Propeller Datasheet Version 1.2 Propellerdatasheet V12
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Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 8-Cog Multiprocessor Microcontroller 1.0 PRODUCT OVERVIEW 1.1. Introduction The Propeller chip is designed to provide high-speed processing for embedded systems while maintaining low current consumption and a small physical footprint. In addition to being fast, the Propeller chip provides flexibility and power through its eight processors, called cogs, that can perform simultaneous tasks independently or cooperatively, all while maintaining a relatively simple architecture that is easy to learn and utilize. Two programming languages are available: Spin (a high-level object-based language) and Propeller Assembly. Both include custom commands to easily manage the Propeller chip’s unique features. Figure 1: Propeller P8X32A Block Diagram 1.2. Stock Codes Table 1: Propeller Chip Stock Codes Device Stock # P8X32A-D40 Package Type I/O Pins Power Requirements External Clock Speed Internal RC Oscillator Internal Execution Speed Global ROM/RAM Cog RAM 3.3 volts DC DC to 80 MHz 12 MHz or 20 kHz* 0 to 160 MIPS (20 MIPS/cog) 64 K bytes; 32768 bytes ROM / 32768 bytes RAM 512 x 32 bits per cog 40-pin DIP P8X32A-Q44 44-pin LQFP P8X32A-M44 44-pin QFN 32 CMOS *Approximate; may range from 8 MHz – 20 MHz, or 13 kHz – 33 kHz, respectively. Parallax, Propeller, Spin, and the Parallax and Propeller logos are trademarks of Parallax, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 1 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet Table of Contents 1.0 Product Overview......................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. Introduction ................................................................................1 Stock Codes...............................................................................1 Key Features..............................................................................3 Programming Advantages..........................................................3 Applications................................................................................3 Programming Platform Support..................................................3 Corporate and Community Support............................................3 2.0 Connection Diagrams .................................................. 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Pin Assignments ........................................................................4 Pin Descriptions .........................................................................4 Typical Connection Diagrams ....................................................5 2.3.1. 2.3.2. Propeller Clip or Propeller Plug Connection - Recommended...............5 Alternative Serial Port Connection.........................................................5 3.0 Operating Procedures ................................................. 6 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Boot-Up Procedure ....................................................................6 Run-Time Procedure..................................................................6 Shutdown Procedure..................................................................6 4.0 System Organization ................................................... 6 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9. Shared Resources .....................................................................6 System Clock .............................................................................6 Cogs (processors)......................................................................7 Hub ............................................................................................7 I/O Pins ......................................................................................8 System Counter .........................................................................8 Locks .........................................................................................8 Assembly Instruction Execution Stages .....................................9 Cog Counters...........................................................................10 4.9.1. 4.9.2. 4.9.3. 4.10. 4.10.1. 4.10.2. 4.10.3. CTRA / CTRB – Control register .........................................................10 FRQA / FRQB – Frequency register....................................................10 PHSA / PHSB – Phase register...........................................................10 Video Generator.......................................................................11 VCFG – Video Configuration Register.................................................11 VSCL – Video Scale Register..............................................................12 WAITVID Command/Instruction ..........................................................12 5.2. Cog RAM................................................................................. 16 6.0 Programming Languages ..........................................17 6.1. Reserved Word List ................................................................. 17 6.1.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.4. 6.4.1. 6.4.2. 6.4.3. 6.4.4. Words Reserved for Future Use ......................................................... 17 Math and Logic Operators ....................................................... 18 Spin Language Summary Table .............................................. 19 Constants ........................................................................................... 21 Propeller Assembly Instruction Table....................................... 22 Assembly Conditions .......................................................................... 24 Assembly Directives ........................................................................... 24 Assembly Effects ................................................................................ 24 Assembly Operators ........................................................................... 24 7.0 Propeller Demo Board Schematic.............................25 8.0 Electrical Characteristics...........................................26 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. Absolute Maximum Ratings ..................................................... 26 DC Characteristics................................................................... 26 AC Characteristics ................................................................... 26 9.0 Current Consumption Characteristics .....................27 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. Typical Current Consumption of 8 Cogs .................................. 27 Typical Current of a Cog vs. Operating Frequency .................. 28 Typical PLL Current vs. VCO Frequency ................................. 28 Typical Crystal Drive Current ................................................... 29 Cog and I/O Pin Relationship................................................... 29 Current Profile at Various Startup Conditions .......................... 30 10.0 Temperature Characteristics.....................................31 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. Internal Oscillator Frequency as a Function of Temperature.... 31 Fastest Operating Frequency as a Function of Temperature ... 32 Current Consumption as a Function of Temperature ............... 33 11.0 Package Dimensions..................................................34 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. P8X32A-D40 (40-pin DIP)........................................................ 34 P8X32A-Q44 (44-pin LQFP) .................................................... 35 P8X32A-M44 (44-pin QFN)...................................................... 36 4.11. CLK Register............................................................................14 12.0 Manufacturing Info .....................................................37 5.0 Memory Organization ................................................ 15 5.1. Main Memory ...........................................................................15 12.1. 12.2. Reflow Peak Temperature ....................................................... 37 Green/RoHS Compliance ........................................................ 37 13.0 Revision History .........................................................37 5.1.1. 5.1.2. 5.1.3. 5.1.4. Main RAM............................................................................................15 Main ROM ...........................................................................................15 Character Definitions...........................................................................15 Math Function Tables..........................................................................16 Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 2 of 37 13.1.1. 13.1.2. Changes for Version 1.1: .................................................................... 37 Changes for Version 1.2: .................................................................... 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 1.3. Programming Platform Support Key Features The design of the Propeller chip frees application developers from common complexities of embedded systems programming. For example: Parallax Inc. supports the Propeller chip with a variety of hardware tools and boards: • Propeller Clip (#32200) and Propeller Plug (#32201). These boards provide convenient programming port connections, see the Typical Connection Diagrams on Page 5. • The Propeller Demo Board (#32100) provides a convenient means to test-drive the Propeller chip's varied capabilities through a host of device interfaces on one compact board. The schematic is provided on page 25. Main features: o P8X32A-Q44 Propeller Chip o 24LC256-I/ST EEPROM for program storage o Replaceable 5.000 MHz crystal o 3.3 V and 5 V regulators with on/off switch o USB-to-serial interface for programming and communication o VGA and TV output o Stereo output with 16 Ω headphone amplifier o Electret microphone input o Two PS/2 mouse and keyboard I/O connectors o 8 LEDs (share VGA pins) o Pushbutton for reset o Big ground post for scope hookup o I/O pins P0-P7 are free and brought out to header o Breadboard for custom circuits • The Propeller Proto Board (#32212) features a surface-mount Propeller chip with the necessary components to achieve a programming interface, with pads ready for a variety of I/O connectors and DIP/SIP chips, and a generous through-hole prototyping area. • The PropStick USB (#32210) features a Propeller chip, EEPROM, 3.3 VDC and 5 VDC regulators, reset button, crystal and USB connection on a 0.6” wide DIP package for easy prototyping on perfboard and breadboard. • Eight processors (cogs) perform simultaneous processes independently or cooperatively, sharing common resources through a central hub. The Propeller application designer has full control over how and when each cog is employed; there is no compiler-driven or operating system-driven splitting of tasks among multiple cogs. This method empowers the developer to deliver absolutely deterministic timing, power consumption, and response to the embedded application. • Asynchronous events are easier to handle than with devices that use interrupts. The Propeller has no need for interrupts; just assign some cogs to individual, high-bandwidth tasks and keep other cogs free and unencumbered. The result is a more responsive application that is easier to maintain. • A shared System Clock allows each cog to maintain the same time reference, allowing true synchronous execution. 1.4. Programming Advantages • The object-based high-level Spin language is easy to learn, with special commands that allow developers to quickly exploit the Propeller chip’s unique and powerful features. • Propeller Assembly instructions provide conditional execution and optional flag and result writing for each individual instruction. This makes critical, multi-decision blocks of code more consistently timed; event handlers are less prone to jitter and developers spend less time padding, or squeezing, cycles. 