Realtek RTL8111E VL CG Datasheet 1.1 R1.1
User Manual: Datasheets RTL8111, RTL8111B-GR, RTL8111C-GR, RTL8111D-GR, RTL8111D-VB-GR, RTL8111DL-GR, RTL8111DL-VB-GR, RTL8111E-VL-CG.
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(CONFIDENTIAL: Development Partners Only)
Rev. 1.1
07 October 2010
Track ID: JATR-2265-11
Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express ii Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
©2010 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any
means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind. Realtek may make improvements
and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document
could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
Realtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document
are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners.
This product is covered by one or more of the following patents: US5,307,459, US5,434,872,
US5,732,094, US6,570,884, US6,115,776, and US6,327,625.
This document is intended for the software engineer’s reference and provides detailed programming
Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more information
may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide.
Revision Release Date Summary
1.0 2010/06/23 First release.
1.1 2010/10/07 Revised section 6.2.6 Customizable LED Configuration, page 12.
Revised Table 18 Absolute Maximum Ratings, page 21.
Revised Table 19 Recommended Operating Conditions, page 21.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express iii Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................................1
2. FEATURES.........................................................................................................................................................................3
3. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................................................3
4. PIN ASSIGNMENTS .........................................................................................................................................................4
4.1. PACKAGE IDENTIFICATION...........................................................................................................................................4
5. PIN DESCRIPTIONS.........................................................................................................................................................5
5.1. POWER MANAGEMENT/ISOLATION ..............................................................................................................................5
5.2. PCI EXPRESS INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................................5
5.3. TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE............................................................................................................................................6
5.4. CLOCK .........................................................................................................................................................................6
5.5. REGULATOR AND REFERENCE......................................................................................................................................6
5.6. EEPROM ....................................................................................................................................................................7
5.7. LEDS...........................................................................................................................................................................7
5.8. SMBUS ........................................................................................................................................................................7
5.9. POWER AND GROUND ..................................................................................................................................................8
5.10. GPO PIN ......................................................................................................................................................................8
6. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................9
6.1. PCI EXPRESS BUS INTERFACE......................................................................................................................................9
6.1.1. PCI Express Transmitter ........................................................................................................................................9
6.1.2. PCI Express Receiver.............................................................................................................................................9
6.2. LED FUNCTIONS..........................................................................................................................................................9
6.2.1. Link Monitor...........................................................................................................................................................9
6.2.2. RX LED ................................................................................................................................................................10
6.2.3. TX LED.................................................................................................................................................................10
6.2.4. TX/RX LED...........................................................................................................................................................11
6.2.5. LINK/ACT LED ....................................................................................................................................................11
6.2.6. Customizable LED Configuration ........................................................................................................................12
6.3. PHY TRANSCEIVER ...................................................................................................................................................14
6.3.1. PHY Transmitter...................................................................................................................................................14
6.3.2. PHY Receiver .......................................................................................................................................................14
6.4. NEXT PAGE ................................................................................................................................................................15
6.5. EEPROM INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................................15
6.6. POWER MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................................................16
6.7. VITAL PRODUCT DATA (VPD)...................................................................................................................................18
6.8. RECEIVE-SIDE SCALING (RSS) ..................................................................................................................................19
6.8.1. Receive-Side Scaling (RSS) Initialization.............................................................................................................19
6.8.2. Protocol Offload...................................................................................................................................................20
6.8.3. RSS Operation ......................................................................................................................................................20
6.9. ENERGY EFFICIENT ETHERNET (EEE)........................................................................................................................20
7. SWITCHING REGULATOR..........................................................................................................................................20
8. CHARACTERISTICS......................................................................................................................................................21
8.1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................................................................21
8.2. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................21
8.3. CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................22
8.4. OSCILLATOR REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................22
8.5. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................23
8.6. DC CHARACTERISTICS...............................................................................................................................................23

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express iv Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
8.7. AC CHARACTERISTICS...............................................................................................................................................24
8.7.1. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing........................................................................................................................24
8.8. PCI EXPRESS BUS PARAMETERS................................................................................................................................25
8.8.1. Differential Transmitter Parameters ....................................................................................................................25
8.8.2. Differential Receiver Parameters.........................................................................................................................26
8.8.3. REFCLK Parameters............................................................................................................................................26
8.8.4. Auxiliary Signal Timing Parameters ....................................................................................................................30
9. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS......................................................................................................................................31
10. ORDERING INFORMATION...................................................................................................................................32

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express v Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
List of Tables
TABLE 1. POWER MANAGEMENT/ISOLATION ...............................................................................................................................5
TABLE 2. PCI EXPRESS INTERFACE..............................................................................................................................................5
TABLE 3. TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................6
TABLE 4. CLOCK ..........................................................................................................................................................................6
TABLE 5. REGULATOR AND REFERENCE ......................................................................................................................................6
TABLE 6. EEPROM .....................................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 7. LEDS............................................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 8. SMBUS .........................................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 9. POWER AND GROUND ...................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 10. GPO PIN ......................................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 11. LED SELECT (IO REGISTER OFFSET 18H~19H)..........................................................................................................12
TABLE 12. CUSTOMIZED LEDS...................................................................................................................................................12
TABLE 13. FIXED LED MODE .....................................................................................................................................................12
TABLE 14. FEATURE CONTROL TABLE-1.....................................................................................................................................13
TABLE 15. FEATURE CONTROL TABLE-2.....................................................................................................................................13
TABLE 16. OPTION 1 & OPTION 2 LED TABLE ............................................................................................................................13
TABLE 17. EEPROM INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................................15
TABLE 18. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................................................................21
TABLE 19. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................21
TABLE 20. CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................22
TABLE 21. OSCILLATOR REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................22
TABLE 22. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................................23
TABLE 23. DC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................23
TABLE 24. EEPROM ACCESS TIMING PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................24
TABLE 25. DIFFERENTIAL TRANSMITTER PARAMETERS ..............................................................................................................25
TABLE 26. DIFFERENTIAL RECEIVER PARAMETERS.....................................................................................................................26
TABLE 27. REFCLK PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................................................26
TABLE 28. AUXILIARY SIGNAL TIMING PARAMETERS.................................................................................................................30
TABLE 29. ORDERING INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................32
List of Figures
FIGURE 1. PIN ASSIGNMENTS .......................................................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 2. RX LED ....................................................................................................................................................................10
FIGURE 3. TX LED ....................................................................................................................................................................10
FIGURE 4. TX/RX LED..............................................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 5. LINK/ACT LED .......................................................................................................................................................11
FIGURE 6. SERIAL EEPROM INTERFACE TIMING ......................................................................................................................24
FIGURE 7. SINGLE-ENDED MEASUREMENT POINTS FOR ABSOLUTE CROSS POINT AND SWING..................................................28
FIGURE 8. SINGLE-ENDED MEASUREMENT POINTS FOR DELTA CROSS POINT ...........................................................................28
FIGURE 9. SINGLE-ENDED MEASUREMENT POINTS FOR RISE AND FALL TIME MATCHING ........................................................28
FIGURE 10. DIFFERENTIAL MEASUREMENT POINTS FOR DUTY CYCLE AND PERIOD ...................................................................29
FIGURE 11. DIFFERENTIAL MEASUREMENT POINTS FOR RISE AND FALL TIME ...........................................................................29
FIGURE 12. DIFFERENTIAL MEASUREMENT POINTS FOR RINGBACK............................................................................................29
FIGURE 13. REFERENCE CLOCK SYSTEM MEASUREMENT POINT AND LOADING .........................................................................30
FIGURE 14. AUXILIARY SIGNAL TIMING......................................................................................................................................30

