Markdown Cheatsheet Online Cheatsheet(github Guide)
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M A R K DOW N SYNTA X Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like # or *. HEADERS # This is antag LISTS Unordered ## This is an
tag * Item 1 ###### This is an
tag * Item 2 IMAGES ![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png) Format: ![Alt Text](url) * Item 2a * Item 2b EMPHASIS *This text will be italic* _This will also be italic_ **This text will be bold** __This will also be bold__ LINKS Ordered - automatic! 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 [GitHub]( 3. Item 3 * Item 3a * Item 3b *You **can** combine them* B LO CKQ U OT E S As Grace Hopper said: BACK SL ASH ESCAPES Markdown allows you to use backslash escapes to generate literal characters which would otherwise have special meaning in Markdown’s formatting syntax. > I’ve always been more interested \*literal asterisks\* Markdown provides backslash escapes for the following characters: *literal asterisks* \ backslash () parentheses ` backtick # hash mark * asterisk + plus sign _ underscore - minus sign (hyphen) {} curly braces . dot [] square brackets ! exclamation mark > in the future than in the past. As Grace Hopper said: I've always been more interested in the future than in the past. GITHUB FL AVOR ED M A R K DOW N uses its own version of the Markdown syntax, GFM, that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on USERNAME @MENTIONS FENCED CODE BLOCKS Typing an @ symbol, followed by a username, will notify that person to come and view the comment. This is called an “@mention”, because you’re mentioning the individual. You can also @mention teams within an organization. Markdown coverts text with four leading spaces into a code block; with GFM you can wrap your code with ``` to create a code block without the leading spaces. Add an optional language identifier and your code will get syntax highlighting. ISSUE REFERENCES TA S K L I S T S Any number that refers to an Issue or Pull Request will be automatically converted into a link. ```javascript function test() { console.log("look ma’, no spaces"); } ``` - [x] this is a complete item - [ ] this is an incomplete item - [x] @mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and
tags#1 supported github-flavored-markdown#1 - [x] list syntax required (any defunkt/github-flavored-markdown#1 unordered or ordered list supported) EMOJI To see a list of every image we support, check out GitHub supports emoji! :+1: :sparkles: :camel: :tada: :rocket: :metal: :octocat: GitHub supports emoji! function test() { console.log("look ma’, no spaces"); } this is a complete item this is an incomplete item @mentions, #refs, links, formatting, and tags supported list syntax required (any unordered or ordered list supported) TA B L E S You can create tables by assembling a list of words and dividing them with hyphens - (for the first row), and then separating each column with a pipe | : First Header | Second Header ------------ | ------------Content cell 1 | Content cell 2 Content column 1 | Content column 2 First Header Second Header Content cell 1 Content cell 2 Content column 1 Content column 2
Source Exif Data:
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