Pdf Manual

User Manual:

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Time of Day
Generated by Doxygen 1.8.5
Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24



Main Page



About . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Time & Location Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Weather Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Time & Location Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Quality Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Performance Remarks

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Rendering Order

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Global Shader Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.10 Presets




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.11 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.12 Frequently Asked Questions

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.13 Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.14 Literature

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.15 Changelog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Hierarchical Index




Class Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Class Index




Class List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Class Documentation



TOD_Animation Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TOD_AtmosphereParameters Class Reference

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TOD_Camera Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TOD_CloudParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Detailed Description

Detailed Description

Detailed Description

Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




TOD_Components Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TOD_CycleParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TOD_DayParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TOD_LightParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


TOD_NightParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.10 TOD_PostEffectsBase Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






Detailed Description

Detailed Description

Detailed Description

Detailed Description

Detailed Description

4.10.1 Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.11 TOD_Resources Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.12 TOD_Sky Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.12.1 Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.12.2 Member Function Documentation


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 OrbitalToUnity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

25 SampleAtmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13 TOD_StarParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13.1 Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.14 TOD_SunShafts Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.14.1 Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.15 TOD_Time Class Reference

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.15.1 Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.16 TOD_Weather Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.16.1 Detailed Description

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.17 TOD_WorldParameters Class Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.17.1 Detailed Description


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

Chapter 1

Main Page


Time of Day is a package to render realistic dynamic sky domes with day and night cycle, clouds, cloud shadows,
weather types and physically based atmospheric scattering.
• Physically based sky shading
• Rayleigh & Mie scattering
• Highly customizable
• Dynamic weather manager
• Presets for various locations & planets
• Specially optimized sun shafts
• Dynamic wind speed & direction
• Configurable shape, color & scale
• Correctly projected cloud shadows
Time & Location:
• Dynamic day & night cycle
• Full longitude, latitude & time zone support
• Full Gregorian calendar support
• Continuously animated moon phases
Performance & Requirements:
• Extremely optimized shaders & scripts
• Supports shader model 2.0
• Supports all platforms


Main Page

• Supports linear & gamma color space
• Supports forward & deferred rendering
• Supports HDR & LDR rendering
• Supports virtual reality hardware
[ Forum Thread | Web Player | Documentation ]
You can expect a thoroughly documented, well-written and highly optimized code base.
All equations used in the shaders and scripts include references to the scientific papers they are based on.


Getting Started

1. Add the sky dome to your scene:
• Drag the prefab found in "Sky Assets/Prefabs" into your scene
• If your scene uses fog, it is recommended to enable "World -> Set Fog Color" in the prefab inspector
• If your scene uses ambient light, it is recommended to enable "World -> Set Ambient Light" in the prefab
• Tweak the other parameters until you are satisfied with the result
2. Move the sky dome to the camera position in every frame:
• Select your camera and add the Time of Day camera script (Component -> Time of Day -> Camera
Main Script)
• Drag your instance of the sky dome onto the the "Sky" property of the script
• Set "Dome Pos To Camera" to enabled if it is not already
• Tag this camera game object as "MainCamera"
3. Automatically fit the sky dome size to the far clip plane:
• Go to the Time of Day camera script of your camera
• Set "Dome Scale To Far Clip" to enabled
• Set "Dome Scale Factor" to a value suitable for your specific scene and platform
4. Render sun shafts on the main camera:
• Select your camera and add the Time of Day sun shaft script (Component -> Time of Day -> Camera
Sun Shafts)
• Drag your instance of the sky dome onto the the "Sky" property of the script
• Tweak the parameters until you are satisfied with the result
REMARK: The camera script moves the sky dome directly before clipping the scene, guaranteeing that all other
position updates have been processed. You should not move the sky dome in "LateUpdate" because this can cause
minor differences in the sky dome position between frames when moving the camera.


Time & Location Setup

The sky dome prefab has a script TOD_Time attached to it that manages the dynamic day & night cycle. Enabling
and disabling this script enables and disables the automatic cycle.
The following parameters are being set by the script:
• TOD_Sky.Cycle.Hour
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

1.4 Weather Manager


• TOD_Sky.Cycle.Day
• TOD_Sky.Cycle.Month
• TOD_Sky.Cycle.Year
• TOD_Sky.Cycle.MoonPhase


Weather Manager

The script TOD_Weather can be used to automatically set various parameters of TOD_Sky according to weather
The following parameters are being set by the script:
• TOD_Sky.Atmosphere.Fogginess
• TOD_Sky.Clouds.Density
• TOD_Sky.Clouds.Sharpness
• TOD_Sky.Clouds.Brightness


Time & Location Setup

The TOD_Sky.Cycle parameter section allows for configuration of the sky dome to represent the exact sun movement and day length of any location on the planet depending on Gregorian date, UTC/GMT time zone and geographic coordinates. It is important to set the correct time zone with the longitude and latitude of the location to
guarantee consistent results with the real world. All of those parameters are completely optional though - if the sky
dome should be used in a generic fantasy world they can simply be ignored and left at their default values.