1.5. Applications The Propeller chip is particularly useful in projects that can be vastly simplified with simultaneous processing, including: 1.7. • Industrial control systems • Sensor integration, signal processing, and data acquisition • Handheld portable human-interface terminals • Motor and actuator control • User interfaces requiring NTSC, PAL, or VGA output, with PS/2 keyboard and mouse input • Low-cost video game systems • Industrial, educational or personal-use robotics • Wireless video transmission (NTSC or PAL) Corporate and Community Support • Parallax provides technical support free of charge. In the Continental US, call toll free (888) 512-1024; from outside please call (916) 624-8333. Or, email: • Parallax hosts a moderated public user’s forum just for the Propeller: • Browse through community-created Propeller objects and share yours with others via Parallaxhosted Propeller Object Exchange Library: 1.6. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 3 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 2.0 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 2.1. Pin Assignments LQFP and QFN Packages DIP Package 2.2. Pin Descriptions Table 2: Pin Descriptions Pin Name Direction Description General purpose I/O Port A. Can source/sink 40 mA each at 3.3 VDC. CMOS level logic with threshold of ≈ ½ VDD or 1.6 VDC @ 3.3 VDC. The pins shown below have a special purpose upon power-up/reset but are general purpose I/O afterwards. P28 - I2C SCL connection to optional, external EEPROM. P29 - I2C SDA connection to optional, external EEPROM. P30 - Serial Tx to host. P31 - Serial Rx from host. P0 – P31 I/O VDD --- 3.3 volt power (2.7 – 3.6 VDC) VSS --- Ground BOEn I Brown Out Enable (active low). Must be connected to either VDD or VSS. If low, RESn becomes a weak output (delivering VDD through 5 kΩ) for monitoring purposes but can still be driven low to cause reset. If high, RESn is CMOS input with Schmitt Trigger. RESn I/O Reset (active low). When low, resets the Propeller chip: all cogs disabled and I/O pins floating. Propeller restarts 50 ms after RESn transitions from low to high. XI I Crystal Input. Can be connected to output of crystal/oscillator pack (with XO left disconnected), or to one leg of crystal (with XO connected to other leg of crystal or resonator) depending on CLK Register settings. No external resistors or capacitors are required. XO O Crystal Output. Provides feedback for an external crystal, or may be left disconnected depending on CLK Register settings. No external resistors or capacitors are required. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 4 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 2.3. Typical Connection Diagrams 2.3.1. Propeller Clip or Propeller Plug Connection - Recommended Note that the connections to the external oscillator and EEPROM, which are enclosed in dashed lines, are optional. Propeller Clip, Stock #32200; Propeller Plug, Stock #32201. The Propeller Clip/Plug schematic is available for download from 2.3.2. Alternative Serial Port Connection Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 5 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 3.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES 3.1. Boot-Up Procedure Upon power-up, or reset: 1. The Propeller chip’s internal RC oscillator begins running at 20 kHz, then after a 50 ms reset delay, switches to 12 MHz. Then the first processor (Cog 0) loads and runs the built-in Boot Loader program. 2. The Boot Loader performs one or more of the following tasks, in order: a. Detects communication from a host, such as a PC, on pins P30 and P31. If communication from a host is detected, the Boot Loader converses with the host to identify the Propeller chip and possibly download a program into global RAM and optionally into an external 32 KB EEPROM. b. If no host communication was detected, the Boot Loader looks for an external 32 KB EEPROM on pins P28 and P29. If an EEPROM is detected, the entire 32 KB data image is loaded into the Propeller chip’s global RAM. c. If no EEPROM was detected, the boot loader stops, Cog 0 is terminated, the Propeller chip goes into shutdown mode, and all I/O pins are set to inputs. 3. If either step 2a or 2b was successful in loading a program into the global RAM, and a suspend command was not given by the host, then Cog 0 is reloaded with the built-in Spin Interpreter and the user code is run from global RAM. 3.2. Run-Time Procedure A Propeller Application is a user program compiled into its binary form and downloaded to the Propeller chip’s RAM or external EEPROM. The application consists of code written in the Propeller chip’s Spin language (highlevel code) with optional Propeller Assembly language components (low-level code). Code written in the Spin language is interpreted during run time by a cog running the Spin Interpreter while code written in Propeller Assembly is run in its pure form directly by a cog. Every Propeller Application consists of at least a little Spin code and may actually be written entirely in Spin or with various amounts of Spin and assembly. The Propeller chip’s Spin Interpreter is started in Step 3 of the Boot Up Procedure, above, to get the application running. Once the boot-up procedure is complete and an application is running in Cog 0, all further activity is defined by the application itself. The application has complete control over things like the internal clock speed, Copyright © Parallax Inc. I/O pin usage, configuration registers, and when, what and how many cogs are running at any given time. All of this is variable at run time, as controlled by the application. 3.3. Shutdown Procedure When the Propeller goes into shutdown mode, the internal clock is stopped causing all cogs to halt and all I/O pins are set to input direction (high impedance). Shutdown mode is triggered by one of the three following events: 1. VDD falling below the brown-out threshold (~2.7 VDC), when the brown out circuit is enabled, 2. the RESn pin going low, or 3. the application requests a reboot (see the REBOOT command in the Propeller Manual). Shutdown mode is discontinued when the voltage level rises above the brown-out threshold and the RESn pin is high. 4.0 SYSTEM ORGANIZATION 4.1. Shared Resources There are two types of shared resources in the Propeller: 1) common, and 2) mutually-exclusive. Common resources can be accessed at any time by any number of cogs. Mutually-exclusive resources can also be accessed by any number of cogs, but only by one cog at a time. The common resources are the I/O pins and the System Counter. All other shared resources are mutuallyexclusive by nature and access to them is controlled by the Hub. See Section 4.4 on page 7. 4.2. System Clock The System Clock (shown as “CLOCK” in Figure 1, page 1) is the central clock source for nearly every component of the Propeller chip. The System Clock’s signal comes from one of three possible sources: • The internal RC oscillator (~12 MHz or ~20 kHz) • The XI input pin (either functioning as a highimpedance input or a crystal oscillator in conjunction with the XO pin) • The Clock PLL (phase-locked loop) fed by the XI input The source is determined by the CLK register’s settings, which is selectable at compile time and reselectable at run time. The Hub and internal Bus operate at half the System Clock speed. Page 6 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 4.3. Cogs (processors) The Propeller contains eight (8) identical, independent processors, called cogs, numbered 0 to 7. Each cog contains a Processor block, local 2 KB RAM configured as 512 longs (512 x 32 bits), two advanced counter modules with PLLs, a Video Generator, I/O Output Register, I/O Direction Register, and other registers not shown in the Block Diagram. All eight cogs are driven from the System Clock; they each maintain the same time reference and all active cogs execute instructions simultaneously. They also all have access to the same shared resources. Cogs can be started and stopped at run time and can be programmed to perform tasks simultaneously, either independently or with coordination from other cogs through Main RAM. Each cog has its own RAM, called Cog RAM, which contains 512 registers of 32 bits each. The Cog RAM is all general purpose RAM except for the last 16 registers, which are special purpose registers, as described in Table 15 on page 16. 4.4. Hub To maintain system integrity, mutually-exclusive resources must not be accessed by more than one cog at a time. The Hub controls access to mutually-exclusive resources by giving each cog a turn in a “round robin” fashion from Cog 0 through Cog 7 and back to Cog 0 again. The Hub and its bus run at half the System Clock rate, giving a cog access to mutually-exclusive resources once every 16 System Clock cycles. Hub instructions, the Propeller Assembly instructions that access mutuallyexclusive resources, require 7 cycles to execute but they first need to be synchronized to the start of the Hub Access Window. It takes up to 15 cycles (16 minus 1, if we just missed it) to synchronize to the Hub Access Window plus 7 cycles to execute the hub instruction, so hub instructions take from 7 to 22 cycles to complete. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show examples where Cog 0 has a hub instruction to execute. Figure 2 shows the best-case scenario; the hub instruction was ready right at the start of that cog’s access window. The hub instruction executes immediately (7 cycles) leaving an additional 9 cycles for other instructions before the next Hub Access Window arrives. Figure 3 shows the worst-case scenario; the hub instruction was ready on the cycle right after the start of Cog 0’s access window; it just barely missed it. The cog waits until the next Hub Access Window (15 cycles later) then the hub instruction executes (7 cycles) for a total of 22 cycles for that hub instruction. Again, there are 9 additional cycles after the hub instruction for other instructions to execute before the next Hub Access Window arrives. To get the most efficiency out of Propeller Assembly routines that have to frequently access mutually-exclusive resources, it can be beneficial to interleave non-hub instructions with hub instructions to lessen the number of cycles waiting for the next Hub Access Window. Since most Propeller Assembly instructions take 4 clock cycles, two such instructions can be executed in between otherwise contiguous hub instructions. Keep in mind that a particular cog’s hub instructions do not, in any way, interfere with other cogs’ instructions because of the Hub mechanism. Cog 1, for example, may start a hub instruction during System Clock cycle 2, in both of these examples, possibly overlapping its execution with that of Cog 0 without any ill effects. Meanwhile, all other cogs can continue executing non-hub instructions, or awaiting their individual hub access windows regardless of what the others are doing. Figure 2: Cog-Hub Interaction – Best Case Scenario Figure 3: Cog-Hub Interaction – Worst Case Scenario Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 7 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 4.5. I/O Pins The Propeller has 32 I/O pins, 28 of which are general purpose. I/O Pins 28 - 31 have a special purpose at boot up and are available for general purpose use afterwards; see section 2.2, page 4. After boot up, any I/O pins can be used by any cogs at any time. It is up to the application developer to ensure that no two cogs try to use the same I/O pin for different purposes during run time. Refer to Figure 1, page 1. Each cog has its own 32-bit I/O Direction Register and 32-bit I/O Output Register to influence the states of the Propeller chip’s corresponding 32 I/O pins. A cog's desired I/O directions and output states is communicated through the entire cog collective to become "Pin