The Hitchhikers Guide To Pcb Design

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Things You Wish You Knew Yesterday and Will Need to Know Tomorrow

Table Of

Table Of




The Pros Who Have Been There and Done That



Why We Created This Guide


Chapter 1

A New Design Gig


Chapter 2

DFM, Not Just Another Acronym


Chapter 3

A Fresh Start: Introducing PCB Project Stakeholders


Chapter 4

Capturing the Schematic


Table Of

Chapter 5

PCB Layout: Setup and Placement


Chapter 6

DFT for In-Circuit Test and JTAG


Chapter 7

The PCB Design Stackup


Chapter 8

Routing and Planes


Chapter 9

Fabrication Data & Documentation


Chapter 10

Assembly Data & Documentation, Process Overview


Chapter 42

The Future



The Pros Who Have Been There and Done That


e understand the PCB design process is not done in total
isolation. The success of any design project is dependent
on the connections and contributions of the different stakeholders who contribute their insights throughout the process.
This guide was no different.
Throughout the creation of the guide, we here at EMA relied on the
contributions from various industry experts. Their input was invaluable, and we want to take a moment to recognize and thank them for
their hard work and time dedicated to making this project a success.

David Ruff
Principal Applications Engineer, XJTAG
David Ruff has over 15 years’ experience within the electronics
industry—most of which have been spent working on circuit board test.
His career began in the Military Aerospace industry doing digital circuit
board and FPGA design before moving on to work for Cambridge
Technology Group (CTG). Within CTG, he has worked on many
different projects ranging from mixed signal ASIC design to high
voltage/high density power supplies.
He currently works for the XJTAG part of CTG, focusing on circuit
board test and working with customers who are designing and
building everything from Bluetooth speakers to satellites in volumes
of one-off to many tens of thousands a week.

Jose (Joe) M. Bouza II
CEO, North Pointe Associates, Inc.
Entering the products development field as a youth, Joe Bouza currently
has over 25 years of experience in the mechanical engineering field.
He began his long career by attending college part time, taking many
math and science courses and later focusing on advancing his career
in the field of mechanics by learning many different aspects of
mechanical engineering.
Joe started several consulting firms, the first being North Pointe
Associates, incorporated in 1985, an engineering services company
offering high-tech engineering consulting and product development
services from concept to high volume production. Joe has kept
North Pointe Associates, Inc. in a profit condition for many years.
The ability to provide exceptional customer service to his clients is
what keeps them coming back. Joe has been part owner of several
other start-up companies such as Terra-Labs, LLC where he held the
title of Vice President of Manufacturing, and Digital Adrenaline, LLC
where he was a Principal, heading the mechanical engineering aspect
of the company.
At various companies throughout his career, Joe has designed products
for both the military and commercial industries. Products include but are
not limited to a GC/MS mass spectrometer, moisture tension analyzer,
cryptic alarm system with a battery backup, telecommunications
equipment, and a medical dispensing product (Med-Aide) that keeps
track of the quantity and time the medicine is administered.


Mike Brown

Patrick Davis

Principal PCB Design Consultant

Senior Vice President, Rocket EMS

Mike Brown has over twenty-eight years in the PCB Design industry.
He began his career as a mechanical drafter and quickly moved
through the ranks as a printed circuit designer, working for the likes
of Commtex Inc (Long gone), GE, Lockheed-Martin, Martin Marietta,
Kodak, CTA Space Systems, Orbital Science Corp. (serving Naval
Research Labs – NRL & Goddard Space Flight Center) Ciena,
Interconnect Design Solutions and Zentech Manufacturing.

Patrick Davis is an industry expert with over 21 years’ experience in
the PCB design industry.

The projects he has worked on included hardware designed for
Aerospace, Military, and Telecom Sectors. In addition, the design types
he has worked on include: power supplies (running as high as 120
amps on a single board), RF, High-Speed Digital with speeds @ 10G
muxed up to 100G, Optical Drivers, Digital Cross-Connects, High
Speed Switches, Transceivers, Muxceivers, Amplifiers, radio hand-sets,
small explorer satellite sub-systems, ground support communications
equipment, UAV’s and wearable devices. His experience with PCB
Technologies range from simple 2-layer boards on FR4, multi-layer
HDI blind / buried vias on High Speed FR408 substrates such as
Megtron-6, 0201 devices, Freescale 82xx processors, Stratix–V
FPGA’s, Compact-PCI, USB, DDR2 / DDR3 memory, up to 32-layer
backplanes @ .250” thick using back-drilling.

His experience has helped him to obtain a dep understanding of the
Design, FAB, and Assembly process and their relationship to one
another. His technical knowledge spans balancing ME, SI, Thermal,
ID and EE requirements to execution of very large designs (1,000+
pins, 50+ layer), High voltage and power designs, DDR4, PCI-E Gen
3, 40GHz, HDI, Flex, rigid flex, and EDA tool management.
His Career began as a senior designer, launching his own business
(which he operated for 10 years) before beginning his latest endeavour
at Rocket EMS, where he is currently. Patrick prides himself on helping
his clients resolve technology issues and create effective project
management strategies.

Mike worked at Ciena for a period of sixteen years and during this
time, he was awarded two patents. After his time there, he founded
his own consulting group whose primary focus is on PCB Layout
Development and Mechanical Engineering support.

Mark Thompson

Theodor Iacob

Engineering Support/CID, Prototron Circuits Inc.

Power Systems Engineer

With a career spanning over 33 years, Mark Thompson has reviewed
and worked with hundreds of thousands of data packages as well
as thousands of customers’ designers and engineers, helping them
to create better data packages. During his long career, Mark has
become one of the most trusted names in the industry when it comes
to advising customers on how to productively work with printed
circuit board vendors. Mark believes the PCB will be only as good as
the data it takes to build it, and he has dedicated his career fulfilling
this philosophy.

Theodor Iacob is an expert in electrical schematics and board layout
with over 26 years’ experience within the electronics industry. He is
extremely knowledgeable in a wide range of systems and applications
including: consumer electronics, high-speed analog, industrial, solar,
and medical. He has experience in power design from mA to hundred
amps, single-phase, multi-phase, buck, boost, and more.

His popular column “The Bare Board Truth”, Iconnect 007’s most
widely read column covers design, layout, and engineering practices
as they relate to PCB fabrication.

He is an ambassador of schematic readability and believes while
tools affect productivity, it is up to the designer to determine the
quality of their schematics and layout. Currently, he is working as a
Power Systems Engineer for one of the top technology companies in
Silicon Valley.

In addition, he manages Prototron’s own LinkedIn group,“PCB Bare
Board Truth,” a group devoted to Networking solutions to today’s
PCB fabrication issues.



Why We Created This Guide


he industry is changing, there is no doubt about it. The job of
an electronics engineer is evolving. Electronics Engineers are
now tasked with additional PCB design tasks such as layout,
component sourcing, DFM, collaborating with manufacturing, etc.
While you may understand electronic theory, PCB design is an entirely
different beast.
The goal of this book is to empower the new generation of ‘PCB
Design Engineers’ to take on their additional role of PCB Designer
knowing they have the foundation required to make sound design
decisions or to ask the right questions when appropriate. The saying
“you don’t know what you don’t know” is extremely relevant in this
situation—how will you know what questions to ask about PCB design
without some background in the PCB design process? Mistakes are
inevitable and can be costly, but almost always preventable with the
right knowledge base. Are there certain considerations you need to
keep in mind throughout the design process? Where can you go for
help when you need it? What PCB design best practices do you need
to be mindful of? We answer these questions and more.

We didn’t want to create just any other PCB design fundamentals
book, so we decided to have fun with what could be a dry topic and
take a more “fantastical,” tongue-and-cheek approach. This book is
intended to be a guide. Not the end of the story, but the beginning.
Chapter’s 1-3 introduce you to Ian, a new electronics engineer turned
PCB designer. You will follow his journey into PCB design and the
common mistakes he has made along the way (some of which may
seem familiar to you). While his story is complete fiction, the truth is,
Ian’s story is one that is all too real.
If you aren’t a “story person,” feel free to skip Ian’s story and start with
any chapter that may be of interest. While we believe the sequence
the book is written is the most logical way to present the process,
there is no reason why you couldn’t move from chapter-to-chapter
in any order you please. Unlike the original Hitchhikers Guide to the
Galaxy, you won’t get lost in the story if you skip around. However,
like the original we hope you will enjoy the journey, learn something
useful, and possibly have a little fun.
Get your towel ready…


Chapter 1
A New Design Gig


an opened his email and was pleased to find an offer to work as an
electronics engineer developing PCB designs for E-Z Galaxy. E-Z
Galaxy is an established product development company not far
from Zagon University, where Ian had just graduated with a degree in
Electrical Engineering.
On his first day, Ian was shown to his new office by a robot named
“Otto,” who performed all the company orientation and HR routines
automatically. Upon Ian’s arrival, Otto performed a full-image body
scan on Ian and prompted him to state his name and title aloud.
“Ian, engineer… Er, uh, PCB designer,” Ian responded.
“Match. Welcome to E-Z Galaxy where experience moves aside for
automation,” Otto said in a rather monotone electronic voice. “Please
follow me to your office”.
Otto rolled past Ian and led him along a hallway of engineering
office doors to a “de-escalator,” which carried them down a single
floor to a solid oak office door. On it hung a sign that read: Designer
of Printed Circuits. Behind it was a basement office filled with old
furniture and drafting equipment from the sixties era. A drafting table,
some T-squares, a light table, and ink pens were neatly positioned
throughout the room. Ian noticed a new desktop computer set up on
an old oak desk.

“How long did Mr. Gridmaster work here as a PCB designer?” Ian
asked Otto.
“42 years,” Otto said.
“This guy must have reached PCB design guru status.” Ian uttered
under his breath. “It must have been difficult to let him go.”
“May your lack of experience, coupled with our culture of automation
serve E-Z Galaxy well,” Otto responded. Then he rolled out the door.
After a few more days, Ian met some co-workers who had heard
Ian was the new PCB designer replacing Robert Gridmaster or “Old
Bob” as they called him. When Ian asked about Old Bob’s office and
specifically, the process he used to design PCBs for the company,
nobody could tell him much. They just went on about how they were
going to miss him because he made PCB design look so easy. It
wasn’t long before Ian began to discern his co-workers didn’t really
have a large depth of knowledge regarding Old Bob and his role as a
PCB designer.

Otto rolled toward Ian and said, “Ian, you have been hired to replace
Robert Gridmaster. He was automatically retired after accumulating
4,200 hours of vacation time during his long tenure with the company.”


The schematic
software, with
its automated
presets, seemed
to pull Ian along
throughout the
night and into
the next day.

Ian began to think a lot about Old Bob, how did he always make PCB
design look easy? He couldn’t let go of the idea that Old Bob must
have gained a lot of experience while working at E-Z Galaxy. He
postulated Old Bob never wrote down his workflow and process for
others to consider because it may have exposed any complexities
associated with PCB design. Without a process and a workflow, a
wave of panic coursed through Ian’s head.
Ian was beginning to see before he had even started his new career as
a PCB designer the company culture had taken his role for granted,
considered it automated, and therefore deemed it easy. Ian was
expected to know things about PCB design he was never taught in
university, and had no one to turn to with questions. It was then Ian
began to ponder to himself, with Old Bob gone, who will mentor me
in PCB design as I start my career here at E-Z Galaxy?
Friday afternoon Ian received his first PCB project: The whiz-bit
module. It was to be an “easy one” according to the project manager
who was expecting “Old Bob-like” results by the following Monday.
Ian didn’t know where to begin. He turned on his new computer and
noticed a post-it note on the desktop under the keyboard. Scribbled
on the note was the number 42. Ian typed 42 on the keyboard and a
template for a schematic immediately appeared on the screen. “Wow,
that was easy,” Ian whispered out loud. “There might be something to
this automation thing after all”.
Ian began capturing the schematic using techniques he remembered
from the three-day PCB design course offered at Zagon University.
The software defaults were pre-set and the schematic seemed to
capture itself with each click of the mouse. Though it seemed to have
taken only an hour to capture the schematic, when Ian looked at the
clock he soon realized it was six AM! The schematic software, with

its automated presets, seemed to pull Ian along throughout the night
and into the next day. It was as if Ian had not led the design software,
but the software had led him. He could not remember the last time
he’d blinked; he rubbed his eyes and wondered how schematic
capture could be so automated, so easy.
Ian knew in order to finish the PCB layout he would need to start
immediately. With the same automated ease he had with the schematic,
Ian initiated a design template to begin the PCB layout. He created
his own board outline and it wasn’t long before he discovered an
automatic parts generator. With a click of the mouse, a drop-down
menu appeared for automatic parts placement, via fan-out, routing,
design rule checking, and data output. PCB design really did seem
easy at E-Z Galaxy using this automatic layout tool.
As he clicked the automated design routines and watched how quickly
they ran, Ian felt the urge to rub his eyes again. He focused on his
computer screen clock to realize he had again pulled an all-nighter
and Monday morning had arrived. He realized in order to keep things
running like Old Bob, he would have to get the PCB data files out
to the PCB supplier quickly. “Who builds these PC boards and how
much do they cost?,” he thought.


At seven AM, Ian’s phone rang. His project manager called to ask how
the layout was going. While Ian described how easy the project had
seemed, the manager was just glad to hear he was able to complete
the PCB layout as fast as Old Bob. During their conversation, the
manager let on that Old Bob had always gotten boards ordered cheap
and in the least amount of days possible.
“That is my plan exactly, sir!” Ian responded. Though he had no idea
of where he is going to send the design files.
After hanging up the phone, Ian performed a Google search:
Quickie-Cheapo PCB fabrication. Several PCB fabrication service
companies appeared listed on his computer screen. He picked one
based upon a customer rating of four-point-two stars and sent the
PCB manufacturing data output to Etch-O-Matronic Circuits.
Ian was elated he was going to be able to get his designs fabricated
easily by Etch-O-Matronic. It was easy to order PC boards for his
new company. E-Z Galaxy furnished Ian with a credit card number and
Ian sent along his PCB board data to Etch-O-Matronic with a request
for the quickest turn-around time. After the online transaction, Ian
received a nice message response:

Ian thought about the acronym “DFM” for a moment. He had seen
it before, but really didn’t understand what it meant and brushed it
aside from his thoughts. Just then, Ian received a phone call from the
project manager asking for an update. Ian explained the design data
had been sent to the fab shop and was scheduled to dock the next day.
“Excellent!” the manager replied.
Ian thought his manager sounded pleased with the way he leveraged
automation to make up for his lack of PCB layout experience. However,
(though Ian was not aware) his manager really felt more satisfied about
how easy E-Z Galaxy’s automated hiring system made it for him to
replace Old Bob. His manager was amazed he didn’t even have to
think during the process. He just pushed the “hire” button on the HR
system and shortly after the automated resume sorter had chosen Ian
as a candidate for the new PCB designer position.
After speaking with his manager Ian realized he hadn’t eaten all
weekend. He searched the online company directory to order some
food from the cafeteria. After a quick look at the menu, Ian groaned,
only cake was listed.
“Simple, like everything here—just a piece of cake,” Ian whispered.
Then he put his head down onto his desk and fell asleep.


Things to consider when starting a new job
as a PCB designer:
FFInvestigate the company culture to make sure it is compatible
with your personality and work style.
FFDoes the company you wish to work for give you a sense that
your job is valued and appreciated?
FFWhat type of software tools are made available to the PCB
designer? Are they sufficient?
FFDoes the company offer software training or will you be expected
to hit the ground running?
FFWill you work within an established design group or will you be a
sole resource?
FFWill you be allowed to build your professional network and
participate in industry events?


Chapter 2

DFM, Not Just Another Acronym


an was startled awake by a loud, repetitive dinging sound coming
from his computer. He clicked to see an email message from the
prototype supplier.



Again, Ian dialed 42 and was connected to Old Bob who explained
the design requirements and limitations of a plated through-hole and
helped Ian adjust the design.

Ian panicked. The layout software had made design seem so easy;
why was this supplier having trouble? Ian dialed 42 and was connected
to the Etch-O-Matronic Circuits’ CAM department. He spoke with
the CAM manager who turned out to be none other than Old Bob!
He explained the nature of the disposition and helped Ian to see that
just because his layout software allowed him to create one mil traces
doesn’t mean he should have. He went on to explain how to determine
trace width with regards to performance and DFM.

Throughout the day, this notification shtick happened over and over.
Each time, Old Bob patiently described a manufacturing problem caught
by Etch-O-Matronic’s CAM department and each time he helped Ian
correct the layout. Finally after getting dinged on just about every aspect
of the design (which had been set to the software’s automated default
settings), the PCB design files passed all Etch-O-Matronic’s design
rule checks, and the PCB design was fabricated and automatically
shipped to Ian’s selection for an electronic manufacturing services
provider: RoHaws, EMS.

Very grateful for having established a manufacturing contact who could
help, Ian hung up the phone. He then retraced his design steps after
opening the layout on his computer. He checked the pre-set design
rules to see the program was set to route all the lines at one mil
width. After half-an-hour or so, Ian found out fortunately all default
route spacing settings were set to a value of 14 mils. Ian was relieved
to see this. Since the spacing between the two one mil lines was
set so wide, Old Bob’s CAM department at Etch-O-Matronic could
increase the traces automatically to a more manufacturable width
of seven mils and still allow eight mils space between traces and
continue with fabrication. Immediately, another email popped up:

Later, Ian received a tracking notification on his computer screen that
the bare PCBs had just been delivered to RoHaws, EMS. Within the
hour, Ian heard his computer ding repetitively, much like it did when
he heard about manufacturing trouble from Etch-O-Matronic’s CAM
department. Ian received notifications the assembly job was on hold
for numerous DFA reasons. Again, Ian was prompted to dial 42 to be
connected with a manufacturing engineer who could help.


The quality of the
assembly was out
of Etch-O-Matronic
Circuits’ scope.