Quality Levels

There are various different quality levels for both the sky dome and the cloud shader. Those quality settings can be
configured both dynamically at runtime and directly in the Unity editor window using two inspector enums.
• Bumped offers complex cloud shading with dynamic density and cloud normal mapping
• Density offers simplified cloud shading with dynamic density but without normal mapping
• Fastest offers extremely simplified cloud shading with simplified cloud shape calculations
• High sky dome and moon mesh vertex count
• Medium sky dome and moon mesh vertex count
• Low sky dome and moon mesh vertex count
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Main Page

Performance Remarks
• The size of a web player with just the sky dome is only around 200KB as most equations are evaluated
• All scripts and shaders are highly optimized and will not cause significant FPS drops on desktop computers
• Older mobile devices should switch to the cloud and dome quality settings that offer suitable performance
• The cloud shadows utilize a Unity projector and require another draw call for all objects they are projected on
• The sun shaft image effect is the only component that requires Unity Pro, everything else works just as well
on Indie
• Reducing the texture resolution in the cloud texture import settings can increase performance on mobile


Rendering Order

All components of the sky dome are being rendered after the opaque but before the transparent meshes of your
scene.That means that only areas of the sky dome that are not being occluded by any other geometry have to be
The rendering order of the sky dome components is the following:
• Transparent-500 Unity Skybox (if your scene uses one)
• Transparent-490 Space Dome (only at night)
• Transparent-480 Moon Mesh (only at night and if visible)
• Transparent-470 Atmosphere (if not manually disabled)
• Transparent-460 Sun Plane (only at day and if visible)
• Transparent-450 Cloud Dome (if not manually disabled)
This leads to 2-4 draw calls to render the complete sky dome.


Global Shader Parameters

There are some global shader parameters set by the TOD_Sky script that can be used in your custom shaders.
Gamma values:
• TOD_Gamma = TOD_Sky.Gamma
• TOD_OneOverGamma = TOD_Sky.OneOverGamma
Various colors:
• TOD_SunColor = TOD_Sky.SunColor
• TOD_MoonColor = TOD_Sky.MoonColor
• TOD_LightColor = TOD_Sky.LightColor
• TOD_CloudColor = TOD_Sky.CloudColor
• TOD_AdditiveColor = TOD_Sky.AdditiveColor
• TOD_MoonHaloColor = TOD_Sky.MoonHaloColor
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

1.10 Presets


World space direction vectors:
• TOD_SunDirection = TOD_Sky.SunDirection
• TOD_MoonDirection = TOD_Sky.MoonDirection
• TOD_LightDirection = TOD_Sky.LightDirection
Sky dome object space direction vectors:
• TOD_LocalSunDirection = InverseTransformDirection(TOD_Sky.SunDirection)
• TOD_LocalMoonDirection = InverseTransformDirection(TOD_Sky.MoonDirection)
• TOD_LocalLightDirection = InverseTransformDirection(TOD_Sky.LightDirection)
Those variables can be used in your custom shaders by simply defining uniform variables with the same name.
Those will then automatically be filled with the correct values. The Time of Day shaders call pow(color, TOD_OneOverGamma) on the result colors of either vertex or fragment shaders to assure consistent visuals in both linear
and gamma space.



There are several presets that can be applied by clicking the "Choose Preset" button in the TOD_Sky inspector.



The package comes with various example scripts to demonstrate sky dome interaction.
• AudioAtDay / AudioAtNight / AudioAtWeather: Fade audio sources in and out according to daytime or a
specific weather type
• ParticleAtDay / ParticleAtNight / ParticleAtWeather: Fade particle systems in and out according to daytime or
a specific weather type
• RenderAtDay / RenderAtNight / RenderAtWeather: Enable or disable renderer components according to
daytime or a specific weather type
• DeviceTime: Automatically set the daytime to the device time on scene start


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I use the sky dome with the virtual reality devices like the Oculus Rift?
• Add the TOD_Camera script to one of the cameras (preferably the one that’s being rendered first)
• The sky will render correctly without duplicate images or artifacts
Q: How can I use custom skybox at night?
• Disable the child object called "Space"
• Setup your camera to render the skybox of your choice, it will automatically be visible at night
Q: How can I align the cardinal directions with those of the scene?
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen


Main Page

• Rotate the sky dome around the y-axis such that the sun rises in the east of your scene
• Do not set the scale to negative values as this will lead to rendering artifacts
Q: How can I use lightmapping?
• Disable the shadows of the sun and moon directional lights
• Add a dummy directional light to bake your lightmaps from
REMARK: Lightmaps are not meant to be used with moving light sources as they always represent static lighting
conditions. You should therefore always use a static dummy directional light to bake your lightmaps with.
Q: How can I synchronize cloud movement over multiple clients?
• Synchronize the property TOD_Sky.AnimationComponent.CloudUV of type Vector4
• Cloud movement and shape will be identical accross clients
Q: How can I fix Z-fighting and sorting issues with the cloud shadows?
• Adjust the values for "Offset" directly in the shader code of the cloud shadow shaders
REMARK: Offset values have to be constants and can therefore only be adjusted directly in the shader code.
Suitable values depend on the depth buffer resolution of the targeted platform and hardware. While the default
values work in most scenarios, some scenes might require some further tweaking. If you are having issues with
setting those values up correctly, please feel free to contact me.


Contact Information

If you have any questions that cannot be answered using the FAQ or documentation feel free to contact me:
• In the official forum thread of the package
• Via personal message on the Unity community forums
• Via Twitter
• Via my website
REMARK: I should always be able to reply within 48 hours. If I did not reply after several days, please try using a
different method to contact me as there might be an issue with the one you chose. If I am not available for multiple
days I will always try to announce this beforehand in the offical forum thread.



