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Newarkers stage Prairie Home Companion/ lOa Vol. 75, No. 47 Historic Iron Hill \~~ p.R'< {\h1 Area was frequented by Indians, site of gold rush ~) \S?X) I . .~ " ur \)\.1.1' N 1JI'41'~tR'-I f... ot.L~' ~t.\1~"'(!. I Students clean Newark Event kicks off Clean & Green Days CHARCOAL More than 200 Newarkers - university students and residents alike - combed city streets Saturday in a massive clean-up campaign which kicked off the monthlong Clean and Green Days. The students, largely members of University of Delaware fraternities and sororities, were ceqtral _to the effort, according to Councilman Betty Hutchinson, chairman of the city's Clean and Green Committee. They were transported on Unicity buses to drop off points along Newark's major arteries. From those points, bands of 20-30 students worked their way back to Warner Hall on campus, picking up trash all along the routes. Robert Melson of Newark explains operation of early iron furnace. t's been mined by Indians and Welshmen, trod on by George Washington and endured a fools' gold rush. It's Iron Hill, the round mound with a heart of gabbro which rests just south of Newark and which will be the subject of a special program Saturday, May 3. The Delaware Academy of Science will hold an open house from 10 a.m. to. 3 p.m. in its Iron Hill Museum, located on the south slope of the hill off Old Baltimore Pike (Del. 7). The open house will be dedicated to the historical, archaelogical and geological aspects of the ancient hill. Visitors will be able to tour a 5,500 year old Indian jasper quarry, see the remains of a 19th century iron mine, study the hill's various rocks and hear Indian stories told by Charlott Holock. Admission is $1. Children under 5 will be admitted free of charge. I by Neil Thomas INDEX Newarkers ........ 2a News .............. 3a Schools ............ 6a Community ....... lOa Church ........... 15a ~nterta~ent .... 16a University ........ 17a Opinion ........... 18a Sports ............. lb Lifestyle ........... 6b ~usiness ........... Bb ClassHied ......... lOb Forces ........... 16b FACT FILE Walking clinics • Saturday, May 3, 1-3 p.m. at Storm's shoe store in Midway Shopping Center. Rob Sweetgall will discuss the benefits of walking for the health of it and his journey across America, and will lead a clinic on proper techniques of walking. The clinic is part of a series of walking events being coordinated by Storm's, which plans to form walking clubs all over New Castle County. • Wednesday, May 7, 6:30p.m. at the Anna P . Mote Elementary School on Kirkwood Hig.hway. Rob Sweetgall will head a· program sponsored by The Back Clinic. He will show the 27-minute film " Walk! America!" which chronicles his coast-to-coast trek . Iron Hill draws its name justly, according to Robert Melson of Newark, chairman of the Iron Hill Museum Committee. The inside of the hill is a mass of igneous rock called gabbro, which is made up of iron magnesium, he said. It was the quartz known as jasper, however, which drew the first human interest. Indians who inhabited the East Coast 3,500 years before the birth of Christ prized the Newark jasper of Iron Hill as arrowheads because the stone, when broken, forms very sharp edges. Today, visitors who take the Iron Mine Trail at the museum site can wind their way to the Indians' workshop. The workshqp sits alongside a small stream and-contains jaspl!r · ~ailings about 18-20 inches beneath the s1 'face. See HILL/ 17a Upon their arrival at Warner Hall, student patrols were greeted by city officials - and city garbage trucks. After discarding their litter bags, the students were presented Clean and Green visors and t-shirts. Also taking part in Saturday's efforts were the West Chestnut Hill Road Residents Association and the University's Young Republican Students for Steve Amick. Amick, who is active in the West Chestnut Hill civic organization, is running for state legislature. The "clean sweep," which was part of the University's Greek Week festivities, was well worth the effort, according to several students. See CLEAN/ 4a , . KEEP POSTED Christina candidates Two public forums for Christina Board of Education candidates to address citizens' concerns have been scheduled by the League of Women Voters of Greater· Newark. The first forum will be held at 7:30p.m . Friday, May 2 in the Bancroft School, 8th and Lombard streets, Wilmington. The second will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 5 in Newark High School. The school board election is Saturday, May 10. Run for Your Life slated Newark's Department of Parks and Recreation will hold the 11th annual Run for Your Life 10-kilometer race Saturday morning, May 3 at Barksdale park. Race day registration is $8. For details, contact the Department at 366-7060. 2a The New Ark Post 1pril 30, 11186 NEWARKERS .G lasgow principal Tom Comer Veteran educator ~njoys searching the ocean depths for buried treasure by John McWhorter hile he can usually be found cruising the halls of Glasgow High School, Principal Thomas L . Comer may also be found diving for sunken treasure in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. Comer, who dives " for the thrill of it," once pulled up the safe from the Florida wreck "Nina " and brought it back to West Chester, Pa. to have it opened . As It turns out, the safe was empty, but Comer continues to be devoted to the sport. After taking introductory scuba lessons in a class offered at Glasgow High, he became enticed to continue and is now certified in the open, deep, advanced and wreck types of diving. While Comer's other hobbies include gardening, boating, fishing, camping and travel, he has spent most of his years in the field of education, where he has definitely left his mark. One of Comer's biggest achievements to date was the controversial closing of the school's smoking court. That occurred last September after Comer noticed the inconsistency between the goals of health education and school policy. " I couldn't see how a school could offer a place to smoke after what the Surgeon General has found, " Comer said . That was in January of 1985 and by June of the same year he knew there was going to be some action taken, but wasn't sure of what it would be. Many ideas were discussed by a staff committee that was formed to study the issue, but after taking a vote, 95 percent of the faculty agreed that a total smoking ban would be a good idea . While Comer knew there might be problems with enforcement, he said the staff has helped and that he is very pleased with the results . Besides the obvious health benefits , he said that there are fewer fights and less tardiness, with very few student complaints. Although Comer has been in education for more than 28 years, he said he almost missed the boat. After graduating from high school, he planned to work on his father 's farm . However, when he realized that all of his friends had gone off to college, he knew he was missing something . Comer told his father how he felt and his father assured him that if he really wanted to go to college , they would find a way. A few months later, Comer found himself enrolled at Salisbury, Md . State College with the intention of becoming a veterinarian . After two years, he decided to pursue a career in education . By 1964 he was teaching in the Newark School Distr·ict and by 1968 he had received a masters deg ree in secondary education a nd administration . By 1973, Comer had worked his wa y into Glasgow High as an assistant principal and, soon thereafter, established one of the first computer education labs in th e state. When desegregation was implemented in 1978, Comer found himself as acting principal, a / post he has held eve r since . It is in this post tha t Comer W CITY OF NE WARK DE LAWARE CITY COUNCIL PUB LI C HEARING NOTICE Mayl2, 1986 32~ 79 of the Code of t he Ci ty of Newark, De la wurc, Notice Is he reby give n or tl puiJiic hearing at a reg ular meeting of the Counc il in I h Counc il Chamber at the MUI pa l Building. 220 E lkt o n hv a d , Newar k , Dclawnre. on Monda y, May 12, 1986 ut 8 p.m., a t whic h time the Counc il will contdder for Fina l A ction and Pu ssage the follow- ing proposed ordi nances : I. Bill 118·22 - An Or dinance Ame nd ing Ch . 21, Peddlers & Solici tors , By Re vising Articl e J, Peddlers & Vendors , to Provid e for the Rcgulutions of Peddlers & Vendors Licensed Prior to the E Ucctive Date of Arti cle I (2/?.4/1181 2. 1.1111 6&-2:1 - An Ordinance Am e nd i n ~ Ch. 2, Admin istration, By Providing for the Review &. Approva l of All F.conC'mic lm p rovcment Pro-g .· uH~ t.oan Appli cations by the Planning Commission. Susan A. Lamblack Ci ty Secreta ry - Principal and scuba diving enthusia~t Tom Comer ·in his Gla~gow High School office. 215 E, DELAWARE AVE,, NEWARK ·~ UT\J United Church of Christ 13021737-4711 •SOME IN CARTON •DISPLAY MODELS •DEMO'S 9:30 Worship 11 :00 Adult & Youth Education NURSERY CARE AVAILABLE ·.. The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border." - Pablo OFF OUR COUNTERTOP MICROWAVE OVENS FROM CALL OUR SCRATCH 'N DENT HOTLINE (302) 322·9900 Extra Large Capacity 7-Cycle Potscrubber GE WASHER GE DISHWASHER Model WWA3100G Mod el GSD600D Temp er ature Sensor System . 10-yea r full wa rra nty on PermaTuf ® tub and doo r liner (ask for deta ilsl. 2-level wash action . Energy save r drying op t ion . Regular wash cycle. Two wash / rinse temperature selections . Energy saving cold water rinse. FilterFlo ® filtering system . Just GE 25" Diagonal CONSOLE COLOR TV c..ata SHARP G.E. LITTON QUASAR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES (Not Exactly AsShownl Rev. Peter A . Wells . PaRtor " WE ARE A UNITING CHURCH " SAVE EVEN MORE FROM OUR REGIONAL SCRATCH 'N DENT DIVISION! 19" Diagonal PORTABLE COLOR TV with Remote Control HQ - NEW HIGH QUALITY CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGY FOR CLEARER PICTURE ~ JUST ONSALE '""~u!i!~$319° 0 MODEL 25PF6802 •lighted channel numbers for easy viewing •Color Monitor rM System automatically adjusts color •D istincitve styling •Cabinet constructed of vinyl-clad wood composition board . GE . We bring good things to life . MODEL 19PF3742 •Cable Capable •Programmable scan remote control with 112-channel cable capability •High Contrast picture tube gives blacker blacks and richer colors •Color Monitor r M system automatically adjusts color •Woodgrain finish on high impact plastic ~ Kitchen Companion Radio/Cassette Recorder with "Message Center," Mounts under kh.:hen cabinet to :'r~e p•~c;:~~~~~~~~u8n~~~~;~~ ~~~;:::::;;:~ ~::!t t~~=s~~~=n~~v~~~!~td~~n~~ down timer lor cooking and baking. Provides fine audio entertainment A big 5" bottom-fired speaker, -..,..,.,,.,._,7 /.? •.r··o6.. 700mw audio output and tone con- -,.;;;:::::z:o.tx .".w trol fqr fine sound quality. Sale Price $57.00 Less Rebate $8 .00 $4goo GE. We bring good thing• to life. VJSFPCf~R~ FM I AM Radio with Clock/Timer Purs uant to Sect ion 402.2 of np4 / 30-2 Comer feels this program is valuable because students have one person who knows all their needs, instead of two who know only some of their needs . " It gives the counselor a better opportunity to get to know the student, " Comer said, " and the process becomes more personal." In addition, he said the school has begun to offer more diversity in education through incorporating nine week mini- courses in such areas as agriculture, computer repair and accelerated languages. Despite his achievements, Comer said he misses the teacher-student contact of the classroom, and always enjoys teaching the occasional math class. His highlight though, is seeing students grow up and become young adults. " They come in here as bubbly , hyperactive kids but when they leave, they have developed and h~;~ve taken on leadership roles. " Even if they're in trouble, they shake your hand, give you that look, and you know that it has all been worth it, " Comer said. " and that's the biggest thrill." -~~R- LEGAL NOTICE the Ci ty Charte r a nd Sec tion seems to have made the most impact. Since 19'178, he has developed what he calls the "four centers conceet" in counseling . This programl~ designed to give students a single source of career help, as well as academic assistance. 704270 Silver. bla ck and gr ey color Take th e edge off ki tche n wit h your favorite m usic . Fits un der 1 a ca bine t to re du ce cou nter 1[::.3 A... J..•.! :.7. :>:- i ·-·. -H-. clutter. Featu res AM / FM radio , Casse tt e Playe r/ Reco rd er, clock and un ique M essa ge Cente r fo r easy in -h om e com m un ica t ion s f or you r fam il y. Plu s klt chenco nve n ie nce feat u resllke pr o gr amm abl etimea pp lia nce outl et , SALE PRICE $128 LESS $10 REBATE •Cable Ready •Wi rel ess Re mote •14 day , 4 program timer •Front loading •Autom atic rewind •Double speed play •Tape counter with memory •Programmable 4 hour one touch record ing •Fin e slow motion in SLP mode with picture noise minimiz ed •D irec t drive capstan motor . -~~Kitchen Companion TV with FM I AM Radio M ounts ne atly und er kitchen cabi net to reduce co un ter c lutt er. Swiv el bra cket for w ide -angle vi ew i ng Un it removes from brac k et far complete po rt ab ility . Op er ates on AC or bat· terles or auto Cig arett e light er with op tiona l adapter . Recharge capa bl e 5" d iagona1 B& WTV . SALE PRICE Less $20 Rebate $148.00 $20 .00 Your Net Cost Your Net Price countdown t ime r an d " t ou ch pad " co ntr ols . Video Cassette Recorder 00 $ JOE DAWSON INC. WILL BE CLOSED FOR INVENTORY TUESDAY, MAY 6th, WE WILL REOPEN FOR OUR HUGE INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE WED, 5/71 M ON ,-FRI. 9-8 SAT. 10-5 SUN.12-4 CLAYMONT, DE, 2701 Phlla. Pike (Still in Town & Country Shopping Ctr.l Where Kinney Shoea uaed to be CONCORDVILLE, PA, Rt. 1 & Brinton lake Rd. Concordville, Pa. 358-2131 Sun. 12-4 NEW CASTLE, DE, Rt. 213 at Baaln Rd. New Caatle, Del. Acroaa from Air Baae Carpet ~-l ai:J li'IS4 ~ ~ .. 3a The NewArk Post April 30, 19M Wilburfest woes Some Wilbur Street residents oppose scheduled festival by John McWhorter A day of music and fun known as Wllburfest, which Is scheduled to be hold Jn the buokyurds of homes located between 02 und 110 Wilbur St. on Muy 17, hus met with some opposition, uccordlng to orga nizer Robert Schiltz . Schutz 11uld tho fostlvul 111 de11lgnod to rulso fund8 for u Wllmln1Mn chut·lty, but su ld that the event hus mot with opposition from 110mo loco! officia ls. Accot·dlnf:! to City t:ouncllmun Olun ·r homus , th ld e11 of Wllburfest 111 llOutld but he tcel11 the residents surrounding the area are opposed because of the noise and other related problems the event may create. . "It just Isn't a good location for such an event," Thoma!J said . He sugge11ted that other areas such ns Lums Pond or the University of Dolawuro Field House be con8ldered ln8toad . S •hutz said thut his cotnmltt o tried to find anothet· 11ultuble lo •u· tlon but thut nunc woro avullublo . Insteud, he hl uttcmptln~ to ob· taln written upproval from ut·ou retlldentfl. "We'll do 11nythln!! tho community wantH u11 to do In cn·dtll' for u8 to hnvo WllburferJt," Schutz sulci. Schatz added that a security company will be hired the noise levels will be kept within legal limits, the urea will be fenced In und no ulcohol will be served. Also, Schutz said, buttons will uu :mid to tho!lu ~eeklnf:! to attend. · Tho ostimutod goal of $2,000 will be donated to " Because We Cu r·o," tho purpo11o of which Ia to h e lp yo un1,1 people with dlsclpllnury problom11 got back on tr•uck. Tho vent 111 llcheduled to be held ft·om 11 u.m . to 7 p.m. on Sutut·doy , Muy 17. Food and drink will bo pt·ovldod by loc11l mer· hunts. Mellon has so111ething for you alone. · Antenna bill passes City Council gave preliminary approvul Monday for adoption of an ordinance designed to t•egulate the placement of satellite dishes on private property. The ordinance is designed to limit the placement of such dishes no less than three feet from property lines. It r equires that they be screened from neighbors' view with either evergreen hedges, walls or solid fenceR. The ordinance also states that the screening rule may be wulved If It Interferes with the direct line of sight to orbiting television satellites. A version of the ordinance has been proposed In I<'ebt·uary but was postponed to allow City Solicitor Thomas G . Hughes time to Interpret a ruling by the Federal Communications Commission thut prohibit ~ loca l governments from banning the antennas solely on the basis that they at•e unsightly. Hughes said that without the FCC ruling, he suspected the city would have passed stricter regula· tlon of the dishes because of their size, unsightliness and the poten· tlal danger of them falling over. A second readln~. public hearIng and vote on the proposal Is sc heduled Tuesday, May 27. NEWS FILE Council Roundtable meetings A proposal to begin a series of roundtable meetlnus designed to give rcsldontiJ of th Newark urea an opportunity to m ot with 'lty Council m mbor·s wu11 pu8fled by Council Monduy nll;lht. 