b^2 and the trace is 2*a.
14.7 Ring Functions for Gaussian Integers
As already mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the ring of Gaussian integers is a
Euclidean ring. Therefore all ring functions are applicable to this ring and its elements (see
chapter 5). This section gives further comments on the definitions and implementations of
those functions for the Gaussian integers. All functions not mentioned here are not treated
specially, i.e., they are implemented by the default function mentioned in the respective
The units of GaussianIntegers are [ 1, E(4), -1, -E(4) ].
The standard associate of a Gaussian integer xis the associated element yof xthat lies in the
first quadrant of the complex plane. That is yis that element from x* [1,-1,E(4),-E(4)]
that has positive real part and nonnegative imaginary part.
14.8. TWOSQUARES 399
The Euclidean degree of a Gaussian integer xis the product of xand its complex conjugate.
Define the integer part iof the quotient of xand yas the point of the lattice spanned by
1 and E(4) that lies next to the rational quotient of xand y, rounding towards the origin
if there are several such points. Then EuclideanRemainder( x,y)is defined as x-i*
y. With this definition the ordinary Euclidean algorithm for the greatest common divisor
works, whereas it does not work if you always round towards the origin.
The Euclidean quotient of two Gaussian integers xand yis the quotient of wand y, where
wis the difference between xand the Euclidean remainder of xand y.
QuotientRemainder uses EuclideanRemainder and EuclideanQuotient.
Since the Gaussian integers are a Euclidean ring, primes and irreducibles are equivalent.
The primes are the elements 1 + E(4) and 1 - E(4) of norm 2, the elements a+b*E(4)
and a-b*E(4) of norm p=a^2 + b^2 with pa rational prime congruent to 1 mod 4,
and the elements pof norm p^2 with pa rational prime congruent to 3 mod 4.
The list returned by Factors is sorted according to the norms of the primes, and among
those of equal norm with respect to <. All elements in the list are standard associates,
except the first, which is multiplied by a unit as necessary.
The above characterization already shows how one can factor a Gaussian integer. First
compute the norm of the element, factor this norm over the rational integers and then split
2 and the primes congruent to 1 mod 4 with TwoSquares (see 14.8).
gap> Factors( GaussianIntegers, 30 );
[ -1-E(4), 1+E(4), 3, 1+2*E(4), 2+E(4) ]
14.8 TwoSquares
TwoSquares( n)
TwoSquares returns a list of two integers x <=ysuch that the sum of the squares of xand
yis equal to the nonnegative integer n, i.e., n=x2+y2. If no such representation exists
TwoSquares will return false.TwoSquares will return a representation for which the gcd
of xand yis as small as possible. If there are several such representations, it is not specified
which one TwoSquares returns.
Let abe the product of all maximal powers of primes of the form 4k+ 3 dividing n. A
representation of nas a sum of two squares exists if and only if ais a perfect square. Let b
be the maximal power of 2 dividing n, or its half, whichever is a perfect square. Then the
minimal possible gcd of xand yis the square root cof ab. The number of different minimal
representations with x <=yis 2l1, where lis the number of different prime factors of the
form 4k+ 1 of n.
gap> TwoSquares( 5 );
gap> TwoSquares( 11 );
false # no representation exists
gap> TwoSquares( 16 );
gap> TwoSquares( 45 );
[3,6] # 3 is the minimal possible gcd because 9 divides 45
gap> TwoSquares( 125 );
[ 2, 11 ] # not [ 5, 10 ] because this has not minimal gcd
gap> TwoSquares( 13*17 );
[ 5, 14 ] # [10,11] would be the other possible representation
gap> TwoSquares( 848654483879497562821 );
[ 6305894639, 28440994650 ] # 848654483879497562821 is prime
Chapter 15
Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields
The only number fields that GAP3 can handle at the moment are subfields of cyclotomic
fields, e.g., Q(5) is a number field that is not cyclotomic but contained in the cyclotomic
field Q5=Q(e2πi
5). Although this means that GAP3 does not know arbitrary algebraic
number fields but only those with abelian Galois group, here we call these fields number
fields for short. The elements of number fields are called cyclotomics (see chapter 13).
Thus number fields are the domains (see chapter 4) related to cyclotomics; they are special
field records (see 6.17) which are needed to specify the field extension with respect to which
e.g. the trace of a cyclotomic shall be computed.
In many situations cyclotomic fields need not be treated in a special way, except that there
may be more efficient algorithms for them than for arbitrary number fields. For that, there
are the global variables NumberFieldOps and CyclotomicFieldOps, both records which
contain the field operations stored in FieldOps (see chapter 6) and in which some functions
are overlaid (see 15.13). If all necessary information about a function is already given in
chapter 6, this function is not described here; this is the case e.g. for Conjugates and related
functions, like Trace and CharPol. Some functions, however, need further explanation, e.g.,
15.12 tells more about Coefficients for number fields.
There are some functions which are different for cyclotomic fields and other number fields,
e.g., the field constructors CF resp. NF. In such a situation, the special case is described in a
section immediately following the section about the general case.
Besides the single number fields, there is another domain in GAP3 related to number fields,
the domain Cyclotomics of all cyclotomics. Although this is an abstract field, namely the
field Qab,Cyclotomics is not a field record. It is used by DefaultField,DefaultRing,
Domain,Field and Ring (see 6.3, 5.3, 4.5, 6.2, 5.2) which are mainly interested in the
corresponding entries of Cyclotomics.operations since these functions know how to create
fields resp. integral rings generated by some cyclotomics.
This chapter informs about
characteristic functions (see 15.1, 15.2),
field constructors (see 15.3, 15.4),
(default) fields of cyclotomics (see 15.5), and (default) rings of cyclotomic integers
(see 15.6),
Galois groups of number fields (see 15.7, 15.8),
vector space bases (see 15.9, 15.10, 15.11) and coefficients (see 15.12) and
overlaid functions in the operations records (see 15.13).
The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"numfield.g"
15.1 IsNumberField
IsNumberField( obj )
returns true if obj is a field record (see 6.1, 6.17) of a field of characteristic zero where
F.generators is a list of cyclotomics (see chapter 13), and false else.
gap> IsNumberField( CF(9) ); IsNumberField( NF( [ ER(3) ] ) );
gap> IsNumberField( GF( 2 ) );
15.2 IsCyclotomicField
IsCyclotomicField( obj )
returns true if obj is a number field record (see 15.1) where obj .isCyclotomicField =
true, and false else.
gap> IsCyclotomicField( CF(9) );
gap> IsCyclotomicField( NF( [ ER(-3) ] ) );
gap> IsCyclotomicField( NF( [ ER(3) ] ) );
15.3 Number Field Records
NumberField( gens )
NumberField( n,stab )
NumberField( subfield,poly )
NumberField( subfield,base )
NumberField may be abbreviated NF; it returns number fields, namely
NumberField( gens ):
the number field generated by the cyclotomics in the list gens,
NumberField( n,stab ):
the fixed field of the prime residues in the list stab inside the cyclotomic field Qn(see 15.4),
NumberField( subfield,poly ):
the splitting field of the polynomial poly (which must have degree at most 2) over the number
field subfield;subfield = 0 is equivalent to subfield = Rationals,
NumberField( subfield,base ):
the extension field of the number field subfield which is as vector space generated by the
elements of the list base of cyclotomics; that means, base must be or at least contain a
vector space base of this extension, if base is a base it will be assigned to the base field of
the cyclotomic field (see 15.12). subfield = 0 is equivalent to subfield = Rationals.
gap> NF( [ EB(7), ER(3) ] );
NF(84,[ 1, 11, 23, 25, 37, 71 ])
gap> NF( 7, [ 1 ] );
gap> NF( NF( [ EB(7) ] ), [ 1, 1, 1 ] );
NF(NF(7,[ 1, 2, 4 ]),[ 1, E(3) ])
gap> F:= NF( 0, [ 1, E(4) ] ); G:= NF( 0, NormalBaseNumberField( F ) );
CF( Rationals,[ 1/2-1/2*E(4), 1/2+1/2*E(4) ])
gap> G.base; G.basechangemat; Coefficients( G, 1 );
[ 1/2-1/2*E(4), 1/2+1/2*E(4) ]
Number field records are field records (see 6.17) representing a number field. Besides the
obligatory record components, a number field record Fcontains the component
the list of prime residues modulo NofCyc( F.generators ) which fix all elements
of F
and possibly
true if F.base is an integral vector space base of the field extension F/F.field,
false else (used by 5.2 Ring); for the case that F.field is a cyclotomic field, 15.10
describes integral bases of the field extension;
true if F.base is a normal vector space base of the field extension F/F.field,
false else;
a list of integers used by 9.10 Coefficients; (see also 15.12);
a matrix of cyclotomics used by 9.10 Coefficients; bound only if F.field is not a
cyclotomic field (see also 15.12);
square matrix of dimension F.dimension, representing the basechange from the de-
fault base of F/F.field (see 15.12) to the base stored in F.base if these two are
different; used by Coefficients.
Note: These fields and also the field base should not be changed by hand!
15.4 Cyclotomic Field Records
CyclotomicField( n)
CyclotomicField( gens )
CyclotomicField( subfield,n)
CyclotomicField( subfield,base )
CyclotomicField may be abbreviated CF; it returns cyclotomic fields, namely
CyclotomicField( n)
the field Qn(over the rationals),
CyclotomicField( gens )
the smallest cyclotomic field containing the cyclotomics in the list gens (over the
CyclotomicField( subfield,n)
the field Qnover the number field subfield,
CyclotomicField( subfield,base )
the cyclotomic extension field of the number field subfield which is as vector space
generated by the elements of the list base of cyclotomics; that means, base must be
or at least contain a vector space base of this extension, if base is a base it will be
assigned to the base field of the cyclotomic field (see 15.12). subfield = 0 is equivalent
to subfield = Rationals.
gap> CF( 5 ); CF( [ EB(7), ER(3) ] ); CF( NF( [ ER(3) ] ), 24 );
CF(24)/NF(12,[ 1, 11 ])
gap> CF( CF(3), [ 1, E(4) ] );
A cyclotomic field record is a field record (see 6.17), in particular a number field record (see
15.3) that represents a cyclotomic field. Besides the obligatory record fields, a cyclotomic
field record Fcontains the fields
always true; used by 15.2 IsCyclotomicField,
a list containing ZumbroichBase( n,m)(see 15.9) if Frepresents the field ex-
tension Qn/Qm, and containing Zumbroichbase( n,1)if Fis an extension of a
number field that is not cyclotomic; used by 9.10 Coefficients, see 15.12
and possibly optional fields of number fields (see 15.3).
15.5 DefaultField and Field for Cyclotomics
For a set Sof cyclotomics,
DefaultField( S) = CF( S)is the smallest cylotomic field containing S(see 6.3), the
so–called conductor of S;
Field( S) = NF( S)is the smallest field containing S(see 6.2).
gap> DefaultField( [ E(5) ] ); DefaultField( [ E(3), ER(6) ] );
gap> Field( [ E(5) ] ); Field( [ E(3), ER(6) ] );
NF(24,[ 1, 19 ])
DefaultField and Field are used by functions that specify the field for which some cy-
clotomics are regarded as elements (see 6.3, 6.2), e.g., Trace with only one argument will
compute the trace of this argument (which must be a cyclotomic) with respect to its default
15.6 DefaultRing and Ring for Cyclotomic Integers
For a set Sof cyclotomic integers,
DefaultRing( S)is the ring of integers in CF( S)(see 5.3),
Ring( S)is the ring of integers in NF( S)(see 5.2).
gap> Ring( [ E(5) ] );
Ring( E(5) )
gap> Ring( [ EB(7) ] );
Ring( E(7)+E(7)^2+E(7)^4 )
gap> DefaultRing( [ EB(7) ] );
Ring( E(7) )
15.7 GeneratorsPrimeResidues
GeneratorsPrimeResidues( n)
returns a record with fields
the set of prime divisors of the integer n,
the corresponding exponents in the factorization of nand
generators of the group of prime residues: For each odd prime pthere is one generator,
corresponding to a primitive root of the subgroup (Z/pνp)of (Z/nZ), where νpis
the exponent of pin the factorization of n; for p= 2, we have one generator in
the case that 8 does not divide n, and a list of two generators (corresponding to
h∗5,(2ν21)i= (Z/2ν2)) else.
gap> GeneratorsPrimeResidues( 9 ); # 2 is a primitive root
primes := [ 3 ],
exponents := [ 2 ],
generators := [ 2 ] )
gap> GeneratorsPrimeResidues( 24 ); # 8 divides 24
primes := [ 2, 3 ],
exponents := [ 3, 1 ],
generators := [ [ 7, 13 ], 17 ] )
gap> GeneratorsPrimeResidues( 1155 );
primes := [ 3, 5, 7, 11 ],
exponents := [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
generators := [ 386, 232, 661, 211 ] )
15.8 GaloisGroup for Number Fields
The Galois automorphisms of the cyclotomic field Qnare given by linear extension of
the maps k:en7→ ek
nwith 1 k < n and Gcd( n,k)=1(see 13.11). Note that this
action is not equal to exponentiation of cyclotomics, i.e., in general zkis different from zk:
gap> ( E(5) + E(5)^4 )^2; GaloisCyc( E(5) + E(5)^4, 2 );
For Gcd( n,k)6= 1, the map en7→ ek
nis not a field automorphism but only a linear map:
gap> GaloisCyc( E(5)+E(5)^4, 5 ); GaloisCyc( ( E(5)+E(5)^4 )^2, 5 );
The Galois group Gal(Qn, Q) of the field extension Qn/Q is isomorphic to the group
(Z/nZ)of prime residues modulo n, via the isomorphism
(Z/nZ)Gal(Qn, Q)
k7→ (z7→ zk),
thus the Galois group of the field extension Qn/L with LQnwhich is simply the factor
group of Gal(Qn, Q) modulo the stabilizer of L, and the Galois group of L/L0which is
the subgroup in this group that stabilizes L0, are easily described in terms of (Z/nZ)
(Generators of (Z/nZ)can be computed using 15.7 GeneratorsPrimeResidues.).
The Galois group of a field extension can be computed using 6.7 GaloisGroup:
gap> f:= NF( [ EY(48) ] );
NF(48,[ 1, 47 ])
gap> g:= GaloisGroup( f );
Group( NFAutomorphism( NF(48,[ 1, 47 ]) , 17 ), NFAutomorphism( NF(48,
[ 1, 47 ]) , 11 ), NFAutomorphism( NF(48,[ 1, 47 ]) , 17 ) )
gap> Size( g ); IsCyclic( g ); IsAbelian( g );
gap> f.base[1]; g.1; f.base[1] ^ g.1;
NFAutomorphism( NF(48,[ 1, 47 ]) , 17 )
gap> Operation( g, NormalBaseNumberField( f ), OnPoints );
Group( (1,6)(2,4)(3,8)(5,7), (1,4,8,5)(2,3,7,6), (1,6)(2,4)(3,8)
(5,7) )
The number field automorphism NFAutomorphism( F,k)maps each element xof Fto
GaloisCyc( x,k), see 13.11.
15.9 ZumbroichBase
ZumbroichBase( n,m)
returns the set of exponents iwhere ei
nbelongs to the base Bn,m of the field extension
Qn/Qm; for that, nand mmust be positive integers where mdivides n.
Bn,m is defined as follows:
Let Pdenote the set of prime divisors of n,n=QpPpνp,m=QpPpµpwith µpνp,
and {ej
n1}jJ⊗ {ek
Bn,m =O
pk+1 }jJk,p where Jk,p =
{0};k= 0, p = 2
{0,1};k > 0, p = 2
{1, . . . , p 1};k= 0, p 6= 2
2};k > 0, p 6= 2
Bn,1is equal to the base B(Qn) of Qnover the rationals given in [Zum89] (Note that the
notation here is slightly different from that there.).
Bn,m consists of roots of unity, it is an integral base (that is, the integral elements in Qn
have integral coefficients, see 13.2), it is a normal base for squarefree nand closed under
complex conjugation for odd n.
gap> ZumbroichBase( 15, 1 ); ZumbroichBase( 12, 3 );
[ 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14 ]
gap> ZumbroichBase( 10, 2 ); ZumbroichBase( 32, 4 );
15.10 Integral Bases for Number Fields
LenstraBase( n,stabilizer,super )
returns a list [b1, b2, . . . , bm] of lists, each biconsisting of integers such that the elements
PjbiE(n)jform an integral base of the number field NF( n,stabilizer ), see 15.3.
super is a list representing a supergroup of the group described by the list stabilizer; the
base is chosen such that the group of super acts on it, as far as this is possible.
Note: The biare in general not sets, since for stabilizer =super,bi[1] is always an element
of ZumbroichBase( N,1); this is used by NF (see 15.3) and Coefficients (see 15.12).
stabilizer must not contain the stabilizer of a proper cyclotomic subfield of Qn.
gap> LenstraBase( 24, [ 1, 19 ], [ 1, 19 ] ); # a base of
[[1,19],[8],[11,17],[16]] #Q3(6),
gap> LenstraBase( 24, [ 1, 19 ], [ 1, 5, 19, 23 ] ); # another one
gap> LenstraBase( 15, [ 1, 4 ], PrimeResidues( 15 ) ); # normal base of
[[1,4],[2,8],[7,13],[11,14]] #Q3(5)
15.11 NormalBaseNumberField
NormalBaseNumberField( F)
NormalBaseNumberField( F,x)
returns a list of cyclotomics which form a normal base of the number field F(see 15.3), i.e.
a vector space base of the field Fover its subfield F.field which is closed under the action
of the Galois group F.galoisGroup of the field extension.
The normal base is computed as described in [Art68]: Let Φ denote the polynomial of a field
extension L/L0, Φ0its derivative and αone of its roots; then for all except finitely many
elements zL0, the conjugates of Φ(z)
(zα)·Φ0(α)form a normal base of L/L0.
When NormalBaseNumberField( F)is called, zis chosen as integer, starting with 1,
NormalBaseNumberField( F,x)starts with z=x, increasing by one, until a normal
base is found.
gap> NormalBaseNumberField( CF( 5 ) );
[ -E(5), -E(5)^2, -E(5)^3, -E(5)^4 ]
gap> NormalBaseNumberField( CF( 8 ) );
[ 1/4-2*E(8)-E(8)^2-1/2*E(8)^3, 1/4-1/2*E(8)+E(8)^2-2*E(8)^3,
1/4+2*E(8)-E(8)^2+1/2*E(8)^3, 1/4+1/2*E(8)+E(8)^2+2*E(8)^3 ]
15.12 Coefficients for Number Fields
Coefficients( z)
Coefficients( F,z)
return the coefficient vector cfs of zwith respect to a particular base B, i.e., we have z=
cfs *B. If zis the only argument, Bis the default base of the default field of z(see 15.5),
otherwise Fmust be a number field containing z, and we have B=F.base.
The default base of a number field is defined as follows:
For the field extension Qn/Qm(i.e. both Fand F.field are cyclotomic fields), Bis the
base Bn,m described in 15.9. This is an integral base which is closely related to the internal
representation of cyclotomics, thus the coefficients are easy to compute, using only the
zumbroichbase fields of Fand F.field.
For the field extension L/Q where Lis not a cyclotomic field, Bis the integral base described
in 15.10 that consists of orbitsums on roots of unity. The computation of coefficients requires
the field F.coeffslist.
in future: replace Qby Qm
In all other cases, B= NormalBaseNumberField( F). Here, the coefficients of zwith
respect to Bare computed using F.coeffslist and F.coeffsmat.
If F.base is not the default base of F, the coefficients with respect to the default base are
multiplied with F.basechangemat. The only possibility where it is allowed to prescribe a
base is when the field is constructed (see 15.3, 15.4).
gap> F:= NF( [ ER(3), EB(7) ] ) / NF( [ ER(3) ] );
NF(84,[ 1, 11, 23, 25, 37, 71 ])/NF(12,[ 1, 11 ])
gap> Coefficients( F, ER(3) ); Coefficients( F, EB(7) );
[ -E(12)^7+E(12)^11, -E(12)^7+E(12)^11 ]
[ 11*E(12)^4+7*E(12)^7+11*E(12)^8-7*E(12)^11,
-10*E(12)^4-7*E(12)^7-10*E(12)^8+7*E(12)^11 ]
gap> G:= CF( 8 ); H:= CF( 0, NormalBaseNumberField( G ) );
CF( 0,[ 1/4-2*E(8)-E(8)^2-1/2*E(8)^3, 1/4-1/2*E(8)+E(8)^2-2*E(8)^3,
1/4+2*E(8)-E(8)^2+1/2*E(8)^3, 1/4+1/2*E(8)+E(8)^2+2*E(8)^3 ])
gap> Coefficients( G, ER(2) ); Coefficients( H, ER(2) );
[ 0, 1, 0, -1 ]
[ -1/3, 1/3, 1/3, -1/3 ]
15.13 Domain Functions for Number Fields
The following functions of FieldOps (see chapter 6) are overlaid in NumberFieldOps:
The following functions of NumberFieldOps are overlaid in CyclotomicFieldOps:
Chapter 16
Algebraic extensions of fields
If we adjoin a root αof an irreducible polynomial pK[x] to the field Kwe get an
algebraic extension K(α), which is again a field. By Kronecker’s construction, we may
identify K(α) with the factor ring K[x]/(p), an identification that also provides a method
for computing in these extension fields.
Currently GAP3 only allows extension fields of fields K, when Kitself is not an extension
As it is planned to modify the representation of field extensions to unify vector space struc-
tures and to speed up computations, All information in this chapter is subject to
change in future versions.
16.1 AlgebraicExtension
AlgebraicExtension( pol )
constructs the algebraic extension Lcorresponding to the polynomial pol.pol must be an
irreducible polynomial defined over a “defining”field K. The elements of Kare embedded
into Lin the canonical way. As Lis a field, all field functions are applicable to L. Similarly,
all field element functions apply to the elements of L.
Lis considered implicitely to be a field over the subfield K. This means, that functions like
Trace and Norm relative to subfields are not supported.
gap> x:=X(Rationals);;"x";;
gap> p:=x^4+3*x^2+1;
x^4 + 3*x^2 + 1
gap> e:=AlgebraicExtension(p);
AlgebraicExtension(Rationals,x^4 + 3*x^2 + 1)
gap> IsField(e);
gap> y:=X(GF(2));;"y";;
gap> q:=y^2+y+1;
Z(2)^0*(y^2 + y + 1)
gap> f:=AlgebraicExtension(q);
AlgebraicExtension(GF(2),Z(2)^0*(y^2 + y + 1))
16.2 IsAlgebraicExtension
IsAlgebraicExtension( D)
IsAlgebraicExtension returns true if the object Dis an algebraic field extension and
false otherwise.
More precisely, IsAlgebraicExtension tests whether Dis an algebraic field extension
record (see 16.11). So, for example, a matrix ring may in fact be a field extension, yet
IsAlgebraicExtension would return false.
gap> IsAlgebraicExtension(e);
gap> IsAlgebraicExtension(Rationals);
16.3 RootOf
RootOf( pol )
returns a root of the irreducible polynomial pol as element of the corresponding exten-
sion field AlgebraicExtension(pol). This root is called the primitive element of this
gap> r:=RootOf(p);
RootOf(x^4 + 3*x^2 + 1)
16.4 Algebraic Extension Elements
According to Kronecker’s construction, the elements of an algebraic extension are considered
to be polynomials in the primitive element. Unless they are already in the defining field (in
which case they are represented as elements of this field), they are represented by records
in GAP3 (see 16.12). These records contain a representation a polynomial in the primitive
element. The extension corresponding to this primitive element is the default field for the
algebraic element.
The usual field operations are applicable to algebraic elements.
gap> r^3/(r^2+1);
gap> DefaultField(r^2);
16.5 Set functions for Algebraic Extensions
As algebraic extensions are fields, all set theoretic functions are applicable to algebraic
elements. The following two routines are treated specially:
tests, whether a given object is contained in an algebraic extension. The base field is
embedded in the natural way into the extension. Two extensions are considered to be
distinct, even if the minimal polynomial of one has a root in the other one.
gap> r in e;5 in e;
gap> p1:=Polynomial(Rationals,MinPol(r^2));
x^2 + 3*x + 1
gap> r2:=RootOf(p1);
RootOf(x^2 + 3*x + 1)
gap> r2 in e;
A random algebraic element is computed by taking a linear combination of the powers of
the primitive element with random coefficients from the ground field.
gap> ran:=Random(e);
16.6 IsNormalExtension
An algebraic extension field is called a normal extension, if it is a splitting field of the
defining polynomial. The second version returns whether Lis a normal extension of K. The
first version returns whether Lis a normal extension of its definition field.
gap> IsNormalExtension(e);
gap> p2:=x^4+x+1;;
gap> e2:=AlgebraicExtension(p2);
AlgebraicExtension(Rationals,x^4 + x + 1)
gap> IsNormalExtension(e2);
16.7 MinpolFactors
MinpolFactors( L)
returns the factorization of the defining polynomial of Lover L.
gap> X(e).name:="X";;
gap> MinpolFactors(e);
[ X + (-1*alpha), X + (-1*alpha^3-3*alpha), X + (alpha),
X + (alpha^3+3*alpha) ]
16.8 GaloisGroup for Extension Fields
GaloisGroup( L)
returns the Galois group of the field Lif Lis a normal extension and issues an error if not.
The Galois group is a group of extension automorphisms (see 16.9).
The computation of a Galois group is computationally relatively hard, and can take signif-
icant time.
gap> g:=GaloisGroup(f);
Group( ExtensionAutomorphism(AlgebraicExtension(GF(2),Z(2)^0*(y^
2 + y + 1)),RootOf(Z(2)^0*(y^2 + y + 1))+Z(2)^0) )
gap> h:=GaloisGroup(e);
Group( ExtensionAutomorphism(e,alpha^3+
3*alpha), ExtensionAutomorphism(e,-1*alpha), ExtensionAutomorphism(e,
-1*alpha^3-3*alpha) )
gap> Size(h);
gap> AbelianInvariants(h);
16.9 ExtensionAutomorphism
ExtensionAutomorphism( L,img )
is the automorphism of the extension L, that maps the primitive root of Lto img. As it is
a field automorphism, section 6.13 applies.
16.10 Field functions for Algebraic Extensions
As already mentioned, algebraic extensions are fields. Thus all field functions like Norm and
Trace are applicable.
gap> Trace(r^4+2*r);
gap> Norm(ran);
DefaultField always returns the algebraic extension, which contains the primitive element
by which the number is represented, see 16.4.
gap> DefaultField(r^2);
As subfields are not yet supported, Field will issue an error, if several elements are given,
or if the element is not a primitive element for its default field.
You can create a polynomial ring over an algebraic extension to which all functions described
in 19.22 can be applied, for example you can factor polynomials. Factorization is done —
depending on the polynomial — by factoring the squarefree norem or using a hensel lift (with
possibly added lattice reduction) as described in [Abb89], using bounds from [BTW93].
gap> X(e).name:="X";;
gap> p1:=EmbeddedPolynomial(PolynomialRing(e),p1);
X^2 + 3*X + 1
gap> Factors(p1);
[ X + (-1*alpha^2), X + (alpha^2+3) ]
16.11 Algebraic Extension Records
Since every algebraic extension is a field, it is represented as a record. This record contains
all components, a field record will contain (see 6.17). Additionally, it contains the com-
ponents isAlgebraicExtension,minpol,primitiveElm and may contain the components
isNormalExtension,minpolFactors and galoisType.
is always true. This indicates that Fis an algebraic extension.
is the defining polynomial of F.
contains RootOf(F.minpol).
indicates, whether Fis a normal extension field.
contains a factorization of F.minpol over F.
contains the Galois type of the normal closure of F. See section 16.16.
16.12 Extension Element Records
Elements of an algebraic extension are represented by a record. The record for the element
eof Lcontains the components isAlgebraicElement,domain and coefficients:
is always true, and indicates, that eis an algebraic element.
contains L.
contains the coefficients of eas a polynomial in the primitive root of L.
16.13 IsAlgebraicElement
IsAlgebraicElement( obj )
returns true if obj is an algebraic element, i.e., an element of an algebraic extension, that
is not in the defining field, and false otherwise.
gap> IsAlgebraicElement(r);
gap> IsAlgebraicElement(3);
16.14 Algebraic extensions of the Rationals
The following sections describe functions that are specific to algebraic extensions of Q0.
16.15 DefectApproximation
DefectApproximation( L)
computes a multiple of the defect of the basis of L, given by the powers of the primitive
element. The defect indicates, which denominator is necessary in the coefficients, to express
algebraic integers in Las a linear combination of the base of L.DefectApproximation takes
the maximal square in the discriminant as a first approximation, and then uses Berwicks
and Hesses method (see [Bra89]) to improve this approximation. The number returned is
not neccessarily the defect, but may be a proper multiple of it.
gap> DefectApproximation(e);
16.16 GaloisType
GaloisType( L)
Galois( f)
The first version returns the number of the permutation isomorphism type of the Galois
group of the normal closure of L, considered as a transitive permutation group of the roots
of the defining polynomial (see 38.6). The second version returns the Galois type of the
splitting field of f. Identification is done by factoring appropriate Galois resolvents as
proposed in [MS85]. This function is provided for rational polynomials of degree up to 15.
However, it may be not feasible to call this function for polynomials of degree 14 or 15, as
the involved computations may be enormous. For some polynomials of degree 14, a complete
discrimination is not yet possible, as it would require computations, that are not feasible
with current factoring methods.
gap> GaloisType(e);
gap> TransitiveGroup(,2);
E(4) = 2[x]2
16.17 ProbabilityShapes
ProbabilityShapes( pol )
returns a list of numbers, which contains most likely the isomorphism type of the galois
group of pol (see 16.16). This routine only applies the cycle structure test according to
Tschebotareff’s theorem. Accordingly, it is very fast, but the result is not guaranteed to be
gap> ProbabilityShapes(e.minpol);
16.18 DecomPoly
DecomPoly( pol )
DecomPoly( pol, "all")
returns an ideal decomposition of the polynomial pol. An ideal decomposition is given by
two polynomials gand h, such that pol divides (gh). By the Galois correspondence any
16.18. DECOMPOLY 417
ideal decomposition corresponds to a block system of the Galois group. The polynomial g
defines a subfield K(β) of K(α) with h(α) = β. The first form finds one ideal decomposition,
while the second form finds all possible different ideal decompositions (i.e. all subfields).
gap> d:=DecomPoly(e.minpol);
[ x^2 + 5, x^3 + 4*x ]
gap> p:=x^6+108;;
gap> d:=DecomPoly(p,"all");
[ [ x^2 + 108, x^3 ], [ x^3 + 108, x^2 ],
[ x^3 - 186624, x^5 + 6*x^2 ], [ x^3 + 186624, x^5 - 6*x^2 ] ]
gap> Value(d[1][1],d[1][2]);
x^6 + 108
Chapter 17
Sometimes the result of an operation does not allow further computations with it. In many
cases, then an error is signalled, and the computation is stopped.
This is not appropriate for some applications in character theory. For example, if a character
shall be induced up (see 51.22) but the subgroup fusion is only a parametrized map (see
chapter 52), there are positions where the value of the induced character are not known,
and other values which are determined by the fusion map:
gap> m11:= CharTable( "M11" );; m12:= CharTable( "M12" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( m11, m12 );
[ 11, 12 ], [ 14, 15 ], [ 14, 15 ] ]
gap> Induced(m11,m12,Sublist(m11.irreducibles,[ 6 .. 9 ]),fus);
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 1 at class 4
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 1 at class 5
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 1 at class 14
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 1 at class 15
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 2 at class 4
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 2 at class 5
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 2 at class 14
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 2 at class 15
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 3 at class 2
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 3 at class 3
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 3 at class 4
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 3 at class 5
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 3 at class 9
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 3 at class 10
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 2
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 3
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 6
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 7
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 11
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 12
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 14
#I Induced: subgroup order not dividing sum in character 4 at class 15
[ [ 192, 0, 0, Unknown(9), Unknown(12), 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Unknown(15), Unknown(18) ],
[ 192, 0, 0, Unknown(27), Unknown(30), 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
Unknown(33), Unknown(36) ],
[ 528, Unknown(45), Unknown(48), Unknown(51), Unknown(54), 0, 0,
-2, Unknown(57), Unknown(60), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 540, Unknown(75), Unknown(78), 0, 0, Unknown(81), Unknown(84), 0,
0, 0, Unknown(87), Unknown(90), 0, Unknown(93), Unknown(96) ] ]
For this and other situations, in GAP3 there is the data type unknown. Objects of this
type, further on called unknowns, may stand for any cyclotomic (see 13).
Unknowns are parametrized by positive integers. When a GAP3 session is started, no un-
knowns do exist.
The only ways to create unknowns are to call 17.1 Unknown or a function that calls it, or to
do arithmetical operations with unknowns (see 17.4).
Two properties should be noted:
Lists of cyclotomics and unknowns are no vectors, so cannot be added or multiplied like
vectors; as a consequence, unknowns never occur in matrices.
GAP3 objects which are printed to files will contain fixed unknowns, i.e., function calls
Unknown( n)instead of Unknown(), so be careful to read files printed in different sessions,
since there may be the same unknown at different places.
The rest of this chapter contains informations about the unknown constructor (see 17.1),
the characteristic function (see 17.2), and comparison of and arithmetical operations for
unknowns (see 17.3, 17.4); more is not yet known about unknowns.
17.1 Unknown
Unknown( n)
Unknown() returns a new unknown value, i.e. the first one that is larger than all unknowns
which exist in the actual GAP3 session.
Unknown( n)returns the n-th unknown; if it did not exist already, it is created.
gap> Unknown(); Unknown(2000); Unknown();
Unknown(97) # There were created already 96 unknowns.
17.2 IsUnknown
IsUnknown( obj )
returns true if obj is an object of type unknown, and false otherwise. Will signal an error
if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsUnknown( Unknown ); IsUnknown( Unknown() );
gap> IsUnknown( Unknown(2) );
17.3 Comparisons of Unknowns
To compare unknowns with other objects, the operators <,<=,=,>=,>and <> can be used.
The result will be true if the first operand is smaller, smaller or equal, equal, larger or
equal, larger, or inequal, respectively, and false otherwise.
We have Unknown( n) >= Unknown( m)if and only if n>= mholds; unknowns are
larger than cyclotomics and finite field elements, unknowns are smaller than all objects
which are not cyclotomics, finite field elements or unknowns.
gap> Unknown() >= Unknown();
gap> Unknown(2) < Unknown(3);
gap> Unknown() > 3;
gap> Unknown() > Z(8);
gap> Unknown() > E(3);
gap> Unknown() > [];
17.4 Operations for Unknowns
The operators +,-,*and /are used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of
unknowns and cyclotomics. The result will be a new unknown except in one of the following
Multiplication with zero yields zero, and multiplication with one or addition of zero yields
the old unknown.
gap> Unknown() + 1; Unknown(2) + 0; last * 3; last * 1; last * 0;
Note that division by an unknown causes an error, since an unknown might stand for zero.
Chapter 18
Finite Fields
Finite fields comprise an important algebraic domain. The elements in a field form an
additive group and the nonzero elements form a multiplicative group. For every prime
power qthere exists a unique field of size qup to isomorphism. GAP3 supports finite fields
of size at most 216.
The first section in this chapter describes how you can enter elements of finite fields and
how GAP3 prints them (see 18.1).
The next sections describe the operations applicable to finite field elements (see 18.2 and
The next section describes the function that tests whether an object is a finite field element
(see 18.4).
The next sections describe the functions that give basic information about finite field ele-
ments (see 18.5, 18.6, and 18.7).
The next sections describe the functions that compute various other representations of finite
field elements (see 18.8 and 18.9).
The next section describes the function that constructs a finite field (see 18.10).
Finite fields are domains, thus all set theoretic functions are applicable to them (see chapter
4 and 18.12).
Finite fields are of course fields, thus all field functions are applicable to them and to their
elements (see chapter 6 and 18.13).
All functions are in LIBNAME/"finfield.g".
18.1 Finite Field Elements
Z( p^d)
The function Zreturns the designated generator of the multiplicative group of the finite field
with p^delements. pmust be a prime and p^dmust be less than or equal to 216 = 65536.
The root returned by Zis a generator of the multiplicative group of the finite field with pd
elements, which is cyclic. The order of the element is of course pd1. The pd1 different
powers of the root are exactly the nonzero elements of the finite field.
Thus all nonzero elements of the finite field with p^delements can be entered as Z(p^d)^i.
Note that this is also the form that GAP3 uses to output those elements.
The additive neutral element is 0*Z(p). It is different from the integer 0in subtle ways. First
IsInt( 0*Z(p) ) (see 10.5) is false and IsFFE( 0*Z(p) ) (see 18.4) is true, whereas it
is just the other way around for the integer 0.
The multiplicative neutral element is Z(p)^0. It is different from the integer 1in subtle
ways. First IsInt( Z(p)^0 ) (see 10.5) is false and IsFFE( Z(p)^0 ) (see 18.4) is true,
whereas it is just the other way around for the integer 1. Also 1+1 is 2, whereas, e.g., Z(2)^0
+ Z(2)^0 is 0*Z(2).
The various roots returned by Zfor finite fields of the same characteristic are compatible
in the following sense. If the field GF (pn) is a subfield of the field GF (pm), i.e., ndivides
m, then Z(pn) = Z(pm)(pm1)/(pn1). Note that this is the simplest relation that may hold
between a generator of GF (pn) and GF (pm), since Z(pn) is an element of order pm1
and Z(pm) is an element of order pn1. This is achieved by choosing Z(p) as the smallest
primitive root modulo pand Z(pn) as a root of the n-th Conway polynomial of characteristic
p. Those polynomials where defined by J.H. Conway and computed by R.A. Parker.
gap> z := Z(16);
gap> z*z;
18.2 Comparisons of Finite Field Elements
z1 =z2
z1 <> z2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two elements in a finite field z1 and z2
are equal and to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two
elements in a finite finite field z1 and z2 are not equal and to false otherwise.
Note that the integer 0 is not equal to the zero element in any finite field. There comparisons
z= 0 will always evaluate to false. Use z= 0*zinstead, or even better,
where Fis the field record for a finite field of the same characteristic.
gap> Z(2^4)^10 = Z(2^4)^25;
true #Z(2^4) has order 15
gap> Z(2^4)^10 = Z(2^2)^2;
true # shows the embedding of GF(4) into GF(16)
gap> Z(2^4)^10 = Z(3);
z1 <z2
z1 <= z2
z1 >z2
z1 >= z2
The operators <,<=,>, and => evaluate to true if the element in a finite field z1 is less
than, less than or equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the element in a finite
field z2 .
Elements in finite fields are ordered as follows. If the two elements lie in fields of different
characteristics the one that lies in the field with the smaller characteristic is smaller. If the
two elements lie in different fields of the same characteristic the one that lies in the smaller
field is smaller. If the two elements lie in the same field and one is the zero and the other
is not, the zero element is smaller. If the two elements lie in the same field and both are
nonzero, and are represented as Z(pd)i1and Z(pd)i2respectively, then the one with the
smaller iis smaller.
You can compare elements in a finite field with objects of other types. Integers, rationals,
and cyclotomics are smaller than elements in finite fields, all other objects are larger. Note
especially that the integer 0 is smaller than the zero in every finite field.
gap> Z(2) < Z(3);
gap> Z(2) < Z(4);
gap> 0*Z(2) < Z(2);
gap> Z(4) < Z(4)^2;
gap> 0 < 0*Z(2);
gap> Z(4) < [ Z(4) ];
18.3 Operations for Finite Field Elements
z1 +z2
z1 -z2
z1 *z2
z1 /z2
The operators +,-,*and /evaluate to the sum, difference, product, and quotient of the
two finite field elements z1 and z2 , which must lie in fields of the same characteristic. For
the quotient /z2 must of course be nonzero. The result must of course lie in a finite field
of size less than or equal to 216, otherwise an error is signalled.
Either operand may also be an integer i. If iis zero it is taken as the zero in the finite field,
i.e.,, where Fis a field record for the finite field in which the other operand lies. If
iis positive, it is taken as i-fold sum If iis negative it is taken
as the additive inverse of -i.
gap> Z(8) + Z(8)^4;
gap> Z(8) - 1;
gap> Z(8) * Z(8)^6;
gap> Z(8) / Z(8)^6;
gap> -Z(9);
The powering operator ^returns the i-th power of the element in a finite field z.imust be
an integer. If the exponent iis zero, z^iis defined as the one in the finite field, even if zis
zero; if iis positive, z^iis defined as the i-fold product z*z*..*z; finally, if iis negative,
z^iis defined as (1/z)^-i. In this case zmust of course be nonzero.
gap> Z(4)^2;
gap> Z(4)^3;
Z(2)^0 # is in fact 1
gap> (0*Z(4))^0;
18.4 IsFFE
IsFFE( obj )
IsFFE returns true if obj , which may be an object of an arbitrary type, is an element in a
finite field and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
Note that integers, even though they can be multiplied with elements in finite fields, are
not considered themselves elements in finite fields. Therefore IsFFE will return false for
integer arguments.
gap> IsFFE( Z(2^4)^7 );
gap> IsFFE( 5 );
18.5 CharFFE
CharFFE( z)or CharFFE( vec )or CharFFE( mat )
CharFFE returns the characteristic of the finite field Fcontaining the element z, respectively
all elements of the vector vec over a finite field (see 32), or matrix mat over a finite field
(see 34).
gap> CharFFE( Z(16)^7 );
gap> CharFFE( Z(16)^5 );
gap> CharFFE( [ Z(3), Z(27)^11, Z(9)^3 ] );
gap> CharFFE( [ [ Z(5), Z(125)^3 ], [ Z(625)^13, Z(5) ] ] );
Error, CharFFE: <z> must be a finite field element, vector, or matrix
# The smallest finite field which contains all four of these elements
# is too large for GAP3
18.6. DEGREEFFE 427
18.6 DegreeFFE
DegreeFFE( z)or DegreeFFE( vec )or DegreeFFE( mat )
DegreeFFE returns the degree of the smallest finite field Fcontaining the element z, re-
spectively all elements of the vector vec over a finite field (see 32), or matrix mat over a
finite field (see 34). For vectors and matrices, an error is signalled if the smallest finite field
containing all elements of the vector or matrix has size larger than 216.
gap> DegreeFFE( Z(16)^7 );
gap> DegreeFFE( Z(16)^5 );
gap> DegreeFFE( [ Z(3), Z(27)^11, Z(9)^3 ] );
gap> DegreeFFE( [ [ Z(5), Z(125)^3 ], [ Z(625)^13, Z(5) ] ] );
Error, DegreeFFE: <z> must be a finite field element, vector, or matrix
# The smallest finite field which contains all four of these elements
# is too large for GAP3
18.7 OrderFFE
OrderFFE( z)
OrderFFE returns the order of the element zin a finite field. The order is the smallest
positive integer isuch that z^iis 1. The order of the zero in a finite field is defined to be 0.
gap> OrderFFE( Z(16)^7 );
gap> OrderFFE( Z(16)^5 );
gap> OrderFFE( Z(27)^11 );
gap> OrderFFE( Z(625)^13 );
gap> OrderFFE( Z(211)^0 );
18.8 IntFFE
IntFFE( z)
IntFFE returns the integer corresponding to the element z, which must lie in a finite prime
field. That is IntFFE returns the smallest nonnegative integer isuch that i*z^0 = z.
The correspondence between elements from a finite prime field of characteristic pand the
integers between 0 and p-1 is defined by choosing Z(p)the smallest primitive root mod p
(see 11.6).
gap> IntFFE( Z(13) );
gap> PrimitiveRootMod( 13 );
gap> IntFFE( Z(409) );
gap> IntFFE( Z(409)^116 );
gap> 21^116 mod 409;
18.9 LogFFE
LogFFE( z)
LogFFE( z,r)
In the first form LogFFE returns the discrete logarithm of the element zin a finite field with
respect to the root FieldFFE(z).root. An error is signalled if zis zero.
In the second form LogFFE returns the discrete logarithm of the element zin a finite field
with respect to the root r. An error is signalled if zis zero, or if zis not a power of r.
The discrete logarithm of an element zwith respect to a root ris the smallest nonnegative
integer isuch that ri=z.
gap> LogFFE( Z(409)^116 );
gap> LogFFE( Z(409)^116, Z(409)^2 );
18.10 GaloisField
GaloisField( p^d)
GF( p^d)
GaloisField( p|S,d|pol|bas )
GF( p|S,d|pol|bas )
GaloisField returns a field record (see 6.17) for a finite field. It takes two arguments. The
form GaloisField(p,d), where p,dare integers, can also be given as GaloisField(p^d).
GF is an abbreviation for GaloisField.
The first argument specifies the subfield Sover which the new field Fis to be taken. It can
be a prime or a finite field record. If it is a prime p, the subfield is the prime field of this
characteristic. If it is a field record S, the subfield is the field described by this record.
The second argument specifies the extension. It can be an integer, an irreducible polynomial,
or a base. If it is an integer d, the new field is constructed as the polynomial extension with
the Conway polynomial of degree dover the subfield S. If it is an irreducible polynomial
pol, in which case the elements of the list pol must all lie in the subfield S, the new field is
constructed as polynomial extension of the subfield Swith this polynomial. If it is a base
bas, in which case the elements of the list bas must be linear independently over the subfield
S, the new field is constructed as a linear vector space over the subfield S.
Note that the subfield over which a field was constructed determines over which field the
Galois group, conjugates, norm, trace, minimal polynom, and characteristic polynom are
computed (see 6.7, 6.12, 6.10, 6.11, 6.8, 6.9, and 18.13).
gap> GF( 2^4 );
gap> GF( GF(2^4), 2 );
18.11 FrobeniusAutomorphism
FrobeniusAutomorphism( F)
FrobeniusAutomorphism returns the Frobenius automorphism of the finite field Fas a field
homomorphism (see 6.13).
The Frobenius automorphism fof a finite field Fof characteristic pis the function that
takes each element zof Fto its p-th power. Each automorphism of Fis a power of the
Frobenius automorphism. Thus the Frobenius automorphism is a generator for the Galois
group of F(and an appropriate power of it is a generator of the Galois group of Fover a
subfield S) (see 6.7).
gap> f := GF(16);
gap> x := FrobeniusAutomorphism( f );
FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^4) )
gap> Z(16) ^ x;
The image of an element zunder the i-th power of the Frobenius automorphism fof a finite
field Fof characteristic pis simply computed by computing the p^i-th power of z. The
product of the i-th power and the j-th power of fis the k-th power of f, where kis i*jmod
(Size(F)-1). The zeroth power of fis printed as IdentityMapping( F).
18.12 Set Functions for Finite Fields
Finite fields are of course domains. Thus all set theoretic functions are applicable to finite
fields (see chapter 4). This section gives further comments on the definitions and implemen-
tations of those functions for finite fields. All set theoretic functions not mentioned here are
not treated specially for finite fields.
The elements of a finite field are computed using the fact that the finite field is a vector
space over its prime field.
The membership test is of course very simple, we just have to test whether the element is a
finite field element with IsFFE, whether it has the correct characteristic with CharFFE, and
whether its degree divides the degree of the finite field with DegreeFFE (see 18.4, 18.5, and
A random element of GF (pn) is computed by computing a random integer ifrom [0..pn1]
and returning 0 Z(p) if i= 0 and Z(pn)i1otherwise.
The intersection of GF (pn) and GF (pm) is the finite field GF (pGcd(n,m)), and is returned
as finite field record.
18.13 Field Functions for Finite Fields
Finite fields are, as the name already implies, fields. Thus all field functions are applicable
to finite fields and their elements (see chapter 6). This section gives further comments on
the definitions and implementations of those functions for finite fields. All domain functions
not mentioned here are not treated specially for finite fields.
Field and DefaultField
Both Field and DefaultField return the smallest finite field containing the arguments as
an extension of the prime field.
The Galois group of a finite field Fof size pmover a subfield Sof size q=pnis a cyclic
group of size m/n. It is generated by the Frobenius automorphism that takes every
element of Fto its q-th power. This automorphism of Fleaves exactly the subfield Sfixed.
According to the above theorem about the Galois group, each element of Fhas m/n con-
jugates, z, zq, zq2, ..., zqm/n1.
The norm is the product of the conjugates, i.e., zpm1/pn1. Because we have Z(pn) =
Z(pm)pm1/pn1, it follows that N orm(GF (pm)/GF (pn), Z(pm)i) = Z(pn)i.
Chapter 19
Let Rbe a commutative ring-with-one. A (univariate) Laurent polynomial over Ris a
sequence (..., c1, c0, c1, ...) of elements of Rsuch that only finitely many are non-zero. For
a ring element rof Rand polynomials f= (..., f1, f0, f1, ...) and g= (..., g1, g0, g1, ...)
we define f+g= (..., f1+g1, f0+g0, f1+g1, ...) , r·f= (..., rf1, rf0, rf1, ...), and
fg= (..., s1, s0, s1, ...), where sk=... +figki+.... Note that skis well-defined as only
finitely many fiand giare non-zero. We call the largest integers d(f), such that fd(f)is
non-zero, the degree of f,fithe coefficient of f, and fd(f)the leading coefficient of
f. If the smallest integer v(f),such that fv(f)is non-zero, is negative, we say that fhas a
pole of order vat 0, otherwise we say that fhas a root of order vat 0. We call Rthe base
(or coefficient) ring of f. If f= (..., 0,0,0, ...) we set d(f) = 1 and v(f) = 0.
The set of all Laurent polynomials L(R) over a ring Rtogether with above definitions of +
and is again a ring, the Laurent polynomial ring over R, and Ris called the base ring
of L(R). The subset of all polynomials fwith non-negative v(f) forms a subring P(R) of
L(R), the polynomial ring over R. If Ris indeed a field then both rings L(R) and P(R)
are Euclidean. Note that L(R) and P(R) have different Euclidean degree functions. If fis
an element of P(R) then the Euclidean degree of fis simply the degree of f. If fis viewed
as an element of L(R) then the Euclidean degree is the difference between d(f) and v(f).
The units of P(R) are just the units of R, while the units of L(R) are the polynomials f
such that v(f) = d(f) and fd(f)is a unit in R.
GAP3 uses the above definition of polynomials. This definition has some advantages and
some drawbacks. First of all, the polynomial (..., x0= 0, x1= 1, x2= 0, ...) is commonly
denoted by xand is called an indeterminate over R, (..., c1, c0, c1, ...) is written as ... +
c1x1+c0+c1x+c2x2+..., and P(R) as R[x] (note that the way GAP3 outputs a polynomial
resembles this definition). But if we introduce a second indeterminate yit is not obvious
whether the product xy lies in (R[x])[y], the polynomial ring in yover the polynomial ring
in x, in (R[y])[x], in R[x, y], the polynomial ring in two indeterminates, or in R[y, x] (which
should be equal to R[x, y]). Using the first definition we would define yas indeterminate
over R[x] and we know then that xy lies in (R[x])[y].
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Rx := LaurentPolynomialRing(Rationals);;
gap> y := Indeterminate(Rx);; := "y";;
gap> y^2 + x;
y^2 + (x)
gap> last^2;
y^4 + (2*x)*y^2 + (x^2)
gap> last + x;
y^4 + (2*x)*y^2 + (x^2 + x)
gap> (x^2 + x + 1) * y^2 + y + 1;
(x^2 + x + 1)*y^2 + y + (x^0)
gap> x * y;
gap> y * x;
gap> 2 * x;
gap> x * 2;
Note that GAP3 does not embed the base ring of a polynomial into the polynomial ring.
The trivial polynomial and the zero of the base ring are always different.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Rx := LaurentPolynomialRing(Rationals);;
gap> y := Indeterminate(Rx);; := "y";;
gap> 0 = 0*x;
gap> nx := 0*x; # a polynomial over the rationals
gap> ny := 0*y; # a polynomial over a polynomial ring
gap> nx = ny; # different base rings
The result 0*x 6=0*y is probably not what you expect or want. In order to compute with
two indeterminates over Ryou must embed xinto R[x][y].
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Rx := LaurentPolynomialRing(Rationals);;
gap> y := Indeterminate(Rx);; := "y";;
gap> x := x * y^0;
gap> 0*x = 0*y;
The other point which might be startling is that we require the supply of a base ring for a
polynomial. But this guarantees that Factor gives a predictable result.
gap> f5 := GF(5);; := "f5";;
gap> f25 := GF(25);; := "f25";;
gap> Polynomial( f5, [3,2,1]*Z(5)^0 );
Z(5)^0*(X(f5)^2 + 2*X(f5) + 3)
gap> Factors(last);
[ Z(5)^0*(X(f5)^2 + 2*X(f5) + 3) ]
gap> Polynomial( f25, [3,2,1]*Z(5)^0 );
X(f25)^2 + Z(5)*X(f25) + Z(5)^3
gap> Factors(last);
[ X(f25) + Z(5^2)^7, X(f25) + Z(5^2)^11 ]
The first sections describe how polynomials are constructed (see 19.2, 19.3, and 19.4).
The next sections describe the operations applicable to polynomials (see 19.5 and 19.6).
The next sections describe the functions for polynomials (see 19.7, 19.12 and 19.11).
The next sections describe functions that construct certain polynomials (see 19.16, 19.17).
The next sections describe the functions for constructing the Laurent polynomial ring L(R)
and the polynomial ring P(R) (see 19.18 and 19.20).
The next sections describe the ring functions applicable to Laurent polynomial rings. (see
19.22 and 19.23).
19.1 Multivariate Polynomials
As explained above, each ring Rhas exactly one indeterminate associated with R. In order
to construct a polynomial ring with two indeterminates over Ryou must first construct the
polynomial ring P(R) and then the polynomial ring over P(R).
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> Rx := PolynomialRing(Integers);;
gap> y := Indeterminate(Rx);; := "y";;
gap> x := y^0 * x;
gap> f := x^2*y^2 + 3*x*y + x + 4*y;
(x^2)*y^2 + (3*x + 4)*y + (x)
gap> Value( f, 4 );
16*x^2 + 13*x + 16
gap> Value( last, -2 );
gap> (-2)^2 * 4^2 + 3*(-2)*4 + (-2) + 4*4;
We plan to add support for (proper) multivariate polynomials in one of the next releases of
19.2 Indeterminate
Indeterminate( R)
X( R)
Indeterminate returns the polynomial (..., x0= 0, x1= 1, x2= 0, ...) over R, which must
be a commutative ring-with-one or a field.
Note that you can assign a name to the indeterminate, in which case all polynomials over
Rare printed using this name. Keep in mind that for each ring there is exactly one inde-
gap> x := Indeterminate( Integers );; := "x";;
gap> f := x^10 + 3*x - x^-1;
x^10 + 3*x - x^(-1)
gap> y := Indeterminate( Integers );; # this is x
gap> := "y";;
gap> f; # so fis also printed differently from now on
y^10 + 3*y - y^(-1)
19.3 Polynomial
Polynomial( R,l)
Polynomial( R,l,v)
lmust be a list of coefficients of the polynomial fto be constructed, namely (..., fv=
l[1], fv+1 =l[2], ...) over R, which must be a commutative ring-with-one or a field. The
default for vis 0. Polynomial returns this polynomial f.
For interactive calculation it might by easier to construct the indeterminate over Rand
construct the polynomial using ^,+and *.
gap> x := Indeterminate( Integers );;
gap> := "x";;
gap> f := Polynomial( Integers, [1,2,0,0,4] );
4*x^4 + 2*x + 1
gap> g := 4*x^4 + 2*x + 1;
4*x^4 + 2*x + 1
19.4 IsPolynomial
IsPolynomial( obj )
IsPolynomial returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a polynomial
and false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsPolynomial( 1 );
gap> IsPolynomial( Indeterminate(Integers) );
19.5 Comparisons of Polynomials
f<> g
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the polynomials fand gare equal, and to
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the polynomials fand g
are not equal, and to false otherwise.
Note that polynomials are equal if and only if their coefficients and their base rings are
equal. Polynomials can also be compared with objects of other types. Of course they are
never equal.
gap> f := Polynomial( GF(5^3), [1,2,3]*Z(5)^0 );
Z(5)^3*X(GF(5^3))^2 + Z(5)*X(GF(5^3)) + Z(5)^0
gap> x := Indeterminate(GF(25));;
gap> g := 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1;
Z(5)^3*X(GF(5^2))^2 + Z(5)*X(GF(5^2)) + Z(5)^0
gap> f = g;
gap> x^0 = Z(25)^0;
f<= g
f>= g
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the polynomial fis less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the polynomial g, and to false otherwise.
A polynomial fis less than gif v(f) is less than v(g), or if v(f) and v(g) are equal and d(f)
is less than d(g). If v(f) is equal to v(g) and d(f) is equal to d(g) the coefficient lists of f
and gare compared.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> (1 + x^2 + x^3)*x^3 < (2 + x^2 + x^3);
gap> (1 + x^2 + x^4) < (2 + x^2 + x^3);
gap> (1 + x^2 + x^3) < (2 + x^2 + x^3);
19.6 Operations for Polynomials
The following operations are always available for polynomials. The operands must have a
common base ring, no implicit conversions are performed.
The operator +evaluates to the sum of the polynomials fand g, which must be polynomials
over a common base ring.
gap> f := Polynomial( GF(2), [Z(2), Z(2)] );
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2)) + 1)
gap> f + f;
gap> g := Polynomial( GF(4), [Z(2), Z(2)] );
X(GF(2^2)) + Z(2)^0
gap> f + g;
Error, polynomials must have the same ring
scl +f
The operator +evaluates to the sum of the polynomial fand the scalar scl, which must lie
in the base ring of f.
gap> x := Indeterminate( Integers );; := "x";;
gap> h := Polynomial( Integers, [1,2,3,4] );
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
gap> h + 1;
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 2
gap> 1/2 + h;
Error, <l> must lie in the base ring of <r>
The operator -evaluates to the difference of the polynomials fand g, which must be
polynomials over a common base ring.
gap> x := Indeterminate( Integers );; := "x";;
gap> h := Polynomial( Integers, [1,2,3,4] );
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
gap> h - 2*h;
-4*x^3 - 3*x^2 - 2*x - 1
scl -f
The operator -evaluates to the difference of the polynomial fand the scalar scl, which
must lie in the base ring of f.
gap> x := Indeterminate( Integers );; := "x";;
gap> h := Polynomial( Integers, [1,2,3,4] );
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
gap> h - 1;
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x
gap> 1 - h;
-4*x^3 - 3*x^2 - 2*x
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two polynomials fand g, which must be
polynomial over a common base ring.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> h := 4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1;
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
gap> h * h;
16*x^6 + 24*x^5 + 25*x^4 + 20*x^3 + 10*x^2 + 4*x + 1
scl *f
The operator *evaluates to the product of the polynomial fand the scalar scl, which must
lie in the base ring of f.
gap> f := Polynomial( GF(2), [Z(2), Z(2)] );
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2)) + 1)
gap> f - Z(2);
gap> Z(4) - f;
Error, <l> must lie in the base ring of <r>
19.7. DEGREE 437
The operator ^evaluates the the n-th power of the polynomial f. If nis negative ^will try
to invert fin the Laurent polynomial ring ring.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> k := x - 1 + x^-1;
x - 1 + x^(-1)
gap> k ^ 3;
x^3 - 3*x^2 + 6*x - 7 + 6*x^(-1) - 3*x^(-2) + x^(-3)
gap> k^-1;
Error, cannot invert <l> in the laurent polynomial ring
The operator /evaluates to the product of the polynomial fand the inverse of the scalar
scl, which must be invertable in its default ring.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> h := 4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1;
4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1
gap> h / 3;
(4/3)*x^3 + x^2 + (2/3)*x + (1/3)
scl /f
The operator /evaluates to the product of the scalar scl and the inverse of the polynomial
f, which must be invertable in its Laurent ring.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> 30 / x;
gap> 3 / (1+x);
Error, cannot invert <l> in the laurent polynomial ring
The operator /evaluates to the quotient of the two polynomials fand g, if such quotient
exists in the Laurent polynomial ring. Otherwise /signals an error.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> f := (1+x+x^2) * (3-x-2*x^2);
-2*x^4 - 3*x^3 + 2*x + 3
gap> f / (1+x+x^2);
-2*x^2 - x + 3
gap> f / (1+x);
Error, cannot divide <l> by <r>
19.7 Degree
Degree( f)
Degree returns the degree dfof f(see 19).
Note that this is only equal to the Euclidean degree in the polynomial ring P(R). It is not
equal in the Laurent polynomial ring L(R).
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Degree( x^10 + x^2 + 1 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( x^10 + x^2 + 1 );
10 # the default ring is the polynomial ring
gap> Degree( x^-10 + x^-11 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( x^-10 + x^-11 );
1# the default ring is the Laurent polynomial ring
19.8 Valuation
Valuation( f)
Valuation returns the valuation f(see 19).
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Valuation( x^10 + x^2 + 1 );
gap> Valuation( x^10 + x^2);
gap> Valuation( x^-10 + x^-11 );
19.9 LeadingCoefficient
LeadingCoefficient( f)
LeadingCoefficient returns the last non-zero coefficient of f(see 19).
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> LeadingCoefficient( 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1);
19.10 Coefficient
Coefficient( f,i)
Coefficient returns the i-th coefficient of f(see 19).
for other objects the function looks if fhas a Coefficient method in its operations record
and then returns f.operations.Coefficient(f,i).
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Coefficient(3*x^2 + 2*x, 2);
gap> Coefficient(3*x^2 + 2*x, 1);
gap> Coefficient(3*x^2 + 2*x, 0);
19.11. VALUE 439
19.11 Value
Value( f,w)
Let fbe a Laurent polynomial (..., f1, f0, f1, ...). Then Value returns the finite sum ... +
Note that xneed not be contained in the base ring of f.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> k := -x + 1;
-x + 1
gap> Value( k, 2 );
gap> Value( k, [[1,1],[0,1]] );
19.12 Derivative
Derivative( f)
If fis a Laurent polynomial (..., f1, f0, f1, ...), then Derivative returns the polynomial
g= (..., gi1=ifi, ...).
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Derivative( x^10 + x^-11 );
10*x^9 - 11*x^(-12)
gap> y := Indeterminate(GF(5));; := "y";;
gap> Derivative( y^10 + y^-11 );
In a second form fis a list interpreted as the coefficients of a polynomial; then Derivative
returns the coefficients of the derivative polynomial, that is the list [f[2],2*f[3],..].
gap> Derivative([1,2,1,2,1,2]);
[ 2, 2, 6, 4, 10 ]
19.13 Resultant
Resultant( f,g)
fand gmust be polynomials, not Laurent polynomials. The function returns their resultant.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Resultant(x^3+1,3*x^2);
19.14 Discriminant
Discriminant( f)
fmust be a polynomial, not a Laurent polynomial. The function returns its discriminant.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> Discriminant(x^3+1);
19.15 InterpolatedPolynomial
InterpolatedPolynomial( R,x,y)
InterpolatedPolynomial returns the unique polynomial of degree less than nwhich has
value y[i] at x[i] for all i= 1, ..., n, where xand ymust be lists of elements of the ring or
field R, if such a polynomial exists. Note that the elements in xmust be distinct.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> p := InterpolatedPolynomial( Rationals, [1,2,3,4], [3,2,4,1] );
(-4/3)*x^3 + (19/2)*x^2 + (-121/6)*x + 15
gap> List( [1,2,3,4], x -> Value(p,x) );
gap> Unbind( );
19.16 ConwayPolynomial
ConwayPolynomial( p,n)
returns the Conway polynomial of the finite field GF (pn) as polynomial over the Rationals.
The Conway polynomial Φn,p of GF (pn) is defined by the following properties.
First define an ordering of polynomials of degree nover GF (p) as follows.
i=0(1)ifixiis smaller than g=Pn
i=0(1)igixiif and only if there is an index
mnsuch that fi=gifor all i>m, and ˜
fm<˜gm, where ˜cdenotes the integer value in
{0,1, . . . , p 1}that is mapped to cGF (p) under the canonical epimorphism that maps
the integers onto GF (p).
Φn,p is primitive over GF (p), that is, it is irreducible, monic, and is the minimal polynomial
of a primitive element of GF (pn) over GF (p).
For all divisors dof nthe compatibility condition Φd,p(xpn1
pm1)0 (mod Φn,p(x)) holds.
With respect to the ordering defined above, Φn,p shall be minimal.
gap> ConwayPolynomial( 7, 3 );
X(Rationals)^3 + 6*X(Rationals)^2 + 4
gap> ConwayPolynomial( 41, 3 );
X(Rationals)^3 + X(Rationals) + 35
The global list CONWAYPOLYNOMIALS contains Conway polynomials for small values of pand
n. Note that the computation of Conway polynomials may be very expensive, especially if
nis not a prime.
19.17 CyclotomicPolynomial
CyclotomicPolynomial( R,n)
returns the n-th cyclotomic polynomial over the field R.
gap> CyclotomicPolynomial( GF(2), 6 );
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^2 + X(GF(2)) + 1)
gap> CyclotomicPolynomial( Rationals, 5 );
X(Rationals)^4 + X(Rationals)^3 + X(Rationals)^2 + X(Rationals) + 1
In every GAP3 session the computed cyclotomic polynomials are stored in the global list
19.18 PolynomialRing
PolynomialRing( R)
PolynomialRing returns the ring of all polynomials over a field Ror ring-with-one R.
gap> f2 := GF(2);;
gap> R := PolynomialRing( f2 );
PolynomialRing( GF(2) )
gap> Z(2) in R;
gap> Polynomial( f2, [Z(2),Z(2)] ) in R;
gap> Polynomial( GF(4), [Z(2),Z(2)] ) in R;
gap> R := PolynomialRing( GF(2) );
PolynomialRing( GF(2) )
19.19 IsPolynomialRing
IsPolynomialRing( domain )
IsPolynomialRing returns true if the object domain is a ring record, representing a poly-
nomial ring (see 19.18), and false otherwise.
gap> IsPolynomialRing( Integers );
gap> IsPolynomialRing( PolynomialRing( Integers ) );
gap> IsPolynomialRing( LaurentPolynomialRing( Integers ) );
19.20 LaurentPolynomialRing
LaurentPolynomialRing( R)
LaurentPolynomialRing returns the ring of all Laurent polynomials over a field Ror ring-
with-one R.
gap> f2 := GF(2);;
gap> R := LaurentPolynomialRing( f2 );
LaurentPolynomialRing( GF(2) )
gap> Z(2) in R;
gap> Polynomial( f2, [Z(2),Z(2)] ) in R;
gap> Polynomial( GF(4), [Z(2),Z(2)] ) in R;
gap> Indeterminate(f2)^-1 in R;
19.21 IsLaurentPolynomialRing
IsLaurentPolynomialRing( domain )
IsLaurentPolynomialRing returns true if the object domain is a ring record, representing
a Laurent polynomial ring (see 19.20), and false otherwise.
gap> IsPolynomialRing( Integers );
gap> IsLaurentPolynomialRing( PolynomialRing( Integers ) );
gap> IsLaurentPolynomialRing( LaurentPolynomialRing( Integers ) );
19.22 Ring Functions for Polynomial Rings
As was already noted in the introduction to this chapter polynomial rings are rings, so all
ring functions (see chapter 5) are applicable to polynomial rings. This section comments on
the implementation of those functions.
Let Rbe a commutative ring-with-one or a field and let Pbe the polynomial ring over R.
EuclideanDegree( P,f)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case the Euclidean degree of fis
simply the degree of f. If Ris not a field then the function signals an error.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> EuclideanDegree( x^10 + x^2 + 1 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( x^0 );
EuclideanRemainder( P,f,g)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case it is possible to divide fby g
with remainder.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> EuclideanRemainder( (x+1)*(x+2)+5, x+1 );
EuclideanQuotient( P,f,g)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case it is possible to divide fby g
with remainder.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> EuclideanQuotient( (x+1)*(x+2)+5, x+1 );
QuotientRemainder( P,f,g)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case it is possible to divide fby g
with remainder.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> QuotientRemainder( (x+1)*(x+2)+5, x+1 );
[ x + 2, 5*x^0 ]
Gcd( P,f,g)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case you can compute the greatest
common divisor of fand gusing Gcd.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> g := x^2 + 2*x + 1;;
gap> h := x^2 - 1;;
gap> Gcd( g, h );
gap> GcdRepresentation( g, h );
[ 1/2*x^0, -1/2*x^0 ]
gap> g * (1/2) * x^0 - h * (1/2) * x^0;
Factors( P,f)
This method is implemented for polynomial rings Pover a domain R, where Ris either
a finite field, the rational numbers, or an algebraic extension of either one. If char Ris a
prime, fis factored using a Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm.
gap> f5 := GF(5);; := "f5";;
gap> x := Indeterminate(f5);; := "x";;
gap> g := x^20 + x^8 + 1;
Z(5)^0*(x^20 + x^8 + 1)
gap> Factors(g);
[ Z(5)^0*(x^8 + 4*x^4 + 2), Z(5)^0*(x^12 + x^8 + 4*x^4 + 3) ]
If char Ris 0, a quadratic Hensel lift is used.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> f:=x^105-1;
x^105 - 1
gap> Factors(f);
x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1,
x^8 - x^7 + x^5 - x^4 + x^3 - x + 1,
x^12 - x^11 + x^9 - x^8 + x^6 - x^4 + x^3 - x + 1,
x^24 - x^23 + x^19 - x^18 + x^17 - x^16 + x^14 - x^13 + x^12 - x^
11 + x^10 - x^8 + x^7 - x^6 + x^5 - x + 1,
x^48 + x^47 + x^46 - x^43 - x^42 - 2*x^41 - x^40 - x^39 + x^36 + x^
35 + x^34 + x^33 + x^32 + x^31 - x^28 - x^26 - x^24 - x^22 - x^
20 + x^17 + x^16 + x^15 + x^14 + x^13 + x^12 - x^9 - x^8 - 2*x^
As fis an element of Pif and only if the base ring of fis Ryou must embed the polynomial
into the polynomial ring Pif it is written as polynomial over a subring.
gap> f25 := GF(25);; Indeterminate(f25).name := "y";;
gap> l := Factors( EmbeddedPolynomial( PolynomialRing(f25), g ) );
[ y^4 + Z(5^2)^13, y^4 + Z(5^2)^17, y^6 + Z(5)^3*y^2 + Z(5^2)^3,
y^6 + Z(5)^3*y^2 + Z(5^2)^15 ]
gap> l[1] * l[2];
y^8 + Z(5)^2*y^4 + Z(5)
gap> l[3] * l[4];
y^12 + y^8 + Z(5)^2*y^4 + Z(5)^3
StandardAssociate( P,f)
For a ring Rthe standard associate aof fis a multiple of fsuch that the leading coefficient
of ais the standard associate in R. For a field Rthe standard associate aof fis a multiple
of fsuch that the leading coefficient of ais 1.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> StandardAssociate( -2 * x^3 - x );
2*x^3 + x
19.23 Ring Functions for Laurent Polynomial Rings
As was already noted in the introduction to this chapter Laurent polynomial rings are
rings, so all ring functions (see chapter 5) are applicable to polynomial rings. This section
comments on the implementation of those functions.
Let Rbe a commutative ring-with-one or a field and let Pbe the polynomial ring over R.
EuclideanDegree( P,f)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case the Euclidean degree of fis the
difference of d(f) and v(f) (see 19). If Ris not a field then the function signals an error.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> LR := LaurentPolynomialRing(Rationals);;
gap> EuclideanDegree( LR, x^10 + x^2 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( LR, x^7 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( x^7 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( LR, x^2 + x^-2 );
gap> EuclideanDegree( x^2 + x^-2 );
Gcd( P,f,g)
Pis an Euclidean ring if and only if Ris field. In this case you can compute the greatest
common divisor of fand gusing Gcd.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Rationals);; := "x";;
gap> LR := LaurentPolynomialRing(Rationals);;
gap> g := x^3 + 2*x^2 + x;;
gap> h := x^3 - x;;
gap> Gcd( g, h );
x^2 + x
gap> Gcd( LR, g, h );
x+1 #xis a unit in LR
gap> GcdRepresentation( LR, g, h );
[ (1/2)*x^(-1), (-1/2)*x^(-1) ]
Factors( P,f)
This method is only implemented for a Laurent polynomial ring Pover a finite field R. In
this case fis factored using a Cantor-Zassenhaus algorithm. As fis an element of Pif and
only if the base ring of fis Ryou must embed the polynomial into the polynomial ring P
if it is written as polynomial over a subring.
gap> f5 := GF(5);; := "f5";;
gap> x := Indeterminate(f5);; := "x";;
gap> g := x^10 + x^-2 + x^-10;
Z(5)^0*(x^10 + x^(-2) + x^(-10))
gap> Factors(g);
[ Z(5)^0*(x^(-2) + 4*x^(-6) + 2*x^(-10)),
Z(5)^0*(x^12 + x^8 + 4*x^4 + 3) ]
gap> f25 := GF(25);; Indeterminate(f25).name := "y";;
gap> gg := EmbeddedPolynomial( LaurentPolynomialRing(f25), g );
y^10 + y^(-2) + y^(-10)
gap> l := Factors( gg );
[ y^(-6) + Z(5^2)^13*y^(-10), y^4 + Z(5^2)^17,
y^6 + Z(5)^3*y^2 + Z(5^2)^3, y^6 + Z(5)^3*y^2 + Z(5^2)^15 ]
gap> l[1] * l[2];
y^(-2) + Z(5)^2*y^(-6) + Z(5)*y^(-10)
gap> l[3]*[4];
[ Z(5)^2*y^6 + Z(5)*y^2 + Z(5^2)^15 ]
StandardAssociate( P,f)
For a ring Rthe standard associate aof fis a multiple of fsuch that the leading coefficient
of ais the standard associate in Rand v(a) is zero. For a field Rthe standard associate a
of fis a multiple of fsuch that the leading coefficient of ais 1 and v(a) is zero.
gap> x := Indeterminate(Integers);; := "x";;
gap> LR := LaurentPolynomialRing(Integers);;
gap> StandardAssociate( LR, -2 * x^3 - x );
2*x^2 + 1
Chapter 20
GAP3 is a system especially designed for the computations in groups. Permutation groups
are a very important class of groups and GAP3 offers a data type permutation to describe
the elements of permutation groups.
Permutations in GAP3 operate on positive integers. Whenever group elements operate
on a domain we call the elements of this domain points. Thus in this chapter we often call
positive integers points, if we want to emphasize that a permutation operates on them. An
integer iis said to be moved by a permutation pif the image ipof iunder pis not i. The
largest integer moved by any permutation may not be larger than 228 1.
Note that permutations do not belong to a specific group. That means that you can work
with permutations without defining a permutation group that contains them. This is just
like it is with integers, with which you can compute without caring about the domain
Integers that contains them. It also means that you can multiply any two permutations.
Permutations are entered and displayed in cycle notation.
gap> (1,2,3);
gap> (1,2,3) * (2,3,4);
The first sections in this chapter describe the operations that are available for permutations
(see 20.1 and 20.2). The next section describes the function that tests whether an object is
a permutation (see 20.3). The next sections describe the functions that find the largest and
smallest point moved by a permutation (see 20.4 and 20.5). The next section describes the
function that computes the sign of a permutation (see 20.6). The next section describes the
function that computes the smallest permutation that generates the same cyclic subgroup
as a given permutation (see 20.7). The final sections describe the functions that convert
between lists and permutations (see 20.8, 20.9, 20.10, and 20.11).
Permutations are elements of groups operating on positive integers in a natural way, thus
see chapter 7 and chapter 2.10 for more functions.
The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"permutat.g".
20.1 Comparisons of Permutations
p1 =p2
p1 <> p2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two permutations p1 and p2 are equal, and
to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two permutations
p1 and p2 are not equal, and to false otherwise. You can also compare permutations with
objects of other types, of course they are never equal.
Two permutations are considered equal if and only if they move the same points and if the
images of the moved points are the same under the operation of both permutations.
gap> (1,2,3) = (2,3,1);
gap> (1,2,3) * (2,3,4) = (1,3)(2,4);
p1 <p2
p1 <= p2
p1 >p2
p1 >= p2
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the permutation p1 is less than, less than
or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the permutation p2 , and to false
Let p1and p2be two permutations that are not equal. Then there exists at least one point
isuch that ip1<> ip2. Let kbe the smallest such point. Then p1is considered smaller
than p2if and only if kp1< kp2. Note that this implies that the identity permutation is
the smallest permutation.
You can also compare permutations with objects of other types. Integers, rationals, cyclo-
tomics, unknowns, and finite field elements are smaller than permutations. Everything else
is larger.
gap> (1,2,3) < (1,3,2);
true # 1(1,2,3) = 2 <3=1(1,3,2)
gap> (1,3,2,4) < (1,3,4,2);
false # 2(1,3,2,4) = 4 >1=2(1,3,4,2)
20.2 Operations for Permutations
p1 *p2
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two permutations p1 and p2 .
p1 /p2
The operator /evaluates to the quotient p1p21of the two permutations p1 and p2 .
LeftQuotient( p1 ,p2 )
LeftQuotient returns the left quotient p11p2 of the two permutations p1 and p2 . (This
can also be written p1 mod p2 .)
20.3. ISPERM 449
The operator ^evaluates to the i-th power of the permutation p.
p1 ^p2
The operator ^evaluates to the conjugate p21p1p2 of the permutation p1 by the
permutation p2 .
Comm( p1 ,p2 )
Comm returns the commutator p11p21p1p2 of the two permutations p1 and p2 .
The operator ^evaluates to the image ipof the positive integer iunder the permutation p.
The operator /evaluates to the preimage ip1of the integer iunder the permutation p.
list *p
The operator *evaluates to the list of products of the permutations in list with the per-
mutation p. That means that the value is a new list new such that new[i] = list[i] * p
respectively new[i] = p*list[i].
list /p
The operator /evaluates to the list of quotients of the permutations in list with the per-
mutation p. That means that the value is a new list new such that new[i] = list[i] /
For the precedence of the operators see 2.10.
20.3 IsPerm
IsPerm( obj )
IsPerm returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a permutation and
false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsPerm( (1,2) );
gap> IsPerm( 1 );
20.4 LargestMovedPointPerm
LargestMovedPointPerm( perm )
LargestMoverPointPerm returns the largest point moved by the permutation perm, i.e.,
the largest positive integer isuch that i^perm <> i. It will signal an error if perm is trivial
(see also 20.5).
gap> LargestMovedPointPerm( (2,3,1) );
gap> LargestMovedPointPerm( (1,2)(1000,1001) );
20.5 SmallestMovedPointPerm
SmallestMovedPointPerm( perm )
SmallestMovedPointPerm returns the smallest point moved by the permutation perm, i.e.,
the smallest positive integer isuch that i^perm <> i. It will signal an error if perm is
trivial (see also 20.4).
gap> SmallestMovedPointPerm( (4,7,5) );
20.6 SignPerm
SignPerm( perm )
SignPerm returns the sign of the permutation perm.
The sign sof a permutation pis defined by s=Qi<j (ipjp)/Qi<j (ij), where nis the
largest point moved by pand i, j range over 1...n.
One can easily show that sign is equivalent to the determinant of the permutation
matrix of perm. Thus it is obvious that the function sign is a homomorphism.
gap> SignPerm( (1,2,3)(5,6) );
20.7 SmallestGeneratorPerm
SmallestGeneratorPerm( perm )
SmallestGeneratorPerm returns the smallest permutation that generates the same cyclic
group as the permutation perm.
gap> SmallestGeneratorPerm( (1,4,3,2) );
Note that SmallestGeneratorPerm is very efficient, even when perm has huge order.
20.8 ListPerm
ListPerm( perm )
ListPerm returns a list list that contains the images of the positive integers under the
permutation perm. That means that list[i] = i^perm, where ilies between 1 and the
largest point moved by perm (see 20.4).
gap> ListPerm( (1,2,3,4) );
gap> ListPerm( () );
[ ]
PermList (see 20.9) performs the inverse operation.
20.9. PERMLIST 451
20.9 PermList
PermList( list )
PermList returns the permutation perm that moves points as describes by the list list. That
means that i^perm =list[i]if ilies between 1 and the length of list, and i^perm =iif
iis larger than the length of the list list. It will signal an error if list does not define a
permutation, i.e., if list is not a list of integers without holes, or if list contains an integer
twice, or if list contains an integer not in the range [1..Length(list)].
gap> PermList( [6,2,4,1,5,3] );
gap> PermList( [] );
ListPerm (see 20.8) performs the inverse operation.
20.10 RestrictedPerm
RestrictedPerm( perm,list )
RestrictedPerm returns the new permutation new that operates on the points in the list
list in the same way as the permutation perm, and that fixes those points that are not in
list.list must be a list of positive integers such that for each iin list the image i^perm is
also in list, i.e., it must be the union of cycles of perm.
gap> RestrictedPerm( (1,2,3)(4,5), [4,5] );
20.11 MappingPermListList
MappingPermListList( list1 ,list2 )
MappingPermListList returns a permutation perm such that list1 [i] ^ perm =list2 [i].
perm fixes all points larger then the maximum of the entries in list1 and list2 . If there are
several such permutations, it is not specified which MappingPermListList returns. list1
and list2 must be lists of positive integers of the same length, and neither may contain an
element twice.
gap> MappingPermListList( [3,4], [6,9] );
gap> MappingPermListList( [], [] );
Chapter 21
Permutation Groups
A permutation group is a group of permutations on a set Ω of positive integers (see chapters
7 and 20).
Our standard example in this chapter will be the symmetric group of degree 4, which is
defined by the following GAP3 statements.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) )
This introduction is followed by a section that describes the function that tests whether
an object is a permutation group or not (see section 21.1). The next sections describe the
functions that are related to the set of points moved by a permutation group (see 21.2, 21.3,
21.4, and 21.5). The following section describes the concept of stabilizer chains, which are
used by most functions for permutation groups (see 21.6). The following sections describe
the functions that compute or change a stabilizer chain (see 21.7, 21.9, 21.10, 21.11). The
next sections describe the functions that extract information from stabilizer chains (see
21.12, 21.15, 21.13, and 21.14). The next two sections describe the functions that find
elements or subgroups of a permutation group with a property (see 21.16 and 21.17).
If the permutation groups become bigger, computations become slower. In many cases it is
preferable then, to use random methods for computation. This is explained in section 21.24.
Because each permutation group is a domain all set theoretic functions can be applied to
it (see chapter 4 and 21.20). Also because each permutation group is after all a group all
group functions can be applied to it (see chapter 7 and 21.21). Finally each permutation
group operates naturally on the positive integers, so all operations functions can be applied
(see chapter 8 and 21.22). The last section in this chapter describes the representation of
permutation groups (see 21.25).
The external functions are in the file LIBNAME/"permgrp.g".
21.1 IsPermGroup
IsPermGroup( obj )
IsPermGroup returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of an arbitrary type,
is a permutation group, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );; := "s4";;
gap> IsPermGroup( s4 );
gap> f := FactorGroup( s4, Subgroup( s4, [(1,2)(3,4),(1,3)(2,4)] ) );
(s4 / Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] ))
gap> IsPermGroup( f );
false # see section 7.33
gap> IsPermGroup( [ 1, 2 ] );
21.2 PermGroupOps.MovedPoints
PermGroupOps.MovedPoints( G)
PermGroupOps.MovedPoints returns the set of moved points of the permutation group G,
i.e., points which are moved by at least one element of G(also see 21.5).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,3,5,7), (1,3) );;
gap> PermGroupOps.MovedPoints( s4 );
gap> PermGroupOps.MovedPoints( Group( () ) );
[ ]
21.3 PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint
PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint( G)
PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint returns the smallest positive integer which is moved
by the permutation group G(see also 21.4). This function signals an error if Gis trivial.
gap> s3b := Group( (2,3), (2,3,4) );;
gap> PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint( s3b );
21.4 PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint
PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint( G)
PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint returns the largest positive integer which is moved by
the permutation group G(see also 21.3). This function signals an error if Gis trivial.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint( s4 );
21.5 PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints
PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints( G)
PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints returns the number of moved points of the permutation
group G, i.e., points which are moved by at least one element of G(also see 21.2).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,3,5,7), (1,3) );;
gap> PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints( s4 );
gap> PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints( Group( () ) );
21.6 Stabilizer Chains
Most of the algorithms for permutation groups need a stabilizer chain of the group. The
concept of stabilizer chains was introduced by Charles Sims in [Sim70].
If [b1, . . . , bn] is a list of points, G(1) =Gand G(i+1) =StabG(i)(bi) such that G(n+1) ={()}.
The list [b1, . . . , bn] is called a base of G, the points biare called basepoints. A set Sof
generators for Gsatisfying the condition < S G(i)>=G(i)for each 1 in, is called
astrong generating set (SGS) of G. More precisely we ought to say that a set Sthat
satisfies the conditions above is a SGS of Grelative to B. The chain of subgroups of G
itself is called the stabilizer chain of Grelative to B.
Since [b1, . . . , bn], where nis the degree of Gand biare the moved points of G, certainly is a
base for Gthere exists a base for each permutation group. The number of points in a base
is called the length of the base. A base Bis called reduced if no stabilizer in the chain
relative to Bis trivial, i.e., there exists no isuch that G(i)=G(i+1). Note that different
reduced bases for one group Gmay have different length. For example, the Chevalley Group
G2(4) possesses reduced bases of length 5 and 7.
Let R(i)be a right transversal of G(i+1) in G(i), i.e., a set of right coset representatives of
the cosets of G(i+1) in G(i). Then each element gof Ghas a unique representation of the
following form g=rn. . . r1with riR(i). Thus with the knowledge of the transversals
R(i)we know each element of G, in principle. This is one reason why stabilizer chains are
one of the most useful tools for permutation groups. Furthermore basic group theory tells
us that we can identify the cosets of G(i+1) in G(i)with the points in O(i):= bG(i)
i. So
we could represent a transversal as a list Tsuch that T[p] is a representative of the coset
corresponding to the point pO(i), i.e., an element of G(i)that takes bito p.
For permutation groups of small degree this might be possible, but for permutation groups of
large degree it is still not good enough. Our goal then is to store as few different permutations
as possible such that we can still reconstruct each representative in R(i), and from them the
elements in G. A factorized inverse transversal Tis a list where T[p] is a generator of
G(i)such that pT[p]is a point that lies earlier in O(i)than p(note that we consider O(i)as
a list not as a set). If we assume inductively that we know an element rG(i)that takes
bito pT[p], then rT [p]1is an element in G(i)that takes bito p.
A stabilizer chain (see 21.7, 21.25) is stored recursively in GAP3. The group record of a
permutation group Gwith a stabilizer chain has the following additional components.
List of orbitpoints of orbit[1] (which is the basepoint) under the action of the
Factorized inverse transversal as defined above.
Record for the stabilizer of the point orbit[1] in the group generated by generators.
The components of this record are again generators,orbit,transversal,identity
and stabilizer. The last stabilizer in the stabilizer chain only contains the compo-
nents generators, which is an empty list, and identity.
A record, that contains all information about the stabilizer chain. Functions acessing
the stabilizer chain should do it using this record, as it is planned to remove the
above three components from the group record in the future. The components of the
stabChain record are described in section 21.25.
Note that the values of these components are changed by functions that change, extend, or
reduce a base (see 21.7, 21.9, and 21.10).
Note that the records that represent the stabilizers are not group records (see 7.118). Thus
you cannot take such a stabilizer and apply group functions to it. The last stabilizer in
the stabilizer chain is a record whose component generators is empty.
Below you find an example for a stabilizer chain for the symmetric group of degree 4.
identity := (),
generators := [ (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ],
orbit := [ 1, 2, 4, 3 ],
transversal := [ (), (1,2), (1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ (3,4), (2,4) ],
orbit := [ 2, 4, 3 ],
transversal := [ , (), (3,4), (2,4) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ (3,4) ],
orbit := [ 3, 4 ],
transversal := [ ,, (), (3,4) ],
stabilizer := rec(
identity := (),
generators := [ ]
21.7 StabChain
StabChain( G)
StabChain( G,opt )
StabChain computes and returns a stabilizer chain for G. The option record opt can be given
and may contain information that will be used when computing the stabilizer chain. Giving
this information might speed up computations. When using random methods (see 21.24),
StabChain also guarantees, that the computed stabilizer chain confirms to the information
given. For example giving the size ensures correctness of the stabilizer chain.
If information of this kind can also be gotten from the parent group, StabChain does so.
The following components of the option record are currectly supported:
The group size.
An upper limit for the group size.
A list of points. If given, StabChain computes a reduced base starting with the points
in base.
A list of points, representing a known base.
A value to supersede global or parent group setting of StabChainOptions.random
(see 21.24).
21.8 MakeStabChain
MakeStabChain( G)
MakeStabChain( G,lst )
MakeStabChain computes a reduced stabilizer chain for the permutation group G.
If no stabilizer chain for Gis already known and no argument lst is given, it computes a
reduced stabilizer chain for the lexicographically smallest reduced base of G.
If no stabilizer chain for Gis already known and an argument lst is given, it computes a
reduced stabilizer chain with a base that starts with the points in lst. Note that points in
lst that would lead to trivial stabilizers will be skipped (see 21.9).
Deterministically, the stabilizer chain is computed using the Schreier-Sims-Algorithm,
which is described in [Leo80]. The time used is in practice proportional to the third power
of the degree of the group.
If a stabilizer chain for Gis already known and no argument lst is given, it reduces the
known stabilizer chain.
If a stabilizer chain for Gis already known and an argument lst is given, it changes the
stabilizer chain such that the result is a reduced stabilizer chain with a base that starts
with the points in lst (see 21.9). Note that points in lst that would lead to trivial stabilizers
will be skipped.
The algorithm used in this case is called basechange, which is described in [But82]. The
worst cases for the basechange algorithm are groups of large degree which have a long base.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) )
gap> MakeStabChain( s4 ); # compute a stabilizer chain
gap> Base( s4 );
gap> MakeStabChain( s4, [4,3,2,1] ); # perform a basechange
gap> Base( s4 );
MakeStabChain mainly works by calling StabChain with appropriate parameters.
21.9 ExtendStabChain
ExtendStabChain( G,lst )
ExtendStabChain inserts trivial stabilizers into the known stabilizer chain of the permuta-
tion group Gsuch that lst becomes the base of G. The stabilizer chain which belongs to
the base lst must reduce to the old stabilizer chain (see 21.10).
This function is useful if two different (sub-)groups have to have exactly the same base.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> MakeStabChain( s4, [3,2,1] ); Base( s4 );
gap> h := Subgroup( Parent(s4), [(1,2,3,4), (2,4)] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ), [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] )
gap> Base( h );
gap> MakeStabChain( h, Base( s4 ) ); Base( h );
gap> ExtendStabChain( h, Base( s4 ) ); Base( h );
21.10 ReduceStabChain
ReduceStabChain( G)
ReduceStabChain removes trivial stabilizers from a known stabilizer chain of the permuta-
tion group G. The result is a reduced stabilizer chain (also see 21.9).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) );;
gap> Base( s4 );
gap> ExtendStabChain( s4, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ); Base( s4 );
gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( s4 );
gap> ReduceStabChain( s4 ); Base( s4 );
21.11 MakeStabChainStrongGenerators
MakeStabChainStrongGenerators( G,base,stronggens )
MakeStabChainStrongGenerators computes a reduced stabilizer chain for the permuta-
tion group Gwith the base base and the strong generating set stronggens.stronggens
must be a strong generating set for Grelative to the base base; note that this is not
tested. Since the generators for Gare not changed the strong generating set of Ggot by
PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators is not exactly stronggens afterwards. This function is
mostly used to reconstruct a stabilizer chain for a group Gand works considerably faster
than MakeStabChain (see 21.8).
gap> G := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3), (4,5) );;
gap> Base( G );
gap> ExtendStabChain( G, [1,2,3,4] );
gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( G ); base := Base( G );
[3,2,1,2] # note that the stabilizer chain is not reduced
gap> stronggens := PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( G );
[ (4,5), (2,3), (1,2), (1,2,3) ]
gap> H := Group( (1,2), (1,3), (4,5) );
Group( (1,2), (1,3), (4,5) ) # of course G=H
gap> MakeStabChainStrongGenerators( H, base, stronggens );
gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( H ); Base( H );
[3,2,2] # note that the stabilizer chain is reduced
gap> PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( H );
[ (4,5), (2,3), (1,2), (1,3) ]
# note that this is different from stronggens
21.12 Base for Permutation Groups
Base( G)
Base returns a base for the permutation group G. If a stabilizer chain for Gis already
known, Base returns the base for this stabilizer chain. Otherwise a stabilizer chain for the
lexicographically smallest reduced base is computed and its base is returned (see 21.6).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> Base( s4 );
21.13 PermGroupOps.Indices
PermGroupOps.Indices( G)
PermGroupOps.Indices returns a list lof indices of the permutation group Gwith respect to
a stabilizer chain of G, i.e., l[i]is the index of G(i+1) in G(i). Thus the size of Gis the prod-
uct of all indices in l. If a stabilizer chain for Gis already known, PermGroupOps.Indices
returns the indices corresponding to this stabilizer chain. Otherwise a stabilizer chain with
the lexicographically smallest reduced base is computed and the indices corresponding to
this chain are returned (see 21.6).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> PermGroupOps.Indices( s4 );
[4,3,2] # note that for s4 the indices are
# actually independent of the base
21.14 PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators
PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( G)
PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators returns a list of strong generators for the permutation
group G. If a stabilizer chain for Gis already known, PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators
returns a strong generating set corresponding to this stabilizer chain. Otherwise a stabilizer
chain with the lexicographically smallest reduced base is computed and a strong generating
set corresponding to this chain is returned (see 21.6).
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> Base( s4 );
gap> PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators( s4 );
[ (3,4), (2,3,4), (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ]
21.15 ListStabChain
ListStabChain( G)
ListStabChain returns a list of stabilizer records of the stabilizer chain of the permutation
group G, i.e., the result is a list lsuch that l[i]is the i-th stabilizer G(i). The records in
that list are identical to the records of the stabilizer chain. Thus changes made in a record
l[i]are simultaneously done in the stabilizer chain (see 46.3).
21.16 PermGroupOps.ElementProperty
PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( G,prop )
PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( G,prop,K)
PermGroupOps.ElementProperty returns an element gin the permutation group Gsuch
that prop(g)is true.prop must be a function of one argument that returns either true or
false when applied to an element of G. If Ghas no such element, false is returned.
gap> V4 := Group((1,2),(3,4));;
gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( V4, g -> (1,2)^g = (3,4) );
PermGroupOps.ElementProperty first computes a stabilizer chain for G, if necessary. Then
it performs a backtrack search through Gfor an element satisfying prop, i.e., enumerates
all elements of Gas described in section 21.6, and applies prop to each until one element g
is found for which prop(g)is true. This algorithm is described in detail in [But82].
gap> S8 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) );; := "S8";;
gap> Size( S8 );
gap> V := Subgroup( S8, [(1,2),(1,2,3),(6,7),(6,7,8)] );;
gap> Size( V );
gap> U := V ^ (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7,8);;
gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V );
(1,4,2)(5,6) # another permutation conjugating Uto V
This search will of course take quite a while if Gis large, especially if no element of G
satisfies prop, and therefore all elements of Gmust be tried.
To speed up the computation you may pass a subgroup Kof Gas optional third argument.
This subgroup must preserve prop in the sense that either all elements of a left coset g*K
satisfy prop or no element of g*Kdoes.
In our example above such a subgroup is the normalizer NG(V) because hgNG(V) takes
Uto Vif and only if gdoes. Of course every subgroup of NG(V) has this property too.
Below we use the subgroup Vitself. In this example this speeds up the computation by a
factor of 4.
gap> K := Subgroup( S8, V.generators );;
gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V, K );
In the following example, we use the same subgroup, but with a larger generating system.
This speeds up the computation by another factor of 3. Something like this may happen
frequently. The reason is too complicated to be explained here.
gap> K2 := Subgroup( S8, Union( V.generators, [(2,3),(7,8)] ) );;
gap> K2 = K;
gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V, K2 );
Passing the full normalizer speeds up the computation in this example by another factor
of 2. Beware though that in other examples the computation of the normalizer alone may
take longer than calling PermGroupOps.ElementProperty with only the subgroup itself as
gap> N := Normalizer( S8, V );
Subgroup( S8, [ (1,2), (1,2,3), (6,7), (6,7,8), (2,3), (7,8),
(1,6)(2,7)(3,8), (4,5) ] )
gap> Size( N );
gap> PermGroupOps.ElementProperty( S8, g -> U ^ g = V, N );
21.17 PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty
PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( G,prop )
PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( G,prop,K)
PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty returns the subgroup Uof the permutation group Gof
all elements in Gthat satisfy prop, i.e., the subgroup of all elements gin Gsuch that
prop(g)is true.prop must be a function of one argument that returns either true or
false when applied to an element of G. Of course the elements that satisfy prop must form
a subgroup of G.PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty builds a stabilizer chain for U.
gap> S8 := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) );; := "S8";;
gap> Size(S8);
gap> V := Subgroup( S8, [(1,2),(1,2,3),(6,7),(6,7,8)] );;
gap> Size(V);
gap> PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( S8, g -> V ^ g = V );
Subgroup( S8, [ (7,8), (6,7), (4,5), (2,3)(4,5)(6,8,7), (1,2),
(1,6,3,8)(2,7) ] )
# the normalizer of Vin S8
PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty first computes a stabilizer chain for G, if necessary. Then
it performs a backtrack search through Gfor the elements satisfying prop, i.e., enumerates
all elements of Gas described in section 21.6, and applies prop to each, adding elements
for which prop(g)is true to the subgroup U. Once Uhas become non-trivial, it is used
to eliminate whole cosets of stabilizers in the stabilizer chain of Gif they cannot contain
elements with the property prop that are not already in U. This algorithm is described in
detail in [But82].
This search will of course take quite a while if Gis large. To speed up the computation you
may pass a subgroup Kof Uas optional third argument.
Passing the subgroup Vitself, speeds up the computation in this example by a factor of 2.
gap> K := Subgroup( S8, V.generators );;
gap> PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty( S8, g -> V ^ g = V, K );
Subgroup( S8, [ (1,2), (1,2,3), (6,7), (6,7,8), (2,3), (7,8), (4,5),
(1,6,3,8)(2,7) ] )
21.18 CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup
CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup( G)
This function calculates a central composition series for the p-group G. The method used
is known as Holt’s algorithm. If Gis not a p-group, an error is signalled.
gap> D := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) );; := "d8";;
gap> CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup( D );
[ d8, Subgroup( d8, [ (2,4), (1,3) ] ),
Subgroup( d8, [ (1,3)(2,4) ] ), Subgroup( d8, [ ] ) ]
21.19 PermGroupOps.PgGroup
PermGroupOps.PgGroup( G)
This function converts a permutation group Gof prime power order pdinto an ag group P
such that the presentation corresponds to a p-step central series of G. This central compo-
sition series is constructed by calling CentralCompositionSeriesPPermGroup (see 21.18).
An isomorphism from the ag group to the permutation group is bound to P.bijection.
There is no dispatcher to this function, it must be called as PermGroupOps.PgGroup.
21.20 Set Functions for Permutation Groups
All set theoretic functions described in chapter 4 are also applicable to permutation groups.
This section describes which functions are implemented specially for permutation groups.
Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the respective
Random( G)
To compute a random element in a permutation group GGAP3 computes a stabilizer chain
for G, takes on each level a random representative and returns the product of those. All
elements of Gare chosen with equal probability by this method.
Size( G)
Size calls StabChain (see 21.7), if necessary, and returns the product of the indices of the
stabilizer chain (see 21.6).
Elements( G)
Elements calls StabChain (see 21.7), if necessary, and enumerates the elements of Gas
described in 21.6. It returns the set of those elements.
Intersection( G1 ,G2 )
Intersection first computes stabilizer chains for G1 and G2 for a common base. If either
group already has a stabilizer chain a basechange is performed (see 21.8). Intersection
enumerates the elements of G1 and G2 using a backtrack algorithm, eliminating whole
cosets of stabilizers in the stabilizer chains if possible (see 21.17). It builds a stabilizer chain
for the intersection.
21.21 Group Functions for Permutation Groups
All group functions for groups described in chapter 7.9 are also applicable to permutation
groups. This section describes which functions are implemented specially for permutation
groups. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the
respective sections.
ConjugateSubgroup( G,p)
Returns the conjugate permutation group of Gwith the permutation p.pmust be an
element of the parent group of G. If a stabilizer chain for Gis already known, it is also
Centralizer( G,U)
Centralizer( G,g)
Normalizer( G,U)
These functions first compute a stabilizer chain for G. If a stabilizer chain is already known
a basechange may be performed to obtain a base that is better suited for the problem. These
functions then enumerate the elements of Gwith a backtrack algorithm, eliminating whole
cosets of stabilizers in the stabilizer chain if possible (see 21.17). They build a stabilizer
chain for the resulting subgroup.
SylowSubgroup( G,p)
If Gis not transitive, its p-Sylow subgroup is computed by starting with P:=G, and for
each transitive constituent homomorphism hom iterating
P:= PreImage( SylowSubgroup( Image( hom,P), p) ).
If Gis transitive but not primitive, its p-Sylow subgroup is computed as
SylowSubgroup( PreImage( SylowSubgroup(Image(hom,G),p) ), p).
If Gis primitive, SylowSubgroup takes random elements in G, until it finds a p-element g,
whose centralizer in Gcontains the whole p-Sylow subgroup. Such an element must exist,
because a p-group has a nontrivial centre. Then the p-Sylow subgroup of the centralizer is
computed and returned. Note that the centralizer must be a proper subgroup of G, because
it operates imprimitively on the cycles of g.
Coset( U,g)
Returns the coset U*g. The representative chosen is the lexicographically smallest element
of that coset. It is computed with an algorithm that is very similar to the backtrack
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "s4";;
gap> u := Subgroup( s4, [(1,2,3)] );;
gap> Coset( u, (1,3,2) );
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*())
gap> Coset( u, (3,2) );
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,3))
Cosets( G,U)
Returns the cosets of Uin G.Cosets first computes stabilizer chains for Gand Uwith a
common base. If either subgroup already has a stabilizer chain, a basechange is performed
(see 21.8). A transversal is computed recursively using the fact that if Sis a transversal
of U(2) =StabU(b1) in G(2) =StabG(b1), and R(1) is a transversal of G(2) in G, then a
transversal of Uin Gis a subset of SR(1).
gap> Cosets( s4, u );
[ (Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*()),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(3,4)),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,3)),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,3,4)),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,4,3)),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(2,4)),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(1,2,3,4)),
(Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3) ] )*(1,2,4)) ]
PermutationCharacter( P)
Computes the character of the natural permutation representation of P, i.e. it does the
same as PermutationCharacter( P,StabP(1) )but works much faster.
gap> G := SymmetricPermGroup(5);;
gap> PermutationCharacter(G);
ElementaryAbelianSeries( G)
This function builds an elementary abelian series of Gby iterated construction of normal
closures. If a partial elementary abelian series reaches up to a subgroup Uof Gwhich does
not yet contain the generator sof Gthen the series is extended up to the normal closure
Nof Uand s. If the factor N/Uis not elementary abelian, i.e., if some commutator of s
with one of its conjugates under Gdoes not lie in U, intermediate subgroups are calculated
recursively by extending Uwith that commutator. If Gis solvable this process must come
to an end since commutators of arbitrary depth cannot exist in solvable groups.
Hence this method gives an elementary abelian series if Gis solvable and gives an infinite
recursion if it is not. For permutation groups, however, there is a bound on the derived length
that depends only on the degree dof the group. According to Dixon this is (5 log3(d))/2. So
if the commutators get deeper than this bound the algorithm stops and sets G.isSolvable
to false, signalling an error. Otherwise G.isSolvable is set to true and the elementary
abelian series is returned as a list of subgroups of G.
gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "s4";;
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( S );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
gap> A := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );;
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( A );
Error, <G> must be solvable
IsSolvable( G)
Solvability of a permutation group Gis tested by trying to construct an elementary abelian
series as described above. After this has been done the flag G.isSolvable is set correctly,
so its value is returned.
gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> IsSolvable( S );
gap> A := Group( (1,2,3), (3,4,5) );;
gap> IsSolvable( A );
CompositionSeries( G)
A composition series for the solvable group Gis calculated either from a given subnormal
series, which must be bound to G.subnormalSeries, in which case G.bssgs must hold
the corresponding base-strong subnormal generating system, or from an elementary abelian
series (as computed by ElementaryAbelianSeries( G)above) by inserting intermediate
subgroups (i.e. powers of the polycyclic generators or composition series along bases of
the vector spaces in the elementary abelian series). In either case, after execution of this
function, G.bssgs holds a base-strong pag system corresponding to the composition series
gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "s4";;
gap> CompositionSeries( S );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
If Gis not solvable then a composition series cs is computed with an algorithm by A.
Seress and R. Beals. In this case the factor group of each element cs[i]in the composition
series modulo the next one cs[i+1] are represented as primitive permutation groups. One
should call cs[i].operations.FactorGroup( cs[i], cs[i+1] ) directly to avoid the check
in FactorGroup that cs[i+1] is normal in cs[i]. The natural homomorphism of cs[i]onto
this factor group will be given as a GroupHomomorphismByImages (see 7.113).
gap> pyl29 := Group( (1,2,3)(4,5,6)(7,8,9), (2,6,4,9,3,8,7,5),
> (4,7)(5,8)(6,9), (1,10)(4,7)(5,6)(8,9) );;
gap> := "pyl29";;
gap> cs := CompositionSeries( pyl29 );
[ Subgroup( pyl29, [ (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6),
( 1, 2,10)( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7), (2,6,4,9,3,8,7,5),
(4,7)(5,8)(6,9) ] ),
Subgroup( pyl29, [ (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6),
( 1, 2,10)( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7), (2,6,4,9,3,8,7,5) ] ),
Subgroup( pyl29, [ (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6),
( 1, 2,10)( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7) ] ), Subgroup( pyl29, [ ] ) ]
gap> List( [1..3], i->cs[i].operations.FactorGroup(cs[i],cs[i+1]) );
[ Group( (1,2) ), Group( (1,2) ),
Group( (1,9,5)(2,7,6)(3,8,4), (2,7,3,4)(5,8,9,6), ( 1, 2,10)
( 4, 9, 5)( 6, 8, 7) ) ]
gap> List( last, Size );
[ 2, 2, 360 ]
ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup( G,perm [, start ] )
ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup returns a list e, such that perm =G.bssgs[1]^e[1]
*G.bssgs[2]^e[2] * ... * G.bssgs[n]^e[n], where G.bssgs must be a prime-step
base-strong subnormal generating system as calculated by ElementaryAbelianSeries (see
7.39 and above). If the optional third argument start is given, the list entries exps[1],
..., exps[start-1] are left unbound and the element perm is decomposed as product of
the remaining pag generators G.bssgs[start], ..., G.bssgs[n].
gap> S := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "s4";;
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( S );;
gap> S.bssgs;
[ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ]
gap> ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup( S, (1,2,3) );
AgGroup( G)
This function converts a solvable permutation group into an ag group. It calculates an
elementary abelian series and a prime-step bssgs for G(see ElementaryAbelianSeries
above) and then finds the relators belonging to this prime-step bssgs using the function
ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup (see above). An isomorphism from the ag group to the
permutation group is bound to AgGroup( G).bijection.
gap> G := WreathProduct( SymmetricGroup( 4 ), CyclicGroup( 3 ) );;
gap> A := AgGroup( G );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12, g13 )
gap> (A.1*A.3)^A.bijection;
( 1, 6,10, 2, 5, 9)( 3, 7,11)( 4, 8,12)
DirectProduct( G,H)
If Gand Hare both permutation groups, DirectProduct constructs the direct product of
Gand Has an intransitive permutation group. There are special routines for Centre,
Centralizer and SylowSubgroup for such groups that will work faster than the stan-
dard permutation group functions. These functions are DirectProductPermGroupCentre,
DirectProductPermGroupCentralizer and DirectProductPermGroupSylowSubgroup. You
can enforce that these routines will be always used for direct products of permutation groups
by issuing the following three commands (They are not performed by standard as the code
has not been well-tested).
gap> DirectProductPermGroupOps.Centre:=DirectProductPermGroupCentre;;
gap> DirectProductPermGroupOps.Centralizer:=
> DirectProductPermGroupCentralizer;;
gap> DirectProductPermGroupOps.SylowSubgroup:=
> DirectProductPermGroupSylowSubgroup;;
21.22 Operations of Permutation Groups
All functions that deal with operations of groups are applicable to permutation groups
(see 8). This section describes which functions are implemented specially for permutation
groups. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods described in the
respective sections.
IsSemiRegular( G,D,opr )
IsSemiRegular returns true if Goperates semiregularly on the domain Dand false oth-
If Dis a list of integers and opr is OnPoints,IsSemiRegular uses the lemma that says
that such an operation is semiregular if all orbits of Gon Dhave the same length, and if
for an arbitrary point pof Dand for each generator gof Gthere is a permutation zg(not
necessarily in G) such that pzg=pgand which commutes with all elements of G, and if
there is a permutation z(again not necessarily in G) that permutes the orbits of Gon D
setwise and commutes with all elements of G. This can be tested in time proportional to
on2+dn, where ois the size of a single orbit, nis the number of generators of G, and dis
the size of D.
RepresentativeOperation( G,d,e,opr )
RepresentativeOperation returns a permutation perm in Gthat maps dto ein respect
to the given operation opr if such a permutation exists, and false otherwise.
If the operation is OnPoints,OnPairs,OnTuples, or OnSets and dand eare positive
integers or lists of integers, a basechange is performed and the representative is computed
from the factorized inverse transversal (see 21.6 and 21.7).
If the operation is OnPoints,OnPairs,OnTuples or OnSets and dand eare permutations
or lists of permutations, a backtrack search is performed (see 21.16).
Stabilizer( G,D,opr )
Stabilizer returns the stabilizer of Din Gusing the operation opr on the D. If Dis a
positive integer (respectively a list of positive integers) and the operation opr is OnPoints
(respectively OnPairs or OnTuples) a basechange of Gis performed (see 21.8). If Dis a set
of positive integers and the operation opr is OnSets a backtrack algorithm for set-stabilizers
of permutation groups is performed.
Blocks( G,D[, seed ] [, operation ] )
Returns a partition of Dbeing a minimal block system of Gin respect to the operation
opreration on the objects of D. If the argument seed is given the objects of seed are contained
in the same block. If Dis a list of positive integers an Atkinson algorithm is performed.
Theoretically the algorithm lies in O(n3m) but in practice it is mostly in O(n2m) with m
the number of generators and nthe cardinality of D.
21.23 Homomorphisms for Permutation Groups
This section describes the various homomorphisms that are treated specially for permutation
GroupHomomorphisByImages( P,H,gens,imgs )
The group homomorphism of a permutation group Pinto another group His handled
especially by GroupHomomorphisByImages. Below we describe how the various mapping
functions are implemented for such a group homomorphism ghom. The mapping functions
not mentioned below are implemented by the default functions described in 7.113.
To work with ghom, a stabilizer chain for the source of ghom is computed and stored
as ghom.orbit,ghom.transversal,ghom.stabilizer. For every stabilizer stab in the
stabilizer chain there is a list parallel to stab.generators, which is called stab.genimages,
and contains images of the generators. The stabilizer chain is computed with a random
Schreier Sims algorithm, using the size of the source to know when to stop.
IsMapping( ghom )
To test if ghom is a (single valued) mapping, all Schreier generatores are computed. Each
Schreier generator is then reduced along the stabilizer chain. Because the chain is complete,
each one must reduce to the identity. Parallel the images of the strong generators are
multiplied. If they also reduce to the identity (in the range), ghom is a function, otherwise
the remainders form a normal generating set for the subgroup of images of the identity of
the source.
Image( ghom,elm )
The image of an element elm can be computed by reducing the element along the stabilizer
chain, and at each step multiplying the corresponding images of the strong generators.
CompositionMapping( hom,ghom )
The composition of an arbitrary group homomorphism hom and ghom the stabilizer chain of
ghom is copied. On each level the images of the generators in stab.genimages are replaced
by their images under hom.
OperationHomomorphism( P, Operation( P,list ) )
The operation of a permutation group Pon a list list of integers is handled especially by
OperationHomomorphism. (Note that list must be a union of orbits of Pfor Operation
to work.) We call the resulting homomorphism a transitive constituent homomorphism.
Below we describe how the various mapping functions are implemented for a transitive
constituent homomorphism tchom. The mapping functions not mentioned below are imple-
mented by the default functions described in 8.21.
Image( tchom,elm )
The image of an element is computed by restricting elm to list (see 20.10) and conjugat-
ing the restricted permutation with tchom.conperm, which maps it to a permutation that
operates on [1..Length(list)] instead of list.
Image( tchom,H)
The image of a subgroup His computed as follows. First a stabilizer chain for His computed.
This stabilizer chain is such that the base starts with points in list. Then the images of the
strong generators of sub form a strong generating set of the image.
PreImages( tchom,H)
The preimage of a subgroup His computed as follows. First a stabilizer chain for the source
of tchom is computed. This stabilizer chain is such that the base starts with the point in
list. Then the kernel of tchom is a stabilizer in this stabilizer chain. The preimages of the
strong generators for Htogether with the strong generators for the kernel form a strong
generating set of the preimage subgroup.
OperationHomomorphism( P, Operation( P,blocks, OnSets ) )
The operation of a permutation group Pon a block system blocks (see 8.22) is handled
especially by OperationHomomorphism. We call the resulting homomorphism a blocks ho-
momorphism. Below we describe how the various mapping functions are implemented for a
blocks homomorphism bhom. The mapping functions not mentioned below are implemented
by the default functions described in 8.21.
Image( bhom,elm )
To compute the image of an element elm under bhom, the record for bhom contains a list
bhom.reps, which contains for each point in the union of the blocks the position of this
block in blocks. Then the image of an element can simply be computed by applying the
element to a representative of each block and using bhom.reps to find in which block the
image lies.
Image( bhom,H)
PreImage( bhom,elm )
PreImage( bhom,H)
Kernel( bhom )
The image of a subgroup, the preimage of an element, and the preimage of a subgroup
are computed by rather complicated algorithms. For a description of these algorithms see
21.24 Random Methods for Permutation Groups
When permutation groups become larger, computations become slower. This increase might
make it impossible to compute with these groups. The reason is mainly the creation of
stabilizer chains (see 21.7): During this process a lot of schreier generators are produced for
the next point stabilizer in the chain, and these generators must be processed. In actual
examples, it is observed, however, that much fewer generators are needed. This observation
can be justified theoretically and the random methods exploit it by using a method of the
Schreier-Sims algorithm which gives the correct result with an user-given error probability.
Computations become much faster. In fact, large problems may be handled only by
using random methods.
Computations might produce wrong results. However, you can set an error margin,
which is guaranteed. The practical performance is even better than our guarantee.
You should also keep in mind, that it is impossible, to eliminate system, user or
programming errors.
However, there are many situations, when theory offers methods to check correctness of
the results. As an example, consider the following situation. You want to compute some
maximal subgroups of large sporadic groups. The ATLAS of finite groups then tells you the
sizes of the groups as well as the sizes of the subgroups. The error of the random methods
is one-sided in the sense that they never create strong generators which are not elements
of the group. Hence if the resulting group sizes are correct, you have indeed obtained the
correct result. You might also give this information to StabChain, and computation will
not only be much faster, but also corresponding to the information, i.e. if you give the size,
the stabilizer chain is computed correctly.
The stabilizer chain is computed using methods from [BCFS91].
How to use the random methods
GAP3 provides the global variable StabChainOptions. This record might contain a com-
ponent random. If it is set to a number ibetween 1 and 1000 at the beginning, random
methods with guaranteed correctness i
10 percent are used (though practically the probability
for correctness is much higher). This means that at all applicable places random methods
will be used automatically by the same function calls. If the component is not set or set to
1000, all computations are deterministic. By standard, this component is not set, so unless
you explicitely allow random computations none are used.
If the group acts on not more than a hundered points, the use of random methods has no
advantage. For these groups always the deterministic methods are used.
gap> g:=SL(4,7);
gap> o:=Orbit(g,[1,0,0,0]*Z(7)^0,OnLines);;Length(o);
gap> op:=Operation(g,o,OnLines);;
We create a large permutation group on 400 points. First we compute deterministic.
gap> g:=Group(op.generators,());;
gap> StabChain(g);;time;
gap> Size(g);
Now random methods will be used. We allow that the result is guaranteed correct only with
10 percent probability. The group is created anew.
gap> StabChainOptions.random:=100;
gap> g:=Group(op.generators,());;
gap> StabChain(g);;time;
gap> Size(g);
The result is still correct, though it took only less than one tenth of the time (your mileage
may vary). If you give the algorithm a chance to check its results, things become even faster.
gap> g:=Group(op.generators,());;
gap> StabChain(g,rec(size:=2317591180800));;time;
More about random methods
When stabilizer chains are created, while random methods are allowed, it is noted in the
respective groups, by setting of a record component G.stabChainOptions, which is itself
a record, containg the component random. This component has the value indicated by
StabChainOptions at the time the group was created. Values set in this component override
the global setting of StabChainOptions. Whenever stabilizer chains are created for a group
not posessing the .stabChainOptions.random entry, it is created anew from the global
value StabChainOptions.
If a subgroup has no own record stabChainOptions, the one of the parent group is used
As errors induced by the random functions might propagate, any (applicable) object created
from the group inherits the component .stabChainOptions from the group. This applies
for example to Operations and Homomorphisms.
21.25 Permutation Group Records
All groups are represented by a record that contains information about the group. A per-
mutation group record contains the following components in addition to those described in
section 7.118.
always true.
always true as permutation groups are always of finite order.
A stabilizer chain (see 21.6) is stored recursively in GAP3. The group record of a permutation
group Gwith a stabilizer chain has the following additional components.
List of orbitpoints of orbit[1] (which is the basepoint) under the action of the
Factorized inverse transversal as defined in 21.6.
Record for the stabilizer of the point orbit[1] in the group generated by generators.
The components of this record are again generators,orbit,transversal and
stabilizer. The last stabilizer in the stabilizer chain only contains the component
generators, which is an empty list.
A record, that contains information about creation of the stabilizer chain. For exam-
ple, whether it has been computed using random methods (see 21.24). Some functions
also use this record for passing local information about basechanges.
A record, that contains all information about the stabilizer chain. Functions acessing
the stabilizer chain should do it using this record, as it is planned to remove the
above three components from the group record in the future. The components of the
stabChain record are described below.
The components of the stabChain record for a group Gare
Contains G.identity.
Contains a copy of the generators of G, created by ShallowCopy(G.generators).
is the same as G.orbit.
is the same as G.transversal.
is the same as G.stabilizer.
Note that the values of all these components are changed by functions that change, extend,
or reduce a base (see 21.8, 21.9, and 21.10).
Note that the records that represent the stabilizers are not themselves group records (see
7.118). Thus you cannot take such a stabilizer and apply group functions to it. The last
stabilizer in the stabilizer chain is a record whose component generators is empty.
Chapter 22
Words in Abstract Generators
Words in abstract generators are a type of group elements in GAP3. In the following
we will abbreviate their full name to abstract words or just to words.
A word is just a sequence of letters, where each letter is an abstract generator or its inverse.
Words are multiplied by concatenating them and removing adjacent pairs of a generator
and its inverse. Abstract generators are created by the function AbstractGenerator (see
Note that words do not belong to a certain group. Any two words can be multiplied. In
effect we compute with words in a free group of potentially infinite rank (potentially infinite
because we can always create new abstract generators with AbstractGenerator).
Words are entered as expressions in abstract generators and are displayed as product of
abstract generators (and powers thereof). The trivial word can be entered and is displayed
as IdWord.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );
gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> a^0;
The first sections in this chapter describe the functions that create abstract generators (see
22.1 and 22.2). The next sections define the operations for words (see 22.3 and 22.4). The
next section describes the function that tests whether an object is a word (see 22.5). The
next sections describe the functions that compute the number of letters of a word (see 22.6
and 22.7). The next sections describe the functions that extract or find a subword (see 22.8
and 22.9). The final sections describe the functions that modify words (see 22.10, 22.11,
and 22.12).
Note that words in abstract generators are different from words in finite polycyclic groups
(see 24).
22.1 AbstractGenerator
AbstractGenerator( string )
AbstractGenerator returns a new abstract generator. This abstract generator is printed
using the string string passed as argument to AbstractGenerator.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );
gap> a^5;
Note that the string is only used to print the abstract generator and to order abstract
generators (see 22.3). It is possible for two different abstract generators to use the same
string and still be different.
gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "a" );
gap> a = b;
Also when you define abstract generators interactively it is a good idea to use the identifier
of the variable as the name of the abstract generator, because then what GAP3 will output
for a word is equal to what you can input to obtain this word. The following is an example
of what you should probably not do.
gap> c := AbstractGenerator( "d" );
gap> d := AbstractGenerator( "c" );
gap> (c*d)^3;
gap> d*c*d*c*d*c;
22.2 AbstractGenerators
AbstractGenerators( string,n)
AbstractGenerators returns a list of nnew abstract generators. These new generators are
printed using string1,string2, ..., stringn.
gap> AbstractGenerators( "a", 3 );
[ a1, a2, a3 ]
AbstractGenerators could be defined as follows (see 22.1).
AbstractGenerators := function ( string, n )
local gens, i;
gens := [];
for i in [1..n] do
Add( gens,
ConcatenationString( string, String(i) ) ) );
return gens;
22.3 Comparisons of Words
w1 =w2
w1 <> w2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two words w1 and w2 are equal and to
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two words w1 and w2
are not equal and to false otherwise.
You can compare words with objects of other types, but they are never equal of course.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );;
gap> a = b;
gap> (a^2*b)^5*b^-1 = a^2*b*a^2*b*a^2*b*a^2*b*a^2;
w1 <w2
w1 <= w2
w1 >w2
w1 >= w2
The operators <,<=,>, and => evaluate to true if the word w1 is less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the word w2 .
Words are ordered as follows. One word w1 is considered smaller than another word w2 it
it is shorted, or, if they have the same length, if it is first in the lexicographical ordering
implied by the ordering of the abstract generators. The ordering of abstract generators is
as follows. The abstract generators are ordered with respect to the strings that were passed
to AbstractGenerator when creating these abstract generators. Each abstract generator g
is also smaller than its inverse, but this inverse is smaller than any abstract generator that
is larger than g.
Words can also be compared with objects of other types. Integers, rationals, cyclotomics,
finite field elements, and permutations are smaller than words, everything else is larger.
gap> IdWord<a; a<a^-1; a^-1<b; b<b^-1; b^-1<a^2; a^2<a*b;
22.4 Operations for Words
w1 *w2
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two words w1 and w2 . Note that words
do not belong to a specific group, thus any two words can be multiplied. Multiplication
of words is done by concatenating the words and removing adjacent pairs of an abstract
generator and its inverse.
w1 /w2
The operator /evaluates to the quotient w1w21of the two words w1 and w2 . Inversion
of a word is done by reversing the order of its letters and replacing each abstract generator
with its inverse.
w1 ^w2
The operator ^evaluates to the conjugate w21w1w2 of the word w1 under the word
w2 .
w1 ^i
The powering operator ^returns the i-th power of the word w1 , where imust be an integer.
If iis zero, the value is IdWord.
list *w1
w1 *list
In this form the operator *returns a new list where each entry is the product of w1 and
the corresponding entry of list. Of course multiplication must be defined between w1 and
each entry of list.
list /w1
In this form the operator /returns a new list where each entry is the quotient of w1 and
the corresponding entry of list. Of course division must be defined between w1 and each
entry of list.
Comm( w1 ,w2 )
Comm returns the commutator w11w21w1w2 of two words w1 and w2 .
LeftQuotient( w1 ,w2 )
LeftQuotient returns the left quotient w11w2 of two words w1 and w2 .
22.5 IsWord
IsWord( obj )
IsWord returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a word
and false otherwise. Signals an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
22.6. LENGTHWORD 479
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> IsWord( w );
gap> a := (1,2,3);;
gap> IsWord( a^2 );
22.6 LengthWord
LengthWord( w)
LengthWord returns the length of the word w, i.e., the number of letters in the word.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> LengthWord( w );
gap> LengthWord( a^13 );
gap> LengthWord( IdWord );
22.7 ExponentSumWord
ExponentSumWord( w,gen )
ExponentSumWord returns the number of times the generator gen appears in the word w
minus the number of times its inverse appears in w. If gen and its inverse do no occur in
w, 0 is returned. gen may also be the inverse of a generator of course.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> ExponentSumWord( w, a );
gap> ExponentSumWord( w, b );
gap> ExponentSumWord( (a*b*a^-1)^3, a );
gap> ExponentSumWord( (a*b*a^-1)^3, b^-1 );
22.8 Subword
Subword( w,from,to )
Subword returns the subword of the word wthat begins at position from and ends at position
to.from and to must be positive integers. Indexing is done with origin 1.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> Subword( w, 5, 8 );
22.9 PositionWord
PositionWord( w,sub,from )
PositionWord returns the position of the first occurrence of the word sub in the word w
starting at position from. If there is no such occurrence, false is returned. from must be
a positive integer. Indexing is done with origin 1.
In other words, PositionWord(w,sub,from)returns the smallest integer ilarger than or
equal to from such that Subword( w,i,i+LengthWord(sub)-1 ) = sub (see 22.8).
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> PositionWord( w, a^2*b, 2 );
gap> PositionWord( w, a*b^2, 2 );
22.10 SubstitutedWord
SubstitutedWord( w,from,to,by )
SubstitutedWord returns a new word where the subword of the word wthat begins at
position from and ends at position to is replaced by the word by.from and to must be
positive integers. Indexing is done with origin 1.
In other words SubstitutedWord(w,from,to,by)is the word Subword(w,1,from-1) * by
* Subword(w,to+1,LengthWord(w)(see 22.8).
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> SubstitutedWord(w,5,8,b^-1);
22.11 EliminatedWord
EliminatedWord( word,gen,by )
EliminatedWord returns a new word where each occurrence of the generator gen is replaced
by the word by.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
22.12. MAPPEDWORD 481
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> EliminatedWord( w, b, b^2 );
22.12 MappedWord
MappedWord( w,gens,imgs )
MappedWord returns the new group element that is obtained by replacing each occurrence
of a generator gen in the list of generators gens by the corresponding group element img
in the list of group elements imgs. The lists gens and imgs must of course have the same
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator("b");;
gap> w := (a^2*b)^5*b^-1;
gap> MappedWord( w, [a,b], [(1,2,3),(1,2)] );
If the images in imgs are all words, and some of them are equal to the corresponding
generators in gens, then those may be omitted.
gap> MappedWord( w, [a], [a^2] );
Note that the special case that the list gens and imgs have only length 1 is handled more
efficiently by EliminatedWord (see 22.11).
Chapter 23
Finitely Presented Groups
Afinitely presented group is a group generated by a set of abstract generators subject
to a set of relations that these generators satisfy. Each group can be represented as finitely
presented group.
A finitely presented group is constructed as follows. First create an appropriate free group
(see 23.1). Then create the finitely presented group as a factor of this free group by the
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );
Group( a, b )
gap> A5 := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^3, (F2.1*F2.2)^5 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> Size( A5 );
gap> a := A5.1;; b := A5.2;;
gap> Index( A5, Subgroup( A5, [ a*b ] ) );
Note that, even though the generators print with the names given to FreeGroup, no vari-
ables of that name are defined. That means that the generators must be entered as free-
group.number and fp-group.number.
Note that the generators of the free group are different from the generators of the finitely
presented group (even though they print with the same name). That means that words in
the generators of the free group are not elements of the finitely presented group.
Note that the relations are entered as relators, i.e., as words in the generators of the free
group. To enter an equation use the quotient operator, i.e., for the relation ab=ab you
have to enter a^b/(a*b).
You must not change the relators of a finitely presented group at all.
The elements of a finitely presented group are words. There is one fundamental problem with
this. Different words can correspond to the same element in a finitely presented group. For
example in the group A5 defined above, aand a^3 are actually the same element. However,
ais not equal to a^3 (in the sense that a = a^3 is false). This leads to the following
anomaly: a^3 in A5 is true, but a^3 in Elements(A5) is false.Some set and group
functions will not work correctly because of this problem. You should therefore
only use the functions mentioned in 23.2 and 23.3.
The first section in this chapter describes the function FreeGroup that creates a free group
(see 23.1). The next sections describe which set theoretic and group functions are imple-
mented specially for finitely presented groups and how they work (see 23.2 and 23.3). The
next section describes the basic function CosetTableFpGroup that is used by most other
functions for finitely presented groups (see 23.4). The next section describes how you can
compute a permutation group that is a homomorphic image of a finitely presented group
(see 23.5). The final section describes the function that finds all subgroups of a finitely
presented group of small index (see 23.7).
23.1 FreeGroup
FreeGroup( n)
FreeGroup( n,string )
FreeGroup( name1 ,name2 .. )
FreeGroup returns the free group on ngenerators. The generators are displayed as string.1,
string.2, ..., string.n. If string is missing it defaults to "f". If string is the name of the
variable that you use to refer to the group returned by FreeGroup you can also enter the
generators as string.i.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( 2, "A5" );;
gap> A5 := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^3, (F2.1*F2.2)^5 ];
Group( A5.1, A5.2 )
gap> Size( A5 );
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> D8 := F2 / [ F2.1^4, F2.2^2, F2.1^F2.2 / F2.1 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> a := D8.1;; b := D8.2;;
gap> Index( D8, Subgroup( D8, [ a ] ) );
23.2 Set Functions for Finitely Presented Groups
Finitely presented groups are domains, thus in principle all set theoretic functions are ap-
plicable to them (see chapter 4). However because words that are not equal may denote
the same element of a finitely presented group many of them will not work correctly. This
sections describes which set theoretic functions are implemented specially for finitely pre-
sented groups and how they work. You should not use the set theoretic functions that are
not mentioned in this section.
The general information that enables GAP3 to work with a finitely presented group Gis
acoset table (see 23.4). Basically a coset table is the permutation representation of the
finitely presented group on the cosets of a subgroup (which need not be faithful if the
subgroup has a nontrivial core). Most of the functions below use the regular representation
of G, i.e., the coset table of Gover the trivial subgroup. Such a coset table is computed by
a method called coset enumeration.
Size( G)
The size is simply the degree of the regular representation of G.
win G
A word wlies in a parent group Gif all its letters are among the generators of G.
win H
To test whether a word wlies in a subgroup Hof a finitely presented group G,GAP3
computes the coset table of Gover H. Then it tests whether the permutation one gets by
replacing each generator of Gin wwith the corresponding permutation is trivial.
Elements( G)
The elements of a finitely presented group are computed by computing the regular repre-
sentation of G. Then for each point pGAP3 adds the smallest word wthat, when viewed
as a permutation, takes 1 to pto the set of elements. Note that this implies that each word
in the set returned is the smallest word that denotes an element of G.
Elements( H)
The elements of a subgroup Hof a finitely presented group Gare computed by computing
the elements of Gand returning those that lie in H.
Intersection( H1 ,H2 )
The intersection of two subgroups H1 and H2 of a finitely presented group Gis computed
as follows. First GAP3 computes the coset tables of Gover H1 and H2 . Then it computes
the tensor product of those two permutation representations. The coset table of the inter-
section is the transitive constituent of 1 in this tensored permutation representation. Finally
GAP3 computes a set of Schreier generators for the intersection by performing another coset
enumeration using the already complete coset table. The intersection is returned as the
subgroup generated by those Schreier generators.
23.3 Group Functions for Finitely Presented Groups
Finitely presented groups are after all groups, thus in principle all group functions are
applicable to them (see chapter 7). However because words that are not equal may denote
the same element of a finitely presented group many of them will not work correctly. This
sections describes which group functions are implemented specially for finitely presented
groups and how they work. You should not use the group functions that are not mentioned
in this section.
The general information that enables GAP3 to work with a finitely presented group Gis
acoset table (see 23.4). Basically a coset table is the permutation representation of the
finitely presented group on the cosets of a subgroup (which need not be faithful if the
subgroup has a nontrivial core). Most of the functions below use the regular representation
of G, i.e., the coset table of Gover the trivial subgroup. Such a coset table is computed by
a method called coset enumeration.
Order( G,g)
The order of an element gis computed by translating the element into the regular permu-
tation representation and computing the order of this permutation (which is the length of
the cycle of 1).
Index( G,H)
The index of a subgroup Hin a finitely presented group Gis simply the degree of the
permutation representation of the group Gon the cosets of H.
Normalizer( G,H)
The normalizer of a subgroup Hof a finitely presented group Gis the union of those cosets
of Hin Gthat are fixed by all the generators of Hwhen viewed as permutations in the
permutation representation of Gon the cosets of H. The normalizer is returned as the
subgroup generated by the generators of Hand representatives of such cosets.
CommutatorFactorGroup( G)
The commutator factor group of a finitely presented group Gis returned as a new finitely
presented group. The relations of this group are the relations of Gplus the commutator of
all the pairs of generators of G.
AbelianInvariants( G)
The abelian invariants of a abelian finitely presented group (e.g., a commutator factor group
of an arbitrary finitely presented group) are computed by building the relation matrix of G
and transforming this matrix to diagonal form with ElementaryDivisorsMat (see 34.23).
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroup( G,H)
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroup( G,cosettable )
This function is equivalent to AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupRrs below, but note
that there is an alternative function, AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupMtc.
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupRrs( G,H)
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupRrs( G,cosettable )
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupRrs returns the invariants of the commutator factor
group H/H’ of a subgroup Hof a finitely presented group G. They are computed by
first applying an abelianized Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier procedure (see 23.11) to con-
struct a relation matrix of H/H’ and then transforming this matrix to diagonal form with
ElementaryDivisorsMat (see 34.23).
As second argument, you may provide either the subgroup Hitself or its coset table in G.
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupMtc( G,H)
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupMtc returns the invariants of the commutator factor
group H/H’ of a subgroup Hof a finitely presented group G. They are computed by applying
an abelianized Modified Todd-Coxeter procedure (see 23.11) to construct a relation matrix
of H/H’ and then transforming this matrix to diagonal form with ElementaryDivisorsMat
(see 34.23).
AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroup( G,H)
This function is equivalent to AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroupRrs below.
AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroupRrs( G,H)
AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroupRrs returns the invariants of the commutator
factor group N/N’ of the normal closure Na subgroup Hof a finitely presented group G.
They are computed by first applying an abelianized Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier proce-
dure (see 23.11) to construct a relation matrix of N/N’ and then transforming this matrix
to diagonal form with ElementaryDivisorsMat (see 34.23).
gap> # Define the Coxeter group E1.
gap> F5 := FreeGroup( "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5" );;
gap> E1 := F5 / [ F5.1^2, F5.2^2, F5.3^2, F5.4^2, F5.5^2,
> ( F5.1 * F5.3 )^2, ( F5.2 * F5.4 )^2, ( F5.1 * F5.2 )^3,
> ( F5.2 * F5.3 )^3, ( F5.3 * F5.4 )^3, ( F5.4 * F5.1 )^3,
> ( F5.1 * F5.5 )^3, ( F5.2 * F5.5 )^2, ( F5.3 * F5.5 )^3,
> ( F5.4 * F5.5 )^2,
> ( F5.1 * F5.2 * F5.3 * F5.4 * F5.3 * F5.2 )^2 ];;
gap> x1:=E1.1;; x2:=E1.2;; x3:=E1.3;; x4:=E1.4;; x5:=E1.5;;
gap> # Get normal subgroup generators for B1.
gap> H := Subgroup( E1, [ x5 * x2^-1, x5 * x4^-1 ] );;
gap> # Compute the abelian invariants of B1/B1’.
gap> A := AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroup( E1, H );
gap> # Compute a presentation for B1.
gap> P := PresentationNormalClosure( E1, H );
<< presentation with 18 gens and 46 rels of total length 132 >>
gap> SimplifyPresentation( P );
#I there are 8 generators and 30 relators of total length 148
gap> B1 := FpGroupPresentation( P );
Group( _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4, _x6, _x7, _x8, _x11 )
gap> # Compute normal subgroup generators for B1’.
gap> gens := B1.generators;;
gap> numgens := Length( gens );;
gap> comms := [ ];;
gap> for i in [ 1 .. numgens - 1 ] do
> for j in [i+1 .. numgens ] do
> Add( comms, Comm( gens[i], gens[j] ) );
> od;
> od;
gap> # Compute the abelian invariants of B1’/B1".
gap> K := Subgroup( B1, comms );;
gap> A := AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroup( B1, K );
The prededing calculation for B1and a similar one for B0have been used to prove that
2×Z3and B0
2×Z27 as stated in Proposition 5 in [FJNT95].
The following functions are not implemented specially for finitely presented groups, but they
work nevertheless. However, you probably should not use them for larger finitely presented
Core( G,U)
SylowSubgroup( G,p)
FittingSubgroup( G)
23.4 CosetTableFpGroup
CosetTableFpGroup( G,H)
CosetTableFpGroup returns the coset table of the finitely presented group Gon the cosets
of the subgroup H.
Basically a coset table is the permutation representation of the finitely presented group on
the cosets of a subgroup (which need not be faithful if the subgroup has a nontrivial core).
Most of the set theoretic and group functions use the regular representation of G, i.e., the
coset table of Gover the trivial subgroup.
The coset table is returned as a list of lists. For each generator of Gand its inverse the table
contains a generator list. A generator list is simply a list of integers. If lis the generator
list for the generator gand l[i] = jthen generator gtakes the coset ito the coset jby
multiplication from the right. Thus the permutation representation of Gon the cosets of
His obtained by applying PermList to each generator list (see 20.9). The coset table is
standardized, i.e., the cosets are sorted with respect to the smallest word that lies in each
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );
Group( a, b )
gap> A5 := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^3, (F2.1*F2.2)^5 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> CosetTableFpGroup( A5,
> Subgroup( A5, [ A5.1, A5.2*A5.1*A5.2*A5.1*A5.2^-1 ] ) );
[ 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 ], # inverse of above, A5.1 is an involution
[ 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 ],
[4,1,3,2,5]] # inverse of above
gap> List( last, PermList );
[ (2,3)(4,5), (2,3)(4,5), (1,2,4), (1,4,2) ]
The coset table is computed by a method called coset enumeration. A Felsch strategy
is used to decide how to define new cosets.
The variable CosetTableFpGroupDefaultLimit determines for how many cosets the table
has initially room. CosetTableFpGroup will automatically extend this table if need arises,
but this is an expensive operation. Thus you should set CosetTableFpGroupDefaultLimit
to the number of cosets that you expect will be needed at most. However you should not
set it too high, otherwise too much space will be used by the coset table.
The variable CosetTableFpGroupDefaultMaxLimit determines the maximal size of the coset
table. If a coset enumeration reaches this limit it signals an error and enters the breakloop.
You can either continue or quit the computation from there. Setting the limit to 0allows
arbitrary large coset tables.
23.5 OperationCosetsFpGroup
OperationCosetsFpGroup( G,H)
OperationCosetsFpGroup returns the permutation representation of the finitely presented
group Gon the cosets of the subgroup Has a permutation group. Note that this permutation
representation is faithful if and only if Hhas a trivial core in G.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );
Group( a, b )
gap> A5 := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^3, (F2.1*F2.2)^5 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> OperationCosetsFpGroup( A5,
> Subgroup( A5, [ A5.1, A5.2*A5.1*A5.2*A5.1*A5.2^-1 ] ) );
Group( (2,3)(4,5), (1,2,4) )
gap> Size( last );
OperationCosetsFpGroup simply calls CosetTableFpGroup, applies PermList to each row
of the table, and returns the group generated by those permutations (see 23.4, 20.9).
23.6 IsIdenticalPresentationFpGroup
IsIdenticalPresentationFpGroup( G,H)
IsIdenticalPresentationFpGroup returns true if the presentations of the parent groups
Gand Hare identical and false otherwise.
Two presentations are considered identical if the have the same number of generators, i.e.,
Gis generated by g1 ... gn and Hby h1 ... hn, and if the set of relators of Gstored in
G.relators is equal to the set of relators of Hstored in H.relators after replacing hi
by gi in these words.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup(2);
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> g := F2 / [ F2.1^2 / F2.2 ];
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> h := F2 / [ F2.1^2 / F2.2 ];
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> g = h;
gap> IsIdenticalPresentationFpGroup( g, h );
23.7 LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup
LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup( G,H,index )
LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup( G,H,index,excluded )
LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup returns a list of representatives of the conjugacy classes of
subgroups of the finitely presented group Gthat contain the subgroup Hof Hand that
have index less than or equal to index.
The function provides some intermediate output if InfoFpGroup2 has been set to Print (its
default value is Ignore).
If the optional argument excluded has been specified, then it is expected to be a list of words
in the generators of G, and LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup returns only those subgroups of
index at most index that contain H, but do not contain any conjugate of any of the group
elements defined by these words.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );
Group( a, b )
gap> A5 := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^3, (F2.1*F2.2)^5 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> := "A5";;
gap> S := LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup( A5, TrivialSubgroup( A5 ), 12 );
[ A5, Subgroup( A5, [ a, b*a*b^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( A5, [ a, b*a*b*a^-1*b^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( A5, [ a, b*a*b*a*b^-1*a^-1*b^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( A5, [ b*a^-1 ] ) ]
gap> List( S, H -> Index( A5, H ) );
[ 1, 6, 5, 10, 12 ] # the indices of the subgroups
gap> List( S, H -> Index( A5, Normalizer( A5, H ) ) );
[ 1, 6, 5, 10, 6 ] # the lengths of the conjugacy classes
As an example for an application of the optional parameter excluded , we compute all con-
jugacy classes of torsion free subgroups of index at most 24 in the group G=hx, y, z |
x2, y4, z3,(xy)3,(yz)2,(xz)3i. It is know from theory that each torsion element of this group
is conjugate to a power of x,y,z,xy,xz, or yz.
gap> G := FreeGroup( "x", "y", "z" );
Group( x, y, z )
gap> x := G.1;; y := G.2;; z := G.3;;
gap> G.relators := [ x^2, y^4, z^3, (x*y)^3, (y*z)^2, (x*z)^3 ];;
gap> torsion := [ x, y, y^2, z, x*y, x*z, y*z ];;
gap> InfoFpGroup2 := Print;;
gap> lis :=
> LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup( G, TrivialSubgroup( G ), 24, torsion );;
#I class 1 of index 24 and length 8
#I class 2 of index 24 and length 24
#I class 3 of index 24 and length 24
#I class 4 of index 24 and length 24
#I class 5 of index 24 and length 24
gap> InfoFpGroup2 := Ignore;;
gap> lis;
[ Subgroup( Group( x, y, z ),
[ x*y*z^-1, z*x*z^-1*y^-1, x*z*x*y^-1*z^-1, y*x*z*y^-1*z^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( x, y, z ),
[ x*y*z^-1, z^2*x^-1*y^-1, x*z*y*x^-1*z^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( x, y, z ),
[ x*y*z^-1, x*z^2*x^-1*y^-1, y^2*x*y^-1*z^-1*x^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( x, y, z ), [ x*y*z^-1, y^3*x^-1*z^-1*x^-1,
y^2*z*x^-1*y^-1 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( x, y, z ), [ y*x*z^-1, x*y*z*y^-1*z^-1,
y^2*z*x^-1*z^-1*x^-1 ] ) ]
The function LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup finds the requested subgroups by systematically
running through a tree of all potential coset tables of Gof length at most index (where
it skips all branches of that tree for which it knows in advance that they cannot provide
new classes of such subgroups). The time required to do this depends, of course, on the
presentation of G, but in general it will grow exponentially with the value of index . So you
should be careful with the choice of index .
23.8 Presentation Records
In GAP3,finitely presented groups are distinguished from group presentations which
are GAP3 objects of their own and which are stored in presentation records. The reason is
that very often presentations have to be changed (e.g. simplified) by Tietze transformations,
but since in these new generators and relators are introduced, all words in the generators
of a finitely presented group would also have to be changed if such a Tietze transformation
were applied to the presentation of a finitely presented group. Therefore, in GAP3 the
presentation defining a finitely presented group is never changed; changes are only allowed
for group presentations which are not considered to define a particular group.
GAP3 offers a bundle of commands to perform Tietze transformations on finite group pre-
sentations (see 23.12, 23.13). In order to speed up the respective routines, the relators in
such a presentation record are not represented by ordinary (abstract) GAP3 words, but by
lists of positive or negative generator numbers which we call Tietze words.
The term “Tietze record” will sometimes be used as an alias for “presentation record”.
It occurs, in particular, in certain error messages.
The following two commands can be used to create a presentation record from a finitely
presented group or, vice versa, to create a finitely presented group from a presentation.
PresentationFpGroup( G)
PresentationFpGroup( G,printlevel )
PresentationFpGroup returns a presentation record containing a copy of the presentation
of the given finitely presented group Gon the same set of generators.
The optional printlevel parameter can be used to restrict or to extend the amount of output
provided by Tietze transformation commands when being applied to the created presentation
record. The default value 1 is designed for interactive use and implies explicit messages to be
displayed by most of these commands. A printlevel value of 0 will suppress these messages,
whereas a printlevel value of 2 will enforce some additional output.
FpGroupPresentation( P)
FpGroupPresentation returns a finitely presented group defined by the presentation in the
given presentation record P.
If some presentation record P, say, contains a large presentation, then it would be nasty
to wait for the end of an unintentionally started printout of all of its components (or,
more precisely, of its component P.tietze which contains the essential lists). Therefore,
whenever you use the standard print facilities to display a presentation record, GAP3 will
provide just one line of text containing the number of generators, the number of relators,
and the total length of all relators. Of course, you may use the RecFields and PrintRec
commands to display all components of P.
In addition, you may use the following commands to extract and print different amounts of
information from a presentation record.
TzPrintStatus( P)
TzPrintStatus prints the current state of a presentation record P, i.e., the number of
generators, the number of relators, and the total length of all relators.
If you are working interactively, you can get the same information by just typing P;
TzPrintGenerators( P)
TzPrintGenerators( P,list )
TzPrintGenerators prints the current list of generators of a presentation record P, provid-
ing for each generator its name, the total number of its occurrences in the relators, and, if
that generator is known to be an involution, an appropriate message.
If a list list has been specified as second argument, then it is expected to be a list of the
position numbers of the generators to be printed. list need not be sorted and may contain
duplicate elements. The generators are printed in the order in which and as often as their
numbers occur in list. Position numbers out of range (with respect to the list of generators)
will be ignored.
TzPrintRelators( P)
TzPrintRelators( P,list )
TzPrintRelators prints the current list of relators of a presentation record P.
If a list list has been specified as second argument, then it is expected to be a list of the
position numbers of the relators to be printed. list need not be sorted and may contain
duplicate elements. The relators are printed as Tietze words in the order in which (and as
often as) their numbers occur in list. Position numbers out of range (with respect to the
list of relators) will be ignored.
TzPrintPresentation( P)
TzPrintPresentation prints the current lists of generators and relators and the current
state of a presentation record P. In fact, the command
TzPrintPresentation( P )
is an abbreviation of the command sequence
Print( "generators:\n" ); TzPrintGenerators( P );
Print( "relators:\n" ); TzPrintRelators( P );
TzPrintStatus( P );
TzPrint( P)
TzPrint( P,list )
TzPrint provides a kind of fast print out for a presentation record P.
Remember that in order to speed up the Tietze transformation routines, each relator in a
presentation record Pis internally represented by a list of positive or negative generator
numbers, i.e., each factor of the proper GAP3 word is represented by the position number
of the corresponding generator with respect to the current list of generators, or by the
respective negative number, if the factor is the inverse of a generator which is not known to be
an involution. In contrast to the commands TzPrintRelators and TzPrintPresentation
described above, TzPrint does not convert these lists back to the corresponding GAP3
TzPrint prints the current list of generators, and then for each relator its length and its
internal representation as a list of positive or negative generator numbers.
If a list list has been specified as second argument, then it is expected to be a list of the
position numbers of the relators to be printed. list need not be sorted and may contain
duplicate elements. The relators are printed in the order in which and as often as their
numbers occur in list. Position numbers out of range (with respect to the list of relators)
will be ignored.
There are four more print commands for presentation records which are convenient in the
context of the interactive Tietze transformation commands:
TzPrintGeneratorImages( P)
See 23.13.
TzPrintLengths( P)
See 23.13.
TzPrintPairs( P)
TzPrintPairs( P,n)
See 23.13.
TzPrintOptions( P)
See 23.13.
Moreover, there are two functions which allow to convert abstract words to Tietze words or
Tietze words to abstract words.
TietzeWordAbstractWord( word,generators )
Let generators be a list of abstract generators and word an abstract word in these generators.
The function TietzeWordAbstractWord returns the corresponding (reduced) Tietze word.
gap> F := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c" );
Group( a, b, c )
gap> tzword := TietzeWordAbstractWord(
> Comm(F.1,F.2) * (F.3^2 * F.2)^-1, F.generators );
[ -1, -2, 1, -3, -3 ]
AbstractWordTietzeWord( word,generators )
Let generators be a list of abstract generators and word a Tietze word in these generators.
The function AbstractWordTietzeWord returns the corresponding abstract word.
gap> AbstractWordTietzeWord( tzword, F.generators );
Save( file,P,name )
The function Save allows to save a presentation and to recover it in a later GAP3 session.
Let Pbe a presentation, and let file and name be strings denoting a file name and a variable
name, respectively. The function Save generates a new file file and writes Pand name to
that file in such a way that a copy of Pcan be reestablished by just reading the file with
the function Read. This copy of Pwill be assigned to a variable called name.
Warning: It is not guaranteed that the functions Save and Read work properly if the pre-
sentation record Pcontains additional, user defined components. For instance, components
involving abstract words cannot be read in again as soon as the associated generators are
not available any more.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> G := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^7, Comm(F2.1,F2.1^F2.2),
> Comm(F2.1,F2.1^(F2.2^2))*(F2.1^F2.2)^-1 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> a := G.1;; b := G.2;;
gap> P := PresentationFpGroup( G );
<< presentation with 2 gens and 4 rels of total length 30 >>
gap> TzPrintGenerators( P );
#I 1. a 11 occurrences involution
#I 2. b 19 occurrences
gap> TzPrintRelators( P );
#I 1. a^2
#I 2. b^7
#I 3. a*b^-1*a*b*a*b^-1*a*b
#I 4. a*b^-2*a*b^2*a*b^-2*a*b*a*b
gap> TzPrint( P );
#I generators: [ a, b ]
#I relators:
#I 1. 2 [ 1, 1 ]
#I 2. 7 [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
#I 3. 8 [ 1, -2, 1, 2, 1, -2, 1, 2 ]
#I 4. 13 [ 1, -2, -2, 1, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, 1, 2, 1, 2 ]
gap> TzPrintStatus( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 4 relators of total length 30
gap> Save( "checkpoint", P, "P0" );
gap> Read( "checkpoint" );
#I presentation record P0 read from file
gap> P0;
<< presentation with 2 gens and 4 rels of total length 30 >>
23.9 Changing Presentations
The commands described in this section can be used to change the presentation in a pre-
sentation record. Note that, in general, they will change the isomorphism type of the group
defined by the presentation. Hence, though they sometimes are called as subroutines by
Tietze transformations commands like TzSubstitute (see 23.13), they do not perform Ti-
etze transformations themselves.
AddGenerator( P)
AddGenerator( P,generator )
AddGenerator adds a new generator to the list of generators.
If you don’t specify a second argument, then AddGenerator will define a new abstract
generator xiand save it in a new component P.iof the given presentation record where
iis the least positive integer which has not yet been used as a generator number. Though
this new generator will be printed as xi, you will have to use the external variable P.iif
you want to access it.
If you specify a second argument, then generator must be an abstract generator which does
not yet occur in the presentation. AddGenerator will add it to the presentation and save it
in a new component P.iin the same way as described for xiabove.
AddRelator( P,word )
AddRelator adds the word word to the list of relators. word must be a word in the generators
of the given presentation.
RemoveRelator( P,n)
RemoveRelator removes the nth relator and then resorts the list of relators in the given
presentation record P.
23.10 Group Presentations
In section 23.8 we have described the funtion PresentationFpGroup which supplies a presen-
tation record for a finitely presented group. The following function can be used to compute
a presentation record for a concrete (e. g. permutation or matrix) group.
PresentationViaCosetTable( G)
PresentationViaCosetTable( G,F,words )
PresentationViaCosetTable constructs a presentation record for the given group G. The
method being used is John Cannon’s relations finding algorithm which has been described
in [Can73] or in [Neu82].
In its first form, if only the group Ghas been specified, it applies Cannon’s single stage
algorithm which, by plain element multiplication, computes a coset table of Gwith respect
to its trivial subgroup and then uses coset enumeration methods to find a defining set of
relators for G.
gap> G := GeneralLinearGroup( 2, 7 );
gap> G.generators;
[ [ [ Z(7), 0*Z(7) ], [ 0*Z(7), Z(7)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(7)^3, Z(7)^0 ], [ Z(7)^3, 0*Z(7) ] ] ]
gap> Size( G );
gap> P := PresentationViaCosetTable( G );
<< presentation with 2 gens and 5 rels of total length 46 >>
gap> TzPrintRelators( P );
#I 1. f.2^3
#I 2. f.1^6
#I 3. f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2
#I 4. f.1*f.2*f.1^-1*f.2*f.1*f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1^-1*f.2^-1
#I 5. f.1^2*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2^-1*f.1^3*f.2^-1
The second form allows to call Cannon’s two stage algorithm which first applies the single
stage algorithm to an appropriate subgroup Hof Gand then uses the resulting relators of
Hand a coset table of Gwith respect to Hto find relators of G. In this case the second
argument, F, is assumed to be a free group with the same number of generators as G, and
words is expected to be a list of words in the generators of Fwhich, when being evaluated
in the corresponding generators of G, provide subgroup generators for H.
gap> M12 := MathieuGroup( 12 );;
gap> M12.generators;
[ ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11), ( 3, 7,11, 8)( 4,10, 5, 6),
( 1,12)( 2,11)( 3, 6)( 4, 8)( 5, 9)( 7,10) ]
gap> F := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c" );
Group( a, b, c )
gap> words := [ F.1, F.2 ];
gap> P := PresentationViaCosetTable( M12, F, words );
<< presentation with 3 gens and 10 rels of total length 97 >>
gap> G := FpGroupPresentation( P );
Group( a, b, c )
gap> G.relators;
[ c^2, b^4, a*c*a*c*a*c, a*b^-2*a*b^-2*a*b^-2, a^11,
a^2*b^-1*a^-1*b^-1*a*c*b*c*a*b*a*b, a^3*b*a^2*b*a^-2*c*a*b*a^-1*c*a
Before it is returned, the resulting presentation is being simplified by appropriate calls
of the function SimplifyPresentation (see 23.13), but without allowing it to eliminate
any generators. This restriction guarantees that we get a bijection between the list of
generators of Gand the list of generators in the presentation. Hence, if the generators of
Gare redundant and if you don’t care for the bijection, it may be convenient to apply the
function SimplifyPresentation again.
gap> H := Group(
> [ (2,5,3), (2,7,5), (1,8,4), (1,8,6), (4,8,6), (3,5,7) ], () );;
gap> P := PresentationViaCosetTable( H );
<< presentation with 6 gens and 12 rels of total length 42 >>
gap> SimplifyPresentation( P );
#I there are 4 generators and 10 relators of total length 36
23.11 Subgroup Presentations
PresentationSubgroupRrs( G,H)
PresentationSubgroupRrs( G,H,string )
PresentationSubgroupRrs( G,cosettable )
PresentationSubgroupRrs( G,cosettable,string )
PresentationSubgroupRrs returns a presentation record (see 23.8) containing a presenta-
tion for the subgroup Hof the finitely presented group G. It uses the Reduced Reidemeister-
Schreier method to construct this presentation.
As second argument, you may provide either the subgroup Hitself or its coset table in G.
The generators in the resulting presentation will be named by string1,string2, ..., the
default string is " x".
The Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm is a modification of the Reidemeister-Schreier
algorithm of George Havas [Hav74]. It was proposed by Joachim Neub¨user and first imple-
mented in 1986 by Andrea Lucchini and Volkmar Felsch in the SPAS system [Leh89b]. Like
George Havas’ Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm, it needs only the presentation of Gand a
coset table of Hin Gto construct a presentation of H.
Whenever you call the PresentationSubgroupRrs command, it checks first whether a coset
table of Hin Ghas already been computed and saved in the subgroup record of Hby a
preceding call of some appropriate command like CosetTableFpGroup (see 23.4), Index (see
7.51), or LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup (see 23.7). Only if the coset table is not yet available,
it is now constructed by PresentationSubgroupRrs which calls CosetTableFpGroup for this
purpose. In this case, of course, a set of generators of His required, but they will not be
used any more in the subsequent steps.
Next, a set of generators of His determined by reconstructing the coset table and introducing
in that process as many Schreier generators of Hin Gas are needed to do a Felsch strategy
coset enumeration without any coincidences. (In general, though containing redundant
generators, this set will be much smaller than the set of all Schreier generators. That’s why
we call the method the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier.)
After having constructed this set of primary subgroup generators , say, the coset table is
extended to an augmented coset table which describes the action of the group generators
on coset representatives, i.e., on elements instead of cosets. For this purpose, suitable words
in the (primary) subgroup generators have to be associated to the coset table entries. In
order to keep the lengths of these words short, additional secondary subgroup generators
are introduced as abbreviations of subwords. Their number may be large.
Finally, a Reidemeister rewriting process is used to get defining relators for Hfrom the
relators of G. As the resulting presentation of His a presentation on primary and secondary
generators, in general you will have to simplify it by appropriate Tietze transformations (see
23.13) or by the DecodeTree command (see 23.14) before you can use it. Therefore it is
returned in the form of a presentation record, Psay.
Compared with the Modified Todd-Coxeter method described below, the Reduced Reide-
meister-Schreier method (as well as Havas’ original Reidemeister-Schreier program) has the
advantage that it does not require generators of Hto be given if a coset table of Hin G
is known. This provides a possibility to compute a presentation of the normal closure of a
given subgroup (see the PresentationNormalClosureRrs command below).
As you may be interested not only to get the resulting presentation, but also to know
what the involved subgroup generators are, the function PresentationSubgroupRrs will
also return a list of the primary generators of Has words in the generators of G. It is
provided in form of an additional component P.primaryGeneratorWords of the resulting
presentation record P.
Note however: As stated in the description of the function Save (see 23.8), the function Read
cannot properly recover a component involving abstract generators different from the current
generators when it reads a presentation which has been written to a file by the function Save.
Therefore the function Save will ignore the component P.primaryGeneratorWords if you
call it to write the presentation Pto a file. Hence this component will be lost if you read the
presentation back from that file, and it will be left to your own responsibility to remember
what the primary generators have been.
A few examples are given in section 23.13.
PresentationSubgroupMtc( G,H)
PresentationSubgroupMtc( G,H,string )
PresentationSubgroupMtc( G,H,printlevel )
PresentationSubgroupMtc( G,H,string,printlevel )
PresentationSubgroupMtc returns a presentation record (see 23.8) containing a presenta-
tion for the subgroup Hof the finitely presented group G. It uses a Modified Todd-Coxeter
method to construct this presentation.
The generators in the resulting presentation will be named by string1,string2, ..., the
default string is " x".
The optional printlevel parameter can be used to restrict or to extend the amount of output
provided by the PresentationSubgroupMtc command. In particular, by specifying the
printlevel parameter to be 0, you can suppress the output of the DecodeTree command
which is called by the PresentationSubgroupMtc command (see below). The default value
of printlevel is 1.
The so called Modified Todd-Coxeter method was proposed, in slightly different forms, by
Nathan S. Mendelsohn and William O. J. Moser in 1966. Moser’s method was proved by
Michael J. Beetham and Colin M. Campbell (see [BC76]). Another proof for a special version
was given by D. H. McLain (see [McL77]). It was generalized to cover a broad spectrum
of different versions (see the survey [Neu82]). Moser’s method was implemented by Harvey
A. Campbell (see [Cam71]. Later, a Modified Todd-Coxeter program was implemented in
St. Andrews by David G. Arrell, Sanjiv Manrai, and Michael F. Worboys (see [AMW82])
and further developed by David G. Arrel and Edmund F. Robertson (see [AR84]) and by
Volkmar Felsch in the SPAS system [Leh89b].
The Modified Todd-Coxeter method performs an enumeration of coset representatives.
It proceeds like an ordinary coset enumeration (see CosetTableFpGroup 23.4), but as the
product of a coset representative by a group generator or its inverse need not be a coset
representative itself, the Modified Todd-Coxeter has to store a kind of correction element
for each coset table entry. Hence it builds up a so called augmented coset table of Hin
Gconsisting of the ordinary coset table and a second table in parallel which contains the
associated subgroup elements.
Theoretically, these subgroup elements could be expressed as words in the given generators
of H, but in general these words tend to become unmanageable because of their enormous
lengths. Therefore, a highly redundant list of subgroup generators is built up starting from
the given (“primary”) generators of Hand adding additional (“secondary”) generators
which are defined as abbreviations of suitable words of length two in the preceding generators
such that each of the subgroup elements in the augmented coset table can be expressed as a
word of length at most one in the resulting (primary and secondary) subgroup generators.
Then a rewriting process (which is essentially a kind of Reidemeister rewriting process) is
used to get relators for Hfrom the defining relators of G.
The resulting presentation involves all the primary, but not all the secondary generators
of H. In fact, it contains only those secondary generators which explicitly occur in the
augmented coset table. If we extended this presentation by those secondary generators
which are not yet contained in it as additional generators, and by the definitions of all
secondary generators as additional relators, we would get a presentation of H, but, in
general, we would end up with a large number of generators and relators.
On the other hand, if we avoid this extension, the current presentation will not necessar-
ily define Halthough we have used the same rewriting process which in the case of the
SubgroupPresentationRrs command computes a defining set of relators for Hfrom an
augmented coset table and defining relators of G. The different behaviour here is caused by
the fact that coincidences may have occurred in the Modified Todd-Coxeter coset enumer-
To overcome this problem without extending the presentation by all secondary generators,
the SubgroupPresentationMtc command applies the so called tree decoding algorithm
which provides a more economical approach. The reader is strongly recommended to care-
fully read section 23.14 where this algorithm is described in more detail. Here we will
only mention that this procedure adds many fewer additional generators and relators in a
process which in fact eliminates all secondary generators from the presentation and hence
finally provides a presentation of Hon the primary, i.e., the originally given, generators of
H. This is a remarkable advantage of the SubgroupPresentationMtc command compared
to the SubgroupPresentationRrs command. But note that, for some particular subgroup
H, the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier method might quite well produce a more concise
The resulting presentation is returned in the form of a presentation record, Psay.
As the function PresentationSubgroupRrs desribed above (see there for details), the func-
tion PresentationSubgroupMtc returns a list of the primary subgroup generators of Hin
form of a component P.primaryGeneratorWords. In fact, this list is not very exciting here
because it is just a copy of the list H.generators, however it is needed to guarantee a
certain consistency between the results of the different functions for computing subgroup
Though the tree decoding routine already involves a lot of Tietze transformations, we rec-
ommend that you try to further simplify the resulting presentation by appropriate Tietze
transformations (see 23.13).
An example is given in section 23.14.
PresentationSubgroup( G,H)
PresentationSubgroup( G,H,string )
PresentationSubgroup( G,cosettable )
PresentationSubgroup( G,cosettable,string )
PresentationSubgroup returns a presentation record (see 23.8) containing a presentation
for the subgroup Hof the finitely presented group G.
As second argument, you may provide either the subgroup Hitself or its coset table in G.
In the case of providing the subgroup Hitself as argument, the current GAP3 implemen-
tation offers a choice between two different methods for constructing subgroup presenta-
tions, namely the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier and the Modified Todd-Coxeter proce-
dure. You can specify either of them by calling the commands PresentationSubgroupRrs
or PresentationSubgroupMtc, respectively. Further methods may be added in a later GAP3
version. If, in some concrete application, you don’t care for the method to be selected, you
may use the PresentationSubgroup command as a kind of default command. In the present
installation, it will call the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier method, i.e., it is identical with
the PresentationSubgroupRrs command.
A few examples are given in section 23.13.
PresentationNormalClosureRrs( G,H)
PresentationNormalClosureRrs( G,H,string )
PresentationNormalClosureRrs returns a presentation record (see 23.8), Psay, containing
a presentation for the normal closure of the subgroup Hof the finitely presented group G.
It uses the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier method to construct this presentation. This
provides a possibility to compute a presentation for a normal subgroup for which only
“normal subgroup generators”, but not necessarily a full set of generators are known.
The generators in the resulting presentation will be named by string1,string2, ..., the
default string is " x".
PresentationNormalClosureRrs first establishes an intermediate group record for the fac-
tor group of Gby the normal closure N, say, of Hin G. Then it performs a coset enumeration
of the trivial subgroup in that factor group. The resulting coset table can be considered as
coset table of Nin G, hence a presentation for Ncan be constructed using the Reduced
Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm as described for the PresentationSubgroupRrs command.
As the function PresentationSubgroupRrs desribed above (see there for details), the func-
tion PresentationNormalClosureRrs returns a list of the primary subgroup generators of
Nin form of a component P.primaryGeneratorWords.
PresentationNormalClosure( G,H)
PresentationNormalClosure( G,H,string )
PresentationNormalClosure returns a presentation record (see 23.8) containing a presen-
tation for the normal closure of the subgroup Hof the finitely presented group G. This
provides a possibility to compute a presentation for a normal subgroup for which only “nor-
mal subgroup generators”, but not necessarily a full set of generators are known.
If, in a later release, GAP3 offers different methods for the construction of normal closure
presentations, then PresentationNormalClosure will call one of these procedures as a
kind of default method. At present, however, the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm
is the only one implemented so far. Therefore, at present the PresentationNormalClosure
command is identical with the PresentationNormalClosureRrs command described above.
23.12 SimplifiedFpGroup
SimplifiedFpGroup( G)
SimplifiedFpGroup applies Tietze transformations to a copy of the presentation of the given
finitely presented group Gin order to reduce it with respect to the number of generators,
the number of relators, and the relator lengths.
SimplifiedFpGroup returns the resulting finitely presented group (which is isomorphic to
gap> F6 := FreeGroup( 6, "G" );;
gap> G := F6 / [ F6.1^2, F6.2^2, F6.4*F6.6^-1, F6.5^2, F6.6^2,
> F6.1*F6.2^-1*F6.3, F6.1*F6.5*F6.3^-1, F6.2*F6.4^-1*F6.3,
> F6.3*F6.4*F6.5^-1, F6.1*F6.6*F6.3^-2, F6.3^4 ];;
gap> H := SimplifiedFpGroup( G );
Group( G.1, G.3 )
gap> H.relators;
[ G.1^2, G.1*G.3^-1*G.1*G.3^-1, G.3^4 ]
In fact, the command
H := SimplifiedFpGroup( G );
is an abbreviation of the command sequence
P := PresentationFpGroup( G, 0 );;
SimplifyPresentation( P );
H := FpGroupPresentation( P );
which applies a rather simple-minded strategy of Tietze transformations to the intermediate
presentation record P(see 23.8). If for some concrete group the resulting presentation is
unsatisfying, then you should try a more sophisticated, interactive use of the available Tietze
transformation commands (see 23.13).
23.13 Tietze Transformations
The GAP3 commands being described in this section can be used to modify a group presen-
tation in a presentation record by Tietze transformations.
In general, the aim of such modifications will be to simplify the given presentation, i.e., to
reduce the number of generators and the number of relators without increasing too much
the sum of all relator lengths which we will call the total length of the presentation.
Depending on the concrete presentation under investigation one may end up with a nice,
short presentation or with a very huge one.
Unfortunately there is no algorithm which could be applied to find the shortest presentation
which can be obtained by Tietze transformations from a given one. Therefore, what GAP3
offers are some lower-level Tietze transformation commands and, in addition, some higher-
level commands which apply the lower-level ones in a kind of default strategy which of
course cannot be the optimal choice for all presentations.
The design of these commands follows closely the concept of the ANU Tietze transformation
program designed by George Havas [Hav69] which has been available from Canberra since
1977 in a stand-alone version implemented by Peter Kenne and James Richardson and later
on revised by Edmund F. Robertson (see [HKRR84], [Rob88]).
In this section, we first describe the higher-level commands SimplifyPresentation,TzGo,
and TzGoGo (the first two of these commands are identical).
Then we describe the lower-level commands TzEliminate,TzSearch,TzSearchEqual, and
TzFindCyclicJoins. They are the bricks of which the preceding higher-level commands
have been composed. You may use them to try alternative strategies, but if you are satisfied
by the performance of TzGo and TzGoGo, then you don’t need them.
Some of the Tietze transformation commands listed so far may eliminate generators and
hence change the given presentation to a presentation on a subset of the given set of gener-
ators, but they all do not introduce new generators. However, sometimes you will need to
substitute certain words as new generators in order to improve your presentation. There-
fore GAP3 offers the two commands TzSubstitute and TzSubstituteCyclicJoins which
introduce new generators. These commands will be described next.
Then we continue the section with a description of the commands TzInitGeneratorImages
and TzPrintGeneratorImages which can be used to determine and to display the images
or preimages of the involved generators under the isomorphism which is defined by the
sequence of Tietze transformations which are applied to a presentation.
Subsequently we describe some further print commands, TzPrintLengths,TzPrintPairs,
and TzPrintOptions, which are useful if you run the Tietze transformations interactively.
At the end of the section we list the Tietze options and give their default values. These are
parameters which essentially influence the performance of the commands mentioned above.
However, they are not specified as arguments of function calls. Instead, they are associated
to the presentation records: Each presentation record keeps its own set of Tietze option
values in the form of ordinary record components.
SimplifyPresentation( P)
TzGo( P)
SimplifyPresentation performs Tietze transformations on a presentation P. It is perhaps
the most convenient of the interactive Tietze transformation commands. It offers a kind of
default strategy which, in general, saves you from explicitly calling the lower-level commands
it involves.
Roughly speaking, SimplifyPresentation consists of a loop over a procedure which in-
volves two phases: In the search phase it calls TzSearch and TzSearchEqual described
below which try to reduce the relator lengths by substituting common subwords of relators,
in the elimination phase it calls the command TzEliminate described below (or, more
precisely, a subroutine of TzEliminate in order to save some administrative overhead) which
tries to eliminate generators that can be expressed as words in the remaining generators.
If SimplifyPresentation succeeds in reducing the number of generators, the number of
relators, or the total length of all relators, then it displays the new status before returning
(provided that you did not set the print level to zero). However, it does not provide any out-
put if all these three values have remained unchanged, even if the TzSearchEqual command
involved has changed the presentation such that another call of SimplifyPresentation
might provide further progress. Hence, in such a case it makes sense to repeat the call
of the command for several times (or to call instead the TzGoGo command which we will
describe next).
As an example we compute a presentation of a subgroup of index 408 in P SL(2,17).
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> G := F2 / [ F2.1^9, F2.2^2, (F2.1*F2.2)^4, (F2.1^2*F2.2)^3 ];;
gap> a := G.1;; b := G.2;;
gap> H := Subgroup( G, [ (a*b)^2, (a^-1*b)^2 ] );;
gap> Index( G, H );
gap> P := PresentationSubgroup( G, H );
<< presentation with 8 gens and 36 rels of total length 111 >>
gap> P.primaryGeneratorWords;
[ b, a*b*a ]
gap> P.protected := 2;;
gap> P.printLevel := 2;;
gap> SimplifyPresentation( P );
#I eliminating _x7 = _x5
#I eliminating _x5 = _x4
#I eliminating _x18 = _x3
#I eliminating _x8 = _x3
#I there are 4 generators and 8 relators of total length 21
#I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 18
#I eliminating _x4 = _x3^-1*_x2^-1
#I eliminating _x3 = _x2*_x1^-1
#I there are 2 generators and 4 relators of total length 14
#I there are 2 generators and 4 relators of total length 13
#I there are 2 generators and 3 relators of total length 9
gap> TzPrintRelators( P );
#I 1. _x1^2
#I 2. _x2^3
#I 3. _x2*_x1*_x2*_x1
Note that the number of loops over the two phases as well as the number of subword searches
or generator eliminations in each phase are determined by a set of option parameters which
may heavily influence the resulting presentation and the computing time (see Tietze options
TzGo is just another name for the SimplifyPresentation command. It has been introduced
for the convenience of those GAP3 users who are used to that name from the go option of
the ANU Tietze transformation stand-alone program or from the go command in SPAS.
TzGoGo( P)
TzGoGo performs Tietze transformations on a presentation P. It repeatedly calls the TzGo
command until neither the number of generators nor the number of relators nor the total
length of all relators have changed during five consecutive calls of TzGo.
This may remarkably save you time and effort if you handle small presentations, however it
may lead to annoyingly long and fruitless waiting times in case of large presentations.
TzEliminate( P)
TzEliminate( P,gen )
TzEliminate( P,n)
TzEliminate tries to eliminate a generator from a presentation Pvia Tietze transformations.
Any relator which contains some generator just once can be used to substitute that gen-
erator by a word in the remaining generators. If such generators and relators exist, then
TzEliminate chooses a generator for which the product of its number of occurrences and
the length of the substituting word is minimal, and then it eliminates this generator from
the presentation, provided that the resulting total length of the relators does not exceed the
associated Tietze option parameter P.spaceLimit. The default value of P.spaceLimit is
infinity, but you may alter it appropriately (see Tietze options below).
If you specify a generator gen as second argument, then TzEliminate only tries to eliminate
that generator.
If you specify an integer nas second argument, then TzEliminate tries to eliminate up
to ngenerators. Note that the calls TzEliminate( P)and TzEliminate( P,1)are
TzSearch( P)
TzSearch performs Tietze transformations on a presentation P. It tries to reduce the relator
lengths by substituting common subwords of relators by shorter words.
The idea is to find pairs of relators r1and r2of length l1and l2, respectively, such that
l1l2and r1and r2coincide (possibly after inverting or conjugating one of them) in some
maximal subword w, say, of length greater than l1/2, and then to substitute each copy of
win r2by the inverse complement of win r1.
Two of the Tietze option parameters which are listed at the end of this section may strongly
influence the performance and the results of the TzSearch command. These are the pa-
rameters P.saveLimit and P.searchSimultaneous. The first of them has the following
When TzSearch has finished its main loop over all relators, then, in general, there are
relators which have changed and hence should be handled again in another run through the
whole procedure. However, experience shows that it really does not pay to continue this
way until no more relators change. Therefore, TzSearch starts a new loop only if the loop
just finished has reduced the total length of the relators by at least P.saveLimit per cent.
The default value of P.saveLimit is 10.
To understand the effect of the parameter P.searchSimultaneous, we have to look in more
detail at how TzSearch proceeds.
First, it sorts the list of relators by increasing lengths. Then it performs a loop over this list.
In each step of this loop, the current relator is treated as short relator r1, and a subroutine
is called which loops over the succeeding relators, treating them as long relators r2and
performing the respective comparisons and substitutions.
As this subroutine performs a very expensive process, it has been implemented as a C
routine in the GAP3 kernel. For the given relator r1of length l1, say, it first determines the
minimal match length lwhich is l1/2 + 1, if l1is even, or (l1+ 1)/2, otherwise. Then it
builds up a hash list for all subwords of length loccurring in the conjugates of r1or r1
and finally it loops over all long relators r2and compares the hash values of their subwords
of length lagainst this list. A comparison of subwords which is much more expensive is only
done if a hash match has been found.
To improve the efficiency of this process we allow the subroutine to handle several short
relators simultaneously provided that they have the same minimal match length. If, for
example, it handles nshort relators simultaneously, then you save n1 loops over the
long relators r2, but you pay for it by additional fruitless subword comparisons. In general,
you will not get the best performance by always choosing the maximal possible number
of short relators to be handled simultaneously. In fact, the optimal choice of the number
will depend on the concrete presentation under investigation. You can use the parameter
P.searchSimultaneous to prescribe an upper bound for the number of short relators to
be handled simultaneously.
The default value of P.searchSimultaneous is 20.
TzSearchEqual( P)
TzSearchEqual performs Tietze transformations on a presentation P. It tries to alter relators
by substituting common subwords of relators by subwords of equal length.
The idea is to find pairs of relators r1and r2of length l1and l2, respectively, such that l1
is even, l1l2, and r1and r2coincide (possibly after inverting or conjugating one of them)
in some maximal subword w, say, of length at least l1/2. Let lbe the length of w. Then, if
l > l1/2, the pair is handled as in TzSearch. Otherwise, if l=l1/2, then TzSearchEqual
substitutes each copy of win r2by the inverse complement of win r1.
The Tietze option parameter P.searchSimultaneous is used by TzSearchEqual in the
same way as described for TzSearch.
However, TzSearchEqual does not use the parameter P.saveLimit: The loop over the
relators is executed exactly once.
TzFindCyclicJoins( P)
TzFindCyclicJoins performs Tietze transformations on a presentation P. It searches for
pairs of generators which generate the same cyclic subgroup and eliminates one of the two
generators of each such pair it finds.
More precisely: TzFindCyclicJoins searches for pairs of generators aand bsuch that
(possibly after inverting or conjugating some relators) the set of relators contains the com-
mutator [a, b], a power an, and a product of the form asbtwith sprime to n. For each such
pair, TzFindCyclicJoins uses the Euclidian algorithm to express aas a power of b, and
then it eliminates a.
TzSubstitute( P,word )
TzSubstitute( P,word,string )
There are two forms of the command TzSubstitute. This is the first one. It expects Pto
be a presentation and word to be either an abstract word or a Tietze word in the generators
of P. It substitutes the given word as a new generator of P. This is done as follows.
First, TzSubstitute creates a new abstract generator, gsay, and adds it to the presentation
P, then it adds a new relator g1·word to P. If a string string has been specified as third
argument, the new generator gwill be named by string, otherwise it will get a default name
xias described with the function AddGenerator (see 23.9).
More precisely: If, for instance, word is an abstract word, a call
TzSubstitute( P, word );
is more or less equivalent to
AddGenerator( P );
g := P.generators[Length( P.generators )];
AddRelator( P, g^-1 * word );
whereas a call
TzSubstitute( P, word, string );
is more or less equivalent to
g := AbstractGenerator( string );
AddGenerator( P, g );
AddRelator( P, g^-1 * word );
The essential difference is, that TzSubstitute, as a Tietze transformation of P, saves and
updates the lists of generator images and preimages if they are being traced under the Tietze
transformations applied to P(see the function TzInitGeneratorImages below), whereas
a call of the function AddGenerator (which does not perform Tietze transformations) will
delete these lists and hence terminate the tracing.
gap> G := PerfectGroup( 960, 1 );
gap> P := PresentationFpGroup( G );
<< presentation with 6 gens and 21 rels of total length 84 >>
gap> P.generators;
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 3 generators and 10 relators of total length 81
#I there are 3 generators and 10 relators of total length 80
gap> TzPrintGenerators( P );
#I 1. a 31 occurrences involution
#I 2. b 26 occurrences
#I 3. t 23 occurrences involution
gap> a := P.generators[1];;
gap> b := P.generators[2];;
gap> TzSubstitute( P, a*b, "ab" );
#I substituting new generator ab defined by a*b
#I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 83
gap> TzGo(P);
#I there are 3 generators and 10 relators of total length 74
gap> TzPrintGenerators( P );
#I 1. a 23 occurrences involution
#I 2. t 23 occurrences involution
#I 3. ab 28 occurrences
TzSubstitute( P)
TzSubstitute( P,n)
TzSubstitute( P,n,eliminate )
This is the second form of the command TzSubstitute. It performs Tietze transformations
on the presentation P. Basically, it substitutes a squarefree word of length 2 as a new
generator and then eliminates a generator from the extended generator list. We will describe
this process in more detail.
The parameters nand eliminate are optional. If you specify arguments for them, then nis
expected to be a positive integer, and eliminate is expected to be 0, 1, or 2. The default
values are n= 1 and eliminate = 0.
TzSubstitute first determines the nmost frequently occurring squarefree relator subwords
of length 2 and sorts them by decreasing numbers of occurrences. Let ab be the nth word
in that list, and let ibe the smallest positive integer which has not yet been used as a
generator number. Then TzSubstitute defines a new generator P.i(see AddGenerator for
details), adds it to the presentation together with a new relator P.i1ab, and replaces all
occurrences of ab in the given relators by P.i.
Finally, it eliminates some generator from the extended presentation. The choice of that
generator depends on the actual value of the eliminate parameter:
If eliminate is zero, then the generator to be eliminated is chosen as by the TzEliminate
command. This means that in this case it may well happen that it is the generator P.ijust
introduced which is now deleted again so that you do not get any remarkable progress in
transforming your presentation. On the other hand, this procedure guaranties that the total
length of the relators will not be increased by a call of TzSubstitute with eliminate = 0.
Otherwise, if eliminate is 1 or 2, then TzSubstitute eliminates the respective factor of the
substituted word ab, i.e., afor eliminate = 1 or bfor eliminate = 2. In this case, it may well
happen that the total length of the relators increases, but sometimes such an intermediate
extension is the only way to finally reduce a given presentation.
In order to decide which arguments might be appropriate for the next call of TzSubstitute,
often it is helpful to print out a list of the most frequently occurring squarefree relator
subwords of length 2. You may use the TzPrintPairs command described below to do this.
As an example we handle a subgroup of index 266 in the Janko group J1.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> J1 := F2 / [ F2.1^2, F2.2^3, (F2.1*F2.2)^7,
> Comm(F2.1,F2.2)^10, Comm(F2.1,F2.2^-1*(F2.1*F2.2)^2)^6 ];;
gap> a := J1.1;; b := J1.2;;
gap> H := Subgroup ( J1, [ a, b^(a*b*(a*b^-1)^2) ] );;
gap> P := PresentationSubgroup( J1, H );
<< presentation with 23 gens and 82 rels of total length 530 >>
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 3 generators and 47 relators of total length 1368
#I there are 2 generators and 46 relators of total length 3773
#I there are 2 generators and 46 relators of total length 2570
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 46 relators of total length 2568
gap> TzGoGo( P );
gap> # We do not get any more progress without substituting a new
gap> # generator
gap> TzSubstitute( P );
#I substituting new generator _x28 defined by _x6*_x23^-1
#I eliminating _x28 = _x6*_x23^-1
gap> # GAP cannot substitute a new generator without extending the
gap> # total length, so we have to explicitly ask for it
gap> TzPrintPairs( P );
#I 1. 504 occurrences of _x6 * _x23^-1
#I 2. 504 occurrences of _x6^-1 * _x23
#I 3. 448 occurrences of _x6 * _x23
#I 4. 448 occurrences of _x6^-1 * _x23^-1
gap> TzSubstitute( P, 2, 1 );
#I substituting new generator _x29 defined by _x6^-1*_x23
#I eliminating _x6 = _x23*_x29^-1
#I there are 2 generators and 46 relators of total length 2867
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 45 relators of total length 2417
#I there are 2 generators and 45 relators of total length 2122
gap> TzSubstitute( P, 1, 2 );
#I substituting new generator _x30 defined by _x23*_x29^-1
#I eliminating _x29 = _x30^-1*_x23
#I there are 2 generators and 45 relators of total length 2192
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 42 relators of total length 1637
#I there are 2 generators and 40 relators of total length 1286
#I there are 2 generators and 36 relators of total length 807
#I there are 2 generators and 32 relators of total length 625
#I there are 2 generators and 22 relators of total length 369
#I there are 2 generators and 18 relators of total length 213
#I there are 2 generators and 13 relators of total length 141
#I there are 2 generators and 12 relators of total length 121
#I there are 2 generators and 10 relators of total length 101
gap> TzPrintPairs( P );
#I 1. 19 occurrences of _x23 * _x30^-1
#I 2. 19 occurrences of _x23^-1 * _x30
#I 3. 14 occurrences of _x23 * _x30
#I 4. 14 occurrences of _x23^-1 * _x30^-1
gap> # If we save a copy of the current presentation, then later we
gap> # will be able to restart the computation from the current state
gap> P1 := Copy( P );;
gap> # Just for demonstration, let’s make an inconvenient choice
gap> TzSubstitute( P, 3, 1 );
#I substituting new generator _x31 defined by _x23*_x30
#I eliminating _x23 = _x31*_x30^-1
#I there are 2 generators and 10 relators of total length 122
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 9 relators of total length 105
gap> # The presentation is worse than the one we have saved, so let’s
gap> # restart from that one again
gap> P := Copy( P1 );
<< presentation with 2 gens and 10 rels of total length 101 >>
gap> TzSubstitute( P, 2, 1);
#I substituting new generator _x31 defined by _x23^-1*_x30
#I eliminating _x23 = _x30*_x31^-1
#I there are 2 generators and 10 relators of total length 107
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 9 relators of total length 84
#I there are 2 generators and 8 relators of total length 75
gap> TzSubstitute( P, 2, 1);
#I substituting new generator _x32 defined by _x30^-1*_x31
#I eliminating _x30 = _x31*_x32^-1
#I there are 2 generators and 8 relators of total length 71
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 7 relators of total length 56
#I there are 2 generators and 5 relators of total length 36
gap> TzPrintRelators( P );
#I 1. _x32^5
#I 2. _x31^5
#I 3. _x31^-1*_x32^-1*_x31^-1*_x32^-1*_x31^-1*_x32^-1
#I 4. _x31*_x32*_x31^-1*_x32*_x31^-1*_x32*_x31*_x32^-2
#I 5. _x31^-1*_x32^2*_x31*_x32^-1*_x31^2*_x32^-1*_x31*_x32^2
As shown in the preceding example, you can use the Copy command to save a copy of a
presentation record and to restart from it again if you want to try an alternative strategy.
However, this copy will be lost as soon as you finish your current GAP3 session. If you use
the Save command (see 23.8) instead, then you get a permanent copy on a file which you
can read in again in a later session.
TzSubstituteCyclicJoins( P)
TzSubstituteCyclicJoins performs Tietze transformations on a presentation P. It tries to
find pairs of generators aand b, say, for which among the relators (possibly after inverting
or conjugating some of them) there are the commutator [a, b] and powers amand bnwith
mutually prime exponents mand n. For each such pair, it substitutes the product ab as a
new generator, and then it eliminates the generators aand b.
TzInitGeneratorImages( P)
Any sequence of Tietze transformations applied to a presentation record P, starting from an
“old” presentation P1and ending up with a “new” presentation P2, defines an isomorphism,
ϕsay, between the groups defined by P1and P2, respectively. Sometimes it is desirable
to know the images of the old generators or the preimages of the new generators under
ϕ. The GAP3 Tietze transformations functions are able to trace these images. This is not
automatically done because the involved words may grow to tremendous length, but it will
be done if you explicitly request for it by calling the function TzInitGeneratorImages.
TzInitGeneratorImages initializes three components of P:
This is the list of the old generators. It is initialized by a copy of the current list of
generators, P.generators.
This will be the list of the images of the old generators as Tietze words in the new
generators. For each generator gi, the i-th entry of the list is initialized by the Tietze
word [i].
This will be the list of the preimages of the new generators as Tietze words in the
old generators. For each generator gi, the i-th entry of the list is initialized by the
Tietze word [i].
This means, that P1is defined to be the current presentation and ϕto be the identity on
P1. From now on, the existence of the component P.imagesOldGens will cause the Tietze
transformations functions to update the lists of images and preimages whenever they are
You can reinitialize the tracing of the generator images at any later state by just calling
the function TzInitGeneratorImages again. For, if the above components do already exist
when TzInitGeneratorImages is being called, they will first be deleted and then initialized
There are a few restrictions concerning the tracing of generator images:
In general, the functions AddGenerator,AddRelator, and RemoveRelator described in
section 23.9 do not perform Tietze transformations as they may change the isomorphism
type of the presentation. Therefore, if any of them is called for a presentation in which
generator images and preimages are being traced, it will delete these lists.
If the function DecodeTree is called for a presentation in which generator images and preim-
ages are being traced, it will not continue to trace them. Instead, it will delete the corre-
sponding lists, then decode the tree, and finally reinitialize the tracing for the resulting
As stated in the description of the function Save (see 23.8), the function Read cannot prop-
erly recover a component involving abstract generators different from the current generators
when it reads a presentation which has been written to a file by the function Save. There-
fore the function Save will ignore the component P.oldGenerators if you call it to write
the presentation Pto a file. Hence this component will be lost if you read the presentation
back from that file, and it will be left to your own responsibility to remember what the old
generators have been.
TzPrintGeneratorImages( P)
If Pis a presentation in which generator images and preimages are being traced through
all Tietze transformations applied to P,TzPrintGeneratorImages prints the preimages
of the current generators as Tietze words in the old generators and the images of the old
generators as Tietze words in the current generators.
gap> G := PerfectGroup( 960, 1 );
gap> P := PresentationFpGroup( G );
<< presentation with 6 gens and 21 rels of total length 84 >>
gap> TzInitGeneratorImages( P );
gap> TzGo( P );
#I there are 3 generators and 11 relators of total length 96
#I there are 3 generators and 10 relators of total length 81
gap> TzPrintGeneratorImages( P );
#I preimages of current generators as Tietze words in the old ones:
#I 1. [ 1 ]
#I 2. [ 2 ]
#I 3. [ 4 ]
#I images of old generators as Tietze words in the current ones:
#I 1. [ 1 ]
#I 2. [ 2 ]
#I 3. [ 1, -2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 1 ]
#I 4. [ 3 ]
#I 5. [ -2, 1, 3, 1, 2 ]
#I 6. [ 1, 3, 1 ]
gap> # Print the old generators as words in the new generators.
gap> gens := P.generators;
gap> oldgens := P.oldGenerators;
gap> for i in [ 1 .. Length( oldgens ) ] do
> Print( oldgens[i], " = ",
> AbstractWordTietzeWord( P.imagesOldGens[i], gens ), "\n" );
> od;
s = a*b^-1*a*t*a*b*a
u = b^-1*a*t*a*b
v = a*t*a
TzPrintLengths( P)
TzPrintLengths prints the list of the lengths of all relators of the given presentation P.
TzPrintPairs( P)
TzPrintPairs( P,n)
TzPrintPairs determines in the given presentation Pthe nmost frequently occurring
squarefree relator subwords of length 2 and prints them together with their numbers of
occurrences. The default value of nis 10. A value n= 0 is interpreted as infinity.
This list is a useful piece of information in the context of using the TzSubstitute command
described above.
TzPrintOptions( P)
Several of the Tietze transformation commands described above are controlled by certain
parameters, the Tietze options, which often have a tremendous influence on their perfor-
mance and results. However, in each application of the commands, an appropriate choice
of these option parameters will depend on the concrete presentation under investigation.
Therefore we have implemented the Tietze options in such a way that they are associated
to the presentation records: Each presentation record keeps its own set of Tietze option
parameters in the form of ordinary record components. In particular, you may alter the
value of any of these Tietze options by just assigning a new value to the respective record
TzPrintOptions prints the Tietze option components of the specified presentation P.
The Tietze options have the following meaning.
The first P.protected generators in a presentation Pare protected from being elim-
inated by the Tietze transformations functions. There are only two exceptions:
The option P.protected is ignored by the functions TzEliminate(P,gen)and
TzSubstitute(P,n,eliminate)because they explicitly specify the generator to be
eliminated. The default value of protected is 0.
Whenever the elimination phase of the TzGo command is entered for a presentation P,
then it will eliminate at most P.eliminationsLimit generators (except for further
ones which have turned out to be trivial). Hence you may use the eliminationsLimit
parameter as a break criterion for the TzGo command. Note, however, that it is
ignored by the TzEliminate command. The default value of eliminationsLimit is
Whenever the routine for eliminating more than 1 generators is called for a pre-
sentation Pby the TzEliminate command or the elimination phase of the TzGo
command, then it saves the given total length of the relators, and subsequently it
checks the current total length against its value before each elimination. If the total
length has increased to more than P.expandLimit per cent of its original value, then
the routine returns instead of eliminating another generator. Hence you may use the
expandLimit parameter as a break criterion for the TzGo command. The default
value of expandLimit is 150.
Whenever the elimination phase of the TzGo command is entered for a presentation
Pwith ngenerators, then it will eliminate at most nP.generatorsLimit gener-
ators (except for generators which turn out to be trivial). Hence you may use the
generatorsLimit parameter as a break criterion for the TzGo command. The default
value of generatorsLimit is 0.
The Tietze transformation commands will never eliminate a generator of a presenta-
tion P, if they cannot exclude the possibility that the resulting total length of the
relators exceeds the value of P.lengthLimit. The default value of lengthLimit is
Whenever the TzGo command is called for a presentation P, then it will loop over at
most P.loopLimit of its basic steps. Hence you may use the loopLimit parameter as
a break criterion for the TzGo command. The default value of loopLimit is infinity.
Whenever Tietze transformation commands are called for a presentation Pwith
P.printLevel = 0, they will not provide any output except for error messages. If
P.printLevel = 1, they will display some reasonable amount of output which allows
you to watch the progress of the computation and to decide about your next com-
mands. In the case P.printLevel = 2, you will get a much more generous amount
of output. Finally, if P.printLevel = 3, various messages on internal details will be
added. The default value of printLevel is 1.
Whenever the TzSearch command has finished its main loop over all relators of a
presentation P, then it checks whether during this loop the total length of the relators
has been reduced by at least P.saveLimit per cent. If this is the case, then TzSearch
repeats its procedure instead of returning. Hence you may use the saveLimit pa-
rameter as a break criterion for the TzSearch command and, in particular, for the
search phase of the TzGo command. The default value of saveLimit is 10.
Whenever the TzSearch or the TzSearchEqual command is called for a presentation
P, then it is allowed to handle up to P.searchSimultaneously short relators simul-
taneously (see for the description of the TzSearch command for more details). The
choice of this parameter may heavily influence the performance as well as the result of
the TzSearch and the TzSearchEqual commands and hence also of the search phase
of the TzGo command. The default value of searchSimultaneous is 20.
As soon as a presentation record has been defined, you may alter any of its Tietze option
parameters at any time by just assigning a new value to the respective component.
To demonstrate the effect of the eliminationsLimit parameter, we will give an example in
which we handle a subgroup of index 240 in a group of order 40320 given by a presentation
due to B. H. Neumann. First we construct a presentation of the subgroup, and then we
apply to it the TzGoGo command for different values of the eliminationsLimit parameter
(including the default value 100). In fact, we also alter the printLevel parameter, but this
is only done in order to suppress most of the output. In all cases the resulting presentations
cannot be improved any more by applying the TzGoGo command again, i.e., they are the
best results which we can get without substituting new generators.
gap> F3 := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c" );;
gap> G := F3 / [ F3.1^3, F3.2^3, F3.3^3, (F3.1*F3.2)^5,
> (F3.1^-1*F3.2)^5, (F3.1*F3.3)^4, (F3.1*F3.3^-1)^4,
> F3.1*F3.2^-1*F3.1*F3.2*F3.3^-1*F3.1*F3.3*F3.1*F3.3^-1,
> (F3.2*F3.3)^3, (F3.2^-1*F3.3)^4 ];;
gap> a := G.1;; b := G.2;; c := G.3;;
gap> H := Subgroup( G, [ a, c ] );;
gap> P := PresentationSubgroup( G, H );
<< presentation with 224 gens and 593 rels of total length 2769 >>
gap> for i in [ 28, 29, 30, 94, 100 ] do
> Pi := Copy( P );
> Pi.eliminationsLimit := i;
> Print( "#I eliminationsLimit set to ", i, "\n" );
> Pi.printLevel := 0;
> TzGoGo( Pi );
> TzPrintStatus( Pi );
> od;
#I eliminationsLimit set to 28
#I there are 2 generators and 95 relators of total length 10817
#I eliminationsLimit set to 29
#I there are 2 generators and 5 relators of total length 35
#I eliminationsLimit set to 30
#I there are 3 generators and 98 relators of total length 2928
#I eliminationsLimit set to 94
#I there are 4 generators and 78 relators of total length 1667
#I eliminationsLimit set to 100
#I there are 3 generators and 90 relators of total length 3289
Similarly, we demonstrate the influence of the saveLimit parameter by just continuing
the preceding example for some different values of the saveLimit parameter (including its
default value 10), but without changing the eliminationsLimit parameter which keeps its
default value 100.
gap> for i in [ 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 ] do
> Pi := Copy( P );
> Pi.saveLimit := i;
> Print( "#I saveLimit set to ", i, "\n" );
> Pi.printLevel := 0;
> TzGoGo( Pi );
23.14. DECODETREE 515
> TzPrintStatus( Pi );
> od;
#I saveLimit set to 9
#I there are 3 generators and 97 relators of total length 5545
#I saveLimit set to 10
#I there are 3 generators and 90 relators of total length 3289
#I saveLimit set to 11
#I there are 3 generators and 103 relators of total length 3936
#I saveLimit set to 12
#I there are 2 generators and 4 relators of total length 21
#I saveLimit set to 15
#I there are 3 generators and 143 relators of total length 18326
23.14 DecodeTree
DecodeTree( P)
DecodeTree eliminates the secondary generators from a presentation Pconstructed by
the Modified Todd-Coxeter (see PresentationSubgroupMtc) or the Reduced Reidemeister-
Schreier procedure (see PresentationSubgroupRrs,PresentationNormalClosureRrs). It
is called automatically by the PresentationSubgroupMtc command where it reduces Pto
a presentation on the given subgroup generators.
In order to explain the effect of this command we need to insert a few remarks on the
subgroup presentation commands described in section 23.11. All these commands have the
common property that in the process of constructing a presentation for a given subgroup
Hof a finitely presented group Gthey first build up a highly redundant list of generators
of Hwhich consists of an (in general small) list of “primary” generators, followed by an
(in general large) list of “secondary” generators, and then construct a presentation P0, say,
on a sublist of these generators by rewriting the defining relators of G. This sublist
contains all primary, but, at least in general, by far not all secondary generators.
The role of the primary generators depends on the concrete choice of the subgroup pre-
sentation command. If the Modified Todd-Coxeter method is used, they are just the given
generators of H, whereas in the case of the Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm they
are constructed by the program.
Each of the secondary generators is defined by a word of length two in the preceding gen-
erators and their inverses. By historical reasons, the list of these definitions is called the
subgroup generators tree though in fact it is not a tree but rather a kind of bush.
Now we have to distinguish two cases. If P0has been constructed by the Reduced Reide-
meister-Schreier routines, it is a presentation of H. However, if the Modified Todd-Coxeter
routines have been used instead, then the relators in P0are valid relators of H, but they do
not necessarily define H. We handle these cases in turn, starting with the latter one.
Also in the case of the Modified Todd-Coxeter method, we could easily extend P0to a
presentation of Hby adding to it all the secondary generators which are not yet contained
in it and all the definitions from the generators tree as additional generators and relators.
Then we could recursively eliminate all secondary generators by Tietze transformations
using the new relators. However, this procedure turns out to be too inefficient to be of
Instead, we use the so called tree decoding procedure which has been developed in St. An-
drews by David G. Arrell, Sanjiv Manrai, Edmund F. Robertson, and Michael F. Worboys
(see [AMW82], [AR84]). It proceeds as follows.
Starting from P=P0, it runs through a number of steps in each of which it eliminates the
current “last” generator (with respect to the list of all primary and secondary generators).
If the last generator g, say, is a primary generator, then the procedure finishes. Otherwise it
checks whether there is a relator in the current presentation which can be used to substitute g
by a Tietze transformation. If so, this is done. Otherwise, and only then, the tree definition
of gis added to Pas a new relator, and the generators involved are added as new generators
if they have not yet been contained in P. Subsequently, gis eliminated.
Note that the extension of Pby one or two new generators is not a Tietze transformation.
In general, it will change the isomorphism type of the group defined by P. However, it
is a remarkable property of this procedure, that at the end, i.e., as soon as all secondary
generators have been eliminated, it provides a presentation P=P1, say, which defines a
group isomorphic to H. In fact, it is this presentation which is returned by the DecodeTree
command and hence by the PresentationSubgroupMtc command.
If, in the other case, the presentation P0has been constructed by the Reduced Reidemeister-
Schreier algorithm, then P0itself is a presentation of H, and the corresponding subgroup
presentation command (PresentationSubgroupRrs or PresentationNormalClosureRrs)
just returns P0.
As mentioned in section 23.11, we recommend further simplifying this presentation before
using it. The standard way to do this is to start from P0and to apply suitable Tietze
transformations, e.g., by calling the TzGo or TzGoGo commands. This is probably the most
efficient approach, but you will end up with a presentation on some unpredictable set of
generators. As an alternative, GAP3 offers you the DecodeTree command which you can use
to eliminate all secondary generators (provided that there are no space or time problems).
For this purpose, the subgroup presentation commands do not only return the resulting
presentation, but also the tree (together with some associated lists) as a kind of side result
in a component P.tree of the resulting presentation record P.
Note, however, that the tree decoding routines will not work correctly any more on a pre-
sentation from which generators have already been eliminated by Tietze transformations.
Therefore, to prevent you from getting wrong results by calling the DecodeTree command
in such a situation, GAP3 will automatically remove the subgroup generators tree from a
presentation record as soon as one of the generators is substituted by a Tietze transforma-
Nevertheless, a certain misuse of the command is still possible, and we want to explicitly
warn you from this. The reason is that the Tietze option parameters described in section
23.13 apply to the DecodeTree command as well. Hence, in case of inadequate values of
these parameters, it may happen that the DecodeTree routine stops before all the secondary
generators have vanished. In this case GAP3 will display an appropriate warning. Then you
should change the respective parameters and continue the process by calling the DecodeTree
command again. Otherwise, if you would apply Tietze transformations, it might happen
because of the convention described above that the tree is removed and that you end up
with a wrong presentation.
After a successful run of the DecodeTree command it is convenient to further simplify the
resulting presentation by suitable Tietze transformations.
23.14. DECODETREE 517
As an example of an explicit call of the DecodeTree command we compute two presenta-
tions of a subgroup of order 384 in a group of order 6912. In both cases we use the Reduced
Reidemeister-Schreier algorithm, but in the first run we just apply the Tietze transforma-
tions offered by the TzGoGo command with its default parameters, whereas in the second
run we call the DecodeTree command before.
gap> F2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> G := F2 / [ F2.1*F2.2^2*F2.1^-1*F2.2^-1*F2.1^3*F2.2^-1,
> F2.2*F2.1^2*F2.2^-1*F2.1^-1*F2.2^3*F2.1^-1 ];;
gap> a := G.1;; b := G.2;;
gap> H := Subgroup( G, [ Comm(a^-1,b^-1), Comm(a^-1,b), Comm(a,b) ] );;
gap> #
gap> # We use the Reduced Reidemeister Schreier method and default
gap> # Tietze transformations to get a presentation for H.
gap> P := PresentationSubgroupRrs( G, H );
<< presentation with 18 gens and 35 rels of total length 169 >>
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 3 generators and 20 relators of total length 488
#I there are 3 generators and 20 relators of total length 466
gap> # We end up with 20 relators of total length 466.
gap> #
gap> # Now we repeat the procedure, but we call the tree decoding
gap> # algorithm before doing the Tietze transformations.
gap> P := PresentationSubgroupRrs( G, H );
<< presentation with 18 gens and 35 rels of total length 169 >>
gap> DecodeTree( P );
#I there are 9 generators and 26 relators of total length 185
#I there are 6 generators and 23 relators of total length 213
#I there are 3 generators and 20 relators of total length 252
#I there are 3 generators and 20 relators of total length 244
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 3 generators and 19 relators of total length 168
#I there are 3 generators and 17 relators of total length 138
#I there are 3 generators and 15 relators of total length 114
#I there are 3 generators and 13 relators of total length 96
#I there are 3 generators and 12 relators of total length 84
gap> # This time we end up with a shorter presentation.
As an example of an implicit call of the command via the PresentationSubgroupMtc com-
mand we handle a subgroup of index 240 in a group of order 40320 given by a presentation
due to B. H. Neumann.
gap> F3 := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c" );;
gap> a := F3.1;; b := F3.2;; c := F3.3;;
gap> G := F3 / [ a^3, b^3, c^3, (a*b)^5, (a^-1*b)^5, (a*c)^4,
> (a*c^-1)^4, a*b^-1*a*b*c^-1*a*c*a*c^-1, (b*c)^3, (b^-1*c)^4 ];;
gap> a := G.1;; b := G.2;; c := G.3;;
gap> H := Subgroup( G, [ a, c ] );;
gap> InfoFpGroup1 := Print;;
gap> P := PresentationSubgroupMtc( G, H );;
#I index = 240 total = 4737 max = 4507
#I MTC defined 2 primary and 4446 secondary subgroup generators
#I there are 246 generators and 617 relators of total length 2893
#I calling DecodeTree
#I there are 115 generators and 382 relators of total length 1837
#I there are 69 generators and 298 relators of total length 1785
#I there are 44 generators and 238 relators of total length 1767
#I there are 35 generators and 201 relators of total length 2030
#I there are 26 generators and 177 relators of total length 2084
#I there are 23 generators and 167 relators of total length 2665
#I there are 20 generators and 158 relators of total length 2848
#I there are 20 generators and 148 relators of total length 3609
#I there are 21 generators and 148 relators of total length 5170
#I there are 24 generators and 148 relators of total length 7545
#I there are 27 generators and 146 relators of total length 11477
#I there are 32 generators and 146 relators of total length 18567
#I there are 36 generators and 146 relators of total length 25440
#I there are 39 generators and 146 relators of total length 38070
#I there are 43 generators and 146 relators of total length 54000
#I there are 41 generators and 143 relators of total length 64970
#I there are 8 generators and 129 relators of total length 20031
#I there are 7 generators and 125 relators of total length 27614
#I there are 4 generators and 113 relators of total length 36647
#I there are 3 generators and 108 relators of total length 44128
#I there are 2 generators and 103 relators of total length 35394
#I there are 2 generators and 102 relators of total length 34380
gap> TzGoGo( P );
#I there are 2 generators and 101 relators of total length 19076
#I there are 2 generators and 84 relators of total length 6552
#I there are 2 generators and 38 relators of total length 1344
#I there are 2 generators and 9 relators of total length 94
#I there are 2 generators and 8 relators of total length 86
gap> TzPrintGenerators( P );
#I 1. _x1 43 occurrences
#I 2. _x2 43 occurrences
Chapter 24
Words in Finite Polycyclic
Ag words are the GAP3 datatype for elements of finite polycyclic groups. Unlike permuta-
tions, which are all considered to be elements of one large symmetric group, each ag word
belongs to a specified group. Only ag words of the same finite polycyclic group can be
The following sections describe ag words and their parent groups (see 24.1), how ag words
are compared (see 24.2), functions for ag words and some low level functions for ag words
(starting at 24.3 and 24.9).
For operations and functions defined for group elements in general see 7.2, 7.3.
24.1 More about Ag Words
Let Gbe a group and G=G0> G1> ... > Gn= 1 be a subnormal series of G6= 1
with finite cyclic factors, i.e., GiCGi1for all i= 1, ..., n and Gi1=hGi, gii. Then G
will be called an ag group with AG generating sequence or, for short, AG system
(g1, ..., gn). Let oibe the order of Gi1/Gi. If all o1, ..., onare primes the system (g1, ..., gn)
is called a PAG system . With respect to a given AG system the group Ghas a so called
power-commutator presentation
gioi=wii(gi+1, ..., gn) for 1 in,
[gi, gj] = wij (gj+1, ..., gn) for 1 j < i n
and a so called power-conjugate presentation
gioi=wii(gi+1, ..., gn) for 1 in,
ij (gj+1, ..., gn) for 1 j < i n.
For both kinds of presentations we shall use the term AG presentation. Each element g
of Gcan be expressed uniquely in the form
1... gνn
nfor 0 νi< oi.
We call the composition series G0> G1> ... > Gnthe AG series of Gand define
νi(g) := νi. If νi= 0 for i= 1, ..., k 1 and νk6= 0, we call νkthe leading exponent and
kthe depth of gand denote them by νk=: λ(g) and k=: δ(g). We call okthe relative
order of g.
Each element gof Gis called ag word and we say that Gis the parent group of g. A parent
group is constructed in GAP3 using AgGroup (see 25.25) or AgGroupFpGroup (see 25.27).
Our standard example in the following sections is the symmetric group of degree 4, defined
by the following sequence of GAP3 statements. You should enter them before running any
example. For details on AbstractGenerators see 22.1.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );; # (1,2)
gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );; # (1,2,3)
gap> c := AbstractGenerator( "c" );; # (1,3)(2,4)
gap> d := AbstractGenerator( "d" );; # (1,2)(3,4)
gap> s4 := AgGroupFpGroup( rec(
> generators := [ a, b, c, d ],
> relators := [ a^2, b^3, c^2, d^2, Comm( b, a ) / b,
> Comm( c, a ) / d, Comm( d, a ),
> Comm( c, b ) / ( c*d ), Comm( d, b ) / c,
> Comm( d, c ) ] ) );
Group( a, b, c, d )
gap> := "s4";;
gap> a := s4.generators[1];; b := s4.generators[2];;
gap> c := s4.generators[3];; d := s4.generators[4];;
24.2 Ag Word Comparisons
g<= h
g>= h
The operators <,>,<= and >= return true if gis strictly less, strictly greater, not greater,
not less, respectively, than h. Otherwise they return false.
If gand hhave a common parent group they are compared with respect to the AG series
of this group. If two ag words have different depths, the one with the higher depth is less
than the other one. If two ag words have the same depth but different leading exponents,
the one with the smaller leading exponent is less than the other one. Otherwise the leading
generator is removed in both ag words and the remaining ag words are compared.
If gand hdo not have a common parent group, then the composition lengths of the parent
groups are compared.
You can compare ag words with objects of other types. Field elements, unkowns, permuta-
tions and abstract words are smaller than ag words. Objects of other types, i.e., functions,
lists and records are larger.
gap> 123/47 < a;
gap> (1,2,3,4) < a;
gap> [1,2,3,4] < a;
gap> true < a;
gap> rec() < a;
gap> c < a;
gap> a*b < a*b^2;
24.3 CentralWeight
CentralWeight( g)
CentralWeight returns the central weight of an ag word g, with respect to the central series
used in the combinatorial collector, as integer.
This presumes that gbelongs to a parent group for which the combinatorial collector is
used. See 25.33 for details.
If gis the identity, 0 is returned.
Note that CentralWeight allows records that mimic ag words as arguments.
gap> d8 := AgGroup( Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] ) );
Group( g1, g2, g3 )
gap> ChangeCollector( d8, "combinatorial" );
gap> List( d8.generators, CentralWeight );
24.4 CompositionLength
CompositionLength( g)
Let Gbe the parent group of the ag word g. Then CompositionLength returns the length
of the AG series of Gas integer.
Note that CompositionLength allows records that mimic ag words as arguments.
gap> CompositionLength( c );
24.5 Depth
Depth( g)
Depth returns the depth of an ag word gwith respect to the AG series of its parent group
as integer.
Let Gbe the parent group of gand G=G0> ... > Gn={1}the AG series of G. Let δbe
the maximal positive integer such that gis an element of Gδ1. Then δis the depth of g.
Note that Depth allows record that mimic ag words as arguments.
gap> Depth( a );
gap> Depth( d );
gap> Depth( a^0 );
24.6 IsAgWord
IsAgWord( obj )
IsAgWord returns true if obj , which can be an arbitrary object, is an ag word and false
gap> IsAgWord( 5 );
gap> IsAgWord( a );
24.7 LeadingExponent
LeadingExponent( g)
LeadingExponent returns the leading exponent of an ag word gas integer.
Let Gbe the parent group of gand (g1, ..., gn) the AG system of Gand let oibe the relative
order of gi. Then the element gcan be expressed uniquely in the form gν1
1... gνn
integers νisuch that 0 νi< oi. The leading exponent of gis the first nonzero νi.
If gis the identity 0 is returned.
Although ExponentAgWord( g, Depth( g) ) returns the leading exponent of g, too, this
function is faster and is able to handle the identity.
Note that LeadingExponent allows records that mimic ag words as arguments.
gap> LeadingExponent( a * b^2 * c^2 * d );
gap> LeadingExponent( b^2 * c^2 * d );
24.8 RelativeOrder
RelativeOrder( g)
RelativeOrder returns the relative order of an ag word gas integer.
Let Gbe the parent group of gand G=G0> ... > Gn={1}the AG series of G. Let δbe
the maximal positive integer such that gis an element of Gδ1. The relative order of g
is the index of Gδ+1 in Gδ, that is the order of the factor group Gδ/Gδ+1.
If gis the identity 1 is returned.
Note that RelativeOrder allows records that mimic agwords as arguments.
gap> RelativeOrder( a );
gap> RelativeOrder( b );
gap> RelativeOrder( b^2 * c * d );
24.9 CanonicalAgWord
CanonicalAgWord( U,g)
Let Ube an ag group with parent group G, let gbe an element of G. Let (u1, ..., um) be
an induced generating system of Uand (g1, ..., gn) be a canonical generating system of G.
Then CanonicalAgWord returns a word x=gu=ge1
i1... gek
iksuch that uUand no
ijis equal to the depth of any generator ul.
gap> v4 := MergedCgs( s4, [ a*b^2, c*d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b^2, c*d ] )
gap> CanonicalAgWord( v4, a*c );
gap> CanonicalAgWord( v4, a*b*c*d );
gap> (a*b*c*d) * (a*b^2);
gap> last * (c*d);
24.10 DifferenceAgWord
DifferenceAgWord( u,v)
DifferenceAgWord returns an ag word srepresenting the difference of the exponent vectors
of uand v.
Let Gbe the parent group of uand v. Let (g1, ..., gn) be the AG system of Gand oibe
the relative order or gi. Then ucan be expressed uniquely as gu1
1... gun
nfor integers ui
between 0 and oi1 and vcan be expressed uniquely as gv1
nfor integers vibetween
0 and oi1. The function DifferenceAgWord returns an ag word s=gs1
1... gsn
integer sisuch that 0 si< oiand siuivimod oi.
gap> DifferenceAgWord( a * b, a );
gap> DifferenceAgWord( a, b );
gap> z27 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 27 );
Group( c27_1, c27_2, c27_3 )
gap> x := z27.1 * z27.2;
gap> x * x;
gap> DifferenceAgWord( x, x );
24.11 ReducedAgWord
ReducedAgWord( b,x)
Let band xbe ag words of the same depth, then ReducedAgWord returns an ag word asuch
that ais an element of the coset Ub, where Uis the cyclic group generated by x, and ahas
a higher depth than band x.
Note that the relative order of band xmust be a prime.
Let pbe the relative order of band x. Let βand ξbe the leading exponent of band
xrespectively. Then there exits an integer isuch that ξi=βmodulo p. We can set
Typically this function is used when band xoccur in a generating set of a subgroup W.
Then b can be replaced by ain the generating set of W, but aand xhave different depth.
gap> ReducedAgWord( a*b^2*c, a );
gap> ReducedAgWord( last, b );
24.12 SiftedAgWord
SiftedAgWord( U,g)
SiftedAgWord tries to sift an ag word g, which must be an element of the parent group
of an ag group U, through an induced generating system of U.SiftedAgWord returns the
remainder of this shifting process.
The identity is returned if and only if gis an element of U.
Let u1, ..., umbe an induced generating system of U. If there exists an uisuch that uiand
ghave the same depth, then gis reduced with uiusing ReducedAgWord (see 24.11). The
process is repeated until no uican be found or the gis reduced to the identity.
SiftedAgWord allows factor group arguments. See 25.57 for details.
Note that SiftedAgGroup adds a record component U.shiftInfo to the ag group record
of U. This entry is used by subsequent calls with the same ag group in order to speed up
computation. If you ever change the component U.igs by hand, not using Normalize,
you must unbind U.shiftInfo, otherwise all following results of SiftedAgWord will be
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] )
gap> SiftedAgWord( s3, a * b^2 * c );
24.13 SumAgWord
SumAgWord( u,v)
SumAgWord returns an ag word srepresenting the sum of the exponent vectors of uand v.
Let Gbe the parent group of uand v. Let (g1, ..., gn) be the AG system of Gand oibe
the relative order or gi. Then ucan be expressed uniquely as gu1
1... gun
nfor integers ui
between 0 and oi1 and vcan be expressed uniquely as gv1
nfor integers vibetween
0 and oi1. Then SumAgWord returns an ag word s=gs1
1... gsn
nwith integer sisuch
that 0 si< oiand siui+vimod oi.
gap> SumAgWord( b, a );
gap> SumAgWord( a*b, a );
gap> RelativeOrderAgWord( a );
gap> z27 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 27 );
Group( c27_1, c27_2, c27_3 )
gap> x := z27.1 * z27.2;
gap> y := x ^ 2;
gap> x * y;
gap> SumAgWord( x, y );
24.14 ExponentAgWord
ExponentAgWord( g,k)
ExponentAgWord returns the exponent of the generator in an ag word gas integer,
where krefers to the numbering of generators of the parent group of g.
Let Gbe the parent group of gand (g1, ..., gn) the AG system of Gand let oibe the relative
order of gi. Then the element gcan be expressed uniquely in the form gν1
1... gνn
integers νibetween 0 and oi1. The exponent of the generator is νk.
See also 24.15 and 25.73.
gap> ExponentAgWord( a * b^2 * c^2 * d, 2 );
gap> ExponentAgWord( a * b^2 * c^2 * d, 4 );
gap> ExponentAgWord( a * b^2 * c^2 * d, 3 );
gap> a * b^2 * c^2 * d;
24.15 ExponentsAgWord
ExponentsAgWord( g)
ExponentsAgWord( g,s,e)
ExponentsAgWord( g,s,e,root )
In its first form ExponentsAgWord returns the exponent vector of an ag word g, with re-
spect to the AG system of the supergroup of g, as list of integers. In the second form
ExponentsAgWord returns the sublist of the exponent vector of gstarting at position sand
ending at position eas list of integers. In the third form the vector is returned as list of
finite field elements over the same finite field as root.
Let Gbe the parent group of gand (g1, ..., gn) the AG system of Gand let oibe the relative
order of gi. Then the element gcan be expressed uniquely in the form gν1
1... gνn
integers νibetween 0 and oi1. The exponent vector of gis the list [ν1, ..., νn].
Note that you must use Exponents if you want to get the exponent list of gwith respect not
to the parent group of gbut to a given subgroup, which contains g. See 25.73 for details.
gap> ExponentsAgWord( a * b^2 * c^2 * d );
gap> a * b^2 * c^2 * d;
Chapter 25
Finite Polycyclic Groups
Ag groups (see 24) are a subcategory of finitely generated groups (see 7).
The following sections describe how subgroups of ag groups are represented (see 25.1),
additional operators and record components of ag groups (see 25.3 and 25.4) and functions
which work only with ag groups (see 25.24 and 25.61). Some additional information about
generating systems of subgroups and factor groups are given in 25.48 and 25.57.
25.85 describes how to compute the groups of one coboundaries and one cocycles for given
ag groups. 25.88 gives informations how to obtain complements and conjugacy classes of
complements for given ag groups.
25.1 More about Ag Groups
Let Gbe a finite polycyclic group with PAG system (g1, ..., gn) as described in 24. Let Ube
a subgroup of G. A generating system (u1, ..., ur) of Uis called the canonical generating
system, CGS for short, of Uwith respect to (g1, ..., gn) if and only if
(i) (u1, ..., ur) is a PAG system for U,
(ii) δ(ui)> δ(uj) for i>j,
(iii) λ(ui) = 1 for i= 1, ..., r,
(iv) νδ(ui)(uj) = 0 for i6=j.
If a generating system (u1, ..., ur) fulfills only conditions (i) and (ii) this system is called an
induced generating system, IGS for short, of U. With respect to the PAG system of G
a CGS but not an IGS of Uis unique.
If a power-commutator or power-conjugate presentation of Gis known, a finite polycyclic
group with collector can be initialized in GAP3 using AgGroupFpGroup (see 25.27). AgGroup
(see 25.25) converts other types of finite solvable groups, for instance solvable permutation
groups, into an ag group. The collector can be changed by ChangeCollector (see 25.33).
The elements of these group are called ag words.
A canonical generating system of a subgroup Uof Gis returned by Cgs (see 25.50) if a
generating set of ag words for Uis known. See 25.48 for details.
We call Gaparent, that is a ag group with collector and Uasubgroup, that is a group
which is obtained as subgroup of a parent group. An ag group is either a parent group
with PAG system or a subgroup of such a parent group.
Although parent groups need only an AG system, only AgGroupFpGroup (see 25.27) and
RefinedAgSeries (see 25.32) work correctly with a parent group represented by an AG
system which is not a PAG system, because subgroups are identified by canonical generating
systems with respect to the PAG system of the parent group. Inconsistent power-conjugate
or power-commutator presentations are not allowed (see 25.28). Some functions support
factor group arguments. See 25.57 and 25.60 for details.
Our standard example in the following sections is the symmetric group of degree 4, defined
by the following sequence of GAP3 statements. You should enter them before running any
example. For details on AbstractGenerators see 22.1.
gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );; # (1,2)
gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );; # (1,2,3)
gap> c := AbstractGenerator( "c" );; # (1,3)(2,4)
gap> d := AbstractGenerator( "d" );; # (1,2)(3,4)
gap> s4 := AgGroupFpGroup( rec(
> generators := [ a, b, c, d ],
> relators := [ a^2, b^3, c^2, d^2, Comm( b, a ) / b,
> Comm( c, a ) / d, Comm( d, a ),
> Comm( c, b ) / ( c*d ), Comm( d, b ) / c,
> Comm( d, c ) ] ) );;
gap> := "s4";;
gap> a := s4.generators[1];; b := s4.generators[2];;
gap> c := s4.generators[3];; d := s4.generators[4];;
25.2 Construction of Ag Groups
The most fundamental way to construct a new finite polycyclic group is AgGroupFpGroup
(see 25.27) together with RefinedAgSeries (see 25.32), if a presentation for an AG system
of a finite polycyclic group is known.
But usually new finite polycyclic groups are constructed from already existing finite poly-
cyclic groups. The direct product of known ag groups can be formed by DirectProduct
(see 7.99); also, if for instance a permutation representation Pof a finite polycyclic group
Gis known, WreathProduct (see 7.104) returns the P-wreath product of Gwith a second
ag group. If a homomorphism of a finite polycyclic group Ginto the automorphism group
of another finite polycyclic group His known, SemidirectProduct returns the semi direct
product of Gwith H.
Fundamental finite polycyclic groups, such as elementary abelian, arbitrary finite abelian
groups, and cyclic groups, are constructed by the appropriate functions (see 38.1).
25.3 Ag Group Operations
In addition to the operators described in 7.117 the following operator can be used for ag
Gmod H
mod returns a record representing an factor group argument, which can be used as argument
for some functions (see 25.73). See 25.57 and 25.60 for details.
25.4 Ag Group Records
In addition to the record components described in 7.118 the following components may be
present in the group record of an ag group G.
is always true.
is true if Ghas a consistent presentation (see 25.28).
contains a composition series of G(see 7.38).
contains a canonical generating system for G. If Gis a parent group, it is always
present. See 25.48 for details.
contains an induced generating system for G. See 25.48 for details.
see 7.39.
contains a Sylow system (see 25.67).
25.5 Set Functions for Ag Groups
As already mentioned in the introduction of the chapter, ag groups are domains. Thus all
set theoretic functions, for example Intersection and Size, can be applied to ag groups.
This and the following sections give further comments on the definition and implementations
of those functions for ag groups. All set theoretic functions not mentioned here not treated
special for ag groups.
Elements( G)
The elements of a group Gare constructed using a canonical generating system. See 25.6.
gin G
Membership is tested using SiftedAgWord (see 24.12), if glies in the parent group of G.
Otherwise false is returned.
IsSubset( G,H)
If Gand Hare groups then IsSubset tests if the generators of Hare elements of G.
Otherwise DomainOps.IsSubset is used.
Intersection( G,H)
The intersection of ag groups Gand His computed using Glasby’s algorithm. See 25.7.
Size( G)
The size of Gis computed using a canonical generating system of G. See 25.8.
25.6 Elements for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Elements( G)
Let Gbe an ag group with canonical generating system (g1, ..., gn) where the relative order
of giis oi. Then {ge1
n; 0 ei< oi}is the set of elements of G.
25.7 Intersection for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Intersection( U,V)
If either Vor Uis not an ag group then GroupOps.Intersection is used in order to
compute the intersection of Uand V. If Uand Vhave different parent groups then the
empty list is returned.
Let Uand Vbe two ag group with common parent group G. If one subgroup if known
to be normal in Gthe NormalIntersection (see 7.26) is used in order to compute the
If the size of Uor Vis smaller than GS SIZE then the intersection is computed using
GroupOps.Intersection. By default GS SIZE is 20.
If an elementary abelian ag series of Gis known, Glasby’s generalized covering algorithm is
used (see [GS90]). Otherwise a warning is given and GroupOps.Intersection is used, but
this may be too slow.
gap> d8_1 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> d8_2 := Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ] )
gap> Intersection( d8_1, d8_2 );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> Intersection( d8_1^b, d8_2^b );
Subgroup( s4, [ c*d, d ] )
25.8 Size for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Size( G)
Let Gbe an ag group with induced generating system (g1, ..., gn) where the relative order
of giis oi. Then the size of Gis o1... on.
AgGroupOps.Size allows a factor argument (see 25.60) for G. It uses Index (see 7.51) in
such a case.
25.9 Group Functions for Ag Groups
As ag groups are groups, all group functions, for example IsAbelian and Normalizer, can
be applied to ag groups. This and the following sections give further comments on the
definition and implementations of those functions for ag groups. All group functions not
mentioned here are not treated in a special way.
Group( U)
See 25.11.
CompositionSeries( G)
Let (g1, ..., gn) be an induced generating system of Gwith respect to the parent group of
G. Then for i∈ {1, ..., n}the composition subgroup Siof the AG system is generated
by (gi, ..., gn). The n+ composition subgroup Sn+1 is the trivial subgroup of G. The
AG series of Gis the series {S1, ..., Sn+1}.
Centralizer( U)
The centralizer of an ag group Uin its parent group is computed using linear methods while
stepping down an elementary abelian series of its parent group.
Centralizer( U,H)
This function call computes the centralizer of Hin Uusing linear methods. Hand Umust
have a common parent.
Centralizer( U,g)
The centralizer of a single element gin an ag group Umay be computed whenever glies in
the parent group of U. In that case the same algorithm as for the centralizer of subgroups
is used.
ConjugateSubgroup( U,g)
If gis an element of Uthen Uis returned. Otherwise the remainder of the shifting
of gthrough Uis used to conjugate an induced generating system of U. In that case
the information bound to U.isNilpotent,U.isAbelian,U.isElementaryAbelian and
U.isCyclic, if known, is copied to the conjugate subgroup.
Core( S,U)
AgGroupOps.Core computes successively the core of Ustepping up a composition series of
S. See [Thi87].
CommutatorSubgroup( G,H)
See 25.12 for details.
ElementaryAbelianSeries( G)
AgGroupOps.ElementaryAbelianSeries returns a series of normal subgroups of Gwith
elementary abelian factors.
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( s4 );
[ s4, Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ a*b^2, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b^2, c, d ] )
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( d8 );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ a*b^2, c, d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
If Gis no parent group then AgGroupOps.ElementaryAbelianSeries will compute a ele-
mentary abelian series for the parent group and intersect this series with G. If Gis a parent
group then IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries (see 25.29) is used in order to check if such a
series exists. Otherwise an elementary abelian is computed refining the derived series (see
[LNS84, Gla87]).
ElementaryAbelianSeries( L)
Lmust be a list of ag groups S1=H, ..., Sm={1}with a common parent group such that
Siis a subgroup of Si1and Siis normal in Gfor all i∈ {2, ..., m}. Then the function
returns a series of normal subgroups of Gwith elementary abelian factors refining the series
NormalIntersection( V,W)
If Vis an element of the AG series of G, then AgGroupOps.NormalIntersection uses
the depth of Vin order to compute the intersection. Otherwise it uses the Zassenhaus
sum-intersection algorithm (see [GS90]).
Normalizer( G,U)
See 25.13.
SylowSubgroup( G,p)
AgGroupOps.SylowSubgroup uses HallSubgroup (see 25.63) in order to compute the sylow
subgroup of G.
DerivedSeries( G)
AgGroupOps.DerivedSeries uses DerivedSubgroup (see 7.22) in order to compute the de-
rived series of G. It checks if Gis normal in its parent group H. If it is normal all the
derived subgroups are also normal in H.Gis always the first element of this list and the
trivial group always the last one since Gis soluble.
LowerCentralSeries( G)
AgGroupOps.LowerCentralSeries uses CommutatorSubgroup (see 7.19) in order to com-
pute the lower central series of G. It checks if Gis normal in its parent group H. If it is
normal all subgroups of the lower central series are also normal in H.
Random( U)
Let (u1, ..., ur) be a induced generating system of U. Let e1, ..., erbe the relative order of
u1, ..., ur. Then for rrandom integers νibetween 0 and ei1 the word uν1
1... uνr
IsCyclic( G)
See 25.14.
IsFinite( G)
As Gis a finite solvable group AgGroupOps.IsFinite returns true.
IsNilpotent( U)
AgGroupOps.IsNilpotent uses Glasby’s nilpotency test for ag groups (see [Gla87]).
IsNormal( G,U)
See 25.15.
IsPerfect( G)
As Gis a finite solvable group it is perfect if and only if Gis trivial.
IsSubgroup( G,U)
See 25.16.
ConjugacyClasses( H)
The conjugacy classes of elements are computed using linear methods. The algorithm de-
pends on the ag series of the parent group of Hbeing a refinement of an elementary abelian
series. Thus if this is not true or if His not a member of the elementary abelian series, an
isomorphic group, in which the computation can be done, is created.
The algorithm that is used steps down an elementary abelian series of the parent group of
H, basically using affine operation to construct the conjugacy classes of Hstep by step from
its factorgroups.
Orbit( U,pt,op )
AgGroupOps.Orbit returns the orbit of pt under Uusing the operation op. The function
calls AgOrbitStabilizer in order to compute the orbit, so please refer to 25.78 for details.
Stabilizer( U,pt,op )
See 25.17.
AsGroup( D)
See 25.10.
FpGroup( U)
See 25.23.
RightCoset( U,g)
See 25.22.
AbelianGroup( D,L)
Let Lbe the list [o1, ..., on] of nonnegative integers oi>1. Then AgWordsOps.AbelianGroup
returns the direct product of the cyclic groups of order oiusing the domain description D.
The generators of these cyclic groups are named beginning with “a”, “b”, “c”, ... followed
by a number if oiis a composite integer.
CyclicGroup( D,n)
See 25.18.
ElementaryAbelianGroup( D,n)
See 25.19.
DirectProduct( L)
See 25.20.
WreathProduct( G,H,α)
See 25.21.
25.10 AsGroup for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.AsGroup( G)
AgGroupOps.AsGroup returns a copy Hof G. It does not change the parent status. If Gis
a subgroup so is H.
AgWordsOps.AsGroup( L)
Let Lbe a list of ag words. Then AgWordsOps.AsGroup uses MergedCgs (see 25.55) in order
to compute a canonical generating system for the subgroup generated by Lin the parent
group of the elements of L.
25.11 Group for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Group( G)
AgGroupOps.Group returns an isomorphic group Hsuch that His a parent group and
H.bijection is bond to an isomorphism between Hand G.
AgWordsOps.Group( D,gens,id )
Constructs the group Ggenerated by gens with identity id. If these generators do not
generate a parent group, a new parent group His construct. In that case new generators
are used and H.bijection is bound to isomorphism between Hand G.
25.12 CommutatorSubgroup for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.CommutatorSubgroup( G,H)
Let g1, ..., gnbe an canonical generating system for Gand h1, ..., hmbe an canonical gener-
ating system for H. The normal closure of the subgroup Sgenerated by Comm(gi, hj) for
1inand 1 jmunder Gand His the commutator subgroup of Gand H.
But if Gor His known to be normal in the common parent of Gamd Hthen the subgroup
Sis returned because if Gnormalizes Hor vice versa then Sis already the commutator
subgroup (see [Gla87]).
If G=Hthe commutator subgroup is generated by Comm(gi, gj) for 1 i < j n
(see [LNS84]). Note that AgGroupOps.CommutatorSubgroup checks G.derivedSubgroup
in that case.
25.13 Normalizer for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Normalizer( S,U)
Note that the AG series of Gshould be the refinement of an elementary abelian series,
see 25.29. Otherwise the calculation of the normalizer is done using an orbit algorithm,
which is generally too slow or space extensive. You can construct a new polycyclic pre-
sentation for Gsuch that AG series is a refinement of an elementary abelian series with
ElementaryAbelianSeries (see 7.39) and IsomorphismAgGroup.
For details on the implementation see [GS90, CNW90].
25.14 IsCyclic for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.IsCyclic( G)
AgGroupOps.IsCyclic returns false if Gis no abelian group. Otherwise Gis finite of
order pe1
nwhere the piare distinct primes then Gis cyclic if and only if each Gpihas
index piin G.
AgGroupOps.IsCyclic computes the groups Gp
iusing the fact that the map x7→ xpiis a
homomorphism of G, so that the powers of an induced generating system of Gare a
homomorphic image of an igs (see [Cel92]).
25.15 IsNormal for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.IsNormal( G,U)
Let Gbe a parent group. Then AgGroupOps.IsNormal checks if the conjugate of each
generator of Uunder each induced generator of Gwhich has a depth not contained in Uis
an element of U. Otherwise AgGroupOps.IsNormal checks if the conjugate of each generator
of Uunder each generator of Gis an element of U.
25.16 IsSubgroup for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.IsSubgroup( G,U)
If Gis a parent group of U, then AgGroupOps.IsSubgroup returns true. If the CGS of U
is longer than that of G,Ucannot be a subgroup of G. Otherwise AgGroupOps.IsSubgroup
shifts each generator of Uthrough G(see 24.12) in order to check if Uis a subgroup of G.
25.17 Stabilizer for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Stabilizer( U,pt,op )
Let Ube an ag group acting on a set Ω by op. Let pt be an element of Ω. Then
AgGroupOps.Stabilizer returns the stabilizer of pt in U.
op must be a function taking two arguments such that op(p, u) is the image of a point p
under the action of an element uof U. If conjugation should be used op must be OnPoints.
The stabilizer is computed by stepping up the composition series of U. The whole orbit ptU
is not stored during the computation (see [LNS84]). Of course this saving of space is bought
at the cost of time. If you need a faster function, which may use more memory, you can use
AgOrbitStabilizer (see 25.78) instead.
25.18 CyclicGroup for Ag Groups
AgWordsOps.CyclicGroup( D,n)
AgWordsOps.CyclicGroup( D,n,str )
Let nbe a nonnegative integer. AgWordsOps.CyclicGroup returns the cyclic group of order
Let nbe a composite number with rprime factors. If no str is given, the names of the
rgenerators are cn1, ..., cnr. Otherwise, the names of the rgenerators are str1, ..., strr,
where str must be a string of letters, digits and the special symbol “ ”.
If the order nis a prime, the name of the generator is either cnor str.
gap> CyclicGroup( AgWords, 31 );
Group( c31 )
gap> AgWordsOps.CyclicGroup( AgWords, 5 * 5, "e" );
Group( e1, e2 )
25.19 ElementaryAbelianGroup for Ag Groups
AgWordsOps.ElementaryAbelianGroup( D,n)
AgWordsOps.ElementaryAbelianGroup( D,n,str )
AgWordsOps.ElementaryAbelianGroup returns the elementary abelian group of order n,
which must be a prime power.
Let nbe a prime power pr. If no str is given the names of the rgenerators are mn1, ..., mnr.
Otherwise the names of the rgenerators are str1, ..., strr, where str must be a string of
letters, digits and the special symbol “ ”.
If the order nis a prime, the name of the generator is either mnor str.
gap> ElementaryAbelianGroup( AgWords, 31 );
Group( m31 )
gap> ElementaryAbelianGroup( AgWords, 31^2 );
Group( m961_1, m961_2 )
gap> AgWordsOps.ElementaryAbelianGroup( AgWords, 31^2, "e" );
Group( e1, e2 )
25.20 DirectProduct for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.DirectProduct( L)
Lmust be list of groups or pairs of group and name as described below. If not all groups
are ag groups GroupOps.DirectProduct (see 7.99) is used in order to construct the direct
Let Lbe a list of ag groups L= [U1, ..., Un]. AgGroupOps.DirectProduct returns the direct
product of all Uias new ag group with collector.
If Lis a pair [Ui,S]instead of a group Uithe generators of the direct product corre-
sponding to Uiare named Sjfor integers jstarting with 1 up to the number of induced
generators for Ui. If the group is cyclic of prime order the name is just S.
AgGroupOps.DirectProduct computes for each Uiits natural power-commutator presenta-
tion for an induced generating system of Ui.
Note that the arguments need no common parent group.
gap> z3 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 3 );;
gap> g := AgGroupOps.DirectProduct( [ [z3, "a"], [z3, "b"] ] );
Group( a, b )
25.21 WreathProduct for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.WreathProduct( G,H,α)
If Hand Gare not both ag group GroupOps.WreathProduct (see 7.104) is used.
Let Hand Gbe two ag group with possible different parent group and let αbe a homo-
morphism Hinto a permutation group of degree d.
Let (g1, ..., gr) be an IGS of G, (h1, ..., hn) an IGS of H. The wreath product has a PAG
system (b1, ..., bn, a11, ..., a1r, ad1, ..., adr ) such that b1, ..., bngenerate a subgroup isomorph
to Hand ai1, ..., air generate a subgroup isomorph to Gfor each iin {1, ..., r}. The names
of b1, ..., bnare h1, ..., hn, the names of ai1, ..., air are ni 1, ..., ni r.
AgGroupOps.WreathProduct uses the natural power-commutator presentations of Hand G
for induced generating system of Hand G(see [Thi87]).
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ a ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a ] )
gap> r := RightCosets( s3, c2 );;
gap> S3 := Operation( s3, r, OnRight );
Group( (2,3), (1,2,3) )
gap> f := GroupHomomorphismByImages(s3,S3,[a,b],[(2,3),(1,2,3)]);
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] ), Group( (2,3),
(1,2,3) ), [ a, b ], [ (2,3), (1,2,3) ] )
gap> WreathProduct( c2, s3, f );
Group( h1, h2, n1_1, n2_1, n3_1 )
25.22 RightCoset for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.Coset( G)
A coset C=Gxis represented as record with the following components.
contains the representative x.
contains the group G.
is true.
is true.
is true.
contains the operations record RightCosetAgGroupOps.
RightCosetAgGroupOps.<( C1 ,C2 )
If C1 and C2 do not have a common group or if one argument is no coset then the functions
uses DomainOps.< in order to compare C1 and C2 . Note that this will compute the set of
elements of C1 and C2 .
If C1 and C2 have a common group then AgGroupCosetOps.< will use SiftedAgWord (see
24.12) and ConjugateSubgroup (see 7.20) in order to compare C1 and C2 . It does not
compute the set of elements of C1 and C2 .
25.23 FpGroup for Ag Groups
AgGroupOps.FpGroup( U)
AgGroupOps.FpGroup( U,str )
AgGroupOps.FpGroup returns a finite presentation of an ag group U.
If no str is given, the abstract group generators have the same names as the generators of
the ag group U. Otherwise they have names of the form stri for integers ifrom 1 to the
number of induced generators.
AgGroupOps.FpGroup computes the natural power-commutator presentation of an induced
generating system of the finite polycyclic group U.
25.24 Ag Group Functions
The following functions either construct new parent ag group (see 25.25 and 25.27), test
properties of parent ag groups (see 25.28 and 25.29) or change the collector (see 25.33) but
they do not compute subgroups. These functions are either described in general in chapter
7 or in 25.61 for specialized functions.
25.25 AgGroup
AgGroup( D)
AgGroup converts a finite polycyclic group Dinto an ag group G.G.bijection is bound
to isomorphism between Gand D.
gap> S4p := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> := "S4_PERM";;
gap> S4a := AgGroup( S4p );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> := "S4_AG";;
gap> L := CompositionSeries( S4a );
[ S4_AG, Subgroup( S4_AG, [ g2, g3, g4 ] ),
Subgroup( S4_AG, [ g3, g4 ] ), Subgroup( S4_AG, [ g4 ] ),
Subgroup( S4_AG, [ ] ) ]
gap> List( L, x -> Image( S4a.bijection, x ) );
[ Subgroup( S4_PERM, [ (1,2), (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( S4_PERM, [ (1,3,2), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( S4_PERM, [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( S4_PERM, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ), Subgroup( S4_PERM, [ ] ) ]
Note that the function will not work for finitely presented groups, see 25.27 for details.
25.26 IsAgGroup
IsAgGroup( obj )
IsAgGroup returns true if obj , which can be an arbitrary object, is an ag group and false
gap> IsAgGroup( s4 );
gap> IsAgGroup( a );
25.27 AgGroupFpGroup
AgGroupFpGroup( F)
AgGroupFpGroup returns an ag group isomorphic to a finitely presented finite polycyclic
group F.
A finitely presented finite polycyclic group Fmust be a record with components generators
and relators, such that generators is a list of abstract generators and relators a list of
words in these generators describing a power-commutator or power-conjugate presentation.
Let g1, ..., gnbe the generators of F. Then the words of relators must be the power relators
kk and commutator relator Comm(gi, gj)w1
ij or conjugate relators ggj
ij for
all 1 knand 1 j < i n, such that wkk are words in gk+1, ..., gnand wij are words
in gj+1, ..., gn. It is possible to omit some of the commutator or conjugate relators. Pairs of
generators without commutator or conjugate relator are assumed to commute.
The relative order eiof gineed not to be primes, but as all functions for ag groups need a
PAG system, not only an AG system, you must refine the AG series using RefinedAgSeries
(see 25.32) in case some eiare composite numbers.
Note that it is not checked if the AG presentation is consistent. You can use IsConsistent
(see 25.28) to test the consistency of a presentation. Inconsistent presentations may cause
other ag group functions to return incorrect results.
Initially a collector from the left following the algorithm described in [LGS90] is used in
order to collect elements of the ag group. This could be changed using ChangeCollector
(see 25.33).
Note that AgGroup will not work with finitely presented groups, you must use the func-
tion AgGroupFpGroup instead. As no checks are done you can construct an ag group with
inconsistent presentation using AgGroupFpGroup.
25.28 IsConsistent
IsConsistent( G)
IsConsistent( G,all )
IsConsistent returns true if the finite polycyclic presentation of a parent group Gis
consistent and false otherwise.
If all is true then G.inconsistencies contains a list for pairs [w1, w2] such that the words
w1and w2are equal in Gbut have different normal forms.
Note that IsConsistent check and sets G.isConsistent.
gap> InfoAgGroup2 := Print;;
gap> x := AbstractGenerator( "x" );;
gap> y := AbstractGenerator( "y" );;
gap> z := AbstractGenerator( "z" );;
gap> G := AgGroupFpGroup( rec(
> generators := [ x, y, z ],
> relators := [ x^2 / y, y^2 / z, z^2,
> Comm(y,x)/(y*z),
> Comm(z,x)/(y*z)]));
Group( x, y, z )
gap> IsConsistent( G );
#I IsConsistent: y * ( y * x ) <> ( y * y ) * x
gap> IsConsistent( G, true );
#I IsConsistent: y * ( y * x ) <> ( y * y ) * x
#I IsConsistent: z * ( z * x ) <> ( z * z ) * x
#I IsConsistent: y * ( x * x ) <> ( y * x ) * x
#I IsConsistent: z * ( x * x ) <> ( z * x ) * x
#I IsConsistent: x * ( x * x ) <> ( x * x ) * x
gap> G.inconsistencies;
gap> InfoAgGroup2 := Ignore;;
25.29 IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries
IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries( G)
Let Gbe a parent group. IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries returns true if and only if the
AG series of Gis the refinement of an elementary abelian series of G.
The function sets G.elementaryAbelianSeries Gin case of a true result. This component
is described in 7.39.
gap> IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries( s4 );
gap> ElementaryAbelianSeries( s4 );
[ s4, Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
gap> CompositionSeries( s4 );
[ s4, Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
25.30 MatGroupAgGroup
MatGroupAgGroup( U,M)
Let Uand Mbe two ag groups with a common parent group and let Mbe a elementary
abelian group normalized by U. Then MatGroupAgGroup returns the matrix representation
of Uacting on M.
See also 25.79.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> a4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] )
gap> MatGroupAgGroup( s4, v4 );
Group( [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
25.31 PermGroupAgGroup
PermGroupAgGroup( G,U)
Let Ube a subgroup of a ag group G. Then PermGroupAgGroup returns the permutation
representation of Gacting on the cosets of U.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ s4.1, s4.4 ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, d ] )
gap> PermGroupAgGroup( s4, v4 );
Group( (3,5)(4,6), (1,3,5)(2,4,6), (1,2)(3,4), (3,4)(5,6) )
25.32 RefinedAgSeries
RefinedAgSeries( G)
RefinedAgSeries returns a new parent group isomorphic to a parent group Gwith a PAG
series, if the ag group Ghas only an AG series.
Note that in the case that Ghas a PAG series, Gis returned without any further action.
The names of the new generators are constructed as follows. Let (g1, ..., gn) be the AG
system of the ag group Gand n(gi) the name of gi. If the relative order of giis a prime,
then n(gi) is the name of a new generator. If the relative order is a composite number with
rprime factors, then there exist rnew generators with names n(gi) 1, ..., n(gi)r.
gap> c12 := AbstractGenerator( "c12" );;
gap> F := rec( generators := [ c12 ],
> relators := [ c12 ^ ( 2 * 2 * 3 ) ] );
generators := [ c12 ],
relators := [ c12^12 ] )
gap> G := AgGroupFpGroup( F );
#W AgGroupFpGroup: composite index, use ’RefinedAgSeries’
Group( c12 )
gap> RefinedAgSeries( G );
Group( c121, c122, c123 )
25.33 ChangeCollector
ChangeCollector( G,name )
ChangeCollector( G,name,n)
ChangeCollector changes the collector of a parent group Gand all its subgroups. name is
the name of the new collector. The following collectors are supported.
“single” initializes a collector from the left following the algorithm described in [LGS90].
“triple” initializes a collector from the left collecting with triples giˆgr
jfor j < i and r=
1, ..., n(see [Bis89]).
“quadruple” initializes a collector from the left collecting with quadruples gs
jfor j < i,
r= 1, ..., nand s= 1, ..., n. Note that rand shave the same upper bound (see [Bis89]).
“combinatorial” initializes a combinatorial collector from the left for a p-group G. In that
case the commutator or conjugate relations of the Gmust be of the form ggj
i=wij or
Comm(gi, gj) = wij for 1 j < i n, such that wij are words in gi+1, ..., gnfulfilling
the central weight condition (see [HN80, VL84]). If these conditions are not fulfilled, the
collector could not be initialized, a warning will be printed and collection will be done with
the old collector.
For collectors which collect with tuples a maximal bound of those tuples is n, set to 5 by
25.34 The Prime Quotient Algorithm
The following sections describe the np-quotient functions. PQuotient allows to compute
quotient of prime power order of finitely presented groups. For further references see [HN80]
and [VL84].
There is a C standalone version of the p-quotient algorithm, the ANU p-Quotient Program,
which can be called from GAP3. For further information see chapter 58.
25.35 PQuotient
PQuotient( G,p,cl )
PrimeQuotient( G,p,cl )
PQuotient computes quotients of prime power order of finitely presented groups. Gmust
be a group given by generators and relations. PQuotient expects Gto be a record with
the record fields generators and relators. The record field generators must be a list
of abstract generators created by the function AbstractGenerator (see 22.1). The record
field relators must be a list of words in the generators which are the relators of the group.
pmust be a prime. cl has to be an integer, which specifies that the quotient of prime power
order computed by PQuotient is the largest p-quotient of Gof class at most cl.PQuotient
returns a record Q, the PQp record, which has, among others, the following record fields
describing the p-quotient Q.
A list of abstract generators which generate Q.
The internal power-commutator presentation for Q.
A list, where dimensions[i] is the dimension of the i-th factor in the lower exponent-
pcentral series calculated by the p-quotient algorithm.
The integer p, which is a prime.
A list which contains the definition of the k-th generator in the k-th place. There are
three different types of entries, namely lists, positive and negative integers.
the generator is defined to be the commutator of the j-th and the i-th element in
the generator is defined as the p-th power of the i-th element in generators.
the generator is defined as an image of the i-th generator in the finite presentation
for G, consequently it must be a generator of weight 1.
A list containing an image in Qof each generator of G. The image is either an integer
iif it is the i-th element of generators of Qor an abstract word wif it is the abstract
word win the generators of Q.
An example of the computation of the largest quotient of class 4 of the group given by the
finite presentation {x, y |x25/(x·y)5,[x, y]5,(xy)25}.
# Define the group
gap> x := AbstractGenerator("x");;
gap> y := AbstractGenerator("y");;
gap> G := rec( generators := [x,y],
> relators := [ x^25/(x*y)^5, Comm(x,y)^5, (x^y)^25] );
generators := [ x, y ],
relators :=
[ x^25*y^-1*x^-1*y^-1*x^-1*y^-1*x^-1*y^-1*x^-1*y^-1*x^-1,
1*x*y, y^-1*x^25*y ] )
# Call pQuotient
gap> P := PQuotient( G, 5, 4 );
#I PQuotient: class 1 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 0
#I PQuotient: class 2 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 27
#I PQuotient: class 3 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 1437
#I PQuotient: class 4 : 3
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 1515
PQp( rec(
generators := [ g1, g2, a3, a4, a6, a7, a11, a12, a14 ],
definedby := [ -1, -2, [ 2, 1 ], 1, [ 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2 ],
prime := 5,
dimensions := [ 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
epimorphism := [ 1, 2 ],
powerRelators := [ g1^5/(a4), g2^5/(a4^4), a3^5, a4^5, a6^5, a7^
5, a11^5, a12^5, a14^5 ],
commutatorRelators := [ Comm(g2,g1)/(a3), Comm(a3,g1)/(a6), Comm(a3\
25.36. SAVE 545
,g2)/(a7), Comm(a6,g1)/(a11), Comm(a6,g2)/(a12), Comm(a7,g1)/(a12), Co\
mm(a7,g2)/(a14) ],
definingCommutators := [ [ 2, 1 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 5, 1 ],
The p-quotient algorithm returns a PQp record for the exponent-5 class 4 quotient. Note
that instead of printing the PQp record Pan equivalent representation is printed which can
be read in to GAP3. See 25.37 for details.
The quotient defined by Phas nine generators, g1, g2, a3, a4, a6, a7,a11, a12, a14,
stored in the list P.generators. From powerRelators we can read off that g1^5 =:
a4 and g2^5 = a4^4 and all other generators have trivial 5-th powers. From the list
commutatorRelators we can read off the non-trivial commutator relations Comm(g2,g1)
=: a3,Comm(a3,g1) =: a6,Comm(a3,g2) =: a7,Comm(a6,g1) =: a11,Comm(a6,g2) =:
a12,Comm(a7,g1) = a12 and Comm(a7,g2) =: a14. In this list =: denotes that the gen-
erator on the right hand side is defined as the left hand side. This information is given
by the list definedby. The list dimensions shows that Pis a class-4 quotient of order
52·52·52·53= 59. The epimorphism of Gonto the quotient Pis given by the map x7→ g1
and y7→ g2.
25.36 Save
Save( file,Q,N)
Save saves the PQp record Qto the file file in such a way that the file can be read by GAP3.
The name of the record in the file will be N. This differs from printing Qto a file in that
the required abstract generators are also created in file.
gap> x := AbstractGenerator("x");;
gap> y := AbstractGenerator("y");;
gap> G := rec( generators := [x,y],
> relators := [ x^25/(x*y)^5, Comm(x,y)^5, (x^y)^25] );;
gap> P := PQuotient( G, 5, 4 );;
#I PQuotient: class 1 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 0
#I PQuotient: class 2 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 27
#I PQuotient: class 3 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 78
#I PQuotient: class 4 : 3
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 156
gap> Save( "Quo54", P, "Q" );
gap> # The Unix command ’cat’ in the next statement should be
gap> # replaced appropriately if you are working under a different
gap> # operating system.
gap> Exec( "cat Quo54" );
g1 := AbstractGenerator("g1");
g2 := AbstractGenerator("g2");
a3 := AbstractGenerator("a3");
a4 := AbstractGenerator("a4");
a6 := AbstractGenerator("a6");
a7 := AbstractGenerator("a7");
a11 := AbstractGenerator("a11");
a12 := AbstractGenerator("a12");
a14 := AbstractGenerator("a14");
Q := PQp( rec(
generators := [ g1, g2, a3, a4, a6, a7, a11, a12, a14 ],
definedby := [ -1, -2, [ 2, 1 ], 1, [ 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2 ],
prime := 5,
dimensions := [ 2, 2, 2, 3 ],
epimorphism := [ 1, 2 ],
powerRelators := [ g1^5/(a4), g2^5/(a4^4), a3^5, a4^5, a6^5, a7^
5, a11^5, a12^5, a14^5 ],
commutatorRelators := [ Comm(g2,g1)/(a3), Comm(a3,g1)/(a6), Comm(a3\
,g2)/(a7), Comm(a6,g1)/(a11), Comm(a6,g2)/(a12), Comm(a7,g1)/(a12), Co\
mm(a7,g2)/(a14) ],
definingCommutators := [ [ 2, 1 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 5, 1 ],
25.37 PQp
PQp( r)
PQp takes as argument a record rcontaining all information necessary to restore a PQp
record Q. A PQp record Qis printed as function call to PQp with an argument describing Q.
This is necessary because the internal power-commutator representation cannot be printed.
Therefore all information about Qis encoded in a record rand Qis printed as PQp( <r>
25.38 InitPQp
InitPQp( n,p)
InitPQp creates a PQp record for an elementary abelian group of rank nand of order pn
for a prime p.
25.39 FirstClassPQp
FirstClassPQp( G,p)
FirstClassPQp returns a PQp record for the exponent-pclass 1 quotient of G.
25.40 NextClassPQp
NextClassPQp( G,P)
Let Pbe the PQp record for the exponent-pclass cquotient of G.NextClassPQp returns
a PQp record for the class c+ 1 quotient of G, if such a quotient exists, and Potherwise.
In latter case there exists a maximal p-quotient of Gwhich has class cand this is indicated
by a comment if InfoPQ1 is set the Print.
25.41. WEIGHT 547
25.41 Weight
Weight( P,w)
Let Pbe a PQp record and wa word in the generators of P. The function Weight returns
the weight of wwith respect to the lower exponent-pcentral series defined by P.
25.42 Factorization for PQp
Factorization( P,w)
Let Pbe a PQp record and wa word in the generators of P. The function Factorization
returns a word in the weight 1 generators of Pexpressing w.
25.43 The Solvable Quotient Algorithm
The following sections describe the solvable quotient functions (or sq functions for short).
SolvableQuotient allows to compute finite solvable quotients of finitely presented groups.
The solvable quotient algorithm tries to find solvable quotients of a given finitely presented
group G. First it computes the commutator factor group Q, which must be finite. It then
chooses a prime pand repeats the following three steps:(1) compute all irreducible modules
of Qover GF (p), (2) for each module Mcompute (up to equivalence) all extensions of Q
by M, (3) for each extension Echeck whether Eis isomorphic to a factor group of G. As
soon as a non-trivial extension of Qis found which is still isomorphic to a factor group of
Gthe process is repeated.
25.44 SolvableQuotient
SolvableQuotient( G,primes )
Let Gbe a finitely presented group and primes a list of primes. SolvableQuotient tries
to compute the largest finite solvable quotient Qof G, such that the prime decomposition
of the order the derived subgroup Q0of Qonly involves primes occuring in the list primes.
The quotient Qis returned as finitely presented group. You can use AgGroupFpGroup (see
25.27) to convert the finitely presented group into a polycyclic one.
Note that the commutator factor group of Gmust be finite.
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> f4 := f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, f.3^2, f.4^2, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2,
> f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3, f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4,
> f.1^-1*f.3^-1*f.1*f.3, f.1^-1*f.4^-1*f.1*f.4,
> f.2^-1*f.4^-1*f.2*f.4 ];
Group( a, b, c, d )
gap> InfoSQ1 := Ignore;;
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, [3] );
Group( e1, e2, m3, m4 )
gap> Size(AgGroupFpGroup(g));
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, [2] );
Group( e1, e2 )
gap> Size(AgGroupFpGroup(g));
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, [2,3] );
Group( e1, e2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9 )
gap> Size(AgGroupFpGroup(g));
Note that the order in which the primes occur in primes is important. If primes is the list
[2,3] then in each step SolvableQuotient first tries a module over GF(2) and only if this
fails a module over GF(3). Whereas if primes is the list [3,2] the function first tries to find
a downward extension by a module over GF(3) before considering modules over GF(2).
SolvableQuotient( G,n)
Let Gbe a finitely presented group. SolvableQuotient attempts to compute a finite
solvable quotient of Gof order n.
Note that nmust be divisible by the order of the commutator factor group of G, otherwise
the function terminates with an error message telling you the order of the commutator factor
Note that a warning is printed if there does not exist a solvable quotient of order n. In this
case the largest solvable quotient whose order divides nis returned.
Providing the order nor a multiple of the order makes the algorithm run much faster than
providing only the primes which should be tested, because it can restrict the dimensions of
modules it has to investigate. Thus if the order or a small enough multiple of it is known,
SolvableQuotient should be called in this way to obtain a power conjugate presentation
for the group.
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> f4 := f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, f.3^2, f.4^2, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2,
> f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3, f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4,
> f.1^-1*f.3^-1*f.1*f.3, f.1^-1*f.4^-1*f.1*f.4,
> f.2^-1*f.4^-1*f.2*f.4 ];;
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, 12 );
Group( e1, e2, m3 )
gap> Size(AgGroupFpGroup(g));
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, 24 );
#W largest quotient has order 2^2*3
Group( e1, e2, m3 )
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, 2 );
Error, commutator factor group is of size 2^2
SolvableQuotient( G,l)
If something is already known about the structure of the finite soluble quotient to be con-
structed then SolvableQuotient can be aided in its construction.
lmust be a list of lists each of which is a list of integers occurring in pairs p,n.
SolvableQuotient first constructs the commutator factor group of G, it then tries to extend
this group by modules over GF (p) of dimension at most nwhere pis a prime occurring in the
first list of l. If nis zero no bound on the dimension of the module is imposed. For example,
25.45. INITSQ 549
if lis [[2,0,3,4],[5,0,2,0]] then SolvableQuotient will try to extend the commutator factor
group by a module over GF(2). If no such module exists all modules over GF(3) of dimension
at most 4 are tested. If neither a GF(2) nor a GF(3) module extend SolvableQuotient
terminates. Otherwise the algorithm tries to extend this new factor group with a GF(5)
and then a GF(2) module.
Note that it is possible to influence the construction even more precisely by using the
functions InitSQ,ModulesSQ, and NextModuleSQ. These functions allow you to interactively
select the modules. See 25.45, 25.46, and 25.47 for details.
Note that the ordering inside the lists of lis important. If lis the list [[2,0,3,0]] then
SolvableQuotient will first try a module over GF(2) and attempt to construct an extension
by a module over GF(3) only if the GF(2) extension fails, whereas in the case that lis the
list [[3,0,2,0]] the function first attempts to extend with modules over GF(3) and then with
modules over GF(2).
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> f4 := f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, f.3^2, f.4^2, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2,
> f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3, f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4,
> f.1^-1*f.3^-1*f.1*f.3, f.1^-1*f.4^-1*f.1*f.4,
> f.2^-1*f.4^-1*f.2*f.4 ];;
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, [[5,0],[2,0,3,0]] );
Group( e1, e2 )
gap> Size(AgGroupFpGroup(g));
gap> g := SolvableQuotient( f4, [[3,0],[2,0]] );
Group( e1, e2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9 )
gap> Size(AgGroupFpGroup(g));
25.45 InitSQ
InitSQ( G)
Let Gbe a finitely presented group. InitSQ computes an SQ record for the commutator
factor group of G. This record can be used to investigate finite solvable quotients of G.
Note that the commutator factor group of Gmust be finite otherwise an error message is
See also 25.46 and 25.47.
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> f4 := f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, f.3^2, f.4^2, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2,
> f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3, f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4,
> f.1^-1*f.3^-1*f.1*f.3, f.1^-1*f.4^-1*f.1*f.4,
> f.2^-1*f.4^-1*f.2*f.4 ];;
gap> s := InitSQ(f4);
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2 >>
25.46 ModulesSQ
ModulesSQ( S,F)
ModulesSQ( S,F,d)
Let Sbe an SQ record describing a finite solvable quotient Qof a finitely presented group G.
ModulesSQ computes all irreducible representations of Qover the prime field Fof dimension
at most d. If dis zero or missing no restriction on the dimension is enforced.
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> f4 := f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, f.3^2, f.4^2, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2,
> f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3, f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4,
> f.1^-1*f.3^-1*f.1*f.3, f.1^-1*f.4^-1*f.1*f.4,
> f.2^-1*f.4^-1*f.2*f.4 ];;
gap> s := InitSQ(f4);
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2 >>
gap> ModulesSQ( s, GF(2) );;
25.47 NextModuleSQ
NextModuleSQ( s,M)
Let Sbe an SQ record describing a finite solvable quotient Qof a finitely presented group
G.NextModuleSQ tries to extend Qby the module Msuch that the extension is still a
quotient of G
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> f4 := f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, f.3^2, f.4^2, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2,
> f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3*f.2*f.3, f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4*f.3*f.4,
> f.1^-1*f.3^-1*f.1*f.3, f.1^-1*f.4^-1*f.1*f.4,
> f.2^-1*f.4^-1*f.2*f.4 ];;
gap> s := InitSQ(f4);
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2 >>
gap> m := ModulesSQ( s, GF(3) );;
gap> NextModuleSQ( s, m[1] );
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2 >>
gap> NextModuleSQ( s, m[2] );
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2*3 >>
gap> NextModuleSQ( s, m[3] );
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2 >>
gap> NextModuleSQ( s, m[4] );
<< solvable quotient of size 2^2*3 >>
25.48 Generating Systems of Ag Groups
For an ag group Gthere exists three different types of generating systems. The generating
system in G.generators is a list of ag words generating the group Gwith the only condition
that none of the ag words is the identity of G. If an induced generating system for Gis
known it is bound to G.igs, while an canonical generating system is bound to G.cgs. But
as every canonical generating system is also an induced one, G.cgs and G.igs may contain
the same system.
The functions Cgs,Igs,Normalize,Normalized and IsNormalized change or manipulate
these systems. The following overview shows when to use this functions. For details see
25.50, 25.51, 25.53, 25.54 and 25.52.
25.49. AGSUBGROUP 551
Igs returns an induced generating system for G. If neither G.igs nor G.cgs are present,
it uses MergedIgs (see 25.56) in order to construct an induced generating system from
G.generators. In that case the induced generating system is bound to G.igs. If G.cgs
but not G.igs is present, this is returned, as every canonical generating system is also an
induced one. If G.igs is present this is returned.
Cgs returns a canonical generating system for G. If neither G.igs nor G.cgs are present,
it uses MergedCgs (see 25.55) in order to construct a canonical generating system from
G.generators. In that case the canonical generating system is bound to G.cgs. If G.igs
but not G.cgs is present, this is normalized and bound to G.cgs, but G.igs is left un-
changed. If G.cgs is present this is returned.
Normalize computes a canonical generating system, binds it to G.cgs and unbinds an
induced generating bound to G.igs.Normalized normalizes a copy without changing the
original ag group. This function should be preferred.
IsNormalized checks if an induced generating system is a canonical one and, if being canon-
ical, binds it to G.cgs and unbinds G.igs. If G.igs is unbound IsNormalized computes
a canonical generating system, binds it to G.cgs and returns true.
Most functions need an induced or canonical generating system, all function descriptions
state clearly what is used, if this is relevant, see 25.73 for example.
25.49 AgSubgroup
AgSubgroup( U,gens,flag )
Let Ube an ag group with ag group G,gens be an induct or canonical generating system
for a subgroup Sof Uand flag a boolean. Then AgSubgroup returns the record of an ag
group representing this finite polycyclic group Sas subgroup of G.
If flag is true,gens must be a canonical generating with respect to G. If flag is false gens
must be a an induced generating with respect to G.
gens will be bound to S.generators. If flag is true, it is also bound to S.cgs, if it is
false,gens is also bound to S.igs. Note that AgSubgroup does not copy gens.
Note that it is not check whether gens are an induced or canonical system. If gens fails to
be one, all following computations with this group are most probably wrong.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
25.50 Cgs
Cgs( U)
Cgs returns a canonical generating system of Uwith respect to the parent group of Uas
list of ag words (see 25.1).
If U.cgs is bound, this is returned without any further action. If U.igs is bound, a copy of
this component is normalized, bound to U.cgs and returned. If neither U.igs nor U.cgs
are bound, a canonical generating system for Uis computed using MergedCgs (see 25.55)
and bound to U.cgs.
25.51 Igs
Igs( U)
Igs returns an induced generating system of Uwith respect to the parent group of Uas
list of ag words (see 25.1).
If U.igs is bound, this is returned without any further action. If U.cgs but not U.igs
is bound, this is returned. If neither U.igs nor U.cgs are bound, an induced generating
system for Uis computed using MergedIgs (see 25.56) and bound to U.igs.
25.52 IsNormalized
IsNormalized( U)
IsNormalized returns true if no induced generating system but an canonical generating
system for Uis known.
If U.cgs but not U.igs is bound, true is returned. If neither U.cgs nor U.igs are
bound, a canonical generating system is computed, bound to U.cgs and true is retuned.
If U.igs is present, it is check, if U.igs is a canonical generating. If so, the canonical
generating system is bound to U.cgs and U.igs is unbound.
25.53 Normalize
Normalize( U)
Normalize converts an induced generating system of an ag group Uinto a canonical one.
If U.cgs and not U.igs is bound, Uis returned without any further action. If Ucontains
both components U.cgs and U.igs,U.igs is unbound. If only U.igs but not U.cgs
is bound the generators in U.igs are converted into a canonical generating and bound
to U.cgs, while U.igs is unbound. If neither U.igs nor U.cgs are bound a canonical
generating system is computed using Cgs (see 25.50).
25.54 Normalized
Normalized( U)
Normalized returns a normalized copy of an ag group U. For details see 25.53.
Note that this function does not alter the record of Uand always returns a copy of U, even
if Uis already normalized.
25.55 MergedCgs
MergedCgs( U,objs )
Let Ube an ag group with parent group Gand objs be a list of elements and subgroups of
U. Then MergedCgs returns the subgroup Sof Ggenerated by the elements and subgroups
in the list objs. The subgroup Scontains a canonical generating system bound to S.cgs.
As objs contains only elements and subgroups of U, the subgroup Sis not only a subgroup
of Gbut also of U. Its parent group is nevertheless Gand MergedCgs computes a canonical
generating system of Swith respect to G.
25.56. MERGEDIGS 553
If subgroups of Sare known at least the largest should be an element of objs, because
MergedCgs is much faster in such cases.
Note that this function may return a wrong subgroup, if the elements of objs do not belong
to U. See also 25.48 for differences between canonical and induced generating systems.
gap> d8 := MergedCgs( s4, [ a*c, c ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> MergedCgs( s4, [ a*b*c*d, d8 ] );
gap> v4 := MergedCgs( d8, [ c*d, c ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
25.56 MergedIgs
MergedIgs( U,S,gens,normalize )
Let Uand Sbe ag groups with a common parent group Gsuch that Sis a subgroup of U.
Let gens be a list of elements of U. Then MergedIgs returns the subgroup Kof Ggenerated
by Sand gens.
As gens contains only elements of U, the subgroup Kis not only a subgroup of Gbut also
of U. Its parent group is nevertheless Gand MergedIgs computes a induced generating
system of Swith respect to G.
If normalize is true, a canonical generating system for Kis computed and bound to K.cgs.
If normalize is false only an induced generating system is computed and bound to K.igs
or K.cgs. If no subgroup Sis known, rec() can be given instead.
Note that Umust be an ag group which contains Sand gens.
25.57 Factor Groups of Ag Groups
It is possible to deal with factor groups of ag groups in three different ways. If an ag group
Gand a normal subgroup Nof Gis given, you can construct a new polycyclic presentation
for F=G/N using FactorGroup. You can apply all functions for ag groups to that new
parent group Fand even switch between Gand Fusing the homomorphisms returned by
NaturalHomomorphism. See 7.33 for more information on that kind of factor groups.
But if you are only interested in an easy way to test a property or an easy way to calculate
a subgroup of a factor group, the first approach might be too slow, as it involves the con-
struction of a new polycyclic presentation for the factor group together with the creation of
a new collector for that factor group. In that case you can use CollectorlessFactorGroup
in order to construct a new ag group without initializing a new collector but using records
faking ag words instead. But now multiplication is still done in Gand the words must be
canonicalized with respect to N, so that multiplication in this group is rather slow. How-
ever if you for instance want to check if a chief factor, which is not part of the AG series,
is central this may be faster then constructing a new collector. But generally FactorGroup
should be used.
The third possibility works only for Exponents (see 25.73) and SiftedAgWord (see 24.12).
If you want to compute the action of Gon a factor M/N then you can pass M/N as factor
group argument using Mmod Nor FactorArg (see 25.60).
25.58 FactorGroup for AgGroups
AgGroupOps.FactorGroup( U,N)
Let Nand Ube ag groups with a common parent group, such that Nis a normal subgroup
of U. Let Hbe the factor group U/N.FactorGroup returns the finite polycyclic group H
as new parent group.
If the ag group Uis not a parent group or if Nis not an element of the AG series of U
(see 25.70), then FactorGroup constructs a new polycyclic presentation and collector for the
factor group using both FpGroup (see 25.23) and AgGroupFpGroup (see 25.27). Otherwise
FactorGroup copies the old collector of Uand cuts of the tails which lie in N.
Note that Nmust be a normal subgroup of U. You should keep in mind, that although the
new generators and the old ones may have the same names, they cannot be multiplitied as
they are elements of different groups. The only way to transfer information back and forth
is to use the homomorphisms returned by NaturalHomomorphism (see 7.33).
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ d ] )
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> v4 := FactorGroup( d8, c2 );
Group( g1, g2 )
gap> v4.2 ^ v4.1;
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> d8.2^d8.1;
25.59 CollectorlessFactorGroup
CollectorlessFactorgroup( G,N)
CollectorlessFactorgroup constructs the factorgroup F=G/Nwithout initializing a
new collector. The elements of Fare records faking ag words.
Each element fof Fcontains the following components.
a canonical representative din Gfor f.
isFactorGroupElement contains true.
a record containing information about the factor group.
the operations record FactorGroupAgWordsOps.
25.60 FactorArg
FactorArg( U,N)
Let Nbe a normal subgroup of an ag group U. Then FactorArg returns a record with the
following components with can be used as argument for Exponents.
is true.
contains U.
contains N.
contains the identity of U.
contains a list of those induced generators uiof Uof depth disuch that no induced
generator in Nhas depth di.
contains the operations record FactorArgOps.
Note that FactorArg is bound to AgGroupOps.mod.
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> c2 := Subgroup( s4, [ d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ d ] )
gap> M := d8 mod c2;;
gap> d8.1 * d8.2 * d8.3;
gap> Exponents( M, last );
gap> d8 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ a*c, c, d ], false );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*c, c, d ] )
gap> M := d8 mod c2;;
gap> Exponents( M, a*c*d );
25.61 Subgroups and Properties of Ag Groups
The subgroup functions compute subgroups or series of subgroups from given ag groups,
e.g. PRump (see 25.64) or ElementaryAbelianSeries (see 7.39). They return group records
described in 7.118 and 25.4 for the computed subgroups.
All the following functions only work for ag groups. Subgroup functions which work for
various types of groups are described in 7.14. Properties and property tests which work for
various types of groups are described in 7.45.
25.62 CompositionSubgroup
CompositionSubgroup( G,i)
CompositionSubgroup returns the subgroup of the AG series of an ag group G.
Let (g1, ..., gn) be an induced generating system of Gwith respect to the parent group of
G. Then the composition subgroup Sof the AG series is generated by (gi, ..., gn).
gap> CompositionSubgroup( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] )
gap> CompositionSubgroup( s4, 4 );
Subgroup( s4, [ d ] )
gap> CompositionSubgroup( s4, 5 );
Subgroup( s4, [ ] )
25.63 HallSubgroup
HallSubgroup( G,n)
HallSubgroup( G,L)
Let Gbe an ag group. Then HallSubgroup returns a π-Hall-subgroup of Gfor the set πof
all prime divisors of the integer nor the join πof all prime divisors of the integers of L.
The Hall-subgroup is constructed using Glasby’s algorithm (see [Gla87]), which descends
along an elementary abelian series for Gand constructs complements in the coprime case
(see 25.91). If no such series is known for Gthe function uses ElementaryAbelianSeries
(see 7.39) in order to construct such a series for G.
gap> HallSubgroup( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> HallSubgroup( s4, [ 3 ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ b ] )
gap> z5 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 5 );
Group( c5 )
gap> DirectProduct( s4, z5 );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, b )
gap> HallSubgroup( last, [ 5, 3 ] );
Subgroup( Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, b ), [ a2, b ] )
25.64 PRump
PRump( G,p)
PRump returns the p-rump of an ag group Gfor a prime p.
The p-rump of a group Gis the normal closure under Gof the subgroup generated by the
commutators and powers of the generators of G.
gap> PRump( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] )
gap> PRump( s4, 3 );
25.65 RefinedSubnormalSeries
RefinedSubnormalSeries( L)
Let Lbe a list of ag groups G1, ..., Gn, such that Gi+1 is a normal subgroup of Gi. Then
the function computes a composition series H1=G1, ..., Hm=Gnwhich refines the given
subnormal series Land has cyclic factors of prime order (see also 7.43).
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> T := TrivialSubgroup( s4 );
Subgroup( s4, [ ] )
gap> RefinedSubnormalSeries( [ s4, v4, T ] );
[ s4, Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] ),
Subgroup( s4, [ d ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ ] ) ]
25.66 SylowComplements
SylowComplements( U)
SylowComplements returns a Sylow complement system of U. This system Sis represented
as a record with at least the components S.primes and S.sylowComplements, additionally
there may be a component S.sylowSubgroups (see 25.67).
A list of all prime divisors of the group order of U.
contains a list of Sylow complements for all primes in S.primes, so that if the
element of S.primes is p, then the element of sylowComplements is a Sylow-p-
complement of U.
contains a list of Sylow subgroups for all primes in S.primes, such that if the
element of S.primes is p, then the element of S.sylowSubgroups is a Sylow-p-
subgroup of U.
SylowComplements uses HallSubgroup (see 25.63) in order to compute the various Sylow
complements of U, if no Sylow system is known for U. If a Sylow system {S1, ..., Sn}is
known, SylowComplements computes the various Hall subgroups Hiusing the fact that Hi
is the product of all Sjexcept Si.
SylowComplements sets and checks U.sylowSystem.
gap> SylowComplements( s4 );
primes := [ 2, 3 ],
sylowComplements :=
[ Subgroup( s4, [ b ] ), Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] ) ] )
25.67 SylowSystem
SylowSystem( U)
SylowSystem returns a Sylow system {S1, ..., Sn}of an ag group U. The system Sis repre-
sented as a record with at least the components S.primes and S.sylowSubgroups, addi-
tionally there may be a component S.sylowComplements, see 25.66 for information about
this addtional component.
A list of all prime divisors of the group order of U.
contains a list of Sylow complements for all primes in S.primes, so that if the
element of S.primes is p, then the element of sylowComplements is a Sylow-p-
complement of U.
contains a list of Sylow subgroups for all primes in S.primes, such that if the
element of S.primes is p, then the element of S.sylowSubgroups is a Sylow-p-
subgroup of U.
ASylow system of a group Uis a system of Sylow subgroups Sifor each prime divisor of
the group order of Usuch that SiSj=SjSiis fulfilled for each pair i, j.
SylowSystem uses SylowComplements (see 25.67) in order to compute the various Sylow
complements Hiof U. Then the Sylow system is constructed using the fact that the inter-
section Siof all Sylow complements Hjexcept Hiis a Sylow subgroup and that all these
subgroups Siform a Sylow system of U. See [Gla87].
SylowSystem sets and checks S.sylowSystem.
gap> z5 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 5 );
Group( c5 )
gap> D := DirectProduct( z5, s4 );
Group( a, b1, b2, b3, b4 )
gap> := "z5Xs4";;
gap> SylowSystem( D );
primes := [ 2, 3, 5 ],
sylowComplements :=
[ Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ a, b2 ] ), Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ a, b1, b3, b4
] ), Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ b1, b2, b3, b4 ] ) ],
sylowSubgroups :=
[ Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ b1, b3, b4 ] ), Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ b2 ] ),
Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ a ] ) ] )
25.68 SystemNormalizer
SystemNormalizer( G)
SystemNormalizer returns the system normalizer of a Sylow system of the group G.
The system normalizer of a Sylow system is the intersection of all normalizers of subgroups
in the Sylow system in G.
gap> SystemNormalizer( s4 );
Subgroup( s4, [ a ] )
gap> SystemNormalizer( D );
Subgroup( z5Xs4, [ a, b1 ] )
25.69 MinimalGeneratingSet
MinimalGeneratingSet( G)
Let Gbe an ag group. Then MinimalGeneratingSet returns a subset Lof Gof minimal
cardinality with the property that Lgenerates G.
gap> l := MinimalGeneratingSet(s4);
[ b, a*c*d ]
gap> s4 = Subgroup( s4, l );
25.70 IsElementAgSeries
IsElementAgSeries( U)
IsElementAgSeries returns true if the ag group Uis part of the AG series of the parent
group Gof Uand false otherwise.
25.71 IsPNilpotent
IsPNilpotent( U,p)
IsPNilpotent returns true, if the ag group Uis p-nilpotent for the prime p, and false
IsPNilpotent uses Glasby’s p-nilpotency test (see [Gla87]).
gap> IsPNilpotent( s4, 2 );
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] )
gap> IsPNilpotent( s3, 2 );
gap> IsPNilpotent( s3, 3 );
25.72 NumberConjugacyClasses
NumberConjugacyClasses( H)
This functions computes the number of conjugacy classes of elements of a group H.
The function uses an algorithm that steps down an elementary abelian series of the par-
ent group of Hand computes the number of conjugacy classes using the same method as
AgGroupOps.ConjugacyClasses does, up to the last factor group. In the last step the
Cauchy-Frobenius-Burnside lemma is used.
This algorithm is especially designed to supply at least the number of conjugacy classes of
H, whenever ConjugacyClasses fails because of storage reasons. So one would rather use
this function if the last normal subgroup of the elementary abelian series is too big to be
dealt with ConjugacyClasses.
NumberConjugacyClasses( U,H)
This version of the call to NumberConjugacyClasses computes the number of conjugacy
classes of Hunder the operation of U. Thus for the operation to be well defined, Umust
be a subgroup of the normalizer of Hin their common parent group.
gap> a4 := DerivedSubgroup(s4);;
gap> NumberConjugacyClasses( s4 );
gap> NumberConjugacyClasses( a4, s4 );
gap> NumberConjugacyClasses( a4 );
gap> NumberConjugacyClasses( s4, a4 );
25.73 Exponents
Exponents( U,u)
Exponents( U,u,F)
Exponents returns the exponent vector of an ag word uwith respect to an induced gen-
erating system of Uas list of integers if no field Fis given. Otherwise the product of the
exponent vector and is returned. Note that umust be an element of U.
Let (u1, ..., ur) be an induced generating system of U. Then ucan be uniquely written as
1... uνr
rfor integer νi. The exponent vector of uis [ν1, ..., νr].
Exponents allows factor group arguments. See 25.57 for details.
Note that Exponents adds a record component U.shiftInfo. This entry is used by sub-
sequent calls with the same ag group in order to speed up computation. If you ever change
the component U.igs by hand, not using Normalize, you must unbind the component
U.shiftInfo, otherwise all following results of Exponents will be corrupted. In case U
is a parent group you can use ExponentsAgWord (see 24.15), which is slightly faster but
requires a parent group U.
Note that you you may get a weird error message if uis no element of U. So it is strictly
required that uis an element of U.
Note that Exponents uses ExponentsAgWord but not ExponentAgWord, so for records that
mimic agwords Exponents may be used in ExponentAgWord.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> Exponents( v4, c * d );
gap> Exponents( s4 mod v4, a * b^2 * c * d );
25.74 FactorsAgGroup
FactorsAgGroup( U)
FactorsAgGroup returns the factorization of the group order of an ag group Uas list of
positive integers.
Note that it is faster to use FactorsAgGroup than to use Factors and Size.
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] );;
gap> FactorsAgGroup( s4 );
gap> Factors( Size( s4 ) );
25.75 MaximalElement
MaximalElement( U)
MaximalElement returns the ag word in Uwith maximal exponent vector.
Let Gbe the parent group of Uwith canonical generating system (g1, ..., gn) and let
(u1, ..., um) be the canonical generating system of U,diis the depth of uiwith respect
to G. Then an ag word u=gν1
1... gνn
nUis returned such that Pm
i=1 νdiis maximal.
25.76 Orbitalgorithms of Ag Groups
The functions Orbit (see 8.16) and Stabilizer (see 8.24 and 25.17) compute the orbit and
stabilizer of an ag group acting on a domain.
AgOrbitStabilizer (see 25.78) computes the orbit and stabilizer in case that a compatible
homomorphism into a group Hexists, such that the action of Hon the domain is more
efficient than the operation of the ag group; for example, if an ag group acts linearly on a
vector space, the operation can by described using matrices.
The functions AffineOperation (see 25.77) and LinearOperation (see 25.79) compute
matrix groups describing the affine or linear action of an ag group on a vector space.
25.77 AffineOperation
AffineOperation( U,V,ϕ,τ)
Let Ube an ag group with an induced generating system u1, ..., umand let Vbe a vector
space with base (o1, ..., on). Further Ushould act affinely on V. So if vis an element of V
and uis an element of U, then vu=vu+xu, such that the function which maps vto vuis
linear and xuis an element of V. These actions are given by the functions ϕand τas follows.
ϕ(v, u) must return the representation of vuwith respect to the base (o1, ..., on) as sequence
of finite field elements. τ(u) must return the representation of xuin the base (o1, ..., on) as
sequence of finite field elements. If these conditions are fulfilled, AffineOperation returns
a matrix group Mdescribing this action.
Note that M.images contains a list of matrices mi, such that midescribes the action of ui
and miis of the form
where Luis the matrix which describes the linear operation vV7→ vu.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> v4.field := GF( 2 );
gap> phi := function( v, g )
> return Exponents( v4, v^g, v4.field );
> end;
function ( v, g ) ... end
gap> tau := g -> Exponents( v4, v4.identity, v4.field );
function ( g ) ... end
gap> V := rec( base := [ c, d ], isDomain := true );
base := [ c, d ],
isDomain := true )
gap> AffineOperation( s4, V, phi, tau );
Group( [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
25.78 AgOrbitStabilizer
AgOrbitStabilizer( U,gens,ω)
AgOrbitStabilizer( U,gens,ω,f)
Let Ube an ag group acting on a set Ω. Let ωbe an element of Ω. Then AgOrbitStabilizer
returns the point-stabilizer of ωin the group Uand the orbit of ωunder this group. The
stabilizer and orbit are returned as record Rwith components R.stabilizer and R.orbit.
R.stabilizer is the point-stabilizer of ω.R.orbit is the list of the elements of ωU.
Let (u1, ..., un) be an induced generating system of Uand gens be a list h1, ..., hnof gen-
erators of a group H, such that the map ui7→ hiextends to an homomorphism αfrom U
to H, which is compatible with the action of Gand Hon Ω, such that gStabU(ω) if
and only if gαStabH(ω). If fis missing OnRight is assumed, a typical application of this
function being the linear action of Uon an vector space. If fis OnPoints then ^is used as
operation of Hon Ω. Otherwise fmust be a function, which takes two arguments, the first
one must be a point pof Ω and the second an element hof Hand which returns ph.
gap> AgOrbitStabilizer( s4, [a,b,c,d], d, OnPoints );
stabilizer := Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] ),
orbit := [ d, c*d, c ] )
25.79 LinearOperation
LinearOperation( U,V,ϕ)
Let Ube an ag group with an induced generating system u1, ..., umand Va vector space
with base (o1, ..., on). Umust act linearly on V. Let vbe an element of V,ube an element
of U. The action of Uon Vshould be given as follows. If vu=a1o1+... +anon, then
the function ϕ(v, u) must return (a1, ..., an) as list of finite field elements. If these condition
are fulfilled, LinearOperation returns a matrix group Mdescribing this action.
Note that M.images is bound to a list of matrices mi, such that midescribes the action
of ui.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> v4.field := GF( 2 );
gap> V := rec( base := [ c, d ], isDomain := true );
base := [ c, d ],
isDomain := true )
gap> phi := function( v, g )
> return Exponents( v4, v^g, v4.field );
> end;
function ( v, g ) ... end
gap> LinearOperation( s4, V, phi );
Group( [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
25.80 Intersections of Ag Groups
There are two kind of intersection algorithms. Whenever the product of two subgroups
is a subgroup, a generalized Zassenhaus algorithm can be used in order to compute the
intersection and sum (see [GS90]). In case one subgroup is a normalized by the other, an
element of the sum can easyly be decomposed. The functions IntersectionSumAgGroup (see
25.82), NormalIntersection (see 7.26 ), SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup (see 25.84)
and SumAgGroup (see 25.83) should be used in such cases.
These functions are faster than the general function Intersection (see 4.12 and 25.7),
which can compute the intersection of two subgroups even if their product is no subgroup.
25.81 ExtendedIntersectionSumAgGroup
ExtendedIntersectionSumAgGroup( V,W)
Let Vand Wbe ag groups with a common parent group, such that WN(V). Then
VWis a subgroup and ExtendedIntersectionSumAgGroup returns the intersection and
the sum of Vand W. The information about these groups is returned as a record with the
components intersection,sum and the additional information leftSide and rightSide.
is bound to the intersection WV.
is bound to the sum VW.
is lists of ag words, see below.
is lists of agwords, see below.
The function uses the Zassenhaus sum-intersection algorithm. Let Vbe generated by
v1, ..., va,Wbe generated by w1, ..., wb. Then the matrix
is echelonized by using the sifting algorithm to produce the following matrix
Then l1, ..., lcis a generating sequence for the sum, while the sequence kc+1, ..., ka+bis is
a generating sequence for the intersection. leftSide is bound to a list, such that the
list element is lj, if there exists a j, such that ljhas depth i, and IdAgWord otherwise.
rightSide is bound to a list, such that the list element is kj, if there exists a jless
than c+ 1, such that kjhas depth i, and IdAgWord otherwise. See also 25.84.
Note that this functions returns an incorrect result if W6≤ N(V).
gap> v4_1 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ a*b, c ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c ] )
gap> v4_2 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> ExtendedIntersectionSumAgGroup( v4_1, v4_2 );
leftSide := [ a*b, IdAgWord, c, d ],
rightSide := [ IdAgWord, IdAgWord, c, d ],
sum := Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ] ),
intersection := Subgroup( s4, [ c ] ) )
25.82 IntersectionSumAgGroup
IntersectionSumAgGroup( V,W)
Let Vand Wbe ag groups with a common parent group, such that WN(V). Then
VWis a subgroup and IntersectionSumAgGroup returns the intersection and the sum
of Vand Was record Rwith components R.intersection and R.sum.
The function uses the Zassenhaus sum-intersection algorithm. See also 7.26 and 25.83. For
more information about the Zassenhaus algorithm see 25.81 and 25.84.
Note that this functions returns an incorrect result if W6≤ N(V).
25.83. SUMAGGROUP 565
gap> d8_1 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> d8_2 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ] )
gap> IntersectionSumAgGroup( d8_1, d8_2 );
sum := Group( a*b, b^2, c, d ),
intersection := Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] ) )
25.83 SumAgGroup
SumAgGroup( V,W)
Let Vand Wbe ag groups with a common parent group, such that WN(V). Then
VWis a subgroup and SumAgGroup returns VW.
The function uses the Zassenhaus sum-intersection algorithm (see [GS90]).
Note that this functions returns an incorrect result if W6≤ N(V).
gap> d8_1 := Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> d8_2 := Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c, d ] )
gap> SumAgGroup( d8_1, d8_2 );
Group( a*b, b^2, c, d )
25.84 SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup
SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup( U,N)
Let Uand Nbe ag group with a common parent group such that Unormalizes N. Then
the function returns a record Rwith the following components.
is bound to the intersection UN.
is bound to the sum UN.
is bound to function, which takes an element gof UNand returns the factorization
of gin an element uof Uand nof N, such that g=un. This factorization is
returned as record rwith components r.u and r.n, where r.u is bound to the ag
word u,r.n to the ag word n.
Note that Nmust be a normal subgroup of UN, it is not sufficient that UN=NU.
gap> v4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ a*b, c ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b, c ] )
gap> a4 := AgSubgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ], true );
Subgroup( s4, [ b, c, d ] )
gap> sd := SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup;
function ( U, N ) ... end
gap> sd := SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup( v4, a4 );
sum := Group( a*b, b, c, d ),
intersection := Subgroup( s4, [ c ] ),
factorization := function ( un ) ... end )
gap> sd.factorization( a*b*c*d );
u := a*b*c,
gap> sd.factorization( a*b^2*c*d );
u := a*b*c,
n := b*c )
25.85 One Cohomology Group
Let Gbe a finite group, Ma normal p-elementary abelian subgroup of G. Then the group
of one coboundaries B1(G/M, M) is defined as
B1(G/M, M) = {γ:G/M M;mMgG:γ(gM)=(m1)g·m}
and is a Zp-vector space. The group of cocycles Z1(G/M, M) is defined as
Z1(G/M, M) = {γ:G/M M;g1, g2G:γ(g1M·g2M) = γ(g1M)g2·γ(g2M)}
and is also a Zp-vector space.
Let αbe the isomorphism of Minto a row vector space Wand (g1, ..., gl) representatives for
a generating set of G/M . Then there exists a monomorphism βof Z1(G/M, M) in the l-fold
direct sum of W, such that β(γ)=(α(γ(g1M)), ..., α(γ(glM))) for every γZ1(G/M, M ).
OneCoboundaries (see 25.86) and OneCocycles (see 25.87) compute the group of one
coboundaries and one cocyles given a ag group Gand a elementary abelian normal sub-
group M. If Info1Coh1,Info1Coh2 and Info1Coh3 are set to Print information about the
computation is given.
25.86 OneCoboundaries
OneCoboundaries( G,M)
Let Mbe a normal p-elementary abelian subgroup of G. Then OneCoboundaries computes
the vector space V=β(B1(G/M,M)), which is isomorphic to the group of one cobound-
aries B1(G, M) as described in 25.85. The functions returns a record Cwith the following
contains the vector space V.
contains representatives (g1, ..., gl) for the canonical generating system of G/M
25.87. ONECOCYCLES 567
contains a functions which takes an element vof Vas argument and returns a list
[n1, ..., nl], where niis an element of M, such that ni= (β1(v))(giM).
is the inverse of cocycleToList.
OneCoboundaries( G,α,M)
In that form OneCoboundaries computes the one coboundaries in the semidirect product
of Gand Mwhere Gacts on Musing α(see 7.101).
gap> s4xc2 := DirectProduct( s4, CyclicGroup( AgWords, 2 ) );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, b )
gap> m := CompositionSubgroup( s4xc2, 3 );
Subgroup( Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, b ), [ a3, a4, b ] )
gap> oc := OneCoboundaries( s4xc2, m );
oneCoboundaries := RowSpace( GF(2),
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] ),
generators := [ a1, a2 ],
cocycleToList := function ( c ) ... end,
listToCocycle := function ( L ) ... end )
gap> v := Base( oc.oneCoboundaries );
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[1] );
[ a4, a4 ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[2] );
[ IdAgWord, a3 ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[1]+v[2] );
[ a4, a3*a4 ]
25.87 OneCocycles
OneCocycles( G,M)
Let Mbe a normal p-elementary abelian subgroup of G. Then OneCocycles computes the
vector space V=β(Z1(G/M,M)), which is isomorphic to the group of one cocyles Z1(G, M)
as described in 25.85. The function returns a record Cwith the following components.
contains the vector space isomorphic to B1(G, M).
contains the vector space V.
contains representatives (g1, ..., gl) for the canonical generating system of G/M
If Gsplits over M,C.isSplitExtension is true, otherwise it is false. In case of
a split extension three more components C.complement,C.cocycleToComplement
and C.complementToCycles are returned.
contains a subgroup of Gwhich is a complement of M.
contains a functions which takes an element vof Vas argument and returns a list
[n1, ..., nl], where niis an element of M, such that ni= (β1(v))(giM).
is the inverse of cocycleToList.
contains a function which takes an element of Vas argument and returns a comple-
ment of M.
is its inverse. This is possible, because in a split extension there is a one to one
correspondence between the elements of Vand the complements of M.
OneCocycles( G,α,M)
In that form OneCocycles computes the one cocycles in the semidirect product of Gand M
where Gacts on Musing α(see 7.101). In that case Conly contains C.oneCoboundaries,
C.oneCocycles,C.generators,C.cocycleToList and C.listToCocycle.
gap> s4xc2 := DirectProduct( s4, CyclicGroup( AgWords, 2 ) );;
gap> := "s4xc2";;
gap> m := CompositionSubgroup( s4xc2, 3 );
Subgroup( s4xc2, [ a3, a4, b ] )
gap> oc := OneCocycles( s4xc2, m );;
gap> oc.oneCocycles;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> v := Base( oc.oneCocycles );
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[1] );
[ a4, a4 ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[2] );
[ b, IdAgWord ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[2] );
[ b, IdAgWord ]
gap> oc.cocycleToList( v[3] );
[ IdAgWord, a3 ]
gap> Igs( oc.complement );
[ a1, a2 ]
gap> Igs( oc.cocycleToComplement( v[1]+v[2]+v[3] ) );
[ a1*a4*b, a2*a3*a4 ]
gap> z4 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 4 );
25.88. COMPLEMENTS 569
Group( c4_1, c4_2 )
gap> m := CompositionSubgroup( z4, 2 );
Subgroup( Group( c4_1, c4_2 ), [ c4_2 ] )
gap> OneCocycles( z4, m );
oneCoboundaries := RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ 0*Z(2) ] ] ),
oneCocycles := RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0 ] ] ),
generators := [ c4_1 ],
isSplitExtension := false )
25.88 Complements
Complement (see 25.89) tries to find one complement to a given normal subgroup, while
Complementclasses (see 25.90) finds all complements and returns representatives for the
conjugacy classes of complements in a given ag group.
If InfoAgCo1 and InfoAgCo2 are set to Print information about the computation is given.
25.89 Complement
Complement( U,N)
Let Nand Ube ag group such that Nis a normal subgroup of U.Complement returns a
complement of Nin Uif the Usplits over N. Otherwise false is returned.
Complement descends along an elementary abelian series of Ucontaining N. See [CNW90]
for details.
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> Complement( s4, v4 );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] )
gap> z4 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 4 );
Group( c4_1, c4_2 )
gap> z2 := Subgroup( z4, [ z4.2 ] );
Subgroup( Group( c4_1, c4_2 ), [ c4_2 ] )
gap> Complement( z4, z2 );
gap> m9 := ElementaryAbelianGroup( AgWords, 9 );
Group( m9_1, m9_2 )
gap> m3 := Subgroup( m9, [ m9.2 ] );
Subgroup( Group( m9_1, m9_2 ), [ m9_2 ] )
gap> Complement( m9, m3 );
Subgroup( Group( m9_1, m9_2 ), [ m9_1 ] )
25.90 Complementclasses
Complementclasses( U,N)
Let Uand Nbe ag groups such that Nis a normal subgroup of U.Complementclasses
returns a list of representatives for the conjugacy classes of complements of Nin U.
Note that the empty list is returned if Udoes not split over N.
Complementclasses descends along an elementary abelian series of Ucontaining N. See
[CNW90] for details.
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> Complementclasses( s4, v4 );
[ Subgroup( s4, [ a, b ] ) ]
gap> z4 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 4 );
Group( c4_1, c4_2 )
gap> z2 := Subgroup( z4, [ z4.2 ] );
Subgroup( Group( c4_1, c4_2 ), [ c4_2 ] )
gap> Complementclasses( z4, z2 );
[ ]
gap> m9 := ElementaryAbelianGroup( AgWords, 9 );
Group( m9_1, m9_2 )
gap> m3 := Subgroup( m9, [ m9.2 ] );
Subgroup( Group( m9_1, m9_2 ), [ m9_2 ] )
gap> Complementclasses( m9, m3 );
[ Subgroup( Group( m9_1, m9_2 ), [ m9_1 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( m9_1, m9_2 ), [ m9_1*m9_2 ] ),
Subgroup( Group( m9_1, m9_2 ), [ m9_1*m9_2^2 ] ) ]
25.91 CoprimeComplement
CoprimeComplement( U,N)
CoprimeComplement returns a complement of a normal p-elementary abelian Hall subgroup
Nof U.
Note that, as Nis a normal Hall-subgroup of U, the theorem of Schur guarantees the
existence of a complement.
gap> s4xc25 := DirectProduct( s4, CyclicGroup( AgWords, 25 ) );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2 )
gap> := "s4xc25";;
gap> a4xc25 := Subgroup( s4xc25,
> Sublist( s4xc25.generators, [2..5] ) );
Subgroup( s4xc25, [ a2, a3, a4, b1 ] )
gap> N := Subgroup( s4xc25, [ s4xc25.3, s4xc25.4 ] );
Subgroup( s4xc25, [ a3, a4 ] )
gap> CoprimeComplement( a4xc25, N );
Subgroup( s4xc25, [ a2, b1, b2 ] )
25.92 ComplementConjugatingAgWord
ComplementConjugatingAgWord( N,U,V)
ComplementConjugatingAgWord( N,U,V,K)
Let N,U,Vand Kbe ag groups with a common parent group G, such that Nis p-
elementary abelian and normal in G,UN=VN,UN=VN={1},Kis a normal
subgroup of U N contained in UVand Uis conjugate to Vunder an element nof N.
Then this function returns an element nof Nsuch that Un=Vas ag word. If Kis not
given, the trivial subgroup is assumed.
In a typical application Nis a normal p-elementary abelian subgroup and U,Vand Kare
subgroups such that U/Kis a q-group with q6=p.
Note that this function does not check any of the above conditions. So the result may either
be false or an ag word with does not conjugate Uinto V, if Uand Vare not conjugate.
gap> c3a := Subgroup( s4, [ b ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ b ] )
gap> c3b := Subgroup( s4, [ b*c ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ b*c ] )
gap> v4 := Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] );
Subgroup( s4, [ c, d ] )
gap> ComplementConjugatingAgWord( v4, c3a, c3b );
gap> c3a ^ d;
Subgroup( s4, [ b*c ] )
25.93 HallConjugatingWordAgGroup
HallConjugatingAgWord( S,H,K)
Let H,Kand Sbe ag group with a common parent group such that Hand Kare Hall-
subgroups of S, then HallConjugatingAgWord returns an element gof Sas ag word, such
that Hg=K.
gap> d8 := HallSubgroup( s4, 2 );
Subgroup( s4, [ a, c, d ] )
gap> d8 ^ b;
Subgroup( s4, [ a*b^2, c*d, d ] )
gap> HallConjugatingAgWord( s4, d8, d8 ^ b );
gap> HallConjugatingAgWord( s4, d8 ^ b, d8 );
25.94 Example, normal closure
We will now show you how to write a GAP3 function, which computes the normal closure of
an ag group. Such a function already exists in the library (see 7.25), but this should be an
example on how to put functions together. You should at least be familiar with the basic
definitions and functions for ag groups, so please refer to 24, 25 and 25.1 for the definitions
of finite polycyclic groups and its subgroups, see 25.48 for information about calculating
induced or canonical generating system for subgroups.
Let Uand Sbe subgroups of a group G. Then the normal closure Nof Uunder Sis the
smallest subgroup in G, which contains Uand is invariant under conjugation with elements
of S. It is clear that Nis invariant under conjugating with generators of Sif and only if it
is invariant under conjugating with all elements of S.
So in order to compute the normal closure of U, we can start with N:= U, conjugate N
with a generator sof Sand set Nto the subgroup generated by Nand Ns. Then we take
the next generator of S. The whole process is repeated until Nis stable. A GAP3 function
doing this looks like
NormalClosure := function( S, U )
local G, # the common supergroup of Sand U
N, # closure computed so far
M, # next closure under generators of S
s; # one generator of S
G := Parent( S, U );
M := U;
N := M;
for s in Igs( S ) do
M := MergedCgs( G, [ M ^ s, M ] );
until M = N;
return N;
Let S=Gbe the wreath product of the symmetric group on four points with itself using
the natural permutation representation. Let Ube a randomly chosen subgroup of order 12.
The above functions needs, say, 100 time units to compute the normal closure of Uunder
S, which is a subgroup Nof index 2 in G.
gap> prms := [ (1,2), (1,2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4) ];
[ (1,2), (1,2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4) ]
gap> f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s4, Group( prms, () ),
> s4.generators, prms );;
gap> G := WreathProduct( s4, s4, f );
Group( h1, h2, h3, h4, n1_1, n1_2, n1_3, n1_4, n2_1, n2_2, n2_3,
n2_4, n3_1, n3_2, n3_3, n3_4, n4_1, n4_2, n4_3, n4_4 )
gap> := "G";;
gap> u := Random( G );
gap> U := MergedCgs( G, [ u ] );
Subgroup( G,
[ h1*h3*n1_2^2*n1_3*n1_4*n2_1*n2_3*n3_1*n3_2*n3_4*n4_1*n4_3,
n1_1*n2_1*n3_1*n3_2^2*n3_3*n3_4*n4_1*n4_4 ] )
gap> Size( U );
Now we can ask to speed up things. The first observation is that computing a canonical
generating system is usablely a more time consuming task than computing a conjugate
subgroup. So we form a canonical generating system after we have computed all conjugate
subgroups, although now an additional repeat-until loop could be necessary.
NormalClosure := function( S, U )
local G, N, M, s, gens;
G := Parent( S, U );
M := U;
N := M;
gens := [ M ];
for s in Igs( S ) do
Add( gens, M ^ s );
M := MergedCgs( G, gens );
until M = N;
return N;
If we now test this new normal closure function with the above groups, we see that the
running time has decreased to 48 time units. The canonical generating system algorithm is
faster if it knows a large subgroup of the group which should be generated but it does not
gain speed if it knows several of them. A canonical generating system for the conjugated
subgroup M^s is computed, although we only need generators for this subgroup. So we can
rewrite our algorithm.
NormalClosure := function( S, U )
local G, # the common supergroup of Sand U
N, # closure computed so far
M, # next closure under generators of S
gensS, # generators of S
gens; # generators of next step
G := Parent( S, U );
M := U;
gens := Igs( S );
N := M;
gens := Concatenation( [ M ], Concatenation( List( S, s ->
M := MergedCgs( G, gens );
until M = N;
return N;
Now a canonical generating system is generated only once per repeat-until loop. This reduces
the running time to 33 time units. Let mMand sS. Then hM, msi=hM, m1msi.
So we can substitute m^s by Comm( m, s ). If mis invariant under sthe new generator
would be 1 instead of m. With this modification the running times drops to 23 time units.
As next step we can try to compute induced generating systems instead of canonical ones.
In that case we cannot compare aggroups by =, but as Nis a subgroup Mit is sufficient to
compare the composition lengths.
NormalClosure := function( S, U )
local G, # the common supergroup of Sand U
N, # closure computed so far
M, # next closure under generators of S
gensS, # generators of S
gens; # generators of next step
G := Parent( S, U );
M := U;
gens := Igs( S );
N := M;
gens := Concatenation( List( S, s -> List( Igs( M ),
m -> Comm( m, s ) ) ) );
M := MergedIgs( G, N, gens, false );
until Length( Igs( M ) ) = Length( Igs( M ) );
Normalize( N );
return N;
But if we try the example above the running time has increased to 31. As the normal
closure has index 2 in Gthe agwords involved in a canonical generating system are of length
one or two. But agwords of induced generating system may have much large length. So we
have avoided some collections but made the collection process itself much more complicated.
Nevertheless in examples with subgroups of greater index the last function is slightly faster.
Chapter 26
Special Ag Groups
Special ag groups are a subcategory of ag groups (see 25).
Let Gbe an ag group with PAG system (g1, . . . , gn). Then (g1, . . . , gn) is a special ag
system if it is an ag system with some additional properties, which are described below.
In general a finite polycyclic group has several different ag systems and at least one of this is
a special ag system, but in GAP3 an ag group is defined by a fixed ag system and according
to this an ag group is called a special ag group if its ag system is a special ag system.
Special ag systems give more information about their corresponding group than arbitrary
ag systems do (see 26.1) and furthermore there are many algorithms, which are much more
efficient for a special ag group than for an arbitrary one. (See 26.7)
The following sections describe the special ag system (see 26.1), their construction in GAP3
(see 26.2 and 26.3) and their additional record entries (see 26.4). Then follow two sections
with functions which do only work for special ag groups (see 26.5 and 26.6).
26.1 More about Special Ag Groups
Now the properties of a special ag system are described. First of all the Leedham-Green
series will be introduced.
Let G=G1> G2> . . . > Gm> Gm+1 ={1}be the lower nilpotent series of G, i.e., Gi
is the smallest normal subgroup of Gi1such that Gi1/Giis nilpotent.
To refine this series the lower elementary abelian series of a nilpotent group Nwill be
constructed. Let N=P1·. . . ·Plbe the direct product of its Sylow-subgroups such that Ph
is a ph-group and p1< p2< . . . < plholds. Let λj(Ph) be the j-th term of the ph-central
series of Phand let khbe the length of this series (see 7.42). Define Nj,phas the subgroup
of Nwith
With k=max{k1, . . . , kl}the series
N=N1,p1N1,p2. . . N1,plN2,p1. . . Nk,pl={1}
is obtained. Since the p-central series may have different lengths for different primes, some
subgroups might be equal. The lower elementary abelian series is obtained, if for all pairs
of equal subgroups the one with the lexicographically greater index is removed. This series
is a characteristic central series with maximal elementary abelian factors.
To get the Leedham-Green series of G, each factor of the lower nilpotent series of Gis refined
by its lower elementary abelian series. The subgroups of the Leedham-Green series are
denoted by Gi,j,pi,h such that Gi,j,pi,h /Gi+1 = (Gi/Gi+1)j,pi,h for each prime pi,h dividing
the order of Gi/Gi+1. The Leedham-Green series is a characteristic series with elementary
abelian factors.
A PAG system corresponds naturally to a composition series of its group. The first additional
property of a special ag system is that the corresponding composition series refines the
Leedham-Green series.
Secondly, all the elements of a special ag system are of prime-power order, and furthermore,
if a set of primes π={q1, . . . , qr}is given, all elements of a special ag system which are
of qh-power order for some qhin πgenerate a Hall-π-subgroup of G. In fact they form
a canonical generating sequence of the Hall-π-subgroup. These Hall subgroups are called
public subgroups, since a subset of the PAG system is an induced generating set for the
subgroup. Note that the set of all public Sylow subgroups forms a Sylow system of G.
The last property of the special ag systems is the existence of public local head comple-
ments. For a nilpotent group N, the group
λ2(N) = λ2(P1)···λ2(Pl)
is the Frattini subgroup of N. The local heads of the group Gare the factors
(Gi/Gi+1)2(Gi/Gi+1) = Gi/Gi,2,pi,1
for each i. A local head complement is a subgroup Kiof Gsuch that Ki/Gi,2,pi,1is a
complement of Gi/Gi,2,pi1. Now a special ag system has a public local head complement
for each local head. This complement is generated by the elements of the special ag system
which do not lie in Gi\Gi,2,pi,1. Note that all complements of a local head are conjugate.
The factors
λ2(Gi/Gi+1) = Gi,2,pi,1/Gi+1
are called the tails of the group G.
To handle the special ag system the weights are introduced. Let (g1, . . . , gn) be a special ag
system. The triple (w1, w2, w3) is called the weight of the generator giif gilies in Gw1,w2,w3
but not lower down in the Leedham-Green series. That means w1corresponds to the sub-
group in the lower nilpotent series and w2to the subgroup in the elementary-abelian series
of this factor, and w3is the prime dividing the order of gi. Then weight(gi)=(w1, w2, w3)
and weightj(gi) = wjfor j= 1,2,3 is set. With this definition {gi|weight3(gi)π}is a
Hall-π-subgroup of Gand {gi|weight(gi)6= (j, 1, p) for some p}is a local head complement.
Now some advantages of a special ag system are summarized.
1. You have a characteristic series with elementary abelian factors of Gexplicitly given
in the ag system. This series is refined by the composition series corresponding to the
ag system.
2. You can see whether Gis nilpotent or even a p-group, and if it is, you have a central
series explicitly given by the Leedham-Green series. Analogously you can see whether
the group is even elementary abelian.
3. You can easily calculate Hall-π-subgroups of G. Furthermore the set of public Sylow
subgroups forms a Sylow system.
4. You get a smaller generating set of the group by taking only the elements which
correspond to local heads of the group.
5. The collection with a special ag system may be faster than the collection with an arbi-
trary ag system, since in the calculation of the public subgroups of Gthe commutators
of the ag generators are shortened.
6. Many algorithms are faster for special ag groups than for arbitrary ag groups.
26.2 Construction of Special Ag Groups
SpecialAgGroup( G)
The function SpecialAgGroup takes an ag group Gas input and calculates a special ag
group H, which is isomorphic to G.
To obtain the additional information of a special ag system see 26.4.
26.3 Restricted Special Ag Groups
If one is only interested in some of the information of special ag systems then it is possible
to suppress the calculation of one or all types of the public subgroups by calling the function
SpecialAgGroup( G,flag ), where flag is ”noHall”, ”noHead”or ”noPublic”. With this
options the algorithm takes less time. It calculates an ag group H, which is isomorphic to
G. But be careful, because the output His not handled as a special ag group by GAP3 but
as an arbitrary ag group. Exspecially none of the functions listet in 26.7 use the algorithms
for special ag groups.
SpecialAgGroup( G, "noPublic")
calculates an ag group H, which is isomorphic to Gand whose ag system is corresponding
to the Leedham-Green series.
SpecialAgGroup( G, "noHall")
calculates an ag group H, which is isomorphic to Gand whose ag system is corresponding
to the Leedham-Green series and has public local head complements.
SpecialAgGroup( G, "noHead")
calculates an ag group H, which is isomorphic to Gand whose ag system is corresponding
to the Leedham-Green series and has public Hall subgroups.
To obtain the additional information of a special ag system see 26.4.
26.4 Special Ag Group Records
In addition to the record components of ag groups (see 25) the following components are
present in the group record of a special ag group H.
This is a list of weights such that the i-th entry gives the weight of the element
hi, i.e., the triple (w1, w2, w3) when hilies in Gw1,w2,w3but not lower down in the
Leedham-Green series (see 26.1).
The entries layers,first,head and tail only depend on the weights. These entries are
useful in many of the programs using the special ag system.
This is a list of integers. Assume that the subgroups of the Leedham-Green series are
numbered beginning at Gand ending at the trivial group. Then the i-th entry gives
the number of the subgroup in the Leedham-Green series to which hicorresponds as
described in weights.
This is a list of integers, and first[j] = iif hiis the first element of the j-th layer.
Additionally the last entry of the list first is always n+ 1.
This is a list of integers, and head[j] = iif hiis the first element of the j-th local
head. Additionally the last entry of the list head is always n+ 1 (see 26.1).
This is a list of integers, and tail[j] = iif hi1is the last element of the j-th local
head. In other words hiis either the first element of the tail of the j-th layer in
the lower nilpotent series, or in case this tail is trivial, then hiis the first element of
the j+ 1-st layer in the lower nilpotent series. If the tail of the smallest nontrivial
subgroup of the lower nilpotent series is trivial, then the last entry of the list tail is
n+ 1 (see 26.1).
This is the isomorphism from Hto Ggiven through the images of the generators of
The next four entries indicate if any flag and which one is used in the calculation of the
special ag system (see 26.2 and 26.3).
This entry is a Boolean. It is true if public Hall subgroups have been calculated, and
false otherwise.
This entry is a Boolean. It is true if public local head complements have been calcu-
lated, and false otherwise.
This entry is a Boolean. It is true if public Hall subgroups and public local head
complements have been calculated, and false otherwise.
Note that in GAP3 an ag group is called a special ag group if and only if the record entry
isSagGroup is true.
# construct a wreath product of a4 with s3 where s3 operates on 3 points.
gap> s3 := SymmetricGroup( AgWords, 3 );;
gap> a4 := AlternatingGroup( AgWords, 4 );;
gap> a4wrs3 := WreathProduct(a4, s3, s3.bijection);
Group( h1, h2, n1_1, n1_2, n1_3, n2_1, n2_2, n2_3, n3_1, n3_2, n3_3 )
# now calculate the special ag group
gap> S := SpecialAgGroup( a4wrs3 );
Group( h1, n3_1, h2, n2_1, n1_1, n1_2, n1_3, n2_2, n2_3, n3_2, n3_3 )
gap> S.weights;
gap> S.layers;
gap> S.first;
[ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 ]
gap> S.head;
[ 1, 3, 6, 12 ]
gap> S.tail;
[ 3, 5, 12 ]
gap> S.bijection;
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( h1, n3_1, h2, n2_1, n1_1, n1_2,
n1_3, n2_2, n2_3, n3_2, n3_3 ), Group( h1, h2, n1_1, n1_2, n1_3,
n2_1, n2_2, n2_3, n3_1, n3_2, n3_3 ),
[ h1, n3_1, h2, n2_1, n1_1, n1_2, n1_3, n2_2, n2_3, n3_2, n3_3 ],
[ h1, n3_1, h2, n2_1*n3_1^2, n1_1*n2_1*n3_1, n1_2, n1_3, n2_2, n2_3,
n3_2, n3_3 ] )
gap> S.isHallSystem;
gap> S.isHeadSystem;
gap> S.isSagGroup;
In the next sections the functions which only apply to special ag groups are described.
26.5 MatGroupSagGroup
MatGroupSagGroup( H,i)
MatGroupSagGroup calculates the matrix representation of Hon the i-th layer of the Leed-
ham-Green series of H(see 26.1).
See also MatGroupAgGroup.
gap> S := SpecialAgGroup( a4wrs3 );;
gap> S.weights;
gap> MatGroupSagGroup(S,3);
Group( [ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] )
26.6 DualMatGroupSagGroup
DualMatGroupSagGroup( H,i)
DualMatGroupSagGroup calculates the dual matrix representation of Hon the i-th layer of
the Leedham-Green series of H(see 26.1).