The following literature has been used to implement physically correct atmospheric scattering:
1. Preetham, Shirley, Smits
2. Schafhitzel, Falk, Ertl
3. Bruneton, Neyret
4. Riley, Ebert, Kraus, Tessendorf, Hansen
5. Hoffman, Preetham
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

1.15 Changelog


6. Nishita, Sirai, Tadamura, Nakamae
7. Nielsen, Christensen
These papers are being referenced in the code in the following way:
See [N] page P equation (E)

Where the letters are being replaced according to this:
• N: Paper #
• P: Page #
• E: Equation # (if available)




Added a property for the atmosphere renderer component to TOD_Components
Added properties for all child mesh filter components to TOD_Components
Changed the quality settings to be adjustable at runtime via public enum inspector variables
Merged the three prefabs into a single prefab as separate quality prefabs are no longer required
Fixed the materials always showing up in version control
Fixed the sky dome always causing the scene to be modified and the editor always asking to save on close
Fixed the customized sky dome inspector not always looking like the default inspector
Improved the performance of all cloud shaders by reducing interpolations from frag to vert
Improved the visuals of all cloud shaders and streamlined their style
Increased the default cloud texture import resolution to 1024x1024
Added a white noise texture for future use

------------- Fixed all issues with DX11 rendering in order to fully support DX11 from this point on
------------- Fixed an issue where the image effect shaders could overwrite previously imported Standard Assets

Changed date and time organization to represent the valid Gregorian calendar
Addressed issues with the Unity sun shaft image effect by providing a modified image effect
Fixed clouds not correctly handling the planetary atmosphere curvature
Fixed clouds not offsetting according to the world position of the sky dome
Fixed cloud glow passing through even the thickest of clouds
Fixed cloud shadow projection
Fixed Light.Falloff not affecting the toggle point of the light position between sun and moon
Automatically disable the corresponding shadows if Day/Night/Clouds.ShadowStrength is set to 0
Removed Clouds.ShadowProjector toggle as it is no longer required
Tweaked the old moon halo to not require an additional draw call and added it back in
Made the sky dome position in world space add an offset to the cloud UV coordinates
Added Light.Coloring to adjust the light coloring separate from the sky coloring
Rescaled some parameters for easier use and tweaked their default values


Moved all documentation to Doxygen
Renamed the folder "Sky Assets" to "Assets"
Made the color space be detected automatically by default
Reworked the sun texture and shader
Allow light source intensities greater than one

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Main Page

Reworked the way ambient light is being calculated
Reworked the way light affects the atmosphere and clouds
Improved all scattering calculations, especially the integral approximation
Automatically disable space the game object at night
Added a public method to sample the sky dome color in any viewing direction
Added a fog bias parameter to lerp between zenith and horizon color
Adjusted the atmosphere alpha calculation
Added a parameter to easily adjust the scattering color
Added shader parameters for the moon texture color and contrast
Adjusted the render queue positions
Removed the moon halo material as it is no longer required
Added the physical scattering model to the night sky
Greatly improved the weather system
Added fog and contrast parameters to the atmosphere
Restructured the parameter classes to be more intuitive to use
Moved all component references into a separate class
Made the sky presets be applied via editor script rather than separate prefabs
Improved cloud shading and performance across the board
Removed the cloud shading parameter
Added cloud glow from the sun and moon
Added sky and cloud tone multipliers to sun and moon
Added viewer height and horizon offset parameters
Slightly improved overall performance
Replaced ambient intensity with two parameters for sun and moon
Replaced the two directional lights with a single one that automatically follows either sun or moon


Added two parameters "StarTiling" and "StarDensity" to the "Night" section
Added "Offset -1, -1" to the cloud shadow shaders to avoid Z-fighting on some platforms
Tweaked the cloud shader for more consistent results in linear and gamma color space
Tweaked the moon texture to be a lot brighter by default, especially on mobile
Tweaked the automatically calculated fog color to be similar to the horizon color
Removed the property "Brightness" from the moon shader as it is no longer needed


Fixed the ambient light calculation being too dark, even with high ambient light parameter values
Added the properties "SunZenith" and "MoonZenith" to access sun and moon zenith angles in degrees
Added a paramter "Halo" to adjust the moon halo intensity and made its color be derived from the light
Changed several parameters to be clamped between 0 and 1
Changed the name of the property "OrbitRadius" to "Radius"
Tweaked the moon phase calculation of both moon mesh and moon halo
Tweaked several default parameter values of the prefabs

