Ensoniq Corporation Transoniq Hacker Archive Issue #107 Th 107
Ensoniq Corporation Transoniq Hacker Archive Issue #107 th_107 Ensoniq Corporation - Transoniq Hacker Archive - Issue #107
User Manual: Ensoniq Corporation Transoniq Hacker Archive Issue #107 Ensoniq Corporation - Transoniq Hacker Archive - Issue #107
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.l' The Independent News Magazine fer Enseniq Users In this it-SUE TS-12 — The Rush is Buck Jsfi Rhee-as In the early '?0s the lvlini lvieeg was the piece te have. This edd little thing with its pep-up centrel panel and _ mene keybeard s drew gasps ef amazement frem players and en-leekers alike. I remember hew lucky I felt te be able te ewn ene. But, I'll never ferget the feeling I get when I pewered up my first Prephet 5. Here, beneath this leng wedge, was the ability te de the impessible; aetually stere yeur ewn settings as "presets" fer instant recall. Wew! And 5 veices ef pelyphenyl Teggling thru the presets(l), I fettnd myself in awe ef what I heard. The seunds! I was tetally entranced. Heurs disappeared in endless pessibilities. What a sensatien... what a rush! I've had the chance te play a let ef synths since then (‘cause I'm eld, see?). While seme ef the 'beards I've sampled('i' !] have been very impressive, even greundbreaking, they've never quite stirred my seul the way that Prephet did....until new. The rush has returned again. Enseniq's TS-12 has given me that same sense ef discevery. pregrams that have been carefully reveiced. But, the TS-12 seems te be mere than just a TS-10 with a new keybeard. It seunds and feels like sernething independent and cemplete en its ewn. What's mere, it may help te light that elusive creative spark. Keep reading. TS-12 — The Rush is Hack Iefifiheads ...................................... .. cever The Keybeercl Putting the DPI4 te Werk - Rhythm Tracks Micheetfiervsy 9 At the frent ef the TS-12 is a ‘Id-nete, weighted piane keybeard. The actual physical keybesrd cemes ceurtesy ef Fatar Cerp., well knewn as the manufacturer ef seundless centrellers. In fact, it's the keybeard that's made their centrellers desirable and pepular with these whe need centrel ever ene er mere synth medules. I wanted te see what the keybeard felt like with ne seund. Se I switched eff the TS-12's pewer, thus, iselating its keybeard. The actien is firmer than that ef my aceustic piane. The keys have ne neticeable side te side mevemcnt and their return feels natural, with a hint ef backteuch. And this keybeard is very, very quiet. And it weighs 55 peunds. less, gives intreductien te versien 2.0 0.5. This chip-upgrade effers seme new additiens that make the TS-10312 platferm easier te fathem. Versien 2.0 (2.02 as ef this writing) alse delivers seunds and ISSUE NUMBER 10?, $2.50 Sampling Synthesizers - Partl1I Tern Sheer 6 The EPS 9-dB Beest Med Jehn Lefiink ........................................... .. ‘F Trick Shuffling Jsjfistten 13 Senic Derivatiens: Empire Brass Jerrtes Greta ......................................... .. 14 Synthesising the Clavinet Kirk Stinkard ........................................ .. 1? Reviews: Basement Tapes: Steve Wilde Denis! Mendel‘ ....................................... .. 4 Latter Seunds: Hardwire - KS St SQ Pet Fimtigeit ........................................ .. 11 Reguter Stuff: New, switch the TS-12 en again. The true sensitivity ef the keybeard lies semewhat deeper. ‘Why, after all this time, the T5-12'? At first glance it's essentially a TS-10 with a weighted piane keybeard. It alse, mere er Articles: Press System te see the first sub-page. TDUCH=SYN-TEL 3 appears en the lewer right cerner ef the display. There are 14 velecity curves at yeur fingertips Randem Netes .......................................... 3 Hyperseniq 3 Current 0.5. 2 Classifieds .............................................. 20 (ahe1'n!}; ti piane, 6 synth and 2 fitted. In The Interface ....................................... 22 future articles, we'll leek at these mere clesely. Fer new, it's impertant te knew Hacker Beeteeq ................................... 31 1 that Enseniq develeped this system seftware with the help ef different players, each with different playing styles. This, aleng with the piane pregrams, gives the 1-teyheard a mere human feel. Play ene ef the TS-12's enbeard pianes {try “Steree Piane" in ROM BankSet R2.) Clese yeur eyes as yeu play. New, imagine playing a 9—feet Grand. geing te use the Tempe Track the mest during mi:-tdewn. Tempe Track is a real-time adjustment se yeu can alse use it te sync up te live instruments. Seng Track 12 gets te be the Tempe Track by default. Unlike nermal tracks, the Tempe Track enly centains tempe infermatien. It eannet recerd seund. I've played different serts ef piane music using different "pianes" and velecity curves en the TS-12. Bruce Hemsby's "Hereer Lights," Herbie Hanceck's "Detphin Dense" and Scett Iep1in's "The Strsnueus Life" all require separate "feels." Different velecity curves can be chesen fer each piece. Remember, theugh, that TOUCH is a glebal parameter se yeu may net want te change it ence yeu‘ve feund a setting yeu like. Yeu can fine tune the upper end ef a curve using the 'v'E.L- MAX parameter lecated te the right ef TOUCH. Take yeur time with the velecity curves. After seme eitperimentatien using this music, I've settled en a TOUCH value that suits my playing. The whele precess has If yeu theught yeu ceuld survive witheut the new Aute-Lead feature, rethink it. Aute-Lead, in effect, takes a snapshet ef yeur TS-12 system befere pewer dewn. It then remembers system Sampled Seunds and settings the neitt time yeu turn the TS-12 en. Fer example, using the Aute-Lead feature, Sample Seunds er Sample Edits yeu leaded inte the TS-12 (and then turned the pewer eff) are remembered by name, disk, file path and (Sampled Seund) bank fer each ef the Sampled Seunds. {Sample edits must be saved as a Sample edit file.) The Aute-Lead prempts yeu te AUTO-LOAD ALL SAMPLED SOL1Nl]S---(*YES* er *NO*) when yeu turn the TS-12 en. Select *YES* if yeu'll be using Sampled Seunds. The Aute-Lead prempt will alse pep up if yeu‘ve leaded a 60-SEQISONG file that uses {and been entirely satisfying. was saved with) Sample Banks! Aute-Lead alse werks with Synth and instruments played frem the TS-12's keybeard seund as if they pessess life. Cemplett pad seunds translate very well since each layer can have its ewn velecity attack, release and level settings. Bass-synth seunds peund at yeur chest with each keystrike. Yeu can feel yeur fingers hitting the strings. Leads sizzle as yeu dig inte the keys. Trumpets seem richer, seprane saites are mere haunting when yeu play them frem the TS-12's keybeard. Guitar, ensemble setmds, drums...eny seund becemes a psyche-aceustic playgreund. It suddenly seems te be bigger, mere than just itself. Yeur hands were designed fer this. It's get real guts te it. Yeu're playing en semething subtle yet full ef pewer. Regular plastic weight synth ‘beards new seem implausible. And the rush centinues. Opereting System 2.0 As I stated earlier, with the TS-112 cemes the new versien 2.0 Operating System. It's available fer a small bench fee te TS-10 ewners. Yeu guys and girls whe den't have it yet, I'd recemmend upgrading...like, yesterday. This O.S. dees way mere than rub eut bugs. It delivers anneyance-bashing teels like Tempe Track, Aute Lecate and SCSI suppert. Reund eut the seftware with Seundfinder, include reveiced pre grams (en the TS D200 disk), and yeu‘ve get semething werth lusting fer. Tempe Track werks in cenjunctien with Seng Mede. Yeu can recerd centinueus (real time) tempe changes te any Seng. All the ACTUAL {recerded) sequence tempes are re-cemputed by the Seng TEMPO value using a percentage ef increase er decrease. As an example, say the Seng TEMPO value = 00 and the ACTUAL (recerded) value ef its sequences is 025. Set te a value ef 00 the TEMPO has ne effect en all the ACTUAL {recerded) sequence values that make up the Seng. All ACTUAL sequences remain as they were eriginally recerded in the Seng. But, a Seng TEMPO value ef 25 changes er biases the sequences ACTUAL (recerded) value te 111. Negative TEMPO values bring the ACTUAL value dewn. Cenfused? Okay, in ‘STEMPO-TRI-£* pushing the data slider up makes the seng ge faster. Pushing it dewn makes the seng ge slewer. Yeu‘re prebably varieus SCSI devices. It will ask fer and lead Sampled Seund files frem fleppies, CD ROM, retnevable cartridges etc. And versien 2.0 effers SCSI suppert. A read-enly SCSI eptien is available fer the TS-lOl'l2 platferm. An eptienal SP-4 interface must be installed. (Centact yeur dealer fer details). (After the SP-4 is installed, new field and status pages will be displayed allewing yeu te select the applicable sterage eptien (cheese SCSI) and SCSI I.D. number. Each SCSI device within a netwerk cemmunicates using an I.D. number. Yeu may use numbers 0 thru 2 and 4 thru T. I.D. Number 3 is permanently assigned te the TS-12 and can't be used fer ether SCSI devices.) With the Read-enly SCSI eptien, the TS-10112 can lead Sampled Seunds frem the ASR-10, EPS-16 PLUS and BPS. The TS-10,102 has 300 pregrams and 300 presets in residence se it's pessible te get a little lest if yeu're searching fer a particular seuud. with that in mind, O.S. 2.0 effers Seundfinder, an ingenieus feature te make yeur search easier. Seundfinder‘s a breeze te use and it werl-ts in Seunds, Presets, and Sequence Medes. Each mede requires seme simple theugh specific steps se we'll leek at Seundfinder in mere depth in later articles. — Currentlénsehiq 0.8. (0isldEPFt0lvl) ass EPS-M EPS-16 PLUS MASOS MIRAGE 2.-tst2.4e 1 2.4at2.41 1.3t1.00F SO-Fl SQ-Fl 32 SO-Fl PLUS Si}? st:-2 as DJt'.I1i.flI'\J ESE! SO-1 swe ps EEC!-M SO-S0 UFK ‘v'Fl-t-S0 SO-1 SO-1 32 SO-1 PLUS ED-1 32 DPI4 |{S—32 ASH-10 I-(MK—B KMK-‘IE T5-10t‘12 4.10,’-=1-.10 1.14 3.0l 2.0!l.5 2.00 1-50 2.5 e DCt —~e-~#w w tin]-\"“CJ —I~Q—I-—I-£|tJI.' tIl'. \J'D 001.10 —l-DI"tJ—lDG‘ Front Pcsnel RND (.I‘J*J*) Thlrd-Party News (EFE or EPA), let you edit Sample 3: Loop points, and set the loop type. Seundilente is freeware but is restricted to files that are less than 15 kilobytes. If you use it, you should register it. Samples are MIDI Mark Productions is new having a sale on 3.5" sample disks for the EPSIASR,-’I'S. You can get any 9 disks fer $49 plus $3 sfh. included. Soundlfert 1.0 is a full-featured version of Sauhaiflenta allowing you to process files of any length and adds the ability to convert Waves into Samplelfision. Anyone may obtain a copy of They have ever 200 disks to choose from and specialize in seunds fer dance music. For a free catalog, contact: MIDI Mark Productions, P.O. Ben 212,, ‘Whittier, CA 90003. Phone: (310) 099-0095. Past: (310) 099-0304. Scundflerna via modem on Cempuserve (in the MIDI section); on Sound Management's BBS (T03) 949-0434, or CempUSA (401) 323-9250; or send $5 to Timothy Dorcas, 12 Kipling St., Prevideuce. RI 0290?. Sound‘v‘ert 1.0 is currently $15 (+$1.50 fer SH-I}. HYPEHSONIQ TRANSONIQ-NET HELP wm-| ou esrteus NEW PRODUCTS 'i‘i'AVeBOY Industries announces their fourth effects disk: The Vader — a keyboard-controlled veceder and morphing filter bank fer the EPS-10 PLUS and the ASR-10. Teach your sampler to talk; synthesize and sequence a vocal chorus singing the words to your song! Get these classic veceder sounds -— talking wind, talking bass, talking anything; sequence elaborate EQ changes that happen in sync to the music. The Vader effect is a bank of programmable filters that loads into the effects processor of an EPS-I0 PLUS or an ASP.-10. The filters are multi-band parametric equalizers (EOs) that can be modulated in interesting ways — most notably, they can make a seund talk or sing words. The Vader imposes the moving resonance of speech onto any input sound. But while the conventional veceder uses a live vocal input to derive the control information, the Vader uses the keyboard or MIDI. The Vader contains a set of up to 04 different EQ settings which are programmed to imitate the formant structure of different phonemes. Each EQ setting is as- signed to a different key on the keyboard. The active EQ frame is selected by the keyboard, or by any of a list of modulation sources including LFO and Random-Sample-and-Hold. The glide time between EQ frames is variable and can also be modulated. All EQ frames are programmable and net restricted to speech or phonemes. The Voder can "morph" between EQ frames, like the Emu Mer- phcus. Unlike the Morpheus, the 'v'oder's EO frames are user programmable. Chorus effect: a delaylchorus algorithm is available simultaneously with the EO, on BUS1 or BUS2. Any instrument can be sent through the Vader, creating talking drums, talking strings, etc. The Vader comes with demo sounds fer solo and chorus singing. The "|h"AVcBOY Vader Disk is available directly from 'WAVeBOY Industries fer $49.95 including shipping. For further All of tbe individuals listed below are volunteers! Please take that into consideration when calling. if you get a recerding and leave a message, let ‘em knew if it's okay to call back collect (this will greatly increase your chances of getting a return call). All Ensoniq Gear - Ensoniq Customer Service. 9:30 am to no-on, 1:15 pm to 0:30 pm EST Monday to Friday. 215-04'?-3930. All Easoniq Gear - Electric Factory {Ensoniq's Australia distributor). Business hours - ‘fictoria. (03) 430-5933. Sampling — The Intemational Samplers Cooperative, 310-455-2053 or via MusoBBS, 313-334-0T99. SD-1 Questions - Philip Magnotta, 401-40'?-435?, 4 pm — 12:30 EST. ‘JFK Sound Programming Questions - Dara Jones, Cempuserve: T1055, 1113 or Midi-net ti: Fido-net. Local BBS: Nightfly, Dallas: 214-342-2230. SD-1, DPI4, ASH-10 Questions - lohn Cos, 009-333-5519, (NI) Spot - 3 pm EST weekdays. Any time weekends. SQ-30 Questions - Robert Romano, 00?-$33-T31-'3. Any ol' time. Hard Drives 3: Drive Systems, Studios, 8: Computers - Rob Feiner, Cinetunes. 914-903-5313. llam-3pm EST. Cempuserve: 'i‘1024,l2$5. EPS, EPS-10 PLUS, S: ASH-I0 Questions - Garth Hjelte. Rubber Chickcn Software. Call anytime. If message, 24-hour callback. (305) T92-9231. Compu serve: T2203 ,2303. ESQ-I AND SQ-30 Questions - Tom McCaffrey. ESQUPA. 215-3300241, before 11 pm Eastern Time. information, centaet:: 'lh"A‘v'eBOY Industries, P.O. Boa 233, Paoli, PA 19301 USA. Phone: 215-251-9562. BACK ISSUES The Rhythm Factory announces the release of The Elite Set — 10 disks of all new samples fer all EPS's, ASR's, and TS's. Disks are $3 each or $00 fer the entire set. To hear what you're getting befere spending your hard earned cash, a demo cassette of all Rhythm Fac- Back issues are $2.00 each. (Overseas: $3 each.) Issues 1- 40, 01, 0'1‘ — T-'4, and 32 - 35 are no longer available. Subscriptions will be cittendcd an equal number of issues for any issues paid for that are not available at the time we receive your order. ESQ-1 coverage started with Issue #13. tory preducts is available for just $3 ~— refundable with your first purchase. Fer further information, contact: Bryce Inman, The Rhythm Factory, 303 Saddle Bridge Lane, Franklin, TN 32004. Phone: (015) 591-9375. applies to the SQ-30). EPS coverage got going with #35 {and also ap- SQ-30 coverage started with #29, {although most ESQ-I coverage also plies to the ASH-10). ‘JFK coverage (which also applies to the SDa) got started in #43. The SQE got going in #03. [SQ articles also apply to the HS-32.) DPI4 coverage started in #33 {much of which also applies to the ASR-10). TS-10 owners should check out sample reviews {EPSIASRJ and SD St VFX programming tips. Permission has been given to photo- Saundflerna, running under Windows 3.1, is an aud_io conversion utility brought to you by Timothy Dorcas. Saandtllerna will allow you to convert Wave 3:: Samplclfision files into Gieb1er's format copy issues that we no longer have available — check the classifieds for people offering them. A free back issue indeit is available which contains the tables of content for all issues since Nurnber 43. R “ I I EPSlMIIIAGElESQlSQ-30 M.I.l.G. 24-Hour Hotline - 212-405-3430. Leave name, number, address. 24-hr Callback. Mirage Sampling — Mark Wyar, (210) 323-1205. Eastem time zone (OH). Calls between 0 pm and 11 pm. Sampling 3: Moving Samples - lack Loescir, (903) 204-3512. Eastem SQ-1, ES-32, Sr SD-1 Questions - Pat Pinnigan, 31’?-402-3440. 3:00 am Time (N.I.). Cali after 0:00 pm. to 10:00 pm EST. MIDI Users - Eric Baragar, Canadian MIDI Users Group, (013) 3920290 during business hours, Eastem Time (Toronto, ONT) or call IviIDlI.Il*iIi'. BBS at (013) 900-0323 24 hours. ESQ-1, MIDI S: Computers — Joe Slater, (404) 925-‘I929. EST. 7 The Good The Bcld and 1 he Tape: Nee-Classical ti Electronic Composition. Artist: Steve "h-‘ilde. Contact: I320 N. Washington Avc., Clcarwatcr, Florida 34015. Equipment: Ob-crhcim DMX and Yamaha drum machines, ESQ-1 and EPS, Onkyo mirtdown deck, (using Dolby C). As the functional title implies, this is Nee-Classical 3: Electronic Composition. Side one is Nee-classical, and side two is Electronic Composition. The nee-classical (15 pieces) are traditional harmony, counterpoint and chord progressions using obvious synthy sounds for the strings (even though they were obviously synthesized, the strings still sound eitceptionally beautiful), keyboards, homs and reeds. Side two, electronic composition, has twenty-two pieces with names like To The Beginning or The Endf, Space Opera and Spocl:'S Ears, Before and After Before, Drains. No More llfarios, Klangfarhennrelodie, Ana‘ I2 Tone Variations.‘ Quartet For Strings, Flute, And Piano. The electronic composition struck me as very free, very streamy of consciousness. Steve uses a lot of analog, wet, moog synth patches. I-Ie uses theme and variation in sound and tonality as much as in the musical statements themselves. The downside is that there is not much continuity. Much of this style of music seems inherently anti-conunercial. There are not a lot of hooks here. On the Nee-Classical side all sequences were well e:-tecuted. Introductions and endings were planned and natural sounding. On the Elcctronic Composition side any sequences were transparent to the slow nature, or the abstractncss of many of the pieces. Introductions were more interesting in general, but endings were harder to come by. It seemed as though Steve were looking for a way out of the piece. I often felt as if the piece was being abandoned rather than finished. Definitely the Nee-Classical side appealed to me more than the Electronic Composition. I didn't feel drawn into the structure of the Electronic Composition pieces, as I did with the Nee-Classical. ' Wilde i Tape: Songs fi-orn the Wilde SidelGttitaristlcs. Artist: Steve Wilde. Equipment: Gibson 20th Anniversary Les Paul Custom, Obcrhcirn Dlvtltt and Yamaha dmm machines, ESQ-1 and EPS, Onkyo mirtdown deck, (using Dolby C). This tape, as well, is divided into two definite sections. On Songs from the Wilde Side Steve graces us with his voice, which is deep and scratchy and goes well with this rock)‘jazz music. The recording quality of the individual parts could have been clearer. I would have been hard pressed to recognize any of the lyrics, ertcept for the song titles printed on the J-card. This is the second of three tapes submitted by Steve Wilde. Listening to any one of these tapes, you might get the impression that Steve is a talented musician and songwriter. However, listening to all three of these tapes you very well might decide that Steve is an enormously capable musical visionary who would be equally as comfortable scoring a sound track for a movie as recording a rock ballad or sitting in as a studio musician utilizing his variety of styles and talents! I realize that's a mouthful, but this is quite an amazing body of music, and definitely worth a listcnl Grritaristics features Steve as the guitarist (Gee Thanks, Dani) in very small snippets of tunes ranging from two to three minutes. Steve says that his musical influences are Allan Holdsworth, Steve Morse and John Scofield. Here the screaming guitar work is so fascinating, that you might not notice the supporting work underneath. If you do take a second listen, there are a lot of repetitive sequences, no doubt from our friendly drum machines. Fortunately, the main instruments are worth it. Still, a few more variations and clever fills would have made a -profound difference. Steve's jazzierffusion pieces have more well-planned per- l cussion. i —I¢l-1-Ii The recerding itself is clear. The min is acceptable. Here again, the min seunds better en the jaaaicr pieces. This may he because all the separate parts can he heard mere clearly. On serne ef the reck pieces the effects tend te muddy up the tnis censiderably. This ene is the rnest fun ef the three tapes that Steve submitted. Milli Gedeilla is a fast, frelicl-ting piece. Of all the different slices ef music, the pieces en this side are the easiest te listen te. Maybe even the mest cennnercial, altheugh Fm net sure I'd ge that far. Steve seems te be aware ef the nen-cemmercial aspect ef his sengs. He cetnments that “a recerd cenipany has te sell 200,00 units. If they den’t think yeu'll sell that many, yeu wen’t get signed ." Ultimately, if yeu were geing te centact Steve and request ene ef his tapes yeu weuld have a hard time deciding which ene, tmless yeu cheese squarely within the genre ef yetu' cheice, and then yeu weuld ne deubt be pleased. I suspect that these are a small sampling ef what Steve has te effer. That is, if he hasn’t been signed er Tape: Jungle Jassfer the One-h.lan~BandlNee-Classical Hardball. Artist: Steve Wilde. Equipment: Ob-erheirn D1-1X and Yamaha drum machines, ESQ-1 and BPS, Dnkye miztdewn deck, {using Delby C). This is the third cf three tapes that Steve submitted, and like the ethers it features twe distinct different sides. Side ene features Iungle Jase fer the One-Man-Band, while side twe features Nee-Classical Hardball. recerded since he last submitted. - Jungle Jaesfer the One-Man-Band centinues in the Wilde traditien ef really geed cempesitien in the reckljaazlfusien categery. This time Steve shews eff his keybeard prewess. Mest ef these sengs are three te feur minutes lung. This side epens with a streng mever, E.Z. Bees lt, which quickly develeps a funky greeve that seunds dewnright fun te jam te. 1402 SW Upland Dr., Pertland OR 9?22 l. l S If yea want yeur tape run threugh the ringer, err, Hacker, just mail it eff te: Easement Tapes, Transeniq Hacker, Bie: Daniel Mandel is a sengwriter, seund designer, and has seld pre attdie and lteybeard equipment and prednced deme tapes fer lecal bands. 