Sony Universal Remote KLV 26 Mytascpartrefguide

User Manual: Sony Universal Remote KLV-26

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Participant Reference Guide
Welcome to FlexSystem and to the tax saving benefits of a Section 125 Cafeteria Plan.
We hope you will find FlexSystem to be an efficient and valuable service. Our Participant website is and is referred to as MyTASC throughout this Guide. This Guide will walk you through
the initial login process, how to use your TASC Card, how to request a reimbursement, and how to change your
election(s), as well as how to use several other Participant web tools. Please retain this Guide for future
reference. If you have additional questions, log in to MyTASC and select Contact Us or call Customer Care
at 608-241-1900 or toll-free at 800-422-4661.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:
MyTASC: Online Account Management


Eligible Expenses




Requests for Reimbursement


Reimbursement Disbursements


Managing Your Requests


Change of Elections


Plan Year End and Carryover



MyTASC: Online Account

TASC offers a variety of ways to manage your
Flexible Spending Account! These include an online
portal called MyTASC at, the
MyTASC Mobile application for Kindle, Android, and
Apple devices, and TXT Messaging using any SMS
compatible device.
A valid email is required to access each of these.
If you or your employer provided your email
address upon your initial enrollment, you will receive
a Welcome New FlexSystem Participant email with
instructions about how to set up your MyTASC
account for the first time. You will be asked to set
your password, and once logged in, you may create
your own username. If you do not change your
username, it will remain as your 12-digit TASC ID,
printed on your TASC Card and personalized Request
for Reimbursement Form.
If you did not receive the Welcome New FlexSystem
Participant email with access instructions, please
call Customer Care at 608-241-1900 or toll-free at
800-422-4661 to provide your email address so we
may enter it in your Profile. After this update, you
will be able to access your account online. (NOTE: If
you have no email address, we suggest one of many
email hosting services that are free, including Gmail,
Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.)

Profile Settings
To access your profile settings, click on Profile from
the Participant Manager page.
To change your username (not required), click
Change Username in your Profile, enter your new
username, and click Save. Usernames must be at
least 10 characters and unique to our system. To
avoid possible username duplication, you may use

your email address for your new username. (If you
do not change your username, it will remain as your
12-digit TASC ID.)
To change your password, choose from two options:
(a) Click Change Password in your Profile page,
enter a new password, and click Save. (b) Before
login to MyTASC, click Forgot Password. In the next
screen, enter your username and email address,
to which we will send an email. (If you do not
receive the message within a few minutes, it may
have been blocked as spam by your email provider;
please check your spam or junk folder to retrieve
the message. To ensure that you receive important
notifications, please add
and to your list of trusted contacts or
approved senders.) Select the link in the email and
enter your new password.
Passwords must be a minimum of eight characters
and must contain at least one upper case letter, two
lower case letters, and one number. Passwords will
expire periodically.
Email and Text Notification services are available in
MyTASC. From your Profile page, sign up to receive
notifications concerning your account balances,
reimbursement requests, and payments. Only
benefits-related emails specific to your account are
emailed; no SPAM or other notifications are sent.

address and enter your mobile phone


number. (A valid email address must be


entered to receive text messages.)



Fl e x Sy st em Pa r ti c i p a n t R ef eren c e G u i d e

From your Profile page, validate your email


Under Notifications, select the text and/or


email notifications you wish to receive


(check sent, direct deposit sent, MyCash


deposit sent, Request for Reimbursement


(RFR) Denied, RFR Received, Veriflex


TXT Messaging: Account balance information may
be retrieved via text message also. Once you’ve

A text message with a verification number

entered your mobile number in your account profile,

will be sent to your mobile phone.

simply send a text to 41411 with the message TASC

Enter the verification number in your Profile

BAL. Almost immediately, you will receive a text


under Notifications and select Save. The

back with your current balance. Note: You must


verification process must be completed to

enter your mobile phone number in your Profile (see


authenticate your settings.

Email and Text Notification) to use this feature.


Account Summary

Eligible Expenses

Online: To view your current benefits and available

For a list of eligible expenses: go to www.tasconline.

funds through your MyTASC online account, click on

com, click Resources in the top menu bar, then select

the Account Management link from the Participant

Eligible Expenses from the dropdown. Click the link

Manager page.

for FlexSystem Guide to Deductible Expenses.