'l'ho lntot·mul me tlrms or·o to b ho11ted by council and 11tutt to diiiCUilll IHiiYtls or lntCI'tlllt tlnd •on· corn pr•lor• to uny loglt!lotlvo tlctlon or· planning. The pt·oposul wu11 sponsored by Councilman John R. Suchunec, who sold he would like tho meetings to uddt'OHslssues such as changing voter registration laws to make It easier for residents to participate In elections and to road use concerns on Christina Parkway and Casho Mill Road. The meetings will be held on Mondays when the Council Is not meeting, with the first session scheduled June 2. DGS Buried storage tanks The Delaware Geological Survey at the University of Delaware ha s r eleased a new report on " Evaluation of Remote Sensing and Surface Geophysical Methods for Locating Underground Storage Tanks." In response to a charge from the Delaware state legislature , the report presents Information on the application of available technology to th e problem of locating abandoned uncterground storage tanks . The eight-page report identifies the methods that can be used to locate burled tanks, presents general information on the opera· tlon of applicable equipment and discusses strategies for their effective use. Considering the costs, currently available remote sensing and s ur· face geophysical methods are best suited to cases where pollutants from a suspected burled tank are already affecting the surrounding environment. 'fhcse m et hod s could bo us d I.IH a pr ovontotlv mou s ur·o In 11poclflc orcas ot th 11toto wh I'O leoklnw und qp·ound Htorusc tonk11 pr 1 nt th gr otoat pot n· tlul thr at to wutor r I!Our·cos, poo· pic or wildlife. However, detecting non-leaking burled tanks on a rountlne basis Is both difficult and expensive, according to the report. The author of the report Ia A. Scott Andres, a hydrogeolollllt with th o Survey . Copies oro ovullubl from the Oolnwure Geologlcol Survey of· flee In Pe nny Hall on th Newark ump u6 of th e Unlvenlty ot Delowor . The NewArk Post Tom Bradlee NeiiThomaa Publisher Edito r Bruce Johnson Charles E . Rolph StafiWrlter Delaware Advertising Director M. Ray Nemtuda David Jones Staf!Wrlter Advertising Manager Advertising Representative Dorothy Hall Peggy Burke Debbie Dear Contributing Writer Advertis ing Representative Layout Artist John McWhorter Phil Toman Tina Mullinax LIIBrown Co ntr ibuting Writer Ad ver tislhg Re prese ntative Receptionist _ 737 0724 153 E. Chestnut Hill Rd. . Newark, Del. 19713 . ' ~ _ 737 0905 The Ne wArk Post Is owned by Chesa peake Publishing Corp . It Is a free weekly publica tion deli ve r ed to residents of G rea t er Ne wark 's 197 11 , 19713 and 19702 Zip Code a reas. The newssta nd price is 25 ce nts per c opy. Persons who would like to s ubscribe may do so at a cost of $10 per year In New Castle Co unty and $14 per year out of cou nt r . Advertisin g rates are available upon request . ~ =:·::·:~1:3 Me. mber : Maryland-Delaware-D .C. Press Assoc ia tion, National Newspaper Assoc iation . II ON SALE NOW 40% OFF CUSTOM DRAPERIES 200 I Patterns. Colors. Prints. Sheer & Textured Fabrics on Sale 40% OFF KIRSH VERTICAL BLINDS MICRO l /2" & I" MINI BliNDS 40% OFF BROADLOOM CARPETING ~nArg~~;;~~r: ~~~~;~~~r~.n:Vr~~~ From Plu s h Cu1 Pile to Ulrra Plu s h Plu s h -S nxony s & Bubers. flt•gulnrly 18. Ttl $42. Sq . Yd. Now On a le 10.95 to 26.95 40% OFF KIRSH DUETTE & VEROCOL PLEATED SHADES A loan by phone. Call us with your auto loan or personal loan request by 1 p.m. and we can have a decision for you by the end of the day. Or call us about a Home Equity Loan or a Personal Credit Line and we can take your application right then and there. The fact is, our people can help you find out all you need to know about virtually any kind of Mellon loan. Simply call Mellon's Telephone Loan Service. In Delaware: 1-800-323-7105. @ a Mellon Bank Mollnn Unnk 11> 1·:1 A neighbor you can count on 4a CprU 30, 1988 The New Ark Post NEWS 0 0 s ••• FOR ALL OF YOUR GLASS NEEDS Auto • Commercial • Home •AUTDGLASS •TRUCK GLASS •HEAVY EQUIP. •INSULATED GLASS •BOAT GLASS •SCREENS •STOREFRONTS •TABLETOPS •MIRRORS Framed&CuiToSize •PLEXIGLAS •STORM WINDOW REPAIR FREE ESTIMATES •INSTALLATION AVAILABLE •24 HR . EMERGENCY BOARD·UPS •INSURANCE WORK INVITED ....,.,• INeer Buckworth'al :: 116 Landing Lane, Elkton, MD :·students by the hundreds turned out for Greek Week activities, one of which was cleaning up : Newark streets. ;cLEAN / from la : " We're just out here to do •some community service with :the other fraternities," said Joe :Grieco a sophomore and a :member of Tau Kappa Epsilon :fraternity. " A lot of people come ;by and see us doing this, and it's :good for the City of Newark . It :~shows the people that we're do·:ing something for the communi:;ty. :- " People would cruise by and ~honk their horns and wave to ::us ." ·: "If you drive around Newark ::(today ), you'll see the whole ·.Greek community out picking ':things up, " said Ben Poore, also :a TKE sophomore. '. " A lot of fraternities have trou:ble with Newark and Newark ~oesn 't want us around," Poore said . " Well, we're going to show them and do something for them ." Poore said people often see only the bad things which result from fraternity activities, and added " it usually takes about 100 good things to compensate for the one bad thing that might happen. This is just one of the many good things we do ." It was also just one of the many good things which will be taking place during Clean and Green Days, which Hutchinson expects ~o continue through Newark's annual Memorial Day parade. Neighborhood groups and service organizations have been presented lists of specific problem areas in Newark and are volunteering time to clean up 301-398-8208 • FREE PARKING FREE MEMBERSHIP those areas. Among them, the Newark Rotary will pick up litter and erase graffiti at the intersection of Main Street and Cleveland Avenue near McDonald's the Newark Lions Club will clean up Rittenhouse Park and the Newark Center for Creative Learning will monitor and clean Phillips Park . State Line Video wants to thank you, their customer, the entire month of May, by offering: Silverbrook residents are planting pear trees along Park Drive, the University of Delaware Undergraduate Student Congress is planning spot pick ups, University landscape students are designing plans to beautify Newark United Methodist Church and a University communications class is planning a public relations campaign for the Clean and Green Committee. $100 Please - No Reservations NEWS FILE . Aetna :: Safety tips Aetna Hose, Hook & Ladder Co. : of Newark reports that 62,000 per: sons are injured annually in lawn : mower accidents. Many of these · injuries are burns caused by careless use of the mower . Before ; using or cleaning your mower, follow these safety tips : • Do not smoke while fuelin g lawn mowers . Gasoline is explosive . • Wait for machines to cool before refueling . Wipe up spilled fuel immediately . Never fuel a runnin g mower. • Store and pour gasoline carefully and keep it in an approved container with a tight-fitting lid . • Check electric mower cords for frayed or damaged spots . , Frayed insulation added to a Rental ALL MOVIES! EVERYDAY State Line Video metal mower, damp or wet grass, can cause lethal shocks or severe electrical burns. • Leave blade sharpening and electric repairs to professionals . • If you do your own cleaning and tune-up, disconnect the spark plug or remove it before beginning . If a blade is turned by hand, the mower can start if the spark plug is still intact. • Never leave the without turning it off. (301) 398-1611 Carpet Gallery JVE 3 on SAVE$3 Remnants 12x10 Lightning "rich earth" 12x11 4 Thriller "flicker blue" 12x8 2 Desert Winds "leopard" 12x11B Thriller "ginger rust " 12x13 8 Thriller "oak buff" 12x9 5 Winning Touch "cameo " 12x19 2 Best Bet "ivy green" 12x134 Lightning " cobalt" 12x10 1 Lightning " isle green" 12x13 11 Shadowtime "rose powder" 12x9 9 Best Bet " indigo " 12x10 11 Best Bet "Hawaiian sunset" 12x13 1 Winning Touch " gingersnap" 12x8 10 Winning Touch "platinum" 12x14 Thriller "da rk green" 12x1P Winning Touch " silver cane" 12x1P Best Bet " rich earth " 12x8 East Hampton "moss green" 12x8 Magic Touch " russett " 12x14 2 Right Choice " ivory" 12X9 Bound Remnant "coffee" 12x9 Bound Remnant "brown sugar" 12x6 4 Woodstock "cedar brown" 7 3 x7 5 Arabella " buff " $123.99 $136.99 $100.00 $145.99 $165.99 $113.99 $230.00 $160.99 $119.99 $167.99 $118.99 $131.99 $155.99 $106.99 $167.99 $137.99 $134.99 $63.99 $85.99 $170.99 $99.00 $99.00 $51.09 $47.99 9 Elk ton Commercia l Plaza IVal u Fo od Shopping Ctr.J •. Rt. 213 · Bridge St. Elkton, MD (3011 392-3930 .,.. SPLIT RAIL ~·~ . FENCE • ' :cj~ ~""· SAVE $1.50 SPECIAL BUY JACKSON PERKINS ROSES LANDSCAPE TIES • Registered ~~ ~'!1-l..V, l ~)tfk~ f •2 Rails & 1 Post ~ •Many .. . ..~ .- ~Jjf:'~" · -f. l •Hardwood ~ Varieties . per section S 1 SO Our Every OFF Day Low Prices SHOP OUR GARDEN SHOPS FOR Azaleas • Evergreens • Trees Flowering Shrubs • Bedding Plants AT SALE ·PRICES Kleen-Gro 2 Lawn lawn Weed Killer •Concentrated Spray •15 oz. Aerosol •Qt. Size $ 5 ~~. $.8.49 $ 2 •CCA Treated Hardwood •3 Y2 x4Y2x8 9 ~eg. $3 .98 Fertilizer •Covers 5000 Sq . Ft . •20 lb . Bag 800 Ogletown Road, Newark, Delaware -302-738-0330 152 Railroad Ave., Elkton, Maryland· 301-398-2181 4 Cubic Ft. SPAGNUM PEAT MOSS $599 [, TOP SOIL 5a The NewArk Post tprtl30, 11188 NEWS Institute provides Newarkers with job skills by Neil Thomas On the ground floor of the Newark Medical Center on Main Street, teachers now work to improve lives where doctors once struggled to save them. Occupying a suite which once housed an emergency !'oom is the Institute for the Development of Human Resources, a school which provides clerical and job search skills to area residents with physical or emotional handicaps. · Once the training is complete, IDHR also helps place Its graduates with area businesses, according to Executive Director Connie Stanton. The success rate Is more than 80 percent. Stanton said IDHR has been in Newark since 1974, and has its roots in Wilmington's Goodwill Skills Training Program. After several months in the George Wilson Community Center in 1974, IDHR spent a decade on Ogletown Road before moving to its current downtown Newark site two years ago. Stanton said the program has without constantly looking at it. Besides clerical skills, students two components: training and - most of whom are in the 30-40 placement. Students - and the school age range - get help with generally has an enrollment of 25 mathematics and language skills . at any given time - are taught Weaknesses are Identified during basic clerical skills such as filing, an evaluation the first two weeks typing, shorthand, 1 bookkeeping of the program . " We find that employers these and accounting . The school is unique, Stanton days are stressing the basic said, because its classrooms do skills," Stanton said. " We have not operate in the tradltlonal always stressed the basics, but sense of a teacher lecturing. and we're trying to do even more of students competing for grades. that now." Many students train to earn Rather, students work at their own pace with the emphasis on theirGED. Besides individual work, the self-teaching . "People don't have to keep up program includes testing and with the person next to them so observation of behavior and atthey don't feel as much P.ressure, " titudes. Students get monthly proshe said . "Teachers are left free . gress reports, and counseling is to work as tutors so whe·n students available. The cornerstone of the learning run into problems they can go to process is confidence, Stanton them for Individual help." Self-teaching is done with said . Each step of the program, workbooks and through the use of which lasts an average of 22 modern equipment. In one corner weeks, helps sutdents build selfof the clerical skills classroom is a esteem and self-belief. Students are also trained in the typewriter which sits in front of a television screen. Using an realities of the job search. They aud1o-v1sua1 computer program, are provided information on students learn the keyboard preparing resumes, filling out ap- NEWS FILE Castle Bond bill Gov. Michael N. Castle last week proposed a $77.9 million bond bill for fiscal year 1987 that emphasizes repairs to schools, state buildings and roads rather than new projects. The proposal does , howev er, include funds for planning a school for autistic children :r· the Christina School District . If that funding sut·vives the current legislativ e s ess1 on, the District will form a committee to discuss school needs and possible sites and hire an a rchitect to work from committee recommendations, according to District spokesman Phil Toman . "This is a very important bond bill for several reasons," Castle said. "First, each project was weighed on the merits and agency needs, and long-term costs were taken into account. CIVIC FILE . Brookside Flea market Brookside Community Wa tch is accepting reservfl tions for· space at a fl ea market to IJe held Saturday, Ma y 3 at the Br ookside Community Building on Marrows Road . Rentals are $6 each . For reservations, call453-0493 or 737-1 286 . The flea market will be held 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 3. The rain date will be Sunday , May 4. Refreshments will be ava ila ble. "Second, the process was completely open, so that the same public scrutiny that attends the budget was applied to capital projects. " Finally, the recommendations address the real needs of the state through capital improvements to our roads, schools and public buildings. We are taking steps to maintain what we already have instead of adding new projects to the list." The governor said $5.4 million is included for repairs to schools, a 70 percent increase over fiscal 1986. Total spending for capital improvements is $12.6 million, $4 .9 million more than last year. This includes $1.9 million in " Exxon funds " and $2.1 milion from the general fund budget. The proposal also includes $37 million for Department of Transportation projects. The governor said he Is recommending that $13 million in unappropriated funds be designated for one-time secondary road maintenance and repairs. Castle announced the package following a series of briefings for legislators. It is the first bond bill to go through an extended public review process conducted by the Delaware Development Office and the Budget Office. Community sale The West Chestnut Hill Residents Association will hold a community sale on Saturday, May 3 in the West .Chestnut Hill Professional Centet· parking lot. The sale will last from 9 a.m. until! p.m. ~~ ~ ~~ ' fh ~ _-:·- Call for information 453-0774 YWEAR c ontact lenses package OR WE GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY ••• • FREE DELIVERY • FREE REMOVAL OF OLD APPLIANCE OR TV • FREE NORMAL HOOK-UP PLUS GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES ·auilt-in additional I HARDWICK • Chrome Plated Bac kplate • Bl ack Glass Oven Door Brushed Chrome Cook Top U AUTOMATIC rm. WASHER . ~ MOdel WWA3100G j~ Mordiftg· ~tar WEAVING & SPINNING 7 ELKTON RD . (In the Hannah Chamberlain House) ·across from the Deer Park. .. Hours: Tues . . Sat. 10-4 cw 4/30-1 HARDWICK BUILT-IN ELECTRIC OVEN ELECTRIC RANGE • Automat iC Cookong System • T1me of Day Clock • Dua l element Ba kong • AutomatiC Preheat Oven • One Hour T1mer $459 EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY g30" HARDWICK PILOTLESS GAS RANGE S369 S339 ~g;q*17" HARDWICK d'i! - ~~ -..1.:>;..~ i~ : ~ I ~;~~~ . /.::~. ::~:;:•bl• , ~ ~- -B rnQclalre ' a great Frigidaire ! Refrigerator I Freezer! I ~ 4 ~: '"•'i ... ~ ~8 J '· •• ,. • • ~ o ,.. ~ en . er c e ~ ·' FP18TM • • '· •• : ... ' '•(J ... ._' ····•!:. ., .... ,,.... • ' ,, ~ GAS or ELECTRIC ~~~rcE l r::-?"'"'"'F?i=-·.:._ Easy Grop Controls • S1de Control Center ~ SAVE Now on .~ ~ ~~-=-. _ ~~. ~U .\.i) • 9~ \ / '8 Reg ular wash c ycle Two washJr•nse temperature selectiOnS Energy sav1n9 cold water nr. se Fllter ·Fio® 1111enng sys tem , • ' •u• f' o .c.: • \ ~.. '1 ' ' r: .• • •• ' • s179 ~~3•c• Conven1ent rect pe gu•de on con trol panel. T1me cook tng wtth 15 n:unute um$500 wans ot • Va n able Power le vels from 20()..~ W w 1th d•al contrOl • Sepa rate detro st sett•no • Cook · A·Aound Automanc Tur ntable • 30 mtnute ro tary ttmer '" "'"' bell s.g na l ana • ro ta ryttmer • Clear Vtew Ov en Oc.or • 0 7 cuOIC loot •nter•or reg. $419.00 Instant Rebate -40.00 ""i179 power3 DAYS ONLY SJ79.00 / \\ ~~rfn6oJ Undercounter ~ _/ ,_ i Dishwasher Normal Heavy Cycle ;F ~ ~ ~- -jf!~Y..,'f!l~'i!:,J'~Jf.,'lli~/f-...,Y..*-'t:~~.;.,ij;..~.Jf~~.'Ji3-{f.,Jf.., <.,l u1 l)dl'f'll l rlnc1 an 1111 res t.nq I HHThlll h PIIIq.t..,, my JIIC"'tll lllt<.,ctJUillry -· Landon Saunders L mdon Saundor~ 11as spoken to mrHrons on hrc; f t An l BEAr radro pr oqr;u11 over thp M ul u.tl .1 ud NOC rac1ro network!, and rn hr ~ Fepltnq Goon About Yor nseU work · SI10p!, ac ross the country Now h s com · rng to Ueld wl\1 c to !,peilk to you cibout 111 mos t urhCf:tl · ~su!"lo ltltlllCI you .md you r l.t111rly toddy C ornr h...,l en to I .tr Hlon S~1u11cl ~~ ~ OllJOY nu t ~ t nnch nq lour r.uu rse dtnncr (as rtteatr e c<~n pwpcuo rt) anr1 hsten to De· !a w Are Valley sowr1 gospel recordmg art · r~ t M~rk Fryp As n specral bOnus·· Tile Covr ngton Ouar1el an cxctllng gospel S1 ngrng g roup w111 g 1 you snapptr1g yOlll lingers and tflpp1ng toes ··F eelrng Good Aholrl Bemg A Parent' ~~an even1 ng that wrtl onl erl am you de· ltgt11 yOU/ palat e touct1 yoU/ heart and provtded rnl rCI1 needed help 101 chrl · ctr en 111 tho Ne w:uk area Proceeds to r the !"venrng wr ll go to Al c ll1er~ School A non prollt non -d IIOITIHlcJIIOIIflf etomen tary sc hoolm Nrowark D tawar prov1d 1nq quah ly Cll11Sf1.111 CHif'nled ed u c a l 10n SIOCC 19741 1301, 398-4832 *MARK FRYE, ~a~~~~~~~~~~mtre•a St.hool 91 Salem Churt.h Road 197 13) The puce otthc t•c ke ts rs ADULTS : $1 7. 