Ian dials 42 and was again connected with Old Bob. Wow, he really
gets around for an old guy, Ian thought.
Old Bob disclosed to Ian there were some very serious design layout
problems concerning this assembly which made the boards impossible
to assemble. Ian pleaded with Old Bob to help him understand how
a perfectly good PCB could pass though countless DFM rules at the
board shop and then be considered scrap at the assembly shop.
Old Bob explained how, when finished, the bare PCB is considered a
component. The quality of the assembly was out of Etch-O-Matronic
Circuits’ scope. It is the fabricator’s job to create a quality component.
The fabricator had no visibility regarding how the PCB would interface
with all the other components.
Ian is dumbfounded. “How do you know the PCB cannot be assembled
if you haven’t even tried?” he asked.
“I think it’s time you put on some virtual reality goggles,” Old Bob
said. Just as he finished talking, Otto entered the room carrying a
strange looking headset and a lavishly soft, white cotton towel.
During his tenure at E-Z Galaxy, Old Bob explained how he’d developed
a virtual reality DFM auditing app. This app allowed him to see the
effects and virtual outcome of his design decisions on the various
manufacturing processes before they ever actually hit the manufacturing
floor. Ian asked what he should do with the goggles. “Well, put them
on!” exclaimed Old Bob. “They’ll let you see me here on the assembly
floor and allow you to view a virtual play-by-play of your PCB on the
assembly line.”

“What is the towel for?” Ian asked.
“Oh, that?” responded Old Bob. “Whenever you review a design, virtually
or otherwise, always keep a towel with you. It will come in handy.”
Ian drew the straps of the goggles over his head and secured the
viewport onto his face. The app immediately switched on giving
Ian his first view of a man standing on the assembly floor of a vast
warehouse-style building.
The inside of the building appeared to be very dark. Ian could barely
see the man due to a haze covering the floor. The assembly machines
came into view, but appeared smudged and burnt. He turned his
head to search for Old Bob; the goggles seemed to be fogging up.
Ian motioned for the robot to come close and hand him the towel. He
gave the headset’s viewing periphery a virtual swipe using the towel,
and the same man—an older man in tattered clothes—came into
view out from behind one of the machines. His hair was a steamy,
curly mess and his face was blotched red as if it had been touched
by sandpaper. The man was waving his arms frantically like he was
trying to get Ian’s attention—it was Old Bob! More smoke and now
sparks began to shoot from one of the machines; Ian could see Old
Bob mouthing the words, “Don’t panic! Hit rewind… Hit rewind!”


Ian thrust his hand under the straps of the headset and tore VR goggles
off his head. He frantically pressed a red button labeled: DON’T PANIC
—JUST REWIND on the outer, lower-left corner of the goggles.
Ian shouted at the phone receiver which lay on the desk un-cradled.

“Bob – are you still there?” Ian spoke loudly
into the receiver. “I saw the floor, but it looked
like World War III had just started. There was
smoke and sparks and—!”

Ian heard a click on the phone and realized Old Bob had hung up. Ian
returned the black handset of the old phone to its cradle. Then, out of
the corner of his eye, Ian caught a view of something attached to the
robot’s vision units. It was another VR headset adapted uniquely for
Otto the robot.
I guess he wants to come along and see how to fix my design, Ian
thought to himself. Ian looked at Otto and said, “Here, hold my towel.
It’s time to learn how to do things the right way.”

“Oooh my!” Old Bob chuckled. “You must have started the DFM review
program in final results mode. The app kind of freaks out when there
are too many DFM problems on a design.”
With a grandfather-like voice, Old Bob had a heart-to-heart with Ian.
“We just did the best we could to drill the holes, etch, and plate copper
to make it look like your PCB artwork. As I think you’re beginning to
see, there’s a lot more to PCB design than just laying down tracks
and making things look pretty,” Old Bob explained. “Now put those
VR goggles back on and start the app in DFx mode. That mode will
give you a virtual view of your PCB design from start to finish while
stopping to show you all the basic Ws: Who, What, When, Where,
Why, and How.”


Ian’s hard-learned lessons:
FFUnderstand your layout tool settings. All of them.
FFDo not trust default software settings to design your PCB.
Understand how to optimize them.
FFLearn which PCB and manufacturing standards are applicable to
your project and follow them.
FFEstablish manufacturing contacts and mentors. Ask for advice
and take advantage of free DFM checks before the design is sent
for fabrication and assembly.

FFIn the design and manufacturing industry, there are successes
and failures every day. Success can be described as when a
manufacturer can rely on accurate, sensible data to run the
machines which produce the PCB which get the manufacturing
jobs done as specified to meet the performance requirements of
the PCB.
FFFailure is the exact opposite of success. CAD software has
enabled the world to sketch in PCB features and enter values
for data which are far outside our present machine and process
manufacturing capabilities.

FFCommunication with all stakeholders is critical and is an important
responsibility of the PCB designer.
FFTo design is to create, but successful PCB design is not done in
a vacuum.
FFA PCB design will only materialize successfully by a commitment
from the designer to reach out and gather information from the
PCB industry stakeholders which will all be contributing their
part to manufacturing the design


Chapter 3

A Fresh Start: Introducing PCB Project Stakeholders


an readjusted the straps of the VR goggles and saw only darkness
from behind the goggles until he heard a soft beep.
“Welcome Ian,” Ian heard several voices speak unanimously.

Looking up, Ian could see seven other users seated around the table,
including Old Bob and Otto the robot. Old Bob exclaimed to the
users seated at the table, “This is the designer I’ve been telling you
all about. His name is Ian and he is here to meet you and learn about
your respective stakeholder requirements, so he can implement them
into his next design.”

Like Ian, it is critical to understand communication with all stakeholders
is an essential and important responsibility of the PCB Designer.
Successful PCB design is not done in a vacuum; the role of an
Electrical Engineer has evolved. A PCB design will only materialize
successfully by a commitment from the EE/PCB designer to reach
out and gather information from the PCB industry stakeholders; all of
whom will be contributing their part to manufacturing the design and
ensuring its overall success.


• Where will the PCB operate?

The Program Manager

• Will it be exposed to moisture or heat?
• Will it need to perform in a vacuum working in a satellite out in space?

Before the engineering process of a project begins, the Program/Project
Manager (PM) considers all the resources which will be required to
complete the project. For example, in our story, one of the resources
is Ian, the PCB designer. On a well-run project, the PM will ensure
certain PCB designers (like Ian) are well-informed about important
details regarding the PCB. The program manager, however, is not
an expert in PCB layout and relies on the designer to query about
any missing information in the design requirements at this essential
phase. The two must define several important key factors upon which
the layout will be based.

• What will need to be done with regards to part selection and layout
to mitigate any hostile conditions?

When conceptualizing the PCB project, a PM obtains specifications
for how the PCB will be used. Performance is a key factor in selection
of parts, materials, and processes for the design. In the early stages
of product definition, a designer must seek to identify a performance
class for the PCB from the PM to get the layout pointed in the right
direction. If the PCB is specified for use in a toy, such as an inexpensive
illuminated fidget spinner, the materials and processes selected for
the PCB must be simple to keep costs low. If the PCB is destined
for use in mission critical life support equipment, it will need to be
designed with robust features and quality materials, regardless of
cost. They must withstand advanced processing and handling to be
service-ready when called upon to function. The program manager
considers environmental requirements:

• Considers all resources required to complete a project

• He also considers cost requirements: Is the PCB design a
requirement for a school project, or intended for sale?
• How many PCBs will need to be manufactured?
All these questions are best addressed by the project manager during
the initial phase of PCB design.
High level overview:
• Obtains specifications on how the PCB will be used
• Considers environmental and cost requirements
Works closely with:
• Electronics Engineer/ PCB Designer
• Mechanical Engineer
• FCB Fabrication Sales Engineer
• Assembly Manufacturing Engineer
• Test Engineer


The industry
is now moving
towards a hybrid
role where the EE
and PCB designer
are one.

High level overview:

The Electronics Engineer
Electronics Engineers (EEs) are well versed in circuit theory and the
components which make circuits perform. They have spent their
career devising creative ways to utilize electrical components in ways
which would yield the greatest circuit performance at the lowest cost
while providing for the requirements of many project stakeholders.

• Responsible for design definition and specification on both the
front and back-end of most projects
• Creates and provides the PCB designers with either a rough draft
or completed schematic diagram of the design
• Provides valuable feedback with regard to board layout density
Works closely with:
• PCB Designer

Since there is always so much in the way of design definition
and specification required, there isn’t much time to ‘carve tracks’
(although this is changing). Due to this reality, electronics engineers
choose to collaborate on PCB design layouts. Traditionally, Electronics
Engineers can provide PCB designers with either a rough draft or
completed schematic diagram. However, the industry is now moving
towards a hybrid role where the EE and PCB designer are one, the
PCB design engineer, like our protagonist, Ian.

• Project Manager
• Mechanical Engineer

An experienced designer should already possess or know where to
acquire the technical knowledge required for completing a design.
The PCB designer should be able to give valuable feedback about the
board layout density quickly, so adjustments to the parts list or part
connectivity may be made.


High level overview:

The Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineers (MEs) work hard for months creating solid
model designs of the end product. The PM introduces the mechanical
engineer to the industrial engineers (IEs) when the project begins
(usually months before the PCB design is even a thought). The IEs
create concept sketches and experimented with different sizes, shapes,
and textures for the product. Once the best concept is chosen, the
PM forwards the sketches to the ME so they can begin designing all
the metal and plastic parts which would interface together to become
the product. One of the parts the ME defines is the shape and size of
the outline of the PCB, which is a critical component of the product.
The ME touches base with EEs throughout the process to make sure
the size and shape—the mechanical envelope—of the PCB works
with all the electronic components the EE estimates will be required.
Once the two stakeholders agree, the ME will freeze the PCB outline
in the mechanical layout and begin designing other features around
it, while the EE works to capture the schematic and may begin the
PCB layout using the PCB outline as an important starting point.

• Designs all of the metal and plastic parts which would interface
together to become a product
• Defines the shape and size of the PCB
Works closely with:
• PCB Designer/Electronics Engineer
• Project Manager


High level overview:

The PCB Fabrication Sales Engineer
The PCB Fabrication Sales Engineer (FSE) works for the bare-board
PCB supplier. They work diligently at their company to make sure the
engineering customers’ and the supplier management personnel’s
questions are answered by the appropriate technical people. If a PCB
designer has a question about materials, hole sizing, or how to achieve
a certain impedance requirement, the FSE connects the PCB designer
with the right technical person to provide the answers. If a purchasing
agent wants to order a quantity of PCBs to be delivered to the assembly
house within five days, they coordinate with their company’s quoting
department in order to establish a cost and timeline. The bare-board
supplier is responsible for creating the bare-board component from
a given set of data within an agreed upon timeline and price. The
success of the bare-board supplier is based upon the receipt of clear,
manufacturable data. FSEs appreciate when customers ask questions
they can find answers to before the PCB design data ever hits the
shop floor.

• Works for the bare board PCB supplier
• Ensures engineering customers and the supplier management
personnel’s questions are answered by the appropriate people
within the PCB supplier organization
• Responsible for creating the bare board component from a given
set of data within an agreed upon time and agreed upon price
• Success is based upon receiving clear, manufacturable data
Works closely with:
• PCB Designer/Electronics Engineer
• Purchasing agent


High level overview:

The Assembly Manufacturing Engineer
The Assembly Manufacturing Engineer (AME) is a master at figuring
out how to put a lot of parts together in the fastest way possible—
with the highest yield at the lowest cost—by using the best machines
and processes. They know when a PCB has been designed well; it
means things will go well for their machines.

• Responsible for putting parts together in the fastest way possible
with the highest possible yield at the lowest possible cost
• Audits validated parts lists/bill of materials
• Works closely with PCB designers/Electronics Engineers to
ensure a hassle-free assembly process
Works closely with:
• PCB Designer/Electronics Engineer

AMEs believe every good project begins with a well-scrubbed and
validated parts list or bill of material (BOM). Most of the assembly
process relies on auditing these listed parts for pricing, availability
and lead time. In parallel, the parts are also verified against the layout
for package configuration, form, and fit.
AMEs base their BOM checks and comparisons on intelligent
manufacturing data in ODB format. Once all the Design For Assembly
(DFA) checks are complete and the PCB assembly project begins, all
of the parts are kitted to be assembled onto the bare PCB, which is
also considered an electronic component.

• Test Engineer

Pro-Tip From Patrick Davis

“Once there is a requirement for thousands of PCBs to be
assembled from a single design, how the PCB was laid
out—with regards to component size, placement, and
spacing—determines if our machines will have an easy
day or a difficult day. Don’t be afraid to go to your PCB
assembly house to ask about any important items to
consider before starting a PCB layout.”

While a PCB layout is designed only once, it sometimes spawns
thousands of PCBs from the bare board supplier. Like PCB bare-board
suppliers, AMEs love it when designers ask them about important
things to consider for assembly before starting a layout.


Both the TE
and the AME
know machines,
processes, and
people are not

Works closely with:

The Test Engineer
The Test Engineer (TE) works with the EE to define the parts of a PCB
assembly that will need to be tested. In high volume production, the
ability to test specified features is critical to measuring success.
TEs also work with the AME to create automated test beds (or bedof-nails test fixtures), which will be used to audit the success or
failures of the AME’s machinery and processes. Both the TE and the
AME know machines, processes, and people are not perfect. There
are thousands of things that can go wrong while manufacturing a
PCB assembly. They know good design addresses the requirements
for testing and auditing for manufacturing defects. Test engineers
appreciate when a PCB design includes small test lands (etched
copper “pads”) they can probe with the pins on their test fixtures.
Testing software is used with the equipment and once “probed” the
test machines can catch most errors that might be introduced during
the PCB assembly process.
High level overview:
• Defines parts of a PCB assembly that will need to be tested
• Creates automated test beds which will be used to audit the success or failures of machinery and processes

• PCB Designer/Electronics Engineer
• Project Manager
• Assembly Manufacturing Engineer

The Customer
The customer is the person you are designing the end-product for, be
it internally or externally. They can be the person setting requirements
or the end-user.
The customer’s expectations are always high. All stakeholders know
it is very important to work together so the customer’s product will be
made in the quickest way possible, with the highest quality, and for a
reasonable price.
It is important to keep the customer in mind throughout the design
process, so you can make design decisions that will support them.
Items to keep in mind can be their level of technical expertise, where
they will be using the product, etc. What may make sense to someone
with technical experience may not be intuitive to a customer. Great
engineers approach PCB design from an end user’s point-of-view.


The PCB Designer/PCB Design Engineer
The PCB Designer’s role as a stakeholder in a PCB design project
is just as important as all other stakeholders. The chapters of this
book are meant to illustrate this point by providing examples of what
the PCB designer needs to bring to the project table and show why
it is important and how it may be used by others. As we read of Ian’s
first experience at the project stakeholder table and how he became
exposed to each stakeholder’s process requirements and established
workflows, we want to challenge all new designers to become familiar
with the process of all the PCB project stakeholders. We want PCB
designers to self-evaluate, asking themselves: What is my workflow?
Do I even have a process?
Capture Schematic

Create Symbols

Test and Simulate

Route Traces

• Audits and organizes information and data from all project
stakeholders to be included into the PCB layout
• Responsible for routing and creation of power and ground planes
• Responsible for all PCB fabrication data output and documentation
• Responsible for all PCB assembly data output and documentation

• All stakeholders as required


Define Constraints


Design Intent

High level overview:

Works closely with:

Create Netlists

Just as there are established workflows to guide the progress of a
PCB panel through each of its manufacturing process steps, there
is an established workflow for the PCB design process. To design a
successful PCB, it is important to understand these design process
steps by building stakeholder relationships. Keep in mind how every
decision incorporated into the design will feed the success of the
ensuing steps (and people involved) in the manufacturing process.

Manufacturing Output

DFM Rules Check

Submit to Manufacturer

CAD Files

Board Data Preparation
Create PCB Outline

Place Parts

Create Layer Structure

Create Footprints

Click to Enlarge


Contacting Stakeholders &
Manufacturing Representatives
There cannot be enough emphasis placed on the value of developing
a solid relationship with the supplier representatives and technical
personnel who will be manufacturing your PCB before beginning the
design process.
There is no better way to understand the materials and processes
involved in manufacturing a PCB than to visit and tour the shop.
Establishing a working relationship with EMS providers prior to
starting a design will ensure the designer has a resource for solid
manufacturing feedback when making important design decisions.
A great way to be introduced to the design and manufacturing
community, its people, machinery, materials, process and software
is to attend one of the many PCB design and manufacturing industry
tradeshows held throughout the year. Electronics tradeshows are
renowned for being interactive and informative gatherings where one
can eat, sleep, and breathe all things PCB. Virtually all stakeholder
representatives are always on hand to answer questions and to
show off their materials, processes, and machinery. Company sales
engineers often provide valuable samples which can be used for
handy reference come design time. Strolling down an aisle of one of
these shows can be like jumping right into a manufacturing workflow
diagram for a PCB.

Popular PCB Trade Shows


Just as there are established workflows to guide the progress of
a PCB panel through each of its manufacturing process steps,
there is an established workflow for the PCB design process.
To design a successful PCB, it is important to understand these
design process steps by building stakeholder relationships.
Keep in mind how every decision incorporated into the design
will feed the success of the ensuing steps (and people involved)
in the manufacturing process.


Some Items to Consider
FFExamine all the constraints at the start of a design project before
ever starting the layout.

FFRecognize the need for testability. How the assemblies will be
tested. Bed-of-nails or functional test, etc.

FFAcknowledge that what goes into a parts list will influence
availability, size, shape, and performance.

FFKeep in mind the customer’s desire for timely delivery, quality,
and good price. All customer needs will be met in the end if all
stakeholder needs are met before and during the project.

FFDetermine what information will be included as the project is
captured into schematic form.
FFEvaluate PCB size and shape requirements—before the layout
begins is the best time to get in touch with a good PCB fabrication
supplier. What is the intended size and shape of the PCB?

FFScrutinize your process. Things will go wrong. If you have a
process in place, it will be easy to point to where a problem
occurs and fix it so it doesn’t happen again.

FFRaw materials for PCB fabrication are stocked in sheet form by
the supplier. A designer needs to know if the available material
can accommodate the PCB outline.
FFConsider the parts placement and how a single design placement
influences thousands of parts and operations.