1 “\_ H mm’ (p'“°/titsf Q“ eargreatlinbher ‘ Chicken settnds - new all men ene CD-ROlld'l200ntb werth ef satnples- frent streng basses te beautiful texntredpads te strilcingherns. lfyett den 't havea CD—ROMplayer, bay the lntredttctery Bttndle- andSA VEI Chicken CD-ROM......... .......$Z99l Intredacteryflandle all ,1 ASF?-10_VEFtSl0N2.01 Slashed Pnces-Chicken Drives l 44mb, 105mb, sheila70mbl , E sate?‘ having a celer rneniter te replace yeur rneasly 22-characterdisplayefyenrEP£lASR. Here it is ~ heel: up year satnpler te a PC and centrel thefunctiens renteteiy - newyen can see all that gees en within.$59-w! Talte advantage efthe DishTraclcs en the new OS versien. Chicken Drives are rerneveable Syattest drives petjfectfer digital recerding - and we ‘ve get 'ern in steclcl Each drive cemes eptienally* with a full cart ef RC5 settndsl This is THE driveferdirect-te-disl: rece rdingl mitamts ME fie thmteattl ntdfiflfi file.-tilt.-GEE H/In $545! $359! $751' II Readslwrites ms s $795! $599! $125! their access Idjtns access l3..5rn.s access CD + CD-ROM Player! ........ ..-$649! Mama _lIleecrlptlet_'t lllllnlll llrgsst Rlslisnssslisllsnl Ell‘ ll-llslie illltllllii lllt'H" Earls: Flt Hill] In‘ Jlgllil tells‘: $.ts.ss tithes intents stems ttass tease tlaestry Sit Fill Hill net Ital, ttnt-tn. ml -mt lmt mat ten an use $24. Ff iii 5'5 llimgs Key: lllsrelllm llliahs C.O.D. !, '_=-_=_'e.-_.',' __"‘* M 2. ._; .‘_ .- ,-.. ' " "s-' ' ' ofll\“" ‘ ASH‘-TU/TS-1 lhv Int n.||,Iln ls ll-I ,Iuh_|s EH syntiulrsn l hgthnir Ir.-g llsnstifiu nlplu I-.~I"r, ll|.r'r, iiim '1, rs! sthn lltrelesfety Psi‘ --:"=~'~*P‘*'*'__ ._-.-."'-'~1--.T'5,‘. .t:.'-‘Lg =1 - m"“'““F.\;:mh@“5 A5 || es I £133’ chifiken AsasP»M‘°’°Wava0¢\\ Celltedeyferyeur S59! _ FFIEECataleg 5 HE, h H, DEED ""bt- " Bhlfkfl“ 5°f“““'“ -' - raeesa seem - iii‘.-~t.~.-..-'. {tit-ettime eu . ' _ '_"151 _ hl t lh 515;; , stensattata e er e ertljtl M'Wewners.Callferdetail.s. Ifi+'Spm.fimfi€rffirASR' "’"‘*“‘*"T°“t"* -""'UEl?'l:P:f Sampling Synthesizers Pelt 3 — Petting Suggestions Tern Shear If all has gene well since the last time, yeu prebably have a use, this eptien allews yeu te quadruple the number ef seunds ceuple ef disks stuffed te the brim with seme great synth samples. Yeu've getten them leeped successfully, but new yeu have. Te start eff, use the COPY LAYER cemmand te cepy yeur current layer {PARAMS ONLY, er yeu‘ll drive these what? This time areund I’ll effer seme suggestiens aheut hew yeu can pelish them te a mere finished seund. bleck numbers threugh the reefl). If yeur sample is resynthesiaed er uses multiple layers, cepy them as well. New is when yeu can have seme fun. If yeu haven't dene it already, ge threugh every wavesample and GAIN NORMALIZE them. If the seund in questien is a nen-sustaining seund, such as a drum er marimba, yeu sheuld use the FADE OUT cemmand, alse en the AMP page, with a START value ef abeut 90 and an END value ef 99. Use the defaults fer any ether parameters. This will give the nen-sustained seund a smeeth fadeeut instead ef the tell-tale clicks these seunds semetimes centain at their tails. The neat part will depend largely en the setmd yeu are using, se I can't be tee specific. Basically, yeu will want te reintreduce any LFO, pitch effects, digital effects, etc that yeu pregrammed eut ef the seurce synth fer smeeth sampling. This weuld be a geed time te tweak the envelepes and filters tee, if necessary. If pessible, listen te the criginal seund en the synth side-by-side with yeur sample until yeu are satisfied that yeur sample dees the eriginal seund justice. Ne:-tt, these ef yeu with an EPS-16+ er higher sheuld decide Press the EDIT INSTRUMENT battens and yeu sheuld see semething that leeks like this: 00 PATCH 123-----. This is where we put tegether eur patch selects. What yeu see new is what layers will be playing when ne patch select buttens are pressed. Make sine te adjust this se that enly the layers yeu want playing are listed. In the case cf a ene-layer seund, this sheuld read 00 PATCH 1 ------ --. The fellewing example assumes yeu’ll be using a ene-layered seund, but deing this with a twe er three layered seund is very similar. Te de eur first patch select, press the left hand patch select butten and the display sheuld change te read *0 PATCH SELECT -2------. Change it se it reads *0 PATCH SELECT 12------. Press EDIT again se that yeu see the "Name ef Instrument" LYR= X WS=ALL. Tweak the LYR number tn read LYR=2, eur recently cepied layer. Press pitch new and find the ROOT KEY, FINE page. By changing the FINE value, we can make eur sample have natural cherusing that makes a great patch which ef the en-beard effects te use. If the seund yeu sampled select. Any value ef +,l- 5 and abeve will give yeu pretty netice- had effects en it, try te repreduce this as clesely as pessible. Otherwise, yeu have a little mere freedem te use what yeu want. Here are seme general tips I've feund te werk well (these enly cever the eriginal 15+ algnrhythms: able results . Obvieusiy, yeu can enly ge se highllew until this I Fer drums, percussien, and percussive instruments, I like te use the HALL REVERE tweaked with a DECAY TIME ef 0. starts te seunds awful, se ettperiment until yeu find the “safe range." Yen may even decide at this peint that yeu like this versien ef yeur seund se much that it sheuld be the default seund! Repeat the precess abeve with ether layers and patch selects until yeu have all three patch select slets pregrammed. Here are seme examples ef useful patch selects yeu might want te try: r Fer mest synths in general, the CHOR+REV+DDL werks great. The cherusing isn't as etttreme as the CHORUS+ REVERE, se it is much mere subtle and werks en a wider variety ef seunds. - Adjust the SAMPLE START parameter (EDIT WAVE page) past the attack pertien ef the seund, change the ENV3 te SLOW STRING, cepy this layer and tweak the FINE PITCH value mentiened abeve fer a_warm pad vsriatien. - If fer seme reasen yeur samples are very neisy, try assigning them te the PHASER-t-REVERE with the DEEP PHASE variatien. This werks very well te hide the neise and gives an exaggerated phasing effect that adds a very spacy seund te yeur sample. The phases werks well en just abeut any kind ef pad as well. Use this ene sparingly. I On the EDIT WAVE page, change the MODE te BACKWARDS -NO LOOP. When yeu find the effect yeu want and have adjusted its parameters te yeur liking, use the COPY CURRENT EFFECT cemmand en the COMMAND EFFECTS page te cepy the effect te yeur imtrument. Finally, it's time te put tegether the patch selects. This is a great feature and virtually ne ene uses it. WH“r’l'll Threugh creative - Tweak the ROOT KEY ef yeur cepied layer te give a higher, lewer, er ectaved versien ef yeur seund. Try tuning it te perfect fifths as well. - Apply wild pitch envelepes fer tmusual seund effects. - If yeu teek yeur samples an escillater at a time and resynthesised them, let individual layers play by themselves. In ether werds, if yeur final seund is cemprised cf a layer cf strings and a layer ef bells, pregram the patch selects se that just the strings, and then just the bells cart be selected. I Think ef the sample as just an en-beard waveferm and really dig inte these synthesis functiens. Yeu can get just abeut any kind ef basic seund frem a meledic sample if yeu werk hard eneugh. ‘lllhe says a string sectien makes a leusy bell‘? Whe says a flute can't he a human veice? ‘werk tmtil yeu‘ve mutated as lew as 23 er se. This will save yeu a let ef time and wasted disk space. I hepe this series has been helpful te these cf yeu whe have been wanting te sample e-w the settrtd beyend recegrtitlen. It ain’t easy, but it's werth it! Se there yeu ge. Make sure yeu save yeur werk and enjey yeur hard-earned new creatien. As a final werd ef advice, use the COMMAND WAVE page eptien CONVERT SAMPLE RATE te push the sample rate dewn a little bit. Only a few seunds such as cymbals and bells truly need the full 44.1 sampling rate. ‘fl’ Bie: Tam Shear weuld net mind it at all Lflinseniq decided te send him a free AER-I0. Meet ethers sheuld seund mere er less exactly the same at rate hit! synths, but feund the task tee daunting. Yes, it is a let ef werk, but it sure beats lugging yeur megaten Prephet 10 te yeur next gigl — I D.l.Y. Project: The EPS 9-dB Boost Mod Jehn Lefiinlc Recently, while mixing a piece that uses my venerable EPS Classic, I came up against the preblem cf the lew eutput signals cf the earlier medels. In erder te get the EPS samples te a Unless yeu're geing te de the werk ycurself, er have a friend whe will de it au gratis, then yeu sheuld take yeur EPS te yeur nearest Enseniq Autheriaed Service Facility, because Enseniq suitable level at my mixer, I had te set the EPS faders te maxi- will previde a 6-dB upgrade kit free cf charge, though yeu'll mum and all ether insmunents te mid-level - I have a rather still have te pay the laber charge set by the service facility. Enseniq will net previde this kit directly te their custemers. I medest mixer with ne trim centrels. This is net a geed situa- tlen fer getting the eptimum signal-te-neise ratie frem a mixer. It alse reduces the range cf levels fer the ether instruments to half cf the mixer fader’s travel. ITH — Te ye whe venture enward: yea’re en year ewnl] den't knew if the Enseniq med is similar te my ewn. This medificatien will net impreve the signal-te-neise ratie ef the EPS. Since all we're deing is beesting the gain en an amplifier in the eutput stage, neise is beested just as much as Since I can‘t resist tinkering inside my insnuments, I decided a geed D.I.Y. preject was in stere fer me. ‘With ehmeter in ene hand, screw driver in the ether, and my EPS warranty leng since expired, I cracked epen the shell ef my EPS and began examining its centents. The BPS eutputs are driven by a quad cp amp (U61) lecated in the tep right cemer cf the machine. The final stage is cenfigured as a fcllewer driven by a filter netwerk. Since there is ne feedback resister fer this stage, there's ne way te add gain witheut deing seme cutting en the IC er printed circuit (PC) beard. Se I went back ene stage and feund an inverting amplifier and a single pele lew pass filter. This is where I decided te add the gain. the signal. The EPS eutput is net nearly as quiet as the ‘I6 Plus er later Enseniq instruments, but is cemparable te 12-bit equipment ef that era. If any ef the terminelegy in this article is cenfusing te yeu, then yeu’re prebably net qualified tc de the med. The fellewing teels {and experience using them) are needed: #2 hex allen wrench Phillips head screw driver Adjustable wrench seldering statien vacuum type deseldering statien I dc net recemmend using deseldering braids, pumps er bulbs Leeking back at Keyheard Magazine's sampler sheeteut (March, 1989), I netcd that the EPS eutput was 6 te 12 dB lewer than mest cf the samplers. The review in Keybeard February 1991 shews that the EPS 16-Plus eutput is a full 10 dB greater than that ef the EPS Classic. Since I wanted the EPS Classic eutput te reughly match that ef the l6-Plus, I decided te sheet fer a 9-dB beest in the eutput level. This med enly applies te EPS*s with serial numbers belew 16582. Later medels have a ti-dE beest in the eutput circuit. te remeve cempenents frem the EPS multi-layer PC beard, as these teels may damage it. Yeu‘ll need the fellewing supplies fer the med: selder 331-t-Ohm £22k-Ohm fer 5-dB beest) IMW 5% Reslsters — 2 each ss pF (T5 pF fer ti-dB beest) 50? 5% Ceramic Capaciter — 2 each miniature shrink wrap fer disc type capaciter leads PC beard flux retriever Don’t be tempted to use a lower or unknown tolerance capacitor if that's all you have on hand. The capacitor is part of a low-pass filter and a +20-30% type ceramic capacitor would seriously affect the cutoff frequency of that filter. The result could be either a loss of high-end response or eacessive ultrasonic frequencies. larger 56 pF capacitor reduces the output by -1.22 dB at 20 kHz instead of -1.09 db in the original circuit. You won’t hear the difference. If your replacement capacitors are not the artial type then use the miniature shrink wrap to guard to leads from contact with the PC board, as there is a feedthrough beneath C121. After soldering, clean the PC board with isopropyl alcohol or your other favorite non-CFC cleaner. We‘re now ready to begin the mod by disassembling the EPS. First, remove all connectors from the rear of the EPS. (Especially the power cord!) Now, carefully flip over the EPS onto a soft surface (a couch or bed will do fine) and remove the 10 Phillips head screws located 2-1I2 and 'i‘ inches from the front of the instrument. Holding the keys in place, flip the instru- ment back over. Use the adjustable wrench to remove the S jack nuts for jacks Audio In through Footswitch. Use the #2 Hes Allen Wrench to remove the four screws from the faceplate. You can pop open the front of the EPS with little force by holding both ends of the faceplate, lifting it up and back towards the rear of the instrument. Locate a connector labeled J7 — Keyboard and carefully remove it from the PC board. Now slide the keyboard out toward the front, underneath the two posts used for securing the faceplate. Put the keyboard aside, keys down. Just to the left of the Footswitch jack is a pair of transistors with heatsinks labeled Q1 and Q2. In between those two resistors is a grounding lug for the EMI shield underneath the PC board. Remove this screw carefully because it has a lock washer on it that could easily come off and find its way into some remote corner of your EPS. You need to remove all cables going to the PC board. These connections are J2 -Disk, J6 -— Auxiliary Eztpansion {if SCSI is installed), IS -Display, J9 — Wheels and J10 — Power. Remove the seven screws around the circumference of the PC board. You may need to remove the memory;'SCSl espansion from the rear, though I was able to slide it off of the connector as Ipulled out the PC board. You can pull out the board by flipping it up toward the front and pulling toward you until the jacks are pulled out of their holes. The illustration shows a component-side view of the area of interest, oriented as if you were facing the rear of the PC board where the jacl-rs are located. Find U61, a 14-pin DIP, which is to the left of a daughtercard. We will be replacing R122, R134, C121 and C136. Unfortunately, these labels are underneath the components so you'll have to use the diagram as your guide. The resistors to be removed are the only 11 kohms in the area, but the 15[1 pF capacitors are not. Remove the specified resistors and capacitors-with your desoldering tool. Verify the correct reference numbers on the PC board where the parts were removed. There are two options with this mod. If a 6-dB boost is sufficient for your needs, then use 22k-Ohm resistors and T5 pF capacitors to replace the ones just removed. If you prefer a 9-dB boost, then use 335:-Ohm resistors and S6 pF capacitors. Ideally we'd use a SD pF capacitor to retain the enact some cutoff for the low pass filter, but no such animal eitists. According to my rough measurements, the -1—r._1~+-11:1-co11:t:>-t:trtto—C[l]ID— -cttur:-— *£1 1ID— 7c1nn:>- —t..-::-»-=:.:—+.Z:=—=::ntto-ctttto-onuu% -mtt:»- .. DiUGHTEIRC.1~.REl Ei TI " ‘[..-J; ,.1r-5'2 -%:::D- E114 C135 MrFIG.' 1. -CHHI?- Ciel 1 EPS PC EORRD CLUSEUP You can new reassemble your EPS. Angle the PC board back into place and replace the ‘I screws and 5 jack nuts. Replace the Elvll shield grounding screw and lockwasher. Reconnect J2, J8, J9 and J10 to their proper positions. Make sure that the flat ribbon cables are oriented properly. The red line on the ribbon cable denotes line 1 to mate up with the numeral 1 silk-screened on the PC board. J2 and J6 are both 34-pin cables. J2 goes to your floppy drive and J6 goes to your SCSI interface, if installed. Now slide the keyboard back into place and reconnect J7. I found it easier to screw down the keyboard assembly by propping the insmunent upright and putting in the screws from the bottom, since it tends to not line up properly if assembled face down. The top level on your keyboard stand may be a good place for doing this. Replace all lil screws to hold down the keyboard. Double check all connections before you replace the four hert screws on the EPS faceplate. When you reconnect your EPS and power it up, you'll notice a definite boost in the output level. This boost is in effect whether you use the line outs or use the left out as a headphone amp, so be careful with the volume slider, This is probably one of the simplest mods you can make to your EPS, and it‘s well worth it. :- Bio: John Lofiink designs digital hardware and DSP software for a large U.S. space agency. His home MID! studio houses a few pieces of equipment that have never been modified. J Putting the DP/4 to Work Rhythm Trucks The first step in recording a typical pop song is to lay down the basic rhythm tracks. With a band, the members simply troop into the studio, pick up their instruments and play. Depending on the quality of the performances, some of these parts may survive to the final mix. Unless the artist and producer are aiming for an unadulterated live feel, however, the basic rhythm tracks are usually supplemented or even replaced by subsequent overdubs. It is not uncommon for every part but the drum kit to be re-recorded during the cotuse of a typical commercial project. Michael Harvey these goals. Alas, paper and ink are not limitless; this article allows space to examine only one approach: we will use the processing group formed by units A and B (group AB) on the DPI4 to apply cherusing and some delay to "widen" individual parts in our premix. Next time, we’l1 use group CD to apply compression and enhancement to the entire mix. sists of recording a premix version of a sequence to serve as a guide for the overdubs to follow: vocals, acoustic instruments, solos. At this point, the sequence can remain a sketch, leaving some “creative space" allows for ideas to develop and be in- Effect algorithms for group AB can be selected in one of two ways: we can choose directly from existing two-tmit patches; alternatively, we can load one-unit algorithms into each unit individually. To save work, let's see if there are any two-tmit patches we can use as a starting point. Press Unit button A. The jog wheel will now scroll through all 100 two-unit presets stored in the DP!