A separate table for each benefit provides these
details for you: your available funds, annual election,
total contributions, total

Your employer may have elected the TASC Card

reimbursements, period

feature for your Plan. If so, the TASC Card request

of eligibility, the last date
reimbursement requests
can be submitted
(Runout Period End
Date), Grace Period End
Date (if applicable),
and—coming soon—
Carryover Maximum

The TASC Card

is implemented as soon as your enrollment is

Manage your
account any
time from
anywhere with
MyTASC Mobile.

approved. The card is generated in your name and
mailed directly to your home address, along with the
Cardholder Agreement.
Log in to MyTASC ( and click
TASC Card Management to view your card details,
request a card for a dependent, reissue a card,

(if applicable).

request a PIN, and view allowed benefits.

Select the Contributions

Your TASC Card is good for four years. So hang on

tab to view individual

to it! Even if you deplete this year’s benefits funds,

contributions for your

you’ll be able to use the TASC Card again next year

benefits elections. To sort

when you re-enroll in your Plan.

by one or all benefits,
use the Filter by Benefit

Participants must notify FlexSystem immediately to

drop down, and select

report a lost or stolen TASC Card. To do so, (a) log in

one payroll with Filter

to MyTASC (, click TASC Card

by Payroll Date. The Posted column indicates if

Management, Reissue Card, and select Lost/Stolen

contributions have been applied with a Yes or No.

as the reason for reissue; or (b) submit an online

MyTASC Mobile: For the ultimate convenience,
you can access your account information from
anywhere, at any time with the MyTASC Mobile app.
And by using your phone or mobile device camera,
you can submit Requests for Reimbursement along
with any substantiation documents directly to
FlexSystem. To download the MyTASC Mobile App,
visit Amazon, Apple App Store, or Android Market
and search for TASC.
MyTASC Mobile runs on most Android-based
phones and tablets, the Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod
Touch, and the Amazon Kindle. MyTASC Mobile
provides fingertip access to the same features
available through your online account.
F l e x S y s t e m Pa rt i ci p a nt Re f e re nce Gu ide


where major credit cards are accepted; purchases
are not limited to a merchant or by type of expense.
(Currently MyCash purchases may not be made at
CVS Pharmacy, ShopKo, or Walmart.) Visit your MyCash Manager (Card Management) within MyTASC
( to request a PIN
for ATM use.

With access to two accounts, the
TASC Card is more versatile than ever.
MyService Request (from MyTASC, click Contact Us);
or (c) call Customer Care at 608-241-1900 or toll-free
800-422-4661. A new card will arrive within 7-15 days
and a $10 reissue fee will be withdrawn automatically from your FlexSystem account (pre-tax).

Use the TASC Card your way! Avoid embarrassing
declines; MyCash funds can be used to pay for
eligible expenses if no funds are available in your
MyBenefits account. Purchase retail and healthcare
items together in one transaction—the TASC Card
is smart enough to know that eligible expenses are


paid from MyBenefits and ineligible expenses are

The TASC Card works like a typical

withdrawn from MyCash. Transfer funds at any time

debit card, but is used as a credit

in any amount (up to the fund balance) from your

card for eligible medical, dependent

MyCash Manager. Plus, save money with MyCash;

daycare, or transit and parking

when reimbursements accumulate in the MyCash

expenses, based on the funds

account, the “special stash” can be used for a

available in your benefits account. Rather than

vacation or shopping spree.

paying out-of-pocket and waiting to be reimbursed,
the TASC Card allows you to pay for eligible

Dependent TASC Card

expenses when the service is provided (or when

Give your dependent the flexibility of his/her

an eligible product is purchased). Card purchases

own TASC Card. The additional TASC Card offers

are limited to the Plan types elected, and also to

your spouse or dependent the same convenience

merchants with an inventory information approval

and advantages you enjoy! You will receive one

system (IIAS) in place to identify FSA-eligible

additional card for your spouse or dependent free

purchases. All TASC Card transactions and services

of charge. A $10 fee will apply for each subsequent

must occur within the Plan Year.