50 CHILDREN(12ANDUND£R) : S8 .75(CHILDRENUHOERSFREE) *THE COVINGTON *FOUR-COURSE QUARTET DINNER, RECORDED MESSAGE from Lllfldon Sauodefl, coi(302)7:J8.5912 "LANDON SAUNDERS IS A GREAT MOTI VATOR OF PEOPLE HIS KINO OF LEADERSHIP IS URGENTlY NEEDED IN OUR COMMUNITI ES: -JACK EVANS, FORMER MAYOR. DAU..OS, TEXAS "Feeing good about being aparent" "GROUP THERAPY FOR WOMEN WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED SEXUAL ABUSE IN CHILDHOOD" SATURDAY, MAY 10, 6:00PM FOR TICKETS OR INFORMATION CALL Sta rt s M ay 20th • 7 p .m . r 10 Weekly Se ss ions Sh eil a M c M ahon . R.N .. M .S. "WOMEN IN DESTRUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS" 398-4832 • 366-8444 Cal now: !3021731 3 181 OrCie1 your hckels today 101 ma•l your ICQuesT101 lrckets w1th Dol l ~ il' . . ~th l ib I •I • • loT '· I ~ . IIH II I • I•·Jtl!t lht !!I t , , ''· ''" ~~tt l .l ~ I •II 1: I I \1 I 1~ •I \, \1 •II 1\ buit/ .j,. ho~\ • • • It t tiUt l !I 1111 1 I IIII.! ' • lrotr .. oj,,, Ill~ hi I •·I t !; til lilt \ , ttlti lo. \1 11111 1 111111 ll. nllnt. !.!•• l. lht"r'J(', lhtli• .. t•llll \ lljU ,tllll' /llltlll :•11 •I otl • "Jllll .11 f llltt I I ltoiii!IH·I,. ot !UI tht l ' h •it/1 .: ::,11,',: ~ : ; \ ·.',',\1 1~ 1 \'!: \ •; /}.~ .'/ ,• 1 I ,.t , ',I t jl Ill Ill I ht { II _\ .16a The NewArk Post Aeru ao, 18111 ENTERTAINMENT technicians can build the volume The Opera Company of of lesser voices to sound great. Philadelphia Is 10 years old I In· Ghena Dlmltrova 's voices like atead of us giving the OCP a pre· Birgit Nilsson. It's too bad that sent, they are giving us one, and she Is not going to do some quite a present It Is. Wagner in this concert, then Ghena Dlmltrova, the there could be no doubts about Bulgarian dramatic soprano, will the comparison. The Italian make her Philadelphia debut In repertory will have to do, alas ! the Academy of Music this Frl· day evening at 8 p .m . In a con· I am really not too upset, not cert celebrating the tenth an· when Pam Kosty of the Opera nlversary season of the OCP . Company of Philadelphia read This very special musical event off the program Dlmltrova will will feature a program of perform this Friday. The profamiliar arlaa and complete gram will include " Casta Diva" acenea from operas by Puccini, from Bellini's "Norma," the Roaalnl, Verdi and Bellini. prayer from Ros11inl's "Moae," Thla will not be 11 plano recital. and Lady Macbeth'll famous Ml111 Dlmltrova will be ac· sleepwa lking scone from Verdi's companied by tho full chorus lind " Macbeth ." orcho11tr11 of tho Oporu Company According to Pam, tho major. of Philadelphia and by 11olo ar· production numbcra of tho even· tlsta, Including winners of tho lnw at the Aoad my of Musi c will OCP Luciano Pav11rottllntern11· . feature the OCP winner~~~ in the tion11l Voice Competition. trlumphul scene from Verdi's Dlmltrova hu one of tho11e " Aida," thu dramutlc opening volce11 th11t can never be well acono from Verdi'll "Otello" and 1erved on radio Ol' recorda. ln the finlll llecne from P ucci ni'11 thla highly technological al(e. THE ARTS by Phil Toman " Turandot." It is in thole thret~acenea that wlnnera of the Opera Company of Philadelphia Luciano Pavarotti Voice Competition wlll Join forces with the choru• and or· choatra under the direction of Michael Korn 11nd "pull out all tho 11topa." Knowln!l how wt11 the OCP chorus 11nd orche11tra have been performlna theae p11t few aeasona, and the power of Dimitrova'll voice, theae three acenoa should be marvelous. 'rickets will bo hard, but not impoaalble, to obtain. If you are interested in attending, may I auage1t you c111l the Opera Com· pany of Philadelphia riwht now. You may reach them at (2111 ) 732·11813. 1' he tlcketll range in price from flll to f311 . It Ia the lOth anniversary of tho Opera Company of Philadolphia and they are Indeed wiving ua the preaenta. How about Ghana Dimltrova'l Philadelphia debut after a full month of Pavarotti? If dr11mat1c 110pr11nos aro your " cup of tea," Imbibe! ENTERTAINMENT FILE Berlin , Pa . is nationally recogniz· ed as one of the country's prestigious judged shows for weaving . This year's show opened Newark Symphony April 12 and wlll run through Ma)' The Newark Symphony Or· 3. Irr first started to weave while cheatra will hold the final concert living in Wisconsin about 15 years of ita 1985·86 season at 7:30 p.m . ago. Now living in Newark, she Sunday, May 11 in the Newark has been an active member of the High School auditorium. Center for the Creative Arts and The concert will begin with a the Yorklyn Artisans since their performance of the overture to beginnings. Some of Irr's woven " Die Meistersinger" by Wagner. pieces are on display and are for Lianne DeMarski, winner of the sale in the Yorkl)'n Artisans Shop high school division of the NSO's atCCA . )'Oung musicians competition, will The shop is open Thursday be the guest soloist. A violinist, through Saturday , 10 a .m . to 4 she will perform von Weber's p.m . through May 17. " Andante" and "Hungarian Ron· do" with the orchestra . The concert will conclude with Shoatakov lch 'a F lfth Symphony . Ticket• coat f4 for adults and fUO for student• and 1enlo r cltlzena, and will bo available at the door the eveniniJ of the per· forman co. Class Irr Cruise . C_oncert Watercolors Luci.llo C ssna Weaver honored Mickey Irr of Newark, a member of the Yorklyn Artisans group at the Center for th e Creative Arts in Yorkl)'n , has been awarded first prize in the home Interior weaving division at The Manning 's Annual National Hand weaving Show. Irr 's wall hanging entitled " 'Fraid Not" was woven on a four-harness, 30-inch Kessenich floor loom . The Manning's Annual National Handweaving Show in East Wa tercolors by t,uc ill Ce1111no will be exhibited at tho Newark Free Library from April 21 throuijh May 10. 1'he works co n be seen du1·in1.1 regular library hours, 10 a .m . to 9 p.m . weekdays and 10 a .m . to 4 p.m. Saturdays. Newark Free Library is located at 750 Library Ave ., across from College Square ~hopping center. For information on its exhibits and programs, cal1731-7550. Watercolor painting Award-winning . local artist Phyllis Torres will teach a water· color paintinw class being offered by the Newark Department of Park s · and Recreation on Tuesdays, May 6-27 . Students will be taught to paint using the translucent color and light that the properties of watercolor provide . The class will meet 7·10 p.m . Tuesdays In the Newark Senior Center on Main Street. The fee is $18 for city residents and $20 fm· non-residents. A list of necessary materials will be sent to each r·cgistrant. To rcuister, visit tho Depart· mont office in tho Newark Munl clpul Bulldlnu, 220 E lkton Rd . Fell' mo1·o info•·mation, call 860·7000 . Newark ymphony Reservations are now being ac· cepted for a dinner cruise aboard the "Lady Christina" sponsored by the Newark Symphony Society and the Newark Symphony Or· chestra on Saturday, June 7. The top deck of the "Lady Christina," which sa lis from the foot of King Street In Wilmington, haa been chartered by these organizations for their members and guests to enjoy an evening of dining, dancing and entertain· ment. There will be four door prizes of painting, music and sculpture. Boarding time is 6:30 p.m. Tickets for the event are $25 per person. Reservations will be ac· cepted until May 15 and can be made by calling 737-6141 or 731 · 0670 . New York Art Musewn trip The Delaware Art Museum will offer a trip to New York City for a Soho and 'l'riBeC11 Gallery tour on Wedne11day, Muy 14 . A bull will lauvo tho Museum, located on Kontmet'll Porkwuy In Wllmln(lton, ot 8 o .m . ond orriv in New Yot•k City ot oppr·oKimot • ly 11 a.m. Accomponled by All ee Hupfol, managor of the Museum' fl Al't Sales & Rental Ga lle1·y, and Botsy Hawkes, associate curator of tho Museum, participants will visit the Nancy .Hoffman Gallery, Leo Castelli, Mary Boone, O.K. Hat· ris, the Heller Gallery and more. The cost of the trip is $37 ($32 for Museum members ) which includes round-trip transportation and refreshments. To reserve a seat or for more information, con- C tact Carolyn Lester at the 0 Museum, 571-9590 . U WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30 Rock & Roll with I::.~!~~"~ ~r,~J~~~Ctchot" DINNERS from $295 $575 Dance Every Weekend in Our Lounge with D.J. BILL McGAHAN FOR THE MONTH OF MAY ROAST DUCK served with classic orange sauce Gourmet Ice Cream Dally Ice Cream Cakes For Mom/ -----------------Parent & Child Special Child mu st be accompanied by Parent Buy 1, Get 1-Small Cone J~~~~~2 FREE Expires 5/6/86 10% Sr. Citizen Discount· Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 11·5 rn.e CU::e Cam -Star E4uipmcnt Hydro whirlpool Fin ni' h Rock Sauna Sunt ann ing Faci litic' Die t pla n' Fitm:"" Program' • S l ~am ronrn • lndi vtduali1ed utritio nal Coun >c lin g and Weight Manage ment • Nur>cr) OPEN HOUSE ALL ARE WELCOME join the party, join the fun this weekend and help celebrate! Featuring super classes, prizes and much , much more! tl ·"eprtuo,l818 5b The New Ark Post SPORTS LAX/ from lb " We're not going to be like soc cer, initially , becaus individually the expenses add up," said Boles. " But hopefully next year we'll be playing on an interstate level. We 've got a lot of energy and the newcom eers are rea lly trying and I give them a lot of credit." "When I was a freshma n we had nine girls and then 40. Now we have 70 girls try out," said Leer. " Everybod y wants to play." But, St. Mark 's playe r La r r y DiMaio had undoubtedly the most profound statem ent concerning the future of the sport. " Chicks just love lacrosse," he said with a smile at a recent Delaware game . " They' r e always at our ga mes and look 1 around here - they're a ll over the place. The guys at school have noticed that and they tell me that they're going out for the team next year." instrumental in getting the 'Jacket program started. " Basically it 's been a sport for prep schools and that's where I picked it up . Now the equipment is a lot cheaper and that should help the programs." Equipments costs for lacrosse are expensive being a notch below those of football. Since the athletic programs have yet to absorb financial costs, expenses have been a major stumbling block for male lacrosse. " People have to be more open minded about adding new programs," said Shillinglaw. " There's certainly a concern for the economic factors of the sport but there are ways of combating these problems and working them out." As for the success of the local programs, athletes and coaches alike appear to be determined to make It stick. Junior middle Butch Marino works toward the Towaon State University goal in an important 10-9 victory by the University of Delaware Saturday. The Blue Hens topped the 11th-ranked Tigers to clinch at least a tie for the East Coast Conference title. Delaware, 7-5, must nut face forth-ranked Maryland. TENNIS/from Jb Heading the Dragon line-up wi be seniors Pam We bb a n Michelle Perka at the number one and two singles respectively Playing third s ing l es i sophomore K im Lec kie . Sophomores Ama nda Backof and Allison Basye will form the first doubles team and Kathy Black and Cathy Lyons will ma ke up th second doubles team. of senior Dawn Roberson and ~op~omo~e Robin Stawikey, wiht Junior Lisa Foraker and junior Susan Lui playing second doubles. " It sounds like we've got a lot of experience but a lot of them played exhibition last season and weren't in the top seven. So we're a little younger than we look " McGrath said. ' At Glasgow the word is "sophomore." The Dragon team consists of three seniors and nine sophomores, and head coach Barthey is looking towards a bright future. "Next year we'll be tough but the following year we should be even better," said Bartley. "Hopefully we'll break the .500 ma.rk within the next few years, :~:f~.:OVe haven't done in quite a ~~ , ,, II~------------------· WANTED 5 HOMES I I I I I 1 1 I .J ::. I ::I Reputable manufacturer's rep for NEW SOLID VINYL SIDING and/or REPLACEMENT WINDOWS will select 15 Lucky Home Owners at various sites for installation at drastic savings. We think it's good business to introduce our products in this way. ·. ] .·1 :~ 1 .J Elkton, Md. Sale Ends May 6th ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parts Not Installed at Sale Prices! turtle wax SPECIAL S:Z.OO REBATE WHE N YOU OUY OO rH TURTL E WA X· CAR W/\X f1LU S ZIP WAX CArl WASH $3695 casr AITU IUU H \1 UNITED HOME ENERGY heat pumps is a household word. s Turtle Wax Car Wax Q3 ol PU ll ;~ =$188 :~~ 1(1) 28.95 29.95 30.95 32.95 34.95 36.95 38.95 40.95 38.95 41.95 43 .95 155/80013 165/80013 175/80013 185/75814 195/75814 205/75814 215/75814 225/75814 215/75815 225/75815 235/75815 ,RICE ..... Ask For Frank ~~·------~--------------------~ One name in c::::- . Cecil & Kent County 's Most Complete Auto Stores 11 :.-jL------------------- TIRE WAREHOUSE COMPANY r"-J 202 E. Pulaski Hwy. IN DEL. 1-800-523-2445 Ext. 164 ~N PA. 1-800-346-7511 Ext. 164 :.1 1 2LOCATIONS Call Today For More Information About This Unusual Offer..... . ~: I ::I i:? 's,-. 1 1 1 At St. Mark's, the ::;partans g1r1s are looking to ha ve another solid season. Junior Liz Burns will play first singles while junior J ennife1 Albright and senior tracey F lynn will play the second and thir singles. The first doubles tea consists of Elaine MacMaster and Sara Turnbull while the second doubles team consists of junior Amy Tong and senior Kelly Teevan. 205/75R14 -- 48.95 215/75R14 53.95 225/75R14 57.95 215/75R15 52.95 225/75R15 54.95 235/75R15 57.95 GP · ~ TROUBLE FREE Voltage Regulator 40MONTH BATTERY ~~, ..; ~.:_ "M M Serlef' MamiPnancefr ee 12 voll Req p11ct 3995 UfmMIWAIIRo\lm • ' 60 Day AoleOih:l ''-ulltmflt lnudeconlfot ::~:~:~:: ~:: · 'lcnrebnt u . 51 395 ·· u arrer rebllf 300 Jtltlll!pwtiGJtjjJDQI ' ' Stt iiCIUIOf Delllll ' lnlllllll•On n " Di~cn 1 ·er O u rSpirit nf C.Hi ng" . Thi s is mnrl' th .111 jus t ,, fe \\' 1\'llrd s tnu~ . It is,, C.ll'ing ~ ttitud ,• nnt onlv w hen vo ll .ll'l' ill , but .11'<> ol ftl'r. O ur St'l'\'kt•s includ~·not t>n il' thl· l,lll'SI :;tall'·<>f· thl'·.ll't l'quipnll'nl a nd t ~·ch noh•gy. but ll'l' al so ht•lp l,lt<·ronll> impn>l'l' l'<>ll r qualit y oi Iii,• in many w.1 y~ . l ',tlil'nt~ 0 utpalient C hemo therapy. und,•rgl>ing ch,•n1lllht•r,1p1· inr l'ollll'l'r rwed lw lp ,md gui d .111n• in l'o pin g 1\'i th t!ll'irdb,•,"' '•llld it s tr,•,t trn ent. i\ d m r"i'll·ring ch,•mntlwr,1p1· '"' ,111 nutp.tlil'nt b,,,i, ,\ Ii lii\' ~ tlwsl' p.1tic· 11t ~ tn rl'lur n lwnw 1<>.1 f.lln ili,H. ' U pp<>rtil'l' ,lltn<''f' hl'l'l' ,md ' ' lii1L' Ill Un ion I h>s pit.1i .11 rl'gu l.ll' in ll'l'\'.11' fllr th l'ir ll'l'<1 1111l' ll l. i\ dliSl' , CMi ng l'l' i,lli spi t,tl d l'l'l' ''' P' 'tu ick ly ,md n> n· t i llll l' ~ throughout tlw n >u rS<' <>f tr,.,,, nwnt. ~l1in g lrt•,1tnlL' Il t. Sl rL' L' Ilin~ ftH' pn: ~ ll ~1t 'r. ll i\ L' p.1til' nl s is n>uti rwil .td milli ~tl'rl' d int>rdl'r '" a l,•rt an,•stlwsittl<>gi ~ t' 1<' l'''<tHpii< .1- tilln s durin g ,111d .lft,•r " "').;l't'.". llw m'''' sophis ticat,•d l'quipn w11 t .Htd llllldl·rn ll'l'hllil]lll'S,Hl' ll"'d 1>1· th l' tlt,•r,1pi,t< Ill rt·~h lrt•.lnd n1.1int.1in rHu·rn.l l brt'•lthi n ~ ll' p cltit•n t ~ L''F'L' ri l'ndng rt ...,pi r,lh u·y l li..., l rL"":-. .1 nd tho ~l' ~ uf fl' r in~ lrt llll ... udl rt•:-. p ~r·,ltPr~ · d iSl>rdl'I'S '" l'lll phl''l' lll ,l, dlt< >n ic bn >II Chi Ii' ,111d .1sthm,1 It> e 11h,1 nl'l' tlwir ljllo1litv 111!i f,· throu g h impnl\·ed ,jc,ti ,·,1p.tl>i lit v. I''" 0 thl' pr,•s,•nct• ,1n d/11r ,.,t,• nt ll f di sl',l~L' . dq1.11'1 111l'lll j'l'll\'idl'!> indi1 idu,1li/l'd l' l'o1iu,1tion .md tn•,ltn wnt in p h l'~k.l l thl' l'olp~ ·. occup.1tion.11 tlwr.1f'1' ,111d 'l'<'l'Cit p.llh<•l ogl· l<>r bo th i n p.lt i,• n t~ ,1Jld lll tlp.llil· nt~ . M aternity/ Birthing Rooms. All th ,• nl'\\''''' n lll l'l' f'l !> in f,uni ly ~ pi · 1,11. illl'i l!din g 'iblin g vi,it,l· ti t Ill . I Wtl birth in ~ Hn~pit,1l', me rge ncy Room . nilln Enwrg,•ncy Ro<•m b st.1fk•d 2-1 h<>ur' ,, d ,' Y··· '' ' '' '"Yd.1y '''till· )'l'.lr, b,•t:,1m.,· th, >ugh C lll l'f,._;L' ll dlh,.l'II"L'I1 '1 ,11\.Y,)\'!'1 bi ~ . thL V ,ll'l' ,l l\\ ,1\'"' 1 1 imp<>rt,mt. T lw p hysil'i;111, .111d ni"·"·~ ""' ' · ' P' 'ci,l ll )' tr.1inl'd in ll f' l' l'ol tin g tlw hig hl y 'n ph i, tk,, t,•d l'quipnw nt .1 nd in pnll'idin g L'rnerAen cy c,Hl'. EvL• ry l'fhH't b nlrldl' to hivl' p.lt i,•n t ~ pmmp t tre.1 tnwnt ; illlll'l'l'l'l', tlw s,•rillu , ly illlll' inj ured .lrl' n .1tur.11i~ · gil'l•n fir~t prh1rit y. ~ l ' l'\' iCL'"'•ll'l ' prkl•d ,li..Ytll'dingl~ . irKiud,·~ CTsl",liHl i n g , dn~i ,, gr.lph \', nl .llllllh lg - P l''l'i ~ l· d t b~ lll' to d l'I L'l'l'lli ll L' . E adiology. This dq>,1 rlml'nl ulmonary Function/Resp iratory Ther.1py. T lw R,•s pir.1tllryTiwr.1p1' Dl'partllll'llt .1 1 Unillll) ln~ pit .tlutili / l'' bntlt f'l'l'\'l' nli\'l' l'n SUI't' pl'l1fll'l' bl'l'ollhin g in p.llt l• nt ~ undl'l · L Newark seminar R raphy. Sll! H1!-\f',1phy. nu t IL•,1r ml'di cin L' , n> utin l' dia g nos tic \ · t,1\' studi,•s .md I< lllH>g· r;~ph~· (bod y st•Lti llibo d l' fluid ,,l nd ti " li L'oll'l' f'"ri<> rn w d ..Th,• re, ulb ,, , thl'"' ll' ~ t :-. influt.•nct.• \\' h ,l l di,l g llll..,L':-. ,1l'l' lllo1dl',1!ld thel l' f'l' llf lrl•,ll nwnt rl'cnm m,• nd ,•d bl' l'llllr ph vsida n . If yo u h,l\',: ,;,rg,· r'.". ,1 f' ol lh ologi't ll' ili l'\,1111i tll' o1 11\' Knitting Many of the top knitting maChine experts of North America will converge on Newark June 27-28 when Concord Yarn Bar hosts the First State Knitting Machine Seminar at the Sheraton Inn. Demonstrators from all over this country and from Canada will present workshops on dozens of aspects of machine knitting. Tips, trims, techniques, short-cuts, special effects and theory are some of the subjects that will be covered. In addition, there will be information on smocking, quilting, lace, bobbles and fair isle work . The seminar will feature a luncheon on Friday and Saturday and a dinner followed by a fashion show on Friday evening. There will be door prizes dona ted by machine and yarn manufacturers, as well as an exhibit area for sales of knitting machines and their accessories. Open to people of all levels of experience, the seminar encourages participation by those who are just thinking about purchasing a knlttinl{ machine. Pre-registration Is required. Registration forms can be obtained from Concrod Yarn Bar, 4 Garden of Eden Road, Wilmington, Del. 19803. There is a discount In the registration fee for registering before May 15, and registration closes on June 10. 