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 1 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
1. General Description
The Realtek RTL8111E-VL-CG Gigabit Ethernet controller combines a triple-speed IEEE 802.3
compliant Media Access Controller (MAC) with a triple-speed Ethernet transceiver, PCI Express bus
controller, and embedded memory. With state-of-the-art DSP technology and mixed-mode signal
technology, the RTL8111E offers high-speed transmission over CAT 5 UTP cable or CAT 3 UTP
(10Mbps only) cable. Functions such as Crossover Detection and Auto-Correction, polarity correction,
adaptive equalization, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation, timing recovery, and error correction are
implemented to provide robust transmission and reception capability at high speeds.
The RTL8111E supports the PCI Express 1.1 bus interface for host communications with power
management, and is compliant with the IEEE 802.3u specification for 10/100Mbps Ethernet and the IEEE
802.3ab specification for 1000Mbps Ethernet. It also supports an auxiliary power auto-detect function,
and will auto-configure related bits of the PCI power management registers in PCI configuration space.
The RTL8111E features embedded One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memory to replace the external
EEPROM (93C46/93C56/93C66).
Advanced Configuration Power management Interface (ACPI)—power management for modern
operating systems that are capable of Operating System-directed Power Management (OSPM)—is
supported to achieve the most efficient power management possible. PCI MSI (Message Signaled
Interrupt) and MSI-X are also supported.
In addition to the ACPI feature, remote wake-up (including AMD Magic Packet and Microsoft Wake-up
frame) is supported in both ACPI and APM (Advanced Power Management) environments. To support
WOL from a deep power down state (e.g., D3cold, i.e., main power is off and only auxiliary exists), the
auxiliary power source must be able to provide the needed power for the RTL8111E.
The RTL8111E is fully compliant with Microsoft NDIS5, NDIS6 (IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP) Checksum and
Segmentation Task-offload (Large send and Giant send) features, and supports IEEE 802 IP Layer 2
priority encoding and IEEE 802.1Q Virtual bridged Local Area Network (VLAN). The above features
contribute to lowering CPU utilization, especially benefiting performance when in operation on a network
The RTL8111E supports Receive Side Scaling (RSS) to hash incoming TCP connections and
load-balance received data processing across multiple CPUs. RSS improves the number of transactions
per second and number of connections per second, for increased network throughput.
The RTL8111E supports Protocol offload. It offloads some of the most common protocols to NIC
hardware in order to prevent spurious wake up and further reduce power consumption. The RTL8111E
can offload ARP (IPv4) and NS (IPv6) protocols while in the D3 power saving state.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 2 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
The RTL8111E supports IEEE 802.3az Draft 3.0, also known as Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE). IEEE
802.3az operates with the IEEE 802.3 Media Access Control (MAC) Sublayer to support operation in
Low Power Idle mode. When the Ethernet network is in low link utilization, EEE allows systems on both
sides of the link to save power.
The device also features inter-connect PCI Express technology. PCI Express is a high-bandwidth,
low-pin-count, serial, interconnect technology that offers significant improvements in performance over
conventional PCI and also maintains software compatibility with existing PCI infrastructure.
The RTL8111E is suitable for multiple market segments and emerging applications, such as desktop,
mobile, workstation, server, communications platforms, and embedded applications.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 3 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
2. Features
Integrated 10/100/1000 transceiver
Auto-Negotiation with Next Page capability
Supports PCI Express 1.1
Supports pair swap/polarity/skew correction
Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction
Wake-on-LAN and remote wake-up support
Microsoft NDIS5, NDIS6 Checksum
Offload (IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP) and
Segmentation Task-offload (Large send v1
and Large send v2) support
Supports Full Duplex flow control
(IEEE 802.3x)
Supports jumbo frame to 9K bytes
Fully compliant with IEEE 802.3,
IEEE 802.3u, IEEE 802.3ab
Supports IEEE 802.1P Layer 2 Priority
Supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging
Supports IEEE 802.3az Draft 3.0 (EEE)
Embedded OTP memory can replace the
external EEPROM
Transmit/Receive on-chip buffer support
Supports power down/link down power
Built-in switching regulator
Supports PCI MSI (Message Signaled
Interrupt) and MSI-X
Supports quad core Receive-Side Scaling
Supports Protocol Offload (ARP & NS)
Supports Customized LEDs
Supports 1-Lane 2.5Gbps PCI Express Bus
Supports hardware ECC (Error Correction
Code) function
Supports hardware CRC (Cyclic
Redundancy Check) function
48-pin QFN ‘Green’ package
3. System Applications
PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet on Motherboard, Notebook, or Embedded systems