Directions" and "Pin Outputs." Pin Directions are the result of OR'ing the Direction Registers of the cogs together. Pin Outputs are the result of OR'ing the output states of the cogs together. A cog's output state consists of the bits of its I/O modules (the Counters, the Video Generator, and the I/O Output Register) OR'd together then AND'd with the bits of its Direction Register. All cogs can still access and influence the I/O pins simultaneously, without electrical contention, as described by these rules: A. A pin is an input only if no active cog sets it to an output. B. A pin outputs low only if all active cogs that set it to output also set it to low. C. A pin outputs high if any active cog sets it to an output and also sets it high. Table 3 demonstrates a few possible combinations of the collective cogs’ influence on a particular I/O pin, P12 in this example. For simplification, these examples assume that bit 12 of each cog’s I/O hardware, other than its I/O Output Register, is cleared to zero (0). Any cog that is shut down has its Direction Register and output states cleared to zero, effectively removing it from influencing the final state of the I/O pins that the remaining active cogs are controlling. Each cog also has its own 32-bit Input Register. This input register is really a pseudo-register; every time it is read, the actual states of the I/O pins are read, regardless of their input or output direction. Table 3: I/O Sharing Examples Bit 12 of Cogs’ I/O Direction Register Bit 12 of Cogs’ I/O Output Register Cog ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 State of I/O Pin P12 Example 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Input A Example 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Output Low B Example 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Output High C Example 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Output Low B Example 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Output High C Example 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Output High C Example 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Output High C 0 Output Low B Example 8 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Rule Followed Note: For the I/O Direction Register, a 1 in a bit location sets the corresponding I/O pin to the output direction; a 0 sets it to an input direction. 4.6. System Counter 4.7. The System Counter is a global, read-only, 32-bit counter that increments once every System Clock cycle. Cogs can read the System Counter (via their CNT registers, see Table 15 on page 16) to perform timing calculations and can use the WAITCNT command (see section 6.3 on page 19 and section 6.4 on page 22) to create effective delays within their processes. The System Counter is a common resource which every cog can read simultaneously. The System Counter is not cleared upon startup since its practical use is for differential timing. If a cog needs to keep track of time from a specific, fixed moment in time, it simply needs to read and save the initial counter value at that moment in time, and compare subsequent counter values against that initial value. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Locks There are eight lock bits (semaphores) available to facilitate exclusive access to user-defined resources among multiple cogs. If a block of memory is to be used by two or more cogs at once and that block consists of more than one long (four bytes), the cogs will each have to perform multiple reads and writes to retrieve or update that memory block. This leads to the likely possibility of read/write contention on that memory block where one cog may be writing while another is reading, resulting in misreads and/or miswrites. The locks are global bits accessed through the Hub via LOCKNEW, LOCKRET, LOCKSET, and LOCKCLR. Because locks are accessed only through the Hub, only one cog at a time can affect them, making this an effective control mechanism. The Hub maintains an inventory of which locks are in use and their current states; cogs can check out, return, set, and clear locks as needed during run time. Page 8 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 4.8. Assembly Instruction Execution Stages Figure 4: Assembly Instruction Execution Stages Stage 1 2 3 4 5 (Execute N- 1) Fetch Instruction N Write Result N-1 Fetch Source N Fetch Destination N (Execute N) Fetch Instruction N+1 Write Result N M M+1 M+2 M+3 M+4 M+5 clock cycle The Propeller executes assembly instructions in five stages. While an entire instruction takes six cycles to execute, two of those clock cycles are dedicated to the two adjacent instructions. This results in an overall throughput of four clock cycles per instruction. Figure 5 Cog Memory Instruction N-1 Instruction N Program counter Instruction N+1 In Stage 1, instruction N, pointed to by the Program Counter, is fetched from cog memory during clock cycle M. During cycle M+1 the result from the previous instruction is written to memory. The reason the previous instruction result is written after the current instruction is fetched will be explained shortly. During Stage 2, if the immediate flag of Instruction N is set, the 9 bit source field is saved as the source value. If the value is not immediate, the location specified by the source field is fetched from cog memory during clock cycle M+2. During clock cycle M+3 the location specified in the destination field is fetched from cog memory (Stage 3). At this point in time (Stage 4) the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) has all the information needed to execute the instruction. Executing the instruction takes some amount of time before the result is available. The amount of time required for execution is dictated by the slowest operation the ALU performs. To provide enough time for the ALU to execute the instruction, a full clock cycle (M+4) is provided to the ALU for the result to settle into its final state. During this execution, the cog memory is not Copyright © Parallax Inc. accessed by instruction N. To speed up the throughput of program execution, the next instruction to be executed is fetched from cog memory while the current instruction is executed in the ALU. Finally at clock cycle M+5 the result of the current instruction N is written back to cog memory, completing Stage 5. The partial interleaving of instructions has a couple implications to program flow. First, when code modification occurs through MOVI, MOVS, MOVD or any operations which modifies an assembly instruction, there must be at least one instruction executed before the modified instruction is executed. If the modification is done on the immediately following instruction (N+1), the unmodified version of instruction N+1 will be loaded a clock cycle before the modified version of instruction N+1 is written to cog memory. Second, conditional jumps do not know for certain if they will jump until the end of clock cycle M+4. Since the next instruction has already been fetched, only one of the two possible branches can be predicted. In the Propeller, conditional branches are always predicted to take the jump. For loops using DJNZ where the jump is taken every time except the final loop, a tighter execution time of the loop is achieved. In the event the jump is not taken, the cog takes no action until the next instruction is fetched. This is equivalent to a NOP being inserted before the next instruction is executed. Unconditional jumps always take four clock cycles to execute since the Propeller can always accurately predict what address needs to be loaded into the Program Counter for the next instruction to execute. Examples of unconditional jumps include JMP, JMPRET, CALL and RET. If an instruction needs to access any Hub resource, Stage 4 is extended until the Hub becomes available, increasing execution time to at least 7 and potentially up to 22 clock cycles. See Section 4.4: Hub on page 7. Page 9 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 4.9. Cog Counters Each cog has two counter modules: CTRA and CTRB. Each counter module can control or monitor up to two I/O pins and perform conditional 32-bit accumulation of its FRQ register into its PHS register on every clock cycle. Each counter module also has its own phase-locked loop (PLL) which can be used to synthesize frequencies up to 128 MHz. With a little setup or oversight from the cog, a counter can be used for: • • • • • • • • • frequency synthesis frequency measurement pulse counting pulse measurement multi-pin state measurement pulse-width modulation duty-cycle measurement digital-to-analog conversion analog-to-digital conversion For some of these operations, the cog can be set up and left in a free-running mode. For others, it may use WAITCNT to time-align counter reads and writes within a loop, creating the effect of a more complex state machine. Note that for a cog clock frequency of 80 MHz, the counter update period is a mere 12.5 ns. This high speed, combined with 32-bit precision, allows for very dynamic signal generation and measurement. The design goal for the counter was to create a simple and flexible subsystem which could perform some repetitive task on every clock cycle, thereby freeing the cog to perform some computationally richer super-task. While the counters have only 32 basic operating modes, there is no limit to how they might be used dynamically through software. Integral to this concept is the use of the WAITPEQ, WAITPNE, and WAITCNT instructions, which can event-align or time-align a cog with its counters. Each counter has three registers: 4.9.1. CTRA / CTRB – Control register The CTR (CTRA and CTRB) register selects the counter's operating mode. As soon as this register is written, the new operating mode goes into effect. Writing a zero to CTR will immediately disable the counter, stopping all pin output and PHS accumulation. Table 4: CTRA and CTRB Registers 31 - 30..26 25..23 CTRMODE PLLDIV Copyright © Parallax Inc. 22..15 14..9 8..6 5..0 - BPIN - APIN The CTRMODE field selects one of 32 operating modes for the counter, conveniently written (along with PLLDIV) using the MOVI instruction. These modes of operation are listed in Table 6 on page 11. Table 5: PLLDIV Field PLLDIV %000 %001 %010 %011 %100 %101 %110 %111 Output VCO 128 VCO VCO VCO VCO VCO VCO VCO 32 16 8 64 4 2 1 PLLDIV selects a PLL output tap and may be ignored if not used. The PLL modes (%00001 to %00011) cause FRQ-to-PHS accumulation to occur every clock cycle. This creates a numerically-controlled oscillator (NCO) in PHS[31], which feeds the counter PLL's reference input. The PLL will multiply this frequency by 16 using its voltagecontrolled oscillator (VCO). For stable operation, it is recommended that the VCO frequency be kept within 64 MHz to 128 MHz. This translates to an NCO frequency of 4 MHz to 8 MHz. The PLLDIV field of the CTR register selects which power-of-two division of the VCO frequency will be used as the final PLL output. This affords a PLL range of 500 kHz to 128 MHz. BPIN selects a pin to be the secondary I/O. It may be ignored if not used and may be written using the MOVD instruction. APIN selects a pin to be the primary I/O. It may be ignored if not used and may be written using the MOVS instruction. 4.9.2. FRQA / FRQB – Frequency register FRQ (FRQA and FRQB) holds the value that will be accumulated into the PHS register. For some applications, FRQ may be written once, and then ignored. For others, it may be rapidly modulated. 