-4. (Refer to the manual to see a complete list.) To hear the different patches, start your sequence playing and use your mixer‘s effects loop to send signal to the DPI4. You may want to solo a few parts to hear the effect clearly — bass, drums and piano cover the spectrum nicely. its you scroll through the algorithms {assuming this wasn't the very first thing you did when you unpacked your DP,l'4l), corporated as the project unfolds. Remember, though, once you will be amazed at the range of possible effects. In future articles, we will explore uses for the DPI4 in band situations and at how to best record specific instruments. Initially, though, we’ll assume the most basic arrangement possible: a one-man-band-producer-engineer working with a sequenced rhythm section. Rhythm tracking in this case con- you start committing music to tape, you are locked into your arrangement and tempos. Do your experimenting with length, song structure, tempos, and time signatures now. (This would correspond to “pre-production" for a band.) Unless your sequence is already fully realiaed, it may sound flat or sterile at this point. Perhaps not all your sound modules have onboard effects. Ur perhaps the mix needs to be just a little ptmchier, more in your face. Since we will be discarding these tracks later, we don"t want to invest too much time tweaking them. Nevertheless, there are some simple ways to give them life, an investment that will help inspire your vocalists and musicians {in this case, you) to deliver strong, informed performances. It should come as no surprise that the DPI4 is perfect for the job. Last time [Issue #105}, we set up the DPX4 for this task: we calibrated levels, wired it into our system, and built a framework for the necessary patch. Since this patch essentially split the DPI4 in two - into an effects processor and a signal processor -— we called the patch “Schiaoid." Assuming you have used your DP!-4 since the last article, go ahead and load "Schiaoid" as the active patch. (Remember, it's a Config patch. Hint: If you want patches to load automatically as soon as you stop scrolling, press the SYSTEMZMIDI button and advance to parameter #55. Use the jog wheel to toggle “AutoLoad Preset {Selectlvlodel =“ from “Off” to “On.") Keep scrolling until you come to patch #41, “Detune 8: Spread." If you don’t have “Auto-load" turned on, press SELECT to load the patch. The LCD window reveals that this algorithm applies chorus and delay to incoming signals. If you are monitoring your sequence, you will hear the bass spread out to occupy the entire stereo spectrum. You may also hear some increased sibilance or even a discrete echo if you are applying this effect to drums. Let’s begin working with the chorus algorithm. Bypass all four units by pressing the CONFIG button twice. Now press Unit button A twice to reactivate it. Press the EDIT button to enter editing mode. (As the edits accumulate, be sure to save your work regularly. You can toggle between the most recently saved patch and your newly edited version by repeatedly pressing the EDIT button. This allows you to compare the two versions before cormnitting to the altered patch by saving it.) Chorusing is a pitch-based effect that splits the input signal in two, rhythmically detuning and rettming one half, then recombining the dry and effected portions. The result is a "fattening" of the original signal. The DPf4‘s “B Voice Chorus" algorithm offers a few additional twists. Instead of splitting the input signal in two, this algorithm effectively creates B copies of the input (4 on the left, 4 on the right), applying individual detuning and retuning to each copy. The algorithm also features a stereo delay that permits feedback between the left and right portions of the signal. The possible effects The premix can be improved both by enhancing individual generated by this rich algorithm range from simulating an en- parts and by enhancing the entire mix. Sounds simple. In semble of players from a single source, to our goal: adding reality, the DPI4 can be used in limitless ways to achieve body to a sotmd. As noted above, chorusing depends on a balance between the wet and dry signals. The effect is strongest when both signals are near the same level. Accordingly, most chorus presets on the DP!-4 are programmed with a “Mix” setting somewhere around 50. Since we are using our mixer's effects loop to apply the chorusing, we will actually control the mixture between the wet and dry signals at the mixer itself, Normally, this would imply a fully wet Mix setting of 99. Since we are applying delay in series with the chorus, however, and since we want the delay to affect both the chorused and unchorused portions of the signal, we need to send a moderate amount of the dry signal “arotmd” the chorus directly to the delay; a Mix ments. If we set the Mix value to 99, the entire signal will be delayed, an interesting result but not quite what we're after. A Mix setting around 60 produces the desired effect. The “Dual De1ay" algorithm allows us complete control of two independent delay lines, one for the left channel and one for the right. The two lines, furthermore, can interact, with the output of one line feeding back into the input of the other. With long delay times, this "cross-regeneration" can be used to create swirling, stereo ping-pong effects. For our purposes, we can use short delay times to simultaneously add width and transparency to selected sotmds. setting around T0 will do the trick. The next parameter page lets us set the rate and depth of detuning applied. The “Rate” determines how fast the chorus oscillates back and forth between tunings, while “Depth” determines how far apart those tunings are. These two parameters comprise the heart of the chorus effect. Play with the settings to explore their effect: a slow rate with a wide depth produces the aural equivalent of open-ocean swells; a fast rate with a wide depth is akin to riding a sonic roller coaster; and so on. For subtle fattening of sounds, I find that a moderately slow rate of about 10, combined with a moderately narrow depth of about 2.0 produces a pleasing effect across a wide variety of instruments. Somewhere between 15 and 30 milliseconds lies the threshold at which a delayed sound is heard (by humans, at least) as a distinct copy rather than part of the original signal. Delay times tmder this threshold lead to a perceived widening of the original sound and can actually be used to place a sound within the stereo field much more precisely than level-based panning. For the current patch, delay times of Zilms and Sllms work well for the left and right channels respectively, with "Regen" amounts of ll] and 15. Leave the "Pan" settings to -99 and +99 for a wide, airy sound. A modest setting of 20 for the “Cross Regen" parameter adds a barely perceptible sense of depth. The “Regen Damping" parameter can be left at “U” since the feedback signals our patch creates are too short to reveal any high frequency roll-off. Parameter “Stereo Spread” superimposes a stereo field on the signal. The higher the setting, the wider the field. Use this parameter to increase or decrease the amount of horizontal space an instriunent takes up on your song's virtual sound stage {the simulated 3D space you create by panning instruments within the stereo field). For fattening, I find that a setting around 60 produces a pleasing “heft” to bass sounds If you haven't done so already, now is a good time to save your work. (Be sure to save the entire patch as a Config preset.) Since group AB also works well as a stand-alone patch for synth pads and bass sounds, you might want to save it as a separate two-unit preset. To do so, press Unit Button A and then the WRITEICOPY button. Pick a revealing name without creating a wall of mud, while giving pianos and or- like “Punehy Bass” or the like for your new patch. gans good presence. The remaining parameters control the behavior of the built-in delay. Since we will be applying delay separately, moderate settings can be used within the chorus. Try settings around 15, lilms, 20ms, and 20 for "Regen," “Left Regen Time,” “Right Regen Time” and “Delay Regen," respectively, to add interest to the chorus, without creating distinct delays. We are now ready for the delay algorithm. Press Unit Button B twice in order to reactivate it. The LCD reminds us that this is a "Dual Delay.” Since Unit B is the final stage in this processing chain, we want its output as hot as possible to maximiae our signal-to-noise ratio. Start by setting the Volume Assuming that you are still listening to your sequence, beghi applying small amounts of “Schisoid” to individual parts in your mix via your mixer's effect sends. Bass, kick drum, synths, even piano sounds, can all benefit. The adage, “All good things in moderation," applies particularly well to effects processing, however. Be selective. Improving one or two parts can create a surprising improvement in the entire mix. Speaking of which, next time we'll turn the DPI4 loose on the entire mix itself and hear how this amazing box can bring snap and sparkle to your Sting. — parameter to 99. Remember that Units A and B are connected in series. Unit B will therefore apply its algorithm to the full Bio: Michael Harvey earns his living as the Business Managerfor Consumer Products for Microsoft Sweden. He spends his living on grown-up toys from Ensoniq and other companies in the military-industrial-musical output from Unit A. Since we gave Unit A a Mix setting of ‘I0, this output is a mixture of wet (in this case, chorused) and dry signal. For the finished patch, we are striving for a complex sonic stew consisting of chorused copies of the original signal, delayed copies of the original signal, and delayed copies of the chorused signal... We can use the Mix pmameter for Unit B to control the balance between these various ele- _ complex. Hclrdwire Sounds IA & IB Per Finnigon For: All SQ Variants {including KS-32}. Product: Hardwirs Sounds Sets IA dc LB. From: Latter Sound Productions, 1341 ‘Westheaven Court, Tallahassee, FL323ll]-SE-19. Phone: (RG4) 5T5-5551. Price: $55 for "ll'PXsdISD-I Sysex disk. Looks like everybody's jumping onto the SQ sound bandwagon. Coupla years ago you couldn't f'md a third-party company who couldfwould offer SQ sounds, and given the quality of Enseniq SQ sound cards, there wasn't much of a reason to consider entering that particular market niche. Anyway, it's a given that if you've got one Enseniq key- board, chances are you've got another Ensoniq keyboard sitting on the same keyboard stand. So the only question is what fomiat to offer the sounds (“Excuse me, sir, what's the model of your other Enseniq 1-:eyb0ard?"), and this year we're literally seeing an esplosion of SQ series sounds. And guess why‘? Half of the Enseniq current keyboard line, at least the affordable half (for those of us with mortgages) is an SQ variant: if you factor in the 21-voice earlier series, well, all of a sudden, it's become a market of entry: one set of patches works with ‘I instruments. This month we see how well the Herdwire sets work with the SQ's. Interesting pads, a punnet square of bank and screen sound locations, promotional sheets of other sound offerings, OK, the usual documentation, and 5 sheets of sound description and modulation routings. Good docs, not the laser stuff we'd ettpect for $65, but quite usable and very esplanatory. I'll typically read the docs first just to get a handle on where the programmer's coming from and where the sounds are going before I load a set and begin dissection: "When all else fails, read the owner's manual..." Hardwire 1A: The Roses: “Phat Boy" is a great Juno 106 anahrass pad with a perfect low-to-mellow filter choke applied for warm fills without taking over your mitt. “Bass-X" is a good starting point for 21-voicers to hag a fretless sound without craving the “fretless" espansion wave of the 32-voice siblings. “Alien Pod" demonstrates how carefully you have to set flange parameters (especially feedback!) in the effects section before self-oscillation demonstrates how the dynamic range of the SQ's is greater than your amp and speakers’ dynamic range. This patch won't blow your speakers, as it's pretty carefully sculpted, hut roll the mod wheel around a little bit and you'll get some idea of the self-oscillation potential of the effects DSP onboard. “Andromeda" is the definitive “Forbidden Planet" sound wash: I can almost see Robby the Robot motoring around with Leslie Nielsen in this one. The obligatory Megawave program-as-dance-loop is represented with “Killer Radio," although I couldn't find the 2 and 4: you don't dance when you sit behind a B-3, so I wouldn't know. A first: I eirtra drum kits. True, the SQ's give you 20 percussion kits, but consequently, nobody does drums. So there's some personal interpretation of the BUS school, fusion, rock and live kits represented. Nothing totally rad, but variations on the top 20 programs (31-99} are welcome, as drum mapping is a bit more involved than the occasional tweaks we do on ROM sounds. The Thorns: “B-3 Pedals“ ain't: this is a Hammond Organ sound again. “Real Rhodes" ain't: just another Flvl piano tacked onto a mellow un-Rhodes wave. “Real Rhodes 2" is a variation of “Real Rhodes"; a bit closer but no more convincing. “Studio EP" is “FM Tines" with a different reverb algorithm. “DX Ballad Split" has the telltale annoying bass tick present when a VGA is shut down before a filter envelope closes. The tick is desirable on certain B-3 patches for key click: it's a pain in the arse when it shows up on other programs like “Pno,t'BassSplit" I and II, where the reverb amplifies the annoyance to an tmusable point. Jazz Split 3" has filter Fc so high the entire program hisses on keydown and disappears when the envelope closes on key-up. “Additive B-3" is supposed to add an octave harmonic, but the harmonic is just flat enough that you'd bust the mod wheel trying to get it in tune. The pianos (40-5 2} are disappointing. Given, the original piano waveset is dated, but I've gotten very credible piano emulations with a slow randomized chorus to give the illusion of beating frequencies among the 2-3 strings of a single piano note. These improprieties can certainly he edited out, but shouldn't be there in the first place at this level of progranmting. Hardwire IB The Roses: “Blade Runner" is a cross between a filter sweep and an amplitude envelope mutually complementing each other into a muted analog string-muted brass pad. “Wind Song" is a chiff flute with an attack tick brought in by foot controller. “Ice Strings" is a string pad evolving into a sustained bell harmonic, “lvlartian Krybs." is a clavinet evolving into a flute with flute volume tmder mod wheel control; the mod wheel pulls one of the clav waves up a 5th at the same time (“So it's not just a clever name, eh?"]. "Sail Away" with an envelope tweak is the identifiable sound from the songlcommercial of the same name. "Marimba" has reverb depth under the mod wheel, “Finale Hit" is an Qrch stab with a crash cymbal added at high velocity, lot of modulation routings for templates here. The Thorns: The “Soprano San" still sounds like its parent oboe wave, the “Bari San" sounds just like the “Tenor San" without even an octave transposition to make any distinguishable difference. And as we all know, bari sakes are considerably larger (and heavier, marching band members) than tenors, and consequently sound lower (scored a 4th lower), so what gives? “Muted Trumpet" sotmds like a standard trtnnpet through a constrictive HP filter, and editing filter parameters doesn't help much (some things are only possible with eapansion waves, I guess), "Electric Violin" sounds like a loud violin with effects. “Tympani," well, somebody change the calfskin... These collections represent a good starting point to hack and tweak from, as there's good patches to use as templates. Changing waves and simple but effective editing can give some novel sounds: for enample, try "Martian Kryb:-t," swap the transwaves for the clav and vocal ooohs, change the octave for the ooohs, and modulate loop points on those transwaves with the mod wheel and foot pedal, and you start to get the picture. Not to gloss over the work that's present here, I'm sure that quality time has been spent on this series: it's just the sounds don't reflect it. It's hard not to hear the ticks and hisses from some of the patches, and at $65, this is an oversight. I loaded the collections into both my SQ-l and SQ-2. 32-voice, and as with previous reviews of other wares, they sounded identical. This is a good first offering but seems a little pricey to me, and with the time I'd spend editing out the undesirable ele- ments, doesn't represent the value I anticipated. Still, ldll sounds from Malvern will set you back $100, but you get to keep the card. It's good to see the aftermarket enploding with SQ sounds. I can't help but think this set was rushed to market just a little bit too soon. Ensoniq has been accused of doing that too (the VFX), so these guys are keeping very good company. F #55 'C -J.-as -.——- at In the interim, I look forward to Hardwire HA dc IIB... — ..... Bio: Pat Finnigan is a service tech turned musician who writes secret messages in sequences on his EP.S's. UPI‘-(RS8 Case: for Enseniq New available direct from factory (except in current dealer areas) our full line of ATA cases Category I and II Keyboards: EPS, EPS-I6 PLUS, IJFX, VFX-sd, SQ-Bil, SQ-1, SQ-1+, SQ-2 Module rack cases: 3-space, 4-space, 5-space, 6-space. (2-space racks available with surface mount hardware only.) Mention the (TH) code number 839 when inquiring to receive our special factory direct pricing. 5h“""'"i 4'5P““E "ck with EP5'1'5 PLUS mnd‘-“Er 2-space raclt, Eagle-I IJFX-sd ease CALL US AT 1-80$-63?-BS {ah "553 3:00 am to 4:30 pm CT, Mon. - Fri. We accept: COD, Visa, Iviastercard, American Enpress. Dealer Inquiries Welcome! ' __L,' -'1; '.'| - L _ -1-‘; - OPTI-CASE - HT. 6, BOX 235 - HENDERSON, TX 75652 - FAX: 903-657-6030 Trick Sh uffling Sleight-of-Hand on the KS-32 and Others Jefifetton Somewhere between even eighth or sixteenth notes and even triplets lies a rhythmic twilight zone, neither completely straight nor completely swung. This "in-between" shuffle can be heard on everything from Stevie Wonder's Superstition to Lisa Stansfield's All 1-lrouna‘ the World to Dwight Yoal-tatn's it Only Hurts Me When I Cry. Although nothing in the Enseniq line currently offers the adjustable swing percentage found in many drum machines, it's possible to duplicate the same effect with a bit of editing trickery. I'll be using a KS-32 for specific examples, but these general techniques should work on many other Enseniq workstations. As in your owner's manual, the "bank" and "screen" terms refer to the locations of certain editing functions, once you're in "Edit Seq,iP1'eset" mode. If you play the sequence as it stands, you'll hear a bizarre flanging effect on the upbeats. That's due to the original and copy playing at once, which is a cool effect, but not what we want. Erase the original E3 note on track one using the track erase function (bank S, screen 3), restricting the erase range as before. Access the track shift function under bank 5, screen 5, and press enter. Make sure "Track = 2" is displayed. Press enter again and you'll be asked to set the number of clocks. Since, at 96 pulses per quarter (ppq), each 4,r'4 beat contains 96 clocks, a sixteenth note takes up 24 clocks. To create a standard, triplet-feel shuffle, we need to move the track ahead by B clocks. Wily? Well, in a standard shuffle, the upbeats fall on the third note of a sixteenth-note triplet. At 96 ppq, each triplet note takes up 16 clocks of space, putting this third note 32 clocks from the first. Since our upbeats are currently 24 clocks from the notes preceding them, they need 3 more clocks. First, we'll need a simple pattern to experiment with. Find a nice, empty sequenceipreset location, initialize it in 4,i4, and assign a drumset like “Latin Drums" (ROM 86) to track one. Set your tempo in the vicinity of 90 beats per minute. "For sequencing drums, I find it easiest to play one or two parts at a time, layering them on the same track as I go using the “record = add" mode found on bank I, screen 1. For more editing flexibility, you cart also play the parts on separate tracks, and then merge them to one track when you're satisfied (bank 5, screen 3). If you use this last method, be sure to erase or mute the extra drum tracks. Play the kick drum on every quarter note for two measures and play the snare drum on the backbeat (the second and fourth beat of each measure). For the hi-hat part, play straight sixteenth notes using two different keys. Start with F3 (the third F from the left), then E3, then F3 again, and so on, alternating notes so that the F hi-hat falls on every eighth note, and the E hi-hat is on the "upbeats" in between. Now quantize the whole enchilada to the nearest sixteenth note. But we don't want a standard shuffle, so instead of +08, shift the track by +04, which will put it smack-dab between normal quantizing values. Technically, that's known as a swing percentage of 62.5%. You can merge this track back to track one, and then erase track two, or, if you have room, keep the tracks separate for later editing. You can't hurt anything by experimenting with different clock values, just remember that shifting notes in a positive direction causes the notes to occur later, or drag and a negative direction places the notes earlier, or rushes them. If you shift by +06 and later wish you had shifted by +05, just shift by -01. For an eighth-note swing feel, just double all values. . It's more difficult to use this trick on kick or snare parts, since you must identify every upbeat and play them on separate keys. Non-dram parts are even trickier. Usually it's sufficient to only alter the "feel" elements like hi-hat or shaker. A slightly swung tambourine part, for instance, can do wonders to liven up a stiff, quantized sequence. This method of alternating the notes of the hi-hat part is useful not only because it makes quick passages easier to play, but also because it allows us to edit the upbeats separately. To achieve the adjustable shuffle, all that's needed is to delay these upbeats by whatever amount is necessary. This should be a simple matter of accessing the track shift function and shift- ing just that one note. But nooooool The current KS-32 operat- This method of shifting only sections of a track can also be ing system won't let you set a track range when shifting. Instead we'll have to move that one note to a free track, shift the track in time, and then merge it back to the original track. used to lay back the snare drum for a realistic rdtb feel. Slightly rushing the upper notes of a track while slightly dragging the lower ones also sounds great in many situations. The same techniques can be used to set ranges for the transpose function, which is useful for re-mapping drums or moving notes of a bass track so that they never fall below the low E of a real four Access copy track (bank S, screen 1) and press enter. For this example, we'll copy to track two. Set the track range so that only the "upbeats" hi-hat note (E3) is copied. You could use the arrows to set this range, but it's much simpler to use the keyboard shortcut of playing E3 twice. Now press enter two times to start the copying process, and then press enter again to keep what you've done. ' string bass. -t Bio: Nashville-based keyboardist Jejffetton currently tours with Liberty recording artist John Berry. 