TASC Card generated. This fee will be deducted

When using your TASC Card, the amount of the
expense is automatically deducted from your

from your FlexSystem account upon the creation
of the card(s).

Plan’s balance and paid directly to the authorized

To request a TASC Card for your spouse or

provider. Please remember to save your receipts

dependent, log in to your MyTASC account

as you must retain records and documents that

( and click TASC Card

support and validate your TASC Card transactions.

Management, Issue Dependent Card, and follow

In some cases, you may be required to submit

the prompts.

receipts and/or any other related documentation.
If you pay for an eligible expense without the TASC
Card, simply submit a request for reimbursement
via the MyTASC Mobile App or the online Request
for Reimbursement Wizard in MyTASC; or mail or
fax your Request for Reimbursement Form to TASC.
Reimbursements are deposited in your MyCash

If your employer has not elected the TASC Card for
your benefits Plan and you have not elected direct
deposit for your reimbursements, you will receive
a special TASC Card with exclusive MyCash access.
The card serves as a reimbursement card only. It has
no access to benefits funds. Reimbursements for

The TASC Card is a convenient way to
access your MyCash reimbursement
funds—simply swipe your card at a merchant or
ATM. MyCash funds can be spent any way and any4

TASC Card with exclusive MyCash access

Fl e x Sy st em Pa r ti c i p a n t R ef eren c e G u i d e

eligible benefits expenses will be deposited into your
MyCash account. You can access your MyCash funds
with the swipe of your TASC Card at any merchant
that accepts MasterCard, Maestro, or NYCE cards,
or at an ATM (with a PIN). Or you may visit your
MyCash Manager in MyTASC to set up a transfer.

Requests for Reimbursement


When paying for an eligible expense, simply swipe


Log in to your MyTASC account and click
Request for Reimbursement Wizard.
Enter all required information (Service Type,

your TASC Card at the point-of-purchase. The TASC

Service Date, Service Description, Service

Card automatically pays for and substantiates

Provider, Amount Paid). Each expense incurred

expenses, eliminating the need to submit

must be submitted individually. Do not combine

reimbursement requests.
On the rare occasion you pay for an expense without
your TASC Card, simply submit a Request for Reimbursement via the online MyTASC Mobile App or
Request for Reimbursement Wizard in MyTASC, or
fax or mail your personalized Request for
Reimbursement Form with substantiation to TASC.

several expenses into one total.

Upload receipts by attaching a scanned
document (jpg, png, tif, or pdf).


Review your request carefully to ensure its
accuracy, then click Submit.


View submitted requests at the bottom of the
online Request for Reimbursement page.

You may request reimbursement any time a quali-

Mail or Fax

fied expense has been incurred. The service related

Download a personalized Request for Reimbursement

to the expense needs only to have taken place; it

form from your Participant Manager in MyTASC,

need not be paid before requesting reimbursement.

complete, and submit with substantiation to TASC.

Submit Requests for Reimbursements only for
eligible expenses (a) incurred during the applicable
Plan Year, (b) incurred by eligible Plan Participants,
(c) not reimbursed previously under this or any other
benefits plan, and (d) not claimed as an income tax
deduction. It is your responsibility to comply with
these guidelines and to avoid submitting duplicate
or ineligible Requests for Reimbursement.

MyTASC Mobile App
The MyTASC Mobile app provides the simplest
and quickest method to request a reimbursement.

Claim ConneX
If your employer has elected Claim ConneX and
you are enrolled in Claim ConneX for your Medical
Out-of-Pocket FSA Plan, your medical insurance
provider automatically submits the unpaid portions
of your medical claims to TASC for processing. Those
claims will be reimbursed automatically to you from
your Medical Out-of-Pocket FSA Plan. No action is
required from you to receive reimbursement for
those claims.

Simply enter the required information as prompted

If your employer’s FlexSystem Plan has elected

and attach your receipt to the Request for

Reimbursement Ordering and you have a Medical

Reimbursement by taking a photo using your

Out-of-Pocket Flex Plan and a DirectPay Plan,

mobile device camera.

requests submitted via the online Request for

Request for Reimbursement Wizard

Reimbursement Wizard or via your medical
insurance provider (Claim ConneX feature) will be

It’s easy to submit reimbursement requests along

routed automatically to your Plan that reimburses

with substantiation online! Follow these steps:

first and next to your Plan that reimburses second.

