Metis Guide


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Networking and Distributed Systems
Computing Science Laboratory
copyright 2015

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder
Marc Mosko*1
Metis is the CCNx 1.0 forwarder that implements the CCNx 1.0 Semantics and Messages draft standards. This
document describes how to use Metis and the internal software architecture.
Content Centric Networks, Forwarder, Metis
1 Computing

Science Laboratory, PARC
*Corresponding author:

5.3 Adding a new I/O Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


The I/O pieces • The Configuration pieces







2.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Threading • Interface Generalization • Dispatcher and network
I/O • Ethernet • Configuration Messages




3.1 Metis Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2 Metis Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.3 Metis Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Internal Structure


4.1 Connection State Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2 Messanger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.3 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.4 Listeners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Stream Listeners (TCP, Unix) • UDP Listener • Ethernet Listener

4.5 IO Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.6 MetisConnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4.7 Connection Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1. Introduction
Metis is a CCNx 1.0 forwarder written in C using the
PARCLibrary package. A forwarder is responsible for
receiving wire format packets from one place and forwarding them to another. When a forwarder runs on
an end host, it typically forwards packets between applications, themselves, and between applications and
the network. When a forwarder runs as an intermediate
system, it typically forwarders between peers, though
it may have a small number of specialized applications,
such as routing protocols, running on the device.
This document describes the Metis architecture and
principle data structures and algorithms. Section 2 provides a general architecture overview. Section 3 describes
how to use Metis as a command line program metis daemon and how to configure Metis with the command
line program metis control. It also covers the syntax of a configuration file used by metis daemon. Section 4 describes the inner workings of Metis through flow
charts and key C structures.

4.8 Message Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
PIT Table • FIB Table • ContentStore

4.9 Connection Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Programming Tasks


5.1 Replacing the PIT Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5.2 Replacing the Content Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2. Architecture
Metis is designed around the concept of a Connection
as the atom of adjacency. A Connection can be a TCP or
UDP connection ({src ip, src port, dst ip, dst port}), an
Ethernet adjacency ({smac, dmac, etherType}), a UNIX

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 2/11


















Figure 1. Metis Architecture

domain socket connection, or an IP multicast group ({src ip, src port, group ip, group port}). The ConnectionTable
tracks all these adjacencies and provides a ConnectionID
(CID). The CID is used in other tables, such as the forwarding table (FIB) to denote next (egress) hops and
in the pending Interest table (PIT) to denote previous
(ingress) hop.
The Metis forwarder is comprised of several major
modules, the two principle ones being the IO module
and the message processor module. The IO module
consists of a set of Listeners that implement the MetisListenerOps interface and a set of protocol Connections
(e.g. StreamConnection or UdpConnection) that implement the MetisIoOps interface. Because each Connection
is protocol specific, it can implement the correct send()
function for the protocol and keep the protocol specific
state it needs.
When Metis receives a packet, it converts the packet
into a MetisMessage, which is an extent (offset, length)
map of important TLV fields to their location inside a
packet. The MetisMessage also carries information about
the ingress Connection.
The Message Processor receives all MetisMessage and
directs Interests and Content Objects to the appropriate
processing path. The Message Processor encapsulates
the Pending Interest Table (PIT), Forwarding Information
Base (FIB), and Content Store (CS). If a Content Object
(in the form of a MetisMessage) is returned to the ingress
port, it is sent by calling the ingress connection’s send()
function. If the Interest is to be forwarded, it is referencecount replicated to each next hop’s Connection send()
A Content Store must comply with the MetisContentStoreInterface (see Section 4.8.3. Metis provides a memorybacked transient Content Store implementation, MetisLRUContentStore, that uses an LRU replacement strategy.
Metis includes a MetisDispatcher that is responsible
for timers and socket polling. It is a single threaded, nonpreemptive dispatcher. Timers are serviced at the nearest

time no earlier than their expiration via a callback. When
a socket is readable or writeable, the dispatcher calls
a corresponding handler. The current implementation
uses PARCDispatcher, which is based on Libevent.
A configuration module has a command parser used
by both the configuration file and to parse received configuration messages from the network. Currently, the
configuration messages over the network use a JSON
2.1 Future Work
While there is much yet left to do in Metis, these are some
of the main future work items.
2.1.1 Threading

Metis will be threaded in a conventional “reader - parser
- lookup - writer” model. This will generally correspond
as reader and writer to the IO module, parser to MetisMessage construction, lookup to the message processor module, and writer to the IO module.
2.1.2 Interface Generalization