Chapter 4
Capturing the Schematic


n our story, Ian’s schematic seemed to “capture itself” because he
was using preset values of which he did not understand. However,
before we delve into how to avoid a situation like what Ian had experienced, it is important to understand some key schematic design
fundamentals, starting with what a schematic is and its main purpose.
A schematic is created by the electronic engineering stakeholder of a
project. It serves the purpose of recording and communicating information about a PCB assembly’s parts, connectivity, and functionality on
the front-end of the creative process. The front-end of any electronics
design project involves quick iteration and adjustment before any
parts are purchased or copper tracks are laid down.
A schematic diagram uses simple, stick-figure symbols and lines
to reflect actual electronic parts and circuit connectivity. Creating a
schematic diagram is a way for an engineer to quickly document the
elements of a complex circuit in a way that is easy to read and understand. A properly captured schematic helps the PCB design process by
hierarchically organizing the electrical areas of the evolving PCB design.
A complex schematic drawing package, or design database, usually
starts with a system-block diagram showing all the parts of the design
on the first sheet. In a hierarchical schematic, users can click onto
each of the system blocks on the cover sheet to be transported to a
subsequent sheet of the schematic where the system block is expanded
and drawn schematically. A completed schematic should look simple
and basic to any viewing stakeholder such as a field service tech or
test engineer. However, stakeholders such as those involved in design
and layout leverage the vast amounts of data embedded within the
ECAD schematic to complete the design layout.

Throughout the years, engineers have been using some creative
methods to capture schematics. Capture software has very few
input requirements and can be used by anyone to make connections
between almost anything. For instance, ECAD tools today are so
easy to use even a surfer with no electrical knowledge could create
a schematic symbol for a beach hut, a surf shop, a surfboard, and a
wave and tie them together with connections to show other surfers
what he would be doing throughout the day:

Examining this simple schematic, it is easy to see the surfer is going
to leave his hut, go to the surf shop, come out with a surfboard, and
head for the ocean to surf a wave. Now, ask three different EEs to
draw a schematic depicting a surfer’s day and you will come up with
some very different-looking symbols and schematics.
As you can imagine, each EE will have his or her own take on what
the beach hut looks like: does it have a back door or a basement; is
it solar powered or off grid? How an EE would depict a surf shop or
surfboard schematic symbol is anyone’s guess. When it comes to
depicting a wave, well, let’s just say EEs can be very knowledgeable
about waves observed on an oscilloscope, but schematically
depicting a wave viewed from a beach will again yield a wide variety
of interpretations; leading to confusion amongst those trying to
decipher these simple schematic drawings.

The electronics industry foresaw this issue many years ago and as a
result, organizations formed to standardize the way schematic symbols
are depicted. ASME Y14.44-2008 and IEEE 315-1975 define how to
reference and annotate components of electronic devices. The table
to the left is a quick list of reference designators and their matching
symbols. A complete list is on the IEEE association’s website.

It is important to recognize the goal of capturing the schematic for
PCB design: to define or “capture” as much data as required to be
imported into the layout database so it can be leveraged to create the
physical aspects of the design. As previously mentioned, the schematic
is a simplified, symbolic representation of what will materialize as a
physical PCB assembly.

Successful schematic capture is basically the process of creating
simple schematic symbols which contain basic nodal contacts.
These symbols represent simple part configurations which are each
documented on a page of the manufacturer’s data sheet.
Individual component symbols are placed within the schematic’s
electronic database drawing sheets and connected with lines to form
a schematic diagram. For organizational purposes, each symbol is
assigned a unique alpha-numeric reference designation. Assignment
of reference designator numbers can be performed manually or
automatically. However, use caution in this area as some tools will
allow duplications of symbol reference designators within the same
schematic. After placement and connectivity of the schematic
symbols are established, editing of the symbol and net information
can take place to finalize the design intent.

Click to Enlarge


Pro-Tip From Theodor Iacob

“I start by determining the goal when creating the schematic. At minimum, some engineers understand the [goal
of the] schematic to get to a netlist—to essentially create
the connectivity. Without the netlist you cannot move
forward to do an actual layout. But if one thinks like that,
one could create a netlist in a text editor directly, right?
However, a netlist does not meet the requirement of ease
of readability. So, secondarily I make sure the schematic I
create will communicate my intent in a graphical form, such
that it is readable, not just by me, but also by my peers.”
Just like Ian has discovered, there are many undesirable outcomes
which can stem from naively using defaulted values and blindly
launching software automation without understanding. If you were to
replicate a simple schematic symbol hundreds of times in a schematic
which contains incomplete or misunderstood data, the results would
be catastrophic.
So ECAD suppliers have made schematic capture simple, right? Well
yes, but it’s not inherently simple. Over the years, in an attempt to
help electronics designers address not-so-basic design issues by
adding vast amounts of complex functionality, the ECAD industry has
unintentionally made schematic capture rather complicated. It is now
the responsibility of the EE to investigate these complexities, and
understand them thoroughly, before even thinking of implementing
them. As mentioned, a basic ECAD schematic library symbol performs
the function of representing the connectivity of an electronic part
within a circuit on the schematic. However, the explosion of ECAD
tool functionality has required electronics designers to take on a

much more holistic view of the selected part. Information beyond
pin assignment and connectivity can now be embedded into the part
symbol. Electronic simulation models can be embedded for front-end
signal integrity analysis. Attributes such as package type and even
manufacturer’s part number can be added. If that weren’t enough,
another click can get the EE into a cloud-based database, showing
distributor’s part numbers and availability. Still, more functionality can
be added to the modern schematic symbol to access multiple PCB
layout footprints which contain 3D representations of the part—a
recent boon to the “mechatronics” movement which is quickly emerging.
As we can see, the simple building blocks of a schematic diagram
are no longer simple due to advanced requirements for functionality.
However, they remain the building blocks, so it is more important
than ever to make certain every attribute entered into a fresh schematic
symbol is accurate in every way.
Pro-Tip From Theodor Iacob

“If I have a good database with good library parts and all
the necessary attributes added to the library parts, including:
where to buy them, where they are in stock, the footprints,
and any simulation information; that is absolutely helpful.
But not all generic schematic tool libraries come with
completed attributes such as these. There are, however, third
party library sources which can provide them for a price
if your company can afford to go that route. Regardless
of whether a schematic symbol is purchased, or I build it
myself, I like my schematics be able to be printed in .pdf
form and have a user click onto the symbol to see it
conveniently open a component data sheet.”

Before the layout
ever starts, it is
important all the
criteria are
clearly defined.

When creating schematic symbols, simplicity is key. There are not
many rules regarding the creation of a symbol in a schematic unless
they are pre-defined in an internal company design specification. For
EEs working on a design team where there is a high probability created
symbols may be used by others, and even for schematic symbol
creators working on their own, it is prudent to consider that a symbol
should have some form of consistency. It needs to be built on a nominal
grid so it can be inserted into the schematic with solid connectivity. It
must serve its purpose of identifying part and connectivity data. Symbol
creators are free to replicate the part connectivity information in the
symbol almost anyway they see fit, but for those without pre-existing
company standards, there are a couple of basic guidelines which will
help with consistency.
• For bi-directional discrete parts, consistently orient the symbol
within the editor either horizontally, with pin one to the left, or vertically with pin one at the top. To build on consistency, assign the
X0Y0 origin of the symbol database at the origin of pin one. This
will come in handy when quickly placing the part in the schematic.
• For uni-directional part symbols, follow the same guidelines as
mentioned for bi-directional, but carefully consider information
which may need to be added to the symbol to prevent the part from
being installed backwards.
Schematically, a diode uses a graphic bar to designate the negative
cathode end, but shall the cathode be assigned pin one or pin two?
Surprisingly, data sheets from various manufacturers are not consistent
on this. In most schematic symbol editors, the pin on the symbol may
be designated “A” for anode and “K” or “C” for cathode to override
this issue and better define functionality.

Component Selection
Before the layout ever starts, it is important all the performance
criteria are clearly defined. Having a good understanding of the
performance expectations of the Printed Circuit Board Assembly
(PCBA) will help the design engineer to make the important trade-off
decisions required at this phase of the design cycle.
Being able to address which performance class the PCBA will operate
in should be considered first. Its performance has a lot to do with
quality, and quality has a lot to do with cost. Will the PCBA be used on
a toy that is mass produced? Cheap parts that perform for a limited
time may be considered for the class 1 performance level. Is the
PCBA expected to be used for a dedicated service application, such
as an office printer or phone system? Parts for class 2 applications
will need to be of higher quality and undergo minimal testing, so
one would expect to pay more for these parts. Will the PCBA go into
a product in which there will be dire consequences if it fails? Could
someone get hurt? The Class 3 performance level requires all parts
on the PCBA be of the highest quality and reliability to withstand
stringent testing for survival in its intended environment. Parts for
class 3 rated applications can be the most expensive.
Cost continues to play into a second consideration when selecting
parts for a PCBA. The EE must be in touch with the mechanical
stakeholder who has furnished some indication of size for the PCBA.
Without consideration of size, the EE might decide to select a larger
part or use multiple parts to save cost over a more tightly packaged,
integrated solution. However, upon realizing the MCAD designer
has only allotted a minimal amount of real estate for component
placement, the EE may have no other choice than to sacrifice cost for
packaging constraint considerations.


Smaller parts tend
to pack together
into designs
requiring more
density but see
more defects and
are more difficult
to inspect.

It is often interesting to observe a design team’s dynamics about
mechanical size vs. cost. For reasons unknown to the electronics
stakeholders, the mechanical stakeholders tend to get the first crack
at overall product sizing. They tend to design to impress by making
surrounding enclosures as small as possible to reduce cost. Surprising
dynamics come in to play when an EE stakeholder is forced to select
more expensive parts to fit into the smaller enclosure, negating
and even exceeding, any cost savings goals which the mechanical
stakeholders were imagining. This will usually drive the stakeholders
into an ebb-and-flow of negotiations to find just the right size-to-cost
ratio. This is normal in the engineering phase and the quicker the
team can come to a resolution, the more overall cost will be saved.
An additional consideration for component selection is packaging,
which directly affects manufacturing costs. Electronic devices are
packaged in many forms and supplied in various sizes. Component
packaging technology—size, pin pitch, and soldering requirements—
have a direct impact on manufacturing yield. Design scale must be
considered by the EE when selecting parts. Larger parts tend to have
fewer defects after running through the various manufacturing
processes, but cannot fit into smaller scale designs. Smaller parts
tend to pack together into designs requiring more density, but see
more defects and are more difficult to inspect.

Another important consideration for component selection is the issue
of availability. Just because the perfect part—one listing an acceptable
performance rating, cost, and size—shows up on a supplier’s data
sheet is no reason for an EE to get excited. Whether or not the part
can be procured at the right price, in volume, and is immediately
available is a make-or-break issue. Availability is usually expressed
in lead time – the time it will take the supplier to secure the parts
and ship. If lead times are too great sometimes negotiating a higher
price will help, but this will add cost and require some evaluation of
cost-to-benefit ratio to determine if it will help or hurt the overall
constraints of the PCBA project.

Setup and Definition
Now that we understand the factors that play into component selection,
let’s get into setting up our schematic. One of the first schematic
setup steps the design engineer must perform when starting a new
schematic diagram is to establish a grid value for the database.
Modern schematic capture tools provide a variety of options, but how
does one start? Imperial units or metric units? Which grid size? How
shall the grid be represented—with dots or lines? These options are
entirely up to user preference and should not have any effect on the
schematic diagram—unless used improperly. Yes, so many options
can confuse a new EE into making arguably the most common
schematic capture mistake in the book—placing a symbol or a line
off-grid and assuming it is contacting its electrical counterparts. The
best advice for preventing this schematic faux-pas is self-discipline.
Using a schematic tool, the EE must be extremely conscious of which
grid setting is active while placing symbols and lines.

After setup of the placement grid, individual component symbols are
placed within the schematic’s drawing sheets and connected with
lines to form individual circuits. Assignment of reference designator
numbers are then addressed manually or automatically. However,
caution must be used as some tools will allow duplications of symbol
reference designators within the same schematic. For multi-sheet
schematics it is very common to create a block diagram on the first
sheet showing the various sections of the PCBA. A design hierarchy
may be set up which will enable the user to drill down into any sheet
section with ease.
Pro-Tip From Theodor Iacob

Regarding design grids, I think it’s time to revise this concept
because a .100-inch grid has no meaning schematically...
When drawing a schematic, I concern myself with a page
size. I use a page size that will allow me to decide how many
wires I can draw from left to right and from bottom to top.
I kind of choose the resolution of that page. I [believe we
need to] shift the paradigm from thinking about grid points
in metric or imperial units to how much detail can I fit on
that page?
As mentioned earlier, the schematic is a simplified, symbolic
representation of what will materialize into a PCBA. It is common for
schematic symbols to be edited within the schematic (after placement)
to define desired component packaging. Ultimately, the end goal is
to define or “capture” as much data as required to be imported and
leveraged into the layout database to create the physical aspects of
the design. The same care taken when defining the raw schematic
symbols needs to be taken in this process as well. Schematic entry

is base-level entry from which many downstream purchasing and
manufacturing decisions will be made. It is imperative the data is
entered accurately.
Haphazardly drawn schematic diagrams can serve the purpose of
establishing connectivity and data output, but it is important the
finished schematic diagram is understandable to all the project
stakeholders. These are the people who will need to refer to it during
the design review, layout, assembly, and test phases of the project.
Design readability can be a subjective issue regarding schematic
capture. Therefore, it is best to consider existing industry standards
(and even company guidelines) to aid in consistency of design and
interpretation. It is important the schematic diagram flows and is
organized in a way that is anticipated by the reader.
If you are new to creating schematic diagrams, reach out and shake
hands with your project stakeholder counterparts to find out what they
will be looking for. Will they be looking for any special notes in your
schematic? How will some of the required performance characteristics
be noted? Will current carrying capacity of lines be noted? What
about impedance requirements? Will stakeholders be reading the
schematic electronically or on paper? If the schematic will be printed,
will the characters be readable based upon the size and scale of the
output? If the schematic is printed as an electronic file (such as .pdf)
can it be output in color with advanced capabilities such as being
searchable? These are all questions to consider in the setup phase,
before even starting the schematic. This ensures the schematic
diagram will do its job to effectively communicate.

A schematic for a large PCB design can contain thousands of parts
and hundreds of nets. With so much data, an EE can really begin to
see the benefit of investing more time on the front end of a project
to create standardized, accurate schematic symbols. Placing and
connecting accurate, well-built symbols into the schematic can really
pay off when it comes time to place, copy, and replicate circuits
which will provide a clean netlist. This netlist output is used to drive
the PCB layout software to pull all parts into the PCB database which
will automatically be connected per the netlist connectivity strings.

Finalizing the Schematic
The process of design engineering and continuous improvement is
iterative. It’s been said in every project there comes a time to do away
with the EE and get on with production. This may be true, but until this
time arrives, changes to the schematic are inevitable. In iterative design,
it is common for a schematic to be subjected to a design review by an
EE’s peers (peer review) and then by the project stakeholders.
Ideally, once all feedback is received the schematic can be edited a
final time and released for layout. However, this does not mean the
schematic is formally released—the layout phase will invariably lead
to some minor modifications to the schematic as the design moves
from being abstract to physical. How these change requirements are
managed is a combination of style and engineering protocol. Modern
schematic capture tools work very well with layout tools to track and
implement design changes. A schematic database, once edited, can
quickly be compared to a PCB design layout and automatically update
the layout to reflect the changes. A schematic and layout which has
been automatically checked for part conformance and connectivity
conformance are considered in synchronization.

Once the schematic is finalized, netlist output takes only seconds
and is then imported into the layout just as quickly. Better still, most
PCB layout tools which work together as a tool suite do not even
need to go through exporting and importing of the parts list / netlist
files. Modern schematic and layout ECAD tools work together well.
They seamlessly reflect real-time connectivity between the two when
viewed side-by-side as a cross-probable toolset.
Pro-Tip From Theodor Iacob

As far as the many schematic capture tooI capabilities, I
think that in the end, the tool that suits my interest best is
the tool that helps my productivity and delivers results in
the shortest time.


diagrams can
range from very
simple to very
complex based
on the design
being captured.

A properly captured schematic helps the PCB design process by
hierarchically organizing the electrical sections of the evolving PCB.
However, care must be taken to ensure all the connectivity is established by running design checks after completion. It is very important
to make certain all schematic nodes and wires not only appear
connected, but are connected. A common error in schematic capture
is to get caught slightly off grid while placing symbols and wires.
The mismatch may be ever-so-slight and not visible, but enough to
cause an open circuit. There is design rule checking for these type
of errors, but errors regarding mapped footprints and pin numbering
may be only caught by diving into the schematic windows. A properly
captured schematic will only be successful if it projects the intended
connectivity through to the PCB layout.

Schematic Outputs

Another important output function of the schematic is a connectivity
list or “netlist.” The netlist in its simplest form can be viewed as a text
file which is formatted to show all the circuit connectivity which will be
imported into the PCB layout. The netlist format can be automatically
exported and usually includes a header defining the format information
followed by text strings describing the net names and their respective
nodes. Netlists are useful to the fabrication and test stakeholders for
verification purposes.

Click to Enlarge

After checking, the BOM is sent to the purchasing stakeholder for
quotation and the assembly stakeholder so parts can be checked
for final availability and analyzed for processing capability. The data
contained in the BOM can be uploaded to a company’s MRP system
for higher-level purchasing and inventory management. The BOM is
usually output in the form of a text file or spreadsheet.

Schematic diagrams can range from very simple to very complex
based on the design being captured. However, the methodology used
to capture the schematic can be kept simple by following industry
standards, implementing consistency, common sense, and knowing
what to watch out for.

Click to Enlarge


FFFollow industry standard guidelines for schematic capture:
IPC-2612/IEEE STD 315.
FFConsider the stakeholders who will be interpreting the schematic
—communicate their needs.
FFStart with a sound schematic library—create and modify new
parts yourself using appropriate manufacturers’ data sheets.
FFEmploy standard reference designations specified in the
IEEE standards.
FFFor bi-directional discrete parts, consistently orient the symbol
within the editor either horizontally, with pin one to the left, or
vertically with pin one at the top. To build on consistency,
assign the X0Y0 origin of the symbol database at the origin of
pin one. This will come in handy when quickly placing the part
in the schematic.

