Sonicwall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service Datasheet 108060
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SonicWall CAPTURE ADVANCED THREAT PROTECTION SERVICE ® Discover and stop zero-day and other unknown attacks For effective zero-day threat protection, organizations need solutions that include malware-analysis technologies and can detect evasive advanced threats and malware — today and tomorrow. suspicious code behavior. This powerful combination detects more threats than single-engine sandbox solutions, which are compute-environment specific and susceptible to evasion. To protect customers against the increasing dangers of zero-day threats, SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service — a cloud-based service available with SonicWall firewalls — detects and and can block advanced threats at the gateway until verdict. This service is the only advanced-threat-detection offering that combines multi-layer sandboxing, including full system emulation and virtualization techniques, to analyze The solution scans traffic and extracts suspicious code for analysis, but unlike other gateway solutions, analyzes a broad range of file sizes and types. Globalthreat intelligence infrastructure rapidly deploys remediation signatures for newly identified threats to all SonicWall network security appliances, thus preventing further infiltration. Customers benefit from high-security effectiveness, fast response times and reduced total cost of ownership. Cloud anti-virus Botnet filtering URL filtering Intrusion prevention Grey listed files Sandbox Traffic SSL decryption Network anti-virus Judgment Multi-engine SonicWall Capture cloud Filtered traffic A cloud-based, multi-engine solution for stopping unknown and zero-day attacks at the gateway Benefits: • High security effectiveness against unknown threats • Near real-time signature deployment protects from follow on attacks • Reduced total cost of ownership Features For best zero-day threat protection, the solution is architected to dynamically add new malware analysis technologies as the threat landscape evolves. Multi-engine advanced threat analysis — SonicWall Capture Service extends firewall threat protection to detect and prevent zero-day attacks. The firewall inspects traffic, and detects and blocks intrusions and known malware. Suspicious files are sent to the SonicWall Capture cloud service for analysis. The multi-engine sandbox platform, which includes virtualized sandboxing, full system emulation and hypervisorlevel analysis technology, executes suspicious code and analyzes behavior, provides comprehensive visibility to malicious activity while resisting evasion tactics and maximizing zero-day threat detection. Broad file type analysis — The service supports analysis of a broad range of file sizes and types, including executable programs (PE), DLL, PDFs, MS Office documents, archives, JAR and APK, plus multiple operating systems including Windows and Android. Administrators can customize protection by selecting or excluding files to be sent to the cloud for analysis by file type, file size, sender, recipient or protocol. In addition, administrators can manually submit files to the cloud service for analysis. Blocks until verdict — To prevent potentially malicious files from entering the network, files sent to the cloud service for analysis can be held at the gateway until a verdict is determined. Rapid deployment of remediation signatures — When a file is identified as malicious, a signature is immediately available to firewalls with SonicWall Capture subscriptions to prevent followon attacks. In addition, the malware is submitted to the SonicWall Threat Intelligence Team for further analysis and inclusion with threat information into the Gateway Anti-Virus and IPS signature databases. Additionally, it is sent to URL, IP and domain reputation databases within 48 hours. The SonicWall Capture reporting page displays daily at a glance results. Colored bars on the report indicate days where malware was discovered. Administrators have the ability to click on individual daily results and apply filters to quickly see malicious files with results. 2 Reporting and alerts — The SonicWall Capture Service provides an at-a-glance threat analysis dashboard and reports, which detail the analysis results for files sent to the service. including source, destination and a summary plus details of malware action once detonated. Firewall log alerts provide notification of suspicious files sent to the SonicWall Capture Service, and file analysis verdict. About Us SonicWall has been fighting the cybercriminal industry for over 25 years, defending small, medium size businesses and enterprises worldwide. Our combination of products and partners has enabled a real-time cyber defense solution tuned to the specific needs of the more than 500,000 global businesses in over 150 countries, so you can do more business with less fear. SUPPORTED PLATFORMS SonicWall Capture Service is supported on the following SonicWall network security appliances running SonicOS 6.2.6 and higher: SuperMassive 9600 SuperMassive 9400 SuperMassive 9200 NSA 6600 NSA 5600 NSA 4600 NSA 3600 NSA 2600 TZ600 TZ500 and TZ500 Wireless TZ400 and TZ400 Wireless TZ300 and TZ300 Wireless A detailed analysis report is also available for analyzed files to facilitate remediation. 3 SonicWall, Inc. 5455 Great America Parkway | Santa Clara, CA 95054 Refer to our website for additional information. © 2017 SonicWall Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SonicWall is a trademark or registered trademark of SonicWall Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S.A. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. DataSheet-AdvancedThreatProtection-US-VG-28515
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