1S Sonic Derivations - VFX-sds and SDs Patch: Empire Bross James Grate Upon this occasion, I wish to divulge and possibly digress on the topic of creating a brass ensemble within the realm of the Enseniq SD series architecture. Let me introduce my latest patch, EMPIRE BRASS. EMPIRE BRASS is a full blast yet authentic sounding brass ensemble for the VFX-SD [and SD-I). Go ahead and program it, play it, and then, if you octave follow this pattern. There's no exact methodology in the tuning of this table. I merely shifted each note a little up or down, and based my decisions on how it sotmds. Once again, the effect of this slight dc-tuning is subtle but, in my opinion, important. You can solo just the trumpet in my patch want, return and read the rest of this article. by holding the Right patch select (PS) button. Play some trumpet part and hear the authenticity gained by the custom When I programmed EMPIRE BRASS, I was looking for a full, distinctive brass fanfare sound that would live in a large pitch table. The pitch table is only applied to the trurnpet, because I don't want all of the waves to be tuned exactly. In the complete ensemble, the trumpet is not exactly in tune with the other homs, adding another realistic edge to the sound. concert hall. An important goal of mine was to maintain that critical realistic edge, hence no sawtooth waveforms at all. To obtain the basic sound was not difficult. I layered several individual brass instruments together, i.e. a trumpet and a French hom. Then I added the Uni-Brass wave to thicken the sound without losing realism. Finally, I added the Planet-X transwave to add some spit and brightness to complement the trumpet portion of the brass ensemble. For each of the remaining oscillators, I applied a touch of the NOISE modulator, but with slightly different rates. In general, almost any wind instruments should have this subtle variation in pitch. I panned the different instruments left and right a bit to create some stereo spread. After piling all of these waves together, the sound I was looking for started to take shape. Still, this was only the beginning. What I needed to do was concentrate on each individual sound and do everything I could to increase its realism. That would further increase the realistic effect of the whole ensemble. One of the strongest components of the ensemble As I stated at the beginning, I wanted a brass ensemble that was in a big concert hall. Thus the choice of CONCERT REVERB. Some people might think I'm applying too much reverb, but I would have to disagree. It really sounds like the instruments are being played in a hall as opposed to dry instruments having some reverb artificially added. As mentioned earlier, the Right PS selects a solo trumpet, the Left PS sound is the trumpet, so I fhst concentrated on that element. Soloing the trumpet wave from the crowd, I began to add subtle inflections to it. First, I added a bit a random pitch wavering to the sound. A human playing a trumpet will consciously or unconsciously vary the pitch a bit in the course of sustaining a note. I accomplished this by applying a bit of the NOISE modulation sotuce to the pitch page. This is a subtle but important detail. Another feature I applied to the trumpet wave was to give it a NON-equal tempered tuning. Brass wind instruments are, by nature, not tuned to equal temperament. The physics of resonating a twisted metal pipe lend to what's called “pure temperament." What this means is that there is not an "equal" space between each of the twelve notes in an octave. Skilled players can, with their lips, bend the pitch to approach equal temperament as they actually play. Anyway, the point of this is show that a realistic trumpet sound should not be perfectly selects a solo French horn, and both select a bright trumpet section without the French hom. Pushing the Timbre slider up increases the brightness of the instruments. Although there may seem to be a lot of detail and work in a patch such as this, each detail is logically thought out and added as I proceed from initial concept to the final patch. My basic approach is to start with the raw waves which will be the foundation of a sound, then slowly add more and more subtle details to fine tune the realism of the sound. Overall, these little details add together to form a more authentic sound. This relatively straight forward method is what I do to create most of my “real sound" patches. Anyway, I hope this article gives you some ideas to create or improve upon your own patches. Thus concludes this installment of Sonic Derivations. equal-tempered. Enter this One-Octave of pitches, then select Calculator and EXTRAPOLATE from C4 to B4, making every octave follow this pattern. an Therefore, I use a custom pitch table for the trumpet wave. I've included a portion of the Pitch table that I use (see Fig. 1). On the Select Voice Page, select EDIT PIT-CH TABLE, and enter the octave of pitches from Fig. 1. Then select Calculator and EXTRAPOLATE from C4 to B4, making every Bio: Jim Grote offers a disk of 60 of his original lr'FJ{iSD sounds — see classifieds. He's been programming and playing synthesiaers for years. He is fascinated equally by science and art, thinking and feeling, programming and unbridled jamming. ‘ Fig. 1 Custom Pitch Table Annual Rey |Rey C4 * Cents and E and T and E2 C-llfi = D4 Dtlii E4 F4 = = = = . s-.1;-.|-1| $.-.-Ii-rl A.4.-Ia-I :‘_:.‘ 13 E5 l -I'l ! :1- -Ci SD 6: VFX Frog: EMPIREBRASS Actual Rey Rey F4# = Fail E-4= C4 C4# = Gail A4 =A4 A4 A-‘lit =' E4 = B4 By: Jim Grate and and and and Cents 12 9 il E and and SS 3 NOTES: Moving Timbre Slider up brightens sound. Right Patch Select solos trumpet. Left Patch Select solos French horn. Both Patch Selects gives bright trumpet. 5E_LECT VOICE co DI’ WAVES Wave Wave Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ticrroe: Fr:1ci1Hm UniBra.ee Pianet-It EDIT-PITCH-TABLE Brm-sS"='..' Bras-sSncl BraaeSncl Translate Oelay Start O ‘iiel Start Ivloo CID MOO MIXER O O O 1 2 O O O 0 SS S 5 Break 1 Break 2 E ,__Soetain aTr:'hE|T """" “ I. Decay 1 ' Decay 2 Decay 3 Helease ' HBO Track liel Curve Mode -I SHC-2 Scale SHC-2 Shane — I- 1 PITCH _ _ _l. I'll‘ Octave Semitone Fine Pitch Table PITCH MODS MODSRC MOO AMT Glide EHV1 LFO1 FILTER 1 lviooe Cutoff HBO MODS HC |viO OAMT Ehi‘v'2 F ILTER 2 Mode Cutoff HBO MOOSHC MOOAMT EHV2 output 'v'OL MODS FIC HIOOAMT HBO Scale i..l-I5li|;lL|'£E!|'___ __ D D 0 Custom System System 1 _ Noise 2 Noise 3 +3 +0 ti Hone ti Hone ti I“-lo ne +4 +2 r M -1 s -a 3 LP't'3 S? O LFIE I FIBER- Press 0 +SS +99 0 +20 0 +3? +1 2 0 i 1 2 S HF‘i2 0 0 HPi1 25 0 4 HP.-*1 E5 D Tim bre - Preea LPIE SO 0 Preee O +0 +3 +99 F‘ ii . 0 D 1 2 4 S0 B5 .3 -at Initial Peak Break 1 Break 2 _5.=etaln__ Attack , Decay 1 5 Decay 2 6 ' Decay 3 O 0 HBO Track 1.-‘oi Curve Mode _ lie!-Level ' ‘v'el-Attack 5 E_H_lJ'3 _ 6 _lnitial §Peak iflreek 1 'Break 2 i.$_'-'§k1i"_ 5 Attack Decay 1 Decay 2 Decay S 6 -55 53 3? ,_ _ HPPf'~lrl_T_ _ _ _ ti _____ _I1____ On On ‘Pro-Gain lvled Med lioioa Prior c o ‘ital Threah 1 2 ES 34 Wl+Pr Press +1" 0 +1 0 Wi+F‘r Press ,_l..iaiax ____ -_ ll _____ -9--Sin ei"Tri Sine On Off as as O +35 E1-F3 -at B1 E2 Flele_a§e ‘tide TESEII "" -' 'v‘ei Curve Mode ‘i.-"oi-Level 1.-"oi-Attach -SB G5 -O? 'F'n'1' ' ' “|='.'if1' ' ' Timbre +0? _6€____ _'5i____ On Med Lo '3' 3-4 ll I _'l_t P?’ _ _5 0 Wi+Pr SC W'|=+ Pl’ +5 -4 l|"'I'|+F'l' O 0 Sine Off Triangle Off 0 HE- O S 4 2 ... 4 . 1___ 2 ___3___ I - -I -1- -I -I -. - - -Ii II ._ _ __ III _I I I-—-II-In-I--I-I-I--I-I-I-I-III-I-111313-I-I-I-I-I-I--II I- 1- I - - I -. - - I - I I -I I _____11_1—n.__-|__1______._i_1_1__.-4... UOID DOTUIH-Dfllh I -I I I I I I I I I I - - - 1 2 3 SS SS 56 BS 99 SS SS SS B5 99 SS SS P Convex}! Normal I 0 c 5 -Ii 6 D - DBDSH .§'§_..__9_9____9_i'_ _.__'5l__ o o to 1a ES 2? ES 4B EB T2 43 SB T2 51 SB B0 o +15 +16 c c c o 1 2 3B5 .--p-|-—.___—____| ..Fis.iaase ______ __ _3.li__..._3_.‘i.._....i~'i.l---..‘-T"=-LT".--__ Tlmbre O O "v'el- Level 'v'e|-Attack envz 5 Noise +5 Hone 0 +1 1 DU 6 ‘L -_-__5 _ LPIE O +35 , ,_.2 .__ 5 Custom 4 LPIS B1 0 Mixer fl f=:iTt1""""'T='5fi"' Hoiee_SHC FIT +1 +1‘ MOOSHC Waveshape Restart D DEC! PER Rana MOOSHO MOOAMT Level MOOSHC 4 CIDEI Oeet Bue LFO bi 2 Ii E HV1 Initial Peak 4 sac-1T S sac-a 'o 1 1 _T 5. Cnvxs Linear Linear Cnvx2 Normal Normal Hormel Hormel E1 50 Ell ti as es es SS 0 as as as 3? 30 52 T5 ll ll 0 0 D 4? Olffu sicn SE Pre-Delay Early Hail Level S2 Time D .. J‘! o as es Q9 ll ll ll __5 5-1... . _ep____o_____sp_____g_s____________ __ o 1o s a .15. _ ._ _1.s_. _ _..='~i L _.. _1'i.'i _ _ U D +30 Cnev2 Cnvx2 Cnvxs Hormai Horm al Normal ti 11 31 o so 0 FGM CONTROL On Pitch Table Bend Flange “ X4 Delay 1S Flestri ite Glide Time ii __.__ _ _ arrears rail as as o cg 0 Cnt-‘x2 Normal 14 1 ,- EFFECTS {1} Effect Concert Fleverb Decay Time 45 FIII1 as FIE 25 EFFECTS gs} rxienses lilbTi'r'|al'S'tereo Sn LF Decay Fleverb HF Damping PERFORMANCE Tlmbre Release 15 Huff D o 25 Synthesizing the Clctvinet Kiri: Siinkard acoustic version of the clavinet played in a period movie, so I’ve recently started a new hobby -— collecting ancient musi- it would seem that it's been around for a while. The Hohner cal instruments and related devices {l960s -— 19805). Among my recent acquisitions is a Hohner Clavinet model D6. I've heard a lot of different clavinet patches from commercial sources and in the Hacker, but they were all artistic interpretations — not one of them was a realistic imitative patch. So I hooked up my Hohner and my SQ-30 and VFX-SD all into the same amp with no equalization so that I could do some in-depdt A.-"B type tweaking and adjusting to get a set of imitative patches that were as accurate as possible. It was a fairly tedious operation matching filter settings, envelope decays, etc. across the keyboard, but I ended up with three patches that can be substituted for the real thing, and one reasonable facsimile. So this becomes my first attempt at a "quadra-lingual" synthesizer article. D6 version isn't acoustic, but electrophonic, meaning that the physical vibrations of the strings are converted into electronic signals by pickups (magnetic in this case, like with most electric guitars). Very roughly, it's similar in size and shape to most Enseniq instruments. The ones that I've seen in music videos and in most advertisements have wood-grained hinged top panels and four screw-in legs that can be stored inside the instrument. Mine is a more recent model, having four rubber feet and being covered in black vinyl panels, black padded panels, and black-painted metal panels, making its appearance a bit closer to that of Ensoniq instruments. Its keyboard has one note less than the usual five-octave C-to-C keyboards common on synthesizers and organs. The Hohner has F as the lowest note and E as the highest. Clavlnets and Sticks In case you don't know, the Hohner Clavinet D6 is an electrophonic descendant of the clavichord. The clavinet is just basically a small, portable version of the clavichord. I saw an ESO-1 FROG: ESOCLI-I I USU1 D532 OSC S OCT '—1 -2 -j_____ SEMI oo at no FRED FILTEIIILIL1 O co FII§I_AI.1I'OL FHEO u=oa1.Fos- LFo1 - L1 +53 +s:- sync |',1tJDE5j ox I MOD#1 osr oer qt-fr PAIII PAH MOI} cs asset L2 +sa +s: MDD#1 o'i=‘F' err err KETBD MOD#1 cfi____' jlpuve DCA4 | as EHI-'1 EHII 2 EH"-I 3 EN'v“ 4 'iilIAli'E xrcx sounna votctsr LEIIEL OUTPUT so ‘on 51‘ on as ca __ DCA1 DCA 2 DCA 3 L3 _+to I-co nta car SPl.ITiLA‘t"ER___SiL PRG our — SO-SD P ROG: SOSCLV Bl" “I'll 5|I"I'ii"I FINE ou ou cc orr DEPTH - _ DEPTH - DEPTH |liiOD#2 {§_i1=>_"'_______v_ai. DEPTH DEPTH _ ___ _ OSC1 DCA1 o LATER ors LPFIG - our SPUT or-‘tr or-r -_ O _I_-'_RED_ T3 s1 — up T4 — to 11 on HETBD MDD#1 o§__ save SPFIG - SPLIT IIET - j RESET 1 - osrmn ' "- - - DEPTH +ea l - MDDH 1ii:L;_fi DEPTH -o'.'.t' I Pnn_iacop__p DEPTH our | HUMAN - WA?‘ L1 T - DELA'l"_ -I - - _ MODI - - __t1 Ls ts Lv 11v T1 ___T_2 rs T4 tit snvt--1-------i as _:1'_-_t_ oar +os - _ qp |.|=o1 .LFO2 |.Fos - DEPTH at-corn DEPTH xao FINAL voL_ g Pnn ocns | E3 as MONO cues _vp _en_v psc cvc ore - F|LTEFl|s_t_r_'_ | T2 as es on FFIEO DEPTH -cs | HUMAN wnv__ |.1 ce|.nv L2 nob - - ----T1 co -so so cons cons - Lli‘ T1‘! -“H _ I ‘U co co ss cc LE'v'EL cutout _n1oor1 I _ - Bl" Kill! 55"!‘-ITII oct sent FINE wave nous: DEPTH ivioura DEPTH -1 no on chnv our oar ‘ -oscs---oscs---__- MODIIE DEPTH oar 1 ore orr _- MOD#2 or-r oss oer Decades ago, due to its compactness, the clavinet became a popular rock and jazz band substitute for general harpsichord-type applications, and its own unique sound also made it popular on its own merits. As I first listened to mine, I was ENV2 Envs +ss +43 +tc can cc - - co as s1 - - is as +53 +31 +00 5-SL DD DD '63 -6-3 13 34 -_ - srnc ' an |~J|[}|}E5| an-" T“ or-"r - - - lvlono o|_|oa vc anv oec crc ors_ c or-"r oF_s_____ox ass SPL|TiLA"|"EH sitaae LATER tr-no Si_1‘LiT_SPFtC sat.rr_xsr II I OFF U“ — — OFF -' OFF '- I i ‘ struck by how similar its sound is to The Stick —- a very close relative of the electric guitar. I looked inside, and sure $II— | enough, the strings are vibrated in almost exactly the same way as The Stick — when a key is depressed, a small rubber bumper attached to its bottom side pushes a string down against a raised metal fret near the end of the string where its timing peg is, causing the length of the string between the fret and the bridge to vibrate. A Stick player taps the strings SD St VFX Prog: CLAVINET D6 By: Kirk Siinkard NOTES: For maximum authenticity, set velocity response to "soft." WAMES were ' Wave Ciaaa against its fretboard with the tips of his fingers. On the short length of the clavinet's strings, between the frets and the timing pegs (undemeath the keyboard), the strings are heavily interwoven with yarn which quickly damps the whole strings when the keys are released (The Stick uses a piece of felt above the first fret for this function). Unfortunately for my purposes here, the Hohner Clavinet D6 has a four-band equalizer with each band having its own onfoff switch, plus two guitar-like pickup select switches to choose different combinations of its two really long pickups. Figure 1 shows the primary control panel, which is located to the left of the E m - Delay I Start ' o|=|= UH T HOHNEH . Carma": Q6 E : PITCH Semitone Fine Pitch Table PITCH MODS MODS FIC MOOAMT Glide El"-I'iJ'1 LFO1 "CLAY," newer types have the "CLAY" and "CLA'v'.VAR" waves. The “CLA'+I."v"AR" sounds brighter and more ap- propriate for a general clavinet patch of this particular kind, i 1 +0 +00 +00 Peak Break 1 Break 2 51-Istslfl____ __ -Q1111 _1a___ Attack Decay 1 Decay 2 Decay 3 -|-+.-. _FI.'il€.a§E _ _ _ _ _ I-CBD Track val Curve -111.11 —..I.—|1.na.- Mode ‘v'ei-Level "v'ei-Attack System 1 Off -_l—u— EHV2 1 Initiai Peak Hone +00 Break 1 +00 Assists. .. 1___- Attack Decay 1 LoPa.se.-'2 csa -ca ‘voice S-1-1.1 1- .. - .. .?.l as as Decay 2 Decay 3 DD DD ..Fi.r-‘lease ___ -- -05 +55 FILTER 2 Mode Cutoff KBD MODS FIC MODAMT ENV2 _2§__-.... HBO Track Mel Curve OLITF UT ‘vet. +15 Linear I"-Io rmai -ca +55 Dear Bus ' Pan MODSFIC .-- - I1-“|l.1l.l3'.=1"il~il.T__... _ Pro-Gain 1.-'oice Prior Mei Threah F t.t=o, ‘Off Dry a.-__a.-. _____-_-_-.._. 1- --.‘,- 50 Off HBD Track ‘vfei Curve Mode Mei-Level liei-Attack ____l1lil____BB SE 00 co __.._l.'I' +3? Linear Normal 50 00 Sit""" " Med +000 1 MODSRC MODAMT Level MODSFIC ,_ _I_ia'sx 1 SS 49 DD DD Decay 3 Fleiease +1 T Hate - Break 2 Sustain Attack Decay 1 Decay 2 _ .Li3i'iLiter. _ _ _ _ §E'_¢_7".. _ .. -___ E Iil'ii'3 Initial Peak Break 1 -or lieloc PGM CONTROL _ Pitch Table Bend Flange Delay - Oil‘ Fteetrike Glide Time PERFORMANCE Tiifibre 1Fieiease +§itl 1.1.1.-..-na--_ Waveshape Ftestart Noise SFIC FIT , I DD DID ‘v'ei_-Attack 032 1 HBO Scale . 1.-"el-Level In Lo Passia SS MOOSF-IO MODAMT ' l I SS -S0 E1 21 Mode thought I would settle for four that simulate typical, some- actual Hohner Clavinet. On the SQ-SD, this is called 1 Break 2 ' FILTE El 1 Mode Cutoff HBO MOOSCFI MOOAMT ENV2 The clavinet also has a mechanical slider knob to the right of the keyboard which is used to apply a big macho strip of felt to all the strings close to the bridge (like where a guitarist would mute his strings with his hand}. When activated, this makes all the notes very short and plucked-sounding. This combination of switches, including the mute, actually gives 120 sotmd variations (and that's not counting the volume control or the silence when all equalizer switches are off). waveform that appears to be a single-cycle sample from an ___ Octave _ ' ‘ two switches give the user a choice of fom basic tones to send into the equalizer. what bright settings on the Clavinet -—- the settings that most closely match the Ensoniqs_in tone color. This way, you can tum the filter cutoff frequency(s) up or down a little to simulate other more or less bright sounds. Enseniq has already done the hardest part by supplying most of their synths with a 1 EHV1 SRO-2 Shape select between the treble pickup, the bass pickup, or both, and chooses whether or not they are in phase with each other. So these Rather than trying to do 480 patch sheets for this article, I '0 Di .-I|.—I|—I|.—l. MOO _MIIER SHC-1 SHC-2 SFIC-2 Scale keyboard. The volume slider panel is next to Waveforms DD D00 Initial The pickup switches TREBLE SELECT VOICE 1 Clav."v'ar Waveform _ it, closer to the player. BRLUANT i -I -- -Ir EFFECTS — None | | sure am glad that I don't mal-ce patches for a living. Both the filter and amplifier envelopes have short release times to simulate the quick, but imperfect damping of the clavinet plus it's the closest match for the SQ-80's waveform. The SQ-B[l‘s “CLAY” waveform produces a tone comparable to the Hohner D6 with the pickup select switches in l.he “CH” position, and only the ”BRI]..LlANT" switch activated in the equaliser controls. ‘The "v'FX's ”CLA‘lr'.VAR”' waveform sounds like a Hohner with its pickup switches in the “DA” strings upon key release. Miscellaneous The Hohner Clavinet has a keyboard feel that l found to be setting and, in this case also, with only the “BRILLIANT” surprisingly close to most organ and synthesizer keyboards. switch on in the equaliser. If you change the VI-'*'X‘s or SQ-1's waveform to “CLAY,” it sounds as if you have changed the equalizer to have only the “SOFT” switch activated. On the down side, these waves don't change their tone across the lteyboard in the quite the same manner that The main differences are that Hohner Clavinet keys offer just a little bit less resistance when you play them, and you can feel a little of the string vibration when you hold a key down, especially with the lower notes. So basically, playing one of these patches feels and sounds very close to an actual Hohner Clavinet D6, except that here you are missing 4 notes on the high end of the keyboard, and you have 5 extra notes on the bottom. Keep in mind that in many popular recordings, the the Hohner does. Also, the Hohner has a more complex attack that [haven't been able to exactly duplicate here. And the Hohner changes its waveshape slightly as it is sustained (in- dependently of brightness and amplitude decays). But don‘t worry too much about these differences, they're not really terribly significant. I never even realised they existed tuttil I started doing these nit-picking AIB comparisons. clavinet gets some treble boost. To get this sound, just tu.n1 up the filter cutoff frequency{s) tuttil it sotmds right. If you mellow out the sound a little by lowering the filter cutoff frequency value(s), you can also use these patches in applications that call for a Stick. Since the D6 has a single output As for the ESQs, we'll have to come up with a substitute for jack, these patches are all panned to the middle of the stereo the “CLAY” and “CLAV.VAR" waveforms. [figured that a field with no pan modulation. On the SQ-1 and VFX patch logical starting point would be a narrow pulse wave — the real thing, not the questionable “PULSE” waveform supplied with this synthesizer {see pulse width modulation article in Issue #85). Notes: For maximum authenticity, set velocity response to “soft.” So the “SYNC” function is applied 1 ante 1 to oscillator 2 which is set to a ‘\"*'l‘~“'E -_-- _ _._. |_|=o so-1:2 a KS-32 Prog: CLAVINET us “SQUARE” waveform, which ends Salecwulca Wave Glass up giving us a real variable pulse wave. To make it closer to an authentic clavinet tone, here it is combined with the “KICK” and Wave Delay Time Wave Direction ‘Start Index “V0lCEl" waveforms. 