Not all interfaces are generalized to allow pluggable
implementations. In particular, the FIB, CS, and Strategy
sections still need work to bring up to a clean facade
2.1.3 Dispatcher and network I/O

The current reliance on Libevent and the PARCDispatcher
will be replaced with a much leaner and properly generalized facade. This will allow one to substitute any
suitable back-end for network IO.
2.1.4 Ethernet

There are plans on moving Ethernet to kernel bypass
networking on Linux when supported by a backend like
netmap/VALE or Intel DPDK.
The current Linux Ethernet, based on raw socket I/O,
will be updated to use shared kernel memory even without netmap or DPDK. This is a small change to introduce
the shared memory kernel buffers.
The current Darwin Berkeley Packet Filter will be
updated to use PF NDRV, which should make it very
similar to the current (non-shared memory) Linux raw
socket module.
2.1.5 Configuration Messages

The current use of a proprietary fixed header PacketType
and embedded JSON string for a configuration message
will be replaced with a CCNx 1.0 Control Message, which
is a signed Content Object. We will be adding a certificate
trust mechanism to Metis along with ways to restrict
which connections can receive control messages.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 3/11

--log facility=level Sets the log level of the given facility to the given level. The --log option may be
This section describes how to run and configure Metis.
repeated several times setting the log level of difThe content of this section is the same as the man pages
ferent facilities. If the same facility is listed twice,
for metis daemon, metis control, and metis.cfg.
only the last occurance takes effect. The default log
level is Error for all facilities.
3.1 Metis Daemon
metis daemon — Metis is the CCNx 1.0 forwarder, which
runs on each end system and as a software forwarder on
• all: All facilities.
intermediate systems.
• config: Configuration activies.
• core: Core forwarder, such as startup and shutmetis daemon [--port port] [--daemon ] [--capacity con
tentStoreSize] [--log facility=level...] [--log-file log
• io: Listeners, connections, and all I/O related
file] [--config configfile]

3. Usage

metis daemon is the CCNx 1.0 forwarder, which runs on
each end system and as a software forwarder on intermediate systems. metis daemon is the program to launch
Metis, either as a console program or a background daemon (detatched from console). Once running, use the
program metis control to configure Metis.
Metis is structured as a set of Listeners, each of which
handles a specific method of listening for packets. For
example, a TCP listener will accept connections on a specific TCP port on a specific local IP address. An Ethernet
listener will accept frames of a specific EtherType on a
specific Interface.
When Metis accepts a connection, it will create a Connection entry in the ConnectionTable to represent that
peer. For Ethernet, a Connection is the tuple {dmac,
smac, ethertype}. For TCP and UDP, it is the tuple
{source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port}.
The connid (connection ID) becomes the reverse route
index in the Pending Interest Table.

• message: CCNx messages, such as parsing.
• processor: Forwarding processor, such as CS,
FIB, and PIT activities.
The log levels are: debug, info, notice, warning,
error, critical, alert, off.
--log-file Specifies the logfile to write all log messages.
This parameter is required with --daemon mode.
--port port The UDP and TCP port to listen on. If no
configfile is specified, Metis will listen on this port
on all interfaces including localhost.
If this parameter is not given, Metis uses the default
port 9695.
metis daemon --config metis.cfg --log all=info --log config=debug --log-file metis.log

See metis control(1) for a description of how to configure
metis daemon.
--config configfile Reads configuration parameters from
For a list of all configuration lines that may be used
configfile. The --port option has no effect in this with metis control and by --config configuration file,
mode and Metis will not listen to any ports. This see metis.cfg(5).
means that metis control will not be able to connect
to Metis to configure it further unless one includes CAVEATS
at least a listener for TCP localhost or a unix do• A given interface may only have one Ethernet listener
main socket.
on one EtherType.
--capacity contentStoreSize Sets the capacity of the Content Store to contentStoreSize content objects. Metis • If there are multiple longest matching prefix entries
that match an Interest, it will be forwarded to all
uses a least-recently-used eviction policy. A size of
those routes (i.e. multicast).
0 will disable the Content Store.
The Content Store sits on the fast path of the forwarder, so there is a cost associated with adding
and removing items to the Content Store tables.
--daemon Runs Metis in daemon mode, detaching from
the console. It must be run with the --log-file

• Ethernet fragmentation will only use the interface
MTU and there is no MTU discovery. If Metis is
used in a bridged environment, this may lead to
errors if the MTU changes on different segments,
such as a 10G link at 9000 bytes and a 100 Mbps
link at 1500 bytes.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 4/11

3.2 Metis Control
metis control — Metis is the CCNx 1.0 forwarder, which
runs on each end system and as a software forwarder on
intermediate systems. metis control is the program to
configure the forwarder, metis daemon.