762·2260 654·6926 998· 1836 654·9790 453·1430 ago, " Say added. Last week, the first Tetra Tech Richardson signs with a distinctive new graphic identity, including corporate logos, were unveiled at the four offices serving the Delaware Valley Newark, Wilmington, Dover and West Chester, Pa. The Greek roots for etra Tech connote the four arts of science as applied to industry. At Richardson, those services include: architecture , engineering, environmental sciences, and construction and facility management. Among the state-of-the-art facilities at Tetra Tech Richardson are an environmental science laboratory, and computer center including CADD Systems. rtH1 1H ~ ,,ffl'l' lhl· nllllhl'l' ,)l'hllicl' llf tlw lr,tdition,11 nw tlwd llf l,tl>llr.md d,• li \'l'l'l' <>rllf l' lll l'ri ng th,• bir tliing ' uill' ll' ill'l'l' ~ l ll't:\1n d l'iil'l'l' till' b,1b\' ,111d ).;lliHll11l' tlw ...,lllh.' ttl\ if thL' I'l.',Hl.' IH l l'lllllplk:llil> n' r .l tlwr, ,ll'l' l'tll'<>ur,lged lllp.ll' tirip.lil' in tlwir r hild ', bir th .md ,,t ll'r·t:.li'L'. fhl' l a t l' ~ ttvp,·~ pf di,l).; IH >~ t k l'ljllipnwnt 1 tli'L' 'lnployt•d to '''~ ll t'L' ,,lll·r birth , , ne Day Surgery. O utp .l l i <· nt ~ urgl'l'l is i1<1nd il'd with tit l's,1nll' ~lttt.:-nl inn ,1nd CcH'l' .1s .111 inp.l ti e nt Slll').;l'l'l'. B1 choos in g .1 illls pit.ll"·tiin s . tlwdodnr h i1!'Jcll'lt ' ..;..,tu~ l ,1ll' - llf- tht•-fHI k'chni,·,lil'lJllipnll'nl ,md 'killc•d ~t.l ff fltl' Clllll pil' ll' b.1 ck- u p "l'ITil·l·~ . ju ... t ,l!'- fur .my inp.tt ic•n t-s urgl' t ~ · O utp.1til'nt f.Ki litil's Ill' If' to pn " idl· cl ll CC\lllt.111lil:,ll Vl' l ll lCdir,lll v s,1fe .11te rn ,1lil'l: Ill Ihe usu,tf h o~pi t .1 i , , ,, ~ ·. Discover Our Spirit of Caring .filfl .JI1ILJ Union Hospitalwe're all you expect ... and more! BOll - ll'l'l' l Elk tt>n , ID2 1lJ21 In M.uy1,11ld , {Jil l) :'\lJI-I--ItlOII In De l,m ml'. (Jtl_) 7l l·tl7-l 1 Your Convenien·t Shop·At·Home Canter Call Today: 737·0906 Deadlines: Monday 1p.m. Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30a.m.· 6:00p.m. CLASSIFIEDS ~fa 'Classified Directory 737-0905 A 102 104 101 101 110 112 114 160 ADrtJ 311. 111M The NewArk Post ~ JOb 202 Help Wanted Jobl w•nlld lchoolt/lnetructlona 204 201 Auction• Card of Thanka Loti ft Found Nolle•• Per~onnal• Teddy Adt Yard Sal•• Wanted JOI Auto 302 304 " Air Conditioning/ Heating Appliance Repair CLASSIFIED 101 110 112 114 111 111 120 122 324 321 127 321 110 · 112 114 331 331 340 142 344 341 ADVERTISING RATES PRIVATE PARTY ADS 20 Words or less: 1 week ..•.•...•.• $4.96 20 Words or less: 2 Weeks ..•••.•... $9.60 Blind Ads (reply to Box No.) •.. add $2.00 Additional Words ......... 25c (per word) Bold Type Face ............•.. add $1.00 Please check your Ad the first time it appears. We can be responsible for only one incorrect insertion. 108 Notices 108Noticas GUARANTEED!!! Baked goode, flowera for Lose up to 291bs . per Mother'• Dey, v~g~tabln for your garden, over 1,000 month safely -102 Auctions paperback booka, handcraft ~~~:o~~ ~oc:~ :.~~~::: FREE Absolute Auction AT SEBUL'S Consultation Provided _ _1!1-392-441L_ Every MONDAY NOW Route 13, New Castle, Delaware 4 mi South of Wilmington Airport CONTENTS OF ESTATES 2:00pm· Table lots 4:00pm ·Tools 6:00pm·Fine china , jewelry & showcase materials . 8:00pm·Appliances & fu rniture from estates . Consignments Accep ted Sam to 4pm daily WALTER SEBUL & SONS , AUC TIONEERS , 302·834·0500 106 Lost & Found rouN'Da! Elkton -Ae:m; ·-; month ago, Mother's Rlng .. 3 stones. Cell301·398·4925. FoUNO: Siberian Husky in Col· ore erea . To claim: 301-658· 4399. LoST·Norwegian Elk- Houmi. Thurs, 4/ 24 . Vicinity of Middle Ad & At 273 . Please call with any info, 301 ·398·2884 , ask for Carl. REWARD . 170 3n 373 Rooflna Service Itt lion• Iawing 374 371 371 310 312 lhoa Repair T11ldermltt Tutoring Upholaterlng Welding ... liZ Ill Ill HI HO 312 314 ANYONE CAN LOSE WEIGHT WITH THESE HERBAL PRODUCTS ASSEENONTV •GUARANTEED •DOCTOR RECOMMENDED CALL NOW! SHARON :fJ2·239-a ~a~r~~ x~r1d ~~~·.J::t ~fS~1~: Bomethlng for everybody! Set., May 3rd, 10am-3pm Grilled Fr~nka & Soft Drlnka locltlon: North St. Oeorgaa, off Rt.213, under the brldae. • •• • ... 114 Yard Sales 1&0Wantad MOVING SALE·A llttla bit of WANTED·non·drlnker, men or women to llva·ln . Have own room & board , In country. Han· dy to Chrysler end not to fer from GM . Only 2 In family . Rttaonable rates, weekly . 301 · 0 ;h~~~~~~~~~l RJ.~ :tkt;~. frl~ ::i~~ta~~bl~aou~e~~g•· ~~~c:~~ MULTI·FAMIL Y YARD SALE· WANTED to buy, 3 BR mobile home . North Eeat area . lm· mediate ponanlon . Call 301 · 287·3176after 6pm . Elkton, MD . Toomanyltemato mention I MULTl·femlly yard aale, May 2 & 3, Holly Hall. Norman Allen & LEGAL NOTICE ~ - ----- 3· FAMIL Y YARD SALE·May 3rd . At . 273 & Appleton Rd ., :~~o ~., e~l.rls clothing, toys, 8 80 JAMES CHAPEL RD . May ~~;:.~·~1 nB~~:~r~!~~o~;:~rn'g' 1 0 ~:rgl;~d.belt~ ~1 u! s:~mRd~~ ~~r~f~hln~~llaf~~~. S~~lldr~·~~ eu.:::.··M~:nt 'fo.i.~~ Development ~r~~mg~~.~~~~~· p~~:~·ssl~n'~ ~~~~'rot th:~~~.';t"i:~~t~:.,~~ tools, toys, books, clothing, & much more . GARAGE Sale, May 2 & 3. Starts at Sam . 625 w. Pulaski Highway, Elkton; 1st building pest entrance to Thiokol . LARGE yard sale, Frl, Mev 2, g. 4. 426 Lakeside Dr ., North East, MD . Lots of ever thin I Center parking lot . YARD SALE, May 3. Lawn of Elkton Middle School, 8·2. 100 families from Elkton Little League partic,i"'pe=tin"'"g". -YARD SALE Hundreds of discontinued alec· tronic Items at super discounts I 119 Big Elk Mall , Saturday, May 3 10 • ·5. YARD SALE·Mav 2nd & 3rd, Friday & Saturday. 9am·3pm . 1976 E. Old Philadelphia Rd ., Elkton MD . FEMALE roomate wanted to share 1 BR apt near U of D. Avail. June 1. 302·738-5818. ROOMMATE needed for water· front home, North East, MD . 20 minutes from Newark . $200 / mo plus 'lz utilities. Available immediately . Cell bet· ween 8·4 , 301 ·392·3700 or 301 · 287-8240 aher 5om. Electrolux Vacuums • Shampoo Machines . Floor Polishers Bill & Elsie Peoples Pickup & Delivery for Boarding & Grooming Only $2.00 301-287-8250 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES (302) 737-8918 ~ AUCTION '"I • SERVICE/ PUBLIC AUCTION - AUCTION- FLEA MARKET- ANTIQUE CARS- VINTAGE CARSSAT., MAY 3RD Flea Market Starting At 1100 A . M. Antique Care, VIntage Care .. Parte Auction Starting At 11100 A.M. Delivery, Houllng & Tree Removol WE do It ALLI Mushroom Soil Top So i l Hardwood Mulch Gravel Sond Sow Du st Wood Chips Fi rewood Tree Removal FOR QUALITY, SIRVICI, DIPINDABILITY I. LOWUT PRICU 301·658·26 • .t lervlng Cecil Co. , Penna . .. Greater New Castle Co. 0 POSTAL JOBS 0 Score 95·100% or Your Tuition Is Refunded! CLERK & CARRIER POSITIONS ($9.48/hr to start) Special announcement lor all candidates planning to sign up lor the Clerk-Carrier Examination at the Elkton , Perryville, North East, Rising Sun, Chesapeake City, Cecilton , Childs, Conowingo, Perry Point, Earleville, Port Deposit and Charlestown Post Offices. APPLICATIONS ARE BEING ACCEPTED APRIL 21ST THROUGH APRIL 25TH ONLY! (And since it won 't be offered again for at least 3 years, don't miss outl) AI Lasll A Postal Exam Skills Program thai brings guaranteed resullsiTha pressure 11 on to score 11 high as ponlble lo gel the )ob. Career Postal Workers will now urn 1 slartlng salary of $18 532 plus beneflls - wllh an accelerated step Increase plan ; man ond women , regerdlan of age, are ellglbla. Thellrsl step toward a Postal Service Carser Is gaHing your nama onlo the " Register of Eligibles," which ~~:~ecs~m~~~~~~db:\rr~1J':f ~~~~~~r~~~i:: ::~~~~r:~ '~:.~·~o~r~~it Y~:.~e,~d .~0o~:~~n~~!!ih:s~gher Learn the techniques thai can bring your score to the top of the list with The Achtavamanf Center's proven Postal Exam Home Study Progrsm on Cnsena. II hn been developed by The Nallona!Tast Prapars· ~f;h~~;~~~;:/(anJ~~ocrll~~ ;~~ ~~~::~~~~~ ~~~n;,;::;t~g.•~~~rd. M., Harvard University) and Richard Carey, a Iarmer postal wor~er and the developer of the Corey System of Numeric Translation has become a legend 10 postal ctrcles. earning the USPS Special Achievement award In 1977. His techniQue ~:~P~:e;g~~=~~;~h~s ~~;d~~~~~~tna~f ~~~sl::i~l~Y to fly through the Postal Exam's memory section (whiCh Elsom Eldridge , Jr., IS an lnlernatlonally·known authority In the field of exam preparation and author of Successful Test Taking Skills and How robe a Winner In the Joi>-Hunrlng Mara thon His time· ~~;;~~~o~~:ccuracy·lncreasing techniques have helped hundreds of postal candidates s!gnll1cantiy ;ncrease YOUR HOME·STUDY WORKSHOP mcludes The Corey Guide to Postal Exams (with 6 com· plete pracuce tests) . a Sample Exam wilh Answers . Workshop Workbook. Follow~Up Consulta· lion Pnvtleges . Achievement Award to Hlgh·Scorers and Practice Kit containing Six Additional Practice Exams w1th Answers. Memory Test flash Cards, and " Simulated Exam" on cassette rape. ~~r:s~~~plel~~~~~~~~~f,~~~e~~~~~·o~~1e c;:s"e~r!:~~~~~~c~d~ ~;1 ~~~;~~~~.~;,~~~~n~!i~:~~:~ ;~~~;C~~~~ 1 6 6~~~ ~~~2°: ·~:~~~~~t':~ss~~do~~~hoc~a~~:'g:~~ v;;;~e~: 1~~n~osh;~~.~c::~~~~m:~'h~~~~e~1 :~o~~~~n,;,\~1.~ c 1 181)().2332545 Ext 4982 A (Add S81or federal Express guaranteed 1·2 day delivery 1 nor, prol1t eouutronat tOIPGfiiiOO ckdruted to acl'llflvtmenlttltOUOII oreoara~CI)'f=t •ttrll ~ 'Z'c'~::~~ ~:::: 1 f• f'~~:r.hf!ITW''I ,.,,., lnt ., • Street Rod Show & More Dance : 8:00P .M . Un til M idni ght Live Mu sic By The Greasers Featur ing Mu sic 01 The 50's & 60's. In Thelv:~~g; i~~~~h:IP~ctlvltlll Will le Held lndoore - Flea Market Spaces 20x20 Outside $12 .00 - Inside $18 .00 12 Acres 01 Parking : Room Far Over 100 Vendors Ind oo rs · Plus Many Outdoor Spoces . Phone 301 · 658 ·6400 Far Flea Mark et Reservat ions Or Your Cans lgnmenls 01 CARS & PARTS . Partial Llating1 1946 Pontiac 2 Dr . Sdn ., 1970 Oldo Cutla u Convertible · Very Good Cond .; 1966 Buick Skylark 2 Or . H.T.. 1970 El Cam in o , 1956 Buick 2 Dr .. t964 Chevy Impala 2 Or . H.T.• 327 V -8, PS , PB , 37 .000 Mllea . All Or igin al , Very Good Condition : 1948 Chrysler 4 Dr .. 95 '1. Reatared , 1965 Chevelle Convertible , Good Cond .; 1953 Chrysler 4 Dr . HT , 1940 Plymouth Coupe . All Or ig inal 90 '1. R11tored Rebuilt Motor , Tran s.. Suspension & New Rubber , 1954 Cadillac 2 Dr . HT 74 ,000 Mile Or lglnallnllrlar Very Good Cond .. 41 Plymouth Bua . Coupe 70 ~. Restored , 73 Cadilloc 2 Or . HT 31 ,000 Or iginal M iles (nice ). 71 Eldorado Cadillac Canv . All Or igin al , 62 Che vy 2 Or . HT SS 327 , 4 Sp. Red (shorp ). 66 Rambler Conv . Good Cond .. 57 Stud . Silver Howk . 2 Or . Needs Restored , 61 Econal ine Plck·u p Or igin al Used Everhday . 73 Lincoln 4 Dr .. ~~·cokoo2 ~i.le~: 8N;;-:~a~~~n(~. ~':r)~d653 ~u~t!~9.~a;~ Valves , Manual Auto .. 3:89 Rear . Alum . Wheels , Body & Interior Original , 29 lnterna11onol Stake Body Truck , 36 Ford Stake Body Truck . 56 Chevy Stoke Body Truck , More Be ing Liste d Dolly . Many More Item s Will Be Here By The Doy Of Auction . , Phone In Your Consignments Now 301 ·658·6400 . Term11 Cash Or Check w / Letter Of Reference From Your Bank Auction Held A It Hunter' a Sele Barn, Inc. lt.2U Phone 301·UI·UOO llalng Sun , MD 21t11 Dlrectlonll From 1·95 Get 011 AI Exit 7, From Exit Dr ive 2 '1• M ile s To Dead End . Turn Right On Rt. 276 . Au ction 2 '' • Mile s On Right. From US Rt. t Turn On · toRt. 276 To1ne Hwy . 3 M iles On Rig ht Look For Big Red Bo rn . Auctioneers• Norman E. Hunter · Chr is E. Hunter Show Managers• Dole Duncan (302 ) 366· 1718: Norm onE . Hunter (301 ) 658 ·6400 . 114 111 Houelng for lale ~02 a np4/30·2 E1tate of Warren D. Burr· inaton, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given thut Letters T.-•tamentarv uoon the Estate of Warren D. Burrington late or 818 Kenyon Lane, Newark , DE deceased, were duly gru nted to Robert P. Burrington on the llrst day of April A.D. 1986, and uti peraono Indebted to the •aid deceased are requested to make payment• to the Executor without delay , and all pe r sons having demands against the deceased are l'equired to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before the first day of October A.D. 1986, or abide by lhe law In thlabehall. Addreu : Jamoa W. Garvin, Jr., Esq. 224 E . Delaware Avenue Newark , DE 10711 RobertP . Burrlnuton mxcculur NP 4/2.1·1.-EIII~ i~~ ·~l' llcx1.~ MotorCyclll RaGHIIIIon Vehlalll Truckt/Vant Automobllll Automobile L1111na Automobile Equipment/Pert• Towing Automobile• Wented TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 202 Help Wanted 202 Help Wanted 8 - - - - - - - - 301 ·398·7676 202 Help Wanted between lOam can use. Pert·tlme flex ible ~~~fe~~e~. dally. Mature person ~ou;~~rM~~~~ev~e~~r ati~ff$ AD·VIIOR·The Cecil Whig It looklng for en 1 ggralllve Can you qualify? NHCI 11 peraon whh excellent phone Mrloualy motlv1tld people paraon1lh~ to aollalt and to tr1ln and tupervlll ~art· CARE, 302·6,,_, 66~·1.!:: 283::::·'---COOKS needed·Apply Mon· Fri. between 9em·5pm, Moneys ~t~~~~l~t~w~ru~~. Plaza, Rt ~'::n:~·::~:s.::~~:~~~~~ ~~o:o,:r~!r.;, n:!toio ~~: - - - - - - - p le part·tl m 1 HOD· t1200/mo., no experience - - r y . C1ll lam to llpm, Mon.-Fri. for appointment. 112-471-2132. r:~~:.n;p:~:!.n~u~!al; DISHWASHERS needed-Apply throu h Frida · Mon· Frl, between 9am·5pm , AIDES / skilled, Newark area . Moneys Restaurant & Truck ~~~~~ ~ha:ec~~~8 ~P~~~~spiaur~~ IN TilE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY IN RE : CHANG E OF NAME OF - ~ ~~~~~:~~~f~ ~~t~n;~~~~r~~: ~~~::a~~~~;~l~~~u ~i~~~r: ~~~~~ ~~r~~~~ 6c~~~~~~o~s~ 8~:ti r~~~~u~~:~~~~r ~~~~ o:k~:~e~~ ~O;J'I~&enCLASSIFICATION Susan A. l..amblo ck City Secretary , 100 time, flexible hours . Required : cer, phone & references . Call QUALITY CARE, 302·655·1283. mature sales minded person needed for extablish ed well known Monument manufac· turer. Full or part·tlme. Ex· cellent financial opportunity . ~626. MD, call collect 302·656· RS (Single-Family, Dotached ) . Property for 1111 Commerolll for 1111 Mobile Home for 1111 Houalna Wented ~m 102 104 '101 101 110 112 REAL ESTATE Newark Municipal Building, 220 Elkton Road , Newark , Delaware, on Monday, May 12, IIJIS at a p.m. at which time the Council wUI consider the a p· plication of Baldo Development Company for approval of the major subdivision of the 17.6 Acre Carr·Thompson Property, located on the east s ide of New London Road, north of Fairfield Creal and east of !"airfield V, lor the development of 50 semi· detached and two detached alngle·famlly home cluster development to be known as 150 Wanted = :-:-:-=--- - - - - Boxer .......... . ........ $350. Cairn Terrier ............. $350. Persian Kittens .......... $250. l- Regulation s. Midland Dr, Buckhlll Farma. 110 Personnals Up to 211 mlleradlua NOTICE West Chestnut Hill Rd . Newark notice Ia hereby given of a public Sales & Service 1 PVBLIC HlllAIUNG 701 710 Mobile Hom11 for Rent Property for Rant Commercial Property Hou.. for Rant Mite. for Rant computer experience ,.. qulrld. 31 to 40 houra a WMk, Including 4 houra every 3rd S1turd1y. Selary and comml11lon. For epo CITY OF NEWARK DELAWARE CITY COUNCIL Mly 12, IIIIII ·I p.m. clothes. SATURDAY, May 3rd . 8 a.m.· I Purouant to Section 27· for everyone! . 214 Bohemia Ave., Chesapeake 21 (8 )(2}( o) of the City ot Newa r k Subdivision and A MULTI·famlly yard 1111 City, MD . BAY VIEW KENNELS I 398-4884. 701 ~u,:f~:~.:::::;:,:,:~·nll . lutlnlll Opportunltlll 104 Money to Lind 101 Mortgagee 102 704 0 Room 104 101 110 112 114 111 118 401 F111M1rk1t 402 Antique• 404 Applllnall 401 llayalll ft Mopadt 401 loeu ft Motor~ 410 lulldlna luppllll 412 Clothing 414 Ferm Equipment 411 Firewood 411 FlaeMerklt 420 Furniture 422 Gerden luppll11 424 Homem•d• 42t Hou .. hold Goode ~~an NO~~ Ba~~~:~~a:;~kde &50~1~ C~t:~~1aS~~~~J: :.~. North Mav 3, 8am·6pm . Rein data ¢[1 Llv11took MIIOIIIIniOUI Muala.llnatrumentt Produce Pitt llldtft Pienta ~r,:~• Equipment 102 Sat. & Sun ., May 2, 3 & 4th . 8:30 till . MOVING Sate-Everything must Mav 3 & 4. 9am·5pm . 402 w. Main Street, Elkton . Handmade Cabbage Patch kids cl othes, new toys, crafts, ceramics, an· tlques , lawnmowers, girls clothes & more . AOOPTION MEADOWVIEW Loving couple wants to adopt a BIGYARDSALE baby . We can't have children of Seturdey, May 3 our own . We can help with ..3. 2 Apple La. your expenses. Please contact: Rich & Karen Ad ams, P.0 . Box 751 , Silver Springs. MO 20901 or ceii301 ·588·2B16. (Rudy In 4 Weeks) 4ZI 410 4U 414 431 4. 440 442 lng Sun, behind Benjemlna' Store. Many ltema Including Bueball cards . 306 Delancy Ad ., Elkton bei : .:~-:.:: ~ ST. GEORGE'S LADIES ::,.::rt~:~~· bed. GUILD BIG Multi·family yard sale, Sat SPRING FLEA MARKET & Sun, Mev 3 & 4. 10. 5. 794 &CRAnSHOW Biggs Hwy. Household items, LOSE WEIGHT ... FEELGREATIII CE HI 110 114 Yard Salas Reaching Cecil County, Maryland & Newark, Delaware. A NOU .. lnatruotlon ICennlll Lendaoeplna Llwnlervloll Mlaoelleneout lervlcll Movlna ft ltorea• Offlceluppllll Orcherdt Pelntlna Plumblna Redlo/TV repelr RIIIIUrtnll 141 lulldlna Contreotora CerPoolt Cetlrert Chimney IWIIP Cl11nlna lervlc11 Concrete Dey Cere D11d Animal Removal Dry Cleenlna Electric Contrectorl Entertainment Excevatlon• Extermination Florltll Funeral Home• Gerbaa• Removal Gllll Hardware Home Improvement lnc11m1 T11 Service lnaurance A LEGAL NOTICE Lucille J . Holm PETITIONER(S) TO J..ucllle J.StUI NOTICE IS HER EB Y GIVEN that Lucille H. Holm Intends to present a Petition to the Court or Common Pleas tor the State or g:~~~:.r~o~~~~~H~~~rc~a;;;:t~~ LucllleJ. SUII LucllleJ . Holm PP-Iez_a._R_t30-1._M_ id-dl-at-ow_n_ , _oe_. PUBLIC NOTICE The annual report of l1nd Tiel, lnc .laavaUeblelttheaddreu notedbelow , for l n~pec t l ondur · ln g normal buelntll houfl by any citizen who 10 requeetl within 180dayaaherpubllcatlon ofth lsnot lc C~ofavallablllty . Lend Tlealncorporetad ·~~::::.