4.9.3. PHSA / PHSB – Phase register The PHS (PHSA and PHSB) register can be written and read via cog instructions, but it also functions as a freerunning accumulator, summing the FRQ register into itself on potentially every clock cycle. Any instruction writing to PHS will override any accumulation for that clock cycle. PHS can only be read through the source operand (same as PAR, CNT, INA, and INB). Beware that doing a read-modify-write instruction on PHS, like "ADD PHSA, #1", will cause the last-written value to be used as the destination operand input, rather than the current accumulation. Page 10 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet Table 6: Counter Modes (CTRMODE Field Values) CTRMODE Accumulate FRQx to PHSx Description APIN Output* BPIN Output* %00000 Counter disabled (off) 0 (never) 0 (none) 0 (none) %00001 %00010 %00011 PLL internal (video mode) PLL single-ended PLL differential 1 (always) 1 1 0 PLLx PLLx 0 0 !PLLx %00100 %00101 NCO single-ended NCO differential 1 1 PHSx[31] PHSx[31] 0 !PHSx[31] %00110 %00111 DUTY single-ended DUTY differential 1 1 PHSx-Carry PHSx-Carry 0 !PHSx-Carry %01000 %01001 %01010 %01011 POS detector POS detector with feedback POSEDGE detector POSEDGE detector w/ feedback A 1 A 1 2 A & !A 1 2 A & !A 0 0 0 0 0 !A1 0 !A1 %01100 %01101 %01110 %01111 NEG detector NEG detector with feedback NEGEDGE detector NEGEDGE detector w/ feedback !A 1 !A 1 2 !A & A 1 2 !A & A 0 0 0 0 0 !A1 0 !A1 1 1 0 LOGIC never 0 %10000 0 !A1 & !B1 LOGIC !A & !B 0 %10001 0 1 1 LOGIC A & !B 0 %10010 0 A & !B 1 LOGIC !B 0 %10011 !B 0 1 1 LOGIC !A & B 0 %10100 0 !A & B 1 LOGIC !A 0 %10101 0 !A 1 1 LOGIC A <> B 0 %10110 0 A <> B 1 1 LOGIC !A | !B 0 %10111 0 !A | !B 1 1 LOGIC A & B 0 %11000 0 A &B 1 1 LOGIC A == B 0 %11001 0 A == B 1 LOGIC A 0 %11010 0 A 1 1 LOGIC A | !B 0 %11011 0 A | !B 1 LOGIC B 0 %11100 0 B 1 1 LOGIC !A | B 0 %11101 0 !A | B 1 1 LOGIC A | B 0 %11110 0 A |B LOGIC always 0 %11111 0 1 *Must set corresponding DIR bit to affect pin. A1 = APIN input delayed by 1 clock. A2 = APIN input delayed by 2 clocks. B1 = BPIN input delayed by 1 clock. 4.10. Video Generator Each cog has a video generator module that facilitates transmitting video image data at a constant rate. There are two registers and one instruction which provide control and access to the video generator. Counter A of the cog must be running in a PLL mode and is used to generate the timing signal for the Video Generator. The Video Scale Register specifies the number of Counter A PLL (PLLA) clock cycles for each pixel and number of clock cycles before fetching another frame of data provided by the WAITVID instruction which is executed within the cog. The Video Configuration Register establishes the mode the Video Generator should operate, and can generate VGA or composite video (NTSC or PAL). The Video Generator should be initialized by first starting Counter A, setting the Video Scale Register, setting the Video Configuration Register, then finally providing data via the WAITVID instruction. Failure to properly initialize the Video Generator by first starting PLLA will cause the cog to indefinitely hang when the WAITVID instruction is executed. 4.10.1. VCFG – Video Configuration Register The Video Configuration Register contains the configuration settings of the video generator and is shown in Table 7. In Propeller Assembly, the VMode through AuralSub fields can conveniently be written using the MOVI instruction, the VGroup field can be written with the MOVD instruction, and the VPins field can be written with the MOVS instruction. Table 7: VCFG Register 31 30..29 28 27 26 25..23 22..12 11..9 8 7..0 - VMode CMode Chroma1 Chroma0 AuralSub - VGroup - VPins Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 11 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet The 2-bit VMode (video mode) field selects the type and orientation of video output, if any, according to Table 8. The VPins (video output pins) field is a mask applied to the pins of VGroup that indicates which pins to output video signals on. Table 8: The Video Mode Field Table 11: The VPins Field VMode Video Mode 00 Disabled, no video generated. 01 VGA mode; 8-bit parallel output on VPins 7:0 10 Composite Mode 1; broadcast on VPins 7:4, baseband on VPins 3:0 11 Composite Mode 2; baseband on VPins 7:4, broadcast on VPins 3:0 The CMode (color mode) field selects two or four color mode. 0 = two-color mode; pixel data is 32 bits by 1 bit and only colors 0 or 1 are used. 1 = four-color mode; pixel data is 16 bits by 2 bits, and colors 0 through 3 are used. The Chroma1 (broadcast chroma) bit enables or disables chroma (color) on the broadcast signal. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. The Chroma0 (baseband chroma) bit enables or disables chroma (color) on the baseband signal. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled. The AuralSub (aural sub-carrier) field selects the source of the FM aural (audio) sub-carrier frequency to be modulated on. The source is the PLLA of one of the cogs, identified by AuralSub’s value. This audio must already be modulated onto the 4.5 MHz sub-carrier by the source PLLA. Table 9: The AuralSub Field AuralSub Sub-Carrier Frequency Source 000 Cog 0’s PLLA 001 Cog 1’s PLLA 010 Cog 2’s PLLA 011 Cog 3’s PLLA 100 Cog 4’s PLLA 101 Cog 5’s PLLA 110 Cog 6’s PLLA 111 Cog 7’s PLLA The VGroup (video output pin group) field selects which group of 8 I/O pins to output video on. Table 10: The VGroup Field VGroup Pin Group 000 Group 0: P7..P0 001 Group 1: P15..P8 010 Group 2: P23..P16 011 Group 3: P31..P24 100-111Copyright © Parallax Inc. VPins 00001111 11110000 11111111 XXXXXXXX Effect Drive Video on lower 4 pins only; composite Drive Video on upper 4 pins only; composite Drive video on all 8 pins; VGA Any value is valid for this field; the above values are the most common. 4.10.2. VSCL – Video Scale Register The Video Scale Register sets the rate at which video data is generated, and is shown in Table 12. Table 12: VSCL Register VSCL Bits 31..20 19..12 11..0 − PixelClocks FrameClocks The 8-bit PixelClocks field indicates the number of clocks per pixel; the number of clocks that should elapse before each pixel is shifted out by the video generator module. These clocks are the PLLA clocks, not the System Clock. A value of 0 for this field is interpreted as 256. The 12-bit FrameClocks field indicates the number of clocks per frame; the number of clocks that will elapse before each frame is shifted out by the video generator module. These clocks are the PLLA clocks, not the System Clock. A frame is one long of pixel data (delivered via the WAITVID command). Since the pixel data is either 16 bits by 2 bits, or 32 bits by 1 bit (meaning 16 pixels wide with 4 colors, or 32 pixels wide with 2 colors, respectively), the FrameClocks is typically 16 or 32 times that of the PixelClocks value. A value of 0 for this field is interpreted as 4096. 4.10.3. WAITVID Command/Instruction The WAITVID instruction is the delivery mechanism for data to the cog’s Video Generator hardware. Since the Video Generator works independently from the cog itself, the two must synchronize each time data is needed for the display device. The frequency at which this occurs is dictated by the frequency of PLLA and the Video Scale Register. The cog must have new data available before the moment the Video Generator needs it. The cog uses WAITVID to wait for the right time and then “hand off” this data to the Video Generator. Two longs of data are passed to the Video Generator by with the syntax WAITVID Colors, Pixels. The Colors parameter is a 32-bit value containing either four 8-bit color values (for 4 color mode) or two 8-bit color values in the lower 16 bits (for 2 color mode). For Page 12 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet VGA mode, each 8-bit color value is written to the pins specified by the VGroup and VPins field. For VGA typically the 8 bits are grouped into 2 bits per primary color and Horizontal and Vertical Sync control lines, but this is up to the software and application of how these bits are used. For composite video each 8-bit color value is composed of 3 fields. Bits 0-2 are the luminance value of the generated signal. Bit 3 is the modulation bit which dictates whether the chroma information will be generated and bits 4-7 indicate the phase angle of the chroma value. When the modulation bit is set to 0, the chroma information is ignored and only the luminance value is output to pins. When the modulation bit is set to 1 the luminance value is modulated ± 1 with a phase angle set by bits 4-7. In order to achieve the full resolution of the chroma value, PLLA should be set to 16 times the modulation frequency (in composite video this is called the color-burst frequency). The PLLB of the cog is used to generate the broadcast frequency; whether this is generated depends on if PLLB is running and the values of VMode and VPins. The Pixels parameter describes the pixel pattern to display, either 16 pixels or 32 pixels depending on the color depth configuration of the Video Generator. When four-color mode is specified, Pixels is a 16x2 bit pattern where each 2-bit pixel is an index into Colors on which data pattern should be presented to the pins. When twocolor mode is specified, Pixels is a 32x1 bit pattern where each bit specifies which of the two color patterns in the lower 16 bits of Colors should be output to the pins. The Pixel data is shifted out least significant bits (LSB) first. When the FrameClocks value is greater than 16 times the PixelClocks value and 4-color mode is specified, the two most significant bits are repeated until FrameClocks PLLA cycles have occurred. When FrameClocks value is greater than 32 times PixelClocks value and 2-color mode is specified, the most significant bit is repeated until FrameClocks PLLA cycles have occurred. When FrameClocks cycles occur and the cog is not in a WAITVID instruction, whatever data is on the source and destination busses at the time will be fetched and used. So it is important to be in a WAITVID instruction before this occurs. While the Video Generator was created to display video signals, its potential applications are much more diverse. The Composite Video mode can be used to generate phase-shift keying communications of a granularity of 16 or less and the VGA mode can be used to generate any bit pattern with a fully settable and predictable rate. Figure 6 is a block diagram of how the VGA mode is organized. The two inverted triangles are the load mechanism for Pixels and Colors; n is 1 or 2 bits depending on the value of CMode. The inverted trapezoid is a 4-way 8-bit multiplexer that chooses which byte of Colors to output. When in composite video mode the Modulator transforms the byte into the luminance and chroma signal and outputs the broadcast signal. VGroup steers the 8 bits to a block of output pins and outputs to those pins which are set to 1 in VPins; this combined functionality is represented by the hexagon. Figure 6: Video Generator Source Destination PLLA/FrameClocks n Colors Pixels 3 n 2 1 0 Shift by n PLLA/PixelClocks 8 Modulator VPins VGroup x Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 13 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 4.11. Use Spin's CLKSET command when possible (see sections 6.3 and 6.4) since it automatically updates all the abovementioned locations with the proper information. CLK Register The CLK register is the System Clock configuration control; it determines the source and characteristics of the System Clock. It configures the RC Oscillator, Clock PLL, Crystal Oscillator, and Clock Selector circuits (See the Block Diagram, page 1). It is configured at compile time by the _CLKMODE declaration and is writable at run time through the CLKSET command. Whenever the CLK register is written, a global delay of ~75 µs occurs as the clock source transitions. Whenever this register is changed, a copy of the value written should be placed in the Clock Mode value location (which is BYTE[4] in Main RAM) and the resulting master clock frequency should be written to the Clock Frequency value location (which is LONG[0] in Main RAM) so that objects which reference this data will have current information for their timing calculations. Table 13: Valid Clock Modes Valid Expression CLK Reg. Value Valid Expression CLK Reg. Value RCFAST 0_0_0_00_000 XTAL1 + PLL1X XTAL1 + PLL2X 0_0_0_00_001 XTAL1 + PLL4X XTAL1 + PLL8X 0_0_1_00_010 XTAL1 + PLL16X 0_1_1_01_011 0_1_1_01_100 0_1_1_01_101 0_1_1_01_110 0_1_1_01_111 XTAL1 XTAL2 XTAL3 XTAL2 + PLL1X 0_0_1_01_010 XTAL2 + PLL2X 0_0_1_10_010 XTAL2 + PLL4X 0_0_1_11_010 XTAL2 + PLL8X XTAL2 + PLL16X 0_1_1_10_011 0_1_1_10_100 0_1_1_10_101 0_1_1_10_110 0_1_1_10_111 XINPUT + PLL1X XINPUT + PLL2X XINPUT + PLL4X XINPUT + PLL8X XINPUT + PLL16X 0_1_1_00_011 0_1_1_00_100 0_1_1_00_101 0_1_1_00_110 0_1_1_00_111 0_1_1_11_011 0_1_1_11_100 0_1_1_11_101 0_1_1_11_110 0_1_1_11_111 RCSLOW XINPUT XTAL3 + PLL1X XTAL3 + PLL2X XTAL3 + PLL4X XTAL3 + PLL8X XTAL3 + PLL16X Table 14: CLK Register Fields Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name RESET PLLENA OSCENA OSCM1 OSCM2 CLKSEL2 CLKSEL1 CLKSEL0 RESET Effect 0 Always write ‘0’ here unless you intend to reset the chip. 1 Same as a hardware reset – reboots the chip. PLLENA Effect 0 Disables the PLL circuit. 