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 4 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
4. Pin Assignments
Figure 1. Pin Assignments
Package Identification
Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 1. The version is shown in the
location marked ‘V’.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 5 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
5. Pin Descriptions
The signal type codes below are used in the following tables:
I: Input S/T/S: Sustained Tri-State
O: Output O/D: Open Drain
T/S: Tri-State bi-directional input/output pin P: Power
Power Management/Isolation
Table 1. Power Management/Isolation
Symbol Type Pin No Description
Power Management Event: Open drain, active low.
Used to reactivate the PCI Express slot’s main power rails and reference clocks.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.
Isolate Pin: Active low.
Used to isolate the RTL8111E from the PCI Express bus. The RTL8111E will not
drive its PCI Express outputs (excluding LANWAKEB) and will not sample its
PCI Express input as long as the Isolate pin is asserted.
PCI Express Interface
Table 2. PCI Express Interface
Symbol Type Pin No Description
PCI Express Differential Reference Clock Source: 100MHz ± 300ppm.
PCI Express Transmit Differential Pair.
PCI Express Receive Differential Pair.
PCI Express Reset Signal: Active low.
When the PERSTB is asserted at power-on state, the RTL8111E returns to a
pre-defined reset state and is ready for initialization and configuration after the
de-assertion of the PERSTB.
Reference Clock Request Signal.
This signal is used by the RTL8111E to request starting of the PCI Express
reference clock.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 6 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Transceiver Interface
Table 3. Transceiver Interface
Symbol Type Pin No Description
In MDI mode, this is the first pair in 1000Base-T, i.e., the BI_DA+/- pair, and is
the transmit pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX.
In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DB+/- pair, and is the receive pair
in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX.
In MDI mode, this is the second pair in 1000Base-T, i.e., the BI_DB+/- pair, and is
the receive pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX.
In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DA+/- pair, and is the transmit
pair in 10Base-T and 100Base-TX.
In MDI mode, this is the third pair in 1000Base-T, i.e., the BI_DC+/- pair.
In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DD+/- pair.
In MDI mode, this is the fourth pair in 1000Base-T, i.e., the BI_DD+/- pair.
In MDI crossover mode, this pair acts as the BI_DC+/- pair.
Table 4. Clock
Symbol Type Pin No Description
CKXTAL1 I 43 Input of 25MHz Clock Reference.
Input of External Clock Source.
Output of 25MHz Clock Reference.
Regulator and Reference
Table 5. Regulator and Reference
Symbol Type Pin No Description
REGOUT O 36 Switching Regulator 1.0V Output.
3.3V: Enable switching regulator.
0V: Disable switching regulator.
VDDREG P 34, 35 Digital 3.3V Power Supply for Switching Regulator.
RSET I 46 Reference. External resistor reference.
Note: See section 7, page 20 for switching regulator.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 7 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Table 6. EEPROM
Symbol Type Pin No Description
EESK O 37 Serial Data Clock.
EEDI: Output to serial data input pin of EEPROM.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.
EEDO I 31 Input from Serial Data Output Pin of EEPROM.
30 EECS: EEPROM Chip Select.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.
Table 7. LEDs
Symbol Type Pin No Description
LED3 O 31
See section 6.2.6 Customizable LED Configuration, page 12 for details.
Note 1: During power down mode, the LED signals are logic high.
Note 2: LEDS1-0’s initial value comes from the EEPROM. If there is no EEPROM, the default value of the
(LEDS1, LEDS0)=(1, 1).
When implementing dual color LEDs and EEPROM at the same time:
Pin31 and Pin37 of the RTL8111E are shared pins. Follow the RTLRTL8111E reference design (version
1.00 or later) to select these 2 pins for a dual-color LED circuit. Otherwise, the RTLRTL8111E EEPROM
may not function.
Table 8. SMBus
Symbol Type Pin No Description
SMBus Clock.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.
SMBus Data.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.
SMBus Alert.
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 8 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Power and Ground
Table 9. Power and Ground
Symbol Type Pin No Description
DVDD33 P 27, 39 Digital 3.3V Power Supply.
DVDD10 P 13, 29, 41 Digital 1.0V Power Supply.
AVDD10 P 3, 6, 9, 45 Analog 1.0V Power Supply.
EVDD10 P 21 Analog 1.0V Power Supply.
AVDD33 P 12, 42, 47, 48 Analog 3.3V Power Supply.
GND P 24 Ground.
GND P 49 Ground (Exposed Pad).
Note: Refer to the latest schematic circuit for correct configuration.
Table 10. GPO Pin
Symbol Type Pin No Description
GPO O/D 38 General Purpose Output Pin.
This pin reflects the link up or link down state.
High: Link up
Low: Link down
Refer to the reference schematic for strapping pin information.
All strapping pins are power-on-latch pins.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 9 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
6. Functional Description
PCI Express Bus Interface
The RTL8111E complies with PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.1, and runs at a 2.5GHz
signaling rate with X1 link width, i.e., one transmit and one receive differential pair. The RTL8111E
supports four types of PCI Express messages: interrupt messages, error messages, power management
messages, and hot-plug messages. To ease PCB layout constraints, PCI Express lane polarity reversal and
link reversal are also supported.
6.1.1. PCI Express Transmitter
The RTL8111E’s PCI Express block receives digital data from the Ethernet interface and performs data
scrambling with Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and 8B/10B coding technology into 10-bit code
groups. Data scrambling is used to reduce the possibility of electrical resonance on the link, and 8B/10B
coding technology is used to benefit embedded clocking, error detection, and DC balance by adding an
overhead to the system through the addition of 2 extra bits. The data code groups are passed through its
serializer for packet framing. The generated 2.5Gbps serial data is transmitted onto the PCB trace to its
upstream device via a differential driver.
6.1.2. PCI Express Receiver
The RTL8111E’s PCI Express block receives 2.5Gbps serial data from its upstream device to generate
parallel data. The receiver’s PLL circuits are re-synchronized to maintain bit and symbol lock. Through
8B/10B decoding technology and data de-scrambling, the original digital data is recovered and passed to
the RTL8111E’s internal Ethernet MAC to be transmitted onto the Ethernet media.
LED Functions
The RTL8111E supports three LED signals in four configurable operation modes. The following sections
describe the various LED actions.
6.2.1. Link Monitor
The Link Monitor senses link integrity, such as LINK10, LINK100, LINK1000, LINK10/ACT,
LINK100/ACT, or LINK1000/ACT. Whenever link status is established, the specific link LED pin is
driven low. Once a cable is disconnected, the link LED pin is driven high, indicating that no network
connection exists.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 10 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
6.2.2. RX LED
In 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the RX LED indicates that receive activity is occurring.
Figure 2. RX LED
6.2.3. TX LED
In 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the TX LED indicates that transmit activity is occurring.
Figure 3. TX LED

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 11 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
6.2.4. TX/RX LED
In 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the TX/RX LED indicates that both transmit and receive activity
is occurring.
Figure 4. TX/RX LED
In 10/100/1000Mbps mode, blinking of the LINK/ACT LED indicates that the RTL8111E is linked and
operating properly. When this LED is high for extended periods, it indicates that a link problem exists.
Figure 5. LINK/ACT LED