Let Vbe an F H-module for a field F. Then the dual module to Vis defined by V:= {f:
VF|fis linear }. This module is also an F H-module and the dual matrix representation
is the representation on the dual module.
gap> S := SpecialAgGroup( a4wrs3 );;
gap> DualMatGroupSagGroup(S,3);
Group( [ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ] ] )
26.7 Ag Group Functions for Special Ag Groups
Since special ag groups are ag groups all functions for ag groups are applicable to special
ag groups. However certain of these functions use special implementations to treat special
ag groups, i.e. there exists functions like SagGroupOps.FunctionName, which are called
by the corresponding general function in case a special ag group given. If you call one of
these general functions with an arbitrary ag group, the general function will not calculate
the special ag group but use the function for ag groups. For the special implementations to
treat special ag groups note the following.
Centre( H)
MinimalGeneratingSet( H)
Intersection( U,L)
EulerianFunction( H) MaximalSubgroups( H)
ConjugacyClassesMaximalSubgroups( H)
PrefrattiniSubgroup( H)
FrattiniSubgroup( H)
IsNilpotent( H)
These functions are often faster and often use less space for special ag groups.
ElementaryAbelianSeries( H)
This function returns the Leedham-Green series (see 26.1).
IsElementaryAbelianSeries( H)
Returns true.
HallSubgroup( H,primes )
SylowSubgroup( H,p)
SylowSystem( H)
These functions return the corresponding public subgroups (see 26.1).
Subgroup( H,gens )
AgSubgroup( H,gens,bool )
These functions return an ag group which is not special, except if the group itself is returned.
All domain functions not mentioned here use no special treatments for special ag groups.
Note also that there exists a package to compute formation theoretic subgroups of special
ag groups. This may be used to compute the system normalizer of the public Sylow system,
which is the F-normalizer for the formation of nilpotent groups F. It is also possible to
compute F-normalizers as well as F-covering subgroups and F-residuals of special ag groups
for a number of saturated formations Fwhich are given within the package or for self-defined
saturated formations F.
Chapter 27
Lists are the most important way to collect objects and treat them together. A list is
a collection of elements. A list also implies a partial mapping from the integers to the
elements. I.e., there is a first element of a list, a second, a third, and so on.
List constants are written by writing down the elements in order between square brackets
[,], and separating them with commas ,. An empty list, i.e., a list with no elements, is
written as [].
gap> [ 1, 2, 3 ];
[1,2,3] # a list with three elements
[[ ],[1],[1,2]] # a list may contain other lists
Usually a list has no holes, i.e., contain an element at every position. However, it is absolutely
legal to have lists with holes. They are created by leaving the entry between the commas
empty. Lists with holes are sometimes convenient when the list represents a mapping from
a finite, but not consecutive, subset of the positive integers. We say that a list that has no
holes is dense.
gap> l := [ , 4, 9,, 25,, 49,,,, 121 ];;
gap> l[3];
gap> l[4];
Error, List Element: <list>[4] must have a value
It is most common that a list contains only elements of one type. This is not a must though.
It is absolutely possible to have lists whose elements are of different types. We say that a
list whose elements are all of the same type is homogeneous.
gap> l := [ 1, E(2), Z(3), (1,2,3), [1,2,3], "What a mess" ];;
gap> l[1]; l[3]; l[5][2];
The first sections describe the functions that test if an object is a list and convert an object
to a list (see 27.1 and 27.2).
The next section describes how one can access elements of a list (see 27.4 and 27.5).
The next sections describe how one can change lists (see 27.6, 27.7, 27.8, 27.9, 27.11).
The next sections describe the operations applicable to lists (see 27.12 and 27.13).
The next sections describe how one can find elements in a list (see 27.14, 27.15, 27.16, 27.19).
The next sections describe the functions that construct new lists, e.g., sublists (see 27.22,
27.23, 27.24, 27.25, 27.26).
The next sections describe the functions deal with the subset of elements of a list that have
a certain property (see 27.27, 27.28, 27.30, 27.32, 27.33, 27.34).
The next sections describe the functions that sort lists (see 27.35, 27.36, 27.38, 27.41).
The next sections describe the functions to compute the product, sum, maximum, and
minimum of the elements in a list (see 27.42, 27.43, 27.45, 27.46, 27.47).
The final section describes the function that takes a random element from a list (see 27.48).
Lists are also used to represent sets, subsets, vectors, and ranges (see 28, 29, 32, and 31).
27.1 IsList
IsList( obj )
IsList returns true if the argument obj , which can be an arbitrary object, is a list and
false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsList( [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ] );
gap> IsList( 1 );
27.2 List
List( obj )
List( list,func )
In its first form List returns the argument obj , which must be a list, a permutation, a string
or a word, converted into a list. If obj is a list, it is simply returned. If obj is a permutation,
List returns a list where the i-th element is the image of iunder the permutation obj . If
obj is a word, List returns a list where the i-th element is the i-th generator of the word,
as a word of length 1.
gap> List( [1,2,3] );
gap> List( (1,2)(3,4,5) );
In its second form List returns a new list, where each element is the result of applying the
function func, which must take exactly one argument and handle the elements of list, to the
corresponding element of the list list. The list list must not contain holes.
gap> List( [1,2,3], x->x^2 );
gap> List( [1..10], IsPrime );
27.3. APPLYFUNC 585
[ false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false ]
Note that this function is called map in Lisp and many other similar programming languages.
This name violates the GAP3 rule that verbs are used for functions that change their argu-
ments. According to this rule map would change list, replacing every element with the result
of the application func to this argument.
27.3 ApplyFunc
ApplyFunc( func,arglist )
ApplyFunc invokes the function func as if it had been called with the elements of arglist as
its arguments and returns the value, if any, returned by that invocation.
gap> foo := function(arg1, arg2)
> Print("first ",arg1," second ",arg2,"\n"); end;
function ( arg1, arg2 ) ... end
gap> foo(1,2);
first 1 second 2
gap> ApplyFunc(foo,[1,2]);
first 1 second 2
gap> ApplyFunc(Position,[[1,2,3],2]);
27.4 List Elements
list[pos ]
The above construct evaluates to the pos-th element of the list list.pos must be a positive
integer. List indexing is done with origin 1, i.e., the first element of the list is the element
at position 1.
gap> l := [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ];;
gap> l[1];
gap> l[2];
gap> l[6];
If list does not evaluate to a list, or pos does not evaluate to a positive integer, or list[pos]
is unbound an error is signalled. As usual you can leave the break loop (see 3.2) with quit;.
On the other hand you can return a result to be used in place of the list element by return
list{poss }
The above construct evaluates to a new list new whose first element is list[poss[1]], whose
second element is list[poss[2]], and so on. poss must be a dense list of positive integers, it
need, however, not be sorted and may contain duplicate elements. If for any i,list[poss[i]
]is unbound, an error is signalled.
gap> l := [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ];;
gap> l{[4..6]};
[ 7, 11, 13 ]
gap> l{[1,7,1,8]};
[ 2, 17, 2, 19 ]
The result is a new list, that is not identical to any other list. The elements of that list
however are identical to the corresponding elements of the left operand (see 27.9).
It is possible to nest such sublist extractions, as can be seen in the following example.
gap> m := [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10,11,12] ];;
gap> m{[1,2,3]}{[3,2]};
gap> l := m{[1,2,3]};; l{[3,2]};
Note the difference between the two examples. The latter extracts elements 1, 2, and 3 from
mand then extracts the elements 3 and 2 from this list. The former extracts elements 1, 2,
and 3 from mand then extracts the elements 3 and 2 from each of those element lists.
To be precise. With each selector [pos]or {poss}we associate a level that is defined as
the number of selectors of the form {poss}to its left in the same expression. For example
level 0 0 1 1 1 2
Then a selector list[pos]of level level is computed as ListElement(list,pos,level), where
ListElement is defined as follows
ListElement := function ( list, pos, level )
if level = 0 then
return list[pos];
return List( list, elm -> ListElement(elm,pos,level-1) );
and a selector list{poss}of level level is computed as ListElements(list,poss,level), where
ListElements is defined as follows
ListElements := function ( list, poss, level )
if level = 0 then
return list{poss};
return List( list, elm -> ListElements(elm,poss,level-1) );
27.5 Length
Length( list )
Length returns the length of the list list. The length is defined as 0 for the empty list,
and as the largest positive integer index such that list[index]has an assigned value for
nonempty lists. Note that the length of a list may change if new elements are added to it
or assigned to previously unassigned positions.
gap> Length( [] );
gap> Length( [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ] );
gap> Length( [ 1, 2,,, 5 ] );
For lists that contain no holes Length,Number (see 27.27), and Size (see 4.10) return the
same value. For lists with holes Length returns the largest index of a bound entry, Number
returns the number of bound entries, and Size signals an error.
27.6 List Assignment
list[pos ] := object;
The list assignment assigns the object object, which can be of any type, to the list entry at
the position pos, which must be a positive integer, in the list list. That means that accessing
the pos-th element of the list list will return object after this assignment.
gap> l := [ 1, 2, 3 ];;
gap> l[1] := 3;; l; # assign a new object
gap> l[2] := [ 4, 5, 6 ];; l; #object may be of any type
gap> l[ l[1] ] := 10;; l; #index may be an expression
If the index pos is larger than the length of the list list (see 27.5), the list is automatically
enlarged to make room for the new element. Note that it is possible to generate lists with
holes that way.
gap> l[4] := "another entry";; l; #list is enlarged
[ 3, [ 4, 5, 6 ], 10, "another entry" ]
gap> l[ 10 ] := 1;; l; # now list has a hole
[ 3, [ 4, 5, 6 ], 10, "another entry",,,,,, 1 ]
The function Add (see 27.7) should be used if you want to add an element to the end of the
Note that assigning to a list changes the list. The ability to change an object is only available
for lists and records (see 27.9).
If list does not evaluate to a list, pos does not evaluate to a positive integer or object is a
call to a function which does not return a value, for example Print (see 3.14), an error is
signalled As usual you can leave the break loop (see 3.2) with quit;. On the other hand
you can continue the assignment by returning a list, an index or an object using return
list{poss }:= objects;
The list assignment assigns the object objects[1], which can be of any type, to the list list
at the position poss[1], the object objects[2] to list[poss[2]], and so on. poss must be
a dense list of positive integers, it need, however, not be sorted and may contain duplicate
elements. objects must be a dense list and must have the same length as poss.
gap> l := [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ];;
gap> l{[1..4]} := [10..13];; l;
[ 10, 11, 12, 13, 11, 13, 17, 19 ]
gap> l{[1,7,1,10]} := [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];; l;
[ 3, 11, 12, 13, 11, 13, 2, 19,, 4 ]
It is possible to nest such sublist assignments, as can be seen in the following example.
gap> m := [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [10,11,12] ];;
gap> m{[1,2,3]}{[3,2]} := [ [11,12], [13,14], [15,16] ];; m;
[ [ 1, 12, 11 ], [ 4, 14, 13 ], [ 7, 16, 15 ], [ 10, 11, 12 ] ]
The exact behaviour is defined in the same way as for list extractions (see 27.4). Namely
with each selector [pos]or {poss}we associate a level that is defined as the number of
selectors of the form {poss}to its left in the same expression. For example
level 0 0 1 1 1 2
Then a list assignment list[pos] := vals;of level level is computed as ListAssignment(
list,pos,vals,level ), where ListAssignment is defined as follows
ListAssignment := function ( list, pos, vals, level )
local i;
if level = 0 then
list[pos] := vals;
for i in [1..Length(list)] do
ListAssignment( list[i], pos, vals[i], level-1 );
and a list assignment list{poss}:= vals of level level is computed as ListAssignments(
list,poss,vals,level ), where ListAssignments is defined as follows
ListAssignments := function ( list, poss, vals, level )
local i;
if level = 0 then
list{poss} := vals;
for i in [1..Length(list)] do
ListAssignments( list[i], poss, vals[i], level-1 );
27.7 Add
Add( list,elm )
Add adds the element elm to the end of the list list, i.e., it is equivalent to the assignment
list[ Length(list)+1]:=elm. The list is automatically enlarged to make room for the
new element. Add returns nothing, it is called only for its side effect.
27.8. APPEND 589
Note that adding to a list changes the list. The ability to change an object is only available
for lists and records (see 27.9).
To add more than one element to a list use Append (see 27.8).
gap> l := [ 2, 3, 5 ];; Add( l, 7 ); l;
27.8 Append
Append( list1 ,list2 )
Append adds (see 27.7) the elements of the list list2 to the end of the list list1 .list2 may
contain holes, in which case the corresponding entries in list1 will be left unbound. Append
returns nothing, it is called only for its side effect.
gap> l := [ 2, 3, 5 ];; Append( l, [ 7, 11, 13 ] ); l;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ]
gap> Append( l, [ 17,, 23 ] ); l;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,, 23 ]
Note that appending to a list changes the list. The ability to change an object is only
available for lists and records (see 27.9).
Note that Append changes the first argument, while Concatenation (see 27.22) creates
a new list and leaves its arguments unchanged. As usual the name of the function that
work destructively is a verb, but the name of the function that creates a new object is a
27.9 Identical Lists
With the list assignment (see 27.6, 27.7, 27.8) it is possible to change a list. The ability to
change an object is only available for lists and records. This section describes the semantic
consequences of this fact.
You may think that in the following example the second assignment changes the integer,
and that therefore the above sentence, which claimed that only lists and records can be
changed is wrong
i := 3;
i := i + 1;
But in this example not the integer 3is changed by adding one to it. Instead the variable
iis changed by assigning the value of i+1, which happens to be 4, to i. The same thing
happens in the following example
l := [ 1, 2 ];
l := [ 1, 2, 3 ];
The second assignment does not change the first list, instead it assigns a new list to the
variable l. On the other hand, in the following example the list is changed by the second
l := [ 1, 2 ];
l[3] := 3;
To understand the difference first think of a variable as a name for an object. The important
point is that a list can have several names at the same time. An assignment var := list;
means in this interpretation that var is a name for the object list. At the end of the following
example l2 still has the value [1,2]as this list has not been changed and nothing else
has been assigned to it.
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
l2 := l1;
l1 := [ 1, 2, 3 ];
But after the following example the list for which l2 is a name has been changed and thus
the value of l2 is now [1,2,3].
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
l2 := l1;
l1[3] := 3;
We shall say that two lists are identical if changing one of them by a list assignment also
changes the other one. This is slightly incorrect, because if two lists are identical, there are
actually only two names for one list. However, the correct usage would be very awkward
and would only add to the confusion. Note that two identical lists must be equal, because
there is only one list with two different names. Thus identity is an equivalence relation that
is a refinement of equality.
Let us now consider under which circumstances two lists are identical.
If you enter a list literal than the list denoted by this literal is a new list that is not identical
to any other list. Thus in the following example l1 and l2 are not identical, though they
are equal of course.
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
l2 := [ 1, 2 ];
Also in the following example, no lists in the list lare identical.
l := [];
for i in [1..10] do l[i] := [ 1, 2 ]; od;
If you assign a list to a variable no new list is created. Thus the list value of the variable
on the left hand side and the list on the right hand side of the assignment are identical. So
in the following example l1 and l2 are identical lists.
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
l2 := l1;
If you pass a list as argument, the old list and the argument of the function are identical.
Also if you return a list from a function, the old list and the value of the function call are
identical. So in the following example l1 and l2 are identical list
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
f := function ( l ) return l; end;
l2 := f( l1 );
The functions Copy and ShallowCopy (see 46.11 and 46.12) accept a list and return a new list
that is equal to the old list but that is not identical to the old list. The difference between
Copy and ShallowCopy is that in the case of ShallowCopy the corresponding elements of
27.10. ISIDENTICAL 591
the new and the old lists will be identical, whereas in the case of Copy they will only be
equal. So in the following example l1 and l2 are not identical lists.
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
l2 := Copy( l1 );
If you change a list it keeps its identity. Thus if two lists are identical and you change one
of them, you also change the other, and they are still identical afterwards. On the other
hand, two lists that are not identical will never become identical if you change one of them.
So in the following example both l1 and l2 are changed, and are still identical.
l1 := [ 1, 2 ];
l2 := l1;
l1[1] := 2;
27.10 IsIdentical
IsIdentical( l,r)
IsIdentical returns true if the objects land rare identical. Unchangeable objects are
considered identical if the are equal. Changeable objects, i.e., lists and records, are identical
if changing one of them by an assignment also changes the other one, as described in 27.9.
gap> IsIdentical( 1, 1 );
gap> IsIdentical( 1, () );
gap> l := [ ’h’, ’a’, ’l’, ’l’, ’o’ ];;
gap> l = "hallo";
gap> IsIdentical( l, "hallo" );
27.11 Enlarging Lists
The previous section (see 27.6) told you (among other things), that it is possible to assign
beyond the logical end of a list, automatically enlarging the list. This section tells you how
this is done.
It would be extremly wasteful to make all lists large enough so that there is room for all
assignments, because some lists may have more than 100000 elements, while most lists have
less than 10 elements.
On the other hand suppose every assignment beyond the end of a list would be done by
allocating new space for the list and copying all entries to the new space. Then creating a
list of 1000 elements by assigning them in order, would take half a million copy operations
and also create a lot of garbage that the garbage collector would have to reclaim.
So the following strategy is used. If a list is created it is created with exactly the correct
size. If a list is enlarged, because of an assignment beyond the end of the list, it is enlarged
by at least length/8 + 4 entries. Therefore the next assignments beyond the end of the list
do not need to enlarge the list. For example creating a list of 1000 elements by assigning
them in order, would now take only 32 enlargements.
The result of this is of course that the physical length, which is also called the size, of
a list may be different from the logical length, which is usually called simply the length
of the list. Aside from the implications for the performance you need not be aware of the
physical length. In fact all you can ever observe, for example by calling Length is the logical
Suppose that Length would have to take the physical length and then test how many entries
at the end of a list are unassigned, to compute the logical length of the list. That would
take too much time. In order to make Length, and other functions that need to know the
logical length, more efficient, the length of a list is stored along with the list.
A note aside. In the previous version 2.4 of GAP3 a list was indeed enlarged every time an
assignment beyond the end of the list was performed. To deal with the above inefficiency
the following hacks where used. Instead of creating lists in order they were usually created
in reverse order. In situations where this was not possible a dummy assignment to the last
position was performed, for example
l := [];
l[1000] := "dummy";
l[1] := first_value();
for i from 2 to 1000 do l[i] := next_value(l[i-1]); od;
27.12 Comparisons of Lists
list1 =list2
list1 <> list2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two lists list1 and list2 are equal and
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the two lists are not equal
and false otherwise. Two lists list1 and list2 are equal if and only if for every index i,
either both entries list1 [i]and list2 [i]are unbound, or both are bound and are equal, i.e.,
list1 [i] = list2 [i]is true.
list1 <list2 ,list1 <= list2 list1 >list2 ,list1 >= list2
The operators <,<=,>and >= evaluate to true if the list list1 is less than, less than or equal
to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the list list2 and to false otherwise. Lists
are ordered lexicographically, with unbound entries comparing very small. That means the
following. Let ibe the smallest positive integer i, such that neither both entries list1 [i]
and list2 [i]are unbound, nor both are bound and equal. Then list1 is less than list2 if
either list1 [i]is unbound (and list2 [i]is not) or both are bound and list1 [i] < list2 [i]
is true.
true #list1 [3] < list2 [3]
true #list1 [4] is unbound and therefore very small
true #list1 [2] is unbound and therefore very small
You can also compare objects of other types, for example integers or permutations with
lists. Of course those objects are never equal to a list. Records (see 46) are greater than
lists, objects of every other type are smaller than lists.
gap> 123 < [ 1, 2, 3 ];
gap> [ 1, 2, 3 ] < rec( a := 123 );
27.13 Operations for Lists
list *obj
obj *list
The operator *evaluates to the product of list list by an object obj . The product is a new
list that at each position contains the product of the corresponding element of list by obj .
list may contain holes, in which case the result will contain holes at the same positions.
The elements of list and obj must be objects of the following types; integers (see 10),
rationals (see 12), cyclotomics (see 13), elements of a finite field (see 18), permutations (see
20), matrices (see 34), words in abstract generators (see 22), or words in solvable groups
(see 24).
gap> [ 1, 2, 3 ] * 2;
gap> 2 * [ 2, 3,, 5,, 7 ];
[ 4, 6,, 10,, 14 ]
gap> [ (), (2,3), (1,2), (1,2,3), (1,3,2), (1,3) ] * (1,4);
[ (1,4), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,3,2,4), (1,3,4) ]
Many more operators are available for vectors and matrices, which are also represented by
lists (see 32.1, 34.1).
27.14 In
elm in list
The in operator evaluates to true if the object elm is an element of the list list and to
false otherwise. elm is an element of list if there is a positive integer index such that
list[index]=elm is true.elm may be an object of an arbitrary type and list may be a list
containing elements of any type.
It is much faster to test for membership for sets, because for sets, which are always sorted
(see 28), in can use a binary search, instead of the linear search used for ordinary lists. So
if you have a list for which you want to perform a large number of membership tests you
may consider converting it to a set with the function Set (see 28.2).
gap> 1 in [ 2, 2, 1, 3 ];
gap> 1 in [ 4, -1, 0, 3 ];
gap> s := Set([2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32]);;
gap> 17 in s;
false # uses binary search and only 4 comparisons
gap> 1 in [ "This", "is", "a", "list", "of", "strings" ];
gap> [1,2] in [ [0,6], [0,4], [1,3], [1,5], [1,2], [3,4] ];
Position (see 27.15) and PositionSorted (see 27.16) allow you to find the position of an
element in a list.
27.15 Position
Position( list,elm )
Position( list,elm,after )
Position returns the position of the element elm, which may be an object of any type, in
the list list. If the element is not in the list the result is false. If the element appears
several times, the first position is returned.
The three argument form begins the search at position after+1, and returns the position of
the next occurence of elm. If there are no more, it returns false.
It is much faster to search for an element in a set, because for sets, which are always sorted
(see 28), Position can use a binary search, instead of the linear search used for ordinary
lists. So if you have a list for which you want to perform a large number of searches you
may consider converting it to a set with the function Set (see 28.2).
gap> Position( [ 2, 2, 1, 3 ], 1 );
gap> Position( [ 2, 1, 1, 3 ], 1 );
gap> Position( [ 2, 1, 1, 3 ], 1, 2 );
gap> Position( [ 2, 1, 1, 3 ], 1, 3 );
gap> Position( [ 4, -1, 0, 3 ], 1 );
gap> s := Set([2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32]);;
gap> Position( s, 17 );
false # uses binary search and only 4 comparisons
gap> Position( [ "This", "is", "a", "list", "of", "strings" ], 1 );
gap> Position( [ [0,6], [0,4], [1,3], [1,5], [1,2], [3,4] ], [1,2] );
The in operator (see 27.14) can be used if you are only interested to know whether the
element is in the list or not. PositionSorted (see 27.16) can be used if the list is sorted.
PositionProperty (see 27.19) allows you to find the position of an element that satisfies a
certain property in a list.
27.16 PositionSorted
PositionSorted( list,elm )
PositionSorted( list,elm,func )
In the first form PositionSorted returns the position of the element elm, which may be an
object of any type, with respect to the sorted list list.
In the second form PositionSorted returns the position of the element elm, which may
be an object of any type with respect to the list list, which must be sorted with respect to
func.func must be a function of two arguments that returns true if the first argument is
less than the second argument and false otherwise.
PositionSorted returns pos such that list[pos-1] <elm and elm <= list[pos]. That
means, if elm appears once in list, its position is returned. If elm appears several times in
list, the position of the first occurrence is returned. If elm is not an element of list, the
index where elm must be inserted to keep the list sorted is returned.
gap> PositionSorted( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 0 );
gap> PositionSorted( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 2 );
gap> PositionSorted( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 4 );
gap> PositionSorted( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 5 );
gap> PositionSorted( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 8 );
Position (see 27.15) is another function that returns the position of an element in a list.
Position accepts unsorted lists, uses linear instead of binary search and returns false if
elm is not in list.
27.17 PositionSet
PositionSet( list,elm )
PositionSet( list,elm,func )
In the first form PositionSet returns the position of the element elm, which may be an
object of any type, with respect to the sorted list list.
In the second form PositionSet returns the position of the element elm, which may be an
object of any type with respect to the list list, which must be sorted with respect to func.
func must be a function of two arguments that returns true if the first argument is less
than the second argument and false otherwise.
PositionSet returns pos such that list[pos-1] <elm and elm =list[pos]. That means, if
elm appears once in list, its position is returned. If elm appears several times in list, the
position of the first occurrence is returned. If elm is not an element of list, then false is
gap> PositionSet( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 0 );
gap> PositionSet( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 2 );
gap> PositionSet( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 4 );
gap> PositionSet( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 5 );
gap> PositionSet( [1,4,5,5,6,7], 8 );
PositionSet is very similar to PositionSorted (see 27.16) but returns false when elm is
not an element of list.
27.18 Positions
Positions( list,elm )
Returns the list of indices in list where elm occurs, where elm may be an object of any type.
gap> Positions([2,1,3,1],1);
gap> Positions([2,1,3,1],4);
[ ]
gap> Positions([2,1,3,1],2);
27.19 PositionProperty
PositionProperty( list,func )
PositionProperty returns the position of the first element in the list list for which the
unary function func returns true.list must not contain holes. If func returns false for
all elements of list false is returned. func must return true or false for every element of
list, otherwise an error is signalled.
gap> PositionProperty( [10^7..10^8], IsPrime );
gap> PositionProperty( [10^5..10^6],
> n -> not IsPrime(n) and IsPrimePowerInt(n) );
First (see 27.34) allows you to extract the first element of a list that satisfies a certain
27.20 PositionsProperty
PositionsProperty( list,func )
PositionsProperty returns the list of indices iin list for which func(list[i]) returns
true. Here list should be a list without holes and func be a unary function.
gap> PositionsProperty([1..9],IsPrime);
gap> PositionsProperty([1..9],x->x>5);
27.21 PositionSublist
Returns the position of the first occurrence of the list sub as a sublist of consecutive elements
in l, or false if there is no such occurrence.
gap> PositionSublist("abcde","cd");
gap> PositionSublist([1,0,0,1,0,1],[1,0,1]);
27.22 Concatenation
Concatenation( list1 ,list2 .. )
Concatenation( list )
In the first form Concatenation returns the concatenation of the lists list1 ,list2 , etc. The
concatenation is the list that begins with the elements of list1 , followed by the elements
of list2 and so on. Each list may also contain holes, in which case the concatenation also
contains holes at the corresponding positions.
gap> Concatenation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5 ] );
gap> Concatenation( [2,3,,5,,7], [11,,13,,,,17,,19] );
[ 2, 3,, 5,, 7, 11,, 13,,,, 17,, 19 ]
In the second form list must be a list of lists list1 ,list2 , etc, and Concatenation returns
the concatenation of those lists.
gap> Concatenation( [ [1,2,3], [2,3,4], [3,4,5] ] );
The result is a new list, that is not identical to any other list. The elements of that list
however are identical to the corresponding elements of the argument lists (see 27.9).
Note that Concatenation creates a new list and leaves it arguments unchanged, while
Append (see 27.8) changes its first argument. As usual the name of the function that
works destructively is a verb, but the name of the function that creates a new object is a
Set(Concatenation(set1 ,set2 ..)) (see 28.2) is a way to compute the union of sets, how-
ever, Union (see 4.13) is more efficient.
27.23 Flat
Flat( list )
Flat returns the list of all elements that are contained in the list list or its sublists. That
is, Flat first makes a new empty list new. Then it loops over the elements elm of list. If
elm is not a list it is added to new, otherwise Flat appends Flat( elm )to new.
gap> Flat( [ ] );
[ ]
27.24 Reversed
Reversed( list )
Reversed returns a new list that contains the elements of the list list, which must not
contain holes, in reverse order. The argument list is unchanged.
gap> Reversed( [ 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7 ] );
The result is a new list, that is not identical to any other list. The elements of that list
however are identical to the corresponding elements of the argument list (see 27.9).
27.25 Sublist
Sublist( list,inds )
Sublist returns a new list in which the i-th element is the element list[inds[i] ], of
the list list.inds must be a list of positive integers without holes, it need, however, not be
sorted and may contains duplicate elements.
gap> Sublist( [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ], [4..6] );
[ 7, 11, 13 ]
gap> Sublist( [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ], [1,7,1,8] );
[ 2, 17, 2, 19 ]
gap> Sublist( [ 1, , 2, , , 3 ], [ 1..4 ] );
[ 1,, 2 ]
Filtered (see 27.30) allows you to extract elements from a list according to a predicate.
Sublist has been made obsolete by the introduction of the construct list{inds }(see 27.4),
excepted that in the last case an error is signaled if list[inds[i] ] is unbound for some
27.26 Cartesian
Cartesian( list1 ,list2 .. )
Cartesian( list )
In the first form Cartesian returns the cartesian product of the lists list1 ,list2 , etc.
In the second form list must be a list of lists list1 ,list2 , etc., and Cartesian returns the
cartesian product of those lists.
The cartesian product is a list cart of lists tup, such that the first element of tup is an
element of list1 , the second element of tup is an element of list2 , and so on. The total
number of elements in cart is the product of the lengths of the argument lists. In particular
cart is empty if and only if at least one of the argument lists is empty. Also cart contains
duplicates if and only if no argument list is empty and at least one contains duplicates.
The last index runs fastest. That means that the first element tup1 of cart contains the first
element from list1 , from list2 and so on. The second element tup2 of cart contains the first
element from list1 , the first from list2 , an so on, but the last element of tup2 is the second
element of the last argument list. This implies that cart is a set if and only if all argument
lists are sets.
27.27. NUMBER 599
gap> Cartesian( [1,2], [3,4], [5,6] );
gap> Cartesian( [1,2,2], [1,1,2] );
The function Tuples (see 47.9) computes the k-fold cartesian product of a list.
27.27 Number
Number( list )
Number( list,func )
In the first form Number returns the number of bound entries in the list list.
For lists that contain no holes Number,Length (see 27.5), and Size (see 4.10) return the
same value. For lists with holes Number returns the number of bound entries, Length returns
the largest index of a bound entry, and Size signals an error.
Number returns the number of elements of the list list for which the unary function func
returns true. If an element for which func returns true appears several times in list it will
also be counted several times. func must return either true or false for every element of
list, otherwise an error is signalled.
gap> Number( [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ] );
gap> Number( [, 2, 3,, 5,, 7,,,, 11 ] );
gap> Number( [1..20], IsPrime );
gap> Number( [ 1, 3, 4, -4, 4, 7, 10, 6 ], IsPrimePowerInt );
gap> Number( [ 1, 3, 4, -4, 4, 7, 10, 6 ],
> n -> IsPrimePowerInt(n) and n mod 2 <> 0 );
Filtered (see 27.30) allows you to extract the elements of a list that have a certain property.
27.28 Collected
Collected( list )
Collected returns a new list new that contains for each different element elm of list a list
of two elements, the first element is elm itself, and the second element is the number of
times elm appears in list. The order of those pairs in new corresponds to the ordering of
the elements elm, so that the result is sorted.
gap> Factors( Factorial( 10 ) );
gap> Collected( last );
gap> Collected( last );
27.29 CollectBy
list should be a list and fa unary function, or a list of the same length as list. Let v1, . . . , vn
be the distinct values (sorted) that the function ftakes on the elements of list (resp. the
distinct entries of the list f). The function CollectBy returns a list whose i-th item is the
sublist of the elements of list where ftakes the value vi(resp. where the corresponding
element of fis equal to vi).
gap> CollectBy([1..15],x->x mod 4);
27.30 Filtered
Filtered( list,func )
Filtered returns a new list that contains those elements of the list list for which the unary
function func returns true. The order of the elements in the result is the same as the order
of the corresponding elements of list. If an element, for which func returns true appears
several times in list it will also appear the same number of times in the result. list may
contain holes, they are ignored by Filtered.func must return either true or false for
every element of list, otherwise an error is signalled.
gap> Filtered( [1..20], IsPrime );
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ]
gap> Filtered( [ 1, 3, 4, -4, 4, 7, 10, 6 ], IsPrimePowerInt );
gap> Filtered( [ 1, 3, 4, -4, 4, 7, 10, 6 ],
> n -> IsPrimePowerInt(n) and n mod 2 <> 0 );
The result is a new list, that is not identical to any other list. The elements of that list
however are identical to the corresponding elements of the argument list (see 27.9).
Sublist (see 27.25) allows you to extract elements of a list according to indices given in
another list.
27.31 Zip
Zip(a1 ,...,an,f)
The first arguments a1 ,...,an should be lists of the same length, and the last argument a
function taking narguments. This functions zips with the function fthe lists a1 ,..,an, that
is it returns a list whose i-th entry is f(a1[i],a2[i],..,an[i]).
gap> Zip([1..9],[1..9],function(x,y)return x*y;end);
[ 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 ]
27.32 ForAll
ForAll( list,func )
27.33. FORANY 601
ForAll returns true if the unary function func returns true for all elements of the list list
and false otherwise. list may contain holes. func must return either true or false for
every element of list, otherwise an error is signalled.
gap> ForAll( [1..20], IsPrime );
gap> ForAll( [2,3,4,5,8,9], IsPrimePowerInt );
gap> ForAll( [2..14], n -> IsPrimePowerInt(n) or n mod 2 = 0 );
ForAny (see 27.33) allows you to test if any element of a list satisfies a certain property.
27.33 ForAny
ForAny( list,func )
ForAny returns true if the unary function func returns true for at least one element of the
list list and false otherwise. list may contain holes. func must return either true or false
for every element of list, otherwise ForAny signals an error.
gap> ForAny( [1..20], IsPrime );
gap> ForAny( [2,3,4,5,8,9], IsPrimePowerInt );
gap> ForAny( [2..14],
> n -> IsPrimePowerInt(n) and n mod 5 = 0 and not IsPrime(n) );
ForAll (see 27.32) allows you to test if all elements of a list satisfies a certain propertie.
27.34 First
First( list,func )
First returns the first element of the list list for which the unary function func returns
true.list may contain holes. func must return either true or false for every element of
list, otherwise an error is signalled. If func returns false for every element of list an error
is signalled.
gap> First( [10^7..10^8], IsPrime );
gap> First( [10^5..10^6],
> n -> not IsPrime(n) and IsPrimePowerInt(n) );
PositionProperty (see 27.19) allows you to find the position of the first element in a list
that satisfies a certain property.
27.35 Sort
Sort( list )
Sort( list,func )
Sort sorts the list list in increasing order. In the first form Sort uses the operator <to
compare the elements. In the second form Sort uses the function func to compare elements.
This function must be a function taking two arguments that returns true if the first is
strictly smaller than the second and false otherwise.
Sort does not return anything, since it changes the argument list. Use ShallowCopy (see
46.12) if you want to keep list. Use Reversed (see 27.24) if you want to get a new list sorted
in decreasing order.
It is possible to sort lists that contain multiple elements which compare equal. In the first
form, it is guaranteed that those elements keep their relative order, but not in the seccond
i.e., Sort is stable in the first form but not in te second.
gap> list := [ 5, 4, 6, 1, 7, 5 ];; Sort( list ); list;
gap> list := [ [0,6], [1,2], [1,3], [1,5], [0,4], [3,4] ];;
gap> Sort( list, function(v,w) return v*v < w*w; end ); list;
# sorted according to the Euclidian distance from [0,0]
gap> list := [ [0,6], [1,3], [3,4], [1,5], [1,2], [0,4], ];;
gap> Sort( list, function(v,w) return v[1] < w[1]; end ); list;
# note the random order of the elements with equal first component
SortParallel (see 27.36) allows you to sort a list and apply the exchanges that are necessary
to another list in parallel. Sortex (see 27.38) sorts a list and returns the sorting permutation.
27.36 SortParallel
SortParallel( list1 ,list2 )
SortParallel( list1 ,list2 ,func )
SortParallel sorts the list list1 in increasing order just as Sort (see 27.35) does. In parallel
it applies the same exchanges that are necessary to sort list1 to the list list2 , which must
of course have at least as many elements as list1 does.
gap> list1 := [ 5, 4, 6, 1, 7, 5 ];;
gap> list2 := [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 ];;
gap> SortParallel( list1, list2 );
gap> list1;
gap> list2;
[7,3,2,9,5,8] #[7,3,9,2,5,8]is also possible
Sortex (see 27.38) sorts a list and returns the sorting permutation.
27.37 SortBy
list should be a list and func a unary function. The function SortBy sorts the list list
according to the value that the function func takes on each element of the list.
gap> l:=[1..15];
27.38. SORTEX 603
gap> SortBy(l,x->x mod 4);
gap> l;
[ 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 10, 14, 3, 7, 11, 15 ]
27.38 Sortex
Sortex( list )
Sortex sorts the list list and returns the permutation that must be applied to list to obtain
the sorted list.
gap> list1 := [ 5, 4, 6, 1, 7, 5 ];;
gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );;
gap> perm := Sortex( list1 );
gap> list1;
gap> Permuted( list2, perm );
Permuted (see 27.41) allows you to rearrange a list according to a given permutation.
27.39 SortingPerm
SortingPerm( list )
SortingPerm returns the permutation that must be applied to list to sort it into ascending
gap> list1 := [ 5, 4, 6, 1, 7, 5 ];;
gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );;
gap> perm := SortingPerm( list1 );
gap> list1;
gap> Permuted( list2, perm );
Sortex( list )(see 27.38) returns the same permutation as SortingPerm( list ), and also
applies it to list (in place).
27.40 PermListList
PermListList( list1 ,list2 )
PermListList returns a permutation that may be applied to list1 to obtain list2 , if there
is one. Otherwise it returns false.
gap> list1 := [ 5, 4, 6, 1, 7, 5 ];;
gap> list2 := [ 4, 1, 7, 5, 5, 6 ];;
gap> perm := PermListList(list1, list2);
gap> Permuted( list2, perm );
27.41 Permuted
Permuted( list,perm )
Permuted returns a new list new that contains the elements of the list list permuted ac-
cording to the permutation perm. That is new[i^perm] = list[i].
gap> Permuted( [ 5, 4, 6, 1, 7, 5 ], (1,3,5,6,4) );
Sortex (see 27.38) allows you to compute the permutation that must be applied to a list to
get the sorted list.
27.42 Product
Product( list )
Product( list,func )
In the first form Product returns the product of the elements of the list list, which must
have no holes. If list is empty, the integer 1 is returned.
In the second form Product applies the function func to each element of the list list, which
must have no holes, and multiplies the results. If the list is empty, the integer 1 is returned.
gap> Product( [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ] );
gap> Product( [1..10], x->x^2 );
gap> Product( [ (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4) ] );
Sum (see 27.43) computes the sum of the elements of a list.
27.43 Sum
Sum( list )
Sum( list,func )
In the first form Sum returns the sum of the elements of the list list, which must have no
holes. If list is empty 0 is returned.
In the second form Sum applies the function func to each element of the list list, which must
have no holes, and sums the results. If the list is empty 0 is returned.
gap> Sum( [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 ] );
gap> Sum( [1..10], x->x^2 );
gap> Sum( [ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6] ] );
[ 9, 12 ]
Product (see 27.42) computes the product of the elements of a list.
27.44. VALUEPOL 605
27.44 ValuePol
ValuePol( list,x)
list represents the coefficients of a polynomial. The function ValuePol returns the value of
that polynomial at x, using Horner’s scheme. It thus represents the most efficient way to
evaluate the value of a polynomial.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> ValuePol([1..5],q);
5*q^4 + 4*q^3 + 3*q^2 + 2*q + 1
27.45 Maximum
Maximum( obj1 ,obj2 .. )
Maximum( list )
Maximum returns the maximum of its arguments, i.e., that argument objifor which objk<=
objifor all k. In its second form Maximum takes a list list and returns the maximum of the
elements of this list.
Typically the arguments or elements of the list respectively will be integers, but actually they
can be objects of an arbitrary type. This works because any two objects can be compared
using the <operator.
gap> Maximum( -123, 700, 123, 0, -1000 );
gap> Maximum( [ -123, 700, 123, 0, -1000 ] );
gap> Maximum( [ 1, 2 ], [ 0, 15 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, -11 ] );
[ 2, -11 ] # lists are compared elementwise
27.46 Minimum
Minimum( obj1 ,obj2 .. )
Minimum( list )
Minimum returns the minimum of its arguments, i.e., that argument objifor which obji<=
objkfor all k. In its second form Minimum takes a list list and returns the minimum of the
elements of this list.
Typically the arguments or elements of the list respectively will be integers, but actually they
can be objects of an arbitrary type. This works because any two objects can be compared
using the <operator.
gap> Minimum( -123, 700, 123, 0, -1000 );
gap> Minimum( [ -123, 700, 123, 0, -1000 ] );
gap> Minimum( [ 1, 2 ], [ 0, 15 ], [ 1, 5 ], [ 2, -11 ] );
[ 0, 15 ] # lists are compared elementwise
27.47 Iterated
Iterated( list,f)
Iterated returns the result of the iterated application of the function f, which must take
two arguments, to the elements of list. More precisely Iterated returns the result of the
following application, f(..f(f(list[1], list[2] ), list[3] ),..,list[n] ).
gap> Iterated( [ 126, 66, 105 ], Gcd );
27.48 RandomList
RandomList( list )
RandomList returns a random element of the list list. The results are equally distributed,
i.e., all elements are equally likely to be selected.
gap> RandomList( [1..200] );
gap> RandomList( [1..200] );
gap> RandomList( [ [ 1, 2 ], 3, [ 4, 5 ], 6 ] );
RandomSeed( n)
RandomSeed seeds the pseudo random number generator RandomList. Thus to reproduce a
computation exactly you can call RandomSeed each time before you start the computation.
When GAP3 is started the pseudo random number generator is seeded with 1.
gap> RandomSeed(1); RandomList([1..100]); RandomList([1..100]);
gap> RandomSeed(1); RandomList([1..100]); RandomList([1..100]);
RandomList is called by all random functions for domains (see 4.16).
Chapter 28
A very important mathematical concept, maybe the most important of all, are sets. Math-
ematically a set is an abstract object such that each object is either an element of the set
or it is not. So a set is a collection like a list, and in fact GAP3 uses lists to represent sets.
Note that this of course implies that GAP3 only deals with finite sets.
Unlike a list a set must not contain an element several times. It simply makes no sense to
say that an object is twice an element of a set, because an object is either an element of a
set, or it is not. Therefore the list that is used to represent a set has no duplicates, that is,
no two elements of such a list are equal.
Also unlike a list a set does not impose any ordering on the elements. Again it simply makes
no sense to say that an object is the first or second etc. element of a set, because, again, an
object is either an element of a set, or it is not. Since ordering is not defined for a set we can
put the elements in any order into the list used to represent the set. We put the elements
sorted into the list, because this ordering is very practical. For example if we convert a list
into a set we have to remove duplicates, which is very easy to do after we have sorted the
list, since then equal elements will be next to each other.
In short sets are represented by sorted lists without holes and duplicates in GAP3. Such a
list is in this document called a proper set. Note that we guarantee this representation, so
you may make use of the fact that a set is represented by a sorted list in your functions.
In some contexts (for example see 47), we also want to talk about multisets. A multiset is
like a set, except that an element may appear several times in a multiset. Such multisets
are represented by sorted lists with holes that may have duplicates.
The first section in this chapter describes the functions to test if an object is a set and to
convert objects to sets (see 28.1 and 28.2).
The next section describes the function that tests if two sets are equal (see 28.3).
The next sections describe the destructive functions that compute the standard set opera-
tions for sets (see 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, 28.7, and 28.8).
The last section tells you more about sets and their internal representation (see 28.10).
All set theoretic functions, especially Intersection and Union, also accept sets as argu-
ments. Thus all functions described in chapter 4 are applicable to sets (see 28.9).
Since sets are just a special case of lists, all the operations and functions for lists, especially
the membership test (see 27.14), can be used for sets just as well (see 27).
28.1 IsSet
IsSet( obj )
IsSet returns true if the object obj is a set and false otherwise. An object is a set if it
is a sorted lists without holes or duplicates. Will cause an error if evaluation of obj is an
unbound variable.
gap> IsSet( [] );
gap> IsSet( [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ] );
gap> IsSet( [, 2, 3,, 5,, 7,,,, 11 ] );
false # this list contains holes
gap> IsSet( [ 11, 7, 5, 3, 2 ] );
false # this list is not sorted
gap> IsSet( [ 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7, 11, 11 ] );
false # this list contains duplicates
gap> IsSet( 235711 );
false # this argument is not even a list
28.2 Set
Set( list )
Set returns a new proper set, which is represented as a sorted list without holes or duplicates,
containing the elements of the list list.
Set returns a new list even if the list list is already a proper set, in this case it is equivalent
to ShallowCopy (see 46.12). Thus the result is a new list that is not identical to any other
list. The elements of the result are however identical to elements of list. If list contains
equal elements, it is not specified to which of those the element of the result is identical (see
gap> Set( [3,2,11,7,2,,5] );
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ]
gap> Set( [] );
[ ]
28.3 IsEqualSet
IsEqualSet( list1 ,list2 )
IsEqualSet returns true if the two lists list1 and list2 are equal when viewed as sets,
and false otherwise. list1 and list2 are equal if every element of list1 is also an element of
list2 and if every element of list2 is also an element of list1 .
If both lists are proper sets then they are of course equal if and only if they are also equal as
lists. Thus IsEqualSet( list1 ,list2 )is equivalent to Set( list1 ) = Set( list2 )(see
28.2), but the former is more efficient.
28.4. ADDSET 609
gap> IsEqualSet( [2,3,5,7,11], [11,7,5,3,2] );
gap> IsEqualSet( [2,3,5,7,11], [2,3,5,7,11,13] );
28.4 AddSet
AddSet( set,elm )
AddSet adds elm, which may be an elment of an arbitrary type, to the set set, which must
be a proper set, otherwise an error will be signalled. If elm is already an element of the set
set, the set is not changed. Otherwise elm is inserted at the correct position such that set
is again a set afterwards.
gap> s := [2,3,7,11];;
gap> AddSet( s, 5 ); s;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ]
gap> AddSet( s, 13 ); s;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ]
gap> AddSet( s, 3 ); s;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ]
RemoveSet (see 28.5) is the counterpart of AddSet.
28.5 RemoveSet
RemoveSet( set,elm )
RemoveSet removes the element elm, which may be an object of arbitrary type, from the
set set, which must be a set, otherwise an error will be signalled. If elm is not an element
of set nothing happens. If elm is an element it is removed and all the following elements in
the list are moved one position forward.
gap> s := [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ];;
gap> RemoveSet( s, 6 );
gap> s;
gap> RemoveSet( s, 10 );
gap> s;
AddSet (see 28.4) is the counterpart of RemoveSet.
28.6 UniteSet
UniteSet( set1 ,set2 )
UniteSet unites the set set1 with the set set2 . This is equivalent to adding all the elements
in set2 to set1 (see 28.4). set1 must be a proper set, otherwise an error is signalled. set2
may also be list that is not a proper set, in which case UniteSet silently applies Set to it
first (see 28.2). UniteSet returns nothing, it is only called to change set1 .
gap> set := [ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ];;
gap> UniteSet( set, [ 4, 8, 9 ] ); set;
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 ]
gap> UniteSet( set, [ 16, 9, 25, 13, 16 ] ); set;
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 25 ]
The function UnionSet (see 28.9) is the nondestructive counterpart to the destructive pro-
cedure UniteSet.
28.7 IntersectSet
IntersectSet( set1 ,set2 )
IntersectSet intersects the set set1 with the set set2 . This is equivalent to removing all
the elements that are not in set2 from set1 (see 28.5). set1 must be a set, otherwise an
error is signalled. set2 may be a list that is not a proper set, in which case IntersectSet
silently applies Set to it first (see 28.2). IntersectSet returns nothing, it is only called to
change set1 .
gap> set := [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16 ];;
gap> IntersectSet( set, [ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 ] ); set;
[ 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 ]
gap> IntersectSet( set, [ 9, 4, 6, 8 ] ); set;
The function IntersectionSet (see 28.9) is the nondestructive counterpart to the destruc-
tive procedure IntersectSet.
28.8 SubtractSet
SubtractSet( set1 ,set2 )
SubtractSet subtracts the set set2 from the set set1 . This is equivalent to removing all
the elements in set2 from set1 (see 28.5). set1 must be a proper set, otherwise an error is
signalled. set2 may be a list that is not a proper set, in which case SubtractSet applies
Set to it first (see 28.2). SubtractSet returns nothing, it is only called to change set1 .
gap> set := [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ];;
gap> SubtractSet( set, [ 6, 10 ] ); set;
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11 ]
gap> SubtractSet( set, [ 9, 4, 6, 8 ] ); set;
[ 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 ]
The function Difference (see 4.14) is the nondestructive counterpart to destructive the
procedure SubtractSet.
28.9 Set Functions for Sets
As was already mentioned in the introduction to this chapter all domain functions also accept
sets as arguments. Thus all functions described in the chapter 4 are applicable to sets. This
section describes those functions where it might be helpful to know the implementation of
those functions for sets.
IsSubset( set1 ,set2 )
28.10. MORE ABOUT SETS 611
This is implemented by IsSubsetSet, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time.
Either argument to IsSubsetSet may also be a list that is not a proper set, in which case
IsSubset silently applies Set (see 28.2) to it first.
Union( set1 ,set2 )
This is implemented by UnionSet, which you can call directly to save a little bit of time.
Note that UnionSet only accepts two sets, unlike Union, which accepts several sets or a list
of sets. The result of UnionSet is a new set, represented as a sorted list without holes or
duplicates. Each argument to UnionSet may also be a list that is not a proper set, in which
case UnionSet silently applies Set (see 28.2) to this argument. UnionSet is implemented in
terms of its destructive counterpart UniteSet (see 28.6).
Intersection( set1 ,set2 )
This is implemented by IntersectionSet, which you can call directly to save a little bit
of time. Note that IntersectionSet only accepts two sets, unlike Intersection, which
accepts several sets or a list of sets. The result of IntersectionSet is a new set, represented
as a sorted list without holes or duplicates. Each argument to IntersectionSet may also be
a list that is not a proper set, in which case IntersectionSet silently applies Set (see 28.2)
to this argument. IntersectionSet is implemented in terms of its destructive counterpart
IntersectSet (see 28.7).
The result of IntersectionSet and UnionSet is always a new list, that is not identical to
any other list. The elements of that list however are identical to the corresponding elements
of set1 . If set1 is not a proper list it is not specified to which of a number of equal elements
in set1 the element in the result is identical (see 27.9).
28.10 More about Sets
In the previous section we defined a proper set as a sorted list without holes or duplicates.
This representation is not only nice to use, it is also a good internal representation supporting
efficient algorithms. For example the in operator can use binary instead of a linear search
since a set is sorted. For another example Union only has to merge the sets.
However, all those set functions also allow lists that are not proper sets, silently making a
copy of it and converting this copy to a set. Suppose all the functions would have to test
their arguments every time, comparing each element with its successor, to see if they are
proper sets. This would chew up most of the performance advantage again. For example
suppose in would have to run over the whole list, to see if it is a proper set, so it could use
the binary search. That would be ridiculous.
To avoid this a list that is a proper set may, but need not, have an internal flag set that
tells those functions that this list is indeed a proper set. Those functions do not have to
check this argument then, and can use the more efficient algorithms. This section tells you
when a proper set obtains this flag, so you can write your functions in such a way that you
make best use of the algorithms.
The results of Set,Difference,Intersection and Union are known to be sets by con-
struction, and thus have the flag set upon creation.
If an argument to IsSet,IsEqualSet,IsSubset,Set,Difference,Intersection or Union
is a proper set, that does not yet have the flag set, those functions will notice that and set
the flag for this set. Note that in will use linear search if the right operand does not have
the flag set, will therefore not detect if it is a proper set and will, unlike the functions above,
never set the flag.
If you change a proper set, that does have this flag set, by assignment, Add or Append the
set will generally lose it flag, even if the change is such that the resulting list is still a proper
set. However if the set has more than 100 elements and the value assigned or added is not
a list and not a record and the resulting list is still a proper set than it will keep the flag.
Note that changing a list that is not a proper set will never set the flag, even if the resulting
list is a proper set. Such a set will obtain the flag only if it is passed to a set function.
Suppose you have built a proper set in such a way that it does not have the flag set, and that
you now want to perform lots of membership tests. Then you should call IsSet with that
set as an argument. If it is indeed a proper set IsSet will set the flag, and the subsequent
in operations will use the more efficient binary search. You can think of the call to IsSet
as a hint to GAP3 that this list is a proper set.
There is no way you can set the flag for an ordinary list without going through the checking
in IsSet. The internal functions depend so much on the fact that a list with this flag set
is indeed sorted and without holes and duplicates that the risk would be too high to allow
setting the flag without such a check.
Chapter 29
Boolean Lists
This chapter describes boolean lists. A boolean list is a list that has no holes and contains
only boolean values, i.e., true and false. In function names we call boolean lists blist for
Boolean lists can be used in various ways, but maybe the most important application is
their use for the description of subsets of finite sets. Suppose set is a finite set, represented
as a list. Then a subset sub of set is represented by a boolean list blist of the same length
as set such that blist[i]is true if set[i]is in sub and false otherwise.
This package contains functions to switch between the representations of subsets of a finite
set either as sets or as boolean lists (see 29.1, 29.2), to test if a list is a boolean list (see
29.3), and to count the number of true entries in a boolean list (see 29.4).
Next there are functions for the standard set operations for the subsets represented by
boolean lists (see 29.5, 29.6, 29.7, and 29.8). There are also the corresponding destructive
procedures that change their first argument (see 29.9, 29.10, and 29.11). Note that there
is no function to add or delete a single element to a subset represented by a boolean list,
because this can be achieved by assigning true or false to the corresponding position in
the boolean list (see 27.6).
Since boolean lists are just a special case of lists, all the operations and functions for lists,
can be used for boolean lists just as well (see 27). For example Position (see 27.15) can
be used to find the true entries in a boolean list, allowing you to loop over the elements of
the subset represented by the boolean list.
There is also a section about internal details (see 29.12).
29.1 BlistList
BlistList( list,sub )
BlistList returns a new boolean list that describes the list sub as a sublist of the list list,
which must have no holes. That is BlistList returns a boolean list blist of the same length
as list such that blist[i]is true if list[i]is in sub and false otherwise.
list need not be a proper set (see 28), even though in this case BlistList is most efficient.
In particular list may contain duplicates. sub need not be a proper sublist of list, i.e., sub
may contain elements that are not in list. Those elements of course have no influence on
the result of BlistList.
gap> BlistList( [1..10], [2,3,5,7] );
[ false, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false ]
gap> BlistList( [1,2,3,4,5,2,8,6,4,10], [4,8,9,16] );
[ false, false, false, true, false, false, true, false, true, false ]
ListBlist (see 29.2) is the inverse function to BlistList.
29.2 ListBlist
ListBlist( list,blist )
ListBlist returns the sublist sub of the list list, which must have no holes, represented by
the boolean list blist, which must have the same length as list.sub contains the element
list[i]if blist[i]is true and does not contain the element if blist[i]is false. The order
of the elements in sub is the same as the order of the corresponding elements in list.
gap> ListBlist([1..8],[false,true,true,true,true,false,true,true]);
gap> ListBlist( [1,2,3,4,5,2,8,6,4,10],
> [false,false,false,true,false,false,true,false,true,false] );
BlistList (see 29.1) is the inverse function to ListBlist.
29.3 IsBlist
IsBlist( obj )
IsBlist returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a boolean list
and false otherwise. A boolean list is a list that has no holes and contains only true and
gap> IsBlist( [ true, true, false, false ] );
gap> IsBlist( [] );
gap> IsBlist( [false,,true] );
false # has holes
gap> IsBlist( [1,1,0,0] );
false # contains not only boolean values
gap> IsBlist( 17 );
false # is not even a list
29.4 SizeBlist
SizeBlist( blist )
SizeBlist returns the number of entries of the boolean list blist that are true. This is the
size of the subset represented by the boolean list blist.
gap> SizeBlist( [ true, true, false, false ] );
29.5 IsSubsetBlist
IsSubsetBlist( blist1 ,blist2 )
IsSubsetBlist returns true if the boolean list blist2 is a subset of the boolean list list1 ,
which must have equal length, and false otherwise. blist2 is a subset if blist1 if blist1 [i]
=blist1 [i] or blist2 [i]for all i.
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> IsSubsetBlist( blist1, blist2 );
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, false, false ];;
gap> IsSubsetBlist( blist1, blist2 );
29.6 UnionBlist
UnionBlist( blist1 ,blist2 .. )
UnionBlist( list )
In the first form UnionBlist returns the union of the boolean lists blist1 ,blist2 , etc., which
must have equal length. The union is a new boolean list such that union[i] = blist1 [i]
or blist2 [i] or ...
In the second form list must be a list of boolean lists blist1 ,blist2 , etc., which must have
equal length, and Union returns the union of those boolean list.
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> UnionBlist( blist1, blist2 );
[ true, true, true, false ]
Note that UnionBlist is implemented in terms of the procedure UniteBlist (see 29.9).
29.7 IntersectionBlist
IntersectionBlist( blist1 ,blist2 .. )
IntersectionBlist( list )
In the first form IntersectionBlist returns the intersection of the boolean lists blist1 ,
blist2 , etc., which must have equal length. The intersection is a new boolean list such
that inter[i] = blist1 [i] and blist2 [i] and ...
In the second form list must be a list of boolean lists blist1 ,blist2 , etc., which must have
equal length, and IntersectionBlist returns the intersection of those boolean lists.
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> IntersectionBlist( blist1, blist2 );
[ true, false, false, false ]
Note that IntersectionBlist is implemented in terms of the procedure IntersectBlist
(see 29.10).
29.8 DifferenceBlist
DifferenceBlist( blist1 ,blist2 )
DifferenceBlist returns the asymmetric set difference of the two boolean lists blist1 and
blist2 , which must have equal length. The asymmetric set difference is a new boolean
list such that union[i] = blist1 [i] and not blist2 [i].
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> DifferenceBlist( blist1, blist2 );
[ false, true, false, false ]
Note that DifferenceBlist is implemented in terms of the procedure SubtractBlist (see
29.9 UniteBlist
UniteBlist( blist1 ,blist2 )
UniteBlist unites the boolean list blist1 with the boolean list blist2 , which must have the
same length. This is equivalent to assigning blist1 [i] := blist1 [i] or blist2 [i]for all i.
UniteBlist returns nothing, it is only called to change blist1 .
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> UniteBlist( blist1, blist2 );
gap> blist1;
[ true, true, true, false ]
The function UnionBlist (see 29.6) is the nondestructive counterpart to the procedure
29.10 IntersectBlist
IntersectBlist( blist1 ,blist2 )
IntersectBlist intersects the boolean list blist1 with the boolean list blist2 , which must
have the same length. This is equivalent to assigning blist1 [i]:= blist1 [i] and blist2 [i]
for all i.IntersectBlist returns nothing, it is only called to change blist1 .
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> IntersectBlist( blist1, blist2 );
gap> blist1;
[ true, false, false, false ]
The function IntersectionBlist (see 29.7) is the nondestructive counterpart to the pro-
cedure IntersectBlist.
29.11 SubtractBlist
SubtractBlist( blist1 ,blist2 )
SubtractBlist subtracts the boolean list blist2 from the boolean list blist1 , which must
have equal length. This is equivalent to assigning blist1 [i] := blist1 [i] and not blist2 [i]
for all i.SubtractBlist returns nothing, it is only called to change blist1 .
gap> blist1 := [ true, true, false, false ];;
gap> blist2 := [ true, false, true, false ];;
gap> SubtractBlist( blist1, blist2 );
gap> blist1;
[ false, true, false, false ]
The function DifferenceBlist (see 29.8) is the nondestructive counterpart to the procedure
29.12 More about Boolean Lists
In the previous section (see 29) we defined a boolean list as a list that has no holes and
contains only true and false. There is a special internal representation for boolean lists
that needs only 1 bit for every entry. This bit is set if the entry is true and reset if the
entry is false. This representation is of course much more compact than the ordinary
representation of lists, which needs 32 bits per entry.
Not every boolean list is represented in this compact representation. It would be too much
work to test every time a list is changed, whether this list has become a boolean list. This
section tells you under which circumstances a boolean list is represented in the compact
representation, so you can write your functions in such a way that you make best use of the
compact representation.
The results of BlistList,UnionBlist,IntersectionBlist and DifferenceBlist are
known to be boolean lists by construction, and thus are represented in the compact repre-
sentation upon creation.
If an argument of IsBlist,IsSubsetBlist,ListBlist,UnionBlist,IntersectionBlist,
DifferenceBlist,UniteBlist,IntersectBlist and SubtractBlist is a list represented
in the ordinary representation, it is tested to see if it is in fact a boolean list. If it is not,
IsBlist returns false and the other functions signal an error. If it is, the representation
of the list is changed to the compact representation.
If you change a boolean list that is represented in the compact representation by assignment
(see 27.6) or Add (see 27.7) in such a way that the list remains a boolean list it will remain
represented in the compact representation. Note that changing a list that is not represented
in the compact representation, whether it is a boolean list or not, in such a way that the
resulting list becomes a boolean list, will never change the representation of the list.
Chapter 30
Strings and Characters
Acharacter is simply an object in GAP3 that represents an arbitrary character from the
character set of the operating system. Character literals can be entered in GAP3 by enclosing
the character in singlequotes .
gap> ’a’;
gap> ’*’;
Astring is simply a dense list of characters. Strings are used mainly in filenames and
error messages. A string literal can either be entered simply as the list of characters or by
writing the characters between doublequotes ".GAP3 will always output strings in the
latter format.
gap> s1 := [’H’,’a’,’l’,’l’,’o’,’ ’,’w’,’o’,’r’,’l’,’d’,’.’];
"Hallo world."
gap> s2 := "Hallo world.";
"Hallo world."
gap> s1 = s2;
gap> s3 := "";
"" # the empty string
gap> s3 = [];
Note that a string is just a special case of a list. So everything that is possible for lists
(see 27) is also possible for strings. Thus you can access the characters in such a string (see
27.4), test for membership (see 27.14), etc. You can even assign to such a string (see 27.6).
Of course unless you assign a character in such a way that the list stays dense, the resulting
list will no longer be a string.
gap> Length( s2 );
gap> s2[2];
gap> ’e’ in s2;
gap> s2[2] := ’e’;; s2;
"Hello world."
If a string is displayed as result of an evaluation (see 3.1), it is displayed with enclosing
doublequotes. However, if a string is displayed by Print,PrintTo, or AppendTo (see 3.14,
3.15, 3.16) the enclosing doublequotes are dropped.
gap> s2;
"Hello world."
gap> Print( s2 );
There are a number of special character sequences that can be used between the single
quote of a character literal or between the doublequotes of a string literal to specify char-
acters, which may otherwise be inaccessible. They consist of two characters. The first is a
backslash \. The second may be any character. The meaning is given in the following list
nnewline character. This is the character that, at least on UNIX systems, separates
lines in a text file. Printing of this character in a string has the effect of moving the
cursor down one line and back to the beginning of the line.
"doublequote character. Inside a string a doublequote must be escaped by the
backslash, because it is otherwise interpreted as end of the string.
singlequote character. Inside a character a singlequote must escaped by the
backslash, because it is otherwise interpreted as end of the character.
\backslash character. Inside a string a backslash must be escaped by another
backslash, because it is otherwise interpreted as first character of an escape sequence.
bbackspace character. Printing this character should have the effect of moving
the cursor back one character. Whether it works or not is system dependent and
should not be relied upon.
rcarriage return character. Printing this character should have the effect of
moving the cursor back to the beginning of the same line. Whether this works or not
is again system dependent.
cflush character. This character is not printed. Its purpose is to flush the output
queue. Usually GAP3 waits until it sees a newline before it prints a string. If you
want to display a string that does not include this character use \c.
other For any other character the backslash is simply ignored.
Again, if the line is displayed as result of an evaluation, those escape sequences are displayed
in the same way that they are input. They are displayed in their special way only by Print,
PrintTo, or AppendTo.
gap> "This is one line.\nThis is another line.\n";
"This is one line.\nThis is another line.\n"
gap> Print( last );
This is one line.
This is another line.
It is not allowed to enclose a newline inside the string. You can use the special character
sequence \nto write strings that include newline characters. If, however, a string is too
30.1. STRING 621
long to fit on a single line it is possible to continue it over several lines. In this case the last
character of each line, except the last must be a backslash. Both backslash and newline are
thrown away. Note that the same continuation mechanism is available for identifiers and
gap> "This is a very long string that does not fit on a line \
gap> and is therefore continued on the next line.";
"This is a very long string that does not fit on a line and is therefo\
re continued on the next line."
# note that the output is also continued, but at a different place
This chapter contains sections describing the function that creates the printable represen-
tation of a string (see 30.1), the functions that create new strings (see 30.2, 30.3), the
functions that tests if an object is a string (see 30.5), the string comparisons (see 30.4), and
the function that returns the length of a string (see 27.5).
30.1 String
String( obj )
String( obj ,length )
String returns a representation of the obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, as a
string. This string should approximate as closely as possible the character sequence you see
if you print obj .
If length is given it must be an integer. The absolute value gives the minimal length of the
result. If the string representation of obj takes less than that many characters it is filled
with blanks. If length is positive it is filled on the left, if length is negative it is filled on the
gap> String( 123 );
gap> String( [1,2,3] );
"[ 1, 2, 3 ]"
gap> String( 123, 10 );
" 123"
gap> String( 123, -10 );
"123 "
gap> String( 123, 2 );
30.2 ConcatenationString
ConcatenationString( string1 ,string2 )
ConcatenationString returns the concatenation of the two strings string1 and string2 .
This is a new string that starts with the characters of string1 and ends with the characters
of string2 .
gap> ConcatenationString( "Hello ", "world.\n" );
"Hello world.\n"
Because strings are now lists, Concatenation (see 27.22) does exactly the right thing, and
the function ConcatenationString is obsolete.
30.3 SubString
SubString( string,from,to )
SubString returns the substring of the string string that begins at position from and con-
tinues to position to. The characters at these two positions are included. Indexing is done
with origin 1, i.e., the first character is at position 1. from and to must be integers and are
both silently forced into the range 1..Length(string)(see 27.5). If to is less than from the
substring is empty.
gap> SubString( "Hello world.\n", 1, 5 );
gap> SubString( "Hello world.\n", 5, 1 );
Because strings are now lists, substrings can also be extracted with string{[]}(see
27.4). SubString forces from and to into the range 1..Length(string), which the above
does not, but apart from that SubString is obsolete.
30.4 Comparisons of Strings
string1 =string2 ,string1 <> string2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two strings string1 and string2 are equal
and false otherwise. The inequality operator <> returns true if the two strings string1
and string2 are not equal and false otherwise.
gap> "Hello world.\n" = "Hello world.\n";
gap> "Hello World.\n" = "Hello world.\n";
false # string comparison is case sensitive
gap> "Hello world." = "Hello world.\n";
false # the first string has no newline
gap> "Goodbye world.\n" = "Hello world.\n";
gap> [ ’a’, ’b’ ] = "ab";
string1 <string2 ,string1 <= string2 ,string1 >string2 ,string1 => string2
The operators <,<=,>, and => evaluate to true if the string string1 is less than, less than
or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to the string string2 respectively. The
ordering of strings is lexicographically according to the order implied by the underlying,
system dependent, character set.
You can also compare objects of other types, for example integers or permutations with
strings. As strings are dense character lists they compare with other objects as lists do, i.e.,
they are never equal to those objects, records (see 46) are greater than strings, and objects
of every other type are smaller than strings.
gap> "Hello world.\n" < "Hello world.\n";
false # the strings are equal
gap> "Hello World.\n" < "Hello world.\n";
true # in ASCII uppercase letters come before lowercase letters
30.5. ISSTRING 623
gap> "Hello world." < "Hello world.\n";
true # prefixes are always smaller
gap> "Goodbye world.\n" < "Hello world.\n";
true #Gcomes before H, in ASCII at least
30.5 IsString
IsString( obj )
IsString returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a
string and false otherwise. Will cause an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsString( "Hello world.\n" );
gap> IsString( "123" );
gap> IsString( 123 );
gap> IsString( [ ’1’, ’2’, ’3’ ] );
gap> IsString( [ ’1’, ’2’, , ’4’ ] );
false # strings must be dense
gap> IsString( [ ’1’, ’2’, 3 ] );
false # strings must only contain characters
30.6 Join
Join( list [, delimiter] )
The function Join is similar to the Perl function of the same name. It first applies the
function String to all elements of the list, then joins the resulting strings, separated by the
given delimiter (if omitted, "," is used as a delimiter)
gap> Join([1..4]);
gap> Join([1..4],"foo");
30.7 SPrint
SPrint(s1 ,...,sn)
SPrint(s1 ,...,sn)is a synonym for Join([s1 ,...,sn],""). That is, it first applies the
function String to all arguments, then joins the resulting strings. If s1 ,...,sn have string
methods, the effect of Print(SPrint(s1 ,...,sn)) is the same as directly Print(s1 ,...,sn).
gap> SPrint(1,"a",[3,4]);
"1a[ 3, 4 ]"
30.8 PrintToString
PrintToString(s,s1 ,...,sn)
PrintToString(s,s1 ,...,sn)appends to string sthe string SPrint(s1 ,...,sn).
gap> s:="a";
gap> PrintToString(s,[1,2]);
gap> s;
"a[ 1, 2 ]"
30.9 Split
Split( s[, delimiter] )
This function is similar to the Perl function of the same name. It splits the string sat each
occurrence of the delimiter (a character). If delimiter is omitted, ’,’ is used as a delimiter.
gap> Split("14,2,2,1,");
[ "14", "2", "2", "1", "" ]
30.10 StringDate
This function converts to a readable string a date, which can be a number of days since
1-Jan-1970 or a list [day,month,year].
gap> StringDate([11,3,1998]);
gap> StringDate(2^14);
30.11 StringTime
This function converts to a readable string atime, which can be a number of milliseconds or
a list [hour,min,sec,msec].
gap> StringTime([1,10,5,13]);
" 1:10:05.013"
gap> StringTime(2^22);
" 1:09:54.304"
30.12 StringPP
returns a string representing the prime factor decomposition of the integer int.
gap> StringPP(40320);
Chapter 31
Arange is a dense list of integers, such that the difference between consecutive elements is
a nonzero constant. Ranges can be abbreviated with the syntactic construct [first,second
.. last ]or, if the difference between consecutive elements is 1, as [first .. last ].
If first >last,[first,second..last]is the empty list, which by definition is also a range. If
first =last,[first,second..last]is a singleton list, which is a range too. Note that last -
first must be divisible by the increment second -first, otherwise an error is signalled.
Note that a range is just a special case of a list. So everything that is possible for lists (see
27) is also possible for ranges. Thus you can access elements in such a range (see 27.4), test
for membership (see 27.14), etc. You can even assign to such a range (see 27.6). Of course,
unless you assign last +second-first to the entry range[Length(range)+1], the resulting
list will no longer be a range.
Most often ranges are used in connection with the for-loop (see 2.17). Here the construct
for var in [first..last] do statements od replaces the
for var from first to last do statements od, which is more usual in other programming
Note that a range is at the same time also a set (see 28), because it contains no holes or
duplicates and is sorted, and also a vector (see 32), because it contains no holes and all
elements are integers.
gap> r := [10..20];
[ 10 .. 20 ]
gap> Length( r );
gap> r[3];
gap> 17 in r;
gap> r[12] := 25;; r;
[ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25 ]
gap> r := [1,3..17];
gap> Length( r );
gap> r[4];
gap> r := [0,-1..-9];
[ 0, -1 .. -9 ]
gap> r[5];
gap> r := [ 1, 4 .. 32 ];
Error, Range: <high>-<low> must be divisible by <inc>
gap> s := [];; for i in [10..20] do Add( s, i^2 ); od; s;
[ 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361, 400 ]
The first section in this chapter describes the function that tests if a list is a range (see
The other section tells you more about the internal representation of ranges (see 31.2).
31.1 IsRange
IsRange( obj )
IsRange returns true if obj , which may be an object of any type, is a range and false
otherwise. A range is a list without holes such that the elements are integers with a constant
increment. Will cause an error if obj is an unassigned variable.
gap> IsRange( [1,2,3] );
true # this list is a range
gap> IsRange( [7,5,3,1] );
true # this list is a range
gap> IsRange( [1,2,4,5] );
false # this list is a set and a vector, but not a range
gap> IsRange( [1,,3,,5,,7] );
false # this list contains holes
gap> IsRange( 1 );
false # is not even a list
gap> IsRange( [] );
true # the empty list is a range by definition
gap> IsRange( [1] );
true # singleton lists are a range by definition too
31.2 More about Ranges
For some lists the kernel knows that they are in fact ranges. Those lists are represented
internally in a compact way instead of the ordinary way. This is important since this
representation needs only 12 bytes for the entire list while the ordinary representation needs
4length bytes.
Note that a list that is represented in the ordinary way might still be a range. It is just
that GAP3 does not know this. This section tells you under which circumstances a range
is represented in the compact way, so you can write your program in such a way that you
make best use of this compact representation for ranges.
Lists created by the syntactic construct [first,second .. last ]are of course known to
be ranges and are represented in the compact way.
If you call IsRange for a list represented the ordinary way that is indeed a range, IsRange
will note this, change the representation from the ordinary to the compact representation,
and then return true;
If you change a range that is represented in the compact way, by assignment, Add or Append,
the range will be converted to the ordinary representation, even if the change is such that
the resulting list is still a proper range.
Suppose you have built a proper range in such a way that it is represented in the ordinary
way and that you now want to convert it to the compact representation to save space.
Then you should call IsRange with that list as an argument. If it is indeed a proper range,
IsRange will convert it to the compact representation. You can think of the call to IsRange
as a hint to GAP3 that this list is a proper range.
Chapter 32
A important concept in algebra is the vector space over a field F. A vector space Vis a
set of vectors, for which an addition u+vand a multiplication by scalars, i.e., elements
from F,sv must be defined. A base of Vis a list of vectors, such that every vector in V
can be uniquely written as linear combination of the base vectors. If the base if finite, its
size is called the dimension of V. Using a base it can be shown that Vis isomorphic to
the set n-tuples of elements with the componentwise addition and multiplication.
This comment suggests the representation that is actually used in GAP3. A GAP3 vector is
a list without holes whose elements all come from a common field. We call the length of the
list the dimension of the vector. This is a little bit lax, because the dimension is a property
of the vector space, not of the vector, but should seldom cause confusion.
The first possibility for this field are the rationals (see 12). We call a list without holes
whose elements are all rationals a rational vector, which is a bit lax too, but should again
cause no confusion. For example [ 1/2, 0, -1/3, 2 ] is a rational vector of dimension 4.
The second possibility are cyclotomics (see 13). Note that the rationals are the prime field of
cyclotomic fields and therefore rational vectors are just a special case of cyclotomic vectors.
An example of a cyclotomic vector is [ E(3)+E(3)^2, 1, E(15) ].
Third the common field may be a finite field (see 18). Note that it is not enough that
all elements are finite field elements of the same characteristic, the common finite field
containing all elements must be representable in GAP3, i.e., must have at most 216 elements.
An example of such a vector over the finite field GF (34) with 81 elements is [ Z(3^4)^3,
Z(3^2)^5, Z(3^4)^11 ].
Finally a list all of whose elements are records is also considered a vector. In that case the
records should all have an operations record with the necessary functions +,-,*,^. This
allows for vectors over library and/or user defined fields (or rings) such as a polynomial ring
(see 19).
The first section in this chapter describes the operations applicable to vectors (see 32.1).
The next section describes the function that tests if an object is a vector (see 32.2).
The next section describes the function that returns a canonical multiple of a vector (see
The last section tells you more about the internal representation of vectors (see 32.4).
Because vectors are just a special case of lists, all the operations and functions for lists are
applicable to vectors also (see chapter 27). This especially includes accessing elements of
a vector (see 27.4), changing elements of a vector (see 27.6), and comparing vectors (see
Vectorspaces are a special category of domains and are described by vectorspace records
(see chapter 9).
Vectors play an important role for matrices (see chapter 34), which are implemented as lists
of vectors.
32.1 Operations for Vectors
vec1 +vec2
In this form the addition operator +evaluates to the sum of the two vectors vec1 and vec2 ,
which must have the same dimension and lie in a common field. The sum is a new vector
where each entry is the sum of the corresponding entries of the vectors. As an exception it
is also possible to add an integer vector to a finite field vector, in which case the integers
are interpreted as scalar *GF .one.
scalar +vec
vec +scalar
In this form +evaluates to the sum of the scalar scalar and the vector vec, which must lie
in a common field. The sum is a new vector where each entry is the sum of the scalar and
the corresponding entry of the vector. As an exception it is also possible to add an integer
scalar to a finite field vector, in which case the integer is interpreted as scalar *GF .one.
gap> [ 1, 2, 3 ] + [ 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ];
[ 3/2, 7/3, 13/4 ]
gap> [ 1/2, 3/2, 1/2 ] + 1/2;
vec1 -vec2
scalar -vec
vec -scalar
The difference operator -returns the componentwise difference of its two operands and is
defined subject to the same restrictions as +.
gap> [ 1, 2, 3 ] - [ 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ];
[ 1/2, 5/3, 11/4 ]
gap> [ 1/2, 3/2, 1/2 ] - 1/2;
vec1 *vec2
In this form the multiplication operator *evaluates to the product of the two vectors vec1
and vec2 , which must have the same dimension and lie in a common field. The product is
the sum of the products of the corresponding entries of the vectors. As an exception it is
also possible to multiply an integer vector to a finite field vector, in which case the integers
are interpreted as scalar *GF .one.
32.2. ISVECTOR 631
scalar *vec
vec *scalar
In this form *evaluates to the product of the scalar scalar and the vector vec, which must
lie in a common field. The product is a new vector where each entry is the product of
the scalar and the corresponding entry of the vector. As an exception it is also possible to
multiply an integer scalar to a finite field vector, in which case the integer is interpreted as
scalar *GF .one.
gap> [ 1, 2, 3 ] * [ 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 ];
gap> [ 1/2, 3/2, 1/2 ] * 2;
Further operations with vectors as operands are defined by the matrix operations (see 34.1).
32.2 IsVector
IsVector( obj )
IsVector returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a vector and
false else. A vector is a list without holes, whose elements all come from a common field.
gap> IsVector( [ 0, -3, -2, 0, 6 ] );
gap> IsVector( [ Z(3^4)^3, Z(3^2)^5, Z(3^4)^13 ] );
gap> IsVector( [ 0, Z(2^3)^3, Z(2^3) ] );
false # integers are not finite field elements
gap> IsVector( [ , 2, 3,, 5,, 7 ] );
false # list that have holes are not vectors
gap> IsVector( 0 );
false # not even a list
32.3 NormedVector
NormedVector( vec )
NormedVector returns the scalar multiple of vec such that the first nonzero entry of vec is
the one from the field over which the vector is defined. If vec contains only zeroes a copy of
it is returned.
gap> NormedVector( [ 0, -3, -2, 0, 6 ] );
[ 0, 1, 2/3, 0, -2 ]
gap> NormedVector( [ 0, 0 ] );
gap> NormedVector( [ Z(3^4)^3, Z(3^2)^5, Z(3^4)^13 ] );
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3^4)^47, Z(3^2) ]
32.4 More about Vectors
In the first section of this chapter we defined a vector as a list without holes whose elements
all come from a common field. This representation is quite nice to use. However, suppose
that GAP3 would have to check that a list is a vector every time this vector appears as
operand in a addition or multiplication. This would be quite wasteful.
To avoid this a list that is a vector may, but need not, have an internal flag set that tells
the operations that this list is indeed a vector. Then this operations do not have to check
this operand and can perform the operation right away. This section tells you when a vector
obtains this flag, so you can write your functions in such a way that you make best use of
this feature.
The results of vector operations, i.e., binary operations that involve vectors, are known by
construction to be vectors, and thus have the flag set upon creation.
If the operand of one of the binary operation is a list that does not yet have the flag set,
those operations will check that this operand is indeed a vector and set the flag if it is. If it
is not a vector and not a matrix an error is signalled.
If the argument to IsVector is a list that does not yet have this flag set, IsVector will
test if all elements come from a common field. If they do, IsVector will set the flag. Thus
on the one hand IsVector is a test whether the argument is a vector. On the other hand
IsVector can be used as a hint to GAP3 that a certain list is indeed a vector.
If you change a vector, that does have this flag set, by assignment, Add, or Append, the
vectors will loose its flag, even if the change is such that the resulting list is still a vector.
However if the vector is a vector over a finite field and you assign an element from the same
finite field the vector will keep its flag. Note that changing a list that is not a vector will
never set the flag, even if the resulting list is a vector. Such a vector will obtain the flag
only if it appears as operand in a binary operation, or is passed to IsVector.
Vectors over finite fields have one additional feature. If they are known to be vectors, not
only do they have the flag set, but also are they represented differently. This representation
is much more compact. Instead of storing every element separately and storing for every
element separately in which field it lies, the field is only stored once. This representation
takes up to 10 times less memory.
Chapter 33
Row Spaces
This chapter consists essentially of four parts, according to the four different types of data
structures that are described, after the usual brief discussion of the objects (see 33.1, 33.2,
33.3, 33.4, 33.5).
The first part introduces row spaces, and their operations and functions (see 33.6, 33.7, 33.8,
33.9, 33.10, 33.11, 33.12, 33.13).
The second part introduces bases for row spaces, and their operations and functions (see
33.14, 33.15, 33.16, 33.17, 33.18, 33.19, 33.20, 33.21).
The third part introduces row space cosets, and their operations and functions (see 33.22,
33.23, 33.24).
The fourth part introduces quotient spaces of row spaces, and their operations and functions
(see 33.25, 33.26).
The obligatory last sections describe the details of the implementation of the data structures
(see 33.27, 33.28, 33.29, 33.30).
Note: The current implementation of row spaces provides no homomorphisms of row spaces
(linear maps), and also quotient spaces of quotient spaces are not supported.
33.1 More about Row Spaces
Arow space is a vector space (see chapter 9), whose elements are row vectors, that is, lists
of elements in a common field.
Note that for a row space Vover the field Fnecessarily the characteristic of Fis the same
as the characteristic of the vectors in V. Furthermore at the moment the field Fmust
contain the field spanned by all the elements in vectors of V, since in many computations
vectors are normed, that is, divided by their first nonzero entry.
The implementation of functions for these spaces and their elements uses the well-known
linear algebra methods, such as Gaussian elimination, and many functions delegate the
work to functions for matrices, e.g., a basis of a row space can be computed by performing
Gaussian elimination to the matrix formed by the list of generators. Thus in a sense, a
row space in GAP3 is nothing but a GAP3 object that knows about the interpretation of a
matrix as a generating set, and that knows about the functions that do the work.
Row spaces are constructed using 33.6 RowSpace, full row spaces can also be constructed by
F^n, for a field Fand a positive integer n.
The zero element of a row space Vin GAP3 is not necessarily stored in the row space
record. If necessary, it can be computed using Zero( V).
The generators component may contain zero vectors, so no function should expect a gen-
erator to be nonzero.
For the usual concept of substructures and parent structures see 33.5.
See 33.7 and 33.8 for an overview of applicable operators and functions, and 33.27 for details
of the implementation.
33.2 Row Space Bases
Many computations with row spaces require the computation of a basis (which will always
mean a vector space basis in GAP3), such as the computation of the dimension, or efficient
membership test for the row space.
Most of these computations do not rely on special properties of the chosen basis. The
computation of coefficients lists, however, is basis dependent. A natural way to distinguish
these two situations is the following.
For basis independent questions the row space is allowed to compute a suitable basis, and
may store bases. For example the dimension of the space Vcan be computed this way using
Dimension( V). In such situations the component V.basis is used. The value of this
component depends on how it was constructed, so no function that accesses this component
should assume special properties of this basis.
On the other hand, the computation of coefficients of a vector vwith respect to a basis Bof V
depends on this basis, so you have to call Coefficients( B,v), and not Coefficients(
It should be mentioned that there are two types of row space bases. A basis of the first
type is semi-echelonized (see 33.18 for the definition and examples), its structure allows
to perform efficient calculations of membership test and coefficients.
A basis of the second type is arbitrary, that is, it has no special properties. There are two
ways to construct such a (user-defined) basis that is not necessarily semi-echelonized. The
first is to call RowSpace with the optional argument "basis"; this means that the generators
are known to be linearly independent (see 33.6). The second way is to call Basis with two
arguments (see 33.16). The computation of coefficients with respect to an arbitrary basis
is performed by computing a semi-echelonized basis, delegating the task to this basis, and
then performing the base change.
The functions that are available for row space bases are Coefficients (see 33.14) and
SiftedVector (see 33.15).
The several available row space bases are described in 33.16, 33.17, and 33.18. For details
of the implementation see 33.28.
33.3 Row Space Cosets
Let Vbe a vector space, and Ua subspace of V. The set v+U={v+u;uU}is called
acoset of Uin V.
In GAP3, cosets are of course domains that can be formed using the ’+’ operator, see 33.22
and 33.23 for an overview of applicable operators and functions, and 33.29 for details of the
A coset C=v+Uis described by any representative vand the space U. Equal cosets may
have different representatives. A canonical representative of the coset Ccan be computed
using CanonicalRepresentative( C), it does only depend on C, especially not on the
basis of U.
Row spaces cosets can be regarded as elements of quotient spaces (see 33.4).
33.4 Quotient Spaces
Let Vbe a vector space, and Ua subspace of V. The set {v+U;vV}is again a vector
space, the quotient space (or factor space) of Vmodulo U.
By definition of row spaces, a quotient space is not a row space. (One reason to describe
quotient spaces here is that for general vector spaces at the moment no factor structures
are supported.)
Quotient spaces in GAP3 are formed from two spaces using the /operator. See the sections
33.25 and 33.26 for an overview of applicable operators and functions, and 33.30 for details
of the implementation.
Bases for Quotient Spaces of Row Spaces
A basis Bof a quotient V /U for row spaces Vand Uis best described by bases of Vand U.
If Bis a basis without special properties then it will delegate the work to a semi-echelonized
basis. The concept of semi-echelonized bases makes sense also for quotient spaces of row
spaces since for any semi-echelonized basis of Uthe set Sof pivot columns is a subset of the
set of pivot columns of a semi-echelonized basis of V. So the cosets v+Ufor basis vectors
vwith pivot column not in Sform a semi-echelonized basis of V/U. The canonical basis
of V/U is the semi-echelonized basis derived in that way from the canonical basis of V(see
See 33.26 for details about the bases.
33.5 Subspaces and Parent Spaces
The concept described in this section is essentially the same as the concept of parent groups
and subgroups (see 7.6).
(The section should be moved to chapter 9, but for general vector spaces the concept does
not yet apply.)
Every row space Uis either constructed as subspace of an existing space V, for example
using 33.10 Subspace, or it is not.
In the latter case the space is called a parent space, in the former case Vis called the
parent of U.
One can only form sums of subspaces of the same parent space, form quotient spaces only
for spaces with same parent, and cosets v+Uonly for representatives vin the parent of U.
Parent( V)
returns the parent space of the row space V,
IsParent( V)
returns true if the row space Vis a parent space, and false otherwise.
See 33.11, 33.12 for conversion functions.
33.6 RowSpace
RowSpace( F,generators )
returns the row space that is generated by the vectors generators over the field F. The
elements in generators must be GAP3 vectors.
RowSpace( F,generators,zero )
Whenever the list generators is empty, this call of RowSpace has to be used, with zero the
zero vector of the space.
RowSpace( F,generators, "basis" )
also returns the F-space generated by generators. When the space is constructed in this
way, the vectors generators are assumed to form a basis, and this is used for example when
Dimension is called for the space.
It is not checked that the vectors are really linearly independent.
RowSpace( F,dimension )
return the full row space of dimension nover the field F. The elements of this row space
are all the vectors of length nwith entries in F.
gap> v1:= RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2) );
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> v2:= RowSpace( GF(2), [], [ 0, 0 ] * Z(2) );
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> v3:= RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2), "basis" );
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> v4:= RowSpace( GF(2), 2 );
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> v5:= GF(2) ^ 2 ;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> v3 = v4;
Note that the list of generators may contain zero vectors.
33.7 Operations for Row Spaces
Comparisons of Row Spaces
returns true if the two row spaces V,Ware equal as sets, and false otherwise.
returns true if the row space Vis smaller than the row space W, and false otherwise.
The first criteria of this ordering are the comparison of the fields and the dimensions,
row spaces over the same field and of same dimension are compared by comparison
of the reversed canonical bases (see 33.17).
Arithmetic Operations for Row Spaces
returns the sum of the row spaces Vand W, that is, the row space generated by V
and W. This is computed using the Zassenhaus algorithm.
returns the quotient space of Vmodulo its subspace U(see 33.4).
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> s:= Subspace( v, [ [ 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> t:= Subspace( v, [ [ 0, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Subspace( v, [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> s = t;
gap> s < t;
gap> t < s;
gap> u:= s+t;
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> u = v;
gap> f:= u / s;
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ) /
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
33.8 Functions for Row Spaces
The following functions are overlaid in the operations record of row spaces.
The set theoretic functions
Intersection( V,W)
returns the intersection of the two row spaces Vand Wthat is computed using the
Zassenhaus algorithm.
The vector space specific functions
Base( V)
returns the list of vectors of the canonical basis of the row space V(see 33.17).
Cosets( V,U)
returns the list of cosets of the subspace Uin V, as does Elements( V/U).
Dimension( V)
returns the dimension of the row space. For this, a basis of the space is computed if
not yet known.
Zero( V)
returns the zero element of the row space V(see 33.1).
33.9 IsRowSpace
IsRowSpace( obj )
returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a row space and false
gap> v:= GF(2) ^ 2;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> IsRowSpace( v );
gap> IsRowSpace( v / [ v.generators[1] ] );
33.10 Subspace
Subspace( V,gens )
returns the subspace of the row space Vthat is generated by the vectors in the list gens.
gap> v:= GF(3)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(3), [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] )
gap> s:= Subspace( v, [ [ 1, -1 ] *Z(3)^0 ] );
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] )
33.11 AsSubspace
AsSubspace( V,U)
returns the row space U, viewed as a subspace of the rows space V. For that, Vmust be a
parent space.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2;"v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> u:= RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> w:= AsSubspace( v, u );
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> w = u;
33.12. ASSPACE 639
33.12 AsSpace
AsSpace( U)
returns the subspace Uas a parent space.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2;"v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> u:= Subspace( v, [ [ 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> w:= AsSpace( u );
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> w = u;
33.13 NormedVectors
NormedVectors( V)
returns the set of those vectors in the row space Vfor that the first nonzero entry is the
identity of the underlying field.
gap> v:= GF(3)^2;
RowSpace( GF(3), [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] )
gap> NormedVectors( v );
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ],
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ]
33.14 Coefficients for Row Space Bases
Coefficients( B,v)
returns the coefficients vector of the vector vwith respect to the basis B(see 33.2) of the
vector space V, if vis an element of V. Otherwise false is returned.
gap> v:= GF(3)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(3), [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] )
gap> b:= Basis( v );
Basis( v, [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] )
gap> Coefficients( b, [ Z(3), Z(3) ] );
[ Z(3), Z(3) ]
gap> Coefficients( b, [ Z(3), Z(3)^2 ] );
[ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ]
33.15 SiftedVector
SiftedVector( B,v)
returns the residuum of the vector vwith respect to the basis Bof the vector space V. The
exact meaning of this depends on the special properties of B.
But in general this residuum is obtained on subtracting appropriate multiples of basis vec-
tors, and vis contained in Vif and only if SiftedVector( B,v)is the zero vector of
gap> v:= GF(3)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(3), [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] )
gap> s:= Subspace( v, [ [ 1, -1 ] *Z(3)^0 ] ); "s";;
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] )
gap> b:= Basis(s);
SemiEchelonBasis( s, [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] )
gap> SiftedVector( b, [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] );
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ]
33.16 Basis
Basis( V)
Basis( V,vectors )
Basis( V)returns a basis of the row space V. If the component V.canonicalBasis or
V.semiEchelonBasis was bound before the first call to Basis for Vthen one of these
bases is returned. Otherwise a semi-echelonized basis (see 33.2) is computed. The basis is
stored in V.basis.
Basis( V,vectors )returns the basis of Vthat consists of the vectors in the list vectors.
In the case that V.basis was not bound before the call the basis is stored in this component.
Note that it is not necessarily checked whether vectors is really linearly independent.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> b:= Basis( v, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ] * Z(2) );
Basis( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> Coefficients( b, [ 0, 1 ] * Z(2) );
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ]
gap> IsSemiEchelonBasis( b );
33.17 CanonicalBasis
CanonicalBasis( V)
returns the canonical basis of the row space V. This is a special semi-echelonized basis
(see 33.18), with the additional properties that for j > i the position of the pivot of row j
is bigger than that of the pivot of row i, and that the pivot columns contain exactly one
nonzero entry.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> cb:= CanonicalBasis( v );
CanonicalBasis( v )
gap> cb.vectors;
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
The canonical basis is obtained on applying a full Gaussian elimination to the generators of
V, using 34.19 BaseMat. If the component V.semiEchelonBasis is bound then this basis
is used to compute the canonical basis, otherwise TriangulizeMat is called.
33.18 SemiEchelonBasis
SemiEchelonBasis( V)
SemiEchelonBasis( V,vectors )
returns a semi-echelonized basis of the row space V. A basis is called semi-echelonized if
the first non-zero element in every row is one, and all entries exactly below these elements
are zero.
If a second argument vectors is given, these vectors are taken as basis vectors. Note that if
the rows of vectors do not form a semi-echelonized basis then an error is signalled.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> SemiEchelonBasis( v );
SemiEchelonBasis( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> b:= Basis( v, [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2) );
Basis( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> IsSemiEchelonBasis( b );
gap> b;
SemiEchelonBasis( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> Coefficients( b, [ 0, 1 ] * Z(2) );
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]
gap> Coefficients( b, [ 1, 0 ] * Z(2) );
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ]
33.19 IsSemiEchelonBasis
IsSemiEchelonBasis( B)
returns true if Bis a semi-echelonized basis (see 33.18), and false otherwise. If Bis
semi-echelonized, and this was not yet stored before, after the call the operations record of
Bwill be SemiEchelonBasisRowSpaceOps.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> b1:= Basis( v, [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ] * Z(2) );
Basis( v, [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> IsSemiEchelonBasis( b1 );
gap> b1;
SemiEchelonBasis( v, [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> b2:= Basis( v, [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ] * Z(2) );
Basis( v, [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> IsSemiEchelonBasis( b2 );
gap> b2;
Basis( v, [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
33.20 NumberVector
NumberVector( B,v)
Let v=Pn
i=1 λibiwhere B= (b1, b2, . . . , bn) is a basis of the vector space Vover the finite
field Fwith |F|=q, and the λiare elements of F. Let λbe the integer corresponding to λ
as defined by 39.29 FFList.
Then NumberVector( B,v)returns Pn
i=1 λiqi1.
gap> v:= GF(3)^3;; "v";;
gap> b:= CanonicalBasis( v );;
gap> l:= List( [0 .. 6 ], x -> ElementRowSpace( b, x ) );
[ [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ]
33.21 ElementRowSpace
ElementRowSpace( B,n)
returns the n-th element of the row space with basis B, with respect to the ordering defined
in 33.20 NumberVector.
gap> v:= GF(3)^3;; "v";;
gap> b:= CanonicalBasis( v );;
gap> l:= List( [0 .. 6 ], x -> ElementRowSpace( b, x ) );;
gap> List( l, x -> NumberVector( b, x ) );
33.22 Operations for Row Space Cosets
Comparison of Row Space Cosets
C1 =C2
returns true if the two row space cosets C1 ,C2 are equal, and false otherwise.
Note that equal cosets need not have equal representatives (see 33.3).
C1 <C2
returns true if the row space coset C1 is smaller than the row space coset C2 , and
false otherwise. This ordering is defined by comparison of canonical representatives.
Arithmetic Operations for Row Space Cosets
C1 +C2
If C1 and C2 are row space cosets that belong to the same quotient space, the result
is the row space coset that is the sum resp. the difference of these vectors. Otherwise
an error is signalled.
returns the row space coset that is the product of the scalar sand the row space coset
C, where smust be an element of the ground field of the vector space that defines
Membership Test for Row Space Cosets
vin C
returns true if the vector vis an element of the row space coset C, and false otherwise.
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> u:= Subspace( v, [ [ 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );"u";;
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> f:= v / u;
v / [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> elms:= Elements( f );
[ ([ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ]+u), ([ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]+u) ]
gap> 2 * elms[2];
([ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ]+u)
gap> elms[2] + elms[1];
([ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ]+u)
gap> [ 1, 0 ] * Z(2) in elms[2];
gap> elms[1] = elms[2];
33.23 Functions for Row Space Cosets
Since row space cosets are domains, all set theoretic functions are applicable to them.
Representative returns the value of the representative component. Note that equal
cosets may have different representatives. Canonical representatives can be computed using
CanonicalRepresentative( C)
returns the canonical representative of the row space coset C, which is defined as the
result of SiftedVector( B,v)where C=v+U, and Bis the canonical basis
of U.
33.24 IsSpaceCoset
IsSpaceCoset( obj )
returns true if obj , which may be an arbitrary object, is a row space coset, and false
gap> v:= GF(2)^2; "v";;
RowSpace( GF(2), [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> u:= Subspace( v, [ [ 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Subspace( v, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> f:= v / u;
v / [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> IsSpaceCoset( u );
gap> IsSpaceCoset( Random( f ) );
33.25 Operations for Quotient Spaces
W1 =W2
returns true if for the two quotient spaces W1 =V1 /U1 and W2 =V2 /U2
the equalities V1 =V2 and U1 =U2 hold, and false otherwise.
W1 <W2
returns true if for the two quotient spaces W1 =V1 /U1 and W2 =V2 /U2
either U1 <U2 or U1 =U2 and V1 <V2 hold, and false otherwise.
33.26 Functions for Quotient Spaces
Computations in quotient spaces usually delegate the work to computations in numerator
and denominator.
The following functions are overlaid in the operations record for quotient spaces.
The set theoretic functions
and the vector space functions
Base( V)
returns the vectors of the canonical basis of V,
Generators( V)
returns a list of cosets that generate V,
CanonicalBasis( V)
returns the canonical basis of V=W/U, this is derived from the canonical basis of
SemiEchelonBasis( V)
SemiEchelonBasis( V,vectors )
return a semi-echelonized basis of the quotient space V.vectors can be a list of
elements of V, or of representatives.
Basis( V)
Basis( V,vectors )
return a basis of the quotient space V.vectors can be a list of elements of V, or of
33.27 Row Space Records
In addition to the record components described in 9.3 the following components must be
present in a row space record.
is always true,
the record RowSpaceOps.
Depending on the calculations in that the row space was involved, it may have lots of
optional components, such as basis,dimension,size.
33.28 Row Space Basis Records
A vector space basis is a record with at least the following components.
always true,
the list of basis vectors,
the underlying vector space,
a record that contains the functions for the basis, at least Coefficients,Print, and
SiftedVector. Of course these functions depend on the special properties of the
basis, so different basis types have different operations record.
Depending on the type of the basis, the basis record additionally contains some components
that are assumed and used by the functions in the operations record.
For arbitrary bases these are semiEchelonBasis and basechange, for semi-echelonized bases
these are the lists heads and ishead. Furthermore, the booleans isSemiEchelonBasis and
isCanonicalBasis may be present.
The operations records for the supported bases are
for arbitrary bases,
for the canonical basis of a space,
for semi-echelonized bases.
33.29 Row Space Coset Records
A row space coset v+Uis a record with at least the following components.
always true,
always true,
always true,
the row space Uif the coset is an element of V/U for a space V,
one element of the coset, note that equal cosets need not have equal representatives
(see 33.3),
the record SpaceCosetRowSpaceOps.
33.30 Quotient Space Records
A quotient space V /U is a record with at least the following components.
always true,
always true,
always true,
the coefficients field,
the row space V(the numerator),
the row space U(the denominator),
the record FactorRowSpaceOps.
Chapter 34
Matrices are an important tool in algebra. A matrix nicely represents a homomorphism
between two vector spaces with respect to a choice of bases for the vector spaces. Also
matrices represent systems of linear equations.
In GAP3 matrices are represented by list of vectors (see 32). The vectors must all have the
same length, and their elements must lie in a common field. The field may be the field of
rationals (see 12), a cyclotomic field (see 13), a finite field (see 18), or a library and/or user
defined field (or ring) such as a polynomial ring (see 19).
The first section in this chapter describes the operations applicable to matrices (see 34.1).
The next sections describes the function that tests whether an object is a matrix (see 34.2).
The next sections describe the functions that create certain matrices (see 34.3, 34.4, 34.5,
and 34.6). The next sections describe functions that compute certain characteristic values of
matrices (see 34.7, 34.14, 34.15, 34.16, and 34.17). The next sections describe the functions
that are related to the interpretation of a matrix as a system of linear equations (see 34.18,
34.19, 34.20, and 34.21). The last two sections describe the functions that diagonalize an
integer matrix (see 34.22 and 34.23).
Because matrices are just a special case of lists, all operations and functions for lists are
applicable to matrices also (see chapter 27). This especially includes accessing elements of
a matrix (see 27.4), changing elements of a matrix (see 27.6), and comparing matrices (see
34.1 Operations for Matrices
mat +scalar
scalar +mat
This forms evaluates to the sum of the matrix mat and the scalar scalar. The elements of
mat and scalar must lie in a common field. The sum is a new matrix where each entry is
the sum of the corresponding entry of mat and scalar.
mat1 +mat2
This form evaluates to the sum of the two matrices mat1 and mat2 , which must have the
same dimensions and whose elements must lie in a common field. The sum is a new matrix
where each entry is the sum of the corresponding entries of mat1 and mat2 .
mat -scalar
scalar -mat
mat1 -mat2
The definition for the -operator are similar to the above definitions for the +operator,
except that -subtracts of course.
mat *scalar
scalar *mat
This forms evaluate to the product of the matrix mat and the scalar scalar. The elements
of mat and scalar must lie in a common field. The product is a new matrix where each
entry is the product of the corresponding entries of mat and scalar.
vec *mat
This form evaluates to the product of the vector vec and the matrix mat. The length of
vec and the number of rows of mat must be equal. The elements of vec and mat must lie
in a common field. If vec is a vector of length nand mat is a matrix with nrows and m
columns, the product is a new vector of length m. The element at position iis the sum of
vec[l] * mat[l][i]with lrunning from 1 to n.
mat *vec
This form evaluates to the product of the matrix mat and the vector vec. The number of
columns of mat and the length of vec must be equal. The elements of mat and vec must lie
in a common field. If mat is a matrix with mrows and ncolumns and vec is a vector of
length n, the product is a new vector of length m. The element at position iis the sum of
mat[i][l] * vec[l]with lrunning from 1 to n.
mat1 *mat2
This form evaluates to the product of the two matrices mat1 and mat2 . The number of
columns of mat1 and the number of rows of mat2 must be equal. The elements of mat1
and mat2 must lie in a common field. If mat1 is a matrix with mrows and ncolumns and
mat2 is a matrix with nrows and ocolumns, the result is a new matrix with mrows and
ocolumns. The element in row iat position kof the product is the sum of mat1 [i][l] *
mat2 [l][k]with lrunning from 1 to n.
mat1 /mat2
scalar /mat
mat /scalar
vec /mat
In general left /right is defined as left *right^-1. Thus in the above forms the right
operand must always be invertable.
mat ^int
This form evaluates to the int-th power of the matrix mat.mat must be a square matrix,
int must be an integer. If int is negative, mat must be invertible. If int is 0, the result is
the identity matrix, even if mat is not invertible.
mat1 ^mat2
This form evaluates to the conjugation of the matrix mat1 by the matrix mat2 , i.e., to
mat2 ^-1 * mat1 *mat2 .mat2 must be invertible and mat1 must be such that these
product can be computed.
34.2. ISMAT 649
vec ^mat
This is in every respect equivalent to vec *mat. This operations reflects the fact that
matrices operate on the vector space by multiplication from the right.
scalar +matlist
matlist +scalar
scalar -matlist
matlist -scalar
scalar *matlist
matlist *scalar
matlist /scalar
A scalar scalar may also be added, subtracted, multiplied with, or divide into a whole list
of matrices matlist. The result is a new list of matrices where each matrix is the result of
performing the operation with the corresponding matrix in matlist.
mat *matlist
matlist *mat
A matrix mat may also be multiplied with a whole list of matrices matlist. The result is a
new list of matrices, where each matrix is the product of mat and the corresponding matrix
in matlist.
matlist /mat
This form evaluates to matlist *mat^-1.mat must of course be invertable.
vec *matlist
This form evaluates to the product of the vector vec and the list of matrices mat. The length
lof vec and matlist must be equal. All matrices in matlist must have the same dimensions.
The elements of vec and the elements of the matrices in matlist must lie in a common field.
The product is the sum of vec[i] * matlist[i]with irunning from 1 to l.
Comm( mat1 ,mat2 )
Comm returns the commutator of the matrices mat1 and mat2 , i.e., mat1 ^-1 * mat2 ^-1
*mat1 *mat2 .mat1 and mat2 must be invertable and such that these product can be
There is one exception to the rule that the operands or their elements must lie in common
field. It is allowed that one operand is a finite field element, a finite field vector, a finite field
matrix, or a list of finite field matrices, and the other operand is an integer, an integer vector,
an integer matrix, or a list of integer matrices. In this case the integers are interpreted as
int *GF .one, where GF is the finite field (see 18.3).
For all the above operations the result is new, i.e., not identical to any other list (see 27.9).
This is the case even if the result is equal to one of the operands, e.g., if you add zero to a
34.2 IsMat
IsMat( obj )
IsMat return true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a matrix and false
otherwise. Will cause an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsMat( [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] );
true # a matrix is a list of vectors
gap> IsMat( [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ] );
gap> IsMat( [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] );
gap> IsMat( [ [ Z(2)^0, 0 ], [ 0, Z(2)^0 ] ] );
false #Z(2)^0 and 0do not lie in a common field
gap> IsMat( [ 1, 0 ] );
false # a vector is not a matrix
gap> IsMat( 1 );
false # neither is a scalar
34.3 IdentityMat
IdentityMat( n)
IdentityMat( n,F)
IdentityMat returns the identity matrix with nrows and ncolumns over the field F. If no
field is given, IdentityMat returns the identity matrix over the field of rationals. Each call
to IdentityMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to modify the result.
gap> IdentityMat( 3 );
gap> PrintArray( last );
[ [ 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1 ] ]
gap> PrintArray( IdentityMat( 3, GF(2) ) );
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
34.4 NullMat
NullMat( m)
NullMat( m,n)
NullMat( m,n,F)
NullMat returns the null matrix with mrows and ncolumns over the field F; if nis omitted,
it is assumed equal to m. If no field is given, NullMat returns the null matrix over the field
of rationals. Each call to NullMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to modify the result.
gap> PrintArray( NullMat( 2, 3 ) );
[ [ 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0 ] ]
gap> PrintArray( NullMat( 2, 2, GF(2) ) );
[ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ]
34.5 TransposedMat
TransposedMat( mat )
TransposedMat returns the transposed of the matrix mat. The transposed matrix is a new
matrix trn, such that trn[i][k]is mat[k][i].
gap> TransposedMat( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
gap> TransposedMat( [ [ 1..5 ] ] );
34.6 KroneckerProduct
KroneckerProduct( mat1 , ..., matn )
KroneckerProduct returns the Kronecker product of the matrices mat1 , ..., matn. If mat1
is a mby nmatrix and mat2 is a oby pmatrix, the Kronecker product of mat1 by mat2
is a m*oby n*pmatrix, such that the entry in row (i1 -1)*o+i2 at position (k1 -1)*p+k2
is mat1 [i1 ][k1 ] * mat2 [i2 ][k2 ].
gap> mat1 := [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ -2, 0, -2 ] ];;
gap> mat2 := [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ];;
gap> PrintArray( KroneckerProduct( mat1, mat2 ) );
[ [ 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1 ],
[ -2, -2, 0, 0, -2, -2 ],
[ 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, -2 ] ]
34.7 DimensionsMat
DimensionsMat( mat )
DimensionsMat returns the dimensions of the matrix mat as a list of two integers. The first
entry is the number of rows of mat, the second entry is the number of columns.
gap> DimensionsMat( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] );
gap> DimensionsMat( [ [ 1 .. 5 ] ] );
34.8 IsDiagonalMat
IsDiagonalMat( mat )
mat must be a matrix. This function returns true if mat is square and all entries mat[i][j]
with i<>j are equal to 0*mat[i][j] and false otherwise.
gap> mat := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 1 ] ];;
gap> IsDiagonalMat( mat );
34.9 IsLowerTriangularMat
IsLowerTriangularMat( mat )
mat must be a matrix. This function returns true if all entries mat[i][j] with j>i are
equal to 0*mat[i][j] and false otherwise.
gap> IsLowerTriangularMat( a );
gap> a[1][2] := 0;;
gap> IsLowerTriangularMat( a );
34.10 IsUpperTriangularMat
IsUpperTriangularMat( mat )
mat must be a matrix. This function returns true if all entries mat[i][j] with j <i are
equal to 0*mat[i][j] and false otherwise.
gap> IsUpperTriangularMat( a );
gap> a[2][1] := 0;;
gap> IsUpperTriangularMat( a );
34.11 DiagonalOfMat
DiagonalOfMat( mat )
This function returns the list of diagonal entries of the matrix mat, that is the list of
gap> mat := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 1 ] ];;
gap> DiagonalOfMat( mat );
34.12 DiagonalMat
DiagonalMat( mat1 , ... , matn )
returns the block diagonal direct sum of the matrices mat1 ,. . .,matn. Blocks of size 1 ×1
may be given as scalars.
gap> C1 := [ [ 2, -1, 0, 0 ],
> [ -1, 2, -1, 0 ],
> [ 0, -1, 2, -1 ],
> [ 0, 0, -1, 2 ] ];;
gap> C2 := [ [ 2, 0, -1 ],
> [ 0, 2, -1 ],
> [ -1, -1, 2 ] ];;
gap> PrintArray( DiagonalMat( C1, 3, C2 ) );
[ [ 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 2 ] ]
To make a diagonal matrix with a specified diagonal duse ApplyFunc(DiagonalMat, d ).
PermutationMat( perm, dim[, F] ) ( function ) returns a matrix in dimension dim over
the field given by F (i.e. the smallest field containing the element F or F itself if it is a field)
that represents the permutation perm acting by permuting the basis vectors as it permutes
34.13 PermutationMat
PermutationMat( perm,dim [,F])
returns a matrix in dimension dim over the field F(by default the rationals) that represents
the permutation perm acting by permuting the basis vectors as it permutes points.
gap> PermutationMat((1,2,3),4);
34.14 TraceMat
TraceMat( mat )
TraceMat returns the trace of the square matrix mat. The trace is the sum of all entries on
the diagonal of mat.
gap> TraceMat( [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ] );
gap> TraceMat( IdentityMat( 4, GF(2) ) );
34.15 DeterminantMat
DeterminantMat( mat )
DeterminantMat returns the determinant of the square matrix mat. The determinant is
defined by
i=1 mat[i][ip].
gap> DeterminantMat( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] );
gap> DeterminantMat( [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] );
Note that DeterminantMat does not use the above definition to compute the result. Instead
it performs a Gaussian elimination. For large rational matrices this may take very long,
because the entries may become very large, even if the final result is a small integer.
34.16 RankMat
RankMat( mat )
RankMat returns the rank of the matrix mat. The rank is defined as the dimension of the
vector space spanned by the rows of mat. It follows that a nby nmatrix is invertible
exactly if its rank is n.
gap> RankMat( [ [ 4, 1, 2 ], [ 3, -1, 4 ], [ -1, -2, 2 ] ] );
Note that RankMat performs a Gaussian elimination. For large rational matrices this may
take very long, because the entries may become very large.
34.17 OrderMat
OrderMat( mat )
OrderMat returns the order of the invertible square matrix mat. The order ord is the
smallest positive integer such that mat^ord is the identity.
gap> OrderMat( [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
> [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
> [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] );
OrderMat first computes ord1 such that the first standard basis vector is mapped by
mat^ord1 onto itself. It does this by applying mat repeatedly to the first standard ba-
sis vector. Then it computes mat1 as mat1 ^ord1 . Then it computes ord2 such that the
second standard basis vector is mapped by mat1 ^ord2 onto itself. This process is repeated
until all basis vectors are mapped onto themselves. OrderMat warns you that the order may
be infinite, when it finds that the order must be larger than 1000.
34.18 TriangulizeMat
TriangulizeMat( mat )
TriangulizeMat brings the matrix mat into upper triangular form. Note that mat is
changed. A matrix is in upper triangular form when the first nonzero entry in each row is one
and lies further to the right than the first nonzero entry in the previous row. Furthermore,
above the first nonzero entry in each row all entries are zero. Note that the matrix will
have trailing zero rows if the rank of mat is not maximal. The rows of the resulting matrix
span the same vectorspace than the rows of the original matrix mat. The function returns
the indices of the lines of the orginal matrix corresponding to the non-zero lines of the
triangulized matrix.
gap> m := [ [ 0, -3, -1 ], [ -3, 0, -1 ], [ 2, -2, 0 ] ];;
gap> TriangulizeMat( m ); m;
Note that for large rational matrices TriangulizeMat may take very long, because the
entries may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result
contains only small integers.
34.19. BASEMAT 655
34.19 BaseMat
BaseMat( mat )
BaseMat returns a standard base for the vector space spanned by the rows of the matrix
mat. The standard base is in upper triangular form. That means that the first nonzero
vector in each row is one and lies further to the right than the first nonzero entry in the
previous row. Furthermore, above the first nonzero entry in each row all entries are zero.
gap> BaseMat( [ [ 0, -3, -1 ], [ -3, 0, -1 ], [ 2, -2, 0 ] ] );
Note that for large rational matrices BaseMat may take very long, because the entries may
become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result contains only
small integers.
34.20 NullspaceMat
NullspaceMat( mat )
NullspaceMat returns a base for the nullspace of the matrix mat. The nullspace is the set
of vectors vec such that vec *mat is the zero vector. The returned base is the standard
base for the nullspace (see 34.19).
gap> NullspaceMat( [ [ 2, -4, 1 ], [ 0, 0, -4 ], [ 1, -2, -1 ] ] );
[ [ 1, 3/4, -2 ] ]
Note that for large rational matrices NullspaceMat may take very long, because the entries
may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result only contains
small integers.
34.21 SolutionMat
SolutionMat( mat,vec )
SolutionMat returns one solution of the equation x*mat =vec or false if no such
solution exists.
gap> SolutionMat( [ [ 2, -4, 1 ], [ 0, 0, -4 ], [ 1, -2, -1 ] ],
> [ 10, -20, -10 ] );
[ 5, 15/4, 0 ]
gap> SolutionMat( [ [ 2, -4, 1 ], [ 0, 0, -4 ], [ 1, -2, -1 ] ],
> [ 10, 20, -10 ] );
Note that for large rational matrices SolutionMat may take very long, because the entries
may become very large during the Gaussian elimination, even if the final result only contains
small integers.
34.22 DiagonalizeMat
DiagonalizeMat( mat )
DiagonalizeMat transforms the integer matrix mat by multiplication with unimodular (i.e.,
determinant +1 or -1) integer matrices from the left and from the right into diagonal form
(i.e., only diagonal entries are nonzero). Note that DiagonalizeMat changes mat and returns
nothing. If there are several diagonal matrices to which mat is equivalent, it is not specified
which one is computed, except that all zero entries on the diagonal are collected at the lower
right end (see 34.23).
gap> m := [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ -2, 0, -2 ], [ 2, -2, 4 ] ];;
gap> DiagonalizeMat( m ); m;
Note that for large integer matrices DiagonalizeMat may take very long, because the entries
may become very large during the computation, even if the final result only contains small
34.23 ElementaryDivisorsMat
ElementaryDivisorsMat( mat )
ElementaryDivisors returns a list of the elementary divisors, i.e., the unique dwith d[i]
divides d[i+1] and mat is equivalent to a diagonal matrix with the elements d[i]on the
diagonal (see 34.22).
gap> m := [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ -2, 0, -2 ], [ 2, -2, 4 ] ];;
gap> ElementaryDivisorsMat( m );
34.24 PrintArray
PrintArray( mat )
PrintArray displays the matrix mat in a pretty way.
gap> m := [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]];
gap> PrintArray( m );
[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 5, 6, 7, 8 ],
[ 9, 10, 11, 12 ] ]
Chapter 35
Integral matrices and lattices
This is a subset of the functions available in GAP4, ported to GAP3 to be used by CHEVIE.
35.1 NullspaceIntMat
NullspaceIntMat( mat )
If mat is a matrix with integral entries, this function returns a list of vectors that forms a
basis of the integral nullspace of mat, i.e. of those vectors in the nullspace of mat that have
integral entries.
gap> mat:=[[1,2,7],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,19],[5,7,12]];;
gap> NullspaceMat(mat);
[ [ 1, 0, 3/4, -1/4, -3/4 ], [ 0, 1, -13/24, 1/8, -7/24 ] ]
gap> NullspaceIntMat(mat);
[ [ 1, 18, -9, 2, -6 ], [ 0, 24, -13, 3, -7 ] ]
35.2 SolutionIntMat
SolutionIntMat( mat,vec )
If mat is a matrix with integral entries and vec a vector with integral entries, this function
returns a vector xwith integer entries that is a solution of the equation x*mat=vec. It
returns false if no such vector exists.
gap> mat:=[[1,2,7],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,19],[5,7,12]];;
gap> SolutionMat(mat,[95,115,182]);
[ 47/4, -17/2, 67/4, 0, 0 ]
gap> SolutionIntMat(mat,[95,115,182]);
[ 2285, -5854, 4888, -1299, 0 ]
35.3 SolutionNullspaceIntMat
SolutionNullspaceIntMat( mat,vec )
This function returns a list of length two, its first entry being the result of a call to
SolutionIntMat with same arguments, the second the result of NullspaceIntMat applied
to the matrix mat. The calculation is performed faster than if two separate calls would be
gap> mat:=[[1,2,7],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[10,11,19],[5,7,12]];;
gap> SolutionNullspaceIntMat(mat,[95,115,182]);
[ [ 2285, -5854, 4888, -1299, 0 ],
[ [ 1, 18, -9, 2, -6 ], [ 0, 24, -13, 3, -7 ] ] ]
35.4 BaseIntMat
BaseIntMat( mat )
If mat is a matrix with integral entries, this function returns a list of vectors that forms a
basis of the integral row space of mat, i.e. of the set of integral linear combinations of the
rows of mat.
gap> mat:=[[1,2,7],[4,5,6],[10,11,19]];;
gap> BaseIntMat(mat);
35.5 BaseIntersectionIntMats
BaseIntersectionIntMats( m,n)
If mand nare matrices with integral entries, this function returns a list of vectors that
forms a basis of the intersection of the integral row spaces of mand n.
gap> nat:=[[5,7,2],[4,2,5],[7,1,4]];;
gap> BaseIntMat(nat);
gap> BaseIntersectionIntMats(mat,nat);
35.6 ComplementIntMat
ComplementIntMat( full,sub )
Let full be a list of integer vectors generating an Integral module Mand sub a list of vectors
defining a submodule S. This function computes a free basis for Mthat extends S, that is,
if the dimension of Sis nit determines a basis {b1, . . . , bm}for M, as well as nintegers xi
such that xi|xjfor i<j and the nvectors si:= xi·bifor i= 1, . . . , n form a basis for S.
It returns a record with the following components:
the vectors bn+1 up to bm(they generate a complement to S).
the vectors si(a basis for S).
the factors xi.
gap> m:=IdentityMat(3);;
gap> n:=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]];;
gap> ComplementIntMat(m,n);
rec( complement := [ [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], sub := [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 0, 3, 6 ] ],
moduli := [ 1, 3 ] )
35.7 TriangulizedIntegerMat
TriangulizedIntegerMat( mat )
Computes an integral upper triangular form of a matrix with integer entries.
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> TriangulizedIntegerMat(m);
35.8 TriangulizedIntegerMatTransform
TriangulizedIntegerMatTransform( mat )
Computes an integral upper triangular form of a matrix with integer entries. It returns
a record with a component normal (a matrix in upper triangular form) and a component
rowtrans that gives the transformations done to the original matrix to bring it into upper
triangular form.
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> n:=TriangulizedIntegerMatTransform(m);
rec( normal := [ [ 1, 15, 28 ], [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 3 ] ],
rowQ := [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ], rank := 3,
signdet := 1, rowtrans := [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55
gap> n.rowtrans*m=n.normal;
35.9 TriangulizeIntegerMat
TriangulizeIntegerMat( mat )
Changes mat to be in upper triangular form. (The result is the same as that of TriangulizedIntegerMat,
but mat will be modified, thus using less memory.)
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> TriangulizeIntegerMat(m); m;
35.10 HermiteNormalFormIntegerMat
HermiteNormalFormIntegerMat( mat )
This operation computes the Hermite normal form of a matrix mat with integer entries.
The Hermite Normal Form (HNF), Hof an integer matrix, Ais a row equivalent upper
triangular form such that all off-diagonal entries are reduced modulo the diagonal entry of
the column they are in. There exists a unique unimodular matrix Qsuch that QA =H.
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> HermiteNormalFormIntegerMat(m);
35.11 HermiteNormalFormIntegerMatTransform
HermiteNormalFormIntegerMatTransform( mat )
This operation computes the Hermite normal form of a matrix mat with integer entries. It
returns a record with components normal (a matrix Hof the Hermite normal form) and
rowtrans (a unimodular matrix Q) such that Qmat=H
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> n:=HermiteNormalFormIntegerMatTransform(m);
rec( normal := [ [ 1, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 3 ] ],
rowQ := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ], rank := 3,
signdet := 1,
rowtrans := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ] )
gap> n.rowtrans*m=n.normal;
35.12 SmithNormalFormIntegerMat
SmithNormalFormIntegerMat( mat )
This operation computes the Smith normal form of a matrix mat with integer entries. The
Smith Normal Form,S, of an integer matrix Ais the unique equivalent diagonal form with
Sidividing Sjfor i<j. There exist unimodular integer matrices P, Q such that P AQ =S.
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> SmithNormalFormIntegerMat(m);
35.13 SmithNormalFormIntegerMatTransforms
SmithNormalFormIntegerMatTransforms( mat )
This operation computes the Smith normal form of a matrix mat with integer entries.
It returns a record with components normal (a matrix S), rowtrans (a matrix P), and
coltrans (a matrix Q) such that PmatQ=S.
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> n:=SmithNormalFormIntegerMatTransforms(m);
rec( normal := [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 3 ] ],
rowQ := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ],
colQ := [ [ 1, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], rank := 3,
signdet := 1,
rowtrans := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ],
coltrans := [ [ 1, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] )
gap> n.rowtrans*m*n.coltrans=n.normal;
35.14 DiagonalizeIntMat
DiagonalizeIntMat( mat )
This function changes mat to its SNF. (The result is the same as that of SmithNormalFormIntegerMat,
but mat will be modified, thus using less memory.)
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> DiagonalizeIntMat(m);m;
35.15 NormalFormIntMat
All the previous routines build on the following “workhorse routine
NormalFormIntMat( mat,options )
This general operation for computation of various Normal Forms is probably the most
Options bit values
0/1 Triangular Form / Smith Normal Form.
2 Reduce off diagonal entries.
4 Row Transformations.
8 Col Transformations.
16 Destructive (the original matrix may be destroyed)
Compute a Triangular, Hermite or Smith form of the n×minteger input matrix A. Op-
tionally, compute n×nand m×munimodular transforming matrices Q, P which satisfy
QA =Hor QAP =S.
Note option is a value ranging from 0 - 15 but not all options make sense (eg reducing
off diagonal entries with SNF option selected already). If an option makes no sense it is
Returns a record with component normal containing the computed normal form and optional
components rowtrans and/or coltrans which hold the respective transformation matrix.
Also in the record are components holding the sign of the determinant, signdet, and the
Rank of the matrix, rank.
gap> m:=[[1,15,28],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];;
gap> NormalFormIntMat(m,0); # Triangular, no transforms
rec( normal := [ [ 1, 15, 28 ], [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 3 ] ], rank := 3,
signdet := 1 )
gap> NormalFormIntMat(m,6); # Hermite Normal Form with row transforms
rec( normal := [ [ 1, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 3 ] ],
rowQ := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ], rank := 3,
signdet := 1,
rowtrans := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ] )
gap> NormalFormIntMat(m,13); # Smith Normal Form with both transforms
rec( normal := [ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 3 ] ],
rowQ := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ],
colQ := [ [ 1, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ], rank := 3,
signdet := 1,
rowtrans := [ [ -2, 62, -35 ], [ 1, -30, 17 ], [ -3, 97, -55 ] ],
coltrans := [ [ 1, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] )
gap> last.rowtrans*m*last.coltrans;
35.16 AbelianInvariantsOfList
AbelianInvariantsOfList( list )
Given a list of positive integers, this routine returns a list of prime powers, such that the
prime power factors of the entries in the list are returned in sorted form.
gap> AbelianInvariantsOfList([4,6,2,12]);
35.17 Determinant of an integer matrix
DeterminantIntMat( mat )
Computes the determinant of an integer matrix using the same strategy as NormalFormIntMat.
This method is faster in general for matrices greater than 20 ×20 but quite a lot slower
for smaller matrices. It therefore passes the work to the more general DeterminantMat
(see 34.15) for these smaller matrices.
35.18 Diaconis-Graham normal form
DiaconisGraham( mat,moduli)
Diaconis and Graham (see [DG99]) defined a normal form for generating sets of abelian
groups. Here moduli should be a list of positive integers such that moduli[i+1] divides
moduli[i] for all i, representing the abelian group A=Z/moduli[1] ×. . . ×Z/moduli[n].
The integral matrix mshould have ncolumns where n=Length(moduli), and each line (with
the i-th element taken mod moduli[i]) represents an element of the group A.
The function returns false if the set of elements of Arepresented by the lines of mdoes
not generate A. Otherwise it returns a record rwith fields
r.normal the Diaconis-Graham normal form, a matrix of same shape as mwhere either
the first nlines are the identity matrix and the remaining lines are 0, or Length(m)=n
and .normal differs from the identity matrix only in the entry .normal[n][n], which
is prime to moduli[n].
r.rowtrans a unimodular matrix such that r.normal=List(r.rowtrans*m,v->Zip(v,moduli,
function(x,y)return x mod y;end))
Here is an example:
gap> DiaconisGraham([[3,0],[4,1]],[10,5]);
rowtrans := [ [ -13, 10 ], [ 4, -3 ] ],
Chapter 36
Matrix Rings
Amatrix ring is a ring of square matrices (see chapter 34). In GAP3 you can define matrix
rings of matrices over each of the fields that GAP3 supports, i.e., the rationals, cyclotomic
extensions of the rationals, and finite fields (see chapters 12, 13, and 18).
You define a matrix ring in GAP3 by calling Ring (see 5.2) passing the generating matrices
as arguments.
gap> m1 := [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ],
> [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
> [ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ];;
gap> m2 := [ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
> [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
> [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ];;
gap> m := Ring( m1, m2 );
Ring( [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] )
gap> Size( m );
However, currently GAP3 can only compute with finite matrix rings with a multiplicative
neutral element (a one). Also computations with large matrix rings are not done very
efficiently. We hope to improve this situation in the future, but currently you should be
careful not to try too large matrix rings.
Because matrix rings are just a special case of domains all the set theoretic functions such
as Size and Intersection are applicable to matrix rings (see chapter 4 and 36.1).
Also matrix rings are of course rings, so all ring functions such as Units and IsIntegralRing
are applicable to matrix rings (see chapter 5 and 36.2).
36.1 Set Functions for Matrix Rings
All set theoretic functions described in chapter 4 use their default function for matrix rings
currently. This means, for example, that the size of a matrix ring is computed by computing
the set of all elements of the matrix ring with an orbit-like algorithm. Thus you should not
try to work with too large matrix rings.
36.2 Ring Functions for Matrix Rings
As already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter matrix rings are after all rings.
All ring functions such as Units and IsIntegralRing are thus applicable to matrix rings.
This section describes how these functions are implemented for matrix rings. Functions not
mentioned here inherit the default group methods described in the respective sections.
IsUnit( R,m)
A matrix is a unit in a matrix ring if its rank is maximal (see 34.16).
Chapter 37
Matrix Groups
Amatrix group is a group of invertable square matrices (see chapter 34). In GAP3 you
can define matrix groups of matrices over each of the fields that GAP3 supports, i.e., the
rationals, cyclotomic extensions of the rationals, and finite fields (see chapters 12, 13, and
You define a matrix group in GAP3 by calling Group (see 7.9) passing the generating matrices
as arguments.
gap> m1 := [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ],
> [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
> [ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ];;
gap> m2 := [ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
> [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
> [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ];;
gap> m := Group( m1, m2 );
Group( [ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] )
However, currently GAP3 can only compute with finite matrix groups. Also computations
with large matrix groups are not done very efficiently. We hope to improve this situation in
the future, but currently you should be careful not to try too large matrix groups.
Because matrix groups are just a special case of domains all the set theoretic functions such
as Size and Intersection are applicable to matrix groups (see chapter 4 and 37.1).
Also matrix groups are of course groups, so all the group functions such as Centralizer
and DerivedSeries are applicable to matrix groups (see chapter 7 and 37.2).
37.1 Set Functions for Matrix Groups
As already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter matrix groups are domains. All set
theoretic functions such as Size and Intersections are thus applicable to matrix groups.
This section describes how these functions are implemented for matrix groups. Functions
not mentioned here either inherit the default group methods described in 7.114 or the default
method mentioned in the respective sections.
To compute with a matrix group m,GAP3 computes the operation of the matrix group on
the underlying vector space (more precisely the union of the orbits of the parent of mon the
standard basis vectors). Then it works with the thus defined permutation group p, which
is of course isomorphic to m, and finally translates the results back into the matrix group.
obj in m
To test if an object obj lies in a matrix group m,GAP3 first tests whether obj is a invertable
square matrix of the same dimensions as the matrices of m. If it is, GAP3 tests whether
obj permutes the vectors in the union of the orbits of mon the standard basis vectors. If it
does, GAP3 takes this permutation and tests whether it lies in p.
Size( m)
To compute the size of the matrix group m,GAP3 computes the size of the isomorphic
permutation group p.
Intersection( m1 ,m2 )
To compute the intersection of two subgroups m1 and m2 with a common parent matrix
group m,GAP3 intersects the images of the corresponding permutation subgroups p1 and
p2 of p. Then it translates the generators of the intersection of the permutation subgroups
back to matrices. The intersection of m1 and m2 is the subgroup of mgenerated by those
matrices. If m1 and m2 do not have a common parent group, or if only one of them is a
matrix group and the other is a set of matrices, the default method is used (see 4.12).
37.2 Group Functions for Matrix Groups
As already mentioned in the introduction of this chapter matrix groups are after all group.
All group functions such as Centralizer and DerivedSeries are thus applicable to matrix
groups. This section describes how these functions are implemented for matrix groups.
Functions not mentioned here either inherit the default group methods described in the
respective sections.
To compute with a matrix group m,GAP3 computes the operation of the matrix group on
the underlying vector space (more precisely, if the vector space is small enough, it enumerates
the space and acts on the whole space. Otherwise it takes the union of the orbits of the
parent of mon the standard basis vectors). Then it works with the thus defined permutation
group p, which is of course isomorphic to m, and finally translates the results back into the
matrix group.
Centralizer( m,u)
Normalizer( m,u)
SylowSubgroup( m,p)
ConjugacyClasses( m)
This functions all work by solving the problem in the permutation group pand translating
the result back.
PermGroup( m)
This function simply returns the permutation group defined above.
Stabilizer( m,v)
The stabilizer of a vector vthat lies in the union of the orbits of the parent of mon the
standard basis vectors is computed by finding the stabilizer of the corresponding point in
the permutation group pand translating this back. Other stabilizers are computed with the
default method (see 8.24).
RepresentativeOperation( m,v1 ,v2 )
If v1 and v2 are vectors that both lie in the union of the orbits of the parent group of mon
the standard basis vectors, RepresentativeOperation finds a permutation in pthat takes
the point corresponding to v1 to the point corresponding to v2 . If no such permutation
exists, it returns false. Otherwise it translates the permutation back to a matrix.
RepresentativeOperation( m,m1 ,m2 )
If m1 and m2 are matrices in m,RepresentativeOperation finds a permutation in pthat
conjugates the permutation corresponding to m1 to the permutation corresponding to m2 .
If no such permutation exists, it returns false. Otherwise it translates the permutation
back to a matrix.
37.3 Matrix Group Records
A group is represented by a record that contains information about the group. A matrix
group record contains the following components in addition to those described in section
always true.
If a permutation representation for a matrix group mis known it is stored in the following
contains the permutation group representation of m.
contains the union of the orbits of the parent of mon the standard basis vectors.
Chapter 38
Group Libraries
When you start GAP3 it already knows several groups. Currently GAP3 initially knows the
following groups:
some basic groups, such as cyclic groups or symmetric groups (see 38.1),
the primitive permutation groups of degree at most 50 (see 38.5),
the transitive permutation groups of degree at most 15 (see 38.6),
the solvable groups of size at most 100 (see 38.7),
the 2-groups of size at most 256 (see 38.8),
the 3-groups of size at most 729 (see 38.9),
the irreducible solvable subgroups of GL(n, p) for n > 1 and pn<256 (see 38.10),
the finite perfect groups of size at most 106(excluding 11 sizes) (see 38.11),
the irreducible maximal finite integral matrix groups of dimension at most 24 (see
the crystallographic groups of dimension at most 4 (see 38.13).
the groups of order at most 1000 except for 512 and 768 (see 38.14).
Each of the set of groups above is called a library. The whole set of groups that GAP3
knows initially is called the GAP3 collection of group libraries. There is usually no
relation between the groups in the different libraries.
Several of the libraries are accessed in a uniform manner. For each of these libraries there
is a so called selection function that allows you to select the list of groups that satisfy
given criterias from a library. The example function allows you to select one group that
satisfies given criteria from the library. The low-level extraction function allows you to
extract a single group from a library, using a simple indexing scheme. These functions are
described in the sections 38.2, 38.3, and 38.4.
Note that a system administrator may choose to install all, or only a few, or even none
of the libraries. So some of the libraries mentioned below may not be available on your
38.1 The Basic Groups Library
CyclicGroup( n)
CyclicGroup( D,n)
In the first form CyclicGroup returns the cyclic group of size nas a permutation group. In
the second form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations or AgWords,
and CyclicGroup returns the cyclic group of size nas a group of elements of that type.
gap> c12 := CyclicGroup( 12 );
Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12) )
gap> c105 := CyclicGroup( AgWords, 5*3*7 );
Group( c105_1, c105_2, c105_3 )
gap> Order(c105,c105.1); Order(c105,c105.2); Order(c105,c105.3);
AbelianGroup( sizes )
AbelianGroup( D,sizes )
In the first form AbelianGroup returns the abelian group Csizes[1] Csizes[2] ... Csizes[n],
where sizes must be a list of positive integers, as a permutation group. In the second form
Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations or AgWords, and AbelianGroup
returns the abelian group as a group of elements of this type.
gap> g := AbelianGroup( AgWords, [ 2, 3, 7 ] );
Group( a, b, c )
gap> Size( g );
gap> IsAbelian( g );
The default function GroupElementsOps.AbelianGroup uses the functions CyclicGroup
and DirectProduct (see 7.99) to construct the abelian group.
ElementaryAbelianGroup( n)
ElementaryAbelianGroup( D,n)
In the first form ElementaryAbelianGroup returns the elementary abelian group of size
nas a permutation group. nmust be a positive prime power of course. In the sec-
ond form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations or AgWords, and
ElementaryAbelianGroup returns the elementary abelian group as a group of elements of
this type.
gap> ElementaryAbelianGroup( 16 );
Group( (1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8) )
gap> ElementaryAbelianGroup( AgWords, 3 ^ 10 );
Group( m59049_1, m59049_2, m59049_3, m59049_4, m59049_5, m59049_6,
m59049_7, m59049_8, m59049_9, m59049_10 )
The default function GroupElementsOps.ElementaryAbelianGroup uses CyclicGroup and
DirectProduct (see 7.99 to construct the elementary abelian group.
DihedralGroup( n)
DihedralGroup( D,n)
In the first form DihedralGroup returns the dihedral group of size nas a permutation
group. nmust be a positive even integer. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group
elements, e.g., Permutations or AgWords, and DihedralGroup returns the dihedral group
as a group of elements of this type.
gap> DihedralGroup( 12 );
Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6), (2,6)(3,5) )
PolyhedralGroup( p,q)
PolyhedralGroup( D,p,q)
In the first form PolyhedralGroup returns the polyhedral group of size p*qas a permu-
tation group. pand qmust be positive integers and there must exist a nontrivial p-th root
of unity modulo every prime factor of q. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group
elements, e.g., Permutations or Words, and PolyhedralGroup returns the polyhedral group
as a group of elements of this type.
gap> PolyhedralGroup( 3, 13 );
Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13), ( 2, 4,10)( 3, 7, 6)
( 5,13,11)( 8, 9,12) )
gap> Size( last );
SymmetricGroup( d)
SymmetricGroup( D,d)
In the first form SymmetricGroup returns the symmetric group of degree das a permutation
group. dmust be a positive integer. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group
elements, e.g., Permutations or Words, and SymmetricGroup returns the symmetric group
as a group of elements of this type.
gap> SymmetricGroup( 8 );
Group( (1,8), (2,8), (3,8), (4,8), (5,8), (6,8), (7,8) )
gap> Size( last );
AlternatingGroup( d)
AlternatingGroup( D,d)
In the first form AlternatingGroup returns the alternating group of degree das a permu-
tation group. dmust be a positive integer. In the second form Dmust be a domain of
group elements, e.g., Permutations or Words, and AlternatingGroup returns the alternat-
ing group as a group of elements of this type.
gap> AlternatingGroup( 8 );
Group( (1,2,8), (2,3,8), (3,4,8), (4,5,8), (5,6,8), (6,7,8) )
gap> Size( last );
GeneralLinearGroup( n,q)
GeneralLinearGroup( D,n,q)
In the first form GeneralLinearGroup returns the general linear group GL(n,q) as a matrix
group. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations or
AgWords, and GeneralLinearGroup returns GL(n,q) as a group of elements of that type.
gap> g := GeneralLinearGroup( 2, 4 ); Size( g );
SpecialLinearGroup( n,q)
SpecialLinearGroup( D,n,q)
In the first form SpecialLinearGroup returns the special linear group SL(n,q) as a matrix
group. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations or
AgWords, and SpecialLinearGroup returns SL(n,q) as a group of elements of that type.
gap> g := SpecialLinearGroup( 3, 4 ); Size( g );
SymplecticGroup( n,q)
SymplecticGroup( D,n,q)
In the first form SymplecticGroup returns the symplectic group SP (n,q) as a matrix group.
In the second form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations or AgWords,
and SymplecticGroup returns SP (n,q) as a group of elements of that type.
gap> g := SymplecticGroup( 4, 2 ); Size( g );
GeneralUnitaryGroup( n,q)
GeneralUnitaryGroup( D,n,q)
In the first form GeneralUnitaryGroup returns the general unitary group GU(n,q) as a
matrix group. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations
or AgWords, and GeneralUnitaryGroup returns GU (n,q) as a group of elements of that
gap> g := GeneralUnitaryGroup( 3, 3 ); Size( g );
SpecialUnitaryGroup( n,q)
SpecialUnitaryGroup( D,n,q)
In the first form SpecialUnitaryGroup returns the special unitary group SU (n,q) as a
matrix group. In the second form Dmust be a domain of group elements, e.g., Permutations
or AgWords, and SpecialUnitaryGroup returns SU(n,q) as a group of elements of that type.
gap> g := SpecialUnitaryGroup( 3, 3 ); Size( g );
MathieuGroup( d)
MathieuGroup returns the Mathieu group of degree das a permutation group. dis expected
to be 11, 12, 22, 23, or 24.
gap> g := MathieuGroup( 12 ); Size( g );
Group( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11), ( 3, 7,11, 8)
( 4,10, 5, 6), ( 1,12)( 2,11)( 3, 6)( 4, 8)( 5, 9)( 7,10) )
38.2 Selection Functions
AllLibraryGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
For each group library there is a selection function. This function allows you to select all
groups from the library that have a given set of properties.
The name of the selection functions always begins with All and always ends with Groups.
Inbetween is a name that hints at the nature of the group library. For example, the selection
function for the library of all primitive groups of degree at most 50 (see 38.5) is called
AllPrimitiveGroups, and the selection function for the library of all 2-groups of size at
most 256 (see 38.8) is called AllTwoGroups.
These functions take an arbitrary number of pairs of arguments. The first argument in
such a pair is a function that can be applied to the groups in the library, and the second
argument is either a single value that this function must return in order to have this group
included in the selection, or a list of such values.
For example
AllPrimitiveGroups( DegreeOperation, [10..15],
Size, [1..100],
IsAbelian, false );
should return a list of all primitive groups with degree between 10 and 15 and size less than
100 that are not abelian.
Thus the AllPrimitiveGroups behaves as if it was implemented by a function similar to
the one defined below, where PrimitiveGroupsList is a list of all primitive groups. Note,
in the definition below we assume for simplicity that AllPrimitiveGroups accepts exactly
4 arguments. It is of course obvious how to change this definition so that the function would
accept a variable number of arguments.
AllPrimitiveGroups := function ( fun1, val1, fun2, val2 )
local groups, g, i;
groups := [];
for i in [ 1 .. Length( PrimitiveGroupsList ) ] do
g := PrimitiveGroupsList[i];
if fun1(g) = val1 or IsList(val1) and fun1(g) in val1
and fun2(g) = val2 or IsList(val2) and fun2(g) in val2
Add( groups, g );
return groups;
Note that the real selection functions are considerably more difficult, to improve the ef-
ficiency. Most important, each recognizes a certain set of functions and handles those
properties using an index (see 1.26).
38.3 Example Functions
OneLibraryGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
For each group library there is a example function. This function allows you to find one
group from the library that has a given set of properties.
The name of the example functions always begins with One and always ends with Group.
Inbetween is a name that hints at the nature of the group library. For example, the example
function for the library of all primitive groups of degree at most 50 (see 38.5) is called
OnePrimitiveGroup, and the example function for the library of all 2-groups of size at most
256 (see 38.8) is called OneTwoGroup.
These functions take an arbitrary number of pairs of arguments. The first argument in
such a pair is a function that can be applied to the groups in the library, and the second
argument is either a single value that this function must return in order to have this group
returned by the example function, or a list of such values.
For example
OnePrimitiveGroup( DegreeOperation, [10..15],
Size, [1..100],
IsAbelian, false );
should return one primitive group with degree between 10 and 15 and size size less than 100
that is not abelian.
Thus the OnePrimitiveGroup behaves as if it was implemented by a function similar to the
one defined below, where PrimitiveGroupsList is a list of all primitive groups. Note, in
the definition below we assume for simplicity that OnePrimitiveGroup accepts exactly 4
arguments. It is of course obvious how to change this definition so that the function would
accept a variable number of arguments.
OnePrimitiveGroup := function ( fun1, val1, fun2, val2 )
local g, i;
for i in [ 1 .. Length( PrimitiveGroupsList ) ] do
g := PrimitiveGroupsList[i];
if fun1(g) = val1 or IsList(val1) and fun1(g) in val1
and fun2(g) = val2 or IsList(val2) and fun2(g) in val2
return g;
return false;
Note that the real example functions are considerably more difficult, to improve the ef-
ficiency. Most important, each recognizes a certain set of functions and handles those
properties using an index (see 1.26).
38.4 Extraction Functions
For each group library there is an extraction function. This function allows you to extract
single groups from the library.
The name of the extraction function always ends with Group and begins with a name that
hints at the nature of the library. For example the extraction function for the library of
primitive groups (see 38.5) is called PrimitiveGroup, and the extraction function for the
library of all 2-groups of size at most 256 (see 38.8) is called TwoGroup.
What arguments the extraction function accepts, and how they are interpreted is described
in the sections that describe the individual group libraries.
For example
PrimitiveGroup( 10, 4 );
returns the 4-th primitive group of degree 10.
The reason for the extraction function is as follows. A group library is usually not stored as
a list of groups. Instead a more compact representation for the groups is used. For example
the groups in the library of 2-groups are represented by 4 integers. The extraction function
hides this representation from you, and allows you to access the group library as if it was a
table of groups (two dimensional in the above example).
38.5 The Primitive Groups Library
This group library contains all primitive permutation groups of degree at most 50. There are
a total of 406 such groups. Actually to be a little bit more precise, there are 406 inequivalent
primitive operations on at most 50 points. Quite a few of the 406 groups are isomorphic.
AllPrimitiveGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
AllPrimitiveGroups returns a list containing all primitive groups that have the properties
given as arguments. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first
being a function, which will be applied to all groups in the library, and the second being a
value or a list of values, that this function must return in order to have this group included
in the list returned by AllPrimitiveGroups.
The first argument must be DegreeOperation and the second argument either a degree or
a list of degrees, otherwise AllPrimitiveGroups will print a warning to the effect that the
library contains only groups with degrees between 1 and 50.
gap> l := AllPrimitiveGroups( Size, 120, IsSimple, false );
#W AllPrimitiveGroups: degree automatically restricted to [1..50]
[ S(5), PGL(2,5), S(5) ]
gap> List( l, g -> g.generators );
[ [ (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) ], [ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4), (1,6)(3,4) ],
[ ( 1, 8)( 2, 5, 6, 3)( 4, 9, 7,10), ( 1, 5, 7)( 2, 9, 4)( 3, 8,10)
] ]
OnePrimitiveGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
OnePrimitiveGroup returns one primitive group that has the properties given as argument.
Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first being a function, which
will be applied to all groups in the library, and the second being a value or a list of values,
that this function must return in order to have this group returned by OnePrimitiveGroup.
If no such group exists, false is returned.
The first argument must be DegreeOperation and the second argument either a degree or
a list of degrees, otherwise OnePrimitiveGroup will print a warning to the effect that the
library contains only groups with degrees between 1 and 50.
gap> g := OnePrimitiveGroup( DegreeOperation,5, IsSolvable,false );
gap> Size( g );
AllPrimitiveGroups and OnePrimitiveGroup recognize the following functions and handle
them usually quite efficient. DegreeOperation,Size,Transitivity, and IsSimple. You
should pass those functions first, e.g., it is more efficient to say AllPrimitiveGroups(
Size,120 , IsAbelian,false ) than to say AllPrimitiveGroups( IsAbelian,false,
Size,120 ) (see 1.26).
PrimitiveGroup( deg,nr )
PrimitiveGroup returns the nr-th primitive group of degree deg. Both deg and nr must
be positive integers. The primitive groups of equal degree are sorted with respect to their
size, so for example PrimitiveGroup( deg,1)is the smallest primitive group of degree
deg, e.g, the cyclic group of size deg, if deg is a prime. Primitive groups of equal degree and
size are in no particular order.
gap> g := PrimitiveGroup( 8, 1 );
gap> g.generators;
[ (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), (1,8)(2,4)(3,7)(5,6) ]
Apart from the usual components described in 7.118, the group records returned by the
above functions have the following components.
degree of transitivity of G.
true if Gis sharply G.transitivity-fold transitive and false otherwise.
true if Gis k-fold primitive, and false otherwise.
false if Gis a subgroup of the alternating group of degree and true
true if Gis a Frobenius group and false otherwise.
This library was computed by Charles Sims. The list of primitive permutation groups of
degree at most 20 was published in [Sim70]. The library was brought into GAP3 format by
Martin Sconert. He assumes the responsibility for all mistakes.
38.6 The Transitive Groups Library
The transitive groups library contains representatives for all transitive permutation groups
of degree at most 22. Two permutations groups of the same degree are considered to be
equivalent, if there is a renumbering of points, which maps one group into the other one.
In other words, if they lie in the save conjugacy class under operation of the full symmetric
group by conjugation.
There are a total of 4945 such groups up to degree 22.
AllTransitiveGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
AllTransitiveGroups returns a list containing all transitive groups that have the properties
given as arguments. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first
being a function, and the second being a value or a list of values. AllTransitiveGroups
will return all groups from the transitive groups library, for which all specified functions
have the specified values.
If the degree is not restricted to 22 at most, AllTransitiveGroups will print a warning.
OneTransitiveGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
OneTransitiveGroup returns one transitive group that has the properties given as argu-
ment. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first being a function,
and the second being a value or a list of values. OneTransitiveGroup will return one groups
from the transitive groups library, for which all specified functions have the specified values.
If no such group exists, false is returned.
If the degree is not restricted to 22 at most, OneTransitiveGroup will print a warning.
AllTransitiveGroups and OneTransitiveGroup recognize the following functions and get
the corresponding properties from a precomputed list to speed up processing:
DegreeOperation,Size,Transitivity, and IsPrimitive. You do not need to pass those
functions first, as the selection function picks the these properties first.
TransitiveGroup( deg,nr )
TransitiveGroup returns the nr-th transitive group of degree deg. Both deg and nr must be
positive integers. The transitive groups of equal degree are sorted with respect to their size,
so for example TransitiveGroup( deg,1)is the smallest transitive group of degree deg,
e.g, the cyclic group of size deg, if deg is a prime. The ordering of the groups corresponds
to the list in Butler/McKay [BM83].
This library was computed by Gregory Butler, John McKay, Gordon Royle and Alexander
Hulpke. The list of transitive groups up to degree 11 was published in [BM83], the list of
degree 12 was published in [Roy87], degree 14 and 15 were published in [But93].
The library was brought into GAP3 format by Alexander Hulpke, who is responsible for all
gap> TransitiveGroup(10,22);
gap> l:=AllTransitiveGroups(DegreeOperation,12,Size,1440,
> IsSolvable,false);
[ S(6)[x]2, M_10.2(12) = A_6.E_4(12) = [S_6[1/720]{M_10}S_6]2 ]
gap> List(l,IsSolvable);
[ false, false ]
TransitiveIdentification( G)
Let Gbe a permutation group, acting transitively on a set of up to 22 points. Then
TransitiveIdentification will return the position of this group in the transitive groups
library. This means, if Goperates on mpoints and TransitiveIdentification returns n,
then Gis permutation isomorphic to the group TransitiveGroup(m,n).
gap> TransitiveIdentification(Group((1,2),(1,2,3)));
38.7 The Solvable Groups Library
GAP3 has a library of the 1045 solvable groups of size between 2 and 100. The groups are
from lists computed by M. Hall and J. K. Senior (size 64, see [HS64]), R. Laue (size 96, see
[Lau82]) and J. Neub¨user (other sizes, see [Neu67]).
AllSolvableGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
AllSolvableGroups returns a list containing all solvable groups that have the properties
given as arguments. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first
being a function, which will be applied to all the groups in the library, and the second being
a value or a list of values, that this function must return in order to have this group included
in the list returned by AllSolvableGroups.
gap> AllSolvableGroups(Size,24,IsNontrivialDirectProduct,false);
[ 12.2, grp_24_11, D24, Q8+S3, Sl(2,3), S4 ]
OneSolvableGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
OneSolvableGroup returns a solvable group with the specified properties. Each property is
specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first being a function, which will be applied
to all the groups in the library, and the second being a value or a list of values, that this
function must return in order to have this group returned by OneSolvableGroup. If no such
group exists, false is returned.
gap> OneSolvableGroup(Size,100,x->Size(DerivedSubgroup(x)),10);
gap> OneSolvableGroup(Size,24,IsNilpotent,false);
AllSolvableGroups and OneSolvableGroup recognize the following functions and handle
them usually very efficiently:Size,IsAbelian,IsNilpotent, and IsNonTrivialDirectProduct.
SolvableGroup( size,nr )
SolvableGroup returns the nr-th group of size size in the library. SolvableGroup will
signal an error if size is not between 2 and 100, or if nr is larger than the number of solvable
groups of size size. The group is returned as finite polycyclic group (see 25).
gap> SolvableGroup( 32 , 15 );
38.8 The 2-Groups Library
The library of 2-groups contains all the 2-groups of size dividing 256. There are a total of
58760 such groups, 1 of size 2, 2 of size 4, 5 of size 8, 14 of size 16, 51 of size 32, 267 of size
64, 2328 of size 128, and 56092 of size 256.
AllTwoGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
AllTwoGroups returns the list of all the 2-groups that have the properties given as argu-
ments. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first is a function that
can be applied to each group, the second is either a single value or a list of values that the
function must return in order to select that group.
gap> l := AllTwoGroups( Size, 256, Rank, 3, pClass, 2 );
[ Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ),
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ),
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ),
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8 ) ]
gap> List( l, g -> Length( ConjugacyClasses( g ) ) );
[ 112, 88, 88, 88 ]
OneTwoGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
OneTwoGroup returns a single 2-group that has the properties given as arguments. Each
property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first is a function that can be
applied to each group, the second is either a single value or a list of values that the function
must return in order to select that group.
gap> g := OneTwoGroup( Size, [64..128], Rank, [2..3], pClass, 5 );
#I size restricted to [ 64, 128 ]
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )
gap> Size( g );
gap> Rank( g );
AllTwoGroups and OneTwoGroup recognize the following functions and handle them usually
very efficiently. Size,Rank for the rank of the Frattini quotient of the group, and pClass
for the exponent-pclass of the group. Note that Rank and pClass are dummy functions
that can be used only in this context, i.e., they can not be applied to arbitrary groups.
TwoGroup( size,nr )
TwoGroup returns the nr-th group of size size. The group is returned as a finite polycyclic
group (see 25). TwoGroup will signal an error if size is not a power of 2 between 2 and 256,
or nr is larger than the number of groups of size size.
Within each size the following criteria have been used, in turn, to determine the index
position of a group in the list
1 increasing generator number;
2 increasing exponent-2 class;
3 the position of its parent in the list of groups of appropriate size;
4 the list in which the Newman and O’Brien implementation of the p-group generation
algorithm outputs the immediate descendants of a group.
gap> g := TwoGroup( 32, 45 );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )
gap> Rank( g );
gap> pClass( g );
gap> g.abstractRelators;
[ a1^2*a5^-1, a2^2, a2^-1*a1^-1*a2*a1, a3^2, a3^-1*a1^-1*a3*a1,
a3^-1*a2^-1*a3*a2, a4^2, a4^-1*a1^-1*a4*a1, a4^-1*a2^-1*a4*a2,
a4^-1*a3^-1*a4*a3, a5^2, a5^-1*a1^-1*a5*a1, a5^-1*a2^-1*a5*a2,
a5^-1*a3^-1*a5*a3, a5^-1*a4^-1*a5*a4 ]
Apart from the usual components described in 7.118, the group records returned by the
above functions have the following components.
rank of Frattini quotient of G.
exponent-pclass of G.
a list of abstract generators of G(see 22.1).
a list of relators of Gstored as words in the abstract generators.
Descriptions of the algorithms used in constructing the library data may be found in
[O´Br90, O´Br91]. Using these techniques, a library was first prepared in 1987 by M.F. New-
man and E.A. O’Brien; a partial description may be found in [NO89].
The library was brought into the GAP3 format by Werner Nickel, Alice Niemeyer, and
E.A. O’Brien.
38.9 The 3-Groups Library
The library of 3-groups contains all the 3-groups of size dividing 729. There are a total of
594 such groups, 1 of size 3, 2 of size 9, 5 of size 27, 15 of size 81, 67 of size 243, and 504 of
size 729.
AllThreeGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
AllThreeGroups returns the list of all the 3-groups that have the properties given as argu-
ments. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first is a function that
can be applied to each group, the second is either a single value or a list of values that the
function must return in order to select that group.
gap> l := AllThreeGroups( Size, 243, Rank, [2..4], pClass, 3 );;
gap> Length ( l );
gap> List( l, g -> Length( ConjugacyClasses( g ) ) );
[ 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35, 243, 99, 99, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51,
51, 51, 99, 35, 243, 99, 99, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35
OneThreeGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
OneThreeGroup returns a single 3-group that has the properties given as arguments. Each
property is specified by passing a pair of arguments, the first is a function that can be
applied to each group, the second is either a single value or a list of values that the function
must return in order to select that group.
gap> g := OneThreeGroup( Size, 729, Rank, 4, pClass, [3..5] );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 )
gap> IsAbelian( g );
AllThreeGroups and OneThreeGroup recognize the following functions and handle them
usually very efficiently. Size,Rank for the rank of the Frattini quotient of the group, and
pClass for the exponent-pclass of the group. Note that Rank and pClass are dummy
functions that can be used only in this context, i.e., they cannot be applied to arbitrary
ThreeGroup( size,nr )
ThreeGroup returns the nr-th group of size size. The group is returned as a finite polycyclic
group (see 25). ThreeGroup will signal an error if size is not a power of 3 between 3 and
729, or nr is larger than the number of groups of size size.
Within each size the following criteria have been used, in turn, to determine the index
position of a group in the list
1 increasing generator number;
2 increasing exponent-3 class;
3 the position of its parent in the list of groups of appropriate size;
4 the list in which the Newman and O’Brien implementation of the p-group generation
algorithm outputs the immediate descendants of a group.
gap> g := ThreeGroup( 243, 56 );
Group( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 )
gap> pClass( g );
gap> g.abstractRelators;
[ a1^3, a2^3, a2^-1*a1^-1*a2*a1*a4^-1, a3^3, a3^-1*a1^-1*a3*a1,
a3^-1*a2^-1*a3*a2*a5^-1, a4^3, a4^-1*a1^-1*a4*a1*a5^-1,
a4^-1*a2^-1*a4*a2, a4^-1*a3^-1*a4*a3, a5^3, a5^-1*a1^-1*a5*a1,
a5^-1*a2^-1*a5*a2, a5^-1*a3^-1*a5*a3, a5^-1*a4^-1*a5*a4 ]
Apart from the usual components described in 7.118, the group records returned by the
above functions have the following components.
rank of Frattini quotient of G.
exponent-pclass of G.
a list of abstract generators of G(see 22.1).
a list of relators of Gstored as words in the abstract generators.
Descriptions of the algorithms used in constructing the library data may be found in
[O´Br90, O´Br91].
The library was generated and brought into GAP3 format by E.A. O’Brien and Colin Rhodes.
David Baldwin, M.F. Newman, and Maris Ozols have contributed in various ways to this
project and to correctly determining these groups. The library design is modelled on and
borrows extensively from the 2-groups library, which was brought into GAP3 format by
Werner Nickel, Alice Niemeyer, and E.A. O’Brien.
38.10 The Irreducible Solvable Linear Groups Library
The IrredSol group library provides access to the irreducible solvable subgroups of GL(n, p),
where n > 1, pis prime and pn<256. The library contains exactly one member from each
of the 370 conjugacy classes of such subgroups.
By well known theory, this library also doubles as a library of primitive solvable permutation
groups of non-prime degree less than 256. To access the data in this form, you must first
build the matrix group(s) of interest and then call the function
PrimitivePermGroupIrreducibleMatGroup( matgrp )
This function returns a permutation group isomorphic to the semidirect product of an
irreducible matrix group (over a finite field) and its underlying vector space.
AllIrreducibleSolvableGroups( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
AllIrreducibleSolvableGroups returns a list containing all irreducible solvable linear
groups that have the properties given as arguments. Each property is specified by pass-
ing a pair of arguments, the first being a function which will be applied to all groups in the
library, and the second being a value or a list of values that this function must return in
order to have this group included in the list returned by AllIrreducibleSolvableGroups.
gap> AllIrreducibleSolvableGroups( Dimension, 2,
> CharFFE, 3,
> Size, 8 );
[ Group( [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ),
Group( [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ Z(3), Z(3) ] ] ),
Group( [ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ] ) ]
OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup( fun1 ,val1 ,fun2 ,val2 , ... )
OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup returns one irreducible solvable linear group that has the
properties given as arguments. Each property is specified by passing a pair of arguments,
the first being a function which will be applied to all groups in the library, and the second
being a value or a list of values that this function must return in order to have this group
returned by OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup. If no such group exists, false is returned.
gap> OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup( Dimension, 4,
> IsLinearlyPrimitive, false );
Group( [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
AllIrreducibleSolvableGroups and OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup recognize the fol-
lowing functions and handle them very efficiently (because the information is stored with
the groups and so no computations are needed):Dimension for the linear degree, CharFFE for
the field characteristic, Size,IsLinearlyPrimitive, and MinimalBlockDimension. Note
that the last two are dummy functions that can be used only in this context. Their meaning
is explained at the end of this section.
IrreducibleSolvableGroup( n,p,i)
IrreducibleSolvableGroup returns the i-th irreducible solvable subgroup of GL(n,p
). The irreducible solvable subgroups of GL(n, p) are ordered with respect to the
following criteria
1. increasing size;
2. increasing guardian number.
If two groups have the same size and guardian, they are in no particular order. (See the
library documentation or [Sho92] for the meaning of guardian.)
gap> g := IrreducibleSolvableGroup( 3, 5, 12 );
Group( [ [ 0*Z(5), Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5) ], [ Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^2 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(5), Z(5)^0, 0*Z(5) ], [ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^0 ],
[ Z(5)^0, 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ] ],
[ [ Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ], [ 0*Z(5), Z(5)^0, 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^2 ] ],
[ [ Z(5)^0, 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ], [ 0*Z(5), Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^2 ] ],
[ [ Z(5), 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ], [ 0*Z(5), Z(5), 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5) ] ] )
Apart from the usual components described in 7.118, the group records returned by the
above functions have the following components.
size of G.
false if Gpreserves a direct sum decomposition of the underlying vector space, and
true otherwise.
not bound if Gis linearly primitive; otherwise equals the dimension of the blocks in
an unrefinable system of imprimitivity for G.
This library was computed and brought into GAP3 format by Mark Short. Descriptions of
the algorithms used in computing the library data can be found in [Sho92].
38.11 The Library of Finite Perfect Groups
The GAP3 library of finite perfect groups provides, up to isomorphism, a list of all perfect
groups whose sizes are less than 106excluding the following:
For n= 61440, 122880, 172032, 245760, 344064, 491520, 688128, or 983040, the perfect
groups of size nhave not completely been determined yet. The library neither provides
the number of these groups nor the groups themselves.
For n= 86016, 368640, or 737280, the library does not yet contain the perfect groups
of size n, it only provides their their numbers which are 52, 46, or 54, respectively.
Except for these eleven sizes, the list of altogether 1096 perfect groups in the library is com-
plete. It relies on results of Derek F. Holt and Wilhelm Plesken which are published in their
book Perfect Groups [HP89]. Moreover, they have supplied to us files with presentations
of 488 of the groups. In terms of these, the remaining 607 nontrivial groups in the library
can be described as 276 direct products, 107 central products, and 224 subdirect products.
They are computed automatically by suitable GAP3 functions whenever they are needed.
We are grateful to Derek Holt and Wilhelm Plesken for making their groups available to the
GAP3 community by contributing their files. It should be noted that their book contains a
lot of further information for many of the library groups. So we would like to recommend
it to any GAP3 user who is interested in the groups.
The library has been brought into GAP3 format by Volkmar Felsch.
Like most of the other GAP3 libraries, the library of finite perfect groups provides an extrac-
tion function, PerfectGroup. It returns the specified group in form of a finitely presented
group which, in its group record, bears some additional information that allows you to easily
construct an isomorphic permutation group of some appropriate degree by just calling the
PermGroup function.
Further, there is a function NumberPerfectGroups which returns the number of perfect
groups of a given size.
The library does not provide a selection or an example function. There is, however, a
function DisplayInformationPerfectGroups which allows the display of some information
about arbitrary library groups without actually loading the large files with their presenta-
tions, and without constructing the groups themselves.
Moereover, there are two functions which allow you to formulate loops over selected library
groups. The first one is the NumberPerfectLibraryGroups function which, for any given
size, returns the number of groups in the library which are of that size.
The second one is the SizeNumbersPerfectGroups function. It allows you to ask for
all library groups which contain certain composition factors. The answer is provided in
form of a list of pairs [size,n] where each such pair characterizes the nth library group
of size size. We will call such a pair [size,n] the size number of the respective perfect
group. As the size numbers are accepted as input arguments by the PerfectGroup and the
DisplayInformationPerfectGroups function, you may use their list to formulate a loop
over the associated groups.
Now we shall give an individual description of each library function.
NumberPerfectGroups( size )
NumberPerfectGroups returns the number of non-isomorphic perfect groups of size size for
each positive integer size up to 106except for the eight sizes listed at the beginning of this
section for which the number is not yet known. For these values as well as for any argument
out of range it returns the value 1.
NumberPerfectLibraryGroups( size )
NumberPerfectLibraryGroups returns the number of perfect groups of size size which are
available in the library of finite perfect groups.
The purpose of the function is to provide a simple way to formulate a loop over all library
groups of a given size.
SizeNumbersPerfectGroups( factor1 ,factor2 ... )
SizeNumbersPerfectGroups returns a list of the size numbers (see above) of all library
groups that contain the specified factors among their composition factors. Each argument
must either be the name of a simple group or an integer expression which is the product
of the sizes of one or more cyclic factors. The function ignores the order in which the
argmuments are given and, in fact, replaces any list of more than one integer expression
among the arguments by their product.
The following text strings are accepted as simple group names.
"A5","A6","A7","A8","A9" or "A(5)","A(6)","A(7)","A(8)","A(9)" for the
alternating groups An, 5 n9,
"L2(q)" or "L(2,q)" for P SL(2, q), where qis any prime power with 4 q125,
"L3(q)" or "L(3,q)" for P SL(3, q) with 2 q5,
"U3(q)" or "U(3,q)" for P SU (2, q) with 3 q5,
"U4(2) or "U(4,2)" for P SU (4,2),
"Sp4(4)" or "S(4,4)" for the symplectic group S(4,4),
"Sz(8)" for the Suzuki group Sz(8),
"M11","M12","M22" or "M(11)","M(12)","M(22)" for the Matthieu groups M11,
M12, and M22, and
"J1","J2" or "J(1)","J(2)" for the Janko groups J1and J2.
Note that, for most of the groups, the preceding list offers two different names in order to
be consistent with the notation used in [HP89] as well as with the notation used in the
DisplayCompositionSeries command of GAP3. However, as the names are compared as
text strings, you are restricted to the above choice. Even expressions like "L2( 32 )" or
"L2(2^5)" are not accepted.
As the use of the term P SU (n, q) is not unique in the literature, we state that here it denotes
the factor group of SU (n, q) by its centre, where SU(n, q) is the group of all n×nunitary
matrices with entries in GF (q2) and determinant 1.
The purpose of the function is to provide a simple way to formulate a loop over all library
groups which contain certain composition factors.
DisplayInformationPerfectGroups( size )
DisplayInformationPerfectGroups( size,n)
DisplayInformationPerfectGroups( [ size,n] )
DisplayInformationPerfectGroups displays some information about the library group G,
say, which is specified by the size number [size,n] or by the two arguments size and n. If,
in the second case, nis omitted, the function will loop over all library groups of size size.
The information provided for Gincludes the following items:
a headline containing the size number [size, n] of Gin the form size.n (the suffix .n
will be suppressed if, up to isomorphism, Gis the only perfect group of size size),
a message if Gis simple or quasisimple, i. e., if the factor group of Gby its centre is
the “description” of the structure of Gas it is given by Holt and Plesken in [HP89]
(see below),
the size of the centre of G(suppressed, if Gis simple),
the prime decomposition of the size of G,
orbit sizes for a faithful permutation representation of Gwhich is provided by the
library (see below),
a reference to each occurrence of Gin the tables of section 5.3 of [HP89]. Each of
these references consists of a class number and an internal number (i, j) under which
Gis listed in that class. For some groups, there is more than one reference because
these groups belong to more than one of the classes in the book.
gap> DisplayInformationPerfectGroups( 30720, 3 );
#I Perfect group 30720.3: A5 ( 2^4 E N 2^1 E 2^4 ) A
#I centre = 1 size = 2^11*3*5 orbit size = 240
#I Holt-Plesken class 1 (9,3)
gap> DisplayInformationPerfectGroups( 30720, 6 );
#I Perfect group 30720.6: A5 ( 2^4 x 2^4 ) C N 2^1
#I centre = 2 size = 2^11*3*5 orbit size = 384
#I Holt-Plesken class 1 (9,6)
gap> DisplayInformationPerfectGroups( Factorial( 8 ) / 2 );
#I Perfect group 20160.1: A5 x L3(2) 2^1
#I centre = 2 size = 2^6*3^2*5*7 orbit sizes = 5 + 16
#I Holt-Plesken class 31 (1,1) (occurs also in class 32)
#I Perfect group 20160.2: A5 2^1 x L3(2)
#I centre = 2 size = 2^6*3^2*5*7 orbit sizes = 7 + 24
#I Holt-Plesken class 31 (1,2) (occurs also in class 32)
#I Perfect group 20160.3: ( A5 x L3(2) ) 2^1
#I centre = 2 size = 2^6*3^2*5*7 orbit size = 192
#I Holt-Plesken class 31 (1,3)
#I Perfect group 20160.4: simple group A8
#I size = 2^6*3^2*5*7 orbit size = 8
#I Holt-Plesken class 26 (0,1)
#I Perfect group 20160.5: simple group L3(4)
#I size = 2^6*3^2*5*7 orbit size = 21
#I Holt-Plesken class 27 (0,1)
For any library group G, the library files do not only provide a presentation, but, in addition,
a list of one or more subgroups S1, . . . , Srof Gsuch that there is a faithful permutation rep-
resentation of Gof degree Pr
i=1 G:Sion the set {Sig|1ir, g G}of the cosets of the
Si. The respective permutation group is available via the PermGroup function described be-
low. The DisplayInformationPerfectGroups function displays only the available degree.
The message
orbit size = 8
in the above example means that the available permutation representation is transitive and
of degree 8, whereas the message
orbit sizes = 7 + 24
means that a nontransitive permutation representation is available which acts on two orbits
of size 7 and 24 respectively.
The notation used in the “description” of a group is explained in section 5.1.2 of [HP89].
We quote the respective page from there:
‘Within a class Q#p, an isomorphism type of groups will be denoted by an ordered pair
of integers (r, n), where r0and n > 0. More precisely, the isomorphism types in Q#p
of order pr|Q|will be denoted by (r, 1),(r, 2),(r, 3),. . . . Thus Qwill always get the size
number (0,1).
In addition to the symbol (r, n), the groups in Q#pwill also be given a more descriptive
name. The purpose of this is to provide a very rough idea of the structure of the group.
The names are derived in the following manner. First of all, the isomorphism classes of
irreducible FpQ-modules Mwith |Q||M|106, where Fpis the field of order p, are assigned
symbols. These will either be simply px, where xis the dimension of the module, or, if there
is more than one isomorphism class of irreducible modules having the same dimension, they
will be denoted by px,px0, etc. The one-dimensional module with trivial Q-action will
therefore be denoted by p1. These symbols will be listed under the description of Q. The
group name consists essentially of a list of the composition factors working from the top of
the group downwards; hence it always starts with the name of Qitself. (This convention
is the most convenient in our context, but it is different from that adopted in the ATLAS
(Conway et al. 1985), for example, where composition factors are listed in the reverse order.
For example, we denote a group isomorphic to SL(2,5) by A521rather than 2·A5.)
Some other symbols are used in the name, in order to give some idea of the relationship be-
tween these composition factors, and splitting properties. We shall now list these additional
×between two factors denotes a direct product of FpQ-modules or groups.
C (for ‘commutator’) between two factors means that the second lies in the commutator
subgroup of the first. Similarly, a segment of the form (f1×f2)Cf3would mean that
the factors f1and f2commute modulo f3and f3lies in [f1, f2].
A (for ‘abelian’) between two factors indicates that the second is in the pth power (but
not the commutator subgroup) of the first. ‘A’ may also follow the factors, if bracketed.
E (for ‘elementary abelian’) between two factors indicates that together they generate
an elementary abelian group (modulo subsequent factors), but that the resulting FpQ-
module extension does not split.
N (for ‘nonsplit’) before a factor indicates that Q(or possibly its covering group) splits
down as far at this factor but not over the factor itself. So ‘Qf1Nf2’ means that the
normal subgroup f1f2of the group has no complement but, modulo f2,f1, does have
a complement.
Brackets have their obvious meaning. Summarizing, we have
×= dirext product;
C = commutator subgroup;
A = abelian;
E = elementary abelian; and
N = nonsplit.
Here are some examples.
(i) A5(24E21E24)Ameans that the pairs 24E21and 21E24are both elementary abelian
of exponent 4.
(ii) A5(24E21A)C21means that O2(G)is of symplectic type 21+5, with Frattini factor
group of type 24E21. The ‘A’ after the 21indicates that Ghas a central cyclic
subgroup 21A21of order 4.
(iii) L3(2)((21E)×(N23E230A)C)230means that the 230factor at the bottom lies in the
commutator subgroup of the pair 23E230in the middle, but the lower pair 230A230
is abelian of exponent 4. There is also a submodule 21E230, and the covering group
L3(2)21of L3(2) does not split over the 23factor. (Since Gis perfect, it goes without
saying that the extension L3(2)21cannot split itself.)
We must stress that this notation does not always succeed in being precise or even unam-
biguous, and the reader is free to ignore it if it does not seem helpful.’
If such a group description has been given in the book for G(and, in fact, this is the case
for most of the library groups), it is displayed by the DisplayInformationPerfectGroups
function. Otherwise the function provides a less explicit description of the (in these cases
unique) Holt-Plesken class to which Gbelongs, together with a serial number if this is
necessary to make it unique.
PerfectGroup( size )
PerfectGroup( size,n)
PerfectGroup( [ size,n] )
PerfectGroup is the essential extraction function of the library. It returns a finitely pre-
sented group, Gsay, which is isomorphic to the library group specified by the size number
[size,n] or by the two separate arguments size and n. In the second case, you may omit the
parameter n. Then the default value is n= 1.
gap> G := PerfectGroup( 6048 );
gap> G.generators;
gap> G.relators;
[ a^2, b^6, a*b*a*b*a*b*a*b*a*b*a*b*a*b,
a*b*a*b^-2*a*b*a*b^-2*a*b*a*b^-2*a*b*a*b^-1*a*b^-1 ]
gap> G.size;
gap> G.description;
gap> G.subgroups;
[ Subgroup( PerfectGroup(6048), [ a, b*a*b*a*b*a*b^3 ] ) ]
The generators and relators of Gcoincide with those given in [HP89].
Note that, besides the components that are usually initialized for any finitely presented
group, the group record of Gcontains the following components:
the size of G,
always true,
the description of Gas described with the DisplayInformationPerfectGroups func-
tion above,
some internal information used by the library functions,
a list of subgroups S1, . . . , Srof Gsuch that Gacts faithfully on on the union of the
sets of all cosets of the Si.
The last of these components exists only if Gis one of the 488 nontrivial library groups
which are given directly by a presentation on file, i. e., which are not constructed from other
library groups in form of a direct, central, or subdirect product. It will be required by the
following function.
PermGroup( G)
PermGroup returns a permutation group, Psay, which is isomorphic to the given group G
which is assumed to be a finitely presented perfect group that has been extracted from the
library of finite perfect groups via the PerfectGroup function.
Let S1, . . . , Srbe the subgroups listed in the component G.subgroups of the group record
of G. Then the resulting group Pis the permutation group of degree Pr
i=1 G:Siwhich is
induced by Gon the set {Sig|1ir, g G}of all cosets of the Si.
Example (continued):
gap> P := PermGroup( G );
gap> P.size;
Note that some of the library groups do not have a faithful permutation representation of
small degree. Computations in these groups may be rather time consuming.
gap> P := PermGroup( PerfectGroup( 129024, 2 ) );
38.12 Irreducible Maximal Finite Integral Matrix Groups
A library of irreducible maximal finite integral matrix groups is provided with GAP3. It
contains Q-class representatives for all of these groups of dimension at most 24, and Z-class
representatives for those of dimension at most 11 or of dimension 13, 17, 19, or 23.
The groups provided in this library have been determined by Wilhelm Plesken, partially as
joint work with Michael Pohst, or by members of his institute (Lehrstuhl B f¨ur Mathematik,
RWTH Aachen). In particular, the data for the groups of dimensions 2 to 9 have been
taken from the output of computer calculations which they performed in 1979 (see [PP77],
[PP80]). The Z-class representatives of the groups of dimension 10 have been determined
and computed by Bernd Souvignier ([Sou94]), and those of dimensions 11, 13, and 17 have
been recomputed for this library from the circulant Gram matrices given in [Ple85], using
the stand-alone programs for the computation of short vectors and Bravais groups which
have been developed in Plesken’s institute. The Z-class representatives of the groups of
dimensions 19 and 23 had already been determined in [Ple85]. Gabriele Nebe has recomputed
them for us. Her main contribution to this library, however, is that she has determined and
computed the Q-class representatives of the groups of non-prime dimensions between 12 and
24 (see [PN95], [NP95b], [Neb95]).
The library has been brought into GAP3 format by Volkmar Felsch. He has applied several
GAP3 routines to check certain consistency of the data. However, the credit and responsi-
bility for the lists remain with the authors. We are grateful to Wilhelm Plesken, Gabriele
Nebe, and Bernd Souvignier for supplying their results to GAP3.
In the preceding acknowledgement, we used some notations that will also be needed in the
sequel. We first define these.
Any integral matrix group Gof dimension nis a subgroup of GLn(Z) as well as of GLn(Q)
and hence lies in some conjugacy class of integral matrix groups under GLn(Z) and also
in some conjugacy class of rational matrix groups under GLn(Q). As usual, we call these
classes the Z-class and the Q-class of G, respectively. Note that any conjugacy class of
subgroups of GLn(Q) contains at least one Z-class of subgroups of GLn(Z) and hence can
be considered as the Q-class of some integral matrix group.
In the context of this library we are only concerned with Z-classes and Q-classes of sub-
groups of GLn(Z) which are irreducible and maximal finite in GLn(Z) (we will call them
i. m. f. subgroups of GLn(Z)). We can distinguish two types of these groups:
First, there are those i. m. f. subgroups of GLn(Z) which are also maximal finite subgroups
of GLn(Q). Let us denote the set of their Q-classes by Q1(n). It is clear from the above
remark that Q1(n) just consists of the Q-classes of i. m. f. subgroups of GLn(Q).
Secondly, there is the set Q2(n) of the Q-classes of the remaining i. m. f. subgroups of
GLn(Z), i. e., of those which are not maximal finite subgroups of GLn(Q). For any such
group G, say, there is at least one class CQ1(n) such that Gis conjugate under Qto
a proper subgroup of some group HC. In fact, the class Cis uniquely determined for
any group Goccurring in the library (though there seems to be no reason to assume that
this property should hold in general). Hence we may call Cthe rational i. m. f. class of
G. Finally, we will denote the number of classes in Q1(n) and Q2(n) by q1(n) and q2(n),
As an example, let us consider the case n= 4. There are 6 Z-classes of i. m. f. subgroups
of GL4(Z) with representative subgroups G1, . . . , G6of isomorphsim types G1
=D12 oC2,G3
=W(B4), and G6
=(D12YD12): C2. The corre-
sponding Q-classes, R1, . . . , R6, say, are pairwise different except that R3coincides with R4.
The groups G1,G2, and G3are i. m. f. subgroups of GL4(Q), but G5and G6are not because
they are conjugate under GL4(Q) to proper subgroups of G1and G2, respectively. So we
have Q1(4) = {R1, R2, R3},Q2(4) = {R5, R6},q1(4) = 3, and q2(4) = 2.
The q1(n)Q-classes of i. m. f. subgroups of GLn(Q) have been determined for each dimension
n24. The current GAP3 library provides integral representative groups for all these
classes. Moreover, all Z-classes of i. m. f. subgroups of GLn(Z) are known for n11 and for
n∈ {13,17,19,23}. For these dimensions, the library offers integral representative groups
for all Q-classes in Q1(n) and Q2(n) as well as for all Z-classes of i. m. f. subgroups of
Any group Gof dimension ngiven in the library is represented as the automorphism group
G= Aut(F, L) = {gGLn(Z)|Lg =Land gF gtr =F}of a positive definite symmetric
n×nmatrix FZn×non an n-dimensional lattice L
=Z1×n(for details see e. g. [PN95]).
GAP3 provides for Ga list of matrix generators and the Gram matrix F.
The positive definite quadratic form defined by Fdefines a norm vF vtr for each vector vL,
and there is only a finite set of vectors of minimal norm. These vectors are often simply
called the “short vectors”. Their set splits into orbits under G, and Gbeing irreducible acts
faithfully on each of these orbits by multiplication from the right. GAP3 provides for each
of these orbits the orbit size and a representative vector.
Like most of the other GAP3 libraries, the library of i. m. f. integral matrix groups supplies
an extraction function, ImfMatGroup. However, as the library involves only 423 different
groups, there is no need for a selection or an example function. Instead, there are two
functions, ImfInvariants and DisplayImfInvariants, which provide some Z-class invari-
ants that can be extracted from the library without actually constructing the representative
groups themselves. The difference between these two functions is that the latter one dis-
plays the resulting data in some easily readable format, whereas the first one returns them
as record components so that you can properly access them.
We shall give an individual description of each of the library functions, but first we would
like to insert a short remark concerning their names: Any self-explaining name of a function
handling irreducible maximal finite integral matrix groups would have to include this term
in full length and hence would grow extremely long. Therefore we have decided to use the
abbreviation Imf instead in order to restrict the names to some reasonable length.
The first three functions can be used to formulate loops over the classes.
ImfNumberQQClasses( dim )
ImfNumberQClasses( dim )
ImfNumberZClasses( dim,q)
ImfNumberQQClasses returns the number q1(dim) of Q-classes of i. m. f. rational matrix
groups of dimension dim. Valid values of dim are all positive integers up to 24.
Note: In order to enable you to loop just over the classes belonging to Q1(dim), we have
arranged the list of Q-classes of dimension dim for any dimension dim in the library such
that, whenever the classes of Q2(dim) are known, too, i. e., in the cases dim 11 or
dim ∈ {13,17,19,23}, the classes of Q1(dim) precede those of Q2(dim) and hence are
numbered from 1 to q1(dim).
ImfNumberQClasses returns the number of Q-classes of groups of dimension dim which
are available in the library. If dim 11 or dim ∈ {13,17,19,23}, this is the number
q1(dim) + q2(dim) of Q-classes of i. m. f. subgroups of GLdim(Z). Otherwise, it is just the
number q1(dim) of Q-classes of i. m. f. subgroups of GLdim(Q). Valid values of dim are all
positive integers up to 24.
ImfNumberZClasses returns the number of Z-classes in the qth Q-class of i. m. f. integral
matrix groups of dimension dim. Valid values of dim are all positive integers up to 11 and
all primes up to 23.
DisplayImfInvariants( dim,q)
DisplayImfInvariants( dim,q,z)
DisplayImfInvariants displays the following Z-class invariants of the groups in the zth
Z-class in the qth Q-class of i. m. f. integral matrix groups of dimension dim:
its Z-class number in the form dim.q.z, if dim is at most 11 or a prime, or its Q-class
number in the form dim.q, else,
a message if the group is solvable,
the size of the group,
the isomorphism type of the group,
the elementary divisors of the associated quadratic form,
the sizes of the orbits of short vectors (these sizes are the degrees of the faith-
ful permutation representations which you may construct using the PermGroup or
PermGroupImfGroup commands below),
the norm of the associated short vectors,
only in case that the group is not an i. m. f. group in GLn(Q): an appropriate message,
including the Q-class number of the corresponding rational i. m. f. class.
If you specify the value 0 for any of the parameters dim,q, or z, the command will loop over
all available dimensions, Q-classes of given dimension, or Z-classes within the given Q-class,
respectively. Otherwise, the values of the arguments must be in range. A value z6= 1 must
not be specified if the Z-classes are not known for the given dimension, i. e., if dim > 11
and dim 6∈ {13,17,19,23}. The default value of zis 1. This value of zwill be accepted
even if the Z-classes are not known. Then it specifies the only representative group which
is available for the qth Q-class. The greatest legal value of dim is 24.
gap> DisplayImfInvariants( 3, 1, 0 );
#I Z-class 3.1.1: Solvable, size = 2^4*3
#I isomorphism type = C2 wr S3 = C2 x S4 = W(B3)
#I elementary divisors = 1^3
#I orbit size = 6, minimal norm = 1
#I Z-class 3.1.2: Solvable, size = 2^4*3
#I isomorphism type = C2 wr S3 = C2 x S4 = C2 x W(A3)
#I elementary divisors = 1*4^2
#I orbit size = 8, minimal norm = 3
#I Z-class 3.1.3: Solvable, size = 2^4*3
#I isomorphism type = C2 wr S3 = C2 x S4 = C2 x W(A3)
#I elementary divisors = 1^2*4
#I orbit size = 12, minimal norm = 2
gap> DisplayImfInvariants( 8, 15, 1 );
#I Z-class 8.15.1: Solvable, size = 2^5*3^4
#I isomorphism type = C2 x (S3 wr S3)
#I elementary divisors = 1*3^3*9^3*27
#I orbit size = 54, minimal norm = 8
#I not maximal finite in GL(8,Q), rational imf class is 8.5
gap> DisplayImfInvariants( 20, 23 );
#I Q-class 20.23: Size = 2^5*3^2*5*11
#I isomorphism type = (PSL(2,11) x D12).C2
#I elementary divisors = 1^18*11^2
#I orbit size = 3*660 + 2*1980 + 2640 + 3960, minimal norm = 4
Note that the DisplayImfInvariants function uses a kind of shorthand to display the
elementary divisors. E. g., the expression 1*3^3*9^3*27 in the preceding example stands
for the elementary divisors 1,3,3,3,9,9,9,27. (See also the next example which shows that
the ImfInvariants function provides the elementary divisors in form of an ordinary GAP3
In the description of the isomorphism types the following notations are used:
AxBdenotes a direct product of a group Aby a group B,
Asubd Bdenotes a subdirect product of Aby B,
AYBdenotes a central product of Aby B,
Awr Bdenotes a wreath product of Aby B,
A:Bdenotes a split extension of Aby B,
A . B denotes just an extension of Aby B(split or nonsplit).
The groups involved are
the cyclic groups Cn, dihedral groups Dn, and generalized quaternion groups Qnof
order n, denoted by Cn,Dn, and Qn, respectively,
the alternating groups Anand symmetric groups Snof degree n, denoted by Anand
Sn, respectively,
the linear groups GLn(q), P GLn(q), SLn(q), and P SLn(q), denoted by GL(n,q),
PGL(n,q),SL(n,q), and PSL(n,q), respectively,
the unitary groups SUn(q) and P SUn(q), denoted by SU(n,q)and PSU(n,q), respec-
the symplectic groups Sp(n, q), denoted by Sp(n,q),
the orthogonal group O+
8(2), denoted by O+(8,2),
the extraspecial groups 2 1+8
+, 3 1+2
+, 3 1+4
+, and 5 1+2
+, denoted by 2+^(1+8),3+^(1+2),
3+^(1+4), and 5+^(1+2), respectively,
the Chevalley group G2(3), denoted by G(2,3),
the Weyl groups W(An), W(Bn), W(Dn), W(En), and W(F4), denoted by W(An),
W(Bn),W(Dn),W(En), and W(F4), respectively,
the sporadic simple groups Co1,Co2,Co3,HS,J2,M12,M22,M23,M24, and Mc,
denoted by Co1,Co2,Co3,HS,J2,M12,M22,M23,M24, and Mc, respectively,
a point stabilizer of index 11 in M11, denoted by M10.
As mentioned above, the data assembled by the DisplayImfInvariants command are
“cheap data” in the sense that they can be provided by the library without loading any
of its large matrix files or performing any matrix calculations. The following function allows
you to get proper access to these cheap data instead of just displaying them.
ImfInvariants( dim,q)
ImfInvariants( dim,q,z)
ImfInvariants returns a record which provides some Z-class invariants of the groups in the
zth Z-class in the qth Q-class of i. m. f. integral matrix groups of dimension dim. A value
z6= 1 must not be specified if the Z-classes are not known for the given dimension, i. e., if
dim > 11 and dim 6∈ {13,17,19,23}. The default value of zis 1. This value of zwill be
accepted even if the Z-classes are not known. Then it specifies the only representative group
which is available for the qth Q-class. The greatest legal value of dim is 24.
The resulting record contains six or seven components:
the size of any representative group G,
is true if Gis solvable,
a text string describing the isomorphism type of G(in the same notation as used by
the DisplayImfInvariants command above),
the elementary divisors of the associated Gram matrix F(in the same format as the
result of the ElementaryDivisorsMat function, see 34.23),
the norm of the associated short vectors,
the sizes of the orbits of short vectors under F,
the Q-class number of an i. m. f. group in GLn(Q) that contains Gas a subgroup
(only in case that not Gitself is an i. m. f. subgroup of GLn(Q)).
Note that four of these data, namely the group size, the solvability, the isomorphism type,
and the corresponding rational i. m. f. class, are not only Z-class invariants, but also Q-class
Note further that, though the isomorphism type is a Q-class invariant, you will sometimes
get different descriptions for different Z-classes of the same Q-class (as, e. g., for the classes
3.1.1 and 3.1.2 in the last example above). The purpose of this behaviour is to provide some
more information about the underlying lattices.
gap> ImfInvariants( 8, 15, 1 );
size := 2592,
isSolvable := true,
isomorphismType := "C2 x (S3 wr S3)",
elementaryDivisors := [ 1, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 27 ],
minimalNorm := 8,
sizesOrbitsShortVectors := [ 54 ],
maximalQClass := 5 )
gap> ImfInvariants( 24, 1 ).size;
gap> ImfInvariants( 23, 5, 2 ).sizesOrbitsShortVectors;
[ 552, 53130 ]
gap> for i in [ 1 .. ImfNumberQClasses( 22 ) ] do
> Print( ImfInvariants( 22, i ).isomorphismType, "\n" ); od;
C2 wr S22 = W(B22)
(C2 x PSU(6,2)).S3
(C2 x S3) wr S11 = (C2 x W(A2)) wr S11
(C2 x S12) wr C2 = (C2 x W(A11)) wr C2
C2 x S3 x S12 = C2 x W(A2) x W(A11)
(C2 x HS).C2
(C2 x Mc).C2
C2 x S23 = C2 x W(A22)
C2 x PSL(2,23)
C2 x PSL(2,23)
C2 x PGL(2,23)
C2 x PGL(2,23)
ImfMatGroup( dim,q)
ImfMatGroup( dim,q,z)
ImfMatGroup is the essential extraction function of this library. It returns a representative
group, Gsay, of the zth Z-class in the qth Q-class of i. m. f. integral matrix groups of
dimension dim. A value z6= 1 must not be specified if the Z-classes are not known for the
given dimension, i. e., if dim > 11 and dim 6∈ {13,17,19,23}. The default value of zis 1.
This value of zwill be accepted even if the Z-classes are not known. Then it specifies the
only representative group which is available for the qth Q-class. The greatest legal value of
dim is 24.
gap> G := ImfMatGroup( 5, 1, 3 );
gap> for m in G.generators do PrintArray( m ); od;
[ [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ -1, -1, -1, -1, 2 ],
[ -1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
The group record of Gcontains the usual components of a matrix group record. In addition,
it includes the same six or seven records as the resulting record of the ImfInvariants
function described above, namely the components size,isSolvable,isomorphismType,
elementaryDivisors,minimalNorm, and sizesOrbitsShortVectors and, if Gis not a
rational i. m. f. group, maximalQClass. Moreover, there are the two components
the associated Gram matrix F,
representatives of the orbits of short vectors under F.
The last of these components will be required by the PermGroup function below.
gap> G.size;
gap> G.isomorphismType;
"C2 wr S5 = C2 x W(D5)"
gap> PrintArray( G.form );
[ [ 4, 0, 0, 0, 2 ],
[ 0, 4, 0, 0, 2 ],
[ 0, 0, 4, 0, 2 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 4, 2 ],
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 5 ] ]
gap> G.elementaryDivisors;
gap> G.minimalNorm;
If you want to perform calculations in such a matrix group Gyou should be aware of the
fact that GAP3 offers much more efficient permutation group routines than matrix group
routines. Hence we recommend that you do your computations, whenever it is possible, in
the isomorphic permutation group that is induced by the action of Gon one of the orbits
of the associated short vectors. You may call one of the following functions to get such a
permutation group.
PermGroup( G)
PermGroup returns the permutation group which is induced by the given i. m. f. integral
matrix group Gon an orbit of minimal size of Gon the set of short vectors (see also
PermGroupImfGroup below).
The permutation representation is computed by first constructing the specified orbit, S
say, of short vectors and then computing the permutations which are induced on Sby the
generators of G. We would like to warn you that in case of a large orbit this procedure may
be space and time consuming. Fortunately, there are only five Q-classes in the library for
which the smallest orbit of short vectors is of size greater than 20000, the worst case being
the orbit of size 196560 for the Leech lattice (dim = 24, q= 3).
As mentioned above, PermGroup constructs the required permutation group, Psay, as the
image of Gunder the isomorphism between the matrices in Gand their action on S.
Moreover, it constructs the inverse isomorphism from Pto G,ϕsay, and returns it in the
group record component P.bijection of P. In fact, ϕis constructed by determining a Q-
base BSof Q1×dim in Sand, in addition, the associated base change matrix Mwhich
transforms Binto the standard base of Z1×dim. Then the image ϕ(p) of any permutation
pPcan be easily computed: If, for 1 idim,biis the position number in Sof the ith
base vector in B, it suffices to look up the vector whose position number in Sis the image
of biunder pand to multiply this vector by Mto get the ith row of ϕ(p).
You may use ϕat any time to compute the images in Gof permutations in Por to compute
the preimages in Pof matrices in G.
The record of Pcontains, in addition to the usual components of permutation group records,
some special components. The most important of those are:
a text string describing the isomorphism type of P(in the same notation as used by
the DisplayImfInvariants command above),
the associated matrix group G,
the isomorphism ϕfrom Pto G,
the orbit Sof short vectors (needed for ϕ),
the position numbers of the base vectors in Bwith respect to S(needed for ϕ),
the base change matrix M(needed for ϕ).
As an example, let us compute a set Rof matrix generators for the solvable residuum of the
group Gthat we have constructed in the preceding example.
gap> # Perform the computations in an isomorphic permutation group.
gap> P := PermGroup( G );
gap> P.generators;
[ ( 1, 7, 6)( 2, 9)( 4, 5,10), ( 2, 3, 4, 5)( 6, 9, 8, 7) ]
gap> D := DerivedSubgroup( P );
Subgroup( PermGroup(ImfMatGroup(5,1,3)),
[ ( 1, 2,10, 9)( 3, 8)( 4, 5)( 6, 7),
( 1, 6)( 2, 7, 9, 4)( 3, 8)( 5,10), ( 1, 5,10, 6)( 2, 8, 9, 3) ] )
gap> Size( D );
gap> IsPerfect( D );
gap> # Now move the results back to the matrix group.
gap> phi := P.bijection;;
gap> R := List( D.generators, p -> Image( phi, p ) );;
gap> for m in R do PrintArray( m ); od;
[ [ -1, -1, -1, -1, 2 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, -1, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, -1, -1, -1, 2 ],
[ 0, -1, -1, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, -1, -1, -1, 2 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] ]
gap> # The PreImage function allows us to use the inverse of phi.
gap> PreImage( phi, R[1] ) = D.generators[1];
PermGroupImfGroup( G,n)
PermGroupImfGroup returns the permutation group which is induced by the given i. m. f. in-
tegral matrix group Gon its nth orbit of short vectors. The only difference to the above
PermGroup function is that you can specify the orbit to be used. In fact, as the orbits of short
vectors are sorted by increasing sizes, the function PermGroup( G)has been implemented
such that it is equivalent to PermGroupImfGroup( G,1).
gap> ImfInvariants( 12, 9 ).sizesOrbitsShortVectors;
[ 120, 300 ]
gap> G := ImfMatGroup( 12, 9 );
gap> P1 := PermGroupImfGroup( G, 1 );
gap> P2 := PermGroupImfGroup( G, 2 );
38.13 The Crystallographic Groups Library
GAP3 provides a library of crystallographic groups of dimensions 2, 3, and 4 which cov-
ers many of the data that have been listed in the book “Crystallographic groups of four-
dimensional space” [BBN+78]. It has been brought into GAP3 format by Volkmar Felsch.
How to access the data of the book
Among others, the library offers functions which provide access to the data listed in the
Tables 1, 5, and 6 of [BBN+78]:
The information on the crystal families listed in Table 1 can be reproduced using the
DisplayCrystalFamily function.
Similarly, the DisplayCrystalSystem function can be used to reproduce the informa-
tion on the crystal systems provided in Table 1.
The information given in the Q-class headlines of Table 1 can be displayed by the
DisplayQClass function, whereas the FpGroupQClass function can be used to repro-
duce the presentations that are listed in Table 1 for the Q-class representatives.
The information given in the Z-class headlines of Table 1 will be covered by the results
of the DisplayZClass function, and the matrix generators of the Z-class representa-
tives can be constructed by calling the MatGroupZClass function.
The DisplaySpaceGroupType and the DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators functions can
be used to reproduce all of the information on the space-group types that is provided
in Table 1.
The normalizers listed in Table 5 can be reproduced by calling the NormalizerZClass
Finally, the CharTableQClass function will compute the character tables listed in
Table 6, whereas the isomorphism types given in Table 6 may be obtained by calling
the DisplayQClass function.
The display functions mentioned in the above list print their output with different inden-
tation. So, calling them in a suitably nested loop, you may produce a listing in which the
information about the objects of different type will be properly indented as has been done
in Table 1 of [BBN+78].
Representation of space groups in GAP3
Probably the most important function in the library is the SpaceGroup function which
provides representatives of the affine classes of space groups. A space group of dimension n
is represented by an (n+ 1)-dimensional rational matrix group as follows.
If Sis an n-dimensional space group, then each element αSis an affine mapping α:VV
of an n-dimensional R-vector space Vonto itself. Hence αcan be written as the sum of
an appropriate invertible linear mapping ϕ:VVand a translation by some translation
vector tVsuch that, if we write mappings from the left, we have α(v) = ϕ(v) + tfor all
If we fix a basis of Vand then replace each vVby the column vector of its coefficients
with respect to that basis (and hence Vby the isomorphic column vector space Rn×1), we
can describe the linear mapping ϕinvolved in αby an n×nmatrix MϕGLn(R) which
acts by multiplication from the left on the column vectors in Rn×1. Hence, if we identify V
with Rn×1, we have α(v) = Mϕ·v+tfor all vRn×1.
Moreover, if we extend each column vector vRn×1to a column v
1of length n+ 1
by adding an entry 1 in the last position and if we define an (n+ 1) ×(n+ 1) matrix
0 1 , we have α(v)
1for all vRn×1. This means that we
can represent the space group Sby the isomorphic group M(S) = {Mα|αS}. The
submatrices Mϕoccurring in the elements of M(S) form an n×nmatrix group P(S), the
“point group” of M(S). In fact, we can choose the basis of Rn×1such that MϕGLn(Z)
and tQn×1for all MαM(S). In particular, the space group representatives that are
normally used by the crystallographers are of this form, and the book [BBN+78] uses the
same convention.
Before we describe all available library functions in detail, we have to add three remarks.
Remark 1
The concepts used in this section are defined in chapter 1 (Basic definitions) of [BBN+78].
However, note that the definition of the concept of a crystal system given on page 16 of that
book relies on the following statement about Q-classes:
For a Q-class Cthere is a unique holohedry Hsuch that each f. u. group in Cis a
subgroup of some f. u. group in H, but is not a subgroup of any f. u. group belonging
to a holohedry of smaller order.
This statement is correct for dimensions 1, 2, 3, and 4, and hence the definition of “crystal
system” given on page 16 of [BBN+78] is known to be unambiguous for these dimensions.
However, there is a counterexample to this statement in seven-dimensional space so that
the definition breaks down for some higher dimensions.
Therefore, the authors of the book have since proposed to replace this definition of “crystal
system” by the following much simpler one, which has been discussed in more detail in
[NPW81]. To formulate it, we use the intersections of Q-classes and Bravais flocks as
introduced on page 17 of [BBN+78], and we define the classification of the set of all Z-
classes into crystal systems as follows:
Definition: A crystal system (introduced as an equivalence class of Z-classes) consists
of full geometric crystal classes. The Z-classes of two (geometric) crystal classes belong
to the same crystal system if and only if these geometric crystal classes intersect the
same set of Bravais flocks of Z-classes.
¿From this definition of a crystal system of Z-classes one then obtains crystal systems of f. u.
groups, of space-group types, and of space groups in the same manner as with the preceding
definitions in the book.
The new definition is unambiguous for all dimensions. Moreover, it can be checked from the
tables in the book that it defines the same classification as the old one for dimensions 1, 2,
3, and 4.
It should be noted that the concept of crystal family is well-defined independently of the
dimension if one uses the “more natural” second definition of it at the end of page 17.
Moreover, the first definition of crystal family on page 17 defines the same concept as the
second one if the now proposed definition of crystal system is used.
Remark 2
The second remark just concerns a different terminology in the tables of [BBN+78] and in
the current library. In group theory, the number of elements of a finite group usually is
called the “order” of the group. This notation has been used throughout in the book. Here,
however, we will follow the GAP3 conventions and use the term “size” instead.
Remark 3
The third remark concerns a problem in the use of the space groups that should be well
There is an alternative to the representation of the space group elements by matrices of
the form Mϕt
0 1 as described above. Instead of considering the coefficient vectors as
columns we may consider them as rows. Then we can associate to each affine mapping αS
an (n+ 1) ×(n+ 1) matrix Mα=Mϕ0
t1with MϕGLn(R) and tR1×nsuch
that [α(v),1] = [v, 1] ·Mαfor all vR1×n, and we may represent Sby the matrix group
M(S) = {Mα|αS}. Again, we can choose the basis of R1×nsuch that MϕGLn(Z)
and tQ1×nfor all MαM(S).
From the mathematical point of view, both approaches are equivalent. In particular, M(S)
and M(S) are isomorphic, for instance via the isomorphism τmapping MαM(S) to
α)1. Unfortunately, however, neither of the two is a good choice for our GAP3 library.
The first convention, using matrices which act on column vectors from the left, is not
consistent with the fact that actions in GAP3 are usually from the right.
On the other hand, if we choose the second convention, we run into a problem with the names
of the space groups as introduced in [BBN+78]. Any such name does not just describe the
abstract isomorphism type of the respective space group S, but reflects properties of the
matrix group M(S). In particular, it contains as a leading part the name of the Z-class of the
associated point group P(S). Since the classification of space groups by affine equivalence
is tantamount to their classification by abstract isomorphism, M(S) lies in the same affine
class as M(S) and hence should get the same name as M(S). But the point group P(S)
that occurs in that name is not always Z-equivalent to the point group P(S) of M(S). For
example, the isomorphism τ:M(S)M(S) defined above maps the Z-class representative
with the parameters [3,7,3,2] (in the notation described below) to the Z-class representative
with the parameters [3,7,3,3]. In other words: The space group names introduced for the
groups M(S) in [BBN+78] lead to confusing inconsistencies if assigned to the groups M(S).
In order to avoid this confusion we decided that the first convention is the lesser evil. So
the GAP3 library follows the book, and if you call the SpaceGroup function you will get the
same space group representatives as given there. This does not cause any problems as long
as you do calculations within these groups treating them just as matrix groups of certain
isomorphism types. However, if it is necesary to consider the action of a space group as
affine mappings on the natural lattice, you need to use the transposed representation of
the space group. For this purpose the library offers the TransposedSpaceGroup function
which not only transposes the matrices, but also adapts appropriately the associated group
Both these functions are described in detail in the following.
The library functions
NrCrystalFamilies( dim )
NrCrystalFamilies returns the number of crystal families in case of dimension dim. It can
be used to formulate loops over the crystal families.
There are 4, 6, and 23 crystal families of dimension 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
gap> n := NrCrystalFamilies( 4 );
DisplayCrystalFamily( dim,family )
DisplayCrystalFamily displays for the specified crystal family essentially the same infor-
mation as is provided for that family in Table 1 of [BBN+78], namely
the family name,
the number of parameters,
the common rational decomposition pattern,
the common real decomposition pattern,
the number of crystal systems in the family, and
the number of Bravais flocks in the family.
For details see [BBN+78].
gap> DisplayCrystalFamily( 4, 17 );
#I Family XVII: cubic orthogonal; 2 free parameters;
#I Q-decomposition pattern 1+3; R-decomposition pattern 1+3;
#I 2 crystal systems; 6 Bravais flocks
gap> DisplayCrystalFamily( 4, 18 );
#I Family XVIII: octagonal; 2 free parameters;
#I Q-irreducible; R-decomposition pattern 2+2;
#I 1 crystal system; 1 Bravais flock
gap> DisplayCrystalFamily( 4, 21 );
#I Family XXI: di-isohexagonal orthogonal; 1 free parameter;
#I R-irreducible; 2 crystal systems; 2 Bravais flocks
NrCrystalSystems( dim )
NrCrystalSystems returns the number of crystal systems in case of dimension dim. It can
be used to formulate loops over the crystal systems.
There are 4, 7, and 33 crystal systems of dimension 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
gap> n := NrCrystalSystems( 2 );
The following two functions are functions of crystal systems.
Each crystal system is characterized by a pair (dim,system)where dim is the associated
dimension, and system is the number of the crystal system.
DisplayCrystalSystem( dim,system )
DisplayCrystalSystem displays for the specified crystal system essentially the same infor-
mation as is provided for that system in Table 1 of [BBN+78], namely
the number of Q-classes in the crystal system and
the identification number, i. e., the tripel (dim,system,q-class)described below, of
the Q-class that is the holohedry of the crystal system.
For details see [BBN+78].
gap> for sys in [ 1 .. 4 ] do DisplayCrystalSystem( 2, sys ); od;
#I Crystal system 1: 2 Q-classes; holohedry (2,1,2)
#I Crystal system 2: 2 Q-classes; holohedry (2,2,2)
#I Crystal system 3: 2 Q-classes; holohedry (2,3,2)
#I Crystal system 4: 4 Q-classes; holohedry (2,4,4)
NrQClassesCrystalSystem( dim,system )
NrQClassesCrystalSystem returns the number of Q-classes within the given crystal system.
It can be used to formulate loops over the Q-classes.
The following five functions are functions of Q-classes.
In general, the parameters characterizing a Q-class will form a triple (dim,system,q-class)
where dim is the associated dimension, system is the number of the associated crystal
system, and q-class is the number of the Q-class within the crystal system. However, in
case of dimensions 2 or 3, a Q-class may also be characterized by a pair (dim,IT-number)
where IT-number is the number in the International Tables for Crystallography [Hah83] of
any space-group type lying in (a Z-class of) that Q-class, or just by the Hermann-Mauguin
symbol of any space-group type lying in (a Z-class of) that Q-class.
The Hermann-Mauguin symbols which we use in GAP3 are the short Hermann-Mauguin
symbols defined in the 1983 edition of the International Tables [Hah83], but any occur-
ring indices are expressed by ordinary integers, and bars are replaced by minus signs. For
example, the Hermann-Mauguin symbol P421mwill be represented by the string "P-421m".
DisplayQClass( dim,system,q-class )
DisplayQClass( dim,IT-number )
DisplayQClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
DisplayQClass displays for the specified Q-class essentially the same information as is
provided for that Q-class in Table 1 of [BBN+78] (except for the defining relations given
there), namely
the size of the groups in the Q-class,
the isomorphism type of the groups in the Q-class,
the Hurley pattern,
the rational constituents,
the number of Z-classes in the Q-class, and
the number of space-group types in the Q-class.
For details see [BBN+78].
gap> DisplayQClass( "p2" );
#I Q-class H (2,1,2): size 2; isomorphism type 2.1 = C2;
#I Q-constituents 2*(2,1,2); cc; 1 Z-class; 1 space group
gap> DisplayQClass( "R-3" );
#I Q-class (3,5,2): size 6; isomorphism type 6.1 = C6;
#I Q-constituents (3,1,2)+(3,4,3); ncc; 2 Z-classes; 2 space grps
gap> DisplayQClass( 3, 195 );
#I Q-class (3,7,1): size 12; isomorphism type 12.5 = A4;
#I C-irreducible; 3 Z-classes; 5 space grps
gap> DisplayQClass( 4, 27, 4 );
#I Q-class H (4,27,4): size 20; isomorphism type 20.3 = D10xC2;
#I Q-irreducible; 1 Z-class; 1 space group
gap> DisplayQClass( 4, 29, 1 );
#I *Q-class (4,29,1): size 18; isomorphism type 18.3 = D6xC3;
#I R-irreducible; 3 Z-classes; 5 space grps
Note in the preceding examples that, as pointed out above, the term “size” denotes the
order of a representative group of the specified Q-class and, of course, not the (infinite)
class length.
FpGroupQClass( dim,system,q-class )
FpGroupQClass( dim,IT-number )
FpGroupQClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
FpGroupQClass returns a finitely presented group F, say, which is isomorphic to the groups
in the specified Q-class.
The presentation of that group is the same as the corresponding presentation given in Table
1 of [BBN+78] except for the fact that its generators are listed in reverse order. The
reason for this change is that, whenever the group in question is solvable, the resulting
generators form an AG system (as defined in GAP3) if they are numbered “from the top
to the bottom”, and the presentation is a polycyclic power commutator presentation. The
AgGroupQClass function described next will make use of this fact in order to construct an
ag group isomorphic to F.
Note that, for any Z-class in the specified Q-class, the matrix group returned by the
MatGroupZClass function (see below) not only is isomorphic to F, but also its generators
satisfy the defining relators of F.
Besides of the usual components, the group record of Fwill have an additional component
F.crQClass which saves a list of the parameters that specify the given Q-class.
gap> F := FpGroupQClass( 4, 20, 3 );
FpGroupQClass( 4, 20, 3 )
gap> F.generators;
[ f.1, f.2 ]
gap> F.relators;
[ f.1^2*f.2^-3, f.2^6, f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2*f.1*f.2^-4 ]
gap> F.size;
gap> F.crQClass;
[ 4, 20, 3 ]
AgGroupQClass( dim,system,q-class )
AgGroupQClass( dim,IT-number )
AgGroupQClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
AgGroupQClass returns an ag group A, say, isomorphic to the groups in the specified Q-
class, if these groups are solvable, or the value false (together with an appropriate warning),
Ais constructed by first establishing a finitely presented group (as it would be returned by
the FpGroupQClass function described above) and then constructing from it an isomorphic
ag group. If the underlying AG system is not yet a PAG system (see sections 24.1 and 25.1),
it will be refined appropriately (and a warning will be displayed).
Besides of the usual components, the group record of Awill have an additional component
A.crQClass which saves a list of the parameters that specify the given Q-class.
gap> A := AgGroupQClass( 4, 31, 3 );
#I Warning: a non-solvable group can’t be represented as an ag group
gap> A := AgGroupQClass( 4, 20, 3 );
#I Warning: the presentation has been extended to get a PAG system
AgGroupQClass( 4, 20, 3 )
gap> A.generators;
[ f.1, f.21, f.22 ]
gap> A.size;
gap> A.crQClass;
[ 4, 20, 3 ]
CharTableQClass( dim,system,q-class )
CharTableQClass( dim,IT-number )
CharTableQClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
CharTableQClass returns the character table T, say, of a representative group of (a Z-class
of) the specified Q-class.
Although the set of characters can be considered as an invariant of the specified Q-class,
the resulting table will depend on the order in which GAP3 sorts the conjugacy classes of
elements and the irreducible characters and hence, in general, will not coincide with the
corresponding table presented in [BBN+78].
CharTableQClass proceeds as follows. If the groups in the given Q-class are solvable, then
it first calls the AgGroupQClass and RefinedAgSeries functions to get an isomorphic ag
group with a PAG system, and then it calls the CharTable function to compute the character
table of that ag group. In the case of one of the five Q-classes of dimension 4 whose groups
are not solvable, it first calls the FpGroupQClass function to get an isomorphic finitely
presented group, then it constructs a specially chosen faithful permutation representation
of low degree for that group, and finally it determines the character table of the resulting
permutation group again by calling the CharTable function.
In general, the above strategy will be much more efficient than the alternative possibilities of
calling the CharTable function for a finitely presented group provided by the FpGroupQClass
function or for a matrix group provided by the MatGroupZClass function.
gap> T := CharTableQClass( 4, 20, 3 );;
gap> DisplayCharTable( T );
CharTableQClass( 4, 20, 3 )
1a 3a 6a 2a 4a 4b
2P 1a 3a 3a 1a 2a 2a
3P 1a 1a 2a 2a 4b 4a
5P 1a 3a 6a 2a 4a 4b
X.1 111111
X.2 1 1 1 1 -1 -1
X.3 1 1 -1 -1 A -A
X.4 1 1 -1 -1 -A A
X.5 2 -1 1 -2 . .
X.6 2 -1 -1 2 . .
A = E(4)
= ER(-1) = i
NrZClassesQClass( dim,system,q-class )
NrZClassesQClass( dim,IT-number )
NrZClassesQClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
NrZClassesQClass returns the number of Z-classes within the given Q-class. It can be used
to formulate loops over the Z-classes.
The following functions are functions of Z-classes.
In general, the parameters characterizing a Z-class will form a quadruple (dim,system,
q-class,z-class)where dim is the associated dimension, system is the number of the as-
sociated crystal system, q-class is the number of the associated Q-class within the crystal
system, and z-class is the number of the Z-class within the Q-class. However, in case of
dimensions 2 or 3, a Z-class may also be characterized by a pair (dim,IT-number)where
IT-number is the number in the International Tables [Hah83] of any space-group type lying
in that Z-class, or just by the Hermann-Mauguin symbol of any space-group type lying in
that Z-class.
DisplayZClass( dim,system,q-class,z-class )
DisplayZClass( dim,IT-number )
DisplayZClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
DisplayZClass displays for the specified Z-class essentially the same information as is
provided for that Z-class in Table 1 of [BBN+78] (except for the generating matrices of
a class representative group given there), namely
for dimensions 2 and 3, the Hermann-Mauguin symbol of a representative space-group
type which belongs to that Z-class,
the Bravais type,
some decomposability information,
the number of space-group types belonging to the Z-class,
the size of the associated cohomology group.
For details see [BBN+78].
gap> DisplayZClass( 2, 3 );
#I Z-class (2,2,1,1) = Z(pm): Bravais type II/I; fully Z-reducible;
#I 2 space groups; cohomology group size 2
gap> DisplayZClass( "F-43m" );
#I Z-class (3,7,4,2) = Z(F-43m): Bravais type VI/II; Z-irreducible;
#I 2 space groups; cohomology group size 2
gap> DisplayZClass( 4, 2, 3, 2 );
#I Z-class B (4,2,3,2): Bravais type II/II; Z-decomposable;
#I 2 space groups; cohomology group size 4
gap> DisplayZClass( 4, 21, 3, 1 );
#I *Z-class (4,21,3,1): Bravais type XVI/I; Z-reducible;
#I 1 space group; cohomology group size 1
MatGroupZClass( dim,system,q-class,z-class )
MatGroupZClass( dim,IT-number )
MatGroupZClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
MatGroupZClass returns a dim ×dim matrix group M, say, which is a representative of the
specified Z-class. Its generators satisfy the defining relators of the finitely presented group
which may be computed by calling the FpGroupQClass function (see above) for the Q-class
which contains the given Z-class.
The generators of Mare the same matrices as those given in Table 1 of [BBN+78]. Note,
however, that they will be listed in reverse order to keep them in parallel to the abstract
generators provided by the FpGroupQClass function (see above).
Besides of the usual components, the group record of Mwill have an additional compo-
nent M.crZClass which saves a list of the parameters that specify the given Z-class. (In
fact, in order to make the resulting group record consistent with those returned by the
NormalizerZClass or ZClassRepsDadeGroup functions described below, it also will have
an additional component M.crConjugator containing just the identity element of M.)
gap> M := MatGroupZClass( 4, 20, 3, 1 );
MatGroupZClass( 4, 20, 3, 1 )
gap> for g in M.generators do
> Print( "\n" ); PrintArray( g ); od; Print( "\n" );
[ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ] ]
gap> M.size;
gap> M.crZClass;
[ 4, 20, 3, 1 ]
NormalizerZClass( dim,system,q-class,z-class )
NormalizerZClass( dim,IT-number )
NormalizerZClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
NormalizerZClass returns the normalizer N, say, in GL(dim, Z) of the representative dim×
dim matrix group which is constructed by the MatGroupZClass function (see above).
If the size of Nis finite, then Nagain lies in some Z-class. In this case, the group record
of Nwill contain two additional components N.crZClass and N.crConjugator which
provide the parameters of that Z-class and a matrix gGL(dim, Z), respectively, such that
N=g1Rg, where Ris the representative group of that Z-class.
gap> N := NormalizerZClass( 4, 20, 3, 1 );
NormalizerZClass( 4, 20, 3, 1 )
gap> for g in N.generators do
> Print( "\n" ); PrintArray( g ); od; Print( "\n" );
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, -1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, -1 ] ]
gap> N.size;
gap> N.crZClass;
[ 4, 20, 22, 1 ]
gap> N.crConjugator = N.identity;
gap> L := NormalizerZClass( 3, 42 );
NormalizerZClass( 3, 3, 2, 4 )
gap> L.size;
gap> L.crZClass;
gap> L.crConjugator;
gap> M := NormalizerZClass( "C2/m" );
Group( [ [ -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ] ],
gap> M.size;
gap> IsBound( M.crZClass );
NrSpaceGroupTypesZClass( dim,system,q-class,z-class )
NrSpaceGroupTypesZClass( dim,IT-number )
NrSpaceGroupTypesZClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
NrSpaceGroupTypes returns the number of space-group types within the given Z-class. It
can be used to formulate loops over the space-group types.
gap> N := NrSpaceGroupTypesZClass( 4, 4, 1, 1 );
Some of the Z-classes of dimension d, say, are “maximal” in the sense that the groups in
these classes are maximal finite subgroups of GL(d, Z). Generalizing a term which is being
used for dimension 4, we call the representatives of these maximal Z-classes the “Dade
groups” of dimension d.
NrDadeGroups( dim )
NrDadeGroups returns the number of Dade groups of dimension dim. It can be used to
formulate loops over the Dade groups.
There are 2, 4, and 9 Dade groups of dimension 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
gap> NrDadeGroups( 4 );
DadeGroup( dim,n)
DadeGroup returns the nth Dade group of dimension dim.
gap> D := DadeGroup( 4, 7 );
MatGroupZClass( 4, 31, 7, 2 )
DadeGroupNumbersZClass( dim,system,q-class,z-class )
DadeGroupNumbersZClass( dim,IT-number )
DadeGroupNumbersZClass( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
DadeGroupNumbersZClass returns the set of all those integers nifor which the nith Dade
group of dimension dim contains a subgroup which, in GL(dim, Z), is conjugate to the
representative group of the given Z-class.
gap> dadeNums := DadeGroupNumbersZClass( 4, 4, 1, 2 );
gap> for d in dadeNums do
> D := DadeGroup( 4, d );
> Print( D, " of size ", Size( D ), "\n" );
> od;
MatGroupZClass( 4, 20, 22, 1 ) of size 96
MatGroupZClass( 4, 30, 13, 1 ) of size 288
MatGroupZClass( 4, 32, 21, 1 ) of size 384
ZClassRepsDadeGroup( dim,system,q-class,z-class,n)
ZClassRepsDadeGroup( dim,IT-number,n)
ZClassRepsDadeGroup( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol,n)
ZClassRepsDadeGroup determines in the nth Dade group of dimension dim all those conju-
gacy classes whose groups are, in GL(dim, Z), conjugate to the Z-class representative group
R, say, of the given Z-class. It returns a list of representative groups of these conjugacy
Let Mbe any group in the resulting list. Then the group record of Mprovides two compo-
nents M.crZClass and M.crConjugator which contain the list of Z-class parameters of
Rand a suitable matrix gfrom GL(dim, Z), respectively, such that Mequals g1Rg.
gap> DadeGroupNumbersZClass( 2, 2, 1, 2 );
gap> ZClassRepsDadeGroup( 2, 2, 1, 2, 1 );
[ MatGroupZClass( 2, 2, 1, 2 )^[ [ 0, 1 ], [ -1, 0 ] ] ]
gap> ZClassRepsDadeGroup( 2, 2, 1, 2, 2 );
[ MatGroupZClass( 2, 2, 1, 2 )^[ [ 1, -1 ], [ 0, -1 ] ],
MatGroupZClass( 2, 2, 1, 2 )^[ [ 1, 0 ], [ -1, 1 ] ] ]
gap> R := last[2];;
gap> R.crZClass;
gap> R.crConjugator;
The following functions are functions of space-group types.
In general, the parameters characterizing a space-group type will form a quintuple (dim,
system,q-class,z-class,sg-type)where dim is the associated dimension, system is the num-
ber of the associated crystal system, q-class is the number of the associated Q-class within
the crystal system, z-class is the number of the Z-class within the Q-class, and sg-type is
the space-group type within the Z-class. However, in case of dimensions 2 or 3, you may
instead specify a Z-class by a pair (dim,IT-number )or by its Hermann-Mauguin sym-
bol (as described above). Then the function will handle the first space-group type within
that Z-class, i. e., sg-type = 1, that is, the corresponding symmorphic space group (split
DisplaySpaceGroupType( dim,system,q-class,z-class,sg-type )
DisplaySpaceGroupType( dim,IT-number )
DisplaySpaceGroupType( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
DisplaySpaceGroupType displays for the specified space-group type some of the information
which is provided for that space-group type in Table 1 of [BBN+78], namely
the orbit size associated with that space-group type and,
for dimensions 2 and 3, the IT-number and the Hermann-Mauguin symbol.
For details see [BBN+78].
gap> DisplaySpaceGroupType( 2, 17 );
#I Space-group type (2,4,4,1,1); IT(17) = p6mm; orbit size 1
gap> DisplaySpaceGroupType( "Pm-3" );
#I Space-group type (3,7,2,1,1); IT(200) = Pm-3; orbit size 1
gap> DisplaySpaceGroupType( 4, 32, 10, 2, 4 );
#I *Space-group type (4,32,10,2,4); orbit size 18
gap> DisplaySpaceGroupType( 3, 6, 1, 1, 4 );
#I *Space-group type (3,6,1,1,4); IT(169) = P61, IT(170) = P65;
#I orbit size 2; fp-free
DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators( dim,system,q-class,z-class,sg-type )
DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators( dim,IT-number )
DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators displays the non-translation generators of a representative
space group of the specified space-group type without actually constructing that matrix
In more details: Let n=dim be the given dimension, and let M1, . . . , Mrbe the generators
of the representative n×nmatrix group of the given Z-class (this is the group which you
will get if you call the MatGroupZClass function (see above) for that Z-class). Then, for
the given space-group type, the SpaceGroup function described below will construct as
representative of that space-group type an (n+ 1) ×(n+ 1) matrix group which is generated
by the ntranslations which are induced by the (standard) basis vectors of the n-dimensional
Euclidian space, and radditional matrices S1, . . . , Srof the form Si=Miti
0 1 , where
the n×nsubmatrices Miare as defined above, and the tiare n-columns with rational
entries. The DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators function saves time by not constructing the
group, but just displaying the rmatrices S1, . . . , Sr.
gap> DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators( "P61" );
#I The non-translation generators of SpaceGroup( 3, 6, 1, 1, 4 ) are
[ [ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1/2 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1/3 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
SpaceGroup( dim,system,q-class,z-class,sg-type )
SpaceGroup( dim,IT-number )
SpaceGroup( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
SpaceGroup returns a (dim+1)×(dim+ 1) matrix group S, say, which is a representative of
the given space-group type (see also the description of the DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators
function above).
gap> S := SpaceGroup( "P61" );
SpaceGroup( 3, 6, 1, 1, 4 )
gap> for s in S.generators do
> Print( "\n" ); PrintArray( s ); od; Print( "\n" );
[ [ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1/2 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1/3 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 1 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
gap> S.crSpaceGroupType;
Besides of the usual components, the resulting group record of Scontains an additional
component S.crSpaceGroupType which saves a list of the parameters that specify the given
space-group type.
Moreover, it contains, in form of a finitely presented group, a presentation of Swhich is
satisfied by the matrix generators. If the factor group of Sby its translation normal subgroup
is solvable then this presentation is chosen such that it is a polycyclic power commutator
presentation. The proper way to access this presentation is to call the following function.
FpGroup( S)
FpGroup returns a finitely presented group G, say, which is isomorphic to S, where Sis
expected to be a space group. It is chosen such that there is an isomrphism from Gto
Swhich maps each generator of Gonto the corresponding generator of S. This means, in
particular, that the matrix generators of Ssatisfy the relators of G.
gap> G := FpGroup( S );
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 )
gap> for rel in G.relators do Print( rel, "\n" ); od;
gap> # Verify that the matrix generators of S satisfy the relators of G.
gap> ForAll( G.relators,
> rel -> MappedWord( rel, G.generators, S.generators ) = S.identity );
TransposedSpaceGroup( dim,system,q-class,z-class,sg-type )
TransposedSpaceGroup( dim,IT-number )
TransposedSpaceGroup( Hermann-Mauguin-symbol )
TransposedSpaceGroup( S)
TransposedSpaceGroup returns a matrix group T, say, whose generators are just the trans-
posed generators (in the same order) of the corresponding space group Sspecified by the
arguments. As for S, you may get a finite presentation for Tvia the FpGroup function.
The purpose of this function is explicitly discussed in the introduction to this section.
gap> T := TransposedSpaceGroup( S );
TransposedSpaceGroup( 3, 6, 1, 1, 4 )
gap> for m in T.generators do
> Print( "\n" ); PrintArray( m ); od; Print( "\n" );
[ [ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1/2, 1 ] ]
[ [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1/3, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 1, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] ]
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 1 ] ]
38.14 The Small Groups Library
This library contains all groups of order at most 1000 except for 512 and 768 up to isomor-
phism. There are a total of 174366 such groups.
SmallGroup( size,i)
The function SmallGroup( size,i)returns the ith group of order size in the catalogue.
It will return an AgGroup, if the group is soluble and a PermGroup otherwise.
NumberSmallGroups( size )
The function NumberSmallGroups( size )returns the number of groups of the order size.
AllSmallGroups( size )
The function AllSmallGroups( size )returns the list of all groups of the order size.
UnloadSmallGroups( list of sizes )
It is possible to work with the catalogue of groups of small order just using the functions
described above. However, the catalogue is rather large even though the groups are stored
in a very compact description. Thus it might be helpful for a space efficient usage of the
catalogue, to know a little bit about unloading parts of the catalogue by hand.
At the first call of one of the functions described above, the groups of order size are loaded
and stored in a compact description. GAP will not unload them itsself again. Thus if one
calls one of the above functions for a lot of different orders, then all the groups of these orders
are stored. Even though the description of the groups is space efficient, this might use a lot
of space. For example, if one uses the above functions to load the complete catalogue, then
GAP will grow to about 12 MB of workspace.
Thus it might be interesting to unload the groups of some orders again, if they are not used
anymore. This can be done by calling the function UnloadSmallGroups( list of sizes )
If the groups of order size are unloaded by hand, then GAP will of course load them again
at the next call of SmallGroup( size,i)or one of the other functions described at the
beginning of this section.
IdGroup( G)
Let Gbe a PermGroup or AgGroup of order at most 1000, but not of order 256, 512 or 768.
Then the function call IdGroup( G)returns a tuple [size, i] meaning that Gis isomorphic
to the i-th group in the catalogue of groups of order size.
Note that this package calls and uses the ANUPQ share library of GAP in a few cases.
Chapter 39
This chapter introduces the data structures and functions for algebras in GAP3. The word
algebra in this manual means always associative algebra.
At the moment GAP3 supports only finitely presented algebras and matrix algebras. For
details about implementation and special functions for the different types of algebras, see
39.1 and the chapters 40 and 41.
The treatment of algebras is very similar to that of groups. For example, algebras in GAP3
are always finitely generated, since for many questions the generators play an important
role. If you are not familiar with the concepts that are used to handle groups in GAP3 it
might be useful to read the introduction and the overview sections in chapter 7.
Algebras are created using Algebra (see 39.4) or UnitalAlgebra (see 39.5), subalgebras of
a given algebra using Subalgebra (see 39.8) or UnitalSubalgebra (see 39.9). See 39.3, and
the corresponding section 7.6 in the chapter about groups for details about the distinction
between parent algebras and subalgebras.
The first sections of the chapter describe the data structures (see 39.1) and the concepts of
unital algebras (see 39.2) and parent algebras (see 39.3).
The next sections describe the functions for the construction of algebras, and the tests for
algebras (see 39.4, 39.5, 39.6, 39.7, 39.8, 39.9, 39.10, 39.11, 39.12, 39.13, 39.14).
The next sections describe the different types of functions for algebras (see 39.15, 39.16,
39.17, 39.18, 39.19, 39.20, 39.21).
The next sections describe the operation of algebras (see 39.22, 39.23).
The next sections describe algebra homomorphisms (see 39.24, 39.25).
The next sections describe algebra elements (see 39.26, 39.27).
The last section describes the implementation of the data structures (see 39.28).
At the moment there is no implementation for ideals, cosets, and factors of algebras in
GAP3, and the only available algebra homomorphisms are operation homomorphisms.
Also there is no implementation of bases for general algebras, this will be available as soon
as it is for general vector spaces.
39.1 More about Algebras
Let Fbe a field. A ring Ais called an F-algebra if Ais an F-vector space. All algebras in
GAP3 are associative, that is, the multiplication is associative.
An algebra always contains a zero element that can be obtained by subtracting an arbitrary
element from itself. A discussion of identity elements of algebras (and of the consequences
for the implementation in GAP3) can be found in 39.2.
Elements of the field Fare not regarded as elements of A. The practical reason (besides
the obvious mathematical one) for this is that even if the identity matrix is contained in
the matrix algebra Ait is not possible to write 1+afor adding the identity matrix to
the algebra element a, since independent of the algebra Athe meaning in GAP3 is already
defined as to add 1to all positions of the matrix a. Thus one has to write One( A ) + a
or a^0 + a instead.
The natural operation domains for algebras are modules (see 39.22, and chapter 42).
39.2 Algebras and Unital Algebras
Not all algebras contain a (left and right) multiplicative neutral identity element, but if
an algebra contains such an identity element it is unique.
If an algebra Acontains a multiplicative neutral element then in general it cannot be derived
from an arbitrary element aof Aby forming a/a or a0, since these operations may be not
defined for the algebra A.
More precisely, it may be possible to invert aor raise it to the zero-th power, but Ais not
necessarily closed under these operations. For example, if ais a square matrix in GAP3 then
we can form a0which is the identity matrix of the same size and over the same field as a.
On the other hand, an algebra may have a multiplicative neutral element that is not equal
to the zero-th power of elements (see 39.16).
In many cases, however, the zero-th power of algebra elements is well-defined, with the result
again in the algebra. This holds for example for all finitely presented algebras (see chapter
40) and all those matrix algebras whose generators are the generators of a finite group.
For practical purposes it is useful to distinguish general algebras and unital algebras.
A unital algebra in GAP3 is an algebra Uthat is known to contain zero-th powers of ele-
ments, and all functions may assume this. A not unital algebra Amay contain zero-th powers
of elements or not, and no function for Ashould assume existence or nonexistence of these
elements in A. So it may be possible to view Aas a unital algebra using AsUnitalAlgebra(
A)(see 39.12), and of course it is always possible to view a unital algebra as algebra using
AsAlgebra( U)(see 39.11).
Acan have unital subalgebras, and of course Ucan have subalgebras that are not unital.
The images of unital algebras under operation homomorphisms are either unital or trivial,
since the identity of the source acts trivially, so its image under the homomorphism is the
identity of the image.
The following example shows the main differences between algebras and unital algebras.
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> alg1:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a ] );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> id:= a^0;
gap> id in alg1;
gap> alg2:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a ] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> id in alg2;
gap> alg3:= AsAlgebra( alg2 );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
] )
gap> alg3 = alg2;
gap> AsUnitalAlgebra( alg1 );
Error, <D> is not unital
We see that if we want the identity matrix to be contained in an algebra that is not known
to be unital, it might be necessary to add it to the generators. If we would not have the
possibility to define unital algebras, this would lead to the strange situations that a two-
generator algebra means an algebra generated by one nonidentity generator and the identity
matrix, or that an algebra is free on the set Xbut is generated as algebra by the set Xplus
the identity.
39.3 Parent Algebras and Subalgebras
GAP3 distinguishs between parent algebras and subalgebras of parent algebras. The concept
is the same as that for groups (see 7.6), so here it is only sketched.
Each subalgebra belongs to a unique parent algebra, the so-called parent of the subalgebra.
A parent algebra is its own parent.
Parent algebras are constructed by Algebra and UnitalAlgebra, subalgebras are con-
structed by Subalgebra and UnitalSubalgebra. The parent of the first argument of
Subalgebra will be the parent of the constructed subalgebra.
Those algebra functions that take more than one algebra as argument require that the
arguments have a common parent. Take for instance Centralizer. It takes two arguments,
an algebra Aand an algebra B, where either Ais a parent algebra, and Bis a subalgebra of
this parent algebra, or Aand Bare subalgebras of a common parent algebra P, and returns
the centralizer of Bin A. This is represented as a subalgebra of the common parent of A
and B. Note that a subalgebra of a parent algebra need not be a proper subalgebra.
An exception to this rule is again the set theoretic function Intersection (see 4.12), which
allows to intersect algebras with different parents.
Whenever you have two subalgebras which have different parent algebras but have a common
superalgebra Ayou can use AsSubalgebra or AsUnitalSubalgebra (see 39.13, 39.14) in
order to construct new subalgebras which have a common parent algebra A.
Note that subalgebras of unital algebras need not be unital (see 39.2).
The following sections describe the functions related to this concept (see 39.4, 39.5, 39.6,
39.7, 39.11, 39.12, 39.8, 39.9, 39.13, 39.14, and also 7.7, 7.8).
39.4 Algebra
Algebra( U)
returns a parent algebra Awhich is isomorphic to the parent algebra or subalgebra U.
Algebra( F,gens )
Algebra( F,gens,zero )
returns a parent algebra over the field Fand generated by the algebra elements in the list
gens. The zero element of this algebra may be entered as zero; this is necessary whenever
gens is empty.
gap> a:= [ [ 1 ] ];;
gap> alg:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a ] );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] )
gap> "alg";;
gap> sub:= Subalgebra( alg, [] );
Subalgebra( alg, [ ] )
gap> Algebra( sub );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 0 ] ] ] )
gap> Algebra( Rationals, [], 0*a );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 0 ] ] ] )
The algebras returned by Algebra are not unital. For constructing unital algebras, use 39.5
39.5 UnitalAlgebra
UnitalAlgebra( U)
returns a unital parent algebra Awhich is isomorphic to the parent algebra or subalgebra
U. If Uis not unital it is checked whether the zero-th power of elements is contained in U,
and if not an error is signalled.
UnitalAlgebra( F,gens )
UnitalAlgebra( F,gens,zero )
returns a unital parent algebra over the field Fand generated by the algebra elements in
the list gens. The zero element of this algebra may be entered as zero; this is necessary
whenever gens is empty.
gap> alg1:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ NullMat( 2, 2 ) ] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> alg2:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [], NullMat( 2, 2 ) );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> alg3:= Algebra( alg1 );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
] )
gap> alg1 = alg3;
39.6. ISALGEBRA 727
gap> AsUnitalAlgebra( alg3 );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
The algebras returned by UnitalAlgebra are unital. For constructing algebras that are not
unital, use 39.4 Algebra.
39.6 IsAlgebra
IsAlgebra( obj )
returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a parent algebra or a
subalgebra and false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound
gap> IsAlgebra( FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 0 ) );
gap> IsAlgebra( 1/2 );
39.7 IsUnitalAlgebra
IsUnitalAlgebra( obj )
returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a unital parent algebra
or a unital subalgebra and false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an
unbound variable.
gap> IsUnitalAlgebra( FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 0 ) );
gap> IsUnitalAlgebra( Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] ) );
Note that the function does not check whether obj is an algebra that contains the zero-th
power of elements, but just checks whether obj is an algebra with flag isUnitalAlgebra.
39.8 Subalgebra
Subalgebra( A,gens )
returns the subalgebra of the algebra Agenerated by the elements in the list gens.
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> alg:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a, b ] );;
gap> "alg";;
gap> s:= Subalgebra( alg, [ a ] );
Subalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> s = alg;
gap> s:= UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ a ] );
UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> s = alg;
Note that Subalgebra,UnitalSubalgebra,AsSubalgebra and AsUnitalSubalgebra are
the only functions in which the name Subalgebra does not refer to the mathematical terms
subalgebra and superalgebra but to the implementation of algebras as subalgebras and
parent algebras.
39.9 UnitalSubalgebra
UnitalSubalgebra( A,gens )
returns the unital subalgebra of the algebra Agenerated by the elements in the list gens.
If Ais not (known to be) unital then first it is checked that Areally contains the zero-th
power of elements.
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> alg:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a, b ] );;
gap> "alg";;
gap> s:= Subalgebra( alg, [ a ] );
Subalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> s = alg;
gap> s:= UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ a ] );
UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> s = alg;
Note that Subalgebra,UnitalSubalgebra,AsSubalgebra and AsUnitalSubalgebra are
the only functions in which the name Subalgebra does not refer to the mathematical terms
subalgebra and superalgebra but to the implementation of algebras as subalgebras and
parent algebras.
39.10 IsSubalgebra
IsSubalgebra( A,U)
returns true if Uis a subalgebra of Aand false otherwise.
Note that Aand Umust have a common parent algebra. This function returns true if and
only if the set of elements of Uis a subset of the set of elements of A.
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> alg:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a, b ] );;
gap> "alg";;
gap> IsSubalgebra( alg, alg );
gap> s:= UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ a ] );
UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> IsSubalgebra( alg, s );
39.11. ASALGEBRA 729
39.11 AsAlgebra
AsAlgebra( D)
AsAlgebra( F,D)
Let Dbe a domain. AsAlgebra returns an algebra Aover the field Fsuch that the set of
elements of Dis the same as the set of elements of Aif this is possible. If Dis an algebra
the argument Fmay be omitted, the coefficients field of Dis taken as coefficients field of F
in this case.
If Dis a list of algebra elements these elements must form a algebra. Otherwise an error is
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] * Z(2);;
gap> AsAlgebra( GF(2), [ a, 0*a ] );
Algebra( GF(2), [ [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
Note that this function returns a parent algebra or a subalgebra of a parent algebra depend-
ing on D. In order to convert a subalgebra into a parent algebra you must use Algebra or
UnitalAlgebra (see 39.4, 39.5).
39.12 AsUnitalAlgebra
AsUnitalAlgebra( D)
AsUnitalAlgebra( F,D)
Let Dbe a domain. AsUnitalAlgebra returns a unital algebra Aover the field Fsuch that
the set of elements of Dis the same as the set of elements of Aif this is possible. If Dis an
algebra the argument Fmay be omitted, the coefficients field of Dis taken as coefficients
field of Fin this case.
If Dis a list of algebra elements these elements must form a unital algebra. Otherwise an
error is signalled.
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] * Z(2);;
gap> AsUnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a, a^0, 0*a, a^0-a ] );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
Note that this function returns a parent algebra or a subalgebra of a parent algebra depend-
ing on D. In order to convert a subalgebra into a parent algebra you must use Algebra or
UnitalAlgebra (see 39.4, 39.5).
39.13 AsSubalgebra
AsSubalgebra( A,U)
Let Abe a parent algebra and Ube a parent algebra or a subalgebra with a possibly different
parent algebra, such that the generators of Uare elements of A.AsSubalgebra returns a
new subalgebra Ssuch that Shas parent algebra Aand is generated by the generators of
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> alg:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a, b ] );;
gap> "alg";;
gap> s:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a ] );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> AsSubalgebra( alg, s );
Subalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
Note that Subalgebra,UnitalSubalgebra,AsSubalgebra and AsUnitalSubalgebra are
the only functions in which the name Subalgebra does not refer to the mathematical terms
subalgebra and superalgebra but to the implementation of algebras as subalgebras and
parent algebras.
39.14 AsUnitalSubalgebra
AsUnitalSubalgebra( A,U)
Let Abe a parent algebra and Ube a parent algebra or a subalgebra with a possibly
different parent algebra, such that the generators of Uare elements of A.AsSubalgebra
returns a new unital subalgebra Ssuch that Shas parent algebra Aand is generated by
the generators of U. If Uor Ado not contain the zero-th power of elements an error is
gap> a:= [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> b:= [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ];;
gap> alg:= Algebra( Rationals, [ a, b ] );;
gap> "alg";;
gap> s:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a ] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> AsSubalgebra( alg, s );
gap> AsUnitalSubalgebra( alg, s );
UnitalSubalgebra( alg, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
Note that Subalgebra,UnitalSubalgebra,AsSubalgebra and AsUnitalSubalgebra are
the only functions in which the name Subalgebra does not refer to the mathematical terms
subalgebra and superalgebra but to the implementation of algebras as subalgebras and
parent algebras.
39.15 Operations for Algebras
The operator ^evaluates to the n-fold direct product of A, viewed as a free A-module.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> a^2;
Module( UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2 ] ),
[ [, ], [, ] ] )
ain A
The operator in evaluates to true if ais an element of Aand false otherwise. amust be
an element of the parent algebra of A.
gap> a.1^3 + a.2 in a;
gap> 1 in a;
39.16 Zero and One for Algebras
Zero( A)
returns the additive neutral element of the algebra A.
One( A)
returns the (right and left) multiplicative neutral element of the algebra Aif this
exists, and false otherwise. If Ais a unital algebra then this element is obtained on
raising an arbitrary element to the zero-th power (see 39.2).
gap> a:= Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] );
Algebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> Zero( a );
gap> One( a );
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> Zero( a );
gap> One( a );
39.17 Set Theoretic Functions for Algebras
As already mentioned in the introduction of the chapter, algebras are domains. Thus all set
theoretic functions, for example Intersection and Size can be applied to algebras. All set
theoretic functions not mentioned here are not treated specially for algebras.
Elements( A)
computes the elements of the algebra Ausing a Dimino algorithm. The default
function for algebras computes a vector space basis at the same time.
Intersection( A,H)
returns the intersection of Aand Heither as set of elements or as an algebra record.
IsSubset( A,H)
If Aand Hare algebras then IsSubset tests whether the generators of Hare elements
of A. Otherwise DomainOps.IsSubset is used.
Random( A)
returns a random element of the algebra A. This requires the computation of a vector
space basis.
See also 41.5, 40.6 for the set theoretic functions for the different types of algebras.
39.18 Property Tests for Algebras
The following property tests (cf. 7.45) are available for algebras.
IsAbelian( A)
returns true if the algebra Ais abelian and false otherwise. An algebra Ais abelian
if and only if for every a, b Athe equation ab=baholds.
IsCentral( A,U)
returns true if the algebra Acentralizes the algebra Uand false otherwise. An
algebra Acentralizes an algebra Uif and only if for all aAand for all uUthe
equation au=uaholds. Note that Uneed not to be a subalgebra of Abut they
must have a common parent algebra.
IsFinite( A)
returns true if the algebra Ais finite, and false otherwise.
IsTrivial( A)
returns true if the algebra Aconsists only of the zero element, and false otherwise.
If Ais a unital algebra it is of course never trivial.
All tests expect a parent algebra or subalgebra and return true if the algebra has the
property and false otherwise. Some functions may not terminate if the given algebra has
an infinite set of elements. A warning may be printed in such cases.
gap> IsAbelian( FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 ) );
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> "a";;
gap> s1:= Subalgebra( a, [ One(a) ] );
Subalgebra( a, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] ] )
gap> IsCentral( a, s1 ); IsFinite( s1 );
gap> s2:= Subalgebra( a, [] );
Subalgebra( a, [ ] )
gap> IsFinite( s2 ); IsTrivial( s2 );
39.19 Vector Space Functions for Algebras
A finite dimensional F-algebra Ais always a finite dimensional F-vector space. Thus in
GAP3, an algebra is a vector space (see 9.2), and vector space functions such as Base and
Dimension are applicable to algebras.
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> Dimension( a );
gap> Base( a );
The vector space structure is used also by the set theoretic functions.
39.20 Algebra Functions for Algebras
The functions desribed in this section compute certain subalgebras of a given algebra, e.g.,
Centre computes the centre of an algebra.
They return algebra records as described in 39.28 for the computed subalgebras. Some
functions may not terminate if the given algebra has an infinite set of elements, while other
functions may signal an error in such cases.
Here the term “subalgebra” is used in a mathematical sense. But in GAP3, every algebra
is either a parent algebra or a subalgebra of a unique parent algebra. If you compute the
centre Cof an algebra Uwith parent algebra Athen Cis a subalgebra of Ubut its parent
algebra is A(see 39.3).
Centralizer( A,x)
Centralizer( A,U)
returns the centralizer of an element xin Awhere xmust be an element of the parent
algebra of A, resp. the centralizer of the algebra Uin Awhere both algebras must
have a common parent.
The centralizer of an element xin Ais defined as the set Cof elements cof Asuch that
cand xcommute.
The centralizer of an algebra Uin Ais defined as the set Cof elements cof Asuch that
ccommutes with every element of U.
gap> a:= MatAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );;
gap> "a";;
gap> m:= [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2);;
gap> Centralizer( a, m );
UnitalSubalgebra( a, [ [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
Centre( A)
returns the centre of A(that is, the centralizer of Ain A).
gap> c:= Centre( a );
UnitalSubalgebra( a, [ [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ] )
Closure( U,a)
Closure( U,S)
Let Ube an algebra with parent algebra Aand let abe an element of A. Then Closure
returns the closure Cof Uand aas subalgebra of A. The closure Cof Uand ais the
subalgebra generated by Uand a.
Let Uand Sbe two algebras with a common parent algebra A. Then Closure returns the
subalgebra of Agenerated by Uand S.
gap> Closure( c, m );
UnitalSubalgebra( a, [ [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ] )
39.21 TrivialSubalgebra
TrivialSubalgebra( U)
Let Ube an algebra with parent algebra A. Then TrivialSubalgebra returns the trivial
subalgebra Tof U, as subalgebra of A.
gap> a:= MatAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );;
gap> "a";;
gap> TrivialSubalgebra( a );
Subalgebra( a, [ ] )
39.22 Operation for Algebras
Operation( A,M)
Let Abe an F-algebra for a field F, and Man A-module of F-dimension n. With respect
to a chosen F-basis of M, the action of an element of Aon Mcan be described by an n×n
matrix over F. This induces an algebra homomorphism from Aonto a matrix algebra AM,
with action on its natural module equivalent to the action of Aon M. The matrix algebra
AMcan be computed as Operation( A,M).
Operation( A,B)
returns the operation of the algebra Aon an A-module Mwith respect to the vector space
basis Bof M.
Note that contrary to the situation for groups, the operation domains of algebras are not
lists of elements but domains.
For constructing the algebra homomorphism from Aonto AM, and the module homomor-
phism from Monto the equivalent AM-module, see 39.23 and 42.17, respectively.
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] );;
gap> m:= Module( a, [ [ 1, 0 ] ] );;
gap> op:= Operation( a, m );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] )
gap> mat1:= PermutationMat( (1,2,3), 3, GF(2) );;
gap> mat2:= PermutationMat( (1,2), 3, GF(2) );;
gap> u:= Algebra( GF(2), [ mat1, mat2 ] );; "u";;
gap> nat:= NaturalModule( u );; "nat";;
gap> q:= nat / FixedSubmodule( nat );;
gap> op1:= Operation( u, q );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ] )
gap> b:= Basis( q, [ [ 0, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] * Z(2) );;
gap> op2:= Operation( u, b );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ] )
gap> IsEquivalent( NaturalModule( op1 ), NaturalModule( op2 ) );
If the dimension of Mis zero then the elements of AMcannot be represented as GAP3
matrices. The result is a null algebra, see 41.9, NullAlgebra.
39.23 OperationHomomorphism for Algebras
OperationHomomorphism( A,B)
returns the algebra homomorphism (see 39.24) with source Aand range B, provided that
Bis a matrix algebra that was constructed as operation of Aon a suitable module Musing
Operation( A,M), see 39.22.
gap> ophom:= OperationHomomorphism( a, op );
OperationHomomorphism( UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
[ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] ), UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
gap> Image( ophom, a.1 );
gap> Image( ophom, Zero( a ) );
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( ophom, [ [ 2 ] ] );
39.24 Algebra Homomorphisms
An algebra homomorphism φis a mapping that maps each element of an algebra A,
called the source of φ, to an element of an algebra B, called the range of φ, such that for
each pair x, y Awe have (xy)φ=xφyφand (x+y)φ=xφ+yφ.
An algebra homomorphism of unital algebras is unital if the zero-th power of elements in
the source is mapped to the zero-th power of elements in the range.
At the moment, only operation homomorphisms are supported in GAP3 (see 39.23).
39.25 Mapping Functions for Algebra Homomorphisms
This section describes how the mapping functions defined in chapter 43 are implemented
for algebra homomorphisms. Those functions not mentioned here are implemented by the
default functions described in the respective sections.
Image( hom )
Image( hom,H)
Images( hom,H)
The image of a subalgebra under a algebra homomorphism is computed by computing the
images of a set of generators of the subalgebra, and the result is the subalgebra generated
by those images.
PreImagesRepresentative( hom,elm )
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] );;
gap> "a";;
gap> m:= Module( a, [ [ 1, 0 ] ] );;
gap> op:= Operation( a, m );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] )
gap> ophom:= OperationHomomorphism( a, op );
OperationHomomorphism( a, UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] ) )
gap> Image( ophom, a.1 );
gap> Image( ophom, Zero( a ) );
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( ophom, [ [ 2 ] ] );
39.26 Algebra Elements
This section describes the operations and functions available for algebra elements.
Note that algebra elements may exist independently of an algebra, e.g., you can write down
two matrices and compute their sum and product without ever defining an algebra that
contains them.
Comparisons of Algebra Elements
evaluates to true if the algebra elements gand hare equal and to false otherwise.
g<> h
evaluates to true if the algebra elements gand hare not equal and to false otherwise.
g<= h
g>= h
The operators <,<=,>= and >evaluate to true if the algebra element gis strictly less
than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to and strictly greater than the algebra
element h. There is no general ordering on all algebra elements, so gand hshould lie in
the same parent algebra. Note that for elements of finitely presented algebra, comparison
means comparison with respect to the underlying free algebra (see 40.9).
Arithmetic Operations for Algebra Elements
The operators *,+and -evaluate to the product, sum and difference of the two algebra
elements aand b. The operands must of course lie in a common parent algebra, otherwise
an error is signalled.
returns the quotient of the algebra element aby the nonzero element cof the base field of
the algebra.
returns the i-th power of an algebra element aand a positive integer i. If iis zero or
negative, perhaps the result is not defined, or not contained in the algebra generated by a.
list +a
list *a
In this form the operators +and *return a new list where each entry is the sum resp.
product of aand the corresponding entry of list. Of course addition resp. multiplication
must be defined between aand each entry of list.
39.27 IsAlgebraElement
IsAlgebraElement( obj )
returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is an algebra element, and
false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsAlgebraElement( (1,2) );
gap> IsAlgebraElement( NullMat( 2, 2 ) );
gap> IsAlgebraElement( FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 1 ).1 );
39.28 Algebra Records
Algebras and their subalgebras are represented by records. Once an algebra record is created
you may add record components to it but you must not alter information already present.
Algebra records must always contain the components isDomain and isAlgebra. Subalge-
bras contain an additional component parent. The components generators,zero and one
are not necessarily contained.
The contents of important record components of an algebra Ais described below.
The category components are
is true.
is true.
is present (and then true) if Ais a unital algebra.
The identification components are
is the coefficient field of A.
is a list of algebra generators. Duplicate generators are allowed, also the algebra
zero may be among the generators. Note that once created this entry must never be
changed, as most of the other entries depend on generators. If generators is not
bound it can be computed using Generators.
if present this contains the algebra record of the parent algebra of a subalgebra A,
otherwise Aitself is a parent algebra.
is the additive neutral element of A, can be computed using Zero.
The component operations contains the operations record of A. This will usually be
one of AlgebraOps,UnitalAlgebraOps, or a record for more specific algebras.
39.29 FFList
FFList( F)
returns for a finite field Fa list lof all elements of Fin an ordering that is compatible with
the ordering of field elements in the MeatAxe share library (see chapter 69).
The element of Fcorresponding to the number nis l[n+1 ], and the canonical number
of the field element zis Position( l,z) -1.
gap> FFList( GF( 8 ) );
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2^3), Z(2^3)^3, Z(2^3)^2, Z(2^3)^6, Z(2^3)^4,
Z(2^3)^5 ]
(This program was originally written by Meinolf Geck.)
Chapter 40
Finitely Presented Algebras
This chapter contains the description of functions dealing with finitely presented algebras.
The first section informs about the data structures (see 40.1), the next sections tell how to
construct free and finitely presented algebras (see 40.2, 40.3), and what functions can be
applied to them (see 40.4, 40.6, 40.5, 40.7), and the final sections introduce functions for
elements of finitely presented algebras (see 40.8, 40.9, 40.10, 40.11).
For a detailed description of operations of finitely presented algebras on modules, see chapter
40.1 More about Finitely Presented Algebras
Free Algebras
Let Xbe a finite set, and Fa field. The free algebra Aon Xover Fcan be regarded as
the semigroup ring of the free monoid on Xover F. Addition and multiplication of elements
are performed by dealing with sums of words in abstract generators, with coefficients in F.
Free algebras and also their subalgebras in GAP3 are always unital, that is, for an element
ain a subalgebra Aof a free algebra always the element a0lies in A(see 39.2). Thus the
free algebra on the empty set over a field Fis defined to consist of all elements fe where f
is in F, and eis the multiplicative neutral element, corresponding to the empty word.
Free algebras are useful when dealing with other algebras, like matrix algebras, since they
allow to handle expressions in terms of the generators. This is just a generalization of
handling words in abstract generators and concrete group elements in parallel, as is done for
example in MappedWord (see 22.12) or functions that construct images and preimages under
homomorphisms. This mechanism is also provided for the records representing matrices in
the MeatAxe share library (see chapter 69).
Finitely Presented Algebras
Afinitely presented algebra is defined as quotient A/I of a free algebra Aby a two-sided
ideal Iin Athat is generated by a finite set Sof elements in F.
Thus computations with finitely presented algebras are similar to those with finitely pre-
sented groups. For example, in general it is impossible to decide whether two elements of
the free algebra Aare equal modulo I.
For finitely presented groups a permutation representation on the cosets of a subgroup of
finite index can be computed by the Todd-Coxeter coset enumeration method. An analogue
of this method for finitely presented algebras is Steve Linton’s Vector Enumeration method
that tries to compute a matrix representation of the action on a quotient of a free module
of the algebra. This method is available in GAP3 as a share library (see chapter 73, and the
references there), and this makes finitely presented algebra in GAP3 more than an object
one can only use for the obvious arithmetics with elements of free algebras.
GAP3 only handles the data structures, all the work in done by the standalone program.
Thus all functions for finitely presented algebras, like Size, delegate the work to the
Vector Enumeration program.
Note that (contrary to the situation in finitely presented groups, and several places in
Vector Enumeration) relators are meant to be equal to zero, not to the identity. Two
examples for this. If x^2 - is a relator in the presentation of the algebra a, with x
a generator, then xis an involution. If x^2 is a relator then xis nilpotent. If the generator
xoccurs in relators of the form x * v - and w * x -, for vand welements
of the free algebra, then xis known to be invertible.
The Vector Enumeration package is loaded automatically as soon as it is needed. You can
also load it explicitly using
gap> RequirePackage( "ve" );
Elements of Finitely Presented Algebras
The elements of finitely presented algebras in GAP3 are records that store lists of coefficients
and of words in abstract generators. Note that the elements of the ground field are not
regarded as elements of the algebra, especially the identity and zero element are denoted by and, respectively. Functions and operators for elements of finitely presented
algebras are listed in 40.9.
Implementation of Functions for Finitely Presented Algebras
Every question about a finitely presented algebra Athat cannot be answered from the presen-
tation directly is delegated to an isomorphic matrix algebra Musing the Vector Enumeration
share library. This may be impossible because the dimension of an isomorphic matrix alge-
bra is too large. But for small Ait seems to be valuable.
For example, if one asks for the size of A, Vector Enumeration tries to find such a matrix
algebra M, and then GAP3 computes its size. Mand the isomorphism between Aand M
are stored in the component A.matAlgebraA, so Vector Enumeration is called only once for
40.2 FreeAlgebra
FreeAlgebra( F,rank )
FreeAlgebra( F,rank,name )
FreeAlgebra( F,name1 ,name2 , ... )
return a free algebra with ground field F. In the first two forms an algebra on rank free
generators is returned, their names will be name.1, . . . , name.rank, the default for name
is the string "a".
40.3. FPALGEBRA 741
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> b:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, "x", "y" );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ x, y ] )
gap> x:= b.1;
Finitely presented algebras are constructed from free algebras via factoring by a suitable
ideal (see 40.5).
40.3 FpAlgebra
FpAlgebra( A)
returns a finitely presented algebra isomorphic to the algebra A. At the moment this is
implemented only for matrix algebras and finitely presented algebras.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> a:= a / [^2,^2,*a.2)^3 ];;
gap> "a";; s:= Subalgebra( a, [ a.2 ] );;
gap> f:= FpAlgebra( s );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1 ] )
gap> PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra( f, "f" );
f:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), "a.1" );
f:= f / [^2 ];
FpAlgebra( F,fpgroup )
returns the group algebra of the finitely presented group fpgroup over the field F, this is
the algebra of formal linear combinations of elements of fpgroup, with coefficients in F; in
this case the number of algebra generators is twice the number of group generators, the first
half corresponding to the group generators, the second half to their inverses.
gap> f:= FreeGroup( 2 );;
gap> s3:= f / [ f.1^2, f.2^2, (f.1*f.2)^3 ];
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> a:= FpAlgebra( GF(2), s3 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2, a.3, a.4 ] )
40.4 IsFpAlgebra
IsFpAlgebra( obj )
returns true if obj is a finitely presented algebra, and false otherwise.
gap> IsFpAlgebra( FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 0 ) );
gap> IsFpAlgebra( last );
40.5 Operators for Finitely Presented Algebras
returns a finitely presented algebra that is the quotient of the free algebra A(see 40.2) by
the two-sided ideal in Aspanned by the elements in the list relators.
This is the general method to construct finitely presented algebras in GAP3. For the special
case of group algebras of finitely presented groups see 40.3.
returns a free A-module of dimension n(see chapter 42) for the finitely presented algebra
gap> f:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> a:= f / [ f.1^2 -, f.2^2 -, (f.1*f.2)^2 - ];
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> a = f;
gap> a^2;
Module( UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1, a.2 ] ),
[ [, ], [, ] ] )
ain A
returns true if ais an element of the finitely presented algebra A, and false otherwise.
Note that the answer may require the computation of an isomorphic matrix algebra if Ais
not a parent algebra.
gap> a.1 in a;
gap> f.1 in a;
gap> 1 in a;
40.6 Functions for Finitely Presented Algebras
The following functions are overlaid in the operations record of finitely presented algebras.
The set theoretic functions
the vector space functions
Base,Coefficients, and Dimension,
Note that at the moment no basis records (see 33.2) for finitely presented algebras are
and the algebra functions
Closure,IsAbelian,IsTrivial,Operation (see 39.22, 73.1, 73.3), Subalgebra, and
Note that these functions try to compute a faithful matrix representation of the algebra
using the Vector Enumeration share library (see chapter 73).
40.7 PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra
PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra( A,name )
prints the assignment of the finitely presented algebra Ato the variable name name. Using
the call as an argument of PrintTo (see 3.15), this can be used to save Ato a file.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), "x", "y" );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ x, y ] )
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^, a.2^, (a.1*a.2)^3 - ];
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ x, y ] )
gap> PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra( a, "b" );
b:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), "x", "y" );
b:= b / [^2,^2,*b.2*b.1*b.2*b.1*b.2 ];
gap> PrintTo( "algebra", PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra( a, "b" ) );
40.8 MappedExpression
MappedExpression( expr,gens1 ,gens2 )
For an arithmetic expression expr in terms of gens1 ,MappedExpression returns the corre-
sponding expression in terms of gens2 .
gens1 may be a list of abstract generators (in this case the result is the same as the object
returned by 22.12 MappedWord), or of generators of a finitely presented algebra.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 2 );;
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^2 -, a.2^2 -, (a.1*a.2)^2 - ];;
gap> matgens:= [ [[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0],[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0]],
> [[0,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]] ];;
gap> permgens:= [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ];;
gap> MappedExpression( a.1^2 + a.1, a.generators, matgens );
gap> MappedExpression( a.1 * a.2, a.generators, permgens );
Note that this can be done also in terms of (algebra or group) homomorphisms (see 39.24).
MappedExpression may raise elements in gens2 to the zero-th power.
40.9 Elements of Finitely Presented Algebras
Zero and One of Finitely Presented Algebras
A finitely presented algebra Acontains a zero element If the number of generators
of Ais not zero, the multiplicative neutral element of Ais, which is the zero-th power
of any nonzero element of A.
Comparisons of Elements of Finitely Presented Algebras
Elements of the same algebra can be compared in order to form sets. Note that probably it
will be necessary to compute an isomorphic matrix representation in order to decide equality
if xand yare not elements of a free algebra.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 1 );;
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^2 - ];
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1 ] )
gap> [ a.1^3 = a.1, a.1^3 > a.1, a.1 >, > ];
[ true, false, false, false ]
Arithmetic Operations for Elements of Finitely Presented Algebras
The usual arithmetical operations for ring elements apply to elements of finitely presented
algebras. Exponentiation ^can be used to raise an element xto the n-th power. Division
/is only defined for denominators in the base field of the algebra.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 2 );;
gap> x:= a.1 - a.2;
gap> x^2;
gap> y:= 4 * x - a.1;
gap> y^2;
IsFpAlgebraElement( obj )
returns true if obj is an element of a finitely presented algebra, and false otherwise.
gap> IsFpAlgebraElement( );
gap> IsFpAlgebraElement( );
FpAlgebraElement( A,coeff ,words )
Elements of finitely presented algebras normally arise from arithmetical operations. It is,
however, possible to construct directly the element of the finitely presented algebra Athat
is the sum of the words in the list words, with coefficients given by the list coeff , by calling
FpAlgebraElement( A,coeff ,words ).Note that this function does not check whether
some of the words are equal, or whether all coefficients are nonzero. So one should probably
not use it.
gap> a;
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> FpAlgebraElement( a, [ 1, 1 ], a.generators );
gap> FpAlgebraElement( a, [ 1, 1, 1 ], List( [ 1..3 ], i -> a.1^i ) );
40.10 ElementAlgebra
ElementAlgebra( A,nr )
returns the nr-th element in terms of the generators of the free algebra Aover the finite
field F, with respect to the following ordering.
We form the elements as linear combinations with coefficients in the base field of A, with
respect to the basis defined by the ordering of words according to length and lexicographic
order; this sequence starts as follows.
1,a1,a2, . . . , an,a2
1,a1a2,a1a3, . . . , a1an,a2a1, . . . , a2an, . . . , a2
1a2, . . . , a2
a1a2a1, . . .
Let nbe the number of generators of A,qthe size of F, and nr =Pk
i=0 aiqithe q-adic
expression of nr. Then the ai-th element of A.field is the coefficient of the i-th base
element in the required algebra element. The ordering of field elements is the same as that
defined in the MeatAxe package, that is, FFList( F)[ m+1 ] (see 39.29) is the m-th
element of the field F.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );;
gap> List( [ 10 .. 20 ], x -> ElementAlgebra( a, x ) );
[ a.1+a.1^2,^2, a.2+a.1^2,^2,
a.1+a.2+a.1^2,^2, a.1*a.2,*a.2,
a.1+a.1*a.2,*a.2, a.2+a.1*a.2 ]
gap> ElementAlgebra( a, 0 );
The function can be applied also if Ais an arbitrary finitely presented algebra or a matrix
algebra. In these cases the result is the element of the algebra obtained on replacing the
generators of the corresponding free algebra by the generators of A.
Note that the zero-th power of elements may be needed, which is not necessarily an element
of a matrix algebra.
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), GL(2,2).generators );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
gap> ElementAlgebra( a, 17 );
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
The number of an element acan be computed using 40.11.
40.11 NumberAlgebraElement
NumberAlgebraElement( a)
returns the number nsuch that the element aof the finitely presented algebra Ais the n-th
element of Ain the sense of 40.10, that is, a= ElementAlgebra( A,n).
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );;
gap> NumberAlgebraElement( ( a.1 + )^4 );
gap> NumberAlgebraElement( );
gap> NumberAlgebraElement( );
Note that A.field must be finite.
Chapter 41
Matrix Algebras
This chapter describes the data structures and functions for matrix algebras in GAP3. See
chapter 39 for the description of all those aspects that concern general algebras.
First the objects of interest in this chapter are introduced (see 41.1, 41.2).
The next sections describe functions for matrix algebras, first those that can be applied not
only for matrix algebras (see 41.3, 41.4, 41.5, 41.6, 41.7), and then specific matrix algebra
functions (see 41.8, 41.9, 41.10, 41.11).
41.1 More about Matrix Algebras
Amatrix algebra is an algebra (see 39.1) the elements of which are matrices.
There is a canonical isomorphism of a matrix algebra onto a row space (see chapter 33) that
maps a matrix to the concatenation of its rows. This makes all computations with matrix
algebras that use its vector space structure as efficient as the corresponding computation
with a row space. For example the computation of a vector space basis, of coefficients with
respect to such a basis, and of representatives under the action on a vector space by right
If one is interested in matrix algebras as domains themselves then one should think of this
algebra as of a row space that admits a multiplication. For example, the convention for row
spaces that the coefficients field must contain the field of the vector elements also applies to
matrix algebras. And the concept of vector space bases is the same as that for row spaces
(see 41.2).
In the chapter about modules (see chapter 42) it is stated that modules are of interest
mainly as operation domains of algebras. Here we can state that matrix algebras are of
interest mainly because they describe modules. For some of the functions it is not obvious
whether they are functions for modules or for algebras or for the matrices that generate
an algebra. For example, one usually talks about the fingerprint of an A-module M, but
this is in fact computed as the list of nullspace dimensions of generators of a certain matrix
algebra, namely the induced action of Aon Mas is computed using Operation( A,M)
(see 41.10, 39.22).
41.2 Bases for Matrix Algebras
As stated in section 41.1, the implementation of bases for matrix algebras follows that of row
space bases, see 33.2 for the details. Consequently there are two types of bases, arbitrary
bases and semi-echelonized bases, where the latter type can be defined as follows. Let ϕbe
the vector space homomorphism that maps a matrix in the algebra Ato the concatenation
of its rows, and let B= (b1, b2, . . . , bn) be a vector space basis of A, then Bis called semi-
echelonized if and only if the row space basis (ϕ(b1), ϕ(b2), . . . , ϕ(bn)) is semi-echelonized,
in the sense of 33.2. The canonical basis is defined analogeously.
Due to the multiplicative structure that allows to view a matrix algebra Aas an A-module
with action via multiplication from the right, there is additionally the notion of a standard
basis for A, which is essentially described in 42.13. The default way to compute a vector
space basis of a matrix algebra from a set of generating matrices is to compute this standard
basis and a semi-echelonized basis in parallel.
If the matrix algebra Ais unital then every semi-echelonized basis and also the standard
basis have One( A)as first basis vector.
41.3 IsMatAlgebra
IsMatAlgebra( obj )
returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a matrix algebra and false
gap> IsMatAlgebra( FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 0 ) );
gap> IsMatAlgebra( Algebra( Rationals, [[[1]]] ) );
41.4 Zero and One for Matrix Algebras
Zero( A)
returns the square zero matrix of the same dimension and characteristic as the ele-
ments of A. This matrix is thought only for testing whether a matrix is zero, usually
all its rows will be identical in order to save space. So you should not use this zero
matrix for other purposes; use 34.4 NullMat instead.
One( A)
returns for a unital matrix algebra Athe identity matrix of the same dimension
and characteristic as the elements of A; for a not unital matrix algebra Athe (left
and right) multiplicative neutral element (if exists) is computed by solving a linear
equation system.
41.5 Functions for Matrix Algebras
Closure,Elements,IsFinite, and Size are the only set theoretic functions that are
overlaid in the operations records for matrix algebras and unital matrix algebras. See 39.17
for an overview of set theoretic functions for general algebras.
No vector space functions are overlaid in the operations records for matrix algebras and
unital matrix algebras. The functions for vector space bases are mainly the same as
those for row space bases (see 41.2).
For other functions for matrix algebras, see 41.6.
41.6 Algebra Functions for Matrix Algebras
Centralizer( A,a)
Centralizer( A,S)
returns the element or subalgebra centralizer in the matrix algebra A. Centralizers in
matrix algebras are computed by solving a linear equation system.
Centre( A)
returns the centre of the matrix algebra A, which is computed by solving a linear
equation system.
FpAlgebra( A)
returns a finitely presented algebra that is isomorphic to A. The presentation is com-
puted using the structure constants, thus a vector space basis of Ahas to be computed.
If Acontains no multiplicative neutral element (see 41.4) an error is signalled. (At
the moment the implementation is really simpleminded.)
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [[[0,1],[0,0]]] );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] ] )
gap> FpAlgebra( a );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1 ] )
gap> last.relators;
[ a.1^2 ]
41.7 RepresentativeOperation for Matrix Algebras
RepresentativeOperation( A,v1 ,v2 )
returns the element in the matrix algebra Athat maps v1 to v2 via right multiplication if
such an element exists, and false otherwise. v1 and v2 may be vectors or matrices of same
gap> a:= MatAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
gap> v1:= [ 1, 0 ] * Z(2);; v2:= [ 1, 1 ] * Z(2);;
gap> RepresentativeOperation( a, v1, v2 );
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> t:= TrivialSubalgebra( a );;
gap> RepresentativeOperation( t, v1, v2 );
41.8 MatAlgebra
MatAlgebra( F,n)
returns the full matrix algebra of nby nmatrices over the field F.
gap> a:= MatAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
gap> Size( a );
41.9 NullAlgebra
NullAlgebra( F)
returns a trivial algebra (that is, it contains only the zero element) over the field F. This
occurs in a natural way whenever Operation (see 39.22) constructs a faithful representation
of the zero module.
Here we meet the strange situation that an operation algebra does not consist of matrices,
since in GAP3 a matrix always has a positive number of rows and columns. The element of
aNullAlgebra( F)is the object EmptyMat that acts (trivially) on empty lists via right
gap> a:= NullAlgebra( GF(2) );
NullAlgebra( GF(2) )
gap> Size( a );
gap> Elements( a );
[ EmptyMat ]
gap> [] * EmptyMat;
[ ]
gap> IsAlgebra( a );
41.10 Fingerprint
Fingerprint( A)
Fingerprint( A,list )
returns the fingerprint of the matrix algebra A, i.e., a list of nullities of six “standard” words
in A(for 2-generator algebras only) or of the words with numbers in list.
gap> m1:= PermutationMat( (1,2,3,4,5), 5, GF(2) );;
gap> m2:= PermutationMat( (1,2) , 5, GF(2) );;
gap> a:= Algebra( GF(2), [ m1, m2 ] );;
gap> Fingerprint( a );
Let aand bbe the generators of a 2-generator matix algebra. The six standard words used
by Fingerprint are w1, w2, . . . , w6where
w1=ab +a+b, w2=w1+ab2,
w3=a+bw2, w4=b+w3,
w5=ab +w4, w6=a+w5
41.11 NaturalModule
NaturalModule( A)
returns the natural module Mof the matrix algebra A. If Aconsists of nby nmatrices,
and Fis the coefficients field of Athen Mis an n-dimensional row space over the field F,
viewed as A-right module (see 42.4).
gap> a:= MatAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );;
gap> "a";;
gap> m:= NaturalModule( a );
Module( a, [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
Chapter 42
This chapter describes the data structures and functions for modules in GAP3.
After the introduction of the data structures (see 42.1, 42.2, 42.3) the functions for con-
structing modules and submodules (see 42.4, 42.5, 42.6, 42.7, 42.8) and testing for modules
(see 42.9, 42.10) are described.
The next sections describe operations and functions for modules (see 42.11, 42.12, 42.13,
42.14, 42.16).
The next section describes available module homomorphisms. At the moment only operation
homomorphisms are supported (see 42.17).
The last sections describe the implementation of the data structures (see 42.18, 42.19).
Many examples in this chapter use the natural permutation module for the symmetric group
S3. If you want to run the examples you must first define this module, as is done using the
following commands.
gap> mat1:= PermutationMat( (1,2,3), 3, GF(2) );;
gap> mat2:= PermutationMat( (1,2), 3, GF(2) );;
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ mat1, mat2 ] );; "a";;
gap> nat:= NaturalModule( a );;
gap> "nat";;
There is no possibility to compute the lattice of submodules with the implementations in
GAP3. However, it is possible to use the MeatAxe share library (see chapter 69) to compute
the lattice, and then (perhaps) to carry back interesting parts to GAP3 format using 69.2
42.1 More about Modules
Let Rbe a ring. An R-module (or, more exactly, an R-right module) is an additive abelian
group on that Racts from the right.
A module is of interest mainly as operation domain of an algebra (see chapter 39). Thus
it is the natural place to store information about the operation of the algebra, for example
whether it is irreducible. But since a module is a domain it has also properties of its own,
independent of the algebra.
According to the different types of algebras in GAP3, namely matrix algebras and finitely
presented algebras, at the moment two types of modules are supported in GAP3, namely row
modules and their quotients for matrix algebras and free modules and their submodules
and quotients for finitely presented algebras. See 42.2 and 42.3 for more information.
For modules, the same concept of parent and substructures holds as for row spaces. That
is, a module is stored either as a submodule of a module, or it is not (see 42.5, 42.7 for the
Also the concept of factor structures and cosets is the same as that for row spaces (see 33.4,
33.3), especially the questions about a factor module is mainly delegated to the numerator
and the denominator, see also 42.11.
42.2 Row Modules
Arow module for a matrix algebra Ais a row space over a field Fon that Aacts from
the right via matrix multiplication. All operations, set theoretic functions and vector space
functions for row spaces are applicable to row modules, and the conventions for row spaces
also hold for row modules (see chapter 33). For the notion of a standard basis of a module,
see 42.13.
It should be mentioned, however, that the functions and their results have to be interpreted
in the module context. For example, Generators returns a list of module generators not
vector space generators (see 42.8), and Closure or Sum for modules return a module (namely
the smallest module generated by the arguments).
Quotient modules Q=V/W of row modules are quotients of row spaces V,Wthat
are both (row) modules for the same matrix algebra A. All operations and functions for
quotient spaces are applicable. The element of such quotient modules are module cosets,
in addition to the operations and functions for row space cosets they can be multiplied by
elements of the acting algebra.
42.3 Free Modules
Afree module of dimension nfor an algebra Aconsists of all n-tuples of elements of A,
the action of Ais defined as component-wise multiplication from the right. Submodules and
quotient modules are defined in the obvious way.
In GAP3, elements of free modules are stored as lists of algebra elements. Thus there is no
difference to row modules with respect to addition of elements, and operation of the algebra.
However, the applicable functions are different.
At the moment, only free modules for finitely presented algebras are supported in GAP3,
and only very few functions are available for free modules at the moment. Especially the
set theoretic and vector space functions do not work for free modules and their submodules
and quotients.
Free modules were only introduced as operation domains of finitely presented algebras.
42.4. MODULE 755
returns a free module of dimension nfor the algebra A.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 2 );; "a";;
gap> a^2;
Module( a, [ [, ], [, ] ] )
42.4 Module
Module( R,gens )
Module( R,gens,zero )
Module( R,gens, "basis")
returns the module for the ring Rthat is generated by the elements in the list gens. If gens
is empty then the zero element zero of the module must be entered.
If the third argument is the string "basis" then the generators gens are assumed to form
a vector space basis.
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), GL(2,2).generators );;
gap> m1:= Module( a, [ a.1[1] ] );
Module( a, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> Dimension( m1 );
gap> Basis( m1 );
SemiEchelonBasis( Module( a, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] ),
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> m2:= Module( a, a.2, "basis" );;
gap> Basis( m2 );
Basis( Module( a, [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ),
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> a.2;
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> m1 = m2;
42.5 Submodule
Submodule( M,gens )
returns the submodule of the parent of the module Mthat is generated by the elements in
the list gens. If Mis a factor module, gens may also consist of representatives instead of
the cosets themselves.
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ mat1, mat2 ] );; "a";;
gap> nat:= NaturalModule( a );;
gap> "nat";;
gap> s:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> Dimension( s );
42.6 AsModule
AsModule( M)
returns a module that is isomorphic to the module or submodule M.
gap> s:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );;
gap> s2:= AsModule( s );
Module( a, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> s = s2;
42.7 AsSubmodule
AsSubmodule( M,U)
returns a submodule of the parent of Mthat is isomorphic to the module Uwhich can be
a parent module or a submodule with a different parent.
Note that the same ring must act on Mand U.
gap> s2:= Module( a, [ [ 1, 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );;
gap> s:= AsSubmodule( nat, s2 );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> s = s2;
42.8 AsSpace for Modules
AsSpace( M)
returns a (quotient of a) row space that is equal to the (quotient of a) row module M.
gap> s:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 0 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> Dimension( s );
gap> AsSpace( s );
RowSpace( GF(2),
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> q:= nat / s;
nat / [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> AsSpace( q );
RowSpace( GF(2),
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ) /
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
42.9 IsModule
IsModule( obj )
returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a module, and false
gap> IsModule( nat );
gap> IsModule( AsSpace( nat ) );
42.10 IsFreeModule
IsFreeModule( obj )
returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a free module, and false
gap> IsFreeModule( nat );
gap> IsFreeModule( a^2 );
42.11 Operations for Row Modules
Here we mention only those facts about operations that have to be told in addition to those
for row spaces (see 33.7).
Comparisons of Modules
M1 =M2
M1 <M2
Equality and ordering of (quotients of) row modules are defined as equality resp. ordering
of the modules as vector spaces (see 33.7).
This means that equal modules may be inequivalent as modules, and even the acting rings
may be different. For testing equivalence of modules, see 42.14.
gap> s:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> s2:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 0 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> s = s2;
gap> s < s2;
Arithmetic Operations of Modules
M1 +M2
returns the sum of the two modules M1 and M2 , that is, the smallest module con-
taining both M1 and M2 . Note that the same ring must act on M1 and M2 .
M1 /M2
returns the factor module of the module M1 by its submodule M2 . Note that the
same ring must act on M1 and M2 .
gap> s1:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> q:= nat / s1;
nat / [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> s2:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 0 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> s3:= s1 + s2;
Submodule( nat,
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> s3 = nat;
For forming the sum and quotient of row spaces, see 33.7.
42.12 Functions for Row Modules
As stated in 42.2, row modules behave like row spaces with respect to set theoretic and
vector space functions (see 33.8).
The functions in the following sections use the module structure (see 42.13, 42.14, 42.15,
42.16, 42.17).
42.13 StandardBasis for Row Modules
StandardBasis( M)
StandardBasis( M,seedvectors )
returns the standard basis of the row module Mwith respect to the seed vectors in the list
seedvectors. If no second argument is given the generators of Mare taken.
The standard basis is defined as follows. Take the first seed vector v, apply the generators
of the ring Racting on Min turn, and if the image is linearly independent of the basis
vectors found up to this time, it is added to the basis. When the space becomes stable
under the action of R, proceed with the next seed vector, and so on.
Note that you do not get a basis of the whole module if all seed vectors lie in a proper
gap> s:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 0 ] * Z(2) ] );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] )
gap> b:= StandardBasis( s );
StandardBasis( Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ) )
gap> b.vectors;
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> StandardBasis( s, [ [ 0, 1, 1 ] * Z(2) ] );
StandardBasis( Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ),
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
42.14 IsEquivalent for Row Modules
IsEquivalent( M1 ,M2 )
Let M1 and M2 be modules acted on by rings R1and R2, respectively, such that mapping
the generators of R1to the generators of R2defines a ring homomorphism. Furthermore let
at least one of M1 ,M2 be irreducible. Then IsEquivalent( M1 ,M2 )returns true if
the actions on M1 and M2 are equivalent, and false otherwise.
gap> rand:= RandomInvertableMat( 3, GF(2) );;
gap> b:= UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), List( a.generators, x -> x^rand ) );;
gap> m:= NaturalModule( b );;
gap> IsEquivalent( nat / FixedSubmodule( nat ),
> m / FixedSubmodule( m ) );
42.15 IsIrreducible for Row Modules
IsIrreducible( M)
returns true if the (quotient of a) row module Mis irreducible, and false otherwise.
gap> IsIrreducible( nat );
gap> IsIrreducible( nat / FixedSubmodule( nat ) );
42.16 FixedSubmodule
FixedSubmodule( M)
returns the submodule of fixed points in the module Munder the action of the generators
of M.ring.
gap> fix:= FixedSubmodule( nat );
Submodule( nat, [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> Dimension( fix );
42.17 Module Homomorphisms
Let M1and M2be modules acted on by the rings R1and R2(via exponentiation), and ϕ
a ring homomorphism from R1to R2. Any linear map ψ=ψϕfrom M1to M2with the
property that (mr)ψ= (mψ)(rϕ) is called a module homomorphism.
At the moment only the following type of module homomorphism is available in GAP3.
Suppose you have the module M1for the algebra R1. Then you can construct the op-
eration algebra R2:= Operation(R1, M1), and the module for R2isomorphic to M1as
M2:= OperationModule(R2).
Then OperationHomomorphism(M1, M2) can be used to construct the module homomor-
phism from M1to M2.
gap> s:= Submodule( nat, [ [ 1, 1, 0 ] *Z(2) ] );; "s";;
gap> op:= Operation( a, s );"op";;
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] ] )
gap> opmod:= OperationModule( op ); "opmod";;
Module( op, [ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] )
gap> modhom:= OperationHomomorphism( s, opmod );
OperationHomomorphism( s, opmod )
gap> b:= Basis( s );
SemiEchelonBasis( s,
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] )
Images and preimages of elements under module homomorphisms are computed using Image
and PreImagesRepresentative, respectively. If M1is a row module this is done by using
the knowledge of images of a basis, if M1is a (quotient of a) free module then the algebra
homomorphism and images of the generators of M1are used. The computation of preimages
requires in both cases the knowledge of representatives of preimages of a basis of M2.
gap> im:= List( b.vectors, x -> Image( modhom, x ) );
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> List( im, x -> PreImagesRepresentative( modhom, x ) );
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
42.18 Row Module Records
Module records contain at least the components
always true,
always true,
always true, since modules are vector spaces,
the ring acting on the module,
the coefficients field, is the same as R.field where Ris the ring component of the
the operations record of the module.
The following components are optional, but if they are not present then the corresponding
function in the operations record must know how to compute them.
a list of module generators (not necessarily of vector space generators),
the zero element of the module.
a vector space basis of the module (see also 33.2),
Factors of row modules have the same components as quotients of row spaces (see 33.30),
except that of course they have an appropriate operations record.
Additionally factors of row modules have the components isModule,isFactorModule (both
always true). Parent modules also have the ring component, which is the same ring as the
ring component of numerator and denominator.
42.19 Module Homomorphism Records
Module homomorphism records have at least the following components.
the source of the homomorphism, a module M1,
the range of the homomorphism, a module M2,
the module M1,
a vector space basis of the image of M1,
a list of preimages of the basis vectors in basisImage
the operations record of the homomorphism.
If the source is a (factor of a) free module then there are also the components
a list of images of the generators of the source,
the underlying algebra homomorphism from the ring acting on M1to the ring acting
on M2.
If the source is a (factor of a) row module then there are also the components
a vector space basis of M1,
a list of images of the basis vectors in basisSource.
Chapter 43
Amapping is an object that maps each element of its source to a value in its range.
Precisely, a mapping is a triple. The source is a set of objects. The range is another
set of objects. The relation is a subset Sof the cartesian product of the source with the
range, such that for each element elm of the source there is exactly one element img of the
range, so that the pair (elm, img) lies in S. This img is called the image of elm under the
mapping, and we say that the mapping maps elm to img.
Amulti valued mapping is an object that maps each element of its source to a set of
values in its range.
Precisely, a multi valued mapping is a triple. The source is a set of objects. The range
is another set of objects. The relation is a subset Sof the cartesian product of the source
with the range. For each element elm of the source the set img such that the pair (elm, img)
lies in Sis called the set of images of elm under the mapping, and we say that the mapping
maps elm to this set.
Thus a mapping is a special case of a multi valued mapping where the set of images of each
element of the source contains exactly one element, which is then called the image of the
element under the mapping.
Mappings are created by mapping constructors such as MappingByFunction (see 43.18)
or NaturalHomomorphism (see 7.110).
This chapter contains sections that describe the functions that test whether an object is a
mapping (see 43.1), whether a mapping is single valued (see 43.2), and the various functions
that test if such a mapping has a certain property (see 43.3, 43.4, 43.5, 44.1, 44.2, 44.3,
44.4, 44.3, and 44.6).
Next this chapter contains functions that describe how mappings are compared (see 43.6)
and the operations that are applicable to mappings (see 43.7).
Next this chapter contains sections that describe the functions that deal with the images
and preimages of elements under mappings (see 43.8, 43.9, 43.10, 43.11, 43.12, and 43.13).
Next this chapter contains sections that describe the functions that compute the composition
of two mappings, the power of a mapping, the inverse of a mapping, and the identity mapping
on a certain domain (see 43.14, 43.15, 43.16, and 43.17).
Finally this chapter also contains a section that describes how mappings are represented
internally (see 43.19).
The functions described in this chapter are in the file libname/"mapping.g".
43.1 IsGeneralMapping
IsGeneralMapping( obj )
IsGeneralMapping returns true if the object obj is a mapping (possibly multi valued) and
false otherwise.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsGeneralMapping( p4 );
gap> IsGeneralMapping( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
true # note that the inverse mapping is multi valued
gap> IsGeneralMapping( x -> x^4 );
false # a function is not a mapping
See 43.18 for the definition of MappingByFunction and 43.16 for InverseMapping.
43.2 IsMapping
IsMapping( map )
IsMapping returns true if the general mapping map is single valued and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is not a general mapping.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsMapping( p4 );
gap> IsMapping( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
false # note that the inverse mapping is multi valued
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsMapping( p5 );
gap> IsMapping( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
true #p5 is a bijection
IsMapping first tests if the flag map.isMapping is bound. If the flag is bound, it returns its
value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsMapping( map ), remembers the returned
value in map.isMapping, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsMapping, which computes the sets of
images of all the elements in the source of map, provided this is finite, and returns true if
all those sets have size one. Look in the index under IsMapping to see for which mappings
this function is overlaid.
43.3 IsInjective
IsInjective( map )
IsInjective returns true if the mapping map is injective and false otherwise. Signals an
error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping map is injective if for each element img of the range there is at most one
element elm of the source that map maps to img.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsInjective( p4 );
gap> IsInjective( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
Error, <map> must be a single valued mapping
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsInjective( p5 );
gap> IsInjective( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
true #p5 is a bijection
IsInjective first tests if the flag map.isInjective is bound. If the flag is bound, it
returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.isInjective( map ), remembers
the returned value in map.isInjective, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsInjective, which compares the sizes
of the source and image of map, and returns true if they are equal (see 43.8). Look in the
index under IsInjective to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
43.4 IsSurjective
IsSurjective( map )
IsSurjective returns true if the mapping map is surjective and false otherwise. Signals
an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping map is surjective if for each element img of the range there is at least one
element elm of the source that map maps to img.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsSurjective( p4 );
gap> IsSurjective( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
Error, <map> must be a single valued mapping
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsSurjective( p5 );
gap> IsSurjective( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
true #p5 is a bijection
IsSurjective first tests if the flag map.isSurjective is bound. If the flag is bound, it
returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsSurjective( map ), remembers
the returned value in map.isSurjective, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsSurjective, which compares the
sizes of the range and image of map, and returns true if they are equal (see 43.8). Look in
the index under IsSurjective to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
43.5 IsBijection
IsBijection( map )
IsBijection returns true if the mapping map is a bijection and false otherwise. Signals
an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping map is a bijection if for each element img of the range there is exactly one
element elm of the source that map maps to img. We also say that map is bijective.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsBijection( p4 );
gap> IsBijection( InverseMapping( p4 ) );
Error, <map> must be a single valued mapping
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsBijection( p5 );
gap> IsBijection( InverseMapping( p5 ) );
true #p5 is a bijection
IsBijection first tests if the flag map.isBijection is bound. If the flag is bound, it
returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsBijection( map ), remembers
the returned value in map.isBijection, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsBijection, which calls IsInjective
and IsSurjective, and returns the logical and of the results. This function is seldom
overlaid, because all the interesting work is done by IsInjective and IsSurjective.
43.6 Comparisons of Mappings
map1 =map2
map1 <> map2
The equality operator =applied to two mappings map1 and map2 evaluates to true if the
two mappings are equal and to false otherwise. The unequality operator <> applied to
two mappings map1 and map2 evaluates to true if the two mappings are not equal and
to false otherwise. A mapping can also be compared with another object that is not a
mapping, of course they are never equal.
Two mappings are considered equal if and only if their sources are equal, their ranges are
equal, and for each elment elm of the source Images( map1 ,elm )is equal to Images(
map2 ,elm )(see 43.9).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> p13 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^13 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 13;
end )
gap> p4 = p13;
gap> p13 = IdentityMapping( g );
map1 <map2
map1 <= map2
map1 >map2
map1 >= map2
The operators <,<=,>, and >= applied to two mappings evaluates to true if map1 is less
than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to map2 and false
otherwise. A mapping can also be compared with another object that is not a mapping,
everything except booleans, lists, and records is smaller than a mapping.
If the source of map1 is less than the source of map2 , then map1 is considered to be less
than map2 . If the sources are equal and the range of map1 is less than the range of map2 ,
then map1 is considered to be less than map2 . If the sources and the ranges are equal the
mappings are compared lexicographically with respect to the sets of images of the elements
of the source under the mappings.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> p4 < p5;
true # since (5,6,7) is the smallest nontrivial element of g
# and the image of (5,6,7) under p4 is smaller
# than the image of (5,6,7) under p5
The operator =calls map2 .operations.=( map1 ,map2 )and returns this value. The
operator <> also calls map2 .operations.=( map1 ,map2 )and returns the logical not
of this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.=, which first compares the sources of
map1 and map2 , then, if they are equal, compares the ranges of map1 and map2 , and then,
if both are equal and the source is finite, compares the images of all elements of the source
under map1 and map2 . Look in the index under equality to see for which mappings this
function is overlaid.
The operator <calls map2 .operations.<( map1 ,map2 )and returns this value. The
operator <= calls map2 .operations.<( map2 ,map1 )and returns the logical not of this
value. The operator >calls map2 .operations.<( map2 ,map1 )and returns this value.
The operator >= calls map2 .operations.<( map1 ,map2 )and returns the logical not
of this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.<, which first compares the sources of
map1 and map2 , then, if they are equal, compares the ranges of map1 and map2 , and then,
if both are equal and the source is finite, compares the images of all elements of the source
under map1 and map2 . Look in the index under ordering to see for which mappings this
function is overlaid.
43.7 Operations for Mappings
map1 *map2
The product operator *applied to two mappings map1 and map2 evaluates to the product
of the two mappings, i.e., the mapping map that maps each element elm of the source of
map1 to the value (elm ^map1 ) ^ map2 . Note that the range of map1 must be a subset
of the source of map2 . If map1 and map2 are homomorphisms then so is the result. This
can also be expressed as CompositionMapping( map2 ,map1 )(see 43.14). Note that the
arguments of CompositionMapping are reversed.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> p20 := p4 * p5;
CompositionMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end ), MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) )
list *map
map *list
As with every other type of group elements a mapping map can also be multiplied with a
list of mappings list. The result is a new list, such that each entry is the product of the
corresponding entry of list with map (see 27.13).
elm ^map
The power operator ^applied to an element elm and a mapping map evaluates to the image
of elm under map, i.e., the element of the range to which map maps elm. Note that map
must be a single valued mapping, a multi valued mapping is not allowed (see 43.9). This
can also be expressed as Image( map,elm )(see 43.8).
gap> (1,2,3,4) ^ p4;
gap> (2,4)(5,6,7) ^ p20;
map ^ 0
The power operator ^applied to a mapping map, for which the range must be a subset of
the source, and the integer 0evaluates to the identity mapping on the source of map, i.e.,
the mapping that maps each element of the source to itself. If map is a homomorphism
then so is the result. This can also be expressed as IdentityMapping( map.source ) (see
gap> p20 ^ 0;
IdentityMapping( g )
map ^n
The power operator ^applied to a mapping map, for which the range must be a subset of
the source, and an positive integer nevaluates to the n-fold composition of map. If map is
a homomorphism then so is the result. This can also be expressed as PowerMapping( map,
n)(see 43.15).
gap> p16 := p4 ^ 2;
CompositionMapping( CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingB\
yFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) ), CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingByFunction( \
g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) ) )
gap> p16 = MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^16 );
bij ^ -1
The power operator ^applied to a bijection bij and the integer -1 evaluates to the inverse
mapping of bij , i.e., the mapping that maps each element img of the range of bij to the uniq
element elm of the source of bij that maps to img. Note that bij must be a bijection, a map-
ping that is not a bijection is not allowed. This can also be expressed as InverseMapping(
bij )(see 43.16).
gap> p5 ^ -1;
InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end ) )
gap> p4 ^ -1;
Error, <lft> must be a bijection
bij ^z
The power operator ^applied to a bijection bij , for which the source and the range must be
equal, and an integer zreturns the z-fold composition of bij . If zis 0 or positive see above,
if zis negative, this is equivalent to (bij ^ -1) ^ -z. If bij is an automorphism then so is
the result.
aut1 ^aut2
The power operator ^applied to two automorphisms aut1 and aut2 , which must have equal
sources (and thus ranges) returns the conjugate of aut1 by aut2 , i.e., aut2 ^ -1 * aut1 *
aut2 . The result if of course again an automorphism.
The operator *calls map2 .operations.*( map1 ,map2 )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.* which calls CompositionMapping to
do the work. This function is seldom overlaid, since CompositionMapping does all the
interesting work.
The operator ^calls map.operations.^( map1 ,map2 )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.^, which calls Image,IdentityMapping,
InverseMapping, or PowerMapping to do the work. This function is seldom overlaid, since
Image,IdentityMapping,InverseMapping, and PowerMapping do all the interesting work.
43.8 Image
Image( map,elm )
In this form Image returns the image of the element elm of the source of the mapping map
under map, i.e., the element of the range to which map maps elm. Note that map must be
a single valued mapping, a multi valued mapping is not allowed (see 43.9). This can also be
expressed as elm ^map (see 43.7).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
43.8. IMAGE 771
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> Image( p4, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> Image( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
Image( map,elms )
In this form Image returns the image of the set of elements elms of the source of the mapping
map under map, i.e., set of images of the elements in elms.elms may be a proper set (see
28) or a domain (see 4). The result will be a subset of the range of map, either as a proper
set or as a domain. Again map must be a single valued mapping, a multi valued mapping
is not allowed (see 43.9).
gap> Image( p4, Subgroup( g, [ (2,4), (5,6,7) ] ) );
[ (), (5,6,7), (5,7,6) ]
gap> Image( p5, [ (5,6,7), (2,4) ] );
[ (5,7,6), (2,4) ]
Note that in the first example, the result is returned as a proper set, even though it is
mathematically a subgroup. This is because p4 is not known to be a homomorphism, even
though it is one.
Image( map )
In this form Image returns the image of the mapping map, i.e., the subset of element of the
range of map that are actually values of map. Note that in this case the argument may also
be a multi valued mapping.
gap> Image( p4 );
[ (), (5,6,7), (5,7,6) ]
gap> Image( p5 ) = g;
Image firsts checks in which form it is called.
In the first case it calls map.operations.ImageElm( map,elm )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImageElm, which checks that map is
indeed a single valued mapping, calls Images( map,elm ), and returns the single element
of the set returned by Images. Look in the index under Image to see for which mappings
this function is overlaid.
In the second case it calls map.operations.ImageSet( map,elms )and returns this
The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImageSet, which checks that map is
indeed a single valued mapping, calls Images( map,elms ), and returns this value. Look
in the index under Image to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
In the third case it tests if the field map.image is bound. If this field is bound, it simply
returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.ImageSource( map ), remembers
the returned value in map.image, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImageSource, which calls Images(
map,map.source ), and returns this value. This function is seldom overlaid, since all the
work is done by map.operations.ImagesSet.
43.9 Images
Images( map,elm )
In this form Images returns the set of images of the element elm in the source of the mapping
map under may be a multi valued mapping.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> i4 := InverseMapping( p4 );
InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) )
gap> IsMapping( i4 );
false #i4 is multi valued
gap> Images( i4, () );
[ (), (2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,3,2),
(1,4)(2,3) ]
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> i5 := InverseMapping( p5 );
InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end ) )
gap> Images( i5, () );
[ () ]
Images( map,elms )
In this form Images returns the set of images of the set of elements elms in the source of
map under may be a multi valued mapping. In any case Images returns a set of
elements of the range of map, either as a proper set (see 28) or as a domain (see 4).
gap> Images( i4, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
[ (), (5,6,7), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7),
(1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), (1,3), (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4),
(1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), (1,4)(2,3),
(1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
gap> Images( i5, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
[ (), (5,7,6) ]
Images first checks in which form it is called.
In the first case it calls map.operations.ImagesElm( map,elm )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImagesElm, which just raises an error,
since their is no default way to compute the images of an element under a mapping about
which nothing is known. Look in the index under Images to see how images are computed
for the various mappings.
In the second case it calls map.operations.ImagesSet( map,elms )and returns this
The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImagesSet, which returns the union of
the images of all the elements in the set elms. Look in the index under Images to see for
which mappings this function is overlaid.
43.10 ImagesRepresentative
ImagesRepresentative( map,elm )
ImagesRepresentative returns a representative of the set of images of elm under map, i.e.,
a single element img, such that img in Images( map,elm )(see 43.9). map may be a
multi valued mapping.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> i4 := InverseMapping( p4 );
InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) )
gap> IsMapping( i4 );
false #i4 is multi valued
gap> ImagesRepresentative( i4, () );
ImagesRepresentative calls
map.operations.ImagesRepresentative( map,elm )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.ImagesRepresentative, which calls
Images( map,elm )and returns the first element in this set. Look in the index under
ImagesRepresentative to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
43.11 PreImage
PreImage( bij ,img )
In this form PreImage returns the preimage of the element img of the range of the bijection
bij under bij . The preimage is the unique element of the source of bij that is mapped by bij
to img. Note that bij must be a bijection, a mapping that is not a bijection is not allowed
(see 43.12).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> PreImage( p4, (5,6,7) );
Error, <bij> must be a bijection, not an arbitrary mapping
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> PreImage( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
PreImage( bij ,imgs )
In this form PreImage returns the preimage of the elements imgs of the range of the bijection
bij under bij . The primage of imgs is the set of all preimages of the elements in imgs.imgs
may be a proper set (see 28.2) or a domain (see 4). The result will be a subset of the source
of bij , either as a proper set or as a domain. Again bij must be a bijection, a mapping that
is not a bijection is not allowed (see 43.12).
gap> PreImage( p4, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
[ (), (5,6,7), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7),
(1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), (1,3), (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4),
(1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), (1,4)(2,3),
(1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
gap> PreImage( p5, Subgroup( g, [ (5,7,6), (2,4) ] ) );
[ (), (5,6,7), (5,7,6), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (2,4)(5,7,6) ]
PreImage( map )
In this form PreImage returns the preimage of the mapping map. The preimage is the set
of elements elm of the source of map that are actually mapped to at least one element, i.e.,
for which PreImages( map,elm )is nonempty. Note that in this case the argument may
be an arbitrary mapping (especially a multi valued one).
gap> PreImage( p4 ) = g;
PreImage firsts checks in which form it is called.
In the first case it calls bij .operations.PreImageElm( bij ,elm )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImageElm, which checks that bij is
indeed a bijection, calls PreImages( bij ,elm ), and returns the single element of the set
returned by PreImages. Look in the index under PreImage to see for which mappings this
function is overlaid.
In the second case it calls bij .operations.PreImageSet( bij ,elms )and returns this
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImageSet, which checks that map
is indeed a bijection, calls PreImages( bij ,elms ), and returns this value. Look in the
index under PreImage to see for which mappings this is overlaid.
In the third case it tests if the field map.preImage is bound. If this field is bound, it
simply returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.PreImageRange( map ),
remembers the returned value in map.preImage, and returns it.
43.12. PREIMAGES 775
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImageRange, which calls PreImages(
map,map.source ), and returns this value. This function is seldom overlaid, since all the
work is done by map.operations.PreImagesSet.
43.12 PreImages
PreImages( map,img )
In the first form PreImages returns the set of elements from the source of the mapping map
that are mapped by map to the element img in the range of map, i.e., the set of elements elm
such that img in Images( map,elm )(see 43.9). map may be a multi valued mapping.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> PreImages( p4, (5,6,7) );
[ (5,6,7), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7),
(1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7),
(1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> PreImages( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
[ (2,4)(5,7,6) ]
PreImages( map,imgs )
In the second form PreImages returns the set of all preimages of the elements in the set of
elements imgs, i.e., the union of the preimages of the single elements of may be
a multi valued mapping.
gap> PreImages( p4, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
[ (), (5,6,7), (2,4), (2,4)(5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2)(3,4)(5,6,7),
(1,2,3,4), (1,2,3,4)(5,6,7), (1,3), (1,3)(5,6,7), (1,3)(2,4),
(1,3)(2,4)(5,6,7), (1,4,3,2), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7), (1,4)(2,3),
(1,4)(2,3)(5,6,7) ]
gap> PreImages( p5, [ (), (5,6,7) ] );
[ (), (5,7,6) ]
PreImages first checks in which form it is called.
In the first case it calls map.operations.PreImagesElm( map,img )and returns this
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImagesElm, which runs through all
elements of the source of map, if it is finite, and returns the set of those that have img in
their images. Look in the index under PreImages to see for which mappings this function
is overlaid.
In the second case if calls map.operations.PreImagesSet( map,imgs )and returns this
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImagesSet, which returns the union
of the preimages of all the elements of the set imgs. Look in the index under PreImages
to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
43.13 PreImagesRepresentative
PreImagesRepresentative( map,img )
PreImagesRepresentative returns an representative of the set of preimages of img under
map, i.e., a single element elm, such that img in Images( map,elm )(see 43.9).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( p4, (5,6,7) );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( p5, (2,4)(5,6,7) );
PreImagesRepresentative calls
map.operations.PreImagesRepresentative( map,img )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PreImagesRepresentative, which calls
PreImages( map,img )and returns the first element in this set. Look in the index under
PreImagesRepresentative to see for which mappings this function is overlaid.
43.14 CompositionMapping
CompositionMapping( map1 .. )
CompositionMapping returns the composition of the mappings map1 ,map2 , etc. where
the range of each mapping must be a subset of the source of the previous mapping. The
mappings need not be single valued mappings, i.e., multi valued mappings are allowed.
The composition of map1 and map2 is the mapping map that maps each element elm of
the source of map2 to Images( map1 , Images( map2 ,elm ) ). If map1 and map2 are
single valued mappings this can also be expressed as map2 *map1 (see 43.7). Note the
reversed operands.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> p20 := CompositionMapping( p4, p5 );
CompositionMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ), MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end ) )
gap> (2,4)(5,6,7) ^ p20;
CompositionMapping calls
map2 .operations.CompositionMapping( map1 ,map2 )and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.CompositionMapping, which constructs
a new mapping com. This new mapping remembers map1 and map2 as its factors in
com.map1 and com.map2 and delegates everything to them. For example to compute
Images( com,elm ),com.operations.ImagesElm calls Images( com.map1, Images(
com.map2, elm ) ). Look in the index under CompositionMapping to see for which
mappings this function is overlaid.
43.15 PowerMapping
PowerMapping( map,n)
PowerMapping returns the n-th power of the mapping must be a mapping whose
range is a subset of its source. nmust be a nonnegative integer. map may be a multi valued
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> p16 := p4 ^ 2;
CompositionMapping( CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingB\
yFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) ), CompositionMapping( IdentityMapping( g ), MappingByFunction( \
g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) ) )
gap> p16 = MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^16 );
PowerMapping calls map.operations.PowerMapping( map,n)and returns this value.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.PowerMapping, which computes the
power using a binary powering algorithm, IdentityMapping, and CompositionMapping.
This function is seldom overlaid, because CompositionMapping does the interesting work.
43.16 InverseMapping
InverseMapping( map )
InverseMapping returns the inverse mapping of the mapping map. The inverse mapping
inv is a mapping with source map.range, range map.source, such that each element elm
of its source is mapped to the set PreImages( map,elm )(see 43.12). map may be a
multi valued mapping.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> i4 := InverseMapping( p4 );
InverseMapping( MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end ) )
gap> Images( i4, () );
[ (), (2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3,4), (1,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,3,2),
(1,4)(2,3) ]
InverseMapping first tests if the field map.inverseMapping is bound. If the field is bound,
it returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.InverseMapping( map ), remem-
bers the returned value in map.inverseMapping, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.InverseMapping, which constructs
a new mapping inv. This new mapping remembers map as its own inverse mapping in
inv.inverseMapping and delegates everything to it. For example to compute Image(
inv,elm ),inv.operations.ImageElm calls PreImage(inv.inverseMapping,elm). Spe-
cial types of mappings will overlay this default function with more efficient functions.
43.17 IdentityMapping
IdentityMapping( D)
IdentityMapping returns the identity mapping on the domain D.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> i := IdentityMapping( g );
IdentityMapping( g )
gap> (1,2,3,4) ^ i;
gap> IsBijection( i );
IdentityMapping calls D.operations.IdentityMapping( D)and returns this value.
The functions usually called this way are GroupOps.IdentityMapping if the domain Dis a
group and FieldOps.IdentityMapping if the domain Dis a field.
43.18 MappingByFunction
MappingByFunction( D,E,fun )
MappingByFunction returns a mapping map with source Dand range Esuch that each
element dof Dis mapped to the element fun(d), where fun is a GAP3 function.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );; := "g";;
gap> m := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^2 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 2;
end )
gap> (1,2,3) ^ m;
gap> IsHomomorphism( m );
MappingByFunction constructs the mapping in the obvious way. For example the image of
an element under map is simply computed by applying fun to the element.
43.19 Mapping Records
A mapping map is represented by a record with the following components
always true, indicating that this is a general mapping.
the source of the mapping, i.e., the set of elements to which the mapping can be
the range of the mapping, i.e., a set in which all value of the mapping lie.
The following entries are optional. The functions with the corresponding names will gener-
ally test if they are present. If they are then their value is simply returned. Otherwise the
functions will perform the computation and add those fields to those record for the next
true if map is a single valued mapping and false otherwise.
true if map has the corresponding property and false otherwise.
the subset of map.source of elements pre that are actually mapped to at least one
element, i.e., for which Images( map,pre )is nonempty.
the subset of map.range of the elements img that are actually values of the mapping,
i.e., for which PreImages( map,img )is nonempty.
the inverse mapping of map. This is a mapping from map.range to map.source
that maps each element img to the set PreImages( map,img ).
The following entry is optional. It must be bound only if the inverse of map is indeed a
single valued mapping.
the inverse function of map.
The following entry is optional. It must be bound only if map is a homomorphism.
the elements of map.source that are mapped to the identity element of map.range.
Chapter 44
An important special class of mappings are homomorphisms.
A mapping map is a homomorphism if the source and the range are domains of the same
category, and map respects their structure. For example, if both source and range are groups
and for each x, y in the source (xy)map =xmapymap, then map is a group homomorphism.
GAP3 currently supports field and group homomorphisms (see 6.13, 7.106).
Homomorphism are created by homomorphism constructors, which are ordinary GAP3
functions that return homomorphisms, such as FrobeniusAutomorphism (see 18.11) or
NaturalHomomorphism (see 7.110).
The first section in this chapter describes the function that tests whether a mapping is a
homomorphism (see 44.1). The next sections describe the functions that test whether a
homomorphism has certain properties (see 44.2, 44.3, 44.4, 44.5, and 44.6). The last section
describes the function that computes the kernel of a homomorphism (see 44.7).
Because homomorphisms are just a special case of mappings all operations and functions
described in chapter 43 are applicable to homomorphisms. For example, the image of an
element elm under a homomorphism hom can be computed by elm ^hom (see 43.7).
44.1 IsHomomorphism
IsHomomorphism( map )
IsHomomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a homomorphism and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping map is a homomorphism if the source and the range are sources of the same
category, and map respects the structure. For example, if both source and range are groups
and for each x, y in the source (xy)map =xmapymap, then map is a homomorphism.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsHomomorphism( p4 );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsHomomorphism( p5 );
gap> p6 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^6 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 6;
end )
gap> IsHomomorphism( p6 );
IsHomomorphism first tests if the flag map.isHomomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound,
it returns its value. Otherwise it calls map.source.operations.IsHomomorphism( map
), remembers the returned value in map.isHomomorphism, and returns it.
The functions usually called this way are IsGroupHomomorphism if the source of map is a
group and IsFieldHomomorphism if the source of map is a field (see 7.107, 6.14).
44.2 IsMonomorphism
IsMonomorphism( map )
IsMonomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a monomorphism and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping is a monomorphism if it is an injective homomorphism (see 43.3, 44.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsMonomorphism( p4 );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsMonomorphism( p5 );
IsMonomorphism first test if the flag map.isMonomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it
returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsMonomorphism( map ), remem-
bers the returned value in map.isMonomorphism, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsMonomorphism, which calls the func-
tions IsInjective and IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the results. This
function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsInjective and
44.3 IsEpimorphism
IsEpimorphism( map )
IsEpimorphism returns true if the mapping map is an epimorphism and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping is an epimorphism if it is an surjective homomorphism (see 43.4, 44.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsEpimorphism( p4 );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsEpimorphism( p5 );
IsEpimorphism first test if the flag map.isEpimorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it re-
turns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsEpimorphism( map ), remembers
the returned value in map.isEpimorphism, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsEpimorphism, which calls the func-
tions IsSurjective and IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the results. This
function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsSurjective and
44.4 IsIsomorphism
IsIsomorphism( map )
IsIsomorphism returns true if the mapping map is an isomorphism and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping is an isomorphism if it is a bijective homomorphism (see 43.5, 44.1).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsIsomorphism( p4 );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsIsomorphism( p5 );
IsIsomorphism first test if the flag map.isIsomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it re-
turns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsIsomorphism( map ), remembers
the returned value in map.isIsomorphism, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsIsomorphism, which calls the func-
tions IsInjective,IsSurjective, and IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of
the results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in
IsInjective,IsSurjective, and IsHomomorphism.
44.5 IsEndomorphism
IsEndomorphism( map )
IsEndomorphism returns true if the mapping map is a endomorphism and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping is an endomorphism if it is a homomorphism (see 44.1) and the range is a
subset of the source.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsEndomorphism( p4 );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsEndomorphism( p5 );
IsEndomorphism first test if the flag map.isEndomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it
returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsEndomorphism( map ), remem-
bers the returned value in map.isEndomorphism, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsEndomorphism, which tests if the
range is a subset of the source, calls IsHomomorphism, and returns the logical and of the
results. This function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsSubset
and IsHomomorphism.
44.6 IsAutomorphism
IsAutomorphism( map )
IsAutomorphism returns true if the mapping map is an automorphism and false otherwise.
Signals an error if map is a multi valued mapping.
A mapping is an automorphism if it is an isomorphism where the source and the range
are equal (see 44.4, 44.5).
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
44.7. KERNEL 785
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> IsAutomorphism( p4 );
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> IsAutomorphism( p5 );
IsAutomorphism first test if the flag map.isAutomorphism is bound. If the flag is bound, it
returns this value. Otherwise it calls map.operations.IsAutomorphism( map ), remem-
bers the returned value in map.isAutomorphism, and returns it.
The default function called this way is MappingOps.IsAutomorphism, which calls the func-
tions IsEndomorphism and IsBijection, and returns the logical and of the results. This
function is seldom overlaid, because all the interesting work is done in IsEndomorphism and
44.7 Kernel
Kernel( hom )
Kernel returns the kernel of the homomorphism hom. The kernel is usually returned as a
source, though in some cases it might be returned as a proper set.
The kernel is the set of elements that are mapped hom to the identity element of hom.range,
i.e., to hom.range.identity if hom is a group homomorphism, and to
if hom is a ring or field homomorphism. The kernel is a substructure of hom.source.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4), (5,6,7) );; := "g";;
gap> p4 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^4 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 4;
end )
gap> Kernel( p4 );
Subgroup( g, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,4)(2,3) ] )
gap> p5 := MappingByFunction( g, g, x -> x^5 );
MappingByFunction( g, g, function ( x )
return x ^ 5;
end )
gap> Kernel( p5 );
Subgroup( g, [ ] )
Kernel first tests if the field hom.kernel is bound. If the field is bound it returns its
value. Otherwise it calls hom.source.operations.Kernel( hom ), remembers the re-
turned value in hom.kernel, and returns it.
The functions usually called this way from the dispatcher are KernelGroupHomomorphism
and KernelFieldHomomorphism (see 7.108, 6.15).
Chapter 45
The two boolean values are true and false. They stand for the logical values of the same
name. They appear mainly as values of the conditions in if-statements and while-loops.
This chapter contains sections describing the operations that are available for the boolean
values (see 45.1, 45.2).
Further this chapter contains a section about the function IsBool (see 45.3). Note that it is
a convention that the name of a function that tests a property, and returns true and false
according to the outcome, starts with Is, as in IsBool.
45.1 Comparisons of Booleans
bool1 =bool2 ,bool1 <> bool2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the two boolean values bool1 and bool2 are
equal, i.e., both are true or both are false, and false otherwise. The inequality operator
<> evaluates to true if the two boolean values bool1 and bool2 are different and false
otherwise. This operation is also called the exclusive or, because its value is true if
exactly one of bool1 or bool2 is true.
You can compare boolean values with objects of other types. Of course they are never equal.
gap> true = false;
gap> false = (true = false);
gap> true <> 17;
bool1 <bool2 ,bool1 <= bool2 ,
bool1 >bool2 ,bool1 >= bool2
The operators <,<=,>, and => evaluate to true if the boolean value bool1 is less than, less
than or equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the boolean value bool2 . The
ordering of boolean values is defined by true < false.