1 Enables the PLL circuit. The PLL internally multiplies the XIN pin frequency by 16. OSCENA must be ‘1’ to propagate the XIN signal to the PLL. The PLL’s internal frequency must be kept within 64 MHz to 128 MHz – this translates to an XIN frequency range of 4 MHz to 8 MHz. Allow 100 µs for the PLL to stabilize before switching to one of its outputs via the CLKSEL bits. Once the OSC and PLL circuits are enabled and stabilized, you can switch freely among all clock sources by changing the CLKSEL bits. OSCENA Effect 0 Disables the OSC circuit 1 Enables the OSC circuit so that a clock signal can be input to XIN, or so that XIN and XOUT can function together as a feedback oscillator. The OSCM bits select the operating mode of the OSC circuit. Note that no external resistors or capacitors are required for crystals and resonators. Allow a crystal or resonator 10 ms to stabilize before switching to an OSC or PLL output via the CLKSEL bits. When enabling the OSC circuit, the PLL may be enabled at the same time so that they can share the stabilization period. OSCM1 OSCM2 XOUT Resistance 0 0 Infinite 0 1 2000 Ω 36 pF 4 MHz to 16 MHz Crystal/Resonator 1 0 1000 Ω 26 pF 8 MHz to 32 MHz Crystal/Resonator 1 1 500 Ω 16 pF 20 MHz to 60 MHz Crystal/Resonator CLKSEL2 CLKSEL1 CLKSEL0 Master Clock Source 0 0 0 ~12 MHz Internal No external parts (8 to 20 MHz) 0 0 1 ~20 kHz Internal No external parts, very low power (13-33 kHz) 0 1 0 XIN OSC 0 1 1 XIN × 1 OSC+PLL OSCENA and PLLENA must be ‘1’ 1 0 0 XIN × 2 OSC+PLL OSCENA and PLLENA must be ‘1’ 1 0 1 XIN × 4 OSC+PLL OSCENA and PLLENA must be ‘1’ 1 1 0 XIN × 8 OSC+PLL OSCENA and PLLENA must be ‘1’ 1 1 1 XIN × 16 OSC+PLL OSCENA and PLLENA must be ‘1’ Copyright © Parallax Inc. XIN and XOUT Capacitance 6 pF (pad only) Page 14 of 37 Frequency Range DC to 80 MHz Input Notes OSCENA must be ‘1’ Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 5.0 MEMORY ORGANIZATION 5.1. Main Memory The Main Memory is a block of 64 K bytes (16 K longs) that is accessible by all cogs as a mutually-exclusive resource through the Hub. It consists of 32 KB of RAM and 32 KB of ROM. Main memory is byte, word and long addressable. Words and longs are stored in little endian format; least-significant byte first. 5.1.1. Main RAM The 32 KB of Main RAM is general purpose and is the destination of a Propeller Application either downloaded from a host or from the external 32 KB EEPROM. 5.1.2. Main ROM The 32 KB of Main ROM contains all the code and data resources vital to the Propeller chip’s function: character definitions, log, anti-log and sine tables, and the Boot Loader and Spin Interpreter. 5.1.3. Character Definitions The first half of ROM is dedicated to a set of 256 character definitions. Each character definition is 16 pixels wide by 32 pixels tall. These character definitions can be used for video generation, graphical LCD's, printing, etc. The character set is based on a North American / Western European layout, with many specialized characters added and inserted. There are connecting waveform and schematic building-block characters, Greek characters commonly used in electronics, and several arrows and bullets. (A corresponding Parallax True-Type Font is installed with and used by the Propeller Tool software, and is available to other Windows applications.) The character definitions are numbered 0 to 255 from leftto-right, then top-to-bottom, per Figure 7 below. They are arranged as follows: Each pair of adjacent even-odd characters is merged together to form 32 longs. The first character pair is located in $8000-$807F. The second pair occupies $8080-$80FF, and so on, until the last pair fills $BF80-$BFFF. Figure 7: Propeller Font Character Set Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 15 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet Figure 8 Propeller Character Interleaving As shown in Figure 8, The character pairs are merged row-by-row such that each character's 16 horizontal pixels are spaced apart and interleaved with their neighbors' so that the even character takes bits 0, 2, 4, ...30, and the odd character takes bits 1, 3, 5, ...31. The leftmost pixels are in the lowest bits, while the rightmost pixels are in the highest bits. This forms a long for each row of pixels in the character pair. 32 such longs, building from top row down to bottom, make up the complete merged-pair definition. The definitions are encoded in this manner so that a cog’s video hardware can handle the merged longs directly, using color selection to display either the even or the odd character. Some character codes have inescapable meanings, such as 9 for Tab, 10 for Line Feed, and 13 for Carriage Return. These character codes invoke actions and do not equate to static character definitions. For this reason, their character definitions have been used for special four-color characters. These four-color characters are used for drawing 3-D box edges at run-time and are implemented as 16 x 16 pixel cells, as opposed to the normal 16 x 32 pixel cells. They occupy even-odd character pairs 0-1, 89, 10-11, and 12-13. 5.1.4. Math Function Tables Base-2 Log and Anti-Log tables, each with 2048 unsigned words, facilitate converting values to and from exponent form to facilitate some operations; see the Propeller Manual for access instructions. Also, a sine table provides 2049 unsigned 16-bit sine samples spanning 0° to 90° inclusively (0.0439° resolution). 5.2. Cog RAM As stated in Section 4.3, the Cog RAM is used for executable code, data, and variables, and the last 16 locations serve as interfaces to the System Counter, I/O pins, and local cog peripherals (see Table 15). Cog RAM is long-addressable only. When a cog is booted up, locations 0 ($000) through 495 ($1EF) are loaded sequentially from Main RAM / ROM and its special purpose locations, 496 ($1F0) through 511 ($1FF), are cleared to zero. Each Special Purpose register may be accessed via its physical address, its predefined name, or indirectly in Spin via a register array variable SPR with an index of 0 to 15, the last four bits of the register's address. Table 15: Cog RAM Special Purpose Registers Cog RAM Map Address Name Type $1F0 PAR Read-Only Description 1 Boot Parameter 1 System Counter 1 Input States for P31 - P0 1 $1F1 CNT Read-Only $1F2 INA Read-Only $1F3 INB Read-Only Input States for P63- P32 $1F4 OUTA Read/Write Output States for P31 - P0 $1F5 OUTB Read/Write Output States for P63 – P32 $1F6 DIRA Read/Write Direction States for P31 - P0 $1F7 DIRB Read/Write Direction States for P63 - P32 $1F8 CTRA Read/Write Counter A Control $1F9 CTRB Read/Write Counter B Control $1FA FRQA Read/Write Counter A Frequency $1FB FRQB Read/Write 3 3 3 Counter B Frequency $1FC PHSA Read/Write 2 $1FD PHSB Read/Write 2 $1FE VCFG Read/Write Video Configuration $1FF VSCL Read/Write Video Scale Counter A Phase: Counter B Phase Note 1: Only accessible as a source register (i.e. MOV Dest, Source). Note 2: Only readable as a Source Register (i.e. MOV Dest, Source); read-modify-write not possible as a Destination Register. Note 3: Reserved for future use. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 16 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 6.0 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES The Propeller chip is programmed using two languages designed specifically for it: 1) Spin, a high-level object-based language, and 2) Propeller Assembly, a low-level, highly-optimized assembly language. There are many hardware-based commands in Propeller Assembly that have direct equivalents in the Spin language. The Spin language is compiled by the Propeller Tool software into tokens that are interpreted at run time by the Propeller chip’s built-in Spin Interpreter. The Propeller Assembly language is assembled into pure machine code by the Propeller Tool and is executed in its pure form at run time. Propeller Objects can be written entirely in Spin or can use various combinations of Spin and Propeller Assembly. It is often advantageous to write objects almost entirely in Propeller Assembly, but at least two lines of Spin code are required to launch the final application. 6.1. Reserved Word List All words listed are always reserved, whether programming in Spin or in Propeller Assembly. As of Propeller Tool v1.05: Table 16: Reserved Word List s d a d a s _CLKFREQ COGINIT IF_C_AND_NZ LOCKNEW NOP REPEAT s s a d s a _CLKMODE COGNEW IF_C_AND_Z LOCKRET NOT RES s d a d a s _FREE COGSTOP IF_C_EQ_Z LOCKSET NR RESULT s s a s s a _STACK IF_C_NE_Z LONG OBJ RET CON s s a s a s _XINFREQ CONSTANT IF_C_OR_NZ LONGFILL ONES # RETURN s d a s d a ABORT CTRA IF_C_OR_Z LONGMOVE OR REV a d a s a a ABS CTRB IF_E LOOKDOWN ORG ROL a s a s s a ABSNEG DAT IF_NC LOOKDOWNZ OTHER ROR a d a s d s ADD DIRA IF_NC_AND_NZ LOOKUP OUTA ROUND a d# a s d# a ADDABS LOOKUPZ OUTB SAR DIRB IF_NC_AND_Z a a a a d a ADDS DJNZ IF_NC_OR_NZ MAX SHL PAR a s a a d a ADDSX ELSE IF_NC_OR_Z MAXS PHSA SHR a s a a d s ADDX ELSEIF IF_NE MIN PHSB SPR d s a a d s AND ELSEIFNOT IF_NEVER PI STEP MINS a a# a a s s ANDN ENC IF_NZ MOV PLL1X STRCOMP s d a a s s BYTE FALSE IF_NZ_AND_C MOVD STRING PLL2X s s a a s s BYTEFILL FILE IF_NZ_AND_NC MOVI PLL4X STRSIZE s a a a s a BYTEMOVE FIT MOVS PLL8X SUB IF_NZ_OR_C a s a a# s a CALL FLOAT IF_NZ_OR_NC MUL PLL16X SUBABS s s a a# d a CASE FROM IF_Z MULS POSX SUBS s d a a s a CHIPVER FRQA IF_Z_AND_C MUXC PRI SUBSX s d a a s a CLKFREQ FRQB IF_Z_AND_NC MUXNC PUB SUBX s a a a s a CLKMODE HUBOP IF_Z_EQ_C MUXNZ QUIT SUMC d s a a s a CLKSET IF IF_Z_NE_C MUXZ RCFAST SUMNC a s a a a a CMP IFNOT IF_Z_OR_C NEG RCL SUMNZ a a a a a a CMPS IF_A IF_Z_OR_NC NEGC RCR SUMZ a a d a s a CMPSUB IF_AE INA NEGNC TEST RCSLOW a a d# a a a CMPSX IF_ALWAYS INB RDBYTE NEGNZ TESTN a a a d a a CMPX IF_B JMP NEGX RDLONG TJNZ d a a a a a CNT JMPRET NEGZ RDWORD TJZ IF_BE d a d s s s IF_C LOCKCLR NEXT REBOOT TO COGID a = Assembly element; s = Spin element; d = dual (available in both languages); # = reserved for future use 6.1.1. d TRUE s TRUNC s UNTIL s VAR d VCFG d VSCL d WAITCNT d WAITPEQ d WAITPNE d WAITVID a WC s WHILE s WORD s WORDFILL s WORDMOVE a WR a WRBYTE a WRLONG a WRWORD a WZ s XINPUT a XOR s XTAL1 s XTAL2 s XTAL3 Words Reserved for Future Use • DIRB, INB, and OUTB: Reserved for future use with a possible 64 I/O pin model. When used with the P8X32A, these labels can be used to access Cog RAM at those locations for general-purpose use. • ENC, MUL, MULS, ONES: Use with the current P8X32A architecture yields indeterminate results. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 17 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 6.2. Math and Logic Operators Table 17: Math and Logic Operators Operator Level 1 Highest (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Constant 3 Expressions Is Unary Description Normal Assign -- always 9 Pre-decrement (--X) or post-decrement (X--). ++ always 9 Pre-increment (++X) or post-increment (X++). ~ always 9 Sign-extend bit 7 (~X) or post-clear to 0 (X~). ~~ always 9 Sign-extend bit 15 (~~X) or post-set to -1 (X~~). ? always 9 Random number forward (?X) or reverse (X?). @ never 9 Symbol address. @@ never + never Integer Float 9 9 Object address plus symbol. 