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 12 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
6.2.6. Customizable LED Configuration
The RTL8111E supports customizable LED operation modes via IO register offset 18h~19h. Table 11
describes the different LED actions.
Table 11. LED Select (IO Register Offset 18h~19h)
Bit Symbol RW Description
15:12 LEDCntl RW LED Feature Control
11:8 LEDSEL3 RW LED Select for PINLED3
7:4 LEDSEL1 RW LED Select for PINLED1
3:0 LEDSEL0 RW LED Select for PINLED0
When implementing customized LEDs:
Configure IO register offset 18h~19h to support your own LED signals. For example, if the value in the
IO offset 0x18 is 0x0CA9h (0000110010101001b), the LED actions are:
• LED 0: On only in 10M mode, with blinking during TX/RX
• LED 1: On only in 100M mode, with blinking during TX/RX
• LED 3: On only in 1000M mode, with blinking during TX/RX
Table 12. Customized LEDs
Speed LINK ACT/Full
Link 10M Link 100M Link 1000M
LED 0 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3
LED 1 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7
LED 3 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11
Feature Control Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15
Note: There are two special modes:
LED OFF Mode: Set all bits to 0. All LED pin output become floating (power saving).
Fixed LED Mode: Set Option 1 LED table Mode: LED0=LED1=LED2=1 or 2 (see Table 13).
Table 13. Fixed LED Mode
Bit31~Bit0 Value LED0 LED1 LED2
1XXX 0001 0001 0001 ACT LINK Full Duplex + Collision
1XXX 0010 0010 0010 Transmit LINK Receive
Note: ‘X’ indicates ‘irrelevant’.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 13 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Table 14. Feature Control Table-1
Feature Control Bit12 Bit13 Bit14 Bit15
0 LED0 Low Active LED1 Low Active LED2 Low Active Option 1 LED Table Selected
1 LED0 High Active LED1 High Active LED2 High Active Option 2 LED Table Selected
Table 15. Feature Control Table-2
LINK=0 Floating All Speed ACT
LINK>0 Selected Speed LINK Option 1: Selected Speed LINK+ Selected Speed ACT
Option 2: Selected Speed LINK+ All Speed ACT
Table 16. Option 1 & Option 2 LED Table
Link Bit Active Bit Description
10 100 1000 Link Option 1 LED
Option 2 LED
0 0 0 0 LED Off
0 0 0 1 - Act10+Act100+Act1G Act10+Act100+Act1G
0 0 1 0 Link1G - -
0 0 1 1 Link1G Act1G Act10+Act100+Act1G
0 1 0 0 Link100 - -
0 1 0 1 Link100 Act100 Act10+Act100+Act1G
0 1 1 0 Link100+Link1G - -
0 1 1 1 Link100+Link1G Act100+Act1G Act10+Act100+Act1G
1 0 0 0 Link10 - -
1 0 0 1 Link10 Act10 Act10+Act100+Act1G
1 0 1 0 Link10+Link1G - -
1 0 1 1 Link10+Link1G Act10+Act1G Act10+Act100+Act1G
1 1 0 0 Link10+Link100 - -
1 1 0 1 Link10+Link100 Act10+Act100 Act10+Act100+Act1G
1 1 1 0 Link10+Link100+Link1G - -
1 1 1 1 Link10+Link100+Link1G Act10+Act100+Act1G Act10+Act100+Act1G
Act10 = LED blinking when Ethernet packets transmitted/received at 10Mbps.
Act100 = LED blinking when Ethernet packets transmitted/received at 100Mbps.
Act1G = LED blinking when Ethernet packets transmitted/received at 1000Mbps.
Link10 = LED lit when Ethernet connection established at 10Mbps.
Link100 = LED lit when Ethernet connection established at 100Mbps.
Link1G = LED lit when Ethernet connection established at 1000Mbps.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 14 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
PHY Transceiver
6.3.1. PHY Transmitter
Based on state-of-the-art DSP technology and mixed-mode signal processing technology, the RTL8111E
operates at 10/100/1000Mbps over standard CAT.5 UTP cable (100/1000Mbps), or CAT.3 UTP
cable (10Mbps).
GMII (1000Mbps) Mode
The RTL8111E’s PCS layer receives data bytes from the MAC through the GMII interface and performs
the generation of continuous code-groups through 4D-PAM5 coding technology. These code groups are
passed through a waveform-shaping filter to minimize EMI effects, and are transmitted onto the 4-pair
CAT5 cable at 125MBaud/s through a D/A converter.
MII (100Mbps) Mode
The transmitted 4-bit nibbles (TXD[3:0]) from the MAC, clocked at 25MHz (TXC), are converted into
5B symbol code through 4B/5B coding technology, then through scrambling and serializing, are
converted to 125MHz NRZ and NRZI signals. After that, the NRZI signals are passed to the MLT3
encoder, then to the D/A converter and transmitted onto the media.
MII (10Mbps) Mode
The transmitted 4-bit nibbles (TXD[3:0]) from the MAC, clocked at 2.5MHz (TXC), are serialized into
10Mbps serial data. The 10Mbps serial data is converted into a Manchester-encoded data stream and is
transmitted onto the media by the D/A converter.
6.3.2. PHY Receiver
GMII (1000Mbps) Mode
Input signals from the media pass through the sophisticated on-chip hybrid circuit to separate the
transmitted signal from the input signal for effective reduction of near-end echo. Afterwards, the received
signal is processed with state-of-the-art technology, e.g., adaptive equalization, BLW (Baseline Wander)
correction, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation, timing recovery, error correction, and 4D-PAM5
decoding. Then, the 8-bit-wide data is recovered and is sent to the GMII interface at a clock speed of
125MHz. The RX MAC retrieves the packet data from the receive MII/GMII interface and sends it to the
RX Buffer Manager.
MII (100Mbps) Mode
The MLT3 signal is processed with an ADC, equalizer, BLW (Baseline Wander) correction, timing
recovery, MLT3 and NRZI decoder, descrambler, 4B/5B decoder, and is then presented to the MII
interface in 4-bit-wide nibbles at a clock speed of 25MHz.
MII (10Mbps) Mode
The received differential signal is converted into a Manchester-encoded stream first. Next, the stream is
processed with a Manchester decoder and is de-serialized into 4-bit-wide nibbles. The 4-bit nibbles are
presented to the MII interface at a clock speed of 2.5MHz.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 15 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Next Page
If 1000Base-T mode is advertised, three additional Next Pages are automatically exchanged between the
two link partners. Users can set PHY Reg4.15 to 1 to manually exchange extra Next Pages via Reg7 and
Reg8 as defined in IEEE 802.3ab.
EEPROM Interface
The RTL8111E requires the attachment of an external EEPROM. The 93C46/93C56/93C66 is a
1K-bit/2K-bit/4K-bit EEPROM. The EEPROM interface permits the RTL8111E to read from, and write
data to, an external serial EEPROM device.
Values in the internal eFUSE memory or external EEPROM allow default fields in PCI configuration
space and I/O space to be overridden following a power-on or software EEPROM auto-load command.
The RTL8111E will auto-load values from the eFUSE or EEPROM. If the EEPROM is not present and
eFUSE auto-load is bypassed, the RTL8111E initialization uses default values for the appropriate
Configuration and Operational Registers. Software can read and write to the EEPROM using bit-bang
accesses via the 9346CR Register, or using PCI VPD (Vital Product Data). The EEPROM interface
consists of EESK, EECS, EEDO, and EEDI.
The correct EEPROM (i.e., 93C46/93C56/93C66) must be used in order to ensure proper LAN function.
Table 17. EEPROM Interface
EEPROM Description
EECS 93C46/93C56/93C66 Chip Select.
EESK EEPROM Serial Data Clock.
EEDI Output to Serial Data Input Pin of EEPROM.
EEDO Output Data Bus.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 16 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Power Management
The RTL8111E complies with ACPI (Rev 1.0, 1.0b, 2.0), PCI Power Management (Rev 1.1), PCI
Express Active State Power Management (ASPM), and Network Device Class Power Management
Reference Specification (V1.0a), such as to support an Operating System-directed Power Management
(OSPM) environment.
The RTL8111E can monitor the network for a Wakeup Frame or a Magic Packet, and notify the system
via a PCI Express Power Management Event (PME) Message, Beacon, or the LANWAKEB pin when
such a packet or event occurs. Then the system can be restored to a normal state to process incoming jobs.
When the RTL8111E is in power down mode (D1~D3):
• The RX state machine is stopped. The RTL8111E monitors the network for wakeup events such as a
Magic Packet and Wakeup Frame in order to wake up the system. When in power down mode, the
RTL8111E will not reflect the status of any incoming packets in the ISR register and will not receive
any packets into the RX on-chip buffer.
• The on-chip buffer status and packets that have already been received into the RX on-chip buffer
before entering power down mode are held by the RTL8111E.
• Transmission is stopped. PCI Express transactions are stopped. The TX on-chip buffer is held.
• After being restored to D0 state, the RTL8111E transmits data that was not moved into the TX on-chip
buffer during power down mode. Packets that were not transmitted completely last time are
The D3cold_support_PME bit (bit15, PMC register) and the Aux_I_b2:0 bits (bit8:6, PMC register) in PCI
configuration space depend on the existence of Aux power. If aux. power is absent, the above 4 bits are
all 0 in binary.
If EEPROM D3c_support_PME = 1:
• If aux. power exists, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC
(if EEPROM PMC = C3 FF, then PCI PMC = C3 FF)
• If aux. power is absent, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC except the
above 4 bits are all 0’s (if EEPROM PMC = C3 FF, then PCI PMC = 03 7E)
In the above case, if wakeup support is desired when main power is off, it is suggested that the EEPROM
PMC be set to C3 FF (Realtek EEPROM default value).

