Numpy, Pandas, And Matplotlib Cheat Sheet Numpy Pandas Reference Guide

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Numpy and Pandas Cheat Sheet
Common Imports
import numpy as np
import pandas ps pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
Vectorized Operations
xs + ys ........................Element-wise addition
xs + z ............................... Adding a scalar
xs & ys ........................Bitwise (boolean) and
xs | ys ..........................bitwise (boolean) or
xs .............................Bitwise (boolean) not
xs < ys .................................... Less than
Subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), expo-
nentiation (**), and other comparison operators (<=,
>,>=, ==, !=) work similarly.
matplotlib plotting
plt.scatter(xs, ys).....................Scatterplot
plt.plot(xs, ys) ..........................Line plot
Array / Series functions
max() ......................................Maximum
min() ......................................Minumum
mean()................................Mean (average)
median() .....................................Median
sum().....................................Sum (total)
Accessing Data in a Series
s.iloc[i]....................Get element by position
s.loc[x] ....................... Get element by index
s.values ...........................Get NumPy array
Plotting for Series
s.hist() .................................. Histogram
s.plot()....................................Line plot
Apply Functions
s.apply(value -> value) ........... returns a Series
df.applymap(value -> value) .returns a DataFrame
df.apply(series -> value) .........returns a Series
df.apply(series -> series). . . returns a DataFrame
Accessing Data in a DataFrame
df[’col’] .......................Get column by name
df.iloc[i] ...................... Get row by position
df.loc[x] ..........................Get row by index
df.iloc[i, j] ...............Get element by position
df.loc[x, y]...................Get element by index
df.values ......................Get 2D NumPy array
DataFrame Summarization
df.describe() ..............Stats about each column
df.head(n) ..............................First n rows
df.tail(n)...............................Last n rows
df.columns .....................List of column names
Axis Argument
df.mean(axis=0) ............... mean of each column
df.mean(axis=1) ...................mean of each row
df.mean(axis=’index’) ........ mean of each column
df.mean(axis=’columns’ ...........................)
mean of each row
Plotting for DataFrames
df.plot() .........Line plot with one line per column

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