9 9 9 Positive (+X); unary form of Add. - if solo 9 9 9 Negate (-X); unary form of Subtract. ^^ if solo 9 9 9 Square root. || if solo 9 9 9 Absolute value. |< if solo 9 9 Bitwise: Decode 0 – 31 to long w/single-high-bit. >| if solo 9 9 Bitwise: Encode long to 0 – 32; high-bit priority. ! if solo 9 9 Bitwise: NOT. <- <-= 9 Bitwise: Rotate left. -> ->= 9 Bitwise: Rotate right. << <<= 9 Bitwise: Shift left. >> >>= 9 Bitwise: Shift right. ~> ~>= 9 Shift arithmetic right. >< ><= 9 Bitwise: Reverse. & &= 9 Bitwise: AND. | |= 9 Bitwise: OR. ^ ^= 9 * *= 9 ** **= 9 Bitwise: XOR. 9 Multiply and return lower 32 bits (signed). Multiply and return upper 32 bits (signed). / /= 9 // //= 9 9 Divide (signed). + += 9 9 Add. - -= 9 9 Subtract. #> #>= 9 9 Limit minimum (signed). <# <#= 9 9 Limit maximum (signed). < <= 9 9 Boolean: Is less than (signed). > >= 9 9 Boolean: Is greater than (signed). <> <>= 9 9 Boolean: Is not equal. == === 9 9 Boolean: Is equal. =< =<= 9 9 Boolean: Is equal or less (signed). Modulus (signed). => =>= 9 9 9 NOT if solo 9 9 10 AND AND= 9 9 11 OR OR= 9 Lowest (12) = always n/a Boolean: Is equal or greater (signed). 9 Boolean: OR (promotes non-0 to -1). 9 3 3 n/a Boolean: NOT (promotes non-0 to -1). Boolean: AND (promotes non-0 to -1). 3 Constant assignment (CON blocks). 3 always n/a n/a Variable assignment (PUB/PRI blocks). := 1 Precedence level: higher-level operators evaluate before lower-level operators. Operators in same level are commutable; evaluation order does not matter. 2 Assignment forms of binary (non-unary) operators are in the lowest precedence (level 12). 3 Assignment forms of operators are not allowed in constant expressions. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 18 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 6.3. Spin Language Summary Table Returns Value Spin Command ABORT 〈Value〉 9 Description Exit from PUB/PRI method using abort status with optional return value. BYTE Symbol 〈[Count]〉 Declare byte-sized symbol in VAR block. 〈Symbol〉 BYTE Declare byte-aligned and/or byte-sized data in DAT block. Data 〈[Count]〉 BYTE [BaseAddress] 〈[Offset]〉 9 Read/write byte of main memory. Symbol.BYTE 〈[Offset]〉 9 Read/write byte-sized component of word/long-sized variable. BYTEFILL (StartAddress, Value, Count) Fill bytes of main memory with a value. BYTEMOVE (DestAddress, SrcAddress, Count) Copy bytes from one region to another in main memory. CASE CaseExpression MatchExpression : Statement(s) 〈 MatchExpression : Statement(s)〉 〈 OTHER : Statement(s)〉 Compare expression against matching expression(s), execute code block if match found. MatchExpression can contain a single expression or multiple commadelimited expressions. Expressions can be a single value (ex: 10) or a range of values (ex: 10..15). CHIPVER 9 Version number of the Propeller chip (Byte at $FFFF) CLKFREQ 9 Current System Clock frequency, in Hz (Long at $0000) CLKMODE 9 Current clock mode setting (Byte at $0004) CNT 9 Current 32-bit System Counter value. COGID 9 Current cog’s ID number; 0-7. CLKSET (Mode, Frequency) Set both clock mode and System Clock frequency at run time. COGINIT (CogID, SpinMethod 〈(ParameterList)〉, StackPointer) Start or restart cog by ID to run Spin code. COGINIT (CogID, AsmAddress, Parameter) Start or restart cog by ID to run Propeller Assembly code. COGNEW (SpinMethod 〈(ParameterList)〉, StackPointer) 9 Start new cog for Spin code and get cog ID; 0-7 = succeeded, -1 = failed. COGNEW (AsmAddress, Parameter) 9 Start new cog for Propeller Assembly code and get cog ID; 0-7 = succeeded, -1 = failed. COGSTOP (CogID) Stop cog by its ID. CON Symbol = Expr 〈((,┆ )) Symbol = Expr〉… CON #Expr ((,┆ )) Symbol 〈[Offset]〉 〈((,┆ )) Symbol 〈[Offset]〉 … CON Symbol 〈[Offset]〉 〈((,┆ )) Symbol 〈[Offset]〉 〉… Declare symbolic, global constants. Declare global enumerations (incrementing symbolic constants). Declare global enumerations (incrementing symbolic constants). CONSTANT (ConstantExpression) 9 Declare in-line constant expression to be completely resolved at compile time. CTRA 9 Counter A Control register. CTRB 9 Counter B Control register. DAT 〈Symbol〉 Alignment 〈Size〉 〈Data〉 〈[Count]〉 〈,〈Size〉 DAT 〈Symbol〉 〈Condition〉 DIRA 〈[Pin(s)]〉 Declare table of data, aligned and sized as specified. Data 〈[Count]〉〉… Denote Propeller Assembly instruction. Instruction 〈Effect(s)〉 9 Direction register for 32-bit port A. Default is 0 (input) upon cog startup. FILE "FileName" Import external file as data in DAT block. FLOAT (IntegerConstant) 9 Convert integer constant expression to compile-time floating-point value in any block. FRQA 9 Counter A Frequency register. FRQB 9 Counter B Frequency register. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 19 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet Returns Value Spin Command ((IF ┆ IFNOT)) Condition(s) IfStatement(s) 〈ELSEIF Condition(s) ElseIfStatement(s)〉… 〈ELSEIFNOT Condition(s) ElseIfStatement(s)〉… 〈ELSE ElseStatement(s)〉 Description Test condition(s) and execute block of code if valid. IF and ELSEIF each test for TRUE. IFNOT and ELSEIFNOT each test for FALSE. INA 〈[Pin(s)]〉 9 Input register for 32-bit ports A. LOCKCLR (ID) 9 Clear semaphore to false and get its previous state; TRUE or FALSE. LOCKNEW 9 Check out new semaphore and get its ID; 0-7, or -1 if none were available. Return semaphore back to semaphore pool, releasing it for future LOCKNEW requests. LOCKRET (ID) 9 LOCKSET (ID) Set semaphore to true and get its previous state; TRUE or FALSE. LONG Symbol 〈[Count]〉 Declare long-sized symbol in VAR block. 〈Symbol〉 Declare long-aligned and/or long-sized data in DAT block. LONG Data 〈[Count]〉 LONG [BaseAddress] 〈[Offset]〉 9 Read/write long of main memory. LONGFILL (StartAddress, Value, Count) Fill longs of main memory with a value. LONGMOVE (DestAddress, SrcAddress, Count) Copy longs from one region to another in main memory. LOOKDOWN (Value:ExpressionList) 9 Get the one-based index of a value in a list. LOOKDOWNZ (Value:ExpressionList) 9 Get the zero-based index of a value in a list. LOOKUP (Index:ExpressionList) 9 Get value from a one-based index position of a list. LOOKUPZ (Index:ExpressionList) 9 Get value from a zero-based index position of a list. Skip remaining statements of REPEAT loop and continue with the next loop iteration. NEXT OBJ Symbol 〈[Count]〉:"Object" 〈 Declare symbol object references. Symbol 〈[Count]〉: "Object"〉… OUTA 〈[Pin(s)]〉 9 Output register for 32-bit port A. Default is 0 (ground) upon cog startup. PAR 9 Cog Boot Parameter register. PHSA 9 Counter A Phase Lock Loop (PLL) register. PHSB 9 Counter B Phase Lock Loop (PLL) register. PRI Name 〈(Par 〈,Par〉…)〉 〈:RVal〉 〈| LVar 〈[Cnt]〉〉 〈,LVar 〈[Cnt]〉〉… SourceCodeStatements PUB Name 〈(Par 〈,Par〉…)〉 〈:RVal〉 〈| LVar 〈[Cnt]〉〉 〈,LVar 〈[Cnt]〉〉… SourceCodeStatements Declare private method with optional parameters, return value and local variables. Declare public method with optional parameters, return value and local variables. QUIT Exit from REPEAT loop immediately. REBOOT Reset the Propeller chip. REPEAT 〈Count〉 Statement(s) REPEAT Variable FROM Start TO Finish 〈STEP Delta〉 Statement(s) REPEAT ((UNTIL┆ WHILE)) Condition(s) Statement(s) REPEAT Statement(s) ((UNTIL┆ WHILE)) Condition(s) Execute code block repetitively, either infinitely, or for a finite number of iterations. Execute code block repetitively, for finite, counted iterations. Execute code block repetitively, zero-to-many conditional iterations. Execute code block repetitively, one-to-many conditional iterations. RESULT 9 Return value variable for PUB/PRI methods. RETURN 〈Value〉 9 Exit from PUB/PRI method with optional return Value. ROUND (FloatConstant) 9 Round floating-point constant to the nearest integer at compile-time, in any block. SPR [Index] 9 Special Purpose Register array. STRCOMP (StringAddress1, StringAddress2) 9 Compare two strings for equality. STRING (StringExpression) 9 Declare in-line string constant and get its address. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 20 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet Returns Value Spin Command Description STRSIZE (StringAddress) 9 Get size, in bytes, of zero-terminate string. TRUNC (FloatConstant) 9 Remove fractional portion from floating-point constant at compile-time, in any block. VAR Size Symbol 〈[Count]〉 〈((,┆ Declare symbolic global variables. Size )) Symbol 〈[Count]〉〉… VCFG 9 Video Configuration register. VSCL 9 Video Scale register. WAITCNT (Value) Pause cog’s execution temporarily. WAITPEQ (State, Mask, Port) Pause cog’s execution until I/O pin(s) match designated state(s). WAITPNE (State, Mask, Port) Pause cog’s execution until I/O pin(s) do not match designated state(s). WAITVID (Colors, Pixels) Pause cog’s execution until its Video Generator is available for pixel data. WORD Symbol 〈[Count]〉 Declare word-sized symbol in VAR block. 〈Symbol〉 Declare word-aligned and/or word-sized data in DAT block. WORD Data 〈[Count]〉 WORD [BaseAddress] 〈[Offset]〉 9 Read/write word of main memory. Symbol.WORD 〈[Offset]〉 9 Read/write word-sized component of long-sized variable. WORDFILL (StartAddress, Value, Count) Fill words of main memory with a value. WORDMOVE (DestAddress, SrcAddress, Count) Copy words from one region to another in main memory. 6.3.1. Constants Constants (pre-defined) 1 Constant Description _CLKFREQ Settable in Top Object File to specify System Clock frequency. _CLKMODE Settable in Top Object File to specify application’s clock mode. _XINFREQ Settable in Top Object File to specify external crystal frequency. _FREE Settable in Top Object File to specify application’s free space. _STACK Settable in Top Object File to specify application’s stack space. TRUE Logical true: -1 ($FFFFFFFF) FALSE Logical false: 0 ($00000000) POSX Max. positive integer: 2,147,483,647 ($7FFFFFFF) NEGX Max. negative integer: -2,147,483,648 ($80000000) PI Floating-point PI: ≈ 3.141593 ($40490FDB) RCFAST Internal fast oscillator: $00000001 (%00000000001) RCSLOW Internal slow oscillator: $00000002 (%00000000010) XINPUT External clock/oscillator: $00000004 (%00000000100) XTAL1 External low-speed crystal: $00000008 (%00000001000) XTAL2 External medium-speed crystal: $00000010 (%00000010000) XTAL3 External high-speed crystal: $00000020 (%00000100000) PLL1X External frequency times 1: $00000040 (%00001000000) PLL2X External frequency times 2: $00000080 (%00010000000) PLL4X External frequency times 4: $00000100 (%00100000000) PLL8X External frequency times 8: $00000200 (%01000000000) PLL16X External frequency times 16: $00000400 (%10000000000) 1 “Settable” constants are defined in Top Object File’s CON block. See Valid Clock Modes for _CLKMODE. Other settable constants use whole numbers. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 21 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 6.4. Propeller Assembly Instruction Table The Propeller Assembly Instruction Table lists the instruction’s 32-bit opcode, outputs and number of clock cycles. The opcode consists of the instruction bits (iiiiii), the “effect” status for the Z flag, C flag, result and indirect/immediate status (zcri), the conditional execution bits (cccc), and the destination and source bits (ddddddddd and sssssssss). The meaning of the Z and C flags, if any, is shown in the Z Result and C Result fields; indicating the meaning of a 1 in those flags. The Result field (R) shows the instruction’s default behavior for writing (1) or not writing (0) the instruction’s result value. The Clocks field shows the number of clocks the instruction requires for execution. 