~g:t,~~,~~· ...!:':•l•:•l•:~:•~:::= · 11;.~~~·,~~l~-~··~·~:;; ...;;,.":t, AUTO TECHNICIAN ACE Certified. Own hand tools . •Excellent salary •Paid vacations •Holidays •Uniforms •Retirement •Good working conditions State of the Art equipment E.O .E. 301·287·2010 between 8·5, Mon.-Fri. L---------------.....1 WIP 3/i• . tf _ _ _ _....__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,. DATED : 4/21/86 np4/23·3 LEGAL NOTICE The storage contents belonging to Ms. Constunce A. Smith or New York Ci ty will be sold lor non payme nt of storage charges on Monday, May 12, 1986, at ~~~j~: :~~~~~s, 1 0 \ ATTENTION ELKTON CLASS OF '71 ifelic~~~ Drive, Now Custlu, Doluworo at 1:00 p.m . SIOfii KO l.ol : 4t~R· OOOG. np4/:10·2 PUBLJC NOTICE The lloord of Dtrcctoro nf oducallon FM rudlo otallo n WX· DR or thu University or Dotawaro will meet at 9 :00a.m . on May 6, 1986 In the Ew ing Room of the Stud ent Cen ter on Academy Street, Newark . The meeting Is open to the public. NP4/30·1 ., ucTI 0N '' I~ ~ SERVICE'/ PUBLIC AUCTION If you haven't heard from us, let us hear from you! Call Nancy Lagana/ 301·398-3474 or Barry Miller, 302-737-4467 after 5p.m. SAT., MAY 10TH, 10:30 A.M. ESTATE OF R. JEANNETTE REED CW / NP 4/ 9-4 wks. Antiques· Fine Collectibles Nice Clean Household Goods Sofa & Chair , Marble Top Coffee Table . Beautiful Kimball Organ W/Entartalnment Ace .. Floor Lampe , Side Chair w/Oueen Anne Lege. 3 Drawer Charry Cheat w/Laather Inlaid Top , Stare Stereo Console . Small Marble Top Table, French Prov . Dining Room Suit · Table 8 Chalra , China Hutch , Buffet Like New . Red ~~~Y~ 11~r 1 nfa~~ al;; t ~ ~~~t·~a;f~ wr~~·g h~ ~~~~~ 10 Dinette w/Gian Top Table w / Matchlng Tea Cart . Wrought Iron Porch Set. Plna Dry Sink . Cherry Carved Side Chair . 4 Pedestal Cherry Flower Stand , Ruah Bottom Ladder Back Chair, PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SAT., MAY 10,1986 10:30 A.M. The owner will offer the below described property at public auction on the premises . ett he above listed date and time . ~:.h:.Y:an/~:~~~.:~~~~, g~~r~~w~~a~~~:ra~ ~ 1 MI . Vernon on Glan Front By Plymouth , Cherry Vanity w/Stool , Victorian Well Mirror . French Prov . Bedroom Suit · Full Bed, Triple Orener . Night Stand. Cheat on Chest . Old Ceder Cheat w/Top Trey. Chippendale Cedar Cheat on Queen Anne Leg . GLASSWARE • DECANTERS • OLD TELEPHONES 1/2 Gal. Greystone Crock w / Biua Print . Ant . Costume Jewelry. Stem Glanware , Prase Glau Places, Ruby Glasse s. Eagle Decanters. Plus About 30 Other Whiskey Decanters . Old Glen Insulators Collector Spoons • Geo . Washington , Thomas Jefferson , John Adams , & JFK. Malta China. Llmogee China. Royal Copenhagen Christmas Plate 1989 · Arrival Of Chrlstmea Guests . 1972 Royal Copenhagen Sterland In the Desert , West Nottingham Church Plete 1724·1967, 2 Old Western Elec . Bran Phones Conv . To Table Lamps , 1 Oak Wall Phone . Numerous Table Phones w/Eer Place . Old Crank Telephones . 3 011 Lanterns Conv . to Lamps . Old Scale, Mink Collar , 3 Milk Cans. Ant . Kltchenwarea , Many Other Collec · tlblaa Not Mentlcned . Tarma: Cash -Check Only If Known By Auc· tloneer Auction Ordered By : Eatate of R. Jeannette Read E. Kirk Brown Ill, P.R . Attorney Joaaph E. Mahoney Auction Service By : Auctioneers: Hunter' a Sale Barn, Inc . Norman E. Hunter Rt. 278 Chrla E. Hunter Phone (301 I 8&8·8400 Lunch Served Rlalng Sun, MD 21811 Auction Location : 101 Walnut St .. Rising Sun . MO . Next To Rising Sun Post Office . From At . 273 Main St .. Rising Sun Turn Between Jane s Methodist Church & County Banking & Trust . 6th . House On Right . Signs Posted . " CECIL COU NTY 'S LEADrNG SERVICE " W/ P4 / JO·lwk•. REA~ ESTATE· This property known as 658 West Bel A1r Av e. IS Imp rov ed by a Stately 3 bedroom Col· ental Hom e with formal Dining Room and large liv· In~ room . The ro oms throughout this house are qu1te large . The house also boasts a large attic with dormers that can be finish ed into living space . This house has been remodeled extensive ly . The home is located m a very quiet section of Aberdeen . The home al~o has . a larg e sun porc h and a large front porch w1th swtng . The lot has numerous mature trees and shru bbery . Lot size approx . 1/ 2 acre . Open House from P.M . to 4:00P .M . on Sun · day , May 4 or by appointment with auctioneer TERMS · 2500 .00 Dollars Cash or Certified Check day of sale, balance to be paid on or before settle· ment, which is to occur within 60 days of sale date Buyer will be .res~onsible for all settlem ent fees and expenses .wh1~h 1n clude transfer and documentary stamps . Ttm ~ IS of the essence . Property will be of· t:oo ~;;Ms0is;~~~1~;:ss i mpte . United Auctlona W . David Fermer Agent for Sellar Auctioneer Conowingo, Md . 21918 30 1-868·2828 Auctioneer'• Noll • The owners are willing to ac · cep t. any reasona ble offer on this valuable hom e. Don t m1ss th1s sa le. April30, 18ft 202 Help Wanted CLERICA~ ---- SecretarieS Typists Word processors Receptionists Accounting Clerks YOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT CASEY We're entering our 33rd year In the employment help Ar· vice field. Our IUCCIII Ia at· trlbuted to the profea· alorulllam end dedication of our Temporarlea by getting the beat rate poulble for their akllla. · CASEY OFFERS YOU: •PROFIT SHARING BONUS 1000 hou111 or more In 1 yeer you there In the compeny'a proflta . Laat yeer our everege P.S. bonua wea t2100. •REFERRAL BONUS 202 Help Wanted D W N E R - 0 P E A AT 0 A S WANTED La r m o r e M o v In g Systems/United Van Lines located in Wimington, DE needs top quality owner operaters with a good safety record for our long haul operation . · t1 Household goods operation up to 1800 miles . tr Special commodities/long haul high mileage. .:, Weekly settlement. t1 Annual bonuses. tl 48 state a~~~~:~r :..&:u~:~ SELL AVON tter.'a eome WH:r YOU SHOULD! High 11 10% eemlnp on 1 product thlt lei.. ha AH. CrMte your own working houra lnd be your own bou. 0n1era delivered right to yourdoor. Dilcounta on your own Coamltlce, B1 euty Aida, .llwllry 1nc1 Gift hema. Win fabuloua glfta 1nd prizll. AVON Celebrltlng h'a 1001h llrthdly. Dale Glover or Bob Leager al 1·000·441-7590orll2-323·9000 Weekda s from Bam to 5pm ~~k~~~E~~~~~- 4 ~S~tresses R=.::tt:::.'Hy of y 'II be lid did I Nlcll, ~~--3311/1· -.m-&387, untll5pm. C::: ~~~~~ m~:~~~~aan~~e~PP~ni~ SECRETARY 5 5 •TEMP TO PERM POSITIONS AIDES, you' re treated 81 8 pe1110n not 8 number. Call or atop by today. Contact JoAnn or Kay for your choice of 8Uignmenta In Newark or aurroundlng Never a fee or contract . •. (U21UI·UM Equol Opportunity Employer M/F 24-hr . Svc. JU-575-17" 302-658-6461 NEWARK 284 E. MAIN STREET (3021 738-3500 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 24 hr. Svc . (3021575-1700 120 Wnt St., Wllm., DE "Cerino For You 33 Year~" DISSATISIFIED? NEED MORE MONEY? MOO-t1200 PART-TIME .211110-t8000 FULL·TIME Assignmen ts available for expe ri en c ed op e ra t ors with num e ric / a lpha input. OLSTEN offe rs great benefits : •HIGH pay rate •PA Y every Friday •VACATION pay •FREE in / hospital pay •NEVER a fee GREENVILLE CO. K . IIALTOIS8 ~Better T~i1MH9..ffi~ Coli for appo intment OLSTEN OffERS: •HIG H pay rote •PAY every Friday •VACATION pay •FREE in / hospitol pay •NEVER o fee NEWARK 214 E. Main Street (3021 731-3500 Equal Opportunity Employer M/ F 24 hr. Svc • (3021 575;.,1,!!~ •.••• . turned garage, breakfast nook overlooking swimming pool, LR, DR, family room with massive fireplace. 1% acres- all woods. Minutes from Newark on U.S. Rt. 273. ERA Alden Bugher them available. Each includes 3 bdrm s.. 1~ ba .. el cerger .. fullbsmt. & lg . eat-in kit. The community is convenient yet spacious & pro· video a quality !amity at· mosphere. Call today for details\ Nl1297. 3t308. &31310. 478-3660 Sat 8 a m to t P m Mon thru Fro 1- 4 P m 308Auto PAXTON'S CAR CARE BUFF & SHINE SPRINGTIME .. herel And now Ia thl tim• to get your ALDEN BUGHER ASSOCIATES Clbl of dump trucka & triC· - - - - - - - - :..":.=·:!,m;c!:~'F~~E 30:=r:;oo 11t1mat111 302-737-3841 301·311-4077 HERITAGE WOODS 3 BEDROOM RANCH 'lz brick front & more on 'lz acre lot. 3 BEDROOM BILEVEL Brick inset & more on ~ acre (plus/ ·I lot. $59,550* GRANDVIEW GRAVEL PIT ROAD 3 BEDROOM RANCH Brick inset & more on 'lz acre (plus/ -) lot. 3 BEDROOM CONTEMPORARY On wooded acre lot, full basement, well & septic. $66,900* $64.900* Bm. Wooden floors sanded & refinished . Reasonable rates· free estimates. Jeff Williams :.>2-731-4953. 350Kennels EDGAR RHOADES AND SONS Backhoe and dump truck service. Free estimates. 301 ·398· Lost Your Pet? Call the Delaware SPCA immediately . :.>2·998-2281 . 8637. MASON-DIXON REALTY IB RE ALTOR• ____ ..... ~~~~~~g a~ig~~:i~~~~~e~p~l~r~~ ing Home or call 301 -398-4550, -9am-3om. 'AI F Experienced RECPTIONIST wants part-time work starting in May. Can work full time in Summer. Please reply to Cecil ~~i~ ~ ?. Box 429 -W, Elkton, JUST ON THE MARKET Private, rancher In lebuloua oaHing. Wood· ad 3.1 acr11 overlooking etream. Located on Black Sneke Rd, thlo t141,000 exciting 3 BR houoa could be youro II you call Wayne Coa at of· Ilea or hom a 1111·11211 12 I will lake care of elderly man or woman in my home. Call 302· 653-9124 anvtime. "ESCAPE THIS WEEK-END" With ESCAPER micro-mini home OWNERS ANXIOUS A dream houoe deolgnad lor entertelnlng and comfort. All lg. roomo, formal LR & DR, lam . rm., Florida rm ., ecreened porch, BRo w/many cuotom leaturao w I 1.4 acral on Brantwood Golf Cour... Wao •1a,ooo. NOW •111,100. Call Mike Powell at office or homo 1217-H111 JUST LISTED Thlo ona·of·e·klnd 3 BR houaa won't laet long •• a home that ohowo yaa .. . of tandar loving care. All brick, oiHing on 1 1 ecre wall-landocaped lot clo11 to I·H & Rt. 40. Call Wayne Cox at office or homellll-t125l STOLTZFUS TRAILER SALES 'SJS' NEW LISTING OWNER FINANCING w /thlo lovely 4 BR Col· Inial home on 2 acreo built with pride by tha On Route 202, 4 Mlloo South of W11t Cho1t1r, PA In PA Outalde PA 216-388-0828•1 · 100·233-1408•1·800-441-0863 ,- ---- --------~ ST. JOHN'S MANOR Great looking contam· pory w/graet vlaw •• pluo water rlghto. 4 BRo, 2V. bathe overlooking Elk River. Above ground pool, oundeck & 2-cer garage. Haatpump w/cantrel air, pavad drive, 1.1 acre •• great property. t171,000. -- NIWEN&AND LOI FIREPLACE IN EVERY ROOM Some are •••led up, but raotorlng thlo I BR otona & lrema houoa would ba fun . LR, DR, 2 kltchano, 2 18undry rooma, fam. rm., 2 bathe, 1 acra. •11,000. owner. Spacloua rooma and many cuatom laaturao In thlo 2,100 oq. h . homa. PLUS 4-car garege aHechad, PLUB In-law apartmanto. Call Paula GlUey at office or home lor detallo and appt. lltil-4176 or 371· 32011 . BUILDING LOTS AND ACREAGE- FINANCING AVAILABLE ON MOST PARCELS WITH "ONLY 10% PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET. AUTHENTIC LOG HOMES ' • g Directions: Take Wheatley Rd . from St. Rt . 272. This is approx . 2 mi . N. of 1-95. Go 1.7 miles, turn right at the New England Log Home sign. YRO. 2.4 •.. • 16,100. 1.1 .. . t12,100. 1.0 . . ... ....... .•12,100. Authorized Dealers NELHI of the Tri-States. OAKWOOD ROAD 2 ac-rea, some wooda. . . . 114,900• CRAIG TOWN RD. PRINCIPIO RD. 20 ecree, on trout atream, aome woode, rotllng .......... •14,000. RISING SUN !Near Route1J Y, acre - 2.5 acre loti . Priced from •8,900. to 115,000.• . Very nice loti and well priced . 2.4 acreo ...... . t16,000.· 1.0 acral .... ... t10.600.• ; ' NEW "BRIDGE RO. 1.33.acral ...... nz.ooo• ROOPRD . 2.3 acre . . . . . .. . •14.900 . COLORA ROAD 3.1acrll .. · · · · · · f1 4 •900 · HANCE'S POINT ROAO VILLAGE OF COLORA 2 acral .... .... . t28,800 . 2.8 acre toto · panhandle Iota - perc approved . ... .... . . .. Each t18,100. OWNER FINANCING WITH 20% DOWN . PLAT IN OFFICE . HIDDEN ACRES PUPPET SHOWS Parties, schools, special occa· lions. Pam Pipes & Puppets. For Info & brochure call Pam Nelson, 302·99 ~9~-00 ~7~8,_._ _ =lc~ V:~tru:u~·:~~ 328 Excavations Paul & Carol Hamm Wheatly Rd., North East, MD 398-5697 $55,385* ALUMINUM CANS .. ~r~~ge E~~~~~~se~ee~~~ts ca~ 204 Jobs Wanted .--......oA"'IIIisk for Ruth Clutter If you have recent work experience . we need YOU I NEWARK 284 E. MAIN STREET (3021 738-3500 Equal Opportunity Employer M / F 24 hr. Svc . (3021575-1700 =~UI :.In=m:~or~~ ~IECG~~1~~ED P~~~~~cAo~ :owc~~':I:S~~~s. :l~ts~ 4 BR. skylight, 2% baths, 2 car Calll301) 398-9000 or 13011658-5654 makes MODEL BUILDER IRICK, bk1ck lnd atone work done. FirepiMII 1 le . CIH 302-G4-1112. Hardwood Floors Installed /stained . Old floors sanded & finished . DONA LD G. VARNES. INC . 302-737-5953 Home Improvement. Quality Work . Cheap Prices! 302-834- NURSE needed for all P1rt·tlm1 only. Daya or shifts . We offer competitive nlghta. Apply S..ra, Prlcea wages & benefits . Please Comer, 16-4pm or 5-1:30pm contac t : Connie Garrett, Wedntade a. EOE. 301 -398-8800 weekdays SECURITY GUARDS-Full & 9am-2pm . part-time for the Newark. DE. RN 11·7 NEWARK MANOR area. Call Mon .. -Fri. , between NURSING HOME. WORK lOam & 2pm . First State WITH A TRAINED AND Security Service. 302-478-0913. COMPETENT STAFF IN A SECURITY OFFICERS wanted . MODERN FACILITY. APPLY Retired people welcome. OpenN MON.-FRI. CALL 302-n1- ings available in Glasgow, DE & 1171 FOR APPOINTMENT. Fair Hill area . Please call 302RN 328-3137 between 9am-3pm, or Immediate opening for AN 's apply 4 Quigley Blvd, New Caswith MD licenses in the tie, DE, 19720. ask for Lt. Till· Newark/Elkton area. All shihs inghast . · This beauty, English Tudor, features so much! Square home s would you prefer7 relocation IALESPERSON, lftl'elllvl local mtnufiCture hauling _,.,.y, Ia looking for 1 Powered by Toyota - Built by Damon Ind . SEE THEM AT DECISIONS, DECISIONS! Which ol these lovely Porter Only MECHANIC . Needs own tools References required . Call 301 398-9783 between 7em-5pm . Services for WESTERN MEDICAL SERVICE 302·478-9660 RN or LPN full or part-time NEWAIK 214 E. MAIN STilET CASEY AIDES 342 Horne Improvement ~~~i~t':n~~dical ,.. DATA ENTRY work . Light typing a plus . Recent office or mal/room experience rqeuired. Typing, dlctaphone helpful, good language skills . Aa en employee of CASEY ASK FOR BOB ';o~~!n~ng~~d ~~~~= ~u b uirt~; el~~:tla~~Must hove reliable transportation. work shoes & a telephone. Competitive hourly rote. Call for on op · polntment . Never a Fee or Contract. 202 Help Wanted ~~a~~~od:~ssh~~e~f;~ Ri~; dlvlduella preferred to hive model builder. Would con- prevloua AIH experience, aider student trainee with :: =•:.!'i::~a~~.':'.~ experience n drafting We wUI treln. Complete •pend/or shop . 301 -658·6850 . pllcetlon & aubmh reeum1 NURSING ASSISTANT to: Accepting applications at SCHULT HOME, INC Newark Manor Nursing p 0 Box 211 Hom e from 9am -5pm , Blue Bell Rd/ Mon-Fri. 254 W . Main St., Trinco Ind. P1rk Newark, DE . Elkton, MD 21121 PART-TIME help . Apply at Attn:W1rren Keya CLERKS Experienced light In· dustrlol personnel needed for 202 Help Wanted r-J•IJ•N-/O~R·'/•S•EN-/0_1..., ~~~a~~-~ xp~~!~ce ~:~ie~: Needed immediately far short and long -term temporary assignments. People to do filing . mal/roam . LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Needed in Newark/Elkton area . Long & short term assignments. •PENSION PLAN MAIDS We are accepting applications Mon-Fri, 9-5. Apply in person. References required . Iron Hill Inn, 1120 S . College Ave, Newark . MALE /FE MALE Custodial postions avail. in Newark area . F/T days or PIT evenings slots available. Call between 9-4, Mon-Fri, Com· munity Services Corp., 302· 368-4400 or 301 -398-7226. MECHANIC-Heating It AC contractor needs mechanic with installation experience 301 -392·5220 . & After 1@!11, ;!!!1·--· person anytime at 801 S . Cotlege Ave . (At. 8961. Newark, DE. INSURANCE Due lo retirement-established debit in Elkton/ Cecil County. Experience preferred, but will train proper person . Company benefits. For further information . contact 302-656·0341 . •PAID VACATION 202 Help Wanted =• ~e~~~~~pp~i~~~~s ~~rns~%e~~: •10 PAID HOLIDAYS COMPLETE TRAINING CALLNOWI 302-239-0449 JJb The New Ark Post 202 Help Wanted WATER RIGHTS ON ELK RIVER 11.5 ecreo .. ... .. 138,800. Further oubdlvlolon poulbla . m::gg: NEW BRIDGE RD. 8 acres, road front, bern, well ... .. .... . . . •21,800. EBENEZER CHURCH RD. 121 7 acreo · open · by 1 or both . Priced U8,800 eac\OLLING HILLS 2 loto available . (11 •• •• •• •• ..•• • 12,100.• 121 .... ........ t14,100 .• OC'rORARO LAKES 2 loto to ba oold together wooded •• t10,760 for both .• ROUTE7 N. of CHARLESTOWN 36 acreo, woo do . tii,OOO. WOOOY BROWN RD . 4.5 acres · all woods, stream ........ 125,000.• RISING SUN SHADY BEACH RD . Town toto available for . .Compilitaty wooded and your houu. Water prlvata-fotoallstaked . eewar, atreat fota, paved 7.4 acres ....... . •29,900. roado, oldewalko. Take 8.6 acres ..... . .. 132,500. your pick . ~:3a::~:.: :: : :::: MOBILE HOME LOT Other lots available . North Rlolng Sun -reotrlcted, 12h200 ·· HAVEN LANE country living •· MH ESTATES must be 1880 or newer. 1.3 acres .. country lot ...... . .... .. ... t18,900. . . . ... .. . . ..... 111 .900 ." Beautiful two bedroom home in the Town of North East on a 1/2 acre lot . Walking distance to schools, shopping . and churches . Includes living room . dining room , kitchen, bathroom . two bedrooms . a full base · ment and a nice yard for planting flowers or for the kids . New roof a nd furnace . Perfect condition inside and out. Just right for a small family or retired couple . Town water and sewage. Priced to sell at $55.000 firm . Serious Inquiries only desiring to inspect the property ~&1113011398-4690 for an appointment . CRABBE COURT .9 acre - lovely homea on country atreet .. . *12,f~!JG. WASHINGTON SCHOOL HSE. RD. 5 moatly wooded ecraa, perc approved , atream very nice I .. . .. -._•28,~. • FLETCHWOOD RD . 