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 17 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
If EEPROM D3c_support_PME = 0:
• If aux. power exists, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC
(if EEPROM PMC = C3 7F, then PCI PMC = C3 7F)
• If aux. power is absent, then PMC in PCI config space is the same as EEPROM PMC except the
above 4 bits are all 0’s (if EEPROM PMC = C3 7F, then PCI PMC = 03 7E)
In the above case, if wakeup support is not desired when main power is off, it is suggested that the
EEPROM PMC be set to 03 7E.
Magic Packet Wakeup occurs only when the following conditions are met:
• The destination address of the received Magic Packet is acceptable to the RTL8111E, e.g., a
broadcast, multicast, or unicast packet addressed to the current RTL8111E.
• The received Magic Packet does not contain a CRC error.
• The Magic bit (CONFIG3#5) is set to 1, the PMEn bit (CONFIG1#0) is set to 1, and the
corresponding wake-up method (message, beacon, or LANWAKEB) can be asserted in the current
power state.
• The Magic Packet pattern matches, i.e., 6 * FFh + MISC (can be none) + 16 * DID (Destination ID)
in any part of a valid Ethernet packet.
A Wakeup Frame event occurs only when the following conditions are met:
• The destination address of the received Wakeup Frame is acceptable to the RTL8111E, e.g., a
broadcast, multicast, or unicast address to the current RTL8111E.
• The received Wakeup Frame does not contain a CRC error.
• The PMEn bit (CONFIG1#0) is set to 1.
• The 16-bit CRC* of the received Wakeup Frame matches the 16-bit CRC of the sample Wakeup
Frame pattern given by the local machine’s OS. Or, the RTL8111E is configured to allow direct
packet wakeup, e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast network packet.
Note: 16-bit CRC: The RTL8111E supports eight long-wakeup frames (covering 128 mask bytes from
offset 0 to 127 of any incoming network packet).