0 1 Zeros (0) and ones (1) mean binary 0 and 1. i Lower case “i” denotes a bit that is affected by immediate status. d s Lower case “d” and “s” indicate destination and source bits. ? Question marks denote bits that are dynamically set by the compiler. --Hyphens indicate items that are not applicable or not important. .. Double-periods represent a range of contiguous values. Z Result C Result WRBYTE D,S Write D[7..0] to main memory byte S[15..0] - - 0 7..22 * 000000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss RDBYTE Read main memory byte S[15..0] into D (0D,S extended) Result = 0 - 1 7..22 * 000001 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss WRWORD D,S Write D[15..0] to main memory word S[15..1] - - 0 7..22 * 000001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss RDWORD D,S Result = 0 - 1 7..22 * 000010 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss WRLONG D,S Write D to main memory long S[15..2] - - 0 7..22 * 000010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss RDLONG D,S Read main memory long S[15..2] into D Result = 0 - 1 7..22 * 000011 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss HUBOP D,S Perform hub operation according to S Result = 0 - 0 7..22 * 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------000 CLKSET D Set the global CLK register to D[7..0] - - 0 7..22 * 000011 0011 1111 ddddddddd ------001 COGID D Get this cog number (0..7) into D ID = 0 0 1 7..22 * 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------010 COGINIT D Initialize a cog according to D ID = 0 No cog free 0 7..22 * 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------011 COGSTOP D Stop cog number D[2..0] Stopped ID = 0 No Cog Free 0 7..22 * 000011 0011 1111 ddddddddd ------100 LOCKNEW D Checkout a new LOCK number (0..7) into D ID = 0 No lock free 1 7..22 * 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------101 LOCKRET D Return lock number D[2..0] ID = 0 No lock free 0 7..22 * 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------110 LOCKSET D Set lock number D[2..0] ID = 0 Prior lock state 0 7..22 * 000011 0001 1111 ddddddddd ------111 LOCKCLR D Clear lock number D[2..0] ID = 0 Prior lock state 0 7..22 * 000100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MUL D,S Multiply unsigned D[15..0] by S[15..0] Result = 0 - 1 future 000101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MULS D,S Multiply signed D[15..0] by S[15..0] Result = 0 - 1 future 000110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ENC D,S Encode magnitude of S into D, result = 0..31 Result = 0 - 1 future 000111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ONES D,S Get number of 1's in S into D, result = 0..31 Result = 0 - 1 future 001000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ROR D,S Rotate D right by S[4..0] bits Result = 0 D[0] 1 4 001001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ROL D,S Rotate D left by S[4..0] bits Result = 0 D[31] 1 4 001010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SHR D,S Shift D right by S[4..0] bits, set new MSB to 0 Result = 0 D[0] 1 4 001011 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SHL D,S Shift D left by S[4..0] bits, set new LSB to 0 Result = 0 D[31] 1 4 001100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss RCR D,S Rotate carry right into D by S[4..0] bits Result = 0 D[0] 1 4 001101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss RCL D,S Rotate carry left into D by S[4..0] bits Result = 0 D[31] 1 4 001110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SAR D,S Shift D arithmetically right by S[4..0] bits Result = 0 D[0] 1 4 001111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss REV D,S Result = 0 D[0] 1 4 010000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MINS D,S Set D to S if signed (D < S) S=0 Signed (D < S) 1 4 010001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MAXS D,S Set D to S if signed (D => S) S=0 Signed (D < S) 1 4 010010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MIN D,S Set D to S if unsigned (D < S) S=0 Unsigned (D < S) 1 4 010011 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MAX D,S Set D to S if unsigned (D => S) S=0 Unsigned (D < S) 1 4 010100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MOVS D,S Insert S[8..0] into D[8..0] Result = 0 - 1 4 010101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MOVD D,S Insert S[8..0] into D[17..9] Result = 0 - 1 4 010110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MOVI D,S Insert S[8..0] into D[31..23] Result = 0 - 1 4 010111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss JMPRET D,S Insert PC+1 into D[8..0] and set PC to S[8..0] Result = 0 - 1 4 010111 000i 1111 --------- sssssssss JMP S Result = 0 - 0 4 iiiiii zcri cccc ddddddddd sssssssss 000000 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss Copyright © Parallax Inc. Instruction Description Read main memory word S[15..1] into D (0extended) Reverse 32–S[4..0] bottom bits in D and 0extend Set PC to S[8..0] Page 22 of 37 R Clocks Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet iiiiii zcri cccc ddddddddd sssssssss 010111 0011 1111 ????????? sssssssss Instruction CALL #S Z Result C Result Like JMPRET, but assembler handles details Description Result = 0 - R Clocks 1 4 Like JMP, but assembler handles details Result = 0 - 0 4 010111 0001 1111 --------- --------- RET 011000 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss TEST D,S AND S with D to affect flags only D=0 Parity of Result 0 4 011001 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss TESTN D,S AND !S into D to affect flags only Result = 0 Parity of Result 0 4 011000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss AND D,S AND S into D Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ANDN D,S AND !S into D Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss OR D,S OR S into D Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011011 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss XOR D,S XOR S into D Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MUXC D,S Copy C to bits in D using S as mask Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MUXNC D,S Copy !C to bits in D using S as mask Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MUXZ D,S Copy Z to bits in D using S as mask Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 011111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MUXNZ D,S Copy !Z to bits in D using S as mask Result = 0 Parity of Result 1 4 100000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ADD D,S Add S into D D+S=0 Unsigned Carry 1 4 100001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUB D,S Subtract S from D D-S=0 Unsigned Borrow 1 4 100001 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss CMP D,S Compare D to S D=S Unsigned (D < S) 0 4 100010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ADDABS D,S Add absolute S into D D + |S| = 0 Unsigned Carry 1 4 100011 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUBABS D,S Subtract absolute S from D D - |S| = 0 Unsigned Borrow 2 1 4 100100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUMC D,S Sum either –S if C or S if !C into D D±S=0 Signed Overflow 1 4 100101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUMNC D,S Sum either S if C or –S if !C into D D±S=0 Signed Overflow 1 4 100110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUMZ D,S Sum either –S if Z or S if !Z into D D±S=0 Signed Overflow 1 4 100111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUMNZ D,S Sum either S if Z or –S if !Z into D D±S=0 Signed Overflow 1 4 101000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss MOV D,S Set D to S Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss NEG D,S Set D to –S Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ABS D,S Set D to absolute S Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101011 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ABSNEG D,S Set D to –absolute S Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss NEGC D,S Set D to either –S if C or S if !C Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss NEGNC D,S Set D to either S if C or –S if !C Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss NEGZ D,S Set D to either –S if Z or S if !Z Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 101111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss NEGNZ D,S Set D to either S if Z or –S if !Z Result = 0 S[31] 1 4 110000 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss CMPS D,S Compare-signed D to S 4 110001 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss CMPSX D,S Compare-signed-extended D to S+C 110010 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ADDX 110011 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss 110011 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss 1 D=S Signed (D < S) 0 Z & (D = S+C) Signed (D < S+C) 0 4 D,S Add-extended S+C into D Z & (D+S+C = 0) Unsigned Carry 1 4 SUBX D,S Subtract-extended S+C from D Z & (D-(S+C)=0) Unsigned Borrow CMPX D,S Compare-extended D to S+C 110100 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ADDS 110101 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss 1 4 Z & (D = S+C) Signed (D < S+C) 0 4 D,S Add-signed S into D D+S=0 Signed Overflow 1 4 SUBS D,S Subtract-signed S from D D-S=0 Signed Overflow 1 4 110110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss ADDSX D,S Add-signed-extended S+C into D Z & (D+S+C = 0) Signed Overflow 1 4 110111 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss SUBSX D,S Subtract-signed-extended S+C from D Z & (D-(S+C)=0) Signed Overflow 1 4 111000 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss CMPSUB D,S Subtract S from D if D => S 111001 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss DJNZ D,S 111010 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss TJNZ D,S 111011 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss TJZ D,S Test D, jump if zero to S (no jump = 8 clocks) 111100 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss WAITPEQ D,S Wait for pins equal - (INA & S) = D 111101 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss D=S Unsigned (D => S) 1 4 Dec D, jump if not zero to S (no jump = 8 clocks) Result = 0 Unsigned Borrow 1 4 or 8 Test D, jump if not zero to S (no jump = 8 clocks) D=0 0 0 4 or 8 D=0 0 0 4 or 8 - - 0 5+ WAITPNE D,S Wait for pins not equal - (INA & S) != D - - 0 5+ 111110 001i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss WAITCNT D,S Wait for CNT = D, then add S into D - Unsigned Carry 1 5+ 111111 000i 1111 ddddddddd sssssssss WAITVID D,S Wait for video peripheral to grab D and S - - 0 5+ ------ ---- 0000 --------- --------- NOP - - - 4 No operation, just elapses 4 clocks * See Hub, section 4.4 on page 7. 1. ADDABS C out: If S is negative, C = the inverse of unsigned borrow (for D-S). 2. SUBABS C out: If S is negative, C = the inverse of unsigned carry (for D+S). Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 23 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 6.4.1. Assembly Conditions Condition Instruction Executes IF_ALWAYS always IF_NEVER never 6.4.4. Assembly Operators Propeller Assembly code can contain expressions, which may use any operators allowed in constant expressions. The table (a Table 17) lists the operators allowed in Assembly. IF_E if equal (Z) IF_NE if not equal (!Z) IF_A if above (!C & !Z) IF_B if below (C) IF_AE if above/equal (!C) IF_BE if below/equal (C | Z) IF_C if C set IF_NC if C clear IF_Z if Z set IF_NZ if Z clear IF_C_EQ_Z if C equal to Z IF_C_NE_Z if C not equal to Z IF_C_AND_Z if C set and Z set IF_C_AND_NZ if C set and Z clear IF_NC_AND_Z if C clear and Z set IF_NC_AND_NZ if C clear and Z clear IF_C_OR_Z if C set or Z set |< IF_C_OR_NZ if C set or Z clear >| IF_NC_OR_Z if C clear or Z set IF_NC_OR_NZ if C clear or Z clear IF_Z_EQ_C if Z equal to C IF_Z_NE_C if Z not equal to C IF_Z_AND_C if Z set and C set IF_Z_AND_NC if Z set and C clear IF_NZ_AND_C if Z clear and C set IF_NZ_AND_NC if Z clear and C clear IF_Z_OR_C if Z set or C set IF_Z_OR_NC if Z set or C clear IF_NZ_OR_C if Z clear or C set IF_NZ_OR_NC if Z clear or C clear 6.4.2. Operator + + * ** / // #> <# ^^ || ~> Assembly Directives Directive Description FIT 〈Address〉 Validate previous instr/data fit below an address. Adjust compile-time cog address pointer. ORG 〈Address〉 〈Symbol〉 RES 〈Count〉 6.4.3. Effect WC WZ WR NR Reserve next long(s) for symbol. << >> <-> >< & | ^ ! AND OR NOT == <> < > =< => @ constant that are subset of Propeller Description Add Positive (+X); unary form of Add Subtract Negate (-X); unary form of Subtract Multiply and return lower 32 bits (signed) Multiply and return upper 32 bits (signed) Divide (signed) Modulus (signed) Limit minimum (signed) Limit maximum (signed) Square root; unary Absolute value; unary Shift arithmetic right Bitwise: Decode value (0-31) into single-high-bit long; unary Bitwise: Encode long into value (0 - 32) as highbit priority; unary Bitwise: Shift left Bitwise: Shift right Bitwise: Rotate left Bitwise: Rotate right Bitwise: Reverse Bitwise: AND Bitwise: OR Bitwise: XOR Bitwise: NOT; unary Boolean: AND (promotes non-0 to -1) Boolean: OR (promotes non-0 to -1) Boolean: NOT (promotes non-0 to -1); unary Boolean: Is equal Boolean: Is not equal Boolean: Is less than (signed) Boolean: Is greater than (signed) Boolean: Is equal or less (signed) Boolean: Is equal or greater (signed) Symbol address; unary Assembly Effects Results In C Flag modified Z Flag modified Destination Register modified Destination Register not modified Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 24 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 7.0 PROPELLER DEMO BOARD SCHEMATIC The Propeller Demo Board (Stock #32100) provides convenient connections to 32K EEPROM, replaceable 5 MHz crystal, 3. 