See parc publickey(1) for a utility to create a PKCS keystore.
For a list of all configuration lines that may be used
with metis control and by --config configuration file,
see metis.cfg(5).
The default keystore is ˜/.ccnx/.ccnx keystore.p12.

metis control [--keystore keystore] [--password pas
sword ] [commandline]
3.3 Metis Configuration File
metis.cfg is an example of a configuation file usable with
metis daemon(1), though there is nothing special about
metis control is the program used to configure a running the actual filename. Each line of the configuration file is
forwarder metis daemon. It will connect to the forwarder also usable with metis control(1). This document speciover a local listener (e.g. TCP to localhost or a unix fies all available command lines used to configure and
domain socket). If a commandline option is specified, query Metis. All commands have a ’help’, so typing ’help
metis control will send that one command to Metis and command’ will display on-line help. In a configuration
then exit. If no commandline is specified, metis command file, lines beginning with ’#’ are comments.
will enter interacitve mode where the user can issue
multiple commands.
metis control requires a signing keystore for commuadd connection ether symbolic dmac interface Adds an
nicating over the network. The keystore file is a standard
Ethernet connection on interface to the given destiPKCS12 keystore, and may be created using parc publicnation MAC address. The symbolic name is a symkey(1). If no keystore is specified, metis control will look
bolic name for the connection, which may be used
in the standard path ˜/.ccnx/.ccnx keystore.p12. The
in later commands, such as add route. There must
keystore password is specified in password. If not specibe an Ethernet Listener on the specified interface
fied, no password is used. If the keystore does not open,
(see add listener), and the connection will use the
the user will be prompted for a password.
same EtherType as the Listener. The dmac destinaSee metis.cfg(5) for a specification of the available comtion MAC address is in hexidecimal with optional
”-” or ”:” separators.
The environment variable METIS PORT may be used
A connection is a target for a later route assignto specify what TCP port to use to connect to the local
ment or for use as an ingress identifier in the PIT.
Metis. The environment variable METIS LOCALPATH
When using a broadcast or group address for a
may be used to specify the UNIX domain socket to conconnection, an Interest routed over that connection
nect to the local Metis and takes priority over METIS will be broadcast. Many receivers may respond.
When Metis receives a broadcast Interest it uses
the unicast source MAC for the reverse route -- it
will automatically create a new connection for the
--keystore keystore
source node and put that in the PIT entry, so a Conmetis control requires a signing keystore for comtent Object answering the broadcast Interest will
municating over the network. The keystore file
only be unicast to the previous hop.
is a standard PKCS12 keystore, and may be creadd connection ether conn7 e8-06-88-cd-28-de em3
ated using parc publickey(1). If no keystore is specified, metis control will look in the standard path
add connection ether bcast0 FFFFFFFFFFFF eth0
˜/.ccnx/.ccnx keystore.p12.
add connection (tcp — udp) symbolic remote ip re--password password
mote port local ip local port
The keystore password is specified in password. If
Opens a connection to the specific remote ip (which
not specified, no password is used. If the keystore
may be a hostname, though you do not have condoes not open, the user will be prompted for a
trol over IPv4 or IPv6 in this case) on remote port.
The local endpoint is given by local ip local port.
While the local ip local port are technically optional
commandline The remainder of the arguments are the
parameters, the system’s choice of local address
commandline to send to Metis. See USAGE.
may not be what one expects or may be a different
(4 or 6). The default port is 9695.
metis control --keystore keystore.p12
metis control --keystore keystore.p12 list interfaces

A TCP connection will go through a TCP connection establishment and will not register as UP until

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 5/11

the remote side accepts. If one side goes down, the
TCP connection will not auto-restart if it becomes
availble again.