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 18 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
The corresponding wake-up method (message or LANWAKEB) is asserted only when the following
conditions are met:
• The PMEn bit (bit0, CONFIG1) is set to 1.
• The PME_En bit (bit8, PMCSR) in PCI Configuration Space is set to 1.
• The RTL8111E may assert the corresponding wake-up method (message or LANWAKEB) in the
current power state or in isolation state, depending on the PME_Support (bit15~11) setting of the
PMC register in PCI Configuration Space.
• A Magic Packet, LinkUp, or Wakeup Frame has been received.
• Writing a 1 to the PME_Status (bit15) of the PMCSR register in the PCI Configuration Space clears
this bit and causes the RTL8111E to stop asserting the corresponding wake-up method (message or
LANWAKEB) (if enabled).
When the RTL8111E is in power down mode, e.g., D1~D3, the IO, and MEM accesses to the RTL8111E
are disabled. After a PERSTB assertion, the device’s power state is restored to D0 automatically if the
original power state was D3cold. There is almost no hardware delay at the device’s power state transition.
When in ACPI mode, the device does not support PME (Power Management Enable) from D0 (this is the
Realtek default setting of the PMC register auto-loaded from EEPROM). The setting may be changed
from the EEPROM, if required.
Vital Product Data (VPD)
Bit 31 of the Vital Product Data (VPD) capability structure in the RTL8111E’s PCI Configuration Space
is used to issue VPD read/write commands and is also a flag used to indicate whether the transfer of data
between the VPD data register and the 93C46/93C56/93C66 has completed or not.
Write VPD register: (write data to the 93C46/93C56/93C66):
Set the flag bit to 1 at the same time the VPD address is written to write VPD data to EEPROM. When
the flag bit is reset to 0 by the RTL8111E, the VPD data (4 bytes per VPD access) has been transferred
from the VPD data register to EEPROM.
Read VPD register: (read data from the 93C46/93C56/93C66):
Reset the flag bit to 0 at the same time the VPD address is written to retrieve VPD data from EEPROM.
When the flag bit is set to 1 by the RTL8111E, the VPD data (4 bytes per VPD access) has been
transferred from EEPROM to the VPD data register.
Note1: Refer to the PCI 2.3 Specifications for further information.
Note2: The VPD address must be a DWORD-aligned address as defined in the PCI 2.3 Specifications.
VPD data is always consecutive 4-byte data starting from the VPD address specified.
Note3: Realtek reserves offset 60h to 7Fh in EEPROM mainly for VPD data to be stored.
Note4: The VPD function of the RTL8111E is designed to be able to access the full range of the
93C46/93C56/93C66 EEPROM.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 19 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Receive-Side Scaling (RSS)
The RTL8111E complies with the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 6.0 Receive-Side
Scaling (RSS) technology for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. RSS allows packet
receive-processing from a network adapter to be balanced across the number of available computer
processors, increasing performance on multi-CPU platforms.
6.8.1. Receive-Side Scaling (RSS) Initialization
During RSS initialization, the Windows operating system will inform the RTL8111E that it should store
the following parameters: hash function, hash type, hash bits, indirection table, BaseCPUNumber, and the
secret hash key.
Hash Function
The default hash function is the Toeplitz hash function.
Hash Type
The hash types indicate which field of the packet needs to be hashed to get the hash result. There are
several combinations of these fields, mainly, TCP/IPv4, IPv4, TCP/IPv6, IPv6, and IPv6 extension
• TCP/IPv4 requires hash calculations over the IPv4 source address, the IPv4 destination address, the
source TCP port and the destination TCP port.
• IPv4 requires hash calculations over the IPv4 source address and the IPv4 destination address.
• TCP/IPv6 requires hash calculations over the IPv6 source address, the IPv6 destination address, the
source TCP port and the destination TCP port.
• IPv6 requires hash calculations over the IPv6 source address and the IPv6 destination address
(Note: The RTL8111E does not support the IPv6 extension header hash type in RSS).
Hash Bits
Hash bits are used to index the hash result into the indirection table
Indirection Table
The Indirection Table stores values that are added to the BaseCPUNumber to enable RSS interrupts to be
restricted from some CPUs. The OS will update the Indirection Table to rebalance the load.
The lowest number CPU to use for RSS. BaseCPUNumber is added to the result of the indirection table
Secret Hash Key
The key used in the Toeplitz function. For different hash types, the key size is different.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 20 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
6.8.2. Protocol Offload
Protocol offload is a task offload supported by Microsoft Windows 7. It maintains a network presence for
a sleeping higher power host. Protocol offload prevents spurious wake up and further reduces power
consumption. It maintains connectivity while hosts are asleep, including receiving requests from other
nodes on the network, ignoring packets, generating packets while in the sleep state (e.g., the Ethernet
Controller will generate ARP responses if the same MAC and IPv4 address are provided in the
configuration data), and intelligently waking up host systems.
6.8.3. RSS Operation
After the parameters are set, the RTL8111E will start hash calculations on each incoming packet and
forward each packet to its correct queue according to the hash result. If the incoming packet is not in the
hash type, it will be forwarded to the primary queue. The hash result plus the BaseCPUNumber will be
indexed into the indirection table to get the correct CPU number. The RTL8111E uses three methods to
inform the system of incoming packets: inline interrupt, MSI, and MSIX. Periodically the OS will update
the indirection table to rebalance the load across the CPUs.
Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
The RTL8111E supports IEEE 802.3az Draft 3.2, also known as Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE), at
10Mbps, 100Mbps, and 1000Mbps. It provides a protocol to coordinate transitions to/from a lower power
consumption level (Low Power Idle mode) based on link utilization. When no packets are being
transmitted, the system goes to Low Power Idle mode to save power. Once packets need to be
transmitted, the system returns to normal mode, and does this without changing the link status and
without dropping/corrupting frames.
To save power, when the system is in Low Power Idle mode, most of the circuits are disabled, however,
the transition time to/from Low Power Idle mode is kept small enough to be transparent to upper layer
protocols and applications.
EEE also specifies a negotiation method to enable link partners to determine whether EEE is supported
and to select the best set of parameters common to both devices.
Refer to for more details.
7. Switching Regulator
The RTL8111E incorporates a state-of-the-art switching regulator that requires a well-designed PCB
layout in order to achieve good power efficiency and lower the output voltage ripple and input overshoot.
Note that the switching regulator 1.0V output pin (REGOUT) must be connected only to DVDD10,
AVDD10, and EVDD10 (do not provide this power source to other devices).
Note: Refer to the separate RTL8111E layout guide for details.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 21 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
8. Characteristics
Absolute Maximum Ratings
WARNING: Absolute maximum ratings are limits beyond which permanent damage may be caused to
the device, or device reliability will be affected. All voltages are specified reference to GND unless
otherwise specified.
Table 18. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Symbol Description Minimum Maximum Unit
DVDD33, AVDD33 Supply Voltage 3.3V -0.3 3.6 V
AVDD10, DVDD10 Supply Voltage 1.0V -0.3 1.2 V
EVDD10 Supply Voltage 1.0V -0.3 1.2 V
3.3V DCinput
3.3V DCoutput
Input Voltage
Output Voltage -0.3 3.6 V
1.0V DCinput
1.0V DCoutput
Input Voltage
Output Voltage -0.3 1.2 V
N/A Storage Temperature -55 +125 °C
Note: Refer to the most updated schematic circuit for correct configuration.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Table 19. Recommended Operating Conditions
Description Pins Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
DVDD33, AVDD33 3.14 3.3 3.46 V
AVDD10, DVDD10 0.95 1.0 1.05 V
Supply Voltage VDD
EVDD10 0.95 1.0 1.05 V
Ambient Operating Temperature TA - 0 - 70
Maximum Junction Temperature - - - 125 °C
Note: Refer to the most updated schematic circuit for correct configuration.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 22 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Crystal Requirements
Table 20. Crystal Requirements
Symbol Description/Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Fref Parallel Resonant Crystal Frequency Tolerance,
Fundamental Mode, AT-Cut Type. - 25 - MHz
Fref Stability Parallel Resonant Crystal Frequency Tolerance,
Fundamental Mode, AT-Cut Type. Ta=0°C~70°C. -30 - +30 ppm
Fref Tolerance Parallel Resonant Crystal Frequency Tolerance,
Fundamental Mode, AT-Cut Type. Ta=25°C. -50 - +50 ppm
Fref Duty Cycle Reference Clock Input Duty Cycle. 40 - 60 %
ESR Equivalent Series Resistance. - - 30
Jitter Broadband Peak-to-Peak Jitter2 - - 200 ps
DL Drive Level. - - 0.3 mW
Note1: The CLK source can come from other places in the system, but it must accord with the parameters above.
Note 2: Broadband RMS=9ps; 25KHz to 25MHz RMS=3ps.
Oscillator Requirements
Table 21. Oscillator Requirements
Parameter Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
Frequency - - 25 - MHz
Frequency Stability Ta = 0°C~70°C -30 - +30 ppm
Frequency Tolerance Ta = 25°C -50 - +50 ppm
Duty Cycle - 40 - 60 %
Broadband Peak-to-Peak Jitter2 - - - 200 ps
Rise Time - - - 10 ns
Fall Time - - - 10 ns
Operation Temp Range - 0 - 70
Note 1: The CLK source can come from other places in the system, but it must accord with the parameters above.
Note 2: Broadband RMS=9ps; 25KHz to 25MHz RMS=3ps.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 23 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Environmental Characteristics
Table 22. Environmental Characteristics
Parameter Range Units
Storage Temperature -55 ~ +125 °C
Ambient Operating Temperature 0 ~ 70 °C
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Level 3 N/A
DC Characteristics
Table 23. DC Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units
3.3V Supply Mean
Voltage - 3.14 3.3 3.46 V
1.0V Supply Mean
Voltage - 0.95 1.0 1.05 V
EVDD10 1.0V Supply Mean
Voltage - 0.95 1.0 1.05 V
Voh Minimum High Level
Output Voltage Ioh = -4mA 0.9*VDD33 - VDD33 V
Vol Maximum Low Level
Output Voltage Iol = 4mA 0 - 0.1*VDD33 V
Vih Minimum High Level
Input Voltage - 2.0 - - V
Vil Maximum Low Level
Input Voltage - - - 0.8 V
Iin Input Current Vin = VDD33 or GND 0 - 0.5 µA
Icc33 Average Operating Supply
Current from 3.3V
At 1Gbps with heavy
network traffic - 70 - mA
Icc10 Average Operating Supply
Current from 1.0V
At 1Gbps with heavy
network traffic - 300 - mA
Note 1: Refer to the latest schematic circuit for correct configuration.
Note 2: All Supply Mean Voltage power noise <±5% of Mean Voltage.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 24 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
AC Characteristics
8.7.1. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing
110An A2 A0A1
Dn D1 D0
110An A0 ...
High Impedance
High Impedance
tskh tskl
tdis tdih
tdos tdoh
Figure 6. Serial EEPROM Interface Timing
Table 24. EEPROM Access Timing Parameters
Symbol Parameter EEPROM Type Min. Max. Unit
tcs Minimum CS Low Time 9346/9356/9366 1000 - ns
twp Write Cycle Time 9346/9356/9366 - 10 ms
tsk SK Clock Cycle Time 9346/9356/9366 4 - µs
tskh SK High Time 9346/9356/9366 1000 - ns
tskl SK Low Time 9346/9356/9366 1000 - ns
tcss CS Setup Time 9346/9356/9366 200 - ns
tcsh CS Hold Time 9346/9356/9366 0 - ns
tdis DI Setup Time 9346/9356/9366 400 - ns
tdih DI Hold Time 9346/9356/9366 400 - ns
tdos DO Setup Time 9346/9356/9366 2000 - ns
tdoh DO Hold Time 9346/9356/9366 - 2000 ns
tsv CS to Status Valid 9346/9356/9366 - 1000 ns