1Flestrlt Decay Filters and Amplitude I used the VFX,lSl)l's and newer SQ-‘s two filter sections together as a single 4-pole iowpass filter so that it would be easier to mal-te all the patches as similar as possible (the ESQs and SQ~3lll have this filter configuration only}. The VFXISDI and newer SQ’s velocity responses in the envelopes are set to linear, not only because the ESQs have only this type, but also because the actual clavinet responds to velocity in a linear fashion. Envelope decay times were adjusted separately for high notes and low notes, first for the filters and then for the amplifiers. I HOUSE Fl MODAMT -—- HBD Ptch Track Glide Tlrne EIW1 Initial Pealt - MODS FIG _ Wave Hestart _ \- Semltone Fine EHV1 LFO MODSGH MDDAIUIT Glide Glavfluar tllltl - |=-_|rcH_ 'OC1Ia"ll'E - LFD Speed Noise Hate Level Delay Sign S Waveform FILTER S Filter‘ 1 Dfll 1 +0 +oo +0-D +ll-D +iliJ Oil ._ Filter 2 i_FC1 cures ‘ENV 2 l FG1 KBD i MDDEGH FOE Gutoll ENV2 +55 FG1MClD-FG2 ~04 On ‘reasen initial Pealt Break Sustain Attaclt Decay 1 Decay 2 Fiolease ‘hlel-Level ‘lfol-Attaclt Vol Curve Mode KBD Traclt OUTPUT VOL Boost MGDS HG MGDAlv'l‘l‘ KBD Scale Hey Henge ENV2 1_._.. lnltlal Pealt - -h- Break Ifiustain Elrealt lllttaolt Decay ‘E Decay 2 Ftelease ;§Vel-Level 'il'e|-Attaelt Val Gurue Mode Attael-t Decay 1 Sustain xao Traci-t _ 19 1 E9 E-ill 21 21 22 EB Decay 2 Flelease ‘vial-Level 'u'el+lllltaclt Val Curve Mode no 25 KBD Traclt +16 ___I I Q9 49 on on BE BE on 14 so DD Linear Norm at +3? -o4 Veloc -D4 D32 _ nlooalur On Dif 1 2Lo 2Lo D32 +55 By: set Slinlcerd DD DU Linear Horrnal _Dutput Bus Priority Pan -Val window 1 H9 Elli‘ D11‘ 4. +1 T G2-G?‘ Dry Medium oo one EFFECTS — None sheets, notice that the outputs are routed to the dry bus and no effects are specified. Like with a real clavinet, you have to choose your own effects (if any). These patches are designed to be very accurate and usable as they arc, with no modifications, but I like to think of them as a place for you to start in making your own custom patches. lvlay you clav long and Bio: Kiri: Slinicard hangs our near Denver, plays synthesizer, and collects and restores vintage rock staff. His favorite color is ultraviolet and he’ s the sarne age as Marcia Brady fa year older than Kevin Arnold). prosper. Cl a_I_w lvlod You Later, good ‘oi Kirk. - ../ \_ Classifieds EQUIPMENT Enseniq EPS Sampling Keyboard. Includes 4X lvlemory, SCSI Port, S-{Iiutput Expander, can'ying case. $350. Call Ed at (912) 43?-1345. Looking to buy a VFX-sd or SD-I keyboard in good working condition. Call Cesar at 509- 1-'Sl5-2323 after ti pm (PST). I-lave a new PC-2 SplitslLayers card. Will sell SASE to: NIGHTWEID Sound, 1'i'0 Mar Monte Ave., La Selva, CA 951106. "I-Icy Beavis, these samples are cool!" Don't be a Butthead, send for your free catalog of low-cost, hi-fi EPS,l"ll5+,i'ASR samples today. Tom Shear, 255 Small Road, Syracuse, NY 13210. The Hacker's Jack Tolin presents Crosswave Sounds: The classic drums of the HR-lti for $60 or trade for EX-1 or EX-2. Call after 5 pm Eastern. (T03) SSS-T442. (2-disk set; 49 sounds}; SYNTH- BITS! - tum ASR-10, hard case, excellent condition: S1’.-'50. Call (609) 293-4421. with these low-memory samples - M1 Series {S-disk set; 50 sounds). All disks are $5 each {foreign silt - add $5.} To: Jack Tolin, 9310 Myrtle Ave., #191-', Kansas City, MD 64132, Selling an EPS-lo Plus with memory and output expander plus 100s of sounds for $1600 or best offer. (201) 348-0’i'3'l'. SAMPLES ilGreat Sounds, Great Pricell A mixed bag of custom samples birthed through the union of a SY-Ti‘, Juno 00, Sequential 6 Trek and other synths — all sounds performance-ready and are block efficient. 3 disks for only $15. Send cheek or money order plus $3 s,-‘h to: 3P Productions, T34 Baugh Rd., Nashville, TN 31221. Analog Fusion Samples for the EPS-16+. Contemporary Jazz Sounds, Lead,r'Solo, Synth Bass, Pads, Strings, Brass S: more. Bendable Samples of your favorite analogs. Set 1 S: Set 2 are 5-disk sets at $25.00 each + $3 (s&h}. Send ehecklmoney order [or SASE for list of these and our other available samples) to: Silent Force Music, PD Box 222, Struthers 44401-0022. DH ECCENTRIC SAMPLES {lvlirage and EPS). Ethnic, Ancient Greek, Medieval instruments; Partch creations; Industrial Percussion St more. lvlirage demo tape: $4. EPS derno tapes {"v"o1. II or ‘iiol. 111}: $7 each. U.S. funds only. Demo tapes include disk list. For lists alone, send your EPS-16+ or ASH.-10 into a synthesizer phone: (316) T63-0407. the Atari ST. Waveform editing and Digital Signal Processing capabilities. For EPS Classic, Mirage and many other samplers, but not the 'lti+. S200. Dick, 3200 Indian Trail, Racine, WI 53 402. Phone: 414-I539-2l'Ir'5. RECORDING CCllvlPACT DISC RECORDING: Any record- ing of yours can be transferred to CD. All you need to do is supply a tape recording of music, [preferably DAT}. Imagine YOUR music on Compact Disc! Excellent for demos or archiving. Perfect for low production runs. $50 for one CD, $40 for each additional. Call for information -> Jim Grote. {$13) 661-S835 {eves}. PATCHESISOUNDS OUT-OF-PRINT BACK ISSUES 60 ‘JFK-sd (SD-1} patches created by Iirn Grote. Wide variety of sounds with complete documentation. Call for free Inforrnalion Packet, or send $30 for ‘v"FX(SD-1} disk to: Jim Grote, 3'i'2l Frances Ave., Cincinnati, DH 45211. Phone: {$13} 651-SE35 EST. ivl.U.G. will provide Gut-of-Print issues for Paar - set of so aso-1 {so-so) sounds plus two booklets. Classic, pop, ethnic sounds, hidden waves and effects patches, multisplits {I}, microtonai scales. Available on ESQ-l datatape, Mirage, Atari ST, IBM-PC or lvlacintosh disk. Read review in TH#l00. Contact: Paul Tirnmerrnans, - Steycnltoflaan 33, B-3130 Betekom, Belgium. Zspfl Cnmchl Bang! Powl SD-l owners, we're fighting for you. S0 patches, T demos, S pages documentation. These sounds have definitely helped me. Now yours for $20. Crush! Slam! Send today. Steve lvluggiin, 110 Grant Ave, Deal NI 0'r"l'23. SOFTWARE Universal Sound Designer by Dlgidesign for Missing or Damaged Issues? cost of materials and postage. .ivI.U.G. Hotline: 2l2-4l55- 3430 or write: G-4 Productions, PD Box l515TI-I, Yonkers, NY 10703. Attn: TH Back Issues. Phone: {2l2) 465-3430. "' * "‘ Photocopies of out-of-print pest issues of the Hacker can be obtained by calling Jack Loesch, 90ii-2l54- 3512 after ii pm EST. * * * Folks in the New York City area can get copies of unavailable back issues of the Hacker - call Jordan Scott, 713- SS3-2400. FFIEE CLASSIFIEDS! Well — within limits. We're offering free classified advertiping (up to 40 words) for your sampled sounds-or patches. Additional words, or ads for other products or services, are $0.25! word per issue (BOLD type: $0.45,lword}. Unless renewed, freebie ads are removed after 2 issues. While you"re welcome to resell copyrighted sounds and programs dist you no longer have any use for, ads for copies of copyrighted material will not be accepted. Sorry — we can't take ad dictation over the phonel Change of Address Every month we mail out thousands of issues and every month about a dozen get ‘misplaced’ by the Post Dlfice. If you‘re ever one of the winners of this lottery, just give us a call [503-22?-EH4-E-l, l B am — B pm Pacific Time} and we'll be happy to mail a repiace- , ment copy -—- no prob. (However, if you accuse us of nefarious ~ schemes to "rip you off," you will be offered a refund and given helpful subscription info for other musician magazines.) , Please let us know at least four weeks in advance to avoid missing |.' any issues. The Post Dffice really will NUT reliably forward this type of mail. {Believe us, not theml} We need to know both your old and your new address. [Issues missed due to late or no change notification are your own dumb fault - we mailed theml} an , '.-=-.1' _ -?. '_., _ iii-_,-.1,-_ l H l I —-.-—qr-'1 '| -,5‘ ._,_ . ....._.g._J,_ __ _ . . . - I.-at-' ..' -.-2 -- -re“-= -' -= ".' ==.-Is'\Ir.’__|--i - '=~ -or.:_,r- .1:_ '-:'-'-- —- . I g is-to - l is =' -4‘ t .-. . Q 1';-t 1' r " .- i.-'.= -_:_—-_-T-I-:_J -’___. _____..-__i__.____.i.i_... _ 4-I -I-F-5-,.__,_,,__. ...__ , _- '. i"I:'-1-|.'1.i|l. l|a. Ill _ _ _A_ — __,.-F" 4"" -_,,_|-' a.e""' I _--' ‘___ |'-|| _ _-— — -___ |'| _ - - __ '1' i ii. H“I —-|I-I _ : . ‘pl,_L ,_ if Y:" - 5,‘... " _'l1' y_,j_"-:_-.-PI ‘'1IIts|:ii .|- I|,-'i'-1-'. _-! | .411' ' 0'L. _ _ -—- 1|I _ ‘*1? ’I I., _ ll |. -1- _. H | a... _ -7_ __ ...__ __ - . - it - .~ - 1 ' _.» |-- j "I '3'_"' .' '-_ __. ' ' _.- - ' __ _"-:!__'p~l_1|- ._= ="_ ' ‘fl H ,., 1, - |H,‘ I __...-' Ir-- .' Ii. ''l ‘ill I -—-_H— 5 ‘.1 _,_ '1‘l-__ -~---:~"*-—~ r" _— .__ __ _ ;'. :, ' . re- ‘I .. | I '- -_- i. -- 'i'_€—|m'I-I-I-i—|"E:,'-::_"'l ;"- "r-'as.._'., ‘ll-W'--: |I' ''v.'1'“=- i'f_._ ' |_ J I '|'I.l.-_.--It ‘Ll-. .- ' . i_. -i "tr - --a.. - 5 ~- -—- _ -_ IL II - .v . ,____ ___ __i _ ____,___ -as "_.1 ----—---7 - . - 3' |[F,‘{': if 11 if '-:.. . . \| .. 4 _ .4"J _. . . I |ll: . -- 1 i : -____P_ Ii_'-:,1=__|.;-_.=J;I-re.nal-r _-., | -LI‘: __. —- -—- _ ' w—L1;-~:-—,| , _|l. - pie l-.--;- s - :15;-7--P ______ - - _ --- .= =---,' -.J -1 . - " - _ -- -—3-%\i'—-Q‘--'-—'-LT—?'l-I.-1|: _________ ___ _ ___. _ - I _'="'_'l2' _. _ ;I _ . _ — j_'=-',,-— - . __ _ .. ' .' The enstmiq keyboards are the most fun keyboards on the market ! But YOU have to know all the tricks and shortcuts to havefan. When you're havin gfim you excel at whatever you're doing! You already know that . . . . . . So ask yourself . . . . . writer ,,.,,-wars‘ -=~ _...... (‘Cl F ??? mod;-decay H edit ASR-10 . $119.95 TS-10 . KS-32 . $119.95 $119.95 $39.95 Ts-12 . . $119.95 \ X Herr Hurt M M, Why Cram the Books‘? I-lave Fan I Watch TV ! VALUE: Even the KS-32 set is over six hotus of instruction! Ifyou follow the instructions it should take at least ten hours to complete the tapes! Most of our customers are saying it takes 25-so hours to complete the ASR-ll) set! That's $11.95 an hour for detailed instruction on POUR keyboard { Remember you can rewind and watch it again . . . try that with lessons!) ASR-IBIS hours, TS-121"? hotus, TS-10!’? hours, SD-lid U2 hours. Get the most out your keyboard by really getting to know it like a friend Each Tape set will take you from novice to expert. You'll be answering questions you couldn't ask before! All of the videos use multiple camera shoots. You sec a concept and the goal. With the goal defined, you'll be walked through to the solution step by step, button by button.’ With the use of analogies, charts and CLOSE UP shots . . . you will master your keyboard (We even cover common mistakes and the workarounds!) Of Course we say this kind of stuff but listen to some other people . . . Music Stores After Using and Selling Our Tapes "I had a record sales month in December and I owe a lot of it to these tapes" Scott Laythem lvfclvlurray Music St. Louis Customers after purchasing the tapes "I learned more in the first hour of video than I did in the first 30 days, your contmtutication skills are incredible Rick!" Dr. Jack Fowle Science Adviser U.S. Senate [TS-ll] owner] "If these videos hadn't helped me, my next call was to Dr. Kevorkian! " Satisfied Customer that wishes to remain anonmous & alive! [SD-1 owner] "In the first two hour tape I realized the real power of what I own, I can't wait to see the rest! Thanks” Dave Mathis Liverpool, l'il.Y.. [ASR-Ill owner] Try Our New Number . . . [800] 687-1607 Call or FAX Marifyn today to place your order ! _,_ -|. covert videos s1s ealtl-3ilsl.tIte144 roclnvalhtexae racer [z14]rzz -|so1 fax [214]i~"22 1404 -- - Letters fur The Interface may be sent tu any uf the fellewing addresses: I.l.S. Ivlail - The Interface, Transuniq Hacker, I-'-lll.'?. SW Upland Dr., Pertland, UR 97121 Electrunic mail - GI-inie Netwurk: TRANSUPIIQ, Cempuflerve: 'i'3Ii'.EIl,3353, Internet {via CS}: 'I32dU.3353@cumpuserve.cem. This is prebably ene ef the mest epen ferums in the music industry. Letter writers are asked tu please keep the vitriul te a minimum. Readers are reminded te take everything with a grain ef salt. Resident answer-man is Clark Salisbury {CS}. Letter puhlieatien is subject tu space censideratiens. T.H.: I knew hew much yeu guys like getting ASH tips {and I knew hew much I like reading ‘em}, se I theught I‘d send aleng twe mere that I read en the EPS Mailing List ef Internet. But rather than me paraphrasing it and taking all the credit fur the ideas, I‘m including the [edited] Intemet message itself, aleng with its rightful auther: “Frem: CRDFDOT@CS.BU.EDU where I created presets and nu lunger use er want them present [I den't want te slip and hit ene ef these by accident while perfemting). New I can‘t get rid ef them ether than te everwrite them with Best regards, Iesper Eiummesen "safer" presets. {CS - I'm afraid I’II have re piead ignerance en this ene; I werit aimest entirety in the hfacintesh werid, se I have my ewn set ufprehiems te deal‘ Luuking ferward tu the next — and every — issue. with. {I de Itnew, however, that the ASR-Iii is perThanks! Gerry Leune ‘iiicteria, Mlti G.LEDNE@genie.geis.cum "Well since we are sharing seme tips and tricks I theught I weuld threw in ene I just figured eut. It "Must peeple edit sample end puints befere truncatien {sample start is usually set perfectly by the seund exceeding the thresheid). Assume yeu have a 4-secend seund and yeu are manually inching up the end peint te just the right peint This takes a lung time and requires listening tu the entire sample. I have ceme up with twe setutiens fer this. First, while helding dewn the reet key, use the pitch bend wheel te speed up the sample until elese te the end and then let it fail te nermal speed. This can be used as a ferm ef scrubbing. [I rarely use pitch bend, se have even centemplated changing the glebal bend range te a higher value.) "The secend and better way ef truneatien is te meve the start peint instead ef the end peint. Repeatedly hit the key while siewly meving up the start peint. When nu mere seund is heard {make sure net tu lese any reverbs) then yeu are at the true end peint. Serry, I hnew ef ne way te delete presets ence they're created. l"ett cetdd, ef cettrse, re-create the hanhfiem scratch, then re-save it, hat I den’t knew if yea'd find this any snicker than rewriting the presets as "safer" versiens._i Helle Clark! Fer the Hacker: Helle hackers! I just received the Feb 4 External Cemmand Sp-ecificatien fer ASH-1|] at nu chargel Thank yeu Enseniq! The SCSI page was very interesting te read. Pm very tired ef dealing with fleppy disks and siew data transfers via MIDI. I'm sure all future Advanced Sampling Recerders will have a SCSI interface (I{2{l!Ili} has}. MIDI is tee slew te transfer all the infermatien we users require. SCSI will be the future MIDI! “New just arruw tu the sample end screen and 5!lMHa cemputer with le-bit Seundblaster card drep the slider all ef the way dewn and it will [I think (er hepe) it is teday's PC standard). What kind (medel and brand) ef SCSI interface adapter {ISA} de I need te cunnect te ASE-ID? te listen te a millisecend ef the seund te see if I'm passing year Ietter en re Enseniq - I st-tspect se.-neene there wiII have a pertinent cumment er twe.j Qaestiuns: 1) Ijust heught an IBM PSI I IISEDXZ autematically set te the start peint yeu had set. Then gu hack tu the start peint screen and clrep the same back te II with the data slider, then truncate. This is a quick way because yeu enly have manentiy set tu SCSI ID 3). {CS — Thanits fer the ceei tips!‘ pertains te sample editing and at first seems ceunter intuitive, but werks much better. (Intemet Email: jesper@iss.se} 2) What SCSI address {!]~'i'] are ASR-Ii} and my cemputer werlting en if I have this adapter? {Enseniq - Ij Unfertanateiy the anestien is nut what brand cf SCSI interface shut-dd yea hay, hat what cerdd yea de I)‘ yea had a SCSI interface en year PC. and the answer cnrrentiy is - nething with the AER-Iii. We Itnew ef nu su_Il'ware which sttpperts any type ef SCSI cemmanicatien with the ASII-Iii. Sampieltisien, frem Turtle Beach, eniy st-tpperts MIDI transfers ef wave data. Perhaps yea readers shettid centact them and Iet them knew that yea wetdd Iihe tu see that package stippert SCSI data transfers in the ftttare. Dues anyune ettt there Irnew anything that we den’t blew? 2) The ASH-Id is permansntiy set te SCSI ID #3 and yeur ether SCSI devicescan he set re any ID number ether than that. 3) See aheve answer. -II] Perhaps Gary wiII - he'II have te answer fer himseI__t". 5) Unfertanateiy, flepticai drives are censiderahie mere expensive and censttme mach mere pewer than cenventienai fleppy drives. They are net necessariiy ahie te suppert the Enseniq dhiz fermat, which is net IBM cempatihie. We have ehviettsiy Ieeited inte them, hat cannet suppert them ttntii these issues are resuivedtchanged, which seems anIiI:eIy._,I there is an attack instead uf the entire sample multiple times. - Matthew" Heat tips, I think. Hcpe yeu can use ‘em in the Hacker! I checked with Matthew and he says, “I am glad that yeu enjeyed the tips. I myself was quite surprised after I tried them. It seemed se ceunter intuitive te he werking frem the frent ef the sample if I wanted te clip the end, but it tvurked great. Tltttnl-ts fur sending it eff tn Tran- seniq, as new mere peeple will he able tu use it. Regards, Matthew.“ Itnd as leng as I‘ve gut yeur ear... {hew many times have yeu read THAT befere}, I have a questien: dees anyune knew hew tu "uncle" er delete presets frem a hank, etttside ef setting up a whele new hank? Once they're set up using “CREATE PRESET" they seem te he there ferever. I have several live perfermance hanks 3} Will cempanies ef the “near funire" suppert me with seftware fer this eenfiguratien? As I understand {ef the External Cemmand Specifica- Helle Transeniq Hacker! tien) SCSI cemmunicatien is very similar te timateiy, satisfactiun, I have finished 'iIersiun I uf Seundliert. Wliat dues it de'l Seund‘!-'ert is a cenversien pregraru that transfurrns Wave St. SampleMisiun files inte Ciiebler’s ferrnat and changes MIDI. Suppert fer SCSI-MIDI sheuld be easy te implement! Cemments by seftware cempanies, please. [Any Sequencer vendersf} 4) I like Gary Giehler‘s Enseniq Disk Manager very much, but fleppy disks are tee slew fer buth me and my ASR-Iii. Hew ahuut an Enseniq SCSI-MIDI Manager‘? 5) ‘Wlty net replace new ASE-Ii} and the new TS-1!} fluppy disk drives with fleptical disks {IIMB en a 3.5“ special-disks}? Dues any hacker reading this (er Enseniq], have experience ahuut this? After a let ef hard werk, frustratien, and, ul- Wave Files inte Sample‘visien‘s femiat. In cenjunctien with the Enseniq Disk Manager, yeu can recerd and edit seunds and then create diskettes all en yeur PEI This weuld be useful fer any sampler ur lteybeard that reads Enseniq disks. he a TS-Ill ewner, this has pruved especially useful (new I can held eff purchasing a dedicated sampler... at least fer e little while}. Currently, I am distributing SuundDemu which is a restricted versien ef Suundhiert. SenndDeme is freeware while a registered versien uf Suund‘v'ert 22 l.0 is $15.00. Please feel free tn cepy and distribute SnundDeme. Initially, yeu can get cupies ef SeundDemn en: Eagle Nest, (401)-353-3359 my faverite lncal beard; Seund Management banks. I didn't lind any pregram buth in the public demainlshareware and in the cemmercial area. Regards, BBS, {T03}-949-E434 — my faverite audiu beard; CempUSA, {#01}-S23-9255 — my favuritc free heard, {except if it's a tell call). Re tu Rebert Plutkin in TH I05: I ceuld install an FTP site fer SQ seunds, if I get seunds te stere If yeu have any preblems finding it, yeu can Thanks in advance! Martin Ilrwaleck email me at tim.dnreas@enest.cnm er leave a message en MlDILink er MIDI-l*~!et. Happy music making! semewhat unlikely in this case as US vl.l5 werks fine‘? lee Santactece MlDILink and distribute. {Enseniq - We have had ether reperts ef this hug and have identified the prehlent. We expect tefix it in the next release. Stay tttned.jl Internetmrwalec!