FFUse the symbol editor to assign the name and fill in the correct part
information. Understand schematic symbols are the foundational
building blocks of the entire PCB project: incorrect information
in the symbol database can have catastrophic results.
FFCost is relevant to every process and material utilized in a PCBA.
Carefully consider comprehensive processing costs of switching
to an alternative component rather than its base price.
FFConsider requirements of project stakeholders when determining
schematic readability.
FFFully understand, and make good use of, the schematic capture
tool’s design check routines.

FFFor uni-directional part symbols, follow the same guidelines as
mentioned for bi-directional, but carefully consider information
which may need to be added to the symbol to prevent the part
from being installed backwards. Schematically, diodes for
instance may have their pins designated “A” for anode and “K”
or “C” for cathode rather than being assigned a numeric value to
more clearly define functionality.
FFCheck and double-check schematic symbols for accuracy.


Chapter 5

PCB Layout: Setup and Placement


t this point in the project, Ian realized the power of having
so much detailed information packed into the schematic, he
believed anyone could perform the layout phase. However,
what he failed to realize is a detailed schematic database is only
the foundation for the PCB layout—not just anyone can perform a
successful PCB layout. Layout must be performed by someone who
understands industry standards for design and manufacturing as
well as the depth of knowledge required for incorporating design for
excellence. This individual is analytical enough to be able to sort
through vast amounts of data, but creative and free-thinking enough to
see many alternative ways to complete a design and have the intuition
to choose the best one. A designer of PCBs is a person of renaissance.

Component Footprint Creation
Sometimes it is up to the PCB designer to create new component
footprints for a design. A simple and straighforward process for footprint
creation is best; it is also based on satisfying the stakeholder need
to create perfect solder joints which could pass inspection of IPCs
J-STD-001. If the component footprints are not correct and all assembly
processes aren’t taken into consideration, Assembly Manufacturing
Engineers (AMEs) have a more difficult time soldering all the component
pins to the PCB lands.

To yield a perfect solder joint there are three basic processes: paste
screening for solder deposition, automated placing of components,
and oven reflow of solder. The recommendations for land geometry
are almost always provided by the component manufacturer, and they
are best compared to the industry standard for creation of component
land geometry, IPC-7351.

Setting up the Layout
Design automation can help to perform the first step in the layout
process using personal layout templates. These templates are configured to contain a designer’s favorite settings for common design
environment items. They are often used for setting design units, layer
colors, net colors, trace widths, and via sizing. They can be modified
at any time during the layout to match the requirements of the design.
When setting up a new layout, design units can be set to metric
or imperial units. Imperial units can be set to “inches,” showing a
decimal point in all values or “mils” (reflecting values in thousandths
of an inch).


To a new designer,
this state of confusion can appear
rather hopeless,
but this is where
the fun begins.

Defining the Mechanical Constraints
It is important to consider the complete definition of the PCB outline.
There is more to a PCB outline than simply four lines to define a
rectangle. In fact, PCB outlines are rarely defined as simple, rectangular
shapes as PCB design continues to shrink electronics into the tightest
useable spaces. Modern PCB outlines originating from advanced 3D
packaging can contain complex curved edge requirements. Beyond
mechanical consideration for the PCB outline is the defined thickness
for the PCB. PCB thickness can range from very thick .200 [5.08] or
more, down to .018 [0.46] or less. There are often mounting holes and
slots, fixed component locations, and all the keep-out and keep-in
definitions for the design. Sometimes, component height restrictions
are defined in certain areas. Again, this type of constraint can either
be imported or be defined manually after communicating with the
mechanical engineer. One or more specific layers are reserved for the
mechanical constraints. Additionally, intelligent auditing features can
be added to the constraints definition. Most layout tools will allow the
designer to define “rooms” or set up cross-hatched, keep-out areas
which will alert the designer during design rules checking if there is a
part within a keep-out zone. Once all the mechanical constraints are
defined, the layout is ready for the next step.

Pro-Tip from Joe Bouza

“One of the things I see that is a big, big problem is that
today’s ECAD/MCAD output files are not realistic enough.
Sometimes components are only represented as blocks and
reflective only of a couple of overall dimensions an EE might
have given some thought to as far as height, length, and
width. That’s it. As a mechanical designer, when you design
something like an RF housing, you really need to know what
those components look like and exactly where they are placed.”

Parts Placement
Once the mechanical constraints of the PCB are set, it is time to bring
in the data from the schematic. When the component footprints are
import­ed, they are automatically connected by fine lines to show their
pin’s connectivity with other component pins. All these connections
are based upon the previously established connectivity defined in the
schematic. The imported part footprints usually appear to be piled up
randomly off to the side of the defined PCB outline after being imported
into database. A design with hundreds of components imported in this
way will have so many connections crossed over one another, it will
make the pile of parts and connections look like a rat’s nest (which is
what it is often called). To a new designer, this state of confusion can
appear rather hopeless, but this is where the fun begins. This is the
stage in which the designer can begin adding organization to what
appears to be chaos. Most designers consider the placement stage of
layout their reason for being—they know this first layout step will drive
the success of the entire project because parts placement effects every
manufacturing process and therefore every manufacturing stakeholder.

Group Imported Parts and Connections
After the parts are imported, the parts must be grouped. Using the
schematic as a reference, a designer can quickly begin grouping the
component footprints into clusters of circuits which can be organized
so signal connections are at their shortest distance between pins.
A simple tool for navigation and sorting through parts during placement
is to set up cross-probing functionality between the schematic and
the layout. With cross-probing active, placement of components into
groups is made easy. Using multiple display monitors, a quick click on
a symbol in the schematic screen will highlight the matching component
footprint on the layout screen and make it ready for placement. With the
schematic organized with a flow intended to represent the placement
of the parts on the PCB, the process of grouping is made easy. You
can start by finding a significant part on the schematic, say an input
connector; then highlight the connector in the schematic and see
the software cross-probes to the matching connector in the layout.
Now that the layout’s connector footprint is active, it may be dragged
over to an area close to where it will be within the PCB outline. Next,
highlight and drag any filtering components over, close to the same
way you did the connector. During this grouping process, the parts
may be rotated to shorten their connectivity.

Click to Enlarge

Many things about the evolving layout will begin to come into view
during the grouping phase. Component clusters will begin to show the
ratio of component area to PCB area outline. Though the component
groups have been organized so their local connections remain short,
it becomes clear now the individual groups have connectivity with
each other. Many lines interconnecting the groups will eventually be
converted into signal traces which will require area. Will all the lines
be routed on the outer surfaces of the PCB? Will they fit once the
components are all placed? Will more layers be required? These are
all questions having to do with layout density which will have to be
addressed after determining all the parts will fit within the PCB outline,
while still meeting all the stakeholder requirements for Design for
Excellence (DFx).


Position Groups onto the Board
Once the components are grouped per the schematic flow, begin
organizing the groups. Groups should be organized according to their
connectivity flow between each other and to their respective input or
output connectors. Pay special attention to the voltage designations
in the groups and try to organize similar voltage groups together,
envisioning how a voltage plane may be used to connect to all nodes.
Are there so many similar connections to single voltage the parts will
have to be spread across the board area? Will a single voltage plane be
required to cover the whole board area? Or are there multiple voltages
assigned to the circuitry which will necessitate the plane layer to be
split into multiple sections, causing placement strategy changes for
the component groups power pins to contact their respective planes?
If this strategy gets too complicated using a single layer, it is easily
relieved by adding another dedicated power or ground layer—this
however, comes with an added cost.
Design for Test (DFT), Design for Cost (DFC), Design for Manufacture
(DFM), Design for Assembly (DFA), Design for Repair, Reuse, and
Recyclability (DFR3) and many other “DF’s can be organized and
identified into one great Design for Excellence (DFx) concept. During
placement it is important to place much focus on DFM, DFA, and DFT.
To help see more clearly, assign colors to some of the pins connected
to power and ground—this will allow you to turn their rat connection
display off, cleaning up the view of the grouped components. Once
all the components are in their groups, determine the feasibility of
moving the groups onto the PCB outline.

Click to Enlarge

Placement Matters
There are some who say PCB is art, and for this reason, component
placement doesn’t matter. While a finished PCB can look like art,
saying placement does not matter couldn’t be further from the truth.
In our story, Ian found this out the hard way. Placement matters
because it affects performance and manufacturability.
For example, ask any manufacturing engineer about the processing
ramifications of adding a three-cent chip resistor to the secondary side
of the board. They would tell you that would add a relatively immense
cost. The PCB would now have to undergo a second side pass through
all the same processes which the primary side endured. First, it would
require a two-hundred-dollar solder paste stencil and processing for
solder paste deposition. Then, manufacturing time would be required
for the assembly to run through the pick and place stage. Next, the
entire PCB would be subjected to another thermal excursion in the
reflow oven. More time would be required to document the secondary
side of the board so it could run through the inspection process.

Hopefully all the
groups will fit,
and the designer
can go on to refine
the placement.
What if the groups
don’t fit? First,
don’t panic.

Checking in with a manufacturing stakeholder for wise council
on DFM—even for placement of a three-cent chip resistor—can
save thousands of dollars in cost and is a far better plan than using
“artistic license.”

DFx Tradeoffs—Design Density
It is important to consider design density early in the placement
process. If the PCB outline has already been defined by the ME and
the BOM has already been defined, using a CAD layout tool is the
quickest way to begin this analysis. With the components already
grouped, the designer can begin by moving the groups onto the
layout. Hopefully all the groups will fit, and the designer can go on to
refine the placement.
What if the groups don’t fit? First, don’t panic. A few logical steps can
be taken to remedy this. Remember, the component groups are not set
in stone at this point. Can placement of the groups be rotated? Can
they be stretched horizontally or vertically to fit? At this point, the
designer will begin to get an idea for whether all the parts will fit on a
single side of the layout or not. If it appears nudging individual parts
in the groups will help all the parts to fit, then continue to smooth out
the placement. If it is evident the parts will still not fit, then it is time
to consider utilizing the bottom (now secondary) side of the PCB.

This is not a step to be considered lightly, as transitioning to a twosided assembly brings the PCB design into another manufacturing class
and will most certainly increase manufacturing costs. Sometimes a
designer just gets tired of trying to fight the laws of physics and must
switch to a double-sided assembly configuration if the parts simply
will not fit on a single side.
How does one decide which parts to flip to the bottom? This is
dependent on component types, their size, how they must perform
electrically, and how they must be installed at assembly. Due to these
numerous factors, one could produce many possible answers to this
question. However, at its most basic level, there are four major areas to
consider: Mechanical fit, electrical performance, thermal performance,
and assembly.

Placement for Mechanical Fit
As already mentioned, the parts must fit on the given PCB outline in
addition to any mechanical fit criteria considerations. The parts must not
interfere mechanically with each other. ECAD tools facilitate checking
for mechanical interference conditions if the part footprints include a
“placement courtyard” geometry on a specific layer. This data is used
as the value by which the software can alert for lateral interference, or
even dynamically nudge a neighboring component if the two placement
courtyards touch. The values for proximity to other components and
other design features such as board outlines and drilled holes can be
set in the software design rules. Once board-level interference has been
checked, at this point it is important to check in with the mechanical
stakeholder to check for any assembly interference conditions which

may have been introduced during ECAD parts placement. Design
teams rarely have the luxury of freezing the mechanical portion of a
project after conveying placement information to the PCB designer. Due
to the pace of some projects, MCAD and ECAD portions of design
are often leap frogging one another with changes. Collaborative, next
assembly 3D checking is often implemented several times during the
PCB placement process.

Pro-Tip from Joe Bouza

“Overall, the key to success in all disciplines of design is
effective, dynamic collaboration. Collaboration is a process. Nowadays, ECAD/MCAD is challenged with defining
constraints for electronic components that have sizes less
than a grain of sand and for machined chassis and
enclosures which must keep out aggressive energies.”

Placement for Electrical Performance
Grouping components is only an organizational method for preliminary
placement. Single-side grouping only addresses basic, lateral proximity
to related components. With some part packages, access to the electrical
pin is impeded by the component outline; causing the pin to be moved
far away from its required destination. In this case, flipping a component
to the far side can help electrical performance because the part pins
can now be located close without the component bodies interfering.

For digital areas of the layout, consider power distribution first. It is
important to locate digital components so they will have access to
reference power and ground planes located directly beneath. Locate
the bypass and decoupling capacitors close to device power pins for
best performance.
Layout of the digital portion may include consideration for parts known
as crystal oscillators to control the timing of the circuitry. It is very
important to locate crystals close to the devices they will control so the
length of their “noisy” connections will be kept as short as possible.
Regarding analog components, keep their groups separate from digital
circuitry. It is important to consider a performance goal for analog
placement and keep routing of the connections short.

If the time and
materials it will take
to put the PCBA
together exceeds
the target sales
price of the PCBA,
the project will
indeed be doomed.

Placement for Thermal Performance

Placement for Assembly Constraints

Due to power requirements and function, some components can run
hot—it is important to mitigate this heat and direct it away from the
PCB. Heat can cause many problems for an operating PCBA due to
the many various materials used and their different rates of expansion
(coefficient of thermal expansion). Concentrations of heat on a PCBA
can cause the PCB to expand dramatically in its Z-axis because of a lack
of constraining materials to prevent it. High heat from an overdriven
LED in contact with a multi-layer PCB structure supporting nearby vias
(discussed in detail in the PCB routing section) can expand the sup­
porting material enough to “pop” the via, causing failure. Components
which will be dissipating heat will need to be managed by the engineer
working with the mechanical engineer to make sure the assembly has
a way to conduct or convect the heat away from the PCB.

After considering placement options for mechanical fit, electrical
performance, and excessive thermal conditions, any of which could
doom the success of the PCBA if not mediated, final consideration
for how the part will be successfully assembled onto the PCBA must
be merged together with all other constraints. Even if the PCBA will
fit with all mating parts, performs flawlessly, and runs as cool as can
be expected, it will still be doomed to fail as a product if it cannot
be reasonably assembled. Remember, the assembly stakeholders
measure ease of assembly in units of time and materials. If the time
and materials it will take to put the PCBA together exceeds the target
sales price of the PCBA, the project will indeed be doomed.
So, what can a designer do during the placement phase to increase
performance and reduce time and materials cost?

A few placement considerations for hot components:
• Add a copper plane underneath and in contact with the component
to provide a conduction path for the heat away from the part.
Extend the plane out far enough to allow the copper plane to
sufficiently convect the heat into the air.
• Add a mechanical heat sink to the component to convect heat
away. Component heat sinks are readily available for many parts
and come in many shapes and sizes.
• Avoid concentrating hot components together—spread them out.
Locate hot components in the path of airflow from a fan in the
assembly and be wary of larger components blocking airflow.

There seems to be a lot of information out there regarding many unique
aspects of PCB design. Over forty-two design for manufacturing
guidelines have been put together by EMS providers with various
takes on how parts placement can be accomplished for their own
internal processing. These guidelines contain valuable information
if you are doing business with a select supplier. Designers need to
know where their towel is, so to speak. However, there are just as
many circumstances in which using a guideline for implementation at
one EMS provider might be insufficient, or down-right inappropriate,
for another. Rather than attempting to describe a galaxy of assembly
conditions and circumstances affecting placement decisions here, we’ll
give a nod to the IPC. The IPC organization has been in the business of
bringing PCB stakeholders together for many years. The organization

It is important to
understand the
importance of
establishing and
cultivating design
and manufacturing

has published a key specification, the IPC-2220 generic design series
standards. IPC-2220 includes a fine section on parts placement for
a myriad of assembly processes which have been endorsed by a
diverse association of electronics industry representatives.

As a champion of DFx, it is the responsibility of the PCB design
engineer to bring the two stakeholders together and negotiate
compromise. DFx does not mean every process will be perfect. DFx
means the requirements of all stakeholders have been considered
and the design has been optimized via stakeholder consensus.

Shaking hands with Your Network

Component placement for DFx requires a depth of knowledge not
only with regard for the component materials and their physical
properties, but for how the components will operate with other
components in a circuit and how they will need to perform in various
operating environments. Any designer working on a complex PCB
will eventually need to make decisions of compromise between some
of the opposing forces of DFx.
For instance, when considering design for electrical performance
constraints, an EE may dictate the location of a capacitor pin must
be placed within .025 [0.64] of an IC’s power pin. However, this constraint will clearly conflict with a design for manufacturing constraint
from the assembly manufacturing engineer who needs clearance
between pins for wave solderability.
In this example, the two forces of electrical performance and manufacturability have collided and require resolution. Can the capacitor
be moved to the opposite side, and soldered by reflow? Can the
soldering operation shift to a selective method rather than a wave?

It is important to understand the need for establishing and cultivating
design and manufacturing contacts. Expanding your professional
network will benefit you in the long run. There will always be design
challenges and when required, turning to your network will help you
to come up with the best possible answer.
The PCB design engineer’s responsibility is to combine front-end
project information with the mechanical engineer (who provides the PCB
outline) and begin the PCB layout. It is important for PCB design
engineers to use a consistent process, always carefully examine the
schematic and BOM, and look for any special notes, or anything
non-standard, on the schematic before starting the layout.
Getting in touch and asking questions about the schematic beforehand
is appreciated by all stakeholders. By doing so, you might bring up a
question they may not have thought of. Establishing this early in the
design process allows involved stakeholders to modify information
before the PCB design gets started.


Working with the ME Stakeholder

Cross-checking tools and placement

A mechanical engineer can only guestimate the board area required
for the layout. Rarely is a complete schematic and BOM accessible to
the ME while the outer packaging of the product is being designed.
Early in the mechanical design layout phase, the ME will usually have
access to interface components, like connectors and switches, and
will naturally define a PCB outline based upon the area left over, after
the mechanical design is complete.

Using the ECAD tool is now easier than ever to cross-check PCB
layout with mechanical layout. ECAD and MCAD tool industries are on
convergent paths which someday will merge to become one. While
rapid progress is being made, current projects are still designed by
separate mechanical and electrical stakeholders who must be wellversed in communicating their perspectives.