41.8 acrao . .. . . . 1375,000. - OR 2.4 acres zoned C-2 . . ... ... .. . . ... • 110,000. 39 .2 acres zoned RM . . . .. ...... .. . . $280,000 . RIDGE RD . .&9 acre . . . .. . . .. t9,500• CHRISTIE HILL RD . 44 acres, open, wooda, strea m , utilities installed ... . ... . .... .•11,100. FRENCHTOWN RD . 1004 ' waterfront on Elk River, Porch Crook . 57 + acreo .... . .... . $150,000. •Indicate• no llnancl_ng North Eut \ Auction Galleria U.S. Route 40 I North E•at, MD WIP4 / 2·tf .PnvateEntranceApts • NewThermopaneWindows • ~ew Hot Water Heaters • WalktoShopping&UofD • Tree-linedStreets • CabteTVAvailable • CarpetedorHdw .Fioors • Ou ~lilied Pets Wel~om e • • Senior Citizen Discount · Located off Elkton Rd. MANCHESTER PARK DEER HAVEN 3 BEDROOM TWO-STORY Brick front on lower level & more, 'lz acre (plus/-) lot. 3 BEDROOM RANCH 'lz brick front and more, 'lz acre (plus/-) lot. $77,867* $53,885* An up -to -date guide to residential real -estate opportunities in the Elkton ani! Newark areas . compliments of Patterson -Schwartz Realtors . Home guide Many Other Plans and Models Available NEWARK LOT OWNERS: We will build on lot with your house plans or ours. SPLIT-LEVEL Pride of ownership is evident In 3bedroom home with family -room woodstove . ne w carpe ting in family room . fence d yard . 733-7000 . No . 1357. DESIGNED FOR ... liv ing ! Charming l ·bedroom Cape Cod with lst ·tloor den . c ozy country kit· c he n, la rg e bedrooms , 2'/r baths . deck . tre ed lo t. Mov e right in this quallty built3·year-oldhome . t149 ,900 . 733·7000 or215 ·459-5031 . No . 1365. Newark, 12-A O'Daniel Ave . MUl·ATLANTIC REALTY CO., INC. 368-2367 SCOTTFIELD Realty 1.65 Acres All Brick Rancher Beautifu lly maintained split -level in popul a r comm un ity . Maintenan ce -fr ee ex terior , 3bedrooms. 1V. ba th s . u tra ins ula ti on , nicely landscap e d. fen ced rear yard . 733·7000 . No . 1390. BUILDING LOTS 2beautilullotsl n s ma llqu ie tcommun i· ty nea r Newetk w ith county s ewer . Owner financing . Wo n 't last . 733 -7000. No . 1374 . WOULDN 'T IL . ben lce tob elnne whom efort hes um · mer7 Come sett ne wly listed s pll t ·le vel with garage , farnlly room , large yard , central vac , more . Nea r Ne wark . 733 · 7000 . No . 14J9 . WOODED LOT MARYLAND Vall ey . Perfect lo ca tion hom e . 733-7000 . No . 1434. lor CHARMING s plit ·levelln Scottfield . Freshly painted " Valle y Forge "' with 1st-floor family room w ith fireplace . fenced rear yard with s hed , cu l·de -uc location . 733 · 7000 . No . 1216. YORKSHIRE Lovely 4-bedroom . 2· bath home with fa m ily -room fireplace . remodeled kit· c he n . new Le nnox gas heater . more . t 94 ,SOO . 733 ·7000 . No . 1214 . ARBOUR PARK Recen t pr ice reduction makes this hom e a s teal! Sellers just completed a t32000addltionandmus tsellat a lo u . Go~d opportunity for large family or in · law t ltuat lo n. 733 ·7000 . No . 1343. HEATHER WOODS Beautiful bl · le ve l with upgraded bathroom s, bri c k fir e plac e , eat-In kit · c hen formal din ing room . large en ter · taln~en t ereu. gerege . A reel treat tor onlyU9 ,900 . 7JJ-7000 . No . 1271 . Part ie lly wood ad 1.7 acre on lovely c ui· de·UC . On e of largest lo ts In Pine NEW LISTING ... on prem ium wooded c ul-de-uc . Big tarn ily room with fireplace . pat io with ~=~~r:f uc~'lor~.P ~ruar~:t sa'o~:.o~/3~7°00:,: No . 1413. 3 BR , LR with fireplace, 2 baths, full · basement 2 car attached garage. hard· wood oak flooring, immaculate condi· lion, some owner financing. m REALTO~It 212 E. Main St. Elkton, MD WATERFRONT Cod for s mallest price . 4 bedrooms , 2 bath s , large 1st-flo or ma s ter bedroom . 3 bedroom s on 2nd floor , large flat lot with fenced rear yard w it h decks an d pool.733-7000or301 ·398·6262 . no . 1422. SUPER SETTING BRICK BEAUTY Great "Stanley ·bullt " 4-b ed room . 2'/r • bathhomewlth2-ca rgarage . screened porch overlook ing Sw an town Cre e k. 2 c ommunity bea c hes , do ck on Sa ssa fras . 30 m inutes to Wilmington . 733-7000or301 ·398-6262 . No . 1384 . Private location near ElktQn . Custom home w ith lat~J e muter bedroom s uite , sc reened porch , In -ground pool , 2-c:ar J;]~7~ ~rb~~~3:.~;~~ - ~~~~j 6s31.24 , 900 . WATER VIEW ... SECLUDED ... end deeded water righ ts come wllh th is much im proved 2-bedroom ra nch . New vinyl si ding . storms and screens , new ctrpeting . Wellpr lced . 733 -7000or301 398-6262. No . 1263. on 3+ acres s urrounded by Elk Neck State Forest . 3-bedroom c halet-s tyle home with 3 decks . 2·c ar garage , firepla ce , enc lo se d porch . more . 733 · 7000 o r301 -398·6262. No . 1386. LOT $40's TOWNHOUSE RANCH 4-bedroom e nd -unh t ownhouse w ith 2 powder rooms , like -new ca rp eting . large family room . fen ced yard . s hed . 733-7000or301 ·398·6262 . No . 1436. Ju s t move -I n t his great s t a rte r home : only $37,9001 2 bedroom s , ce ntra l ai r, dec k overlook ing private fen ce d yard . 999 -0251or301 -398·6262 . No . 1358. MINI HORSE ... STEAL! farrn on 13.88 acres with pond . putures , woodland . Quality -built co n· t e mpor~ry Cape Cod in mint condition w lth2·3bedroom s , 2baths , 3·sta llbarn , water righ ts to Elk River . Borders Plum Creek . 733 ·7000 or 301 -398-6262 . No . 1167. Beautiful home s ite is alre ady c leared a nd ready to be built o n . 1.81 wooded acres nelf C&O canal. Pri ce d below market . Hurry l 999 ·0251 or 301 ·398·6262 . No . 1303. TURNQUIST ELKTON HEIGHTS Unique loc a tion for well -ma intained " Nanticoke " r1nch on large lot. 3 bedroom s. 2 baths . family room , firepla ce, garage . larga rear deck . 7337000or301-3ti·6262. No . l16 3. a . Patterson Schwartz (301) 392-3900 CUTEST CAPE ... 610' on beeutiful North Eest River . Beeutilul gentleman 's estate w it h servant 's quarters or in -law s uite . 3 fireplaces , ballroom , in -ground pool , gazebo , 4-car garage . 733·7000 or 301 · 398·6212 . No . 1388. Call 13011398-6262 or 13021733-7000 ~ Super townhouse with 3 b edroo ms . 1 V. baths . basem en t , ne w carpe tin g, deck off family room . Clean , neat , t u tefully de corated . fre s hly pl lnted . 475·0800 . No . 1421. 12b : The NewArk Post !3&2 Landscaping 402 Antiques 380 Upholstering B Mile. Servicea ! lOW FRONT chN cloMt, MANA TEE, 17' open fibergla&&. wllh liO HP Mercury. Trailer includmirror. Light llded r.mp- ed . For Information, call ~1 .... T..._ top VIctrola, TNdle Sewing Machine. Call -tra7ile-r, 71. ~11ft8r =~=-- 4 hp. long shah Johnson. Fresh Buying Gold & Silver coins & water only. Excellent condition. jewelries. Cash . t:fiOO. 301 -658-2668. MER RELL'S JEWELRY RUNABOUT-14 h. 48 hp. Scott &ANTIQUES motor, bucket seats, windKirkwood Hwy & DuPont Rd . lhelld, 2 fuel tanks, trailer, new Elsmere battery. $875. ~1 -287-8827 . Wilm . DE SEARAY, 1981 with trailer. ~2-994- 1765 22'4", carpeted, leather inOPEN 10AM-7PM terior, mere cruiser, 1/ 0 . 250 hours on engine. Has head with pump waist . Special made fiiEEZER, Frlgidtre. Br81td canopy. Built-In ice cooler. Full length diving board, anchor. 301·217-1101. Moving must sell. 301 -398-4350 or 203-790-6845. & 20' CARVELLE , 81 V-6 WELCRAFT, 1813,110 Johnson. Will ski B-10 people. Amerlclln, 11'. 120 HP Mere, New custom seats. Good cond . 1/0. Leu then 30 houra. $7300. Call before 2pm, 301 - Loed Rite treller. Sura cower. Belt offer ower MIOO. 275-2600. •1.-.1414 after m. Wdl hlul away any unwanted Let us wake up that antique bed JOE'S TREE SERVICE : Prompt, professional and in- enicles. Will also do deliveries. with a custom made mattress •tured . ~2-834-8473 or ~2-731 - Ctd County area . ~1 -287- end boxspring. We make any 6128, Ilk for Bob. 5736. size. We also do custom upholstery and repairs. B Misc. Services J. L. STOOTS MARINE CONTRACTOR Berbato & Son painting and Piers, Bulkhead, Piling, Oredg- wallpapering contractors. Free lng. lllimates. ~1 -392-4011 . ~1 -337-7853 Mosebach's Troybllt rototilling Expen plowing for gardens & lawns at reasonable rates. Call 302-738-4948 for estimates & scheduling. IOUTHERN STATES CO-OP ELKTON, MD FUEL OIL SERVICES OFFERED •Automatic Delivery •Budget Heating Plans •24 Hour Emerg . Service •Products Include: Fuel Oil, K-1 Kerosene Diesel Fuel & Regular unleaded gas Super no-lead Call in Cecil County 301 PAINTING Interior or Exterior New Homes Commercial/ Residential Wallpapering Hung or removed Drywall repairs Call David Williams IZ-G4-1112. PLEASANT HILL UPHOLSTERY Furniture Custom Upholstered, fast service, reasonable prices. free pick up and delivery. Large lllection of material. Call day or evening. 398·5822___,_ 398-roBS. PUASANTVAWY PAINTING CO. 312......1114 au,_ :!~~=t'-~;75·m"~'--::l-or-. 404 Appliances - ·MOO. 408 Boats Motors ~2-737-5994 or368-3814 PAINTING Exterior painting for houses, garages, sheds, fences, etc. FREE ESTIMATES I Phone ~1 - lt8nd, .,. . FURNITURE CUNIC 382 Painting ~ervice . w..r. 401 Flea Market TV ANTENNA-2 months old . April 30, 1918 408 Boats &Motors 420 Furniture t100 or best offer. 301 -3981!189. QJ Miscellaneous DINING room suite, Haywood Wakefield, solid rock maple, drop leaf table. 4 chairs. 215- 266-5436. 422 Garden Supplies - - -H ,.-A :-:-Y, . - - - - CLEARANCE! Alfalfa & Timothy $1/bale or $50/ ton 606 Mortgages DUNCANS 301-858-2888 302-463-9317 TREE REMOVAL FIREWOOD GRAVEL SAND MUSHROOM SOIL TOP SOIL WOOD CHIPS HARDWOOD MULCH SAWDUST MUSHROOM soil and topsoil. Large load B cu . yards . $45/ mushroom, $75/topsoll . 215-268-8321 or 215-268-3379..:.... Rich Mushroom Soil !Spent Compost) We load your pickup for $10. 301 -658-5692 426 Household Goods MARTY'S DRAIN CLEANING SERVICE 302-328-3499 7 days-24 hours Roots My Specialty 10% Senior Citizen Discount MARTIN H. DOLBEN 107 Lea Ad-Manor Park New Cas11e. DE 19720 WAN TED -good apt. size refrigerator. $85 or under. 301 398-2426. GALAXY-1982, 19' runabout with cuddy cabin-Executive. Kevlar hull-5 year guarantee, white with bright blue cover. teak swim platform wit ladder, COATS -5 women' s winter coats. One with mink trim . Like new. Size 10-12. Reasonable. ~2-834-2667 aher 5pm or after 12 noon on weekends. Bruce Tamlyn 2 dey Horae Trelnlng Clinic. Leem to underetend your hore.. mind. Emphella on tuchlng not forcing. Spec:tetora end pertlclpente cell 216-4442703, April 21 & 27, lem. C.rou.l Stable, Umeetone Rd., Newark. ••••llliiiil•••lllllf !:aut~e~~~~~~~ble'~~~m as~~t. t~ berths with Herculon covered bunks. Two fully insulated ice boxes. Wet bar with stainless steel sink . Concealed head. Bimini top with full side covers. 125 Volvo inboard / outboard . Condition excellent . Easy load trailer. Ideal for water skiing or ~~~~ b~~~; G~~~~on1;i;~n-~ 6~ speed axel. $3000. 301 -755:::: 89'=-7.:.:. 1.--==-=--,---,---,..,.--WATER ORIENTED HUGE HILLSIDE J.D. 6600 Combine, Hydro COMMUNITY BI-LEVEL Static . 15' grain, 4 row corn 2 story colonial , 4 BR, 3 10 minutes to Elkton or heads. $12,500 . 301 -755-6971. baths, LR with fireplace, LIME & LIME St1EADING . 29 gallon aquarium . Complete Newark on 1.4 acres . 4 BR. with hood & stand . $75. 301 Also, high quality aeds, herDR, country kitchen, family LR . DR , kit., 2~ baths, 398-5119. bicides, etc .. fertiliz es . Call colroom, sewing room , hard · family room with fireplace. 1 ALFALFA hay for sa le, ~~~~ ~hnede;iv:~r f~r q~ic~w:~~ lect when convenient for you. wood floors throughout, on Overlooks stream and $2.00/ bale. Trailer it home for the winter. ~: Brown, 301 ' 658 ' 5520 01 Caii301 -39B-35::.::66 1 acre, circular drive . Walk c:,;·------,backs to farmland. AddiClean and beautiful. Priced to Duck & Seagul,l lamps with to marinas, additional 2~ tional 1.4 acres available. sculptured shades. Crafts and ;lj:~~~ice negotible. Call acres with barn available. Security lighting. Approx· gih wear. Twenty-0 -Five, The Freshly painted . Ready for imately 2,000 square feet GALAXY-1984 21' sport cabin, DINING ROOM TABLE - Snyders, 2005 Limestone Rd. immediate occupancy . living area . Owner must 185 hp. Mercruisimatic with Colonial, Cherry Mahogany, (near Stanton) . Call 302-994trailer, power winch, full canvas 52"x70" plus 21eaves. 6 chairs. 0526, 12-9 weekly, 11 -5 Sat & Owner will consider pursell . Reasonable offers concover, depth finder, compass, Like new. Reasonable . 302-834- Sun. chase money mortgage . sidered . $78,900. Call Harry CO, freshwater tank & sink, 2567 aher 5pm or aher 12 noon $109,500. Call Harry Marcus Marcus / Dennis Blevins · port-a-potty. ice box, rod on weekends. . (3021 368-1621. (3021 368-1621 . holders, swim platform and many other extras . Only ran approx . 50 hrs. Great family boat for water skiing, fishing or just 302-3&&--. cruising around . Dee by appt . L..o~L-------------------.....;;;=..._,.. Owner selling . $12,000 430 Miscellaneous Ontu~ 21 GOL_D.SBOROUGH-REALTORS RISINGSUN Beautiful Cape Cod on 1.72 ac . with 3 stall barn , perfect for horse lovers. 3 bed ., 2 ba .• full basement . Beautiful/and· sea ping & morel No. K297 . PIKECREEKI ly $79,900 for this 3 bdrm ., 1I> bath rancher in Deacon's alk with full basementl Lots of trees and shrubs. Cent. air. Hurry l. Call. 1ST TIME BUYER Don 't miss this immaculate all brick 2 bdrm . ranchar. Fenced rear yard, 2 large wood sheds. All appliances Included. Hurry. $52,900. Call. HOME BUSINESS Lovely bric k ranch on close to 1 acre. Front portion zoned C2 . Good possibility of variance for business. 2-car garage & office area . Call. ROBSCOTT MANOR Lovely split level, 3 BR , I I> baths. No-wax kitchen floor . New in '84 . Closets have built in second shelves . Aluminum gutters. Ontul); ..g-· J)1 21 GILPIN . : WINDING BROOK VILLAGE PRIVATE LIVING GARDENS GREENWOOD HILLS New custom Cape Cod between Greenville & Chadds Ford . 4 bdrms., 3 ~ baths. S1illlime 10 choose carpels, cabinets, etc. $235,000. Call LUXURY GARDEN APTS . 738-5544. No. 3463N . with: •BRAND NEW PLUSH CARPETING •N EW DISHWASHERS. NEW GARBAGE DISPOSALS & MUCH MORE! EACH ROOMY I & 2 BEDROOM HAS ITS OWN PATIO . BALCONY & SEMI-PRIVATE ENTRANCE. If you ha ven 'r seen us lately. call Sharon ar 10 Yea r Resid entia l Warranty (301) 398-2020 (SsmpiB Houu tocsr11d 10 Brantwood Drlv11 . Just posr lhB golf co urso - op11n 4'h':· Jj~;;~~~·d!ul~:~;l DE line) - Come see our plans for our Randolph - 2 story, 4 BR , LR , DR , FR , Fireplace, 2 car garage all on 4 acres of choice Cecil County land . t120,880.• Cambry - Exclusive area of exec utive style homes. See plans for our Prescott II model with 3 BR , loft, FR, firepl ace+ 2 ca r garage . Si tu ated on 2 acres . $102,990. • Brantwood • Our popular Regency II, 3 BR , LR, DR , I car garage on .60 acre. Sign up now and save. 189,990. • Green Meadows - Super 1 acre homesite near Fair Hill & Calve rt, will build our Regency I model - 3 BR, LR, country kitchen . ,61,990. • YOUR KNOW BUILDE~_ • All prices quoted Include well, pump, & septic allowances . LAND VEST REALTY Builders & Developers 112 Delaware Ave. 398-2401 ELKTON MD. New Construction - Minutes From Delaware FAIR HILL-ACRE LOT New Construction with tptc· IICI.IItr view . Convenient to ' Nuurk. WIIIbuildw lthyourpltnl Charming older home w/3 bdrms .• up-dated ki1chen & balh & 220 service. Bank barnwl well andfenced pasture. Over8acresin Rising Sun . $80's. Call738-5544. No.3179N . are pleased to present a community of exciting Elkton & NOrth Eas~ Room or efficiency. Color TV . From $45 KIMBALL console piano, $600 . wkly. 301 -398-4400 or 398-9855 1873 Steinway Square Grand or 287-9877 . piano, $600. HISTO RIC HOME~ 301 -287-6913 C~e sapeake Ci ty . Kitchen ORGAN-GULBRANSEN . priveleges. Perfect for young Ule new. Beat offer. Cell prof ess ional or student. 311 .....211i0 or 302-737-722!i. $140/ mo. References prefer~ - Call301 -885-2582. STARTING AT $53,900 A.P.R. 9.5% Fixed Rate lnveslors or firs11ime home buyers! We have 2! One is priced al $36,500 wi1h aTakeover possible; the other is $38,500 with the largesl lol in lhe communily. Ca/1 738-5544. Nos.: 3518 &3519N . BROOK 802Rooms 432 Musical Instruments Includes 3 Bdrm .. living room , eat -i n kit ., full bat h. kitchen ca binets, electric ra nge , wall-to -w all carpet, driveway & walk . Lot ch 1ce . W ill arra nge financing at low fixed rate . For Qualif ied Buy ers . O th ~ r Building Lots available, some wooded . Estimated payment, inc lud ing taxes and ins urance $529/mo . 30 year fixed rate. Evenings caii398-B326 . REALTORS WINDING RENTALS SCREENS -Complete set for (K imberly) home in Devon Place. Best offer. 302-368-3112. 11111· 420 Furniture &:z-. A SADDLE-Stubben, 17", Like new with fittings. $350. 301 378-2376._ __ ~ .1>aviJI CQJ'l. bui/J I~ 428 Livestock ~f~~~ ~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~: 414 Farm Equipment QJ Miscellaneous RANGE & hood, electric, Awec:edo. Good concl. 1 twin llze boa eprlng. Good cond . Good running chelt type ~1 -378 -2240 fNuer. Beet offer. 301·• · 1213 INDUSTRIAL WELDER , Lin- !! ~·- - - - - coin 200 amp. gas powered on HD trailer. 100 leads, torch set with 100 hoses, 100 lb welding REFRIGERATOR, 19.2 cu. ft ., We buy -;;( & 2nd morrod, $2500. Call301 -658-3250 or Sears. $75. Misc. camping tpgn. Phone WNmlngton ~1 -658 - ~7 . _ _ __ ui ment. 301 -287-6913. cleya, 302.-.&000. - COLONIAL-NEWARK 4bdrm ., 2 ~ balh, 2s1ory si1s on a large corner lot 2 car garage, first floor den AND fam ily room will make for gracious enlerlaining. Call 738-5544. No. 32BON . 