list interfaces
Enumerates the system interfaces available to Metis.
Each interface has an Interface ID, a ’name’ (e.g.
’eth0’), an MTU as reported by the system, and one
A UDP connection will start in the UP state and will
or more addresses.
not go DOWN unless there is a serious network
list routes Enumerates the routes installed in the FIB.
The iface is the out-bound connection. The protocol
is the the routing protocol that injected the route.
’STATIC’ means it was manually entered via metis control. route is the route type. ’LONGEST’ means
longest matching prefix and ’EXACT’ means exact
opens connection to IPv6 address on port 1300
add connection udp barney2 fe80::aa20:66ff:fe00:314a match. Only ’LONGEST’ is supported. cost is the
cost of the route. It is not used. next is the nexthop
on a multiple access interface. it is not used because
add listener (tcp—udp) symbolic ip address port, add
the current implementation uses one connection
listener ether symbolic interfaceName ethertype,
(iface) per neighbor. prefix is the CCNx name prefix
add listener local symbolic path
for the route.
Adds a protocol listener to accept packets of a given
protocol (TCP or UDP or Ethernet). The symbolic Examples
name represents the listener and will be used in
future commands such as access list restrictions. 1 > list connections
2 23
UP inet4:// inet4←If using a configuration file on metis daemon, you
:// TCP
must include a listener on localhost for local appli- 3
4 > list interfaces
cations to use.
Opens a connection to on port 1200 from
the local address port 1300
add connection tcp conn0 1200

The ip address is the IPv4 or IPv6 local address to
bind to. The port is the TCP or UDP port to bind to.
The interfaceName is the interface to open a raw
socket on (e.g. ”eth0”). The ethertype is the EtherType to use, represented as a 0x hex number (e.g.
0x0801) or an integer (e.g. 2049).
The path parameter specifies the file path to a unix
domain socket. Metis will create this file and remove it when it exits.
Listens to on tcp port 9695 with a symbolic name ’homenet’
add listener tcp homenet 9695
Listens to IPv6 localhost on udp port 9695
add listener udp localhost6 ::1 9695
Listens to interface ’en0’ on ethertype 0x0801
add listener ether nic0 en0 0x0801


name lm
lo0 lm
16384 inet6://[::1\%0]:0
en0 m
1500 link://3c-15-c2-e7-c5-ca
en1 m
1500 link://72-00-04-43-4e-50
en2 m
1500 link://72-00-04-43-4e-51
bridge0 m
1500 link://3e-15-c2-7e-96-00
p2p0 m
2304 link://0e-15-c2-e7-c5-ca
> list routes
iface protocol
next prefix



1 ---.---.---.---/.... ←-


remove connection Not implemented.
add route symbolic prefix prefix
Adds a static route to a given prefix to the FIB for remove route Not implemented.
longest match.
Currently, the symbolic and cost are not used.
quit In interactive mode of metis control, it cause the
program to exit.
list connections
set debug Turns on the debugging flag in metis control to
Enumerates the current connections to Metis. These
display information about its connection to Metis.
include all TCP, UDP, Unix Domain, and Ethernet
peers. Each connection has an connection ID (con- unset debug Turns off the debugging flag in metis control to display information about its connection to
nid) and a state (UP or DOWN) followed by the
local (to metis) and remote addresses.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 6/11

Example Linux metis.cfg configuration file



#local listeners for applications
add listener tcp local0 9695
add listener udp local1 9695
add listener local unix0 /tmp/metis.sock


# add ethernet listener and connection
add listener ether nic0 eth0 0x0801
add connection ether conn0 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff eth0
add route conn0 lci:/ 1
# add UDP tunnel to remote system
add connection udp conn1 9695
add route conn1 lci:/ 1

Example one-shot metis control commands

Figure 2. MetisMessenger API



metis_control list routes
metis_control add listener local ←unix0 /tmp/metis.sock

4. Internal Structure

void metisMessenger_Send(MetisMessenger *messenger,←MetisMissive *missive);
void metisMessenger_Register(MetisMessenger *←messenger, const MetisMessengerRecipient *←recipient);
void metisMessenger_Unregister(MetisMessenger *←messenger, const MetisMessengerRecipient *←recipient);


struct metis_listener_ops {
void *context;
void (*destroy)(MetisListenerOps **←listenerOpsPtr);
unsigned (*getInterfaceIndex)(const ←MetisListenerOps *ops);
const CPIAddress * (*getListenAddress)(const ←MetisListenerOps *ops);
MetisEncapType (*getEncapType)(const ←MetisListenerOps *ops);
int (*getSocket)(const MetisListenerOps *ops);

Figure 3. MetiisListenerOps

... put stuff here ...
4.4 Listeners
4.1 Connection State Machine
A Connection (see below, Section 4.6) follow this state When Metis starts up, it will either create a set of default
listeners (TCP, UDP) on a given port or only create those
listeners specified in the configuration file. All listeners
implement the MetisListenerOps interface (see Figure 3).