-t@ps 1 .iaee.tuwien.ac.at ‘Iierma, Itustria Dear Hacker, Tim II'~ITEiRl'~IET:tim.derc as-@—enest.cum {CS — Again, I have te heg ignerance fI've never tried Iecating RAM cards in Austria). I'm net tee sure Enseniq will he jumping at the chance te ICS—Ceel.j tell yeu where te huy preducts that are campsit- [Enseniq - Seundr very interesting. We'll have tive with their ewn, hut yeu never ltnew; I'll pass yeur letter aleng just in case. te leg en and take a leek. Thanirs fer the sappertI,l Dear Hacker, I weuld leve tn hear frem sumeene whe ewns a KS-32 and uses the Galaxy librarian with it fer setmd sterage, preferably sumeene whe runs Galaxy en an It'll’ Mac. I have a Centris {Quadra) 660 AV and have been degged fer menths by I sent a tape and pestage te Clark tn hear a deme he made en his TS-I0 abnut twe menths age. D-h, Clark, where eh where are yeu? Geerge Finiaie Wiimingmn, Califernia There are puhiic demaintshareware pregrams fer upleading and dewnleading system exclusive data. The pregrams I'm familiar with treat sysex as a generic data type, se I den't Itnew if yeu'll find anything specifically designed te allew yeu te re-arrange SQ seunds inte new hanks. If yeu den't mind feregeing that capahiiity, then ene pregram yea might leek fer is semething called "Gall!" (I helieve}. Yeu sheuld he ahle te find this in ene ef the user greaps, er en ene ef the {CS - Geerge, I apelegize fer the delay. We just finished seme majer remodeling, and several things had heen misplaced, including yeur eriginal letter. Iiewever, I sent the tape aleng aheut five weelts age; se if yeu haven't received it yet, please let me Irnew, and I'll get yeu anether cepy ASAP-I what Spp-:31’ te be framing errers. The Opcude and Enseniq tech lines have dune all they can! enline services {such as CempuServe_l.,1‘ Te: Transeniq Hacker {Enseniq - All we can e_tfi’er te help yeu is that Recently I cuuldn't get my ASR-lll tn beet upl I Call cellect 303-443-620'? (evenings MST) er email (Internet) te: jec@gesualdu.celerade.edu. these cards are 38-pin I‘l'l'tCanen memery cards. ‘We den't ltnew ef any cempatihle cards, hut h’ a card claims te he ITTICanen cempatihle it sheuld werlc. The cards are as expensive as they are hecause we are charged a high rate fer them. believe it was "ERROR 003 REBUUT‘l" Anyway, after trying all my US disks, I tuuk the Thanks! Iee Islet {CS — I've used Galaxy en a Mac llci fer quite seme time witheut'tee many prehlems, su I'm afraid I den't really have a let ef insight {the enly real ditf"'tcu.lties I've experienced eccurred when trying te u.se an elder versien ef Galaxy with the newer Mac," since upgrading, these We pass them en te ear users at little ta ne preflt hecause we are sensitive te their price.j l.__I_-_“Iii §'1-I Hey TH, heard that yeu can experience prehlems if Ap- Get my cepy uf the v2.01 US upgrade yesterday. I haven't tried the audiu tracks feature yet, genna de that tuday, but I did run inte semething very pletallt is active, hut I'm net netwerized, sel have strange yesterday. prehlems have pretty much disappeared}. I have 1 Maybe yeur questien has already been answered — On A Disk Ever hunt threugh that eld stack ef Hackers leuking fer that reference te Berneuili drives My main werk drive is a tzr-tau Quantum SCSI. I beet eff ef this drive and leaded the OS — sumewhere in the letters eelunm? By using the Back Issue Index yeu can usually find the article yeu're leuking fer — but letters are different. Well, lucky yeu, here's yeur selu- untu it. I alse use a Maxtnr 213-MB drive as a backup enly drive. I backup the entire I2’?-MB drive ente the 213-MB drive fer safety until there is a Digital IID backup selutien (pleasel). I tien — electrenie files ef raw text frem the last feur years‘ werth uf letters culurnns — all ready tn be pattern searched fur whatever yeu want. (DDS fermatted, 'I20k, 3.5") he direct experience with this. If any ef eur readers has a clue as te what might he geing en here, perhaps they'd he hind enettgh te share whatever infe they may have..._l [Enseniq - We have a hard time helieving that Elpcede can’! help yeu, hut we will try te leuh inte this seen. Clarlt is right - leaving IlppleTalI: en ceuld preduce this hind ef errer. We'll call realize that this type nf backup dees nething fer fragmentatien, but lt is still a backup and it 1990 (Issues #55 - #615), 5181: werks. I have had te use it. 1991 [Issues #67 - IFI3), 310k yeu when we have set up a test.,1‘ Dear Haclterl Here's the preblern: I attempted a new backup with DS v1.01 and abnut 5 minutes inte the backup it freezes every time with CREATE De yeu knew ef any secend seurce RAM cards fer the SQ series? The eriginal Enseniq cards cest abnut $150 which seems rather expensive NEWDIRECTDRY en the display. It then requires that I pewer eff and en tu rebeut the ASR-I0. Hnwever, if I beet up with US vl.ti and attempt the same backup, it werks perfectly fine. -|||—i-Iii; Interface cempared te RILM cards advertised with ene batik ef seunds fer $99. What's happening here? I alse tried rebneting fmm the OS v2.01 Flnppy, fermat the backup SCSI drive and then ence again tried the backup. Itnether questien: I'm leuking fer a pregram en a PC fer up- and dewnleading seund banks. Same results, it freezes up again. Anuther nice feansre weuld be tn be able tu greup seunds frem different bank files inte new Is this seme new ubscure preblem with the new US er am I deing semething wrung which seems 23 1992 (Issues #'IEl - #90), 356k I993 (Issues #91 - #102), 416k Cine disk: $10. Any 2 disks: $16. any 3 disks: $21. All 4 disks: $25. {Pfices include shipping] i Transuniq Hacker _ I I402 SW Upland Drive, Pertland, DR W221 nr call I-B00-543-B925 {I-503-225-943? nutside the ILS.) and be ready with yeur ‘v'isa ur Mastereard, name Sc address, and yeai-(s) wanted. ILSR-10 in fer repair... hence, my cemplaint begins. I teek my ASR-I0 tu Audie Electrunics in Dallas, TH. I ehuse this particular shep because it was listed under A.utheriz.ed Enseniq Repair Statiens en the list Enseniq included with the ASR-10. The man behind the desk prucceded tu Silt? I werk with a beach-'RdtB band and ceuld use a geed cellectiun ef nrgan patches fer my SQEIB2. D.‘iI.Ienes PC! Hex I303 Cedar Bluff, ‘tlirginia 24605‘ cepy my sales receipt fer warranty purpeses and ICS - Well, the beck’ s en the back burner fer then asked me if I wanted Prierity Warranty. He new, while I cencentrate en prejects geared said that it weuld cest me $25 and that heught me the right te have my ASR-10 lucked at in tlnee days. He went en tn say that if I didn't pay mere teward making my mertgage payments. I will keep yeu pasted, theugh, if this status changes. the S25, he guaranteed that ne ene weuld se much as leek at it fer 10 days tn twe weeks. Se even theugh sumeene might be free te inspect it suuner, they will net, as a punishment tn me fer net paying Audie Electrenics S25. Everyene I've spnken tn has said that it was unfair. My brether-in-law is a lawyer and he said that what they are deing is an unethical business practice. I weuld like tn hear yeur cnmmcnts, but especially cnmmcnts frem Enseniq since they upgrade - Ijust heught my TS-I2 in January I994. De I already have te fnrk ever anether $99.95 fer this upgrade? Dees this upgrade include ability te readI"W1'ite standard MIDI files? Can't believe the TS-I2 can t de this. Finally, why isn't the details ef the SysEx sterage fer sequences net decumcnted? Thanks, Rubert I LuSasse Chicagn IL I knew ef ne SQ cards fecused specifically en ergan seunds. Hewever, Enseniq recently anneunced the release ef EX-4, a card centaining the seund set firem the KS-32. There are prebably mach an upgrade, in my epinien, as a "sidegrade" - it will net impreve the perfermance er 20 er 30 ergans en this card, as well as a ten cf ether keybnard-eriented stttff; yeu might want te check it eut.) change the specs efyeur TS-I2 in any way. What it dees de is allew yeu te use yeur TS-I2 as a Gill’ seund seurce; the TS can be cenfigured te {CS - Ne, yeu den’ t. The GM upgrade is net se respend te I I5 MIDI channels, and te select the cerrect {GM cempatible) seund when it receives a pregram change message frem an external sequencer. Dear TH, recermnended this cempany en their list. I have an SQ-1 keybnard which I am very happy Its yeu all can clearly see, Enseniq is net tu blame in any way that I knew ef. As te the ASR-I0, all equipment frem space shuttles te lit- with, but I was wandering what upgrade paths if yeu already have a significant library ef are available te me and what the cests weuld be. Grid-centpatible sequences, er are planning en creating GM-cempatible sequences fer ene reasen er anether, then adding GM capability te yeur TS may make sense. Hnwever, ifyeu are net It seems mest patches advertised fer sale in TH tle red wagnns need repair en eccasien. I really are best en the extended SQs [which I de net like my ASR-I0. I really den't like unethical business practices. have) even if they du werk en mine. Are there third-party venders fer the upgrade hardware and are there arty batches ef patches fur just the erdinary SQ-1? And what du all the errer messages mean? Iehn Cechran Arlingten, Texas using GM sequences new, and have he real plans te use them in the future, use the meney fer semething else. Are there many peeple still with erdinary SQ-ls er have I missed the beat as far as upgrading gees? The TS will net read er write standard MIDI files. Believe it. ne real "meaning" that's ef any use te the mer- Yeurs faithfully, tal man._l The details fer Systiix eperatien ef any Ettseniq instrument are decumented, and available. Write Rusanne McKinley New Zealand {CS - As far as the errer messages ge, they have {Enseniq - Audie Electrenics has been an Autheritted Enseniq Repair Statienfer almest ten years. Their service track recerd is very geed, and their persennel are prefessienal and genuinely cencerned ahuut their custemers. "Rush charges" are very cemmen in the musical instrument repair husiness. The purpese ef a rush charge is te meet the needs cf custemers with rigid scheduling requirements. This special ITH - Unfertunately, we den't knew ef any third-party venders fer SQ hardware upgrades. One pessible way re ge is te put a little ad in eur classifieds - either leaking fer an upgrade er selling yeur SQ and leaking fer a used PLUS. The ditference between the twe sheuldn'r be tee much diilerent than the cest ef an upgrade te the "MIDI Speciticatien Desk," Enseniq, I55 Great Valley Parkway, Ildalvern, FA I5-"355. Request infermatien en Sysllx fer the TS-I2, and yeu shall receive.I {Enseniq - 2,1 It is net that we everleeked Stan- dard li-IIDI files, er den't believe in their e_fi’ectiveness fer sharing sequence data between devices. The plain truth is that betlt eur sequencer design and eur disk fermat weuld have had i'hepefully...,I.,l te be re-written re implement that feattue. Stan- service has value and repair statiens charge accerdingly. I-Iewever, we find it unimaginable that the service facility weuld actually tell yeu, "Even Dear Hacker, dard MIDI Files need te be transferred en IBM cempatible fermat disks, which is difierent than eur fermat. And the sequences must suppert theugh sumeene might he fies re inspect it Ase there any SQ-S0 users whe weuld have seener, they will net, as a punishment..." Per- specifics en the “anti-clack" keybnard medificatien fer the SQ-S0? I've had ne success in getting any assistance frem Enseniq techs en this sixteen channels cf inferniatien - eur sequencer currently supperts twelve. It was a majer seft- haps yeu read inte what they actually said a little bit? Anyway, we'd really be glad te talk te yeu ahuut this further. Pie-use call did-dd?-SSSII and askfer Steve C'etscia._l Tu: the Interface tnatter. We du recegniee the value ef SI!-fFs and will net rule eut cempatihility with them in futttre Mt. Prespect, IL 50056 {T03} 42'?-1515 Itlalhala markets a cellectiun uf "E-3" seunds fer Dear TH, preducts with disk drives. ICS - I'm afiraid I den’ t; readers ?,l t the Reland D series synths. De yeu er any nf yeur readers knew ef any such effering fer the teen channels ef inceming MIDI. Adding cemplete recerding and editing ftmctiens fer sixteen channels is a MAIDII seflware ejfert that we can't undertake fer the TS series. Thank yeu, Michael Mueney l'I4I Chariet Ct In the September, I992 Interface, Clark indicated that a bunk cumpiling the series uf articles en the SQ instruments might be effered at seme peint. ‘Where de we stand en that preject? ware jeb te get the TS-Iilllil te "listen" te six- Regarding the TS-12 OS versien 2.5 GM 24 3} We den't include MIDI Sysllx decumentatien in every rnanual because it increases the sizelcest of every manual, when enly a small ntunher ef eur custerners actually want it, We distribute it ferfires te anyune whe wants it._l Dear Hacker, it in the neat release. Until then yea ceuld keep rising I13. versien .l.l5.l er — slay tttned._,l Enseniq samplers are my faverite since the playing them lracl: at ililh. This ceald happen EPS-Iii+. Se nething tn cemplain about hut... yea‘ re rising a -Hi: efiect while recerding, and a I-Iaclter, I have GS 1.-El fer the ASH-lil. The AER-10 is c-nnnected tn a CD RUM TE1‘*iEI.. Dh-‘I 3ll'2l and frem there it gees te an eptical drive {I23 M) DD 3{lOlIi TEAC and then te a Reland ST-’5[l. The SCSI IDs are AER = 3,tl:te CD ROM = 2, the DD =4-and the ST5l]=Tr'. Everything went perfectly with D3 1.61. Httt with US 2.[l= every time I want te save, eenfigure tracks, save the OS, er glebal parameters I get DISK ‘WRITE PROTECTED, even with the physical pretectien eff. {CS - it seunds te rne like yen nary he recerding year arrriie tracm at a sampling rate ef -tlslti: and I weuld lilte te start by saying what a wenderful reseurce yeur magazine is fer Enseniq users. I appreciate all bf the tips and help yeu have previded me with fer my AER-lil. I have a questien that the fnlks at Enseniq were unable te answer because they were unfamiliar with the prehlem I am esp-eriencing. Wlten using the new Etllt eflect while playing hack. it can alse happen if yea try ta recerd steree at 4-till: ante a Syflnest rernavahle drive, which ls net qtrite fast enangh te de steree at 4'4 lr.,l {Enseniq — Gar seftware department has been trying te reach yea since we received these letters - if yen have net spelren ta as hy the tirne 2.0 digital recerding US I almust always have my this is printed CALL US! While Clark’ s answer ceald he a pessible cattse we den’! ltnew eneagh RAM audie tracks playing back way tee slew. I frent year letter re help yea. Getting a cepy ef a set everything up preperly the way the manual explains, but te ne avail. My SIMS are the cerreet ii bit type and my keybnard is expanded te lti Meg. I have a 44 meg remevable hard drive data file that exhihits this prelrlern weuld help as te feel: inte it. We want ta help yer-t._,l' (which I heught mainly fer the digital recerding feature) that dees the same thing when using disktraclts. Enseniq techs suggested that I send my Dear fellew AER-ID userslfinsnniqlliackerstaff; will be able te use the new seftware. Se what is geing wreng'l equipment in te them, which is definitely eut bf Sincerely yeurs, the questien. De yeu have any idea why this weuld be eccurring? Any help weuld he much the Audie tracks sync te an ettternal sequencer. appreciated. The manual en page lb says that this is because ef incensistent tempe in eaternal MIDI eleclts. It Despite my preblems, I weuld alse like te thank Enseniq fer creating a fantastic music making feel and fer listening te censumers‘ ideas. seems beth childish and peliticai frem Enseniq te put the blame en the eutside wcrld: the truth is prebably mere like that the titted preeessing Iimew that the CID will net he fast eneugh te de andie en the dislt. But l am afraid that I never Adriane Censinette Brussels, Belgium {CS - l’m afraid l have ne infe te ejj"er; Enseniq, theugh, says they'll leelt inte yettr prahlsrn and see what they can cents up with.,l {Enseniq - We have had ether reperts efthit hag and have identified the prehlern. We expect te fa: The mest armeying thing te me I feund this year yet is that my AER-lllfs new 2.l] US deesn't let capabilities cf the ASR are tee slew er simple tn handle the SCSI stress. That anneying and everlasting "Data Shuffling" sheuld preve semething. Thanks, Iasen Huffman lvlerced, Califernia There is a saying in Helland which translates te: Who says you have nt_)_ HESONANT FILTER? The ASH-10 and EPS-15 PLUS can new ge "Bwaaeeww." The HEZ FILTER algerithm is a striking re-creatien ef an analeg synthesizer, the classic lvlinimeeg. A feur-pele lew-pass resenant filter is ceupled te a |ightrting- fast ADSH envelepe generater. The filter’s resenance centrel [else knewn as emphasis, bandwidth, er Cl] gives it that distinctive analeg seund by creating a sharp peak in the frequency respense. This peak is swept by the envelepe er any medulatien seurce. It dees things yeu can‘t de by sampling an analeg synth. Te demenstrate seme applieatiens ef HEZ FILTEH, the disk cemes he unpredictable: really crazy, really fat, and semetimes really grungy. Like HEZ FILTEH, Flil+FJt includes chenis and reverb which can be added te the FM eutput er used fer ether seunds en BUS2. The FIESOHAHT FILTEFI disk is just $39.95 direct frem Wh‘v'eBCt"r' Industries, including shipping. Fereign erders, add $6, PA residents add 6% tan. Use visa, Mastereard, meney erder er cashier check. with a eellectien ct raw lvlinimeeg samples that ceme te life when they hit the resenant filter. Elut what yea want te de is warp yeur ewn seunds, and yeu can— yeu'll quickly be transfenning yeur entire library ef clean digital samples inte tat and juicy dweeps, bweps and darnts. The FIEZ FILTER effect algerithm alse ineerperates seme ef WAveBDY's trademark parallel effects: hath eherua and reverb. Either fun features include acheice ef single er multi-trigger medes en the envelepe generater, and a sample-and-held. But wait... there’: rnere: this disk includes anether algerithm that dees frequency ntedulatien [Flvti Again, an ettampie seund is included that seunds terribly much like the Elli-T. Elut The Dirt-T used enly sine waves—yeu can ge further. This algerithm allews yeu te medulate any seund with any ether seund! The results can WAVGBOY Industries P.O. Ban 233, Paeli, Pa1ssu1 use erder by phene: (215) 251-H562 *'.-cine; ..-- ,,- . ==.. ;.3=i-.-ti ‘.-.; "-|.,.:_._.I -_.'i ii i" ‘F13’- Buying cheap proves to he expensive after all. For my work I use a video master sync generator which controls an Audio Kinetics synchrcnlaer which in turn conuols my Sony Umatic video and Tascsn, S5 through SMPTE and then a Cubasel'Atari-STe sequencer. Supposedly this is tt bit of overkill on stability of MIDI clocks but an Altai Sllllil slaves its hard disk recording thing perfectly through MIDI events. Even with the master-sync switched off. So does the Akai DR 4d through MTC and most drum computers The Hague, Holland aren't even on; also I hear notes playing “out of time" from the other ones. If I play the sequence {Enseniq - We really don't want to argue with you - we are not placing the blame on the outside world. The complexity of heaping the onboard sequencer and the Audio Tracks sample accurate is a big issue. You seem to have plenty of gear to cover your needs, so if you can't accept this design consideration we'll have to ac~ cept the fact that you won't use the digital audio recording features. We don'lfeel that setting your computer to exter- I bought the ASR plus CD-RUM and hard disk nal snot clocl: to interface it with the ASIE-ill is such a terrible thing to have to do, but we still respect the ASR-ltl and its inventors very much after almost a year's use. But, alas, with the current 2.tl came the Downer of The Year: the ASR SCSI audio-track thing has to play in its ovm playground and doesn't interface with the rest of the world. I feel discriminated against and respect your opinion. Eiur Di-ll] costs what it does because the digital interface chips are expensive - we have no real control over that. The SP-3 contains hi-speed opto-isolation couplers to eliminate SCSI noise, which is generally undesirable, and for hard disli: recording totally unacceptable. Removing them would reduce the price, but destroy the accept- I'm not even black (beautiful by the way}. able firnctienality of the ieteijface. Suggestions for Et1soniq's RSrD: When you compare the price to the little hardware fitted of the The Dl-ill does support input sarnplingfrom a 43 ltlla source.