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 25 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
PCI Express Bus Parameters
8.8.1. Differential Transmitter Parameters
Table 25. Differential Transmitter Parameters
Symbol Parameter Min Typical Max Units
UI Unit Interval 399.88 400 400.12 ps
VTX-DIFFp-p Differential Peak to Peak Output Voltage 0.800 - 1.05 V
VTX-DE-RATIO De-Emphasized Differential Output Voltage (Ratio) -3.0 -3.5 -4.0 dB
TTX-EYE Minimum TX Eye Width 0.75 - - UI
Maximum Time between The Jitter Median and
Maximum Deviation from The Median
- - 0.125 UI
TTX-RISE, TTX-FALL D+/D- TX Output Rise/Fall Time 0.125 - - UI
VTX-CM-ACp RMS AC Peak Common Mode Output Voltage - - 20 mV
Absolute Delta of DC Common Mode Voltage During
L0 and Electrical Idle
0 - 100 mV
Absolute Delta of DC Common Mode Voltage
between D+ and D-
0 - 25 mV
VTX-IDLE-DIFFp Electrical Idle Differential Peak Output Voltage 0 - 20 mV
VTX-RCV-DETECT The Amount of Voltage Change Allowed During
Receiver Detection
- - 600 mV
VTX-DC-CM The TX DC Common Mode Voltage 0 - 3.6 V
ITX-SHORT TX Short Circuit Current Limit - - 90 mA
TTX-IDLE-MIN Minimum Time Spent in Electrical Idle 50 - - UI
TTX-IDLE- SETTO-IDLE Maximum Time to Transition to A Valid Electrical Idle
After Sending An Electrical Idle Ordered Set
- - 20 UI
Maximum Time to Transition to Valid TX
Specifications After Leaving An Electrical Idle
- - 20 UI
RLTX-DIFF Differential Return Loss 10 - - dB
RLTX-CM Common Mode Return Loss 6 - - dB
ZTX-DIFF-DC DC Differential TX Impedance 80 100 120
LTX-SKEW Lane-to-Lane Output Skew - - 500+2*UI ps
CTX AC Coupling Capacitor 75 - 200 nF
Tcrosslink Crosslink Random Timeout 0 - 1 ms
Note1: Refer to PCI Express Base Specification, rev.1.1, for correct measurement environment setting of each parameter.
Note2: The data rate can be modulated with an SSC (Spread Spectrum Clock) from +0 to -0.5% of the nominal data rate
frequency, at a modulation rate in the range not exceeding 30kHz – 33kHz. The ±300ppm requirement still holds, which
requires the two communicating ports be modulated such that they never exceed a total of 600ppm difference.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 26 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
8.8.2. Differential Receiver Parameters
Table 26. Differential Receiver Parameters
Symbol Parameter Min. Typical Max. Units
UI Unit Interval 399.88 400 400.12 ps
VRX-DIFFp-p Differential Input Peak-to-Peak Voltage 0.175 - 1.05 V
TRX-EYE Minimum Receiver Eye Width 0.4 - - UI
Maximum Time Between The Jitter Median and
Maximum Deviation from The Median
- - 0.3 UI
VRX-CM-ACp AC Peak Common Mode Input Voltage - - 150 mV
RLRX-DIFF Differential Return Loss 10 - - dB
RLRX-CM Common Mode Return Loss 6 - - dB
ZRX-DIFF-DC DC Differential Input Impedance 80 100 120
ZRX--DC DC Input Impedance 40 50 60
ZRX-HIGH-IMP-DC Powered Down DC Input Impedance 200k - -
VRX-IDLE-DET-DIFFp-p Electrical Idle Detect Threshold 65 - 175 mV
Unexpected Electrical Idle Enter Detect Threshold
Integration Time
- - 10 ms
LRX-SKEW Total Skew - - 20 ns
Note: Refer to PCI Express Base Specification, rev.1.1, for correct measurement environment setting of each parameter.
8.8.3. REFCLK Parameters
Table 27. REFCLK Parameters
Symbol Parameter 100MHz Input
Min Max
Units Note
Rise Edge Rate Rising Edge Rate 0.6 4.0 V/ns 2, 3
Fall Edge Rate Falling Edge Rate 0.6 4.0 V/ns 2, 3
VIH Differential Input High Voltage +150 - mV 2
VIL Differential Input Low Voltage - -150 mV 2
VCROSS Absolute Crossing Point Voltage +250 +550 mV 1, 4, 5
VCROSS DELTA Variation of VCROSS Over All Rising Clock Edges - +140 mV 1, 4, 9
VRB Ring-Back Voltage Margin -100 +100 mV 2, 12
TSTABLE Time before VRB is Allowed 500 - ps 2, 12
TPERIOD AVG Average Clock Period Accuracy -300 +2800 ppm 2, 10, 13
TPERIOD ABS Absolute Period
(Including Jitter and Spread Spectrum)
9.847 10.203 ns 2, 6
TCCJITTER Cycle to Cycle Jitter - 150 ps 2
VMAX Absolute Maximum Input Voltage - +1.15 V 1, 7
VMIN Absolute Minimum Input Voltage - -0.3 V 1, 8