You can compare boolean values with objects of other types. Integers, rationals, cyclotomics,
permutations, and words are smaller than boolean values. Objects of the other types, i.e.,
functions, lists, and records are larger.
gap> true < false;
gap> false >= true;
gap> 17 < true;
gap> true < [17];
45.2 Operations for Booleans
bool1 or bool2
The logical operator or evaluates to true if at least one of the two boolean operands bool1
and bool2 is true and to false otherwise.
or first evaluates bool1 . If the value is neither true nor false an error is signalled. If
the value is true, then or returns true without evaluating bool2 . If the value is false,
then or evaluates bool2 . Again, if the value is neither true nor false an error is signalled.
Otherwise or returns the value of bool2 . This short-circuited evaluation is important if
the value of bool1 is true and evaluation of bool2 would take much time or cause an error.
or is associative, i.e., it is allowed to write b1 or b2 or b3 , which is interpreted as (b1
or b2 ) or b3 .or has the lowest precedence of the logical operators. All logical operators
have lower precedence than the comparison operators =,<,in, etc.
gap> true or false;
gap> false or false;
gap> i := -1;; l := [1,2,3];;
gap> if i <= 0 or l[i] = false then Print("aha\n"); fi;
aha # no error, because l[i] is not evaluated
bool1 and bool2
The logical operator and evaluates to true if both boolean operands bool1 and bool2 are
true and to false otherwise.
and first evaluates bool1 . If the value is neither true nor false an error is signalled. If
the value is false, then and returns false without evaluating bool2 . If the value is true,
then and evaluates bool2 . Again, if the value is neither true nor false an error is signalled.
Otherwise and returns the value of bool2 . This short-circuited evaluation is important if
the value of bool1 is false and evaluation of bool2 would take much time or cause an error.
and is associative, i.e., it is allowed to write b1 and b2 and b3 , which is interpreted as
(b1 and b2 ) and b3 .and has higher precedence than the logical or operator, but lower
than the unary logical not operator. All logical operators have lower precedence than the
comparison operators =,<,in, etc.
gap> true and false;
45.3. ISBOOL 789
gap> true and true;
gap> false and 17;
false # is no error, because 17 is never looked at
not bool
The logical operator not returns true if the boolean value bool is false and true otherwise.
An error is signalled if bool does not evaluate to true or false.
not has higher precedence than the other logical operators, or and and. All logical operators
have lower precedence than the comparison operators =,<,in, etc.
gap> not true;
gap> not false;
45.3 IsBool
IsBool( obj )
IsBool returns true if obj , which may be an object of an arbitrary type, is a boolean value
and false otherwise. IsBool will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsBool( true );
gap> IsBool( false );
gap> IsBool( 17 );
Chapter 46
Records are next to lists the most important way to collect objects together. A record is
a collection of components. Each component has a unique name, which is an identifier
that distinguishes this component, and a value, which is an object of arbitrary type. We
often abbreviate value of a component to element. We also say that a record contains
its elements. You can access and change the elements of a record using its name.
Record literals are written by writing down the components in order between rec( and ),
and separating them by commas ,. Each component consists of the name, the assignment
operator :=, and the value. The empty record, i.e., the record with no components, is
written as rec().
gap> rec( a := 1, b := "2" ); # a record with two components
a := 1,
b := "2" )
gap> rec( a := 1, b := rec( c := 2 ) ); # record may contain records
a := 1,
b := rec(
Records usually contain elements of various types, i.e., they are usually not homogeneous
like lists.
The first section in this chapter tells you how you can access the elements of a record (see
The next sections tell you how you can change the elements of a record (see 46.2 and 46.3).
The next sections describe the operations that are available for records (see 46.4, 46.5, 46.6,
and 46.7).
The next section describes the function that tests if an object is a record (see 46.8).
The next sections describe the functions that test whether a record has a component with
a given name, and delete such a component (see 46.9 and 46.10). Those functions are also
applicable to lists (see chapter 27).
The final sections describe the functions that create a copy of a record (see 46.11 and 46.12).
Again those functions are also applicable to lists (see chapter 27).
46.1 Accessing Record Elements
The above construct evaluates to the value of the record component with the name name
in the record rec. Note that the name is not evaluated, i.e., it is taken literal.
gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
gap> r.a;
gap> r.b;
This construct is similar to the above construct. The difference is that the second operand
name is evaluated. It must evaluate to a string or an integer otherwise an error is signalled.
The construct then evaluates to the element of the record rec whose name is, as a string,
equal to name.
gap> old := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
gap> new := rec();
gap> for i in RecFields( old ) do
> new.(i) := old.(i);
> od;
gap> new;
a := 1,
If rec does not evaluate to a record, or if name does not evaluate to a string, or if
is unbound, an error is signalled. As usual you can leave the break loop (see 3.2) with
quit;. On the other hand you can return a result to be used in place of the record element
by return expr;.
46.2 Record Assignment := obj ;
The record assignment assigns the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, to
the record component with the name name, which must be an identifier, of the record rec.
That means that accessing the element with name name of the record rec will return obj
after this assignment. If the record rec has no component with the name name, the record
is automatically extended to make room for the new component.
gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
gap> r.a := 10;; r;
a := 10,
gap> r.c := 3;; r;
a := 10,
b := 2,
The function IsBound (see 46.9) can be used to test if a record has a component with a
certain name, the function Unbind (see 46.10) can be used to remove a component with a
certain name again.
Note that assigning to a record changes the record. The ability to change an object is only
available for lists and records (see 46.3).
rec.(name) = obj ;
This construct is similar to the above construct. The difference is that the second operand
name is evaluated. It must evaluate to a string or an integer otherwise an error is signalled.
The construct then assigns obj to the record component of the record rec whose name is,
as a string, equal to name.
If rec does not evaluate to a record, name does not evaluate to a string, or obj is a call to a
function that does not return a value, e.g., Print (see 3.14), an error is signalled. As usual
you can leave the break loop (see 3.2) with quit;. On the other hand you can continue the
assignment by returning a record in the first case, a string in the second, or an object to be
assigned in the third, using return expr;.
46.3 Identical Records
With the record assignment (see 46.2) it is possible to change a record. The ability to
change an object is only available for lists and records. This section describes the semantic
consequences of this fact.
You may think that in the following example the second assignment changes the integer,
and that therefore the above sentence, which claimed that only records and lists can be
changed, is wrong.
i := 3;
i := i + 1;
But in this example not the integer 3is changed by adding one to it. Instead the variable
iis changed by assigning the value of i+1, which happens to be 4, to i. The same thing
happens in the following example
r := rec( a := 1 );
r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );
The second assignment does not change the first record, instead it assigns a new record to
the variable r. On the other hand, in the following example the record is changed by the
second assignment.
r := rec( a := 1 );
r.b := 2;
To understand the difference first think of a variable as a name for an object. The important
point is that a record can have several names at the same time. An assignment var :=
record;means in this interpretation that var is a name for the object record . At the end
of the following example r2 still has the value rec( a := 1 ) as this record has not been
changed and nothing else has been assigned to r2.
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
r2 := r1;
r1 := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );
But after the following example the record for which r2 is a name has been changed and
thus the value of r2 is now rec( a := 1, b := 2 ).
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
r2 := r1;
r1.b := 2;
We shall say that two records are identical if changing one of them by a record assignment
also changes the other one. This is slightly incorrect, because if two records are identical,
there are actually only two names for one record. However, the correct usage would be
very awkward and would only add to the confusion. Note that two identical records must
be equal, because there is only one records with two different names. Thus identity is an
equivalence relation that is a refinement of equality.
Let us now consider under which circumstances two records are identical.
If you enter a record literal then the record denoted by this literal is a new record that is not
identical to any other record. Thus in the following example r1 and r2 are not identical,
though they are equal of course.
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
r2 := rec( a := 1 );
Also in the following example, no records in the list lare identical.
l := [];
for i in [1..10] do
l[i] := rec( a := 1 );
If you assign a record to a variable no new record is created. Thus the record value of the
variable on the left hand side and the record on the right hand side of the assignment are
identical. So in the following example r1 and r2 are identical records.
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
r2 := r1;
If you pass a record as argument, the old record and the argument of the function are
identical. Also if you return a record from a function, the old record and the value of the
function call are identical. So in the following example r1 and r2 are identical record
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
f := function ( r ) return r; end;
r2 := f( r1 );
The functions Copy and ShallowCopy (see 46.11 and 46.12) accept a record and return
a new record that is equal to the old record but that is not identical to the old record.
The difference between Copy and ShallowCopy is that in the case of ShallowCopy the
corresponding elements of the new and the old records will be identical, whereas in the case
of Copy they will only be equal. So in the following example r1 and r2 are not identical
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
r2 := Copy( r1 );
If you change a record it keeps its identity. Thus if two records are identical and you change
one of them, you also change the other, and they are still identical afterwards. On the other
hand, two records that are not identical will never become identical if you change one of
them. So in the following example both r1 and r2 are changed, and are still identical.
r1 := rec( a := 1 );
r2 := r1;
r1.b := 2;
46.4 Comparisons of Records
rec1 =rec2
rec1 <> rec2
The equality operator =returns true if the record rec1 is equal to the record rec2 and
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> returns true if the record rec1 is not equal to
rec2 and false otherwise.
Usually two records are considered equal, if for each component of one record the other
record has a component of the same name with an equal value and vice versa. You can
also compare records with other objects, they are of course different, unless the record has
a special comparison function (see below) that says otherwise.
gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) = rec( b := 2, a := 1 );
gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) = rec( a := 2, b := 1 );
gap> rec( a := 1 ) = rec( a := 1, b := 2 );
gap> rec( a := 1 ) = 1;
However a record may contain a special operations record that contains a function that is
called when this record is an operand of a comparison. The precise mechanism is as follows.
If the operand of the equality operator =is a record, and if this record has an element with
the name operations that is a record, and if this record has an element with the name =
that is a function, then this function is called with the operands of =as arguments, and
the value of the operation is the result returned by this function. In this case a record may
also be equal to an object of another type if this function says so. It is probably not a
good idea to define a comparison function in such a way that the resulting relation is not
an equivalence relation, i.e., not reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Note that there is no
corresponding <> function, because left <> right is implemented as not left =right.
The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record
operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see 1.30). Note that the
=must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see 2.5).
gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
gap> ResidueOps.\= := function ( l, r )
> return (l.modulus = r.modulus)
> and (l.representative-r.representative) mod l.modulus = 0;
> end;;
gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
> return rec(
> representative := representative,
> modulus := modulus,
> operations := ResidueOps );
> end;;
gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
gap> r := Residue( -10, 23 );;
gap> l = r;
gap> l = Residue( 10, 23 );
rec1 <rec2
rec1 <= rec2
rec1 >rec2
rec1 >= rec2
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the record rec1 is less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, and greater than or equal to the record rec2 , and to false otherwise.
To compare records we imagine that the components of both records are sorted according to
their names. Then the records are compared lexicographically with unbound elements con-
sidered smaller than anything else. Precisely one record rec1 is considered less than another
record rec2 if rec2 has a component with name name2 and either rec1 has no component
with this name or rec1 .name2 <rec2 .name2 and for each component of rec1 with name
name1 <name2 rec2 has a component with this name and rec1 .name1 =rec2 .name1 .
Records may also be compared with objects of other types, they are greater than anything
else, unless the record has a special comparison function (see below) that says otherwise.
gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) < rec( b := 2, a := 1 );
false # they are equal
gap> rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) < rec( a := 2, b := 0 );
true # the aelements are compared first and 1 is less than 2
gap> rec( a := 1 ) < rec( a := 1, b := 2 );
true # unbound is less than 2
gap> rec( a := 1 ) < rec( a := 0, b := 2 );
false # the aelements are compared first and 0 is less than 1
gap> rec( b := 1 ) < rec( b := 0, a := 2 );
true # the a-s are compared first and unbound is less than 2
gap> rec( a := 1 ) < 1;
false # other objects are less than records
However a record may contain a special operations record that contains a function that is
called when this record is an operand of a comparison. The precise mechanism is as follows.
If the operand of the equality operator <is a record, and if this record has an element with
the name operations that is a record, and if this record has an element with the name <
that is a function, then this function is called with the operands of <as arguments, and
the value of the operation is the result returned by this function. In this case a record may
also be smaller than an object of another type if this function says so. It is probably not
a good idea to define a comparison function in such a way that the resulting relation is
not an ordering relation, i.e., not antisymmetric, and transitive. Note that there are no
corresponding <=,>, and >= functions, since those operations are implemented as not right
<left,right <left, and not left <right respectively.
The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record
operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see 1.30). Note that the
<must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see 2.5).
gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
gap> ResidueOps.\< := function ( l, r )
> if l.modulus <> r.modulus then
> Error("<l> and <r> must have the same modulus");
> fi;
> return l.representative mod l.modulus
> < r.representative mod r.modulus;
> end;;
gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
> return rec(
> representative := representative,
> modulus := modulus,
> operations := ResidueOps );
> end;;
gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
gap> r := Residue( -1, 23 );;
gap> l < r;
true # 13 is less than 22
gap> l < Residue( 10, 23 );
false # 10 is less than 13
46.5 Operations for Records
Usually no operations are defined for record. However a record may contain a special
operations record that contains functions that are called when this record is an operand
of a binary operation. This mechanism is detailed below for the addition.
obj +rec,rec +obj
If either operand is a record, and if this record contains an element with name operations
that is a record, and if this record in turn contains an element with the name +that is a
function, then this function is called with the two operands as arguments, and the value of
the addition is the value returned by that function. If both operands are records with such
a function rec.operations.+, then the function of the right operand is called. If either
operand is a record, but neither operand has such a function rec.operations.+, an error is
obj -rec,rec -obj
obj *rec,rec *obj
obj /rec,rec /obj
obj mod rec,rec mod obj
obj ^rec,rec ^obj
This is evaluated similar, but the functions must obviously be called -,*,/,mod,^respec-
The following example shows one piece of the definition of a residue classes, using record
operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see 1.30). Note that the
*must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see 2.5).
gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
gap> ResidueOps.\* := function ( l, r )
> if l.modulus <> r.modulus then
> Error("<l> and <r> must have the same modulus");
> fi;
> return rec(
> representative := (l.representative * r.representative)
> mod l.modulus,
> modulus := l.modulus,
> operations := ResidueOps );
> end;;
gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
> return rec(
> representative := representative,
> modulus := modulus,
> operations := ResidueOps );
> end;;
gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
gap> r := Residue( -1, 23 );;
gap> s := l * r;
representative := 10,
modulus := 23,
operations := rec(
\* := function ( l, r ) ... end ) )
46.6 In for Records
element in rec
Usually the membership test is only defined for lists. However a record may contain a
special operations record, that contains a function that is called when this record is the
right operand of the in operator. The precise mechanism is as follows.
If the right operand of the in operator is a record, and if this record contains an element
with the name operations that is a record, and if this record in turn contains an element
with the name in that is a function, then this function is called with the two operands as
arguments, and the value of the membership test is the value returned by that function.
The function should of course return true or false.
The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record
operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see 1.30). Note that the
in must be quoted, so that it is taken as an identifier (see 2.5).
gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
gap> ResidueOps.\in := function ( l, r )
> if IsInt( l ) then
> return (l - r.representative) mod r.modulus = 0;
> else
> return false;
> fi;
> end;;
gap> Residue:= function ( representative, modulus )
> return rec(
> representative := representative,
> modulus := modulus,
> operations := ResidueOps );
> end;;
gap> l := Residue( 13, 23 );;
gap> -10 in l;
gap> 10 in l;
46.7 Printing of Records
Print( rec )
If a record is printed by Print (see 3.14, 3.15, and 3.16) or by the main loop (see 3.1), it is
usually printed as record literal, i.e., as a sequence of components, each in the format name
:= value, separated by commas and enclosed in rec( and ).
gap> r := rec();; r.a := 1;; r.b := 2;;
gap> r;
a := 1,
But if the record has an element with the name operations that is a record, and if this
record has an element with the name Print that is a function, then this function is called
with the record as argument. This function must print whatever the printed representation
of the record should look like.
The following example shows one piece of the definition of residue classes, using record
operations. Of course this is far from a complete implementation (see 1.30). Note that
it is typical for records that mimic group elements to print as a function call that, when
evaluated, will create this group element record.
gap> ResidueOps := rec( );;
gap> ResidueOps.Print := function ( r )
> Print( "Residue( ",
> r.representative mod r.modulus, ", ",
> r.modulus, " )" );
> end;;
gap> Residue := function ( representative, modulus )
> return rec(
> representative := representative,
> modulus := modulus,
> operations := ResidueOps );
> end;;
gap> l := Residue( 33, 23 );
Residue( 10, 23 )
46.8 IsRec
IsRec( obj )
IsRec returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a record,
and false otherwise. Will signal an error if obj is a variable with no assigned value.
gap> IsRec( rec( a := 1, b := 2 ) );
gap> IsRec( IsRec );
46.9 IsBound
IsBound( )
IsBound( list[n] )
In the first form IsBound returns true if the record rec has a component with the name
name, which must be an ident and false otherwise. rec must evaluate to a record, otherwise
an error is signalled.
In the second form IsBound returns true if the list list has a element at the position n, and
false otherwise. list must evaluate to a list, otherwise an error is signalled.
gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
gap> IsBound( r.a );
gap> IsBound( r.c );
gap> l := [ , 2, 3, , 5, , 7, , , , 11 ];;
gap> IsBound( l[7] );
gap> IsBound( l[4] );
gap> IsBound( l[101] );
Note that IsBound is special in that it does not evaluate its argument, otherwise it would
always signal an error when it is supposed to return false.
46.10. UNBIND 801
46.10 Unbind
Unbind( )
Unbind( list[n] )
In the first form Unbind deletes the component with the name name in the record rec. That
is, after execution of Unbind,rec no longer has a record component with this name. Note
that it is not an error to unbind a nonexisting record component. rec must evaluate to a
record, otherwise an error is signalled.
In the second form Unbind deletes the element at the position nin the list list. That is,
after execution of Unbind,list no longer has an assigned value at the position n. Note that
it is not an error to unbind a nonexisting list element. list must evaluate to a list, otherwise
an error is signalled.
gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
gap> Unbind( r.a ); r;
gap> Unbind( r.c ); r;
gap> l := [ , 2, 3, 5, , 7, , , , 11 ];;
gap> Unbind( l[3] ); l;
[ , 2,, 5,, 7,,,, 11 ]
gap> Unbind( l[4] ); l;
[ , 2,,,, 7,,,, 11 ]
Note that Unbind does not evaluate its argument, otherwise there would be no way for
Unbind to tell which component to remove in which record, because it would only receive
the value of this component.
46.11 Copy
Copy( obj )
Copy returns a copy new of the object obj . You may apply Copy to objects of any type, but
for objects that are not lists or records Copy simply returns the object itself.
For lists and records the result is a new list or record that is not identical to any other
list or record (see 27.9 and 46.3). This means that you may modify this copy new by
assignments (see 27.6 and 46.2) or by adding elements to it (see 27.7 and 27.8), without
modifying the original object obj .
gap> list1 := [ 1, 2, 3 ];;
gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );
gap> list2[1] := 0;; list2;
gap> list1;
That Copy returns the object itself if it is not a list or a record is consistent with this
definition, since there is no way to change the original object obj by modifying new, because
in fact there is no way to change the object new.
Copy basically executes the following code for lists, and similar code for records.
new := [];
for i in [1..Length(obj)] do
if IsBound(obj[i]) then
new[i] := Copy( obj[i] );
Note that Copy recursively copies all elements of the object obj . If you only want to copy
the top level use ShallowCopy (see 46.12).
gap> list1 := [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ];;
gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );
gap> list2[1][1] := 0;; list2;
gap> list1;
The above code is not entirely correct. If the object obj contains a list or record twice this
list or record is not copied twice, as would happen with the above definition, but only once.
This means that the copy new and the object obj have exactly the same structure when
view as a general graph.
gap> sub := [ 1, 2 ];; list1 := [ sub, sub ];;
gap> list2 := Copy( list1 );
gap> list2[1][1] := 0;; list2;
gap> list1;
46.12 ShallowCopy
ShallowCopy( obj )
ShallowCopy returns a copy of the object obj . You may apply ShallowCopy to objects of
any type, but for objects that are not lists or records ShallowCopy simply returns the object
For lists and records the result is a new list or record that is not identical to any other
list or record (see 27.9 and 46.3). This means that you may modify this copy new by
assignments (see 27.6 and 46.2) or by adding elements to it (see 27.7 and 27.8), without
modifying the original object obj .
gap> list1 := [ 1, 2, 3 ];;
gap> list2 := ShallowCopy( list1 );
gap> list2[1] := 0;; list2;
46.13. RECFIELDS 803
gap> list1;
That ShallowCopy returns the object itself if it is not a list or a record is consistent with
this definition, since there is no way to change the original object obj by modifying new,
because in fact there is no way to change the object new.
ShallowCopy basically executes the following code for lists, and similar code for records.
new := [];
for i in [1..Length(obj)] do
if IsBound(obj[i]) then
new[i] := obj[i];
Note that ShallowCopy only copies the top level. The subobjects of the new object new are
identical to the corresponding subobjects of the object obj . If you want to copy recursively
use Copy (see 46.11).
46.13 RecFields
RecFields( rec )
RecFields returns a list of strings corresponding to the names of the record components of
the record rec.
gap> r := rec( a := 1, b := 2 );;
gap> RecFields( r );
[ "a", "b" ]
Note that you cannot use the string result in the ordinary way to access or change a record
component. You must use the rec.(name)construct (see 46.1 and 46.2).
Chapter 47
This chapter describes the functions that deal with combinatorics. We mainly concentrate
on two areas. One is about selections, that is the ways one can select elements from a set.
The other is about partitions, that is the ways one can partition a set into the union of
pairwise disjoint subsets.
First this package contains various functions that are related to the number of selections
from a set (see 47.1, 47.2) or to the number of partitions of a set (see 47.3, 47.4, 47.5). Those
numbers satisfy literally thousands of identities, which we do no mention in this document,
for a thorough treatment see [GKP90].
Then this package contains functions to compute the selections from a set (see 47.6), ordered
selections, i.e., selections where the order in which you select the elements is important (see
47.7), selections with repetitions, i.e., you are allowed to select the same element more than
once (see 47.8) and ordered selections with repetitions (see 47.9).
As special cases of ordered combinations there are functions to compute all permutations
(see 47.10), all fixpointfree permutations (see 47.11) of a list.
This package also contains functions to compute partitions of a set (see 47.12), partitions
of an integer into the sum of positive integers (see 47.13, 47.15) and ordered partitions of
an integer into the sum of positive integers (see 47.14).
Moreover, it provides three functions to compute Fibonacci numbers (see 47.22), Lucas
sequences (see 47.23), or Bernoulli numbers (see 47.24).
Finally, there is a function to compute the number of permutations that fit a given 1-0
matrix (see 47.25).
All these functions are in the file "LIBNAME/combinat.g".
47.1 Factorial
Factorial( n)
Factorial returns the factorial n! of the positive integer n, which is defined as the product
123.. n.
n! is the number of permutations of a set of nelements. 1/n! is the coefficient of xnin the
formal series ex, which is the generating function for factorial.
gap> List( [0..10], Factorial );
[ 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800 ]
gap> Factorial( 30 );
PermutationsList (see 47.10) computes the set of all permutations of a list.
47.2 Binomial
Binomial( n,k)
Binomial returns the binomial coefficient n
kof integers nand k, which is defined as
n!/(k!(nk)!) (see 47.1). We define 0
0= 1, n
k= 0 if k < 0 or n < k, and n
kif n < 0, which is consistent with n
kis the number of combinations with kelements, i.e., the number of subsets with k
elements, of a set with nelements. n
kis the coefficient of the term xkof the polynomial
(x+ 1)n, which is the generating function for n
, hence the name.
gap> List( [0..4], k->Binomial( 4, k ) );
[1,4,6,4,1] # Knuth calls this the trademark of Binomial
gap> List( [0..6], n->List( [0..6], k->Binomial( n, k ) ) );;
gap> PrintArray( last );
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # the lower triangle is
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # called Pascal’s triangle
[ 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, 4, 6, 4, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1, 0 ],
[ 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1 ] ]
gap> Binomial( 50, 10 );
NrCombinations (see 47.6) is the generalization of Binomial for multisets. Combinations
(see 47.6) computes the set of all combinations of a multiset.
47.3 Bell
Bell( n)
Bell returns the Bell number B(n). The Bell numbers are defined by B(0) = 1 and the
recurrence B(n+ 1) = Pn
k=0 n
B(n) is the number of ways to partition a set of nelements into pairwise disjoint nonempty
subsets (see 47.12). This implies of course that B(n) = Pn
k=0 S2(n, k) (see 47.5). B(n)/n!
is the coefficient of xnin the formal series eex1, which is the generating function for B(n).
gap> List( [0..6], n -> Bell( n ) );
[ 1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203 ]
gap> Bell( 14 );
47.4. STIRLING1 807
47.4 Stirling1
Stirling1( n,k)
Stirling1 returns the Stirling number of the first kind S1(n, k) of the integers nand
k. Stirling numbers of the first kind are defined by S1(0,0) = 1, S1(n, 0) = S1(0, k) = 0 if
n, k <> 0 and the recurrence S1(n, k) = (n1)S1(n1, k) + S1(n1, k 1).
S1(n, k) is the number of permutations of npoints with kcycles. Stirling numbers of
the first kind appear as coefficients in the series n!x
k=0 S1(n, k)xkwhich is the
generating function for Stirling numbers of the first kind. Note the similarity to xn=
k=0 S2(n, k)k!x
k(see 47.5). Also the definition of S1implies S1(n, k) = S2(k, n) if
n, k < 0. There are many formulae relating Stirling numbers of the first kind to Stirling
numbers of the second kind, Bell numbers, and Binomial numbers.
gap> List( [0..4], k->Stirling1( 4, k ) );
[ 0, 6, 11, 6, 1 ] # Knuth calls this the trademark of S1
gap> List( [0..6], n->List( [0..6], k->Stirling1( n, k ) ) );;
gap> PrintArray( last );
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # Note the similarity
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # with Pascal’s
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # triangle for the
[ 0, 2, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], # Binomial numbers
[ 0, 6, 11, 6, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 24, 50, 35, 10, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 120, 274, 225, 85, 15, 1 ] ]
gap> Stirling1(50,10);
47.5 Stirling2
Stirling2( n,k)
Stirling2 returns the Stirling number of the second kind S2(n, k) of the integers nand
k. Stirling numbers of the second kind are defined by S2(0,0) = 1, S2(n, 0) = S2(0, k)=0
if n, k <> 0 and the recurrence S2(n, k) = kS2(n1, k) + S2(n1, k 1).
S2(n, k) is the number of ways to partition a set of nelements into kpairwise disjoint
nonempty subsets (see 47.12). Stirling numbers of the second kind appear as coefficients in
the expansion of xn=Pn
k=0 S2(n, k)k!x
k. Note the similarity to n!x
k=0 S1(n, k)xk
(see 47.4). Also the definition of S2implies S2(n, k) = S1(k, n) if n, k < 0. There are
many formulae relating Stirling numbers of the second kind to Stirling numbers of the first
kind, Bell numbers, and Binomial numbers.
gap> List( [0..4], k->Stirling2( 4, k ) );
[0,1,7,6,1] # Knuth calls this the trademark of S2
gap> List( [0..6], n->List( [0..6], k->Stirling2( n, k ) ) );;
gap> PrintArray( last );
[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # Note the similarity with
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # Pascal’s triangle for
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], # the Binomial numbers
[ 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 7, 6, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 15, 25, 10, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 31, 90, 65, 15, 1 ] ]
gap> Stirling2( 50, 10 );
47.6 Combinations
Combinations( mset )
Combinations( mset,k)
NrCombinations( mset )
NrCombinations( mset,k)
In the first form Combinations returns the set of all combinations of the multiset mset. In
the second form Combinations returns the set of all combinations of the multiset mset with
In the first form NrCombinations returns the number of combinations of the multiset mset.
In the second form NrCombinations returns the number of combinations of the multiset
mset with kelements.
Acombination of mset is an unordered selection without repetitions and is represented by
a sorted sublist of mset. If mset is a proper set, there are |mset|
k(see 47.2) combinations
with kelements, and the set of all combinations is just the powerset of mset, which contains
all subsets of mset and has cardinality 2|mset|.
gap> Combinations( [1,2,2,3] );
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,2,2],[1,2,2,3],[1,2,3],
gap> NrCombinations( [1..52], 5 );
2598960 # number of different hands in a game of poker
The function Arrangements (see 47.7) computes ordered selections without repetitions,
UnorderedTuples (see 47.8) computes unordered selections with repetitions and Tuples
(see 47.9) computes ordered selections with repetitions.
47.7 Arrangements
Arrangements( mset )
Arrangements( mset,k)
NrArrangements( mset )
NrArrangements( mset,k)
In the first form Arrangements returns the set of arrangements of the multiset mset. In
the second form Arrangements returns the set of all arrangements with kelements of the
multiset mset.
In the first form NrArrangements returns the number of arrangements of the multiset mset.
In the second form NrArrangements returns the number of arrangements with kelements
of the multiset mset.
An arrangement of mset is an ordered selection without repetitions and is represented by
a list that contains only elements from mset, but maybe in a different order. If mset is a
proper set there are |mset|!/(|mset| − k)! (see 47.1) arrangements with kelements.
As an example of arrangements of a multiset, think of the game Scrabble. Suppose you have
the six characters of the word settle and you have to make a four letter word. Then the
possibilities are given by
gap> Arrangements( ["s","e","t","t","l","e"], 4 );
[ [ "e", "e", "l", "s" ], [ "e", "e", "l", "t" ],
[ "e", "e", "s", "l" ], [ "e", "e", "s", "t" ],
# 96 more possibilities
[ "t", "t", "s", "e" ], [ "t", "t", "s", "l" ] ]
Can you find the five proper English words, where lets does not count? Note that the
fact that the list returned by Arrangements is a proper set means in this example that the
possibilities are listed in the same order as they appear in the dictionary.
gap> NrArrangements( ["s","e","t","t","l","e"] );
The function Combinations (see 47.6) computes unordered selections without repetitions,
UnorderedTuples (see 47.8) computes unordered selections with repetitions and Tuples
(see 47.9) computes ordered selections with repetitions.
47.8 UnorderedTuples
UnorderedTuples( set,k)
NrUnorderedTuples( set,k)
UnorderedTuples returns the set of all unordered tuples of length kof the set set.
NrUnorderedTuples returns the number of unordered tuples of length kof the set set.
An unordered tuple of length kof set is a unordered selection with repetitions of set and
is represented by a sorted list of length kcontaining elements from set. There are |set|+k1
(see 47.2) such unordered tuples.
Note that the fact that UnOrderedTuples returns a set implies that the last index runs
fastest. That means the first tuple contains the smallest element from set k times, the
second tuple contains the smallest element of set at all positions except at the last positions,
where it contains the second smallest element from set and so on.
As an example for unordered tuples think of a poker-like game played with 5 dice. Then
each possible hand corresponds to an unordered five-tuple from the set [1..6]
gap> NrUnorderedTuples( [1..6], 5 );
gap> UnorderedTuples( [1..6], 5 );
# 99 more tuples
# 99 more tuples
# 39 more tuples
The function Combinations (see 47.6) computes unordered selections without repetitions,
Arrangements (see 47.7) computes ordered selections without repetitions and Tuples (see
47.9) computes ordered selections with repetitions.
47.9 Tuples
Tuples( set,k)
NrTuples( set,k)
Tuples returns the set of all ordered tuples of length kof the set set.
NrTuples returns the number of all ordered tuples of length kof the set set.
An ordered tuple of length kof set is an ordered selection with repetition and is represented
by a list of length kcontaining elements of set. There are |set|ksuch ordered tuples.
Note that the fact that Tuples returns a set implies that the last index runs fastest. That
means the first tuple contains the smallest element from set k times, the second tuple
contains the smallest element of set at all positions except at the last positions, where it
contains the second smallest element from set and so on.
gap> Tuples( [1,2,3], 2 );
gap> NrTuples( [1..10], 5 );
Tuples(set,k)can also be viewed as the k-fold cartesian product of set (see 27.26).
The function Combinations (see 47.6) computes unordered selections without repetitions,
Arrangements (see 47.7) computes ordered selections without repetitions, and finally the
function UnorderedTuples (see 47.8) computes unordered selections with repetitions.
47.10 PermutationsList
PermutationsList( mset )
NrPermutationsList( mset )
PermutationsList returns the set of permutations of the multiset mset.
NrPermutationsList returns the number of permutations of the multiset mset.
Apermutation is represented by a list that contains exactly the same elements as mset,
but possibly in different order. If mset is a proper set there are |mset|! (see 47.1) such
permutations. Otherwise if the first elements appears k1times, the second element appears
k2times and so on, the number of permutations is |mset|!/(k1!k2!..), which is sometimes
called multinomial coefficient.
gap> PermutationsList( [1,2,3] );
gap> PermutationsList( [1,1,2,2] );
gap> NrPermutationsList( [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4] );
The function Arrangements (see 47.7) is the generalization of PermutationsList that allows
you to specify the size of the permutations. Derangements (see 47.11) computes permuta-
tions that have no fixpoints.
47.11 Derangements
Derangements( list )
NrDerangements( list )
Derangements returns the set of all derangements of the list list.
NrDerangements returns the number of derangements of the list list.
Aderangement is a fixpointfree permutation of list and is represented by a list that
contains exactly the same elements as list, but in such an order that the derangement has
at no position the same element as list. If the list list contains no element twice there are
exactly |list|!(1/2! 1/3! + 1/4! ..(1)n/n!) derangements.
Note that the ratio NrPermutationsList([1..n])/NrDerangements([1..n]), which is
n!/(n!(1/2! 1/3! + 1/4! ..(1)n/n!)) is an approximation for the base of the natural
logarithm e= 2.7182818285, which is correct to about ndigits.
As an example of derangements suppose that you have to send four different letters to four
different people. Then a derangement corresponds to a way to send those letters such that
no letter reaches the intended person.
gap> Derangements( [1,2,3,4] );
gap> NrDerangements( [1..10] );
gap> Int( 10^7*NrPermutationsList([1..10])/last );
gap> Derangements( [1,1,2,2,3,3] );
gap> NrDerangements( [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4] );
The function PermutationsList (see 47.10) computes all permutations of a list.
47.12 PartitionsSet
PartitionsSet( set )
PartitionsSet( set,k)
NrPartitionsSet( set )
NrPartitionsSet( set,k)
In the first form PartitionsSet returns the set of all unordered partitions of the set set.
In the second form PartitionsSet returns the set of all unordered partitions of the set set
into kpairwise disjoint nonempty sets.
In the first form NrPartitionsSet returns the number of unordered partitions of the set
set. In the second form NrPartitionsSet returns the number of unordered partitions of
the set set into kpairwise disjoint nonempty sets.
An unordered partition of set is a set of pairwise disjoint nonempty sets with union set
and is represented by a sorted list of such sets. There are B(|set|) (see 47.3) partitions of
the set set and S2(|set|, k) (see 47.5) partitions with kelements.
gap> PartitionsSet( [1,2,3] );
gap> PartitionsSet( [1,2,3,4], 2 );
gap> NrPartitionsSet( [1..6] );
gap> NrPartitionsSet( [1..10], 3 );
Note that PartitionsSet does currently not support multisets and that there is currently
no ordered counterpart.
47.13 Partitions
Partitions( n)
Partitions( n,k)
NrPartitions( n)
NrPartitions( n,k)
In the first form Partitions returns the set of all (unordered) partitions of the positive
integer n. In the second form Partitions returns the set of all (unordered) partitions of
the positive integer ninto sums with ksummands.
In the first form NrPartitions returns the number of (unordered) partitions of the positive
integer n. In the second form NrPartitions returns the number of (unordered) partitions
of the positive integer ninto sums with ksummands.
An unordered partition is an unordered sum n=p1+p2+..+pkof positive integers and is
represented by the list p= [p1, p2, .., pk], in nonincreasing order, i.e., p1>=p2>=.. >=pk.
We write p`n. There are approximately Eπ2/3n/43nsuch partitions.
It is possible to associate with every partition of the integer na conjugacy class of permuta-
tions in the symmetric group on npoints and vice versa. Therefore p(n) := NrP artitions(n)
is the number of conjugacy classes of the symmetric group on npoints.
Ramanujan found the identities p(5i+4) = 0 mod 5, p(7i+ 5) = 0 mod 7 and p(11i+ 6) = 0
mod 11 and many other fascinating things about the number of partitions.
Do not call Partitions with an nmuch larger than 40, in which case there are 37338
partitions, since the list will simply become too large.
gap> Partitions( 7 );
gap> Partitions( 8, 3 );
gap> NrPartitions( 7 );
gap> NrPartitions( 100 );
The function OrderedPartitions (see 47.14) is the ordered counterpart of Partitions.
47.14 OrderedPartitions
OrderedPartitions( n)
OrderedPartitions( n,k)
NrOrderedPartitions( n)
NrOrderedPartitions( n,k)
In the first form OrderedPartitions returns the set of all ordered partitions of the positive
integer n. In the second form OrderedPartitions returns the set of all ordered partitions
of the positive integer ninto sums with ksummands.
In the first form NrOrderedPartitions returns the number of ordered partitions of the
positive integer n. In the second form NrOrderedPartitions returns the number of ordered
partitions of the positive integer ninto sums with ksummands.
An ordered partition is an ordered sum n=p1+p2+.. +pkof positive integers and is
represented by the list [p1, p2, .., pk]. There are totally 2n1ordered partitions and n1
(see 47.2) partitions with ksummands.
Do not call OrderedPartitions with an nlarger than 15, the list will simply become too
gap> OrderedPartitions( 5 );
gap> OrderedPartitions( 6, 3 );
gap> NrOrderedPartitions(20);
The function Partitions (see 47.13) is the unordered counterpart of OrderedPartitions.
47.15 RestrictedPartitions
RestrictedPartitions( n,set )
RestrictedPartitions( n,set,k)
NrRestrictedPartitions( n,set )
NrRestrictedPartitions( n,set,k)
In the first form RestrictedPartitions returns the set of all restricted partitions of the
positive integer nwith the summands of the partition coming from the set set. In the second
form RestrictedPartitions returns the set of all partitions of the positive integer ninto
sums with ksummands with the summands of the partition coming from the set set.
In the first form NrRestrictedPartitions returns the number of restricted partitions of
the positive integer nwith the summands coming from the set set. In the second form
NrRestrictedPartitions returns the number of restricted partitions of the positive integer
ninto sums with ksummands with the summands of the partition coming from the set set.
Arestricted partition is like an ordinary partition (see 47.13) an unordered sum n=
p1+p2+.. +pkof positive integers and is represented by the list p= [p1, p2, .., pk], in
nonincreasing order. The difference is that here the pimust be elements from the set set,
while for ordinary partitions they may be elements from [1..n].
gap> RestrictedPartitions( 8, [1,3,5,7] );
gap> NrRestrictedPartitions( 50, [1,5,10,25,50] );
The last example tells us that there are 50 ways to return 50 cent change using 1, 5, 10 cent
coins, quarters and halfdollars.
47.16 SignPartition
SignPartition( pi )
returns the sign of a permutation with cycle structure pi.
gap> SignPartition([6,5,4,3,2,1]);
This function actually describes a homomorphism of the symmetric group Sninto the cyclic
group of order 2, whose kernel is exactly the alternating group An(see 20.6). Partitions of
sign 1 are called even partitions while partitions of sign 1 are called odd.
47.17 AssociatedPartition
AssociatedPartition( pi )
returns the associated partition of the partition pi.
gap> AssociatedPartition([4,2,1]);
gap> AssociatedPartition([6]);
The associated partition of a partition pi is defined to be the partition belonging to the
transposed of the Young diagram of pi.
47.18 BetaSet
BetaSet( p)
47.19. DOMINATES 815
Here pis a partition (a non-increasing list of positive integers). BetaSet returns the corre-
sponding nomalized Beta set.
gap> BetaSet([3,3,1]);
A beta-set is a set of positive integers, up to the shift equivalence relation. This equivalence
relation is the transitive closure of the elementary equivalence of [s1, . . . , sn] and [0,1 +
s1,...,1 + sn]. An equivalence class has exactly one member which does not contain 0:it
is called the normalized beta-set. To a partition p1p2. . . pn>0 is associated a
beta-set, whose normalized representative is pn, pn1+ 1, . . . , p1+n1.
47.19 Dominates
The dominance ordering is an important partial order in representation theory. Dominates(µ,
ν)returns true if either µ=νor for all i1, Pi
j=1 µjPi
j=1 νj, and false otherwise.
gap> Dominates([5,4],[4,4,1]);
47.20 PowerPartition
PowerPartition( pi,k)
returns the partition corresponding to the k-th power of a permutation with cycle structure
gap> PowerPartition([6,5,4,3,2,1], 3);
Each part lof pi is replaced by d= gcd(l, k) parts l/d. So if pi is a partition of nthen pik
also is a partition of n.PowerPartition describes the powermap of symmetric groups.
47.21 PartitionTuples
PartitionTuples( n,r)
NrPartitionTuples( n,r)
PartitionTuples( n,r)returns the list of all r–tuples of partitions that together par-
tition n.NrPartitionTuples just returns their number.
gap> PartitionTuples(3, 2);
[[[1,1,1],[ ]],[[1,1],[1]],[[1],[1,1]],
[[ ],[1,1,1]],[[2,1],[ ]],[[1],[2]],
[[2],[1]],[[ ],[2,1]],[[3],[ ]],
[[ ],[3]]]
gap> NrPartitionTuples(3,2);
r–tuples of partitions describe the classes and the characters of wreath products of groups
with rconjugacy classes with the symmetric group Sn.
47.22 Fibonacci
Fibonacci( n)
Fibonacci returns the nth number of the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence
Fnis defined by the initial conditions F1=F2= 1 and the recurrence relation Fn+2 =
Fn+1 +Fn. For negative nwe define Fn= (1)n+1Fn, which is consistent with the
recurrence relation.
Using generating functions one can prove that Fn=φn1n, where φis (5 + 1)/2, i.e.,
one root of x2x1 = 0. Fibonacci numbers have the property Gcd(Fm, Fn) = FGcd(m,n).
But a pair of Fibonacci numbers requires more division steps in Euclid’s algorithm (see
5.26) than any other pair of integers of the same size. Fibonnaci(k)is the special case
Lucas(1,-1,k)[1] (see 47.23).
gap> Fibonacci( 10 );
gap> Fibonacci( 35 );
gap> Fibonacci( -10 );
47.23 Lucas
Lucas( P,Q,k)
Lucas returns the k-th values of the Lucas sequence with parameters Pand Q, which
must be integers, as a list of three integers.
Let α, β be the two roots of x2P x +Qthen we define
Lucas(P, Q, k)[1] = Uk= (αkβk)/(αβ) and
Lucas(P, Q, k)[2] = Vk= (αk+βk) and as a convenience
Lucas(P, Q, k)[3] = Qk.
The following recurrence relations are easily derived from the definition
U0= 0, U1= 1, Uk=P Uk1QUk2and
V0= 2, V1=P, Vk=P Vk1QVk2.
Those relations are actually used to define Lucas if α=β.
Also the more complex relations used in Lucas can be easily derived
U2k=UkVk, U2k+1 = (P U2k+V2k)/2 and
k2Qk, V2k+1 = ((P24Q)U2k+P V2k)/2.
Fibonnaci(k)(see 47.22) is simply Lucas(1,-1,k)[1]. In an abuse of notation, the se-
quence Lucas(1,-1,k)[2] is sometimes called the Lucas sequence.
gap> List( [0..10], i->Lucas(1,-2,i)[1] );
[ 0, 1, 1, 3, 5, 11, 21, 43, 85, 171, 341 ] # 2k(1)k)/3
gap> List( [0..10], i->Lucas(1,-2,i)[2] );
[ 2, 1, 5, 7, 17, 31, 65, 127, 257, 511, 1025 ] # 2k+ (1)k
gap> List( [0..10], i->Lucas(1,-1,i)[1] );
[ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 ] # Fibonacci sequence
gap> List( [0..10], i->Lucas(2,1,i)[1] );
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] # the roots are equal
47.24. BERNOULLI 817
47.24 Bernoulli
Bernoulli( n)
Bernoulli returns the n-th Bernoulli number Bn, which is defined by B0= 1 and
k=0 n+1
kBk/(n+ 1).
Bn/n! is the coefficient of xnin the power series of x/ex1. Except for B1=1/2 the
Bernoulli numbers for odd indices mare zero.
gap> Bernoulli( 4 );
gap> Bernoulli( 10 );
gap> Bernoulli( 12 );
-691/2730 # there is no simple pattern in Bernoulli numbers
gap> Bernoulli( 50 );
495057205241079648212477525/66 # and they grow fairly fast
47.25 Permanent
Permanent( mat )
Permanent returns the permanent of the matrix mat. The permanent is defined by
i=1 mat[i][ip].
Note the similarity of the definition of the permanent to the definition of the determinant.
In fact the only difference is the missing sign of the permutation. However the permanent is
quite unlike the determinant, for example it is not multilinear or alternating. It has however
important combinatorical properties.
gap> Permanent( [[0,1,1,1],
> [1,0,1,1],
> [1,1,0,1],
> [1,1,1,0]] );
9# inefficient way to compute NrDerangements([1..4])
gap> Permanent( [[1,1,0,1,0,0,0],
> [0,1,1,0,1,0,0],
> [0,0,1,1,0,1,0],
> [0,0,0,1,1,0,1],
> [1,0,0,0,1,1,0],
> [0,1,0,0,0,1,1],
> [1,0,1,0,0,0,1]] );
24 # 24 permutations fit the projective plane of order 2
Chapter 48
Tables of Marks
The concept of a table of marks was introduced by W. Burnside in his book Theory of
Groups of Finite Order [Bur55]. Therefore a table of marks is sometimes called a Burnside
The table of marks of a finite group Gis a matrix whose rows and columns are labelled by
the conjugacy classes of subgroups of Gand where for two subgroups Aand Bthe (A, B)–
entry is the number of fixed points of Bin the transitive action of Gon the cosets of Ain
G. So the table of marks characterizes all permutation representations of G.
Moreover, the table of marks gives a compact description of the subgroup lattice of G, since
from the numbers of fixed points the numbers of conjugates of a subgroup Bcontained in
a subgroup Acan be derived.
This chapter describes a function (see 48.4) which restores a table of marks from the GAP3
library of tables of marks (see 48.3) or which computes the table of marks for a given group
from the subgroup lattice of that group. Moreover this package contains a function to
display a table of marks (see 48.12), a function to check the consistency of a table of marks
(see 48.11), functions which switch between several forms of representation (see 48.5, 48.6,
48.8, and 48.9), functions which derive information about the group from the table of marks
(see 48.10, 48.13, 48.14, 48.15, 48.16, 48.17, 48.18, 48.19, 48.20, 48.21, and 48.22), and some
functions for the generic construction of a table of marks (see 48.23, 48.24, and 48.25).
The functions described in this chapter are implemented in the file LIBNAME/"tom.g".
48.1 More about Tables of Marks
Let Gbe a finite group with nconjugacy classes of subgroups C1, . . . , Cnand representatives
HiCi,i= 1, . . . , n. The table of marks of Gis defined to be the n×nmatrix M= (mij )
where mij is the number of fixed points of the subgroup Hjin the action of Gon the cosets
of Hiin G.
Since Hjcan only have fixed points if it is contained in a one point stablizer the matrix M
is lower triangular if the classes Ciare sorted according to the following condition; if Hiis
contained in a conjugate of Hjthen ij.
Moreover, the diagonal entries mii are nonzero since mii equals the index of Hiin its
normalizer in G. Hence Mis invertible. Since any transitive action of Gis equivalent to
an action on the cosets of a subgroup of G, one sees that the table of marks completely
characterizes permutation representations of G.
The entries mij have further meanings. If H1is the trivial subgroup of Gthen each mark
mi1in the first column of Mis equal to the index of Hiin Gsince the trivial subgroup fixes
all cosets of Hi. If Hn=Gthen each mnj in the last row of Mis equal to 1 since there
is only one coset of Gin G. In general, mij equals the number of conjugates of Hiwhich
contain Hj, multiplied by the index of Hiin its normalizer in G. Moreover, the number cij
of conjugates of Hjwhich are contained in Hican be derived from the marks mij via the
cij =mij mj1
Both the marks mij and the numbers of subgroups cij are needed for the functions described
in this chapter.
48.2 Table of Marks Records
A table of marks is represented by a record. This record has at least a component subs
which is a list where for each conjugacy class of subgroups the class numbers of its subgroups
are stored. These are exactly the positions in the corresponding row of the table of marks
which have nonzero entries.
The marks themselves can be stored in the component marks which is a list that contains
for each entry in the component subs the corresponding nonzero value of the table of marks.
The same information is, however, given by the three components nrSubs,length, and
order, where nrSubs is a list which contains for each entry in the component subs the
corresponding number of conjugates which are contained in a subgroup, length is a list
which contains for each class of subgroups its length, and order is a list which contains for
each class of subgroups their order.
So a table of marks consists either of the components subs and marks or of the components
subs,nrSubs,length, and order. The functions Marks (see 48.5) and NrSubs (see 48.6)
will derive one representation from the other when needed.
Additional information about a table of marks is needed by some functions. The class
numbers of normalizers are stored in the component normalizer. The number of the derived
subgroup of the whole group is stored in the component derivedSubgroup.
48.3 The Library of Tables of Marks
This package of functions comes together with a library of tables of marks. The library files
are stored in a directory TOMNAME. The file TOMNAME/"tmprimar.tom" is the primary file of
the library of tables of marks. It contains the information where to find a table and the
function TomLibrary which restores a table from the library.
The secondary files are
tmaltern.tom tmmath24.tom tmsuzuki.tom tmunitar.tom
tmlinear.tom tmmisc.tom tmsporad.tom tmsymple.tom
The list TOMLIST contains for each table an entry with its name and the name of the file
where it is stored.
A table of marks which is restored from the library will be stored as a component of the
record TOM.
48.4 TableOfMarks
TableOfMarks( str )
If the argument str given to TableOfMarks is a string then TableOfMarks will search the
library of tables of marks (see 48.3) for a table with name str. If such a table is found then
TableOfMarks will return a copy of that table. Otherwise TableOfMarks will return false.
gap> a5 := TableOfMarks( "A5" );
derivedSubgroup := 9,
normalizer := [ 9, 4, 6, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9 ],
[ 1, 15, 10, 5, 6, 10, 6, 5, 1 ] ],
order := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 60 ],
length := [ 1, 15, 10, 5, 6, 10, 6, 5, 1 ] )
gap> TableOfMarks( "A10" );
#W TableOfMarks: no table of marks A10 found.
TableOfMarks( grp )
If TableOfMarks is called with a group grp as its argument then the table of marks of that
group will be computed and returned in the compressed format. The computation of the
table of marks requires the knowledge of the complete subgroup lattice of the group grp. If
the lattice is not yet known then it will be constructed (see 7.75). This may take a while if
the group grp is large.
Moreover, as the Lattice command is involved the applicability of TableOfMarks underlies
the same restrictions with respect to the soluble residuum of grp as described in section
7.75. The result of TableOfMarks is assigned to the component tableOfMarks of the group
record grp, so that the next call to TableOfMarks with the same argument can just return
this component tableOfMarks.
Warning: Note that TableOfMarks has changed with the release GAP3 3.2. It now returns
the table of marks in compressed form. However, you can apply the MatTom command (see
48.8) to convert it into the square matrix which was returned by TableOfMarks in GAP3
version 3.1.
gap> alt5 := AlternatingPermGroup( 5 );;
gap> TableOfMarks( alt5 );
gap> last = alt5.tableOfMarks;
For a pretty print display of a table of marks see 48.12.
48.5 Marks
Marks( tom )
Marks returns the list of lists of marks of the table of marks tom. If these are not yet stored
in the component marks of tom then they will be computed and assigned to the component
gap> Marks( a5 );
48.6 NrSubs
NrSubs( tom )
NrSubs returns the list of lists of numbers of subgroups of the table of marks tom. If these
are not yet stored in the component nrSubs of tom then they will be computed and assigned
to the component nrSubs.
NrSubs also has to compute the orders and lengths from the marks.
gap> NrSubs( a5 );
48.7 WeightsTom
WeightsTom( tom )
WeightsTom extracts the weights from a table of marks tom, i.e., the diagonal entries,
indicating the index of a subgroup in its normalizer.
gap> wt := WeightsTom( a5 );
[ 60, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
This information may be used to obtain the numbers of conjugate supergroups from the
gap> marks := Marks( a5 );;
gap> List( [ 1 .. 9 ], x -> marks[x] / wt[x] );
48.8. MATTOM 823
48.8 MatTom
MatTom( tom )
MatTom produces a square matrix corresponding to the table of marks tom in compressed
form. For large tables this may need a lot of space.
gap> MatTom( a5 );
[ 20, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 15, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 12, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 10, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
48.9 TomMat
TomMat( mat )
Given a matrix mat which contains the marks of a group as its entries, TomMat will produce
the corresponding table of marks record.
gap> mat:=
> [ 20, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 15, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [ 12, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 10, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [6,2,0,0,1,0,1,0,0],[5,1,2,1,0,0,0,1,0],
> [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ];;
gap> TomMat( mat );
gap> TomMat( IdentityMat( 7 ) );
48.10 DecomposedFixedPointVector
DecomposedFixedPointVector( tom,fix )
Let the group with table of marks tom act as a permutation group on its conjugacy classes
of subgroups, then fix is assumed to be a vector of fixed point numbers, i.e., a vector
which contains for each class of subgroups the number of fixed points under that action.
DecomposedFixedPointVector returns the decomposition of fix into rows of the table of
marks. This decomposition corresponds to a decomposition of the action into transitive
constituents. Trailing zeros in fix may be omitted.
gap> DecomposedFixedPointVector( a5, [ 16, 4, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1 ] );
[ ,,,,, 1, 1 ]
The vector fix may be any vector of integers. The resulting decomposition, however, will
not be integral, in general.
gap> DecomposedFixedPointVector( a5, [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ] );
[ 2/5, -1, -1/2,, 1/2, 1 ]
48.11 TestTom
TestTom( tom )
TestTom decomposes all tensor products of rows of the table of marks tom. It returns true
if all decomposition numbers are nonnegative integers and false otherwise. This provides
a strong consistency check for a table of marks.
gap> TestTom( a5 );
48.12 DisplayTom
DisplayTom( tom )
DisplayTom produces a formatted output for the table of marks tom. Each line of output
begins with the number of the corresponding class of subgroups. This number is repeated
if the output spreads over several pages.
gap> DisplayTom( a5 );
1: 60
2: 30 2
3: 20 . 2
4: 15 3 . 3
5: 12 . . . 2
6: 1021..1
7: 62..1.1
8: 5121...1
9: 111111111
DisplayTom( tom,arec )
In this form DisplayTom takes a record arec as an additional parameter. If this record has a
component classes which contains a list of class numbers then only the rows and columns
of the matrix corresponding to this list are printed.
gap> DisplayTom( a5, rec( classes := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ] ) );
1: 60
2: 30 2
3: 20 . 2
4: 15 3 . 3
8: 51211
The record arec may also have a component form which enables the printing of tables of num-
bers of subgroups. If arec.form has the value "subgroups" then at position (i, j) the number
of conjugates of Hjcontained in Hiwill be printed. If it has the value "supergroups" then
at position (i, j) the number of conjugates of Hiwhich contain Hjwill be printed.
gap> DisplayTom( a5, rec( form := "subgroups" ) );
1: 1
2: 1 1
4: 1 3 . 1
5: 1 . . . 1
6: 1 3 1 . . 1
7: 1 5 . . 1 . 1
8: 1 3 4 1 . . . 1
9: 115105610651
gap> DisplayTom( a5, rec( form := "supergroups" ) );
1: 1
2: 15 1
3: 10 . 1
4: 5 1 . 1
5: 6...1
6: 1021..1
7: 62..1.1
8: 5121...1
9: 111111111
48.13 NormalizerTom
NormalizerTom( tom,u)
NormalizerTom tries to find conjugacy class of the normalizer of a subgroup with class
number u. It will return the list of class numbers of those subgroups which have the
right size and contain the subgroup and all subgroups which clearly contain it as a normal
subgroup. If the normalizer is uniquely determined by these conditions then only its class
number will be returned. NormalizerTom should never return an empty list.
gap> NormalizerTom( a5, 4 );
The example shows that a subgroup with class number 4 in A5(which is a Kleinan four
group) is normalized by a subgroup in class 8. This class contains the subgroups of A5
which are isomorphic to A4.
48.14 IntersectionsTom
IntersectionsTom( tom,a,b)
The intersections of the two conjugacy classes of subgroups with class numbers aand b,
respectively, are determined by the decomposition of the tensor product of their rows of
marks. IntersectionsTom returns this decomposition.
gap> IntersectionsTom( a5, 8, 8 );
[ ,, 1,,,,, 1 ]
Any two subgroups of class number 8 (A4) of A5are either equal and their intersection has
again class number 8, or their intersection has class number 3, and is a cyclic subgroup of
order 3.
48.15 IsCyclicTom
IsCyclicTom( tom,n)
A subgroup is cyclic if and only if the sum over the corresponding row of the inverse table of
marks is nonzero (see [Ker91], page 125). Thus we only have to decompose the corresponding
gap> for i in [ 1 .. 6 ] do
> Print( i, ": ", IsCyclicTom(a5, i), " " );
> od; Print( "\n" );
1: true 2: true 3: true 4: false 5: true 6: false
48.16 FusionCharTableTom
FusionCharTableTom( tbl,tom )
FusionCharTableTom determines the fusion of the classes of elements from the character
table tbl into classes of cyclic subgroups on the table of marks tom.
gap> a5c := CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> fus := FusionCharTableTom( a5c, a5 );
48.17 PermCharsTom
PermCharsTom( tom,fus )
PermCharsTom reads the list of permutation characters from the table of marks tom. It
therefore has to know the fusion map fus which sends each conjugacy class of elements of
the group to the conjugacy class of subgroups they generate.
gap> PermCharsTom( a5, fus );
48.18 MoebiusTom
MoebiusTom( tom )
MoebiusTom computes the M¨obius values both of the subgroup lattice of the group with table
of marks tom and of the poset of conjugacy classes of subgroups. It returns a record where
the component mu contains the M¨obius values of the subgroup lattice, and the component nu
contains the M¨obius values of the poset. Moreover, according to a conjecture of Isaacs et al.
(see [HI ¨
O89], [Pah93]), the values on the poset of conjugacy classes are derived from those
of the subgroup lattice. These theoretical values are returned in the component ex. For that
computation, the derived subgroup must be known in the component derivedSubgroup of
tom. The numbers of those subgroups where the theoretical value does not coincide with
the actual value are returned in the component hyp.
gap> MoebiusTom( a5 );
mu := [ -60, 4, 2,,, -1, -1, -1, 1 ],
nu := [ -1, 2, 1,,, -1, -1, -1, 1 ],
ex := [ -60, 4, 2,,, -1, -1, -1, 1 ],
hyp := [ ] )
48.19 CyclicExtensionsTom
CyclicExtensionsTom( tom,p)
According to A. Dress [Dre69], two columns of the table of marks tom are equal modulo
the prime pif and only if the corresponding subgroups are connected by a chain of normal
extensions of order p.CyclicExtensionsTom returns the classes of this equivalence relation.
This information is not used by NormalizerTom although it might give additional restrictions
in the search of normalizers.
gap> CyclicExtensionsTom( a5, 2 );
48.20 IdempotentsTom
IdempotentsTom( tom )
IdempotentsTom returns the list of idempotents of the integral Burnside ring described by
the table of marks tom. According to A. Dress [Dre69], these idempotents correspond to the
classes of perfect subgroups, and each such idempotent is the characteristic function of all
those subgroups which arise by cyclic extension from the corresponding perfect subgroup.
gap> IdempotentsTom( a5 );
48.21 ClassTypesTom
ClassTypesTom( tom )
ClassTypesTom distinguishes isomorphism types of the classes of subgroups of the table
of marks tom as far as this is possible. Two subgroups are clearly not isomorphic if they
have different orders. Moreover, isomorphic subgroups must contain the same number of
subgroups of each type.
The types are represented by numbers. ClassTypesTom returns a list which contains for
each class of subgroups its corresponding number.
gap> a6 := TableOfMarks( "A6" );;
gap> ClassTypesTom( a6 );
[ 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15,
15, 16 ]
48.22 ClassNamesTom
ClassNamesTom( tom )
ClassNamesTom constructs generic names for the conjugacy classes of subgroups of the table
of marks tom.
In general, the generic name of a class of non–cyclic subgroups consists of three parts,
"(order)","{type}", and "letter", and hence has the form "(order){type}letter", where
order indicates the order of the subgroups, type is a number that distinguishes different
types of subgroups of the same order, and letter is a letter which distinguishes classes of
subgroups of the same type and order. The type of a subgroup is determined by the numbers
of its subgroups of other types (see 48.21). This is slightly weaker than isomorphism.
The letter is omitted if there is only one class of subgroups of that order and type, and the
type is omitted if there is only one class of that order. Moreover, the braces round the type
are omitted if the type number has only one digit.
For classes of cyclic subgoups, the parentheses round the order and the type are omitted.
Hence the most general form of their generic names is "order letter". Again, the letter is
omitted if there is only one class of cyclic subgroups of that order.
gap> ClassNamesTom( a6 );
[ "1", "2", "3a", "3b", "5", "4", "(4)_2a", "(4)_2b", "(6)a", "(6)b",
"(9)", "(10)", "(8)", "(12)a", "(12)b", "(18)", "(24)a", "(24)b",
"(36)", "(60)a", "(60)b", "(360)" ]
48.23 TomCyclic
TomCyclic( n)
TomCyclic constructs the table of marks of the cyclic group of order n. A cyclic group of
order nhas as its subgroups for each divisor dof na cyclic subgroup of order d. The record
which is returned has an additional component name where for each subgroup its order is
given as a string.
gap> c6 := TomCyclic( 6 );
name := [ "1", "2", "3", "6" ],
gap> DisplayTom( c6 );
1: 6
2: 3 3
3: 2 . 2
4: 1 1 1 1
48.24 TomDihedral
TomDihedral( m)
TomDihedral constructs the table of marks of the dihedral group of order m. For each
divisor dof m, a dihedral group of order m= 2ncontains subgroups of order daccording to
the following rule. If dis odd and divides nthen there is only one cyclic subgroup of order
d. If dis even and divides nthen there are a cyclic subgroup of order dand two classes of
dihedral subgroups of order dwhich are cyclic, too, in the case d= 2, see example below).
Otherwise, (i.e. if ddoes not divide n, there is just one class of dihedral subgroups of order
gap> d12 := TomDihedral( 12 );
name := [ "1", "2", "D_{2}a", "D_{2}b", "3", "D_{4}", "6",
"D_{6}a", "D_{6}b", "D_{12}" ],
gap> DisplayTom( d12 );
1: 12
2: 6 6
3: 6 . 2
4: 6 . . 2
5: 4...4
6: 3311.1
7: 22..2.2
8: 2.2.2..2
9: 2..22...2
10: 1111111111
48.25 TomFrobenius
TomFrobenius( p,q)
TomFrobenius computes the table of marks of a Frobenius group of order pq, where pis a
prime and qdivides p1.
gap> f20 := TomFrobenius( 5, 4 );
name := [ "1", "2", "4", "5:1", "5:2", "5:4" ],
marks :=
gap> DisplayTom( f20 );
1: 20
2: 10 2
3: 5 1 1
4: 4 . . 4
5: 22.22
6: 111111
Chapter 49
Character Tables
This chapter contains
the introduction of GAP3 character tables (see 49.1, 49.2, 49.3, 49.4, 49.5, 49.6, 49.7, 49.8,
49.9) and some conventions for their usage (see 49.10),
the description how to construct or get character tables (see 49.11, 49.12; for the contents
of the table library, see Chapter 53), matrix representations (see 49.25).
the description of some functions which give information about the conjugacy classes of
character tables, that is, to compute classlengths (see 49.27), inverse classes (see 49.28) and
classnames (see 49.29), structure constants (see 49.30, 49.31, 49.32), the set of real classes
(see 49.33), orbits of the Galois group on the classes (see 49.34) and roots of classes (see
the description how character tables or parts of them can be displayed (see 49.37) and sorted
(see 49.38, 49.39, 49.40).
the description of functions which compute the automorphism group of a matrix (see 49.41)
or character table (see 49.42), or which compute permutations relating permutation equiv-
alent matrices (see 49.43) or character tables (see 49.44),
the description of functions which get fusions from and store fusions on tables (see 49.45,
49.46, 49.47),
the description of the interface between GAP3 and the MOC3 system (see 49.48, 49.49,
49.50, 49.51, 49.52, 49.53 ), and of a function which converts GAP3 tables to CAS tables
(see 49.54).
This chapter does not contain information about
functions to construct characters (see Chapter 51), or functions to construct and use maps
(see Chapter 52).
For some elaborate examples how character tables are handled in GAP3, see 1.25.
49.1 Some Notes on Character Theory in GAP
It seems to be necessary to state some basic facts –and maybe warnings– at the beginning of
the character theory package. This holds for people who are familiar with character theory
because there is no global reference on computational character theory, although there are
many papers on this topic, like [NPP84] or [LP91]. It holds, however, also for people who
are familiar with GAP3 because the general concept of categories and domains (see 1.23 and
chapter 4) plays no important role here –we will justify this later in this section.
Intuitively, characters of the finite group Gcan be thought of as certain mappings defined
on G, with values in the complex number field; the set of all characters of Gforms a semiring
with addition and multiplication both defined pointwise, which is embedded in the ring of
generalized (or virtual) characters in the natural way. A Z–basis of this ring, and also a
vector space base of the vector space of class functions, is given by the irreducible characters.
At this stage one could ask where there is a problem, since all these algebraic structures are
supported by GAP3, as is described in chapters 4, 5, 9, 43, and others.
Now, we first should say that characters are not implemented as mappings, that there are
no GAP3 domains denoting character rings, and that a character table is not a domain.
For computations with characters of a finite group Gwith nconjugacy classes, say, we fix
an order of the classes, and then identify each class with its position according to this order.
Each character of Gwill be represented as list of length nwhere at the i–th position the
character value for elements of the i–th class is stored. Note that we do not need to know
the conjugacy classes of Gphysically, even our “knowledge” of the group may be implicit in
the sense that e.g. we know how many classes of involutions Ghas, and which length these
classes have, but we never have seen an element of G, or a presentation or representation of
G. This allows to work with the character tables of very large groups, e.g., of the so–called
monster, where GAP3 has no chance to work with the group.
As a consequence, also other information involving characters is given implicitly. For exam-
ple, we can talk about the kernel of a character not as a group but as a list of classes (more
exactly: a list of their positions according to the order of classes) forming this kernel; we
can deduce the group order, the contained cyclic subgroups and so on, but we do not get
the group itself.
Characters are one kind of class functions, and we also represent general class functions
as lists. Two important kinds of these functions which are not characters are power maps
and fusion maps. The k–th power map maps each class to the class of k–th powers of
its elements, the corresponding list contains at each position the position of the image. A
subgroup fusion map between the classes of a subgroup Hof Gand the classes of Gmaps
each class cof Hto that class of Gthat contains c; if we know only the character tables of
the two groups, this means with respect to a fixed embedding of Hin G.
So the data mainly consist of lists, and typical calculations with character tables are more
or less loops over these lists. For example, the known scalar product of two characters χ,ψ
of Ggiven by
[χ, ψ] = 1
can be written as
Sum( [1..n], i -> t.classes[i]*chi[i]*GaloisCyc(psi[i],-1) );
where t.classes is the list of classlengths, and chi,psi are the lists corresponding to
χ,ψ, respectively. Characters, classlengths, element orders, power maps, fusion maps and
other information about a group is stored in a common character table record just to avoid
confusion, not to indicate an algebraic structure (which would mean a domain in the sense
of GAP3).
A character table is not determined by something similar to generators for groups or rings
in GAP3 where other components (the knowledge about the domain) is stored for the sake
of efficiency. In many situations one works with incomplete tables or preliminary tables
which are, strictly speaking, no character tables but shall be handled like character tables.
Moreover, the correctness or even the consistency of a character table is hard to prove.
Thus it is not sufficient to view a character table as a black box, and to get information
about it using a few property test functions. In fact there are very few functions that return
character tables or that are property tests. Most GAP3 functions dealing with character
tables return class functions, or lists of them, or information about class functions. For
that, GAP3 directly accesses the components of the table record, and the user will have to
look at the record components, too, in order to put the pieces of the puzzle together, and
to decide how to go on.
So it is not easy to say what a character table is; it describes some properties of the
underlying group, and it describes them in a rather abstract way. Also GAP3 does not know
whether or not a list is a character, it will e.g. regard a list with all entries equal to 1 as
the trivial character if it is passed to a function that expects characters.
It is one of the advantages of character theory that after one has translated a problem
concerning groups into a problem concerning their character tables the calculations are
mostly simple. For example, one can often prove that a group is a Galois group over the
rationals using calculations of structure constants that can be computed from the character
table, and informations on (the character tables of) maximal subgroups.
In this kind of problems the translation back to the group is just an interpretation by the
user, it does not take place in GAP3. At the moment, the only interface between handling
groups and handling character tables is the fixed order of conjugacy classes.
Note that algebraic structures are not of much interest in character theory. The main reason
for this is that we have no homomorphisms since we need not to know anything about the
group multiplication.
49.2 Character Table Records
For GAP3, a character table is any record that has the components centralizers and
identifier (see 49.4).
There are three different but very similar types of character tables in GAP3, namely ordinary
tables, Brauer tables and generic tables. Generic tables are described in Chapter 50. Brauer
tables are defined and stored relative to ordinary tables, so they will be described in 49.3,
and we start with ordinary tables.
You may store arbitrary information on an ordinary character table, but these are the only
fields used by GAP3 functions:
the list of centralizer orders which should be positive integers
a string that identifies the table, sometimes also called he table name; it is used for
fusions (see below), programs for generic tables (see chapter 50) and for access to
library tables (see 49.12, 53.1)
the group order, a positive integer; in most cases, it is equal to centralizers[1]
the lengths of conjugacy classes, a list of positive integers
the list of representative orders
a list where at position p, if bound, the p-th powermap is stored; the p-th powermap
is a -possibly parametrized- map (see 52.1)
a list of records which describe the fusions into other character tables, that is sub-
group fusions and factor fusions; any record has fields name (the identifier com-
ponent of the destination table) and map (a list of images for the classes, it may be
parametrized (see 52.1)); if there are different fusions with same destination table,
the field specification is used to distinguish them; optional fields are type (a string
that is "normal" for normal subgroup fusions and "factor" for factor fusions) and
text (a string with information about the fusion)
a list of table names of those tables which contain a fusion into the actual table
a list of irreducible characters (see below)
a list of records with information about irreducibles, usual entries are indicator,
pblock and charparam (see 51.7, 51.6, 50); if the field irreducibles is sorted using
49.38, the irredinfo field is sorted, too. So any information about irreducibles
should be stored here.
(only for ATLAS tables, see 53.3) a list of records, each with fields name (of the table
of a covering group) and chars (a list of –in general not all– faithful irreducibles of
the covering group)
the actual permutation of the classes (see 49.10, 49.39)
a list of parameter values specifying the classes of tables constructed via specialisation
of a generic character table (see chapter 50)
a list of additional information about the conjugacy classes (e.g. representatives of
the class for matrix groups or permutation groups)
a string containing information about the table; these are e.g. its source (see Chapter
53), the tests it has passed (1.o.r. for the test of orthogonality, pow[p]for the
construction of the p-th powermap, DEC for the decomposition of ordinary characters
in Brauer characters), and choices made without loss of generality where possible
the permutation group of column permutations preserving the set irreducibles (see
49.41, 49.42)
a list of names for the classes, a string each (see 49.29)
for each entry clname in classnames, a field tbl .clname that has the position of
clname in classnames as value (see 49.29)
a record with fields Print (see 49.37) and ScalarProduct (see 51.1); the default value
of the operations field is CharTableOps (see 49.7)
a list of records, each with fields permchars,permclasses (both permutations),
name and eventually text and classtext; application of the two permutations to
irreducibles and classes yields the original CAS library table with name name and
text text (see 53.5)
a record with components othernames and perhaps CASnames which are all admissible
names of the table (see 49.12); using these records, the list LIBLIST.ORDINARY can
be constructed from the library using MakeLIBLIST (see 53.6)
the group the table belongs to; if the table was computed using CharTable (see 49.12)
then this component holds the group, with conjugacy classes sorted compatible with
the columns of the table
Note that tables in library files may have different format (see chapter 53).
This is a typical example of a character table, first the “naked” record, then the displayed
gap> t:= CharTable( "2.A5" );; PrintCharTable( t );
rec( text := "origin: ATLAS of finite groups, tests: 1.o.r., pow[2,3,5\
]", centralizers := [ 120, 120, 4, 6, 6, 10, 10, 10, 10
], powermap := [ , [ 1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 6, 6 ],
], fusions := [ rec(
name := "A5",
map := [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 ] ), rec(
name := "2.A5.2",
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7 ] ), rec(
name := "2.J2",
map := [ 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19 ],
text := [ ’f’, ’u’, ’s’, ’i’, ’o’, ’n’, ’ ’, ’o’, ’f’, ’ ’,
’m’, ’a’, ’x’, ’i’, ’m’, ’a’, ’l’, ’ ’, ’2’, ’.’, ’A’, ’5’,
’ ’, ’d’, ’e’, ’t’, ’e’, ’r’, ’m’, ’i’, ’n’, ’e’, ’d’, ’ ’,
’b’, ’y’, ’ ’, ’t’, ’h’, ’e’, ’ ’, ’3’, ’B’, ’ ’, ’e’, ’l’,
’e’, ’m’, ’e’, ’n’, ’t’, ’s’ ] ) ], irreducibles :=
[ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3,
-E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4,
-E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 4, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 2, -2, 0, -1, 1, E(5)+E(5)^4, -E(5)-E(5)^4, E(5)^2+E(5)^3,
-E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 2, -2, 0, -1, 1, E(5)^2+E(5)^3, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, E(5)+E(5)^4,
-E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, -4, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ], automorphisms := Group( (6,8)
(7,9) ), construction := function ( tbl )
ConstructProj( tbl );
end, irredinfo := [ rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 1,, 1 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 2,, 1 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 3,, 1 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 2, 1,, 1 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 1,, 2 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 4,, 3 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 4,, 3 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 2, 4,, 3 ] ), rec(
pblock := [ , 1, 5,, 3 ] )
], identifier := "2.A5", operations := CharTableOps, fusionsource :=
[ "P2/G1/L1/V1/ext2", "P2/G1/L1/V1/ext3", "P2/G2/L1/V1/ext2",
"P2/G2/L1/V1/ext3", "P2/G2/L1/V2/ext2" ], name := "2.A5", size :=
120, order := 120, classes := [ 1, 1, 30, 20, 20, 12, 12, 12, 12
], orders := [ 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 10, 5, 10 ] )
gap> DisplayCharTable( t );
2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 . 1 1 . . . .
5 1 1 . . . 1 1 1 1
1a 2a 4a 3a 6a 5a 10a 5b 10b
2P 1a 1a 2a 3a 3a 5b 5b 5a 5a
3P 1a 2a 4a 1a 2a 5b 10b 5a 10a
5P 1a 2a 4a 3a 6a 1a 2a 1a 2a
X.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
X.2 3 3 -1 . . A A *A *A
X.3 3 3 -1 . . *A *A A A
X.4 4 4 . 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1
X.5 5 5 1 -1 -1 . . . .
X.6 2 -2 . -1 1 -A A -*A *A
X.7 2 -2 . -1 1 -*A *A -A A
X.8 4 -4 . 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1
X.9 6 -6 . . . 1 -1 1 -1
A = -E(5)-E(5)^4
= (1-ER(5))/2 = -b5
49.3 Brauer Table Records
Brauer table records are similar to the records which represent ordinary character tables.
They contain many of the well–known record components, like identifier,centralizers,
irreducibles etc.; but there are two kinds of differences:
First, the operations record is BrauerTableOps instead of CharTableOps (see 49.7). Second,
there are two extra components, namely
ordinary, which contains the ordinary character table corresponding to the Brauer table,
blocks, which reflects the block information; it is a list of records with components
the defect of the block,
a list of integers indexing the ordinary irreducibles in the block,
a list of integers indexing the Brauer characters in the block,
a list of integers indexing the ordinary irreducibles of a basic set; note that the indices
refer to the positions in the whole irreducibles list of the ordinary table, not to the
positions in the block,
the inverse of the restriction of the decomposition matrix of the block to the basic set
given by the basicset component, and possibly
if exists, a list that represents the decomposition matrix which in this case is viewed
as incidence matrix of a tree (the so–called Brauer tree); the entries of the list corre-
spond to the edges of the tree, they refer to positions in the block, not in the whole
irreducibles list of the tables. Brauer trees are mainly used to store the information
in a more compact way than by decomposition matrices, planar embeddings etc. are
not (or not yet) included.
Note that Brauer tables in the library have different format (see 53.6).
We give an example:
gap> PrintCharTable( CharTable( "M11" ) mod 11 );
rec( identifier := "M11mod11", text := "origin: modular ATLAS of finit\
e groups, tests: DEC, TENS", prime := 11, size :=
7920, centralizers := [ 7920, 48, 18, 8, 5, 6, 8, 8 ], orders :=
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8 ], classes :=
[ 1, 165, 440, 990, 1584, 1320, 990, 990 ], powermap :=
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 8, 7 ],,,,,, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
], fusions := [ rec(
name := "M11",
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ],
type := "choice" ) ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 9, 1, 0, 1, -1, -2, -1, -1 ],
[ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, E(8)+E(8)^3, -E(8)-E(8)^3 ],
[ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0, 1, -E(8)-E(8)^3, E(8)+E(8)^3 ],
[ 11, 3, 2, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1 ], [ 16, 0, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 44, 4, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 55, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 1 ]
], irredinfo := [ rec(
), rec(
), rec(
), rec(
), rec(
), rec(
), rec(
), rec(
) ], blocks := [ rec(
defect := 1,
ordchars := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 ],
modchars := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ],
decinv :=
basicset := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 ],
brauertree :=
defect := 0,
ordchars := [ 5 ],
modchars := [ 5 ],
decinv := [ [ 1 ] ],
basicset := [ 5 ] ), rec(
defect := 0,
ordchars := [ 8 ],
modchars := [ 7 ],
decinv := [ [ 1 ] ],
basicset := [ 8 ] ), rec(
defect := 0,
ordchars := [ 10 ],
modchars := [ 8 ],
decinv := [ [ 1 ] ],
basicset := [ 10 ] )
], ordinary := CharTable( "M11" ), operations := BrauerTableOps, orde\
r := 7920, name := "M11mod11", automorphisms := Group( (7,8) ) )
49.4 IsCharTable
IsCharTable( obj )
returns true if obj is a record with fields centralizers (a list) and identifier (a string),
otherwise it returns false.
gap> IsCharTable( rec( centralizers:= [ 2,2 ], identifier:= "C2" ) );
There is one exception: If the record does not contain an identifier component, but a name
component instead, then the function returns true. Note, however, that this exception will
disappear in forthcoming GAP3 versions.
49.5 PrintCharTable
PrintCharTable( tbl )
prints the information stored in the character table tbl in a format that is GAP3 readable.
The call can be used as argument of PrintTo in order to save the table to a file.
gap> t:= CharTable( "Cyclic", 3 );
CharTable( "C3" )
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( identifier := "C3", name := "C3", size := 3, order :=
3, centralizers := [ 3, 3, 3 ], orders := [ 1, 3, 3 ], powermap :=
[ ,, [ 1, 1, 1 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ], [ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ]
], classparam := [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ], irredinfo :=
[ rec(
charparam := [ 1, 0 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 1 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 2 ] )
], text := "computed using generic character table for cyclic groups"\
, classes := [ 1, 1, 1 ], operations := CharTableOps, fusions :=
[ ], fusionsource := [ ], projections := [ ], projectionsource :=
[ ] )
49.6 TestCharTable
TestCharTable( tbl )
checks the character table tbl
if tbl.centralizers,tbl.classes,tbl .orders and the entries of tbl.powermap have
same length,
if the product of tbl.centralizers[i]with tbl.classes[i]is equal to tbl.order,
if tbl.orders[i]divides tbl.centralizers[i],
if the entries of tbl.classnames and the corresponding record fields are consistent,
if the first orthogonality relation for tbl.irreducibles is satisfied,
if the centralizers agree with the sums of squared absolute values of tbl.irreducibles
if powermaps and representative orders are consistent.
If no inconsistency occurs, true is returned, otherwise each error is signalled, and false is
returned at the end.
gap> t:= CharTable("A5");; TestCharTable(t);
gap> t.irreducibles[2]:= t.irreducibles[3] - t.irreducibles[1];;
gap> TestCharTable(t);
#E TestCharTable(A5): Scpr( ., X[2], X[1] ) = -1
#E TestCharTable(A5): Scpr( ., X[2], X[2] ) = 2
#E TestCharTable(A5): Scpr( ., X[3], X[2] ) = 1
#E TestCharTable(A5): centralizer orders inconsistent with irreducibles
49.7 Operations Records for Character Tables
Although a character table is not a domain (see 49.1), it needs an operations record. That for
ordinary character tables is CharTableOps, that for Brauer tables is BrauerTableOps.
The functions in these records are listed in section 49.8.
In the following two cases it may be useful to overlay these functions.
Character tables are printed using the Print component, one can for example replace the
default Print by 49.37 DisplayCharTable.
Whenever a library function calls the scalar product this is the ScalarProduct field of the
operations record, so one can replace the default function (see 51.1) by a more efficient one
for special cases.
49.8 Functions for Character Tables
The following polymorphic functions are overlaid in the operations record of character
tables. They are listed in alphabetical order.
AbelianInvariants( tbl )
Agemo( tbl,p)
Automorphisms( tbl )
Centre( tbl )
CharacterDegrees( tbl )
DerivedSubgroup( tbl )
Display( tbl )
ElementaryAbelianSeries( tbl )
Exponent( tbl )
FittingSubgroup( tbl )
FrattiniSubgroup( tbl )
FusionConjugacyClasses( tbl1 ,tbl2 )
IsAbelian( tbl )
IsCyclic( tbl )
IsNilpotent( tbl )
IsSimple( tbl )
IsSolvable( tbl )
IsSupersolvable( tbl )
LowerCentralSeries( tbl )
MaximalNormalSubgroups( tbl )
NoMessageScalarProduct( tbl,chi1 ,chi2 )
NormalClosure( tbl,classes )
NormalSubgroups( tbl )
Print( tbl )
ScalarProduct( tbl,chi1 ,chi2 )
Size( tbl )
SizesConjugacyClasses( tbl )
SupersolvableResiduum( tbl )
UpperCentralSeries( tbl )
49.9 Operators for Character Tables
The following operators are defined for character tables.
tbl1 *tbl2
direct product of two character tables (see 49.17),
tbl /list
table of the factor group modulo the classes in the list list (see 49.15),
tbl mod p
p–modular table corresponding to tbl (see 49.12).
49.10 Conventions for Character Tables
The following few conventions should be noted:
The identity element is expected to be in the first class.
Characters are lists of cyclotomics (see Chapter 13) or unknowns (see chapter 17); they
do not physically “belong” to a table, so when necessary, functions “regard” them as
characters of a table which is given as another parameter.
Conversely , most functions that take a character table as a parameter and work with
characters expect these characters as a parameter, too.
Some functions, however, expect the characters to be stored in the irreducibles
field of the table (e.g. 49.6 TestCharTable) or allow application either to a list of
characters given by a parameter or to the irreducibles field (e.g. 51.7 Indicator)
if this parameter is missing.
The trivial character need not be the first one in a list of characters.
Sort convention: Whenever 49.39 SortClassesCharTable or 49.40 SortCharTable is
used to sort the classes of a character table, the fusions into that table are not ad-
justed; only the permutation field of the sorted table will be actualized.
If one handles fusions only using 49.45 GetFusionMap and 49.46 StoreFusion, the
maps are adjusted automatically with respect to the value of the field permutation of
the destination table. So one should not change this field by hand. Fusion maps that
are entered explicitly (e.g. because they are not stored on a table) are expected to be
sorted, they will not be adjusted.
49.11 Getting Character Tables
There are in general four different ways to get a character table which GAP3 already “knows”:
You can either
read a file that contains the table record,
construct the table using generic formulae,
derive it from known tables or
use a presentation or representation of the group.
The first two methods are used by 49.12 CharTable. For the conception of generic character
tables, see chapter 50. Note that library files often contain something that is much different
from the tables returned by CharTable, see chapter 53. Especially see 53.2.
As for the third method, some generic ways to derive a character table are implemented:
One can obtain it as table of a factor group where the table of the group is given (see
for given tables the table of the direct product can be constructed (see 49.17),
the restriction of a table to the p-regular classes can be formed (see 49.19),
for special cases, an isoclinic table of a given table can be constructed (see 49.20),
the splitting and fusion of classes may be viewed as a generic process (see 49.21,
At the moment, for the last method there are algorithms dealing with arbitrary groups (see
49.12), and with finite polycyclic groups with special properties (see 49.26).
Note that whenever fusions between tables occur in these functions, they are stored on the
concerned tables, and the fusionsource fields are updated (see 49.2).
49.12. CHARTABLE 843
49.12 CharTable
CharTable( G)
CharTable( tblname )
CharTable( series,parameter1 ,parameter2 ... )
CharTable( G)
returns the character table of the group G. If is bound, the table is baptized the
same. Otherwise it is given the identifier component "" (empty string). This is necessary
since every character table needs an identifier in GAP3 (see 49.4).
CharTable first computes the linear characters, using the commutator factor group. If
irreducible characters are missing afterwards, they are computed using the algorithm of
Dixon and Schneider (see [Dix67] and [Sch90]).
gap> M11 := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11), (3,7,11,8)(4,10,5,6));;
gap> := "M11";;
gap> PrintCharTable( CharTable( M11 ) );
rec( size := 7920, centralizers := [ 7920, 11, 11, 8, 48, 8, 8, 18,
5, 6 ], orders := [ 1, 11, 11, 4, 2, 8, 8, 3, 5, 6 ], classes :=
[ 1, 720, 720, 990, 165, 990, 990, 440, 1584, 1320 ], irreducibles :=
[ 10, -1, -1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1 ],
[ 10, -1, -1, 0, -2, E(8)+E(8)^3, -E(8)-E(8)^3, 1, 0, 1 ],
[ 10, -1, -1, 0, -2, -E(8)-E(8)^3, E(8)+E(8)^3, 1, 0, 1 ],
[ 11, 0, 0, -1, 3, -1, -1, 2, 1, 0 ],
[ 16, E(11)^2+E(11)^6+E(11)^7+E(11)^8+E(11)^10,
E(11)+E(11)^3+E(11)^4+E(11)^5+E(11)^9, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 0 ],
[ 16, E(11)+E(11)^3+E(11)^4+E(11)^5+E(11)^9,
E(11)^2+E(11)^6+E(11)^7+E(11)^8+E(11)^10, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 1, 0 ]
, [ 44, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1 ],
[ 45, 1, 1, 1, -3, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 55, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1 ]
], operations := CharTableOps, identifier := "M11", order :=
7920, name := "M11", powermap :=
,, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 1, 10 ],,
[ 1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10 ],,,,
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ] ], galomorphisms := Group(
( 6, 7),
( 2, 3) ), text := "origin: Dixon’s Algorithm", group := M11 )
The columns of the table will be sorted in the same order, as the classes of the group,
thus allowing a bijection between group and table. If the conjugacy classes are bound
in G.conjugacyClasses the order is not changed. Otherwise the routine itself computes
the classes. One can sort them in the canonical way, using SortClassesCharTable (see
49.39). If an entry G.charTable exists the routine uses information contained in this
table. This also provides a facility for entering known characters, but then the user assumes
responsibility for the correctness of the characters (There is little use in providing the trivial
character to the routine).
Note: The algorithm binds the record component galomorphisms of the character ta-
ble. This is a permutation group generated by the Galois-morphisms only. If there
is no automorphisms component in the table then this group is used by routines like
The computation of character tables needs to identify the classes of group elements very
often, so it can be helpful to store a class list of all group elements. Since this is obviously
limited by the group size, it is controlled by the global variable LARGEGROUPORDER, which is
set by standard to 10000. If the group is smaller, the class map is stored. Otherwise each
occuring element is identified individually.
Limitations: At the moment there is a limitation to the group size given by the following
condition: the routine computes in a prime field of size p.pis a prime number, such that
the exponent of the group divides (p1) and such that 2p|G|< p. At the moment, GAP3
provides only prime fields up to size 65535.
The routine also sets up a component G.dixon. Using this component, routines that identify
classes, for example FusionConjugacyClasses, will work much faster. When interrupting
the algorithm, however, a neccessary cleanup has not taken place. Thus you should call
Unbind( G.dixon ) to avoid possible further confusion. This is also a good idea because
G.dixon may become very large. When the computation by CharTable is complete, this
record is shrunk to an acceptable size, something that could not be done when interrupting.
CharTable( tblname )
If the only parameter is a string tblname and this is an admissible name of a library table,
CharTable returns this library table, otherwise false. A call of CharTable may cause to
read some library files and to construct the table from the data in the files, see chapter 53
for the details.
Admissible names for the ordinary character table tbl of the group grp are
the ATLAS name if tbl is an ATLAS table (see 53.3), e.g., M22 for the table of the
Mathieu group M22,L2(13) for L2(13) and 12 1.U4(3).2 1 for 121.U4(3).21,
the names that were admissible for tables of grp in CAS if the CAS table library
contained a table of grp, e.g., sl42 for the table of the alternating group A8(but note
that the table may be different from that in CAS, see 53.5) and
some “relative” names:
For grp the n–th maximal subgroup (in decreasing group order) of a sporadic simple
group with admissible name name,nameMnis admissible for tbl, e.g., J3M2 for the
second maximal subgroup of the Janko group J3which has the name J3.
For grp a nontrivial Sylow normalizer of a sporadic simple group with admissible name
name, where nontrivial means that the group is not contained in p:(p1), nameNp
is an admissible name of tbl, e.g., J4N11 for the Sylow 11 normalizer of the Janko
group J4.
In a few cases, the table of the Sylow psubgroup of grp is accessible by nameSylp
where name is an admissible name of the table of grp, e.g., A11Syl2 for the Sylow 2
subgroup of the alternating group A11.
49.12. CHARTABLE 845
In a few cases, the table of an element centralizer of grp is accessible by nameCcl
where name is an admissible name of the table of grp, e.g., M11C2 for an involution
centralizer in the Mathieu group M11.
Admissible names for a Brauer table tbl (modulo the prime p) are all names namemodp
where name is admissible for the corresponding ordinary table, e.g., M12mod11 for the 11
modular table of M12, and L2(25).2 1mod3 for the 3 modular table of L2(25).21. Brauer
tables in the library can be got also from the underlying ordinary table using the mod
operator, as in the following example.
gap> CharTable( "A5" ) mod 2;
CharTable( "A5mod2" )
Generic tables are accessible only by the name given by their identifier component (see
Case is not significant for table names, e.g., suzm3 and SuzM3 are both admissible names
for the third maximal subgroup of the sporadic Suzuki group.
The admissible names reflect the structure of the libraries, see 53.1 and 53.6.
gap> CharTable( "A5.2" );; # returns the character table of the
# symmetric group on five letters
# (in ATLAS format)
gap> CharTable( "Symmetric" );; # returns the generic table of the
# symmetric group
gap> CharTable( "J5" );
#E CharTableLibrary: no library table with name ’J5’
If CharTable is called with more than one parameter, the first must be a string specifying
a series of groups which is implemented via a generic character table (see chapter 50), e.g.
"Symmetric" for the symmetric groups; the following parameters specialise the required
member of the series:
gap> CharTable( "Symmetric", 5 );; # the table of the symmetric
# group S5(got by specializing
# the generic table)
These are the valid calls of CharTable with parameter series:
CharTable( "Alternating", n)
returns the table of the alternating group on nletters,
CharTable( "Cyclic", n)
returns the table of the cyclic group of order n,
CharTable( "Dihedral", 2n )
returns the table of the dihedral group of order 2n,
CharTable( "GL", 2, q)
returns the table of the general linear group GL(2, q) for a prime power q,
CharTable( "GU", 3, q)
returns the table of the general unitary group GU(3, q) for a prime power q,
CharTable( "P:Q", [ p,q] )
returns the table of the extension of the cyclic group of prime order pby a cyclic
group of order qwhere qdivides p1,
CharTable( "PSL", 2, q)
returns the table of the projective special linear group PSL(2, q) for a prime power q,
CharTable( "SL", 2, q)
returns the table of the special linear group SL(2, q) for a prime power q,
CharTable( "SU", 3, q)
returns the table of the special unitary group SU(3, q) for a prime power q,
CharTable( "Quaternionic", 4n )
returns the table of the quaternionic (dicyclic) group of order 4n,
CharTable( "Suzuki", q)
returns the table of the Suzuki group Sz(q) =2B2(q) for qan odd power of 2,
CharTable( "Symmetric", n)
returns the table of the symmetric group on nletters.
CharTable( "WeylB", n)
returns the table of the Weyl group of type Bn.
CharTable( "WeylD", n)
returns the table of the Weyl group of type Dn.
49.13 Advanced Methods for Dixon Schneider Calcula-
The computation of character tables of very large groups may take quite some time. On
the other hand, for the expert only a few irreducible characters may be needed, since the
other ones can be computed using character theoretic methods like tensoring, induction,
and restriction. Thus GAP3 provides also step-by-step routines for doing the calculations,
that will allow to compute some characters, and stop before all are calculated. Note that
there is no ’safety net’, i.e., the routines, being somehow internal, do no error checking, and
assume the information given are correct.
When the global variable InfoCharTable1 if set to Print, information about the progress
of splitting is printed. The default value of InfoCharTable1 is Ignore.
DixonInit( G)
does the setup for the computation of characters: It computes conjugacy classes, power maps
and linear characters (in the case of AgGroups it also contains a call of CharTablePGroup).
DixonInit returns a special record D(see below), which stores all informations needed for
the further computations. The power maps are computed for all primes smaller than the ex-
ponent of G, thus allowing to induce the characters of all cyclic subgroups by InducedCyclic
(see 51.23). For internal purposes, the algorithm uses a permuted arrangement of the classes
and probably a different —but isomorphic— group. It is possible to obtain different informa-
tions about the progress of the splitting process as well as the partially computed character
table from the record D.
DixontinI( D)
is the reverse function: It takes a Dixon record Dand returns the old group G. It also does
the cleanup of D. The returned group contains the component charTable, containing the
character table as far as known. The classes are arranged in the same way, as the classes of
DixonSplit( D)
will do the main splitting task: It chooses a class and splits the character spaces using the
corresponding class matrix. Characters are computed as far as possible.
CombinatoricSplit( D)
tries to split two-dimensional character spaces by combinatoric means. It is called automat-
ically by DixonSplit. A separate call can be useful, when new characters have been found,
that reduce the size of the character spaces.
IncludeIrreducibles( D,list )
If you have found irreducible characters by other means —like tensoring etc.— you must
not include them in the character table yourself, but let them include, using this routine.
Otherwise GAP3 would lose control of the characters yet known. The characters given in
list must be according to the arrangement of classes in D.GAP3 will automatically take the
closure of list under the galoisgroup and tensor products with one-dimensional characters.
SplitCharacters( D,list )
This routine decomposes the characters, given in list according to the character spaces
found up to this point. By applying this routine to tensor products etc., it may result in
characters with smaller norm, even irreducible ones. Since the recalculation of characters is
only possible, if the degree is small enough, the splitting process is applied only to characters
of sufficiently small degree.
Some notes on the record Dreturned by DixonInit:
This record stores several items of mainly internal interest. There are some entries, however,
that may be useful to know about when using the advanced methods described above. The
computation need not to take place in the original group, but in an isomorphic image W.
This may be the same group as the group given, but — depending on the group — also
a new one. Additionally the initialisation process will create a new list of the conjugacy
classes with possibly different arrangement. For access to these informations, the following
record components of the “Dixon Record”Dmight be of interest:
the group W,
the group G, of which the character table is to be computed,
classes of W; this list contains the same classes as W.conjugacyClasses, only the
arrangement is different,
contains the partially computed character table. The classes are arranged according
to D.conjugacyClasses,
permutation to apply to the classes to obtain the old arrangement.
49.14 An Example of Advanced Dixon Schneider Cal-
First, we set
gap> InfoCharTable1 := Print;;
for printout of some internal results. We now define our group, which is isomorphic to
PSL4(3) (we use a permutation representation of PSL4(3) instead of matrices since this will
speed up the computations).
gap> g := PrimitiveGroup(40,5);
gap> Size(g);
gap> d := DixonInit(g);;
#I 29 classes
gap> c := d.charTable;;
After the initialisation, one structure matrix is evaluated, yielding smaller spaces and several
irreducible characters.
gap> DixonSplit(d);
#I Matrix 2, Representative of Order 3, Centralizer: 5832
#I Dimensions: [ 1, 12, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
#I Two-dim space split
#I Two-dim space split
#I Two-dim space split
In this case spaces of the listed dimensions are a result of the splitting process. The three
two dimensional spaces are split successfully by combinatoric means.
We obtain several characters by tensor products and notify them to the program. The tensor
products of the nonlinear characters are reduced with the irreducible characters. The result
is split according to the spaces found, which yields characters of smaller norms, but no new
gap> asp:= AntiSymmetricParts( c, c.irreducibles, 2 );;
gap> ro:= ReducedOrdinary( c, c.irreducibles, asp );;
gap> Length( ro.irreducibles );
gap> IncludeIrreducibles( d, ro.irreducibles );
gap> nlc:= Filtered( c.irreducibles, i -> i[1] > 1 );;
gap> t:= Tensored( nlc, nlc );;
gap> ro:= ReducedOrdinary( c, c.irreducibles, t );; ro.irreducibles;
[ ]
gap> List( ro.remainders, i -> ScalarProduct( c, i, i) );
[ 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 13, 13, 18, 18, 19, 21, 21, 36, 36, 29, 34, 34,
42, 34, 48, 54, 62, 68, 68, 78, 84, 84, 88, 90, 159, 169, 169, 172,
172, 266, 271, 271, 268, 274, 274, 280, 328, 373, 373, 456, 532,
576, 679, 683, 683, 754, 768, 768, 890, 912, 962, 1453, 1453, 1601,
1601, 1728, 1739, 1739, 1802, 2058, 2379, 2414, 2543, 2744, 2744,
2920, 3078, 3078, 4275, 4275, 4494, 4760, 5112, 5115, 5115, 5414,
6080, 6318, 7100, 7369, 7369, 7798, 8644, 10392, 12373, 12922,
14122, 14122, 18948, 21886, 24641, 24641, 25056, 38942, 44950,
78778 ]
gap> t := SplitCharacters( d, ro.remainders );;
gap> List( t, i -> ScalarProduct( c, i, i ) );
[ 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 4, 3, 6, 5, 5, 9, 9, 4, 12, 13, 18, 18, 18, 26,
32, 32, 16, 42, 36, 84, 84, 88, 90, 159, 169, 169, 172, 172, 266,
271, 271, 268, 274, 274, 280, 328, 373, 373, 456, 532, 576, 679,
683, 683, 754, 768, 768, 890, 912, 962, 1453, 1453, 1601, 1601,
1728, 1739, 1739, 1802, 2058, 2379, 2414, 2543, 2744, 2744, 2920,
3078, 3078, 4275, 4275, 4494, 4760, 5112, 5115, 5115, 5414, 6080,
6318, 7100, 7369, 7369, 7798, 8644, 10392, 12373, 12922, 14122,
14122, 18948, 21886, 24641, 24641, 25056, 38942, 44950, 78778 ]
Finally we calculate the characters induced from all cyclic subgroups and obtain the missing
irreducibles by applying the LLL-algorithm to them.
gap> ic:= InducedCyclic( c, "all" );;
gap> ro:= ReducedOrdinary( c, c.irreducibles, ic );;
gap> Length( ro.irreducibles );
gap> l:= LLL( c, ro.remainders );;
gap> Length( l.irreducibles );
gap> IncludeIrreducibles( d, l.irreducibles );
gap> Length( c.irreducibles );
gap> Length( c.classes );
As the last step, we return to our original group.
gap> g:= DixontinI( d );
#I Total:1 matrices, [ 2 ]
gap> c:= g.charTable;;
gap> List( c.irreducibles, i -> i[1] );
[ 1, 26, 26, 39, 52, 65, 65, 90, 234, 234, 260, 260, 260, 351, 390,
416, 416, 416, 416, 468, 585, 585, 640, 640, 640, 640, 729, 780,
1040 ]
gap> Sum( last, i -> i^2 );
49.15 CharTableFactorGroup
CharTableFactorGroup( tbl,classes of normal subgroup )
returns the table of the factor group of tbl with respect to a particular normal subgroup:
If the list of irreducibles stored in tbl.irreducibles is complete, this normal subgroup is
the normal closure of classes of normal subgroup; otherwise it is the intersection of kernels
of those irreducibles stored on tbl which contain classes of normal subgroups in their kernel
–that may cause strange results.
gap> s4:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( CharTableFactorGroup( s4, [ 3 ] ) );
rec( size := 6, identifier := "S4/[ 3 ]", order :=
6, name := "S4/[ 3 ]", centralizers := [ 6, 2, 3 ], powermap :=
[ , [ 1, 1, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 1 ] ], fusions := [ ], fusionsource :=
[ "S4" ], irreducibles := [ [ 1, -1, 1 ], [ 2, 0, -1 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ]
], orders := [ 1, 2, 3 ], classes :=
[ 1, 3, 2 ], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> s4.fusions;
[ rec(
map := [ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 ],
type := "factor",
name := "S4/[ 3 ]" ) ]
49.16 CharTableNormalSubgroup
CharTableNormalSubgroup( tbl,normal subgroup )
returns the restriction of the character table tbl to the classes in the list normal subgroup.
This table is an approximation of the character table of this normal subgroup. It has compo-
nents order,identifier,centralizers,orders,classes,powermap,irreducibles (con-
tains the set of those restrictions of irreducibles of tbl which are irreducible), and fusions
(contains the fusion in tbl).
In most cases, some classes of the normal subgroup must be split, see 49.21.
gap> s5:= CharTable( "A5.2" );;
gap> s3:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 3 );;
gap> SortCharactersCharTable( s3 );;
gap> s5xs3:= CharTableDirectProduct( s5, s3 );;
gap> nsg:= [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ];;
gap> sub:= CharTableNormalSubgroup( s5xs3, nsg );;
#I CharTableNormalSubgroup: classes in [ 8 ] necessarily split
gap> PrintCharTable( sub );
rec( identifier := "Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 2\
0 ])", size :=
360, name := "Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ])",\
order := 360, centralizers := [ 360, 180, 24, 12, 18, 9, 15, 15/2,
12, 4, 6 ], orders := [ 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 15, 2, 4, 6
], powermap := [ , [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 3, 5 ],
[ 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7, 9, 10, 9 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 ] ], classes :=
[ 1, 2, 15, 30, 20, 40, 24, 48, 30, 90, 60
], operations := CharTableOps, irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 6, 6, -2, -2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, 2, 0, -1 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -2, 0, 1 ],
[ 8, -4, 0, 0, 2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 10, -5, 2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ], fusions := [ rec(
name := [ ’A’, ’5’, ’.’, ’2’, ’x’, ’S’, ’3’ ],
map := [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ] ) ] )
49.17 CharTableDirectProduct
CharTableDirectProduct( tbl1 ,tbl2 )
returns the character table of the direct product of the groups given by the character tables
tbl1 and tbl2 .
The matrix of irreducibles is the Kronecker product (see 34.6) of tbl1 .irreducibles with
tbl2 .irreducibles.
gap> c2:= CharTable( "Cyclic", 2 );; s2:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 2 );;
gap> SortCharactersCharTable( s2 );;
gap> v4:= CharTableDirectProduct( c2, s2 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( v4 );
rec( size := 4, identifier := "C2xS2", centralizers :=
[ 4, 4, 4, 4 ], order := 4, name := "C2xS2", classparam :=
], orders := [ 1, 2, 2, 2 ], powermap := [ , [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
], irreducibles := [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, -1, -1, 1 ] ], irredinfo := [ rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, [ 2 ] ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, [ 2 ] ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, [ 1, 1 ] ] ] ) ], charparam :=
[ ], fusionsource := [ [ ’C’, ’2’ ], "S2" ], fusions := [ rec(
name := [ ’C’, ’2’ ],
map := [ 1, 1, 2, 2 ],
type := "factor" ), rec(
name := "S2",
map := [ 1, 2, 1, 2 ],
type := "factor" ) ], classes :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> c2.fusions;
[ rec(
map := [ 1, 3 ],
type := "normal",
name := "C2xS2" ) ]
Note: The result will contain those p-th powermaps for primes pwhere both tbl1 and
tbl2 contain the p-th powermap. Additionally, if one of the tables contains it, and pdoes
not divide the order of the other table, and the p-th powermap is uniquely determined
(see 52.12), it will be computed; then the table of the direct product will contain the p-th
powermap, too.
49.18 CharTableWreathSymmetric
CharTableWreathSymmetric( tbl,n)
returns the character table of the wreath product of an arbitrary group Gwith the full
symmetric group Sn, where tbl is the character table of G.
gap> c3:= CharTable("Cyclic", 3);;
gap> wr:= CharTableWreathSymmetric(c3, 2);;
gap> PrintCharTable( wr );
rec( size := 18, identifier := "C3wrS2", centralizers :=
[ 18, 9, 9, 18, 9, 18, 6, 6, 6 ], classes :=
[ 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3 ], orders := [ 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 6, 6
], irredinfo := [ rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 1 ], [ ], [ ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1 ], [ ], [ 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ ], [ 1, 1 ], [ ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ ], [ ], [ 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 2 ], [ ], [ ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ ], [ 2 ], [ ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ [ ], [ ], [ 2 ] ] )
], name := "C3wrS2", order := 18, classparam :=
[[[1,1],[ ],[ ]],[[1],[1],[ ]],
[[1],[ ],[1]],[[ ],[1,1],[ ]],
[[ ],[1],[1]],[[ ],[ ],[1,1]],
[[2],[ ],[ ]],[[ ],[2],[ ]],[[ ],[ ],[2]]
], powermap := [ , [ 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 4, 6 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 2, -E(3)^2, -E(3), 2*E(3), -1, 2*E(3)^2, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 2, -E(3), -E(3)^2, 2*E(3)^2, -1, 2*E(3), 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2, E(3)^2, 1, E(3), -1, -E(3), -E(3)^2 ],
[ 2, -1, -1, 2, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, E(3)^2, E(3), E(3), 1, E(3)^2, -1, -E(3)^2, -E(3) ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2, E(3)^2, 1, E(3), 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ],
[ 1, E(3)^2, E(3), E(3), 1, E(3)^2, 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ]
], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> DisplayCharTable( wr );
1a 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 2a 6a 6b
2P 1a 3b 3a 3e 3d 3c 1a 3c 3e
3P 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 1a 2a 2a 2a
X.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
X.2 2 A /A B -1 /B . . .
X.3 2 /A A /B -1 B . . .
X.4 1 -/A -A -A 1 -/A -1 /A A
X.5 2 -1 -1 2 -1 2 . . .
X.6 1 -A -/A -/A 1 -A -1 A /A
X.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
X.8 1 -/A -A -A 1 -/A 1 -/A -A
X.9 1 -A -/A -/A 1 -A 1 -A -/A
A = -E(3)^2
= (1+ER(-3))/2 = 1+b3
B = 2*E(3)
= -1+ER(-3) = 2b3
The record component classparam contains the sequences of partitions that parametrize
the classes as well as the characters of the wreath product. Note that this parametrization
prevents the principal character from being the first one in the list irreducibles.
49.19 CharTableRegular
CharTableRegular( tbl,prime )
returns the character table consisting of the prime-regular classes of the character table tbl.
gap> a5:= CharTable( "Alternating", 5 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( CharTableRegular( a5, 2 ) );
rec( identifier := "Regular(A5,2)", prime := 2, size := 60, orders :=
[ 1, 3, 5, 5 ], centralizers := [ 60, 3, 5, 5 ], powermap :=
[ rec(
map := [ 1, 3, 4, 5 ],
type := "choice",
name := "A5" )
], ordinary := CharTable( "A5" ), operations := CharTableOps, order :\
= 60, name := "Regular(A5,2)", classes := [ 1, 20, 12, 12 ] )
gap> a5.fusionsource;
[ "Regular(A5,2)" ]
49.20 CharTableIsoclinic
CharTableIsoclinic( tbl )
CharTableIsoclinic( tbl,classes of normal subgroup )
If tbl is a character table of a group with structure 2.G.2 with a unique central subgroup of
order 2 and a unique subgroup of index 2, CharTableIsoclinic( tbl )returns the table of
the isoclinic group (see [CCN+85, Chapter 6, Section 7]); if the subgroup of index 2 is not
unique, it must be specified by enumeration of its classes in classes of normal subgroup.
gap> d8:= CharTable( "Dihedral", 8 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( CharTableIsoclinic( d8, [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) );
rec( identifier := "Isoclinic(D8)", size := 8, centralizers :=
[ 8, 4, 8, 4, 4 ], classes := [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 2 ], orders :=
[ 1, 4, 2, 4, 4 ], fusions := [ ], fusionsource := [ ], powermap :=
[ , [ 1, 3, 1, 3, 3 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1 ], [ 2, 0, -2, 0, 0 ]
], operations := CharTableOps, order := 8, name := "Isoclinic(D8)" )
49.21 CharTableSplitClasses
CharTableSplitClasses( tbl,fusionmap )
CharTableSplitClasses( tbl,fusionmap,exponent )
returns a character table where the classes of the character table tbl are split according to
the fusion map fusionmap.
The two forms correspond to the two different situations to split classes:
CharTableSplitClasses( tbl,fusionmap )
If one constructs a normal subgroup (see 49.16), the order remains unchanged, powermaps,
classlengths and centralizer orders are changed with respect to the fusion, representative
orders and irreducibles are simply split. The “factor fusion” fusionmap to tbl is stored on
the result.
# see example in 49.16
gap> split:= CharTableSplitClasses(sub,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,10,11]);;
gap> PrintCharTable( split );
rec( identifier := "Split(Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14,\
17, 20 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ])", size :=
360, order :=
360, name := "Split(Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 2\
0 ]),[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ])", centralizers :=
[ 360, 180, 24, 12, 18, 9, 15, 15, 15, 12, 4, 6 ], classes :=
[ 1, 2, 15, 30, 20, 40, 24, 24, 24, 30, 90, 60 ], orders :=
[ 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 15, 15, 2, 4, 6 ], powermap :=
[ 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 10 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 2, 10, 11, 12 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 6, 6, -2, -2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 0, -1 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -2, 0, 1 ],
[ 8, -4, 0, 0, 2, -1, -2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 5, 5, 1, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 10, -5, 2, -1, -2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ], fusions := [ rec(
name := "Rest(A5.2xS3,[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 20 ])",
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11 ] )
], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> # the table of (3 ×A5):2 (incomplete)
CharTableSplitClasses( tbl,fusionmap,exponent )
To construct a downward extension is somewhat more complicated, since the new order,
representative orders, centralizer orders and classlengths are not known at the moment
when the classes are split. So the order remains unchanged, centralizer orders will just
be split, classlengths are divided by the number of image classes, and the representative
orders become parametrized with respect to the exponent exponent of the normal subgroup.
Power maps and irreducibles are computed from tbl and fusionmap, and the factor fusion
fusionmap to tbl is stored on the result.
gap> a5:= CharTable( "Alternating", 5 );;
gap> CharTableSplitClasses( a5, [ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 ], 2 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( last );
rec( identifier := "Split(A5,[ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 ])", size :=
60, order :=
60, name := "Split(A5,[ 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 ])", centralizers :=\
[ 60, 60, 4, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], classes :=
[ 1/2, 1/2, 15, 10, 10, 6, 6, 6, 6 ], orders :=
[ 5, 10 ], [ 5, 10 ] ], powermap :=
[ 6, 7 ] ],,
[ 1, 2 ] ] ], irreducibles := [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 4, 4, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], [ 5, 5, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3,
-E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4,
-E(5)-E(5)^4 ] ], fusions := [ rec(
name := "A5",
], operations := CharTableOps )
Note that powermaps (and in the second case also the representative orders) may become
parametrized maps (see Chapter 52).
The inverse process of splitting is the fusion of classes, see 49.22.
49.22 CharTableCollapsedClasses
CharTableCollapsedClasses( tbl,fusionmap )
returns a character table where all classes of the character table tbl with equal images
under the map fusionmap are collapsed; the fields orders,classes, and the characters in
irreducibles are the images under fusionmap, the powermaps are obtained on conjugation
(see 52.9) with fusionmap,order remains unchanged, and centralizers arise from classes
and order.
The fusion to the returned table is stored on tbl.
gap> c3:= CharTable( "Cyclic", 3 );;
gap> t:= CharTableSplitClasses( c3, [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ] );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( identifier := "Split(C3,[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ])", size := 3, order :=
3, name := "Split(C3,[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ])", centralizers :=
[ 3, 6, 6, 6, 6 ], classes := [ 1, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 ], orders :=
[ 1, 3, 3, 3, 3 ], powermap := [ ,, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3), E(3)^2, E(3)^2 ],
[ 1, E(3)^2, E(3)^2, E(3), E(3) ] ], fusions := [ rec(
name := [ ’C’, ’3’ ],
map := [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ] ) ], operations := CharTableOps )
gap> c:= CharTableCollapsedClasses( t, [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ] );;
gap> PrintCharTable( c );
rec( identifier := "Collapsed(Split(C3,[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ]),[ 1, 2, 2, 3\
, 3 ])", size := 3, order :=
3, name := "Collapsed(Split(C3,[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ]),[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ])",\
centralizers := [ 3, 3, 3 ], orders := [ 1, 3, 3 ], powermap :=
[ ,, [ 1, 1, 1 ] ], fusionsource := [ "Split(C3,[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ])"
], irreducibles := [ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ],
[ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ] ], classes :=
[ 1, 1, 1 ], operations := CharTableOps )
The inverse process of fusion is the splitting of classes, see 49.21.
49.23 CharDegAgGroup
CharDegAgGroup( G[, q] )
CharDegAgGroup computes the degrees of irreducible characters of the finite polycyclic group
Gover the algebraic closed field of characteristic q. The default value for qis zero. The
degrees are returned as a list of pairs, the first entry denoting a degree, and the second
denoting its multiplicity.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( 24, 15 );
gap> CharDegAgGroup( g );
[[1,2],[2,1],[3,2]] # two linear characters, one of
# degree 2, two of degree 3
gap> CharDegAgGroup( g, 3 );
The algorithm bases on [Con90b]. It works for all solvable groups.
49.24 CharTableSSGroup
CharTableSSGroup( G)
CharTableSSGroup returns the character table of the supersolvable ag-group Gand stores it
in G.charTable. If Gis not supersolvable not all irreducible characters migth be calculated
and a warning will be printed out. The algorithm bases on [Con90a] and [Con90b].
All the characters calculated are monomial, so they are the induced of a linear character of
some subgroup of G. For every character the subgroup it is induced from and the kernel
the linear character has are written down in t.irredinfo[i].inducedFrom.subgroup and
gap> t:= CharTableSSGroup( SolvableGroup( 8 , 5 ) );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( size := 8, classes := [ 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ], powermap :=
], operations := CharTableOps, group := Q8, irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], [ 2, -2, 0, 0, 0 ] ], orders :=
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 4 ], irredinfo := [ rec(
inducedFrom := rec(
subgroup := Q8,
kernel := Q8 ) ), rec(
inducedFrom := rec(
subgroup := Q8,
kernel := Subgroup( Q8, [ b, c ] ) ) ), rec(
inducedFrom := rec(
subgroup := Q8,
kernel := Subgroup( Q8, [ a, c ] ) ) ), rec(
inducedFrom := rec(
subgroup := Q8,
kernel := Subgroup( Q8, [ a*b, c ] ) ) ), rec(
inducedFrom := rec(
subgroup := Subgroup( Q8, [ b, c ] ),
kernel := Subgroup( Q8, [ ] ) ) ) ], order :=
8, centralizers := [ 8, 8, 4, 4, 4
], identifier := "Q8", name := "Q8" )
49.25 MatRepresentationsPGroup
MatRepresentationsPGroup( G)
MatRepresentationsPGroup( G[, int ] )
MatRepresentationsPGroup( G)returns a list of homomorphisms from the finite poly-
cyclic group Gto irreducible complex matrix groups. These matrix groups form a system
of representatives of the complex irreducible representations of G.
MatRepresentationsPGroup( G,int )returns only the int-th representation.
Let Gbe a finite polycyclic group with an abelian normal subgroup Nsuch that the fac-
torgroup G/Nis supersolvable. MatRepresentationsPGroup uses the algorithm described
in [Bau91]. Note that for such groups all such representations are equivalent to monomial
ones, and in fact MatRepresentationsPGroup only returns monomial representations.
If Ghas not the property stated above, a system of representatives of irreducible representa-
tions and characters only for the factor group G/Mcan be computed using this algorithm,
where Mis the derived subgroup of the supersolvable residuum of G. In this case first a
warning is printed. MatRepresentationsPGroup returns the irreducible representations of
Gwith kernel containing Mthen.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( 6, 2 );
gap> MatRepresentationsPGroup( g );
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( S3, Group( [ [ 1 ] ] ), [ a, b ],
[ [ [ 1 ] ], [ [ 1 ] ] ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( S3, Group(
GroupHomomorphismByImages( S3, Group( [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ],
[ [ E(3), 0 ], [ 0, E(3)^2 ] ] ), [ a, b ],
CharTablePGroup can be used to compute the character table of a group with the above
properties (see 49.26).
49.26 CharTablePGroup
CharTablePGroup( G)
CharTablePGroup returns the character table of the finite polycyclic group G, and stores
it in G.charTable. Do not change the order of G.conjugacyClasses after having called
Let Gbe a finite polycyclic group with an abelian normal subgroup Nsuch that the factor-
group G/Nis supersolvable. CharTablePGroup uses the algorithm described in [Bau91].
If Ghas not the property stated above, a system of representatives of irreducible representa-
tions and characters only for the factor group G/Mcan be computed using this algorithm,
where Mis the derived subgroup of the supersolvable residuum of G. In this case first a
warning is printed. CharTablePGroup returns an incomplete table containing exactly those
irreducibles with kernel containing M.
gap> t:= CharTablePGroup( SolvableGroup( 8, 4 ) );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( size := 8, centralizers := [ 8, 8, 4, 4, 4 ], classes :=
[ 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ], orders := [ 1, 2, 2, 2, 4 ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], [ 2, -2, 0, 0, 0 ]
], operations := CharTableOps, order := 8, powermap :=
], identifier := "D8", name := "D8", group := D8 )
MatRepresentationsPGroup can be used to compute representatives of the complex irre-
ducible representations (see 49.25).
49.27 InitClassesCharTable
InitClassesCharTable( tbl )
returns the list of conjugacy class lengths of the character table tbl, and assigns it to the
field tbl.classes; the classlengths are computed from the centralizer orders of tbl.
InitClassesCharTable is called automatically for tables that are read from the library (see
49.12) or constructed as generic character tables (see 50).
gap> t:= rec( centralizers:= [ 2, 2 ], identifier:= "C2" );;
gap> InitClassesCharTable( t ); t;
centralizers := [ 2, 2 ],
identifier := "C2",
classes := [ 1, 1 ] )
49.28 InverseClassesCharTable
InverseClassesCharTable( tbl )
returns the list mapping each class of the character table tbl to its inverse class. This list
can be regarded as (-1)-st powermap; it is computed using tbl.irreducibles.
gap> InverseClassesCharTable( CharTable( "L3(2)" ) );
49.29 ClassNamesCharTable
ClassNamesCharTable( tbl )
ClassNamesCharTable computes names for the classes of the character table tbl as strings
consisting of the order of an element of the class and and least one distinguishing letter.
The list of these names at the same time is returned by this function and stored in the table
tbl as record component classnames.
Moreover for each class a component with its name is constructed, containing the position
of this name in the list classnames as its value.
gap> c3:= CharTable( "Cyclic", 3 );;
gap> ClassNamesCharTable( c3 );
[ "1a", "3a", "3b" ]
gap> PrintCharTable( c3 );
rec( identifier := "C3", name := "C3", size := 3, order :=
3, centralizers := [ 3, 3, 3 ], orders := [ 1, 3, 3 ], powermap :=
[ ,, [ 1, 1, 1 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ], [ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ]
], classparam := [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ], irredinfo :=
[ rec(
charparam := [ 1, 0 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 1 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 2 ] )
], text := "computed using generic character table for cyclic groups"\
, classes := [ 1, 1, 1 ], operations := CharTableOps, fusions :=
[ ], fusionsource := [ ], projections := [ ], projectionsource :=
[ ], classnames := [ "1a", "3a", "3b" ], 1a := 1, 3a := 2, 3b := 3 )
If the record component classnames of tbl is unbound, ClassNamesCharTable is automat-
ically called by DisplayCharTable (see 49.37).
Note that once the class names are computed the resulting record fields are stored on tbl.
They are not deleted by another call of ClassNamesCharTable.
49.30 ClassMultCoeffCharTable
ClassMultCoeffCharTable( tbl,c1 ,c2 ,c3 )
returns the class multiplication coefficient of the classes c1 ,c2 and c3 of the group Gwith
character table tbl.
gap> t:= CharTable( "L3(2)" );;
gap> ClassMultCoeffCharTable( t, 2, 2, 4 );
The class multiplication coefficient c1,2,3of the classes c1 ,c2 and c3 equals the number of
pairs (x, y) of elements x, y Gsuch that xlies in class c1 ,ylies in class c2 and their
product xy is a fixed element of class c3 .
Also in the center of the group algebra these numbers are found as coefficients of the de-
composition of the product of two class sums Kiand Kjinto class sums,
Given the character table of a finite group G, whose classes are C1, . . . , Crwith represen-
tatives giCi, the class multiplication coefficients cijk can be computed by the following
cijk =|Ci||Cj|
On the other hand the knowledge of the class multiplication coefficients enables the compu-
tation of the character table (see 49.12).
49.31 MatClassMultCoeffsCharTable
MatClassMultCoeffsCharTable( tbl,class )
returns the matrix Ci= [aijk]j,k of structure constants (see 49.30).
gap> L3_2:= CharTable( "L3(2)" );;
gap> MatClassMultCoeffsCharTable( t, 2 );
49.32 ClassStructureCharTable
ClassStructureCharTable( tbl,classes )
returns the so–called class structure of the classes in the list classes, for the character table
tbl of the group G. The length of classes must be at least 2.
gap> t:= CharTable( "M12" );;
gap> ClassStructureCharTable( t, [2,6,9,13] );
gap> ClassStructureCharTable( t, [2,9,13] ); # equals the group order
Let C1, . . . , Cndenote the conjugacy classes of Gthat are indexed by classes. The class
structure n(C1, C2, . . . , Cn) equals the number of tuples (g1, g2, . . . , gn) of elements gi
Ciwith g1g2···gn= 1. Note the difference to the definition of the class multiplication
coefficients in 49.30 ClassMultCoeffCharTable.
n(C1, C2, . . . , Cn) is computed using the formula
n(C1, C2, . . . , Cn) = |C1||C2|···|Cn|
49.33 RealClassesCharTable
RealClassesCharTable( tbl )
returns a list of the real classes of the group Gwith character table tbl.
gap> RealClassesCharTable(L3_2);
An element xGis called real, if it is conjugate with its inverse. And as x1=xo(x)1,
this fact is tested by looking at the powermap of tbl.
Real elements take only real character values.
49.34 ClassOrbitCharTable
ClassOrbitCharTable( tbl,class )
returns a list of classes containing elements of the cyclic subgroup generated by an element
xof class class.
gap> ClassOrbitCharTable(L3_2, 5);
Being all powers of xthis data is recovered from the powermap of tbl.
49.35 ClassRootsCharTable
ClassRootsCharTable( tbl )
returns a list of the classes of all nontrivial p–th roots of the classes of tbl where for each
class, pruns over the prime divisors of the representative order.
gap> ClassRootsCharTable(L3_2);
[[2,3,5,6],[4],[ ],[ ],[ ],[ ]]
This information is found by looking at the powermap of tbl, too.
49.36 NrPolyhedralSubgroups
NrPolyhedralSubgroups( tbl,c1 ,c2 ,c3 )
returns the number and isomorphism type of polyhedral subgroups of the group with char-
acter table tbl which are generated by an element gof class c1 and an element hof class c2
with the property that the product gh lies in class c3 .
gap> NrPolyhedralSubgroups(L3_2, 2, 2, 4);
number := 21,
type := "D8" )
According to [NPP84, p. 233] the number of polyhedral subgroups of isomorphism type V4,
D2n,A4,S4and A5can be derived from the class multiplication coefficient (see 49.30) and
the number of Galois conjugates of a class (see 49.34).
Note that the classes c1 ,c2 and c3 in the parameter list must be ordered according to the
order of the elements in these classes.
49.37 DisplayCharTable
DisplayCharTable( tbl )
DisplayCharTable( tbl,arec )
DisplayCharTable prepares the data contained in the character table tbl for a pretty colum-
nwise output.
In the first form DisplayCharTable prints all irreducible characters of the table tbl, together
with the orders of the centralizers in factorized form and the available powermaps.
Thus it can be used to echo character tables in interactive use, being the value of the record
field Print of a record field operations of tbl (see 49.2, 49.7).
Each displayed character is given a name X.n.
The number of columns printed at one time depends on the actual linelength, which is
restored by the function SizeScreen (see 3.19).
The first lines of the output describe the order of the centralizer of an element of the class
factorized into its prime divisor.
The next line gives the name of the class. If the record field classnames of the table tbl is
not bound, DisplayCharTable calls the function ClassNamesCharTable to determine the
class names and to store them on the table tbl (see 49.29).
Preceded by a name Pnthe next lines show the nth powermaps of tbl in terms of the former
shown class names.
Every ambiguous or unknown (see 17.1) value of the table is displayed as a question mark
Irrational character values are not printed explicitly because the lengths of their printed
representation might disturb the view. Instead of that every irrational value is indicated by
a name, which is a string of a least one capital letter.
Once a name for an irrational number is found, it is used all over the printed table. Moreover
the complex conjugate and the star of an irrationality are represented by that very name
preceded by a /resp. a *.
The printed character table is then followed by a legend, a list identifying the occurred
symbols with their actual irrational value. Occasionally this identity is supplemented by
a quadratic representation of the irrationality together with the corresponding ATLAS
gap> a5:= CharTable("A5");;
gap> DisplayCharTable(a5);
1a 2a 3a 5a 5b
2P 1a 1a 3a 5b 5a
3P 1a 2a 1a 5b 5a
5P 1a 2a 3a 1a 1a
X.1 1 1 1 1 1
X.2 3 -1 . A *A
X.3 3 -1 . *A A
X.4 4 . 1 -1 -1
X.5 5 1 -1 . .
A = -E(5)-E(5)^4
= (1-ER(5))/2 = -b5
In the second form DisplayCharTable takes an argument record arec as an additional
argument. This record can be used to change the default style for displaying a character as
shown above. Its relevant fields are
an integer or a list of integers to select a sublist of the irreducible characters of tbl,
or a list of characters of tbl (in this case the letter "X" is replaced by "Y"),
an integer or a list of integers to select a sublist of the classes of tbl,
suppresses the printing of the orders of the centralizers if false,
an integer or a list of integers to select a subset of the available powermaps, or false
to suppress the powermaps,
a single capital letter (e. g. "P" for permutation characters) to replace "X",
true enables the printing of the second Schur indicator, a list of integers enables the
printing of the corresponding indicators.
gap> arec:= rec( chars:= 4, classes:= [a5.3a..a5.5a],
> centralizers:= false, indicator:= true, powermap:= [2] );;
gap> Indicator( a5, 2 );;
gap> DisplayCharTable( a5, arec );
3a 5a
2P 3a 5b
X.4 + 1 -1
49.38 SortCharactersCharTable
SortCharactersCharTable( tbl )
SortCharactersCharTable( tbl,permutation )
SortCharactersCharTable( tbl,chars )
SortCharactersCharTable( tbl,chars,permutation )
SortCharactersCharTable( tbl,chars, "norm")
SortCharactersCharTable( tbl,chars, "degree")
If no list chars of characters of the character table tbl is entered, SortCharactersCharTable
sorts tbl.irreducibles; then additionally the list tbl.irredinfo is permuted by the same
permutation. Otherwise SortCharactersCharTable sorts the list chars.
There are four possibilities to sort characters: Besides the application of an explicitly given
permutation (see 27.41), they can be sorted according to ascending norms (parameter
"norm"), to ascending degree (parameter "degree") or both (no third parameter), i.e.,
characters with same norm are sorted according to ascending degree, and characters with
smaller norm precede those with bigger norm.
If the trivial character is contained in the sorted list, it will be sorted to the first posi-
tion. Rational characters always will precede other ones with same norm resp. same degree
SortCharactersCharTable returns the permutation that was applied to chars.
gap> t:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 5 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( identifier := "S5", name := "S5", size := 120, order :=
120, centralizers := [ 120, 12, 8, 6, 6, 4, 5 ], orders :=
[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5 ], powermap :=
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], [ 4, -2, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1 ],
[ 5, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0 ], [ 6, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ 5, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0 ], [ 4, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ], classparam :=
], irredinfo := [ rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 2, 1, 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 2, 2, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 3, 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 3, 2 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 4, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 5 ] ] )
], text := "computed using generic character table for symmetric grou\
ps", classes := [ 1, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 24
], operations := CharTableOps, fusions := [ ], fusionsource :=
[ ], projections := [ ], projectionsource := [ ] )
gap> SortCharactersCharTable( t, t.irreducibles, "norm" );
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) # sort the trivial character to the first position
gap> SortCharactersCharTable( t );
gap> t.irreducibles;
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ],
[ 4, -2, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1 ], [ 4, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1 ],
[ 5, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0 ], [ 5, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0 ],
49.39 SortClassesCharTable
SortClassesCharTable( tbl )
SortClassesCharTable( tbl, "centralizers")
SortClassesCharTable( tbl, "representatives")
SortClassesCharTable( tbl,permutation )
SortClassesCharTable( chars,permutation )
The last form simply permutes the classes of all elements of chars with permutation. All
other forms take a character table tbl as parameter, and SortClassesCharTable permutes
the classes of tbl:
SortClassesCharTable( tbl, "centralizers")
sorts the classes according to descending centralizer orders,
SortClassesCharTable( tbl, "representatives")
sorts the classes according to ascending representative orders,
SortClassesCharTable( tbl )
sorts the classes according to ascending representative orders, and classes with equal
representative orders according to descending centralizer orders,
SortClassesCharTable( tbl,permutation )
sorts the classes by application of permutation
After having calculated the permutation, SortClassesCharTable will adjust the following
fields of tbl:
by application of the permutation: orders,centralizers,classes,print, all entries of
irreducibles,classtext,classparam,classnames, all fusion maps, all entries of the
chars lists in the records of projectives
by conjugation with the permutation: all powermaps, automorphisms,
by multiplication with the permutation: permutation,
and the fields corresponding to tbl.classnames (see 49.29).
The applied permutation is returned by SortClassesCharTable.
Note that many programs expect the class 1A to be the first one (see 49.10).
gap> t:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 5 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( identifier := "S5", name := "S5", size := 120, order :=
120, centralizers := [ 120, 12, 8, 6, 6, 4, 5 ], orders :=
[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5 ], powermap :=
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ], [ 4, -2, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1 ],
[ 5, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 0 ], [ 6, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ 5, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0 ], [ 4, 2, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ], classparam :=
], irredinfo := [ rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 2, 1, 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 2, 2, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 3, 1, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 3, 2 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 4, 1 ] ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, [ 5 ] ] )
], text := "computed using generic character table for symmetric grou\
ps", classes := [ 1, 10, 15, 20, 20, 30, 24
], operations := CharTableOps, fusions := [ ], fusionsource :=
[ ], projections := [ ], projectionsource := [ ] )
gap> SortClassesCharTable( t, "centralizers" );
gap> SortClassesCharTable( t, "representatives" );
gap> t.centralizers; t.orders;
[ 120, 12, 8, 6, 4, 5, 6 ]
49.40 SortCharTable
SortCharTable( tbl,kernel )
SortCharTable( tbl,normalseries )
SortCharTable( tbl,facttbl,kernel )
sorts classes and irreducibles of the character table tbl, and returns a record with com-
ponents columns and rows, which are the permutations applied to classes and characters.
The first form sorts the classes at positions contained in the list kernel to the beginning,
and sorts all characters in tbl.irreducibles such that the first characters are those that
contain kernel in their kernel.
The second form does the same successively for all kernels kiin the list normalseries =
[k1, k2, . . . , kn] where kimust be a sublist of ki+1 for 1 in1.
The third form computes the table Fof the factor group of tbl modulo the normal subgroup
formed by the classes whose positions are contained in the list kernel;Fmust be permutation
equivalent to the table facttbl (in the sense of 49.44), else false is returned. The classes of tbl
are sorted such that the preimages of a class of Fare consecutive, and that the succession of
preimages is that of facttbl.tbl.irreducibles is sorted as by SortCharTable( tbl,kernel
). (Note that the transformation is only unique up to table automorphisms of F, and this
need not be unique up to table automorphisms of tbl.)
All rearrangements of classes and characters are stable, i.e., the relative positions of classes
and characters that are not distinguished by any relevant property is not changed.
SortCharTable uses 49.39 SortClassesCharTable and 49.38 SortCharactersCharTable.
gap> t:= CharTable("Symmetric",4);;
gap> Set( List( t.irreducibles, KernelChar ) );
gap> SortCharTable( t, Permuted( last, (2,4,3) ) );
columns := (2,4,3),
rows := (1,2,4,5) )
gap> DisplayCharTable( t );
1a 2a 3a 2b 4a
2P 1a 1a 3a 1a 2a
3P 1a 2a 1a 2b 4a
X.1 1 1 1 1 1
X.2 1 1 1 -1 -1
X.3 2 2 -1 . .
X.4 3 -1 . -1 1
X.5 3 -1 . 1 -1
49.41 MatAutomorphisms
MatAutomorphisms( mat,maps,subgroup )
returns the permutation group record representing the matrix automorphisms of the matrix
mat that respect all lists in the list maps, i.e. representing the group of those permutations
of columns of mat which acts on the set of rows of mat and additionally fixes all lists in
subgroup is a list of permutation generators of a subgroup of this group. E.g. generators of
the Galois automorphisms of a matrix of ordinary characters may be entered here.
gap> t:= CharTable( "Dihedral", 8 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( identifier := "D8", name := "D8", size := 8, order :=
8, centralizers := [ 8, 4, 8, 4, 4 ], orders := [ 1, 4, 2, 2, 2
], powermap := [ , [ 1, 3, 1, 1, 1 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1 ], [ 2, 0, -2, 0, 0 ] ], classparam :=
[ rec(
charparam := [ 1, 0 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 1 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 2 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 3 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 2, 1 ] )
], text := "computed using generic character table for dihedral group\
s", classes := [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 2
], operations := CharTableOps, fusions := [ ], fusionsource :=
[ ], projections := [ ], projectionsource := [ ] )
gap> MatAutomorphisms( t.irreducibles, [], Group( () ) );
Group( (4,5), (2,4) )
gap> MatAutomorphisms( t.irreducibles, [ t.orders ], Group( () ) );
Group( (4,5) )
49.42 TableAutomorphisms
TableAutomorphisms( tbl,chars )
TableAutomorphisms( tbl,chars, "closed")
returns a permutation group record for the group of those matrix automorphisms of chars
(see 49.41) which are admissible by (i.e. which fix) the fields orders and all uniquely
determined (i.e. not parametrized) maps in powermap of the character table tbl; the action
on orders is the natural permutation, that on the powermaps is conjugation.
If chars is closed under galois conjugacy –this is always satisfied for ordinary character
tables– the parameter ”closed” may be entered. In that case the subgroup of Galois auto-
morphisms is computed by 13.16 GaloisMat.
gap> t:= CharTable( "Dihedral", 8 );; # as in 49.41
gap> TableAutomorphisms( t, t.irreducibles );
Group( (4,5) )
49.43 TransformingPermutations
TransformingPermutations( mat1 ,mat2 )
tries to construct a permutation πthat transforms the set of rows of the matrix mat1
to the set of rows of the matrix mat2 by permutation of columns. If such a permuta-
tion exists, a record with fields columns,rows and group is returned, otherwise false: If
TransformingPermutations(mat1 ,mat2 ) = r6=false then
Permuted( List(mat1 ,x->Permuted(x,r.columns)),r.rows ) = mat2 ,
and is the group of matrix automorphisms of mat2 ; this group stabilizes the trans-
formation, i.e. for gin that group and πthe value of the columns field, also πg would be a
valid permutation of columns.
gap> mat1:= CharTable( "Alternating", 5 ).irreducibles;
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ] ]
gap> mat2:= CharTable( "A5" ).irreducibles;
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ],
gap> TransformingPermutations( mat1, mat2 );
columns := (),
rows := (2,4)(3,5),
group := Group( (4,5) ) )
49.44 TransformingPermutationsCharTables
TransformingPermutationsCharTables( tbl1 ,tbl2 )
tries to construct a permutation πthat transforms the set of rows of tbl1 .irreducibles to
the set of rows of tbl2 .irreducibles by permutation of columns (see 49.43) and that also
transforms the powermaps and the orders field. If such a permutation exists, it returns a
record with components columns (a valid permutation of columns), rows (the permutation of
tbl.irreducibles corresponding to that permutation), and group (the permutation group
record of table automorphisms of tbl2 , see 49.42). If no such permutation exists, it returns
gap> t1:= CharTable("Dihedral",8);;t2:= CharTable("Quaternionic",8);;
gap> TransformingPermutations( t1.irreducibles, t2.irreducibles );
columns := (),
rows := (),
group := Group( (4,5), (2,4) ) )
gap> TransformingPermutationsCharTables( t1, t2 );
gap> t1:= CharTable( "Dihedral", 6 );; t2:= CharTable("Symmetric",3);;
gap> TransformingPermutationsCharTables( t1, t2 );
columns := (2,3),
rows := (1,3,2),
group := Group( () ) )
49.45 GetFusionMap
GetFusionMap( source,destination )
GetFusionMap( source,destination,specification )
For character tables source and destination,GetFusionMap( source,destination )returns
the map field of the fusion stored on the character table source that has the identifier
GetFusionMap( source,destination,specification )gets that fusion that additionally has
the specification field specification.
Both versions adjust the ordering of classes of destination using destination.permutation
(see 49.39, 49.10). That is the reason why destination cannot be simply the identifier of the
destination table.
If both source and destination are Brauer tables, GetFusionMap returns the fusion cor-
responding to that between the ordinary tables; for that, this fusion must be stored on
If no appropriate fusion is found, false is returned.
gap> s:= CharTable( "L2(11)" );;
gap> t:= CharTable( "J1" );;
gap> SortClassesCharTable( t, ( 3, 4, 5, 6 ) );;
gap> t.permutation;
gap> GetFusionMap( s, t );
[ 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 10, 10 ]
gap> s.fusions[5];
name := "J1",
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 10, 10 ],
text := [ ’f’, ’u’, ’s’, ’i’, ’o’, ’n’, ’ ’, ’i’, ’s’, ’ ’, ’u’,
’n’, ’i’, ’q’, ’u’, ’e’, ’ ’, ’u’, ’p’, ’ ’, ’t’, ’o’, ’ ’,
’t’, ’a’, ’b’, ’l’, ’e’, ’ ’, ’a’, ’u’, ’t’, ’o’, ’m’, ’o’,
’r’, ’p’, ’h’, ’i’, ’s’, ’m’, ’s’, ’,’, ’\n’, ’t’, ’h’, ’e’,
’ ’, ’r’, ’e’, ’p’, ’r’, ’e’, ’s’, ’e’, ’n’, ’t’, ’a’, ’t’,
’i’, ’v’, ’e’, ’ ’, ’i’, ’s’, ’ ’, ’e’, ’q’, ’u’, ’a’, ’l’,
’ ’, ’t’, ’o’, ’ ’, ’t’, ’h’, ’e’, ’ ’, ’f’, ’u’, ’s’, ’i’,
’o’, ’n’, ’ ’, ’m’, ’a’, ’p’, ’ ’, ’o’, ’n’, ’ ’, ’t’, ’h’,
’e’, ’ ’, ’C’, ’A’, ’S’, ’ ’, ’t’, ’a’, ’b’, ’l’, ’e’ ] )
49.46 StoreFusion
StoreFusion( source,destination,fusion )
StoreFusion( source,destination,fusionmap )
For character tables source and destination,fusion must be a record containing at least the
field map which is regarded as a fusion from source to destination.fusion is stored on source
if no ambiguity arises, i.e. if there is not yet a fusion into destination stored on source or if
any fusion into destination stored on source has a specification field different from that
of fusion. The map field of fusion is adjusted by destination.permutation. (Thus the map
will remain correct even if the classes of a concerned table are sorted, see 49.39 and 49.10;
the correct fusion can be got using 49.45, so be careful!). Additionally, source.identifier
is added to destination.fusionsource.
The second form works like the first, with fusion = rec( map:= fusionmap ).
gap> s:= CharTable( "A6.2_1" );; t:= CharTable( "A7.2" );;
gap> fus:= RepresentativesFusions( s, SubgroupFusions( s, t ), t );
[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] ]
gap> s.fusions; t.fusionsource;
[ ]
[ "2.A7.2", "3.A7.2", "6.A7.2", "A7" ]
gap> StoreFusion( s, t, fus[1] );
gap> s.fusions; t.fusionsource;
[ rec(
name := "A7.2",
map := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ] ) ]
[ "2.A7.2", "3.A7.2", "6.A7.2", "A6.2_1", "A7" ]
49.47 FusionConjugacyClasses
FusionConjugacyClasses( subgroup,group )
FusionConjugacyClasses( group ,factorgroup )
FusionConjugacyClasses returns a list denoting the fusion of conjugacy classes from the
first group to the second one. If both groups have components charTable this list is written
to the character tables, too.
gap> g := SolvableGroup( 24, 14 );
gap> FusionConjugacyClasses( g, g / Subgroup( g, [ g.4 ] ) );
gap> FusionConjugacyClasses( Subgroup( g, [ g.2, g.3, g.4 ] ), g );
49.48 MAKElb11
MAKElb11( listofns )
prints field information for fields with conductor Qnwhere nis in the list listofns;
MAKElb11( [ 3 .. 189 ] ) will print something very similar to Richard Parker’s file
gap> MAKElb11( [ 3, 4 ] );
49.49 ScanMOC
ScanMOC( list )
returns a record containing the information encoded in the list list, the components of
the result are the labels in list. If list is in MOC2 format (10000–format) the names of
components are 30000–numbers, if it is in MOC3 format the names of components have
gap> ScanMOC( "y100y105ay110t28t22z" );
y105 := [ 0 ],
y110 := [ 28, 22 ] )
49.50 MOCChars
MOCChars( tbl,gapchars )
returns translations of GAP3 format characters gapchars to MOC format. tbl must be a
GAP3 format table or a MOC format table.
49.51 GAPChars
GAPChars( tbl,mocchars )
returns translations of MOC format characters mocchars to GAP3 format. tbl must be a
GAP3 format table or a MOC format table.
mocchars may also be a list of integers, e.g., a component containing characters in a record
produced by 49.49.
49.52 MOCTable
MOCTable( gaptbl )
MOCTable( gaptbl,basicset )
return the MOC format table record of the GAP3 table gaptbl, and stores it in the component
MOCtbl of gaptbl.
The first form can be used for ordinary (G.0) tables only, for modular (G.p) tables one has
to specify a basic set basicset of ordinary irreducibles which must be the list of positions
of these characters in the irreducibles component of the corresponding ordinary table
(which is stored in gaptbl.ordinary).
The result contains the information of gaptbl in a format similar to the MOC 3 format, the
table itself can e.g. easily be printed out or be used to print out characters using 49.53.
The components of the result are identifier the string MOCTable( name )where
name is the identifier component of gaptbl,
isMOCformat has value true,
GAPtbl the record gaptbl,
operations equal to MOCTableOps, containing just an appropriate Print function,
prime the characteristic of the field (label 30105 in MOC),
centralizers centralizer orders for cyclic subgroups (label 30130)
orders element orders for cyclic subgroups (label 30140)
fields at position ithe number field generated by the character values of the i–th
cyclic subgroup; the base component of each field is a Parker base, (the length of
fields is equal to the value of label 30110 in MOC).
cycsubgps cycsubgps[i] = j means that class iof the GAP3 table belongs to the
j–th cyclic subgroup of the GAP3 table,
49.53. PRINTTOMOC 873
repcycsub repcycsub[j] = i means that class iof the GAP3 table is the represen-
tative of the j–th cyclic subgroup of the GAP3 table. Note that the representatives
of GAP3 table and MOC table need not agree!
galconjinfo a list [r1, c1, r2, c2, . . . , rn, cn] which means that the i–th class of the
GAP table is the ci–th conjugate of the representative of the ri–th cyclic subgroup
on the MOC table. (This is used to translate back to GAP format, stored under label
30170 (power maps) for each cyclic subgroup (except the trivial one) and each prime
divisor of the representative order store four values, the number of the subgroup, the
power, the number of the cyclic subgroup containing the image, and the power to
which the representative must be raised to give the image class. (This is used only
to construct the 30230 power map/embedding information.) In result.30170 only
a list of lists (one for each cyclic subgroup) of all these values is stored, it will not be
used by GAP3.
tensinfo tensor product information, used to compute the coefficients of the Parker
base for tensor products of characters (label 30210 in MOC). For a field with vector
space base (v1, v2, . . . , vn) the tensor product information of a cyclic subgroup in
MOC (as computed by fct) is either 1 (for rational classes) or a sequence
nx1,1y1,1z1,1x1,2y1,2z1,2. . . x1,m1y1,m1z1,m10x2,1. . . z2,m20. . . xn,mnyn,mnzn,mn0
which means that the coefficient of vkin the product
is equal to
xk,iayk,i bzk,i .
On a MOC table in GAP3 the tensinfo component is a list of lists, each containing
exactly the sequence
invmap inverse map to compute complex conjugate characters, label 30220 in MOC.
powerinfo field embeddings for p–th symmetrizations, pprime in [ 2 .. 19 ];
note that the necessary power maps must be stored on gaptbl to compute this com-
ponent. (label 30230 in MOC)
30900 basic set of restricted ordinary irreducibles in the case of nonzero characteristic,
all ordinary irreducibles else.
49.53 PrintToMOC
PrintToMOC( moctbl )
PrintToMOC( moctbl,chars )
The first form prints the MOC3 format of the character table moctbl which must be an
character table in MOC format (as produced by 49.52). The second form prints a table
in MOC3 format that contains the MOC format characters chars (as produced by 49.50)
under label y900.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5mod3" );;
gap> moct:= MOCTable( t, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );;
gap> PrintTo( "a5mod3", PrintToMOC( moct ), "\n" );
produces a file a5mod3 whose first characters are
49.54 PrintToCAS
PrintToCAS( filename,tbl )
PrintToCAS( tbl,filename )
produces a file with name filename which contains a CAS library table of the GAP3 character
table tbl; this file can be read into CAS using the get-command (see [NPP84]).
The line length in the file is at most the current value SizeScreen()[1] (see 3.19).
Only the components identifier,text,order,centralizers,orders,print,powermap,
classtext (for partitions only), fusions,irredinfo,characters,irreducibles of tbl
are considered.
If tbl.characters is bound, this list is taken as characters entry of the CAS table, otherwise
tbl.irreducibles (if exists) will form the list characters of the CAS table.
gap> PrintToCAS( "c2", CharTable( "Cyclic", 2 ) );
produces a file with name c2 containing the following data:
00/00/00. 00.00.00.
(#computed using generic character table for cyclic groups#),
/// converted from GAP
Chapter 50
Generic Character Tables
This chapter informs about the conception of generic character tables (see 50.1), it gives
some examples of generic tables (see 50.2), and introduces the specialization function (see
The generic tables that are actually available in the GAP3 group collection are listed in
49.12, see also 53.1.
50.1 More about Generic Character Tables
Generic character tables provide a means for writing down the character tables of all groups
in a (usually infinite) series of similar groups, e.g. the cyclic groups, the symmetric groups
or the general linear groups GL(2, q).
Let {Gq|qI}, where Iis an index set, be such a series. The table of a member Gqcould
be computed using a program for this series which takes qas parameter, and constructs
the table. It is, however, desirable to compute not only the whole table but to get a single
character or just one character value without computation the table. E.g. both conjugacy
classes and irreducible characters of the symmetric group Snare in bijection with the par-
titions of n. Thus for given n, it makes sense to ask for the character corresponding to a
particular partition, and its value at a partition:
gap> t:= CharTable( "Symmetric" );;
gap> t.irreducibles[1][1]( 5, [ 3, 2 ], [ 2, 2, 1 ] );
1# a character value of S5
gap> t.orders[1]( 5, [ 2, 1, 1, 1 ] );
2# a representative order in S5
Generic table in GAP3 means that such local evaluation is possible, so GAP3 can also deal
with tables that are too big to be computed as a whole. In some cases there are methods
to compute the complete table of small members Gqfaster than local evaluation. If such
an algorithm is part of the generic table, it will be used when the generic table is used to
compute the whole table (see 50.3).
While the numbers of conjugacy classes for the series are usually not bounded, there is
a fixed finite number of types (equivalence classes) of conjugacy classes; very often the
equivalence relation is isomorphism of the centralizer of the representatives.
For each type tof classes and a fixed qI, a parametrisation of the classes in tis a
function that assigns to each conjugacy class of Gqin taparameter by which it is uniquely
determined. Thus the classes are indexed by pairs (t, pt) for a type tand a parameter ptfor
that type.
There has to be a fixed number of types of irreducibles characters of Gq, too. Like the
classes, the characters of each type are parametrised.
In GAP3, the parametrisations of classes and characters of the generic table is given by the
record fields classparam and charparam; they are both lists of functions, each function rep-
resenting the parametrisation of a type. In the specialized table, the field classparam con-
tains the lists of class parameters, the character parameters are stored in the field charparam
of the irredinfo records (see 49.2).
The centralizer orders, representative orders and all powermaps of the generic character
table can be represented by functions in q,tand pt; in GAP3, however, they are represented
by lists of functions in qand a class parameter where each function represents a type of
classes. The value of a powermap at a particular class is a pair consisting of type and
parameter that specifies the image class.
The values of the irreducible characters of Gqcan be represented by functions in q, class
type and parameter, character type and parameter; in GAP3, they are represented by lists
of lists of functions, each list of functions representing the characters of a type, the function
(in q, character parameters and class parameters) representing the classes of a type in these
Any generic table is a record like an ordinary character table (see 49.2). There are some
fields which are used for generic tables only:
always true
function that maps qto the name of the table of Gq
function that returns true if its argument is a valid qfor Gqin the series
function to construct the whole table, more efficient than the local evaluation for this
The table of Gqcan be constructed by specializing qand evaluating the functions in the
generic table (see 50.3 and the examples given in 50.2).
The available generic tables are listed in 53.1 and 49.12.
50.2 Examples of Generic Character Tables
1. The generic table of the cyclic group:
For the cyclic group Cq=hxiof order q, there is one type of classes. The class parameters
are integers k∈ {0, . . . , q 1}, the class of the parameter kconsists of the group element
xk. Group order and centralizer orders are the identity function q7→ q, independent of the
parameter k.
The representative order function maps (q, k) to q
gcd(q,k), the order of xkin Cq; the p-th
powermap is the function (q, k, p)7→ [1,(kp mod q)].
There is one type of characters with parameters l∈ {0, . . . , q1}; for eqa primitive complex
q-th root of unity, the character values are χl(xk) = ekl
The library file contains the following generic table:
text:="generic character table for cyclic groups",
centralizers:=[function(n,k) return n;end],
powermap:=[function(n,k,pow) return [1,k*pow mod n];end],
orders:=[function(n,k) return n/Gcd(n,k);end],
irreducibles:=[[function(n,k,l) return E(n)^(k*l);end]],
domain:=(n->IsInt(n) and n>0),
2. The generic table of the general linear group GL(2,q):
We have four types t1, t2, t3, t4of classes according to the rational canonical form of the
t1scalar matrices,
t2nonscalar diagonal matrices,
t3companion matrices of (Xρ)2for elements ρF
t4companion matrices of irreducible polynomials of degree 2 over Fq.
The sets of class parameters of the types are in bijection with
qfor t1and t3,{{ρ, τ};ρ, τ F
q, ρ 6=τ}for t2and {{, q};Fq2\Fq}for t4.
The centralizer order functions are q7→ (q21)(q2q) for type t1,q7→ (q1)2for type
t2,q7→ q(q1) for type t3and q7→ q21 for type t4.
The representative order function of t1maps (q, ρ) to the order of ρin Fq, that of t2maps
(q, {ρ, τ}) to the least common multiple of the orders of ρand τ.
The file contains something similar to this table:
order:= ( q -> (q^2-1)*(q^2-q) ),
text:= "generic character table of GL(2,q),\
see Robert Steinberg: The Representations of Gl(3,q), Gl(4,q),\
PGL(3,q) and PGL(4,q), Canad. J. Math. 3 (1951)",
classparam:= [ ( q -> [0..q-2] ), ( q -> [0..q-2] ),
( q -> Combinations( [0..q-2], 2 ) ),
( q -> Filtered( [1..q^2-2], x -> not (x mod (q+1) = 0)
and (x mod (q^2-1)) < (x*q mod (q^2-1)) ))],
charparam:= [ ( q -> [0..q-2] ), ( q -> [0..q-2] ),
( q -> Combinations( [0..q-2], 2 ) ),
( q -> Filtered( [1..q^2-2], x -> not (x mod (q+1) = 0)
and (x mod (q^2-1)) < (x*q mod (q^2-1)) ))],
centralizers := [ function( q, k ) return (q^2-1) * (q^2-q); end,
function( q, k ) return q^2-q; end,
function( q, k ) return (q-1)^2; end,
function( q, k ) return q^2-1; end],
orders:= [ function( q, k ) return (q-1)/Gcd( q-1, k ); end,
..., ..., ... ],
classtext:= [ ..., ..., ..., ... ],
[ function( q, k, pow ) return [1, (k*pow) mod (q-1)]; end,
..., ..., ... ],
irreducibles := [[ function( q, k, l ) return E(q-1)^(2*k*l); end,
function( q, k, l ) return E(q-1)^(2*k*l); end,
function( q, k, l ) return E(q-1)^(k*l); end ],
[ ..., ..., ..., ... ],
[ ..., ..., ..., ... ],
[ ..., ..., ..., ... ]],
domain := ( q->IsInt(q) and q>1 and Length(Set(FactorsInt(q)))=1 ),
isGenericTable := true )
50.3 CharTableSpecialized
CharTableSpecialized( generic table,q)
returns a character table which is computed by evaluating the generic character table
generic table at the parameter q.
gap> t:= CharTableSpecialized( CharTable( "Cyclic" ), 5 );;
gap> PrintCharTable( t );
rec( identifier := "C5", name := "C5", size := 5, order :=
5, centralizers := [ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ], orders := [ 1, 5, 5, 5, 5
], powermap := [ ,,,, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ], irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(5), E(5)^2, E(5)^3, E(5)^4 ],
[ 1, E(5)^2, E(5)^4, E(5), E(5)^3 ],
[ 1, E(5)^3, E(5), E(5)^4, E(5)^2 ],
[ 1, E(5)^4, E(5)^3, E(5)^2, E(5) ] ], classparam :=
[ rec(
charparam := [ 1, 0 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 1 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 2 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 3 ] ), rec(
charparam := [ 1, 4 ] )
], text := "computed using generic character table for cyclic groups"\
, classes := [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
], operations := CharTableOps, fusions := [ ], fusionsource :=
[ ], projections := [ ], projectionsource := [ ] )
Chapter 51
The functions described in this chapter are used to handle characters (see Chapter 49). For
this, in many cases one needs maps (see Chapter 52).
There are four kinds of functions:
First, those functions which get informations about characters; they compute the scalar
product of characters (see 51.1, 51.2), decomposition matrices (see 51.3, 51.4), the kernel of
a character (see 51.5), p-blocks (see 51.6), Frobenius-Schur indicators (see 51.7), eigenvalues
of the corresponding representations (see 51.8), and Molien series of characters (see 51.9),
and decide if a character might be a permutation character candidate (see 51.26).
Second, those functions which construct characters or virtual characters, that is, differences
of characters; these functions compute reduced characters (see 51.10, 51.11), tensor products
(see 51.12), symmetrisations (see 51.13, 51.14, 51.15, 51.16, 51.17, 51.18), and irreducibles
differences of virtual characters (see 51.19). Further, one can compute restricted charac-
ters (see 51.20), inflated characters (see 51.21), induced characters (see 51.22, 51.23), and
permutation character candidates (see 51.26, 51.31).
Third, those functions which use general methods for lattices. These are the LLL algorithm
to compute a lattice base consisting of short vectors (see 51.33, 51.34, 51.35), functions to
compute all orthogonal embeddings of a lattice (see 51.36), and one for the special case of
Dnlattices (see 51.40). A backtrack search for irreducible characters in the span of proper
characters is performed by 51.38.
Finally, those functions which find special elements of parametrized characters (see 52.1);
they compute the set of contained virtual characters (see 51.41) or characters (see 51.42), the
set of contained vectors which possibly are virtual characters (see 51.43, 51.45) or characters
(see 51.44).
51.1 ScalarProduct
ScalarProduct( tbl,character1 ,character2 )
returns the scalar product of character1 and character2 , regarded as characters of the
character table tbl.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> ScalarProduct( t, t.irreducibles[1], [ 5, 1, 2, 0, 0 ] );
gap> ScalarProduct( t, [ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 5, -1, 1, 0, 0 ] );
51.2 MatScalarProducts
MatScalarProducts( tbl,chars1 ,chars2 )
MatScalarProducts( tbl,chars )
For a character table tbl and two lists chars1 ,chars2 of characters, the first version returns
the matrix of scalar products (see 51.1); we have
MatScalarProducts(tbl,chars1 ,chars2 )[i][j] = ScalarProduct(tbl,chars1 [j],chars2 [i]),
i.e., row icontains the scalar products of chars2 [i] with all characters in chars1 .
The second form returns a lower triangular matrix of scalar products:
MatScalarProducts(tbl,chars)[i][j] = ScalarProduct(tbl,chars[j],chars[i])
for ji.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> chars:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 2 .. 4 ] );;
gap> chars:= Set( Tensored( chars, chars ) );;
gap> MatScalarProducts( t, chars );
51.3 Decomposition
Decomposition( A,B,depth )
Decomposition( A,B, "nonnegative")
For a m×nmatrix Aof cyclotomics that has rank mn, and a list Bof cyclotomic
vectors, each of dimension n,Decomposition tries to find integral solutions xof the linear
equation systems x*A=B[i] by computing the p–adic series of hypothetical solutions.
Decomposition( A,B,depth ), where depth is a nonnegative integer, computes for every
vector B[i] the initial part Pdepth
k=0 xkpk(all xkinteger vectors with entries bounded by
2). The prime pis 83 first; if the reduction of Amodulo pis singular, the next prime
is chosen automatically.
A list Xis returned. If the computed initial part really is a solution of x*A=B[i], we
have X[i] = x, otherwise X[i] = false.
Decomposition( A,B, "nonnegative") assumes that the solutions have only nonnega-
tive entries, and that the first column of Aconsists of positive integers. In this case the
necessary number depth of iterations is computed; the i-th entry of the returned list is
false if there exists no nonnegative integral solution of the system x*A=B[i], and it
is the solution otherwise.
If Ais singular, an error is signalled.
gap> a5:= CharTable( "A5" );; a5m3:= CharTable( "A5mod3" );;
gap> a5m3.irreducibles;
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, -1, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 0, -1, -1 ] ]
gap> reg:= CharTableRegular( a5, 3 );;
gap> chars:= Restricted( a5, reg, a5.irreducibles );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, -1, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 0, -1, -1 ],
gap> Decomposition( a5m3.irreducibles, chars, "nonnegative" );
gap> last * a5m3.irreducibles = chars;
For the subroutines of Decomposition, see 51.4.
51.4 Subroutines of Decomposition
Let Abe a square integral matrix, pan odd prime. The reduction of Amodulo pis A, its
entries are chosen in the interval [p1
2]. If Ais regular over the field with pelements,
we can form A0=A1. Now consider the integral linear equation system xA =b, i.e., we
look for an integral solution x. Define b0=b, and then iteratively compute
xi= (biA0) mod p, bi+1 =1
p(bixiA) fori= 0,1,2, . . . .
By induction, we get
pi+1bi+1 + (
If there is an integral solution x, it is unique, and there is an index lsuch that bl+1 is zero
and x=Pl
j=0 pjxj.
There are two useful generalizations. First, Aneed not be square; it is only necessary that
there is a square regular matrix formed by a subset of columns. Second, Adoes not need to
be integral; the entries may be cyclotomic integers as well, in this case one has to replace
each column of Aby the columns formed by the coefficients (which are integers). Note that
this preprocessing must be performed compatibly for Aand b.
And these are the subroutines called by Decomposition:
LinearIndependentColumns( A)
returns for a matrix Aa maximal list lic of positions such that the rank of List( A, x ->
Sublist( x, lic ) ) is the same as the rank of A.
InverseMatMod( A,p)
returns for a square integral matrix Aand a prime pa matrix A0with the property that A0A
is congruent to the identity matrix modulo p; if Ais singular modulo p,false is returned.
PadicCoefficients( A,Amodpinv,b,p,depth )
returns the list [x0, x1, . . . , xl, bl+1] where l=depth or lis minimal with the property that
bl+1 = 0.
IntegralizedMat( A)
IntegralizedMat( A,inforec )
return for a matrix Aof cyclotomics a record intmat with components mat and inforec.
Each family of galois conjugate columns of Ais encoded in a set of columns of the rational
matrix intmat.mat by replacing cyclotomics by their coefficients. intmat.inforec is a
record containing the information how to encode the columns.
If the only argument is A, the component inforec is computed that can be entered as
second argument inforec in a later call of IntegralizedMat with a matrix Bthat shall be
encoded compatible with A.
DecompositionInt( A,B,depth )
does the same as Decomposition (see 51.3), but only for integral matrices A,B, and non-
negative integers depth.
51.5 KernelChar
KernelChar( char )
returns the set of classes which form the kernel of the character char, i.e. the set of positions
iwith char[i] = char[1].
For a factor fusion map fus,KernelChar( fus )is the kernel of the epimorphism.
gap> s4:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
gap> s4.irreducibles;
[ [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ], [ 3, -1, -1, 0, 1 ], [ 2, 0, 2, -1, 0 ],
gap> List( last, KernelChar );
51.6 PrimeBlocks
PrimeBlocks( tbl,prime )
PrimeBlocks( tbl,chars,prime )
For a character table tbl and a prime prime,PrimeBlocks( tbl ,chars,prime )returns
a record with fields
a list of positive integers which has the same length as the list chars of characters, the
entry nat position iin that list means that chars[i]belongs to the n-th prime-block
51.7. INDICATOR 883
a list of nonnegative integers, the value at position iis the defect of the i–th block.
PrimeBlocks( tbl,prime )does the same for chars =tbl.irreducibles, and addition-
ally the result is stored in the irredinfo field of tbl.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> PrimeBlocks( t, 2 ); PrimeBlocks( t, 3 ); PrimeBlocks( t, 5 );
block := [ 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 ],
defect := [ 2, 0 ] )
block := [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 1 ],
defect := [ 1, 0, 0 ] )
block := [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ],
defect := [ 1, 0 ] )
gap> InverseMap( last.block ); # distribution of characters to blocks
If InfoCharTable2 = Print, the defects of the blocks and the heights of the contained
characters are printed.
51.7 Indicator
Indicator( tbl,n)
Indicator( tbl,chars,n)
Indicator( modtbl,2)
For a character table tbl,Indicator( tbl,chars,n)returns the list of n-th Frobenius
Schur indicators for the list chars of characters.
Indicator( tbl,n)does the same for chars =tbl.irreducibles, and additionally the
result is stored in the field irredinfo of tbl.
Indicator( modtbl,2)returns the list of 2nd indicators for the irreducible characters of
the Brauer character table modtbl and stores the indicators in the irredinfo component of
modtbl; this does not work for tables in characteristic 2.
gap> t:= CharTable( "M11" );; Indicator( t, t.irreducibles, 2 );
51.8 Eigenvalues
Eigenvalues( tbl,char,class )
Let Mbe a matrix of a representation with character char which is a character of the table
tbl, for an element in the conjugacy class class.Eigenvalues( tbl,char,class )returns
a list of length n=tbl.orders[ class ]where at position ithe multiplicity of E(n)^i =
nas eigenvalue of Mis stored.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> chi:= t.irreducibles[2];
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ]
gap> List( [ 1 .. 5 ], i -> Eigenvalues( t, chi, i ) );
List( [1..n], i -> E(n)^i) * Eigenvalues(tbl,char,class) ) is equal to char [class
51.9 MolienSeries
MolienSeries( psi )
MolienSeries( psi,chi )
MolienSeries( tbl,psi )
MolienSeries( tbl,psi,chi )
returns a record that describes the series
Mψ(z) =
(χ, ψ[d])zd
where ψ[d]denotes the symmetrization of ψwith the trivial character of the symmetric
group Sd(see 51.14).
psi and chi must be characters of the table tbl, the default for χis the trivial character. If
no character table is given, psi and chi must be class function recods.
ValueMolienSeries( series,i)
returns the i-th coefficient of the Molien series series.
gap> psi:= Irr( CharTable( "A5" ) )[3];
Character( CharTable( "A5" ),
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ] )
gap> mol:= MolienSeries( psi );;
gap> List( [ 1 .. 10 ], i -> ValueMolienSeries( mol, i ) );
The record returned by MolienSeries has components
a list of records with components numer,r, and k, describing the summand numer/(1
the size component of the character table,
the degree of psi.
51.10 Reduced
Reduced( tbl,constituents,reducibles )
Reduced( tbl,reducibles )
returns a record with fields remainders and irreducibles, both lists: Let rems be the set
of nonzero characters obtained from reducibles by subtraction of
ScalarProduct(tbl, χ, reducibles[i])
ScalarProduct(tbl, χ, constituents[j]) ·χ
from reducibles[i] in the first case or subtraction of
ScalarProduct(tbl,reducibles[j],reducibles[j]) ·reducibles[j]
in the second case.
Let irrs be the list of irreducible characters in rems.rems is reduced with irrs and all
found irreducibles until no new irreducibles are found. Then irreducibles is the set of all
found irreducible characters, remainders is the set of all nonzero remainders.
If one knows that reducibles are ordinary characters of tbl and constituents are irreducible
ones, 51.11 ReducedOrdinary may be faster.
Note that elements of remainders may be only virtual characters even if reducibles are
ordinary characters.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> chars:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 2 .. 4 ] );;
gap> chars:= Set( Tensored( chars, chars ) );;
gap> Reduced( t, chars );
remainders := [ ],
irreducibles :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ],
51.11 ReducedOrdinary
ReducedOrdinary( tbl,constituents,reducibles )
works like 51.10 Reduced, but assumes that the elements of constituents and reducibles are
ordinary characters of the character table tbl. So scalar products are calculated only for
those pairs of characters where the degree of the constituent is smaller than the degree of
the reducible.
51.12 Tensored
Tensored( chars1 ,chars2 )
returns the list of tensor products (i.e. pointwise products) of all characters in the list chars1
with all characters in the list chars2 .
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> chars1:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 1 .. 3 ] );;
gap> chars2:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 2 .. 3 ] );;
gap> Tensored( chars1, chars2 );
[ [ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ],
[ 9, 1, 0, -2*E(5)-E(5)^2-E(5)^3-2*E(5)^4,
-E(5)-2*E(5)^2-2*E(5)^3-E(5)^4 ], [ 9, 1, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 9, 1, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 9, 1, 0, -E(5)-2*E(5)^2-2*E(5)^3-E(5)^4, -2*E(5)-E(5)^2-E(5)^3
-2*E(5)^4 ] ]
Note that duplicate tensor products are not deleted; the tensor product of chars1 [i]with
chars2 [j]is stored at position (i1)Length(chars1 ) + j.
51.13 Symmetrisations
Symmetrisations( tbl,chars,Sn )
Symmetrisations( tbl,chars,n)
returns the list of nonzero symmetrisations of the characters chars, regarded as characters
of the character table tbl, with the ordinary characters of the symmetric group of degree n;
alternatively, the table of the symmetric group can be entered as Sn.
The symmetrisation χ[λ]of the character χof tbl with the character λof the symmetric
group Snof degree nis defined by
χ[λ](g) = 1
where ak(ρ) is the number of cycles of length kin ρ.
For special symmetrisations, see 51.14, 51.15, 51.16 and 51.17, 51.18.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> chars:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 1 .. 3 ] );;
gap> Symmetrisations( t, chars, 3 );
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 8, 0, -1, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 8, 0, -1, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0 ] ]
Note that the returned list may contain zero characters, and duplicate characters are not
51.14 SymmetricParts
SymmetricParts( tbl,chars,n)
returns the list of symmetrisations of the characters chars, regarded as characters of the
character table tbl, with the trivial character of the symmetric group of degree n(see 51.13).
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> SymmetricParts( t, t.irreducibles, 3 );
51.15 AntiSymmetricParts
AntiSymmetricParts( tbl,chars,n)
returns the list of symmetrisations of the characters chars, regarded as characters of the
character table tbl, with the alternating character of the symmetric group of degree n(see
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> AntiSymmetricParts( t, t.irreducibles, 3 );
[ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 10, -2, 1, 0, 0 ] ]
51.16 MinusCharacter
MinusCharacter( char,prime powermap,prime )
returns the (possibly parametrized, see chapter 52) character χpfor the character χ=
char and a prime p=prime, where χpis defined by χp(g)=(χ(g)pχ(gp))/p, and
prime powermap is the (possibly parametrized) p-th powermap.
gap> t:= CharTable( "S7" );; pow:= InitPowermap( t, 2 );;
gap> Congruences( t, t.irreducibles, pow, 2 );; pow;
gap> chars:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 2 .. 5 ] );;
gap> List( chars, x-> MinusCharacter( x, pow, 2 ) );
[ 15, -1, 3, 0, [ -2, -1, 0 ], 0, -1, 1, 5, -3, [ 0, 1, 2 ], -1, 0,
[ 15, -1, 3, 0, [ -1, 0, 2 ], 0, -1, 1, 5, -3, [ 1, 2, 4 ], -1, 0,
0, 1 ],
[ 190, -2, 1, 1, [ 0, 2 ], 0, 1, 1, -10, -10, [ 0, 2 ], -1, -1, 0,
51.17 OrthogonalComponents
OrthogonalComponents( tbl,chars,m)
If χis a (nonlinear) character with indicator +1, a splitting of the tensor power χmis given
by the so-called Murnaghan functions (see [Mur58]). These components in general have
fewer irreducible constituents than the symmetrizations with the symmetric group of degree
m(see 51.13).
OrthogonalComponents returns the set of orthogonal symmetrisations of the characters of
the character table tbl in the list chars, up to the power m, where the integer mis one of
Note: It is not checked if all characters in chars do really have indicator +1; if there are
characters with indicator 0 or 1, the result might contain virtual characters, see also 51.18.
The Murnaghan functions are implemented as in [Fra82].
gap> t:= CharTable( "A8" );; chi:= t.irreducibles[2];
[ 7, -1, 3, 4, 1, -1, 1, 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1 ]
gap> OrthogonalComponents( t, [ chi ], 4 );
[ [ 21, -3, 1, 6, 0, 1, -1, 1, -2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ],
[ 27, 3, 7, 9, 0, -1, 1, 2, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 105, 1, 5, 15, -3, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 35, 3, -5, 5, 2, -1, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 77, -3, 13, 17, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2 ],
[ 189, -3, -11, 9, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 330, -6, 10, 30, 0, -2, -2, 0, -2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 168, 8, 8, 6, -3, 0, 0, -2, 2, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ],
[ 35, 3, -5, 5, 2, -1, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 182, 6, 22, 29, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ] ]
51.18 SymplecticComponents
SymplecticComponents( tbl,chars,m)
If χis a (nonlinear) character with indicator 1, a splitting of the tensor power χmis given
in terms of the so-called Murnaghan functions (see [Mur58]). These components in general
have fewer irreducible constituents than the symmetrizations with the symmetric group of
degree m(see 51.13).
SymplecticComponents returns the set of symplectic symmetrisations of the characters of
the character table tbl in the list chars, up to the power m, where the integer mis one of
Note: It is not checked if all characters in chars do really have indicator 1; if there are
characters with indicator 0 or +1, the result might contain virtual characters, see also 51.17.
gap> t:= CharTable( "U3(3)" );; chi:= t.irreducibles[2];
[ 6, -2, -3, 0, -2, -2, 2, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
gap> SymplecticComponents( t, [ chi ], 4 );
[ [ 14, -2, 5, -1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 21, 5, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1 ],
[ 64, 0, -8, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 14, 6, -4, 2, -2, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2 ],
[ 56, -8, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 70, -10, 7, 1, 2, 2, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 189, -3, 0, 0, -3, -3, -3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 90, 10, 9, 0, -2, -2, -2, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 126, 14, -9, 0, 2, 2, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ] ]
51.19 IrreducibleDifferences
IrreducibleDifferences( tbl,chars1 ,chars2 )
IrreducibleDifferences( tbl,chars1 ,chars2 ,scprmat )
IrreducibleDifferences( tbl,chars, "triangle")
IrreducibleDifferences( tbl,chars, "triangle", scprmat )
returns the list of irreducible characters which occur as difference of two elements of chars
(if "triangle" is specified) or of an element of chars1 and an element of chars2 ; if scprmat
51.20. RESTRICTED 889
is not specified it will be computed (see 51.2), otherwise we must have
scprmat[i][j] = ScalarProduct(tbl,chars[i],chars[j])
scprmat[i][j] = ScalarProduct(tbl,chars1 [i],chars2 [j])
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> chars:= Sublist( t.irreducibles, [ 2 .. 4 ] );;
gap> chars:= Set( Tensored( chars, chars ) );;
gap> IrreducibleDifferences( t, chars, "triangle" );
[ [ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ] ]
51.20 Restricted
Restricted( tbl,subtbl,chars )
Restricted( tbl,subtbl,chars,specification )
Restricted( chars,fusionmap )
returns the restrictions, i.e. the indirections, of the characters in the list chars by a subgroup
fusion map. This map can either be entered directly as fusionmap, or it must be stored on
the character table subtbl and must have destination tbl; in the latter case the value of the
specification field of the desired fusion may be specified as specification (see 49.45). If
no such fusion is stored, false is returned.
The fusion map may be a parametrized map (see 52.1); any value that is not uniquely
determined in a restricted character is set to an unknown (see 17.1); for parametrized
indirection of characters, see 52.2.
Restriction and inflation are the same procedures, so Restricted and Inflated are identi-
cal, see 51.21.
gap> s5:= CharTable( "A5.2" );; a5:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> Restricted( s5, a5, s5.irreducibles );
[ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 5, 1, -1, 0, 0 ],
gap> Restricted( s5.irreducibles, [ 1, 6, 2, 6 ] );
# restrictions to the cyclic group of order 4
51.21 Inflated
Inflated( factortbl,tbl,chars )
Inflated( factortbl,tbl,chars,specification )
Inflated( chars,fusionmap )
returns the inflations, i.e. the indirections of chars by a factor fusion map. This map can
either be entered directly as fusionmap, or it must be stored on the character table tbl and
must have destination factortbl; in the latter case the value of the specification field of
the desired fusion may be specified as specification (see 49.45). If no such fusion is stored,
false is returned.
The fusion map may be a parametrized map (see 52.1); any value that is not uniquely deter-
mined in an inflated character is set to an unknown (see 17.1); for parametrized indirection
of characters, see 52.2.
Restriction and inflation are the same procedures, so Restricted and Inflated are identi-
cal, see 51.20.
gap> s4:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
gap> s3:= CharTableFactorGroup( s4, [3] );;
gap> s3.irreducibles;
gap> s4.fusions;
[ rec(
map := [ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 ],
type := "factor",
name := [ ’S’, ’4’, ’/’, ’[’, ’ ’, ’3’, ’ ’, ’]’ ] ) ]
gap> Inflated( s3, s4, s3.irreducibles );
51.22 Induced
Induced( subtbl,tbl,chars )
Induced( subtbl,tbl,chars,specification )
Induced( subtbl,tbl,chars,fusionmap )
returns a set of characters induced from subtbl to tbl; the elements of the list chars will be
induced. The subgroup fusion map can either be entered directly as fusionmap, or it must
be stored on the table subtbl and must have destination tbl; in the latter case the value of
the specification field may be specified by specification (see 49.45). If no such fusion is
stored, false is returned.
The fusion map may be a parametrized map (see 52.1); any value that is not uniquely
determined in an induced character is set to an unknown (see 17.1).
gap> Induced( a5, s5, a5.irreducibles );
[ 6, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 8, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 10, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
51.23 InducedCyclic
InducedCyclic( tbl )
InducedCyclic( tbl, "all")
InducedCyclic( tbl,classes )
InducedCyclic( tbl,classes, "all")
returns a set of characters of the character table tbl. They are characters induced from
cyclic subgroups of tbl. If "all" is specified, all irreducible characters of those subgroups
are induced, otherwise only the permutation characters are computed. If a list classes is
specified, only those cyclic subgroups generated by these classes are considered, otherwise
all classes of tbl are considered.
Note that the powermaps for primes dividing tbl.order must be stored on tbl; if any pow-
ermap for a prime not dividing tbl.order that is smaller than the maximal representative
order is not stored, this map will be computed (see 52.12) and stored afterwards.
The powermaps may be parametrized maps (see 52.1); any value that is not uniquely deter-
mined in an induced character is set to an unknown (see 17.1). The representative orders
of the classes to induce from must not be parametrized (see 52.1).
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );; InducedCyclic( t, "all" );
[ [ 12, 0, 0, 2, 2 ], [ 12, 0, 0, E(5)^2+E(5)^3, E(5)+E(5)^4 ],
[ 12, 0, 0, E(5)+E(5)^4, E(5)^2+E(5)^3 ], [ 20, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 20, 0, 2, 0, 0 ], [ 30, -2, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 30, 2, 0, 0, 0 ],
51.24 CollapsedMat
CollapsedMat( mat,maps )
returns a record with fields mat and fusion: The fusion field contains the fusion that
collapses the columns of mat that are identical also for all maps in the list maps, the mat
field contains the image of mat under that fusion.
gap> t.irreducibles;
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ],
[ 3, -1, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ], [ 4, 0, 1, -1, -1 ],
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );; RationalizedMat( t.irreducibles );
gap> CollapsedMat( last, [] );
[ 5, 1, -1, 0 ] ],
fusion := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 4 ] )
gap> Restricted( last.mat, last.fusion );
51.25 Power
Power( powermap,chars,n)
returns the list of indirections of the characters chars by the n-th powermap; for a character
χin chars, this indirection is often called χ(n). The powermap is calculated from the
(necessarily stored) powermaps of the prime divisors of nif it is not stored in powermap
(see 52.30).
Note that χ(n)is in general only a virtual characters.
gap> t:= CharTable( "A5" );; Power( t.powermap, t.irreducibles, 2 );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 3, 3, 0, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3, -E(5)-E(5)^4 ],
[ 3, 3, 0, -E(5)-E(5)^4, -E(5)^2-E(5)^3 ], [ 4, 4, 1, -1, -1 ],
gap> MatScalarProducts( t, t.irreducibles, last );
[ 1, -1, -1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, -1, -1, 0, 2 ] ]
51.26 Permutation Character Candidates
For groups H, G with HG, the induced character (1G)His called the permutation
character of the operation of Gon the right cosets of H. If only the character table of
Gis known, one can try to get informations about possible subgroups of Gby inspection
of those characters πwhich might be permutation characters, using that such a character
must have at least the following properties:
π(1) divides |G|,
[π, ψ]ψ(1) for each character ψof G,
[π, 1G] = 1,
π(g) is a nonnegative integer for gG,
π(g) is smaller than the centralizer order of gfor 1 6=gG,
π(g)π(gm) for gGand any integer m,
π(g) = 0 for every |g|not diving |G|
π(1) ,
π(1)|NG(g)|divides |G|π(g), where |NG(g)|denotes the normalizer order of hgi.
Any character with these properties will be called a permutation character candidate
from now on.
GAP3 provides some algorithms to compute permutation character candidates, see 51.31.
Some information about the subgroup can computed from a permutation character using
PermCharInfo (see 51.28).
51.27 IsPermChar
IsPermChar( tbl,pi )
missing, like tests TestPerm1,TestPerm2,TestPerm3
51.28 PermCharInfo
PermCharInfo( tbl,permchars )
Let tbl be the character table of the group G, and permchars the permutation character
(1U)Gfor a subgroup Uof G, or a list of such characters. PermCharInfo returns a record
with components
a list containing for each character in permchars a list containing at position i
the number of elements of Uthat are contained in class iof tbl, this is equal to
Let permchars[k] be the permutation character (1U)G. Then the class length in
Uof an element in class iof tbl must be a multiple of the value bound[k][i] =
a record that can be used as second argument of DisplayCharTable to display the
permutation characters and the corresponding components contained and bound, for
the classes where at least one character of permchars is nonzero,
list of strings containing for each character in permchars the decomposition into
tbl.irreducibles in ATLAS notation.
gap> t:= CharTable("A6");;
gap> PermCharInfo( t, [ 15, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0 ] );
contained := [ [ 1, 9, 0, 8, 6, 0, 0 ] ],
bound := [ [ 1, 3, 8, 8, 6, 24, 24 ] ],
display := rec(
classes := [ 1, 2, 4, 5 ],
chars := [ [ 15, 3, 0, 3, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 9, 0, 8, 6, 0, 0 ],
[ 1, 3, 8, 8, 6, 24, 24 ] ],
letter := "I" ),
ATLAS := [ "1a+5b+9a" ] )
gap> DisplayCharTable( t, last.display );
1a 2a 3b 4a
2P 1a 1a 3b 2a
3P 1a 2a 1a 4a
5P 1a 2a 3b 4a
I.1 15 3 3 1
I.2 1 9 8 6
I.3 1 3 8 6
51.29 Inequalities
Inequalities( tbl )
The condition π(g)0 for every permutation character candidate πplaces restrictions on
the multiplicities aiof the irreducible constituents χiof π=Pr
i=1 aiχi. For every group
element gholds Pr
i=1 aiχi(g)0. The power map provides even stronger conditions.
This system of inequalities is kind of diagonalized, resulting in a system of inequalities
restricting aiin terms of aj, j < i. These inequalities are used to construct characters
with nonnegative values (see 51.31). PermChars either calls Inequalities or takes this
information from the record field ineq of its argument record.
The number of inequalities arising in the process of diagonalization may grow very strong.
There are two strategies to perform this diagonalization. The default is to simply eliminate
one unknown aiafter the other with decreasing i. In some cases it turns out to be better
first to look which choice for the next unknown will yield the fewest new inequalities.
51.30 PermBounds
PermBounds( tbl,d)
All characters πsatisfying π(g)>0 and π(1) = dfor a given degree dlie in a simplex
described by these conditions. PermBounds computes the boundary points of this simplex
for d= 0, from which the boundary points for any other dare easily derived. Some conditions
from the powermap are also involved.
For this purpose a matrix similar to the rationalized character table has to be inverted.
These boundary points are used by PermChars (see 51.31) to construct all permutation
character candidates of a given degree. PermChars either calls PermBounds or takes this
information from the record field bounds of its argument record.
51.31 PermChars
PermChars( tbl )
PermChars( tbl,degree )
PermChars( tbl,arec )
GAP3 provides several algorithms to determine permutation character candidates from a
given character table. The algorithm is selected from the choice of the record fields of the
optional argument record arec. The user is encouraged to try different approaches especially
if one choice fails to come to an end.
Regardless of the algorithm used in a special case, PermChars returns a list of all permu-
tation character candidates with the properties given in arec. There is no guarantee that
a character of this list is in fact a permutation character. But an empty list always means
there is no permutation character with these properties (e.g. of a certain degree).
In the first form PermChars( tbl )returns the list of all permutation characters of the group
with character table tbl. This list might be rather long for big groups, and it might take
much time. The algorithm depends on a preprocessing step, where the inequalities arising
from the condition π(g)0 are transformed into a system of inequalities that guides the
search (see 51.29).
gap> m11:= CharTable("M11");;
gap> PermChars(m11);; # will return the list of 39 permutation
# character candidates of M11.
There are two different search strategies for this algorithm. One simply constructs all
characters with nonnegative values and then tests for each such character whether its degree
is a divisor of the order of the group. This is the default. The other strategy uses the
inequalities to predict if it is possible to find a character of a certain degree in the currently
searched part of the search tree. To choose this strategy set the field mode of arec to
"preview" and the field degree to the degree (or a list of degrees which might be all
divisors of the order of the group) you want to look for. The record field ineq can take the
inequalities from Inequalities if they are needed more than once.
In the second form PermChars( tbl,degree )returns the list of all permutation characters
of degree degree. For that purpose a preprocessing step is performed where essentially the
rationalized character table is inverted in order to determine boundary points for the simplex
in which the permutation character candidates of a given degree must lie (see 51.30). Note
that inverting big integer matrices needs a lot of time and space. So this preprocessing is
restricted to groups with less than 100 classes, say.
gap> PermChars(m11, 220);
[ [ 220, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 220, 12, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 220, 20, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
In the third form PermChars( tbl,arec )returns the list of all permutation characters
which have the properties given in the argument record arec. If arec contains a degree in
the record field degree then PermChars will behave exactly as in the second form.
gap> PermChars(m11, rec(degree:= 220));
[ [ 220, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 220, 12, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 220, 20, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
Alternatively arec may have the record fields chars and torso.arec.chars is a list of
(in most cases all) rational irreducible characters of tbl which might be constituents of the
required characters, and arec.torso is a list that contains some known values of the required
characters at the right positions.
Note: At least the degree arec.torso[1] must be an integer. If arec.chars does not contain
all rational irreducible characters of G, it may happen that any scalar product of πwith an
omitted character is negative; there should be nontrivial reasons for excluding a character
that is known to be not a constituent of π.
gap> rat:= RationalizedMat(m11.irreducibles);;
gap> PermChars(m11, rec(torso:= [220], chars:= rat));
[ [ 220, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 220, 20, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 220, 12, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
gap> PermChars(m11, rec(torso:= [220,,,,,2], chars:= rat));
[ [ 220, 20, 4, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]
51.32 Faithful Permutation Characters
PermChars( tbl,arec )
PermChars may as well determine faithful candidates for permutation characters. In that
case arec requires the fields normalsubgrp,nonfaithful,chars,lower,upper, and torso.
Let tbl be the character table of the group G,arec.normalsubgrp a list of classes forming
a normal subgroup Nof G.arec.nonfaithful is a permutation character candidate (see
51.26) of Gwith kernel N.arec.chars is a list of (in most cases all) rational irreducible
characters of tbl.
PermChars computes all those permutation character candidates πhaving following prop-
arec.chars contains every rational irreducible constituent of π.
π[i]arec.lower[i] for all integer values of the list arec.lower.
π[i]arec.upper[i] for all integer values of the list arec.upper.
π[i] = arec.torso[i] for all integer values of the list arec.torso.
No irreducible constituent of πarec.nonfaithful has Nin its kernel.
If there exists a subgroup Vof G,VN, with nonfaithful = (1V)G, the last condition
means that the candidates for those possible subgroups Uwith V=UN are constructed.
Note:At least the degree torso[1] must be an integer. If chars does not contain all rational
irreducible characters of G, it may happen that any scalar product of πwith an omitted
character is negative; there should be nontrivial reasons for excluding a character that is
known to be not a constituent of π.
51.33 LLLReducedBasis
LLLReducedBasis provides an implementation of the LLL lattice reduction algorithm by
Lenstra, Lenstra and Lov´asz (see [LLL82], [Poh87]). The implementation follows the de-
scription on pages 94f. in [Coh93].
LLLReducedBasis returns a record whose component basis is a list of LLL reduced linearly
independent vectors spanning the same lattice as the list vectors.
Lmust be a lattice record whose scalar product function is stored in the component
operations.NoMessageScalarProduct or operations.ScalarProduct. It must be a func-
tion of three arguments, namely the lattice and the two vectors. If no lattice Lis given the
standard scalar product is taken.
In the case of option "linearcomb", the record contains also the components relations and
transformation, which have the following meaning. relations is a basis of the relation
space of vectors, i.e., of vectors xsuch that x*vectors is zero. transformation gives the
expression of the new lattice basis in terms of the old, i.e., transformation *vectors equals
the basis component of the result.
Another optional argument is y, the “sensitivity”of the algorithm, a rational number be-
tween 1
4and 1 (the default value is 3
(The function 51.34 computes an LLL reduced Gram matrix.)
gap> vectors:= [ [ 9, 1, 0, -1, -1 ], [ 15, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [ 16, 0, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 20, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
> [ 25, 1, 1, 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> LLLReducedBasis( vectors, "linearcomb" );
basis :=
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, 1, -2, 1, 1 ], [ -1, 3, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ -3, 1, 0, 2, 2 ] ],
relations := [ [ -1, 0, -1, 0, 1 ] ],
transformation :=
51.34 LLLReducedGramMat
LLLReducedGramMat( G[,y] )
LLLReducedGramMat provides an implementation of the LLL lattice reduction algorithm
by Lenstra, Lenstra and Lov´asz (see [LLL82], [Poh87]). The implementation follows the
description on pages 94f. in [Coh93].
Let Gthe Gram matrix of the vectors (b1, b2, . . . , bn); this means Gis either a square
symmetric matrix or lower triangular matrix (only the entries in the lower triangular half
are used by the program).
LLLReducedGramMat returns a record whose component remainder is the Gram matrix of
the LLL reduced basis corresponding to (b1, b2, . . . , bn). If Gwas a lower triangular matrix
then also the remainder component is a lower triangular matrix.
The result record contains also the components relations and transformation, which
have the following meaning.
relations is a basis of the space of vectors (x1, x2, . . . , xn) such that Pn
i=1 xibiis zero,
and transformation gives the expression of the new lattice basis in terms of the old, i.e.,
transformation is the matrix Tsuch that T·G·Ttr is the remainder component of the
The optional argument ydenotes the “sensitivity of the algorithm, it must be a rational
number between 1
4and 1; the default value is y=3
(The function 51.33 computes an LLL reduced basis.)
gap> g:= [ [ 4, 6, 5, 2, 2 ], [ 6, 13, 7, 4, 4 ],
> [5,7,11,2,0],[2,4,2,8,4],[2,4,0,4,8]];;
gap> LLLReducedGramMat( g );
remainder :=
relation := [ ],
transformation :=
scalarproducts := [ , [ 1/2 ], [ 1/4, -1/8 ], [ 1/2, 1/4, -2/25 ],
[ -1/4, 1/8, 37/75, 8/21 ] ],
bsnorms := [ 4, 4, 75/16, 168/25, 32/7 ] )
51.35 LLL
LLL( tbl,characters [, y] [, "sort"] [, "linearcomb"] )
calls the LLL algorithm (see 51.33) in the case of lattices spanned by (virtual) characters
characters of the character table tbl (see 51.1). By finding shorter vectors in the lattice
spanned by characters, i.e. virtual characters of smaller norm, in some cases LLL is able to
find irreducible characters.
LLL returns a record with at least components irreducibles (the list of found irreducible
characters), remainders (a list of reducible virtual characters), and norms (the list of norms
of remainders). irreducibles together with remainders span the same lattice as charac-
There are some optional parameters:
controls the sensitivity of the algorithm; the value of ymust be between 1/4 and 1,
the default value is 3/4.
LLL sorts characters and the remainders component of the result according to the
The returned record contains components irreddecomp and reddecomp which are de-
composition matrices of irreducibles and remainders, with respect to characters.
gap> s4:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
gap> chars:= [ [ 8, 0, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 6, 0, 2, 0, 2 ],
> [ 12, 0, -4, 0, 0 ], [ 6, 0, -2, 0, 0 ], [ 24, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [ 12, 0, 4, 0, 0 ], [ 6, 0, 2, 0, -2 ], [ 12, -2, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [8,0,0,2,0],[12,2,0,0,0],[1,1,1,1,1]];;
gap> LLL( s4, chars );
irreducibles :=
[ 3, -1, -1, 0, 1 ], [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ] ],
remainders := [ ],
norms := [ ] )
51.36 OrthogonalEmbeddings
OrthogonalEmbeddings( G[, "positive"] [, maxdim ] )
computes all possible orthogonal embeddings of a lattice given by its Gram matrix Gwhich
must be a regular matrix (see 51.34). In other words, all solutions Xof the problem
are calculated (see [Ple90]). Usually there are many solutions Xbut all their rows are chosen
from a small set of vectors, so OrthogonalEmbeddings returns the solutions in an encoded
form, namely as a record with components
the list [x1, x2, . . . , xn] of vectors that may be rows of a solution; these are exactly
those vectors that fulfill the condition xiG1xtr
i1 (see 51.37), and we have G=
i=1 xtr
norms the list of values xiG1xtr
i, and
a list Sof lists; the i–th solution matrix is Sublist( L,S[i] ), so the dimension
of the i–th solution is the length of S[i].
The optional argument "positive" will cause OrthogonalEmbeddings to compute only
vectors xiwith nonnegative entries. In the context of characters this is allowed (and useful)
if Gis the matrix of scalar products of ordinary characters.
When OrthogonalEmbeddings is called with the optional argument maxdim (a positive inte-
ger), it computes only solutions up to dimension maxdim; this will accelerate the algorithm
in some cases.
Gmay be the matrix of scalar products of some virtual characters. From the characters
and the embedding given by the matrix X,Decreased (see 51.39) may be able to compute
gap> b := [ [ 3, -1, -1 ], [ -1, 3, -1 ], [ -1, -1, 3 ] ];;
gap> c:=OrthogonalEmbeddings(b);
vectors :=
norms := [ 1, 1, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 ],
solutions := [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 6, 6, 7, 7 ], [ 2, 5, 5, 8, 8 ],
gap> Sublist( c.vectors,[1] );
(tbl,reducibles,grammat [, "positive"], dim )
This form can be used if you want to find irreducible characters of the table tbl, where
reducibles is a list of virtual characters, grammat is the matrix of their scalar products, and
dim is the maximal dimension of an embedding. First all solutions up to dim are compute,
and then 51.39 Decreased is called in order to find irreducible characters of tab.
If reducibles consists of ordinary characters only, you should enter the optional argument
"positive"; this imposes some conditions on the possible embeddings (see the description
of OrthogonalEmbeddings).
OrthogonalEmbeddingsSpecialDimension returns a record with components
irreducibles a list of found irreducibles, the intersection of all lists of irreducibles
found by Decreased, for all possible embeddings, and
remainders a list of remaining reducible virtual characters
gap> s6:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 6 );;
gap> b:= InducedCyclic( s6, "all" );;
gap> Add( b, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] );
gap> c:= LLL( s6, b ).remainders;;
gap> g:= MatScalarProducts( s6, c, c );;
gap> d:= OrthogonalEmbeddingsSpecialDimension( s6, c, g, 8 );
irreducibles :=
[ [ 5, -3, 1, 1, 2, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 ], [ 5, 1, 1, -3, -1, 1,
2, -1, -1, 0, 0 ], [ 10, -2, -2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1 ],
[ 10, 2, -2, -2, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ],
remainders :=
[ [ 0, 4, 0, -4, 3, 1, -3, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ 4, 0, 0, 4, -2, 0, 1,
-2, 2, -1, 1 ], [ 6, 2, 2, -2, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -2 ],
[ 14, 6, 2, 2, 2, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1 ] ] )
51.37 ShortestVectors
ShortestVectors( G,m)
ShortestVectors( G,m, "positive")
computes all vectors xwith xGxtr m, where Gis a matrix of a symmetric bilinear form,
and mis a nonnegative integer. If the optional argument "positive" is entered, only those
vectors xwith nonnegative entries are computed.
ShortestVectors returns a record with components
vectors the list of vectors x, and
norms the list of their norms according to the Gram matrix G.
gap> ShortestVectors(g,4);
vectors := [ [ -1, 1, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ -1, 0, 1 ], [ 1, -1, 1 ],
norms := [ 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2 ] )
This algorithm is used in 51.36 OrthogonalEmbeddings.
51.38 Extract
Extract( tbl,reducibles,grammat )
Extract( tbl,reducibles,grammat,missing )
tries to find irreducible characters by drawing conclusions out of a given matrix grammat
of scalar products of the reducible characters in the list reducibles, which are characters of
the table tbl.Extract uses combinatorial and backtrack means.
Note: Extract works only with ordinary characters!
missing number of characters missing to complete the tbl perhaps Extract may be
accelerated by the specification of missing.
51.39. DECREASED 901
Extract returns a record extr with components solution and choice where solution is
a list [M1, . . . , Mn] of decomposition matrices that satisfy the equation
i·X=Sublist(reducibles,extr.choice[i]) ,
for a matrix Xof irreducible characters, and choice is a list of length nwhose entries are
lists of indices.
So each column stands for one of the reducible input characters, and each row stands for an
irreducible character. You can use 51.39 Decreased to examine the solution for computable
gap> s4 := CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
> [ 6, 0, -2, 0, 0 ], [ 4, 0, 0, 1, 2 ] ];;
gap> g := MatScalarProducts( s4, y, y );
gap> e:= Extract( s4, y, g, 5 );
solution :=
choice := [ [ 2, 5, 3, 4, 1 ] ] )
# continued in Decreased ( see 51.39 )
51.39 Decreased
Decreased( tbl,reducibles,mat )
Decreased( tbl,reducibles,mat,choice )
tries to solve the output of 51.36 OrthogonalEmbeddings or 51.38 Extract in order to find
irreducible characters. tbl must be a character table, reducibles the list of characters used
for the call of OrtgogonalEmbeddings or Extract,mat one solution, and in the case of a
solution returned by Extract,choice must be the corresponding choice component.
Decreased returns a record with components
the list of found irreducible characters,
the remaining reducible characters, and
the decomposition matrix of the characters in the remainders component, which
could not be solved.
# see example in 51.38 Extract
gap> d := Decreased( s4, y, e.solution[1], e.choice[1] );
irreducibles :=
[ 3, 1, -1, 0, -1 ], [ 2, 0, 2, -1, 0 ] ],
remainders := [ ],
matrix := [ ] )
51.40 DnLattice
DnLattice( tbl,grammat,reducibles )
tries to find sublattices isomorphic to root lattices of type Dn(for n5 or n= 4) in a
lattice that is generated by the norm 2 characters reducibles, which must be characters of
the table tbl.grammat must be the matrix of scalar products of reducibles, i.e., the Gram
matrix of the lattice.
DnLattice is able to find irreducible characters if there is a lattice with n > 4. In the case
n= 4 DnLattice only in some cases finds irreducibles.
DnLattice returns a record with components
the list of found irreducible characters,
the list of remaining reducible characters, and
the Gram matrix of the characters in remainders.
The remaining reducible characters are transformed into a normalized form, so that the
lattice-structure is cleared up for further treatment. So DnLattice might be useful even if
it fails to find irreducible characters.
gap> tbl:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
gap> y1:=[ [ 2, 0, 2, 2, 0 ], [ 4, 0, 0, 1, 2 ], [ 5, -1, 1, -1, 1 ],
> [ -1, 1, 3, -1, -1 ] ];;
gap> g1:= MatScalarProducts( tbl, y1, y1 );
gap> e:= DnLattice( tbl, g1, y1 );
gram := [ ],
remainders := [ ],
irreducibles :=
DnLatticeIterative( tbl,arec )
was made for iterative use of DnLattice.arec must be either a list of characters of the table
tbl, or a record with components
a list of characters of the character table tbl, and
the norms of the characters in remainders,
e.g., a record returned by 51.35 LLL.DnLatticeIterative will select the characters of
norm 2, call DnLattice, reduce the characters with found irreducibles, call DnLattice for
the remaining characters, and so on, until no new irreducibles are found.
DnLatticeIterative returns (like 51.35 LLL) a record with components
the list of found irreducible characters,
the list of remaining reducible characters, and
the list of norms of the characters in remainders.
gap> tbl:= CharTable( "Symmetric", 4 );;
gap> y1:= [ [ 2, 0, 2, 2, 0 ], [ 4, 0, 0, 1, 2 ],
> [ 5, -1, 1, -1, 1 ], [ -1, 1, 3, -1, -1 ], [ 6, -2, 2, 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> DnLatticeIterative( tbl, y1);
irreducibles :=
[ 3, -1, -1, 0, 1 ] ],
remainders := [ ],
norms := [ ] )
51.41 ContainedDecomposables
ContainedDecomposables( constituents,moduls,parachar,func )
For a list of rational characters constituents and a parametrized rational character parachar
(see 52.1), the set of all elements χof parachar is returned that satisfy func(χ) (i.e., for that
true is returned) and that “modulo moduls lie in the lattice spanned by constituents”. This
means they lie in the lattice spanned by constituents and the set {moduls[i]·ei; 1 in},
where nis the length of parachar and eiis the i-th vector of the standard base.
gap> hs:= CharTable("HS");; s:= CharTable("HSM12");; s.identifier;
gap> rat:= RationalizedMat(s.irreducibles);;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, hs );
[ 17, 18 ], [ 17, 18 ], [ 17, 18 ], 21, 21, 22, [ 23, 24 ],
[ 23, 24 ], [ 23, 24 ], [ 23, 24 ] ]
# restrict a rational character of hs by fus,
# see chapter 52:
gap> rest:= CompositionMaps( hs.irreducibles[8], fus );
[ 231, [ -9, 7 ], [ -9, 7 ], [ -9, 7 ], 6, 15, 15, [ -1, 15 ],
# all vectors in the lattice:
gap> ContainedDecomposables( rat, s.centralizers, rest, x -> true );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
# better filter, only characters (see 51.42):
gap> ContainedDecomposables( rat, s.centralizers, rest,
> x->NonnegIntScalarProducts(s,s.irreducibles,x) );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
An application of ContainedDecomposables is 51.42 ContainedCharacters.
For another strategy that works also for irrational characters, see 51.43.
51.42 ContainedCharacters
ContainedCharacters( tbl,constituents,parachar )
returns the set of all characters contained in the parametrized rational character parachar
(see 52.1), that modulo centralizer orders lie in the linear span of the rational characters
constituents of the character table tbl and that have nonnegative integral scalar products
with all elements of constituents.
Note: This does not imply that an element of the returned list is necessary a linear combi-
nation of constituents.
gap> s:= CharTable( "HSM12" );; hs:= CharTable( "HS" );;
gap> rat:= RationalizedMat( s.irreducibles );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, hs );;
gap> rest:= CompositionMaps( hs.irreducibles[8], fus );;
gap> ContainedCharacters( s, rat, rest );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
ContainedCharacters calls 51.41 ContainedDecomposables.
51.43 ContainedSpecialVectors
ContainedSpecialVectors( tbl,chars,parachar,func )
returns the list of all elements vec of the parametrized character parachar (see 52.1), that
have integral norm and integral scalar product with the principal character of the character
table tbl and that satisfy func(tbl ,chars,vec ), i.e., for that true is returned.
gap> s:= CharTable( "HSM12" );; hs:= CharTable( "HS" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, hs );;
gap> rest:= CompositionMaps( hs.irreducibles[8], fus );;
# no further condition:
gap> ContainedSpecialVectors( s, s.irreducibles, rest,
> function(tbl,chars,vec) return true; end );;
gap> Length( last );
# better filter: those with integral scalar products
gap> ContainedSpecialVectors( s, s.irreducibles, rest,
> IntScalarProducts );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
# better filter: the scalar products must be nonnegative
gap> ContainedSpecialVectors( s, s.irreducibles, rest,
> NonnegIntScalarProducts );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
Special cases of ContainedSpecialVectors are 51.44 ContainedPossibleCharacters and
51.45 ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters.
ContainedSpecialVectors successively examines all vectors contained in parachar, thus it
might not be useful if the indeterminateness exceeds 106. For another strategy that works
for rational characters only, see 51.41.
51.44 ContainedPossibleCharacters
ContainedPossibleCharacters( tbl,chars,parachar )
returns the list of all elements vec of the parametrized character parachar (see 52.1), which
have integral norm and integral scalar product with the principal character of the character
table tbl and nonnegative integral scalar product with all elements of the list chars of
characters of tbl.
# see example in 51.43
gap> ContainedPossibleCharacters( s, s.irreducibles, rest );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
ContainedPossibleCharacters calls 51.43 ContainedSpecialVectors.
ContainedPossibleCharacters successively examines all vectors contained in parachar,
thus it might not be useful if the indeterminateness exceeds 106. For another strategy that
works for rational characters only, see 51.41.
51.45 ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters
ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters( tbl,chars,parachar )
returns the list of all elements vec of the parametrized character parachar (see 52.1), which
have integral norm and integral scalar product with the principal character of the character
table tbl and integral scalar product with all elements of the list chars of characters of tbl.
# see example in 51.43
gap> ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters( s, s.irreducibles, rest );
[ [ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, -1, -1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, -9, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 231, 7, -9, 7, 6, 15, 15, 15, 15, 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, -2, 1, 2, 2, 0,
ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters calls 51.43 ContainedSpecialVectors.
ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters successively examines all vectors that are con-
tained in parachar , thus it might not be useful if the indeterminateness exceeds 106. For
another strategy that works for rational characters only, see 51.41.
Chapter 52
Maps and Parametrized Maps
In this chapter, first the data structure of (parametrized) maps is introduced (see 52.1).
Then a description of several functions which mainly deal with parametrized maps follows;
these are
basic operations with paramaps (see 52.2, 52.3, 52.29, 52.4, 52.5, 52.6, 52.7, 52.8, 52.9),
functions which inform about ambiguity with respect to a paramap (see 52.10, 52.11),
functions used for the construction of powermaps and subgroup fusions (see 52.12, 52.13 and
their subroutines 52.14, 52.15, 52.16, 52.17, 52.23, 52.18, 52.19, 52.20, 52.21, 52.22, 52.24,
52.26, 52.25, 52.28, 52.27, 52.30) and
the function 52.31.
52.1 More about Maps and Parametrized Maps
Besides the characters, powermaps are an important part of a character table. Often
their computation is not easy, and in general they cannot be obtained from the matrix of
irreducible characters, so it is useful to store them on the table.
If not only a single table is considered but different tables of groups and subgroups are used,
also subgroup fusion maps must be known to get informations about the embedding or
simply to induce or restrict characters.
These are examples of class functions which are called maps for short; in GAP3, maps are
lists: Characters are maps, the lists of element orders, centralizer orders, classlengths are
maps, and for a permutation perm of classes, ListPerm( perm )is a map.
When maps are constructed, in most cases one only knows that the image of any class is
contained in a set of possible images, e.g. that the image of a class under a subgroup fusion
is in the set of all classes with the same element order. Using further informations, like
centralizer orders, powermaps and the restriction of characters, the sets of possible images
can be diminished. In many cases, at the end the images are uniquely determined.
For this, many functions do not only work with maps but with parametrized maps (or
short paramaps): These are lists whose entries are either the images themselves (i.e. in-
tegers for fusion maps, powermaps, element orders etc. and cyclotomics for characters) or
lists of possible images. Thus maps are special paramaps. A paramap paramap can be
identified with the set of all maps map with map[i] = paramap[i] or map[i] contained
in paramap[i]; we say that map is contained in paramap then.
The composition of two paramaps is defined as the paramap that contains all compositions
of elements of the paramaps. For example, the indirection of a character by a parametrized
subgroup fusion map is the parametrized character that contains all possible restrictions of
that character.
52.2 CompositionMaps
CompositionMaps( paramap2 ,paramap1 )
CompositionMaps( paramap2 ,paramap1 ,class )
For parametrized maps paramap1 and paramap2 where paramap[i] is a bound position
or a set of bound positions in paramap2 ,CompositionMaps( paramap2 ,paramap1 )is a
parametrized map with image CompositionMaps( paramap2 ,paramap1 ,class )at posi-
tion class.
If paramap1 [class ]is unique, we have
CompositionMaps(paramap2 ,paramap1 ,class) = paramap2 [paramap1 [class]],
otherwise it is the union of paramap2 [i] for iin paramap1 [class ].
gap> map1:= [ 1, [ 2, 3, 4 ], [ 4, 5 ], 1 ];;
gap> map2:= [ [ 1, 2 ], 2, 2, 3, 3 ];;
gap> CompositionMaps( map2, map1 ); CompositionMaps( map1, map2 );
Note: If you want to get indirections of characters which contain unknowns (see chapter
17) instead of sets of possible values, use 52.29 Indirected.
52.3 InverseMap
InverseMap( paramap )
InverseMap( paramap )[i] is the unique preimage or the set of all preimages of iunder
paramap, if there are any; otherwise it is unbound.
(We have CompositionMaps( paramap, InverseMap( paramap ) ) the identity map.)
gap> t:= CharTable( "2.A5" );; f:= CharTable( "A5" );;
gap> fus:= GetFusionMap( t, f ); # the factor fusion map
gap> inverse:= InverseMap( fus );
gap> CompositionMaps( fus, inverse );
gap> t.powermap[2];
# transfer a powermap up to the factor group:
gap> CompositionMaps( fus, CompositionMaps( last, inverse ) );
[1,1,3,5,4] # is equal to f.powermap[2]
# transfer a powermap down to the group:
gap> CompositionMaps( inverse, CompositionMaps( last, fus ) );
[8,9],[6,7],[6,7]] # contains t.powermap[2]
52.4 ProjectionMap
ProjectionMap( map )
For each image iunder the (necessarily not parametrized) map map,ProjectionMap( map
)[i]is the smallest preimage of i.
(We have CompositionMaps( map, ProjectionMap( map ) ) the identity map.)
gap> ProjectionMap( [1,1,1,2,2,2,3,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7] );
[ 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15 ]
52.5 Parametrized
Parametrized( list )
returns the parametrized cover of list, i.e. the parametrized map with smallest indetermi-
nateness that contains all maps in list.Parametrized is the inverse function of 52.6 in the
sense that Parametrized( ContainedMaps( paramap ))=paramap.
gap> Parametrized( [ [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 11, 15, 14 ],
> [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 11, 14, 15 ],
> [ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 12, 15, 14 ],
> [ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 12, 14, 15 ] ] );
[ 1, 3, 4, [ 6, 7 ], 8, 10, [ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 14, 15 ],
[ 14, 15 ] ]
52.6 ContainedMaps
ContainedMaps( paramap )
returns the set of all maps contained in the parametrized map paramap.ContainedMaps is
the inverse function of 52.5 in the sense that Parametrized( ContainedMaps( paramap )
) = paramap.
gap> ContainedMaps( [ 1, 3, 4, [ 6, 7 ], 8, 10, [ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ],
> 14, 15 ] );
[ [ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 11, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 11, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 11, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 11, 14, 15 ],
[ 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 12, 14, 15 ] ]
52.7 UpdateMap
UpdateMap( char,paramap,indirected )
improves the paramap paramap using that indirected is the (possibly parametrized) indi-
rection of the character char by paramap.
gap> s:= CharTable( "S4(4).2" );; he:= CharTable( "He" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, he );
[ 10, 11 ], 18, 18, 25, 25, [ 26, 27 ], [ 26, 27 ], 2, [ 6, 7 ],
[ 6, 7 ], [ 6, 7, 8 ], 10, 10, 17, 17, 18, [ 19, 20 ], [ 19, 20 ] ]
gap> Filtered( s.irreducibles, x -> x[1] = 50 );
[ [ 50, 10, 10, 2, 5, 5, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1,
10, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1 ],
[ 50, 10, 10, 2, 5, 5, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1,
-10, -2, -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ] ]
gap> UpdateMap( he.irreducibles[2], fus, last[1] + s.irreducibles[1] );
gap> fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 7, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 18, 18, 25, 25,
17, 17, 18, [ 19, 20 ], [ 19, 20 ] ]
52.8 CommutativeDiagram
CommutativeDiagram( paramap1 ,paramap2 ,paramap3 ,paramap4 )
CommutativeDiagram( paramap1 ,paramap2 ,paramap3 ,paramap4 ,improvements )
CompositionMaps(paramap2 ,paramap1 ) = CompositionMaps(paramap4 ,paramap3 )
shall hold, the consistency is checked and the four maps will be improved according to this
If a record improvements with fields imp1,imp2,imp3,imp4 (all lists) is entered as pa-
rameter, only diagrams containing elements of impias positions in the i-th paramap are
CommutativeDiagram returns false if an inconsistency was found, otherwise a record is
returned that contains four lists imp1, . . . , imp4, where impiis the list of classes where the
i-th paramap was improved.
gap> map1:= [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3 ] ];;
gap> map2:= [ [ 1, 2 ], 1, [ 1, 3 ] ];;
gap> map3:= [ [ 2, 3 ], 3 ];; map4:= [ , 1, 2, [ 1, 2 ] ];;
gap> CommutativeDiagram( map1, map2, map3, map4 );
imp1 := [ 2 ],
imp2 := [ 1 ],
imp3 := [ ],
imp4 := [ ] )
gap> imp:= last;; map1; map2; map3; map4;
gap> CommutativeDiagram( map1, map2, map3, map4, imp );
imp1 := [ ],
imp2 := [ ],
imp3 := [ ],
imp4 := [ ] )
52.9 TransferDiagram
TransferDiagram( inside1 ,between,inside2 )
TransferDiagram( inside1 ,between,inside2 ,improvements )
Like in 52.8, it is checked that
CompositionMaps(between,inside1 ) = CompositionMaps(inside2 ,between)
holds for the paramaps inside1 ,between and inside2 , that means the paramap between
occurs twice in each commutative diagram.
Additionally, 52.20 CheckFixedPoints is called.
If a record improvements with fields impinside1,impbetween and impinside2 is speci-
fied, only those diagrams with elements of impinside1 as positions in inside1 , elements of
impbetween as positions in between or elements of impinside2 as positions in inside2 are
When an inconsistency occurs, the program immediately returns false; else it returns a
record with lists impinside1,impbetween and impinside2 of found improvements.
gap> s:= CharTable( "2F4(2)" );; ru:= CharTable( "Ru" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, ru );;
gap> permchar:= Sum( Sublist( ru.irreducibles, [ 1, 5, 6 ] ) );;
gap> CheckPermChar( s, ru, fus, permchar );; fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, [ 13, 15 ], 16, [ 18, 19 ], 20,
[ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, [ 13, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ],
[ 18, 19 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27, 27 ]
gap> TransferDiagram( s.powermap[2], fus, ru.powermap[2] );
impinside1 := [ ],
impbetween := [ 12, 23 ],
impinside2 := [ ] )
gap> TransferDiagram( s.powermap[3], fus, ru.powermap[3] );
impinside1 := [ ],
impbetween := [ 14, 24, 25 ],
impinside2 := [ ] )
gap> TransferDiagram( s.powermap[2], fus, ru.powermap[2], last );
impinside1 := [ ],
impbetween := [ ],
impinside2 := [ ] )
gap> fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, [ 25, 26 ],
[ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, 13, 19, 19, [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27,
27 ]
52.10 Indeterminateness
Indeterminateness( paramap )
returns the indeterminateness of paramap, i.e. the number of maps contained in the
parametrized map paramap
gap> m11:= CharTable( "M11" );; m12:= CharTable( "M12" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( m11, m12 );
[ 11, 12 ], [ 14, 15 ], [ 14, 15 ] ]
gap> Indeterminateness( fus );
gap> TestConsistencyMaps( m11.powermap, fus, m12.powermap );; fus;
[ 1, 3, 4, [ 6, 7 ], 8, 10, [ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 14, 15 ],
[ 14, 15 ] ]
gap> Indeterminateness( fus );
52.11 PrintAmbiguity
PrintAmbiguity( list,paramap )
prints for each character in list its position, its indeterminateness with respect to paramap
and the list of ambiguous classes
gap> s:= CharTable( "2F4(2)" );; ru:= CharTable( "Ru" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, ru );;
gap> permchar:= Sum( Sublist( ru.irreducibles, [ 1, 5, 6 ] ) );;
gap> CheckPermChar( s, ru, fus, permchar );; fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, [ 13, 15 ], 16, [ 18, 19 ], 20,
[ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, [ 13, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ],
[ 18, 19 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27, 27 ]
gap> PrintAmbiguity( Sublist( ru.irreducibles, [ 1 .. 8 ] ), fus );
1 1 [ ]
2 16 [ 16, 17, 26, 27 ]
3 16 [ 16, 17, 26, 27 ]
4 32 [ 12, 14, 23, 24, 25 ]
6 1 [ ]
7 32 [ 12, 14, 23, 24, 25 ]
52.12. POWERMAP 913
8 1 [ ]
gap> Indeterminateness( fus );
52.12 Powermap
Powermap( tbl,prime )
Powermap( tbl,prime,parameters )
returns a list of possibilities for the prime-th powermap of the character table tbl.
The optional record parameters may have the following fields:
a list of characters which are used for the check of kernels (see 52.16), the test of
congruences (see 52.15) and the test of scalar products of symmetrisations (see 52.23);
the default is tbl.irreducibles
a (parametrized) map which is an approximation of the desired map
a boolean; if true, the symmetrisations of chars must have all constituents in chars,
that will be used in the algorithm; if chars is not bound and tbl.irreducibles is
complete, the default value of decompose is true, otherwise false
a boolean; if true, the subroutines are called with the option "quick"; especially, a
unique map will be returned immediately without checking all symmetrisations; the
default value is false
a record with fields maxamb,minamb and maxlen which control the subroutine 52.23:
It only uses characters with actual indeterminateness up to maxamb, tests decompos-
ability only for characters with actual indeterminateness at least minamb and admits
a branch only according to a character if there is one with at most maxlen possible
# cf. example in 52.14
gap> t:= CharTable( "U4(3).4" );;
gap> pow:= Powermap( t, 2 );
[ [ 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 8, 3, 4, 11, 12, 6, 14, 9, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18,
18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24, 25, 26, 28, 28, 29, 29 ] ]
52.13 SubgroupFusions
SubgroupFusions( subtbl,tbl )
SubgroupFusions( subtbl,tbl,parameters )
returns the list of all subgroup fusion maps from subtbl into tbl.
The optional record parameters may have the following fields:
a list of characters of tbl which will be restricted to subtbl , (see 52.24); the default is
a list of characters of subtbl which are constituents of the retrictions of chars, the
default is subtbl.irreducibles
a (parametrized) map which is an approximation of the desired map
a boolean; if true, the restrictions of chars must have all constituents in subchars,
that will be used in the algorithm; if subchars is not bound and subtbl .irreducibles
is complete, the default value of decompose is true, otherwise false
a permutation character; only those fusions are computed which afford that permu-
tation character (see 52.19)
a boolean; if true, the subroutines are called with the option "quick"; especially, a
unique map will be returned immediately without checking all symmetrisations; the
default value is false
a record with fields maxamb,minamb and maxlen which control the subroutine 52.24:
It only uses characters with actual indeterminateness up to maxamb, tests decompos-
ability only for characters with actual indeterminateness at least minamb and admits
a branch only according to a character if there is one with at most maxlen possible
# cf. example in 52.24
gap> s:= CharTable( "U3(3)" );; t:= CharTable( "J4" );;
gap> SubgroupFusions( s, t, rec( quick:= true ) );
[ [ 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 14, 21, 21 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 13, 12, 14, 14, 21, 21 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 15, 22, 22 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 16, 22, 22 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 10, 13, 12, 15, 15, 22, 22 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 10, 13, 12, 16, 16, 22, 22 ] ]
52.14 InitPowermap
InitPowermap( tbl,prime )
computes a (probably parametrized, see 52.1) first approximation of of the prime-th pow-
ermap of the character table tbl, using that for any class iof tbl, the following properties
The centralizer order of the image is a multiple of the centralizer order of i. If the element
order of iis relative prime to prime, the centralizer orders of iand its image must be equal.
If prime divides the element order xof the class i, the element order of its image must be
x/prime; otherwise the element orders of iand its image must be equal. Of course, this is
used only if the element orders are stored on the table.
52.15. CONGRUENCES 915
If no prime-th powermap is possible because of these properties, false is returned. Other-
wise InitPowermap returns the parametrized map.
# cf. example in 52.12
gap> t:= CharTable( "U4(3).4" );;
gap> pow:= InitPowermap( t, 2 );
[ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ], [ 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33 ], 14,
[ 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33 ], 8, 9, 9, [ 9, 10, 20, 21, 22 ],
[ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ], 16, 16, [ 2, 16 ], [ 2, 16 ], 17, 17,
[ 6, 18, 30, 31, 32, 33 ], [ 6, 18, 30, 31, 32, 33 ],
[ 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33 ], [ 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 33 ],
20, 20, [ 9, 20 ], [ 9, 20 ], [ 9, 10, 20, 21, 22 ],
[ 9, 10, 20, 21, 22 ], 24, 24, [ 15, 25, 26, 40, 41, 42, 43 ],
[ 15, 25, 26, 40, 41, 42, 43 ], [ 28, 29 ], [ 28, 29 ], [ 28, 29 ],
[ 28, 29 ] ]
# continued in 52.15
InitPowermap is used by 52.12 Powermap.
52.15 Congruences
Congruences( tbl,chars,prime powermap,prime )
Congruences( tbl,chars,prime powermap,prime, "quick")
improves the parametrized map prime powermap (see 52.1) that is an approximation of the
prime-th powermap of the character table tbl:
For Ga group with character table tbl,gGand a character χof tbl, the congruence
GaloisCyc(χ(g),prime)χ(gprime ) (mod prime)
holds; if the representative order of gis relative prime to prime, we have
GaloisCyc(χ(g),prime) = χ(gprime ).
Congruences checks these congruences for the (virtual ) characters in the list chars.
If "quick" is specified, only those classes are considered for which prime powermap is am-
If there are classes for which no image is possible, false is returned, otherwise Congruences
returns true.
# see example in 52.14
gap> Congruences( t, t.irreducibles, pow, 2 ); pow;
[ 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, [ 2, 16 ], [ 2, 16, 17 ], 8, 3, 4, 11, 12,
[ 6, 7, 18, 19 ], 14, [ 9, 20 ], 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5,
[ 6, 7, 18, 19 ], 8, 9, 9, [ 10, 21 ], 11, 12, 16, 16, [ 2, 16 ],
[ 2, 16 ], 17, 17, [ 6, 18 ], [ 6, 18 ], [ 6, 7, 18, 19 ],
[ 6, 7, 18, 19 ], 20, 20, [ 9, 20 ], [ 9, 20 ], 22, 22, 24, 24,
[ 15, 25, 26 ], [ 15, 25, 26 ], 28, 28, 29, 29 ]
# continued in 52.16
Congruences is used by 52.12 Powermap.
52.16 ConsiderKernels
ConsiderKernels( tbl,chars,prime powermap,prime )
ConsiderKernels( tbl,chars,prime powermap,prime, "quick")
improves the parametrized map prime powermap (see 52.1) that is an approximation of the
prime-th powermap of the character table tbl:
For Ga group with character table tbl, the kernel of each character in the list chars is a
normal subgroup of G, so for every gKernel(chi) we have gprime Kernel(chi).
Depending on the order of the factor group modulo Kernel( chi ), there are two further
properties:If the order is relative prime to prime, for each g /Kernel(chi) the prime-th
power is not contained in Kernel( chi ); if the order is equal to prime, the prime-th powers
of all elements lie in Kernel( chi ).
If "quick" is specified, only those classes are considered for which prime powermap is am-
If Kernel( chi )has an order not dividing tbl.order for an element chi of chars, or if no
image is possible for a class, false is returned; otherwise ConsiderKernels returns true.
Note that chars must consist of ordinary characters, since the kernel of a virtual character
is not defined.
# see example in 52.15
gap> ConsiderKernels( t, t.irreducibles, pow, 2 ); pow;
[ 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 8, 3, 4, 11, 12, [ 6, 7 ], 14, 9, 1, 1, 2, 2,
3, 4, 5, [ 6, 7, 18, 19 ], 8, 9, 9, [ 10, 21 ], 11, 12, 16, 16,
[ 2, 16 ], [ 2, 16 ], 17, 17, [ 6, 18 ], [ 6, 18 ],
[ 6, 7, 18, 19 ], [ 6, 7, 18, 19 ], 20, 20, [ 9, 20 ], [ 9, 20 ],
22, 22, 24, 24, [ 15, 25, 26 ], [ 15, 25, 26 ], 28, 28, 29, 29 ]
# continued in 52.23
ConsiderKernels is used by 52.12 Powermap.
52.17 ConsiderSmallerPowermaps
ConsiderSmallerPowermaps( tbl,prime powermap,prime )
ConsiderSmallerPowermaps( tbl,prime powermap,prime, "quick")
improves the parametrized map prime powermap (see chapter 52) that is an approximation
of the prime-th powermap of the character table tbl:
If prime >tbl.orders[i] for a class i, try to improve prime powermap at class iusing that
for gin class i,gprime
i=gprime mod tbl.orders[i]
so if the (prime mod tbl.orders[i])-th powermap at class iis determined by the maps
stored in tbl.powermap, this information is used.
If "quick" is specified, only those classes are considered for which prime powermap is am-
If there are classes for which no image is possible, false is returned, otherwise true.
Note: If tbl.orders is unbound, true is returned without tests.
52.18. INITFUSION 917
gap> t:= CharTable( "3.A6" );; init:= InitPowermap( t, 5 );;
gap> Indeterminateness( init );
gap> ConsiderSmallerPowermaps( t, init, 5 );;
gap> Indeterminateness( init );
ConsiderSmallerPowermaps is used by 52.12 Powermap.
52.18 InitFusion
InitFusion( subtbl,tbl )
computes a (probably parametrized, see 52.1) first approximation of of the subgroup fusion
from the character table subtbl into the character table tbl, using that for any class iof
subtbl, the centralizer order of the image is a multiple of the centralizer order of iand the
element order of iis equal to the element order of its image (used only if element orders are
stored on the tables).
If no fusion map is possible because of these properties, false is returned. Otherwise
InitFusion returns the parametrized map.
gap> s:= CharTable( "2F4(2)" );; ru:= CharTable( "Ru" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, ru );
11, 14, 14, [ 13, 14, 15 ], [ 16, 17 ], [ 18, 19 ], 20, [ 25, 26 ],
[ 13, 14, 15 ], [ 13, 14, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ], [ 18, 19 ], [ 25, 26 ],
[ 25, 26 ], [ 27, 28, 29 ], [ 27, 28, 29 ] ]
InitFusion is used by 52.13 SubgroupFusions.
52.19 CheckPermChar
CheckPermChar( subtbl,tbl,fusionmap,permchar )
tries to improve the parametrized fusion fusionmap (see Chapter 52) from the character
table subtbl into the character table tbl using the permutation character permchar that
belongs to the required fusion: A possible image xof class iis excluded if class iis too
large, and a possible image yof class iis the right image if ymust be the image of all classes
where yis a possible image.
CheckPermChar returns true if no inconsistency occurred, and false otherwise.
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, ru );; # cf. example in 52.18
gap> permchar:= Sum( Sublist( ru.irreducibles, [ 1, 5, 6 ] ) );;
gap> CheckPermChar( s, ru, fus, permchar );; fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, [ 13, 15 ], 16, [ 18, 19 ], 20,
[ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, [ 13, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ],
[ 18, 19 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27, 27 ]
CheckPermChar is used by 52.13 SubgroupFusions.
52.20 CheckFixedPoints
CheckFixedPoints( inside1 ,between,inside2 )
If the parametrized map (see 52.1) between transfers the parametrized map inside1 to
inside2 , i.e. inside2 between =between inside1 ,between must map fixed points of inside1
to fixed points of inside2 . Using this property, CheckFixedPoints tries to improve between
and inside2 .
If an inconsistency occurs, false is returned. Otherwise, CheckFixedPoints returns the
list of classes where improvements were found.
gap> s:= CharTable( "L4(3).2_2" );; o7:= CharTable( "O7(3)" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, o7 );;
gap> CheckFixedPoints( s.powermap[5], fus, o7.powermap[5] );
[ 48, 49 ]
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, o7 );; Sublist( fus, [ 48, 49 ] );
[ [ 54, 55, 56, 57 ], [ 54, 55, 56, 57 ] ]
gap> CheckFixedPoints( s.powermap[5], fus, o7.powermap[5] );
[ 48, 49 ]
gap> Sublist( fus, [ 48, 49 ] );
CheckFixedPoints is used by 52.13 SubgroupFusions.
52.21 TestConsistencyMaps
TestConsistencyMaps( powmap1 ,fusmap,powmap2 )
TestConsistencyMaps( powmap1 ,fusmap,powmap2 ,fus imp )
Like in 52.9, it is checked that parametrized maps (see chapter 52) commute:
For all positions iwhere both powmap1 [i] and powmap2 [i] are bound,
CompositionMaps(fusmap,powmap1 [i]) = CompositionMaps(powmap2 [i],fusmap)
shall hold, so fusmap occurs in diagrams for all considered elements of powmap1 resp.
powmap2 , and it occurs twice in each diagram.
If a set fus imp is specified, only those diagrams with elements of fus imp as preimages of
fusmap are considered.
TestConsistencyMaps stores all found improvements in fusmap and elements of powmap1
and powmap2 . When an inconsistency occurs, the program immediately returns false;
otherwise true is returned.
TestConsistencyMaps stops if no more improvements of fusmap are possible. E.g. if fusmap
was unique from the beginning, the powermaps will not be improved. To transfer powermaps
by fusions, use 52.9 TransferDiagram.
gap> s:= CharTable( "2F4(2)" );; ru:= CharTable( "Ru" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, ru );;
gap> permchar:= Sum( Sublist( ru.irreducibles, [ 1, 5, 6 ] ) );;
gap> CheckPermChar( s, ru, fus, permchar );; fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, [ 13, 15 ], 16, [ 18, 19 ], 20,
[ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, [ 13, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ],
[ 18, 19 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27, 27 ]
gap> TestConsistencyMaps( s.powermap, fus, ru.powermap );
gap> fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, [ 25, 26 ],
[ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, 13, 19, 19, [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27,
27 ]
gap> Indeterminateness( fus );
TestConsistencyMaps is used by 52.13 SubgroupFusions.
52.22 ConsiderTableAutomorphisms
ConsiderTableAutomorphisms( parafus,tableautomorphisms )
improves the parametrized subgroup fusion map parafus (see 52.1): Let Tbe the permutation
group that has the list tableautomorphisms as generators, let T0be the subgroup of Tthat
is maximal with the property that T0operates on the set of fusions contained in parafus by
permutation of images.
ConsiderTableAutomorphisms replaces orbits by representatives at suitable positions so
that afterwards exactly one representative of fusion maps (that is contained in parafus) in
every orbit under the operation of T0is contained in parafus.
The list of positions where improvements were found is returned.
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, ru );;
gap> permchar:= Sum( Sublist( ru.irreducibles, [ 1, 5, 6 ] ) );;
gap> CheckPermChar( s, ru, fus, permchar );; fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, [ 13, 15 ], 16, [ 18, 19 ], 20,
[ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, [ 13, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ],
[ 18, 19 ], [ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27, 27 ]
gap> ConsiderTableAutomorphisms( fus, ru.automorphisms );
[ 16 ]
gap> fus;
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, [ 13, 15 ], 16, [ 18, 19 ], 20,
25, [ 25, 26 ], 5, 5, 6, 8, 14, [ 13, 15 ], [ 18, 19 ], [ 18, 19 ],
[ 25, 26 ], [ 25, 26 ], 27, 27 ]
ConsiderTableAutomorphisms is used by SubgroupFusions (see 52.13). Note that the
function SubgroupFusions forms orbits of fusion maps under table automorphisms, but it
returns all possible fusions. If you want to get only orbit representatives, use the function
RepresentativesFusions (see 52.27).
52.23 PowermapsAllowedBySymmetrisations
PowermapsAllowedBySymmetrisations( tbl,subchars,chars,pow,
prime,parameters )
returns a list of (possibly parametrized, see 52.1) maps map which are contained in the
parametrized map pow and which have the property that for all χin the list chars of
characters of the character table tbl, the symmetrizations
χp=MinusCharacter(χ, map,prime)
(see 51.16) have nonnegative integral scalar products with all characters in the list subchars.
parameters must be a record with fields
an integer that controls the position where branches take place
a function, usually 51.42 or 51.44; for a symmetrization minus, it returns the list
contained( tbl,subchars,minus )
two arbitrary objects; contained is called only for symmetrizations minus with
minamb <Indeterminateness(minus)<maxamb
a boolean; if it is true, the scalar products of uniquely determined symmetrizations
are not checked.
pow will be improved, i.e. is changed by the algorithm.
If there is no character left which allows an immediate improvement but there are characters
in chars with indeterminateness of the symmetrizations bigger than parameters.minamb, a
branch is necessary. Two kinds of branches may occur: If parameters.contained( tbl,
subchars,minus )has length at most parameters.maxlen, the union of maps allowed by
the characters in minus is computed; otherwise a suitable class cis taken which is significant
for some character, and the union of all admissible maps with image xon cis computed,
where xruns over pow [c].
# see example in 52.16
gap> t := CharTable( "U4(3).4" );;
gap> PowermapsAllowedBySymmetrisations(t,t.irreducibles,t.irreducibles,
> pow, 2, rec( maxlen:=10, contained:=ContainedPossibleCharacters,
> minamb:= 2, maxamb:= "infinity", quick:= false ) );
[ [ 1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 8, 3, 4, 11, 12, 6, 14, 9, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18,
18, 20, 20, 20, 20, 22, 22, 24, 24, 25, 26, 28, 28, 29, 29 ] ]
gap> t.powermap[2] = last[1];
52.24 FusionsAllowedByRestrictions
FusionsAllowedByRestrictions( subtbl,tbl,subchars,chars,
fus,parameters )
returns a list of (possibly parametrized, see 52.1) maps map which are contained in the
parametrized map fus and which have the property that for all χin the list chars of char-
acters of the character table tbl, the restrictions
χsubtbl =CompositionMaps(χ, fus)
(see 52.2) have nonnegative integral scalar products with all characters in the list subchars.
parameters must be a record with fields
an integer that controls the position where branches take place
a function, usually 51.42 or 51.44; for a restriction rest, it returns the list contained(
subtbl,subchars,rest );
two arbitrary objects; contained is called only for restrictions rest with minamb
<Indeterminateness( rest ) <maxamb;
a boolean value; if it is true, the scalar products of uniquely determined restrictions
are not checked.
fus will be improved, i.e. is changed by the algorithm.
If there is no character left which allows an immediate improvement but there are characters
in chars with indeterminateness of the restrictions bigger than parameters.minamb, a branch
is necessary. Two kinds of branches may occur: If parameters.contained( tbl,subchars,
rest )has length at most parameters.maxlen, the union of maps allowed by the characters
in rest is computed; otherwise a suitable class cis taken which is significant for some
character, and the union of all admissible maps with image xon cis computed, where x
runs over fus[c].
gap> s:= CharTable( "U3(3)" );; t:= CharTable( "J4" );;
gap> fus:= InitFusion( s, t );;
gap> TestConsistencyMaps( s.powermap, fus, t.powermap );;
gap> ConsiderTableAutomorphisms( fus, t.automorphisms );; fus;
[ 14, 15, 16 ], [ 14, 15, 16 ], [ 21, 22 ], [ 21, 22 ] ]
gap> FusionsAllowedByRestrictions( s, t, s.irreducibles,
> t.irreducibles, fus, rec( maxlen:= 10,
> contained:= ContainedPossibleCharacters,
> minamb:= 2, maxamb:= "infinity", quick:= false ) );
[ [ 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 14, 21, 21 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 15, 22, 22 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 16, 22, 22 ] ]
# cf. example in 52.13
FusionsAllowedByRestrictions is used by 52.13 SubgroupFusions.
52.25 OrbitFusions
OrbitFusions( subtblautomorphisms,fusionmap,tblautomorphisms )
returns the orbit of the subgroup fusion map fusionmap under the operations of maximal
admissible subgroups of the table automorphism groups of the character tables. subtblauto-
morphisms is a list of generators of the automorphisms of the subgroup table, tblautomor-
phisms is a list of generators of the automorphisms of the supergroup table.
gap> s:= CharTable( "U3(3)" );; t:= CharTable( "J4" );;
gap> GetFusionMap( s, t );
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 14, 21, 21 ]
gap> OrbitFusions( s.automorphisms, last, t.automorphisms );
[ [ 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 14, 21, 21 ],
[ 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 10, 13, 12, 14, 14, 21, 21 ] ]
52.26 OrbitPowermaps
OrbitPowermaps( powermap,matautomorphisms )
returns the orbit of the powermap powermap under the operation of the subgroup matau-
tomorphisms of the maximal admissible subgroup of the matrix automorphisms of the cor-
responding character table.
gap> t:= CharTable( "3.McL" );;
gap> maut:= MatAutomorphisms( t.irreducibles, [], Group( () ) );
Group( (55,58)(56,59)(57,60)(61,64)(62,65)(63,66), (35,36), (26,29)
(27,30)(28,31)(49,52)(50,53)(51,54), (40,43)(41,44)(42,45), ( 2, 3)
( 5, 6)( 8, 9)(12,13)(15,16)(18,19)(21,22)(24,25)(27,28)(30,31)(33,34)
(65,66) )
gap> OrbitPowermaps( t.powermap[3], maut );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 8, 9, 37,
37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49,
49, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 9, 8, 37,
37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49,
49, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ] ]
52.27 RepresentativesFusions
RepresentativesFusions( subtblautomorphisms,listoffusionmaps,tblautomorphisms )
RepresentativesFusions( subtbl,listoffusionmaps,tbl )
returns a list of representatives of the list listoffusionmaps of subgroup fusion maps under
the operations of maximal admissible subgroups of the table automorphism groups of the
character tables. subtblautomorphisms is a list of generators of the automorphisms of the
subgroup table, tblautomorphisms is a list of generators of the automorphisms of the su-
pergroup table. if the parameters subtbl and tbl (character tables) are used, the values of
subtbl.automorphisms and subtbl.automorphisms will be taken.
gap> s:= CharTable( "2F4(2)" );; ru:= CharTable( "Ru" );;
gap> SubgroupFusions( s, ru );
[ [ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 5, 5,
6, 8, 14, 13, 19, 19, 26, 25, 27, 27 ],
[ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 26, 25, 5, 5,
6, 8, 14, 13, 19, 19, 25, 26, 27, 27 ] ]
gap> RepresentativesFusions( s, last, ru );
[ [ 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 5, 5,
6, 8, 14, 13, 19, 19, 26, 25, 27, 27 ] ]
52.28 RepresentativesPowermaps
RepresentativesPowermaps( listofpowermaps,matautomorphisms )
returns a list of representatives of the list listofpowermaps of powermaps under the op-
eration of a subgroup matautomorphisms of the maximal admissible subgroup of matrix
automorphisms of irreducible characters of the corresponding character table.
gap> t:= CharTable( "3.McL" );;
gap> maut:= MatAutomorphisms( t.irreducibles, [], Group( () ) );
Group( (55,58)(56,59)(57,60)(61,64)(62,65)(63,66), (35,36), (26,29)
(27,30)(28,31)(49,52)(50,53)(51,54), (40,43)(41,44)(42,45), ( 2, 3)
( 5, 6)( 8, 9)(12,13)(15,16)(18,19)(21,22)(24,25)(27,28)(30,31)(33,34)
(65,66) )
gap> Powermap( t, 3 );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 9, 8, 37,
37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49,
49, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 8, 9, 37,
37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49,
49, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ] ]
gap> RepresentativesPowermaps( last, maut );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 8, 9, 37,
37, 37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49,
49, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ] ]
52.29 Indirected
Indirected( char,paramap )
We have
Indirected(char,paramap)[i] = char[paramap[i]],
if this value is unique; otherwise it is set unknown (see chapter 17). (For a parametrized
indirection, see 52.2.)
gap> m12:= CharTable( "M12" );;
gap> fus:= [ 1, 3, 4, [ 6, 7 ], 8, 10, [ 11, 12 ], [ 11, 12 ],
> [ 14, 15 ], [ 14, 15 ] ];; # parametrized subgroup fusion
# from M11
gap> chars:= Sublist( m12.irreducibles, [ 1 .. 6 ] );;
gap> List( chars, x -> Indirected( x, fus ) );
[ 11, 3, 2, Unknown(1), 1, 0, Unknown(2), Unknown(3), 0, 0 ],
[ 11, 3, 2, Unknown(4), 1, 0, Unknown(5), Unknown(6), 0, 0 ],
[ 16, 0, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, Unknown(7), Unknown(8) ],
[ 16, 0, -2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, Unknown(9), Unknown(10) ],
[ 45, -3, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1 ] ]
52.30 Powmap
Powmap( powermap,n)
Powmap( powermap,n,class )
The first form returns the n-th powermap where powermap is the powermap of a character
table (see 49.2). If the n-th position in powermap is bound, this map is returned, otherwise
it is computed from the (necessarily stored) powermaps of the prime divisors of n.
The second form returns the image of class under the n-th powermap; for any valid class
class, we have Powmap( powermap,n)[ class ] = Powmap( powermap,n,class ).
The entries of powermap may be parametrized maps (see 52.1).
gap> t:= CharTable( "3.McL" );;
gap> Powmap( t.powermap, 3 );
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 8, 9, 37, 37,
37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49, 49, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ]
gap> Powmap( t.powermap, 27 );
[ 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 29, 29, 29, 26, 26, 26, 32, 32, 32, 1, 1, 37, 37,
37, 40, 40, 40, 43, 43, 43, 11, 11, 11, 52, 52, 52, 49, 49, 49, 14,
14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37 ]
gap> Lcm( t.orders ); Powmap( t.powermap, last );
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
52.31 ElementOrdersPowermap
ElementOrdersPowermap( powermap )
returns the list of element orders given by the maps in the powermap powermap. The entries
at positions where the powermaps do not uniquely determine the element order are set to
unknowns (see chapter 17).
gap> t:= CharTable( "3.J3.2" );; t.powermap;
[ , [ 1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 8, 9, 18, 19, 17,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 1,
3, 7, 8, 8, 13, 18, 19, 17, 23, 23, 28, 30 ],
[ 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 3, 3, 15, 15, 7, 7, 7, 20,
20, 20, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 30, 30, 28, 28, 32, 32, 32, 35, 36,
35, 38, 39, 36, 37, 37, 37, 38, 38, 47, 46 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 17, 18,
3, 4, 4, 23, 24, 5, 6, 6, 30, 31, 28, 29, 32, 34, 33, 35, 36,
37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 46 ],,,,,,,,,,,,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 1, 2, 1, 2, 32, 34, 33, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 44, 35, 35 ],,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1, 2, 2,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 ] ]
gap> ElementOrdersPowermap( last );
[ 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 4, 12, 5, 15, 15, 6, 6, 8, 24, 9, 9, 9, 10,
30, 30, 12, 12, 15, 15, 15, 17, 51, 17, 51, 19, 57, 57, 2, 4, 6, 8,
8, 12, 18, 18, 18, 24, 24, 34, 34 ]
gap> Unbind( t.powermap[17] ); ElementOrdersPowermap( t.powermap );
[ 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 4, 12, 5, 15, 15, 6, 6, 8, 24, 9, 9, 9, 10,
30, 30, 12, 12, 15, 15, 15, Unknown(11), Unknown(12), Unknown(13),
Unknown(14), 19, 57, 57, 2, 4, 6, 8, 8, 12, 18, 18, 18, 24, 24,
Unknown(15), Unknown(16) ]
Chapter 53
Character Table Libraries
The utility of GAP3 for character theoretical tasks depends on the availability of many
known character tables, so there is a lot of tables in the GAP3 group collection.
There are three different libraries of character tables, namely ordinary character tables,
Brauer tables and generic character tables.
Of course, these libraries are “open” in the sense that they shall be extended. So we would
be grateful for any further tables of interest sent to us for inclusion into our libraries.
This chapter mainly explains properties not of single tables but of the libraries and their
structure; for the format of character tables, see 49.2, 49.3 and chapter 50.
The chapter informs about
the actually available tables (see 53.1),
the sublibraries of ATLAS tables (see 53.3) and CAS tables (see 53.5),
the organization of the libraries (see 53.6),
and how to extend a library (see 53.7).
53.1 Contents of the Table Libraries
As stated at the beginning of the chapter, there are three libraries of character tables:
ordinary character tables, Brauer tables, and generic character tables.
Ordinary Character Tables
Two different aspects are useful to list up the ordinary character tables available to GAP3
the aspect of source of the tables and that of connections between the tables.
As for the source, there are two big sources, the ATLAS (see 53.3) and the CAS library of
character tables. Many ATLAS tables are contained in the CAS library, and difficulties may
arise because the succession of characters or classes in CAS tables and ATLAS tables are
different, so see 53.5 and 49.2 for the relations between the (at least) two forms of the same
table. A large subset of the CAS tables is the set of tables of Sylow normalizers of sporadic
simple groups as published in [Ost86], so this may be viewed as another source.
To avoid confusions about the actual format of a table, authorship and so on, the text
component of the table contains the information
origin: ATLAS of finite groups
for ATLAS tables (see 53.3)
origin: Ostermann
for tables of [Ost86] and
origin: CAS library
for any table of the CAS table library that is contained neither in the ATLAS nor in
If one is interested in the aspect of connections between the tables, i.e., the internal structure
of the library of ordinary tables (which corresponds to the access to character tables, as
described in 49.12), the contents can be listed up the following way:
We have
all ATLAS tables (see 53.3), i.e. the tables of the simple groups which are contained
in the ATLAS, and the tables of cyclic and bicyclic extensions of these groups;
most tables of maximal subgroups of sporadic simple groups (not all for HN, F3+,
B, M);
some tables of maximal subgroups of other ATLAS tables (which?)
most nontrivial Sylow normalizers of sporadic simple groups as printed in [Ost86],
where nontrivial means that the group is not contained in p:(p1) (not J4N2, Co1N2,
Co1N5, all of F i23,F i0
24,B,M,HN, and F i22N2)
some tables of element centralizers
some tables of Sylow subgroups
a few other tables, e.g. W(F4)
namely which?
Brauer Tables
This library contains the tables of the modular ATLAS which are yet known. Some of them
still contain unknowns (see 17.1). Since there is ongoing work in computing new tables, this
library is changed nearly every day.
These Brauer tables contain the information
origin: modular ATLAS of finite groups
in their text component.
Generic Character Tables
At the moment, generic tables of the following groups are available in GAP3 (see 49.12):
alternating groups
cyclic groups,
dihedral groups,
some linear groups,
quaternionic (dicyclic) groups
Suzuki groups,
symmetric groups,
wreath products of a group with a symmetric group (see 49.18),
Weyl groups of types Bnand Dn
53.2 Selecting Library Tables
Single library tables can be selected by their name (see 49.12 for admissible names of library
tables, and 53.1 for the organization of the library).
In general it does not make sense to select tables with respect to certain properties, as is
useful for group libraries (see 38). But it may be useful to get an overview of all library
tables, or all library tables of simple groups, or all library tables of sporadic simple
groups. It is sufficient to know an admissible name of these tables, so they need not be
loaded. A table can then be read using 49.12 CharTable.
The mechanism is similar to that for group libraries.
returns a list with an admissible name for every library table,
AllCharTableNames( IsSimple )
returns a list with an admissible name for every library table of a simple group,
AllCharTableNames( IsSporadicSimple )
returns a list with an admissible name for every library table of a sporadic simple
Admissible names of maximal subgroups of sporadic simple groups are stored in the
component maxes of the tables of the sporadic simple groups. Thus
gap> maxes:= CharTable( "M11" ).maxes;
[ "A6.2_3", "L2(11)", "3^2:Q8.2", "A5.2", "2.S4" ]
returns the list containing these names for the Mathieu group M11, and
gap> List( maxes, CharTable );
[ CharTable( "A6.2_3" ), CharTable( "L2(11)" ),
CharTable( "3^2:Q8.2" ), CharTable( "A5.2" ), CharTable( "2.S4" ) ]
will read them from the library files.
53.3 ATLAS Tables
The GAP3 group collection contains all character tables that are included in the Atlas of
finite groups ([CCN+85], from now on called ATLAS) and the Brauer tables contained in
the modular ATLAS ([JLPW95]). Although the Brauer tables form a library of their own,
they are described here since all conventions for ATLAS tables stated here hold for Brauer
tables, too.
Additionally some conventions are necessary about follower characters!
These tables have the information
origin: ATLAS of finite groups
origin: modular ATLAS of finite groups
in their text component, further on they are simply called ATLAS tables.
In addition to the information given in Chapters 6–8 of the ATLAS which tell how to read
the printed tables, there are some rules relating these to the corresponding GAP3 tables.
Note that for the GAP3 library not the printed ATLAS is relevant but the revised version
given by the list of Improvements to the ATLAS which can be got from Cambridge.
Also some tables are regarded as ATLAS tables which are not printed in the ATLAS but
available in ATLAS format from Cambridge; at the moment, these are the tables related to
L2(49), L2(81), L6(2), O
8(3), O+
8(3) and S10(2).
In a few cases (namely the tables of 3.McL, 32.U4(3) and its covers, 32.U4(3).23and its
covers) the powermaps are not uniquely determined by the given information but determined
up to matrix automorphisms (see 49.41) of the characters; then the first possible map
according to lexicographical ordering was chosen, and the automorphisms are listed in the
text component of the concerned table.
Projective Characters
For any nontrivial multiplier of a simple group or of an automorphic extension of a simple
group, there is a component projectives in the table of Gthat is a list of records with the
names of the covering group (e.g. "12 1.U4(3)") and the list of those faithful characters
which are printed in the ATLAS(so–called proxy characters).
ATLAS tables contain the component projections: For any covering group of Gfor which
the character table is available in ATLAS format a record is stored there containing compo-
nents name (the name of the cover table) and map (the projection map); the projection maps
any class of Gto that preimage in the cover for that the column is printed in the ATLAS; it
is called g0in Chapter 7, Section 14 there.
(In a sense, a projection map is an inverse of the factor fusion from the cover table to the
actual table (see 52.4).)
Tables of Isoclinic Groups
53.3. ATLAS TABLES 931
As described in Chapter 6, Section 7 and Chapter 7, Section 18 of the ATLAS, there exist
two different groups of structure 2.G.2 for a simple group Gwhich are isoclinic. The ATLAS
table in the library is that which is printed in the ATLAS, the isoclinic variant can be got
using 49.20 CharTableIsoclinic.
Succession of characters and classes
(Throughout this paragraph, Galways means the involved simple group.)
1. For Gitself, the succession of classes and characters in the GAP3 table is as printed
in the ATLAS.
2. For an automorphic extension G.a, there are three types of characters:
If a character χof Gextends to G.a, the different extensions χ0, χ1, . . . , χa1are
consecutive (see ATLAS, Chapter 7, Section 16).
If some characters of Gfuse to give a single character of G.a, the position of that
character is the position of the first involved character of G.
If both, extension and fusion, occur, the result characters are consecutive, and
each replaces the first involved character.
3. Similarly, there are different types of classes for an automorphic extension G.a:
If some classes collapse, the result class replaces the first involved class.
For a > 2, any proxy class and its followers are consecutive; if there are more
than one followers for a proxy class (the only case that occurs is for a= 5), the
succession of followers is the natural one of corresponding galois automorphisms
(see ATLAS, Chapter 7, Section 19).
The classes of G.a1always precede the outer classes of G.a2for a1, a2dividing aand
a1< a2. This succession is like in the ATLAS, with the only exception U3(8).6.
4. For a central extension M.G, there are different types of characters:
Every character can be regarded as a faithful character of the factor group m.G,
where mdivides M. Characters faithful for the same factor group are consecutive
like in the ATLAS, the succession of these sets of characters is given by the order
of precedence 1,2,4,3,6,12 for the different values of m.
If m > 2, a faithful character of m.G that is printed in the ATLAS (a so-called
proxy) represents one or more followers, this means galois conjugates of the proxy;
in any GAP3 table, the proxy precedes its followers; the case m= 12 is the only
one that occurs with more than one follower for a proxy, then the three followers
are ordered according to the corresponding galois automorphisms 5, 7, 11 (in that
5. For the classes of a central extension we have:
The preimages of a G-class in M.G are subsequent, the succession is the same as
that of the lifting order rows in the ATLAS.
The primitive roots of unity chosen to represent the generating central element
(class 2) are E(3),E(4),E(6)^5 (= E(2) *E(3)) and E(12)^7 (= E(3) *E(4))
for m= 3,4,6 and 12, respectively.
6. For tables of bicyclic extensions m.G.a, both the rules for automorphic and central
extensions hold; additionally we have:
Whenever classes of the subgroup m.G collapse or characters fuse, the result class
resp. character replaces the first involved class resp. character.
Extensions of a character are subsequent, and the extensions of a proxy character
precede the extensions of its followers.
Preimages of a class are subsequent, and the preimages of a proxy class precede
the preimages of its followers.
53.4 Examples of the ATLAS format for GAP tables
We give three little examples for the conventions stated in 53.3, listing up the ATLAS format
and the table displayed by GAP3.
First, let Gbe the trivial group. The cyclic group C6of order 6 can be viewed in several
1. As a downward extension of the factor group C2which contains Gas a subgroup;
equivalently, as an upward extension of the subgroup C3which has a factor group G:
3.G 3.G.2
G G.2
1 1
p power A
p' part A
ind 1A fus ind 2A
χ1+ 1 : ++ 1
ind 1 fus ind 2
3 6
3 6
χ2o2 1 : oo2 1
1a 3a 3b 2a 6a 6b
2P 1a 3b 3a 1a 3b 3a
3P 1a 1a 1a 2a 2a 2a
X.1 111111
X.2 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1
X.3 1 A /A 1 A /A
X.4 1 A /A -1 -A -/A
X.5 1 /A A 1 /A A
X.6 1 /A A -1 -/A -A
A = E(3)
= (-1+ER(-3))/2 = b3
X.1,X.2 extend χ1.X.3,X.4 extend the proxy character χ2.X.5,X.6 extend its
follower. 1a,3a,3b are preimages of 1A, and 2a,6a,6b are preimages of 2A.
2. As a downward extension of the factor group C3which contains Gas a subgroup;
equivalently, as an upward extension of the subgroup C2which has a factor group G:
2.G 2.G.3
G G.3
1 1
p power A
p' part A
ind 1A fus ind 3A
χ1+ 1 : +oo 1
ind 1 fus ind 3
2 6
χ2+ 1 : +oo 1
1a 2a 3a 6a 3b 6b
2P 1a 1a 3b 3b 3a 3a
3P 1a 2a 1a 2a 1a 2a
X.1 111111
X.2 1 1 A A /A /A
X.3 1 1 /A /A A A
X.4 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1
X.5 1 -1 A -A /A -/A
X.6 1 -1 /A -/A A -A
A = E(3)
= (-1+ER(-3))/2 = b3
X.1-X.3 extend χ1,X.4-X.6 extend χ2.1a,2a are preimages of 1A.3a,6a are preim-
ages of the proxy class 3A, and 3b,6b are preimages of its follower class.
3. As a downward extension of the factor groups C3and C2which have Gas a factor
; @
p power
p' part
ind 1A
χ1+ 1
ind 1
χ2+ 1
ind 1
χ3o2 1
ind 1
χ4o2 1
1a 6a 3a 2a 3b 6b
2P 1a 3a 3b 1a 3a 3b
3P 1a 2a 1a 2a 1a 2a
X.1 111111
X.2 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1
X.3 1 A /A 1 A /A
X.4 1 /A A 1 /A A
X.5 1 -A /A -1 A -/A
X.6 1 -/A A -1 /A -A
A = E(3)
= (-1+ER(-3))/2 = b3
X.1,X.2 correspond to χ1, χ2, respectively; X.3,X.5 correspond to the proxies χ3, χ4,
and X.4,X.6 to their followers. The factor fusion onto 3.G is [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
], that onto G.2 is [1,2,1,2,1,2].
4. As an upward extension of the subgroups C3or C2which both contain a subgroup G:
G G.2 G.3 G.6
;@;;@;;@; ;@
1 1 1 1
p power A A AA
p' part A A AA
ind 1A fus ind 2A fus ind 3A fus ind 6A
χ1+ 1 : ++ 1 : +oo 1 :+oo+oo 1
1a 2a 3a 3b 6a 6b
2P 1a 1a 3b 3a 3b 3a
3P 1a 2a 1a 1a 2a 2a
X.1 111111
X.2 1 -1 A /A -A -/A
X.3 1 1 /A A /A A
X.4 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1
X.5 1 1 A /A A /A
X.6 1 -1 /A A -/A -A
A = E(3)
= (-1+ER(-3))/2 = b3
1a,2a correspond to 1A, 2A, respectively; 3a,6a correspond to the proxies 3A, 6A,
and 3b,6b to their followers.
The second example explains the fusion case; again, Gis the trivial group.
1 1
p power A
p' part A
ind 1A fus ind 2A
χ1+ 1 : ++ 1
ind 1 fus ind 2
2 2
χ2+ 1 : ++ 1
ind 1 fus ind 2
ind 1 fus ind 2
6 2
1a 3a 2a
2P 1a 3a 1a
3P 1a 1a 2a
X.1 1 1 1
X.2 1 1 -1
X.3 2 -1 .
1a 6a 3a 2a 2b 2c
2P 1a 3a 3a 1a 1a 1a
3P 1a 2a 1a 2a 2b 2c
Y.1 111111
Y.2 1 1 1 1 -1 -1
Y.3 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1
Y.4 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1
Y.5 2 -1 -1 2 . .
Y.6 2 1 -1 -2 . .
The tables of G, 2.G, 3.G, 6.G and G.2 are known from the first example, that of 2.G.2
will be given in the next one. So here we only print the GAP3 tables of 3.G.2
In 3.G.2, X.1,X.2 extend χ1;χ3and its follower fuse to give X.3, and two of the preimages
of 1A collapse.
In 6.G.2, Y.1-Y.4 are extensions of χ1, χ2, so these characters are the inflated characters
from 2.G.2 (with respect to the factor fusion [1,2,1,2,3,4]). Y.5 is inflated from
3.G.2 (with respect to the factor fusion [1,2,2,1,3,3]), and Y.6 is the result of
the fusion of χ4and its follower.
For the last example, let Gbe the group 22. Consider the following tables:
2.G 2.G.3
G G.3
4444 1
p power A A A A
p' part A A A A
ind 1A 2A 2B 2C fus ind 3A
χ2+ 1 1 -1 -1 . + 0
χ3+ 1 -1 1 -1 .
χ4+ 1 -1 -1 1 .
ind 1 4 4 4 fus ind 3
2 6
1a 2a 3a 3b
2P 1a 1a 3b 3a
3P 1a 2a 1a 1a
X.1 1 1 1 1
X.2 1 1 A /A
X.3 1 1 /A A
X.4 3 -1 . .
A = E(3)
= (-1+ER(-3))/2 = b3
1a 2a 4a 4b 4c
2P 1a 1a 2a 1a 1a
3P 1a 2a 4a 4b 4c
X.1 1 1 1 1 1
X.2 1 1 1 -1 -1
X.3 1 1 -1 1 -1
X.4 1 1 -1 -1 1
X.5 2 -2 . . .
1a 2a 4a 3a 6a 3b 6b
2P 1a 1a 2a 3b 3b 3a 3a
3P 1a 2a 4a 1a 2a 1a 2a
X.1 1111111
X.2 1 1 1 A A /A /A
X.3 1 1 1 /A /A A A
X.4 3 3 -1 . . . .
X.5 2 -2 . 1 1 1 1
X.6 2 -2 . A -A /A -/A
X.7 2 -2 . /A -/A A -A
A = E(3)
= (-1+ER(-3))/2 = b3
In the table of G.3
=A4, the characters χ2, χ3and χ4fuse, and the classes 2A,2B and 2C
collapse. To get the table of 2.G
=Q8one just has to split the class 2A and adjust the
representative orders. Finally, the table of 2.G.3
=SL2(3) is given; the subgroup fusion
corresponding to the injection 2.G 2.G.3 is [1,2,3,3,3], and the factor fusion
corresponding to the epimorphism 2.G.3G.3 is [1,1,2,3,3,4,4].
53.5. CAS TABLES 937
53.5 CAS Tables
All tables of the CAS table library are available in GAP3, too. This sublibrary has been
completely revised, i.e., errors have been corrected and powermaps have been completed.
Any CAS table is accessible by each of its CAS names, that is, the table name or the filename
(see 49.12):
gap> t:= CharTable( "m10" );;;
One does, however, not always get the original CAS table: In many cases (mostly ATLAS
tables, see 53.3) not only the name but also the succession of classes and characters has
changed; the records in the component CAS of the table (see 49.2) contain the permutations
which must be applied to classes and characters to get the original CAS table:
gap> t.CAS;
[ rec(
name := "m10",
permchars := (3,5)(4,8,7,6),
permclasses := (),
text := [ ’n’, ’a’, ’m’, ’e’, ’s’, ’:’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’,
’ ’, ’m’, ’1’, ’0’, ’\n’, ’o’, ’r’, ’d’, ’e’, ’r’, ’:’,
’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’2’, ’^’, ’4’, ’.’, ’3’, ’^’, ’2’,
’.’, ’5’, ’ ’, ’=’, ’ ’, ’7’, ’2’, ’0’, ’\n’, ’n’, ’u’,
’m’, ’b’, ’e’, ’r’, ’ ’, ’o’, ’f’, ’ ’, ’c’, ’l’, ’a’, ’s’,
’s’, ’e’, ’s’, ’:’, ’ ’, ’8’, ’\n’, ’s’, ’o’, ’u’, ’r’,
’c’, ’e’, ’:’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’c’, ’a’, ’m’, ’b’, ’r’,
’i’, ’d’, ’g’, ’e’, ’ ’, ’a’, ’t’, ’l’, ’a’, ’s’, ’\n’,
’c’, ’o’, ’m’, ’m’, ’e’, ’n’, ’t’, ’s’, ’:’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’p’,
’o’, ’i’, ’n’, ’t’, ’ ’, ’s’, ’t’, ’a’, ’b’, ’i’, ’l’, ’i’,
’z’, ’e’, ’r’, ’ ’, ’o’, ’f’, ’ ’, ’m’, ’a’, ’t’, ’h’, ’i’,
’e’, ’u’, ’-’, ’g’, ’r’, ’o’, ’u’, ’p’, ’ ’, ’m’, ’1’, ’1’,
’\n’, ’t’, ’e’, ’s’, ’t’, ’:’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’,
’ ’, ’o’, ’r’, ’t’, ’h’, ’,’, ’ ’, ’m’, ’i’, ’n’, ’,’, ’ ’,
’s’, ’y’, ’m’, ’[’, ’3’, ’]’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’, ’ ’,
The subgroup fusions were computed anew; their record component text tells if the fusion
is equal to that in the CAS library –of course modulo the permutation of classes.
Note that the fusions are neither tested to be consistent for any two subgroups of a group
and their intersection, nor tested to be consistent with respect to composition of maps.
53.6 Organization of the Table Libraries
The primary files are TBLNAME/ctadmin.tbl and TBLNAME/ctprimar.tbl. The former
contains the evaluation function CharTableLibrary (see 49.12) and some utilities, the latter
contains the global variable LIBLIST which encodes all information where to find library
tables; the file TBLNAME/ctprimar.tbl can be constructed from the data files of the table
libraries using the awk script maketbl in the etc directory of the GAP3 distribution.
Also the secondary files are all stored in the directory TBLNAME; they are
clmelab.tbl clmexsp.tbl ctadmin.tbl ctbalter.tbl ctbatres.tbl
ctbconja.tbl ctbfisc1.tbl ctbfisc2.tbl ctbline1.tbl ctbline2.tbl
ctbline3.tbl ctbline4.tbl ctbline5.tbl ctbmathi.tbl ctbmonst.tbl
ctborth1.tbl ctborth2.tbl ctborth3.tbl ctbspora.tbl ctbsympl.tbl
ctbtwis1.tbl ctbtwis2.tbl ctbunit1.tbl ctbunit2.tbl ctbunit3.tbl
ctbunit4.tbl ctgeneri.tbl ctoalter.tbl ctoatres.tbl ctocliff.tbl
ctoconja.tbl ctofisc1.tbl ctofisc2.tbl ctoholpl.tbl ctoinert.tbl
ctoline1.tbl ctoline2.tbl ctoline3.tbl ctoline4.tbl ctoline5.tbl
ctoline6.tbl ctomathi.tbl ctomaxi1.tbl ctomaxi2.tbl ctomaxi3.tbl
ctomaxi4.tbl ctomaxi5.tbl ctomaxi6.tbl ctomisc1.tbl ctomisc2.tbl
ctomisc3.tbl ctomisc4.tbl ctomisc5.tbl ctomisc6.tbl ctomonst.tbl
ctonews.tbl ctoorth1.tbl ctoorth2.tbl ctoorth3.tbl ctoorth4.tbl
ctoorth5.tbl ctospora.tbl ctosylno.tbl ctosympl.tbl ctotwis1.tbl
ctotwis2.tbl ctounit1.tbl ctounit2.tbl ctounit3.tbl ctounit4.tbl
The names start with ct for “character table”, followed by ofor “ordinary”, bfor “Brauer”
or gfor “generic”, then an up to 5 letter description of the contents, e.g., alter for the
alternating groups, and the extension .tbl.
The file ctbdescr.tbl contains (at most) the Brauer tables corresponding to the ordinary
tables in ctodescr.tbl.
The format of library tables is always like this:
# here the data components are stored
... );
Here tblname is the value of the identifier component of the table, e.g. "A5".
For the contents of the table record, there are three different ways how tables are stored:
Full tables (like that of A5) are stored similar to the internal format (see 49.2). Lists of
characters, however, will be abbreviated in the following way:
For each subset of characters which differ just by multiplication with a linear character or by
Galois conjugacy, only one is given by its values, the others are replaced by [TENSOR,[i,j]]
(which means that the character is the tensor product of the i-th and the j-th character)
or [GALOIS,[i,j]] (which means that the character is the j-th Galois conjugate of the i-th
Brauer tables (like that of A5mod 2) are stored relative to the corresponding ordinary
table; instead of irreducible characters the files contain decomposition matrices or Brauer
trees for the blocks of nonzero defect (see 49.3), and components which can be got by
restriction to p–regular classes are not stored at all.
Construction tables (like that of O
8(3)M7) have a component construction that is a
function of one variable. This function is called by CharTable (see 49.12) when the table is
constructed, i.e. not when the file containing the table is read.
The aim of this rather complicated way to store a character table is that big tables with a
simple structure (e.g. direct products) can be stored in a very compact way.
Another special case where construction tables are useful is that of projective tables:
In their component irreducibles they do not contain irreducible characters but a list
with information about the factor groups: Any entry is a list of length 2 that contains at
position 1 the name of the table of the factor group, at the second position a list of integers
representing the Galois automorphisms to get follower characters. E.g., for 12.M22, the
value of irreducibles is
Using this and the projectives component of the table of the smallest nontrivial factor
group, 49.12 CharTable constructs the irreducible characters. The table head, however,
need not be constructed.
53.7 How to Extend a Table Library
If you have some ordinary character tables which are not (or not yet) in a GAP3 table
library, but which you want to treat as library tables, e.g., assign them to variables using
49.12 CharTable, you can include these tables. For that, two things must be done:
First you must notify each table, i.e., tell GAP3 on which file it can be found, and which
names are admissible; this can be done using
NotifyCharTable( firstname,filename,othernames ),
with strings firstname (the identifier component of the table) and filename (the name of
the file containing the table, relative to TBLNAME, and without extension .tbl), and a list
othernames of strings which are other admissible names of the table (see 49.12).
NotifyCharTable will add the necessary information to LIBLIST. A warning is printed for
each table libtbl that was already accessible by some of the names, and these names are
ignored for the new tables. Of course this affects only the value of LIBLIST in the current
GAP3 session, not that on the file.
Note that an error is raised if you want to notify a table with firstname or name in other-
names which is already the identifier component of a library table.
gap> Append( TBLNAME, ";tables/" );
# tells GAP3 that the directory tables is a place to look for
# library tables
gap> NotifyCharTable( "Private", "mytables", [ "My" ] );
# tells GAP3 that the table with names "Private" and "My"
# is stored on file mytables.tbl
gap> FirstNameCharTable( "My" );
gap> FileNameCharTable( "My" );
The second condition is that each file must contain tables in library format as described in
53.6; in the example, the contents of the file tables/mytables.tbl may be this:
ALN:= Ignore;
"my private character table"
We simulate reading this file by explicitly assigning some of the components.
gap> LIBTABLE.("mytables"):= rec(
> Private:= rec( identifier:= "Private",
> centralizers:= [2,2],
> irreducibles:= [[1,1],[1,-1]] ) );;
gap> LIBTABLE.LOADSTATUS.("mytables"):="loaded";;
Now the private table is a library table:
gap> CharTable( "My" );
CharTable( "Private" )
To append the table tbl in library format to the file with name file, use
PrintToLib( file,tbl ).
Note that here file is the absolute name of the file, not the name relative to TBLNAME. Thus
the filename in the row with the assignment to LIBTABLE must be adjusted to make the file
a library file.
53.8 FirstNameCharTable
FirstNameCharTable( name )
returns the value of the identifier component of the character table with admissible name
name, if exists; otherwise false is returned.
For each admissible name, also the lowercase string is admissible.
gap> FirstNameCharTable( "m22mod3" );
gap> FirstNameCharTable( "s5" );
gap> FirstNameCharTable( "J5" );
53.9 FileNameCharTable
FileNameCharTable( tblname )
returns the value of the filename component of the information record in LIBLIST for the
table with admissible name tblname, if exists; otherwise false is returned.
gap> FileNameCharTable( "M22mod3" );
gap> FileNameCharTable( "J5" );
Chapter 54
Class Functions
This chapter introduces class functions and group characters in GAP3.
First section 54.1 tells about the ideas why to use these structures besides the characters
and character tables described in chapters 49 and 51.
The subsequent section 54.2 tells details about the implementation of group characters and
class functions in GAP3.
Sections 54.3 and 54.4 tell about the operators and functions for class functions and (virtual)
Sections 54.5, 54.6, 54.7, and 54.11 describe how to construct such class functions and group
Sections 54.8, 54.9, and 54.10 describe the characteristic functions of class functions and
virtual characters.
Then sections 54.12 and 54.13 describe other functions for characters.
Then sections 54.14, 54.15, 54.16, and 54.17 tell about some functions and record compo-
nents to access and store frequently used (normal) subgroups.
The final section 54.18 describes the records that implement class functions.
In this chapter, all examples use irreducible characters of the symmetric group S4. For
running the examples, you must first define the group and its characters as follows.
gap> S4:= SolvableGroup( "S4" );;
gap> irr:= Irr( S4 );;
54.1 Why Group Characters
When one says “χis a character of a group G” then this object χcarries a lot of information.
χhas certain properties such as being irreducible or not. Several subgroups of Gare related
to χ, such as the kernel and the centre of χ. And one can apply operators to χ, such as
forming the conjugate character under the action of an automorphism of G, or computing
the determinant of χ.
In GAP3, the characters known from chapters 49 and 51 are just lists of character values.
This has several disadvantages. Firstly one cannot store knowledge about a character di-
rectly in the character, and secondly for every computation that requires more than just the
character values one has to regard this list explicitly as a character belonging to a character
table. In practice this means that the user has the task to put the objects into the right
context, or –more concrete– the user has to supply lots of arguments.
This works nicely for characters that are used without groups, like characters of library
tables. And if one deals with incomplete character tables often it is necessary to specify the
arguments explicitly, for example one has to choose a fusion map or power map from a set
of possibilities.
But for dealing with a group and its characters, and maybe also subgroups and their char-
acters, it is desirable that GAP3 keeps track of the interpretation of characters.
Because of this it seems to be useful to introduce an alternative concept where a group char-
acter in GAP3 is represented as a record that contains the character values, the underlying
group or character table, an appropriate operations record, and all the knowledge about the
group character.
Together with characters, also the more general class functions and virtual characters are
Here is an example that shows both approaches. First we define the groups.
gap> S4:= SolvableGroup( "S4" );;
gap> D8:= SylowSubgroup( S4, 2 );; "D8";;
We do some computations using the functions described in chapters 51 and 49.
gap> t := CharTable( S4 );;
gap> tD8 := CharTable( D8 );;
gap> FusionConjugacyClasses( D8, S4 );;
gap> chi:= tD8.irreducibles[2];
[ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ]
gap> Tensored( [ chi ], [ chi ] )[1];
gap> ind:= Induced( tD8, t, [ chi ] )[1];
[ 3, -1, 0, 1, -1 ]
gap> List( t.irreducibles, x -> ScalarProduct( t, x, ind ) );
gap> det:= DeterminantChar( t, ind );
[ 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ]
gap> cent:= CentralChar( t, ind );
[ 1, -1, 0, 2, -2 ]
gap> rest:= Restricted( t, tD8, [ cent ] )[1];
[ 1, -1, -1, 2, -2 ]
And now we do the same calculations with the class function records.
gap> irr := Irr( S4 );;
gap> irrD8 := Irr( D8 );;
gap> chi:= irrD8[2];
Character( D8, [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ] )
gap> chi * chi;
Character( D8, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] )
gap> ind:= chi ^ S4;
Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, 1, -1 ] )
gap> List( irr, x -> ScalarProduct( x, ind ) );
gap> det:= Determinant( ind );
Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ] )
gap> cent:= Omega( ind );
ClassFunction( S4, [ 1, -1, 0, 2, -2 ] )
gap> rest:= Character( D8, cent );
Character( D8, [ 1, -1, -1, 2, -2 ] )
Of course we could have used the Induce and Restricted function also for lists of class
gap> Induced( tD8, t, tD8.irreducibles{ [ 1, 3 ] } );
gap> Induced( irrD8{ [ 1, 3 ] }, S4 );
[ Character( S4, [ 3, 3, 0, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 3, 3, 0, -1, -1 ] ) ]
If one deals with complete character tables then often the table provides enough information,
so it is possible to use the table instead of the group.
gap> s5 := CharTable( "A5.2" );; irrs5 := Irr( s5 );;
gap> m11:= CharTable( "M11" );; irrm11:= Irr( m11 );;
gap> irrs5[2];
Character( CharTable( "A5.2" ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ] )
gap> irrs5[2] ^ m11;
Character( CharTable( "M11" ), [ 66, 2, 3, -2, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
gap> Determinant( irrs5[4] );
Character( CharTable( "A5.2" ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1 ] )
In this case functions that compute normal subgroups related to characters will return the
list of class positions corresponding to that normal subgroup.
gap> Kernel( irrs5[2] );
But if we ask for non-normal subgroups of course there is no chance to get an answer without
the group, for example inertia subgroups cannot be computed from character tables.
54.2 More about Class Functions
Let Gbe a finite group. A class function of Gis a function from Ginto the complex
numbers (or a subfield of the complex numbers) that is constant on conjugacy classes of G.
Addition, multiplication, and scalar multiplication of class functions are defined pointwise.
Thus the set of all class functions of Gis an algebra (or ring, or vector space).
Class functions and (virtual) group characters
Every mapping with source Gthat is constant on conjugacy classes of Gis called a class
function of G. Differences of characters of Gare called virtual characters of G.
Class functions occur in a natural way when one deals with characters. For example, the
central character of a group character is only a class function.
Every character is a virtual character, and every virtual character is a class function.
Any function or operator that is applicable to a class function can of course be applied
to a (virtual) group character. There are functions only for (virtual) group characters,
like IsIrreducible, which doesn’t make sense for a general class function, and there are
also functions that do not make sense for virtual characters but only for characters, like
Class functions as mappings
In GAP3, class functions of a group Gare mappings (see chapter 43) with source Gand
range Cyclotomics (or a subfield). All operators and functions for mappings (like 43.8
Image, 43.12 PreImages) can be applied to class functions.
Note, however, that the operators *and ^allow also other arguments than mappings do
(see 54.3).
54.3 Operators for Class Functions
chi =psi
chi <psi
Equality and comparison of class functions are defined as for mappings (see 43.6); in case
of equal source and range the values components are used to compute the result.
gap> irr[1]; irr[2];
Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] )
Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ] )
gap> irr[1] < irr[2];
gap> irr[1] > irr[2];
gap> irr[1] = Irr( SolvableGroup( "S4" ) )[1];
false # The groups are different.
chi +psi
chi -psi
+and -denote the addition and subtraction of class functions.
chi *psi
*denotes (besides the composition of mappings, see 43.7) the multiplication of a class
function chi with a scalar nand the tensor product of two class functions.
chi /n
/denotes the division of the class function chi by a scalar n.
gap> psi:= irr[3] * irr[4];
Character( S4, [ 6, -2, 0, 0, 0 ] )
gap> psi:= irr[3] - irr[1];
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] )
gap> phi:= psi * irr[4];
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] )
gap> IsCharacter( phi ); phi;
Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] )
gap> psi:= ( 3 * irr[2] - irr[3] ) * irr[4];
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -3, 3 ] )
gap> 2 * psi ;
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 6, -2, 0, -6, 6 ] )
gap> last / 3;
ClassFunction( S4, [ 2, -2/3, 0, -2, 2 ] )
chi ^n
denote the tensor power by a nonnegative integer nand the image of the group element g,
like for all mappings (see 43.7).
chi ^g
is the conjugate class function by the group element g, that must be an element of the
parent of the source of chi or something else that acts on the source via ^. If chi.source is
not a permutation group then gmay also be a permutation that is interpreted as acting by
permuting the classes (This maybe useful for table characters.).
chi ^G
is the induced class function.
gap> V4:= Subgroup( S4, S4.generators{ [ 3, 4 ] } );
Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] )
gap> "V4";;
gap> V4irr:= Irr( V4 );;
gap> chi:= V4irr[3];
Character( V4, [ 1, -1, 1, -1 ] )
gap> chi ^ S4;
Character( S4, [ 6, -2, 0, 0, 0 ] )
gap> chi ^ S4.2;
Character( V4, [ 1, -1, -1, 1 ] )
gap> chi ^ ( S4.2 ^ 2 );
Character( V4, [ 1, 1, -1, -1 ] )
gap> S4.3 ^ chi; S4.4 ^ chi;
gap> chi ^ 2;
Character( V4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] )
54.4 Functions for Class Functions
Besides the usual mapping functions (see chapter 43 for the details.), the following poly-
morphic functions are overlaid in the operations records of class functions and (virtual)
characters. They are listed in alphabetical order.
Centre( chi )
centre of a class function
Constituents( chi )
set of irreducible characters of a virtual character
Degree( chi )
degree of a class function
Determinant( chi )
determinant of a character
Display( chi )
displays the class function with the table head
Induced( list,G)
induced class functions corresp. to class functions in the list list from subgroup Hto
group G
IsFaithful( chi )
property check (virtual characters only)
IsIrreducible( chi )
property check (characters only)
Kernel( chi )
kernel of a class function
Norm( chi )
norm of class function
Omega( chi )
central character
Print( chi )
prints a class function
Restricted( list,H)
restrictions of class functions in the list list to subgroup H
ScalarProduct( chi,psi )
scalar product of two class functions
54.5 ClassFunction
ClassFunction( G,values )
returns the class function of the group Gwith values list values.
ClassFunction( G,chi )
returns the class function of Gcorresponding to the class function chi of H. The group H
can be a factor group of G, or Gcan be a subgroup or factor group of H.
gap> phi:= ClassFunction( S4, [ 1, -1, 0, 2, -2 ] );
ClassFunction( S4, [ 1, -1, 0, 2, -2 ] )
gap> coeff:= List( irr, x -> ScalarProduct( x, phi ) );
[ -1/12, -1/12, -1/6, 5/4, -3/4 ]
gap> ClassFunction( S4, coeff );
ClassFunction( S4, [ -1/12, -1/12, -1/6, 5/4, -3/4 ] )
gap> syl2:= SylowSubgroup( S4, 2 );;
gap> ClassFunction( syl2, phi );
ClassFunction( D8, [ 1, -1, -1, 2, -2 ] )
54.6 VirtualCharacter
VirtualCharacter( G,values )
returns the virtual character of the group Gwith values list values.
VirtualCharacter( G,chi )
returns the virtual character of Gcorresponding to the virtual character chi of H. The
group Hcan be a factor group of G, or Gcan be a subgroup or factor group of H.
gap> syl2:= SylowSubgroup( S4, 2 );;
gap> psi:= VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 0, 0, 3, 0, 0 ] );
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 0, 0, 3, 0, 0 ] )
gap> VirtualCharacter( syl2, psi );
VirtualCharacter( D8, [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
gap> S3:= S4 / V4;
Group( a, b )
gap> VirtualCharacter( S3, irr[3] );
VirtualCharacter( Group( a, b ), [ 2, -1, 0 ] )
Note that it is not checked whether the result is really a virtual character.
54.7 Character
Character( repres )
returns the character of the group representation repres.
Character( G,values )
returns the character of the group Gwith values list values.
Character( G,chi )
returns the character of Gcorresponding to the character chi with source H. The group H
can be a factor group of G, or Gcan be a subgroup or factor group of H.
gap> syl2:= SylowSubgroup( S4, 2 );;
gap> Character( syl2, irr[3] );
Character( D8, [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0 ] )
gap> S3:= S4 / V4;
Group( a, b )
gap> Character( S3, irr[3] );
Character( Group( a, b ), [ 2, -1, 0 ] )
gap> reg:= Character( S4, [ 24, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] );
Character( S4, [ 24, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
Note that it is not checked whether the result is really a character.
54.8 IsClassFunction
IsClassFunction( obj )
returns true if obj is a class function, and false otherwise.
gap> chi:= S4.charTable.irreducibles[3];
[ 2, 2, -1, 0, 0 ]
gap> IsClassFunction( chi );
gap> irr[3];
Character( S4, [ 2, 2, -1, 0, 0 ] )
gap> IsClassFunction( irr[3] );
54.9 IsVirtualCharacter
IsVirtualCharacter( obj )
returns true if obj is a virtual character, and false otherwise. For a class function obj
that does not know whether it is a virtual character, the scalar products with all irreducible
characters of the source of obj are computed. If they are all integral then obj is turned into
a virtual character record.
gap> psi:= irr[3] - irr[1];
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] )
gap> cf:= ClassFunction( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] );
ClassFunction( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] )
gap> IsVirtualCharacter( cf );
gap> IsCharacter( cf );
gap> cf;
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] )
54.10 IsCharacter
IsCharacter( obj )
returns true if obj is a character, and false otherwise. For a class function obj that does
not know whether it is a character, the scalar products with all irreducible characters of the
source of obj are computed. If they are all integral and nonegative then obj is turned into
a character record.
gap> psi:= ClassFunction( S4, S4.charTable.centralizers );
ClassFunction( S4, [ 24, 8, 3, 4, 4 ] )
gap> IsCharacter( psi ); psi;
Character( S4, [ 24, 8, 3, 4, 4 ] )
gap> cf:= ClassFunction( S4, irr[3] - irr[1] );
ClassFunction( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] )
gap> IsCharacter( cf ); cf;
54.11. IRR 951
VirtualCharacter( S4, [ 1, 1, -2, -1, -1 ] )
54.11 Irr
Irr( G)
returns the list of irreducible characters of the group G. If necessary the character table of
Gis computed. The succession of characters is the same as in CharTable( G).
gap> Irr( SolvableGroup( "S4" ) );
[ Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 2, 2, -1, 0, 0 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, 1, -1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] ) ]
54.12 InertiaSubgroup
InertiaSubgroup( G,chi )
For a class function chi of a normal subgroup Nof the group G,InertiaSubgroup( G,
chi )returns the inertia subgroup IG(chi), that is, the subgroup of all those elements gG
that satisfy chiˆg=chi.
gap> V4:= Subgroup( S4, S4.generators{ [ 3, 4 ] } );
Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] )
gap> irrsub:= Irr( V4 );
#W Warning: Group has no name
[ Character( Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] ), [ 1, 1, -1, -1 ] ),
Character( Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] ), [ 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ),
Character( Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] ), [ 1, -1, -1, 1 ] ) ]
gap> List( irrsub, x -> InertiaSubgroup( S4, x ) );
[ Subgroup( S4, [ a, b, c, d ] ), Subgroup( S4, [ a*b^2, c, d ] ),
Subgroup( S4, [ a*b, c, d ] ), Subgroup( S4, [ a, c, d ] ) ]
54.13 OrbitsCharacters
OrbitsCharacters( irr )
returns a list of orbits of the characters irr under the action of Galois automorphisms and
multiplication with linear characters in irr. This is used for functions that need to consider
only representatives under the operation of this group, like 55.9.
OrbitsCharacters works also for irr a list of character value lists. In this case the result
contains orbits of these lists.
Note that OrbitsCharacters does not require that irr is closed under the described action,
so the function may also be used to complete the orbits.
gap> irr:= Irr( SolvableGroup( "S4" ) );;
gap> OrbitsCharacters( irr );
[ [ Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ) ],
[ Character( S4, [ 2, 2, -1, 0, 0 ] ) ],
[ Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, 1, -1 ] ) ] ]
gap> OrbitsCharacters( List( irr{ [1,2,4] }, x -> x.values ) );
54.14 Storing Subgroup Information
Many computations for a group character χof a group G, such as that of kernel or centre
of χ, involve computations in (normal) subgroups or factor groups of G.
There are two aspects that make it reasonable to store relevant information used in these
First it is possible to use the character table of a group for computations with the group. For
example, suppose we know for every normal subgroup Nthe list of positions of conjugacy
classes that form N. Then we can compute the intersection of normal subgroups efficiently
by intersecting the corresponding lists.
Second one should try to reuse (expensive) information one has computed. Suppose you
need the character table of a certain subgroup Uthat was constructed for example as inertia
subgroup of a character. Then it may be probable that this group has been constructed
already. So one should look whether Uoccurs in a list of interesting subgroups for that the
tables are already known.
This section lists several data structures that support storing and using information about
Storing Normal Subgroup Information
In some cases a question about a normal subgroup Ncan be answered efficiently if one knows
the character table of Gand the G-conjugacy classes that form N, e.g., the question whether
a character of Grestricts irreducibly to N. But other questions require the computation
of the group Nor even more information, e.g., if we want to know whether a character
restricts homogeneously to Nthis will in general require the computation of the character
table of N.
In order to do such computations only once, we introduce three components in the group
record of Gto store normal subgroups, the corresponding lists of conjugacy classes, and (if
known) the factor groups, namely
a list of (not necessarily all) normal subgroups of G,
at position ithe list of positions of conjugacy classes forming the i-th entry of the
nsg component,
at position i(if bound) the factor group modulo the i-th entry of the nsg component.
The functions
initialize these components and update them. They are the only functions that do this.
So if you need information about a normal subgroup of Gfor that you know the G-conjugacy
classes, you should get it using NormalSubgroupClasses. If the normal subgroup was
already stored it is just returned, with all the knowledge it contains. Otherwise the normal
subgroup is computed and added to the lists, and will be available for the next call.
Storing information for computing conjugate class functions
The computation of conjugate class functions requires the computation of permutatins of
the list of conjugacy classes. In order to minimize the number of membership tests in con-
jugacy classes it is useful to store a partition of classes that is respected by every admissible
permutation. This is stored in the component globalPartitionClasses.
If the normalizer Nof Hin its parent is stored in H, or if His normal in its parent then the
component permClassesHomomorphism is used. It holds the group homomorphism mapping
every element of Nto the induced permutation of classes.
Both components are generated automatically when they are needed.
Storing inertia subgroup information
Let Nbe the normalizer of Hin its parent, and χa character of H. The inertia subgroup
IN(χ) is the stabilizer in Nof χunder conjugation of class functions. Characters with
same value distribution, like Galois conjugate characters, have the same inertia subgroup.
It seems to be useful to store this information. For that, the inertiaInfo component of
His initialized when needed, a record with components partitions and stabilizers,
both lists. The stabilizers component contains the stabilizer in Nof the corresponding
54.15 NormalSubgroupClasses
NormalSubgroupClasses( G,classes )
returns the normal subgroup of the group Gthat consists of the conjugacy classes whose
positions are in the list classes.
If G.nsg does not contain the required normal subgroup, and if Gcontains the component
G.normalSubgroups then the result and the group in G.normalSubgroups will be identical.
gap> ccl:= ConjugacyClasses( S4 );
[ ConjugacyClass( S4, IdAgWord ), ConjugacyClass( S4, d ),
ConjugacyClass( S4, b ), ConjugacyClass( S4, a ),
ConjugacyClass( S4, a*d ) ]
gap> NormalSubgroupClasses( S4, [ 1, 2 ] );
Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] )
The list of classes corresponding to a normal subgroup is returned by 54.16.
54.16 ClassesNormalSubgroup
ClassesNormalSubgroup( G,N)
returns the list of positions of conjugacy classes of the group Gthat are contained in the
normal subgroup Nof G.
gap> ccl:= ConjugacyClasses( S4 );
[ ConjugacyClass( S4, IdAgWord ), ConjugacyClass( S4, d ),
ConjugacyClass( S4, b ), ConjugacyClass( S4, a ),
ConjugacyClass( S4, a*d ) ]
gap> V4:= NormalClosure( S4, Subgroup( S4, [ S4.4 ] ) );
Subgroup( S4, [ c, d ] )
gap> ClassesNormalSubgroup( S4, V4 );
The normal subgroup corresponding to a list of classes is returned by 54.15.
54.17 FactorGroupNormalSubgroupClasses
FactorGroupNormalSubgroupClasses( G,classes )
returns the factor group of the group Gmodulo the normal subgroup of Gthat consists of
the conjugacy classes whose positions are in the list classes.
gap> ccl:= ConjugacyClasses( S4 );
[ ConjugacyClass( S4, IdAgWord ), ConjugacyClass( S4, d ),
ConjugacyClass( S4, b ), ConjugacyClass( S4, a ),
ConjugacyClass( S4, a*d ) ]
gap> S3:= FactorGroupNormalSubgroupClasses( S4, [ 1, 2 ] );
Group( a, b )
54.18 Class Function Records
Every class function has the components
always true,
the underlying group (or character table),
the list of values, corresponding to the conjugacyClasses component of source,
the operations record which is one of ClassFunctionOps,VirtualCharacterOps,
Optional components are
The class function knows to be a virtual character.
The class function knows to be a character.
Chapter 55
Monomiality Questions
This chapter describes functions dealing with monomiality questions.
Section 55.1 gives some hints how to use the functions in the package.
The next sections (see 55.2, 55.3, 55.4) describe functions that deal with character degrees
and derived length.
The next sections describe tests for homogeneous restriction, quasiprimitivity, and induction
from a normal subgroup of a group character (see 55.5, 55.6, 55.7, 55.8).
The next sections describe tests for subnormally monomiality, monomiality, and relatively
subnormally monomiality of a group or group character (see 55.9, 55.10, 55.11, 55.12).
The final sections 55.13 and 55.14 describe functions that construct minimal nonmonomial
groups, or check whether a group is minimal nonmonomial.
All examples in this chapter use the symmetric group S4and the special linear group Sl(2,3).
For running the examples, you must first define the groups.
gap> S4:= SolvableGroup( "S4" );;
gap> Sl23:= SolvableGroup( "Sl(2,3)" );;
55.1 More about Monomiality Questions
Group Characters
All the functions in this package assume characters to be character records as described
in chapter 54.
Property Tests
When we ask whether a group character χhas a certain property, like quasiprimitivity, we
usually want more information than yes or no. Often we are interested in the reason why a
group character χcould be proved to have a certain property, e.g., whether monomiality of
χwas proved by the observation that the underlying group is nilpotent, or if it was necessary
to construct a linear character of a subgroup from that χcan be induced. In the latter case
we also may be interested in this linear character.
Because of this the usual property checks of GAP3 that return either true or false are
not sufficient for us. Instead there are test functions that return a record with the possibly
useful information. For example, the record returned by the function TestQuasiPrimitive
(see 55.6) contains the component isQuasiPrimitive which is the known boolean prop-
erty flag, a component comment which is a string telling the reason for the value of the
isQuasiPrimitive component, and in the case that the argument χwas a not quasiprimi-
tive character the component character which is an irreducible constituent of a nonhomo-
geneous restriction of χto a normal subgroup.
The results of these test functions are stored in the respective records, in our example χ
will have a component testQuasiPrimitive after the call of TestQuasiPrimitive.
Besides these test functions there are also the known property checks, e.g., the func-
tion IsQuasiPrimitive which will call TestQuasiPrimitive and return the value of the
isQuasiPrimitive component of the result.
Where one should be careful
Monomiality questions usually involve computations in a lot of subgroups and factor groups
of a given group, and for these groups often expensive calculations like that of the character
table are necessary. If it is probable that the character table of a group will occur at a later
stage again, one should try to store the group (with the character table stored in the group
record) and use this record later rather than a new record that describes the same group.
An example: Suppose you want to restrict a character to a normal subgroup Nthat was
constructed as a normal closure of some group elements, and suppose that you have already
computed normal subgroups (by calls to NormalSubgroups or MaximalNormalSubgroups)
and their character tables. Then you should look in the lists of known normal subgroups
whether Nis contained, and if yes you can use the known character table.
A mechanism that supports this for normal subgroups is described in 54.14. The following
hint may be useful in this context.
If you know that sooner or later you will compute the character table of a group Gthen
it may be advisable to do this as soon as possible. For example if you need the normal
subgroups of Gthen they can be computed more efficiently if the character table of G
is known, and they can be stored compatibly to the contained G-conjugacy classes. This
correspondence of classes list and normal subgroup can be used very often.
Package Information
Some of the functions print (perhaps useful) information if the function InfoMonomial is
set to the value Print.
55.2 Alpha
Alpha( G)
returns for a solvable group Ga list whose i-th entry is the maximal derived length of
groups G/ker(χ) for χIrr(G) with χ(1) at most the i-th irreducible degree of G.
The result is stored in the group record as G.alpha.
55.3. DELTA 957
Note that calling this function will cause the computation of factor groups of G, so it works
efficiently only for AG groups.
gap> Alpha( Sl23 );
gap> Alpha( S4 );
55.3 Delta
Delta( G)
returns for a solvable group Gthe list [ 1, alp[2]-alp[1], ..., alp[n]-alp[n-1] ]
where alp = Alpha( G)(see 55.2).
gap> Delta( Sl23 );
gap> Delta( S4 );
55.4 BergerCondition
BergerCondition( chi )
BergerCondition( G)
Called with an irreducible character chi of the group Gof degree d,BergerCondition
returns true if chi satisfies M0ker(χ) for every normal subgroup Mof Gwith the
property that Mker(ψ) for all ψIrr(G) with ψ(1) < χ(1), and false otherwise.
Called with a group G,BergerCondition returns true if all irreducible characters of G
satisfy the inequality above, and false otherwise; in the latter case InfoMonomial tells
about the smallest degree for that the inequality is violated.
For groups of odd order the answer is always true by a theorem of T. R. Berger (see [Ber76],
Thm. 2.2).
gap> BergerCondition( S4 );
gap> BergerCondition( Sl23 );
gap> List( Irr( Sl23 ), BergerCondition );
[ true, true, true, false, false, false, true ]
gap> List( Irr( Sl23 ), Degree );
55.5 TestHomogeneous
TestHomogeneous( chi,N)
returns a record with information whether the restriction of the character chi of the group G
to the normal subgroup Nof Gis homogeneous, i.e., is a multiple of an irreducible character
of N.
Nmay be given also as list of conjugacy class positions w.r. to G.
The components of the result are
true or false,
a string telling a reason for the value of the isHomogeneous component,
irreducible constituent of the restriction, only bound if the restriction had to be
multiplicity of the character component in the restriction of chi.
gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[4];
Character( Sl(2,3), [ 2, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1 ] )
gap> n:= NormalSubgroupClasses( Sl23, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
Subgroup( Sl(2,3), [ b, c, d ] )
gap> TestHomogeneous( chi, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
isHomogeneous := true,
comment := "restricts irreducibly" )
gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[7];
Character( Sl(2,3), [ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
gap> TestHomogeneous( chi, n );
#W Warning: Group has no name
isHomogeneous := false,
comment := "restriction checked",
character := Character( Subgroup( Sl(2,3), [ b, c, d ] ),
[ 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ),
multiplicity := 1 )
55.6 TestQuasiPrimitive
TestQuasiPrimitive( chi )
returns a record with information about quasiprimitivity of the character chi of the group
G(i.e., whether chi restricts homogeneously to every normal subgroup of G).
The record contains the components
true or false,
a string telling a reason for the value of the isQuasiPrimitive component,
an irreducible constituent of a nonhomogeneous restriction of chi, bound only if chi
is not quasi-primitive.
IsQuasiPrimitive( chi )
returns true or false, depending on whether the character chi of the group Gis quasiprim-
gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[4];
Character( Sl(2,3), [ 2, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1, 1 ] )
gap> TestQuasiPrimitive( chi );
#W Warning: Group has no name
isQuasiPrimitive := true,
comment := "all restrictions checked" )
gap> chi:= Irr( Sl23 )[7];
Character( Sl(2,3), [ 3, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] )
gap> TestQuasiPrimitive( chi );
isQuasiPrimitive := false,
comment := "restriction checked",
character := Character( Subgroup( Sl(2,3), [ b, c, d ] ),
55.7 IsPrimitive for Characters
IsPrimitive( chi )
returns true if the irreducible character chi of the solvable group Gis not induced from
any proper subgroup of G, and false otherwise.
Note that an irreducible character of a solvable group is primitive if and only if it is quasi-
primitive (see 55.6).
gap> IsPrimitive( Irr( Sl23 )[4] );
gap> IsPrimitive( Irr( Sl23 )[7] );
55.8 TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup
TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup( chi,N)
TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup( chi )
returns a record with information about whether the irreducible character chi of the group
Gis induced from a proper normal subgroup of G.
If chi is the only argument then it is checked whether there is a maximal normal subgroup of
Gfrom that chi is induced. If there is a second argument N, a normal subgroup of G, then
it is checked whether chi is induced from N.Nmay also be given as the list of positions of
conjugacy classes contained in the normal subgroup in question.
The result contains the components
true or false,
a string telling a reason for the value of the isInduced component,
if bound, a character of a maximal normal subgroup of Gor of the argument Nfrom
that chi is induced.
IsInducedFromNormalSubgroup( chi )
returns true if the group character chi is induced from a proper normal subgroup of the
group of chi, and false otherwise.
gap> List( Irr( Sl23 ), IsInducedFromNormalSubgroup );
[ false, false, false, false, false, false, true ]
gap> List( Irr( S4 ){ [ 1, 3, 4 ] },
> TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup );
#W Warning: Group has no name
[ rec(
isInduced := false,
comment := "linear character" ), rec(
isInduced := true,
comment := "induced from component ’.character’",
character := Character( Subgroup( S4, [ b, c, d ] ),
[ 1, 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ) ), rec(
isInduced := false,
comment := "all maximal normal subgroups checked" ) ]
55.9 TestSubnormallyMonomial
TestSubnormallyMonomial( G)
TestSubnormallyMonomial( chi )
returns a record with information whether the group Gor the irreducible group character
chi of the group Gis subnormally monomial.
The result contains the components
true or false,
a string telling a reason for the value of the isSubnormallyMonomial component,
if bound, a character of Gthat is not subnormally monomial.
IsSubnormallyMonomial( G)
IsSubnormallyMonomial( chi )
returns true if the group Gor the group character chi is subnormally monomial, and false
gap> TestSubnormallyMonomial( S4 );
isSubnormallyMonomial := false,
character := Character( S4, [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] ),
comment := "found not SM character" )
gap> TestSubnormallyMonomial( Irr( S4 )[4] );
isSubnormallyMonomial := false,
comment := "all subnormal subgroups checked" )
gap> TestSubnormallyMonomial( SolvableGroup( "A4" ) );
#W Warning: Group has no name
isSubnormallyMonomial := true,
comment := "all irreducibles checked" )
55.10 TestMonomialQuick
TestMonomialQuick( chi )
TestMonomialQuick( G)
does some easy checks whether the irreducible character chi or the group Gare monomial.
TestMonomialQuick returns a record with components
either true or false or the string "?", depending on whether (non)monomiality could
be proved, and
a string telling the reason for the value of the isMonomial component.
A group Gis proved to be monomial by TestMonomialQuick if its order is not divisible
by the third power of a prime, or if Gis nilpotent or Sylow abelian by supersolvable.
Nonsolvable groups are proved to me nonmonomial by TestMonomialQuick.
An irreducible character is proved to be monomial if it is linear, or if its codegree is a prime
power, or if its group knows to be monomial, or if the factor group modulo the kernel can
be proved to be monomial by TestMonomialQuick.
gap> TestMonomialQuick( Irr( S4 )[3] );
isMonomial := true,
comment := "kernel factor group is supersolvable" )
gap> TestMonomialQuick( S4 );
isMonomial := true,
comment := "abelian by supersolvable group" )
gap> TestMonomialQuick( Sl23 );
isMonomial := "?",
comment := "no decision by cheap tests" )
55.11 TestMonomial
TestMonomial( chi )
TestMonomial( G)
returns a record containing information about monomiality of the group Gor the group
character chi of a solvable group, respectively.
If a character chi is proved to be monomial the result contains components isMonomial
(then true), comment (a string telling a reason for monomiality), and if it was necessary to
compute a linear character from that chi is induced, also a component character.
If chi or Gis proved to be nonmonomial the component isMonomial is false, and in the
case of Ga nonmonomial character is contained in the component character if it had been
necessary to compute it.
If the program cannot prove or disprove monomiality then the result record contains the
component isMonomial with value "?".
This case occurs in the call for a character chi if and only if chi is not induced from the
inertia subgroup of a component of any reducible restriction to a normal subgroup. It can
happen that chi is monomial in this situation.
For a group this case occurs if no irreducible character can be proved to be nonmonomial,
and if no decision is possible for at least one irreducible character.
IsMonomial( G)
IsMonomial( chi )
returns true if the group Gor the character chi of a solvable group can be proved to be
monomial, false if it can be proved to be nonmonomial, and the string "?" otherwise.
gap> TestMonomial( S4 );
isMonomial := true,
comment := "abelian by supersolvable group" )
gap> TestMonomial( Sl23 );
isMonomial := false,
comment := "list Delta( G ) contains entry > 1" )
IsMonomial( n)
for a positive integer nreturns true if every solvable group of order nis monomial, and
false otherwise.
gap> Filtered( [ 1 .. 111 ], x -> not IsMonomial( x ) );
[ 24, 48, 72, 96, 108 ]
55.12 TestRelativelySM
TestRelativelySM( G)
TestRelativelySM( chi,N)
If the only argument is a SM group Gthen TestRelativelySM returns a record with infor-
mation about whether Gis relatively subnormally monomial (relatively SM) with respect
to every normal subgroup.
If there are two arguments, an irreducible character chi of a SM group Gand a normal
subgroup Nof G, then TestRelativelySM returns a record with information whether chi
is relatively SM with respect to N, i.e, whether there is a subnormal subgroup Hof Gthat
contains Nsuch that chi is induced from a character ψof Hwhere the restriction of ψto
Nis irreducible.
The component isRelativelySM is true or false, the component comment contains a string
that describes the reason. If the argument is G, and Gis not relatively SM with respect to
a normal subgroup then the component character contains a not relatively SM character
of such a normal subgroup.
Note: It is not checked whether Gis SM.
gap> IsSubnormallyMonomial( SolvableGroup( "A4" ) );
#W Warning: Group has no name
gap> TestRelativelySM( SolvableGroup( "A4" ) );
isRelativelySM := true,
comment :=
"normal subgroups are abelian or have nilpotent factor group" )
55.13 IsMinimalNonmonomial
IsMinimalNonmonomial( G)
returns true if the solvable group Gis a minimal nonmonomial group, and false otherwise.
A group is called minimal nonmonomial if it is nonmonomial, and all proper subgroups
and factor groups are monomial.
The solvable minimal nonmonomial groups were classified by van der Waall (see [vdW76]).
gap> IsMinimalNonmonomial( Sl23 );
gap> IsMinimalNonmonomial( S4 );
55.14 MinimalNonmonomialGroup
MinimalNonmonomialGroup( p,factsize )
returns a minimal nonmonomial group described by the parameters factsize and pif such a
group exists, and false otherwise.
Suppose that a required group Kexists. factsize is the size of the Fitting factor K/F (K);
this value must be 4, 8, an odd prime, twice an odd prime, or four times an odd prime.
In the case that factsize is twice an odd prime the centre Z(K) iscyclic of order 2p+1. In all
other cases pdenotes the (unique) prime that divides the order of F(K).
The solvable minimal nonmonomial groups were classified by van der Waall (see [vdW76],
the construction follows this article).
gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 2, 3 ); #SL2(3)
gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 3, 4 );
gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 5, 8 );
gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 13, 12 );
gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 1, 14 );
gap> MinimalNonmonomialGroup( 2, 14 );
Chapter 56
Getting and Installing GAP
GAP3 runs on several different operating systems. It behaves slightly different on each of
those. This chapter describes the behaviour of GAP3, the installation, and the options on
some of those operating systems.
Currently it contains sections for UNIX (see 56.2), WINDOWS (see 56.5), and Mac/OSX
(see 56.9).
For other systems the section 56.13 gives hints how to approach such a port.
56.1 Getting GAP
GAP3 is distributed free of charge. You can give it away to your colleagues. GAP3 is not
in the public domain, however. In particular you are not allowed to incorporate GAP3 or
parts thereof into a commercial product.
This distribution of GAP3 is maintained by Jean Michel, I would
appreciate if let me know, e.g., by sending a short e-mail message, if you are using it. I also
take bug reports.
If you publish some result that was partly obtained using GAP3, we would appreciate it
if you would cite GAP3, just as you would cite another paper that you used. Specifically,
please refer to
[S+ 97] Martin Sch"onert GAP -- Groups, Algorithms, and Programming.
Lehrstuhl D f"ur Mathematik, Rheinisch Westf"alische Technische
Hochschule, Aachen, Germany, sixth edition, 1997.
Again we would appreciate if you could inform us about such a paper.
This distribultion contains full source for everything, the C code for the kernel, the GAP3
code for the library, and the L
X code for the manual, which has at present about 1900
pages. So it should be no problem to get GAP3, even if you have a rather uncommon system.
Of course, ports to non UNIX systems may require some work. We already have ports for
MS-DOS/Windows, and Apple Mac. Note that about 50 MByte of main memory and about
100MB of disk space are required to run GAP3. A full GAP3 installation, including all share
packages and data libraries uses up to 100MB of disk space.
The easiest way to get this GAP3 distribution is to download it from
The original site for the distribution is, but it
now distributes GAP34.
At you can browse this manual and down-
load the system.
56.2 GAP for UNIX
GAP3 runs best under UNIX. In fact it has being developed under UNIX. GAP3 running on
any UNIX machine should behave exactly as described in the manual.
The section 56.3 describes how you install GAP3 on a UNIX machine, and the section 56.4
describe the options that GAP3 accepts under UNIX.
56.3 Installation of GAP for UNIX
Installation of GAP3 for UNIX is fairly easy.
First go to the directory where you want to install GAP3. If you will be the only user using
GAP3, you probably should install it in you homedirectory. If other users will be using
GAP3 also, you should install it in a public place, such as /usr/local/lib/.GAP3 will be
installed in a subdirectory gap3-jm of this directory. You can later move GAP3 to a different
location. For example you can first install it in your homedirectory and when it works move
it to /usr/local/lib/. In the following example we will assume that you want to install
GAP3 for your own use in your homedirectory. Note that certain parts of the output in the
examples should only be taken as rough outline, especially file sizes and file dates are not
to be taken literally.
Get the distribution gap3-jmxxx.tar.gz where xxx is the date of the version you are
downloading (like gap3-jm19feb18.tar.gz for the version released on 30 november 2016).
Unpack this archive in the chosen directory with the command
tar -xvzf gap3-jm19feb18.tar.gz
This will create a gap3-jm directory containing the GAP3 distribution. Then edit the shell
script in the gap3-jm/bin directory according to the instructions in this file (the
main thing to do is to set the variable GAP_DIR to the directory where you installed GAP3).
Then copy this script to a directory in your search path, i.e., /bin/. This script will start
If there is no executable in the bin directory matching your system, it means you are
attempting a new port. Change into the source directory gap3-jm/src/ and execute make
to see which compilation targets are predefined. Choose the best matching target. There is
a good chance that linux or linux32 will do the job, otherwise create a new target.
Now start GAP3 and try a few things. The -b option suppresses the banner. Note that
GAP3 has to read most of the library for the fourth statement below.
you@ernie:~ > gap -b
gap> 2 * 3 + 4;
gap> Factorial( 30 );
gap> Factors( 10^42 + 1 );
[ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ]
gap> m11 := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11),(3,7,11,8)(4,10,5,6));;
gap> Size( m11 );
gap> Factors( 7920 );
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 11 ]
gap> Number( ConjugacyClasses( m11 ) );
Especially try the command line editing and history facilities, because the are probably the
most machine dependent feature of GAP3. Enter a few commands and then make sure that
ctr-Predisplays the last command, that ctr-Emoves the cursor to the end of the line, that
ctr-Bmoves the cursor back one character, and that ctr-Ddeletes single characters. So, after
entering the above commands, typing
ctr-Pctr-Pctr-Ectr -Bctr-Bctr -Bctr-Bctr -D 1
should give the following line.
gap> Factors( 7921 );
[ 89, 89 ]
If command line editing does not work, remove the file system.o and try to compile with
a different target, i.e., bsd instead of linux or vice versa. If neither works, we suggest that
you disable command line editing by calling GAP3 always with the -n option. In any case
we would like to hear about such problems.
If your operating system has job control, make sure that you can still stop GAP3, which is
usually done by pressing ctr -Z.
If you want to redo the manual after some changes, you need to have L
X installed, and
ruby to make the html version. Go to the doc subdirectory of gap3-jm and do make doc.
This will make files gap3-jm/doc/manual.dvi,gap3-jm/manual.pdf and gap3-jm/htm/chap*.htm.
To remove the unneeded .aux files, you can excute make clean in the doc directory. The
full manual is, to put it mildly, now rather long (1900 pages).
Thats all, finally you are done. We hope that you will enjoy using GAP3. If you have
problems, do not hesitate to contact us.
56.4 Features of GAP for UNIX
When you start GAP3 for UNIX, you may specify a number of options on the command-
line to change the default behaviour of GAP3. All these options start with a hyphen -,
followed by a single letter. Options must not be grouped, e.g., gap -gq is illegal, use gap
-g -q instead. Some options require an argument, this must follow the option and must be
separated by a space, e.g., gap -m 256k, it is not correct to say gap -m256k instead.
GAP3 for UNIX will only accept lower case options.
As is described in the previous section (see 56.3) usually you will not execute GAP3 directly.
Instead you will call a shell script, with the name gap, which in turn executes GAP3. This
shell script sets some options as necessary to make GAP3 work on your system. This means
that the default settings mentioned below may not be what you experience when you execute
GAP3 on your system.
The option -g tells GAP3 to print an information message every time a garbage collection
is performed.
# G collect garbage, 1567022 used, 412991 dead, 84.80MB free, 512MB total
For example, this tells you that there are 1567022 live objects that survived a garbage
collection, that 412991 unused objects were reclaimed by it, and that 84 MBytes of totally
allocated 512 MBytes are available afterwards.
-l libname The option -l tells GAP3 that the library of GAP3 functions is in the directory
libname. Per default libname is lib/, i.e., the library is normally expected in the subdirec-
tory lib/ of the current directory. GAP3 searches for the library files, whose filenames end
in .g, and which contain the functions initially known to GAP3, in this directory. libname
should end with a pathname separator, i.e., /, but GAP3 will silently add one if it is missing.
GAP3 will read the file libname/init.g during startup. If GAP3 cannot find this file it will
print the following warning
gap: hmm, I cannot find ’lib/init.g’, maybe use option ’-l <lib>’?
If you want a bare bones GAP3, i.e., if you do not need any library functions, you may
ignore this warning, otherwise you should leave GAP3 and start it again, specifying the
correct library path using the -l option.
It is also possible to specify several alternative library paths by separating them with semi-
colons ;. Note that in this case all path names must end with the pathname separator /.
GAP3 will then search for its library files in all those directories in turn, reading the first it
finds. E.g., if you specify -l "lib/;/usr/local/lib/gap3-jm/lib/" GAP3 will search for
a library file first in the subdirectory lib/ of the current directory, and if it does not find
it there in the directory /usr/local/lib/gap3-jm/lib/. This way you can built your own
directory of GAP3 library files that override the standard ones.
GAP3 searches for the group files, whose filenames end in .grp, and which contain the
groups initially known to GAP3, in the directory one gets by replacing the string lib in
libname with the string grp. If you do not want to put the group directory grp/ in the
same directory as the lib/ directory, for example if you want to put the groups onto another
hard disk partition, you have to edit the assignment in libname/init.g that reads
GRPNAME := ReplacedLib( "grp" );
This path can also consist of several alternative paths, just as the library path. If the library
path consists of several alternative paths the default value for this path will consist of the
same paths, where in each component the last occurrence of lib/ is replaced by grp/.
Similar considerations apply to the character table files. Those filenames end in .tbl.
GAP3 looks for those files in the directory given by TBLNAME. The default value for TBLNAME
is obtained by replacing lib in libname with tbl.
-h docname
The option -h tells GAP3 that the on-line documentation for GAP3 is in the directory
docname. Per default docname is obtained by replacing lib in libname with doc.docname
should end with a pathname separator, i.e., /, but GAP3 will silently add one if it is missing.
GAP3 will read the file docname/manual.toc when you first use the help system. If GAP3
cannot find this file it will print the following warning
help: hmm, I cannot open the table of contents file ’doc/manual.toc’
maybe you should use the option ’-h <docname>’?
-m memory
The option -m tells GAP3 to allocate memory bytes at startup time. If the last character of
memory is kor Kit is taken in KBytes and if the last character is mor Mmemory is taken
in MBytes.
Under UNIX the default amount of memory allocated by GAP3 is 4 MByte. The amount
of memory should be large enough so that computations do not require too many garbage
collections. On the other hand if GAP3 allocates more virtual memory than is physically
available it will spend most of the time paging.
The option -n tells GAP3 to disable the line editing and history (see 3.4).
You may want to do this if the command line editing is incompatible with another program
that is used to run GAP3. For example if GAP3 is run from inside a GNU Emacs shell
window, -n should be used since otherwise every input line will be echoed twice, once by
Emacs and once by GAP3.
The option -b tells GAP3 to suppress the banner. That means that GAP3 immediately
prints the prompt. This is useful when you get tired of the banner after a while.