------------- Changed the default cardinal direction axes of the sky dome (x axis is now west/east, z axis south/north)
- Removed the property "ZenithFactor" as it is no longer being used
- Moved all child object references into a separate toggleable section called "Children"
- Tweaked the default parameters of the prefabs (brightness, haziness, cloud color, moon light intensity)
- Tweaked the calculations of the moon light color, ambient light at night and cloud tone at night
- Tweaked the default sun and moon base color based on good real life approximations
- Tweaked the moon halo
- Renamed the parameter "ShadowAlpha" in "Clouds" to "ShadowStrength"
- Added the parameter "ShadowStrength" for the sun and moon lights
------------- Fixed an issue where the sun could incorrectly travel around the north,
even though the location is in the northern hemisphere (Thanks Gregg!)
- Fixed an issue that led to the brightest parts of the sky dome being slightly too dark
- Fixed the automatically calculated fog color not being exactly the same as the horizon
- Added a name prefix to all components to prevent name collisions with other packages
- Added cloud shadows (can be disabled)
- Added UTC time zone support
- Added a parameter to configure the color of the light reflected by the moon
- Added parameters for wind direction in degrees and wind speed in knots
- Added an option to automatically adjust the ambient light color (disabled by default)
- Added a parameter to adjust the sun’s light color

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

1.15 Changelog



Added a plane with an additive shader at the sun’s position to always render a circular sun
Added dynamic cloud shape adjustments to the "Low" prefab (cloud weather types will now also work)
Added shading calculations to the "Low" and "Medium" prefabs
Improved the performance of "Low" prefab by reducing the vertex count
Improved the performance of "Low" prefab by removing the moon halo for that prefab by default
Improved the cloud shading of the "High" prefab
Improved the visual quality of the weather presets
Improved the calculation of the sun’s position
Changed the automatic fog color adjustment to be disabled by default
Changed the moon halo to adjust according to the moon phase
Changed the name of the parameter from "Color" to "AdditiveColor" for both day and night
Changed the cloud animation to support network synchronization
Changed the default tiling of the stars texture to 1 (was 3)
Changed the moon vertex count in all presets to scale with the device performance
Removed the parameter "CloudColor" from "NightParameters" as it is now derived from the moon light color

------------- Fixed an issue related to HDR rendering
------------- Improved the visuals and functionality of the weather system
(most METAR codes should now be possible to achieve visually)
- Improved performance of the moon halo shader
- Added official support for HDR rendering
- Replaced the sun mesh with implicit sun scattering in the atmosphere layer
to reduce dome vertex count, draw calls and pixel overdraw
- Added an additional quality level (now Low/Medium/High instead of Desktop/Mobile)
- Added sky dome presets from various locations around the globe for easier use
- Tweaked the wavelength constants a little to allow for a wider range of sun coloring adjustments
------------- Fixed an issue causing a missing sun material in the mobile prefab

Enabled mip mapping of the stars texture by default to avoid flickering
Added support for using custom skyboxes at night (see readme for details)
Greatly improved the parametrization of the sun color influence at sunrise and sunset
Added internal pointers to commonly used components for faster access
Split the sun and moon parameters into their own property classes
Adjusted the cloud shading calculation to keep it from darkening some clouds too much
Adjusted the color wavelengths to produce a more realistic blue color of the sky by default
Made the moon phase influence the intensity of the sunlight reflected by the moon
Replaced the lens flares with custom halo shaders that are correctly being occluded by clouds
Enabled the new halo effects on mobile
Moved all shaders into a "Time of Day" category
Added a basic weather manager with three weather types


Added "Fog { Mode Off }" to the shaders to properly ignore fog
Added the parameter "Night Cloud Color" to render clouds at night
Added the parameter "Night Haze Color" to render some haze at night
Added the parameter "Night Color" to add some color to the night sky
Renamed the parameter "Haze" to "Haziness"
Renamed the parameter "Sky Tone" to "Brightness"
Renamed the properties "Day" and "Night" to "IsDay" and "IsNight"
Restructured all sky parameters into groups
Improved the sun lens flare texture
Improved the stars texture
Fixed a rendering artifact at the horizon for low haziness values
Made the scattering calculation in gamma space look identical to linear space


Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Main Page

Greatly improved performance on mobile devices
Greatly improved sunset and sunrise visual quality
Added a parameter to control how strongly the sun color affects the sky color
Added realistic sun and moon lens flare effects
Added two additional cloud noise textures
Improved handling of latitude and longitude
Made the sky dome render correctly independent of its rotation


Fixed some bugs regarding linear vs. gamma space rendering
Fixed some issues with the horizon fadeout
Adjusted sun and moon size
Optimized sun and fog color calculation
Greatly improved visual quality of the cloud system
Added parameter to control cloud tone, allowing for dark clouds
Added improved stars texture at night
Added parameter to control the sun color falloff speed

------------- First public release on the Asset Store
------------- First private release for internal use

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

Chapter 2

Hierarchical Index

Class Hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
TOD_Animation . . . . . .
TOD_Camera . . . . . . .
TOD_Components . . . .
TOD_PostEffectsBase . . .
TOD_SunShafts . . . .
TOD_Resources . . . . . .
TOD_Sky . . . . . . . . .
TOD_Sky . . . . . . . . .
TOD_Sky . . . . . . . . .
TOD_Sky . . . . . . . . .
TOD_Time . . . . . . . . .
TOD_Weather . . . . . . .
TOD_AtmosphereParameters .
TOD_CloudParameters . . . .
TOD_CycleParameters . . . .
TOD_DayParameters . . . . .
TOD_LightParameters . . . . .
TOD_NightParameters . . . .
TOD_StarParameters . . . . .
TOD_WorldParameters . . . .











































Hierarchical Index

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

Chapter 3

Class Index

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Cloud animation class . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters of the atmosphere . . . . . . . .
Camera class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters of the cloud layers . . . . . . . .
Component manager class . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters of the day and night cycle . . . .
Parameters that are unique to the day . . . .
Parameters of the light source . . . . . . . .
Parameters that are unique to the night . . .
Post effects base class . . . . . . . . . . . .
TOD_Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main sky dome management class . . . . . .
Parameters of the stars . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sun shaft class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Time iteration class . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Weather management class . . . . . . . . .
Parameters affecting other objects of the world

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Class Index

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

Chapter 4

Class Documentation

TOD_Animation Class Reference

Cloud animation class.