Pro-Tip from Joe Bouza

“The workflow I am seeing is still pretty traditional where
the mechanical design is solidified first. However, I am
seeing a collaborative trend in which the PCB already exists,
and there is a requirement to design a housing around the
PCB. What we are describing here are two methodologies:
designing from the outside in or the inside, out and there
are benefits to both. The mechanical designer sees the
requirements of the outside world. However, as the design
progresses, there is a need for the ECAD designer to push
back and let MCAD know what works and what doesn’t
work regarding electrical performance and part placement
requirements. We’ve come a long way with being able to
trade mechanical placement requirements back-and-forth
using STEP files. This CAD technology has made it much
easier to collaborate. However, we all must remember
when we are communicating with STEP files, we are sharing
absolute mechanical values. Tolerance is not reflected in
the STEP files.”

Pro-Tip from Joe Bouza

“The capability to trade placement conditions early in the
design is key to shortening the design cycle. This requires
quick, iterative collaboration. Dogmatic placement requirements from one side or the other just do not work. With
dense packaging requirements today, it is too easy to get
both sides backed into design corners where the design
cannot move forward unless they move together.
It is natural for an ECAD/MCAD team to go through three
iterations during placement. If this collaboration is done
early, using the basic known constraints—grouped
circuitry defined, mounting holes defined, and then board
outline, for instance—the remainder of the ECAD/MCAD
communication is smoothed out.”


Working with the Assembly Manufacturing
Engineer Stakeholder
Once the placement is finalized and has been reviewed internally
by the EE and ME, it is a very good idea to invite a review from the
assembly stakeholder. Most EMS providers are happy to perform this
review, but they will require the appropriate data to review effectively.
It is important to call and ask what data they need. Most likely, the
EMS provider will be very happy to receive the layout in ODB++ or
IPC-2581 formats. An assembly drawing (unfinished or not at this
point) will provide workmanship standards and peripheral information
which may be used for the review.

Fiducial Marks
Fiducial marks are commonly used in PCB manufacturing to aid
machinery and processes equipped with Automated Optical Inspection
(AOI) technology. When fiducials are incorporated into the design
layout, the machinery can use them to locate and orient specific
points on the PCB for positioning or placement of parts by methods
of triangulation. Fiducial markings may be of most any shape, but the
sizing and especially the contrast the fiducial has with its surrounding
topology is important.
Most AOI equipment can easily detect a .040[1mm] diameter fiducial
etched in copper if there is at least some clearance around the
shape. It is common to clear solder-resistant material (or any legend
marking) by half the diameter of the fiducial (commonly referred to
as ‘fid’). It is very common to create a fiducial mark as a padstack
structure using a pad on the first layer with a solder-resist clearance
of .020[.51mm] in the design layout. Once the fiducial is created,
place one in each far corner of the PCB (minimum of three corners)
for surfaces which will be populated with SMT components.


PCB component
footprints are like
the bricks of a
must be strong
and pure.


Sometimes a supplier will request “local fiducials” be placed at the
corners of fine pitch, high pin-count parts to leverage the technology
to place them more accurately. When placed off board, onto the rails
of a manufacturing panel, fiducials can serve to designate ‘stuff’ or
‘no stuff’ options on a PCB assembly. Sometimes individual PCB
panel images do not pass inspection and are marked by a large X.
Since the remaining PCB images are good, by simply covering the
fiducial of the X’d out PCBs, the assembly equipment will ignore the
failed boards and only assembly the good ones.

The steps for placing components onto a PCB layout are very similar to
those which would be followed by a construction company designing a
house or a city. Successful completion of either requires an investment
of time and planning. PCB component footprints are like the bricks of a
building—they must be strong and pure. They must be located near
the site for easy access. Setting up the layout parameters of a PCB are
like conditioning and leveling the ground at the building site before
the heavy work begins. Defining the mechanical constraints of a PCB
is comparable to drawing up building plans which inspectors must
approve before the project can move forward. By taking this simple
metaphor to an extreme, it is easy to see the steps involved in placing
parts onto a PCB design layout could be considered a lot like the steps
involved in architecturally planning an urban construction project.
However, keeping it simple by following the rules, determining where
compromises must be made, and bringing together to right people for
effective collaboration is a proven strategy for success in any scale of
project, in any industry.


Tips for Placing Parts:
FFConsidering the PCB layout is only performed once, and the
manufacturing process dictated by the PCB layout can be
performed millions of times, Design for Excellence (including
design for Fabrication, Assembly, and Test) must be considered
during placement.

FFOnce fixed components are located, lock them into place.

FFColor code nets in the layout based on their node count and their
criticality. Once color coded, the rat’s nest display for high node
count nets (like PWR and GND) can be shut off, allowing better
visibility of remaining signal nets.

FFSmooth out the placement in consideration for DFx. Aim for similar
rotation of like components to help manufacturing and inspection.

FFGroup components together off-board; primarily based upon their
functionality with shortest distance between signal and power pins,
and secondarily how they are shown in the schematic.
FFGenerally, distance between GND connections do not have to
be kept short, but will need to connect to a robust GND path, or
ideally, a plane.

FFMove component groups into place. Tight groups may now have
to stretch and bend to fit around keep-outs and other groups.
Prioritize this movement to have least effect on the original group.

FFConsider balancing out the spacing between less-critical parts
at this point such as adding spacing between components for
better routing, future test points, automated placement, heat
profiling, and inspection.
FFIn many cases, all groups will not fit on a single side of the PCB
layout. In this case, prioritize movement of parts. First, similar
discreet parts (CAPS, Resistors) or some components may have
to rotate and move to the secondary side of the layout.

FFOnce grouped, begin moving the mechanically-fixed components
onto the PCB. Fixed location input connectors, output connectors,
and any other interface components (like switches and even
some LEDs) have priority. Check for collisions with other fixed
keep-out areas—sometimes mechanical engineers only account
for component pins and don’t allow for larger soldering lands.


Chapter 6

DFT for In-Circuit Test and JTAG


he success of the manufacturing process is based upon the
successful execution and ability to measure the health of each
process step. The machines on assembly lines install thousands
of parts every minute; therefore, throughout the assembly process,
manufacturing checks must be completed. These checks verify many
important items pertaining to assembly manufacturing. However,
final testing—in-circuit testing capability—must be designed into
the PCB at the layout stage. DFT allows capability for testing which
includes component connectivity, electrical value, and proper
component orientation.

Many of these tests can be run without required modifications to the PCB
layout; however In-Circuit Testing (ICT) does require some additional
features added to the PCB, so this will be the focus of this section.
Remember how the virtual production of Ian’s first PCB design went?
How it looked good on screen, but as the assembler could see, there
were just too many test inconsistencies with the BOM, the part
footprints, and the routing. With only the non-intelligent Gerber file
data provided (and no test points included) it was impossible to test
Ian’s design. Critical defects were not detected along the way.
Test engineers understand production test fixtures and the development
of testing software can get expensive. Incorporation of simple DFT for
ICT basics (such as bed-of-nails testing for single- sided testing or
clamshell fixtures to test two sides of a PCB assembly simultaneously)
can greatly help assembly teams to check and verify their production
work. This allows parts which pass the electrical tests to move on to
their next production phases with zero defects.
Like Ian, you might be left asking yourself: “Should I have taken the
time and spent more money incorporating DFT for ICT?”


Test Points
Test points are etched target shapes which include short routes making
electrical connection to the circuit nets of the PCBA. Test points are
typically round, .035 [0.89] or larger and are cleared of any solder
resist or legend ink which would impede electrical connectivity when
coming into contact with a test probe. Test points can be added to
the schematic and even include reference designation if required.
In many cases, if testability is called for at the beginning of a layout
project, the EE will work to address the requirements into the layout
at the time placement, prior to routing. With dense designs it is far
too difficult to try to wedge test points into a routed bus after the fact.
Test points can be used by the test engineers to verify the continuity
and performance for every connection on the PCBA. This capability
is a very powerful tool when looking for manufacturing defects on
an assembly. With test points added, a test engineer can check for
backward installation of polarized components like caps or diodes.
Damaged components can often be found and misplaced components
with incorrect values can be audited for.
Test point quantity requirements can vary based upon the test
methodology. Requirements for a PCBA which employs JTAG (which
we will talk more about later) test will only need a few access points.
However, if full testing is required on a PCBA without JTAG, it is very
common for test engineers to require at least one test point per net,
except for power and GND which should include many test points
sprinkled about the PCB for adequate access.

As mentioned, test point strategy is usually determined at the time
of parts placement. If test points are going to be added to every net, a
test point routine will be run which automatically adds the test points.
Once the routine is run, the test points will usually be added off-board
in the layout. The test points can then be moved into place by the
designer manually. Before placing test points, a designer should pick
a single side of the PCB to be designated as the DFT side. It often
makes a lot of sense to choose the secondary side of the PCB to be
the testable side. The secondary side is usually the side with the least
amount of parts and therefore the most accessibility. Spacing the test
points sufficiently is paramount to good DFT. Test point spacing of
.100 [2.54] is considered good by the test engineering stakeholders
because such spacing allows for least expensive test probes and ideal
ease of access. However, real world design density will not always
allow for such robust spacing. In this case, reducing spacing by .025
[0.64] -- .100, .075, .050 -- grid spacing is considered acceptable
though the smaller spacing will yield a higher cost fixture.
There are many factors weighing into the decision of whether to
include DFT for ICT into a design layout.
Adding test point coverage to critical signals can endanger performance
due to “stubs” which are often created when adding the extra trace
length required when connecting to an optimally placed test point.
Depending on how DFT is incorporated, cost can have a direct effect
upon the manufacturer’s profitability which can affect the customer’s
profitability, and that will without a doubt affect the consumer’s wallet.


It is no secret DFT for ICT can get expensive as there are many parts
of the process which add cost:
• PCB Design Engineer time—schematic and layout
• Test Engineering time
• Software Engineering time
• Building of the test fixture
All these resources and equipment can add up. So an engineering
team must be in touch with several attributes of the PCB before
deciding to add DFT for ICT. If the team can mark all the following
“DFT required” checkboxes when making their analysis, the expense
up-front might be considered an investment. Let’s list some of the
basic reasons which can justify DFT for ICT:
• Provides probe access to nets on the PCBA which would not be
accessible otherwise for testing and analyzing signal performance.
• In production volumes, tracking and measurement of the PCB
processes is the key to profitability.
• ICT can detect shorts, opens, lifted leads, and missing parts.
• ICT can detect dead parts, wrong parts, and bad parts.
• ICT can check for inverted polarity and even missing, socketed parts.

Considering materials and time, PCBs which have ridden the conveyor
far into the assembly process are worth quite a bit of money if they
have been assembled without defect. Checking for defects like those
listed above with automated, in-circuit testing at the completion
of the assembly process confirm the quality of the assembly and
therefore confirm its value. However, the value of a PCBA with even
one defect, such as a misplaced resistor, drops to zero.
AMEs do not want to scrap an entire board due to a single defect,
so usually they will set the defective assembly aside and rework
it manually later. Catching and tracking defects during individual
assembly processes helps AMEs to see if there are any defects which
are occurring consistently to any one part. For instance, if the same
part is failing consistently on a run of PCBs, manufacturing engineers
will perform a root cause analysis on the condition. For example, they
may find an imbalance of copper mass connected to the component’s
land causing inconsistent cooling between them. This is just one
type of defect that can be detected.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of other defects which can
be caught by incorporating test capability into the design layout.
Incorporating DFT for ICT into a PCB layout can take time and add
cost up front. Many ask the question “Why do I have to pay for a
test fixture whose only purpose is to check the quality of the EMS
supplier? Isn’t quality their responsibility to check?” Yes, quality
always falls in the lap of the EMS provider, whether building a limited
run of 100 PCB assemblies or 100,000. However, the answer to the
question is a matter of cost. Measuring quality on a run of 100 PCB
assemblies will most likely be accomplished manually. If it takes a
matter of 30 minutes to test the PCB manually, the cost for testing the
run would be calculated at 50 hours at a rate of say, $100 per hour


Generally, adding
a single test point
per net on the PCBA
design if possible,
makes the test
engineering stakeholders happy.

for a total cost of $5000—far less expensive than investing in a test
fixture and implementing DFT for ICT. However, to apply a manual
test strategy to 100,000 would take 50,000 technician hours costing
five-million dollars. To apply manual testing to such a large run of
assemblies would lead to a doomed schedule and financial ruin. This
exaggerated example is the reason one might opt to pay for automation.
DFT for ICT reduces testing time to seconds and therefore saves
overall cost even after investing in test equipment.
It’s important to remember a test strategy must be clearly developed
to identify goals, cost, quality, and scheduling. Be clear regarding
which nets will need to be accessed, whether this is through a note or
adding test points to the schematic.
The general requirements for adding test points to a PCB layout are
simple: test points are ideally added to the non-component side of a
PCB. However, if the side selected for test points includes components,
avoid placement near parts taller than .200 [5.08mm]. Common test
point shape and size is circular, with an ideal diameter of .040 [1.00].
This diameter ensures the spring-loaded test point probes will be placed
accurately enough to raise the probability of contact to the test pads
to 100% per 1000 hits. If there is limited space on the layout, test
point size may be reduced slightly to .035 [0.89]; however, reducing
the diameter beyond that will increase the probability of a probe
miss significantly. Generally, adding a single test point per net on the
PCBA design, if possible, makes the test engineering stakeholders
happy. Also, it helps greatly if many extra test points can be added to
ground and power across the PCB for ease of access.

When implementing DFT for ICT, it is important for the PCB design
engineer to understand once the PCB is manufactured and a test fixture
is built, any future changes to the PCB should not disturb previously
placed test points—it is recommended they be locked down in the
design. While it is easy to move a test point on a layout, it is very
difficult and expensive to re-tool a test fixture to match the change.
The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) has published
TP-101E Testability Guidelines. This comprehensive guide is a great
go-to which should be read by all project stakeholders to better
understand our test engineering counterparts. This guide should
interest PCB designers because the publication lists several general
guidelines for creating test equipment for the board you’ve designed.
In addition, the guide describes 32 probing-fixture guidelines which
the test engineer must adhere to.

Click to Enlarge


What if there is just no room on the PCB layout to add so many
test points. Is there another option? In an ideal world, an excellent
scenario for a test engineer is to be able to set up a test routine for a
PCBA designd to include at least one test point per net. However, this
is not always feasible.

JTAG was formed by a group of companies in the 1980s to define
some extra silicon which would be added to the workhorse chips on
your board. This extra silicon would then allow devices to be put into
a ‘test mode’ giving you control of the pins on the device. It is very
similar to another common test protocol, ‘Boundary Scan,’ both of
which are governed by IEEE 1149.1-6. Note: All main devices on your
PCBA—processors, FPGAs, CPLDs, and BGAs—should include JTAG.

Pro-Tip from David Ruff

It helps the test engineer greatly if power and ground nets
have many test points connected which are accessible
across the PCBA, but most PCBA designs I see never
come close to that requirement.
With high density requirements on PCB’s continuing to rise, having
enough real estate to add test points for 100% testability on a PCBA is
a rarity. Implementing partial test point coverage can make some test
engineers cringe and ask, “if you’re not fully testing, why test at all?”
Missing test points on a PCBA with no physical space remaining is a
weak compromise. However, there is another option in this circumstance
brought to us by the good folks at JTAG—which stands for Joint
Action Test Group.


The design
database can
be set up to
audit each net
for testability.

The JTAG test spec defines which signals need to be accessed. A PCB
design engineer needs to be aware there is a minimum of four-wires.
The signals used are:
• TCK (Test Clock) – this signal synchronizes the internal state
machine operations.
• TMS (Test Mode Select) – this signal is sampled at the rising edge
of TCK to determine the next state.
• TDI (Test Data In) – this signal represents the data shifted into the
device’s test or programming logic. It is sampled at the rising edge
of TCK when the internal state machine is in the correct state.
• TDO (Test Data Out) – this signal represents the data shifted out
of the device’s test or programming logic and is valid on the falling
edge of TCK when the internal state machine is in the correct state.
There is an optional signal which can be added: TRST (Test Reset),
which when available, can reset the TAP controller’s state machine.
Pro-Tip from David Ruff

The 1149 specification defines these signals and how they
operate, but it does not define a connector size or shape.
So, a design can use most any connector available or even
a few test points placed onto the PCB to make connections
to these signals and employ JTAG.

When is the best time for considering DFT? As Ian learned in our
story, test engineers are important stakeholders in any PCB design
project which will be going to volume. They should be contacted
early on and invited to the project stakeholder meeting. As circuit
performance requirements are being defined, questions about how
performance will be tested and verified do not naturally come to mind
for other project stakeholders. Test engineering must be provided
schematics and brought to the table at the beginning of a project to
address whether testing is required, what equipment will be used,
and provide estimates for initial cost.
Once the decision is made that testing will be required on the PCB, DFT
can be implemented during the layout phase of the PCB. The design
database can be set up to audit each net for testability. The software
should be able to export a DFT report showing all net names with
respective test point XY locations which can be of great use to the test
engineer when creating a fixture. This design for test practice ensures
the best chance for all testing requirements to be successfully included
into the design.


Checklist for Incorporating
Design for Test Into Circuit Testing:
FFCoordinate the test group at the start of a project to determine
the production volume of the project and the test methodology
(JTAG, in circuit, or functional).
FFBecome familiar with IEEE 829 and IEEE 1149 test methodologies.
FFMake every effort to design test access to a single side of the PCBA.
FFMake test point lands .035[.89mm] round minimum.
FFStrive to space test point lands greater than .100[2.54mm] apart. TP
lands can be closer .050[1.27mm] with significant cost increase.

FFAvoid placing test points close to taller components over
FFSet up your design database to audit each net for testability. The
design database should be able to export a DFT report showing
all net names with respective test point XY locations which can
be of great use to the test engineer when creating a fixture.
FFWhen placing SMT parts, add fiducials on the same side to assist
the downstream assembly processes. Check in with the assembly
stakeholders to find out if local fiducials may be required.

FFStrive to add at least one test point per signal net for address,
data, and bus lines. More can help testability access, but avoid
creating “stubs” or extra copper mass added to consistent signal
trace geometry.
FFSprinkle power and ground access points liberally and consistently
across the layout.


Chapter 7
The PCB Design Stackup


ow that your parts are placed and your test strategy defined,
perhaps you are not seeing enough room left over to route traces
and create power paths—don’t panic. This is a very common
condition caused by today’s dense packaging. Your design requirements
have transitioned into a need for multi-layer PCB design technology,
and with that it is time for some vertical thinking; time to consider
some important Z axis strategy for routing and power planes.