102 EAST MAIN ST. -NEWARK 302-738-5544 or ours. Wlllarrenge flnenclng 11 lowlludrateAPR. INDUSTRIAL SITE 107 Acrtl Front on l·t5 end PA . Rtilrold neerOelewtrellnt. $4,400 pttiCII . NORTH EAST RISING SUN AREA Ntw const ruction . Country lots nelleblt . l BR 11nch lttrtlng 11 154,!00. WATERFRONT lBR . LR . kit . w / Fiorldt rm . Mtny utru . Owtatend lng vltw It $H.toO. Rtductd . DUPLEX-ELKTON FAIR HILL LOT NORTH EAST 2 ACRES 1.5 wooded tcru , sloping . Will b~o~ildtoyourpltntorours . Pr i vttt l BR bl·ltvtl, full buement , wuhtt & dryerhook ·upa, W1t11o well ce rpll, p1rtle l brick front . slld lnggltlldoor. diahwuhlf . h · ctlltntnelghborhood. Reedy ln J montha . t74,900. 40 WOODED ACRES w / strum . Wtii ·Stptlc Syuem . 14 'd5' Mobile Hom e. Owner line n· drive . lots ol room . Will t uange flntnc lng . Ct ll3!8·1326tvtn lngs . COUNTRY-WOOD STOVE - A-FRAME 211ory, 1,1 tcfiJ, 38R , 2fullb•ths , 3 ct rgll lge whhhigh ct:ling11 '1" pho~lltOflge . Reductdlorquick ule . t89,too. cl ngpou l blt . Tr~de l n yourpre · HOME· TAX SHELTER 8Y, ACRES unt rnllllllt or buy wit h only 15,000 down. Ctll lor d11ails. 171.!00. WANTED: TO BUY Buildinglotupto20e cru. Willply topdollu . MOBILE HOME 2 s tory. 48R , 2V! betht, llptttlt OR . !emily room with flrt plect , ln groundpooi. Piu t rtnlllunlts, u · cellt nt 111 shel ttr . Reduced 111!.000 ELKTON HEIGHTS DUPLEX 111114'd4 ' Schult2 BR , kitchen wlthdlnlngeru , btth . ref .. 11nge, Mustbemoved . Only&12.900 . TURNQUIST lBR . I V, blth . pt rtlelfin ished blltmtnt, LA . country kitch en. sliding glus door. Underprice d at IS4 ,900. U .OOOnttdtdtomo v,. l"l , Corn er lot. n lf·sufllclent ren111. 2 BR downlltlrs · 1 BR upstairs , newlyJ ecorated with2urguege . 114.!00. (301) 398-9496 for appt. to see all of th e fresh. new improvements! w. : GOL'DS-BOROUGH NEWARK 302-731-8200 Proudly Announces NEW LISTING : 1 Yr. old brick rancher. Near North East , MD . LR w/ FP. DR , kit. . 2 full bath , full basement, cen tral air & mor e. On coun try 1 Y, ac re. See now Immedia te posses - BEULAH LAND • sion . 30-181 5. t 81,900 . NEW LISTING : Bu1lding lot on bluff overlooking lake. Swimming, boating r•ght s. Severa l tr ees. area Y, ac re. Price d A New Subdivision Near North East, MD & fishing Secluded •• 9.900. 80-1813. WATER VIEW : OCTORARO LAKES . Bt11lding lot on bluff with STATE BOND MONEY AVAILABLE AT 8% o/o• 100% Financing - No Down Payment Required Except Settlement Cos~s and Applicable Points. , gigantic trees. wa ter privileg es a bu y JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER . A short walk from Calvert tak es you to th is 4 BA bileve l in bea utiful farm country . This house features a large family room , firepla ce , w / hea tilator , CONVENIENT LOCATION . country kitchen, 2 BR upstairs and 2 REDUCED . 3 8R Elkton homo with in BR downstairs, elec . BB heat plus walk ing dis tance of scho ols and ce ntral air . Outisd e is a small orc hard town. One Year Warranty. 20-1792. w / many flowering shrubs plus an above ground pool. 30-1818. t74,500. • 41,000. CHESAPEAKE HAVEN at Grove Point on the Chesapeake Bay . A TURNQUIST . NEW private w ater front community . TOWNHOMES . 2-3 8R s, electric W ooded , perc approved hom e sites . hea t pump with air condition1ng , 400 feor or sandy community bea ch dishwa sher, elec tric rang e, plu sh wall area . Priced from $8,500, $1 ,700 to wall ca rp et. disposal. Plu s many down, 11 3/ 4 APR , $150.42 per exlfas. 10 Year Home Owner 's W armonth, 60 mo . payments . 80-1605. ranty . 20-1645. Starting UI,SOO. GREAT STARTER HOME. 2 BR From •a,soo. WOODEO LOT. Lovely wooded lot ran ch In Elkton. Spacious LR in community o f fine homes . W ater privileges is an eJttra bonus feature. THE HERITAGE *64 180 THE HAMPTON 3 bedrooms. 1'/. baths *562 3 bedrooms , bath U2,000. EXCELLENT LOCATION . 3 BR bilevel, large FR . DR . country kitchen . rear yard . Priced to sell. t47,100. 20-1778. END UNIT TOWNHOUSE - Small barn, fence d pas ture, stream Huntsman Onv e. Bat h and powder room . Roc ro om added . Central air . and woods all on 5 acres . 40-1784 . ....100. lARGE FAMILY • INVESTORS. rhr oughout this LARGE 7 8R hom e Two utility sheds. 20-1777. UI,SOO . PLAY SPORTS · HAVE PICNICS · en)oy the yard of this 3 8R rancher . Situated on 3/ 4 acre with lots of EACH BEAULAH LAND HOME FEATURES · Central A ir, Andersen Windows , Full Baseme~t , Refri gerator, Maintenance Free Exterior, Energy Package , Rake & Seedtng , 10 Year H.O.W . Warranty and More . w ith new cou ntry kitchen , DR . new space for the entire family . Conve · lnclu:~~gi;::;•nce Mo. *58,878 Est . Payment 80 - 169~ . Payments are for 30 Years and m•y vary slightly according ro additions and changes. 1 Est. Payment w / wood stove and large country kit . Central ai r. woo d d ock and fenced lnclu:~~gi;:~;•nce *564 Mo. MANY OTHER MODELS & PLANS AVAILABLE * 8%% Buy Down rate is graduated Y.% per year for 4 years to a_maximum of 10% o/o the 5th year throu the 30th vear . Pr id e of ownership is shown ro ol and siding . Call today lor more detaols and possible 3 apartmenrs . 301806 . ..5,000. I ONE YEAR WARRANTY Home Werrenty Protection For Buyera & Sell111 nient to 1-95 and majo1 highways. Ready lor new owners . 30·1439 . nt,IOO. Nancy Simpers .. .. ... ... 398-2578 Rose Anne Holmes ......... .. 398-7730 Berty Weed ................ 398-6285 MafyCampbell ............... 398-4787 BiiiCarref .......... .......... 287-5213 AndyVaughn .. .............. 398-8298 NEW LISTING : Buckhill Farms. bilevel, large country kitchen loo ks ou t on wooded erea . Closo to Etem . school. 3 BA w i unlinishe d ro om on lower level. Possible :lth BR or FR . 201819. t51,500. INDUSTRIAL LANO. 62 + acres zoned for heavy indu stry w ith a por tion zo ned commercial use . To be sold as one parcel. E)lcellent locat ion . F1onts on Rt. 40 & Rt. 7 and is close to 1-95 . Much potentia l. Call lor details. 70-1613. f215,000. ZONED FOR COMMERCIAL USE. 112 duple• in North East. Suita ble for office space with living quarters. 4 SR . LR , OR , kit ., I Y, baths . Brick w/masonry canst. 30-1783. f45,100. JUST LISTED : 3 BR townhouse on a d ea d end s tr ee t in des i rabl e neighborhood. LR , formal DR , kit., I V. bath with centra l air & full ba sement. Ba cks up to woods & with in w alking dis tan ce to sc ho ol & stor e. 20-t821. .41,100. KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER In this 3 BR Hillcrest with cen tral air condi· lionlng . Look forw ard to ne)l t w inter and keep warm around the firepla ce In the LR . 30-1793. tli,SOO. NEAR THE WATER. Close to public beach area . Huge enc losed front porch. Bricke d area for wood stove in LR . Priced rig ht. 80-1700. Ut,IOO. JoanneSentman .... ... ...... 398-1505 WandaJackson .... ...• ...... 398-5814 Berty Giovanazi .............. 398-1623 Carollohus ............ .... ..398-7015 Jacflrwm .... ...... -:.·....... 398-4051 RoseGumski .............. ... 287-537S Beny Trone ............ ...... 392-3384 att8,500. Ca ll now . 80-1746. 2 COUNTRY ACRES , private & secluded. All brick 3 BR , 1y, bath , LR - w/ FP, DR , ki t , full basomont w/ FP, 2 car garag e. Imm edia t e possess ion . Priced to sell. •17,900. 50-1802. Ag ent Co rter . ONE ACRE OF LANO surrounds this n1ce 3 8R , 2 story . LR , DR . kit. , bath, o ff ice, full bd sement an d 1 car garage w / a workshop & sauna rm . make th is the buy or lho week . t41,100. 50-1781. SUPER WATER VIEW . Rancher on wooded lot 111 Chesapeak e Isle. For YEAR ROUND use or lor SU MMER FUN . Community beach and moor ing . W on ' t inst to ns:~ . Has 3 BAs. 1 Yl baths. 80-1809. CHARLESTOWN, MO. Cottage · w ith water right s; 3 B Rs, 1 bath. use year round or for summ er fun . 80 - 1794. tJI,OOO. COMPLETELY RENOVATED TOWN HOUSE. 3 BR . LA . DR , kit ., own vour own 101 Buy l1k c rent, small down payment. 40-1767. Priced to move t21,100. BRAND NEW HOME in Su rrey Ridge. 4 BR Cape Cod , 2 full bath , LR , OR , k11 • FR. w/firepla ce, full basemen t, 2 car garage . All ne w ap plian ces , 1/ 2 ac re lot. M ov e 1n today . U4,900. AUTO SALVAGE, sto rage. used car 20 - 17~6 . lo t, tow ing & repai r only mention part ol rh o JObs bolng dono on thos 12 acre. Zoned M-2. 70-1707. + ...... ...... 398-3843 Jackie Blankenship .... ~ ..... .398-9387 Bill Johnson .... ... ... .. 287-5685 - ~::~i:~;,ee~. ·:::: ::::::::: :: J~~:~m- Eileen June ............... .398-8318 ...... ...... 392-3425 Hou•~t0ppor1ufthy 1 The NewArk Post AprUll0,1818 802Rooms 808 Unfurnished Apts. roo,;;o,em;;;,;: NEWARK DE, cy, near Univ. from $135/ mo . 302 -737 -7319 , 9am -5pm weekoa s. Newark near University. Monthly: Room $135; elf . $175; 1 BR Apt . $235, 3 BR house $365. 302-737-7319, 9am-5pm weekdays. Room or efficiency. Wilm . & New Castle area . Airport vicini· ty. Color TV, phone, refrig . From $45 wkly. 302-658-4191 or 328·7529. ----- 114 Furnished Apts. ~fflci~n~~NNoSc~itdr:nL~rTp~~: •190/mo plus security deposit. lll -398-1239. Ill Unfurnished Apts. CECILTON-I BR , 2nd floor. For moreinfocall301 -879-0632 . CHARLESTOWN -I BR a~t. in duplex on water. All privile~es, beautiful view, country se"ir.~ . but only 10 minutes from 1-95. Newly renovated, w/w carpet. •325/ mo. plus utilities, security deposit, references & lease. lll -642·3314. CHERRY HILL, MD /HISTORIC DISTRICT. 2 BR plus den. Newly restored, all appliances i nclud ing washer/dryer. No children or pets. $400/mo . Available lmm· ed . Call 301 -398-7226 or 302- :-=: 1 BR . No children . •250/ mo . plus security deposit. lll -398·5861 after 4pm . ELKTON-just completed 2 BR apt. Den, LR / dining combo. Custom kitchen with all ap· pliances, w/w carpet, AC . $450/mo. Call days, 301 -3983332 . ELKTON-large 2 BR , quiet ;i~~~ood . $360/ mo . 30l · ELKTON , Main St . 1 BR . No pets . Availabl e May 3. •285/mo., heat furnished . First & last month rent security. 301 · 658-2748evenings. ELI(TON . Nice 1st floor, 2 BR . $350/ mo . plus security deposit. Includes heat & hot water. No ts. 302·738-5543 . ELKTON -very nice 2 BR , recently renovated . 321 Curtis Ave . $315/ mo . Security deposit & credit references req . Quiet people only. No pets. Call evenings, 301 -398·2426 or 301 · 287-2206. E. MAIN ST. ELKTON , 1 BR apt. $275/m o plus utilities. References required . Reply to P 0 Box 890, Elkton, MD, 21921. HISTORIC DISTRICT-large apt., 3 BR, LR, DR, dan, new deck, HEAT INCL. M&O/mo. CheMpeaka City, ll1-886247&after1 m. NEAR RISING SUN -3 BR apt with large yard . W/ W carpet, stove & refrig . included . No ts. $325/mo. 301 -658-41 02. RISING SUN-3 BR townhouse . Avail. 5117/86. $400/ mo . Pay own utilities. 301 ·658·4736 . RISING SUN-Large 1 BR with refrigerator and stove . $260/mo . plus utilities. 301 · 287-2728. ~2 Housing for Sale 702 Housing for Sale BY OWNER exceptional con· temporary rancher over 3,600 1 square feet of the finest con· struction, 3 BR , 3 baths with eludes heat & hot water . marble top basins & ceramic Security deposit & references tile. Maximum insulation, hard r uired . 301 ·398-3165. oak floors, just completely re painted . Modern kitchen with refrigerator, dishwasher, stove with oven & double broiler, ELKTON -Garage for rent. large LA & formal DR with $45/mo. 301 ·3ii!:H0_5._ _ _ plush wall to wall carpet & custom draperies. Wired for stereo, wet bar, wine closet , 2 ELKWOOD ESTATES-3 BR , 1 fireplaces, large screened porch bath, with AC . $476/ mo . 301 · with flagstone floor, operating fountain in family room, large 378·2990 or 301 -658-5546. walk-in closets, oversized at· ELKTON-2 BR duplex . LA , kit· tached 2-car garage with elec~~e~o~!t~hasn~~~~~·. ~~c':,~l:v tric door opener. All the above deposit & references req . 301 · tastefully placed on one of the nicest bulk-headed points on 398-8063 after 6pm . the Eastern Shore . Close to St. ELKTON HEIGHTS -3BR , 2 Michaels, over 1,500 feet of baths, garage . Newly remodel· waterfront. View of water from ed . $475/mo. 301 -398-3123 or every room . Mature landscap· lll -398-5926. ing of 4 1/ 2 acres more or less . ~ HEIGHTS-2 Owner financing possible . Available approx. June 1. Brokers protected . Asking 30 ::=:.;1-381-1620 ~~~ · _ _ __ $295,500.00. Call 302-349-4140 E L K T 0 N . 1 m m a c· anytime & leave message . ulate/beautifully decorated 3 CECIL COUNTY -New ex· BR end townhouse. 1y, baths ecutive retreat on 10 acres in fenced yard, AC , all appliances: Elk Forest with Woodland w/ w throughout. Couple Pond, cedar siding, wood preferred . $450/ mo ., security decks. 3 BR , 21'> baths, 2 car deposit & referenc es. 301 -392· garage & much more. An ex· 4 ::,1~ 36:::,.·~---- ceptional home for $149,900 . ELKWOOD ESTATES -3 BR , 1 lll -287-9680. bath . $450/ mo . 301 -378-2990 CECIL COUNTY-New Cape or 301 ·658-5546. Cod with 4 BR , 3 baths and AC line heat pump, on 1 acre lot in SPACIOUS counu y apart· ments, newly remodeled . 2 DAVIn MACKIE &ASSOC. REALTORS !~~· h~~tt·u~~· ~:~~~i~~h~~: 301-398-2025 114 Commer~l Property NEW LISTING Only minutes from Elkton & Newark, 2/ 3 BR ranch . Com· pletely updated kitchen, fenc ed rear yard, backing to wooded area . Only $54,900 . 816 House for Rent NEW LISTING 3BR , 2 bath, bi·level on 7.5 wooded acres . Extras in· clude :24x39 garage, family room, wood stove, water con· ditioner system, etc ., etc . Call for details. THOMSON ESTATES Immaculate 3 BA , 1Y, bath, split level wi th ca rport . Fenced rear yard . Close to schools. Fine residen tial area . $54,900. aR. ~~~t~~~o~?:~~~~~v~~te~fr~~i hom.e, completely furnished,all applrances included, year lease. $600/ mo plus utilities. Call Diane C. Dedrick, Century 21 Ulrich & co., Inc, 301 -642-2594 or 301 -398-3068. Avail June 1. NORTH EAST RIVER -2 BR house. Available June 1. For more info call301 -287-8695 bet· 2 ;,~~~"" s.UN ,. ,.,...·.,.. 3 B- R- t-ow-n-ho-u-se. Avail. 5/1 7/86 . $400/ mo . Pay own utilities. 301 -658-4736. WATERFRONT house-2 BR on the Northeast River. Couple -prerred . $350/ mo. plus utilities. 301 -939-1900. FEALESTATE 702 Housing for Sale Brick ranch on 1.7 treed lot. LR , DR , 2/ 3 BAs, 1Y, baths, den, 2 fireplaces, pool, plus extras. $90's. 301 ·398-5248. CECIL COUNTY ·Wood sided contemporary with 3 BR , 21'> baths on 12 acre secluded wood acres with ownership of 21'> acre pond . Occupancy June 1. $139,900. 301 -287· 9680. CECIL COUNTY -New 4 BR , 21'> bath Colonial. LR, DR, family room , country kit, at· tached garage on 1 acre coun· try lot, convenient to 1-95. $89,900. 301 -287-9680 . HONDA NIGHTHAWK, 650, 1982. 5000 miles. $1000. Call Cathy, days, 301-398-3311 or evenings, 215-932-5730 after 7 p.m. SPACE TO LIVE Raised ranch with 2000 sq . It of living space on 1 acre lot. Fami· ly room with wod stove, 4 season sun porch, 27x29 L· shaped deck. $82,900. :,al~:r~~~div~~~oot.tt~~~~l NEW CONSTRUCTION / LAND 1 ~~:R~~m~:~~~~n l,;,9~~ =om built homaa, your ~.;;..,;, SH our model. DR . MILLER RD-5 yr. old ranch. Maintenance free ex· terior, Y, acre fenced corner lot, LR , country kit. wi th oak cabinets, 3BR , 1 bath, full base· ment. Walk in closet in master BR . Natural woodwork, Ander· son windows, w/w carpet, brick patio . Convient to 1-95. Call 301 ·658-3601 after 5pm w eekdays & anyt i me weekends. ELKTON-Duplex at 105-107 Bow St . Needs work . $13,000. ll1 -398-n19 between 5pm & 7pm. ELKTON HEIGHTS -3 BR Cape Cod. Quiet street. Family room with woodstove & bar in base· ment. Must sell. $60,900. 301 · 398-1787. ~ ~ ELKTON HEIGHTS Beautiful 2 BR ranch . Family room with stone fireplace, sliding glass doors to rear patio, econon ical gas ut ilit ies. $54,900. package required . CAMBRY-Community of Ex· ecutive style homes. Prices start in the 90's, but hurry, there are only 31ots left. GREEN MEADOWS·Beautifull acre home sites with home packages starting in the low $60's. HOLLY LAN DING-Near 2 rivers & marinas . All wooded lots, starting size .833 acre. $11 ,990 . THE HIGH LANDS-One of the few sites remaining this close to the DE line. Lot sizes start at 2.7 acre to 13 acre . Complete packages starting in the $90's. WATERFRONT privledges, 3/ 4 acre, perc approved . North East Heights. FOSSETT CO. REALTORS OCTORARO LAKES 2 BR , LA , OR / kitchen combo, stone fireplace, full basement, large screen porch on wooded double lot. Bordered on the De· toraro Creek. $48,500 . PORT DEPOSIT Leave your pa int brushes and hammer homeI This property is in a move-in condition . 4 BR , 1Y, bath, LR , DR , family room, ;large eat-in kitchen, laundry room, full basement. $32,000. NEAR RISING SUN 1Y, story, 4 BR . 2 bath, kit· chen, LR , DR , slate foyer, 2 car garage, large office. 2 out· buildings. Loca ted close to Chantilly Manor Country Club & 1·95. Perfect for professional. 8 acres. $150,000 . Large 8 BR , 2 story home on approx. 1Y, acres . 1st floor, 4 BR 's, full bath, large LR with fireplace, DR , kitchen & laun· dry. 2nd floor, 4 BR , full bath , needs repairs. $80,000. FOSSETT CO. REALTORS NEAR RISING SUN , Must sell, 3 BR brick ranch , 1Y, baths, large OR / kit , with Isla nd cooktop, LA, den, full base· ment, Y, finished w/fireplace & woodstove . Built in vacuum w/ w carpet. 1 car garage, nestled on 1 acre, prime loca· tlon for privacy . 301 ·658·5185 or ll1·642-6214. NEW 3 BR , 21'> bath Colonial. Full basement, oak kitchen cabinets, GE appliances, air conditioning heat pump on 1.3 acres wooded lot in Elk Neck. July 30 occupancy. $89,900 . lll -287-9680 . NORTH EAST, MD-2 story col· onial. 4 BR , 21'> baths, 2 car garage. By owner. Call for ap· pointment, 301 -287-5795 after 704 Property for Sale BUSHELFUL OF VALUES! FLEA MARKET 2 PAPERS • 2 WEEKS • ALL FOR JUST $5.00 How can yougetthisgreatrate, which is almost Y2 off ourregullrptlcel To qualify , you must advertise one single item in your ad priced at •100 or less (the price must appear in your ad) . Your ad must be 15 words or leas. No business or commercial ads will be accepted . Your ad will appear for 2 consecutive weeks in the Classified section of the Cecil Whig & NewArk Post, under General Merchandise For Sale, II 401 Flea Market. Sorry, no cancellations . YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Located on 1.46 acres, 89x110 brick & block building. Offices, separate rentable store front, apartment. Ideal location, 200 ft . fron tage on heavily traveled road . Many uses possible. C-2 zoning. For details, call PAT McDERBY or RICHARD HAR· RIS . 