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 27 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Symbol Parameter 100MHz Input
Min Max
Units Note
Duty Cycle Duty Cycle 40 60 % 2
Rise-Fall Matching Rising Edge Rate (REFCLK+) to
Falling Edge Rate (REFCLK-) Matching
- 20 % 1, 14
ZC-DC Clock Source DC Impedance 40 60 1, 11
Note1: Measurement taken from single-ended waveform.
Note2: Measurement taken from differential waveform.
Note3: Measured from -150mV to +150mV on the differential waveform (derived from REFCLK+ minus REFCLK-). The
signal must be monotonic through the measurement region for rise and fall time. The 300mV measurement window is
centered on the differential zero crossing. See Figure 10, page 29.
Note4: Measured at crossing point where the instantaneous voltage value of the rising edge of REFCLK+ equals the
falling edge of REFCLK-. See Figure 7, page 28.
Note5: Refers to the total variation from the lowest crossing point to the highest, regardless of which edge is crossing.
Refers to all crossing points for this measurement. See Figure 7, page 28.
Note6: Defines as the absolute minimum or maximum instantaneous period. This includes cycle to cycle jitter, relative
ppm tolerance, and spread spectrum modulation. See Figure 9, page 28.
Note7: Defined as the maximum instantaneous voltage including overshoot. See Figure 7, page 28.
Note8: Defined as the minimum instantaneous voltage including undershoot. See Figure 7, page 28.
Note9: Defined as the total variation of all crossing voltages of Rising REFCLK+ and Falling REFCLK-. This is the
maximum allowed variance in VCROSS for any particular system. See Figure 7, page 28.
Note10: Refer to Section of the PCI Express Base Specification, Revision 1.1 for information regarding ppm
Note11: System board compliance measurements must use the test load card described in Figure 13, page 30. REFCLK+
and REFCLK- are to be measured at the load capacitors CL. Single ended probes must be used for measurements
requiring single ended measurements. Either single ended probes with math or differential probe can be used for
differential measurements. Test load CL=2pF.
Note12: TSTABLE is the time the differential clock must maintain a minimum ±150mV differential voltage after
rising/falling edges before it is allowed to droop back into the VRB ±100mV differential range. See Figure 12, page 29.
Note13: PPM refers to parts per million and is a DC absolute period accuracy specification. 1ppm is 1/1,000,000th of
100.000000MHz exactly, or 100Hz. For 300ppm then we have an error budget of 100Hz/ppm*300ppm=30kHz. The
period is to be measured with a frequency counter with measurement window set to 100ms or greater. The ±300ppm
applies to systems that do not employ Spread Spectrum or that use common clock source. For systems employing Spread
Spectrum there is an additional 2500ppm nominal shift in maximum period resulting from the 0.5% down spread resulting
in a maximum average period specification of +2800ppm.
Note14: Matching applies to rising edge rate for REFCLK+ and falling edge rate for REFCLK-. It is measured using a
±75mV window centered on the median cross point where REFCLK+ rising meets REFCLK- falling. The median cross
point is used to calculate the voltage thresholds the oscilloscope is to use for the edge rate calculations. The Rise Edge
Rate of REFCLK+ should be compared to the Fall Edge Rate of REFCLK-; the maximum allowed difference should not
exceed 20% of the slowest edge rate. See Figure 8, page 28.
Note15: Refer to PCI Express Card Electromechanical Specification, rev.1.1, for correct measurement environment
setting of each parameter.

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 28 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Figure 7. Single-Ended Measurement Points for Absolute Cross Point and Swing
Figure 8. Single-Ended Measurement Points for Delta Cross Point
Figure 9. Single-Ended Measurement Points for Rise and Fall Time Matching

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 29 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Figure 10. Differential Measurement Points for Duty Cycle and Period
Figure 11. Differential Measurement Points for Rise and Fall Time
Figure 12. Differential Measurement Points for Ringback

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 30 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
Figure 13. Reference Clock System Measurement Point and Loading
8.8.4. Auxiliary Signal Timing Parameters
Table 28. Auxiliary Signal Timing Parameters
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
TPVPERL Power Stable to PERSTB Inactive 100 - ms
TPERST-CLK REFCLK Stable before PERSTB Inactive 100 - µs
TPERST PERSTB Active Time 100 - µs
TPERSTB-RTD PERSTB Rising Time Duration 10 ms
TFAIL* Power Level Invalid to PWRGD Inactive - 500 ns
Note 1: TFAIL means 500 ns (maximum) from the power rail going out of specification (exceeding the specified tolerances
by more than 500 mV). Refer to PCI Local Bus Specification rev. 3.0 for further information. TFAIL can be disregarded
when implementation and timing of TFAIL will not affect any LAN functions.
Note 2: 3.3V means 3.3V main power. The ISOLATEB pin should follow the behavior of the 3.3V main power waveform.
Figure 14. Auxiliary Signal Timing

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 31 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
9. Mechanical Dimensions
Symbol Dimension in mm Dimension in inch
Min Nom Max Min Nom Max
A 0.75 0.85 1.00 0.030 0.034 0.039
A1 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.000 0.001 0.002
A3 0.20REF 0.008REF
b 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.006 0.008 0.010
D/E 6.00BSC 0.236BSC
D2/E2 4.15 4.4 4.65 0.163 0.173 0.183
e 0.40BSC 0.016BSC
L 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.012 0.016 0.020

Integrated Gigabit Ethernet Controller for PCI Express 32 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.1
10. Ordering Information
Table 29. Ordering Information
Part Number Package Status
RTL8111E-VL-CG 48-Pin QFN ‘Green’ Package
Note: See page 4 for package identification information.
Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
No. 2, Innovation Road II
Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047