The term “topology” in the context of a PCB layer refers to geometric
properties—copper shapes, clear areas—left over for routing or
flooding with more copper. After placement of the components, which
may have taken up one or both outer sides of the layout, a designer
can see more clearly how much space remains for routing. With some
experience and a keen eye to see enough remaining room between
part footprints, a designer will be able to begin thinking about whether
the connections will be able to be reasonably routed on the two
outer layers. Quite often, advanced designers will set up and utilize
the software’s auto-routing capability to run a feasibility check for
routing density. If it appears there is enough space to complete the
routing, the PCB will most likely become a two-layer board (IPC
class 2) design.
However, if the component footprints occupy most of the area defined by
the outline, the layout is most likely too dense to complete the routing
on the outer layers. At this point, a multi-layer design configuration
must be considered to provide additional layers of copper to complete
the routing.

Click to Enlarge


Modern digital
circuitry speed
is measured in
GHz and most,
if not all, design
requirements have
had to change to
address it.

From Two to More
The term “stack-up” refers to the composition and layering order of the
materials used in lamination of the PCB. The PCB stack-up is usually
documented on the fabrication drawing as a diagram which serves to
provide the manufacturer with a quick view of the construction of the
PCB. It can then be easily compared to the print, etch, and electrical
performance requirements of the PCB.

Click to Enlarge

Selecting a sound PCB stack-up strategy is important because where
the etched and plated layers are positioned and laminated from topto-bottom will not only affect the PCB’s electrical performance, but
its mechanical performance as well.

Back in the “old days,” electronics ran at much slower speeds than they
do today. Back then, connection lines could run circuitously all around
the outer surfaces of the PCB without effecting signal integrity. In fact, a
designer could claim bragging rights if a board could be routed in this
manner without using vias. Modern day circuit speed has increased
exponentially, and the routing methods of yesteryear simply will not
work on modern designs. Modern digital circuitry speed is measured
in GHz, and most, if not all, design requirements have had to change
to address it.
Clock speed, edge rates, rise and fall times, and prevention of
unwanted electromagnetic interference (EMI) are all considerations
that a PCB design engineer will have to address at some point. These
issues are best identified early in the schematic stage as we have
mentioned in the previous chapter. Once these constraints are identified,
a designer may use a basic field solver or off-the-shelf impedance
calculator to determine trace widths and spacing to be used to meet
the design for impedance requirements. At the start of the layout, the
designer should do a feasibility check with the supplier to select trace
widths for impedance-controlled lines; be sure to validate the values
in the stack-up. Designers should use care when adding information
to the stack-up detail regarding three of the four variables mentioned
above. Finished copper thickness is a very important consideration
regarding the various conductors’ current-carrying capacity. However,
the values of trace width, distance from reference plane, dielectric
constant of the material (Er), and material sources should be allowed
to be adjusted by the supplier. Using the stack-up detail to ‘document’
the recipe for a successfully performing PCB prototype sets up a
design for procurement challenges. This is because materials used
by local prototype shops are often not readily available off-shore.

When considering a stack-up configuration, a designer should be
aware of the cost associated with the manipulation of the stack-up
parameters to make the best decisions regarding routing density and
power distribution. It is important to note here that a project manager,
along with the team of stakeholders, have already set many of the
design and manufacturing goals for the PCB, which are translated
into the term, “constraints,” by the time the project has moved to the
layout phase. As the PCB moves to layout, two classic, diametrically
opposed constraints need to be sorted out by the designer: design
constraints vs. cost constraints. Design constraints define the
performance of the electrical attributes of the PCB and usually are
associated with increasing quality of materials and layer count.
However, cost constraints define the profitability of the PCB. From
the project stakeholder’s overall viewpoint, it can be well-stated that
without intelligent adjustment and compromise to effectively meet
both constraints, there is no product.
Knowing certain “cost adders” related to PCB stack-up will help the
designer to make critical decisions while considering appropriate
cost vs. performance compromises for the layout.

PCB Stack-up Cost-Adders
Cost of Copper Thickness
The story about how copper foil thickness came to be referred to
in ounces is an interesting one. In short, the reference to copper
thickness was derived by how much one square foot weighed when
being sold to the tinkers and workers in the roofing industry. For a
PCB design engineer, the weight of copper is of far less concern than
the actual thickness. However, with many in the electronics industry
still referencing copper thickness in terms of weight, it is good to
know how to convert. Memorizing the thickness of one-ounce copper
can help a lot.

A sweet spot for copper pricing and availability is half-ounce (1oz
divided by 2 = 0.0007 = 17.78 µm). Thinner-base copper allows for
finer-pitch traces and more routes per layer. Thicker allows for higher
current-carrying capacity at reduced trace widths. In general, it is easy
to understand copper is sold by weight and therefore half-ounce
copper should cost approximately half as much as one-ounce copper.
This is mostly true, however, the issue to be aware of here is availability.
The two most commonly stocked copper thicknesses in production
shops are half-ounce and one-ounce. Designers must be aware
deriving a cost factor for four-ounce copper by simply multiplying by
4X is missing an availability factor—production suppliers may have
to special order copper outside of the standard thickness ranges.
This could add lead time to a project costing much more than the
copper itself in missed time-to-market and cost of lost sales.

Therefore a $2,
two-layer PCB will
cost an estimated
$4 if the design
stack-up changes
to four layers.

Cost of Adding Layers

Cost of Shrinking Traces

Beginning with a single-layer design as a basis, most are surprised to
find a single-layer and two-layer PCB cost approximately the same
for materials and processing. This is because the cost-adder of
lamination does not need to be included.

To keep stack-up layer count low, shrinking etched copper geometry is
an option. However, shrinking lines beyond the supplier’s sweet spot
can lead to cost-adders. To keep cost-adders low, it is important
for designers to leave as much space as possible between densely
routed traces for the supplier’s print and etch processing. When the
trace widths and spacing fall below the supplier’s sweet spot, say
.005 width with .006 spacing, the supplier may have to impose a
10% or more cost-adder to allow for extra material required to cover
any scrapped PCBs. Again, if increased accuracy of cost estimates
are required, contact the supplier.

If it is determined the outer PCB surfaces will run out of space for
routing, a decision to switch to a multi-layer design stack-up must
be made. As a rule, layer pairs (two additional sheets of copper foil)
are added. Perhaps one layer to serve as a ground plane and another
layer to serve as a power plane. The average cost of adding a layer
pair to create a four-layer PCB from a two-layer PCB is commonly
estimated at double the price or a 100% cost adder. Therefore a $2,
two-layer PCB will cost an estimated $4 if the design stack-up changes
to four layers. The estimated cost of adding another layer pair to the
design, increasing the layer count to six-layer, will increase the cost
by another 50%.

Cost-Adders for Glass/Epoxy Material Types
One of the most common laminate material types used in the PCB
industry is woven glass/epoxy, often referred to as “FR4.” This material
is supplied in many variable compositions and is available in many
thicknesses with the most common supplied at .062 [1.57mm] thick.
IPC-4101 Specification for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer
Printed Boards is a good starting place for becoming familiar with FR4
laminates. There are many variables which can add cost, but the most
common adder is for material with higher processing temperature
ratings above 130° C.

This rule of thumb can work as an estimation tool for adding additional
layer pairs to a point, but when increased accuracy in targeting cost
estimates for higher count multi-layer designs is required, it is best
to obtain a quote from the PCB supplier who will be doing the work.

A temp rating of 130°C attributed to the least expensive material may
work well for a single-sided PCB design which will experience limited
heat cycles or “thermal excursions” during processing. However, a
multi-layer PCB with surface mount and thru-hole components on
both sides will be subjected to multiple thermal excursions during
processing. To keep the material from exceeding the material’s glass
transition temperature (Tg), causing possible thru-hole barrel cracking
and delamination, special additives are used to increase the material’s
resistance to the effects of heat. Cost and availability for PCB laminates
fluctuate greatly throughout the year. As always, if increased accuracy
of cost estimates are required, contact the supplier.

PCB Stack-up DFM Considerations
Balancing the Stack-up
PCB warping can occur in a board when a designer is not aware of
and/or does nothing to mitigate the mechanical stresses which can
build up when laminating dissimilar layers of copper with various
thickness combinations of glass-epoxy laminates.
It is important to make sure the materials on each side of the PCB
stack-up centerline are matched. If the stack-up is laminated with
disproportionate materials and material thicknesses, the unbalanced
stack-up will experience warping due to built-in stresses incurred
after heated lamination and cooling.
The balanced stack-up on the right shows symmetry of materials on
each side of the PCB centerline, preventing warpage of the PCB after

Click to Enlarge

Core Construction
There are a few ways PCB suppliers accomplish building up a multi-layer
PCB. One method is by employing core construction. Double-sided
cores are printed and etched and then bonded together with a material
called ‘prepreg’ or ‘B-stage’ material. Prepreg is basically the same
type of glass-epoxy material used for the core, but it is not fully cured.
It remains tacky as the board layers are stacked up in a press and
then fully cures as heat and pressure are applied. Core construction in
its simplest form is rarely utilized except on microwave PCBs where
very expensive, high-tech microwave laminates are combined with
low cost laminates to achieve a compromise solution for performance
and price. This type of four (or more) layer stack-up is called a “core
build.” It is made of core material on the outer layers.


The impedance
must be achievable
in manufacturing,
based upon good
stack-up design.

Click to Enlarge

Foil Construction
The most common method used by fabricators for laminating
multi-layer designs is the foil construction method combined with a
sequential lamination process. In sequential lamination, cores may be
individually printed, etched, and even drilled and plated prior to being
laminated together with other cores. Individually selected sheets of
copper and prepreg (or “B-stage”) laminate materials create a diverse
combination of layer interconnects. These were formed during multiple
press cycles of the multilayer manufacturing process. The foil
construction methodology also has the advantage of “dialing in”
distinctive combinations of glass-epoxy weaves which use unique
resin-to-glass ratios, yielding exceptional dielectric properties to
help control trace impedance as required.

Specifying Impedance
It is not enough to simply specify an impedance on PCB traces. The
impedance must be achievable in manufacturing, based upon good
stack-up design. The PCB fab shop is allowed three ways to adjust
trace impedance accurately on a PCB once the designer has done
his or her part by using a simple impedance calculator to get close.
When designers select trace widths based upon values determined
by an impedance calculator, the manufacturing team can easily adjust
the dielectric strength and thickness of the prepreg materials in
stock. The different prepreg materials can be used to adjust the trace
distance from the reference plane to achieve the specified impedance
value. If necessary, they can even adjust the trace width slightly in the
CAM department to dial the design right in. However, it’s important to


remember the PCB fabricator can only achieve impedance in this way
if it is noted on the PCB fabrication drawing. The note must state that
the three specific characteristics may be varied.
Impedance-controlled designs allow adjustment of three physical
variables in the stack-up:
• Dielectric and value of the material (Er)
• Trace distance from reference plane(s)
• Trace width and spacing

There are sometimes specialized customer engineering requirements
which will not tolerate variations in physical composition or structure.
Hybrid material-controlled stack-up specification is less common
and usually specified when PCBs will be required to fly into space
or be utilized in very specialized circumstances. This methodology
is very expensive and results in long lead times due to the need to
procure specialized materials and processes. If material-controlled
stack-up methodology is not required for performance, it must be
eliminated from the design process as it will mostly yield higher-cost
parts or a no-bid on a request for quote.
Trace width vs Copper Thickness
Sometimes making the decision to add layer pairs to a PCB stackup is based upon a designer running out of routing space. As an
example, if the trace routing width was originally estimated to be
.010 with .010 spacing with copper weight at 2oz (.0028 thick) for
current-carrying capacity reasons, but won’t fit, what can be done to
get the trace routing to fit and how will it affect the stack-up?
One way to handle this would be to examine whether shrinking
the trace widths and spacing would allow all the routing to fit. If it
is determined the routing would fit if the traces and spacing were
reduced to .006 with .008 spacing, why not? Is there anything else to
consider? Not so fast.

Click to Enlarge


This means as
the trace-width
is reduced, the
height of the
trace must shrink
along with it.

By checking in with the PCB fabrication stakeholder (as Ian in our
story forgot to do), the prudent designer will find the print-and-etch
factors for trace widths must stay proportionate to each other to
some extent. This means as the trace-width is reduced, the height (or
thickness) of the trace must shrink proportionally along with it. This
will indeed need to be reflected in the PCB stack-up detail. Due to the
nature of the PCB printing and etching processes, the acids attack
the sides of the traces in contact with the substrate material more
aggressively causing a trapezoidal effect. If the copper thickness is
not reduced, the width of the copper at the base may become too
narrow and fail:

Commonly, PCB core laminates are supplied with copper foil
laminated evenly to both sides. The laminated copper expands and
contracts at a much different rate than the glass-epoxy laminates, but
when the copper exists on both sides of the glass-epoxy equally, the
stresses are evened out, allowing the core to remain flat. However, a
challenge is introduced when a large percentage of the copper is only
etched off one-side of the core.

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Balanced Etching Between Layers
Besides etching considerations for trace routing, imbalanced etching
of larger copper areas of the PCB can contribute to layer stress and
warpage too. PCB layers which are etched leaving heavy and lite
portions of imaging cause an automatic balancing challenge for the
PCB fabricator.

If there are dense copper patterns on one side, try including copper
‘fill flooding,’ by using ground fills on the opposite side to balance out
the copper on each side.
However, in the case of multi-layer PCB stack-ups, it is usually bad
practice to randomly flood every layer with copper flooding for the
cause of balancing the stack. In general, every signal layer deserves
a solid return path laminated adjacently to it in the stack-up for signal
integrity purposes.


PCB flatness is achieved by design. While it would be easy for the
PCB fabrication engineers to mechanically warp the boards in the
opposite direction to meet any flatness specifications for problem
designs, it would also be very unethical. It is a simple fact that upon
experiencing heat in the wave solder or reflow oven, an unbalanced
PCB will again warp to its unconstrained equilibrium, and the problem
will be exposed. Therefore, fabrication engineers appreciate a designer
who is concerned about properly balancing the copper in the design
stack-up during layout. It is the best preventative method to achieve
PCB flatness.

Stack-up Best Practices:
FFAlways provide a closely-spaced, adjacent, solid plane return
path for signal traces to reduce EMI.
FFAlternate signal and plane layers symmetrically about the
centerline of the PCB to create a balanced stack-up.
FFUse an impedance calculator to determine general widths for
impedance control. There are many free impedance calculators
available on-line which can serve this purpose. The designer’s
job is to get close, so the fab shop can then dial it in.
FFAllow the PCB fabricator to adjust trace width, dielectric thickness
(distance to reference plane), and dielectric strength to achieve
specified impedance. Do not specify physical material dielectric
properties of a PCB stack-up unless absolutely required to do so.
FFNever allow the fabricator to adjust the copper thickness to
control impedance. It is ineffective and if adjusted thinner,
may devalue required current-carrying capacity of conductors;
decreasing performance.


Chapter 8
Routing and Planes


ow that we have established the PCB stack-up is more than
just a thickness diagram, we have laid a foundation for routing
and utilization of copper planes within the layout. Layout is
usually thought of as merely a job of “connecting the dots” by those who
do not understand the complexities of PCB design. This perception
is true to a very small extent, but PCB layout is far from simple. After
routing and completion of the layout, when the PCB goes on to be
manufactured and assembled, the dots which a PCB designer has
connected will have turned into copper connections which must carry
electrons. The copper and its surrounding substrates must be properly
configured to be manufactured and assembled together with a myriad
of components which must operate by using those electrons. There
are thousands of things which can go wrong.

In Ian’s design in chapters one and two, the auto-router routed
two-hundred and fifty-six nodes of ground connections using 3 mil
trace widths. This simply never would have worked—Ian’s circuitry
needed solid power planes to provide power and enhance performance.
Ian allowed the software defaults to have their way with his design
which proved very costly for all project stakeholders from a time and
expense standpoint.
Even if Ian’s design had made it all the way through the manufacturing
processes, the electronic circuitry within the board would not have
performed as intended. Without knowledge of key design fundamentals,
relying on automated features (like the auto-router in default settings)
can cause a serious design wreck. Left to its own devices, an
auto-router may pack all the signals together, causing a great degree
of cross-talk, destroying their ability to perform

There are five important topics to consider during completion of
the layout:

Design Rules
To successfully complete a PCB layout, it is very important to set the
design rules to match the estimated producibility class of the design.
PCB design rules can be set in most layout tools which allow generic
settings to be saved. Design Rules Checking (DRC) tools will check
against these rules in real-time, providing you feedback as you go.
Having this real-time feedback is invaluable as a designer. Trying to
keep track of all the rules and how they interrelate manually is not a
task you want to take on.


For instance, if not re-set, a pre-set copper plane clearance value of
.005 [0.127mm] will yield an un-manufacturable etching condition if
a 2oz base copper thickness requirement has been setup in the stack-up.
When the thickness of copper used in a stack-up is increased, the
copper clearances must be increased accordingly. Unfortunately, PCB
software does not check for this condition, but it will adjust for the
condition. The PCB design engineer must control the copper clearance
setting to ensure there will be enough artwork clearance for the
supplier to etch enough copper clearance.
Click to Enlarge

Just about everything pertaining to copper in a PCB design is
controllable in the design rules portion of a PCB layout tool. The pre-set
design rule values or “default settings” are set by a layout tool provider
who knows nothing about the new layout a designer may be working
on. There can be hundreds, if not thousands, of control variants in the
tool’s default settings which can cause catastrophic manufacturing
conflicts if not re-set to match the requirements of a new project.
Once the connectivity of the layout is synchronized with the schematic,
it is essential for a designer to surmise which general design rule
constraints will best control the new design and reset them for the
required result.

Another negative result of failing to reset default values might involve
noisy clock lines. If a clock line is not identified as an aggressor and
is treated with the same 5mil default spacing constraint rules as other
lines, there is a risk of the line being packed too closely to other lines
during routing. To prevent this, a designer can specify special spacing
constraints for aggressive or sensitive lines and add them to a design
“class.” A design constraint class may be assigned many unique design
attributes, including wider spacing constraints. If the class spacing is
set to 20mils, adding a clock line into the class will impose the new
spacing of 20mils onto the line and the design rules checking process
will audit for the condition. In general, there are five basic areas which
will need to be configured to match the design you are working on.
Four of the five category settings directly affect manufacturability:
copper plane clearance, part outline clearance, drill (hole) clearance,
legend (markings) clearance, and trace length clearance.
The last setting category affects performance: trace length and
clearance. It will likely take some time for a new designer to learn how
to control all the design rule settings. However, concentrating on these
five categories first should help.