Public Attributes
• float WindDegrees = 0.0f
Wind direction in degrees. = 0 for wind blowing in northern direction. = 90 for wind blowing in eastern direction. = 180
for wind blowing in southern direction. = 270 for wind blowing in western direction.

• float WindSpeed = 3.0f
Speed of the wind that is acting upon the clouds.

• Vector4 CloudUV [get, set]
Current cloud UV coordinates. Can be synchronized between multiple game clients to guarantee identical cloud

• Vector4 OffsetUV [get]
Current offset UV coordinates. Is being calculated from the sky dome world position.


Detailed Description

Cloud animation class.
Component of the sky dome parent game object.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Animation.cs


TOD_AtmosphereParameters Class Reference

Parameters of the atmosphere.


Class Documentation

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• Color ScatteringColor = Color.white
Artistic value to shift the scattering color of the atmosphere. Can be used to easily simulate alien worlds.

• float RayleighMultiplier = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Intensity of the atmospheric Rayleigh scattering. Generally speaking this resembles the static scattering.

• float MieMultiplier = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Intensity of the atmospheric Mie scattering. Generally speaking this resembles the angular scattering.

• float Brightness = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Brightness of the atmosphere. This is being applied as a simple multiplier to the output color.

• float Contrast = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Contrast of the atmosphere. This is being applied as a power of the output color.

• float Directionality = 0.5f
[0, 1] Directionality factor that determines the size and sharpness of the glow around the light source.

• float Haziness = 0.5f
[0, 1] Intensity of the haziness of the sky at the horizon.

• float Fogginess = 0.0f
[0, 1] Density of the fog covering the sky. This does not affect the RenderSettings fog that is being applied to other
objects in the scene.


Detailed Description

Parameters of the atmosphere.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_Camera Class Reference

Camera class.

Public Attributes
• TOD_Sky sky
Sky dome reference inspector variable. Has to be manually set to the sky dome instance.

• bool DomePosToCamera = true
Inspector variable to automatically move the sky dome to the camera position in OnPreCull().

• bool DomeScaleToFarClip = false
Inspector variable to automatically scale the sky dome to the camera far clip plane in OnPreCull().

• float DomeScaleFactor = 0.95f
Inspector variable to adjust the sky dome scale factor relative to the camera far clip plane.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.4 TOD_CloudParameters Class Reference


Detailed Description

Camera class.
Component of the main camera of the scene to move and scale the sky dome.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Camera.cs


TOD_CloudParameters Class Reference

Parameters of the cloud layers.

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• float Density = 3.0f
[0, ∞] Density multiplier of the cloud layer.
= 0 no clouds.
> 0 thicker clouds that are less transparent.

• float Sharpness = 3.0f
[0, ∞] Sharpness multiplier of the cloud layer.
= 0 one giant cloud.
> 0 several smaller clouds.

• float Brightness = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Brightness multiplier of the cloud layer.
= 0 black clouds.
> 0 brighter clouds.

• float Scale1 = 3.0f
[1, ∞] Scale of the first cloud layer.

• float Scale2 = 7.0f
[1, ∞] Scale of the second cloud layer.

• float ShadowStrength = 0f
[0, 1] Opacity of the cloud shadows.


Detailed Description

Parameters of the cloud layers.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_Components Class Reference

Component manager class.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Class Documentation

Public Attributes
• GameObject Sun = null
Sun child game object reference.

• GameObject Moon = null
Moon child game object reference.

• GameObject Atmosphere = null
Atmosphere child game object reference.

• GameObject Clouds = null
Clouds child game object reference.

• GameObject Space = null
Space child game object reference.

• GameObject Light = null
Light child game object reference.

• GameObject Projector = null
Projector child game object reference.

• Transform DomeTransform
Transform component of the sky dome game object.

• Transform SunTransform
Transform component of the sun game object.

• Transform MoonTransform
Transform component of the moon game object.

• Transform CameraTransform
Transform component of the main camera game object.

• Transform LightTransform
Transform component of the light source game object.

• Renderer SpaceRenderer
Renderer component of the space game object.

• Renderer AtmosphereRenderer
Renderer component of the atmosphere game object.

• Renderer CloudRenderer
Renderer component of the cloud game object.

• Renderer SunRenderer
Renderer component of the sun game object.

• Renderer MoonRenderer
Renderer component of the moon game object.

• MeshFilter SpaceMeshFilter
MeshFilter component of the space game object.

• MeshFilter AtmosphereMeshFilter
MeshFilter component of the atmosphere game object.

• MeshFilter CloudMeshFilter
MeshFilter component of the cloud game object.

• MeshFilter SunMeshFilter
MeshFilter component of the sun game object.

• MeshFilter MoonMeshFilter
MeshFilter component of the moon game object.