The option -q tells GAP3 to be quiet. This means that GAP3 does not display the banner
and the prompts gap>. This is useful if you want to run GAP3 as a filter with input and
output redirection and want to avoid the the banner and the prompts clobbering the output
The option -e tells GAP3 not to act on ctrl-D. This means that you have to type explicitely
quit; to exit error loops or GAP3 at the prompt. This may be useful if you find ctrl-D
too easy to type by accident.
-x length
With this option you can tell GAP3 how long lines are. GAP3 uses this value to decide when
to split long lines. The default value is 80.
-y length
With this option you can tell GAP3 how many lines your screen has. GAP3 uses this value
to decide after how many lines of on-line help it should display -- <space> for more --.
The default value is 24.
GAP3 does not read the variables specifying the screen size automatically. On most shells
you can tell GAP3 by giving the options
Further arguments are taken as filenames of files that are read by GAP3 during startup,
after libname/init.g is read, but before the first prompt is printed. The files are read in
the order in that they appear on the command line. GAP3 only accepts 14 filenames on the
command line. If a file cannot be opened GAP3 will print an error message and will abort.
When you start GAP3, it looks for the file with the name .gaprc in your homedirectory. If
such a file is found it is read after libname/init.g, but before any of the files mentioned
on the command line are read. You can use this file for your private customizations. For
example, if you have a file containing functions or data that you always need, you could read
this from .gaprc. Or if you find some of the names in the library too long, you could define
abbreviations for those names in .gaprc. The following sample .gaprc file does both.
Op := Operation;
OpHom := OperationHomomorphism;
RepOp := RepresentativeOperation;
RepsOp := RepresentativesOperation;
The option -r tells GAP3 to ignore a .gaprc file. This may be useful to see if a problem
may be caused by the contents of your .gaprc file.
56.5 GAP for Windows
This sections contain information about GAP3 that is specific to the port of GAP3 for IBM
PC compatibles under Windows (simply called GAP3 for Windows below).
To run GAP3 for Windows you need an IBM PC compatible with an Intel 80386, Intel
80486, or Intel Pentium processor, it will not run on IBM PC compatibles with an Intel
80186 or Intel 80286 processor. The system must have at least 4 MByte of main memory
and a harddisk. The operating system must be Windows version 5.0 or later or Windows
3.1 or later (earlier versions may work, but this has not been tested).
The section 56.6 describes the copyright as it applies to the executable version that we
distribute. The section 56.7 describes how you install GAP3 for Windows, and the section
56.8 describes the special features of GAP3 for Windows.
56.6 Copyright of GAP for Windows
In addition to the general copyright for GAP3 set forth in the Copyright the following terms
apply to GAP3 for Windows.
The system dependent part for GAP3 for Windows was written by Steve Linton. He assigns
the copyright to the Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik. Many thanks to Steve Linton for his
The executable of GAP3 for Windows that we distribute was compiled with DJ Delorie’s
port of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU C compiler version 2.7.2. The compiler can be
obtained by anonymous ftp from a variety of general public FTP archives. Many thanks
to the Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for this amazing piece of work.
The GNU C compiler is
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 675 Mass Ave, Cam-
bridge, MA 02139, USA
under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Note that the GNU GPL states
that the mere act of compiling does not affect the copyright status of GAP3.
The modifications to the compiler to make it operating under Windows, the functions
from the standard library libpc.a, the modifications of the functions from the standard
library libc.a to make them operate under Windows, and the DOS extender go32 (which
is prepended to gapexe.386) are
Copyright (C) 1991 DJ Delorie, 24 Kirsten Ave, Rochester NH 03867-2954,
also under the terms of the GNU GPL. The terms of the GPL require that we make the source
code for libpc.a available. They can be obtained by writing to Steve Linton (however, it
may be easier for you to ftp them from yourself). They also
require that GAP3 falls under the GPL too, i.e., is distributed freely, which it basically does
The functions in libc.a that GAP3 for the 386 uses are
Copyright (c) 1988 Regents of the University of California
under the following terms
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that
the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms
and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related
to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by
the University of California, Berkeley. The name of the University may not be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
56.7 Installation of GAP for Windows
Installation of GAP3 on WIndows is similar to Unix.
First go to a directory where you want to install GAP3, e.g., c:\.GAP3 will be installed in
a subdirectory gap3-jm\ of this directory. You can later move GAP3 to another location,
for example you can first install it in d:\tmp\ and once it works move it to c:\. In the
following example we assume that you want to install GAP3 in c:\. Note that certain parts
of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline, especially file sizes and
file dates are not to be taken literally.
Get the GAP3 distribution onto your IBM PC compatible — see the Unix instructions how
to get it from the web.
Change into the directory gap-jm\bin\ and edit the script gap.cmd, which starts GAP3,
according to the instructions in this file. Then copy this script to a directory in your search
path, e.g., c:\bin\, with the commands
C: > chdir gap-jm\bin
C:\GAPR4P4\BIN > edit gap.cmd
# edit the script gap.cmd
C:\GAPR4P4\BIN > copy gap.cmd c:\bin\gap.cmd
C:\GAPR4P4\BIN > chdir ..\..
C: >
When you later move GAP3 to another location you must only edit this script.
An alternative possibility is to compile a version of GAP3 for use under Windows, on a
UNIX system, using a cross-compiler. Cross-compiling versions of gcc can be found on
some FTP archives, or compiled according to the instructions supplied with the gcc source
Start GAP3 and try a few things. Note that GAP3 has to read most of the library for the
fourth statement below, so this takes quite a while. Subsequent definitions of groups will
be much faster.
C: > gap -b
gap> 2 * 3 + 4;
gap> Factorial( 30 );
gap> Factors( 10^42 + 1 );
[ 29, 101, 281, 9901, 226549, 121499449, 4458192223320340849 ]
gap> m11 := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11),(3,7,11,8)(4,10,5,6));;
gap> Size( m11 );
gap> Factors( 7920 );
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 11 ]
gap> Number( ConjugacyClasses( m11 ) );
Especially try the command line editing and history facilities, because the are probably the
most machine dependent feature of GAP3. Enter a few commands and then make sure that
ctr-Predisplays the last command, that ctr-Emoves the cursor to the end of the line, that
ctr-Bmoves the cursor back one character, and that ctr-Ddeletes single characters. So after
entering the above three commands typing
ctr-Pctr-Pctr-Ectr -Bctr-Bctr -Bctr-Bctr -D 1
should give the following line.
gap> Factors( 7921 );
[ 89, 89 ]
If you have a big version of L
X available you may now want to make a printed copy of
the manual. Change into the directory gap3-jm\doc\ and run L
Xtwice on the source.
The first pass with L
X produces the .aux files, which resolve all the cross references.
The second pass produces the final formatted dvi file manual.dvi. This will take quite a
while, since the manual is large. Then print the dvi file. How you actually print the dvi
file produced by L
X depends on the printer you have, the version of L
X you have, and
whether you use a T
X-shell or not, so we will not attempt to describe it here.
C: > chdir gap3-jm\doc
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > latex manual
# about 2000 messages about undefined references
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > latex manual
# there should be no warnings this time
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > dir manual.dvi
-a--- 4591132 Nov 13 23:29 manual.dvi
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > chdir ..\..
C: >
Note that because of the large number of cross references in the manual you need a big
X to format the GAP3 manual. If you see the error message TeX capacity exceeded,
you do not have a big L
X. In this case you may also obtain the already formatted dvi
file manual.dvi from the same place where you obtained the rest of the GAP3 distribution.
Note that, apart from the *.tex files and the file manual.bib (bibliography database), which
you absolutely need, we supply also the files manual.toc (table of contents), manual.ind
(unsorted index), manual.idx (sorted index), and manual.bbl (bibliography). If those files
are missing, or if you prefer to do everything yourself, here is what you will have to do. After
the first pass with L
X, you will have preliminary manual.toc and manual.ind files. All
the page numbers are still incorrect, because the do not account for the pages used by
the table of contents itself. Now bibtex manual will create manual.bbl from manual.bib.
After the second pass with L
X you will have a correct manual.toc and manual.ind.
makeindex now produces the sorted index manual.idx from manual.ind. The third pass
with L
X incorporates this index into the manual.
C: > chdir gap3-jm\doc
# about 2000 messages about undefined references
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > bibtex manual
#bibtex prints the name of each file it is scanning
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > latex manual
# still some messages about undefined citations
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > makeindex manual
#makeindex prints some diagnostic output
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > latex manual
# there should be no warnings this time
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > chdir ..\..
C: >
The full manual is, to put it mildly, now rather long (almost 1600 pages). For this reason,
it may be more convenient just to print selected chapters. This can be done using
the \includeonly LaTeX command, which is present in manual.tex (around line 240), but
commented out. To use this, you must first LaTeX the whole manual as normal, to obtain
the complete set of .aux files and determine the pages and numbers of all the chapters and
sections. After that, you can edit manual.tex to uncomment the \includeonly command
and select the chapters you want. A good start can be to include only the first chapter,
from the file aboutgap.tex, by editing the line to read \includeonly{aboutgap}. The
next step is to LaTeX the manual again. This time only the selected chapter(s) and the
table of contents and indices will be processed, producing a shorter dvi file that you can
print by whatever means applies locally.
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > latex manual
# many messages about undefined references, 1600 pages output
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > edit manual.tex
# edit line 241 to include only aboutgap
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > latex manual
# pages 0-196 and 1503-1553 only output no warnings
C:\GAPR4P4\DOC > dir manual.dvi
-a--- 1291132 Nov 13 23:29 manual.dvi
# now print the DVI file in whatever way is appropriate
Thats all, finally you are done. We hope that you will enjoy using GAP3. If you have
problems, do not hesitate to contact us.
56.8 Features of GAP for Windows
Note that GAP3 for Windows will use up to 128 MByte of extended memory (using XMS,
VDISK memory allocation strategies) or up to 128 MByte of expanded memory (using VCPI
programs, such as QEMM and 386MAX) and up to 128 MByte of disk space for swapping.
If you hit ctr -Cthe DOS extender (go32) catches it and aborts GAP3 immediately. The
keys ctr-Zand alt-Ccan be used instead to interrupt GAP3.
The arrow keys left,right,up,down,home,end, and delete can be used for command line
editing with their intuitive meaning.
Pathnames may be given inside GAP3 using either slash (/) or backslash (\) as a separator
(though \must be escaped in strings of course).
When you start GAP3 you may specify a number of options on the command-line to change
the default behaviour of GAP3. All these options start with a hyphen -, followed by a single
letter. Options must not be grouped, e.g., gap -gq is illegal, use gap -g -q instead. Some
options require an argument, this must follow the option and must be separated by a space,
e.g., gap -m 256k, it is not correct to say gap -m256k instead.
GAP3 for Windows accepts the following (lowercase) options.
The options -g tells GAP3 to print a information message every time a garbage collection
is performed.
# G collect garbage, 1931 used, 5012 dead, 912 KB free, 3072 KB total
For example, this tells you that there are 1931 live objects that survived a garbage collection,
that 5012 unused objects were reclaimed by it, and that 912 KByte of totally allocated 3072
KBytes are available afterwards.
-l libname
The option -l tells GAP3 that the library of GAP3 functions is in the directory libname.
Per default libname is lib/, i.e., the library is normally expected in the subdirectory lib/
of the current directory. GAP3 searches for the library files, whose filenames end in .g, and
which contain the functions initially known to GAP3, in this directory. libname should end
with a pathname separator, i.e., \, but GAP3 will silently add one if it is missing. GAP3
will read the file libname\init.g during startup. If GAP3 cannot find this file it will print
the following warning
gap: hmm, I cannot find ’lib\init.g’, maybe use option ’-l <lib>’?
If you want a bare bones GAP3, i.e., if you do not need any library functions, you may
ignore this warning, otherwise you should leave GAP3 and start it again, specifying the
correct library path using the -l option.
It is also possible to specify several alternative library paths by separating them with semi-
colons ;. Note that in this case all path names must end with the pathname separator \.
GAP3 will then search for its library files in all those directories in turn, reading the first it
finds. E.g., if you specify -l "lib\;\usr\local\lib\gap3-jm\lib\" GAP3 will search for
a library file first in the subdirectory lib\ of the current directory, and if it does not find
it there in the directory \usr\local\lib\gap3-jm\lib\. This way you can built your own
directory of GAP3 library files that override the standard ones.
GAP3 searches for the group files, whose filenames end in .grp, and which contain the groups
initially known to GAP3, in the directory one gets by replacing the string lib in libname by
the string grp. If you do not want to put the group directory grp\ in the same directory
as the lib\ directory, for example if you want to put the groups onto another hard disk
partition, you have to edit the assignment in libname\init.g that reads
GRPNAME := ReplacedString( LIBNAME, "lib", "grp" );
This path can also consist of several alternative paths, just as the library path. If the library
path consists of several alternative paths the default value for this path will consist of the
same paths, where in each component the last occurrence of lib\ is replaced by grp\.
Similar considerations apply to the character table files. Those filenames end in .tbl.
GAP3 looks for those files in the directory given by TBLNAME. The default value for TBLNAME
is obtained by replacing lib in libname with tbl.
-h docname
The option -h tells GAP3 that the on-line documentation for GAP3 is in the directory
docname. Per default docname is obtained by replacing lib in libname with doc.docname
should end with a pathname separator, i.e., \, but GAP3 will silently add one if it is missing.
GAP3 will read the file docname\manual.toc when you first use the help system. If GAP3
cannot find this file it will print the following warning
help: hmm, I cannot open the table of contents file ’doc\manual.toc’
maybe you should use the option ’-h <docname>’?
-m memory
The option -m tells GAP3 to allocate memory bytes at startup time. If the last character of
memory is kor Kit is taken in KBytes and if the last character is mor Mmemory is taken
in MBytes.
GAP3 for Windows will by default allocate 4 MBytes of memory. If you specify -m memory
GAP3 will only allocate that much memory. The amount of memory should be large enough
so that computations do not require too many garbage collections. On the other hand if
GAP3 allocates more virtual memory than is physically available it will spend most of the
time paging.
The options -n tells GAP3 to disable the line editing and history (see 3.4).
There does not seem to be a good reason to do this on IBM PC compatibles.
The option -b tells GAP3 to suppress the banner. That means that GAP3 immediately
prints the prompt. This is useful when you get tired of the banner after a while.
The option -q tells GAP3 to be quiet. This means that GAP3 does not display the banner
and the prompts gap>. This is useful if you want to run GAP3 as a filter with input and
output redirection and want to avoid the the banner and the prompts clobber the output
-x length
With this option you can tell GAP3 how long lines are. GAP3 uses this value to decide when
to split long lines.
The default value is 80, which is correct if you start GAP3 from the desktop or one of the
usual shells. However, if you start GAP3 from a window shell such as gemini, you may want
to decrease this value. If you have a larger monitor, or use a smaller font, or redirect the
output to a printer, you may want to increase this value.
-y length
With this option you can tell GAP3 how many lines your screen has. GAP3 uses this value
to decide after how many lines of on-line help it should display -- <space> for more --.
The default value is 24, which is the right value if you start GAP3 from the desktop or one
of the usual shells. However, if you start GAP3 from a window shell such as gemini, you
may want to decrease this value. If you have a larger monitor, or use a smaller font, or
redirect the output to a printer, you may want to increase this value.
-z freq
GAP3 for Windows checks in regular intervals whether the user has entered ctr-Zor alt-C
to interrupt an ongoing computation. Under Windows this requires reading the keyboard
status (UNIX on the other hand will deliver a signal to GAP3 when the user entered ctr-C),
which is rather expensive. Therefor GAP3 only reads the keyboard status every freq-th time.
The default is 20. With the option -z this value can be changed. Lower values make GAP3
more responsive to interrupts, higher values make GAP3 a little bit faster.
Further arguments are taken as filenames of files that are read by GAP3 during startup,
after libname\init.g is read, but before the first prompt is printed. The files are read in
the order in that they appear on the command line. GAP3 only accepts 14 filenames on the
command line. If a file cannot be opened GAP3 will print an error message and will abort.
When you start GAP3, it looks for the file with the name gap.rc in your homedirectory
(i.e., the directory defined by the environment variable HOME). If such a file is found it is
read after libname\init.g, but before any of the files mentioned on the command line are
read. You can use this file for your private customizations. For example, if you have a file
containing functions or data that you always need, you could read this from gap.rc. Or if
you find some of the names in the library too long, you could define abbreviations for those
names in gap.rc. The following sample gap.rc file does both.
Op := Operation;
OpHom := OperationHomomorphism;
RepOp := RepresentativeOperation;
RepsOp := RepresentativesOperation;
56.9. GAP FOR MAC/OSX 977
56.9 GAP for Mac/OSX
This sections contain information about GAP3 that is specific to the port of GAP3 for Apple
Macintosh systems under Mac/OSX (simply called GAP3 for Mac/OSX below).
To run GAP3 for Mac/OSX you need to be written
The section 56.10 describes the copyright as it applies to the executable version that we
distribute. The section 56.11 describes how you install GAP3 for Mac/OSX, and the section
56.12 describes the special features of GAP3 for Mac/OSX.
56.10 Copyright of GAP for Mac/OSX
to be written
56.11 Installation of GAP for Mac/OSX
to be written
56.12 Features of GAP for Mac/OSX
to be written
56.13 Porting GAP
Porting GAP3 to a new operating system should not be very difficult. However, GAP3
expects some features from the operating system and the compiler and porting GAP3 to a
system or with a compiler that do not have those features may prove very difficult.
The design of GAP3 makes it quite portable. GAP3 consists of a small kernel written in the
programming language C and a large library written in the programming language provided
by the GAP3 kernel, which is also called GAP3.
Once the kernel has been ported, the library poses no additional problem, because all
those functions only need the kernel to work, they need no additional support from the
The kernel itself is separated into a large part that is largely operating system and compiler
independent, and one file that contains all the operating system and compiler dependent
functions. Usually only this file must be modified to port GAP3 to a new operating system.
Now lets take a look at the minimal support that GAP3 needs from the operating system
and the machine.
First of all you need enough filespace. The kernel sources and the object files need between
3.5 MByte and 4 MByte, depending on the size of object files produced by your compiler.
The library takes up an additional 4.8 MBytes, and the online documentation also needs 4
MByte. So you need about 13 MByte of available filespace, for example on a harddisk.
Next you need enough main memory in your computer. The size of the GAP3 kernel varies
between different machine, with as little as 300 KByte (compiled with GNU C on an Atari
ST) and as much as 600 KByte (compiled with UNIX cc on a HP 9000/800). Add to that
the fact the library of functions that GAP3 loads takes up another 1.5 MByte. So it is clear
that at least 4 MByte of main memory are required to do any serious work with GAP3.
Note that this implies that there is no point in trying to port GAP3 to plain Windows
running on IBM PCs and compatibles. The version of GAP3 for IBM PC compatibles that
we provide runs on machines with the Intel 80386, Intel 80486, Pentium or Pentium Pro
processor under extended DOS in protected 32 bit mode. (This is also necessary, because,
as mentioned below, GAP3 wants to view its memory as a large flat address space.)
Next lets turn to the requirements for the C compiler and its library.
As was already mentioned, the GAP3 kernel is written in the C language. We have tried
to use as few features of the C language as possible. GAP3 has been compiled without
problems with compilers that adhere to the old definition from Kernighan and Ritchie, and
with compilers that adhere to the new definition from the ANSI-C standard.
GAP3 was wriiten for 32-bit compilers (sizeof(int)==4), but it has been ported by Jean
Michel to 64 bits, allowing use of terabytes of memory. Since Jean Michel works on Linux
machines, this 64-bit version works for now only on such machines. The versions distributed
for MAC/OSX and Windows are still 32-bit.
Dependencies on the operating system or compiler are separated in one special file which is
called the system file. When you port GAP3 to a new operating system, you probably have
to create a new system file. You should however look through the system.c file that we
supply and take as much code from them as possible. Currently system.c supports Linux
with gcc, Windows with the DJGPP compiler, and OS/X with gcc.
The system file contains the following functions.
First file input and output. The functions used by the three system files mentioned above
are fopen,fclose,fgets, and fputs. They are pretty standard, and in fact are in the ANSI
C standard library. The only thing that may be necessary is to make sure that files are
opened in text mode. However, the most important transformation applied in text mode
seems to be to replace the end of line sequence newline-return, used in some operating
systems, with a single newline, used in C. However, since GAP3 treats newline and return
both as whitespaces even this is not absolutely necessary.
Second you need character oriented input from the keyboard and to the screen. This is
not absolutely necessary, you can use the line oriented input and output described above.
However, if you want the history and the command line editing, GAP3 must be able to read
every single character as the user types it without echo, and also must be able to put single
characters to the screen. Reading characters unblocked and without echo is very system
Third you need a way to detect if the user typed ctr-Cto interrupt an ongoing computation
in GAP3. Again this is not absolutely necessary, you can do without. However if you want
to be able to interrupt computations, GAP3 must be able to receive the interrupt. This can
be done in two ways. Under UNIX you can catch the signal that is generated if the user
types ctr-C(SIGINT). Under other operating systems that do not support such signals you
can poll the input stream at regular intervals and simply look for ctr-C.
Fourth you need a way to find out how long GAP3 has been running. Again this is not
absolutely necessary. You can simply always return 0, fooling GAP3 into thinking that it is
extremely fast. However if you want timing statistics, GAP3 must be able to find out how
much CPU time it has spent.
56.13. PORTING GAP 979
The last and most important function is the function to allocate memory for GAP3.GAP3
assumes that it can allocate the initial workspace with the function SyGetmem and expand
this workspace on demand with further calls to SyGetmem. The memory allocated by con-
secutive calls to SyGetmem must be adjacent, because GAP3 wants to manage a single large
block of memory. Usually this can be done with the C library function sbrk. If this does not
work, you can define a large static array in the system file and return this on the first call to
SyGetmem and return 0 on subsequent calls to indicate that this array cannot dynamically
be expanded.
Chapter 57
Share Libraries
Contributions from people working at Lehrstuhl D, RWTH Aachen, or any other place can
become available in GAP3 in two different ways:
1. They can become parts of the main GAP3 library of functions. Their origin will then
be rather carefully documented in the respective program files, but will not occur in the
description of these functions in the manual. This is e.g. the case – to mention just one
of many such contributions – with programs for finding composition factors of permutation
groups, written by Akos Seress. The reason for this decision about keeping track of the
origin of such contributions is that quite often such functions in the main GAP3 library have
a complicated history with changes and contributions from various people.
2. On the other hand there are packages written by one or several persons for specific
purposes either in the GAP3 language or even in C which are made available en block in
GAP3. Such packages will constitute share libraries. A share library will stay under the full
responsibility of its author(s), which will be named in the respective chapter in the manual,
they will in particular keep the copyright for this package, and they will also have to provide
the documentation for it. However provisions will be made to call the functions of such a
package like any other GAP3 functions, and to call the documentation via help functions
like any other part of the GAP3 documentation. Also these packages will automatically be
made available with the main body of GAP3 through ftp and will be sent together with the
main body of GAP3 in case we have to fulfill a request to send GAP3 to institutions that
cannot obtain GAP3 via electronic networks.
The inclusion of packages as GAP3 share libraries should be negotiated with Lehrstuhl D
f¨ur Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, for certain standards of the documentation and program
organisation that should be met in order to facilitate the use of the packages in the context
of GAP3 without problems. A necessary condition for any package to become a GAP3 share
library is that it is made available under the conditions formulated in the GAP3 copyright
statement, in particular free of any charge, except for refund of expenses for sending, if such
The first section describes how to load a share library package (see 57.1).
The next sections describe the ANU pq package and how to install it (see 57.2 and 57.3).
The next sections describe the ANU Sq package and how to install it (see 57.4 and 57.5).
The next sections describe the GRAPE package and how to install it (see 57.6 and 57.7).
The next sections describe the MeatAxe package and how to install it (see 57.8 and 57.9).
The next sections describe the NQ package and how to install it (see 57.10 and 57.11).
The next sections describe the SISYPHOS package and how to install it (see 57.12 and
The next sections describe the Vector Enumeration package and how to install it (see 57.14
and 57.15).
The last sections describe the experimental X-Windows interface (see 57.16 ).
57.1 RequirePackage
RequirePackage( name )
RequirePackage will try to initialize the share library name. If the package name is not
installed at your site RequirePackage will signal an error. If the package name is already
initialized RequirePackage simply returns without any further actions.
gap> CartanMat( "A", 4 );
Error, Variable: ’CartanMat’ must have a value
gap> ?CartanMat
CartanMat ________________________ Root systems and finite Coxeter groups
’CartanMat( <type>, <n> )’
returns the Cartan matrix of Dynkin type <type> and rank <n>. Admissible
types are the strings ’"A"’, ’"B"’, ’"C"’, ’"D"’, ’"E"’,
’"F"’, ’"G"’, ’"H"’, ’"I"’.
gap> C := CartanMat( "F", 4 );;
gap> PrintArray( C );
[ [ 2, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, 2, -1, 0 ],
[ 0, -2, 2, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2 ] ]
For type I_2(m), which is in fact an infinity of types depending on the
number m, a third argument is needed specifying the integer m so the
syntax is in fact ’CartanMat( "I", 2, <m> )’:
gap> CartanMat( "I", 2, 5 );
[ [ 2, E(5)^2+E(5)^3 ], [ E(5)^2+E(5)^3, 2 ] ]
’CartanMat( <type1>, <n1>, ... , <typek>, <nk> )’
returns the direct sum of ’CartanMat( <type1>, <n1> )’, ldots,
’CartanMat( <typek>, <nk> )’. One can use as argument a computed list of
types by ’ApplyFunc( CartanMat, [ <type1>, <n1>, ... , <typek>, <nk> ] )’.
57.2. ANU PQ PACKAGE 983
This function requires the package "chevie" (see "RequirePackage").
gap> RequirePackage( "Chevie" );
Error, share library "Chevie" is not installed in
LoadPackage( name ) called from
RequirePackage( "Chevie" ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
gap> RequirePackage( "chevie" );
--- Loading package chevie ------- version 4 development of 29Feb2016--------
If you use this package in your work please cite the authors as follows:
(C) [Jean Michel] The development version of the CHEVIE package of GAP3
Journal of algebra 435 (2015) 308--336
(C) [Meinolf Geck, Gerhard Hiss, Frank Luebeck, Gunter Malle, Goetz Pfeiffer]
CHEVIE -- a system for computing and processing generic character tables
Applicable Algebra in Engineering Comm. and Computing 7 (1996) 175--210
gap> CartanMat( "A", 4 );;
gap> PrintArray( last );
[ [ 2, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ -1, 2, -1, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 2, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2 ] ]
57.2 ANU pq Package
The ANU pq provides access to implementations of the following algorithms:
1. A p-quotient algorithm to compute a power-commutator presentation for a group of
prime power order. The algorithm implemented here is based on that described in Newman
and O’Brien (1996), Havas and Newman (1980), and papers referred to there. Another
description of the algorithm appears in Vaughan-Lee (1990). A FORTRAN implementation
of this algorithm was programmed by Alford and Havas. The basic data structures of that
implementation are retained.
2. A p-group generation algorithm to generate descriptions of groups of prime power order.
The algorithm implemented here is based on the algorithms described in Newman (1977)
and O’Brien (1990). A FORTRAN implementation of this algorithm was earlier developed
by Newman and O’Brien.
3. A standard presentation algorithm used to compute a canonical power-commutator
presentation of a p-group. The algorithm implemented here is described in O’Brien (1994).
4. An algorithm which can be used to compute the automorphism group of a p-group. The
algorithm implemented here is described in O’Brien (1994).
The following section describes the installation of the ANU pq package, a description of the
functions available in the ANU pq package is given in chapter 58.
A reader interested in details of the algorithms and explanations of terms used is referred
to [NO96], [HN80], [O´Br90], [O´Br94], [O´Br95], [New77], [VL84], [VL90b], and [VL90a].
For details about the implementation and the standalone version see the README. This
implementation was developed in C by
Eamonn O’Brien
Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
57.3 Installing the ANU pq Package
The ANU pq is written in C and the package can only be installed under UNIX. It has been
tested on DECstation running Ultrix, a HP 9000/700 and HP 9000/800 running HP-UX,
a MIPS running RISC/os Berkeley, a NeXTstation running NeXTSTEP 3.0, and SUNs
running SunOS.
If you got a complete binary and source distribution for your machine, nothing has to be
done if you want to use the ANU pq for a single architecture. If you want to use the ANU
pq for machines with different architectures skip the extraction and compilation part of this
section and proceed with the creation of shell scripts described below.
If you got a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and proceed
with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the ANU pq package
for use by several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a
NeXTstation, called bjerun. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines
following the instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file anupq.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directory containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be replaced by
the current patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 360891 Dec 27 15:16 anupq.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 pkg
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x anupq
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/anupq
gap@tiffy:../anupq> ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 5 gap 512 Feb 24 11:17 MakeLibrary
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 28926 Jun 8 14:21 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 8818 Jun 8 14:21 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 753 Jun 23 18:59 StandardPres
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Jun 8 14:15 TEST
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Jun 16 16:03 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 16 06:58 cayley
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Jun 8 08:48 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Mar 5 04:01 examples
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Jun 23 16:37 gap
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Jun 24 10:51 include
-rw-rw-rw- 1 gap 867 Jun 9 16:12 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 May 21 02:28 isom
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 16 07:58 magma
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 6656 Jun 24 11:10 src
Typing make will produce a list of possible target.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > make
usage: ’make <target> EXT=<ext>’ where <target> is one of
’dec-mips-ultrix-gcc2-gmp’ for DECstations under Ultrix with gcc/gmp
’dec-mips-ultrix-cc-gmp’ for DECstations under Ultrix with cc/gmp
’dec-mips-ultrix-gcc2’ for DECstations under Ultrix with gcc
’dec-mips-ultrix-cc’ for DECstations under Ultrix with cc
’hp-hppa1.1-hpux-cc-gmp’ for HP 9000/700 under HP-UX with cc/gmp
’hp-hppa1.1-hpux-cc’ for HP 9000/700 under HP-UX with cc
’hp-hppa1.0-hpux-cc-gmp’ for HP 9000/800 under HP-UX with cc/gmp
’hp-hppa1.0-hpux-cc’ for HP 9000/800 under HP-UX with cc
’ibm-i386-386bsd-gcc2-gmp’ for IBM PCs under 386BSD with gcc/gmp
’ibm-i386-386bsd-cc-gmp’ for IBM PCs under 386BSD with cc/gmp
’ibm-i386-386bsd-gcc2’ for IBM PCs under 386BSD with gcc2
’ibm-i386-386bsd-cc’ for IBM PCs under 386BSD with cc
’mips-mips-bsd-cc-gmp’ for MIPS under RISC/os Berkeley with cc/gmp
’mips-mips-bsd-cc’ for MIPS under RISC/os Berkeley with cc
’next-m68k-mach-gcc2-gmp’ for NeXT under Mach with gcc/gmp
’next-m68k-mach-cc-gmp’ for NeXT under Mach with cc/gmp
’next-m68k-mach-gcc2’ for NeXT under Mach with gcc
’next-m68k-mach-cc’ for NeXT under Mach with cc
’sun-sparc-sunos-gcc2-gmp’ for SUN 4 under SunOs with gcc/gmp
’sun-sparc-sunos-cc-gmp’ for SUN 4 under SunOs with cc/gmp
’sun-sparc-sunos-gcc2’ for SUN 4 under SunOs with gcc2
’sun-sparc-sunos-cc’ for SUN 4 under SunOs with cc
’unix-gmp’ for a generic unix system with cc/gmp
’unix’ for a generic unix system with cc
’clean’ remove all created files
where <ext> should be a sensible extension, i.e.,
’EXT=-sun-sparc-sunos’ for SUN 4 or ’EXT=’ if the PQ only
runs on a single architecture
targets are listed according to preference,
i.e., ’sun-sparc-sunos-gcc2’ is better than ’sun-sparc-sunos-cc’.
additional C compiler and linker flags can be passed with
’make <target> COPTS=<compiler-opts> LOPTS=<linker-opts>’,
i.e., ’make sun-sparc-sunos-cc COPTS=-g LOPTS=-g’.
set GAP if gap 3.4 is not started with the command ’gap’,
i.e., ’make sun-sparc-sunos-cc GAP=/home/gap/bin/gap-3.4’.
in order to use the GNU multiple precision (gmp) set
’GNUINC’ (default ’/usr/local/include’) and
’GNULIB’ (default ’/usr/local/lib’)
Select the target you need. If you have the GNU multiple precision arithmetic (gmp) in-
stalled on your system, select the target ending in -gmp. Note that the gmp is not required.
In our case we first compile the DECstation version. We assume that the command to start
GAP3 is /usr/local/bin/gap for tiffy and bjerun and /rem/tiffy/usr/local/bin/gap
for bert.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > make dec-mips-ultric-cc \
GAP=/usr/local/bin/gap \
# you will see a lot of messages and a few warnings
Now repeat the compilation for the NeXTstation. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > rlogin bjerun
gap@bjerun:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/anupq
gap@bjerun:../anupq > make clean
gap@bjerun:../src > make next-m68k-mach-cc \
GAP=/usr/local/bin/gap \
# you will see a lot of messages and a few warnings
gap@bjerun:../anupq > exit
gap@tiffy:../anupq >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create a script which will call the correct binary for
each machine. A skeleton shell script is provided in bin/
gap@tiffy:../anupq > cd bin
gap@tiffy:../bin > cat > pq
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’tiffy’:
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’bert’:
setenv ANUPQ_GAP_EXEC /rem/tiffy/usr/local/bin/gap ;
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’bjerun’:
limit stacksize 2048 ;
exec $0-next-m68k-mach $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "pq: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../bin > chmod 755 pq
gap@tiffy:../bin > cd ..
Note that the NeXTstation requires you to raise the stacksize. If your default limit on
any other machine for the stack size is less than 1024 you might need to add the limit
stacksize 2048 line.
If the documentation is not already installed or an older version is installed, copy the file
gap/anupq.tex into the doc/ directory and run latex again (see 56.3). In general the
documentation will already be installed so you can just skip the following step.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > cp gap/anupq.tex ../../doc
gap@tiffy:../anupq > cd ../../doc
gap@tiffy:../doc > latex manual
# a few messages about undefined references
gap@tiffy:../doc > latex manual
# a few messages about undefined references
gap@tiffy:../doc > makeindex manual
#makeindex prints some diagnostic output
gap@tiffy:../doc > latex manual
# there should be no warnings this time
gap@tiffy:../doc cd ../pkg/anupq
Now it is time to test the installation. The first test will only test the ANU pq.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > bin/pq < gap/test1.pga
# a lot of messages ending in
Starting group: c3c3 #2;2 #4;3
Order: 3^7
Nuclear rank: 3
3-multiplicator rank: 4
#of immediate descendants of order 3^8 is 7
#of capable immediate descendants is 5
34 capable groups saved on file c3c3_class4
Construction of descendants took 1.92 seconds
Select option: 0
Exiting from p-group generation
Select option: 0
Exiting from ANU p-Quotient Program
Total user time in seconds is 1.97
gap@tiffy:../anupq > ls -l c3c3*
total 89
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 3320 Jun 24 11:24 c3c3_class2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 5912 Jun 24 11:24 c3c3_class3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 56184 Jun 24 11:24 c3c3_class4
gap:../anupq > rm c3c3_class*
The second test will test the stacksize. If it is too small you will get a memory fault, try to
raise the stacksize as described above.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > bin/pq < gap/test2.pga
# a lot of messages ending in
Starting group: c2c2 #1;1 #1;1 #1;1
Order: 2^5
Nuclear rank: 1
2-multiplicator rank: 3
Group c2c2 #1;1 #1;1 #1;1 is an invalid starting group
Starting group: c2c2 #2;1 #1;1 #1;1
Order: 2^5
Nuclear rank: 1
2-multiplicator rank: 3
Group c2c2 #2;1 #1;1 #1;1 is an invalid starting group
Construction of descendants took 0.47 seconds
Select option: 0
Exiting from p-group generation
Select option: 0
Exiting from ANU p-Quotient Program
Total user time in seconds is 0.50
gap@tiffy:../anupq > ls -l c2c2*
total 45
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 6228 Jun 24 11:25 c2c2_class2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 11156 Jun 24 11:25 c2c2_class3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 2248 Jun 24 11:25 c2c2_class4
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 0 Jun 24 11:25 c2c2_class5
gap:../anupq > rm c2c2_class*
The third example tests the link between the ANU pq and GAP3. If there is a problem you
will get a error message saying Error in system call to GAP; if this happens, check the
environment variable ANUPQ GAP EXEC.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > bin/pq < gap/test3.pga
# a lot of messages ending in
Starting group: c5c5 #1;1 #1;1
Order: 5^4
Nuclear rank: 1
5-multiplicator rank: 2
#of immediate descendants of order 5^5 is 2
Starting group: c5c5 #1;1 #2;2
Order: 5^5
Nuclear rank: 3
5-multiplicator rank: 3
#of immediate descendants of order 5^6 is 3
#of immediate descendants of order 5^7 is 3
#of capable immediate descendants is 1
#of immediate descendants of order 5^8 is 1
#of capable immediate descendants is 1
2 capable groups saved on file c5c5_class4
Starting group: c5c5 #1;1 #2;2 #4;2
Order: 5^7
Nuclear rank: 1
5-multiplicator rank: 2
#of immediate descendants of order 5^8 is 2
#of capable immediate descendants is 2
Starting group: c5c5 #1;1 #2;2 #7;3
Order: 5^8
Nuclear rank: 2
#of immediate descendants of order 5^9 is 1
#of capable immediate descendants is 1
#of immediate descendants of order 5^10 is 1
#of capable immediate descendants is 1
4 capable groups saved on file c5c5_class5
Construction of descendants took 0.62 seconds
Select option: 0
Exiting from p-group generation
Select option: 0
Exiting from ANU p-Quotient Program
Total user time in seconds is 0.68
gap@tiffy:../anupq > ls -l c5c5*
total 41
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 924 Jun 24 11:27 c5c5_class2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 2220 Jun 24 11:28 c5c5_class3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 3192 Jun 24 11:30 c5c5_class4
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 7476 Jun 24 11:32 c5c5_class5
gap:../anupq > rm c5c5_class*
The fourth test will test the standard presentation part of the pq.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > bin/pq -i -k < gap/test4.sp
# a lot of messages ending in
Computing standard presentation for class 9 took 0.43 seconds
The largest 5-quotient of the group has class 9
Select option: 0
Exiting from ANU p-Quotient Program
Total user time in seconds is 2.17
gap@tiffy:../anupq > ls -l SPRES
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 768 Jun 24 11:33 SPRES
gap@tiffy:../anupq > diff SPRES gap/out4.sp
# there should be no difference if compiled with -gmp
gap@tiffy:../anupq > rm SPRES
The last test will test the link between GAP3 and the ANU pq. If everything goes well you
should not see any message.
gap@tiffy:../anupq > gap -b
gap> RequirePackage( "anupq" );
gap> ReadTest( "gap/anupga.tst" );
You may now repeat the tests for the other machines.
57.4 ANU Sq Package
Sq( G,L)
The function Sq is the interface to the Soluble Quotient standalone program.
Let Gbe a finitely presented group and let Lbe a list of lists. Each of these lists is a list
of integer pairs [pi,ci], where piis a prime and ciis a non-negative integer and pi6=pi+1
and cipositive for i<k.Sq computes a consistent power conjugate presentation for a finite
soluble group given as a quotient of the finitely presented group Gwhich is described by L
as follows.
Let Hbe a group and pa prime. The series
1(H)≥ ··· with Pp
i1(H), H]Pp
for i1 is the lower exponent-pcentral series of H.
For 1 ikand 0 jcidefine the list Li,j = [(p1, c1),...,(pi1, ci1),(pi, j)].Define
L1,0(G) = G. For 1 ikand 1 jcidefine the subgroups
Li,j (G)=Ppi
57.4. ANU SQ PACKAGE 991
and for 1 i<kdefine the subgroups
and L(G)=Lk,ck(G).Note that Li,j (G)Li,j+1(G) holds for j < ci.
The chain of subgroups
G= L1,0(G)L1,1(G)≥ ··· ≥ L1,c1(G)=L2,0(G)≥ ··· ≥ Lk,ck(G) = L(G)
is called the soluble L-series of G.
Sq computes a consistent power conjugate presentation for G/L(G),where the presentation
exhibits a composition series of the quotient group which is a refinement of the soluble
L-series. An epimorphism from Gonto G/L(G) is listed in comments.
The algorithm proceeds by computing power conjugate presentations for the quotients
G/Li,j (G) in turn. Without loss of generality assume that a power conjugate presentation
for G/Li,j (G) has been computed for j < ci.The basic step computes a power conjugate
presentation for G/Li,j+1(G).The group Li,j (G)/Li,j+1(G) is a pi-group. If during the basic
step it is discovered that Li,j (G)=Li,j+1(G),then Li+1,0(G) is set to Li,j (G).
Note that during the basic step the vector enumerator is called.
gap> RequirePackage("anusq");
gap> f := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> f := f/[ (f.1*f.2)^2*f.2^-6, f.1^4*f.2^-1*f.1*f.2^-9*f.1^-1*f.2 ];
Group( a, b )
gap> g := Sq( f, [[2,1],[3,1],[2,2],[3,2]] );
generators := [ a.1, a.2, a.3, a.4, a.5, a.6, a.7, a.8 ],
relators :=
[ a.1^2*a.3^-1, a.1^-1*a.2*a.1*a.4^-1*a.2^-2, a.2^3*a.5^-1,
a.2^-1*a.3*a.2*a.6^-1*a.5^-1*a.4^-1*a.3^-1, a.3^2*a.7^-1*a.5^-1,
a.2^-1*a.5*a.2*a.5^-1, a.3^-1*a.5*a.3*a.8^-2*a.6^-1*a.5^-1,
a.4^-1*a.5*a.4*a.7^-1*a.5^-1, a.5^2,
a.4^-1*a.6*a.4*a.8^-1*a.7^-2, a.5^-1*a.6*a.5*a.8^-2*a.6^-2,
a.6^3, a.1^-1*a.7*a.1*a.6^-2, a.2^-1*a.7*a.2*a.7^-2*a.6^-2,
a.3^-1*a.7*a.3*a.8^-1*a.7^-1*a.6^-2, a.4^-1*a.7*a.4*a.6^-1,
a.5^-1*a.7*a.5*a.7^-2, a.6^-1*a.7*a.6*a.8^-1*a.7^-1, a.7^3,
a.1^-1*a.8*a.1*a.8^-2, a.2^-1*a.8*a.2*a.8^-1,
a.3^-1*a.8*a.3*a.8^-1, a.4^-1*a.8*a.4*a.8^-1,
a.5^-1*a.8*a.5*a.8^-1, a.6^-1*a.8*a.6*a.8^-1,
a.7^-1*a.8*a.7*a.8^-1, a.8^3 ] )
This implementation was developed in C by
Alice C. Niemeyer
Department of Mathematics
University of Western Australia
Nedlands, WA 6009
57.5 Installing the ANU Sq Package
The ANU Sq is written in C and the package can only be installed under UNIX. It has been
tested on DECstation running Ultrix, a HP 9000/700 and HP 9000/800 running HP-UX, a
MIPS running RISC/os Berkeley, a PC running NnetBSD 0.9, and SUNs running SunOS.
It requires Steve Linton’s vector enumerator (either as standalone or as GAP share library).
Make sure that it is installed before trying to install the ANU Sq.
If you have a complete binary and source distribution for your machine, nothing has to be
done if you want to use the ANU Sq for a single architecture. If you want to use the ANU
Sq for machines with different architectures skip the extraction and compilation part of this
section and proceed with the creation of shell scripts described below.
If you have a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and
proceed with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the ANU Sq package
for use by several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a
Sun running SunOS 5.3, called galois. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these
machines following the instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file anusq.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directory containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be replaced by
the current patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 360891 Dec 27 15:16 anusq.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 pkg
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x anusq
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/anusq
gap@tiffy:../anusq> ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 5232 Apr 10 12:40 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 13626 Mar 28 16:31 README
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Apr 10 13:30 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Apr 9 20:28 examples
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Apr 10 14:22 gap
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 5272 Apr 10 13:34 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Apr 10 13:41 src
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gap 525 Mar 28 15:50 testSq
Typing make will produce a list of possible target.
gap@tiffy:../anusq > make
usage: ’make <target> EXT=<ext>’ where <target> is one of
’bsd-gcc’ for Berkeley UNIX with GNU cc 2
’bsd-cc’ for Berkeley UNIX with cc
’usg-gcc’ for System V UNIX with cc
’usg-cc’ for System V UNIX with cc
’clean’ remove all created files
where <ext> should be a sensible extension, i.e.,
’EXT=-sun-sparc-sunos’ for SUN 4 or ’EXT=’ if the SQ only
runs on a single architecture
additional C compiler and linker flags can be passed with
’make <target> COPTS=<compiler-opts> LOPTS=<linker-opts>’,
i.e., ’make bsd-cc COPTS="-DTAILS -DCOLLECT"’, see the
README file for details on TAILS and COLLECT.
set ME if the vector enumerator is not started with the
command ’‘pwd‘/../ve/bin/me’,
i.e., ’make bsd-cc ME=/home/ve/bin/me’.
Select the target you need. The DECstations are running Ultrix, so we chose bsd-gcc.
gap@tiffy:../anusq > make bsd-gcc EXT=-dec-mips-ultrix
# you will see a lot of messages
Now repeat the compilation for the Sun run SunOS 5.3. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../anusq > rlogin galois
gap@galois:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/anusq
gap@galois:../anusq > make clean
gap@galois:../src > make usg-cc EXT=-sun-sparc-sunos
# you will see a lot of messages and a few warnings
gap@galois:../anusq > exit
gap@tiffy:../anusq >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create a script which will call the correct binary for
each machine. A skeleton shell script is provided in bin/
gap@tiffy:../anusq > cd bin
gap@tiffy:../bin > cat > sq
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’tiffy’:
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’bert’:
setenv ANUSQ_ME_EXEC /rem/tiffy/usr/local/bin/me ;
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’galois’:
exec $0-sun-sparc-sunos $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "sq: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../bin > chmod 755 Sq
gap@tiffy:../bin > cd ..
Now it is time to test the installation. The first test will only test the ANU Sq.
gap@tiffy:../anusq > ./testSq
Testing examples/grp1.fp . . . . . . . . succeeded
Testing examples/grp2.fp . . . . . . . . succeeded
Testing examples/grp3.fp . . . . . . . . succeeded
If there is a problem and you get an error message saying me not found, set the environment
variable ANUSQ ME EXEC to the module enumerator executable and try again.
The second test will test the link between GAP3 and the ANU Sq. If everything goes well
you should not see any message.
gap@tiffy:../anusq > gap -b
gap> RequirePackage( "anusq" );
gap> ReadTest( "gap/test1.tst" );
You may now repeat the tests for the other machines.
57.6 GRAPE Package
GRAPE (Version 2.2) is a system for computing with graphs, and is primarily designed for
constructing and analysing graphs related to groups and finite geometries.
The vast majority of GRAPE functions are written entirely in the GAP3 language, except for
the automorphism group and isomorphism testing functions, which use Brendan McKay’s
nauty (Version 1.7) package [McK90].
Except for the nauty 1.7 package included with GRAPE, the GRAPE system was designed
and written by Leonard H. Soicher, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary and
Westfield College, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, U.K.,
Please tell Leonard Soicher if you install GRAPE. Also, if you use GRAPE to solve a problem
then also tell him about it, and reference
L.H.Soicher, GRAPE: a system for computing with graphs and groups, in Groups and Com-
putation (L. Finkelstein and W.M. Kantor, eds.), DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics
and Theoretical Computer Science 11, pp. 287–291.
If you use the automorphism group and graph isomorphism testing functions of GRAPE then
you are also using Brendan McKay’s nauty package, and should also reference
B.D.McKay, nauty users guide (version 1.5), Technical Report TR-CS-90-02, Computer
Science Department, Australian National University, 1990.
This document is in nauty17/nug.alw in postscript form. There is also a readme for nauty
in nauty17/
Warning A canonical labelling given by nauty can depend on the version of nauty (Ver-
sion 1.7 in GRAPE 2.2), certain parameters of nauty (always set the same by GRAPE 2.2)
and the compiler and computer used. If you use a canonical labelling (say by using the
IsIsomorphicGraph function) of a graph stored on a file, then you must be sure that this
field was created in the same environment in which you are presently computing. If in
doubt, unbind the canonicalLabelling field of the graph.
The only incompatible changes from GRAPE 2.1 to GRAPE 2.2 are that Components is now
called ConnectedComponents, and Component is now called ConnectedComponent, and only
works for simple graphs.
GRAPE is provided ”as is”, with no warranty whatsoever. Please read the copyright notice
in the file COPYING.
Please send comments on GRAPE, bug reports, etc. to
57.7 Installing the GRAPE Package
GRAPE consists of two parts. The first part is a set of GAP3 functions for constructing and
analysing graphs, which will run on any machine that supports GAP3. The second part is
based on the nauty package written in C and computes automorphism groups of graphs, and
tests for graph isomorphisms. This part of the package can only be installed under UNIX.
If you got a complete binary and source distribution for your machine, nothing has to be
done if you want to use GRAPE for a single architecture. If you want to use GRAPE for
machines with different architectures skip the extraction and compilation part of this section
and proceed with the creation of shell scripts described below.
If you got a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and proceed
with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the GRAPE package for
use by several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a PC
running 386BSD, called waldorf. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines
following the instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file grape.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be replaced by
current the patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 342865 May 27 15:16 grape.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x grape.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0/pkg/grape
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 1063 May 22 14:40 COPYING
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 2636 May 28 09:58 Makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 4100 May 24 14:57 README
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 28 11:36 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 25 14:52 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 22 16:59 grh
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 82053 May 27 12:19 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 27 14:18 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 28 11:36 nauty17
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 22 12:32 prs
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 28 11:36 src
You are now able to use the all functions described in chapter 64 except AutGroupGraph
and IsIsomorphicGraph which use the nauty package.
gap> RequirePackage("grape");
Loading GRAPE 2.2 (GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups),
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 );
isGraph := true,
order := 6,
group := Group( (1,5)(2,6), (1,3)(4,6), (2,3)(4,5) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
If the documentation is not already installed or an older version is installed, copy the file
doc/grape.tex into the doc/ directory and run latex again (see 56.3). In general the
documentation will already be installed so you can just skip the following step.
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/grape
gap@tiffy:../grape > cp doc/grape.tex ../../doc
gap@tiffy:../grape > cd ../../doc
gap@tiffy:../doc > latex manual
# a few messages about undefined references
gap@tiffy:../doc > latex manual
# a few messages about undefined references
gap@tiffy:../doc > makeindex manual
#makeindex prints some diagnostic output
gap@tiffy:../doc > latex manual
# there should be no warnings this time
gap@tiffy:../doc cd ../pkg/grape
In order to compile nauty and the filters used by GRAPE to interact with nauty type make
to get a list of support machines.
gap@tiffy:../grape > make
usage: ’make <target>’ EXT=<ext> where target is one of
’dec-mips-ultrix-cc’ for DECstations running Ultrix with cc
’hp-hppa1.1-hpux-cc’ for HP 9000/700 under HP-UX with cc
’hp-hppa1.0-hpux-cc’ for HP 9000/800 under HP-UX with cc
’ibm-i386-386bsd-gcc2’ for IBM PCs under 386BSD with GNU cc 2
’ibm-i386-386bsd-cc’ for IBM PCs under 386BSD with cc (GNU)
’sun-sparc-sunos-cc’ for SUN 4 under SunOS with cc
’bsd’ for others under Berkeley UNIX with cc
’usg’ for others under System V UNIX with cc
where <ext> should be a sensible extension, i.e.,
’EXT=.sun’ for SUN or ’EXT=’ if GRAPE only runs
on a single architecture
Select the target you need. In your case we first compile the DECstation version. We use
the extension -dec-mips-ultrix, which creates the binaries
gap3todr-dec-mips-ultrix and drtogap3-dec-mips-ultrix
in the bin/ directory.
gap@tiffy:../grape > make dec-mips-ultric-cc EXT=-dec-mips-ultrix
# you will see a lot of messages
Now repeat the compilation for the PC. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../grape > rlogin waldorf
gap@waldorf:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/grape
gap@waldorf:../grape > make clean
gap@waldorf:../grape > make ibm-i386-386bsd-gcc2 EXT=-ibm-i386-386bsd
# you will see a lot of messages
gap@waldorf:../grape > exit
gap@tiffy:../grape >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create four shell scripts which will call the cor-
rect binary for each machine. Skeleton shell scripts are provided in bin/,
bin/, etc.
gap@tiffy:../grape > cat > bin/dreadnaut
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’tiffy’:
case ’bert’:
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’waldorf’:
exec $0-ibm-i386-386bsd $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "dreadnaut: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../grape > chmod 755 bin/dreadnaut
You must also create similar shell scripts for drcanon3,drtogap3, and gap3todr. Note that
if you are using GRAPE only on a single architecture you can specify an empty extension
using EXT= as a parameter to make. In this case do not create the above shell scripts. The
following example will test the interface between GRAPE and nauty.
gap> IsIsomorphicGraph( JohnsonGraph(7,3), JohnsonGraph(7,4) );
gap> AutGroupGraph( JohnsonGraph(4,2) );
Group( (3,4), (2,3)(4,5), (1,2)(5,6) )
57.8 MeatAxe Package
The MeatAxe package provides algorithms for computing with finite field matrices, permu-
tations, matrix groups, matrix algebras, and their modules.
Every such object exists outside GAP3 on a file, and GAP3 is only responsible for handling
these files using the appropriate programs.
Details about the standalone can be found in [Rin93]. This implementation was developed
in C by
Michael Ringe
Lehrstuhl D f¨ur Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
52062 Aachen, Germany
57.9 Installing the MeatAxe Package
The MeatAxe is written in C, and it is assumed that the package is installed under UNIX.
Some other systems –currently MS-DOS and VM/CMS– are supported, but this applies only
for the standalone and not for the use of the MeatAxe from within GAP3 (see the MeatAxe
manual [Rin93] for details of the installation in these cases).
If you got a complete binary and source distribution, skip the extraction and compilation
part of this section. All what you have to do in this case is to make the executables accessible
via a pathname that contains the hostname of the machine; this is best done by creating
suitable links, as is described at the end of this section.
If you got a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and proceed
with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the MeatAxe package
for use by several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a
NeXTstation, called bjerun. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines
following the instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file meataxe.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directory containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be be replaced
by the patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 359381 May 11 11:34 meataxe.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x meataxe.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0/pkg/meataxe
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 17982 Aug 6 1993 COPYING
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 3086 Mar 15 15:07 README
drwxr-xr-x 3 gap 512 Mar 26 18:01 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Feb 25 12:07 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 May 11 09:34 gap
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 1023 May 11 09:34 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Mar 26 18:02 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1536 Mar 26 18:02 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Mar 15 11:36 tests
Switch into the directory bin/, edit the Makefile, and follow the instructions given there.
In most cases it will suffice to choose the right COMPFLAGS. Then type make to compile the
MeatAxe. In your case we first compile the DECstation version.
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/meataxe/bin
gap@tiffy:../bin > make
#you will see a lot of messages
The executables reside in a directory with the same name as the host, in this case this is
tiffy. The programs will be called from GAP3 using the hostname, thus for every machine
that shall run the MeatAxe under GAP3 such a directory is necessary. In your case there
is a second DEC-station called bert which can use the same executables, we make them
available via a link.
gap@tiffy:../bin > ln -s tiffy bert
Now repeat the compilation for the NeXTstation. If you want to save space you can clean
up using make clean but this is not necessary. If the make run was interrupted you can
return to the prior situation using make delete, and then call make again.
gap@tiffy:../bin > rlogin bjerun
gap@bjerun:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/meataxe/bin
gap@bjerun:../bin > make clean
gap@bjerun:../bin > make
#you will see a lot of messages
gap@bjerun:../bin > exit
gap@tiffy:../bin >
Now it is time to test the package. Switch into the directory ../tests/ and type ./testmtx.
You should get no error messages, and end up with the message all tests passed.
gap@tiffy:../bin > cd ../tests
gap@tiffy:../tests > ./testmtx
#you will see a lot of messages
gap@tiffy:../tests >
57.10 NQ Package
NilpotentQuotient( F)
NilpotentQuotient( F,c)
NilpotentQuotient computes the quotient groups of the finitely presented group Fsuc-
cessively modulo the terms of the lower central series of F. If it terminates, it returns a list
L. The i-th entry of Lcontains the non-trivial abelian invariants of the i-th factor of the
lower central series of F(the largest abelian quotient being the first factor).
NilpotentQuotient accepts a positive integer cas an optional second argument. If the
second argument is present, the function computes the quotient group of Fmodulo the c-th
term of the lower central series of F(the commutator subgroup is the first term).
gap> RequirePackage("nq");
gap> a := AbstractGenerator( "a" );;
gap> b := AbstractGenerator( "b" );;
gap> G := rec( generators := [a, b],
> relators := [ LeftNormedComm( b,a,a,a,a ),
> LeftNormedComm( b,a,b,b,b ),
> LeftNormedComm( b,a,a*b,a*b,a*b ),
> LeftNormedComm( b,a,a*b^2,a*b^2,a*b^2 ),
> LeftNormedComm( b,a,b,a,a,a ),
> LeftNormedComm( b,a,a,b,b,b ) ]
> );;
gap> NilpotentQuotient( G, 6 );
This implementation was developed in C by
Werner Nickel
School of Mathematical Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
57.11 Installing the NQ Package
The NQ is written in C and the package can only be installed under UNIX. It has been
tested on DECstation running Ultrix, a NeXTstation running NeXT-Step 3.0, and SUNs
running SunOS. It requires the GNU multiple precision arithmetic. Make sure that this
library is installed before trying to install the NQ.
If you got a complete binary and source distribution for your machine, nothing has to be
done if you want to use the NQ for a single architecture. If you want to use the NQ for
machines with different architectures skip the extraction and compilation part of this section
and proceed with the creation of shell scripts described below.
If you got a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and proceed
with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the NQ package for use by
several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a NeXTstation,
called bjerun. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines following the
instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file nq.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be be replaced
by the patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 106307 Jan 24 15:16 nq.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x nq.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0/pkg/nq
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Jan 24 21:00 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Jan 19 11:33 examples
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Jan 24 21:03 gap
lrwxrwxrwx 1 gap gap 8 Jan 19 11:33 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Jan 24 21:04 src
-rwxr--r-- 1 gap gap 144 Dec 28 15:08 testNq
Switch into the directory src/ and type make to compile the NQ. If the header files for the
GNU multiple precision arithmetic are not in /usr/local/include you must set GNUINC
to the correct directory. If the library for the GNU multiple precision arithmetic is not
/usr/local/lib/libmp.a you must set GNULIB. In your case we first compile the DECsta-
tion version. If your operating system does not provide a function getrusage start make
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/nq/src
gap@tiffy:../src > make GNUINC=/usr/gnu/include \
#you will see a lot of messages
Now it is possible to test the standalone.
gap@tiffy:../src > cd ..
gap@tiffy:../nq > testNq
If testNq reports a difference others then machine name, runtime or size, check the GNU
multiple precision arithmetic and warnings generated by make. If testNq succeeded , move
the executable to the bin/ directory.
gap@tiffy:../nq > mv src/nq bin/nq-dec-mips-ultrix
Now repeat the compilation for the NeXTstation. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../nq > rlogin bjerun
gap@bjerun:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/nq/src
gap@bjerun:../src > make clean
gap@bjerun:../src > make
#you will see a lot of messages
gap@bjerun:../src > mv nq ../bin/nq-next-m68k-mach
gap@bjerun:../src > exit
gap@tiffy:../src >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create a script which will call the correct binary for
each machine. A skeleton shell script is provided in bin/
gap@tiffy:../src > cd ..
gap@tiffy:../nq > cat > bin/nq
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’bert’:
case ’tiffy’:
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’bjerun’:
exec $0-next-m68k-mach $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "nq: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../nq > chmod 755 bin/nq
Now it is time to test the package. Assuming that testNq worked the following will test
the link to GAP3.
gap@tiffy:../nq > gap -b
gap> RequirePackage( "nq" );
gap> ReadTest( "gap/nq.tst" );
57.12 SISYPHOS Package
SISYPHOS provides access to implementations of algorithms for dealing with p-groups
and their modular group algebras. At the moment only the programs for p-groups are
accessible via GAP3. They can be used to compute isomorphisms between p-groups, and
automorphism groups of p-groups.
The description of the functions available in the SISYPHOS package is given in chapter
For details about the implementation and the standalone version see the README. This
implementation was developed in C by
Martin Wursthorn
Math. Inst. B, 3. Lehrstuhl
Universit¨at Stuttgart
Tel. +49 (0)711 685 5517
Fax. +49 (0)711 685 5322
57.13 Installing the SISYPHOS Package
SISYPHOS is written in ANSI-C and should run on every UNIX system (and some non-
UNIX systems) that provides an ANSI-C Compiler, e.g., the GNU C compiler. SISYPHOS
has been ported to IBM RS6000 running AIX 3.2, HP9000 7xx running HP-UX 8.0/9.0, PC
386/486 running Linux, PC 386/486 running DOS or OS/2 with emx and ATARI ST/TT
running TOS.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the SISYPHOS package
for use by several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a 486
PC, called waldorf. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines following the
instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file sisyphos.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the
GAP3 directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be be
replaced by the patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 245957 Dec 27 15:16 sisyphos.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x sisyphos.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0/pkg/sisyphos
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 9496 Feb 11 1993 README
drwxr-xr-x 3 gap 512 Oct 19 10:24 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Oct 15 14:30 groups
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 512 Apr 1 1993 ideal
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap 22072 Oct 19 10:23 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap 1536 Oct 15 14:49 src
Switch into the directory src/. It contains the makefile for SISYPHOS.
gap@tiffy:../src > make
usage: ’make <target>’ where target is one of
’hp700-hpux-gcc2’ for HP 9000/7xx under HP-UX with GNU cc 2
’hp700-hpux-cc’ for HP 9000/7xx under HP-UX with cc
’hp700-hpux-cci’ for HP 9000/7xx under HP-UX with cc -
generate version for profile dependent optimization
’hp700-hpux-ccp’ for HP 9000/7xx under HP-UX with cc -
relink with profile dependent optimization
’ibm6000-aix-cc’ for IBM RS/6000 under AIX with cc
’ibmpc-linux-gcc2’ for IBM PCs under Linux with GNU cc 2
’ibmpc-emx-gcc2’ for IBM PCs under DOS or OS/2 2.0 with emx
’generic-unix-gcc2’ for other UNIX machines with GNU cc 2
this should work on most machines
Select the target you need. In our case we first compile the DECstation version. We
assume that the command to start GAP3 is /usr/local/bin/gap for tiffy and waldorf
and /rem/tiffy/usr/local/bin/gap for bert.
gap@tiffy:../src > make generic-unix-gcc2
# you will see a lot of messages and maybe a few warnings
You should test the standalone now. The following command should run without any
comment. This will work, however, only for UNIX machines.
gap@tiffy:../src > testsis
The executables will be collected in the /bin directory, so we move that for the DECstation
gap@tiffy:../src > mv sis ../bin/sis.ds
Now repeat the compilation for the PC. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../src > rlogin waldorf
gap@waldorf:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/sisyphos/src
gap@waldorf:../src > make clean
gap@waldorf:../src > make generic-unix-gcc2
# you will see a lot of messages and maybe a few warnings
Test the executable (under UNIX only), and move it to the right place.
gap@waldorf:../src > testsis
gap@waldorf:../src > mv sis ../bin/sis.386bsd
gap@waldorf:../src > exit
gap@tiffy:../src >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create a script which will call the correct binary for
each machine.
gap@tiffy:../src > cd ..
gap@tiffy:../sisyphos > cat > bin/sis
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’bert’:
case ’tiffy’:
exec ~gap/3.2/pkg/sisyphos/bin/sis.ds $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’waldorf’:
exec ~gap/3.2/pkg/sisyphos/bin/sis.386bsd $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "sis: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../sisyphos > chmod 755 bin/sis
57.14 Vector Enumeration Package
The Vector Enumeration package provides access to the implementation of the “linear Todd-
Coxeter”method for computing matrix representations of finitely presented algebras.
The description of the functions available in the Vector Enumeration package is given in
chapter 73.
For details about the implementation and the standalone version see the README. This
implementation was developed in C by
Stephen A. Linton
Division of Computer Science
School of Mathematical and Computational Science
University of St. Andrews
North Haugh
St. Andrews
KY10 2SA
Tel. +44 334 63239
Fax. +44 334 63278
57.15 Installing the Vector Enumeration Package
The Vector Enumerator (VE) is written in C and the package can only be installed under
UNIX. It has been tested on DECstation running Ultrix, a 486 running NetBSD, and SUNs
running SunOS.
The parts of the package that deal with rationals require the GNU multiple precision arith-
metic library GMP. Make sure that this library is installed before trying to install VE.
If you got a complete binary and source distribution for your machine, nothing has to be
done if you want to use the VE for a single architecture. If you want to use the VE for
machines with different architectures skip the extraction and compilation part of this section
and proceed with the creation of shell scripts described below.
If you got a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and proceed
with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the VE package for use by
several users on a network of two DECstations, called bert and tiffy, and a NeXTstation,
called bjerun. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines following the
instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file ve.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p0 where 0is to be be replaced
by the patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 gap3r4p0
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 106307 Jan 24 15:16 ve.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 3072 Nov 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 1991 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Nov 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Nov 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p0 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo x ve.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p0/pkg/ve
-rw-r--r-- 1 sam 16761 May 10 17:39 Makefile
-rw-r----- 1 sam 1983 May 6 1993 README
drwxr-xr-x 2 sam 512 May 10 17:41 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 sam 512 May 10 17:34 docs
drwxr-xr-x 2 sam 512 May 10 17:34 examples
drwxr-xr-x 3 sam 512 Mar 28 17:55 gap
-rw-r--r-- 1 sam 553 Mar 24 18:18 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 5 sam 1024 May 10 17:36 src
Switch into the directory ve/ and type make to see a list of targets for compilation; then type
make target to compile VE, where target is the target that is closest to your machine. If the
header files for the GNU multiple precision arithmetic are not in /usr/local/include you
must set INCDIRGMP to the correct directory. If the library for the GNU multiple precision
arithmetic is not /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a you must set LIBDIRGMP. In this case we first
compile the DECstation version.
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/ve
gap@tiffy:../ve > make INCDIRGMP=/usr/gnu/include \
LIBDIRGMP=/usr/gnu/lib/ dec-mips-ultrix-gcc2
#you will see a lot of messages
Now repeat the compilation for the NeXTstation. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../ve > mv bin/me.exe bin/me.dec
gap@tiffy:../ve > mv bin/qme.exe bin/qme.dec
gap@tiffy:../ve > rlogin bjerun
gap@bjerun:~ > cd gap3r4p0/pkg/ve
gap@bjerun:../ve > make clean
#you will see some messages
gap@bjerun:../ve > make next-m68k-mach-gcc2
#you will see a lot of messages
gap@bjerun:../ve > mv bin/me.exe bin/
gap@bjerun:../ve > mv bin/qme.exe bin/
gap@bjerun:../ve > exit
gap@tiffy:../ve >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create scripts which will call the correct binary for
each machine. The shell scripts that are already contained in ‘bin/me.sgl‘ and ‘bin/qme.sgl‘
are suitable only for a single architecture installation.
gap@tiffy:../ve > cat > bin/me
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’bert’:
case ’tiffy’:
exec $0.dec $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’bjerun’:
exec $ $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "me/qme/zme: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../ve > chmod 755 bin/me
gap@tiffy:../ve > ln bin/me bin/qme
57.16 The XGap Package
XGAP is a graphical user interface for GAP3, it extends the GAP3 library with functions
dealing with graphic sheets and objects. Using these functions it also supplies a graphical
interface for investigating the subgroup lattice of a group, giving you easy access to the
low index subgroups, prime quotient and Reidemeister-Schreier algorithms and many other
GAP3 functions for groups and subgroups. At the moment the only supported window
system is X-Windows X11R5, however, programs using the XGAP library functions will run
on other platforms as soon as XGAP is available on these. We plan to release a Windows
3.11 version in the near future.
In order to produce a preliminary manual and installation guide for the XGAP package,
switch into the directory gap3r4p4/pkg/xgap/doc and latex the document latexme.tex.
Frank Celler & Susanne Keitemeier
Chapter 58
The ANU p-quotient program (pq) may be called from GAP3. Using this program, GAP3
provides access to the following: the p-quotient algorithm; the p-group generation algorithm;
a standard presentation algorithm; an algorithm to compute the automorphism group of a
The following section describes the function Pq, which gives access to the p-quotient algo-
The next section describes the function PqDescendants, which gives access to the p-group
generation algorithm.
The next sections describe functions for saving results to file (see 58.4 and 58.5).
The next section describes the function StandardPresentation which gives access to the
standard presentation algorithm and to the algorithm used to compute the automorphism
group of a p-group.
The last sections describes the function IsIsomorphicPGroup which implements an isomor-
phism test for p-groups using the standard presentation algorithm.
58.1 Pq
Pq( F, ... )
Let Fbe a finitely presented group. Then Pq returns the desired p-quotient of Fas an ag
The following parameters or parameter pairs are supported.
”Prime”, p
Compute the p-quotient for the prime p.
”ClassBound”, n
The p-quotient computed has lower exponent-pclass at most n.
”Exponent”, n
The p-quotient computed has exponent n. By default, no exponent law is enforced.
The largest metabelian p-quotient is constructed.
The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed. By default, pq works
”OutputLevel”, n
The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed at output level n,
which must be a integer from 0 to 3. This parameter implies ”Verbose”.
”SetupFile”, name
Do not run the ANU pq, just construct the input file and store it in the file name.
In this case true is returned.
Alternatively, you can pass Pq a record as a parameter, which contains as entries some (or
all) of the above mentioned. Those parameters which do not occur in the record are set to
their default values.
See also 58.2.
gap> RequirePackage("anupq");
gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "f2" );
Group( f2.1, f2.2 )
gap> Pq( f2, rec( Prime := 2, ClassBound := 3 ) );
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10 )
gap> g := f2 / [ f2.1^4, f2.2^4 ];;
gap> Pq( g, rec( Prime := 2, ClassBound := 3 ) );
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8 )
gap> Pq( g, "Prime", 2, "ClassBound", 3, "Exponent", 4 );
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7 )
gap> g := f2 / [ f2.1^25, Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1),f2.1), f2.2^5 ];;
gap> Pq( g, "Prime", 5, "Metabelian", "ClassBound", 5 );
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7 )
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.2 PqHomomorphism
PqHomomorphism( G,images )
Let Gbe a p-quotient of Fcomputed using Pq. If images is a list of images of F.generators
under an automorphism of F,PqHomomorphism will return the corresponding automorphism
of G.
gap> F := FreeGroup (2, "F");
Group( F.1, F.2 )
gap> G := Pq (F, "Prime", 5, "Class", 2);
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 )
gap> PqHomomorphism (G, [F.2, F.1]);
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 ), Group(
G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 ), [ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5 ],
[ G.2, G.1, G.3^4, G.5, G.4 ] )
58.3 PqDescendants
PqDescendants( G, ... )
Let Gbe an ag group of prime power order with a consistent power-commutator presentation
(see 25.28). PqDescendants returns a list of descendants of G.
If Gdoes not have p-class 1, then a list of automorphisms of Gmust be bound to the
record component G.automorphisms such that G.automorphisms together with the inner
automorphisms of Ggenerate the automorphism group of G.
One method which may be used to obtain such a generating set for the automorphism
group is to call StandardPresentation. The record returned has a generating set for the
automorphism group of Gstored as a component (see 58.6).
The following optional parameters or parameter pairs are supported.
”ClassBound”, n
PqDescendants generates only descendants with lower exponent-pclass at most n.
The default value is the exponent-pclass of Gplus one.
”OrderBound”, n
PqDescendants generates only descendants of size at most pn. Note that you cannot
set both ”OrderBound” and ”StepSize”.
”StepSize”, n
Let nbe a positive integer. PqDescendants generates only those immediate descen-
dants which are pnbigger than their parent group.
”StepSize”, l
Let lbe a list of positive integers such that the sum of the length of land the
exponent-pclass of Gis equal to the class bound ”ClassBound”. Then ldescribes
the step size for each additional class.
The automorphisms stored in G.automorphisms are a PAG generating sequence for
the automorphism group of Gsupplied in reverse order.
”RankInitialSegmentSubgroups”, n
Set the rank of the initial segment subgroup chosen to be n. By default, this has
value 0.
The ANU pq performs calculations more slowly but with greater space efficiency.
This flag is frequently necessary for groups of large Frattini quotient rank. The space
saving occurs because only one permutation is stored at any one time. This option
is only available in conjunction with the ”AgAutomorphisms” flag.
By default, only capable descendants are constructed. If this flag is set, compute all
”Exponent”, n
Construct only descendants with exponent n. Default is no exponent law.
Construct only metabelian descendants.
”SubList”, sub
Let Lbe the list of descendants generated. If list sub is supplied, PqDescendants
returns Sublist( L,sub ). If an integer nis supplied, PqDescendants returns L[n].
The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed. By default, pq works
”SetupFile”, name
Do not run the ANU pq, just construct the input file and store it in the file name.
In this case true is returned.
”TmpDir”, dir
PqDescendants stores intermediate results in temporary files; the location of these
files is determined by the value selected by TmpName. If your default temporary
directory does not have enough free disk space, you can supply an alternative path dir.
In this case PqDescendants stores its intermediate results in a temporary subdirectory
of dir. Alternatively, you can globally set the variable ANUPQtmpDir, for instance in
your ”.gaprc” file, to point to a suitable location.
Alternatively, you can pass PqDescendants a record as a parameter, which contains as
entries some (or all) of the above mentioned. Those parameters which do not occur in the
record are set to their default values.
Note that you cannot set both ”OrderBound” and ”StepSize”.
In the first example we compute all descendants of the Klein four group which have exponent-
2 class at most 5 and order at most 26.
gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "g" );;
gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup(f2 / [f2.1^2, f2.2^2, Comm(f2.2,f2.1)]);
Group( g.1, g.2 )
gap> := "g";;
gap> l := PqDescendants( g, "OrderBound", 6, "ClassBound", 5,
> "AllDescendants" );;
gap> Length(l);
gap> Number( l, x -> x.isCapable );
gap> List( l, x -> Size(x) );
[ 8, 8, 8, 16, 16, 16, 32, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64, 32,
32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
32, 32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 32, 32,
32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 ]
gap> List( l, x -> Length( PCentralSeries( x, 2 ) ) - 1 );
[ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ]
In the second example we compute all capable descendants of order 27 of the elementary
abelian group of order 9. Here, we supply automorphisms which form a PAG generating
sequence (in reverse order) for the class 1 group, since this makes the computation more
gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "g" );;
58.4. PQLIST 1013
gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup(f2 / [ f2.1^3, f2.2^3, Comm(f2.1,f2.2) ]);
Group( g.1, g.2 )
gap> := "g";;
gap> g.automorphisms := [];;
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1, g.2], [g.1^2, g.2^2]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1, g.2], [g.2^2, g.1]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,g,[g.1,g.2],[g.1*g.2^2,g.1^2*g.2^2]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1,g.2], [g.1,g.1^2*g.2]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g, g, [g.1, g.2], [g.1^2, g.2]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> l := PqDescendants( g, "OrderBound", 3,
> "ClassBound", 2,
> "AgAutomorphisms" );;
gap> Length(l);
gap> List( l, x -> Size(x) );
[ 27, 27 ]
gap> List( l, x -> Length( PCentralSeries( x, 3 ) ) - 1 );
In the third example, we compute all capable descendants of the elementary abelian group
of order 52which have exponent-5 class at most 3, exponent 5, and are metabelian.
gap> f2 := FreeGroup( 2, "g" );;
gap> g := AgGroupFpGroup( f2 / [f2.1^5, f2.2^5, Comm(f2.2,f2.1)] );
Group( g.1, g.2 )
gap> := "g";;
gap> l := PqDescendants(g,"Metabelian","ClassBound",3,"Exponent",5);;
gap> List( l, x -> Length( PCentralSeries( x, 5 ) ) - 1 );
gap> List( l, x -> Length( DerivedSeries( x ) ) );
gap> List( l, x -> Maximum( List( Elements(x), y -> Order(x,y) ) ) );
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.4 PqList
PqList( file )
PqList( file,sub )
PqList( file,n)
The function PqList reads a file file and returns the list Lof ag groups defined in this file.
If list sub is supplied as a parameter, the function returns Sublist( L,sub ). If an integer
nis supplied, PqList returns L[n].
This function and SavePqList (see 58.5) can be used to save and restore a list of descendants
(see 58.3).
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.5 SavePqList
SavePqList( name,list )
The function SavePqList writes a list of descendants list to a file name.
This function and PqList (see 58.4) can be used to save and restore results of PqDescendants
(see 58.3).
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.6 StandardPresentation
StandardPresentation( F,p, ... )
StandardPresentation( F,G, ... )
Let Fbe a finitely presented group. Then StandardPresentation returns the standard
presentation for the desired p-quotient of Fas an ag group.
Let Hbe the p-quotient whose standard presentation is computed. A generating set for a
supplement to the inner automorphism group of His also returned, stored as the component
H.automorphisms. Each generator is described by its action on each of the generators of
the standard presentation of H.
A finitely-presented group Fmust be supplied as input. Usually, the user will also supply a
prime pand the program will compute the standard presentation for the desired p-quotient
of F.
Alternatively, a user may supply an ag group Gwhich is the class 1 p-quotient of F. If this is
so, a list of automorphisms of Gmust be bound to the record component G.automorphisms
such that G.automorphisms together with the inner automorphisms of Ggenerate the
automorphism group of G. The presentation for Gcan be constructed by an initial call to
Pq (see 58.1).
Of course, Gneed not be the class 1 p-quotient of F. However, G.automorphisms must
contain a description of the automorphism group of Gand this is most readily available
when Gis an elementary abelian group. Where the necessary information is available for
ap-quotient of higher class, one can apply the standard presentation algorithm from that
class onwards.
The following parameters or parameter pairs are supported.
”ClassBound”, n
The standard presentation is computed for the largest p-quotient of Fhaving lower
exponent-pclass at most n.
”Exponent”, n
The p-quotient computed has exponent n. By default, no exponent law is enforced.
The p-quotient constructed is metabelian.
The automorphisms stored in G.automorphisms are a PAG generating sequence for
the automorphism group of Gsupplied in reverse order.
The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed. By default, pq works
”OutputLevel”, n
The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed at output level n,
which must be a integer from 0 to 3. This parameter implies ”Verbose”.
”SetupFile”, name
Do not run the ANU pq, just construct the input file and store it in the file name.
In this case true is returned.
”TmpDir”, dir
StandardPresentation stores intermediate results in temporary files; the location of
these files is determined by the value selected by TmpName. If your default temporary
directory does not have enough free disk space, you can supply an alternative path
dir. In this case StandardPresentation stores its intermediate results in a temporary
subdirectory of dir. Alternatively, you can globally set the variable ANUPQtmpDir, for
instance in your ”.gaprc” file, to point to a suitable location.
Alternatively, you can pass StandardPresentation a record as a parameter, which contains
as entries some (or all) of the above mentioned. Those parameters which do not occur in
the record are set to their default values.
We illustrate the method with the following examples.
gap> f2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> g := f2 / [f2.1^25, Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1), f2.1), f2.2^5];
Group( a, b )
gap> StandardPresentation( g, 5, "ClassBound", 10 );
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10, G.11, G.12,
G.13, G.14, G.15, G.16, G.17, G.18, G.19, G.20, G.21, G.22, G.23,
G.24, G.25, G.26 )
gap> f2 := FreeGroup( "a", "b" );;
gap> g := f2 / [ f2.1^625,
> Comm(Comm(Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1),f2.1),f2.1),f2.1)/Comm(f2.2,f2.1)^5,
> Comm(Comm(f2.2,f2.1),f2.2), f2.2^625 ];;
gap> StandardPresentation( g, 5, "ClassBound", 15, "Metabelian" );
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10, G.11, G.12,
G.13, G.14, G.15, G.16, G.17, G.18, G.19, G.20 )
gap> f4 := FreeGroup( "a", "b", "c", "d" );;
gap> g4 := f4 / [ f4.2^4, f4.2^2 / Comm(Comm (f4.2, f4.1), f4.1),
> f4.4^16, f4.1^16 / (f4.3 * f4.4),
> f4.2^8 / (f4.4 * f4.3^4) ];
Group( a, b, c, d )
gap> g := Pq( g4, "Prime", 2, "ClassBound", 1 );
Group( G.1, G.2 )
gap> g.automorphisms := [];;
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,g,[g.1,g.2],[g.2,g.1*g.2]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,g,[g.1,g.2],[g.2,g.1]);;
gap> Add( g.automorphisms, last );
gap> StandardPresentation(g4,g,"ClassBound",14,"AgAutomorphisms");
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6, G.7, G.8, G.9, G.10, G.11, G.12,
G.13, G.14, G.15, G.16, G.17, G.18, G.19, G.20, G.21, G.22, G.23,
G.24, G.25, G.26, G.27, G.28, G.29, G.30, G.31, G.32, G.33, G.34,
G.35, G.36, G.37, G.38, G.39, G.40, G.41, G.42, G.43, G.44, G.45,
G.46, G.47, G.48, G.49, G.50, G.51, G.52, G.53 )
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.7 IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp
IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp( G,S)
Let Gbe a p-group and let Sbe the standard presentation computed for Gby StandardPresentation.
IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp returns the isomorphism from Gto S.
We illustrate the function with the following example.
gap> F := FreeGroup (6);
Group( f.1, f.2, f.3, f.4, f.5, f.6 )
gap> x := F.1;; y := F.2;; z := F.3;; w := F.4;; a := F.5;; b := F.6;;
gap> R := [x^3 / w, y^3 / w * a^2 * b^2, w^3 / b,
> Comm (y, x) / z, Comm (z, x), Comm (z, y) / a, z^3 ];;
gap> q := F / R;;
gap> G := Pq (q, "Prime", 3, "ClassBound", 3);
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 )
gap> S := StandardPresentation (q, 3, "ClassBound", 3);
Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 )
gap> phi := IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp (G, S);
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
[ G.1*G.2^2*G.3*G.4^2*G.5^2, G.1*G.2*G.3*G.5, G.3^2, G.4*G.6^2, G.5,
G.6 ] )
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.8 AutomorphismsPGroup
AutomorphismsPGroup( G)
AutomorphismsPGroup( G,output-level)
Let Gbe a p-group. Then AutomorphismsPGroup returns a generating set for the automor-
phism group of G. Each generator is described by its action on each of the generators of G.
The runtime-information generated by the ANU pq is displayed at output-level, which must
be a integer from 0 to 3.
We illustrate the function using the p-group considered above.
gap> Auts := AutomorphismsPGroup (G);
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
[ G.1, G.2*G.5^2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
[ G.1, G.2*G.3, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ], [ G.1*G.3^2, G.2, G.3*G.5, G.4,
G.5, G.6 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3,
G.4, G.5, G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
[ G.1*G.6, G.2*G.6, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ], [ G.1*G.5^2, G.2*G.5, G.3, G.4,
G.5, G.6 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3,
G.4, G.5, G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ], [ G.1*G.6^2, G.2*G.6, G.3, G.4,
G.5, G.6 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3,
G.4, G.5, G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
[ G.1*G.4, G.2*G.4*G.6, G.3, G.4*G.6, G.5, G.6 ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5,
G.6 ), Group( G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ),
[ G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.5, G.6 ],
[ G.1^2*G.3^2, G.2^2*G.3, G.3*G.5, G.4^2, G.5^2, G.6^2 ] ) ]
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
58.9 IsIsomorphicPGroup
IsIsomorphicPGroup( G,H)
The functions returns true if Gis isomorphic to H. Both groups must be ag groups of prime
power order.
gap> p1 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) )
gap> p2 := SolvableGroup( 8, 5 );
gap> p3 := SolvableGroup( 8, 4 );
gap> IsIsomorphicPGroup( AgGroup(p1), p2 );
gap> IsIsomorphicPGroup( AgGroup(p1), p3 );
The function computes and compares the standard presentations for Gand H(see 58.6).
This function requires the package ”anupq” (see 57.1).
Chapter 59
Automorphism Groups of
Special Ag Groups
This chapter describes functions which compute and display information about automor-
phism groups of finite soluble groups.
The algorithm used for computing the automorphism group requires that the soluble group
be given in terms of a special ag presentation. Such presentations are described in the chapter
of the GAP3 manual which deals with Special Ag Groups. Given a group presented by
an arbitrary ag presentation, a special ag presentation can be computed using the function
The automorphism group is returned as a standard GAP3 group record. Automorphisms
are represented by their action on the sag group generating set of the input group. The
order of the automorphism group is also computed.
The performance of the automorphism group algorithm is highly dependent on the structure
of the input group. Given two groups with the same sequence of LG-series factor groups
it will usually take much less time to compute the automorphism group of the one with
the larger automorphism group. For example, it takes less than 1 second (Sparc 10/52)
to compute the automorphism group of the exponent 7 extraspecial group of order 73.
It takes more than 40 seconds to compute the automorphism group of the exponent 49
extraspecial group of order 73. The orders of the automorphism groups are 98784 and 2058
respectively. It takes only 20 minutes (Sparc 10/52) to compute the automorphism group of
the 2-generator Burnside group of exponent 6, a group of order 228 ·325 whose automorphism
group has order 240 ·353 ·5·7; note, however, that it can take substantially longer than this
to compute the automorphism groups of some of the groups of order 64 (for nilpotent groups
one should use the function AutomorphismsPGroup from the ANU PQ package instead).
The following section describes the function that computes the automorphism group of a
special ag group (see 59.1). It is followed by a description of automorphism group elements
and their operations (see 59.2 and 59.3). Functions for obtaining some structural information
about the automorphism group are described next (see 59.4, 59.5 and 59.6). Finally, a
function that converts the automorphism group into a form which may be more suitable for
some applications is described (see 59.7).
59.1 AutGroupSagGroup
Given a special ag group G, the function AutGroupSagGroup computes the automorphism
group of G. It returns a group generated by automorphism group elements (see 59.2). The
order of the resulting automorphism group can be obtained by applying the function Size
to it.
If the optional argument lis supplied, the automorphism group of G/Glis computed, where
Glis the l-th term of the LG-series of G(see More about Special Ag Groups).
gap> C6 := CyclicGroup(AgWords, 6);;
gap> S3 := SymmetricGroup(AgWords, 3);;
gap> H := WreathProduct(C6,S3);;
gap> G := SpecialAgGroup(H / Centre(H));;
gap> G := RenamedGensSagGroup(G, "g"); # rename gens of G to [g1,g2,..,g12]
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 )
gap> := "G";;
gap> A := AutGroupSagGroup(G);
Group( Aut(G, [ g1*g2, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
]), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3^2, g4^2*g6^2*g7, g5^2*g6*g7^2, g6*g8^2,
g7*g8^2, g8^2, g10*g11, g10, g9*g10, g9*g11*g12 ]), Aut(G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5^2*g6*g7^2, g6*g7, g7^2, g8^2, g9, g10, g11, g12
]), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3, g4*g6*g7^2, g5*g6^2*g7, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10,
g11, g12 ]), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5*g6*g7^2, g6, g7, g8, g9,
g10, g11, g12 ]), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3, g4^2, g5*g6^2*g7, g6^2*g8,
g7^2*g8, g8, g10*g11, g10, g9*g10, g9*g11*g12 ]), Aut(G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4*g6^2*g7, g5*g6*g7^2, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
]), InnerAut(G, g1), InnerAut(G, g3), InnerAut(G, g4), InnerAut(G,
g5), InnerAut(G, g6), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3*g7*g8, g4, g5, g6*g8, g7,
g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ]), InnerAut(G, g7*g8), Aut(G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5*g8, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ]), InnerAut(G,
g8^2), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g9*g11, g9*g10,
g10*g11*g12 ]), Aut(G, [ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g10*g12,
g10, g9*g11*g12, g9*g10 ]), InnerAut(G, g10), InnerAut(G,
g11), InnerAut(G, g12), InnerAut(G, g9) )
gap> Size(A);
gap> PrimePowersInt(last);
[ 2, 9, 3, 10 ]
The size of the outer automorphism group is easily computed as follows.
gap> innersize := Size(G) / Size(Centre(G));
gap> outersize := Size(A) / innersize;
59.2 Automorphism Group Elements
An element aof an automorphism group is a group element record with the following
additional components:
Is bound to true if ais an automorphism record.
Is the special ag group Gon which the automorphism aacts.
Is the list of images of the generating set of Gunder a. That is, a.images[i] is the
image of G.generators[i] under the automorphism.
The following components may also be defined for an automorphism group element:
If this component is bound, then it is either an element gof Gindicating that ais
the inner automorphism of Ginduced by g, or it is false indicating that ais not an
inner automorphism.
This component is set for the elements of the generating set of the full automorphism
group of a sag group. It stores the weight of the generator (see 59.4).
Along with most of the functions that can be applied to any group elements (e.g. Order
and IsTrivial), the following functions are specific to automorphism group elements:
The function IsAut returns true if ais an automorphism record, and false otherwise.
Returns true if ais an inner automorphism, and false otherwise. If a.inner is already
bound, then the information stored there is used. If a.inner is not bound, IsInnerAut
determines whether ais an inner automorphism, and sets a.inner appropriately before
returning the answer.
59.3 Operations for Automorphism Group Elements
For automorphism group elements aand b, the operator =evaluates to true if the auto-
morphism records correspond to the same automorphism, and false otherwise. Note that
this may return true even when the two records themselves are different (one of them may
have more information stored in it).
For automorphism group elements aand b, the operator *evaluates to the product ab of
the automorphisms.
For automorphism group elements aand b, the operator /evaluates to the quotient ab1
of the automorphisms.
For an automorphism group element aand an integer i, the operator ^evaluates to the i-th
power aiof a.
For automorphism group elements aand b, the operator ^evaluates to the conjugate b1ab
of aby b.
The function Comm returns the commutator a1b1ab of the two automorphism group ele-
ments aand b.
For a sag group element gand an automorphism group element a, the operator ^evaluates
to the image gaof the ag word gunder the automorphism a. The sag group element gmust
be an element of
For a subgroup Sof a sag group and an automorphism group element a, the operator ^
evaluates to the image Saof the subgroup Sunder the automorphism a. The subgroup S
must be a subgroup of
list *a
For a list list and an automorphism group element a, the operator *evaluates to the list
whose i-th entry is list[i] * aor a*list[i]respectively.
list ^a
For a list list and an automorphism group element a, the operator ^evaluates to the list
whose i-th entry is list[i] ^ a.
Note that the action of automorphism group elements on the elements of the sag group via
the operator ^corresponds to the default action OnPoints (see Other Operations) so that
the functions Orbit and Stabilizer can be used in the natural way. For example:
gap> Orbit(A, G.7);
[ g7, g7*g8^2, g7^2, g7^2*g8, g7*g8, g7^2*g8^2 ]
gap> Length(last);
gap> S := Subgroup(G, [G.11, G.12]);
Subgroup( G, [ g11, g12 ] )
gap> Size(S);
gap> Orbit(A, S);
[ Subgroup( G, [ g11, g12 ] ), Subgroup( G, [ g9*g10, g9*g11*g12 ] ) ]
gap> Intersection(last);
Subgroup( G, [ ] )
59.4 AutGroupStructure
The generating set of the automorphism group returned by AutGroupSagGroup is closely
related to a particular subnormal series of the automorphism group. This function displays
a description of the factors of this series.
Let Abe the automorphism group of G. Let G=G1> G2> . . . > Gm> Gm+1 = 1 be
the LG-series of G(see More about Special Ag Groups). For 0 imlet A2i+1 be the
subgroup of Acontaining all those automorphisms which induce the identity on G/Gi+1.
Clearly A1=Aand A2m+1 = 1. Furthermore, let A2i+2 be the subgroup of A2i+1 containing
those automorphisms which also act trivially on the quotient Gi/Gi+1. Note that A2/A3is
always trivial. Thus the subnormal series
A=A1A2. . . A2m+1 = 1
of Ais obtained. The subgroup Aiis the weight isubgroup of A. The weight of a generator
αof Ais defined to be the least isuch that αAi.
The function AutGroupStructure takes as input an automorphism group Acomputed using
AutGroupSagGroup and prints out a description of the non-trivial factors of the subnormal
series of the automorphism group A.
The factor of weight iis Ai/Ai+1. A factor of even weight is an elementary abelian group,
and it is described by giving its order. A factor of odd weight is described by giving a
generating set for a faithful representation of it as a matrix group acting on a layer of the
LG-series of G(the weight 2i1 factor acts on the LG-series layer Gi/Gi+1).
gap> AutGroupStructure(A);;
Order of full automorphism group is 30233088 = 2^9 * 3^10
Factor of size 2 (matrix group, weight 1)
Field: GF(2)
[1 1]
[0 1]
Factor of size 2 (matrix group, weight 3)
Field: GF(3)
Factor of size 36 = 2^2 * 3^2 (matrix group, weight 5)
Field: GF(3)
[1 0 0] [1 0 1] [1 0 0] [2 0 0] [1 0 2]
[0 2 1] [0 1 2] [0 1 1] [0 1 2] [0 1 1]
[0 0 1] [0 0 1] [0 0 1] [0 0 2] [0 0 1]
[2 0 0] [1 0 1]
[0 2 0] [0 1 0]
[0 0 2] [0 0 1]
Factor of size 27 = 3^3 (elementary abelian, weight 6)
Factor of size 3 (elementary abelian, weight 8)
Factor of size 27 = 3^3 (elementary abelian, weight 10)
Factor of size 6 = 2 * 3 (matrix group, weight 11)
Field: GF(2)
[1 0 0 0] [0 1 0 1]
[1 0 1 0] [0 1 0 0]
[1 1 0 0] [1 0 1 1]
[0 1 1 1] [1 1 0 0]
Factor of size 16 = 2^4 (elementary abelian, weight 12)
As mentioned earlier, each generator of the automorphism group has its weight stored in
the record component weight.
gap> List(Generators(A), a -> a.weight);
[ 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 8, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12,
12, 12 ]
Note that the subgroup Aiof Ais generated by the elements of the generating set of Awhose
weights are at least i. Hence, in analogy to strong generating sets of permutation groups,
the generating set of Ais a strong generating set relative to the chain of subgroups Ai.
The generating set of a matrix group displayed by AutGroupStructure corresponds directly
to the list of elements of the corresponding weight in A.generators. In the example above,
the first matrix listed at weight 5 corresponds to A.generators[3], and the last matrix
listed at weight 5 corresponds to A.generators[9].
It is also worth noting that the generating set for an automorphism group returned by
AutGroupSagGroup can be heavily redundant. In the example given above, the weight
5 matrix group can be generated by just three of the seven elements listed (for example
elements 1, 5 and 6). The other four elements can be discarded from the generating set for
the matrix group, and the corresponding elements of the generating set for Acan also be
59.5 AutGroupFactors
The function AutGroupFactors takes as input an automorphism group Acomputed by
AutGroupSagGroup and returns a list containing descriptions of the non-trivial factors
Ai/Ai+1 (see 59.4). Each element of this list is either a list [p, e] which indicates that
the factor is elementary abelian of order pe, or a matrix group which is isomorphic to the
corresponding factor.
gap> fact:=AutGroupFactors(A);;
gap> F := fact[3];;
gap> D := DerivedSubgroup(F);;
gap> Nice(Generators(D));
Field: GF(3)
[1 0 0]
[0 1 2]
[0 0 1]
gap> S := SylowSubgroup(F,2);;
gap> Nice(Generators(S));
Field: GF(3)
[2 0 0] [1 0 0]
[0 1 1] [0 2 2]
[0 0 2] [0 0 1]
Of course, the factors of the returned series can be examine further. For example
gap> F := fact[3];;
gap> D := DerivedSubgroup(F);;
gap> Nice(Generators(D));
Field: GF(3)
[1 0 0]
[0 1 2]
[0 0 1]
gap> S := SylowSubgroup(F,2);;
gap> Nice(Generators(S));
Field: GF(3)
[2 0 0] [1 0 0]
[0 1 1] [0 2 2]
[0 0 2] [0 0 1]
59.6 AutGroupSeries
The function AutGroupSeries takes as input an automorphism group Acomputed by
AutGroupSagGroup and returns a list containing those subgroups Aiof Awhich give non-
trivial quotients Ai/Ai+1 (see 59.4).
gap> series:=AutGroupSeries(A);;
gap> series[7].weight;
gap> series[8].weight;
Each of the subgroups in the list has its weight stored in record component weight.
gap> series[7].weight;
gap> series[8].weight;
59.7 AutGroupConverted
AutGroupConverted (A)
Convert the automorphism group returned by AutGroupSagGroup into a group generated
by GroupHomomorphismByImages records, and return the resulting group. Note that this
function should not be used unless absolutely necessary, since operations for elements of the
resulting group are substantially slower than operations with automorphism records.
gap> H := AutGroupConverted(A);
Group( GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g2, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3^2, g4^2*g6^2*g7, g5^2*g6*g7^2, g6*g8^2, g7*g8^2, g8^2,
g10*g11, g10, g9*g10, g9*g11*g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5^2*g6*g7^2, g6*g7, g7^2, g8^2, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4*g6*g7^2, g5*g6^2*g7, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5*g6*g7^2, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4^2, g5*g6^2*g7, g6^2*g8, g7^2*g8, g8, g10*g11, g10,
g9*g10, g9*g11*g12 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4*g6^2*g7, g5*g6*g7^2, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4^2, g5^2, g6^2*g7^2*g8^2, g7*g8^2, g8^2, g10*g11, g10,
g9*g10, g9*g11*g12 ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4*g6*g7^2, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g4^2, g2, g3*g6^2*g7, g4, g5*g7^2*g8, g6*g8^2, g7*g8^2, g8,
g10*g11, g9*g10*g12, g11*g12, g11
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g5^2, g2, g3, g4*g7*g8^2, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g6^2*g7*g8, g2, g3, g4*g8, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3*g7*g8, g4, g5, g6*g8, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4*g8, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5*g8, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g8, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g9*g11, g9*g10, g10*g11*g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g10*g12, g10, g9*g11*g12, g9*g10
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1, g2, g3, g4*g9*g12, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g9*g10*g11, g2, g3, g4*g12, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g9*g11, g2, g3, g4*g11*g12, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12
] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( G, G,
[ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11, g12 ],
[ g1*g9*g10*g11, g2, g3, g4*g9*g10*g11, g5, g6, g7, g8, g9, g10, g11,
g12 ] ) )
Chapter 60
This chapter describes functions which may be used to perform certain cohomological cal-
culations on a finite group G.
These include:
(i) The p-part Mulpof the Schur multiplier Mul of G, and a presentation of a covering
extension of Mulpby G, for a specified prime p;
(ii) The dimensions of the first and second cohomology groups of Gacting on a finite
dimensional KG module M, where Kis a field of prime order; and
(iii) Presentations of split and nonsplit extensions of Mby G.
All of these functions require Gto be defined as a finite permutation group. The functions
which compute presentations require, in addition, a presentation of G. Finally, the functions
which operate on a module Mrequire the module to be defined by a list of matrices over
K. This situation is handled by first defining a GAP record, which contains the required
information. This is done using the function CHR, which must be called before any of the
other functions. The remaining functions operate on this record.
If no presentation of the permutation group Gis known, and Ghas order at most 32767,
then a presentation can be computed using the function CalcPres. On the other hand, if
you start with a finitely presented group, then you can create a permutation representation
with the function PermRep (although there is no guarantee that the representation will be
faithful ingeneral).
The functions all compute and make use of a descending sequence of subgroups of G, starting
at Gand ending with a Sylow p-subgroup of G, and it is usually most efficient to have the
indices of the subgroups in this chain as small as possible. If you get a warning message,
and one of the function fails because the indices in the chain computed are too large, then
you can try to remedy matters by supplying your own chain. See Section 60.10 for more
details, and an example.
If you set the external variable InfoCohomolofy to the value Print, then a small amount of
information will be printed, indicating what is happening. If chr is the cohomology record
you are working with, and you set the field chr.verbose to the value true, then you will
see all the output of the external programs.
60.1 CHR
CHR(G,p, [F], [mats] )
CHR constructs a cohomology-record, which is used as a parameter for all of the other
functions in this chapter. Gmust be a finite permutation group, and pa prime number.
If present, Fmust either be zero or a finitely presented group with the same number of
generators as G, of which the relators are satisfied by the generators of G. In fact, to obtain
meaningful results, Fshould almost certainly be isomorphic to G. If present, mats should
be a list of invertible matrices over the finite field K=GF(p). The list should have the
same length as the number of generators of G, and the matrices should correspond to these
generators, and define a GF(p)G-module, which we will denote by M.
60.2 SchurMultiplier
chr must be a cohomology-record that was created by a call of CHR(G,p,[F],[mats]).
SchurMultiplier calculates the p-part Mulpof the Schur multiplier Mul of G. The result
is returned as a list of integers, which are the abelian invariants of Mulp. If the list is empty,
then Mulpis trivial.
60.3 CoveringGroup
chr must be a cohomology-record, created by a call of CHR(G,p,F,[mats]), where Fis a
finitely presented group. CoveringGroup calculates a presentation of a covering extension
of Mulpby G, where Mulpis the p-part of the Schur multiplier Mul of G. The set of
generators of the finitely presented group that is returned is a union of two sets, which are
in one-one correspondence with the generators of Fand of Mulp, respectively.
The relators fall into three classes:
a) Those that specify the orders of the generators of Mulp;
b) Those that say that the generators of M ulpare central; and
c) Those that give the values of the relators of Fas elements of Mulp.
60.4 FirstCohomologyDimension
chr must be a cohomology-record, created by a call of CHR(G,p,F,mats). (If there is no
finitely presented group Finvolved, then the third parameter of CHR should be given as 0.)
FirstCohomologyDimension calculates and returns the dimension over K=GF(p) of the
first cohomology group H1(G, M) of the group Gin its action on the module Mdefined by
the matrices mats.
60.5 SecondCohomologyDimension
chr must be a cohomology-record, created by a call of CHR(G,p,F,mats). (If there is no
finitely presented group Finvolved, then the third parameter of CHR should be given as 0.)
SecondCohomologyDimension calculates and returns the dimension over K=GF(p) of the
second cohomology group H2(G, M) of the group Gin its action on the module Mdefined
by the matrices mats.
60.6 SplitExtension
chr must be a cohomology-record, created by a call of CHR(G,p,F,mats), where Fis a
finitely presented group. SplitExtension returns a presentation of the split extension of
the module Mdefined by the matrices mats by the group G. This is a straightforward
calculation, and involves no call of the external cohomology programs. It is provided here
for convenience.
60.7 NonsplitExtension
NonsplitExtension(chr, [vec] )
chr must be a cohomology-record, created by a call of CHR(G,p,F,mats), where Fis a
finitely presented group. If present, vec must be a list of integers of length equal to the
dimension over K=GF(p) of the second cohomology group H2(G, M) of the group Gin
its action on the module Mdefined by the matrices mats.NonsplitExtension calculates
and returns a presentation of a nonsplit extension of Mby G. Since there may be many such
extensions, and the equivalence classes of these extensions are in one-one correspondence
with the nonzero elements of H2(G, M ), the optional second parameter can be used to
specify an element of H2(G, M) as a vector. The default value of this vector is [1,0,...,0].
The set of generators of the finitely presented group that is returned is a union of two sets,
which are in one-one correspondence with the generators of Fand of M(as an abelian
group), respectively.
The relators fall into three classes:
a) Those that say that Mis an abelian group of exponent p;
b) Those that define the action of the generators of Fon those of M; and
c) Those that give the values of the relators of Fas elements of M.
(Note:It is not particularly efficient to call SecondCohomologyDimension first to calculate
the dimension of H2(G, M), which must of course be known if the second parameter is to be
given; it is preferable to call NonsplitExtension immediately without the second parameter
(which will return one nonsplit extension), and then to call SecondCohomologyDimension,
which will at that stage return the required dimension immediately - all subsequent calls of
NonsplitExtension on chr will also yield immediate results.)
60.8 CalcPres
CalcPres computes a presentation of the permutation group chr.permgp on the same gen-
erators as chr.permgp, and stores it as chr .fpgp. It currently only works for groups of
order up to 32767, although that could easily be increased if required.
60.9 PermRep
PermRep calculates the permutation representation of the finitely presented group Fon
the right cosets of the subgroup K, and returns it as a permutation group of which the
generators correspond to those of F. It simply calls the GAP3 Todd-Coxeter function. Of
course, there is no guarantee in general that this representation will be faithful.
60.10 Further Information
Suppose, as usual, that the cohomology record chr was constructed with the call CHR(G,p,
[F],[mats]). All of the functions make use of a strictly decreasing chain of subgroups
of the permutation group Gstarting with Gitself and ending with a Sylow p-subgroup P
of G. In general, the programs run most efficiently if the indices between successive terms
in this sequence are as small as possible. By default, GAP3 will attempt to find a suitable
chain, when you call the first cohomology function on chr. However, you may be able to
construct a better chain yourself. If so, then you can do this by assigning the record field
chr.chain to the list Lof subgroups that you wish to use. You should do that before calling
any of the cohomology functions. Remeber that the first term in the list must be Gitself,
the sequence of subgroups must be strictly decreasing, and the last term must be equal to
the Sylow subgroup stored as chr .sylow. (You can change chr.sylow to a different Sylow
p-subgroup if you like.) Here is a slightly contrived example of this process.
gap> RequirePackage( "cohomolo" );
gap> G:=AlternatingGroup(16);;
gap> chr:=CHR(G,2);;
gap> InfoCohomology:=Print;;
gap> SchurMultiplier(chr);
#Indices in the subgroup chain are: 2027025 315
#WARNING: An index in the subgroup chain found is larger than 50000.
#This calculation may fail. See manual for possible remedies.
#I Cohomology package: Calling external program.
#I External program complete.
Error, ’Cohomology’ failed for some reason.
Cohomology( chr, true, false, false, TmpName( ) ) called from
SchurMultiplier( chr ) called from
main loop
brk> quit;
The first index in the chain found by GAP was hopelessly large. Let’s try and do better.
gap> P:=chr.sylow;;
gap> H1:=Subgroup(G, [(1,2)(9,10), (2,3,4,5,6,7,8),
> (1,9)(2,10)(3,11)(4,12)(5,13)(6,14)(7,15)(8,16)]);;
gap> Index(G,H1);
gap> H2:=Subgroup(H1, [(1,2)(5,6), (1,2)(9,10), (2,3,4),
> (1,5)(2,6)(3,7)(4,8),
> (1,9)(2,10)(3,11)(4,12)(5,13)(6,14)(7,15)(8,16)]);;
gap> Index(H1,H2);
gap> IsSubgroup(H2,P);
If that had been false, we could have replaced chr.sylow by a Sylow 2-subgroup of H2. As
it is true, we just continue.
gap> Index(H2,P);
gap> chr.chain := [G,H1,H2,P];;
gap> SchurMultiplier(chr);
#I Cohomology package: Calling external program.
#I External program complete.
#I Removing temporary files.
Chapter 61
CrystGap–The Crystallographic
Groups Package
The CrystGap package provides functions for the computation with affine crystallographic
groups, in particular space groups. Also provided are some functions dealing with related
linear matrix groups, such as point groups. For the definition of the standard crystallo-
graphic notions we refer to the International Tables [TH95], in particular the chapter by
Wondratschek [Won95], and to the introductory chapter in [BBN+78]. Some material can
also be found in the chapters 38.13 and 38.12. The principal algorithms used in this pack-
age are described in [EGN97b], a preprint of which in included in the doc directory of this
CrystGap is implemented in the GAP3 language, and runs on any system supporting GAP3 3.4.4.
The function WyckoffLattice, however, requires the share package XGap, which in turn runs
only under Unix. The functions described in this chapter can be used only after loading
CrystGap with the command
gap> RequirePackage( "cryst" );
CrystGap has been developed by
Bettina Eick
Lehrstuhl D f¨ur Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Franz G¨ahler
Centre de Physique Th´eorique, Ecole Polytechnique, F-91128 Palaiseau, France
Werner Nickel
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St Andrews,
St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland
Please send bug reports, suggestions and other comments to any of these e-mail addresses.
The first and third authors acknowledge financial support from the Graduiertenkolleg Ana-
lyse und Konstruktion in der Mathematik. The second author was supported by the Swiss
Bundesamt f¨ur Bildung und Wissenschaft in the framework of the HCM programme of the
European Community. This collaboration was in part made possible by financial support
from the HCM project Computational Group Theory.
61.1 Crystallographic Groups
An affine crystallographic group Gis a subgroup of the group of all Euclidean motions of
d-dimensional space, with the property that its subgroup Tof all pure translations is a
freely abelian, normal subgroup of G, which has rank at most equal to d, and which has
finite index in G.
In this package, the term CrystGroup always refers to such an affine crystallographic
group. Linear matrix groups, whether crystallographic or not, will carry different designa-
tions (see below). CrystGroups are represented as special matrix groups, whose elements
are affine matrices of the form
acting on row vectors (x, 1) from the right. Note that this is different from the crystallo-
graphic convention, where matrices usually act from the left on column vectors (see also
38.13). We have adopted this convention to maintain compatibility with the rest of GAP3.
The “linear”parts Mof the elements of a CrystGroup Ggenerate the point group Pof G,
which is isomorphic to the quotient G/T. There is a natural homomorphism from Gto P,
whose kernel is T. The translation vectors of the elements of Tgenerate a free Z-module L,
called the translation lattice of G. CrystGroups can be defined with respect to any basis
of Euclidean space, but internally most computations will be done in a basis which contains
a basis of L(see 61.3).
CrystGroups carry a special operations record CrystGroupOps, and are identified with a
tag isCrystGroup. CrystGroups must be constructed with a call to CrystGroup (see 61.4)
which sets the tag isCrystGroup to true, and sets the operations record to CrystGroupOps.
Warning: The groups in GAP3’s crystallographic groups library (see 38.13), whether they
are extracted with SpaceGroup or TransposedSpaceGroup, are not CrystGroups in the
sense of this package, because CrystGroups have different record entries and a different
operations record. However, a group extracted with TransposedSpaceGroup from that
library can be converted to a CrystGroup by a call to CrystGroup (see 61.4).
61.2 Space Groups
A CrystGroup which has a translation subgroup of full rank is called a space group.
Certain functions are available only for space groups, and not for general CrystGroups,
notably all functions dealing with Wyckoff positions (see 61.17).
Space groups which are equivalent under conjugation in the affine group (shortly: affine
equivalent space groups) are said to belong to the same space group type. As is well
known, in three dimensions there are 219 such space group types (if only conjugation by
transformations with positive determinant is allowed, there are 230).
Representatives of all space group types in dimensions 2, 3 and 4 can be obtained from
the crystallographic groups library contained in GAP3 (see 38.13). They must be extracted
with the function CrystGroup, and not with the usual extraction functions SpaceGroup and
TransposedSpaceGroup of that library, as these latter functions return groups which do not
have an operations record that would allow to compute with them. CrystGroup accepts
exactly the same arguments as SpaceGroup and TransposedSpaceGroup. It returns the
same group as TransposedSpaceGroup, but equipped with a working operations record.
Space group types (and thus space groups) are classified into Z-classes and Q-classes. Two
space groups belong to the same Z-class if their point groups, expressed in a basis of their
respective translation lattices, are conjugate as subgroups of GL(d, Z). If the point groups
are conjugate as subgoups of GL(d, Q), the two space groups are said to be in the same
Q-class. This provides also a classification of point groups (expressed in a lattice basis, i.e.,
integral point groups) into Z-classes and Q-classes.
For a given finite integral matrix group P, representing a point group expressed in a lattice
basis, a set of representative space groups for each space group type in the Z-class of P
can be obtained with SpaceGroupsPointGroup (see 61.16). If, moreover, the normalizer of
Pin GL(d, Z) is known (see 61.23), exactly one representative is obtained for each space
group type. Representatives of all Z-classes of maximal irreducible finite point groups are
contained in a GAP3 library (see 38.12) in all dimensions up to 11, and in prime dimensions
up to 23. For some other dimensions, at least Q-class representatives are available.
Important information about a space group is contained in its affine normalizer (see
61.27), which is the normlizer of the space group in the affine group. In a way, the affine
normalizer can be regarded as the symmetry of the space group.
Warning: Groups which are called space groups in this manual should not be confused with
groups extracted with SpaceGroup from the crystallographic groups library (see 38.13). The
latter are not CrystGroups in the sense of this package.
61.3 More about Crystallographic Groups
In this section we describe how a CrystGroup Gis represented internally. The casual user
can skip this section in a first reading. Although the generators of a CrystGroup can be
specified with respect to any basis, most computations are done internally in a special,
standard basis, which is stored in G.internalBasis. The results are translated into the
user-specified basis only afterwards. G.internalBasis consists of a (standard) basis of the
translation lattice of G, complemented, if necessary, with suitable standard basis vectors.
The standard basis of the translation lattice is stored in G.translations.
As soon as G.internalBasis has been determined, both the CrystGroup Gand its point
group Pobtain a component internalGenerators. For the point group P, the component
P.internalGenerators contains a set of generators of P, expressed with respect to the
internalBasis of G, whereas for the CrystGroup Gthe component G.internalGenerators
contains a set of homomorphic preimages of P.internalGenerators in G, also expressed
in the internalBasis of G. Thus G.internalGenerators does not contain any transla-
tion generators. These are easy to add, however: With respect to the internal basis, the
translations are generated by the first kstandard basis vectors, where kis the rank of the
translation lattice.
Note that the internalGenerators of both a point group Pand a CrystGroup Gmay
be changed by some functions, notably by FpGroup. Thus they need not have any obvious
connection to P.generators and G.generators, respectively. Internal record entries of a
CrystGroup should never be changed by the user.
61.4 CrystGroup
CrystGroup( matgroup )
CrystGroup( generating matrices )
CrystGroup( list of generators,identity )
CrystGroup( integers )
CrystGroup( string )
CrystGroup accepts as arguments either a group of affine matrices, or a list of generating
affine matrices, or an argument identifying a space group from the crystallographic groups
library, i.e., a list of two or five integers, or a string containing a Hermann-Mauguin symbol,
and converts it into a CrystGroup in the sense of this package. CrystGroup tests whether
the generators are indeed affine matrices.
61.5 IsCrystGroup
IsCrystGroup( G)
tests whether G.isCrystGroup is present and true.G.isCrystGroup is set by CrystGroup.
61.6 PointGroup
PointGroup( G)
extracts the point group Pof a space group G, binds it to G.pointGroup, and returns
it. It also determines the homomorphism from Gto P, and binds it to G.pointHomom.
A point group Phas always a component P.isPointGroup set to true, and a component
P.crystGroup containing the CrystGroup from which it was constructed.
61.7 TranslationsCrystGroup
TranslationsCrystGroup( G)
determines a basis of the translation lattice of G, binds it to G.translations, and returns
it. Note that this translation lattice is always invariant under the point group Pof G. If
G.translations is not yet present, a finite presentation of Pneeds to be determined. A ba-
sis of the translation lattice can also be added by the user, with AddTranslationsCrystGroup
(see 61.8).
Warning: The component G.translations must never be set by hand. The func-
tions TranslationsCrystGroup and AddTranslationsCrystGroups have important (and
wanted) side effects.
61.8 AddTranslationsCrystGroup
AddTranslationsCrystGroup( G,basis )
Since TranslationsCrystGroup (see 61.7) needs a presentation of the point group, the com-
putation of G.translations can be rather time consuming. If a basis of the translation lat-
tice is known, AddTranslationsCrystGroup can be used to add this knowledge to a Cryst-
Group. If G.translations is already known, its value is kept without further notice. It is
the responsibility of the user that the basis handed over to AddTranslationsCrystGroup is
a correct basis of the translation lattice. In case of doubt, the function CheckTranslations
(see 61.9) can be used to check whether the basis added was indeed correct.
Warning: The component G.translations must never be set by hand. The func-
tions TranslationsCrystGroup and AddTranslationsCrystGroups have important (and
wanted) side effects.
61.9 CheckTranslations
CheckTranslations( G)
checks whether G.translations is indeed correct. If G.translations is incorrect, a warn-
ing message is printed, otherwise GAP3 remains silent. In the case of an incorrect translation
basis a new CrystGroup must be created, and the computations must be started afresh,
because the wrong translation basis may have produced wrong information components.
CheckTranslations is useful if a basis has been added with AddTranslationsCrystGroup,
and doubts arise later whether the basis added was correct.
61.10 ConjugatedCrystGroup
ConjugatedCrystGroup( G,c)
returns a new CrystGroup which is a conjugate of G. The conjugator ccan either be a
d-dimensional linear matrix (which then is complemented with the zero translation), or a
(d+ 1)-dimensional affine matrix. The generators are conjugated as gc=cgc1. Some
components which are bound in Gare copied and translated to the new basis, in par-
ticular G.generators,G.translations,G.internalBasis, and G.wyckoffPositons. If
G.internalBasis is bound,
ConjugatedCrystGroup( G, G.internalBasis )
returns a CrystGroup whose translation lattice (of rank k) is generated by the first krows
of the identity matrix. ConjugatedCrystGroup allows as input only a parent CrystGroup.
61.11 FpGroup for point groups
FpGroup( P)
computes a finite presentation of the point group P, and binds it to P.fpGroup. If P(and
thus its CrystGroup G := P.crystGroup) is solvable, a power-commutator presentation is
Warning: If Pis solvable, the abstract generators are not necessarily isomorphic images
of P.generators (see 61.3).
61.12 FpGroup for CrystGroups
FpGroup( G)
computes a finite presentation of the CrystGroup G, and binds it to G.fpGroup. If the
point group (and thus G) is solvable, a power-commutator presentation is returned. The
presentation is always an extension of the presentation of the point group (which is computed
if necessary).
Warning: The abstract generators of the presentation are not necessarily isomorphic images
of G.generators (see 61.3).
61.13 MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives
MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives( S, "translationEqual", [, ind ] )
MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives( S, "classEqual", ind )
MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives( S, ind )
returns a list of conjugacy class representatives of maximal subgroups of the CrystGroup
S. If ind is present, which must be a prime or a list of primes, only those subgroups are
returned whose index is a power of a prime contained in or equal to ind. If the flag “transla-
tionEqual”is present, only those subgroups are returned which are translation-equal (trans-
lationengleich) with S. If the flag “classEqual”is present, only those subgroups are return
which are class-equal (klassengleich) with S.ind is optional only if the flag “latticeEqual”is
present. In all other cases, ind is required.
61.14 IsSpaceGroup
IsSpaceGroup( S)
determines whether the CrystGroup Sis a space group (see 61.1).
61.15 IsSymmorphicSpaceGroup
IsSymmorphicSpaceGroup( S)
determines whether the space group Sis symmorphic. A space group is called symmorphic
if it is equivalent to a semidirect product of its point group with its translation subgroup.
61.16 SpaceGroupsPointGroup
SpaceGroupsPointGroup( P)
SpaceGroupsPointGroup( P,normalizer elements )
where Pis any finite subgroup of GL(d, Z),returns a list of all space groups with point
group P, up to conjugacy in the full translation group of Euclidean space. All these space
groups are returned as CrystGroups in standard representation. If a second argument is
present, which must be a list of elements of the normalizer of Pin GL(d, Z),only space
groups inequivalent under conjugation with these elements are returned. If these normalizer
elements, together with P, generate the full normalizer of Pin GL(d, Z), then exactly one
representative of each space group type is obtained.
61.17 Wyckoff Positions
A Wyckoff position of a space group Gis an equivalence class of points in Euclidean space,
having stabilizers which are conjugate subgroups of G. Apart from a subset of lower di-
mension, which contains points with even bigger stabilizers, a Wyckoff position consists of
aG-orbit of some affine subspace A. A Wyckoff position Wtherefore can be specified by
a representative affine subspace Aand its stabilizer subgroup. In CrystGap, a Wyckoff
position Wis represented as a record with the following components:
Basis of the linear space Lparallel to A. This basis is also a basis of the intersection
of Lwith the translation lattice of S.
Can be extracted with WyckoffBasis( W ).
W.translation is such that A = L + W.translation.
Can be extracted with WyckoffTranslation( W ).
The stabilizer subgroup of any generic point in A.
Can be extracted with WyckoffStabilizer( W ).
Wyckoff positions carry the same class label if and only if their stabilizers have point
groups which are conjugate subgroups of the point group of S.
Can be extracted with WyckoffPosClass( W ).
The space group of which it is a Wyckoff position.
Can be extracted with WyckoffSpaceGroup( W ).
A flag identifying the record as a Wyckoff position. It is set to true.
Can be tested with IsWyckoffPosition( W ).
The operations record of a Wyckoff position. It currently contains only a Print
61.18 WyckoffPositions
WyckoffPositions( G)
returns the list of all Wyckoff positions of the space group G.
61.19 WyckoffPositionsByStabilizer
WyckoffPositionsByStabilizer( G,U),
where Gis a space group and Ua subgroup of the point group or a list of such subgroups,
determines only the Wyckoff positions (see 61.18) having a representative affine subspace
whose stabilizer has a point group equal to the subgroup Uor contained in the list U,
61.20 WyckoffPositionsQClass
WyckoffPositionsQClass( G,S)
For space groups with larger point groups, most of the time in the computation of Wyckoff
positions (see 61.18) is spent computing the subgroup lattice of the point group. If Wyckoff
positions are needed for several space groups which are in the same Q class, and therefore
have isomorphic point groups, one can avoid recomputing the same subgroup lattice for each
of them as follows. For the computation of the Wyckoff positions of the first space group S
one uses a call to WyckoffPositions. For the remaining space groups, Sis then passed as
a second argument to WyckoffPositionsQClass( G,S), which uses some of the results
already obtained for S.
61.21 WyckoffOrbit
WyckoffOrbit( W )
takes a Wyckoff position W(see 61.17) and returns a list of Wyckoff positions which are
different representations of W, such that the representative affine subspaces of these repre-
sentations form an orbit under the space group Gof W, modulo lattice translations.
61.22 WyckoffLattice
WyckoffLattice( G)
If a point xin a Wyckoff position W1has a stabilizer which is a subgroup of the stabilizer
of some point yin a Wyckoff position W2,then the closure of W1will contain W2. These
incidence relations are best represented in a graph. WyckoffLattice( G)determines and
displays this graph using XGAP (note that XGAP runs only under Unix plus the X Window
System). Each Wyckoff position is represented by a vertex. If W1contains W2, its vertex
is placed below that of W2(i.e., Wyckoff positions with bigger stabilizers are placed higher
up), and the two are connected, either directly (if there is no other Wyckoff position in
between) or indirectly. With the left mouse button and with the XGAP CleanUp menu it
is possible to change the layout of the graph (see the XGAP manual). When clicking with
the right mouse button on a vertex, a pop up menu appears, which allows to obtain the
following information about the representative affine subspace of the Wyckoff position:
Dimension of the affine subspace of stable points.
Size of the stabilizer subgroup.
Number of Wyckoff positions having a stabilizer whose point group is in the same
subgroup conjugacy class.
Information about the stabilizer subgroup.
Isomorphism type of the stabilizer subgroup. Works only for small sizes.
Prints (in the GAP3 window) information about each of the conjugacy classes of the
stabilizer, namely the order, the trace and the determinant of its elements, and the
size of the conjugacy class. Note that trace refers here only to the trace of the point
group part, without the trailing 1 of the affine matrix.
61.23. NORMALIZERGL 1043
The representative point of the affine subspace.
The basis of the linear space parallel to the affine subspace.
61.23 NormalizerGL
NormalizerGL( G ),
where Gis a finite subgroup of GL(d,Z), returns the normalizer of Gin GL(d,Z). At present,
this function is available only for groups which are the point group of a CrystGroup extracted
from the space group library.
61.24 CentralizerGL
CentralizerGL( G ),
where Gis a finite subgroup of GL(d,Z), returns the centralizer of Gin GL(d,Z). At present,
this function is available only for groups which are the point group of a CrystGroup extracted
from the space group library.
61.25 PointGroupsBravaisClass
PointGroupsBravaisClass( B )
PointGroupsBravaisClass( B [, norm ] )
where Bis a finite integral matrix group, returns a list of representatives of those conjugacy
classes of subgroups of Bwhich are in the same Bravais class as B. These representatives
are returned as parent groups, not subgroups. If Bis a Bravais group, the list contains
a representative of each point group in the Bravais class of B. If a second argument is
present, which must be a list of elements of the normalizer of Bin GL(d, Z), only subgroups
inequivalent under conjugation with these elements are returned.
61.26 TranslationNormalizer
TranslationNormalizer( S )
returns the normalizer of the space group Sin the full translation group. At present, this
function is implemented only for space groups, not for general CrystGroups. The translation
normalizer TN of Smay contain a continuous subgroup C. A basis of the space of such
continuous translations is bound in TN.continuousTranslations. Since this subgroup
is not finitely generated, it is not contained in the group generated by TN.generators.
Properly speaking, the translation normalizer is the span of TN and Ctogether.
61.27 AffineNormalizer
AffineNormalizer( S )
returns the affine normalizer of the space group S. The affine normalizer contains the trans-
lation normalizer as a subgroup. Similarly as with TranslationNormalizer, the subgroup
Cof continuous translations, which is not finitely generated, is not part of the group that is
returned. However, a basis of the space of continuous translations is bound in the component
At present, this function is available only for for space groups, not for general CrystGroups.
Moreover, the NormalizerGL (see 61.23) of the point group of Smust be know, which
currently is the case only for CrystGroups extracted from the space group library.
61.28 AffineInequivalentSubgroups
AffineInequivalentSubgroups( sub )
takes as input a list of subgroups with common parent space group S, and returns a sublist
of those which are affine inequivalent. For this, the affine normalizer of Sis required, which
currently is available only if Sis a space group extracted from the space groups library.
61.29 Other functions for CrystGroups
In the operations record of a CrystGroup many of the usual GAP3 functions are replaced
with a CrystGroup specific implementation. For other functions the default implementation
can be used. Since CrystGroups are matrix groups, all functions which work for a finite
matrix group should work also for a finite CrystGroup (i.e., one which contains no pure
translations). Of course, functions which require a finite group as input will work only
for finite CrystGroups. Following is a (probably not exhaustive) list of functions that are
known to work for also for infinite CrystGroups.
Parent, IsParent, Group, IsGroup
Subgroup, IsSubgroup, AsSubgroup, Index
Centralizer, Centre, Normalizer
Closure, NormalClosure
Intersection, NormalIntersection
ConjugacyClassSubgroups, ConjugateSubgroups
DerivedSubgroup, CommutatorSubgroup, Core
DerivedSeries, SubnormalSeries
FactorGroup, CommutatorFactorGroup
ConjugateSubgroup, TrivialSubgroup
IsAbelian, IsCentral, IsTrivial
IsNormal, IsSubnormal, IsPerfect, IsSolvable
The following functions work for CrystGroups provided the subgroup Hhas finite index
in G. The elements of the resulting domain are given in ascending order (with respect to an
ad hoc, but fixed ordering).
Cosets( G, H )
RightCosets( G, H )
LeftCosets( G, H )
The following functions dealing with group operations work for CrystGroups provided the
orbits of the action are finite. Since CrystGroups are not finite in general, this is a non-
trivial requirement, and so some care is needed.
61.30. COLOR GROUPS 1045
Orbit( G, d, opr )
Orbits( G, D, opr )
OrbitLengths( G, D, opr )
Stabilizer( G, d, opr )
RepresentativeOperation( G, d, e, opr )
RepresentativesOperation( G, d, opr )
The following functions have a CrystGroup specific implementation, but work for finite
CrystGroups only:
Elements( G )
ConjugacyClasses( G )
PermGroup( G )
SylowSubgroup( G, p )
61.30 Color Groups
Elements of a color group Care colored in the following way. The elements having the
same color as C.identity form a subgroup H, which has finite index nin C.His called
the ColorSubgroup of C. Elements of Chave the same color if and only if they are in the
same right coset of Hin C. A fixed list of right cosets of Hin C, called ColorCosets,
therefore determines a labelling of the colors, which runs from 1 to n. Elements of H
by definition have color 1, i.e., the coset with representative C.identity is always the
first element of ColorCosets. Right multiplication by a fixed element gof Cinduces a
permutation p(g) of the colors of the parent of C. This defines a natural homomorphism of
Cinto the permutation group of degree n. The image of this homomorphism is called the
ColorPermGroup of C, and the homomorphism to it is called the ColorHomomorphism of C.
61.31 ColorGroup
A color group is constructed with
ColorGroup( G, H ),
which returns a colored copy of G, with color subgroup H.Gmust be a parent group, and
Hmust be a finite index subgroup of G. Color subgroups must be constructed as subgroups
of color parent groups, and not by coloring uncolored subgroups. Subgroups of color groups
will inherit the coloring of their parent, including the labelling of the colors.
Color groups are identified with a tag isColorGroup. They always have a component
colorSubgroup. Color parent groups moreover always have a component colorCosets,
which fixes a labelling of the colors.
Groups which may be colored include, in particular, CrystGroups, but coloring of any finite
group, such as a finite matrix group or permutation group, should work as well.
61.32 IsColorGroup
IsColorGroup( G )
checks whether G.isColorGroup is bound and true.
61.33 ColorSubgroup
ColorSubgroup( G )
returns the color subgroup of G.
61.34 ColorCosets
ColorCosets( G )
returns the color cosets of G.
61.35 ColorOfElement
ColorOfElement( G, elem )
returns the color of an element.
61.36 ColorPermGroup
ColorPermGroup( G )
returns the ColorPermGroup of G, which is the permutation group induced by Gacting on
the colors of the parent of G.
61.37 ColorHomomorphism
ColorHomomorphism( G )
returns the homomomorphism from Gto its ColorPermGroup.
61.38 Subgroup for color groups
If Cis a color group,
Subgroup( C, [elems] )
returns a colored subgroup of C, whereas
C.operations.UncoloredSubgroup( C, [elems] )
returns an ordinary, uncolored subgroup.
61.39 PointGroup for color CrystGroups
If Cis a color CrystGroup whose color subgroup is lattice-equal (or translationengleich)
with C, the point group of Ccan consistently be colored. In that case,
PointGroup( C )
returns a colored point group. Otherwise, the point group will be uncolored. An uncolored
point group can always be obtained with
C.operations.UncoloredPointGroup( C )
61.40 Inequivalent colorings of space groups
Two colorings of a space group Sare equivalent if the two ColorSubgroups are conjugate
in the affine normalizer of S.
AffineInequivalentSubgroups( L )
where Lis a list of sub space groups with a common parent space group S, returns a
list of affine inequivalent subgroups from L. At present, this routine is supported only for
CrystGroups constructed from the space group library.
A list of prime index psubgroups of S(actually, a list of conjugacy class representatives of
such subgroups) can be obtained with
Filtered( MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives( S, p ), U -> U.index = p )
These two routines together therefore allow to determine all inequivalent colorings of Swith
Chapter 62
The Double Coset Enumerator
62.1 Double Coset Enumeration
Double Coset Enumeration (DCE) can be seen either as a space- (and time-) saving variant
of ordinary Coset Enumeration (the Todd-Coxeter procedure), as a way of constructing
finite quotients of HNN-extensions of known groups or as a way of constructing groups
given by symmetric presentations in a sense defined by Robert Curtis. A double coset
enumeration works with a finitely-presented group G, a finitely generated subgroup H(given
by generators) and a finite subgroup K, given explicitly, usually as a permutation group.
The action of Gon the cosets of Hdivides into orbits under K, and is constructed as such,
using only a relatively small amount of information for each orbit.
The next two sections 62.2 and 62.3 describe the authorship of the package, and the simple
procedure for installing it.
In 62.4 the calculation performed by the double coset enumerator, and the meaning of the
input is described more precisely. The following sections: 62.5, 62.6 and 62.7 describe how
the input is organized as GAP3 data, and a number of examples are given in 62.8.
The data structure returned by DCE is described in 62.9 and the control of the comments
printed during calculation in 62.10. Succeeding sections: 62.11, 62.12, 62.13, 62.14, 62.15
and 62.16 describe the basic functions used to run DCE, extract information from the result,
and save and restore double coset tables. The use of these functions is shown in 62.17.
The user can exert considerable control over the behaviour of DCE, as described in 62.18
and 62.19.
Since double coset enumeration can construct permutation representations of very high
degree, it may not be feasible to extract permutations from the result. Nevertheless, some
analysis of the permutation representation may be possible. This is described in 62.20 and
the functions used are documented in: 62.21, 62.22 and 62.23 and demonstrated in 62.24.
Finally, the link with Robert Curtis’ notion of a symmetric presentation is described in 62.25
with detailed documentation in 62.26 and 62.27.
More detailed documentation of the data structures used in double coset enumeration, and
the internal functions available to access them is found in the document “GAP Double Coset
Enumerator – Internals”, found in the doc directory of the dce package.
62.2 Authorship and Contact Information
The dce package was written by Steve Linton of the Division of Computer Science, University
of St. Andrews, North Haugh, St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS, UK
e-mail:, and any problems or questions should be directed to him.
The work was done mainly during a visit to Lehrstuhl D f”ur Mathematik, RWTH-Aachen,
Aachen, Germany, and the author gratefuly acknowledges the hospitality of Lehrstuhl D
and the financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
62.3 Installing the DCE Package
The DCE package is completely written in the GAP3 language, it does not require any
additional programs and/or compilations. It will run on any computer that runs GAP3. In
the following we will describe the installation under UNIX. The installation on the Atari
ST, TT or IBM PC is similar.
In the example we give we will assume that GAP3 is installed in the home directory of a
pseudo user gap and that you, as user gap, want to install the DCE package. Note that
certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline, especially
file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file dce.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p2 where 2is to be replaced by
the current the patch level.
user@host:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap gap 1024 Jul 8 14:05 gap3r4p2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 76768 Sep 11 12:33 dce.zoo
user@host:~ > ls -l gap3r4p2
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 3072 Aug 26 11:53 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Jul 8 14:05 grp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Aug 26 09:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 2048 Aug 26 09:42 src
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Aug 26 09:42 tst
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p2 to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
user@host:~ > unzoo x dce.zoo
user@host:~ > ls -l gap3r4p2/pkg/dce
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 1536 Nov 22 04:16 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 116553 Nov 22 04:02 init.g
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 48652 Nov 22 04:18 dce.tex
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 549708 Nov 22 04:18 dce.dvi
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 14112 Nov 22 04:18 dce-inte.tex
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 116553 Nov 22 03:41 dce.g
Copy the file dce.tex into the doc/ directory, and edit manual.tex (also in the doc/
directory) and add a line \Include{dce} after the line \Include{cohomolo} near the end
of the file. Finally run latex again (see 56.3).
user@host:~ > cd gap3r4p2/pkg/dce
user@host:../dce > cp dce.tex ../../doc
user@host:../dce > cd ../../doc
user@host:../doc > vi manual.tex # and add the necessary line
user@host:../doc > latex manual
# a few messages about undefined references
user@host:../doc > latex manual
# a few messages about undefined references
user@host:../doc > makeindex manual
# ’makeindex’ prints some diagnostic output
user@host:../doc > latex manual
# there should be no warnings this time
Now it is time to test the installation. Let us assume that the executable of GAP3 lives in
src/ and is called gap.
user@host:~/gap3r4p2 > src/gap -b
gap> RequirePackage( "dce" );
gap> k := SymmetricGroup(3);
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> c := AbstractGenerator("c");;
gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
gap> S5Pres := rec(
> groupK := k,
> gainGroups := [rec(), rec(dom := 3)],
> gens := [rec(name := c, invol := true, wgg := 2),
> rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1)],
> relators := [DCEWord(k,c*d)^3,DCEWord(k,[(2,3),c])^3],
> subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3)), DCEWord(k,(1,2)), DCEWord(k,c)]);
groupK := Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),
gainGroups := [ rec(
), rec(
dom := 3 ) ],
gens := [ rec(
name := c,
invol := true,
wgg := 2 ), rec(
name := d,
invol := true,
wgg := 1 ) ],
relators :=
[ DCEWord(Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),[c, d])^3, DCEWord(Group( (1,3),
(2,3) ),[(2,3), c])^3 ],
subgens :=
[ DCEWord(Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),[(1,2,3)]), DCEWord(Group( (1,3),
(2,3) ),[(1,2)]), DCEWord(Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),[c]) ] )
gap> u := DCE(S5Pres);
#I Set up generators and inverses
#I Set up column structure: 4 columns
#I Pre-processed relators
#I Done subgroup generators
#I Also done relators in subgroup
#I Pushing at weight 3
#I 1 double 1 single 1 blanks
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
#I 1 cases
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
#I 1 cases
#I Pushing at weight 5
#I 3 double 5 single 1 blanks
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
#I 1 cases
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
#I 1 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
#I 2 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
#I 3 cases
#I Pushing at weight 101
#I 3 double 5 single 0 blanks
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
#I 1 cases
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
#I 1 cases
#I Pushing at weight 103
#I 3 double 5 single 0 blanks
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
#I 1 cases
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
#I 1 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
#I 2 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
#I 1 cases
<< Double coset table "No name" closed 3 double 5 single >>
If RequirePackage signals an error check the permissions of the subdirectories pkg/ and
62.4 Mathematical Introduction
Coset Enumeration can be considered as a means of constructing a permutation represen-
tation of a finitely-presented group. Let Gbe such a group, and let Ω = H\Gbe the set
of right cosets of a subgroup H, on which Gacts. Let Kbe a subgroup of G. The action
of Kwill divide Ω into orbits corresponding to the double cosets H\G/K. Now, suppose
that xGand let L=KKx1. Let DH\G/K be a double coset and let dbe a fixed
single coset contained in it (so that D=dK). Let lL. Then
(dl)x= (dx)lx(dx)K
so that the action of xon Ω can be computed from its action on a set of orbit representatives
of Land its action on L, which takes place within K. If Lis large this can provide a con-
siderable saving of space. This space saving is the motivation for double coset enumeration.
The group Lis called the gain group of x, since the space saving is approximately a factor
of |L|.
The input to the double coset enumeration algorithm includes a specification of a group
K, and of a set of generators X. For each xX, a pair of subgroups Lx, L(x)Kis
given, together with an isomorphism θx:LxL(x). This information defines a group F,
obtained from the free product of Kwith the free group FXby requiring that each xact
by conjugation on Lxaccording to the map θx. Technically Fis a multiple HNN-extension
of K.
The final parts of the input (mathematically speaking, in practice additional input is used to
guide the program towards efficiency) are a set of relators Rand a set of subgroup generators
W, consisting of elements of the free product of Kand FX, that is words composed of the
letters xand elements of K.
The algorithm then constructs a compact representation of the action of a group G=F/N,
where N=hRiF, on the set Ω of cosets of H=hWiN/N. This can also be viewed as a
permutation action of F, with kernel Nand point stabiliser hWiN. We take this view to
avoid writing KN/N all the time.
This representation is organized in terms of the orbits (double cosets) of Kon Ω. For each
orbit D, an arbitrary representative dDis chosen, and the group Md= StabK(d) is
recorded (as a subgroup of K). For historical reasons this group is known as the “muddle
group of the double coset. This allows us to refer to elements of Ω by expressions of the
form dk, with
d1k1=d2k2d1=d2and k1k1
We call such an expression a name for the element of Ω.
In addition for each xX, and for each orbit of Lxcontained in D, with representative dk,
a name for the point dkx is recorded. By the arguments of the initial paragraph, the action
of xon any dk can then be computed, and the action of Kis by right multiplication, so the
full action of F(or equivalently G) is available.
62.5 Gain Group Representation
In the representation described in section 62.4, computing the action of a generator xon a
double coset named dk depends on finding the Lx-orbit representative of dk. The Lxorbits
lying in D=dKcorrespond to the double cosets Md\K/Lxand so to the orbits of Mdon
the left cosets Lx.
The effect of this is that the program spends most of its time computing with the action of
Kon the left cosets of the various groups Lx. If this action can be represented in some more
direct way, such as an action on points, tuples or sets, then there is a huge performance gain.
The input format of the program is set up to reflect this. Each gain group Lxis specified
by giving an action of Kon some domain which is permutationally equivalent to the action
of Kon left cosets of Lx.
It sometimes happens that two generators xand yhave identical, or conjugate, gain groups.
The program does a considerable amount of pre-computation with each gain group, and
builds some potentially large data structures, so it is sensible to combine these for identical
or conjugate gain groups. To allow this, the gain groups are specified as one part of the
input, and then another part specifies, for each generator, a reference to the gain group and
possibly a conjugating element.
62.6 DCE Words
As indicated in section 62.4, the relators and subgroup generators are specified as elements
of the free product, KFXwhich is to say products of elements of Kand generators from
X(and their inverses). These are represented in GAP3 as DCE Words, created using the
DCEWord function. This is called as DCEWord(K, l) where lis an element of K, a word
in abstract generators or a list of these. DCE Words are in GroupElements and can be
multiplied (when the groups Kmatch), inverted, raised to powers and so forth.
Note that the abstract generators are used here simply as place-holders. Although, in
general, creating abstract generators with AbstractGenerator rather than FreeGroup is a
bad idea, it will not cause problems here. A new version of this package will be produced
for GAP3 4 which will avoid this problem.
62.7 DCE Presentations
The input to the GAP3 Double Coset Enumerator is presented as a record. This has the
following compulsory components.
groupK The group K, given as a GAP3 group. In general, it is best to represent K
as a permutation group of low degree.
gainGroups This specifies the types (K-conjugacy classes) of gain groups Lassociated
with the generators. It takes the form of a list of records, each with the following
dom – A representative of a set on which Kacts in the same way that it acts on
the left cosets of L. If this is not given then L=Kand other fields are set
op – The operation of Kon this set. This should be a GAP3 operation such
as OnPoints. If op is not given, and dom is an integer then op defaults to
OnPoints. If op is not given and dom is a set, then the op defaults to OnSets.
gens This field specifies the generators (the set X). It is a list of records, each with
the fields:
name – The abstract generator that will be used to denote this generator in the
relations and subgroup generators.
invol – A Boolean value indicating whether this generator should be considered
as its own inverse. Default false.
inverse – The ’name’ of the inverse of this generator. This field is ignored if
invol is present. If both inverse and invol are absent then a new generator
will be created to be an inverse.
wgg – The index (in gainGroups) of the gain group of this generator (up to
ggconj – The gain group conjugator. The actual gain group of this generator will
be that defined by entry wgg of the gainGroups list, conjugated by the element
ggconj (of K). If this field is absent then it is taken to be the identity of K.
action – This specifies the isomorphism θxinduced by xbetween Lxand Lx1.
It can be false, indicating no action, an element of K, indicating action by
conjugation, or it can be an explicit isomorphism. The default is false. If an
explicit homomorphism is given and the the field invol is not present, then
the field inverse must be present; that is, a generator inverse to xcannot be
synthesized in this case.
relators The relations of the presentation, as a list of DCE Words. Certain addi-
tional fields may be added to the words (which are represented as records) to optimize
the calculation. These are described below.
subgens The generators of H, as a list of DCE Words.
62.8 Examples of Double Coset Enumeration
To save space and avoid clutter the examples are shown without the gap> and >prompts, as
they might appear in an input file. For examples of DCE in operation see 62.17 and 62.19.
The Symmetric group of degree 5
It is well known that
G=S5=ha, b, c, d |a2=b2=c2=d2= (ab)3= (bc)3= (cd)3=
(ac)2= (ad)2= (bd)2= 1.
For brevity we denote this presentation by a Coxeter diagram:
b b b b
a b c d
We let K=ha, b i
=S3and identify awith (1,2) and bwith (2,3). Then Gis generated
by Kand X={c, d}. We can see from the presentation that Lc=hai= StabK(3), while
Ld=K. We set H=ha, b, c i
=S4and obtain the following presentation:
gap> k := SymmetricGroup(3);
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> c := AbstractGenerator("c");;
gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
gap> S5Pres := rec(
> groupK := k,
> gainGroups := [rec(), # default to L=K
> rec(dom := 3)], # default to action on points
> gens := [rec(name := c, invol := true, wgg := 2),
> rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1)],
> relators := [DCEWord(k,c*d)^3,DCEWord(k,[(2,3),c])^3],
> subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3)), DCEWord(k,(1,2)), DCEWord(k,c)]);;
The Weyl Group of Type E6
We consider another group given by a Coxeter presentation
a b c d e
This time we take K=H=ha, b, c, d, e i
=S6and obtain the presentation:
gap> k := SymmetricGroup(6);
Group( (1,6), (2,6), (3,6), (4,6), (5,6) )
gap> f := AbstractGenerator("f");;
gap> WE6Pres := rec (
> groupK := k,
> gainGroups := [rec(dom := [1,2,3])], # action defaults to OnSets
> gens := [rec(name := f,wgg := 1, invol := true)],
> relators := [DCEWord(k,[(3,4),f])^3],
> subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3,4,5,6)),DCEWord(k,(1,2))] );;
To illustrate other features of the program, we consider the presentation of S5again, but
this time we choose K=hb, c i
=S3and identify bwith (1,2) and cwith (2,3). Now
La=hci= StabK(1), while Ld=hbi= StabK(3). These are two conjugate subgroups of
K, so we can use the ggconj feature to combine the data structures for them.
We can present this as:
gap> k := SymmetricGroup(3);
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
gap> b := (1,2);;
gap> c := (2,3);;
gap> S5PresA := rec (
> groupK := k,
> gainGroups := [rec(dom := 1)],
> gens := [rec(name := a, invol := true, wgg := 1),
> rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1, ggconj := (1,3))],
> relators := [DCEWord(k,[c,d])^3,DCEWord(k,[a,b])^3,
> DCEWord(k,[a,d])^2],
> subgens := [DCEWord(k,(1,2,3)),DCEWord(k,(1,2)), DCEWord(k,a)] );;
The Harada-Norton Group
The almost-simple group HN : 2 can be constructed as follows. Take the symmetric group
S12 acting naturally on {1,...,12}and let Lbe the stabiliser of {1,2,3,4,5,6}. Then
=S6×S6. Extend S12 by adjoining an element awhich normalizes Land acts on
each factor S6by its outer automorphism. Impose the additional relations a2= 1 and
(a(6,7))5= 1.
With H=K, this construction translates directly into DCE input:
gap> a := AbstractGenerator("a");;
gap> K := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12),(1,2));;
gap> L := Stabilizer(K,[1,2,3,4,5,6],OnSets);;
gap> f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( L,L,
> [(1,5,4,3,2),(5,6),(12,8,9,10,11),(7,8)],
> [(1,5,4,3,2),(1,4)(2,3)(5,6),(12,8,9,10,11),(12,9)(10,11)(7,8)] );;
gap> HNPres := rec(
> groupK := K,
> gainGroups := [ rec(dom := [1,2,3,4,5,6], op := OnSets)],
> gens := [ rec( name := a, invol := true, wgg := 1, action := f)],
> relators := [DCEWord(K,[a,(6,7)])^5],
> strategy := rec(whichStrategy := "HLT", EC := [1140000]),
> subgens := [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12),(1,2)]);;
A Non-permutation Example
The programs were written with the case of Ka permutation group uppermost in the
author’s mind, however other representations are possible.
In this example, we represent the symmetric group S4as an AG-group in the Coxeter
presentation of S6. This example also demonstrates the explicit use of the action of Kon
left cosets of Lx, when no suitable action on points, sets or similar is available.
gap> k := AgGroup(SymmetricGroup(4));
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> a := PreImage(k.bijection,(1,2));
gap> b := PreImage(k.bijection,(2,3));
gap> c := PreImage(k.bijection,(3,4));
gap> d := AbstractGenerator("d");;
gap> e := AbstractGenerator("e");;
gap> l := Subgroup(k,[a,b]);
Subgroup( Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 ), [ g1, g1*g2 ] )
gap> OurOp := function(cos,g)
> return g^-1*cos; # note the inversion
> end;;
gap> Pres := rec (
> groupK := k,
> gainGroups := [rec(dom := k.identity*l, op := OurOp),rec()],
> gens := [rec(name := d, invol := true, wgg := 1),
> rec(name := e, invol := true, wgg := 2)],
> relators := [DCEWord(k,d*e)^3,DCEWord(k,[c,d])^3],
> subgens := [DCEWord(k,a),DCEWord(k,b), DCEWord(k,c),DCEWord(k,d)]);;
62.9 The DCE Universe
The various user functions described below operate on a record called a DCE Universe.
This is created by the function DCESetup (or by DCE, which calls DCESetup) and is then
passed as first argument to all other DCE functions. The following fields are likely to be of
most interest:
KThe group K. For brevity this group is given the name “K”.
pres The presentation from which this universe was created.
isDCEUniverse Always true.
status A string describing the status of the enumeration. Values include:
“in end game” – The program believes that the enumeration is almost complete
and has shifted to a Felsch-like strategy to try and finish it.
“early-closed” – The table is closed, that is has no blank entries, but the program
has not actually proved that the permutation representation described satisfies
all the relations. The program will stop under these circumstances if the degree
falls within a range set by the user (see 62.18
“running” – Enumeration is in progress.
“closed” – The enumeration has been completed.
“Setting up” – The data structures are still being initialized.
“Set up” – The data structures are initialized but computation has not yet started.
degree The number of single cosets represented by the current double coset table.
dcct The number of double cosets in the current table.
62.10 Informational Messages from DCE
The level of information printed by the programs can be controlled by setting the vari-
ables InfoDCE1,InfoDCE2,InfoDCE3 and InfoDCE4. These can be (sensibly) set to either
DCEInfoPrint or to Ignore. By default InfoDCE1 is set to DCEInfoPrint and the rest to
Ignore. Setting further variables to DCEInfoPrint produces more detailed comments. The
higher numbered variables are intended mainly for debugging.
62.11 DCE
The basic command to run the double coset enumerator is DCE. This takes one argument,
the presentation record in the format described above, and returns a DCE Universe of status
“closed” or “early-closed”. The exact details of operation are controlled by various fields in
the input structure, as described in 62.18.
62.12. DCESETUP 1059
62.12 DCESetup
This function is called by DCE to initialize all the data structures needed. It returns a DCE
Universe of status “Set up”.
62.13 DCEPerm
This function computes the permutation action of the DCEWord word on the single cosets
described by universe. The status of universe should be “closed” or “early-closed”. The
first time this function (or DCEPerms) is called some large data structures are computed and
stored in universe.
62.14 DCEPerms
This function returns a list of permutations which generate the permutation group described
by universe, which should have status “closed” or “early-closed”. The permutations corre-
spond to the generators Xof the presentation (except any which are inverses of preceding
generators) and then to the generators of K.
62.15 DCEWrite
This function writes selected information from the DCE Universe universe onto the file
filename in a format suitable for recovery with DCERead.
62.16 DCERead
This function recovers the information written to file filename by DCEWrite.universe must
be a DCE Universe of status “Set up”, created from exactly the same presentation as was
used to create the universe originally written to the file.
62.17 Example of DCE Functions
We take the first example presentation above, run it and demonstrate the above functions
on the result.
gap> k := S5Pres.groupK;;
gap> c := S5Pres.gens[1].name;;
gap> d := S5Pres.gens[2].name;;
gap> u := DCE(S5Pres);
#I Set up generators and inverses
#I Set up column structure: 4 columns
#I Pre-processed relators
#I Done subgroup generators
#I Also done relators in subgroup
#I Pushing at weight 3
#I 1 double 1 single 1 blanks
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
#I 1 cases
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
#I 1 cases
#I Pushing at weight 5
#I 3 double 5 single 1 blanks
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
#I 1 cases
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
#I 1 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, d])^3
#I 2 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[(2,3), c])^3
#I 3 cases
#I Pushing at weight 101
#I 3 double 5 single 0 blanks
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
#I 1 cases
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
#I 1 cases
#I Pushing at weight 103
#I 3 double 5 single 0 blanks
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
#I 1 cases
#I 2 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
#I 1 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[c, c])
#I 2 cases
#I 3 DCEWord(K,[d, d])
#I 1 cases
<< Double coset table "No name" closed 3 double 5 single >>
gap> u.status;
gap> u.dcct;
gap> a1 := DCEWord(k,(1,2));
gap> b1 := DCEWord(k,(2,3));
gap> c1 := DCEWord(k,c);
gap> d1 := DCEWord(k,d);
gap> DCEPerm(u,a1);
#I Starting To Add Cosets
#I Done cosets, starting image
gap> DCEPerm(u,a1*c1*b1);
#I Done cosets, starting image
gap> DCEPerms(u);
#I Done cosets, starting image
#I Done cosets, starting image
#I Done cosets, starting image
#I Done cosets, starting image
[ (2,3), (1,2), (3,5), (3,4) ]
gap> DCEWrite(u,"s5.dct");
gap> u1 := DCESetup(S5Pres);
#I Set up generators and inverses
#I Set up column structure: 4 columns
#I Pre-processed relators
<< Double coset table "No name" Set up >>
gap> DCERead(u1,"s5.dct");
#I Read the file
gap> u1;
<< Double coset table "No name" closed 3 double 5 single >>
gap> DCEPerms(u1);
#I Starting To Add Cosets
#I Done cosets, starting image
#I Done cosets, starting image
#I Done cosets, starting image
#I Done cosets, starting image
[ (2,3), (1,2), (3,5), (3,4) ]
62.18 Strategies for Double Coset Enumeration
As with the Todd-Coxeter algorithm, the order of defining new (double) cosets and applying
relations can make a huge difference to the performance of the algorithm. There is consid-
erable scope for user control of the strategy followed by the DCE program. This is exercised
by setting the strategy field in the presentation record (and less importantly by adding
various fields to the relators). This field should be set to a record, for which various fields
are meaningful. The most important is whichStrategy, which should take one of three
“HLT” A weighted Haselgrove-Leech-Trotter strategy. This is the default.
“Felsch” A pure Felsch strategy.
“Havas” A family of hybrid strategies, controlled by three parameters: FF which
regulates the use of the preferred definition list to ensure that all definitions get made
eventually (high values use the list more); HavN which is the number of double cosets
that will be filled by definition before the relators are pushed from HavK double cosets.
When it completes successfully HLT is generally much the fastest strategy.
Apart from the fields FF,HavN and HavK, the other meaningful field in the strategy record
is EC, which is the set (usually a range) of degrees at which early-closing is allowed. Even if
you know the exact degree of the final representation it is worth-while allowing some “slack”
so that the “end-game” strategy can come into play.
The “HLT” strategy can be fine-tuned by setting “weights” on the relators. Weights are
integers, and a relator with higher weight will be used less than one with lower weight. This
is done by adding a field weight to the relator record. The default weight is the base two
logarithm of the length of the relator (after consecutive elements of Kin the relator have
been combined).
Finally, setting the insg field of a relator causes it to be used as a subgroup generator as
62.19 Example of Double Coset Enumeration Strategies
We look at a presentation for the sporadic group F i22, given by the Coxeter diagram:
b b b
b b
b b
(1,2) (2,3) (3,4)
(4,5) (5,6)
with the additional relation (f(4,5)(6,7)(3,4)(5,6)a)4= 1 (the “hexagon” relation).
As indicated by the labels on the diagram we take K=S7. The subgroup generated by all
the nodes except the left-most has index 3510. An enumeration over that subgroup is coded
gap> k := SymmetricGroup(7);
Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) )
gap> aname := AbstractGenerator("a");; a := DCEWord(k,aname);
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[a])
gap> fname := AbstractGenerator("f");; f := DCEWord(k,fname);
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[f])
gap> gname := AbstractGenerator("g");; g := DCEWord(k,gname);
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[g])
gap> hexagon := (f*DCEWord(k,(4,5)*(6,7)*(3,4)*(5,6))*a)^4;
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7),
(6,7) ),[f, (3,4,6,7,5), a])^4
gap> := "hex";
gap> rel1 := (a*DCEWord(k,(3,4)))^3;
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[a, (3,4)])^
gap> rel2 := (f*DCEWord(k,(6,7)))^3;
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[f, (6,7)])^
gap> rel3 := (a*g)^2;
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[a, g])^2
gap> rel4 := (f*g)^3;
DCEWord(Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) ),[f, g])^3
gap> F22Pres := rec(
> groupK := k,
> gainGroups := [ rec(), rec(dom := 7, op := OnPoints),
> rec(dom := [1,2,3], op := OnSets)],
> gens := [ rec( name := aname, invol := true, wgg := 3),
> rec (name := fname, invol := true, wgg := 2),
> rec (name := gname, invol := true, wgg := 1)],
> relators := [rel1,rel2,rel4,rel3,hexagon],
> subgens := [(2,3,4,5,6,7),(3,2),f,a,g] );;
HLT Strategy
As given, this presentation will use the default HLT strategy. On a SparcStation 10-41 this
enumeration takes 60.8 CPU seconds and defines a total of 95 double cosets (for a final total
of 24).
Since we know the correct index in this example, we can use early-closing, by setting
gap> F22Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [3510]);
EC := [ 3510 ] )
gap> DCE(F22Pres);
#I Set up generators and inverses
#I Set up column structure: 43 columns
#I Pre-processed relators
#I Done subgroup generators
#I Also done relators in subgroup
#I Pushing at weight 3
#I 1 double 7 single 2 blanks
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
#I 4 cases
The calculation proceeds identically until, after 40 seconds, it reaches a table with 3510 single
cosets and only four blank entries. The program then changes strategies and attempts to
fill the blanks as seen in the following piece of output:
#I 13 hex
#I 70 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
#I 39 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
#I 9 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3
#I 3 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2
#I 8 cases
#I 15 hex
#I 90 cases
#I Entering Pre-early closing 24 3510 4
#I 48 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
#I 29 cases
#I 48 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
#I 5 cases
<< Double coset table "No name" early-closed 24 double 3510 single >>
This succeeds after a further 2 seconds, producing a closed table. This method actually
defines more double cosets (97), but is much faster.
We can cause the change of strategies to occur a little earlier by widening the range of
acceptable indices. With:
gap> F22Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [3500..3600]);
EC := [ 3500 .. 3600 ] )
gap> u := DCE(F22Pres);
#I Set up generators and inverses
#I Set up column structure: 43 columns
#I Pre-processed relators
#I Done subgroup generators
#I Also done relators in subgroup
#I Pushing at weight 3
#I 1 double 7 single 2 blanks
#I 1 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
#I 4 cases
With this option we see:
#I 13 hex
#I 70 cases
#I Entering Pre-early closing 24 3516 18
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
#I 39 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
#I 9 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3
#I 3 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2
#I 8 cases
#I 22 hex
#I 130 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[a, a])
#I 8 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[f, f])
#I 3 cases
#I 22 DCEWord(K,[g, g])
#I 1 cases
#I 36 DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3
#I 39 cases
#I 36 DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3
#I 9 cases
#I 36 DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3
#I 3 cases
#I 36 DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2
#I 8 cases
#I 36 hex
#I 130 cases
<< Double coset table "No name" early-closed 24 double 3510 single >>
and a run time of about 37 seconds.
Apart from the early-closing criteria, we can tune the behaviour of the HLT algorithm by
varying the relator weights. We can see the default weights by doing:
gap> List(u.relators,r->[r,r.weight]);
[ [ DCEWord(K,[a, (3,4)])^3, 2 ], [ DCEWord(K,[f, (6,7)])^3, 2 ],
[ DCEWord(K,[f, g])^3, 2 ], [ DCEWord(K,[a, g])^2, 2 ], [ hex, 3 ],
[ DCEWord(K,[a, a]), 100 ], [ DCEWord(K,[f, f]), 100 ],
[ DCEWord(K,[g, g]), 100 ] ]
The relators with weight 100 are simply added automatically to ensure that the algorithm
cannot terminate without closing the table.
We could emulate the unweighted HLT algorithm by setting hexagon.weight:= 2;
This produces significantly worse performance, as the long hexagon relation is pushed more
often than necessary. On the other hand increasing its weight to 4 also produces worse per-
formance than the default, because unnecessarily much of the infinite hyperbolic reflection
group (defined by the other relations) is constructed.
Felsch Strategies
We can try this presentation with the Felsch strategy by simply setting:
F22Pres.strategy := rec(whichStrategy := "Felsch",EC := [3500..3600]);
Using this strategy the enumeration takes longer (92 seconds), but defines only 35 double
cosets in total. The Felsch algorithm can often be improved by adding the longer relators as
redundant subgroup generators. We can try this by setting hexagon.insg := true; but
the improvement is very slight (to 91 seconds and 35 double cosets).
Hybrid strategy
We can access the hybrid methods be setting F22Pres.strategy.whichStrategy := "Havas";
We first look at the preferred definition list alone, by setting
gap> strat := F22Pres.strategy;
EC := [ 3500 .. 3600 ] )
gap> strat.FF := 5;
gap> strat.HavN := 100;
gap> strat.HavK := 0;
This turns out to be significantly worse than the simple Felsch algorithm, defining 56 double
cosets and taking 145 seconds. Smaller values for FF produce performance closer to the
simple Felsch.
By setting
gap> strat.FF := 1;
gap> strat.HavN := 5;
gap> strat.HavK := 2;
We can try a hybrid strategies (without the PDL). This runs in about 100 seconds, making
41 definitions.
62.20 Functions for Analyzing Double Coset Tables
The functions DCEPerm and DCEPerms have already been described, while elementary infor-
mation (such as the numbers of single and double cosets) can be read directly from the DCE
Universe produced by an enumeration. When the number of single cosets is large, however,
as in the example of HN : 2 above, DCEPerm requires an improbably large amount of space,
so permutations cannot sensibly be obtained. However some analysis of the permutation
representation is possible directly from the double coset table.
Specifically, functions exist to study the orbits of H, and compute their sizes and the col-
lapsed adjacency matrices of the orbital graphs. The performance of these functions depends
crucially on the size of the group M=HK, which will always be the muddle group of
the first double coset HK. When M=K, so that KH, then each orbit of His just a
union of double cosets and the algorithms are fast, whereas when M= 1 there no benefit
over extracting permutations.
62.21 DCEColAdj
This function computes the complete set of collapsed adjacency matrices (incidence matri-
ces) for all the orbital graphs in the permutation action implied by universe, which must
be a DCE Universe of status “closed” or “early-closed”. For very large degrees, and/or if
some of the subgroup generators are long words, this function can take infeasibly long, so
some other functions are provided for partial calculations.
62.22. DCEHORBITS 1067
62.22 DCEHOrbits
This function determines the orbits of H, as unions of orbits of M=HK. Various
additions are made to the data structures in universe, which are described in detail else-
where. The most comprehensible field is u.orbsizes which gives the number of points
(single cosets) in the orbits.
62.23 DCEColAdjSingle
This function determines the single collapsed adjacency matrix corresponding to orbital
graph number orbnum (in the ordering of <universe>.orbsizes). This takes time roughly
proportional to <universe>.orbsizes[<orbnum>], so that extracting the adjacency matri-
ces corresponding to small orbits in large representations is possible.
62.24 Example of DCEColAdj
We return to the hexagon presentation for F i22, and join it just as the double coset enu-
meration is finishing:
gap> InfoDCE1 := Ignore;
function (...) internal; end
gap> u := DCE(F22Pres);
<< Double coset table "No name" early-closed 24 double 3510 single >>
gap> InfoDCE1 := DCEInfoPrint;;
gap> DCEHOrbits(u);
#I Completed preliminaries, index of M is 7
#I Annotated table
#I Completed orbit 1 size 1
#I Completed orbit 2 size 2816
#I Completed orbit 3 size 693
gap> u.orbsizes;
[ 1, 2816, 693 ]
gap> DCEColAdj(u);
#I Added contribution from 1 part 1
#I Added contribution from 1 part 2
#I Added contribution from 2 part 1
#I Added contribution from 2 part 5
#I Added contribution from 3 part 1
#I Added contribution from 4 part 1
. . .
#I Added contribution from 70 part 1
#I Added contribution from 70 part 3
#I Added contribution from 70 part 4
#I Added contribution from 70 part 5
#I Added contribution from 70 part 7
#I Added contribution from 77 part 1
#I Added contribution from 77 part 5
[ [ 0, 2816, 0 ], [ 1, 2248, 567 ], [ 0, 2304, 512 ] ],
[ [ 0, 0, 693 ], [ 0, 567, 126 ], [ 1, 512, 180 ] ] ]
gap> DCEColAdjSingle(u,3);
#I Added contribution from 2 part 5
#I Added contribution from 6 part 5
#I Added contribution from 7 part 3
#I Added contribution from 11 part 2
#I Added contribution from 13 part 5
#I Added contribution from 15 part 4
#I Added contribution from 19 part 1
#I Added contribution from 20 part 5
#I Added contribution from 22 part 4
#I Added contribution from 23 part 4
#I Added contribution from 26 part 1
#I Added contribution from 36 part 3
#I Added contribution from 42 part 7
#I Added contribution from 44 part 7
#I Added contribution from 61 part 1
#I Added contribution from 65 part 7
#I Added contribution from 70 part 5
[ [ 0, 0, 693 ], [ 0, 567, 126 ], [ 1, 512, 180 ] ]
62.25 Double Coset Enumeration and Symmetric Pre-
R.T. Curtis has defined the notion of a symmetric presentation: given a group K, permuting
a set S, we consider a generating set Xin bijection with S, with conjugation by Kpermuting
Xas Kpermutes S. A symmetric presentation is such a set up, together with relations
given in terms of the elements of Kand T.
It is not hard to see that, at least when Kis transitive on S, this is equivalent to the set
up for double coset enumeration, with one generator t, and gain group equal to the point
stabiliser in Kof some s0S. The relations can be written in terms of K,tand conjugates
of tby K, and so in terms of Kand t.
62.26 SetupSymmetricPresentation
SetupSymmetricPresentation(K,name [, base [, op]])
The function SetupSymmetricPresentation implements the equivalence between presen-
tations for DCE and Symmetric Presentations in the sense of Curtis. The argument Kis
the group acting, and name is an AbstractGenerator that will be used as t. The optional
arguments base and op can be used to specify s0and the action of Kon S.base defaults
to 1 and op to OnPoints.
The function returns a record with two components:
skeleton a partial DCE Presentation. The fields K,gainGroups and gens are bound.
Fields relators and subgens must still be added, and name and strategy may be
added, before enumeration.
makeGen is a function which converts elements of Orbit(K,base,op) into DCE-
Words for the corresponding symmetric Generators.
62.27 Examples of DCE and Symmetric Presentations
The following input gives a symmetric presentation of the Mathieu group M12:
gap> t := AbstractGenerator("t");;
gap> K := Group((1,2,3,4,5),(1,2,3));
Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) )
gap> SGrec := SetupSymmetricPresentation(K,t);
skeleton := rec(
groupK := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),
gainGroups := [ rec(
dom := 1,
op := function (...) internal; end ) ],
gens := [ rec(
name := t,
wgg := 1 ) ] ),
makeGen := function ( pt ) ... end )
gap> t := SGrec.makeGen;
function ( pt ) ... end
gap> Pres := SGrec.skeleton;
groupK := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),
gainGroups := [ rec(
dom := 1,
op := function (...) internal; end ) ],
gens := [ rec(
name := t,
gap> := "M12 Symmetric";
"M12 Symmetric"
gap> Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [1000..3000]);
EC := [ 1000 .. 3000 ] )
gap> Pres.relators := [t(1)^3,(t(1)/t(2))^2*DCEWord(K,(3,4,5))];
[ DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[t])^3,
DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5),
(1,2,3) ),[t, (1,3,4,5,2), t^-1, (1,2,5,4,3), t, (1,3,4,5,2), t^-1\
, (1,2,5,4,3), (3,4,5)]) ]
gap> Pres.subgens := [DCEWord(K,(1,2,3,4,5)),DCEWord(K,(1,2,3)),
> (DCEWord(K,(1,2,3,4,5))*t(1))^8];
[ DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[(1,2,3,4,5)]),
DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[(1,2,3)]),
DCEWord(Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) ),[(1,2,3,4,5), t])^8 ]
gap> Pres.relators[1].weight := 2;; # default weight is too low
DCE enumerates this presentation in a few seconds.
gap> InfoDCE1 := Ignore;
function (...) internal; end
gap> u := DCE(Pres);
<< Double coset table "M12 Symmetric" early-closed 47 double
1584 single >>
gap> time;
He : 2
The following is a presentation of He : 2 generated by 180 symmetric generators of order 7
permuted by 3S7×2. This is really 30 generators permuted monomially, but we don’t have
monomial groups in GAP.
The following can be placed in an input file he2.g.
# The group K we want is 3S7 x 2. We make this from a handy
# representation of 3S7
DoubleP := function(p,n)
local l;
l := OnTuples([1..n],p);
return PermList(l);
Swap := function(n)
return PermList(Concatenation([n+1..2*n],[1..n]));
K := Group(
DoubleP((1, 2)( 3, 5)( 4, 7)( 6,10)( 8,12)( 9,14)(11,17)(13,20)
DoubleP(( 1, 3, 6)(44,65,49)
,90),Swap(90) );
# Now lets get the generators we want
x := DCEWord(K,K.1);
y := DCEWord(K,K.2);
a := DCEWord(K,K.3);
# And the name for our generator outside K
t := AbstractGenerator("t");
# Now we can specify our setup
SGrec := SetupSymmetricPresentation(K,t);
SG := SGrec.makeGen;
Pres := SGrec.skeleton;
# We still have to put some fields in the presentation
# := "He:2 Symmetric";
Pres.relators := [
SG(1)^7,(SG(1)* SG(2))^2,
SG(1)^2 / SG(3),
y^-7 / (SG(1)^-1*SG(2)^-2*SG(1)^2*SG(2)),
y^9 / Comm(SG(1),SG(65)),
(63,77)(67,78)(73,88)(79,83)(89,90),90)) /
(SG(1)*SG(2)^2*SG(1)^2*SG(2)) ];
Pres.subgens := [t,x,x^(y^3)*x^(y^-1*x*y^-2),
Pres.strategy := rec(EC := [8000..12000]);
We can run this example quietly:
gap> Read("he2.g");
gap> InfoDCE1 := Ignore;
function (...) internal; end
gap> u := DCE(Pres);
<< Double coset table "He:2 Symmetric" early-closed 9 double
8330 single >>
gap> time;
Chapter 63
GLISSANDO (version 1.0) is a share library package that implements a GAP3 library of small
semigroups and near-rings. The library files can be systematically searched for near-rings
and semigroups with certain properties.
The GLISSANDO package (version 1.0) was written by
Christof N¨obauer
Institut f¨ur Mathematik
Johannes Kepler Universit¨at Linz
4040 Linz, Austria
and supported by the
Austrian Fonds zur F¨orderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Project P11486-TEC.
63.1 Installing the Glissando Package
The GLISSANDO package is completely written in the GAP3 language, it does not require
any additional programs and/or compilations. It will run on any computer that runs GAP3.
To access GLISSANDO, use RequirePackage( "gliss" ); (see 57.1).
63.2 Transformations
Atransformation is a mapping with equal source and range, say X. For example, Xmay
be a set or a group. A transformation on Xthen acts on Xby transforming each element
of Xinto (precisely one) element of X.
Note that a transformation is just a special case of a mapping. So all GAP3 functions that
work for mappings will also work for transformations.
For the following, it is important to keep in mind that in GAP3 sets are represented by
sorted lists without holes and duplicates. Throughout this section, let Xbe a set or a
group with nelements. A transformation on Xis uniquely determined by a list of length n
without holes and with entries which are integers between 1 and n.
For example, for the set X := [1,2,3], the list [1,1,2] determines the transformation on
Xwhich transforms 1 into 1, 2 into 1, and 3 into 2.
Analogously, for the cyclic group of order 3: C3, with (the uniquely ordered) set of elements
[(),(1,2,3),(1,3,2)], the list [2,3,3] determines the transformation on C3 which trans-
forms () into (1,2,3),(1,2,3) into (1,3,2), and (1,3,2) into (1,3,2).
Such a list which on a given set or group uniquely determines a transformation will be called
transformation list (short tfl).
Transformations are created by the constructor functions Transformation or AsTransfor-
mation and they are represented by records that contain all the information about the
63.3 Transformation
Transformation( obj ,tfl )
The constructor function Transformation returns the transformation determined by the
transformation list tfl on obj where obj must be a group or a set.
gap> t1:=Transformation([1..3],[1,1,2]);
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
gap> g:=Group((1,2),(3,4));
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> gt := Transformation(g,[1,1,2,5]);
Error, Usage: Transformation( <obj>, <tfl> ) where <obj> must be a set
or a group and <tfl> must be a valid transformation list for <obj> in
Transformation( g, [ 1, 1, 2, 5 ] ) called from
main loop
gap> gt := Transformation( g, [4,2,2,1] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (3,4) ), [ 4, 2, 2, 1 ] )
63.4 AsTransformation
AsTransformation( map )
The constructor function AsTransformation returns the mapping map as transformation.
Of course, this function can only be applied to mappings with equal source and range,
otherwise an error will be signaled.
gap> s3:=Group((1,2),(1,2,3));
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
gap> i:=InnerAutomorphism(s3,(2,3));
InnerAutomorphism( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), (2,3) )
gap> AsTransformation(i);
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3 ] )
63.5 IsTransformation
IsTransformation( obj )
IsTransformation returns true if the object obj is a transformation and false otherwise.
gap> IsTransformation( [1,1,2] );
false # a list is not a transformation
gap> IsTransformation( (1,2,3) );
false # a permutation is not a transformation
gap> IsTransformation( t1 );
63.6 IsSetTransformation
IsSetTransformation( obj )
IsSetTransformation returns true if the object obj is a set transformation and false
gap> IsSetTransformation( t1 );
gap> g:= Group((1,2),(3,4));
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> gt:=Transformation(g,[4,2,2,1]);
gap> IsSetTransformation( gt );
63.7 IsGroupTransformation
IsGroupTransformation( obj )
IsGroupTransformation returns true if the object obj is a group transformation and false
gap> IsGroupTransformation( t1 );
gap> IsGroupTransformation( gt );
Note that transformations are defined to be either a set transformation or a group transfor-
63.8 IdentityTransformation
IdentityTransformation( obj )
IdentityTransformation is the counterpart to the GAP3 standard library function Iden-
tityMapping. It returns the identity transformation on obj where obj must be a group or
a set.
gap> IdentityTransformation( [1..3] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] )
gap> IdentityTransformation( s3 );
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] )
63.9 Kernel for transformations
Kernel( t)
For a transformation ton X, the kernel of tis defined as an equivalence relation Kernel(t)
as: x, y X: (x, y)Kernel(t) iff t(x) = t(y).
Kernel returns the kernel of the transformation tas a list lof lists where each sublist of l
represents an equivalence class of the equivalence relation Kernel(t).
gap> t:=Transformation( [1..5], [2,3,2,4,4] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 2, 3, 2, 4, 4 ] )
gap> Kernel( t );
63.10 Rank for transformations
Rank( t)
For a transformation ton X, the rank of tis defined as the size of the image of t, i.e.
| {t(x)|xX} |, or, in GAP3 language: Length( Image( t ) ).
Rank returns the rank of the transformation t.
gap> t1;
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
gap> Rank( t1 );
gap> gt;
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (3,4) ), [ 4, 2, 2, 1 ] )
gap> Rank(gt);
63.11 Operations for transformations
t1 *t2
The product operator * returns the transformation which is obtained from the transforma-
tions t1 and t2 , by composition of t1 and t2 (i.e. performing t2 after t1 ). This function
works for both set transformations as well as group transformations.
gap> t1:=Transformation( [1..3], [1,1,2] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
gap> t2:=Transformation( [1..3], [2,3,3] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] )
gap> t1*t2;
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] )
gap> t2*t1;
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] )
t1 +t2
The add operator +returns the group transformation which is obtained from the group
transformations t1 and t2 by pointwise addition of t1 and t2 . (Note that in this context
addition means performing the GAP3 operation p*qfor the corresponding permutations
pand q).
t1 -t2
The subtract operator -returns the group transformation which is obtained from the group
transformations t1 and t2 by pointwise subtraction of t1 and t2 . (Note that in this con-
text subtraction means performing the GAP3 operation p * q^-1 for the corresponding
permutations pand q).
Of course, those two functions +and -work only for group transformations.
gap> g:=Group( (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> gt1:=Transformation( g, [2,3,3] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 2, 3, 3 ] )
gap> gt2:=Transformation( g, [1,3,2] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 2 ] )
gap> gt1+gt2;
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 2, 2, 1 ] )
gap> gt1-gt2;
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 2, 1, 2 ] )
63.12 DisplayTransformation
DisplayTransformation( t)
DisplayTransformation nicely displays a transformation t.
gap> t:=Transformation( [1..5], [3,3,2,1,4] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 3, 3, 2, 1, 4 ] )
gap> DisplayTransformation( t );
Transformation on [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]:
1 -> 3
2 -> 3
3 -> 2
4 -> 1
5 -> 4
63.13 Transformation records
As almost all objects in GAP3, transformations, too, are representend by records. Such a
transformation record has the following components:
this is always true, since in particular, any transformation is a general mapping.
the entry of this record field is Mappings.
this is always true since a transformation is in particular a single valued mapping.
always true for a transformation.
this exists and is set to true for set transformations exclusively.
these two exist and are set to true for group transformations exclusively.
this record field holds a list of the elements of the source.
both entries contain the same set in case of a set transformation, resp. the same
group in case of a group transformation.
this contains the transformation list which uniquely determines the transformation.
the operations record of the transformation. E.g. * or =, etc. can be found here.
these are bound and contain image, rank, kernel in case they have already been
computed for the transformation.
63.14 Transformation Semigroups
Having established transformations and being able to perform the associative operation
composition (which in GAP3 is denoted as *with them, the next step is to consider
transformation semigroups.
All functions described in this section are intended for finite transformation semigroups, in
particular transformation semigroups on a finite set or group X. A transformation semigroup
is created by the constructor function TransformationSemigroup and it is represented by
a record that contains all the information about the transformation semigroup.
63.15 TransformationSemigroup
TransformationSemigroup( t1, ..., tn)
TransformationSemigroup( [ t1, ..., tn] )
When called in this form, the constructor function TransformationSemigroup returns the
transformation semigroup generated by the transformations t1, ..., tn. There is another way
to call this function:
TransformationSemigroup( n)
If the argument is a positive integer n,TransformationSemigroup returns the semigroup
of all transformations on the set {1,2, . . . , n}.
gap> t1 := Transformation( [1..3], [1,1,2] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
gap> t2 := Transformation( [1..3], [2,3,3] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] )
gap> s:=TransformationSemigroup( t1, t2 );
63.16. ISSEMIGROUP 1079
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 2 ], Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) )
gap> s27 := TransformationSemigroup( 3 );
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 2, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 2, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 3, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 3, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 3, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 1, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 1, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 1, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 2, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 2, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 3, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 3, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 2, 3, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 1, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 1, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 1, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 2, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 2, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 3, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 3, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) )
63.16 IsSemigroup
IsSemigroup( obj )
IsSemigroup returns true if the object obj is a semigroup and false otherwise. This
function simply checks whether the record component obj .isSemigroup is bound and is
gap> IsSemigroup( t1 );
false # a transformation is not a semigroup
gap> IsSemigroup( Group( (1,2,3) ) );
false # a group is not a semigroup
gap> IsSemigroup( s27 );
63.17 IsTransformationSemigroup
IsTransformationSemigroup( obj )
IsTransformationSemigroup returns true if the object obj is a transformation semigroup
and false otherwise.
gap> IsTransformationSemigroup( s27 );
63.18 Elements for semigroups
Elements( sg )
Elements computes the elements of the semigroup sg. Note: the GAP3 standard library
dispatcher function Elements calls the function sg.operations.Elements which performs
a simple closure algorithm.
gap> t1 := Transformation( [1..3], [1,1,2] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
gap> t2 := Transformation( [1..3], [2,3,3] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] )
gap> s := TransformationSemigroup( t1, t2 );
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) )
gap> Elements( s );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ]
63.19 Size for semigroups
Size( sg )
Size returns the number of elements in sg.
gap> Size( s );
63.20 DisplayCayleyTable for semigroups
DisplayCayleyTable( sg )
DisplayCayleyTable prints the Cayley table of the semigroup sg. Note: The dispatcher
function DisplayCayleyTable calls the function sg.operations.DisplayTable which per-
forms the actual printing. DisplayCayleyTable has no return value.
gap> DisplayCayleyTable( s );
s0 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] )
s1 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
s2 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] )
s3 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] )
s4 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] )
s5 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] )
s6 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] )
* | s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
s0 | s0 s0 s0 s3 s3 s3 s6
s1 | s0 s0 s1 s3 s3 s4 s6
s2 | s0 s0 s2 s3 s3 s5 s6
s3 | s0 s0 s3 s3 s3 s6 s6
s4 | s0 s1 s3 s3 s4 s6 s6
s5 | s0 s2 s3 s3 s5 s6 s6
s6 | s0 s3 s3 s3 s6 s6 s6
63.21 IdempotentElements for semigroups
IdempotentElements( sg )
An element iof a semigroup (S, ·) is called an idempotent (element) iff i·i=i.
The function IdempotentElements returns a list of those elements of the semigroup sg that
are idempotent. (Note that for a finite semigroup this can never be the empty list).
gap> IdempotentElements( s );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ]
63.22 IsCommutative for semigroups
IsCommutative( sg )
A semigroup (S, ·) is called commutative if a, b S:a·b=b·a.
The function IsCommutative returns the according value true or false for a semigroup sg.
gap> IsCommutative( s );
63.23 Identity for semigroups
Identity( sg )
An element iof a semigroup (S, ·) is called an identity iff sS:s·i=i·s=s. Since
for two identities, i, j:i=i·j=j, an identity is unique if it exists.
The function Identity returns a list containing as single entry the identity of the semigroup
sg if it exists or the empty list [ ] otherwise.
gap> Identity( s );
[ ]
gap> tr1 := Transformation( [1..3], [1,1,1] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] )
gap> tr2 := Transformation( [1..3], [1,2,2] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] )
gap> sg := TransformationSemigroup( tr1, tr2 );
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) )
gap> Elements( sg );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) ]
gap> Identity( sg );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) ]
The last example shows that the identity element of a transformation semigroup on a set X
needs not necessarily be the identity transformation on X.
63.24 SmallestIdeal
SmallestIdeal( sg )
A subset Iof a semigroup (S, ·) is defined as an ideal of Sif iI, s S:i·sI&s·iI.
An ideal Iis called minimal, if for any ideal J,JIimplies J=I. If a minimal ideal
exists, then it is unique and therefore the smallest ideal of S.
The function SmallestIdeal returns the smallest ideal of the transformation semigroup sg.
Note that for a finite semigroup the smallest ideal always exists. (Which is not necessarily
true for an arbitrary semigroup).
gap> SmallestIdeal( s );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ]
63.25 IsSimple for semigroups
IsSimple( sg )
A semigroup Sis called simple if it has no honest ideals, i.e. in case that Sis finite the
smallest ideal of Sequals Sitself.
The GAP3 standard library dispatcher function IsSimple calls the function sg.opera-
tions.IsSimple which checks if the semigroup sg equals its smallest ideal and if so, returns
true and otherwise false.
gap> IsSimple( s );
gap> c3 := TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [1..3],
> [2,3,1] ) );
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 1 ] ) )
gap> IsSimple( c3 );
63.26. GREEN 1083
63.26 Green
Green( sg,string )
Let (S, ·) be a semigroup and aS. The set a·S1:= a·S∪ {a}is called the principal
right ideal generated by a. Analogously, S1·a:= S·a{a}is called the principal left ideal
generated by aand S1·a·S1:= S·a·SS·aa·S∪ {a}is called the principal ideal
generated by a.
Now, Green’s equivalence relation Lon Sis defined as: (a, b)∈ L :S1·a=S1·bi.e. a
and bgenerate the same principal left ideal. Similarly: (a, b)∈ R :a·S1=b·S1i.e. a
and bgenerate the same principal right ideal and (a, b)∈ J :S1·a·S1=S1·b·S1i.e.
aand bgenerate the same principal ideal. His defined as the intersection of Land Rand
Dis defined as the join of Land R.
In a finite semigroup, D=J.
The arguments of the function Green are a finite transformation semigroup sg and a one
character string string where string must be one of the following: "L","R","D","J","H".
The return value of Green is a list of lists of elements of sg representing the equivalence
classes of the according Green’s relation.
gap> s;
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 1, 2 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) )
gap> Elements( s );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ]
gap> Green( s, "L" );
[ [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) ] ]
gap> Green( s, "R" );
[ [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ] ]
gap> Green( s, "H" );
[ [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ] ]
gap> Green( s, "D" );
[ [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ],
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ) ] ]
63.27 Rank for semigroups
Rank( sg )
The rank of a transformation semigroup Sis defined as the minimal rank of the elements
of S, i.e. min{rank(s)|sS}.
The function Rank returns the rank of the semigroup sg.
gap> Rank( s );
gap> c3;
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 1 ] ) )
gap> Rank( c3 );
63.28 LibrarySemigroup
LibrarySemigroup( size,num )
The semigroup library contains all semigroups of sizes 1 up to 5, classified into classes of iso-
morphic semigroups. LibrarySemigroup retrieves a representative of an isomorphism class
from the semigroup library and returns it as a transformation semigroup. The parameters of
LibrarySemigroup are two positive integers: size must be in {1,2,3,4,5}and indicates the
size of the semigroup to be retrieved, num indicates the number of an isomorphism class.
gap> ls := LibrarySemigroup( 4, 123 );
TransformationSemigroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 1, 1, 3, 3 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 1, 3, 3, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 4, 3, 2 ] ) )
gap> DisplayCayleyTable( ls );
s0 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 1, 3, 3 ] )
s1 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] )
s2 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 3, 3, 1 ] )
s3 := Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 1, 4, 3, 2 ] )
* | s0 s1 s2 s3
s0 | s0 s0 s0 s0
s1 | s0 s1 s2 s3
s2 | s2 s2 s2 s2
s3 | s2 s3 s0 s1
In dependence of size,num must be one of the following:
size num
1 1 num 1
2 1 num 5
3 1 num 24
4 1 num 188
5 1 num 1915
63.29 Transformation semigroup records
Transformation Semigroups are implemented as records. Such a transformation semigroup
record has the following components:
these two are always true for a transformation semigroup.
this is bound and true only for transformation semigroups.
this holds the set of generators of a transformation semigroup.
this record field contains a function that represents the binary operation of the semi-
group that can be performed on the elements of the semigroup. For transformation
semigroups this equals of course, composition. Example:
gap> elms := Elements( s );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 2, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 3 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3, 3, 3 ] ) ]
gap> s.multiplication( elms[5], elms[2] );
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
this is the operations record of the semigroup.
these entries become bound if the according functions have been performed on the
these are entries according to calls of the function Green with the corresponding
63.30 Near-rings
In section 77 we introduced transformations on sets and groups. We used set transforma-
tions together with composition *to construct transformation semigroups in section 63.14.
In section 77 we also introduced the operation of pointwise addition +for group transforma-
tions. Now we are able to use these group transformations together with pointwise addition
+and composition *to construct (right) near-rings.
A(right) near-ring is a nonempty set Ntogether with two binary operations on N, +
and ·s.t. (N, +) is a group, (N, ·) is a semigroup, and ·is right distributive over +, i.e.
n1, n2, n3N: (n1+n2)·n3=n1·n3+n2·n3.
Here we have to make a remark: we let transformations act from the right; yet in order to
get a right transformation near-ring transformations must act from the left, hence we define
a near-ring multiplication ·of two transformations, t1,t2as t1·t2:= t2t1.
There are three possibilities to get a near-ring in GAP3: the constructor function Nearring
can be used in two different ways or a near-ring can be extracted from the near-rings library
by using the function LibraryNearring. All functions described here were programmed for
permutation groups and they also work fine with them; other types of groups (such as AG
groups) are not supported.
Near-rings are represented by records that contain the necessary information to identify
them and to do computations with them.
63.31 IsNrMultiplication
IsNrMultiplication( G,mul )
The arguments of the function IsNrMultiplication are a permutation group Gand a
GAP3 function mul which has two arguments xand ywhich must both be elements of the
group Gand returns an element zof Gs.t. mul defines a binary operation on G.
IsNrMultiplication returns true (false) if mul is (is not) a near-ring multiplication on
Gi.e. it checks whether it is well-defined, associative and right distributive over the group
operation of G.
gap> g := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
gap> mul_r := function(x,y) return x; end;
function ( x, y ) ... end
gap> IsNrMultiplication( g, mul_r );
gap> mul_l := function(x,y) return y; end;
function ( x, y ) ... end
63.32. NEARRING 1087
gap> IsNrMultiplication( g, mul_l );
specified multiplication is not right distributive.
63.32 Nearring
Nearring( G,mul )
In this form the constructor function Nearring returns the near-ring defined by the permu-
tation group Gand the near-ring multiplication mul. (For a detailed explanation of mul
see 63.31). Nearring calls IsNrMultiplication in order to make sure that mul is really a
near-ring multiplication.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> mul_r := function(x,y) return x; end;
function ( x, y ) ... end
gap> n := Nearring( g, mul_r );
Nearring( Group( (1,2,3) ), function ( x, y )
return x;
end )
gap> DisplayCayleyTable( n );
n0 := ()
n1 := (1,2,3)
n2 := (1,3,2)
+ | n0 n1 n2
n0 | n0 n1 n2
n1 | n1 n2 n0
n2 | n2 n0 n1
* | n0 n1 n2
n0 | n0 n0 n0
n1 | n1 n1 n1
n2 | n2 n2 n2
Nearring( t1, ..., tn)
Nearring( [t1, ..., tn] )
In this form the constructor function Nearring returns the near-ring generated by the group
transformations t1, . . . , tn. All of them must be transformations on the same permutation
Note that Nearring allows also a list of group transformations as argument, which makes
it possible to call Nearring e.g. with a list of endomorphisms generated by the function
Endomorphisms (see 63.71), which for a group Gallows to compute E(G); Nearring called
with the list of all inner automorphisms of a group Gwould return I(G).
gap> t := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [2,1] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
gap> n := Nearring( t );
Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ) )
gap> DisplayCayleyTable( n );
n0 := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 1 ] )
n1 := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 2 ] )
n2 := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
n3 := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 2 ] )
+ | n0 n1 n2 n3
n0 | n0 n1 n2 n3
n1 | n1 n0 n3 n2
n2 | n2 n3 n0 n1
n3 | n3 n2 n1 n0
* | n0 n1 n2 n3
n0 | n0 n0 n0 n0
n1 | n0 n1 n2 n3
n2 | n3 n2 n1 n0
n3 | n3 n3 n3 n3
gap> g := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
gap> e := Endomorphisms( g );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 3 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, 6 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] ) ]
gap> nr := Nearring( e ); # the endomorphisms near-ring on S3
Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 6, 4, 5, 2
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 6, 2, 4, 5, 3
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2
63.33. ISNEARRING 1089
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 6, 6, 1, 1, 6 ] ) )
gap> Size( nr );
63.33 IsNearring
IsNearring( obj )
IsNearring returns true if the object obj is a near-ring and false otherwise. This function
simply checks if the record component obj .isNear-ring is bound to the value true.
gap> n := LibraryNearring( "C3", 4 );
LibraryNearring( "C3", 4 )
gap> IsNearring( n );
gap> IsNearring( nr );
gap> IsNearring( Integers );
false # Integers is a ring record, not a near-ring record
63.34 IsTransformationNearring
IsTransformationNearring( obj )
IsTransformationNearring returns true if the object obj is a transformation near-ring
and false otherwise. IsTransformationNearring simply checks if the record component
obj .isTransformationNearring is bound to true.
gap> IsTransformationNearring( nr );
gap> IsTransformationNearring( n );
63.35 LibraryNearring
LibraryNearring( grp name,num )
LibraryNearring retrieves a near-ring from the near-rings library files. grp name must be
one of the following strings indicating the name of the according group: "C2","C3","C4",
must be an integer which indicates the number of the class of near-rings on the specified
gap> n := LibraryNearring( "V4", 13 );
LibraryNearring( "V4", 13 )
In dependence of grp name,num must be one of the following:
grp name num grp name num
"C2" 1num 3"C3xC3" 1num 264
"C3" 1num 5"C10" 1num 329
"C4" 1num 12 "D10" 1num 206
"V4" 1num 23 "C11" 1num 139
"C5" 1num 10 "C12" 1num 1749
"C6" 1num 60 "C2xC6" 1num 3501
"S3" 1num 39 "D12" 1num 48137
"C7" 1num 24 "A4" 1num 483
"C8" 1num 135 "T" 1num 824
"C2xC4" 1num 1159 "C13" 1num 454
"C2xC2xC2" 1num 834 "C14" 1num 2716
"D8" 1num 1447 "D14" 1num 1821
"Q8" 1num 281 "C15" 1num 3817
"C9" 1num 222
63.36 DisplayCayleyTable for near-rings
DisplayCayleyTable( nr )
DisplayCayleyTable prints the additive and multiplicative Cayley tables of the near-ring
nr. This function works the same way as for semigroups; the dispatcher function Display-
CayleyTable calls nr.operations.DisplayTable which performs the actual printing.
gap> DisplayCayleyTable( LibraryNearring( "V4", 22 ) );
n0 := ()
n1 := (3,4)
n2 := (1,2)
n3 := (1,2)(3,4)
+ | n0 n1 n2 n3
n0 | n0 n1 n2 n3
n1 | n1 n0 n3 n2
n2 | n2 n3 n0 n1
n3 | n3 n2 n1 n0
* | n0 n1 n2 n3
n0 | n0 n0 n0 n0
n1 | n0 n1 n2 n3
n2 | n2 n2 n2 n2
n3 | n2 n3 n0 n1
63.37 Elements for near-rings
Elements( nr )
The function Elements computes the elements of the near-ring nr . As for semigroups the
GAP3 standard library dispatcher function Elements calls nr .operations.Elements which
simply returns the elements of if nr is not a transformation near-ring or – if nr
is a transformation near-ring – performs a simple closure algorithm and returns a set of
transformations which are the elements of nr.
gap> t := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [2,1] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
gap> Elements( Nearring( t ) );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 2 ] ) ]
gap> Elements( LibraryNearring( "C3", 4 ) );
[ (), (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ]
63.38 Size for near-rings
Size( nr )
Size returns the number of elements in the near-ring nr.
gap> Size( LibraryNearring( "C3", 4 ) );
63.39 Endomorphisms for near-rings
Endomorphisms( nr )
Endomorphisms computes all the endomorphisms of the near-ring nr. The endomorphisms
are returned as a list of transformations. In fact, the returned list contains those endomor-
phisms of which are also endomorphisms of the near-ring nr.
gap> t := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [2,1] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
gap> nr := Nearring( t );
Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ) )
gap> Endomorphisms( nr );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ), [ 1, 2, 2, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ) ]
63.40 Automorphisms for near-rings
Automorphisms( nr )
Automorphisms computes all the automorphisms of the near-ring nr. The automorphisms
are returned as a list of transformations. In fact, the returned list contains those automor-
phisms of which are also automorphisms of the near-ring nr.
gap> t := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [2,1] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
gap> nr := Nearring( t );
Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ) )
gap> Automorphisms( nr );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ) ]
63.41 FindGroup
FindGroup( nr )
For a transformation near-ring nr, this function computes the additive group of nr as a
GAP3 permutation group and stores it in the record component
gap> t := Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [2,1] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
gap> n := Nearring( t );
Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ) )
gap> g := FindGroup( n );
Group( (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) )
gap> Elements( g );
[ (), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) ]
gap> Elements( n );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 2 ] ) ]
63.42 NearringIdeals
NearringIdeals( nr )
NearringIdeals( nr,”l” )
NearringIdeals( nr,”r” )
NearringIdeals computes all (left) (right) ideals of the near-ring nr . The return value is
a list of subgroups of the additive group of nr representing the according ideals. In case
that nr is a transformation near-ring, FindGroup is used to determine the additive group of
nr as a permutation group. If the optional parameters "l" or "r" are passed, all left resp.
right ideals are computed.
gap> n := LibraryNearring( "V4", 11 );
LibraryNearring( "V4", 11 )
gap> NearringIdeals( n );
[ Subgroup( V4, [ ] ), Subgroup( V4, [ (3,4) ] ), V4 ]
gap> NearringIdeals( n, "r" );
[ Subgroup( V4, [ ] ), Subgroup( V4, [ (3,4) ] ), V4 ]
gap> NearringIdeals( n, "l" );
[ Subgroup( V4, [ ] ), Subgroup( V4, [ (3,4) ] ),
Subgroup( V4, [ (1,2) ] ), Subgroup( V4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] ), V4 ]
63.43 InvariantSubnearrings
InvariantSubnearrings( nr )
63.44. SUBNEARRINGS 1093
A subnear-ring (M, +,·) of a near-ring (N, +,·) is called an invariant subnear-ring if
both, M·NMand N·MM.
The function InvariantSubnearrings computes all invariant subnear-rings of the near-ring
nr. The function returns a list of near-rings representing the according invariant subnear-
rings. In case that nr is a transformation near-ring, FindGroup is used to determine the
additive group of nr as a permutation group.
gap> InvariantSubnearrings( LibraryNearring( "V4", 22 ) );
[ Nearring( Subgroup( V4, [ (1,2) ] ), function ( x, y )
return elms[tfle.(f[Position( elms, y )])[Position( elms, x )]
end ), Nearring( V4, function ( x, y )
return elms[tfle.(f[Position( elms, y )])[Position( elms, x )]
end ) ]
63.44 Subnearrings
Subnearrings( nr )
The function Subnearrings computes all subnear-rings of the near-ring nr. The function
returns a list of near-rings representing the according subnear-rings. In case that nr is a
transformation near-ring, FindGroup is used to determine the additive group of nr as a
permutation group.
gap> Subnearrings( LibraryNearring( "V4", 22 ) );
[ Nearring( Subgroup( V4, [ ] ), function ( x, y )
return elms[tfle.(f[Position( elms, y )])[Position( elms, x )]
end ), Nearring( Subgroup( V4, [ (3,4) ] ), function ( x, y )
return elms[tfle.(f[Position( elms, y )])[Position( elms, x )]
end ), Nearring( Subgroup( V4, [ (1,2) ] ), function ( x, y )
return elms[tfle.(f[Position( elms, y )])[Position( elms, x )]
end ), Nearring( V4, function ( x, y )
return elms[tfle.(f[Position( elms, y )])[Position( elms, x )]
end ) ]
63.45 Identity for near-rings
Identity( nr )
The function Identity returns a list containing the identity of the multiplicative semigroup
of the near-ring nr if it exists and the empty list [ ] otherwise.
gap> Identity( LibraryNearring( "V4", 22 ) );
[ (3,4) ]
63.46 Distributors
Distributors( nr )
An element xof a near-ring (N, +,·) is called a distributor if x=n1·(n2+n3)(n1·
n2+n1·n3) for some elements n1, n2, n3of N.
The function Distributors returns a list containing the distributors of the near-ring nr .
gap> Distributors( LibraryNearring( "S3", 19 ) );
[ (), (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ]
63.47 DistributiveElements
DistributiveElements( nr )
An element dof a right near-ring (N, +,·) is called a distributive element if it is also left
distributive over all elements, i.e. n1, n2N:d·(n1+n2) = d·n1+d·n2.
The function DistributiveElements returns a list containing the distributive elements of
the near-ring nr.
gap> DistributiveElements( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
[ (), (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ]
63.48 IsDistributiveNearring
IsDistributiveNearring( nr )
A right near-ring Nis called distributive near-ring if its multiplication is also left dis-
The function IsDistributiveNearring simply checks if all elements are distributive and
returns the according boolean value true or false.
gap> IsDistributiveNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
63.49 ZeroSymmetricElements
ZeroSymmetricElements( nr )
Let (N, +,·) be a right near-ring and denote by 0 the neutral element of (N, +). An element
nof Nis called a zero-symmetric element if n·0 = 0.
Remark: note that in a right near-ring 0 ·n= 0 is true for all elements n.
The function ZeroSymmetricElements returns a list containing the zero-symmetric elements
of the near-ring nr.
gap> ZeroSymmetricElements( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
[ (), (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ]
63.50 IsAbstractAffineNearring
IsAbstractAffineNearring( nr )
A right near-ring Nis called abstract affine if its additive group is abelian and its zero-
symmetric elements are exactly its distributive elements.
The function IsAbstractAffineNear-ring returns the according boolean value true or
gap> IsAbstractAffineNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
63.51 IdempotentElements for near-rings
IdempotentElements( nr )
The function IdempotentElements returns a list containing the idempotent elements of the
multiplicative semigroup of the near-ring nr.
gap> IdempotentElements( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
[ (), (2,3) ]
63.52 IsBooleanNearring
IsBooleanNearring( nr )
A right near-ring Nis called boolean if all its elements are idempotent with respect to
The function IsBooleanNearring simply checks if all elements are idempotent and returns
the according boolean value true or false.
gap> IsBooleanNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
63.53 NilpotentElements
NilpotentElements( nr )
Let (N, +,·) be a near-ring with zero 0. An element nof Nis called nilpotent if there is
a positive integer ksuch that nk= 0.
The function NilpotentElements returns a list of sublists of length 2 where the first entry
is a nilpotent element nand the second entry is the smallest ksuch that nk= 0.
gap> NilpotentElements( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
[ [ (), 1 ], [ (3,4), 2 ], [ (1,2), 3 ], [ (1,2)(3,4), 3 ] ]
63.54 IsNilNearring
IsNilNearring( nr )
A near-ring Nis called nil if all its elements are nilpotent.
The function IsNilNearring checks if all elements are nilpotent and returns the according
boolean value true or false.
gap> IsNilNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
63.55 IsNilpotentNearring
IsNilpotentNearring( nr )
A near-ring Nis called nilpotent if there is a positive integer k, s.t. Nk={0}.
The function IsNilpotentNearring tests if the near-ring nr is nilpotent and returns the
according boolean value true or false.
gap> IsNilpotentNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
63.56 IsNilpotentFreeNearring
IsNilpotentFreeNearring( nr )
A near-ring Nis called nilpotent free if its only nilpotent element is 0.
The function IsNilpotentFreeNearring checks if 0 is the only nilpotent and returns the
according boolean value true or false.
gap> IsNilpotentFreeNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 22 ) );
63.57 IsCommutative for near-rings
IsCommutative( nr )
A near-ring (N, +,·) is called commutative if its multiplicative semigroup is commutative.
The function IsCommutative returns the according value true or false.
gap> IsCommutative( LibraryNearring( "C15", 1235 ) );
gap> IsCommutative( LibraryNearring( "V4", 13 ) );
63.58 IsDgNearring
IsDgNearring( nr )
A near-ring (N, +,·) is called distributively generated (d.g.) if (N, +) is generated
additively by the distributive elements of the near-ring.
The function IsDgNearring returns the according value true or false for a near-ring nr.
gap> IsDgNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
gap> IsDgNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 1 ) );
63.59 IsIntegralNearring
IsIntegralNearring( nr )
A near-ring (N, +,·) with zero element 0 is called integral if it has no zero divisors, i.e. the
condition n1, n2:n1·n2= 0 n1= 0 n2= 0 holds.
The function IsIntegralNearring returns the according value true or false for a near-ring
gap> IsIntegralNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 24 ) );
gap> IsIntegralNearring( LibraryNearring( "S3", 25 ) );
63.60 IsPrimeNearring
IsPrimeNearring( nr )
A near-ring (N, +,·) with zero element 0 is called prime if the ideal {0}is a prime ideal.
The function IsPrimeNearring checks if nr is a prime near-ring by using the condition for
all non-zero ideals I, J :I·J6={0}and returns the according value true or false.
gap> IsPrimeNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 11 ) );
63.61 QuasiregularElements
QuasiregularElements( nr )
Let (N, +,·) be a right near-ring. For an element zN, denote the left ideal generated by
the set {nn·z|nN}by Lz. An element zof Nis called quasiregular if zLz.
The function QuasiregularElements returns a list of all quasiregular elements of a near-ring
gap> QuasiregularElements( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
[ (), (3,4), (1,2), (1,2)(3,4) ]
63.62 IsQuasiregularNearring
IsQuasiregularNearring( nr )
A near-ring Nis called quasiregular if all its elements are quasiregular.
The function IsQuasiregularNearring simply checks if all elements of the near-ring nr are
quasiregular and returns the according boolean value true or false.
gap> IsQuasiregularNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
63.63 RegularElements
RegularElements( nr )
Let (N, +,·) be a near-ring. An element nof Nis called regular if there is an element x
such that n·x·n=n.
The function RegularElements returns a list of all regular elements of a near-ring nr .
gap> RegularElements( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
[ () ]
63.64 IsRegularNearring
IsRegularNearring( nr )
A near-ring Nis called regular if all its elements are regular.
The function IsRegularNearring simply checks if all elements of the near-ring nr are
regular and returns the according boolean value true or false.
gap> IsRegularNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 4 ) );
63.65 IsPlanarNearring
IsPlanarNearring( nr )
Let (N, +,·) be a right near-ring. For a, b Ndefine the equivalence relation by ab:
⇔ ∀nN:n·a=n·b. If abthen aand bare called equivalent multipliers. A
near-ring Nis called planar if |N/|≥ 3 and if every equation of the form x·a=x·b+c
has a unique solution for two non equivalent multipliers aand b.
The function IsPlanarNearring returns the according value true or false for a near-ring
Remark: this function works only for library near-rings, i.e. near-rings which are con-
structed by using the function LibraryNearring.
gap> IsPlanarNearring( LibraryNearring( "V4", 22 ) );
63.66 IsNearfield
IsNearfield( nr )
Let (N, +,·) be a near-ring with zero 0 and denote by Nthe set N{0}. N is a nearfield
if (N,·) is a group.
The function IsNearfield tests if nr has an identity and if every non-zero element has a
multiplicative inverse and returns the according value true or false.
gap> IsNearfield( LibraryNearring( "V4", 16 ) );
63.67 LibraryNearringInfo
LibraryNearringInfo( group name,list,string )
This function provides information about the specified library near-rings in a way similar to
how near-rings are presented in the appendix of [Pil83]. The parameter group name specifies
the name of a group; valid names are exactly those which are also valid for the function
LibraryNearrings (cf. section 63.35).
The parameter list must be a non-empty list of integers defining the classes of near-rings to
be printed. Naturally, these integers must all fit into the ranges described in section 63.35
for the according groups.
The third parameter string is optional. string must be a string consisting of one or more
(or all) of the following characters: l,m,i,v,s,e,a. Per default, (i.e. if this parameter is
not specified), the output is minimal. According to each specified character, the following
is added:
print the meaning of the letters used in the output.
print the multiplication tables.
list the ideals.
list the left ideals.
list the right ideals.
list the invariant subnear-rings.
list the subnear-rings.
list the near-ring endomorphisms.
list the near-ring automorphisms.
LibraryNearringInfo( "C3", [ 3 ], "lmivsea") will print all available information on
the third class of near-rings on the group C3.
LibraryNearringInfo( "C4", [ 1..12 ] ) will provide a minimal output for all classes
of near-rings on C4.
LibraryNearringInfo( "S3", [ 5, 18, 21 ], "mi") will print the minimal information
plus the multiplication tables plus the ideals for the classes 5, 18, and 21 of near-rings on
the group S3.
63.68 Nearring records
The record of a nearring has the following components:
these two are always true for a near-ring.
this is bound and true only for transformation near-rings (i.e. those near-rings that
are generated by group transformations by using the constructor function Nearring
in the second form).
this is bound only for a transformation near-ring and holds the set of generators of
the transformation near-ring.
this component holds the additive group of the near-ring as permutation group.
addition, subtraction, multiplication
these record fields contain the functions that represent the binary operations that can
be performed with the elements of the near-ring on the additive group of the near-
ring (addition, subtraction) resp. on the multiplicative semigroup of the near-ring
gap> nr := Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [2,1] ) );
Nearring( Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ) )
gap> e := Elements( nr );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 2 ] ) ]
gap> nr. addition( e[2], e[3] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 2 ] )
gap> nr.multiplication( e[2], e[4] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 2 ] )
gap> nr.multiplication( e[2], e[3] );
Transformation( Group( (1,2) ), [ 2, 1 ] )
this is the operations record of the near-ring.
these entries become bound if the according functions have been performed on the
63.69 Supportive Functions for Groups
In order to support near-ring calculations, a few functions for groups had to be added to
the standard GAP3 group library functions.
63.70 DisplayCayleyTable for groups
DisplayCayleyTable( group )
DisplayCayleyTable prints the Cayley table of the group group. This function works the
same way as for semigroups and near-rings: the dispatcher function DisplayCayleyTable
calls group.operations.DisplayTable which performs the printing.
gap> g := Group( (1,2), (3,4) ); # this is Klein’s four group
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> DisplayCayleyTable( g );
g0 := ()
g1 := (3,4)
g2 := (1,2)
g3 := (1,2)(3,4)
+ | g0 g1 g2 g3
g0 | g0 g1 g2 g3
g1 | g1 g0 g3 g2
g2 | g2 g3 g0 g1
g3 | g3 g2 g1 g0
63.71 Endomorphisms for groups
Endomorphisms( group )
Endomorphisms computes all the endomorphisms of the group group. This function is most
essential for computing the near-rings on a group. The endomorphisms are returned as a
list of transformations s.t. the identity endomorphism is always the last entry in this list.
For each transformation in this list the record component isGroupEndomorphism is set to
true and if such a transformation is in fact an automorphism then in addition the record
component isGroupAutomorphism is set to true.
gap> g := Group( (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> Endomorphisms( g );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 3, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3) ), [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ]
63.72 Automorphisms for groups
Automorphisms( group )
Automorphisms computes all the automorphisms of the group group. The automorphisms
are returned as a list of transformations s.t. the identity automorphism is always the last
entry in this list. For each transformation in this list the record components isGroupEndo-
morphism and isGroupAutomorphism are both set to true.
gap> d8 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ); # dihedral group of order 8
Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) )
gap> a := Automorphisms( d8 );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ), [ 1, 2, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ),
[ 1, 3, 2, 7, 8, 6, 4, 5 ] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4),
(2,4) ), [ 1, 3, 5, 4, 8, 6, 7, 2 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ), [ 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 4, 8
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ),
[ 1, 5, 8, 4, 2, 6, 7, 3 ] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4),
(2,4) ), [ 1, 8, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 5 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ), [ 1, 8, 5, 7, 3, 6, 4, 2
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ),
63.73 InnerAutomorphisms
InnerAutomorphisms( group )
InnerAutomorphisms computes all the inner automorphisms of the group group. The inner
automorphisms are returned as a list of transformations s.t. the identity automorphism is
always the last entry in this list. For each transformation in this list the record components
isInnerAutomorphism,isGroupEndomorphism, and isGroupAutomorphism are all set to
gap> i := InnerAutomorphisms( d8 );
[ Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ), [ 1, 2, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 3
] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ),
[ 1, 5, 3, 7, 2, 6, 4, 8 ] ), Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4),
(2,4) ), [ 1, 5, 8, 4, 2, 6, 7, 3 ] ),
Transformation( Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
63.74 SmallestGeneratingSystem
SmallestGeneratingSystem( group )
SmallestGeneratingSystem computes a smallest generating system of the group group i.e.
a smallest subset of the elements of the group s.t. the group is generated by this subset.
Remark: there is a GAP3 standard library function SmallestGenerators for permutation
groups. This function computes a generating set of a given group such that its elements are
smallest possible permutations (w.r.t. the GAP3 internal sorting of permutations).
gap> s5 := SymmetricGroup( 5 );
Group( (1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (4,5) )
gap> SmallestGenerators( s5 );
[ (4,5), (3,4), (2,3), (1,2) ]
gap> SmallestGeneratingSystem( s5 );
[ (1,3,5)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4,5) ]
63.75 IsIsomorphicGroup
IsIsomorphicGroup( g1 ,g2 )
IsIsomorphicGroup determines if the groups g1 and g2 are isomorphic and if so, returns a
group homomorphism that is an isomorphism between these two groups and false other-
gap> g1 := Group( (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> g2 := Group( (7,8,9) );
Group( (7,8,9) )
gap> g1 = g2;
gap> IsIsomorphicGroup( g1, g2 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( (1,2,3) ), Group( (7,8,9) ),
[ (1,2,3) ], [ (7,8,9) ] )
63.76 Predefined groups
The following variables are predefined as according permutation groups with a default small-
est set of generators: C2,C3,C4,V4,C5,C6,S3,C7,C8,C2xC4,C2xC2xC2,D8,Q8,C9,C3xC3,
gap> S3;
gap> Elements( S3 );
[ (), (2,3), (1,2), (1,2,3), (1,3,2), (1,3) ]
gap> IsPermGroup( S3 );
gap> S3.generators;
[ (1,2), (1,2,3) ]
63.77 How to find near-rings with certain properties
The near-ring library files can be used to systematically search for near-rings with (or
without) certain properties.
For instance, the function LibraryNearring can be integrated into a loop or occur as a part
of the Filtered or the First function to get all numbers of classes (or just the first class)
of near-rings on a specified group which have the specified properties.
In what follows, we shall give a few examples how this can be accomplished:
To get the number of the first class of near-rings on the group C6which have an identity,
one could use a command like:
gap> First( [1..60], i ->
> Identity( LibraryNearring( "C6", i ) ) <> [ ] );
If we try the same with S3, we will get an error message, indicating that there is no near-ring
with identity on S3:
gap> First( [1..39], i ->
> Identity( LibraryNearring( "S3", i ) ) <> [ ] );
Error, at least one element of <list> must fulfill <func> in
First( [ 1 .. 39 ], function ( i ) ... end ) called from
main loop
To get all seven classes of near-rings with identity on the dihedral group D8of order 8,
something like the following will work fine:
gap> l := Filtered( [1..1447], i ->
> Identity( LibraryNearring( "D8", i ) ) <> [ ] );
[ 842, 844, 848, 849, 1094, 1096, 1097 ]
gap> time;
Note that a search like this may take a few minutes.
Here is another example that provides the class numbers of the four boolean near-rings on
gap> l := Filtered( [1..1447], i ->
> IsBooleanNearring( LibraryNearring( "D8", i ) ) );
[ 1314, 1380, 1446, 1447 ]
The search for class numbers of near-rings can also be accomplished in a loop like the
gap> l:=[ ];;
gap> for i in [1..1447] do
> n := LibraryNearring( "D8", i );
> if IsDgNearring( n ) and
> not IsDistributiveNearring( n ) then
> Add( l, i );
> fi;
> od;
gap> time;
gap> l;
[ 765, 1094, 1098, 1306 ]
This provides a list of those class numbers of near-rings on D8which are distributively
generated but not distributive.
Two or more conditions for library near-rings can also be combined with or:
gap> l := [ ];;
gap> for i in [1..1447] do
> n := LibraryNearring( "D8", i );
> if Size( ZeroSymmetricElements( n ) ) < 8 or
> Identity( n ) <> [ ] or
> IsIntegralNearring( n ) then
> Add( l, i );
> fi;
> od;
gap> time;
gap> l;
[ 842, 844, 848, 849, 1094, 1096, 1097, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1318,
1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1329,
1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340,
1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351,
1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362,
1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373,
1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384,
1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395,
1396, 1397, 1398, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406,
1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417,
1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428,
1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439,
1440, 1441, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1445, 1446, 1447 ]
gap> Length( l );
This provides a list of all 141 class numbers of near-rings on D8which are non-zerosymmetric
or have an identity or are integral. (cf. [Pil83], pp. 416ff).
The following loop does the same for the near-rings on the quaternion group of order 8, Q8:
gap> l := [ ];;
gap> for i in [1..281] do
> n := LibraryNearring( "Q8", i );
> if Size( ZeroSymmetricElements( n ) ) < 8 or
> Identity( n ) <> [ ] or
> IsIntegralNearring( n ) then
> Add( l, i );
> fi;
> od;
gap> time;
gap> l;
[ 280, 281 ]
Once a list of class numbers has been computed (in this case here: l), e.g. the function
LibraryNearringInfo can be used to print some information about these near-rings:
gap> LibraryNearringInfo( "Q8", l );
>>> GROUP: Q8
elements: [ n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 ]
addition table:
+ | n0 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7
n0 | n0 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7
n1 | n1 n2 n3 n0 n7 n4 n5 n6
n2 | n2 n3 n0 n1 n6 n7 n4 n5
n3 | n3 n0 n1 n2 n5 n6 n7 n4
n4 | n4 n5 n6 n7 n2 n3 n0 n1
n5 | n5 n6 n7 n4 n1 n2 n3 n0
n6 | n6 n7 n4 n5 n0 n1 n2 n3
n7 | n7 n4 n5 n6 n3 n0 n1 n2
group endomorphisms:
1: [ n0, n0, n0, n0, n0, n0, n0, n0 ]
2: [ n0, n0, n0, n0, n2, n2, n2, n2 ]
3: [ n0, n1, n2, n3, n5, n6, n7, n4 ]
4: [ n0, n1, n2, n3, n6, n7, n4, n5 ]
5: [ n0, n1, n2, n3, n7, n4, n5, n6 ]
6: [ n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2, n0, n2 ]
7: [ n0, n2, n0, n2, n2, n0, n2, n0 ]
8: [ n0, n3, n2, n1, n4, n7, n6, n5 ]
9: [ n0, n3, n2, n1, n5, n4, n7, n6 ]
10: [ n0, n3, n2, n1, n6, n5, n4, n7 ]
11: [ n0, n3, n2, n1, n7, n6, n5, n4 ]
12: [ n0, n4, n2, n6, n1, n7, n3, n5 ]
13: [ n0, n4, n2, n6, n3, n5, n1, n7 ]
14: [ n0, n4, n2, n6, n5, n1, n7, n3 ]
15: [ n0, n4, n2, n6, n7, n3, n5, n1 ]
16: [ n0, n5, n2, n7, n1, n4, n3, n6 ]
17: [ n0, n5, n2, n7, n3, n6, n1, n4 ]
18: [ n0, n5, n2, n7, n4, n3, n6, n1 ]
19: [ n0, n5, n2, n7, n6, n1, n4, n3 ]
20: [ n0, n6, n2, n4, n1, n5, n3, n7 ]
21: [ n0, n6, n2, n4, n3, n7, n1, n5 ]
22: [ n0, n6, n2, n4, n5, n3, n7, n1 ]
23: [ n0, n6, n2, n4, n7, n1, n5, n3 ]
24: [ n0, n7, n2, n5, n1, n6, n3, n4 ]
25: [ n0, n7, n2, n5, n3, n4, n1, n6 ]
26: [ n0, n7, n2, n5, n4, n1, n6, n3 ]
27: [ n0, n7, n2, n5, n6, n3, n4, n1 ]
28: [ n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 ]
280) phi: [ 1, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28 ]; 28; -B----I--P-RW
281) phi: [ 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28 ]; 28; -B----I--P-RW
63.78 Defining near-rings with known multiplication ta-
Suppose that for a given group gthe multiplication table of a binary operation on the
elements of gis known such that is a near-ring multiplication on g. Then the constructor
function Nearring can be used to input the near-ring specified by gand .
An example shall illustrate a possibility how this could be accomplished: Take the group
S3, which in GAP3 can be defined e.g. by
gap> g := Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
This group has the following list of elements:
gap> Elements( g );
[ (), (2,3), (1,2), (1,2,3), (1,3,2), (1,3) ]
Let 1stand for the first element in this list, 2for the second, and so on up to 6which stands
for the sixth element in the following multiplication table:
A near-ring on gwith this multiplication can be input by first defining a multiplication
function, say min the following way:
gap> m := function( x, y )
> local elms, table;
> elms := Elements( g );
> table := [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
> [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
> [ 2, 2, 6, 3, 6, 3 ],
> [ 1, 1, 5, 4, 5, 4 ],
> [ 1, 1, 4, 5, 4, 5 ],
> [ 2, 2, 3, 6, 3, 6 ] ];
> return elms[ table[Position( elms, x )][Position( elms, y )] ];
> end;
function ( x, y ) ... end
Then the near-ring can be constructed by calling Nearring with the parameters gand m:
gap> n := Nearring( g, m );
Nearring( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) ), function ( x, y )
local elms, table;
elms := Elements( g );
table := [ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ],
return elms[table[Position( elms, x )][Position( elms, y )]];
end )
Chapter 64
This chapter describes the main functions of the GRAPE (Version 2.31) share library package
for computing with graphs and groups. All functions described here are written entirely in
the GAP3 language, except for the automorphism group and isomorphism testing functions,
which make use of B. McKay’s nauty (Version 1.7) package [McK90].
GRAPE is primarily designed for the construction and analysis of graphs related to per-
mutation groups and finite geometries. Special emphasis is placed on the determination
of regularity properties and subgraph structure. The GRAPE philosophy is that a graph Γ
always comes together with a known subgroup Gof Aut (Γ), and that Gis used to reduce
the storage and CPU-time requirements for calculations with Γ (see [Soi93]). Of course G
may be the trivial group, and in this case GRAPE algorithms will perform more slowly than
strictly combinatorial algorithms (although this degradation in performance is hopefully
never more than a fixed constant factor).
In general GRAPE deals with directed graphs which may have loops but have no multiple
edges. However, many GRAPE functions only work for simple graphs (i.e. no loops, and
whenever [x, y] is an edge then so is [y, x]), but these functions will check if an input graph
is simple.
In GRAPE, a graph gamma is stored as a record, with mandatory components isGraph,
order,group,schreierVector,representatives, and adjacencies. Usually, the user
need not be aware of this record structure, and is strongly advised only to use GRAPE
functions to construct and modify graphs.
The order component contains the number of vertices of gamma. The vertices of gamma
are always 1, .., gamma.order, but they may also be given names, either by a user or by a
function constructing a graph (e.g. InducedSubgraph,BipartiteDouble,QuotientGraph).
The names component, if present, records these names. If the names component is not
present (the user may, for example, choose to unbind it), then the names are taken to be
1, ..., gamma.order. The group component records the the GAP3 permutation group associ-
ated with gamma (this group must be a subgroup of Aut (gamma)). The representatives
component records a set of orbit representatives for on the vertices of gamma,
with gamma.adjacencies[i] being the set of vertices adjacent to gamma.representatives[i].
The only mandatory component which may change once a graph is initially constructed is
adjacencies (when an edge orbit of is added to, or removed from, gamma).
A graph record may also have some of the optional components isSimple,autGroup, and
canonicalLabelling, which record information about that graph.
GRAPE has the ability to make use of certain random group theoretical algorithms, which
can result in time and store savings. The use of these random methods may be switched on
and off by the global boolean variable GRAPE RANDOM, whose default value is false (random
methods not used). Even if random methods are used, no function described below depends
on the correctness of such a randomly computed result. For these functions the use of these
random methods only influences the time and store taken. All global variables used by
GRAPE start with GRAPE .
The user who is interested in knowing more about the GRAPE system, and its advanced
use, should consult [Soi93] and the GRAPE source code.
Before using any of the functions described in this chapter you must load the package by
calling the statement
gap> RequirePackage( "grape" );
Loading GRAPE 2.31 (GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups),
64.1 Functions to construct and modify graphs
The following sections describe the functions used to construct and modify graphs.
64.2 Graph
Graph( G,L,act,rel )
Graph( G,L,act,rel,invt )
This is the most general and useful way of constructing a graph in GRAPE.
First suppose that the optional boolean parameter invt is unbound or has value false.
Then Lshould be a list of elements of a set Son which the group Gacts (operates in
GAP3 language), with the action given by the function act. The parameter rel should be a
boolean function defining a G-invariant relation on S(so that for gin G,x, y in S,rel(x, y)
if and only if rel(act(x, g),act(y, g))). Then function Graph returns a graph gamma which
has as vertex names
Concatenation( Orbits( G,L,act ) )
(the concatenation of the distinct orbits of the elements in Lunder G), and for vertices v, w
of gamma, [v, w] is an edge if and only if
rel( VertexName( gamma,v), VertexName( gamma,w) )
Now if the parameter invt exists and has value true, then it is assumed that Lis invariant
under Gwith respect to action act. Then the function Graph behaves as above, except that
the vertex names of gamma become (a copy of) L.
The group associated with the graph gamma returned is the image of Gacting via act on
For example, suppose you have an n×nadjacency matrix Afor a graph X, so that the
vertices of Xare {1, . . . , n}, and [i, j] is an edge of Xif and only if A[i][j] = 1. Suppose also
that GAut (X) (Gmay be trivial). Then you can make a GRAPE graph isomorphic to X
via Graph( G, [1..n], OnPoints, function(x,y) return A[x][y]=1; end, true );
gap> A := [[0,1,0],[1,0,0],[0,0,1]];
gap> G := Group( (1,2) );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> Graph( G, [1..3], OnPoints,
> function(x,y) return A[x][y]=1; end,
> true );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( (1,2) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, -2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2 ], [ 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 3 ],
names := [ 1 .. 3 ] )
We now construct the Petersen graph.
gap> Petersen := Graph( SymmetricGroup(5), [[1,2]], OnSets,
> function(x,y) return Intersection(x,y)=[]; end );
isGraph := true,
order := 10,
group := Group( ( 1, 2)( 6, 8)( 7, 9), ( 1, 3)( 4, 8)( 5, 9),
( 2, 4)( 3, 6)( 9,10), ( 2, 5)( 3, 7)( 8,10) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2, 4 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 8, 9, 10 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
64.3 EdgeOrbitsGraph
EdgeOrbitsGraph( G,E)
EdgeOrbitsGraph( G,E,n)
This is a common way of constructing a graph in GRAPE.
This function returns the (directed) graph with vertex set {1, ..., n}, edge set eEeG, and
associated (permutation) group G, which must act naturally on {1, ..., n}. The parameter
Eshould be a list of edges (lists of length 2 of vertices), although a singleton edge will be
understood as an edge list of length 1. The parameter nmay be omitted, in which case the
number of vertices is the largest point moved by a generator of G.
Note that Gmay be the trivial permutation group (Group( () ) in GAP3 notation), in
which case the (directed) edges of gamma are simply those in the list E.
gap> EdgeOrbitsGraph( Group((1,3),(1,2)(3,4)), [[1,2],[4,5]], 5 );
isGraph := true,
order := 5,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2, -2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 4, 5 ], [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 5 ],
isSimple := false )
64.4 NullGraph
NullGraph( G)
NullGraph( G,n)
This function returns the null graph on nvertices, with associated (permutation) group G.
The parameter nmay be omitted, in which case the number of vertices is the largest point
moved by a generator of G.
See also 64.29.
gap> NullGraph( Group( (1,2,3) ), 4 );
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,2,3) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 1, -2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ ], [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 4 ],
isSimple := true )
64.5 CompleteGraph
CompleteGraph( G )
CompleteGraph( G, n)
CompleteGraph( G, n,mustloops )
This function returns a complete graph on nvertices with associated (permutation) group
G. The parameter nmay be omitted, in which case the number of vertices is the largest
point moved by a generator of G. The optional boolean parameter mustloops determines
whether the complete graph has all loops present or no loops (default: false (no loops)).
See also 64.30.
gap> CompleteGraph( Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) ) );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
64.6 JohnsonGraph
JohnsonGraph( n,e)
This function returns a graph gamma isomorphic to the Johnson graph, whose vertices are
the e-subsets of {1, ..., n}, with xjoined to yif and only if |xy|=e1. The group
associated with gamma is image of the the symmetric group Snacting on the e-subsets of
gap> JohnsonGraph(5,3);
isGraph := true,
order := 10,
group := Group( ( 1, 8)( 2, 9)( 4,10), ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 7,10),
( 1, 3)( 4, 6)( 7, 9), ( 2, 3)( 4, 5)( 7, 8) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
64.7 AddEdgeOrbit
AddEdgeOrbit( gamma,e)
AddEdgeOrbit( gamma,e,H)
This procedure adds the edge orbit to the edge set of graph gamma. The
parameter emust be a sequence of length 2 of vertices of gamma. If the optional third
parameter His given then it is assumed that e[2] has the same orbit under Has it does
under the stabilizer in of e[1], and this knowledge can greatly speed up the
Note that if is trivial then this procedure simply adds the single edge eto
gap> gamma := NullGraph( Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ) );
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> AddEdgeOrbit( gamma, [4,3] );
gap> gamma;
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 4 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
64.8 RemoveEdgeOrbit
RemoveEdgeOrbit( gamma,e)
RemoveEdgeOrbit( gamma,e,H)
This procedure removes the edge orbit from the edge set of the graph gamma.
The parameter emust be a sequence of length 2 of vertices of gamma, but if eis not an
edge of gamma then this procedure has no effect. If the optional third parameter His given
then it is assumed that e[2] has the same orbit under Has it does under the stabilizer in of e[1], and this knowledge can greatly speed up the procedure.
gap> gamma := CompleteGraph( Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ) );
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> RemoveEdgeOrbit( gamma, [4,3] );
gap> gamma;
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
64.9 AssignVertexNames
AssignVertexNames( gamma,names )
This function allows the user to give new names to the vertices of gamma, by specifying a
list names of vertex names for the vertices of gamma, such that names[i] contains the user’s
name for the i-th vertex of gamma.
A copy of names is assigned to gamma.names. See also 64.14.
gap> gamma := NullGraph( Group(()), 3 );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( () ),
schreierVector := [ -1, -2, -3 ],
adjacencies := [ [ ], [ ], [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 2, 3 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> AssignVertexNames( gamma, ["a","b","c"] );
gap> gamma;
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( () ),
schreierVector := [ -1, -2, -3 ],
adjacencies := [ [ ], [ ], [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 2, 3 ],
isSimple := true,
names := [ "a", "b", "c" ] )
64.10 Functions to inspect graphs, vertices and edges
The next sections describe functions to inspect graphs, vertices and edges.
64.11 IsGraph
IsGraph( obj )
This boolean function returns true if and only if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary
type, is a graph.
gap> IsGraph( 1 );
gap> IsGraph( JohnsonGraph( 3, 2 ) );
64.12 OrderGraph
OrderGraph( gamma )
This function returns the number of vertices (order) of the graph gamma.
gap> OrderGraph( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ) );
64.13 IsVertex
IsVertex( gamma,v)
This boolean function returns true if and only if vis vertex of gamma.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph( 3, 2 );;
gap> IsVertex( gamma, 1 );
gap> IsVertex( gamma, 4 );
64.14 VertexName
VertexName( gamma,v)
This function returns (a copy of) the name of the vertex vof gamma.
See also 64.9.
gap> VertexName( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 6 );
64.15 Vertices
Vertices( gamma )
This function returns the vertex set {1, ..., gamma.order}of the graph gamma.
gap> Vertices( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ) );
64.16 VertexDegree
VertexDegree( gamma,v)
This function returns the (out)degree of the vertex vof the graph gamma.
gap> VertexDegree( JohnsonGraph( 3, 2 ), 1 );
64.17 VertexDegrees
VertexDegrees( gamma )
This function returns the set of vertex (out)degrees for the graph gamma.
gap> VertexDegrees( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ) );
64.18 IsLoopy
IsLoopy( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if the graph gamma has a loop, that is, an
edge of the form [x, x].
gap> IsLoopy( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ) );
gap> IsLoopy( CompleteGraph( Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) ), 3 ) );
gap> IsLoopy( CompleteGraph( Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) ), 3, true ) );
64.19 IsSimpleGraph
IsSimpleGraph( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if the graph gamma is simple, that is, has
no loops and whenever [x, y] is an edge then so is [y, x].
gap> IsSimpleGraph( CompleteGraph( Group( (1,2,3) ), 3 ) );
gap> IsSimpleGraph( CompleteGraph( Group( (1,2,3) ), 3, true ) );
64.20 Adjacency
Adjacency( gamma,v)
This function returns (a copy of) the set of vertices of gamma adjacent to vertex v. A vertex
wis adjacent to vif and only if [v, w] is an edge.
gap> Adjacency( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ), 1 );
gap> Adjacency( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ), 6 );
64.21 IsEdge
IsEdge( gamma,e)
This boolean function returns true if and only if eis an edge of gamma.
gap> IsEdge( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ), [ 1, 2 ] );
gap> IsEdge( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ), [ 1, 6 ] );
64.22 DirectedEdges
DirectedEdges( gamma )
This function returns the set of directed (ordered) edges of the graph gamma.
See also 64.23.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph( 3, 2 );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> DirectedEdges( gamma );
gap> UndirectedEdges( gamma );
64.23 UndirectedEdges
UndirectedEdges( gamma )
This function returns the set of undirected (unordered) edges of gamma, which must be a
simple graph.
See also 64.22.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph( 3, 2 );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( (1,3), (1,2) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> DirectedEdges( gamma );
gap> UndirectedEdges( gamma );
64.24 Distance
Distance( gamma,X,Y)
Distance( gamma,X,Y,G)
This function returns the distance from Xto Yin gamma. The parameters Xand Ymay
be vertices or vertex sets. We define the distance d(X,Y) from Xto Yto be the minimum
length of a (directed) path joining a vertex of Xto a vertex of Yif such a path exists, and
1 otherwise.
The optional parameter G, if present, is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma) fixing
Xsetwise. Including such a Gcan speed up the function.
gap> Distance( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 1, 6 );
gap> Distance( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 1, 5 );
64.25 Diameter
Diameter( gamma )
This function returns the diameter of gamma. A diameter of 1 is returned if gamma is
not (strongly) connected.
64.26. GIRTH 1119
gap> Diameter( JohnsonGraph( 5, 3 ) );
gap> Diameter( JohnsonGraph( 5, 4 ) );
64.26 Girth
Girth( gamma )
This function returns the girth of gamma, which must be a simple graph. A girth of 1 is
returned if gamma is a forest.
gap> Girth( JohnsonGraph( 4, 2 ) );
64.27 IsConnectedGraph
IsConnectedGraph( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if gamma is (strongly) connected, i.e. if
there is a (directed) path from xto yfor every pair of vertices x, y of gamma.
gap> IsConnectedGraph( JohnsonGraph(4,2) );
gap> IsConnectedGraph( NullGraph(SymmetricGroup(4)) );
64.28 IsBipartite
IsBipartite( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if the graph gamma, which must be simple,
is bipartite, i.e. if the vertex set can be partitioned into two null graphs (which are called
bicomponents or parts of gamma).
See also 64.41, 64.51, and 64.54.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);
isGraph := true,
order := 6,
group := Group( (1,5)(2,6), (1,3)(4,6), (2,3)(4,5) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> IsBipartite(gamma);
gap> delta := BipartiteDouble(gamma);
isGraph := true,
order := 12,
group := Group( ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 7,11)( 8,12), ( 1, 3)( 4, 6)( 7, 9)
(10,12), ( 2, 3)( 4, 5)( 8, 9)(10,11), ( 1, 7)( 2, 8)( 3, 9)
( 4,10)( 5,11)( 6,12) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 8, 9, 10, 11 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
gap> IsBipartite(delta);
64.29 IsNullGraph
IsNullGraph( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if the graph gamma has no edges.
See also 64.4.
gap> IsNullGraph( CompleteGraph( Group(()), 3 ) );
gap> IsNullGraph( CompleteGraph( Group(()), 1 ) );
64.30 IsCompleteGraph
IsCompleteGraph( gamma )
IsCompleteGraph( gamma,mustloops )
This boolean function returns true if and only if the graph gamma is a complete graph.
The optional boolean parameter mustloops determines whether all loops must be present
for gamma to be considered a complete graph (default: false (loops are ignored)).
See also 64.5.
gap> IsCompleteGraph( NullGraph( Group(()), 3 ) );
gap> IsCompleteGraph( NullGraph( Group(()), 1 ) );
gap> IsCompleteGraph( CompleteGraph(SymmetricGroup(3)), true );
64.31 Functions to determine regularity properties of
The following sections describe functions to determine regularity properties of graphs.
64.32 IsRegularGraph
IsRegularGraph( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if the graph gamma is (out)regular.
gap> IsRegularGraph( JohnsonGraph(4,2) );
gap> IsRegularGraph( EdgeOrbitsGraph(Group(()),[[1,2]],2) );
64.33 LocalParameters
LocalParameters( gamma,V)
LocalParameters( gamma,V,G)
This function determines any local parameters ci(V), ai(V), or bi(V) that simple, con-
nected gamma may have, with respect to the singleton vertex or vertex set V(see [BCN89]).
The function returns a list of triples, whose i-th element is [ci1(V), ai1(V), bi1(V)], ex-
cept that if some local parameter does not exist then a 1 is put in its place. This function
can be used to determine whether a given subset of the vertices of a graph is a distance-
regular code in that graph.
The optional parameter G, if present, is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma) fixing
V(setwise). Including such a Gcan speed up the function.
gap> LocalParameters( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 1 );
gap> LocalParameters( JohnsonGraph(4,2), [1,6] );
64.34 GlobalParameters
GlobalParameters( gamma )
In a similar way to LocalParameters (see 64.33), this function determines the global
parameters ci, ai, biof simple, connected gamma (see [BCN89]). The nonexistence of a
global parameter is denoted by 1.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> GlobalParameters( gamma );
gap> GlobalParameters( BipartiteDouble(gamma) );
64.35 IsDistanceRegular
IsDistanceRegular( gamma )
This boolean function returns true if and only if gamma is distance-regular, i.e. gamma is
simple, connected, and all possible global parameters exist.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> IsDistanceRegular( gamma );
gap> IsDistanceRegular( BipartiteDouble(gamma) );
64.36 CollapsedAdjacencyMat
CollapsedAdjacencyMat( G,gamma )
This function returns the collapsed adjacency matrix for gamma, where the collapsing group
is G. It is assumed that Gis a subgroup of Aut (gamma).
The (i, j)-entry of the collapsed adjacency matrix equals the number of edges in {[x, y]|yj-
th G-orbit }, where xis a fixed vertex in the i-th G-orbit.
See also 64.37.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> G := Stabilizer(, 1 );;
gap> CollapsedAdjacencyMat( G, gamma );
64.37 OrbitalGraphIntersectionMatrices
OrbitalGraphIntersectionMatrices( G)
OrbitalGraphIntersectionMatrices( G,H)
This function returns a sequence of intersection matrices corresponding to the orbital graphs
for the transitive permutation group G. An intersection matrix for an orbital graph gamma
for Gis a collapsed adjacency matrix of gamma, collapsed with respect to the stabilizer in
Gof a point.
If the optional parameter His given then it is assumed to be the stabilizer in Gof the point
1, and this information can speed up the function.
See also 64.36.
gap> OrbitalGraphIntersectionMatrices( SymmetricGroup(7) );
64.38 Some special vertex subsets of a graph
The following sections describe functions for special vertex subsets of a graph.
64.39 ConnectedComponent
ConnectedComponent( gamma,v)
This function returns the set of all vertices in gamma which can be reached by a path
starting at the vertex v. The graph gamma must be simple.
See also 64.40.
gap> ConnectedComponent( NullGraph( Group((1,2)) ), 2 );
gap> ConnectedComponent( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 2 );
64.40 ConnectedComponents
ConnectedComponents( gamma )
This function returns a list of the vertex sets of the connected components of gamma, which
must be a simple graph.
See also 64.39.
gap> ConnectedComponents( NullGraph( Group((1,2,3,4)) ) );
gap> ConnectedComponents( JohnsonGraph(4,2) );
64.41 Bicomponents
Bicomponents( gamma )
If the graph gamma, which must be simple, is bipartite, this function returns a length 2 list
of bicomponents or parts of gamma, otherwise the empty list is returned.
Note: if gamma is not connected then its bicomponents are not necessarily uniquely deter-
mined. See also 64.28.
gap> Bicomponents( NullGraph(SymmetricGroup(4)) );
gap> Bicomponents( JohnsonGraph(4,2) );
[ ]
64.42 DistanceSet
DistanceSet( gamma,distances,V)
DistanceSet( gamma,distances,V,G)
This function returns the set of vertices wof gamma, such that d(V, w) is in distances (a
list or singleton distance).
The optional parameter G, if present, is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma) fixing
Vsetwise. Including such a Gcan speed up the function.
gap> DistanceSet( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 1, [1,6] );
64.43 Layers
Layers( gamma,V)
Layers( gamma,V,G)
This function returns a list whose i-th element is the set of vertices of gamma at distance
i1 from V, which may be a vertex set or a singleton vertex.
The optional parameter G, if present, is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma) which
fixes Vsetwise. Including such a Gcan speed up the function.
gap> Layers( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 6 );
64.44 IndependentSet
IndependentSet( gamma )
IndependentSet( gamma,indset )
IndependentSet( gamma,indset,forbidden )
Returns a (hopefully large) independent set (coclique) of the graph gamma, which must
be simple. At present, a greedy algorithm is used. The returned independent set will
contain the (assumed) independent set indset (default: []), and not contain any element of
forbidden (default: [], in which case the returned independent set is maximal). An error is
signalled if indset and forbidden have non-trivial intersection.
gap> IndependentSet( JohnsonGraph(4,2), [3] );
64.45 Functions to construct new graphs from old
The following sections describe functions to construct new graphs from old ones.
64.46 InducedSubgraph
InducedSubgraph( gamma,V)
InducedSubgraph( gamma,V,G)
This function returns the subgraph of gamma induced on the vertex list V(which must not
contain repeated elements). If the optional third parameter Gis given, then it is assumed
that Gfixes Vsetwise, and is a group of automorphisms of the induced subgraph when
restriced to V. This knowledge is then used to give an associated group to the induced
subgraph. If no such Gis given then the associated group is trivial.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> S := [2,3,4,5];;
gap> InducedSubgraph( gamma, S, Stabilizer(,S,OnSets) );
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (2,3), (1,2)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
64.47 DistanceSetInduced
DistanceSetInduced( gamma,distances,V)
DistanceSetInduced( gamma,distances,V,G)
This function returns the subgraph of gamma induced on the set of vertices wof gamma
such that d(V, w) is in distances (a list or singleton distance).
The optional parameter G, if present, is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma) fixing
Vsetwise. Including such a Gcan speed up the function.
gap> DistanceSetInduced( JohnsonGraph(4,2), [0,1], [1] );
isGraph := true,
order := 5,
group := Group( (2,3)(4,5), (2,5)(3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, -2, 1, 2, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ], [ 1, 3, 4 ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 2 ],
isSimple := true,
64.48 DistanceGraph
DistanceGraph( gamma,distances )
This function returns the graph delta, with the same vertex set as gamma, such that [x, y]
is an edge of delta if and only if d(x, y) (in gamma) is in the list distances.
gap> DistanceGraph( JohnsonGraph(4,2), [2] );
isGraph := true,
order := 6,
group := Group( (1,5)(2,6), (1,3)(4,6), (2,3)(4,5) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 6 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> ConnectedComponents(last);
64.49 ComplementGraph
ComplementGraph( gamma )
ComplementGraph( gamma,comploops )
This function returns the complement of the graph gamma. The optional boolean parameter
comploops determines whether or not loops/nonloops are complemented (default: false
(loops/nonloops are not complemented)).
gap> ComplementGraph( NullGraph(SymmetricGroup(3)) );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( (1,3), (2,3) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> IsLoopy(last);
gap> IsLoopy(ComplementGraph(NullGraph(SymmetricGroup(3)),true));
64.50 PointGraph
PointGraph( gamma )
PointGraph( gamma,v)
Assuming that gamma is simple, connected, and bipartite, this function returns the induced
subgraph on the connected component of DistanceGraph(gamma,2) containing the vertex
v(default: v= 1).
Thus, if gamma is the incidence graph of a connected geometry, and vrepresents a point,
then the point graph of the geometry is returned.
gap> BipartiteDouble( CompleteGraph(SymmetricGroup(4)) );;
gap> PointGraph(last);
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (3,4), (2,4), (1,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 3 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
names := [ [ 1, "+" ], [ 2, "+" ], [ 3, "+" ], [ 4, "+" ] ] )
gap> IsCompleteGraph(last);
64.51 EdgeGraph
EdgeGraph( gamma )
This function returns the edge graph, also called the line graph, of the simple graph gamma.
This edge graph delta has the unordered edges of gamma as vertices, and eis joined to f
in delta precisely when |ef|= 1.
gap> EdgeGraph( CompleteGraph(SymmetricGroup(5)) );
isGraph := true,
order := 10,
group := Group( ( 1, 7)( 2, 9)( 3,10), ( 1, 4)( 5, 9)( 6,10),
( 2, 4)( 5, 7)( 8,10), ( 3, 4)( 6, 7)( 8, 9) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
64.52 UnderlyingGraph
UnderlyingGraph( gamma )
This function returns the underlying graph delta of gamma. The graph delta has the same
vertex set as gamma, and has an edge [x, y] precisely when gamma has an edge [x, y] or an
edge [y, x]. This function also sets the isSimple components of gamma and delta.
gap> gamma := EdgeOrbitsGraph( Group((1,2,3,4)), [1,2] );
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,2,3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 1, 1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := false )
gap> UnderlyingGraph(gamma);
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,2,3,4) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 1, 1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 4 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
64.53 QuotientGraph
QuotientGraph( gamma,R)
Let Sbe the smallest equivalence relation on the vertices of gamma,
such that Scontains the relation R(which should be a list of ordered pairs (length 2 lists)
of vertices of gamma). Then this function returns a graph isomorphic to the quotient delta
of the graph gamma, defined as follows. The vertices of delta are the equivalence classes of
S, and [X, Y ] is an edge of delta if and only if [x, y] is an edge of gamma for some xX,
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> QuotientGraph( gamma, [[1,6]] );
isGraph := true,
order := 3,
group := Group( (1,2), (1,3), (2,3) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
64.54 BipartiteDouble
BipartiteDouble( gamma )
This function returns the bipartite double of the graph gamma, as defined in [BCN89].
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);
isGraph := true,
order := 6,
group := Group( (1,5)(2,6), (1,3)(4,6), (2,3)(4,5) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true )
gap> IsBipartite(gamma);
gap> delta := BipartiteDouble(gamma);
isGraph := true,
order := 12,
group := Group( ( 1, 5)( 2, 6)( 7,11)( 8,12), ( 1, 3)( 4, 6)( 7, 9)
(10,12), ( 2, 3)( 4, 5)( 8, 9)(10,11), ( 1, 7)( 2, 8)( 3, 9)
( 4,10)( 5,11)( 6,12) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 8, 9, 10, 11 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
gap> IsBipartite(delta);
64.55 GeodesicsGraph
GeodesicsGraph( gamma,x,y)
This function returns the the graph induced on the set of geodesics between vertices xand
y, but not including xor y. This function is only for a simple graph gamma.
gap> GeodesicsGraph( JohnsonGraph(4,2), 1, 6 );
isGraph := true,
order := 4,
group := Group( (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3), (1,3,4,2) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 2, 1, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
gap> GlobalParameters(last);
64.56 CollapsedIndependentOrbitsGraph
CollapsedIndependentOrbitsGraph( G,gamma )
CollapsedIndependentOrbitsGraph( G,gamma,N)
Given a subgroup Gof the automorphism group of the graph gamma, this function returns
a graph isomorphic to delta, defined as follows. The vertices of delta are those G-orbits of
the vertices of gamma that are independent sets, and xis not joined to yin delta if and
only if xyis an independent set in gamma.
If the optional parameter Nis given, then it is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma)
preserving the set of G-orbits of the vertices of gamma (for example, the normalizer in of G). This information can make the function more efficient.
gap> G := Group( (1,2) );;
gap> gamma := NullGraph( SymmetricGroup(3) );;
gap> CollapsedIndependentOrbitsGraph( G, gamma );
isGraph := true,
order := 2,
group := Group( () ),
schreierVector := [ -1, -2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ ], [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 2 ],
isSimple := true,
64.57 CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph
CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph( G,gamma )
CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph( G,gamma,N)
Given a subgroup Gof the automorphism group of the simple graph gamma, this function
returns a graph isomorphic to delta, defined as follows. The vertices of delta are those G-
orbits of the vertices of gamma on which complete subgraphs are induced in gamma, and x
is joined to yin delta if and only if x6=yand the subgraph of gamma induced on xyis
a complete graph.
If the optional parameter Nis given, then it is assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (gamma)
preserving the set of G-orbits of the vertices of gamma (for example, the normalizer in of G). This information can make the function more efficient.
gap> G := Group( (1,2) );;
gap> gamma := NullGraph( SymmetricGroup(3) );;
gap> CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph( G, gamma );
isGraph := true,
order := 1,
group := Group( () ),
schreierVector := [ -1 ],
adjacencies := [ [ ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
names := [ [ 3 ] ],
isSimple := true )
gap> gamma := CompleteGraph( SymmetricGroup(3) );;
gap> CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph( G, gamma );
isGraph := true,
order := 2,
group := Group( () ),
schreierVector := [ -1, -2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2 ], [ 1 ] ],
representatives := [ 1, 2 ],
isSimple := true )
64.58 NewGroupGraph
NewGroupGraph( G,gamma )
This function returns a copy delta of gamma, except that the group associated with delta
is G, which is a assumed to be a subgroup of Aut (delta).
Note that the result of some functions of a graph depend on the group associated with that
graph (which must always be a subgroup of the automorphism group of the graph).
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> aut := AutGroupGraph(gamma);
Group( (3,4), (2,3)(4,5), (1,2)(5,6) )
gap> Size(;
gap> Size(aut);
gap> delta := NewGroupGraph( aut, gamma );;
gap> Size(;
gap> IsIsomorphicGraph( gamma, delta );
64.59 Vertex-Colouring and Complete Subgraphs
The following sections describe functions for vertex-colouring or constructing complete sub-
graphs of given graphs.
64.60 VertexColouring
VertexColouring( gamma )
This function returns a proper vertex-colouring Cfor the graph gamma, which must be
This proper vertex-colouring Cis a list of natural numbers, indexed by the vertices of
gamma, and has the property that C[i]6=C[j] whenever [i, j] is an edge of gamma. At
present a greedy algorithm is used.
gap> VertexColouring( JohnsonGraph(4,2) );
64.61 CompleteSubgraphs
CompleteSubgraphs( gamma )
CompleteSubgraphs( gamma,k)
CompleteSubgraphs( gamma,k,alls )
This function returns a set Kof complete subgraphs of gamma, which must be a simple
graph. A complete subgraph is represented by its vertex set. If k>1 then the elements
of Keach have size k, otherwise the elements of Krepresent maximal complete subgraphs
of gamma. The default for kis 1, i.e. maximal complete subgraphs.
The optional boolean parameter alls controls how many complete subgraphs are returned.
If alls is true (the default), then Kwill contain (perhaps properly) a set of
orbit-representatives of the size k(if k>1) or maximal (if k<0) complete subgraphs of
If alls is false then Kwill contain at most one element. In this case, if k<0 then Kwill
contain just one maximal complete subgraph, and if k>1 then Kwill contain a complete
subgraph of size kif and only if such a subgraph is contained in gamma.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(5,2);;
gap> CompleteSubgraphs(gamma);
gap> CompleteSubgraphs(gamma,2,false);
64.62 CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize
CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize( gamma,k)
CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize( gamma,k,alls )
CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize( gamma,k,alls,maxi )
CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize( gamma,k,alls,maxi,colnum )
Let gamma be a simple graph and k>0. This function returns a set Kof complete
subgraphs of size kof gamma, if such subgraphs exist (else the empty set is returned). A
complete subgraph is represented by its vertex set. This function is more efficient for its
purpose than the more general function CompleteSubgraphs.
The boolean parameter alls is used to control how many complete subgraphs are returned.
If alls is true (the default), then Kwill contain (perhaps properly) a set of
orbit-representatives of the size kcomplete subgraphs of gamma. If alls is false then Kwill
contain at most one element, and will contain one element if and only if gamma contains a
complete subgraph of size k.
If the boolean parameter maxi is bound and has value true, then it is assumed that all
complete subgraphs of size kof gamma are maximal.
If the optional rational parameter colnum is given, then a sensible value is
The use of this parameter may speed up the function.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(5,2);;
gap> CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize(gamma,5);
[ ]
gap> CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize(gamma,4,true,true);
gap> gamma := NewGroupGraph( Group(()), gamma );;
gap> CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize(gamma,4,true,true);
64.63 Functions depending on nauty
For convenience, GRAPE provides a (somewhat primitive) interface to Brendan McKay’s
nauty (Version 1.7) package (see [McK90]) for calculating automorphism groups of vertex-
coloured graphs, and for testing graph isomorphism.
64.64 AutGroupGraph
AutGroupGraph( gamma )
AutGroupGraph( gamma,colouring )
The first version of this function returns the automorphism group of the (directed) graph
gamma, using nauty.
In the second version, colouring is a vertex-colouring of gamma, and the subgroup of
Aut (gamma) preserving this colouring is returned. Here, a colouring should be given as a
list of sets, forming a partion of the vertices. The set for the last colour may be omitted.
Note that we do not require that adjacent vertices have different colours.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(4,2);;
gap> Size(AutGroupGraph(gamma));
gap> Size(AutGroupGraph(gamma,[[1,6]]));
64.65 IsIsomorphicGraph
IsIsomorphicGraph( gamma1 ,gamma2 )
64.66. AN EXAMPLE 1133
This boolean function uses the nauty program to test the isomorphism of gamma1 with
gamma2 . The value true is returned if and only if the graphs are isomorphic (as directed,
uncoloured graphs).
This function creates or uses the record component canonicalLabelling of a graph. As
noted in [McK90], a canonical labelling given by nauty can depend on the version of
nauty (Version 1.7 in GRAPE 2.31), certain parameters of nauty (always set the same by
GRAPE 2.31), and the compiler and computer used. If you use the canonicalLabelling
component (say by using IsIsomorphicGraph) of a graph stored on a file, then you must
be sure that this field was created in the same environment in which you are presently
computing. If in doubt, unbind the canonicalLabelling component of the graph before
testing isomorphism.
gap> gamma := JohnsonGraph(7,4);;
gap> delta := JohnsonGraph(7,3);;
gap> IsIsomorphicGraph( gamma, delta );
64.66 An example
We conclude this chapter with a simple example to illustrate further the use of GRAPE.
In this example we construct the Petersen graph P, and its edge graph (often called line
graph) EP . We compute the (global) parameters of EP , and so verify that EP is distance-
regular (see [BCN89]). We also show that there is just one orbit of 1-factors of Punder
the automorphism group of P(but you should read the documentation of the function
CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize to see exactly what that function does).
gap> P := Graph( SymmetricGroup(5), [[1,2]], OnSets,
> function(x,y) return Intersection(x,y)=[]; end );
isGraph := true,
order := 10,
group := Group( ( 1, 2)( 6, 8)( 7, 9), ( 1, 3)( 4, 8)( 5, 9),
( 2, 4)( 3, 6)( 9,10), ( 2, 5)( 3, 7)( 8,10) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 2, 2, 4 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 8, 9, 10 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
gap> Diameter(P);
gap> Girth(P);
gap> EP := EdgeGraph(P);
isGraph := true,
order := 15,
group := Group( ( 1, 4)( 2, 5)( 3, 6)(10,11)(12,13)(14,15), ( 1, 7)
( 2, 8)( 3, 9)(10,15)(11,13)(12,14), ( 2, 3)( 4, 7)( 5,10)( 6,11)
( 8,12)( 9,14), ( 1, 3)( 4,12)( 5, 8)( 6,13)( 7,10)( 9,15) ),
schreierVector := [ -1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4, 1, 2, 2 ],
adjacencies := [ [ 2, 3, 13, 15 ] ],
representatives := [ 1 ],
isSimple := true,
gap> GlobalParameters(EP);
gap> CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize(ComplementGraph(EP),5);
Chapter 65
GRIM (Groups of Rational and
Integer Matrices)
This chapter describes the main functions of the GRIM(Version 1.0) share library package
for testing finiteness of rational and integer matrix groups. All functions described here are
written entirely in the GAP3 language.
Before using any of the functions described in this chapter you must load the package by
calling the statement
gap> RequirePackage( "grim" );
Loading GRIM (Groups of Rational and Integer Matrices) 1.0,
65.1 Functions to test finiteness and integrality
The following sections describe the functions used to test finiteness and integrality of rational
matrix groups.
65.2 IsFinite for rational matrix groups
IsFinite( G)
The group G, which must consist of rational matrices, is tested for finiteness.
A group of rational matrices is finite iff the following two conditions hold: There is a basis
with respect to which all elements of Ghave integer entries, and Gpreserves a positive
definite quadratic form.
If Gcontains non-integer matrices, then IsFinite first calls InvariantLattice (see 65.3) to
find a basis with respect to which all elements of Gare integer matrices.
IsFinite then finds a positive definite quadratic form, or determines that none exists. If G
is finite, then the quadratic form is stored in G.quadraticForm.
gap> a := [[1,1/2],[0,-1]];; G := Group(a);;
gap> IsFinite(G);
gap> L := G.invariantLattice;;
gap> L*a*L^(-1);
gap> B := G.quadraticForm;
gap> TransposedMat(a)*B*a;
This function is Las Vegas: it is randomized, but the randomness only affects the running
time, not the correctness of the output. (See 65.4.)
65.3 InvariantLattice for rational matrix groups
InvariantLattice( G)
This function returns a lattice L(given by a basis) which is G-invariant. That is, for any
Ain G,LAL1is an integer matrix.
Lis also stored in G.invariantLattice, and the conjugate group LGL1is stored in G.integerMatrixGroup.
This function finds an Lunless Gcontains elements of non-integer trace (in which case no
such Lexists, and false is returned).
gap> a := [[1,1/2],[0,-1]];; G := Group(a);;
gap> L := InvariantLattice(G);;
gap> L*a*L^(-1);
This function is Las Vegas: it is randomized, but the randomization only affects the running
time, not the correctness of the output.
65.4 IsFiniteDeterministic for integer matrix groups
IsFiniteDeterministic( G)
The integer matrix group Gis tested for finiteness, using a deterministic algorithm. In most
cases, this seems to be less efficient than the Las Vegas IsFinite. However, the number of
arithmetic steps of this algorithm does not depend on the size of the entries of G, which is
not true of the Las Vegas version.
If Gis finite, then a G-invariant positive definite quadratic form is stored in G.quadraticForm.
gap> a := [[1,1],[0,-1]];
gap> G := Group(a);;
gap> IsFiniteDeterministic(G);
gap> B := G.quadraticForm;;
gap> B;
[ [ 1, 1/2 ], [ 1/2, 3/2 ] ]
gap> TransposedMat(a)*B*a;
[ [ 1, 1/2 ], [ 1/2, 3/2 ] ]
See also (65.2).
Chapter 66
GUAVA is a share library package that implements coding theory algorithms in GAP3. Codes
can be created and manipulated and information about codes can be calculated.
GUAVA consists of various files written in the GAP3 language, and an external program from
J.S. Leon for dealing with automorphism groups of codes and isomorphism testing functions.
Several algorithms that need the speed are integrated in the GAP3 kernel. Please send your
bug reports to the gap-forum (GAP-Forum@Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE).
GUAVA is written as a final project during our study of Mathematics at the Delft Univer-
sity of Technology, department of Pure Mathematics, and in Aachen, at Lehrstuhl D fuer
We would like to thank the GAP3 people at the RWTH Aachen for their support, A.E. Brouwer
for his advice and J. Simonis for his supervision.
Jasper Cramwinckel,
Erik Roijackers, and
Reinald Baart.
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
Department of Pure Mathematics
As of version 1.3, new functions are added. These functions are also written in Delft as a
final project during my study of Mathematics. For more information, see 66.141.
Eric Minkes.
The following sections describe the functions of the GUAVA (Version 1.3) share libary package
for computing with codes. All functions described here are written entirely in the GAP3
language, except for the automorphism group and isomorphism testing functions, which
make use of J.S. Leon’s partition backtrack programs.
GUAVA is primarily designed for the construction and analysis of codes. The functions can
be divided into three subcategories:
Construction of codes
GUAVA can construct unrestricted,linear and cyclic codes. Information about
the code is stored in a record, together with operations applicable to the code.
Manipulations of codes
Manipulation transforms one code into another, or constructs a new code from two
codes. The new code can profit from the data in the record of the old code(s), so in
these cases calculation time decreases.
Computations of information about codes
GUAVA can calculate important data of codes very fast. The results are stored in the
code record.
66.1 Loading GUAVA
After starting up GAP3, the GUAVA package needs to be loaded. Load GUAVA by typing at
the GAP3 prompt
gap> RequirePackage( "guava" );
___________ |
/ \ / --+-- Version 1.3
/ | | |\\ //| |
| _ | | | \\ // |
| \ | | |--\\ //--| Jasper Cramwinckel
\ || | | \\ // | Erik Roijackers
\___/ \___/ | \\// | Reinald Baart
Eric Minkes
If GUAVA isn’t already in memory, it is loaded and its beautiful banner is displayed.
If you are a frequent user of GUAVA, you might consider putting this line in your .gaprc
66.2 Codewords
Acodeword is basically just a vector of finite field elements. In GUAVA, a codeword is a
record, with this base vector as its most important element.
Codewords have been implemented in GUAVA mainly because of their easy interfacing with
the user. The user can input codewords in different formats, and output information is
formatted in a readable way.
Codewords work together with codes (see 66.15), although many operations are available
on codewords themselves.
The first sections describe how codewords are constructed (see 66.3 and 66.4).
The next sections describe the operations applicable to codewords (see 66.5 and 66.6).
The next sections describe the functions that convert codewords back to vectors or polyno-
mials (see 66.7 and 66.8), and functions that change the way a codeword is displayed (see
66.9 and 66.10).
The next section describes a single function to generate a null word (see 66.11).
The next sections describe the functions for codewords (see 66.12, 66.13 and 66.14).
66.3. CODEWORD 1139
66.3 Codeword
Codeword( obj [, n] [, F] )
Codeword returns a codeword or a list of codewords constructed from obj . The object obj
can be a vector, a string, a polynomial or a codeword. It may also be a list of those (even
a mixed list).
If a number nis specified, all constructed codewords have length n. This is the only way to
make sure that all elements of obj are converted to codewords of the same length. Elements
of obj that are longer than nare reduced in length by cutting of the last positions. Elements
of obj that are shorter than nare lengthened by adding zeros at the end. If no nis specified,
each constructed codeword is handled individually.
If a Galois field Fis specified, all codewords are constructed over this field. This is the
only way to make sure that all elements of obj are converted to the same field F(otherwise
they are converted one by one). Note that all elements of obj must have elements over F
or over Integers. Converting from one Galois field to another is not allowed. If no Fis
specified, vectors or strings with integer elements will be converted to the smallest Galois
field possible.
Note that a significant speed increase is achieved if Fis specified, even when all elements
of obj already have elements over F.
Every vector in obj can be a finite field vector over For a vector over Integers. In the last
case, it is converted to For, if omitted, to the smallest Galois field possible.
Every string in obj must be a string of numbers, without spaces, commas or any other
characters. These numbers must be from 0 to 9. The string is converted to a codeword over
For, if Fis omitted, over the smallest Galois field possible. Note that since all numbers in
the string are interpreted as one-digit numbers, Galois fields of size larger than 10 are not
properly represented when using strings.
Every polynomial in obj is converted to a codeword of length nor, if omitted, of a length
dictated by the degree of the polynomial. If Fis specified, a polynomial in obj must be over
Every element of obj that is already a codeword is changed to a codeword of length n. If
no nwas specified, the codeword doesn’t change. If Fis specified, the codeword must have
base field F.
gap> c := Codeword([0,1,1,1,0]);
gap> Field(c);
gap> c2 := Codeword([0,1,1,1,0], GF(3));
gap> Field(c2);
gap> Codeword([c, c2, "0110"]);
gap> p := Polynomial(GF(2), [Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0]);
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^2 + 1)
gap> Codeword(p);
x^2 + 1
Codeword( obj ,C)
In this format, the elements of obj are converted to elements of the same vector space as
the elements of a code C. This is the same as calling Codeword with the word length of C
(which is n) and the field of C(which is F).
gap> C := WholeSpaceCode(7,GF(5));
a cyclic [7,7,1]0 whole space code over GF(5)
gap> Codeword(["0220110", [1,1,1]], C);
gap> Codeword(["0220110", [1,1,1]], 7, GF(5));
66.4 IsCodeword
IsCodeword( obj )
IsCodeword returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is of the codeword
type and false otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsCodeword(1);
gap> IsCodeword(ReedMullerCode(2,3));
gap> IsCodeword("11111");
gap> IsCodeword(Codeword("11111"));
66.5 Comparisons of Codewords
c1<> c2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the codewords c1and c2are equal, and to false
otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the codewords c1and c2are not
equal, and to false otherwise.
Note that codewords are equal if and only if their base vectors are equal. Whether they are
represented as a vector or polynomial has nothing to do with the comparison.
Comparing codewords with objects of other types is not recommended, although it is possi-
ble. If c2is the codeword, the other object c1is first converted to a codeword, after which
comparison is possible. This way, a codeword can be compared with a vector, polynomial,
or string. If c1is the codeword, then problems may arise if c2is a polynomial. In that
case, the comparison always yields a false, because the polynomial comparison is called
(see Comparisons of Polynomials).
gap> P := Polynomial(GF(2), Z(2)*[1,0,0,1]);
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^3 + 1)
gap> c := Codeword(P, GF(2));
x^3 + 1
gap> P = c; # codeword operation
gap> c = P; # polynomial operation
gap> c2 := Codeword("1001", GF(2));
gap> c = c2;
66.6 Operations for Codewords
The following operations are always available for codewords. The operands must have a
common base field, and must have the same length. No implicit conversions are performed.
The operator +evaluates to the sum of the codewords c1and c2.
The operator -evaluates to the difference of the codewords c1and c2.
The operator +evaluates to the coset code of code Cafter adding a codeword cto all
codewords. See 66.101.
In general, the operations just described can also be performed on vectors, strings or poly-
nomials, although this is not recommended. The vector, string or polynomial is first
converted to a codeword, after which the normal operation is performed. For this to
go right, make sure that at least one of the operands is a codeword. Further more, it
will not work when the right operand is a polynomial. In that case, the polynomial
operations (FiniteFieldPolynomialOps) are called, instead of the codeword operations
Some other code-oriented operations with codewords are described in 66.20.
66.7 VectorCodeword
VectorCodeword( obj [, n] [, F] )
VectorCodeword( obj ,C)
VectorCodeword returns a vector or a list of vectors of elements of a Galois field, converted
from obj . The object obj can be a vector, a string, a polynomial or a codeword. It may also
be a list of those (even a mixed list).
In fact, the object obj is treated the same as in the function Codeword (see 66.3).
gap> a := Codeword("011011");; VectorCodeword(a);
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ]
gap> VectorCodeword( [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 ] );
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), Z(3)^0 ]
gap> VectorCodeword( [ 0, 0, 0, 0], GF(9) );
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ]
66.8 PolyCodeword
PolyCodeword( obj [, n] [, F] )
PolyCodeword( obj ,C)
PolyCodeword returns a polynomial or a list of polynomials over a Galois field, converted
from obj . The object obj can be a vector, a string, a polynomial or a codeword. It may also
be a list of those (even a mixed list).
In fact, the object obj is treated the same as in the function Codeword (see 66.3).
gap> a := Codeword("011011");; PolyCodeword(a);
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^5 + X(GF(2))^4 + X(GF(2))^2 + X(GF(2)))
gap> PolyCodeword( [ 0, 1, 2, 1, 2 ] );
Z(3)^0*(2*X(GF(3))^4 + X(GF(3))^3 + 2*X(GF(3))^2 + X(GF(3)))
gap> PolyCodeword( [ 0, 0, 0, 0], GF(9) );
66.9 TreatAsVector
TreatAsVector( obj )
TreatAsVector adapts the codewords in obj to make sure they are printed as vectors. obj
may be a codeword or a list of codewords. Elements of obj that are not codewords are
ignored. After this function is called, the codewords will be treated as vectors. The vector
representation is obtained by using the coefficient list of the polynomial.
Note that this only changes the way a codeword is printed. TreatAsVector returns nothing,
it is called only for its side effect. The function VectorCodeword converts codewords to
vectors (see 66.7).
gap> B := BinaryGolayCode();
a cyclic [23,12,7]3 binary Golay code over GF(2)
gap> c := CodewordNr(B, 4);
x^22 + x^20 + x^17 + x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10
gap> TreatAsVector(c);
gap> c;
66.10 TreatAsPoly
TreatAsPoly( obj )
TreatAsPoly adapts the codewords in obj to make sure they are printed as polynomials.
obj may be a codeword or a list of codewords. Elements of obj that are not codewords are
ignored. After this function is called, the codewords will be treated as polynomials. The
finite field vector that defines the codeword is used as a coefficient list of the polynomial
representation, where the first element of the vector is the coefficient of degree zero, the
second element is the coefficient of degree one, etc, until the last element, which is the
coefficient of highest degree.
Note that this only changes the way a codeword is printed. TreatAsPoly returns nothing,
it is called only for its side effect. The function PolyCodeword converts codewords to
polynomials (see 66.8).
66.11. NULLWORD 1143
gap> a := Codeword("00001",GF(2));
gap> TreatAsPoly(a); a;
gap> b := NullWord(6,GF(4));
gap> TreatAsPoly(b); b;
66.11 NullWord
NullWord( n)
NullWord( n,F)
NullWord( C)
NullWord returns a codeword of length nover the field Fof only zeros. The default for F
is GF(2).nmust be greater then zero. If only a code Cis specified, NullWord will return
a null word with the word length and the Galois field of C.
gap> NullWord(8);
gap> Codeword("0000") = NullWord(4);
gap> NullWord(5,GF(16));
gap> NullWord(ExtendedTernaryGolayCode());
66.12 DistanceCodeword
DistanceCodeword( c1,c2)
DistanceCodeword returns the Hamming distance from c1to c2. Both variables must be
codewords with equal word length over the same Galois field. The Hamming distance be-
tween two words is the number of places in which they differ. As a result, DistanceCodeword
always returns an integer between zero and the word length of the codewords.
gap> a := Codeword([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]);; b := NullWord(6, GF(3));;
gap> DistanceCodeword(a, b);
gap> DistanceCodeword(b, a);
gap> DistanceCodeword(a, a);
66.13 Support
Support( c)
Support returns a set of integers indicating the positions of the non-zero entries in a code-
word c.
gap> a := Codeword("012320023002");; Support(a);
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12 ]
gap> Support(NullWord(7));
[ ]
The support of a list with codewords can be calculated by taking the union of the individual
supports. The weight of the support is the length of the set.
gap> L := Codeword(["000000", "101010", "222000"], GF(3));;
gap> S := Union(List(L, i -> Support(i)));
gap> Length(S);
66.14 WeightCodeword
WeightCodeword( c)
WeightCodeword returns the weight of a codeword c, the number of non-zero entries in c.
As a result, WeightCodeword always returns an integer between zero and the word length
of the codeword.
gap> WeightCodeword(Codeword("22222"));
gap> WeightCodeword(NullWord(3));
gap> C := HammingCode(3);
a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
gap> Minimum(List(Elements(C){[2..Size(C)]}, WeightCodeword ) );
66.15 Codes
Acode basically is nothing more than a set of codewords. We call these the elements
of the code. A codeword is a sequence of elements of a finite field GF(q)where qis a prime
power. Depending on the type of code, a codeword can be interpreted as a vector or as a
polynomial. This will be explained in more detail in 66.2.
In GUAVA, codes can be defined by their elements (this will be called an unrestricted
code), by a generator matrix (a linear code) or by a generator polynomial (a cyclic
Any code can be defined by its elements. If you like, you can give the code a name.
gap> C := ElementsCode(["1100", "1010", "0001"], "example code",
> GF(2) );
a (4,3,1..4)2..4 example code over GF(2)
An (n, M, d) code is a code with word length n,size Mand minimum distance d. If
the minimum distance has not yet been calculated, the lower bound and upper bound are
printed. So
a (4,3,1..4)2..4 code over GF(2)
66.15. CODES 1145
means a binary unrestricted code of length 4, with 3 elements and the minimum distance is
greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 4 and the covering radius is greater
than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 4.
gap> MinimumDistance(C);
gap> C;
a (4,3,2)2..4 example code over GF(2)
If the set of elements is a linear subspace of GF (q)n, the code is called linear. If a code is
linear, it can be defined by its generator matrix or parity check matrix. The generator
matrix is a basis for the elements of a code, the parity check matrix is a basis for the
nullspace of the code.
gap> G := GeneratorMatCode([[1,0,1],[0,1,2]], "demo code", GF(3) );
a linear [3,2,1..2]1 demo code over GF(3)
So a linear [n, k, d]rcode is a code with word length n,dimension k,minimum distance
dand covering radius r.
If the code is linear and all cyclic shifts of its elements are again codewords, the code is called
cyclic. A cyclic code is defined by its generator polynomial or check polynomial. All
elements are multiples of the generator polynomial modulo a polynomial xn1 where nis
the word length of the code. Multiplying a code element with the check polynomial yields
zero (modulo the polynomial xn1).
gap> G := GeneratorPolCode(X(GF(2))+Z(2)^0, 7, GF(2) );
a cyclic [7,6,1..2]1 code defined by generator polynomial over GF(2)
It is possible that GUAVA does not know that an unrestricted code is linear. This situation
occurs for example when a code is generated from a list of elements with the function
ElementsCode. By calling the function IsLinearCode,GUAVA tests if the code can be
represented by a generator matrix. If so, the code record and the operations are converted
gap> L := Z(2)*[ [0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,1], [1,1,1] ];;
gap> C := ElementsCode( L, GF(2) );
a (3,4,1..3)1 user defined unrestricted code over GF(2)
# so far, GUAVA does not know what kind of code this is
gap> IsLinearCode( C );
true # it is linear
gap> C;
a linear [3,2,1]1 user defined unrestricted code over GF(2)
Of course the same holds for unrestricted codes that in fact are cyclic, or codes, defined by
a generator matrix, that in fact are cyclic.
Codes are printed simply by giving a small description of their parameters, the word length,
size or dimension and minimum distance, followed by a short description and the base field of
the code. The function Display gives a more detailed description, showing the construction
history of the code.
GUAVA doesn’t place much emphasis on the actual encoding and decoding processes; some
algorithms have been included though. Encoding works simply by multiplying an informa-
tion vector with a code, decoding is done by the function Decode. For more information
about encoding and decoding, see sections 66.20 and 66.43.
gap> R := ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
gap> Decode( R, w );
gap> Decode( R, w + "10000000" ); # One error at the first position
[1111] # Corrected by Guava
The next sections describes the functions that tests whether an object is a code and what
kind of code it is (see 66.16, 66.17 and 66.18).
The following sections describe the operations that are available for codes (see 66.19 and
The next sections describe basic functions for codes, e.g. MinimumDistance (see 66.21).
The following sections describe functions that generate codes (see 66.49, 66.58 and 66.72).
The next sections describe functions which manipulate codes (see 66.86).
The last part tells more about the implementation of codes. It describes the format of code
records (see 66.109).
66.16 IsCode
IsCode( obj )
IsCode returns true if obj , which can be an object of arbitrary type, is a code and false
otherwise. Will cause an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsCode( 1 );
gap> IsCode( ReedMullerCode( 2,3 ) );
gap> IsCode( This_object_is_unbound );
Error, Variable: ’This_object_is_unbound’ must have a value
66.17 IsLinearCode
IsLinearCode( obj )
IsLinearCode checks if object obj (not necessarily a code) is a linear code. If a code has
already been marked as linear or cyclic, the function automatically returns true. Otherwise,
the function checks if a basis Gof the elements of obj exists that generates the elements of
obj . If so, Gis a generator matrix of obj and the function returns true. If not, the function
returns false.
gap> C := ElementsCode( [ [0,0,0],[1,1,1] ], GF(2) );
a (3,2,1..3)1 user defined unrestricted code over GF(2)
gap> IsLinearCode( C );
gap> IsLinearCode( ElementsCode( [ [1,1,1] ], GF(2) ) );
gap> IsLinearCode( 1 );
66.18. ISCYCLICCODE 1147
66.18 IsCyclicCode
IsCyclicCode( obj )
IsCyclicCode checks if the object obj is a cyclic code. If a code has already been marked
as cyclic, the function automatically returns true. Otherwise, the function checks if a
polynomial gexists that generates the elements of obj . If so, gis a generator polynomial of
obj and the function returns true. If not, the function returns false.
gap> C := ElementsCode( [ [0,0,0], [1,1,1] ], GF(2) );
a (3,2,1..3)1 user defined unrestricted code over GF(2)
#GUAVA does not know the code is cyclic
gap> IsCyclicCode( C ); # this command tells GUAVA to find out
gap> IsCyclicCode( HammingCode( 4, GF(2) ) );
gap> IsCyclicCode( 1 );
66.19 Comparisons of Codes
C1<> C2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the codes C1and C2are equal, and to false
otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the codes C1and C2are not
equal, and to false otherwise.
Note that codes are equal if and only if their elements are equal. Codes can also be compared
with objects of other types. Of course they are never equal.
gap> M := [ [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1] ];;
gap> C1 := ElementsCode( M, GF(2) );
a (2,4,1..2)0 user defined unrestricted code over GF(2)
gap> M = C1;
gap> C2 := GeneratorMatCode( [ [1, 0], [0, 1] ], GF(2) );
a linear [2,2,1]0 code defined by generator matrix over GF(2)
gap> C1 = C2;
gap> ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 ) = HadamardCode( 8 );
gap> WholeSpaceCode( 5, GF(4) ) = WholeSpaceCode( 5, GF(2) );
Another way of comparing codes is IsEquivalent, which checks if two codes are equivalent
(see 66.40).
66.20 Operations for Codes
The operator +evaluates to the direct sum of the codes C1and C2. See 66.104.
The operator +evaluates to the coset code of code Cafter adding cto all elements of C.
See 66.101.
The operator *evaluates to the direct product of the codes C1and C2. See 66.106.
The operator *evaluates to the element of Cbelonging to information word x.xmay be
a vector, polynomial, string or codeword or a list of those. This is the way to do encoding
in GUAVA.Cmust be linear, because in GUAVA, encoding by multiplication is only defined
for linear codes. If Cis a cyclic code, this multiplication is the same as multiplying an
information polynomial xby the generator polynomial of C(except for the result not being
a codeword type). If Cis a linear code, it is equal to the multiplication of an information
vector xby the generator matrix of C(again, the result then is not a codeword type).
To decode, use the function Decode (see 66.43).
cin C
The in operator evaluates to true if Ccontains the codeword or list of codewords specified
by c. Of course, cand Cmust have the same word lengths and base fields.
gap> C := HammingCode( 2 );; Elements( C );
gap> [ 0 ] in C;
C1in C2
The in operator evaluates to true if C1is a subcode of C2, i.e. if C2contains at least all
the elements of C1.
gap> RepetitionCode( 7 ) in HammingCode( 3 );
gap> HammingCode( 3 ) in RepetitionCode( 7 );
gap> HammingCode( 3 ) in WholeSpaceCode( 7 );
gap> AreEqualCodes := function(C1, C2)
> return (C1 in C2) and (C2 in C1);
> end; # this is a slow implementation of the function =
function ( C1, C2 ) ... end
gap> AreEqualCodes( HammingCode(2), RepetitionCode(3) );
66.21 Basic Functions for Codes
A few sections now follow that describe GUAVA’s basic functions on codes.
The first section describes GAP3 functions that work on Domains (see Domains), but are
also applicable for codes (see 66.22).
The next section describes three GAP3 input/output functions (see 66.23).
The next sections describe functions that return the matrices and polynomials that define
a code (see 66.24, 66.25, 66.26, 66.27, 66.28).
The next sections describe function that return the basic parameters of codes (see 66.29,
66.30 and 66.31).
The next sections describe functions that return distance and weight distributions (see 66.32,
66.33, 66.34 and 66.35).
The next sections describe boolean functions on codes (see 66.17, 66.18, 66.36, 66.38, 66.39,
and 66.37).
The next sections describe functions about equivalence of codes (see 66.40, 66.41 and 66.42).
The next sections describe functions related to decoding (see 66.43, 66.44, 66.45 and 66.46).
The next section describes a function that displays a code (see 66.47).
The next section describes the function CodewordNr (see 66.48).
The next sections describe extensions that have been added in version 1.3 of GUAVA (see
66.22 Domain Functions for Codes
These are some GAP3 functions that work on Domains in general. Their specific effect on
Codes is explained here.
IsFinite( C)
IsFinite is an implementation of the GAP3 domain function IsFinite. It returns true for
a code C.
gap> IsFinite( RepetitionCode( 1000, GF(11) ) );
Size( C)
Size returns the size of C, the number of elements of the code. If the code is linear, the size
of the code is equal to qk, where qis the size of the base field of Cand kis the dimension.
gap> Size( RepetitionCode( 1000, GF(11) ) );
gap> Size( NordstromRobinsonCode() );
Field( C)
Field returns the base field of a code C. Each element of Cconsists of elements of this
base field. If the base field is F, and the word length of the code is n, then the codewords
are elements of Fn. If Cis a cyclic code, its elements are interpreted as polynomials with
coefficients over F.
gap> C1 := ElementsCode([[0,0,0], [1,0,1], [0,1,0]], GF(4));
a (3,3,1..3)2..3 user defined unrestricted code over GF(4)
gap> Field( C1 );
gap> Field( HammingCode( 3, GF(9) ) );
Dimension( C)
Dimension returns the parameter kof C, the dimension of the code, or the number of
information symbols in each codeword. The dimension is not defined for non-linear codes;
Dimension then returns an error.
gap> Dimension( NordstromRobinsonCode() );
Error, dimension is only defined for linear codes
gap> Dimension( NullCode( 5, GF(5) ) );
gap> C := BCHCode( 15, 4, GF(4) );
a cyclic [15,7,5]4..8 BCH code, delta=5, b=1 over GF(4)
gap> Dimension( C );
gap> Size( C ) = Size( Field( C ) ) ^ Dimension( C );
Elements( C)
Elements returns a list of the elements of C. These elements are of the codeword type (see
66.2). Note that for large codes, generating the elements may be very time- and memory-
consuming. For generating a specific element or a subset of the elements, use CodewordNr
(see 66.48).
gap> C := ConferenceCode( 5 );
a (5,12,2)1..4 conference code over GF(2)
gap> Elements( C );
gap> CodewordNr( C, [ 1, 2 ] );
66.23 Printing and Saving Codes
Print( C)
Print prints information about C. This is the same as typing the identifier Cat the GAP3-
If the argument is an unrestricted code, information in the form
a (n,M,d)r... code over GF(q)
is printed, where nis the word length, Mthe number of elements of the code, dthe minimum
distance and rthe covering radius.
66.24. GENERATORMAT 1151
If the argument is a linear code, information in the form
a linear [n,k,d]r... code over GF(q)
is printed, where nis the word length, kthe dimension of the code, dthe minimum distance
and rthe covering radius.
In all cases, if dis not yet known, it is displayed in the form
lowerbound .. upperbound
and if ris not yet known, it is displayed in the same way.
The function Display gives more information. See 66.47.
gap> C1 := ExtendedCode( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
a linear [8,4,4]2 extended code
gap> Print( "This is ", NordstromRobinsonCode(), ". \n");
This is a (16,256,6)4 Nordstrom-Robinson code over GF(2).
String( C)
String returns information about Cin a string. This function is used by Print (see Print).
Save( filename,C,varname )
Save prints the code Cto a file with file name filename. If the file does not exist, it is
created. If it does exist, the previous contents are erased, so be careful. The code is saved
with variable name varname. The code can be read back by calling Read(filename). The
code then has name varname. Note that filename and varname are strings.
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 4, GF(3) );
a linear [40,36,3]1 Hamming (4,3) code over GF(3)
gap> Save( "mycodes.lib", C1, "Ham_4_3");
gap> Read( "mycodes.lib" ); Ham_4_3;
a linear [40,36,3]1 Hamming (4,3) code over GF(3)
gap> Ham_4_3 = C1;
66.24 GeneratorMat
GeneratorMat( C)
GeneratorMat returns a generator matrix of C. The code consists of all linear combinations
of the rows of this matrix.
If until now no generator matrix of Cwas determined, it is computed from either the parity
check matrix, the generator polynomial, the check polynomial or the elements (if possible),
whichever is available.
If Cis a non-linear code, the function returns an error.
gap> GeneratorMat( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> GeneratorMat( RepetitionCode( 5, GF(25) ) );
[ [ Z(5)^0, Z(5)^0, Z(5)^0, Z(5)^0, Z(5)^0 ] ]
gap> GeneratorMat( NullCode( 14, GF(4) ) );
[ ]
gap> GeneratorMat( ElementsCode( [[0, 0, 1 ], [1, 1, 0 ]], GF(2) ));
Error, non-linear codes don’t have a generator matrix
66.25 CheckMat
CheckMat( C)
CheckMat returns a parity check matrix of C. The code consists of all words orthogonal
to each of the rows of this matrix. The transpose of the matrix is a right inverse of the
generator matrix. The parity check matrix is computed from either the generator matrix,
the generator polynomial, the check polynomial or the elements of C(if possible), whichever
is available.
If Cis a non-linear code, the function returns an error.
gap> CheckMat( HammingCode(3, GF(2) ) );
[ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> CheckMat( RepetitionCode( 5, GF(25) ) );
[ [ Z(5)^0, Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), Z(5)^0, Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^0, Z(5)^2, 0*Z(5) ],
[ 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), 0*Z(5), Z(5)^0, Z(5)^2 ] ]
gap> CheckMat( WholeSpaceCode( 12, GF(4) ) );
[ ]
66.26 GeneratorPol
GeneratorPol( C)
GeneratorPol returns the generator polynomial of C. The code consists of all multiples of
the generator polynomial modulo xn1 where nis the word length of C. The generator
polynomial is determined from either the check polynomial, the generator or check matrix
or the elements of C(if possible), whichever is available.
If Cis not a cyclic code, the function returns false.
gap> GeneratorPol(GeneratorMatCode([[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]], GF(2)));
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2)) + 1)
gap> GeneratorPol( WholeSpaceCode( 4, GF(2) ) );
gap> GeneratorPol( NullCode( 7, GF(3) ) );
Z(3)^0*(X(GF(3))^7 + 2)
66.27 CheckPol
CheckPol( C)
66.28. ROOTSOFCODE 1153
CheckPol returns the check polynomial of C. The code consists of all polynomials fwith
fh= 0 (mod xn1), where his the check polynomial, and nis the word length of C.
The check polynomial is computed from the generator polynomial, the generator or parity
check matrix or the elements of C(if possible), whichever is available.
If Cif not a cyclic code, the function returns an error.
gap> CheckPol(GeneratorMatCode([[1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]], GF(2)));
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^2 + X(GF(2)) + 1)
gap> CheckPol(WholeSpaceCode(4, GF(2)));
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^4 + 1)
gap> CheckPol(NullCode(7,GF(3)));
gap> CheckPol(ElementsCode( [ [0, 0, 1 ], [1, 1, 0 ] ], GF(2) ) );
Error, generator polynomial is only defined for cyclic codes
66.28 RootsOfCode
RootsOfCode( C)
RootsOfCode returns a list of all zeros of the generator polynomial of a cyclic code C. These
are finite field elements in the splitting field of the generator polynomial, GF (qm), mis the
multiplicative order of the size of the base field of the code, modulo the word length.
The reverse proces, constructing a code from a set of roots, can be carried out by the
function RootsCode (see 66.77).
gap> C1 := ReedSolomonCode( 16, 5 );
a cyclic [16,12,5]3..4 Reed-Solomon code over GF(17)
gap> RootsOfCode( C1 );
[ Z(17), Z(17)^2, Z(17)^3, Z(17)^4 ]
gap> C2 := RootsCode( 16, last );
a cyclic [16,12,5]3..4 code defined by roots over GF(17)
gap> C1 = C2;
66.29 WordLength
WordLength( C)
WordLength returns the parameter nof C, the word length of the elements. Elements of
cyclic codes are polynomials of maximum degree n1, as calculations are carried out modulo
gap> WordLength( NordstromRobinsonCode() );
gap> WordLength( PuncturedCode( WholeSpaceCode(7) ) );
gap> WordLength( UUVCode( WholeSpaceCode(7), RepetitionCode(7) ) );
66.30 Redundancy
Redundancy( C)
Redundancy returns the redundancy rof C, which is equal to the number of check symbols
in each element. If Cis not a linear code the redundancy is not defined and Redundancy
returns an error.
If a linear code Chas dimension kand word length n, it has redundancy r=nk.
gap> C := TernaryGolayCode();
a cyclic [11,6,5]2 ternary Golay code over GF(3)
gap> Redundancy(C);
gap> Redundancy( DualCode(C) );
66.31 MinimumDistance
MinimumDistance( C)
MinimumDistance returns the minimum distance of C, the largest integer dwith the prop-
erty that every element of Chas at least a Hamming distance d(see 66.12) to any other
element of C. For linear codes, the minimum distance is equal to the minimum weight. This
means that dis also the smallest positive value with w[d+ 1] 6= 0, where wis the weight
distribution of C(see 66.32). For unrestricted codes, dis the smallest positive value with
w[d+ 1] 6= 0, where wis the inner distribution of C(see 66.33).
For codes with only one element, the minimum distance is defined to be equal to the word
gap> C := MOLSCode(7);; MinimumDistance(C);
gap> WeightDistribution(C);
[ 1, 0, 0, 24, 24 ]
gap> MinimumDistance( WholeSpaceCode( 5, GF(3) ) );
gap> MinimumDistance( NullCode( 4, GF(2) ) );
gap> C := ConferenceCode(9);; MinimumDistance(C);
gap> InnerDistribution(C);
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 63/5, 9/5, 18/5, 0, 9/10, 1/10 ]
MinimumDistance( C,w)
In this form, MinimumDistance returns the minimum distance of a codeword wto the code
C, also called the distance to C. This is the smallest value dfor which there is an element
cof the code Cwhich is at distance dfrom w. So dis also the minimum value for which
D[d+ 1] 6= 0, where Dis the distance distribution of wto C(see 66.35).
Note that wmust be an element of the same vector space as the elements of C.wdoes not
necessarily belong to the code (if it does, the minimum distance is zero).
gap> C := MOLSCode(7);; w := CodewordNr( C, 17 );
gap> MinimumDistance( C, w );
gap> C := RemovedElementsCode( C, w );; MinimumDistance( C, w );
3# so w no longer belongs to C
66.32 WeightDistribution
WeightDistribution( C)
WeightDistribution returns the weight distribution of C, as a vector. The ith element of
this vector contains the number of elements of Cwith weight i1. For linear codes, the
weight distribution is equal to the inner distribution (see 66.33).
Suppose wis the weight distribution of C. If Cis linear, it must have the zero codeword,
so w[1] = 1 (one word of weight 0).
gap> WeightDistribution( ConferenceCode(9) );
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
gap> WeightDistribution( RepetitionCode( 7, GF(4) ) );
gap> WeightDistribution( WholeSpaceCode( 5, GF(2) ) );
[ 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1 ]
66.33 InnerDistribution
InnerDistribution( C)
InnerDistribution returns the inner distribution of C. The ith element of the vector
contains the average number of elements of Cat distance i1 to an element of C. For
linear codes, the inner distribution is equal to the weight distribution (see 66.32).
Suppose wis the inner distribution of C. Then w[1] = 1, because each element of Chas
exactly one element at distance zero (the element itself). The minimum distance of Cis
the smallest value d > 0 with w[d+ 1] 6= 0, because a distance between zero and dnever
occurs. See 66.31.
gap> InnerDistribution( ConferenceCode(9) );
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 63/5, 9/5, 18/5, 0, 9/10, 1/10 ]
gap> InnerDistribution( RepetitionCode( 7, GF(4) ) );
66.34 OuterDistribution
OuterDistribution( C)
The function OuterDistribution returns a list of length qn, where qis the size of the
base field of Cand nis the word length. The elements of the list consist of an element of
(GF (q))n(this is a codeword type) and the distribution of distances to the code (a list of
integers). This table is very large, and for n > 20 it will not fit in the memory of most
computers. The function DistancesDistribution (see 66.35) can be used to calculate one
entry of the list.
gap> C := RepetitionCode( 3, GF(2) );
a cyclic [3,1,3]1 repetition code over GF(2)
gap> OD := OuterDistribution(C);
gap> WeightDistribution(C) = OD[1][2];
gap> DistancesDistribution( C, Codeword("110") ) = OD[4][2];
66.35 DistancesDistribution
DistancesDistribution( C,w)
DistancesDistribution returns a distribution of the distances of all elements of Cto
a codeword win the same vector space. The ith element of the distance distribution is
the number of codewords of Cthat have distance i1 to w. The smallest value dwith
w[d+ 1] 6= 0 is defined as the distance to C(see 66.31).
gap> H := HadamardCode(20);
a (20,40,10)6..8 Hadamard code of order 20 over GF(2)
gap> c := Codeword("10110101101010010101", H);
gap> DistancesDistribution(H, c);
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 12, 0, 12, 0, 7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
gap> MinimumDistance(H, c);
5# distance to H
66.36 IsPerfectCode
IsPerfectCode( C)
IsPerfectCode returns true if Cis a perfect code. For a code with odd minimum distance
d= 2t+ 1, this is the case when every word of the vector space of Cis at distance at most
tfrom exactly one element of C. Codes with even minimum distance are never perfect.
In fact, a code that is not trivial perfect (the binary repetition codes of odd length, the
codes consisting of one word, and the codes consisting of the whole vector space), and does
not have the parameters of a Hamming- or Golay-code, cannot be perfect.
gap> H := HammingCode(2);
a linear [3,1,3]1 Hamming (2,2) code over GF(2)
gap> IsPerfectCode( H );
gap> IsPerfectCode( ElementsCode( [ [1,1,0], [0,0,1] ], GF(2) ) );
gap> IsPerfectCode( ReedSolomonCode( 6, 3 ) );
gap> IsPerfectCode(BinaryGolayCode());
66.37. ISMDSCODE 1157
66.37 IsMDSCode
IsMDSCode( C)
IsMDSCode returns true if Cis a Maximum Distance Seperable code, or MDS code
for short. A linear [n, k, d]-code of length n, dimension kand minimum distance dis an
MDS code if k=nd+ 1, in other words if Cmeets the Singleton bound (see 66.111).
An unrestricted (n, M, d) code is called MDS if k=nd+ 1, with kequal to the largest
integer less than or equal to the logarithm of M with base q, the size of the base field of C.
Well known MDS codes include the repetition codes, the whole space codes, the even weight
codes (these are the only binary MDS Codes) and the Reed-Solomon codes.
gap> C1 := ReedSolomonCode( 6, 3 );
a cyclic [6,4,3]2 Reed-Solomon code over GF(7)
gap> IsMDSCode( C1 );
true # 6-3+1 = 4
gap> IsMDSCode( QRCode( 23, GF(2) ) );
66.38 IsSelfDualCode
IsSelfDualCode( C)
IsSelfDualCode returns true if Cis self-dual, i.e. when Cis equal to its dual code (see
also 66.99). If a code is self-dual, it automatically is self-orthogonal (see 66.39).
If Cis a non-linear code, it cannot be self-dual, so false is returned. A linear code can
only be self-dual when its dimension kis equal to the redundancy r.
gap> IsSelfDualCode( ExtendedBinaryGolayCode() );
gap> C := ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
gap> DualCode( C ) = C;
66.39 IsSelfOrthogonalCode
IsSelfOrthogonalCode( C)
IsSelfOrthogonalCode returns true if Cis self-orthogonal. A code is self-orthogonal if
every element of Cis orthogonal to all elements of C, including itself. In the linear case,
this simply means that the generator matrix of Cmultiplied with its transpose yields a null
In addition, a code is self-dual if it contains all vectors that its elements are orthogonal to
(see 66.38).
gap> R := ReedMullerCode(1,4);
a linear [16,5,8]6 Reed-Muller (1,4) code over GF(2)
gap> IsSelfOrthogonalCode(R);
gap> IsSelfDualCode(R);
66.40 IsEquivalent
IsEquivalent( C1,C2)
IsEquivalent returns true if C1and C2are equivalent codes. This is the case if C1can
be obtained from C2by carrying out column permutations. GUAVA only handles binary
codes. The external program desauto from J.S. Leon is used to compute the isomorphism
between the codes. If C1and C2are equal, they are also equivalent.
Note that the algorithm is very slow for non-linear codes.
gap> H := GeneratorPolCode([1,1,0,1]*Z(2), 7, GF(2));
a cyclic [7,4,1..3]1 code defined by generator polynomial over GF(2)
gap> H = HammingCode(3, GF(2));
gap> IsEquivalent(H, HammingCode(3, GF(2)));
true # H is equivalent to a Hamming code
gap> CodeIsomorphism(H, HammingCode(3, GF(2)));
66.41 CodeIsomorphism
CodeIsomorphism( C1,C2)
If the two codes C1and C2are equivalent codes (see 66.40), CodeIsomorphism returns the
permutation that transforms C1into C2. If the codes are not equivalent, it returns false.
gap> H := GeneratorPolCode([1,1,0,1]*Z(2), 7, GF(2));
a cyclic [7,4,1..3]1 code defined by generator polynomial over GF(2)
gap> CodeIsomorphism(H, HammingCode(3, GF(2)));
gap> PermutedCode(H, (3,4)(5,6,7)) = HammingCode(3, GF(2));
66.42 AutomorphismGroup
AutomorphismGroup( C)
AutomorphismGroup returns the automorphism group of a binary code C. This is the
largest permutation group of degree nsuch that each permutation applied to the columns of
Cagain yields C.GUAVA uses the external program desauto from J.S. Leon to compute
the automorphism group. The function PermutedCode permutes the columns of a code (see
gap> R := RepetitionCode(7,GF(2));
a cyclic [7,1,7]3 repetition code over GF(2)
gap> AutomorphismGroup(R);
Group( (1,7), (2,7), (3,7), (4,7), (5,7), (6,7) )
# every permutation keeps R identical
gap> C := CordaroWagnerCode(7);
a linear [7,2,4]3 Cordaro-Wagner code over GF(2)
gap> Elements(C);
66.43. DECODE 1159
gap> AutomorphismGroup(C);
Group( (3,4), (4,5), (1,6)(2,7), (1,2), (6,7) )
gap> C2 := PermutedCode(C, (1,6)(2,7));
a linear [7,2,4]3 permuted code
gap> Elements(C2);
gap> C2 = C;
66.43 Decode
Decode( C,c)
Decode decodes cwith respect to code C.cis a codeword or a list of codewords. First,
possible errors in care corrected, then the codeword is decoded to an information codeword
x. If the code record has a field specialDecoder, this special algorithm is used to decode
the vector. Hamming codes and BCH codes have such a special algorithm. Otherwise,
syndrome decoding is used. Encoding is done by multiplying the information vector with
the code (see 66.20).
A special decoder can be created by defining a function
C.specialDecoder := function(C, c) ... end;
The function uses the arguments C, the code record itself, and c, a vector of the codeword
type, to decode cto an information word. A normal decoder would take a codeword cof
the same word length and field as C, and would return a information word of length k, the
dimension of C. The user is not restricted to these normal demands though, and can for
instance define a decoder for non-linear codes.
gap> C := HammingCode(3);
a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
gap> c := "1010"*C; # encoding
gap> Decode(C, c); # decoding
gap> Decode(C, Codeword("0010101"));
[1010] # one error corrected
gap> C.specialDecoder := function(C, c)
> return NullWord(Dimension(C));
> end;
function ( C, c ) ... end
gap> Decode(C, c);
[0000] # new decoder always returns null word
66.44 Syndrome
Syndrome( C,c)
Syndrome returns the syndrome of word cwith respect to a code C.cis a word of the
vector space of C. If cis an element of C, the syndrome is a zero vector. The syndrome
can be used for looking up an error vector in the syndrome table (see 66.45) that is needed
to correct an error in c.
A syndrome is not defined for non-linear codes. Syndrome then returns an error.
gap> C := HammingCode(4);
a linear [15,11,3]1 Hamming (4,2) code over GF(2)
gap> v := CodewordNr( C, 7 );
gap> Syndrome( C, v );
gap> Syndrome( C, "000000001100111" );
gap> Syndrome( C, "000000000000001" );
[1111] # the same syndrome:both codewords are in the same
# coset of C
66.45 SyndromeTable
SyndromeTable( C)
SyndromeTable returns a syndrome table of a linear code C, consisting of two columns.
The first column consists of the error vectors that correspond to the syndrome vectors in
the second column. These vectors both are of the codeword type. After calculating the
syndrome of a word cwith Syndrome (see 66.44), the error vector needed to correct ccan
be found in the syndrome table. Subtracting this vector from cyields an element of C. To
make the search for the syndrome as fast as possible, the syndrome table is sorted according
to the syndrome vectors.
gap> H := HammingCode(2);
a linear [3,1,3]1 Hamming (2,2) code over GF(2)
gap> SyndromeTable(H);
gap> c := Codeword("101");
gap> c in H;
false # c is not an element of H
gap> Syndrome(H,c);
[10] # according to the syndrome table,
# the error vector [ 0 1 0 ] belongs to this syndrome
gap> c - Codeword("010") in H;
true # so the corrected codeword is
# [101]-[010]=[111],
# this is an element of H
66.46 StandardArray
StandardArray( C)
66.47. DISPLAY 1161
StandardArray returns the standard array of a code C. This is a matrix with elements of
the codeword type. It has qrrows and qkcolumns, where qis the size of the base field of
C,ris the redundancy of C, and kis the dimension of C. The first row contains all the
elements of C. Each other row contains words that do not belong to the code, with in the
first column their syndrome vector (see 66.44).
A non-linear code does not have a standard array. StandardArray then returns an error.
Note that calculating a standard array can be very time- and memory- consuming.
gap> StandardArray(RepetitionCode(3,GF(3)));
66.47 Display
Display( C)
Display prints the method of construction of code C. With this history, in most cases an
equal or equivalent code can be reconstructed. If Cis an unmanipulated code, the result is
equal to output of the function Print (see 3.14).
gap> Display( RepetitionCode( 6, GF(3) ) );
a cyclic [6,1,6]4 repetition code over GF(3)
gap> C1 := ExtendedCode( HammingCode(2) );;
gap> C2 := PuncturedCode( ReedMullerCode( 2, 3 ) );;
gap> Display( LengthenedCode( UUVCode( C1, C2 ) ) );
a linear [12,8,2]2..4 code, lengtened with 1 column(s) of
a linear [11,8,1]1..2 U|U+V construction code of
U: a linear [4,1,4]2 extended code of
a cyclic [3,1,3]1 Hamming (2,2) code over GF(2)
V: a linear [7,7,1]0 punctured code of
a cyclic [8,7,2]1 Reed-Muller (2,3) code over GF(2)
66.48 CodewordNr
CodewordNr( C,list )
CodewordNr returns a list of codewords of C.list may be a list of integers or a single integer.
For each integer of list, the corresponding codeword of Cis returned. The correspondence
of a number iwith a codeword is determined as follows: if a list of elements of Cis available,
the ith element is taken. Otherwise, it is calculated by multiplication of the ith information
vector by the generator matrix or generator polynomial, where the information vectors are
ordered lexicographically.
So CodewordNr(C,i)is equal to Elements(C)[i]. The latter function first calculates the
set of all the elements of C and then returns the ith element of that set, whereas the former
only calculates the ith codeword.
gap> R := ReedSolomonCode(2,2);
a cyclic [2,1,2]1 Reed-Solomon code over GF(3)
gap> Elements(R);
gap> CodewordNr(R, [1,3]);
gap> C := HadamardCode( 16 );
a (16,32,8)5..6 Hadamard code of order 16 over GF(2)
gap> Elements(C)[17] = CodewordNr( C, 17 );
66.49 Generating Unrestricted Codes
The following sections start with the description of creating codes from user defined matrices
or special matrices (see 66.50, 66.51, 66.52 and 66.53). These codes are unrestricted codes;
they may later be discovered to be linear or cyclic.
The next section describes a function for generating random codes (see 66.54).
The next section describes the Nordstrom-Robinson code (see 66.55).
The last sections describe two functions for generating Greedy codes. These are codes that
contructed by gathering codewords from a space (see 66.56 and 66.57).
66.50 ElementsCode
ElementsCode( L[, Name ], F)
ElementsCode creates an unrestricted code of the list of elements L, in the field F.Lmust
be a list of vectors, strings, polynomials or codewords. Name can contain a short description
of the code.
If Lcontains a codeword more than once, it is removed from the list and a GAP3 set is
gap> M := Z(3)^0 * [ [1, 0, 1, 1], [2, 2, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 2] ];;
gap> C := ElementsCode( M, "example code", GF(3) );
a (4,3,1..4)2 example code over GF(3)
gap> MinimumDistance( C );
gap> Elements( C );
gap> last = M;
true # Note that the elements are of codeword type
66.51 HadamardCode
HadamardCode( H,t)
HadamardCode( H)
In the first form HadamardCode returns a Hadamard code from the Hadamard matrix H, of
the tth kind. In the second form, t= 3 is used.
A Hadamard matrix is a square matrix Hwith HHT=nIn, where nis the size of
H. The entries of Hare either 1 or -1.
The matrix His first transformed into a binary matrix An(by replacing the 1’s by 0’s and
the -1’s by 1’s).
The first kind (t= 1) is created by using the rows of Anas elements, after deleting the first
column. This is a (n1, n, n/2) code. We use this code for creating the Hadamard code of
the second kind (t= 2), by adding all the complements of the already existing codewords.
This results in a (n1,2n, n/21) code. The third code (t= 3) is created by using the rows
of An(without cutting a column) and their complements as elements. This way, we have
an (n, 2n, n/2) code. The returned code is generally an unrestricted code, but for n= 2r,
the code is linear.
gap> H4 := [[1,1,1,1],[1,-1,1,-1],[1,1,-1,-1],[1,-1,-1,1]];;
gap> HadamardCode( H4, 1 );
a (3,4,2)1 Hadamard code of order 4 over GF(2)
gap> HadamardCode( H4, 2 );
a (3,8,1)0 Hadamard code of order 4 over GF(2)
gap> HadamardCode( H4 );
a (4,8,2)1 Hadamard code of order 4 over GF(2)
HadamardCode( n,t)
HadamardCode( n)
In the first form HadamardCode returns a Hadamard code with parameter nof the tth kind.
In the second form, t= 3 is used.
When called in these forms, HadamardCode first creates a Hadamard matrix (see 66.125),
of size nand then follows the same procedure as described above. Therefore the same
restrictions with respect to nas for Hadamard matrices hold.
gap> C1 := HadamardCode( 4 );
a (4,8,2)1 Hadamard code of order 4 over GF(2)
gap> C1 = HadamardCode( H4 );
66.52 ConferenceCode
ConferenceCode( H)
ConferenceCode returns a code of length n1 constructed from a symmetric conference
matrix H.Hmust be a symmetric matrix of order n, which satisfies HHT= ((n1) I.
n= 2 (mod 4). The rows of 1/2(H+I+J),1/2(H+I+J), plus the zero and all-ones
vectors form the elements of a binary non-linear (n1,2n, 1/2(n2)) code.
gap> H6 := [[0,1,1,1,1,1],[1,0,1,-1,-1,1],[1,1,0,1,-1,-1],
> [1,-1,1,0,1,-1],[1,-1,-1,1,0,1],[1,1,-1,-1,1,0]];;
gap> C1 := ConferenceCode( H6 );
a (5,12,2)1..4 conference code over GF(2)
gap> IsLinearCode( C1 );
ConferenceCode( n)
GUAVA constructs a symmetric conference matrix of order n+ 1 (n= 1 (mod 4)) and uses
the rows of that matrix, plus the zero and all-ones vectors, to construct a binary non-linear
(n, 2(n+ 1),1/2(n1)) code.
gap> C2 := ConferenceCode( 5 );
a (5,12,2)1..4 conference code over GF(2)
gap> Elements( C2 );
66.53 MOLSCode
MOLSCode( n,q)
MOLSCode( q)
MOLSCode returns an (n, q2, n1) code over GF(q). The code is created from n2Mutually
Orthogonal Latin Squares (MOLS) of size qq. The default for nis 4. GUAVA can
construct a MOLS code for n2q;qmust be a prime power, q>2. If there are no
n2 MOLS, an error is signalled.
Since each of the n2 MOLS is a qqmatrix, we can create a code of size q2by listing
in each code element the entries that are in the same position in each of the MOLS. We
precede each of these lists with the two coordinates that specify this position, making the
word length become n.
The MOLS codes are MDS codes (see 66.37).
gap> C1 := MOLSCode( 6, 5 );
a (6,25,5)3..4 code generated by 4 MOLS of order 5 over GF(5)
gap> mols := List( [1 .. WordLength(C1) - 2 ], function( nr )
> local ls, el;
> ls := NullMat( Size(Field(C1)), Size(Field(C1)) );
> for el in VectorCodeword( Elements( C1 ) ) do
> ls[IntFFE(el[1])+1][IntFFE(el[2])+1] := el[nr + 2];
> od;
> return ls;
> end );;
gap> AreMOLS( mols );
gap> C2 := MOLSCode( 11 );
a (4,121,3)2 code generated by 2 MOLS of order 11 over GF(11)
66.54 RandomCode
RandomCode( n,M,F)
RandomCode returns a random unrestricted code of size Mwith word length nover F.M
must be less than or equal to the number of elements in the space GF (q)n.
The function RandomLinearCode returns a random linear code (see 66.70).
gap> C1 := RandomCode( 6, 10, GF(8) );
a (6,10,1..6)4..6 random unrestricted code over GF(8)
gap> MinimumDistance(C1);
gap> C2 := RandomCode( 6, 10, GF(8) );
a (6,10,1..6)4..6 random unrestricted code over GF(8)
gap> C1 = C2;
66.55 NordstromRobinsonCode
NordstromRobinsonCode returns a Nordstrom-Robinson code, the best code with word
length n= 16 and minimum distance d= 6 over GF(2). This is a non-linear (16,256,6)
gap> C := NordstromRobinsonCode();
a (16,256,6)4 Nordstrom-Robinson code over GF(2)
gap> OptimalityCode( C );
66.56 GreedyCode
GreedyCode( L,d,F)
GreedyCode returns a Greedy code with design distance dover F. The code is constructed
using the Greedy algorithm on the list of vectors L. This algorithm checks each vector in L
and adds it to the code if its distance to the current code is greater than or equal to d. It
is obvious that the resulting code has a minimum distance of at least d.
Note that Greedy codes are often linear codes.
The function LexiCode creates a Greedy code from a basis instead of an enumerated list
(see 66.57).
gap> C1 := GreedyCode( Tuples( Elements( GF(2) ), 5 ), 3, GF(2) );
a (5,4,3..5)2 Greedy code, user defined basis over GF(2)
gap> C2 := GreedyCode( Permuted( Tuples( Elements( GF(2) ), 5 ),
> (1,4) ), 3, GF(2) );
a (5,4,3..5)2 Greedy code, user defined basis over GF(2)
gap> C1 = C2;
66.57 LexiCode
LexiCode( n,d,F)
In this format, Lexicode returns a Lexicode with word length n, design distance dover F.
The code is constructed using the Greedy algorithm on the lexicographically ordered list
of all vectors of length nover F. Every time a vector is found that has a distance to the
current code of at least d, it is added to the code. This results, obviously, in a code with
minimum distance greater than or equal to d.
gap> C := LexiCode( 4, 3, GF(5) );
a (4,17,3..4)2..4 lexicode over GF(5)
LexiCode( B,d,F)
When called in this format, LexiCode uses the basis Binstead of the standard basis. Bis
a matrix of vectors over F. The code is constructed using the Greedy algorithm on the list
of vectors spanned by B, ordered lexicographically with respect to B.
gap> B := [ [Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2)], [Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2)] ];;
gap> C := LexiCode( B, 2, GF(2) );
a linear [3,1,2]1..2 lexicode over GF(2)
Note that binary Lexicodes are always linear.
The function GreedyCode creates a Greedy code that is not restricted to a lexicographical
order (see 66.56).
66.58 Generating Linear Codes
The following sections describe functions for constructing linear codes. A linear code always
has a generator or check matrix.
The first two sections describe functions that generate linear codes from the generator matrix
(66.59) or check matrix (66.60). All linear codes can be constructed with these functions.
The next sections describes some well known codes, like Hamming codes (66.61), Reed-
Muller codes (66.62) and the extended Golay codes (66.63 and 66.64).
A large and powerful family of codes are alternant codes. They are obtained by a small
modification of the parity check matrix of a BCH code. See sections 66.65, 66.66, 66.67 and
The next section describes a function for generating random linear codes (see 66.70).
66.59 GeneratorMatCode
GeneratorMatCode( G[, Name ], F)
GeneratorMatCode returns a linear code with generator matrix G.Gmust be a matrix over
Galois field F.Name can contain a short description of the code. The generator matrix is
the basis of the elements of the code. The resulting code has word length n, dimension kif
Gis a kn-matrix. If GF (q) is the field of the code, the size of the code will be qk.
If the generator matrix does not have full row rank, the linearly dependent rows are removed.
This is done by the function BaseMat (see 34.19) and results in an equal code. The generator
matrix can be retrieved with the function GeneratorMat (see 66.24).
gap> G := Z(3)^0 * [[1,0,1,2,0],[0,1,2,1,1],[0,0,1,2,1]];;
gap> C1 := GeneratorMatCode( G, GF(3) );
a linear [5,3,1..2]1..2 code defined by generator matrix over GF(3)
gap> C2 := GeneratorMatCode( IdentityMat( 5, GF(2) ), GF(2) );
a linear [5,5,1]0 code defined by generator matrix over GF(2)
gap> GeneratorMatCode( Elements( NordstromRobinsonCode() ), GF(2) );
a linear [16,11,1..4]2 code defined by generator matrix over GF(2)
# This is the smallest linear code that contains the N-R code
66.60. CHECKMATCODE 1167
66.60 CheckMatCode
CheckMatCode( H[, Name ], F)
CheckMatCode returns a linear code with check matrix H.Hmust be a matrix over Galois
field F.Name can contain a short description of the code. The parity check matrix is the
transposed of the nullmatrix of the generator matrix of the code. Therefore, cHT= 0
where cis an element of the code. If His a rn-matrix, the code has word length n,
redundancy rand dimension nr.
If the check matrix does not have full row rank, the linearly dependent rows are removed.
This is done by the function BaseMat (see 34.19) and results in an equal code. The check
matrix can be retrieved with the function CheckMat (see 66.25).
gap> G := Z(3)^0 * [[1,0,1,2,0],[0,1,2,1,1],[0,0,1,2,1]];;
gap> C1 := CheckMatCode( G, GF(3) );
a linear [5,2,1..2]2..3 code defined by check matrix over GF(3)
gap> CheckMat(C1);
[ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ]
gap> C2 := CheckMatCode( IdentityMat( 5, GF(2) ), GF(2) );
a linear [5,0,5]5 code defined by check matrix over GF(2)
66.61 HammingCode
HammingCode( r,F)
HammingCode returns a Hamming code with redundancy rover F. A Hamming code is a
single-error-correcting code. The parity check matrix of a Hamming code has all nonzero
vectors of length rin its columns, except for a multiplication factor. The decoding algorithm
of the Hamming code (see 66.43) makes use of this property.