The job of a listener is to receive a packet from the
network, associate it with a MetisConnection, create a
MetisMessage, and send it to the MetisMessageProcessor.
For stream listeners, the accept() happens in the listener,
and from then on the per-client socket IO happens in
These states should be signaled via the MetisMessen- MetisStreamConnection. For datagram listeners (UDP and
ger (see Section 4.2 to any component that wishes to Ethernet), the Listener has to do all the initial IO to at
subscribe to connection event messages. It is the respon- least match against a Connection. In the current code,
sibility of the Listener (Section 4.4) and IO Connection the Listener does all the IO – matching to a Connection
(Section 4.5) to generate these signals.
and creating the MetisMessage.
4.2 Messanger
The MetisMessenger interface inside Metis is to send internal signals of events. A module can subscribe to receive
messages via metisMessenger Register(). When any component signals a message via metisMessenger Send(), all
MetisMessengerRecipient callbacks will receive the message in a later dispatcher scheduling time.
The essential element of the Messenger is the in a
later dispatcher scheduling time condition. This avoids preemption and circular callback firing.
Figure 2 shows the interesting API functions of the
messenger. Currently, a MetisMissive can only signal the
state machine for a Connection ID.
4.3 Configuration

The destroy() function is called during cleanup to release the listener. The getInterfaceIndex() function returns
which host interface the listener is bound to. The getListenAddress is the host address the listener is bound to.
The getEncapType() function is used to display listener information and indicates the encapsulate (TCP, Ethernet,
etc.) used by the listener. The getSocket() function is used
by some protocol connections when they need to send a
packet from the listeners socket address, such as UDP.
In the case of Ethernet, the Listener is split between
a platform-specific module for the low-level IO module
called MetisGenericEther (see Figure 4) and the high-level
MetisListener. MetisGenericEther is the header that each
platform-specific Ethernet module implements. It is not a
structure-style facade, but a straight header as we expect
only one platform-specific object file per platform.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 7/11


MetisGenericEther *metisGenericEther_Create(←MetisForwarder *metis, const char *deviceName,←uint16_t etherType);
MetisGenericEther *metisGenericEther_Acquire(const ←MetisGenericEther *ether);
void metisGenericEther_Release(MetisGenericEther **←etherPtr);
int metisGenericEther_GetDescriptor(const ←MetisGenericEther *ether);
bool metisGenericEther_ReadNextFrame(←MetisGenericEther *ether, PARCEventBuffer *←buffer);
bool metisGenericEther_SendFrame(MetisGenericEther ←*ether, PARCEventBuffer *buffer);
PARCBuffer *metisGenericEther_GetMacAddress(const ←MetisGenericEther *ether);
uint16_t metisGenericEther_GetEtherType(const ←MetisGenericEther *ether);
unsigned metisGenericEther_GetMTU(const ←MetisGenericEther *ether);

Figure 4. MetisGenericEther platform-specific interface

4.4.1 Stream Listeners (TCP, Unix)

Figure 5 shows the process of TcpListener, UnixListener,
and StreamConnection when receiving a packet. Because
it is a stream connection, we must do our own framing
based on the Fixed Header. StreamConnection currently
does not have any framing error recovery. TcpListener
and UnixListener are invoked to accept a new connection,
and go through the (for example) TCP Accept process.
This creates a StreamConnection and associates it with the
client socket, creates the MetisIoOps associated with TCP,
and adds it to the Connection Table. Once the connection
is ready to go, it also sends a Metis Messenger signal that
the connection is in the UP state.
Inside StreamConnection, we need to maintain state
about framing because bytes may arrive with arbitrary
delineation not corresponding to CCNx 1.0 packets. If
we do not know the PacketLength, then we have not
read a Fixed Header yet. We buffer until we have read
8 bytes and can parse the Fixed Header. Once we know
the PacketLength from a Fixed Header, then we read
the socket up to PacketLength bytes or the end of the
available bytes (non-blocking). Once we have read PacketLength bytes, we can create a MetisMessage from the
buffer and pass it to the Message Processor.
4.4.2 UDP Listener