• Material SpaceShader
Main material of the space game object.

• Material AtmosphereShader
Main material of the atmosphere game object.

• Material CloudShader
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.6 TOD_CycleParameters Class Reference

Main material of the cloud game object.

• Material SunShader
Main material of the sun game object.

• Material MoonShader
Main material of the moon game object.

• Material ShadowShader
Main material of the projector game object.

• Light LightSource
Light component of the light source game object.

• Projector ShadowProjector
Projector component of the shadow projector game object.

• TOD_Sky Sky
Sky component of the sky dome game object.

• TOD_Animation Animation
Animation component of the sky dome game object.

• TOD_Time Time
Time component of the sky dome game object.

• TOD_Weather Weather
Weather component of the sky dome game object.

• TOD_Resources Resources
Resource container component of the sky dome game object.


Detailed Description

Component manager class.
Component of the main camera of the scene.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Components.cs


TOD_CycleParameters Class Reference

Parameters of the day and night cycle.

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• float Hour = 12
[0, 24] Time of the day in hours.
= 0 at the start of the day.
= 12 at noon.
= 24 at the end of the day.

• int Day = 1
[1, 28-31] Current day of the month.

• int Month = 3
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Class Documentation

[1, 12] Current month of the year.

• int Year = 2000
[1, 9999] Current year.

• float MoonPhase = 0.0f
[-1, 1] Phase of the moon.
= 0 full moon.
± 1 no moon.

• float Latitude = 0f
[-90, 90] Latitude of your position in degrees.
= -90 at the south pole.
= 0 at the equator.
= 90 at the north pole.

• float Longitude = 0f
[-180, 180] Longitude of your position in degrees.
= -180 at 180 degrees in the west of Greenwich, England.
= 0 at Greenwich, England.
= 180 at 180 degrees in the east of Greenwich, England.

• float UTC = 0f
UTC/GMT time zone of the current location.
= 0 for Greenwich, England.


Detailed Description

Parameters of the day and night cycle.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_DayParameters Class Reference

Parameters that are unique to the day.

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• Color AdditiveColor = Color.black
Artistic value for an additive color at day.

• Color SunMeshColor = new Color32(255, 233, 180, 255)
Color of the sun material.

• Color SunLightColor = new Color32(255, 243, 234, 255)
Color of the light emitted by the sun.

• float SunMeshSize = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Size of the sun mesh in degrees.

• float SunLightIntensity = 0.75f
[0, ∞] Intensity of the sun light source.

• float AmbientIntensity = 0.75f
[0, 1] Intensity of the ambient light. TOD_WorldParameters.SetAmbientLight has to be set for this to have any effect.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.8 TOD_LightParameters Class Reference


• float ShadowStrength = 1.0f
[0, 1] Opacity of the object shadows dropped by the sun light source

• float SkyMultiplier = 1.0f
[0, 1] Sky opacity multiplier at day.

• float CloudMultiplier = 1.0f
[0, 1] Cloud tone multiplier at day.


Detailed Description

Parameters that are unique to the day.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_LightParameters Class Reference

Parameters of the light source.

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• float Falloff = 0.7f
[0, 1] Controls how fast the sun color falls off. This is especially visible during sunset and sunrise.

• float Coloring = 0.5f
[0, 1] Controls how strongly the light color is being affected by sunset and sunrise.

• float SkyColoring = 0.5f
[0, 1] Controls how strongly the sun color affects the atmosphere color. This is especially visible during sunset and

• float CloudColoring = 0.9f
[0, 1] Controls how strongly the sun color affects the cloud color. This is especially visible during sunset and sunrise.


Detailed Description

Parameters of the light source.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_NightParameters Class Reference

Parameters that are unique to the night.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen


Class Documentation

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• Color AdditiveColor = Color.black
Artistic value for an additive color at night.

• Color MoonMeshColor = new Color32(255, 233, 200, 255)
Color of the moon material.

• Color MoonLightColor = new Color32(181, 204, 255, 255)
Color of the light emitted by the moon.

• Color MoonHaloColor = new Color32(81, 104, 155, 255)
Color of the moon halo.

• float MoonMeshSize = 1.0f
[0, ∞] Size of the moon mesh in degrees.

• float MoonLightIntensity = 0.1f
[0, ∞] Intensity of the moon light source.

• float AmbientIntensity = 0.2f
[0, 1] Intensity of the ambient light. TOD_WorldParameters.SetAmbientLight has to be set for this to have any effect.

• float ShadowStrength = 1.0f
[0, 1] Opacity of the object shadows dropped by the moon light source

• float SkyMultiplier = 0.1f
[0, 1] Sky opacity multiplier at night.

• float CloudMultiplier = 0.2f
[0, 1] Cloud tone multiplier at night.


Detailed Description

Parameters that are unique to the night.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_PostEffectsBase Class Reference

Post effects base class.