-' DI-Ill digital interface it seems very expensive. That goes for the SCSI board for the keyboard ASR. Maybe Maartists or some other company will come up with a fairer priced DI-ll} hoard and you lose business. Can't RrirD develop an tracks? There seems to be enough empty space too much to ask of the simple LCD display of the ASR, but MIDI event triggers on maybe an extra MIDI channel in the multi-setup should come in handy, and you wouldn't need a MIDI clock. Realtime sync to MTC tops it all. More suggestions: Why don't you include highl low note-priority settings in playback on certain instruments. Basses need this. It's in the SQ's. Please include DAT-S,-"PDlF-streaming of mem- so Tim. If this is all completely misunderstood, please excuse my newly found ignorance. So I'm crying I-[ELF please. Can anybody out there program some string sections that sound like the ltSs32 DYNAMIC STRINGS patch? Another sound I'd like to see duplicated is the ENCORE electric piano patch of the KS-32. Also the KS-32 DRY GRAND and the MELLDW TENDRI.[sax). I'm willing to trade some of my "tweaked" sounds for these or even to PAY for them. Also, if you have some samples that are under 2 meg that may be what I'm looking for please let me know. Dear Transforming Hackers, Enterprise‘s programs for the KS-32. I wish I had gotten them sooner. They are very quick and very helpful in storing and managing f'1les -- sequencer and sounds. It enabled me to dump the My letter is regarding the TS-12. First of all, thanks for your mag and the help it's been for me expanded, full memory in my IBM in a flea‘s since SQ-St} days. After the Bil, I bought the KS-32 because I wanted the Tb-key weighted keyboard and the great piano sounds. But the small display was the downside of the KS. But then here comes the TS-12: I thought, “YES, this L A Spencer, French Camp, MS 39745 (Gill) 54'?-6365 is what I wanted in the first place: ‘iii keys, big display, weighted keyboard, nice piano seund...." IEBIT piano wave. And the STRING sections are really hammers. Even Enseniq customer service people agree with me. There are some new disks coming out with new sounds and they say that the SLT sample series is supposed to have string sounds that are really good. I have tried some ASR strings and they have the same "wobble" sound to them. As far as the new disks and the samples, I seriously doubt that the su-ings will be that different. Disappointment #2: The TS is supposed to have a better effects processor, but it has the same neise as the RS-32. It is very hissy and even has "afterglow" of even "talk" type sounds and hueaes which are not romantic to say the least. Has anyone else out there experienced this "effect"? Disappointment #3: When I add or delete bars Nout Grttpstra PD Box 533ti3 flanged, distorted, gated pianol'?’l'?'i I don't think If you are a KS-32 owner and are thinking about going to the TS-I2, play on it a lot before you decide. Also, you absolutely MUST get Giebler are very similar to Sample Dump Standard anyway so you might as well include it too. Through MIDI and SCSI. Watch out for the competition, Enseniq: the Kurewell Illltllllll at least is believe me, sample a mono-loop in stereo. The solution I found is to switch the stereo layer link off. Bug? Dnly in DS l.bl‘l and they all get sent out. If it is true, what’s the point of having different effects. I certainly would want my drum effects to be utilised, but Thanlrs for all your other comments - we can't address each one in this limited space.j Disappointment #1: HUT after purchasing itl am disappointed. Although the operation is much nicer with the big display, it is not at all soundwise like the KS-32. The piano sound is different, with a different waveform than the KS USER TIP‘: {US LEI} When you trigger stereo samples sometimes the playback in externally triggered samples runs out of phase. In loops etc., I noticed a loss of high frequencies with the stereo outputs patmed to mono. If you don‘t this true or does each track keep its own effect Can anybody out there handle this challer1gel"I"l ory content as a whole and SCSI devices through the DI-llll. How about reading Altai Sltllltlldtliltl format CD-RDMs,-‘hard disks through SCSI? It is a user standard, and Akai‘s sample data protocols dohtg really well in Europe. Reads even Roland TDD series stuff. A pity is the 44.1 kl-la Sr DI-Ill limitation. Most musicians own a simple HiFi DAT which has the dreadful copy protect on $4.1 kHz and uses ll-S kHa digi~ins. Disappointment #4: I understand that in sequence mode only one effect controls all the tracks. Is Stereo sample lock was fxed in GS versien 2 . Enseniq DI-xltl board with a co-processor of some sort to improve the syncing of the audio on the DI-IU to double the silicon stuff. A SMPTE {MTC'?) Q-list like Akai uses is probably FDI this, okay‘? not have them be applied to my piano sound. A through MIDI cloclts. peripherals for its musical quality of sample handling. And the then "unofficially" arutounced audio track possibilities seemed a real winner. I from the start it does not happen. Enseniq, please from a sequence and then try to " go to" and edit, I hear notes sounding from instruments that ES sneese. Great! {CS - ij The piano waves in the TS are derived from the some source as the id-bit waves in the KS-32; the dtfibrence you hear is due to different programming and effects parameters. it shouldn't be too hard to take the closest piane sound in the T.5'~l2 and edit it to be more lilre your favorite piano firom the KS-32 {perhaps someone at your local dealer's can help you at if you're not too comfortable with programming). And den’t give up on the strings - there are an artgful lot of string sounds in the ASH library; l' should thinl: yeu'll be able to find semething you lilte. 2) The TS-I2 efiects processor is much ouieter than that found in the KS-32. if you are experiencing a similar amount of noise, l'd have lo conclude that there's something wrong. You might wsrnt to get in touch with Enseniq Customer Service (215-dd?-3930) and see what they have to say. 3,! l've never experienced the problem you describe on my TS-iii; you might want to run this one by Enseniq Customer Service as well. 4,l While it is true that you can use only one efl fects algorithm at a time, you can get multiple ef~ facts out of the TS by selecting an algorithm that includes more than one e,tfl'ect. For example, using the tIllortrs+lleverb+iItDL algorithm, you Hope that you or Ensoniq can help on the compatibility questions. can set up a sequence in which a trumpet has echo {DBL}, a guitar has chorusing, and a piano has reverb] ‘With many thanks, yours sincerely, "bevy" of writers {one has to wonder what one must do to join this elite listingl}, if I were, I Marcel Gtech-lvlarguetat 34 Poplar Avenue Eedford Beds lvI"It'.-'-ll BBL England would protest being identified as a drunken brawl, a female, or a quail. I can make some sense out of the first two, but not the last. {Enseniq - lj We’ re surprised by your reaction to the string and piano sounds in the TS-l2, as they use the sortie wave data as the if-5'-32, with the addition of a few more multi-samples. Because of this fact, we expect that trying new programs should help you to find sounds that you like better. Your statement that, "Even Ensonia Customer Service 'people' agree with you" about the strings can't be right. tilur Customer Service Reps acltnowledge that not everyone will agree on what a good sound is, but the entire department believes that the T5-l2 strings are superior, mostly because they're more flexible in their programming and expressive possibilities than the KS-32 allows. But the main point is that you don't lihe them. and we hope some of our afler-rnartcet libraries will satisfy your tastes. Z} The TS-l2 uses the same e_,fl'ects chip as the K5-32, but runs at a higher speed with many more instructions per algorithm, hence the definite higher quality and more versatile e_tjl'ects algorithms. though I have never been included in yotu Tltirdly, a question: For years now I have {CS -Sofar, the results of testing NEG CD-RUM drives with Enseniq products have not been encouraging. The newer triple speed drives have not been checlted yet, but l'd proceed with a great deal of caution, if l were you. Also, there are some fairly tricky issues involved in using the smaller optical drives with Ensonia products you'd be well advised to try before you buy, parappear on Ensonia's approved drives list.,l {Ensonia - NEC CD-Rfihls don't worl: on the AER-Ill and probably don't on the EPS-id PLUS either. We don't have a Fujitsu optical so we can't comment on that one. in our sound development we try to take into consideration dtferent users with difierent memory sire needs. Both CUR-l and 2 wort: with dtferent tracks. The three eflects busses ojfler support both large memory sounds (6-id MB} and smaller memory versions {under -tlMlEl,l in future releases, for sequencing needs and the memory limits of the TS series, which can only load sampled sounds that ore 4MB or smaller. Wherever possible we will lceep the memory sire you choices of where to route each traclc in an algorithm, you should study up on that in your down, but we cannot promise to hold all releases to a 2MB lbnit. We are also redesigning our AS manual. And we developed a whole series of parallel ejlects specifically to address your scenario, giving you three dtferent efects in a single algorithm for maximum mixing flexibility (yes, l do write spec sheet and ad copyl}. series pacltaging to better reflect memory sires and their compatibility with various Ensonia products._l 4] The TS-I2 does use a global efect for all traclcs in a seauence. But we have designed it to give you a lot offlexibility in applying ejflects to patiently observed the first section of your "Front I-"anal" identified as "RI‘~lD" followed by three eighth notes in parentheses. I have no doubt that "RND“ stands for Research abld Development, but what in the heck are those three notes? and why are they parenthesieed? It's time you came out of the closet and let the rest of us in on this insider's mystery. ticularly with any storage device that does not the 2 MB rnemory of your unit, and we intend to 3] We'll have to lool: into this one. animals, as in, for example, "a murder of crows" {popularized by Sting on The Soul Cages]. Al- Lastly, and most seriously, I must inform you that yeu‘ve been caught. Uh, sure, deny it if you will - but I have incontestable proof that you are engaging in subliminal advertising for Tom Shear! The Hacker has woven a tapestry of typos, anagrams and numerological sequences throughout its March ‘94 issue, designed to keep the name "Shear" in front of our eycsl Exhibit A: In Tl-I‘s response to C. PegIor‘s leuer (p. 23), we read: "...because of the shear (sic) siae of this series..." {emphasis mine). An obviously deliberate typol Efltibit B: On page 4, Daniel Mandel writes, ETHEREAL POP £11 e-= PRIMARY SCHOOL I-UK-Kfifiilt the release of E"I'HiHEhl. lihfil dial: organiser lot die computers. h new data base program that lets you eaulog all your dislts andbe able to loolt up any sound I and its location. This way to lteep track of all I Dear TH, Given a little bit of time, we're confident that you will master these ideas and be making great music without “flanged, distorted, gated pianos." Unless you really like that sort of sound...) Dear Hacker I enclose my subscription renewal and just want to thank you for producing such an interesting and helpful product. I own an EPS-16+ Rack (and SD-1} and am considering a SCSI interface upgrade. I also own a Forget about oscillators and envelopes for a minute, and let's clear up some important issues that have been nagging at me for some time now. your -' ' 1 Dar catnip-late -fibrary of Ell dislts is avafi% for $149. ] First of all, I'm sorry, but I just can't buy your response to Kirk SIinkard‘s letter (March '94 Interface} in which you tried to explain the meaning of "Transoniq" as having to do with "all" t[“u'ans-"J "Ensoniq" gear. We all know intuitive- ly {and so do our spouses} that siuing in front of an Enseniq keyboard induces an immediate trance. This trance comes from the blue-green _ This contains over 2'llll' sampled syntlte Hill lilting. h,rpfiiE,‘Ipan|:le r, IIEI It Id to nah‘: aiew. Whenimdering sounds, let us know il you have a clot earn-purer, and we will send yon a catalog-of _ onrlanrtiatls on a dish that helps you find thetypc wantl ' light of the display, and carmot be broken except by {I} threat of divorce, or (2) an alI~notes-off orsstatrsreestts so llrd er theentire library ETl§lEHEl\I,Bh'SE tlislt organiser $149 S49 SS5 DX-t-I] PC and would like to purchase a I2B~lvIB removable cartridge drive and CD RUM drive which I could use for both machines. The removable drive I have in mind is the Fujitsu lvl25ll.h I23-lv[l3 Optical. I know that the message, which you will notice Enseniq has can—veniently left out of all its products. Therefore I submit to you that the "Trans-" of “Transoniq" reconunended drives for CD ROM are those from Sony and Toshiba but these tend to be the Secondly, I must take issue with yotu choice of the word "bevy" to describe your writers [back more expensive ones. NEE have recently introduced triple speed drives. Will these be suitable alternatives and will they give any advantages? Also are Ensoniq's CD Roms in the future only likely to be suitable for the ASR-ID memory size or are they worthwhile for EPS-16+ users also‘? cover}, and, more recently, your advertisers (p. 3, an-iterhamhaalnflaral fll'l:lBlli.I|1.I'tIIl‘I'Ell'l.\tl!1'.Hll:I'II'll'L Issue #105}. According to Webster's, "bevy" is pehaatlllfli len|mn,tcnn ttfll comes, appropriately, from the word "trance." defined as {I} a drinking bout, {2} e group, especially of girls or women, and {3} a flock, chiefly of quails. This last definition is supported by that scholarly work, The 'i-"enereal Game, which details the history of terms given to groups of 2? Library E liTI'HEllEllLBhSE pltg Sllll talcpbun-I ‘ll!-'t'fi-IISS-tit - "...you can here (sic) the jazz..." (emphasis mine}. This glaring typo forces the reader to mentally correct the spelling to "hear," which is, {TH - Well, when you're right, you're right. And __lr-tst when we were about to add you to the bevy. Slutchs. fllh-‘D = Random l'1l'otes.,lj 2] General Mlfll is a specification that states {among other thhngs) which sounds should be located where in terms of a GM instrument's pro- Dear TH: gram list. The idea is that sequences created which adhere to the GM spec can be played back with little or no editing on any -Gil instrument, regardless ofmanufacturer or model. of course, eighty percent of Tom Shear's last name. ‘very uicky! Exhibit C: D-n page ll, Harry Carson's fifth paragraph has five different words beginning with {respectively} s, h, e, a, and r. And we all know what that spells. Exhibit D: If you convert the letters of "Shear" to their numerological equivalents, you get I-t, S, 5, 1 and 13. If you do the same thing with the numbers on the telephone keypad, you get 'l, 4, 3, and {this is tricky!) Tl. Here's my point: the Transoniq Hacker, Issue #105, has page ntunbers corresponding each of these letters! And you You have a great news magazine. I really enjoy reading the Interface and many of the articles and reviews, and of course, all of the other good stuff. Have a couple of questions: I. Can you recommended any literature on sound programming that explains and illusuates each aspect of the process? After taking apart several programs with unusual feautres I am still unable envelopes, etc., are being used to modulate waveforms. Exhibit E: The word "share" is in the Hacker- 2. Could someone explain what it means for En- patch ditty on page I9. This is an obvious seniq to add General MIDI to the TS Series as announced in TH #1ll5'l ls this an entirely new feature or an expansion of an already existing one? I was under the impression that it was already possible to playback sequences generated Exhibit F: You have no shame! The very title of this esteemed magazine contains all of the letters of the ubiquitous name of SHEAR by computers via MIDI. So, how does my SD-1 stand in this regard? 3. Can the SD-1 be upgraded with digital outs? I rest my case. 4. Did I read recently that the TS-ll} can convert Steve ‘lincent SD-1 sequences to the TS-ll} fonnat? I Treat Yourself! ! ' . ASR-10/TS-10/EPS ' Samples from K. Thomas upgrades for the SD-.l. The SD-i, as a product, is {as they say} "mature." You may, however, want to checl: out Watt Products’ TC-It'll] Tempo Controller (reviewed, l believe, in TH l'll?-l, March ‘ll-lj. lt's an add-on hardware product designed to add programmable tempo changes to IFFX-SD and SD-I series instruments ($69.95 from Watt Products, Pt‘? Box .584, Bordentown, ,{.lefi'irey Fisher responds - Yer wish is my command, Robert. if the editor of this fine publica- 5. Does Enseniq plan on releasing any new sound program disks for the SD-I? my best shot. Well?) ti. Will the next 0.5. upgrade for the SD-I sup- [TH-Gofor it.,l port tempo changes within a sequence? {Doesn't the TS-ll} have this feature?) While it may be tedious, would it be possible at this time to create tion will grant me a scant page or two, l' ll give it llirtsoniq - -ll What you probably read is that tempo changes on the event list page? Giebler Enterprises has a software package for the PC that will convert SD-l sequences to TS format. A nifty utility that we're pleased he ‘l. I'd lilte to join Becky Dierltson {TH #94, p.3ll} developed. Enseniq to consider including in the next D.S. upgrade the ability to have both cartridge programs and their associated tracks to default to internal RAM. I, too, listen to the seqlsong playing while searching for and auditioning programs "Sound Quality: .5 out offi Value: 5 out of5" [ElPl, Ian. '92] Keyboard Magazine says — "Beautifully recorded... incredibly smooth... rich... soulful... crisp and seamlessly mulri-sampled." [Iirn Aikin, Keyboard, Dot. '91] Free Catalog Demo Tape $8 K. Thomas . P0 Box: 23056 Stratford, ONT NSA-7"lt'8 Canada / 5} We have no new libraries in the worlts, but there are plenty of third party companies who support it. Checlt out the ads here in the Hacker.,l (I can't imagine doing it any other wayl} and end up with the same problem concerning saving and reloading data in a simple and timely manner. Eliminating this dilemma would make the incredible SD-I even more delightful! I've learned how much I still have to learn about 3. In Jeffrey Fisher's article, ‘FFK-sdlSD-I Tips the world of electronic keyboards. {Does anybody really know how to use everything on that {TI-I #?T}, the I0-th tip concems Ivlaster Keyboard functions. any chance lvlr. Fisher would like to go into greater detail on this subject in another much appreciated article for the much appreciated Transoniq Hacker? Thanks a bunch, Robert Johnson Mesquite, ‘I'll Dear Hacker, Last August I bought a KS-32, and since than instrument?) I bought an hlesis Data Disk to save my files, which seemed like a good idea at the time, considering that memory cards seem pretty expensive for their capacity. However I now realize that I may have sacrificed a few things. First, although it saves sequences fine on the "nzcv MULT SYSE-ll" screen, "REC? ONE {CS - ll Nothing springs to mind, but you might try ll-:lix Booltshelf |'t'i-llltl Hollis EL, Suite I2, Emeryville, Cd llddllli}; it's usually a good Phone: 519-271-7964 or 519-273-7812 ti} .-‘ls for as l hnow, there will by no more GS and Sylvain Lamy {TH lllllll, p. 3-ll] in asking Electronic Musician says — \ 3 all tlj lilo. NJ, d8.5ll.'ij.,i Tacoma, Washington I will be selected and played. 5) l don't thirtlt so. P.S. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. ' ternal sequencer]. The only dtfierence is that when playing baclr GM sequences, you'll have to edit the program changes messages sent by the external sequencer so that the correct sounds to understand some of the creative ways in which thought you could fool us. anagram of "Shear." The TS-ill {and every other Enseniq instrument, for that matter] is quite capable of playing bacl: sequences generated by a computer for other ex- source for technical books relating to nntsic and audio}. S"l'.'SEl'i" screen only works for saving single sounds. The "RECV MIDI SEQ" screen only saves if I play a Rtth-ti or RUM sound, not fmm a songlpreset. However, when the Data Disk plays back the MIDI sequence, it will work through a preset with multiple tracks lit. So I guess it does EB the minimum cf what Iheped it weuld. I believe that the Data Dist: seftware fat least in its mast recent versien) is canfigurable ta allaw functien fer all that hassle ef getting the keybeard te the Enseniq dealer and paying $2’.