RT9011 Datasheet. Www.s Manuals.com. Richtek

User Manual: Marking of electronic components, SMD Codes FL, FL*, FL**, FL-***, FL032P*F, FL=***. Datasheets 2SB1695K, 2SB1698, BD4930FVE, BD4930G, MAX6314US36D4-T, PZU13B1, RT9011-PGGQW, RT9261-35GB, RT9261-35PB, S25FL032P, V6319LSP3B.

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RT90111DS9011-08   April  2011 www.richtek.comOrdering InformationGeneral DescriptionThe RT9011 is a dual channel, low noise, and low dropoutregulator sourcing up to 300mA at each channel. The rangeof output voltage is from 1.2V to 3.6V by operating from2.5V to 5.5V input.The RT9011 offers 2% accuracy, extremely low dropoutvoltage (240mV @ 300mA), and extremely low groundcurrent, only 27μA per LDO. The shutdown current is nearzero current which is suitable for battery-power devices.Other features include current limiting, over temperature,output short circuit protection.The RT9011 is short circuit thermal folded back protected.The IC lowers its OTP trip point from 165°C to 110°C whenoutput short circuit occurs (VOUT < 0.4V) providingmaximum safety to end users.The RT9011 can operate stably with very small ceramicoutput capacitors, reducing required board space andcomponent cost. The RT9011 is available in fixed outputvoltages in the TSOT-23-6, WDFN-8L 2x2, WDFN-10L 3x3,WDFN-8L 3x3   and WDFN-6L 1.6x1.6 packages.Portable Power Management 300mA Dual LDO RegulatorFeatureszWide Operating Voltage Ranges : 2.5V to 5.5VzLow-Noise for RF ApplicationzNo Noise Bypass Capacitor RequiredzFast Response in Line/Load TransientzTTL-Logic-Controlled Shutdown InputzLow Temperature CoefficientzzzzzDual LDO Outputs (300mA/300mA)zzzzzUltra-low Quiescent Current 27μμμμμA/LDOzzzzzHigh Output Accuracy 2%zzzzzShort Circuit ProtectionzzzzzThermal Shutdown ProtectionzzzzzCurrent Limit ProtectionzzzzzShort Circuit Thermal Folded Back ProtectionzzzzzTiny TSOT-23-6 and 6-Lead/8-Lead/10-Lead WDFNPackageszzzzzRoHS Compliant and 100% Lead (Pb)-FreeApplicationszzzzzCDMA/GSM Cellular HandsetszzzzzBattery-Powered EquipmentzzzzzLaptop, Palmtops, Notebook ComputerszzzzzHand-Held InstrumentszzzzzPCMCIA CardszzzzzPortable Information AppliancesMarking InformationFor marking information, contact our sales representativedirectly or through a Richtek distributor located in yourarea.Code Voltage Code Voltage Code Voltage A 3.5 B 1.3 C 1.2 D 1.85 E  2.1  F  1.5 G 1.8 H  2  J 2.5 K 2.6 L 2.7 M 2.8 N 2.85 P 3 Q 3.1 R 3.2 S 3.3 T 2.65 V 2.9 W 1.6 X 3.15 Y 1.9     Available Voltage VersionNote :Richtek products are :` RoHS compliant and compatible with the current require-   ments of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.` Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.RT9011-Package TypeJ6 : TSOT-23-6QW : WDFN-8L 2x2 (W-Type)QWA : WDFN-10L 3x3 (W-Type)QWB : WDFN-8L 3x3 (W-Type)QWC : WDFN-6L 1.6x1.6 (W-Type)Lead Plating SystemP : Pb FreeG : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free)Output Voltage : VOUT1/VOUT2VOUT2 > VOUT1 is Recommended
RT90112DS9011-08   April  2011www.richtek.comFunctional Pin DescriptionPin No. Pin Name  Pin Function TSOT-23-6  WDFN-8L 2x2  WDFN-10L 3x3  WDFN-8L 3x3  WDFN-6L 1.6x1.6 5 1 1 1 1 VIN Supply Input. 4  2  2  2  2  EN1  Chip Enable1 (Active High). 3  3  3  3  3  EN2  Chip Enable2 (Active High). 2 5,  Exposed Pad (9) 6, Exposed Pad (11) 6,  Exposed  Pad (9) 4,  Expo sed  Pad (7) GND Common Ground. The exposed pad must be soldered to a large PCB and connected to GND for maximum power dissipation. 1 7 9 5 5 VOUT2 Channel 2 Output Voltage. 6  8  10  8  6  VOUT1  Channel 1 Output Voltage. --  4, 6  4, 5, 7, 8    4, 7  --  NC  No Internal Connection. Typical Application CircuitEN1EN2VOUT2VOUT1RT9011GNDVIN1uFVOUT11uFVOUT21uFVINChip EnableCIN COUT1COUT2Pin Configurations(TOP VIEW)WDFN-8L 3x3VINNCEN1VOUT1NCGNDVOUT2EN276512348GND9WDFN-6L 1.6x1.6VINEN2VOUT1GNDVOUT2EN1123546GND7WDFN-10L 3x3VINEN1NCNCVOUT1VOUT2NCGNDNCEN29879123451011GNDWDFN-8L 2x2VINNCEN1VOUT1VOUT2NCGNDEN276512348GND9TSOT-23-642356VIN EN1VOUT1GND EN2VOUT2

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