Detailed Description

Post effects base class.
Based on the post effects base from the default Unity image effects.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_PostEffectsBase.cs
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.11 TOD_Resources Class Reference


TOD_Resources Class Reference

Public Attributes
• Mesh Quad
• Mesh SphereHigh
• Mesh SphereMedium
• Mesh SphereLow
• Mesh IcosphereHigh
• Mesh IcosphereMedium
• Mesh IcosphereLow
• Mesh HalfIcosphereHigh
• Mesh HalfIcosphereMedium
• Mesh HalfIcosphereLow
• Material CloudMaterialBumped
• Material CloudMaterialDensity
• Material CloudMaterialFastest
• Material ShadowMaterialBumped
• Material ShadowMaterialDensity
• Material ShadowMaterialFastest
• Material SpaceMaterial
• Material AtmosphereMaterial
• Material SunMaterial
• Material MoonMaterial
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Resources.cs


TOD_Sky Class Reference

Main sky dome management class.

Public Types
• enum ColorSpaceDetection { Auto, Linear, Gamma }
Available methods to detect the Unity color space.

• enum CloudQualityType { Fastest, Density, Bumped }
Available methods to render the clouds.

• enum MeshQualityType { Low, Medium, High }
Available vertex count levels for the meshes.

Public Member Functions
• Vector3 OrbitalToUnity (float radius, float theta, float phi)
Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates.

• Color SampleAtmosphere (Vector3 direction)
Sample atmosphere colors from the sky dome.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Class Documentation

Public Attributes
• ColorSpaceDetection UnityColorSpace = ColorSpaceDetection.Auto
Inspector variable to adjust the color space. Should stay at ColorSpaceDetection.Auto in most cases.

• CloudQualityType CloudQuality = CloudQualityType.Bumped
Inspector variable to adjust the cloud quality.

• MeshQualityType MeshQuality = MeshQualityType.High
Inspector variable to adjust the mesh quality.

• TOD_CycleParameters Cycle
Inspector variable containing parameters of the day and night cycle.

• TOD_AtmosphereParameters Atmosphere
Inspector variable containing parameters of the atmosphere.

• TOD_DayParameters Day
Inspector variable containing parameters of the day.

• TOD_NightParameters Night
Inspector variable containing parameters of the night.

• TOD_LightParameters Light
Inspector variable containing parameters of the light source.

• TOD_StarParameters Stars
Inspector variable containing parameters of the stars.

• TOD_CloudParameters Clouds
Inspector variable containing parameters of the cloud layers.

• TOD_WorldParameters World
Inspector variable containing parameters of the world.

• TOD_Components Components [get, set]
Containins references to all components.

• bool IsDay [get]
Boolean to check if it is day.

• bool IsNight [get]
Boolean to check if it is night.

• float Radius [get]
Radius of the sky dome.

• float Gamma [get]
Gamma value that is being used in the shaders.

• float OneOverGamma [get]
Inverse of the gamma value (1 / Gamma) that is being used in the shaders.

• float LerpValue [get, set]
Falls off the darker the sunlight gets. Can for example be used to lerp between day and night values in shaders.
= +1 at day
= 0 at night.

• float SunZenith [get, set]
Sun zenith angle in degrees.
= 0 if the sun is exactly at zenith.
= 180 if the sun is exactly below the ground.

• float MoonZenith [get, set]
Moon zenith angle in degrees.
= 0 if the moon is exactly at zenith.
= 180 if the moon is exactly below the ground.

• float LightZenith [get]
Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.12 TOD_Sky Class Reference


Currently active light source zenith angle in degrees.
= 0 if the currently active light source (sun or moon) is exactly at zenith.
= 90 if the currently active light source (sun or moon) is exactly at the horizon.

• float LightIntensity [get]
Current light intensity. Returns the intensity of TOD_Sky.LightSource.

• Vector3 MoonDirection [get]
Moon direction vector in world space. Returns the forward vector of TOD_Sky.MoonTransform.

• Vector3 SunDirection [get]
Sun direction vector in world space. Returns the forward vector of TOD_Sky.SunTransform.

• Vector3 LightDirection [get]
Current directional light vector in world space. Lerps between TOD_Sky.SunDirection and TOD_Sky.MoonDirection
at dusk and dawn.

• Color LightColor [get]
Current light color.

• Color SunColor [get, set]
Current sun color.

• Color MoonColor [get, set]
Current moon color.

• Color MoonHaloColor [get, set]
Current moon halo color.

• Color CloudColor [get, set]
Current cloud color.

• Color AdditiveColor [get, set]
Current additive color.

• Color AmbientColor [get]
The ambient light color sampled from the physical model. Depends on the time of day. This property is O(1) if
TOD_WorldParameters.SetAmbientLight is enabled as its value will be calculated anyhow.

• Color FogColor [get]
The fog color sampled from the physical model. Depends on camera view direction. This property is O(1) if TOD_WorldParameters.SetFogColor is enabled as its value will be calculated anyhow.


Detailed Description

Main sky dome management class.
Component of the sky dome parent game object.


Member Function Documentation

Vector3 TOD_Sky.OrbitalToUnity ( float radius, float theta, float phi ) [inline]

Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates.

Spherical coordinates radius.
Spherical coordinates theta.
Spherical coordinates phi.

Unity position in world space.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen


Class Documentation

Color TOD_Sky.SampleAtmosphere ( Vector3 direction ) [inline]

Sample atmosphere colors from the sky dome.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.13 TOD_StarParameters Class Reference



View direction in world space.

Color of the atmosphere in the specified direction.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:



TOD_StarParameters Class Reference

Parameters of the stars.