Figure 6 shows the process of UdpListener receiving a
packet. Because UDP is datagram based, we do not need
to manage framing as in the StreamConnection. However,
as there is no dedicated client socket, the UdpListener
must construct a key for the Connection Table from the
source and destination socket addresses to lookup (or
create) a corresponding Connection. Creating a connection is the same as previously described for TCP, except
the MetisIoOps concrete class is MetisUdpConnection. The
UDP receive process currently does not have a buffer
pool, so it peeks at the FixedHeader bytes to determine

Figure 5. Stream Receive

how bit a buffer to allocate and then reads the packet
in to that buffer. This process is inefficient because it
requires two system calls per read. Once the packet is
read, we proceed as above creating a MetisMessage and
passing it to the Message Processor.
4.4.3 Ethernet Listener

Figure 7 shows the Ethernet receive process down to the
GenericEther abstraction level, which does not include
the low-level platform specific parts. These will differ between linux and Mac and other paltforms. The platform
Ethernet implementation may need to trim the CRC from
the packet, as some platforms strip it and some do not.
The Ethernet process is similar to the UDP process
in that there is no client socket, so the Ethernet listener
needs to resolve the Connection by doing its own query
to the Connection Table.
The first steps are to ensure the received Ethernet
frame matches our EtherType, an acceptable destination
MAC address (dmac) and is not our source MAC address
(smac). Acceptable dmac addresses include the interface
hardware address, the broadcast address, and the CCNx
Ethernet group address. If the packet passes these tests,
we lookup the address tuple {smac, dmac, etherType}
in the Connection Table and create a new MetisEtherConnection if needed. Creating a new MetisIoOps proceeds as
Once we are past the Ethernet header, we can read
the Fixed Header, allocate a buffer for the MetisMessage
and read the packet in to that buffer. The exact memory mechanics that happen here can vary depending on
the platform Ethernet implementation. Once we have a
MetisMessage , it is passed to the Message Processor.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 8/11

Figure 6. UDP Receive

4.5 IO Connections
An IO Connection is code that implements the MetisIoOps
interface, shown in Figure 8. Each MetisIoOps represents a connection, so it has a getAddressPair() function.
Figure 7. Ethernet Receive
The addresses are of type CPIAddress which holds IP and
UNIX and Ethernet addresses.
The send() function is used by the Message Process
to send a Content Object back along an Interest reverse a reference to a Connection. This allows the connection
path and to forward an Interest to next hops in the FIB. to be taken down or removed without needing to flush
The isUp() function indicates if the connection is able all other objects that reference the Connection, such as
to send packets. Sometimes a connection is valid, but is MetisMessage and FIB entries.
If a connection is removed while there are still refnot up. For example a TCP connection will be valid but
not Up during the time it is connecting to a remote peer. erences to its connection ID in the system, they will be
The isLocal() function indicates if the remote address lazily purged when they try to reference the connection
is local to the host. Ethernet is never local. IP addresses ID in the connection table.
to the IPv4 and IPv6 loopback address are always local.
UNIX domain sockets are always local.
4.7 Connection Table
The getConnectionId() function returns an integer rep- The ConnectionTable stores the state of every connecresenting the connection. It may be used as a foreign key tion known to Metis. These include configured conin other tables.
nections and tunnels (connections to remote systems)
The destroy() function will release the connections and ephemerally learned connections such as receiving
a UDP or Ethernet packet.
The class() function returns a unique void * for the
Ephemeral connections will timeout. TCP connecconnection that represents the underlying protocol. It is tions automatically timeout when the TCP session ends,
used by function like metisEtherConnecion IsInstanceOf() as that causes a socket error that causes the connection
to determine if a connection is of a particular type.
to go to DOWN then CLOSED state and the Connection
Manager will remove it. UDP and Ethernet connections
need to manage their own timeout and eventually go
4.6 MetisConnection
A MetisConnection is a PARC-style object that encapsu- to DOWN and CLOSED state to be removed from the
lates a MetisIoOps for storage in the Connection Table. Connection Table.
It supports the common functions like acquire() and reCurrently, UDP and Ethernet connections are not timing
lease(). Other tables store the Connection ID instead of out.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 9/11


struct metis_io_ops {
void *closure;
bool (*send)(MetisIoOperations *ops, const ←CPIAddress *nexthop, MetisMessage *message←);
const CPIAddress *
(*getRemoteAddress)(←const MetisIoOperations *ops);
const MetisAddressPair * (*getAddressPair)(←const MetisIoOperations *ops);
bool (*isUp)(const MetisIoOperations *ops);
bool (*isLocal)(const MetisIoOperations *ops);
unsigned (*getConnectionId)(const ←MetisIoOperations *ops);
void (*destroy)(MetisIoOperations **opsPtr);
const void * (*class)(const MetisIoOperations *←ops);
CPIConnectionType (*getConnectionType)(const ←MetisIoOperations *ops);

