Psych Manual
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- 00.psych
- ability
- affect
- alpha
- Bechtoldt
- bestScales
- bfi
- bi.bars
- biplot.psych
- block.random
- blot
- bock
- burt
- circ.tests
- cities
- cluster.loadings
- cluster.plot
- cluster2keys
- cohen.kappa
- comorbidity
- cor.plot
- cor.smooth
- cor.wt
- cor2dist
- corFiml
- corr.test
- correct.cor
- cortest.bartlett
- cortest.mat
- cosinor
- count.pairwise
- cta
- cubits
- cushny
- densityBy
- describe
- describeBy
- df2latex
- diagram
- draw.tetra
- dummy.code
- Dwyer
- eigen.loadings
- ellipses
- epi
- epi.bfi
- error.bars
- error.crosses
- errorCircles
- fa
- fa.diagram
- fa.extension
- fa.multi
- fa.parallel
- fa.sort
- factor.congruence
- factor.model
- factor.residuals
- factor.rotate
- factor.scores
- factor.stats
- factor2cluster
- fisherz
- galton
- geometric.mean
- glb.algebraic
- Gleser
- Gorsuch
- Harman
- Harman.5
- Harman.8
- Harman.political
- harmonic.mean
- headTail
- heights
- iclust
- ICLUST.cluster
- iclust.diagram
- ICLUST.graph
- ICLUST.rgraph
- ICLUST.sort
- income
- interp.median
- iqitems
- irt.1p
- irt.fa
- irt.item.diff.rasch
- irt.responses
- kaiser
- logistic
- lowerUpper
- make.keys
- mardia
- mat.sort
- matrix.addition
- mediate
- mixed.cor
- msq
- mssd
- multi.hist
- neo
- omega
- omega.graph
- outlier
- p.rep
- paired.r
- pairs.panels
- parcels
- partial.r
- peas
- phi
- phi.demo
- phi2tetra
- plot.psych
- polar
- polychor.matrix
- predict.psych
- principal
- print.psych
- Promax
- psych.misc
- r.test
- rangeCorrection
- read.clipboard
- rescale
- residuals.psych
- reverse.code
- sat.act
- scaling.fits
- scatter.hist
- Schmid
- schmid
- score.alpha
- score.irt
- score.multiple.choice
- scoreItems
- scoreOverlap
- scrub
- SD
- setCor
- sim
- sim.anova
- sim.congeneric
- sim.hierarchical
- sim.item
- sim.multilevel
- sim.structure
- sim.VSS
- simulation.circ
- smc
- spider
- splitHalf
- statsBy
- structure.diagram
- structure.list
- superMatrix
- table2matrix
- test.psych
- tetrachoric
- thurstone
- tr
- Tucker
- vegetables
- VSS.parallel
- VSS.plot
- VSS.scree
- winsor
- withinBetween
- Yule
- Index