If qis the size of its field F, the returned Hamming code is a linear
[(qr1)/(q1),(qr1)/(q1) r,3] code.
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 4, GF(2) );
a linear [15,11,3]1 Hamming (4,2) code over GF(2)
gap> C2 := HammingCode( 3, GF(9) );
a linear [91,88,3]1 Hamming (3,9) code over GF(9)
66.62 ReedMullerCode
ReedMullerCode( r,k)
ReedMullerCode returns a binary Reed-Muller code R(r,k) with dimension kand order
r. This is a code with length 2kand minimum distance 2kr. By definition, the rth order
binary Reed-Muller code of length n= 2m, for 0 rm, is the set of all vectors f, where
fis a Boolean function which is a polynomial of degree at most r.
gap> ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
66.63 ExtendedBinaryGolayCode
ExtendedBinaryGolayCode( )
ExtendedBinaryGolayCode returns an extended binary Golay code. This is a [24,12,8]
code. Puncturing in the last position results in a perfect binary Golay code (see 66.75). The
code is self-dual (see 66.38).
gap> C := ExtendedBinaryGolayCode();
a linear [24,12,8]4 extended binary Golay code over GF(2)
gap> P := PuncturedCode(C);
a linear [23,12,7]3 punctured code
gap> P = BinaryGolayCode();
66.64 ExtendedTernaryGolayCode
ExtendedTernaryGolayCode( )
ExtendedTernaryGolayCode returns an extended ternary Golay code. This is a [12,6,6]
code. Puncturing this code results in a perfect ternary Golay code (see 66.76). The code is
self-dual (see 66.38).
gap> C := ExtendedTernaryGolayCode();
a linear [12,6,6]3 extended ternary Golay code over GF(3)
gap> P := PuncturedCode(C);
a linear [11,6,5]2 punctured code
gap> P = TernaryGolayCode();
66.65 AlternantCode
AlternantCode( r,Y,F)
AlternantCode( r,Y,alpha,F)
AlternantCode returns an alternant code, with parameters r,Yand alpha (optional). r
is the design redundancy of the code. Yand alpha are both vectors of length nfrom which
the parity check matrix is constructed. The check matrix has entries of the form aj
iyi. If
no alpha is specified, the vector [1, a, a2, .., an1] is used, where ais a primitive element of
a Galois field F.
gap> Y := [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];; a := PrimitiveUnityRoot( 2, 7 );;
gap> alpha := List( [0..6], i -> a^i );;
gap> C := AlternantCode( 2, Y, alpha, GF(8) );
a linear [7,3,3..4]3..4 alternant code over GF(8)
66.66 GoppaCode
GoppaCode( G,L)
GoppaCode returns a Goppa code from Goppa polynomial G, having coefficients in a Galois
Field GF (qm). Lmust be a list of elements in GF (qm), that are not roots of G. The word
length of the code is equal to the length of L. The parity check matrix contains entries of the
form aj
iG(ai), aiin L. The function VerticalConversionFieldMat converts this matrix
to a matrix with entries in GF (q) (see 66.130).
gap> x := Indeterminate( GF(2) );; := "x";;
gap> G := x^2 + x + 1;; L := Elements( GF(8) );;
gap> C := GoppaCode( G, L );
a linear [8,2,5]3 Goppa code over GF(2)
GoppaCode( G,n)
When called with parameter n,GUAVA constructs a list Lof length n, such that no element
of Lis a root of G.
gap> x := Indeterminate( GF(2) );; := "x";;
gap> G := x^2 + x + 1;;
gap> C := GoppaCode( G, 8 );
a linear [8,2,5]3 Goppa code over GF(2)
66.67 GeneralizedSrivastavaCode
GeneralizedSrivastavaCode( a,w,z,F)
GeneralizedSrivastavaCode( a,w,z,t,F)
GeneralizedSrivastavaCode returns a generalized Srivastava code with parameters a,w,
z,t.a=a1, ..., anand w=w1, ..., wsare lists of n+sdistinct elements of F=GF (qm),
zis a list of length nof nonzero elements of GF (qm). The parameter tdetermines the
designed distance: dst + 1. The parity check matrix of this code has entries of the form
VerticalConversionFieldMat converts this matrix to a matrix with entries in GF (q) (see
66.130). The default for tis 1. The original Srivastava codes (see 66.68) are a special case
t= 1, zi=aµ
ifor some µ.
gap> a := Filtered( Elements( GF(2^6) ), e -> e in GF(2^3) );;
gap> w := [ Z(2^6) ];; z := List( [1..8], e -> 1 );;
gap> C := GeneralizedSrivastavaCode( a, w, z, 1, GF(64) );
a linear [8,2,2..5]3..4 generalized Srivastava code over GF(2)
66.68 SrivastavaCode
SrivastavaCode( a,w,F)
SrivastavaCode( a,w,mu,F)
SrivastavaCode returns a Srivastava code with parameters a,w,mu.a=a1, ..., anand
w=w1, ..., wsare lists of n+sdistinct elements of F=GF (qm). The default for mu is
1. The Srivastava code is a generalized Srivastava code (see 66.67), in which zi=amu
some mu and t= 1.
gap> a := Elements( GF(11) ){[2..8]};;
gap> w := Elements( GF(11) ){[9..10]};;
gap> C := SrivastavaCode( a, w, 2, GF(11) );
a linear [7,5,3]2 Srivastava code over GF(11)
gap> IsMDSCode( C );
true # Always true if F is a prime field
66.69 CordaroWagnerCode
CordaroWagnerCode( n)
CordaroWagnerCode returns a binary Cordaro-Wagner code. This is a code of length nand
dimension 2 having the best possible minimum distance d. This code is just a little bit less
trivial than RepetitionCode (see 66.84).
gap> C := CordaroWagnerCode( 11 );
a linear [11,2,7]5 Cordaro-Wagner code over GF(2)
gap> Elements(C);
66.70 RandomLinearCode
RandomLinearCode( n,k,F)
RandomLinearCode returns a random linear code with word length n, dimension kover field
To create a random unrestricted code, use RandomCode (see 66.54).
gap> C := RandomLinearCode( 15, 4, GF(3) );
a linear [15,4,1..4]6..10 random linear code over GF(3)
gap> RandomSeed( 13 ); C1 := RandomLinearCode( 12, 5, GF(5) );
a linear [12,5,1..5]4..7 random linear code over GF(5)
gap> RandomSeed( 13 ); C2 := RandomLinearCode( 12, 5, GF(5) );
a linear [12,5,1..5]4..7 random linear code over GF(5)
gap> C1 = C2;
true # Thanks to RandomSeed
66.71 BestKnownLinearCode
BestKnownLinearCode( n,k,F)
BestKnownLinearCode returns the best known linear code of length n, dimension kover
field F. The function uses the tables described in section 66.120 to construct this code.
gap> C1 := BestKnownLinearCode( 23, 12, GF(2) );
a cyclic [23,12,7]3 binary Golay code over GF(2)
gap> C1 = BinaryGolayCode();
gap> Display( BestKnownLinearCode( 8, 4, GF(4) ) );
a linear [8,4,4]2..3 U|U+V construction code of
U: a cyclic [4,3,2]1 dual code of
a cyclic [4,1,4]3 repetition code over GF(4)
V: a cyclic [4,1,4]3 repetition code over GF(4)
gap> C := BestKnownLinearCode(131,47);
a linear [131,47,28..32]23..68 shortened code
BestKnownLinearCode( rec )
In this form, rec must be a record containing the fields lowerBound,upperBound and
construction. It uses the information in this field to construct a code. This form is
meant to be used together with the function BoundsMinimumDistance (see 66.120), if the
bounds are already calculated.
gap> bounds := BoundsMinimumDistance( 20, 17, GF(4) );
an optimal linear [20,17,d] code over GF(4) has d=3
gap> C := BestKnownLinearCode( bounds );
a linear [20,17,3]2 shortened code
gap> C = BestKnownLinearCode( 20, 17, GF(4) );
66.72 Generating Cyclic Codes
The elements of a cyclic code Care all multiples of a polynomial g(x), where calculations
are carried out modulo xn1. Therefore, the elements always have a degree less than n.
A cyclic code is an ideal in the ring of polynomials modulo xn1. The polynomial g(x)
is called the generator polynomial of C. This is the unique monic polynomial of least
degree that generates C. It is a divisor of the polynomial xn1.
The check polynomial is the polynomial h(x) with g(x)h(x) = xn1. Therefore it is
also a divisor of xn1. The check polynomial has the property that c(x)h(x) = 0 (mod
(xn1)) for every codeword c(x).
The first two sections describe functions that generate cyclic codes from a given generator
or check polynomial. All cyclic codes can be constructed using these functions.
The next sections describe the two cyclic Golay codes (see 66.75 and 66.76).
The next sections describe functions that generate cyclic codes from a prescribed set of
roots of the generator polynomial, among which the BCH codes. See 66.77, 66.78, 66.79
and 66.80.
The next sections describe the trivial codes (see 66.82, 66.83, 66.84).
66.73 GeneratorPolCode
GeneratorPolCode( g,n[, Name ], F)
GeneratorPolCode creates a cyclic code with a generator polynomial g, word length n, over
F.gcan be entered as a polynomial over F, or as a list of coefficients over For Integers.
If gis a list of integers, these are first converted to F.Name can contain a short description
of the code.
If gis not a divisor of xn1, it cannot be a generator polynomial. In that case, a code is
created with generator polynomial gcd(g, xn1), i.e. the greatest common divisor of gand
xn1. This is a valid generator polynomial that generates the ideal < g . See 66.72.
gap> P := Polynomial(GF(2), Z(2)*[1,0,1]);
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^2 + 1)
gap> G := GeneratorPolCode(P, 7, GF(2));
a cyclic [7,6,1..2]1 code defined by generator polynomial over GF(2)
gap> GeneratorPol(G);
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2)) + 1)
gap> G2 := GeneratorPolCode([1,1], 7, GF(2));
a cyclic [7,6,1..2]1 code defined by generator polynomial over GF(2)
gap> GeneratorPol(G2);
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2)) + 1)
66.74 CheckPolCode
CheckPolCode( h,n[, Name ], F)
CheckPolCode creates a cyclic code with a check polynomial h, word length n, over F.h
can be entered as a polynomial over F, or as a list of coefficients over For Integers. If h
is a list of integers, these are first converted to F.Name can contain a short description of
the code.
If his not a divisor of xn1, it cannot be a check polynomial. In that case, a code is
created with check polynomial gcd(h, xn1), i.e. the greatest common divisor of hand
xn1. This is a valid check polynomial that yields the same elements as the ideal < h .
See 66.72.
gap> P := Polynomial(GF(3), Z(3)*[1,0,2]);
Z(3)^0*(X(GF(3))^2 + 2)
gap> H := CheckPolCode(P, 7, GF(3));
a cyclic [7,1,7]4 code defined by check polynomial over GF(3)
gap> CheckPol(H);
Z(3)^0*(X(GF(3)) + 2)
gap> Gcd(P, X(GF(3))^7-1);
Z(3)^0*(X(GF(3)) + 2)
66.75 BinaryGolayCode
BinaryGolayCode returns a binary Golay code. This is a perfect [23,12,7] code. It is also
cyclic, and has generator polynomial g(x) = 1 + x2+x4+x5+x6+x10 +x11. Extending
it results in an extended Golay code (see 66.63). There’s also the ternary Golay code (see
gap> BinaryGolayCode();
a cyclic [23,12,7]3 binary Golay code over GF(2)
gap> ExtendedBinaryGolayCode() = ExtendedCode(BinaryGolayCode());
gap> IsPerfectCode(BinaryGolayCode());
66.76 TernaryGolayCode
66.77. ROOTSCODE 1173
TernaryGolayCode returns a ternary Golay code. This is a perfect [11,6,5] code. It is also
cyclic, and has generator polynomial g(x) = 2 + x2+ 2x3+x4+x5. Extending it results in
an extended Golay code (see 66.64). There’s also the binary Golay code (see 66.75).
gap> TernaryGolayCode();
a cyclic [11,6,5]2 ternary Golay code over GF(3)
gap> ExtendedTernaryGolayCode() = ExtendedCode(TernaryGolayCode());
66.77 RootsCode
RootsCode( n,list )
This is the generalization of the BCH, Reed-Solomon and quadratic residue codes (see 66.78,
66.79 and 66.80). The user can give a length of the code nand a prescribed set of zeros.
The argument list must be a valid list of primitive nth roots of unity in a splitting field
GF (qm). The resulting code will be over the field GF (q). The function will return the
largest possible cyclic code for which the list list is a subset of the roots of the code. From
this list, GUAVA calculates the entire set of roots.
gap> a := PrimitiveUnityRoot( 3, 14 );
gap> C1 := RootsCode( 14, [ a^0, a, a^3 ] );
a cyclic [14,7,3..6]3..7 code defined by roots over GF(3)
gap> MinimumDistance( C1 );
gap> b := PrimitiveUnityRoot( 2, 15 );
gap> C2 := RootsCode( 15, [ b, b^2, b^3, b^4 ] );
a cyclic [15,7,5]3..5 code defined by roots over GF(2)
gap> C2 = BCHCode( 15, 5, GF(2) );
RootsCode( n,list,F)
In this second form, the second argument is a list of integers, ranging from 0 to n-1. The
resulting code will be over a field F.GUAVA calculates a primitive nth root of unity, α, in
the extension field of F. It uses the set of the powers of αin the list as a prescribed set of
gap> C := RootsCode( 4, [ 1, 2 ], GF(5) );
a cyclic [4,2,3]2 code defined by roots over GF(5)
gap> RootsOfCode( C );
[ Z(5), Z(5)^2 ]
gap> C = ReedSolomonCode( 4, 3 );
66.78 BCHCode
BCHCode( n,d,F)
BCHCode( n,b,d,F)
The function BCHCode returns a Bose-Chaudhuri-Hockenghem code (or BCH code for
short). This is the largest possible cyclic code of length nover field F, whose generator
polynomial has zeros
ab, ab+1, ..., ab+d2,
where ais a primitive nth root of unity in the splitting field GF (qm), bis an integer >1
and mis the multiplicative order of qmodulo n. Default value for bis 1. The length nof
the code and the size qof the field must be relatively prime. The generator polynomial is
equal to the product of the minimal polynomials of Xb, Xb+1, ..., Xb+d2.
Special cases are b= 1 (resulting codes are called narrow-sense BCH codes), and n=
qm1 (known as primitive BCH codes). GUAVA calculates the largest value of d’ for
which the BCH code with designed distance d’ coincides with the BCH code with designed
distance d. This distance is called the Bose distance of the code. The true minimum
distance of the code is greater than or equal to the Bose distance.
Printed are the designed distance (to be precise, the Bose distance) delta, and the starting
power b.
gap> C1 := BCHCode( 15, 3, 5, GF(2) );
a cyclic [15,5,7]5 BCH code, delta=7, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> C1.designedDistance;
gap> C2 := BCHCode( 23, 2, GF(2) );
a cyclic [23,12,5..7]3 BCH code, delta=5, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> C2.designedDistance;
gap> MinimumDistance(C2);
66.79 ReedSolomonCode
ReedSolomonCode( n,d)
ReedSolomonCode returns a Reed-Solomon code of length n, designed distance d. This
code is a primitive narrow-sense BCH code over the field GF (q), where q=n+ 1. The
dimension of an RS code is nd+ 1. According to the Singleton bound (see 66.111) the
dimension cannot be greater than this, so the true minimum distance of an RS code is equal
to dand the code is maximum distance separable (see 66.37).
gap> C1 := ReedSolomonCode( 3, 2 );
a cyclic [3,2,2]1 Reed-Solomon code over GF(4)
gap> C2 := ReedSolomonCode( 4, 3 );
a cyclic [4,2,3]2 Reed-Solomon code over GF(5)
gap> RootsOfCode( C2 );
[ Z(5), Z(5)^2 ]
gap> IsMDSCode(C2);
66.80 QRCode
QRCode( n,F)
66.81. FIRECODE 1175
QRCode returns a quadratic residue code. If Fis a field GF (q), then qmust be a quadratic
residue modulo n. That is, an xexists with x2=q(mod n). Both nand qmust be primes.
Its generator polynomial is the product of the polynomials xai.ais a primitive nth root
of unity, and iis an integer in the set of quadratic residues modulo n.
gap> C1 := QRCode( 7, GF(2) );
a cyclic [7,4,3]1 quadratic residue code over GF(2)
gap> IsEquivalent( C1, HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> C2 := QRCode( 11, GF(3) );
a cyclic [11,6,4..5]2 quadratic residue code over GF(3)
gap> C2 = TernaryGolayCode();
66.81 FireCode
FireCode( G,b)
FireCode constructs a (binary) Fire code. Gis a primitive polynomial of degree m, factor
of xr1. ban integer 0 bmnot divisible by r, that determines the burst length of a
single error burst that can be corrected. The argument Gcan be a polynomial with base
ring GF (2), or a list of coefficients in GF (2). The generator polynomial is defined as the
product of Gand x2b1+ 1.
gap> G := Polynomial( GF(2), Z(2)^0 * [ 1, 0, 1, 1 ] );
Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^3 + X(GF(2))^2 + 1)
gap> Factors( G );
[ Z(2)^0*(X(GF(2))^3 + X(GF(2))^2 + 1) ] # So it is primitive
gap> C := FireCode( G, 3 );
a cyclic [35,27,1..4]2..6 3 burst error correcting fire code over GF(2)
gap> MinimumDistance( C );
4# Still it can correct bursts of length 3
66.82 WholeSpaceCode
WholeSpaceCode( n,F)
WholeSpaceCode returns the cyclic whole space code of length nover F. This code consists
of all polynomials of degree less than nand coefficients in F.
gap> C := WholeSpaceCode( 5, GF(3) );
a cyclic [5,5,1]0 whole space code over GF(3)
66.83 NullCode
NullCode( n,F)
NullCode returns the zero-dimensional nullcode with length nover F. This code has only
one word: the all zero word. It is cyclic though!
gap> C := NullCode( 5, GF(3) );
a cyclic [5,0,5]5 nullcode over GF(3)
gap> Elements( C );
[0] # this is the polynomial 0
gap> TreatAsVector( Elements( C ) ); Elements( C );
[[00000]] # this is the vector 0
66.84 RepetitionCode
RepetitionCode( n,F)
RepetitionCode returns the cyclic repetition code of length nover F. The code has as many
elements as F, because each codeword consists of a repetition of one of these elements.
gap> C := RepetitionCode( 3, GF(5) );
a cyclic [3,1,3]2 repetition code over GF(5)
gap> Elements( C );
gap> IsPerfectCode( C );
gap> IsMDSCode( C );
66.85 CyclicCodes
CyclicCodes( n,F)
CyclicCodes returns a list of all cyclic codes of length nover F. It constructs all possible
generator polynomials from the factors of xn1. Each combination of these factors yields
a generator polynomial after multiplication.
NrCyclicCodes( n,F)
The function NrCyclicCodes calculates the number of cyclic codes of length nover field F.
gap> NrCyclicCodes( 23, GF(2) );
gap> codelist := CyclicCodes( 23, GF(2) );
[ a cyclic [23,23,1]0 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,22,1..2]1 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,11,1..8]4..7 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,0,23]23 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,11,1..8]4..7 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,12,1..7]3 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,1,23]11 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [23,12,1..7]3 enumerated code over GF(2) ]
gap> BinaryGolayCode() in codelist;
gap> RepetitionCode( 23, GF(2) ) in codelist;
gap> CordaroWagnerCode( 23 ) in codelist;
false # This code is not cyclic
66.86 Manipulating Codes
This section describes several functions GUAVA uses to manipulate codes. Some of the best
codes are obtained by starting with for example a BCH code, and manipulating it.
In some cases, it is faster to perform calculations with a manipulated code than to use
the original code. For example, if the dimension of the code is larger than half the word
length, it is generally faster to compute the weight distribution by first calculating the
weight distribution of the dual code than by directly calculating the weight distribution of
the original code. The size of the dual code is smaller in these cases.
Because GUAVA keeps all information in a code record, in some cases the information can be
preserved after manipulations. Therefore, computations do not always have to start from
The next sections describe manipulating function that take a code with certain parameters,
modify it in some way and return a different code. See 66.87, 66.88, 66.89, 66.90, 66.91,
66.92, 66.93, 66.94, 66.95, 66.96, 66.97, 66.98, 66.99, 66.100, 66.102, 66.103 and 66.101.
The next sections describe functions that generate a new code out of two codes. See 66.104,
66.105, 66.106, 66.107 and 66.108.
66.87 ExtendedCode
ExtendedCode( C[, i] )
ExtendedCode extends the code C i times and returns the result. iis equal to 1 by default.
Extending is done by adding a parity check bit after the last coordinate. The coordinates
of all codewords now add up to zero. In the binary case, each codeword has even weight.
The word length increases by i. The size of the code remains the same. In the binary case,
the minimum distance increases by one if it was odd. In other cases, that is not always true.
A cyclic code in general is no longer cyclic after extending.
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 3, GF(2) );
a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
gap> C2 := ExtendedCode( C1 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 extended code
gap> IsEquivalent( C2, ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 ) );
gap> List( Elements( C2 ), WeightCodeword );
gap> PuncturedCode( C2 ) = C1;
gap> C3 := EvenWeightSubcode( C1 );
a linear [7,3,4]2..3 even weight subcode
To undo extending, call PuncturedCode (see 66.88). The function EvenWeightSubcode (see
66.89) also returns a related code with only even weights, but without changing its word
66.88 PuncturedCode
PuncturedCode( C)
PuncturedCode punctures Cin the last column, and returns the result. Puncturing is
done simply by cutting off the last column from each codeword. This means the word
length decreases by one. The minimum distance in general also decrease by one.
PuncturedCode( C,L)
PuncturedCode punctures Cin the columns specified by L, a list of integers. All columns
specified by Lare omitted from each codeword. If lis the length of L(so the number of
removed columns), the word length decreases by l. The minimum distance can also decrease
by lor less.
Puncturing a cyclic code in general results in a non-cyclic code. If the code is punctured
in all the columns where a word of minimal weight is unequal to zero, the dimension of the
resulting code decreases.
gap> C1 := BCHCode( 15, 5, GF(2) );
a cyclic [15,7,5]3..5 BCH code, delta=5, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> C2 := PuncturedCode( C1 );
a linear [14,7,4]3..5 punctured code
gap> ExtendedCode( C2 ) = C1;
gap> PuncturedCode( C1, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] );
a linear [8,7,1..2]1 punctured code
gap> PuncturedCode( WholeSpaceCode( 4, GF(5) ) );
a linear [3,3,1]0 punctured code # The dimension decreased from 4 to 3
ExtendedCode extends the code again (see 66.87) although in general this does not result
in the old code.
66.89 EvenWeightSubcode
EvenWeightSubcode( C)
EvenWeightSubcode returns the even weight subcode of C, consisting of all codewords
of Cwith even weight. If Cis a linear code and contains words of odd weight, the resulting
code has a dimension of one less. The minimum distance always increases with one if it
was odd. If Cis a binary cyclic code, and g(x) is its generator polynomial, the even weight
subcode either has generator polynomial g(x) (if g(x) is divisible by x1) or g(x)(x1)
(if no factor x1 was present in g(x)). So the even weight subcode is again cyclic.
Of course, if all codewords of Care already of even weight, the returned code is equal to C.
gap> C1 := EvenWeightSubcode( BCHCode( 8, 4, GF(3) ) );
an (8,33,4..8)3..8 even weight subcode
gap> List( Elements( C1 ), WeightCodeword );
[ 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 8, 6, 8, 4, 6, 4, 4, 6,
4, 4, 6, 8, 4, 4, 6, 4, 8, 4, 6 ]
gap> EvenWeightSubcode( ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 ) );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
ExtendedCode also returns a related code of only even weights, but without reducing its
dimension (see 66.87).
66.90. PERMUTEDCODE 1179
66.90 PermutedCode
PermutedCode( C,L)
PermutedCode returns Cafter column permutations. Lis the permutation to be executed
on the columns of C. If Cis cyclic, the result in general is no longer cyclic. If a permutation
results in the same code as C, this permutation belongs to the automorphism group of
C(see 66.42). In any case, the returned code is equivalent to C(see 66.40).
gap> C1 := PuncturedCode( ReedMullerCode( 1, 4 ) );
a linear [15,5,7]5 punctured code
gap> C2 := BCHCode( 15, 7, GF(2) );
a cyclic [15,5,7]5 BCH code, delta=7, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> C2 = C1;
gap> p := CodeIsomorphism( C1, C2 );
( 2,13, 7,10, 8, 3, 5, 4,14)(12,15)
gap> C3 := PermutedCode( C1, p );
a linear [15,5,7]5 permuted code
gap> C2 = C3;
66.91 ExpurgatedCode
ExpurgatedCode( C,L)
ExpurgatedCode expurgates code Cby throwing away codewords in list L.Cmust be a
linear code. Lmust be a list of codeword input. The generator matrix of the new code no
longer is a basis for the codewords specified by L. Since the returned code is still linear, it
is very likely that, besides the words of L, more codewords of Care no longer in the new
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 4 );; WeightDistribution( C1 );
[ 1, 0, 0, 35, 105, 168, 280, 435, 435, 280, 168, 105, 35, 0, 0, 1 ]
gap> L := Filtered( Elements(C1), i -> WeightCodeword(i) = 3 );;
gap> C2 := ExpurgatedCode( C1, L );
a linear [15,4,3..4]5..11 code, expurgated with 7 word(s)
gap> WeightDistribution( C2 );
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
This function does not work on non-linear codes. For removing words from a non-linear
code, use RemovedElementsCode (see 66.93). For expurgating a code of all words of odd
weight, use EvenWeightSubcode (see 66.89).
66.92 AugmentedCode
AugmentedCode( C,L)
AugmentedCode returns Cafter augmenting.Cmust be a linear code, Lmust be a list of
codeword input. The generator matrix of the new code is a basis for the codewords specified
by Las well as the words that were already in code C. Note that the new code in general
will consist of more words than only the codewords of Cand the words L. The returned
code is also a linear code.
gap> C31 := ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
gap> C32 := AugmentedCode(C31,["00000011","00000101","00010001"]);
a linear [8,7,1..2]1 code, augmented with 3 word(s)
gap> C32 = ReedMullerCode( 2, 3 );
AugmentedCode( C)
When called without a list of codewords, AugmentedCode returns Cafter adding the all-ones
vector to the generator matrix. Cmust be a linear code. If the all-ones vector was already
in the code, nothing happens and a copy of the argument is returned. If Cis a binary code
which does not contain the all-ones vector, the complement of all codewords is added.
gap> C1 := CordaroWagnerCode(6);
a linear [6,2,4]2..3 Cordaro-Wagner code over GF(2)
gap> [0,0,1,1,1,1] in C1;
gap> C2 := AugmentedCode( C1 );
a linear [6,3,1..2]2..3 code, augmented with 1 word(s)
gap> [1,1,0,0,0,0] in C2; # the complement of [001111]
The function AddedElementsCode adds elements to the codewords instead of adding them
to the basis (see 66.94).
66.93 RemovedElementsCode
RemovedElementsCode( C,L)
RemovedElementsCode returns code Cafter removing a list of codewords Lfrom its ele-
ments. Lmust be a list of codeword input. The result is an unrestricted code.
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 4 );; WeightDistribution( C1 );
[ 1, 0, 0, 35, 105, 168, 280, 435, 435, 280, 168, 105, 35, 0, 0, 1 ]
gap> L := Filtered( Elements(C1), i -> WeightCodeword(i) = 3 );;
gap> C2 := RemovedElementsCode( C1, L );
a (15,2013,3..15)2..15 code with 35 word(s) removed
gap> WeightDistribution( C2 );
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 105, 168, 280, 435, 435, 280, 168, 105, 35, 0, 0, 1 ]
gap> MinimumDistance( C2 );
3# C2 is not linear, so the minimum weight does not have to
# be equal to the minimum distance
Adding elements to a code is done by the function AddedElementsCode (see 66.94). To
remove codewords from the base of a linear code, use ExpurgatedCode (see 66.91).
66.94 AddedElementsCode
AddedElementsCode( C,L)
AddedElementsCode returns code Cafter adding a list of codewords Lto its elements. L
must be a list of codeword input. The result is an unrestricted code.
gap> C1 := NullCode( 6, GF(2) );
a cyclic [6,0,6]6 nullcode over GF(2)
gap> C2 := AddedElementsCode( C1, "111111" );
a (6,2,1..6)3 code with 1 word(s) added
gap> IsCyclicCode( C2 );
gap> C3 := AddedElementsCode( C2, [ "101010", "010101" ] );
a (6,4,1..6)2 code with 2 word(s) added
gap> IsCyclicCode( C3 );
To remove elements from a code, use RemovedElementsCode (see 66.93). To add elements
to the base of a linear code, use AugmentedCode (see 66.92).
66.95 ShortenedCode
ShortenedCode( C)
ShortenedCode returns code Cshortened by taking a cross section. If Cis a linear code,
this is done by removing all codewords that start with a non-zero entry, after which the first
column is cut off. If Cwas a [n, k, d] code, the shortened code generally is a [n1, k 1, d]
code. It is possible that the dimension remains the same; it is also possible that the minimum
distance increases.
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 4 );
a linear [15,11,3]1 Hamming (4,2) code over GF(2)
gap> C2 := ShortenedCode( C1 );
a linear [14,10,3]2 shortened code
If Cis a non-linear code, ShortenedCode first checks which finite field element occurs most
often in the first column of the codewords. The codewords not starting with this element
are removed from the code, after which the first column is cut off. The resulting shortened
code has at least the same minimum distance as C.
gap> C1 := ElementsCode( ["1000", "1101", "0011" ], GF(2) );
a (4,3,1..4)2 user defined unrestricted code over GF(2)
gap> MinimumDistance( C1 );
gap> C2 := ShortenedCode( C1 );
a (3,2,2..3)1..2 shortened code
gap> Elements( C2 );
ShortenedCode( C,L)
When called in this format, ShortenedCode repeats the shortening process on each of the
columns specified by L.Ltherefore is a list of integers. The column numbers in Lare the
numbers as they are before the shortening process. If Lhas lentries, the returned code
has a word length of lpositions shorter than C.
gap> C1 := HammingCode( 5, GF(2) );
a linear [31,26,3]1 Hamming (5,2) code over GF(2)
gap> C2 := ShortenedCode( C1, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
a linear [28,23,3]2 shortened code
gap> OptimalityLinearCode( C2 );
The function LengthenedCode lengthens the code again (only for linear codes), see 66.96.
In general, this is not exactly the inverse function.
66.96 LengthenedCode
LengthenedCode( C[, i] )
LengtenedCode returns code Clengthened. Cmust be a linear code. First, the all-ones
vector is added to the generator matrix (see 66.92). If the all-ones vector was already a
codeword, nothing happens to the code. Then, the code is extended itimes (see 66.87). i
is equal to 1 by default. If Cwas an [n, k] code, the new code generally is a [n+i, k + 1]
gap> C1 := CordaroWagnerCode( 5 );
a linear [5,2,3]2 Cordaro-Wagner code over GF(2)
gap> C2 := LengthenedCode( C1 );
a linear [6,3,2]2..3 code, lengtened with 1 column(s)
ShortenedCode shortens the code, see 66.95. In general, this is not exactly the inverse
66.97 ResidueCode
ResidueCode( C[, w] )
The function ResidueCode takes a codeword cof Cof weight w(if wis omitted, a codeword
of minimal weight is used). Cmust be a linear code and wmust be greater than zero. It
removes this word and all its linear combinations from the code and then punctures the
code in the coordinates where cis unequal to zero. The resulting code is an [nw, k
1, d − bw(q1)/qc] code.
gap> C1 := BCHCode( 15, 7 );
a cyclic [15,5,7]5 BCH code, delta=7, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> C2 := ResidueCode( C1 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 residue code
gap> c := Codeword( [ 0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1 ], C1);;
gap> C3 := ResidueCode( C1, c );
a linear [7,4,3]1 residue code
66.98 ConstructionBCode
ConstructionBCode( C)
The function ConstructionBCode takes a binary linear code Cand calculates the minimum
distance of the dual of C(see 66.99). It then removes the columns of the parity check matrix
of Cwhere a codeword of the dual code of minimal weight has coordinates unequal to zero.
66.99. DUALCODE 1183
the resulting matrix is a parity check matrix for an [ndd, k dd + 1,d] code, where dd
is the minimum distance of the dual of C.
gap> C1 := ReedMullerCode( 2, 5 );
a linear [32,16,8]6 Reed-Muller (2,5) code over GF(2)
gap> C2 := ConstructionBCode( C1 );
a linear [24,9,8]5..10 Construction B (8 coordinates)
gap> BoundsMinimumDistance( 24, 9, GF(2) );
an optimal linear [24,9,d] code over GF(2) has d=8 # so C2 is optimal
66.99 DualCode
DualCode( C)
DualCode returns the dual code of C. The dual code consists of all codewords that are
orthogonal to the codewords of C. If Cis a linear code with generator matrix G, the dual
code has parity check matrix G(or if Chas parity check matrix H, the dual code has
generator matrix H). So if Cis a linear [n, k] code, the dual code of Cis a linear [n, n-k]
code. If Cis a cyclic code with generator polynomial g(x), the dual code has the reciprocal
polynomial of g(x) as check polynomial.
The dual code is always a linear code, even if Cis non-linear.
If a code Cis equal to its dual code, it is called self-dual.
gap> R := ReedMullerCode( 1, 3 );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
gap> RD := DualCode( R );
a linear [8,4,4]2 Reed-Muller (1,3) code over GF(2)
gap> R = RD;
gap> N := WholeSpaceCode( 7, GF(4) );
a cyclic [7,7,1]0 whole space code over GF(4)
gap> DualCode( N ) = NullCode( 7, GF(4) );
66.100 ConversionFieldCode
ConversionFieldCode( C)
ConversionFieldCode returns code Cafter converting its field. If the field of Cis GF(qm),
the returned code has field GF(q). Each symbol of every codeword is replaced by a con-
catenation of msymbols from GF(q). If Cis an (n, M, d1) code, the returned code is a
(nm, M, d2) code, where d2> d1.
See also 66.131.
gap> R := RepetitionCode( 4, GF(4) );
a cyclic [4,1,4]3 repetition code over GF(4)
gap> R2 := ConversionFieldCode( R );
a linear [8,2,4]3..4 code, converted to basefield GF(2)
gap> Size( R ) = Size( R2 );
gap> GeneratorMat( R );
[ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> GeneratorMat( R2 );
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
66.101 CosetCode
CosetCode( C,w)
CosetCode returns the coset of a code Cwith respect to word w.wmust be of the codeword
type. Then, wis added to each codeword of C, yielding the elements of the new code. If C
is linear and wis an element of C, the new code is equal to C, otherwise the new code is
an unrestricted code.
Generating a coset is also possible by simply adding the word wto C. See 66.20.
gap> H := HammingCode(3, GF(2));
a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
gap> c := Codeword("1011011");; c in H;
gap> C := CosetCode(H, c);
a (7,16,3)1 coset code
gap> List(Elements(C), el-> Syndrome(H, el));
# All elements of the coset have the same syndrome in H
66.102 ConstantWeightSubcode
ConstantWeightSubcode( C,w)
ConstantWeightSubcode returns the subcode of Cthat only has codewords of weight w.
The resulting code is a non-linear code, because it does not contain the all-zero vector.
gap> N := NordstromRobinsonCode();; WeightDistribution(N);
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 112, 0, 30, 0, 112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
gap> C := ConstantWeightSubcode(N, 8);
a (16,30,6..16)5..8 code with codewords of weight 8
gap> WeightDistribution(C);
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
ConstantWeightSubcode( C)
In this format, ConstantWeightSubcode returns the subcode of Cconsisting of all minimum
weight codewords of C.
gap> E := ExtendedTernaryGolayCode();; WeightDistribution(E);
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 264, 0, 0, 440, 0, 0, 24 ]
gap> C := ConstantWeightSubcode(E);
a (12,264,6..12)3..6 code with codewords of weight 6
gap> WeightDistribution(C);
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 264, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
66.103 StandardFormCode
StandardFormCode( C)
StandardFormCode returns Cafter putting it in standard form. If Cis a non-linear code,
this means the elements are organized using lexicographical order. This means they form a
legal GAP3 Set.
If Cis a linear code, the generator matrix and parity check matrix are put in standard
form. The generator matrix then has an identity matrix in its left part, the parity check
matrix has an identity matrix in its right part. Although GUAVA always puts both matrices
in a standard form using BaseMat, this never alters the code. StandardFormCode even
applies column permutations if unavoidable, and thereby changes the code. The column
permutations are recorded in the construction history of the new code (see 66.47). Cand
the new code are of course equivalent.
If Cis a cyclic code, its generator matrix cannot be put in the usual upper triangular form,
because then it would be inconsistent with the generator polynomial. The reason is that
generating the elements from the generator matrix would result in a different order than
generating the elements from the generator polynomial. This is an unwanted effect, and
therefore StandardFormCode just returns a copy of Cfor cyclic codes.
gap> G := GeneratorMatCode( Z(2) * [ [0,1,1,0], [0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1] ],
> "random form code", GF(2) );
a linear [4,2,1..2]1..2 random form code over GF(2)
gap> Codeword( GeneratorMat( G ) );
gap> Codeword( GeneratorMat( StandardFormCode( G ) ) );
66.104 DirectSumCode
DirectSumCode( C1,C2)
DirectSumCode returns the direct sum of codes C1and C2. The direct sum code consists
of every codeword of C1concatenated by every codeword of C2. Therefore, if Ciwas a
(ni, Mi, di) code, the result is a (n1+n2, M1M2, min(d1, d2)) code.
If both C1and C2are linear codes, the result is also a linear code. If one of them is
non-linear, the direct sum is non-linear too. In general, a direct sum code is not cyclic.
Performing a direct sum can also be done by adding two codes (see 66.20). Another often
used method is the ”u, u+v”-construction, described in 66.105.
gap> C1 := ElementsCode( [ [1,0], [4,5] ], GF(7) );;
gap> C2 := ElementsCode( [ [0,0,0], [3,3,3] ], GF(7) );;
gap> D := DirectSumCode(C1, C2);;
gap> Elements(D);
gap> D = C1 + C2; # addition = direct sum
66.105 UUVCode
UUVCode( C1,C2)
UUVCode returns the so-called (u|u+v) construction applied to C1and C2. The resulting
code consists of every codeword uof C1concatenated by the sum of uand every codeword v
of C2. If C1and C2have different word lengths, sufficient zeros are added to the shorter code
to make this sum possible. If Ciis a (ni, Mi, di) code, the result is a (n1+max(n1, n2), M1
M2, min(2 d1, d2)) code.
If both C1and C2are linear codes, the result is also a linear code. If one of them is
non-linear, the UUV sum is non-linear too. In general, a UUV sum code is not cyclic.
The function DirectSumCode returns another sum of codes (see 66.104).
gap> C1 := EvenWeightSubcode(WholeSpaceCode(4, GF(2)));
a cyclic [4,3,2]1 even weight subcode
gap> C2 := RepetitionCode(4, GF(2));
a cyclic [4,1,4]2 repetition code over GF(2)
gap> R := UUVCode(C1, C2);
a linear [8,4,4]2 U|U+V construction code
gap> R = ReedMullerCode(1,3);
66.106 DirectProductCode
DirectProductCode( C1,C2)
DirectProductCode returns the direct product of codes C1and C2. Both must be linear
codes. Suppose Cihas generator matrix Gi. The direct product of C1and C2then has the
Kronecker product of G1and G2as the generator matrix (see KroneckerProduct).
If Ciis a [ni, ki, di] code, the direct product then is a [n1n2, k1k2, d1d2] code.
gap> L1 := LexiCode(10, 4, GF(2));
a linear [10,5,4]2..4 lexicode over GF(2)
gap> L2 := LexiCode(8, 3, GF(2));
a linear [8,4,3]2..3 lexicode over GF(2)
gap> D := DirectProductCode(L1, L2);
a linear [80,20,12]20..45 direct product code
66.107 IntersectionCode
IntersectionCode( C1,C2)
IntersectionCode returns the intersection of codes C1and C2. This code consists of all
codewords that are both in C1and C2. If both codes are linear, the result is also linear. If
both are cyclic, the result is also cyclic.
gap> C := CyclicCodes(7, GF(2));
[ a cyclic [7,7,1]0 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [7,6,1..2]1 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [7,3,1..4]2..3 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [7,0,7]7 enumerated code over GF(2),
66.108. UNIONCODE 1187
a cyclic [7,3,1..4]2..3 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [7,4,1..3]1 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [7,1,7]3 enumerated code over GF(2),
a cyclic [7,4,1..3]1 enumerated code over GF(2) ]
gap> IntersectionCode(C[6], C[8]) = C[7];
66.108 UnionCode
UnionCode( C1,C2)
UnionCode returns the union of codes C1and C2. This code consists of the union of all
codewords of C1and C2and all linear combinations. Therefore this function works only
for linear codes. The function AddedElementsCode can be used for non-linear codes, or if
the resulting code should not include linear combinations. See 66.94. If both arguments are
cyclic, the result is also cyclic.
gap> G := GeneratorMatCode([[1,0,1],[0,1,1]]*Z(2)^0, GF(2));
a linear [3,2,1..2]1 code defined by generator matrix over GF(2)
gap> H := GeneratorMatCode([[1,1,1]]*Z(2)^0, GF(2));
a linear [3,1,3]1 code defined by generator matrix over GF(2)
gap> U := UnionCode(G, H);
a linear [3,3,1]0 union code
gap> c := Codeword("010");; c in G;
gap> c in H;
gap> c in U;
66.109 Code Records
Like other GAP3 structures, codes are represented by records that contain important infor-
mation about them. Creating such a code record is done by the code generating functions
described in 66.49, 66.58 and 66.72. It is possible to create one by hand, though this is not
Once a code record is created you may add record components to it but it is not advisable
to alter information already present, because that may make the code record inconsistent.
Code records must always contain the components isCode,isDomain,operations and
one of the identification components elements,generatorMat,checkMat,generatorPol,
checkPol. The contents of all components of a code Care described below.
The following two components are the so-called category components used to identify
the category this domain belongs to.
is always true as a code is a domain.
is always true as a code is a code is a code...
The following components determine a code domain. These are the so-called identification
a list of elements of the code of type codeword. The field must be present for non-
linear codes.
generatorMat and checkMat
a matrix of full rank over a finite field. Neither can exist for non-linear codes. Either
one or both must be present for linear codes.
generatorPol and checkPol
a polynomial with coefficients in a finite field. Neither can exist for non-cyclic codes.
Either one or both must be present for cyclic codes.
The following components contain basic information about the code.
contains a short description of the code. See 3.14 and 30.1.
is a list of strings, containing the history of the code. The current name of the code is
excluded in the list, so that if the minimum distance is calculated, it can be included
in the history. Each time the code is altered by a manipulating function, one or more
strings are added to this list. See 66.47.
the finite field of the codewords of C. See 6.2.
is an integer specifying the word length of each codeword of C. See 66.29.
is an integer specifying the size of C, being the number of codewords that Chas. See
The following components contain knowledge about the code C.
is an integer specifying the dimension of C. The dimension is equal to the number of
rows of the generator matrix. The field is invalid for unrestricted codes. See 9.8.
is an integer specifying the redundancy of C. The redundancy is equal to the number
of rows of the parity check matrix. The field is invalid for unrestricted codes. See
lowerBoundMinimumDistance and upperBoundMinimumDistance
contains a lower and upper bound on the minimum distance of the code. The exact
minimum distance is known if the two values are equal. See 66.31.
contains an upper bound for the minimum distance of an optimal code with the same
contains the minimum weight of the words in the generator matrix (if the code is
66.109. CODE RECORDS 1189
linear) or in the generator polynomial (if the code is cyclic). The field is invalid for
unrestricted codes.
is an integer specifying the designed distance of a BCH code. See 66.78.
is a list of integers containing the weight distribution of C. See 66.32.
is a list of integers containing the inner distribution of C. This component may only
be present if Cis an unrestricted code. See 66.33.
is a matrix containing the outer distribution, in which the first element of each row
is an element of type codeword, and the second a list of integers. See 66.34.
is a matrix containing the syndrome table, in which the first element of each row
consists of two elements of type codeword. This component is invalid for unrestricted
codes. See 66.45.
is a list of integers specifying possible values for the covering radius. See 66.143.
is an integer specifying the norm of C. See 66.170.
The following components are true if the code Chas the property, false if not, and are
not present if it is unknown whether the code has the property or not.
is true if the code is linear. See 66.17.
is true if the code is cyclic. See 66.18.
is true if Cis a perfect code. See 66.36.
is true if Cis equal to its dual code. See 66.38.
is true if Cis a normal code. See 66.173.
is true if Cis a self complementary code. See 66.179.
is true if Cis an affine code. See 66.180.
is true if Cis an almost affine code. See 66.181.
The component specialDecoder contains a function that implements a for Cspecific algo-
rithm for decoding. See 66.43.
The component operations contains the operations record (see Domain Records and
66.110 Bounds on codes
This section describes the functions that calculate estimates for upper bounds on the size
and minimum distance of codes. Several algorithms are known to compute a largest number
of words a code can have with given length and minimum distance. It is important however
to understand that in some cases the true upper bound is unknown. A code which has a
size equal to the calculated upper bound may not have been found. However, codes that
have a larger size do not exist.
A second way to obtain bounds is a table. In GUAVA, an extensive table is implemented for
linear codes over GF(2), GF(3) and GF(4). It contains bounds on the minimum distance
for given word length and dimension. For binary codes, it contains entries for word length
less than or equal to 257. For codes over GF (3) and GF (4), it contains entries for word
length less than or equal to 130.
The next sections describe functions that compute specific upper bounds on the code size
(see 66.111, 66.112, 66.113, 66.114, 66.115 and 66.116).
The next section describes a function that computes GUAVA’s best upper bound on the code
size (see 66.117).
The next sections describe two function that compute a lower and upper bound on the
minimum distance of a code (see 66.118 and 66.119).
The last section describes a function that returns a lower and upper bound on the minimum
distance with given parameters and a description how the bounds were obtained (see 66.120).
66.111 UpperBoundSingleton
UpperBoundSingleton( n,d,q)
UpperBoundSingleton returns the Singleton bound for a code of length n, minimum dis-
tance dover a field of size q. This bound is based on the shortening of codes. By shortening
an (n, M, d) code d1 times, an (nd+1, M, 1) code results, with Mqnd+1 (see 66.95).
Codes that meet this bound are called maximum distance separable (see 66.37).
gap> UpperBoundSingleton(4, 3, 5);
gap> C := ReedSolomonCode(4,3);; Size(C);
gap> IsMDSCode(C);
66.112 UpperBoundHamming
UpperBoundHamming( n,d,q)
The Hamming bound (also known as sphere packing bound) returns an upper bound on
the size of a code of length n, minimum distance d, over a field of size q. The Hamming
bound is obtained by dividing the contents of the entire space GF (q)nby the contents of
a ball with radius b(d1)/2c. As all these balls are disjoint, they can never contain more
than the whole vector space.
V(n, e)
where Mis the maxmimum number of codewords and V(n, e) is equal to the contents of a
ball of radius e(see 66.135). This bound is useful for small values of d. Codes for which
equality holds are called perfect (see 66.36).
gap> UpperBoundHamming( 15, 3, 2 );
gap> C := HammingCode( 4, GF(2) );
a linear [15,11,3]1 Hamming (4,2) code over GF(2)
gap> Size( C );
66.113 UpperBoundJohnson
UpperBoundJohnson( n,d)
The Johnson bound is an improved version of the Hamming bound (see 66.112). In addition
to the Hamming bound, it takes into account the elements of the space outside the balls of
radius earound the elements of the code. The Johnson bound only works for binary codes.
gap> UpperBoundJohnson( 13, 5 );
gap> UpperBoundHamming( 13, 5, 2);
89 # in this case the Johnson bound is better
66.114 UpperBoundPlotkin
UpperBoundPlotkin( n,d,q)
The function UpperBoundPlotkin calculates the sum of the distances of all ordered pairs of
different codewords. It is based on the fact that the minimum distance is at most equal to
the average distance. It is a good bound if the weights of the codewords do not differ much.
It results in:
d(1 1/q)n
Mis the maximum number of codewords. In this case, dmust be larger than (1 1/q)n,
but by shortening the code, the case d<(1 1/q)nis covered.
gap> UpperBoundPlotkin( 15, 7, 2 );
gap> C := BCHCode( 15, 7, GF(2) );
a cyclic [15,5,7]5 BCH code, delta=7, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> Size(C);
gap> WeightDistribution(C);
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
66.115 UpperBoundElias
UpperBoundElias( n,d,q)
The Elias bound is an improvement of the Plotkin bound (see 66.114) for large codes.
Subcodes are used to decrease the size of the code, in this case the subcode of all codewords
within a certain ball. This bound is useful for large codes with relatively small minimum
gap> UpperBoundPlotkin( 16, 3, 2 );
gap> UpperBoundElias( 16, 3, 2 );
66.116 UpperBoundGriesmer
UpperBoundGriesmer( n,d,q)
The Griesmer bound is valid only for linear codes. It is obtained by counting the number of
equal symbols in each row of the generator matrix of the code. By omitting the coordinates
in which all rows have a zero, a smaller code results. The Griesmer bound is obtained by
repeating this proces until a trivial code is left in the end.
gap> UpperBoundGriesmer( 13, 5, 2 );
gap> UpperBoundGriesmer( 18, 9, 2 );
8# the maximum number of words for a linear code is 8
gap> Size( PuncturedCode( HadamardCode( 20, 1 ) ) );
20 # this non-linear code has 20 elements
66.117 UpperBound
UpperBound( n,d,q)
UpperBound returns the best known upper bound A(n,d) for the size of a code of length n,
minimum distance dover a field of size q. The function UpperBound first checks for trivial
cases (like d= 1 or n=d) and if the value is in the built-in table. Then it calculates the
minimum value of the upper bound using the methods of Singleton (see 66.111), Hamming
(see 66.112), Johnson (see 66.113), Plotkin (see 66.114) and Elias (see 66.115). If the code
is binary, A(n,2l1) = A(n+ 1,2l), so the UpperBound takes the minimum of the
values obtained from all methods for the parameters (n,2l1) and (n+ 1,2l).
gap> UpperBound( 10, 3, 2 );
gap> UpperBound( 25, 9, 8 );
66.118 LowerBoundMinimumDistance
LowerBoundMinimumDistance( C)
In this form, LowerBoundMinimumDistance returns a lower bound for the minimum distance
of code C.
gap> C := BCHCode( 45, 7 );
a cyclic [45,23,7..9]6..16 BCH code, delta=7, b=1 over GF(2)
gap> LowerBoundMinimumDistance( C );
7# designed distance is lower bound for minimum distance
LowerBoundMinimumDistance( n,k,F)
In this form, LowerBoundMinimumDistance returns a lower bound for the minimum distance
of the best known linear code of length n, dimension kover field F. It uses the mechanism
explained in section 66.120.
gap> LowerBoundMinimumDistance( 45, 23, GF(2) );
66.119 UpperBoundMinimumDistance
UpperBoundMinimumDistance( C)
In this form, UpperBoundMinimumDistance returns an upper bound for the minimum dis-
tance of code C. For unrestricted codes, it just returns the word length. For linear codes,
it takes the minimum of the possibly known value from the method of construction, the
weight of the generators, and the value from the table (see 66.120).
gap> C := BCHCode( 45, 7 );;
gap> UpperBoundMinimumDistance( C );
UpperBoundMinimumDistance( n,k,F)
In this form, UpperBoundMinimumDistance returns an upper bound for the minimum dis-
tance of the best known linear code of length n, dimension kover field F. It uses the
mechanism explained in section 66.120.
gap> UpperBoundMinimumDistance( 45, 23, GF(2) );
66.120 BoundsMinimumDistance
BoundsMinimumDistance( n,k,F)
The function BoundsMinimumDistance calculates a lower and upper bound for the minimum
distance of an optimal linear code with word length n, dimension kover field F. The function
returns a record with the two bounds and an explenation for each bound. The function
Display can be used to show the explanations.
The values for the lower and upper bound are obtained from a table. GUAVA has tables
containing lower and upper bounds for q= 2 (n257),3 and 4 (n130). These tables
were derived from the table of Brouwer & Verhoeff. For codes over other fields and for larger
word lengths, trivial bounds are used.
The resulting record can be used in the function BestKnownLinearCode (see 66.71) to con-
struct a code with minimum distance equal to the lower bound.
gap> bounds := BoundsMinimumDistance( 7, 3 );; Display( bounds );
an optimal linear [7,3,d] code over GF(2) has d=4
Lb(7,3)=4, by shortening of:
Lb(8,4)=4, u|u+v construction of C1 and C2:
C1: Lb(4,3)=2, dual of the repetition code
C2: Lb(4,1)=4, repetition code
Ub(7,3)=4, Griesmer bound
# The lower bound is equal to the upper bound, so a code with
# these parameters is optimal.
gap> C := BestKnownLinearCode( bounds );; Display( C );
a linear [7,3,4]2..3 shortened code of
a linear [8,4,4]2 U|U+V construction code of
U: a cyclic [4,3,2]1 dual code of
a cyclic [4,1,4]2 repetition code over GF(2)
V: a cyclic [4,1,4]2 repetition code over GF(2)
66.121 Special matrices in GUAVA
This section explains functions that work with special matrices GUAVA needs for several
The next sections describe some matrix generating functions (see 66.122, 66.123, 66.124,
66.125 and 66.126).
The next sections describe two functions about a standard form of matrices (see 66.127 and
The next sections describe functions that return a matrix after a manipulation (see 66.129,
66.130 and 66.131).
The last sections describe functions that do some tests on matrices (see 66.132 and 66.133).
66.122 KrawtchoukMat
KrawtchoukMat( n,q)
KrawtchoukMat returns the n+ 1 by n+ 1 matrix K= (kij ) defined by kij =Ki(j) for
i, j = 0, ..., n.Ki(j) is the Krawtchouk number (see 66.136). nmust be a positive integer
and qa prime power. The Krawtchouk matrix is used in the MacWilliams identities,
defining the relation between the weight distribution of a code of length nover a field of
size q, and its dual code. Each call to KrawtchoukMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to
modify the result.
gap> PrintArray( KrawtchoukMat( 3, 2 ) );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 3, 1, -1, -3 ],
[ 3, -1, -1, 3 ],
[ 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ]
gap> C := HammingCode( 3 );; a := WeightDistribution( C );
gap> n := WordLength( C );; q := Size( Field( C ) );;
gap> k := Dimension( C );;
gap> q^( -k ) * KrawtchoukMat( n, q ) * a;
66.123. GRAYMAT 1195
gap> WeightDistribution( DualCode( C ) );
66.123 GrayMat
GrayMat( n,F)
GrayMat returns a list of all different vectors (see Vectors) of length nover the field F, using
Gray ordening. nmust be a positive integer. This order has the property that subsequent
vectors differ in exactly one coordinate. The first vector is always the null vector. Each call
to GrayMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to modify the result.
gap> GrayMat(3);
[ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> G := GrayMat( 4, GF(4) );; Length(G);
256 # the length of a GrayMat is always qn
gap> G[101] - G[100];
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ]
66.124 SylvesterMat
SylvesterMat( n)
SylvesterMat returns the nby nSylvester matrix of order n. This is a special case of the
Hadamard matrices (see 66.125). For this construction, nmust be a power of 2. Each call
to SylvesterMat returns a new matrix, so it is safe to modify the result.
gap> PrintArray(SylvesterMat(2));
[ [ 1, 1 ],
[ 1, -1 ] ]
gap> PrintArray( SylvesterMat(4) );
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, -1, -1, 1 ] ]
66.125 HadamardMat
HadamardMat( n)
HadamardMat returns a Hadamard matrix of order n. This is an nby nmatrix with the
property that the matrix multiplied by its transpose returns ntimes the identity matrix.
This is only possible for n= 1,n= 2 or in cases where nis a multiple of 4. If the matrix
does not exist or is not known, HadamardMat returns an error. A large number of construc-
tion methods is known to create these matrices for different orders. HadamardMat makes
use of two construction methods (among which the Sylvester construction (see 66.124)).
These methods cover most of the possible Hadamard matrices, although some special algo-
rithms have not been implemented yet. The following orders less than 100 do not have an
implementation for a Hadamard matrix in GUAVA: 28,36,52,76,92.
gap> C := HadamardMat(8);; PrintArray(C);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ],
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1 ],
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ] ]
gap> C * TransposedMat(C) = 8 * IdentityMat( 8, 8 );
66.126 MOLS
MOLS( q)
MOLS( q,n)
MOLS returns a list of nMutually Orthogonal Latin Squares (MOLS). A Latin square
of order qis a qby qmatrix whose entries are from a set Fqof qdistinct symbols (GUAVA
uses the integers from 0 to q) such that each row and each column of the matrix contains
each symbol exactly once.
A set of Latin squares is a set of MOLS if and only if for each pair of Latin squares in this
set, every ordered pair of elements that are in the same position in these matrices occurs
exactly once.
nmust be less than q. If nis omitted, two MOLS are returned. If qis not a prime power,
at most 2 MOLS can be created. For all values of qwith q>2 and q6= 6, a list of MOLS
can be constructed. GUAVA however does not yet construct MOLS for qmod 4 = 2. If it is
not possible to construct nMOLS, the function returns false.
MOLS are used to create q-ary codes (see 66.53).
gap> M := MOLS( 4, 3 );;PrintArray( M[1] );
[ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 1, 0, 3, 2 ],
[ 2, 3, 0, 1 ],
[ 3, 2, 1, 0 ] ]
gap> PrintArray( M[2] );
[ [ 0, 2, 3, 1 ],
[ 1, 3, 2, 0 ],
[ 2, 0, 1, 3 ],
[ 3, 1, 0, 2 ] ]
gap> PrintArray( M[3] );
[ [ 0, 3, 1, 2 ],
[ 1, 2, 0, 3 ],
[ 2, 1, 3, 0 ],
[ 3, 0, 2, 1 ] ]
gap> MOLS( 12, 3 );
66.127 PutStandardForm
PutStandardForm( M)
PutStandardForm( M,idleft )
PutStandardForm puts a matrix Min standard form, and returns the permutation needed
to do so. idleft is a boolean that sets the position of the identity matrix in M. If idleft is
set to true, the identity matrix is put in the left side of M. Otherwise, it is put at the right
side. The default for idleft is true.
The function BaseMat also returns a similar standard form, but does not apply column
permutations. The rows of the matrix still span the same vector space after BaseMat, but
after calling PutStandardForm, this is not necessarily true.
gap> M := Z(2)*[[1,0,0,1],[0,0,1,1]];; PrintArray(M);
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> PutStandardForm(M); # identity at the left side
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> PutStandardForm(M, false); # identity at the right side
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
66.128 IsInStandardForm
IsInStandardForm( M)
IsInStandardForm( M,idleft )
IsInStandardForm determines if Mis in standard form. idleft is a boolean that indicates
the position of the identity matrix in M. If idleft is true,IsInStandardForm checks if the
identity matrix is at the left side of M, otherwise if it is at the right side. The default for
idleft is true. The elements of Mmay be elements of any field. To put a matrix in standard
form, use PutStandardForm (see 66.127).
gap> IsInStandardForm(IdentityMat(7, GF(2)));
gap> IsInStandardForm([[1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]], false);
gap> IsInStandardForm([[1, 3, 2, 7]]);
gap> IsInStandardForm(HadamardMat(4));
66.129 PermutedCols
PermutedCols( M,P)
PermutedCols returns a matrix Mwith a permutation Papplied to its columns.
gap> M := [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]];; PrintArray(M);
[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ]
gap> PrintArray(PermutedCols(M, (1,2,3)));
[ [ 3, 1, 2, 4 ],
[ 3, 1, 2, 4 ] ]
66.130 VerticalConversionFieldMat
VerticalConversionFieldMat( M,F)
VerticalConversionFieldMat returns the matrix Mwith its elements converted from a
field F=GF (qm), qprime, to a field GF (q). Each element is replaced by its representation
over the latter field, placed vertically in the matrix.
If Mis a kby nmatrix, the result is a kmby nmatrix, since each element of GF (qm)
can be represented in GF (q) using melements.
gap> M := Z(9)*[[1,2],[2,1]];; PrintArray(M);
[ [ Z(3^2), Z(3^2)^5 ],
[ Z(3^2)^5, Z(3^2) ] ]
gap> DefaultField( Flat(M) );
gap> VCFM := VerticalConversionFieldMat( M, GF(9) );; PrintArray(VCFM);
[ [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ]
gap> DefaultField( Flat(VCFM) );
A similar function is HorizontalConversionFieldMat (see 66.131).
66.131 HorizontalConversionFieldMat
HorizontalConversionFieldMat( M,F)
HorizontalConversionFieldMat returns the matrix Mwith its elements converted from a
field F=GF (qm), qprime, to a field GF (q). Each element is replaced by its representation
over the latter field, placed horizontally in the matrix.
If Mis a kby nmatrix, the result is a kmby nmmatrix. The new word length of
the resulting code is equal to nm, because each element of GF (qm) can be represented
in GF (q) using melements. The new dimension is equal to kmbecause the new matrix
should be a basis for the same number of vectors as the old one.
ConversionFieldCode uses horizontal conversion to convert a code (see 66.100).
66.132. ISLATINSQUARE 1199
gap> M := Z(9)*[[1,2],[2,1]];; PrintArray(M);
[ [ Z(3^2), Z(3^2)^5 ],
[ Z(3^2)^5, Z(3^2) ] ]
gap> DefaultField( Flat(M) );
gap> HCFM := HorizontalConversionFieldMat(M, GF(9));; PrintArray(HCFM);
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3), Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
[ Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ] ]
gap> DefaultField( Flat(HCFM) );
A similar function is VerticalConversionFieldMat (see 66.130).
66.132 IsLatinSquare
IsLatinSquare( M)
IsLatinSquare determines if a matrix Mis a latin square. For a latin square of size nby
n, each row and each column contains all the integers 1..n exactly once.
gap> IsLatinSquare([[1,2],[2,1]]);
gap> IsLatinSquare([[1,2,3],[2,3,1],[1,3,2]]);
66.133 AreMOLS
AreMOLS determines if Lis a list of mutually orthogonal latin squares (MOLS). For each
pair of latin squares in this list, the function checks if each ordered pair of elements that
are in the same position in these matrices occurs exactly once. The function MOLS creates
MOLS (see 66.126).
gap> M := MOLS(4,2);
gap> AreMOLS(M);
66.134 Miscellaneous functions
The following sections describe several functions GUAVA uses for constructing codes or per-
forming calculations with codes.
66.135 SphereContent
SphereContent( n,t,F)
SphereContent returns the content of a ball of radius taround an arbitrary element of the
vectorspace Fn. This is the cardinality of the set of all elements of Fnthat are at distance
(see 66.12) less than or equal to tfrom an element of Fn.
In the context of codes, the function is used to determine if a code is perfect. A code is
perfect if spheres of radius taround all codewords contain exactly the whole vectorspace,
where tis the number of errors the code can correct.
gap> SphereContent( 15, 0, GF(2) );
1# Only one word with distance 0, which is the word itself
gap> SphereContent( 11, 3, GF(4) );
gap> C := HammingCode(5);
a linear [31,26,3]1 Hamming (5,2) code over GF(2)
# the minimum distance is 3, so the code can correct one error
gap> ( SphereContent( 31, 1, GF(2) ) * Size(C) ) = 2 ^ 31;
66.136 Krawtchouk
Krawtchouk( k,i,n,q)
Krawtchouk returns the Krawtchouk number Kk(i). qmust be a primepower, nmust be a
positive integer, kmust be a non-negative integer less then or equal to nand ican be any
integer. (See 66.122).
gap> Krawtchouk( 2, 0, 3, 2);
66.137 PrimitiveUnityRoot
PrimitiveUnityRoot( F,n)
PrimitiveUnityRoot returns a primitive n’th root of unity in an extension field of F.
This is a finite field element awith the property an= 1 mod n, and nis the smallest integer
such that this equality holds.
gap> PrimitiveUnityRoot( GF(2), 15 );
gap> last^15;
gap> PrimitiveUnityRoot( GF(8), 21 );
66.138 ReciprocalPolynomial
ReciprocalPolynomial( P)
ReciprocalPolynomial returns the reciprocal of polynomial P. This is a polynomial with
coefficients of Pin the reverse order. So if P=a0+a1X+... +anXn, the reciprocal
polynomial is P’= an+an1X+... +a0Xn.
gap> P := Polynomial( GF(3), Z(3)^0 * [1,0,1,2] );
Z(3)^0*(2*X(GF(3))^3 + X(GF(3))^2 + 1)
gap> RecP := ReciprocalPolynomial( P );
Z(3)^0*(X(GF(3))^3 + X(GF(3)) + 2)
gap> ReciprocalPolynomial( RecP ) = P;
ReciprocalPolynomial( P,n)
In this form, the number of coefficients of Pis considered to be at least n(possibly with
zero coefficients at the highest degrees). Therefore, the reciprocal polynomial P’ also has
degree at least n.
gap> P := Polynomial( GF(3), Z(3)^0 * [1,0,1,2] );
Z(3)^0*(2*X(GF(3))^3 + X(GF(3))^2 + 1)
gap> ReciprocalPolynomial( P, 6 );
Z(3)^0*(X(GF(3))^6 + X(GF(3))^4 + 2*X(GF(3))^3)
In this form, the degree of Pis considered to be at least n(if not, zero coefficients are
added). Therefore, the reciprocal polynomial P’ also has degree at least n.
66.139 CyclotomicCosets
CyclotomicCosets( q,n)
CyclotomicCosets returns the cyclotomic cosets of qmodulo n.qand nmust be relatively
prime. Each of the elements of the returned list is a list of integers that belong to one
cyclotomic coset. Each coset contains all multiplications of the coset representative by
q, modulo n. The coset representative is the smallest integer that isn’t in the previous
gap> CyclotomicCosets( 2, 15 );
[ 7, 14, 13, 11 ] ]
gap> CyclotomicCosets( 7, 6 );
66.140 WeightHistogram
WeightHistogram( C)
WeightHistogram( C,h)
The function WeightHistogram plots a histogram of weights in code C. The maximum
length of a column is h. Default value for his 1/3 of the size of the screen. The number
that appears at the top of the histogram is the maximum value of the list of weights.
gap> H := HammingCode(2, GF(5));
a linear [6,4,3]1 Hamming (2,5) code over GF(5)
gap> WeightDistribution(H);
[ 1, 0, 0, 80, 120, 264, 160 ]
gap> WeightHistogram(H);
* *
66.141 Extensions to GUAVA
In this section and the following sections some extensions to GUAVA will be discussed. The
most important extensions are new code constructions and new algorithms and bounds for
the covering radius. Another important function is the implementation of the algorithm of
Leon for finding the minimum distance.
66.142 Some functions for the covering radius
Together with the new code constructions, the new functions for computing (the bounds of)
the covering radius are the most important additions to GUAVA.
These additions required a change in the fields of a code record. In previous versions of
GUAVA, the covering radius field was an integer field, called coveringRadius. To allow
the code-record to contain more information about the covering radius, this field has been
replaced by a field called boundsCoveringRadius. This field contains a vector of possible
values of the covering radius of the code. If the value of the covering radius is known, then
the length of this vector is one.
This means that every instance of coveringRadius in the previous version had to be changed
to boundsCoveringRadius. There is also an advantage to this: if bounds for a specific type
of code are known, they can be implemented (and they have been). This has been especially
useful for the Reed-Muller codes.
Of course, the main covering radius function dispatcher, CoveringRadius, had to be changed
to incorporate these changes. Previously, this dispatcher called
code.operations.CoveringRadius. Problem with these functions is that they only work if
the redundancy is not too large. Another problem is that the algorithm for linear and cyclic
codes is written in C(in the kernel of GAP3). This does not allow the user to interrupt
the function, except by pressing ctrl-C twice, which exits GAP3 altogether. For more
information, check the section on the (new) CoveringRadius (66.143) function.
Perhaps the most interesting new covering radius function is
IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound (66.146). It uses a probabilistic algorithm that tries
to find better lower bounds of the covering radius of a code. It works best when the
dimension is low, thereby giving a sort of complement function to CoveringRadius. When
the dimension is about half the length of a code, neither algorithm will work, although
IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound is specifically designed to avoid memory problems,
unlike CoveringRadius.
The function ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius (66.147) tries to find the covering radius
of a code by exhaustively searching the space in which the code lies for coset leaders.
A number of bounds for the covering radius in general have been implemented, including
some well known bounds like the sphere-covering bound, the redundancy bound and the Del-
sarte bound. These function all start with LowerBoundCoveringRadius (sections 66.150,
66.151, 66.152, 66.153, 66.154, 66.155, 66.156, 66.150) or UpperBoundCoveringRadius (sec-
tions 66.157, 66.158, 66.159, 66.160, 66.161).
The functions GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius (66.148) and
GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius (66.149) try to find the best known bounds for a given
code. BoundsCoveringRadius (66.144) uses these functions to return a vector of possible
values for the covering radius.
To allow the user to enter values in the .boundsCoveringRadius record herself, the function
SetCoveringRadius is provided.
66.143 CoveringRadius
CoveringRadius( code )
CoveringRadius is a function that already appeared in earlier versions of GUAVA, but it is
changed to reflect the implementation of new functions for the covering radius.
If there exists a function called SpecialCoveringRadius in the operations field of the
code, then this function will be called to compute the covering radius of the code. At the
moment, no code-specific functions are implemented.
If the length of BoundsCoveringRadius (see 66.144), is 1, then the value in
code.boundsCoveringRadius is returned. Otherwise, the function
code.operations.CoveringRadius is executed, unless the redundancy of code is too large.
In the last case, a warning is issued.
If you want to overrule this restriction, you might want to execute
code.operations.CoveringRadius yourself. However, this algorithm might also issue a
warning that it cannot be executed, but this warning is sometimes issued too late, resulting
in GAP3 exiting with an memory error. If it does run, it can only be stopped by pressing
ctrl-C twice, thereby quitting GAP3. It will not enter the usual break-loop. Therefore it
is recommendable to save your work before trying code.operations.CoveringRadius.
gap> CoveringRadius( BCHCode( 17, 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> CoveringRadius( HammingCode( 5, GF(2) ) );
gap> code := ReedMullerCode( 1, 9 );;
gap> CoveringRadius( code );
CoveringRadius: warning, the covering radius of
this code cannot be computed straightforward.
Try to use IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound( <code> ).
(see the manual for more details).
The covering radius of <code> lies in the interval:
[ 240 .. 248 ]
gap> code.operations.CoveringRadius( code );
Error, CosetLeaderMatFFE: sorry, no hope to finish
66.144 BoundsCoveringRadius
BoundsCoveringRadius( code )
BoundsCoveringRadius returns a list of integers. The first entry of this list is the maximum
of some lower bounds for the covering radius of code, the last entry the minimum of some
upper bounds of code.
If the covering radius of code is known, a list of length 1 is returned.
BoundsCoveringRadius makes use of the functions GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius
and GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius.
gap> BoundsCoveringRadius( BCHCode( 17, 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> BoundsCoveringRadius( HammingCode( 5, GF(2) ) );
66.145 SetCoveringRadius
SetCoveringRadius( code,intlist )
SetCoveringRadius enables the user to set the covering radius herself, instead of letting
GUAVA compute it. If intlist is an integer, GUAVA will simply put it in the
boundsCoveringRadius field. If it is a list of integers, however, it will intersect this list
with the boundsCoveringRadius field, thus taking the best of both lists. If this would leave
an empty list, the field is set to intlist.
Because some other computations use the covering radius of the code, it is important that
the entered value is not wrong, otherwise new results may be invalid.
gap> code := BCHCode( 17, 3, GF(2) );;
gap> BoundsCoveringRadius( code );
gap> SetCoveringRadius( code, [ 2 .. 3 ] );
gap> BoundsCoveringRadius( code );
66.146 IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound
IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound( code [, stopdistance ] [, startword ] )
IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound tries to increase the lower bound of the covering ra-
dius of code. It does this by means of a probabilistic algorithm. This algorithm takes a
random word in GF (q)n(or startword if it is specified), and, by changing random coordi-
nates, tries to get as far from code as possible. If changing a coordinate finds a word that
has a larger distance to the code than the previous one, the change is made permanent, and
the algorithm starts all over again. If changing a coordinate does not find a coset leader
that is further away from the code, then the change is made permanent with a chance of 1
in 100, if it gets the word closer to the code, or with a chance of 1 in 10, if the word stays
at the same distance. Otherwise, the algorithm starts again with the same word as before.
If the algorithm did not allow changes that decrease the distance to the code, it might get
stuck in a sub-optimal situation (the coset leader corresponding to such a situation (i.e. no
coordinate of this coset leader can be changed in such a way that we get at a larger distance
from the code) is called an orphan).
If the algorithm finds a word that has distance stopdistance to the code, it ends and returns
that word, which can be used for further investigations.
The variable InfoCoveringRadius can be set to Print to print the maximum distance
reached so far every 1000 runs. The alogrithm can be interrupted with ctrl-C, allowing
the user to look at the word that is currently being examined (called current), or to
change the chances that the new word is made permanent (these are called staychance and
downchance). If one of these variables is i, then it corresponds with a iin 100 chance.
At the moment, the algorithm is only useful for codes with small dimension, where small
means that the elements of the code fit in the memory. It works with larger codes, however,
but when you use it for codes with large dimension, you should be very patient. If running
the algorithm quits GAP3 (due to memory problems), you can change the global variable
CRMemSize to a lower value. This might cause the algorithm to run slower, but without
quitting GAP3. The only way to find out the best value of CRMemSize is by experimenting.
66.147 ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius
ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius( code )
ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius does an exhaustive search to find the covering radius
of code. Every time a coset leader of a coset with weight wis found, the function tries to
find a coset leader of a coset with weight w+ 1. It does this by enumerating all words of
weight w+ 1, and checking whether a word is a coset leader. The start weight is the current
known lower bound on the covering radius.
66.148 GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius
GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius( code )
GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius returns a lower bound on the covering radius of code.
It uses as many functions which names start with LowerBoundCoveringRadius as possible
to find the best known lower bound (at least that GUAVA knows of) together with tables
for the covering radius of binary linear codes with length not greater than 64.
66.149 GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius
GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius( code )
GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius returns an upper bound on the covering radius of code.
It uses as many functions which names start with UpperBoundCoveringRadius as possible
to find the best known upper bound (at least that GUAVA knows of).
66.150 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering( n,M[, F], false )
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering( n,r[, F] [, true ] )
If the last argument of LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering is false, then it re-
turns a lower bound for the covering radius of a code of size Mand length n. Otherwise, it
returns a lower bound for the size of a code of length nand covering radius r.
Fis the field over which the code is defined. If Fis omitted, it is assumed that the code is
over GF(2).
The bound is computed according to the sphere covering bound
MVq(n, r)qn(66.1)
where Vq(n, r) is the size of a sphere of radius rin GF(q)n.
66.151 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1( n,M[, F], false )
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1( n,r[, F] [, true ] )
If the last argument of LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1 is false, then it returns a
lower bound for the covering radius of a code of size Mand length n. Otherwise, it returns
a lower bound for the size of a code of length nand covering radius r.
Fis the field over which the code is defined. If Fis omitted, it is assumed that the code is
over GF(2).
The Van Wee bound is an improvement of the sphere covering bound
M(Vq(n, r)n
r+1 en+ 1
r+ 1 n+ 1
r+ 1 )qn(66.2)
66.152 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2( n,M, false )
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2( n,r[, true ] )
If the last argument of LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2 is false, then it returns a
lower bound for the covering radius of a code of size Mand length n. Otherwise, it returns
a lower bound for the size of a code of length nand covering radius r.
This bound only works for binary codes. It is based on the following inequality
MV2(n, 2) 1
2(r+ 2)(r1)V2(n, r) + εV2(n, r 2)
(V2(n, 2) 1
2(r+ 2)(r1) + ε)2n,(66.3)
ε=r+ 2
2nr+ 1
2/r+ 2
2nr+ 1
66.153 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess( n,M, false )
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess( n,r[, true ] )
If the last argument of LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess is false, then it re-
turns a lower bound for the covering radius of a code of size Mand length n. Otherwise, it
returns a lower bound for the size of a code of length nand covering radius r.
This bound only works for binary codes. It is based on the following inequality
M(ρV2(n, r) + εV2(n, r 1)) (ρ+ε)2n,(66.5)
ε= (r+ 1) n+ 1
r+ 1 (n+ 1) (66.6)
ρ=n3 + 2
nif r= 2
nr1 if r3(66.7)
66.154 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1( n,M, false )
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1( n,r[, true ] )
If the last argument of LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1 is false, then it returns a
lower bound for the covering radius of a code of size Mand length n. Otherwise, it returns
a lower bound for the size of a code of length nand covering radius r.
This bound only works for binary codes. It is based on the following inequality
MV2(n, r)2r
r2nA(n, 2r+ 1)2r
where A(n, d) denotes the maximal cardinality of a (binary) code of length nand minimum
distance d. The function UpperBound is used to compute this value.
Sometimes LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1 is better than
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2, sometimes it is the other way around.
66.155 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2( n,M, false )
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2( n,r[, true ] )
If the last argument of LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2 is false, then it returns a
lower bound for the covering radius of a code of size Mand length n. Otherwise, it returns
a lower bound for the size of a code of length nand covering radius r.
This bound only works for binary codes. It is based on the following inequality
MV2(n, r)3
r2n2A(n, 2r+ 1)2r
where A(n, d) denotes the maximal cardinality of a (binary) code of length nand minimum
distance d. The function UpperBound is used to compute this value.
Sometimes LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1 is better than
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2, sometimes it is the other way around.
66.156 LowerBoundCoveringRadiusInduction
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusInduction( n,r)
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusInduction returns a lower bound for the size of a code with
length nand covering radius r.
If n= 2r+ 2 and r1, the returned value is 4.
If n= 2r+ 3 and r1, the returned value is 7.
If n= 2r+ 4 and r4, the returned value is 8.
Otherwise, 0 is returned.
66.157 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusRedundancy
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusRedundancy( code )
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusRedundancy returns the redundancy of code as an upper bound
for the covering radius of code.code must be a linear code.
66.158 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusDelsarte
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusDelsarte( code )
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusDelsarte returns an upper bound for the covering radius of
code. This upperbound is equal to the external distance of code, this is the minimum
distance of the dual code, if code is a linear code.
66.159 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusStrength
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusStrength( code )
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusStrength returns an upper bound for the covering radius of
First the code is punctured at the zero coordinates (i.e. the coordinates where all codewords
have a zero). If the remaining code has strength 1 (i.e. each coordinate contains each element
of the field an equal number of times), then it returns q1
qm+(nm) (where qis the size of
the field and mis the length of punctured code), otherwise it returns n. This bound works
for all codes.
66.160 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusGriesmerLike
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusGriesmerLike( code )
This function returns an upper bound for the covering radius of code, which must be linear,
in a Griesmer-like fashion. It returns
i=1 d
66.161 UpperBoundCoveringRadiusCyclicCode
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusCyclicCode( code )
This function returns an upper bound for the covering radius of code, which must be a cyclic
code. It returns
nk+ 1 w(g(x))
where g(x) is the generator polynomial of code.
66.162 New code constructions
The next sections describe some new constructions for codes. The first constructions are
variations on the direct sum construction, most of the time resulting in better codes than
the direct sum.
The piecewise constant code construction stands on its own. Using this construction, some
good codes have been obtained.
The last five constructions yield linear binary codes with fixed minimum distances and
covering radii. These codes can be arbitrary long.
66.163 ExtendedDirectSumCode
ExtendedDirectSumCode( L,B,m)
The extended direct sum construction is described in an article by Graham and Sloane. The
resulting code consists of mcopies of L, extended by repeating the codewords of B m times.
Suppose Lis an [nL, kL]rLcode, and Bis an [nL, kB]rBcode (non-linear codes are also
permitted). The length of Bmust be equal to the length of L. The length of the new code
is n=mnL, the dimension (in the case of linear codes) is kmkL+kB, and the covering
radius is r≤ bmΨ(L, B)c, with
Ψ(L, B) = max
d(L, v +u).(66.12)
However, this computation will not be executed, because it may be too time consuming for
large codes.
If LB, and Land Bare linear codes, the last copy of Lis omitted. In this case the
dimension is k=mkL+ (kBkL).
gap> c := HammingCode( 3, GF(2) );
a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
gap> d := WholeSpaceCode( 7, GF(2) );
a cyclic [7,7,1]0 whole space code over GF(2)
gap> e := ExtendedDirectSumCode( c, d, 3 );
a linear [21,15,1..3]2 3-fold extended direct sum code
66.164 AmalgatedDirectSumCode
AmalgatedDirectSumCode( c1,c2[, check ] )
AmalgatedDirectSumCode returns the amalgated direct sum of the codes c1and c2. The
amalgated direct sum code consists of all codewords of the form (u|0|v) if (u|0) c1and
(0 |v)c2and all codewords of the form (u|1|v) if (u|1) c1and (1 |v)c2. The result
is a code with length n=n1+n21 and size M <=M1·M2/2.
If both codes are linear, they will first be standardized, with information symbols in the last
and first coordinates of the first and second code, respectively.
If c1is a normal code with the last coordinate acceptable, and c2is a normal code with
the first coordinate acceptable, then the covering radius of the new code is r <=r1+r2.
However, checking whether a code is normal or not is a lot of work, and almost all codes
seem to be normal. Therefore, an option check can be supplied. If check is true, then the
codes will be checked for normality. If check is false or omitted, then the codes will not be
checked. In this case it is assumed that they are normal. Acceptability of the last and first
coordinate of the first and second code, respectively, is in the last case also assumed to be
done by the user.
gap> c := HammingCode( 3, GF(2) );
a linear [7,4,3]1 Hamming (3,2) code over GF(2)
gap> d := ReedMullerCode( 1, 4 );
a linear [16,5,8]6 Reed-Muller (1,4) code over GF(2)
gap> e := DirectSumCode( c, d );
a linear [23,9,3]7 direct sum code
gap> f := AmalgatedDirectSumCode( c, d );;
gap> MinimumDistance( f );;
gap> CoveringRadius( f );; # takes some time
gap> f;
a linear [22,8,3]7 amalgated direct sum code
66.165 BlockwiseDirectSumCode
BlockwiseDirectSumCode( c1,l1,c2,l2)
BlockwiseDirectSumCode returns a subcode of the direct sum of c1and c2. The fields of
c1and c2should be same. l1and l2are two equally long lists with elements from the spaces
where c1and c2are in, respectively, or l1and l2are two equally long lists containing codes.
The union of the codes in l1and l2must be c1and c2, respectively.
In the first case, the blockwise direct sum code is defined as
bds =[
(c1+ (l1)i)(c2+ (l2)i),
where lis the length of l1and l2, and is the direct sum.
In the second case, it is defined as
bds =[
The length of the new code is n=n1+n2.
gap> c := HammingCode( 3, GF(2) );;
gap> d := EvenWeightSubcode( WholeSpaceCode( 6, GF(2) ) );;
gap> BlockwiseDirectSumCode( c, [[ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ],[ 1,0,1,0,1,0,0 ]],
> d, [[ 0,0,0,0,0,0 ],[ 1,0,1,0,1,0 ]] );
a (13,1024,1..13)1..2 blockwise direct sum code
66.166 PiecewiseConstantCode
PiecewiseConstantCode( part,weights [, field ] )
PiecewiseConstantCode returns a code with length n=Pni, where part = [n1, ..., nk].
weights is a list of constraints, each of length k. The default field is GF(2).
A constraint is a list of integers, and a word c= (c1, ..., ck) (according to part) is in the
resulting code if and only if |ci|=w(l)
ifor all 1 ikfor some constraint w(l)constraints.
An example might be more clear
gap> PiecewiseConstantCode( [ 2, 3 ],
> GF(2) );
a (5,7,1..5)1..5 piecewise constant code over GF(2)
gap> Elements(last);
The first constraint is satisfied by codeword 1, the second by codeword 2, the third by
codewords 3 and 4, and the fourth by codewords 5, 6 and 7.
66.167 Gabidulin codes
These five codes are derived from an article by Gabidulin, Davydov and Tombak. These
five codes are defined by check matrices. Exact definitions can be found in the article.
The Gabidulin code, the enlarged Gabidulin code, the Davydov code, the Tombak code,
and the enlarged Tombak code, correspond with theorem 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively in
the article.
These codes have fixed minimum distance and covering radius, but can be arbitrarily long.
They are defined through check matrices.
GabidulinCode( m,w1 ,w2 )
GabidulinCode yields a code of length 5 ·2m21, redundancy 2m1, minimum distance
3 and covering radius 2. w1 and w2 should be elements of GF(2m2).
EnlargedGabidulinCode( m,w1 ,w2 ,e)
EnlargedGabidulinCode yields a code of length 7 ·2m22, redundancy 2m, minimum
distance 3 and covering radius 2. w1 and w2 are elements of GF(2m2).eis an element of
GF(2m). The core of an enlarged Gabidulin code consists of a Gabidulin code.
DavydovCode( r,v,ei,ej )
DavydovCode yields a code of length 2v+ 2rv3, redundancy r, minimum distance 4 and
covering radius 2. vis an integer between 2 and r2. ei and ej are elements of GF(2v)
and GF(2rv), respectively.
TombakCode( m,e,beta,gamma,w1 ,w2 )
TombakCode yields a code of length 15 ·2m33, redundancy 2m, minimum distance 4 and
covering radius 2. eis an element of GF(2m).beta and gamma are elements of GF(2m1).
w1 and w2 are elements of GF(2m3).
EnlargedTombakCode( m,e,beta,gamma,w1 ,w2 ,u)
EnlargedTombakCode yields a code of length 23 ·2m43, redundancy 2m1, minimum
distance 4 and covering radius 2. The parameters m,e,beta,gamma,w1 and w2 are defined
as in TombakCode.uis an element of GF(2m1). The code of an enlarged Tombak code
consists of a Tombak code.
gap> GabidulinCode( 4, Z(4)^0, Z(4)^1 );
a linear [19,12,3]2 Gabidulin code (m=4) over GF(2)
gap> EnlargedGabidulinCode( 4, Z(4)^0, Z(4)^1, Z(16)^11 );
a linear [26,18,3]2 enlarged Gabidulin code (m=4) over GF(2)
gap> DavydovCode( 6, 3, Z(8)^1, Z(8)^5 );
a linear [13,7,4]2 Davydov code (r=6, v=3) over GF(2)
gap> TombakCode( 5, Z(32)^6, Z(16)^14, Z(16)^10, Z(4)^0, Z(4)^1 );
a linear [57,47,4]2 Tombak code (m=5) over GF(2)
gap> EnlargedTombakCode( 6, Z(32)^6, Z(16)^14, Z(16)^10,
> Z(4)^0, Z(4)^0, Z(32)^23 );
a linear [89,78,4]2 enlarged Tombak code (m=6) over GF(2)
66.168 Some functions related to the norm of a code
In the next sections, some functions that can be used to compute the norm of a code and
to decide upon its normality are discussed.
66.169 CoordinateNorm
CoordinateNorm( code,coord )
CoordinateNorm returns the norm of code with respect to coordinate coord. If Ca={c
code|ccoord =a}, then the norm of code with respect to coord is defined as
vGF (q)n
d(x, Ca),(66.13)
with the convention that d(x, Ca) = nif Cais empty.
gap> CoordinateNorm( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ), 3 );
66.170 CodeNorm
CodeNorm( code )
CodeNorm returns the norm of code. The norm of a code is defined as the minimum
of the norms for the respective coordinates of the code. In effect, for each coordinate
CoordinateNorm is called, and the minimum of the calculated numbers is returned.
gap> CodeNorm( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
66.171 IsCoordinateAcceptable
IsCoordinateAcceptable( code,coord )
IsCoordinateAcceptable returns true if coordinate coord of code is acceptable. A coordi-
nate is called acceptable if the norm of the code with respect to that coordinate is not more
than two times the covering radius of the code plus one.
gap> IsCoordinateAcceptable( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ), 3 );
66.172 GeneralizedCodeNorm
GeneralizedCodeNorm( code,subcode1 ,subcode2 , ..., subcodek )
GeneralizedCodeNorm returns the k-norm of code with respect to ksubcodes.
gap> c := RepetitionCode( 7, GF(2) );;
gap> ham := HammingCode( 3, GF(2) );;
gap> d := EvenWeightSubcode( ham );;
gap> e := ConstantWeightSubcode( ham, 3 );;
gap> GeneralizedCodeNorm( ham, c, d, e );
66.173 IsNormalCode
IsNormalCode( code )
IsNormalCode returns true if code is normal. A code is called normal if the norm of the
code is not more than two times the covering radius of the code plus one. Almost all codes
are normal, however some (non-linear) abnormal codes have been found.
Often, it is difficult to find out whether a code is normal, because it involves computing the
covering radius. However, IsNormalCode uses much information from the literature about
normality for certain code parameters.
gap> IsNormalCode( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
66.174 DecreaseMinimumDistanceLowerBound
DecreaseMinimumDistanceLowerBound( code,s,iterations )
DecreaseMinimumDistanceLowerBound is an implementation of the algorithm for the min-
imum distance by Leon. It is described in full detail in J.S. Leon, A Probabilistic Algorithm
for Computing Minimum Weights of Large Error-Correcting Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory, vol. 34, September 1988.
This algorithm tries to find codewords with small minimum weights. The parameter sis
described in the article, the best results are obtained if it is close to the dimension of the
code. The parameter iterations gives the number of runs that the algorithm will perform.
The result returned is a record with two fields; the first, mindist, gives the lowest weight
found, and word gives the corresponding codeword.
66.175 New miscellaneous functions
In this section, some new miscellaneous functions are described, including weight enumera-
tors, the MacWilliams-transform and affinity and almost affinity of codes.
66.176 CodeWeightEnumerator
CodeWeightEnumerator( code )
CodeWeightEnumerator returns a polynomial of the following form
f(x) =
where Aiis the number of codewords in code with weight i.
gap> CodeWeightEnumerator( ElementsCode( [ [ 0,0,0 ], [ 0,0,1 ],
> [ 0,1,1 ], [ 1,1,1 ] ], GF(2) ) );
gap> CodeWeightEnumerator( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
x^7 + 7*x^4 + 7*x^3 + 1
66.177 CodeDistanceEnumerator
CodeDistanceEnumerator( code,word )
CodeDistanceEnumerator returns a polynomial of the following form
f(x) =
where Biis the number of codewords with distance ito word.
If word is a codeword, then CodeDistanceEnumerator returns the same polynomial as
gap> CodeDistanceEnumerator( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ),[0,0,0,0,0,0,1] );
x^6 + 3*x^5 + 4*x^4 + 4*x^3 + 3*x^2 + x
gap> CodeDistanceEnumerator( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ),[1,1,1,1,1,1,1] );
x^7 + 7*x^4 + 7*x^3 + 1 #[1,1,1,1,1,1,1] HammingCode( 3, GF(2 ) )
66.178 CodeMacWilliamsTransform
CodeMacWilliamsTransform( code )
CodeMacWilliamsTransform returns a polynomial of the following form
f(x) =
where Ciis the number of codewords with weight iin the dual code of code.
gap> CodeMacWilliamsTransform( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
7*x^4 + 1
66.179 IsSelfComplementaryCode
IsSelfComplementaryCode( code )
IsSelfComplementaryCode returns true if
vcode 1vcode, (66.17)
where 1 is the all-one word of length n.
gap> IsSelfComplementaryCode( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> IsSelfComplementaryCode( EvenWeightSubcode(
> HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) ) );
66.180 IsAffineCode
IsAffineCode( code )
IsAffineCode returns true if code is an affine code. A code is called affine if it is an affine
space. In other words, a code is affine if it is a coset of a linear code.
gap> IsAffineCode( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> IsAffineCode( CosetCode( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ),
gap> IsAffineCode( NordstromRobinsonCode() );
66.181 IsAlmostAffineCode
IsAlmostAffineCode( code )
IsAlmostAffineCode returns true if code is an almost affine code. A code is called almost
affine if the size of any punctured code of code is qrfor some r, where qis the size of the
alphabet of the code. Every affine code is also almost affine, and every code over GF(2) and
GF(3) that is almost affine is also affine.
gap> code := ElementsCode( [ [0,0,0], [0,1,1], [0,2,2], [0,3,3],
> [1,0,1], [1,1,0], [1,2,3], [1,3,2],
> [2,0,2], [2,1,3], [2,2,0], [2,3,1],
> [3,0,3], [3,1,2], [3,2,1], [3,3,0] ],
> GF(4) );;
gap> IsAlmostAffineCode( code );
gap> IsAlmostAffineCode( NordstromRobinsonCode() );
66.182 IsGriesmerCode
IsGriesmerCode( code )
IsGriesmerCode returns true if code, which must be a linear code, is Griesmer code, and
false otherwise.
A code is called Griesmer if its length satisfies
n=g[k, d] =
gap> IsGriesmerCode( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> IsGriesmerCode( BCHCode( 17, 2, GF(2) ) );
66.183 CodeDensity
CodeDensity( code )
CodeDensity returns the density of code. The density of a code is defined as
M·Vq(n, t)
where Mis the size of the code, Vq(n, t) is the size of a sphere of radius tin qn,tis the
covering radius of the code and nis the length of the code.
gap> CodeDensity( HammingCode( 3, GF(2) ) );
gap> CodeDensity( ReedMullerCode( 1, 4 ) );
Chapter 67
KBMAG (pronounced “Kay-bee-mag”) stands for Knuth–Bendix on Monoids, and Au-
tomatic Groups. It is a stand-alone package written in C, for use under UNIX, with an
interface to GAP3. This chapter describes its use as an external share library from within
GAP3. The current interface is restricted to finitely presented groups. Interfaces for the use
of KBMAG with monoids and semigroups will be released as soon as these categories exist
as established types inGAP3.
To use this package effectively, some knowledge of the underlying theory and algorithms
is advisable. The Knuth-Bendix algorithm is described in various places in the literature.
Good general references that deal with the applications to groups and monoids are [LeC86]
and the first few chapters of [Sim94]. For the theory of automatic groups see the multi-author
book [ECH+92]. The algorithms employed by KBMAG are described more specifically in
[HER91] and [Holar].
The manual for the stand-alone KBMAG package (which can be found in the doc directory of
the package) provides more detailed information on the external Cprograms that are called
from GAP3. The stand-alone also includes a number of general programs for manipulating
finite state automata, which could easily be made accessible from GAP3. This, and other
possible extensions, such as the provision of more orderings on words, may be made in the
future, depending to some extent on user-demand.
The overall objective of KBMAG is to construct a normal form for the elements of a finitely
presented group Gin terms of the given generators, together with a word reduction algorithm
for calculating the normal form representation of an element in G, given as a word in the
generators. If this can be achieved, then it is also possible to enumerate the words in normal
form up to a given length, and to determine the order of the group, by counting the number
of words in normal form. In most serious applications, this will be infinite, since finite groups
are (with some exceptions) usually handled better by Todd-Coxeter related methods. In
fact a finite state automaton Wis calculated that accepts precisely the language of words
in the group generators that are in normal form, and Wis used for the enumeration and
counting functions. It is possible to inspect Wdirectly if required; for example, it is often
possible to use Wto determine whether an element in Ghas finite or infinite order. (See
Example 4 below.)
The normal form for an element gGis defined to be the least word in the group generators
(and their inverses) that represents G, with respect to a specified ordering on the set of all
words in the group generators. The available orderings are described in 67.3 below.
KBMAG offers two possible means of achieving these objectives. The first is to apply the
Knuth-Bendix algorithm to the group presentation, with one of the available orderings on
words, and hope that the algorithm will complete with a finite confluent presentation. (If
the group is finite, then it is guaranteed to complete eventually but, like the Todd-Coxeter
procedure, it may take a long time, or require more space than is available.) The second
is to use the automatic group program. This also uses the Knuth-Bendix procedure as one
component of the algorithm, but it aims to compute certain finite state automata rather
than to obtain a finite confluent rewriting system, and it completes successfully on many
examples for which such a finite system does not exist. In the current implementation,
its use is restricted to the shortlex ordering on words. That is, words are ordered first by
increasing length, and then words of equal length are ordered lexicographically, using the
specified ordering of the generators.
For both of the above procedures, the first step is to create a GAP3 record known as a
rewriting system Rfrom the finitely presented group G. Some of the fields of this record
can be used to specify the input parameters for the external programs, such as the ordering
on words to be used by the Knuth-Bendix procedure. One of the two external programs is
then run on R. If successful, it updates some of the fields of R, which can then be used
to reduce words in the group generators to normal form, and to count and enumerate the
words in normal form.
In fact, the relationship of a rewriting system to that of the group from which it is con-
structed is in many ways similar to that between a Presentation Record and its associated
finitely presented group, as described in 23.8. In particular, the rewriting rules, which can
be thought of as (a highly redundant) set of defining relations for the group, can be changed,
whereas the defining relators of a finitely presented group cannot be altered without effec-
tively changing the group itself.
In the descriptions of the functions that follow, it is important to distinguish between
irreducible words, and words in normal form. As already stated, a word is in normal form if
it is the least word under the ordering of the rewriting system that defines a particular group
element. So there is always a unique word in normal form for each group element, and it is
determined by the group generators and the ordering on words in the group generators. A
word in a rewriting system is said to be irreducible if it does not contain the left hand side
of any of the reduction rules in the system as a subword. Words in normal form are always
irreducible, but the converse is true if and only if the rewriting system is confluent. The
automatic groups programs provide a method of reducing words to normal form without
obtaining a finite confluent rewriting system (which may not even exist).
Diagnostic output from the GAP3 procedures can be turned on by setting the global variable
InfoRWS to Print. Diagnostic output from the external programs is controlled by setting
the silent,verbose or veryVerbose flags of the rewriting system. See 67.4 below.
67.1 Creating a rewriting system
FpGroupToRWS(G[,case change])
FpGroupToRWS constructs and returns a rewriting system Rfrom a finitely presented group
G. The generators of Rare the generators of Gtogether with inverses for those generators
which are not obviously involutory. Normally, if a generator of Gprints as a, say, then
its inverse will print, as might be expected, as a1. However, if the optional argument
case change is set to true, then its printing string will be derived by changing the case of
the letters in the original generator; so, the inverse of awill print as A. One advantage of
this is that it can save space in the temporary files used by the external programs.
Ris a GAP3 record. However, its internal storage does not correspond precisely to the way
in which it is displayed, and so the user is strongly advised not to attempt to modify its
fields directly. (To convince yourself of this, try examining some of the fields individually.)
In particular, the ordering on words to be used by the Knuth-Bendix procedure should be
changed, if desired, by using the functions SetOrderingRWS and ReorderGeneratorsRWS
described in 67.3 below. However, the control fields that are described in 67.4 below are
designed to be set directly.
67.2 Elementary functions on rewriting systems
Returns true if rws is a rewriting system.
Returns true if rws is a rewriting system that is known to be confluent.
Returns true if rws is a rewriting system with an associated normal form. When this is the
case, the word-reduction, counting and enumeration functions may be applied to rws and
are guaranteed to give the correct answer.
The normal form can only be created by applying one of the two functions KB or Automata
to rws.
Returns true if rws is a rewriting system for which words can be reduced. When this is the
case, the word-reduction, counting and enumeration functions may be applied to rws, but
are NOT guaranteed to give the correct answer.
The result of ReduceWordRWS will always be equal to its argument in the underlying group of
rws, but it may not be the correct normal form. The counting and enumeration algorithms
may return answers that are too large (never too small). This situation results when KB is
run and exits, for some reason, with a non-confluent system of equations.
This function resets the rewriting system rws back to its form as it was before the application
of KB or Automata. However, the current ordering and values of control parameters will not
be changed. The normal form and reduction algorithms will be unavailable after this call.
Occasionally, as a result of a call of KB on the rewriting system rws, some rewriting rules can
be lost, which means that the underlying group of rws is changed. This function appends
the original defining relations of the group to the rewriting system, which ensures that the
underlying group is made correct again. It is advisable to call this function in between two
calls of KB on the same rewriting system.
67.3 Setting the ordering
SetOrderingRWS(rws,ordering [,list])
SetOrderingRWS changes the ordering on the words of the rewriting system rws to ordering,
which must be one of the strings “shortlex”, “recursive”, “wtlex” and “wreathprod”. The de-
fault is “shortlex”, and this is the ordering of rewriting systems returned by FpGroupToRWS.
The orderings “wtlex” and “wreathprod” require the third parameter, list, which must be
a list of non-negative integers in one-one correspondence with the generators of rws, in the
order that they are displayed in the generatorOrder field. They have the effect of attaching
weights or levels to the generators, in the cases “wtlex” and “wreathprod”, respectively.
Each of these orderings depends on the order of the generators, The current ordering of
generators is displayed under the generatorOrder field when rws is printed. This ordering
can be changed by the function ReorderGeneratorsRWS. The second parameter pto this
function should be a permutation that moves at most ng points, where ng is the number of
generators. This permutation is applied to the current list of generators.
In the “shortlex” ordering, shorter words come before longer ones, and, for words of equal
length, the lexicographically smaller word comes first, using the ordering of generators
specified by the generatorOrder field. The “wtlex” ordering is similar, but instead of
using the length of the word as the first criterion, the total weight of the word is used; this
is defined as the sum of the weights of the generators in the word. So “shortlex” is the
special case of “wtlex” in which all generators have the same nonzero weight.
The “recursive” ordering is the special case of “wreathprod” in which the levels of the ng
generators are 1,2, . . . , ng, in the order defined by the generatorOrder field. We shall not
attempt to give a complete definition of these orderings here, but refer the reader instead
to pages 46–50 of [Sim94]. The “recursive” ordering is the one appropriate for a power-
conjugate presentation of a polycyclic group, but where the generators are ordered in the
reverse order from the usual convention for polycyclic groups. The confluent presentation
will then be the same as the power-conjugate presentation. For example, for the Heisenberg
group hx, y, z |[x, z] = [y, z] = 1,[y, x] = zi, a good ordering is “recursive” with the order
of generators [z1, z, y1, y, x1, x]. This example is included in 68.17 below.
67.4 Control parameters
The Knuth-Bendix procedure is unusually sensitive to the settings of a number of parameters
that control its operation. In some examples, a small change in one of these parameters
can mean the difference between obtaining a confluent rewriting system fairly quickly on
the one hand, and the procedure running on until it uses all available memory on the other
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to give even very general guidelines on these settings,
although the “wreathproduct” orderings appear to be more sensitive than the “shortlex” and
“wtlex” orderings. The user can only acquire a feeling for the influence of these parameters
by experimentation on a large number of examples.
The control parameters are defined by the user by setting values of certain fields of a
rewriting system rws directly. These fields will now be listed.
A positive integer specifying the maximum number of rewriting rules allowed in rws.
The default is 32767. If this number is exceeded, then KB or Automata will abort.
A positive integer, 100 by default. During the Knuth-Bendix procedure, the search
for overlaps is interrupted periodically to tidy up the existing system by removing
and/or simplifying rewriting rules that have become redundant. This tidying is done
after finding rws.tidyint rules since the last tidying.
A positive integer, 500 by default. If rws.confnum overlaps are processed in the
Knuth-Bendix procedure but no new rules are found, then a fast test for confluence
is carried out. This saves a lot of time if the system really is confluent, but usually
wastes time if it is not.
This is a list of two positive integers, maxlhs and maxrhs; the default is that both
are infinite. Only those rewriting rules for which the left hand side has length at
most maxlhs and the right hand side has length at most maxrhs are stored; longer
rules are discarded. In some examples it is essential to impose such limits in order to
obtain a confluent rewriting system. Of course, if the Knuth-Bendix procedure halts
with such limits imposed, then the resulting system need not be confluent. However,
the confluence can then be tested be re-running KB with the limits removed. (To
remove the limits, unbind the field.) It is advisable to call AddOriginalEqnsRWS on
rws before re-running KB.
This is an integer, which is infinite by default (when not set). Only those overlaps of
total length rws.maxoverlaplen are processed. Similar remarks apply to those for
This should be true or false, and false is the default. When it is true, the rewriting
rules are output in order of increasing length of left hand side. (The default is that
they are output in the order that they were found).
This is an integer, which is infinite by default (when not set). When it is set,
the rewriting rules are output in order of increasing length of left hand side (as
if rws.sorteqns were true), and only those rules having left hand sides of length
up to rws.maxoplen are output at all. Again, similar remarks apply to those for
A positive integer, 32767 by default. This is the maximum length that a word is
allowed to have during the reduction process. It is only likely to be exceeded when
using the “wreathproduct” or “recursive” ordering.
These should be true or false, and are false by default. It only makes sense to set one
of them to be true. They control the amount of diagnostic output that is printed by
KB and Automata. By default there is a small amount of such output.
These are positive integers, controlling the maximum number of states of the word-
reduction automaton used by KB, and the maximum number of word-differences al-
lowed when running Automata, respectively. These numbers are normally increased
automatically when required, so it unusual to want to set these flags. They can be
set when either it is desired to limit these parameters (and prevent them being in-
creased automatically), or (as occasionally happens), the number of word-differences
increases too rapidly for the program to cope - when this happens, the run is usually
doomed to failure anyway.
67.5 The Knuth-Bendix program
Run the external Knuth-Bendix program on the rewriting system rws.KB returns true if it
finds a confluent rewriting system and otherwise false. In either case, if it halts normally,
then it will update rws by changing the equations field, which contains a list of the rewriting
rules, and by appending a finite state automaton rws.reductionFSA that can be used for
word reduction, and the counting and enumeration of irreducible words.
All control parameters (as defined in the preceding section) should be set before calling
KB. In the author’s experience, it is usually most helpful to run KB with the verbose flag
rws.verbose set, in order to follow what is happening. KB will halt either when it finds
a finite confluent system of rewriting rules, or when one of the control parameters (such
as rws.maxeqns) requires it to stop. The program can also be made to halt and output
manually at any time by hitting the interrupt key (normally ctr-C) once. (Hitting it twice
has unpredictable consequences, since GAP3 may intercept the signal.)
If KB halts without finding a confluent system, but still manages to output the current
system and update rws, then it is possible to use the resulting rewriting system to reduce
words, and count and enumerate the irreducible words; it cannot be guaranteed that the
irreducible words are all in normal form, however. It is also possible to re-run KB on the
current system, usually after altering some of the control parameters. In fact, is some more
difficult examples, this seems to be the only means of finding a finite confluent system.
67.6 The automatic groups program
Automata(rws, [large], [filestore], [diff1 ])
Run the external automatic groups program on the rewriting system rws.Autgroup returns
true if successful and false otherwise. If successful, it appends two finite state automata
rws.diff1c and rws.wa to rws. The first of these can be used for word-reduction, and the
second for counting and enumeration of irreducible words (i.e. words in normal form). In
fact, the second is the word-acceptor of the automatic structure. (The multiplier automata
of the automatic structure are not currently saved when using the GAP3 interface. To access
these, the user should either use KBMAG as a stand-alone, or complain to the author.)
The three optional parameters to Automata are all boolean, and false by default. Setting
large true results in some of the control parameters (such as rws.maxeqns and rws.tidyint)
being set larger than they would be otherwise. This is necessary for examples that require
a large amount of space. Setting filestore true results in more use being made of temporary
files than would be otherwise. This makes the program run slower, but it may be necessary
if you are short of core memory. Setting diff1 to be true is a more technical option, which
is explained more fully in the documentation for the stand-alone KBMAG package. It is not
usually necessary or helpful, but it enables one or two examples to complete that would
otherwise run out of space.
The ordering field of rws must currently be equal to “shortlex” for Automata to be applicable.
The control parameters for rws that are likely to be relevant are maxeqns and maxwdiffs.
67.7 Word reduction
Test whether the word win the generators of the rewriting system rws (or, equivalently, in
the generators of the underlying group of rws) is reduced or not, and return true or false.
IsReducedWordRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws.
In the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then irreducible words are
not necessarily in normal form (but reducible words are definitely not in normal form). If
KB completes with a confluent rewriting system or Automata completes successfully, then it
is guaranteed that all irreducible words are in normal form.
Reduce the word win the generators of the rewriting system rws (or, equivalently, in the
generators of the underlying group of rws), and return the result.
ReduceWordRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws.
In the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then the irreducible word
returned is not necessarily in normal form. If KB completes with a confluent rewriting system
or Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that all irreducible words are in
normal form.
67.8 Counting and enumerating irreducible words
Returns the number of irreducible words in the rewriting system rws. If this is infinite, then
the string “infinite” is returned.
SizeRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws. In the
former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then the number of irreducible
words may be greater than the number of words in normal form (which is equal to the
order of the underlying group of rws). If KB completes with a confluent rewriting system or
Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that SizeRWS will return the correct
order of the underlying group.
Enumerate all irreducible words in the rewriting system rws that have lengths between min
and max (inclusive), which should be non-negative integers. The result is returned as a list
of words. The enumeration is by depth-first search of a finite state automaton, and so the
words in the list returned are ordered lexicographically (not by shortlex).
EnumerateRWS can only be used after KB or Automata has been run successfully on rws. In
the former case, if KB halted without a confluent set of rules, then not all irreducible words
in the list returned will necessarily be in normal form. If KB completes with a confluent
rewriting system or Automata completes successfully, then it is guaranteed that all words in
the list will be in normal form.
This is the same as EnumerateRWS but the list returned contains the words in shortlex order;
so shorter words come before longer ones. It is slightly slower than EnumerateRWS.
This returns the length of the list that would be returned by EnumerateRWS(rws,min,
max); that is, the number of irreducible words of rws that have lengths between min and
max inclusive. It is faster than EnumerateRWS, since it does not need to store the words
67.9 Rewriting System Examples
Example 1
We start with a easy example - the alternating group A4.
gap> G:=FreeGroup("a","b");;
gap> a:=G.1;; b:=G.2;;
gap> G.relators:=[a^2, b^3, (a*b)^3];;
gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
isRWS := true,
generatorOrder := [a,b,b^-1],
inverses := [a,b^-1,b],
ordering := "shortlex",
equations := [
gap> KB(R);
# System is confluent.
# Halting with 11 equations.
gap> R;
isRWS := true,
isConfluent := true,
generatorOrder := [a,b,b^-1],
inverses := [a,b^-1,b],
ordering := "shortlex",
equations := [
# The equations field of Ris now a complete system of rewriting rules
gap> SizeRWS(R);
gap> SortEnumerateRWS(R,0,12);
[ IdWord, a, b, b^-1, a*b, a*b^-1, b*a, b^-1*a, a*b*a, a*b^-1*a,
b*a*b^-1, b^-1*a*b ]
# We have enumerated all of the elements of the group
Example 2
The Heisenberg group - that is, the free 2-generator nilpotent group of class 2. For this to
complete, we need to use the recursive ordering, and reverse our initial order of generators.
(Alternatively, we could avoid this reversal, by using a wreathproduct ordering, and setting
the levels of the generators to be 6,5,4,3,2,1.)
gap> G:=FreeGroup("x","y","z");;
gap> x:=G.1;; y:=G.2;; z:=G.3;;
gap> G.relators:=[Comm(y,x)*z^-1, Comm(z,x), Comm(z,y)];;
gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
isRWS := true,
generatorOrder := [x,x^-1,y,y^-1,z,z^-1],
inverses := [x^-1,x,y^-1,y,z^-1,z],
ordering := "shortlex",
equations := [
gap> SetOrderingRWS(R,"recursive");
gap> ReorderGeneratorsRWS(R,(1,6)(2,5)(3,4));
gap> R;
isRWS := true,
generatorOrder := [z^-1,z,y^-1,y,x^-1,x],
inverses := [z,z^-1,y,y^-1,x,x^-1],
ordering := "recursive",
equations := [
gap> KB(R);
# System is confluent.
# Halting with 18 equations.
gap> R;
isRWS := true,
isConfluent := true,
generatorOrder := [z^-1,z,y^-1,y,x^-1,x],
inverses := [z,z^-1,y,y^-1,x,x^-1],
ordering := "recursive",
equations := [
gap> SizeRWS(R);
gap> IsReducedWordRWS(R,z*y*x);
gap> ReduceWordRWS(R,z*y*x);
gap> IsReducedWordRWS(R,x*y*z^2);
Example 3
This is an example of the use of the Knuth-Bendix algorithm to prove the nilpotence of a
finitely presented group. (The method is due to Sims, and is described in Chapter 11.8 of
[Sim94].) This example is of intermediate difficulty, and demonstrates the necessity of using
the maxstoredlen control parameter.
The group is
ha, b |[b, a, b],[b, a, a, a, a],[b, a, a, a, b, a, a]i
with left-normed commutators. The first step in the method is to check that there is a
maximal nilpotent quotient of the group, for which we could use, for example, the GAP3
NilpotentQuotient command, from the shared-library “nq”. We find that there is a max-
imal such quotient, and it has class 7, and the layers going down the lower central series
have the abelian structures [0,0], [0], [0], [0], [0], [2], [2].
By using the stand-alone Cnilpotent quotient program, it is possible to find a power-
commutator presentation of this maximal quotient. We now construct a new presentation
of the same group, by introducing the generators in this power-commutator presentation,
together with their definitions as powers or commutators of earlier generators. It is this
new presentation that we use as input for the Knuth-Bendix program. Again we use the
recursive ordering, but this time we will be careful to introduce the generators in the correct
order in the first place!
gap> G:=FreeGroup("h","g","f","e","d","c","b","a");;
gap> h:=G.1;;g:=G.2;;f:=G.3;;e:=G.4;;d:=G.5;;c:=G.6;;b:=G.7;;a:=G.8;;
gap> G.relators:=[Comm(b,a)*c^-1, Comm(c,a)*d^-1, Comm(d,a)*e^-1,
> Comm(e,b)*f^-1, Comm(f,a)*g^-1, Comm(g,b)*h^-1,
> Comm(g,a), Comm(c,b), Comm(e,a)];;
gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
isRWS := true,
generatorOrder := [h,h^-1,g,g^-1,f,f^-1,e,e^-1,d,d^-1,c,c^-1,
inverses := [h^-1,h,g^-1,g,f^-1,f,e^-1,e,d^-1,d,c^-1,c,
ordering := "shortlex",
equations := [
gap> SetOrderingRWS(R,"recursive");
A little experimentation reveals that this example works best when only those equations
with left and right hand sides of lengths at most 10 are kept.
gap> R.maxstoredlen:=[10,10];;
gap> R.verbose:=true;;
gap> KB(R);
# 60 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 129, 143; 25 states; 0 secs.
# 68 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 364, 326; 28 states; 0 secs.
# 77 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 918, 486; 45 states; 0 secs.
# 91 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 728, 683; 58 states; 0 secs.
# 102 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 1385, 1479; 89 states; 0 secs.
# 310 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 4095, 4313; 489 states; 1 secs.
# 200 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 2214, 2433; 292 states; 1 secs.
# 194 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 835, 922; 204 states; 1 secs.
# 157 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 702, 723; 126 states; 1 secs.
# 151 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 553, 444; 107 states; 1 secs.
# 101 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 204, 236; 19 states; 1 secs.
# No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
# System is not confluent.
# 172 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 616, 473; 156 states; 1 secs.
# 171 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 606, 472; 156 states; 1 secs.
# No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
# System is not confluent.
# 151 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 452, 453; 92 states; 1 secs.
# 151 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 452, 453; 92 states; 1 secs.
# No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
# System is not confluent.
# 101 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 200, 239; 15 states; 1 secs.
# 101 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 200, 239; 15 states; 1 secs.
# No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
# System is confluent.
# Halting with 101 equations.
WARNING: The monoid defined by the presentation may have changed,
since equations have been discarded.
If you re-run, include the original equations.
# We re-run with the maxstoredlen limit removed and the original
# equations added, to check that the system really is confluent.
gap> Unbind(R.maxstoredlen);
gap> AddOriginalEqnsRWS(R);
gap> KB(R);
# 101 eqns; total len: lhs, rhs = 200, 239; 15 states; 0 secs.
# No new eqns for some time - testing for confluence
# System is confluent.
# Halting with 101 equations.
# In fact, in this case, we did have a confluent set already.
Inspection of the confluent set now reveals it to be precisely a power-commutator presen-
tation of a nilpotent group, and so we have proved that the group we started with really
is nilpotent. Of course, this means also that it is equal to its largest nilpotent quotient, of
which we already know the structure.
Example 4
Our final example illustrates the use of the Automata command, which runs the automatic
groups programs. The group has a balanced symmetrical presentation with 3 generators
and 3 relators, and was originally proposed by Heineken as a possible example of a finite
group with such a presentation. In fact, the Automata command proves it to be infinite.
This example is of intermediate difficulty, but there is no need to use any special options.
It takes about 20 minutes to run on a fast WorkStation.
We will not attempt to explain all of the output in detail here; the interested user should
consult the documentation for the stand-alone KBMAG package. Roughly speaking, it first
runs the Knuth-Bendix program, which does not halt with a confluent rewriting system, but
is used instead to construct a word-difference finite state automaton. This in turn is used to
construct the word-acceptor and multiplier automata for the group. Sometimes the initial
constructions are incorrect, and part of the procedure consists in checking for this, and
making corrections. In fact, in this example, the correct automata are considerably smaller
than the ones first constructed. The final stage is to run an axiom-checking program,
which essentially checks that the automata satisfy the group relations. If this completes
successfully, then the correctness of the automata has been proved, and they can be used
for correct word-reduction and enumeration in the group.
gap> G:=FreeGroup("a","b","c");;
gap> a:=G.1;;b:=G.2;;c:=G.3;;
gap> G.relators:=[Comm(a,Comm(a,b))*c^-1, Comm(b,Comm(b,c))*a^-1,
> Comm(c,Comm(c,a))*b^-1];
[ a^-1*b^-1*a^-1*b*a*b^-1*a*b*c^-1, b^-1*c^-1*b^-1*c*b*c^-1*b*c*a^-1,
c^-1*a^-1*c^-1*a*c*a^-1*c*a*b^-1 ]
gap> R:=FpGroupToRWS(G);
isRWS := true,
generatorOrder := [a,a^-1,b,b^-1,c,c^-1],
inverses := [a^-1,a,b^-1,b,c^-1,c],
ordering := "shortlex",
equations := [
gap> Automata(R);
# Running Knuth-Bendix Program
# Maximum number of equations exceeded.
# Halting with 200 equations.
# First word-difference machine with 161 states computed.
# Second word-difference machine with 175 states computed.
# Re-running Knuth-Bendix Program
# Halting with 7672 equations.
# First word-difference machine with 259 states computed.
# Second word-difference machine with 269 states computed.
# System is confluent, or halting factor condition holds.
# Running program to construct word-acceptor and multiplier automata
# Word-acceptor with 5488 states computed.
# General multiplier with 6806 states computed.
# Multiplier incorrect with generator number 2.
# Equation found between two words accepted by word-acceptor.
# Word-acceptor with 1106 states computed.
# General multiplier with 2428 states computed.
# Validity test on general multiplier succeeded.
# Running program to verify axioms on the automatic structure
# General length-2 multiplier with 2820 states computed.
# Checking inverse and short relations.
# Checking relation: a^-1*b^-1*a^-1*b*a = c*b^-1*a^-1*b
# Checking relation: b^-1*c^-1*b^-1*c*b = a*c^-1*b^-1*c
# Checking relation: c^-1*a^-1*c^-1*a*c = b*a^-1*c^-1*a
# Axiom checking succeeded.
# Minimal reducible word acceptor with 1058 states computed.
# Minimal Knuth-Bendix equation fsa with 1891 states computed.
# Minimal diff1 fsa with 271 states computed.
gap> SizeRWS(R);
We have proved that the group is infinite, but it would also be interesting to know whether
the group generators have infinite order. This can often be shown by inspecting the word-
acceptor automaton directly.
The GAP3 interface to KBMAG includes a number of (currently undocumented) functions
for manipulating finite state automata. The calculation below illustrates the use of one or
two of these. In this example, it turns out that all powers of the generators are accepted by
the word-acceptor automaton R.wa. The accepted language of this automaton is precisely
the set of words in normal form, and so this proves that each of these powers is in normal
form - so, in particular, no such power is equal to the identity, and the generators have
infinite order.
The comments in the example below were added after the run.
gap> IsFSA(R.wa);
true #R.wa is a finite-state automaton.
gap> RecFields(R.wa);
[ "isFSA", "alphabet", "states", "flags", "initial",
"accepting", "table", "denseDTable", "operations",
"isInitializedFSA" ]
gap> R.wa.states.size;
1106 # The number of states of the automaton R.wa
gap> R.wa.initial;
[1] # The initial state of R.wa is state number 1.
gap> R.wa.flags;
[ "BFS", "DFA", "accessible", "minimized", "trim" ]
# The flags fields list properties that are known to be true in the
# automaton. For example, “DFA” means that it is deterministic.
# The alphabet of the automaton is the set of integers {1,...,6},
# the integer iin this set corresponds to the i-th generator of
#R, as listed in R.generatorOrder.
# To inspect transitions, we use the function TargetDFA.
gap> TargetDFA(R.wa,1,1);
2# The first generator, a, maps the initial state 1 to state 2.
gap> TargetDFA(R.wa,1,2);
8# It maps state 2 to state 8 -
gap> TargetDFA(R.wa,1,8);
8# and state 8 to itself.
gap> 8 in R.wa.accepting;
We now know that all powers of the first generator, a, map the initial state of the word-
acceptor to an accepting state, which establishes our claim that all powers of aare in normal
form. In fact, the same can be verified for all 6 generators.
Chapter 68
The Matrix Package
This chapter describes functions which may be used to construct and investigate the struc-
ture of matrix groups defined over finite fields.
68.1 Aim of the matrix package
The aim of the matrix package is to provide integrated and comprehensive access to a
collection of algorithms, developed primarily over the past decade, for investigating the
structure of matrix groups defined over finite fields. We sought to design a package which
provides easy access to existing algorithms and implementations, and which both allows
new algorithms to be developed easily using existing components, and to update existing
ones readily.
Some of the facilities provided are necessarily limited, both on theoretical and practical
grounds; others are experimental and developmental in nature; we welcome criticism of
their performance. One motivation for its release is to encourage input from others.
68.2 Contents of the matrix package
We summarise the contents of the package and provide references for the relevant algorithms.
(a) Irreducibility and absolutely irreducibility for G-modules; isomorphism testing for ir-
reducible G-modules; see Holt and Rees [5]. The corresponding functions are described in
68.8, 68.9, 68.14, 68.15, 68.16, 68.25, 68.26.
(b) Decide whether a matrix group has certain decompositions with respect to a normal
subgroup; see Holt, Leedham-Green, O’Brien and Rees [6]. The corresponding functions are
described in 68.10, 68.13, 68.28, 68.29, 68.30, and 68.31.
(c) Decide whether a matrix group is primitive; see Holt, Leedham-Green, O’Brien and Rees
[7]. The corresponding functions are described in 68.11, 68.32.
(d) Decide whether a given group contains a classical group in its natural representation.
Here we provide access to the algorithms of Celler and Leedham-Green [3] and those of
Niemeyer and Praeger [11, 12]. The corresponding function is described in 68.19, the asso-
ciated lower-level functions in 68.22 and 68.23.
(e) A constructive recognition process for the special linear group developed by Celler and
Leedham-Green [4] and described in 68.20.
(e) Random element selection; see Celler, Leedham-Green, Murray, Niemeyer and O’Brien
[1]. The corresponding functions are described in 68.48, 68.49.
(f) Matrix order calculation; see Celler and Leedham-Green [2]. The corresponding functions
are described in 68.47.
(g) Base point selection for the Random Schreier-Sims algorithm for matrix groups; see
Murray and O’Brien [10]. The corresponding function is described in 68.45.
(h) Decide whether a matrix group preserves a tensor decomposition; see Leedham-Green
and O’Brien [8, 9]. The corresponding function is described in 68.12.
(i) Recursive exploration of reducible groups; see Pye [13]. The corresponding function is
described in 68.21.
The algorithms make extensive use of Aschbacher’s classification of the maximal subgroups
of the general linear group. Possible classes of subgroups mentioned below refer to this
classification; see [14, 15] for further details.
In order to access the functions, you must use the command RequirePackage to load them.
gap> RequirePackage("matrix");
68.3 The Developers of the matrix package
The development and organisation of this package was carried out in Aachen by Frank
Celler, Eamonn O’Brien and Anthony Pye.
In addition to the new material, this package combines, updates, and replaces material from
various contributing sources. These include:
1. Classic package – originally developed by Celler;
2. Smash package – originally developed by Holt, Leedham-Green, O’Brien, and Rees;
3. Niemeyer/Praeger classical recognition algorithm – originally developed by Niemeyer;
4. Recursive code – originally developed by Pye.
As part of the preparation of this package, much of the contributed code was revised (some-
times significantly) and streamlined, in cooperation with the original developers.
Comments and criticisms are welcome and should be directed to:
Eamonn O’Brien
68.4 Basic conventions employed in matrix package
AG-module is defined by the action of a group G, generated by a set of matrices, on a
d-dimensional vector space over a field, F=GF (q).
The function GModule returns a G-module record, where the component .field is set to F,
.dimension to d,.generators to the set of generating matrices for G, and .isGModule to
true. These components are set for every G-module record constructed using GModule.
Many of the functions described below return or update a G-module record. Additional
components which describe the nature of the action of the underlying group Gon the G-
module are set by these functions. Some of these carry information which may be of general
use. These components are described briefly in 68.34. They need not appear in a G-module
record, or may have the value "unknown".
A component .component of a G-module record is accessed by ComponentFlag and its
value is set by SetComponentFlag, where the first letter of the component is capitalised
in the function names. For example, the component .tensorBasis of module is set by
SetTensorBasisFlag( module,boolean )and its value accessed by TensorBasisFlag(
module ). Such access functions and conventions also apply to other records constructed
by all of these functions.
If a function listed below takes as input a matrix group G, it also usually accepts a G-
68.5 Organisation of this manual
Sections 68.6 and 68.7 describe how to construct a G-module from a set of matrices or a
group and how to test for a G-module.
Sections 68.8, 68.9, 68.10, 68.11, and 68.12 describe high-level functions which provide access
to some of the algorithms mentioned in 68.2; these are tests for reducibility, semi-linearity,
primitivity, and tensor decomposition, respectively.
Section 68.13 describes SmashGModule which can be used to explore whether a matrix group
preserves certain decompositions with respect to a normal subgroup.
Sections 68.14, 68.15, and 68.16 consider homomorphisms between and composition factors
of G-modules.
Sections 68.18, 68.19, and 68.20 describe functions for exploring classical groups.
Section 68.21 describes the experimental function RecogniseMatrixGroup.
Sections 68.22 and 68.23 describe the low-level classical recognition functions.
Sections 68.24, 68.25, 68.26, and 68.27 describe the low-level Meataxe functions.
Sections 68.28, 68.29, 68.30, 68.31, 68.32, 68.33, and 68.34 describe the low-level SmashGModule
Sections 68.35, 68.36, 68.37, and 68.38 describe the low-level functions for the function
Sections 68.39, 68.40, 68.41, 68.42, 68.43, and 68.44 describe functions to construct new
G-modules from given ones.
Sections 68.45 to 68.52 describe functions which are somewhat independent of G-modules;
these include functions to compute the order of a matrix, construct a permutation repre-
sentation for a matrix group, and construct pseudo-random elements of a group.
Section 68.53 provides a bibliography.
68.6 GModule
GModule( matrices, [F] )
GModule( G, [F] )
GModule constructs a G-module record from a list matrices of matrices or from a matrix
group G. The underlying field Fmay be specified as an optional argument; otherwise, it is
taken to be the field generated by the entries of the given matrices.
The G-module record returned contains components .field,.dimension,.generators
and .isGModule.
In using many of the functions described in this chapter, other components of the G-module
record may be set, which describe the nature of the action of the group on the module. A
description of these components is given in 68.34.
68.7 IsGModule
IsGModule( module )
If module is a record with component .isGModule set to true,IsGModule returns true,
otherwise false .
68.8 IsIrreducible for GModules
IsIrreducible( module )
module is a G-module. IsIrreducible tests module for irreducibility, and returns true
or false. If module is reducible, a sub- and quotient-module can be constructed using
InducedAction (see 68.24).
The algorithm is described in [5].
68.9 IsAbsolutelyIrreducible
IsAbsolutelyIrreducible( module )
The G-module module is tested for absolute irreducibility, and true or false is returned. If
the result is false, then the dimension eof the centralising field of module can be accessed
by DegreeFieldExtFlag(module). A matrix which centralises module (that is, it centralises
the generating matrices GeneratorsFlag(module)) and which has minimal polynomial of
degree eover the ground field can be accessed as CentMatFlag(module). If such a matrix
is required with multiplicative order qe1, where qis the order of the ground field, then
FieldGenCentMat (see 68.25) can be called.
The algorithm is described in [5].
68.10 IsSemiLinear
IsSemiLinear( G)
IsSemiLinear takes as input a matrix group Gover a finite field and seeks to decide whether
or not Gacts semilinearly.
The function returns a list containing two values: a boolean and a G-module record, module,
for G. If the boolean is true, then Gis semilinear and information about the decomposition
can be obtained using SemiLinearPartFlag (module),LinearPartFlag (module), and
FrobeniusAutomorphismsFlag (module). See 68.34 for an explanation of these.
If IsSemiLinear discovers that Gacts imprimitively, it cannot decide whether or not G
acts semilinearly and returns "unknown".
SmashGModule is called by IsSemiLinear.
The algorithm is described in [6].
68.11 IsPrimitive for GModules
IsPrimitive( G[, factorisations] )
IsPrimitive takes as input a matrix group Gover a finite field and seeks to decide whether
or not Gacts primitively. The function returns a list containing two values: a boolean and
aG-module record, module, for G. If the boolean is false, then Gis imprimitive and
BlockSystemFlag (module)returns a block system (described in 68.32).
If IsPrimitive discovers that Gacts semilinearly, then it cannot decide whether or not G
acts primitively and returns "unknown".
The second optional argument is a list of possible factorisations of d, the dimension of G.
For each [r, s] in this list where rs =d, the function seeks to decide whether Gpreserves a
non-trivial system of imprimitivity having rblocks of size s.
SmashGModule is called by IsPrimitive.
The algorithm is described in [7].
68.12 IsTensor
IsTensor( G[, factorisations] )
IsTensor takes as input a matrix group Gand seeks to decide whether or not Gpreserves
a non-trivial tensor decomposition of the underlying vector space.
The implementation currently demands that Gacts irreducibly, although this is not an
inherent requirement of the algorithm.
The second optional argument is a list of possible factorisations of d, the dimension of G.
For each [r, s] in this list where rs =d, the function seeks to decide whether Gpreserves a
non-trivial tensor decomposition of the underlying space as the tensor product of two spaces
of dimensions rand s.
The function returns a list containing three values: a boolean, a G-module record, module,
for G, and a change-of-basis matrix which exhibits the decomposition (if one is found). If
the boolean is false, then Gis not a tensor product. If the boolean is true, then Gis a
tensor product and the second argument in the list are the two tensor factors.
If IsTensor cannot decide whether Gor not preserves a tensor decomposition, then it
returns "unknown". The second entry returned is now the list of unresolved tensor factori-
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "");
gap> x:=IsTensor (G);;
gap> x[1];
gap> # Hence we have found a tensor decomposition.
gap> # Set up the two factors
gap> U := x[2][1];;
gap> W := x[2][2];;
gap> DisplayMat (GeneratorsFlag (U));
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "");
gap> x := IsTensor (G);
[ false, [ ], "undefined" ]
gap> # Hence not a tensor product
The algorithm is described in [8, 9]. Since a complete implementation requires basic tools
which are not yet available in GAP3, the performance of this function is currently seriously
KroneckerFactors( g,d1 ,d2 [,F] )
KroneckerFactors decides whether or not a matrix gcan be written as the Kronecker
product of two matrices Aand Bof dimension d1 and d2 , respectively. If the field Fis not
supplied, it is taken to be Field (Flat (g)). The function returns either the pair [A,B]
or false.
68.13. SMASHGMODULE 1239
68.13 SmashGModule
SmashGModule( module,S[,flag] )
SmashGModule seeks to find a decomposition of a G-module with respect to a normal sub-
group of G.
module is a module for a finite group Gof matrices over a finite field and Sis a set of
matrices, generating a subgroup of G.
SmashGModule attempts to find some way of decomposing the module with respect to the
normal subgroup hSiG. It returns true if some decomposition is found, false otherwise.
It first ensures that Gacts absolutely irreducibly and that Scontain at least one non-scalar
matrix. If either of these conditions fails, then it returns false. The function returns
true if it succeeds in verifying that either Gacts imprimitively, or semilinearly, or preserves
a tensor product, or preserves a symmetric tensor product (that is, permutes the tensor
factors) or Gnormalises a group which is extraspecial or a 2-group of symplectic type.
Each of these decompositions, if found, involves hSiGin a natural way. Components are
added to the record module which indicate the nature of a decomposition. Details of these
components can be found in 68.34. If no decomposition is found, the function returns false.
In general, the answer false indicates that there is no such decomposition with respect to
hSiG. However, SmashGModule may fail to find a symmetric tensor product decomposition,
since the detection of such a decomposition relies on the choice of random elements.
SmashGModule adds conjugates to Suntil a decomposition of the underlying vector space
as a sum of irreducible hSi-modules is found. The functions SemiLinearDecomposition,
TensorProductDecomposition,SymTensorProductDecomposition, and ExtraSpecialDe-
composition now search for decompositions.
At the end of the call to SmashGModule,Smay be larger than at the start (but its normal
closure has not changed).
The only permitted value for the optional parameter flag is the string "PartialSmash". If
"PartialSmash" is supplied, SmashGModule returns false as soon as it is clear that Gis not
the normaliser of a p-group nor does it preserve a symmetric tensor product decomposition
with respect to hSiG.
The algorithm is described in [6].
68.14 HomGModule
HomGModule( module1 ,module2 )
This function can only be run if IsIrreducible(module1 )has returned true.module1 and
module2 are assumed to be G-modules for the same group G, and a basis of the space of G-
homomorphisms from module1 to module2 is calculated and returned. Each homomorphism
in this list is given as a d1×d2matrix, where d1and d2are the dimensions of module1 and
module2 ; the rows of the matrix are the images of the standard basis of module1 in module2
under the homomorphism.
68.15 IsomorphismGModule
IsomorphismGModule( module1 ,module2 )
This function tests the G-modules module1 and module2 for isomorphism. Both G-modules
must be defined over the same field with the same number of defining matrices, and at
least one of them must be known to be irreducible (that is, IsIrreducible(module)has
returned true). Otherwise the function will exit with an error. If they are not isomorphic,
then false is returned. If they are isomorphic, then a d×dmatrix is returned (where dis
the dimension of the modules) whose rows give the images of the standard basis vectors of
module1 in an isomorphism to module2 .
The algorithm is described in [5].
68.16 CompositionFactors
CompositionFactors( module )
module is a G-module. This function returns a list, each element of which is itself a 2-
element list [mod,int], where mod is an irreducible composition factor of module, and int is
the multiplicity of this factor in module. The elements mod correspond to non-isomorphic
irreducible modules.
68.17 Examples
Example 1
gap> # First set up the natural permutation module for the
gap> # alternating group A5over the field GF (2).
gap> P := Group ((1,2,3), (3,4,5));;
gap> M := PermGModule (P, GF(2));
field := GF(2),
dimension := 5,
generators := [ [ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ] ],
isGModule := true )
gap> # Now test for irreducibility, and calculate a proper submodule.
gap> IsIrreducible (M);
gap> SM := SubGModule (M, SubbasisFlag (M));;
gap> DimensionFlag (SM);
gap> DSM := DualGModule (SM);;
gap> # Test to see if SM is self-dual. We must prove irreducibility first.
gap> IsIrreducible (SM);
68.17. EXAMPLES 1241
gap> IsAbsolutelyIrreducible (SM);
gap> IsomorphismGModule (SM, DSM);
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> # This is an explicit isomorphism.
gap> # Now form a tensor product and decompose it into composition factors.
gap> TM := TensorProductGModule (SM, SM);;
gap> cf := CompositionFactors (TM);;
gap> Length (cf);
gap> DimensionFlag(cf[1][1]); cf[1][2];
gap> DimensionFlag(cf[2][1]); cf[2][2];
gap> DimensionFlag(cf[3][1]); cf[3][2];
gap> # This tells us that TM has three composition factors, of dimensions
gap> # 1, 4 and 4, with multiplicities 4, 2 and 1, respectively.
gap> # Is one of the 4-dimensional factors isomorphic to TM?
gap> IsomorphismGModule (SM, cf[2][1]);
gap> IsomorphismGModule (SM, cf[3][1]);
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> IsAbsolutelyIrreducible (cf[2][1]);
gap> DegreeFieldExtFlag(cf[2][1]);
gap> # If we extend the field of cf[2][1] to GF (4), it should
gap> # become reducible.
gap> MM := GModule (GeneratorsFlag (cf[2][1]), GF(4));;
gap> CF2 := CompositionFactors (MM);;
gap> Length (CF2);
gap> DimensionFlag (CF2[1][1]); CF2[1][2];
gap> DimensionFlag (CF2[2][1]); CF2[2][2];
gap> # It reduces into two non-isomorphic 2-dimensional factors.
In the next example, we investigate the structure of a matrix group using SmashGModule
and access some of the stored information about the computed decomposition.
Example 2
gap> a := [
> [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]] * Z(2)^0;;
gap> b := [
> [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
> [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
> [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
> [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]] * Z(2)^0;;
gap> c := [
> [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]] * Z(2)^0;;
gap> gens := [a, b, c];;
gap> # Next we define the module.
gap> M := GModule (gens);;
68.17. EXAMPLES 1243
gap> # So far only the basic components have been set.
gap> RecFields (M);
[ "field", "dimension", "generators"", "isGModule" ]
gap> # First we check for irreducibility and absolute irreducibility.
gap> IsIrreducible (M);
gap> IsAbsolutelyIrreducible (M);
gap> # A few more components have been set during these two function calls.
gap> RecFields(M);
[ "field", "dimension", "generators"", "isGModule", "algEl", "algElMat",
"algElCharPol", "algElCharPolFac", "algElNullspaceVec",
"reducible", "degreeFieldExt", "absolutelyReducible" ]
gap> # The function Commutators forms the list of commutators of generators.
gap> S := Commutators(gens);;
gap> InfoSmash := Print;;
gap> # Setting InfoSmash to Print means that SmashGModule prints out
gap> # intermediate output to tell us what it is doing. If we
gap> # read this output it tells us what kind of decomposition SmashGModule
gap> # has found. Otherwise the output is only a true or false.
gap> # All the relevant information is contained in the components of M.
gap> SmashGModule (M, S);
Starting call to SmashGModule.
At top of main SmashGModule loop, S has 2 elements.
Translates of W are not modules.
At top of main SmashGModule loop, S has 3 elements.
Translates of W are not modules.
At top of main SmashGModule loop, S has 4 elements.
Translates of W are not modules.
At top of main SmashGModule loop, S has 5 elements.
Group embeds in GammaL(4, GF(2)^3).
SmashGModule returns true.
gap> # Additional components are set during the call to SmashGModule.
gap> RecFields(M);
[ "field", "dimension", "generators", "isGModule", "algEl", "algElMat",
"algElCharPol", "algElCharPolFac", "algElNullspaceVec",
"reducible", "degreeFieldExt", "absolutelyReducible",
"semiLinear", "linearPart",
"centMat", "frobeniusAutomorphisms" ]
gap> SemiLinearFlag (M);
gap> # This flag tells us G that acts semilinearly.
gap> DegreeFieldExtFlag (M);
gap> # This flag tells us the relevant extension field is GF(2ˆ3)
gap> Length (LinearPartFlag (M));
gap> # LinearPartFlag (M) is a set of normal subgroup generators for the
gap> # intersection of G with GL(4, GF(2ˆ3)). It is also the contents of S
gap> # at the end of the call to SmashGModule and is bigger than the set S
gap> # which was input since conjugates have been added.
gap> FrobeniusAutomorphismsFlag (M);
gap> # The first two generators of G act linearly, the last induces the field
gap> # automorphism which maps x to xˆ2 (= xˆ(2ˆ1)) on GF(2ˆ3)
In our final example, we demonstrate how to test whether a matrix group is primitive and
also how to select pseudo-random elements.
Example 3
gap> # Read in 18-dimensional representation of L(2, 17) over GF(41).
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "");
gap> # Initialise a seed for random element generation.
gap> InitPseudoRandom (G, 10, 100);;
gap> # Now select a pseudo-random element.
gap> g := PseudoRandom (G);;
gap> OrderMat (g);
gap> h := ElementOfOrder (G, 8, 10);;
gap> OrderMat (h);
gap> # Is the group primitive?
gap> R := IsPrimitive(G);;
gap> # Examine the boolean returned.
gap> R[1];
gap> M := R[2];;
gap> # What is the block system found?
gap> BlockSystemFlag (M);
nmrBlocks := 18,
block :=
[ [ 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41),
0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41),
0*Z(41), Z(41)^0, 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41) ] ],
maps := [ 1, 2, 3 ],
permGroup := Group( ( 1, 2)( 3, 7)( 5,11)( 6,12)( 8,10)(13,14)(15,17)
(16,18), ( 1, 3, 8,11,15, 9,13, 7,12,16, 6, 2, 5, 4,10,14,17),
( 1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 9, 7,12)( 5, 8,10,11,13,17,15,14) ),
isBlockSystem := true )
gap> v :=
> [ 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41),
> 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41),
> 0*Z(41), Z(41)^0, 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41) ];;
gap> # Illustrate use of MinBlocks
gap> B := MinBlocks (M, [v]);;
gap> B;
nmrBlocks := 18,
block :=
[ [ 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41),
0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41),
0*Z(41), Z(41)^0, 0*Z(41), 0*Z(41) ] ],
maps := [ 1, 2, 3 ],
permGroup := Group( ( 1, 2)( 3, 7)( 5,11)( 6,12)( 8,10)(13,14)(15,17)
(16,18), ( 1, 3, 8,11,15, 9,13, 7,12,16, 6, 2, 5, 4,10,14,17),
( 1, 4, 2, 6, 3, 9, 7,12)( 5, 8,10,11,13,17,15,14) ),
isBlockSystem := true )
68.18 ClassicalForms
ClassicalForms( G)
Given as input, a classical, irreducible group G,ClassicalForms will try to find an invariant
classical form for G(that is, an invariant symplectic or unitary bilinear form or an invariant
symmetric bilinear form together with an invariant quadratic form, invariant modulo scalars
in each case) or try to prove that no such form exists. The dimension of the underlying
vector space must be at least 3.
The function may find a form even if Gis a proper subgroup of a classical group; however,
it is likely to fail for subgroups of ΓL. In these cases ”unknown”(see below) is returned.
The results ”linear”, ”symplectic”, ”unitary”, ”orthogonal...”and ”absolutely reducible”are
always correct, but ”unknown”can either imply that the algorithm failed to find a form and
it could not prove the linear case or that Gis not a classical group.
[ ”unknown”]
it is not known if Gfixes a form.
[ ”unknown”, ”absolutely reducible”]
Gacts absolutely reducible on the underlying vector space. The function does not
apply in this case.
[ ”linear”]
it is known that Gdoes not fix a classical form modulo scalars.
[ ”symplectic”, form,scalars ]
Gfixes a symplectic form modulo scalars. The form is only unique up to scalar
multiplication. In characteristic two this also implies that no quadratic form is fixed.
[ ”unitary”, form,scalars ]
Gfixes a unitary form modulo scalars. The form is only unique up to scalar multi-
[ ”orthogonalcircle”, form,scalars,quadratic, ... ]
[ ”orthogonalplus”, form,scalars,quadratic, ... ]
[ ”orthogonalminus”, form,scalars,quadratic, ... ]
Gfixes a orthogonal form with corresponding quadratic form modulo scalars. The
forms are only unique up to scalar multiplication.
The function might return more than one list. However, in characteristic 2 it will not
return ”symplectic”if Gfixes a quadratic form.
A bilinear form is returned as matrix Fsuch that gFgtr equals Fmodulo scalars for all
elements gof G. A quadratic form is returned as upper triangular matrix Qsuch that gQgtr
equals Qmodulo scalars after gQgtr has been normalized into an upper triangular matrix.
See the following example.
gap> G := O( 0, 9, 9 );
gap> f := ClassicalForms(G);;
gap> Q := f[1][4];;
gap> DisplayMat(Q);
gap> DisplayMat( G.1 * Q * TransposedMat(G.1) );
gap> DisplayMat( G.2 * Q * TransposedMat(G.2) );
Note that in general g * Q * TransposedMat(g) is not equal to Qfor an element of
an orthogonal group because you have to normalise the quadratic form such that it is an
upper triangular matrix. In the above example for G.1 you have to move the 1 in position
(9,2) to position (2,9) adding it to the 2 which gives a 0, and you have to move the 2 in
position (1,2) to position (2,1) thus obtaining the original quadratic form.
gap> G := SP( 4, 2 );
gap> ClassicalForms( G );
[ [ "symplectic",
[ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] ]
In this case Gleaves a symplectic (and symmetric) form invariant but does not fix a
quadratic form.
gap> G := O( -1, 4, 2 );
gap> ClassicalForms( G );
[ [ "orthogonalminus",
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ] ]
In this case Gleaves a symplectic and symmetric form invariant and there exists also an
invariant quadratic form.
gap> m1 :=
> [ [ Z(2^2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2^2) ],
> [ Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2), Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2) ],
> [ 0*Z(2), Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2)^2, Z(2)^0 ],
> [ Z(2^2), Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2), Z(2^2)^2 ] ];;
gap> m2 :=
> [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2^2) ],
> [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2) ],
> [ 0*Z(2), Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2), Z(2^2) ],
> [ Z(2^2), 0*Z(2), Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2) ] ];;
gap> G := Group( m1, m2 );;
gap> ClassicalForms( G );
[ [ "unknown" ],
[ "symplectic",
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, Z(2^2)^2 ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2^2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2^2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2^2)^2, Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] ]
The ”symplectic”indicates that an invariant symplectic form exists, the ”unknown”indicates
that an invariant ”unitary”form might exist. Using the test once more, one gets:
gap> ClassicalForms( G );
[ [ "symplectic",
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2) ],
[ Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2^2)^2 ],
[ Z(2^2)^2, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), Z(2^2)^2 ],
[ Z(2^2), Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2)^2, 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ "unitary",
[ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ] ] ]
So Gindeed fixes both a symplectic and unitary form but no quadratic form.
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "");
gap> ClassicalForms( G );
[ [ "unknown", "absolutely reducible" ] ]
Gacts irreducibly, however ClassicalForms is not able to check if an invariant bilinear or
quadratic form exists.
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "" );
gap> ClassicalForms( G );
[ [ "unknown" ] ]
gap> IsAbsolutelyIrreducible(GModule(G));
Although Gfixes a symmetric form, ClassicalForms is not able to find an invariant form
because Gis not a classical group.
68.19 RecogniseClassical
RecogniseClassical( G[,strategy] [,case] [,N] )
RecogniseClassical takes as input a group G, which is a subgroup of GL(d, q) with d > 1,
and seeks to decide whether or not Gcontains a classical group in its natural representation
over a finite field.
strategy is one of the following:
use the algorithm of Celler and Leedham-Green [3].
use the algorithm of Niemeyer and Praeger [11, 12].
The default strategy is ”clg”.
The parameter case is used to supply information about the specific non-degenerate bilinear,
quadratic or sesquilinear forms on the underlying vector space Vpreserved by Gmodulo
scalars. The value of case must be one of the following:
RecogniseClassical will try to determine the case of G. This is the default.
GGL(d, q),and preserves no non-degenerate bilinear, quadratic or sesquilinear
form on V. Set Ω := SL(d, q).
GGSp(d, q),with deven, and if qis also even we assume that Gpreserves no
non-degenerate quadratic form on V. Set Ω := Sp(d, q).
GGO+(d, q) and dis even. Set Ω := Ω+(d, q).
GGO(d, q) and dis even. Set Ω := Ω(d, q).
GGO(d, q) and dis odd. Set Ω := Ω(d, q).
GGU(d, q), where qis a square. Set Ω := SU(d, q).
Nis a positive integer which determines the number of random elements selected. Its default
value depends on the strategy and case; see 68.22 and 68.23 for additional details.
In summary, the aim of RecogniseClassical is to test whether Gcontains the subgroup
Ω corresponding to the value of case.
The function returns a record whose contents depends on the strategy chosen. Detailed
information about components of this record can be found in 68.22 and 68.23. However,
the record has certain common components independent of the strategy and these can
be accessed using the following flag functions.
returns ”linear”, ”symplectic”, ”orthogonalplus”, ”orthogonalminus”, ”orthogonal-
circle”or ”unitary”if Gis known to be a classical group of this type modulo scalars,
otherwise ”unknown”. Note that Sp(2, q) is isomorphic to SL(2, q); ”linear”not ”sym-
plectic”is returned in this case.
returns true if Gcontains the special linear group SL(d, q).
returns true if Gis contained in GSp(d, q) modulo scalars and contains Sp(d, q).
returns true if Gis contained in an orthogonal group modulo scalars and contains
the corresponding Ω.
returns true if Gis contained in an unitary group modulo scalars and contains the
corresponding Ω.
These last four functions return true,false, or ”unknown”. Both true and false are
conclusive. The answer ”unknown”indicates either that the algorithm failed to determine
whether or not Gis a classical group or that the algorithm is not applicable to the supplied
group; see 68.22 and 68.23 for additional details.
If RecogniseClassical failed to prove that Gis a classical group, additional information
about the possible Aschbacher categories of Gmight have been obtained. See 68.22 for
Example 1
gap> G := SL(7, 5);
gap> r := RecogniseClassical( G, "clg" );;
gap> ClassicalTypeFlag(r);
gap> IsSLContainedFlag(r);
gap> r := RecogniseClassical( G, "np" );;
gap> ClassicalTypeFlag(r);
gap> IsSLContainedFlag(r);
Example 2
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "" );
gap> DisplayMat(GeneratorsFlag(G));
gap> r := RecogniseClassical( G, "clg" );;
gap> ClassicalTypeFlag(r);
The algorithms are described in [3, 11, 12].
68.20 ConstructivelyRecogniseClassical
In this section, we describe functions developed by Celler and Leedham-Green (see [4] for
details) to recognise constructively classical groups in their natural representation over finite
ConstructivelyRecogniseClassical( G, "linear")
computes both a standard generating set for a matrix group Gwhich contains the special
linear group and expressions for the new generators in terms of G.generators. This
generating set will allow you to write an element of Gas a word in the given generating
set of G.
The algorithm is of polynomial complexity in the dimension and field size. However, it is
aLas Vegas algorithm, i.e. there is a chance that the algorithm fails to complete in the
expected time. It will run indefinitely if Gdoes not contain the special linear group.
The following functions can be applied to the record sl returned.
SizeFlag( sl )
returns the size of G.
Rewrite( sl,elm )
returns an expression such that Value( Rewrite( sl,elm ), G.generators ) is equal
to the element elm.
gap> m1 := [ [ 0*Z(17), Z(17), Z(17)^10, Z(17)^12, Z(17)^2 ],
> [ Z(17)^13, Z(17)^10, Z(17)^15, Z(17)^8, Z(17)^0 ],
> [ Z(17)^10, Z(17)^6, Z(17)^9, Z(17)^8, Z(17)^10 ],
> [ Z(17)^13, Z(17)^5, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^12, Z(17)^5 ],
> [ Z(17)^14, Z(17)^13, Z(17)^5, Z(17)^10, Z(17)^0 ] ];;
gap> m2 := [ [ 0*Z(17), Z(17)^10, Z(17)^2, 0*Z(17), Z(17)^10 ],
> [ 0*Z(17), Z(17)^6, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^4, Z(17)^15 ],
> [ Z(17)^7, Z(17)^6, Z(17)^10, Z(17), Z(17)^2 ],
> [ Z(17)^3, Z(17)^10, Z(17)^5, Z(17)^4, Z(17)^6 ],
> [ Z(17)^0, Z(17)^8, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^5, Z(17) ] ];;
gap> G := Group( m1, m2 );;
gap> sl := ConstructivelyRecogniseClassical( G, "linear" );;
gap> SizeFlag(sl);
gap> w := Rewrite( sl, m1^m2 );;
gap> Value( w, [m1,m2] ) = m1^m2;
The algorithm is described in [4].
68.21 RecogniseMatrixGroup
RecogniseMatrixGroup( G)
RecogniseMatrixGroup attempts to recognise at least one of the Aschbacher categories in
which the matrix group Glies. It then attempts to use features of this category to determine
the order of Gand provide a membership test for G.
The algorithm is described in [13]. This implementation is experimental and limited in
its application; its inclusion in the package at this time is designed primarily to illustrate
the basic features of the approach.
Currently the function attempts to recognise groups that are reducible, imprimitive, tensor
products or classical in their natural representation.
The function returns a record whose components store detailed information about the de-
composition of Gthat it finds. The record contents can be viewed using DisplayMatRecord.
The record consists of layers of records which are the kernels at the various stages of the
computation. Individual layers are accessed via the component .kernel. We number these
layers 1 to nwhere layer 0 is G. The n-th layer is a p-group generated by lower uni-triangular
matrices. Information about this p-group is stored in the component .pGroup. At the i-th
layer (1 in) we have a group generated by matrices with at most i1 identity blocks
down the diagonal, followed by a non-singular block. Below the blocks we have non-zero
entries and above them we have zero entries. Call this group Giand the group generated by
the non-singular block on the diagonal Ti. In the i-th layer we have a component .quotient.
If the module for Tiis irreducible, then .quotient is Ti. If the module for Tiis reducible, then
it decomposes into an irreducible submodule and a quotient module. In this case .quotient
is the restriction of Tito the submodule.
The central part of RecogniseMatrixGroup is the recursive function GoDownChain which
takes as arguments a record and a list of matrices. RecogniseMatrixGroup initialises this
record and then calls GoDownChain with the record and a list of the generators of G.
Assume we pass GoDownChain the i-th layer of our record and a list of matrices (possibly
empty) in the form described above.
If the i-th layer is the last, then we construct a power-commutator presentation for the
group generated by the list of matrices.
Otherwise, we now check if we have already decomposed Ti. If not, we split the module for
Tiusing IsIrreducible. We set .quotient to be the trivial group of dimension that of the
irreducible submodule, and we store the basis-change matrix. We also initialise the next
layer of our record, which will correspond to the kernel of the homomorphism from Gito
.quotient. Then we call GoDownChain with the layer and the list of matrices we started with.
If we have a decomposition for Ti, then we apply the basis-change stored in our record to
the list of matrices and decide whether the new matrices preserve the decomposition. If
they do not, then we discard the current decomposition of Tiand all the layers below the
i-th, and recall GoDownChain.
If the matrices preserve the decomposition, then we extract the blocks in the matrices which
correspond to .quotient. We decide if these blocks lie in .quotient.
If the blocks lie in .quotient, then the next step is to construct relations on .quotient
which we will then evaluate on the generators of Gito put into the next layer. There are two
approaches to constructing relations on .quotient. Let Fbe the free group on the number
of generators of .quotient. We construct a permutation representation on .quotient. The
first approach is to take the image of an element of .quotient in the permutation group
and then pull it back to the permutation group. The second approach is to take a random
word in F, map it into the permutation group and then pull the permutation back into F.
The relations from approach one are ”generator relations”and those from approach two are
”random relations”. If .quotient contains SL, then we use special techniques.
If the list of matrices with which we called GoDownChain is empty, then we construct random
relations on .quotient, evaluate these in Gito get a new list of matrices and then call
GoDownChain with this list and the next layer of our record. We use parameters similar to
those in the Random Schreier-Sims algorithm to control how hard we work.
If the list of matrices is non-empty, then we take generator relations on the list of blocks
and evaluate these in Gi. This gives us a new list of matrices and we call GoDownChain with
the list and the next layer of our record.
If, in evaluating the relations in Gi, we get a non-identity block, then we deduce that our
permutation representation is not faithful. In this case, the next layer corresponds to the
kernel of the action that provided the representation.
If these blocks do not lie in .quotient, then we have to enlarge it. We then try to find out
the Aschbacher category in which .quotient lies, and its size. After applying these tests
and computing the size we then construct generator relations on the list of generators of
.quotient and put them into the kernel. We then call GoDownChain with our record and
an empty list of matrices.
We first test whether .quotient is a classical group in its natural representation using
RecogniseClassicalNP. If .quotient contains SL, we use ConstructivelyRecognise-
Classical to obtain both its size and a membership test; if .quotient contains one
of the other classical groups, we simply report this. If .quotient contains a classical
group, we terminate the testing. If RecogniseClassicalNP returns false, then we call
RecogniseClassicalCLG. If .quotient contains one of the classical groups, then we be-
have as before. If .quotient is not a classical group, then we obtain a list of possibilities
for .quotient. This list may help to rule out certain Aschbacher categories and will give
pointers to the ones which we should investigate further.
If .quotient might be imprimitive, then we test this using IsPrimitive. If .quotient is
imprimitive, then we obtain a permutation representation for the action on the blocks and
we store this in .quotient. We set the size of .quotient to be the size of the permutation
group. If the action is not faithful, then we compute the kernel of the action at the next
layer and then we have the correct size for .quotient. If .quotient is imprimitive, then the
testing ends here. If IsPrimitive returns unknown or true, then we store this in .quotient.
We then reprocess .quotient using RecogniseClassicalCLG.
If .quotient might be a tensor product, then we test this using IsTensor. If .quotient is a
tensor product, then we store the tensor factors in .quotient. Currently, we do not exploit
this conclusion . If IsTensor returns unknown or false then we store this in .quotient.
We then reprocess .quotient using RecogniseClassicalCLG.
By default, we obtain the size of .quotient using PermGroupRepresentation. We advise
the user if the list returned by RecogniseClassicalCLG suggests that the group contains
an almost simple group or an alternating group. PermGroupRepresentation constructs a
faithful permutation representation for .quotient and we store this in .quotient.
We illustrate some of these features in the following example. Additional examples can be
found in matrix/reduce/examples.tex.
gap> # Construct the group SL(2, 3) x SP(4, 3)
gap> G1 := SL(2, 3);;
gap> G2 := SP(4, 3);;
gap> m1 := DiagonalMat_mtx( GF(3), G1.1, G2.1 );;
gap> m2 := DiagonalMat_mtx( GF(3), G1.2, G2.2 );;
gap> # Put something in the bottom left hand corner to give us a p-group
gap> m1[3][1] := Z(3)^0;;
gap> m2[5][2] := Z(3);;
gap> G := Group( [m1, m2], m1^0 );;
gap> # Apply RecogniseMatrixGroup to G
gap> x := RecogniseMatrixGroup( G );;
#I Input group has dimension 6 over GF(3)
#I Layer number 1: Type = "Unknown"
#I Size = 1, # of matrices = 2
#I Computing the next quotient
#I <new> acts non-trivially on the block of dim 6
#I Found a quotient of dim 2
#I Restarting after finding a decomposition
#I Layer number 1: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 1, # of matrices = 2
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Enlarging quotient, old size = 1
#I Is quotient classical?
#I Dimension of group is <= 2, you must supply form
#I The quotient contains SL
#I New size = 24
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Unknown"
#I Size = 1, # of matrices = 2
#I Computing the next quotient
#I <new> acts non-trivially on the block of dim 4
#I Found a quotient of dim 4
#I Restarting after finding a decomposition
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 1, # of matrices = 2
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Enlarging quotient, old size = 1
#I Is quotient classical?
#I The case is symplectic
#I This algorithm does not apply in this case.
#I The quotient contains SP
#W Applying Size to (matrix group) quotient
#I New size = 51840
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Restarting after enlarging the quotient
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 51840, # of matrices = 0
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding random relations at layer number 2
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Layer number 3: Type = "PGroup"
#I Size = 1, # of matrices = 3
#I Reached the p-group case
#I New size = 27
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 27
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 2
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Kernel is finished, size = 340122240
#I Restarting after enlarging the quotient
#I Layer number 1: Type = "SL"
#I Size = 8162933760, # of matrices = 0
#I Using the SL recognition
#I Adding random relations at layer number 1
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Adding a random relation at layer number 1
#I Layer number 2: Type = "Perm"
#I Size = 340122240, # of matrices = 3
#I Submodule is invariant under <new>
#I Using a permutation representation
#I Adding generator relations to the kernel
#I Kernel p-group, old size = 6561
#I Kernel p-group, new size = 6561
#I Kernel is finished, size = 8162933760
gap> # Let us look at what we have found
gap> DisplayMatRecord( x );
#I Matrix group over field GF(3) of dimension 6 has size 8162933760
#I Number of layers is 3
gap> DisplayMatRecord( x, 1 );
#I Layer Number = 1
#I Type = SL
#I Dimension = 2
#I Size = 24
gap> # The module for G splits into an irreducible submodule of dimension
gap> # 2 and a quotient module of dimension 4. The restriction of G to
gap> # the submodule contains SL(2, 3). Call this group G1.
gap> DisplayMatRecord( x, 2 );
#I Layer Number = 2
#I Type = Perm
#I Dimension = 4
#I Size = 51840
gap> # We have now taken relations on G1 and evaluated them in G to get
gap> # a group H, which is the kernel of the homomorphism from G to G1.
gap> # The group generated by the last 4x4 block on the diagonal of the
gap> # matrices of H has an irreducible module and we have computed
gap> # a permutation representation on it. Call this group H1.
gap> DisplayMatRecord( x, 3 );
#I Layer Number = 3
#I Type = PGroup
#I Dimension = 6
#I Size = 6561
gap> # We have now taken relations on H1 and evaluated them in H to get the
gap> # kernel of the homomorphism from H to H1. This kernel consists of
gap> # lower uni-triangular matrices. It is a p-group of size 6561.
68.22 RecogniseClassicalCLG
In this section, we describe functions developed by Celler and Leedham-Green (see [3] for
details) to recognise classical groups in their natural representation over finite fields.
RecogniseClassicalCLG( G[,case] [,N] )
This is the top-level function, taking as input a group G, which is a subgroup of GL(d, q)
with d > 1. The other optional arguments have the same meaning as those supplied to
RecogniseClassical. The default value of N, the number of random elements to consider,
depends on the case; it is 40 for small fields and dimensions, but decreases to 10 for larger
In the case of an orthogonal group, the dimension of the underlying vector space must be at
least 7, since there are exceptional isomorphisms between the orthogonal groups in dimen-
sions 6 or less and other classical groups which are not dealt with in RecogniseClassical-
CLG. In dimension 8, RecognizeSO will not rule out the possibility of O7(q) embedded as
irreducible subgroup of O+
8(q). Since Gmust also act irreducibly, RecogniseClassicalCLG
does not recognise O0
The record returned by this function is similar to that described in 68.19. In particular, the
flag functions described there and below can be applied to the record. You should ignore
undocumented record components.
Additional information
if Ghas been proved to be a symplectic or orthogonal group, DualFormFlag returns
the symplectic or orthogonal form.
if Ghas been proved to be an orthogonal group, QuadraticFormFlag returns the
quadratic form.
if Ghas been proved to be a unitary group, DualFormFlag returns the symplectic or
orthogonal form.
If RecogniseClassical failed to prove that Gis a classical group, additional information
about the possible Aschbacher categories of Gmight have been obtained.
In particular, the following flag functions may be applied to the record. If one of these
functions returns a list, it has the following meaning: if Gbelongs to the corresponding
Aschbacher category, then Gis determined by one of the possibilities returned; it does not
imply that Gis a member of this category. However, an empty list indicates that Gdoes
not belong to this category. Each of these functions may also return ”unknown”.
A group Gis almost simple if Gcontains a non-abelian simple group Tand is contained
in the automorphism group of T. If Gis almost simple, then Gis either an almost sporadic
group, an almost alternating group, or an almost Chevalley group.
if Gis not a classical group, this function returns a list of possible almost sporadic
groups modulo scalars. This function deals only with sporadic groups T. The names
of the corresponding non-abelian simple groups are returned. Possible names are:
”M11”, ”M12”, ”M22”, ”M23”, ”M24”, ”J2”, ”Suz”, ”HS”, ”McL”, ”Co3”, ”Co2”,
”Co1”, ”He”, ”Fi22”, ”Fi23”, ”F3+”, ”HN”, ”Th”, ”B”, ”M”, ”J1”, ”ON”, ”J3”,
”Ly”, ”Ru”, ”J4”.
if Gis not a classical group, this function returns a list of possible almost alternating
groups modulo scalars. This list contains the possible degrees as integers.
if Gis not a classical group, this function returns a list of possible almost Cheval-
ley groups modulo scalars. The various Chevalley groups are described by tuples
[type, rank, p, k], where type is a string giving the type (e.g. ”2A”, see [15, p. 170] for
details), rank is the rank of the Chevalley group, and pkis the size of the underlying
returns true if Gmight be imprimitive.
returns the possible block dimensions (IsPossibleImprimitiveFlag must be true).
returns true if Gmight be a tensor product.
returns the possible tensor product dimensions; note that this entry is only valid
if IsPossibleTensorProductFlag is true or IsPossibleTensorPowerFlag is true
and the dimension is a square.
returns true if Gmight be a tensor power.
retuns true if Gcould be defined (modulo scalars) over a smaller field.
returns the the least possible field (IsPossibleSmallerFieldFlag must be true).
the natural module could be isomorphic to a module of smaller dimension over a
larger field on which this extension field acts semi-linearly.
the dimension of the underlying vector space must be rmfor some prime rand G
could be an extension of a r-group of symplectic type and exponent r·gcd(2, r) by
a subgroup of Sp(m, r), modulo scalars. A r-group is of symplectic type if every
characteristic abelian subgroup is cyclic.
gap> m1 :=
> [ [ 0*Z(17), Z(17), Z(17)^10, Z(17)^12, Z(17)^2 ],
> [ Z(17)^13, Z(17)^10, Z(17)^15, Z(17)^8, Z(17)^0 ],
> [ Z(17)^10, Z(17)^6, Z(17)^9, Z(17)^8, Z(17)^10 ],
> [ Z(17)^13, Z(17)^5, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^12, Z(17)^5 ],
> [ Z(17)^14, Z(17)^13, Z(17)^5, Z(17)^10, Z(17)^0 ] ];;
gap> m2 :=
> [ [ 0*Z(17), Z(17)^10, Z(17)^2, 0*Z(17), Z(17)^10 ],
> [ 0*Z(17), Z(17)^6, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^4, Z(17)^15 ],
> [ Z(17)^7, Z(17)^6, Z(17)^10, Z(17), Z(17)^2 ],
> [ Z(17)^3, Z(17)^10, Z(17)^5, Z(17)^4, Z(17)^6 ],
> [ Z(17)^0, Z(17)^8, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^5, Z(17) ] ];;
gap> G := Group( m1, m2 );;
gap> sl := RecogniseClassicalCLG( G, "all", 1 );;
gap> IsSLContainedFlag(sl);
Since the algorithm has a random component, it may fail to prove that a group contains
the special linear group even if the group does. As a reminder, IsSLContainedFlag may
return true,false, or "unknown".
Here we chose only one random element. If RecogniseClassicalCLG fails but you suspect
that the group contains the special linear group, you can restart it using more random
elements. You should, however, not change the case. If you don’t already know the case,
then call RecogniseClassicalCLG either without a case parameter or ”all”.
gap> sl := RecogniseClassicalCLG( G, 5 );;
gap> IsSLContainedFlag(sl);
The following is an example where Gis not an classical group but additional information
has been obtained.
gap> ReadDataPkg ("matrix", "data", "" );
gap> DisplayMat(GeneratorsFlag(G));
gap> r := RecogniseClassical( G, "clg" );;
gap> ClassicalTypeFlag(r);
gap> IsPossibleImprimitiveFlag(r);
gap> IsPossibleTensorProductFlag(r);
gap> IsPossibleTensorPowerFlag(r);
gap> PossibleAlmostSimpleFlag(r);
[ "J1" ]
gap> PossibleAlternatingGroupsFlag(r);
[ ]
gap> PossibleChevalleyGroupsFlag(r);
[ [ "A", 1, 11, 3 ], [ "A", 2, 11, 2 ], [ "A", 3, 11, 1 ],
[ "G", 2, 11, 1 ] ]
68.23 RecogniseClassicalNP
In this section, we describe functions developed by Niemeyer and Praeger (see [11, 12] for
details) to recognise classical groups in their natural representation over finite fields.
RecogniseClassicalNP( G[,case] [,N] )
This is the top-level function taking as input a group G, which is a subgroup of GL(d, q)
with d > 2. The other optional arguments have the same meaning as those supplied to
The aim of RecogniseClassicalNP is to test whether Gcontains the subgroup Ω corre-
sponding to the value of case. The algorithm employed is Monte-Carlo based on random
selections of elements from G.RecogniseClassicalNP returns either true or false or
"does not apply". If it returns true and Gsatisfies the constraints listed for case (see
RecogniseClassical) then we know with certainty that Gcontains the corresponding clas-
sical subgroup Ω. It is not checked whether Gsatisfies all these conditions. If it returns
"does not apply" then either the theoretical background of this algorithm does not allow
us to decide whether or not Gcontains Ω (because the parameter values are too small) or G
is not a group of type case. If it returns false then there is still a possibility that Gcontains
.The probability that Gcontains Ω and RecogniseClassicalNP returns false can be
controlled by the parameter N, which is the number of elements selected from G. The larger
Nis, the smaller this probability becomes. If Nis not passed as an argument, the default
value for Nis 15 if case is "linear" and 25 otherwise. These values were experimentally
determined over a large number of trials. But if dhas several distinct prime divisors, larger
values of Nmay be required (see [12]).
The complexity of the function for small fields (q < 216) and for a given value of Nis
O(d3loglogd) bit operations.
Assume InfoRecog1 is set to Print; if RecogniseClassicalNP returns true, it prints
"Proved that the group contains a classical group of type <case>
in <n> selections\",
where nis the actual number of elements used; if RecogniseClassicalNP returns false, it
prints "The group probably does not contain a classical group" and possibly also
a statement suggesting what the group might be.
If case is not supplied, then ClassicalForms seeks to determine which form is preserved.
If ClassicalForms fails to find a form, then RecogniseClassicalNP returns false.
Details of the computation, including the identification of the classical group type, are
stored in the component G.recognise. Its contents can be accessed using the following flag
returns one of "linear","symplectic","orthogonalplus","orthogonalminus",
"orthogonalcircle" or "unitary" if Gis known to be a classical group of this type
modulo scalars, otherwise "unknown".
returns true if Gcontains the special linear group SL(d, q).
returns true if Gis contained in GSp(d, q) modulo scalars and contains Sp(d, q).
returns true if Gis contained in an orthogonal group modulo scalars and contains
the corresponding Ω.
returns true if Gis contained in an unitary group modulo scalars and contains the
corresponding Ω.
These last four functions return true,false, or ”unknown”. Both true and false are
conclusive. The answer ”unknown”indicates either that the algorithm failed to determine
whether or not Gis a classical group or that the algorithm is not applicable to the supplied
If RecogniseClassicalNP returns true, then G.recognise contains all the information
that proves that Gcontains the classical group having type G.recognise.type. The record
components d,p,aand qidentify Gas a subgroup of GL(d, q),where q=pa.For each
ein G.recognise.E the group Gcontains a ppd(d, q;e)-element (see IsPpdElement) and
for each ein G.recognise.LE it contains a large ppd(d, q;e)-element. Further, it con-
tains a basic ppd(d, q;e)-element if eis in G.recognise.basic. Finally, the component
G.recognise.isReducible is false, indicating that Gis now known to act irreducibly.
If RecogniseClassicalNP returns "does not apply", then Ghas no record G.recognise.
If RecogniseClassicalNP returns false, then G.recognise gives some indication as to
why the algorithm failed to prove that Gcontains a classical group. Either Gcould
not be shown to be generic and G.recognise.isGeneric is false and G.recognise.E,
G.recognise.LE and G.recognise.basic will indicate which kinds of ppd-elements could
not be found; or G.recognise.isGeneric is true and the algorithm failed to rule out that
Gpreserves an extension field structure and G.recognise.possibleOverLargerField is
true; or G.isGeneric is true and G.possibleOverLargerField is false and the possibil-
ity that Gis nearly simple could not be ruled out and G.recognise.possibleNearlySimple
contains a list of names of possible nearly simple groups; or ClassicalForms failed to
find a form and G.recognise.noFormFound is true; or finally G.isGeneric is true and
G.possibleOverLargerField is false and G.possibleNearlySimple is empty and Gwas
found to act reducibly and G.recognise.isReducible is true.
If RecogniseClassicalNP returns false, then a recall to RecogniseClassicalNP for the
given group uses the previously computed facts about the group stored in G.recognise.
gap> RecogniseClassicalNP( GL(10,5), "linear", 10 );
gap> RecogniseClassicalNP( SP(6,2), "symplectic", 10 );
# I This algorithm does not apply in this case
"does not apply"
gap> G := SL(20, 5);;
gap> RecogniseClassicalNP( G );
gap> G.recognise;
d := 20,
p := 5,
a := 1,
q := 5,
E := [ 11, 12, 16, 18 ],
LE := [ 11, 12, 16, 18 ],
basic := 12,
isReducible := false,
isGeneric := true,
type := "linear" )
gap> InfoRecog1 := Print;; InfoRecog2 := Print;;
gap> G := GeneralUnitaryMatGroup(7,2);;
gap> RecogniseClassicalNP( G );
# I The case is unitary
# I Gacts irreducibly, block criteria failed
# I The group is generic in 4 selections
# I The group is not an extension field group
# I The group does not preserve an extension field
# I The group is not nearly simple
# I The group acts irreducibly
# I Proved that group contains classical group of type unitary
# I in 6 random selections.
gap > G.recognise;
d := 7,
p := 2,
a := 2,
q := 4,
LE := [ 5, 7 ],
basic := 7,
isReducible := false,
isGeneric := true,
type := "unitary" )
gap> InfoRecog1 := Print;; InfoRecog2 := Print;;
gap> G := Group (
> [[0,1,0,0],
> [1,1,0,0],
> [0,0,0,1],
> [0,0,1,1]] * GF(2).one,
> [[0,0,1,0],
> [0,1,1,0],
> [1,0,1,1],
> [0,1,1,1]] * GF(2).one );
gap> RecogniseClassicalNP (G);
# I The case is linear
# I Gacts irreducibly, block criteria failed
# I The group is generic in 8 selections
# I The group is not an extension field group
# I The group does not preserve an extension field
# I G’ might be A 7;
# I G’ is not a Mathieu group;
# I G’ is not PSL(2,r)
# I The group could be a nearly simple group.
gap> G.recognise;
d := 4,
p := 2,
a := 1,
q := 2,
LE := [ 3 ],
basic := 4,
isReducible := false,
isGeneric := true,
possibleNearlySimple := [ "A7" ],
dimsReducible := [ 0, 4 ],
possibleOverLargerField := false )
We now describe some of the lower-level functions used.
GenericParameters( G,case )
This function takes as input a subgroup Gof GL(d, q) and a string case, one of the list given
under RecogniseClassicalGroup. The group Ghas generic parameters if the subgroup Ω
of GL(d, q) contains two different ppd-elements (see IsPpdElement), that is a ppd(d, q;e1)-
element and a ppd(d, q;e2)-element for d/2< e1< e2dsuch that at least one of them
is a large ppd-element and one is a basic ppd-element. The function GenericParameters
returns true if Ghas generic parameters. In this case RecogniseClassicalNP can be
applied to Gand case. If Gdoes not have generic parameters, the function returns false.
gap> GenericParameters( SP(6,2), "symplectic" );
gap> GenericParameters( SP(12,2), "symplectic" );
[Comment: In the near future we propose to extend and modify our algorithm to deal with
cases where the group Ω does not contain sufficient ppd-elements.]
IsGeneric( G,N)
This function takes as input a subgroup Gof GL(d, q) and an integer N. The group Gis
generic if it is irreducible and contains two different ppd-elements (see IsPpdElement), that
is a ppd(d, q;e1)-element and a ppd(d, q;e2)-element for d/2< e1< e2dsuch that at
least one of them is a large ppd-element and one is a basic ppd-element. It chooses up
to Nelements in Gand increases G.recognise.n by the number of random selections it
made. If among these it finds the two required different ppd-elements, which is established
by examining the sets G.recognise.E,G.recognise.LE, and G.recognise.basic, then
it sets G.recognise.isGeneric to true and returns true. If after Nrandom selections it
fails to find two different ppd-elements, the function returns false. It is not tested whether
Gactually is irreducible.
gap> IsGeneric( SP(12,2), 20 );
IsExtensionField( G,case,N)
This function takes as input a subgroup Gof GL(d, q), a string case, one of the list given
under RecogniseClassicalGroup, and an integer N. It assumes, but does not test that Gis
generic (see IsGeneric). We say that the group Gcan be defined over an extension field if
there is a prime bdividing dsuch that Gis conjugate to a subgroup of Z.GL(d/b, qb).b, where
Zis the group of scalar matrices in GL(d, q).Then IsExtensionField returns mif certain
elements are found in mrandom selections which together prove that Gcannot be a subgroup
of an extension field group. In this case G.recognise.possibleOverLargerField is set to
false. If, after Nrandom selections of elements from G, this could not be established, then
IsExtensionField returns true. Hence, if it returns true, then either Gis an extension
field group or one needs to select more elements of Gto establish that this is not the case.
The component G.recognise.possibleOverLargerField is set to true.
gap> IsExtensionField( GL(12,2), "linear", 30 );
IsGenericNearlySimple( G,case,N)
The subgroup Gof GL(d, q) is said to be nearly simple if there is some nonabelian simple
group Ssuch that SG/(GZ)Aut(S),where Zdenotes the subgroup of nonsingular
scalar matrices of GL(d, q).This function takes as input a subgroup Gof GL(d, q), a string
case, one of the list given under RecogniseClassicalGroup, and an integer N. It assumes
but does not test that Gis irreducible on the underlying vector space, is generic (see
IsGeneric), and is not contained in an extension field group (see IsExtensionField).
This means that Gis known to contain two different ppd-elements (see IsPpdElement),
that is a ppd(d, q;e1)-element and a ppd(d, q;e2)-element for d/2< e1< e2dsuch that
at least one of them is a large ppd-element and one is a basic ppd-element, and the values
e1and e2for the elements are stored in G.recognise.E. At this stage, the theoretical
analysis in [12] tells us that either Gcontains Ω, or the string case is "linear" and Gis an
absolutely irreducible generic nearly simple group. All possibilities for the latter groups are
known explicitly, and IsGenericNearlySimple tries to establish that Gis not one of these
groups. Thus it first checks that case is "linear", and if so performs further tests.
IsGenericNearlySimple returns false if certain elements are found which together prove
that Gcannot be a generic nearly simple group. If, after Nrandom selections of elements
from G, this could not be shown, then IsGenericNearlySimple returns true and Gmight
be a generic nearly simple group. It increases G.recognise.n by the number of elements
selected. In this case either Gis nearly simple or there is a small chance that the output
true is incorrect. In fact the probability with which the algorithm will return the statement
true when Gis not nearly simple can be made arbitrarily small depending on the number
Nof random selections performed. The list of irreducible generic nearly simple groups is
very short. The name of each nearly simple group which might be isomorphic to Gis stored
as a string in G.recognise.possibleNearlySimple. If InfoRecog2 is set to Print, then
in the case that Gis such a group IsGeneric will print the isomorphism type of the nearly
simple group.
gap> IsGenericNearlySimple( GL(12,2), "symplectic", 30 );
68.24 InducedAction
InducedAction( module,basis )
SubGModule( module,basis )
QuotientGModule( module,basis )
These functions take a G-module module as input, together with a basis basis for a proper
submodule, which is assumed to be normalised, in the weak sense that the first non-zero
component of each vector in the basis is 1, and no two vectors in the basis have their first
nonzero components in the same position. The basis is given as an r×nmatrix, where ris
the length of the basis.
Normally, one runs IsIrreducible(module)first, and (assuming it returns false) then
runs these functions using SubbasisFlag(module)as the second argument. InducedAction
returns a 4-element list containing the submodule, the quotient module, the original ma-
trices rewritten with respect to a basis in which a basis for the submodule comes first,
and the change-of-basis matrix; SubGModule returns the submodule having basis as basis;
QuotientGModule the corresponding quotient module.
RandomIrreducibleSubGModule( module )
Find a basis for an irreducible submodule of module.
68.25 FieldGenCentMat
FieldGenCentMat( module )
This function should only be applied if the function IsIrreducible(module)has returned
true, and if IsAbsolutelyIrreducible(module)has returned false. A matrix which
centralises the G-module module and which has multiplicative order qe1, where qis
the order of the ground field and eis the dimension of the centralising field of module, is
calculated and stored. It can be accessed as CentMatFlag(module).
68.26 MinimalSubGModules
MinimalSubGModules( module1 ,module2 [, max ] )
This function should only be applied if IsIrreducible(module1 )has returned true.mod-
ule1 and module2 are assumed to be G-modules for the same group G.MinimalSubGModules
computes and returns a list of the normalised bases of all of the minimal submodules of
module2 that are isomorphic to module1 . (These can then be constructed as G-modules, if
required, by calling SubGModule(module2 ,basis)where basis is one of these bases.) The
optional parameter max should be a positive integer. If the number of submodules exceeds
max, then the procedure is aborted.
68.27 SpinBasis
SpinBasis( vector,matrices )
The input is a vector, vector, and a list of n×nmatrices, matrices, where nis the length
of the vector. A normalised basis of the submodule generated by the action of the matrices
(acting on the right) on the vector is calculated and returned. It is returned as an r×n
matrix, where ris the dimension of this submodule.
SpinBasis is called by IsIrreducible.
68.28 SemiLinearDecomposition
SemiLinearDecomposition( module,S,C,e)
module is a module for a matrix group Gover a finite field GF (q). The function returns
true if Gis found to act semilinearly.
Gis assumed to act absolutely irreducibly. Sis a set of invertible matrices, generating a sub-
group of G, and assumed to act irreducibly but not absolutely irreducibly on the underlying
vector space of module. The matrix Ccentralises the action of Son the underlying vector
space and so acts as multiplication by a field generator xof GF (qe) for some embedding of
ad/e-dimensional vector space over GF (qe) in the d-dimensional space. If Ccentralises the
action of the normal subgroup hSiGof G, then hSiGembeds in GL(d/e, qe), and Gembeds
in ΓL(d/e, qe), the group of semilinear automorphisms of the d/e-dimensional space. This
is verified by the construction of a map from Gto Aut(GF (qe)). If the construction is
successful, the function returns true. Otherwise a conjugate of an element of Sis found
which does not commute with C. This conjugate is added to Sand the function returns
SemiLinearDecomposition is called by SmashGModule.
The algorithm is described in [6].
68.29 TensorProductDecomposition
TensorProductDecomposition( module,basis,d1 ,d2 )
module is a module for a matrix group Gover a finite field, basis is a basis of the underlying
vector space, d1 and d2 are two integers whose product is the dimension of that space.
TensorProductDecomposition returns true if module can be decomposed as a tensor prod-
uct of spaces of dimensions d1 and d2 with respect to the given basis, and false otherwise.
The matrices which represent the action of the generators of Gwith respect to the appro-
priate basis are computed.
TensorProductDecomposition is called by SmashGModule.
The algorithm is described in [6].
68.30 SymTensorProductDecomposition
SymTensorProductDecomposition( module,HM )
module is a module for a matrix group Gover a finite field. HM is the module corresponding
to the action of a subgroup Hof Gon the same vector space. Both Gand Hare assumed to
act absolutely irreducibly. The function returns true if HM can be decomposed as a tensor
product of two or more H-modules, all of the same dimension, where these tensor factors
are permuted by the action of G. In this case, components of module record the tensor
decomposition and the action of Gin permuting the factors. If no such decomposition is
found, SymTensorProductDecomposition returns false.
A negative answer is not reliable, since we try to find a decomposition of HM as a tensor
product only by considering some pseudo-random elements.
SymTensorProductDecomposition is called by SmashGModule.
The algorithm is described in [6].
68.31 ExtraSpecialDecomposition
ExtraSpecialDecomposition( module,S)
module is a module for a matrix group Gover a finite field where Gis assumed to act
absolutely irreducibly.
Sis a set of invertible matrices, assumed to act absolutely irreducibly on the underlying
vector space of module.
ExtraSpecialDecomposition returns true if (modulo scalars) hSiis an extraspecial r-
group, for some prime r, or a 2-group of symplectic type (that is, the central product of an
extraspecial 2-group with a cyclic group of order 4), normalised by G. Otherwise it returns
ExtraSpecialDecomposition attempts to prove that hSiis extraspecial or of symplectic
type by construction. It tries to find generators x1, . . . , xk, y1, . . . , yk, z for hSi, with zcentral
of order r, each xicommuting with all other generators except yi, each yicommuting with
all other generators except xi, and [xi, yi] = z. If it succeeds, it checks that conjugates of
these generators are also in S.
ExtraSpecialDecomposition is called by SmashGModule.
The algorithm is described in [6].
68.32. MINBLOCKS 1269
68.32 MinBlocks
MinBlocks( module,B)
MinBlocks finds the smallest block containing the echelonised basis Bunder the action of
the G-module module. The block system record returned has four components: the number
of blocks, a block containing the supplied basis B, a permutation group Pwhich describes
the action of Gon the blocks, and a list which identifies the images of the generators of G
as generators of P. For an explanation of this last component, see ApproximateKernel.
MinBlocks is called by IsPrimitive.
The algorithm is described in [7].
68.33 BlockSystemFlag
BlockSystemFlag( module )
If the record for the G-module module has a block system component, then BlockSystem-
Flag returns this component, which has the structure described in MinBlocks, else it returns
68.34 Components of a G-module record
The component .reducible is set to true if module is known to be reducible, and to
false if it is known not to be. This component is set by IsIrreducible which may also
set the components .subbasis,.algEl,.algElMat,.algElCharPol,.algElCharPolFac,
.algElNullspaceVec and .algElNullspaceDim. If module has been proved reducible,
.subbasis is a basis for a submodule. Alternatively, if module has been proved to be
irreducible, .algEl is set to the random element el of the group algebra which has been
successfully used by the algorithm to prove irreducibility, represented abstractly, essentially
as a sum of words in the generators, and .algElMat to the actual matrix Xthat represents
that element. The component .algElCharPol is set to the characteristic polynomial pof
Xand .algElCharPolFac to the factor fof Xused by the algorithm. (Essentially irre-
ducibility is proved by applying Norton’s irreducibility criterion to the matrix f(X); see [5]
for further details.) The component .algElNullspaceVec is set to an arbitrary vector of
the nullspace Nof f(X), and .algElNullspaceDim to the dimension of N.
The component .absolutelyReducible is set to false if module is known to be absolutely
irreducible, and to true if it is known not to be. It is set by IsAbsolutelyIrreducible,
which also sets the components .degreeFieldExt,.centMat,.centMatMinPoly if module
is not absolutely irreducible. In that case, .degreeFieldExt is set to the dimension eof
the centralising field of module. The component .centMat is set to a matrix C, which both
centralises each of the matrices in module.generators generating the group action of module
and has minimal polynomial fof degree e. The component .centMatMinPoly is set equal
to f.
The component .semiLinear is set to true in SemiLinearDecomposition if Gacts abso-
lutely irreducibly on module but embeds in a group of semilinear automorphisms over an
extension field of degree eover the field F. Otherwise it is not set. At the same time,
.degreeFieldExt is set to e,.linearPart is set to a list of matrices Swhich are normal
subgroup generators for the intersection of Gwith the general linear group in dimension
d/e over GF (qe), and .centMat is set to a matrix Cwhich commutes with each of those
matrices. Here, Ccorresponds to scalar multiplication in the module by an element of the
extension field GF (qe). The component .frobeniusAutomorphisms is set to a list of inte-
gers i, one corresponding to each of the generating matrices gfor Gin the list .generators,
such that Cg =gCqi(g). Thus the generator gacts on the field GF (qe) as the Frobenius
automorphism xxqi(g).
The component .tensorProduct is set to true in TensorProductDecomposition if mod-
ule can be written as a tensor product of two G-modules with respect to an appropriate
basis. Otherwise it is not set. At the same time, .tensorBasis is set to the appropriate
basis of that space, and .tensorFactors to the pair of G-modules whose tensor product is
isomorphic to module written with respect to that basis.
The component .symTensorProduct is set to true in SymTensorProductDecomposition if
module can be written as a symmetric tensor product whose factors are permuted by the
action of G. Otherwise it is not set. At the same time, .symTensorBasis is set to the basis
with respect to which this decomposition can be found, .symTensorFactors to the list of
tensor factors, and .symTensorPerm to the list of permutations corresponding to the action
of each of the generators of Gon those tensor factors.
The component .extraSpecial is set to true in the function ExtraSpecialDecomposition
if Ghas been shown to have a normal subgroup Hwhich is an extraspecial r-group for an
odd prime ror a 2-group of symplectic type, modulo scalars. Otherwise it is not set. At
the same time, .extraSpecialGroup is set to the subgroup H, and .extraSpecialPrime
is set to r.
The component .imprimitive is set to true if Ghas been shown to act imprimitively and
to false if Gis primitive. Otherwise it is not set. This component is set in IsPrimitive. If
Ghas been shown to act imprimitively, then module has a component .blockSystem which
has the structure described in BlockSystemFlag.
68.35 ApproximateKernel
ApproximateKernel( G,P,m,n[,maps] )
Gis an irreducible matrix group. Pis a permutation representation of G.
ApproximateKernel returns a generating set for a subgroup of the kernel of a homo-
morphism from Gto P. The parameter mis the maximum number of random relations
constructed in order to obtain elements of the kernel. If nsuccessive relations provide no
new elements of the kernel, then we terminate the construction. These two parameters
determine the time taken to construct the kernel; ncan be used to increase the probability
that the whole of the kernel is constructed. The suggested values of mand nare 100 and
30, respectively.
Assume that Ghas rgenerators and Phas sgenerators. The optional argument maps
is a list of length rcontaining integers between 0 and s. We use maps to specify the
correspondence between the generators of Gand the generators of P. An entry 0 in position
iindicates that G.i maps to the identity of P; an entry jin position iindicates that G.i
maps to P.j. By default, we assume that G.i maps to P.i.
The function is similar to RecogniseMatrixGroup but here we already know .quotient is G
and we have a permutation representation Pfor G. The function returns a record containing
information about the kernel. The record contents can be viewed using DisplayMatRecord.
The algorithm is described in [13]; the implementation is currently experimental.
68.36 RandomRelations
RandomRelation( G,P[,maps] )
Gis a matrix group. Pis a permutation representation of G. The optional argument maps
has the same meaning as in ApproximateKernel.
RandomRelation returns a relation for G. We set up a free group on the number of generators
of Gand we also set up a mapping from Pto this free group. We then take a random word
in the free group and evaluate this in P. Our relation is the product of the original word
and the inverse of the image of the permutation under the mapping we have constructed.
EvaluateRelation( reln,G)
reln is the word returned by an application of RandomRelation.EvaluateRelation evalu-
ates reln on the generators of G.
68.37 DisplayMatRecord
DisplayMatRecord( rec [, layer ] )
SetPrintLevelFlag( rec,i)
PrintLevelFlag( rec )
rec is the record returned either by RecogniseMatrixGroup or ApproximateKernel. The
optional argument layer is an integer between 1 and the last layer reached by the compu-
tation and iis an integer between 1 and 3.
DisplayMatRecord prints the information contained in rec according to three different
print level settings. The print level is initially set to 1. This can be changed using
SetPrintLevelFlag. We can also examine the current print level using PrintLevelFlag.
At print level 1, we get basic information about the group; the field over which it is written,
its dimension and possibly its size. If layer is specified, then we get this basic information
about .quotient at that layer.
At print level 2, we get the same basic information about the group as we did at level 1
along with the basic information about .quotient at each level. If layer is specified, then
we get the same information as we did at level 1.
At print level 3, we print the entire contents of rec. If layer is specified, then we print the
part of rec that corresponds to layer .
68.38 The record returned by RecogniseMatrixGroup
Both RecogniseMatrixGroup and ApproximateKernel return a record whose components
tell us information about the group and the various kernels which we compute.
Each layer of the record contains basic information about its corresponding group; the field
over which it is written, its identity, its dimension and its generators. These are stored in
components .field,.identity,.dimension and .generators respectively.
Each layer also has components .layerNumber,.type,.size and .printLevel..layer-
Number is an integer telling us which layer of the record we are in. The top layer is layer 1,
.kernel is layer 2, etc.
The component .type is one of the following strings: ”Unknown”, ”Perm”, ”SL”, ”Im-
primitive”, ”Trivial”and ”PGroup”. If .type is ”Unknown”then we have not yet computed
.quotient. If .type is ”Perm”then we have computed .quotient; if .quotient does not
contain SL then we compute a permutation representation for it. If .quotient contains SL
then .type is ”SL”. If .quotient is imprimitive then .type is ”Imprimitive”. If .quotient
is trivial then .type is ”Trivial”. If we are in the last layer then .type is ”PGroup”.
The component .size is the size of the group generated by .generators;.printLevel is
the current print level (see DisplayMatRecord).
All layers except the last have components .sizeQuotient,.dimQuotient,.basisSub-
module and .basis. Here .sizeQuotient is the size of .quotient. If we have a permu-
tation representation for .quotient which is not faithful, then .sizeQuotient is the size
of the permutation group. We compute the kernel of the action in the next layer and thus
obtain the correct size of .quotient..dimQuotient is the dimension of .quotient. The
component .basisSubmodule is a matrix consisting of standard basis vectors for the quo-
tient module. We use it to check that the .quotient block structure is preserved. .basis
is the basis-change matrix returned when we split the group.
The .quotient record may have .permDomain,.permGroupP,.fpGroup,.abstractGen-
erators,.fpHomomorphism and .isFaithful as components. If we have a permutation
representation on the group .quotient, then .permDomain is either a list of vectors or
subspaces on which the group acts to provide a permutation group. .permGroupP is the
permutation group. .fpGroup is a free group on the number of generators of .quotient.
.abstractGenerators is the generators of .fpGroup..fpHomomorphism is a mapping from
.permGroupP to .fpGroup..isFaithful tells us whether we have learned that the repre-
sentation is not faithful.
The .pGroup record has components .field,.size,.prime,.dimension,.identity,
.layers and .layersVec. Here .field is the field over which the group is written; .size is
the size of the group; .prime is the characteristic of the field; .dimension is the dimension
of the group; .identity is the identity for the group; .layers and .layersVec are lists of
lists of matrices and vectors respectively which we use to compute the exponents of relations
to get the size of the p-group.
68.39 DualGModule
DualGModule( module )
module is a G-module. The dual module (obtained by inverting and transposing the gener-
ating matrices) is calculated and returned.
68.40 InducedGModule
InducedGModule( G,module )
Gis a transitive permutation group , and module an H-module, where His the subgroup of
Greturned by Stabilizer(group, 1). (That is, the matrix generators for module should
correspond to the permutations generators for Hreturned by this function call.) The
induced G-module is calculated and returned. If the action of Hon module is trivial, then
PermGModule should be used instead.
68.41. PERMGMODULE 1273
68.41 PermGModule
PermGModule( G,field [, point] )
Gis a permutation group, and field a finite field. If point is supplied, it should be an integer
in the permutation domain of G; by default, it is 1. The permutation module of Gon the
orbit of point over the field field is calculated and returned.
68.42 TensorProductGModule
TensorProductGModule( module1 ,module2 )
The tensor product of the G-modules module1 and module2 is calculated and returned.
WedgeGModule( module )
The wedge product of the G-module module – that is, the action on anti-symmetric tensors
– is calculated and returned.
68.43 ImprimitiveWreathProduct
ImprimitiveWreathProduct( G,perm-group )
Gis a matrix group, a G-module, a list of matrices, a permutation group or a list of
permutations, and perm-group can be a permutation group or a list of permutations. Let
Gbe the permutation or matrix group specified or generated by the first argument, Pthe
permutation group specified or generated by the second argument. The wreath product of
Gand Pis calculated and returned. This is a matrix group or a permutation group of
dimension or degree dt, where dis the dimension or degree of Gand tthe degree of P. If
Gis a permutation group, this function has the same effect as WreathProduct(G, P).
68.44 WreathPower
PowerWreathProduct( G,perm-group )
Gis a matrix group, a G-module, a list of matrices, a permutation group or a list of
permutations, and perm-group can be a permutation group or a list of permutations. Let
Gbe the permutation or matrix group specified or generated by the first argument, and P
the permutation group specified or generated by the second argument. The wreath power
of Gand Pis calculated and returned. This is a matrix group or a permutation group of
dimension or degree dt, where dis the dimension or degree of Gand tthe degree of P.
68.45 PermGroupRepresentation
PermGroupRepresentation( G,limit )
PermGroupRepresentation tries to find a permutation representation of Gof degree at most
limit. The function either returns a permutation group or false if no such representation
was found.
Note that false does not imply that no such permutation representation exists. If a
permutation representation for Gis already known it will be returned independent of its
The function tries to find a set of vectors of size at most limit closed under the operation
of Gsuch that the set spans the whole vector space; it implements parts of the base-point
selection algorithm described in [10].
gap> m1 := [[0,1],[1,0]] * Z(9);;
gap> m2 := [[1,1],[1,0]] * Z(9);;
gap> G := Group( m1, m2 );;
gap> P := PermGroupRepresentation( G, 100 );
Group( ( 1,15, 4,21, 2,24, 7,30)( 3,18, 5,12, 6,27, 8, 9)
( 1,15,19,31)( 2,24,29,23)( 3,18,22,11)( 4,21,14,17)( 5,12,26,20)
( 6,27,32,13)( 7,30,10,25)( 8, 9,16,28) )
# note that limit is ignored if a representation is known
gap> P := PermGroupRepresentation( G, 2 );
Group( ( 1,15, 4,21, 2,24, 7,30)( 3,18, 5,12, 6,27, 8, 9)
( 1,15,19,31)( 2,24,29,23)( 3,18,22,11)( 4,21,14,17)( 5,12,26,20)
( 6,27,32,13)( 7,30,10,25)( 8, 9,16,28) )
OrbitMat( G,vec,base,limit )
OrbitMat computes the orbit of vec under the operation of G. The function will return
false if this orbit is larger then limit. Otherwise the orbit is return as list of vectors and
base, which must be supplied as an empty list, now contains a list of basis vectors spanning
the vector space generated by the orbit.
68.46 GeneralOrthogonalGroup
O( s,d,q)
This function returns the group of isometries fixing a non-degenerate quadratic form as
matrix group. dspecifies the dimension, qthe size of the finite field, and sthe sign of
the quadratic form Q. If the dimension is odd, the sign must be 0. If the dimension is
even the sign must be 1 or +1. The quadratic form Qused is returned in the compo-
nent quadraticForm, the corresponding symmetric form βis returned in the component
Given the standard basis B={e1, ..., ed}then symmetricForm is the matrix (f(ei, ej)),
quadraticForm is an upper triangular matrix (qij ) such that qij =f(ei, ej) for i < j,
qii =Q(ei), and qij = 0 for j < i, and the equations 2Q(ei) = f(ei, ei) hold.
There are precisely two isometry classes of geometries in each dimension d. If dis even then
the geometries are distinguished by the dimension of the maximal totally singular subspaces.
If the sign sis +1, then the Witt defect of the underlying vector space is 0, i. e. the maximal
totally singular subspaces have dimension d/2; if the sign is 1, the defect is 1, i.e. the
dimension is d/21.
If dis odd then the geometries are distinguished by the discriminant of the quadratic form
Qwhich is defined as the determinant of (f(ei, ej)) modulo (GF (q)?)2. The determinant of
(f(ei, ej)) is not independent of B, whereas modulo squares it is. However, the two geome-
tries are similar and give rise to isomorphic groups of isometries. GeneralOrthogonalGroup
uses a quadratic form Qwith discriminant 2d2modulo squares.
In case of odd dimension, qmust also be odd because the group O( 0, 2d+1, 2k)is
isomorphic to the symplectic group Sp( 2d, 2k)and you can use SP to construct it.
gap> G := GeneralOrthogonalGroup(0,5,3);
gap> Size( G );
gap> Size( SP(4,3) );
gap> DeterminantMat(G.1);
gap> DeterminantMat(G.2);
gap> DisplayMat( G.symmetricForm );
gap> DisplayMat( G.quadraticForm );
You can evaluate the quadratic form on a vector by multiplying it from both sides.
gap> v1 := [1,2,0,1,2] * Z(3);
[ Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), Z(3), Z(3)^0 ]
gap> v1 * G.quadraticForm * v1;
gap> v1 * G.symmetricForm * v1;
68.47 OrderMat – enhanced
This function works as described in the GAP3 manual but uses the algorithm of [2] for
matrices over finite fields.
gap> OrderMat( [ [ Z(17)^4, Z(17)^12, Z(17)^4, Z(17)^7 ],
> [ Z(17)^10, Z(17), Z(17)^11, 0*Z(17) ],
> [ Z(17)^8, Z(17)^13, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^14 ],
> [ Z(17)^14, Z(17)^10, Z(17), Z(17)^10 ] ] );
This function computes the least positive integer nsuch that gnis scalar; it returns, as a
list, nand z, where gnis scalar in z.
gap> ProjectiveOrderMat( [ [ Z(17)^4, Z(17)^12, Z(17)^4, Z(17)^7 ],
> [ Z(17)^10, Z(17), Z(17)^11, 0*Z(17) ],
> [ Z(17)^8, Z(17)^13, Z(17)^0, Z(17)^14 ],
> [ Z(17)^14, Z(17)^10, Z(17), Z(17)^10 ] ] );
[ 1305, Z(17)^12 ]
68.48 PseudoRandom
PseudoRandom( G)
PseudoRandom( module )
It takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module and returns a pseudo-
random element. If the supplied record has no seed stored as a component, then it constructs
one (as in InitPseudoRandom).
The algorithm is described in [1].
68.49 InitPseudoRandom
InitPseudoRandom( G,length,n)
InitPseudoRandom( module,length,n)
InitPseudoRandom takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module. It
constructs a list (or seed) of elements which can be used to generate pseudo-random elements
of the matrix group or G-module. This seed is stored as a component of the supplied record
and can be accessed using RandomSeedFlag.
InitPseudoRandom generates a seed of length elements containing copies of the generators
of Gand performs a total of nmatrix multiplications to initialise this list.
The quality of the seed is determined by the value of n. For many applications, length =
10 and n= 100 seem to suffice; these are the defaults used by PseudoRandom.
The algorithm is described in [1].
68.50 IsPpdElement
IsPpdElement( F,m,d,s,c)
For natural numbers band egreater than 1 a primitive prime divisor of be1 is a prime
dividing be1 but not dividing bi1 for any 1 i < e. If ris a primitive prime divisor
of be1 then r=ce + 1 for some positive integer cand in particular re+ 1.If either
re+ 2,or r=e+ 1 and r2divides be1 then ris called a large primitive prime divisor
of be1.
Let ebe a positive integer greater than 1,such that d/2< e d. Let pbe a prime and
q=pa.An element gof GL(d, q) whose order is divisible a primitive prime divisor of qe1
is a ppd-element, or ppd(d, q;e)-element. An element gof GL(d, q) whose order is divisible
by a primitive prime divisor of pae 1 is a basic ppd-element, or basic ppd(d, q;e)-element.
An element gof GL(d, q) is called a large ppd-element if there exists a large primitive prime
divisor rof qe1 such that the order of gis divisible by r, if re+ 2,or by r2,if r=e+ 1.
68.51. SPINORNORM 1277
The function IsPpdElement takes as input a field F, and a parameter m, and integers d,
sand c, where scis the size q=paof the field F. For the recognition algorithm, (s,c) is
either (q, 1) or (p, a). The parameter mis either an element of GL(d, F ) or a characteristic
polynomial of such an element. If mis not (the characteristic polynomial of) a ppd( dc,s;
ec)-element for some esuch that d/2< e dthen IsPpdElement returns false. Otherwise
it returns a list of length 2, whose first entry is the integer eand whose second entry is true
if mis (the characteristic polynomial of) a large ppd( dc,s; ec)-element or false if it is
not large. When cis 1 and sis qthis function decides whether mis (the characteristic
polynomial of) a ppd( d,q; e)-element whereas when sis the characteristic pof Fand cis
such that athen it decides whether mis (the characteristic polynomial of) a basic ppd( d,
q; e)-element.
gap> G := GL (6, 3);;
gap> g := [ [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2 ],
> [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
> [ 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [ 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0 ],
> [ 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0 ],
> [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0 ] ] * Z(3)^0;;
gap> IsPpdElement( G.field, g, 6, 3, 1);
[ 5, true ]
gap> Collected( Factors( 3^5 - 1) );
gap> Order (G, g) mod 11;
The algorithm is described in [2] and [11].
68.51 SpinorNorm
SpinorNorm( form,mat )
computes the spinor norm of mat with respect to the symmetric bilinear form.
The underlying field must have odd characteristic.
gap> z := GF(9).root;;
gap> m1 := [[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[1,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],
> [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1],
> [0,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]]*z^0;;
gap> m2 := [[z,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,z^7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
> [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0],
> [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0],
> [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1]]*z^0;;
gap> form := IdentityMat( 9, GF(9) );;
gap> form{[1,2]}{[1,2]} := [[0,2],[2,0]] * z^0;;
gap> m1 * form * TransposedMat(m1) = form;
gap> m2 * form * TransposedMat(m2) = form;
gap> SpinorNorm( form, m1 );
gap> SpinorNorm( form, m2 );
68.52 Other utility functions
Commutators( matrix-list )
It returns a set containing the non-trivial commutators of all pairs of matrices in matrix
IsDiagonal( matrix )
If a matrix, matrix, is diagonal, it returns true, else false.
IsScalar( matrix )
If a matrix, matrix, is scalar, it returns true, else false.
DisplayMat( matrix-list )
DisplayMat( matrix )
It converts the entries of a matrix defined over a finite field into integers and “pretty-prints”
the result. All matrices in matrix list must be defined over the same finite field.
It takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module, and returns NmrElts
pseudo-random elements.
It takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module, and searches for an
element of order RequiredOrder . It examines at most NmrTries elements before returning
It takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module. It searches for an element
of order order and characteristic polynomial pol. It examines at most NmrTries pseudo-
random elements before returning false.
It takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module. It generates NmrTries
pseudo-random elements and determines which elements of prime order can be obtained
from powers of each; it returns the largest found and its order as a list.
It takes as input either a matrix group G, or a G-module module. It generates NmrTries
pseudo-random elements and determines which elements of prime-power order can be ob-
tained from powers of each; it returns the largest found and its order as a list.
68.53. REFERENCES 1279
68.53 References
[1] Frank Celler, Charles R. Leedham-Green, Scott H. Murray, Alice C. Niemeyer, and E.A.
O’Brien, “Generating random elements of a finite group”, Comm. Algebra 23, 4931–4948,
[2] Frank Celler and C.R. Leedham-Green, “Calculating the Order of an Invertible Matrix”,
“Groups and Computation II”, Amer. Math. Soc. DIMACS Series 28, 1997.
[3] Frank Celler and C.R. Leedham-Green, “A Non-Constructive Recognition Algorithm
for the Special Linear and Other Classical Groups”, “Groups and Computation II”, Amer.
Math. Soc. DIMACS Series 28, 1997.
[4] Frank Celler and C.R. Leedham-Green, “A constructive recognition algorithm for the
special linear group”, preprint.
[5] Derek F. Holt and Sarah Rees, “Testing modules for irreducibility”, J. Austral. Math.
Soc. Ser. A, 57, 1–16, 1994.
[6] Derek F. Holt, C.R. Leedham-Green, E.A. O’Brien, and Sarah Rees, “Computing Matrix
Group Decompositions with Respect to a Normal Subgroup”, J. Algebra 184, 818–838, 1996.
[7] Derek F. Holt, C.R. Leedham-Green, E.A. O’Brien, and Sarah Rees, “Testing Matrix
Groups for Imprimitivity”, J. Algebra 184, 795–817, 1996.
[8] C.R. Leedham-Green and E.A. O’Brien, “Tensor Products are Projective Geometries”,
to appear J. Algebra.
[9] C.R. Leedham-Green and E.A. O’Brien, “Recognising tensor products of matrix groups”,
to appear Internat. J. Algebra Comput.
[10] Scott H. Murray and E.A. O’Brien, “Selecting Base Points for the Schreier-Sims Algo-
rithm for Matrix Groups”, J. Symbolic Comput. 19, 577–584, 1995.
[11] Alice C. Niemeyer and Cheryl E. Praeger “A Recognition Algorithm for Classical Groups
over Finite Fields”, submitted to Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society.
[12] Alice C. Niemeyer and Cheryl E. Praeger “Implementing a Recognition Algorithm for
Classical Groups”, “Groups and Computation II”, Amer. Math. Soc. DIMACS Series 28,
[13] Anthony Pye, “Recognising reducible matrix groups”, in preparation.
The following sources provide additional theoretical background to the algorithms.
[14] M. Aschbacher (1984), “On the maximal subgroups of the finite classical groups”, Invent.
Math. 76, 469–514, 1984.
[15] Peter Kleidman and Martin Liebeck, “The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical
Groups”, Cambridge University Press, London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series 129, 1990.
Chapter 69
The MeatAxe
This chapter describes the main functions of the MeatAxe (Version 2.0) share library for
computing with finite field matrices, permutations, matrix groups, matrix algebras, and
their modules.
For the installation of the package, see 57.9.
The chapter consists of seven parts.
First the idea of using the MeatAxe via GAP3 is introduced (see 69.1, 69.2), and an example
shows how the programs can be used (see 69.3).
The second part describes functions and operations for single MeatAxe matrices (see 69.4,
69.5, 69.6, 69.7, 69.8).
The third part describes functions and operations for single MeatAxe permutations (see
69.9, 69.10, 69.11, 69.12).
The fourth part describes functions and operations for groups of MeatAxe matrices (see
69.13, 69.14).
(Groups of MeatAxe permutations are not yet supported.)
The fifth part describes functions and operations for algebras of MeatAxe matrices (see
69.15, 69.16).
The sixth part describes functions and operations for modules for MeatAxe matrix algebras
(see 69.17, 69.18, 69.19, 69.20).
The last part describes the data structures (see 69.22).
If you want to use the functions in this package you must load it using
gap> RequirePackage( "meataxe" );
#I The MeatAxe share library functions are available now.
#I All files will be placed in the directory
#I ’/var/tmp/tmp.017545’
#I Use ’MeatAxe.SetDirectory( <path> )’ if you want to change.
69.1 More about the MeatAxe in GAP
The MeatAxe can be used to speed up computations that are possible also using ordinary
GAP3 functions. But more interesting are functions that are not (or not yet) available in
the GAP3 library itself, such as that for the computation of submodule lattices (see 69.20).
The syntax of the functions is the usual GAP3 syntax, so it might be useful to read the
chapters about algebras and modules in GAP3 (see chapters 39, 42) if you want to work
with MeatAxe modules.
The main idea is to let the MeatAxe functions do the main work, and use GAP3 as a shell.
Since in MeatAxe philosophy, each object is contained in its own file, GAP3’s task is mainly
to keep track of these files. For example, for GAP3 aMeatAxe matrix is a record containing
at least information about the file name, the underlying finite field, and the dimensions of
the matrix (see 69.4). Multiplying two such matrices means to invoke the multiplication
program of MeatAxe, to store the result in a new file, and notify this to GAP3.
This idea is used not only for basic calculations but also to access elaborate and powerful
algorithms, for example the program to compute the composition factors of a module, or
the submodule lattice (see 69.20).
In order to avoid conversion overhead the MeatAxe matrices are read into GAP3 only if the
user explicitly applies GapObject (see 69.2), or applies an operator (like multiplication) to
aMeatAxe matrix and an ordinary GAP3 object.
Some of the functions, mainly CompositionFactors, print useful information if the variable
InfoMeatAxe is set to the value Print. The default of InfoMeatAxe is Print, if you want
to suppress the information you should set InfoMeatAxe to Ignore.
For details about the implementation of the standalone functions, see [Rin93].
69.2 GapObject
GapObject( mtxobj )
returns the GAP3 object corresponding to the MeatAxe object mtxobj which may be a
MeatAxe matrix, a MeatAxe permutation, a MeatAxe matrix algebra, or a MeatAxe module.
Applied to an ordinary GAP3 object, GapObject simply returns this object.
gap> m:= [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] * GF(2).one;;
gap> mam:= MeatAxeMat( m, "file2" );;
#I calling ’maketab’ for field of size 2
gap> GapObject( mam );
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ]
gap> map:= MeatAxePerm( (1,2,3), 3 );;
gap> perm:= GapObject( map );
gap> GapObject( perm );
69.3 Using the MeatAxe in GAP. An Example
In this example we compute the 2-modular irreducible representations and Brauer characters
of the alternating group A5. Perhaps it will raise the question whether one uses the MeatAxe
in GAP3 or GAP3 for the MeatAxe.
First we take a permutation representation of A5and convert the generators into MeatAxe
matrices over the field GF (2).
gap> a5:= Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2,3) );;
gap> Size( a5 );
gap> f:= GF(2);;
gap> m1:= MeatAxeMat( a5.1, f, [5,5] );
MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.017545/a", GF(2), [ 5, 5 ] )
gap> m2:= MeatAxeMat( a5.2, f, [5,5] );;
m1 and m2 are records that know about the files where the matrices are stored. Let’s look
at such a matrix (without reading the file into GAP3).
gap> Display( m1 );
MeatAxe.Matrix := [
Next we inspect the 5 dimensional permutation module over GF (2). It contains a trivial
submodule fix, its quotient is called quot.
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( f, [ m1, m2 ] );;
gap> nat:= NaturalModule( a );;
gap> fix:= FixedSubmodule( nat );;
gap> Dimension( fix );
gap> quot:= nat / fix;;
The action on quot is described by an algebra of 4 ×4 matrices, the corresponding module
turns out to be absolutely irreducible. Of course the action on fix would yield 1×1 matrices,
the generators being the identity. So we found already two of the four absolutely irreducible
gap> op:= Operation( a, quot );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2),
[ MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.017545/t/g.1", GF(2), [ 4, 4 ], a.1 ),
MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.017545/t/g.2", GF(2), [ 4, 4 ], a.2 ) ] )
gap> nm:= NaturalModule( op );;
gap> IsIrreducible( nm );
gap> IsAbsolutelyIrreducible( nm );
gap> deg4:= nm.ring;;
Now we form the tensor product of the 4 dimensional module with itself, and compute the
composition factors.
gap> tens:= KroneckerProduct( nm, nm );;
gap> comp:= CompositionFactors( tens );;
#I Name Mult SF
#I 1a 4 1
#I 4a 1 1
#I 4b 2 2
#I Ascending composition series:
#I 4a 1a 4b 1a 1a 4b 1a
gap> IsIrreducible( comp[3] );
gap> IsAbsolutelyIrreducible( comp[3] );
The information printed by CompositionFactors told that there is an irreducible but not
absolutely irreducible factor 4b of dimension 4, and we will enlarge the field in order to split
this module.
gap> sf:= SplittingField( comp[3] );
gap> new:= UnitalAlgebra( sf, [ comp[3].ring.1, comp[3].ring.2 ] );;
#I calling ’maketab’ for field of size 4
gap> nat:= NaturalModule( new );;
gap> comp:= CompositionFactors( nat );;
#I Name Mult SF
#I 2a 1 1
#I 2b 1 1
#I Ascending composition series:
#I 2a 2b
gap> deg2:= List( comp, x -> x.ring );;
Now the representations are known. Let’s calculate the Brauer characters. For that, we
need representatives of the 2-regular conjugacy classes of A5.
gap> repres:= [ a.1^0, a.1 * a.2 * a.1^3, a.1, a.1^2 ];;
gap> List( repres, OrderMeatAxeMat );
The expression of the representatives of each irreducible representation in terms of the
generators can be got using MappedExpression.
gap> abstracts:= List( repres, x -> x.abstract );
[, a.1*a.2*a.1^3, a.1, a.1^2 ]
gap> mapped:= List( [ 1 .. 4 ],
> x-> MappedExpression( abstracts[x],
> a.freeAlgebra.generators, deg4.generators ) );;
gap> List( mapped, OrderMeatAxeMat );
gap> List( mapped, BrauerCharacterValue );
[ 4, 1, -1, -1 ]
gap> mapped:= List( [ 1 .. 4 ],
> x-> MappedExpression( abstracts[x],
> a.freeAlgebra.generators, deg2[1].generators ) );;
gap> List( mapped, BrauerCharacterValue );
[ 2, -1, E(5)^2+E(5)^3, E(5)+E(5)^4 ]
The Brauer character of the trivial module is well-known, and that of the other 2-dimensional
module is a Galois conjugate of the computed one, so we computed the 2-modular Brauer
character table of A5.
It is advisable to remove all the MeatAxe files before leaving GAP3. Call MeatAxe.Unbind();
(see 69.21).
69.4 MeatAxe Matrices
MeatAxe matrices behave similar to lists of lists that are regarded as matrices by GAP3, e.g.,
there are functions like Rank or Transposed that work for both types, and one can multiply
or add two MeatAxe matrices, the result being again a MeatAxe matrix. But one cannot
access rows or single entries of a MeatAxe matrix mat, for example mat[1] will cause an
error message.
MeatAxe matrices are constructed or notified by 69.5 MeatAxeMat.
IsMeatAxeMat( obj )
returns true if obj is a MeatAxe matrix, and false otherwise.
69.5 MeatAxeMat
MeatAxeMat( mat [, F] [, abstract ] [, filename ] )
returns a MeatAxe matrix corresponding to the matrix mat, viewed over the finite field F,
or over the field of all entries of mat.
If mat is already a MeatAxe matrix then the call means that it shall now be viewed over the
field Fwhich may be smaller or larger than the field mat was viewed over.
The optional argument abstract is an element of a free algebra (see chapter 40) that repre-
sents the matrix in terms of generators.
If the optional argument filename is given, the MeatAxe matrix is written to the file with
this name; a matrix constructed this way will not be removed by a call to MeatAxe.Unbind.
Otherwise GAP3 creates a temporary file under the directory MeatAxe.direc.
MeatAxeMat( perm,F,dim [,abstract][,filename] )
does the same for a permutation perm that shall be converted into a permutation matrix
over the field F, with dim[1] rows and dim[2] columns.
MeatAxeMat( file,F,dim [, abstract ] )
is the MeatAxe matrix stored on file file, viewed over the field F, with dimensions dim, and
representation abstract. This may be used to make a shallow copy of a MeatAxe matrix,
or to notify MeatAxe matrices that were not produced by GAP3. Such matrices are not
removed by calls to MeatAxe.Unbind.
Note: No field change is allowed here.
gap> f:= GF(2);;
gap> m:= [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ] *;;
gap> m1:= MeatAxeMat( m, "file2" );
MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.005046/file2", GF(2), [ 3, 3 ] )
gap> p:= (1,2,3);;
gap> m2:= MeatAxeMat( p, f, [ 3, 3 ], "file" );
MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.005046/file", GF(2), [ 3, 3 ] )
gap> Display( m2 );
MeatAxe.Matrix := [
gap> n:= MeatAxeMat( "file", f, [ 3, 3 ] );; # just notify a matrix
69.6 Operations for MeatAxe Matrices
Comparisons of MeatAxe Matrices
m1 =m2
evaluates to true if the two MeatAxe matrices have the same entries and are viewed
over the same field, and to false otherwise. The test for equality uses a shell script
that is produced when it is needed for the first time.
m1 <m2
evaluates to true if and only if this relation holds for the file names of the two MeatAxe
Arithmetic Operations of MeatAxe Matrices
The following arithmetic operations are admissible for MeatAxe matrices.
m1 +m2
sum of the two MeatAxe matrices m1 ,m2
m1 -m2
difference of the two MeatAxe matrices m1 ,m2
m1 *m2
product of the two MeatAxe matrices m1 ,m2
m1 ^m2
conjugation of the MeatAxe matrix m1 by m2
m1 ^n
n-th power of the MeatAxe matrix m1 , for an integer n
69.7 Functions for MeatAxe Matrices
The following functions that work for ordinary matrices in GAP3 also work for MeatAxe
UnitalAlgebra( F,gens )
returns the unital F-algebra generated by the MeatAxe matrices in the list gens.
Base( mtxmat )
returns a MeatAxe matrix whose rows form a vector space basis of the row space; the
basis is in semi-echelon form.
BaseNullspace( mtxmat )
returns a MeatAxe matrix in semi-echelon form whose rows are a basis of the nullspace
of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat.
CharacteristicPolynomial( mtxmat )
returns the characteristic polynomial of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat. The factoriza-
tion of this polynomial is stored.
Dimensions( mtxmat )
returns the list [nrows,ncols ]where nrows is the number of rows, ncols is the
number of columns of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat.
Display( mtxmat )
displays the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat (without reading into GAP3).
Group( m1 ,m2 , )
Group( gens,id )
returns the group generated by the MeatAxe matrices m1 ,m2 , . . . mn, resp. the
group generated by the MeatAxe matrices in the list gens, where id is the appropriate
identity MeatAxe matrix.
InvariantForm( mtxmats )
returns a MeatAxe matrix Msuch that Xtr M X =Mfor all MeatAxe matrices in
the list mtxmats if such a matrix exists, and false otherwise. Note that the algebra
generated by mtxmats must act irreducibly, otherwise an error is signalled.
KroneckerProduct( m1 ,m2 )
returns a MeatAxe matrix that is the Kronecker product of the MeatAxe matrices m1 ,
m2 .
Order( MeatAxeMatrices, mtxmat )
returns the multiplicative order of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat, if this exists. This
can be computed also by OrderMeatAxeMat( mtxmat ).
Rank( mtxmat )
returns the rank of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat.
SumIntersectionSpaces( mtxmat1 ,mtxmat2 )
returns a list of two MeatAxe matrices, both in semi-echelon form, whose rows are
a basis of the sum resp. the intersection of row spaces generated by the MeatAxe
matrices m1 and m2 , respectively.
Trace( mtxmat )
returns the trace of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat.
Transposed( mtxmat )
returns the transposed matrix of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat.
69.8 BrauerCharacterValue
BrauerCharacterValue( mtxmat )
returns the Brauer character value of the MeatAxe matrix mtxmat, which must of course be
an invertible matrix of order relatively prime to the characteristic of its entries.
gap> g:= MeatAxeMat( (1,2,3,4,5), GF(2), [ 5, 5 ] );;
gap> BrauerCharacterValue( g );
(This program was originally written by J¨urgen M¨uller.)
69.9 MeatAxe Permutations
MeatAxe permutations behave similar to permutations in GAP3, e.g., one can multiply two
MeatAxe permutations, the result being again a MeatAxe permutation. But one cannot map
single points by a MeatAxe permutation using the exponentiation operator ^.
MeatAxe permutations are constructed or notified by 69.10 MeatAxePerm.
IsMeatAxePerm( obj )
returns true if obj is a MeatAxe permutation, and false otherwise.
69.10 MeatAxePerm
MeatAxePerm( perm,maxpoint )
MeatAxePerm( perm,maxpoint,filename )
return a MeatAxe permutation corresponding to the permutation perm, acting on the points
[ 1 .. maxpoint ]. If the optional argument filename is given, the MeatAxe permutation
is written to the file with this name; a permutation constructed this way will not be removed
by a call to MeatAxe.Unbind. Otherwise GAP3 creates a temporary file under the directory
MeatAxePerm( file,maxpoint )
is the MeatAxe permutation stored on file file. This may be used to notify MeatAxe permu-
tations that were not produced by GAP3. Such permutations are not removed by calls to
gap> p1:= MeatAxePerm( (1,2,3), 3 );
MeatAxePerm( "/var/tmp/tmp.005046/a", 3 )
gap> p2:= MeatAxePerm( (1,2), 3, "perm2" );
MeatAxePerm( "/var/tmp/tmp.005046/perm2", 3 );
gap> p:= p1 * p2;
MeatAxePerm( "/var/tmp/tmp.005046/b", 3 )
gap> Display( p );
MeatAxe.Perms := [
69.11 Operations for MeatAxe Permutations
Comparisons of MeatAxe Permutations
m1 =m2
evaluates to true if the two MeatAxe permutations are equal as permutations, and
to false otherwise. The test for equality uses a shell script that is produced when it
is needed for the first time.
m1 <m2
evaluates to true if and only if this relation holds for the file names of the two MeatAxe
Arithmetic Operations of MeatAxe Permutations
The following arithmetic operations are admissible for MeatAxe permutations.
m1 *m2
product of the two MeatAxe permutations m1 ,m2
m1 ^m2
conjugation of the MeatAxe permutation m1 by m2
m1 ^n
n-th power of the MeatAxe permutation m1 , for an integer n
69.12 Functions for MeatAxe Permutations
The following functions that work for ordinary permutations in GAP3 also work for MeatAxe
Display( mtxperm )
displays the MeatAxe permutation mtxperm (without reading the file into GAP3).
Order( MeatAxePermutations, mtxperm )
returns the multiplicative order of the MeatAxe permutation mtxperm. This can be
computed also by OrderMeatAxePerm( mtxperm ).
69.13 MeatAxe Matrix Groups
Groups of MeatAxe matrices are constructed using the usual Group command.
Only very few functions are available for MeatAxe matrix groups. For most of the appli-
cations one is interested in matrix algebras, e.g., matrix representations as computed by
Operation when applied to an algebra and a module. For a permutation representation of
a group of MeatAxe matrices, however, it is necessary to call Operation with a group as
first argument (see 69.14).
69.14 Functions for MeatAxe Matrix Groups
The following functions are overlaid in the operations record of MeatAxe matrix groups.
Operation( G,M)
Let MaMeatAxe module acted on by the group Gof MeatAxe matrices. Operation(
G,M)returns a permutation group with action on the points equivalent to that
of Gon the vectors of the module M.
RandomOrders( G)
returns a list with the orders of 120 random elements of the MeatAxe matrix group
It should be noted that no set theoretic functions (such as Size) are provided for MeatAxe
matrix groups, and also group theoretic functions (such as SylowSubgroup) will not work.
69.15 MeatAxe Matrix Algebras
Algebras of MeatAxe matrices are constructed using the usual Algebra or UnitalAlgebra
Note that all these algebras are regarded to be unital, that is, also if you construct an
algebra by calling Algebra you will get a unital algebra.
MeatAxe matrix algebras are used to construct and describe MeatAxe modules and their
structure (see 69.17).
For functions for MeatAxe matrix algebras see 69.16.
69.16 Functions for MeatAxe Matrix Algebras
The following functions are overlaid in the operations record of MeatAxe matrix algebras.
Fingerprint( A)
Fingerprint( A,list )
returns the fingerprint of A, i.e., a list of nullities of six “standard” words in A(for
2-generator algebras only) or of the words with numbers in list.
gap> f:= GF(2);;
gap> a:= UnitalAlgebra( f, [ MeatAxeMat( (1,2,3,4,5), f, [5,5] ),
> MeatAxeMat( (1,2) , f, [5,5] ) ] );;
gap> Fingerprint( a );
Module( matalg,gens )
returns the module generated by the rows of the MeatAxe matrix gens, and acted
on by the MeatAxe matrix algebra matalg. Such a module will usually contain the
vectors of a basis in the base component.
NaturalModule( matalg )
returns the n-dimensional space acted on by the MeatAxe matrix algebra matalg
which consists of n×nMeatAxe matrices.
Operation( A,M)
Let Mbe a MeatAxe module acted on by the MeatAxe matrix algebra A.Operation(
A,M)returns a MeatAxe matrix algebra of n×nmatrices (where nis the dimension
of M), with action on its natural module equivalent to that of Aon M.
Note: If Mis a quotient module, it must be a quotient of the entire space.
RandomOrders( A)
returns a list with the orders of 120 random elements of the MeatAxe matrix algebra
A, provided that the generators of Aare invertible.
It should be noted that no set theoretic functions (such as Size) and vector space functions
(such as Base) are provided for MeatAxe matrix algebras, and also algebra functions (such
as Centre) will not work.
69.17 MeatAxe Modules
MeatAxe modules are vector spaces acted on by MeatAxe matrix algebras. In the MeatAxe
standalone these modules are described implicitly because the matrices contain all the nec-
essary information there. In GAP3 the modules are the concrete objects whose properties
are inspected (see 69.20).
Note that most of the usual set theoreic and vector space functions are not provided for
MeatAxe modules (see 69.18, 69.19).
69.18 Set Theoretic Functions for MeatAxe Modules
Size( M)
returns the size of the MeatAxe module M.
Intersection( M1 ,M2 )
returns the intersection of the two MeatAxe modules M1 ,M2 as a MeatAxe module.
69.19 Vector Space Functions for MeatAxe Modules
Base( M)
returns a MeatAxe matrix in semi-echelon form whose rows are a vector space basis
of the MeatAxe module M.
Basis( M,mtxmat )
returns a basis record for the MeatAxe module Mwith basis vectors equal to the rows
of mtxmat.
Dimension( M)
returns the dimension of the MeatAxe module M.
SemiEchelonBasis( M)
returns a basis record of the MeatAxe module Mthat is semi-echelonized (see 33.18).
69.20 Module Functions for MeatAxe Modules
CompositionFactors( M)
For a MeatAxe module Mthat is acted on by the algebra A, this returns a list of
MeatAxe modules which are the actions of Aon the factors of a composition series of
M. The factors occur with same succession (and multiplicity) as in the composition
series. The printed information means the following (for this example, see 69.3).
gap> tens:= KroneckerProduct( nm, nm );;
gap> comp:= CompositionFactors( tens );;
#I Name Mult SF
#I 1a 4 1
#I 4a 1 1
#I 4b 2 2
#I Ascending composition series:
#I 4a 1a 4b 1a 1a 4b 1a
The column with header Name lists the different composition factors by a name
consisting of the dimension and a letter to distinguish different modules of same
dimension, the Mult columns lists the multiplicities of the composition factor in the
module, and the SF columns lists the exponential indices of the fields of definition in
the splitting fields. In this case there is one 1-dimensional module 1a with multiplicity
4 that is absolutely irreducible, also one 4-dimensional absolutely irreducible module
4a of dimension 4, and with multiplicity 2 we have a 4-dimensional module 4b that is
not absolutely irreducible, with splitting field of order p2nwhen the field of definition
had order pn.
FixedSubmodule( M)
returns the submodule of fixed points in the MeatAxe module Munder the action of
the generators of M.ring.
GeneratorsSubmodule( L,nr )
returns a MeatAxe matrix whose rows are a vector space basis of the nr-th basis of
the module with submodule lattice L. The lattice can be computed using the Lattice
command (see below).
GeneratorsSubmodules( M)
returns a list of MeatAxe matrices, one for each submodule of the MeatAxe module
M, whose rows are a vector space basis of the submodule. This works only if Mis a
natural module.
IsAbsolutelyIrreducible( M)
returns true if the MeatAxe module Mis absolutely irreducible, false otherwise.
IsEquivalent( M1 ,M2 )
returns true if the irreducible MeatAxe modules M1 and M2 are equivalent, and
false otherwise. If both M1 and M2 are reducible, an error is signalled.
IsIrreducible( M)
returns true if the MeatAxe module Mis irreducible, false otherwise.
KroneckerProduct( M1 ,M2 )
returns the Kronecker product of the MeatAxe modules M1 ,M2 . It is not checked
that the acting rings are compatible.
Lattice( M)
returns a list of records, each describing a component of the submodule lattice of M;
it has the components dimensions (a list, at position ithe dimension of the i-th
submodule), maxes (a list, at position ithe list of indices of the maximal submodules
of submodule no. i), weights (a list of edge weights), and XGAP (a list used to display
the submodule lattice in XGAP). Note that Mmust be a natural module.
SplittingField( M)
returns the splitting field of the MeatAxe module M.
StandardBasis( M,seed )
returns a standard basis record for the MeatAxe module M.
69.21. MEATAXE.UNBIND 1293
69.21 MeatAxe.Unbind
MeatAxe.Unbind( obj1 ,obj2 , ..., objn )
MeatAxe.Unbind( listofobjects )
Called without arguments, this removes all files and directories constructed by calls of
MeatAxeMat and Group, provided they are still notified in MeatAxe.files,MeatAxe.dirs
and MeatAxe.fields.
Otherwise all those files in MeatAxe.files,MeatAxe.dirs and MeatAxe.fields are re-
moved that are specified in the argument list.
Before leaving GAP3 after using the MeatAxe functions you should always call
gap> MeatAxe.Unbind();
69.22 MeatAxe Object Records
MeatAxe matrix records
AMeatAxe matrix in GAP3 is a record that has necessarily the components
always true,
always true,
the record MeatAxeMatrices,
the name of the file that contains the matrix in MeatAxe format,
the (finite) field the matrix is viewed over,
list containing the numbers of rows and columns,
the record MeatAxeMatOps.
Optional components are
algebra or group that contains the matrix,
an element of a free algebra (see 40.2) representing the construction of the matrix in
terms of generators.
Furthermore the record is used to store information whenever it is computed, e.g., the rank,
the multiplicative order, and the inverse of a MeatAxe matrix.
MeatAxe permutation records
AMeatAxe permutation in GAP3 is a record that has necessarily the components
always true,
always true,
the record MeatAxePermutations,
the name of the file that contains the permutation in MeatAxe format,
an integer nthat means that the permutation acts on the point set [ 1 .. n]
the record MeatAxePermOps.
Optional components are
group that contains the permutation, and
an element of a free algebra (see 40.2) representing the construction of the permutation
in terms of generators.
Furthermore the record is used to store information whenever it is computed, e.g., the
multiplicative order, and the inverse of a MeatAxe permutation.
MeatAxe is a record that contains information about the usage of the MeatAxe with GAP3.
Currently it has the following components.
the path name of the directory that contains the MeatAxe executables ,
a list where position iis bound if and only if the field of order ihas already been con-
structed by the maketab command; in this case it contains the name of the pxxx.zzz
a list of all file names that were constructed by calls to MeatAxe (for allowing to make
a list of all directory names that were constructed by calls to MeatAxe (for allowing
to make clean),
list of strings that are used as generator names in abstract components of MeatAxe
alphabet over which gennames entries are formed,
directory that contains all the files that are constructed using MeatAxe functions,
function of arbitrary many string arguments that calls Exec for the concatenation of
these arguments in the directory MeatAxe.direc.
function that produces field information files,
function that sets the direc component,
function of zero arguments that produces file names in the directory MeatAxe.direc,
function to delete files (see 69.21).
Furthermore some components are bound intermediately when MeatAxe output files are
read. So you should better not use the MeatAxe record to store your own objects.
Field information
The correspondence between the MeatAxe numbering and the GAP3 numbering of the el-
ements of a finite field Fis given by the function FFList (see 39.29). The element of F
corresponding to MeatAxe number nis FFList( F)[ n+1 ], and the MeatAxe number of
the field element zis Position( FFList( F), z) -1.
Chapter 70
The Polycyclic Quotient
Algorithm Package
This package is written by Eddie Lo. The original program is available for anonymous ftp
at The program is an implementation of the Baumslag-Cannonito-Miller
polycyclic quotient algorithm and is written in C. For more details read [BCM81b],[BCM81a],
Section 11.6 of [Sim94]and [Lo96].
This package contains functions to compute the polycyclic quotients which appear in the
derived series of a finitely presented group.
Currently, there are five functions implemented in this package
CallPCQA (see 70.3),
ExtendPCQA (see 70.4),
AbelianComponent (see 70.5),
HirschLength (see 70.6),
ModuleAction (see 70.7).
Eddie Lo
70.1 Installing the PCQA Package
The PCQA is written in C and the package can only be installed under UNIX. It has been
tested on SUNs running SunOS and on IBM PCs running FreeBSD 2.1.0. It requires the
GNU multiple precision arithmetic. Make sure that this library is installed before trying to
install the PCQA.
If you got a complete binary and source distribution for your machine, nothing has to be
done if you want to use the PCQA for a single architecture. If you want to use the PCQA
for machines with different architectures skip the extraction and compilation part of this
section and proceed with the creation of shell scripts described below.
If you got a complete source distribution, skip the extraction part of this section and proceed
with the compilation part below.
In the example we will assume that you, as user gap, are installing the PCQA package for
use by several users on a network of two SUNs, called bert and tiffy, and a NeXTstation,
called bjerun. We assume that GAP3 is also installed on these machines following the
instructions given in 56.3.
Note that certain parts of the output in the examples should only be taken as rough outline,
especially file sizes and file dates are not to be taken literally.
First of all you have to get the file pcqa.zoo (see 56.1). Then you must locate the GAP3
directories containing lib/ and doc/, this is usually gap3r4p? where ?is to be be replaced
by the patch level.
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 11 gap gap 1024 Nov 8 15:16 gap3r4p3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 106307 Jan 24 15:16 pcqa.zoo
Unpack the package using unzoo (see 56.3). Note that you must be in the directory con-
taining gap3r4p? to unpack the files. After you have unpacked the source you may remove
the archive-file.
gap@tiffy:~ > unzoo -x pcqa.zoo
gap@tiffy:~ > ls -l gap3r4p3/pkg/pcqa
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 3697 Dec 14 15:58 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Dec 14 15:57 bin/
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Dec 14 16:12 doc/
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 1024 Dec 15 18:28 examples/
-rw-r--r-- 1 gap gap 11819 Dec 14 13:31 init.g
drwxr-xr-x 2 gap gap 3072 Dec 14 16:03 src/
Switch into the directory src/ and type make to compile the PCQA. If the header files
for the GNU multiple precision arithmetic are not in /usr/local/include you must set
GNUINC to the correct directory. If the library for the GNU multiple precision arithmetic is
not /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a you must set GNULIB. In our case we first compile the SUN
gap@tiffy:~ > cd gap3r4p3/pkg/pcqa/src
gap@tiffy:../src > make GNUINC=/usr/gnu/include \
#you will see a lot of messages
If you want to use the PCQA on multiple architectures you have to move the executable to
unique name.
gap@tiffy:../pcqa > mv bin/pcqa bin/pcqa-sun-sparc-sunos
Now repeat the compilation for the NeXTstation. Do not forget to clean up.
gap@tiffy:../pcqa > rlogin bjerun
gap@bjerun:~ > cd gap3r4p3/pkg/pcqa/src
gap@bjerun:../src > make clean
gap@bjerun:../src > make
#you will see a lot of messages
gap@bjerun:../src > mv bin/pcqa ../bin/pcqa-next-m68k-mach
gap@bjerun:../src > exit
gap@tiffy:../src >
Switch into the subdirectory bin/ and create a script which will call the correct binary for
each machine. A skeleton shell script is provided in bin/
gap@tiffy:../src > cd ..
gap@tiffy:../pcqa > cat bin/
switch ( ‘hostname‘ )
case ’bert’:
case ’tiffy’:
exec $0-dec-mips-ultrix $* ;
breaksw ;
case ’bjerun’:
exec $0-next-m68k-mach $* ;
breaksw ;
echo "pcqa: sorry, no executable exists for this machine" ;
breaksw ;
gap@tiffy:../pcqa > chmod 755 bin/pcqa
Now it is time to test the package.
gap> RequirePackage("pcqa");
gap> f := FreeGroup(2);
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> g := f/[f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2^-1];;
gap> ds := CallPCQA( g, 2 );
isDerivedSeries := true,
DerivedLength := 2,
QuotientStatus := 0,
PolycyclicPresentation := rec(
Generators := 3,
ExponentList := [ 0, 0, 0 ],
ppRelations := [ [ [ 0, 1, -1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ] ],
pnRelations := [ [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ 0, -1, 0 ] ],
npRelations := [ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, -1, 1 ] ],
nnRelations := [ [ [ 0, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, -1 ] ],
PowerRelations := [ ] ),
Homomorphisms := rec(
Epimorphism := [ [ 1, 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ],
InverseMap := [ [ [ 2, 1 ] ], [ [ 3, -1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ],
MembershipArray := [ 1, 3 ] )
gap> ExtendPCQA( g, ds.PolycyclicPresentation, ds.Homomorphisms );
QuotientStatus := 5 )
70.2 Input format
This package uses the finitely presented group data structure defined in GAP (see Finitely
Presented Groups). It also defines and uses two types of data structures. One data
structure defines a consistent polycyclic presentation of a polycyclic group and the other
defines a homomorphism and an inverse map between the finitely presented group and its
70.3 CallPCQA
CallPCQA( G, n )
This function attempts to compute the quotient of a finitely presented group Gby the n+1-
st term of its derived series. A record made up of four fields is returned. The fields are
DerivedLength,QuotientStatus ,PolycyclicPresentation and Homomorphisms .
If the quotient is not polycyclic then the field QuotientStatus will return a positive num-
ber. The group element represented by the module element with that positive number
generates normally a subgroup which cannot be finitely generated. In this case the field
DerivedLength will denote the biggest integer ksuch that the quotient of Gby the k+ 1-
st term in the derived series is polycyclic. The appropriate polycyclic presentation and maps
will be returned. If the field QuotientStatus returns -1, then for some number k < n, the
k-th term of the derived series is the same as the k+ 1-st term of the derived series. In the
remaining case QuotientStatus returns 0.
The field PolycyclicPresentation is a record made up of seven fields. The various con-
jugacy relations are stored in the fields ppRelations ,pnRelations,npRelations and
nnRelations. Each of these four fields is an array of exponent sequences which correspond
to the appropriate left sides of the conjugacy relations . If a1, a2, ..., andenotes the polycyclic
generators and A1, A2, ..., Antheir respective inverses, then the field ppRelations stores
the relations of the form aai
jwith i < j,pnRelations stores the relations of the form Aai
npRelations stores the relations of the form aAi
jand nnRelations stores the relations of
the form AAi
j. The positive and negative power relations are stored together similarly in
the field PowerRelations. The field Generators denotes the number of polycyclic gener-
ators in the presentation and the field ExponentList contains the exponent of the power
relations. If there is no power relation involving a generator,then the corresponding entry
in the ExponentList is equal to 0.
The field Homomorphisms consists of a homomorphism from the finitely presented group
to the polycyclic group and an inverse map backward. The field Epimorphism stores
the image of the generators of the finitely presented group as exponent sequences of the
polycyclic group . The field InverseMap stores a preimage of the polycyclic generators as
a word in the finitely presented group.
gap> F := FreeGroup(2);
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> G := F/[F.1*F.2*F.1*F.2^-1*F.1^-1*F.2^-1];
70.4. EXTENDPCQA 1301
Group( f.1, f.2 )
gap> ans := CallPCQA(G,2);
DerivedLength := 2,
QuotientStatus := 0,
PolycyclicPresentation := rec(
Generators := 3,
ExponentList := [ 0, 0, 0 ],
ppRelations := [ [ [ 0, 1, -1 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ] ],
pnRelations := [ [ [ 0, -1, 1 ], [ 0, -1, 0 ] ],
npRelations := [ [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, -1, 1 ] ],
nnRelations := [ [ [ 0, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 1, -1 ] ],
PowerRelations := [ ] ),
Homomorphisms := rec(
Epimorphism := [ [ 1, 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ] ],
InverseMap := [ [ [ 2, 1 ] ], [ [ 3, -1 ], [ 1, 1 ] ],
MembershipArray := [ 1, 3 ] )
70.4 ExtendPCQA
ExtendPCQA( G, CPP, HOM, m, n )
This function takes as input a finitely presented group G, a consistent polycyclic presentation
CP P (70.3) of a polycyclic quotient G/N of G, an epimorphism and an inverse map as in the
field Homomorphisms in 70.3. It determines whether the quotient G/[N, N] is polycyclic
and returns the flag QuotientStatus . It also returns the polycyclic presentation and the
appropriate homomorphism and map if the quotient is polycyclic.
When the parameter mis a positive number the quotient G/[N, N]Nmis computed. When
it is a negative number, and if K/[N, N] is the torsion part of N/[N, N], then the quotient
G/[N, N ]Kis computed. The default case is when m= 0. If there are only three arguments
in the function call, mwill be taken to be zero.
When the parameter nis a nonzero number, the quotient G/[N, G] is computed instead.
Otherwise the quotient G/[N, N] is computed. If this argument is not assigned by the
user, then nis set to zero. Different combinations of mand ngive different quotients. For
example, when ExtendPCQA is called with m= 6 and n= 1,the quotient G/[N, G]N6is
gap> ExtendPCQA(G,ans.PolycyclicPresentation,ans.Homomorphisms);
QuotientStatus := 5 )
gap> ExtendPCQA(G,ans.PolycyclicPresentation,ans.Homomorphisms,6,1);
QuotientStatus := 0,
PolycyclicPresentation := rec(
Generators := 4,
ExponentList := [ 0, 0, 0, 6 ],
ppRelations := [ [[ 0, 1, -1, 0 ],[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]],
[[ 0, 0, 1, 1 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]],
[[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]] ],
pnRelations := [ [[ 0, -1, 1, 5 ],[ 0, -1, 0, 0 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 5]],
[[ 0, 0, -1, 5 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 5 ]],
[[ 0, 0, 0, 5 ]] ],
npRelations := [ [[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],[ 0, -1, 1, 0 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]],
[[ 0, 0, 1, 5 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]],
[[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]] ],
nnRelations := [ [[ 0, 0, -1, 0 ],[ 0, 1, -1, 5 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 5]],
[[ 0, 0, -1, 1 ],[ 0, 0, 0, 5 ]],
[[ 0, 0, 0, 5 ]] ],
PowerRelations := [ ,,,,,, [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 5 ] ] ),
Homomorphisms := rec(
Epimorphism := [ [ 1, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ] ],
InverseMap :=
[ [[ 2, 1 ]], [[ 3, -1 ],[ 1, 1 ]], [[ 1, 1 ],[ 3, -1 ]],
[[ 5, -1 ],[ 4, -1 ],[ 5, 1 ],[ 4, 1 ]] ] ),
Next := 4 )
70.5 AbelianComponent
AbelianComponent( QUOT )
This function takes as input the output of a CallPCQA function call (see 70.3) or an
ExtendPCQA function call (see 70.4) and returns the structure of the abelian groups
which appear as quotients in the derived series. The structure of each of these quotients
is given by an array of nonnegative integers.Read the section on ElementaryDivisors for
gap> F := FreeGroup(3);
Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 )
gap> G := F/[F.1*F.2*F.1*F.2,F.2*F.3^2*F.2*F.3,F.3^6];
Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 )
gap> quot := CallPCQA(G,2);;
gap> AbelianComponent(quot);
70.6 HirschLength
HirschLength( CPP )
This function takes as input a consistent polycyclic presentation (see 70.3) and returns the
Hirsch length of the group presented.
gap> HirschLength(quot.PolycyclicPresentation);
70.7 ModuleAction
ModuleAction( QUOT )
This function takes as input the output of a CallPCQA function call (see 70.3) or an
ExtendPCQA function call (see 70.4). If the quotient G/[N, N ] returned by the function
call is polycyclic then ModuleAction computes the action of the polycyclic generators
corresponding to G/N on the polycyclic generators of N/[N, N ]. The result is returned as
an array of matrices. Notice that the Smith normal form of G/[N, N] is returned by the
function CallPCQA as part of the polycyclic presentation.
gap> ModuleAction(quot);
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ],
[ [ -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ [ 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
Chapter 71
This chapter describes the GAP3 accessible functions of the Sisyphos (Version 0.6) share
library package for computing with modular group algebras of p-groups, namely a func-
tion to convert a p-group into Sisyphos readable format (see 71.2), several functions that
compute automorphism groups of p-groups (see 71.4), functions that compute normalized
automorphism groups as polycyclically presented groups (see 71.5, 71.6), functions that test
two p-groups for isomorphism (see 71.7) and compute isomorphisms between p-groups (see
71.8), and a function to compute the element list of an automorphism group that is given
by generators (see 71.10).
The Sisyphos functions for group rings are not yet available, with the only exception of a
function that computed the group of normalized units (see 71.11).
The algorithms require presentations that are compatible with a characteristic series of
the group with elementary abelian factors, e.g. the p-central series. If necessary such a
presentation is computed secretly using the p-central series, the computations are done
using this presentation, and then the results are carried back to the original presentation.
The check of compatibility is done by the function IsCompatiblePCentralSeries (see 71.3).
The component isCompatiblePCentralSeries of the group will be either true or false
then. If you know in advance that your group is compatible with a series of the kind required,
e.g. the Jennings-series, you can avoid the check by setting this flag to true by hand.
Before using any of the functions described in this chapter you must load the package by
calling the statement
gap> RequirePackage( "sisyphos" );
71.1 PrintSISYPHOSWord
PrintSISYPHOSWord( P,a)
For a polycyclically presented group Pand an element aof P,PrintSISYPHOSWord( P,a
)prints a string that encodes ain the input format of the Sisyphos system.
The string "1" means the identity element, the other elements are products of powers of
generators, the i-th generator is given the name gi.
gap> g := SolvableGroup ( "D8" );;
gap> PrintSISYPHOSWord ( g, g.2*g.1 ); Print( "\n" );
71.2 PrintSisyphosInputPGroup
PrintSisyphosInputPGroup( P,name,type )
prints the presentation of the finite p-group Pin a format readable by the Sisyphos system.
Pmust be a polycyclically or freely presented group.
In Sisyphos, the group will be named name. If Pis polycyclically presented the i-th
generator gets the name gi. In the case of a free presentation the names of the generators
are not changed; note that Sisyphos accepts only generators names beginning with a letter
followed by a sequence of letters, digits,underscores and dots.
type must be either "pcgroup" or the prime dividing the order of P. In the former case
the Sisyphos object has type pcgroup,Pmust be polycyclically presented for that. In the
latter case a Sisyphos object of type group is created. For avoiding computations in freely
presented groups, is neither checked that the presentation describes a p-group, nor that
the given prime really divides the group order.
See the Sisyphos manual [Wur93] for details.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
gap> PrintSisyphosInputPGroup( g, "d8", "pcgroup" );
d8 = pcgroup(2,
g1^2 = 1,
g2^2 = 1,
g3^2 = 1,
[g2,g1] = g3));
gap> q8 := FreeGroup ( 2 );;
gap> q8.relators := [q8.1^4,q8.2^2/q8.1^2,Comm(q8.2,q8.1)/q8.1^2];;
gap> PrintSisyphosInputPGroup ( q8, "q8", 2 );
#I PQuotient: class 1 : 2
#I PQuotient: Runtime : 0
q8 = group (minimal,
71.3 IsCompatiblePCentralSeries
IsCompatiblePCentralSeries( G)
If the component G.isCompatiblePCentralSeries of the polycyclically presented p-group
Gis bound, its value is returned, otherwise the exponent-p-central series of Gis computed
and compared to the given presentation. If the generators of each term of this series form
a subset of the generators of Gthe component G.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is set to
true, otherwise to false. This value is then returned by the function.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
gap> IsCompatiblePCentralSeries ( g );
gap> a := AbstractGenerators ( "a", 5 );;
gap> h := AgGroupFpGroup ( rec (
> generators := a,
> relators :=
> [a[1]^2/(a[3]*a[5]),a[2]^2/a[3],a[3]^2/(a[4]*a[5]),a[4]^2,a[5]^2]));;
gap> := "H";;
gap> IsCompatiblePCentralSeries ( h );
gap> PCentralSeries ( h, 2 );
[ H, Subgroup( H, [ a3, a4, a5 ] ), Subgroup( H, [ a4*a5 ] ),
Subgroup( H, [ ] ) ]
71.4 SAutomorphisms
SAutomorphisms( P)
OuterAutomorphisms( P)
NormalizedAutomorphisms( P)
NormalizedOuterAutomorphisms( P)
all return a record with components
the size of the group of outer automorphisms of P,
the size of the group of inner automorphisms of P,
the size of the full automorphism group of P,
a list of group automorphisms that generate the group of all, outer, normalized or
normalized outer automorphisms of the polycyclically presented p-group P, respec-
tively. In the case of outer or normalized outer automorphisms, this list consists of
preimages in Aut(P) of a generating set for Aut(P)/Inn(P) or Autn(P)/Inn(P),
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "Q8" );;
gap> SAutomorphisms( g );
sizeAutG := 24,
sizeInnG := 4,
sizeOutG := 6,
generators :=
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, b*c, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*c, b, c ] ) ] )
gap> OuterAutomorphisms( g );
sizeAutG := 24,
sizeInnG := 4,
sizeOutG := 6,
generators :=
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ) ] )
Note: If the component P.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed
using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.
71.5 AgNormalizedAutomorphisms
AgNormalizedAutomorphisms( P)
returns a polycyclically presented group isomorphic to the group of all normalized automor-
phisms of the polycyclically presented p-group P.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
gap> aut:= AgNormalizedAutomorphisms( g );
Group( g0, g1 )
gap> Size( aut );
Note: If the component P.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed
using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.
71.6 AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms
AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms( P)
returns a polycyclically presented group isomorphic to the group of normalized outer auto-
morphisms of the polycyclically presented p-group P.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
gap> aut:= AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms( g );
Group( IdAgWord )
Note: If the component P.isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed
using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.
71.7 IsIsomorphic
IsIsomorphic( P1 ,P2 )
returns true if the polycyclically or freely presented p-group P1 and the polycyclically
presented p-group P2 are isomorphic, false otherwise.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
gap> nonab:= AllTwoGroups( Size, 8, IsAbelian, false );
[ Group( a1, a2, a3 ), Group( a1, a2, a3 ) ]
gap> List( nonab, x -> IsIsomorphic( g, x ) );
[ true, false ]
(The function Isomorphisms returns isomorphisms in case the groups are isomorphic.)
Note: If the component P2 .isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed
using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.
71.8 Isomorphisms
Isomorphisms( P1 ,P2 )
If the polycyclically or freely presented p-groups P1 and the polycyclically presented p-group
P2 are not isomorphic, Isomorphisms returns false. Otherwise a record is returned that
encodes the isomorphisms from P1 to P2 ; its components are
a list of images of P1 .generators that defines an isomorphism from P1 to P2 ,
a list of image lists which encode automorphisms that together with the inner auto-
morphisms generate the full automorphism group of P2
size of the group of outer automorphisms of P2 ,
size of the group of inner automorphisms of P2 ,
size of the full automorphism group of P2 .
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "Q8" );;
gap> nonab:= AllTwoGroups( Size, 8, IsAbelian, false );
[ Group( a1, a2, a3 ), Group( a1, a2, a3 ) ]
gap> nonab[2].name:= "im";;
gap> Isomorphisms( g, nonab[2] );
sizeAutG := 24,
sizeInnG := 4,
sizeOutG := 6,
epimorphism := [ a1, a2, a3 ],
generators :=
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( im, im, [ a1, a2, a3 ], [ a2, a1, a3 ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( im, im, [ a1, a2, a3 ], [ a1*a2, a2, a3
(The function IsIsomorphic tests for isomorphism of p-groups.)
Note: If the component P2 .isCompatiblePCentralSeries is not bound it is computed
using IsCompatiblePCentralSeries.
71.9 CorrespondingAutomorphism
CorrespondingAutomorphism( G,w)
If Gis a polycyclically presented group of automorphisms of a group Pas returned by
AgNormalizedAutomorphisms (see 71.5) or AgNormalizedOuterAutomorphisms (see 71.6),
and wis an element of Gthen the automorphism of Pcorresponding to wis returned.
gap> g:= TwoGroup( 64, 173 );;
gap> := "G173";;
gap> autg := AgNormalizedAutomorphisms ( g );
Group( g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8 )
gap> CorrespondingAutomorphism ( autg, autg.2*autg.1^2 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( G173, G173, [ a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 ],
[ a1, a2*a4, a3*a6, a4*a6, a5, a6 ] )
71.10 AutomorphismGroupElements
AutomorphismGroupElements( A)
Amust be an automorphism record as returned by one of the automorphism routines or a
list consisting of automorphisms of a p-group P.
In the first case a list of all elements of Aut(P) or Autn(P) is returned, if Ahas been
created by SAutomorphisms or NormalizedAutomorphisms (see 71.4), respectively, or a list
of coset representatives of Aut(P) or Autn(P) modulo Inn(P), if Ahas been created by
OuterAutomorphisms or NormalizedOuterAutomorphisms (see 71.4), respectively.
In the second case the list of all elements of the subgroup of Aut(P) generated by Ais
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "Q8" );;
gap> outg:= OuterAutomorphisms( g );;
gap> AutomorphismGroupElements( outg );
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b*c, a, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ b, a*b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, a*b*c, c ] ) ]
gap> l:= [ outg.generators[2] ];
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ) ]
gap> AutomorphismGroupElements( l );
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a, b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b, b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*c, b, c ] ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Q8, Q8, [ a, b, c ], [ a*b*c, b, c ] ) ]
71.11 NormalizedUnitsGroupRing
NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( P)
NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( P,n)
When called with a polycyclicly presented p-group P, the group of normalized units of the
group ring F P of Pover the field Fwith pelements is returned.
If a second argument nis given, the group of normalized units of F P/Inis returned, where
Idenotes the augmentation ideal of F P .
The returned group is represented as polycyclicly presented group.
gap> g:= SolvableGroup( "D8" );;
gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g, 1 );
#D use multiplication table
Group( IdAgWord )
gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g, 2 );
#D use multiplication table
Group( g1, g2 )
gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g, 3 );
#D use multiplication table
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4 )
gap> NormalizedUnitsGroupRing( g );
#D use multiplication table
Group( g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7 )
Chapter 72
Decomposition numbers of
Hecke algebras of type A
This package contains functions for computing the decomposition matrices for Iwahori–
Hecke algebras of the symmetric groups. As the (modular) representation theory of these
algebras closely resembles that of the (modular) representation theory of the symmetric
groups — indeed, the later is a special case of the former — many of the combinatorial tools
from the representation theory of the symmetric group are included in the package.
These programs grew out of the attempts by Gordon James and myself [JM1] to understand
the decomposition matrices of Hecke algebras of type Awhen q=1. The package is now
much more general and its highlights include:
1. Specht provides a means of working in the Grothendieck ring of a Hecke algebra Husing
the three natural bases corresponding to the Specht modules, projective indecomposable
modules, and simple modules.
2. For Hecke algebras defined over fields of characteristic zero we have implemented the
algorithm of Lascoux, Leclerc, and Thibon [LLT] for computing decomposition numbers
and “crystallized decomposition matrices”. In principle, this gives all of the decomposition
matrices of Hecke algebras defined over fields of characteristic zero.
3. We provide a way of inducing and restricting modules. In addition, it is possible to
“induce” decomposition matrices; this function is quite effective in calculating the decom-
position matrices of Hecke algebras for small n.
4. The q–analogue of Schaper’s theorem [JM2] is included, as is Kleshchev’s [K] algorithm
of calculating the Mullineux map. Both are used extensively when inducing decomposition
5. Specht can be used to compute the decomposition numbers of q–Schur algebras (and
the general linear groups), although there is less direct support for these algebras. The
decomposition matrices for the q–Schur algebras defined over fields of characteristic zero for
n < 11 and all eare included in Specht.
6. The Littlewood–Richard rule, its inverse, and functions for many of the standard opera-
tions on partitions (such as calculating cores, quotients, and adding and removing hooks),
are included.
1314 Specht 2.4
7. The decomposition matrices for the symmetric groups Snare included for n < 15 and
for all primes.
The modular representation theory of Hecke algebras
The “modular” representation theory of the Iwahori–Hecke algebras of type Awas pioneered
by Dipper and James [DJ1,DJ2]; here we briefly outline the theory, referring the reader to
the references for details. The definition of the Hecke algebra can be found in Chapter 91;
see also 90.1.
Given a commutative integral domain Rand a non–zero unit qin R, let H=HR,qbe the
Hecke algebra of the symmetric group Snon nsymbols defined over Rand with parameter
q. For each partition µof n, Dipper and James defined a Specht module S(µ). Let rad
S(µ) be the radical of S(µ) and define D(µ)=S(µ)/rad S(µ). When Ris a field, D(µ) is either
zero or absolutely irreducible. Henceforth, we will always assume that Ris a field.
Given a non–negative integer i, let [i]q= 1 + q+. . . +qi1. Define eto be the smallest
non–negative integer such that [e]q= 0; if no such integer exists, we set eequal to 0. Many
of the functions in this package depend upon e; the integer eis the Hecke algebras analogue
of the characteristic of the field in the modular representation theory of finite groups.
A partition µ= (µ1, µ2, . . .) is e–singular if there exists an integer isuch that µi=
µi+1 =··· =µi+e1>0; otherwise, µis e–regular. Dipper and James [DJ1] showed that
D(ν)6= (0) if and only if νis e–regular and that the D(ν) give a complete set of non–isomorphic
irreducible H–modules as νruns over the e–regular partitions of n. Further, S(µ) and S(ν)
belong to the same block if and only if µand νhave the same e-core [DJ2,JM2]. Note that
these results depend only on eand not directly on Ror q.
Given two partitions µand ν, where νis e–regular, let dµν be the composition multiplicity
of D(ν) in S(µ). The matrix D= (dµν ) is the decomposition matrix of H. When the rows
and columns are ordered in a way compatible with dominance, Dis lower unitriangular.
The indecomposable H-modules P(ν) are indexed by e-regular partitions ν. By general ar-
guments, P(ν) has the same composition factors as Pµdµν S(µ); so these linear combinations
of modules become identified in the Grothendieck ring of H. Similarly, D(ν) = Pµd1
νµ S(µ)
in the Grothendieck ring. These observations are the basis for many of the computations in
Two small examples
Because of the algorithm of [LLT], in principle, all of decomposition matrices for all Hecke
algebras defined over fields of characteristic zero are known and available using Specht.
The algorithm is recursive; however, it is quite quick and, as with a car, you need never look
at the engine:
gap> H:=Specht(4); # e=4, Ra field of characteristic 0
Specht(e=4, S(), P(), D(), Pq())
gap> InducedModule(H.P(12,2));
The [LLT] algorithm was applied 24 times during this calculation.
For Hecke algebras defined over fields of positive characteristic the major tool provided
by Specht, apart from the decomposition matrices contained in the libraries, is a way of
“inducing” decomposition matrices. This makes it fairly easy to calculate the associated
Introduction 1315
decomposition matrices for “small” n. For example, the Specht libraries contain the de-
composition matrices for the symmetric groups Snover fields of characteristic 3 for n < 15.
These matrices were calculated by Specht using the following commands:
gap> H:=Specht(3,3); # e=3, Rfield of characteristic 3
Specht(e=3, p=3, S(), P(), D())
gap> d:=DecompositionMatrix(H,5); # known for n < 2e
5 | 1
4,1 | . 1
3,2 | . 1 1
3,1^2 | . . . 1
1^5 |..1..
gap> for n in [6..14] do
> d:=InducedDecompositionMatrix(d); SaveDecompositionMatrix(d);
> od;
The function InducedDecompositionMatrix contains almost every trick that I know for
computing decomposition matrices (except using the spin groups). I would be very happy
to hear of any improvements.
Specht can also be used to calculate the decomposition numbers of the q–Schur algebras;
although, as yet, here no additional routines for calculating the projective indecomposables
indexed by e–singular partitions. Such routines will probably be included in a future release,
together with the (conjectural) algorithm [LT] for computing the decomposition matrices of
the q–Schur algebras over fields of characteristic zero.
In the next release of Specht, I will also include functions for computing the decomposition
matrices of Hecke algebras of type B, and more generally those of the Ariki–Koike algebras.
As with the Hecke algebra of type A, there is an algorithm for computing the decomposition
matrices of these algebras when Ris a field of characteristic zero [M].
I would like to thank Gordon James, Johannes Lipp, and Klaus Lux for their comments and
If you find Specht useful please let me know. I would also appreciate hearing any sug-
gestions, comments, or improvements. In addition, if Specht does play a significant role
in your research, please send me a copy of the paper(s) and please cite Specht in your
The lastest version of Specht can be obtained from
Andrew Mathas1
University of Sydney, 1997.
[A] S. Ariki, On the decomposition numbers of the Hecke algebra of G(m, 1, n), J. Math.
Kyoto Univ., 36 (1996), 789–808.
1Supported in part by SERC grant GR/J37690
1316 Specht 2.4
[B] J. Brundan, Modular branching rules for quantum GLnand the Hecke algebra of type
A, Proc. London Math. Soc (3), to appear.
[DJ1] R. Dipper and G. James, Representations of Hecke algebras of general linear groups,
Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 52 (1986), 20–52.
[DJ2] R. Dipper and G. James, Blocks and idempotents of Hecke algebras of general linear
groups, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 54 (1987), 57–82.
[G] M. Geck, Brauer trees of Hecke algebras, Comm. Alg., 20 (1992), 2937–2973.
[Gr] I. Grojnowski, Affine Hecke algebras (and affine quantum GLn) at roots of unity,
IMRN 5(1994), 215–217.
[J] G. James, The decomposition matrices of GLn(q)for n10, Proc. London Math.
Soc., 60 (1990), 225–264.
[JK] G. James and A. Kerber, The representation theory of the symmetric group,16, En-
cyclopedia of Mathematics, Addison–Wesley, Massachusetts (1981).
[JM1] G. James and A. Mathas, Hecke algebras of type Aat q=1, J. Algebra, 184 (1996),
[JM2] G. James and A. Mathas, Aq–analogue of the Jantzen–Schaper Theorem, Proc.
London Math. Soc. (3), 74, 1997, 241–274.
[K] A. Kleshchev, Branching rules for modular representations III , J. London Math. Soc.,
54, 1996, 25–38.
[LLT] A. Lascoux, B. Leclerc, and J-Y. Thibon, Hecke algebras at roots of unity and crystal
bases of quantum affine algebras, Comm. Math. Phys., 181 (1996), 205–263.
[LT] B. Leclerc and J-Y. Thibon, Canonical bases and q–deformed Fock spaces, Int. Research
Notices 9(1996), 447–456.
[M] A. Mathas, Canonical bases and the decomposition matrices of Ariki–Koike algebras,
preprint 1996.
72.1 Specht
Specht(e,p,val [,HeckeRing])
Let Rbe a field of characteristic 0, qa non–zero element of R, and let ebe the smallest
positive integer such that
1 + q+. . . +qe1= 0
(we set e= 0 if no such integer exists). The record returned by Specht(e)allows calcu-
lations in the Grothendieck rings of the Hecke algebras Hof type Awhich are defined over
Rand have parameter q. (The Hecke algebra is described in Chapter 91; see also Hecke
90.1.) Below we also describe how to consider Hecke algebras defined over fields of positive
Specht returns a record which contains, among other things, functions S,P, and Dwhich
correspond to the Specht modules, projective indecomposable modules, and the simple mod-
ules for the family of Hecke algebras determined by Rand q.Specht allows manipulation
72.1. SPECHT 1317
of arbitrary linear combinations of these “modules”, as well as a way of inducing and re-
stricting them, “multiplying” them, and converting between these three natural bases of the
Grothendieck ring. Multiplication of modules corresponds to taking a tensor product, and
then inducing (thus giving a module for a larger Hecke algebra).
gap> RequirePackage("specht"); H:=Specht(5);
Specht(e=5, S(), P(), D(), Pq())
gap> H.D(3,2,1);
gap> H.S( last );
gap> InducedModule(H.P(3,2,1));
gap> H.S(last);
gap> H.D(3,1)*H.D(3);
gap> RestrictedModule(last);
gap> H.S(last);
gap> H.P(last);
The way in which the partitions indexing the modules are printed can be changed using
SpechtPrettyPrint 72.57.
There is also a function Schur 72.2 for doing calculations with the q–Schur algebra. See
DecompositionMatrix 72.3, and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
The functions H.S,H.P, and H.D
The functions H.S,H.P, and H.D return records which correspond to Specht modules, projec-
tive indecomposable modules, and simple modules respectively. Each of these three functions
can be called in four different ways, as we now describe.
In the first form, µis a partition (either a list, or a sequence of integers), and the corre-
sponding Specht module, PIM, or simple module (respectively), is returned.
gap> H.P(4,3,2);
Here, xis an H–module. In this form, H.S rewrites xas a linear combination of Specht
modules, if possible. Similarly, H.P and H.D rewrite xas a linear combination of PIMs and
simple modules respectively. These conversions require knowledge of the relevant decompo-
sition matrix of H; if this is not known then false is returned (over fields of characteristic
1318 Specht 2.4
zero, all of the decomposition matrices are known via the algorithm of [LLT]; various other
decomposition matrices are included with Specht). For example, H.S(H.P(µ)) returns
or false if some of these decomposition multiplicities are not known.
gap> H.D( H.P(4,3,2) );
gap> H.S( H.D( H.S(1,1,1,1,1) ) );
As the last example shows, Specht does not always behave as expected. The reason for this
is that Specht modules indexed by e–singular partitions can always be written as a linear
combination of Specht modules which involve only e–regular partitions. As such, it is not
always clear when two elements are equal in the Grothendieck ring. Consequently, to test
whether two modules are equal you should first rewrite both modules in the D–basis; this is
not done by Specht because it would be very inefficient.
In the third form, dis a decomposition matrix and µis a partition. This is useful when you
are trying to calculate a new decomposition matrix dbecause it allows you to do calculations
using the known entries of dto deduce information about the unknown ones. When used in
this way, H.P and H.D use dto rewrite P(µ) and D(µ) respectively as a linear combination
of Specht modules, and H.S uses dto write S(µ) as a linear combination of simple modules.
If the values of the unknown entries in dare needed, false is returned.
gap> H:=Specht(3,3); # e = 3, p = 3 = characteristic of R
Specht(e=3, p=3, S(), P(), D())
gap> d:=InducedDecompositionMatrix(DecompositionMatrix(H,14));;
# Inducing....
The following projectives are missing from <d>:
[15] [8,7]
gap> H.P(d,4,3,3,2,2,1);
gap> H.S(d,7, 3, 3, 2);
gap> H.D(d,14,1);
The final example returned false because the partitions (14,1) and (15) have the same
3–core (and P(15) is missing from d).
In the final form, dis a decomposition matrix and xis a module. All three functions rewrite
xin their respective basis using d. Again this is only useful when you are trying to calculate
a new decomposition matrix because, for any “known” decomposition matrix d,H.S(x)and
H.S(d,x) are equivalent (and similarly for H.P and H.D).
gap> H.S(d, H.D(d,10,5) );
72.1. SPECHT 1319
Decomposition numbers of the symmetric groups
The last example looked at Hecke algebras with parameter q=1 and Ra field of characteris-
tic 3 (so e=3); that is, the group algebra of the symmetric group over a field of characteristic
3. More, generally, the command Specht(p,p)can be used to consider the group alge-
bras of the symmetric groups over fields of characteristic p(i.e. e=p, and Ra field of
characteristic p).
For example, the dimensions of the simple modules of S6over fields of characteristic 5 can
be computed as follows:
gap> H:=Specht(5,5);; SimpleDimension(H,6);
6 : 1
5,1 : 5
4,2 : 8
4,1^2 : 10
3^2 : 5
3,2,1 : 8
3,1^3 : 10
2^3 : 5
2^2,1^2 : 1
2,1^4 : 5
Hecke algebras over fields of positive characteristic
To consider Hecke algebras defined over arbitrary fields Specht must also be supplied with
avaluation map val as an argument. The function val is a map from some PID into
the natural numbers; at present it is needed only by functions which rely (at least implic-
itly), upon the q–analogue of Schaper’s theorem. In general, val depends upon qand the
characteristic of R; full details can be found in [JM2].
Over fields of characteristic zero, and in the symmetric group case, the function val is
automatically defined by Specht. When Ris a field of characteristic zero, val([i]q) is 1 if
edivides iand 0 otherwise (this is the valuation map associated to the prime ideal in C[v]
generated by the e–th cyclotomic polynomial). When q= 1 and Ris a field of characteristic
p,val is the usual p–adic valuation map.
As another example, if q= 4 and Ris a field of characteristic 5 (so e= 2), then the
valuation map sends the integer xto ν5([4]x) where [4]xis interpreted as an integer and ν5
is the usual 5–adic valuation. To consider this Hecke algebra one could proceed as follows:
gap> val:=function(x) local v;
> x:=Sum([0..x-1],v->4^v); # x->[x] q
> v:=0; while x mod 5=0 do x:=x/5; v:=v+1; od;
> return v;
> end;;
gap> H:=Specht(2,5,val,"e2q4");
1320 Specht 2.4
Specht(e=2, p=5, S(), P(), D(), HeckeRing="e2q4")
Notice the string “e2q4” which was also passed to Specht in this example. Although it
is not strictly necessary, it is a good idea when using a “non–standard” valuation map
val to specify the value of H.HeckeRing=HeckeRing. This string is used for internal
bookkeeping by Specht; in particular, it is used to determine filenames when reading
and saving decomposition matrices. If a “standard” valuation map is used then HeckeR-
ing is set to the string “e<e>p<p>”; otherwise it defaults to “unknown”. The function
SaveDecompositionMatrix will not save any decomposition matrix for any Hecke algebra
Hwith H.HeckeRing=“unknown”.
The Fock space and Hecke algebras over fields of characteristic zero
For Hecke algebras Hdefined over fields of characteristic zero Lascoux, Leclerc and Thi-
bon [LLT] have described an easy, inductive, algorithm for calculating the decomposition
matrices of H. Their algorithm really calculates the canonical basis, or (global) crystal
basis of the Fock space; results of Grojnowski–Lusztig [Gr] show that computing this basis
is equivalent to computing the decomposition matrices of H(see also [A]).
The Fock space Fis an (integrable) module for the quantum group Uq(b
sle) of the affine
special linear group. Fis a free C[v]–module with basis the set of all Specht modules S(µ)
for all partitions µof all integers
here is an indeterminate over the integers (or strictly, C). The
canonical basis elements Pq(µ) for the Uq(b
sle)–submodule of Fgenerated by the 0–partition
are indexed by e–regular partitions µ. Moreover, under specialization,Pq(µ) maps to P(µ).
An eloquent description of the algorithm for computing H.Pq(µ) can be found in [LLT].
To access the elements of the Fock space Specht provides the functions:
Notice that, unlike H.P and H.S the only arguments which H.Pq and H.Sq accept are parti-
tions. (Given that our indeterminate is vthese functions should really be called H.Pv and
H.Sv; here “q” stands for “quantum.)
The function H.Pq computes the canonical basis element Pq(µ) of the Fock space corre-
sponding to the e–regular partition µ(there is a canonical basis — defined using a larger
quantum group — for the whole of the Fock space [LT]; conjecturally, this basis can be used
to compute the decomposition matrices for the q–Schur algebra over fields of characteristic
zero). The second function returns a standard basis element S(µ) of F.
gap> H:=Specht(4);
Specht(e=4, S(), P(), D(), Pq())
gap> H.Pq(6,2);
gap> RestrictedModule(last);
S(6,1)+(v + v^(-1))*S(5,2)+v*S(4,3)
72.2. SCHUR 1321
gap> H.P(last);
P(6,1)+(v + v^(-1))*P(5,2)
gap> Specialized(last);
gap> H.Sq(5,3,2);
gap> InducedModule(last,0);
The modules returned by H.Pq and H.Sq behave very much like elements of the Grothendieck
ring of H; however, they should be considered as elements of the Fock space. The key dif-
ference is that when induced or restricted “quantum” analogues of induction and restriction
are used. These analogues correspond to the action of Uq(b
sle) on F[LLT].
In effect, the functions H.Pq and H.Sq allow computations in the Fock space, using the
functions InducedModule 72.6 and RestrictedModule 72.8. The functions H.S,H.P, and
H.D can also be applied to elements of the Fock space, in which case they have the expected
effect. In addition, any element of the Fock space can be specialized to give the corresponding
element of the Grothendieck ring of H(it is because of this correspondence that we do not
make a distinction between elements of the Fock space and the Grothendieck ring of H).
When working over fields of characteristic zero Specht will automatically calculate any
canonical basis elements that it needs for computations in the Grothendieck ring of H.
If you are not interested in the canonical basis elements you need never work with them
directly. If, for some reason, you do not want Specht to use the canonical basis elements
to calculate decomposition numbers then all you need to do is Unbind(H.Pq).
72.2 Schur
Schur(e,p,val [,HeckeRing])
This function behaves almost identically to the function Specht (see 72.1), the only dif-
ference being that the three functions in the record Sreturned by Schur are called S.W,
S.P, and S.F and that they correspond to the q-Weyl modules, the projective decomposable
modules, and the simple modules of the q–Schur algebra respectively. Note that our labeling
of these modules is non–standard, following that used by James in [J]. The standard labeling
can be obtained from ours by replacing all partitions by their conjugates.
Almost all of the functions in Specht which accept a Specht record Hwill also accept a
record Sreturned by Schur
In the current version of Specht the decomposition matrices of q–Schur algebras are not
fully supported. The InducedDecompositionMatrix function can be applied to these ma-
trices; however there are no additional routines available for calculating the columns cor-
responding to e–singular partitions. The decomposition matrices for the q–Schur algebras
defined over a field of characteristic 0 for n10 are in the Specht libraries.
gap> S:=Schur(2);
Schur(e=2, W(), P(), F(), Pq())
1322 Specht 2.4
gap> InducedDecompositionMatrix(DecompositionMatrix(S,3));
# The following projectives are missing from d
# [ 2, 2 ]
4 | 1 #DecompositionMatrix(S,4) returns the
3,1 | 1 1 # full decomposition matrix. The point
2^2 | . 1 . # of this example is to emphasize the
2,1^2 | 1 1 . 1 # current limitations of Schur.
1^4 |1..11
Note that when Sis defined over a field of characteristic zero then it contains a function S.Pq
for calculating canonical basis elements (see Specht 72.1); currently S.Pq(µ)is implemented
only for e–regular partitions. There is also a function H.Wq.
See also Specht 72.1. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.3 DecompositionMatrix
DecompositionMatrix(H,filename [,Ordering])
The function DecompositionMatrix returns the decomposition matrix Dof H(Sn) where His
a Hecke algebra record returned by the function Specht (or Schur). DecompositionMatrix
first checks to see whether the required decomposition matrix exists as a library file (check-
ing first in the current directory, next in the directory specified by SpechtDirectory, and
finally in the Specht libraries). If H.Pq exists, DecompositionMatrix next looks for crys-
tallized decomposition matrices (see CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4). If the
decomposition matrix dis not stored in the library DecompositionMatrix will calculate d
when His a Hecke algebra with a base field Rof characteristic zero, and will return false
otherwise (in which case the function CalculateDecompositionMatrix 72.15 can be used
to force Specht to try and calculate this matrix).
For Hecke algebras defined over fields of characteristic zero, Specht uses the algorithm
of [LLT] to calculate decomposition matrices (this feature can be disabled by unbinding
H.Pq). The decomposition matrices for the q–Schur algebras for n10 are contained in the
Specht library, as are those for the symmetric group over fields of positive characteristic
when n<15.
Once a decomposition matrix is known, Specht keeps an internal copy of it which is used
by the functions H.S,H.P, and H.D; these functions also read decomposition matrix files as
If you set the variable SpechtDirectory, then Specht will also search for decomposi-
tion matrix files in this directory. The files in the current directory override those in
SpechtDirectory and those in the Specht libraries.
In the second form of the function, when a filename is supplied, DecompositionMatrix will
read the decomposition matrix in the file filename, and this matrix will become Specht’s
internal copy of this matrix.
By default, the rows and columns of the decomposition matrices are ordered lexicographi-
cally. This can be changed by supplying DecompositionMatrix with an ordering function
such as LengthLexicographic or ReverseDominance. You do not need to specify the or-
dering you want every time you call DecompositionMatrix;Specht will keep the same
ordering until you change it again. This ordering can also be set “by hand” using the
variable H.Ordering.
gap> DecompositionMatrix(Specht(3),6,LengthLexicographic);
6 | 1
5,1 | 1 1
4,2 | . . 1
3^2 | . 1 . 1
4,1^2 | . 1 . . 1
3,2,1 | 1 1 . 1 1 1
2^3 |1....1
3,1^3 | . . . . 1 1
2^2,1^2| . . . . . . 1
2,1^4 |...1.1.
1^6 |...1...
Once you have a decomposition matrix it is often nice to be able to print it. The on screen
version is often good enough; there is also a TeX command which generates a L
X version.
There are also functions for converting Specht decomposition matrices into GAP3 matrices
and visa versa (see MatrixDecompositionMatrix 72.16 and DecompositionMatrixMatrix
Using the function InducedDecompositionMatrix (see 72.10), it is possible to induce a de-
composition matrix. See also SaveDecompositionMatrix 72.14 and IsNewIndecomposable
72.11, Specht 72.1, Schur 72.2, and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4. This function
requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.4 CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix
CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix(H,filename [,Ordering])
This function is similar to DecompositionMatrix, except that it returns a crystallized
decomposition matrix. The columns of decomposition matrices correspond to projective
indecomposables; the columns of crystallized decomposition matrices correspond to the
canonical basis elements of the Fock space (see 72.1). Consequently, the entries in these
matrices are polynomials (in v), and by specializing (i.e. setting vequal to 1; see 72.52),
the decomposition matrices of Hare obtained (see 72.1).
Crystallized decomposition matrices are defined only for Hecke algebras over a base field
of characteristic zero. Unlike “normal” decomposition matrices, crystallized decomposition
matrices cannot be induced.
gap> CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix(Specht(3), 6);
6 | 1
5,1 | v 1
4,2 | . . 1
4,1^2 | . v . 1
3^2 |.v..1
3,2,1 | v v^2 . v v 1
3,1^3 | . . . v^2 . v
2^3 | v^2 . . . . v
1324 Specht 2.4
2^2,1^2| . . . . . . 1
2,1^4 | . . . . v v^2 .
1^6 | . . . . v^2 . .
gap> Specialized(last); # set vequal to 1.
6 | 1
5,1 | 1 1
4,2 | . . 1
4,1^2 | . 1 . 1
3^2 |.1..1
3,2,1 | 1 1 . 1 1 1
3,1^3 | . . . 1 . 1
2^3 |1....1
2^2,1^2| . . . . . . 1
2,1^4 |....11.
1^6 |....1..
See also Specht 72.1, Schur 72.2, DecompositionMatrix 72.3, and Specialized 72.52.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.5 DecompositionNumber
This function attempts to calculate the decomposition multiplicity of D(ν) in S(µ) (equiva-
lently, the multiplicity of S(µ) in P(ν)). If P(ν) is known, we just look up the answer; if not
DecompositionNumber tries to calculate the answer using “row and column removal” (see
[J,Theorem 6.18]).
gap> H:=Specht(6);;
gap> DecompositionNumber(H,[6,4,2],[6,6]);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
Partitions in Specht
Many of the functions in Specht take partitions as arguments. Partitions are usually
represented by lists in GAP3. In Specht, all the functions which expect a partition will
accept their argument either as a list or simply as a sequence of numbers. So, for example:
gap> H:=Specht(4);; H.S(H.P(6,4));
gap> H.S(H.P([6,4]));
Some functions require more than one argument, but the convention still applies.
gap> ECore(3, [6,4,2]);
gap> ECore(3, 6,4,2);
gap> GoodNodes(3, 6,4,2);
[ false, false, 3 ]
gap> GoodNodes(3, [6,4,2], 2);
Basically, it never hurts to put the extra brackets in, and they can be omitted so long as this
is not ambiguous. One function where the brackets are needed is DecompositionNumber;
this is clear because the function takes two partitions as its arguments.
Inducing and restricting modules
Specht provides four functions InducedModule,RestrictedModule,SInducedModule and
SRestrictedModule for inducing and restricting modules. All functions can be applied to
Specht modules, PIMs, and simple modules. These functions all work by first rewriting all
modules as a linear combination of Specht modules (or q–Weyl modules), and then inducing
and restricting. Whenever possible the induced or restricted module will be written in the
original basis.
All of these functions can also be applied to elements of the Fock space (see 72.1); in which
case they correspond to the action of the generators Eiand Fiof Uq(c
sle) on F. There is
also a function InducedDecompositionMatrix 72.10 for inducing decomposition matrices.
72.6 InducedModule
InducedModule(x,r1[,r2, ...])
There is an natural embedding of H(Sn) in H(Sn+1) which in the usual way lets us define an
induced H(Sn+1)–module for every H(Sn)–module. The function InducedModule returns
the induced modules of the Specht modules, principal indecomposable modules, and simple
modules (more accurately, their image in the Grothendieck ring).
There is also a function SInducedModule (see 72.7) which provides a much faster way of
r–inducing stimes (and inducing stimes).
Let µbe a partition. Then the induced module InducedModule(S(µ)) is easy to describe: it
has the same composition factors as PS(ν) where νruns over all partitions whose diagrams
can be obtained by adding a single node to the diagram of µ.
gap> H:=Specht(2,2);
Specht(e=2, p=2, S(), P(), D())
gap> InducedModule(H.S(7,4,3,1));
gap> InducedModule(H.P(5,3,1));
gap> InducedModule(H.D(11,2,1));
# D(x), unable to rewrite xas a sum of simples
1326 Specht 2.4
When inducing indecomposable modules and simple modules, InducedModule first rewrites
these modules as a linear combination of Specht modules (using known decomposition ma-
trices), and then induces this linear combination of Specht modules. If possible Specht then
rewrites the induced module back in the original basis. Note that in the last example above,
the decomposition matrix for S15 is not known by Specht; this is why InducedModule was
unable to rewrite this module in the D–basis.
InducedModule(x,r1[, r2, ...])
Two Specht modules S(µ) and S(ν) belong to the same block if and only if the corre-
sponding partitions µand νhave the same e–core [JM2] (see 72.39). Because the e–core
of a partition is determined by its (multiset of) e–residues, if S(µ) and S(ν) appear in
InducedModule(S(τ)), for some partition τ, then S(µ) and S(ν) belong to the same block if
and only if µand νcan be obtained by adding a node of the same e–residue to the diagram
of τ. The second form of InducedModule allows one to induce “within blocks” by only
adding nodes of some fixed e–residue r; this is known as r-induction. Note that 0 r < e.
gap> H:=Specht(4); InducedModule(H.S(5,2,1));
gap> InducedModule(H.S(5,2,1),0);
gap> InducedModule(H.S(5,2,1),1);
gap> InducedModule(H.S(5,2,1),2);
gap> InducedModule(H.S(5,2,1),3);
The function EResidueDiagram (72.35), prints the diagram of µ, labeling each node with
its e–residue. A quick check of this diagram confirms the answers above.
gap> EResidueDiagram(H,5,2,1);
3 0
“Quantized” induction
When InducedModule is applied to the canonical basis elements H.Pq(µ) (or more generally
elements of the Fock space; see 72.1), a “quantum analogue” of induction is applied. More
precisely, the function InducedModule(*,i) corresponds to the action of the generator Fi
of the quantum group Uq(c
sle) on F[LLT].
gap> H:=Specht(3);; InducedModule(H.Pq(4,2),1,2);
gap> H.P(last);
See also SInducedModule 72.7, RestrictedModule 72.8, and SRestrictedModule 72.9.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.7 SInducedModule
The function SInducedModule, standing for “string induction”, provides a more efficient
way of r–inducing stimes (and a way of inducing stimes if the residue ris omitted);
r–induction is explained in 72.6.
gap> H:=Specht(4);; SInducedModule(H.P(5,2,1),3);
gap> SInducedModule(H.P(5,2,1),3,1);
gap> InducedModule(H.P(5,2,1),1,1,1);
Note that the multiplicity of each summand of InducedModule(x,r,...,r) is divisible by
s! and that SInducedModule divides by this constant.
As with InducedModule this function can also be applied to elements of the Fock space (see
72.1), in which case the quantum analogue of induction is used.
See also InducedModule 72.6. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.8 RestrictedModule
RestrictedModule(x,r1[, r2, ...])
Given a module xfor H(Sn)RestrictedModule returns the corresponding module for
H(Sn1). The restriction of the Specht module S(µ) is the linear combination of Specht
modules PS(ν) where νruns over the partitions whose diagrams are obtained by deleting
a node from the diagram of µ. If only nodes of residue rare deleted then this corresponds
to first restricting S(µ) and then taking one of the block components of the restriction; this
process is known as r-restriction (cf. r–induction in 72.6).
There is also a function SRestrictedModule (see 72.9) which provides a faster way of r
restricting stimes (and restricting stimes).
When more than one residue if given to RestrictedModule it returns
RestrictedModule(x, r1, r2, ..., rk) = RestrictedModule(RestrictedModule(x, r1), r2, ..., rk)
(cf. InducedModule 72.6).
gap> H:=Specht(6);; RestrictedModule(H.P(5,3,2,1),4);
gap> RestrictedModule(H.D(5,3,2),1);
“Quantized” restriction
1328 Specht 2.4
As with InducedModule, when RestrictedModule is applied to the canonical basis elements
H.Pq(µ) a quantum analogue of restriction is applied; this time, RestrictedModule(*,i)
corresponds to the action of the generator Eiof Uq(c
sle) on F[LLT].
See also InducedModule 72.6, SInducedModule 72.7, and SRestrictedModule 72.9. This
function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.9 SRestrictedModule
As with SInducedModule this function provides a more efficient way of r–restricting stimes,
or restricting stimes if the residue ris omitted (cf. SInducedModule 72.7).
gap> H:=Specht(6);; SRestrictedModule(H.S(4,3,2),3);
gap> SRestrictedModule(H.P(5,4,1),2,4);
See also InducedModule 72.6, SInducedModule 72.7, and RestrictedModule 72.8. This
function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
Operations on decomposition matrices
Specht is a package for computing decomposition matrices; this section describes the func-
tions available for accessing these matrices directly. In addition to decomposition matrices,
Specht also calculates the “crystallized decomposition matrices” of [LLT], and the “adjust-
ment matrices” introduced by James [J] (and Geck [G]).
Throughout Specht we place an emphasis on calculating the projective indecomposable
modules, and hence upon the columns of decomposition matrices. This approach seems
more efficient than the traditional approach of calculating decomposition matrices by rows;
ideally both approaches should be combined (as is done by IsNewIndecomposable).
In principle, all decomposition matrices for all Hecke algebras defined over a field of char-
acteristic zero are available from within Specht. In addition, the decomposition matrices
for all q–Schur algebras with n10 and all values of eand the p–modular decomposition
matrices of the symmetric groups Snfor n < 15 are in the Specht library files.
If you are using Specht regularly to do calculations involving certain values of eit would
be advantageous to have Specht calculate and save the first 20 odd decomposition matrices
that you are interested in. So, for e= 4 use the commands:
gap> H:=Specht(4);; for n in [8..20] do
> SaveDecompositionMatrix(DecompositionMatrix(H,n));
> od;
Alternatively, you could save the crystallized decomposition matrices. Note that for n<2e
the decomposition matrices are known (by Specht) and easy to compute.
72.10 InducedDecompositionMatrix
If dis the decomposition matrix of H(Sn), then InducedDecompositionMatrix(d)attempts
to calculate the decomposition matrix of H(Sn+1). It does this by extracting each projec-
tive indecomposable from dand inducing these modules to obtain projective modules for
H(Sn+1). InducedDecompositionMatrix then tries to decompose these projectives using
the function IsNewIndecomposable (see 72.11). In general there will be columns of the
decomposition matrix which InducedDecompositionMatrix is unable to decompose and
these will have to be calculated “by hand”. InducedDecompositionMatrix prints a list of
those columns of the decomposition matrix which it is unable to calculate (this list is also
printed by the function MissingIndecomposables(d)).
gap> d:=DecompositionMatrix(Specht(3,3),14);;
gap> InducedDecompositionMatrix(d);;
# Inducing....
The following projectives are missing from <d>:
[15] [8,7]
Note that the missing indecomposables come in “pairs” which map to each other under the
Mullineux map (see MullineuxMap 72.25).
Almost all of the decomposition matrices included in Specht were calculated directly by
InducedDecompositionMatrix. When nis “small” InducedDecompositionMatrix is usu-
ally able to return the full decomposition matrix for H(Sn+1).
Finally, although the InducedDecompositionMatrix can also be applied to the decompo-
sition matrices of the q–Schur algebras (see Schur 72.2), InducedDecompositionMatrix is
much less successful in inducing these decomposition matrices because it contains no spe-
cial routines for dealing with the indecomposable modules of the q–Schur algebra which
are indexed by e–singular partitions. Note also that we use a non–standard labeling of the
decomposition matrices of q–Schur algebras; see 72.2.
72.11 IsNewIndecomposable
IsNewIndecomposable is the function which does all of the hard work when the function
InducedDecompositionMatrix is applied to decomposition matrices (see 72.10). Given a
projective module x,IsNewIndecomposable returns true if it is able to show that xis
indecomposable (and this indecomposable is not already listed in d), and false otherwise.
IsNewIndecomposable will also print a brief description of its findings, giving an upper and
lower bound on the first decomposition number µfor which it is unable to determine the
multiplicity of S(µ) in x.
IsNewIndecomposable works by running through all of the partitions νsuch that P(ν) could
be a summand of xand it uses various results, such as the q-Schaper theorem of [JM2] (see
Schaper 72.23), the Mullineux map (see MullineuxMap 72.25), and inducing simple modules,
to determine if P(ν) does indeed split off. In addition, if dis the decomposition matrix for
H(Sn) then IsNewIndecomposable will probably use some of the decomposition matrices of
H(Sm) for mn, if they are known. Consequently it is a good idea to save decomposition
matrices as they are calculated (see 72.14).
1330 Specht 2.4
For example, in calculating the 2–modular decomposition matrices of Srthe first projective
which InducedDecompositionMatrix is unable to calculate is P(10).
gap> H:=Specht(2,2);;
gap> d:=InducedDecompositionMatrix(DecompositionMatrix(H,9));;
# Inducing.
# The following projectives are missing from d
# [ 10 ]
(In fact, given the above commands, Specht will return the full decomposition matrix for
S10 because this matrix is in the library; these were the commands that I used to calculate
the decomposition matrix in the library.)
By inducing P(9) we can find a projective H–module which contains P(10). We can then
use IsNewIndecomposable to try and decompose this induced module into a sum of PIMs.
gap> SpechtPrettyPrint(); x:=InducedModule(H.P(9),1);
gap> IsNewIndecomposable(d,x);
# The multiplicity of S(6,3,1) in P(10) is at least 1 and at most 2.
gap> x;
Notice that some of the coefficients of the Specht modules in xhave changed; this is because
IsNewIndecomposable was able to determine that the multiplicity of S(6,3,1) was at most
2 and so it subtracted one copy of P(6,3,1) from x.
In this case, the multiplicity of S(6,3,1) in P(10) is easy to resolve because general theory says
that this multiplicity must be odd. Therefore, xP(6,3,1) is projective. After subtracting
P(6,3,1) from xwe again use IsNewIndecomposable to see if xis now indecomposable. We
can tell IsNewIndecomposable that all of the multiplicities up to and including S(6,3,1)
have already been checked by giving it the addition argument µ=[6,3,1].
gap> x:=x-H.P(d,6,3,1);; IsNewIndecomposable(d,x,6,3,1);
Consequently, x=P(10) and we add it to the decomposition matrix d(and save it).
gap> AddIndecomposable(d,x); SaveDecompositionMatrix(d);
A full description of what IsNewIndecomposable does can be found by reading the com-
ments in specht.g. Any suggestions or improvements on this function would be especially
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and InducedDecompositionMatrix 72.10. This func-
tion requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.12 InvertDecompositionMatrix
Returns the inverse of the (e–regular part of) d, where dis a decomposition matrix, or
crystallized decomposition matrix, of a Hecke algebra or q–Schur algebra. If part of the
decomposition matrix dis unknown then InvertDecompositionMatrix will invert as much
of das possible.
gap> H:=Specht(4);; d:=CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix(H,5);;
gap> InvertDecompositionMatrix(d);
5 | 1
4,1 | . 1
3,2 | -v . 1
3,1^2| . . . 1
2^2,1| v^2 . -v . 1
2,1^3| . . . . . 1
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3, and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4. This
function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.13 AdjustmentMatrix
James [J] noticed, and Geck [G] proved, that the decomposition matrices dp for Hecke
algebras defined over fields of positive characteristic admit a factorization
dp =da
where dis a decomposition matrix for a suitable Hecke algebra defined over a field of
characteristic zero, and ais the so–called adjustment matrix. This function returns the
adjustment matrix a.
gap> H:=Specht(2);; Hp:=Specht(2,2);;
gap> d:=DecompositionMatrix(H,13);; dp:=DecompositionMatrix(Hp,13);;
gap> a:=AdjustmentMatrix(dp,d);
13 | 1
12,1 | . 1
11,2 | 1 . 1
10,3 | . . . 1
10,2,1 | . . . . 1
9,4 |1.1..1
9,3,1 |2.....1
8,5 |.1.....1
8,4,1 |1.......1
8,3,2 |.2.....1.1
7,6 |1....1....1
7,5,1 |......1....1
7,4,2 |1.1..1....1.1
1332 Specht 2.4
6,5,2 |.1.....1.1....1
6,4,3 |2...1..........1
gap> MatrixDecompositionMatrix(dp)=
> MatrixDecompositionMatrix(d)*MatrixDecompositionMatrix(a);
In the last line we have checked our calculation.
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3, and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4. This
function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.14 SaveDecompositionMatrix
The function SaveDecompositionMatrix saves the decomposition matrix d. After a decom-
position matrix has been saved, the functions H.S,H.P, and H.D will automatically access
it as needed. So, for example, before saving din order to retrieve the indecomposable P(µ)
from dit is necessary to type H.P(d,µ); once dhas been saved, the command H.P(µ)
Since InducedDecompositionMatrix(d)consults the decomposition matrices for smaller n,
if they are available, it is advantageous to save decomposition matrices as they are calculated.
For example, over a field of characteristic 5, the decomposition matrices for the symmetric
groups Snwith n20 can be calculated as follows:
gap> H:=Specht(5,5);;
gap> d:=DecompositionMatrix(H,9);;
gap> for r in [10..20] do
> d:=InducedDecompositionMatrix(d);
> SaveDecompositionMatrix(d);
> od;
If your Hecke algebra record His defined using a non–standard valuation map (see 72.1)
then it is also necessary to set the string “H.HeckeRing”, or to supply the function with
afilename before it will save your matrix. SaveDecompositionMatrix will also save ad-
justment matrices and the various other matrices that appear in Specht (they can be read
back in using DecompositionMatrix). Each matrix has a default filename which you can
over ride by supplying a filename. Using non–standard file names will stop Specht from
automatically accessing these matrices in future.
See also 72.3 DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.15 CalculateDecompositionMatrix
CalculateDecompositionMatrix(H,n) is similar to the function DecompositionMatrix
72.3 in that both functions try to return the decomposition matrix dof H(Sn); the difference
is that this function tries to calculate this matrix whereas the later reads the matrix from the
library files (in characteristic zero both functions apply the algorithm of [LLT] to compute d).
In effect this function is only needed when working with Hecke algebras defined over fields
of positive characteristic (or when you wish to avoid the libraries).
For example, if you want to do calculations with the decomposition matrix of the symmetric
group S15 over a field of characteristic two, DecompositionMatrix returns false whereas
CalculateDecompositionMatrix; returns a part of the decomposition matrix.
gap> H:=Specht(2,2);
Specht(e=2, p=2, S(), P(), D())
gap> d:=DecompositionMatrix(H,15);
# This decomposition matrix is not known; use CalculateDecompositionMatrix()
# or InducedDecompositionMatrix() to calculate with this matrix.
gap> d:=CalculateDecompositionMatrix(H,15);;
# Projective indecomposable P(6,4,3,2) not known.
# Projective indecomposable P(6,5,3,1) not known.
gap> MissingIndecomposables(d);
The following projectives are missing from <d>:
[ 15 ] [ 14, 1 ] [ 13, 2 ] [ 12, 3 ] [ 12, 2, 1 ] [ 11, 4 ]
[11,3,1] [10,5] [10,4,1] [10,3,2] [9,6] [9,5,1]
[9,4,2] [9,3,2,1] [8,7] [8,6,1] [8,5,2] [8,4,3]
[8,4,2,1] [7,6,2] [7,5,3] [7,5,2,1] [7,4,3,1]
[6,5,4] [6,5,3,1] [6,4,3,2]
Actually, you are much better starting with the decomposition matrix of S14 and then
applying InducedDecompositionMatrix to this matrix.
See also 72.3 DecompositionMatrix. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.16 MatrixDecompositionMatrix
Returns the GAP3 matrix corresponding to the Specht decomposition matrix d. The rows
and columns of dare ordered by H.Ordering.
gap> MatrixDecompositionMatrix(DecompositionMatrix(Specht(3),5));
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and DecompositionMatrixMatrix 72.17. This function
requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.17 DecompositionMatrixMatrix
Given a Hecke algebra H, a GAP3 matrix m, and an integer nthis function returns the
Specht decomposition matrix corresponding to m. If pis the number of partitions of n
1334 Specht 2.4
and rthe number of e–regular partitions of n, then mmust be either r×r,p×r, or p×p.
The rows and columns of mare assumed to be indexed by partitions ordered by H.Ordering
(see 72.1).
gap> H:=Specht(3);;
gap> m:=[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ],
> [0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]];;
gap> DecompositionMatrixMatrix(H,m,4);
4 | 1
3,1 | . 1
2^2 | 1 . 1
2,1^2| . . . 1
1^4 | . . 1 .
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and MatrixDecompositionMatrix 72.16. This function
requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.18 AddIndecomposable
AddIndecomposable(d,x)inserts the indecomposable module xinto the decomposition
matrix d. If dalready contains the indecomposable xthen a warning is printed. The
function AddIndecomposable also calculates MullineuxMap(x)(see 72.25) and adds this
indecomposable to d(or checks to see that it agrees with the corresponding entry of dif
this indecomposable is already by d).
See IsNewIndecomposable 72.11 for an example. See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and
CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4. This function requires the package “specht” (see
72.19 RemoveIndecomposable
The function RemoveIndecomposable removes the column from dwhich corresponds to
P(µ). This is sometimes useful when trying to calculate a new decomposition matrix using
Specht and want to test a possible candidate for a yet to be identified PIM.
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4. This
function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.20 MissingIndecomposables
The function MissingIndecomposables prints the list of partitions corresponding to the
indecomposable modules which are not listed in d.
See also DecompositionMatrix 72.3 and CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix 72.4. This
function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
Calculating dimensions
Specht has two functions for calculating the dimensions of modules of Hecke algebras;
SimpleDimension and SpechtDimension. As yet, Specht does not know how to calculate
the dimensions of modules for q–Schur algebras (these depend upon q).
72.21 SimpleDimension
In the first two forms, SimpleDimension prints the dimensions of all of the simple modules
specified by dor for the Hecke algebra H(Sn) respectively. If a partition µis supplied, as
in the last form, then the dimension of the simple module D(µ) is returned. At present the
function is not implemented for the simple modules of the q–Schur algebras.
gap> H:=Specht(6);;
gap> SimpleDimension(H,11,3);
gap> d:=DecompositionMatrix(H,5);; SimpleDimension(d,3,2);
gap> SimpleDimension(d);
5 : 1
4,1 : 4
3,2 : 5
3,1^2 : 6
2^2,1 : 5
2,1^3 : 4
1^5 : 1
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.22 SpechtDimension
Calculates the dimension of the Specht module S(µ), which is equal to the number of stan-
dard µ-tableaux; the answer is given by the hook length formula (see [JK]).
gap> SpechtDimension(6,3,2,1);
See also SimpleDimension 72.21. This function requires the package “specht”(see 57.1).
Combinatorics on Young diagrams
These functions range from the representation theoretic q–Schaper theorem and Kleshchev’s
algorithm for the Mullineux map through to simple combinatorial operations like adding
and removing rim hooks from Young diagrams.
1336 Specht 2.4
72.23 Schaper
Given a partition µ, and a Hecke algebra H,Schaper returns a linear combination of
Specht modules which have the same composition factors as the sum of the modules in the
“Jantzen filtration” of S(µ); see [JM2]. In particular, if νstrictly dominates µthen D(ν) is
a composition factor of S(µ) if and only if it is a composition factor of Schaper(µ).
Schaper uses the valuation map H.valuation attached to H(see 72.1 and [JM2]).
One way in which the q–Schaper theorem can be applied is as follows. Suppose that we have
a projective module x, written as a linear combination of Specht modules, and suppose that
we are trying to decide whether the projective indecomposable P(µ) is a direct summand
of x. Then, providing that we know that P(ν) is not a summand of xfor all (e–regular)
partitions νwhich strictly dominate µ(see 47.19), P(µ) is a summand of xif and only if
InnerProduct(Schaper(H,µ),x) is non–zero (note, in particular, that we don’t need to
know the indecomposable P(µ) in order to perform this calculation).
The q–Schaper theorem can also be used to check for irreduciblity; in fact, this is the basis
for the criterion employed by IsSimpleModule.
gap> H:=Specht(2);;
gap> Schaper(H,9,5,3,2,1);
gap> Schaper(H,9,6,5,2);
The last calculation shows that S(9,6,5,2) is irreducible when Ris a field of characteristic 0
and e=2 (cf. IsSimpleModule(H,9,6,5,2)).
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.24 IsSimpleModule
µan e–regular partition.
Given an e–regular partition µ,IsSimpleModule(H,µ)returns true if S(µ) is simple and
false otherwise. This calculation uses the valuation function H.valuation; see 72.1. Note
that the criterion used by IsSimpleModule is completely combinatorial; it is derived from
the q–Schaper theorem [JM2].
gap> H:=Specht(3);;
gap> IsSimpleModule(H,45,31,24);
See also Schaper 72.23. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.25. MULLINEUXMAP 1337
72.25 MullineuxMap
Given an integer e, or a Specht record H, and a partition µ,MullineuxMap(e,µ) returns
the image of µunder the Mullineux map; which we now explain.
The sign representation D(1n) of the Hecke algebra is the (one dimensional) representation
sending Twto (1)`(w). The Hecke algebra His not a Hopf algebra so there is no well
defined action of Hupon the tensor product of two H–modules; however, there is an outer
automorphism # of Hwhich corresponds to tensoring with D(1n). This sends an irreducible
module D(µ) to an irreducible D(µ)#
=D(µ#) for some e–regular partition µ#. In the sym-
metric group case, Mullineux gave a conjectural algorithm for calculating µ#; consequently
the map sending µto µ#is known as the Mullineux map.
Deep results of Kleshchev [K] for the symmetric group give another (proven) algorithm
for calculating the partition µ#(Ford and Kleshchev have deduced Mullineux’s conjecture
from this). Using the canonical basis, it was shown by [LLT] that the natural generalization
of Kleshchev’s algorithm to Hgives the Mullineux map for Hecke algebras over fields of
characteristic zero. The general case follows from this, so the Mullineux map is now known
for all Hecke algebras.
Kleshchev’s map is easy to describe; he proved that if gns is any good node sequence for
µ, then the sequence obtained from gns by replacing each residue rby rmod eis a good
node sequence for µ#(see GoodNodeSequence 72.30).
gap> MullineuxMap(Specht(2),12,5,2);
[ 12, 5, 2 ]
gap> MullineuxMap(Specht(4),12,5,2);
gap> MullineuxMap(Specht(6),12,5,2);
gap> MullineuxMap(Specht(8),12,5,2);
gap> MullineuxMap(Specht(10),12,5,2);
The Mullineux map can also be calculated using a decomposition matrix. To see this
recall that “tensoring” a Specht module S(µ) with the sign representation yields a module
isomorphic to the dual of S(λ), where λis the partition conjugate to µ. It follows that dµν =
dλν#for all e–regular partitions ν. Therefore, if µis the last partition in the lexicographic
order such that dµν 6= 0 then we must have ν#=λ. The second form of MullineuxMap uses
dto calculate µ#rather than the Kleshchev–[LLT] result.
In the third form, xis a module, and MullineuxMap returns x#, the image of xunder #.
Note that the above remarks show that P(µ) is mapped to P(µ#) via the Mullineux map; this
observation is useful when calculating decomposition matrices (and is used by the function
1338 Specht 2.4
See also GoodNodes 72.28 and GoodNodeSequence 72.30 . This function requires the package
“specht” (see 57.1).
72.26 MullineuxSymbol
Returns the Mullineux symbol of the e–regular partition µ.
gap> MullineuxSymbol(5,[8,6,5,5]);
See also PartitionMullineuxSymbol 72.27. This function requires the package “specht”
(see 57.1).
72.27 PartitionMullineuxSymbol
Given a Mullineux symbol ms, this function returns the corresponding e–regular partition.
gap> PartitionMullineuxSymbol(5, MullineuxSymbol(5,[8,6,5,5]) );
See also MullineuxSymbol 72.26. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.28 GoodNodes
Given a partition and an integer e, Kleshchev [K] defined the notion of good node for each
residue r(0 r < e). When eis prime and µis e–regular, Kleshchev showed that the good
nodes describe the restriction of the socle of D(µ) in the symmetric group case. Brundan [B]
has recently generalized this result to the Hecke algebra.
By definition, there is at most one good node for each residue r, and this node is a removable
node (in the diagram of µ). The function GoodNodes returns a list of the rows of µwhich
end in a good node; the good node of residue r(if it exists) is the (r+1)–st element in this
list. In the second form, the number of the row which ends with the good node of residue r
is returned; or false if there is no good node of residue r.
gap> GoodNodes(5,[5,4,3,2]);
[ false, false, 2, false, 1 ]
gap> GoodNodes(5,[5,4,3,2],0);
gap> GoodNodes(5,[5,4,3,2],4);
The good nodes also determine the Kleshchev–Mullineux map (see GoodNodeSequence 72.30
and MullineuxMap 72.25). This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.29. NORMALNODES 1339
72.29 NormalNodes
Returns the numbers of the rows of µwhich end in one of Kleshchev’s [K] normal nodes.
In the second form, only those rows corresponding to normal nodes of the specified residue
are returned.
gap> NormalNodes(5,[6,5,4,4,3,2,1,1,1]);
[[1,4],[ ],[ ],[2,5],[ ]]
gap> NormalNodes(5,[6,5,4,4,3,2,1,1,1],0);
See also GoodNodes 72.28. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.30 GoodNodeSequence
µan e–regular partition.
Given an e–regular partition µof n, a good node sequence for µis a sequence gns of n
residues such that µhas a good node of residue r, where ris the last residue in gns, and
the first n1 residues in gns are a good node sequence for the partition obtained from
µby deleting its (unique) good node with residue r(see GoodNodes 72.28). In general, µ
will have more than one good node sequence; however, any good node sequence uniquely
determines µ(see PartitionGoodNodeSequence 72.31).
gap> H:=Specht(4);; GoodNodeSequence(H,4,3,1);
gap> GoodNodeSequence(H,4,3,2);
gap> GoodNodeSequence(H,4,4,2);
gap> GoodNodeSequence(H,5,4,2);
The function GoodNodeSequences returns the list of all good node sequences for µ.
gap> GoodNodeSequences(H,5,2,1);
The good node sequences determine the Mullineux map (see GoodNodes 72.28 and MullineuxMap
72.25). This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.31 PartitionGoodNodeSequence
1340 Specht 2.4
Given a good node sequence gns (see GoodNodeSequence 72.30), this function returns the
unique e–regular partition corresponding to gns (or false if in fact gns is not a good node
gap> H:=Specht(4);;
gap> PartitionGoodNodeSequence(H,0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2);
See also GoodNodes 72.28, GoodNodeSequence 72.30 and MullineuxMap 72.25. This function
requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.32 GoodNodeLatticePath
The function GoodNodeLatticePath returns a sequence of partitions which give a path in
the e–good partition lattice from the empty partition to µ. The second function returns
the list of all paths in the e–good partition lattice which end in µ, and the third function
returns the path corresponding to a given good node sequence gns.
gap> GoodNodeLatticePath(3,3,2,1);
gap> GoodNodeLatticePaths(3,3,2,1);
gap> GoodNodeSequence(4,6,3,2);
gap> LatticePathGoodNodeSequence(4,last);
See also GoodNodes 72.28. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.33 LittlewoodRichardsonRule
Given partitions µof nand νof mthe module S(µ)S(ν) is naturally an H(Sn×Sm)-module
and, by inducing, we obtain an H(Sn+m)-module. This module has the same composition
factors as X
µν S(λ),
where the sum runs over all partitions λof n+mand the integers aλ
µν are the Littlewood–
Richardson coefficients. The integers aλ
µν can be calculated using a straightforward combi-
natorial algorithm known as the Littlewood–Richardson rule (see [JK]).
The function LittlewoodRichardsonRule returns an (unordered) list of partitions of n+m
in which each partition λoccurs aλ
µν times. The Littlewood-Richardson coefficients are
independent of e; they can be read more easily from the computation S(µ)*S(ν).
gap> H:=Specht(0);; # the generic Hecke algebra with R=C[q]
gap> LittlewoodRichardsonRule([3,2,1],[4,2]);
[ 4, 4, 2, 2 ],[ 4, 4, 3, 1 ],[ 5, 2, 2, 2, 1 ],[ 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 ],
[ 5, 3, 2, 2 ],[ 5, 4, 2, 1 ],[ 5, 3, 2, 1, 1 ],[ 5, 3, 3, 1 ],
[ 5, 4, 1, 1, 1 ],[ 5, 4, 2, 1 ],[ 5, 5, 1, 1 ],[ 5, 3, 2, 2 ],
[ 5, 3, 3, 1 ],[ 5, 4, 2, 1 ],[ 5, 4, 3 ],[ 5, 5, 2 ],[ 6, 2, 2, 1, 1],
[ 6, 3, 1, 1, 1 ],[ 6, 3, 2, 1 ],[ 6, 4, 1, 1 ],[ 6, 2, 2, 2 ],
[ 6, 3, 2, 1 ],[ 6, 4, 2 ],[ 6, 3, 2, 1 ],[ 6, 3, 3 ],[ 6, 4, 1, 1 ],
gap> H.S(3,2,1)*H.S(4,2);
gap> LittlewoodRichardsonCoefficient([3,2,1],[4,2],[5,4,2,1]);
The function LittlewoodRichardsonCoefficient returns a single Littlewood–Richardson
coefficient (although you are really better off asking for all of them, since they will all be
calculated anyway).
See also InducedModule 72.6 and InverseLittlewoodRichardsonRule 72.34. This function
requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.34 InverseLittlewoodRichardsonRule
Returns a list of all pairs of partitions [µ, ν] such that the Littlewood-Richardson coefficient
µν is non-zero (see 72.33). The list returned is unordered and [µ, ν] will appear aτ
µν times
in it.
gap> InverseLittlewoodRichardsonRule([3,2,1]);
[[[ ],[3,2,1]],[[1],[3,2]],[[1],[2,2,1]],
See also LittlewoodRichardsonRule 72.33.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.35 EResidueDiagram
1342 Specht 2.4
The e–residue of the (i, j)–th node in the diagram of a partition µis (ji) mod e.