Figure 8. MetisIoOps

4.8 Message Processor
The Message Processor has an Interest and a Content
Object processing path. These paths execute the normal
CCNx 1.0 algorithm for each message type. Figure 9
shows the two processing paths.
An Interest message carries a HopLimit, which must
be decremented if received from a remote system. If
the Interest is from a local application, the HopLimit is
not decremented on receive. If an interest is aggregated
in the PIT, then the message processor is done. If the
message is not aggregated – it’s a new Interest or the PIT
determines it should be forwarded anyway – then the
Message Processor tries to satisfy from the Content Store
(if configured), and the tries to forward via the FIB.
If an Interest is satisfied from the Content Store, the
corresponding Content Object is sent to the ingress Connection’s send() function. If the interest is forwarded via
the FIB, it is replicated for each next hop and sent via
each next hop’s send() function.
If the message is a Content Object, it is matched
against the PIT. If a hit is found, the message is replicated for each previous hop and sent to that connection’s
send() function.
Finally, if the message is a Control packet, it is sent to
the Configuration module. If the message is not any of a
Content Object, Interest, or Control it is dropped.
Metis currently does not implement the InterestReturn
4.8.1 PIT Table

Figure 9. Message Processor Receive


struct metis_pit {
void (*release)(MetisPIT **pitPtr);
MetisPITVerdict (*receiveInterest)(MetisPIT *←pit, MetisMessage *interestMessage);
MetisNumberSet * (*satisfyInterest)(MetisPIT *←pit, const MetisMessage *objectMessage);
void (*removeInterest)(MetisPIT *pit, const ←MetisMessage *interestMessage);
MetisPitEntry * (*getPitEntry)(const MetisPIT *←pit, const MetisMessage *interestMessage);
void *closure;

Figure 10. MetisPIT Interface

Object to. The list could be empty if no match is found.
4.8.2 FIB Table

4.8.3 ContentStore

A ContentStore implements the MetisContentStoreInterface,
shown in Figure 11. When the Message Processor receives a Content Object that it wishes to cache, it calls
putContent(), which may evict an older item. The eviction
policy is up to the content store implementation. When
the Message Processor receives an Interest that is not
already in the PIT, it tries to satisfy it by calling matchInterest. If a match is found, it returns the MetisMessage of
the corresponding Content Object.

Metis includes one PIT implementation, MetisStandardPIT which implements the MetisPIT interface, shown in
Figure 10. When the Message Processor receives an Interest, it calls receiveInterest() and the PIT table returns a
PIT Verdict indicating if the Interest should is aggregated
or should be forwarded. When the Message Processor 4.9 Connection Manager
receives a Content Object, it calls satisyInterest() and gets The Connection Manager is a MetisMissive listener. When
back a set of Connection IDs to forward the Content it receives connection event messages, it forwards them

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struct metis_contentstore_interface {
bool (*putContent)(MetisContentStoreInterface *←storeImpl, MetisMessage *content, uint64_t←currentTimeTicks);
bool (*removeContent)(←MetisContentStoreInterface *storeImpl, ←MetisMessage *content);
MetisMessage * (*matchInterest)(←MetisContentStoreInterface*storeImpl, ←MetisMessage *interest);
size_t (*getObjectCapacity)(←MetisContentStoreInterface *storeImpl);
size_t (*getObjectCount)(←MetisContentStoreInterface *storeImpl);
void (*log)(MetisContentStoreInterface *←storeImpl);
MetisContentStoreInterface *(*acquire)(const ←MetisContentStoreInterface *storeImpl);
void (*release)(MetisContentStoreInterface **←storeImpl);
void *_privateData;

Figure 11. ContentStore Interface

to applications that have registered (TBD) and cleans
up the Connection Table for connections that have gone
For example, when the Connection Manager receives
a CLOSED signal for a connection, it will remove that
connection from the connection table and remove it as a
next hop from all routes.
The connection manager queues received Missives
and processes them in a later Dispatcher scheduling time.
This avoid conflict with other Missive receivers.