Saving PCB
design templates
for various types
of designs can
save a lot of
setup time at the
start of a design.

Additionally, it is always a good idea to check in with the appropriate
manufacturing process stakeholder when initially setting these values.
For best DFM, never set values to the stakeholder’s minimum or
maximum capability. Design rules in a PCB layout tool can be a
blessing if understood and set properly. However, they can also be a
curse if not carefully considered and reset from the default settings.
As an alternative to readjusting the preset design values in a new
PCB layout database each time a new design is started, PCB design
engineers often create their own PCB layout templates. A personal
PCB design template can be easily established by making all the
desired settings such as color preferences, DRC settings, via size,
layer stack-up, formats, and title blocks to a generic design database
and filing it as a design template. Saving PCB design templates for
various types of designs can save a lot of setup time at the start of a
design. Design templates may be created for layer count for 2, 4, 6
(& more) layer rigid designs or for special types of designs, such as
flexible circuits or boards with standard card edge connectors.

Defining Vias
Via size requirements need to be considered at the beginning of a layout.
Vias are small holes in the PCB which are plated to make interstitial
connections to multiple circuit layers. In other words, making
connections from one side of the board to the other or to inner layers
requires a via. There are three general types of mechanically-drilled
vias: through-hole, buried, and blind.

Vias require a pad etched in copper on each layer which will be
electrically connected. The pad diameter needs to be small enough
to not eat up valuable routing area; however, the pad diameter must
be large enough to accommodate a hole-forming operation such as
drilling or laser-forming.

Drilled Vias
Mechanically-drilled via holes are kept small for space concerns and
have a special relationship with PCB thickness due to the process by
which the holes are plated. For the walls of the via to form a plated
through-hole (PTH), a very fine solution of copper (referred to as
CuPosit) must thoroughly coat the surface of the holes. CuPosit
forms a micro-layer of copper on the bare wall of the drilled hole.
The process requires the CuPosit to wash freely through the holes
to coat the entire surface. However, this process is impeded when
the hole diameter is too small in relationship to the thickness of the
PCB material it goes through. In the PCB manufacturing world, this
relationship is known as the aspect ratio of the PCB.


If the smallest hole drilled through a .063 [1.60mm] thick PCB has a
diameter of .008 [0.20mm], the PCB is determined to have an aspect
ratio of 8:1. (.063/.008 = 8). Therefore, if the smallest hole drilled
through a .063 [1.60mm] thick PCB has a diameter of .006 [0.15mm],
the PCB is determined to have an aspect ratio of 10:1. (.063/.006= 10).

How a common “10/20” Via is derived

Laser-formed Vias
The concept of aspect ratio plays a part in the formation of laser-form
holes in PCBs as well. Due to the conical shape of a hole formed
by the laser while burning through material, designers must pay
very close attention to the width / depth relationship capabilities of
the process. A 1:2 ratio between the width and depth is considered

Hole diameter tolerancing for vias is usually expressed in a bi-lateral
form. Example +/- .003 [0.08mm]. This is an important concept when
configuring a via because of the relationship of the hole to the pads.
This relationship will form a supporting copper ring called the annular
ring. Once a via hole size is selected, a padstack can be designed to
make certain there will be an annular ring supporting the hole and
the worst-case tolerance condition of the drilled hole. If we were to
start with a hole specification of .010 +/- .003 and want to determine
an optimal pad diameter, we would need to start with the maximum
allowable size of the hole. In this case, since the tolerance is +/- .003
we would add .003 to the nominal hole diameter of .010 to reach .013.
PCB manufacturers need to oversize the hole to allow for plating by
approximately .002 so this value needs to be added. It is also good
practice to allow a couple more thousandths-of-an-inch to allow for
locational tolerances.


After adding these factors together, we have derived the maximum
hole consideration and can add a minimum copper ring around it to
derive the pad diameter. Here’s how it looks:
.010 nominal hole value
.003 added tolerance
.002 drilling oversize to allow for plating
.002 diameter positional tolerance to allow for hole alignment to pad
= .017 diameter max hole value
+ .003 minim annular ring allowance
= .020 minimum pad diameter.
This is a simplified explanation of a common minimum via/pad
derivation. However, why design to minimum unless you must?
Any PCB manufacturing stakeholder will appreciate another few
thousandths increase in pad diameter to increase DFM, if you can
afford the space to allow it.

Selecting the right type of via
Designers will typically create several via types within a layout tool’s
library for access during most any layout condition. A wide array of
via selections make routing simple because the via “padstacks” are
ready to be used dynamically without having to stop, create, check,
and adjust. However, the new designer must realize the various vias
are not to be inserted randomly—there must be good design reasons
for decreasing size or increasing complexity of a via.
Selecting the proper via type will not only help complete trace routing,
but can also help in alternate applications for uses like EMI shielding
and thermal management. However, choosing any via type other than
a common thru-hole via with a modest hole diameter/board thickness
aspect ratio will most certainly incur a cost adder as well.
As with most things in the PCB manufacturing industry, as via size
shrinks or the complexity goes up, the “yield” of the PCB run may go
down as some part features, such as vias, fail to pass inspection. Scrap
is the term used for parts which must be thrown out or recycled due to
this condition. Knowing yield will go down due a design’s complexity;
the supplier will have no choice but to start a build with more material
to make up the difference to be able to ship the required number of
parts. This extra material and processing will be added into the price
of the PCB run.
Blind vias will incur a cost adder because of a unique process involved
which utilizes a controlled-depth drilling operation to connect an outer
layer contact to an inner layer contact. After the controlled-depth hole is
made, an additional plating operation is required to make the connection
by plating the newly created hole walls between the top an inner layer
pad surfaces.


Power planes
are the most
effective way to
distribute power
to almost every
part of the PCB.

Buried vias will most certainly incur even a higher cost. Buried
vias require a drilling and plating operation between copper layers
separated by core material which will end up as an inner layer pair of
a PCB. Once the layers are printed, plated and etched, the layer pair
may be laminated together with more pairs and sandwiched between
outer layers of more laminate materials.

to the planes as required. However, for high-current requirements,
designers sometimes add support vias around a component pin to
increase the current path to the pin.

This method of sequential lamination “buries” the thru-hole vias of
the inner layer pairs with prepreg material.
A great benefit of using this type of via strategy is it allows the areas
above and below the buried via to be utilized for additional routing
on very dense designs. Buried via technology comes with a high
cost adder though, as multiple boards are required to be processed
separately and then laminated together into a single PCB.
Vias are often a necessity in the design. Knowing the different types,
benefits, and potential costs will help you make sure you select the
best via for your needs avoiding cost and manufacturability issues

Utilizing Planes and Pours
Power planes are the most effective way to distribute power to almost
every part of the PCB. Power planes are simply formed by adding layers
of copper foil to the stack-up and connecting them to power or ground.
Smaller surface mount technology (SMT) parts located any place on
the board surfaces can connect to a plane by use of a via. Larger SMT
parts requiring more power can use multiple vias connected to the power
planes. By their physical nature, thru-hole parts will easily connect

Click to Enlarge

The thickness selected for copper planes is variable, but most designs
make use of readily available thicknesses such as .5oz or 1oz. For
higher power requirements, heavy copper foil is available in 3oz and
greater thickness. Designers must keep in mind however, there are
tradeoffs in choosing copper thickness regarding current capabilities
vs etch-ability. Thinner copper foils are suitable for printing higherdetailed patterns and can tolerate less clearance between features,
but at a cost of requiring wider areas of uninterrupted copper across
the board area. When using copper over 1oz, keep in very close
contact with the print and etch capabilities of the supplier to make
sure adequate copper clearances are maintained.


Split Planes

EMI Reduction Return Path

Very often, circuit layouts cannot be accomplished without splitting
power into several potentials which will benefit from forming wide
swaths of copper to reach designated areas. However, dividing a
plane layer into several portions forms islands separated from the
main plane by splits. Due to these splits creating the potential adverse
EMI conditions discussed later in this chapter, routing on layers
directly above or below these split areas should be avoided.

To keep unwanted electromagnetic interference (EMI) to a minimum,
providing a solid ground plane beneath traces has been proven to
be the best solution. When crossing the routing surface of a PCB, a
current running through a trace will always seek to close its circuit by
returning to ground. Providing a ground plane beneath the conductors
will provide the shortest path. It is important to remember DC current
running through a trace will always take a path of least resistance
while AC currents will take the path of least inductance.
Creating wide conductor paths are helpful in keeping EMI to a minimum.
Any current that returns through the ground plane, flows close to the
forward current path. This minimizes loop inductance, thus minimizing
generated interference and received susceptibility to interference.

Click to Enlarge

Besides power distribution, Copper planes can be utilized for many
other purposes such as:
• EMI reduction return path

Analog and digital circuitry must be kept separate whenever possible.
Fast-rising edge rates create current spikes flowing in the ground
plane. These fast-current spikes create noise which can corrupt
analog signal performance. Analog and digital grounds are normally
tied at a common point, sometimes referred to as a “bond” or “ground
bond” point to minimize digital and analog ground currents and
noise. Without going into a lot of physics, this is what happens when
you use ground planes—EMI problems are instantly reduced by a
large factor.

• Added capacitance
• EMI shielding and ESD guard band support
• Thermal management – heat sinking


EMI shielding and ESD guard band

Added Capacitance
Power and ground planes are often utilized for high-frequency
bypassing along with conventional capacitors. Placing power and
ground planes closely together in the stack-up, separated by only
a thin layer of dielectric material turns the planes into an excellent
high-frequency capacitor. The added inter-plane capacitance provided
by closely placed power and ground plane layers can help to reduce
effects of EMI.

A layer of copper attached to ground can serve a dual purpose of
providing ground where it is needed, while simultaneously being
used as a shielding layer between sensitive and aggressor traces,
if the traces are routed on separate layers with the ground plane
between them. Often, multiple ground-plane layers can be stitched
together to form a type of faraday cage which can be utilized to keep
EMI energy in or out. A variation of this technique can also be employed
to direct the flow of any electro-static energy that would meet the
PCB. An ESD ring formed around the PCB can be an inexpensive
additional safeguard to prevent ESD from reaching critical circuits.


Click to Enlarge

Planes as a Heat Sink
A side benefit of solid power planes is they are very good thermal
conductors. If a high-power component is mounted so its body is in
contact with an outer-layer copper plane, the plane will naturally draw
heat away from the component through the process of conduction.
As the heat moves through the copper plane, it spreads out and
dissipates into the air through the process of convection. If more
dissipation is required for a hotter component, multiple planes may
be “stitched” together from layer-to-layer using vias. These “thermal
vias” assist in drawing heat away from one side of the PCB and
distribute it more effectively to inner and opposite sides of the PCB
for dissipation.

A long time ago, creation and use of power planes would be covered in
a section like this with a simple picture of a geometric blob of etched
copper and it would make reference to its similarities to “flat wire” for
distributing power to multiple points on a PCB. We’ve seen here many
ways in which copper foil helps distribute power, how etched and
embedded copper foil can be utilized for EMI reduction as a return path,
and how multiple layers of ground and power can be laminated closely
to increase capacitance and even be utilized in thermal management
applications as a thermally conductive or convective heat path. A
cool thing about a PCB design layer is it starts out as a solid plane.
Carving away just a little to form a multi-purpose thermo-electro
plane shape seems only limited by one’s imagination.


Impedance Control and Signal Integrity
Industries requiring quick digital applications such as telecommunications, video, computing, and others rely on impedance control in
design to help minimize signal degradation and improve signal integrity.
A PCB design engineer needs to recognize controlled impedance
requirements on a schematic and be able to manipulate several parts
of the design layout to achieve the requirements.

Controlled Impedance
Impedance control on a PCB is required when performance dictates
signal degradation in a circuit cannot vary beyond a specified amount
expressed in ohms. Impedance control requirements for PCB layout
can be addressed physically in the layout by identifying which nets
in the design are to be controlled by their specific impedance value.
Effectively design for controlled impedance within any specific layer
through the use of a simple impedance calculator. By experimenting
with values, you can adjust the PCB traces and stack-up. Remember,
it is a designer’s job to get close, but it is the fabricator’s job to dial
it in. Always seek approval from the PCB fabricator after estimating
impedance stack-up solutions. Make sure to leave enough room for
the supplier to adjust the trace width, dielectric thickness (distance
from trace to plane), and dielectric constant value. It is wise to not
allow the supplier to make any adjustments to copper thickness as it
can affect current-carrying capacity of power traces residing on the
same layer.


It is up to
the designer
to calculate the
design options for
the line width
and spacing
based upon

Signal Integrity
Certain circuits require routing parameters which must be held for
the device signals to run properly. Signal routing parameters are
documented in the component manufacturer’s data sheet. There are
several parameters to be aware of when performing placement of
the chip, its related components, and when completing the routing.
These include:
• Lengths and routing order of critical signals which must be
matched to related signals
• Hub routing constraints where a signal routes to a given point and
then splits off to several length-matched destinations
• Distance to adjacent signals could allow for unwanted signal
coupling or “cross-talk”
• Impedance control, either single-ended or differential
• Unbroken reference plane running beneath signal routing layers
Pro-Tip from Mike Brown

“The PCB designer has to consider inputs from the
electrical and mechanical sides and turn it into design that
will satisfy fabrication and assembly. The EE will have a
set of goals and the ME will have a different set of goals.
It needs to be understood that in PCB layout, there are
certain checkpoints which must be passed along the way.
The designer’s responsibility is to sort through all of the
information from these competing disciplines and make
sure that all of the checkpoints from each side are met.”

Sometimes PCB electrical performance considerations conflict with
manufacturing considerations. A designer must be able to quickly
assess the appropriate compromise between the two. For instance,
a design may call for a differential signal impedance, requiring a
certain spacing between two signal tracks routed at a specific width.
It is up to the designer to calculate the design options for the line
width and spacing based upon manufacturability. This is essential
to achieve a solution to match the overall manufacturing class of the
PCB. Sometimes the routing width for some critical nets may have to
be routed using a special calculated width. It is best to try to calculate
a width close to most of the routing widths on the specific layer.
However, if it turns out it can be routed at the same width, adjusting
the width value by a small amount—say 7.1 mils from 7 mils—will
help the supplier’s CAM department find the net to be controlled
easily without having an impact on impedance.
Often companies will have an SI expert or consultant who specializes
in these types of high-speed signals to ensure proper operation. While
every designer may not be an SI guru, having a solid understanding
of the critical signals and the general requirements needed to ensure
acceptable signal integrity will help keep any issues found by your SI
expert or in test to a minimum.


PCB routing is a highly subjective topic due to the myriad of various
constraints which may be present within the PCB design. A designer
must not only get a PCB layout routed, but the PCB design must
perform. Subjectivity aside, there are a few considerations which must
be implemented in the interest of both electrical performance and
DFM. These include:
• Fanout
• Routing Power
• Routing Critical Lines

It is common practice to perform a fanout of via connections from each
connected part land. A fanout pattern helps to take groups of traces
which are designated for inner-layer routing to an organized pattern of
vias for optimized routing. This operation can be performed manually
or automatically. Remember, this is based upon design tool settings
and should not be performed without consideration of the impact
the via fanout can have on routing. Like many operations in design
layout, the best methods are often performed in an iterative fashion.
In the case of via fanout, it is perhaps best to perform a fanout of the
power and ground pins first, optimizing and then locking them into
place, before moving on to fanout of critical signals and followed by
everything else.

Routing Power
The most common method of connecting a component pin to a power
plane is with a trace. For anyone out of school who has been exposed
to electronics theory via ohm’s law, the simple solution to avoiding
the effects of voltage drop, inductance, and restrictions in current
flow while routing power pins is to make the trace as short and as
wide as possible. While this could be considered a good rule of
thumb and keep a designer out of trouble electrically, a designer must
not forget how this rule of thumb may affect DFM.


Routing Critical Lines
Routing the most critical lines is the next step in the process. Often
referred to as “the criticals,” these nets require special attention due
to constraints which may be associated with their capacity to perform
based upon design rule factors.

When attaching robust amounts of copper to a component pin to
improve electrical conductivity of the current path, a designer must
remember copper is also a good conductor of heat and is often used
for heat sinking. Therefore, it is possible to add so much copper to a
component pin that the heat applied during a soldering operation will
be conducted away from the component pin, preventing the pin from
soldering properly. This condition is referred to as a cold solder joint
and can be prevented by spreading the connectivity of the copper
over multiple layers to provide thermal relief. For instance, if it is
determined that connecting a small pin to a .050 wide conductor is
required for electronic performance, the conductor may be split into
several, separate widths and dispersed throughout the layers of the
PCB to provide better thermal relief for soldering.

Line functionality, such as clock or power-switching lines, can be
considered aggressor lines. They can create noise—very much like the
type of noise an AM car radio puts out when driving under power lines—
which can be detrimental to nearby data traces. Special clearances
must be considered based upon many physical characteristics of the
layout. Basic clearance calculation requires using front-end analysis
tools to mitigate any problems. The clearance values, along with
many other constraint values, may be added to the schematic. These
constraints may then be passed along into the layout for consideration
and final checking.

Using industry guidelines such as IPC-2221 is a great resource
to help you make sure you are meeting current carrying capacity
requirements during power line routing.


A trace is a
transmission line
and will always
seek the shortest
return path.

Routing a simple net adds a copper trace between two points on a PCB
layout. However, routing a complex net often requires routing lines
between many “nodes” in the circuit. Like carving a road between
several mountain ranges, avoiding lakes and any private land. Careful
thought must be put into the best routing path for a critical signal
trace. Deciding to change layers using a via or taking a longer path
to complete the routed net on a single layer are decisions which can
potentially affect the performance of the signal.

While considering critical route paths, double-check the adjacent
layers for any lines running in parallel. Some layout tools provide
automated checks for this condition. If available, learn to utilize this
capability to its fullest.