EResidueDiagram(e,µ)prints the diagram of the partition µreplacing each node with
its e-residue.
If xis a module then EResidueDiagram(x)prints the e–residue diagrams of all of the e
regular partitions appearing in x(such diagrams are useful when trying to decide how to
restrict and induce modules and also in applying results such as the “Scattering theorem”
of [JM1]). It is not necessary to supply the integer ein this case because x“knows” the
value of e.
gap> H:=Specht(2);; EResidueDiagram(H.S(H.P(7,5)));
0 1
# There are 3 2-regular partitions.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.36 HookLengthDiagram
Prints the diagram of µ, replacing each node with its hook length (see [JK]).
gap> HookLengthDiagram(11,6,3,2);
2 1
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.37 RemoveRimHook
Returns the partition obtained from µby removing the (row,col)–th rim hook from (the
diagram of) µ.
gap> RemoveRimHook([6,5,4],1,2);
gap> RemoveRimHook([6,5,4],2,3);
72.38. ADDRIMHOOK 1343
gap> HookLengthDiagram(6,5,4);
See also AddRimHook 72.38. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.38 AddRimHook
Returns a list [ν,l] where νis the partition obtained from µby adding a rim hook of length h
with its “foot” in the r–th row of (the diagram of) µand lis the leg length of the wrapped
on rim hook (see, for example, [JK]). If the resulting diagram νis not the diagram of a
partition then false is returned.
gap> AddRimHook([6,4,3],1,3);
gap> AddRimHook([6,4,3],2,3);
gap> AddRimHook([6,4,3],3,3);
gap> AddRimHook([6,4,3],4,3);
gap> AddRimHook([6,4,3],5,3);
See also RemoveRimHook 72.37. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
Operations on partitions
This section contains functions for manipulating partitions and also several useful orderings
on the set of partitions.
72.39 ECore
The e-core of a partition µis what remains after as many rim e-hooks as possible have been
removed from the diagram of µ(that this is well defined is not obvious; see [JK]). Thus,
ECore(µ)returns the e–core of the partition µ,
gap> H:=Specht(6);; ECore(H,16,8,6,5,3,1);
The e–core is calculated here using James’ notation of an abacus; there is also an EAbacus
function; but it is more “pretty” than useful.
See also IsECore 72.40, EQuotient 72.41, and EWeight 72.43. This function requires the
package “specht” (see 57.1).
1344 Specht 2.4
72.40 IsECore
Returns true if µis an e–core and false otherwise; see ECore 72.39.
See also ECore 72.39. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.41 EQuotient
Returns the e-quotient of µ; this is a sequence of epartitions whose definition can be found
in [JK].
gap> H:=Specht(8);; EQuotient(H,22,18,16,12,12,1,1);
[[1,1],[ ],[ ],[ ],[ ],[2,2],[ ],[1]]
See also ECore 72.39 and CombineEQuotientECore 72.42. This function requires the package
“specht” (see 57.1).
72.42 CombineEQuotientECore
A partition is uniquely determined by its e-quotient and its e-core (see 72.41 and 72.39).
CombineEQuotientECore(e,Q,C)returns the partition which has e–quotient Qand e
core C. The integer ecan be replaced with a record Hwhich was created using the function
gap> H:=Specht(11);; mu:=[100,98,57,43,12,1];;
gap> Q:=EQuotient(H,mu);
[[9],[ ],[ ],[ ],[ ],[ ],[3],[1],[9],[ ],[5]]
gap> C:=ECore(H,mu);
gap> CombineEQuotientECore(H,Q,C);
[ 100, 98, 57, 43, 12, 1 ]
See also ECore 72.39 and EQuotient 72.41. This function requires the package “specht”
(see 57.1).
72.43 EWeight
The e–weight of a partition is the number of e–hooks which must be removed from the
partition to reach the e–core (see ECore 72.39).
gap> EWeight(6,[16,8,6,5,3,1]);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.44 ERegularPartitions
A partition µ= (µ1, µ2, . . .) is e–regular if there is no integer isuch that µi=µi+1 =
··· =µi+e1>0. The function ERegularPartitions(e,n)returns the list of e–regular
partitions of n, ordered reverse lexicographically (see 72.50).
gap> H:=Specht(3);
Specht(e=3, S(), P(), D(), Pq());
gap> ERegularPartitions(H,6);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.45 IsERegular
Returns true if µis e–regular and false otherwise.
This functions requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.46 ConjugatePartition
Given a partition µ,ConjugatePartition(µ)returns the partition whose diagram is ob-
tained by interchanging the rows and columns in the diagram of µ.
gap> ConjugatePartition(6,4,3,2);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.47 PartitionBetaSet
Given a set of beta numbers bn (see BetaSet 47.18), this function returns the corresponding
partition. Note in particular that bn must be a set of integers.
gap> PartitionBetaSet([ 2, 3, 6, 8 ]);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.48 ETopLadder
The ladders in the diagram of a partition are the lines connecting nodes of constant e
residue, having slope e1 (see [JK]). A new partition can be obtained from µby sliding
all nodes up to the highest possible rungs on their ladders. ETopLadder(e,µ)returns the
1346 Specht 2.4
partition obtained in this way; it is automatically e–regular (this partition is denoted µRin
gap> H:=Specht(4);;
gap> ETopLadder(H,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
gap> ETopLadder(6,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.49 LengthLexicographic
LengthLexicographic returns true if the length of µis less than the length of νor if the
length of µequals the length of νand Lexicographic(µ,ν).
gap> p:=Partitions(6);;Sort(p,LengthLexicographic); p;
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.50 Lexicographic
Lexicographic(µ,ν)returns true if µis lexicographically greater than or equal to ν.
gap> p:=Partitions(6);;Sort(p,Lexicographic); p;
[ 3, 1, 1, 1 ],[ 2, 2, 2 ],[ 2, 2, 1, 1 ],[ 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.51 ReverseDominance
This is another total order on partitions which extends the dominance ordering (see 47.19).
Here µis greater than νif for all i > 0
gap> p:=Partitions(6);;Sort(p,ReverseDominance); p;
This is the ordering used by James in the appendix of his Springer lecture notes book.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.52. SPECIALIZED 1347
Miscellaneous functions on modules
This section contains some functions for looking at the partitions in a given module for the
Hecke algebras. Most of them are used internally by Specht.
72.52 Specialized
Specialized(x [,q]);
Specialized(d [,q]);
Given an element of the Fock space x(see 72.1), or a crystallized decomposition matrix
(see 72.4), Specialized returns the corresponding element of the Grothendieck ring or
the corresponding decomposition matrix of the Hecke algebra respectively. By default the
indeterminate vis specialized to 1; however vcan be specialized to any (integer) qby
supplying a second argument.
gap> H:=Specht(2);; x:=H.Pq(6,2);
+(v^3 + v)*S(4,2,1,1)+v^2*S(4,1,1,1,1)+v^2*S(3,3,1,1)+v^3*S(3,2,2,1)
gap> Specialized(x);
gap> Specialized(x,2);
An example of Specialize being applied to a crystallized decomposition matrix can be
found in 72.4. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.53 ERegulars
ERegulars(x)prints a list of the e–regular partitions, together with multiplicities, which
occur in the module x.ListERegulars(x)returns an actual list of these partitions rather
than printing them.
gap> H:=Specht(8);;
gap> x:=H.S(InducedModule(H.P(8,5,3)) );
gap> ERegulars(x);
[9,5,3] [8,6,3] [8,5,4] [8,5,3,1]
[6,5,3,3] [5,5,4,3] [5,5,3,3,1]
1348 Specht 2.4
gap> H.P(x);
This example shows why these functions are useful: given a projective module x, as above,
and the list of e–regular partitions in xwe know the possible indecomposable direct sum-
mands of x.
Note that it is not necessary to specify what eis when calling this function because x
“knows” the value of e.
The function ERegulars can also be applied to a decomposition matrix d; in this case
it returns the unitriangular submatrix of dwhose rows and columns are indexed by the
e–regular partitions.
These function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.54 SplitECores
The function SplitECores(x)returns a list [b1,...,bk]where the Specht modules in each
biall belong to the same block (i.e. they have the same e-core). Similarly, SplitECores(x,
µ)returns the component of xwhich is in the same block as µ, and SplitECores(x,y)
returns the component of xwhich is in the same block as y.
gap> H:=Specht(2);;
gap> SplitECores(InducedModule(H.S(5,3,1)));
[ S(6,3,1)+S(5,3,2)+S(5,3,1,1), S(5,4,1) ]
gap> InducedModule(H.S(5,3,1),0);
gap> InducedModule(H.S(5,3,1),1);
See also ECore 72.39, InducedModule 72.6, and RestrictedModule 72.8.
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.55 Coefficient of Specht module
If xis a sum of Specht (resp. simple, or indecomposable) modules, then Coefficient(x,
µ)returns the coefficient of S(µ) in x(resp. D(µ), or P(µ)).
gap> H:=Specht(3);; x:=H.S(H.P(7,3));
gap> Coefficient(x,5,2,2,1);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.56. INNERPRODUCT 1349
72.56 InnerProduct
Here xand yare some modules of the Hecke algebra (i.e. Specht modules, PIMS, or simple
modules). InnerProduct(x,y)computes the standard inner product of these elements.
This is sometimes a convenient way to compute decomposition numbers (for example).
gap> InnerProduct(H.S(2,2,2,1), H.P(4,3));
gap> DecompositionNumber(H,[2,2,2,1],[4,3]);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.57 SpechtPrettyPrint
This function changes the way in which Specht prints modules. The first two forms turn
pretty printing on and off respectively (by default it is off), and the third form toggles the
printing format.
gap> H:=Specht(2);; x:=H.S(H.P(6));;
gap> SpechtPrettyPrint(true); x;
gap> SpechtPrettyPrint(false); x;
gap> SpechtPrettyPrint(); x;
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
Semi–standard and standard tableaux
These functions are not really part of Specht proper; however they are related and may
well be of use to someone. Tableaux are represented as lists, where the first element of the
list is the first row of the tableaux and so on.
72.58 SemistandardTableaux
µa partition, νa composition.
Returns a list of the semistandard µ–tableaux of type ν[JK]. Tableaux are represented as
lists of lists, with the first element of the list being the first row of the tableaux and so on.
gap> SemistandardTableaux([4,3],[1,1,1,2,2]);
1350 Specht 2.4
See also StandardTableaux 72.59. This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.59 StandardTableaux
µa partition.
Returns a list of the standard µ–tableaux.
gap> StandardTableaux(4,2);
See also SemistandardTableaux 72.58. This function requires the package “specht” (see
72.60 ConjugateTableau
Returns the tableau obtained from tab by interchangings its rows and columns.
gap> ConjugateTableau([ [ 1, 3, 5, 6 ], [ 2, 4 ] ]);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.61 ShapeTableau
Given a tableau tab this function returns the partition (or composition).
gap> ShapeTableau( [ [ 1, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5 ] ] );
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
72.62 TypeTableau
Returns the type of the (semistandard) tableau tab; that is, the composition σ= (σ1, σ2, . . .)
where σiis the number of entries in tab which are equal to i.
gap> List(SemistandardTableaux([5,4,2],[4,3,0,1,3]),TypeTableau);
This function requires the package “specht” (see 57.1).
Chapter 73
Vector Enumeration
This chapter describes the Vector Enumeration (Version 3) share library package for com-
puting matrix representations of finitely presented algebras. See 57.15 for the installation of
the package, and the Vector Enumeration manual [Lin93] for details of the implementation.
The default application of Vector Enumeration, namely the function Operation for finitely
presented algebras (see chapter 40), is described in 73.1.
The interface between GAP3 and Vector Enumeration is described in 73.2.
In 73.3 the examples given in the Vector Enumeration manual serve as examples for the use
of Vector Enumeration with GAP3.
Finally, section 73.4 shows how the MeatAxe share library (see chapter 69) and Vector
Enumeration can work hand in hand.
The functions of the package can be used after loading the package with
gap> RequirePackage( "ve" );
The package is also loaded automatically when Operation is called for the action of a
finitely presented algebra on a quotient module.
73.1 Operation for Finitely Presented Algebras
Operation( F,Q)
This is the default application of Vector Enumeration. Fis a finitely presented algebra
(see chapter 40), Qis a quotient of a free F-module, and the result is a matrix algebra
representing a faithful action on Q.
If Qis the zero module then the matrices have dimension zero, so the result is a null algebra
(see 41.9) consisting only of a zero element.
The algebra homomorphism, the isomorphic module for the matrix algebra, and the module
homomorphism can be constructed as described in chapters 39 and 42.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^2 -, # group algebra of V4over GF (2)
> a.2^2 -,
> a.1*a.2 - a.2*a.1 ];
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2), [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> op:= Operation( a, a^1 );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2),
[ [ [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2),
Z(2)^0 ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ] ] ] )
gap> Size( op );
73.2 More about Vector Enumeration
As stated in the introduction to this chapter, Vector Enumeration is a share library package.
The computations are done by standalone programs written in C.
The interface between Vector Enumeration and GAP3 consists essentially of two parts,
namely the global variable VE, and the function FpAlgebraOps.OperationQuotientModule.
The VE record
VE is a record with components
the full path name of the directory that contains the executables of the standalones
a string with command line options for Vector Enumeration; it will be appended to
the command string of CallVE (see below), so the default options chosen there can
be overwritten. This may be useful for example in case of the -v option to enable
the printing of comments (see section 4.3 of [Lin93]), but you should not change the
output file (using -o) when you simply call Operation for a finitely presented algebra.
options is defaulted to the empty string.
This function is called automatically by FpAlgebraOps.Operation (see 73.1), it can also be
called directly as follows.
FpAlgebraOps.OperationQuotientModule( A,Q,opr )
FpAlgebraOps.OperationQuotientModule( A,Q, "mtx")
It takes a finitely presented algebra Aand a list of submodule generators Q, that is, the
entries of Qare list of equal length, with entries in A, and returns the matrix representation
computed by the Vector Enumeration program.
The third argument must be either one of the operations OnPoints,OnRight, or the string
"mtx". In the latter case the output will be an algebra of MeatAxe matrices, see 73.4 for
further explanation.
Accessible Subroutines
The following three functions are used by FpAlgebraOps.OperationQuotientModule. They
are the real interface that allows to access Vector Enumeration from GAP3.
PrintVEInput( A,Q,names )
takes a finitely presented algebra A, a list of submodule generators Q, and a list names of
names the generators shall have in the presentation that is passed to Vector Enumeration,
and prints a string that represents the input presentation for Vector Enumeration. See
section 3.1 of the Vector Enumeration manual [Lin93] for a description of the syntax.
gap> PrintVEInput( a, [ [ ] ], [ "A", "B" ] );
A*A, B*B, :
A*B+B*A = 0, .
CallVE( commandstr,infile,outfile,options )
calls Vector Enumeration with command string commandstr, presentation file infile, and
command line options options, and prescribes the output file outfile.
If not overwritten in the string options, the default options "-i -P -v0 -Y VE.out -L#"
are chosen.
Of course it is not necessary that infile was produced using PrintVEInput, and also the
output is independent of GAP3.
gap> PrintTo( "infile.pres",
> PrintVEInput( a, [ [ ] ], [ "A", "B" ] ) );
gap> CallVE( "me", "infile", "outfile", " -G -vs2" );
(The option -G sets the output format to GAP3,-vs2 chooses a more verbose mode.)
VEOutput( A,Q,names,outfile )
VEOutput( A,Q,names,outfile, "mtx")
returns the output record produced by Vector Enumeration that was written to the file
outfile. A component operation is added that contains the information for the construction
of the operation homomorphisms.
The arguments A,Q,names describe the finitely presented algebra, the quotient module
it acts on, and the chosen generators names, i.e., the original structures for that Vector
Enumeration was called.
gap> out:= VEOutput( a, [ [ ] ], [ "A", "B" ], "outfile" );;
gap> out.dim; out.operation.moduleinfo.preimagesBasis;
[ [ ], [ a.2 ], [ a.1 ], [ a.1*a.2 ] ]
If the optional fifth argument "mtx" is present, the output is regarded as an algebra of
MeatAxe matrices (see section 73.4). For that, an appropriate command string had to be
passed to CallVE.
73.3 Examples of Vector Enumeration
We consider those of the examples given in chapter 8 of the Vector Enumeration manual
that can be used in GAP3.
8.1 The natural permutation representation of S3
The symmetric group S3is also the dihedral group D6, and so is presented by two involutions
with product of order 3. Taking the permutation action on the cosets of the cyclic group
generated by one of the involutions we obtain the following presentation.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 2 );;
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^2 -, a.2^2 -,
> (a.1*a.2)^3 - ];
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals, [ a.1, a.2 ] )
gap> "a";;
We choose as module qthe quotient of the regular module for aby the submodule generated
by a.1 - 1, and compute the action of aon q.
gap> m:= a^1;;
gap> q:= m / [ [ a.1 - ] ];
Module( a, [ [ ] ] ) / [ [ -1* ] ]
gap> op:= Operation( a, q );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
gap> "op";;
8.2 A Quotient of a Permutation Representation
The permutation representation constructed in example 8.1 fixes the all-ones vector (as do
all permutation representations). This is the image of the module element [ + a.2
+ a.2*a.1 ] in the corresponding module for the algebra op.
gap> ophom:= OperationHomomorphism( a, op );;
gap> opmod:= OperationModule( op );
gap> modhom:= OperationHomomorphism( q, opmod );;
gap> pre:= PreImagesRepresentative( modhom, [ 1, 1, 1 ] );;
gap> pre:= pre.representative;
[*a.1 ]
We could have computed such a preimage also by computing a matrix that maps the image
of the submodule generator of qto the all-ones vector, and applying a preimage to the
submodule generator. Of course the we do not necessarily get the same representatives.
gap> images:= List( Generators( q ), x -> Image( modhom, x ) );
gap> rep:= RepresentativeOperation( op, images[1], [ 1, 1, 1 ] );
gap> PreImagesRepresentative( ophom, rep );*a.2+a.2*a.1
Now we factor out the fixed submodule by enlarging the denominator of the module q. (Note
that we could also compute the action of the matrix algebra if we were only interested in
the 2-dimensional representation.)
Accordingly we can write down the following presentation for the quotient module.
gap> q:= m / [ [ a.1 - ], pre ];;
gap> op:= Operation( a, q );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
8.3 A Non-cyclic Module
If we take the direct product of two copies of the permutation representation constructed in
example 8.1, we can identify the fixed vectors in the two copies in the following presentation.
gap> m:= a^2;;
gap> q:= m / [ [, a.1 - ], [ a.1 -, ],
> [*a.1,*a.1 ] ];
Module( a, [ [, ], [, ] ] ) /
[ [, -1* ], [ -1*, ],
[*a.1, -1**a.2+-1*a.2*a.1 ] ]
We compute the matrix representation.
gap> op:= Operation( a, q );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
In this case it is interesting to look at the images of the module generators and pre-images of
the basis vectors. Note that these preimages are elements of a factor module, corresponding
elements of the free module are again found as representatives.
gap> ophom:= OperationHomomorphism( a, op );;
gap> opmod:= OperationModule( op );;
gap> "opmod";;
gap> modhom:= OperationHomomorphism( q, opmod );;
gap> List( Generators( q ), x -> Image( modhom, x ) );
gap> basis:= Basis( opmod );
CanonicalBasis( opmod )
gap> preim:= List( basis.vectors, x ->
> PreImagesRepresentative( modhom, x ) );;
gap> preim:= List( preim, Representative );
[ [, ], [, ], [ a.2, ],
[ a.2*a.1, ], [, a.2 ] ]
8.4 A Monoid Representation
The Coxeter monoid of type B2has a transformation representation on four points. This
can be constructed as a matrix representation over GF(3), from the following presentation.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(3), 2 );;
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^2 - a.1, a.2^2 - a.2,
> (a.1*a.2)^2 - (a.2*a.1)^2 ];;
gap> q:= a^1 / [ [ a.1 - ] ];;
gap> op:= Operation( a, q );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(3),
[ [ [ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0,
0*Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ] ] )
8.7 A Quotient of a Polynomial Ring
The quotient of a polynomial ring by the ideal generated by some polynomials will be finite-
dimensional just when the polynomials have finitely many common roots in the algebraic
closure of the ground ring. For example, three polynomials in three variables give us the
following presentation for the quotient of their ideal.
Define ato be the polynomial algebra on three variables.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( Rationals, 3 );;
gap> a:= a / [ a.1 * a.2 - a.2 * a.1,
> a.1 * a.3 - a.3 * a.1,
> a.2 * a.3 - a.3 * a.2 ];;
Define the quotient module by the polynomials A+B+C,AB+BC+CA,ABC-1.
gap> q:= a^1 / [ [ a.1+a.2+a.3 ],
> [ a.1*a.2+a.2*a.3+a.3*a.1 ],
> [ a.1*a.2* ] ];;
Compute the representation.
gap> op:= Operation( a, q );
UnitalAlgebra( Rationals,
[ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1 ],
[ [ 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0 ],
73.4 Using Vector Enumeration with the MeatAxe
One can deal with the matrix representation constructed by Vector Enumeration also using
the MeatAxe share library. This way the matrices are not read into GAP3 but written to
files and converted into internal MeatAxe format. See chapter 69 for details.
gap> a:= FreeAlgebra( GF(2), 2 );;
gap> a:= a / [ a.1^2 -, a.2^2 -,
> (a.1*a.2)^3 - ];;
gap> RequirePackage("meataxe");
#I The MeatAxe share library functions are available now.
#I All files will be placed in the directory
#I ’/var/tmp/tmp.006103’
#I Use ’MeatAxe.SetDirectory( <path> )’ if you want to change.
gap> op:= Operation( a, a^1, "mtx" );
UnitalAlgebra( GF(2),
[ MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.006103/a/g.1", GF(2), [ 6, 6 ], a.1 ),
MeatAxeMat( "/var/tmp/tmp.006103/a/g.2", GF(2), [ 6, 6 ], a.2 ) ] )
gap> Display( op.1 );
#I calling ’maketab’ for field of size 2
MeatAxe.Matrix := [
gap> MeatAxe.Unbind();
Chapter 74
The share package AREP provides an infrastructure and high level functions to do efficient
calculations in constructive representation theory. By the term “constructive” we mean
that group representations are constructed and manipulated up to equality – not only up
to equivalence as it is done by using characters. Hence you can think of it as working
with matrix representations, but in a very efficient way using the special structure of the
matrices occuring in representation theory of finite groups. The package is named after
its most important class ARep (see 74.66) (Abstract Representations)1implementing this
A striking application of constructive representation theory is the decomposition of matrices
representing discrete signal transforms into a product of highly structured sparse matrices
(realized in 74.147). This decomposition can be viewed as a fast algorithm for the signal
transform. Another application is the construction of fast Fourier transforms for solvable
groups (realized in 74.123). The package has evolved out of this area of application into a
more general tool.
The package AREP consists of the following parts:
Monomial Matrices: A monomial matrix is matrix containing exactly one non-zero
entry in every row and column. Hence storing and computing with monomial matrices
can be done efficiently. This is realized in the class Mon, Sections 74.2 – 74.21.
Structured Matrices: The class AMat, Sections 74.22 – 74.65, is created to rep-
resent and calculate with structured matrices, like e.g. 2 ·(AB)CD·E2, where
A, B, C, D, E are matrices of compatible size and characteristic.
Group Representations: The class ARep, Sections 74.66 – 74.123, is created to
represent and manipulate structured representations up to equality, like e.g. (φT
G)Mψ. Special care is taken of monomial representations.
1A note on the name: We have chosen “abstract” because we manipulate expressions for representations,
not constants. However, “concrete” would also be right because the representations are given with respect
to a fixed basis of the underlying vector space. The name ARep is thus, for historical reasons, somewhat
Symmetry of Matrices: In Sections 74.124 – 74.127 functions are provided to
compute certain kinds of symmetry of a given matrix. Symmetry allows to describe
structure contained in a matrix.
Discrete Signal Transforms: Sections 74.128 – 74.146 describe functions to con-
struct many well-known discrete signal transforms.
Matrix Decomposition: Sections 74.147 – 74.149 describe functions to decompose
a discrete signal transform into a product of highly structured sparse matrices.
Tools for Complex Numbers, Matrices and Permutations: Sections 74.151 –
74.169 describe useful tools for the computation with complex numbers, matrices and
All functions described are written entirely in the GAP3 language. The functions for the
computation of the symmetry of a matrix (see 74.124) may use the external C program
desauto written by J. Leon and contained in the share package GUAVA. However, the use
of this program is optional and will only influence the speed and not the executability of
the functions.
The package AREP was created in the framework of our theses where the background of
constructive representation theory (see [P¨us98]) and searching for symmetry of matrices (see
[Egn97a]) can be found.
74.1 Loading AREP
After having started GAP3 the AREP package needs to be loaded. This is done by typing:
gap> RequirePackage("arep");
___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | | | | Version 1.0, 16 Mar 1998
|___| |___| |___ |___|
| | | \ | | by Sebastian Egner
| | | \ |___ | Markus Pueschel
Abstract REPresentations
If AREP isn’t already in memory it is loaded and its banner is displayed. If you are a
frequent user of AREP you might consider putting this line into your .gaprc file.
74.2 Mons
The class Mon is created to represent and calculate efficiently with monomial matrices.
A monomial matrix is a matrix which contains exactly one non-zero entry in every row
and every column. Hence monomial matrices are always invertible and a generalization of
permutation matrices. The elements of the class Mon are called “mons”. A mon mis a
record with at least the following fields.
isMon := true
isGroupElement := true
domain := GroupElements
operations := MonOps
char : characteristic of the base field
perm : a permutation
diag : a list of non-zero field elements
The MonOps class is derived from the GroupElementOps class, so that groups of mons can
be constructed. The monomial matrix represented by a mon mis given by
[δipj|i, j ∈ {1,...,Length(m.diag)}]·ApplyFunc(DiagonalMat,m.diag),
where p=m.perm and δk` denotes the Kronecker symbol (δk` = 1 if k=and = 0 else).
Mons are created using the function Mon. The following sections describe functions used for
the calculation with mons.
Some remarks on the design of Mon: Mons cannot be mixed with GAP3-matrices (which
are just lists of lists of field elements); use MonMat (74.11) and MatMon (74.10) to convert
explicitly. Mons are lightweighted, e.g. only the characteristic of the base field is stored.
Mons are group elements but there are no efficient functions implemented to compute with
mon groups. You should think of mons as being a similar thing as integers or permutations:
They are just fundamental objects to work with.
The functions concerning mons are implemented in the file "arep/lib/mon.g".
74.3 Comparison of Mons
m1<> m2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the mons m1and m2are equal and to false
otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the mons m1and m2are not
equal and to false otherwise.
Two mons are equal iff they define the same monomial matrix. Note that the monomial
matrix being represented has a certain size. The sizes must agree, too.
m1<= m2
m1>= m2
The operators <,<=,>=, and >evaluate to true if the mon m1is strictly less than, less than
or equal to, greater than or equal to, and strictly greater than the mon m2.
The ordering of mons mis defined via the ordering of the pairs [m.perm, m.diag].
74.4 Basic Operations for Mons
The MonOps class is derived from the GroupElementsOps class.
The operators *and /evaluate to the product and quotient of the two mons m1and m2.
The product is defined via the product of the corresponding (monomial) matrices. Of course
the mons must be of equal size and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The operator ^evaluates to the conjugate m21m1m2of m1under m2for two mons m1
and m2. The mons must be of equal size and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The powering operator ^returns the i-th power of the mon mand the integer i.
Comm( m1,m2)
Comm returns the commutator m11m21m1m2of two mons m1and m2. The operands
must be of equal size and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
LeftQuotient( m1,m2)
LeftQuotient returns the left quotient m11m2of two mons m1and m2. The operands
must be of equal size and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
74.5 Mon
Mon( p,D)
Let pbe a permutation and Da list of field elements 6= 0 of the same characteristic. Mon
returns a mon representing the monomial matrix given by [δipj|i, j ∈ {1,...,Length(D)}]·
ApplyFunc(DiagonalMat,D), where δk` denotes the Kronecker symbol. The function will
signal an error if the length of Dis less than the largest moved point of p.
gap> Mon( (1,2), [1, 2, 3] );
gap> Mon( (1,3,4), [Z(3)^0, Z(3)^2, Z(3), Z(9)]);
[ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3), Z(3^2) ]
Mon( D,p)
74.6. ISMON 1363
Mon returns a mon representing the monomial matrix given by ApplyFunc(DiagonalMat,D)·
[δipj|i, j ∈ {1,...,Length(D)}], where δk` denotes the Kronecker symbol. Note that in the
output the diagonal is commuted to the right side, but it still represents the same monomial
gap> Mon( [1,2,3], (1,2) );
gap> Mon( [Z(3)^0, Z(3)^2, Z(3), Z(9)], (1,3,4) );
[ Z(3^2), Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0, Z(3) ]
Mon( D)
Mon returns a mon representing the (monomial) diagonal matrix given by the list D.
gap> Mon( [1, 2, 3, 4] );
Mon( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] )
Mon( p,d)
Mon( p,d,char )
Mon( p,d,field )
Let pbe a permutation and da positive integer. Mon returns a mon representing the (d×d)
permutation matrix corresponding to pusing the convention [δipj|i, j ∈ {1, . . . , d}], where
δk` denotes the Kronecker symbol. As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field
can be supplied. The default characteristic is zero. The function will signal an error if the
degree dis less than the largest moved point of p.
gap> Mon( (1,2), 3 );
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> Mon( (1,2,3), 3, 5 );
Mon( (1,2,3), 3, GF(5) )
Mon( m)
Let ma mon. Mon returns m.
gap> Mon( Mon( (1,2), [1, 2, 3] ) );
74.6 IsMon
IsMon( obj )
IsMon returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a mon, and false
otherwise. The function will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, 2, 3] ) );
gap> IsMon( (1,2) );
74.7 IsPermMon
IsPermMon( m)
IsPermMon returns true if the mon mrepresents a permutation matrix and false otherwise.
gap> IsPermMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, 2, 3] ) );
gap> IsPermMon( Mon( (1,2), 2) );
74.8 IsDiagMon
IsDiagMon( m)
IsDiagMon returns true if the mon mrepresents a diagonal matrix and false otherwise.
gap> IsDiagMon( Mon( (1,2), 2) );
gap> IsDiagMon( Mon( [1, 2, 3, 4] ) );
74.9 PermMon
PermMon( m)
PermMon converts the mon mto a permutation if possible and returns false otherwise.
gap> PermMon( Mon( (1,2), 5) );
gap> PermMon( Mon( [1,2] ) );
74.10 MatMon
MatMon( m)
MatMon converts the mon mto a matrix (i.e. a list of lists of field elements).
gap> MatMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, 2, 3] ) );
gap> MatMon( Mon( (1,2), 3) );
74.11 MonMat
MonMat( M)
MonMat converts the matrix Mto a mon if possible and returns false otherwise.
74.12. DEGREEMON 1365
gap> MonMat( [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ] );
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> MonMat( [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ E(3), 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 4 ] ] );
[ E(3), 1, 4 ]
74.12 DegreeMon
DegreeMon( m)
DegreeMon returns the degree of the mon m. The degree is the size of the represented
gap> DegreeMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, 2, 3] ) );
74.13 CharacteristicMon
CharacteristicMon( m)
CharacteristicMon returns the characteristic of the field from which the components of
the mon mare.
gap> CharacteristicMon( Mon( [1,2] ) );
gap> CharacteristicMon( Mon( (1,2), 4, 5) );
74.14 OrderMon
OrderMon( m)
OrderMon returns the order of the monomial matrix represented by the mon m. The order
of mis the least positive integer rsuch that mris the identity. Note that the order might
be infinite.
gap> OrderMon( Mon( [1,2] ) );
gap> OrderMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] ) );
74.15 TransposedMon
TransposedMon( m)
TransposedMon returns a mon representing the transposed monomial matrix of the mon m.
gap> TransposedMon( Mon( [1,2] ) );
Mon( [ 1, 2 ] )
gap> TransposedMon( Mon( (1,2,3), 4 ) );
Mon( (1,3,2), 4 )
74.16 DeterminantMon
DeterminantMon( m)
DeterminantMon returns the determinant of the monomial matrix represented by the mon
gap> DeterminantMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] ) );
gap> DeterminantMon( Mon( [1,2] ) );
74.17 TraceMon
TraceMon( m)
TraceMon returns the trace of the monomial matrix represented by the mon m.
gap> TraceMon( Mon( (1,2), 4, 5) );
gap> TraceMon( Mon( [1,2] ) );
74.18 GaloisMon
GaloisMon( m,aut )
GaloisMon( m,k)
GaloisMon returns a mon which is a galois conjugate of the mon m. This means that each
component of the represented matrix is mapped with an automorphism of the underlying
field. The conjugating automorphism may either be a field automorphism aut or an integer
kspecifying the automorphism x -> GaloisCyc(x, k)in the case characteristic = 0 or x
-> x^(FrobeniusAut^k)in the case characteristic = pprime.
gap> GaloisMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] ), -1 );
[ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ]
gap> aut := FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(4) );
FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^2) )
gap> GaloisMon( Mon( [ Z(2)^0, Z(2^2), Z(2^2)^2 ] ), aut );
Mon( [ Z(2)^0, Z(2^2)^2, Z(2^2) ] )
74.19 DirectSumMon
DirectSumMon( m1, ..., mk)
DirectSumMon returns the direct sum of the mons m1, ..., mk. The direct sum of mons is
defined via the direct sum of the represented matrices. Note that the mons must have the
same characteristic.
gap> m1 := Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] );
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ]
gap> m2 := Mon( (1,2), 3);
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> DirectSumMon( m1, m2 );
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2, 1, 1, 1 ]
DirectSumMon( list )
DirectSumMon returns a mon representing the direct sum of the mons in list.
gap> m1 := Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] );
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ]
gap> m2 := Mon( (1,2), 3);
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> DirectSumMon( [m1, m2] );
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2, 1, 1, 1 ]
74.20 TensorProductMon
TensorProductMon( m1, ..., mk)
TensorProductMon returns the tensor product of the mons m1, ..., mk. The tensor product
of mons is defined via the tensor product (or Kronecker product) of the represented matrices.
Note that the mons must have the same characteristic.
gap> m1 := Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] );
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ]
gap> m2 := Mon( (1,2), 3);
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> TensorProductMon( m1, m2 );
[ 1, 1, 1, E(3), E(3), E(3), E(3)^2, E(3)^2, E(3)^2 ]
TensorProductMon( list )
TensorProductMon returns a mon representing the tensor product of the mons in list.
gap> m1 := Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] );
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ]
gap> m2 := Mon( (1,2), 3);
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> TensorProductMon( [m1, m2] );
[ 1, 1, 1, E(3), E(3), E(3), E(3)^2, E(3)^2, E(3)^2 ]
74.21 CharPolyCyclesMon
CharPolyCyclesMon( m)
CharPolyCyclesMon returns the sorted list of the characteristic polynomials of the cycles of
the mon m. All polynomials are written in a common polynomial ring. Applying Product
to the result yields the characteristic polynomial of m.
gap> CharPolyCyclesMon( Mon( (1,2), 3 ) );
[ X(Rationals) - 1, X(Rationals)^2 - 1 ]
gap> CharPolyCyclesMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] ) );
[ X(CF(3)) + (-E(3)^2), X(CF(3))^2 + (-E(3)) ]
74.22 AMats
The class AMat (Abstract Matrices) is created to represent and calculate efficiently with
structured matrices like e.g. 2 ·(AB)CD·E2, where A, B, C, D, E are matrices of com-
patible size/characteristic and ,denote the direct sum and tensor product (Kronecker
product) resp. of matrices. The elements of the class AMat are called “amats” and imple-
ment a recursive datastructure to form expressions like the one above. Basic constructors
for amats allow to create permutation matrices (see AMatPerm, 74.23), monomial matrices
(see AMatMon, 74.24) and general matrices (see AMatMat, 74.25) in an efficient way (e.g. a
permutation matrix is defined by a permutation, the degree and the characteristic). Higher
constructors allow to construct direct sums (see DirectSumAMat, 74.40), tensor products
(see TensorProductAMat, 74.41) etc. from given amats. Note that while building up a
highly structured amat from other amats no computation is done beside checks for com-
patibility. To obtain the matrix represented by an amat the appropiate function has to be
applied (e.g. MatAMat, 74.50).
Some remarks on the design of AMat: The class AMat is what is called a term algebra
for expressions representing highly structured matrices over certain base fields. Amats are
not necessarily square but can also be rectangular. Hence, if an amat must be invertible
(e.g. when it shall conjugate another amat) this has to be proven by computation. To
avoid many of these calculations the result (the inverse) is stored in the object and many
functions accept a “hint”. E.g. by supplying the hint “invertible” in the example above
the explicit check for invertibility is suppressed. Using and passing correct hints is essential
for efficient computation. A common problem in the design of non-trivial term algebras is
74.22. AMATS 1369
the simplification strategy: Aggressive or conservative simplification? Our approach here is
extremely conservative. This means even trivial subexpressions like 1 Aare not automat-
ically simplified. This allows the user to write functions that return their result always in
a fixed structure, e.g. the result is always a conjugated direct sum of tensor products even
though the conjugation might be trivial. Finally, note that amats and normal matrices (i.e.
lists of lists of field elements) do not mix – you have to convert explicitly with AMatMat,
MatAMat etc. This greatly simplifies the amat module.
We define an amat recursively in Backus-Naur-Form as the disjoint union of the following
amat ::=
; atomic cases
perm ; “perm” (invertible)
|mon ; “mon” (invertible)
|mat ; “mat”
; composed cases
|scalar ·amat ; “scalarMultiple”
|amat ·... ·amat ; “product”
|amat ˆint ; “power”
|amat ˆamat ; “conjugate”
|amat ... amat ; “directSum”
|amat ... amat ; “tensorProduct”
|GaloisConjugate(amat,aut) ; “galoisConjugate”.
An amat Ais a record with at least the following fields:
isAMat := true
operations := AMatOps
type : a string identifying the type of A
dimensions : size of the matrix represented ( = [rows, columns] )
char : characteristic of the base field
The cases as stated above are distinguished by the field .type of an amat. Depending on
the type additional fields are mandatory as follows:
type = "perm":
element defining permutation
type = "mon":
element defining mon-object (see 74.2)
type = "mat":
element defining matrix (list of lists of field elements)
type = "scalarMultiple":
element the AMat multiplied
scalar the scalar
type = "product":
factors list of AMats of compatible dimensions and the same char-
type = "power":
element the square AMat to be raised to exponent
exponent the exponent (an integer)
type = "conjugate":
element the square AMat to be conjugated
conjugation the conjugating invertible AMat
type = "directSum":
summands List of AMats of the same characteristic
type = "tensorProduct":
factors List of AMats of the same characteristic
type = "galoisConjugate":
element the AMat to be Galois conjugated
galoisAut the Galois automorphism
Note that there is an important difference between the type of an amat and the type of the
matrix being represented by the amat: An amat can be of type “mat” but the matrix is in fact
a permutation matrix. This distinction is refelcted in the naming of the functions: “XAMat”
refers to the type of the amat, “XMat” to the type of the matrix being represented,
Here a short overview of the functions concerning amats. sections 74.23 – 74.43 are concerned
with the construction of amats, sections 74.44 – 74.53 with the convertability and conversion
of amats to permutations, mons and matrices, sections 74.54 – 74.65 contain functions for
amats, e.g. computation of the determinant or simplification of amats.
The functions concerning amats are implemented in the file "arep/lib/amat.g".
74.23 AMatPerm
AMatPerm( p,d)
AMatPerm( p,d,char )
AMatPerm( p,d,field )
AMatPerm returns an amat of type "perm" representing the (d×d) permutation matrix
[δipj|i, j ∈ {1,...,d}] corresponding to the permutation p. As optional parameter a
characteristic char or a field can be supplied. The default characteristic is zero. The
function will signal an error if the degree dis less than the largest moved point of p.
gap> AMatPerm( (1,2), 5 );
AMatPerm((1,2), 5)
gap> AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 5 , 3);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 5, GF(3))
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 5 , Rationals);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 5)
gap> A.type;
74.24. AMATMON 1371
74.24 AMatMon
AMatMon( m)
AMatMon returns an amat of type "mon" representing the monomial matrix given by the mon
m. For the explanation of mons please refer to 74.2.
gap> AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, E(3), E(3)^2] ) );
AMatMon( Mon(
[ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ]
) )
gap> A := AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), 3) );
AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), 3 ) )
gap> A.type;
74.25 AMatMat
AMatMat( M)
AMatMat( M,hint )
AMatMat returns an amat of type "mat" representing the matrix M. If the optional hint
"invertible" is supplied then the field .isInvertible of the amat is set to true (without
checking) indicating that the matrix represented is invertible.
gap> AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> A := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] , "invertible");
gap> A.isInvertible;
74.26 IsAMat
IsAMat( obj )
IsAMat returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is an amat, and false
gap> IsAMat( AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 3 ) );
gap> IsAMat( 1/2 );
74.27 IdentityPermAMat
IdentityPermAMat( n)
IdentityPermAMat( n,char )
IdentityPermAMat( n,field )
IdentityPermAMat returns an amat of type "perm" representing the (n×n) identity matrix.
As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain the identity
matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default characteristic is zero. Note that the same
result can be obtained by using AMatPerm.
gap> IdentityPermAMat( 3 );
gap> AMatPerm( ( ), 3);
gap> IdentityPermAMat( 3 , GF(3) );
IdentityPermAMat(3, GF(3))
74.28 IdentityMonAMat
IdentityMonAMat( n)
IdentityMonAMat( n,char )
IdentityMonAMat( n,field )
IdentityMonAMat returns an amat of type "mon" representing the (n×n) identity matrix.
As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain the identity
matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default characteristic is zero. Note that the same
result can be obtained by using AMatMon.
gap> IdentityMonAMat( 3 );
gap> AMatMon( Mon( ( ), 3 ) );
gap> IdentityMonAMat( 3, 3 );
IdentityMonAMat(3, GF(3))
74.29 IdentityMatAMat
IdentityMatAMat( n)
IdentityMatAMat( n,char )
IdentityMatAMat( n,field )
IdentityMatAMat returns an amat of type "mat" representing the (n×n) identity matrix.
As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain the identity
matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default characteristic is zero. Note that the same
result can be obtained by using AMatMat.
gap> IdentityMatAMat( 3 );
gap> AMatMat( [ [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1] ]);
gap> IdentityMatAMat( 3, GF(3) );
74.30. IDENTITYAMAT 1373
IdentityMatAMat(3, GF(3))
IdentityMatAMat( dim )
IdentityMatAMat( dim,char )
IdentityMatAMat( dim,field )
Let dim be a pair of positive integers. IdentityMatAMat returns an amat of type "mat"
representing the rectangular identity matrix with dim[1] rows and dim[2] columns. A
rectangular identity matrix has the entry 1 at the position (i, j) if i=jand 0 else. As
optional parameter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain the identity
matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default characteristic is zero.
gap> IdentityMatAMat( [2, 3] );
IdentityMatAMat([ 2, 3 ])
gap> IdentityMatAMat( [2, 3], 3 );
IdentityMatAMat([ 2, 3 ], GF(3))
74.30 IdentityAMat
IdentityAMat( dim )
IdentityAMat( dim,char )
IdentityAMat( dim,field )
Let dim be a pair of positive integers. IdentityAMat returns an amat of type "perm" if
dim[1] = dim[2] and an amat of type "mat" else, representing the identity matrix with
dim[1] rows and dim[2] columns. A rectangular identity matrix has the entry 1 at the
position (i, j) if i=jand 0 else. Use this function if you do not know whether the matrix is
square and you do not care about the type. As optional parameter a characteristic char or
afield can be supplied to obtain the identity matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default
characteristic is zero.
gap> IdentityAMat( [2, 2] );
gap> IdentityAMat( [2, 3] );
IdentityMatAMat([ 2, 3 ])
74.31 AllOneAMat
AllOneAMat( n)
AllOneAMat( n,char )
AllOneAMat( n,field )
AllOneAMat returns an amat of type "mat" representing the (n×n) all-one matrix. An all-
one matrix has the entry 1 at each position. As optional parameter a characteristic char or
afield can be supplied to obtain the all-one matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default
characteristic is zero.
gap> AllOneAMat( 3 );
gap> AllOneAMat( 3, 3);
AllOneAMat(3, GF(3))
AllOneAMat( dim )
AllOneAMat( dim,char )
AllOneAMat( dim,field )
Let dim a pair of positive integers. AllOneAMat returns an amat of type "mat" representing
the rectangular all-one matrix with dim[1] rows and dim[2] columns. As optional param-
eter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain the all-one matrix of arbitrary
characteristic. The default characteristic is zero.
gap> AllOneAMat( [3, 2] );
AllOneAMat([ 3, 2 ])
gap> AllOneAMat( [3, 2], GF(5) );
AllOneAMat([ 3, 2 ], GF(5))
74.32 NullAMat
NullAMat( n)
NullAMat( n,char )
NullAMat( n,field )
NullAMat returns an amat of type "mat" representing the (n×n) all-zero matrix. An all-
zero matrix has the entry 0 at each position. As optional parameter a characteristic char or
afield can be supplied to obtain the all-zero matrix of arbitrary characteristic. The default
characteristic is zero.
gap> NullAMat( 3 );
gap> NullAMat( 3, 3);
NullAMat(3, GF(3))
NullAMat( dim )
NullAMat( dim,char )
NullAMat( dim,field )
Let dim a pair of positive integers. NullAMat returns an amat of type "mat" representing the
rectangular all-zero matrix with dim[1] rows and dim[2] columns. As optional parameter
a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain the all-zero matrix of arbitrary
characteristic. The default characteristic is zero.
gap> NullAMat( [3, 2] );
NullAMat([ 3, 2 ])
gap> NullAMat( [3, 2], GF(5) );
NullAMat([ 3, 2 ], GF(5))
74.33 DiagonalAMat
DiagonalAMat( list )
Let list contain field elements of the same characteristic. DiagonalAMat returns an amat
representing the diagonal matrix with diagonal entries in list. If all elements in list are 6= 0
the returned amat is of type "mon", else of type "directSum" (see 74.22).
gap> DiagonalAMat( [2, 3] );
DiagonalAMat([ 2, 3 ])
74.34. DFTAMAT 1375
gap> DiagonalAMat( [0, 2, 3] );
74.34 DFTAMat
DFTAMat( n)
DFTAMat( n,char )
DFTAMat( n,field )
DFTAMat returns a special amat of type "mat" representing the matrix
DFTn= [ωi·j
n|i, j ∈ {0,...,n1}],
with ωnbeing a certain primitive n-th root of unity. DFTnrepresents the Discrete Fourier
Transform on npoints (see 74.129). As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field
can be supplied to obtain the DFT of arbitrary characteristic. The default characteristic is
zero. Note that for characteristic pprime the DFTnexists iff gcd(p, n) = 1. For a given
finite field the DFTnexists iff n|Size(F). If these conditions are violated an error is
signaled. The choice of ωnis E(n)if char = 0 and Z(q)^((q-1 )/n)for char =p,qan
appropiate p-power.
gap> DFTAMat(3);
gap> DFTAMat(3, 7);
DFTAMat(3, 7)
74.35 SORAMat
SORAMat( n)
SORAMat( n,char )
SORAMat( n,field )
SORAMat returns a special amat of type "mat" representing the matrix
111··· 1
11 0 ··· 0
1 0 1··· 0
100 1
The SORnis the sparsest matrix that splits off the one-representation in a permutation
representation. As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied to
obtain the SOR of arbitrary characteristic. The default characteristic is zero.
gap> SORAMat( 4 );
gap> SORAMat( 4, 7);
SORAMat(4, 7)
74.36 ScalarMultipleAMat
ScalarMultipleAMat( s,A)or s*A
Let sbe a field element and Aan amat. ScalarMultipleAMat returns an amat of type
"scalarMultiple" representing the scalar multiple of swith A, which must have common
characteristic otherwise an error is signaled. Note that sand Acan be accessed in the fields
.scalar resp. .element of the result.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 4);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
gap> ScalarMultipleAMat( E(3), A );
E(3) * AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
gap> 2 * A;
2 * AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
74.37 Product and Quotient of AMats
Let Aand Bbe amats. A*Breturns an amat of type "product" representing the product
of Aand B, which must have compatible sizes and common characteristic otherwise an error
is signaled. Note that the factors can be accessed in the field .factors of the result.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 4);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8] ] );
gap> A * A;
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4) *
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
gap> C := A * B;
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4) *
gap> C.type;
Let Aand Bbe amats. A/Breturns an amat of type "product" representing the quotient
of Aand B. The sizes and characteristics of Aand Bmust be compatible, Bmust be square
and invertible otherwise an error is signaled.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 4);
74.38. POWERAMAT 1377
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
gap> B := DiagonalAMat( [1, E(3), 1, 3] );
DiagonalAMat([ 1, E(3), 1, 3 ])
gap> A / B;
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, E(3), 1, 3 ]) ^ -1
74.38 PowerAMat
PowerAMat( A,n)or A^n
PowerAMat( A,n,hint )
Let Abe an amat and nan integer. PowerAMat returns an amat of type "power" representing
the power of Awith n.Amust be square otherwise an error is signaled. If nis negative
then Ais checked for invertibility if the hint "invertible" is not supplied. Note that A
and ncan be accessed in the fields .element resp. .exponent of the result.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 4);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4)
gap> B := PowerAMat(A, 3);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4) ^ 3
gap> B ^ -2;
( AMatPerm((1,2,3), 4) ^ 3
) ^ -2
74.39 ConjugateAMat
ConjugateAMat( A,B)or A^B
ConjugateAMat( A,B,hint )
Let Aand Bbe amats. ConjugateAMat returns an amat of type "conjugate" representing
the conjugate of Awith B(i.e. the matrix defined by B1·A·B). Aand Bmust be square
otherwise an error is signaled. Bis checked for invertibility if the hint "invertible" is not
supplied. Note that Aand Bcan be accessed in the fields .element resp. conjugation of
the result.
gap> A := AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, E(4), -1] ) );
AMatMon( Mon(
[ 1, E(4), -1 ]
) )
gap> B := DFTAMat( 3 );
gap> ConjugateAMat( A, B, "invertible" );
AMatMon( Mon(
[ 1, E(4), -1 ]
) ),
gap> B ^ SORAMat( 3 );
74.40 DirectSumAMat
DirectSumAMat( A1, ..., Ak)
DirectSumAMat returns an amat of type "directSum" representing the direct sum of the
amats A1, ..., Ak, which must have common characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
Note that the direct summands can be accessed in the field .summands of the result.
gap> A1 := AMatMat( [ [1, 2] ] );
gap> A2 := DFTAMat( 2 );
gap> A3 := AMatPerm( (1,2), 2 );
AMatPerm((1,2), 2)
gap> DirectSumAMat( E(3) * A1, A2 ^ 2, A3 );
E(3) * AMatMat( [ [ 1, 2 ] ] ),
DFTAMat(2) ^ 2,
AMatPerm((1,2), 2)
DirectSumAMat( list )
DirectSumAMat returns an amat of type "directSum" representing the direct sum of the
amats in list. The amats must have common characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The direct summands can be accessed in the field .summands of the result.
gap> A := DiagonalAMat( [ Z(3), Z(3)^2 ]);
DiagonalAMat([ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ])
gap> B := AMatPerm( (1,2), 3, 3);
AMatPerm((1,2), 3, GF(3))
gap> DirectSumAMat( [A, B] );
DiagonalAMat([ Z(3), Z(3)^0 ]),
AMatPerm((1,2), 3, GF(3))
74.41 TensorProductAMat
TensorProductAMat( A1, ..., Ak)
TensorProductAMat returns an amat of type "tensorProduct" representing the tensor
product (or Kronecker product) of the amats A1, ..., Ak, which must have common charac-
teristic otherwise an error is signaled. Note that the tensor factors can be accessed in the
field .factors of the result.
gap> A := IdentityPermAMat( 2 );
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ] );
gap> TensorProductAMat( A, B );
TensorProductAMat( list )
TensorPoductAMat returns an amat of type "tensorProduct" representing the tensor prod-
uct of the amats in list. The amats must have common characteristic otherwise an error is
signaled. The tensor factors can be accessed in the field .factors of the result.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2), 3 );
AMatPerm((1,2), 3)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1], [2] ]);
gap> TensorProductAMat( [A ^ 2, 2 * B] );
AMatPerm((1,2), 3) ^ 2,
2 * AMatMat(
74.42 GaloisConjugateAMat
GaloisConjugateAMat( A,k)
GaloisConjugateAMat( A,aut )
GaloisConjugateAMat returns an amat which represents a Galois conjugate of the amat
A. The conjugating automorphism may either be a field automorphism aut or an integer k
specifying the automorphism x -> GaloisCyc(x, k)in the case characteristic = 0 or x ->
x^(FrobeniusAut^k)in the case characteristic = pprime. Note that Aand k/aut can be
accessed in the fields .element resp. .galoisAut of the result.
gap> A := DiagonalAMat( [1, E(3)] );
DiagonalAMat([ 1, E(3) ])
gap> GaloisConjugateAMat( A, -1 );
DiagonalAMat([ 1, E(3) ]),
gap> aut := FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(4) );
FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^2) )
gap> B := AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), [ Z(2)^0, Z(2^2) ] ) );
AMatMon( Mon(
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2^2) ]
) )
gap> GaloisConjugateAMat( B, aut );
AMatMon( Mon(
[ Z(2)^0, Z(2^2) ]
) ),
FrobeniusAutomorphism( GF(2^2) )
74.43 Comparison of AMats
A<> B
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the amats Aand Bare equal and to false
otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the amats Aand Bare not equal
and to false otherwise.
Two amats are equal iff they define the same matrix.
gap> A := DiagonalAMat( [E(3), 1] );
DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1 ])
gap> B := A ^ 3;
DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1 ]) ^ 3
gap> B = IdentityPermAMat( 2 );
A<= B
A>= B
The operators <,<=,>=, and >evaluate to true if the amat Ais strictly less than, less than
or equal to, greater than or equal to, and strictly greater than the amat B.
The ordering of amats is defined via the ordering of records.
74.44 Converting AMats
The following sections describe the functions for the convertability and conversion of amats
to permutations, mons (see 74.2) and matrices.
The names of the conversion functions are chosen according to the usual GAP3-convention:
ChalkCheese makes chalk from cheese. The parts in the name (chalk, cheese) are
Perm – a GAP3-permutation, e.g. (1,2)
Mon – a mon object, e.g. Mon( (1,2), 2 ) (see 74.2)
Mat – a GAP3-matrix, e.g. [[1,2],[3,4]]
AMat – an amat of any type
PermAMat – an amat of type “perm”
MonAMat – an amat of type “mon”
MatAMat – an amat of type “mat”
74.45 IsIdentityMat
IsIdentityMat( A)
IsIdentityMat returns true if the matrix represented by the amat Ais the identity matrix
and false otherwise. Note that the name of the function is not IsIdentityAMat since A
can be of any type but represents an identity matrix in the mathematical sense.
gap> IsIdentityMat(AMatPerm( (1,2), 3 ));
gap> A := DiagonalAMat( [Z(3), Z(3)] ) ^ 2;
DiagonalAMat([ Z(3), Z(3) ]) ^ 2
gap> IsIdentityMat(A);
74.46 IsPermMat
IsPermMat( A)
IsPermMat returns true if the matrix represented by the amat Ais a permutation matrix
and false otherwise. The name of the function is not IsPermAMat since Acan be of any
type but represents a permutation matrix in the mathematical sense. Note that IsPermMat
sets and tests A.isPermMat.
gap> IsPermMat( AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), [1, -1] )));
gap> IsPermMat( DiagonalAMat( [Z(3), Z(9)] ) ^ 8);
74.47 IsMonMat
IsMonMat( A)
IsMonMat returns true if the matrix represented by the amat Ais a monomial matrix (a
matrix containing exactly one entry 6= 0 in every row and column) and false otherwise. The
name of the function is not IsMonAMat since Acan be of any type but represents a monomial
matrix in the mathematical sense. Note that IsMonMat sets and tests A.isMonMat.
gap> IsMonMat( AMatPerm( (1,2), 3 ));
gap> IsMonMat( AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 3 ) ^ DFTAMat(3) );
74.48 PermAMat
PermAMat( A)
Let Abe an amat. PermAMat returns the permutation represented by Aif Ais a permutation
matrix (i.e. IsPermMat( A) = true) and false otherwise. Note that PermAMat sets and
tests A.perm.
gap> PermAMat(AMatPerm( (1,2), 5 ));
gap> A := AMatMat( [ [Z(3)^0, Z(3)], [0*Z(3), Z(3)^0] ] );
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ], [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ] ]
gap> PermAMat(A);
gap> PermAMat(A ^ 3);
74.49 MonAMat
MonAMat( A)
Let Abe an amat. MonAMat returns the mon (see 74.2) represented by Aif Ais a monomial
matrix (i.e. IsMonMat( A) = true) and false otherwise. Note that MonAMat sets and
tests A.mon.
gap> MonAMat(AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 5 ));
Mon( (1,2,3), 5 )
gap> MonAMat(AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 3 ) ^ DFTAMat(3) );
Mon( [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] )
gap> MonAMat( AMatMat( [ [1, 2] ] ));
74.50 MatAMat
MatAMat( A)
MatAMat returns the matrix represented by the amat A. Note that MatAMat sets and tests
gap> MatAMat( AMatPerm( (1,2), 3, 2 ));
[ [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> MatAMat(DFTAMat(3));
[ [ 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ], [ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ] ]
gap> A := IdentityPermAMat(2);
74.51. PERMAMATAMAT 1383
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> MatAMat(TensorProductAMat(A, B));
74.51 PermAMatAMat
PermAMatAMat( A)
Let Abe an amat. PermAMatAMat returns an amat of type "perm" equal to Aif Ais a
permutation matrix (i.e. IsPermMat( A) = true) and false otherwise.
gap> PermAMatAMat(AMatMon(Mon( (1,2), 3 )));
AMatPerm((1,2), 3)
gap> PermAMatAMat(DiagonalAMat( [E(3), 1] ) ^ 3);
gap> PermAMatAMat(AMatMat( [ [1,2] ] ));
74.52 MonAMatAMat
MonAMatAMat( A)
Let Abe an amat. MonAMatAMat returns an amat of type "mon" equal to Aif Ais a monomial
matrix (i.e. IsMonMat( A) = true) and false otherwise.
gap> MonAMat(AMatPerm( (1,2), 3 ));
Mon( (1,2), 3 )
gap> MonAMat(DFTAMat(3)^2);
gap> MonAMat(AMatMat( [ [1, 2] ] ));
74.53 MatAMatAMat
MatAMatAMat( A)
MatAMatAMat returns an amat of type "mat" equal to A.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2), 2 );
AMatPerm((1,2), 2)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1,2] ] );
gap> MatAMatAMat(DirectSumAMat(A, B));
74.54 Functions for AMats
The following sections describe useful functions for the calculation with amats (e.g. calcu-
lation of the inverse, determinant of an amat as well as simplifying amats). Most of these
functions can take great advantage of the highly structured form of the amats.
74.55 InverseAMat
InverseAMat( A)
InverseAMat returns an amat representing the inverse of the amat A. If Ais not invertible,
an error is signaled. The function uses mathematical rules to invert the direct sum, tensor
product etc. of matrices. Note that InverseAMat sets and tests A.inverse.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2), 3);
AMatPerm((1,2), 3)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ]);
gap> C := DiagonalAMat( [ E(3), 1] );
DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1 ])
gap> D := DirectSumAMat(A, TensorProductAMat(B, C));
AMatPerm((1,2), 3),
AMatMat( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 3, 4 ] ] ),
DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1 ])
gap> InverseAMat(D);
AMatPerm((1,2), 3),
[ [ -2, 1 ], [ 3/2, -1/2 ] ],
DiagonalAMat([ E(3)^2, 1 ])
74.56 TransposedAMat
TransposedAMat( A)
TransposedAMat returns an amat representing the transpose of the amat A. The function
uses mathematical rules to transpose the direct sum, tensor product etc. of matrices.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3), 3);
AMatPerm((1,2,3), 3)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1, 2] ] );
gap> TransposedAMat(TensorProductAMat(A, B));
AMatPerm((1,3,2), 3),
74.57 DeterminantAMat
DeterminantAMat( A)
DeterminantAMat returns the determinant of the amat A. If Ais not square an error is sig-
naled. The function uses mathematical rules to calculate the determinant of the direct sum,
tensor product etc. of matrices. Note that DeterminantAMat sets and tests A.determinant.
gap> A := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> B := AMatPerm( (1,2), 2 );
AMatPerm((1,2), 2)
gap> DeterminantAMat(TensorProductAMat(A, B));
74.58 TraceAMat
TraceAMat( A)
TraceAMat returns the trace of the amat A. If Ais not square an error is signaled. The
function uses mathematical rules to calculate the trace of direct sums, tensor product etc.
of matrices. Note that TraceAMat sets and tests A.trace.
gap> A := DFTAMat(2);
gap> B := DiagonalAMat( [1, 2, 3] );
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 2, 3 ])
gap> TraceAMat(DirectSumAMat( A^2, B ));
74.59 RankAMat
RankAMat( A)
RankAMat returns the rank of the amat A. Note that RankAMat sets and tests A.rank.
gap> RankAMat(AllOneAMat(100));
gap> RankAMat(AMatPerm( (1,2), 10 ));
74.60 SimplifyAMat
SimplifyAMat( A)
SimplifyAMat returns a simplified amat representing the same matrix as the amat A. The
simplification is performed recursively according to certain rules. E.g. the following simpli-
fications are performed:
If Arepresents a permutation matrix, monomial matrix then an amat of type “perm”,
“mon” resp. is returned.
In a product resp. tensor product, trivial factors are omitted.
Trivial conjugation is omitted.
In a direct sum adjacent permutation/monomial matrices are put together.
In a product adjacent permutation/monomial matrices are multiplied together.
Successive scalars are multiplied together.
Successive exponents are multiplied together, negative exponents are evaluated using
Note that important information about the matrix is shifted to the simplification.
gap> A := IdentityPermAMat( 3 );
gap> B := DiagonalAMat( [E(3), 1, 1] );
DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1, 1 ])
gap> C := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> D := DirectSumAMat(A ^ -1, 1 * B * A, C);
IdentityPermAMat(3) ^ -1,
( 1 * DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1, 1 ])
) *
gap> SimplifyAMat(D);
74.61. KBSAMAT 1387
DiagonalAMat([ E(3), 1, 1 ]),
74.61 kbsAMat
kbsAMat( A1, ..., Ak)
kbsAMat returns the joined kbs (conjugated blockstructure) of the amats A1, ..., Ak. The
amats must be square and of common size and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The joined kbs of a list of (n×n)-matrices is a partition of {1, . . . , n}representing their
common blockstructure. For an exact definition see 74.167.
gap> A := IdentityPermAMat(2);
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> kbsAMat(TensorProductAMat(A, B));
gap> kbsAMat(AMatPerm( (1,3)(2,4), 5 ));
kbsAMat( list )
kbsAMat returns the joined kbs of the amats in list (see above).
74.62 kbsDecompositionAMat
kbsDecompositionAMat( A)
kbsDecompositionAMat decomposes the amat Ainto a conjugated (by an amat of type
"perm") direct sum of amats of type "mat" as far as possible. If Ais not square an error is
signaled. The decomposition is performed according to the kbs (see 74.167) of Awhich is a
partition of {1, . . . , n}(n= number of rows of A) describing the blockstructure of A.
gap> A := AMatMat( [[1,0,2,0], [0,1,0,2], [3,0,4,0], [0,3,0,4]] );
gap> kbsDecompositionAMat(A);
AMatPerm((2,3), 4)
74.63 AMatSparseMat
AMatSparseMat( M) AMatSparseMat( M,match-blocks )
Let Mbe a sparse matrix (i.e. containing entries 6= 0). AMatSparseMat returns an amat
of the form P1·E1·D·E2·P2where (for i= 1,2) Piare amats of type "perm",Eiare
identity-amats (might be rectangular) and Dis an amat of type "directSum". If match-
blocks is true or not provided then, furthermore, the permutations p1and p2are chosen
such that equivalent summands of Dare equal and collected together by a tensor product.
If match-blocks is false this is not done. The major part of the work is done by the function
DirectSummandsPermutedMat (see 74.166). Use the function SimplifyAMat (see 74.60) for
simplification of the result.
For an explanation of the algorithm see [Egn97a].
gap> M := [[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,2],[0,0,3,0],[0,4,0,5]];;
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 2 ],
[ 0, 0, 3, 0 ],
[ 0, 4, 0, 5 ] ]
gap> AMatSparseMat(M);
AMatPerm((1,4,3), 4) *
IdentityMatAMat([ 4, 3 ]) *
) *
IdentityMatAMat([ 3, 4 ]) *
AMatPerm((1,3,4), 4)
74.64 SubmatrixAMat
SubmatrixAMat( A,inds )
Let Abe an amat and inds a set of positive integers. SubmatrixAMat returns an amat of
type "mat" representing the submatrix of Adefined by extracting all entries with row and
column index in inds.
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2), 2 );
AMatPerm((1,2), 2)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> SubmatrixAMat(TensorProductAMat(A, B), [2,3] );
74.65 UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat
UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat( A)
UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat returns an upper bound for the linear complexity of
the amat Aaccording to the complexity model Lof Clausen/Baum, [CB93]. The linear
complexity is a measure for the complexity of the matrix-vector multiplication of a given
matrix with an arbitrary vector.
gap> UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat(DFTAMat(2));
gap> UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat(DiagonalAMat( [2, 3] ));
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2), 3);
AMatPerm((1,2), 3)
gap> B := AMatMat( [ [1,2], [3,4] ] );
gap> UpperBoundLinearComplexityAMat(TensorProductAMat(A, B));
74.66 AReps
The class ARep (Abstract Representations) is created to represent and calculate efficiently
with structured matrix representations of finite groups up to equality, e.g. expressions like
(φTG)Mψwhere φ, ψ are representations and ,denotes the induction resp. inner
tensor product of representations. The implementation idea is the same as with the class
AMat (see 74.22), i.e. a representation is a record containing the necessary information
(e.g. degree, characteristic, list of images on the generators) to define a representation up
to equality. The elements of ARep are called “areps” and are no group homomorphisms
in the sense of GAP3 (which is the reason for the term “abstract” representation). Special
care is taken of permutation and monomial representations, which can be represented very
efficiently by storing a list of permutations or mons (see 74.2) instead of matrices as images
on the generators.
Areps can represent representations of any finite group and any characteristic including
modular (characteristic divides group size) representations, but most of the higher functions
will only work in the non-modular case or even only in the case of characteristic zero. These
restrictions are always indicated in the description of the respective function.
Basic constructors allow to create areps, e.g. by supplying the list of images on the generators
(see ARepByImages, 74.73). Since GAP3 allows the manipulation of the generators given to
construct a group, it is important for consistency to have a field with generators one can
rely on. This is realized in the function GroupWithGenerators, 74.67.
Higher constructors allow to construct inductions (see InductionARep, 74.81), direct sums
(see DirectSumARep, 74.77), inner tensor products (see InnerTensorProductARep, 74.78)
etc. from given areps.
Some remarks on the design of ARep: The class ARep is a term algebra for matrix repre-
sentations of finite groups (see also AMat, 74.22). The simplification strategy is extremely
conservative, which means that even trivial expressions like GaloisConjugate(R,id)are
only simplified upon explicit request. As in AMat we use the “hint”-concept extensively
to suppress unnecessary expensive computations of little interest. The class AMat is used
in ARep in three ways: 1. for images under areps, 2. for conjugating matrices (change of
base of the underlying vector space) and 3. for elements of the intertwining space of two
areps. Note that 3. requires non-invertible or even rectangular matrices to be represented.
A special point that deserves mentioning is the way in which areps act as homomorphisms
anf how they are defined. Areps are no GAP3-homomorphisms. We simply did not man-
age to implement ARep as a term algebra and as GAP3-homomorphisms in a relyable and
efficient way which avoids maximal confusion. In addition, working with ARep usually
involves many representations of the same group. This is supported in the most obvious
way by fixing the list of generators used to create the group (see 74.67) and only varying the
list of images. Although this strategy differs from the approach in GAP3 (which deliberately
manipulates the generating list used to construct the group) it turned out to be very useful
and efficient in the situation at hand.
We define an arep recursively in Backus-Naur-Form as the disjoint union of the following
74.66. AREPS 1391
arep ::=
; atomic cases
perm ; “perm”
|mon ; “mon”
|mat ; “mat”
; composed cases
|arep ˆarep ; “conjugate”
|arep ... arep ; “directSum”
|arep ... arep ; “innerTensorProduct”
|arep # ... # arep ; “outerTensorProduct”
|arep subgrp ; “restriction”
|arep supgrp,transversal ; “induction”
|Extension(arep,ext-character) ; “extension”
|GaloisConjugate(arep,aut) ; “galoisConjugate”
An arep Ris a record with the following fields mandatory to all types of areps.
isARep := true
operations := AMatOps
char : characteristic of the base field
degree : degree of the representation
source : the group being represented, which must contain
the field .theGenerators, see 74.67
type : a string identifying the type of R
The cases as stated above are distinguished by the field .type of an arep R. Depending on
the type additional fields are mandatory as follows.
type = "perm":
theImages list of permutations for the images of source.theGenerators
type = "mon":
theImages list of mons (see 74.2) for the images of source.theGenerators
type = "mat":
theImages list of matrices for the images of source.theGenerators
type = "mat":
rep an arep to be conjugated
conjugation an amat (see 74.22) conjugating rep
type = "directSum":
summands list of areps of the same source and characteristic
type = "innerTensorProduct":
factors list of areps of the same characteristic
type = "outerTensorProduct":
factors list of areps of the same characteristic
type = "restriction":
rep an arep of a supergroup of source, the group source
and rep.source have the same parent group
type = "induction":
rep an arep of a subgroup of source, the group source
and rep.source have the same parent group
transversal a right transversal of Cosets(source, rep.source)
type = "galoisConjugate":
rep an arep to be conjugated
galoisAut the Galois automorphism
Note that most of the function concerning areps require calculation in the source group.
Hence it is most useful to choose aggroups or permutation groups as sources if possible.
Furthermore there is an important difference between the type of an arep and the type of
the representation being represented by the arep: E.g. an arep can be of type “induction”
but the representation is in fact a permutation representation. This distinction is reflected
in the naming of the functions: “XARep” refers to the type of the arep, “XRep” to the type
of the representation being represented,
Here a short overview of the function concerning areps. sections 74.67 – 74.83 are concerned
with the construction of areps, sections 74.84 – 74.92 are concerned with the evaluation
of an arep at a point, tests for equivalence and irreducibility, construction of an arep with
given character etc., sections 74.94 – 74.99 deal with the conversion of areps to areps of type
"perm", "mon", "mat". Sections 74.100 – 74.123 provide function for the computation
of the intertwining space of areps and a plenty of functions for monomial areps. The most
important function here is DecompositionMonRep (see 74.123) performing the decomposition
of a monomial arep including the computation of a highly structured decomposition matrix.
The basic functions concerning areps are implemented in the file "arep/lib/arep.g", the
higher functions in "arep/lib/arepfcts.g".
For details on constructive representation theory and the theoretical background of the
higher functions please refer to [P¨us98].
74.67 GroupWithGenerators
GroupWithGenerators( G)
Let Gbe a group. GroupWithGenerators returns Gwith the field G.theGenerators
being set to a fixed non-empty generating set of G. This function is created because GAP3
has the freedom to manipulate the generators given to construct a group. Based on the list
G.theGenerators areps can be constructed, e.g. by the images on that list (ARepByImages,
74.73). If an arep for a group Gis constructed with the field G.theGenerators unbound
a warning is signaled and the field is set.
gap> G := Group( (1,2) );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> GroupWithGenerators(G);
Group( (1,2) )
gap> G.theGenerators;
[ (1,2) ]
gap> G := Group( () );
Group( () )
gap> GroupWithGenerators(G);
Group( () )
gap> G.theGenerators;
[ () ]
gap> G.generators;
[ ]
GroupWithGenerators( list )
GroupWithGenerators returns the group Ggenerated by the elements in list. The field
G.theGenerators is set to list. For the reason of this function see above.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (), (1,2), (1,2,3) ] );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
gap> G.theGenerators;
[ (), (1,2), (1,2,3) ]
gap> G.generators;
[ (1,2), (1,2,3) ]
74.68 TrivialPermARep
TrivialPermARep( G)
TrivialPermARep( G,d)
TrivialPermARep( G,d,char )
TrivialPermARep( G,d,field )
TrivialPermARep returns an arep of type "perm" representing the one representation of the
group Gof degree d. The default degree is 1. As optional parameter a characteristic char
or a field can be supplied to obtain the one representation of arbitrary characteristic. The
default characteristic is zero.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [(1,2), (3,4)] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> TrivialPermARep(G, 2, 3);
TrivialPermARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ), 2, GF(3) )
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [(1,2), (3,4)] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> R := TrivialPermARep(G, 2, 3);
TrivialPermARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ), 2, GF(3) )
gap> R.char;
74.69 TrivialMonARep
TrivialMonARep( G)
TrivialMonARep( G,d)
TrivialMonARep( G,d,char )
TrivialMonARep( G,d,field )
TrivialMonARep returns an arep of type "mon" representing the one representation of the
group Gof degree d. The default degree is 1. As optional parameter a characteristic char
or a field can be supplied to obtain the one representation of arbitrary characteristic. The
default characteristic is zero.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [(1,2), (3,4)] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> R := TrivialMonARep(G, 2);
TrivialMonARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ), 2 )
gap> R.theImages;
[ Mon( (), 2 ), Mon( (), 2 ) ]
74.70 TrivialMatARep
TrivialMatARep( G)
TrivialMatARep( G,d)
TrivialMatARep( G,d,char )
TrivialMatARep( G,d,field )
TrivialMatARep returns an arep of type "mat" representing the one representation of the
group Gof degree d. The default degree is 1. As optional parameter a characteristic char
or a field can be supplied to obtain the one representation of arbitrary characteristic. The
default characteristic is zero.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [(1,2), (3,4)] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> R := TrivialMatARep(G);
TrivialMatARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ) )
gap> R.theImages;
74.71 RegularARep
RegularARep( G)
RegularARep( G,char )
RegularARep( G,field )
RegularARep returns an arep of type "induction" representing the regular representation of
G. The regular representation is defined (up to equality) by the induction R= (1ETG) of
the trivial representation (of degree one) of the trivial subgroup Eof Gwith the transversal
Tbeing the ordered list of elements of G. As optional parameter a characteristic char or
afield can be supplied to obtain the regular representation of arbitrary characteristic. The
default characteristic is zero.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(3));
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,3), (2,3) ] ) )
gap> RegularARep(G, GF(2));
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,3), (2,3) ] ), GF(2) )
74.72. NATURALAREP 1395
74.72 NaturalARep
NaturalARep( G)
NaturalARep( G,d)
NaturalARep( G,d,char )
NaturalARep( G,d,field )
Let Gbe a mongroup or a matrix group (for mons see 74.2). NaturalARep returns an arep
of type "mon" or "mat" resp. representing the representation given by G, which means that
Gis taken as a representation of itself.
For a permutation group Gthe desired degree dof the representation has to be supplied.
The returned arep is of type "perm". If dis smaller than the largest moved point of Gan
error is signaled. As optional parameter a characteristic char or a field can be supplied (if
Gis a permutation group). Note that a mongroup or a matrix group as source of an arep
slows down most of the calculations with it.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
gap> R := NaturalARep(G, 4);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] ), 4 )
gap> R.theImages;
[ (1,2), (1,2,3) ]
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ Mon( (1,2), [E(4), 1] ) ] );
Group( Mon(
[ E(4), 1 ]
) )
gap> NaturalARep(G);
GroupWithGenerators( [ Mon(
[ E(4), 1 ]
74.73 ARepByImages
ARepByImages( G,list )
ARepByImages( G,list,hint )
ARepByImages( G,list,d)
ARepByImages( G,list,d,hint )
ARepByImages( G,list,d,char )
ARepByImages( G,list,d,field )
ARepByImages( G,list,d,char,hint )
ARepByImages( G,list,d,field,hint )
ARepByImages allows to construct an arep of the group Gby supplying the list of images
on the list G.theGenerators.
Let list contain mons (see 74.2). ARepByImages returns an arep of type "mon" defined by
mapping G.theGenerators elementwise onto list.
Let list contain matrices. ARepByImages returns an arep of type "mat" defined by mapping
G.theGenerators elementwise onto list.
Let list contain permutations. ARepByImages returns an arep of type "perm" and degree
ddefined by mapping G.theGenerators elementwise onto list. If dis smaller than the
largest moved point of Gan error is signaled. As optional parameter a characteristic char
or a field can be supplied to obtain an arep of arbitrary characteristic.
In all cases the hint "hom" or "faithful" can be supplied to indicate that the list of images
does define a homomorphism or even a faithful homomorphism respectively. If no hint is
supplied it is checked whether the list of images defines a homomorphism.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [(1,2), (1,2,3)] );
Group( (1,2), (1,2,3) )
gap> ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [-1] ), Mon( [1] ) ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] ),
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ), Mon( (), 1 ) ],
gap> L := [ [ [Z(2), Z(2)], [0*Z(2), Z(2)] ], IdentityMat(2, GF(2)) ];
[ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ]
gap> ARepByImages(G, L);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] ),
[ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ],
[ [ Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2) ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> ARepByImages(G, [ (1,2), () ], 3);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] ),
[ (1,2), () ],
3, # degree
gap> ARepByImages(G, [ (1,2), () ], 3, "hom");
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (1,2,3) ] ),
[ (1,2), () ],
3, # degree
74.74. AREPBYHOM 1397
74.74 ARepByHom
ARepByHom( hom )
ARepByHom( hom,d)
ARepByHom( hom,d,char )
ARepByHom( hom,d,char )
Let hom be a homomorphism of a group into a mongroup. ARepByHom returns an arep of
type "mon" corresponding to hom.
Let hom be a homomorphism of a group into a matrix group. ARepByHom returns an arep
of type "mat" corresponding to hom.
Let hom be a homomorphism of a group into a permutation group and da positive integer.
ARepByHom returns an arep of type "perm" and degree dcorresponding to hom. If dis smaller
than the largest moved point of hom.range an error is signaled. As optional parameter a
characteristic char or a field can be supplied to obtain an arep of arbitrary characteristic.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4));
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> phi := IdentityMapping(G);
IdentityMapping( Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ) )
gap> ARepByHom(phi, 4);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] ), 4 )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators( [ Mon( [-1] ) ] );
Group( Mon( [ -1 ] ) )
gap> psi :=
> GroupHomomorphismByImages(G, H, G.generators, [H.1, H.1, H.1]);
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ),
Group( Mon( [ -1 ] ) ),
[ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ],
gap> ARepByHom(psi);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] ),
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ),
Mon( [ -1 ] ),
Mon( [ -1 ] )
74.75 ARepByCharacter
ARepByCharacter( chi )
Let chi be a onedimensional character of a group. ARepByCharacter returns a onedimen-
sional arep of type "mon" given by chi.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> L := Irr(G);
[ Character( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, 1 ] ),
Character( Group( (1,2) ), [ 1, -1 ] ) ]
gap> ARepByCharacter( L[2] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ) ],
74.76 ConjugateARep
ConjugateARep( R,A)or R^A
ConjugateARep( R,A,hint )
Let Rbe an arep and Aan amat (see 74.22). ConjugateARep returns an arep of type
"conjugate" representing the conjugated representation RA:x7→ A1·R(x)·A. The
amat is tested for invertibility if the optional hint "invertible" is not supplied. Rand A
must be compatible in size and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled. Note that R
and Acan be accessed in the fields .rep and .conjugation of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4));
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> R := NaturalARep(G, 4);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] ), 4 )
gap> A := AMatPerm( (1,2,3,4), 4 );
AMatPerm((1,2,3,4), 4)
gap> R ^ A;
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] ), 4 ),
AMatPerm((1,2,3,4), 4)
74.77 DirectSumARep
DirectSumARep( R1, ..., Rk)
DirectSumARep returns an arep of type "directSum" representing the direct sum R1. . .
Rkof the areps R1, ..., Rk, which must have common source and characteristic otherwise
an error is signaled.
The direct sum R=R1. . . Rkof representations is defined as x7→ R1(x). . . Rk(x).
Note that the summands R1, ..., Rkcan be accessed in the field .summands of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [(1,2,3,4), (1,3)] );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,3) )
gap> R1 := RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ] ) )
gap> R2 := ARepByImages(G, [ [[1]], [[-1]] ]);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ] ),
gap> DirectSumARep(R1, R2);
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ] ) ),
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ] ),
DirectSumARep( list )
DirectSumARep returns an arep of type "directSum" representing the direct sum of the
areps in list (see above).
74.78 InnerTensorProductARep
InnerTensorProductARep( R1, ..., Rk)
InnerTensorProductARep returns an arep of type "innerTensorProduct" representing the
inner tensor product R=R1. . . Rkof the areps R1, ..., Rk, which must have common
source and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The inner tensor product R=R1. . . Rkof representations is defined as x7→ R1(x)
. . . Rk(x). Note that the inner tensor product yields a representation of the same source
(in contrast to the outer tensor product, see 74.79).
Note that the tensor factors R1, ..., Rkcan be accessed in the field .factors of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> R1 := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( (1,2), 2 ), Mon( [-1, -1] ) ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ),
[ Mon( (1,2), 2 ), Mon( [ -1, -1 ] ) ],
gap> R2 := NaturalARep(G, 5);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ), 5 )
gap> InnerTensorProductARep(R1, R2);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ),
[ Mon( (1,2), 2 ), Mon( [ -1, -1 ] ) ],
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ), 5 )
InnerTensorProductARep( list )
InnerTensorProductARep returns an arep of type "innerTensorProduct" representing the
inner tensor product of the areps in list (see above).
74.79 OuterTensorProductARep
OuterTensorProductARep( R1, ..., Rk)
OuterTensorProductARep( G,R1, ..., Rk)
OuterTensorProductARep returns an arep of type "outerTensorProduct" representing the
outer tensor product R=R1#. . . #Rkof the areps R1, ..., Rk, which must have common
characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The outer tensor product R=R1#. . . #Rkof representations is defined as x7→ R1(x)
. . . Rk(x). Note that the outer tensor product of representations is a representation of the
direct product of the sources (in contrast to the inner tensor product, see 74.78).
Using the first version OuterTensorProductARep returns an arep Rwith R.source =
DirectProduct(R1.source, ..., Rk.source) using the GAP3 function DirectProduct.
In the second version the returned arep has as source the group Gwhich must be the inner
direct product G=R1.source ×. . . ×Rk.source. This property is not checked.
Note that the tensor factors R1, ..., Rkcan be accessed in the field .factors of the result.
gap> G1 := GroupWithGenerators(DihedralGroup(8));
Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) )
gap> G2 := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R1 := NaturalARep(G1, 4);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] ), 4 )
gap> R2 := ARepByImages(G2, [ [[-1]] ]);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
gap> OuterTensorProductARep(R1, R2);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] ), 4 ),
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
74.80 RestrictionARep
RestrictionARep( R,H)
RestrictionARep returns an arep of type "restriction" representing the restriction of
the arep Rto the subgroup Hof R.source. Here, “subgroup” means, that all elements of
Hare contained in R.source.
The restriction RHof a representation Rto a subgroup His defined by x7→ R(x), x H.
Note that Rcan be accessed in the field .rep of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4));
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators(AlternatingGroup(4));
Group( (1,2,4), (2,3,4) )
gap> R := NaturalARep(G, 4);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] ), 4 )
gap> RestrictionARep(R, H);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ] ), 4 ),
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,4), (2,3,4) ] )
74.81 InductionARep
InductionARep( R,G)
InductionARep( R,G,T)
InductionARep returns an arep of type "induction" representing the induction of the arep
Rto the supergroup Gwith the transversal Tof the residue classes R.source\G. Here,
“supergroup” means that all elements of R.source are contained in G. If no transversal T
is supplied one is chosen by the function RightTransversal. If a transversal Tis given it
is not checked to be one.
The induction RTGof a representation Rof Hto a supergroup Gwith transversal
T={t1, . . . , tk}of H\Gis defined by x7→ h˙
j|i, j ∈ {1, . . . , k}i, where ˙
R(y) =
R(y) for yHand 0 else.
Note that Rand Tcan be accessed in the fields .rep and .transversal resp. of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(H, [ [[Z(2), Z(2)], [0*Z(2), Z(2)]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> := "R";
gap> InductionARep(R, G);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ] ),
[ (), (3,4), (2,3), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (2,4), (1,4,3),
(1,4), (1,4,2,3), (1,4)(2,3), (1,2,3), (1,2,3,4) ]
74.82 ExtensionARep
ExtensionARep( R,chi )
Let Rbe an irreducible arep of characteristic zero and chi a character of a supergroup
of R.source which extends the character of R.ExtensionARep returns an arep of type
"extension" representing an extension of Rto chi.source. Here, “supergroup” means that
all elements of R.source are contained in G. The extension is evaluated using Minkwitz’s
formula (see [Min96]).
Note that Rand chi can be accessed in the fields .rep and .character of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators(AlternatingGroup(4));
Group( (1,2,4), (2,3,4) )
gap> := "S4";
gap> := "A4";
gap> R := ARepByImages(H, [ Mon( (1,2,3), [ 1, -1, -1 ] ),
> Mon( (1,2,3), 3 ) ] );
[ Mon( (1,2,3), [ 1, -1, -1 ] ),
Mon( (1,2,3), 3 )
gap> L := Irr(G);
[ Character( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ] ),
Character( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ 2, 0, -1, 2, 0 ] ),
Character( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] ),
Character( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ 3, 1, 0, -1, -1 ] ) ]
gap> ExtensionARep(R, L[4]);
[ Mon(
[ 1, -1, -1 ]
Mon( (1,2,3), 3 )
Character( Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ), [ 3, -1, 0, -1, 1 ] )
74.83 GaloisConjugateARep
GaloisConjugateARep( R,aut )
GaloisConjugateARep( R,k)
GaloisConjugateARep returns an arep of type "galoisConjugate" representing the Galois
conjugate of the arep A. The conjugating automorphism may either be a field automor-
phism aut or an integer kspecifying the automorphism x -> GaloisCyc(x, k)in the case
characteristic = 0 or x -> x^(FrobeniusAut^k)in the case characteristic = pprime.
The Galois conjugate of a representation Rwith a field automorphism aut is defined by
x7→ R(x)aut .
Note that Rand aut can be accessed in the fields .rep and .galoisAut resp. of the result.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ [[E(3)]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ),
gap> GaloisConjugateARep(R, -1);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ),
74.84 Basic Functions for AReps
The following sections describe basic functions for areps like e.g. testing irreducibility and
equivalence, evaluating an arep at a group element, computing kernel and character, and
constructing an arep with given character.
74.85 Comparison of AReps
R1<> R2
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the areps R1and R2are equal and to false
otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the amats R1and R2are not
equal and to false otherwise.
Two areps are equal iff they define the same representation. This means that first the sources
have to be equal, i.e. R1.source = R2.source and second the images are pointwise equal.
R1<= R2
R1>= R2
The operators <,<=,>=, and >evaluate to true if the arep R1is strictly less than, less than
or equal to, greater than or equal to, and strictly greater than the arep R2.
The ordering of areps is defined via the ordering of records.
74.86 ImageARep
ImageARep( x,R)or x^R
Let Rbe an arep and xa group element of R.source.ImageARep returns the image of x
under Ras an amat (see 74.22). For conversion of amats see 74.48 – 74.50.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(8, 5));
gap> R := RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( Q8 )
gap> x := Random(G);
gap> ImageARep(x, R);
AMatPerm((1,2)(3,4)(5,6)(7,8), 8),
) *
gap> PermAMat(last);
ImageARep( list,R)
ImageARep returns the list of images of the group elements in list under the arep R(see
above). The images are amats (see 74.22). For conversion of amats see 74.48 – 74.50.
74.87 IsEquivalentARep
IsEquivalentARep( R1,R2)
Let R1and R2be two areps with Maschke condition, i.e. Size( Ri.source ) mod Ri.char
6= 0, i = 1,2. IsEquivalentARep returns true if the areps R1and R2define equivalent
representations and false otherwise. Two representations (with Maschke condition) are
equivalent iff they have the same character. R1and R2must have identical source (i.e.
IsIdentical(R1,R2) = true) and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> R1 := NaturalARep(G, 3);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ), 3 )
gap> R2 := RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ) )
gap> IsEquivalentARep(R1, R2);
74.88 CharacterARep
CharacterARep( R)
CharacterARep returns the character of the arep R. Since GAP3 only provides characters of
characteristic zero, CharacterARep only works in this case and will signal an error otherwise.
Note that CharacterARep sets and tests R.character.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> CharacterARep(RegularARep(G));
Character( Group( (1,2), (3,4) ), [ 4, 0, 0, 0 ] )
74.89 IsIrreducibleARep
IsIrreducibleARep( R)
Let Ran arep of characteristic zero. IsIrreducibleARep returns true if Rrepresents an ir-
reducible arep and false otherwise. To determine irreducibility the character is used, which
is the reason for the condition characteristic = 0 (see 74.88). Note that IsIrreducibleARep
sets and tests R.isIrreducible.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(12, 5));
gap> L := Irr(G);
[ Character( A4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( A4, [ 1, 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ),
Character( A4, [ 1, 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ] ),
Character( A4, [ 3, -1, 0, 0 ] ) ]
gap> R := ARepByCharacter(L[2]);
[ Mon( [ E(3) ] ),
Mon( (), 1 ),
Mon( (), 1 )
gap> IsIrreducibleARep(R);
gap> IsIrreducibleARep(RegularARep(G));
74.90 KernelARep
KernelARep( R)
KernelARep returns the kernel of the arep R. Note that KernelARep sets and tests R.kernel.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(3));
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ [[-1]], [[-1]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,3), (2,3) ] ),
gap> KernelARep(R);
Subgroup( Group( (1,3), (2,3) ), [ (1,3,2) ] )
74.91 IsFaithfulARep
IsFaithfulARep( R)
IsFaithfulARep returns true if the arep Rrepresents a faithful representation and false
otherwise. Note that IsFaithfulARep sets and tests R.isFaithful.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(16, 7));
gap> IsFaithfulARep(TrivialPermARep(G));
gap> IsFaithfulARep(RegularARep(G));
74.92 ARepWithCharacter
ARepWithCharacter( chi )
ARepWithCharacter constructs an arep with character chi. The group chi.source must be
solvable otherwise an error is signaled. Note that the function returns a monomial arep if
this is possible.
Attention: ARepWithCharacter only works in GAP3 3.4.4 after bugfix 9!
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(8, 5));
gap> L := Irr(G);
[ Character( Q8, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( Q8, [ 1, 1, -1, 1, -1 ] ),
Character( Q8, [ 1, 1, 1, -1, -1 ] ),
Character( Q8, [ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1 ] ),
Character( Q8, [ 2, -2, 0, 0, 0 ] ) ]
gap> MonARepARep(ARepWithCharacter(L[5]));
[ Mon(
[ -1, 1 ]
Mon( [ E(4), -E(4) ] ),
Mon( [ -1, -1 ] )
74.93 GeneralFourierTransform
GeneralFourierTransform( G)
GeneralFourierTransform returns an amat representing a Fourier transform over the com-
plex numbers for the solvable group G. For an explanation of Fourier transforms see [CB93].
In order to obtain a fast Fourier transform for Gapply the function DecompositionMonRep
to any regular representation of G.
Attention: GeneralFourierTransform only works in GAP3 3.4.4 after bugfix 9!
gap> G := SymmetricGroup(3);
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> GeneralFourierTransform(G);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, 0, 0, E(3), E(3)^2, 0 ], [ 0, 1, E(3)^2, 0, 0, E(3) ],
[ 0, 1, E(3), 0, 0, E(3)^2 ], [ 1, 0, 0, E(3)^2, E(3), 0 ] ],
) ^ -1
74.94 Converting AReps
The following sections describe functions for convertibility and conversion of arbitrary areps
to areps of type "perm","mon", and "mat". As in AMat (see 74.22) the naming of the
functions follows the usual GAP3-convention: ChalkCheese makes chalk from cheese. The
parts in the name (chalk, cheese) are:
ARep – an arep of any type
PermARep – an arep of type “perm”
MonARep – an arep of type “mon”
MatARep – an arep of type “mat”
74.95 IsPermRep
IsPermRep( R)
IsPermRep returns true if Rrepresents a permutation representation and false otherwise.
Note that the name of this function is not IsPermARep since Rcan be an arep of any type
but represents a permutation representation in the mathematical sense (every image is a
permutation matrix). Note that IsPermRep sets and tests R.isPermRep.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [1, -1] ) ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ Mon( [ 1, -1 ] )
gap> IsPermRep(ConjugateARep(R, DFTAMat(2)));
74.96 IsMonRep
IsMonRep( R)
IsMonRep returns true if Rrepresents a monomial representation and false otherwise. Note
that the name of this function is not IsMonARep since Rcan be an arep of any type but
represents a monomial representation in the mathematical sense (every image is a monomial
matrix). Note that IsMonRep sets and tests R.isMonRep.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(8, 5));
gap> R := RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( Q8 )
gap> IsMonRep(InnerTensorProductARep(R, R));
74.97 PermARepARep
PermARepARep( R)
PermARepARep returns an arep of type "perm" representing the same representation as the
arep Rif possible. Otherwise false is returned. Note that PermARepARep sets and tests
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [1, -1] ) ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ Mon( [ 1, -1 ] )
74.98. MONAREPAREP 1409
gap> PermARepARep(ConjugateARep(R, DFTAMat(2)));
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ), 2 )
gap> PermARepARep(R);
74.98 MonARepARep
MonARepARep( R)
MonARepARep returns an arep of type "mon" representing the same representation as the
arep Rif possible. Otherwise false is returned. Note that MonARepARep sets and tests
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) )
gap> R1 := ARepByImages(G, [ [[1]], [[-1]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] ),
gap> R2 := NaturalARep(G, 4);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] ), 4 )
gap> MonARepARep(InnerTensorProductARep(R1, R2));
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] ),
[ Mon( (1,2,3), 4 ),
[ -1, -1, -1, -1 ]
74.99 MatARepARep
MatARepARep( R)
MatARepARep returns an arep of type "mat" representing the same representation as the
arep R. Note that MatARepARep sets and tests R.matARep.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> MatARepARep(RegularARep(G, 3));
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] ),
[ [ [ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ] ],
[ [ 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3) ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(3), 0*Z(3), Z(3)^0, 0*Z(3) ] ]
74.100 Higher Functions for AReps
The following sections describe functions allowing the structural manipulation of, mainly
monomial, areps. The idea is to convert a given arep into a mathematical equal (not only
equivalent!) arep having more structure. Examples are: converting a transitive monomial
arep into a conjugated induction (see 74.111), converting an induction into a conjugated
double induction (see 74.112), changing the transversal of an induction (see 74.115), decom-
posing a transitive monomial arep into a conjugated outer tensor product (see 74.116) and
last but not least decomposing a monomial arep into a conjugated sum of irreducibles (see
74.123). The latter is one of the most interesting functions of the package AREP.
74.101 IsRestrictedCharacter
IsRestrictedCharacter( chi,chisub )
IsRestrictedCharacter returns true if the character chisub is a restriction of the char-
acter chi to chisub.source and false otherwise. All elements of chisub.source must be
contained in chi.source otherwise an error is signaled.
gap> G := SymmetricGroup(3); := "S3";
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> H := CyclicGroup(3); := "Z3";
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> L1 := Irr(G);
[ Character( S3, [ 1, 1, 1 ] ), Character( S3, [ 1, -1, 1 ] ),
Character( S3, [ 2, 0, -1 ] ) ]
gap> L2 := Irr(H);
[ Character( Z3, [ 1, 1, 1 ] ), Character( Z3, [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ),
Character( Z3, [ 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ] ) ]
gap> IsRestrictedCharacter(L1[2], L2[1]);
74.102 AllExtendingCharacters
AllExtendingCharacters( chi,G)
AllExtendingCharacters returns the list of all characters of Gextending chi. All elements
of chi.source must be contained in Gotherwise an error is signaled.
gap> H := AlternatingGroup(4); := "A4";
Group( (1,2,4), (2,3,4) )
gap> G := SymmetricGroup(4); := "S4";
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> L := Irr(H);
[ Character( A4, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ),
Character( A4, [ 1, 1, E(3)^2, E(3) ] ),
Character( A4, [ 1, 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ),
Character( A4, [ 3, -1, 0, 0 ] ) ]
gap> AllExtendingCharacters(L[4], G);
[ Character( S4, [ 3, -1, -1, 0, 1 ] ),
Character( S4, [ 3, 1, -1, 0, -1 ] ) ]
74.103 OneExtendingCharacter
OneExtendingCharacter( chi,G)
OneExtendingCharacter returns one character of Gextending chi if possible or returns
false otherwise. All elements of chi.source must be contained in Gotherwise an error is
gap> H := Group( (1,3)(2,4) ); := "Z2";
Group( (1,3)(2,4) )
gap> G := Group( (1,2,3,4) ); := "Z4";
Group( (1,2,3,4) )
gap> L := Irr(H);
[ Character( Z2, [ 1, 1 ] ), Character( Z2, [ 1, -1 ] ) ]
gap> OneExtendingCharacter(L[2], G);
Character( Z4, [ 1, E(4), -1, -E(4) ] )
74.104 IntertwiningSpaceARep
IntertwiningSpaceARep( R1,R2)
IntertwiningSpaceARep returns a list of amats (see 74.22) representing a base of the in-
tertwining space Int(R1,R2) of the areps R1and R2, which must have common source and
characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
The intertwining space Int(R1,R2) of two representations R1and R2of a group Gof the
same characteristic is the vector space of matrices {M|R1(x)·M=M·R2(x),for all x
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> R1 := NaturalARep(G, 3);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ), 3 )
gap> R2 := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [1, E(3), E(3)^2] ) ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ),
[ Mon( [ 1, E(3), E(3)^2 ] )
gap> IntertwiningSpaceARep(R1, R2);
AMatMat( [ [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, E(3), 0 ], [ 0, E(3)^2, 0 ] ] ),
AMatMat( [ [ 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0, E(3)^2 ], [ 0, 0, E(3) ] ] ) ]
74.105 IntertwiningNumberARep
IntertwiningNumberARep( R1,R2)
IntertwiningNumberARep returns the intertwining number of the areps R1and R2. The
Maschke condition must hold for both R1and R2, otherwise an error is signaled. R1and
R2must have identical source (i.e. IsIdentical(R1,R2) = true) and characteristic otherwise
an error is signaled.
The intertwining number of two representations R1and R2(with Maschke condition) is the
dimension of the intertwining space or the scalar product of the characters.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(64, 12));
gap> R := RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( 2^3xD8 )
gap> IntertwiningNumberARep(R, R);
74.106 UnderlyingPermRep
UnderlyingPermRep( R)
Let Rbe a monomial arep (i.e. IsMonRep( R) = true). UnderlyingPermRep returns an
arep of type "perm" representing the underlying permutation representation of R.
The underlying permutation representation of a monomial representation Ris obtained by
replacing all entries 6= 0 in the images R(x), x Gby 1.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ [[0, 2], [1/2, 0]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
gap> UnderlyingPermARep(R);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ), 2 )
74.107 IsTransitiveMonRep
IsTransitiveMonRep( R)
Let Rbe a monomial arep (i.e. IsMonRep( R) = true). IsTransitiveMonRep returns
true if Ris transitive and false otherwise. Note that IsTransitiveMonRep sets and tests
A monomial representation is transitive iff the underlying permutation representation is.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );
Group( (1,2), (3,4) )
gap> IsTransitiveMonRep(NaturalARep(G, 4));
gap> IsTransitiveMonRep(RegularARep(G));
74.108 IsPrimitiveMonRep
IsPrimitiveMonRep( R)
Let Rbe a monomial arep (i.e. IsMonRep( R) = true). IsPrimitiveMonRep returns
true if Ris primitive and false otherwise.
A monomial representation is primitive iff the underlying permutation representation is.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4)); := "S4";
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(3)); := "S3";
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> L := Irr(H);
[ Character( S3, [ 1, 1, 1 ] ), Character( S3, [ 1, -1, 1 ] ),
Character( S3, [ 2, 0, -1 ] ) ]
gap> R := ARepByCharacter(L[2]);
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ),
Mon( [ -1 ] )
gap> IsPrimitiveMonRep(InductionARep(R, G));
74.109 TransitivityDegreeMonRep
TransitivityDegreeMonRep( R)
Let Rbe a monomial arep (i.e. IsMonRep( R) = true). TransitivityDegreeMonRep
returns the degree of transitivity of Ras an integer. Note that TransitivityDegreeMonRep
sets and tests R.transitivity.
The degree of transitivity of a monomial representation is defined as the degree of transitivity
of the underlying permutation representation.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(AlternatingGroup(5));
Group( (1,2,5), (2,3,5), (3,4,5) )
gap> TransitivityDegreeMonRep(NaturalARep(G, 5));
74.110 OrbitDecompositionMonRep
OrbitDecompositionMonRep( R)
Let Rbe a monomial arep (i.e. IsMonRep( R) = true). OrbitDecompositionMonRep
returns an arep equal to Rwith structure (R1. . . Rk)Pwhere Ri, i = 1, . . . , k are
transitive areps of type "mon" and Pis an amat of type "perm" (for amats see 74.22).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4) ] ); := "Z4";
Group( (1,2,3,4) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( (1,2)(3,4), [1,-1,1,1,-1] ) ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4) ] ),
[ Mon( (1,2)(3,4), [ 1, -1, 1, 1, -1 ] ) ],
gap> OrbitDecompositionMonRep(R);
[ Mon( (1,2), [ 1, -1 ] ) ],
[ Mon( (1,2), 2 ) ],
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ) ],
74.111 TransitiveToInductionMonRep
TransitiveToInductionMonRep( R)
TransitiveToInductionMonRep( R,i)
Let Rbe a transitive monomial arep of a group G.TransitiveToInductionMonRep returns
an arep equal to Rwith structure R= (LTG)D.Lis an arep of degree one of the
stabilizer Hof the point iand Ta transversal of H\G. The default for iis
is a diagonal amat (see 74.22) of type "mon". Note that TransitiveToInductionMonRep
sets and tests the field R.induction if
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(DihedralGroup(8));
Group( (1,2,3,4), (2,4) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [E(4), E(4)^-1] ), Mon( (1,2), 2 ) ]);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] ),
[ Mon( [ E(4), -E(4) ] ), Mon( (1,2), 2 ) ],
gap> TransitiveToInductionMonRep(R);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4) ] ),
[ Mon( [ -E(4) ] ) ],
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] ),
[ (2,4), () ]
74.112 InsertedInductionARep
InsertedInductionARep( R,H)
Let Rbe an arep of type "induction", i.e. R=LTGwhere Lis an arep of UG
and UHG.InsertedInductionARep returns an arep equal to Rwith structure
((LT1H)T2G)Mwhere Mis an amat (see 74.22) with a structure similar to R. If R.rep
is of degree 1 then Mis an amat of type "mon".
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4)); := "S4";
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators(AlternatingGroup(4)); := "A4";
Group( (1,2,4), (2,3,4) )
gap> U := GroupWithGenerators(CyclicGroup(3)); := "Z3";
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(U, [ [[E(3)]] ] );
gap> InsertedInductionARep(InductionARep(R, G), H);
[ (), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ]
[ (), (3,4) ]
AMatMon( Mon(
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, E(3)^2, 1 ]
) )
74.113 ConjugationPermReps
ConjugationPermReps( R1,R2)
Let R1and R2be permutation representations (i.e. IsPermRep( Ri) = true,i= 1,2).
ConjugationPermReps returns an amat A(see 74.22) of type "perm" such that R1A=R2.
R1and R2must have common source and characteristic otherwise an error is signaled.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] );
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> R1 := NaturalARep(G, 3);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ), 3 )
gap> R2 := ARepByImages(G, [ (1,3,2) ], 3);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ),
[ (1,3,2)
3, # degree
gap> A := ConjugationPermReps(R1, R2);
AMatPerm((2,3), 3)
gap> R1 ^ A = R2;
74.114 ConjugationTransitiveMonReps
ConjugationTransitiveMonReps( R1,R2)
Let R1and R2be transitive monomial representations. ConjugationTransitiveMonReps
returns an amat A(see 74.22) of type "mon" such that R1A=R2if possible and false
otherwise. R1and R2must have common source otherwise an error is signaled.
Note that a conjugating monomial matrix exists iff R1and R2are induced from inner
conjugated representations of degree one (see [P¨us98]).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2,3), (1,2) )
gap> R1 := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [E(3), E(3)^2] ), Mon( (1,2), 2 ) ]);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] ),
[ Mon( [ E(3), E(3)^2 ] ),
Mon( (1,2), 2 )
gap> R2 := ARepByImages(G, [ Mon( [E(3)^2, E(3)] ), Mon( (1,2), 2 ) ]);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3), (1,2) ] ),
[ Mon( [ E(3)^2, E(3) ] ),
Mon( (1,2), 2 )
gap> ConjugationTransitiveMonReps(R1, R2);
AMatMon( Mon( (1,2), 2 ) )
74.115 TransversalChangeInductionARep
TransversalChangeInductionARep( R,T)
TransversalChangeInductionARep( R,T,hint )
Let Rbe an arep of type "induction", i.e. R=LSGand Tanother transversal of
L.source\G.TransversalChangeInductionARep returns an arep equal to Rwith structure
(LTG)Mwhere Mis an amat (see 74.22). Mis of type "mon" if Lis of degree 1 else
Mhas a structure similar to R. The hint "isTransversal" suppresses checking Tto be a
right transversal.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4)); := "S4";
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(3)); := "S3";
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(H, [ [[-1]], [[-1]] ], "hom" );
gap> RG := InductionARep(R, G);
[ (), (3,4), (2,4), (1,4) ]
gap> T := [(1,2,3,4), (2,3,4), (3,4), ()];;
gap> TransversalChangeInductionARep(RG, T);
[ (1,2,3,4), (2,3,4), (3,4), () ]
AMatMon( Mon( (1,4)(2,3), [ 1, 1, -1, 1 ] ) )
gap> last = RG;
74.116 OuterTensorProductDecompositionMonRep
OuterTensorProductDecompositionMonRep( R)
Let Rbe a transitive monomial arep. OuterTensorProductDecompositionMonRep returns
an arep equal to Rwith structure (R1#. . . #Rk)M.The Riare areps of type "mon",Mis
an amat of type mon.
For a definition of the outer tensor product of representations see 74.79. For an explanation
of the algorithm see [P¨us98].
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(48, 16));
gap> R := RegularARep(G, 2);
RegularARep( 2x4xS3, GF(2) )
gap> OuterTensorProductDecompositionMonRep(R);
GroupWithGenerators( [ c ] ),
[ Mon( (1,2), 2, GF(2) ) ],
GroupWithGenerators( [ d, e ] ),
[ Mon( (1,3,2,4), 4, GF(2) ),
Mon( (1,2)(3,4), 4, GF(2) )
GroupWithGenerators( [ a*e, b ] ),
[ Mon( (1,4)(2,6)(3,5), 6, GF(2) ),
Mon( (1,2,3)(4,5,6), 6, GF(2) )
AMatMon( Mon( ( 2, 9,18,44,16,28,30,46,31, 6,42,48,47,39,23,35,37, 7)
( 3,17,36,45,24,43, 8,10,25, 5,34,29,38,15,19, 4,26,13)
(11,33,22,27,21,20,12,41,40,32,14), 48, GF(2) ) )
gap> last = R;
74.117 InnerConjugationARep
InnerConjugationARep( R,G,t)
Let Rbe an arep with source HGand tG.InnerConjugationARep returns an arep of
type "perm" or "mon" or "mat", the most specific possible, representing the inner conjugate
Rtof Rwith t.
The inner conjugate Rtis a representation of Htdefined by x7→ R(t·x·t1).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4));
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(3));
Group( (1,3), (2,3) )
gap> R := NaturalARep(H, 3);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,3), (2,3) ] ), 3 )
gap> InnerConjugationARep(R, G, (1,2,3,4));
GroupWithGenerators( [ (2,4), (3,4) ] ),
[ (1,3), (2,3) ],
3, # degree
74.118 RestrictionInductionARep
RestrictionInductionARep( R,K)
Let Rbe an arep of type "induction", i.e. R=LTGwhere Lis an arep of HGof
degree 1 and KGa subgroup. RestrictionInductionARep returns an arep equal to the
restriction RKwith structure Lk
i=1((Lsi(HsiK)) TiK)M.S={s1, . . . , sk}is a
transversal of the double cosets H\G/K,Lsidenotes the inner conjugate of Rwith si, and
Mis an amat (see 74.22) of type "mon".
Note that this decomposition is based on a refined version of Mackey’s subgroup theorem
(see [P¨us98]).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SymmetricGroup(4)); := "S4";
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ); := "Z2";
Group( (1,2) )
gap> K := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ); := "Z3";
Group( (1,2,3) )
gap> L := ARepByImages(H, [ Mon( [-1] ) ] );
[ Mon( [ -1 ] )
gap> RestrictionInductionARep(InductionARep(L, G), K);
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ) ),
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ) ),
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ) ),
RegularARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3) ] ) )
AMatMon( Mon(
( 2,12, 4, 6, 9, 5, 8,10),
[ 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1 ]
) )
74.119 kbsARep
kbsARep( R)
kbsARep returns the kbs (conjugated blockstructure) of the arep R. The kbs of a represen-
tation is a partition of the set {1,...,}representing the blockstructure of R. For
an exact definition see 74.167.
Note that for a monomial representation the kbs is exactly the list of orbits.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ (2,3) ], 4);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ (2,3) ],
4, # degree
gap> kbsARep(R);
74.120 RestrictionToSubmoduleARep
RestrictionToSubmoduleARep( R,list )
RestrictionToSubmoduleARep( R,list,hint )
Let Rbe an arep and list a subset of [].RestrictionToSubmoduleARep
returns an arep of type "perm" or "mon" or "mat", the most specific possible, representing
the restriction of Rto the submodule generated by the base vectors given through list. The
optional hint "hom" avoids the check for homomorphism.
Note that the restriction to the submodule given by list defines a homomorphism iff list is
a union of lists in the kbs of R(see 74.119).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G, [ (2,4) ], 4);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ (2,4) ],
4, # degree
gap> RestrictionToSubmoduleARep(R, [2,4]);
NaturalARep( GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ), 2 )
74.121 kbsDecompositionARep
kbsDecompositionARep( R)
kbsDecompositionARep returns an arep equal to Rwith structure (R1. . . Rk)Pwhere
Pis an amat (see 74.22) of type "perm"and all Rihave trivial kbs (see 74.119).
Note that for a monomial arep kbsDecompositionARep performs exactly the same as the
function OrbitDecompositionMonRep (see 74.110).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] );
Group( (1,2) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(G,
> [ [[Z(2), Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2)], [0*Z(2), Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2)],
> [0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2), Z(2)], [0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2) ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ],
[ 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ]
gap> kbsDecompositionARep(R);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ],
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2) ] ),
[ [ [ Z(2)^0, Z(2)^0 ], [ 0*Z(2), Z(2)^0 ] ] ],
IdentityPermAMat(4, GF(2))
74.122 ExtensionOnedimensionalAbelianRep
ExtensionOnedimensionalAbelianRep( R,G)
Let Rbe an arep of the subgroup HGand let G/kernel(R) be an abelian factor group.
ExtensionOnedimensionalAbelianRep returns an arep of type "mon" and degree 1 extend-
ing Rto G. For the extension the smallest possible extension field is chosen.
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(CyclicGroup(8));
Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) )
gap> H := GroupWithGenerators( [ G.1^2 ] );
Group( (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) )
gap> R := ARepByImages(H, [ [[-1]] ] );
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) ] ),
gap> ExtensionOnedimensionalAbelianRep(R, G);
GroupWithGenerators( [ (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ] ),
[ Mon( [ E(4) ] )
74.123 DecompositionMonRep
DecompositionMonRep( R)
DecompositionMonRep( R,hint )
Let Rbe a monomial arep (i.e. IsMonRep( R)yields true). DecompositionMonRep
returns an arep equal to Rwith structure (R1. . . Rk)A1where all Riare irreducible
and A1is a highly structured amat (see 74.22). Ais a decomposition matrix for Rand
can be accessed in the field .conjugation.element of the result. The list of the Rican be
accessed in the field .rep.summands of the result. Note that any Riis monomial if this is
possible. If the hint "noOuter" is supplied, the decomposition of Ris performed without any
decomposition into an outer tensor product which may speed up the function. The function
only works for characteristic zero otherwise an error is signaled. At least the following types
of monomial areps can be decomposed: monomial representations of solvable groups, double
transitive permutation representations, primitive permutation representations with solvable
socle. If DecompositionMonRep is not able to decompose Rthen false is returned. The
performance of DecompositionMonRep depends on the size of the group represented as well
as on the degree of R. E.g. the decomposition of a regular representation of a group of size
96 takes less than half a minute (CPU-time on a SUN Ultra-Sparc 150 MHz) if the source
group is an ag group.
Note that in the case that Ris a regular representation of the solvable group Gthe struc-
tured decomposition matrix Acomputed by DecompositionMonRep represents a fast Fourier
transform for G. Hence, DecompositionMonRep is able to compute a fast Fourier transform
for any solvable group.
The algorithm is a major result of [P¨us98] where a thorough explanation can be found.
Set InfoLatticeDec := Print to obtain information on the recursive decomposition of R.
An important application of this function is the automatic generation of fast algorithms for
discrete signal transforms which is realized in 74.147. (see [Min93], [Egn97a], [P¨us98]).
gap> G := GroupWithGenerators(SolvableGroup(8, 5));
gap> R := RegularARep(G);
RegularARep( Q8 )
gap> DecompositionMonRep(R);
TrivialMonARep( Q8 ),
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ), Mon( [ -1 ] ), Mon( (), 1 ) ],
[ Mon( [ -1 ] ), Mon( (), 1 ), Mon( (), 1 ) ],
[ Mon( (), 1 ), Mon( [ -1 ] ), Mon( (), 1 ) ],
[ Mon( (1,2), [ -1, 1 ] ),
Mon( [ E(4), -E(4) ] ),
Mon( [ -1, -1 ] )
[ Mon( (1,2), [ -1, 1 ] ),
Mon( [ E(4), -E(4) ] ),
Mon( [ -1, -1 ] )
( AMatPerm((7,8), 8) *
AMatPerm((2,3), 4) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, E(4) ]) *
) *
AMatPerm((2,3), 4)
) *
AMatMon( Mon(
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ]
) *
AMatPerm((2,4), 8)
) ^ -1
gap> last = R;
74.124 Symmetry of Matrices
The following sections describe functions for the computation of symmetry of a given matrix.
A symmetry of a matrix is a pair (R1, R2) of representations of the same group Gwith the
property R1(x)·M=M·R2(x) for all xG. This definition corresponds to the definition
of the intertwining space of R1, R2(see 74.104). The origin of this definition is due to
Minkwitz (see [Min95], [Min93]) and was generalized to the definition above by the authors
of this package.
Restrictions on the representations R1, R2yield special types of symmetry. We consider the
following three types:
Perm-Irred symmetry: R1is a permutation representation, R2is a conjugated (by a
permutation) direct sum of irreducible representations
Perm-Perm symmetry: both R1and R2are permutation representations
Mon-Mon symmetry: both R1and R2are monomial representations
There are two implementations for the search algorithm for Perm-Perm-Symmetry. One is
entirely in GAP3 by S. Egner, the other uses the external C-program desauto bei J. Leon
which is distributed with the GUAVA package. By default the GAP3 code is run. In or-
der to use the much faster method of J. Leon based on partitions (see [Leo91]) you should
set UseLeon := true and make sure that an executable version of desauto is placed in
$GAP/pkg/arep/bin. The implementation of Leon requires the matrix to have 256 dif-
ferent entries. If this condition is violated the GAP3 implementation is run.
A matrix with symmetry of one of the types above contains structure in a sense and can be
decomposed into a product of highly structured sparse matrices (see 74.147).
For details on the concept and computation of symmetry see [Egn97a] and [P¨us98].
The following functions are implemented in the file "arep/lib/symmetry.g" based on func-
tions from "arep/lib/permperm.g","arep/lib/monmon.g","arep/lib/permblk.g" and
74.125 PermPermSymmetry
PermPermSymmetry( M)
Let Mbe a matrix or an amat (see 74.22). PermPermSymmetry returns a pair (R1, R2) of
areps of type "perm" (see 74.66) of the same group Grepresenting the perm-perm symmetry
of M, i.e. R1(x)·M=M·R2(x) for all xG. The returned symmetry is maximal in the
sense that for every pair (p1, p2) of permutations satisfying p1·M=M·p2there is an x
with p1=R1(x) and p2=R2(x).
To use the much faster implementation of J. Leon set UseLeon := true as explained in
Set InfoPermSym1 := true to obtain information about the search.
For the algorithm see [Leo91] resp. [Egn97a].
gap> M := DFT(5);;
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, E(5), E(5)^2, E(5)^3, E(5)^4 ],
[ 1, E(5)^2, E(5)^4, E(5), E(5)^3 ],
[ 1, E(5)^3, E(5), E(5)^4, E(5)^2 ],
[ 1, E(5)^4, E(5)^3, E(5)^2, E(5) ] ]
gap> L := PermPermSymmetry(M);
[ ARepByImages(
GroupWithGenerators( [ g1, g2 ] ),
[ (2,3,5,4),
5, # degree
), ARepByImages(
GroupWithGenerators( [ g1, g2 ] ),
[ (2,4,5,3),
5, # degree
) ]
gap> L[1]^AMatMat(M) = L[2];
74.126 MonMonSymmetry
MonMonSymmetry( M)
Let Mbe a matrix or an amat (see 74.22) of characteristic zero. MonMonSymmetry returns a
pair (R1, R2) of areps of type "mon" (see 74.66) of the same group Grepresenting a mon-mon
symmetry of M, i.e. R1(x)·M=M·R2(x) for all xG.
The non-zero entries in the matrices R1(x), R2(x) are all roots of unity of a certain order d.
This order is given by the lcm of all quotients of non-zero entries of Mwith equal absolute
value. The returned symmetry is maximal in the sense that for every pair (m1, m2) of
monomial matrices containing only dth roots of unity (and 0) and satisfying m1·M=M·m2
there is an xwith m1=R1(x) and m2=R2(x).
MonMonSymmetry uses the function PermPermSymmetry. Hence you can accelerate the func-
tion using the faster implementation of J. Leon by setting UseLeon := true as explained
in 74.124.
For an explanation of the algorithm see [P¨us98].
gap> M := DFT(5);;
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, E(5), E(5)^2, E(5)^3, E(5)^4 ],
[ 1, E(5)^2, E(5)^4, E(5), E(5)^3 ],
[ 1, E(5)^3, E(5), E(5)^4, E(5)^2 ],
[ 1, E(5)^4, E(5)^3, E(5)^2, E(5) ] ]
gap> L := MonMonSymmetry(M);
[ ARepByImages(
GroupWithGenerators( [ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 ] ),
[ Mon(
[ 1, E(5)^3, E(5), E(5)^4, E(5)^2 ]
[ 1, E(5)^2, E(5)^4, E(5), E(5)^3 ]
[ E(5), E(5), E(5), E(5), E(5) ]
Mon( [ E(5), 1, E(5)^4, E(5)^3, E(5)^2 ] ),
Mon( [ 1, E(5), E(5)^2, E(5)^3, E(5)^4 ] )
), ARepByImages(
GroupWithGenerators( [ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 ] ),
[ Mon( (1,3,4,2), 5 ),
Mon( (1,4)(2,3), 5 ),
Mon( [ E(5), E(5)^2, E(5)^3, E(5)^4, 1 ] ),
[ E(5), E(5), E(5), E(5), E(5) ]
Mon( (1,5,4,3,2), 5 )
) ]
gap> L[1]^AMatMat(M) = L[2];
74.127 PermIrredSymmetry
PermIrredSymmetry( M)
PermIrredSymmetry( M,maxblocksize )
Let Mbe a matrix or an amat (see 74.22) of characteristic zero. PermIrredSymmetry returns
a list of pairs (R1, R2) of areps (see 74.66) of the same group Grepresenting a perm-irred
symmetry of M, i.e. R1(x)·M=M·R2(x) for all xGand R1is a permutation represen-
tation and R2a conjugated (by a permutation) direct sum of irreducible representations. If
maxblocksize is supplied exactly those perm-irred symmetries are returned where R2con-
tains at least one irreducible of degree maxblocksize. The default for maxblocksize is
Refer to [Egn97a] to understand how the search is done and how to interpret the result.
Note that the perm-irred symmetry is not symmetric. Hence it is possible that a matrix M
admits a perm-irred symmetry but its transpose not.
The perm-irred symmetry is a special case of a perm-block symmetry. The perm-block
symmetries admitted by a fixed matrix Mcan be described by two lattices which are in
a certain way related to each other (semi-order preserving). To explore this structure (de-
scribed in [Egn97a]) you should refer to PermBlockSym and DisplayPermBlockSym in the
file "arep/lib/permblk.g".
gap> M := DFT(4);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(4), -1, -E(4) ], [ 1, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, -E(4), -1, E(4) ] ]
gap> PermIrredSymmetry(M);
[ [ NaturalARep( G2, 4 ), ConjugateARep(
TrivialMatARep( G2 ),
[ [ E(4) ] ]
[ [ -E(4) ] ]
) ], [ NaturalARep( G3, 4 ), ConjugateARep(
TrivialMatARep( G3 ),
[ [ [ 0, -E(4) ], [ E(4), 0 ] ],
AMatPerm((3,4), 4)
) ], [ NaturalARep( G1, 4 ), ConjugateARep(
TrivialMatARep( G1 ),
[ [ [ 1/2, -1/2+1/2*E(4), 1/2*E(4) ],
[ -1/2-1/2*E(4), 0, -1/2+1/2*E(4) ],
[ -1/2*E(4), -1/2-1/2*E(4), 1/2 ] ],
[ [ 1/2, 1/2+1/2*E(4), -1/2*E(4) ],
[ 1/2-1/2*E(4), 0, 1/2+1/2*E(4) ],
[ 1/2*E(4), 1/2-1/2*E(4), 1/2 ] ]
74.128 Discrete Signal Transforms
The following sections describe functions for the construction of many well known signal
transforms in matrix form, as e.g. the discrete Fourier transform, several discrete cosine
transforms etc. For the definition of the mentioned signal transforms see [ER82], [Mal92],
The functions for discrete signal transforms are implemented in "arep/lib/transf.g".
74.129 DiscreteFourierTransform
DiscreteFourierTransform( r)
DiscreteFourierTransform( n)
DiscreteFourierTransform( n,char )
shortcut: DFT
DiscreteFourierTransform or DFT returns the discrete Fourier transform from a given
root of unity ror the size nand the characteristic char (see [CB93]). The default for char
is zero. Note that the DFT on npoints and characteristic char exists iff nand char are
coprime. If this condition is violenced an error is signaled.
The DFTnof size nis defined as DFTn= [ωk`
n|k,  ∈ {0, . . . , n 1}], ωna primitive nth
root of unity.
gap> DFT(Z(3));
[ [ Z(3)^0, Z(3)^0 ], [ Z(3)^0, Z(3) ] ]
gap> DFT(4);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(4), -1, -E(4) ], [ 1, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, -E(4), -1, E(4) ] ]
74.130 InverseDiscreteFourierTransform
InverseDiscreteFourierTransform( r)
InverseDiscreteFourierTransform( n)
InverseDiscreteFourierTransform( n,char )
shortcut: InvDFT
InverseDiscreteFourierTransform or InvDFT returns the inverse of the discrete Fourier
transform from a given root of unity ror the size nand the characteristic char (see 74.129).
The default for char is zero.
gap> InvDFT(3);
[ [ 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 ], [ 1/3, 1/3*E(3)^2, 1/3*E(3) ],
[ 1/3, 1/3*E(3), 1/3*E(3)^2 ] ]
74.131 DiscreteHartleyTransform
DiscreteHartleyTransform( n)
shortcut: DHT
DiscreteHartleyTransform or DHT returns the discrete Hartley transform on npoints.
The DHTnof size nis defined by DHTn= [1/n·(cos(2πk/n) + sin(2πk/n)) |k, 
{0, . . . , n 1}].
gap> DHT(4);
[ [ 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 ], [ 1/2, 1/2, -1/2, -1/2 ],
[ 1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2 ], [ 1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2 ] ]
74.132 InverseDiscreteHartleyTransform
InverseDiscreteHartleyTransform( n)
shortcut: InvDHT
InverseDiscreteHartleyTransform or InvDHT returns the inverse of the discrete Hartley
transform on npoints. Since the DHT is self inverse the result is exactly the same as from
DHT above.
gap> InvDHT(4);
[ [ 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 ], [ 1/2, 1/2, -1/2, -1/2 ],
[ 1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2 ], [ 1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2 ] ]
74.133 DiscreteCosineTransform
DiscreteCosineTransform( n)
shortcut: DCT
DiscreteCosineTransform returns the standard cosine transform (type II) on npoints.
The DCTnof size nis defined by DCTn= [p2/n·ck·(cos(k(+1/2)π/n)|k,  ∈ {0, . . . , n
1}], ck= 1/2 for k= 0 and ck= 1 else.
gap> DCT(3);
[ [ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11,
1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11 ],
[ -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3, 0, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3 ],
[ -1/6*E(24)+1/6*E(24)^11+1/6*E(24)^17-1/6*E(24)^19,
-1/6*E(24)+1/6*E(24)^11+1/6*E(24)^17-1/6*E(24)^19 ] ]
74.134 InverseDiscreteCosineTransform
InverseDiscreteCosineTransform( n)
shortcut: InvDCT
InverseDiscreteCosineTransform returns the inverse of the standard cosine transform
(type II) on npoints. Since the DCT is orthogonal, the result is the transpose of the DCT,
which is exactly the discrete cosine transform of type III.
[ [ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3,
-1/6*E(24)+1/6*E(24)^11+1/6*E(24)^17-1/6*E(24)^19 ],
[ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, 0,
1/3*E(24)-1/3*E(24)^11-1/3*E(24)^17+1/3*E(24)^19 ],
[ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3,
-1/6*E(24)+1/6*E(24)^11+1/6*E(24)^17-1/6*E(24)^19 ] ]
74.135 DiscreteCosineTransformIV
DiscreteCosineTransformIV( n)
shortcut: DCT IV
DiscreteCosineTransformIV returns the cosine transform of type IV on npoints.
The DCT IVnof size nis defined by DCT IVn= [p2/n ·(cos((k+ 1/2)(+ 1/2)π/n)|
k,  ∈ {0, . . . , n 1}].
[ [ 1/2*E(12)^4+1/6*E(12)^7+1/2*E(12)^8-1/6*E(12)^11,
1/2*E(12)^4-1/6*E(12)^7+1/2*E(12)^8+1/6*E(12)^11 ],
[ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, -1/3*E(12)^7+1/3*E(12)^11,
-1/3*E(12)^7+1/3*E(12)^11 ],
[ 1/2*E(12)^4-1/6*E(12)^7+1/2*E(12)^8+1/6*E(12)^11,
1/2*E(12)^4+1/6*E(12)^7+1/2*E(12)^8-1/6*E(12)^11 ] ]
74.136 InverseDiscreteCosineTransformIV
InverseDiscreteCosineTransformIV( n)
shortcut: InvDCT IV
InverseDiscreteCosineTransformIV returns the inverse of the cosine transform of type
IV on npoints. Since the DCT IV is orthogonal, the result is the transpose of the DCT IV.
[ [ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3,
-1/6*E(24)+1/6*E(24)^11+1/6*E(24)^17-1/6*E(24)^19 ],
[ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, 0,
1/3*E(24)-1/3*E(24)^11-1/3*E(24)^17+1/3*E(24)^19 ],
[ 1/3*E(12)^7-1/3*E(12)^11, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3,
-1/6*E(24)+1/6*E(24)^11+1/6*E(24)^17-1/6*E(24)^19 ] ]
74.137 DiscreteCosineTransformI
DiscreteCosineTransformI( n)
shortcut: DCT I
DiscreteCosineTransformI returns the cosine transform of type I on n+ 1 points.
The DCT Inof size n+ 1 is defined by DCT In= [p2/n ·ck·c`·(cos(kπ/n)|k, 
{0, . . . , n}], ck= 1/2 for k= 0 and ck= 1 else.
[ [ 1/2, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3, 1/2 ],
[ 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3, 0, -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3 ],
[ 1/2, -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3, 1/2 ] ]
74.138 InverseDiscreteCosineTransformI
InverseDiscreteCosineTransformI( n)
shortcut: InvDCT I
InverseDiscreteCosineTransformI returns the inverse of the cosine transform of type I
on npoints. Since the DCT I is orthogonal, the result is the transpose of the DCT I.
[ [ 1/2, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3, 1/2 ],
[ 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3, 0, -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3 ],
[ 1/2, -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3, 1/2 ] ]
74.139 WalshHadamardTransform
WalshHadamardTransform( n)
shortcut: WHT
WalshHadamardTransform returns the Walsh-Hadamard transform on npoints.
Let n=Qk
i=1 pνi
ibe the prime factor decomposition of n. Then the WHTnis defined by
i=1 DFTνi
gap> WHT(4);
[ 1, 1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, -1, -1, 1 ] ]
74.140 InverseWalshHadamardTransform
InverseWalshHadamardTransform( n)
shortcut: InvWHT
InverseWalshHadamardTransform returns the inverse of the Walsh-Hadamard transform
on npoints.
gap> InvWHT(4);
[ [ 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4 ], [ 1/4, -1/4, 1/4, -1/4 ],
[ 1/4, 1/4, -1/4, -1/4 ], [ 1/4, -1/4, -1/4, 1/4 ] ]
74.141 SlantTransform
SlantTransform( n)
shortcut: ST
SlantTransform returns the Slant transform on npoints, which must be a power of 2,
n= 2k
For a definition of the Slant transform see [ER82], 10.9.
gap> ST(4);
[ [ 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 ],
[ 3/10*E(5)-3/10*E(5)^2-3/10*E(5)^3+3/10*E(5)^4,
-3/10*E(5)+3/10*E(5)^2+3/10*E(5)^3-3/10*E(5)^4 ],
[ 1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2 ],
[ 1/10*E(5)-1/10*E(5)^2-1/10*E(5)^3+1/10*E(5)^4,
-1/10*E(5)+1/10*E(5)^2+1/10*E(5)^3-1/10*E(5)^4 ] ]
74.142 InverseSlantTransform
InverseSlantTransform( n)
shortcut: InvST
InverseSlantTransform returns the inverse of the Slant transform on npoints, which must
be a power of 2, n= 2k. Since ST is orthogonal, this is exactly the transpose of the ST.
gap> InvST(4);
[ [ 1/2, 3/10*E(5)-3/10*E(5)^2-3/10*E(5)^3+3/10*E(5)^4, 1/2,
1/10*E(5)-1/10*E(5)^2-1/10*E(5)^3+1/10*E(5)^4 ],
[ 1/2, 1/10*E(5)-1/10*E(5)^2-1/10*E(5)^3+1/10*E(5)^4, -1/2,
-3/10*E(5)+3/10*E(5)^2+3/10*E(5)^3-3/10*E(5)^4 ],
[ 1/2, -1/10*E(5)+1/10*E(5)^2+1/10*E(5)^3-1/10*E(5)^4, -1/2,
3/10*E(5)-3/10*E(5)^2-3/10*E(5)^3+3/10*E(5)^4 ],
[ 1/2, -3/10*E(5)+3/10*E(5)^2+3/10*E(5)^3-3/10*E(5)^4, 1/2,
-1/10*E(5)+1/10*E(5)^2+1/10*E(5)^3-1/10*E(5)^4 ] ]
74.143 HaarTransform
HaarTransform( n)
shortcut: HT
HaarTransform returns the Haar transform on npoints, which must be a power of 2, n= 2k.
For a definition of the Haar transform see [ER82], 10.10.
gap> HT(4);
[ [ 1/4, 1/4, 1/4, 1/4 ], [ 1/4, 1/4, -1/4, -1/4 ],
[ 1/4*E(8)-1/4*E(8)^3, -1/4*E(8)+1/4*E(8)^3, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1/4*E(8)-1/4*E(8)^3, -1/4*E(8)+1/4*E(8)^3 ] ]
74.144 InverseHaarTransform
InverseHaarTransform( n)
shortcut: InvHT
InverseHaarTransform returns the inverse of the Haar transform on npoints, which must
be a power of 2, n= 2k.
The inverse is exactly ntimes the transpose of HT.
gap> InvHT(4);
[ [ 1, 1, E(8)-E(8)^3, 0 ], [ 1, 1, -E(8)+E(8)^3, 0 ],
[ 1, -1, 0, E(8)-E(8)^3 ], [ 1, -1, 0, -E(8)+E(8)^3 ] ]
74.145 RationalizedHaarTransform
RationalizedHaarTransform( n)
shortcut: RHT
RationalizedHaarTransform returns the rationalized Haar transform on npoints, which
must be a power of 2, n= 2k.
For a definition of the rationalized Haar transform see [ER82], 10.11.
gap> RHT(4);
74.146 InverseRationalizedHaarTransform
InverseRationalizedHaarTransform( n)
shortcut: InvRHT
InverseRationalizedHaarTransform returns the inverse of the rationalized Haar trans-
form on npoints, which must be a power of 2, n= 2k.
gap> InvRHT(4);
[ [ 1/4, 1/4, 1/2, 0 ], [ 1/4, 1/4, -1/2, 0 ],
[ 1/4, -1/4, 0, 1/2 ], [ 1/4, -1/4, 0, -1/2 ] ]
74.147 Matrix Decomposition
The decomposition of a matrix Mwith symmetry is a striking application of constructive
representation theory and was the original motivation to create the package AREP. Here,
decomposition means that Mis decomposed into a product of highly structured sparse ma-
trices. Applied to matrices corresponding to discrete signal transforms such a decomposition
may represent a fast algorithm for the signal transform.
For the definition of symmetry see 74.124.
The idea of decomposing a matrix with symmetry is due to Minkwitz [Min95], [Min93] and
was further developed by the authors of this package. See [Egn97a], chapter 1 or [P¨us98],
chapter 3 for a thorough explanation of the method.
The following three functions correspond to the three types of symmetry considered in this
package (see 74.124). The functions are implemented in the file "arep/lib/algogen.g".
74.148 MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry
MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry( M)
Let Mbe a matrix or an amat (see 74.22). MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry
returns a highly structured amat of type "product" with all factors being sparse which
represents the matrix M. The returned amat can be viewed as a fast algorithm for the
multiplication with M.
The function uses the perm-perm symmetry (see 74.125) to decompose the matrix (see
74.147) and can hence be accelerated by setting UseLeon := true as described in 74.124.
The following examples show that MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry discovers
automatically the method of Rader (see [Rad68]) for a discrete Fourier transform of prime
degree as well as the well-known decomposition of circulant matrices.
gap> M := DFT(5);;
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ],
[ 1, E(5), E(5)^2, E(5)^3, E(5)^4 ],
[ 1, E(5)^2, E(5)^4, E(5), E(5)^3 ],
[ 1, E(5)^3, E(5), E(5)^4, E(5)^2 ],
[ 1, E(5)^4, E(5)^3, E(5)^2, E(5) ] ]
gap> MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry(M);
AMatPerm((4,5), 5) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, E(4) ]) *
) *
AMatPerm((2,3), 4)
) *
AMatPerm((1,4,2,5,3), 5) *
DiagonalAMat([ E(20)^4-E(20)^13-E(20)^16+E(20)^17,
E(5)-E(5)^2-E(5)^3+E(5)^4, E(20)^4+E(20)^13-E(20)^16-E(20)^17 ]),
) *
AMatPerm((1,3,5,2,4), 5) *
AMatPerm((2,3), 4) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1/2, 1/2 ]) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, -E(4) ]) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1/2, 1/2 ]) *
) *
AMatPerm((3,4,5), 5)
gap> M := [[1, 2, 3], [3, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1]];;
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 1, 2, 3 ],
[ 3, 1, 2 ],
[ 2, 3, 1 ] ]
gap> MatrixDecompositionByPermPermSymmetry(M);
DFTAMat(3) *
AMatMon( Mon(
[ 2, 2/3*E(3)+1/3*E(3)^2, 1/3*E(3)+2/3*E(3)^2 ]
74.149 MatrixDecompositionByMonMonSymmetry
MatrixDecompositionByMonMonSymmetry( M)
Let Mbe a matrix or an amat (see 74.22). MatrixDecompositionByMonMonSymmetry re-
turns a highly structured amat of type "product" with all factors being sparse which
represents the matrix M. The returned amat can be viewed as a fast algorithm for the
multiplication with M.
The function uses the mon-mon symmetry (see 74.126) to decompose the matrix (see 74.147)
and can hence be accelerated by setting UseLeon := true as described in 74.124.
The following example show that MatrixDecompositionByMonMonSymmetry is able to find
automatically a decomposition of the discrete cosine transform of type IV (see 74.135).
gap> M := DCT_IV(8);;
gap> MatrixDecompositionByMonMonSymmetry(M);
AMatMon( Mon(
[ E(4), E(16)^5, E(8)^3, -E(16)^7, 1, -E(16), E(8), -E(16)^3 ]
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, E(8), E(4), E(8)^3 ]) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, E(4), 1, 1, 1, E(4) ]) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ -E(64), -E(64), E(64)^9, -E(64)^9, E(64)^23, -E(64)^23,
E(64)^31, E(64)^31 ]) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1/2, 1/2 ]) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, -E(4), 1, 1, 1, -E(4) ]) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1/2, 1/2 ]) *
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -E(8)^3, -E(4), -E(8) ]) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1/2, 1/2 ]) *
) *
AMatMon( Mon(
[ E(4), E(16)^5, -E(16)^7, E(8), E(8)^3, -E(16)^3, -E(16), 1 ]
) )
74.150 MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry
MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry( M)
MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry( M,maxblocksize )
Let Mbe a matrix or an amat (see 74.22). MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry
returns a highly structured amat of type "product" with all factors being sparse which
represents the matrix M. The returned amat can be viewed as a fast algorithm for the
multiplication with M.
The function uses the perm-irred symmetry (see 74.127) to decompose the matrix (see
If maxblocksize is supplied only those perm-irred symmetries with all irreducibles having
degree less than maxblocksize are considered. The default for maxblocksize is 2.
Note that the perm-irred symmetry is not symmetric. Hence it is possible that a matrix M
decomposes but its transpose not.
The following examples show that MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry discovers
automatically the Cooley-Tukey decomposition (see [CT65]) of a discrete Fourier transform
as well as a decomposition of the transposed discrete cosine transform of type II (see 74.133).
gap> M := DFT(4);
[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, E(4), -1, -E(4) ], [ 1, -1, 1, -1 ],
[ 1, -E(4), -1, E(4) ] ]
gap> MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry(M);
) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1, 1, 1, E(4) ]) *
) *
AMatPerm((2,3), 4)
gap> M := TransposedMat(DCT(8));;
gap> MatrixDecompositionByPermIrredSymmetry(M);
AMatPerm((1,2,6,7,5,3,8), 8) *
AMatPerm((3,4), 4) *
) *
AMatPerm((2,3), 4) *
) *
AMatPerm((2,7,5,4,3)(6,8), 8) *
[ [ -1/2*E(8)+1/2*E(8)^3, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3 ],
[ 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3, 1/2*E(8)-1/2*E(8)^3 ] ],
) *
) *
AMatPerm((2,7,3,8,4), 8) *
DiagonalAMat([ 1/4*E(8)-1/4*E(8)^3, 1/4*E(8)-1/4*E(8)^3 ]),
[ [ 1/4*E(16)-1/4*E(16)^7, 1/4*E(16)^3-1/4*E(16)^5 ],
[ 1/4*E(16)^3-1/4*E(16)^5, -1/4*E(16)+1/4*E(16)^7 ] ]
[ [ -1/4*E(32)+1/4*E(32)^15, -1/4*E(32)^7+1/4*E(32)^9 ],
[ 1/4*E(32)^7-1/4*E(32)^9, -1/4*E(32)+1/4*E(32)^15 ] ]
[ [ -1/4*E(32)^3+1/4*E(32)^13, -1/4*E(32)^5+1/4*E(32)^11 ],
[ -1/4*E(32)^5+1/4*E(32)^11, 1/4*E(32)^3-1/4*E(32)^13 ] ]
) *
AMatPerm((2,5)(4,7)(6,8), 8)
74.151 Complex Numbers
The next sections describe basic functions for the calculation with complex numbers which
are represented as cyclotomics, e.g. computation of the complex conjugate or certain sine
and cosine expressions.
The following functions are implemented in the file "arep/lib/complex.g".
74.152 ImaginaryUnit
ImaginaryUnit( )
ImaginaryUnit returns E(4).
gap> ImaginaryUnit();
74.153 Re
Re( z)
Re returns the real part of the cyclotomic z.
gap> z := E(3) + E(4);
gap> Re(z);
Re( list )
Re returns the list of the real parts of the cyclotomics in list.
74.154 Im
Im( z)
Im returns the imaginary part of the cyclotomic z.
gap> z := E(3) + E(4);
gap> Im(z);
Im( list )
Im returns the list of the imaginary parts of the cyclotomics in list.
74.155. ABSSQR 1441
74.155 AbsSqr
AbsSqr( z)
AbsSqr returns the squared absolute value of the cyclotomic z.
gap> AbsSqr(z);
AbsSqr( list )
AbsSqr returns the list of the squared absolute values of the cyclotomics in list.
74.156 Sqrt
Sqrt( r)
Sqrt returns the square root of the rational number r.
gap> Sqrt(1/3);
74.157 ExpIPi
ExpIPi( r)
Let rbe a rational number. ExpIPi returns eπir.
gap> ExpIPi(1/5);
74.158 CosPi
CosPi( r)
Let rbe a rational number. CosPi( r)returns cos(πr).
gap> CosPi(1/5);
74.159 SinPi
SinPi( r)
Let rbe a rational number. SinPi( r)returns sin(πr).
gap> SinPi(1/5);
74.160 TanPi
TanPi( r)
Let rbe a rational number. TanPi( r)returns tan(πr).
gap> TanPi(1/5);
74.161 Functions for Matrices and Permutations
The following sections describe basic functions for matrices and permutations, like forming
the tensor product (Kronecker product) or direct sum and determination of the blockstruc-
ture of a matrix.
The following functions are implemented in the files "arep/lib/permblk.g" (kbs, see
74.167), "arep/lib/summands.g" (DirectSummandsPermutedMat, see 74.166) and the file
"arep/lib/tools.g" (the other functions).
74.162 TensorProductMat
TensorProductMat( M1, ..., Mk)
TensorProductMat returns the tensor product of the matrices M1, ..., Mk.
gap> TensorProductMat( [[1]], [[1,2], [3,4]], [[5,6], [7,8]] );
[ [ 5, 6, 10, 12 ], [ 7, 8, 14, 16 ],
[ 15, 18, 20, 24 ], [ 21, 24, 28, 32 ] ]
TensorProductMat( list )
TensorProductMat returns the tensor product of the matrices in list.
74.163 MatPerm
MatPerm( p,d) MatPerm( p,d,char )
MatPerm returns the permutation matrix of degree dcorresponding to the permutation pin
characteristic char. The default characteristic is 0. If dis less than the largest moved point
of pan error is signaled.
We use the following convention to create a permutation matrix from a permutation pwith
degree d[δipj|i, j ∈ {1,...,d}].
gap> MatPerm( (1,2,3), 4 );
74.164 PermMat
PermMat( M)
PermMat returns the permutation represented by the matrix Mand returns false otherwise.
For the convention see 74.163.
gap> PermMat( [[0,0,1], [1,0,0], [0,1,0]] );
74.165 PermutedMat
PermutedMat( p1,M,p2)
Let p1,p2be permutations and Ma matrix with rrows and ccolumns. PermutedMat
returns MatPerm( p1,r)·M·MatPerm( p2,c)(see 74.163). The largest moved point of
p1and p2must not exceed rresp. cotherwise an error is signaled.
gap> PermutedMat( (1,2), [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]], (1,2,3) );
74.166 DirectSummandsPermutedMat
DirectSummandsPermutedMat( M)
DirectSummandsPermutedMat( M,match-blocks )
Let Mbe a matrix. DirectSummandsPermutedMat returns the list [p1, [ M1, ..., Mk
], p2]where p1,p2are permutations and Mi,i= 1, . . . , k, are matrices with the property
M=PermutedMat(p1,DiagonalMat(M1, ..., Mk),p2) (see 74.165, 34.12). If match-blocks is
true or not provided then the permutations p1and p2are chosen such that equivalent Mi
are equal and occur next to each other. If match-blocks is false this is not done.
For an explanation of the algorithm see [Egn97a].
gap> M := [ [ 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [ 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0], [ 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
> [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3], [ 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0] ];;
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1 ],
[ 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0 ],
[ 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3 ],
[ 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0 ] ]
gap> DirectSummandsPermutedMat(M);
[ (2,4,3,5),
(1,4)(2,6,3) ]
74.167 kbs
kbs( M)
Let Mbe a square matrix of degree n.kbs (konjugierte Blockstruktur = conjugated block
structure) returns the partition kbs(M) = {1, . . . , n}/Rwhere Ris the reflexive, symmetric,
transitive closure of the relation Rdefined by (i, j)RM[i][j]6=0.
For an investigation of the kbs of a matrix see [Egn97a].
gap> M := [[1,0,1,0], [0,2,0,3], [1,0,3,0], [0,4,0,1]];
gap> PrintArray(M);
[ [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 2, 0, 3 ],
[ 1, 0, 3, 0 ],
[ 0, 4, 0, 1 ] ]
gap> kbs(M);
kbs( list )
kbs returns the joined kbs of the matrices in list. The matrices in list must have common
size otherwise an error is signaled.
74.168 DirectSumPerm
DirectSumPerm( list1 ,list2 )
Let list2 contain permutations and list1 be of the same length and contain degrees equal or
larger than the corresponding largest moved points. DirectSumPerm returns the direct sum
of the permutations defined via the direct sum of the corresponding matrices.
gap> DirectSumPerm( [3, 3], [(1,2), (1,2,3)] );
74.169 TensorProductPerm
TensorProductPerm( list1 ,list2 )
Let list2 contain permutations and list1 be of the same length and contain degrees equal
or larger than the corresponding largest moved points. TensorProductPerm returns the
tensor product (Kronecker product) of the permutations defined via the tensor product of
the corresponding matrices.
gap> TensorProductPerm( [3, 3], [(1,2), (1,2,3)] );
Chapter 75
Monoids and Semigroups
Semigroups and, even more, monoids are not far away from being like groups. But, surpris-
ingly, they have not received much attention yet in the form of GAP3 programs. This small
collection of files and manual chapters is an attempt to start closing this gap.
The only difference between a semigroup and a monoid is one element: the identity. Al-
though this may lead to subtle differences in the behavior of these structures the underlying
assumption of these programs is that you can always, by means of adding an element with
the properties of an identity, turn a semigroup into a monoid. So most of the functions
will only be available for monoids and not for semigroups. The actual process of adding an
identity is also not supported at the moment.
The emphasis of this package is on transformation monoids (see chapter 78). However, it
seemed to be a good idea to provide some of the framework for general monoids (this chapter)
before concentrating on the special case. Separate chapters introduce transformations (see
chapter 77) and binary relations (see chapter 76) as special types of monoid elements.
Another chapter treats several ways of how a monoid can act on certain domains (see
chapter 79).
For a general treatment of the theory of monoids and transformation monoids see [Lal79]
and [How95]. A detailed description of this implementation and the theory behind it is
given in [LPRR97] and [LPRR].
A semigroup is constructed by the function SemiGroup (see 75.4) and a monoid is constructed
by the function Monoid (see 75.6).
Note that monoid elements usually exist independently of a monoid, e.g., you can write
down two transformations and compute their product without ever defining a monoid that
contains them.
The chapter starts with a description of monoid elements, i.e. all those objects that can be
element of a semigroup or of a monoid (see 75.1, 75.2, and 75.3). Then the functions which
construct monoids and semigroups and the functions which test whether a given object is a
monoid or a semigroup are described (see 75.4, 75.5, 75.6 and 75.7).
Monoids and semigroups are domains, so every set theoretic function for domains is ap-
plicable to them (see 75.8). There are functions which construct Green Classes of various
types as subsets of a monoid (see 75.9, 75.10, 75.13, 75.16 and 75.19), functions which test
whether a given object is a Green class of a certain type (see 75.11, 75.14, 75.17 and 75.20),
and functions which determine the list of all Green Classes of some given type of a monoid
(see 75.12, 75.15, 75.18 and 75.21).
The next sections describe how set functions are applied to Green classes (see 75.22) and
how to compute various kinds of Sch¨utzenberger groups (see 75.24).
The final sections describe how to determine the idempotents of a monoid (see 75.25), the
lack of support for homomorphisms of monoids (see 75.26) and how monoids are represented
by records in GAP3 (see 75.27).
The functions described here are in the file "monoid.g".
75.1 Comparisons of Monoid Elements
s<> t
The equality operator =evaluates to true if the monoid elements sand tare equal and to
false otherwise. The inequality operator <> evaluates to true if the monoid elements s
and tare not equal and to false otherwise.
You can compare monoid elements with objects of other types. Of course they are never
equal. Standard monoid elements are transformations (see chapter 77) and binary relations
(see chapter 76).
s<= t
s>= t
The operators <,<=,>= and >evaluate to true if the monoid element sis strictly less than,
less than or equal to, greater than or equal to and strictly greater than the monoid element
t. There is no general ordering on monoid elements.
Standard monoid elements may be compared with objects of other types while generic
monoid elements may disallow such a comparison.
75.2 Operations for Monoid Elements
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two monoid elements sand t. The operands
must of course lie in a common parent monoid, otherwise an error is signaled.
The powering operator ^returns the i-th power of a monoid element sand a positive integer
i. If iis zero the identity of a parent monoid of sis returned.
list *s
In this form the operator *returns a new list where each entry is the product of sand the
corresponding entry of list. Of course multiplication must be defined between sand each
entry of list.
75.3 IsMonoidElement
IsMonoidElement( obj )
IsMonoidElement returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type,
is a monoid element, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound
gap> IsMonoidElement( 10 );
gap> IsMonoidElement( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) );
75.4 SemiGroup
SemiGroup( list )
SemiGroup returns the semigroup generated by the list list of semigroup elements.
gap> SemiGroup( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] );
SemiGroup( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] )
SemiGroup( gen1 ,gen2 , ... )
In this form SemiGroup returns the semigroup generated by the semigroup elements gen1 ,
gen2 , ...
gap> SemiGroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) );
SemiGroup( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] )
75.5 IsSemiGroup
IsSemiGroup( obj )
IsSemiGroup returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of an arbitrary type,
is a semigroup, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsSemiGroup( SemiGroup( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );
gap> IsSemiGroup( Group( (2,3) ) );
75.6 Monoid
Monoid( list )
Monoid( list ,id )
Monoid returns the monoid generated by the list list of monoid elements. If present, id must
be the identity of this monoid.
gap> Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ],
> IdentityTransformation( 3 ) );
Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] )
Monoid( gen1 ,gen2 , ... )
In this form Monoid returns the monoid generated by the monoid elements gen1 ,gen2 , ...
gap> Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) );
Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] )
75.7 IsMonoid
IsMonoid( obj )
IsMonoid returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of an arbitrary type, is a
monoid, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsMonoid( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );
gap> IsMonoid( Group( (2,3) ) );
75.8 Set Functions for Monoids
Monoids and semigroups are domains. Thus all set theoretic functions described in chapter
”Domains” should be applicable to monoids. However, no generic method is installed yet.
Of particular interest are the functions Size and Elements which will have special methods
depending on the kind of monoid being dealt with.
75.9 Green Classes
Green classes are special subsets of a monoid. In particular, they are domains so all set
theoretic functions for domains (see chapter ”Domains”) can be applied to Green classes.
This is described in section 75.22. The following sections describe how Green classes can be
75.10 RClass
RClass( M,s)
RClass returns the R class of the element sin the monoid M.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> RClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );
RClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) )
The R class of sin Mis the set of all elements of Mwhich generate the same right ideal in
M, i.e., the set of all min Mwith sM =mM.
75.11. ISRCLASS 1449
75.11 IsRClass
IsRClass( obj )
IsRClass returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is an R
class, and false otherwise (see 75.10). It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
75.12 RClasses
RClasses( M)
RClasses( dClass )
RClasses returns the list of R classes the monoid M. In the second form RClasses returns
the list of R classes in the D class dClass.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> RClasses( M );
[ RClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ),
RClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ) ),
RClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) ) ]
75.13 LClass
LClass( M,s)
LClass returns the L class of the element sin the monoid M.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> LClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );
LClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) )
The L class of sin Mis the set of all elements of Mwhich generate the same left ideal in
M, i.e., the set of all min Mwith M s =Mm.
75.14 IsLClass
IsLClass( obj )
IsLClass returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is an L
class, and false otherwise (see 75.13). It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
75.15 LClasses
LClasses( M)
LClasses( dClass )
LClasses returns the list of L classes the monoid M. In the second form LClasses returns
the list of L classes in the D class dClass.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> LClasses( M );
[ LClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ),
LClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ) ) ]
75.16 DClass
DClass( M,s)
DClass returns the D class of the element sin the monoid M.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> DClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );
DClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) )
The D class of sin Mis the set of all elements of Mwhich generate the same ideal in M,
i.e., the set of all min Mwith M sM =MmM.
75.17 IsDClass
IsDClass( obj )
IsDClass returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a D
class, and false otherwise (see 75.16). It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
75.18 DClasses
DClasses( M)
DClasses returns the list of D classes the monoid M.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> DClasses( M );
[ DClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ),
DClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ) ) ]
75.19 HClass
HClass( M,s)
HClass returns the H class of the element sin the monoid M.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> HClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );
HClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) )
The H class of sin Mis the intersection of the R class of sin Mand the L class of sin M
(see 75.10 and 75.13).
75.20. ISHCLASS 1451
75.20 IsHClass
IsHClass( obj )
IsHClass returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is an H
class, and false otherwise (see 75.19). It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
75.21 HClasses
HClasses( M)
HClasses( class )
HClasses returns the list of H classes the monoid M. In the second form HClasses returns
the list of all H classes in class where class is an R class, an L class or a D class.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> "M";;
gap> HClasses( M );
[ HClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ),
HClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ) ),
HClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 1 ] ) ) ]
75.22 Set Functions for Green Classes
Green classes are domains so all set theoretic functions for domains can be applied to them.
Most of the set functions will work via default methods once the following methods have
been implemented.
Size( class )
determines the size of Green class class.
Elements( class )
returns the set of all elements of the Green class class
obj in class
returns true if obj is a member of the Green class class and false otherwise.
However, no generic methods are provided.
75.23 Green Class Records
A Green class is represented by a domain record with the following tag components.
is always true.
isRClass,isLClass,isDClass, or isHClass
present and true depending on what kind of Green class is being dealt with.
The Green class is determined by the following identity components, which every Green
class record must have.
the monoid.
an element of the class. Which one is unspecified.
In addition to these a Green class record may have the following optional information com-
if present the proper set of elements of the class.
if present the size of the class.
75.24 SchutzenbergerGroup
SchutzenbergerGroup( M,s)
SchutzenbergerGroup( class )
SchutzenbergerGroup returns the Sch¨utzenberger group of the element sin the monoid M
as a group.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> SchutzenbergerGroup( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ) );
Group( (1,2) )
In the second form SchutzenbergerGroup returns the Sch¨utzenberger group of the Green
class class of a monoid.
75.25 Idempotents
Idempotents( M)
Idempotents( class )
returns the set of idempotents in the monoid Mor in a Green class class.
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) );;
gap> Idempotents( M );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) ]
gap> Idempotents( DClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 1, 2 ] ) ) );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1, 2, 2 ] ) ]
75.26 Monoid Homomorphisms
The homomorphisms between monoids are of interest as soon as there are monoids. However,
no effort has been made to provide any map between monoids. Here certainly some work
needs to be done.
75.27 Monoid Records and Semigroup Records
Like other domains semigroups and monoids are represented by records. While it is possible
to construct such a record by hand it is preferable to have the functions SemiGroup (see
75.4) or Monoid (see 75.6) do this for you.
After such a record is created one can add record components. But you may not alter the
values of components which are already present.
A semigroup or monoid record has the following category components.
is always true since a monoid or a semigroup is a domain.
is always true for semigroups.
is always true for monoids.
The following components are the identification components of a semigroup or monoid
is a list of generators of the monoid or the semigroup. Duplicates are allowed in this
list, but in the case of a monoid none of the generators may be the identity.
is the indentity in the case of a monoid.
Other components which contain information about the semigroup or monoid may be
is the size of the monoid or the semigroup (see ”Size”).
is the set of elements of the monoid or the semigroup (see ”Elements”).
Chapter 76
Binary Relations
A binary relation on npoints is a subset R⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}. It can also be seen as
a multivalued map from {1, . . . , n}to itself, or as a directed graph with vertices {1, . . . , n}.
The number nis called the degree of the relation. Thus a binary relation Rof degree n
associates a set iRof positive integers less than or equal to nto each number between 1 and
n. This set iRis called the set of successors of iunder the relation R.
The degree of a binary relation may not be larger than 228 1 which is (currently) the
highest index that can be accessed in a list.
Special cases of binary relations are transformations (see chapter 77) and permutations (see
chapter ”Permutations”). However, an object of one of these types must be converted into
a binary relation before most of the functions of this chapter are applicable.
The product of binary relations is defined via composition of mappings, or equivalently,
via concatenation of edges of directed graphs. Precisely, if Rand Sare two relations on
{1, . . . , n}then their product RS is defined by saying that two points x, y ∈ {1, . . . , n}are
in relation RS if and only if there is a point z∈ {1, . . . , n}such that xRz and zSy. As
multivalued map, the product RS is defined by
iˆ(RS) = (iˆRSfor all i= 1, . . . , n.
With respect to this multiplication the set of all binary relations of degree nforms a monoid,
the full relation monoid of degree n.
Each relation of degree nis considered an element of the full relation monoid of degree n
although it is not necessary to construct a full relation monoid before working with relations.
But you can only multiply two relations if they have the same degree. You can, however,
multiply a relation of degree nby a transformation or a permutation of degree n.
A binary relation is entered and displayed by giving its lists of successors as an argument
to the function Relation. The relation <on the set {1,2,3}, for instance, is written as
gap> Relation( [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 3 ], [ ] ] );
Relation( [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 3 ], [ ] ] )
This chapter describes finite binary relations in GAP3 and the functions that deal with
them. The first sections describe the representation of a binary relation (see 76.1) and how
an object that represents a binary relation is constructed (see 76.2). There is a function
which constructs the identity relation of degree n(see 76.4) and a function which constructs
the empty relation of degree n(see 76.5). Then there are a function which tests whether
an arbitrary object is a relation (see 76.3) and a function which determines the degree of a
relation (see 76.6).
The next sections describe how relations are compared (see 76.7) and which operations
are available for relations (see 76.8). There are functions which test certain properties
of relations (see 76.9, 76.11, 76.13, 76.15, 76.17, and 76.18) and functions that construct
different closures of a relation (see 76.10, 76.12, and 76.14). Moreover there are a function
which computes the classes of an equivalence relation (see 76.19) and a function which
determines the Hasse diagram of a partial order. Finally, two functions are describe which
convert a transformation into a binary relation (see 76.21) and, if possible, a binary relation
into a transformation (see 76.22).
The last section of the chapter describes monoids generated by binary relations (see 76.23).
The functions described in this chapter are in the file "relation.g".
76.1 More about Relations
A binary relation seen as a directed graph on npoints is completely determined by its degree
and its list of edges. This information is represented in the form of a successors list which,
for each single point i∈ {1, . . . , n}contains the set iRof succesors of i. Here each single set
of successors is represented as a subset of {1, . . . , n}by boolean list (see chapter ”Boolean
A relation Rof degree nis represented by a record with the following category components.
is always set to true.
is always set to Relations.
Moreover a relation record has the identification component
containing a list which has as its ith entry the boolean list representing the successors
of i.
A relation record rel can aquire the following knowledge components.
set to true if rel represents a reflexive relation (see 76.9)
set to true if rel represents a symmetric relation (see 76.11)
set to true if rel represents a transitive relation (see 76.13)
set to true if rel represents a preorder (see 76.16)
set to true if rel represents a partial order (see 76.17)
set to true if rel represents an equivalence relation (see 76.18)
76.2. RELATION 1457
76.2 Relation
Relation( list )
Relation returns the binary relation defined by the list list of subsets of {1, . . . , n}where
nis the length of list.
gap> Relation( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ ], [ 3, 1 ] ] );
Relation( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ ], [ 1, 3 ] ] )
Alternatively, list can be a list of boolean lists of length n, each of which is interpreted as
a subset of {1, . . . , n}(see chapter ”Boolean Lists”).
gap> Relation( [
> [ true, true, false ],
> [ false, false, false ],
> [ true, false, true ] ] );
Relation( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ ], [ 1, 3 ] ] )
76.3 IsRelation
IsRelation( obj )
IsRelation returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a relation and
false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsRelation( 1 );
gap> IsRelation( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] ] ) );
76.4 IdentityRelation
IdentityRelation( n)
IdentityRelation returns the identity relation of degree n. This is the relation =on the
set {1, . . . , n}.
gap> IdentityRelation( 5 );
The identity relation of degree nacts as the identity in the full relation monoid of degree n.
76.5 EmptyRelation
EmptyRelation( n)
EmptyRelation returns the empty relation of degree. This is the relation {} ⊆ {1, . . . , n}×
{1, . . . , n}.
gap> EmptyRelation( 5 ) ;
Relation( [ [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ] ] )
The empty relation of degree nacts as zero in the full relation monoid of degree n.
76.6 Degree of a Relation
Degree( rel )
Degree returns the degree of the binary relation rel.
gap> Degree( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ] ] ) );
The degree of a relation R⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}is defined as n.
76.7 Comparisons of Relations
rel1 =rel2
rel1 <> rel2
The equality operator =applied to two relations rel1 and rel2 evaluates to true if the
two relations are equal and to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> applied to two
relations rel1 and rel2 evaluates to true if the two relations are not equal and to false
otherwise. A relation can also be compared to any other object that is not a relation, of
course they are never equal.
Two relations are considered equal if and only if their successors lists are equal as lists. In
particular, they must have the same degree.
> IdentityRelation( 4 );
gap> Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) =
rel1 <rel2
rel1 <= rel2
rel1 >rel2
rel1 >= rel2
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the relation rel1 is less than, less than or
equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the relation rel2 , and to false otherwise.
Let rel1 and rel2 be two relations that are not equal. Then rel1 is considered smaller than
rel2 if and only if the successors list of rel1 is smaller than the successors list of rel2 .
You can also compare relations with objects of other types. Here any object that is not a
relation will be considered smaller than any relation.
76.8 Operations for Relations
rel1 *rel2
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two relations rel1 and rel2 if both have the
same degree.
76.9. ISREFLEXIVE 1459
rel *trans
trans *rel
The operator *evaluates to the product of the relation rel and the transformation trans in
the given order provided both have the same degree (see chapter 77).
rel *perm
perm *rel
The operator *evaluates to the product of the relation rel and the permutation perm in
the given order provided both have the same degree (see chapter ”Permutations”).
list *rel
rel *list
The operator *evaluates to the list of products of the elements in list with the relation rel.
That means that the value is a new list new such that new[i] = list[i] * rel or new[i]
=rel *list[i], respectively.
The operator ^evaluates to the set of successors iˆrel of the positive integer iunder the
relation rel if iis smaller than or equal to the degree of rel.
set ^rel
The operator ^evaluates to the image or the set set under the relation rel which is defined
as the union of the sets of successors of the elements of set.
rel ^ 0
The operator ^evaluates to the identity relation on npoints if rel is a relation on npoints
(see 76.4).
rel ^i
For a positive integer ithe operator ^evaluates to the i-th power of the relation rel which
is defined in the usual way as the i-fold product of rel by itself.
rel ^ -1
The operator ^evaluates to the inverse of the relation rel. The inverse of a relation R
{1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}is given by {(y, x)|(x, y)R}. Note that, in general, the product of
a binary relation and its inverse is not equal to the identity relation. Neither is it in general
equal to the product of the inverse and the binary relation.
76.9 IsReflexive
IsReflexive( rel )
IsReflexive returns true if the binary relation rel is reflexive and false otherwise.
gap> IsReflexive( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
gap> IsReflexive( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] ) );
A relation R⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}is reflexive if (i, i)Rfor all i= 1, . . . , n. (See also
76.10 ReflexiveClosure
ReflexiveClosure( rel )
ReflexiveClosure returns the reflexive closure of the relation rel, i.e., the relation R
{1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}that consists of all pairs in rel and the pairs (1,1), . . . , (n, n), where
nis the degree of rel.
gap> ReflexiveClosure( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
By construction, the reflexive closure of a relation is reflexive (see 76.9).
76.11 IsSymmetric
IsSymmetric( rel )
IsSymmetric returns true if the binary relation rel is symnmetric and false otherwise.
gap> IsSymmetric( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] ) );
gap> IsSymmetric( Relation( [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
A relation R⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}is symmetric if (y, x)Rfor all (x, y)R. (See
also 76.12.)
76.12 SymmetricClosure
SymmetricClosure( rel )
SymmetricClosure returns the symmetric closure of the binary relation rel.
gap> SymmetricClosure( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
By construction, the symmetric closure of a relation is symmetric (see 76.11).
76.13 IsTransitiveRel
IsTransitiveRel( rel )
IsTransitiveRel returns true if the binary relation rel is transitive and false otherwise.
gap> IsTransitiveRel( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
gap> IsTransitiveRel( Relation( [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
A relation R⊆ {1, . . . , n} × {1, . . . , n}is transitive if (x, z)Rwhenever (x, y)Rand
(y, z)Rfor some y∈ {1, . . . , n}. (See also 76.14.)
76.14 TransitiveClosure
TransitiveClosure( rel )
TransitiveClosure returns the transitive closure of the binary relation rel.
gap> TransitiveClosure( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] ] ) );
Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] )
By construction, the transitive closure of a relation is transitive (see 76.13).
76.15 IsAntisymmetric
IsAntisymmetric( rel )
IsAntisymmetric returns true if the binary relation rel is antisymmetric and false oth-
gap> IsAntisymmetric( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
gap> IsAntisymmetric( Relation( [ [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) ) ;
A relation R⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}is antisymmetric if (x, y)Rand (y, x)Rimplies
76.16 IsPreOrder
IsPreOrder( rel )
IsPreOrder returns true if the binary relation rel is a preoder and false otherwise.
gap> IsPreOrder( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
gap> IsPreOrder( Relation( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] ) );
A relation rel is called a preorder if rel is reflexive and transitive.
76.17 IsPartialOrder
IsPartialOrder( rel )
IsPartialOrder returns true if the binary relation rel is a partial order and false other-
gap> IsPartialOrder( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] ) );
gap> IsPartialOrder( Relation( [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] ) );
A relation rel is called a partial order if rel is reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric, i.e.,
if rel is an antisymmetric preorder (see 76.16).
76.18 IsEquivalence
IsEquivalence( rel )
IsEquivalence returns true if the binary relation rel is an equivalence relation and false
gap> IsEquivalence( Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] ] ) );
gap> IsEquivalence( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ] ] ) );
A relation rel is an equivalence relation if rel is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, i.e.,
if rel is a symmetric preorder (see 76.16). (See also 76.19.)
76.19 EquivalenceClasses
EquivalenceClasses( rel )
returns the list of equivalence classes of the equivalence relation rel. It will signal an error
if rel is not an equivalence relation (see 76.18).
gap> EquivalenceClasses( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ] ] ) );
76.20 HasseDiagram
HasseDiagram( rel )
HasseDiagram returns the Hasse diagram of the binary relation rel if this is a partial order.
It will signal an error if rel is not a partial order (see 76.17).
gap> HasseDiagram( Relation( [ [ 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] ) );
Relation( [ [ ], [ 1 ], [ 2 ] ] )
The Hasse diagram of a partial order R⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}is the smallest relation
H⊆ {1, . . . , n}×{1, . . . , n}such that Ris the reflexive and transitive closure of H.
76.21 RelTrans
RelTrans( trans )
RelTrans returns the binary relation defined by the transformation trans (see chapter 77).
gap> RelTrans( Transformation( [ 3, 3, 2, 1, 4 ] ) );
76.22 TransRel
TransRel( rel )
TransRel returns the transformation defined by the binary relation rel (see chapter 77).
This can only be applied if every set of successors of rel has size 1. Otherwise an error is
gap> TransRel( Relation( [ [ 3 ], [ 3 ], [ 2 ], [ 1 ], [ 4 ] ] ) );
Transformation( [ 3, 3, 2, 1, 4 ] )
76.23 Monoids of Relations
There are no special functions provided for monoids generated by binary relations. The
action of such a monoid on sets, however, provides a way to convert a relation monoid into
a transformation monoid (see chapter 79). This monoid can then be used to investigate the
structure of the original relation monoid.
gap> a:= Relation( [ [ ], [ ], [ 1, 3, 4 ], [ ], [ 2, 5 ] ] );;
gap> b:= Relation( [ [ ], [ 2 ], [ 4 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1 ] ] );;
gap> M:= Monoid( a, b );
Monoid( [ Relation( [ [ ], [ ], [ 1, 3, 4 ], [ ], [ 2, 5 ] ] ),
Relation([[ ],[2],[4],[1,2,3],[1]])])
gap> # transform points into singleton sets.
gap> one:= List( [ 1 .. 5 ], x-> [ x ] );
gap> # determine all reachable sets.
gap> sets:= Union( Orbits( M, one ) );
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,3,4],
gap> # construct isomorphic transformation monoid.
gap> act:= Action( M, sets );
Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 9, 6, 1, 9 ] ),
Transformation( [ 1, 1, 7, 8, 5, 5, 7, 4, 3, 11, 4, 2 ] ) ] )
gap> Size(act);
Chapter 77
A transformation of degree nis a map from the set {1, ..., n}into itself. Thus a transfor-
mation αof degree nassociates a positive integer iαless than or equal to nto each number
ibetween 1 and n.
The degree of a transformation may not be larger than 228 1 which is (currently) the
highest index that can be accessed in a list.
Special cases of transformations are permutations (see chapter ”Permutations”). However,
a permutation must be converted to a transformation before most of the functions in this
chapter are applicable.
The product of transformations is defined via composition of maps. Here transformations
are multiplied in such a way that they act from the right on the set {1, ..., n}. That is, the
product of the transformations αand βof degree nis defined by
iˆ(αβ)=(iˆαβfor all i= 1, ..., n.
With respect to this multiplication the set of all transformations of degree nforms a monoid:
the full transformation monoid of degree n(see chapter 78).
Each transformation of degree nis considered an element of the full transformation monoid
of degree nalthough it is not necessary to construct a full transformation monoid before
working with transformations. But you can only multiply two transformations if they have
the same degree. You can, however, multiply a transformation of degree nby a permutation
of degree n.
Transformations are entered and displayed by giving their lists of images as an argument to
the function Transformation.
gap> Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 5 ] );
Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 5 ] )
gap> Transformation( [ 3, 3, 2 ] ) * Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] );
Transformation( [ 1, 1, 2 ] )
This chapter describes functions that deal with transformations. The first sections describe
the representation of a transformation in GAP3 (see 77.1) and how a transformation is
constructed as a GAP3 object (see 77.2). The next sections describe the comparisons and
the operations which are available for transformations (see 77.4 and 77.5). There are a
function to test whether an arbitrary object is a transformation (see 77.6) and a function to
construct the identity transformation of a given degree (see 77.3). Then there are functions
that compute attributes of transformations (see 77.7, 77.8, 77.9, and 77.10). Finally, there
are a function that converts a permutation to a transformation (see 77.12) and a function
that, if possible converts a transformation to a permutation (see 77.13).
The functions described here are in the file "transfor.g".
77.1 More about Transformations
A transformation αon npoints is completely defined by its list of images. It is stored as a
record with the following category components.
is always set to true.
is always set to Transformations.
Moreover it has the identification component
containing the list of images in such a way that iˆα=α.images[i] for all in.
The multiplication of these transformations can be efficiently implemented by using the
sublist operator { }. The product r*lof two transformations land rcan be computed as
Transformation( r.images{l.images }). Note that the order has been chosen to have
transformations act from the right on their domain.
77.2 Transformation
Transformation( lst )
Transformation returns the transformation defined by the list lst of images. Each entry in
lst must be a positive integer not exceeding the length of lst.
gap> Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] );
Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] )
77.3 IdentityTransformation
IdentityTransformation( n)
IdentityTransformation returns, for any positive n, the identity transformation of degree
gap> IdentityTransformation( 4 );
Transformation( [ 1 .. 4 ] )
The identity transformation of degree nacts as the identity in the full transformation monoid
of degree n(see 78.3).
77.4 Comparisons of Transformations
tr1 =tr2
tr1 <> tr2
The equality operator =applied to two transformations tr1 and tr2 evaluates to true if the
two transformations are equal and to false otherwise. The inequality operator <> applied
to two transformations tr1 and tr2 evaluates to true if the two transformations are not
equal and to false otherwise. A transformation can also be compared to any other object
that is not a transformation, of course they are never equal.
Two transformations are considered equal if and only if their image lists are equal as lists.
In particular, equal transformations must have the same degree.
gap> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ) = IdentityTransformation( 4 );
gap> Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] ) =
> Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2, 5 ] );
tr1 <tr2
tr1 <= tr2
tr1 >tr2
tr1 >= tr2
The operators <,<=,>, and >= evaluate to true if the transformation tr1 is less than, less
than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to the transformation tr2 , and to
false otherwise.
Let tr1 and tr2 be two transformations that are not equal. Then tr1 is considered smaller
than tr2 if and only if the list of images of tr1 is (lexicographically) smaller than the
list of images of tr2 . Note that this way the smallest transformation of degree nis the
transformation that maps every point to 1.
You can also compare transformations with objects of other types. Here any object that is
not a transformation will be considered smaller than any transformation.
77.5 Operations for Transformations
tr1 *tr2
The operator *evaluates to the product of the two transformations tr1 and tr2 .
tr *perm
perm *tr
The operator *evaluates to the product of the transformation tr and the permutation perm
in the given order if the degree of perm is less than or equal to the degree of tr.
list *tr
tr *list
The operator *evaluates to the list of products of the elements in list with the transformation
tr. That means that the value is a new list new such that new[i] = list[i] * tr or new[i]
=tr *list[i], respectively.
The operator ^evaluates to the image iˆtr of the positive integer iunder the transformation
tr if iis less than the degree of tr.
tr ^ 0
The operator ^evaluates to the identity transformation on npoints if tr is a transformation
on npoints (see 77.3).
tr ^i
For a positive integer ithe operator ^evaluates to the i-th power of the transformation tr.
tr ^ -1
The operator ^evaluates to the inverse mapping of the transformation tr which is repre-
sented as a binary relation (see chapter 76).
77.6 IsTransformation
IsTransformation( obj )
IsTransformation returns true if obj , which may be an object of arbitrary type, is a
transformation and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound variable.
gap> IsTransformation( Transformation( [ 2, 1 ] ) );
gap> IsTransformation( 1 );
77.7 Degree of a Transformation
Degree( trans )
Degree returns the degree of the transformation trans.
gap> Degree( Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 5 ] ) );
The degree of a transformation is the number of points it is defined upon. It can therefore
be read off as the length of the list of images of the transformation.
77.8 Rank of a Transformation
Rank( trans )
Rank returns the rank of the transformation trans.
gap> Rank( Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 5 ] ) );
The rank of a transformation is the number of points in its image. It can therefore be
determined as the size of the set of images of the transformation.
77.9 Image of a Transformation
Image( trans )
Image returns the image of the transformation trans.
gap> Image( Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 5 ] ) );
The image of a transformation is the set of its images. For a transformation of degree n
this is always a subset of the set {1, ..., n}.
77.10 Kernel of a Transformation
Kernel( trans )
Kernel returns the kernel of the transformation trans.
gap> Kernel( Transformation( [ 3, 3, 4, 2, 5 ] ) );
The kernel of a transformation is the set of its nonempty preimages. For a transformation
of degree nthis is always a partition of the set {1, ..., n}.
77.11 PermLeftQuoTrans
PermLeftQuoTrans( tr1 ,tr2 )
Given transformations tr1 and tr2 with equal kernel and image, the permutation induced
by tr1 ^-1 * tr2 on the set Image( tr1 )is computed.
gap> a:= Transformation( [ 8, 7, 5, 3, 1, 3, 8, 8 ] );;
gap> Image(a); Kernel(a);
gap> b:= Transformation( [ 1, 3, 8, 7, 5, 7, 1, 1 ] );;
gap> Image(b) = Image(a); Kernel(b) = Kernel(a);
gap> PermLeftQuoTrans(a, b);
77.12 TransPerm
TransPerm( n,perm )
TransPerm returns the bijective transformation of degree nthat acts on the set {1, ..., n}in
the same way as the permutation perm does.
gap> TransPerm( 4, (1,2,3) );
Transformation( [ 2, 3, 1, 4 ] )
77.13 PermTrans
PermTrans( trans )
PermTrans returns the permutation defined by the transformation trans. If trans is not
bijective, an error is signaled by PermList (see ”PermList”).
gap> PermTrans( Transformation( [ 2, 3, 1, 4 ] ) );
Chapter 78
Transformation Monoids
A transformation monoid is a monoid of transformations of npoints (see chapter 77). These
monoids occur for example in the theory of finite state automata and as the results of
enumerations of finitely presented monoids. In the theory of semigroups and monoids they
ply to some extend the role that is taken by permutation groups in group theory. In fact,
there are close relations between permutation groups and transformation monoids. One of
these relations is manifested by the Sch¨utzenberger group of an element of a transformation
monoid, which is represented as a permutation group rather than a group of transformations.
Another relation which is used by most functions that deal with transformation monoids
is the fact that a transformation monoid can be efficiently described in terms of several
permutation groups (for details see [LPRR97] and [LPRR]).
This chapter describes the functions that deal with transformation monoids.
The chapter starts with the description of the function that tests whether or not a given
object is a transformation monoid (see 78.1). Then there is the function that determines
the degree of a transformation monoid (see 78.2).
There are a function to construct the full transformation monoid of degree n(see 78.3) and
a function to construct the monoid of all partial transformations of degree n(see 78.4).
Then there are a function that determines all images of a transformation monoid (see 78.5)
and a function that determines all kernels of a transformation monoid (see 78.6).
Because each transformation monoid is a domain all set theoretic functions can be applied
to it (see chapter ”Domains” and 78.7). Also because a transformation monoid is after all
a monoid all monoid functions can be applied to it (see chapter 75 and 78.8).
Next the functions that determine Green classes in transformation monoids are described
(see 78.10, 78.11, 78.12, and 78.13).
Finally, there is a section about how a transformation monoid is displayed (see 78.14). The
last section in this chapter describes how transformation monoids are represented as records
in GAP3 (see 78.15).
The functions described here are in the file "monotran.g".
78.1 IsTransMonoid
IsTransMonoid( obj )
IsTransMonoid returns true if the object obj , which may be an object of an arbitrary type,
is a transformation monoid, and false otherwise. It will signal an error if obj is an unbound
gap> IsTransMonoid( Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ] ) );
gap> IsTransMonoid( Group( (1,2), (1,2,3,4) ) );
gap> IsTransMonoid( [ 1, 2, 1 ] );
78.2 Degree of a Transformation Monoid
Degree( M)
Degree returns the degree of a transformation monoid M, which is the common degree of
all the generators of M.
gap> Degree( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );
The degree of a transformation monoid is the number of points it acts upon.
78.3 FullTransMonoid
FullTransMonoid( n)
FullTransMonoid returns the full transformation monoid of degree n.
gap> M:= FullTransMonoid( 8 );
Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ),
Transformation( [ 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ] ),
Transformation( [ 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ) ] )
gap> Size( M );
The full transformation monoid of degree nis the monoid of all transformations of
degree n.
78.4 PartialTransMonoid
PartialTransMonoid( n)
PartialTransMonoid returns the monoid of partial transformations of degree n.
gap> M:= PartialTransMonoid( 8 );
Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ),
Transformation( [ 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 ] ),
Transformation( [ 9, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ),
Transformation( [ 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ] ) ] )
gap> Size( M );
Apartial transformation of degree nis a mapping from {1, ..., n}to itself where every
point i∈ {1, ..., n}has at most one image. Here the undefined point is represented by n+ 1.
78.5 ImagesTransMonoid
ImagesTransMonoid( M)
ImagesTransMonoid returns the set of images of all elements of the transformation monoid
M(see 77.9).
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 4, 4, 4 ] ) );;
gap> ImagesTransMonoid(M);
78.6 KernelsTransMonoid
KernelsTransMonoid( M)
KernelsTransMonoid returns the set of kernels of all elements of the transformation monoid
M(see 77.10).
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 4, 4, 4 ] ) ] );;
gap> KernelsTransMonoid(M);
78.7 Set Functions for Transformation Monoids
All set theoretic functions described in chapter ”Domains”are also applicable to transforma-
tion monoids. This section describes which functions are implemented specially for trans-
formation monoids. Functions not mentioned here are handled by the default methods
described in the respective sections of chapter ”Domains”.
Size( M)
Size calls RClasses (see 75.12), if necessary, and returns the sum of the sizes of all Rclasses
of M.
gap> Size( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );
Elements( M)
Elements calls RClasses (see 75.12) if necessary, and returns the union of the elements of
all Rclasses of M.
gap> Elements( Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) ) );
[ Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ), Transformation( [ 1 .. 3 ] ) ]
obj in M
The membership test of elements of transformation monoids first checks whether obj is a
transformation in the first place (see 77.6) and if so whether the degree of obj (see 77.7)
coincides with the degree of M(see 78.2). Then the image and the kernel of obj is used to
locate the possible Rclass of obj in Mand the membership test is delegated to that Rclass
(see 75.22).
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1 ] ) );;
gap> (1,2,3) in M;
gap> Transformation( [1, 2, 1 ] ) in M;
gap> Transformation( [ 1, 2, 1, 4 ] ) in M;
78.8 Monoid Functions for Transformation Monoids
All functions described in chapter 75 can be applied to transformation monoids.
Green classes are special subsets of a transformation monoid. In particular, they are domains
so all set theoretic functions for domains (see chapter ”Domains”) can be applied to Green
classes. This is described in 75.22. Single Green classes of a transformation monoid are
constructed by the functions RClass (see 75.10 and 78.11), LClass (see 75.13 and 78.12),
DClass (see 75.16 and 78.13), and HClass (see 75.19 and 78.10). The list of all Green classes
of a given type in a transformation monoid is constructed by the functions RClasses (see
75.12), LClasses (see 75.15), DClasses (see 75.18), and HClasses (see 75.21).
78.9 SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation Monoids
SchutzenbergerGroup( M,s)
SchutzenbergerGroup( class )
SchutzenbergerGroup returns the Sch¨utzenberger group of the element sin the transfor-
mation monoid Mas a permutation group on the image of s.
In the second form SchutzenbergerGroup returns the Sch¨utzenberger group of the Green
class class of a transformation monoid, where class is either an H class, an R class or a D
class. The Sch¨utzenberger group of an H class class is the same as the Sch¨utzenberger group
of class. The Sch¨utzenberger group of an R class class is the generalised right Sch¨utzenberger
group of the representative of class and the Sch¨utzenberger group of an L class class is
the generalised left Sch¨utzenberger group of the representative of class. Note that the
Sch¨utzenberger of an R class is only unique up to conjugation.
78.10 H Classes for Transformation Monoids
In addition to the usual components of an H class record, the record representing the H
class hClass of sin a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are
created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see 75.24) which is called whenever the size,
the list of elements of hClass, or a membership test in hClass is asked for.
set to the Sch¨utzenberger group of hClass as a permutation group on the set of images
of hClass.representative (see 78.9).
the R class of hClass.representative.
the L class of hClass.representative.
The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.
Size( hClass )
returns the size of the H class hClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and de-
termines the size of hClass as the size of the resulting group.
Elements( hClass )
returns the set of elements of the H class hClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup
and determines the set of elements of hClass as the set of elements of the resulting group
multiplied by the representative of hClass.
xin hClass
returns true if xis an element of the H class hClass and false otherwise. This function
calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of hClass
and x(see 77.11) is in the resulting group.
78.11 R Classes for Transformation Monoids
In addition to the usual components of an R class record, the record representing the R
class rClass of sin a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are
created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see 75.24) which is called whenever the size,
the list of elements of rClass, or a membership test in rClass is asked for.
set to the Sch¨utzenberger group of rClass as a permutation group on the set of images
of rClass.representative (see 78.9).
is the list of different image sets occurring in the R class rClass. The first entry in
this list is the image set of rClass.representative.
is a list of permutations such that the product of the representative of rClass and the
inverse of the ith entry in the list yields an element of rClass whose image set is the
ith entry in the list rClass.images.
The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.
Size( rClass )
returns the size of the R class rClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and de-
termines the size of rClass as the size of the resulting group times the length of the list
Elements( rClass )
returns the set of elements of the R class rClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup
and determines the set of elements of rClass as the set of elements of the resulting group mul-
tiplied by the representative of rClass and each single permutation in the list rClass.rMults.
xin rClass
returns true if xis an element of the R class rClass and false otherwise. This function
calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of rClass
and x*rClass.rMults[i](see 77.11) is in the resulting group where iis the position of
the image set of xin rClass.images.
HClasses( rClass )
returns the list of H classes contained in the R class rClass.
78.12 L Classes for Transformation Monoids
In addition to the usual components of an L class record, the record representing the L
class lClass of sin a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are
created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see 75.24) which is called whenever the size,
the list of elements of lClass, or a membership test in lClass is asked for.
set to the Sch¨utzenberger group of lClass as a permutation group on the set of images
of lClass.representative (see 78.9).
is the list of different kernels occurring in the L class lClass. The first entry in this
list is the kernel of rClass.representative.
is a list of binary relations such that the product of the inverse of the ith entry in the
list and the representative of rClass yields an element of rClass whose kernel is the
ith entry in the list rClass.kernels.
The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.
Size( lClass )
returns the size of the L class lClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and de-
termines the size of lClass as the size of the resulting group times the length of the list
Elements( lClass )
returns the set of elements of the L class lClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup
and determines the set of elements of lClass as the set of elements of the resulting group
premultiplied by the representative of lClass and each single binary relation in the list
xin lClass
returns true if xis an element of the L class lClass and false otherwise. This function
calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of lClass
and lClass.lMults[i] * x(see 77.11) is in the resulting group where iis the position of
the kernel of xin lClass.kernels.
HClasses( lClass )
returns the list of H classes contained in the L class lClass.
78.13 D Classes for Transformation Monoids
In addition to the usual components of a D class record, the record representing the D
class dClass of sin a transformation monoid can have the following components. They are
created by the function SchutzenbergerGroup (see 75.24) which is called whenever the size,
the list of elements of dClass, or a membership test in dClass is asked for.
set to the Sch¨utzenberger group of dClass as a permutation group on the set of images
of dClass.representative (see 78.9).
set to the H class of dClass.representative.
set to the L class of dClass.representative.
set to the R class of dClass.representative.
contains a list of (right) coset representatives of the Scutzenberger group of dClass
in the Sch¨utzenberger group of the R class dClass.R.
The following functions have a special implementation in terms of these components.
Size( dClass )
returns the size of the D class dClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup and deter-
mines the size of dClass in terms of the sizes of the resulting group and the Sch¨utzenberger
groups of the R class dClass.R and the L class dClass.L.
Elements( dClass )
returns the set of elements of the D class dClass. This function calls SchutzenbergerGroup
and determines the set of elements of dClass as the union of cosets of the Sch¨utzenberger
group of the L class dClass.L determined through the multipliers dClass.rCosets and
xin dClass
returns true if xis an element of the D class dClass and false otherwise. This function
calls SchutzenbergerGroup and tests whether the quotient of the representative of dClass
and a suitable translate of xcan be found in one of the cosets of the Sch¨utzenberger group
of the L class dClass.L determined by the list dClass.rCosets.
HClasses( dClass )
returns the list of H classes contained in the D class dClass.
LClasses( dClass )
returns the list of L classes contained in the D class dClass.
RClasses( dClass )
returns the list of R classes contained in the D class dClass.
78.14 Display a Transformation Monoid
Display( M)
Display displays the Green class structure of the transformation monoid M. Each D class
is displayed as a single item on a line according to its rank. A D class displayed as
is a regular D class with a Sch¨utzenberger group of size a, consisting of bL classes, or dR
classes. A D class displayed as
is a nonregular D class with a Sch¨utzenberger group of size a, consisting of b×cL classes
(of which chave the same kernel), or d×eR classes (of which ehave the same image).
gap> M:= Monoid( Transformation( [ 7, 7, 1, 1, 5, 6, 5, 5 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 3, 8, 3, 7, 4, 6, 4, 5 ] ) );;
gap> Size( M );
gap> Display( M );
Rank 8: [1.1.1]
Rank 6: {1.1x1.1x1}
Rank 5: {1.1x1.1x1}
Rank 4: {1.1x1.1x1} [2.1.1]
Rank 3: {1.1x1.4x1} [1.3.4]
Rank 2: [1.5.1]
78.15 Transformation Monoid Records
In addition to the usual components of a monoid record (see 75.27) the record representing
a transformation monoid Mhas a component
which is always set to true.
Moreover, such a record will (after a while) acquire the following components.
a list of R classes of Msuch that every orbit of image sets is represented exactly once.
the list of lists where images[ k]is the list of all different image sets of size kof
the elements of M.
stores the relation between orbitClasses and images. The image set images[k][l]
occurs in the orbit of the R class with index imagePos[k][l]in the list orbitClasses.
a list of lists, where rClassReps[l]contains the complete list of representatives of
the R classes with the same image orbit as the R class orbitClasses[l].
a list of lists, where lTrans[l][k]is a transformation αsuch that lTrans[l][k] *
rClassReps[l][k]is an element of the R class orbitClasses[l].
a list of lists, where kernels[l][k]is the common kernel of the elements in the R
class of rClassReps[l][k].
Chapter 79
Actions of Monoids
A very natural concept and important tool in the study of monoids is the idea of having
monoids acting on certain (finite) sets. This provides a way to turn any monoid into a
(finite) transformation monoid.
Let Mbe a monoid and Da set. An action of Mon Dis a map
(d, m)7→ dˆm:D×MD
such that dˆ1 = dfor all dD(and the identity 1 of M), and that (dˆm1m2=dˆ(m1m2)
for all dDand all m1, m2M. In this situation we also say that Macts on D, or, that
Dis an M-set.
In contrast to group operations (see chapter ”Operations of Groups”), a monoid action
often comes with a natural grading that can be used to carry out certain calculations more
efficiently. To be precise we work with the following concept. Let Mbe a monoid acting on
the set D. A grading is a map g:D→ {1,2,3, . . .}such that g(d)g(dˆm) for all dD
and all mM. The trivial grading is the map given by g(d) = 1 for all dD.
In GAP3 a monoid usually acts on a set via the caret operator ^. This action is refered to
as the canonical action. It is, however, possible to define other actions (see 79.1).
This chapter describes functions that deal with finite actions of monoids. There are functions
for different types of orbit calculations depending on whether a grading is used and if so how
(see 79.2, 79.5, 79.4). Then there are functions which construct the transformation monoid
corresponding to a particular action of a monoid Mon a set D(see 79.6 and 79.7) where,
if necessary, an additional point 0 is added to the domain D.
The functions described here are in the file "action.g".
79.1 Other Actions
Most of the operations for groups can be applied as monoid actions (see ”Other Operations”).
In addition to these there are a couple of actions which are particular to monoids.
The functions described in this chapter generally deal with the action of monoid elements
defined by the canonical action that is denoted with the caret (^) in GAP3. However, they
also allow you to specify other actions. Such actions are specified by functions, which are
accepted as optional argument by all the functions described here.
An action function must accept two arguments. The first argument will be the point and
the second will be the monoid element. The function must return the image of the point
under the monoid element in the action that it specifies.
As an example, the function OnPairs that specifies the action on pairs could be defined as
OnPairs := function ( pair, m )
return [ pair[1] ^ m, pair[2] ^ m ];
The following monoid actions are predefined.
specifies the canonical default action. Passing this function is equivalent to specifying
no action. This function exists because there are places where the action in not an
specifies the componentwise action of monoid elements on pairs of points, which are
represented by lists of length 2.
specifies the componentwise action of monoid elements on tuples of points, which are
represented by lists. OnPairs is the special case of OnTuples for tuples with two
specifies the action of monoid elements on sets of points, which are represented by
sorted lists of points without duplicates (see chapter ”Sets”).
specifies that monoid elements act by multiplication from the right.
specifies that monoid elements act by multiplication from the left.
specifies that monoid elements act by multiplication from the right on Lclasses (see
specifies that monoid elements act by multiplication from the left on Rclasses (see
Note that it is your responsibility to make sure that the elements of the domain Don which
you are acting are already in normal form. The reason is that all functions will compare
points using the =operation. For example, if you are acting on sets with OnSets, you will
get an error message it not all elements of the domain are sets.
gap> OnSets(Transformation( [ 1, 2 ] ), [ 2, 1 ] );
Error, OnSets: <tuple> must be a set
79.2 Orbit for Monoids
Orbit( M,d)
Orbit( M,d,action )
The orbit of a point dunder the action of a monoid Mis the set {dˆm|mM}of all
points that are images of dunder some element mM.
In the first form Orbit computes the orbit of point dunder the monoid Mwith respect to
the canonical action OnPoints.
In the second form Orbit computes the orbit of point dunder the monoid Mwith respect
to the action action.
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 5, 4, 4, 2, 1 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 5, 5, 4, 1 ] ) ] ) ;;
gap> Orbit(M, 1);
gap> Orbit(M, 3, OnPoints);
gap> Orbit(M, [1,2], OnSets);
gap> Orbit(M, [1,2], OnPairs);
79.3 StrongOrbit
StrongOrbit( M,d,action )
StrongOrbit( M,d,action,grad )
The strong orbit of the point din Dunder the action of Mwith respect to the grading
grad is the set {dˆm1|m1M, dˆ(m1m2) = dfor some m2M}.
Note that the orbit of a point in general consists of several strong orbits.
In the first form StrongOrbit determines the strong orbit of point dunder Mwith respect
to the action action and the trivial grading.
In the second form StrongOrbit determines the strong orbit of point dunder Mwith respect
to the action action. Moreover, the grading grad is used to facilitate the calculations. Note,
however, that the strong orbit of a point does not depend on the chosen grading.
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 5, 4, 4, 2, 1 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 5, 5, 4, 1 ] ) ] ) ;;
gap> Orbit( M, 3 );
gap> StrongOrbit( M, 3, OnPoints );
Note that StrongOrbit always requires the argument action specifying how the monoid
acts (see 79.1).
79.4 GradedOrbit
GradedOrbit( M,d,action,grad )
The graded orbit of the point din Dunder the action of Mwith respect to the grading
grad is the list [O1,O2, ... ] of sets Oi={dˆm|mM, grad(dˆm) = i}. Thus the
orbit of dis simply the union of the sets Oi.
The function GradedOrbit determines the graded orbit of point dunder Mwith respect to
the grading grad and the action action.
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 5, 4, 4, 2, 1 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 5, 5, 4, 1 ] ) ] ) ;;
gap> Orbit( M, [ 1, 2, 3 ], OnSets );
gap> GradedOrbit( M, [ 1, 2, 3 ], OnSets, Size );
[[ ],[[4,5],[2,5],[1,2],[1,4],[1,5],[2,4]],
Note that GradedOrbit always requires the argument action specifying how the monoid
acts (see 79.1).
79.5 ShortOrbit
ShortOrbit( M,d,action,grad )
The short orbit of the point din Dunder the action of Mwith respect to the grading
grad is the set {dˆm|mM, grad(dˆm) = grad(d)}.
The function ShortOrbit determines the short orbit of the point dunder Mwith respect
to the grading grad and the action action.
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 5, 4, 4, 2, 1 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 5, 5, 4, 1 ] ) ] ) ;;
gap> Orbit(M, [1, 2, 3], OnSets);
gap> ShortOrbit(M, [1, 2, 3], OnSets, Size);
Note that ShortOrbit always requires the argument action specifying how the monoid acts
(see 79.1).
79.6 Action
Action( M,D)
Action( M,D,action )
Action returns a transformation monoid with the same number of generators as M, such
that each generator of the transformation monoid acts on the set [1..Length(D)] in the
same way as the corresponding generator of the monoid Macts on the domain D, which
may be a list of arbitrary type.
It is not allowed that Dis a proper subset of a domain, i.e., Dmust be invariant under M.
Action accepts a function action of two arguments dand mas optional third argument,
which specifies how the elements of Mact on D(see 79.1).
Action calls
M.operations.Action( M,D,action )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is MonoidOps.Action, which simply applies each gener-
ator of Mto all the points of D, finds the position of the image in D, and finally constructs
the transformation (see 77.2) defined by the list of those positions.
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 5, 4, 4, 2, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 5, 5, 4, 1 ] ) ] );;
gap> Action(M, LClasses(M), OnLClasses);
Monoid( [
Transformation( [2, 6, 9, 2, 2, 6, 13, 9, 6, 9, 7, 13, 12, 13, 14] ),
Transformation( [5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7, 8, 6, 10, 11, 9, 12, 14, 15, 13] )
] )
79.7 ActionWithZero
ActionWithZero( M,D)
ActionWithZero( M,D,action )
ActionWithZero returns a transformation monoid with the same number of generators as M,
such that each generator of the transformation monoid acts on the set [1..Length(D)+1]
in the same way as the corresponding generator of the monoid Macts on the domain D{0},
which may be a list of arbitrary type.
Here it is not required that Dbe invariant under M. Whenever the image of a point dunder
the monoid element mdoes not lie in Dit is set to 0. The image of 0 under every monoid
element is set to 0. Note that this way the resulting monoid is a homomorphic image of M
if and only if Dis a union of strong orbits. The point 0 is represented by Length(D)+1
in the domain of the transformation monoid returned by ActionWithZero.
ActionWithZero accepts a function action of two arguments dand mas optional third
argument, which specifies how the elements of Mact on D(see 79.1).
ActionWithZero calls
M.operations.ActionWithZero( M,D,action )
and returns the value. Note that the third argument is not optional for functions called this
The default function called this way is MonoidOps.ActionWithZero, which simply applies
each generator of Mto all the points of D, finds the position of the image in D, and
finally constructs the transformation (see 77.2) defined by the list of those positions and
Length(D)+1 for every image not in D.
gap> M:= Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 5, 4, 4, 2, 2 ] ),
> Transformation( [ 2, 5, 5, 4, 1 ] ) ] );;
gap> "M";;
gap> class:= LClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 5, 5 ] ) );
LClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 5, 5 ] ) )
gap> orb:= ShortOrbit(M, class, OnLClasses, Rank);
[ LClass( M, Transformation( [ 1, 4, 4, 5, 5 ] ) ),
LClass( M, Transformation( [ 2, 4, 4, 1, 1 ] ) ),
LClass( M, Transformation( [ 4, 2, 2, 5, 5 ] ) ) ]
gap> ActionWithZero(M, orb, OnLClasses);
Monoid( [ Transformation( [ 4, 3, 4, 4 ] ),
Transformation( [ 2, 3, 1, 4 ] ) ] )
Chapter 80
80.1 About XMOD
This document describes a package for the GAP3 group theory langauge which enables
computations with the equivalent notions of finite, permutation crossed modules and cat1-
The package divides into six parts, each of which has its own introduction:
for constructing crossed modules and their morphisms in section 80.2: About crossed
for cat1-groups, their morphisms, and for converting between crossed modules and
cat1-groups, in section 80.47: About cat1-groups;
for derivations and sections and the monoids which they form under the Whitehead
multiplication, in section 80.77: About derivations and sections;
for actor crossed modules, actor cat1-groups and the actors squares which they form,
in section 80.113: About actors;
for the construction of induced crossed modules and induced cat1-groups, in section
80.127: About induced constructions;
for a collection of utility functions in section 80.131: About utilities.
These seven About... sections are collected together in a separate L
Xfile, xmabout.tex,
which forms a short introduction to the package.
The package may be obtained as a compressed file by ftp from one of the sites with a GAP3
archive. After decompression, instructions for installing the package may be found in the
README file.
The following constructions are planned for the next version of the package. Firstly, although
sub-crossed module functions have been included, the equivalent set of sub-cat1-groups
functions is not complete. Secondly, functions for pre-crossed modules, the Peiffer subgroup
of a pre-crossed module and the associated crossed modules, will be added. Group-graphs
provide examples of pre-crossed modules and their implementation will require interaction
with graph-theoretic functions in GAP3. Crossed squares and the equivalent cat2-groups are
the structures which arise as ”three-dimensional groups”. Examples of these are implicitly
included already, namely inclusions of normal sub-crossed modules, and the inner morphism
from a crossed module to its actor (section 80.123).
80.2 About crossed modules
The term crossed module was introduced by J. H. C. Whitehead in [Whi48], [Whi49]. In
[Lod82] Loday reformulated the notion of a crossed module as a cat1-group. Norrie [Nor90],
[Nor87] and Gilbert [Gil90] have studied derivations, automorphisms of crossed modules
and the actor of a crossed module, while Ellis [Ell84] has investigated higher dimensional
analogues. Properties of induced crossed modules have been determined by Brown, Higgins
and Wensley in [BH78], [BW95] and [BW96]. For further references see [AW97] where we
discuss some of the data structures and algorithms used in this package, and also tabulate
isomorphism classes of cat1-groups up to size 30.
We first recall the descriptions of three equivalent categories: XMod, the category of
crossed modules and their morphisms; Cat1, the category of cat1-groups and their mor-
phisms; and GpGpd, the subcategory of group objects in the category Gpd of groupoids.
We also include functors between these categories which exhibit the equivalences. Most
papers on crossed modules use left actions, but we give the alternative right action axioms
here, which are more suitable for use in computational group theory programs.
A crossed module X= (:SR) consists of a group homomorphism , called the
boundary of X, with source Sand range R, together with an action α:RAut(S)
satisfying, for all s, s1, s2Sand rR,
XMod 1: (sr) = r1(s)r
XMod 2: ss2
The kernel of is abelian.
The standard constructions for crossed modules are as follows
1. A conjugation crossed module is an inclusion of a normal subgroup SER, where R
acts on Sby conjugation.
2. A central extension crossed module has as boundary a surjection :SRwith
central kernel, where rRacts on Sby conjugation with 1r.
3. An automorphism crossed module has as range a subgroup Rof the automorphism
group Aut(S) of Swhich contains the inner automorphism group of S. The boundary
maps sSto the inner automorphism of Sby s.
4. A trivial action crossed module :SRhas sr=sfor all sS, r R, the source
is abelian and the image lies in the centre of the range.
5. An R-Module crossed module has an R-module as source and the zero map as boundary.
6. The direct product X1×X2of two crossed modules has source S1×S2, range R1×R2
and boundary 1×2, with R1, R2acting trivially on S2, S1respectively.
A morphism between two crossed modules X1= (1:S1R1) and X2= (2:S2R2)
is a pair (σ, ρ), where σ:S1S2and ρ:R1R2are homomorphisms satisfying
2σ=ρ∂1, σ(sr) = (σs)ρr.
When X1=X2and σ, ρ are automorphisms then (σ, ρ) is an automorphism of X1. The
group of automorphisms is denoted by Aut(X1).
In this implementation a crossed module Xis a record with fields
X.source, the source Sof ,
X.boundary, the homomorphsim ,
X.range, the range Rof ,
X.aut, a group of automorphisms of S,
X.action, a homomorphism from Rto X.aut,
X.isXMod, a boolean flag, normally true,
X.isDomain, always true,
X.operations, special set of operations XModOps (see 80.15),, a concatenation of the names of the source and range.
Here is a simple example of an automorphism crossed module, the holomorph of the cyclic
group of size five.
gap> c5 := CyclicGroup( 5 );; := "c5";;
gap> X1 := AutomorphismXMod( c5 );
Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> XModPrint( X1 );
Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)] :-
: Source group c5 has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: Range group = PermAut(c5) has generators:
[ (1,2,4,3) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ () ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,4,3) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3,5,2,4) ] }
This automorphism generates the group of automorphisms.
Implementation of the standard constructions is described in sections ConjugationXMod,
CentralExtensionXMod,AutomorphismXMod,TrivialActionXMod and RModuleXMod. With
these building blocks, sub-crossed modules SubXMod, quotients of normal sub-crossed mod-
ules FactorXMod and direct products XModOps.DirectProduct may be constructed. An
extra function XModSelect is used to call these constructions using groups of order up to
47 and data from file in Cat1List.
A morphism from a crossed module X1to a crossed module X2is a pair of homomorphisms
(σ, ρ), where σ, ρ are respectively homomorphisms between the sources and ranges of X1
and X2, which commute with the two boundary maps and which are morphisms for the two
actions. In the following code we construct a simple automorphism of X1.
gap> sigma1 := GroupHomomorphismByImages( c5, c5, [ (1,2,3,4,5) ],
> [ (1,5,4,3,2) ] );;
gap> rho1 := InclusionMorphism( X1.range, X1.range );;
gap> mor1 := XModMorphism( X1, X1, [ sigma1, rho1 ] );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c5->PermAut(c5)] >-> [c5->PermAut(c5)]>
gap> IsXModMorphism( mor1 );
gap> XModMorphismPrint( mor1 );
Morphism of crossed modules :-
: Source = Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
[ (1,2,4,3) ]
: Range = Source
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,5,4,3,2) ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (1,2,4,3) ]
: isXModMorphism? true
gap> IsAutomorphism( mor1 );
The functors between XMod and Cat1, are implemented as functions XModCat1 and
An integer variable XModPrintLevel is set initially equal to 1. If it is increased, additional
information is printed out during the execution of many of the functions.
80.3 The XMod Function
XMod( f, a )
A crossed module is determined by its boundary and action homomorphisms, fand a. All
the standard constructions described below call this function after constructing the two
homomorphisms. In the following example we construct a central extension crossed module
s3×c4s3 directly by defining the projection on to the first factor to be the boundary
map, and constructing the automorphism group by taking two inner automorphisms as
gap> s3c4 := Group( (1,2),(2,3),(4,5,6,7));;
gap> := "s3c4";;
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s3c4, [ (1,2), (2,3) ] );;
gap> := "s3";;
gap> # construct the boundary
gap> gen := s3c4.generators;;
gap> imb := [ (1,2), (2,3), () ];;
gap> bX := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3c4, s3, gen, imb );;
gap> # construct the inner automorphisms by (1,2) and (2,3)
gap> im1 := List( gen, g -> g^(1,2) );;
gap> a1 := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3c4, s3c4, gen, im1 );;
80.4. ISXMOD 1491
gap> im2 := List( gen, g -> g^(2,3) );;
gap> a2 := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3c4, s3c4, gen, im2 );;
gap> A := Group( a1, a2 );;
gap> # construct the action map from s3 to A
gap> aX := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, A, [(1,2),(2,3)], [a1,a2] );;
gap> X := XMod( bX, aX );
Crossed module [s3c4->s3]
80.4 IsXMod
IsXMod( X)
This Boolean function checks that the five main fields of Xexist and that the crossed module
axioms are satisfied.
gap> IsXMod( X );
80.5 XModPrint
XModPrint( X)
This function is used to display the main fields of a crossed module.
gap> XModPrint( X );
Crossed module [s3c4->s3] :-
: Source group s3c4 has generators:
[ (1,2), (2,3), (4,5,6,7) ]
: Range group has parent ( s3c4 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2), (2,3) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2), (2,3), () ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2), (1,3), (4,5,6,7) ] }
(2,3) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3), (2,3), (4,5,6,7) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.6 ConjugationXMod
ConjugationXMod( R [,S] )
This construction returns the crossed module whose source Sis a normal subgroup of the
range R, the boundary is the inclusion map, the group of automorphisms is the inner
automorphism group of S, and the action maps an element of rRto conjugation of Sby
r. The default value for Sis R.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;
gap> a4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ] );;
gap> k4 := Subgroup( a4, [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ] );;
gap> := "s4";; := "a4";; := "k4";;
gap> CX := ConjugationXMod( a4, k4 );
Crossed module [k4->a4]
80.7 XModName
XModName( X)
Whenever the names of the source or range of Xare changed, this function may be used to
produce the new standard form [>] for the name of X. This
function is called automatically by XModPrint.
gap> := "v4";;
gap> XModName( CX );
80.8 CentralExtensionXMod
CentralExtensionXMod( f)
This construction returns the crossed module whose boundary fis a surjection from Sto
Rhaving as kernel a subgroup of the centre of S. The action maps an element of rRto
conjugation of Sby f1r.
gap> d8 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ] );; := "d8";;
gap> gend8 := d8.generators;; genk4 := k4.generators;;
gap> f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( d8, k4, gend8, genk4 );;
gap> EX := CentralExtensionXMod( f );
Crossed module [d8->v4]
gap> XModPrint( EX );
Crossed module [d8->v4] :-
: Source group d8 has parent s4 and generators:
[ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ]
: Range group k4 has parent s4 and generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2)(3,4) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2,3,4), (2,4) ] }
(1,3)(2,4) --> { source gens --> [ (1,4,3,2), (1,3) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.9 AutomorphismXMod
AutomorphismXMod( S [, A] )
This construction returns the crossed module whose range Ris a permutation representation
of a group Awhich is a group of automorphisms of the source Sand which contains the inner
automorphism group of Sas a subgroup. When Ais not specified the full automorphism
group is used. The boundary morphism maps sSto the representation of the inner
automorphism of Sby s. The action is the isomorphism RA.
In the following example, recall that the automorphism group of the quaternion group is
isomorphic to the symmetric group of degree 4 and that the inner automorphism group is
isomorphic to k4. The group Ais a subgroup of Aut(q8) isomorphic to d8.
gap> q8 := Group( (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) );;
gap> := "q8";; genq8 := q8.generators;;
gap> iaq8 := InnerAutomorphismGroup( q8 );;
gap> a := GroupHomomorphismByImages( q8, q8, genq8,
> [(1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8),(1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8)]);;
gap> genA := Concatenation( iaq8.generators, [a] );
[ InnerAutomorphism( q8, (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ),
InnerAutomorphism( q8, (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ),
GroupHomomorphismByImages( q8, q8, [ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6),
(1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ], [ (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8), (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8) ] ) ]
gap> id := IdentityMapping( q8 );;
gap> A := Group( genA, id );;
gap> AX := AutomorphismXMod( q8, A );
Crossed module [q8->PermSubAut(q8)]
gap> RecFields( AX );
[ "isDomain", "isParent", "source", "range", "boundary", "action",
"aut", "isXMod", "operations", "name", "isAutomorphismXMod" ]
80.10 InnerAutomorphismXMod
InnerAutomorphismXMod( S)
This function is equivalent to AutomorphismXMod(S,A) in the case when Ais the inner
automorphism group of S.
gap> IX := InnerAutomorphismXMod( q8 );
Crossed module [q8->PermInn(q8)]
80.11 TrivialActionXMod
TrivialActionXMod( f)
For a crossed module to have trivial action, the axioms require the source to be abelian and
the image of the boundary to lie in the centre of the range. A homomorphism fcan act as
the boundary map when these conditions are satisfied.
gap> imf := [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,3)(2,4) ];;
gap> f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( k4, d8, genk4, imf );;
gap> TX := TrivialActionXMod( f );
Crossed module [v4->d8]
gap> XModPrint( TX );
Crossed module [v4->d8] :-
: Source group has parent ( s4 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Range group has parent ( s4 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,3)(2,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
The automorphism group is trivial
80.12 IsRModule for groups
IsRModule( Rmod )
IsRModuleRecord( Rmod )
An R-module consists of a permutation group Rwith an action α:RAwhere Ais
a group of automorphisms of an abelian group M. When Ris not specified, the function
AutomorphismPair is automatically called to construct it.
This structure is implemented here as a record Rmod with fields
Rmod.module, the abelian group M,
Rmod.perm, the group R,, the action group A,
Rmod.isRModule, set true.
The IsRModule distributor calls this function when the parameter is a record but not a
crossed module.
gap> k4gen := k4.generators;;
gap> k4im := [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) ];;
gap> a := GroupHomomorphismByImages( k4, k4, k4gen, k4im );;
gap> Ak4 := Group( a );;
gap> R := rec( );;
gap> R.module := k4;;
gap> := Ak4;;
gap> IsRModule( R );
gap> RecFields( R );
[ "module", "auto", "perm", "isRModule" ]
gap> R.perm;
80.13 RModuleXMod
RModuleXMod( Rmod )
The crossed module RX obtained from an R-module has the abelian group Mas source, the
zero map as boundary, the group Rwhich acts on Mas range, the group Aof automorphisms
of Mas RX.aut and α:RAas RX.action. An appropriate name for RX is chosen
automatically. Continuing the previous example, Mis k4 and Ris cyclic of order 3.
gap> RX := RModuleXMod( R );
Crossed module [v4->PermSubAut(v4)]
gap> XModPrint( RX );
Crossed module [v4->PermSubAut(v4)]
: Source group has parent s4 and has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Range group = PermSubAut(v4) has generators:
[ (1,2,3) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
80.14. XMODSELECT 1495
[ () ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,3) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) ] }
This automorphism generates the group of automorphisms.
80.14 XModSelect
XModSelect( size [, gpnum,type,norm] )
Here the parameter size may take any value up to 47, gpnum refers to the isomorphism
class of groups of order size as ordered in the GAP3 library. The norm parameter is only
used in the case "conj" and specifies the position of the source group in the list of normal
subgroups of the range R. The list Cat1List is used to store the data for these groups. The
allowable types are "conj" for normal inclusions with conjugation, "aut" for automorphism
groups and "rmod" for Rmodules. If type is not specified the default is "conj". If norm is
not specified, then the AutomorphismXMod of Ris returned.
In the following example the fourteenth class of groups of size 24 is a special linear group
sl(2,3) and a double cover of a4. The third normal subgroup of sl(2,3) is a quaternion
group, and a conjugation crossed module is returned.
gap> SX := XModSelect( 24, 14, "conj", 3 );
Crossed module [N3->sl(2,3)]
gap> XModPrint( SX );
Crossed module [N3->sl(2,3)] :-
: Source group has parent ( sl(2,3) ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), ( 1, 5, 3, 7)( 2, 6, 4, 8) ]
: Range group = sl(2,3) has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8), (2,5,6)(4,7,8)(9,10,11) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), ( 1, 5, 3, 7)( 2, 6, 4, 8) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) --> { source gens -->
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), ( 1, 7, 3, 5)( 2, 8, 4, 6) ] }
(1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) --> { source gens -->
[ (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8), ( 1, 5, 3, 7)( 2, 6, 4, 8) ] }
( 2, 5, 6)( 4, 7, 8)( 9,10,11) --> { source gens -->
[ ( 1, 5, 3, 7)( 2, 6, 4, 8), ( 1, 6, 3, 8)( 2, 7, 4, 5) ] }
These 3 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.15 Operations for crossed modules
Special operations defined for crossed modules are stored in the record structure XModOps.
Every crossed module Xhas X.operations := XModOps;.
gap> RecFields( XModOps );
[ "name", "operations", "Elements", "IsFinite", "Size", "=", "<",
"in", "IsSubset", "Intersection", "Union", "IsParent", "Parent",
"Difference", "Representative", "Random", "Print", "Kernel",
"IsAspherical", "IsSimplyConnected", "IsConjugation",
"IsTrivialAction", "IsCentralExtension", "DirectProduct",
"IsAutomorphismXMod", "IsZeroBoundary", "IsRModule",
"InclusionMorphism", "WhiteheadPermGroup", "Whitehead", "Norrie",
"Lue", "Actor", "InnerMorphism", "Centre", "InnerActor",
"AutomorphismPermGroup", "IdentityMorphism", "InnerAutomorphism", ]
Crossed modules X,Y are considered equal if they have the same source, boundary, range,
and action. The remaining functions are discussed below and following section 80.113.
80.16 Print for crossed modules
XModOps.Print( X)
This function is the special print command for crossed modules, producing a single line of
output, and is called automatically when a crossed module is displayed. For more detail use
XModPrint( X ).
gap> CX;
Crossed module [v4->a4]
80.17 Size for crossed modules
XModOps.Size( X)
This function returns a 2-element list containing the sizes of the source and the range of X.
gap> Size( CX );
[ 4, 12 ]
80.18 Elements for crossed modules
XModOps.Elements( X)
This function returns a 2-element list of lists of elements of the source and range of X.
gap> Elements( CX );
[ [ (), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) ],
[ (), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,2),
(1,3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,2), (1,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ] ]
80.19 IsConjugation for crossed modules
XModOps.IsConjugation( X)
This Boolean function checks that the source is a normal subgroup of the range and that
the boundary is an inclusion.
gap> IsConjugation( CX );
80.20. ISASPHERICAL 1497
80.20 IsAspherical
XModOps.IsAspherical( X)
This Boolean function checks that the boundary map is monomorphic.
gap> IsAspherical( CX );
80.21 IsSimplyConnected
XModOps.IsSimplyConnected( X)
This Boolean function checks that the boundary map is surjective. The corresponding
groupoid then has a single connected component.
gap> IsSimplyConnected( EX );
80.22 IsCentralExtension
XModOps.IsCentralExtension( X)
This Boolean function checks that the boundary is surjective with kernel central in the
gap> IsCentralExtension( EX );
80.23 IsAutomorphismXMod
XModOps.IsAutomorphismXMod( X)
This Boolean function checks that the range group is a subgroup of the automorphism group
of the source group containing the group of inner automorphisms, and that the boundary
and action homomorphisms are of the correct form.
gap> IsAutomorphismXMod( AX );
80.24 IsTrivialAction
XModOps.IsTrivialAction( X)
This Boolean function checks that the action is the zero map.
gap> IsTrivialAction( TX );
80.25 IsZeroBoundary
XModOps.IsZeroBoundary( X)
This Boolean function checks that the boundary is the zero map.
gap> IsZeroBoundary( EX );
80.26 IsRModule for crossed modules
XModOps.IsRModule( X)
This Boolean function checks that the boundary is the zero map and that the source is
gap> IsRModule( RX );
80.27 WhatTypeXMod
WhatTypeXMod( X)
This function checks whether the crossed module Xis one or more of the six standard type
listed above.
gap> WhatTypeXMod( EX );
[ " extn, " ]
80.28 DirectProduct for crossed modules
XModOps.DirectProduct( X,Y )
The direct product of crossed modules X,Y has as source and range the direct products of
the sources and ranges of Xand Y. The boundary map is the product of the two boundaries.
The range of Xacts trivially on the source of Yand conversely. Because the standard
DirectProduct function requires the two parameters to be groups, the XModOps. prefix
must be used (at least for GAP33.4.3).
gap> DX := XModOps.DirectProduct( CX, CX );
Crossed module [v4xv4->a4xa4]
gap> XModPrint( DX );
Crossed module [v4xv4->a4xa4] :-
: Source group v4xv4 has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8) ]
: Range group = a4xa4 has generators:
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (5,6,7), (6,7,8) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,3) --> { source gens -->
[ (1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4), (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8) ] }
(2,3,4) --> { source gens -->
[ (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3), (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8) ] }
(5,6,7) --> { source gens -->
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (5,8)(6,7), (5,6)(7,8) ] }
(6,7,8) --> { source gens -->
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (5,7)(6,8), (5,8)(6,7) ] }
These 4 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.29. XMODMORPHISM 1499
80.29 XModMorphism
XModMorphism( X, Y, homs )
A morphism of crossed modules is a pair of homomorphisms [ sourceHom, rangeHom ],
where sourceHom,rangeHom are respectively homomorphisms between the sources and
ranges of Xand Y, which commute with the two boundary maps and which are morphisms
for the two actions.
In this implementation a morphism of crossed modules mor is a record with fields
mor.source, the source crossed module X,
mor.range, the range crossed module Y,
mor.sourceHom, a homomorphism from X.source to Y.source,
mor.rangeHom, a homomorphism from X.range to Y.range,
mor.isXModMorphism, a Boolean flag, normally true,
mor.operations, a special set of operations XModMorphismOps (see 80.33),, a concatenation of the names of Xand Y.
The function XModMorphism requires as parameters two crossed modules and a two-element
list containing the source and range homomorphisms. It sets up the required fields for
mor, but does not check the axioms. The IsXModMorphism function should be used to
perform these checks. Note that the XModMorphismPrint function is needed to print out
the morphism in detail.
gap> smor := GroupHomomorphismByImages( q8, k4, genq8, genk4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( q8, v4,
[(1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8)], [(1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)] )
gap> IsHomomorphism(smor);
gap> sl23 := SX.range;;
gap> gensl23 := sl23.generators;
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8), (2,5,6)(4,7,8)(9,10,11) ]
gap> images := [ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4) ];;
gap> rmor := GroupHomomorphismByImages( sl23, a4, gensl23, images );;
gap> IsHomomorphism(rmor);
gap> mor := XModMorphism( SX, CX, [ smor, rmor ] );
Morphism of crossed modules <[N3->sl(2,3)] >-> [v4->a4]>
80.30 IsXModMorphism
IsXModMorphism( mor )
This Boolean function checks that mor includes homomorphisms between the corresponding
source and range crossed modules, and that these homomorphisms commute with the two
actions. In the example we increase the value of XModPrintLevel to show the effect of such
an increase in a simple case.
gap> XModPrintLevel := 3;;
gap> IsXModMorphism( mor );
Checking that the diagram commutes :-
Y.boundary(morsrc(x)) = morrng(X.boundary(x))
Checking: morsrc(x2^x1) = morsrc(x2)^(morrng(x1))
gap> XModPrintLevel := 1;;
80.31 XModMorphismPrint
XModMorphismPrint( mor )
This function is used to display the main fields of a crossed module.
gap> XModMorphismPrint( mor );
Morphism of crossed modules :-
: Source = Crossed module [N3->sl(2,3)] with generating sets
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8), (2,5,6)(4,7,8)(9,10,11) ]
: Range = Crossed module [v4->a4] with generating sets
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]]
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ]
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4) ]
: isXModMorphism? true
80.32 XModMorphismName
XModMorphismName( mor )
Whenever the names of the source or range crossed module are changed, this function may
be used to produce the new standard form < >->> for
the name of mor. This function is automatically called by XModMorphismPrint.
gap> := "k4";; XModName( CX );;
gap> XModMorphismName( mor );
<[N3->sl(2,3)] >-> [k4->a4]>
80.33 Operations for morphisms of crossed modules
Special operations defined for morphisms of crossed modules are stored in the record struc-
ture XModMorphismOps which is based on MappingOps. Every crossed module morphism mor
has field mor.operations set equal to XModMorphismOps;.
gap> IsMonomorphism( mor );
gap> IsEpimorphism( mor );
gap> IsIsomorphism( mor );
gap> IsEndomorphism( mor );
gap> IsAutomorphism( mor );
80.34 IdentitySubXMod
IdentitySubXMod( X)
Every crossed module Xhas an identity sub-crossed module whose source and range are the
identity subgroups of the source and range.
gap> IdentitySubXMod( CX );
Crossed module [Id[k4->a4]]
80.35 SubXMod
SubXMod( X, subS, subR )
A sub-crossed module of a crossed module Xhas as source a subgroup subS of X.source
and as range a subgroup subR of X.range. The boundary map and the action are the
appropriate restrictions. In the following example we construct a sub-crossed module of SX
with range q8 and source a cyclic group of order 4.
gap> q8 := SX.source;; genq8 := q8.generators;;
gap> := "q8";; XModName( SX );;
gap> c4 := Subgroup( q8, [ genq8[1] ] );
Subgroup( sl(2,3), [ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ] )
gap> := "c4";;
gap> subSX := SubXMod( SX, c4, q8 );
Crossed module [c4->q8]
gap> XModPrint( subSX );
Crossed module [c4->q8] :-
: Source group has parent ( sl(2,3) ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]
: Range group has parent ( sl(2,3) ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), ( 1, 5, 3, 7)( 2, 6, 4, 8) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 2, 3, 4)( 5, 8, 7, 6) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) --> {source gens --> [ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]}
(1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) --> {source gens --> [ (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8) ]}
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.36 IsSubXMod
IsSubXMod( X,S )
This boolean function checks that Sis a sub-crossed module of X.
gap> IsSubXMod( SX, subSX );
80.37 InclusionMorphism for crossed modules
InclusionMorphism( S,X )
This function constructs the inclusion of a sub-crossed module Sof X. When S=Xthe
identity morphism is returned.
gap> inc := InclusionMorphism( subSX, SX );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c4->q8] >-> [q8->sl(2,3)]>
gap> IsXModMorphism( inc );
gap> XModMorphismPrint( inc );
Morphism of crossed modules :-
: Source = Crossed module [c4->q8] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
: Range = Crossed module [q8->sl(2,3)] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8), (2,5,6)(4,7,80(9,10,11) ]
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
: isXModMorphism? true
80.38 IsNormalSubXMod
IsNormalSubXMod( X,Y )
A sub-crossed module Y=(N->M) is normal in X=(S->R) when
N, M are normal subgroups of S, R respectively,
nrNfor all nN, r R,
s1smNfor all mM, s S.
These axioms are sufficient to ensure that M×Nis a normal subgroup of R×S. They also
ensure that the inclusion morphism of a normal sub-crossed module forms a conjugation
crossed square, analogous to the construction of a conjugation crossed module.
gap> IsNormalSubXMod( SX, subSX );
80.39 NormalSubXMods
NormalSubXMods( X)
This function takes pairs of normal subgroups from the source and range of Xand constructs
a normal sub-crossed module whenever the axioms are satisfied. Appropriate names are
chosen where possible.
gap> NSX := NormalSubXMods( SX );
[ Crossed module [Id[q8->sl(2,3)]], Crossed module [I->?],
Crossed module [Sub[q8->sl(2,3)]], Crossed module [?->q8],
Crossed module [?->q8], Crossed module [q8->sl(2,3)] ]
80.40 Factor crossed module
FactorXMod( X, subX )
The quotient crossed module of a crossed module by a normal sub-crossed module has
quotient groups as source and range, with the obvious action.
gap> Size( NSX[3] );
gap> FX := FactorXMod( SX, NSX[3] );
Crossed module [?->?]
gap> Size( FX );
[ 4, 12 ]
80.41 Kernel of a crossed module morphism
Kernel( mor )
The kernel of a morphism mor :XYof crossed modules is the normal sub-crossed
module of Xwhose source is the kernel of mor.sourceHom and whose range is the kernel
of mor.rangeHom. An appropriate name for the kernel is chosen automatically. A field
.kernel is added to mor.
gap> XModMorphismName( mor );;
gap> KX := Kernel( mor );
Crossed module Ker<[q8->sl(2,3)] >-> [k4->a4]>
gap> XModPrint( KX );
Crossed module Ker<[q8->SL(2,3)] >-> [k4->a4]> :-
: Source group has parent ( sl(2,3) ) and has generators:
[ (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) ]
: Range group has parent ( sl(2,3) ) and has generators:
[ ( 1, 3)( 2, 4)( 5, 7)( 6, 8) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) ]
: The automorphism group is trivial.
gap> IsNormalSubXMod( SX, KX );
80.42 Image for a crossed module morphism
ImageXModMorphism( mor,S)
The image of a sub-crossed module Sof Xunder a morphism mor :XYof crossed modules
is the sub-crossed module of Ywhose source is the image of S.source under mor.sourceHom
and whose range is the image of S.range under mor.rangeHom. An appropriate name for
the image is chosen automatically. A field .image is added to mor. Note that thjis function
should be named XModMorphismOps.Image, but the command J := Image( mor, S );
does not work with version 3 of GAP3.
gap> subSX;
Crossed module [c4->q8]
gap> JX := ImageXModMorphism( mor, subSX );
Crossed module [Im([c4->q8]) by <[q8->sl(2,3)] >-> [k4->a4]>]
gap> RecFields( mor );
[ "sourceHom", "rangeHom", "source", "range", "name", "isXModMorphism",
"domain", "kernel", "image", "isMonomorphism", "isEpimorphism",
"isIsomorphism", "isEndomorphism", "isAutomorphism", "operations" ]
gap> XModPrint( JX );
Crossed module [Im([c4->q8]) by <[q8->sl(2,3)] >-> [k4->a4]>] :-
: Source group has parent ( s4 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4) ]
: Range group has parent ( s4 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2)(3,4) ]
: The automorphism group is trivial.
80.43 InnerAutomorphism of a crossed module
InnerAutomorphism( X, r )
Each element rof X.range determines an automorphism of Xin which the automorphism
of X.source is given by the image of X.action on rand the automorphism of X.range
is conjugation by r. The command InnerAutomorphism( X, r ); does not work with
version 3 of GAP3.
gap> g := Elements( q8 )[8];
gap> psi := XModOps.InnerAutomorphism( subSX, g );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c4->q8] >-> [c4->q8]>
gap> XModMorphismPrint( psi );
Morphism of crossed modules :-
: Source = Crossed module [c4->q8] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
: Range = Crossed module [c4->q8] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8) ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ ( 1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8), (1,7,3,5)(2,8,4,6) ]
isXModMorphism? true
80.44 Order of a crossed module morphism
XModMorphismOps.Order( mor )
This function calculates the order of an automorphism of a crossed module.
gap> XModMorphismOps.Order( psi );
80.45 CompositeMorphism for crossed modules
CompositeMorphism( mor1, mor2 )
Morphisms µ1:XYand µ2:YZhave a composite µ=µ2µ1:XZwhose
source and range homomorphisms are the composites of those of µ1and µ2.
In the following example we compose psi with the inc obtained previously.
gap> xcomp := XModMorphismOps.CompositeMorphism( psi, inc );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c4->q8] >-> [q8->sl(2,3)]>
gap> XModMorphismPrint( xcomp );
Morphism of crossed modules :-
: Source = Crossed module [c4->q8] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
: Range = Crossed module [q8->sl(2,3)] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8) ]
[ (1,2,3,4)(5,8,7,6), (1,5,3,7)(2,6,4,8), (2,5,6)(4,7,8)(9,10,11) ]
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8) ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (1,4,3,2)(5,6,7,8), (1,7,3,5)(2,8,4,6) ]
: isXModMorphism? true
80.46 SourceXModXPModMorphism
SourceXModXPModMorphism( mor )
When crossed modules X,Y have a common range Pand mor is a morphism from Xto
Ywhose range homomorphism is the identity homomorphism, then mor.sourceHom :
X.source -> Y.source) is a crossed module.
gap> c2 := Subgroup( q8, [ genq8[1]^2 ] );
Subgroup( sl(2,3), [ (1,3)(2,4)(5,7)(6,8) ] )
gap> := "c2";;
gap> sub2 := SubXMod( subSX, c2, q8 );
Crossed module [c2->q8]
gap>inc2 := InclusionMorphism( sub2, subSX );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c2->q8] >-> [c4->q8]>
gap> PX := SourceXModXPModMorphism( inc2 );
Crossed module [c2->c4]
gap> IsConjugation( PX );
80.47 About cat1-groups
In [Lod82] Loday reformulated the notion of a crossed module as a cat1-group, namely
a group Gwith a pair of homomorphisms t, h :GGhaving a common image Rand
satisfying certain axioms. We find it convenient to define a cat1-group C= (e;t, h :GR)
as having source group G, range group R, and three homomorphisms: two surjections t, h :
GRand an embedding e:RGsatisfying:
Cat 1: te =he = idR,
Cat 2: [ker t, ker h] = {1G}.
It follows that teh =h, het =t, tet =t, heh =h.
The maps t, h are often referred to as the source and target, but we choose to call them the
tail and head of C, because source is the GAP3 term for the domain of a function.
A morphism C1→ C2of cat1-groups is a pair (γ, ρ) where γ:G1G2and ρ:R1R2
are homomorphisms satisfying
h2γ=ρh1, t2γ=ρt1, e2ρ=γe1,
(see 80.61 and subsequent sections).
In this implementation a cat1-group Cis a record with the following fields:
C.source, the source G,
C.range, the range R,
C.tail, the tail homomorphism t,
C.head, the head homomorphism h,
C.embedRange, the embedding of Rin G,
C.kernel, a permutation group isomorphic to the kernel of t,
C.embedKernel, the inclusion of the kernel in G,
C.boundary, the restriction of hto the kernel,
C.isDomain, set true,
C.operations, a special set of operations Cat1Ops (see 80.53,, a concatenation of the names of the source and range.
C.isCat1 a boolean flag, normally true.
The following listing shows a simple example:
gap> s3c4gen := s3c4.generators;
[ (1,2), (2,3), (4,5,6,7) ]
gap> t1 := GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3c4, s3, s3c4gen,
> [ (1,2), (2,3), () ] );;
gap> C1 := Cat1( s3c4, t1, t1 );
cat1-group [s3c4 ==> s3]
gap> Cat1Print( C1 );
cat1-group [s3c4 ==> s3] :-
: source group has generators:
[ (1,2), (2,3), (4,5,6,7) ]
: range group has generators:
[ (1,2), (2,3) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
80.48. CAT1 1507
[ ( 1, 2), ( 2, 3), () ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 2), ( 2, 3), () ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ (1,2), (2,3) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ (4,5,6,7) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
[ () ]
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
[ (4,5,6,7) ]
The category of crossed modules is equivalent to the category of cat1-groups, and the func-
tors between these two categories may be described as follows.
Starting with the crossed module X= (:SR) the group Gis defined as the semidirect
product G=R×Susing the action from X. The structural morphisms are given by
t(r, s) = r, h(r, s) = r(s), er = (r, 1).
On the other hand, starting with a cat1-group C= (e;t, h :GR) we define S= ker t, the
range Rremains unchanged and =h|S. The action of Ron Sis conjugation in Svia the
embedding of Rin G.
gap> X1;
Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> CX1 := Cat1XMod(X1);
cat1-group [Perm(PermAut(c5) |X c5) ==> PermAut(c5)]
gap> CX1.source.generators;
[ (2,3,5,4), (1,2,3,4,5) ]
gap> XC1 := XModCat1( C1 );
Crossed module [ker([s3c4 ==> s3])->s3]
gap> WhatTypeXMod( XC1 );
[ " triv, ", " zero, ", " RMod, " ]
80.48 Cat1
Cat1( G, t, h )
This function constructs a cat1-group Cfrom a group Gand a pair of endomorphisms, the
tail and head of C. The example uses the holomorph of c5, a group of size 20, which was
the source group in XC1 in 80.47. Note that when t=hthe boundary is the zero map.
gap> h20 := Group( (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4) );;
gap> := "h20";;
gap> genh20 := h20.generators;;
gap> imh20 := [ (), (2,3,5,4) ];;
gap> h := GroupHomomorphismByImages( h20, h20, genh20, imh20 );;
gap> t := h;;
gap> C := Cat1( h20, t, h );
cat1-group [h20 ==> R]
80.49 IsCat1
IsCat1( C)
This function checks that the axioms of a cat1-group are satisfied and that the main fields
of a cat1-group record exist.
gap> IsCat1(C);
80.50 Cat1Print
Cat1Print( C)
This function is used to display the main fields of a cat1-group.
gap> Cat1Print(C);
cat1-group [h20 ==> R] :-
: source group has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4) ]
: range group has generators:
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (), ( 2, 3, 5, 4) ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (), ( 2, 3, 5, 4) ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
: kernel has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
[ () ]
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
80.51 Cat1Name
Cat1Name( C)
Whenever the names of the source or the range of Care changed, this function may be
used to produce the new standard form [<> ==> <>] for
the name of C. This function is called automatically by Cat1Print. Note the use of =, rather
than -in the arrow shaft, to indicate the pair of maps.
gap> := "c4";; Cat1Name( C );
"[h20 ==> c4]"
80.52 ConjugationCat1
ConjugationCat1( R, S )
When Sis a normal subgroup of a group Rform the semi-direct product G=R×Sto R
and take this as the source, with Ras the range. The tail and head homomorphisms are
defined by t(r, s) = r(s), h(r, s) = r. In the example h20 is the range, rather than the
gap> c5 := Subgroup( h20, [(1,2,3,4,5)] );;
gap> := "c5";;
gap> CC := ConjugationCat1( h20, c5 );
cat1-group [Perm(h20 |X c5) ==> h20]
gap> Cat1Print( CC );
cat1-group [Perm(h20 |X c5) ==> h20] :-
: source group has generators:
[ ( 6, 7, 8, 9,10), ( 2, 3, 5, 4)( 7, 8,10, 9), (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: range group has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), ( 2, 3, 5, 4), () ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ ( 6, 7, 8, 9,10), ( 2, 3, 5, 4)( 7, 8,10, 9) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
: associated crossed module is Crossed module [c5->h20]
gap> ct := CC.tail;;
gap> ch := CC.head;;
gap> CG := CC.source;;
gap> genCG := CG.generators;;
gap> x := genCG[2] * genCG[3];
( 1, 2, 4, 3 )( 7, 8,10, 9 )
gap> tx := Image( ct, x );
( 2, 3, 5, 4)
gap> hx := Image( ch, x );
( 1, 2, 4, 3)
gap> RecFields( CC );
[ "source", "range", "tail", "head", "embedRange", "kernel",
"boundary", "embedKernel", "isDomain", "operations", "isCat1",
"name", "xmod" ]
80.53 Operations for cat1-groups
Special operations defined for crossed modules are stored in the record structure Cat1Ops
based on DomainOps. Every cat1-group Chas C.operations := Cat1Ops;.
gap> RecFields( Cat1Ops );
[ "name", "operations", "Elements", "IsFinite", "Size", "=", "<",
"in", "IsSubset", "Intersection", "Union", "IsParent", "Parent",
"Difference", "Representative", "Random", "Print", "Actor",
"InnerActor", "InclusionMorphism", "WhiteheadPermGroup" ]
Cat1-groups are considered equal if they have the same source, range, tail, head and em-
bedding. The remaining functions are described below.
80.54 Size for cat1-groups
Cat1Ops.Size( C)
This function returns a two-element list containing the sizes of the source and range of C.
gap> Size( C );
[ 20, 4 ]
80.55 Elements for cat1-groups
Cat1Ops.Elements( C)
This function returns the two-element list of lists of elements of the source and range of C.
gap> Elements( C );
[ [ (), (2,3,5,4), (2,4,5,3), (2,5)(3,4), (1,2)(3,5), (1,2,3,4,5),
(1,2,4,3), (1,2,5,4), (1,3,4,2), (1,3)(4,5), (1,3,5,2,4),
(1,3,2,5), (1,4,5,2), (1,4,3,5), (1,4)(2,3), (1,4,2,5,3),
(1,5,4,3,2), (1,5,3,4), (1,5,2,3), (1,5)(2,4) ],
[ (), (2,3,5,4), (2,4,5,3), (2,5)(3,4) ] ]
80.56 XModCat1
XModCat1( C)
This function acts as the functor from the category of cat1-groups to the category of crossed
gap> XC := XModCat1( C );
Crossed module [ker([h20 ==> c4])->c4]
gap> XModPrint( XC );
Crossed module [ker([h20 ==> c4])->c4] :-
: Source group has parent ( h20 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: Range group has parent ( h20 ) and has generators:
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
80.57. CAT1XMOD 1511
[ () ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(2,3,5,4) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3,5,2,4) ] }
This automorphism generates the group of automorphisms.
: Associated cat1-group = cat1-group [h20 ==> c4]
80.57 Cat1XMod
Cat1XMod( X)
This function acts as the functor from the category of crossed modules to the category of
cat1-groups. A permutation representation of the semidirect product R×Sis constructed
for G. See section 80.58 for a version where Gis a semidirect product group. The example
uses the crossed module CX constructed in section 80.6.
gap> CX;
Crossed module [k4->a4]
gap> CCX := Cat1XMod( CX );
cat1-group [a4.k4 ==> a4]
gap> Cat1Print( CCX );
cat1-group [a4.k4 ==> a4] :-
: source group has generators:
[ (2,4,3)(5,6,7), (2,3,4)(6,7,8), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: range group has generators:
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 2, 3), ( 2, 3, 4), (), () ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 2, 3), ( 2, 3, 4), ( 1, 2)( 3, 4), ( 1, 3)( 2, 4) ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ ( 2, 4, 3)( 5, 6, 7), ( 2, 3, 4)( 6, 7, 8) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: associated crossed module is Crossed module [k4->a4]
80.58 SemidirectCat1XMod
SemidirectCat1XMod( X)
This function is similar to the previous one, but a permutation representation for R×Sis
not constructed.
gap> Unbind( CX.cat1 );
gap> SCX := SemidirectCat1XMod( CX );
cat1-group [a4 |X k4 ==> a4]
gap> Cat1Print( SCX );
cat1-group [a4 |X k4 ==> a4] :-
: source group has generators:
[ SemidirectProductElement( (1,2,3), GroupHomomorphismByImages( k4,
k4, [(1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3)], [(1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)] ), () ),
SemidirectProductElement( (2,3,4), GroupHomomorphismByImages( k4,
k4, [(1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4)], [(1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)] ), () ),
SemidirectProductElement( (), IdentityMapping( k4 ), (1,2)(3,4) ),
SemidirectProductElement( (), IdentityMapping( k4 ), (1,3)(2,4) ) ]
: range group has generators:
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (), () ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ SemidirectProductElement( (1,2,3), GroupHomomorphismByImages( k4,
k4, [(1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3)], [(1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)] ), () ),
SemidirectProductElement( (2,3,4), GroupHomomorphismByImages( k4,
k4, [(1,4)(2,3), (1,2)(3,4)], [(1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4)] ), () ) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
[ SemidirectProductElement( (), IdentityMapping( k4 ), (1,2)(3,4) ),
SemidirectProductElement( (), IdentityMapping( k4 ), (1,3)(2,4) ) ]
: associated crossed module is Crossed module [k4->a4]
80.59 Cat1List
Cat1List is a list containing data on all cat1-structures on groups of size up to 47. The list
is used by Cat1Select to construct these small examples of cat1-groups.
gap> Length( Cat1List );
gap> Cat1List[8];
[ 6, 2, [ (1,2), (2,3) ], "s3",
[ [ [ (2,3), (2,3) ], "c3", "c2", [ (2,3), (2,3) ],
[ (2,3), (2,3) ] ] ] ]
80.60 Cat1Select
Cat1Select( size, [gpnum, num] )
All cat-structures on groups of order up to 47 are stored in a list Cat1List and may be
obtained from the list using this function. Global variables Cat1ListMaxSize :=
47 and NumbersOfIsomorphismClasses are also stored. The example illustrated is the first
80.60. CAT1SELECT 1513
case in which t6=hand the associated conjugation crossed module is given by the normal
subgroup c3 of s3.
gap> Cat1ListMaxSize;
gap> NumbersOfIsomorphismClasses[18];
gap> Cat1Select( 18 );
Usage: Cat1Select( size, gpnum, num )
[ "c6c3", "c18", "d18", "s3c3", "c3^2|Xc2" ]
gap> Cat1Select( 18, 5 );
There are 4 cat1-structures for the group c3^2|Xc2.
[ [range generators], [tail.genimages], [head.genimages] ] :-
[ [ (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], tail = head = identity mapping ]
[ [ (2,3)(5,6) ], "c3^2", "c2", [ (), (), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (), (), (2,3)(5,6) ] ]
[ [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], "c3", "s3", [ (), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ] ]
[ [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], "c3", "s3", [ (4,5,6),(4,5,6),(2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ] ]
Usage: Cat1Select( size, gpnum, num )
Group has generators [ (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ]
gap> SC := Cat1Select( 18, 5, 4 );
cat1-group [c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]
gap> Cat1Print( SC );
cat1-group [c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3] :-
: source group has generators:
[ (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ]
: range group has generators:
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 4, 5, 6), ( 4, 5, 6), ( 2, 3)( 5, 6) ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (), ( 4, 5, 6), ( 2, 3)( 5, 6) ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ ( 4, 5, 6), ( 2, 3)( 5, 6) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
gap> XSC := XModCat1( SC );
Crossed module [c3->s3]
For each group Gthe first cat1-structure is the identity cat1-structure (id;id,id : G ->
G) with trivial kernel. The corresponding crossed module has as boundary the inclusion
map of the trivial subgroup.
gap> AC := Cat1Select( 12, 5, 1 );
cat1-group [a4 ==> a4]
80.61 Cat1Morphism
Cat1Morphism( C, D, L )
A morphism of cat1-groups is a pair of homomorphisms [ sourceHom, rangeHom ], where
sourceHom,rangeHom are respectively homomorphisms between the sources and ranges of C
and D, which commute with the two tail homomorphisms with the two head homomorphisms
and with the two embeddings.
In this implementation a morphism of cat1-groups mu is a record with fields:
mu.source, the source cat1-group C,
mu.range, the range cat1-group D,
mu.sourceHom, a homomorphism from C.source to D.source,
mu.rangeHom, a homomorphism from C.range to D.range,
mu.isCat1Morphism, a Boolean flag, normally true,
mu.operations, a special set of operations Cat1MorphismOps,, a concatenation of the names of Cand D.
The function Cat1Morphism requires as parameters two cat1-groups and a two-element list
containing the source and range homomorphisms. It sets up the required fields for mu, but
does not check the axioms. The IsCat1Morphism function should be used to perform these
checks. Note that the Cat1MorphismPrint function is needed to print out the morphism in
gap> GCCX := CCX.source;
Perm(a4 |X k4)
gap> GAC := AC.source;
gap> genGAC := GAC.generators;
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ]
gap> im := Sublist( GCCX.generators, [1..2] );
[ (2,4,3)(5,6,7), (2,3,4)(6,7,8) ]
gap> musrc := GroupHomomorphismByImages( GAC, GCCX, genGAC, im );;
gap> murng := InclusionMorphism( a4, a4 );;
gap> mu := Cat1Morphism( AC, CCX, [ musrc, murng ] );
Morphism of cat1-groups <[a4 ==> a4]-->[Perm(a4 |X k4) ==> a4]>
80.62 IsCat1Morphism
IsCat1Morphism( mu )
This Boolean function checks that µincludes homomorphisms between the corresponding
source and range groups, and that these homomorphisms commute with the pairs of tail
and head homomorphisms.
gap> IsCat1Morphism( mu );
80.63 Cat1MorphismName
Cat1MorphismName( mu )
This function concatenates the names of the source and range of a morphism of cat1-groups.
gap> := "a4.k4";; Cat1Name( CCX );
"[a4.k4 ==> a4]"
gap> Cat1MorphismName( mu );
"<[a4 ==> a4]-->[a4.k4 ==> a4]>"
80.64 Cat1MorphismPrint
Cat1MorphismPrint( mu )
This printing function for cat1-groups is one of the special functions in Cat1MorphismOps.
gap> Cat1MorphismPrint( mu );
Morphism of cat1-groups :=
: Source = cat1-group [a4 ==> a4]
: Range = cat1-group [a4.k4 ==> a4]
: Source homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (2,4,3)(5,6,7), (2,3,4)(6,7,8) ]
: Range homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ]
80.65 Operations for morphisms of cat1-groups
Special operations defined for morphisms of cat1-groups are stored in the record structure
Cat1MorphismOps which is based on MappingOps. Every morphism of cat1-groups mor has
field mor.operations set equal to Cat1MorphismOps;.
gap> IsMonomorphism( mu );
gap> IsEpimorphism( mu );
gap> IsIsomorphism( mu );
gap> IsEndomorphism( mu );
gap> IsAutomorphism( mu );
80.66 Cat1MorphismSourceHomomorphism
Cat1MorphismSourceHomomorphism ( C, D, phi )
Given a homomorphism from the source of Cto the source of D, this function defines the
corresponding cat1-group morphism.
gap> GSC := SC.source;;
gap> homsrc := GroupHomomorphismByImages( a4, GSC,
> [(1,2,3),(2,3,4)],[(4,5,6),(4,6,5)]);;
gap> musrc := Cat1MorphismSourceHomomorphism( AC, SC, homsrc );
Morphism of cat1-groups <[a4 ==> a4]-->[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]>
gap> IsCat1Morphism( musrc );
gap> Cat1MorphismPrint( musrc );
Morphism of cat1-groups :=
: Source = cat1-group [a4 ==> a4]
: Range = cat1-group [c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]
: Source homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (4,5,6), (4,6,5) ]
: Range homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (4,5,6), (4,6,5) ]
80.67 ReverseCat1
ReverseCat1( C)
The reverse of a cat1-group is an isomorphic cat1-group with the same source, range and
embedding, but with the tail and head interchanged (see [AW97], section 2).
gap> revCC := ReverseCat1( CC );
cat1-group [h20 |X c5 ==> h20]
80.68 ReverseIsomorphismCat1
ReverseIsomorphismCat1( C)
gap> revmu := ReverseIsomorphismCat1( CC );
Morphism of cat1-groups
<[Perm(h20 |X c5) ==> h20]-->[h20 |X c5 ==> h20]>
gap> IsCat1Morphism( revmu );
80.69 Cat1MorphismXModMorphism
Cat1MorphismXModMorphism( mor )
If C1, C2 are the cat1-groups produced from X1, X2 by the function Cat1XMod, then for
any mor : X1 -> X2 there is an associated mu :
C1 -> C2. The result is stored as mor.cat1Morphism.
gap> CX.Cat1 := CCX;;
gap> CSX := Cat1XMod( SX );
cat1-group [Perm(sl(2,3) |X q8) ==> sl(2,3)]
gap> mor;
Morphism of crossed modules <[q8->sl(2,3)] >-> [k4->a4]>
gap> catmor := Cat1MorphismXModMorphism( mor );
Morphism of cat1-groups
<[Perm(sl(2,3) |X q8) ==> sl(2,3)]-->[Perm(a4 |X k4) ==> a4]>
gap> IsCat1Morphism( catmor );
gap> Cat1MorphismPrint( catmor );
Morphism of cat1-groups :=
: Source = cat1-group [Perm(sl(2,3) |X q8) ==> sl(2,3)]
: Range = cat1-group [Perm(a4 |X k4) ==> a4]
: Source homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,6)(7,8), (5,7)(6,8), (2,3,4)(6,7,8), (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Range homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4) ]
80.70 XModMorphismCat1Morphism
XModMorphismCat1Morphism ( mu )
If X1,X2 are the two crossed modules produced from C1,C2 by the function XModCat1, then
for any mu : C1 -> C2 there is an associated morphism of crossed modules from X1 to
X2. The result is stored as mu.xmodMorphism.
gap> mu;
Morphism of cat1-groups <[a4 ==> a4]-->[a4.k4 ==> a4]>
gap> xmu := XModMorphismCat1Morphism( mu );
Morphism of crossed modules <[a4->a4] >-> [k4->a4]>
80.71 CompositeMorphism for cat1-groups
Cat1MorphismOps.CompositeMorphism( mu1,mu2 )
Morphisms µ1:CDand µ2:DEhave a composite µ=µ2µ1:CEwhose
source and range homomorphisms are the composites of those of µ1and µ2. The example
corresponds to that in 80.45.
gap> psi;
Morphism of crossed modules <[c4->q8] >-> [c4->q8]>
gap> inc;
Morphism of crossed modules <[c4->q8] >-> [q8->sl(2,3)]>
gap> mupsi := Cat1MorphismXModMorphism( psi );
Morphism of cat1-groups
<[Perm(q8 |X c4) ==> q8]-->[Perm(q8 |X c4) ==> q8]>
gap> muinc := Cat1MorphismXModMorphism( inc );
Morphism of cat1-groups
<[Perm(q8 |X c4) ==> q8]-->[Perm(sl(2,3) |X q8) ==> sl(2,3)]>
gap> mucomp := Cat1MorphismOps.CompositeMorphism( mupsi, muinc );
Morphism of cat1-groups
<[Perm(q8 |X c4) ==> q8]-->[Perm(sl(2,3) |X q8) ==> sl(2,3)]>
gap> muxcomp := Cat1MorphismXModMorphism( xcomp );;
gap> mucomp = muxcomp;
80.72 IdentitySubCat1
IdentitySubCat1( C)
Every cat1-group Chas an identity sub-cat1-group whose source and range are the identity
subgroups of the source and range of C.
gap> IdentitySubCat1( SC );
cat1-group [Id[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]]
80.73 SubCat1
SubCat1( C, H )
When His a subgroup of C.source and the restrictions of C.tail and C.head to Hhave a
common image, these homomorphisms determine a sub-cat1-group of C.
gap> d20 := Subgroup( h20, [ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,5)(3,4) ] );;
gap> subC := SubCat1( C, d20 );
cat1-group [Sub[h20 ==> c4]]
gap> Cat1Print( subC );
cat1-group [Sub[h20 ==> c4]] :-
: source group has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,5)(3,4) ]
: range group has generators:
[ ( 2, 5)( 3, 4) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (), ( 2, 5)( 3, 4) ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (), ( 2, 5)( 3, 4) ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ ( 2, 5)( 3, 4) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
[ () ]
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
80.74 InclusionMorphism for cat1-groups
InclusionMorphism( S, C )
This function constructs the inclusion morphism S -> C of a sub-cat1-group Sof a
cat1-group C.
gap> InclusionMorphism( subC, C );
Morphism of cat1-groups <[Sub[h20 ==> c4]]-->[h20 ==> c4]>
80.75. NORMALSUBCAT1S 1519
80.75 NormalSubCat1s
NormalSubCat1s( C)
This function takes pairs of normal subgroups from the source and range of Cand constructs
a normal sub-cat1-group whenever the axioms are satisfied.
gap> NormalSubCat1s( SC );
[ cat1-group [Sub[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]] ,
cat1-group [Sub[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]] ,
cat1-group [Sub[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]] ,
cat1-group [Sub[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]] ]
80.76 AllCat1s
AllCat1s( G)
By a cat1-structure on Gwe mean a cat1-group Cwhere Ris a subgroup of Gand eis
the inclusion map. For such a structure to exist, Gmust contain a normal subgroup S
with G/S
=R. Furthermore, since t, h are respectively the identity and zero maps on
S, we require RS={1G}. This function uses EndomorphismClasses( G, 3 ) (see
80.134, 80.136) to construct idempotent endomorphisms of Gas potential tails and heads.
A backtrack procedure then tests to see which pairs of idempotents give cat1-groups. A
non-documented function AreIsomorphicCat1s is called in order that the function returns
representatives for isomorphism classes of cat1-structures on G. See [AW97] for all cat1-
structures on groups of order up to 30.
gap> AllCat1s( a4 );
There are 1 endomorphism classes.
Calculating idempotent endomorphisms.
# idempotents mapping to lattice class representatives
Isomorphism class 1
: kernel of tail = [ "2x2" ]
: range group = [ "3" ]
Isomorphism class 2
: kernel of tail = [ "1" ]
: range group = [ "A4" ]
[ cat1-group [a4 ==> a4.H3] , cat1-group [a4 ==> a4] ]
The first class has range c3 and kernel k4. The second class contails all cat1-groups C=
(α1;α, α :GG) where αis an automorphism of G.
80.77 About derivations and sections
The Whitehead monoid Der(X) of Xwas defined in [Whi48] to be the monoid of all deriva-
tions from Rto S, that is the set of all maps RS, with composition , satisfying
Der 1: χ(qr)=(χq)r(χr)
Der 2: (χ1χ2)(r)=(χ1r)(χ2r)(χ1χ2r).
The zero map is the identity for this composition. Invertible elements in the monoid are
called regular. The Whitehead group of Xis the group of regular derivations in Der(X).
In section 80.113 the actor of Xis defined as a crossed module whose source and range are
permutation representations of the Whitehead group and the automorphism group of X.
The construction for cat1-groups equivalent to the derivation of a crossed module is the
section. The monoid of sections of Cis the set of group homomorphisms ξ:RG, with
composition , satisfying:
Sect 1: = idR,
Sect 2: (ξ1ξ2)(r) = (ξ2r)(ehξ2r)1(ξ12r).
The embedding eis the identity for this composition, and h(ξ1ξ2)=(1)(2). A section
is regular when is an automorphism and, of course, the group of regular sections is
isomorphic to the Whitehead group.
Derivations are stored like group homomorphisms by specifying the images of a generating
set. Images of the remaining elements may then be obtained using axiom Der 1. The
function IsDerivation is automatically called to check that this procedure is well-defined.
gap> X1;
Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> chi1 := XModDerivationByImages( X1, [ () ] );
XModDerivationByImages( PermAut(c5), c5, [ (1,2,4,3) ], [ () ] )
gap> IsDerivation( chi1 );
A derivation is stored as a record chi with fields:
chi.source, the range group Rof X,
chi.range, the source group Sof X,
chi.generators, a fixed generating set for R,
chi.genimages, the chosen images of the generators,
chi.xmod, the crossed module X,
chi.operations, special set of operations XModDerivationByImagesOps,
chi.isDerivation, a boolean flag, normally true.
Sections are group homomorphisms, and are stored as such, but with a modified set of opera-
tions Cat1SectionByImagesOps which includes a special .Print function to display the sec-
tion in the manner shown below. Functions SectionDerivation and DerivationSection
convert derivations to sections, and vice-versa, calling Cat1XMod and XModCat1 automati-
The equation ξr = (er)(χr) determines a section ξof C, given a derivation χof X, and
gap> xi1 := SectionDerivation( chi1 );
Cat1SectionByImages( PermAut(c5), Perm(PermAut(c5) |X c5),
[ (1,2,4,3) ], [ (2,3,5,4) ] )
gap> xi1.cat1;
cat1-group [Perm(PermAut(c5) |X c5) ==> PermAut(c5)]
There are two functions to determine all the elements of the Whitehead group and the
Whitehead monoid of X, namely RegularDerivations and AllDerivations. If the whole
monoid is needed at some stage, then the latter function should be used. A field D =
X.derivations is created which stores all the required information:
D.areDerivations, a boolean flag, normally true,
D.isReg,true when only the regular derivations are known,
D.isAll,true when all the derivations have been found,
D.generators, a copy of R.generators,
D.genimageList, a list of .genimages lists for the derivations,
D.regular, the number of regular derivations (if known),
D.xmod, the crossed module X,
D.operations, a special set of operations XModDerivationsOps.
Using our standard example X1 we find that there are just five derivations, all of them
regular, so the associated group is cyclic of size 5.
gap> RegularDerivations( X1 );
RegularDerivations record for crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)],
: 5 regular derivations, others not found.
gap> AllDerivations( X1 );
AllDerivations record for crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)],
: 5 derivations found but unsorted.
gap> DerivationsSorted( X1 );
gap> imder1 := X1.derivations.genimageList;
[ [()], [(1,2,3,4,5)], [(1,3,5,2,4)], [(1,4,2,5,3)], [(1,5,4,3,2)] ]
The functions RegularSections and AllSections perform corresponding tasks for a cat1-
group. Two strategies for calculating derivations and sections are implemented, see [AW97].
The default method for AllDerivations is to search for all possible sets of images using
a backtracking procedure, and when all the derivations are found it is not known which
are regular. The function DerivationsSorted sorts the .genImageList field, placing the
regular ones at the top of the list and adding the .regular field. The default method for
AllSections( C ) computes all endomorphisms on the range group Rof Cas possibilities
for the composite . A backtrack method then finds possible images for such a section.
When either the set of derivations or the set of sections already exists, the other set is
computed using SectionDerivation or DerivationSection.
gap> CX1 := Cat1XMod( X1 );
cat1-group [Perm(PermAut(c5) |X c5) ==> PermAut(c5)]
gap> := "Hol(c5)";; Cat1Name( CX1 );
gap> RegularSections( CX1 );
RegularSections record for cat1-group [Hol(c5) ==> PermAut(c5)],
: 5 regular sections, others not found.
gap> CX1.sections.genimageList;
[ [(2,3,5,4)], [(1,2,4,3)], [(1,3,2,5)], [(1,4,5,2)], [(1,5,3,4)] ]
The derivation images and the composition table may be listed as follows.
gap> chi2 := XModDerivationByImages( X1, imder1[2] );
XModDerivationByImages( PermAut(c5), c5, [(1,2,4,3)], [(1,2,3,4,5)] )
gap> DerivationImage( chi2, (1,4)(2,3) );
( 1, 4, 2, 5, 3)
gap> DerivationImages( chi2 );
gap> PrintList( DerivationTable( X1 ) );
gap> PrintList( WhiteheadGroupTable( X1 ) );
Each χor ξdetermines endomorphisms of R, S, G, Xand C, namely:
ρ:RR, r 7→ r(χr) = r,
σ:SS, s 7→ s(χ∂s),
γ:GG, g 7→ (ehξtg)(ξtg1)g(ehg1)(ξhg),
(σ, ρ) : X → X,
(γ, ρ) : C → C.
When these endomorphisms are automorphisms, the derivation is regular. When the bound-
ary of Xis the zero map, both σand ρare identity homomorphisms, and every derivation
is regular, which is the case in this example.
gap> sigma2 := SourceEndomorphismDerivation( chi2 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( c5, c5, [ (1,2,3,4,5) ], [ (1,2,3,4,5) ] )
gap> rho2 := RangeEndomorphismDerivation( chi2 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut(c5), PermAut(c5), [ (1,2,4,3) ],
[ (1,2,4,3) ] )
gap> xi2 := SectionDerivation( chi2 );;
gap> gamma2 := SourceEndomorphismSection( xi2 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Hol(c5), Hol(c5), [(2,3,5,4),(1,2,3,4,5)],
[(2,3,5,4),(1,2,3,4,5)] )
gap> mor2 := XModMorphism( X1, X1, [sigma2,rho2] );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c5->PermAut(c5)] >-> [c5->PermAut(c5)]>
gap> mu2 := Cat1Morphism( CX1, CX1, [gamma2,rho2] );
Morphism of cat1-groups <[Hol(c5) ==> PermAut(c5)]-->
[Hol(c5) ==> PermAut(c5)]>
80.78 XModDerivationByImages
XModDerivationByImages( X, im )
This function takes a list of images in S = X.source for the generators of R = X.range
and constructs a map χ:RSwhich is then tested to see whether the axioms of a
derivation are satisfied.
gap> XSC;
Crossed module [c3->s3]
gap> imchi := [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ];;
gap> chi := XModDerivationByImages( XSC, imchi );
XModDerivationByImages( s3, c3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] )
80.79 IsDerivation
IsDerivation( X, im )
IsDerivation( chi )
This function may be called in two ways, and tests that the derivation given by the images
of its generators is well-defined.
gap> im0 := [ (1,3,2)(4,5,6), () ];;
gap> IsDerivation( XSC, im0 );
80.80 DerivationImage
DerivationImage( chi, r )
This function returns χ(r)Swhen χis a derivation.
gap> DerivationImage( chi, (4,6,5) );
80.81 DerivationImages
DerivationImages( chi )
All the images of the elements of Rare found using DerivationImage and their positions
in S.elements is returned as a list.
gap> XSC.source.elements;
[ (), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
gap> DerivationImages(chi);
80.82 InnerDerivation
InnerDerivation( X, s )
When S, R are respectively the source and range of X, each sSdefines a derivation
ηs:RS, r 7→ srs1. These inner derivations are often called principal derivations in the
gap> InnerDerivation( XSC, (1,2,3)(4,6,5) );
XModDerivationByImages( s3, c3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (), (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] )
80.83 ListInnerDerivations
ListInnerDerivations( X)
This functions applies InnerDerivation to every element of X.source and outputs a list
of genimages for the resulting derivations. This list is stored as .innerImageList in the
derivations record.
gap> PrintList( ListInnerDerivations( XSC ) );
[ (), () ]
[ (), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ (), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
80.84 Operations for derivations
The operations record for derivations is XModDerivationByImagesOps.
gap> RecFields( chi.operations );
[ "name", "operations", "IsMapping", "IsInjective", "IsSurjective",
"IsBijection", "IsHomomorphism", "IsMonomorphism", "IsEpimorphism",
"IsIsomorphism", "IsEndomorphism", "IsAutomorphism", "=", "<", "*",
"/", "mod", "Comm", "^", "ImageElm", "ImagesElm", "ImagesSet",
"ImagesSource", "ImagesRepresentative", "PreImageElm",
"PreImagesSet", "PreImagesRange", "PreImagesRepresentative",
"PreImagesElm", "CompositionMapping", "PowerMapping",
"IsGroupHomomorphism", "KernelGroupHomomorphism",
"IsFieldHomomorphism", "KernelFieldHomomorphism",
"InverseMapping", "Print", "IsRegular" ]
80.85 Cat1SectionByImages
Cat1SectionByImages( C, im )
This function takes a list of images in G = C.source for the generators of R = C.range
and constructs a homomorphism ξ:RGwhich is then tested to see whether the axioms
of a section are satisfied.
gap> SC;
cat1-group [c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]
gap> imxi := [ (1,2,3), (1,2)(4,6) ];;
gap> xi := Cat1SectionByImages( SC, imxi );
Cat1SectionByImages( s3, c3^2|Xc2, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (1,2,3), (1,2)(4,6) ] )
80.86. ISSECTION 1525
80.86 IsSection
IsSection( C, im )
IsSection( xi )
This function may be called in two ways, and tests that the section given by the images of
its generators is well-defined.
gap> im0 := [ (1,2,3), (2,3)(4,5) ];;
gap> IsSection( SC, im0 );
80.87 IsRegular for Crossed Modules
IsRegular( chi )
This function tests a derivation or a section to see whether it is invertible in the Whitehead
gap> IsRegular( chi );
gap> IsRegular( xi );
80.88 Operations for sections
The operations record for sections is Cat1SectionByImagesOps.
gap> RecFields( xi.operations );
[ "name", "operations", "IsMapping", "IsInjective", "IsSurjective",
"IsBijection", "IsHomomorphism", "IsMonomorphism", "IsEpimorphism",
"IsIsomorphism", "IsEndomorphism", "IsAutomorphism", "=", "<", "*",
"/", "mod", "Comm", "^", "ImageElm", "ImagesElm", "ImagesSet",
"ImagesSource","ImagesRepresentative", "PreImageElm", "PreImagesElm",
"PreImagesSet", "PreImagesRange", "PreImagesRepresentative",
"CompositionMapping", "PowerMapping", "InverseMapping",
"IsGroupHomomorphism", "CoKernel", "KernelGroupHomomorphism",
"MakeMapping", "Print", "IsRegular" ]
80.89 RegularDerivations
RegularDerivations( X [,”back”or ”cat1”] )
By default, this function uses a backtrack search to find all the regular derivations of X.
The result is stored in a derivations record. The alternative strategy, for which ”cat1”option
should be specified is to calculate the regular sections of the associated cat1-group first, and
convert these to derivations.
gap> regXSC := RegularDerivations( XSC );
RegularDerivations record for crossed module [c3->s3],
: 6 regular derivations, others not found.
gap> PrintList( regXSC.genimageList );
[ (), () ]
[ (), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ (), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6), () ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
gap> RecFields( regXSC );
[ "areDerivations", "isReg", "isAll", "genimageList", "operations",
"xmod", "generators", "regular" ]
80.90 AllDerivations
AllDerivations( X [,”back”or ”cat1”] )
This function calculates all the derivations of Xand overwrites any existing subfields of
gap> allXSC := AllDerivations( XSC );
AllDerivations record for crossed module [c3->s3],
: 9 derivations found but unsorted.
80.91 DerivationsSorted
DerivationsSorted( D)
This function tests the derivations in the derivation record Dto see which are regular; sorts
the list D.genimageList, placing the regular images first; and stores the number of regular
derivations in D.regular. The function returns true on successful completion.
gap> DerivationsSorted( allXSC );
gap> PrintList( allXSC.genimageList );
[ (), () ]
[ (), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ (), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6), () ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5), () ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5), ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5), ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
80.92 DerivationTable
DerivationTable( D)
The function DerivationImages in 80.81 is applied to each derivation in the current deriva-
tions record and a list of positions of images in Sis returned.
gap> PrintList( DerivationTable( allXSC ) );
80.93 AreDerivations
AreDerivations( D)
This function checks that the record Dhas the correct fields for a derivations record (regular
or all).
gap> AreDerivations( regXSC );
80.94 RegularSections
RegularSections( C [,”endo”or ”xmod”] )
By default, this function computes the set of idempotent automorphisms from RRand
takes these as possible choices for . A backtrack procedure then calculates possible images
for such a section. The result is stored in a sections record C.sections with fields similar to
those of a serivations record. The alternative strategy, for which ”xmod”option should be
specified is to calculate the regular derivations of the associated crossed module first, and
convert the resulting derivations to sections.
gap> Unbind( XSC.derivations );
gap> regSC := RegularSections( SC );
RegularSections record for cat1-group [c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3],
: 6 regular sections, others not found.
80.95 AllSections
AllSections( C [,”endo”or ”xmod”] )
By default, this function computes the set of idempotent endomorphisms from RR(see
sections 80.134, 80.136) and takes these as possible choices for the composite homomorphism
. A backtrack procedure then calculates possible images for such a section. This function
calculates all the sections of Cand overwrites any existing subfields of C.sections.
gap> allSC := AllSections( SC );
AllSections record for cat1-group [c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3],
: 6 regular sections, 3 irregular ones found.
gap> RecFields( allSC );
[ "areSections", "isReg", "isAll", "regular", "genimageList",
"generators", "cat1", "operations" ]
gap> PrintList( allSC.genimageList );
[ ( 4, 5, 6), ( 2, 3)( 5, 6) ]
[ ( 4, 5, 6), ( 1, 3)( 4, 5) ]
[ ( 4, 5, 6), ( 1, 2)( 4, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 6, 5), ( 2, 3)( 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 6, 5), ( 1, 3)( 4, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 6, 5), ( 1, 2)( 4, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3), ( 2, 3)( 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3), ( 1, 2)( 4, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3), ( 1, 3)( 4, 5) ]
gap> allXSC := AllDerivations( XSC, "cat1" );
AllDerivations record for crossed module [c3->s3],
: 6 regular derivations, 3 irregular ones found.
80.96 AreSections
AreSections( S)
This function checks that the record Shas the correct fields for a sections record (regular
or all).
gap> AreSections( allSC );
80.97 SectionDerivation
SectionDerivation( D, i )
This function converts a derivation of Xto a section of the associated cat1-group C. This
function is inverse to DerivationSection. In the following examples we note that allXSC
has been obtained using allSC, so the derivations and sections correspond in the same order.
gap> chi8 := XModDerivationByImages( XSC, allXSC.genimageList[8] );
XModDerivationByImages( s3, c3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ ( 1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] )
gap> xi8 := SectionDerivation( chi8 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, c3^2|Xc2,
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], [ (1,2,3), (1,2)(4,6) ] )
80.98 DerivationSection
DerivationSection( C, xi )
This function converts a section of Cto a derivation of the associated crossed module X.
This function is inverse to SectionDerivation.
gap> xi4 := Cat1SectionByImages( SC, allSC.genimageList[4] );
Cat1SectionByImages( s3, c3^2|Xc2, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (1,3,2)(4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ] )
gap> chi4 := DerivationSection( xi4 );
XModDerivationByImages( s3, c3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (1,3,2)(4,5,6), () ] )
80.99 CompositeDerivation
CompositeDerivation( chi, chj )
This function applies the Whitehead product to two derivations and returns the composite.
In the example, derivations chi4,chi8 correspond to sections xi4 and xi8.
gap> chi48 := CompositeDerivation( chi4, chi8 );
XModDerivationByImages( s3, c3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] )
80.100 CompositeSection
CompositeSection( xi, xj )
This function applies the Whitehead composition to two sections and returns the composite.
gap> xi48 := CompositeSection( xi4, xi8 );
Cat1SectionByImages( s3, c3^2|Xc2, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ ( 1,2,3), (1,3)(4,5) ] )
gap> SectionDerivation( chi48 ) = xi48;
80.101 WhiteheadGroupTable
WhiteheadGroupTable( X)
This function applies CompositeDerivation to all pairs of regular derivations, producing
the Whitehead group multiplication table. A field .groupTable is added to D.
gap> WGT := WhiteheadGroupTable( XSC );; PrintList( WGT );
returning existing ALL derivations
80.102 WhiteheadMonoidTable
WhiteheadMonoidTable( X)
The derivations of Xform a monoid with the first derivation as identity. This function
applies CompositeDerivation to all pairs of derivations and produces the multiplication
table as a list of lists. A field .monoidTable is added to D. In our example there are 9
derivations and the three irregular ones, numbers 7,8,9, are all left zeroes.
gap> WMT := WhiteheadMonoidTable( XSC );; PrintList(WMT );
80.103 InverseDerivations
InverseDerivations( X, i )
When T[i] is a regular derivation, this function returns the position jsuch that T[j] is
the inverse of T[i] in the Whitehead group. When T[i] is not regular, a list of values j
is returned such that the inverse semigroup condition xyx =x, yxy =yis satisfied, where
x=T[i], y =T[j]. Notice that derivation 8 has order 3 and derivation 15 as inverse.
gap> inv4 := InverseDerivations( chi4 );
gap> inv8 := InverseDerivations( chi8 );
80.104 ListInverseDerivations
ListInverseDerivations( X)
This function applies InverseDerivations to all the derivations. A field .inverses is
added to D.
gap> inv := ListInverseDerivations( XSC );
80.105 SourceEndomorphismDerivation
SourceEndomorphismDerivation( chi )
Each derivation χdetermines an endomorphism σof Ssuch that σs =s(χ∂s). This con-
struction defines a homomorphism from the Whitehead group to Aut(S) which forms the
action homomorphism of the Whitehead crossed module described in section 80.116.
gap> sigma8 := SourceEndomorphismDerivation( chi8 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ], [ () ] )
gap> sigma4 := SourceEndomorphismDerivation( chi4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ],
[ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] )
80.106 TableSourceEndomorphismDerivations
TableSourceEndomorphismDerivations( X)
Applying SourceEndomorphismDerivation to every derivation produces a list of endomor-
phisms of S = X.source. This function returns a list of .genimages for these endomor-
phisms. Note that, in this example, S = c3 and the irregular derivations produce zero
gap> TSE := TableSourceEndomorphismDerivations( XSC );;
gap> PrintList( TSE );
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 2, 3)( 4, 6, 5) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
[ ( 1, 3, 2)( 4, 5, 6) ]
[ () ]
[ () ]
[ () ]
80.107 RangeEndomorphismDerivation
RangeEndomorphismDerivation( chi )
Each derivation χdetermines an endomorphism ρof Rsuch that ρr =r(χr). This con-
struction defines a homomorphism from the Whitehead group to Aut(R).
gap> rho8 := RangeEndomorphismDerivation( chi8 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, s3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (), (2,3)(4,6) ] )
gap> rho4 := RangeEndomorphismDerivation( chi4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, s3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ] )
80.108 TableRangeEndomorphismDerivations
TableRangeEndomorphismDerivations( X)
Applying RangeEndomorphismDerivation to every derivation produces a list of endomor-
phisms of R = X.range. This function returns a list of .genimages for these endomor-
phisms. Note that, in this example, the 3 irregular derivations map onto the 3 cyclic
subgroups of order 2.
gap> TRE := TableRangeEndomorphismDerivations( XSC );;
gap> PrintList( TRE );
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ]
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(4,5) ]
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(4 6) ]
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ]
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(4,5) ]
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(4,6) ]
[ (), (2,3)(5,6) ]
[ (), (2,3)(4,6) ]
[ (), (2,3)(4,5) ]
80.109 XModEndomorphismDerivation
XModEndomorphismDerivation( chi )
The endomorphisms sigma4,rho4 together determine a pair which may be used to construct
an endomorphism of X. When the derivation is regular, the resulting morphism is an
automorphism, and this construction determines a homomorphism from the Whitehead
group to the automorphism group of X.
gap> phi4 := XModEndomorphismDerivation( chi4 );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c3->s3]->[c3->s3]>
80.110 SourceEndomorphismSection
SourceEndomorphismSection( xi )
Each section ξdetermines an endomorphism γof Gsuch that
γg = (ehξtg)(ξtg1)g(ehg1)(ξhg).
gap> gamma4 := SourceEndomorphismSection( xi4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3^2|Xc2, c3^2|Xc2,
[ (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], [ (1,3,2), (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ] )
80.111 RangeEndomorphismSection
RangeEndomorphismSection( xi )
Each derivation ξdetermines an endomorphism ρof Rsuch that ρr =r.
gap> rho4 := RangeEndomorphismSection( xi4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, s3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ] )
80.112 Cat1EndomorphismSection
Cat1EndomorphismSection( xi )
The endomorphisms gamma4,rho4 together determine a pair which may be used to con-
struct an endomorphism of C. When the derivation is regular, the resulting morphism is
an automorphism, and this construction determines a homomorphism from the Whitehead
group to the automorphism group of C.
gap> psi4 := Cat1EndomorphismSection( xi4 );
Morphism of cat1-groups <[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]-->[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3]>
80.113. ABOUT ACTORS 1533
80.113 About actors
The actor of Xis a crossed module (∆ : W(X)Aut(X)) which was shown by Lue and
Norrie, in [Nor87] and [Nor90] to give the automorphism object of a crossed module X. The
source of the actor is a permutation representation Wof the Whitehead group of regular
derivations and the range is a permutation representation Aof the automorphism group
Aut(X) of X.
An automorphism (σ, ρ) of Xacts on the Whitehead monoid by χ(σ,ρ)=σ1χρ, and this
action determines the action for the actor.
In fact the four groups R, S, W, A, the homomorphisms between them and the various ac-
tions, form five crossed modules:
X:SRthe initial crossed module,
W(X) : SWthe Whitehead crossed module of X,
L(X) : SAthe Lue crossed module of X,
N(X) : RAthe Norrie crossed module of X, and
Act(X) : WAthe actor crossed module of X.
These 5 crossed modules, together with the evaluation W×RS, (χ, r)7→ χr, form a
crossed square:
S ------ WX ------> W
: \ :
: \ :
: \ :
: \ :
V \ V
R ------ NX ------> A
in which pairs of boundaries or identity mappings provide six morphisms of crossed modules.
In particular, the boundaries of WX and NX form the inner morphism of X, mapping source
elements to inner derivations and range elements to inner automorphisms. The image of X
under this morphism is the inner actor of X, while the kernel is the centre of X.
In the example which follows, using the usual (X1 : c5 -> Aut(c5)),Act(X1) is isomor-
phic to X1 and to LX1 while the Whitehead and Norrie boundaries are identity homomor-
gap> X1;
Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> WGX1 := WhiteheadPermGroup( X1 );
gap> WGX1.generators;
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
gap> AX1 := AutomorphismPermGroup( X1 );
gap> AX1.generators;
[ (1,2,4,3) ]
gap> XModMorphismAutoPerm( X1, AX1.generators[1] );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c5->PermAut(c5)] >-> [c5->PermAut(c5)]>
gap> WX1 := Whitehead( X1 );
Crossed module Whitehead[c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> NX1 := Norrie( X1 );
Crossed module Norrie[c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> LX1 := Lue( X1 );
Crossed module Lue[c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> ActX1 := Actor( X1 );;
gap> XModPrint( ActX1);
Crossed module Actor[c5->PermAut(c5)] :-
: Source group WG([c5->PermAut(c5)]) has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5) ]
: Range group has parent ( PermAut(c5)xPermAut(PermAut(c5)) )
and has generators: [ (1,2,4,3) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ () ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,4,3) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3,5,2,4) ] }
This automorphism generates the group of automorphisms.
gap> InActX1 := InnerActor( X1 );
Crossed module Actor[c5->PermAut(c5)]
gap> InActX1 = ActX1;
gap> InnerMorphism( X1 );
Morphism of crossed modules
<[c5->PermAut(c5)] >-> Actor[c5->PermAut(c5)]>
gap> Centre( X1 );
Crossed module Centre[c5->PermAut(c5)]
All of these constructions are stored in a sub-record X1.actorSquare.
80.114 ActorSquareRecord
ActorSquareRecord( X)
ActorSquareRecord( C)
This function creates a new field .actorSquare for the crossed module or cat1-group, ini-
tially containing .isActorSquare := true and .xmod or .cat1 as appropriate. Compo-
nents for the actor of Xor Care stored here when constructed.
gap> ActorSquareRecord( X1 );
isActorSquare := true,
xmod := Crossed module [c5->PermAut(c5)],
WhiteheadPermGroup := WG([c5->PermAut(c5)]),
automorphismPermGroup := PermAut([c5->PermAut(c5)]),
Whitehead := Crossed module Whitehead[c5->PermAut(c5)],
Norrie := Crossed module Norrie[c5->PermAut(c5)],
Lue := Crossed module Lue[c5->PermAut(c5)],
actor := Crossed module Actor[c5->PermAut(c5)],
innerMorphism := Morphism of crossed modules
<[c5->PermAut(c5)] >-> Actor[c5->PermAut(c5)]>,
innerActor := Crossed module Actor[c5->PermAut(c5)] )
80.115 WhiteheadPermGroup
WhiteheadPermGroup( X)
This function first calls WhiteheadGroupTable, see 80.101. These lists are then converted to
permutations, producing a permutation group which is effectively a regular representation
of the group. A field .WhiteheadPermGroup is added to X.actorSquare and a field .genpos
is added to D =
X.derivations. The latter is a list of the positions in D.genimageList corresponding to
the chosen generating elements. The group is given the name WG(<name of X>).
For an example, we return to the crossed module XSC = [c3->s3] obtained from the cat1-
group SC in section 80.60 which has Whitehead group and automorphism group isomorphic
to s3.
gap> WG := WhiteheadPermGroup( XSC );
gap> XSC.derivations.genpos;
gap> Elements( WG );
[ (), (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,3,2)(4,5,6), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6),
(1,5)(2,6)(3,4), (1,6)(2,4)(3,5) ]
80.116 Whitehead crossed module
Whitehead( X)
This crossed module has the source of Xas source, and the Whitehead group WX as range.
The boundary maps each element to the inner derivation which it defines. The action uses
gap> WXSC := Whitehead( XSC );
Crossed module Whitehead[c3->s3]
gap> XModPrint( WXSC );
Crossed module Whitehead[c3->s3] :-
: Source group has parent ( c3^2|Xc2 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ]
: Range group = WG([c3->s3]) has generators:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,3)(4,6,5) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] }
(1,4)(2,5)(3,6) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.117 AutomorphismPermGroup for crossed modules
XModOps.AutomorphismPermGroup( X)
This function constructs a permutation group PermAut(X) isomorphic to the group of au-
tomorphisms of the crossed module X. First the automorphism groups of the source and
range of Xare obtained and AutomorphismPair used to obtain permutation representa-
tions of these. The direct product of these permutation groups is constructed, and the
required automorphism group is a subgroup of this direct product. The result is stored as
X.automorphismPermGroup which has fields defining the various embeddings and projec-
gap> autXSC := AutomorphismPermGroup( XSC );
gap> autXSC.projsrc;
GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut([c3->s3]), PermAut(c3),
[ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ], [ (), (1,2) ] )
gap> autXSC.projrng;
GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut([c3->s3]), PermAut(s3),
[ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ], [ (3,4,5), (1,2)(4,5) ] )
gap> autXSC.embedSourceAuto;
GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut(c3), PermAut(c3)xPermAut(s3),
[ (1,2) ], [ (1,2) ] )
gap> autXSC.embedRangeAuto;
GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut(s3), PermAut(c3)xPermAut(s3),
[ (3,5,4), (1,2)(4,5) ], [ (5,7,6), (3,4)(6,7) ] )
gap> autXSC.autogens;
[ [ GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ],
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, s3,
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(4,5) ] ) ],
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ],
[ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] ), GroupHomomorphismByImages( s3, s3,
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ], [ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ] ) ] ]
80.118 XModMorphismAutoPerm
XModMorphismAutoPerm( X, perm )
Given the isomorphism between the automorphism group of Xand its permutation repre-
sentation PermAut(X), an element of the latter determines an automorphism of X.
gap> XModMorphismAutoPerm( XSC, (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c3->s3] >-> [c3->s3]>
80.119 ImageAutomorphismDerivation
ImageAutomorphismDerivation( mor, chi )
An automorphism (σ, ρ) of Xacts on the left on the Whitehead monoid by (σ,ρ)χ=σχρ1.
This is converted to a right action on the WhiteheadPermGroup. In the example we see that
phi4 maps chi8 to chi9.
gap> chi8im := ImageAutomorphismDerivation( phi4, chi8 );
XModDerivationByImages( s3, c3, [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ],
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] )
gap> Position( allXSC.genimageList, chi8im.genimages );
80.120 Norrie crossed module
Norrie( X)
This crossed module has the range of Xas source and the automorphism permutation group
of Xas range.
gap> NXSC := Norrie( XSC );
Crossed module Norrie[c3->s3]
gap> XModPrint( NXSC );
Crossed module Norrie[c3->s3] :-
: Source group has parent ( c3^2|Xc2 ) and has generators:
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ]
: Range group has parent ( PermAut(c3)xPermAut(s3) ) and has
generators: [ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,7,6), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(5,6,7) --> { source gens --> [ (4,5,6), (2,3)(4,5) ] }
(1,2)(3,4)(6,7) --> { source gens --> [ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.121 Lue crossed module
Lue( X)
This crossed module has the source of Xas source, and the automorphism permutation
group of Xas range.
gap> LXSC := Lue( XSC );
Crossed module Lue[c3->s3]
gap> XModPrint( LXSC );
Crossed module Lue[c3->s3] :-
: Source group has parent ( c3^2|Xc2 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ]
: Range group has parent ( PermAut(c3)xPermAut(s3) ) and has
generators: [ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,6,7) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(5,6,7) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] }
(1,2)(3,4)(6,7) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.122 Actor crossed module
Actor( X)
The actor of a crossed module Xis a crossed module Act(X) which has the Whitehead group
(of regular derivations) as source group and the automorphism group PermAut(X) of Xas
range group. The boundary of Act(X) maps each derivation to the automorphism provided
by XModEndomorphismDerivation. The action of an automorphism on a derivation is that
provided by ImageAutomorphismDerivation.
gap> ActXSC := Actor( XSC );
Crossed module Actor[c3->s3]
gap> XModPrint( ActXSC );
Crossed module Actor[c3->s3] :-
: Source group WG([c3->s3]) has generators:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ]
: Range group has parent ( PermAut(c3)xPermAut(s3) ) and has
generators: [ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,7,6), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(5,6,7) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,6)(2,4)(3,5) ] }
(1,2)(3,4)(6,7) -->
{ source gens --> [ (1,3,2)(4,5,6), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.123 InnerMorphism for crossed modules
InnerMorphism( X)
The boundary maps of WX and NX form a morphism from Xto its actor.
gap> innXSC := InnerMorphism( XSC );
Morphism of crossed modules <[c3->s3] >-> Actor[c3->s3]>
gap> XModMorphismPrint( innXSC );
Morphism of crossed modules :-
: Source = Crossed module [c3->s3] with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ]
[ (4,5,6), (2,3)(5,6) ]
: Range = Crossed module Actor[c3->s3]
with generating sets:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ]
[ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Source Homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ]
: Range Homomorphism maps range generators to:
[ (5,7,6), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: isXModMorphism? true
80.124 Centre for crossed modules
XModOps.Centre( X)
The kernel of the inner morphism X -> ActX is called the centre of X, generalising the centre
of a group G, which is the kernel of GAut(G), g 7→ (h7→ hg). In this example the centre
is trivial.
gap> ZXSC := Centre( XSC );
Crossed module Centre[c3->s3]
80.125 InnerActor for crossed modules
InnerActor( X)
The inner actor of Xis the image of the inner morphism.
gap> InnActXSC := InnerActor( XSC );
Crossed module InnerActor[c3->s3]
gap> XModPrint( InnActXSC );
Crossed module InnerActor[c3->s3] :-
: Source group has parent ( WG([c3->s3]) ) and has generators:
[ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ]
: Range group has parent ( PermAut(c3)xPermAut(s3) ) and has
generators: [ (5,7,6), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,6,7) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(5,7,6) --> { source gens --> [ (1,3,2)(4,5,6) ] }
(1,2)(3,4)(6,7) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2,3)(4,6,5) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
80.126 Actor for cat1-groups
Actor( C)
The actor of a cat1-group Cis the cat1-group associated to the actor crossed module of the
crossed module Xassociated to C. Its range is the automorphism group Aand its source is
A×Wwhere Wis the Whitehead group.
gap> ActSC := Actor( SC );;
gap> Cat1Print( ActSC );
cat1-group Actor[c3^2|Xc2 ==> s3] :-
: source group has generators:
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6), (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ]
: range group has generators:
[ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: tail homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7), (), () ]
: head homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ (5,6,7), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7), (5,7,6), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: range embedding maps range generators to:
[ (4,6,5), (2,3)(5,6) ]
: kernel has generators:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ]
: boundary homomorphism maps generators of kernel to:
[ (5,7,6), (1,2)(3,4)(6,7) ]
: kernel embedding maps generators of kernel to:
[ (1,2,3)(4,6,5), (1,4)(2,5)(3,6) ]
: associated crossed module is Crossed module Actor[c3->s3]
80.127 About induced constructions
A morphism of crossed modules (σ, ρ) : X1→ X2factors uniquely through an induced crossed
module ρX1= (δ:ρS1R2). Similarly, a morphism of cat1-groups factors through an
induced cat1-group. Calculation of induced crossed modules of Xalso provides an algebraic
means of determining the homotopy 2-type of homotopy pushouts of the classifying space
of X. For more background from algebraic topology see references in [BH78], [BW95],
[BW96]. Induced crossed modules and induced cat1-groups also provide the building blocks
for constructing pushouts in the categories XMod and Cat1.
Data for the cases of algebraic interest is provided by a conjugation crossed module X= (:
SR) and a homomorphism ιfrom Rto a third group Q. The output from the calculation
is a crossed module ιX= (δ:ιSQ) together with a morphism of crossed modules
X ιX. When ιis a surjection with kernel Kthen ιS= [S, K] (see [BH78]). When ι
is an inclusion the induced crossed module may be calculated using a copower construction
[BW95] or, in the case when Ris normal in Q, as a coproduct of crossed modules ([BW96],
not yet implemented). When ιis neither a surjection nor an inclusion, ιis written as the
composite of the surjection onto the image and the inclusion of the image in Q, and then
the composite induced crossed module is constructed.
Other functions required by the induced crossed module construction include a function to
produce a common transversal for the left and right cosets of a subgroup (see 80.150 and
80.149). Also, modifications to some of the Tietze transformation routines in fptietze.g
are required. These have yet to be released as part of the GAP3 library and so are made
available in this package in file felsch.g, but are not documented here.
As a simple example we take for Xthe conjugation crossed module (:c4d8) and for ι
the inclusion of d8 in d16. The induced crossed module has c4×c4 as source.
gap> d16 := DihedralGroup( 16 ); := "d16";;
Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), (2,8)(3,7)(4,6) )
gap> d8 := Subgroup( d16, [ (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8), (1,3)(4,8)(5,7) ] );;
gap> c4 := Subgroup( d8, [ (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) ] );;
gap> := "d8";; := "c4";;
gap> DX := ConjugationXMod( d8, c4 );
Crossed module [c4->d8]
gap> iota := InclusionMorphism( d8, d16 );;
gap> IDXincl := InducedXMod( DX, iota );
Action of RQ on generators of I :-
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) : (1,4)(2,3)
(2,8)(3,7)(4,6) : (1,2)(3,4)
#I Protecting the first 1 generators.
#I there are 2 generators and 3 relators of total length 12
partitioning the generators: [ [ 2 ], [ 1 ] ]
Simplified presentation for I :-
#I generators: [ fI.1, fI.3 ]
#I relators:
#I 1. 4 [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
#I 2. 4 [ 2, 2, 2, 2 ]
#I 3. 4 [ 2, -1, -2, 1 ]
I has Size: 16
Group is abelian
factor 1 is abelian with invariants: [ 4 ]
factor 2 is abelian with invariants: [ 4 ]
Image of I has index 4 in RQ and is generated by :
[ ( 1, 3, 5, 7)( 2, 4, 6, 8), ( 1, 7, 5, 3)( 2, 8, 6, 4) ]
gap> XModPrint( IDXincl );
Crossed module [i*(c4)->d16] :-
: Source group i*(c4) has generators:
[ ( 1, 2, 4, 7)( 3, 5, 8,11)( 6, 9,12,14)(10,13,15,16),
( 1, 3, 6,10)( 2, 5, 9,13)( 4, 8,12,15)( 7,11,14,16) ]
: Range group = d16 has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), (2,8)(3,7)(4,6) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 3, 5, 7)( 2, 4, 6, 8), ( 1, 7, 5, 3)( 2, 8, 6, 4) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) --> { source gens -->
[ ( 1,10, 6, 3)( 2,13, 9, 5)( 4,15,12, 8)( 7,16,14,11),
( 1, 7, 4, 2)( 3,11, 8, 5)( 6,14,12, 9)(10,16,15,13) ] }
(2,8)(3,7)(4,6) --> { source gens -->
[ ( 1, 7, 4, 2)( 3,11, 8, 5)( 6,14,12, 9)(10,16,15,13),
( 1,10, 6, 3)( 2,13, 9, 5)( 4,15,12, 8)( 7,16,14,11) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
: Kernel of the crossed module has generators:
[ ( 1, 5,12,16)( 2, 8,14,10)( 3, 9,15, 7)( 4,11, 6,13) ]
: Induced XMod from Crossed module [c4->d8] with source morphism:
[ (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) ]
--> [ ( 1, 2, 4, 7)( 3, 5, 8,11)( 6, 9,12,14)(10,13,15,16) ]
In some of the sections which follow the output is very lengthy and so has been pruned.
80.128 InducedXMod
InducedXMod( X, iota )
InducedXMod( Q, P, M )
This function requires as data a conjugation crossed module X= (:MP) and a
homomorphism ι:PQ. This data may be specified using either of the two forms shown,
where the latter form required QPM.
In the first example, ιis a surjection from d8 to k4.
gap> d8gen := d8.generators;
[ (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8), (1,3)(4,8)(5,7) ]
gap> k4gen := k4.generators;
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
80.128. INDUCEDXMOD 1543
gap> DX;
Crossed module [c4->d8]
gap> iota := GroupHomomorphismByImages( d8, k4, d8gen, k4gen );;
gap> IDXsurj := InducedXMod( DX, iota );
Crossed module [c4/ker->k4]
gap> XModPrint( IDXsurj );
Crossed module [c4/ker->k4] :-
: Source group c4/ker has generators:
[ (1,2,3,4) ]
: Range group has parent ( s4 ) and has generators:
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]
: Boundary homomorphism maps source generators to:
[ ( 1, 2)( 3, 4) ]
: Action homomorphism maps range generators to automorphisms:
(1,2)(3,4) --> { source gens --> [ (1,2,3,4) ] }
(1,3)(2,4) --> { source gens --> [ (1,4,3,2) ] }
These 2 automorphisms generate the group of automorphisms.
: Induced XMod from Crossed module [c4->d8] with source morphism:
[ (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) ]
--> [ (1,2,3,4) ]
In a second example we take (c3 -> s3) as the initial crossed module and s3 -> s4 as the
inclusion. The induced group turns out to be the special linear group sl(2,3).
gap> s3 := Subgroup( s4, [ (2,3), (1,2,3) ] );;
gap> c3 := Subgroup( s3, [ (1,2,3) ] );
gap> := "s3";; := "c3";;
gap> InducedXMod( s4, s3, c3 );
Action of RQ on generators of I :-
(1,2,3,4) : (1,7,6,3)(2,8,5,4)
(1,2) : (1,2)(3,4)(5,8)(6,7)
#I Protecting the first 1 generators.
#I there are 2 generators and 3 relators of total length 12
Simplified presentation for I :-
#I generators: [ fI.1, fI.5 ]
#I relators:
#I 1. 3 [ 2, 2, 2 ]
#I 2. 3 [ 1, 1, 1 ]
#I 3. 6 [ 2, -1, -2, 1, -2, -1 ]
I has Size: 24
Searching Solvable Groups Library:
GroupId =
catalogue := [ 24, 14 ],
names := [ "SL(2,3)" ],
size := 24 )
Image of I has index 2 in RQ and is generated by :
[ (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,4,3), (2,3,4) ]
Crossed module [i*(c3)->s4]
80.129 AllInducedXMods
AllInducedXMods( Q)
This function calculates InducedXMod( Q, P, M ) where Pruns over all conjugacy classes
of subgroups of Qand Mruns over all normal subgroups of P.
gap> AllInducedXMods( d8 );
Number of induced crossed modules calculated = 11
80.130 InducedCat1
InducedCat1( C, iota )
When Cis the induced cat1-group associated to Xthe induced cat1-group may be obtained
by construction the induced crossed module and then using the Cat1XMod function. An
experimental, alternative procedure is to calculate the induced cat1-group ιG=GRQ
directly. This has been implemented for the case when C= (e;t, h :GR) and ι:RQ
is an inclusion.
The output from the calculation is a cat1-group C= (e;t, h:ιGQ) together with a
morphism of crossed modules C → C.
In the example an induced cat1-group is constructed whose associated crossed module has
source c4×c4 and range d16, so the source of the cat1-group is d16 ×(c4×c4).
gap> CDX := Cat1XMod( DX );
cat1-group [Perm(d8 |X c4) ==> d8]
gap> inc := InclusionMorphism( d8, d16 );;
gap> ICDX := InducedCat1( CDX, inc );
new perm group size 256
cat1-group <ICG([Perm(d8 |X c4) ==> d8])>
gap> XICDX := XModCat1( ICDX );
Crossed module [ker(<ICG([Perm(d8 |X c4) ==> d8])>)->d16]
gap> AbelianInvariants( XICDX.source );
80.131. ABOUT UTILITIES 1545
80.131 About utilities
By a utility function we mean a GAP3 function which is:
needed by other functions in this package,
not (as far as we know) provided by the standard GAP3 library,
more suitable for inclusion in the main library than in this package.
The first two utilities give particular group homomorphisms, InclusionMorphism(H,G) and
ZeroMorphism(G,H). We often prefer
gap> incs3 := InclusionMorphism( s3, s3 );
IdentityMapping( s3 )
gap> incs3.genimages;
[ (1,2), (2,3) ]
to IdentityMapping(s3) because the latter does not provide the fields .generators and
the .genimages which many of the functions in this package expect homomorphisms to
The second set of utilities involve endomorphisms and automorphisms of groups. For ex-
gap> end8 := EndomorphismClasses( d8 );;
gap> RecFields( end8 );
[ "isDomain", "isEndomorphismClasses", "areNonTrivial", "classes",
"intersectionFree", "group", "latticeLength", "latticeReps" ]
gap> Length( end8.classes );
gap> end8.classes[3];
quotient := d8.Q3,
projection := OperationHomomorphism( d8, d8.Q3 ),
autoGroup := Group( IdentityMapping( d8.Q3 ) ),
rangeNumber := 2,
isomorphism := GroupHomomorphismByImages( d8.Q3, d8.H2, [ (1,2) ],
[ (1,5)(2,6)(3,7)(4,8) ] ),
conj := [ () ] )
gap> innd8 := InnerAutomorphismGroup( d8 );
gap> innd8.generators;
[ InnerAutomorphism( d8, (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) ),
InnerAutomorphism( d8, (1,3)(4,8)(5,7) ) ]
gap> IsAutomorphismGroup( innd8 );
The third set of functions construct isomorphic pairs of groups, where a faithful permuta-
tion representation of a given type of group is constructed. Types covered include finitely
presented groups, groups of automorphisms and semidirect products. A typical pair record
includes the following fields:
.type the given group G,
.perm the permutation representation P,
.t2p the isomorphism GP,
.p2t the inverse isomorphism PG,
.isTypePair a boolean flag, normally true.
The inner automorphism group of the dihedral group d8 is isomorphic to k4:
gap> Apair := AutomorphismPair( innd8 );
auto := Inn(d8),
perm := PermInn(d8),
a2p := OperationHomomorphism( Inn(d8), PermInn(d8) ),
p2a := GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermInn(d8), Inn(d8),
[ (1,3), (2,4) ],
[ InnerAutomorphism( d8, (1,3,5,7)(2,4,6,8) ),
InnerAutomorphism( d8, (1,3)(4,8)(5,7) ) ] ),
isAutomorphismPair := true )
gap> IsAutomorphismPair( Apair );
The final set of functions deal with lists of subsets of [1..n] and construct systems of
distinct and common representatives using simple, non-recursive, combinatorial algorithms.
The latter function returns two lists: the set of representatives, and a permutation of the
subsets of the second list. It may also be used to provide a common transversal for sets of
left and right cosets of a subgroup Hof a group G, although a greedy algorithm is usually
gap> L := [ [1,4], [1,2], [2,3], [1,3], [5] ];;
gap> DistinctRepresentatives( L );
gap> M := [ [2,5], [3,5], [4,5], [1,2,3], [1,2,3] ];;
gap> CommonRepresentatives( L, M );
gap> CommonTransversal( s4, c3 );
[ (), (3,4), (2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (2,4), (1,4), (1,4)(2,3) ]
80.132 InclusionMorphism
InclusionMorphism( H, G )
This gives the inclusion map of a subgroup Hof a group G. In the case that H=Gthe
IdentityMapping(G) is returned, with fields .generators and .genimages added.
gap> s4 := Group( (1,2,3,4), (1,2) );;"s4";;
gap> a4 := Subgroup( s4, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ] );;"a4";;
gap> InclusionMorphism( a4, s4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( a4, s4, [ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ],
[ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ] )
80.133. ZEROMORPHISM 1547
80.133 ZeroMorphism
ZeroMorphism( G, H )
This gives the zero map from Gto the identity subgroup of H.
gap> ZeroMorphism( s4, a4 );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( s4, a4, [ (1,2,3,4), (1,2) ], [ (), () ] )
80.134 EndomorphismClasses
EndomorphismClasses( G, case )
The monoid of endomorphisms is required when calculating the monoid of derivations of
a crossed module and when determining all the cat1-structures on a group G(see sections
80.90 and 80.95).
An endomorphism of Rwith image H0is determined by
a normal subgroup Nof Rand a permutation representation θ:R/N Qof the
quotient, giving a projection θν:RQ, where ν:RR/N is the natural
an automorphism αof Q;
a subgroup H0in a conjugacy class [H] of subgroups of Risomorphic to Qhaving
representative H, an isomorphism φ:Q
=H, and a conjugating element cRsuch
that Hc=H0,
and takes values
r = (φαθνr)c.
Endomorphisms are placed in the same class if they have the same choice of Nand [H], so
the number of endomorphisms is
|End(R)|=Pclasses |Aut(Q)| |[H]|.
The function returns records E = R.endomorphismClasses and subfield .classes as shown
below. Three cases are catered for as indicated in the example.
gap> Ea4 := EndomorphismClasses( a4 , 7);
Usage: EndomorphismClasses( G [, case] );
choose case = 1 to include automorphisms and zero,
default case = 2 to exclude automorphisms and zero,
case = 3 when N meet H is trivial,
gap> Ea4 := EndomorphismClasses( a4 );
isDomain := true,
isEndomorphismClasses := true,
areNonTrivial := true,
intersectionFree := false,
classes := [ rec(
quotient := a4.Q2,
projection := OperationHomomorphism( a4, a4.Q2 ),
autoGroup := Group( GroupHomomorphismByImages( a4.Q2, a4.Q2,
[ (1,3,2) ], [ (1,2,3) ] ) ),
rangeNumber := 3,
isomorphism := GroupHomomorphismByImages( a4.Q2, a4.H3,
[ (1,3,2) ], [ (2,3,4) ] ),
conj := [ (), (1,3,2), (1,2)(3,4), (1,4,2) ] ) ],
group := a4,
latticeLength := 5,
latticeReps := [, a4.H2, a4.H3, a4.H4, a4 ] )
80.135 EndomorphismImages
EndomorphismImages( G)
This returns the lists of images of the generators under the endomorphisms, using the data in
G.endomorphismClasses. In this example two trivial normal subgroups have been excluded.
The remaining normal subgroup of a4 is k4, with quotient c3 and a4 has 8 elements of order
3 with which to generate a c3, and hence 8 endomorphisms in this class.
gap> EndomorphismImages( a4 );
[ [ (2,3,4), (2,4,3) ], [ (2,4,3), (2,3,4) ], [ (1,2,4), (1,4,2) ],
[ (1,4,2), (1,2,4) ], [ (1,4,3), (1,3,4) ], [ (1,3,4), (1,4,3) ],
[ (1,3,2), (1,2,3) ], [ (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ] ]
80.136 IdempotentImages
IdempotentImages( G)
This return the images of idempotent endomorphisms. Various options are allowed.
gap> IdempotentImages( a4, 7 );
Usage: IdempotentImages( G [, case] );
where case = 1 for ALL idempotent images,
case = 2 for all non-trivial images,
case = 3 for case 2 and one group per conj class,
case = 4 for case 3 and sorted into images.
gap> IdempotentImages( a4, 2 );
[ [ (2,4,3), (2,3,4) ], [ (1,4,2), (1,2,4) ], [ (1,3,4), (1,4,3) ],
[ (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ] ]
gap> IdempotentImages( a4, 3 );
[ [ (2,4,3), (2,3,4) ] ]
80.137 InnerAutomorphismGroup
InnerAutomorphismGroup( G)
This creates the inner automorphism group of Gas the group generated by the inner auto-
morphisms by generators of G. If a field G.automorphismGroup exists, it is specified as the
parent of Inn(G).
gap> inna4 := InnerAutomorphismGroup( a4 );
gap> inna4.generators;
[ InnerAutomorphism( a4, (1,2,3) ), InnerAutomorphism( a4, (2,3,4) ) ]
80.138 IsAutomorphismGroup
IsAutomorphismGroup( A)
This tests to see whether Ais a group of automorphisms.
gap> IsAutomorphismGroup( inna4 );
80.139 AutomorphismPair
AutomorphismPair( A)
This returns a record pairA containing a permutation group isomorphic to the group Aob-
tained using the OperationHomomorphism function. The record contains Aand,
Pas pairA.perm. Isomorphisms in each direction are saved as pairA.p2a and pairA.a2p.
gap> ac3 := AutomorphismGroup( c3 );
Group( GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [(1,2,3)], [(1,3,2)] ) )
gap> pairc3 := AutomorphismPair( ac3 );
auto := Aut(c3),
perm := PermAut(c3),
a2p := OperationHomomorphism( Aut(c3), PermAut(c3) ),
p2a := GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut(c3), Aut(c3), [(1,2)],
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [(1,2,3)], [(1,3,2)] ) ] ),
isAutomorphismPair := true )
gap> pc3 := pairc3.perm;
80.140 IsAutomorphismPair
IsAutomorphismPair( pair )
This tests to see whether pair is an (automorphism group, perm group) pair.
gap> IsAutomorphismPair( pairc3 );
80.141 AutomorphismPermGroup
AutomorphismPermGroup( G)
This combines AutomorphismGroup(G) with the function AutomorphismPair and returns
G.automorphismGroup.automorphismPair.perm. The name PermAut(<>) is given
gap> P := AutomorphismPermGroup( a4 );
gap> P.generators;
[ (1,8,4)(2,6,7), (3,6,7)(4,5,8), (1,2)(3,8)(4,7)(5,6) ]
80.142 FpPair
FpPair( G)
When Gis a finitely presented group, this function finds a faithful permutation represen-
tation P, which may be the regular representation, and sets up a pairing between Gand
gap> f := FreeGroup( 2 );;
gap> rels := [ f.1^3, f.2^3, (f.1*f.2)^2 ];;
gap> g := f/rels;;
gap> pairg := FpPair( g );
perm := Group( (2,4,3), (1,3,2) ),
fp := Group( f.1, f.2 ),
f2p := GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( f.1, f.2 ),
Group( (2,4,3), (1,3,2) ), [ f.1, f.2 ], [ (2,4,3), (1,3,2) ] ),
p2f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( (2,4,3), (1,3,2) ),
Group( f.1, f.2 ), [ (2,4,3), (1,3,2) ], [ f.1, f.2 ] ),
isFpPair := true,
isMinTransitivePair := true,
generators := [ (2,4,3), (1,3,2) ],
degree := 4,
position := 3 )
When Gis a permutation group, the function PresentationViaCosetTable is called to find
a presentation for Gand hence a finitely presented group Fisomorphic to G. When Ghas
a name, the name <name of G>Fp is given automatically to Fand <name of G>Pair to the
gap> h20.generators;
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4) ]
gap> pairh := FpPair( h20 );
perm := h20,
fp := h20Fp,
f2p := GroupHomomorphismByImages( h20Fp, h20, [ f.1, f.2 ],
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4) ] ),
p2f := GroupHomomorphismByImages( h20, h20Fp,
[ (1,2,3,4,5), (2,3,5,4) ], [ f.1, f.2 ] ),
isFpPair := true,
degree := 5,
80.143. ISFPPAIR 1551
presentation := << presentation with 2 gens and 3 rels
of total length 14 >>,
name := [ ’h’, ’2’, ’0’, ’P’, ’a’, ’i’, ’r’ ] )
gap> pairh.fp.relators;
[ f.2^4, f.1^5, f.1*f.2*f.1*f.2^-1*f.1 ]
80.143 IsFpPair
IsFpPair( pair )
This tests to see whether pair is an (Fp-group, perm group) pair.
gap> IsFpPair( pairh );
80.144 SemidirectPair
SemidirectPair( S)
When Sis a semidirect product, this function finds a faithful permutation representation P
and sets up a pairing between Sand P. The example illustrates c2|Xc3
gap> agen := ac3.generators;; pgen := pc3.generators;;
gap> a := GroupHomomorphismByImages( pc3, ac3, pgen, agen );
GroupHomomorphismByImages( PermAut(c3), Aut(c3), [ (1,2) ],
[ GroupHomomorphismByImages( c3, c3, [ (1,2,3) ], [ (1,3,2) ] ) ] )
gap> G := SemidirectProduct( pc3, a, c3 );;
gap> := "G";; PG := SemidirectPair( G );
perm := Perm(G),
sdp := G,
s2p := OperationHomomorphism( G, Perm(G) ),
p2s := GroupHomomorphismByImages( Perm(G), G, [(1,2)(4,5), (3,5,4)],
[ SemidirectProductElement( (1,2), GroupHomomorphismByImages
( c3, c3, [ (1,3,2) ], [ (1,2,3) ] ), () ),
SemidirectProductElement( (), IdentityMapping(c3), (1,2,3) ) ] ))
80.145 IsSemidirectPair
IsSemidirectPair( pair )
This tests to see whether pair is a (semidirect product, perm group) pair.
gap> IsSemidirectPair( PG );
80.146 PrintList
PrintList( L)
This functions prints each of the elements of a list Lon a separate line.
gap> J := [ [1,2,3], [3,4], [3,4], [1,2,4] ];; PrintList( J );
80.147 DistinctRepresentatives
DistinctRepresentatives( L)
When Lis a set of nsubsets of [1..n] and the Hall condition is satisfied (the union of any k
subsets has at least kelements), a standard algorithm for systems of distinct representatives
is applied. (A backtrack algorithm would be more efficient.) If the elements of Lare lists,
they are converted to sets.
gap> DistinctRepresentatives( J );
80.148 CommonRepresentatives
CommonRepresentatives( J, K )
When Jand Kare both lists of nsets, the list Lis formed where L[i] := {j:J[i]K[j]6=∅}.
A system of distinct represetatives reps for Lprovides a permutation of the elements of K
such that J[i] and K[i] have non-empty intersection. Taking the first element in each
of these intersections determines a system of common representatives com. The function
returns the pair [ com, reps ]. Note that there is no requirement for the representatives
to be distinct. See also the next section.
gap> K := [ [3,4], [1,2], [2,3], [2,3,4] ];;
gap> CommonRepresentatives( J, K );
This has produced 3 J[1] K[1], 3 J[2] K[3], 3 J[3] K[4] and 1 J[4] K[2].
80.149 CommonTransversal
CommonTransversal( G, H )
The existence of a common transversal for the left and right cosets of a subgroup Hof Gis
a special case of systems of common representatives.
gap> T := CommonTransversal( a4, c3 );
[ (), (1,3)(2,4), (1,2)(3,4), (1,4)(2,3) ]
80.150 IsCommonTransversal
IsCommonTransversal( G, H, T )
gap> IsCommonTransversal( a4, c3, T );
Chapter 81
The CHEVIE Package Version 4
– a short introduction
CHEVIE is a joint project of Meinolf Geck, Gerhard Hiss, Frank L¨ubeck, Gunter Malle, Jean
Michel, and G¨otz Pfeiffer. We document here the development version 4 of the GAP3-part
of CHEVIE. This is a package in the GAP33 language, which implements
algorithms for: finite complex reflection groups and their cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
arbitrary Coxeter groups, the corresponding braid groups, Kazhdan-Lusztig bases, left
cells, root data, unipotent characters, unipotent and semi-simple elements of algebraic
groups, Green functions, etc...
contains library files holding information for finite complex reflection groups giving
conjugacy classes, fake degrees, generic degrees, irreducible characters, representations
of the associated Hecke algebras, associated unipotent characters and unipotent classes
(for Weyl groups, or more generally, ”Spetsial”groups).
The package is automatically loaded if you use the GAP3 distribution gap3-jm; otherwise,
you need to load it using
gap> RequirePackage("chevie");
--- Loading package chevie ------ version of 2018 Feb 19 ------
If you use CHEVIE in your work please cite the authors as follows:
[Jean Michel] The development version of the CHEVIE package of GAP3
Journal of algebra 435 (2015) 308--336
[Meinolf Geck, Gerhard Hiss, Frank Luebeck, Gunter Malle, Goetz Pfeiffer]
CHEVIE -- a system for computing and processing generic character tables
Applicable Algebra in Engineering Comm. and Computing 7 (1996) 175--210
Compared to version 3, it is more general. For example, one can now work systematically
with arbitrary Coxeter groups, not necessarily represented as permutation groups. Quite a
few functions also work for arbitrary finite groups generated by complex reflections. Some
functions have changed name to reflect the more general functionality. We have kept most
former names working for compatibility, but we do not guarantee that they will survive in
future releases.
Many objects associated with finite Coxeter groups admit some canonical labeling which
carries additional information. These labels are often important for applications to Lie
theory and related areas. The groups constructed in the package are permutation or matrix
groups, so all the functions defined for such groups work; but often there are improvements,
exploiting the particular nature of these groups. For example, the generic GAP3 function
ConjugacyClasses applied to a Coxeter group does not invoke the general algorithm for
computing conjugacy classes of permutation groups in GAP3, but first decomposes the given
Coxeter group into irreducible components, and then reads canonical representatives of
minimal length in the various classes of these irreducible components from library files.
These canonical representatives also come with some additional information, for example
the class names in exceptional groups reflect Carter’s admissible diagrams and in classical
groups are given in terms of partitions. In a similar way, the function CharTable does not
invoke the Dixon–Schneider algorithm but proceeds in a similar way as described above.