3V and 5 V regulators, USB-to-serial programming/communication interface, VGA and NTSC video output, stereo output with 16 Ω headphone amplifier, microphone input, two PS2 mouse and keyboard jacks, eight LEDs, eight free I/O pins brought to a header for breadboard for prototyping, and a ground post for an oscilloscope probe. Overall PCB size: 3" x 3". Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 25 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 8.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device. These are absolute stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at these or any other conditions in excess of those given in the remainder of Section 7.0. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can adversely affect device reliability. Table 18: Absolute Maximum Ratings Ambient temperature under bias -55 °C to +125 °C Storage temperature -65 °C to +150 °C -0.3 V to +4.0 V Voltage on Vdd with respect to Vss Voltage on all other pins with respect to Vss -0.3 V to (Vdd + 0.3 V) Total power dissipation 1W Max. current out of Vss pins 300 mA Max. current into Vdd pins 300 mA Max. DC current into an input pin with internal protection diode forward biased ±500 µA Max. allowable current per I/O pin 40 mA ESD (Human Body Model) Supply pins 3 kV ESD (Human Body Model) all non-supply pins 8 kV 8.2. DC Characteristics (Operating temperature range: -55° C < Ta < +125° C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Supply Voltage Vdd 2.7 - 0.6 Vdd Vss Logic High Logic Low Vih, Vil Typ Iil Input Leakage Current Vin = Vdd or Vss -1.0 Voh Output High Voltage Ioh = 10 mA, Vdd = 3.3 V 2.85 Vol Output Low Voltage Iol = 10 mA, Vdd = 3.3 V IBO Brownout Detector Current I Quiescent Current Max Units 3.6 V Vdd 0.3 Vdd V V +1.0 µA V 0.4 RESn = 0V, BOEn = Vdd, P0-P31=0V V 3.8 µA 600 nA Note: Data in the Typical (“Typ”) column is Ta = 25 °C unless otherwise stated. 8.3. AC Characteristics (Operating temperature range: -55°C < Ta < +125°C unless otherwise noted) Symbol Fosc Cin Min Typ Max Units External XI Frequency Parameter DC - 80 MHz Oscillator Frequency DC 13 8 4 20 12 - 80 33 20 8 - MHz kHz MHz MHz Input Capacitance 6 Condition Direct drive (no PLL) RCSLOW RCFAST Crystal using PLL pF Note: Data in the Typical (“Typ”) column is Ta = 25 °C unless otherwise stated. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 26 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 9.0 CURRENT CONSUMPTION CHARACTERISTICS 9.1. Typical Current Consumption of 8 Cogs This figure shows the typical current consumption of the Propeller under various operating conditions duplicated across all cogs. Brown out circuitry and the Phase-Locked Loop were disabled for the duration of the test. Current consumption is substantially constant over the operational temperature range. Current (A) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 10 -6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 10 4 10 5 10 6 7 10 Typical Current Consumption of 8 cogs vs. Operating Frequency (3.3V, Ta = 25°C) Spin Loops (REPEAT) Assembly Loops (JMP) 3 WAIT(CNT/PEQ/PNE) Hub Only 10 Frequency (Hz) 8 10 Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 27 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 9.2. Typical Current of a Cog vs. Operating Frequency This graph shows a cog’s typical current consumption under various conditions, in isolation of other sources of current within the Propeller chip. Typical Current of a Cog vs. Operating Frequency (Vdd = 3.3 V, Ta = 25° C) 14 Spin Loop (REPEAT) Assembly Loop (JMP) 12 WAIT(CNT/PEQ/PNE) Current (mA) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Frequency (MHz) 9.3. Typical PLL Current vs. VCO Frequency This graph shows the typical amount of current consumed by a Phase-Locked Loop as a function of the frequency of the Voltage Controlled Oscillator which is 16 times the frequency of the input clock. Typical PLL Current vs. VCO Frequency (Vdd = 3.3 V, Ta = 25° C) 1.4 1.3 1.2 Current (mA) 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Frequency (MHz) Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 28 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 9.4. Typical Crystal Drive Current This graph shows the current consumption of the crystal driver over a range of crystal frequencies and crystal settings, all data points above 25 MHz were obtained by using a resonator since the driver does not perform 3rd harmonic overtone driving required for crystals over 25 MHz. Typical Crystal Drive Current (Vdd = 3.3 V, Ta = 25° C) 1.4 xtal1 xtal2 1.2 xtal3 Current (mA) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Frequency (MHz) 9.5. Cog and I/O Pin Relationship The figure below illustrates the physical relationship between the cogs and I/O pins. While there can be a 1 to 1.5 ns propagation delay in output transitions between the shortest and longest paths, the purpose of the figure is to illustrate the length of leads and their associated parasitic capacitance. This capacitance increases the amount of energy required to transition a pin’s state and therefore increases the current draw for toggling a pin. So, the current consumed by Cog 7 toggling P0 at 20 MHz will be greater than Cog 0 toggling P7 at 20 MHz. The amount of current consumed by transitioning a pin’s state is dependent on many factors including: temperature, frequency of transitions, external load, and internal load. As mentioned, the internal load is dependent upon which cog and pin are used. Internal load current for room temperature toggling of a pin at 20 MHz for a Propeller in a DIP package varies on the order of 300 µA. P0 P31 P5 P26 P6 P7 cog 0 cog 1 cog 2 cog 3 cog 4 cog 5 cog 6 cog 7 P25 P24 P8 P9 P23 P10 P22 P21 P15 P16 Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 29 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 9.6. Current Profile at Various Startup Conditions The diagrams below show the current profile for various startup conditions of the Propeller chip dependent upon the presence of an EEPROM and PC. Figure 9 Boot Sequence Current Profile for no PC and no EEPROM (P31 held low and P29 not connected (same as held low)). Figure 10 Boot Sequence Current Profile for PC (connected but idle) and no EEPROM. (P31 held high and P29 not connected). Figure 11 Boot Sequence Current Profile for no PC and no EEPROM (P31 held low and P29 held high). Figure 12 Boot Sequence Current Profile for no PC and EEPROM (P31 held low and P29 connected to EEPROM SDA). Figure 13 Boot Sequence Current Profile for PC (connected but idle) and EEPROM (P31 held high and P29 connected to EEPROM SDA). Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 30 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 10.0 TEMPERATURE CHARACTERISTICS 10.1. Internal Oscillator Frequency as a Function of Temperature While the internal oscillator frequency is variable due to process variation, the rate of change as a function of temperature when normalized provides a chip invariant ratio which can be used to calculate the oscillation frequency when the ambient temperature is other than 25 °C (the temperature to which the graph was normalized). The absolute frequency at 25 °C varied from 13.26 to 13.75 MHz in the sample set. The section of the graph which has a white background is the military range of temperature; the sections in grey represent data which is beyond military temperature specification. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 31 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 10.2. Fastest Operating Frequency as a Function of Temperature The following graph represents a small sample average of a Propeller chip’s fastest operating range. The test was performed in a forced air chamber using code run on all eight cogs, multiple video generators, and counter modules. A frequency was considered successful if the demo ran without fault for one minute. The curves represent an aggressive testing procedure (averaged, forced air, one minute time limit); therefore the designer must de-rate the curve to arrive at a stable frequency for a particular application. Again the grayed regions represent temperatures beyond the military temperature range. Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 32 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 10.3. Current Consumption as a Function of Temperature The following graph demonstrates the current consumption of the Propeller as a function of temperature. It is clear from the graph that current consumption is nearly independent of temperature over the entire military temperature range. Current Consumption vs Temperature 90 80 Spin Waitloop Assembly waitloop Spin 70 Current (mA) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (C) Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 33 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 11.0 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 11.1. P8X32A-D40 (40-pin DIP) Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 34 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 11.2. P8X32A-Q44 (44-pin LQFP) Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 35 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 11.3. P8X32A-M44 (44-pin QFN) Copyright © Parallax Inc. Page 36 of 37 Rev 1.2 4/24/2009 Propeller™ P8X32A Datasheet 12.0 MANUFACTURING INFO 13.0 REVISION HISTORY 12.1. 13.1.1. Changes for Version 1.1: Section 11.3: P8X32A-M44 (44-pin QFN). Image replaced to add stencil pattern diagram. New section inserted: 4.8 Assembly Instruction Execution Stages. Contact Information updated. 12.2. Reflow Peak Temperature Package Type Reflow Peak Temp. DIP 255+5/-0 °C LQFP 255+5/-0 °C QFN 255+5/-0 °C Green/RoHS Compliance All Parallax Propeller chip models are certified Green/RoHS Compliant. The Certificate of Compliance is available upon request and may be obtained by contacting the Parallax Sales Team. 13.1.2. Changes for Version 1.2: Section 6.4: Modified table entries for ADD, ADDABS, ADDS, ADDSX, ADDX, CMP, CMPS, CMPSX, CMPX, COGID, COGINIT, COGSTOP, LOCKCLR, LCOKNEW, LOCKRET, LOCKSET, MAX, MAXS, MIN, MINS, SUB, SUBABS, SUBS, SUBSX, SUBX, SUMC, SUMNC, SUMNZ, SUMZ, TEST, TJNZ, TJZ. Section 4.5 updated. Section 5.1: new sentence added at end of paragraph. Section 5.2: new sentence added at end of first paragraph. Parallax Sales and Tech Support Contact Information For the latest information on Propeller chips and programming tools, development boards, instructional materials, and application examples, please visit Parallax, Inc. 599 Menlo Drive Rocklin, CA 95765 USA Phone: (916) 624-8333 Copyright © Parallax Inc. Fax: (916) 624-8003 Sales: 1-888-512-1024 Tech Support: 1-888-997-8267 Sales: Page 37 of 37 Tech Support: Web: Object Exchange: Rev 1.2 4/24/2009
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