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Public Attributes
• float Tiling = 2.0f
[0, ∞] Texture tiling of the stars texture. Determines how often the texture is tiled accross the sky and therefore the
size of the stars.

• float Density = 0.5f
[0, 1] Amount of stars that are visible.


Detailed Description

Parameters of the stars.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs


TOD_SunShafts Class Reference

Sun shaft class.

Public Types
• enum SunShaftsResolution { Low, Normal, High }
Available resolutions for the sun shafts. High is full, Normal is half and Low is quarter the screen resolution.

• enum SunShaftsBlendMode { Screen, Add }
Available methods to blend the sun shafts with the image.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen


Class Documentation

Public Attributes
• TOD_Sky sky = null
Sky dome reference inspector variable. Has to be manually set to the sky dome instance.

• SunShaftsResolution Resolution = SunShaftsResolution.Normal
Inspector variable to define the sun shaft rendering resolution.

• SunShaftsBlendMode BlendMode = SunShaftsBlendMode.Screen
Inspector variable to define the sun shaft rendering blend mode.

• int RadialBlurIterations = 2
Inspector variable to define the number of blur iterations to be performaed.

• float SunShaftBlurRadius = 2
Inspector variable to define the radius to blur filter applied to the sun shafts.

• float SunShaftIntensity = 1
Inspector variable to define the intensity of the sun shafts.

• float MaxRadius = 1
Inspector variable to define the maximum radius of the sun shafts.

• bool UseDepthTexture = true
Inspector variable to define whether or not to use the depth buffer. If enabled, requires the target platform to allow the
camera to create a depth texture. Unity always creates this depth texture if deferred lighting is enabled. Otherwise
this script will enable it for the camera it is attached to. If disabled, requires all shaders writing to the depth buffer to
also write to the frame buffer alpha channel. Only the frame buffer alpha channel will then be used to check for shaft
blockers in the image effect. This is being done correctly in the built-in Unity opaque shaders as they always write 1 to
the alpha channel. However, this is not being done in most of the built-in Unity cutout transparent and terrain shaders.

• Shader SunShaftsShader = null
Inspector variable pointing to the sun shaft rendering shader.

• Shader ScreenClearShader = null
Inspector variable pointing to the clear rendering shader.


Detailed Description

Sun shaft class.
Component of the main camera of the scene to render sun shafts. Based on the sun shafts from the default Unity
image effects.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_SunShafts.cs


TOD_Time Class Reference

Time iteration class.

Public Attributes
• float DayLengthInMinutes = 30
Day length inspector variable. Length of one day in minutes.

• bool ProgressDate = true
Date progression inspector variable. Automatically updates Cycle.Day if enabled.

• bool ProgressMoonPhase = true
Moon phase progression inspector variable. Automatically updates Moon.Phase if enabled.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

4.16 TOD_Weather Class Reference


Detailed Description

Time iteration class.
Component of the sky dome parent game object.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Time.cs


TOD_Weather Class Reference

Weather management class.

Public Types
• enum CloudType {
Custom, None, Few, Scattered,
Broken, Overcast }
Available cloud coverage types.

• enum WeatherType {
Custom, Clear, Storm, Dust,
Fog }
Available weather types.

Public Attributes
• float FadeTime = 10f
Fade time inspector variable. Time to fade from one weather type to the other.

• CloudType Clouds = CloudType.Custom
Currently selected CloudType.

• WeatherType Weather = WeatherType.Custom
Currently selected WeatherType.


Detailed Description

Weather management class.
Component of the sky dome parent game object.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Weather.cs


TOD_WorldParameters Class Reference

Parameters affecting other objects of the world.

Public Member Functions
• void CheckRange ()
Assures that all parameters are within a reasonable range.

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen



Class Documentation

Public Attributes
• bool SetAmbientLight = false
Automatically adjust the ambient light color of your render settings.

• bool SetFogColor = false
Automatically adjust the fog color of your render settingstings.

• float FogColorBias = 0.0f
[0, 1] Fog color sampling height. TOD_WorldParameters.SetFogColor has to be set for this to have any effect.
= 0 fog is atmosphere color at horizon.
= 1 fog is atmosphere color at zenith.

• float ViewerHeight = 0.0f
[0, 1] Relative viewer height in the atmosphere.
= 0 on the ground.
= 1 at the border of the atmosphere.

• float HorizonOffset = 0.0f
[0, 1] Relative horizon offset.
= 0 horizon exactly in the middle of the sky dome sphere.
= 1 horizon exactly at the bottom of the sky dome sphere.


Detailed Description

Parameters affecting other objects of the world.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
• TOD_Parameters.cs

Generated on Sun Feb 9 2014 11:28:24 for Time of Day by Doxygen

TOD_Sky, 25
TOD_Sky, 25
TOD_Animation, 15
TOD_AtmosphereParameters, 15
TOD_Camera, 16
TOD_CloudParameters, 17
TOD_Components, 17
TOD_CycleParameters, 19
TOD_DayParameters, 20
TOD_LightParameters, 21
TOD_NightParameters, 21
TOD_PostEffectsBase, 22
TOD_Resources, 23
TOD_Sky, 23
OrbitalToUnity, 25
SampleAtmosphere, 25
TOD_StarParameters, 27
TOD_SunShafts, 27
TOD_Time, 28
TOD_Weather, 29
TOD_WorldParameters, 29


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