Moreover, in the resulting character table the classes have the labels described above and
the characters also have canonical labels, e.g. partitions of nin the case of the symmetric
group Sn, which is also the Coxeter group of type An1(see 87.1 and 87.5). The normal
forms we use, and the associated labeling of classes and characters for the individual types,
are explained in detail in the various to chapters. The same considerations extend to some
extent to all finite complex reflection groups.
Thus, most of the disk space required by CHEVIE is occupied by the files containing the basic
information about the finite irreducible reflection groups. These files are called weyla.g,
cmplxg24.g etc. up to the biggest file cmplxg34.g whose size is about 660 KBytes. These
data files are structured in a uniform manner so that any piece of information can be
extracted separately from them. (For example, it is not necessary to first compute the
character table in order to have labels for the characters and classes.)
Several computations in the literature concerning the irreducible characters of finite Coxeter
groups and Iwahori–Hecke algebras can now be checked or re-computed by anyone who is
willing to use GAP3 and CHEVIE. Re-doing such computations and comparing with existing
tables has helped discover bugs in the programs and misprints in the literature; we believe
that having the possibility of repeating such computations and experimenting with the
results has increased the reliability of the data and the programs. For example, it is now
a trivial matter to re-compute the tables of induce/restrict matrices (with the appropriate
labeling of the characters) for exceptional finite Weyl groups (see Section 88.1). These
matrices have various applications in the representation theory of finite reductive groups,
see chapter 4 of Lusztig’s book [Lus85].
We ourselves have used these programs to prove results about the existence of elements with
special properties in the conjugacy classes of finite Coxeter groups (see [GP93], [GM97]),
and to compute character tables of Iwahori–Hecke algebras of exceptional type (see [Gec94],
[GM97]). For a survey, see also [GHL+96]. Quite a few computations with finite complex
reflection groups have also been made in CHEVIE.
The user should observe limitations on storage for working with these programs, e.g., the
command Elements applied to a Weyl group of type E8needs a computer with 360GB of
main memory!
There is a function InfoChevie which is set equal to the GAP3 function Ignore when you
load CHEVIE. If you redefine it by InfoChevie:=Print; then the CHEVIE functions will
print some additional information in the course of their computations.
Of course, our hope is that more applications will be added in the future! For contri-
butions to CHEVIE have created a directory contr in which the corresponding files are
distributed with CHEVIE. However, they do remain under the authorship and the responsi-
bility of their authors. Files from that directory can be read into GAP3 using the command
ReadChv("contr/filename"). At present, the directory contr contains the following files:
affa by F. Digne it contains functions to work with periodic permutations of the inte-
gers, with the affine Coxeter group of type ˜
Aseen as a group of periodic permutations,
and with the corresponding dual Garside monoid.
arikidec by N. Jacon it contains functions for computing the canonical basis of an
arbitrary irreducible integrable highest weight representation of the quantum group
of the affine special linear group Uv(b
sle). It also computes the decomposition matrix
of Ariki-Koike algebras, where the parameters are power of a e-th root of unity in a
field of characteristic zero.
braidsup by J. Michel it contains some supplementary programs for working with
braids (or more generally Garside monoids).
brbase by M. Geck and S. Kim it contains programs for computing bi-grassmannians
and the base for the Bruhat–Chevalley order on finite Coxeter groups (see [GK96]).
chargood by M. Geck and J. Michel it contains functions (used in [GM97]) imple-
menting algorithms to compute character tables of Iwahori–Hecke algebras, especially
that of type E8.
cp by J. Michel and G. Neaime it contains a function to construct the Corran-Picantin
monoid as an interval monoid, following Neaime’s work.
hecbloc by M. Geck it contains functions for computing blocks and defects of charac-
ters of Iwahori–Hecke algebras specialized at roots of unity over the rational numbers.
minrep by M. Geck and G. Pfeiffer it contains programs (used in [GP93]) for com-
puting representatives of minimal length in the conjugacy classes of finite Coxeter
murphy by A. Mathas it contains programs which allow calculations with the Murphy
basis of the Hecke algebra of type A.
rouquierblockdata by M. Chlouveraki and J. Michel it contains functions to com-
pute the Rouquier blocks of 1-cylotomic Hecke algebras of arbitrary complex reflection
specpie by M. Geck and G. Malle it contains functions for computing the Green-
like polynomials (or rather rational functions) associated with special pieces of the
unipotent variety (or “special characters in the case of complex reflection groups).
spherical by D. Juteau it contains a function to determine the support of the spher-
ical module for a rational Cherednik algebra. Here is an example gap>
Maximal parabolic subgroups | q-index
A1 [ 2 ] |P2(x_1)P3(y_1)P2(x_1y_1)P2^2P6(x_1y_1^2)
A1 [ 1 ] | P2P3(y_1)P2(x_1y_1)P2^2P6(x_1y_1^2)
xy by J. Michel and R. Rouquier it contains a function to display graphically elements
of Hecke modules for affine Weyl groups of rank 2.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the tables of Green functions for finite groups of Lie
type which are in the MAPLE-part of CHEVIE are now obtainable by using the CHEVIE
routines for unipotent classes and the associated intersection cohomology complexes.
Acknowledgments. We wish to thank the Aachen GAP3 team for general support.
We also gratefully acknowledge financial support by the DFG in the framework of the
Forschungsschwerpunkt ”Algorithmische Zahlentheorie und Algebra” from 1992 to 1998.
We are indebted to Andrew Mathas for contributing the initial version of functions for the
various Kazhdan-Lusztig bases in kl.g.
Chapter 82
Reflections, and reflection
Central in CHEVIE is the notion of reflection groups.
Let Vbe a vector space over a subfield Kof the complex numbers; in GAP3 this usually
means the Rationals, the Cyclotomics, or a subfield. A complex reflection is an element
sGL(V) of finite order whose fixed point set is an hyperplane (we will in the following just
call it a reflection to abbreviate; in some literature the term reflection is only employed
when the order is 2 and the more general case is called a pseudo-reflection). Thus a
reflection has a unique eigenvalue not equal to 1. If Kis a subfield of the real numbers, we
get a real reflection which is necessarily of order 2 and the non-trivial eigenvalue is equal to
A reflection group Wis a group generated by a finite number of complex reflections.
Since when Wcontains a reflection sit contains its powers, Wis always generated by
reflections swith eigenvalue E(d) where dis the order of s; we may in addition assume that
sis not a power of another reflection with eigenvalue E(d’) with d’>d. Such a reflection is
called distinguished; we take it as the canonical generator of the cyclic subgroup it gen-
erates. The generators of reflection groups in CHEVIE are always distinguished reflections.
In a real reflection group all reflections are distinguished.
Reflection groups in CHEVIE are groups Wwith the following fields (in the group record)
the number of reflections which generate W
a list of distinguished reflections, given as elements of W, such that a list of reflections
which generate Wis W.reflections[1..W.nbGeneratingReflections].
a list (of length at least W.nbGeneratingReflections) such that its i-th element is
the order of W.reflections[i]. By the above conventions W.reflections[i] thus
has E(W.OrdersGeneratingReflections[i]) as its nontrivial eigenvalue.
Note that Wdoes not need to be a matrix group. The meaning of the above fields is
just that Whas a representation (called the reflection representation of W) where the
elements W.reflections operate as reflections. It is much more efficient to compute with
permutation groups which have such fields defined, than with matrix groups, when possible.
Information sufficient to determine a particular reflection representation is stored for such
groups (see CartanMat).
Also note that, although .reflections is usually just initialized to the generating reflec-
tions, it is usually augmented by adding other reflections to it as computations require.
For instance, when Wis finite, the set of all reflections in Wis finite (they are just the
elements of the conjugacy classes of the generating reflections and their powers), and all
the distinguished reflections in Ware added to .reflections when required, for instance
when calling Reflections(W)which returns the list of all (distinguished) reflections. Note
that when Wis finite, the distinguished reflections are in bijection with the reflecting hy-
There are very few functions in CHEVIE which deal with reflections groups in full generality.
Usually the groups one wants to deal with is in a more restricted class (Coxeter groups,
finite reflection groups) which are described in the following chapters.
82.1 Reflection
Reflection( root,coroot)
A (complex) reflection sacting on the vector space V(over some subfield of the complex
numbers), is a linear map of finite order whose fixed points are an hyperplane H(called the
reflecting hyperplane of s); an eigenvector rfor the non-trivial eigenvalue ζ(a root of
unity) is called a root of s. We may chose a linear form r(called a coroot of s) defining
Hsuch that r(r)=1ζand then as a linear map sis given by x7→ xr(x)r.
A first way of specifying a reflection is by giving a root and a coroot, which are uniquely
determined by the reflection up to multiplication of the root by a scalar and of the coroot by
the inverse scalar. The function Reflection gives the matrix of the corresponding reflection
in the standard basis of V, where the root and the coroot are vectors given in the standard
bases of Vand V(thus in GAP3 r(r) is obtained as root*coroot).
gap> r:=Reflection([1,0,0],[2,-1,0]);
gap> r=CoxeterGroup("A",3).matgens[1];
gap> [1,0,0]*r;
[ -1, 0, 0 ]
As we see in the last line, in GAP3 the matrices operate from the right on the vector
Reflection( root [, eigenvalue] )
We may give slightly less information if we assume that the standard hermitian scalar
product (x, y) on V(given in GAP3 by x*ComplexConjugate(y)) is s-invariant. Then,
identifying Vand Vvia this scalar product, sis given by the formula
x7→ x(1 ζ)(x, r)/(r, r)r
so sis specified by just root and eigenvalue. When eigenvalue is omitted it is assumed to
be equal to -1. The function Reflection gives again the matrix of the reflection.
gap> Reflection([0,0,1],E(3));
gap> last=ComplexReflectionGroup(25).matgens[1];
Reflection( W,i)
This form returns the reflection with respect to the i-th root in the finite reflection group W
(this works only for groups represented as permutation groups of the roots, see 84). Note
that one would not get the same result with W.reflections[i] since this entry might not
yet be bound (not yet have been computed), and also it is not guaranteed apart from the
generating roots (and the positive roots of Weyl groups) that the i-th reflection corresponds
to the i-th root, since two roots corresponding to the same reflection may have been obtained
before all the reflections have been obtained.
gap> Reflection(CoxeterGroup("A",3),6);
( 1,11)( 3,10)( 4, 9)( 5, 7)( 6,12)
82.2 AsReflection
AsReflection( s[,r])
Here sis a square matrix with entries cyclotomic numbers, and if given ris a vector of the
same length as sof cyclotomic numbers. The function determines if sis the matrix of a
reflection (resp. if ris given if it is the matrix of a reflection of root r; the point of giving
ris to specify exactly the desired root and coroot, which otherwise are determined only up
to a scalar and its inverse). The returned result is false if sis not a reflection (resp. not a
reflection with root r), and otherwise is a record with four fields :
the root of the reflection s(equal to rif given)
the coroot of s
the non-trivial eigenvalue of s
a boolean which is true if and only if sis orthogonal with respect to the usual scalar
product (then the root and eigenvalue are sufficient to determine s)
gap> AsReflection([[-1,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,1]]);
root := [ 2, 0, 0 ],
coroot := [ 1, -1/2, 0 ],
eigenvalue := -1,
isOrthogonal := false )
gap> AsReflection([[-1,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,1]],[1,0,0]);
root := [ 1, 0, 0 ],
coroot := [ 2, -1, 0 ],
eigenvalue := -1,
isOrthogonal := false )
82.3 CartanMat
CartanMat( W)
Let s1, . . . , snbe a list of reflections with associated root vectors riand coroots r
i. Then
the matrix Ci,j of the r
i(rj) is called the Cartan matrix of the list of reflections. It is
uniquely determined by the reflections up to conjugating by diagonal matrices.
If s1, . . . , snare the generators of a reflection group W, the matrix Cup to conjugation by
diagonal matrices is an invariant of the reflection representation of W. It actually completely
determines this representation if the riare linearly independent (which is e.g. the case if C
is invertible), since in the ribasis the matrix for the sidiffers from the identity only on the
i-th line, where the corresponding line of Chas been subtracted.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
gap> CartanMat(W);
CartanMat( W,l)
Returns the Cartan matrix of the roots of Wspecified by the list of integers l(for a finite
reflection group represented as a group of permutation of root vectors, these integers are
indices in the list of roots of the parent reflection group).
CartanMat( type )
This form returns the Cartan matrix of some standard reflection representations for Coxeter
groups, taking a symbolic description of the Coxeter group given by the arguments. See
82.4 Rank
Rank( W)
Let Wbe a reflection group in the vector space V. This function returns the dimension of
V, if known. If reflections of Ware generated by a root and a coroot, it is the length of
the root as a list. If Wis a matrix group it is the dimension of the matrices.
gap> W:=ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3),[1,3]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3), [ 1, 3 ])
gap> Rank(W);
82.5 SemisimpleRank
SemisimpleRank( W)
Let Wbe a reflection group in the vector space V. This function returns the dimension of
the subspace V’ of Vwhere Weffectively acts, which is the subspace generated by the roots
of the reflections of W. The space V’ is W-stable and has a W-stable complement on which
Wacts trivially. The SemisimpleRank is independent of the reflection representation. W
is called essential if V’=V .
gap> W:=ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3),[1,3]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3), [ 1, 3 ])
gap> SemisimpleRank(W);
Chapter 83
Coxeter groups
In this chapter we describe functions for dealing with general Coxeter groups.
A suitable reference for the general theory is, for example, the volume [Bou68] of Bourbaki.
ACoxeter group is a group which has the presentation W=hS|(st)m(s,t)= 1 for
s, t Sifor some symmetric integer matrix m(s, t) called the Coxeter matrix, where
m(s, t)>1 for s6=tand m(s, s) = 1. It is true (but a non-trivial theorem) that in
a Coxeter group the order of st is exactly m(s, t), thus a Coxeter group is the same as a
Coxeter system, that is a pair (W, S) of a group Wand a set Sof involutions, such that the
group is presented by relations describing the order of the product of two elements of S. A
Coxeter group has a natural representation on a real vector space Vof dimension the number
of generators, where each generator acts as a reflection, its reflection representation
(see CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix); the faithfulness of this representation in the main
argument to prove that the order of st is exactly m(s, t). Thus Coxeter groups are real
reflection groups. The converse need not be true if the set of reflecting hyperplanes has
bad topological properties, but it turns out that finite Coxeter groups are the same as finite
real reflection groups. The possible Coxeter matrices for finite Coxeter groups have been
completely classified; the corresponding finite groups play a deep role in several areas of
Coxeter groups have a nice solution to the word problem. The length l(w) of an element w
of Wis the minimum number of elements of Sof which it is a product (since the elements of
Sare involutions, we do not need inverses). An expression of wof minimal length is called
areduced word for w. The main property of reduced words is the exchange lemma
which states that if s1. . . skis a reduced word for wwhere k=l(w) and sSis such that
l(sw)l(w) then one of the siin the word for wcan be deleted to obtain a reduced word
for sw. Thus given sSand wW, either l(sw) = l(w)+ 1 or l(sw) = l(w)1 and we say
in this last case that sbelongs to the left descent set of w. The computation of a reduced
word for an element, and other word problems, are easily done if we know the left descent
sets. For most Coxeter groups that we will be able to build in CHEVIE, this left descent set
can be easily determined (see e.g. CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup below), so this suggests
how to deal with Coxeter groups in CHEVIE. They are reflection groups, so the following
fields are defined in the group record:
the size of S
a list of elements of W, such that W.reflections[1..W.nbGeneratingReflections]
is the set S.
the above names are used instead of names like CoxeterGenerators and CoxeterRank since
the Coxeter groups are reflection groups and we want the functions for reflection groups
applicable to them (similarly, if you have read the chapter on reflections and reflection
groups, you will realize that there is also a field .OrdersGeneratingReflections which
contains only 2’s). The main additional function which allows to compute within Coxeter
groups is:
returns true if and only if the i-th element of Sis in the left descending set of w.
For Coxeter groups constructed in CHEVIE an IsLeftDescending operation is provided,
but you can construct your own Coxeter groups just by filling the above fields (see the
function CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup below for an example). It should be noted than you
can make into a Coxeter group any kind of group: finitely presented groups, permutation
groups or matrix groups, if you fill appropriately the above fields; and the given generating
reflection do not have to be W.generators — all functions for Coxeter group and Hecke
algebras will then work for your Coxeter groups (using your function IsLeftDescending).
A common occurrence in CHEVIE code for Coxeter groups is a loop like:
which for a reflection subgroup becomes
where the overhead is quite large, since dispatching on the group type is done in IsLeftDescending.
To improve this code, if you provide a function FirstLeftDescending(W,w) it will be called
instead of the above loop (if you do not provide one the above loop will be used). Such a
function provided by CHEVIE for finite Coxeter groups represented as permutation groups
of the roots is 3 times more efficient than the above loop.
Because of the easy solution of the word problem in Coxeter groups, a convenient way to
represent their elements is as words in the Coxeter generators. They are represented in
CHEVIE as lists of labels for the generators. By default these labels are given as the index of
a generator in S, so a Coxeter word is just a list of integers which run from 1 to the length of
S. This can be changed to reflect a more conventional notation for some groups, by changing
the field .reflectionsLabels of the Coxeter group which contains the labels used for the
Coxeter words (by default it contains [1..W.nbGeneratingReflections]). For a Coxeter
group with 2 generators, you could for instance set this field to "st" to use words such as
"sts" instead of [1,2,1]. For reflection subgroups, this is used in CHEVIE by setting the
reflection labels to the indices of the generators in the set Sof the parent group (which is
given by .rootInclusion).
The functions CoxeterWord and EltWord will do the conversion between Coxeter words and
elements of the group.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
gap> p := EltWord( W, [ 1, 3, 2, 1, 3 ] );
( 1,14,13, 2)( 3,17, 8,18)( 4,12)( 5,20, 6,15)( 7,10,11, 9)(16,24)
gap> CoxeterWord( W, p );
gap> W.reflectionsLabels:="stuv";
gap> CoxeterWord(W,p);
We notice that the word we started with and the one that we ended up with, are not the same.
But of course, they represent the same element of W. The reason for this difference is that
the function CoxeterWord always computes a reduced word which is the lexicographically
smallest among all possible expressions of an element of Was a word in the fundamental
reflections. The function ReducedCoxeterWord does the same but with a word as input
(rather than an element of the group). Below are some other possible computations with
the same Coxeter group as above:
gap> LongestCoxeterWord( W ); # the (unique) longest element in W
gap> w0 := LongestCoxeterElement( W ); # = EltWord( W, last )
( 1,13)( 2,14)( 3,15)( 4,16)( 5,17)( 6,18)( 7,19)( 8,20)( 9,21)(10,22)
gap> CoxeterLength( W, w0 );
gap> List( Reflections( W ), i -> CoxeterWord( W, i ) );
[ "s", "t", "u", "v", "sus", "tut", "uvu", "stust", "suvus", "tuvut",
"stuvust", "ustuvustu" ]
gap> l := List( [0 .. W.N], x -> CoxeterElements( W, x ) );;
gap> List( l, Length );
[ 1, 4, 9, 16, 23, 28, 30, 28, 23, 16, 9, 4, 1 ]
The above line tells us that there is 1 element of length 0, there are 4 elements of length 4,
For many basic functions (like Bruhat,CoxeterLength, etc.) we have chosen the convention
that the input is an element of a Coxeter group (rather than a Coxeter word). The reason is
that for a Coxeter group which is a permutation group, if in some application one has to do
a lot of computations with Coxeter group elements then using the low level GAP3 functions
for permutations is usually much faster than manipulating lists of reduced expressions.
Before describing functions applicable to Coxeter groups and Coxeter words we describe
functions which build two familiar examples.
83.1 CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup
CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup( n)
returns the symmetric group on nletters as a Coxeter group. We give the code of this
function as it is a good example on how to make a Coxeter group:
gap> CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup := function ( n )
> local W;
> W := SymmetricGroup( n );
> W.reflections := List( [ 1 .. n - 1 ], i->(i,i + 1) );
> W.operations.IsLeftDescending := function ( W, w, i )
> return i ^ w > (i + 1) ^ w;
> end;
> AbsCoxOps.CompleteCoxeterGroupRecord( W );
> return W;
> end;
function ( n ) ... end
In the above, we first set the generating reflections of Wto be the elementary transpositions
(i,i+1) (which are reflections in the natural representation of the symmetric group permut-
ing the standard basis of an n-dimensional vector space), then give the IsLeftDescending
function (which just checks if (i,i+1) is an inversion of the permutation). Finally, AbsCoxOps.CompleteCoxeterGroupRecord
is a service routine which fills other fields from the ones we gave. We can see what it did by
gap> PrintRec(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3));
isDomain := true,
isGroup := true,
identity := (),
generators := [ (1,3), (2,3) ],
operations := HasTypeOps,
isPermGroup := true,
isFinite := true,
1 := (1,3),
2 := (2,3),
degree := 3,
reflections := [ (1,2), (2,3) ],
nbGeneratingReflections := 2,
generatingReflections := [ 1 .. 2 ],
EigenvaluesGeneratingReflections:= [ 1/2, 1/2 ],
isCoxeterGroup := true,
reflectionsLabels := [ 1 .. 2 ],
coxeterMat := [ [ 1, 3 ], [ 3, 1 ] ],
orbitRepresentative := [ 1, 1 ],
longestElm := (1,3),
longestCoxeterWord := [ 1, 2, 1 ],
N := 3 )
We do not indicate all the fields here. Some are there for technical reasons and may change
from version to version of CHEVIE. Among the added fields, we see nbGeneratingReflections
(taken to be Length(W.reflections) if we do not give it), .OrdersGeneratingReflections,
the Coxeter matrix .coxeterMat, a description of conjugacy classes of the generating reflec-
tions given in .orbitRepresentative (whose i-th entry is the smallest index of a reflection
conjugate to .reflections[i]), .reflectionsLabels (the default labels used for Coxeter
word). At the end are 3 fields which are computed only for finite Coxeter groups: the longest
element, as an element and as a Coxeter word, and in W.N the number of reflections in W
(which is also the length of the longest Coxeter word).
83.2 CoxeterGroupHyperoctaedralGroup
CoxeterGroupHyperoctaedralGroup( n)
returns the hyperoctaedral group of rank nas a Coxeter group. It is given as a permutation
group on 2nletters, with Coxeter generators the permutations (i,i+1)(2n+1-i,2n-i) and
gap> CoxeterGroupHyperoctaedralGroup(2);
Group( (2,3), (1,2)(3,4) )
83.3 CoxeterMatrix
CoxeterMatrix( W)
return the Coxeter matrix of the Coxeter group W, that is the matrix whose entry m[i][j]
contains the order of gigjwhere giis the i-th Coxeter generator of W. An infinite order
is represented by the entry 0.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(4);
gap> CoxeterMatrix(W);
83.4 CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix
CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix( m)
returns the Coxeter group whose Coxeter matrix is m.
The matrix mshould be a symmetric integer matrix such that m[i,i]=1 and m[i,j]>=2
(or m[i,j]=0 to represent an infinite entry).
The group is constructed as a matrix group, using the standard reflection representation for
Coxeter groups. This is the representation on a real vector space Vof dimension Length(m)
defined as follows : if esis a basis of Vindexed by the lines of m, we make the s-th
reflection act by s(x) = x2hx, esieswhere h,iis the bilinear form on Vdefined by
hes, eti=cos(π/m[s, t]) (where by convention π/m[s, t] = 0 if m[s, t] = , which is
represented in CHEVIE by setting m[s,t]:=0). In the example below the affine Weyl group
A2is constructed, and then ˜
gap> m:=[[1,3,3],[3,1,3],[3,3,1]];;
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix(m);
gap> CoxeterWords(W,3);
gap> CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix([[1,0],[0,1]]);
83.5 CoxeterGroupByCartanMatrix
CoxeterGroupByCartanMatrix( m)
mshould be a square matrix of real cyclotomic numbers. It returns the reflection group
whose Cartan matrix is m. This is a matrix group constructed as follows. Let Vbe a
real vector space of dimension Length(m), and let h,ibe the bilinear form defined by
hei, eji=m[i, j] where eiis the canonical basis of V. Then the result is the matrix group
generated by the reflections si(x) = x2hx, eiiei.
This function is used in CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix, using also the function CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix.
gap> CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix([[1,0],[0,1]]);
gap> CoxeterGroupByCartanMatrix(last);
Above is another way to construct ˜
83.6 CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix
CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix( m)
The argument is a CoxeterMatrix for a finite Coxeter group Wand the result is a Cartan
Matrix for the standard reflection representation of W(see 82.3). Its diagonal terms are
2 and the coefficient between two generating reflections sand tis 2 cos(π/m[s, t]) (where
by convention π/m[s, t] = 0 if m[s, t] = , which is represented in CHEVIE by setting
gap> m:=[[1,3],[3,1]];
gap> CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix(m);
83.7 Functions for general Coxeter groups
Some functions take advantage of the fact a group is a Coxeter group to use a better
algorithm. A typical example is:
For finite Coxeter groups, uses a recursive algorithm based on the construction of elements
of a chain of parabolic subgroups
When Iis a subset of [1..W.nbGeneratingReflections] then the reflection subgroup
of Wgenerated by W.reflections{I}can be generated abstractly (without any specific
knowledge about the representation of W) as a Coxeter group. This is what this routine
does: implement a special case of ReflectionSubgroup which works for arbitrary Coxeter
groups (see 88.1). The actual argument Jshould be reflection labels for W, i.e. be a subset
of W.reflectionsLabels.
Similarly, the functions ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives,PermCosetsSubgroup, work
for reflection subgroups of the above form. See the chapter on reflection subgroups for a
description of these functions.
Returns CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix(CoxeterMatrix(W)) (see 83.6).
The functions ReflectionType,ReflectionName and all functions depending on the classi-
fication of finite Coxeter groups work for finite Coxeter groups. See the chapter on reflection
groups for a description of these functions.
returns the braid relations implied by the Coxeter matrix of W.
83.8 IsLeftDescending
IsLeftDescending( W,w,i)
returns true if and only if the i-th generating reflection W.reflections[i] is in the left
descent set of the element wof W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3);
gap> IsLeftDescending(W,(1,2),1);
83.9 FirstLeftDescending
FirstLeftDescending( W,w)
returns the index in the list of generating reflections of Wof the first element of the left
descent set of the element wof W(i.e., the first isuch that if s=W.reflections[i] then
l(sw)< l(w)). It is quite important to think of using this function rather than write a loop
like First([1..W.nbGeneratingReflections],IsLeftDescending), since for particular
classes of groups (e.g. finite Coxeter groups) the function is much optimized compared to
such a loop.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3);
gap> FirstLeftDescending(W,(2,3));
83.10 LeftDescentSet
LeftDescentSet( W,w)
The set of generators ssuch that l(sw)< l(w), given as a list of labels for the corresponding
generating reflections.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3);
gap> LeftDescentSet( W, (1,3));
See also 83.11.
83.11 RightDescentSet
RightDescentSet( W,w)
The set of generators ssuch that l(ws)< l(w), given as a list of labels for the corresponding
generating reflections.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 );;
gap> w := EltWord( W, [ 1, 2 ] );;
gap> RightDescentSet( W, w );
See also 83.10.
83.12 EltWord
EltWord( W,w)
returns the element of Wwhich corresponds to the Coxeter word w. Thus it returns a
permutation if Wis a permutation group (the usual case for finite Coxeter groups) and a
matrix for matrix groups (such as affine Coxeter groups).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(4);
gap> EltWord(W,[1,2,3]);
See also 83.13.
83.13 CoxeterWord
CoxeterWord( W,w)
returns a reduced word in the standard generators of the Coxeter group Wfor the element
w(represented as the GAP3 list of the corresponding reflection labels).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> w := ( 1,11)( 3,10)( 4, 9)( 5, 7)( 6,12);;
gap> w in W;
gap> CoxeterWord( W, w );
The result of CoxeterWord is the lexicographically smallest reduced word for w(for the
ordering of the Coxeter generators given by W.reflections).
See also 83.12 and 83.15.
83.14 CoxeterLength
CoxeterLength( W,w)
returns the length of the element wof Was a reduced expression in the standard generators.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
gap> p := EltWord( W, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 2 ] );
( 1,44,38,25,20,14)( 2, 5,40,47,48,35)( 3, 7,13,21,19,15)
( 4, 6,12,28,30,36)( 8,34,41,32,10,17)( 9,18)(11,26,29,16,23,24)
gap> CoxeterLength( W, p );
gap> CoxeterWord( W, p );
83.15 ReducedCoxeterWord
ReducedCoxeterWord( W,w)
returns a reduced expression for an element of the Coxeter group W, which is given as a
GAP3 list of reflection labels for the standard generators of W.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "E", 6 );;
gap> ReducedCoxeterWord( W, [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3 ] );
83.16 BrieskornNormalForm
BrieskornNormalForm( W,w)
Brieskorn [Bri71] has noticed that if L(w) is the left descent set of w(see 83.10), and if wL(w)
is the longest Coxeter element (see 83.17) of the reflection subgroup WL(w)(note that this
element is an involution), then wL(w)divides w, in the sense that l(wL(w)) + l(w1
L(w)w) =
l(w). We can now divide wby wL(w)and continue this process with the quotient. In this
way, we obtain a reduced expression w=wL1···wLrwhere Li=L(wLi···wLr) for all i,
which we call the Brieskorn normal form of w. The function BrieskornNormalForm will
return a description of this form, by returning the list of sets L(w) which describe the above
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);
gap> w:=[ 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 4,
> 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ];;
gap> BrieskornNormalForm(W,EltWord(W,w));
gap> EltWord(W,w)=Product(last,x->LongestCoxeterElement(W,x));
83.17 LongestCoxeterElement
LongestCoxeterElement( W[,I])
If Wis finite, returns the unique element of maximal length of the Coxeter group W. May
loop infinitely otherwise.
gap> LongestCoxeterElement( CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup( 4 ) );
If a second argument Iis given, returns the longest element of the parabolic subgroup
generated by the reflections in I(where Iis given as .reflectionsLabels).
gap> LongestCoxeterElement(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(4),[2,3]);
83.18 LongestCoxeterWord
LongestCoxeterWord( W)
If Wis finite, returns a reduced expression in the standard generators for the unique element
of maximal length of the Coxeter group W. May loop infinitely otherwise.
gap> LongestCoxeterWord( CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup( 5 ) );
83.19 CoxeterElements
CoxeterElements( W[, l] )
With one argument this is equivalent to Elements(W) — this works only if Wis finite. The
returned elements are sorted by increasing Coxeter length. If the second argument is an
integer l, the elements of Coxeter length lare returned. The second argument can also be a
list of integers, and the result is a list of same length as lof lists where the i-th list contains
the elements of Coxeter length l[i].
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
gap> e := CoxeterElements( W, 6 );
[ ( 1, 7)( 2, 8)( 3, 9)( 4,10)( 5,11)( 6,12) ]
gap> e[1] = LongestCoxeterElement( W );
After the call to CoxeterElements(W,l), the list of elements of Wof Coxeter length lis
stored in the component elts[l+1] of the record of W. There are a number of programs
(like 83.23) which use the lists W.elts.
83.20 CoxeterWords
CoxeterWords( W[, l] )
With second argument the integer lreturns the list of CoxeterWords for all elements of
CoxeterLength lin the Coxeter group W.
If only one argument is given, returns all elements of Was Coxeter words, in the same order
this only makes sense for finite Coxeter groups.
gap> CoxeterWords( CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 ) );
[[ ],[2],[1],[2,1],[1,2],[2,1,2],[1,2,1],
83.21 Bruhat
Bruhat( W,y,w)
returns true, if the element yis less than or equal to the element wof the Coxeter group
Wfor the Bruhat order, and false otherwise (yis less than wif a reduced expression for
ycan be extracted from one for w). See [Hum90, (5.9) and (5.10)] for properties of the
Bruhat order.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "H", 3 );;
gap> w := EltWord( W, [ 1, 2, 1, 3 ] );;
gap> b := Filtered( Elements( W ), x -> Bruhat( W, x, w) );;
gap> List( b, x -> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
[[ ],[3],[2],[1],[2,1],[2,3],[1,3],[1,2],
83.22 BruhatSmaller
BruhatSmaller( W,w)
Returns a list whose i-th element is the list of elements of Wsmaller for the Bruhat order
that wand of Length i1. Thus the first element of the returned list contains only
W.identity and the CoxeterLength(W,w)-th element contains only w.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3);
gap> BruhatSmaller(W,(1,3));
[ [ () ], [ (2,3), (1,2) ], [ (1,2,3), (1,3,2) ], [ (1,3) ] ]
83.23 BruhatPoset
BruhatPoset( W[, w])
Returns as a poset (see 110.4) the Bruhat poset of W. If an element wis given, only the
poset of the elements smaller than wis given.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);
gap> BruhatPoset(W);
Poset with 6 elements
gap> Display(last);
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> BruhatPoset(W,EltWord(W,[1,3]));
Poset with 4 elements
gap> Display(last);
83.24 ReducedInRightCoset
ReducedInRightCoset( W,w)
Let wbe an element of a parent group of Wwhose action by conjugation induces an auto-
morphism of Coxeter groups on W, that is sends the Coxeter generators of Wto a conjugate
set (but may not send the tuple of generators to a conjugate tuple). ReducedInRightCoset
returns the unique element in the right coset W.w which is W-reduced, that is which pre-
serves the set of Coxeter generators of W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(6);
gap> H:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[2..4]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(6), [ 2, 3, 4 ])
gap> ReducedInRightCoset(H,(1,6)(2,4)(3,5));
83.25 ForEachElement
ForEachElement( W,f)
This functions calls f(x) for each element xof the finite Coxeter group W. It is quite useful
when the Size of Wwould make impossible to call Elements(W). For example,
gap> i:=0;;
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",7);;
gap> ForEachElement(W,function(x)i:=i+1;
> if i mod 1000000=0 then Print("*\c");fi;
> end);Print("\n");
prints a *about every second on a 3Ghz computer, so enumerates 1000000 elements per
83.26 ForEachCoxeterWord
ForEachCoxeterWord( W,f)
This functions calls f(x) for each coxeter word xof the finite Coxeter group W. It is quite
useful when the Size of Wwould make impossible to call CoxeterWords(W). For example,
gap> i:=0;;
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",7);;
gap> ForEachCoxeterWord(W,function(x)i:=i+1;
> if i mod 1000000=0 then Print("*\c");fi;
> end);Print("\n");
prints a *about every second on a 3Ghz computer, so enumerates 1000000 elements per
83.27 StandardParabolicClass
StandardParabolicClass( W,I)
Ishould be a subset of W.reflectionsLabels describing a subset of the generating reflec-
tions for W. The function returns the list of subsets of W.reflectionsLabels corresponding
to sets of reflections conjugate to the given subset.
gap> StandardParabolicClass(CoxeterGroup("E",8),[7,8]);
83.28 ParabolicRepresentatives
ParabolicRepresentatives(W[, r])
Returns a list of subsets of W.reflectionsLabels describing representatives of orbits of
parabolic subgroups under conjugation by W. If a second argument ris given, returns only
representatives of the parabolic subgroups of semisimple rank r.
gap> ParabolicRepresentatives(Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",3)));
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,4],
gap> ParabolicRepresentatives(Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",3)),2);
83.29 ReducedExpressions
Returns the list of all reduced expressions of the element wof the Coxeter group W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> ReducedExpressions(W,LongestCoxeterElement(W));
Chapter 84
Finite Reflection Groups
Let Wbe a finite reflection group on the vector space Vover a subfield kof the complex
numbers. An efficient representation that we use in CHEVIE for computing with such group
is, is a permutation representation on a W-invariant set of root and coroot vectors for
reflections of W; that is, a set Rof pairs (r, r)V×Vinvariant by Wand such each
distinguished reflection in Wis defined by some pair in R(see 82.1). There may be several
pairs for each reflection, differing by roots of unity. This generalizes the usual construction
for Coxeter groups (the case k=R) where to each reflection of Wis associated two roots, a
positive and a negative one. For complex reflection groups, we need at least as many roots
on a given line as the order of the center of W.
The finite irreducible complex reflection groups have been completely classified by Shepard
and Todd. They contain one infinite family depending on 3 parameters, and 34 “excep-
tional”groups which have been given by Shephard and Todd names which range from G4to
G37. They cover the exceptional Coxeter groups, e.g., CoxeterGroup("E",8) is the same
as G37.
CHEVIE provides functions to build any finite reflection group, either by giving a list of roots
and corrots defining the generating reflections, or in terms of the classification. The output
is a permutation group on set of roots (see ComplexReflectionGroup and PermRootGroup).
In the context e.g. of Weyl groups, one wants to describe the particular root system chosen
in term of the traditional classification of crystallographic root systems. This is done via
calls to the function CoxeterGroup (see the chapter on finite Coxeter groups). There is
not yet a general theory on how to construct a nice set of roots for a non-real reflection
group; the roots chosen in CHEVIE where obtained case-by-case; however, they satisfy several
important properties:
The generating reflections satisfy braid relations which present the braid group asso-
ciated to W(see 84.17).
The field of definition of Wis the field kgenerated by the traces of the elements
of Wacting on V. It is a theorem that Wmay be realized as a reflection group over
k. For almost all irreducible complex reflection groups, the generating matrices for W
given by CHEVIE have coefficients in k. Further, the set of matrices for all elements of
Wis globally invariant under the Galois group of k/Q, thus the Galois action induces
automorphisms of W. The exceptions are G22, G27 where the matrices are in a degree
two extension of k(this is needed to have a globally invariant model, see [MM10b])
and some dihedral groups as well as H3and H4, where the matrices given (the usual
Coxeter reflection representation over k) are not globally invariant.
It turns out that all representations of a complex reflection group Ware defined over
the field of definition of W(cf. [Ben76] and D. Bessis thesis). This has been known
for a long time in the case k=Q, the case of Weyl groups:their representations are
defined over the rationals.
The Cartan matrix (see 82.3) for the generating roots (those which correspond to the
generating reflections) has entries in the ring Zkof integers of k, and the roots (resp.
coroots) are linear combination with coefficients in Zkof a linearly independent subset
of them.
The finite reflection groups are reflection groups as described in the chapter 82, so in addi-
tion to the fields for permutation groups they have the fields .nbGeneratingReflections,
.OrdersGeneratingReflections and .reflections. They also have the following addi-
tional fields:
a set of complex roots in V, given as a list of lists (vectors), on which Whas a faithful
permutation representation.
the coroots for the first .nbGeneratingReflections roots.
In this chapter we describe functions available for finite reflection groups Wrepresented as
permutation groups on a set of roots. These functions make use of the classification of W
whenever it is known, but work even if it is not known.
Let SV be the symmetric algebra of V. The invariants of Win SV are called the polyno-
mial invariants of W. They are generated as a polynomial ring by dim Vhomogeneous
algebraically independent polynomials f1, . . . , fdim V. The polynomials fiare not uniquely
determined but their degrees are. The fiare called the basic invariants of W, and their
degrees the reflection degrees of W. Let Ibe the ideal generated by the homogeneous
invariants of positive degree in SV . Then SV /I is isomorphic to the regular representation
of Was a W-module. It is thus a graded (by the degree of elements of SV ) version of
the regular representation of W. The polynomial which gives the graded multiplicity of a
character χof Win the graded module SV/I is called the fake degree of χ.
84.1 Functions for finite reflection groups
They are permutation groups, so all functions for permutation groups apply, although some
are replaced by faster methods when available. A typical example is the function Size,
which is obtained simply by the product of the reflection degrees, when they are known.
Appropriate methods for String and Print are also defined.
Works like for Coxeter groups; in addition, as a special convention, if all .reflectionsLabels
of Ware positive integers, negative integers are accepted and represent the inverse
of the corresponding generator.
A*B returns the product of the two reflection groups Aand Bas a reflection group.
84.2 PermRootGroup
PermRootGroupNC( roots [,eigenvalues]) PermRootGroup( roots [,eigenvalues])
PermRootGroupNC( roots,coroots) PermRootGroup( roots,coroots)
roots is a list of roots, that is of vectors in some vector space. PermRootGroup returns the
reflection group generated by the reflections with respect to these roots (if this group is not
finite, the function will never return). The precise way the reflections are constructed as
matrices is specified by the second argument. In the second form the i-th reflection is com-
puted as Reflection(roots[i], coroots[i]). In the first form eigenvalues represents
non-trivial eigenvalues of the reflections to construct, represented as a list of fractions n/d,
where such a fraction represents the eigenvalue E(d)^n (the reason for using such a represen-
tation instead of E(d)^n is that in GAP3 it is trivial to compute E(d)^n given d/n, but the
converse is hard). In this form the i-th reflection is computed as Reflection(roots[i],
E(d)^n) where eigenvalues[i]=n/d. If in the first form eigenvalues are omitted, they
are all assumed to be 1/2 (which represents the number -1, i.e. all reflections are true
In the (faster) variant with NC, the group is not classified (thus for instance PrintDiagram
will not work).
gap> W:=PermRootGroupNC(IdentityMat(3),CartanMat("A",3));
PermRootGroup([ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ],
gap> PrintDiagram(W);
Error, PermRootGroup([ [ 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1 ] ],
[ [ 2, -1, 0 ], [ -1, 2, -1 ], [ 0, -1, 2 ] ]) has no method
for PrintDiagram in
Dispatcher( "PrintDiagram" )( W ) called from
PrintDiagram( W ) called from
main loop
gap> ReflectionType(W);
[ rec(rank := 3,
series := "A",
indices := [ 1, 2, 3 ]) ]
gap> PrintDiagram(W);
In the above, the call to ReflectionType makes CHEVIE identify the classification of W,
after which functions like PrintDiagram can work. Below is another way to build a group
of type A3.
gap> W:=PermRootGroup([[1,0,-1],[-1,1,0],[1,0,1]]);
gap> ReflectionDegrees(W);
84.3 ReflectionType
ReflectionType( W)
This function returns the type of W, which is a list each element of which describes
an irreducible component of W; the elements of the list are objects of type Reflection
Type, on which some functions can be called to obtain data on groups of that type, like
ReflectionDegrees, etc...
Such an object is a record with a field series, the type ("A","B","D", etc. . .) of the
component, a field indices, the indices in the list of generating reflections of Wwhere it
sits, a field rank (equal to Length(indices) for well-generated complex reflection groups
such as Coxeter groups, and to Length(indices)+1 for the others).
For dihedral groups there is in addition a field bond giving the order of the braid relation
between the two generators.
For complex reflection groups which are not real, the field series is equal to "ST", and
there is an additional field ST, equal either to an integer n(for exceptional reflection groups
Gn), or a triple (p, q, r) of integers (for imprimitive reflection groups G(p, q, r)).
This function is called automatically upon construction of a finite reflection group via
PermRootGroup, or upon constructing a finite Coxeter group by CoxeterGroup. But since
it is sometimes costly in time (it identifies the type of the group based on the order, the
degree, the order of the generators and the Cartan matrix; sometimes it needs to search for
another set of generators than the given one), a version PermRootGroupNC is given which
does not call it.
This function is called automatically prior to calling any function depending on the clas-
sification, such as PrintDiagram,ReflectionName,ChevieClassInfo,BraidRelations,
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4)*CoxeterGroup("A",2);;
gap> ReflectionType(W);
[ rec(series := "ST",
ST := 4,
rank := 2,
indices := [ 1, 2 ]), rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 3, 4 ]) ]
ReflectionType( C)
Cshould be a Cartan matrix. This function determines the type of each irreducible com-
ponent of Cwhich is the Cartan matrix of a finite Coxeter group; the result is a list of
Reflection types. The corresponding field is set to false if the corresponding submatrix of
Cis not the Cartan matrix of a finite Coxeter group. Going from the above example:
gap> C:=CartanMat(W);
[ [ -2*E(3)-E(3)^2, E(3)^2, 0, 0 ], [ -E(3)^2, -2*E(3)-E(3)^2, 0, 0 ],
gap> ReflectionType(C);
[ false, rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 3, 4 ]) ]
Note that a Cartan matrix for a finite Coxeter group is conjugate by a diagonal matrix of
the matrices for the root systems given in the introduction of the chapter on root systems.
This conjugation corresponds to changing the ratio of the length between long and short
roots; for example one could construct a root system for type Bwhere the quotient of the
two root lengths is any cyclotomic number.
gap> M:=[ [ 2, -E(7)^3-E(7)^5-E(7)^6 ], [ -E(7)-E(7)^2-E(7)^4, 2 ] ];;
gap> ReflectionType(M);
[ rec(rank := 2,
series := "B",
cartanType := E(7)^3+E(7)^5+E(7)^6,
indices := [ 1, 2 ]) ]
In the above example, the cartanType field shows that the two root lengths for B2 have a
ratio which is 1+7
84.4 ReflectionName
ReflectionName( type )
takes as argument a type type as returned by ReflectionType. Returns the name of the
group system with that type, which is the concatenation of the names of its irreducible
components, with xadded in between. For reflection subgroups, it gives an indication
about embedding in the parent
gap> ReflectionName( ReflectionType( C ) );
gap> ReflectionName( ReflectionType( CartanMat( "I", 2, 7 ) ) );
gap> ReflectionName(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",8),[2,3,6,7]));
ReflectionName( D)
The argument to ReflectionType can also be a record with a field operations.ReflectionType,
and that function is then called with rec as argument — this works for reflection groups
and reflection cosets.
84.5 IsomorphismType
IsomorphismType( W)
takes as argument a reflection group or a reflection coset. Returns a description of the
isomorphism type of the argument.
gap> IsomorphismType(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",8),[2,3,6,7]));
84.6 ComplexReflectionGroup
ComplexReflectionGroup( STnumber )
ComplexReflectionGroup( p,q,r)
The first form of ComplexReflectionGroup returns the complex reflection group which has
Shephard-Todd number STnumber, see [ST54]. The second form returns the imprimitive
complex reflection group G(p, q, r).
gap> G := ComplexReflectionGroup( 4 );
gap> ReflectionDegrees( G );
gap> Size( G );
gap> q := X( Cyclotomics );; := "q";;
gap> FakeDegrees( G, q );
[ q^0, q^4, q^8, q^7 + q^5, q^5 + q^3, q^3 + q, q^6 + q^4 + q^2 ]
gap> ComplexReflectionGroup(2,1,6);
84.7 Reflections
Reflections( W)
returns the list of distinguished reflections of W, as elements of W. We recall that a reflection
is distinguished (see 82) if it has eigenvalue E(e) where eis the cardinality of the cyclic
subgroup CW(H), where His the hyperplane of fixed points of the reflection (all reflections
are distinguished if Wis generated by reflections of order 2). The generating reflections of
Ware Reflections(W){W.generatingReflections}.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 );;
gap> Reflections( W );
[ (1,5)(2,4)(6,8), (1,3)(2,6)(5,7), (2,8)(3,7)(4,6), (1,7)(3,5)(4,8) ]
the code needed to obtain in general all reflections of W(not only the distinguished ones)
gap> l:=Reflections(W);;
gap> l:=Concatenation(List(l,s->List([1..Order(W,s)-1],i->s^i)));;
for finite Coxeter groups, Reflections(W) are in the same order as the positive roots.
For general complex reflection groups the relationship with roots is only guaranteed for
the generating reflections, that is Reflections(W){W.generatingReflections} are the
reflections with respect to W.roots{W.generatingReflections}. The other reflections are
not in the same order as the roots.
84.8 MatXPerm
MatXPerm( W,w)
Let wbe a permutation of the roots of the finite reflection group Wwith reflection repre-
sentation V. The function MatXPerm returns the matrix of wacting on V. This is the linear
84.9. PERMMATX 1583
transformation of Vwhich acts trivially on the orthogonal of the coroots and has same
effect as won the simple roots. The function makes sense more generally for an element of
the normalizer of Win the whole permutation group of the roots.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup(
> [ [ 2, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0 ],
> [-1, 0, 2,-1, 0, 0,-1 ], [ 0,-1,-1, 2,-1, 0, 0 ],
> [ 0, 0, 0,-1, 2,-1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 2, 0 ] ],
> [0,0,1,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,1,0,0,0],
> [0,0,0,0,1,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,0]]);;
gap> w0 := LongestCoxeterElement( W );;
gap> mx := MatXPerm( W, w0 );
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 3 ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 4 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 3 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
84.9 PermMatX
PermMatX( W,M)
Let Mbe a linear transformation of reflection representation of Wwhich preserves the
set of roots, and thus normalizes W(remember that matrices act on the right in GAP3).
PermMatX returns the corresponding permutation of the roots; it returns false if Mdoes
not normalize the set of roots.
We continue the example from MatXPerm and obtain:
gap> PermMatX( W, mx ) = w0;
84.10 MatYPerm
MatYPerm( W,w)
Let wbe a permutation of the roots of the finite reflection group Wwith reflection rep-
resentation V. The function MatYPerm returns the matrix of wacting on the dual vector
space V. This is the linear transformation of Vwhich acts trivially on the orthogonal
of the roots and has same effect as won the simple coroots. The function makes sense
more generally for an element of the normalizer of Win the whole permutation group of
the roots.
gap> W:=ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",7),[1..6]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",7), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ])
gap> w0:=LongestCoxeterElement(W);;
gap> my:=MatYPerm(W,w0);
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 3 ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 4 ],
[ 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 3 ], [ -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 ],
84.11 InvariantForm for finite reflection groups
InvariantForm( W)
This function returns the matrix Fof an Hermitian form invariant under the action of the re-
flection group W. That is, if Mis the matrix of an element of W, then M*F*Transpose(ComplexConjugate(M))=F.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);
gap> F:=InvariantForm(W);
gap> List(W.matgens,m->m*F*ComplexConjugate(TransposedMat(m))=F);
[ true, true ]
84.12 ReflectionEigenvalues
ReflectionEigenvalues( W[, c])
Let Wbe a reflection group on the vector space V.ReflectionEigenvalues( W)returns
the list for each conjugacy classes of the eigenvalues of an element of that class acting on V.
This is returned as a list of fractions i/n, where such a fraction represents the eigenvalue
E(n)^i (the reason for returning such a representation instead of E(n)^i is that in GAP3
it is trivial to compute E(n)^i given i/n, but the converse is more expensive). If a second
argument cis given, returns only the list of eigenvalues of an element of the cth conjugacy
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);
gap> ReflectionEigenvalues(W,3);
[ 1/3, 2/3 ]
gap> ReflectionEigenvalues(CoxeterGroup("B",2));
[ [ 0, 0 ], [ 1/2, 0 ], [ 1/2, 1/2 ], [ 1/2, 0 ], [ 1/4, 3/4 ] ]
84.13 ReflectionLength
ReflectionLength( W,w)
This function returns the number of eigenvalues of win the reflection representation which
are not equal to 1. For a finite Coxeter group, this is equal to the minimum number of
reflections of which wis a product. This also holds in general in a well-generated complex
reflection group if wdivides a Coxeter element for the reflection length.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",4);
gap> ReflectionLength(W,LongestCoxeterElement(W));
gap> ReflectionLength(W,EltWord(W,[1,2,3,4]));
84.14 ReflectionWord
ReflectionWord( W,w[, refs])
This function return a list of minimal length of reflections of which wis the product. The
reflections are represented as their index in the list of reflections (which is the index of the
corresponding positive root in the list of roots). If a third argument is given, it must be a
list of reflections and only these reflections are tried, and the index is with respect to this
list of reflections. This function works for all elements of a Coxeter group when no third
argument is given, or for wa simple of the dual braid monoid if Wis a well-generated
complex reflection group and refs is the list of atoms of this monoid.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",4);
gap> ReflectionWord(W,LongestCoxeterElement(W));
[ 6, 10 ]
gap> ReflectionWord(W,EltWord(W,[1,2,3,4]));
84.15 HyperplaneOrbits
HyperplaneOrbits( W)
returns a list of records, one for each hyperplane orbit of W, containing the following fields
for each orbit:
index of first generator in orbit
.e s
order of s
if w=W.generators[.s] returns List([1..e s-1],i->PositionClass(W,w^i)
.N s
Size of orbit
.det s
for i in [1..e s-1], position in CharTable of (det s)^i
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",2);
gap> HyperplaneOrbits(W);
[ rec(
s := 1,
e_s := 2,
classno := [ 2 ],
N_s := 2,
det_s := [ 5 ] ), rec(
s := 2,
e_s := 2,
classno := [ 4 ],
N_s := 2,
det_s := [ 1 ] ) ]
84.16 BraidRelations
BraidRelations( W)
this function returns the relations which present the braid group of W. These are homo-
geneous (both sides of the same length) relations between generators in bijection with the
generating reflections of W. A presentation of Wis obtained by adding relations specifying
the order of the generators.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(29);
gap> BraidRelations(W);
each relation is represented as a pair of lists, specifying that the product of the generators
according to the indices on the left side is equal to the product according to the indices on
the right side. See also 84.17.
84.17 PrintDiagram
PrintDiagram( W) PrintDiagram( type )
This is a purely descriptive routine, which, by printing a diagram as in [BMR98] for Wor
the given reflection type (a Dynkin diagram for Weyl groups) shows how the generators of
Ware labeled in the CHEVIE presentation.
gap> PrintDiagram(ComplexReflectionGroup(31));
\ /3\ /
1 - 3 i.e. A_5 on 14253 plus 123=231=312
84.18 ReflectionCharValue
ReflectionCharValue( W,w)
Returns the trace of the element wof the reflection group Was an endomorphism of
the vector space Von which Wacts. This could also be obtained (less efficiently) by
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );
gap> List( Elements( W ), x -> ReflectionCharValue( W, x ) );
[ 3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-1, -1, 1, -1 ]
84.19 ReflectionCharacter
ReflectionCharacter( W)
Returns the reflection character of the reflection group W. This could also be obtained (less
efficiently) by List(ConjugacyClasses(W),c->ReflectionCharValue(W,c)). When Wis
irreducible, it can also be written CharTable(W).irreducibles[ChevieCharInfo(W).extRefl[2]]
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );
gap> ReflectionCharacter(W);
[ 3, 1, -1, 0, -1 ]
84.20 ReflectionDegrees
ReflectionDegrees( W)
returns a list holding the degrees of Was a reflection group on the vector space Von which
it acts. These are the degrees d1, . . . , ddim Vof the basic invariants of Win SV . They reflect
various properties of W; in particular, their product is the size of W.
gap> W := ComplexReflectionGroup(30);
gap> ReflectionDegrees( W );
[ 2, 12, 20, 30 ]
gap> Size( W );
84.21 ReflectionCoDegrees
ReflectionCoDegrees( W)
returns a list holding the codegrees of Was a reflection group on the vector space Von
which it acts. These are one less than the degrees d
1, . . . , d
dim Vof the basic derivations of
Won SV V.
gap> W := ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> ReflectionCoDegrees( W );
84.22 GenericOrder
returns the ”compact”generic order of Was a polynomial in q. This is qNhQi(qdi1)
where diare the reflection degrees and Nhthe number of reflecting hyperplanes. For a Weyl
group, it is the order of the associated semisimple finite reductive group over the field with
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> GenericOrder(ComplexReflectionGroup(4),q);
q^14 - q^10 - q^8 + q^4
84.23 TorusOrder
returns as a polynomial in qthe toric order of the i-th conjugacy class of W. This is the
characteristic polynomial of an element of that class on the reflection representation of W.
It is the same as the generic order of the reflection subcoset of Wdetermined by the trivial
subgroup and a representative of the i-th conjugacy class.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> List([1..NrConjugacyClasses(W)],i->TorusOrder(W,i,q));
[ q^2 - 2*q + 1, q^2 + 2*q + 1, q^2 + 1, q^2 + (-E(3))*q + (E(3)^2),
q^2 + (E(3))*q + (E(3)^2), q^2 + (E(3)^2)*q + (E(3)),
q^2 + (-E(3)^2)*q + (E(3)) ]
84.24 ParabolicRepresentatives for reflection groups
ParabolicRepresentatives(W[, r])
Returns a list of subsets of W.reflectionsLabels describing representatives of orbits of
parabolic subgroups under conjugation by W. If a second argument ris given, returns only
representatives of the parabolic subgroups of semisimple rank r. Contrary to the case of
Coxeter groups, it may happen that for some orbits no representative can be chosen all of
whose elements are standard generators.
gap> ParabolicRepresentatives(ComplexReflectionGroup(3,3,3));
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,20],[2,3],[1,2,3]]
gap> ParabolicRepresentatives(ComplexReflectionGroup(3,3,3),2);
84.25 Invariants
Invariants( W)
returns the fundamental invariants of Win its reflection representation V. That is, returns
a set of algebraically independent elements of the symmetric algebra of the dual of Vwhich
generate the W-invariant polynomial functions on V. Each such invariant function is re-
turned as a GAP3 function: if e1, . . . , enis a basis of Vand fis the GAP3 function, then the
value of the polynomial function on a1e1+. . . +anenis obtained by calling f(a1, . . . , an).
This function depends on the classification, and is dependent on the exact reflection repre-
sentation of W. So for the moment it is only implemented when the reflection representation
for the irreducible components has the same Cartan matrix as the one provided by CHEVIE
for the corresponding irreducible group. The polynomials are invariant for the natural action
of the group elements as matrices; that is, if mis MatXPerm(W,w) for some win W, then
an invariant fsatisfies f(a1, . . . , an) = f(v1, . . . , vn) where [v1, . . . , vn] = [a1, . . . , an]×m.
This action is implemented on Mvps by the function OnPolynomials (see 112.7).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);
gap> i:=Invariants(W);
[ function ( arg ) ... end, function ( arg ) ... end ]
gap> x:=X(Rationals);;"x";;
gap> y:=X(RationalsPolynomials);;"y";;
gap> i[1](x,y);
84.26. DISCRIMINANT 1589
(-2*x^0)*y^2 + (2*x)*y + (-2*x^2)
gap> i[2](x,y);
(-6*x)*y^2 + (6*x^2)*y
Another example using Mvp from the package VKCURVE.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(24);;
gap> i:=Invariants(W);;
gap> v:=List([1..3],i->Mvp(SPrint("x",i)));
[ x1, x2, x3 ]
gap> ApplyFunc(i[1],v);
gap> OnPolynomials(W.matgens[1],last)-last;
84.26 Discriminant
Discriminant( W)
returns the discriminant of the complex reflection group W, as a polynomial in the fun-
damental invariants. The discriminant is the invariant obtained by taking the product of
the linear forms describing the reflecting hyperplanes of W, each raised to the order of the
corresponding reflection. The discriminant is returned as a GAP3 function fsuch that the
discriminant in the variables a1, . . . , anis obtained by calling f(a1, . . . , an). For the mo-
ment, this function is implemented only for the exceptional complex reflection groups G4to
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);
gap> Discriminant(W)(x,y);
84.27 Catalan
Catalan( n)
returns the n-th Catalan number.
gap> Catalan(8);
Catalan( W)
returns the Catalan Number of the irreducible complex reflection group W. For well-
generated groups, this number is equal to the number of simples in the dual Braid monoid.
For other groups it was defined by Gordon and Griffeth ([GG12]). For Weyl groups, it also
counts the number of antichains of roots.
gap> Catalan(CoxeterGroup("A",7));
Catalan( W,i)
returns the i-th Fuss-Catalan Number of the irreducible complex reflection group W. For
well-generated groups, this number is equal to the number of chains s1, . . . , siof simples in
the dual monoid where sjdivides sj+1. For these groups, it is also equal to Qj(ih +dj)/dj
where the product runs over the reflection degrees of W, and where his the Coxeter number
of W. For non-well generated groups, the definition is in [GG12].
gap> Catalan(ComplexReflectionGroup(7),2);
Catalan( W,q), resp. Catalan( W,i,q)
where qis a variable (an indeterminate or an Mvp) returns the q-Catalan number (resp. the
i-th q-Fuss Catalan number) of W. Again the definitions in general are in [GG12].
gap> Catalan(ComplexReflectionGroup(7),2,x);
Chapter 85
Root systems and finite Coxeter
In this chapter we describe functions for dealing with finite Coxeter groups as permutation
groups of root systems. A suitable reference for the general theory is, for example, the
volume of Bourbaki [Bou68]. Finite Coxeter groups coincide with finite real reflection groups.
If a finite Coxeter group can be defined over the rational numbers (it is a rational reflection
group), it is called a Weyl group.
Root systems play an important role in mathematics; they classify semi-simple Lie algebras
and algebraic groups. A root system is a set of roots defining reflections (see the chapter
on finite reflection groups) generating the Weyl group. We treat at the same time other
finite Coxeter groups by using a generalization of root systems to the non-crystallographic
(non-rational) case.
We give now the definitions. Let Vbe a real vector space, Vits dual and let ( ,) be the
natural pairing between Vand V. A root system in Vis a finite set of vectors R(the
roots), together with a map r7→ rfrom Rto a subset Rof V(the coroots) such that:
For any rR, we have (r, r) = 2 and the reflection VV:x7→ x(r, x)rwith root r
and coroot rstabilizes R. If Rdoes not span Vwe also have to impose the condition that
the dual reflection VV:y7→ y(y, r)rstabilizes R. Note (r, r) = 2 is equivalent
to the condition that we have true reflections (of order 2).
We will only consider reduced root systems, i.e., such that the only elements of Rcolinear
with a root rare rand r.
A root system Ris called crystallographic if (r, s) is an integer, for any sR, rR
— these are the root systems considered by Bourbaki.
The dimension of the subspace VRof Vspanned by Rwill be called the semi-simple rank
of R.
The subgroup W=W(R) of GL(V) generated by the Reflection(r,r)is a finite Coxeter
group (see chapter 83 — we describe explicitly below how to obtain the Coxeter generators
from the root system). If the root system is crystallographic, the representation Vof W
is defined over the rational numbers, thus Wis a Weyl group, in which case all finite-
dimensional (complex) representations of Wcan be realized over the rational numbers.
Weyl groups are characterized amongst finite Coxeter groups by the fact that all numbers
m(i, j) in the Coxeter matrix are in {2,3,4,6}.
If we identify Vwith Vby choosing a W-invariant bilinear form ( ; ), then we have r=
2r/(r;r). A root system Ris irreducible if it is not the union of two orthogonal subsets.
If Ris reducible then the corresponding Coxeter group is the direct product of the Coxeter
groups associated with the irreducible components of R. The irreducible crystallographic
root systems are classified by the following list of Dynkin diagrams. We show the labeling
of the nodes given by the function CartanMat described below.
1 2 3 n 1 2 3 n
A_n o---o---o-- . . . --o B_n o=<=o---o-- . . . --o
1 o
\ 4 n 1 2 3 n
D_n 3 o---o--- . . . --o C_n o=>=o---o-- . . . --o
2 o
12 1234 13456
G_2 0->-0 F_4 o---o=>=o---o E_6 o---o---o---o---o
6 |
o 2
134567 1345678
E_7 o---o---o---o---o---o E_8 o---o---o---o---o---o---o
| |
o 2 o 2
These diagrams encode the presentation of the Coxeter group Was follows: the vertices
represent the set Sof generating reflections; an edge is drawn between sand tif the order
m(s, t) of st is greater than 2; the edge is single if m(s, t) = 3, double if m(s, t) = 4, triple if
m(s, t) = 6. The arrows indicate the relative root lengths when Whas more than one orbit
on R, as explained below; we get the Coxeter Diagram, which describes the underlying
Weyl group, if we ignore the arrows:we see that the root systems Bnand Cncorrespond to
the same Coxeter group.
To complete the classification of finite Coxeter groups, we need to add the following Coxeter
12 123 1234
I_2(m) o---o H_3 o---o---o H_4 o---o---o---o
m 5 5
where a single edge has the value m(s, t) written above if m(s, t)6∈ {2,3,4,6}. These
correspond to non-crystallographic groups, excepted for the special cases I2(3) = A2,I2(4) =
B2and I2(6) = G2.
Let us now describe how the root systems are encoded in these diagrams. Let Rbe a root
system in V. Then we can choose a linear form on Vwhich vanishes on no element of R.
According to the sign of the value of this linear form on a root rRwe call rpositive
or negative. Then there exists a unique subset of the set of positive roots, called the
set of simple roots, such that any positive root is a linear combination with non-negative
coefficients of simple roots. It can be shown that any two sets of simple roots, corresponding
to different choices of linear forms, can be transformed into each other by a unique element
of W(R). Hence, since the pairing between Vand Vis W-invariant, if {r1, . . . , rn}is a
set of simple roots and if we define the Cartan matrix as being the ntimes nmatrix
i(rj)}ij , this matrix is unique up to simultaneous permutation of rows and columns.
It is this matrix which is encoded in a Dynkin diagram, as follows.
The indices for the rows of Clabel the nodes of the diagram. The edges, for i6=j, are given
as follows. If Cij and Cji are integers such that |Cij | ≥ |Cji|the vertices are connected by
|Cij |lines, and if |Cij |>1 then we put an additional arrow on the lines pointing towards
the node with label i. In all other cases, we simply put a single line equipped with the
unique integer pij 1 such that Cij Cji = cos2(π/pij ).
It is important to note that, conversely, the whole root system can be recovered from the
simple roots:the set Sof reflections in W(R) corresponding to the simple roots are called
simple reflections. They are precisely the generators corresponding to the vertices of the
Coxeter diagram. Each root is in the orbit of a simple root, so that Ris obtained as the
orbit of the simple roots under the group generated by the simple reflections. The restriction
of the simple reflections to VRis determined by the Cartan matrix, so Ris determined by
the Cartan matrix and the set of simple roots.
The Cartan matrix corresponding to one of the above irreducible root systems (with the
specified labeling) is returned by the command CartanMat which takes as input a string
giving the type (e.g., "A","B",. . .,"I") and a positive integer giving the rank. For type
I2(m), we give as a third argument the integer m. This function returns a matrix (that is in
GAP3, a list of lists) with entries in Zor in a cyclotomic extension of the rationals. Given
two Cartan matrices, their matrix direct sum, corresponding to the orthogonal direct sum
of the root systems, ) can be produced by the function DiagonalMat.
The function CoxeterGroup takes as input some data which determine the roots and the
coroots and produces a GAP3 permutation group record, where the Coxeter group is repre-
sented by its faithful permutation action on the root system R, with additional components
holding information about Rand the additional components which makes it also a Coxeter
group record. If we label the positive roots by [1 .. N], and the negative roots by [N+1
.. 2*N], then each simple reflection is represented by the permutation of [ 1 .. 2*N ]
which it induces on the roots.
The function CoxeterGroup has several forms; in one of them, the argument is the Cartan
matrix of the root system This constructs a root system where the simple roots are the
canonical basis of V, and the matrix of the coroots expressed in the dual basis of Vis then
equal to the Cartan matrix.
If one only wants to work with Cartan matrices with a labeling as specified by the above
list, the function call can be simplified. Instead of CoxeterGroup( CartanMat("D", 4 ) )
the following is also possible.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ); # Coxeter group of type D4
gap> PrintArray(CartanMat(W));
[[ 2, 0, -1, 0],
[ 0, 2, -1, 0],
[-1, -1, 2, -1],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2]]
Also, the Coxeter group record associated to a direct sum of irreducible root systems with the
above standard labeling can be obtained by listing the types of the irreducible components:
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 2, "B", 2 );;
gap> PrintArray(CartanMat(W));
[[ 2, -1, 0, 0],
[-1, 2, 0, 0],
[ 0, 0, 2, -2],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2]]
The same record is constructed by applying CoxeterGroup to the matrix CartanMat("A",2,"B",2)
or to DiagonalMat(CartanMat("A",2), CartanMat("B",2)), or even by calling CoxeterGroup("A",2)*CoxeterGroup("B",2)
The following sections give more details on how to work with the elements of Wand different
representations for them (permutations, reduced expressions, matrices).
85.1 CartanMat for Dynkin types
CartanMat( type,n)
returns the Cartan matrix of Dynkin type type and rank n. Admissible types are the strings
gap> C := CartanMat( "F", 4 );;
gap> PrintArray( C );
[[ 2, -1, 0, 0],
[-1, 2, -1, 0],
[ 0, -2, 2, -1],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2]]
For type I2(m), which is in fact an infinity of types depending on the number m, a third
argument is needed specifying the integer mso the syntax is in fact CartanMat( "I", 2,
gap> CartanMat( "I", 2, 5 );
[ [ 2, E(5)^2+E(5)^3 ], [ E(5)^2+E(5)^3, 2 ] ]
The types like "Bsym" specify (non crystallographic) root systems where all roots have the
same length, which is necessary for some automorphisms to exist, like the outer automor-
phism of B2which exchanges the two generating reflections:
gap> CartanMat("Bsym",2);
[ [ 2, -E(8)+E(8)^3 ], [ -E(8)+E(8)^3, 2 ] ]
Finally, for irreducible root systems which have two root lengths, the forms like "B?" allow
to specify arbitrary root systems (up to a scalar) by giving explicitly as a third argument
the coefficient by which to multiply the second conjugacy class of roots compared to the
default Cartan matrix for that type.
gap> CartanMat("B?",2,1); # the same as C2
CartanMat( type1 ,n1 , ... , typek,nk )
returns the direct sum of CartanMat( type1 ,n1 ),. . .,CartanMat( typek ,nk ). One
can use as argument a computed list of types by ApplyFunc( CartanMat, [ type1 ,n1 ,
... , typek,nk ] ).
85.2 CoxeterGroup
CoxeterGroup( C)
CoxeterGroup( type1 ,n1 , ... , typek,nk )
CoxeterGroup( rec )
This function returns a permutation group record containing the basic information about
the Coxeter group and the root system determined by its arguments. In the first form the
canonical basis of a real vector space Vof dimension Length(C)is taken as simple roots,
and the lines of the matrix Cexpress the set of coroots in the dual basis of V. The matrix
Cmust be a valid Cartan matrix (see 82.3). The length of Cis called the semisimple
rank of the Coxeter datum. This function creates a semisimple root system, where the
length of Cis also equal to the dimension of V, called the rank. The function 88.1 can
create a Coxeter group record where the rank is not equal to the semisimple rank.
The second form is equivalent to
CoxeterGroup(CartanMat(type1 ,n1 , ..., typek ,nk)).
The resulting record, that we will call a Coxeter datum, has additional entries describing
various information on the root system and Coxeter group that we describe below.
The last form takes as an argument a record which has a field coxeter and returns the
value of this field. This is used to return the Coxeter group of objects derived from Coxeter
groups, such as Coxeter cosets, Hecke algebras and braid elements.
We document the following entries in a Coxeter datum record which are guaranteed to
remain present in future versions of the package. Other undocumented entries should not
be relied upon, they may change without notice.
the Cartan matrix C
the root vectors, given as linear combinations of simple roots. The first Nroots
are positive, the next Nare the corresponding negative roots. Moreover, the first
SemisimpleRank(W) roots are the simple roots. The positive roots are ordered by
increasing height.
the same information for the coroots. The coroot corresponding to a given root is in
the same relative position in the list of coroots as the root in the list of roots.
the number of positive roots
the vector of length of roots the simple roots. The shortest roots in an irreducible
subsystem are given the length 1. The others then have length 2 (or 3 in type G2). The
matrix of the W-invariant bilinear form is given by List([1..SemisimpleRank(W)],
this is a list of same length as roots, which for each root, gives the smallest index of
a root in the same W-orbit.
a list of same length as roots, which for the i-th root, gives an element wof Wof
minimal length such that i=orbitRepresentative[i]^w.
the matrices (in row convention — that is the matrices operate from the right) of
the simple reflections of the Coxeter group.
the generators as permutations of the root vectors. They are given in the same order
as the first SemisimpleRank(W) roots.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 4 );;
gap> PrintArray( W.cartan );
[[ 2, -1, 0, 0],
[-1, 2, -1, 0],
[ 0, -1, 2, -1],
[ 0, 0, -1, 2]]
gap> W.matgens;
gap> W.roots;
[ 0, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1 ], [ -1, -1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, -1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1, -1 ] ]
85.3 Operations and functions for finite Coxeter groups
All permutation group operations are defined on Coxeter groups, as well as all functions
defined for finite reflection groups. However, the following operations and functions have
been specially written to take advantage of the particular structure of real reflection groups:
Two Coxeter data are equal if they are equal as permutation groups and the fields
simpleRoots and simpleCoroots agree (independently of the value of any other
bound fields).
prints a Coxeter group in a form that can be input back in GAP3 as a Coxeter group.
uses the classification of Coxeter groups to work faster (specifically, uses the function
returns the set of elements. They are computed using 83.19. (Note that in an earlier
version of the package the elements were sorted by length. You can get such a list by
Concatenation( List( [1..W.N], i -> CoxeterElements(W, i))))
Uses classification of Coxeter groups to work faster, and the resulting list is given in
the same order as the result of ChevieClassInfo (see 87.1). Each Representative
given by CHEVIE has the property that it is of minimal Coxeter length in its conjugacy
class and is a ”good”element in the sense of [GM97].
Uses the classification of Coxeter groups to work faster, and the result has better
labeling than the default (see 87).
Use the classification of Coxeter groups to work faster.
Returns the p-modular decomposition matrix for Weyl groups which have no compo-
nent of type D.
Similarly, all functions for abstract Coxeter groups are available for finite Coxeter groups.
However a few of them are implemented by more efficient methods. For instance, an ef-
ficient way of coding IsLeftDescending(W,w,s) is s^w>W.N (for reflection subgroups this
has to be changed slightly:elements are represented as permutations of the roots of the
parent group, so one needs to write s^w>W.parentN, or W.rootRestriction[s^w]>W.N).
The functions CoxeterWord,CoxeterLength,ReducedCoxeterWord,IsLeftDescending,
FirstLeftDescending,LeftDescentSet and RightDescentSet also have a special imple-
mentation. Finally, some functions for finite reflection groups which are implemented by
more efficient methods, are ReflectionType,ReflectionName,MatXPerm,Reflections,
Prints the Dynkin diagram of the root system (a more specific information that the
Coxeter diagram, since it includes an indication of the relative root lengths).
gap> t := ReflectionType( C );
[ rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 1, 3 ]), rec(rank := 1,
series := "A",
indices := [ 2 ]) ]
gap> PrintDiagram( t );
A1 2
gap> PrintDiagram( CoxeterGroup( "C", 3) );
85.4 HighestShortRoot
HighestShortRoot( W)
Let Wbe an irreducible Coxeter group. HighestShortRoot computes the unique short root
of maximal height of W. Note that if all roots have the same length then this is the unique
root of maximal height, which can also be obtained by W.roots[W.N]. An error message is
returned for Wnot irreducible.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );; W.roots;
[ -1, 0 ], [ 0, -1 ], [ -1, -1 ], [ -1, -2 ], [ -1, -3 ],
[ -2, -3 ] ]
gap> HighestShortRoot( W );
gap> W1 := CoxeterGroup( "A", 1, "B", 3 );;
gap> HighestShortRoot( W1 );
Error, CoxeterGroup("A",1,"B",3) should be irreducible
HighestShortRoot( W1 ) called from
main loop
85.5 BadPrimes
BadPrimes( W)
BadPrimes( R)
Let Wbe a Weyl group. A prime is bad for Wif it divides a coefficient on the simple roots
of some root. The function BadPrimes returns the list of prime which are bad for W.
Alternately the argument can be a set of integer vectors and then the function returns all
prime numbers which divide one of their coefficients.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);
gap> BadPrimes(W);
gap> BadPrimes(W.roots{[1..50]});
85.6 PermMatY
PermMatY( W,M)
Let Mbe a linear transformation of the vector space Von which the Coxeter datum W
acts which preserves the set of coroots. PermMatY returns the corresponding permutation
of the coroots; it signals an error if Mdoes not normalize the set of coroots.
gap> W:=ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",7),[1..6]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",7), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ])
gap> w0:=LongestCoxeterElement(W);;
85.7. INVERSIONS 1599
gap> my:=MatYPerm(W,w0);;
gap> PermMatY( W, my ) = w0;
85.7 Inversions
Inversions( W,w)Returns the inversions of the element wof the finite Coxeter group
W, that is, the list of the indices of roots of the parent of Wsent by wto negative roots.
The element wcan also be given as a word s1. . . sn, in which case the function returns
inversions in the order of the roots of the reflections s1, s1s2s1, . . . , s1s2. . . snsn1. . . s1.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> Inversions(W,W.1^W.2);
gap> Inversions(W,[1,2,1]);
85.8 ElementWithInversions
ElementWithInversions( W,N)
Wshould be a finite Coxeter group and Na subset of [1..W.N]. Returns the element wof
Wsuch that Nis the list of indices of positive roots which are sent to negative roots by w.
Returns false if no such element exists.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);
gap> List(Combinations([1..W.N]),N->ElementWithInversions(W,N));
[ (), (1,4)(2,3)(5,6), false, (1,5)(2,4)(3,6), (1,6,2)(3,5,4),
(1,3)(2,5)(4,6), (1,2,6)(3,4,5), false ]
85.9 DescribeInvolution
DescribeInvolution( W,w)
Given an involution wof a Coxeter group W, by a theorem of Richardson ([Ric82]) there
is a unique parabolic subgroup Pof Wsuch that that wis the longest element of P, and is
central in P.DescribeInvolution returns Isuch that P=ReflectionSubgroup(W,I), so
that w=LongestCoxeterElement(ReflectionSubgroup(W,I)).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);
gap> w:=LongestCoxeterElement(W);
gap> DescribeInvolution(W,w);
gap> w=LongestCoxeterElement(ReflectionSubgroup(W,[3]));
85.10 ParabolicSubgroups
ParabolicSubgroups( W)
returns the list of all parabolic subgroups of W. These are the conjugates of the groups
returned by ParabolicRepresentatives(W); they are also in bijection with the flats of
the hyperplane arrangement defined by W. To save memory, the list is given as a list
of generating reflections for each group. For each element Iof this list, one has to call
ReflectionSubgroup(W,I) to actually get the corresponding group.
gap> ParabolicSubgroups(CoxeterGroup("A",3));
[[ ],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[1,2],[1,5],
85.11 ExtendedReflectionGroup
ExtendedReflectionGroup( W,M)
This function creates an extended reflection group, which is represented as an object with
two field, one recording a reflection group Won a vector space V, and the other a subgroup
Mof the linear group of Vwhich normalizes W. Actually Mshould normalize the set of
roots of W. If Wis semisimple, that is Rank(W)=SemisimpleRank(W), then one can give
Mas a group of permutations (of the roots of W), otherwise one must give Mas a matrix
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("F",4);
gap> D4:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1,2,9,16]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ])
gap> t:=ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives(W,D4){[3,4]};
[ ( 2, 9)( 3,27)( 4, 7)( 5,11)(10,13)(12,15)(17,19)(20,22)(26,33)
( 2, 9,16)( 3, 4,31)( 5,11,18)( 6,13,10)( 7,27,28)( 8,15,12)
(38,46,44)(41,43,45) ]
gap> ExtendedReflectionGroup(D4,Group(t,()));
Chapter 86
Algebraic groups and
semi-simple elements
Let us fix an algebraically closed field Kand let Gbe a connected reductive algebraic group
over K. Let Tbe a maximal torus of G, let X(T) be the character group of T(resp. Y(T)
the dual lattice of one-parameter subgroups of T) and Φ (resp Φ) the roots (resp. coroots)
of Gwith respect to T.
Then Gis determined up to isomorphism by the root datum (X(T),Φ, Y (T),Φ). In
algebraic terms, this consists in giving a free Z-lattice X=X(T) of dimension the rank of
T(which is also called the rank of G), and a root system Φ X, and giving similarly the
dual roots ΦY=Y(T).
This is obtained by a slight generalization of our setup for a Coxeter group W. This
time we assume the canonical basis of the vector space Von which Wacts is a Z-basis
of X, and Φ is specified by a matrix W.simpleRoots whose lines are the simple roots
expressed in this basis of X. Similarly Φis described by a matrix W.simpleCoroots
whose lines are the simple coroots in the basis of Ydual to the chosen basis of X. The
duality pairing between Xand Yis the canonical one, that is the pairing between vec-
tors xXand yYis given in GAP3 by x*y. Thus, we must have the relation
We get that in CHEVIE by a new form of the function CoxeterGroup, where the arguments
are the two matrices W.simpleRoots and W.simpleCoroots described above. The roots
need not generate V, so the matrices need not be square. For instance, the root datum of
the linear group of rank 3 can be specified as:
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( [ [ -1, 1, 0], [ 0, -1, 1 ] ],
> [ [ -1, 1, 0], [ 0, -1, 1 ] ] );
gap> MatXPerm( W, W.1);
here the symmetric group on 3 letters acts by permutation of the basis of X. The dimension
of X(the length of the vectors in .simpleRoots) is the rank and the dimension of the
subspace generated by the roots (the length of .simpleroots) is called the semi-simple
rank. In the example the rank is 3 and the semisimple rank is 2.
The default form W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2) defines the adjoint algebraic group (the group
with a trivial center). In that case Φ is a basis of X, so W.simpleRoots is the identity
matrix and W.simpleCoroots is the Cartan matrix CartanMat(W) of the root system. The
form CoxeterGroup("A",2,"sc") constructs the semisimple simply connected algebraic
group, where W.simpleRoots is the transposed of CartanMat(W) and W.simpleCoroots is
the identity matrix.
There is an extreme form of root data which requires another function to specify:when W
is the trivial CoxeterGroup() and there are thus no roots (in this case Gis a torus), the
root datum cannot be determined by the roots, but is entirely determined by the rank r.
The function Torus(r)constructs such a root datum.
Finally, there is also a function RootDatum which understands some familiar names for the
algebraic groups and gives the results that could be obtained by giving the appropriate
matrices W.simpleRoots and W.simpleCoroots:
gap> RootDatum("gl",3); # same as the previous example
Semisimple elements
It is also possible to compute with semi-simple elements. The first type are finite order
elements of T, which over an algebraically closed field Kare in bijection with elements of
YQ/Zwhose denominator is prime to the characteristic of K. These are represented as
elements of a vector space of rank rover Q, taken Mod1 whenever the need arises, where
Mod1 is the function which replaces the numerator of a fraction with the numerator mod
the denominator; the fraction p
qrepresents a primitive q-th root of unity raised to the p-
th power. In this representation, multiplication of roots of unity becomes addition Mod1
of rationals and raising to the power nbecomes multiplication by n. We call this the
“additive”representation of semisimple elements.
Here is an example of computations with semisimple-elements given as list of relements of
gap> G:=RootDatum("sl",4);
gap> L:=ReflectionSubgroup(G,[1,3]);
ReflectionSubgroup(RootDatum("sl",4), [ 1, 3 ])
gap> AlgebraicCentre(L);
Z0 :=
SubTorus(ReflectionSubgroup(RootDatum("sl",4), [ 1, 3 ]),[ [ 1, 2, \
1 ] ]),
AZ := Group( <0,0,1/2> ),
descAZ := [ [ 1, 2 ] ] )
gap> SemisimpleSubgroup(last.Z0,3);
Group( <1/3,2/3,1/3> )
gap> e:=Elements(last);
[ <0,0,0>, <1/3,2/3,1/3>, <2/3,1/3,2/3> ]
First, the group G=SL4is constructed, then the Levi subgroup Lconsisting of block-
diagonal matrices of shape 2×2. The function AlgebraicCentre returns a record with : the
neutral component Z0of the centre Zof L, represented by a basis of Y(Z0), a complement
subtorus Sof Tto Z0represented similarly by a basis of Y(S), and semi-simple elements
representing the classes of Zmodulo Z0, chosen in S. The classes Z/Z0also biject to the
fundamental group as given by the field .descAZ, see 86.12 for an explanation. Finally the
semi-simple elements of order 3 in Z0are computed.
gap> e[2]^G.2;
gap> Orbit(G,e[2]);
[ <1/3,2/3,1/3>, <1/3,0,1/3>, <2/3,0,1/3>, <1/3,0,2/3>, <2/3,0,2/3>,
<2/3,1/3,2/3> ]
Since over an algebraically closed field Kthe points of Tare in bijection with YK×it is
also possible to represent any point of Tover Kas a list of rnon-zero elements of K. This
is the “multiplicative”representation of semisimple elements. here is the same computation
as above performed with semisimple elements whose coefficients are in the finite field GF(4):
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,List([1,2,1],i->Z(4)^i));
gap> s^G.2;
gap> Orbit(G,s);
[ <Z(2^2),Z(2^2)^2,Z(2^2)>, <Z(2^2),Z(2)^0,Z(2^2)>,
<Z(2^2)^2,Z(2)^0,Z(2^2)>, <Z(2^2),Z(2)^0,Z(2^2)^2>,
<Z(2^2)^2,Z(2)^0,Z(2^2)^2>, <Z(2^2)^2,Z(2^2),Z(2^2)^2> ]
We can compute the centralizer CG(s) of a semisimple element in G:
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);
gap> Centralizer(G,s);
The result is an extended reflection group; the reflection group part is the Weyl group of
G(s) and the extended part are representatives of CG(s) modulo C0
G(s) taken as diagram
automorphisms of the reflection part. Here is is printed as a coset C0
G(s)φwhich generates
86.1 CoxeterGroup (extended form)
CoxeterGroup( simpleRoots,simpleCoroots )
CoxeterGroup( C[, "sc"] )
CoxeterGroup( type1 ,n1 , ... , typek,nk[, "sc"] )
The above are extended forms of the function CoxeterGroup allowing to specify more gen-
eral root data. In the first form a set of roots is given explicitly as the lines of the ma-
trix simpleRoots, representing vectors in a vector space V, as well as a set of coroots as
the lines of the matrix simpleCoroots expressed in the dual basis of V. The product
C=simpleCoroots*TransposedMat(simpleRoots)must be a valid Cartan matrix. The di-
mension of Vcan be greater than Length(C). The length of Cis called the semisimple
rank of the Coxeter datum, while the dimension of Vis called its rank.
In the second form Cis a Cartan matrix, and the call CoxeterGroup(C)is equivalent to
CoxeterGroup(IdentityMat(Length(C)),C). When the optional "sc" argument is given
the situation is reversed: the simple coroots are given by the identity matrix, and the simple
roots by the transposed of C(this corresponds to the embedding of the root system in the
lattice of characters of a maximal torus in a simply connected algebraic group).
The argument "sc" can also be given in the third form with the same effect.
The following fields in a Coxeter group record complete the description of the corresponding
root datum:
the matrix of simple roots
the matrix of simple coroots
the matrices (in row convention — that is, the matrices operate from the right) of
the simple reflections of the Coxeter group.
86.2 RootDatum
This function returns the root datum for the algebraic group described by type and rank.
The types understood as of now are:"gl","sl","pgl","sp","so","psp","pso","halfspin",
"spin","F4" and "G2".
gap> RootDatum("spin",8);# same as CoxeterGroup(”D”,4,”sc”)
86.3 Dual for root Data
This function returns the dual root datum of the root datum W, describing the Langlands
dual algebraic group. The fields .simpleRoots and .simpleCoroots are swapped in the
dual compared to W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",3);
gap> Dual(W);
86.4 Torus
This function returns the CHEVIE object corresponding to the notion of a torus of dimension
rank, a Coxeter group of semisimple rank 0 and given rank. This corresponds to a split
torus; the extension to Coxeter cosets is more useful (see 96.10).
gap> Torus(3);
gap> ReflectionName(last);
86.5 FundamentalGroup for algebraic groups
This function returns the fundamental group of the algebraic group defined by the Cox-
eter group record W. This group is returned as a group of diagram automorphisms of the
corresponding affine Weyl group, that is as a group of permutations of the set of simple
roots enriched by the lowest root of each irreducible component. The definition we take of
the fundamental group of a (not necessarily semisimple) reductive group is (PY(T))/Q
where Pis the coweight lattice (the dual lattice in Y(T)Qof the root lattice) and Qis
the coroot latice. The bijection between elements of P/Q and diagram automorphisms is
expained in the context of non-irreducible groups for example in [Bon05, §3.B].
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> FundamentalGroup(W);
Group( ( 1, 2, 3,12) )
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc");
gap> FundamentalGroup(W);
Group( () )
86.6 IntermediateGroup
This computes a Weyl group record representing a semisimple algebraic group intermediate
between the adjoint group — obtained by a call like CoxeterGroup("A",3)— and the simply
connected semi-simple group — obtained by a call like CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc"). The
group is specified by specifying a subset of the minuscule weights, which are weights whose
scalar product with every coroot is in 1,0,1 (the weights are the elements of the weight
lattice, the lattice in X(T)Qdual to the coroot lattice). The non-trivial characters of the
(algebraic) center of a semi-simple simply connected algebraic group are in bijection with
the minuscule weights; this set is also in bijection with P/Q where Pis the weight lattice
and Qis the root lattice. If Wis irreducible, the minuscule weights are part of the basis of
the weight lattice given by the fundamental weights, which is the dual basis of the simple
coroots. They can thus be specified by an index in the Dynkin diagram (see 84.17). The
constructed group has lattice X(T) generated by the sum of the root lattice and the weights
with the given indices. If Wis not irreducible, a minuscule weight is a sum of minuscule
weights in different components. An element of indices is thus itself a list, interpreted as
representing the sum of the corresponding weights.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
gap> IntermediateGroup(W,[]); # adjoint
gap> FundamentalGroup(last);
Group( ( 1, 2, 3,12) )
gap> IntermediateGroup(W,[2]);# intermediate
gap> FundamentalGroup(last);
Group( ( 1, 3)( 2,12) )
86.7 SemisimpleElement
Wshould be a root datum, given as a Coxeter group record for a Weyl group, and va list
of length W.rank. The result is a semisimple element record, which has the fields:
.v the given list, taken Mod1 if its elements are rationals.
.group the parent of the group W.
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);
If all elements of vare rational numbers, they are converted by Mod1 to fractions between
0 and 1 representing roots of unity, and these roots of unity are multiplied by adding Mod1
the fractions. In this way any semisimple element of finite order can be represented.
If the entries are not rational numbers, they are assumed to represent elements of a field
which are multiplied or added normally. To explicitly control if the entries are to be treated
additively or not, a third argument can be given:if true the entries are treated additively, or
not if false. For entries to be treated additively, they must belong to a domain for which
the method Mod1 had been defined.
86.8 Operations for semisimple elements
The arithmetic operations *,/and ^work for semisimple elements. They also have Print
and String methods. We first give an element with elements of Q/Zrepresenting roots of
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);
gap> t:=SemisimpleElement(G,[1/2,1/3,1/7]);
gap> s*t;
gap> t^3;
gap> t^-1;
gap> t^0;
gap> String(t);
then a similar example with elements of GF(5)
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,Z(5)*[1,2,1]);
gap> t:=SemisimpleElement(G,Z(5)*[2,3,4]);
gap> s*t;
gap> t^3;
gap> t^-1;
gap> t^0;
gap> String(t);
The operation ^also works for applying an element of its defining Weyl group to a semisimple
element, which allows orbit computations:
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);
gap> s^G.2;
gap> Orbit(G,s);
[ <0,1/2,0>, <1/2,1/2,1/2>, <1/2,0,1/2> ]
The operation ^also works for applying a root to a semisimple element:
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);
gap> s^G.roots[4];
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,Z(5)*[1,1,1]);
gap> s^G.roots[4];
Frobenius( WF )
If WF is a Coxeter coset associated to the Coxeter group W, the function Frobenius
returns the associated automorphism which can be applied to semisimple elements,
see 96.7.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);;WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4));;
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(W,[1/2,0,0,0]);
gap> F:=Frobenius(WF);
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> F(s);
gap> F(s,-1);
86.9 Centralizer for semisimple elements
Centralizer( W,s)
Wshould be a Weyl group record or and extended reflection group and sa semisimple
element for W. This function returns the stabilizer of the semisimple element sin W,
which describes also CG(s), if Gis the algebraic group described by W. The stabilizer is an
extended reflection group, with the reflection group part equal to the Weyl group of C0
and the diagram automorphism part being those induced by CG(s)/C0
G(s) on C0
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);
gap> Centralizer(G,s);
86.10 SubTorus
The function returns the subtorus Sof the maximal torus Tof the reductive group repre-
sented by the Weyl group record Wsuch that Y(S) is the (pure) sublattice of Y(T) gener-
ated by the (integral) vectors Y. A basis of Y(S) adapted to Y(T) is computed and stored in
the field S.generators of the returned subtorus object. Here, adapted means that there is a
set of integral vectors, stored in S.complement, such that M:=Concatenation(S.generators,S.complement)
is a basis of Y(T) (equivalently MGL(Zrank(W)). An error is raised if Ydoes not define
a pure sublattice.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",4);;
gap> SubTorus(W,[[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,1],[3,4,1,2]]);
Error, not a pure sublattice in
SubTorus( W, [ [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], [ 2, 3, 4, 1 ], [ 3, 4, 1, 2 ] ]
) called from
main loop
gap> SubTorus(W,[[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,1],[3,4,1,1]]);
SubTorus(CoxeterGroup("A",4),[ [ 1, 0, 3, -13 ], [ 0, 1, 2, 7 ], [ 0,
0, 4, -3 ] ])
86.11 Operations for Subtori
The operation in can test if a semisimple element belongs to a subtorus:
gap> W:=RootDatum("gl",4);;
gap> r:=AlgebraicCentre(W);
Z0 := SubTorus(RootDatum("gl",4),[ [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ]),
AZ := Group( <0,0,0,0> ),
descAZ := [ [ 1 ] ] )
gap> SemisimpleElement(W,[1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4]) in r.Z0;
The operation Rank gives the rank of the subtorus:
gap> Rank(r.Z0);
86.12 AlgebraicCentre
AlgebraicCentre( W)
Wshould be a Weyl group record, or an extended Weyl group record. This function
returns a description of the centre Zof the algebraic group defined by Was a record with
the following fields:
Z0 the neutral component Z0of Zas a subtorus of T.
AZ representatives of A(Z) := Z/Z0given as a group of semisimple elements.
descAZ if Wis not an extended Weyl group, describes the inclusion of A(Z) in the
center pi of the corresponding simply connected group. It contains a list elements
given as words in the generators of pi which generate A(Z).
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc");;
gap> L:=ReflectionSubgroup(G,[1,3]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc"), [ 1, 3 ])
gap> AlgebraicCentre(L);
Z0 :=
SubTorus(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc"), [ 1, 3 ]),[ [\
1, 2, 1 ] ]),
AZ := Group( <0,0,1/2> ),
descAZ := [ [ 1, 2 ] ] )
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(G,[0,1/2,0]);;
gap> Centralizer(G,s);
gap> AlgebraicCentre(last);
Z0 := SubTorus(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3), [ 1, 3 ]),),
AZ := Group( <0,1/2,0> ) )
Note that in versions of CHEVIE prior to april 2017, the field Z0 was not a subtorus but what
is now Z0.generators, and there was a field complement which is now Z0.complement.
86.13 SemisimpleSubgroup
SemisimpleSubgroup( S,n)
This function returns the subgroup of semi-simple elements of order dividing nin the
subtorus S.
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc");;
gap> L:=ReflectionSubgroup(G,[1,3]);;
gap> z:=AlgebraicCentre(L);;
gap> z.Z0;
SubTorus(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc"), [ 1, 3 ]),[ [ 1,\
2, 1 ] ])
gap> SemisimpleSubgroup(z.Z0,3);
Group( <1/3,2/3,1/3> )
gap> Elements(last);
[ <0,0,0>, <1/3,2/3,1/3>, <2/3,1/3,2/3> ]
86.14 IsIsolated
sshould be a semi-simple element for the algebraic group Gspecified by the Weyl group
record W. A semisimple element sof an algebraic group Gis isolated if the connected
component C0
G(s) does not lie in a proper parabolic subgroup of G. This function tests this
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);;
gap> QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(W);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/3,0,0>, <0,1/6,1/6,0,1/6,0>,
<0,1/2,0,0,0,0>, <1/3,0,0,0,0,1/3> ]
gap> Filtered(last,x->IsIsolated(W,x));
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/3,0,0>, <0,1/2,0,0,0,0> ]
86.15 IsQuasiIsolated
sshould be a semi-simple element for the algebraic group Gspecified by the Weyl group
record W. A semisimple element sof an algebraic group Gis quasi-isolated if CG(s) does
not lie in a proper parabolic subgroup of G. This function tests this condition.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);;
gap> QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(W);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/3,0,0>, <0,1/6,1/6,0,1/6,0>,
<0,1/2,0,0,0,0>, <1/3,0,0,0,0,1/3> ]
gap> Filtered(last,x->IsQuasiIsolated(ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1,3,5,6]),x));
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/3,0,0>, <0,1/2,0,0,0,0> ]
86.16 QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives
Wshould be a Weyl group record corresponding to an algebraic group G. This function
returns a list of semisimple elements for G, which are representatives of the G-orbits of quasi-
isolated semisimple elements. It follows the algorithm given by C. Bonnaf´e in [Bon05]. If a
second argument pis given, it gives representatives of those quasi-isolated elements which
exist in characteristic p.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);;QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(W);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/3,0,0>, <0,1/6,1/6,0,1/6,0>,
<0,1/2,0,0,0,0>, <1/3,0,0,0,0,1/3> ]
gap> List(last,x->IsIsolated(W,x));
[ true, true, false, true, false ]
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6,"sc");;QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(W);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <1/3,0,2/3,0,1/3,2/3>, <1/2,0,0,1/2,0,1/2>,
<2/3,0,1/3,0,1/3,2/3>, <2/3,0,1/3,0,2/3,1/3>, <2/3,0,1/3,0,2/3,5/6>,
<5/6,0,2/3,0,1/3,2/3> ]
gap> List(last,x->IsIsolated(W,x));
[ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ]
gap> QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(W,3);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <1/2,0,0,1/2,0,1/2> ]
86.17 SemisimpleCentralizerRepresentatives
Wshould be a Weyl group record corresponding to an algebraic group G. This function
returns a list giving representatives Hof G-orbits of reductive subgroups of Gwhich can be
the identity component of the centralizer of a semisimple element. Each group His specified
by a list hof reflection indices in Wsuch that Hcorresponds to ReflectionSubgroup(W,h).
If a second argument pis given, only the list of the centralizers which occur in characteristic
pis returned.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> l:=SemisimpleCentralizerRepresentatives(W);
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,5],[2],[2,6]]
gap> List(last,h->ReflectionName(ReflectionSubgroup(W,h)));
[ "(q-1)^2", "A1.(q-1)", "G2", "A2<1,5>", "~A1<2>.(q-1)",
"~A1<2>xA1<6>" ]
gap> SemisimpleCentralizerRepresentatives(W,2);
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,5],[2]]
Chapter 87
Classes and representations for
reflection groups
The CharTable of a finite complex reflection group Wis computed in CHEVIE using the
decomposition of Win irreducible groups (see 84.3). For each irreducible group the character
table is either computed using recursive formulas for the infinite series, or read into the
system from a library file for the exceptional types. Thus, character tables can be obtained
quickly even for very large groups (e.g., E8). Similar remarks apply for conjugacy classes.
The conjugacy classes and irreducible characters of irreducible finite complex reflection
groups have canonical labelings by certain combinatorial objects; these labelings are used
in the tables of CHEVIE. For the classes, these are partitions or partition tuples for the in-
finite series, or, for exceptional Coxeter groups, Carter’s admissible diagrams [Car72a] (for
other primitive complex reflection groups we just use words in the generators to specify the
classes). For the characters, these are again partitions or partition tuples for the infinite se-
ries, and for the others they are pairs of two integers (d, e) where dis the degree of the charac-
ter and eis the smallest symmetric power of the reflection representation containing the given
character as a constituent (the b-invariant of the character). This information is obtained by
using the functions ChevieClassInfo and ChevieCharInfo (and some of it is also available
more directly via the functions CharParams,CharName,HighestPowerFakeDegrees). When
you display the character table in GAP3, the canonical labelings for classes and characters
are those displayed.
A typical example is CoxeterGroup("A",n), the symmetric group Sn+1 where classes and
characters are parameterized by partitions of n+ 1.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> Display( CharTable( W ));
1111 211 22 31 4
2P 1111 1111 1111 31 22
3P 1111 211 22 1111 4
1111 1 -1 1 1 -1
211 3 -1 -1 . 1
22 2 . 2 -1 .
31 3 1 -1 . -1
4 1 1 1 1 1
The charTable record (computed the first time the function CharTable is called) is a usual
character table record as defined in GAP3, but with some additional components. The com-
ponents classtext,classnames contain information as described for ChevieClassInfo (see
87.1). There is also a field irredinfo, which is a list of records for each irreducible char-
acter which have components charname and charparam as described for ChevieCharInfo
(see 87.5).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2);;
gap> ct := CharTable( W );
CharTable( "G2" )
gap> ct.classtext;
[[ ],[2],[1],[1,2],[1,2,1,2],[1,2,1,2,1,2]]
gap> ct.classnames;
[ "A0", "~A1", "A1", "G2", "A2", "A1+~A1" ]
gap> ct.irredinfo;
[ rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 0 ] ],
charname := "\\phi_{1,0}" ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 6 ] ],
charname := "\\phi_{1,6}" ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 3, 1 ] ],
charname := "\\phi_{1,3}’" ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 1, 3, 2 ] ],
charname := "\\phi_{1,3}’’" ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 2, 1 ] ],
charname := "\\phi_{2,1}" ), rec(
charparam := [ [ 2, 2 ] ],
charname := "\\phi_{2,2}" ) ]
Recall that our groups acts a reflection group on the vector space V, so have fake degrees
(see 87.7). The valuation and degree of these give two integers b, B for each irreducible
character of W(see 87.8 and 87.9). For finite Coxeter groups, the valuation and degree of
the generic degrees of the one-parameter generic Hecke algebra give two more integers a, A
(see the functions 87.11, 87.12, and [Car85, Ch.11] for more details). These will also be used
in the operations of truncated inductions explained in the chapter 88.
Iwahori-Hecke algebras and cyclotomic Hecke algebras also have character tables, see the
corresponding chapters.
We now describe for each type our conventions for labeling the classes and characters.
Type An(n0). In this case we have W
=Sn+1. The classes and characters are labeled
by partitions of n+1. The partition corresponding to a class describes the cycle type for the
elements in that class; the representative in .classtext is the concatenation of the words
corresponding to each part, and to a part iis associated the product of i1 consecutive
generators (starting one higher that the last generator used for the previous parts). The
partition corresponding to a character describes the type of the Young subgroup such that
the trivial character induced from this subgroup contains that character with multiplicity 1
and such that every other character occurring in this induced character has a higher a-value.
Thus, the sign character corresponds to the partition (1n+1) and the trivial character to the
partition (n+ 1). The character of the reflection representation of Wis labeled by (n, 1).
Type Bn(n2). In this case W=W(Bn) is isomorphic to the wreath product of the
cyclic group of order 2 with the symmetric group Sn. Hence the classes and characters are
parameterized by pairs of partitions such that the total sum of their parts equals n. The
pair corresponding to a class describes the signed cycle type for the elements in that class,
as in [Car72a]. We use the convention that if (λ, µ) is such a pair then λcorresponds to
the positive and µto the negative cycles. Thus, (1n,) and (,1n) label the trivial class
and the class containing the longest element, respectively. The pair corresponding to an
irreducible character is determined via Clifford theory, as follows.
We have a semidirect product decomposition W(Bn) = NoSnwhere Nis the standard
n-dimensional Fn
2-vector space. For a, b 0 such that n=a+blet ηa,b be the irreducible
character of Nwhich takes value 1 on the first astandard basis vectors and value 1 on the
next bstandard basis vectors of N. Then the inertia subgroup of ηa,b has the form Ta,b :=
N.(Sa×Sb) and we can extend ηa,b trivially to an irreducible character ˜ηa,b of Ta,b. Let α
and βbe partitions of aand b, respectively. We take the tensor product of the corresponding
irreducible characters of Saand Sband regard this as an irreducible character of Ta,b.
Multiplying this character with ˜ηa,b and inducing to W(Bn) yields an irreducible character
χ=χ(α,β)of W(Bn). This defines the correspondence between irreducible characters and
pairs of partitions as above.
For example, the pair ((n),) labels the trivial character and (,(1n)) labels the sign
character. The character of the natural reflection representation is labeled by ((n1),(1)).
Type Dn(n4). In this case W=W(Dn) can be embedded as a subgroup of index 2
into the Coxeter group W(Bn). The intersection of a class of W(Bn) with W(Dn) is either
empty or a single class in W(Dn) or splits up into two classes in W(Dn). This also leads
to a parameterization of the classes of W(Dn) by pairs of partitions (λ, µ) as before but
where the number of parts of µis even and where there are two classes of this type if µis
empty and all parts of λare even. In the latter case we denote the two classes in W(Dn)
by (λ, +) and (λ, ), where we use the convention that the class labeled by (λ, +) contains
a representative which can be written as a word in {s1, s3, . . . , sn}and (λ, ) contains a
representative which can be written as a word in {s2, s3, . . . , sn}.
By Clifford theory the restriction of an irreducible character of W(Bn) to W(Dn) is either
irreducible or splits up into two irreducible components. Let (α, β) be a pair of partitions
with total sum of parts equal to n. If α6=βthen the restrictions of the irreducible characters
of W(Bn) labeled by (α, β) and (β, α) are irreducible and equal. If α=βthen the restriction
of the character labeled by (α, α) splits into two irreducible components which we denote by
(α, +) and (α, ). Note that this can only happen if nis even. In order to fix the notation
we use a result of [Ste89] which describes the value of the difference of these two characters
on a class of the form (λ, +) in terms of the character values of the symmetric group Sn/2.
Recall that it is implicit in the notation (λ, +) that all parts of λare even. Let λ0be the
partition of n/2 obtained by dividing each part by 2. Then the value of χ(α,)χ(α,+) on
an element in the class (λ, +) is given by 2k(λ)times the value of the irreducible character of
Sn/2labeled by αon the class of cycle type λ0. (Here, k(λ) denotes the number of non-zero
parts of λ.)
The labels for the trivial, the sign and the natural reflection character are the same as for
W(Bn), since these characters are restrictions of the corresponding characters of W(Bn).
The groups G(d, 1, n). They are isomorphic to the wreath product of the cyclic group of
order dwith the symmetric group Sn. Hence the classes and characters are parameterized
by d-tuples of partitions such that the total sum of their parts equals n. The words chosen as
representatives of the classes are, when d > 2, computed in a slightly different way than for
Bn, in order to agree with the words on which Ram and Halverson compute the characters
of the Hecke algebra. First the parts of the dpartitions are merged in one big partition and
sorted in increasing order. Then, to a part icoming from the j-th partition is associated
the word (l+ 1 . . . 1. . . l + 1)j1l+ 2 . . . l +iwhere lis the highest generator used to express
the previous part.
The d-tuple corresponding to an irreducible character is determined via Clifford theory in
a similar way than for the Bncase. The identity character has the first partition with one
part equal nand the other ones empty. The character of the reflection representations has
the first two partitions with one part equal respectively to n1 and to 1, and the other
partitions empty.
The groups G(de, e, n). They are normal subgroups of index ein G(de, 1, n). The quotient
is cyclic, generated by the image gof the first generator of G(de, 1, n). The classes are
parameterized as the classes of G(de, e, n) with an extra information for a component of a
class which splits.
According to [Hug85], a class Cof G(de, 1, n) parameterized by a de-partition (S0, . . . , Sde1)
is in G(de, e, n) if edivides PiiPpSip. It splits in dclasses for the largest ddividing e
and all parts of all Siand such that Siis empty if ddoes not divide i. If wis in Cthen
g^i w g^-i for i in [0..d-1] are representatives of the classes of G(de, e, n) which meet
C. They are described by appending the integer ito the label for C.
The characters are described by Clifford theory. We make gact on labels for characters
of G(de, 1, n) . The action of gpermutes circularly by dthe partitions in the de-tuple. A
character has same restriction to G(de, e, n) as its transform by g. The number of irreducible
components of its restriction is equal to the order kof its stabilizer under powers of g. We
encode a character of G(de, e, n) by first, choosing the smallest for lexicographical order
label of a character whose restriction contains it; then this label is periodic with a motive
repeated ktimes; we represent the character by one of these motives, to which we append
E(k)ifor i in [0..k-1] to describe which component of the restriction we choose.
Types G2and F4. The matrices of character values and the orderings and labelings of the
irreducible characters are exactly the same as in [Car85, p.412/413]:in type G2the character
1,3takes the value -1 on the reflection associated to the long simple root; in type F4, the
characters φ0
8,9and φ0
9,6occur in the induced of the identity from the A2
corresponding to the short simple roots; the pairs (φ0
2,4) and (φ0
8,9) are related
by tensoring by sign; and finally φ00
6,6is the exterior square of the reflection representation.
Note, however, that in CHEVIE we put the long root at the left of the Dynkin diagrams to
be in accordance with the conventions in [Lus85, (4.8) and (4.10)].
The classes are labeled by Carter’s admissible diagrams [Car72a]. A character is labeled by
a pair (d, b) where ddenotes the degree and bthe corresponding b-invariant. If there are
several characters with the same pair (d, b) we attach a prime to them, as in [Car85].
Types E6, E7, E8. The character tables are obtained by specialization of those of the Hecke
algebra. The classes are labeled by Carter’s admissible diagrams [Car72a]. A character is
labeled by the pair (d, b) where ddenotes the degree and bis the corresponding b-invariant.
For these types, this gives a unique labeling of the characters.
Non-crystallographic types I2(m),H3,H4. In these cases we do not have canonical labelings
for the classes. We label them by reduced expressions.
Each character for type H3is uniquely determined by the pair (d, b) where dis the degree
and bthe corresponding b-invariant. For type H4there are just two characters (those
of degree 30) for which the corresponding pairs are the same. These two characters are
nevertheless distinguished by their fake degrees: the character φ0
30,10 has fake degree q10 +
q12+ higher terms, while φ00
30,10 has fake degree q10 +q14+ higher terms. The characters in
the CHEVIE-table for type H4are ordered in the same way as in [AL82].
Finally, the characters of degree 2 for type I2(m) are ordered as follows. The matrix repre-
sentations affording the characters of degree 2 are given by:
ρj:s1s27→ E(m)j0
0E(m)j, s17→ 0 1
1 0 ,
where 1 j≤ b(m1)/2c. The reflection representation is ρ1. The characters in the
CHEVIE-table are ordered by listing first the characters of degree 1 and then ρ1, ρ2, . . ..
Primitive complex reflection groups G4to G34. The groups G23 =H3,G28 =F4,G30 =H4
are exceptional Coxeter groups and have been explained above. Similarly for the other
groups labels for characters consist primarily of the pair (d, b) where ddenotes the degree
and bis the corresponding b-invariant. This is sufficient for G4,G12,G22 and G24. For
other groups there are pairs or triples of characters which have the same (d, b) value. We
disambiguate these according to the conventions of [Mal00] for G27, G29, G31, G33 and G34:
For G27: The fake degree of φ0
3,5(resp. φ0
8,9) has smaller degree that of φ00
(resp. φ00
8,9). The characters φ0
5,15 and φ0
5,6occur with multiplicity 1 in the
induced from the trivial character of the parabolic subgroup of type A2generated by
the first and third generator (it is asserted mistakenly in [Mal00] that φ00
5,6does not
occur in this induced; it occurs with multiplicity 2).
For G29: The character φ000
6,10 is the exterior square of φ4,1; its complex conjugate is
6,10. The character φ00
15,4occurs in φ4,1φ4,3; the character φ00
15,12 is tensored by
the sign character from φ00
15,4. Finally φ0
6,10 occurs in the induced from the trivial
character of the standard parabolic subgroup of type A3generated by the first, second
and fourth generators.
For G31: The characters φ0
15,20 and φ00
45,8occur in φ4,1φ20,7; the character
20,13 is complex conjugate of φ20,7; the character φ0
45,12 is tensored by sign of φ0
The two terms of maximal degree of the fakedegree of φ0
30,10 are q50 +q46 while for
30,10 they are q50 + 2q46.
For G33: The terms of maximal degree of the fakedegree of φ0
10,8are q28 +q26 while
for φ0
10,8they are q28 +q24. The terms of maximal degree of the fakedegree of φ0
are q31 +q29 while for φ00
40,5they are q31 + 2q29. The character φ0
10,17 is tensored by
sign of φ0
10,8and φ0
40,14 is tensored by sign of φ0
For G34: The character φ0
20,33 occurs in φ6,1φ15,14. The character φ0
70,9is rational.
The character φ00
70,9occurs in φ6,1φ15,14. The character φ0
70,45 is rational.The char-
acter φ00
70,45 is tensored by the determinant character of φ00
70,9. The character φ0
560,18 is
rational. The character φ000
560,18 occurs in φ6,1φ336,17. The character φ0
280,12 occurs
in φ6,1φ336,17. The character φ00
280,30 occurs in φ6,1φ336,17. The character φ0
occurs in φ6,1φ105,20. The character φ0
105,8is complex conjugate of φ105,4, and φ0
is complex conjugate of φ840,11. The character φ0
840,23 is complex conjugate of φ840,19.
Finally φ0
120,21 occurs in induced from the trivial character of the standard parabolic
subgroup of type A5generated by the generators of G34 with the third one omitted.
For the groups G5and G7we adopt the following conventions. For G5they are compatible
with those of [MR03] and [BMM14].
For G5: We let W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(5), so the generators in CHEVIE are
W.1 and W.2.
The character φ0
1,4(resp. φ0
2,3) takes the value 1 (resp. E(3),-E(3)) on W.1.
The character φ00
1,8is complex conjugate to φ1,16, and the character φ0
1,8is complex
conjugate to φ0
1,4. The character φ00
2,5is complex conjugate to φ2,1;φ0
2,5take the value
1 on W.1. The character φ0
2,7is complex conjugate to φ0
For G7: We let W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(7), so the generators in CHEVIE are
W.1,W.2 and W.3.
The characters φ0
1,4and φ0
1.10 take the value 1 on W.2. The character φ00
1,8is complex
conjugate to φ1,16 and φ0
1,8is complex conjugate to φ0
1,4. The characters φ0
1,12 and
1.18 take the value E(3) on W.2. The character φ00
1,14 is complex conjugate to φ1,22
and φ0
1,14 is complex conjugate to φ0
1,10. The character φ0
2,3takes the value -E(3) on
W.2 and φ0
2,13 takes the value 1 on W.2. The characters φ00
2,7and φ2,1are
Galois conjugate, as well as the characters φ0
2,11 and φ0
2,5. The character
2,9is complex conjugate to φ2,15 and φ000
2,9is complex conjugate to φ0
Finally, for the remaining groups G6, G8to G11, G13 to G21,G25,G26,G32 and G33 there are
only pairs of characters with same value (d, b). We give labels uniformly to these characters
by applying in order the following rules :
If the two characters have different fake degrees, label φ0
d,b the one whose fake degree
is minimal for the lexicographic order of polynomials (starting with the highest term).
For the not yet labeled pairs, if only one of the two characters has the property that
in its Galois orbit at least one character is distinguished by its (d, b)-invariant, label
it φ0
For the not yet labeled pairs, if the minimum of the (d, b)-value (for the lexicographic
order (d, b)) in the Galois orbits of the two character is different, label φ0
d,b the character
with the minimal minimum.
We define now a new invariant for characters: consider all the pairs of irreducible char-
acters χand ψuniquely determined by their (d, b)-invariant such that φoccurs with
non-zero multiplicity min χψ. We define t(φ) to be the minimal (for lexicographic
order) possible list (d(χ), b(χ), d(ψ), b(ψ), m).
For the not yet labeled pairs, if the t-invariants are different, label φ0
d,b the character
with the minimal t-invariant.
After applying the last rule all the pairs will be labelled for the considered groups. The
labelling obtained is compatible for G25,G26,G32 and G33 with that of [Mal00] and for G8
with that described in [MR03].
We should emphasize that for all groups with a few exceptions, the parameters for characters
do not depend on any non-canonical choice. The exceptions are G(de, e, n) with e > 1, and
G5,G7,G27,G28,G29 and G34, groups which admit outer automorphisms preserving the
set of reflections, so choices of a particular value on a particular generator must be made
for characters which are not invariant by these automorphisms.
Labels for the classes. For the exceptional complex reflection groups, the labels for the
classes represent the decomposition of a representative of the class as a product of generators,
with the additional conventions that zrepresents the generator of the center and for well-
generated groups crepresents a Coxeter element (a product of the generators which is a
regular element for the highest reflection degree).
87.1 ChevieClassInfo
ChevieClassInfo( W)
returns information about the conjugacy classes of the finite reflection group W. The result
is a record with three components:
contains words in the generators describing representatives of each conjugacy class;
this is the same as WordsClassRepresentatives(W)and for finite Coxeter groups
the representatives given are of minimal length (the representatives taken are ex-
plained in [GM97]).
The elements of this list are tuples which have one component for each irreducible
component of W. These components for the infinite series, contain partitions or par-
tition tuples describing the class (see the introduction). For the exceptional Coxeter
groups they contain Carter’s admissible diagrams, see [Car72a]. For exceptional com-
plex reflection groups they contain in general the same information as in classtext.
Contains strings describing the conjugacy classes, made out of the information in
gap> ChevieClassInfo(CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ));
classtext :=
[[ ],[1,2],[1,2,3,1,2,3,4,3,1,2,3,4],[1],
classparams :=
[[[[1,1,1,1],[ ]]],[[[1,1],[1,1]]],
[[[ ],[1,1,1,1]]],[[[2,1,1],[ ]]],
[[[ ],[2,2]]],[[[3,1],[ ]]],
[[[ ],[3,1]]],[[[4],’+’]],[[[4],’-’]]],
classnames := [ "1111.", "11.11", ".1111", "211.", "1.21", "2.11",
"22.+", "22.-", ".22", "31.", ".31", "4.+", "4.-" ])
gap> ChevieClassInfo(ComplexReflectionGroup(3,1,2));
classparams :=
[[[[1,1],[ ],[ ]]],[[[1],[1],[ ]]],
[[[1],[ ],[1]]],[[[ ],[1,1],[ ]]],
[[[ ],[1],[1]]],[[[ ],[ ],[1,1]]],
[[[2],[ ],[ ]]],[[[ ],[2],[ ]]],
[[[ ],[ ],[2]]]],
classtext :=
[[ ],[1],[1,1],[1,2,1,2],[1,1,2,1,2],
classnames := [ "11..", "1.1.", "1..1", ".11.", ".1.1", "..11",
"2..", ".2.", "..2" ])
See also the introduction of this section.
87.2 WordsClassRepresentatives
WordsClassRepresentatives( W)
returns a list of representatives of the conjugacy classes of the complex reflection group W.
Each element in this list is given as a positive word in the standard generators, which is rep-
resented as a list of integers where the generator siis represented by the integer i. For finite
Coxeter groups, it is the same as List(ConjugacyClasses(W),x->CoxeterWord(W,Representative(x))),
and each representative given by CHEVIE has the property that it is of minimal length in
its conjugacy class and is a ”very good”element in the sense of [GM97].
gap> WordsClassRepresentatives( CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 ) );
[ [ ],
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2,
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3 ],
[ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
See also 87.1.classtext.
87.3 CharNames for reflection groups
CharNames( W[,options] )
returns the list of character names for the reflection group W. The optional options is a
record which can give alternative names in certain cases, or a different formatting of names
in general.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> CharNames(W);
[ "phi{1,0}", "phi{1,6}", "phi{1,3}’", "phi{1,3}’’", "phi{2,1}",
"phi{2,2}" ]
gap> CharNames(W,rec(TeX:=true));
[ "\\phi_{1,0}", "\\phi_{1,6}", "\\phi_{1,3}’", "\\phi_{1,3}’’",
"\\phi_{2,1}", "\\phi_{2,2}" ]
gap> CharNames(W,rec(spaltenstein:=true));
[ "1", "eps", "epsl", "epsc", "theta’", "theta’’" ]
gap> CharNames(W,rec(spaltenstein:=true,TeX:=true));
[ "1", "\\varepsilon", "\\varepsilon_l", "\\varepsilon_c",
"\\theta’", "\\theta’’" ]
The last two commands show the character names used by Spaltenstein and Lusztig when
describing the Springer correspondence.
87.4 CharParams for reflection groups
CharParams( W)
this function returns the list of parameters for irreducible characters of W:partitions for
type A, double partitions for type B, etc. . . as described in the introduction. For exceptional
groups they are pairs or triples, beginning with the dimension, the valuation of the fake
degree, and an ordinal number if more than one character shares the first two invariants.
gap> CharParams(CoxeterGroup("G",2));
87.5 ChevieCharInfo
ChevieCharInfo( W)
returns information about the irreducible characters of the finite reflection group W. The
result is a record with the following components:
contains parameters for the irreducible characters as described in the introduction
or returned by CharParams(W). The parameters are tuples with one component for
each irreducible irreducible component of W(as given by ReflectionType). For an
irreducible component which is an imprimitive reflection group the component of the
charparam is a tuple of partitions, and for a primitive irreducible group it is a pair
(d, e) where dis the degree of the character and eis the smallest symmetric power of
the character of the reflection representation which contains the given character as a
strings describing the irreducible characters, computed from the charparams. This
is the same as CharNames(W).
the position of the trivial character in the character table of W(which is also returned
by the function PositionId).
Contains the position of the determinant character in the character table of W(which
is also returned by the function PositionDet). For Coxeter groups this is the sign
Only present if Wis irreducible, in which case the reflection representation of Wand
all its exterior powers are irreducible. It then contains the position of the exterior
powers of the reflection representation in the character table.
contains the result of LowestPowerFakeDegrees(W).
contains the result of HighestPowerFakeDegrees(W).
Only filled for Spetsial groups. Contains the result of LowestPowerGenericDegrees(W).
Only filled for Spetsial groups. Contains the result of HighestPowerGenericDegrees(W).
Contains the permutation of the characters obtained by composing the Opdam involu-
tion with complex conjugation. This permutation has an interpretation as a Galois ac-
tion on the characters of H:=Hecke(W,x) where x:=Indeterminate(Cyclotomics):if
Hsplits by taking van e-th root of x,.opdam records the permutation effected by the
Galois action v->E(e)*v.
gap> ChevieCharInfo(ComplexReflectionGroup(22));
extRefl := [ 1, 5, 2 ],
charparams :=
opdam := ( 3, 5)( 4, 6)(11,13)(12,14)(17,18),
87.6. FAKEDEGREES 1623
b := [ 0, 30, 11, 13, 1, 7, 2, 6, 12, 16, 3, 6, 9, 8, 4, 10, 7, 5 ],
charnames := [ "phi{1,0}", "phi{1,30}", "phi{2,11}", "phi{2,13}",
"phi{2,1}", "phi{2,7}", "phi{3,2}", "phi{3,6}", "phi{3,12}",
"phi{3,16}", "phi{4,3}", "phi{4,6}", "phi{4,9}", "phi{4,8}",
"phi{5,4}", "phi{5,10}", "phi{6,7}", "phi{6,5}" ],
positionId := 1,
positionDet := 2,
B := [ 0, 30, 19, 17, 29, 23, 18, 14, 28, 24, 27, 22, 21, 24, 20,
26, 23, 25 ] )
gap> ChevieCharInfo( CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 ) );
charparams :=
extRefl := [ 1, 5, 2 ],
spaltenstein :=
[ "1", "\\varepsilon", "\\varepsilon_l", "\\varepsilon_c",
"\\theta’", "\\theta’’" ],
positionId := 1,
positionDet := 2,
charnames := [ "phi{1,0}", "phi{1,6}", "phi{1,3}’", "phi{1,3}’’",
"phi{2,1}", "phi{2,2}" ] )
For irreducible groups, the returned record contains sometimes additional information:
for F4
the field kondo gives the labeling of the characters given by Kondo, also used in
[Lus85, (4.10)].
for E6, E7, E8
the field frame gives the labeling of the characters given by Frame, also used in
[Lus85, (4.11), (4.12), and (4.13)].
for G2
the field spaltenstein gives the labeling of the characters given by Spaltenstein.
for G(de, e, 2) even eand d > 1
the field malle gives the parameters for the characters used by Malle in [Mal96].
87.6 FakeDegrees
FakeDegrees( W,q)
returns a list holding the fake degrees of the reflection group Won the vector space V,
evaluated at q. These are the graded multiplicities of the irreducible characters of Win the
quotient SV/I where SV is the symmetric algebra of Vand Iis the ideal generated by the
homogeneous invariants of positive degree in SV . The ordering of the result corresponds to
the ordering of the characters in CharTable(W).
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> FakeDegrees( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ), q );
[ q^3, q^2 + q, q^0 ]
87.7 FakeDegree
FakeDegree( W,phi,q)
returns the fake degree of the character of parameter phi (see 103.8) of the reflection group
W, evaluated at q(see 87.6 for a definition of the fake degrees).
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> FakeDegree( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ), [ [ 2, 1 ] ], q );
q^2 + q
87.8 LowestPowerFakeDegrees
LowestPowerFakeDegrees( W)
return a list holding the b-function for all irreducible characters of W, that is, for each
character χ, the valuation of the fake degree of χ. The ordering of the result corresponds to
the ordering of the characters in CharTable(W). The advantage of this function compared
to calling FakeDegrees is that one does not have to provide an indeterminate, and that it
may be much faster to compute than the fake degrees.
gap> LowestPowerFakeDegrees( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ) );
[ 6, 6, 7, 12, 4, 3, 6, 2, 2, 4, 1, 2, 0 ]
87.9 HighestPowerFakeDegrees
HighestPowerFakeDegrees( W)
returns a list holding the B-function for all irreducible characters of W, that is, for each
character χ, the degree of the fake degree of χ. The ordering of the result corresponds to
the ordering of the characters in CharTable(W). The advantage of this function compared
to calling FakeDegrees is that one does not have to provide an indeterminate, and that it
may be much faster to compute than the fake degrees.
gap> HighestPowerFakeDegrees( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ) );
[ 10, 10, 11, 12, 8, 9, 10, 6, 6, 8, 5, 6, 0 ]
87.10 Representations
Representations( W[, l])
returns a list holding, for each irreducible character of the complex reflection group W, a
list of matrices images of the generating reflections of Win a model of the corresponding
representation. This function is based on the classification, and is not yet fully implemented
for G34; 88 representations are missing out of 169, that is 4 representations of dim. 105, 3
of dim. 315, 6 of dim. 420, 4 of dim.840 and those of dim. 120, 140, 189, 280, 384, 504,
540, 560, 630, 720, 729, 756, 896, 945, 1260 and 1280.
If there is a second argument, it can be a list of indices (or a single integer) and only
the representations with these indices (or that index) in the list of all representations are
gap> Representations(CoxeterGroup("B",2));
gap> Representations(ComplexReflectionGroup(4),7);
[ [ [ E(3)^2, 0, 0 ], [ 2*E(3)^2, E(3), 0 ], [ E(3), 1, 1 ] ],
[ [ 1, -1, E(3) ], [ 0, E(3), -2*E(3)^2 ], [ 0, 0, E(3)^2 ] ] ]
87.11 LowestPowerGenericDegrees
LowestPowerGenericDegrees( W)
returns a list holding the a-function for all irreducible characters of the Coxeter group or
Spetsial reflection group W, that is, for each character χ, the valuation of the generic degree
of χ(in the one-parameter Hecke algebra Hecke(W,X(Cyclotomics)) corresponding to W).
The ordering of the result corresponds to the ordering of the characters in CharTable(W).
gap> LowestPowerGenericDegrees( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ) );
[ 6, 6, 7, 12, 3, 3, 6, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 0 ]
87.12 HighestPowerGenericDegrees
HighestPowerGenericDegrees( W)
returns a list holding the A-function for all irreducible characters of the Coxeter group or
Spetsial reflection group W, that is, for each character χ, the degree of the generic degree
of χ(in the one-parameter Hecke algebra Hecke(W,X(Cyclotomics)) corresponding to W).
The ordering of the result corresponds to the ordering of the characters in CharTable(W).
gap> HighestPowerGenericDegrees( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ) );
[ 10, 10, 11, 12, 9, 9, 10, 6, 6, 9, 5, 6, 0 ]
87.13 PositionDet
PositionDet( W)
return the position of the determinant character in the character table of the group W(for
Coxeter groups this is the sign character).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
gap> PositionDet( W );
See also ChevieCharInfo (87.5).
87.14 DetPerm
DetPerm( W)
return the permutation of the characters of the reflection group Wwhich is effected when
tensoring by the determinant character (for Coxeter groups this is the sign character).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
gap> DetPerm( W );
[ 8, 9, 11, 13, 5, 6, 12, 1, 2, 10, 3, 7, 4 ]
Chapter 88
Reflection subgroups
Let Wbe a finite (possibly complex) reflection group on the vector space V. A reflection
subgroup Hof Wis a subgroup generated by the reflections it contains. A parabolic
subgroup of Wis the fixator in Wof some subset of V. By a difficult theorem of Steinberg
(easy in the real case) a parabolic subgroup is a reflection subgroup.
The function ReflectionSubgroup can be used to construct a reflection subgroup of W. It
takes as arguments the original record for Wand a list of indices for the reflections.
If Vis real, so that Wis a Coxeter group with generators S, then {wsw1|wW, s S}is
the set of all reflections in W. A reflection subgroup generated by a subset of Sis parabolic;
it is called standard parabolic subgroup of W. Any parabolic subgroup is conjugate to
some standard parabolic subgroup. Let Rbe the set of roots of W, and let Qbe the set
of roots of H, that is the set of roots for which the corresponding reflection lies in H; by
Steinberg’s theorem it can be seen that a reflection subgroup Hwhich is not parabolic is
characterized by the fact that Qis not closed under linear combinations in R.
It is a theorem discovered by Deodhar [Deo89] and Dyer [Dye90] independently at the same
time that a reflection subgroup Hof a Coxeter group has a canonical set of fundamental
roots even if it is not parabolic: a fundamental system of roots for His given by the positive
roots tQsuch that the subset of Rof roots whose sign is changed by the reflection with
root tmeets Qin the single element t. This is used by the routine ReflectionSubgroup to
determine the root system Qof a reflection subgroup H.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );
gap> W.roots[4];
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 2, 4 ] );
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("G",2), [ 2, 3 ])
gap> PrintDiagram( H ); # not a parabolic subgroup
~A2 2 - 3
We see that the result of the above algorithm is that W.roots[2] and W.roots[3] form a
system of simple roots in H.
The line containing the Dynkin diagram of Hintroduces a convention: we use the notation
"~A" to denote a root subsystem of type "A" generated by short roots.
We now point the differences which occur when considering complex reflection groups. First,
a subgroup generated by a subset of the standard generators need not always be parabolic,
if Wneeds more than dim Vreflections to be generated. The type of a reflection subgroup
is not known a priori, but CHEVIE will try to determine it if you call ReflectionType or
any operation which needs the classification on the constructed subgroup. However there
are no canonical way to choose the generators; CHEVIE will try to choose generators giving
the same Cartan matrix as the one for the standard group of the same type defined by
CHEVIE; failing that, it will at least try to find generators which satisfy the appropriate
braid relations.
The record for a reflection subgroup contains additional components the most important of
which is rootInclusion which gives the positions of the roots of Hin the roots of W:
gap> H.rootInclusion;
[ 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 ]
The inverse (partial) map is stored in H.rootRestriction.
If His a standard parabolic subgroup of a Coxeter group Wthen the length function on H
(with respect to its set of generators) is the restriction of the length function on W. This
need not no longer be true for arbitrary reflection subgroups of W:
gap> CoxeterLength( W, H.generators[2] );
gap> CoxeterLength( H, H.generators[2] );
In GAP3, finite reflection groups Ware represented as permutation groups on a set of roots.
Consequently, a reflection subgroup HWis a permutation subgroup, i.e., its elements are
represented as permutations of the roots of the parent group. This has to be kept in mind
when working with reduced expressions and functions like CoxeterWord, and EltWord.
Reduced words in simple reflections of H:
gap> el := CoxeterWords( H );
[[ ],[2],[3],[2,3],[3,2],[2,3,2]]
Reduced words in the generators of H:
gap> el1 := List( el, x -> H.rootRestriction{ x } );
[[ ],[1],[2],[1,2],[2,1],[1,2,1]]
Permutations on the roots of W:
gap> el2 := List( el, x -> EltWord( H, x ) );
[ (), ( 1, 5)( 2, 8)( 3, 4)( 7,11)( 9,10),
( 1,12)( 2, 4)( 3, 9)( 6, 7)( 8,10),
( 1, 5,12)( 2,10, 3)( 4, 9, 8)( 6, 7,11),
( 1,12, 5)( 2, 3,10)( 4, 8, 9)( 6,11, 7),
( 2, 9)( 3, 8)( 4,10)( 5,12)( 6,11) ]
Reduced words in the generators of W:
gap> List( el2, x -> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
[[ ],[2],[1,2,1],[2,1,2,1],[1,2,1,2],
Another basic result about reflection subgroups of Coxeter groups is that each coset of Hin
Wcontains a unique element of minimal length. Since a coset is a subset of W, the length
of elements is taken with respect to the roots of W. See 88.3.
In many applications it is useful to know the decomposition of the irreducible characters of W
when we restrict them from Wto a reflection subgroup H. In order to apply the usual GAP3
functions for inducing and restricting characters and computing scalar products, we need to
know the fusion map for the conjugacy classes of Hinto those of W. This is done, as usual,
with the GAP3 function FusionConjugacyClasses, which calls a special implementation for
Coxeter groups. The decomposition of induced characters into irreducibles then is a simple
matter of combining some functions which already exist in GAP3. The package CHEVIE
provides a function InductionTable which performs this job.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
gap> W.roots[4];
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 2, 4 ] );;
gap> Display( InductionTable( H, W ) );
Induction from ~A2 to G2
|111 21 3
phi{1,0} | . . 1
phi{1,6} | 1 . .
phi{1,3}’ | . . 1
phi{1,3}’’ | 1 . .
phi{2,1} | . 1 .
phi{2,2} | . 1 .
We have similar functions for the j-induction and the J-induction of characters. These
operations are obtained by truncating the induced characters by using the a-invariants and
b-invariants associated with the irreducible characters of W(see 88.6 and 88.7).
88.1 ReflectionSubgroup
ReflectionSubgroup( W,r)
Returns the reflection subgroup of the real or complex reflection group Wgenerated by the
reflections with roots specified by r.ris a list of indices specifying a subset of the roots of
A reflection subgroup Hof Wis a permutation subgroup, and otherwise has the same fields
as W, with some new ones added which express the relationship with the parent W:
the indices of the roots in the roots of W
the number of positive roots of W(for Coxeter groups)
a list of length 2*H.parentN with entries in positions H.rootInclusion bound to
A reflection group which is not a subgroup actually also contains these fields, set to the
trivial values:rootInclusion = [ 1 .. 2*W.N ],parentN = W.N and rootRestriction
= [ 1 .. 2*W.N ].
With these fields, the method IsLeftDescending(H,w,i) is written (where wis given as a
permutation of the roots of the parent)
ReflectionSubgroup returns a subgroup of the parent group of the argument (like the
GAP3 function Subgroup).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 2, 11, 20 ] );
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ])
gap> ReflectionName( H ); # not a parabolic subgroup
gap> H.rootRestriction;
[ 1, 2,,, 5,,,, 3,, 6,,, 8,, 4,, 7,, 9,, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,,, 17,,,,
15,, 18,,, 20,, 16,, 19,, 21,, 22, 23, 24 ]
gap> ReflectionSubgroup( H, [ 1, 2, 6 ] );
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 1, 2, 3 ])
88.2 Functions for reflection subgroups
All functions for Reflection groups are actually defined for reflection subgroups, provided
their reflection type is known (this is automatic in the Coxeter case, otherwise use ReflectionType
as mentioned in introduction). The generators for the subgroups are labeled according to
the corresponding number of the root they represent in the parent group. This affects the
labeling given by all functions dealing with words and generators, e.g., PrintDiagram or
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 10, 11, 12 ] );
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("F",4), [ 10, 11, 12 ])
gap> PrintDiagram( H );
B2 10 <=< 11
~A1 12
gap> LongestCoxeterWord( H );
[ 10, 11, 10, 11, 12 ]
Note that for the functions ReflectionType,ReflectionName and PrintDiagram for Cox-
eter subgroups, an irreducible subsystem which consists of short roots in a system which
has longer roots (i.e., type "B","C","G" or "F") is labeled as type "~A".
ReducedInRightCoset( H,w)
this function works in a more general context for reflection subgroups of finite Coxeter
groups than for general Coxeter groups. The only condition is that wis a permutation
of the roots of the parent group of H, which leaves invariant the set of roots of H
and thus induces an automorphism of H.ReducedInRightCoset returns the unique
element in the right coset H.w which sends all roots of Hto positive roots.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup("F", 4 );;
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ] );;
gap> PrintDiagram( H );
D4 9
1 - 16
gap> w := EltWord( W, [ 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 ] );;
gap> f := ReducedInRightCoset( H, w );;
gap> CoxeterWord( W, f );
gap> H.rootInclusion{[ 1 ..4 ]};
[ 1, 2, 9, 16 ]
The triality automorphism of D4is induced by f:
gap> OnTuples( H.rootInclusion{[ 1 .. 4 ]}, f );
[ 1, 9, 16, 2 ]
88.3 ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives
ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives( W,H[,l])
returns a list of reduced elements in the Coxeter group Wwhich are distinguished rep-
resentatives for the right cosets of the reflection subgroup Hin W. The distinguished
representative in the coset H.w is the unique element in the coset which sends all roots of H
to positive roots (the element returned by ReducedInRightCoset). It is also the element of
minimal length in the coset. The representatives are returned in order of increasing length.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );;
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup(W, [ 2, 3 ]);;
gap> List( ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives( W, H ),
> x-> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
[[ ],[1],[1,2],[1,2,1],[1,2,3],[1,2,1,3],
If a third argument lis given, it should be an integer or a list of integers, and only the
representatives whose CoxeterLength is in lare returned. This form is the only one which
makes sense for infinite Coxeter groups.
gap> W:=Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",2));
gap> H:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1]);
ReflectionSubgroup(Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",2)), [ 1 ])
gap> List(ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives(W,H,[0..3]),
> x-> CoxeterWord( W, x ) );
[[ ],[3],[2],[3,1],[2,1],[2,3],[3,2],
88.4 PermCosetsSubgroup
PermCosetsSubgroup( W,H)
returns the list of permutations induced by the standard generators of the Coxeter group
Won the cosets of the Coxeter subgroup H. The cosets are in the order determined by the
result of the function ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives( W,H).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
gap> PermCosetsSubgroup( W, ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) );
[ ( 4, 5)( 6, 7)( 8,10)(16,18)(17,20)(19,21),
( 3, 4)( 7, 9)(10,12)(14,16)(15,17)(21,22),
( 2, 3)( 4, 6)( 5, 7)( 9,11)(12,14)(13,15)(17,19)(20,21)(22,23),
( 1, 2)( 6, 8)( 7,10)( 9,12)(11,13)(14,15)(16,17)(18,20)(23,24) ]
88.5 StandardParabolic
StandardParabolic( W,H)
returns an element wof W which conjugates the reflection subgroup Hof Wto a standard
parabolic subgroup (that is, a reflection subgroup generated by a subset of the generators
of W), if such a wexists. Otherwise returns false.
The returned element wis thus such that H^w is a standard parabolic subgroup of W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);;
gap> R:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[20,30,19,22]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",6), [ 1, 9, 19, 20 ])
gap> StandardParabolic(W,R);
( 1, 4,49,12,10)( 2,54,62, 3,19)( 5,17,43,60, 9)( 6,21,34,36,20)
( 7,24,45,41,53)( 8,65,50,15,22)(11,32,31,27,28)(13,48,46,37,40)
gap> R^last;
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",6), [ 4, 5, 2, 6 ])
gap> R:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1,2,3,5,6,35]);;
gap> ReflectionName(R);
gap> StandardParabolic(W,R);
88.6 jInductionTable for Macdonald-Lusztig-Spaltenstein
jInductionTable( H,W)
computes the decomposition into irreducible characters of the reflection group Wof the
j-induced of the irreducible characters of the reflection subgroup H. The j-induced of χ
is the sum of the irreducible components of the induced of χwhich have same b-function
(see 87.8) as χ. In the table the rows correspond to the characters of the parent group,
the columns to those of the subgroup. What is returned is actually a record with several
fields:scalar contains the induction table proper, and there is a Display method. The
other fields contain labeling information taken from the character tables of Hand Wwhen
it exists.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4);;
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 3 ] );;
gap> Display( jInductionTable( H, W ) );
j-Induction from A2 to D4
|111 21 3
11+ | . . .
11- | . . .
1.111 | . . .
.1111 | . . .
11.2 | . . .
1.21 | 1 . .
.211 | . . .
2+ | . . .
2- | . . .
.22 | . . .
1.3 | . 1 .
.31 | . . .
.4 | . . 1
88.7 JInductionTable
JInductionTable( H,W)
JInductionTable computes the decomposition into irreducible characters of the reflection
group Wof the J-induced of the irreducible characters of the reflection subgroup H. The
J-induced of χis the sum of the irreducible components of the induced of χwhich have same
a-function (see 87.11) as χ. In the table the rows correspond to the characters of the parent
group, the columns to those of the subgroup. What is returned is actually a record with
several fields:scalar contains the induction table proper, and there is a Display method.
The other fields contain labeling information taken from the character tables of Hand W
when it exists.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
gap> H := ReflectionSubgroup( W, [ 1, 3 ] );;
gap> Display( JInductionTable( H, W ) );
J-Induction from A2 to D4
|111 21 3
11+ | . . .
11- | . . .
1.111 | . . .
.1111 | . . .
11.2 | 1 . .
1.21 | 1 . .
.211 | . . .
2+ | . . .
2- | . . .
.22 | . . .
1.3 | . 1 .
.31 | . . .
.4 | . . 1
Chapter 89
Garside and braid monoids and
Garside monoids are a general class of monoids whose most famous examples are the braid
and dual braid monoids. The CHEVIE implementation of these last monoids is in the frame-
work of a general implementation of Garside monoids.
To define them we first need to introduce some vocabulary about divisibility in monoids.
Aleft divisor of xis a dsuch that there exists ywith x=dy (and then we say that xis
aright multiple of d). The divisor dis proper if y6= 1. We say that xis an atom if
it has no proper left divisor apart from 1. A left gcd of xand yis a common left divisor
dof xand ysuch that any other common left divisor is a right multiple of d. Similarly a
right lcm of xand yis a common multiple which is a left divisor of any other common
multiple. We say that a monoid Mis left (resp. right) cancellable if an equality dx =dy
(resp. xd =yd) implies x=y.
We call Garside a monoid Mwhich is:
left and right cancellable.
generated by its atoms, which are finite in number.
such that any element has only finitely many divisors.
admits left and right gcds and lcms.
admits a Garside element, which is an element ∆ whose set of left and right divisors
coincide and generate M.
Garside elements are not unique, but there is a unique minimal one (for divisibility); we
assume such an element has been chosen. Then the divisors of ∆ are called the simples of
M. A Garside monoid embeds into its group of fractions, which is called a Garside group
(it may be that a Garside group has several distinct Garside structures, as we will see is the
case for Braid groups of finite Coxeter groups).
CHEVIE also implements locally Garside monoids, which are monoids where lcms do not
always exist, but exist when any common multiple exists; the set of simples is then not
defined using a Garside element, but by the condition that they contain the atoms and are
closed under lcms and taking divisors (see [BDM02]); since it is not ensured by the existence
of ∆, one has to add the condition that any element is divisible by finitely many simples
(but the number of simples can be infinite). The main example is the braid monoid of an
infinite Coxeter group. It is not known if these monoids embed in their group of fractions
(though that has been proved for braid monoids of Coxeter groups by Paris [Par02]) and
thus computing in the monoid does not help for computing in the group (only the monoid
is implemented in CHEVIE).
What allows computation inside Garside and locally Garside monoids, and Garside groups,
is the fact that they admit normal forms — these normal forms where first exhibited for
braid monoids by Deligne [Del72], who extended previous work of Brieskorn, Saito [BS72]
and Garside [Gar69]:
(i) Let Mbe a locally Garside monoid and let bM. Then there is a unique maximal
left simple divisor α(b) of b, called the head of b— any other simple dividing bon
the left divides α(b) on the left.
(ii) Assume Mis a Garside monoid, ∆ is its Garside element and Gis its group of fractions.
Then, given any element xG, there is some power ∆isuch that ∆ixM.
A consequence of (i) is that any element has a canonical decomposition as a product of
simples, called its left-greedy normal form. If we define ω(x) by x=α(x)ω(x), then the
normal form of xis α(x)α(ω(x))α(ω2(x)) . . . We use the normal form to represent elements
of M, and when Mis Garside (ii) to represent elements of G:given xGwe compute the
smallest power of ∆ such that ∆ixM, and we represent xby the couple (i, ix). We
are thus reduced to the case where xM, not divisible by ∆, where we represent xby the
sequence of simples which constitutes its normal form.
We now describe Artin-Tits braid monoids. Let (W, S) be a Coxeter system, that is Whas
hsS|s2= 1, sts ···
m(s,t) factors
=tst ···
m(s,t) factors
for all s, t Si
for some Coxeter matrix {ms,t}s,tS. The braid group Bassociated to (W, S) is the group
defined by the presentation
hsS|sts ···
|{z }
m(s,t) factors
=tst ···
m(s,t) factors
for all s,tSi
The positive braid monoid B+associated to Wis the monoid defined by the presentation
above — it identifies to the submonoid of Bgenerated by Sby the result of Paris mentioned
above. This monoid is locally Garside, with set of simples in bijection with elements of
Wand atoms the elements of S; we will denote by Wthe set of simples, and by w7→ w
the bijection between simples and elements of W. The group Whas a length defined in
terms of reduced expressions (see CoxeterLength). Similarly, having only homogeneous
relations, B+has a natural length function. Then Wcan be characterized as the subset of
the elements of B+of the same length as their image in W.
If Wis finite, then B+is Garside with Garside element the element of Wwhose image is
the longest element of W. A finite Coxeter group is also a reflection group in a real vector
space, thus in its complexified V, and Bhas also a topological definition as the fundamental
group of the space Vreg/W , where Vreg is the set of elements of Vwhich are fixed by no
non-identity element of S; however, we will not use this here.
Given a Coxeter group W,
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",4);;M:=BraidMonoid(W);
constructs the associated braid monoid, and then the function M.B constructs elements of
the braid monoid (or group when Wis finite) from a list of generators. This function is
directly available from Was Braid(W). Here is an example:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",4);;B:=Braid(W);;
gap> w:=B(1,2,3,4);
gap> w^3;
gap> CoxeterWord(W,GarsideAlpha(w^3));
gap> w^4;
gap> w^-1;
As seen in the fourth line above, the function GarsideAlpha(b) returns the simple α(b)
W, which is returned as an element of W.
How an element of a Garside group is printed is controlled by the record CHEVIE.PrintGarside.
The user can change the way elements of Garside monoids and groups are printed whenever
she wants during a GAP3 session by changing this record. When you load the CHEVIE
package, PrintGarside is initialized to the empty record. Then elements are printed as
fractions a1bwhere aand bhave no left common divisor. Each of aand bis printed using
its left-greedy normal form, that is a maximal power of the Garside element followed the
rest. One can print the entire element in the left-greedy normal from by setting the Greedy
field in PrintGarside; with the same was above we have:
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec(Greedy:=true);;
gap> w^-1;
Finally, if the field GAP in the PrintGarside record is set, the element is printed in a form
which after assigning B:=Braid(W); can be input back into GAP3:
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec(GAP:=true);;
gap> w;
gap> w ^ 3;
gap> w^-1;
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec(GAP:=true,Greedy:=true);;
gap> w^-1;
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec();;
In general elements of a Garside monoid are displayed thus as a list of their constituting
We now describe the dual braid monoid. For that, we first give a possible approach to
construct Garside monoids. Given a group Wand a set Sof generators of Was a monoid, we
define the length l(w) as the minimum number of elements of Sneeded to write w. We then
define left divisors of xas the dsuch that there exists ywith x=dy and l(d) + l(y) = l(x).
We say that wWis balanced if its set of left and right divisors coincide, is a lattice (where
upper and lower bounds are lcms and gcds) and generates W. Then we have:
suppose wis balanced and let [1, w] be its set of divisors (an interval for the partial order
defined by divisibility). Then the monoid Mwith generators [1, w] and relations xy =z
whenever xy =zholds in Wand l(x) + l(y) = l(z) is Garside, with simples [1, w] and atoms
The Artin-Tits braid monoid can be obtained in this fashion by taking for Sthe Coxeter
generators, in which case lis the Coxeter length, and taking for wthe longest element of
W. The dual monoid, constructed by Birman, Ko and Lee for type Aand by Bessis for all
well-generated complex reflection groups, is obtained in a similar way, by taking this time
for Sthe set of all reflections, and for wa Coxeter element; then lis the ReflectionLength,
see 84.13; (this is for Coxeter groups; for well-generated complex reflection groups Shas to
be restricted to only those reflections which divide wfor the reflection length); the simples
are in bijection with [1, w], a subset of Wof cardinality the generalized Catalan numbers.
Monoids Mconstructed this way from an interval in a group, are called interval monoids.
An interval monoid has naturally an inverse morphism from Mto W, called EltBraid which
is the quotient map from the interval monoid to Wwhich sends back simple braids to [1, w].
A last notable notion is reversible monoids. Since in CHEVIE we store only left normal
forms, it is easy to compute left lcms and gcds, but hard to compute right ones. But this
becomes easy to do if the monoid has an operation a->Reverse(a), which has the property
that ais a left divisor of bif and only if Reverse(a) is a right divisor of Reverse(b). This
holds for Artin-Tits and dual braid monoids; Artin-Tits monoids have a reverse operation
which consists of reversing a word, written as a list of atoms. The dual monoid also has a
reverse operation defined in the same way, but this operation changes monoid: it goes from
the dual monoid for the Coxeter element wto the dual monoid for the Coxeter element
w1. The operations RightLcm and RightGcd, as well quite a few algorithms have faster
implementations if the monoid has a reverse operation.
We have implemented in CHEVIE functions to solve the conjugacy problem and compute cen-
tralizers in Garside groups, following the work of Franco, Gebhardt and Gonzalez-Meneses
([GGM10] and [FGM03]).
We say that wand w0, elements of a monoid Mare conjugate in Mif there exists xM
such that wx =xw0; if Msatisfies the ¨
Ore conditions, it has a group of fractions where this
becomes x1wx =w0, the usual definition of conjugacy. A special case which is even closer
to conjugacy in the group is if there exists yMsuch that w=xy and w0=yx. This
relation is not transitive in general, but we call cyclic conjugacy the transitive closure of
this relation, a restricted form of conjugacy.
The next observation is that if w, w0are conjugate in the group of fractions of the Garside
monoid Mthen they are conjugate in M, since if wx =xw0then there is a power ∆iwhich
is central and such that xiM. Then wxi=xiw0is a conjugation in M.
The crucial observation for solving the conjugacy problem is to introduce inf(w) =
sup{isuch that ∆idividesw}and sup(w) = inf{isuch that wdivides∆i}, and to no-
tice that the number of conjugates of wwith same inf and sup as wis finite. Further, a
theorem of Birman shows that the maximum inf and minimum sup in a conjugacy class
can be achieved simultaneously; the elements achieving this are called the super summit set
of w. Thus a way to determine if two elements are conjugate is to find a representative of
both of them in their super summit set, and then solve conjugacy within that set. This can
also be used to compute the centralizer of an element:if we consider the super summit set
as the objects of a category whose morphisms are the conjugations by simple elements, the
centralizer is given by the endomorphisms of the given object.
We illustrate this on an example
gap> w:=B(2,1,4,1,4);
gap> ConjugacySet(w,"SS"); # super summit set
[ 1214.4, 214.14, 124.24, 1343.1, 14.124, 143.13, 24.214, 134.14,
13.134, 14.143 ]
gap> RepresentativeConjugation(w,B(1,4,1,4,3));
gap> w^B(-1,2,1,3,2,1,4,3,2);
gap> CentralizerGenerators(w);
[ 4, 321432.213243, 21.1 ]
There is a faster solution to the conjugacy problem given in [GGM10]:for each bM, they
define a particular simple left divisor of b, its preferred prefix such that the operation
sliding which cyclically conjugates bby its preferred prefix, is eventually periodic, and the
period is contained in the super summit set of x. We say that xis in its sliding circuit if
some iterated sliding of xis equal to x. The set of sliding circuits in a given conjugacy class
is smaller than the super summit set, thus allows to solve the conjugacy problem faster.
Continuing from the above example,
gap> CoxeterWord(W,PreferredPrefix(w));
gap> w^B(PreferredPrefix(w));
gap> last^B(PreferredPrefix(last));
gap> ConjugacySet(w,"SC"); # set of sliding circuits
[ 1214.4, 1343.1 ]
Finally, we have implemented Hao Zheng’s algorithm to extract roots in a Garside monoid:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);; M:=BraidMonoid(W);
gap> pi:=M.B(^2;
gap> GetRoot(pi,2);
gap> GetRoot(pi,3);
gap> GetRoot(pi,4);
89.1 Operations for (locally) Garside monoid elements
We illustrate with braids basic operations on elements of a locally Garside monoid or a
Garside group. Thus we suppose first we have defined two elements a,bas
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 );;
gap> a := Braid( W )( [1] );
gap> b := Braid( W )( [2] );
All examples below are with CHEVIE.PrintOption("Garside","Greedy").
b1 *b2
The multiplication of two elements of the same locally Garside monoid or Garside group is
gap> a * b;
b1 ^i
An element can be raised to an integral, positive power (or negative power if the monoid is
Garside, which is the case here since Wis finite). Here w0 is how the fundamental element
∆ prints in the case of braids.
b1 ^b2
This is defined if the monoid is Garside and returns b1
gap> a ^ b;
b1 /b2
This is defined if the monoid is Garside and returns b1b1
gap> a / b;
Format( b,option )
String( b)
Print( b)
String returns a display form of the element b, and Print prints the result of String. The
way elements are printed depends on the value of the record CHEVIE.PrintGarside. If if it
is rec(GAP =true), the elements are printed in a form which can be read in back by
a function B() which accepts a list of atoms (for braids, Braid(W) returns such a function).
If it is rec(Greedy =true) (resp. rec()) the left-greedy (resp. fraction) normal form
(as explained in the introduction) is printed:
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec(GAP:=true);;
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec(Greedy:=true);;
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec();;
The function Format( b,option)returns the element formatted in a string the same way it
would be printed with PrintGarside set to the corresponding option. String is equivalent
to Format(b)so always formats its argument as Print does after CHEVIE.PrintGarside
GetRoot( b,n)
Returns the n-th root of b.
89.2 Records for( locally) Garside monoids
This section is rather technical and describes an internal representation which is not yet
completely fixed and thus might still change. We describe here how a Garside or locally
Garside monoid with finitely many atoms is specified in CHEVIE, as a particular kind of
record. If someone uses the information below to construct a new kind of Garside monoid,
it is thus advisable to contact me (Jean Michel) to discuss possible changes.
To construct a locally Garside monoid one creates a record Mcontaining the following fields
holding data and operations, and then calls CompleteGarsideRecord(M). The simples can
be arbitrary objects (for interval monoids they should be elements of a group), the following
operations should just be defined on them.
the list of simples which are atoms of M.
the identity element of M, a simple.
tells whether M.atoms[i] divides on the left the simple s.
tells whether the product of the simple sby M.atoms[i] is still simple.
returns the product of the simples sand t. It does not have to be defined in all cases,
but should at least be defined when t=M.atom[i] and M.IsRightAscending(s,i).
returns the quotient s^-1*t for simples sand t. It does not have to be defined in all
cases, but should at least be defined when s=M.atom[i] and M.IsLeftDescending(t,i).
returns the quotient s/t for simples sand t
The source code for BraidMonoid and DualBraidMonoid provide examples. The above
functions are sufficient for multiplication, and most operations on locally Garside monoids,
like LeftGcd,GarsideAlpha, etc... to be defined; however see below for conjugacy.
In the case the monoid is an interval monoid, which is specified by giving a second ar-
gument rec(interval:=true) to CompleteGarsideMonoid, then the functions Product,
LeftQuotient,RightQuotient are automatically defined (since in that case simples are
element of a group, they are defined by the group operations).
For ReversedBraid,RightGcd,RightLcm,M.RightGcdSimples to work (see below) and the
Franco and Gonz´alez-Meneses conjugacy and centralizer algorithms to be defined, one needs
in addition either:
a function M.ReverseSimple to be defined, which defines the Reverse operation (if Mis an
interval monoid and^2=M.identity, this is just x->x^-1 thus is then automatically
or the symmetric routines M.IsRightDescending,M.IsLeftAscending to be defined, and
one needs that Product(M.atoms[i],s) be defined for ssimple such that M.IsLeftAscending(s,i),
and that M.RightQuotient(s,M.atoms[i]) be defined when M.IsRightDescending(s,i).
For the monoid constructed to be Garside one should in addition define the following data
and operations:
the fundamental element ∆.
Let fbe the automorphism induced on simples by ∆ (such that ∆s=f(s)∆). The
function returns fi(s).
how ∆ should be printed in normal forms.
If the monoid is an interval monoid, DeltaAction is automatically defined as conjugation
by in the group to which simples belong.
CompleteGarsideRecord uses internally the test IsBound( to detect if the monoid
is Garside.
Some additional fields and methods are added by CompleteGarsideRecord if not present;
they are only added if not present since often the user could define more efficient or more
appropriate versions for a particular kind of monoid (this is the case for braid monoids, for
instance). These fields and methods are :
returns the list of atoms of which the simple sis the product. This is mostly used
for display purposes, so the individual representation for atoms may be any kind of
object. However it is useful for the function AsWord that atoms be represented by
positive integers (if M.AtomListSimple is not pre-defined, CompleteGarsideRecord
defines a default version where an atom is represented by its index in the list M.atoms).
An existing situation where the representation of an atom is not by its index in the
list of atoms is for braid monoids of Coxeter subgroups (where the index in the list
of generators of the parent is used — see .reflectionLabels); also in this case the
pre-defined function is faster than the default one would be.
for Garside monoids. Given a simple sreturns the simple tsuch that st = ∆. Again
one may often be able to pre-define a faster function than the default one.
for Garside monoids. Given a simple sreturns the simple tsuch that ts = ∆. The
default version reads DeltaAction(RightComplementToDelta(s),1).
For interval monoids, fast versions of RightComplementToDelta and LeftComplementToDelta
are automatically defined.
M.LeftGcdSimples(a1, . . . , an)
returns the simple which is the left gcd of the simples a1, . . . , an.
M.LeftLcmSimples(a1, . . . , an)
for Garside monoids. Returns the simple which is the left lcm of the simples a1, . . . , an.
In addition CompleteGarsideRecord defines M.RightGcdSimples and (for Garside monoids)
M.RightLcmSimples if the methods M.IsRightDescending,M.IsLeftAscending,M.LeftMultiple,
M.RightQuotient have been defined.
89.3 GarsideWords
GarsideWords( M,l)
Mshould be a (locally) Garside monoid which has an additive length function (that is, a
product of latoms is not equal to any product of less than latoms). GarsideWords(M,
l)returns the list of elements of length lin M.
gap> M := BraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ));;
gap> GarsideWords( M, 4 );
[ 21.1.1, 21.12, w0.2, 2.21.1, 2.2.21,, w0.1,,
1.1.12, 1.12.2, 12.21, 12.2.2 ]
89.4 Presentation
Mshould be a Garside monoid. Presentation returns a presentation of the corresponding
Garside group (the presentation is as given in theorem 4.1 of [DP99]).
gap> M := DualBraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 ));;
gap> p:=Presentation(M);Display(p);
<< presentation with 6 gens and 15 rels of total length 62 >>
1: ab=da
2: ac=ca
3: ec=cb
4: bd=da
5: bd=ab
6: cd=fc
7: ae=fa
8: be=cb
9: be=ec
10: de=ed
11: ef=fa
12: df=fc
13: df=cd
14: ef=ae
15: def=acb
gap> ShrinkPresentation(p);Display(p);
# I there are 3 generators and 4 relators of total length 26
# I there are 3 generators and 3 relators of total length 16
1: ab=ba
2: cbc=bcb
3: cac=aca
89.5 ShrinkGarsideGeneratingSet
The list bis a list of elements of the same Garside group G. This function tries to find
another set of generators of the subgroup of Ggenerated by the elements of b, of smaller
total length (the length being counted as returned by the function AsWord).
gap> B:=Braid(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> b:=[B(1)^3,B(2)^3,B(-2,-1,-1,2,2,2,2,1,1,2),B(1,1,1,2)];
[ 1.1.1, 2.2.2, (1.12)^-, 1.1.12 ]
gap> ShrinkGarsideGeneratingSet(b);
89.6 locally Garside monoid and Garside group elements
Now, we describe elements of a (locally) Garside monoid which are records with 3 fields:
the list of simples in the left-greedy normal form.
points to GarsideEltOps.
points to the record describing the corresponding Garside or locally Garside monoid.
And a fourth field if the monoid is Garside:
the power of ∆ involved in the greedy normal form.
89.7. ASWORD 1645
CompleteGarsideRecord adds to (locally) Garside monoid records Ma function M.Elt which
can be used to build such elements. The syntax is
which defines an element with .elm=sand .pd=pd (if the monoid is Garside but pd is not
given it is initialized to 0). The user must only give valid normal forms in s, otherwise
unpredictable errors may occur. For example, ∆ should be entered as M.Elt([],1) and the
identity as M.Elt([]).
89.7 AsWord
AsWord( b)
bshould be a locally Garside monoid or Garside group element. AsWord then returns a de-
scription of bas a list of the atoms of which it is a product (as returned by AtomListSimple).
If bis in the group but not the monoid, it is represented in fraction normal form where as a
special convention the inverses of the atoms are represented by negating the corresponding
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)(2, 1, 2, 1, 1)*Braid(W)(2,2)^-1;
gap> AsWord( b );
[ -1, -2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1 ]
89.8 GarsideAlpha
GarsideAlpha( b)
bshould be an element of a (locally) Garside monoid. GarsideAlpha returns the simple
α(b) (for braids this is an element of the corresponding Coxeter group).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid( W )(2, 1, 2, 1, 1);
gap> CoxeterWord(W,GarsideAlpha( b ));
89.9 LeftGcd
LeftGcd( a1, . . . , an)
a1, . . . , anshould be elements of the same (locally) Garside monoid M. Let dbe the greatest
common left divisor of a1, . . . , an; then LeftGcd returns the list [d,d^-1*a1,...,d^-1*an].
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)(2,1,2)^2;
gap> LeftGcd(b,Braid(W)(3,2)^2);
[ 2, 121.21, 32.2 ]
89.10 LeftLcm
LeftLcm( a1, . . . , an)
a1, . . . , anshould be elements of the same Garside monoid M. Let mbe the least common
left multiple of a1, . . . , an; then LeftGcd returns the list [m,m*a1
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)(2,1,2)^2;
gap> LeftLcm(b,Braid(W)(3,2)^2);
[ w0.121, 123, 23.321 ]
89.11 ReversedWord
ReversedWord( b)
bshould be an element of a (locally) Garside monoid which has a reverse operation (see the
end of the introduction). The function returns the result of the reverse operation applied
to b.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)(2,1);
gap> ReversedWord(b);
89.12 RightGcd
RightGcd( a1, . . . , an)
a1, . . . , anshould be elements of the same (locally) Garside monoid Mwhich has a reverse
operation (see the end of the introduction). Let dbe the greatest common right divisor of
a1, . . . , an; then RightGcd returns the list [d,a1*d^-1, . . . , an*d^-1].
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)(2,1,2)^2;
gap> RightGcd(b,Braid(W)(3,2)^2);
[ 2.2, 12.21, 23 ]
89.13 RightLcm
RightLcm( a,b)
a1, . . . , anshould be elements of the same Garside monoid Mwhich has a reverse operation
(see the end of the introduction). Let mbe the least common right multiple of a1, . . . , an;
then RightLcm returns the list [m,a1
1*m, . . . , a1
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)(2,1,2)^2;
gap> RightLcm(b,Braid(W)(3,2)^2);
[ w0.w0, 321.123, 12321.321 ]
89.14. ASFRACTION 1647
89.14 AsFraction
AsFraction( b)
Let bbe an element of the Garside group G.AsFraction returns a pair [x,y] of two
elements of Mwith no non-trivial common left divisor and such that b=x^-1*y.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> b := Braid(W)( 2, 1, -3, 1, 1);
gap> AsFraction(b);
[ 23, 321.1.1 ]
89.15 LeftDivisorsSimple
LeftDivisorsSimple( M,s[,i])
Returns all the left divisors of the simple element sof the (locally) Garside monoid M, as
a list of lists, where the i+1 th list holds the divisors of length iin the atoms. If a third
argument iis given, returns only the list of divisors of length i.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> M:=BraidMonoid(W);
gap> List(LeftDivisorsSimple(M,EltWord(W,[1,3,2])),x->List(x,M.B));
gap> M:=DualBraidMonoid(W);
DualBraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup("A",3),[ 1, 3, 2 ])
gap> List(LeftDivisorsSimple(M,EltWord(W,[1,3,2])),x->List(x,M.B));
Concatenation(LeftDivisorsSimple(M, returns all simples of the monoid M.
89.16 EltBraid
EltBraid( b)
This function is defined only if bis an element of an interval monoid, for instance a braid. It
returns the image of bin the group of which the monoid is an interval monoid. For instance
it gives the projection of a braid in an Artin monoid back to the Coxeter group.
gap> W := CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup( 4 );;
gap> b := Braid( W )(2, 1, 2, 1, 1);
gap> p := EltBraid( b );
gap> CoxeterWord( W, p );
89.17 The Artin-Tits braid monoids and groups
Returns (as a Garside or locally Garside monoid record) the Artin-Tits braid monoid of the
Coxeter group W. The monoid is Garside if and only if Wis finite; in which case elements
of the resulting monoid can be used as elements of a group.
89.18 Construction of braids
Braid( W)( s1 , .., sn )
Braid( W)( list [, pd ])
Braid( W)( w[, pd ])
Let Wbe a Coxeter group and let wbe an element of Wor a sequence s1, .., snof integers
representing a (non necessarily reduced) word in the generators of W. The calls above return
the element of the braid monoid of Wdefined by w. In the second form the list is a list of
sias in the first form. If pd (a positive or negative integer) is given (which is allowed only
when Wis finite), the resulting element is multiplied in the braid group by wpd
0. The result
of Braid(W) is a braid-making function, which can be assigned to make conveniently braid
elements as in the example below. This function can also be obtained as BraidMonoid(W).B.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> B := Braid( W );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> B( W.generators[1] );
gap> B( 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 );
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec(Greedy:=true);;
gap> B( [ 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 ], -1 );
As a special case (to follow usual conventions for entering braids) a negative integer in a
given list representing a word in the generators is taken as representing the inverse of a
gap> CHEVIE.PrintGarside:=rec();;
gap> B( -1, -2, -3, 1, 1 );
89.19 Operations for braids
Frobenius( WF )(b)
If WF is a Coxeter coset associated to the Coxeter group W, the function Frobenius(WF)
returns the associated automorphism of the braid monoid of W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4));
gap> B:=Braid(W);;b:=B(1,3);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(b);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(b,-1);
BrieskornNormalForm( b)
If bis an element of the braid monoid of the Coxeter group W, this function returns
the Brieskorn normal form of b, which is defined as the concatenation of the Brieskorn
normal form for the terms of the normal form of b(see 83.16).
89.20 GoodCoxeterWord
GoodCoxeterWord( W,w)
Let Wbe a Coxeter group with associated braid monoid B+.GoodCoxeterWord checks if
the element wof W(given as sequence of generators of W) represents a “good element”
in the sense of Geck-Michel [GM97] of the braid monoid, i.e., if wd(where dis the order of
the element win W, and wis the element of Wwith image w) is a product of (the braid
elements corresponding to) longest elements in a decreasing chain of parabolic subgroups of
W. If this is true, then a list of couples, the corresponding subsets of the generators with
their multiplicities in the chain, is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
Good elements have nice properties with respect to their eigenvalues in irreducible represen-
tations of the Hecke-Iwahori algebra associated to W. The representatives in the component
classtext of ChevieClassInfo(W)are all good elements of minimal length in their class.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
gap> w:=[ 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4 ];;
gap> GoodCoxeterWord( W, w );
gap> OrderPerm( EltWord( W, w ) );
gap> Braid( W )( w ) ^ 6;
gap> GoodCoxeterWord( W, [ 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2 ] );
89.21 BipartiteDecomposition
Returns a bipartite decomposition [L,R] of the indices of the generators of the reflection
group W, such that ReflectionSubgroup(W,L) and ReflectionSubgroup(W,R) are abelian
subgroups (and W=ReflectionSubgroup(W,Concatenation(L,R))). Gives an error if no
such decomposition is possible.
gap> BipartiteDecomposition(CoxeterGroup("E",8));
89.22 DualBraidMonoid
DualBraidMonoid(W[, c])
Returns (as a Garside monoid record) the dual braid monoid of the finite and well-
generated complex reflection group Wassociated to the Coxeter element cof W. If W
is a Coxeter group, ccan be omitted and a particular one is then chosen, the element
gap> DualBraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup("A",4));
DualBraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup("A",4),[ 1, 3, 2, 4 ])
gap> M:=DualBraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup("A",4),[1,2,3,4]);
DualBraidMonoid(CoxeterGroup("A",4),[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ])
For Coxeter groups, the dual monoid contains an operation .ToOrdinary which converts
simples to elements of the ordinary braid monoid of W. To go on from the above
example, we compute the list of ordinary braids corresponding to each simple of
length 2 of the dual monoid
gap> List(LeftDivisorsSimple(M,,2),M.ToOrdinary);
[ 34, 24, 23, (34)^-1.2343, (3)^-1.234, (4)^-1.234, 14, 13,
(4)^-1.134, (2)^-1.124, (23)^-1.1232, (2343)^-1.123243, 12,
(2)^-1.123, (234)^-1.12324, (3)^-1.123, (23)^-1.1234,
(234)^-1.12343, (24)^-1.1234, (34)^-1.1234 ]
89.23 DualBraid
B:=DualBraid( W[, c])
B( s1 , .., sn )
B( list [, pd ])
B( w[, pd ])
Let Wbe a ell generated complex reflection group and cbe a Coxeter element of W(if W
is a Coxeter group and no cis given a particular one is chosen by making the product of
elements in a partition of the Coxeter diagram in two sets where elements in each commute
pairwise). The result of DualBraid is a dual braid-making function for the dual monoid
determined by Wand c: let wbe an element of Wor a sequence s1, .., snof integers
representing a list of reflections of W. The calls to Babove return the element of the dual
braid monoid of Wdefined by w. In the second form the list is a list of sias in the first
form. If pd (a positive or negative integer) is given, the resulting element is multiplied in
the braid group by cpd.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );;
gap> B := DualBraid( W );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> B( W.reflections[4] );
gap> B( 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 );
gap> B( [ 2, 1, 2, 1, 1 ], -1 );
As a special case (to follow usual conventions for entering braids) a negative integer in a
given list representing a word in the generators is taken as representing the inverse of a
gap> B( -1, -2, -3, 1, 1 );
The function Bcan also be obtained by making the calls M:=DualBraidMonoid( W[, c])
and B =M.B.
89.24 Operations for dual braids
EltBraid has the same meaning as for ordinary braids.
89.25 ConjugacySet
bshould be an element of a Garside group. By default, or if the type given is "SC", computes
the set of sliding circuits of b. If type is "SS", computes the super summit set of b. If type
is "Cyc", computes the cyclic conjugacy class of b. Finally, if type is "Pos", computes the
set of all positive elements conjugate to b.
If an argument Fis given it should be the Frobenius of a Reflection coset attached to the
same group to which the Garside monoid is attached. Then the same computations are
effected but relative to F-conjugacy.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",4);;w:=Braid(W)(4,3,3,2,1);
gap> ConjugacySet(w);
[ 32143, 21324 ]
gap> ConjugacySet(w,"SC");
[ 32143, 21324 ]
gap> ConjugacySet(w,"SS");
[ 32143, 13243, 21432, 21324 ]
gap> ConjugacySet(w,"Cyc");
[ 43.321, 3.3214, 32143, 2143.3, 143.32, 213.34, 13.324, 13243,
1243.3, 123.34 ]
gap> ConjugacySet(w,"Pos");
[ 43.321, 3.3214, 32143, 2143.3, 21432, 143.32, 213.34, 1432.2,
21324, 13.324, 432.21, 1324.2, 13243, 324.21, 124.23, 1243.3,
24.213, 12.234, 123.34, 2.2134 ]
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);;
gap> F:=Frobenius(CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4)));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> w:=Braid(W)(4,4,4);
gap> ConjugacySet(w);
[ 4.4.4, 3.3.3, 1.1.1, 2.2.2 ]
gap> ConjugacySet(w,F);
[ 124 ]
89.26 CentralizerGenerators
bshould be an element of a Garside group. The function returns a list of generators of the
centralizer of b. The computation is done by computing the endomorphisms of the object
bin the category of its sliding circuits. If an argument type is given, the computation is
done in the corresponding category — see 89.25. The main use of this is to compute the
centralizer in the category of cyclic conjugacy by giving "Cyc" as the type.
If an argument Fis given it should be the Frobenius of a Reflection coset attached to the
same group to which the Garside monoid is attached. Then the F-centralizer is computed.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);;
gap> w:=Braid(W)(4,4,4);
gap> CentralizerGenerators(w);
[ 4, 2, (1)^-1.34.431, 34.43, (32431)^-1.132431, 1, (2)^-1.34.432,
(31432)^-1.231432 ]
gap> ShrinkGarsideGeneratingSet(last);
[ 4, 2, 1, 34.43, (3243)^-1.13243 ]
gap> CentralizerGenerators(w,"Cyc");
gap> F:=Frobenius(CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4)));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> CentralizerGenerators(w,F);
[ 312343123, 124 ]
89.27 RepresentativeConjugation
RepresentativeConjugation(b,b1 [,F][,type])
band b1 should be elements of the same Garside group. The function returns false if
they are not conjugate, and an element asuch that b^a=b1 if they are conjugate. The
computation is done by computing the set of the sliding circuits of band check if it is the
same as the set of sliding circuits of b1 . If an argument type is given, the computation is
done in the corresponding category — see 89.25. The main use of this is to compute if b
and b1 are related by cyclic conjugacy by giving "Cyc" as the type.
If an argument Fis given it should be the Frobenius of a Reflection coset attached to the
same group to which the Garside monoid is attached. Then F-conjugacy is used for the
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);;B:=Braid(W);
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> b:=B(2,3,1,2,4,3);b1:=B(1,4,3,2,2,2);
gap> RepresentativeConjugation(b,b1);
gap> b^last;
gap> RepresentativeConjugation(b,b1,"Cyc");
gap> b^last;
gap> RepresentativeConjugation(b,b1,F);
gap> c:=B(3,2,2,3,3,4);
gap> F:=Frobenius(CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4)));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> RepresentativeConjugation(b,c,F);
gap> a:=RepresentativeConjugation(b,c,F);
gap> a^-1*b*F(a);
gap> a:=RepresentativeConjugation(b,c,F,"Cyc");
gap> a^-1*b*F(a);
Chapter 90
Cyclotomic Hecke algebras
The cyclotomic Hecke algebras (Hecke algebras for complex reflection groups) are deforma-
tions of the group algebras, generalizing those for real reflection groups (see the next chapter
on Iwahori-Hecke algebras).
Their general definition is as a quotient of the algebra of the braid group. We assume now
that Wis a finite reflection group in the complex vector space Vsince the theory for infinite
groups has not yet been investigated in sufficient generality. The braid group associated is
the fundamental group Π1of the space (VSH∈H H)/W , where His the set of reflection
hyperplanes of W. This group is generated by braid reflections, elements which by the
natural map from the braid group to the reflection group project to distinguished reflections.
All braid reflections which map to a given W-orbit of reflections are conjugate. For each
such orbit let sbe a representative of the orbit, let ebe the order of the image of sin W,
and let us,0, . . . , us,e1be indeterminates. The generic Hecke algebra is the Z[u±1
s,i ]s,i-algebra
quotient of the braid group algebra by the relations (sus,0). . . (sus,e1) = 0, and in
general a cyclotomic Hecke algebra is any algebra obtained from this generic algebra by
specializing some of the parameters.
The quotient of the Hecke algebra obtained by us,i 7→E(e)^i is isomorphic to the group
algebra of W. It is actually conjectured that over a suitable ring (such as the algebraic
closure of the field of fractions Q(us,i)s,i) the Hecke algebra is itself isomorphic to the group
algebra of Wover the same ring (this conjecture has been proven for imprimitive groups
and most exceptional groups of rank 2 or 3, see [MM10a] for references; in addition it is
well known to hold for real reflection groups; in the missing cases the ingredient lacking is
to show that the dimension of the Hecke algebra is Size(W)).
The cyclotomic Hecke algebras can also been defined in terms of presentations. The braid
group is presented by homogeneous relations, called braid relations, described in [BMR98]
and [BM04] (some were obtained using the VKCURVE package of GAP3). Further, these
relations are such that the reflection group is presented by the same relations, plus relations
describing the order of the generating reflections, called the order relations. This allows to
define the Hecke algebra by the same presentation as W, with the order relations replaced
by a deformed version. Specifically, for each orbit of reflection hyperplanes of W, let us
chose a distinguished reflection sof W, that is a reflection with a non-trivial eigenvalue of
minimal argument (i.e., of the form E(e) where eis the order of s; then any reflection around
an hyperplane of the same orbit is a conjugate of a power of s). Let then us,0, . . . , us,e1be
indeterminates. The generic Hecke algebra is the Z[u±1
s,i ]s,i-algebra Hwith generators Tsin
bijection with the generators of W, presented by the braid relations and the deformed order
relations (Tsus,0). . . (Tsus,e1) = 0 for each sas above.
Ariki, Koike and Malle have computed character tables for some of these algebras, includ-
ing all those for 2-dimensional reflection groups, see [BM93] and [Mal96]; CHEVIE contains
models of each representation and character tables for real reflection groups, for imprimi-
tive groups and for primitive groups of dimension 2 and 3 (these last representations have
been computed in [MM10a]) and for G29 and G33. Further there are some partial lists of
representations and partial character tables for the remaining groups G31, G32 and G34.
A refinement of the conjecture that Hhas the same dimension as Wis that there exists a set
{bw}wWof elements of the Braid group such that b1= 1 and bwmaps to wby the natural
quotient map, such that their images Twform a basis of the Hecke algebra. It is further
conjectured that these can be chosen such that the linear form tdefined by t(Tw) = 0 if
w6= 1 and t(1) = 1 is a symmetrizing form for the symmetric algebra H. This is well known
for all real reflection groups and has been proved in [MM98] for imprimitive reflection groups
and in [MM10a] for most primitive groups of dimension 2 and 3. Then for each irreducible
character χof Hwe define the Schur element Sχassociated to χby the condition that for
any element Tof Hwe have t(T) = Pχχ(T)/Sχ. It can be shown that the Schur elements
are Laurent polynomials, and they do not depend on the choice of a basis having the above
property. Malle has the computed these Schur elements, assuming the above conjectures;
they are in the CHEVIE data.
90.1 Hecke
Hecke( G,para )
Hecke( rec )
returns the cyclotomic Hecke algebra corresponding to the complex reflection group G(see
the introduction). The following forms are accepted for para: if para is a single value, it is
replicated to become a list of same length as the number of generators of W. Otherwise, para
should be a list of the same length as the number of generators of W, with possibly unbound
entries (which means it can also be a list of lesser length). There should be at least one entry
bound for each orbit of reflections, and if several entries are bound for one orbit, they should
all be identical. Now again, an entry for a reflection of order ecan be either a single value
or a list of length e. If it is a list, it is interpreted as the list [u0, . . . , ue1] of parameters
for that reflection. If it is a single value q, it is interpreted as the partly specialized list of
parameters [q,E(e),...,E(e-1)] (thus the convention is upwardly compatible with that
for Coxeter groups, and Hecke(G,1) is the group algebra of Gover the cyclotomic field
Q({E(e)}e) where eruns over the orders of the generating reflections).
gap> G := ComplexReflectionGroup(4);
gap> v := X( Cyclotomics );; := "v";;
gap> CH := Hecke( G, v );
gap> CH.parameter;
[ [ v, E(3), E(3)^2 ], [ v, E(3), E(3)^2 ] ]
Here the single parameter vis interpreted as [v,v] which is in turn interpreted according
to the above rules as [[v,E(3),E(3)^2],[v,E(3),E(3)^2]].
The second form of the function Hecke takes as an argument a record which has a field
hecke and returns the value of this field. This is used to return the Hecke algebra of objects
derived from Hecke algebras, such as Hecke elements in various bases.
90.2 Operations for cyclotomic Hecke algebras
returns the complex reflection group from which the cyclotomic Hecke algebra was
prints the cyclotomic Hecke algebra in a compact form. use FormatGAP for a form
which can be read back into GAP3.
gap> G := ComplexReflectionGroup( 4 );
gap> v := X( Cyclotomics );; := "v";;
gap> CH := Hecke( G, v );
gap> FormatGAP(CH);
returns the character table for some types of cyclotomic Hecke algebras, namely those
of imprimitive type and the primitive reflection groups numbered G(4) to G(30) in
the Shephard-Todd classification, as well as G(33). This is a record with exactly
the same components as for the corresponding complex reflection group but where
the component irreducibles contains the values of the irreducible characters of the
algebra on certain basis elements Twwhere wruns over the elements in the component
classtext. Thus, the values are now polynomials in the parameters of the algebra.
There are partial tables for the remaining groups G(31),G(32),G(34).
gap> Display( CharTable( CH ) );
2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 . 1 1 1 1
. z 212 12 z12 1 1z
2P . . z 1 1 z12 z12
3P . z 212 z . . z
5P . z 212 1z 1 z12 12
phi{1,0} 1 v^6 v^3 v^2 v^8 v v^7
phi{1,4} 1 1 1 E3^2 E3^2 E3 E3
phi{1,8} 1 1 1 E3 E3 E3^2 E3^2
phi{2,5} 2 -2 . 1 -1 -1 1
phi{2,3} 2 -2v^3 . E3^2v -E3^2v^4 v+E3^2 -v^4-E3^2v^3
phi{2,1} 2 -2v^3 . E3v -E3v^4 v+E3 -v^4-E3v^3
phi{3,2} 3 3v^2 -v . . v-1 v^3-v^2
90.3 SchurElements
SchurElements( H)
returns the list Schur elements for the (cyclotomic) Hecke algebra H(see the introduction
for their definition).
gap> v:=X(Cyclotomics);;"v";;
gap> H:=Hecke(ComplexReflectionGroup(4),v);
gap> SchurElements(H);
[ v^8 + 2*v^7 + 3*v^6 + 4*v^5 + 4*v^4 + 4*v^3 + 3*v^2 + 2*v + 1,
(2*E(3)-2*E(3)^2) + (-2*E(3)-10*E(3)^2)*v^(-1) + 12*v^(-2) + (
-10*E(3)-2*E(3)^2)*v^(-3) + (-2*E(3)+2*E(3)^2)*v^(-4),
(-2*E(3)+2*E(3)^2) + (-10*E(3)-2*E(3)^2)*v^(-1) + 12*v^(-2) + (
-2*E(3)-10*E(3)^2)*v^(-3) + (2*E(3)-2*E(3)^2)*v^(-4),
2 + 2*v^(-1) + 4*v^(-2) + 2*v^(-3) + 2*v^(-4),
(-2*E(3)-E(3)^2)*v^3 + (-4*E(3)-2*E(3)^2)*v^2 + 3*v + (
-2*E(3)-4*E(3)^2) + (-E(3)-2*E(3)^2)*v^(-1),
(-E(3)-2*E(3)^2)*v^3 + (-2*E(3)-4*E(3)^2)*v^2 + 3*v + (
-4*E(3)-2*E(3)^2) + (-2*E(3)-E(3)^2)*v^(-1),
v^2 + 2*v + 2 + 2*v^(-1) + v^(-2) ]
gap> List(last,CycPol);
[ P2^2P3P4P6, 2ER(-3)v^-4P2^2P’3P’6, -2ER(-3)v^-4P2^2P"3P"6,
2v^-4P3P4, (3-ER(-3))/2v^-1P2^2P’3P"6, (3+ER(-3))/2v^-1P2^2P"3P’6,
v^-2P2^2P4 ]
90.4 SchurElement
SchurElement( H,phi )
returns the Schur element (see SchurElements) of the Cyclotomic Hecke algebra Hfor the
irreducible character of Hof parameter phi (see CharParams in section 103);
gap> v := X( Cyclotomics );; := "v";;
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> H := Hecke( W, v);
gap> SchurElement( H, [ [ 2, 5] ] );
2 + 2*v^(-1) + 4*v^(-2) + 2*v^(-3) + 2*v^(-4)
90.5 FactorizedSchurElements
FactorizedSchurElements( H)
Let Hbe a (cyclotomic) Hecke algebra for the complex reflection group W, whose parameters
are all (Laurent) monomials in some variables x1, . . . , xn, and let Kbe the field of definition
of W. Then Maria Chlouveraki has shown that the Schur elements of Hthen take the
particular form MQΦΦ(MΦ) where Φ runs over a list of K-cyclotomic polynomials, and
Mand MΦare (Laurent) monomials (in possibly some fractional powers) of the variables
xi. The function FactorizedSchurElements returns a data structure which shows this
factorization. In CHEVIE, the parameters of Hmust be Mvp (see 112.1).
gap> x:=Mvp("x");;y:=Mvp("y");;
gap> H:=Hecke(ComplexReflectionGroup(4),[[1,x,y]]);
gap> FactorizedSchurElements(H);
[ x^-4y^-4P1P6(x)P1P6(y)P2(xy), P1P6(x)P1P6(xy^-1)P2(x^2y^-1),
x^-2yP2(xy^-2)P2(xy)P2(x^2y^-1) ]
90.6 FactorizedSchurElement
FactorizedSchurElement( H,phi )
returns the FactorizedSchur element (see FactorizedSchurElements) of the Cyclotomic
Hecke algebra Hfor the irreducible character of Hof parameter phi (see CharParams in
section 103);
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> H := Hecke( W, [[1,x,y]]);
gap> FactorizedSchurElement( H, [ [ 2, 5] ] );
90.7 Functions and operations for FactorizedSchurEle-
In CHEVIE, a FactorizedSchurElement representing a Schur element of the form MQΦΦ(MΦ)
is a record with a field .factor which holds the monomial M, and a field .vcyc which holds
a list of record describing each factor in the product. An element of .vcyc representing a
term Φ(MΦ) is itself record with fields .monomial holding MΦ, and a field .pol holding a
CycPol (see 106.2) representing Φ. A monomial is an Mvp with a single term.
The arithmetic operations *and /work for FactorizedSchurElements:
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> H := Hecke( W, [[1,x,y]]);
gap> p:=FactorizedSchurElement( H, [ [ 2, 5] ] );
gap> p*p;
gap> l:=FactorizedSchurElements(H);;
gap> List(l,x->l[1]/x);
[ 1, x^-4y^-4P1P6(y)P2(xy), -y^-9P1P6(x)P2(xy), -x^-3y^-5P6(x)P6(y),
-y^-5P6(x)P1(y)P2(xy), x^-3y^-3P1(x)P6(y)P2(xy),
x^-2y^-5P1P6(x)P1P6(y) ]
They also have Print and String methods, as well as the following methods:
Value this function works as for Mvps, and partially or completely evaluates the given
element keeping as much as possible the factorized form.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> H := Hecke( W, [[1,x,y]]);
gap> p:=FactorizedSchurElement( H, [ [ 2, 5] ] );
gap> Value(p,["x",E(3)]);
gap> Value(last,["y",2]);
Expand this function expands the element, converting it to an Mvp.
gap> Expand(p);
90.8 LowestPowerGenericDegrees for cyclotomic Hecke
LowestPowerGenericDegrees( H)
Hshould be an Hecke algebra all of whose parameters are monomials in the same inde-
terminate. LowestPowerGenericDegrees returns a list holding, for each character χ, the
opposite of the valuation of the Schur element of χ(for an Hecke algebra of a Coxeter group
this is Lusztig’s a-function). One should note that this function first computes explicitly the
Schur elements, so for a one-parameter algebra, LowestPowerGenericDegrees(Group(H))
may be much faster.
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(ComplexReflectionGroup(6),[q^2,q^4]);
gap> LowestPowerGenericDegrees(H);
[ 0, 10, 10, 2, 28, 28, 18, 4, 4, 18, 4, 4, 6, 12 ]
90.9 HighestPowerGenericDegrees for cyclotomic Hecke
HighestPowerGenericDegrees( H)
Hshould be an Hecke algebra all of whose parameters are monomials in the same in-
determinate. HighestPowerGenericDegrees returns a list holding, for each character χ,
the degree of the Poincar’e polynomial minus the degree of the Schur element of χ(for
an Hecke algebra of a Coxeter group this is Lusztig’s A-function). One should note that
this function first computes explicitly the Schur elements, so for a one-parameter algebra,
HighestPowerGenericDegrees(Group(H)) may be much faster.
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(ComplexReflectionGroup(6),[q^2,q^4]);
gap> HighestPowerGenericDegrees(H);
[ 0, 38, 38, 22, 44, 44, 42, 32, 32, 42, 32, 32, 34, 36 ]
90.10 HeckeCentralMonomials
HeckeCentralMonomials( HW )
Returns the scalars by which the central element Tπacts on irreducible representations of
HW . Here, for an irreducible group, πis the generator of the center of the pure braid group,
which is also z|Z|where zis the generator of the center of the braid group and |Z|the order
of the center of W. In the case of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra, Tπis thus T2
gap> v := X( Cyclotomics );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "H", 3 ), v );;
gap> HeckeCentralMonomials( H );
[ v^0, v^30, v^12, v^18, v^10, v^10, v^20, v^20, v^15, v^15 ]
90.11 Representations for cyclotomic Hecke algebras
Representations( H[, l])
This function returns the list of representations of the algebra H. Each representation is
returned as a list of the matrix images of the generators. This function is only partially im-
plemented for the Hecke algebras of the groups G31, G32 and G34:we have 48 representations
out of 59 for type G31, 30 representations out of 102 for type G32 and 38 representations
out of 169 for type G34.
If there is a second argument l, it must be a list of indices (resp. a single index), and only
the representations with these indices (resp. that index) in the list of all representations are
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q);
gap> Representations(H);
[ [ [ E(3)^2*q^0 ] ], [ [ E(3)^2*q^0 ] ] ],
[ [ [ E(3)*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ -E(3)*q^0, E(3)^2*q^0 ] ],
[ [ E(3)^2*q^0, E(3)^2*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, E(3)*q^0 ] ] ],
[ [ [ q, 0*q^0 ], [ -q, E(3)^2*q^0 ] ],
[ [ E(3)^2*q^0, E(3)^2*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, q ] ] ],
[ [ [ q, 0*q^0 ], [ -q, E(3)*q^0 ] ],
[ [ E(3)*q^0, E(3)*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, q ] ] ],
[ [ [ E(3)^2*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ (E(3)^2)*q + (E(3)^2), E(3)*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ E(3)*q^0, q^0, q ] ],
[ [ q, -q^0, E(3)*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, E(3)*q^0,
(-E(3)^2)*q + (-E(3)^2) ], [ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, E(3)^2*q^0 ]
The models implemented for imprimitive types G(de, e, n) for n > 2 and de > 1, excepted
for G(3,3,3), G(3,3,4), G(3,3,5) and G(4,4,3), involve rational fractions, so work only with
Mvp parameters for H.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(6,6,3);;
gap> H:=Hecke(W,Mvp("x"));
gap> Representations(H,6);
[ [ [ -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1/2+1/2x, -1/2-1/2x ],
[ 0, -1/2-1/2x, -1/2+1/2x ] ],
[ [ -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1/2+1/2x, 1/2+1/2x ],
[ 0, 1/2+1/2x, -1/2+1/2x ] ],
[ [ (-x+x^2)/(1+x), (1+x^2)/(1+x), 0 ],
[ 2x/(1+x), (-1+x)/(1+x), 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ] ] ]
90.12 HeckeCharValues for cyclotomic Hecke algebras
HeckeCharValues( H,w)
Let Wbe the group for which His a Hecke algebra. wshould be a word in the generators
of W. The function returns the values of the irreducible characters of Hon the image in H
of the braid group element defined by the word w, whenever possible. It first test if wis
a known representative of a conjugacy class in ChevieClassInfo(W).classtext. Then, if
Wis a Coxeter group, it returns HeckeCharValues on the element of the "T" basis defined
by w. Finally, it tries to compute the matrix of win the various representations using
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q);
gap> HeckeCharValues(H,[1,2,1,2,1,2]);
[ q^6, q^0, q^0, -2*q^0, -2*q^3, -2*q^3, 3*q^2 ]
Chapter 91
Iwahori-Hecke algebras
In this chapter we describe functions for dealing with Iwahori-Hecke algebras associated to
Coxeter groups.
Let W, S be a Coxeter system, where Wis generated by Sand denote by ms,t the order of
the product st for s, t S. Let Rbe a commutative ring with 1 and for sSlet us,0, us,1
be elements in Rsuch that us,0=ut,0and us,1=ut,1whenever s, t Sare conjugate in
W(this is the same as requiring that us,i =ut,i whenever ms,t is odd). The corresponding
Iwahori-Hecke algebra with parameters {us,i}is a deformation of the group algebra of W
over R. More precisely, H=H(W, R, {us,i}) is the unitary associative R-algebra generated
by elements {Ts}sSsubject to the relations:
(Tsus,0)(Tsus,1) = 0 for all s(the quadratic relations)
TsTtTs··· =TtTsTt··· with ms,t factors on each side (the braid relations).
If us,0= 1 and us,1=1 for all sthen the quadratic relations become T2
s= 1 and the
deformation of the group algebra is trivial.
Since the generators Tssatisfy the braid relations, the algebra His in fact a quotient of
the group algebra of the braid group associated with W. It follows that, if w=s1···sm=
t1···tmare two reduced expressions of wWas products of elements of S, then the
corresponding products of the generators Tsirespectively Ttjwill give the same element of
H, which we may therefore denote by Tw. We have T1= 1.
If one of us,0or us,1is invertible in R, for example us,1, then by changing the generators
to Ts/us,1, and setting qs=us,0/us,1, the braid relations do no change (since when
ms,t is odd we have us,i =ut,i) but the quadratic relations become (Tsqs)(Ts+ 1) = 0.
This last form is the most common form considered in the literature. Another common
form in the context of Kazhdan-Lusztig theory is obtained by scaling the generators as
Ts/us,0us,1, giving rise to the quadratic relations (Tsvs)(Ts+v1
s) = 0 where vs=
qs. The general form of parameters provided by CHEVIE is a special case of general
cyclotomic Hecke algebras, and can be useful in many contexts.
The second form above, or for some algebras the character table in the first form, require a
square root of us,0us,1.CHEVIE provides a way to specify it with the field .rootParameter
which can be given when constructing the algebra. If not given a root is automatically
extracted when needed by the function RootParameter. Note however that sometimes an
explicit choice of root is necessary which cannot be automatically determined.
There is a universal choice for Rand {us,i}: Let {us,i}sS,i∈{0,1}be indeterminates such
that us,i =ut,i whenever ms,t is odd, and let A0=Z[us,i]s,i be the corresponding poly-
nomial ring. Then H0:= H(W, A0,{us,i}) is called the generic Iwahori-Hecke algebra
associated with W. Another algebra H(W, R, {vs,i}) can be obtained by specialization from
H0: There is a unique ring homomorphism f:A0Rsuch that f(us,i) = vs,i for all i.
Then we can view Ras an A0-module via fand we can identify H(W, R, {vs,i}) = RA0H0.
The elements {Tw|wW}actually form an R-basis of Hif one of the us,i is invertible for
all s. The structure constants in that basis is obtained as follows. To multiply Tvby Tw,
choose a reduced expression for v, say v=s1···skand apply inductively the formula:
TsTw=Tsw if l(sw) = l(w)+1
us,0us,1Tsw + (us,0+us,1)Twif l(sw) = l(w)1.
If all swe have us,0=q,us,1=1 then we call the corresponding algebra the one-parameter
or Spetsial Iwahori-Hecke algebra associated with W; it can be obtained with the simplified
call Hecke(W,q). Certain invariants of the irreducible characters of this algebra play a
special role in the representation theory of the underlying finite Coxeter groups, namely the
a- and A-invariants already occured in chapter 87 (see 87.11, 88.7). For basic properties of
Iwahori-Hecke algebras and their relevance to the representation theory of finite groups of
Lie type, see for example [CR87], Sections 67 and 68.
In the following example, we compute the multiplication table for the 0-Iwahori–Hecke
algebra associated with the Coxeter group of type A2.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 );
One-parameter algebra with q= 0:
gap> H := Hecke( W, 0 );
Create the T-basis:
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> el := CoxeterWords( W );
[[ ],[2],[1],[2,1],[1,2],[1,2,1]]
Multiply any two T-basis elements:
gap> PrintArray(List(el,x->List(el,y->T(x)*T(y))));
[[ T(), T(2), T(1), T(2,1), T(1,2), T(1,2,1)],
[ T(2), -T(2), T(2,1), -T(2,1), T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1)],
[ T(1), T(1,2), -T(1), T(1,2,1), -T(1,2), -T(1,2,1)],
[ T(2,1), T(1,2,1), -T(2,1), -T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), T(1,2,1)],
[ T(1,2), -T(1,2), T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), T(1,2,1)],
[T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1), T(1,2,1), T(1,2,1), -T(1,2,1)]]
Thus, we work with algebras with arbitrary parameters. We will see that this also works on
the level of characters and representations.
91.1 Hecke for Coxeter groups
Hecke( W[, parameter , [rootparameter]] )
Constructs the Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hof the given Coxeter group. The following forms
are accepted for parameter : if parameter is a single value, it is replicated to become a list
of same length as the number of generators of W. Otherwise, parameter should be a list of
the same length as the number of generators of W, with possibly unbound entries (which
means it can also be a list of lesser length). There should be at least one entry bound for
each orbit of reflections, and if several entries are bound for one orbit, they should all be
identical. Now again, an entry for a reflection can be either a single value or a list of length
2. If it is a list, it is interpreted as the list [u0, u1] of parameters for that reflection. If it is
a single value q, it is interpreted as [q,-1].
If parameter are not given, they are assumed to be equal to 1. The Iwahori-Hecke algebra
then degenerates to the group algebra of the Coxeter group. Thus both Hecke(W) and
Hecke(W,1) specify the group algebra of W.
rootparameter is used to specify a square root of u0u1(a square root of qwhen [u0, u1]
are [q,-1]). It is usually a list like parameter with at least one bound entry per orbit of
reflection, or it can be a single value which is replicated to become a list of same length as
the number of generators of W. If not given then rootparameter is computed upon need by
calling the function RootParameter (see 91.3).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
One parameter algebra without and with specifying square roots:
gap> H := Hecke( W, u );
gap> H := Hecke( W, u^2, u );
gap> H := Hecke( W, [ u^6, u^4, u^4 ], [ u^3, -u^2, -u^2 ] );
The parameters do not have to be indeterminates:
gap> H := Hecke( W, 9, 3 );
gap> H := Hecke( W, [ u^6, u^4, u^8] );
Error, parameters should be equal for conjugate reflections 3 and 2 in
function ( arg ) ... end( CoxeterGroup("B",3), [ u^6, u^4, u^8 ]
) called from
function ( arg ) ... end( CoxeterGroup("B",3), [ u^6, u^4, u^8 ]
) called from
Hecke( W, [ u ^ 6, u ^ 4, u ^ 8 ] ) called from
main loop
91.2 Operations and functions for Iwahori-Hecke alge-
All operations for cyclotomic Hecke algebras are defined for Iwahori-Hecke algebras, in
particular :
returns the Coxeter group from which the Hecke algebra was generated.
prints the Hecke algebra in a compact form. use FormatGAP for a form which can be
read back into GAP3.
see 90.4 and 90.3.
returns the character table of the Hecke algebra. This is a record with exactly the same
components as for the corresponding finite Coxeter group but where the component
irreducibles contains the values of the irreducible characters of the algebra on basis
elements Twwhere wruns over the elements in the component classtext. Thus, the
value are now polynomials in the parameters of the algebra. For more details see the
chapter 92.
the Tbasis is described in the section below. Other bases are described in chapter 93.
91.3 RootParameter
Hshould be an Iwahori-Hecke algebra. If its parameters are u0, u1for the i-th generating
reflection, this function returns a square root of u0u1. These roots are necessary for
certain operations on the algebra, like the character values of algebras of type E7,E8, or
two-parameter G2. If rootparameters have been given at the time of the definition of the
Hecke algebra (see 91.1) then they are returned. If they had not been specified, then if
u0u1=1 then 1 is returned, else the square root is computed as GetRoot(u0u1)(see
103.7). It is useful to specify explicit square roots, since GetRoot does not work in all cases,
or may yield the negative of the desired root and is generally inconsistent with respect to
various specializations (there cannot exist any function GetRoot which will commute with
arbitrary specializations).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);;
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q^2,-q);
gap> RootParameter(H,1);
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q^2);
gap> RootParameter(H,1);
gap> H:=Hecke(W,3);
gap> RootParameter(H,1);
If wis an element of Group(H) then the function returns the product of the RootParameters
for the reflections in a reduced expression for w.
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q^2,-q);
gap> RootParameter(H,LongestCoxeterElement(W));
91.4 HeckeSubAlgebra
HeckeSubAlgebra( H,r)
Given an Hecke Algebra Hand a set of reflections of Group(H)given as their index in the
reflections of Parent(Group(H)) (see 88.1), return the Hecke sub-algebra generated by the
Tscorresponding to these reflections. The reflections must be generating reflections if the
Hecke algebra is not the group algebra of W.
As for Subgroup, a subalgebra of a subalgebra is given as a subalgebra of the parent algebra.
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 ), u );
gap> HeckeSubAlgebra( H, [ 1, 4 ] );
gap> HeckeSubAlgebra( H, [ 1, 7 ] );
Error, Generators of a sub-Hecke algebra should be simple reflections \
function ( H, subW ) ... end( Hecke(B2,u), [ 1, 7 ] ) called from
HeckeSubAlgebra( H, [ 1, 7 ] ) called from
main loop
91.5 Construction of Hecke elements of the Tbasis
Basis( H, "T")
Let Hbe a Iwahori-Hecke algebra. The function Basis(H,"T") returns a function which
can be used to make elements of the usual Tbasis of the algebra. It is convenient to assign
this function with a shorter name when computing with elements of the Hecke algebra. In
what follows we assume that we have done the assignment:
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
T( w)
Here wis an element of the Coxeter group Group(H). This call returns the basis element
Twof H.
T( elts,coeffs)
In this form, elts is a list of elements of Group(H) and coeffs a list of coefficients which
should be of the same length k. The element Sum([1..k],i->coeffs[i]*T(elts[i])) of
His returned.
T( list )
T( s1 , .., sn )
In the above two forms, the GAP3 list list or the GAP3 list [s1 ,..,sn]represents the
Coxeter word for an element wof Group(H). The basis element Twis returned (actually
the call works even if the word [s1 ,..,sn]is not reduced and the element Ts1. . . Tsnis
returned also in that case).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );;
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
gap> H := Hecke( W, u );;
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> T( 1, 2 ) = T( EltWord( W, [ 1, 2 ] ) );
gap> T(1,1);
gap> pl := List( l, i -> EltWord( W, i ) );;
gap> h := T( pl, [ u^100, 1/u^20, 1, -5, 0 ] );
gap> h.elm;
[ (), ( 1, 4)( 2,11)( 3, 5)( 8, 9)(10,13)(12,14)(17,18),
( 1,10)( 2, 6)( 5, 8)(11,15)(14,17),
( 1,16,13,10, 7, 4)( 2, 8,12,11,17, 3)( 5, 9, 6,14,18,15) ]
gap> h.coeff;
[ u^100, -5, 1, u^(-20) ]
The last two lines show that a Hecke element is represented internally by a list of elements
of Wand the corresponding list of coefficients of the basis elements in H.
The way elements of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra are printed depends on CHEVIE.PrintHecke
. If it is set to CHEVIE.PrintHecke:=rec(GAP:=true), they are printed in a way which can
be input back in GAP3. When you load CHEVIE, the record PrintHecke initially set to
rec(). To go on from the above example:
gap> CHEVIE.PrintHecke:=rec(GAP:=true);;
gap> h;
gap> CHEVIE.PrintHecke:=rec();;
gap> h;
91.6 Operations for Hecke elements of the Tbasis
All examples below are with CHEVIE.PrintHecke="".
Hecke( a)returns the Hecke algebra of which ais an element.
a*bThe multiplication of two elements given in the Tbasis of the same Iwahori-
Hecke algebra is defined, returning a Hecke element expressed in the Tbasis.
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ), q );
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> T( 1 ) * T( 1 );
gap> T( 1, 1 ); # the same
a^iAn element of the Tbasis with a coefficient whose inverse is still a Laurent
polynomial in qcan be raised to an integral, positive or negative, power, returning
another element of the algebra. An arbitrary element of the algebra can only be
raised to a positive power.
Error, inverse implemented only for single T_w in
h.operations.inverse( h ) called from
<rec1> ^ <rec2> called from
main loop
a/bThis is equivalent to a*b^-1.
a-bElements of the algebra expressed in the Tbasis can be added or subtracted,
giving other elements of the algebra.
gap> T( 1 ) + T();
gap> T( 1 ) - T( 1 );
Print( a)prints the element a, using the form initialized in CHEVIE.PrintHecke.
String( a)provides a string containing the same result that is printed with Print.
Coefficient( a,w)Returns the coefficient of the Hecke element aon the basis
element Tw. Here wcan be given either as a Coxeter word or as an element of the
Coxeter group.
AlphaInvolution( a)This implements the involution on the algebra defined by
Tw7→ Tw1.
gap> AlphaInvolution( T( 1, 2 ) );
BetaInvolution( a)This is only defined when the Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of the
Hecke algebra can be defined. It implements the involution on the algebra defined by
x7→ xon coefficients and and Tw7→ q1
AltInvolution( a)This is only defined when the Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of the
Hecke algebra can be defined. It implements the involution on the algebra defined by
x7→ xon coefficients and Ts7→ −qsTs. Essentially it corresponds to tensoring with
the sign representation.
Frobenius(WF )( a)The Frobenius of a Coxeter Coset associated to Group(Hecke(a))
can be applied to a. For more details see chapter 96.7.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4));
gap> H:=Hecke(W,X(Rationals));
gap> T:=Basis(H,"T");
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> Frobenius(WF)(T(1));
gap> Frobenius(WF)(T(1),-1);
Representation(a)( n)Returns the image of ain the representation nof H
=Hecke(a).ncan be a representation of H, or an integer specifying the n-th repre-
sentation of H.
gap> Representation(T(1,2),2);
[ [ -q, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, -q, 0*q^0 ],
gap> r:=Representations(H,2);
[ [ [ q - 1, -q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ -q, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ -q^2 + q, q - 1, -q^0 ] ],
[ [ 0*q^0, q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ q, q - 1, 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, -q^0 ] ],
[ [ -q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, q, q - 1 ] ],
[ [ 0*q^0, q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ q, q - 1, 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, -q^0 ] ] ]
gap> Representation(T(1,2),r);
[ [ -q, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, -q, 0*q^0 ],
91.7 HeckeClassPolynomials
HeckeClassPolynomials( h)
returns the class polynomials of the Hecke element hof the Hecke algebra Hwith respect
to representatives reps of minimal length in the conjugacy classes of the Coxeter group
Group(H). Such minimal length representatives are given by the function WordsClassRepresentatives(Group(H)).
These polynomials have the following property. Given the class polynomials pcorrespond-
ing to hand the matrix Xof the values of the irreducible characters of the Iwahori-Hecke
algebra on Tw(for win reps), then the product X*p is the list of values of the irreducible
characters on the element hof the Iwahori-Hecke algebra.
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 );
gap> H := Hecke( W, u );;
gap> h := Basis( H, "T" )( LongestCoxeterElement( W ) );
gap> cp := HeckeClassPolynomials( h );
[ 0*u^0, 0*u^0, u^2, u^3 - 2*u^2 + u, u^3 - u^2 + u - 1 ]
gap> CharTable( H ).irreducibles * cp;
[ u^0, -u^2, 2*u^3, -u^4, u^6 ]
So, the entries in this list are the values of the irreducible characters on the basis element
corresponding to the longest element in the Coxeter group.
The class polynomials were introduced in [GP93].
91.8 HeckeCharValues
HeckeCharValues( h[,irreds])
his an element of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra (expressed in any basis) and irreds is a set
of irreducible characters of the algebra (given as vectors). HeckeCharValues returns the
values of irreds on the element h(the method used is to convert to the Tbasis, and then
use HeckeClassPolynomials). If irreds is not given, all character values are returned.
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 ), q ^ 2, q );;
gap> HeckeCharValues( Basis( H, "C’" )( 1, 2, 1 ) );
[ -q - q^(-1), q + q^(-1), 0*q^0, q^3 + 2*q + 2*q^(-1) + q^(-3),
0*q^0 ]
See also 91.7.
91.9 Specialization from one Hecke algebra to another
Specialization( H1 ,H2 ,f)
H1 and H2 should be Hecke algebras of the same group, and fshould be a function which
applied to the parameters of H1 gives those of H2 . The result is a function which can
transport Hecke elements from H1 to H2 by the specialization map induced by f. As an
example below, we compute the so-called “Kazhdan-Lusztig basis” of the symmetric group
by specializing that of the Hecke algebra.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);H1:=Hecke(W,q^2);H2:=Hecke(W);
gap> T:=Basis(H1,"T");Cp:=Basis(H1,"C’");
function ( arg ) ... end
# warning: C’basis: q chosen as 2nd root of qˆ2
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> f:=function(x)
> if IsPolynomial(x) then return Value(x,1);
> else return x; fi;
> end;
function ( x ) ... end
gap> s:=Specialization(H1,H2,f);
function ( t ) ... end
gap> CoxeterWords(W);
[[ ],[2],[1],[2,1],[1,2],[1,2,1]]
gap> List(last,x->s(T(Cp(x))));
[ T(), T()+T(2), T()+T(1), T()+T(1)+T(2)+T(2,1), T()+T(1)+T(2)+T(1,2),
T()+T(1)+T(2)+T(1,2)+T(2,1)+T(1,2,1) ]
Note that in the above example we specialize T(Cp(x)), not Cp(x): since Kazhdan-Lusztig
bases do not, strictly speaking, exist for the symmetric group algebra, it does not make sense
to specialize them so they have no Specialization method. Rather, one has to convert to
basis Tfirst, which has a specialization method.
91.10 CreateHeckeBasis
creates a new basis for Hecke algebras in which to do computations. (The design of this
function has benefited from conversation with Andrew Mathas, the author of the package
The first argument basis must be a unique (different from that used for other bases) character
string. The second argument ops is a record which should contain at least two fields, ops.T
and ops.(basis)which should contain :
ops.T a function which takes an element in the basis basis and converts it to the T
ops.(basis)a function which takes an element in the Tbasis and converts it to the
basis basis.
The third arguments should be the field .operations of some Hecke algebra. After the call
to CreateHeckeBasis, a new field (basis)is added to heckealgebraops which contains a
function to create elements of the basis basis. Thus all Hecke algebras which have the same
field .operations will have the new basis.
The elements of the new basis will have the standard operations for Hecke elements: +,-,
*,^,=,Print,Coefficient, plus all extra operations that the user may have specified in
ops. It is thus possible to create a new basis which has extra operations. In addition, for
any already created basis yof the algebra, the function (y)will have the added capability
to convert elements from the basis basis to the ybasis. If the user has provided a field
ops.(y), the function found there will be used. Otherwise, the function ops.T will be used
to convert our basis element to the Tbasis, followed by calling the function (y)which was
given in ops at the time the ybasis was created, to convert to the ybasis. The following
forms of the Basis function will be accepted (as for the Tbasis):
Basis( H,basis )( w)
Basis( H,basis )( elts,coeffs)
Basis( H,basis )( list )
Basis( H,basis )( s1 , .. , sn )
One should note, however that for the last two forms only reduced expressions will be
accepted in general.
Below is an example where the basis tw=ql(w)/2Twis created and used; we assume the
equal parameter case. As an example of an extra operation in ops, we have given a method
for BetaInvolution, which just dos the map w7→ ww0for the tbasis. If methods for one of
BetaInvolution,AltInvolution are given they will be automatically called by the generic
functions with the same name.
In order to understand the following code, one has to recall that an arbitrary Hecke element
is a record representing a sum of basis elements; it contains a list of Coxeter group elements
in the component elm and the corresponding list of coefficients in the component coeff.
For efficiency reasons, it is desirable to describe how to convert to another base such general
Hecke elements and not just one basis element Twor tw.
gap> CreateHeckeBasis("t", rec(
> T := h->Basis( Hecke(h), "T" )(h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
> i->RootParameter(Hecke(h),h.elm[i])^-1*h.coeff[i])),
> t := h->Basis( Hecke(h), "t" )(h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
> i->RootParameter(Hecke(h), h.elm[i])*h.coeff[i])),
> BetaInvolution := h->Basis(Hecke(h),"t")(List(h.elm,
> x->x*LongestCoxeterElement(Group(Hecke(h)))),h.coeff)),
> H.operations);
Now we setup the algebra using v=q1/2and use the basis t.
gap> v := X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 ), v ^ 2, v );;
gap> h := Basis( H, "t" )( 3, 1, 2 );
gap> h1 := Basis( H, "T")( h );
gap> h2 := Basis( H, "t" )( h1 );
gap> BetaInvolution( h2 );
Parameterized bases
One can defined parameterized bases, that is bases whose behavior depend on some param-
eter(s). As an example we will define the basis t(i)w=qil(w)Tw, where we assume that 2iis
an integer. We first write the example and then comment its differences from the previous
gap> CreateHeckeBasis( "ti", rec(
> T := h->Basis( Hecke(h), "T" )( h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
> i->Hecke(h).rootParameter[1]^(-CoxeterLength(
> Group( Hecke(h) ), h.elm[i])*2*h.i)*h.coeff[i] ) ),
> extraFields:=["i"],
> ti := function(h,extra) return Basis( Hecke(h), "ti" )
> ( h.elm, List( [1 .. Length( h.elm )],
> i->Hecke(h).rootParameter[1]^(CoxeterLength(
> Group( Hecke(h) ), h.elm[i])*2*extra.i)*h.coeff[i]), extra);
> end,
> BetaInvolution:=h->Basis(Hecke(h),"ti")(
> H.operations.T.BetaInvolution(Basis(Hecke(h),"T")(h)),
> HeckeEltOps.GetExtra(h)),
> FormatBasis:=h->SPrint("t[",h.i,"]")),
> H.operations );
Here each Hecke element hhas a field h.i holding the value of i. This is used in converting
the element to basis T. The field imust be copied from one object to the other during various
operations on Hecke elements. For CHEVIE to know which fields must be copied, the list of
such fields must be declared, which is done by the above assignment extraFields:=["i"].
A record containing the extra fields must be passed as the last argument of each call of the
Basis function, so it knows which information to put in the built Hecke elements; thus the
call take one of the forms
Basis( H,basis )( w,extra )
Basis( H,basis )( elts,coeffs,extra)
Basis( H,basis )( list,extra )
Basis( H,basis )( s1 , .. , sn,extra )
The function ti to convert to the basis ti requires also a record argument containing the
extra information, which it passes to the second form above. The function BetaInvolution
illustrates how one can extract this extra information record from a Hecke element using
the function HeckeEltOps.GetExtra(h)); we also used a different method to compute the
BetaInvolution, delegating the computation to basis Tinstead of doing it directly. Finally
the function FormatBasis, if given, produces a parameterized printing of a basis element.
Here is how one can use the above definitions:
gap> v := X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "A", 3 ), v ^ 2, v );;
gap> t:=function(arg) Add(arg,rec(i:=1/2));
> return ApplyFunc(Basis(H,"ti"),arg);end;
function ( arg ) ... end
Here the function tdoes exactly the same as Basis(H,"t") in the previous example, ex-
cepted for the printing of Hecke elements
gap> h := t( 3, 1, 2 );
gap> h1 := Basis( H, "T")( h );
gap> h2 := t( h1 );
gap> BetaInvolution( h2 );
The point is that one can now just as easily define similar functions for other values of i.
Chapter 92
Representations of
Iwahori-Hecke algebras
Let W, S be a finite Coxeter system and H=H(W, R, {us,i}sS,i∈{0,1}) a corresponding
Iwahori-Hecke algebra over the ring Ras defined in chapter 91. We shall now describe
functions for dealing with representations and characters of H.
The fact that we know a presentation of Hmakes it easy to check that a list of matrices
MsRd×dfor sSgives rise to a representation: there is a (unique) representation
ρ:HRd×dsuch that ρ(Ts) = Msfor all sS, if and only if the matrices Mssatisfy the
same relations as those for the generators Tsof H.
A general approach for the construction of representations is in terms of W-graphs, see
[KL79, p.165]. Any such W-graph carries a representation of H. Note that in this ap-
proach, it is necessary to know the square roots of the parameters of H. The simplest
example, the standard W-graph defined in [KL79, Ex. 6.2] yields a “deformation”of the
natural reflection representation of W. This can be produced in CHEVIE using the function
Another possibility to construct W-graphs is by using the Kazhdan-Lusztig theory of left
cells (see [KL79]); see the following chapter for more details.
In a similar way as the ordinary character table of the finite Coxeter group Wis defined,
one also has a character table for the Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hin the case when the ground
ring Ais a field such His split and semisimple. The generic choice for such a ground ring is
the rational function field K=Q(vs)sSwhere the parameters of the corresponding algebra
HKsatisfy us,0/us,1=v2
sfor all s.
By Tits’ Deformation Theorem (see [CR87, Sec. 68], for example), the algebra HKis (ab-
stractly) isomorphic to the group algebra of Wover K. Moreover, we have a bijection
between the irreducible characters of HKand W, given as follows. Let χbe an irreducible
character of HK. Then we have χ(Tw)Awhere A=Z[vs]sSand Zdenotes the ring of
algebraic integers in Q. We can find a ring homomorphism f:AQsuch that f(a) = afor
all aZand f(vs) = 1 for sS. Then it turns out that the function χf:w7→ f(χ(Tw)) is
an irreducible character of W, and the assignment χ7→ χfdefines a bijection between the
irreducible characters of HKand W.
Now this bijection does depend on the choice of f. But one should keep in mind that this
only plays a role in the case where Wis a non-crystallographic Coxeter group. In all other
cases, as is well-known, the character table of Wis rational; moreover, the values of the
irreducible characters of HKon basis elements Twlie in the ring Z[vs]sS.
The character table of HKis defined to be the square matrix (χ(Tw)) where χruns over
the irreducible characters of HKand wruns over a set of representatives of minimal length
in the conjugacy classes of W. The character tables of Iwahori-Hecke algebras (in this
sense) are known for all types: the table for type Awas first computed by Starkey (see the
description of his work in [Car86]); then different descriptions with different proofs were
given in [Ram91] and [Pfe94]. The tables for the non crystallographic types I2(m), H3,
H4can be constructed from the explicit matrix representations given in [CR87, Sec. 67C],
[Lus81] and [AL82], respectively. For the classical types Band Dsee [HR94] and [Pfe96].
The tables for the remaining exceptional types were computed in [Gec94], [Gec95] and
If His an Iwahori-Hecke algebra over an arbitrary ground ring Ras above, then the GAP3
function CharTable applied to the corresponding record returns a character table record
which is build up in exactly the same way as for the finite Coxeter group Witself but where
the record component irreducibles contains the character values which are obtained from
those of the generic multi-parameter algebra HKby specializing the indeterminates vito
the variables in rootParameter.
92.1 HeckeReflectionRepresentation
HeckeReflectionRepresentation( W)
returns a list of matrices which give the reflection representation of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra
corresponding to the Coxeter group W. The function Hecke must have been applied to the
record W.
gap> v:= X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke(CoxeterGroup( "B", 2) , v^2, v);
gap> ref:= HeckeReflectionRepresentation( H );
[ [ [ -v^0, 0*v^0 ], [ -v^2, v^2 ] ],
[ [ v^2, -2*v^0 ], [ 0*v^0, -v^0 ] ] ]
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "H", 3 ));;
gap> HeckeReflectionRepresentation( H );
[ [ 1, E(5)+2*E(5)^2+2*E(5)^3+E(5)^4, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0 ],
92.2 CheckHeckeDefiningRelations
CheckHeckeDefiningRelations( H,t)
returns true or false, according to whether a given set tof matrices corresponding to the
standard generators of the Coxeter group Group(H) defines a representation of the Iwahori-
Hecke algebra Hor not.
gap> H := Hecke(CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 ));;
gap> r := HeckeReflectionRepresentation( H );;
gap> CheckHeckeDefiningRelations( H, r );
92.3 CharTable for Hecke algebras
CharTable( H)
CharTable returns the character table record of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra H. This is basi-
cally the same as the character table of a Coxeter group described earlier with the exception
that the component irreducibles contains the matrix of the values of the irreducible char-
acters of the generic Iwahori-Hecke algebra specialized at the parameters in the component
parameter of H. Thus, if all these parameters are equal to 1 Qthen the component
irreducibles just contains the ordinary character table of the underlying Coxeter group.
The function CharTable first recognizes the type of H, then calls special functions for each
type involved in Hand finally forms the direct product of all these tables.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
gap> v := X( LaurentPolynomialRing( Rationals ) );; := "v";;
gap> u := u * v^0;;
gap> H := Hecke( W, [ u^2, v^2 ], [ u, v ] );
gap> Display( CharTable( H ) );
2 2 2 2 1 1 2
3 1 . . 1 1 1
A0 ~A1 A1 G2 A2 A1+~A1
2P A0 A0 A0 A2 A2 A0
3P A0 ~A1 A1 A1+~A1 A0 A1+~A1
phi{1,0} 1 v^2 u^2 u^2v^2 u^4v^4 u^6v^6
phi{1,6} 1 -1 -1 1 1 1
phi{1,3}’ 1 v^2 -1 -v^2 v^4 -v^6
phi{1,3}’’ 1 -1 u^2 -u^2 u^4 -u^6
phi{2,1} 2 v^2-1 u^2-1 -uv -u^2v^2 2u^3v^3
phi{2,2} 2 v^2-1 u^2-1 uv -u^2v^2 -2u^3v^3
As mentioned before, the record components classparam,classnames and irredinfo con-
tain canonical labels and parameters for the classes and the characters (see the introduction
to chapter 87 and also 87.5). For direct products, sequences of such canonical labels of the
individual types are given.
We can also have character tables for algebras where the parameters are not necessarily
gap> H1 := Hecke( W, [ E(6)^2, E(6)^4 ],[ E(6), E(6)^2 ] );
gap> ct := CharTable( H1 );
CharTable( "H(G2)" )
gap> Display( ct );
2 2 2 2 1 1 2
3 1 . . 1 1 1
A0 ~A1 A1 G2 A2 A1+~A1
2P A0 A0 A0 A2 A2 A0
3P A0 ~A1 A1 A1+~A1 A0 A1+~A1
phi{1,0} 1 E3^2 E3 1 1 1
phi{1,6} 1 -1 -1 1 1 1
phi{1,3}’ 1 E3^2 -1 -E3^2 E3 -1
phi{1,3}’’ 1 -1 E3 -E3 E3^2 -1
phi{2,1} 2 (-3-ER(-3))/2 (-3+ER(-3))/2 1 -1 -2
phi{2,2} 2 (-3-ER(-3))/2 (-3+ER(-3))/2 -1 -1 2
gap> RankMat( ct.irreducibles );
The last result tells us that the specialized character table is no more invertible.
Character tables of Iwahori–Hecke algebras were introduced in [GP93]; see also the intro-
duction to this chapter for further information about the origin of the various tables.
92.4 Representations for Hecke algebras
Representations( H,l)
This function returns the list of representations of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra H. Each rep-
resentation is returned as a list of the matrix images of the generators Ts.
If there is a second argument, it can be a list of indices (or a single integer) and only
the representations with these indices (or that index) in the list of all representations are
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("I",2,5);
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q);
gap> Representations(H);
[ [ [ -q^0, q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, q ] ],
[ [ q, 0*q^0 ], [ (-E(5)-2*E(5)^2-2*E(5)^3-E(5)^4)*q, -q^0 ] ] ],
[ [ [ -q^0, q^0 ], [ 0*q^0, q ] ], [ [ q, 0*q^0 ], [ (-2*E(5)-E(5)^2
-E(5)^3-2*E(5)^4)*q, -q^0 ] ] ] ]
The models implemented for types Bnand Dninvolve rational fractions, thus work only
with algebras whose parameters are Mvps.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",3);
gap> H:=Hecke(W,Mvp("x"));
gap> Representations(H,2);
[ [ (-x+x^2)/(1+x), (1+x^2)/(1+x), 0 ],
[ 2x/(1+x), (-1+x)/(1+x), 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1 ] ],
[ [ -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1/2+1/2x, 1/2+1/2x ],
[ 0, 1/2+1/2x, -1/2+1/2x ] ] ]
92.5 PoincarePolynomial
PoincarePolynomial( H)
The Poincar´e polynomial of the Hecke algebra H, which is equal to SchurElements(H)[ind]
where ind is the position of the 1-dimensional index representation in the character table of
H, that is, the representation which maps Tsto the corresponding parameter us,0.
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );; H := Hecke( W, q );
gap> PoincarePolynomial( H );
q^6 + 2*q^5 + 2*q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
92.6 SchurElements for Iwahori-Hecke algebras
SchurElements( H)
returns the list of constants Sχarising from the Schur relations for the irreducible characters
χof the Iwahori-Hecke algebra H, that is δw,1=Pχχ(Tw)/Sχwhere δis the Kronecker
The element Sχalso equal to P/Dχwhere Pis the Poincare polynomial and Dχis the
generic degree of χ. Note, however, that this only works if Dχ6= 0. (We can have Dχ= 0
if the parameters of Hare suitably chosen roots of unity, for example.) The ordering of the
Schur elements corresponds to the ordering of the characters as returned by the function
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
gap> v := X( LaurentPolynomialRing( Rationals ) );; := "v";;
gap> W := CoxeterGroup("G",2);;
gap> schur := SchurElements( Hecke( W, [ u ^ 2, v ^ 2 ]));
# warning: u*v chosen as 2nd root of (uˆ2)*vˆ2
[ (u^6 + u^4)*v^6 + (u^6 + 2*u^4 + u^2)*v^4 + (u^4 + 2*u^2 + 1)*v^
2 + (u^2 + 1), (1 + u^(-2)) + (1 + 2*u^(-2) + u^(-4))*v^(
-2) + (u^(-2) + 2*u^(-4) + u^(-6))*v^(-4) + (u^(-4) + u^(-6))*v^(
-6), (u^(-4) + u^(-6))*v^6 + (u^(-2) + 2*u^(-4) + u^(-6))*v^4 + (
1 + 2*u^(-2) + u^(-4))*v^2 + (1 + u^(-2)),
(u^2 + 1) + (u^4 + 2*u^2 + 1)*v^(-2) + (u^6 + 2*u^4 + u^2)*v^(
-4) + (u^6 + u^4)*v^(-6), (2*u^0)*v^2 + (-2*u + 2*u^(-1))*v + (
2*u^2 - 2 + 2*u^(-2)) + (2*u - 2*u^(-1))*v^(-1) + (2*u^0)*v^(-2),
(2*u^0)*v^2 + (2*u - 2*u^(-1))*v + (2*u^2 - 2 + 2*u^(-2)) + (-2*u +
2*u^(-1))*v^(-1) + (2*u^0)*v^(-2) ]
The Poincar´e polynomial is just the Schur element corresponding to the trivial (or index)
gap> schur[PositionId(W)];
(u^6 + u^4)*v^6 + (u^6 + 2*u^4 + u^2)*v^4 + (u^4 + 2*u^2 + 1)*v^
2 + (u^2 + 1)
(note that the trivial character is not always the first character, which is why we use
PositionId) For further information about generic degrees and connections with the rep-
resentation theory of finite groups of Lie type, see [BC72] and [Car85].
92.7 SchurElement for Iwahori-Hecke algebras
SchurElement( H,phi )
returns the Schur element (see Schur Elements for Iwahori-Hecke algebras) of the
Iwahori-Hecke algebra Hfor the irreducible character of Hof parameter phi (see CharParams
in section 103).
gap> u := X( Rationals );; := "u";;
gap> v := X( LaurentPolynomialRing( Rationals ) );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 ), [ u , v]);
gap> SchurElement( H, [ [ 1, 3, 1] ] );
(u^(-2) + u^(-3))*v^3 + (u^(-1) + 2*u^(-2) + u^(-3))*v^2 + (1 + 2*u^(
-1) + u^(-2))*v + (1 + u^(-1))
92.8 GenericDegrees
We do not have a function for the generic degrees of an Iwahori-Hecke algebra since they
are not always defined (for example, if the parameters of the algebra are roots of unity). If
they are defined, they can be computed with the command:
List( SchurElements( H), x -> PoincarePolynomial( H)/x);
(See 92.5 and 90.4.)
92.9 LowestPowerGenericDegrees for Hecke algebras
LowestPowerGenericDegrees( H)
Hshould be an Iwahori-Hecke algebra all of whose parameters are monomials in the same
indeterminate. LowestPowerGenericDegrees returns a list holding the a-function for all
irreducible characters of this algebra, that is, for each character χ, the valuation of the
Schur element of χ. The ordering of the result corresponds to the ordering of the characters
in CharTable(H). One should note that this function first computes explicitly the Schur
elements, so for a one-parameter algebra, LowestPowerGenericDegrees(Group(H)) may
be much faster.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(CoxeterGroup("B",4),[q^2,q]);
gap> LowestPowerGenericDegrees(H);
[ 7, 6, 7, 12, 20, 3, 5, 3, 7, 6, 13, 2, 3, 10, 1, 4, 2, 7, 0, 3 ]
92.10 HeckeCharValuesGood
HeckeCharValuesGood( H,w)
Let Hbe a Hecke algebra for the Coxeter group CoxeterGroup(H), let wbe a good element
of CoxeterGroup(H)in the sense of [GM97] (the representatives of conjugacy classes stored
in CHEVIE are such elements), and let dbe the order of w.
HeckeCharValuesGood computes the values of the irreducible characters of the Iwahori-
Hecke algebra HW on Td
w. The point is that the character table of the Hecke algebra is
not used, and that all the eigenvalues of Td
ware monomials in H.parameters, so this can
be used to find the absolute value of the eigenvalues of Tw, a step towards computing the
character table of the Hecke algebra.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(CoxeterGroup("B",4),[q^2,q]);
gap> HeckeCharValuesGood( H, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
[ q^12, 4*q^12, 3*q^12 + 3*q^8, 3*q^8 + 1, q^0, 2*q^18 + q^12,
6*q^12, 2*q^18 + 3*q^16 + 3*q^12, 3*q^12 + 3*q^8 + 2*q^6,
3*q^16 + 3*q^8, 2*q^6 + 1, 2*q^18, 3*q^16 + 3*q^12, 2*q^6,
q^24 + 2*q^18, 4*q^12, q^24 + 3*q^16, q^12 + 2*q^6, q^24, q^12 ]
Chapter 93
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
and bases
Let Hbe the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of a Coxeter system (W, S), with quadratic relations
(Tsus,0)(Tsus,1) = 0 for sS. If us,0us,1has a square root, we can scale the basis Tsto
Ts/us,0us,1to get a new basis tswith quadratic relations (tsvs)(ts+v1
s) = 0 where
vs=pus,0/us,1. The most general case when Kazhdan-Lusztig bases and polynomials
can be defined is when the parameters vsbelong to a totally ordered abelian group Γ (where
the group law is multiplication of parameters), see [Lus83]. We set Γ+={γΓ|γ0}and
Γ={γ1|γΓ+}={γΓ|γ < 0}.
Thus we assume Hdefined over the ring Z[Γ], the group algebra of Γ over Z, and the
quadratic relations of Hassociate to each sSavsΓ+such that (tsvs)(ts+v1
s) = 0.
We also set qs=v2
sand define the basis Ts=vstswith quadratic relations (Tsqs)(Ts+1) =
0; we extend the notation to define an element qwΓ+by setting qw=qs1. . . qsnif
w=s1. . . snis a reduced expression for some wW, and denote q(1/2)
w=vs1. . . vsn.
We define the bar involution on Hby linearity:on Z[Γ] we define it by PγΓaγγ=PγΓaγγ1
and we extend it to Hby Ts=T1
s. Then the Kazhdan-Lusztig basis C0
wis defined as the
only basis of Hstable by the bar involution and congruent to twmodulo PwWΓtw.
The basis C0
wcan be computed as follows. We define elements Rx,y of Z[Γ] by T1
xTx. We then define inductively the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials (in this
general context we should say the Kazhdan-Lusztig elements of Z[Γ], which belong to the
subalgebra of Z[Γ] generated by the qs) by Px,w =τ(qw/qx)1/2(Px<ywRx,y Py,w) where τ
is the truncation : τνPγΓaγγ=Pγνaγγ; the induction is thus on decreasing xfor the
Bruhat order and starts at Pw,w = 1. We have then C0
CHEVIE can compute Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, left cells, and the various Kazhdan-
Lusztig bases of Iwahori-Hecke algebras (see [KL79]). More facilities are implemented for
the one-parameter case when all vshave a common value v.
There is a separate function to compute one-parameter kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. From
a computational point of view, even this case is quite a challenge. It seems that the best
approach still is by using the recursion formula in the original article [KL79] (which deals
with the one-parameter case, where the above recursion simplifies). One can first run a
number of standard checks on a given pair of elements to see if the computation of the
corresponding polynomial can be reduced to a similar computation for elements of smaller
length, for example. One such check involves the notion of critical pairs (cf. [Alv87]):We
say that a pair of elements w1w2Wis critical if L(w2)⊆ L(w1) and R(w2)⊆ R(w1),
where Land Rdenote the left and right descent set, respectively. Now if ywWare
arbitrary elements then there always exists a critical pair (z, w) with yzwand then
Py,w =Pz,w . Given two elements yand w, such a critical pair is found by the function
CriticalPair. Whenever the polynomial corresponding to a critical pair is computed then
this pair and the polynomial are stored in the field .klpol of the record of the underlying
Coxeter group.
A good example to see how long the programs will take for computations in big Coxeter
groups is the following:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",5);;
gap> LeftCells(W);;
which takes 10 seconds cpu time on 3Ghz computer. The computation of all Kazhdan-
Lusztig polynomials for type F4takes a bit more than 1 minute. Computing the Bruhat
order is a bottleneck for these computations; they can be speeded up by a factor of two if
one does:
gap> ReadChv("contr/brbase");
gap> BaseBruhat(W);;
after which the computation of the Bruhat order will be speeded up by a large factor.
However, Alvis’ computation of the Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials of the Coxeter group of
type H4in a computer algebra system like GAP3 would still take many hours. For such
applications, it is probably more efficient to use a special purpose program like the one
provided by F. DuCloux [DuC91].
The code for the Kazhdan-Lusztig bases C,Dand their primed versions has been written
by Andrew Mathas around 1994, who also contributed to the initial implementation and to
the design of the programs dealing with Kazhdan-Lusztig bases. He also implemented some
other bases, such as the Murphy basis which can be found in the contributions directory (see
also his Specht package). The extension to the unequal parameters case has been written
by F.Digne and J.Michel around 1999.
The other Kazhdan-Lusztig bases are computed in CHEVIE in terms of the C0basis.
CHEVIE is able to define automatically the bar and truncation operations on Z(Γ) when
all parameters are powers of the same indeterminate q, with total order on Γ by the power
of q, or when the parameters are monomials in some Mvps, with the lexicographic order.
The bar involution is evaluating a Laurent polynomial at the inverse of the variables, and
truncation is keeping terms of smaller degree than that of ν. It is possible to use arbitrary
groups Γ by doing the following steps: first, define the Hecke algebra H. Then, before defin-
ing any of the Kazhdan-Lusztig bases, write functions H.Bar(p),H.PositivePart(p) and
H.NegativePart(p) which perform the operations respectively PγΓaγγ7→ PγΓaγγ1,
PγΓaγγ7→ Pγ1aγγand PγΓaγγ7→ Pγ1aγγon elements pof Z[Γ]. It is then pos-
sible to define Kahzdan-Lusztig bases and the operations above will be used internally by
CHEVIE to compute them.
93.1 KazhdanLusztigPolynomial
KazhdanLusztigPolynomial( W,y,w)
returns the coefficients of the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial Py,w(q) attached to the elements
yand wof the Coxeter group Wand to Hecke(W,q). If one prefers to give as input just
two Coxeter words, one can define a new function as follows (for example):
gap> klpol := function( W, x, y)
> return KazhdanLusztigPolynomial(W, EltWord(W, x), EltWord(W, y));
> end;
function ( W, x, y ) ... end
We use this function in the following example where we compute the polynomials P1,w for
all elements win the Coxeter group of type A3.
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );;
gap> el := CoxeterWords( W );
[[ ],[3],[2],[1],[3,2],[2,1],[2,3],[1,3],
gap> List( el, w -> Polynomial(Rationals,klpol( W, [], w )));
[ q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0,
q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q + 1, q^0, q^0, q^0, q^0, q + 1,
q^0, q^0, q + 1, q^0, q^0, q + 1, q + 1, q^0, q + 1, q^0, q + 1,
q^0, q^2 + 1, q + 1, q^2 + q + 1, q + 1, q + 1, q^0, q^0, q^2 + 1,
q^0, q + 1, q^0 ]
Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomials for critical pairs are stored in the record component klpol
of W, which allows the function to work much faster after the first time it is called.
93.2 CriticalPair
CriticalPair( W,y,w)
Given elements yand win the Coxeter group Wthe function CriticalPair returns the
longest element in the double coset WL(w)yWR(w); it is such that the Kazhdan–Lusztig
polynomials Pz,w and Py,w are equal.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );
gap> w := LongestCoxeterElement( W ) * W.generators[1];;
gap> CoxeterLength( W, w );
gap> y := EltWord( W, [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] );;
gap> cr := CriticalPair( W, y, w );;
gap> CoxeterWord( W, cr);
gap> KazhdanLusztigPolynomial( W, y, w);
gap> KazhdanLusztigPolynomial( W, cr, w);
93.3 KazhdanLusztigCoefficient
KazhdanLusztigCoefficient( W,y,w,k)
returns the coefficient of qkin the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial Py,w attached to the elements
yand wof the Coxeter group Wand to Hecke(W,q).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 4 );;
gap> y := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 ];;
gap> py := EltWord( W, y );
( 1,28)( 2,15)( 4,27)( 6,16)( 7,24)( 8,23)(11,20)(12,17)(14,30)(18,31)
gap> x := [ 1 ];;
gap> px := EltWord( W, x );
( 1,17)( 2, 8)( 6,11)(10,14)(18,24)(22,27)(26,30)
gap> Bruhat( W, px, py );
gap> List([0..3],i->KazhdanLusztigCoefficient( W, px, py, i ) );
So the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial corresponding to xand yis 1 + 2q+q2.
93.4 KazhdanLusztigMue
KazhdanLusztigMue( W,y,w)
given elements yand win the Coxeter group W, this function returns the coefficient of
degree (l(w)l(y)1)/2 of the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial Py,w .
Of course, the result of this function could also be obtained by
but there are some speed-ups compared to this general function.
93.5 LeftCells
LeftCells( W[, i])
returns a list of records describing left cells of Wfor Hecke(W,q). The program uses
precomputed data(see [GH14]) for exceptional types and for type A, so is quite fast for
93.6. LEFTCELL 1689
these types (it takes 32 seconds to compute the 101796 left cells for type E8). For other
types, left cells are computed from first principles, thus computing many Kazhdan-Lusztig
polynomials. It takes 10 seconds to compute the left cells of D5, for example.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
gap> LeftCells(W);
[ LeftCell<G2: duflo= character=phi{1,0}>,
LeftCell<G2: duflo=2 character=phi{2,1}+phi{1,3}’+phi{2,2}>,
LeftCell<G2: duflo=1 character=phi{2,1}+phi{1,3}’’+phi{2,2}>,
LeftCell<G2: duflo=1,2 character=phi{1,6}> ]
Printing such a record displays the character afforded by the left cell and its Duflo involution;
the Duflo involution ris printed as a subset Iof [1..W.N] such that r=LongestCoxeterElement(ReflectionSubgroup(W,I)),
see 85.9.
If a second argument iis given, the program returns only the left cells which are in the i-th
two-sided cell, that is whose character is in the i-th family of W(see 98.13).
gap> LeftCells(W,1);
[ LeftCell<G2: duflo=2 character=phi{2,1}+phi{1,3}’+phi{2,2}>,
LeftCell<G2: duflo=1 character=phi{2,1}+phi{1,3}’’+phi{2,2}> ]
93.6 LeftCell
LeftCell( W,x)
returns a record describing the left cell of Wfor Hecke(W,q) containing element x.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "E", 8 );;
gap> LeftCell(W, Random(W));
LeftCell<E8: duflo=6,11,82,120 character=phi{2268,30}+phi{1296,33}>
93.7 Functions for LeftCells
Size( cell)
Returns the number of elements of the cell.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup( "H", 3);;
gap> c := LeftCells( W );;
gap> List( c, Size);
Elements( cell)
Returns the list of elements of the cell.
The operations in and =are defined for left cells.
Representation( cell,H)
returns a list of matrices giving the representation of Hecke(W,v^2,v) on the left cell c.
gap> v := X( Cyclotomics ) ;; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke(W, v^2, v );
gap> Representation(c[3],H);
[ [ [ -v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, -v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, v ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, -v^0, v, v ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, v^2, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, v^2 ] ],
[ [ -v^0, v, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, v^2, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, v^2, 0*v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, v, -v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, v, v, 0*v^0, -v^0 ] ],
[ [ v^2, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ v, -v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, -v^0, v, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, v^2, 0*v^0 ],
[ 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0, -v^0 ] ] ]
Returns a list lsuch that the character of Wafforded by the left cell cis Sum(CharTable(W).irreducibles{l}).
gap> Character(c[13]);
See also WGraph below. When Character(c) has been computed, then c.a also has been
bound which holds the common value of Lusztig’s a-function (see 87.11) for
The elements of c.
The irreducible constituents of Character(c).
93.8 W-Graphs
Let Hbe the 1-parameter Hecke algebra with parameter qassociated to the Coxeter system
(W, S). A W-graph encodes a representation of Hof the kind which is constructed by
Kazhdan-Lusztig theory. It consists of a basis V(the vertices of the graph) of a real vector
space with a function x7→ I(x) from Vto the subsets of Sand a function µ:V2R(the
nonzero values are thus labels for the edges of the graph). This defines the representation
of Hgiven in the basis Vby the formulae
Ts(x) = xif sI(x)
qx +P{yV|sI(y)}qµ(y, x)yotherwise.
There are two points to W-graphs. First, they describe nice, sparse, integral representations
of H(and thus of Walso). Second, they can be stored very compactly; for example, for the
representation of dimension 7168 of the Hecke algebra of type E8, a naive implementation
would take more than a gigabyte. The corresponding W-graph takes 500KB.
W-graphs are represented in CHEVIE as a pair.
The first element is a list describing C; its elements are either a set I(x), or an integer
n specifying to repeat the previous element n more times.
93.9. WGRAPH 1691
The second element is a list which specifies µ. We first describe the µ-list for symmetric
W-graphs (when µ(x, y) = µ(y, x)). There is one element of the µ-list for each non-zero
value mtaken by µ, which consists of a pair whose first element is mand whose second
element is a list of lists; if lis one of these lists each pair [l[1],l[i]] represents
an edge x=l[1],y=l[i] such that µ(x, y) = µ(y, x) = m. For non-symmetric W-
graphs, the first element of each pair in the µ-list is a pair [m,n] and each edge [x,y]
obtained from the lists in the second element has to be interpreted as µ(x, y) = mand
µ(y, x) = n.
Here is an example of graph for a Coxeter group, and the corresponding representation.
Here vis a variable representing the square root of q.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("H",3);;
gap> WGraph(W,3);
gap> WGraphToRepresentation(3,last,Mvp("v"));
[ [ [ v^2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -v, 0, -1, 0, -v ],
[ 0, 0, 0, -1, -v ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, v^2 ] ],
[ [ -1, 0, -v, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0, -v, 0 ], [ 0, 0, v^2, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, v^2, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -v, -v, -1 ] ],
[ [ v^2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, v^2, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -v, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
93.9 WGraph
WGraph( W,i)
Wshould be a finite Coxeter group. Returns the W-graph for the i-th representation of the
one-parameter Hecke algebra of W(or the i-th representation of W). For the moment this
is only implemented for irreducible groups of exceptional type E, F, G, H.
WGraph( c)
cshould be a left cell for the one-parameter Hecke algebra of a finite Coxeter group W.
Returns the corresponding W-graph.
93.10 WGraphToRepresentation
WGraphToRepresentation (r,graph,v)
graph should be a W-graph for some finite Coxeter group Wof semisimple rank r. The
function returns the rmatrices defining the representation defined by graph of the Hecke
algebra for Wwith parameters 1 and v2.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("H",3);;
gap> g:=WGraph(W,3);
gap> WGraphToRepresentation(3,g,Mvp("v"));
[ [ [ v^2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -v, 0, -1, 0, -v ],
[ 0, 0, 0, -1, -v ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, v^2 ] ],
[ [ -1, 0, -v, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -1, 0, -v, 0 ], [ 0, 0, v^2, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, v^2, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -v, -v, -1 ] ],
[ [ v^2, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, v^2, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -v, 0, -1, 0, 0 ],
Hshould be a one-parameter Hecke algebra for a finite Coxeter group. The function returns
the matrices of the representation defined by graph of H.
gap> H:=Hecke(W,[[Mvp("v"),-Mvp("v")^-1]]);
gap> WGraphToRepresentation(H,g);
[ [ [ v, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -v^-1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -1, 0, -v^-1, 0, -1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, -v^-1, -1 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, v ] ],
[ [ -v^-1, 0, -1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, -v^-1, 0, -1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, v, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, v, 0 ], [ 0, 0, -1, -1, -v^-1 ] ],
[ [ v, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, v, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -1, 0, -v^-1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, 0, -v^-1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, -v^-1 ] ] ]
93.11 Hecke elements of the Cbasis
Basis( H, "C")
returns a function which gives the C-basis of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra H. The parameters
of Hshould be powers of a single indeterminate or Mvps (see the introduction). This basis
is defined as follows (see e.g. [Lus85, (5.1)]). Let Wbe the underlying Coxeter group. For
x, y Wlet Px,y be the corresponding Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial. If {Tw|wW}
denotes the usual T-basis, then Cx:= Pyx(1)l(x)l(y)Py,x(q1)q1/2
yTyfor xW.
For example, we have Cs=q1/2
sT1for sS. Thus, the transformation matrix
between the T-basis and the C-basis is lower unitriangular, with powers of valong the
diagonal. In the one-parameter case (all qsare equal to v2) the multiplication rules for the
Cbasis are given by:
Cs·Cx=(v+v1)Cx, if sx < x
Csx +Pyµ(y, x)Cy, if sx > x
where the sum is over all ysuch that y < x,l(y)6≡ l(x) mod 2 and sy < y. The coefficient
µ(y, x) is the coefficient of degree (l(x)l(y)1)/2 in the Kazhdan–Lusztig polynomial
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 3 );;
gap> v := X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( W, v^2, v );
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> C := Basis( H, "C" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> T( C( 1 ) );
gap> C( T( 1 ) );
We can also compute character values on elements in the C-basis as follows:
gap> ref := HeckeReflectionRepresentation( H );;
gap> c := CharRepresentationWords( ref, WordsClassRepresentatives( W ) );
[ 3*v^0, 2*v^2 - 1, v^8 - 2*v^4, -3*v^12, 2*v^2 - 1, v^4,
v^4 - 2*v^2, -v^6, v^4 - v^2, 0*v^0 ]
gap> List( ChevieClassInfo( W ).classtext, i ->
> HeckeCharValues( C( i ), c ) );
[ 3*v^0, -v - v^(-1), 0*v^0, 0*v^0, -v - v^(-1), 2*v^0, 0*v^0, 0*v^0,
v^0, 0*v^0 ]
93.12 Hecke elements of the primed Cbasis
Basis( H, "C’")
returns a function which gives the C0-basis of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra H(see [Lus85,
(5.1)]) The parameters of Hshould be powers of a single indeterminate or monomials in
Mvp’s (see the introduction). This basis is defined by
x:= X
xTyfor xW .
We have C0
x= (1)l(x)Alt(Cx) for all xW(see AltInvolution in section 91.6).
gap> v := X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 ), [v ^4, v^2] );;
gap> h := Basis( H, "C’" )( 1 );
# warning: C’ basis: vˆ2 chosen as 2nd root of vˆ4
gap> h2 := h * h;
gap> Basis( H, "T" )( h2 );
gap> Basis(H,"C’")(last);
93.13 Hecke elements of the Dbasis
Basis( H, "D")
returns a function which gives the D-basis of the (one parameter generic) Iwahori-Hecke
algebra H(see [Lus85, (5.1)]) of the finite Coxeter group W. This can be defined by
Dx:= vNC0
xw0Tw0for every xW ,
where Ndenotes the number of positive roots in the root system of Wand w0is the longest
element of W. The D-basis is dual to the C-basis with respect to the non-degenerate form
H×HZ[v, v1], (h1, h2)7→ τ(h1·h2) where τ:HZ[v, v1] is the linear form such
that τ(T1) = 1 and τ(Tx) = 0 for x6= 1. We have Dx=β(C0
w0x) for all xW(see
BetaInvolution in section 91.6).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 );;
gap> v := X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( W, v^2, v );
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> D := Basis( H, "D" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> D( T( 1 ) );
gap> BetaInvolution( D( 1 ) );
93.14 Hecke elements of the primed Dbasis
Basis( H, "D’")
returns a function which gives the D0-basis of the (one parameter generic) Iwahori-Hecke
algebra Hof the finite Coxeter group W(see [Lus85, (5.1)]). This can be defined by
x:= vNCxw0Tw0for every xW ,
where Ndenotes the number of positive roots in the root system of Wand w0is the longest
element of W. The D0-basis is basis dual to the C0-basis with respect to the non-degenerate
form H×HZ[v, v1], (h1, h2)7→ τ(h1·h2) where τ:HZ[v, v1] is the linear form
such that τ(T1) = 1 and τ(Tx) = 0 for x6= 1. We have D0
x= Alt(Dx) for all xW(see
AltInvolution in section 91.6).
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "B", 2 );;
gap> v := X( Rationals );; := "v";;
gap> H := Hecke( W, v^2, v );
gap> T := Basis( H, "T" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> Dp := Basis( H, "D’" );
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> AltInvolution( Dp( 1 ) );
gap> Dp( 1 )^3;
93.15 Asymptotic algebra
AsymptoticAlgebra( W,i)
The asymptotic algebra Aassociated to the algebra H=Hecke(W,q) is an algebra with basis
{tx}xWand structure constants txty=Pzγx,y,z tzgiven by:let hx,y,z be the coefficient of
93.16. LUSZTIGAW 1695
CxCyon Cz. Then hx,y,z =γx,y,z1qa(z)/2+lower terms, where qa(z)/2is the maximum over
x, y of the degree of hx,y,z.
The algebra Ais the direct product of the subalgebras ACgenerated by the elements {tx}x∈C,
where Cruns over the two-sided cells of W. If Cis the i-th two-sided cell of W, the command
AsymptoticAlgebra(W,i) returns the algebra AC. Note that the function a(z) is constant
over a two-sided cell, equal to the common value of the a-function attached to the characters
of the two-sided cell (see Character for left cells).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);;
gap> A:=AsymptoticAlgebra(W,1);
Asymptotic algebra dim.10
gap> b:=A.basis;
[ t(2), t(12), t(212), t(1212), t(21212), t(1), t(21), t(121),
t(2121), t(12121) ]
gap> List(b,x->b*x);
[ [ t(2), t(21), t(212), t(2121), t(21212), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t(21), t(2)+t(212), t(21)+t(2121), t(212)+t(21212),
t(2121) ],
[ t(212), t(21)+t(2121), t(2)+t(212)+t(21212), t(21)+t(2121),
t(212), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t(2121), t(212)+t(21212), t(21)+t(2121),
t(2)+t(212), t(21) ],
[ t(21212), t(2121), t(212), t(21), t(2), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t(1), t(12), t(121), t(1212), t(12121) ],
[ t(12), t(1)+t(121), t(12)+t(1212), t(121)+t(12121), t(1212), 0,
0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t(121), t(12)+t(1212), t(1)+t(121)+t(12121),
t(12)+t(1212), t(121) ],
[ t(1212), t(121)+t(12121), t(12)+t(1212), t(1)+t(121), t(12), 0,
0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, t(12121), t(1212), t(121), t(12), t(1) ] ]
93.16 Lusztigaw
Lusztigaw( W,w)
For wan element of the Coxeter groups W, this function returns the coefficients on the
irreducible characters of the virtual Character awdefined in [Lus85, 5.10.2]. This character
has the property that the corresponding almost character is integral and positive.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> Lusztigaw(W,Reflection(W,1));
gap> last*List([1..NrConjugacyClasses(W)],i->AlmostCharacter(W,i));
93.17 LusztigAw
LusztigAw( W,w)
For wan element of the Coxeter groups W, this function returns the coefficients on the
irreducible characters of the virtual Character Awdefined in [Lus85, 5.10.2]. This character
has the property that the corresponding almost character is integral and positive.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> LusztigAw(W,Reflection(W,1));
gap> last*List([1..NrConjugacyClasses(W)],i->AlmostCharacter(W,i));
Chapter 94
Parabolic modules for
Iwahori-Hecke algebras
Let Hbe the Hecke algebra of the Coxeter group Wwith Coxeter generating set S, and let
Ibe a subset of S. Let χbe a one-dimensional character of the parabolic subalgebra HIof
H. Then HHIχ(the induced representation of χfrom HIto H) is naturally a H-module,
with a natural basis MTw=Tw1 indexed by the reduced-Ielements of W(i.e., those
elements wsuch that l(ws)> l(w) for any sI).
The module action of an generator Tsof Hwhich satisfies the quadratic relation (Ts
ps)(Tsqs) = 0 is given in this basis by:
χ(Tw1sw)MTw,if sw is not reduced-I(then w1sw I).
psqsMTsw + (ps+qs)M Tw,if sw < w is reduced-I.
MTsw,if sw > w is reduced-I.
Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of an Hecke module are also defined in the same circumstances when
Kazhdan-Lusztig bases of the algebra can be defined, but only the case of the base C’ for χ
the sign character has been implemented for now.
94.1 Construction of Hecke module elements of the M T
ModuleBasis( H, "MT"[, I[,chi]] )
Hshould be an Iwahori-Hecke algebra of a Coxeter group Wwith Coxeter generating set
S,Ishould be a subset of S(specified by a list of the names of the generators in I), and chi
should be a one-dimensional character of the parabolic subalgebra of Hdetermined by I,
represented by the list of its values on {Ts}sI(if chi takes the same value on all generators
of HIit can be represented by a single value).
The result is a function which can be used to make elements of the MT basis of the Hecke
module associated to Iand chi.
If omitted, Iis assumed to be the first W.semiSimpleRank-1 generators of W(this makes
sense for an affine Weyl group where they generate the corresponding linear Weyl group),
and chi is taken to be equal to 1 (which specifies the sign character of H).
It is convenient to assign this function with a shorter name when computing with elements
of the Hecke module. In what follows we assume that we have done the assignment:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);;Wa:=Affine(W);;
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(Wa,q);
gap> MT:=ModuleBasis(H,"MT");
function ( arg ) ... end
MT( w)
Here wis an element of the Coxeter group Group(H). The basis element MTwis returned
if wis reduced-I, and otherwise an error is signaled.
MT( elts,coeffs)
In this form, elts is a list of elements of Group(H) and coeffs a list of coefficients which
should be of the same length k. The element Sum([1..k],i->coeffs[i]*MT(elts[i])) is
MT( list )
MT( s1 , .., sn )
In the above two forms, the GAP3 list list or the GAP3 list [s1 ,..,sn]represents the
Coxeter word for an element wof Group(H). The basis element MTwis returned if wis
reduced-I, and otherwise an error is signaled.
The way elements of the Hecke module are printed depends on CHEVIE.PrintHecke. If
CHEVIE.PrintHecke=rec(GAP =true), they are printed in a way which can be input
back in GAP3. When you load CHEVIE, the PrintHecke is initially set to rec().
94.2 Construction of Hecke module elements of the primed
M C basis
ModuleBasis( H, "MC’"[, I] )
Hshould be an Iwahori-Hecke algebra with all parameters a power of the same indeterminate
of a Coxeter group Wwith Coxeter generating set Sand Ishould be a subset of S(specified
by a list of the names of the generators in I). The character chi does not have to be specified
since in this case only chi=-1 has been implemented.
If omitted, Iis assumed to be the first W.semiSimpleRank-1 generators of W(this makes
sense for an affine Weyl group where they generate the corresponding linear Weyl group).
The result is a function which can be used to make elements of the MC’ basis of the Hecke
module associated to Iand the sign character. In this particular case, the MC0basis can
be defined for an reduced-Ielement win terms of the MT basis by M C0
gap> H:=Hecke(Wa,q^2);
gap> MC:=ModuleBasis(H,"MC’");
# warning MC’basis q chosen as 2nd root of qˆ2
function ( arg ) ... end
94.3 Operations for Hecke module elements
one can add or subtract two Hecke module elements.
this call will convert Hecke module element xto basis Basis. With the same initial-
izations as in the previous sections, we have:
gap> MT:=ModuleBasis(H,"MT");;
gap> MC(MT(1,2,3));
one can multiply on the left an Hecke module element by an element of the corre-
sponding Hecke algebra. With the same initializations as in the previous sections, we
gap> H:=Hecke(Wa,q);
gap> MT:=ModuleBasis(H,"MT");;
gap> T:=Basis(H,"T");
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> T(1)*MT(1,2,3);
94.4 CreateHeckeModuleBasis
This function is completely parallel to the function CreateHeckeBasis. See the description
of this last function. The only difference is that it is not ops.T which is required to be
bound, but ops.MT which should contain a function which takes an element in the basis
basis and converts it to the MT basis.
Chapter 95
Reflection cosets
Let WGL(V) be a complex reflection group on the vector space V. Let φbe an element
of GL(V) which normalizes W. Then the coset W φ is called a reflection coset.
A reference for these cosets is [BMM99]; the main motivation is that in the case where Wis
a rational reflection group (a Weyl group) such cosets, that we will call Weyl cosets, model
rational structures on finite reductive groups. Finally, when Wis a so-called Spetsial group,
they are the basic object for the construction of a Spetses, which is an object attached to a
complex reflection group from which one can derive combinatorially some attributes shared
with finite reductive groups, like unipotent degrees, etc. . ..
We say that a reflection coset is irreducible if Wis irreducible. A general coset is a direct
product of descents of scalars, which is the case where φis transitive on the irreducible
components of W. The irreducible cosets have been classified in [BMM99]: up to multiplica-
tion of φby a scalar, there is usually only one or two possible cosets for a given irreducible
In CHEVIE we deal only with finite order cosets, that is, we assume there is a (minimal)
integer δsuch that (W φ)δ=W φ. Then the group generated by Wand φis finite, of order
A subset Cof a W φ is called a conjugacy class if one of the following equivalent conditions
is fulfilled:
Cis the orbit of an element in W φ under the conjugation action of W.
Cis a conjugacy class of hW, φicontained in W φ.
The set {wW|wφ C}is a φ-conjugacy class of W(two elements v, w Ware
called φ-conjugate, if and only if there exists xWwith v=xwφ(x1)).
An irreducible character of hW, φihas some non-zero values on W φ if and only if its restric-
tion to Wis irreducible. Further, two characters χ1and χ2which have same irreducible
restriction to Wdiffer by a character of the cyclic group hφi(which identifies to the quotient
hW, φi/W ). A set containing one extension to hW, φiof each φ-invariant character of Wis
called a set of irreducible characters of W φ. Two such characters are orthogonal for
the scalar product on the class functions on W φ given by
hχ, ψi:= 1
For rational groups (Weyl groups), Lusztig has defined a canonical choice of a set of irre-
ducible characters for W φ (called the preferred extensions), but for more general reflec-
tion cosets we have made some rather arbitrary choices, which however have the property
that their values lie in the smallest possible field.
The character table of W φ is the table of values of a set of irreducible characters on the
conjugacy classes.
Asubcoset Lwφ of W φ is given by a reflection subgroup Lof Wand an element wof W
such that wφ normalizes L.
We then have a natural notion of restriction of class functions on W φ to class functions
on Lwφ as well as of induction in the other direction. These maps are adjoint with respect
to the scalar product defined above (see [BMM99]).
In CHEVIE the most general construction of a reflection coset is by starting from a reflection
datum, and giving in addition the matrix phiMat of the map φ:VV(see the command
ReflectionCoset). However, at present, general cosets are only implemented for groups
represented as permutation groups on a set of roots, and it is required that the automorphism
given preserves this set up to a scalar (it is allowed that these scalars depend on the pair of
an irreducible component and its image). If it also allowed to specify φby the permutation
it induces on the roots; in this case it is assumed that φacts trivially on the orthogonal of
the roots, but the roots could be those of a parent group, generating a larger space. Thus
in any case we have a permutation representation of hW, φiand we consider the coset to be
a set of permutations.
Reflection cosets are implemented in CHEVIE by a record which points to a reflection group
record and has additional fields holding phiMat and the corresponding permutation phi.
In the general case, on each component of Wwhich is a descent of scalars, phiMat will
permute the components and differ by a scalar on each component from an automorphism
which preserves the roots. In this case, we have a permutation phi and a scalar which is
stored for that component.
The most common situation where cosets with non-trivial phi arise is as sub-cosets of reflec-
tion groups. Here is an “exotic”example, see the next chapter for more classical examples
involving Coxeter groups.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(14);
gap> PrintDiagram(W);
G14 1--8--2(3)
gap> R:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[2,4]);
ReflectionSubgroup(ComplexReflectionGroup(14), [ 2, 4 ])
gap> PrintDiagram(R);
G5(ER(6)) 2(3)==4(3)
gap> Rphi:=ReflectionCoset(R,W.1);
gap> PrintDiagram(Rphi);
phi acts as (2,4) on the component below
G5(ER(6)) 2(3)==4(3)
gap> ReflectionDegrees(Rphi);
The last line shows for each reflection degree the corresponding factor of the coset, which
is the scalar by which φacts on the corresponding fundamental reflection invariant. The
factors characterize the coset.
The variable CHEVIE.PrintSpets determines if a coset is printed in an abbreviated form
which describes its type, as above (G5 twisted by 2, with a Cartan matrix which differs from
the standard one by a factor of 6), or in a form which could be input back in GAP3. The
above example was for the default value CHEVIE.PrintSpets=rec(). With the same data
we have:
gap> CHEVIE.PrintSpets:=rec(GAP:=true);;
gap> Rphi;
Spets(ReflectionSubgroup(ComplexReflectionGroup(14), [ 2, 4 ]), (1,3)(\
gap> CHEVIE.PrintSpets:=rec();;
95.1 ReflectionCoset
ReflectionCoset( W[, phiMat ] )
ReflectionCoset( W[, phiPerm] )
This function returns a reflection coset as a GAP3 object. The argument Wmust be a
reflection group (created by ComplexReflectionGroup,CoxeterGroup,PermRootGroup or
ReflectionSubgroup). In the first form the argument phiMat must be an invertible matrix
with Rank(W)rows, which normalizes the parent of W(if any) as well as W. In the second
form phiPerm is a permutation which describes the images of the roots under phi (only
the image of the roots corresponding to the generating reflections need be given, since they
already determine a unique phiMat). This second form is only allowed if the semisimple
rank of Wequals the rank (i.e., the roots are a basis of V). If there is no second argument
the default for phiMat is the identity matrix, so the result is the trivial coset equal to W
ReflectionCoset returns a record from which we document the following components:
the group W
the matrix acting on Vwhich represents φ.
the permutation on the roots of Winduced by phiMat.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
gap> Wphi := ReflectionCoset( W, (1,3));
gap> m:=MatXPerm(W,(1,3));
gap> ReflectionCoset( W,m);
95.2 Spets
Spets is a synonym for ReflectionCoset. See 95.1.
95.3 ReflectionSubCoset
ReflectionSubCoset( WF ,r, [w] )
Returns the reflection subcoset of the reflection coset WF generated by the reflections
specified by r.ris a list of indices specifying a subset of the roots of Wwhere Wis the
reflection group Group(WF ). If specified, wmust be an element of Wsuch that w*WF.phi
normalizes up to scalars the subroot system generated by r. If absent, the default value for
wis (). If the subroot system is not normalized then false is returned, with a warning
message if InfoChevie=Print.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(14);
gap> Wphi:=ReflectionCoset(W);
gap> ReflectionSubCoset(Wphi,[2,4],W.1);
gap> WF:=ReflectionCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",4),(1,4)(2,3));
gap> ReflectionSubCoset(WF,[2,3]);
gap> ReflectionSubCoset(WF,[1,2]);
# I permutation for F0 must normalize set of roots.
95.4 SubSpets
SubSpets is a synonym for ReflectionSubCoset. See 95.3.
95.5 Functions for Reflection cosets
Group( WF )
returns the reflection group of which WF is a coset.
Quite a few functions defined for domains, permutation groups or reflection groups have
been implemented to work with reflection Cosets.
these functions use the corresponding functions for Group( WF ).Elements,Random,
these functions use the corresponding functions for Group( WF )and multiply the
result by WF.phi.
ConjugacyClasses( WF )
returns the conjugacy classes of the coset WF (see the introduction of this Chapter).
Let Wbe Group(WF ). Then the classes are defined to be the W-orbits on W φ,
where Wacts by conjugation (they coincide with the W φ-orbits, W φ acting by the
conjugation); by the translation w7→ 1they are sent to the φ-conjugacy classes
of W.
PositionClass( WF ,x)
for any element xin WF this returns the number isuch that xis an element of
ConjugacyClasses(WF )[i] (to work fast, the classification of reflection groups is
FusionConjugacyClasses( WF1 ,WF )
works in the same way as for groups. See the section ReflectionSubCoset.
Print( WF )
if WF .name is bound then this is printed, else this function prints the coset in a form
which can be input back into GAP3.
InductionTable( HF ,WF )
works in the same way as for groups. It gives the induction table from the Re-
flection subcoset HF to the Reflection coset WF . If Hwφ is a Reflection subcoset
of W φ, restriction of characters is defined as restriction of functions from W φ to
Hwφ, and induction as the adjoint map for the natural scalar product hf, gi=
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 4 );;
gap> Wphi := ReflectionCoset( W, (1,4)(2,3) );
gap> Display(InductionTable(ReflectionSubCoset(Wphi,[2,3 ]),Wphi));
Induction from 2A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1) to 2A4
|111 21 3
11111 | 1 . .
2111 | . 1 .
221 | 1 . .
311 | 1 . 1
32 | . . 1
41 | . 1 .
5 | . . 1
InductionTable and FusionConjugacyClasses work only between cosets. If the parent
coset is the trivial coset it should still be given as a coset and not as a group:
gap> Wphi:=ReflectionCoset(W);
gap> L:=ReflectionSubCoset(Wphi,[2,3],LongestCoxeterElement(W));
gap> InductionTable(L,W);
Error, A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1) is a coset but CoxeterGroup("A",4) is not in
S.operations.FusionConjugacyClasses( S, R ) called from
FusionConjugacyClasses( u, g ) called from
InductionTable( L, W ) called from
main loop
gap> InductionTable(L,Wphi);
InductionTable(A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1), A4)
ReflectionName( WF )
returns a string which describes the isomorphism type of the group WohFi, associ-
ated to WF , as described in the introduction of this Chapter. An orbit of φ=WF .phi
on the components is put in brackets if of length kgreater than 1, and is preceded by
the order of phikon it, if this is not 1. For example "2(A2xA2)" denotes 2 compo-
nents of type A2permuted by φ, and such that phi2induces the non-trivial diagram
automorphism on any of them, while 3D4 denotes an orbit of length 1 on which phi
is of order 3.
gap> W:=ReflectionCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",2,"G",2,"A",2),(1,5,2,6));
gap> ReflectionName( W );
PrintDiagram( WF )
this is a purely descriptive routine (as was already the case for finite Reflection groups
themselves). It prints the Dynkin diagram of ReflectionGroup(WF )together with
the information how WF .phi acts on it. Going from the above example:
gap> PrintDiagram( W );
phi permutes the next 2 components
phi^2 acts as (1,2) on the component below
G2 3 >>> 4
ChevieClassInfo( WF ), see the explicit description in 95.10.
CharParams( WF )
This returns appropriate labels for the characters of the ReflectionCoset. CharName
has also a special version for cosets.
GenericOrder( WF ,q)
Returns the generic order of the associated algebraic group (for a Weyl coset) or
Spetses, using the generalized reflection degrees. We also have TorusOrder(WF,i,q)
which is the same as GenericOrder(SubSpets(WF,[],Representative(ConjugacyClasses(WF)[i]))).
Note that some functions for elements of a Reflection group work naturally for elements of
a Reflection coset: EltWord,ReflectionLength,ReducedInRightCoset, etc. . .
95.6 ChevieCharInfo for reflection cosets
ChevieCharInfo( WF )
ChevieCharInfo gives for a reflection coset WF a record similar to what it gives for the
corresponding group W, excepted that some fields which do not make sense are omitted,
and that two fields record information allowing to relate characters of the coset to that of
the group:
records for each character of WF the index of the character of Wof which it is an
records NrConjugacyClasses(Group(WF)).
gap> ChevieCharInfo(RootDatum("3D4"));
extRefl := [ 1, 5, 4, 6, 2 ],
charparams:=[[[[ ],[4]]],[[[ ],[1,1,1,1]]],
[[[ ],[2,2]]],[[[1,1],[2]]],
charRestrictions := [ 13, 4, 10, 5, 11, 3, 6 ],
nrGroupClasses := 13,
b := [ 0, 12, 4, 4, 1, 7, 3 ],
B := [ 0, 12, 8, 8, 5, 11, 9 ],
charnames := [ ".4", ".1111", ".22", "11.2", "1.3", "1.111", "1.21"
positionId := 1,
positionDet := 2,
a := [ 0, 12, 7, 1, 3, 3 ],
95.7 ReflectionType for reflection cosets
ReflectionType( WF )
returns the type of the Reflection coset WF . This consists of a list of records, one for each
orbit of WF .phi on the irreducible components of the Dynkin diagram of Group(WF ),
which have two fields:
is a list of types of the irreducible components in the orbit. These types are the same
as returned by the function ReflectionType for an irreducible untwisted reflection
group. The components are ordered according to the action of WF .phi, so WF .phi
maps the generating permutations with indices in the first type to indices in the sec-
ond type in the same order as stored in the type, etc . . .
if kis the number of irreducible components in the orbit, this is the permutation
which describes the action of WF .phikon the simple roots of the first irreducible
component in the orbit.
gap> W:=ReflectionCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",2,"A",2), (1,3,2,4));
gap> ReflectionType( W );
[ rec(orbit := [ rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 1, 2 ]), rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 3, 4 ]) ],
twist := (1,2)) ]
95.8 ReflectionDegrees for reflection cosets
ReflectionDegrees( WF )
Let Wbe the Reflection group corresponding to the Reflection coset WF , and let Vbe the
vector space of dimension W.rank on which Wacts as a reflection group. Let f1, . . . , fnbe
the basic invariants of Won the symmetric algebra SV of V; they can be chosen so they
are eigenvectors of the matrix WF.phiMat. The corresponding eigenvalues are called the
factors of φacting on V; they characterize the coset — they are equal to 1 for the trivial
coset. The generalized degrees of WF are the pairs formed of the reflection degrees and
the corresponding factor.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "E", 6 );; WF := ReflectionCoset( W );
gap> phi := EltWord( W,[6,5,4,2,3,1,4,3,5,4,2,6,5,4,3,1]);;
gap> HF := ReflectionSubCoset( WF, [ 2..5 ], phi );;
gap> PrintDiagram( HF );
phi acts as (2,3,5) on the component below
D4 2
gap> ReflectionDegrees( HF );
[ [ 1, E(3) ], [ 1, E(3)^2 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 4, E(3) ], [ 6, 1 ],
[ 4, E(3)^2 ] ]
95.9 Twistings
Twistings( W,L)
Wshould be a Reflection group record or a Reflection coset record, and Lshould be a reflec-
tion subgroup of W(or of Group(W)for a coset), or a sublist of the generating reflections of
W(resp. Group(W)), in which case the call is the same as Twistings(W,ReflectionSubgroup(W,L))
(resp. Twistings(W,ReflectionSubgroup(Group(W),L))).
The function returns a list of representatives, up to W-conjugacy, of reflection sub-cosets
of Wwhose reflection group is L.
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(3,3,4);
gap> Twistings(W,[1..3]);
[ G333.(q-1), 3’G333<1,2,3,76>.(q-E3^2), 3G333<1,2,3,76>.(q-E3) ]
95.10 ChevieClassInfo for Reflection cosets
ChevieClassInfo( WF )
returns information about the conjugacy classes of the Reflection coset WF . The result
is a record with three components: classtext contains a list of reduced words for the
representatives in ConjugacyClasses(WF ),classnames contains corresponding names for
the classes, and classparams gives corresponding parameters for the classes.
gap> W:=ReflectionCoset(ComplexReflectionGroup(14));
gap> Rphi:=ReflectionSubCoset(W,[2,4],Group(W).1);
gap> ChevieClassInfo(Rphi);
classtext :=
[[ ],[2,4,4,2,4,4,2],[2,4,4,2,4,4,2,2],
classes := [ 12, 6, 6, 6, 12, 6, 6, 6, 12 ],
orders := [ 2, 24, 24, 24, 6, 8, 24, 8, 6 ],
classnames := [ "", "1221221", "12212211", "1", "11211", "112211",
"12", "121", "2121" ] )
95.11 CharTable for Reflection cosets
CharTable( WF )
This function returns the character table of the Reflection coset WF (see also the introduc-
tion of this Chapter). We call “characters”of the Reflection coset W F with corresponding
Reflection group Wthe restriction to W φ of a set containing one extension of each φ-
invariant character of Wto the semidirect product of Wwith the cyclic group generated
by φ. The choice of extension is always the same for a given coset, but rather arbitrary in
general; for Weyl cosets it is the ”preferred extension”of Lusztig.
The returned record contains almost all components present in the character table of a
Reflection group. But if φis not trivial then there are no components powermap (since
powers of elements in the coset need not be in the coset) and orders (if you really need
them, use MatXPerm to determine the order of elements in the coset).
gap> W := ReflectionCoset( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ), (1,2,4) );
gap> Display( CharTable( W ) );
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
3 1 1 1 . . 1 1
C3 ~A2 C3+A1 ~A2+A1 F4 ~A2+A2 F4(a1)
.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
.1111 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 1
.22 . 2 2 . -1 -1 -1
11.2 . . . . -1 3 3
1.3 1 1 -1 -1 . -2 2
1.111 -1 1 -1 1 . -2 2
1.21 . 2 -2 . . 2 -2
Chapter 96
Coxeter cosets
Let Rbe a root system in the real vector space Vas in Chapter 85. We say that F0GL(V)
is an automorphism of Rif it permutes Rand is of finite order (finite order is automatic if
Rgenerates V). It follows by [Bou68, chap. VI, §1.1, lemme 1] that the dual F
permutes the coroots RV; thus F0normalizes the reflection group Wassociated to
R, that is w7→ F0wF 1
0is an automorphism of W. Thus (see 95) we get a reflection coset
W F0, called here a Coxeter coset.
The motivation for introducing Coxeter cosets comes from automorphisms of algebraic re-
ductive groups, in particular non-split reductive groups over finite fields. Let us, as in 86
fix a connected reductive algebraic group G. We assume Gis a group over an algebraic
closure Fqof a finite field Fq, defined over Fq, which corresponds to be given a Frobenius
endomorphism Fso that the finite group of rational points G(Fq) identifies to the subgroup
GFof fixed points under F.
Let Tbe a maximal torus of G, and Φ (resp. Φ) be the roots (resp. coroots) of Gwith
respect to Tin the character group X(T) (resp. the group of one-parameter subgroups
Y(T)). As explained in 86 then Gis determined up to isomorphism by (X(T),Φ, Y (T),Φ)
and in CHEVIE this corresponds to give a rational reflection group W=NG(T)/Tacting
on the vector space V=QX(T) together with a root system.
If Tis F-stable the Frobenius endomorphism Facts also naturally on X(T) and defines thus
an endomorphism of V, which is of the form qF0, where F0GL(V) is of finite order and nor-
malizes W. We get thus a Coxeter coset W F0GL(V). The data (X(T),Φ, Y (T),Φ, F0),
and the integer qcompletely determine up to isomorphism the associated reductive finite
group GF. Thus these data is a way of representing in CHEVIE the essential information
which determines a finite reductive group. Indeed, all properties of Chevalley groups can be
computed from that datum: symbols representing characters, conjugacy classes, and finally
the whole character table of GF.
It turns out that an interesting part of the objects attached to this datum depends only on
(V, W, F0): the order of the maximal tori, the “fake degrees”, the order of GF, symbols rep-
resenting unipotent characters, Deligne-Lusztig induction in terms of “almost characters”,
the Fourier matrix relating characters and almost characters, etc. . . (see, e.g., [BMM93]). It
is thus possible to extend their construction to non-crystallographic groups (or even to more
general complex reflection groups, see 95.2); this is why we did not include a root system
in the definition of a reflection coset. However, unipotent conjugacy classes for instance
depend on the root system thus do not exist in general.
We assume now that Tis contained in an F-stable Borel subgroup of G. This defines an
order on the roots, and there is a unique element φW F0, the reduced element of the
coset, which preserves the set of positive roots. It thus defines a diagram automorphism,
that is an automorphism of the Coxeter system (W, S). This element is stored in the
component .phi of the coset record. It may be defined without mentioning the roots, as
follows:(W, F0(S)) is another Coxeter system, thus conjugate to Sby a unique element of
W, thus there is a unique element φW F0which stabilizes S(a proof follows from [Bou68,
Theoreme 1, chap. V, §3]). We consider thus cosets of the form W φ where φstabilizes
S. The coset W φ is completely defined by the permutation .phi when Gis semi-simple
— equivalently when Φ generates V; in this case we just need to specify phi to define the
There is a slight generalisation of the above setup, covering in particular the case of the
Ree and Suzuki groups. We consider GFwhere Fnot a Frobenius endomorphism, but an
isogeny such that some power Fnis a Frobenius endomorphism. Then Fstill defines an
endomorphism of Vwhich normalizes W; we define a real number qsuch that Fnis attached
to an Fqn-structure. Then we still have F=qF0where F0is of finite order but qis no
more an integer. Thus F0GL(VR) but F0/GL(V). For instance, for the Ree and
Suzuki groups, F0is an automorphism of order 2 of W, which is of type G2,B2or F4, and
q=2 for B2and F4and q=3 for G2To get this, we need to start from root systems
for G2,B2or F4where all the roots have the same length. This kind of root system is
not crystallographic. Such more general root systems also exist for all finite Coxeter groups
such as the dihedral groups and H3and H4. We will call here Weyl cosets the cosets
corresponding to rational forms of algebraic groups, which include thus some non-rational
roots systems for B2,G2and F4.
Conjugacy classes and irreducible characters of Coxeter cosets are defined as for general
reflection cosets. For irreducible characters of Weyl cosets, in CHEVIE we choose (following
Lusztig) for each φ-stable character of Wa particular extension to a character of Wohφi,
which we will call the preferred extension. The character table of the coset W φ
is the table of the restrictions to W φ of the preferred extensions (See also the section
below CharTable for Coxeter cosets). The question of finding the conjugacy classes
and character table of a Coxeter coset can be reduced to the case of irreducible root systems
The automorphism φpermutes the irreducible components of W, and W φ is a direct
product of cosets where φpermutes cyclically the irreducible components of W. The
preferred extension is defined to be the direct product of the preferred extension in
each of these situations.
Assume now that W φ is a descent of scalars, that is the decomposition in irreducible
components W=W1× ··· × Wkis cyclically permuted by φ. Then there are natural
bijections from the φ-conjugacy classes of Wto the φk-conjugacy classes of W1as well
as from the φ-stable characters of Wto the φk-stable characters of W1, which reduce
the definition of preferred extensions on W φ to the definition for W1φk.
Assume now that Wis the Coxeter group of an irreducible root system. φpermutes
the simple roots, hence induces a graph automorphism on the corresponding Dynkin
diagram. If φ= 1 then conjugacy classes and characters coincide with those of the
Coxeter group W.
The nontrivial cases for crystallographic roots systems are (the order of φis written
as left exponent to the type): 2An,2Dn,3D4,2E6.
For non-crystallographic root systems where all the roots have the same length the
additional cases 2B2,2G2,2F4and 2I2(k) arise.
In case 3D4the group Wohφican be embedded into the Coxeter group of type F4,
which induces a labeling for the conjugacy classes of the coset. The preferred extension
is chosen as the (single) extension with rational values.
In case 2Dnthe group Wohφiis isomorphic to a Coxeter group of type Bn. This
induces a canonical labeling for the conjugacy classes of the coset and allows to define
the preferred extension in a combinatorial way using the labels (pairs of partitions)
for the characters of the Coxeter group of type Bn.
In the remaining crystallographic cases φidentifies to w0where w0is the longest
element of W. So, there is a canonical labeling of the conjugacy classes and characters
of the coset by those of W. The preferred extensions are defined by describing the
signs of the character values on w0.
In GAP3 the most general construction of a Coxeter coset is by starting from a Coxeter
datum specified by the matrices of simpleRoots and simpleCoroots, and giving in ad-
dition the matrix F0Mat of the map F0:VV(see the commands CoxeterCoset and
CoxeterSubCoset). As for Coxeter groups, the elements of W φ are uniquely determined
by the permutation they induce on the set of roots R. We consider these permutations as
Elements of the Coxeter coset.
Coxeter cosets are implemented in GAP3 by a record which points to a Coxeter datum record
and has additional fields holding F0Mat and the corresponding element phi. Functions on
the coset (for example, ChevieClassInfo) are about properties of the group coset W φ ;
however, most definitions for elements of untwisted Coxeter groups apply without change
to elements in W φ: e.g., if we define the length of an element W φ as the number of
positive roots it sends to negative ones, it is the same as the length of w, i.e., φis of length
0, since φhas been chosen to preserve the set of positive roots. Similarly, the CoxeterWord
describing wφ is the same as the one for w, etc. . .
We associate to a Coxeter coset W φ atwisted Dynkin diagram, consisting of the Dynkin
diagram of Wand the graph automorphism induced by φon this diagram (this specifies the
group WohFi, mentioned above, up to isomorphism). See the functions ReflectionType,
ReflectionName and PrintDiagram for Coxeter cosets.
Below is an example showing first how to not define, then how to define, the Weyl coset for
a Suzuki group:
gap> 2B2:=CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("B",2),(1,2));
# I transposed of matrix for F0 must normalize set of coroots of parent.
gap> 2B2:=CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("Bsym",2),(1,2));
gap> Display(CharTable(2B2));
2 1 2 2
1 121
2. 1 1 1
.11 1 -1 -1
1.1 . -ER(2) ER(2)
Asubcoset Hwφ of W φ is given by a reflection subgroup Hof Wand an element wof
Wsuch that wφ induces an automorphism of the root system of H. For algebraic groups,
this corresponds to a rational form of a reductive subgroup of maximal rank. For example,
if W φ corresponds to the algebraic group Gand His the trivial subgroup, the coset Hwφ
corresponds to a maximal torus Twof type w.
gap> CoxeterSubCoset(2B2,[],Group(2B2).1);
A subgroup Hwhich is a parabolic subgroup corresponds to a rational form of a Levi
subgroup of G. The command Twistings gives all rational forms of such a Levi.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",2);
gap> Twistings(W,[1]);
[ ~A1.(q-1), ~A1.(q+1) ]
gap> Twistings(W,[2]);
[ A1<2>.(q-1), A1<2>.(q+1) ]
Notice how we distinguish between subgroups generated by short roots and by long roots.
A general Hcorresponds to a reductive subgroup of maximal rank. Here we consider the
subgroup generated by the long roots in B2, which corresponds to a subgroup of type
SL2×SL2in SP4, and show its possible rational forms.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",2);
gap> Twistings(W,[2,4]);
[ A1<2>xA1<4>, (A1xA1)<2,4> ]
96.1 CoxeterCoset
CoxeterCoset( W[, FMat ] )
CoxeterCoset( W[, FPerm] )
This function returns a Coxeter coset as a GAP3 object. The argument Wmust be a Coxeter
group (created by CoxeterGroup or ReflectionSubgroup). In the first form the argument
F0Mat must be an invertible matrix of dimension Rank(W), representing an automorphism
Fof the root system of the parent of W. In the second form FPerm is a permutation of the
roots of the parent group of W; it is assumed that the corresponding FMat acts trivially
on the orthogonal of these roots. A shortcut is accepted if Whas same rank as semisimple
rank and FPerm preserves its simple roots: one need only give the induced permutation of
the simple roots.
If there is no second argument the default for F0Mat is the identity matrix.
CoxeterCoset returns a record from which we document the following components:
the Coxeter group W
the matrix acting on Vwhich represents the unique element φin W F0which preserves
the positive roots.
the permutation of the roots of Winduced by F0Mat (also the element of smallest
length in the Coset W F0).
In the first example we create a Coxeter coset corresponding to the general unitary groups
GU3(q) over finite fields with qelements.
gap> W := RootDatum("gl",3);;
gap> gu3 := CoxeterCoset( W, -IdentityMat( 3 ) );
gap> F4 := CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 );;
gap> D4 := ReflectionSubgroup( F4, [ 1, 2, 16, 48 ] );;
gap> PrintDiagram( D4 );
D4 9
1 - 16
gap> CoxeterCoset( D4, MatXPerm(D4,(2,9,16)) );
gap> CoxeterCoset( D4, (2,9,16));
96.2 CoxeterSubCoset
CoxeterSubCoset( WF ,r[, w])
Returns the reflection subcoset of the Coxeter coset WF generated by the reflections with
roots specified by r.ris a list of indices specifying a subset of the roots of Wwhere Wis
the Coxeter group CoxeterGroup(WF ). If specified, wmust be an element of Wsuch that
w*WF.phi normalizes the subroot system generated by r. If absent, the default value for w
is (). It is an error, if w*WF.phi does not normalize the subsystem.
gap> CoxeterSubCoset( CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ), (1,2) ),
> [ 1 ] );
Error, must give w, such that w * WF.phi normalizes subroot system.
CoxeterSubCoset( CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 ), (1,2) ), [ 1 ]
) called from
main loop
gap> f4coset := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 ) );
gap> w := RepresentativeOperation( CoxeterGroup( f4coset ),
> [ 1, 2, 9, 16 ], [ 1, 9, 16, 2], OnTuples );;
gap> 3d4again := CoxeterSubCoset( f4coset, [ 1, 2, 9, 16], w );
gap> PrintDiagram( 3d4again );
phi acts as ( 2, 9,16) on the component below
D4 9
96.3 Functions on Coxeter cosets
All functions for reflection cosets are implemented for Coxeter cosets.
This includes Group( WF )which returns the Coxeter group of which WF is a coset; the
functions Elements,Random,Representative,Size,in, Rank, SemisimpleRank, which
use the corresponding functions for Group( WF );ConjugacyClasses( WF ), which re-
turns the φ-conjugacy classes of W; the corresponding PositionClass( WF ,x)and
FusionConjugacyClasses( HF ,WF ),InductionTable( HF ,WF ).
For Weyl coset associated to a finite reductive group GF, the characters of the coset cor-
respond to unipotent Deligne-Lusztig characters, and the induction from a subcoset corre-
sponding to a Levi subgroup corresponds to the Lusztig induction of the Deligne-Lusztig
characters (see more details in the next chapter). Here are some examples:
Harish-Chandra induction in the basis of almost characters:
gap> WF := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 4 ), (1,4)(2,3) );
gap> Display( InductionTable( CoxeterSubCoset( WF, [ 2, 3 ] ), WF ) );
Induction from 2A2<2,3>.(q-1)(q+1) to 2A4
|111 21 3
11111 | 1 . .
2111 | . 1 .
221 | 1 . .
311 | 1 . 1
32 | . . 1
41 | . 1 .
5 | . . 1
Lusztig induction from a diagonal Levi:
gap> HF := CoxeterSubCoset( WF, [1, 2],
> LongestCoxeterElement( CoxeterGroup( WF ) ) );;
gap> Display( InductionTable( HF, WF ) );
Induction from 2A2.(q+1)^2 to 2A4
|111 21 3
11111 | -1 . .
2111 | -2 -1 .
221 | -1 -2 .
311 | 1 2 -1
32 | . -2 1
41 | . 1 -2
5 |..1
A descent of scalars:
gap> W := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2, "A", 2 ), (1,3)(2,4) );
gap> Display( InductionTable( CoxeterSubCoset( W, [ 1, 3 ] ), W ) );
Induction from (A1xA1)<1,3>.(q-1)(q+1) to (A2xA2)
|11 2
111 | 1 .
21 | 1 1
3 | . 1
Print( WF ),ReflectionName( WF )and PrintDiagram( WF )show the isomor-
phism type of the reductive group GF. An orbit of φ=WF .phi on the components is
put in brackets if of length kgreater than 1, and is preceded by the order of φkon it, if
this is not 1. For example "2(A2xA2)" denotes 2 components of type A2permuted by φ,
and such that φ2induces the non-trivial diagram automorphism on any of them, while 3D4
denotes an orbit of length 1 on which φis of order 3.
gap> W := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2, "G", 2, "A", 2 ),
> (1,5,2,6) );
gap> ReflectionName( W );
gap> W := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2, "A", 2 ), (1,3,2,4) );
gap> PrintDiagram( W );
phi permutes the next 2 components
phi^2 acts as (1,2) on the component below
ChevieClassInfo( WF ), see the explicit description in 96.5.
ChevieCharInfo returns additional information on the irreducible characters, see 95.6.
Finally, some functions for elements of a Coxeter group work naturally for elements of a Cox-
eter coset: CoxeterWord,EltWord,CoxeterLength,LeftDescentSet,RightDescentSet,
ReducedInRightCoset, etc. . . These functions take the same value on wφ W φ that they
take on wW.
96.4 ReflectionType for Coxeter cosets
ReflectionType( WF )
returns the type of the Coxeter coset WF . This consists of a list of records, one for each orbit
of WF .phi on the irreducible components of the Dynkin diagram of CoxeterGroup(WF ),
which have two fields:
is a list of types of the irreducible components in the orbit. These types are the same
as returned by the function ReflectionType for an irreducible untwisted Coxeter
group (see ReflectionType in chapter 85): a couple [type,indices](a triple for type
I2(n)). The components are ordered according to the action of WF .phi, so WF .phi
maps the generating permutations with indices in the first type to indices in the
second type in the same order as stored in the type, etc . . .
if kis the number of irreducible components in the orbit, this is the permutation
which describes the action of WF .phikon the simple roots of the first irreducible
component in the orbit.
gap> W := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "A", 2, "A", 2 ), (1,3,2,4) );
gap> ReflectionType( W );
[ rec(orbit := [ rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 1, 2 ]), rec(rank := 2,
series := "A",
indices := [ 3, 4 ]) ],
twist := (1,2)) ]
96.5 ChevieClassInfo for Coxeter cosets
ChevieClassInfo( WF )
returns information about the conjugacy classes of the Coxeter coset WF . The result is a
record with three components: classtext contains a list of reduced words for the repre-
sentatives in ConjugacyClasses(WF ),classnames contains corresponding names for the
classes, and classparams gives corresponding parameters for the classes. Let Wbe the
Coxeter group CoxeterGroup(WF ). In the case where 1/W, i.e., φ=w0, they are
obtained by multiplying by w0a set of representatives of maximal length of the classes of
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
gap> ChevieClassInfo( CoxeterCoset( W, (1,2,4) ) );
classtext := [ [ 1 ], [ ], [ 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 3 ], [ 1, 3 ],
classnames := [ "C_3", "\\tilde A_2", "C_3+A_1", "\\tilde A_2+A_1",
"F_4", "\\tilde A_2+A_2", "F_4(a_1)" ],
classparams :=
[ [ "C_3" ], [ "\\tilde A_2" ], [ "C_3+A_1" ], [ "\\tilde A_2+A_1"
], [ "F_4" ], [ "\\tilde A_2+A_2" ], [ "F_4(a_1)" ] ] )
96.6 CharTable for Coxeter cosets
CharTable( WF )
This function returns the character table of the Coxeter coset WF (see also the introduction
of this Chapter). We call “characters”of the Coxeter coset W F with corresponding Coxeter
group Wthe restriction to W φ of a set containing one extension of each φ-invariant character
of Wto the semidirect product of Wwith the cyclic group generated by φ. (We choose,
following Lusztig, in each case one non-canonical extension, called the preferred extension.)
The returned record contains almost all components present in the character table of a
Coxeter group. But if φis not trivial then there are no components powermap (since powers
of elements in the coset need not be in the coset) and orders (if you really need them, use
MatXPerm to determine the order of elements in the coset).
gap> W := CoxeterCoset( CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 ), (1,2,4) );
gap> Display( CharTable( W ) );
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
3 1 1 1 . . 1 1
C3 ~A2 C3+A1 ~A2+A1 F4 ~A2+A2 F4(a1)
.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
.1111 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 1
.22 . 2 2 . -1 -1 -1
11.2 . . . . -1 3 3
1.3 1 1 -1 -1 . -2 2
1.111 -1 1 -1 1 . -2 2
1.21 . 2 -2 . . 2 -2
96.7 Frobenius
Frobenius( WF )( o[, i])
Given a Coxeter coset WF ,Frobenius(WF )returns a function which makes WF .phi act
on its argument which is some object for which this action has been defined. If ois a list, it
applies recursively Frobenius to each element of the list. If it is a permutation or an integer,
it returns o^(WF .phi^-1). If a second argument iis given, it applies Frobenius raised to
the i-th power (this is convenient for instance to apply the inverse of Frobenius). Finally, for
an arbitrary object defined by a record, it looks if the method o.operations.Frobenius
is defined and if so calls this function with arguments WF ,oand i(with i=1 if it was
Such an action of the Frobenius is defined for instance for braids, Hecke elements and
semisimple elements.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);;WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,6)(3,5));
gap> T:=Basis(Hecke(Group(WF)),"T");;Frobenius(WF)(T(1));
gap> B:=Braid(W);; Frobenius(WF)(B(1,2,3));
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(W,[1..6]/6);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(s);
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4));
gap> B:=Braid(W);;b:=B(1,3);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(b);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(b,-1);
96.8 Twistings for Coxeter cosets
Twistings( W)
Wshould be a Coxeter group record which is not a proper reflection subgroup of another
reflection group. The function returns all CoxeterCosets which have as group W.
gap> Twistings(CoxeterGroup("A",3,"A",3));
[ A3xA3, A3x2A3, 2A3xA3, 2A3x2A3, (A3xA3), 2(A3xA3),
2(A3xA3)<1,2,3,6,5,4>, (A3xA3)<1,2,3,6,5,4> ]
gap> Twistings(CoxeterGroup("D",4));
[ D4, 2D4<2,4,3,1>, 2D4, 3D4, 3’D4<1,4,3,2>, 2D4<1,4,3,2> ]
Twistings( W,L)
Wshould be a Coxeter group record or a Coxeter coset record, and Lshould be a reflection
subgroup of W(or of Group(W)for a coset), or a sublist of the generating reflections of W
(resp. Group(W)), in which case the call is the same as Twistings(W,ReflectionSubgroup(W,L))
(resp. Twistings(W,ReflectionSubgroup(Group(W),L))).
The function returns the list, up to W-conjugacy, of Coxeter sub-cosets of Wwhose Coxeter
group is L— In term of algebraic groups, it corresponds to representatives of the possible
twisted forms of the reductive subgroup of maximal rank L. In the case that Wrepresents
a coset W φ, the subgroup Lmust be conjugate to φ(L) for a rational form to exist. If wφ
normalizes L, then the rational forms are classified by the the φ-classes of NW(L)/L.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);
gap> WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,6)(3,5));
gap> L:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[2..5]);
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("E",6), [ 2, 3, 4, 5 ])
gap> Twistings(W,L);
[ D4<2,3,4,5>.(q-1)^2, 3D4<2,3,4,5>.(q^2+q+1),
2D4<2,3,4,5>.(q-1)(q+1) ]
gap> Twistings(WF,L);
[ 2D4<2,5,4,3>.(q-1)(q+1), 3’D4<2,5,4,3>.(q^2-q+1),
D4<2,3,4,5>.(q+1)^2 ]
96.9 RootDatum for Coxeter cosets
The function RootDatum can be used to get Coxeter cosets corresponding to known types of
algebraic groups. The twisted types known are "2B2","suzuki","2E6","2E6sc","2F4",
gap> RootDatum("su",4);
The above call is same as CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc"),(1,3)).
96.10 Torus for Coxeter cosets
Mshould be an integral matrix of finite order. Torus returns the coset WF of the trivial
Coxeter group such that WF.F0Mat=M. This corresponds to an algebraic torus Tof rank
Length(M), with an isogeny which acts by Mon X(T).
gap> m:=[[0,-1],[1,-1]];
gap> Torus(m);
This returns the Torus twisted by the i-th conjugacy class of W. For Coxeter groups or
cosets it is the same as Twistings(W,[])[i].
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> Twistings(W,[]);
[ (q-1)^3, (q-1)^2(q+1), (q-1)(q+1)^2, (q-1)(q^2+q+1), (q+1)(q^2+1) ]
gap> Torus(W,2);
gap> W:=CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("A",3),(1,3));
gap> Twistings(W,[]);
[ (q+1)^3, (q-1)(q+1)^2, (q-1)^2(q+1), (q+1)(q^2-q+1), (q-1)(q^2+1) ]
gap> Torus(W,2);
96.11 StructureRationalPointsConnectedCentre
Wshould be a Coxeter group record or a Coxeter coset record, representing a finite reductive
group GF, and qshould be the prime power associated to the isogeny F. The function
returns the abelian invariants of the finite abelian group Z0GFwhere Z0Gis the connected
center of G.
In the following example one determines the structure of T(F3) where Truns over all the
maximal tori of SL4.
gap> G:=RootDatum("sl",4);
gap> List(Twistings(G,[]),T->StructureRationalPointsConnectedCentre(T,3));
96.12 ClassTypes
Gshould be a root datum or a twisted root datum representing a finite reductive group GF
and pshould be a prime. The function returns the class types of G. Two elements of GF
have the same class type if their centralizers are conjugate. If su is the Jordan decomposition
of an element x, the class type of xis determined by the class type of its semisimple part s
and the unipotent class of uin CG(s).
The function ClassTypes is presently only implemented for simply connected groups, where
CG(s) is connected. This section is a bit experimental and may change in the future.
ClassTypes returns a record which contains a list of classtypes for semisimple elements,
which are represented by CoxeterSubCosets and contain additionnaly information on the
unipotent classes of CG(s).
The list of class types is different in bad characteristic, so the argument pshould give a
characteristic. If pis omitted or equal to 0, then good characteristic is assumed.
Let us give some examples
gap> t:=ClassTypes(RootDatum("sl",3));
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(RootDatum("sl",3)),good characteristic)
gap> Display(t);
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(RootDatum("sl",3)),good characteristic)
Type |Centralizer
(q-1)^2 | P1^2
(q-1)(q+1) | P1P2
(q^2+q+1) | P3
A1.(q-1) | qP1^2P2
A2 |q^3P1^2P2P3
96.12. CLASSTYPES 1723
By default, only information about semisimple centralizer types is returned: the type, and
its generic order.
gap> Display(t,rec(unip:=true));
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(RootDatum("sl",3)),good characteristic)
Type | u Centralizer
(q-1)^2 | P1^2
(q-1)(q+1) | P1P2
(q^2+q+1) | P3
A1.(q-1) | 11 qP1^2P2
| 2 qP1
A2 | 111 q^3P1^2P2P3
| 21 q^3P1
| 3 3q^2
| 3_E3 3q^2
|3_E3^2 3q^2
Here we have displayed information on unipotent classes, with their centralizer.
gap> Display(t,rec(nrClasses:=true));
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(RootDatum("sl",3)),good characteristic)
Type | nrClasses Centralizer
(q-1)^2 |(4-5q+2q_3+q^2)/6 P1^2
(q-1)(q+1) | (-q+q^2)/2 P1P2
(q^2+q+1) | (1+q-q_3+q^2)/3 P3
A1.(q-1) | -1+q-q_3 qP1^2P2
A2 | q_3 q^3P1^2P2P3
Here we have added information on how many semisimple conjugacy classes of GFhave
a given type. The answer in general involves variables of the form q_d which represent
gcd(q1, d).
Finally an example in bad characteristic
gap> t:=ClassTypes(CoxeterGroup("G",2),2);
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("G",2)),char. 2)
gap> Display(t,rec(nrClasses:=true));
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("G",2)),char. 2)
Type | nrClasses Centralizer
(q-1)^2 |(10-8q+2q_3+q^2)/12 P1^2
(q-1)(q+1) | (-2q+q^2)/4 P1P2
(q-1)(q+1) | (-2q+q^2)/4 P1P2
(q^2-q+1) | (1-q-q_3+q^2)/6 P6
(q^2+q+1) | (1+q-q_3+q^2)/6 P3
(q+1)^2 |(-2-4q+2q_3+q^2)/12 P2^2
A1.(q-1) | (-1+q-q_3)/2 qP1^2P2
A1.(q+1) | (1+q-q_3)/2 qP1P2^2
G2 | 1 q^6P1^2P2^2P3P6
A2<1,5> | (-1+q_3)/2 q^3P1^2P2P3
2A2<1,5> | (-1+q_3)/2 q^3P1P2^2P6
~A1<2>.(q-1) | (-2+q)/2 qP1^2P2
~A1<2>.(q+1) | q/2 qP1P2^2
We notice that if qis a power of 2 such that q2 (mod 3), so that q_3=1, some class
types do not exist. We can see what happens by using the function Value to give a specific
value to q_3:
gap> Display(Value(t,["q_3",1]),rec(nrClasses:=true));
ClassTypes(CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("G",2)),char. 2) q_3=1
Type | nrClasses Centralizer
(q-1)^2 |(12-8q+q^2)/12 P1^2
(q-1)(q+1) | (-2q+q^2)/4 P1P2
(q-1)(q+1) | (-2q+q^2)/4 P1P2
(q^2-q+1) | (-q+q^2)/6 P6
(q^2+q+1) | (q+q^2)/6 P3
(q+1)^2 | (-4q+q^2)/12 P2^2
A1.(q-1) | (-2+q)/2 qP1^2P2
A1.(q+1) | q/2 qP1P2^2
G2 | 1 q^6P1^2P2^2P3P6
~A1<2>.(q-1) | (-2+q)/2 qP1^2P2
~A1<2>.(q+1) | q/2 qP1P2^2
96.13 Quasi-Semisimple elements of non-connected re-
ductive groups
We may also use Coxeter cosets to represented non-connected reductive groups of the form
Goσwhere Gis a connected reductive group and σan algebraic automorphism of G, and
more specifically the coset G. We may always choose σG·σquasi-semisimple, which
means that σpreserves a pair TBof a maximal torus and a Borel subgroup of G. If σis
of finite order, it then defines an automorphism F0of the root datum (X(T),Φ, Y (T),Φ),
thus a Coxeter coset. We refer to [DM18] for details.
We have extended the functions for semi-simple elements to work with quasi-semisimple
elements T·σ. Here, as in [DM18], σis a quasi-central automorphism uniquely defined
by a diagram automorphism of (W, S), taking σsymplectic in type A2n. We recall that a
quasi-central element is a quasi-semisimple element such that the Weyl group of CG(σ) is
equal to Wσ; such an element always exists in the coset G·σ.
Here are some examples:
gap> WF:=RootDatum("u",6);
The above defines the coset GL6·σwhere σis the composed of transpose, inverse and the
longest element of W.
gap> l:=QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(WF);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <1/4,0,0,0,0,3/4>, <1/4,1/4,0,0,3/4,3/4>,
<1/4,1/4,1/4,3/4,3/4,3/4> ]
we define an element T·σto be quasi-isolated if the Weyl group of CG() is not
in any proper parabolic subgroup of Wσ. This generalizes the definition for connected
groups. The above shows the elements twhere runs over representatives of quasi-isolated
quasi-semisimple classes of G·σ. The given representatives have been chosen σ-stable.
gap> List(l,s->Centralizer(WF,s));
[ C3<3,2,1>, B2.(q+1), (A1xA1)<1,3>xA1<2>, 2A3<3,1,2> ]
in the above, the groups CG() are computed and displayed as extended Coxeter groups
(following the same convention as for centralisers in connected reductive groups).
We define an element T·σto be isolated if the Weyl group of CG()0is not in any
proper parabolic subgroup of Wσ. This generalizes the definition for connected groups.
gap> List(l,s->IsIsolated(WF,s));
[ true, false, true, true ]
96.14 Centralizer for quasisemisimple elements
Centralizer(WF ,t)
WF should be a Coxeter coset representing an algebraic coset G·σ, where Gis a connected
reductive group (represented by W =Group(WF)), and σis a quasi-central automor-
phism of Gdefined by WF . The element tshould be a semisimple element of G. The
function returns an extended reflection group describing CG(), with the reflection group
part representing C0
G(), and the diagram automorphism part being those induced by
CG()/CG()0on CG()0.
gap> WF:=RootDatum("u",6);
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(Group(WF),[1/4,0,0,0,0,3/4]);
gap> Centralizer(WF,s);
gap> Centralizer(WF,s^0);
96.15 QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives for Coxeter cosets
QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(WF [, p])
WF should be a Coxeter coset representing an algebraic coset G·σ, where Gis a connected
reductive group (represented by W =Group(WF)), and σis a quasi-central automorphism
of Gdefined by WF . The function returns a list of semisimple elements of Gsuch that ,
when truns over this list, are representatives of the conjugacy classes of quasi-isolated
quasisemisimple elements of G·σ(an element T·σis quasi-isolated if the Weyl group
of CG() is not in any proper parabolic subgroup of Wσ). If a second argument pis given,
it lists only those representatives which exist in characteristic p.
gap> QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(RootDatum("2E6sc"));
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/2,0,0>, <0,1/2,1/4,0,1/4,0>,
<0,2/3,0,1/3,0,0>, <0,3/4,0,1/2,0,0> ]
gap> QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(RootDatum("2E6sc"),2);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,2/3,0,1/3,0,0> ]
gap> QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(RootDatum("2E6sc"),3);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <0,0,0,1/2,0,0>, <0,1/2,1/4,0,1/4,0>,
<0,3/4,0,1/2,0,0> ]
96.16 IsIsolated for Coxeter cosets
IsIsolated(WF ,t)
WF should be a Coxeter coset representing an algebraic coset G·σ, where Gis a connected
reductive group (represented by W =Group(WF)), and σis a quasi-central automorphism
of Gdefined by WF . The element tshould be a semisimple element of G. The function
returns a boolean describing whether is isolated, that is whether the Weyl group of
CG()0is not in any proper parabolic subgroup of Wσ.
gap> WF:=RootDatum("u",6);
gap> l:=QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives(WF);
[ <0,0,0,0,0,0>, <1/4,0,0,0,0,3/4>, <1/4,1/4,0,0,3/4,3/4>,
<1/4,1/4,1/4,3/4,3/4,3/4> ]
gap> List(l,s->IsIsolated(WF,s));
[ true, false, true, true ]
Chapter 97
Hecke cosets
“Hecke cosets” are Hφ where His a Hecke algebra of some Coxeter group Won which the
reduced element φacts by φ(Tw) = Tφ(w). This corresponds to the action of the Frobenius
automorphism on the commuting algebra of the induced of the trivial representation from
the rational points of some F-stable Borel subgroup to GF.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "A", 2 );;
gap> q := X( Rationals );; := "q";;
gap> HF := Hecke( CoxeterCoset( W, (1,2) ), q^2, q );
gap> Display( CharTable( HF ) );
2 1 1 .
3 1 . 1
111 21 3
2P 111 111 3
3P 111 21 111
111 -1 1 -1
21 -2q^3 . q
3 q^6 1 q^2
Thanks to the work of Xuhua He and Sian Nie, HeckeClassPolynomials also make sense
for these cosets. This is used to compute such character tables.
97.1 Hecke for Coxeter cosets
Hecke( WF ,H)
Hecke( WF ,params )
Construct a Hecke coset a Coxeter coset WF and an Hecke algebra associated to the Coxeter-
Group of WF . The second form is equivalent to Hecke( WF , Hecke(CoxeterGroup(WF ),
97.2 Operations and functions for Hecke cosets
returns the untwisted Hecke algebra corresponding to the Hecke coset.
returns the Coxeter coset corresponding to the Hecke coset.
returns the untwisted Coxeter group corresponding to the Hecke coset.
prints the Hecke coset in a form which can be read back into GAP3.
returns the character table of the Hecke coset.
the Tbasis.
Chapter 98
Unipotent characters of finite
reductive groups and Spetses
Let Gbe a connected reductive group defined over the algebraic closure of a finite field Fq,
with corresponding Frobenius automorphism F, ore more generally let Fbe an isogeny of
Gsuch that a power is a Frobenius (this covers the Suzuki and Ree groups).
If Tis an F-stable maximal torus of G, and Bis a (not necessarily F-stable) Borel subgroup
containing T, we define the Deligne-Lusztig variety XB={gBG/B|gBF(gB)6=∅}.
This variety has a natural action of GFon the left, so the corresponding Deligne-Lusztig
virtual module Pi(1)iHi
c(XB,Q`) also. The character of this virtual module is the
Deligne-Lusztig character RG
T(1); the notation reflects the fact that one can prove that
this character does not depend on the choice of B. Actually, this character is parameterized
by an F-conjugacy class of W: if T0B0is an F-stable pair, there is an unique wW=
NG(T0)/T0such that the triple (T,B, F ) is G-conjugate to (T0,B0, wF ). In this case we
denote Rwfor RG
T(1); it depends only on the F-class of w.
The unipotent characters of GFare the irreducible constituents of the Rw. In a similar
way that the unipotent classes are a building block for describing the conjugacy classes of a
reductive group, the unipotent characters are a building block for the irreducible characters
of a reductive group. They can be parameterized by combinatorial data that Lusztig has
attached just to the coset W φ, where φis the finite order automorphism of X(T0) such that
F=qφ. Thus, from the viewpoint of CHEVIE, they are objects combinatorially attached to
a Coxeter coset.
A subset of the unipotent characters, the principal series unipotent characters, can be
described in an elementary way. They are the constituents of R1, or equivalently the char-
acters of the virtual module defined by the cohomology of XB0, which is the discrete va-
riety (G/B0)F; the virtual module reduces to the actual module Q`[(G/B0)F]. Thus the
Deligne-Lusztig induction RG
T0(1) reduces to Harish-Chandra induction, defined as follows:
let P=UoLbe an F-stable Levi decomposition of an F-stable parabolic subgroup of G.
Then the Harish-Chandra induced RG
Lof a character χof LFis the character IndGF
where ˜χis the lift to PFof χvia the quotient PF/UF=LF; Harish-Chandra induction
is a particular case of Lusztig induction, which is defined when Pis not F-stable us-
ing the variety XU={gUG/U|gUF(gU)6=∅}, and gives for an LF-module a
virtual GF-module. Like ordinary induction, these functors have adjoint functors going
from representations of GFto representations (resp. virtual representations) of LFcalled
Harish-Chandra restriction (resp. Lusztig restriction).
The commuting algebra of GF-endomorphisms of RG
T0(1) is an Iwahori-Hecke algebra for
Wφ, with parameters which are some powers of q; they are all equal to qwhen Wφ=W.
Thus principal series unipotent characters correspond to characters of Wφ.
To understand the decomposition of Deligne-Lusztig characters, and thus unipotent char-
acters, is is useful to introduce another set of class functions which are parameterized by
irreducible characters of the coset W φ. If χis such a character, we define the associated
almost character by:Rχ=|W|1PwWχ()Rw. The reason to the name is that these
class function are close to irreducible characters:they satisfy hRχ, RψiGF=δχ,ψ ; for the
linear and unitary group they are actually unipotent characters (up to sign in the latter
case). They are in general sum (with rational coefficients) of a small number of unipotent
characters in the same Lusztig family (see 98.13). The degree of Rχis a polynomial in q
equal to the fake degree of the character χof W φ (see 95.5).
We now describe the parameterization of unipotent characters when Wφ=W, thus when
the coset W φ identifies with W(the situation is similar but a bit more difficult to describe
in general). The (rectangular) matrix of scalar products hρ, RχiGF, when characters of W
and unipotent characters are arranged in the right order, is block-diagonal with rather small
blocks which are called Lusztig families.
For the characters of Wa family Fcorresponds to a block of the Hecke algebra over a ring
called the Rouquier ring. To FLusztig associates a small group Γ (not bigger than (Z/2)n,
or Sifor i5) such that the unipotent characters in the family are parameterized by the
pairs (x, θ) taken up to Γ-conjugacy, where xΓ and θis an irreducible character of CΓ(x).
Further, the elements of Fthemselves are parameterized by a subset of such pairs, and
Lusztig defines a pairing between such pairs which computes the scalar product hρ, RχiGF.
For more details see 98.20.
A second parameterization of unipotent character is via Harish-Chandra series. A char-
acter is called cuspidal if all its proper Harish-Chandra restrictions vanish. There are few
cuspidal unipotent characters (none in linear groups, and at most one in other classical
groups). The GF-endomorphism algebra of an Harish-Chandra induced RGF
LFλ, where λ
is a cuspidal unipotent character turns out to be a Hecke algebra associated to the group
WGF(LF) := NGF(L)/L, which turns out to be a Coxeter group. Thus another parameter-
ization is by triples (L, λ, ϕ), where λis a cuspidal unipotent character of LFand ϕis an
irreducible character of the relative group WGF(LF). Such characters are said to belong
to the Harish-Chandra series determined by (L, λ).
A final piece of information attached to unipotent characters is the eigenvalues of Frobe-
nius. Let Fδbe the smallest power of the isogeny Fwhich is a split Frobenius (that is,
Fδis a Frobenius and φδ= 1). Then Fδacts naturally on Deligne-Lusztig varieties and
thus on the corresponding virtual modules, and commutes to the action of GF; thus for a
given unipotent character ρ, a submodule of the virtual module which affords ρaffords a
single eigenvalue µof Fδ. Results of Lusztig and Digne-Michel show that this eigenvalue
is of the form qλρwhere 2aZand λρis a root of unity which depends only on ρand
not the considered module. This λρis called the eigenvalue of Frobenius attached to ρ.