5. Programming Tasks
This section describes how to modify certain components
of Metis to evaluate different technologies or change the
behavior. The modular pieces are the PIT, FIB, Content
Store, and protocol Listeners and IO Connections.

Metis allows the size of the Content Store to be set via
configuration. This results in a call to metisMessageProcessor SetContentStoreSize(). You should edit this function to
use whatever means you implement for a replacement
Content Store. The LRU ContentStore simply releases
itself and creates a new one, which does result in losing
all cached content.
There is currently no means to choose a Content Store
implementation by configuration.
5.3 Adding a new I/O Protocol
An I/O Protocol has four pieces: the ProtocolListener,
the ProtocolConnection, the ProtocolTunnel, and the ProtocolConfiguration. The first three pieces live in the “io”
directory and the configuration piece lives in the “config”
For purposes of explanation, lets use SCTP as an example new protocol. The new modules to add to Metis
would be SCTPListener, SCTPConnection, SCTPTunnel,
and add configuration options to metisControl AddListener, metisControl RemoveListener, metisControl AddConection, metisControl RemoveConection, metis Configuration,
and metis ConfigurationListeners.
The MetisConfiguation components will be refactored
to allow a more modular approach to adding protocols.
5.3.1 The I/O pieces

The protocol listener, in our example SCTPListnener, sets
up the server socket for the protocol. The listener would
function much like the UDP listener, using bind(), listen(),
and recvmsg() with a SOCK SEQPACKET socket type. It
would accept packets and determine if it matched an existing connection. If not, it would create a connection and
SCTPConnection object to put in the Connection Table.
Because one would want to send a reply packet from
the server socket address, the SCTPConnection would use
the same socket as the SCTPListener.
The SCTPTunnel module is used by the configuration
system to create an out-bound connection to a remote
system. Like the UDPTunnel, its main job is to lookup the
appropriate SCTPListener – so it can borrow the socket
– and then create a SCTPConnection and put it in the
connection table.
An alternate approach would be use SCTP in one-toone mode, in which case it would follow the TCPListener,
TCPConnection model.

5.1 Replacing the PIT Table
A PIT table must implement the MetisPIT interface. The
included MetisStandardPIT implements the CCNx 1.0
specification for the PIT table.
To replace the standard PIT with a customized PIT,
change the call to metisStandardPIT Create() in metisMessageProcessor Create() to the new constructor. There should
be no additional changes.
There is currently no means to choose a PIT table 5.3.2 The Configuration pieces
The configuration process requires updates to each of
implementation by configuration.
these sections to enable configuration via metis control
and a configuration file.
5.2 Replacing the Content Store
A Content Store must implement the MetisContentStore- metisControl AddListener Define the “ADD LISTENER”
Interface interface. In the metisMessageProcessor Create()
command syntax for the listener.
function, simply replace the call to metisLRUContentStore Create() with your own Content Store implementa- metisControl RemoveListener Define the “REMOVE LIStion.
TENER” command syntax for the listener.

Metis CCNx 1.0 Forwarder — 11/11

metisControl AddConection Define the “ADD CONNECTION” command syntax. For IP based protocols, it
will likely fall in to the metisControlAddConnection ParseIPCommandLine format and use the metisControlAddConnection IpHelp help display.
metisControl RemoveConection Define the “REMOVE
CONNECTION” command syntax.
The result of these metisControl X functions is a CPI
control object that can be sent down the protocol stack
and encoded to Metis for configuration. These code modules create a CCNxMetaMessage and pass it to ccnxControlState WriteRead().
The ccnxControlState WriteRead() function is program
specific. For a program like metis control, it will
result in the CCNxMetaMesage being sent down the protocols stack to in to Metis via a network channel. For
parsing the configuration file within Metis, it will result
in the message being handed off directly to MetisConfiguration.
metisConfiguration ProcessCreateTunnel Add a handler
to SCTPTunnel Create().
metisConfiguration ProcessRemoveTunnel Add a handler to move the connection to CLOSED state.
metisConfigurationListeners Add Add a handler to SCTPListener Create()..
metisConfigurationListeners Remove Add a handler to
close all connections using the listener and remove
the Listener.


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