-' te Unfertturately the Data Disk dees net seem able te dc a ceuple things that I hep-ed it weuld. It ycu ta insert the apprapriate pause at the apprapriate time. Tau might want ta check with Alesis ta canfirm this. have my ASH-ID up te date made me feel like a wen‘t receive and stere multiple files when I try te uniead the KS-32's entire sequencer werth ef files. The KS-32 alse will net receive multiple files, even theugh the Data Disk has a cemrnand that says "Send All Files." ls there seme little trick I'm net deing? It-weuld sure be nice te lead a bunch ef sequences and presets all at ence, especially when I play in public. It weuld alse be nice tc lead my ewn suped up RAM seunds a whele bank at a time. Se far, I haven't figured that cut. The peeple l‘ve talked te threugh cus- temer service at buth Alesis and Enseniq weren't much help. By the way, has anybedy else had the esperience cf crashing the keyheard the first time they used the Data Disk? I'm sure glad the HS-32 was still under warranty er I weuld have been cut E-i5DlI! fer the cest ef a new beard fer the keybeard. Fer seme reasen the keybeard was unable te receive any MIDI data. I alse have a few ether questiens and suggestiens. l’m geing ta have ta defer ta Ensania an mast cf yaur ether auestians, but I can tell yeu that it's perfectly legal ta marhet yaur ewn carnpasitians an the KS-32. l'd be careful abaut marketing ar- resist expressing all the admiratien that a cempany deserves fer previding their users with upgrades that net enly fir bugs but cenvert their machines inte mere desirable enes as time passes by and technelegy tends te make everything rangements af ather artists capyrigluled material, theugh. l"au ceuld expase yaurseif ta charges af capyright infringement. If yau really want ta marhet yaur arrangements af ather's material, it heught befere “'DLD" stuff. I-lave ycu hackers neticed the incredibly wenderfui seund that new cemes eut cf the same "OLD" ASH.-ll} ‘iler. l.Di5...? lvly ged! I really wasn’t dreaming with a is pessible ta secure licensing ta da sa. This, af caurse, will invalve paying same cambinatian af fee aridrar rayalty ta the awner cf the warlc, and perhaps ta ether entities, as well. l'd recammend enlisting the services cf a aualtfied rrutsic altarney shauld yau decide ta praceed dawn this path.j' better seund, ‘cause I knew the seund was the best, but having this kind ef rt-ii kl-ls effects brings a new ditnensien in pewer precessing that makes me ferget the reduetien te 23 veices cf peiypheny. And talking abeut pregrammability, eh guysl Wltat are yeu trying te de'l ‘What a let cf parameters and even Expert parameters, new I‘m just starting te realise what kind ef things {Enseniq — We are a relatively small cempany and we haven't seen the need ta branch aut inta yeu can de with yeur ESP chip. New I wish I cases and stands, which are readily available _,fi'am a number affine cempanies. We lilce the idea that varieus cempanies in the music industry can wart: tegether and suppert each 20 ef 44 kl-la. I was heping te have the pessibiiity ef using EQ fer sampling, but at 30 kHz it used tc be werst. hheut the new Digital recerding capabilities I can say nething, Ihaven‘t used it at all because I keep en saving my hard ather's preducts. Why deesn’t Enseniq sell keybnard cases er stands? "Why deesn't the KS-32 ceme with a music rack? Wliy is the KS-32 designated as "MIDI Studie" as eppcscd te a "Perfusmanceltlempe sitien" keybnard? little sneb. But new that I have received fer free the new ‘ilersien 2.01 US seftware I ceuldn‘t The KS-32 actually uses an alder case design {frem the EDP-J}, which didn't suppert incarparating a music rack. We are currently warhing an a design far the TS-l2, which sheuld be avail- ceuld change all the 5!] ROM effect Iecatiens fer earned meney fer the day I can recerd in an ttlesis ADAT. 2} Thank yeu very much, Garth Hjelte, fer think- ing aheut us “butten surfers." It will be a dream able in afew menths. Can I buy specificatiens enly fer single seunds listed en yeur cards instead ef buying a whele bunch I den't need? If I ever meve up te the TS-12, will there be any way l can transfer all my files te its alien veice architecture? Dees anybedy make a werkheek te help us new hackers en the bieck leam hew te design eur ewn seunds en the KS-32'? Pm alse curieus what Enseniq may upgrade en Because we theught up Weighted Actian li~flDl Studia befere Perjfarntancetfiampasitian Synthesizer? .lu.st kidding, we simply have given each new product its awn descriptar, and each ane tries ta best describe aur intended pasitian far that praduct. One cf the mast impartant features af the KS-32 is its weighted actien, while the TS-ll? is mare af a cemplete "warlrstatian," witheut the weighted actian. The TS-l2 is sa similar ta the TS-it] that we didn’t feel the need ta change the descrrpter ta reflect the different lteybaard actian. the KS-32'? Dr even what ceuld be upgraded. llllltat are the legalities invclved if I weuld want te market my arrangements fer the KS-32'? In spite ef my questiens, I'm in awe ef the techuelegy yeu guys preduce. I wish I had mere time in my day. Years, Dan A. Rchde 2505 Fercst Parkway lilluscatine, Lh. $21-'61 The KS-32 and TS-I2 cannat transfer pregram ar satauifiles in any way. rtn appartunityfar any enterprising hackers? We have na plans far upgrades ta the KS-32. l"au are free ta marlret yaur arrangements far the KS-32 as far as Enseniq i.s cencerned, but pay attentian ta the paints that Clark niches regarding capyrights and such.f Dear I-lacker: {CS - Ll'l'm nat mistalcen, there are a .'i'ysEx mes- sage ta the KS sheuld carisist af twe parts. The first is a handshake, and the secend is the actual data. The KS will reauire a pause af abaut Zlltlntr between the twa, ta give it time ta respand ta the first message. The prablem yeu're experiencing ceuld be because the Data Dtlth is nat pausing pausing between messages, which wanlt give the KS ssfiicient tints ta prepare far the dump. l’m ready te buy a micrescepe te keep en reading all the magnificent and entertaining infcrmatien yeu all share with each ether, it's werth the effcrt. 1} If yeu can’: spend valuable space in this peint please pass it te Enseniq, this is semetlting I need them te knew. ti. menth after updating the RUM ef my ASH-l'll tc versien 1.5, and feeling a little disappeinted getting enly the Enter Plays Key 29 : NEW!!! "The Elite Set" Quality samples fer all U ~ EPS's, A5R‘s and TS‘: The Elite tel ccntalns l0 disks cf all new samples digitally recerdecl tcr ectimum clarity $B.iI! per disk $60.00 fer the entire set Still available: ‘The Garnet Set ' includes B sengs designed specifically fer the EPS le+ and AER l0 Perfect fer cttertcrles, creludes, etc. Each seng includes ea new seunds, printed music and aerferrnance and derne sequences $l0.lZiiZi per sang $e0.tl'.l tar the entire set Deme audle cassette ct all preducts and cemplete nreduct list $3.00 (Refundable with first purchase) The l3\l3_1gthm faeterg l 303 Saddle Bridge lane Franklin, Th! .2‘-I06-ti starestaare te use yeur seftware - Windews-based I hepe. Se new I must ask yeu - hew de I get it‘? I"m ready te send yeu a meney erder but what abeut the shipping cests? pregrammer and censultant. While I am currently revamping my MIDI studie areund an IBM clene I still rely heavily en my eriginal EPS and, until recently, I was a leyal and patient EPS user but I machines. lifter geing threugh the RAM and RUM thing again, we were teld that certain Quantum drives were tee fast te werk with the We tried that with ne luck and were teld that 3) Regarding what Brian Rearden says in his let- feel that the time has ceme fer me te, ence again, climb atep my seapbex. ter {#l05}, there is a much easier way te autemate the leading ef instruments in yeur My first prehiem started ever a year age {areund .h.SR-Ill frem a SCSI drive er ileppy: with MIDI January 1993} when I decided te upgrade my En- PRDG CI-IhI'~IGE=DN and in MIDI IN MODE =-MULTI er MD!“-ID H: send frem the cemputer sequencer MIDI pregram changes 101 - 12S te inveke Macres 0-2'? (change directery} - er I te exit te the previeus directery - and send a pre- seniq ex expander te a ex with SCSI. gram change equal te the bank file number in yeur drive te lead cemplete banks inte yeur .h.SR-ll}. The ASR-ID manual says fltat this must be the file number +1 but I feund that it must be the same number. 4] l'-lew that I finally have at hand the Extemal Cemmand Specificatien {MIDI implementatien manual) ef the ASR-10 (Rev. .Iune 23, I993}, I have tried te autemate with ‘vlirtual Butten Press eemmands and even with PUT PARAMETER messages the selectienfdeselectien and mixlpan adjustments cf the audie tracks, and it seems tc me that this just deesn’t werk at ail, theugh I have been able te set the same adjustments fer instruments in beth ways easily. I have sent Hex: FD OF 03 00 ll 00 {I0 00 00 00 DE! III} ill U0 CID DI 2D Fir‘ te change mix ef an audie track but...nething happens...there seems te he an errer because in the manual Sequence track parameter Seng Gate Step SysEx high byte is 00 and le byte {ll - the same gees te Audie Track mitt parameter Ell} - 01 respectively. Can anyune help? The music stere I fermerly frequented seld me a SCSI reuefit that they premised was 100% cempatihle and which their tech persen installed. While I didn‘t have hard drive at the time, I have a client in Hurlingten, VT with an SI} meg Elteken drive {and an eriginal EPS purchased abeut the same time as my ewn}. We ceuIdn‘t be happier with the drive which, after feur years ef smeky bars {and his drepping it 3, celmt ‘em, 3 times}, has perfermed flawlessly. Anyway, we ean lead the largest bank cf S instruments inte his EPS in abeut 9 secends. ‘Wlten we heck it up te MY machine the same bank takes about Iii} secends te lead. I called the stere te discever they had installed a PS Systems SCSI inte my Enseniq 4-X expander. I called Enseniq whe said that that was the preblem - I called the stere whe called PS Systems whe teld the stere that Enseniq was wreng and yeu COULD mix the twe brands. ‘Well after weeks cf calls te Enseniq, PS Systems,-tliarth I-Ijelte at Rubber Chicken (whe was genuinely cencemed and helpful} and the stere {in Cliften Park, NY), the stere agreed te install an Enseniq SCSI inte my Enseniq 4K expander {and all I had te de was pay the difference in the eest ef the twe SCSI retrefits as well as twe-and-a-half ef the three different in-heuse technician bills}. 5} Hew de I get the OS versien ef the SQ-H32 with butten presses? ...SAME beard... FRDBLEM...back te the drawing I5} ‘When after several intents I finally sampled my eldluseless,l'eut-ef-tunelmenepheniclilTr‘-keys Kawai I00-F analeg synthesizer I ceuld net "Check the Rttlvl and ROM versiens“ - net the prebletn... believe the amazing pewer ef the ASR-ID. I-lave I mentiened it‘? I leve itl It teek me several heurs ef hard werk but I leve the seunds Ihave getten. "They sheuld have installed the ‘new chip set‘ when they installed the SCSI retrefit" - there is ne chip set versien newer than the ene in my Thanks a let fer yeur cutstanding magazine, and te all the hackers whe make the Interface the heart cf it with yeur invaluable infermatien. Ycurs sincerely... ltngele Zucce M. machine... I have had several cenversatiens with: the stere “there's i'i0t.l'ting mere we can de..."; Ramtek [whe teek ever Elteken} whe has never heard cf back ta yau. Please be patient.,l this preblem and Enseniq, whese tech peeple started eut being helpful but abeut d-S menths age stepped returning my calls after a tech suppert persen teld me dist he weuld talk te the engineers and call me hack. Maybe I‘il have a vldee phene by the time I hear frem him... Dear Hackers, ht any rate, the preblem was never fixed and ne ene seems interested in trying te selve it - enly Estade it 2T3 Santiage Chile {Enseniq --{I We'll have ta laah inta this and get Te the peint... I have twe hard driveltech suppert preblems which I weuld like tc share with my fellew hackers in the desperate hepe cf finding a selutien while venting seme 14 menths cf frustratien. I am a self-empleyed musician whe supplements my inceme by freelancing as a MIDI sequence in selling us new gear. I still leve my EPS even theugh hard disk access is enly barely faster than a fieppy. This ene will be shert... That same Elteken drive which has been werking se well has begun acting up in the last few menths. We tried te buy anether drive frem Rarntck but their "tested and appreved" drive weuldn‘t werk with either ef eur Si] eriginal EPS but the Syquest drives weuld werk. while the SS-meg remevable weuldn't werk the 44 meg weuld. It deesn‘t, sc we decided te i:ry te clean up the Elteken. I believe the preblems te he primarily the result ef disk fragmentatien. I was teld mat if I was te backup the drive ente flappies and then restere it this ceuld selve the prehlem. But alas, the Backupfikestere cemmand deesn‘t werk (thank yeu Enseniq fer the 2.S Ci.S. - Feb. '94 Hacker, frem Enseniq, “We are net currently werking en er planning any further revisiens te the eriginal EPS Operating System."J Planned cbsclescence? Well, my client spent weeks manually cepying everything te fleppics and writing dewn bank and macre infe and teday decided te take the last act cf a desperate man (er was it the first act ef Macbeth} and refermatted the drive. lltfl;-et' cepying the D. S. ente the drive and setting up the directeries as per the directiens, he began releading the instruments enly te discever that that large hank ef instrrunents that we used fer eur bench tests new takes abeut 30 secends te lead en HIS previeusly fast machine. Semebedy help us please! ii Let me just add that while I am an insignificant nebedy in upstate New Yerk, ne less than six cf my tetal client base use the eriginal EPS. My client mentiened threugheut this letter was planning te upgrade te the TS-12 but the lack cf suppert we have received {with the netable exceptien ef Garth - thank yeu again} has really ferced us te examine ether eptiens. My apelegies fer my negativity and lengwindedness and special kudes te the Hacker fer previding this fcrttm and preving, at least ta Hacker readers, that there is mere te Pertland than the Trailblazers and Skate-Gate. By the way, are there any eriginal EPS users left eut there? Yeu can't all be upgrading because se few ef us are getting rich. Se if yeu are there, let the Hacker knew er beuer still drep me a line and maybe we can cempare netes. A Millien Thank Yeu‘s Daryl I efferds MIDI-Evil Music RR#3 Iiex 3404 Lake Geerge, NY 12S-15 {CS - This ane's a real head-scratcher. I've passed this infe alang ta Enseniq - maybe they can shed same light._,l {Enseniq - Un April 15th we cantacted Mr. Jeffards ta ayfer same suggestians that might resalve this situatian. He is geing ta get bacl: ta its with the aualtfcatian results. When he dees, we'll letaw mare abeut what ta da. What we can say far naw is that it is very difficult ta trauble-shaat SCSI issues and we apalagize far the prablerrts yau have experienced.j' HACKER BOOTEEQ .g.a.1.—n..1-I1-q. H-‘Z-I-iI'_" L. B. Music Sequences PHOFESEIDNAL GUAUTY TC-100 Low-cost sequences fer TEMPO CONTROLLER!!! The EPSIEPS-15+, so-so, ESQ-1, ‘v'F}t-sd, SD-1, Floland, IBMIDDS -1 Fiocl-t (’5Us, ‘fills, '?iZIs, ’BDs] Big Band - Top 40 Country {'3 all Fer "v"FJ'{-sd and SD-1 We Support Enseniq - Roland Korg - Yamaha - SMF-GSIGM Formats Sinai] add-on pe board allows you to add s tempo centrel track to your sequence productions. Tempe changes are played in frem the keyboard and recorded like any ether track. Why net give L. B. Music e try end see why so rneny peepte teve ere sequences — end keep coming becicfer mere?! Easy to install! Easy to use! Music And Ljrrics New Aarallahleti Drder today! or Write - Any time, 24 Hours Toll Free Urderline: I-Etifl-JLB-MUSIC Visa and Mastercard Accepted $69.95 Music Magic Shipping and l:|lndl.i:|g included HI residents add 6% sales tut. L. B. Music Watt Products 10541 EAHL AVE. BENNINGTON NE EBUU? 1-402-233-2375 51 Charter Oak Drive Newton Square, PA 19073-3044 P.O. Hos 584 gamm-1.n.-.—.n.;--.-a.a__-1.-1.1-1.--_-n._.-'q_q-,-._ Ber-dentewn, NJ tlE5ti5 6i]£'-‘-293-4421 L 215-356-T255 I Fax: 215-356-673? Protective Dust Covers 20% discount on all Enseniq Covers Scoring Soundtracks and Jingles [Must mention ad} Fer these St others call: 1 ..8Q0-228..[]U Get your FREE guide and turn Fast service _ _ your music into cash! - :Custom Fit - I The Le Cover Company 1223 Kingston Lane Schaumburg, Ill. B0193 I _I—Il i 3 l i sat sitirrnesr iii; ;t'||, nil-t t i 0 DPlvl-SP. if vou are looking]; for patches for vour svnth, cal or write with your request. ‘v'isa.i|v|G eail. lvlalse chequesIMCt's payable to 5. Brenner “ ‘pt ‘ " ' : "! Cflmdfia H2“ 1'.'.'!_5;- | __ §19.-"?‘!i§'.nu.21_-;"==-.- '1 I -I h, + hr era. ll ,,,1,|! tr, for res, res-rs, Ass-re, rs-re s rs-12 C-all or write fer veur free listing of samples for EPSIASH-fut TS-10, Mirage, TX-16W 81 taco Drum Samples on GU for eniv $40. I ii YO ADVERTISERS! Try an economical size ad in the Hacker. Our one-twelfth page ad {the size of this adj is the pertect size tor testing the waters, moving up from the ctassitieds, dropping back from larger ads. er just maintaining visieiiitv over long periods with minimal expense. 2.25" x 2.25" Only $31]! And new — Beeteeq Jumbo.‘ 2.25" X 4.6" Only $4sr' Hack"oa 91221 tees swTmnsflniq Us-laaa Dr.,Port1and, 553"???-5345 Jeffrey P. Fisher Music 924 S. Lake CL, Suite 209 Westmont, IL 60559 {TUB} 971-1641 SGVIEC SYNCHS sample ta Use Enseniq Disks on your IBM-PC with our Enseniq Diskette Manager. Convert Standard MIDI Files totfrom Sequences for these kevboards: Soviet-made analog svnths pumping out lat blistering basses, analog svnth pads, and more. ESE}-1 ASH-10 9 sample set Pristine samples of a ‘famaha Recording Custom kit, Sal;-tan cymbals, and Roland RB ro-cit ltit and jazz brush kit. The most realistic drums around! Gall new to order or for more information on these and other software packages. 6 sample set The dopest, phuni-tiest drum sounds from the TR9tIl'iJ, Tit-BUB, E-mu Pro-cussion, and even from the Minimo-og and Dloerheim lltpander. Kicltini 0 ‘Duels sampte set Glorious animated pads from the D-50, SW9, "v"F.iIt, its, and more. Huge and silky smooth. 6 1| sample sel i-tiller synth sounds, analog and digital, from the Minirno-og and Bit Cine to lhe Enseniq TS-‘rill. $34-95 ller 4-aur set firders must include 54 shipping rss for‘ 'toreigd_"ordersJ. Me:-'-terCard an_d 'i»"r'sa_' =w'ei-::ome." Write or eat! fer free catalog ;_.ef seeeds t_'er-ialt keyboards! ' S P t It 5 vv. Alabanla sis.M, 4241 Houston, Ts area? [Tl 3] 965-9041 (BUD) 334-1 233 _r._. 31 SCI-BU SQ-1 ‘UPI-ed SD-1 SD-2 KS-32 EPS EPS-16+ Giebier Enterprises 26 Crestview Drive i%i Phoeniaviile,PA1Q-too " —“ {s1 e} ass-ease = _ . VFX, VFXsrl,, SD-I Owners Volume I5 - Ethereal, .rte-aesptterie, New Age and Fttrrareeps pads face rpereting filter sweeps, dynamic penning, nutemerphisis, etc. fit] Sounds, 211] presets, 3 demos. Disks: Sill]. Public Domain Heaven VFI, "v'FIlIsd, SD-1 PD ‘tfolurne 2 62 Sounds, 20 presets. Disks: $12.51!] ESQ-1 PD Volume I. TF3 Sounds. SQ-Ell PD "v'olumcI. 115 Sounds. Disks: $15.5lJ each. Letter Seund Productions T5 llaiiiii wasihfgiiagiecdses @3221?-5?5_55fi1 ' Florida residents add sales tax BULK HATE LLB. PDSTAGE PAID P-DFITLAHD, DH PEFtl'vliT ND. 11 TRANSONIQ HACKER 1402 SW UPLAND DFi., PiZiFiTl_AND, i‘.‘iFi erssi , rsosi zzz-seas CompuServe: ?3EEtLi .3353 EUBSCFIIPTIDH MATEFIIAL DATED MATERIAL - Tl|ilE VALUE ADDRESS CORRECTION HEQUESTED Postmaster: Please return Form 354? as soon as possible so we can change our records. This is a monthly publication. !"i"""_"_"'_"""""-"""" Publisher: Eric Geisilnger Editriir: Jane Talisman "T ' Dur isomewhat regular} illustrious bevy efwriiers Includes: Graig Anderfen, Hobby Barman. Barry Carson, ivlarlt Clifton, Gary Dinsmore, Anthony Ferrara, Fat Flnnlgan. Charles H. Fischer, Jeffrey Fisher. Gary Glebler, Jim Greta, Garth Hjelte, Bryce Inman, Brad itaufman, John Loffinlt, Aian Macintosh. Daniel Mandel, Sarn Mime, Gary lvierrison, Jeffrey Hhoads, Eirian Ffest. Giarit Salisbury, Tom Sheer, Joe Slater. I-tirir. Siinkard, Bob Spencer. and -iaci-i Tolin. C-epyrl ht tees, Transenl Hacker. trifle sw Upland Drive, Pertland, DH k9?221.gPhene: {see} 22?-sits [B am to e pm Pacife West Coast Time}. ...__ . Advertising rates: Please send fer rate card. Hates fer authors: Please send for writer-infe card. Subscriptions: 12 monthly issues. US: $23i'year, All others: $32i'yeer. Payable in US funds. Transoniq Hacker is the independent user*s news magazine for Enseniq products. Transoniq Hacker is not affiliated in any way with Enseniq C-orp. Enseniq and the names of their various products are registered trademari-ts of the Enseniq Corp. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect these of the pubiisher or Enseniq Corp. Printed in the United States. ...__ Z '5-'\--.. _?___J
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