Unipotent characters in the Harish-Chandra series of a pair (L, λ) have the same eigenvalue
of Frobenius as λ.
CHEVIE contains table of all this information, and can compute Harish-Chandra and Lusztig
induction of unipotent characters and almost characters. We illustrate the information on
some examples:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> uc:=UnipotentCharacters(W);
UnipotentCharacters( G2 )
gap> Display(uc);
Unipotent characters for G2
gamma | Deg(gamma) FakeDegree Fr(gamma) Label
phi{1,0} | 1 1 1
phi{1,6} | q^6 q^6 1
phi{1,3}’ | 1/3qP3P6 q^3 1 (1,r)
phi{1,3}’’ | 1/3qP3P6 q^3 1 (g3,1)
phi{2,1} | 1/6qP2^2P3 qP8 1 (1,1)
phi{2,2} | 1/2qP2^2P6 q^2P4 1 (g2,1)
G2[-1] | 1/2qP1^2P3 0 -1 (g2,eps)
G2[1] | 1/6qP1^2P6 0 1 (1,eps)
G2[E3] |1/3qP1^2P2^2 0 E3 (g3,E3)
G2[E3^2] |1/3qP1^2P2^2 0 E3^2 (g3,E3^2)
The first column gives the name of the unipotent character; the first 6 are in the principal
series so are named according to the corresponding characters of W. The last 4 are cuspidal,
and named by the corresponding eigenvalue of Frobenius, which is displayed in the fourth
column. In general the names of the unipotent characters come from their parameterization
by Harish-Chandra series; in addition, for classical groups, they are associated to symbols.
The first two characters are each in a family by themselves. The last eight are in a family
associated to the group Γ = S3:the last column shows the parameters (x, θ). The second
column shows the degree of the unipotent characters, which is transformed by the Lusztig
Fourier matrix of the third column, which gives the degree of the corresponding almost
character, or equivalently the fake degree of the corresponding character of W.
One can get more information on the Lusztig Fourier matrix of the big family by asking
gap> Display(uc.families[1]);
label |eigen
(1,1) | 1 1/6 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/6 1/2 1/3 1/3
(g2,1) | 1 1/2 1/2 0 0 -1/2 -1/2 0 0
(g3,1) | 1 1/3 0 2/3 -1/3 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3
(1,r) | 1 1/3 0 -1/3 2/3 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3
(1,eps) | 1 1/6 -1/2 1/3 1/3 1/6 -1/2 1/3 1/3
(g2,eps) | -1 1/2 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 1/2 0 0
(g3,E3) | E3 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3 1/3 0 2/3 -1/3
(g3,E3^2) | E3^2 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3 1/3 0 -1/3 2/3
One can do computations with individual unipotent characters. Here we construct the
Coxeter torus, and then the identity character of this torus as a unipotent character.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> T:=ReflectionCoset(ReflectionSubgroup(W,[]),EltWord(W,[1,2]));
gap> u:=UnipotentCharacter(T,1);
Then here are two ways to construct the Deligne-Lusztig character associated to the Coxeter
gap> LusztigInduction(W,u);
gap> v:=DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,[1,2]);
gap> Degree(v);
q^6 + q^5 - q^4 - 2*q^3 - q^2 + q + 1
gap> v*v;
The last two lines ask for the degree of v, then for the scalar product of vwith itself.
Finally we mention that CHEVIE can also provide unipotent characters of Spetses, as defined
in [BMM14]. An example:
gap> Display(UnipotentCharacters(ComplexReflectionGroup(4)));
Unipotent characters for G4
Name | Degree FakeDegree Eigenvalue Label
phi{1,0} | 1 1 1
phi{1,4} | -ER(-3)/6q^4P"3P4P"6 q^4 1 1.-E3^2
phi{1,8} | ER(-3)/6q^4P’3P4P’6 q^8 1 -1.E3^2
phi{2,5} | 1/2q^4P2^2P6 q^5P4 1 1.E3^2
phi{2,3} |(3+ER(-3))/6qP"3P4P’6 q^3P4 1 1.E3^2
phi{2,1} |(3-ER(-3))/6qP’3P4P"6 qP4 1 1.E3
phi{3,2} | q^2P3P6 q^2P3P6 1
Z3:2 | -ER(-3)/3qP1P2P4 0 E3^2 E3.E3^2
Z3:11 | -ER(-3)/3q^4P1P2P4 0 E3^2 E3.-E3
G4 | -1/2q^4P1^2P3 0 -1 -E3^2.-1
98.1 UnipotentCharacters
Wshould be a Coxeter group, a Coxeter Coset or a Spetses. The function gives back a
record containing information about the unipotent characters of the associated algebraic
group (or Spetses). This contains the following fields:
a pointer to W
the list of names of the unipotent characters.
the list of symbols associated to unipotent characters, for classical groups.
information about Harish-Chandra series of unipotent characters. This is itself a list
of records, one for each pair (L, λ) of a Levi of an F-stable parabolic subgroup and
a cuspidal unipotent character of LF. These records themselves have the following
a list lsuch that Lcorresponds to ReflectionSubgroup(W,l).
the name of the unipotent cuspidal character lambda.
the eigenvalue of Frobenius for λ.
the reflection type of WG(L);
the GF-endomorphism algebra of RG
L(λ) is a Hecke algebra for WG(L) with some
parameters of the form qas. This holds the list of exponents as.
the indices of the unipotent characters indexed by the irreducible characters of WG(L).
information about Lusztig families of unipotent characters. This is itself a list of
records, one for each family. These records are described in the section about families
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("Bsym",2);
gap> WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2));
gap> uc:=UnipotentCharacters(W);
UnipotentCharacters( Bsym2 )
gap> Display(uc);
Unipotent characters for Bsym2
Name | Degree FakeDegree Eigenvalue Label
11. | 1/2qP4 q^2 1 +,-
1.1 |1/2qP2^2 qP4 1 +,+
.11 | q^4 q^4 1
2. | 1 1 1
.2 | 1/2qP4 q^2 1 -,+
B2 |1/2qP1^2 0 -1 -,-
gap> uc.harishChandra[1];
levi := [ ],
relativeType := [ rec(series := "B",
indices := [ 1, 2 ],
rank := 2) ],
eigenvalue := 1,
parameterExponents := [ 1, 1 ],
charNumbers := [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
cuspidalName := "" )
gap> uc.families[2];
gap> Display(uc.families[2]);
label |eigen +,- +,+ -,+ -,-
+,- | 1 1/2 1/2 -1/2 -1/2
+,+ | 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
-,+ | 1 -1/2 1/2 1/2 -1/2
-,- | -1 -1/2 1/2 -1/2 1/2
98.2 Operations for UnipotentCharacters
CharNames returns the names of the unipotent characters. Using the version with
an additional option record as the second argument, one can control the display in
various ways.
gap> uc:=UnipotentCharacters(CoxeterGroup("G",2));
UnipotentCharacters( G2 )
gap> CharNames(uc);
[ "phi{1,0}", "phi{1,6}", "phi{1,3}’", "phi{1,3}’’", "phi{2,1}",
"phi{2,2}", "G2[-1]", "G2[1]", "G2[E3]", "G2[E3^2]" ]
gap> CharNames(uc,rec(TeX:=true));
[ "\\phi_{1,0}", "\\phi_{1,6}", "\\phi_{1,3}’", "\\phi_{1,3}’’",
"\\phi_{2,1}", "\\phi_{2,2}", "G_2[-1]", "G_2[1]", "G_2[\\zeta_3]",
"G_2[\\zeta_3^2]" ]
Display One can control the display of unipotent characters in various ways. In the
record controlling Display, a field items specifies which columns are displayed. The
possible values are
The index of the character in the list of unipotent characters.
The name of the unipotent character.
The degree of the unipotent character.
The degree of the corresponding almost character.
The eigenvalue of Frobenius attached to the unipotent character.
for classical groups, the symbol attached to the unipotent character.
The parameter the character has in its Lusztig family.
The signs attached to the character in the Fourier transform.
The default value is items:=["Name","Degree","FakeDegree","Eigenvalue","Family"]
This can be changed by setting the variable UnipotentCharactersOps.items which holds
this default value. In addition if the field byFamily is set, the characters are displayed
family by family instead of in index order. Finally, the field chars can be set, indicating
which characters are to be displayed in which order.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",2);
gap> uc:=UnipotentCharacters(W);
UnipotentCharacters( B2 )
gap> Display(uc);
Unipotent characters for B2
Name | Degree FakeDegree Eigenvalue Label
11. | 1/2qP4 q^2 1 +,-
1.1 |1/2qP2^2 qP4 1 +,+
.11 | q^4 q^4 1
2. | 1 1 1
.2 | 1/2qP4 q^2 1 -,+
B2 |1/2qP1^2 0 -1 -,-
gap> Display(uc,rec(byFamily:=true));
Unipotent characters for B2
Name | Degree FakeDegree Eigenvalue Label
*.11 | q^4 q^4 1
11. | 1/2qP4 q^2 1 +,-
*1.1 |1/2qP2^2 qP4 1 +,+
.2 | 1/2qP4 q^2 1 -,+
B2 |1/2qP1^2 0 -1 -,-
*2. | 1 1 1
gap> Display(uc,rec(items:=["n0","Name","Symbol"]));
Unipotent characters for B2
n0 |Name Symbol
1 | 11. (12,0)
2 | 1.1 (02,1)
3 | .11 (012,12)
4 | 2. (2,)
5 | .2 (01,2)
6 | B2 (012,)
98.3 UnipotentCharacter
Constructs an object representing the unipotent character of the algebraic group associated
to the Coxeter group or Coxeter coset Wwhich is specified by l. There are 3 possibilities
for l:if it is an integer, the l-th unipotent character of Wis returned. If it is a string, the
unipotent character of Wwhose name is lis returned. Finally, lcan be a list of length the
number of unipotent characters of W, which specifies the coefficient to give to each.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> u:=UnipotentCharacter(W,7);
gap> v:=UnipotentCharacter(W,"G2[E3]");
gap> w:=UnipotentCharacter(W,[1,0,0,-1,0,0,2,0,0,1]);
98.4 Operations for Unipotent Characters
+Adds the specified characters.
-Subtracts the specified characters
*Multiplies a character by a scalar, or if given two unipotent characters returns their
scalar product.
We go on from examples of the previous section:
gap> u+v;
gap> w-2*u;
gap> w*w;
returns the degree of the unipotent character.
gap> Degree(w);
gap> Degree(u+v);
(5/6)*q^5 + (-1/2)*q^4 + (-2/3)*q^3 + (-1/2)*q^2 + (5/6)*q
String and Print
the formatting of unipotent characters is affected by the variable CHEVIE.PrintUniChars.
It is a record; if the field short is bound (the default) they are printed in a compact
form. If the field long is bound, they are printed one character per line:
gap> CHEVIE.PrintUniChars:=rec(long:=true);
long := true )
gap> w;
<phi{1,0}> 1
<phi{1,6}> 0
<phi{1,3}’> 0
<phi{1,3}’’> -1
<phi{2,1}> 0
<phi{2,2}> 0
<G2[-1]> 2
<G2[1]> 0
<G2[E3]> 0
<G2[E3^2]> 1
gap> CHEVIE.PrintUniChars:=rec(short:=true);;
Frobenius( WF )
If WF is a Coxeter coset associated to the Coxeter group W, the function Frobenius(WF)
returns a function which does the corresponding automorphism on the unipotent char-
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("D",4);WF:=CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2,4));
gap> u:=UnipotentCharacter(W,2);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(u);
gap> Frobenius(WF)(u,-1);
98.5 UnipotentDegrees
Returns the list of degrees of the unipotent characters of the finite reductive group (or
Spetses) with Weyl group (or Spetsial reflection group) W, evaluated at q.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> q:=Indeterminate(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> UnipotentDegrees(W,q);
[ q^0, q^6, (1/3)*q^5 + (1/3)*q^3 + (1/3)*q,
(1/3)*q^5 + (1/3)*q^3 + (1/3)*q, (1/6)*q^5 + (1/2)*q^4 + (2/3)*q^
3 + (1/2)*q^2 + (1/6)*q, (1/2)*q^5 + (1/2)*q^4 + (1/2)*q^2 + (1/
2)*q, (1/2)*q^5 + (-1/2)*q^4 + (-1/2)*q^2 + (1/2)*q,
(1/6)*q^5 + (-1/2)*q^4 + (2/3)*q^3 + (-1/2)*q^2 + (1/6)*q,
(1/3)*q^5 + (-2/3)*q^3 + (1/3)*q, (1/3)*q^5 + (-2/3)*q^3 + (1/3)*q ]
For a non-rational Spetses, Indeterminate(Cyclotomics) would be more appropriate.
98.6 CycPolUnipotentDegrees
Taking advantage that the degrees of unipotent characters of the finite reductive group
(or Spetses) with Weyl group (or Spetsial reflection group) Ware products of cyclotomic
polynomials, this function returns these degrees as a list of CycPols (see 106).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> CycPolUnipotentDegrees(W);
[ 1, q^6, 1/3qP3P6, 1/3qP3P6, 1/6qP2^2P3, 1/2qP2^2P6, 1/2qP1^2P3,
1/6qP1^2P6, 1/3qP1^2P2^2, 1/3qP1^2P2^2 ]
98.7 DeligneLusztigCharacter
This function returns the Deligne-Lusztig character RG
T(1) of the algebraic group Gasso-
ciated to the Coxeter group or Coxeter coset W. The torus Tcan be specified in 3 ways:if
wis an integer, it represents the w-th conjugacy class (or φ-conjugacy class for a coset) of
W. Otherwise wcan be a Coxeter word or a Coxeter element, and it represents the class
(or φ-class) of that element.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,3);
gap> DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,W.1);
gap> DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,[1]);
gap> DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,[1,2]);
98.8 AlmostCharacter
This function returns the i-th almost unipotent character of the algebraic group Gassociated
to the Coxeter group or Coxeter coset W. If χis the i-th irreducible character of W, the
i-th almost character is Rχ=W1PwWχ(w)RG
Tw(1), where Twis the maximal torus
associated to the conjugacy class (or φ-conjugacy class for a coset) of w.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",2);
gap> AlmostCharacter(W,3);
gap> AlmostCharacter(W,1);
98.9 LusztigInduction
ushould be a unipotent character of a parabolic subcoset of the Coxeter coset W. It
represents a unipotent character λof a Levi Lof the algebraic group Gattached to W. The
program returns the Lusztig induced RG
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);;
gap> T:=CoxeterSubCoset(CoxeterCoset(W),[],W.1);
gap> u:=UnipotentCharacter(T,1);
gap> LusztigInduction(CoxeterCoset(W),u);
gap> DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,W.1);
98.10 LusztigRestriction
ushould be a unipotent character of a parent Coxeter coset Wof which Ris a parabolic
subcoset. It represents a unipotent character γof the algebraic group Gattached to W,
while Rrepresents a Levi subgroup L. The program returns the Lusztig restriction RG
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);;
gap> T:=CoxeterSubCoset(CoxeterCoset(W),[],W.1);
gap> u:=DeligneLusztigCharacter(W,W.1);
gap> LusztigRestriction(T,u);
gap> T:=CoxeterSubCoset(CoxeterCoset(W),[],W.2);
gap> LusztigRestriction(T,u);
98.11 LusztigInductionTable
Rshould be a parabolic subgroup of the Coxeter group Wor a parabolic subcoset of the
Coxeter coset W, in each case representing a Levi subgroup Lof the algebraic group G
associated to W. The function returns a table (modeled after InductionTable, see 103.11)
representing the Lusztig induction RG
Lbetween unipotent characters.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",3);;
gap> t:=Twistings(W,[1,3]);
[ ~A1xA1<3>.(q-1), ~A1xA1<3>.(q+1) ]
gap> Display(LusztigInductionTable(t[2],W));
Lusztig Induction from ~A1xA1<3>.(q+1) to B3
|11,11 11,2 2,11 2,2
111. | 1 -1 -1 .
11.1 | -1 . 1 -1
1.11 | . . -1 .
.111 | -1 . . .
21. | . . . .
1.2 | 1 -1 . 1
2.1 | . 1 . .
.21 | . . . .
.3 | . 1 1 -1
B2:2 | . . 1 -1
B2:11 | 1 -1 . .
98.12 DeligneLusztigLefschetz
Here his an element of a Hecke algebra associated to a Coxeter group Wwhich itself is
associated to an algebraic group G. By results of Digne-Michel, for gGF, the number
of fixed points of Fmon the Deligne-Lusztig variety associated to the element of the
Coxeter coset W φ, have, for msufficiently divisible, the form Pχχqm(Twφ)Rχ(g) where χ
runs over the irreducible characters of W φ, where Rχis the corresponding almost character,
and where χqmis a character value of the Hecke algebra H(W φ, qm) of W φ with parameter
qm. This expression is called the Lefschetz character of the Deligne-Lusztig variety. If
we consider qmas an indeterminate x, it can be seen as a sum of unipotent characters with
coefficients character values of the generic Hecke algebra H(W φ, x).
The function DeligneLusztigLefschetz takes as argument a Hecke element and returns
the corresponding Lefschetz character. This is defined on the whole of the Hecke algebra by
linearity. The Lefschetz character of various varieties related to Deligne-Lusztig varieties,
like their completions or desingularisation, can be obtained by taking the Lefschetz character
at various elements of the Hecke algebra.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",2);;
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> H:=Hecke(W,q);
gap> T:=Basis(H,"T");
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> DeligneLusztigLefschetz(T(1,2));
gap> DeligneLusztigLefschetz((T(1)+T())*(T(2)+T()));
The last line shows the Lefschetz character of the Samelson-Bott desingularisation of the
Coxeter element Deligne-Lusztig variety.
We now show an example with a coset (corresponding to the unitary group).
gap> H:=Hecke(CoxeterCoset(W,(1,2)),q^2);
gap> T:=Basis(H,"T");
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> DeligneLusztigLefschetz(T(1));
98.13 Families of unipotent characters
The blocks of the (rectangular) matrix hRχ, ρiGFwhen χruns over Irr(W) and ρruns over
the unipotent characters, are called the Lusztig families. When Gis split and Wis a
Coxeter group they correspond on the Irr(W) side to two-sided Kazhdan-Lusztig cells —
for split Spetses they correspond to Rouquier blocks of the Spetsial Hecke algebra. The
matrix of scalar products hRχ, ρiGFcan be completed to a square matrix hAρ0, ρiGFwhere
Aρ0are the characteristic functions of character sheaves on GF; this square matrix
is called the Fourier matrix of the family.
The UnipotentCharacters record in CHEVIE contains a field .families, a list of family
records containing information on each family, including the Fourier matrix. Here is an
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);;
gap> uc:=UnipotentCharacters(W);
UnipotentCharacters( G2 )
gap> uc.families;
[ Family("D(S3)",[5,6,4,3,8,7,9,10]), Family("C1",[1]),
Family("C1",[2]) ]
gap> f:=last[1];
gap> Display(f);
label |eigen
(1,1) | 1 1/6 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/6 1/2 1/3 1/3
(g2,1) | 1 1/2 1/2 0 0 -1/2 -1/2 0 0
(g3,1) | 1 1/3 0 2/3 -1/3 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3
(1,r) | 1 1/3 0 -1/3 2/3 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3
(1,eps) | 1 1/6 -1/2 1/3 1/3 1/6 -1/2 1/3 1/3
(g2,eps) | -1 1/2 -1/2 0 0 -1/2 1/2 0 0
(g3,E3) | E3 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3 1/3 0 2/3 -1/3
(g3,E3^2) | E3^2 1/3 0 -1/3 -1/3 1/3 0 -1/3 2/3
gap> f.charNumbers;
[ 5, 6, 4, 3, 8, 7, 9, 10 ]
gap> CharNames(uc){f.charNumbers};
[ "phi{2,1}", "phi{2,2}", "phi{1,3}’’", "phi{1,3}’", "G2[1]",
"G2[-1]", "G2[E3]", "G2[E3^2]" ]
The Fourier matrix is obtained by Fourier(f); the field f.charNumbers holds the indices
of the unipotent characters which are in the family. We obtain the list of eigenvalues of
Frobenius for these unipotent characters by Eigenvalues(f). The Fourier matrix and vector
of eigenvalues satisfy the properties of fusion data, see below. The field f.charLabels is
what is displayed in the column labels when displaying the family. It contains labels
naturally attached to lines of the Fourier matrix. In the case of reductive groups, the family
is always attached to the 98.20 of a small finite group and the .charLabels come from this
98.14 Family
Family(f[, charNumbers [, opt]])
This function creates a new family in two possible ways.
In the first case fis a string which denotes a family known to CHEVIE. Examples are "S3",
"S4","S5" which denote the family obtained as the Drinfeld double of the symmetric group
on 3,4,5 elements, or "C2" which denotes the Drinfeld double of the cyclic group of order 2.
In the second case fis already a family record.
The other (optional) arguments add information to the family record defined by the first
argument. If given, the second argument becomes the field .charNumbers. If given, the
third argument opt is a record whose fields are added to the resulting family record.
If opt has a field signs, this field should be a list of 1and -1, and then the Fourier matrix
is conjugated by the diagonal matrix of those signs. This is used in Spetses to adjust the
matrix to the choice of signs of unipotent degrees.
gap> Display(Family("C2"));
label |eigen
(1,1) | 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
(g2,1) | 1 1/2 1/2 -1/2 -1/2
(1,eps) | 1 1/2 -1/2 1/2 -1/2
(g2,eps) | -1 1/2 -1/2 -1/2 1/2
gap> Display(Family("C2",[4..7],rec(signs:=[1,-1,1,-1])));
label |eigen signs
(1,1) | 1 1 1/2 -1/2 1/2 -1/2
(g2,1) | 1 -1 -1/2 1/2 1/2 -1/2
(1,eps) | 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
(g2,eps) | -1 -1 -1/2 -1/2 1/2 1/2
98.15 Operations for families
returns the Fourier matrix for the family f.
returns the list of eigenvalues of Frobenius associated to f.
give a short description of the family.
displays the labels, eigenvalues and Fourier matrix for the family.
98.16. ISFAMILY 1743
how many characters are in the family.
returns the tensor product of two families fand g; the Fourier matrix is the Kronecker
product of the matrices for fand g, and the eigenvalues of Frobenius are the pairwise
is a synonym for OnFamily(f,-1).
98.16 IsFamily
IsFamily(obj )
returns true if obj is a family, and false otherwise.
gap> List(UnipotentCharacters(ComplexReflectionGroup(4)).families,IsFamily);
[ true, true, true, true ]
98.17 OnFamily
fshould be a family. This function has two forms.
In the first form, pis a permutation, and the function returns a copy of the family fwith
the Fourier matrix, eigenvalues of Frobenius, .charLabels, etc. . . permuted by p.
In the second form, pis an integer and x->GaloisCyc(x,p)is applied to the Fourier matrix
and eigenvalues of Frobenius of the family.
gap> f:=UnipotentCharacters(ComplexReflectionGroup(3,1,1)).families[2];
gap> Display(f);
label |eigen 1 2 3
1 | E3^2 ER(-3)/3 ER(-3)/3 -ER(-3)/3
2 | 1 ER(-3)/3 (3-ER(-3))/6 (3+ER(-3))/6
3 | 1 -ER(-3)/3 (3+ER(-3))/6 (3-ER(-3))/6
gap> Display(OnFamily(f,(1,2,3)));
label |eigen 3 1 2
3 | 1 (3-ER(-3))/6 -ER(-3)/3 (3+ER(-3))/6
1 | E3^2 -ER(-3)/3 ER(-3)/3 ER(-3)/3
2 | 1 (3+ER(-3))/6 ER(-3)/3 (3-ER(-3))/6
gap> Display(OnFamily(f,-1));
label |eigen 1 2 3
1 | E3 -ER(-3)/3 -ER(-3)/3 ER(-3)/3
2 | 1 -ER(-3)/3 (3+ER(-3))/6 (3-ER(-3))/6
3 | 1 ER(-3)/3 (3-ER(-3))/6 (3+ER(-3))/6
98.18 FamiliesClassical
The list lshould be a list of symbols as returned by the function Symbols, which classify
the unipotent characters of groups of type "B","C" or "D".FamiliesClassical returns
the list of families determined by these symbols.
gap> FamiliesClassical(Symbols(3,1));
[ Family("0112233",[4]), Family("01123",[1,3,8]),
Family("013",[5,7,10]), Family("022",[6]), Family("112",[2]),
Family("3",[9]) ]
The above example shows the families of unipotent characters for the group B3.
98.19 FamilyImprimitive
Sshould be a symbol for a unipotent characters of an imprimitive complex reflection group
G(e,1,n) or G(e,e,n). The function returns the family of unipotent characters to which
the character with symbol Sbelongs.
gap> FamilyImprimitive([[0,1],[1],[0]]);
gap> Display(last);
label |eigen 1 2 3
1 | E3^2 ER(-3)/3 -ER(-3)/3 ER(-3)/3
2 | 1 -ER(-3)/3 (3-ER(-3))/6 (3+ER(-3))/6
3 | 1 ER(-3)/3 (3+ER(-3))/6 (3-ER(-3))/6
98.20 DrinfeldDouble
Given a (usually small) finite group Γ, Lusztig has associated a family (a Fourier matrix,
a list of eigenvalues of Frobenius) which describes the representation ring of the Drinfeld
double of the group algebra of Γ, and for some appropriate small groups describes a family
of unipotent characters. We do not explain the details of this construction, but explain how
its final result building Lusztig’s Fourier matrix, and a variant of it that we use in Spetses,
from Γ.
The elements of the family are in bijection with the set M(Γ) of pairs (x, χ) taken up to Γ-
conjugacy, where xΓ and χis an irreducible complex-valued character of CΓ(x). To such a
pair ρ= (x, χ) is associated an eigenvalue of Frobenius defined by ωρ:= χ(x)(1). Lusztig
then defines a Fourier matrix Twhose coefficient is given, for ρ= (x, χ) and ρ0= (x0, χ0),
Tρ,ρ0:= #CΓ(x)1X
where the sum is over all pairs ρ1∈ M(Γ) which are Γ-conjugate to ρ0and such that
y1CΓ(x). This coefficient also represents the scalar product hρ, ρ0iGFof the corresponding
unipotent characters.
A way to understand the formula for Tρ,ρ0better is to consider another basis of the complex
vector space with basis M(Γ), indexed by the pairs (x, y) taken up to Γ-conjugacy, where
xand yare commuting elements of Γ. This basis is called the basis of Mellin transforms,
and given by:
(x, y) = X
χ(y)(x, χ)
In the basis of Mellin transforms, the linear map Tis given by (x, y)7→ (x1, y1) and the
linear transformation which sends ρto ωρρbecomes (x, y)7→ (x, xy). These are particular
cases of the permutation representation of GL2(Z) on the basis of Mellin transforms where
a b
c d acts by (x, y)7→ (xayb, xcyd).
Fourier matrices in finite reductive groups are given by the above matrix T. But for non-
rational Spetses, we use a different matrix Swhich in the basis of Mellin transforms is given
by (x, y)7→ (y1, x). Equivalently, the formula Sρ,ρ0differs from the formula for Tρ,ρ0in
that there is no complex conjugation of χ1; thus the matrix Sis equal to Tmultiplied on
the right by the permutation matrix which corresponds to (x, χ)7→ (x, χ). The advantage
of the matrix Sover Tis that the pair S, Ω satisfies directly the axioms for a fusion algebra
(see below); also the matrix Sis symmetric, while Tis Hermitian.
Thus there are two variants of DrinfeldDouble:
returns a family containing Lusztig’s Fourier matrix T, and an extra field .perm containing
the permutation of the indices induced by (x, χ)7→ (x, χ), which allows to recover S, as well
as an extra field .lusztig, set to true.
returns a family with the matrix S, which does not have fields .lusztig or .perm.
The family record freturned also has the fields:
the group Γ.
a list of labels describing the pairs (x, χ), and thus also specifying in which order they
are taken.
the Fourier matrix (the matrix Sor Tdepending on the call).
the eigenvalues of Frobenius.
a list of pairs [x,y] which are representatives of the Γ-orbits of pairs of commuting
a list of labels describing the pairs [x,y].
the base change matrix between the basis (x, χ) and the basis of Mellin transforms, so
that f.fourierMat^(f.mellin^-1) is the permutation matrix (for (x, y)7→ (y1, x)
or (x, y)7→ (y1, x1) depending on the call).
the index of the special element, which is (x, χ) = (1,1).
gap> f:=DrinfeldDouble(SymmetricGroup(3));
gap> Display(f);
label |eigen
(1,1) | 1 1/6 1/6 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3
(1,X.2) | 1 1/6 1/6 1/3 -1/2 -1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3
(1,X.3) | 1 1/3 1/3 2/3 0 0 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3
(2a,1) | 1 1/2 -1/2 0 1/2 -1/2 0 0 0
(2a,X.2) | -1 1/2 -1/2 0 -1/2 1/2 0 0 0
(3a,1) | 1 1/3 1/3 -1/3 0 0 2/3 -1/3 -1/3
(3a,X.2) | E3 1/3 1/3 -1/3 0 0 -1/3 -1/3 2/3
(3a,X.3) | E3^2 1/3 1/3 -1/3 0 0 -1/3 2/3 -1/3
gap> f:=DrinfeldDouble(SymmetricGroup(3),rec(lusztig:=true));
gap> Display(f);
label |eigen
(1,1) | 1 1/6 1/6 1/3 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3
(1,X.2) | 1 1/6 1/6 1/3 -1/2 -1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3
(1,X.3) | 1 1/3 1/3 2/3 0 0 -1/3 -1/3 -1/3
(2a,1) | 1 1/2 -1/2 0 1/2 -1/2 0 0 0
(2a,X.2) | -1 1/2 -1/2 0 -1/2 1/2 0 0 0
(3a,1) | 1 1/3 1/3 -1/3 0 0 2/3 -1/3 -1/3
(3a,X.2) | E3 1/3 1/3 -1/3 0 0 -1/3 2/3 -1/3
(3a,X.3) | E3^2 1/3 1/3 -1/3 0 0 -1/3 -1/3 2/3
98.21 NrDrinfeldDouble
This function returns the number of elements that the family associated to the Drinfeld
double of the group gwould have, without computing it. The evident advantage is the
gap> NrDrinfeldDouble(ComplexReflectionGroup(5));
98.22 FusionAlgebra
The argument fshould be a family, or the Fourier matrix of a family. All the Fourier
matrices Sin CHEVIE are unitary, that is S1=tS, and have a special line s(the line of
index s=f.special for a family f) such that no entry Ss,i is equal to 0. Further, they have
the property that the sums Ci,j,k := PlSi,lSj,lSk,l/Ss,l take integral values. Finally, Shas
the property that complex conjugation does a permutation with signs σof the lines of S.
It follows that we can define a Z-algebra Aas follows:it has a basis biindexed by the lines
of S, and has a multiplication defined by the fact that the coefficient of bibjon bkis equal
to Ci,j,k.
Ais commutative, and has as unit the element bs; the basis σ(bi) is dual to bifor the linear
form (bi, bj) = Ci,j,σ(s).
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(4);;uc:=UnipotentCharacters(W);
UnipotentCharacters( G4 )
gap> f:=uc.families[4];
gap> A:=FusionAlgebra(f);
Fusion algebra dim.5
gap> b:=A.basis;
[ T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4), T(5) ]
gap> List(b,x->x*b);
[ [ T(1), T(2), T(3), T(4), T(5) ],
[ T(2), -T(4)+T(5), T(1)+T(4), T(2)-T(3), T(3) ],
[ T(3), T(1)+T(4), -T(4)+T(5), -T(2)+T(3), T(2) ],
[ T(4), T(2)-T(3), -T(2)+T(3), T(1)+T(4)-T(5), -T(4) ],
[ T(5), T(3), T(2), -T(4), T(1) ] ]
gap> CharTable(A);
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 -ER(-3) ER(-3) 2 -1
2 1 1 1 . 1
3 1 -1 -1 . 1
4 1 . . -1 -1
5 1 ER(-3) -ER(-3) 2 -1
Chapter 99
Eigenspaces and
d-Harish-Chandra series
Let W φ be a reflection coset on a vector space Vand Lwφ a reflection subcoset where Lis
a parabolic subgroup (the fixator of a subspace of V). There are several interesting cases
where the relative group NW(Lwφ)/L, or a subgroup of it normalizing some further data
attached to L, is itself a reflection group.
A first example is the case where φ= 1 and w= 1, Wis the Weyl group of a finite reductive
group GFand the Levi subgroup LFcorresponding to Lhas a cuspidal unipotent character.
Then NW(L)/L is a Coxeter group acting on the space X(ZL)R. A combinatorial
characterization of such parabolic subgroups of Coxeter groups is that they are normalized
by the longest element of larger parabolic subgroups (see [Lus76, 5.7.1]).
A second example is when Lis trivial and wφ is a ζ-regular element, that is the ζ-
eigenspace Vζof wφ contains a vector outside all the reflecting hyperplanes of W. Then
NW(Lwφ)/L =CW() is a reflection group in its action on Vζ.
A similar but more general example is when Vζis the ζ-eigenspace of some element of the
reflection coset W φ, and is of maximal dimension among such possible ζ-eigenspaces. Then
the set of elements of W φ which act by ζon Vζis a certain subcoset Lwφ, and NW(Lwφ)/L
is a reflection group in its action on Vζ(see [LS99, 2.5]).
Finally, a still more general example, but which only occurs for Weyl groups or Spetsial
reflection groups, is when Lis a ζ-split Levi subgroup (which means that the corresponding
subcoset Lwφ is formed of all the elements which act by ζon some subspace Vζof V), and
λis a d-cuspidal unipotent character of L(which means that the multiplicity of ζas a root
of the degree of λis the same as the multiplicity of ζas a root of the generic order of the
semi-simple part of G); then NW(Lwφ, λ)/L is a complex reflection group in its action on
Further, in the above cases the relative group describes the decomposition of a Lusztig
When GFis a finite reductive group, and λa cuspidal unipotent character of the Levi
subgroup LF, then the GF-endomorphism algebra of the Harish-Chandra induced repre-
sentation RG
L(λ) is a Hecke algebra attached to the group NW(L)/L, thus the dimension of
the characters of this group describe the multiplicities in the Harish-Chandra induced.
Similarly, when Lis a ζ-split Levi subgroup, and λis a d-cuspidal unipotent character of
Lthen (conjecturally) the GF-endomorphism algebra of the Lusztig induced RG
L(λ) is a
cyclotomic Hecke algebra for to the group NW(Lwφ, λ)/L. The constituents of RG
L(λ) are
called a ζ-Harish-Chandra series. In the case of rational groups or cosets, corresponding to
finite reductive groups, the conjugacy class of Lwφ depends only on the order dof ζ, so one
also talks of d-Harish-Chandra series. These series correspond to -blocks where lis a prime
divisor of Φd(q) which does not divide any other cyclotomic factor of the order of GF.
The CHEVIE functions described in this chapter allow to explore these situations.
99.1 RelativeDegrees
RelativeDegrees(WF [,d])
Let WF be a reflection group or a reflection coset. Here dspecifies a root of unity ζ: either
dis an integer and specifies ζ=E(d) or is a fraction smaller a/b with 0 < a < b and specifies
ζ=E(b)^a. If omitted, dis taken to be 0, specifying ζ= 1. Then if Vζis the ζ-eigenspace of
some element of WF , and is of maximal dimension among such possible ζ-eigenspaces, and
Wis the group of WF then NW(Vζ)/CW(Vζ) is a reflection group in its action on Vζ. The
function RelativeDegrees returns the reflection degrees of this complex reflection group,
which are a subset of those of W.
The point is that these degrees are obtained quickly by invariant-theoretic computations: if
(d1, ε1),...,(dn, εn) are the generalized degrees of WF they are the disuch that ζdi=εi.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);
gap> RelativeDegrees(W,4);
[ 8, 12, 20, 24 ]
99.2 RegularEigenvalues
Let Wbe a reflection group or a reflection coset. A root of unity ζis a regular eigen-
value for Wif some element of Whas a ζ-eigenvector which lies outside of the reflecting
hyperplanes. The function RelativeDegree returns a list describing the regular eigenvalues
for W. If all the primitive n-th roots of unity are regular eigenvalues, then nis put on the
result list. Otherwise the fractions a/n are added to the list for each asuch that E(n)ais
a primitive n-root of unity and a regular eigenvalue for W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);;
gap> RegularEigenvalues(W);
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30 ]
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(6);;
gap> L:=Twistings(W,[2])[4];
gap> RegularEigenvalues(L);
[ 1/4, 7/12, 11/12 ]
99.3 PositionRegularClass
PositionRegularClass(WF [,d])
Let WF be a reflection group or a reflection coset. Here dspecifies a root of unity ζ: either
dis an integer and specifies ζ=E(d) or is a fraction smaller a/b with 0 < a < b and specifies
ζ=E(b)^a. If omitted, dis taken to be 0, specifying ζ= 1. The root ζshould be a regular
eigenvalue for WF (see 99.2). The function returns the index of the conjugacy class of WF
which has a ζ-regular eigenvector.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);;
gap> PositionRegularClass(W,30);
gap> W:=ComplexReflectionGroup(6);;
gap> L:=Twistings(W,[2])[4];
gap> PositionRegularClass(L,7/12);
99.4 EigenspaceProjector
EigenspaceProjector(WF ,w,d)
Let WF be a reflection group or a reflection coset. Here dspecifies a root of unity ζ: either
dis an integer and specifies ζ=E(d) or is a fraction smaller a/b with 0 < a < b and specifies
ζ=E(b)^a. The function returns the unique w-invariant projector on the ζ-eigenspace of w.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> w:=EltWord(W,[1..3]);
( 1,12, 3, 2)( 4,11,10, 5)( 6, 9, 8, 7)
gap> EigenspaceProjector(W,w,1/4);
[ [ 1/4+1/4*E(4), 1/2*E(4), -1/4+1/4*E(4) ],
[ 1/4-1/4*E(4), 1/2, 1/4+1/4*E(4) ],
[ -1/4-1/4*E(4), -1/2*E(4), 1/4-1/4*E(4) ] ]
gap> RankMat(last);
99.5 SplitLevis
SplitLevis(WF [, d[,ad]])
Let WF be a reflection group or a reflection coset. If Wis a reflection group it is treated
as the trivial coset Spets(W).
Here dspecifies a root of unity ζ: either dis an integer and specifies ζ=E(d) or is a fraction
a/b with 0 < a < b and specifies ζ=E(b)^a. If omitted, dis taken to be 0, specifying ζ= 1.
ALevi is a subcoset of the form W1F1where W1is a parabolic subgroup of W, that is
the centralizer of some subspace of V.
The function returns a list of representatives of conjugacy classes of d-split Levis of W.
Ad-split Levi is a subcoset of WF formed of all the elements which act by ζon a given
subspace Vζ. If the additional argument ad is given, it returns only those subcosets such
that the common ζ-eigenspace of their elements is of dimension ad.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> SplitLevis(W,4);
[ A3, (q+1)(q^2+1) ]
gap> 3D4:=CoxeterCoset(CoxeterGroup("D",4),(1,2,4));
gap> SplitLevis(3D4,3);
[ 3D4, A2<1,3>.(q^2+q+1), (q^2+q+1)^2 ]
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);
gap> SplitLevis(W,4,2);
[ D4<3,2,4,5>.(q^2+1)^2, (A1xA1)<5,7>x(A1xA1)<2,3>.(q^2+1)^2,
2(A2xA2)<3,1,5,6>.(q^2+1)^2 ]
Chapter 100
Unipotent classes of reductive
CHEVIE contains information about the unipotent conjugacy classes of a connected reductive
group over an algebraically closed field k, and various invariants attached to them. The
unipotent classes depend on the characteristic of k; their classification differs when the
characteristic is not good (that is, when it divides one of the coefficients of the highest
root). In good characteristic, the unipotent classes are in bijection with nilpotent orbits on
the Lie algebra.
CHEVIE contains the following information attached to the class Cof a unipotent element
its centralizer CG(u), characterized by its reductive part, its group of components
A(u) = CG(u)/CG(u)0, and the dimension of its radical.
in good characteristic, its Dynkin-Richardson diagram.
the Springer correspondence, attaching characters of the Weyl group or relative Weyl
groups to each character of A(u).
The Dynkin-Richarson diagram is attached to a nilpotent element eof the Lie algebra g.
By the Jacobson-Morozov theorem there exists an sl2subalgebra of gcontaining eas the
element 0 1
0 0 . Let Sbe the torus h0
0h1of SL2and let Tbe a maximal torus
containing Sso that Sis the image of a one-parameter subgroup σY(T). Consider the
root decomposition g=PαΣgαgiven by T; then α7→ hσ, αidefines a linear form on Σ,
determined by its value on simple roots. It is possible to choose a system of simple roots Π
so that hσ, αi ≥ 0 for αΠ, and then hσ, αi∈{0,1,2}for any αΠ. The Dynkin diagram
of Π decorated by these values 0,1,2 is called the Dynkin-Richardson diagram of e, and in
good characteristic is a complete invariant of its g-orbit.
Let Bbe the variety of all Borel subgroups and let Bube the subvariety of Borel subgroups
containing the unipotent element u. Then dim CG(u) = rankG+ 2 dim Buand in good
characteristic this dimension can be computed from the Dynkin-Richardson diagram:the
dimension of the class of uis the number of roots αsuch that hσ, αi/∈ {0,1}.
We describe now the Springer correspondence. Indecomposable locally constant G-equivariant
sheaves on C, called local systems, are parameterized by irreducible characters of A(u).
The ordinary Springer correspondence is a bijection between irreducible characters of the
Weyl group and a large subset of the local systems which contains all trivial local sys-
tems (those parameterized by the trivial character of A(u) for each u). More generally,
the generalized Springer correspondence associates to each local system a (unique up to
G-conjugacy) cuspidal pair of a Levi subgroup Lof Gand a local system on an unipotent
class of L, such that the set of local systems associated to a given cuspidal pair is parame-
terized by the characters of the relative Weyl group WG(L) = NG(L)/L. There are
only few cuspidal pairs.
The Springer correspondence gives information on the character values of a finite reductive
groups as follows:assume that kis the algebraic closure of a finite field Fqand that Fis
the Frobenius attached to an Fq-structure of G. Let Cbe an F-stable unipotent class
and let uCF; we call Cthe geometric class of uand the GF-classes inside CFare
parameterized by the F-conjugacy classes of A(u), denoted H1(F, A(u)) (most of the time
we can find usuch that Facts trivially on A(u) and H1(F, A(u)) is then just the conjugacy
classes). To an F-stable character ϕof A(u) we associate the characteristic function
of the corresponding local system (actually associated to an extension ˜ϕof φto A(u).F );
it is a class function Yu,ϕ on GFwhich can be normalized so that:Yu,ϕ(u1) = ˜ϕ(cF ) if
u1is geometrically conjugate to uand its GF-class is parameterized by the F-conjugacy
class cF of A(u), otherwise Yu,ϕ(u1) = 0. If the pair u, ϕ corresponds via the Springer
correspondence to the character χof WG(L), then Yu,ϕ is also denoted Yχ. There is another
important class of functions indexed by local systems:to a local system on class Cis attached
an intersection cohomology complex, which is a complex of sheaves supported on the closure
C. To such a complex of sheaves is associated its characteristic function, a class function
of GFobtained by taking the alternating trace of the Frobenius acting on the stalks of the
cohomology sheaves. If Yψis the characteristic function of a local system, the characteristic
function of the corresponding intersection cohomology complex is denoted by Xψ. This
function is supported on C, and Lusztig has shown that Xψ=PφPψYχwhere Pψ,χ are
integer polynomials in qand Yχare attached to local systems on classes lying in C.
Lusztig and Shoji have given an algorithm to compute the matrix Pψ,χ, which is implemented
in CHEVIE. The relationship with characters of G(Fq), taking to simplify the ordinary
Springer correspondence, is that the restriction to the unipotent elements of the almost
character Rχis equal to qbχXχ, where bχis dim Bufor an element uof the class Csuch
that the support of χis C. The restriction of the Deligne-Lusztig characters Rwto the
unipotents are called the Green functions and can also be computed by CHEVIE. The
values of all unipotent characters on unipotent elements can also be computed in principle
by applying Lusztig’s Fourier transform matrix (see the section on the Fourier matrix) but
there is a difficulty in that the Xχmust be first multiplied by some roots of unity which are
not known in all cases (and when known may depend on the congruence class of qmodulo
some small primes).
We illustrate these computations on some examples:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc");
gap> uc:=UnipotentClasses(W);
UnipotentClasses( A3 )
gap> Display(uc);
u |D-R dBu B-C C(u) A3() A1(2A1)/-1 .(A3)/I .(A3)/-I
4 |222 0 222 q^3.Z4 1:4 -1:2 I: -I:
31 |202 1 22. q^4.(q-1) 31
22 |020 2 2.2 q^4.A1.Z2 2:22 11:11
211 |101 3 2.. q^5.A1.(q-1) 211
1111 |000 6 ... A3 1111
In CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc") the "sc" specifies that we are working with the simply con-
nected group, that is sln; another syntax for the same group is RootDatum("sl",4).
The first column in the table gives the name of the unipotent class, which here is a
partition describing the Jordan form. The partial order on unipotent classes given
by Zariski closure is given before the table. The column D-R, displayed only in good
characteristic, gives the Dynkin-Richardson diagram for each class; the column dBu
gives the dimension of the variety Bu. The column B-C gives the Bala-Carter classi-
fication of u, that is in the case of sl4it displays uas a regular unipotent in a Levi
subgroup by giving the Dynkin-Richardson diagram of a regular unipotent (all 2’s)
at entries corresponding to the Levi and .at entries which do not correspond to
the Levi. The column C(u) describes the group CG(u):a power qddescribes that the
unipotent radical of CG(u) has dimension d(thus qdrational points); then follows
a description of the reductive part of the neutral component of CG(u), given by the
name of its root datum. Then if CG(u) is not connected, the description of A(u) is
given using another vocabulary a cyclic group of order 4 is given as Z4, and a
symmetric group on 3 points would be given as S3.
For instance, the first class 4has CG(u)0unipotent of dimension 3 and A(u) equal to Z4,
the cyclic group of order 4. The class 22 has CG(u) with unipotent radical of dimension
4, reductive part of type A1 and A(u) is Z2, that is the cyclic group of order 2. The other
classes have CG(u) connected. For the class 31 the reductive part of CG(u) is a torus of
rank 1.
Then there is one column for each Springer series, giving for each class the pairs a:b
where ais the name of the character of A(u) describing the local system involved and b
is the name of the character of the (relative) Weyl group corresponding by the Springer
correspondence. At the top of the column is written the name of the relative Weyl group,
and in brackets the name of the Levi affording a cuspidal local system; next, separated by
a/is a description of the central character associated to the Springer series (omitted if this
central character is trivial):all local systems in a given Springer series have same restriction
to the center of G. To find what the picture becomes for another algebraic group in the
same isogeny class, for instance the adjoint group, one simply discards the Springer series
whose central character becomes trivial on the center of G; and each group A(u) has to
be quotiented by the common kernel of the remaining characters. Here is the table for the
adjoint group:
gap> Display(UnipotentClasses(CoxeterGroup("A",3)));
u |D-R dBu B-C C(u) A3()
4 |222 0 222 q^3 4
31 |202 1 22. q^4.(q-1) 31
22 |020 2 2.2 q^4.A1 22
211 |101 3 2.. q^5.A1.(q-1) 211
1111 |000 6 ... A3 1111
Here is another example:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);;
gap> Display(UnipotentClasses(W));
u |D-R dBu B-C C(u) G2() .(G2)
G2 | 22 0 22 q^2 phi{1,0}
G2(a1) | 20 1 20 q^4.S3 21:phi{1,3}’ 3:phi{2,1} 111:
~A1 | 01 2 .2 q^3.A1 phi{2,2}
A1 | 10 3 2. q^5.A1 phi{1,3}’’
1 | 00 6 .. G2 phi{1,6}
which illustrates that on class G2(a1) there are two local systems in the principal series of the
Springer correspondence, and a further cuspidal local system. Also, from the B-C column, we
see that that class is not in a proper Levi, in which case the Bala-Carter diagram coincides
with the Dynkin-Richardson diagram.
The characteristics 2 and 3 are not good for G2. To get the unipotent classes and the
Springer correspondence in bad characteristic, one gives a second argument to the function
gap> Display(UnipotentClasses(W,3));
u |dBu C(u) G2() .(G2) .(G2) .(G2)
G2 | 0 q^2.Z3 1:phi{1,0} E3: E3^2:
G2(a1) | 1 q^4.Z2 2:phi{2,1} 11:
~A1 | 2 q^6 phi{2,2}
A1 | 3 q^5.A1 phi{1,3}’’
(~A1)3 | 3 q^5.A1 phi{1,3}’
1 | 6 G2 phi{1,6}
The function ICCTable gives the transition matrix between the functions Xχand Yψ.
gap> Display(ICCTable(UnipotentClasses(W)));
Coefficients of X_phi on Y_psi for G2
|G2 G2(a1)(21) G2(a1) ~A1 A1 1
Xphi{1,0} | 1 0 1 1 1 1
Xphi{1,3}’ | 0 1 0 1 0 q^2
Xphi{2,1} | 0 0 1 1 1 P8
Xphi{2,2} | 0 0 0 1 1 P4
Xphi{1,3}’’ | 0 0 0 0 1 1
Xphi{1,6} | 0 0 0 0 0 1
Here the row labels and the column labels show the two ways of indexing local systems:
the row labels give the character of the relative Weyl group and the column labels give the
class and the name of the local system as a character of A(u): for instance, G2(a1) is the
trivial local system of the class G2(a1), while G2(a1)(21) is the local system on that class
corresponding to the 2-dimensional character of A(u) = A2.
100.1 UnipotentClasses
Wshould be a CoxeterGroup record for a Weyl group or RootDatum describing a reductive
algebraic group G. The function returns a record containing information about the unipo-
tent classes of Gin characteristic p(if omitted, pis assumed to be any good characteristic
for G). This contains the following fields:
a pointer to W
the characteristic of the field for which the unipotent classes were computed. It is 0
for any good characteristic.
a list describing the Hasse diagram of the partial order induced on unipotent classes
by the closure relation. That is .orderclasses[i] is the list of jsuch that Cj)Ci
and there is no class Cksuch that Cj)Ck)Ci.
a list of records holding information for each unipotent class (see below).
a list of records, each of which describes a Springer series of G.
The records describing individual unipotent classes have the following fields:
the name of the unipotent class.
parameter a parameter describing the class (for example, a partition describing the
Jordan form, for classical groups).
the group A(u).
present in good characteristic; contains the Dynkin-Richardson diagram, given as a
list of 0,1,2 describing the coefficient on the corresponding simple root.
the reductive part of CG(u).
the dimension of the variety Bu.
The records for classes contain additional fields for certain groups:for instance, the names
given to classes by Mizuno in E6, E7, E8or by Shoji in F4.
The records describing individual Springer series have the following fields:
the indices of the reflections corresponding to the Levi subgroup Lwhere lives the
cuspidal local system ιfrom which the Springer series is induced.
The relative Weyl group NG(L, ι)/L. The first series is the principal series for which
.levi=[] and .relgroup=W.
a list of length NrConjugacyClasses(.relgroup), holding in i-th position a pair
describing which local system corresponds to the i-th character of NG(L, ι). The
first element of the pair is the index of the concerned unipotent class u, and the
second is the index of the corresponding character of A(u).
the central character associated to the Springer series, specified by its value on the
generators of the centre.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3,"sc");;
gap> uc:=UnipotentClasses(W);
UnipotentClasses( A3 )
gap> uc.classes;
[ UnipotentClass(1111), UnipotentClass(211), UnipotentClass(22),
UnipotentClass(31), UnipotentClass(4) ]
gap> PrintRec(uc.classes[3]);
name := 22,
Au := CoxeterGroup("A",1),
dimBu := 2,
dimunip := 4,
dimred := 3,
parameter := [ 2, 2 ],
balacarter:= [ 1, 3 ],
dynkin := [ 0, 2, 0 ],
red := ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("A",1), [ 1 ]),
AuAction := A1,
operations:= UnipotentClassOps )
gap> uc.orderClasses;
[[2],[3],[4],[5],[ ]]
gap> uc.springerSeries;
[ rec(
relgroup := A3,
levi := [ ],
, rec(
relgroup := A1,
Z := [ -1 ],
levi := [ 1, 3 ],
locsys := [ [ 3, 1 ], [ 5, 3 ] ] ), rec(
relgroup := .,
Z := [ E(4) ],
levi := [ 1, 2, 3 ],
locsys := [ [ 5, 2 ] ] ), rec(
relgroup := .,
Z := [ -E(4) ],
levi := [ 1, 2, 3 ],
The Display and Format functions for unipotent classes accept all the options of FormatTable,
CharNames. Giving the option mizuno (resp. shoji) uses the names given by Mizuno (resp.
Shoji) for unipotent classes. Moreover, there is also an option fourier which gives the
correspondence tensored with the sign character of each relative Weyl group, which is the
correspondence obtained via a Fourier-Deligne transform (here we assume that pis very
good, so that there is a nondegenerate invariant bilinear form on the Lie algebra, and also
one can identify nilpotent orbits with unipotent classes).
Here is how to display only the ordinary Springer correspondence of the unipotent classes
of E6 using the notations of Mizuno for the classes and those of Frame for the characters of
the Weyl group and of Spaltenstein for the characters of G2 (this is convenient for checking
our data with the original paper of Spaltenstein):
gap> uc:=UnipotentClasses(CoxeterGroup("E",6));;
gap> Display(uc,rec(columns:=[1..5],mizuno:=true,frame:=true,
> spaltenstein:=true));
u | D-R dBu B-C C(u) E6()
E6 |222222 0 222222 q^6 1p
E6(a1) |222022 1 222022 q^8 6p
D5 |220202 2 22222. q^9.(q-1) 20p
A5+A1 |200202 3 200202 q^12.Z2 11:15p 2:30p
A5 |211012 4 2.2222 q^11.A1 15q
D5(a1) |121011 4 22202. q^13.(q-1) 64p
A4+A1 |111011 5 2222.2 q^15.(q-1) 60p
D4 |020200 6 .2222. q^10.A2 24p
A4 |220002 6 2222.. q^14.A1.(q-1) 81p
D4(a1) |000200 7 .2202. q^18.(q-1)^2.S3 111:20s 3:80s 21:90s
A3+A1 |011010 8 22.22. q^18.A1.(q-1) 60s
2A2+A1 |100101 9 222.22 q^21.A1 10s
A3 |120001 10 2.22.. q^15.B2.(q-1) 81p’
A2+2A1 |001010 11 222.2. q^24.A1.(q-1) 60p’
2A2 |200002 12 2.2.22 q^16.G2 24p’
A2+A1 |110001 13 222... q^23.A2.(q-1) 64p’
A2 |020000 15 2.2... q^20.(A2xA2) 11:15p’ 2:30p’
3A1 |000100 16 22..2. q^27.A2xA1 15q’
2A1 |100001 20 22.... q^24.B3.(q-1) 20p’
A1 |010000 25 2..... q^21.A5 6p’
1 |000000 36 ...... E6 1p’
100.2 ICCTable
This function gives the table of decompositions of the functions Xu,ϕ in terms of the functions
Yu,ϕ. Here (u, ϕ) runs over the pairs where uis a unipotent element of the reductive group G
and ϕis a character of the group of components A(u); such a pair describes a G-equivariant
local system on the class Cof u. The function Yu,ϕ is the characteristic function of this local
system and Xu,ϕ is the characteristic function of the corresponding intersection cohomology
complex. The local systems can also be indexed by characters of the relative Weyl group
occurring in the Springer correspondence, and since the coefficient of Xχon Yψis 0 if χ
and ψdo not correspond to the same relative Weyl group (are not in the same Springer
series), the table given is for a given Springer series, the series whose number is given by the
argument seriesNo (if omitted this defaults to seriesNo=1 which is the principal series).
The decomposition multiplicities are graded, and are given as polynomials in one variable
(specified by the argument q; if not given Indeterminate(Rationals) is assumed).
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);;
gap> uc:=UnipotentClasses(W);;
gap> Display(ICCTable(uc));
Coefficients of X_phi on Y_psi for A3
|4 31 22 211 1111
X4 |1 1 1 1 1
X31 |0 1 1 P2 P3
X22 |0 0 1 1 P4
X211 |0 0 0 1 P3
X1111 |0 0 0 0 1
In the above the multiplicities are given as products of cyclotomic polynomials to display
them more compactly. However the Format or the Display of such a table can be controlled
more precisely.
For instance, one can ask to not display the entries as products of cyclotomic polynomials:
gap> Display(ICCTable(uc),rec(CycPol:=false));
Coefficients of X_phi on Y_psi for A3
|4 31 22 211 1111
X4 |1 1 1 1 1
X31 |0 1 1 q+1 q^2+q+1
X22 |0 0 1 1 q^2+1
X211 |0 0 0 1 q^2+q+1
X1111 |0 0 0 0 1
Since Display and Format use the function 104.3, all the options of this function are also
available. We can use this to restrict the entries displayed to a given subset of the rows and
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("F",4);;
gap> uc:=UnipotentClasses(W);;
gap> show:=[13,24,22,18,14,9,11,19];;
gap> Display(ICCTable(uc),rec(rows:=show,columns:=show));
Coefficients of X_phi on Y_psi for F4
|A1+~A1 A2 ~A2 A2+~A1 ~A2+A1 B2(11) B2 C3(a1)(11)
Xphi{9,10} | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Xphi{8,9}’’ | 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Xphi{8,9}’ | 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Xphi{4,7}’’ | 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
Xphi{6,6}’ | P4 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
Xphi{4,8} | q^2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Xphi{9,6}’’ | P4 P4 0 1 0 0 1 0
Xphi{4,7}’ | q^2 0 P4 0 1 0 0 1
The function ICCTable returns a record with various pieces of information which can help
further computations.
this contains the table of multiplicities Pψ,χ of the Xψon the Yχ. One should pay
attention that by default, the table is not displayed in the same order as the stored
.scalar, which is in order of the characters in the relative Weyl group; the table is
transposed, then lines and rows are sorted by dimBu,class no,index of
character in A(u) while displayed.
The group W.
The relative Weyl group for the Springer series.
The index of the Springer series given for W.
The list of dim Bufor each local system (u, ϕ) in the series.
The matrix of (unnormalized) scalar products of the functions Yψwith themselves,
that is the (φ, ψ) entry is PgG(Fq)Yφ(g)Yψ(g). This is thus a symmetric, block-
diagonal matrix where the diagonal blocks correspond to geometric unipotent con-
jugacy classes. This matrix is obtained as a by-product of Lusztig’s algorithm to
compute Pψ.
100.3 SpecialPieces
The special pieces forme a partition of the unipotent variety of a reductive group Gwhich
was defined the first time in [Spa82, chap. III] as the fibers of d2, where dis a ”duality
map”. Another definition is as the set of classes in the Zariski closure of a special class and
not in the Zariski closure of any smaller special class, where a special class in the support
of the image of a special character by the Springer correspondence.
Each piece is a union of unipotent conjugacy classes so is represented in CHEVIE as a list of
class numbers. Thus the list of special pieces is returned as a list of lists of class numbers.
The list is sorted by increasing piece dimension, while each piece is sorted by decreasing
class dimension, so the special class is listed first.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> SpecialPieces(UnipotentClasses(W));
gap> SpecialPieces(UnipotentClasses(W,3));
The example above shows that the special pieces are different in characteristic 3.
100.4 InducedLinearForm
InducedLinearForm(W,K, h)
This routine can be used to find the Richardson-Dynkin diagram of the class in the algebraic
group Gwhich contains a given unipotent class of a reductive subgroup of maximum rank
Sof G.
It takes a linear form on the roots of K, defined by its value on the simple roots (these
values can define a Dynkin-Richardson diagram); then extends this linear form to the roots
of Gby 0 on the orthogonal of the roots of K; and finally conjugates the resulting form by
an element of the Weyl group so that it takes positive values on the simple roots.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("F",4);;
gap> H:=ReflectionSubgroup(W,[1,3]);;
gap> InducedLinearForm(W,H,[2,2]);
gap> uc:=UnipotentClasses(W);;
gap> Display(uc.classes[4]);
A1+~A1: D-R0100 C=q^18.A1xA1
The example above shows that the class containing the regular class of the Levi subgroup
of type A1ט
A1is the class A1+~A1.
Chapter 101
Unipotent elements of reductive
This chapter describes functions allowing to make computations in the unipotent radical
of a Borel subgroup of a connected algebraic reductive group; the implementation of these
functions was initially written by Olivier Dudas.
The unipotent radical of a Borel subgroup is the product in any order of root subgroups
associated to the positive roots. We fix an order, which gives a canonical form to display
elements and to compare them.
The computations use the Steinberg relations between root subgroups, which come from the
choice of a Chevalley basis of the Lie algebra. The reference we follow is chapters 4 to 6 of
the book [Car72b] “Simple groups of Lie type”by R.W. Carter (Wiley 1972).
We start with a root datum specified by a CHEVIE Coxeter group record Wand build a record
which contains information about the maximal unipotent subgroup of the corresponding
reductive group, that is the unipotent radical of the Borel subgroup determined by the
positive roots.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);; U:=UnipotentGroup(W);
Now, if α=W.roots[2], we make the element uα(4) of the root subgroup uα:
gap> U.Element(2,4);
If we do not specify the coefficient we make by default uα(1), so we have also:
gap> U.Element(2)^4;
We can make more complicated elements:
gap> U.Element(2,4)*U.Element(4,5);
u2(4) * u4(5)
gap> U.Element(2,4,4,5);
u2(4) * u4(5)
If the roots are not in order the element is normalized:
gap> u:=U.Element(4,5,2,4);
u2(4) * u4(5) * u8(-20)
It is possible to display the decomposition of the roots in simple roots instead of their index:
gap> Display(u,rec(root:=true));
u010000(4) * u000100(5) * u010100(-20)
The coefficients in the root subgroups can be elements of arbitrary rings. Here is an example
using Mvps (see 112.1):
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);; U:=UnipotentGroup(W);
gap> u:=U.Element(List([1..8],i->[i,Z(2)*Mvp(SPrint("x",i))]));
u1(Z(2)^0x1) * u2(Z(2)^0x2) * u3(Z(2)^0x3) * u4(Z(2)^0x4) * u5(Z(2)^0x\
5) * u6(Z(2)^0x6) * u7(Z(2)^0x7) * u8(Z(2)^0x8)
gap> Display(u^16,rec(root:=true));
u22343210(Z(2)^0x1^2x2^2x3^3x4^4x5^3x6^2x7) *
u12343211(Z(2)^0x1x2^2x3^3x4^4x5^3x6^2x7x8) *
u12243221(Z(2)^0x1x2^2x3^2x4^4x5^3x6^2x7^2x8) *
u12233321(Z(2)^0x1x2^2x3^2x4^3x5^3x6^3x7^2x8) *
u22343211(Z(2)^0x1^2x2^2x3^3x4^4x5^3x6^2x7x8) *
u12243321(Z(2)^0x1x2^2x3^2x4^4x5^3x6^3x7^2x8) *
u12244321(Z(2)^0x1x2^2x3^2x4^4x5^4x6^3x7^2x8) *
u22343321(Z(2)^0x1^2x2^2x3^3x4^4x5^3x6^3x7^2x8) *
u12344321(Z(2)^0x1x2^2x3^3x4^4x5^4x6^3x7^2x8) *
u22344321(Z(2)^0x1^2x2^2x3^3x4^4x5^4x6^3x7^2x8) *
u23354321(Z(2)^0x1^2x2^3x3^3x4^5x5^4x6^3x7^2x8) *
u22454321(Z(2)^0x1^2x2^2x3^4x4^5x5^4x6^3x7^2x8) *
gap> u^32;
The above computation shows that in characteristic 2 the exponent of the unipotent group
of E8is 32. More precisely, squaring doubles the height of the involved roots, so in the
above u16 involves only roots of height 16 or more.
Various actions are defined on unipotent elements. Elements of the Weyl group act (through
certain representatives) as long as no root subgroup is in their inversion set:
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> U:=UnipotentGroup(W);
gap> u:=U.Element(1,Mvp("x"),3,Mvp("y"));
u1(x) * u3(y)
gap> u^(W.2*W.1);
u4(y) * u5(x)
gap> u^W.1;
Error, u1(x) * u3(y) should have no coefficient on root 1
<rec1> ^ <rec2> called from
main loop
Semisimple elements act by conjugation:
gap> s:=SemisimpleElement(W,[E(3),2]);
gap> u^s;
u1(E3x) * u3(2E3y)
As well as unipotent elements
gap> u^U.Element(2);
u1(x) * u3(x+y) * u4(-x-2y) * u5(x+3y) * u6(3xy+x^2+3y^2)
101.1 UnipotentGroup
Wshould be a Coxeter group record representing a Weyl group. This function returns a
record representing the unipotent radical Uof a Borel subgroup of the reductive group of
Weyl group W.
The result is a record with the following fields:
contains W.
Let <be the order on the roots of Wresulting from some total order on the ambient
vector space (CHEVIE chooses such an order once and for all and it has nothing to do
with the field .order of the unipotent group record). A pair (r, s) of roots is special
if r < s and r+sis a root. The field .specialPairs contains twice the list of triples
(r, s, r+s) for special pairs: it contains first this list, sorted by (r+s, r), then it contains
a copy of the list in the order (s, r, r+s). Roots in these triples are represented as their
index in Parent(W).roots. Thanks to the repetition, each ordered pair of positive
roots whose sum is a root appears exactly once in .specialPairs.
The Lie algebra of Uhas a Chevalley basis erindexed by roots, with the property
that [er, es] = Nr,ser+sfor some integer constants Nr,s for each pair of roots whose
sum is a root. The list chevalleyConstants, of same length as .specialPairs,
contains the corresponding integers Nr,s.
These are the constants Cr,s,i,j which occur in the commutator formula for two root
us(u)ur(t) = ur(t)us(u)Y
uir+js(Cr,s,i,j (t)iuj),
where the product is over all the roots of the given shape. The list .commutatorConstants
is of the same length as .specialPairs and contains for each pair of roots (r, s) a
list of quadruples [i, j, ir +js, Cr,s,i,j ] for all possible values of i, j for this pair.
An order on the roots, used to give a canonical form to unipotent elements by listing
the root subgroups in that order. .order is the list of indices of roots in Parent(W),
listed in the desired order.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("G",2);
gap> U:=UnipotentGroup(W);
gap> U.specialPairs;
gap> U.chevalleyConstants;
[ 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, -1, -2, -3, -1, -3 ]
gap> U.commutatorConstants;
[ 3, 2, 6, -1 ] ],
A unipotent group record also contains functions for creating and normalizing unipotent
In the first form the function creates the element ur(1), and in the second form the element
ur1(c1). . . urn(cn)
gap> U.Element(2);
gap> U.Element(1,2,2,4);
u1(2) * u2(4)
gap> U.Element(2,4,1,2);
u1(2) * u2(4) * u3(-8) * u4(32) * u5(-128) * u6(512)
The function takes a list of pairs [r,c] representing a unipotent element, where ris a root
and cthe corresponding coefficient, and puts it in canonical form, reordering the terms to
agree with U.order using the commutation relations. If a second argument is given, this is
used instead of U.order.
gap> U.CanonicalForm([[2,4],[1,2]]);
gap> U.CanonicalForm(last,[6,5..1]);
101.2 Operations for Unipotent elements
The arithmetic operations *,/and ^work for unipotent elements. They also have Print
and String methods.
gap> u:=U.Element(1,4,3,-6);
u1(4) * u3(-6)
gap> u^-1;
u1(-4) * u3(6)
gap> u:=U.Element(1,4,2,-6);
u1(4) * u2(-6)
gap> u^-1;
u1(-4) * u2(6) * u3(24) * u4(-144) * u5(864) * u6(6912)
gap> u^0;
gap> u*u;
u1(8) * u2(-12) * u3(24) * u4(432) * u5(6048) * u6(-17280)
gap> String(u);
"u1(4) * u2(-6)"
gap> Format(u^2,rec(root:=true));
"u10(8) * u01(-12) * u11(24) * u12(432) * u13(6048) * u23(-17280)"
u^n gives the n-th power of uwhen nis an integer and uconjugate by nwhen nis a unipotent
element, a semisimple element or an element of the Weyl group.
101.3 IsUnipotentElement
This function returns true if uis a unipotent element and false otherwise.
gap> IsUnipotentElement(U.Element(2));
gap> IsUnipotentElement(2);
101.4 UnipotentDecompose
ushould be a unipotent element and wan element of the corresponding Weyl group. If Uis
the unipotent radical of the Borel subgroup determined by the positive roots, and Uthe
unipotent radical of the opposite Borel, this function decomposes uinto its component in
UwUand its component in UwU.
gap> u:=U.Element(2,Mvp("y"),1,Mvp("x"));
u1(x) * u2(y) * u3(-xy) * u4(xy^2) * u5(-xy^3) * u6(2x^2y^3)
gap> UnipotentDecompose(W.1,u);
[ u1(x), u2(y) * u3(-xy) * u4(xy^2) * u5(-xy^3) * u6(2x^2y^3) ]
gap> UnipotentDecompose(W.2,u);
[ u2(y), u1(x) ]
101.5 UnipotentAbelianPart
If Uis the unipotent subgroup and D(U) its derived subgroup, this function returns the
projection of the unipotent element uon U/D(U), that is its coefficients on the simple
gap> u:=U.Element(2,Mvp("y"),1,Mvp("x"));
u1(x) * u2(y) * u3(-xy) * u4(xy^2) * u5(-xy^3) * u6(2x^2y^3)
gap> UnipotentAbelianPart(u);
u1(x) * u2(y)
Chapter 102
Affine Coxeter groups and
Hecke algebras
In this chapter we describe functions dealing with affine Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras.
We follow the presentation in [Kac82], §1.1 and 3.7.
Ageneralized Cartan matrix Cis a matrix of integers of size n×nand of rank lsuch
that ci,i = 2, ci,j 0 is i6=j, and ci,j = 0 if and only if cj,i = 0. We say that Cis
indecomposable if it does not admit any block decomposition.
Let Cbe a generalized Cartan matrix. For Ia subset of {1, . . . , n}we denote by CIthe
square submatrix with indices i, j taken in I. If vis a real vector of length n, we write v > 0
if for all i∈ {1, . . . , n}we have vi>0. It can be shown that Cis a Cartan matrix if and
only if for all sets I, we have det CI>0; or equivalently, if and only if there exists v > 0
such that C.v > 0. Cis called an affine Cartan matrix if for all proper subsets Iwe have
det CI>0, but det C= 0; or equivalently if there exists v > 0 such that C.v = 0.
Given an irreducible Weyl group Wwith Cartan matrix C, we can construct a generalized
Cartan matrix ˜
Cas follows. Let α0be the opposed of the highest root. Then the matrix
C C.α0
α0.C 2
is an affine Cartan matrix. The affine Cartan matrices which can be obtained in this way
are those we are interested in, which give rise to affine Weyl groups.
Let d=nl. A realization of a generalized Cartan matrix is a pair V, V of vector spaces of
dimension n+dtogether with vectors α1, . . . , αnV(the simple roots), α
1, . . . , α
(the simple coroots), such that (α
i, αj) = ci,j . Up to isomorphism, a realization is
obtained as follows: write C=C1
C2where C1is of rank l. Then take αito be the first n
vectors in a basis of V, and take α
jto be given in the dual basis by the rows of the matrix
To Cwe associate a reflection group in the space V, generated by the fundamental re-
flections rigiven by ri(v) = v(α
i, v)αi. This is a Coxeter group, called the Affine
Weyl group ˜
Wassociated to Wwhen we start with the affine Cartan matrix associated
to a Weyl group W.
The Affine Weyl group is infinite; it has one additional generator s0(the reflection with
respect to α0) compared to W. In GAP3 we can not use 0 as a label by default for a generator
of a Coxeter group (because the default labels are used as indices, and indices start at 1 in
GAP3) so we label it as n+1 where nis the numbers of generators of W. The user can change
that by setting the field .reflectionsLabels of ˜
Wto Concatenation([1..n],[0]). As in
the finite case, we associate to the realization of ˜
Wa Dynkin diagram. We get the following
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",1))); # infinite bond
A1~ 1 oo 2
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",5))); # for An, n not 1
/ \
A5~ 1-2-3-4-5
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("B",4))); # for Bn
B4~ 1<2-3-4
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("C",4))); # for Cn
C4~ 1>2-3-4<5
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("D",6))); # for Dn
D6~ 1 7
\ /
/ \
2 6
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("E",6)));
E6~ 1-3-4-5-6
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("E",7)));
E7~ 8-1-3-4-5-6-7
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("E",8)));
E8~ 1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("F",4)));
F4~ 5-1-2>3-4
gap> PrintDiagram(Affine(CoxeterGroup("G",2)));
G2~ 3 - 1 > 2
102.1. AFFINE 1771
We represent in GAP3 the group ˜
Was a matrix group in the space V.
102.1 Affine
Affine( W)
This function returns the affine Weyl corresponding to the Weyl group W.
102.2 Operations and functions for Affine Weyl groups
All matrix group operations are defined on Affine Weyl groups, as well as all functions defined
for abstract Coxeter groups (in particular Hecke algebras and their Kazhdan-Lusztig bases).
The functions Print(W)and PrintDiagram(W)are also defined and print an appropriate
representation of W:
gap> W:=Affine(CoxeterGroup("A",4));
gap> PrintDiagram(W);
/ \
A4~ 1-2-3-4
The function ReflectionLength is also defined, using the formula of Lewis, McCammond,
Petersen and Schwer.
102.3 AffineRootAction
The Affine Weyl group Wcan be realized as affine transformations on the vector space
spanned by the roots of W.linear. Given a vector xexpressed in the basis of simple roots
of W.linear and win W, this function returns returns the image of xunder wrealized as
an affine transformation.
Chapter 103
CHEVIE utility functions
The functions described below, used in various parts of the CHEVIE package, are of a general
nature and should really be included in other parts of the GAP3 library. We include them
here for the moment for the commodity of the reader.
103.1 SymmetricDifference
SymmetricDifference( S,T)
This function returns the symmetric difference of the sets Sand T, which can be written
in GAP3 as Difference(Union(x,y),IntersectionSet(x,y).
gap> SymmetricDifference([1,2],[2,3]);
103.2 DifferenceMultiSet
DifferenceMultiSet( l,s)
This function returns the difference of the multisets land s. That is, land sare lists which
may contain several times the same item. The result is a list which is like l, excepted if an
item occurs atimes in s, the first aoccurrences of this item in lhave been deleted (all the
occurrences if ais greater than the times it occurred in l).
gap> DifferenceMultiSet("ababcbadce","edbca");
103.3 Rotation
This function returns lrotated isteps.
gap> l:=[1..5];;
gap> Rotation(l,1);
gap> Rotation(l,0);
gap> Rotation(l,-1);
103.4 Rotations
This function returns the list of rotations of the list l.
gap> Rotations("abcd");
[ "abcd", "bcda", "cdab", "dabc" ]
gap> Rotations([1,0,1,0]);
103.5 Inherit
Inherit(rec1 ,rec2 [,fields])
This functions copies to the record rec1 all the fields of the record rec2 . If an additional
argument fields is given, it should be a list of field names, and then only the fields specified
by fields are copied. The function returns the modified rec1 .
gap> r:=rec(a:=1,b:=2);
a := 1,
gap> s:=rec(c:=3,d:=4);
c := 3,
gap> Inherit(r,s);
a := 1,
b := 2,
c := 3,
gap> r:=rec(a:=1,b:=2);
a := 1,
gap> Inherit(r,s,["d"]);
a := 1,
b := 2,
103.6 Dictionary
103.7. GETROOT 1775
This function creates a dictionary data type. The created object is a record with two
Get(k) get the value associated to key k; it returns false if there is no such key.
Insert(k,v) sets in the dictionary the value associated to key kto be v.
The main advantage compared to records is that keys may be of any type.
gap> d:=Dictionary();
Dictionary with 0 entries
gap> d.Insert("a",1);
gap> d.Insert("b",2);
gap> d.Get("a");
gap> d.Get("c");
gap> d;
Dictionary with 2 entries
103.7 GetRoot
GetRoot( x,n[, msg])
nmust be a positive integer. GetRoot returns an n-th root of xwhen possible, else signals
an error. If msg is present and InfoChevie=Print a warning message is printed about
which choice of root has been made, after printing msg.
In the current implementation, it is possible to find an n-th root when xis one of the
following GAP3 objects:
1- a monomial of the form a*q^(b*n) when we know how to find a root of a. The root
chosen is GetRoot(a,n)*q^b.
2- a root of unity of the form E(a)^i. The root chosen is E(a*n)^i.
3- an integer, when n=2 (the root chosen is ER(x)) or when xis a perfect n-th power of a
(the root chosen is a).
4- a product of an xof form 2- by an xof form 3-.
5- when xis a record and has a method x.operations.GetRoot the work is delegated to
that method.
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> GetRoot(E(3)*q^2,2,"test");
#warning: test: E3^2q chosen as 2nd root of (E(3))*q^2
gap> GetRoot(1,2,"test");
#warning: test: 1 chosen as 2nd root of 1
The example above shows that GetRoot is not compatible with specialization: E(3)*q^2
evaluated at E(3) is 1whose root chosen by GetRoot is 1, while (-E(3)^2)*q evaluated
at E(3) is -1. Actually it can be shown that it is not possible mathematically to define
a function GetRoot compatible with specializations. This is why there is a provision in
functions for character tables of Hecke algebras to provide explicit roots.
gap> GetRoot(8,3);
gap> GetRoot(7,3);
Error, : unable to compute 3-th root of 7
GetRoot( 7, 3 ) called from
main loop
103.8 CharParams
Gshould be a group or another object which has a method CharTable, or a character table.
The function CharParams tries to determine a list of labels for the characters of G. If Ghas
a method CharParams this is called. Otherwise, if Gis not a character table, its CharTable
is called. If the table has a field .charparam in .irredinfo this is returned. Otherwise,
the list [1..Length(G.irreducibles)] is returned.
gap> CharParams(CoxeterGroup("A",2));
gap> CharParams(Group((1,2),(2,3)));
# W Warning Group has no name
103.9 CharName
Gshould be a group and param a parameter of a character of that group (as returned by
CharParams). If Ghas a method CharName, the function returns the result of that method,
which is a string which displays nicely param (this is used by CHEVIE to nicely fill the
.charNames in a CharTable – all finite reflection groups have such methods CharName).
gap> G:=CoxeterGroup("G", 2);
gap> CharParams(G);
gap> List(last,x->CharName(G,x));
[ "phi{1,0}", "phi{1,6}", "phi{1,3}’", "phi{1,3}’’", "phi{2,1}",
"phi{2,2}" ]
103.10 PositionId
PositionId( G)
Gshould be a group, a character table, an Hecke algebra or another object which has
characters. PositionId returns the position of the identity character in the character table
of G.
gap> W := CoxeterGroup( "D", 4 );;
gap> PositionId( W );
103.11 InductionTable
InductionTable( S,G)
InductionTable computes the decomposition of the induced characters from the subgroup
Sinto irreducible characters of G. The rows correspond to the characters of the parent
group, the columns to those of the subgroup. What is returned is actually a record with
several fields: .scalar contains the induction table proper, and there are Display and
Format methods. The other fields contain labeling information taken from the character
tables of Sand Gwhen it exists.
gap> G := Group( [ (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) ], () );
Group( (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) )
gap> S:=Subgroup( G, [ (1,2), (3,4) ] );
Subgroup( Group( (1,2), (2,3), (3,4) ), [ (1,2), (3,4) ] )
gap> := "G";; := "S";; # to avoid warnings
gap> Display( InductionTable( S, G ) );
Induction from S to G
|X.1 X.2 X.3 X.4
X.1 | 1 . . .
X.2 | . . . 1
X.3 | 1 . . 1
X.4 | . 1 1 1
X.5 | 1 1 1 .
gap> G := CoxeterGroup( "G", 2 );;
gap> S := ReflectionSubgroup( G, [ 1, 4 ] );
ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("G",2), [ 1, 4 ])
gap> t := InductionTable( S, G );
InductionTable(ReflectionSubgroup(CoxeterGroup("G",2), [ 1, 4 ]), Coxe\
gap> Display( t );
Induction from A1x~A1 to G2
|11,11 11,2 2,11 2,2
phi{1,0} | . . . 1
phi{1,6} | 1 . . .
phi{1,3}’ | . 1 . .
phi{1,3}’’ | . . 1 .
phi{2,1} | . 1 1 .
phi{2,2} | 1 . . 1
The Display and Format methods take the same arguments as the FormatTable method.
For instance to select a subset of the characters of the subgroup and of the parent group,
one can call
gap> Display( t,rec( rows := [5], columns := [3,2] ) );
Induction from A1x~A1 to G2
|2,11 11,2
phi{2,1} | 1 1
It is also possible to get TeX and LaTeX output, see 104.3.
103.12 CharRepresentationWords
CharRepresentationWords( rep ,elts )
given a list rep of matrices corresponding to generators and a list elts of words in the
generators it returns the list of traces of the corresponding representation on the elements
in elts.
gap> H := Hecke(CoxeterGroup( "F", 4 ));;
gap> r := ChevieClassInfo( Group( H ) ).classtext;;
gap> t := HeckeReflectionRepresentation( H );;
gap> CharRepresentationWords( t, r );
[ 4, -4, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -2, 2, 0, 2, -2, -1, 1, 0, 2, -2, -1, 1,
0, 0, 2, -2, 0 ]
103.13 PointsAndRepresentativesOrbits
PointsAndRepresentativesOrbits( G[, m] )
returns a pair [orb, rep] where orb is a list of the orbits of the permutation group G
on [ 1..LargestMovedPoint( G) ] and rep is a list of list of elements of Gsuch that
rep[i][j] applied to orb[i][1] yields orb[i][j] for all i, j. If the optional argument m
is given, then LargestMovedPoint( G)is replaced by the integer m.
gap> G := Group( (1,7)(2,3)(5,6)(8,9)(11,12),
> (1,5)(2,8)(3,4)(7,11)(9,10) );;
gap> PointsAndRepresentativesOrbits( G );
[ [ (), ( 1, 7)( 2, 3)( 5, 6)( 8, 9)(11,12),
( 1, 5)( 2, 8)( 3, 4)( 7,11)( 9,10),
( 1,11,12, 7, 5, 6)( 2, 4, 3, 8,10, 9),
( 1, 6, 5, 7,12,11)( 2, 9,10, 8, 3, 4),
( 1,12)( 2, 4)( 3, 9)( 6, 7)( 8,10) ],
[ (), ( 1, 7)( 2, 3)( 5, 6)( 8, 9)(11,12),
( 1, 5)( 2, 8)( 3, 4)( 7,11)( 9,10),
( 1,11,12, 7, 5, 6)( 2, 4, 3, 8,10, 9),
( 1, 6, 5, 7,12,11)( 2, 9,10, 8, 3, 4),
( 1, 6)( 2,10)( 4, 8)( 5,11)( 7,12) ] ] ]
103.14 AbelianGenerators
AbelianGenerators( l)
lshould be a list of elements generating an abelian group. The function returns a list of gen-
erators for the generated group G =ApplyFunc(Group,l) which is optimal in the sense
that they generate the cyclic groups whose orders are given by AbelianInvariants(G).
Chapter 104
CHEVIE String and Formatting
CHEVIE enhances the facilities of GAP33 for formatting and displaying objects.
First, it provides some useful string functions, such as Replace, and IntListToString.
Second, it enforces a general policy on how to format and print objects. The most basic
method which should be provided for an object is the Format method. This is a method
whose second argument is a record of options to control printing/formatting the object.
When the second argument is absent, or equivalently the empty record, one has the most
basic formatting, which is used to make the Display method of the object. When the option
GAP is set (that is the record second argument has a field GAP), the output should be a form
which can, as far as possible, read back in GAP3. This output is what is used by default in
the methods String and Print.
In addition to the above options, most CHEVIE objects also provide the formatting options
TeX (resp. LaTeX), to output strings suitable for TeX or LaTeX typesetting. The objects for
which this makes sense (like polynomials) provide a Maple option for formatting to create
output readable by Maple.
104.1 Replace
Replace( s[, s1 ,r1 [, s2 ,r2 [...]]])
Replaces in list sall (non-overlapping) occurrences of sublist s1 by list r1 , then all occur-
rences of s2 by r2 , etc...
gap> Replace("aabaabaabbb","aabaa","c","cba","def","bbb","ult");
104.2 IntListToString
IntListToString( part [, brackets] )
part must be a list of positive integers. If all of them are smaller than 10 then a string
of digits corresponding to the entries of part is returned. If an entry is 10 then the
elements of part are converted to strings, concatenated with separating commas and the
result surrounded by brackets. By default () brackets are used. This may be changed by
giving as second argument a length two string specifying another kind of brackets.
gap> IntListToString( [ 4, 2, 2, 1, 1 ] );
gap> IntListToString( [ 14, 2, 2, 1, 1 ] );
gap> IntListToString( [ 14, 2, 2, 1, 1 ], "{}" );
104.3 FormatTable
FormatTable( table,options )
This is a general routine to format a table (a rectangular array, that is a list of lists of the
same length).
The option is a record whose fields can be
rowLabels at least this field must be present. It will contain labels for the rows of
the table.
columnLabels labels for the columns of the table.
rowsLabel label for the first column (containing the rowLabels).
separators by default, a separating line is put after the line of column labels. This
option contains the indices of lines after which to put separating lines, so the default
is equivalent to .separators =[0].
rows a list of indices. If given, only the rows specified by these indices are formatted.
columns a list of indices. If given, only the columns specified by these indices are
TeX if set to true, TeX output is generated to format the table.
LaTeX TeX also should be set if this is used. LaTeX output is generated using the
package longtable, so the output can be split across several pages.
columnRepartition This is used to specify how to split the table in several parts
typeset one after the other. The variable columnRepartition should be a list of
integers to specify how many columns to print in each part. When using plain text
output, this is unnecessary as FormatTable can automatically split the table into
parts not exceeding screenColumns columns, if this option is specified.
screenColumns As explained above, is used to split the table when doing plain text
output. A good value to set it is SizeScreen()[1], so each part of the table does
not exceed the screen width.
gap> t:=IdentityMat(3);;o:=rec(rowLabels:=[1..3]);;
gap> Print(FormatTable(t,o));
gap> o.columnLabels:=[6..8];;Print(FormatTable(t,o));
104.4. FORMAT 1783
|6 7 8
gap> o.rowsLabel:="N";;Print(FormatTable(t,o));
gap> o.separators:=[0,2];;Print(FormatTable(t,o));
104.4 Format
Format( object[, options] )
FormatGAP( object[, options] )
FormatMaple( object[, options] )
FormatTeX( object[, options] )
FormatLaTeX( object[, options] )
Format is a general routine for formatting an object. options is a record of options; if
not given, it is equivalent to options:=rec(). The routines FormatGAP,FormatMaple,
FormatTeX and FormatLaTeX add some options (or setup a record with some options if no
second argument is given); respectively they set up GAP:=true,Maple:=true,TeX:=true,
and for FormatLaTeX both TeX:=true and LaTeX:=true.
If object is a record, Format looks if it has a .operations.Format method and then calls
it. Otherwise, Format knows how to format in various ways:polynomials, cyclotomics, lists,
matrices, booleans.
Here are some examples.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> Format(q^-3-13*q);
gap> FormatGAP(q^-3-13*q);
gap> FormatMaple(q^-3-13*q);
gap> FormatTeX(q^-3-13*q);
By default, Format tries to recognize cyclotomics which are in quadratic number fields. If
the option noQuadrat:=true is given it does not.
gap> Format(E(3)-E(3)^2);
gap> Format(E(3)-E(3)^2,rec(noQuadrat:=true));
gap> FormatTeX(E(3)-E(3)^2,rec(noQuadrat:=true));
gap> FormatTeX(E(3)-E(3)^2);
"\\sqrt {-3}"
gap> FormatMaple(E(3)-E(3)^2);
Formatting of arrays gives output usable for typesetting if the TeX or LaTeX options are
gap> m:=IdentityMat(3);;
gap> Print(Format(m),"\n");
gap> FormatTeX(m);
gap> FormatGAP(m);
gap> FormatLaTeX(m);
Chapter 105
CHEVIE Matrix utility
This chapter documents various functions which enhance GAP3’s ability to work with ma-
105.1 EigenvaluesMat
EigenvaluesMat( mat )
mat should be a square matrix of Cyclotomics. The function returns the eigenvalues of M
which are 0 or roots of unity.
gap> EigenvaluesMat(DiagonalMat(0,1,E(3),2,3));
[ 0, 1, E(3) ]
gap> EigenvaluesMat(PermutationMat((1,2,3,4),5));
[ 1, 1, -1, E(4), -E(4) ]
105.2 DecomposedMat
DecomposedMat( mat )
Finds if the square matrix mat with zeroes (or false) in symmetric positions admits a block
Define a graph Gwith vertices [1..Length(mat)] and with an edge between iand jif
either mat[i][j] or mat[j][i] is non-zero. DecomposedMat return a list of lists lsuch
that l[1],l[2], etc.. are the vertices in each connected component of G. In other words,
the matrices mat{l[1]}{l[1]},mat{l[2]}{l[2]}, etc... are blocks of the matrix mat. This
function may also be applied to boolean matrices where non-zero is then replaced by true.
gap> m := [ [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
> [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ],
> [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ],
> [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ] ];;
gap> DecomposedMat( m );
gap> PrintArray( m{[ 1, 4 ]}{[ 1, 4 ]});
[[0, 1],
[1, 0]]
105.3 BlocksMat
Blocks( M)
Finds if the matrix Madmits a block decomposition.
Define a bipartite graph Gwith vertices [1..Length(M)],[1..Length(M[1])] and with
an edge between iand jif M[i][j] is not zero. BlocksMat returns a list of pairs of lists I
such that [I[1][1],I[1][2]], etc.. are the vertices in each connected component of G. In
other words, M{I[1][1]}{I[1][2]},M{I[2][1]}{I[2][2]},etc... are blocks of M.
This function may also be applied to boolean matrices where non-zero is then replaced by
gap> m:=[ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ],
> [0,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0]];;
gap> BlocksMat(m);
gap> PrintArray(m{[1,3,5]}{[1,3]});
[[1, 0],
[1, 1],
[0, 1]]
105.4 RepresentativeDiagonalConjugation
RepresentativeDiagonalConjugation( M,N)
Mand Nmust be square matrices. This function returns a list dsuch that N=M^DiagonalMat(d)
if such a list exists, and false otherwise.
gap> M:=[[1,2],[2,1]];
gap> N:=[[1,4],[1,1]];
gap> RepresentativeDiagonalConjugation(M,N);
105.5 Transporter
Transporter( l1 ,l2 )
l1 and l2 should be lists of the same length of square matrices all of the same size. The result
is a basis of the vector space of matrices Asuch that for any iwe have A*l1[i]=l2[i]*A
the basis is returned as a list, empty if the vector space is 0. This is useful to find whether
two representations are isomorphic.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("A",3);
gap> Transporter(W.matgens,List(W.matgens,x->x^W.matgens[1]));
gap> W.matgens[1];
gap> Transporter([W.matgens[1]],[W.matgens[1]]);
In the second case above, we get a base of the centralizer in matrices of W.matgens[1].
105.6 ProportionalityCoefficient
ProportionalityCoefficient( v,w)
vand wshould be two vectors of the same length. The function returns a scalar csuch
that v=c*w if such a scalar exists, and false otherwise.
gap> ProportionalityCoefficient([1,2],[2,4]);
gap> ProportionalityCoefficient([1,2],[2,3]);
105.7 ExteriorPower
ExteriorPower( mat,n)
mat should be a square matrix. The function returns the n-th exterior power of mat, in the
basis naturally indexed by Combinations([1..r],n), where r=Length(<mat>).
gap> M:=[[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,1],[3,4,1,2],[4,1,2,3]];
gap> ExteriorPower(M,2);
[ [ -1, -2, -7, -1, -10, -13 ], [ -2, -8, -10, -10, -12, 2 ],
[ -7, -10, -13, 1, 2, 1 ], [ -1, -10, 1, -13, 2, 7 ],
[ -10, -12, 2, 2, 8, 10 ], [ -13, 2, 1, 7, 10, -1 ] ]
105.8 SymmetricPower
SymmetricPower( mat,n)
mat should be a square matrix. The function returns the n-th symmetric power of mat, in
the basis naturally indexed by UnorderedTuples([1..r],n), where r=Length(<mat>).
gap> M:=[[1,2],[3,4]];
gap> SymmetricPower(M,2);
105.9 SchurFunctor
mat should be a square matrix and la partition. The result is the Schur functor of the matrix
mat corresponding to partition l; for example, if l=[n] it returns the n-th symmetric power
and if l=[1,1,1] it returns the 3rd exterior power. The current algorithm (from Littlewood)
is rather inefficient so it is quite slow for partitions of nwhere n > 6.
gap> m:=CartanMat("A",3);
gap> SchurFunctor(m,[2,2]);
[ [ 10, 12, -16, 16, -16, 12 ], [ 3/2, 9, -6, 4, -2, 1 ],
[ -4, -12, 16, -16, 8, -4 ], [ 2, 4, -8, 16, -8, 4 ],
[ -4, -4, 8, -16, 16, -12 ], [ 3/2, 1, -2, 4, -6, 9 ] ]
105.10 IsNormalizing
IsNormalizing( lst,mat )
returns true or false according to whether the matrix mat leaves the vectors in lst as a set
invariant, i.e., Set(l * M) = Set( l ).
gap> l * a;
gap> IsNormalizing( l, a );
105.11 IndependentLines
IndependentLines( M)
Returns the smallest (for lexicographic order) subset Iof [1..Length(M)] such that the
rank of M{I} is equal to the rank of M.
gap> M:=CartanMat(ComplexReflectionGroup(31));
[ [ 2, 1+E(4), 1-E(4), -E(4), 0 ], [ 1-E(4), 2, 1-E(4), -1, -1 ],
[ 1+E(4), 1+E(4), 2, 0, -1 ], [ E(4), -1, 0, 2, 0 ],
[ 0, -1, -1, 0, 2 ] ]
gap> IndependentLines(M);
105.12 OnMatrices
OnMatrices( M,p)
Effects the simultaneous permutation of the lines and columns of the matrix Mspecified by
the permutation p.
gap> M:=DiagonalMat([1,2,3]);
gap> OnMatrices(M,(1,2,3));
105.13 PermutedByCols
PermutedByCols( M,p)
Effects the permutation pon the columns of matrix M.
gap> m:=List([0..2],i->3*i+[1..3]);
gap> PermutedByCols(m,(1,2,3));
105.14 PermMatMat
PermMatMat( M,N[, l1 ,l2 ])
Mand Nshould be symmetric matrices. PermMatMat returns a permutation psuch that
OnMatrices(M,p)=N if such a permutation exists, and false otherwise. If list arguments l1
and l2 are given, the permutation pshould also satisfy Permuted(l1,p)=l2.
This routine is useful to identify two objects which are isomorphic but with different la-
belings. It is used in CHEVIE to identify Cartan matrices and Lusztig Fourier transform
matrices with standard (classified) data. The program uses sophisticated algorithms, and
can often handle matrices up to 80 ×80.
gap> M:=CartanMat("D",12);;
gap> p:=Random(SymmetricGroup(12));
( 1,12, 7, 5, 9, 8, 3, 6)( 2,10)( 4,11)
gap> N:=OnMatrices(M,p);;
gap> PermMatMat(M,N);
( 1,12, 7, 5, 9, 8, 3, 6)( 2,10)( 4,11)
105.15 RepresentativeRowColPermutation
RepresentativeRowColPermutation(M1, M2)
M1 and M2 should be rectangular matrices of the same dimensions. The function returns a
pair of permutations [p1,p2] such that PermutedByCols(Permuted(m1,p1),p2)=Permuted(PermutedByCols(m1,p2),p1)=m2
if such permutations exist, and false otherwise.
gap> ct:=CharTable(CoxeterGroup("A",5));
CharTable( "A5" )
gap> ct1:=CharTable(Group((1,2,3,4,5,6),(1,2)));
CharTable( Group( (1,2,3,4,5,6), (1,2) ) )
gap> RepresentativeRowColPermutation(ct.irreducibles,ct1.irreducibles);
[ ( 1, 2, 5, 9, 8,10, 6,11)( 3, 7), ( 3, 4, 8, 5)( 7,10) ]
105.16 BigCellDecomposition
BigCellDecomposition(M [, b])
Mshould be a square matrix, and bspecifies a block structure for a matrix of same size as
M(it is a list of lists whose union is [1..Length(M)]). If bis not given, the trivial block
structure [[1],..,[Length(M)]] is assumed.
The function decomposes Mas a product P1LP where Pis upper block-unitriangular (with
identity diagonal blocks), P1is lower block-unitriangular and Lis block-diagonal for the
block structure b. If Mis symmetric then P1is the transposed of Pand the result is the
pair [P,L]; else the result is the triple [P1,L,P]. The only condition for this decomposition
of Mto be possible is that the principal minors according to the block structure be non-
zero. This routine is used when computing the green functions and the example below is
extracted from the computation of the Green functions for G2.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> M:= [ [ q^6, q^0, q^3, q^3, q^5 + q, q^4 + q^2 ],
> [ q^0, q^6, q^3, q^3, q^5 + q, q^4 + q^2 ],
> [ q^3, q^3, q^6, q^0, q^4 + q^2, q^5 + q ],
> [ q^3, q^3, q^0, q^6, q^4 + q^2, q^5 + q ],
> [ q^5 + q, q^5 + q, q^4 + q^2, q^4 + q^2, q^6 + q^4 + q^2 + 1,
> q^5 + 2*q^3 + q ],
> [ q^4 + q^2, q^4 + q^2, q^5 + q, q^5 + q, q^5 + 2*q^3 + q,
> q^6 + q^4 + q^2 + 1 ] ];;
gap> PL:=BigCellDecomposition(M,bb);
[ [ [ q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ q^(-6), q^0, q^(-3), q^(-3), q^(-1) + q^(-5), q^(-2) + q^(-4)
], [ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ q^(-3), 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^0, q^(-2), q^(-1) ],
[ q^(-1), 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ q^(-2), 0*q^0, q^(-1), 0*q^0, q^(-1), q^0 ] ],
[ [ q^6 - q^4 - 1 + q^(-2), 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, q^6, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^6 - q^4 - 1 + q^(-2), 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^6 - 1, 0*q^0, 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^6 - q^4 - 1 + q^(-2), 0*q^0 ],
[ 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, 0*q^0, q^6 - 1 ] ] ]
gap> M=TransposedMat(PL[1])*PL[2]*PL[1];
Chapter 106
Cyclotomic polynomials
Cyclotomic numbers, and cyclotomic polynomials over the rationals or some cyclotomic
field, play an important role in the study of reductive groups, so they do in CHEVIE. Special
facilities are provided to deal with them. The most prominent is the type CycPol which
represents the product of a polynomial with a rational fraction in one variable with all poles
or zeroes equal to 0 or roots of unity.
The advantages of representing as CycPol objects which can be so represented are: nice
display (factorized), less storage, faster multiplication, division and evaluation. The big
drawback is that addition and subtraction are not implemented!
gap> q:=X(Cyclotomics);;"q";;
gap> p:=CycPol(q^18 + q^16 + 2*q^12 + q^8 + q^6);
gap> p/CycPol(q^2+q+1);
The variable in a CycPol will be denoted by q. It is usually printed as qbut it is possible
to change its name, see Format in 106.4.
CycPols are represented internally by a record with fields:
.coeff a coefficient, usually a cyclotomic number, but it can also be a polynomial and
actually can be any GAP3 object which can be multiplied by cyclotomic polynomials.
.valuation the valuation, positive or negative.
.vcyc a list of pairs [ei, mi] representing a root of unity and a multiplicity mi. Actu-
ally eishould be a fraction p/d with p < d representing E(d)p. The pair represents
So if we let mu(e):=e->E(Denominator(e))^Numerator(e), a record rrepresents
106.1 AsRootOfUnity
AsRootOfUnity( c)
cshould be a cyclotomic number. AsRootOfUnity returns the rational e/n with 0 e<n
(that is, e/n Q/Z) if c=E(n)^e, and false if cis not a root of unity. The code for this
function has been provided by Thomas Breuer; we thank him for his help.
gap> AsRootOfUnity(-E(9)^2-E(9)^5);
gap> AsRootOfUnity(-E(9)^4-E(9)^5);
gap> AsRootOfUnity(1);
106.2 CycPol
CycPol( p)
In the first form CycPol( p)the argument is a polynomial:
gap> CycPol(3*q^3-3);
Special code makes the conversion fast if phas not more than two nonzero coefficients.
The second form is a fast and efficient way of specifying a CycPol with only positive multi-
plicities:pshould be a vector. The first element is taken as a the .coeff of the CycPol, the
second as the .valuation. Subsequent elements are rationals i/d (with i<d) representing
(q-E(d)^i) or are integers drepresenting Φd(q).
gap> CycPol([3,-5,6,3/7]);
106.3 IsCycPol
IsCycPol( p)
This function returns true if pis a CycPol and false otherwise.
gap> IsCycPol(CycPol(1));
gap> IsCycPol(1);
106.4 Functions for CycPols
Multiplication *division /and exponentiation ^work as usual, and the functions Degree,
Valuation and Value work as for polynomials:
gap> p:=CycPol(q^18 + q^16 + 2*q^12 + q^8 + q^6);
gap> Value(p,q);
q^18 + q^16 + 2*q^12 + q^8 + q^6
gap> p:=p/CycPol(q^2+q+1);
gap> Value(p,q);
Error, Cannot evaluate the non-Laurent polynomial CycPol (1+q^2-q^4+q^\
6+q^8)q^6P3^-1P8 in
f.operations.Value( f, x ) called from
Value( p, q ) called from
main loop
gap> Degree(p);
gap> Value(p,3);
The function ComplexConjugate conjugates .coeff as well as all the roots of unity making
up the CycPol.
Functions String and Print display the d-th cyclotomic polynomial Φdover the rationals
as Pd. They also display as P’d,P"d,P"’d,P""d factors of cyclotomic polynomials over
extensions of the rationals:
gap> List(SchurElements(Hecke(ComplexReflectionGroup(4),q)),CycPol);
[ P2^2P3P4P6, 2ER(-3)q^-4P2^2P’3P’6, -2ER(-3)q^-4P2^2P"3P"6,
2q^-4P3P4, (3-ER(-3))/2q^-1P2^2P’3P"6, (3+ER(-3))/2q^-1P2^2P"3P’6,
q^-2P2^2P4 ]
If Φdfactors in only two pieces, the one which has root E(d) is denoted P’d and the other
one P"d . The list of commonly occuring factors is as follows (note that the conventions in
[Car85], pages 489–490 are different):
Finally the function Format(c,options) takes the options:
.vname a string, the name to use for printing the variable of the CycPol instead of q.
.expand if set to true, each cyclotomic polynomial is replaced by its value before
being printed.
gap> p:=CycPol(q^6-1);
gap> Format(p,rec(expand:=true));
gap> Format(p,rec(expand:=true,vname:="x"));
Chapter 107
Partitions and symbols
The functions described below, used in various parts of the CHEVIE package, sometimes
duplicate or have similar functions to some functions in other packages (like the SPECHT
package). It is hoped that a review of this area will be done in the future.
The combinatorial objects dealt with here are partitions,beta-sets and symbols. A
partition in CHEVIE is a decreasing list of strictly positive integers p1p2. . . pn>0,
represented as a GAP3 list. A beta-set is a set of positive integers, up to the shift equivalence
relation. This equivalence relation is the transitive closure of the elementary equivalence of
[s1, . . . , sn] and [0,1+s1,...,1+sn]. An equivalence class has exactly one member which does
not contain 0:it is called the normalized beta-set. To a partition p1p2. . . pn>0
is associated a beta-set, whose normalized representative is pn, pn1+ 1, . . . , p1+n1.
Conversely, to each beta-set is associated a partition, the one associated by the above
formula to its normalized representative.
A symbol is a tuple S= [S1, .., Sn] of beta-sets, taken modulo the equivalence relation
generated by two elementary equivalences: the simultaneous shift of all lists, and the cyclic
permutation of the tuple (in the particular case where n= 2 it is thus an unordered pair of
lists). This time there is a unique normalized symbol where 0 is not in the intersection of
the Si. A basic invariant attached to symbols is the shape List(S,Length); when n= 2
one can assume that S1has at least the same length as S2and the difference of cardi-
nals Length(S[1])-Length(S[2]), called the defect, is then invariant by shift. Another
invariant by shift in general is the rank, defined as
Partitions and pairs of partitions are parameters for characters of the Weyl groups of clas-
sical types, and tuples of partitions are parameters for characters of imprimitive complex
reflection groups. Symbols with two lines are parameters for the unipotent characters of
classical Chevalley groups, and more general symbols for the unipotent characters of Spetses
associated to complex reflection groups. The rank of the symbol is the semi-simple rank of
the corresponding Chevalley group or Spetses.
Symbols of rank nand defect 0 parameterize characters of the Weyl group of type Dn,
and symbols of rank nand defect divisible by 4 parameterize unipotent characters of split
orthogonal groups of dimension 2n. Symbols of rank nand defect congruent to 2 (mod 4)
parameterize unipotent characters of non-split orthogonal groups of dimension 2n. Symbols
of rank nand defect 1 parameterize characters of the Weyl group of type Bn, and finally
symbols of rank nand odd defect parameterize unipotent characters of symplectic groups
of dimension 2nor orthogonal groups of dimension 2n+ 1.
107.1 Compositions
Compositions( n[,i] )
Returns the list of compositions of the integer n(the compositions with iparts if a second
argument iis given).
gap> Compositions(4);
gap> Compositions(4,2);
107.2 PartBeta
PartBeta( b)
Here bis an increasing list of integers representing a beta-set. PartBeta returns correspond-
ing the partition (see the introduction of the section for definitions).
gap> PartBeta([0,4,5]);
107.3 ShiftBeta
ShiftBeta( b,n)
Here bis an increasing list of integers representing a beta-set. ShiftBeta returns the set
shifted by n(see the introduction of the section for definitions).
gap> ShiftBeta([4,5],3);
107.4 PartitionTupleToString
PartitionTupleToString( tuple )
converts the partition tuple tuple to a string where the partitions are separated by a dot.
gap> d:=PartitionTuples(3,2);
[[[1,1,1],[ ]],[[1,1],[1]],[[1],[1,1]],
[[ ],[1,1,1]],[[2,1],[ ]],[[1],[2]],
[[2],[1]],[[ ],[2,1]],[[3],[ ]],
[[ ],[3]]]
gap> for i in d do
> Print( PartitionTupleToString( i )," ");
> od; Print("\n");
111. 11.1 1.11 .111 21. 1.2 2.1 .21 3. .3
107.5. TABLEAUX 1799
107.5 Tableaux
Tableaux(partition tuple or partition)
returns the list of standard tableaux associated to the partition tuple tuple, that is a filling
of the associated young diagrams with the numbers [1..Sum(tuple,Sum)] such that the
numbers increase across the rows and down the columns. If the imput is a single partition,
the standard tableaux for that partition are returned.
gap> Tableaux([[2,1],[1]]);
gap> Tableaux([2,2]);
107.6 DefectSymbol
DefectSymbol( s)
Let s=[S,T] be a symbol given as a pair of lists (see the introduction to the section).
DefectSymbol returns the defect of s, equal to Length(S)-Length(T).
gap> DefectSymbol([[1,2],[1,5,6]]);
107.7 RankSymbol
RankSymbol( s)
Let s= [S1, .., Sn] be a symbol given as a tuple of lists (see the introduction to the section).
RankSymbol returns the rank of s.
gap> RankSymbol([[1,2],[1,5,6]]);
107.8 Symbols
Symbols( n,d)
Returns the list of all two-line symbols of defect dand rank n(see the introduction for
definitions). If d= 0 the symbols with equal entries are returned twice, represented as
the first entry, followed by the repetition factor 2 and an ordinal number 0 or 1, so that
Symbols(n, 0) returns a set of parameters for the characters of the Weyl group of type
gap> Symbols(2,1);
[[2],[ ]],[[0,1],[2]]]
gap> Symbols(4,0);
107.9 SymbolsDefect
SymbolsDefect( e,r,def ,inh)
Returns the list of symbols defined by Malle for Unipotent characters of imprimitive Spetses.
Returns e-symbols of rank r, defect def (equal to 0 or 1) and content equal to inh modulo e.
Thus the symbols for unipotent characters of G(d,1,r) are given by SymbolsDefect(d,r,0,1)
and those for unipotent characters of G(e,e,r) by SymbolsDefect(e,r,0,0).
gap> SymbolsDefect(3,2,0,1);
[[2],[ ],[ ]],[[0,1],[2],[0]],
[[ ],[0,2],[0,1]],[[ ],[0,1],[0,2]],
[[0],[ ],[0,1,2]],[[0],[0,1,2],[ ]]]
gap> List(last,StringSymbol);
[ "(12,0,0)", "(02,1,0)", "(02,0,1)", "(012,12,01)", "(01,1,1)",
"(012,01,12)", "(2,,)", "(01,2,0)", "(01,0,2)", "(1,012,012)",
"(,02,01)", "(,01,02)", "(0,,012)", "(0,012,)" ]
gap> SymbolsDefect(3,3,0,0);
[[0],[0],[3]],[[0,1,2],[ ],[ ]],
[[0,1,2],[0,1,2],[ ]]]
gap> List(last,StringSymbol);
[ "(1,1,1)", "(01,12,02)", "(01,02,12)", "(012,012,123)", "(0,1,2)",
"(0,2,1)", "(01,01,13)", "(0,0,3)", "(012,,)", "(012,012,)" ]
107.10 CycPolGenericDegreeSymbol
CycPolGenericDegreeSymbol( s)
Let s= [S1, .., Sn] be a symbol given as a tuple of lists (see the introduction to the section).
CycPolGenericDegreeSymbol returns as a CycPol the generic degree of the unipotent char-
acter parameterized by s.
gap> CycPolGenericDegreeSymbol([[1,2],[1,5,6]]);
107.11 CycPolFakeDegreeSymbol
CycPolFakeDegreeSymbol( s)
Let s= [S1, .., Sn] be a symbol given as a tuple of lists (see the introduction to the section).
CycPolFakeDegreeSymbol returns as a CycPol the fake degree of the unipotent character
parameterized by s.
gap> CycPolFakeDegreeSymbol([[1,5,6],[1,2]]);
107.12 LowestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol
LowestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol( s)
Let s=[S1,..,Sn] be a symbol given as a pair of lists (see the introduction to the sec-
tion). LowestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol returns the valuation of the generic degree of
the unipotent character parameterized by s.
gap> LowestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol([[1,2],[1,5,6]]);
107.13 HighestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol
HighestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol( s)
Let s=[S1,..,Sn] be a symbol given as a pair of lists (see the introduction to the sec-
tion). HighestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol returns the degree of the generic degree of the
unipotent character parameterized by s.
gap> HighestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol([[1,5,6],[1,2]]);
Chapter 108
Signed permutations
Asigned permutation of [1..n] is a permutation of the set {−n, . . . , 1,1, . . . , n}which
preserves the pairs [i, i]. It is represented as the images of [1..n].
A signed permutation can be represented in two other ways which may be convenient.
The first way is to replace the integers {−n, . . . , 1}by {n+ 1,...,2n}to have GAP3
permutations, which form the hyperoctaedral group (see 83.2).
The second way is to represent the signed permutation by a monomial matrix with entries
1or -1. If such a matrix mrepresents the signed permutation sp, then l*m is the same as
108.1 SignPermuted
SignPermuted( l,sp)
SignPermuted returns a new list nthat contains the elements of the list lpermuted ac-
cording to the signed permutation sp. If sp is given as a list, then n[AbsInt(sp[i])] =
l[i]SignInt(sp[i]). The signed permutation sp can also be given as an element of the
hyperoctaedral group (see the introduction of the chapter for definitions).
gap> SignPermuted([20,30,40],[-2,-1,-3]);
[ -30, -20, -40 ]
gap> W:=CoxeterGroupHyperoctaedralGroup(3);
Group( (3,4), (2,3)(4,5), (1,2)(5,6) )
gap> SignPermuted([20,30,40],W.3);
[ 30, 20, 40 ]
gap> SignPermuted([20,30,40],W.2);
[ 20, 40, 30 ]
gap> SignPermuted([20,30,40],W.1);
[ 20, 30, -40 ]
108.2 SignedPermutationMat
SignedPermutationMat( sp [,d])
This function returns the signed permutation matrix of the signed permutation sp, given
as a list or as an element of the hyperoctaedral group. This is a matrix msuch that
SignPermuted(l,sp)=l*m. If sp is an element of hyperoctaedral group, the matrix is given
of dimension the rank of the smallest hyperoctaedral group to which sp belongs. If an
additional argument dis given the matrix is returned of that dimension.
gap> m:=SignedPermutationMat([-2,-3,-1]);
gap> m=SignedPermutationMat((1,5,3,6,2,4));
gap> [20,30,40]*m;
[ -40, -20, -30 ]
gap> SignPermuted([20,30,40],[-2,-3,-1]);
[ -40, -20, -30 ]
108.3 SignedPerm
SignedPerm( sp [,dor sgns])
This function converts to a signed permutation given as a list, either an element of the
hyperoctaedral group, a signed permutation matrix, or a pair of a permutation and of a list
of signs. If given an element of the hyperoctaedral group, the rank dof that group can be
given as an argument, otherwise a representation of sp as a list is given corresponding to
the smallest hyperoctaedral group to which it belongs.
Finally, if given a signed permutation as a list, this function returns am element of the
hyperoctaedral group.
gap> SignedPerm([[0,-1,0],[0,0,-1],[-1,0,0]]);
[ -2, -3, -1 ]
gap> SignedPerm((1,5,3,6,2,4));
[ -2, -3, -1 ]
gap> SignedPerm((1,2,3),[-1,-1,-1]);
[ -2, -3, -1 ]
gap> SignedPerm([-2,-3,-1]);
108.4 CyclesSignedPerm
CyclesSignedPerm( sp )
Returns the list of cycles of the signed permutation sp on {−n, . . . , 1,1, . . . , n}, given as
a list or a permutation. If one cycle is the negative of another, only one of the two cycles is
gap> CyclesSignedPerm([-2,-3,-1]);
[ [ 1, -2, 3, -1, 2, -3 ] ]
gap> CyclesSignedPerm([-2,-1,-3]);
gap> CyclesSignedPerm([-2,-1,3]);
gap> CyclesSignedPerm((1,5,3,6,2,4));
[ [ 1, -2, 3, -1, 2, -3 ] ]
108.5 SignedPermListList
SignedPermListList( list1 ,list2 )
SignedPermListList returns a signed permutation that may be applied to list1 to obtain
list2 , if there is one. Otherwise it returns false.
gap> SignedPermListList([20,30,40],[-40,-20,-30]);
[ -2, -3, -1 ]
gap> SignPermuted([20,30,40],[-2,-3,-1]);
[ -40, -20, -30 ]
Chapter 109
CHEVIE utility functions –
Decimal and complex numbers
The original incentive for the functions described in this file was to get the ability to decide if
a cyclotomic number which happens to be real is positive or negative (this is needed to tell if
a root of an arbitrary Coxeter group is negative or positive). Of course, there are other uses
for fixed-precision real and complex numbers, which the functions described here provide.
A special feature of the present implementation is that to make evaluation of cyclotomics
relatively fast, a cache of primitive roots of unity is maintained (the cached values are kept
for the largest precision ever used to compute them).
We first describe a general facility to build complex numbers as pairs of real numbers. The
real numbers in the pairs can be of any type that GAP3 knows about: integers, rationals,
cyclotomics, or elements of any ring actually.
109.1 Complex
Complex( r[, i] )
In the first form, defines a complex number whose real part is rand imaginary part is i. If
omitted, iis taken to be 0. There are two special cases when there is only one argument:
if ris already a complex, it is returned; and if ris a cyclotomic number, it is converted to
the pair of its real and imaginary part and returned as a complex.
gap> Complex(0,1);
gap> Complex(E(3));
gap> Complex(E(3)^2);
gap> x:=X(Rationals);;"x";;Complex(0,x);
The last line shows that the arguments to Complex can be of any ring. Complex numbers
are represented as a record with two fields, .r and .i holding the real and imaginary part
109.2 Operations for complex numbers
The arithmetic operations +,-,*,/and ^work for complex numbers. They also have Print
and String methods.
gap> Complex(0,1);
gap> last+1;
gap> last^2;
gap> last^2;
gap> last+last2;
gap> x:=X(Rationals);;"x";;Complex(0,x);
gap> last^2;
Finally we should mention the FormatGAP method, which allows to print complex numbers
in a way such that they can be read back in GAP3:
gap> a:=Complex(1/2,1/3);
gap> FormatGAP(a);
109.3 ComplexConjugate
ComplexConjugate( c)
This function applies complex conjugation to its argument. It knows ho to do this for cyclo-
tomic numbers (it then just calls GaloisCyc(c,-1)), complex numbers, lists (it conjugates
each element of the list), polynomials (it conjugates each coefficient), and can be taught to
conjugate elements xof an arbitrary domain by defining x.operations.ComplexConjugate.
gap> ComplexConjugate(Complex(0,1));
gap> ComplexConjugate(E(3));
gap> x:=X(Cyclotomics);;"x";;ComplexConjugate(x+E(3));
x + (E(3)^2)
109.4 IsComplex
IsComplex( c)
This function returns true iff its argument is a complex number.
gap> IsComplex(Complex(1,0));
gap> IsComplex(E(4));
109.5. EVALF 1809
109.5 evalf
evalf( c[, prec] )
The name of this function intentionally mimics that of a Maple function. It computes
a fixed-precision decimal number with prec digits after the decimal point approximating
its argument; if not given, prec is taken to be 10 (this can be changed via the function
SetDecimalPrecision, see below). Trailing zeroes are not shown on output, so the actual
precision may be more than the number of digits shown.
gap> evalf(1/3);
As one can see, the resulting decimal numbers have an appropriate Print method (which
uses the String method).
gap> evalf(1/3,20);
evalf can also be applied to cyclotomic or complex numbers, yielding a complex which is
a pair of decimal numbers.
gap> evalf(E(3));
evalf works also for strings (the result is truncated if too precise)
gap> evalf(".3450000000000000000001"); # precision is 10
and for lists (it is applied recursively to each element).
gap> evalf([E(5),1/7]);
[ 0.3090169944+0.9510565163I, 0.1428571429 ]
Finally, an evalf method can be defined for elements of any domain. One has been defined
in CHEVIE for complex numbers:
gap> a:=Complex(1/2,1/3);
gap> evalf(a);
109.6 Rational
dis a decimal number. The function returns the rational number which is actually repre-
sented by d
gap> evalf(1/3);
gap> Rational(last);
109.7 SetDecimalPrecision
SetDecimalPrecision( prec )
This function sets the default precision to be used when converting numbers to decimal
numbers without giving a second argument to evalf.
gap> SetDecimalPrecision(20);
gap> evalf(1/3);
gap> SetDecimalPrecision(10);
109.8 Operations for decimal numbers
The arithmetic operations +,-,*,/and ^work for decimal numbers, as well as the function
GetRoot and the comparison functions <,>, etc... The precision of the result of an oper-
ation is that of the least precise number used. They can be raised to a fractional power:
GetRoot(d,n) is equivalent to d^(1/n). Decimal numbers also have Print and String
gap> evalf(1/3)+1;
gap> last^3;
gap> evalf(E(3));
gap> last^3;
gap> evalf(ER(2));
gap> GetRoot(evalf(2),2);
gap> evalf(2)^(1/2);
gap> evalf(1/3,20);
gap> last+evalf(1);
gap> last2+1;
Finally we should mention the FormatGAP method, which, given option GAP, allows to print
decimal numbers in a way such that they can be read back in GAP3:
gap> FormatGAP(evalf(1/3));
109.9 Pi
Pi( [prec])
109.10. EXP 1811
This function returns a decimal approximation to π, with prec digits (or if prec is omitted
with the default umber of digits defined by SetDecimalPrecision, initially 10).
gap> Pi();
gap> Pi(34);
109.10 Exp
Exp( x)
This function returns the complex exponential of x. The argument should be a decimal or
a decimal complex. The result has as many digits of precision as the argument.
gap> Exp(evalf(1));
gap> Exp(evalf(1,20));
gap> Exp(Pi()*E(4));
The code of Exp shows how easy it is to use decimal numbers.
gap> Print(Exp,"\n");
function ( x )
local res, i, p, z;
if IsCyc( x ) then
x := evalf( x );
res := z;
p := 1;
i := 1;
while p <> z do
res := p + res;
return res;
109.11 IsDecimal
IsDecimal( x)
returns true iff xis a decimal number.
gap> IsDecimal(evalf(1));
gap> IsDecimal(evalf(E(3)));
Chapter 110
Posets and relations
Posets are represented in CHEVIE as records where at least one of the two following fields
is present:
.incidence a boolean matrix such that .incidence[i][j]=true iff i<=j in the
.hasse a list representing the Hasse diagram of the poset:the i-th entry is the list of
indices of elements which are immediate successors (covers) of the i-th element, that
is the list of jsuch that i<j and such that there is no ksuch that i<k<j.
If only one field is present, the other is computed on demand. Here is an example of use;
gap> P:=BruhatPoset(CoxeterGroup("A",2));
Poset with 6 elements
gap> Display(P);
gap> Hasse(P);
[[2,3],[4,5],[4,5],[6],[6],[ ]]
gap> Incidence(P);
[ [ true, true, true, true, true, true ],
[ false, true, false, true, true, true ],
[ false, false, true, true, true, true ],
[ false, false, false, true, false, true ],
[ false, false, false, false, true, true ],
[ false, false, false, false, false, true ] ]
110.1 TransitiveClosure of incidence matrix
Mshould be a square boolean matrix representing a relation; returns a boolean matrix
representing the transitive closure of this relation. The transitive closure is computed by
the Floyd-Warshall algorithm, which is quite fast even for large matrices.
gap> M:=List([1..5],i->List([1..5],j->j-i in [0,1]));
[ [ true, true, false, false, false ],
[ false, true, true, false, false ],
[ false, false, true, true, false ],
[ false, false, false, true, true ],
[ false, false, false, false, true ] ]
gap> PrintArray(TransitiveClosure(M));
[[ true, true, true, true, true],
[false, true, true, true, true],
[false, false, true, true, true],
[false, false, false, true, true],
[false, false, false, false, true]]
110.2 LcmPartitions
LcmPartitions(p1 ,...,pn)Each argument is a partition of the same set S, represented
by a list of disjoint subsets whose union is S. Equivalently each argument represents an
equivalence relation on S.
The result is the finest partition of Ssuch that each argument partition refines it. It
represents the or of the equivalence relations represented by the arguments.
gap> LcmPartitions([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],[[1],[2,5],[3],[4],[6]]);
110.3 GcdPartitions
GcdPartitions(p1 ,...,pn)Each argument is a partition of the same set S, represented
by a list of disjoint subsets whose union is S. Equivalently each argument represents an
equivalence relation on S.
The result is the coarsest partition which refines all argument partitions. It represents the
and of the equivalence relations represented by the arguments.
gap> GcdPartitions([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]],[[1],[2,5],[3],[4],[6]]);
110.4 Poset
Creates a poset from either an incidence matrix Msuch that M[i][j]=true if and only if
i<=j in the poset, or a Hasse diagram Hgiven as a list whose i-th entry is the list of indices
of elements which are immediate successors (covers) of the i-th element, that is M[i] is the
list of jsuch that i<j in the poset and such that there is no ksuch that i<k<j.
In this last form arg[1] should be a record with a field .operations and the functions calls
A poset is represented as a record with the following fields.
.incidence the incidence matrix.
110.5. HASSE 1815
.hasse the Hasse diagram.
Since the cost of computing one from the other is high, the above fields are optional (only
one of them needs to be present) and the other is computed on demand.
.size the number of elements of the poset.
Finally, an optional field .label may be given for formatting or display purposes. It should
be a function label(P,i,opt) which returns a label for the i-th element of the poset P,
formatted according to the options (if any) given in the options record opt.
110.5 Hasse
returns the Hasse diagram of the poset P.
gap> p:=Poset(List([1..5],i->List([1..5],j->j mod i=0)));
Poset with 5 elements
gap> Hasse(p);
[[2,3,5],[4],[ ],[ ],[ ]]
110.6 Incidence
returns the Incidence matrix of the poset P.
gap> p:=Poset(Concatenation(List([1..5],i->[i+1]),[[]]));
Poset with 6 elements
gap> Incidence(p);
[ [ true, true, true, true, true, true ],
[ false, true, true, true, true, true ],
[ false, false, true, true, true, true ],
[ false, false, false, true, true, true ],
[ false, false, false, false, true, true ],
[ false, false, false, false, false, true ] ]
110.7 LinearExtension
returns a linear extension of the poset P, that is a list lcontaining a permutation of the
integers [1..Size(P)] such that if i<j in P, then Position(l,i)<Position(l,j). This
is also called a topological sort of P.
gap> p:=Poset(List([1..5],i->List([1..5],j->j mod i=0)));
Poset with 5 elements
gap> Display(p);
gap> LinearExtension(p);
110.8 Functions for Posets
The function Size returns the number of elements of the poset.
The functions String and Print just indicate the Size of the poset.
The functions Format and Display show the poset as a list of maximal covering chains,
with formatting depending on their record of options. They take in account the associated
partition (see 110.9) to give a more compact description where equivalent elements are listed
together, separated by commas.
gap> p:=Poset(UnipotentClasses(ComplexReflectionGroup(28)));
Poset with 16 elements
gap> Display(p);
110.9 Partition for posets
returns the partition of [1..Size(P)] determined by the equivalence relation associated to
P; that is, iand jare in the same part of the partition if the relations i<k and j<k as well
are k<i and k<j are equivalent for any kin the poset.
gap> p:=Poset(List([1..8],i->List([1..8],j->i=j or (i mod 4)<(j mod 4))));
Poset with 8 elements
gap> Display(p);
gap> Partition(p);
110.10 Restricted for Posets
returns the sub-poset of Pdetermined by indices, which must be a sublist of [1..Size(P)].
gap> Display(p);
gap> Display(Restricted(p,[2..6]));
110.11 Reversed for Posets
returns the opposed poset to P.
gap> Display(p);
gap> Display(Reversed(p));
110.12. ISJOINLATTICE 1817
110.12 IsJoinLattice
returns true if Pis a join semilattice, that is any two elements of Phave a unique smallest
upper bound. It returns false otherwise.
gap> Display(p);
gap> IsJoinLattice(p);
110.13 IsMeetLattice
returns true if Pis a meet semilattice, that is any two elements of Phave a unique highest
lower bound. It returns false otherwise.
gap> Display(p);
gap> IsMeetLattice(p);
Chapter 111
The VKCURVE package
The main function of the VKCURVE package computes the fundamental group of the com-
plement of a complex algebraic curve in C2, using an implementation of the Van Kampen
method (see for example [Che73] for a clear and modernized account of this method).
gap> FundamentalGroup(x^2-y^3);
# I there are 2 generators and 1 relator of total length 6
1: bab=aba
gap> FundamentalGroup((x+y)*(x-y)*(x+2*y));
# I there are 3 generators and 2 relators of total length 12
1: cab=abc
2: bca=abc
The input is a polynomial in the two variables xand y, with rational coefficients. Though
approximate calculations are used at various places, they are controlled and the final result
is exact.
The output is a record which contains lots of information about the computation, including
a presentation of the computed fundamental group, which is what is displayed when printing
the record.
Our motivation for writing this package was to find explicit presentations for generalized
braid groups attached to certain complex reflection groups. Though presentations were
known for almost all cases, six exceptional cases were missing (in the notations of Shephard
and Todd, these cases are G24,G27,G29,G31,G33 and G34). Since the a priori existence
of nice presentations for braid groups was proved in [Bes01], it was upsetting not to know
them explicitly. In the absence of any good grip on the geometry of these six examples,
brute force was a way to get an answer. Using VKCURVE, we have obtained presentations
for all of them.
This package was developed thanks to computer resources of the Institut de Math´ematiques
de Jussieu in Paris. We thank the computer support team, especially Jo¨el Marchand, for
the stability and the efficiency of the working environment.
We have tried to design this package with the novice GAP3 user in mind. The only steps
required to use it are
Run GAP33 (the package is not compatible with GAP34).
Make sure the packages CHEVIE and VKCURVE are loaded (beware that we require the
development version of CHEVIE,
and not the one in the GAP3.3.3.4 distribution)
Use the function FundamentalGroup, as demonstrated in the above examples.
If you are not interested in the details of the algorithm, and if FundamentalGroup gives you
satisfactory answers in a reasonable time, then you do not need to read this manual any
We use our own package for multivariate polynomials which is more effective, for our pur-
poses, than the default in GAP33 (see Mvp). When VKCURVE is loaded, the variables xand
yare pre-defined as Mvps; one can also use GAP3 polynomials (which will be converted to
The implementation uses Decimal numbers, Complex numbers and braids as implemented
in the (development version of the) package CHEVIE, so VKCURVE is dependent on this
To implement the algorithms, we needed to write auxiliary facilities, for instance find zeros
of complex polynomials, or work with piecewise linear braids, which may be useful on their
own. These various facilities are documented in this manual.
Before discussing our actual implementation, let us give an informal summary of the mathe-
matical background. Our strategy is adapted from the one originally described in the 1930’s
by Van Kampen. Let Cbe an affine algebraic curve, given as the set of zeros in C2of
a non-zero reduced polynomial P(x, y). The problem is to compute a presentation of the
fundamental group of C2C. Consider Pas a polynomial in x, with coefficients in the ring
of polynomials in y
P=α0(y)xn+α1(y)xn1+. . . +αn1(y)x+αn(y),
where the αiare polynomials in y. Let ∆(y) be the discriminant of Por, in other words,
the resultant of Pand P
x . Since Pis reduced, ∆ is non-zero. For a generic value of
y, the polynomial in xgiven by P(x, y) has ndistinct roots. When y=yj, with jin
1, . . . , d, we are in exactly one of the following situations: either P(x, yj) = 0 (we then
say that yjis bad), or P(x, yj) has a number of roots in xstrictly smaller than n. Fix
y0in C− {y1, . . . , yd}. Consider the projection p:C2C,(x, y)7→ y. It restricts to a
locally trivial fibration with base space B=C− {y1, . . . , yd}and fibers homeomorphic to
the complex plane with npoints removed. We denote by Ethe total space p1(B) and
by Fthe fiber over y0. The fundamental group of Fis isomorphic to the free group on n
generators. Let γ1, . . . , γdbe loops in the pointed space (B, y0) representing a generating
system for π1(B, y0). By trivializing the pullback of palong γi, one gets a (well-defined up
to isotopy) homeomorphism of F, and a (well-defined) automorphism φiof the fundamental
group of F, identified with the free group Fnby the choice of a generating system f1, . . . , fn.
An effective way of computing φiis by following the solutions in xof P(x, y) = 0, when
ymoves along φi. This defines a loop in the space of configuration of npoints in a plane,
hence an element biof the braid group Bn(via an identification of Bnwith the fundamental
group of this configuration space). Let φbe the Hurwitz action of Bnon Fn. All choices can
be made in such a way that φi=φ(bi). The theorem of Van Kampen asserts that, if there
are no bad roots of the discriminant, a presentation for the fundamental group of C2Cis
< f1, . . . , fn| ∀i, j, φi(fj) = fj>
A variant of the above presentation (see VKQuotient) can be used to deal with bad roots of
the discriminant.
This algorithm is implemented in the following way.
As input, we have a polynomial P. The polynomial is reduced if it was not.
The discriminant ∆ of Pwith respect to xis computed. It is a polynomial in y.
The roots of ∆ are approximated, via the following procedure. First, we reduce ∆ and
get ∆red (generating the radical of the ideal generated by ∆). The roots {y1, . . . , yd}
of ∆red are separated by SeparateRoots (which implements Newton’s method).
Loops around these roots are computed by LoopsAroundPunctures. This function first
computes some sort of honeycomb, consisting of a set Sof affine segments, isolating
the yi. Since it makes the computation of the monodromy more effective, each inner
segment is a fragment of the mediatrix of two roots of ∆. Then a vertex of one the
segments is chosen as a basepoint, and the function returns a list of lists of oriented
segments in S: each list of segment encodes a piecewise linear loop γicircling one of
For each segment in S, we compute the monodromy braid obtained by following the
solutions in xof P(x, y) = 0 when ymoves along the segment. By default, this
monodromy braid is computed by FollowMonodromy. The strategy is to compute a
piecewise-linear braid approximating the actual monodromy geometric braid. The
approximations are controlled. The piecewise-linear braid is constructed step-by-step,
by computations of linear pieces. As soon as new piece is constructed, it is converted
into an element of Bnand multiplied; therefore, though the braid may consist of a
huge number of pieces, the function FollowMonodromy works with constant memory.
The packages also contains a variant function ApproxFollowMonodromy, which runs
faster, but without guarantee on the result (see below).
The monodromy braids bicorresponding to the loops γiare obtained by multiplying
the corresponding monodromy braids of segments. The action of these elements of Bn
on the free group Fnis computed by BnActsOnFn and the resulting presentation of the
fundamental group is computed by VKQuotient. It happens for some large problems
that the whole fundamental group process fails here, because the braids biobtained
are too long and the computation of the action on Fnrequires thus too much memory.
We have been able to solve such problems when they occur by calling on the biat this
stage our function ShrinkBraidGeneratingSet which finds smaller generators for the
subgroup of Bngenerated by the bi(see the description in the third chapter). This
function is called automatically at this stage if VKCURVE.shrinkBraid is set to true
(the default for this variable is false).
Finally, the presentation is simplified by ShrinkPresentation. This function is a
heuristic adaptation and refinement of the basic GAP3 functions for simplifying pre-
sentations. It is non-deterministic.
From the algorithmic point of view, memory should not be an issue, but the procedure may
take a lot of CPU time (the critical part being the computation of the monodromy braids
by FollowMonodromy). For instance, an empirical study with the curves x2ynsuggests
that the needed time grows exponentially with n. Two solutions are offered to deal with
curves for which the computation time becomes unreasonable.
A global variable VKCURVE.monodromyApprox controls which monodromy function is used.
The default value of this variable is false, which means that FollowMonodromy will be used.
If the variable is set by the user to true then the function ApproxFollowMonodromy will be
used instead. This function runs faster than FollowMonodromy, but the approximations are
no longer controlled. Therefore presentations obtained while VKCURVE.monodromyApprox is
set to true are not certified. However, though it is likely that there exists examples for
which ApproxFollowMonodromy actually returns incorrect answers, we still have not seen
The second way of dealing with difficult examples is to parallelize the computation. Since the
computations of the monodromy braids for each segment are independent, they can be per-
formed simultaneously on different computers. The functions PrepareFundamentalGroup,
Segments and FinishFundamentalGroup provide basic support for parallel computing.
111.1 FundamentalGroup
FundamentalGroup(curve [, printlevel])
curve should be an Mvp in xand y, or a GAP3 polynomial in two variables (which means a
polynomial in a variable which is assumed to be yover the polynomial ring Q[x]) representing
an equation f(x, y) for a curve in C2. The coefficients should be rationals, gaussian rationals
or Complex rationals. The result is a record with a certain number of fields which record
steps in the computation described in this introduction:
gap> r:=FundamentalGroup(x^2-y^3);
# I there are 2 generators and 1 relator of total length 6
1: bab=aba
gap> RecFields(r);
[ "curve", "discy", "roots", "dispersal", "points", "segments", "loops",
"zeros", "B", "monodromy", "basepoint", "dispersal", "braids",
"presentation","operations" ]
gap> r.curve;
gap> r.discy;
gap> r.roots;
gap> r.points;
[ -I, -1, 1, I ]
gap> r.segments;
gap> r.loops;
gap> r.zeros;
[ [ 707106781187/1000000000000+707106781187/1000000000000I,
-707106781187/1000000000000-707106781187/1000000000000I ],
[ I, -I ], [ 1, -1 ],
[ -707106781187/1000000000000+707106781187/1000000000000I,
707106781187/1000000000000-707106781187/1000000000000I ] ]
gap> r.monodromy;
[ (w0)^-1, w0, , w0 ]
gap> r.braids;
[ w0.w0.w0 ]
gap> DisplayPresentation(r.presentation);
1: bab=aba
Here r.curve records the entered equation, r.discy its discriminant with respect to x,
r.roots the roots of this discriminant, r.points,r.segments and r.loops describes loops
around these zeros as explained in the documentation of LoopsAroundPunctures;r.zeros
records the zeros of f(x, yi) when yiruns over the various r.points;r.monodromy records
the monodromy along each of r.segments, and r.braids is the resulting monodromy along
the loops. Finally r.presentation records the resulting presentation (which is what is
printed by default when ris printed).
The second optional argument triggers the display of information on the progress of the
computation. It is recommended to set the printlevel at 1 or 2 when the computation seems
to take a long time without doing anything. printlevel set at 0 is the default and prints
nothing; set at 1 it shows which segment is currently active, and set at 2 it traces the
computation inside each segment.
gap> FundamentalGroup(x^2-y^3,1);
# There are 4 segments in 1 loops
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 1/4 Time=0sec
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 2/4 Time=0sec
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 3/4 Time=0sec
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 4/4 Time=0sec
# Computing monodromy braids
# loop[1]=w0.w0.w0
# I there are 2 generators and 1 relator of total length 6
1: bab=aba
111.2 PrepareFundamentalGroup
These functions provide a means of distributing a fundamental group computation over
several machines. The basic strategy is to write to a file the startup-information necessary
to compute the monodromy along a segment, in the form of a partially-filled version of the
record returned by FundamentalGroup. Then the monodromy along each segment can be
done in a separate process, writing again the result to files. These results are then gathered
and processed by FinishFundamentalGroup. The whole process is illustrated in an example
below. The extra argument name to PrepareFundamentalGroup is a prefix used to name
intermediate files. One does first :
gap> PrepareFundamentalGroup(x^2-y^3,"a2");
Data saved in a2.tmp
You can now compute segments 1 to 4
in different GAP sessions by doing in each of them:
(or some other range depending on the session)
Then when all files a2.xx have been computed finish by
Then one can compute in separate sessions the monodromy along each segment. The second
argument of Segments tells which segments to compute in the current session (the default
is all). An example of such sessions may be:
gap> a2:=rec(name:="a2");
name := "a2" )
gap> VKCURVE.Segments(a2,[2]);
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 2/4 Time=0.1sec
gap> a2:=rec(name:="a2");
name := "a2" )
gap> VKCURVE.Segments(a2,[1,3,4]);
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 2/4 Time=0.1sec
When all segments have been computed the final session looks like
gap> a2:=rec(name:="a2");
name := "a2" )
gap> FinishFundamentalGroup(a2);
1: bab=aba
Chapter 112
Multivariate polynomials and
rational fractions
The functions described in this file were written to alleviate the deficiency of GAP3 in ma-
nipulating multi-variate polynomials. In GAP3 one can only define one-variable polynomials
over a given ring; this allows multi-variate polynomials by taking this ring to be a poly-
nomial ring; but, in addition to providing little flexibility in the choice of coefficients, this
”full” representation makes for somewhat inefficient computation. The use of the Mvp (Mul-
tiVariate Polynomials) described here is faster than GAP3 polynomials as soon as there are
two variables or more. What is implemented here is actually ”Puiseux polynomials”, i.e.
linear combinations of monomials of the type xa1
1. . . xan
nwhere xiare variables and aiare
exponents which can be arbitrary rational numbers. Some functions described below need
their argument to involve only variables to integral powers; we will refer to such objects
as ”Laurent polynomials”; some functions require further that variables are raised only to
positive powers: we refer then to ”true polynomials”. Rational fractions (RatFrac) have
been added, thanks to work of Gwena¨elle Genet (the main difficulty there was to write an
algorithm for the Gcd of multivariate polynomials, a non-trivial task). The coefficients of
our polynomials can in principle be elements of any ring, but some algorithms like division
or Gcd require the coefficients of their arguments to be invertible.
112.1 Mvp
Mvp( string s [, coeffs v ] )
Defines an indeterminate with name ssuitable to build multivariate polynomials.
gap> x:=Mvp("x");y:=Mvp("y");(x+y)^3;
If a second argument (a vector of coefficients v) is given, returns Sum([1..Length(v)],i->Mvp(s)^(i-1)*v[i]).
gap> Mvp("a",[1,2,0,4]);
Mvp( polynomial x)
Converts the GAP3 polynomial xto an Mvp. It is an error if
is not bound; otherwise this is taken as the name of the Mvp variable.
gap> q:=Indeterminate(Rationals);
gap> Mvp(q^2+q);
Error, X(Rationals) should have .name bound in
Mvp( q ^ 2 + q ) called from
main loop
gap> Mvp(q^2+q);
Mvp( FracRat x)
Returns false if the argument rational fraction is not in fact a Laurent polynomial. Oth-
erwise returns that polynomial.
gap> Mvp(x/y);
gap> Mvp(x/(y+1));
Mvp( elm,coeff )
Build efficiently an Mvp from the given list of coefficients and the list elm describing the
corresponding monomials. A monomial is itself described by a record with a field .elm
containing the list of involved variable names and a field .coeff containing the list of
corresponding exponents.
gap> Mvp([rec(elm:=["y","x"],coeff:=[1,-1])],[1]);
Mvp( scalar x)
A scalar is anything which is not one of the previous types (like a cyclotomic, or a finite-
field-element, etc). Returns the constant multivariate polynomial whose constant term is
gap> Degree(Mvp(1));
112.2 Operations for Mvp
The arithmetic operations +,-,*,/and ^work for Mvps. They also have Print and String
methods. The operations +,-,*work for any inputs. /works only for Laurent polynomials,
and may return a rational fraction (see below); if one is sure that the division is exact, one
should call MvpOps.ExactDiv (see below).
gap> x:=Mvp("x");y:=Mvp("y");
gap> a:=x^(-1/2);
gap> (a+y)^4;
gap> (x^2-y^2)/(x-y);
gap> (x-y^2)/(x-y);
gap> (x-y^2)/(x^(1/2)-y);
Error, x^(1/2)-y is not a polynomial with respect to x
V.operations.Coefficients( V, v ) called from
Coefficients( q, var ) called from
MvpOps.ExactDiv( x, q ) called from
fun( arg[1][i] ) called from
List( p, function ( x ) ... end ) called from
Only monomials can be raised to a non-integral power; they can be raised to a fractional
power of denominator bonly if GetRoot(x,b) is defined where xis their leading coefficient.
For an Mvp m, the function GetRoot(m,n) is equivalent to m^(1/n). Raising a non-monomial
Laurent polynomial to a negative power returns a rational fraction.
gap> (2*x)^(1/2);
gap> (evalf(2)*x)^(1/2);
gap> GetRoot(evalf(2)*x,2);
The Degree of a monomial is the sum of the exponent of the variables. The Degree of an
Mvp is the largest degree of a monomial.
gap> a;
gap> Degree(a);
gap> Degree(a+x);
gap> Degree(Mvp(0));
There exists also a form of Degree taking as second argument a variable name, which returns
the degree of the polynomial in that variable.
gap> p:=x/y;
gap> Degree(p,"x");
gap> Degree(p,"y");
gap> Degree(p);
The Valuation of an Mvp is the minimal degree of a monomial.
gap> a;
gap> Valuation(a);
gap> Valuation(a+x);
gap> Valuation(Mvp(0));
There exists also a form of Valuation taking as second argument a variable name, which
returns the valuation of the polynomial in that variable.
gap> Valuation(x^2+y^2);
gap> Valuation(x^2+y^2,"x");
gap> Valuation(x^2+y^2,"y");
The Format routine formats Mvps in such a way that they can be read back in by GAP3
or by some other systems, by giving an appropriate option as a second argument, or using
the functions FormatGAP,FormatMaple or FormatTeX. The String method is equivalent to
Format, and gives a compact display.
gap> p:=7*x^5*y^-1-2;
gap> Format(p);
gap> FormatGAP(p);
gap> FormatMaple(p);
gap> FormatTeX(p);
The Value method evaluates an Mvp by fixing simultaneously the value of several variables.
The syntax is Value(x, [ string1 ,value1 ,string2 ,value2 ,. . . ]).
gap> p;
gap> Value(p,["x",2]);
gap> Value(p,["y",3]);
gap> Value(p,["x",2,"y",3]);
One should pay attention to the fact that the last value is not a rational number, but a
constant Mvp (for consistency). See the function ScalMvp below for how to convert such
constants to their base ring.
gap> Value(p,["x",y]);
gap> Value(p,["x",y,"y",x]);
Evaluating an Mvp which is a Puiseux polynomial may cause calls to GetRoot
gap> p:=x^(1/2)*y^(1/3);
gap> Value(p,["x",y]);
gap> Value(p,["x",2]);
gap> Value(p,["y",2]);
Error, : unable to compute 3-th root of 2
GetRoot( values[i], d[i] ) called from
f.operations.Value( f, x ) called from
Value( p, [ "y", 2 ] ) called from
main loop
The function Derivative(p,v) returns the derivative of pwith respect to the variable given
by the string v; if vis not given, with respect to the first variable in alphabetical order.
gap> p:=7*x^5*y^-1-2;
gap> Derivative(p,"x");
gap> Derivative(p,"y");
gap> Derivative(p);
gap> p:=x^(1/2)*y^(1/3);
gap> Derivative(p,"x");
gap> Derivative(p,"y");
gap> Derivative(p,"z");
The function Coefficients(p,var)is defined only for Mvps which are polynomials in the
variable var . It returns as a list the list of coefficients of pwith respect to var .
gap> p:=x+y^-1;
gap> Coefficients(p,"x");
[ y^-1, 1 ]
gap> Coefficients(p,"y");
Error, y^-1+x is not a polynomial with respect to y
V.operations.Coefficients( V, v ) called from
Coefficients( p, "y" ) called from
main loop
The same caveat is applicable to Coefficients as to Value: the result is always a list of
Mvps. To get a list of scalars for univariate polynomials represented as Mvps, one should use
Finally we mention the functions ComplexConjugate and evalf which are defined using for
coefficients the Complex and Decimal numbers of the CHEVIE package.
gap> p:=E(3)*x+E(5);
gap> evalf(p);
gap> p:=E(3)*x+E(5);
gap> ComplexConjugate(p);
gap> evalf(p);
gap> ComplexConjugate(last);
112.3 IsMvp
IsMvp( p)
Returns true if pis an Mvp and false otherwise.
gap> IsMvp(1+Mvp("x"));
gap> IsMvp(1);
112.4 ScalMvp
ScalMvp( p)
If pis an Mvp then if pis a scalar, return that scalar, otherwise return false. Or if pis a
list, then apply ScalMvp recursively to it (but return false if it contains any Mvp which is
not a scalar). Else assume pis already a scalar and thus return p.
gap> v:=[Mvp("x"),Mvp("y")];
gap> ScalMvp(v);
gap> w:=List(v,p->Value(p,["x",2,"y",3]));
gap> Gcd(w);
Error, sorry, the elements of <arg> lie in no common ring domain in
Domain( arg[1] ) called from
DefaultRing( ns ) called from
Gcd( w ) called from
main loop
gap> Gcd(ScalMvp(w));
112.5 Variables for Mvp
Variables for Mvp( p)
Returns the list of variables of the Mvp pas a sorted list of strings.
gap> Variables(x+x^4+y);
[ "x", "y" ]
112.6 LaurentDenominator
LaurentDenominator( p1 ,p2 , ... )
Returns the unique monomial mof minimal degree such that for all the Laurent polynomial
arguments p1 ,p2 , etc... the product mpiis a true polynomial.
gap> LaurentDenominator(x^-1,y^-2+x^4);
112.7 OnPolynomials
OnPolynomials( m,p[,vars] )
Implements the action of a matrix on Mvps. vars should be a list of strings representing
variables. If v=List(vars,Mvp), the polynomial pis changed by replacing in it viby (v×m)i.
If vars is omitted, it is taken to be Variables(p).
gap> OnPolynomials([[1,2],[3,1]],x+y);
112.8 FactorizeQuadraticForm
FactorizeQuadraticForm( p)
pshould be an Mvp of degree 2 which represents a quadratic form. The function returns a
list of two linear forms of which pis the product if such forms exist, otherwise it returns
false (it returns [Mvp(1),p] if pis of degree 1).
gap> FactorizeQuadraticForm(x^2-y^2+x+3*y-2);
[ -1+x+y, 2+x-y ]
gap> FactorizeQuadraticForm(x^2+x+1);
[ -E3+x, -E3^2+x ]
gap> FactorizeQuadraticForm(x*y+1);
The next functions have been provided by Gwena¨elle Genet
112.9 MvpGcd
MvpGcd( p1 ,p2 , ...)
Returns the Gcd of the Mvp arguments. The arguments must be true polynomials.
gap> MvpGcd(x^2-y^2,(x+y)^2);
112.10 MvpLcm
MvpLcm( p1 ,p2 , ...)
Returns the Lcm of the Mvp arguments. The arguments must be true polynomials.
gap> MvpLcm(x^2-y^2,(x+y)^2);
112.11 RatFrac
RatFrac( num [,den] )
Build the rational fraction (RatFrac) with numerator num and denominator den (when den
is omitted it is taken to be 1).
gap> RatFrac(x,y);
gap> RatFrac(x*y^-1);
112.12 Operations for RatFrac
The arithmetic operations +,-,*,/and ^work for RatFracs. They also have Print and
String methods.
gap> 1/(x+1)+y^-1;
gap> 1/(x+1)*y^-1;
gap> 1/(x+1)/y;
gap> 1/(x+1)^-2;
Similarly to Mvps, RatFracs hav Format and Value methods
gap> Format(1/(x*y+1));
gap> FormatGAP(1/(x*y+1));
gap> Value(1/(x*y+1),["x",2]);
112.13. ISRATFRAC 1833
112.13 IsRatFrac
IsRatFrac( p)
Returns true if pis an Mvp and false otherwise.
gap> IsRatFrac(1+RatFrac(x));
gap> IsRatFrac(x);
Chapter 113
The VKCURVE functions
We document here the various functions which are used in Van Kampen’s algorithm as
described in the introduction.
113.1 Discy
Discy( Mvp p )
The input should be an Mvp in xand y, with rational coefficients. The function returns the
discriminant of pwith respect to x(an Mvp in y); it uses interpolation to reduce the problem
to discriminants of univariate polynomials, and works reasonably fast (not hundreds of times
slower than MAPLE...).
gap> Discy(x+y^2+x^3+y^3);
113.2 ResultantMat
ResultantMat( v,w)
vand ware vectors representing coefficients of two polynomials. The function returns
Sylvester matrix for these two polynomials (whose determinant is the resultant of the two
polynomials). It is used internally by Discy.
gap> p:=x+y^2+x^3+y^3;
gap> c:=Coefficients(p,"x");
[ y^2+y^3, 1, 0, 1 ]
gap> PrintArray(ResultantMat(c,Derivative(c)));
[[ 1, 0, 1, y^2+y^3, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, y^2+y^3],
[ 3, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, 3, 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, 3, 0, 1]]
gap> DeterminantMat(ResultantMat(c,Derivative(c)));
113.3 NewtonRoot
Here pis a list of Complex rationals representing the coefficients of a polynomial. The
function computes a complex rational approximation to a root of p, guaranteed of distance
closer than precision (a rational) to an actual root. The first approximation used is initial.
If initial is in the attraction basin of a root of p, the one approximated. A possibility is that
the Newton method starting from initial does not converge (the number of iterations after
which this is decided is controlled by VKCURVE.NewtonLim); then the function returns false.
Otherwise the function returns a pair: the approximation found, and an upper bound of the
distance between that approximation and an actual root. The upper bound returned is a
power of 10, and the approximation denominator’s is rounded to a power of 10, in order to
return smaller-sized rational result as much as possible. The point of returning an upper
bound is that it is usually better than the asked-for precision. For the precision estimate a
good reference is [HSS01].
gap> p:=List([1,0,1],Complex); # p=xˆ2+1
gap> NewtonRoot(p,Complex(1,1),10^-7);
[ I, 1/1000000000 ]
# obtained precision is actually 10ˆ-9
gap> NewtonRoot(p,Complex(1),10^-7);
# here Newton does not converge
113.4 SeparateRootsInitialGuess
Here pis a list of complex rationals representing the coefficients of a polynomial, and v
is a list of approximations to roots of pwhich should lie in different attraction basins for
Newton’s method. The result is a list lof complex rationals representing approximations
to the roots of p(each element of lis the root in whose attraction basin the corresponding
element of vlies), such that if dis the minimum distance between two elements of l, then
there is a root of pwithin radius d/(2*safety) of any element of l. When the elements of
vdo not lie in different attraction basins (which is necessarily the case if phas multiple
roots), false is returned.
gap> p:=List([1,0,1],Complex);
gap> SeparateRootsInitialGuess(p,[Complex(1,1),Complex(1,-1)],100);
[ I, -I ]
gap> SeparateRootsInitialGuess(p,[Complex(1,1),Complex(2,1)],100);
false # 1+I and 2+I not in different attraction basins
113.5 SeparateRoots
Here pis a univariate Mvp with rational or complex rational coefficients, or a vector of
rationals or complex rationals describing the coefficients of such a polynomial. The result
is a list lof complex rationals representing approximations to the roots of p, such that if d
is the minimum distance between two elements of l, then there is a root of pwithin radius
d/(2*safety) of any element of l. This is not possible when phas multiple roots, in which
case false is returned.
gap> SeparateRoots(x^2+1,100);
[ I, -I ]
gap> SeparateRoots((x-1)^2,100);
gap> SeparateRoots(x^3-1,100);
[ -1/2-108253175473/125000000000I, 1, -1/2+108253175473/125000000000I]
113.6 LoopsAroundPunctures
The input is a list of complex rational numbers. The function computes piecewise-linear
loops representing generators of the fundamental group of the complement of points in the
complex line.
gap> LoopsAroundPunctures([Complex(0,0)]);
points := [ -I, -1, 1, I ],
loops := [ [ 4, -3, -1, 2 ] ] )
The output is a record with three fields. The field points contains a list of complex rational
numbers. The field segments contains a list of oriented segments, each of them encoded
by the list of the positions in points of its two endpoints. The field loops contains a
list of list of integers. Each list of integers represents a piecewise linear loop, obtained by
concatenating the elements of segments indexed by the integers (a negative integer is used
when the opposed orientation of the segment has to be taken).
113.7 FollowMonodromy
This function computes the monodromy braid of the solution in xof an equation P(x, y)=0
along a segment [y0, y1]. It is called by FundamentalGroup, once for each of the segments.
The first argument is a global record, similar to the one produced by FundamentalGroup
(see the documentation of this function) but only containing intermediate information.
The second argument is the position of the segment in r.segments. The third argu-
ment is a print function, determined by the printlevel set by the user (typically, by calling
FundamentalGroup with a second argument).
The function returns an element of the ambient braid group r.B.
This function has no reason to be called directly by the user, so we do not illustrate its
behavior. Instead, we explain what is displayed on screen when the user sets the printlevel
to 2.
What is quoted below is an excerpt of what is displayed on screen during the execution of
gap> FundamentalGroup((x+3*y)*(x+y-1)*(x-y),2);
<1/16> 1 time= 0 ?2?1?3
<1/16> 2 time= 0.125 R2. ?3
<1/16> 3 time= 0.28125 R2. ?2
<1/16> 4 time= 0.453125 ?2R1?2
<1/16> 5 time= 0.578125 R1. ?2
= Nontrivial braiding = 2 =
<1/16> 6 time= 0.734375 R1. ?1
<1/16> 7 time= 0.84375 . ?0.
<1/16> 8 time= 0.859375 ?1R0?1
# The following braid was computed by FollowMonodromy in 8 steps.
# segment 1/16 Time=0.1sec
FollowMonodromy computes its results by subdividing the segment into smaller subsegments
on which the approximations are controlled. It starts at one end and moves subsegment
after subsegment. A new line is displayed at each step.
The first column indicates which segment is studied. In the example above, the function is
computing the monodromy along the first segment (out of 16). This gives a rough indication
of the time left before completion of the total procedure. The second column is the number
of iterations so far (number of subsegments). In our example, FollowMonodromy had to
cut the segment into 8 subsegments. Each subsegment has its own length. The cumulative
length at a given step, as a fraction of the total length of the segment, is displayed after
time=. This gives a rough indication of the time left before completion of the computation
of the monodromy of this segment. The segment is completed when this fraction reaches 1.
The last column has to do with the piecewise-linear approximation of the geometric mon-
odromy braid. It is subdivided into sub-columns for each string. In the example above,
there are three strings. At each step, some strings are fixed (they are indicated by .in
the corresponding column). A symbol like R5 or ?3 indicates that the string is moving. The
exact meaning of the symbol has to do with the complexity of certain sub-computations.
As some strings are moving, it happens that their real projections cross. When such a
crossing occurs, it is detected and the corresponding element of Bnis displayed on screen
(Nontrivial braiding =...) The monodromy braid is the product of these elements of Bn,
multiplied in the order in which they occur.
113.8 ApproxFollowMonodromy
ApproxFollowMonodromy(r,segno,pr )
This function computes an approximation of the monodromy braid of the solution in xof an
equation P(x, y) = 0 along a segment [y0, y1]. It is called by FundamentalGroup, once for
each of the segments. The first argument is a global record, similar to the one produced by
FundamentalGroup (see the documentation of this function) but only containing intermedi-
ate information. The second argument is the position of the segment in r.segments. The
third argument is a print function, determined by the printlevel set by the user (typically,
by calling FundamentalGroup with a second argument).
Contrary to FollowMonodromy,ApproxFollowMonodromy does not control the approxima-
tions; it just uses a heuristic for how much to move along the segment between linear
braid computations, and this heuristic may possibly fail. However, we have not yet found
an example for which the result is actually incorrect, and thus the existence is justified
by the fact that for some difficult computations, it is sometimes many times faster than
FollowMonodromy. We illustrate its typical output when printlevel is 2.
5.3.6. ***rejected
4.3.6.<15/16>mindist=3 step=1/2 total=0 logdisc=1 ***rejected
3.3.4.<15/16>mindist=3 step=1/4 total=0 logdisc=1 ***rejected
3.3.4.<15/16>mindist=3 step=1/8 total=0 logdisc=1 ***rejected
3.3.3.<15/16>mindist=3 step=1/16 total=0 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=2.92 step=1/16 total=1/16 logdisc=1
3.3.3.<15/16>mindist=2.83 step=1/16 total=1/8 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=2.75 step=1/16 total=3/16 logdisc=1
3.3.3.<15/16>mindist=2.67 step=1/16 total=1/4 logdisc=1
= Nontrivial braiding = 2 =
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=2.63 step=1/16 total=5/16 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=2.75 step=1/16 total=3/8 logdisc=1
3.3.3.<15/16>mindist=2.88 step=1/16 total=7/16 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=3 step=1/16 total=1/2 logdisc=1
3.3.3.<15/16>mindist=3.13 step=1/16 total=9/16 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=3.25 step=1/16 total=5/8 logdisc=1
3.3.3.<15/16>mindist=3.38 step=1/16 total=11/16 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=3.5 step=1/16 total=3/4 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=3.63 step=1/16 total=13/16 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=3.75 step=1/16 total=7/8 logdisc=1
3.2.3.<15/16>mindist=3.88 step=1/16 total=15/16 logdisc=1 ***up
# Monodromy error=0
# Minimal distance=2.625
# Minimal step=1/16=-0.05208125+0.01041875I
# Adaptivity=10
# segment 15/16 Time=0.2sec
Here at each step the following information is displayed: first, how many iterations of the
Newton method were necessary to compute each of the 3 roots of the current polynomial
f(x, y0) if we are looking at the point y0of the segment. Then, which segment we are
dealing with (here the 15th of 16 in all). Then the minimum distance between two roots
of f(x, y0) (used in our heuristic). Then the current step in fractions of the length of the
segment we are looking at, and the total fraction of the segment we have done. Finally, the
decimal logarithm of the absolute value of the discriminant at the current point (used in
the heuristic). Finally, an indication if the heuristic predicts that we should halve the step
(***rejected) or that we may double it (***up).
The function returns an element of the ambient braid group r.B.
113.9 LBraidToWord
LBraidToWord(v1 ,v2 ,B)
This function converts the linear braid given by v1 and v2 into an element of the braid
group B.
gap> B:=Braid(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> i:=Complex(0,1);
gap> LBraidToWord([1+i,2+i,3+i],[2+i,1+2*i,4-6*i],B);
The list v1 and v2 must have the same length, say n. The braid group Bshould be the
braid group on nstrings, in its CHEVIE implementation. The elements of v1 (resp. v2 )
should be ndistinct complex rational numbers. We use the Brieskorn basepoint, namely
the contractible set C+iVRwhere Cis a real chamber; therefore the endpoints need not be
equal (hence, if the path is indeed a loop, the final endpoint must be given). The linear braid
considered is the one with affine strings connecting each point in v1 to the corresponding
point in v2 . These strings should be non-crossing. When the numbers in v1 (resp. v2 )
have distinct real parts, the real picture of the braid defines a unique element of B. When
some real parts are equal, we apply a lexicographical desingularization, corresponding to a
rotation of v1 and v2 by an arbitrary small positive angle.
113.10 BnActsOnFn
BnActsOnFn(braid b,Free group F )
This function implements the Hurwitz action of the braid group on nstrings on the free
group on ngenerators, where the standard generator σiof Bnfixes the generators f1, . . . , fn,
except fiwhich is mapped to fi+1 and fi+1 which is mapped to f1
gap> B:=Braid(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> b:=B(1);
gap> BnActsOnFn(b,FreeGroup(3));
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 ), Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 ),
[ f.1, f.2, f.3 ], [ f.2, f.2^-1*f.1*f.2, f.3 ] )
gap> BnActsOnFn(b^2,FreeGroup(3));
GroupHomomorphismByImages( Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 ), Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 ),
[ f.1, f.2, f.3 ], [ f.2^-1*f.1*f.2, f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2*f.1*f.2, f.3 ] )
The second input is the free group on ngenerators. The first input is an element of the
braid group on nstrings, in its CHEVIE implementation.
113.11. VKQUOTIENT 1841
113.11 VKQuotient
The input braid is a list of braids b1, . . . , bd, living in the braid group on nstrings. Each bi
defines by Hurwitz action an automorphism φiof the free group Fn. The function return
the group defined by the abstract presentation:
< f1, . . . , fn| ∀i, j, φi(fj) = fj>
The optional second argument bad is another list of braids c1, . . . , ce(representing the mon-
odromy around bad roots of the discriminant). For each ck, we denote by ψkthe corre-
sponding Hurwitz automorphism of Fn. When a second argument is supplied, the function
returns the group defined by the abstract presentation:
< f1, . . . , fn, g1, . . . , gk| ∀i, j, k, φi(fj) = fj, ψk(fj)gk=gkfj>
gap> B:=Braid(CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup(3));
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> b1:=B(1)^3; b2:=B(2);
gap> g:=VKQuotient([b1,b2]);
Group( f.1, f.2, f.3 )
gap> last.relators;
[ f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2*f.1*f.2*f.1^-1, IdWord,
f.2^-1*f.1^-1*f.2^-1*f.1*f.2*f.1, f.3*f.2^-1, IdWord, f.3^-1*f.2 ]
gap> p:=PresentationFpGroup(g);Display(p);
<< presentation with 3 gens and 4 rels of total length 16 >>
1: c=b
2: b=c
3: bab=aba
4: aba=bab
gap> SimplifyPresentation(p);Display(p);
# I there are 2 generators and 1 relator of total length 6
1: bab=aba
113.12 Display for presentations
Displays the presentation pin a compact form, using the letters abc... for the gener-
ators and ABC... for their inverses. In addition the program tries to show relations in
”positive”form, i.e. as equalities between words involving no inverses.
gap> F:=FreeGroup(2);;
gap> p:=PresentationFpGroup(F/[F.2*F.1*F.2*F.1^-1*F.2^-1*F.1^-1]);
<< presentation with 2 gens and 1 rels of total length 6 >>
gap> Display(p);
1: bab=aba
gap> PrintRec(p);
isTietze := true,
operations := PresentationOps,
generators := [ f.1, f.2 ],
tietze := [ 2, 1, 6, [ f.1, f.2 ], [ 2, 1, 0, -1, -2 ],
[ [ -2, -1, 2, 1, 2, -1 ] ], [ 6 ], [ 0 ], 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0,
components := [ 1, 2 ],
1 := f.1,
2 := f.2,
nextFree := 3,
identity := IdWord,
eliminationsLimit := 100,
expandLimit := 150,
generatorsLimit := 0,
lengthLimit := infinity,
loopLimit := infinity,
printLevel := 1,
saveLimit := 10,
searchSimultaneous := 20,
protected := 0 )
113.13 ShrinkPresentation
This is our own program to simplify group presentations. We have found heuristics which
make it somewhat more efficient than GAP3’s programs SimplifiedFpGroup and TzGoGo,
but the algorithm depends on random numbers so is not reproducible. The main idea is to
rotate relators between calls to GAP3 functions. By default 1000 such rotations are tried
(unless the presentation is so small that less rotations exhaust all possible ones), but the
actual number tried can be controlled by giving a second parameter tries to the function.
Another useful tool to deal with presentations is TryConjugatePresentation described in
the utility functions.
gap> DisplayPresentation(p);
1: ab=ba
2: dbd=bdb
3: bcb=cbc
4: cac=aca
5: adca=cadc
6: dcdc=cdcd
7: adad=dada
8: Dbdcbd=cDbdcb
9: adcDad=dcDadc
10: dcdadc=adcdad
11: dcabdcbda=adbcbadcb
12: caCbdcbad=bdcbadBcb
13: cbDadcbad=bDadcbadc
14: cdAbCadBc=bdcAbCdBa
15: cdCbdcabdc=bdcbadcdaD
16: DDBcccbdcAb=cAbCdcBCddc
17: CdaBdbAdcbCad=abdcAbDadBCbb
18: bdbcabdcAADAdBDa=cbadcbDadcBDABDb
19: CbdbadcDbbdCbDDadcBCDAdBCDbdaDCDbdcbadcBCDAdBCDBBdacDbdccb
gap> ShrinkPresentation(p);
# I there are 4 generators and 19 relators of total length 332
# I there are 4 generators and 17 relators of total length 300
# I there are 4 generators and 17 relators of total length 282
# I there are 4 generators and 17 relators of total length 278
# I there are 4 generators and 16 relators of total length 254
# I there are 4 generators and 15 relators of total length 250
# I there are 4 generators and 15 relators of total length 248
# I there are 4 generators and 15 relators of total length 246
# I there are 4 generators and 14 relators of total length 216
# I there are 4 generators and 13 relators of total length 210
# I there are 4 generators and 13 relators of total length 202
# I there are 4 generators and 13 relators of total length 194
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 174
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 170
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 164
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 162
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 148
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 134
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 130
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 126
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 124
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 118
# I there are 4 generators and 12 relators of total length 116
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 100
gap> DisplayPresentation(p);
1: ba=ab
2: dbd=bdb
3: cac=aca
4: bcb=cbc
5: dAca=Acad
6: dcdc=cdcd
7: adad=dada
8: dcDbdc=bdcbdB
9: dcdadc=adcdad
10: adcDad=dcDadc
11: BcccbdcAb=dcbACdddc
Chapter 114
Some VKCURVE utility
We document here various utility functions defined by VKCURVE package and which may
be useful also in other contexts.
114.1 BigNorm
Given a complex number cwith real part rand imaginary part j, returns a ”cheap substi-
tute”to the norm of cgiven by r+j.
gap> BigNorm(Complex(-1,-1));
114.2 DecimalLog
Given a rational number r, returns an integer ksuch that 10k<r10k+1.
gap> List([1,1/10,1/2,2,10],DecimalLog);
[ -1, -2, -1, 0, 1 ]
114.3 ComplexRational
cis a cyclotomic or a Complex number with Decimal or real cyclotomic real and imaginary
parts. This function returns the corresponding rational complex number.
gap> evalf(E(3)/3);
gap> ComplexRational(last);
gap> ComplexRational(E(3)/3);
114.4 Dispersal
vis a list of complex numbers representing points in the real plane. The result is a pair
whose first element is the minimum distance between two elements of v, and the second is
a pair of indices [i,j] such that v[i],v[j] achieves this minimum distance.
gap> Dispersal([Complex(1,1),Complex(0),Complex(1)]);
114.5 ConjugatePresentation
This program modifies a presentation by conjugating a generator by another. The con-
jugation to apply is described by a length-3 string of the same style as the result of
DisplayPresentation, that is "abA" means replace the second generator by its conjugate
by the first, and "Aba" means replace it by its conjugate by the inverse of the first.
gap> F:=FreeGroup(4);;
gap> p:=PresentationFpGroup(F/[F.4*F.1*F.2*F.3*F.4*F.1^-1*F.4^-1*
> F.3^-1*F.2^-1*F.1^-1,F.4*F.1*F.2*F.3*F.4*F.2*F.1^-1*F.4^-1*F.3^-1*
> F.2^-1*F.1^-1*F.3^-1,F.2*F.3*F.4*F.1*F.2*F.3*F.4*F.3^-1*F.2^-1*
> F.4^-1*F.3^-1*F.2^-1*F.1^-1*F.4^-1]);
gap> DisplayPresentation(p);
1: dabcd=abcda
2: dabcdb=cabcda
3: bcdabcd=dabcdbc
gap> DisplayPresentation(ConjugatePresentation(p,"cdC"));
# I there are 4 generators and 3 relators of total length 36
1: cabdca=dcabdc
2: dcabdc=bdcabd
3: cabdca=abdcab
114.6 TryConjugatePresentation
TryConjugatePresentation(p[,goal [,printlevel]])
This program tries to simplify group presentations by applying conjugations to the gener-
ators. The algorithm depends on random numbers, and on tree-searching, so is not repro-
ducible. By default the program stops as soon as a shorter presentation is found. Sometimes
this does not give the desired presentation. One can give a second argument goal , then the
program will only stop when a presentation of length less than goal is found. Finally, a
third argument can be given and then all presentations the programs runs over which are
of length less than or equal to this argument are displayed. Due to the non-deterministic
nature of the program, it may be useful to run it several times on the same input. Upon
failure (to improve the presentation), the program returns p.
gap> Display(p);
1: ba=ab
2: dbd=bdb
3: cac=aca
4: bcb=cbc
5: dAca=Acad
6: dcdc=cdcd
7: adad=dada
8: dcDbdc=bdcbdB
9: dcdadc=adcdad
10: adcDad=dcDadc
11: BcccbdcAb=dcbACdddc
gap> p:=TryConjugatePresentation(p);
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 100
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 120
# I there are 4 generators and 10 relators of total length 100
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 132
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 114
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 110
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 104
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 114
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 110
# I there are 4 generators and 11 relators of total length 104
# I there are 4 generators and 8 relators of total length 76
# I there are 4 generators and 8 relators of total length 74
# I there are 4 generators and 8 relators of total length 72
# I there are 4 generators and 8 relators of total length 70
# I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 52
# d->adA gives length 52
<< presentation with 4 gens and 7 rels of total length 52 >>
gap> Display(p);
1: ba=ab
2: dc=cd
3: aca=cac
4: dbd=bdb
5: bcb=cbc
6: adad=dada
7: aBcADbdac=dBCacbdaB
gap> TryConjugatePresentation(p,48);
# I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 54
# I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 54
# I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 60
# I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 60
# I there are 4 generators and 7 relators of total length 48
# d->bdB gives length 48
<< presentation with 4 gens and 7 rels of total length 48 >>
gap> Display(last);
1: ba=ab
2: bcb=cbc
3: cac=aca
4: dbd=bdb
5: cdc=dcd
6: adad=dada
7: dAbcBa=bAcBad
114.7 FindRoots
pshould be a univariate Mvp with cyclotomic or Complex rational or decimal coefficients
or a list of cyclotomics or Complex rationals or decimals which represents the coefficients
of a complex polynomial. The function returns Complex rational approximations to the
roots of pwhich are better than approx (a positive rational). Contrary to the functions
SeparateRoots, etc... described in the previous chapter, this function handles quite well
polynomials with multiple roots. We rely on the algorithms explained in detail in [HSS01].
gap> FindRoots((x-1)^5,1/100000000000);
[ 6249999999993/6250000000000+29/12500000000000I,
312499999999/312500000000-3/6250000000000I ]
gap> evalf(last);
gap> FindRoots(x^3-1,1/10);
[ -1/2-108253175473/125000000000I, 1, -1/2+108253175473/125000000000I ]
gap> evalf(last);
[ -0.5-0.8660254038I, 1, -0.5+0.8660254038I ]
gap> List(last,x->x^3);
114.8 Cut
Cut(string s [, opt])
The first argument is a string, and the second one a record of options, if not given taken
equal to rec(). This function prints its string argument son several lines not exceeding
opt.width; if not given opt.width is taken to be equal SizeScreen[1]-2. This is similar
to how GAP3 prints strings, excepted no continuation line characters are printed. The
user can specify after which characters, or before which characters to cut the string by
giving fields opt.before and opt.after; the defaut is opt.after:=",", but some other
characters can be used — for instance a good choice for printing big polynomials could be
opt.before:="+-". If a field opt.file is given, the result is appended to that file instead
of written to standard output; this may be quite useful in conjunction with FormatGAP for
dumping some GAP3 values to a file for later re-reading.
gap> Cut("an, example, with, plenty, of, commas\n",rec(width:=10));
114.8. CUT 1849
Chapter 115
Algebra package — finite
dimensional algebras
This package has been developped by C´edric Bonnaf´e to work with finite dimensional alge-
bras under GAP3; it depends on the package ”chevie”.
Note that these programs have been mainly developed for working with Solomon descent
We start with a list of utility functions which are used in various places.
115.1 Digits
Digits(n [, basis])
returns the list of digits of the nonnegative integer nin basis basis (in basis 10 if no second
argument is given).
gap> Digits(0); Digits(3); Digits(123); Digits(123,16);
[ ]
[ 7, 11 ]
115.2 ByDigits
ByDigits(l [, basis])
Does the converse of Digits, that is, computes an integer give the sequence of its digits (by
default in basis 10; in basis basis if a second argument is given).
gap> ByDigits([2,3,4,5]);
gap> ByDigits([2,3,4,5],100);
115.3 SignedCompositions
computes the set of signed compositions of nthat is, the set of tuples of non-zero integers
[i1,] such that |i1|+... +|ir|=n. Note that Length(SignedCompositions(n)) =
gap> SignedCompositions(3);
[ [ -3 ], [ -2, -1 ], [ -2, 1 ], [ -1, -2 ], [ -1, -1, -1 ],
Note that the compositions of nare obtained by the function OrderedPartitions in GAP3.
115.4 SignedPartitions
computes the set of signed partitions of nthat is, the set of tuples of integers [i1, . . . , ir, j1, . . . , js]
such that ik0, jk<0, |i1|+. . . +|ir|+|j1|+. . . +|js|=n,i1. . . irand |j1| ≥ . . . ≥ |js|.
gap> SignedPartitions(3);
[ [ -3 ], [ -2, -1 ], [ -1, -1, -1 ], [ 1, -2 ], [ 1, -1, -1 ],
115.5 PiPart
Let nbe an integer and πa set of prime numbers. Write n=n1n2where no prime factor
of n2is in πand all prime factors of n1are in π. Then n1is called the π-part of nand n2
the π0-part of n. This function returns the π-part of n. The set πmay be given as a list of
primes, or as an integer in which case the set πis taken to be the list of prime factors of
that integer.
gap> PiPart(720,2);
gap> PiPart(720,3);
gap> PiPart(720,6);
gap> PiPart(720,[2,3]);
115.6 CyclotomicModP
pshould be a prime and za cyclotomic number which is p-integral (that is, ztimes some
number prime to pis a cyclotomic integer). The function returns the reduction of zmod.
p, an element of some extension Fprof the prime field Fp.
gap> CyclotomicModP(E(7),3);
115.7. PICOMPONENT 1853
115.7 PiComponent
Let gbe an element of the finite group Gand πa set of prime numbers. Write g=g1g2
where g1and g2are both powers of g, no prime factor of the order of g2is in πand all
prime factors of the order of g1are in π. Then g1is called the π-component of gand g2the
π0-component of n. This function returns the π-component of g. The set πmay be given
as a list of primes, or as an integer in which case the set πis taken to be the list of prime
factors of that integer.
115.8 PiSections
Let πbe a set of prime numbers. Two conjugacy classes of the finite group Gare said to
belong to the same π-section if the π-components (see 115.7) of elements of the two classes
are conjugate. This function returns the partition of the set of conjugacy classes of Gin
π-sections, represented by the list of indices of conjugacy classes of Gin each part. The set
πmay be given as a list of primes, or as an integer in which case the set πis taken to be
the list of prime factors of that integer.
gap> W:=SymmetricGroup(5);
Group( (1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (4,5) )
gap> PiSections(W,2);
gap> PiSections(W,3);
gap> PiSections(W,6);
115.9 PiPrimeSections
Let πbe a set of prime numbers. Two conjugacy classes of the finite group Gare said to
belong to the same π0-section if the π0-components (see 115.7) of elements of the two classes
are conjugate. This function returns the partition of the set of conjugacy classes of Gin
π0-sections, represented by the list of indices of conjugacy classes of Gin each part. The set
πmay be given as a list of primes, or as an integer in which case the set πis taken to be
the list of prime factors of that integer.
gap> W:=SymmetricGroup(5);
Group( (1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (4,5) )
gap> PiPrimeSections(W,2);
gap> PiPrimeSections(W,3);
gap> PiPrimeSections(W,6);
115.10 PRank
Let pbe a prime. This function returns the p-rank of the finite group G, defined as the
maximal rank of an elementary abelian p-subgroup of G.
gap> W:=SymmetricGroup(5);
Group( (1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (4,5) )
gap> PRank(W,2);
gap> PRank(W,3);
gap> PRank(W,7);
115.11 PBlocks
Let pbe a prime. This function returns the partition of the irreducible characters of Gin
p-blocks, represented by the list of indices of irreducibles characters in each part.
gap> W:=SymmetricGroup(5);
Group( (1,5), (2,5), (3,5), (4,5) )
gap> PBlocks(W,2);
gap> PBlocks(W,3);
gap> PBlocks(W,7);
115.12 Finite-dimensional algebras over fields
Let Kbe a field and let Abe a K-algebra of finite dimension d. In our implementation,
Amust be endowed with a basis X= (xi)iI, where I={i1, ..., id}. Then Ais
represented by a record containing the following fields
A.field the field K.
A.dimension the dimension of A.
A.multiplication this is a function which associates to (k, l) the coefficients of the
product xikxilin the basis X(here, 1 k, l d). If the structure constants of A
are known, then it is possible to record them in A.structureconstants:the entry
A.structureconstants[k][l] is equal to A.multiplication(k,l). Once the func-
tion A.multiplication is defined, we can obtain the field A.structureconstants
just by asking for FDAlgebraOps.structureconstants(A). the zero element of A. the unity of A.
A.basisname a ”name”for the basis X(for instance, A.basisname:="X").
A.parameters the parameter set I.
A.identification something characterizing A(this is used to test if two alge-
bras are equal). For instance, if A=K[G] is the group algebra of G, we take
A.identification =["Group algebra",G,K];.
For convenience, the record Ais often endowed with the following fields:
A.generators a list of generators of A.
A.basis the list of elements of X.
A.vectorspace the underlying vector space represented in GAP3 as Kd.
A.EltToVector the function sending an element of Ato its image in A.vectorspace
(i.e. a d-tuple of elements of K).
A.VectorToElt inverse function of A.EltToVector.
A.type for instance "Group algebra", or "Grothendieck ring"...
A.operations This is initialized to FDAlgebraOps which contains quite a few opera-
tions applicable to finite-dimensional algebras, like the following:
FDAlgebraOps.underlyingspace once A.dimension is defined, this function con-
structs the underlying space of A. It endows the record Awith the fields A.basis,
A.vectorspace,A.EltToVector, and A.VectorToElt.
FDAlgebraOps.structureconstants computes the structure constants of Aand gath-
ers them in A.structureconstants.
115.13 Elements of finite dimensional algebras
An element xof Ais implemented as a record containing three fields
x.algebra the algebra A
x.coefficients the list of pairs (ak, k) such that akis a non-zero element of Kand
k=1 akxik.
x.operations the operations record AlgebraEltOps defining the operations for finite
dimensional algebra elements.
115.14 Operations for elements of finite dimensional al-
The following operations are define for elements of a finite dimensional algebra A.
Print this function gives a way of printing elements of A. If A.print is defined, it is
used. Otherwise, the element xiis printed using A.basisname and A.parameters:for
instance, if A.basisname:="BASISNAME" and A.parameters:=[1..d], then xiis printed
\+ addition of elements of A.
\- subtraction of elements of A.
\* multiplication of elements of A.
\^ powers of elements of A(negative powers are allowed for invertible elements).
Coefficients(x) the list of coefficients of xin Basis(A).
115.15 IsAlgebraElement for finite dimensional algebras
This function retuirns true if xis an element of a finite dimensional algebra, false if it is
another kind of object.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> A:=PolynomialQuotientAlgebra(q^2-q-1);;
gap> IsAlgebraElement(Basis(A)[1]);
gap> IsAlgebraElement(1);
115.16 IsAbelian for finite dimensional algebras
returns true if the algebra Ais commutative and false otherwise.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> A:=PolynomialQuotientAlgebra(q^2-q-1);;
gap> IsAbelian(A);
gap> B:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("A",2));;
gap> IsAbelian(B);
115.17 IsAssociative for finite dimensional algebras
returns true if the algebra Ais associative and false otherwise.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> A:=PolynomialQuotientAlgebra(q^2-q-1);;
gap> IsAssociative(A);
115.18 AlgebraHomomorphismByLinearity
returns the linear map from Ato Bthat sends A.basis to the list l(if omitted to B.basis).
If this is not an homomorphism of algebras, the function returns an error.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> A:=PolynomialQuotientAlgebra(q^4);;
gap> hom:=AlgebraHomomorphismByLinearity(A,Rationals,[1,0,0,0]);
function ( element ) ... end
gap> hom(A.class(q^4+q^3+1));
gap> hom2:=AlgebraHomomorphismByLinearity(A,Rationals,[1,1,1,1]);
Error, This is not a morphism of algebras in
AlgebraHomomorphismByLinearity( A, Rationals, [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ] ) called from
main loop
115.19 SubAlgebra for finite-dimensional algebras
returns the sub-algebra Bof Agenerated by the list l. The elements of Bare written as
elements of> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4));
gap> B:=SubAlgebra(A,[A.xbasis(23),A.xbasis(34)]);
[ X(23), X(34) ])
gap> Dimension(B);
gap> IsAbelian(B);
gap> B.basis;
[ X(1234), X(23), X(34), X(2)-X(4), X(3)+X(4), X(0) ]
115.20 CentralizerAlgebra
returns the sub-algebra Bof Aof elements commuting with all the elements in the list l. The
elements of Bare written as elements of> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4));
gap> B:=CentralizerAlgebra(A,[A.xbasis(23),A.xbasis(34)]);
[ X(23), X(34) ])
gap> Dimension(B);
gap> IsAbelian(B);
115.21 Center for algebras
returns the center Bof the algebra A. The elements of Bare written as elements of A.
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4));
gap> B:=Centre(A);
gap> Dimension(B);
gap> IsAbelian(B);
115.22 Ideals
If lis an element, or a list of elements of the algebra A, then LeftIdeal(A,l) (resp.
RightIdeal(A,l), resp. TwoSidedIdeal(A,l)) returns the left (resp. right, resp. two-
sided) ideal of Agenerated by l. The result is a record containing the following fields:
.parent the algebra A
.generators the list l
.basis aK-basis of the ideal
.dimension the dimension of the ideal
LeftTraces(A,I),RightTraces(A,I) the character afforded by the left (or right)
ideal I(written as a list of traces of elements of the A.basis).
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4));
gap> I:=LeftIdeal(A,[A.xbasis(234)]);
LeftIdeal(SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4),Rationals),[ X(234) ])
gap> I.basis;
[ X(234), X(23)+X(34), X(24), X(2)+X(4), X(3), X(0) ]
gap> Dimension(I);
gap> LeftTraces(A,I);
[ 6, 18, 40, 50, 42, 64, 112, 112, 100, 136, 100, 192, 224, 224, 224,
384 ]
115.23 QuotientAlgebra
Ais a finite dimensional algebra, and Ia two-sided ideal of A. The function returns the
algebra A/I. It is also allowed than Ibe an element of Aor a list of elements of A, in which
case it is understood as the two-sided ideal generated by I.
115.24 Radical for algebras
If the record Ais endowed with the field A.radical (containing the radical of A) or with
the field A.Radical (a function for computing the radical of A), then Radical(A) returns
the radical of A(as a two-sided ideal of A). At this time, this function is available only
in characteristic zero:it works for group algebras, Grothendiek rings, Solomon algebras and
generalized Solomon algebras.
115.25 RadicalPower
returns (when possible) the n-th power of the two-sided ideal Radical(A).
115.26. LOEWYLENGTH 1859
115.26 LoewyLength
returns (when possible) the Loewy length of Athat is, the smallest natural number n >= 1
such that the n-th power of the two-sided ideal Radical(A) vanishes.
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4));
gap> R:=Radical(A);
[ X(13)-X(14), X(23)-X(34), X(2)-X(3), X(2)-X(4) ])
gap> Dimension(R);
gap> LoewyLength(A);
115.27 CharTable for algebras
For certain algebras, the function CharTable may be applied. It returns the character
table of the algebra KKA:different ways of printing are used according to the type of
the algebra. If Ais a group algebra in characteristic zero, then CharTable(A) returns the
character table of This function is available whenever Kis of characteristic zero
for group algebras, Grothendieck rings, Solomon algebras and generalized Solomon algebras.
gap> A:=GrothendieckRing(SymmetricGroup(4));
GrothendieckRing(Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ),Rationals)
gap> CharTable(A);
X.1 X.2 X.3 X.4 X.5
MU.2 1 -1 . -1 1
MU.3 1 1 2 -1 -1
MU.4 1 1 -1 . .
MU.5 1 -1 . 1 -1
gap> B:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",2));
gap> CharTable(B);
12 1 . . .
1 12..
2 1.2.
0 1448
115.28 CharacterDecomposition
Given a list char of elements of K(indexed by A.basis), then CharacterDecomposition(A,char)
returns the decomposition of char into a sum of irreducible characters of A, if possible.
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",3));
gap> I:=LeftIdeal(A,[A.xbasis(13)]);
LeftIdeal(SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",3),Rationals),[ X(13) ])
gap> I.basis;
[ X(13), X(1), X(3), X(0) ]
gap> LeftTraces(A,I);
[ 4, 12, 20, 12, 32, 28, 28, 48 ]
gap> CharTable(A);
2 1 1 2
123 1 . . . . . .
0 1 6 12 8 24 24 48
gap> CharacterDecomposition(A,LeftTraces(A,I));
115.29 Idempotents for finite dimensional algebras
returns a complete set of orthogonal primitive idempotents of A. This is defined currently
for Solomon algebras, quotient by polynomial algebras, group algebras and Grothendieck
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",2));
gap> e:=Idempotents(A);
[ X(12)-1/2*X(1)-1/2*X(2)+3/8*X(0), 1/2*X(1)-1/4*X(0),
1/2*X(2)-1/4*X(0), 1/8*X(0) ]
gap> Sum(e);
gap> List(e, i-> i^2-i);
[ 0*X(12), 0*X(12), 0*X(12), 0*X(12) ]
gap> l:=[[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[2,1],[2,3],[2,4],[3,1],[3,2],[3,4]];;
gap> Set(List(l, i-> e[i[1]]*e[i[2]]));
[ 0*X(12) ]
115.30 LeftIndecomposableProjectives
returns the list of left ideals Ae, where eruns over the list Idempotents(A).
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",3));
gap> proj:=LeftIndecomposableProjectives(A);;
gap> List(proj,Dimension);
115.31 CartanMatrix
returns the Cartan matrix of Athat is, the matrix dim Hom(P, Q), where Pand Qrun over
the list LeftIndecomposableProjectives(A).
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(CoxeterGroup("B",4));
gap> CartanMatrix(A);
2 1 2 1 1
31223 2312
1234 1...........
13 11..........
23 1.1.........
123 ...1........
234 ....1.......
2 ...111......
124 ......1.....
134 .......1....
12 ........1...
24 .........1..
1 ..........1.
0 ...........1
115.32 PolynomialQuotientAlgebra
An example - quotient by polynomial algebras
Given a polynomial Pwith coefficients in K,A =PolynomialQuotientAlgebra(P)
returns the algebra A=K[X]/(P(X)). Note that the class of a polynomial Qis printed as
Class(Q) and that Ais endowed with the field A.class:this function sends a polynomial
Qto its image in A.
gap> q:=X(Rationals);;"q";;
gap> P:=1+2*q+q^3;;
gap> A:=PolynomialQuotientAlgebra(P);
Rationals[q]/(q^3 + 2*q + 1)
gap> x:=A.basis[3];
gap> x^2;
Class(-2*q^2 - q)
gap> 3*x -;
Class(3*q^2 - 1)
gap> A.class(q^6);
Class(4*q^2 + 4*q + 1)
Group algebras
115.33 GroupAlgebra
returns the group algebra K[G] of the finite group Gover K. If Kis not given, then the
program takes for Kthe field of rational numbers. The i-th element in the list of elements
of Gis printed by default as e(i). This function endows Gwith containing the
multiplication table of G.
115.34 Augmentation
returns the image of the element xof K[G] under the augmentation morphism.
gap> G:=SL(3,2);;
gap> A:=GroupAlgebra(G);
gap> A.dimension;
gap> A.basis[5]*A.basis[123];
gap> (A.basis[3]-A.basis[12])^2;
e(55) - e(59) - e(148) + e(158)
gap> Augmentation(last);
Grothendieck Rings
115.35 GrothendieckRing
returns the Grothendieck ring KZIrrG. The i-th irreducible ordinary character is printed
as X(i). This function endows Gwith G.tensorproducts containing the table of tensor
products of irreducible ordinary characters of G.
115.36 Degree for elements of Grothendieck rings
returns the image of the element xof GrothendieckRing(G,K) under the morphism of
algebras sending a character to its degree (viewed as an element of K).
gap> G:=SymmetricGroup(4);
Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) )
gap> Display(CharTable(G));
1a 2a 2b 3a 4a
2P 1a 1a 1a 3a 2b
3P 1a 2a 2b 1a 4a
X.1 1 1 1 1 1
X.2 1 -1 1 1 -1
X.3 2 . 2 -1 .
X.4 3 -1 -1 . 1
X.5 3 1 -1 . -1
gap> A:=GrothendieckRing(G);
GrothendieckRing(Group( (1,4), (2,4), (3,4) ),Rationals)
gap> A.basis[4]*A.basis[5];
X(2) + X(3) + X(4) + X(5)
gap> Degree(last);
115.37 Solomon algebras
Let (W, S) be a finite Coxeter group. If wis an element of W, let R(w) = {sS|l(ws)l(w)}.
If Iis a subset of S, we set YI={wW|R(w) = I},XI={wW|R(w)I}.
Note that XIis the set of minimal length left coset representatives of W/WI. Now, let
They are elements of the group algebra ZW of Wover Z. Now, let
This is a sub-Z-module of ZW . In fact, Solomon proved that it is a sub-algebra of ZW .
Now, let K(W) be the Grothendieck ring of Wand let θ: Σ(W)K(W) be the map
defined by θ(xI) = IndW
WI1. Solomon proved that this is an homomorphism of algebras. We
call it the Solomon homomorphism.
115.38 SolomonAlgebra
returns the Solomon descent algebra of the finite Coxeter group (W, S) over K. If S=
[s1, ..., sr], the element xIcorresponding to the subset I= [s1, s2, s4] of Sis printed as
X(124). Note that A:=SolomonAlgebra(W,K) is endowed with the following fields: the group W
A.basis the basis (xI)IS.
A.xbasis the function sending the subset I(written as a number:for instance 124 for
[s1, s2, s4]) to xI.
A.ybasis the function sending the subset Ito yI.
A.injection the injection of Ain the group algebra of W, obtained by calling
Note that SolomonAlgebra(W,K) endows Wwith the field W.solomon which is a record
containing the following fields:
W.solomon.subsets the set of subsets of S
W.solomon.conjugacy conjugacy classes of parabolic subgroups of W(a conjugacy
class is represented by the list of the positions, in W.solomon.subsets, of the subsets
Iof Ssuch that WIlies in this conjugacy class).
W.solomon.mackey essentially the structure constants of the Solomon algebra over
the rationals.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",4);
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(W);
gap> X:=A.xbasis;;
gap> X(123)*X(24);
2*X(2) + 2*X(4)
gap> SolomonAlgebraOps.injection(A)(X(123));
e(1) + e(2) + e(3) + e(8) + e(19) + e(45) + e(161) + e(361)
gap> W.solomon.subsets;
[3],[4],[ ]]
gap> W.solomon.conjugacy;
115.39 Generalized Solomon algebras
In this subsection, we refer to the paper [BH05].
If nis a non-zero natural number, we denote by Wnthe Weyl group of type Bnand by
Wnthe Weyl group of type An1(isomorphic to the symmetric group of degree n). If
C= [i1, ..., ir] is a signed composition of n, we denote by WCthe subgroup of Wnequal
to WC=Wi1x...xWir. This is a subgroup generated by reflections (it is not in general a
parabolic subgroup of Wn). Let XC={xWC|l(xw)l(x)wWC}. Note that XCis
the set of minimal length left coset representatives of Wn/WC. Now, let xC=PwXCw.
We now define Σ0(Wn) = CZxC, where Cruns over the signed compositions of n. By
[BH05], this is a subalgebra of ZWn. Now, let YCbe the set of elements of XCwhich are
not in any other XDand let yC=PwYCw. Then Σ0(Wn) = CZyC. Moreover, the linear
map θ0: Σ0(Wn)K(Wn) defined by θ0(xC) = IndWn
WC1 is a surjective homomorphism
of algebras (see [BH05]). We still call it the Solomon homomorphism.
115.40 GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra
returns the generalized Solomon algebra Σ0(Wn) defined above. If Cis a signed composition
of n, the element xCis printed as X(C) Note that A:=GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra(n,K)
is endowed with the following fields: the group CoxeterGroup("B",n)
A.xbasis the function sending the signed composition Cto xC.
A.ybasis the function sending the signed composition Cto yC.
A.injection the injection of Ain the group algebra of W.
Note that GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra(W,K) endows Wwith the field W.generalizedsolomon
which is a record containing the following fields:
W.generalizedsolomon.signedcompositions the set of signed compositions of n
W.generalizedsolomon.conjugacy conjugacy classes of reflection subgroups WCof
W(presented as sublists of [1..2*3^(n-1)] as in the classical Solomon algebra case).
W.generalizedsolomon.mackey essentially the structure constants of the generalized
Solomon algebra over the rationals.
gap> A:=GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra(3);
gap> W.generalizedsolomon.signedcompositions;
[ -1, 1, 1 ], [ 1, -1, -1 ], [ -1, 1, -1 ], [ -1, -1, 1 ], [ -1, -1, -1
] ]
gap> W.generalizedsolomon.conjugacy;
[ 12, 13, 14 ], [ 15, 16, 17 ], [ 18 ] ]
gap> X:=A.xbasis;
function ( arg ) ... end
gap> X(2,1)*X(1,-2);
115.41 SolomonHomomorphism
returns the image of the element xof A=SolomonAlgebra(W,K) or A=GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra(n,K)
in GrothendieckRing(W,K) under Solomon homomorphism.
gap> A:=GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra(2);
gap> Display(CharTable(;
11. 1.1 .11 2. .2
2P 11. 11. 11. 11. .11
11. 1 1 1 -1 -1
1.1 2 . -2 . .
.11 1 -1 1 -1 1
2. 11111
.2 1 -1 1 1 -1
gap> A.basis[3]*A.basis[2];
gap> SolomonHomomorphism(last);
115.42 ZeroHeckeAlgebra
This constructs the 0-Hecke algebra of the finite Coxeter group W.
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("B",2);
gap> A:=ZeroHeckeAlgebra(W);
gap> Radical(A);
[ T(21)-T(12), T(21)-T(212), T(21)-T(121), T(21)-T(1212) ])
115.43 Performance
We just present here some examples of computations with the above programs (on a usual
PC:2 GHz, 256 Mo).
115.43. PERFORMANCE 1867
Constructing the group algebra of a Weyl group of type F4(1124 elements):4 seconds
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("F",4);
gap> A:=GroupAlgebra(W);
gap> time;
Constructing the Grothendieck ring of the Weyl group of type E8(696 729 600 elements,
112 irreducible characters):5 seconds
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",8);
gap> A:=GrothendieckRing(W);
gap> time;
Computing with the Solomon algebra of the Weyl group of type E6(51 840 elements)
Constructing the algebra less than 5 seconds
Computing the Loewy length 1 second
Computing the Cartan Matrix around 12 seconds
gap> W:=CoxeterGroup("E",6);
gap> A:=SolomonAlgebra(W);
gap> time;
gap> LoewyLength(A);
gap> time;
gap> CartanMatrix(A);
322231111 2
433342223111 3
54455334522311 4
123456 1................
12345 11...............
12346 1.1..............
12356 ...1.............
13456 ....1............
1234 11..11...........
1235 2.11..1..........
1245 1.1.1..1.........
1356 ........1........
123 211.21.111.......
125 1111......1......
134 11..11.....1.....
12 211.11.111..1....
13 11..11.......1...
1 11..11.....1..1..
2345 ...............1.
0 ................1
gap> time;
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Dnlattices, 902
bN, 390
cN, 390
dN, 390
eN, 390
fN, 390
gN, 390
hN, 390
iN, 390
jN, 390
kN, 390
lN, 390
mN, 390
nk, 390
rN, 390
sN, 390
tN, 390
uN, 390
vN, 390
wN, 390
xN, 390
yN, 390
.gaprc, 967, 974
/for character tables, 841
2-groups, 683
3-groups, 685
Abbreviating Section Names, 221
AbelianComponent, 1302
AbelianGenerators, 1779
AbelianGroup, 672
for ag groups, 534
AbelianInvariants, 287
for character tables, 840
for finitely presented groups, 486
AbelianInvariantsOfList, 662
AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroup, 486
About actors, 1533
About cat1-groups, 1506
About Character Tables, 138
About Constants and Operators, 78
About Conventions, 76
About crossed modules, 1488
About Defining New Domains, 168
About Defining New Group Elements,
About Defining New Parametrized
Domains, 176
About derivations and sections, 1520
About Domains and Categories, 125
About Fields, 120
About Finitely Presented Groups and
Presentations, 115
About First Steps, 77
About Functions, 82
About Further List Operations, 94
About GAP, 75
About Group Libraries, 153
About Groups, 99
About Help, 78
About Identical Lists, 85
About induced constructions, 1541
About Lists, 83
About Loops, 92
About Mappings and Homomorphisms,
About Matrix Groups, 124
About Operations of Groups, 107
About Ranges, 91
About Records, 90
1884 INDEX
About Sets, 87
About Starting and Leaving GAP, 76
About Syntax Errors, 78
About the Implementation of Domains,
About utilities, 1545
About Variables and Assignments, 80
About Vectors and Matrices, 88
About Writing Functions, 95
About XMOD, 1487
AbsInt, 364
absolute value of an integer, 364
AbsSqr, 1440
abstract word, 475
AbstractGenerator, 476
AbstractGenerators, 476
AbstractWordTietzeWord, 494
list elements, 585
record elements, 792
Accessing Record Elements, 792
Action, 1484
action, 1481
Actions of Monoids, 1481
ActionWithZero, 1485
for cat1-groups, 1539
for xmods, 1538
Actor crossed module, 1538
Actor for cat1-groups, 1539
for cat1s, 1534
for xmods, 1534
ActorSquareRecord, 1534
Add, 588
an element to a list, 588
an element to a set, 609
elements to a list, 589
the elements of a list, 604
AddBase, 358
for vector space, 358
AddedElementsCode, 1180
AddEdgeOrbit, 1113
AddGenerator, 495
AddIndecomposable, 1334
AddOriginalEqnsRWS, 1219
AddRelator, 495
AddRimHook, 1343
AddSet, 609
AddTranslationsCrystGroup, 1038
Adjacency, 1117
AdjustmentMatrix, 1331
Advanced Methods for Dixon Schneider
Calculations, 846
Affine, 1771
Affine Coxeter groups and Hecke
algebras, 1769
AffineInequivalentSubgroups, 1044
AffineNormalizer, 1043
AffineOperation, 561
AffineRootAction, 1771
AG generating sequence, 519
ag group, 519
Ag Group Functions, 539
Ag Group Functions for Special Ag
Groups, 580
Ag Group Operations, 528
Ag Group Records, 529
Ag Groups, 527
AG system, 519
Ag Word Comparisons, 520
Ag Words, 519
Agemo, 274
for character tables, 840
AgGroup, 539
for Permutation Groups, 466
AgGroupFpGroup, 540
AgGroupQClass, 711
AgNormalizedAutomorphisms, 1308
AgOrbitStabilizer, 562
AgSubgroup, 551
Aim of the matrix package, 1233
Algebra, 726
Algebra Elements, 736
Algebra for MeatAxe Matrices, 1287
Algebra Functions for Algebras, 733
Algebra Functions for Matrix Algebras,
Algebra Homomorphisms, 735
Algebra package — finite dimensional
algebras, 1851
Algebra Records, 737
AlgebraHomomorphismByLinearity, 1856
INDEX 1885
Algebraic Extension Elements, 412
Algebraic Extension Records, 415
Algebraic extensions of fields, 411
Algebraic extensions of the Rationals,
Algebraic groups and semi-simple
elements, 1601
AlgebraicCentre, 1609
AlgebraicExtension, 411
Algebras, 723
Algebras and Unital Algebras, 724
AllCat1s, 1519
AllDerivations, 1526
AllExtendingCharacters, 1410
AllInducedXMods, 1544
AllIrreducibleSolvableGroups, 687
AllOneAMat, 1373
AllPrimitiveGroups, 678
AllSections, 1527
AllSmallGroups, 721
AllSolvableGroups, 682
AllThreeGroups, 685
AllTransitiveGroups, 680
AllTwoGroups, 683
AlmostCharacter, 1738
Alpha, 956
AlphaInvolution, 1670
AlternantCode, 1168
AlternatingGroup, 673
AltInvolution, 1670
AmalgatedDirectSumCode, 1209
AMatMat, 1371
AMatMon, 1370
AMatPerm, 1370
AMats, 1368
AMatSparseMat, 1387
An example, 1133
An Example of a Computation in a
Domain, 230
An Example of Advanced Dixon
Schneider Calculations, 848
and, 788
AntiSymmetricParts, 887
ANU Pq, 1009
ANU pq Package, 983
ANU Sq Package, 990
Append, 589
elements to a list, 589
one string to another, 621
to a file, 224
AppendTo, 224
Apple, 977
ApplyFunc, 585
ApproxFollowMonodromy, 1838
ApproximateKernel, 1270
AreDerivations, 1527
AreMOLS, 1199
AREP, 1359
ARepByCharacter, 1397
ARepByHom, 1396
ARepByImages, 1395
AReps, 1389
ARepWithCharacter, 1406
AreSections, 1528
Arrangements, 808
AsAlgebra, 729
AsFraction, 1646
AsGroup, 273
for ag groups, 534
AsGroup for Ag Groups, 534
AsModule, 756
AsReflection, 1559
AsRootOfUnity, 1791
to a list, 587
to a record, 792
variable, 205
Assignments, 205
AssignVertexNames, 1114
AssociatedPartition, 814
Associates, 247
for gaussians, 398
associativity, 204
AsSpace, 639
AsSpace for Modules, 756
AsSubalgebra, 729
AsSubgroup, 274
AsSubmodule, 756
AsSubspace, 638
AsTransformation, 1074
AsUnitalAlgebra, 729
AsUnitalSubalgebra, 730
AsWord, 1645
Asymptotic algebra, 1694
ATLAS irrationalities, 390
1886 INDEX
ATLAS Tables, 930
atomic irrationalities, 390
Augmentation, 1862
augmented coset table, 498, 499
AugmentedCode, 1179
AutGroupConverted, 1026
AutGroupFactors, 1025
AutGroupGraph, 1132
AutGroupSagGroup, 1020
AutGroupSeries, 1025
AutGroupStructure, 1023
Authorship and Contact Information,
Automata, 1222
automatic groups program, 1222
automorphism group
of a character table, 868
of a field, 260
of a matrix, 867
of an extension field, 413
of number fields, 406
Automorphism Group Elements, 1021
Automorphism Groups of Special Ag
Groups, 1019
AutomorphismGroup, 1158
AutomorphismGroupElements, 1310
AutomorphismPair, 1549
AutomorphismPermGroup, 1549
for groups, 1549
for xmods, 1536
AutomorphismPermGroup for crossed
modules, 1536
for character tables, 840
of p groups, 1014, 1016
Automorphisms for groups, 1101
Automorphisms for near-rings, 1091
Automorphisms of p-groups, 1307
AutomorphismsPGroup, 1016
AutomorphismXMod, 1492
backslash, 619
BadPrimes, 1598
Base, 357
of vector space, 357
of a number field, 408
of vector space, 629
Base for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
Base for Permutation Groups, 459
BaseIntersectionIntMats, 658
BaseIntMat, 658
BaseMat, 655
Bases for Matrix Algebras, 748
Basic conventions employed in matrix
package, 1234
Basic Functions for AReps, 1403
Basic Functions for Codes, 1149
Basic Operations for Mons, 1361
Basis, 640, 1666, 1667, 1692, 1728
BCHCode, 1173
Bell, 806
BergerCondition, 957
Bernoulli, 817
BestKnownLinearCode, 1170
BetaInvolution, 1670
BetaSet, 814
Bicomponents, 1123
BigCellDecomposition, 1789
BigNorm, 1845
Binary Relations, 1455
BinaryGolayCode, 1172
Binomial, 806
BipartiteDecomposition, 1649
BipartiteDouble, 1128
blank, 199
blist, 613
BlistList, 613
Blocks, 349
for Permutation Groups, 468
BlocksMat, 1786
BlockSystemFlag, 1269
BlockwiseDirectSumCode, 1210
BnActsOnFn, 1840
BNF, 211
body, 209
Boolean Lists, 613
Booleans, 787
bound, 201
Elias, 1191
Griesmer, 1192
Hamming, 1190
Johnson, 1191
Plotkin, 1191
INDEX 1887
Singleton, 1190
Sphere packing bound, 1190
UpperBound, 1192
Bounds on codes, 1189
BoundsCoveringRadius, 1203
BoundsMinimumDistance, 1193
Braid, 1648
BraidMonoid, 1647
BraidRelations, 1569, 1586
Brauer Table Records, 837
Brauer tables
format, 837
BrauerCharacterValue, 1288
BrauerTableOps, 840
Break Loops, 217
BrieskornNormalForm, 1571, 1648
Browsing through the Sections, 220
Bruhat, 1572
BruhatPoset, 1573
BruhatSmaller, 1573
ByDigits, 1851
CalcPres, 1031
CalculateDecompositionMatrix, 1332
CallPCQA, 1300
CallVE, 1352
for permutation characters, 892
Canonical basis, 1320
CanonicalAgWord, 523
CanonicalBasis, 640
Carmichaels lambda function, 374
Cartan matrices, 1594
CartanMat, 1560, 1568, 1594
CartanMat for Dynkin types, 1594
CartanMatFromCoxeterMatrix, 1568
CartanMatrix, 1861
Cartesian, 598
Cartesian product, 851
CAS Tables, 937
CAS tables,CAS format,CAS, 874
Cat1, 1507
Cat1EndomorphismSection, 1532
Cat1List, 1512
Cat1Morphism, 1514
Cat1MorphismName, 1515
Cat1MorphismPrint, 1515
Cat1MorphismXModMorphism, 1516
Cat1Name, 1508
Cat1Print, 1508
Cat1SectionByImages, 1524
Cat1Select, 1512
Cat1XMod, 1511
Catalan, 1589
Center for algebras, 1857
CentralExtensionXMod, 1492
Centralizer, 275
for ag groups, 531
for matrix groups, 668
for Permutation Groups, 463
in GL(d, Z), 1043
Centralizer for quasisemisimple elements,
Centralizer for semisimple elements, 1607
CentralizerAlgebra, 1857
CentralizerGenerators, 1651
CentralizerGL, 1043
CentralWeight, 521
Centre, 275
for character tables, 840
for xmods, 1539
Centre for class functions, 947
Centre for crossed modules, 1539
CF, 403
Cgs, 551
ChangeCollector, 542
Changing Presentations, 495
Character, 949, 1690
permutation, 297
character table
display, 862
Character Table Libraries, 927
Character Table Records, 833
Character Tables, 831
character tables, 842, 927
access to, 843
ATLAS, 930
calculate, 843
CAS, 933, 937
1888 INDEX
computation, 846
conventions, 841
format, 833
generic, 875, 876, 878
libraries of, 927
of groups, 843
sort, 864–866
CharacterARep, 1404
CharacterDecomposition, 1860
for character tables, 840
of a finite field element, 426
characteristic polynom
of a field element, 261
CharacteristicMon, 1365
CharacteristicPolynomial for MeatAxe
matrices, 1287
Characters, 879
induce from cyclic subgroups, 890
induced, 890
inflated, 889
irreducible differences of, 888
permutation, 892
reduced, 884, 885
restricted, 889
scalar product of, 879, 880
sort, 864
symmetrisations of, 886, 887
tensor products of, 885
Characters of Finite Polycyclic Groups,
CharDegAgGroup, 856
CharFFE, 426
CharName, 1776
CharNames for reflection groups, 1621
CharParams, 1706, 1776
CharParams for reflection groups, 1621
CharPol, 261
CharPolyCyclesMon, 1368
CharRepresentationWords, 1778
CharTable, 843, 1597, 1657, 1666, 1679,
1709, 1719, 1728
CharTable for algebras, 1859
CharTable for Coxeter cosets, 1719
CharTable for Hecke algebras, 1679
CharTable for Reflection cosets, 1709
CharTableCollapsedClasses, 856
CharTableDirectProduct, 851
CharTableFactorGroup, 849
CharTableIsoclinic, 853
CharTableNormalSubgroup, 850
CharTableOps, 840
CharTablePGroup, 858
CharTableQClass, 711
CharTableRegular, 853
CharTableSpecialized, 878
CharTableSplitClasses, 854
CharTableSSGroup, 857
CharTableWreathSymmetric, 852
CheckFixedPoints, 918
CheckHeckeDefiningRelations, 1678
CheckMat, 1152
CheckMatCode, 1167
CheckPermChar, 917
CheckPol, 1152
CheckPolCode, 1172
CheckTranslations, 1039
CHEVIE Matrix utility functions, 1785
CHEVIE String and Formatting
functions, 1781
CHEVIE utility functions, 1773
CHEVIE utility functions – Decimal and
complex numbers, 1807
ChevieCharInfo, 1621, 1706, 1717
ChevieCharInfo for reflection cosets, 1706
ChevieClassInfo, 1619, 1709, 1718
ChevieClassInfo for Coxeter cosets, 1718
ChevieClassInfo for Reflection cosets,
chinese remainder, 365
ChineseRem, 365
ChooseRandomElements, 1278
CHR, 1030
Class Function Records, 954
Class Functions, 943
class functions, 907
class multiplication coefficient, 860, 861
class names, 859
collapse, 891
of cyclic subgroup, 861
real, 861
roots of, 861
INDEX 1889
Classes and representations for reflection
groups, 1613
ClassesNormalSubgroup, 954
ClassFunction, 948
ClassicalForms, 1245
ClassInvariants, 1597
ClassMultCoeffCharTable, 860
ClassNamesCharTable, 859
ClassNamesTom, 827
ClassOrbitCharTable, 861
ClassRootsCharTable, 861
ClassStructureCharTable, 861
ClassTypes, 1722
ClassTypesTom, 827
an object, 801, 802
Closure, 276
Code Records, 1187
CodeDensity, 1216
CodeDistanceEnumerator, 1214
CodeIsomorphism, 1158
CodeMacWilliamsTransform, 1214
CodeNorm, 1212
Codes, 1144
CodeWeightEnumerator, 1214
Codeword, 1139
CodewordNr, 1161
Codewords, 1138
Coefficient, 438, 1669
binomial, 806
Coefficient of Specht module, 1348
Coefficients, 360, 1829
in vector space, 360
for cyclotomics, 388
Coefficients for Number Fields, 408
Coefficients for Row Space Bases, 639
CoeffsCyc, 388
Cohomology, 1029
CollapsedAdjacencyMat, 1122
CollapsedCompleteOrbitsGraph, 1129
CollapsedIndependentOrbitsGraph, 1129
CollapsedMat, 891
CollectBy, 600
Collected, 599
CollectorlessFactorGroup, 554
Color Groups, 1045
ColorCosets, 1046
ColorGroup, 1045
ColorHomomorphism, 1046
for space groups, 1047
ColorOfElement, 1046
ColorPermGroup, 1046
ColorSubgroup, 1046
Combinations, 808
Combinatorics, 805
CombinatoricSplit, 847
CombineEQuotientECore, 1344
for group elements, 269
for words, 477
comments, 199
CommonRepresentatives, 1552
CommonTransversal, 1552
CommutativeDiagram, 910
CommutatorFactorGroup, 283
for finitely presented groups, 486
Commutators, 1278
CommutatorSubgroup, 277
for ag groups, 531
CommutatorSubgroup for Ag Groups,
of double cosets, 317
of right cosets, 312
Comparison of AMats, 1380
Comparison of AReps, 1403
Comparison of Mons, 1361
Comparisons, 203
of booleans, 787
of finite field elements, 424
of integers, 362
of lists, 592
of polynomials, 434
of rationals, 381
of strings, 622
Comparisons of Booleans, 787
Comparisons of Codes, 1147
Comparisons of Codewords, 1140
Comparisons of Cyclotomics, 388
Comparisons of Domains, 232
Comparisons of Field Elements, 259
1890 INDEX
Comparisons of Finite Field Elements,
Comparisons of Gaussians, 395
Comparisons of Group Elements, 268
Comparisons of Integers, 362
Comparisons of Lists, 592
Comparisons of Mappings, 767
Comparisons of Monoid Elements, 1446
Comparisons of Permutations, 448
Comparisons of Polynomials, 434
Comparisons of Rationals, 381
Comparisons of Records, 795
Comparisons of Relations, 1458
Comparisons of Ring Elements, 243
Comparisons of Strings, 622
Comparisons of Transformations, 1467
Comparisons of Unknowns, 421
Comparisons of Words, 477
Complement, 569
Complementclasses, 569
ComplementConjugatingAgWord, 570
ComplementGraph, 1125
ComplementIntMat, 658
Complements, 569
CompleteGraph, 1112
CompleteSubgraphs, 1131
CompleteSubgraphsOfGivenSize, 1131
Complex, 1807
Complex Numbers, 1439
ComplexConjugate, 1743, 1793, 1808,
ComplexRational, 1845
ComplexReflectionGroup, 1582
Components of a G-module record, 1269
for derivations, 1529
for morphisms of cat1-groups, 1517
for morphisms of crossed modules,
for sections, 1529
CompositeDerivation, 1529
CompositeMorphism for cat1-groups,
CompositeMorphism for crossed
modules, 1505
CompositeSection, 1529
CompositionFactors, 1240
CompositionFactors for MeatAxe
Modules, 1291
CompositionLength, 521
CompositionMapping, 776
for Frobenius automorphisms, 429
for GroupHomomorphismByImages,
for GroupHomomorphismByImages
for permutation groups, 469
CompositionMaps, 908
Compositions, 1798
CompositionSeries, 284
for Permutation Groups, 465
CompositionSubgroup, 555
Concatenation, 597
of lists, 597
of strings, 621
ConcatenationString, 621
conductor, 404
ConferenceCode, 1163
Congruences, 915
Conjugacy Class Records, 300
Conjugacy Classes, 297
ConjugacyClass, 298
ConjugacyClasses, 298, 1597, 1705
for ag groups, 533
for matrix groups, 668
ConjugacyClassesSubgroups, 300
ConjugacyClassSubgroups, 307
ConjugacySet, 1651
of a group, 331
of a group element, 268
of a word, 477
Conjugate Subgroup
of Permutation Group, 463
ConjugateAMat, 1377
ConjugateARep, 1397
ConjugatedCrystGroup, 1039
ConjugatePartition, 1345
ConjugatePresentation, 1846
Conjugates, 263
for finite fields, 430
for gaussians, 398
INDEX 1891
of a field element, Galois, 263
ConjugateSubgroup, 277
for ag groups, 531
ConjugateSubgroups, 310
ConjugateTableau, 1350
ConjugationCat1, 1509
ConjugationGroupHomomorphism, 326
ConjugationPermReps, 1416
ConjugationTransitiveMonReps, 1416
ConjugationXMod, 1491
ConnectedComponent, 1122
ConnectedComponents, 1123
ConsiderKernels, 916
ConsiderSmallerPowermaps, 916
ConsiderTableAutomorphisms, 919
ConstantWeightSubcode, 1184
Construction of Ag Groups, 528
Construction of braids, 1648
Construction of Hecke elements of the T
basis, 1667
Construction of Hecke module elements
of the MT basis, 1697
Construction of Hecke module elements
of the primed MC basis, 1698
Construction of Special Ag Groups, 577
ConstructionBCode, 1182
ConstructivelyRecogniseClassical, 1250
ContainedCharacters, 904
ContainedDecomposables, 903
ContainedMaps, 909
ContainedPossibleCharacters, 905
ContainedPossibleVirtualCharacters, 905
ContainedSpecialVectors, 904
Contents of the matrix package, 1233
Contents of the Table Libraries, 927
Control parameters, 1220
Conventions for Character Tables, 841
ConversionFieldCode, 1183
a finite field element to an integer,
permutation to transformation, 1469
relation to transformation, 1462
to a list, 584
to a set, 608
to a string, 621
to an integer, 364
transformation to permutation, 1470
transformation to relation, 1462
Converting AMats, 1380
Converting AReps, 1407
ConwayPolynomial, 440
CoordinateNorm, 1212
CoprimeComplement, 570
Copy, 801
an object, 801, 802
Copyright of GAP for Mac/OSX, 977
Copyright of GAP for Windows, 970
CordaroWagnerCode, 1170
Core, 277
CorrespondingAutomorphism, 1310
Coset, 311
for Permutation Groups, 464
double, 316
left, 314, 315
right, 311, 312
CosetCode, 1183
for Permutation Groups, 464
double, 315
left, 314
right, 311
Cosets of Subgroups, 310
CosetTableFpGroup, 488
CosPi, 1441
Counting and enumerating irreducible
words, 1223
counting and enumerating irreducible
words, 1223
CoveringGroup, 1030
CoveringRadius, 1202
Coxeter cosets, 1711
Coxeter groups, 1563
CoxeterCoset, 1714, 1728
CoxeterElements, 1572
CoxeterGroup, 1595, 1603, 1728
CoxeterGroup (extended form), 1603
CoxeterGroupByCartanMatrix, 1567
CoxeterGroupByCoxeterMatrix, 1567
CoxeterGroupSymmetricGroup, 1565
CoxeterLength, 1570
1892 INDEX
CoxeterMatrix, 1567
CoxeterSubCoset, 1715
CoxeterWord, 1570
CoxeterWords, 1572
CreateHeckeBasis, 1672
CreateHeckeModuleBasis, 1699
Creating a rewriting system, 1218
CriticalPair, 1687
cross product of lists, 598
CrystalizedDecompositionMatrix, 1323
Crystallographic Groups, 1036
crystallographic groups, 705
CrystGap–The Crystallographic Groups
Package, 1035
CrystGroup, 1038
conjugated, 1039
other functions, 1044
Cut, 1848
Cycle, 337
CycleLength, 337
CycleLengths, 339
Cycles, 338
CyclesSignedPerm, 1804
CyclicCodes, 1176
CyclicExtensionsTom, 827
CyclicGroup, 672
for ag groups, 534
CyclicGroup for Ag Groups, 536
cyclotomic field elements, 385
Cyclotomic Field Records, 403
Cyclotomic Hecke algebras, 1655
Cyclotomic Integers, 386
Cyclotomic polynomials, 1791
CyclotomicCosets, 1201
CyclotomicModP, 1852
CyclotomicPolynomial, 440
Cyclotomics, 385
CycPol, 1792
CycPolFakeDegreeSymbol, 1801
CycPolGenericDegreeSymbol, 1800
CycPolUnipotentDegrees, 1737
D Classes for Transformation Monoids,
DadeGroup, 716
DadeGroupNumbersZClass, 716
data type
unknown, 419
DCE, 1058
DCE Presentations, 1054
DCE Words, 1054
DCEColAdj, 1066
DCEColAdjSingle, 1067
DCEHOrbits, 1067
DCEPerm, 1059
DCEPerms, 1059
DCERead, 1059
DCESetup, 1059
DCEWrite, 1059
DClass, 1450
DClasses, 1450
DCT, 1430
DCT I, 1432
DCT IV, 1431
DEC, 880
DecimalLog, 1845
Decode, 1159
DecodeTree, 515
DecomPoly, 416
DecomposedFixedPointVector, 823
DecomposedMat, 1785
Decomposition, 880
of polynomials, 416
decomposition matrix, 880
Decomposition numbers of Hecke
algebras of type A, 1313
DecompositionInt, 882
DecompositionMatrix, 1322, 1597
TeX, 1323
DecompositionMatrixMatrix, 1333
DecompositionMonRep, 1422
DecompositionNumber, 1324
Decreased, 901
default field
for cyclotomics, 404
default functions, 228
default ring
for cyclotomic integers, 405
DefaultField, 258
for algebraic extensions, 414
DefaultField and Field for Cyclotomics,
INDEX 1893
DefaultRing, 242
DefaultRing and Ring for Cyclotomic
Integers, 405
defect, 416
DefectApproximation, 416
DefectSymbol, 1799
Defining near-rings with known
multiplication table, 1106
Degree, 437, 1827
of a finite field element, 427
Degree for class functions, 947
Degree for elements of Grothendieck
rings, 1863
Degree of a Relation, 1458
Degree of a Transformation, 1468
Degree of a Transformation Monoid, 1472
DegreeFFE, 427
DegreeMon, 1364
DegreeOperation, 341
DeligneLusztigCharacter, 1738
DeligneLusztigLefschetz, 1740
Delta, 957
Denominator, 380
of a rational, 380
Depth, 521
Derangements, 811
DerivationImage, 1523
DerivationImages, 1523
all, 1526
regular, 1525
DerivationSection, 1528
DerivationsSorted, 1526
DerivationTable, 1526
Derivative, 439, 1829
DerivedSeries, 283
for ag groups, 532
DerivedSubgroup, 278
for character tables, 840
DescribeInvolution, 1599
integer matrix, 662
Determinant for characters, 947
Determinant of an integer matrix, 662
DeterminantAMat, 1385
DeterminantMat, 653
DeterminantMon, 1365
DetPerm, 1625
DFT, 1429
DFTAMat, 1375
DHT, 1430
Diaconis-Graham normal form, 662
DiagonalAMat, 1374
DiagonalizeIntMat, 661
DiagonalizeMat, 655
DiagonalMat, 652
DiagonalOfMat, 652
Diameter, 1118
Dictionary, 1774
Difference, 237
of algebra elements, 736
of boolean lists, 616
of gaussians, 396
of list and algebra element, 736
of records, 797
DifferenceAgWord, 523
DifferenceBlist, 616
DifferenceMultiSet, 1773
Digits, 1851
DihedralGroup, 673
Dimension, 359
of vector space, 359
of vector space, 629
Dimension for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
Dimensions for MeatAxe matrices, 1287
DimensionsLoewyFactors, 287
DimensionsMat, 651
direct product, 851
DirectedEdges, 1117
DirectProduct, 318
for ag groups, 534
for groups, 319
for Permutation Groups, 467
for xmods, 1498
DirectProduct for Ag Groups, 537
DirectProduct for crossed modules, 1498
DirectProduct for Groups, 319
DirectProductCode, 1186
DirectProductPermGroupCentre, 467
1894 INDEX
DirectSumAMat, 1377
DirectSumARep, 1398
DirectSumCode, 1185
DirectSummandsPermutedMat, 1442
DirectSumMon, 1366
DirectSumPerm, 1443
discrete logarithm
of a finite field element, 428
Discrete Signal Transforms, 1429
DiscreteCosineTransform, 1430
DiscreteCosineTransformI, 1432
DiscreteCosineTransformIV, 1431
DiscreteFourierTransform, 1429
DiscreteHartleyTransform, 1430
Discriminant, 439, 1589
Discy, 1835
dispatcher functions, 228
Dispatchers, 228
Dispersal, 1846
Display, 1161
for character tables, 840
Display a Transformation Monoid, 1478
Display for MeatAxe matrices, 1287
Display for MeatAxe Permutations, 1289
Display for presentations, 1841
DisplayCayleyTable for groups, 1100
DisplayCayleyTable for near-rings, 1090
DisplayCayleyTable for semigroups, 1080
DisplayCharTable, 862
DisplayCrystalFamily, 708
DisplayCrystalSystem, 709
DisplayImfInvariants, 698
DisplayInformationPerfectGroups, 691
DisplayMat, 1278
DisplayMatRecord, 1271
DisplayQClass, 709
DisplaySpaceGroupGenerators, 717
DisplaySpaceGroupType, 717
DisplayTom, 824
DisplayTransformation, 1077
DisplayZClass, 713
Distance, 1118
DistanceCodeword, 1143
DistanceGraph, 1125
DistancesDistribution, 1156
DistanceSet, 1123
DistanceSetInduced, 1124
DistinctRepresentatives, 1552
distinguished, 1557
DistributiveElements, 1094
Distributors, 1094
of an integer, 371
DivisorsInt, 371
Dixon Schneider, 843
DixonInit, 846
DixonSplit, 847
DixontinI, 847
DnLattice, 902
DnLatticeIterative, 902
do, 208
Domain, 231
Domain Functions for Codes, 1149
Domain Functions for Number Fields,
domain record
for right cosets, 313
Domain Records, 228
Domains, 227
Dominates, 815
Double Coset Enumeration, 1049
Double Coset Enumeration and
Symmetric Presentations, 1068
Double Coset Records, 317
DoubleCoset, 316
DoubleCosetGroupOps, 316
DoubleCosets, 315
doublequotes, 619
DrinfeldDouble, 1744
Dual, 1604
Dual for root Data, 1604
DualBraid, 1650
DualBraidMonoid, 1649
DualCode, 1183
DualGModule, 1272
DualMatGroupSagGroup, 580
E, 385
EAbacus, 1343
EB, 390
EC, 390
ECore, 1343
ED, 390
EdgeGraph, 1126
INDEX 1895
EdgeOrbitsGraph, 1111
Edit, 226
EE, 390
EF, 390
EG, 390
EH, 390
EI, 390
EigenspaceProjector, 1751
Eigenspaces and d-Harish-Chandra
series, 1749
Eigenvalues, 883, 1742
EigenvaluesMat, 1785
EJ, 390
EK, 390
EL, 390
ElementAlgebra, 745
Elementary functions on rewriting
systems, 1219
ElementaryAbelianGroup, 672
for ag groups, 534
ElementaryAbelianGroup for Ag Groups,
ElementaryAbelianSeries, 284
for ag groups, 532
for character tables, 840
for Permutation Groups, 465
ElementaryDivisorsMat, 656
ElementOfOrder, 1278
ElementOrdersPowermap, 924
ElementRowSpace, 642
Elements, 232, 1568, 1597
for ag groups, 529
for cat1-groups, 1510
for Conjugacy Classes, 299
for conjugacy classes of subgroups,
for double cosets, 317
for finite fields, 429
for finitely presented groups, 485
for groups, 329
for Permutation Groups, 463
for right cosets, 312
for Transformation Monoids, 1473
for vector spaces, 357
for xmods, 1496
of a D class of transformations, 1477
of a Green class, 1451
of an H class of transformations,
of an L class of transformations,
of an R class of transformations,
of a domain, 232
Elements for Ag Groups, 530
Elements for cat1-groups, 1510
Elements for crossed modules, 1496
Elements for Groups, 330
Elements for near-rings, 1090
Elements for semigroups, 1080
Elements of finite dimensional algebras,
Elements of Finitely Presented Algebras,
ElementsCode, 1162
ElementWithCharPol, 1278
ElementWithInversions, 1599
elif, 206
EliminatedWord, 480
else, 206
EltBraid, 1647, 1651
EltWord, 1570, 1578
EM, 390
into direct products, 318
into semidirect products, 320
embeddings of lattices, 898
EmptyRelation, 1457
end, 209
EndomorphismClasses, 1547
EndomorphismImages, 1548
Endomorphisms for groups, 1101
Endomorphisms for near-rings, 1091
Enlarging Lists, 591
EnumerateRWS, 1223
Environment, 215
environment, 209
for field homomorphisms, 265
of ag words, 520
of algebra elements, 736
of amats, 1380
of areps, 1403
of gaussians, 395
1896 INDEX
of group elements, 268
of group homomorphisms, 325
of monoid elements, 1446
of mons, 1361
of records, 795
of relations, 1458
of transformations, 1467
EquivalenceClasses, 1462
EQuotient, 1344
ER, 390
ERegularPartitions, 1345
ERegulars, 1347
EResidueDiagram, 1341
Error, 217
syntax, 215
ES, 390
ET, 390
ETopLadder, 1345
EU, 390
EuclideanDegree, 249
for gaussians, 398
for polynomials, 442, 444
EuclideanQuotient, 250
for gaussians, 398
for polynomials, 442
EuclideanRemainder, 249
for gaussians, 398
for polynomials, 442
EulerianFunction, 288
Eulers totient function, 374
EV, 390
evalf, 1809
EvaluateRelation, 1271
evaluation, 200
EvenWeightSubcode, 1178
EW, 390
EWeight, 1344
EX, 390
Example Functions, 676
Example of DCE Functions, 1059
Example of DCEColAdj, 1067
Example of Double Coset Enumeration
Strategies, 1062
Example, normal closure, 571
Examples, 1240
Examples of DCE and Symmetric
Presentations, 1069
Examples of Double Coset Enumeration,
Examples of Generic Character Tables,
Examples of the ATLAS format for GAP
tables, 933
Examples of Vector Enumeration, 1354
Exec, 226
execution, 204
ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius, 1205
Exp, 1811
Expand, 1660
ExpIPi, 1441
Exponent, 288
for character tables, 840
of the prime residue group, 374
ExponentAgWord, 525
Exponents, 560
ExponentsAgWord, 525
ExponentsPermSolvablePermGroup, 466
ExponentSumWord, 479
Expressions, 200
ExpurgatedCode, 1179
ExtendedBinaryGolayCode, 1168
ExtendedCode, 1177
ExtendedDirectSumCode, 1209
ExtendedIntersectionSumAgGroup, 563
ExtendedReflectionGroup, 1600
ExtendedTernaryGolayCode, 1168
ExtendPCQA, 1301
ExtendStabChain, 458
Extension Element Records, 415
ExtensionARep, 1401
ExtensionAutomorphism, 414
Extensions to GUAVA, 1201
ExteriorPower, 1787
Extract, 900
Extraction Functions, 677
ExtraSpecialDecomposition, 1268
EY, 390
for xmods, 1503
Factor crossed module, 1503
factor group
INDEX 1897
table of, 849
Factor Groups of Ag Groups, 553
FactorArg, 554
FactorGroup, 281
for ag groups, 554
FactorGroup for AgGroups, 554
FactorGroupElement, 282
Factorial, 805
Factorization, 288
of an integer, 370
Factorization for PQp, 547
FactorizedSchurElement, 1659
FactorizedSchurElements, 1658
FactorizeQuadraticForm, 1831
Factors, 248
for gaussians, 398
for polynomials, 443, 445
FactorsAgGroup, 560
FactorsInt, 370
Faithful Permutation Characters, 895
FakeDegree, 1624
FakeDegrees, 1623
Families of unipotent characters, 1741
FamiliesClassical, 1744
Family, 1742
FamilyImprimitive, 1744
fast Fourier transform, 1423
under UNIX, 967
under Windows, 974
Features of GAP for Mac/OSX, 977
Features of GAP for UNIX, 967
Features of GAP for Windows, 974
FFList, 738
fi, 206
Fibonacci, 816
Field, 258
for algebraic extensions, 414
cyclotomic, 403
finite, 423
for cyclotomics, 404
galois, 423
number, 402
Field Extensions, 411
Field functions for Algebraic Extensions,
Field Functions for Finite Fields, 430
Field Functions for Gaussian Rationals,
Field Functions for Rationals, 382
Field Homomorphisms, 264
field homomorphisms
Frobenius, 429
of algebraic extensions, 414
Field Records, 266
FieldGenCentMat, 1266
Fields, 257
Fields over Subfields, 259
append to a, 224
load a, 222
load a library, 223
log input to a, 224
log to a, 224
print to a, 223
read a, 222
read a library, 223
FileNameCharTable, 940
Filtered, 600
an element in a list, 594
an element in a sorted list, 595
FindGroup, 1092
FindRoots, 1848
Fingerprint, 750
Fingerprint for MeatAxe Matrix
Algebras, 1290
FinishFundamentalGroup, 1824
Finite Field Elements, 423
Finite Fields, 423
Finite Polycyclic Groups, 527
Finite Reflection Groups, 1577
Finite-dimensional algebras over fields,
Finitely Presented Algebras, 739
Finitely Presented Groups, 483
finiteness test
for domains, 234
FireCode, 1175
First, 601
FirstClassPQp, 546
FirstCohomologyDimension, 1030
1898 INDEX
FirstLeftDescending, 1569
FirstNameCharTable, 940
FittingSubgroup, 278
for character tables, 840
FixedSubmodule, 759
Flat, 597
Floor, 381
Fock space, 1320
FollowMonodromy, 1837
For, 208
for, 208
for loop, 208
ForAll, 600
ForAny, 601
ForEachCoxeterWord, 1574
ForEachElement, 1574
Format, 1783
Format of Sections, 219
FormatGAP, 1783
FormatLaTeX, 1783
FormatMaple, 1783
FormatTable, 1782
FormatTeX, 1783
Fourier, 1742
Fourier transform, 1406, 1423
FpAlgebra, 741
for ag groups, 534
for CrystGroups, 1039
for point groups, 1039
for space groups, 719
FpGroup for Ag Groups, 539
FpGroup for CrystGroups, 1039
FpGroup for point groups, 1039
FpGroupPresentation, 492
FpGroupQClass, 710
FpGroupToRWS, 1218
FpPair, 1550
Frame, 887
FrattiniSubgroup, 279
for character tables, 840
Free Modules, 754
FreeAlgebra, 740
FreeGroup, 484
Frobenius, 1607, 1648, 1670, 1719, 1737
Frobenius group, 679
Frobenius Schur indicator, 883
FrobeniusAutomorphism, 429
ftp, 965
full relation monoid, 1455
full transformation monoid, 1472
FullTransMonoid, 1472
function, 209
Function Calls, 202
Functions, 209
Functions and operations for
FactorizedSchurElements, 1659
Functions depending on nauty, 1132
Functions for AMats, 1383
Functions for Analyzing Double Coset
Tables, 1066
Functions for Character Tables, 840
Functions for Class Functions, 947
Functions for CycPols, 1792
Functions for finite reflection groups,
Functions for Finitely Presented
Algebras, 742
Functions for general Coxeter groups,
Functions for LeftCells, 1689
Functions for Matrices and
Permutations, 1441
Functions for Matrix Algebras, 748
Functions for MeatAxe Matrices, 1287
Functions for MeatAxe Matrix Algebras,
Functions for MeatAxe Matrix Groups,
Functions for MeatAxe Permutations,
Functions for Posets, 1816
Functions for Quotient Spaces, 644
Functions for Reflection cosets, 1704
Functions for reflection subgroups, 1630
Functions for Row Modules, 758
Functions for Row Space Cosets, 643
Functions for Row Spaces, 637
Functions on Coxeter cosets, 1716
Functions to construct and modify
graphs, 1110
Functions to construct new graphs from
old, 1124
INDEX 1899
Functions to determine regularity
properties of graphs, 1120
Functions to inspect graphs, vertices and
edges, 1115
Functions to test finiteness and
integrality, 1135
FundamentalGroup, 1605, 1822
FundamentalGroup for algebraic groups,
Further Information, 1032
store, 870
fusion map
get, 869
fusion of classes, 856
FusionAlgebra, 1747
FusionCharTableTom, 826
FusionConjugacyClasses, 871, 1597, 1705
for character tables, 840
fusions, 913
FusionsAllowedByRestrictions, 920
Gabidulin codes, 1211
Gain Group Representation, 1053
Galois, 390, 416
galois automorphism, 389, 390
galois conjugate
unique, 392
galois conjugate characters, 393
Galois conjugates
of a field element, 263
galois conjugation, 389, 390
galois field, 423
Galois group
of a field, 260
of an extension field, 413
GaloisConjugateAMat, 1379
GaloisConjugateARep, 1402
GaloisCyc, 389
GaloisField, 428
GaloisGroup, 260
for finite fields, 430
GaloisGroup for Extension Fields, 413
GaloisGroup for Number Fields, 406
GaloisMat, 393
GaloisMon, 1366
GaloisType, 416
GAP for Mac/OSX, 977
GAP for UNIX, 966
GAP for Windows, 970
gap.rc, 974
GAPChars, 872
GapObject, 1282
Garside and braid monoids and groups,
GarsideAlpha, 1645
GarsideWords, 1643
Gaussians, 395
Gcd, 252
for polynomials, 443, 444
GcdPartitions, 1814
GcdRepresentation, 253
GeneralFourierTransform, 1406
Generalized Solomon algebras, 1865
GeneralizedCodeNorm, 1213
GeneralizedSolomonAlgebra, 1865
GeneralizedSrivastavaCode, 1169
GeneralLinearGroup, 674
GeneralOrthogonalGroup, 1274
GeneralUnitaryGroup, 674
Generating Cyclic Codes, 1171
Generating Linear Codes, 1166
Generating Systems of Ag Groups, 550
Generating Unrestricted Codes, 1162
of the prime residue group, 375, 376
GeneratorMat, 1151
GeneratorMatCode, 1166
GeneratorPol, 1152
GeneratorPolCode, 1171
of Galois group, 405
GeneratorsPrimeResidues, 405
Generic Character Tables, 875
generic character tables, 842, 927
GenericDegrees, 1682
GenericOrder, 1587, 1706
GenericParameters, 1261
GeodesicsGraph, 1128
GetFusionMap, 869
GetRoot, 1775, 1810
Getting and Installing GAP, 965
1900 INDEX
Getting Character Tables, 842
Getting GAP, 965
GF, 428
Girth, 1119
GlobalParameters, 1121
GModule, 1235
GoodCoxeterWord, 1649
GoodNodeLatticePath, 1340
GoodNodes, 1338
GoodNodeSequence, 1339
GoodNodeSequences, 1339
GoppaCode, 1168
GradedOrbit, 1484
grading, 1481
Grape, 1109
GRAPE Package, 994
Graph, 1110
GrayMat, 1194
GreedyCode, 1165
Green, 1083
Green Class Records, 1451
Green Classes, 1448
GRIM (Groups of Rational and Integer
Matrices), 1135
GrothendieckRing, 1863
Group, 272
for ag groups, 531
Group Constructions, 318
Group Elements, 268
Group for Ag Groups, 535
Group for MeatAxe Matrices, 1287
Group Functions for Ag Groups, 531
Group Functions for Finitely Presented
Groups, 485
Group Functions for Matrix Groups, 668
Group Functions for Permutation
Groups, 463
Group Homomorphisms, 323
group homomorphisms
by images, 327
conjugation, 326
inner, 327
natural, 326
operation, 349
Group Libraries, 671
Group Presentations, 495
Group Records, 332
GroupAlgebra, 1862
GroupHomomorphismByImages, 327
for permutation groups, 468
GroupId, 294
Groups, 267
GroupWithGenerators, 1392
GUAVA, 1137
H Classes for Transformation Monoids,
Specht, 1323
HaarTransform, 1434
HadamardCode, 1162
HadamardMat, 1195
HallConjugatingWordAgGroup, 571
HallSubgroup, 556
HammingCode, 1167
Hasse, 1815
HasseDiagram, 1462
HClass, 1450
HClasses, 1451
of a D class of transformations, 1478
of an L class of transformations,
of an R class of transformations,
Hecke, 1656, 1665, 1669, 1727
Specht, 1316
Hecke algebras
crystal decomposition matrix, 1323
decomposition matrix, 1322
Hecke cosets, 1727
Hecke elements of the Cbasis, 1692
Hecke elements of the Dbasis, 1693
Hecke elements of the primed Cbasis,
Hecke elements of the primed Dbasis,
Hecke for Coxeter cosets, 1727
Hecke for Coxeter groups, 1665
HeckeCentralMonomials, 1661
HeckeCharValues, 1662, 1671
HeckeCharValues for cyclotomic Hecke
algebras, 1662
HeckeCharValuesGood, 1683
HeckeClassPolynomials, 1671
INDEX 1901
HeckeReflectionRepresentation, 1678
HeckeSubAlgebra, 1667
Help, 219
abbreviating, 221
browsing, 220
format, 219
index, 221
redisplaying, 221
scrolling, 219
Help Index, 221
Hermann-Mauguin symbol, 709
HermiteNormalFormIntegerMat, 659
Higher Functions for AReps, 1409
HighestPowerFakeDegrees, 1624
HighestPowerGenericDegrees, 1625, 1660
HighestPowerGenericDegrees for
cyclotomic Hecke algebras, 1660
HighestShortRoot, 1598
HirschLength, 1302
HomGModule, 1239
Homomorphisms, 781
by images, group, 327
conjugation, group, 326
Frobenius, field, 429
inner, group, 327
natural, group, 326
of algebras, 735
of fields, 264
of groups, 323
of monoids, 1452
operation, group, 349
Homomorphisms for Permutation
Groups, 468
HookLengthDiagram, 1342
HorizontalConversionFieldMat, 1198
How to Extend a Table Library, 939
How to find near-rings with certain
properties, 1103
HT, 1434
HyperplaneOrbits, 1585
ICCTable, 1760
ideal decomposition, 416
Ideals, 1858
IdempotentElements for near-rings, 1095
IdempotentElements for semigroups,
IdempotentImages, 1548
Idempotents, 1452, 1860
Idempotents for finite dimensional
algebras, 1860
IdempotentsTom, 827
Identical Lists, 589
Identical Records, 793
Identifiers, 200
Identity for near-rings, 1093
Identity for semigroups, 1081
IdentityAMat, 1373
IdentityMapping, 778
IdentityMat, 650
IdentityMatAMat, 1372
IdentityMonAMat, 1372
IdentityPermAMat, 1371
IdentityRelation, 1457
IdentitySubCat1, 1518
IdentitySubXMod, 1501
IdentityTransformation, 1075, 1466
IdGroup, 721
IdWord, 475
If, 206
if, 206
if statement, 206
Igs, 552
Im, 1440
Image, 770
for a derivation, 1523
for blocks homomorphisms, 470
for field homomorphisms, 265
for Frobenius automorphisms, 429
for group homomorphisms, 325
for GroupHomomorphismByImages,
for GroupHomomorphismByImages
for permutation groups, 469
for OperationHomomorphism, 349
for transitive constituent
homomorphisms, 469
for xmod morphisms, 1503
of set under relation, 1459
1902 INDEX
under relation, 1459
under transformation, 1468
Image for a crossed module morphism,
Image of a Transformation, 1469
ImageARep, 1403
ImageAutomorphismDerivation, 1536
Images, 772
for a derivation, 1523
for field homomorphisms, 265
for group homomorphisms, 325
ImagesRepresentative, 773
for GroupHomomorphismByImages,
ImagesTransMonoid, 1473
ImaginaryUnit, 1440
ImfInvariants, 700
ImfMatGroup, 701
ImfNumberQClasses, 697
ImfNumberQZClasses, 697
ImfNumberZClasses, 697
ImprimitiveWreathProduct, 1273
In, 593
for ag groups, 529
for algebraic Elements, 412
for Conjugacy Classes, 300
for conjugacy classes of subgroups,
for D class of transformations, 1478
for domains, 234
for finite fields, 429
for finitely presented groups, 485
for gaussians, 397
for Green classes, 1451
for H class of transformations, 1475
for L class of transformations, 1477
for matrix groups, 667
for R class of transformations, 1476
for records, 798
for Transformation Monoids, 1474
In for Records, 798
Incidence, 1815
IncludeIrreducibles, 847
InclusionMorphism, 1546
for cat1-groups, 1518
for groups, 1546
for xmods, 1501
InclusionMorphism for cat1-groups, 1518
InclusionMorphism for crossed modules,
IndependentLines, 1788
IndependentSet, 1124
Indeterminate, 433
Indeterminateness, 912
Index, 289
for finitely presented groups, 486
Indicator, 883
Indirected, 923
Induced, 890
for character tables, 841
InducedAction, 1266
InducedCat1, 1544
InducedCyclic, 890
InducedDecompositionMatrix, 1329
InducedGModule, 1272
InducedLinearForm, 1762
InducedModule, 1325
InducedSubgraph, 1124
InducedXMod, 1542
InductionARep, 1400
InductionTable, 1705, 1777
Inequalities, 893
Inequivalent colorings of space groups,
InertiaSubgroup, 951
Inflated, 889
InfoLattice1, 306
Informational Messages from DCE, 1058
Inherit, 1774
InitClassesCharTable, 859
InitFusion, 917
initialize classlengths, 859
InitPowermap, 914
InitPQp, 546
InitPseudoRandom, 1276
InitSQ, 549
for xmods, 1539
InnerActor for crossed modules, 1539
InnerAutomorphism, 327
for xmods, 1493, 1504
InnerAutomorphism of a crossed module,
INDEX 1903
InnerAutomorphismGroup, 1548
for groups, 1548
InnerAutomorphisms, 1102
InnerAutomorphismXMod, 1493
InnerConjugationARep, 1419
InnerDerivation, 1523
InnerDerivations list, 1524
InnerDistribution, 1155
for xmods, 1538
InnerMorphism for crossed modules, 1538
InnerProduct, 1349
InnerTensorProductARep, 1398
Input format, 1300
InsertedInductionARep, 1415
installation, 965
under UNIX, 966
under Windows, 971
Installation of GAP for Mac/OSX, 977
Installation of GAP for UNIX, 966
Installation of GAP for Windows, 971
Installing the ANU pq Package, 984
Installing the ANU Sq Package, 992
Installing the DCE Package, 1050
Installing the Glissando Package, 1073
Installing the GRAPE Package, 995
Installing the MeatAxe Package, 998
Installing the NQ Package, 1001
Installing the PCQA Package, 1297
Installing the SISYPHOS Package, 1003
Installing the Vector Enumeration
Package, 1006
Int, 364
IntCyc, 387
integer part of a quotient, 363
Integers, 361
Integral Bases for Number Fields, 407
Integral matrices and lattices, 657
IntegralizedMat, 882
IntermediateGroup, 1605
InterpolatedPolynomial, 440
IntersectBlist, 616
Intersection, 235
for ag groups, 529
for double cosets, 317
for finite fields, 429
for finitely presented groups, 485
for groups, 329
for matrix groups, 667
for Permutation Groups, 463
for right cosets, 313
of vector spaces, 357
of boolean lists, 615, 616
of domains, 235
of sets, 610, 611
Intersection for Ag Groups, 530
Intersection for Groups, 331
Intersection for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
IntersectionBlist, 615
IntersectionCode, 1186
Intersections of Ag Groups, 563
IntersectionsTom, 825
IntersectionSumAgGroup, 564
IntersectSet, 610
IntertwiningNumberARep, 1411
IntertwiningSpaceARep, 1411
IntFFE, 427
IntListToString, 1781
InvariantForm, 1584
InvariantForm for finite reflection groups,
InvariantLattice for rational matrix
groups, 1136
Invariants, 1588
InvariantSubnearrings, 1092
InvDCT, 1431
InvDCT I, 1432
InvDCT IV, 1431
InvDFT, 1430
InvDHT, 1430
of relation, 1459
of transformation, 1468
InverseAMat, 1383
InverseClassesCharTable, 859
InverseDerivations, 1530
InverseDiscreteCosineTransform, 1431
InverseDiscreteCosineTransformI, 1432
InverseDiscreteCosineTransformIV, 1431
InverseDiscreteFourierTransform, 1430
InverseDiscreteHartleyTransform, 1430
InverseHaarTransform, 1434
InverseLittlewoodRichardsonRule, 1341
InverseMap, 908
InverseMapping, 778
1904 INDEX
for GroupHomomorphismByImages,
InverseMatMod, 882
InverseRationalizedHaarTransform, 1434
InverseSlantTransform, 1433
InverseWalshHadamardTransform, 1433
Inversions, 1599
InvertDecompositionMatrix, 1331
InvHT, 1434
InvRHT, 1434
InvST, 1433
InvWHT, 1433
Irr, 951
irrationalities, 385
Irreducible Maximal Finite Integral
Matrix Groups, 696
irreducible maximal finite integral matrix
groups, 696
IrreducibleDifferences, 888
IrreducibleSolvableGroup, 688
IsAbelian, 289
for character tables, 841
IsAbelian for finite dimensional algebras,
IsAbsolutelyIrreducible, 1236
IsAbsolutelyIrreducible for MeatAxe
Modules, 1291
IsAbstractAffineNearring, 1095
IsAffineCode, 1215
IsAgGroup, 539
IsAgWord, 522
IsAlgebra, 727
IsAlgebraElement, 737, 1856
IsAlgebraElement for finite dimensional
algebras, 1856
IsAlgebraicElement, 415
IsAlgebraicExtension, 412
IsAlmostAffineCode, 1215
IsAMat, 1371
IsAntisymmetric, 1461
IsAspherical, 1497
IsAssociated, 246
for gaussians, 398
IsAssociative for finite dimensional
algebras, 1856
IsAutomorphism, 784
for crossed modules, 1500
IsAutomorphismGroup, 1549
IsAutomorphismPair, 1549
IsAutomorphismXMod, 1497
IsAvailableNormalForm, 1219
IsAvailableReductionRWS, 1219
IsBijection, 766
IsBipartite, 1119
IsBlist, 614
IsBool, 789
IsBooleanNearring, 1095
IsBound, 800
IsCat1, 1508
IsCat1Morphism, 1514
IsCentral, 289
IsCentralExtension, 1497
IsCharacter, 950
IsCharTable, 839
IsClassFunction, 950
IsCode, 1146
IsCodeword, 1140
IsColorGroup, 1045
IsCommonTransversal, 1552
IsCommutative for near-rings, 1096
IsCommutative for semigroups, 1081
IsCommutativeRing, 244
IsCompatiblePCentralSeries, 1307
IsCompleteGraph, 1120
IsComplex, 1808
IsConfluentRWS, 1219
IsConjugacyClass, 299
IsConjugacyClassSubgroups, 307
IsConjugate, 290
IsConjugation for crossed modules, 1496
IsConnectedGraph, 1119
IsConsistent, 540
IsCoordinateAcceptable, 1212
IsCoset, 312
IsCrystGroup, 1038
IsCyc, 387
IsCycInt, 387
IsCyclic, 290
for ag groups, 533
for character tables, 841
IsCyclic for Ag Groups, 535
IsCyclicCode, 1147
IsCyclicTom, 826
IsCyclotomicField, 402
IsCycPol, 1792
IsDClass, 1450
INDEX 1905
IsDecimal, 1811
IsDerivation, 1523
IsDgNearring, 1096
IsDiagMon, 1364
IsDiagonal, 1278
IsDiagonalMat, 651
IsDistanceRegular, 1121
IsDistributiveNearring, 1094
IsDoubleCoset, 316
IsECore, 1344
IsEdge, 1117
IsElementAgSeries, 559
IsElementaryAbelian, 290
IsElementaryAbelianAgSeries, 541
IsEndomorphism, 784
for crossed modules, 1500
IsEpimorphism, 783
for crossed modules, 1500
IsEqualSet, 608
IsEquivalence, 1462
IsEquivalent, 1158
IsEquivalent for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
IsEquivalent for Row Modules, 758
IsEquivalentARep, 1404
IsEquivalentOperation, 353
IsERegular, 1345
IsEuclideanRing, 245
IsEvenInt, 365
IsExtensionField, 1261
IsFaithfulARep, 1406
IsFamily, 1743
IsFFE, 426
IsField, 257
IsFieldHomomorphism, 264
IsFinite, 234
for ag groups, 533
for double cosets, 317
for right cosets, 312
for vector spaces, 357
IsFinite for rational matrix groups, 1135
IsFiniteDeterministic for integer matrix
groups, 1136
IsFixpoint, 340
IsFixpointFree, 341
IsFpAlgebra, 741
IsFpAlgebraElement, 743
IsFpPair, 1551
IsFreeModule, 757
IsGaussInt, 397
IsGaussRat, 397
IsGeneralMapping, 764
IsGeneric, 1261
IsGenericNearlySimple, 1261
IsGModule, 1236
IsGraph, 1115
IsGriesmerCode, 1216
IsGroup, 273
IsGroupElement, 269
IsGroupHomomorphism, 323
IsGroupTransformation, 1075
IsHClass, 1450
IsHomomorphism, 781
for fields, 264
for groups, 323
IsIdentical, 591
IsIdenticalPresentationFpGroup, 489
IsIdentityMat, 1381
IsInjective, 765
for field homomorphisms, 265
for group homomorphisms, 324
IsInStandardForm, 1197
IsInt, 364
IsIntegralNearring, 1096
IsIntegralRing, 244
IsIrreducible, 248
for gaussians, 398
IsIrreducible for GModules, 1236
IsIrreducible for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
IsIrreducible for Row Modules, 759
IsIrreducibleARep, 1405
IsIsolated, 1610
IsIsolated for Coxeter cosets, 1726
IsIsomorphic, 1308
IsIsomorphicGraph, 1132
IsIsomorphicGroup, 1102
IsIsomorphicPGroup, 1017
IsIsomorphism, 783
for crossed modules, 1500
IsJoinLattice, 1817
IsLatinSquare, 1199
IsLaurentPolynomialRing, 442
IsLClass, 1449
IsLeftCoset, 315
IsLeftDescending, 1569
IsLinearCode, 1146
IsList, 584
1906 INDEX
IsLoopy, 1116
IsLowerTriangularMat, 652
IsMapping, 764
for GroupHomomorphismByImages,
for GroupHomomorphismByImages
for permutation groups, 468
IsMat, 649
IsMatAlgebra, 748
IsMDSCode, 1157
IsMeatAxeMat, 1285
IsMeatAxePerm, 1288
IsMeetLattice, 1817
IsMinimalNonmonomial, 963
IsModule, 756
IsMon, 1363
IsMonMat, 1381
IsMonoid, 1448
IsMonoidElement, 1447
for characters, 962
for group orders, 962
for groups, 962
IsMonomorphism, 782
for crossed modules, 1500
IsMonRep, 1408
IsMvp, 1830
IsNearfield, 1098
IsNearring, 1089
IsNewIndecomposable, 1329
IsNilNearring, 1095
IsNilpotent, 291
for ag group, 533
for character tables, 841
IsNilpotentFreeNearring, 1096
IsNilpotentNearring, 1096
IsNormal, 291
for ag groups, 533
for xmods, 1502
IsNormal for Ag Groups, 536
IsNormalCode, 1213
IsNormalExtension, 413
IsNormalized, 552
IsNormalizing, 1788
IsNormalSubXMod, 1502
IsNrMultiplication, 1086
IsNullGraph, 1120
IsNumberField, 402
isoclinic table, 853
IsOddInt, 365
IsomorphismGModule, 1239
IsomorphismPcpStandardPcp, 1016
Isomorphisms, 1309
IsomorphismType, 1581
IsParent, 271
IsPartialOrder, 1461
IsPerfect, 292
for ag group, 533
IsPerfectCode, 1156
IsPerm, 449
IsPermChar, 892
IsPermGroup, 453
IsPermMat, 1381
IsPermMon, 1363
IsPermRep, 1407
IsPlanarNearring, 1098
IsPNilpotent, 559
IsPolynomial, 434
IsPolynomialRing, 441
IsPpdElement, 1276
IsPreOrder, 1461
IsPrime, 248
for gaussians, 398
IsPrimeInt, 369
IsPrimeNearring, 1097
IsPrimePowerInt, 369
IsPrimitive, 350
IsPrimitive for Characters, 959
IsPrimitive for GModules, 1237
IsPrimitiveMonRep, 1412
IsPrimitiveRootMod, 375
IsQuasiIsolated, 1610
IsQuasiPrimitive, 958
IsQuasiregularNearring, 1097
IsRange, 626
IsRat, 379
IsRatFrac, 1833
IsRClass, 1448
IsRec, 800
IsReducedWordRWS, 1223
IsReflexive, 1459
IsRegular, 343
IsRegular for Crossed Modules, 1525
IsRegularGraph, 1121
IsRegularNearring, 1098
IsRelation, 1457
INDEX 1907
IsRestrictedCharacter, 1410
IsRightCoset, 312
IsRing, 241
for xmods, 1498
IsRModule for crossed modules, 1498
IsRModule for groups, 1494
IsRowSpace, 638
IsRWS, 1219
IsScalar, 1278
IsSection, 1525
IsSelfComplementaryCode, 1215
IsSelfDualCode, 1157
IsSelfOrthogonalCode, 1157
IsSemidirectPair, 1551
IsSemiEchelonBasis, 641
IsSemiGroup, 1447
IsSemigroup, 1079
IsSemiLinear, 1236
IsSemiRegular, 344
for Permutation Groups, 467
IsSet, 608
IsSetTransformation, 1075
IsSimple, 292
for character tables, 841
IsSimple for semigroups, 1082
IsSimpleGraph, 1117
IsSimpleModule, 1336
IsSimplyConnected, 1497
IsSolvable, 292
for character tables, 841
for Permutation Groups, 465
IsSpaceCoset, 643
IsSpaceGroup, 1040
IsString, 623
IsSubalgebra, 728
IsSubgroup, 293
for ag groups, 533
IsSubgroup for Ag Groups, 536
IsSubnormal, 293
IsSubnormallyMonomial, 960
IsSubset, 235
for ag groups, 529
for groups, 329
for sets, 610
IsSubsetBlist, 615
IsSubspace, 357
IsSubXMod, 1501
for character tables, 841
IsSurjective, 765
for field homomorphisms, 265
for group homomorphisms, 325
IsSymmetric, 1460
IsSymmorphicSpaceGroup, 1040
IsTensor, 1237
IsTransformation, 1074, 1468
IsTransformationNearring, 1089
IsTransformationSemigroup, 1079
IsTransitive, 342
IsTransitiveMonRep, 1412
IsTransitiveRel, 1460
IsTransMonoid, 1472
for groups, 294
IsTrivial for Groups, 294
IsTrivialAction, 1497
IsUnipotentElement, 1767
IsUniqueFactorizationRing, 245
IsUnit, 246
for gaussians, 398
for matrix rings, 666
IsUnitalAlgebra, 727
IsUnknown, 420
IsUpperTriangularMat, 652
IsVector, 631
IsVectorSpace, 356
IsVertex, 1115
IsVirtualCharacter, 950
IsWord, 478
IsWyckoffPosition, 1040
IsXMod, 1491
IsXModMorphism, 1499
IsZeroBoundary, 1497
iterate a function over a list, 606
Iterated, 606
Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 1663
Jacobi, 376
JenningsSeries, 284
JInductionTable, 1633
jInductionTable, 1632
jInductionTable for
induction, 1632
JohnsonGraph, 1113
1908 INDEX
Join, 623
Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and bases,
KazhdanLusztigCoefficient, 1688
KazhdanLusztigMue, 1688
KazhdanLusztigPolynomial, 1687
KB, 1222
KBMAG, 1217
kbmag, 1217
kbs, 1443
kbsAMat, 1386
kbsARep, 1420
kbsDecompositionAMat, 1387
kbsDecompositionARep, 1421
Kernel, 785
for blocks homomorphisms, 470
for fields, 265
for groups, 324
for OperationHomomorphism, 349
for xmod morphisms, 1503
Kernel for class functions, 947
Kernel for transformations, 1076
Kernel of a crossed module morphism,
Kernel of a Transformation, 1469
KernelARep, 1405
KernelChar, 882
KernelFieldHomomorphism, 265
KernelGroupHomomorphism, 324
KernelsTransMonoid, 1473
Keywords, 200
Knuth-Bendix, 1222
Krawtchouk, 1200
KrawtchoukMat, 1194
Kronecker product, 851
KroneckerFactors, 1237
KroneckerProduct, 651
KroneckerProduct for MeatAxe matrices,
KroneckerProduct for MeatAxe Modules,
L Classes for Transformation Monoids,
Lambda, 374
Language Symbols, 198
larger prime, 370
LargestMovedPointPerm, 449
LargestPrimeOrderElement, 1278
LargestPrimePowerOrderElement, 1278
last, 215
Lattice, 301
lattice base reduction, 896–898
Lattice for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
LaurentDenominator, 1831
LaurentPolynomialRing, 441
Layers, 1123
LBraidToWord, 1840
LClass, 1449
LClasses, 1449
of a D class of transformations, 1478
Lcm, 253
LcmPartitions, 1814
LeadingCoefficient, 438
LeadingExponent, 522
LeftCell, 1689
LeftCells, 1688
LeftCoset, 314
LeftCosets, 314
LeftDescentSet, 1569
LeftDivisorsSimple, 1647
LeftGcd, 1645
LeftIdeal, 1858
LeftIndecomposableProjectives, 1861
LeftLcm, 1645
for group elements, 269
for group elements, 269
for words, 477
LeftTraces, 1858
Legendre, 376
Length, 586
of a list, 586
of a word, 479
LengthenedCode, 1182
LengthLexicographic, 1346
LengthWord, 479
LenstraBase, 407
Lexical Structure, 198
LexiCode, 1165
Lexicographic, 1346
libraries of character tables, 927
library of character tables, 930, 933, 937
INDEX 1909
library tables, 842, 927
add, 939
generic, 875
LibraryNearring, 1089
LibraryNearringInfo, 1098
LibrarySemigroup, 1084
Line Editing, 217
LinearCombination, 359
in vector space, 359
LinearExtension, 1815
LinearIndependentColumns, 881
LinearOperation, 562
List, 584
for InverseDerivations, 1530
of primes, 369
List Assignment, 587
List Elements, 585
ListBlist, 614
ListERegulars, 1347
ListInnerDerivations, 1524
ListInverseDerivations, 1530
ListPerm, 450
Lists, 583
positionsublist, 597
boolean, 613
ListStabChain, 460
LittlewoodRichardsonRule, 1340
LLL, 898
LLL algorithm
for characters, 898
for Gram matrices, 897
for vectors, 896
LLLReducedBasis, 896
LLLReducedGramMat, 897
a file, 222
a library file, 223
Loading AREP, 1360
Loading GUAVA, 1138
local, 209
locally Garside monoid and Garside
group elements records, 1644
LocalParameters, 1121
LoewyLength, 1859
to a file, 224
log input
to a file, 224
of a finite field element, discrete, 428
logarithm of an integer, 365
LogFFE, 428
logical, 787
logical operations, 788
LogInputTo, 224
LogInt, 365
LogTo, 224
LongestCoxeterElement, 1571
LongestCoxeterWord, 1572
for, 208
read eval print, 215
repeat, 207
while, 207
LoopsAroundPunctures, 1837
LowerBoundMinimumDistance, 1192
LowerCentralSeries, 285
for ag groups, 532
for character tables, 841
LowestPowerFakeDegrees, 1624
LowestPowerGenericDegrees, 1625, 1660,
LowestPowerGenericDegrees for
cyclotomic Hecke algebras, 1660
LowestPowerGenericDegrees for Hecke
algebras, 1682
LowestPowerGenericDegreeSymbol, 1801
LowIndexSubgroupsFpGroup, 490
Lucas, 816
Lue crossed module, 1537
1910 INDEX
LusztigAw, 1695
Lusztigaw, 1695
LusztigInduction, 1738
LusztigInductionTable, 1739
LusztigRestriction, 1739
Mac/OSX, 977
Macintosh, 977
Main Loop, 215
MAKElb11, 871
MakeStabChain, 457
MakeStabChainStrongGenerators, 458
Manipulating Codes, 1176
map, 584
composition, 908
indeterminateness, 912
indirection by a, 923
inverse of a, 908
parametrize, 909
parametrized, 907
MappedExpression, 743
MappedWord, 481
Mapping Functions for Algebra
Homomorphisms, 735
Mapping Functions for Field
Homomorphisms, 265
Mapping Functions for Group
Homomorphisms, 324
Mapping Records, 779
MappingByFunction, 779
MappingPermListList, 451
Mappings, 763
maps, 907
Maps and Parametrized Maps, 907
Marks, 822
MatAlgebra, 749
MatAMat, 1382
MatAMatAMat, 1383
MatARepARep, 1409
MatAutomorphisms, 867
MatClassMultCoeffsCharTable, 860
MatGroupAgGroup, 541
MatGroupSagGroup, 579
MatGroupZClass, 713
Mathematical Introduction, 1052
MathieuGroup, 675
MatMon, 1364
MatPerm, 1442
MatRepresentationsPGroup, 857
Matrices, 647
block decomposition of, 1786
block decomposition of square, 1785
direct sum of, 652
Eigenvalues, 1785
permutation, 653
matrix, 647
Matrix Algebras, 747
matrix automorphisms, 922, 923
Matrix Decomposition, 1435
Matrix Group Records, 669
Matrix Groups, 667
Matrix Representations of Finite
Polycyclic Groups, 857
Matrix Rings, 665
MatrixDecompositionMatrix, 1333
MatScalarProducts, 880
MatTom, 823
MatXPerm, 1582
MatYPerm, 1583
MaximalElement, 561
for character tables, 841
MaximalSubgroups, 309
MaximalSubgroupsRepresentatives, 1040
for CrystGroups, 1040
Maximum, 605
of a list, 605
of integers, 605
MeatAxe Matrices, 1285
MeatAxe Matrix Algebras, 1290
MeatAxe Matrix Groups, 1289
MeatAxe Modules, 1291
MeatAxe Object Records, 1293
MeatAxe Package, 998
MeatAxe Permutations, 1288
MeatAxe.Unbind, 1293
MeatAxeMat, 1285
MeatAxePerm, 1288
membership test
INDEX 1911
for ag groups, 529
for algebraic extensions, 412
for D class of transformations, 1478
for domains, 234
for finite fields, 429
for gaussians, 397
for Green classes, 1451
for H class of transformations, 1475
for L class of transformations, 1477
for R class of transformations, 1476
for records, 798
for Transformation Monoids, 1474
Membership Test for Domains, 234
for groups, 331
MergedCgs, 552
MergedIgs, 553
mersenne primes, 371
MinBlocks, 1269
minimal polynom
of a field element, 261
MinimalGeneratingSet, 559
MinimalNonmonomialGroup, 963
MinimalSubGModules, 1267
Minimum, 605
of a list, 605
of integers, 605
MinimumDistance, 1154
MinPol, 261
MinpolFactors, 413
MinusCharacter, 887
Miscellaneous functions, 1199
MissingIndecomposables, 1334
interface to, 871–873
MOCChars, 872
MOCTable, 872
Mod, 251
mod for character tables, 841
Mod1, 381
Modified Todd-Coxeter, 498
modular roots, 377
Module, 755
Module for MeatAxe Matrix Algebras,
Module Functions for MeatAxe Modules,
Module Homomorphism Records, 761
Module Homomorphisms, 759
ModuleAction, 1303
ModuleBasis, 1697
Modules, 753
ModulesSQ, 549
Moebius inversion function, 372
MoebiusMu, 372
MoebiusTom, 826
MolienSeries, 884
MOLS, 1196
MOLSCode, 1164
Mon, 1362
MonAMat, 1382
MonAMatAMat, 1383
MonARepARep, 1408
MonMat, 1364
MonMonSymmetry, 1426
Monoid, 1447
of all binary relations, 1455
Monoid Functions for Transformation
Monoids, 1474
Monoid Homomorphisms, 1452
Monoid Records and Semigroup Records,
Monoids and Semigroups, 1445
Monoids of Relations, 1463
Monomial Representations of Finite
Polycyclic Groups, 857
Monomiality Questions, 955
Mons, 1360
More about Ag Groups, 527
More about Ag Words, 519
More about Algebras, 724
More about Boolean Lists, 617
More about Class Functions, 945
More about Crystallographic Groups,
More about Cyclotomics, 385
More about Dispatchers, 229
More about Finitely Presented Algebras,
More about Generic Character Tables,
More about Groups and Subgroups, 270
More about Maps and Parametrized
Maps, 907
1912 INDEX
More about Matrix Algebras, 747
More about Modules, 753
More about Monomiality Questions, 955
More about Ranges, 626
More about Relations, 1456
More about Row Spaces, 633
More about Sets, 611
More about Special Ag Groups, 575
More about Tables of Marks, 819
More about the MeatAxe in GAP, 1282
More about Transformations, 1466
More about Vector Enumeration, 1352
More about Vectors, 631
for cat1-groups, 1514
for xmods, 1499
MovedPoints, 339
MullineuxMap, 1337
MullineuxSymbol, 1338
multiplicative order of an integer, 375
the elements of a list, 604
multisets, 607
Multivariate Polynomials, 433
Multivariate polynomials and rational
fractions, 1825
Murnaghan components, 887, 888
Mvp, 1825
MvpGcd, 1832
MvpLcm, 1832
for cat1-groups, 1508
for cat1-morphisms, 1515
for xmod morphisms, 1500
for xmods, 1492
NaturalARep, 1394
NaturalHomomorphism, 326
NaturalModule, 751
NaturalModule for MeatAxe Matrix
Algebras, 1290
Near-rings, 1086
Nearring, 1087
Nearring records, 1099
NearringIdeals, 1092
New code constructions, 1209
New miscellaneous functions, 1213
NewGroupGraph, 1130
newline, 199
NewtonRoot, 1836
NextClassPQp, 546
NextModuleSQ, 550
NextPrimeInt, 370
NF, 402
NilpotentElements, 1095
NilpotentQuotient, 1000
NK, 390
NofCyc, 388
for character tables, 841
NonsplitExtension, 1031
NordstromRobinsonCode, 1165
Norm, 262
for algebraic extensions, 414
for finite fields, 430
for gaussians, 398
of a field element, 262
Norm for class functions, 947
normal subgroup
table of, 850
NormalBaseNumberField, 408
NormalClosure, 279
for character tables, 841
NormalFormIntMat, 661
NormalIntersection, 279
for ag groups, 532
Normalize, 552
Normalized, 552
NormalizedAutomorphisms, 1307
NormalizedOuterAutomorphisms, 1307
NormalizedUnitsGroupRing, 1310
Normalizer, 279
for ag groups, 532
for finitely presented groups, 486
for matrix groups, 668
for Permutation Groups, 463
in GL(d, Z), 1043
in affine group, 1043
in translation group, 1043
Normalizer for Ag Groups, 535
NormalizerGL, 1043
NormalizerTom, 825
NormalizerZClass, 714
NormalNodes, 1339
INDEX 1913
NormalSubCat1s, 1519
NormalSubgroupClasses, 953
NormalSubgroups, 310
for character tables, 841
NormalSubXMods, 1502
NormedVector, 631
NormedVectors, 639
Norrie crossed module, 1537
not, 788
NotifyCharTable, 939
NQ Package, 1000
NrCombinations, 808
NrCrystalFamilies, 708
NrCrystalSystems, 708
NrDadeGroups, 716
NrDerangements, 811
NrDrinfeldDouble, 1746
NrMovedPoints, 339
NrOrderedPartitions, 813
NrPartitions, 812
NrPartitionsSet, 811
NrPartitionTuples, 815
NrPermutationsList, 810
NrPolyhedralSubgroups, 862
NrQClassesCrystalSystem, 709
NrRestrictedPartitions, 813
NrSpaceGroupTypesZClass, 715
NrSubs, 822
NrTuples, 810
NrUnorderedTuples, 809
NrZClassesQClass, 712
NullAlgebra, 750
NullAMat, 1374
NullCode, 1175
NullGraph, 1112
NullMat, 650
NullspaceIntMat, 657
NullspaceMat, 655
NullWord, 1143
Number, 599
Bell, 806
binomial, 806
of divisors of an integer, 372
of elements in a list, 599
Stirling, of the first kind, 807
Stirling, of the second kind, 807
Number Field Records, 402
number fields
Galois group, 406
Number Theory, 373
NumberAlgebraElement, 745
NumberConjugacyClasses, 559
NumberPerfectGroups, 689
NumberPerfectLibraryGroups, 690
NumberSmallGroups, 721
NumberVector, 642
Numerator, 380
of a rational, 380
od, 208
Omega for characters, 947
One Cohomology Group, 566
OneCoboundaries, 566
OneCocycles, 567
OneExtendingCharacter, 1410
OneIrreducibleSolvableGroup, 687
OnePrimitiveGroup, 678
OneSolvableGroup, 682
OneThreeGroup, 685
OneTwoGroup, 683
OnFamily, 1743
OnLClasses, 1481
OnLeft, 336, 1481
OnLeftAntiOperation, 336
OnLeftCosets, 336
OnLeftInverse, 336
OnLines, 336
OnMatrices, 1788
OnPairs, 336, 1481
OnPoints, 336, 1481
OnPolynomials, 1831
OnRClassesAntiAction, 1481
OnRight, 336, 1481
OnRightCosets, 336
OnSets, 336, 1481
OnTuples, 336, 1481
Operation, 348
Operation for Algebras, 734
Operation for Finitely Presented
Algebras, 1351
Operation for MeatAxe Matrix Groups,
OperationCosetsFpGroup, 489
OperationHomomorphism, 349
1914 INDEX
for blocks, 469
for transitive constituents, 469
OperationHomomorphism for Algebras,
OperationHomomorphism for Modules,
OperationModule, 759
Operations, 204
for booleans, 788
for groups, 331
for integers, 362
for lists, 593
for polynomials, 435
for rationals, 382
for vectors, 630
Operations and functions for Affine Weyl
groups, 1771
Operations and functions for finite
Coxeter groups, 1596
Operations and functions for Hecke
cosets, 1728
Operations and functions for
Iwahori-Hecke algebras, 1666
Operations for (locally) Garside monoid
elements, 1640
Operations for algebraic elements, 412
Operations for Algebras, 730
Operations for Automorphism Group
Elements, 1021
Operations for Booleans, 788
Operations for braids, 1648
Operations for cat1-groups, 1510
Operations for Codes, 1147
Operations for Codewords, 1141
Operations for complex numbers, 1808
Operations for crossed modules, 1495
Operations for cyclotomic Hecke
algebras, 1657
Operations for Cyclotomics, 389
Operations for decimal numbers, 1810
Operations for derivations, 1524
Operations for dual braids, 1651
Operations for elements of finite
dimensional algebras, 1855
Operations for families, 1742
Operations for Field Elements, 260
Operations for Finite Field Elements, 425
Operations for Gaussians, 396
Operations for Group Elements, 268
Operations for Groups, 331
Operations for Hecke elements of the T
basis, 1669
Operations for Hecke module elements,
Operations for Integers, 362
Operations for Lists, 593
Operations for Mappings, 768
Operations for Matrices, 647
Operations for MeatAxe Matrices, 1286
Operations for MeatAxe Permutations,
Operations for Monoid Elements, 1446
Operations for morphisms of
cat1-groups, 1515
Operations for morphisms of crossed
modules, 1500
Operations for Mvp, 1826
Operations for Permutations, 448
Operations for Polynomials, 435
Operations for Quotient Spaces, 644
Operations for RatFrac, 1832
Operations for Rationals, 382
Operations for Records, 797
Operations for Relations, 1458
Operations for Ring Elements, 243
Operations for Row Modules, 757
Operations for Row Space Cosets, 642
Operations for Row Spaces, 636
Operations for sections, 1525
Operations for semisimple elements, 1606
Operations for Subtori, 1608
Operations for Transformations, 1467
Operations for transformations, 1076
Operations for Unipotent Characters,
Operations for Unipotent elements, 1767
Operations for UnipotentCharacters,
Operations for Unknowns, 421
Operations for Vectors, 630
Operations for Words, 477
Operations of Groups, 335
Operations of Permutation Groups, 467
operations record, 228
INDEX 1915
Operations Records for Character
Tables, 840
for cyclotomics, 388, 389
Operators for Character Tables, 841
Operators for Class Functions, 946
Operators for Finitely Presented
Algebras, 742
options, 965
under UNIX, 967
under Windows, 974
or, 788
Orbit, 345
for ag groups, 533
Orbit for Monoids, 1483
Orbitalgorithms of Ag Groups, 561
OrbitalGraphIntersectionMatrices, 1122
OrbitDecompositionMonRep, 1413
OrbitFusions, 921
OrbitLength, 346
OrbitLengths, 347
OrbitMat, 1273
OrbitPowermaps, 922
Orbits, 346
OrbitsCharacters, 951
Order, 270
for finitely presented groups, 486
for xmod morphisms, 1504
of a finite field element, 427
of a group element, 270
of the prime residue group, 374
Order for MeatAxe matrices, 1287
Order for MeatAxe Permutations, 1289
Order of a crossed module morphism,
OrderedPartitions, 813
OrderFFE, 427
OrderGraph, 1115
of ag words, 520
of algebra elements, 736
of amats, 1380
of areps, 1403
of gaussians, 395
of group elements, 268
of group homomorphisms, 325
of monoid elements, 1446
of mons, 1361
of records, 795
of relations, 1458
of transformations, 1467
OrderMat, 654
OrderMat – enhanced, 1275
OrderMod, 375
OrderMon, 1365
Organisation of this manual, 1235
Organization of the Table Libraries, 937
OrthogonalComponents, 887
OrthogonalEmbeddings, 898
Other Actions, 1481
Other functions for CrystGroups, 1044
Other Operations, 336
Other utility functions, 1278
OuterAutomorphisms, 1307
OuterDistribution, 1155
OuterTensorProductARep, 1399
suppressing, 215
p-regular table, 853
PadicCoefficients, 882
PAG system, 519
for automorphism groups, 1549
for FpGroups, 1550
for semidirect groups, 1551
Parabolic modules for Iwahori-Hecke
algebras, 1697
ParabolicRepresentatives, 1575, 1588
ParabolicRepresentatives for reflection
groups, 1588
ParabolicSubgroups, 1600
paramap, 907
Parametrized, 909
parametrized maps, 907
Parent, 271
Parent Algebras and Subalgebras, 725
Parity check, 1177
of a string, 622
PartBeta, 1798
1916 INDEX
partial transformation, 1472
PartialTransMonoid, 1472
Partition, 1816
Partition for posets, 1816
PartitionBetaSet, 1345
PartitionGoodNodeSequence, 1339
PartitionMullineuxSymbol, 1338
Partitions, 812
partitions, 805
improper, of an integer, 813
of a set, 811
of an integer, 812
ordered, of an integer, 813
restricted, of an integer, 813
Partitions and symbols, 1797
PartitionsSet, 811
PartitionTuples, 815
PartitionTupleToString, 1798
PBlocks, 1854
PCentralSeries, 285
PCore, 280
perfect groups, 689
PerfectGroup, 693
Performance, 1866
PermAMat, 1381
PermAMatAMat, 1382
Permanent, 817
PermARepARep, 1408
PermBounds, 894
PermCharInfo, 892
PermChars, 894
PermCharsTom, 826
PermCosetsSubgroup, 1631
PermGModule, 1273
for Imf matrix groups, 702
for matrix groups, 668
for perfect groups, 694
PermGroupAgGroup, 542
PermGroupImfGroup, 704
PermGroupOps.ElementProperty, 460
PermGroupOps.Indices, 459
PermGroupOps.LargestMovedPoint, 454
PermGroupOps.MovedPoints, 454
PermGroupOps.NrMovedPoints, 454
PermGroupOps.PgGroup, 462
PermGroupOps.SmallestMovedPoint, 454
PermGroupOps.StrongGenerators, 459
PermGroupOps.SubgroupProperty, 461
PermGroupRepresentation, 1273
PermIrredSymmetry, 1427
PermLeftQuoTrans, 1469
PermList, 451
PermListList, 603
PermMat, 1442
PermMatMat, 1789
PermMatX, 1583
PermMatY, 1598
PermMon, 1364
PermPermSymmetry, 1425
PermRep, 1032
PermRootGroup, 1579
PermRootGroupNC, 1579
PermTrans, 1470
Permutation, 340
permutation character, 917
Permutation Character Candidates, 892
permutation characters, 894
candidates for, 892
faithful candidates for, 895
Permutation Group Records, 472
Permutation Groups, 453
PermutationCharacter, 297, 464
PermutationMat, 653
Permutations, 447
fixpointfree, 811
list, 810
PermutationsList, 810
Permuted, 604
PermutedByCols, 1789
PermutedCode, 1178
PermutedCols, 1197
PermutedMat, 1442
Phi, 374
Pi, 1810
PiComponent, 1853
PiecewiseConstantCode, 1210
PiPart, 1852
PiPrimeSections, 1853
PiSections, 1853
PoincarePolynomial, 1681
PointGraph, 1126
PointGroup, 1038
for color CrystGroups, 1046
of a CrystGroup, 1038
INDEX 1917
PointGroup for color CrystGroups, 1046
PointGroupsBravaisClass, 1043
PointsAndRepresentativesOrbits, 1778
PolyCodeword, 1142
PolyhedralGroup, 673
Polynomial, 434
PolynomialQuotientAlgebra, 1861
PolynomialRing, 441
Polynomials, 431
Porting GAP, 977
Poset, 1814
Restricted, 1816
Reversed, 1816
Posets and relations, 1813
Position, 594
PositionClass, 299, 1597, 1705
PositionDet, 1625
PositionId, 1776
PositionProperty, 596
PositionRegularClass, 1751
Positions, 596
PositionSet, 595
PositionSorted, 595
PositionsProperty, 596
PositionSublist, 597
PositionWord, 480
Power, 891
of algebra elements, 736
of gaussians, 396
of group elements, 268
of monoid elements, 1446
of records, 797
of relation, 1459
of transformation, 1468
of words, 477
PowerAMat, 1376
Powermap, 913
PowerMapping, 777
powermaps, 913–916, 919, 922, 923
PowerMod, 252
PowerPartition, 815
powerset, 808
Powmap, 924
Pq, 1009
PqDescendants, 1010
PqHomomorphism, 1010
PqList, 1013
PQp, 546
PQuotient, 543
PRank, 1854
precedence, 204
Predefined groups, 1103
PrefrattiniSubgroup, 280
PreImage, 773
for blocks homomorphisms, 470
for field homomorphisms, 265
for group homomorphisms, 325
for OperationHomomorphism, 349
PreImages, 775
for field homomorphisms, 265
for group homomorphisms, 325
for transitive constituent
homomorphisms, 469
PreImagesRepresentative, 776
PrepareFundamentalGroup, 1823
Presentation, 1643
Presentation Records, 491
PresentationFpGroup, 491
PresentationNormalClosure, 501
PresentationNormalClosureRrs, 500
PresentationSubgroup, 500
PresentationSubgroupMtc, 498
PresentationSubgroupRrs, 497
PresentationViaCosetTable, 496
previous result, 215
PrevPrimeInt, 370
primary subgroup generators, 498, 499,
prime residue group, 373
exponent, 374
generator, 375, 376
order, 374
PrimeBlocks, 882
PrimeResidues, 373
Primes, 369
mersenne, 371
primitive element, 412
primitive root modulo an integer, 376
PrimitiveGroup, 678
PrimitiveRootMod, 376
PrimitiveUnityRoot, 1200
Print, 223
1918 INDEX
for cat1-group morphism, 1515
for cat1-groups, 1508
for character tables, 841
for double cosets, 317
for lists, 1551
for right cosets, 313
for xmod morphisms, 1500
for xmods, 1491, 1496
to a file, 223
Print for crossed modules, 1496
PrintAmbiguity, 912
PrintArray, 656
PrintCharTable, 839
PrintClassSubgroupLattice, 305, 307
PrintDefinitionFpAlgebra, 743
PrintDiagram, 1586, 1597, 1706
Printing and Saving Codes, 1150
Printing of Records, 799
PrintLevelFlag, 1271
PrintList, 1551
PrintSisyphosInputPGroup, 1306
PrintSISYPHOSWord, 1305
PrintTo, 223
PrintToCAS, 874
PrintToLib, 939
PrintToMOC, 873
PrintToString, 623
ProbabilityShapes, 416
Procedure Calls, 206
Product, 604
for double cosets, 317
for right cosets, 313
of a group and a group element, 331
of algebra elements, 736
of gaussians, 396
of group elements, 268
of list and algebra element, 736
of list and group element, 269, 477
of list and monoid element, 1446
of list and relation, 1459
of list and transformation, 1467
of monoid elements, 1446
of permutation and relation, 1459
of permutation and transformation,
of records, 797
of relations, 1458
of transformation and relation, 1459
of transformations, 1467
of words, 477
Product and Quotient of AMats, 1376
Profile, 225
for subdirect products, 321
onto component of direct products,
onto component of semidirect
products, 320
ProjectionMap, 909
ProjectiveOrderMat, 1275
prompt, 215
partial, 215
Properties and Property Tests, 286
Property Tests for Algebras, 732
ProportionalityCoefficient, 1787
PRump, 556
PseudoRandom, 1276
PuncturedCode, 1177
PutStandardForm, 1196
QRCode, 1174
Quadratic, 392
quadratic irrationalities, 392
quadratic number fields, 392
quadratic residue, 376, 377
Quasi-Semisimple elements of
non-connected reductive groups,
QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives, 1610
QuasiIsolatedRepresentatives for Coxeter
cosets, 1725
QuasiregularElements, 1097
QuoInt, 363
Quotient, 244
of gaussians, 396
of group elements, 268
of groups, 332
of list and group element, 269
of list and word, 477
of records, 797
of transformations, 1469
of words, 477
Quotient Space Records, 646
INDEX 1919
Quotient Spaces, 635
QuotientAlgebra, 1858
QuotientGModule, 1266
QuotientGraph, 1127
QuotientMod, 251
QuotientRemainder, 250
for gaussians, 398
for polynomials, 442
R Classes for Transformation Monoids,
Radical, 281, 1858
Radical for algebras, 1858
RadicalPower, 1858
Random, 238
Methods for Permutation Groups,
for ag groups, 533
for algebraic Extensions, 412
for Conjugacy Classes, 300
for double cosets, 317
for finite fields, 429
for gaussians, 397
for matrix groups, 667
for Permutation Groups, 462
for right cosets, 313
random element
of a domain, 238
Random Methods for Permutation
Groups, 470
RandomCode, 1164
RandomIrreducibleSubGModule, 1266
RandomLinearCode, 1170
RandomList, 606
RandomOrders for MeatAxe Matrix
Algebras, 1290
RandomOrders for MeatAxe Matrix
Groups, 1289
RandomRelations, 1271
RandomSeed, 606
RangeEndomorphismDerivation, 1531
RangeEndomorphismSection, 1532
Ranges, 625
Rank, 1560
Rank for MeatAxe matrices, 1287
Rank for semigroups, 1084
Rank for transformations, 1076
Rank of a Transformation, 1468
RankAMat, 1385
RankMat, 654
RankSymbol, 1799
RatFrac, 1832
Rational, 1809
rational characters, 394
RationalizedHaarTransform, 1434
RationalizedMat, 394
Rationals, 379
RClass, 1448
RClasses, 1449
of a D class of transformations, 1478
Re, 1440
Read, 222
a file, 222
a library file, 223
read eval print loop, 215
Reading Sections, 219
ReadLib, 223
RealClassesCharTable, 861
RecFields, 803
ReciprocalPolynomial, 1200
RecogniseClassical, 1248
RecogniseClassicalCLG, 1258
RecogniseClassicalNP, 1261
RecogniseMatrixGroup, 1251
operations, 228
Record Assignment, 792
record fields
for algebraic extension fields, 415
for extension elements, 415
Records, 791
Records for( locally) Garside monoids,
recursion, 209
recursive functions, 209
Redisplaying a Section, 221
Reduced, 884
Reduced Reidemeister-Schreier, 497
ReducedAgWord, 524
ReducedCoxeterWord, 1571
ReducedExpressions, 1575
ReducedInRightCoset, 1573, 1630
ReducedOrdinary, 885
ReducedRightCosetRepresentatives, 1631
ReduceStabChain, 458
1920 INDEX
ReduceWordRWS, 1223
Redundancy, 1153
ReedMullerCode, 1167
ReedSolomonCode, 1174
References, 1279
RefinedAgSeries, 542
RefinedSubnormalSeries, 556
Reflection, 1558
reflection, 1557
Reflection cosets, 1701
Reflection subgroups, 1627
ReflectionCharacter, 1586
ReflectionCharValue, 1586
ReflectionCoDegrees, 1587
ReflectionCoset, 1703
ReflectionDegrees, 1587, 1708
ReflectionDegrees for reflection cosets,
ReflectionEigenvalues, 1584
ReflectionLength, 1584
ReflectionName, 1581, 1706
Reflections, 1582
Reflections, and reflection groups, 1557
ReflectionSubCoset, 1704
ReflectionSubgroup, 1568, 1629
ReflectionType, 1580, 1707, 1718
ReflectionType for Coxeter cosets, 1718
ReflectionType for reflection cosets, 1707
ReflectionWord, 1584
ReflexiveClosure, 1460
regular classes, 853
RegularARep, 1394
RegularDerivations, 1525
RegularEigenvalues, 1750
RegularElements, 1097
RegularSections, 1527
Relation, 1457
relation, 1455
RelativeDegrees, 1750
RelativeOrder, 522
RelTrans, 1462
remainder of a quotient, 363
RemInt, 363
an element from a set, 609
RemovedElementsCode, 1180
RemoveEdgeOrbit, 1114
RemoveIndecomposable, 1334
RemoveRelator, 495
RemoveRimHook, 1342
RemoveSet, 609
ReorderGeneratorsRWS, 1220
Repeat, 207
repeat, 207
repeat loop, 207
RepetitionCode, 1176
Replace, 1781
Representation, 1670, 1689
as a sum of two squares, 399
Representations, 1624, 1661, 1680
Representations for cyclotomic Hecke
algebras, 1661
Representations for Hecke algebras, 1680
Representations of Iwahori-Hecke
algebras, 1677
Representative, 238
of a domain, 238
RepresentativeConjugation, 1652
RepresentativeOperation, 352
for matrix groups, 668
for Permutation Groups, 467
RepresentativeOperation for Matrix
Algebras, 749
RepresentativeRowColPermutation, 1789
RepresentativesFusions, 922
RepresentativesOperation, 352
RepresentativesPowermaps, 923
RequirePackage, 982
ResetRWS, 1219
quadratic, 376, 377
ResidueCode, 1182
Restricted, 889, 1816
for character tables, 841
Restricted for Posets, 1816
Restricted Special Ag Groups, 577
RestrictedModule, 1327
RestrictedPartitions, 813
RestrictedPerm, 451
RestrictionARep, 1400
RestrictionInductionARep, 1419
RestrictionToSubmoduleARep, 1421
INDEX 1921
Resultant, 439
ResultantMat, 1835
Return, 211
return, 211
reverse the elements of a list, 598
ReverseCat1, 1516
Reversed, 598, 1816
Reversed for Posets, 1816
ReverseDominance, 1346
ReversedWord, 1646
ReverseIsomorphismCat1, 1516
Rewriting System Examples, 1224
rewriting systems
control parameters, 1220
creating, 1218
elementary functions, 1219
examples, 1224
setting the ordering, 1220
RHT, 1434
Right Cosets Records, 313
RightCoset, 311
for ag groups, 534
RightCoset for Ag Groups, 538
RightCosetGroupOps, 312
RightCosets, 311
RightDescentSet, 1569
RightGcd, 1646
RightIdeal, 1858
RightLcm, 1646
for group elements, 269
RightTraces, 1858
Ring, 242
for cyclotomic integers, 405
Ring Functions for Gaussian Integers,
Ring Functions for Integers, 367
Ring Functions for Laurent Polynomial
Rings, 444
Ring Functions for Matrix Rings, 666
Ring Functions for Polynomial Rings,
Ring Records, 254
Rings, 241
RModuleXMod, 1494
of 1 modulo an integer, 377
of an integer, 366
of an integer modulo another, 377
of an integer, smallest, 366
Root systems and finite Coxeter groups,
RootDatum, 1604, 1721
RootDatum for Coxeter cosets, 1721
RootInt, 366
RootMod, 377
RootOf, 412
RootParameter, 1666
roots of unity, 385
RootsCode, 1173
RootsOfCode, 1153
RootsUnityMod, 377
Rotation, 1773
Rotations, 1774
RoundCyc, 387
Row Module Records, 760
Row Modules, 754
Row Space Bases, 634
Row Space Basis Records, 645
Row Space Coset Records, 645
Row Space Cosets, 634
Row Space Records, 644
Row Spaces, 633
RowSpace, 636
Runtime, 224
SAutomorphisms, 1307
Save, 545
for presentation records, 494
SaveDecompositionMatrix, 1332
SavePqList, 1014
ScalarMultipleAMat, 1375
ScalarProduct, 879
for character tables, 841
scalars, 629
ScalMvp, 1830
ScanMOC, 871
Schaper, 1336
Random, 470
Schur, 1321
SchurElement, 1658, 1682
SchurElement for Iwahori-Hecke
algebras, 1682
SchurElements, 1658, 1666, 1681
1922 INDEX
SchurElements for Iwahori-Hecke
algebras, 1681
SchurFunctor, 1788
SchurMultiplier, 1030
SchutzenbergerGroup, 1452
SchutzenbergerGroup for Transformation
Monoids, 1474
scope, 201
secondary subgroup generators, 498, 499,
SecondCohomologyDimension, 1030
SectionDerivation, 1528
all, 1527
regular, 1527
for cat1-groups, 1512
for xmods, 1495
Selecting Library Tables, 929
Selection Functions, 675
selections, 805
SemidirectCat1XMod, 1511
SemidirectPair, 1551
SemidirectProduct, 319
for groups, 320
SemidirectProduct for Groups, 320
SemiEchelonBasis, 641
SemiGroup, 1447
SemiLinearDecomposition, 1267
SemisimpleElement, 1606
SemisimpleRank, 1560
SemisimpleSubgroup, 1609
SemistandardTableaux, 1349
SeparateRoots, 1836
SeparateRootsInitialGuess, 1836
bernoulli, 817
fibonacci, 816
lucas, 816
Series of Subgroups, 283
Set, 608
set difference
of domains, 237
Set Functions for Ag Groups, 529
Set functions for Algebraic Extensions,
Set Functions for Conjugacy Classes, 299
Set Functions for Double Cosets, 316
Set Functions for Finite Fields, 429
Set Functions for Finitely Presented
Groups, 484
Set Functions for Gaussians, 397
Set Functions for Green Classes, 1451
Set Functions for Groups, 329
Set Functions for Integers, 367
Set Functions for Matrix Groups, 667
Set Functions for Matrix Rings, 665
Set Functions for Monoids, 1448
Set Functions for Permutation Groups,
Set Functions for Rationals, 382
Set Functions for Right Cosets, 312
Set Functions for Sets, 610
Set Functions for Subgroup Conjugacy
Classes, 308
Set Functions for Transformation
Monoids, 1473
Set Functions for Vector Spaces, 357
Set Theoretic Functions for Algebras, 731
Set Theoretic Functions for MeatAxe
Modules, 1291
SetCoveringRadius, 1204
SetDecimalPrecision, 1810
SetOrderingRWS, 1220
SetPrintLevel, 304, 307
SetPrintLevelFlag, 1271
Sets, 607
Setting the ordering, 1220
SetupSymmetricPresentation, 1068
ShallowCopy, 802
ShapeTableau, 1350
Share Libraries, 981
ShiftBeta, 1798
short vectors spanning a lattice, 896, 898
ShortenedCode, 1181
ShortestVectors, 900
ShortOrbit, 1484
ShrinkGarsideGeneratingSet, 1644
ShrinkPresentation, 1842
SiftedAgWord, 524
SiftedVector, 639
Sigma, 371
of an integer, 364
INDEX 1923
Signed permutations, 1803
SignedCompositions, 1852
SignedPartitions, 1852
SignedPerm, 1804
SignedPermListList, 1805
SignedPermutationMat, 1803
SignInt, 364
SignPartition, 814
SignPerm, 450
SignPermuted, 1803
SimpleDimension, 1335
SimplifiedFpGroup, 501
SimplifyAMat, 1385
SimplifyPresentation, 502
SInducedModule, 1327
SinPi, 1441
Sisyphos, 1305
SISYPHOS Package, 1003
Size, 235
for ag groups, 530
for cat1-groups, 1510
for character tables, 841
for Conjugacy Classes, 300
for conjugacy classes of subgroups,
for double cosets, 317
for finitely presented groups, 485
for matrix groups, 667
for Permutation Groups, 463
for right cosets, 312
for Transformation Monoids, 1473
for xmods, 1496
of a D class of transformations, 1477
of a Green class, 1451
of an H class of transformations,
of an L class of transformations,
of an R class of transformations,
of vector spaces, 357
of a domain, 235
Size for Ag Groups, 530
Size for cat1-groups, 1510
Size for crossed modules, 1496
Size for MeatAxe Modules, 1291
Size for near-rings, 1091
Size for semigroups, 1080
SizeBlist, 614
SizeEnumerateRWS, 1224
SizeNumbersPerfectGroups, 690
SizeRWS, 1223
for character tables, 841
SizeScreen, 224
SlantTransform, 1433
smaller prime, 370
SmallestGeneratingSystem, 1102
SmallestGeneratorPerm, 450
SmallestIdeal, 1082
SmallestMovedPointPerm, 450
SmallestRootInt, 366
SmallGroup, 721
SmallGroups, 721
SmashGModule, 1238
SmithNormalFormIntegerMat, 660
Solomon algebras, 1863
SolomonAlgebra, 1864
SolomonHomomorphism, 1866
SolutionIntMat, 657
SolutionMat, 655
SolutionNullspaceIntMat, 657
SolvableGroup, 682
SolvableQuotient, 547
Some functions for the covering radius,
Some functions related to the norm of a
code, 1212
Some Notes on Character Theory in
GAP, 831
Some special vertex subsets of a graph,
Some VKCURVE utility functions, 1845
SORAMat, 1375
Sort, 601
sort a list, 601
SortBy, 602
SortCharactersCharTable, 864
SortCharTable, 866
SortClassesCharTable, 865
SortEnumerateRWS, 1224
Sortex, 603
SortingPerm, 603
1924 INDEX
SortParallel, 602
SourceEndomorphismDerivation, 1530
SourceEndomorphismSection, 1532
SourceXModXPModMorphism, 1505
space, 199
Space Groups, 1036
SpaceGroup, 718
SpaceGroupsPointGroup, 1040
Specht, 1316
SpechtDimension, 1335
SpechtDirectory, 1322, 1332
SpechtPrettyPrint, 1349
Special Ag Group Records, 578
Special Ag Groups, 575
special character sequences, 619
Special matrices in GUAVA, 1194
Specialization, 1671
Specialization from one Hecke algebra to
another, 1671
Specialized, 1347
SpecialLinearGroup, 674
SpecialPieces, 1761
SpecialUnitaryGroup, 674
Spets, 1704
SphereContent, 1199
SpinBasis, 1267
SpinorNorm, 1277
Split, 624
split classes, 854
SplitCharacters, 847
SplitECores, 1348
SplitExtension, 1031
SplitLevis, 1751
SplittingField for MeatAxe Modules,
SPrint, 623
Sq, 990
Sqrt, 1441
square root
of an integer, 366
SRestrictedModule, 1328
SrivastavaCode, 1169
ST, 1433
StabChain, 456
StabChainOptions, 470
Stabilizer, 351
for ag groups, 534
for matrix groups, 668
for Permutation Groups, 468
Stabilizer Chains, 455
Stabilizer for Ag Groups, 536
StandardArray, 1160
StandardAssociate, 247
for gaussians, 398
for polynomials, 444, 445
StandardBasis for Row Modules, 758
StandardFormCode, 1184
StandardParabolic, 1632
StandardParabolicClass, 1574
StandardPresentation, 1014
StandardTableaux, 1350
StarCyc, 392
Statements, 204
Stirling number of the first kind, 807
Stirling number of the second kind, 807
Stirling1, 807
Stirling2, 807
StoreFusion, 870
Storing Subgroup Information, 952
Strategies for Double Coset
Enumeration, 1061
String, 621
StringDate, 624
StringPP, 624
Strings and Characters, 619
StringTime, 624
StrongOrbit, 1483
structure constant, 860, 861
Subalgebra, 727
SubAlgebra for finite-dimensional
algebras, 1857
SubCat1, 1518
SubdirectProduct, 321
Subfields of Cyclotomic Fields, 401
SubGModule, 1266
Subgroup, 273
for color groups, 1046
subgroup and permutation character, 892
Subgroup Conjugacy Class Records, 308
Subgroup for color groups, 1046
subgroup fusions, 869, 870, 913, 917–922
subgroup generators tree, 515
Subgroup Presentations, 497
SubgroupFusions, 913
INDEX 1925
Subgroups, 274
polyhedral, 862
Subgroups and Properties of Ag Groups,
Sublist, 598
SubmatrixAMat, 1388
Submodule, 755
Subnearrings, 1093
SubnormalSeries, 285
Subroutines of Decomposition, 881
subset test
for domains, 235
subsets, 613, 808
Subspace, 638
Subspaces and Parent Spaces, 635
SubSpets, 1704
SubstitutedWord, 480
SubString, 622
of a string, 622
SubTorus, 1608
a boolean list from another, 616
a set from another, 610
SubtractBlist, 616
SubtractSet, 610
Subword, 479
SubXMod, 1501
Sum, 604
of algebra elements, 736
of divisors of an integer, 371
of gaussians, 396
of list and algebra element, 736
of records, 797
SumAgGroup, 565
SumAgWord, 524
SumFactorizationFunctionAgGroup, 565
SumIntersectionSpaces for MeatAxe
matrices, 1287
for character tables, 841
Support, 1143
Supportive Functions for Groups, 1100
SylowComplements, 557
SylowSubgroup, 281
for ag groups, 532
for matrix groups, 668
for Permutation Groups, 463
SylowSystem, 557
SylvesterMat, 1195
Symbols, 1799
SymbolsDefect, 1800
symmetric group
powermap, 815
SymmetricClosure, 1460
SymmetricDifference, 1773
SymmetricGroup, 673
SymmetricParts, 886
SymmetricPower, 1787
Symmetrisations, 886
orthogonal, 887
symplectic, 888
Symmetry of Matrices, 1424
SymplecticComponents, 888
SymplecticGroup, 674
SymTensorProductDecomposition, 1268
Syndrome, 1159
SyndromeTable, 1160
syntax errors, 215
SystemNormalizer, 558
for derivations, 1526
for RangeEndomorphismDerivations,
for SourceEndomorphismDeriva-
for WhiteheadGroup, 1529
for WhiteheadMonoid, 1529
table automorphisms, 919, 921, 922
table of factor group, 849
Table of Marks Records, 820
table of normal subgroup, 850
TableAutomorphisms, 868
Tableaux, 1799
TableOfMarks, 821
tables, 831, 842, 927
add to a library, 939
format, 833, 837
generic, 875, 876, 878
1926 INDEX
libraries of, 927
library, 930, 933, 937
sort, 864–866
Tables of Marks, 819
tabulator, 199
TanPi, 1441
Tau, 372
tensor product, 851
Tensored, 885
TensorProductAMat, 1378
TensorProductDecomposition, 1267
TensorProductGModule, 1273
TensorProductMat, 1442
TensorProductMon, 1367
TensorProductPerm, 1444
TernaryGolayCode, 1172
for sections record, 1528
for a boolean, 789
for a cyclotomic, 387
for a cyclotomic field, 402
for a cyclotomic integer, 387
for a derivation, 1523
for a finite field element, 426
for a list, 584
for a mon, 1363
for a power of a prime, 369
for a prime, 369
for a primitive root, 375
for a range, 626
for a rational, 379
for a set, 608
for a string, 623
for a vector, 631
for algebra element, 736
for algebraic element, 415
for algebraic extension, 412
for an amat, 1371
for an integer, 364
for antisymmetric, 1461
for asherical xmod, 1497
for automorphism group, 1549
for automorphism pair, 1549
for automorphism xmod, 1497
for cat1-group morphism, 1514
for cat1-groups, 1508
for central extension xmod, 1497
for common transversal, 1552
for conjugation xmod, 1496
for D class, 1450
for derivations record, 1527
for equivalence, 1462
for Fp-pair, 1551
for gaussian integer, 397
for gaussian rational, 397
for group element, 269
for H class, 1450
for L Class, 1449
for list elements, 800
for membership, 593
for monoid, 1448
for monoid element, 1447
for normal extension, 413
for number field, 402
for partial order, 1461
for preorder, 1461
for R class, 1448
for record elements, 800
for records, 800
for reflexive, 1459
for regular cat1-groups, 1525
for regular xmods, 1525
for relation, 1457
for RModules, 1494
for sections, 1525
for semidirect pair, 1551
for semigroup, 1447
for set equality, 608
for simply connected xmod, 1497
for sub-xmod, 1501
for subsets, 610
for symmetric, 1460
for transformation, 1468
for transformation monoid, 1472
for transitive, 1460
for trivial action xmod, 1497
for xmod morphism, 1499
for xmods, 1491
for zero boundary xmod, 1497
TestCharTable, 839
TestConsistencyMaps, 918
TestHomogeneous, 957
TestInducedFromNormalSubgroup, 959
TestMonomial, 961
INDEX 1927
TestMonomialQuick, 961
TestQuasiPrimitive, 958
TestRelativelySM, 962
TestSubnormallyMonomial, 960
TestTom, 824
DecompositionMatrix, 1323
The 2-Groups Library, 683
The 3-Groups Library, 685
The Artin-Tits braid monoids and
groups, 1647
The automatic groups program, 1222
The Basic Groups Library, 672
The CHEVIE Package Version 4 – a
short introduction, 1553
The Crystallographic Groups Library,
The DCE Universe, 1057
The Developers of the matrix package,
The Double Coset Enumerator, 1049
The Irreducible Solvable Linear Groups
Library, 687
The Knuth-Bendix program, 1222
The Library of Finite Perfect Groups,
The Library of Tables of Marks, 820
The Matrix Package, 1233
The MeatAxe, 1281
The Polycyclic Quotient Algorithm
Package, 1297
The Prime Quotient Algorithm, 543
The Primitive Groups Library, 678
The Programming Language, 197
The record returned by
RecogniseMatrixGroup, 1271
The Small Groups Library, 721
The Solvable Groups Library, 682
The Solvable Quotient Algorithm, 547
The Syntax in BNF, 211
The Transitive Groups Library, 680
The VKCURVE functions, 1835
The VKCURVE package, 1819
The XGap Package, 1008
The XMod Function, 1490
then, 206
ThreeGroup, 685
Tietze options, 512
Tietze record, 491
Tietze Transformations, 502
Tietze word, 491
TietzeWordAbstractWord, 493
TomCyclic, 828
TomDihedral, 828
TomFrobenius, 829
TomMat, 823
Torus, 1604, 1721
Torus for Coxeter cosets, 1721
TorusOrder, 1587
total length of a presentation, 502
Trace, 263
for algebraic extensions, 414
for gaussians, 398
of a field element, 263
Trace for MeatAxe matrices, 1287
TraceAMat, 1385
TraceMat, 653
TraceMon, 1365
TransferDiagram, 911
Transformation, 1074, 1466
Transformation Monoid Records, 1479
Transformation Monoids, 1471
Transformation records, 1077
Transformation semigroup records, 1085
Transformation Semigroups, 1078
Transformations, 1073, 1465
TransformationSemigroup, 1078
TransformingPermutations, 868
TransitiveClosure, 1461, 1813
TransitiveClosure of incidence matrix,
TransitiveGroup, 680
TransitiveIdentification, 680
TransitiveToInductionMonRep, 1414
Transitivity, 343
TransitivityDegreeMonRep, 1413
TranslationNormalizer, 1043
TranslationsCrystGroup, 1038
add translations, 1038
check translations, 1039
TransPerm, 1469
Transporter, 1786
Transposed for MeatAxe matrices, 1287
1928 INDEX
TransposedAMat, 1384
TransposedMat, 651
TransposedMon, 1365
TransposedSpaceGroup, 720
TransRel, 1462
TransversalChangeInductionARep, 1417
TreatAsPoly, 1142
TreatAsVector, 1142
tree decoding, 515
TriangulizedIntegerMat, 659
TriangulizedIntegerMatTransform, 659
TriangulizeIntegerMat, 659
TriangulizeMat, 654
TrivialActionXMod, 1493
TrivialMatARep, 1393
TrivialMonARep, 1393
TrivialPermARep, 1392
TrivialSubalgebra, 734
TrivialSubgroup, 281
TryConjugatePresentation, 1846
Tuples, 810
Twistings, 1708, 1720
Twistings for Coxeter cosets, 1720
TwoGroup, 683
TwoSidedIdeal, 1858
TwoSquares, 399
algebraic elements, 412
boolean, 787
cyclotomic, 385
gaussian integers, 395
gaussian rationals, 395
integer, 361
list, 583
matrices, 647
rationals, 379
records, 791
strings, 619
words, 475
TypeTableau, 1350
TzEliminate, 504
TzFindCyclicJoins, 505
TzGo, 502
TzGoGo, 504
TzInitGeneratorImages, 510
TzPrint, 493
TzPrintGeneratorImages, 511
TzPrintGenerators, 492
TzPrintLengths, 512
TzPrintOptions, 512
TzPrintPairs, 512
TzPrintPresentation, 492
TzPrintRelators, 492
TzPrintStatus, 492
TzSearch, 504
TzSearchEqual, 505
TzSubstitute, 506, 507
TzSubstituteCyclicJoins, 510
Unbind, 800
UnderlyingGraph, 1127
UnderlyingPermRep, 1412
UndirectedEdges, 1118
Union, 236
of boolean lists, 615, 616
of domains, 236
of sets, 609, 611
UnionBlist, 615
UnionCode, 1187
Unipotent characters of finite reductive
groups and Spetses, 1729
Unipotent classes of reductive groups,
Unipotent elements of reductive groups,
UnipotentAbelianPart, 1768
UnipotentCharacter, 1736
UnipotentCharacters, 1732
UnipotentClasses, 1757
UnipotentDecompose, 1767
UnipotentDegrees, 1737
UnipotentGroup, 1765
UnitalAlgebra, 726
UnitalSubalgebra, 728
UniteBlist, 616
UniteSet, 609
Units, 246
for gaussians, 398
features, 967
installation, 966
options, 967
Unknown, 420
Unknowns, 419
UnloadSmallGroups, 721
INDEX 1929
UnorderedTuples, 809
until, 207
UpdateMap, 910
UpperBound, 1192
UpperBoundElias, 1191
UpperBoundGriesmer, 1192
UpperBoundHamming, 1190
UpperBoundJohnson, 1191
UpperBoundMinimumDistance, 1193
UpperBoundPlotkin, 1191
UpperBoundSingleton, 1190
UpperCentralSeries, 286
for character tables, 841
Using the MeatAxe in GAP. An
Example, 1283
Using Vector Enumeration with the
MeatAxe, 1357
UUVCode, 1185
Valuation, 438, 1828
Value, 439, 1660, 1828
ValueMolienSeries, 884
ValuePol, 605
Variables, 201
Variables for Mvp, 1831
Vector Enumeration, 1351
Vector Enumeration Package, 1005
Vector Space Functions for Algebras, 732
Vector Space Functions for MeatAxe
Modules, 1291
Vector Space Records, 356
Vector Spaces, 355
VectorCodeword, 1141
Vectors, 629
VectorSpace, 355
VEInput, 1352
VEOutput, 1352
Vertex-Colouring and Complete
Subgraphs, 1130
VertexColouring, 1131
VertexDegree, 1116
VertexDegrees, 1116
VertexName, 1116
VerticalConversionFieldMat, 1197
Vertices, 1116
VirtualCharacter, 949
VKQuotient, 1841
W-Graphs, 1690
WalshHadamardTransform, 1432
WedgeGModule, 1273
Weight, 547
WeightCodeword, 1144
WeightDistribution, 1155
WeightHistogram, 1201
WeightsTom, 822
WGraph, 1691
WGraphToRepresentation, 1691
WhatTypeXMod, 1498
While, 207
while, 207
while loop, 207
for xmods, 1535
Whitehead crossed module, 1535
WhiteheadGroupTable, 1529
WhiteheadMonoidTable, 1529
WhiteheadPermGroup, 1535
Whitespaces, 199
WholeSpaceCode, 1175
WHT, 1432
Why Group Characters, 943
Windows, 970
features, 974
installation, 971
options, 974
Word reduction, 1223
word reduction, 1223
WordLength, 1153
words, 475
Words in Abstract Generators, 475
Words in Finite Polycyclic Groups, 519
WordsClassRepresentatives, 1620
wreath product
1930 INDEX
character table, 852
WreathPower, 1273
WreathProduct, 322
for ag groups, 534
WreathProduct for Ag Groups, 537
WreathProduct for Groups, 322
Wyckoff Positions, 1040
WyckoffBasis, 1040
WyckoffLattice, 1042
WyckoffOrbit, 1042
WyckoffPosClass, 1040
WyckoffPositions, 1041
WyckoffPositionsByStabilizer, 1041
WyckoffPositionsQClass, 1041
WyckoffSpaceGroup, 1040
WyckoffStabilizer, 1040
WyckoffTranslation, 1040
X, 433
XMOD, 1487
XModCat1, 1510
XModDerivationByImages, 1523
XModEndomorphismDerivation, 1531
XModMorphism, 1499
XModMorphismAutoPerm, 1536
XModMorphismCat1Morphism, 1517
XModMorphismName, 1500
XModMorphismPrint, 1500
XModName, 1492
XModPrint, 1491
XModSelect, 1495
Z, 423
ZClassRepsDadeGroup, 716
Zero and One for Algebras, 731
Zero and One for Matrix Algebras, 748
ZeroHeckeAlgebra, 1866
ZeroMorphism, 1547
for groups, 1547
ZeroSymmetricElements, 1094
Zip, 600
ZumbroichBase, 406

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