Naftin Discussion Guide


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Doctor Discussion Guide:
Starting the Conversation
Answer the following questions to personalize your discussion guide.
Space is provided at the end to make any additional notes you feel would
be helpful. Share with your healthcare provider at your next visit.
1. I am concerned that I have: [Check all that apply.]
¨ Athlete’s foot between the toes
¨ Ringworm
¨ Jock itch
2. My symptoms are:
¨ Itching, burning, cracked skin between toes
¨ Red skin rash on body or arms and legs
¨ Itchy, burning rash in groin area
3. I have had this infection for:
¨ Less than a week
¨ More than a week
¨ More than a month
¨ I can’t remember when I didn’t have it
4. I would describe my discomfort as:
¨ Minimal
¨ Moderate
¨ Severe
5. My condition:
¨ Gets better but comes back
¨ Has not changed since the infection started
6. To treat my fungal infection:
¨ I have used topical solutions
¨ I have used natural remedies
¨ I have been treated with a prescription medicine
¨ I have made lifestyle changes
¨ I haven’t sought help until now
7. Please make a note of any questions you would like to discuss with
your healthcare provider, such as: “Would I benet from treatment
with NAFTIN Gel, 2% or NAFTIN Cream, 2%?”
NAFTIN Gel, 2%
hydrochloride) Gel, 2% is an allylamine antifungal
indicated for the treatment of athlete’s foot between
the toes caused by fungus in patients 12 years of
age and older.
WARNING: If there is redness or irritation on the skin
with the use of NAFTIN Gel, 2%, stop treatment and
speak with your doctor.
Information for Patients:
1. NAFTIN Gel, 2% is only for use on top of the skin.
NAFTIN Gel, 2% should not be used in the mouth,
eyes, or vagina.
2. If there is irritation or redness with the use of
NAFTIN Gel, 2%, treatment should be stopped.
Contact your doctor if you have irritation or redness
on the skin after using NAFTIN Gel, 2%.
Cancer Risk: It is not known whether NAFTIN causes
cancer or causes a risk of cancer. Long-term studies to
evaluate the risk of cancer from NAFTIN Gel, 2% have
not been done.
Pregnancy: Let your doctor know if you are pregnant
or plan to become pregnant. NAFTIN Gel, 2% should
be used during pregnancy only if the benet to the
mother is greater than the risk to the unborn baby.
Nursing Mothers: It is not known whether this drug
passes into breast milk. Because many drugs pass
into breast milk, women who are nursing should
take care when using NAFTIN Gel, 2%.
Pediatric Use: Safety and eectiveness in children
under 12 years old has not been proven.
SIDE EFFECTS: In clinical trials with NAFTIN Gel 2%,
the most common side eect was itching on the skin
where the medicine was applied.
NAFTIN Cream, 2%
hydrochloride) Cream, 2% is indicated for the
treatment of interdigital tinea pedis, tinea cruris, and
tinea corporis caused by the organism Trichophyton
rubrum in patients 12 years of age and older.
WARNING: If there is redness or irritation on the
skin with the use of NAFTIN Cream, 2%, stop
treatment and speak with your doctor.
Information for Patients:
1. NAFTIN Cream, 2% is only for use on top of the skin.
NAFTIN Cream, 2% should not be used in the mouth,
eyes, or vagina.
2. If there is irritation or redness with the use of
NAFTIN Cream, 2%, treatment should be stopped.
Contact your doctor if you have irritation or redness
on the skin after using NAFTIN Cream, 2%.
Cancer Risk: It is not known whether NAFTIN causes
cancer or causes a risk of cancer. Long-term studies
to evaluate the risk of cancer from NAFTIN Cream, 2%
have not been done.
Pregnancy: Let your doctor know if you are preg-
nant or plan to become pregnant. NAFTIN Cream, 2%
should be used during pregnancy only if the benet to
the mother is greater than the risk to the unborn baby.
Nursing Mothers: It is not known whether this drug
passes into breast milk. Because many drugs pass into
breast milk, women who are nursing should take care
when using NAFTIN Cream, 2%.
Pediatric Use: Safety and eectiveness in children
under 12 years old has not been proven.
SIDE EFFECTS: In clinical trials with NAFTIN Cream 2%,
the most common side eect was itching on the skin
where the medicine was applied.
NAFTIN Gel, 2% is manufactured for Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Raleigh, NC 27615.
NAFTIN is a registered trademark of Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC.
The Merz logo is a registered trademark of Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA.
© 2015 Merz North America, Inc. All rights reserved. XXXXXXX-XX

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