Reimbursement Disbursements
Requests for Reimbursement are processed daily.
Once a request is reviewed and approved, a
reimbursement is issued to your MyCash account.
For dependent care and non-employer sponsored
insurance premium reimbursements, the benefits
account must contain sufficient funds for reimbursement. If funds are insufficient in the account,
reimbursement will be limited to that particular
account’s balance. The outstanding balance of the
request will remain as Pending until additional
deposits are received, at which time an additional
reimbursement will be initiated. Medical Out-ofPocket expenses will be reimbursed up to your total
Plan Year election less prior reimbursements.
F l e x S y s t e m Pa rt i ci p a nt Re f e re nce Gu ide


All reimbursements are deposited in your MyCash
account. You can access your MyCash funds in three
ways: (1) swipe your TASC Card at any merchant that
accepts MasterCard, (2) withdraw at an ATM using
your TASC Card, or (3) transfer to a personal bank
account. Click MyCash Manager in MyTASC to view
and manage your MyCash funds.
*Paper reimbursement checks are issued on a limited basis
and only upon request. A convenience fee may be applied
per check.

Direct Deposit
To establish direct deposit of your MyCash funds to
a personal bank account, visit MyCash Manager (in

MyCash Manager

MyTASC) and click Schedule a Transfer. Enter your

It’s easy to manage your MyCash reimbursement

Bank Account information, then set up an Auto-

funds from the MyCash Manager within MyTASC.

matic Transfer to occur every time funds enter your

From MyCash Manager, you can view recent MyCash

MyCash account. With Automatic Transfer (direct

activity and card information, save bank account

deposit), funds are forwarded from your MyCash

information, and transfer funds to a personal bank

account to your bank within 48 to 72 hours of a

account. You can view MyCash activity and balance

complete submission. Remember to verify receipt

via MyTASC Mobile, too.

of deposits before writing checks against expected
payments. TASC is not responsible for any bank fees
associated with overdraft charges.

Change of Elections
You may change your election during the Plan Year

Managing Your Requests

under certain circumstances only and only within

To view your submitted Requests for

get married or divorced, have a child, or experience

Reimbursements and payments, click Account

a change in work status, you may be able to make

Management from the Participant Manager,

a change of elections. (See your employer for a

then Reimbursements. Payments are in the

complete list of circumstances and the appropriate

Reimbursement Disbursements section and show

form to use.)

the date payment was initiated, the amount, and

30 days of the qualifying event. For example, if you

how payment was made.

Plan Year End and Carryover

Submitted Requests for Reimbursement are shown

Typically there is a transitional period at the end of

in the Submitted RFRs section. Use the Filter by
Benefit drop down box to view requests for one
specific benefit or to see all requests. This summary
table shows the Submitted Date, Request ID,
Requested Amount, Benefit type, Veriflex Status,
Paid Status, and how the request was received. You
may also sort within each column by clicking on the
column title. From this screen, click Upload Receipt
next to a Submitted RFR to submit

your Plan Year during which time you may be able
to incur and/or submit expenses. Check with your
employer for complete details pertinent to your
Plan. The Plan Year is officially closed following a
transitional period at the end of the Plan Year, or
sooner if directed by your employer. At the end of
the Plan Year, you may carry over a portion of your
unused balance in your medical FSA from year
to year. The maximum carryover allowed is $500;

additional substantiation.

your employer may choose a lessor amount or no

Click the Details link in the Request ID column to

your employer’s carryover maximum) are forfeited to

view additional information about the individual

your employer.

request, including: Date of Service, Service Type,

carryover. Any unused medical FSA funds (exceeding

Service Description, and Provider Name.

Near the end of the Plan Year, you will have the

You can also obtain this information from your

Please check with your employer on your specific

mobile device using the MyTASC Mobile App.

re-enrollment procedure.


F l e xSyst em Pa r ti c i p a n t R eferen c e G u i d e

opportunity to re-enroll in your FlexSystem Plan.


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