302-368-1621 . No.5921 . B.GARYSCOTI RELOCATION EXPERTS 708 Mobile Home/Sale 152 Railroad Ave, Elkton, MD Phone: MD 301-398-2181 or DE 302-366-1644 W\eek for ad to run Mall to: NewArk Poat, 153 E. Chaatnut Hill Rd., Newark, DE 11713 tlll:.ll Mail in this coupon above along with $5.00 or just give us a call & we will bill you I 302-737-0905 For all your gasoline , diesel, fuel & kerosene needs . See your Southern States dealer. We also have 24 hour burner service, automatic delivery, budget plans, radio dispatched delivery trucks. SOUTHERN STATES, ELKTON SERVICE Ph . H Nama 706 Commercial/Sale 301-398-2025 3 DAY 1S PECIAL EVENT MAY 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Held at BAYSHORE OLDS &GMC SPECIAL GMAC Financing Rates Starting Now As Low As NEW MAZDA l§3oEJplciS~I Immediate Financing to Qualified Customers 6 111o's SPECIAL SURPRISE GIFT FOR ANY NEW GMC TRUCK BUYERS NEW LOW RATE AVAILABLE ON GMC TRUCKS o/oA.P.R. ~~ FINANCING 48 MOS. MAXIMUM nucarMAZDA Finance Rate 112 North DuPont Hwy., New Castle, De. 322-2277 ------1!PART OF!~----- the· nucar connection DELMARVA ' S CA N AND Tllt.;CK ll t:A OQLAI!T t: N S FREE COLEMAN JU Extended Hours Open TIIIB:OO P.M. Thursday & Friday Open Till5:00 P. M. Saturday 60 • ANEW OLDSMOBILE AND RECEIVE A 8 P&cial p · SE-5 is loaded to start with : 5-Speed ·Step Bumper· Spoker Wheels. White-Letter Steel-Belted Radiafs ·Sport Mirrors ·Sporty Stripes· And more. NO~. ADD : Full Bed Liner • Mud Guards • Shdmg Rear CHOOSE FROM Window. Floor Mats · AM /FM StereoALL AT NO EXTRA CHARGE lD YOU! IN APRIL /;jiB TEST DRIVE On All D 8 ''cas $625 WORTH OF EXTRAS AT NO EXTRA CHARGE TO YOUA SPECIAL LIMITED-TIME OFFER! rn • m. PEARYVILL E-3 BR duplex within walking distance of the, river. LR , DR , Eat-in Kitch . $39,900 . Dot Noon. NOON, INC. BelAir, MD. 301 -B79-0866 E ual Housin 0 ortunit PERRYV ILLE -By owner, 2 story, 3 BR house . Large LR & DR . Large eat-in kit, laundry room & 1 bath . Also recently renovated 1 BR house on pro· perty . Assumable loan, 9Y, %. $60,000. 301 -642·6117. RESTORED 150 year old 2 BR stone home. Ideal for bachelor with antiques. Corner of Leeds & Blue Ball Rd . 3 miles N of Elkton . $125,000. Call Bob Warner, 215-649-2825 for info. YORKSHIRE, by owner. 4 BR , 21'> bath , family room , fireplace, large porch. Nice neighbors. Low traffic . 302· 368·5233. 301 ·378-4556 or 658·5598 Linden Knoll Condo. 3rd fl . unit, 2 BR , 2 full baths overlooking Three little Bakers Gold Course . Special fea tures incl. sec . syst. , pool, tennis crt & club house. 302-594-7535, 302·594·6921 , or 302-737-3327. N. BLUE BALL RD ., ELKTON -3 0.181 Acre building lot on Dr. BR , 2 baths, large LA , DR , Jack Rd. $8800. Po..lble Kitch ., den, new w/ w carpet & financing available. 301·391siding , 2 ca r garage . 2134. Guaranteed 1 year. $58,000. CALVERT -By owner, 3 1'> lll -398-0261 . acres . Rural location . Perc approved . $17,900. 301-398-8725. ELK CREEK VALLEY ·Wooded building lot. $18,500. 301 -398· 3793. NORTH EAST-Building lot in North East Harbors. Call Lloyd at 301 -272-8116. NOVA SCOTIA-190 acres, im· proved road, stream, some timber, camper's dream, lakes nearby, good fishing, hunting. Price negotiable. 301 -378-4482. DAVIn MACKIE &ASSOC. REALTORS SOUTHERN STATE PETROLEUM SERVICE The Cecil Whig/NewArk Post Classified 702 Housing for Sale 702 Housing for Sale BAVSHORE AUTO. INC. -[i] West End of High Street, Elkton, Md . Your Oldsmobile· GMC Dealer MD. 301-398-7770 or Dia11-800-255-7770 m ~ • • " f I • , • • l t • ' , ,. , ,. ' 14b , 'I' ,. , , , t • ( t 1 I ' I I • f ' • , ' r f I • T~NewArk~P~os :t._ SAVINGS RY THE _______________________________________ 708 Mobile Home/Sale 708 Mobile Home/Sale 14a10 Uberty, 1178. 2 BR, hlrdwood 14x70 Schultz, 1986. Located on Pearl St, Rising Sun . Mu st be moved. Asking $17,000. II Interested call, 301 ·658·6909 . 1970 12x70 mobile home for 1111 . 1~ BA 's. Good cond . t6000 . 301 -287·3147 or 301 · 392-3387. 1979 Schult Homestead Custom built. Beautiful cond . Serious callers only. Call 301 · 378-3009 after 6pm . floore, ~lac:fuw:t,·:..~. ~'::; W:;;__48\. • :·::. '7ooo~ ~ ·siMILAR SAVINGS On The Entire DODGE Line Up of •CARS •TRUCKS '86 OMNI4 DR 80/o S500 6 • APR or FINANCING REBATE 6 TO CHOOSE FROM 5 YR./50,000 MILE WARRANTY '86 LANCER & LANCER ES 9 9o/o APR • 48 MO. S5Q0 REBATE 109°/o • OR APR 80 MO. S1Q00 REBATE 22 TO CHOOSE FROM . ~ 802 Motor Cycles STEER THIS WAY John Mascher Car d oesn ' t ltart7 Turn on th e Interior overh ead ligh t. If II teems dim end uceuively " yellowish " In color . banerv voltage is down . You 'll ~eed ~ jumf s ta~t or battery c harge . Plann ing a long Hlp whh a huvy load1 Add 4 or 5 pounds p11 square In ch t o the recommended tire preuure . But don ' t go ovtrthema xl mumpru.ture!oryo.urtlr:• · In·~ le u~ helf ~fell !•taleuto Al cohol it Involved acclden tt . Rough Idle end ttelll ng may be c1u11d by a leak y or 11lc klng valve . Vac uum gauget~ll w111 p l n~olnt !he prob lam . Look It o ver : If your c ar It leaki ng rutty -colored flu id hom th e front of the car, have the 11dl11or checked . '86 DODGE 2x4 Wheel Pick-Ups IL@M • 0150 nE cw~-. J~~. . ~ • r 9% 109°/o 708 Mobile Home/Sale t3600·$4000 several mobile homes for sale, must be removtd from their present location . Good condition , excellent fenc:ld y1rd. Good looltlon. value . 302-994·8245 or 302-658· Good condhlon. t12,000. 302· 6000 = ~._ _ 134-Gm. COMMADOA -1984, 14x80. 3 YAMAHA, 1812- IIO MUfm. 14'x70'. 2 BR , 1 bath, large DR BR , 2 baths, LA , Kit ., laundry mllee. Very good cond . w/separata kitchen area and room and / or pantry, AC , 2 J01-312-3182. LA . Completely set up w/ deck wooden decks. Set up In a HARLEYDAVIDSO~ quiet park . $23,900. Call after 1973 . Completely customized ~~rki~Jg~ -~h:.~~~S ~~:e~~p~.l et ~- 301 -392·3044. with extras parts. Asking PARK PLACE beeutlful new $3600. 301 -378-4614 . HONDA NIGHTHAWK, ""iiJ, .----------------~--. . mobile home for Ale In 1 perk. Good financing whh 1812. 6000 mllee. •1200. Call Nttlement help. Call 302- C.thy, daye, 301-391-3311 or 884-8246. evenlnge, 216-932-6730 after SCHU LTZ-1978, 14x70, cam 7 m. · stay in park . 2 BR , AC , W/ 0, HONDA, Nighthawk 600, stove, gas heat, deck, tool sh· 1113. Low mllaage. $1800 or ed . $12,500. 301 -287-9316 after beet offer. Call 301-392-3014 4:30om . By : efter5pm. 01k 5 YR/50,000 MI. 19 A~pr~H~~~·• M- Rt. 40, Elkton 1 mile from DE Line (liHYSIJK SAVE TIME! SAVE MONEY! WITH THE CLASSIFIEDS CALL 737-0905 NewArk Post Plymoutfi 16ToChoonfrom 9 APR • 48 MO. APR • 80 MO. ----IOR---- 1500 REBATE . o3so •1000 REBATE Now Here's The GOODNEWS from The Factory Overloaded Us With New 1986 MERCURY COUGARS! *5.9 . 5.9 . 5.9. 5.9 •5.9 . 5.9. 5.9 ON ALL NEW CHEVROLET S-10 TRUCKS & EL CAMINO'S! Excellent Selection Zero in on McCoy's Special Interest Rate At ON ALL CARSSIT BLAZERS C-10-30 TRUCKS K-10-30 TRUCKS 5.9%* on any new 1986 Cougar purchased from now through Wednes~ay,_ May 7. Get the buy of a h_fet•me at a finance rate that is f1nally affordable. See us today! :JlcCoy Xto't Company, Snc. Ford Motor Company's ONLY Full Line Authorized Direct Factory Dealer In The Three State Area!!!! Route 273, Rising Sun, Maryland Phone (301) 658-4801 • (301) 642-6700 • (302) 737-5038 Also: Route 40, Perryville,- Phone: 301-642-2422 · ,.,~ ~ Undercoating Dealer Prep ~~on~a~~~r~:i~a~8::.~~:,00 4tf&=;J WteetaKt6 Cketuto!et p.m. Open Saturday 8:00a.m.- 2:00p.m. __....-;;::;;:=~~ Closed Sunday •contract Term - 38 Month• FORD MERCURY LINCOLN Maryland 398-4500 208 W. Main Street Elkt n. MD Del., Pa . & N.J . ·1-800-826-0580 The New Ark Post 1pri130, 1988 802 Motor Cycles 804 R/V's HONDA V~. 1114. 3200 ~~ia; Excellent condition. Craft, 17', self-contained m.... .,.....a. sleeps 6. $1400. 301 -398: YAMAHA, 1979 YZ250, with 7655. boots and helmets. $600. 30 t- WINNEBAGO , 1972, 24'. 398-84n or 302-368-D420 after Fully equipped, sleeps 6. m. 301-398-0542 . YAMAHA 400 Special II, 1980 for sale. low miles, good cond . King & Queen seat with ~~~;;~ 7:~f:~~·P~all Mark, 14R/Vrs MOTOR HOME-1976 Ford, sleeps 6, good condition. Askin $6000. 301 -658-3222. POP -UP CAMPER , 1968 Steury. Hard top, sleeps 7, heater, stove, icebox, awning, screen room. Good condition . $700. 301 -392-4n2. SELL OR TRADE 1972 Win· nebago motor home. Excellent condition. $6500 or trade for 23' or 24' trailer . 301 -885-5465 afte1 4pm . 808 Trucks/Vans 1176 Kenworth Tractor cabover. Completely rebuilt engiM. New block . t16,000 or but offer. Cell 301-3981411 IVtnin,!'l:'-.- - - FQRD:"ig65 telephone lineman's utility truck with aerial ladder. Good condition . $1150. Call Saturdays-301 -398- 83:)(), FORD Bronco, XLT, 1114. 33,700 mHee, fully loaded. tl,200. 302-322-t171. FORD E-250, 1984 van with rack . Automatic transmission, PS , 5800 miles. Excellent condition. 301 -398-4773. 80• Autorrioblles 808 Automobiles 806 Trucks/Vans 808 Automobiles MACK Dump Truck, 1•1, BGood lhape. Motor 11181 Nbulh. t10,000. C-'1 301·715- CHEVY MALIBU CLASSIC, DEVON AUTO SALES 1171i. PS, PB, AM/FM, MW INittery, tim & brekee. low We have a variety of 50-60 cars. mY . t12110. 302-834-1642. All makes. If you have a job & a. .11efterlipm. 808 Automobiles AMC - 1976 Pacer . Copper /white interior, radial Michelin tires plus snows, 6 cyl. , 3 spd . Asking $500 . Call 302-738-9782 . AMC-1977 station wagon, ps, pb, a/c, 37,600 miles. Runs good. Asking $1300 or best offer. 215-932-4873after7:30 m. BUICK le Sabre, 1974. 455 engine . $200 or best offer. Call 301-287-6207. BUICK Regal, 1979. low miles, PS, PB, AC, AM / FM radio. A-1 Cond. $3795 or best offer . 215932-5658. BUICK Skylark, 1972. Custom 2 door hard top, V-8, Good cond. 301 -398-7308. CHEVELLE, 1974 . Good condition . $50.0., 301 -39B-7031 . downpayment, financing CHEVY Monte Carlo, 1974 . 350 available at 0.0% interest. Auto, PS, PB, AC, mag 795 Pulaski Hwy. Bear, DE wheels. Runs & looks great. Across from The Keg :.11 -398-0370 between 9am- is 302-328-9029 m. CHRY SLER Laser, 1985. 5 speed, Turbo, sunroof, AC, hatchback . Maroon, 1 owner. Need to sell. $10,000. Call 301 378·4459. CHRYSLER Newport, 1975. Excellent condition . MD inspected . New paint. $1299. :.11 -287-2414 after 5pm & an ime on weekends. DATSUN-1978, 4 door. A & H. AC, auto, good tires . Rust on fenders & lots of miles, but a good 2nd car. $1000. 301-885- 5848. FORD-1980 Fiesta . Kept in garage. 48,000 miles. 301 -2752122 or 301 -275-8410 avenin s. HAVE YOU FOUN-D WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR ? Try the North East Auto Auction . Every Thurs . 7 p.m. Buy or sell. 301 -287-5588 or 302-575-1881 . Have a $100 & want to ride? Call State Auto . 302-658-7884 . HONDA Accord, 1980 . 4 door, AC, 3 speed . Needs body work. $1800. 301 -642-6117 . 808 Automobiles HORNET, 1973. Sportabout S/W. 6 cyl. auto., bucl:et seats, new muffler & tires plus spare. Body Yery clean . Good shape in & out. Runs good. $650. Call 301 -287-6808 before Bam or after 2pm . MERCEDES 240D, 1974. light blue, 93k miles. $5795, trade-in considered . 301 -398-0424. OLDS-1984 Cutlass Supreme Brougham, white with T-tops . Executive car . Wholesale price$8190 . No dealers. Call301 -658- Pl YMOUTH-1985 Horizon SE2-tone paint, ale, am/fm stereo, ps., pb. Excellent conditon. $6500 . 301 -398-2183 after4pm . ,.,.--~---== TOYOTA - 1981 Celica GT Coupe. loaded. Excellent condition . 79,000 miles. $4195. 302-239-3821. MUST SEll! I TOYOTA Celica GT, 1979. $1l.xl. 301-885·5603. 6587. VW Rabbit, 1981 , for sale. Red with AM / FM cassette. Slight· body damage. Runs well. $1500. 301 -287-3147 or 301 392-3387. PINTO S/ W, 1973. Also 1975 Pinto sedan . Both for $500 . 301 -392-4932. VW ,.., R•bblt. 4 dr., em/fm, 4 epd. Excellent condition. t1700. 302-45U7011. ··"' What's black & white and read all over? Our Classified section/ Call todayi302-737' 0905· • 15 PA$1. MAJOR DAILY-WEEKLY-MONTHLY 101 llSE~~IIONS CREDIT CARDS HONORED 398•5700 IOUlD~N218 S.Bridge R~Nl·A·(AR St. "Just Down From The Mall" Elkton, MD You ' ll hook your limit interested buyers with ads you place in the classifieds. And our rates won't swamp your profits! NewArk Post first Hower 1986CHEVY CAMAROZ-28 dr .• white, demo, VB. auto., air . Maroon, auto. , V -B, A/C, & more . 1984 FORD F-350 TRAVEL WAGON Auto .. VB, charcoal, air . •VB. auto .. air. etc . 1984 PONTIAC FIERO White, 4 speed, sunroof. 1983 TRANS AM Red, auto., air, T-tops. 1982 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK VI 1984CAMARO 1983 PONTIAC TRANS-AM VB. air. 4 spd ., T-top. 1982 CHEVROLET C-20VAN 3 spd . standard, cream. 1980 MERCURY ZEPHYR 1984 CHRYSLER LASER Black, 5 sunroof . spd . , air, 1984 FORD EXP TURBO COUPE Air, white, 5 speed . 1983CAMARO (Berlinettal. White, cyl .. auto., air . 1982FORD MUSTANG GT 5.0 Liter Engine , 4 speed . S13 787 A BEAUTY WELL EQUIPPED! 5/50 Warranty ONLY #9034 5 Passenger Auto., PS, PB. AfC, stereo, HO suspension, P. door locks +more. #4130. BCPSALE PRICED S14,491 . J I , • • • ,. ,, ~ ~ ,~ ). \ ' . . . .. ,, , . , . , . , "" ~ , ., ; I ~ ' •' t ' • • , . , . , . , • • • , - , ,. ,. t 16b The New Ark Post I FORCES FILE II State Sen. James Neal of Newark addresses local residents attending Loyalty Day services Saturday at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 475. I Spring's newest styles of women's designer labels ... Specially reduced! • black • bone • while ,I I I celebrate Young VFW In Okinawa Donates flags {!:LECTROLU.lij INTRODUCES THE Twelve Am e rican fl ags for use in Wes t Pa rk E lementary School classrooms we r e donated to the school last wee k by the Thomas Coope r Lad ies Auxiliary to Vetera ns of Foreign Wars Post 475 of Newa rk . Making the presenta tion Friday were Donna Vivod , cha irman of th e Au xiliary 's Am e ricanism Co mm itte e, a nd co mmittee m embe rs Do r othy Na y lor and Na dine Slack . The Au x iliary h as flags ava ila ble for a r ea scout troops. For details, write the Auxiliary at 100 Veteran s Dr ., Ne wark , Del. Navy Constr uctionman Daryl T . Young , son of Marshall R. and Marjorie L . Young of Grist Mill Lane , Newark , is currently deployed to Okinawa, Japan , while stationed with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40 homeported in Port Hueneme, Cal. While deployed, Young will cons truct or repair Na vy facilities, ranging from repairing leaky roofs to constructing complicated airfields, complete with terminals and towe rs. A 1980 g raduate of Newark High School, he joined the Navy in February 1983. The Unequaled Upright Vacuum Cleaner ~ng ~shion comfort. 19711. Brown Marine training VFW Th ird place Newa r k' s J . Allison O'Daniel Veter a ns of Fo r eign Wars P ost 47 5 and Thom as Cooper Auxiliary hav e won third place in a statewide contest for t heir community a ctivities . Posts an d Auxiliaries were judged ba s ed on r ec ord books compiled durin g the 1985-86 year. Ma rine Pvt. Abdul B. Brown, a 1985 graduate of Newark High School, ha s c ompleted the infantry combat tra ining course at The Marine Corps bas e in Camp Lejeune, N.C. During the six week course, Brown r eceived c lassroom instruction a nd participated in field exercises involving infantry tactics , the construction and camouflage of fighting positions and the use of mines , demolitions and intra -company communications equipment. He joined the Marine Corps in Septembe r 1985. FOR A DEMONST RATION CALL: RITA (302) 731-0812 Advertise in the NewArk Post EXTENDED BY POPULAR DEMAND TRUCKLOAD SALE SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING SPECIALIST! 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 7 DAYS A WEEK SEWER ROOTS MY SPECIALTY MARTY'S DRAIN CLEANING SERVICE Trendsetter All Weather 50,000 Mile Car Care Wear-Out Policy RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL ROOF DRAINS · FLOOR DRAINS OUTSIDE DRAINS · KITCHEN SINKS 328-3499 body Martin H . Dolben - 107 Lea Road LIGHT .TRUCK "Nutri/System suits me fine!" Debby Murray lost 25 Pounds. If Sprrng IS here. can sw1msu1t season be far beh1nd? Dive 1n· to Nutrr/System now! • W1thout cou nt1 ng calorr es or we1gh1ng port1ons. • Dei1C1ous variety of Nutri/System meats • Carr ng profeSSIOnal supervision. • Ask about our new SureStart ™Accelerated We1ght Loss Program -------------TRENDSETTER BELTED 4 PLY RATED SIZE REPLACES P155/80813 A78-13 P165/80813 878-13 P175/80813 878-13 P185/75814 078-14 P195/75814 E78-14 P205/75814 F78-14 P215/75814 G78-14 P215/75815 G78-15 P225/75815 H78-15 BY MEMORIAL DAY YOU CAN BE UP TO 25 LBS. LIGHTER Call Nutri(System Now! r FREE ~~~~~ -ldllllkni';";;!WML t -pordlll. OFFER EXPIRES MAY 7, 1988 CALL TODAY FOR FREE CONSULTATION 4 5 10 K i rk wood Hwy. Wilmington 994-5708 SpeCI~t ooes nol 1nc1u0e cos1of physrcat evai~J~tron As people vary so don an lndlviciUils Wlight IOU. ~------- ---- - --------~~----~ 28.95 29.95 30.50 32.95 33.95 34.95 35.35 37.75 39.95 lQ) Special HEAVY DUTY -~-----------------------------···· ~ 4 $5700 SHOCKS for -fflflf Worth-of Nltiil/ijlfei-Fioi* :m,:,1:~'llrl"'~~~~~-= SALE 25.75 5 AND SAVE BIG BUCKS! ~ SAVE $41.00 REG. $98.00 ~ coupon Expires August 9 . 1986 Provide exceptional performance with any type of tire. Reduce the chance of bottoming-out on severe impact. Most cars. Installation extra. -~·······"iiiiii••··----------------·-···jjiil ~ Special MAC PHERSON STRUT ~ ~ ~ $79°° SAVE $51.00 REG. $130.00 Coupon Expires August 9. 1986 C~~a~~!~a~~o~~a~~a~~~~~~t~ self-contai ned , fa ctory sealed un it. Most Cars.
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