Signal routing should start after all the plane layers and critical
routes are defined. When trying to decipher which layers are the best
to route on for electrical performance, it is important to understand
‘best’ is a relative term. It is determined by the ability to design a
connection which will achieve a specified performance requirement
on a trace without adversely affecting functionality or cost.
In general, biasing entire routing layers in a horizontal or vertical
direction is considered the best use of available real estate. Adjacent
layers can be alternated so distance can be increased between layers
with traces running in the same direction, preventing coupling with
critical lines.

It is important to avoid crossing splits in adjacent (underlying) plane
layers. A trace is a transmission line and will always seek the shortest
return path. A plane running a few mils underneath signal traces
provides an excellent return path for a signal. However, if the plane
has a gap which the trace runs across, EMI—commonly referred to
as noise—is generated and can become problematic for surrounding
circuitry. Some CAD design tools will check this for this condition,
so investigate and learn the proper DRC settings to leverage this
capability to its fullest.


Always review the route path for each net to make sure it has been
run as efficiently as possible. A net analyzer is included as a feature
in most layout tools and can help. Circuitous routing paths or routing
paths which double-back on themselves are a scourge to efficient
use of routing area and can have negative effects on performance.
A net analyzer can list and sort nets within the design by length and
highlight each route path individually starting with the longest first.
A net analyzer is an effective tool for catching wayward critical route
paths, so they can be shortened.
Routing common traces between components using modern PCB tools
goes quickly and can be quite fun. It can be tempting to get going on
the “easy” routing before firmly establishing the routing and locking
critical routes first. There is a saying in the PCB design industry:
“90% of the routing on a PCB takes only 10% of the time, while 10%
of the remaining routing can take 90% of the time.” This perspective
describes a designer’s experience toward the completion of a layout
when the fun of routing turns over to an ever-increasing challenge.
Suddenly there is a realization all the fun routes have eaten up all
the routing space. The routing challenge will most certainly turn into
defeat and a complete do-over if the remaining 10% of the routing
(mentioned in the saying) includes any critical signals. Keep routing
fun and challenging—consider critical net noise, clearance, and
establishing shortest routing paths first. At the same time, consider
avoiding adjacent layer parallelism and eliminating circuitous routing
paths. Avoid complete routing do-overs by routing critical lines first.

It might be easy for those who do not understand PCB layout to sum
up the process as simply “fitting the parts on the board and hooking
them together.” The intent of this chapter has been to give a new
designer some basic routing points to consider before, or instead of,
simply activating an auto-routing routine.
Successful routing and plane utilization has a direct effect on circuit
performance. Implementing set-up, routing and establishing copper
planes in a PCB layout can really make the difference between a
dot-to-dot hook-up technician and a designer. Metaphorically, this
comparison may be likened to the steps a skilled photographer would
implement to create a classic photograph. Without understanding
how to properly setup and manipulate the subject matter, lighting,
and exposure controls, a camera operated by the click of novice may
only yield a cheesy snapshot.

Tips for Routing and Utilizing Planes:
FFBecome very familiar with the design rules setup for your layout
software. Understand how routing can be controlled or constrained
to route based upon rules defined and imported from the schematic
or set them manually before routing begins.
FFSet spacing constraints for individual lines and traces, not only
for fabrication processing, but for electrical performance.
FFCreate design templates to save time.

FFNets can be grouped into classes for organizational purposes.
Assign trace width values to all nets.

FFSelect routing line sizes which can be easily manufactured by
the supplier.

FFSelect a via size based upon estimated design density to allow the
largest, practical via pad diameter. Always speak with the PCB
supplier to verify the via-to-pad diameter ratio allows enough
annular ring to over-drill prior to plating.

FFRoute all critical signals to establish the shortest path with the
fewest possible vias while maintaining adjacent proximity to a
solid plane return path.

FFVia size and technology requirements need to be considered
at the beginning of a layout. Make sure the aspect ratio of
via-diameter-to-PCB-thickness is manufacturable. Allow enough
pad diameter to form a sufficient annular ring around the drilled
hole. Consider the supplier’s achievable aspect ratio of PCB
thickness-to-via-size when defining vias.
FFOn multi-layer designs, perform a via fanout operation manually
or automatically to reserve multi-layer interconnection points for
each pin prior to routing. Audit for via size, placement, and test
point assignability.
FFUtilize solid copper layers to form power planes which can also
be utilized for EMI shielding and heat sinking.
FFUse copper pouring to widen connectivity in smaller, localized circuit
areas to increase current-carrying capacity and lower inductance.

FFConsider impedance requirements during setup and adjust
line widths based upon calculations from a simple impedance
calculator. Remember, the designer’s job is just to get close.
The PCB supplier will dial in the impedance by adjusting three
variables if you allow them to: Trace width, dielectric constant of
the material, and distance of trace to reference plane.
FF‘Freeze’ or ‘lock’ the critical nets so they will not be affected by
push & shove routines as the remainder of the routing is completed.
FFFollow a routing order which allows via fanout first, routing of
power second, and attention to remaining signal routing third.
FFReview routing to check for circuitous route paths which may be
optimized. Always check for signal lines crossing splits from an
adjacent power plane and mitigate.
FFOnce routing is complete, perform signal integrity checks and
adjust as required.

FFRoute remaining power connections after establishing part
placement and power plane definition. Base power line width
upon copper thickness and proven current-carrying capacity
calculations in IPC-2221.


Chapter 9

Fabrication Data & Documentation


AD/CAM data has taken over the world of electronics. Since
design and manufacturing is driven by data, much of what is
accomplished on the PCB fabrication PCBA manufacturing floors
has been standardized. Gone are the days of tape and mylar layouts
in which designers served as artists, manually creating large-scale
PCB artwork which would have to be photographically reduced to be
used as a “photo-tool” to define the image of the etched copper PCB
layer. And gone are the days of drill master artwork which would be
used to manually “bomb-site” and program a PCB drill tape.
However, the electronic manufacturing service provider’s challenge has
not only been to create the machinery and processing to manufacture
new PCBs and PCBAs using data, but also to keep up with installing
the new generation processors which are running at incredible speeds
and require special considerations which cannot be defined using
data alone. Along with the ‘traditional’ CAD/CAM data, there is still a
need for textual information in the form of notes and special detailing
to provide a complete engineering design package and help ensure a
smooth manufacturing process
Pro-TipFrom Mark Thompson

“We love it when designers call us with new technology
questions. Good designers will admit they don’t know what
they don’t know – and they won’t know until they ask.
Fabricators need to know up front if an EE has special
material requirements, especially if the EE has their mind on
a specific dielectric or material to be used in the design, as
availability buildup strategy is an issue here.”

You have spent a lot of time designing your board and getting it
‘just right’. It is critical you provide your manufacturing partner the
information they need to ensure they can build your board to meet your
design intent. Without guidance from you, the designer, the fabricator
will either be forced to make assumptions or delay manufacture while
they seek to ask you questions they don’t have the answers for.
Let us look what composes a complete PCB data package and examine
the notation and graphic documentation which must accompany it.

File Naming Convention
Avoid using non-descript or vague names like “TOP.GBR” for files.
Without specificity a data file name will surely be confused as to
its purpose. As shown in the examples above, incorporating a part
number and revision into the file name links the file to a document
control system. Adding a clear functional description to the filename
will surely help anyone using he data to realize what is its purpose
without having to view it.
Part Number, revision, and function. Examples:
• 424242_B_LAYER_1.PHO
• 424242_B_DRILL.DRL
• 424242_B_FABDWG.DXF


Gerber Data Files for All Required PCB Artwork Layers
This is the starting point for graphic CAM tooling. Referred to as
“artwork” the supplier modifies this data to conform to their manufacturing capabilities to meet finished feature requirements specified
in the fabrication drawing. After the layout is complete, the software
can output these files, each of which will become the basis for the
etched copper pattern for each PCB layer.

When outputting Gerber file data, use the very common RS-274X
output. This selection utilizes special technology referred to as
“embedded apertures” to create the artwork shapes.
Industry Standard Design Continuity Verification Output
IPC-2581 or ODB++ design output and an IPC-D-356 format netlist
will help the PCB supplier check to make certain the artwork matches
the design intent electrically before and after fabrication. The more
intelligent and comprehensive the data, the better.
Industry Standard Drill File
A common output format is Excellon. Drill files define the nominal X,
Y position of the holes, but keep in mind, the numeric values output
from CAD software define the finished hole size, not the drill size.
Drills must be larger than plated holes specified to compensate for
plating thickness; the supplier will select the appropriate drill size.
Neutral Database File
Providing the source file for the complete design database allows a
PCB supplier to access the source data needed to determine design
intent. Unlike “dumb” graphic Gerber data, source data provides
intelligent data, net names, and connectivity information which
can be helpful in determining artwork anomalies and moving the
design through the CAM process quickly. Intelligent source database
formats are best output in IPC-2581 or ODB++, but some systems
accept ASCII output of the original layout database.

PCB Documentation
Finishing the routing, drilling, and design-checking completes only the
graphic portion of a design, but there are other aspects of the design
which the CAD data cannot address alone. For instance, CAD data
defines the shape of an exposed component land, but not the metalized
finish. CAD data defines the geometry for solder resist clearance and
the graphic strokes for the assembly legend, but cannot define their
color or composition. This graphic CAD data is not able to address the
material requirements of the PCB, like temperature rating and structure.
Graphic CAD data defines mostly geometric, nominal values for the
features which are shown and this is critical for a designer to understand. There are no perfect manufacturing operations—every bit of
CAD data will be subject to manufacturing tolerances.

Pro-Tip from Mike Brown

“Keep in mind the fabrication and assembly drawings each
serve two purposes. They help the fabricator and assembler
—serving as a guide, showing material basics—but they
also serve as an inspection document for the quality
assurance personnel.”
The Fabrication Drawing
There are up to thirteen basic documentation elements which will
need to be included in the fabrication drawing:

How will the effect of manufacturing variance and so many other aspects
of the design be addressed? Data and machinery run the PCB process
while graphic PCBA documentation is required to start the process.
Graphic media is a tangible source for quotation and setup reference.
The ability to view the finished PCB using a manufacturing print helps
to start the fabrication process with the end in sight. Graphic PCB
documentation also helps to close out and finalize the PCB process
by giving the inspection stakeholders a graphic example of what the
finished PCB will look like and provides notes and specification for
its final electro-mechanical configuration.


Within the
outline, holes
are represented
using symbology.

CAD data must be accompanied by textual fabrication specifications
which are best documented in an engineering drawing.
The PCB fabrication drawing serves less to indicate how a PCB is to be
manufactured and more to specify how the PCB shall be laid up. CAD
data can define nominal values for features such as drill geometry
and the PCB outline.
Automated machinery does a remarkable job of performing drilling and
imaging until it doesn’t—sometimes automated machinery fails. A
particle of dust may land on the material during imaging or etching, and
plating chemistry may weaken finished copper. How will the final
inspection stakeholder know what is intended and what to expect without
a clear, pictorially-rich document which specifies the design intent?

A complete fabrication drawing includes a pictorial view representing
the PCB outline. Within the outline, holes are represented using
symbology. Each hole position is marked with a symbol which is
coordinated with a drill chart on the drawing.
Drill Symbols
Drill symbols are shapes or textual characters generated by the PCB
layout software to graphically show a hole’s position on the PCB. Being
a symbol, it can simultaneously be represented in a corresponding
drill chart to convey more information. It is important when selecting
symbols for drill sizing to always use a unique symbol for each type of
hole containing the same attributes. For instance, there may be several
.023 [0.58] diameter holes required on a PCB. If the holes are alike
with regards to plating requirements and hole diameter tolerance they
may be assigned the same symbol. However, if there is a different
attribute, such as a non-plated condition or a different tolerance
requirement, the hole of the same size will require a different symbol
which will need to be reflected on the drawing accordingly.

Click to Enlarge


Drill Chart
Comprehensive requirements for all drilled holes shall be shown in a
drill chart as referenced below. PCB layout software will automatically
tabulate all the pad stacks containing holes in the design and reflect
them in a drill chart to display the symbols, quantify the counts, display
the nominal hole diameters, show the plating requirements, and
indicate the diametrical tolerance values which may be obtained by
high speed drilling.

a hole larger than .250 [6.35] avoid using a pad-stack. Better to use
your software’s “board cutout” function to design this shape. Be
aware while tolerances for drilled holes can be held tightly to +/-.003
diameter due to their machining operation’s accuracy, holes formed by
a routing operation are usually expected to be less tightly maintained;
only subject to the expected tolerancing of the board outline.
X0Y0 Datum Feature
The XOYO Datum is a hole on a PCB which is preferably located in
the lower-left corner of the design.

A special note here to PCB designers about specifying holes. It is useful
to understand how a specified hole will be formed to determine if it
even belongs in the drill chart. Most fabricators will limit drilled hole
sizing to less than .250 [6.35] diameter. Therefore, hole information
destined for the drill chart shall be extracted from a corresponding
pad-stack which automatically places the information there. To avoid
manufacturing confusion, only holes to be drilled shall be listed in a
drill chart. However, there are many reasons to use holes greater than
.250 [6.35] diameter. How are those holes specified and manufactured?
The answer here is to consider larger holes as internal board edges.
How are board edges machined? The routing option is utilized here to
route the edge profiles of both board edges and holes. When designing


During the fabrication process,
machinery and
process will stray
from specified
nominal target
dimensions by
various amounts.

Dimensions and Tolerances
Designation of the origin point (X0Y0) for the design database s
relative to practical interface points on the PCB. Dimensions and
tolerances shall originate from X0Y0 on the PCB.
Fabrication drawing dimensions do little to communicate to the supplier
how to fabricate the PCB; the PCB design tool output (CAM) data
does this. Fabrication drawing dimensions are used by manufacturing
and inspection personnel to gauge the accuracy of the process and
machinery. During the fabrication process, machinery and process will
stray from specified nominal target dimensions by various amounts. How
much is acceptable? This is an important design question which must
be addressed by the designer. Accuracy, expressed by the definition
of tolerance values, must be documented on the fabrication drawing
for the supplier to measure their success and adjust the process as
required. CAM data does not include the establishment of tolerance
zones and therefore has no bearing on whether a snap-fit feature will
work at next assembly. Successful fit can only be ensured by proper
consideration and assignment of dimensions and tolerances to the
PCB features on the fabrication drawing. These dimensions must be
derived from the mechanical engineer.

materials in between, and the presumed thickness and dielectric
properties of the solder mask material covering the outer-layer
surface copper. For controlled impedance, adopting a stack-up
philosophy which allows the board supplier to vary the dielectric
constant of materials, trace widths, and spacing to achieve the specified
impedance is recommended. This will allow usage of materials with
wider availability, especially off-shore, and is critical to improving the
supplier’s ability to deliver the highest performance at the best cost.

PCB Stack-up Detail
A stack-up detail provides imperative, up-front, cost-related information
to your purchasing department and the supplier’s quoting department
before the fabrication process ever begins, whether the design is a
simple, single-sided PCB or a complex multi-layer design. This detail
serves the purpose of documenting a generic view of the vertical design
intent—the layer count, the thickness of the copper layers, the dielectric


Panel Processing
When the PCB design is set up for panel processing, the PCB image
is multiplied several times in order to process many PCBs on the
same manufacturing panel to maximize yield of the panel. Yield here
is used as the term to express how many PCB images a supplier can
fit on a panel.
If the PCB you are designing will be fabricated and assembled outside
of your facility, you will not have to utilize a V-Score or a tab-route
detail. These will be added by the suppliers.
V-Score Detail
Typically, it is uncommon to provide a V-score detail on a fabrication
drawing. A fabrication drawing should describe the finished part and
therefore should not show extra processing material unless required.
If a V-Score detail is required, it is because the project stakeholders
are intending that the PCB will be processed in-house, in which case
the in-house assembly stakeholders will need manufacturing assembly
arrays with V-Score cuts between the strait edges of the PCB to provide
rigidity during the assembly operations. The V-Score detail needs to
be shown alongside the PCB array view so it can easily be referenced
by simply adding (V-Score) to any straight edged PCB feature with the
requirement. Otherwise, they can be left for the suppliers to decide.
It’s best to always check-in with both the assembly house and the
fabricator for optimal v-score parameters.


Tab-route Detail

Intentional Shorts Table

Like the V-Score detail, the tab-route detail is only provided if there
is in-house assembly processing. Tab-routing is used to support the
PCB in the assembly array with short break-away tabs when straight
edges are not available on the PCB or a smooth (routed) machine
finish is required. The tabs are formed by a router bit which cuts a
slot between the board edge and any excess material on the panel.
At pre-determined intervals the route slot is stopped. The tool is
lifted, moved ahead slightly on the route path and then re-plunged to
form another slotted route path. The resulting material between the
slot ends is called the tab which serves with as many other tabs as
required to support the PCB within the PCB array.

Sometimes it is necessary to connect multiple signals together in a
design at a specific point (for example: analog GND and digital GND).
This methodology creates a common problem for most CAD software
tools because this condition is normally referred to as a “short” and
they are very good at checking for these. When a net with a specific
name needs to connect with another net having a different name, a
designer will often use a ‘bond’ part to connect the nets. This bond is a
copper shape that makes the connection and can trick the design rules
checker. However, when the connected copper shapes are compared
with the IPC-D-356 netlist, a red flag is raised at the PCB supplier’s
CAM department. The very common practice of net joining will almost
always cause a stop order to a job, unless it is described on the drawing
in detail. The supplier does not know if the ‘short’ between multiple
nets is intentional or not. An Intentional Shorts Table can be used to
effectively communicate the important information of bond reference
designator, net-names, XY location, and layers to the supplier’s CAM
department up front; reducing the need for stop orders.

The best source for tab-route detail info is the assembly supplier,
because they control the end purpose process of excising (de-paneling)
the individually assembled PCBAs.


PCB thickness,
however, is
not confined
to fractional

Board Outline and Thickness
Overall PCB length and width may be shown as reference on the
fabrication drawing if the features need not be inspected. A note
pertaining to the minimum radius for internal corners and overall
profile tolerance may be specified in the fabrication notes.
Traditionally, PCB thickness was expressed in fractional equivalents,
for example: 1/32” = .032, 1/16” = .062, 3/32” = .094, 1/8” = .125, etc.
PCB thickness specification continues to follow this standard today
because many mating part interfaces – pin lengths, connector slots, etc.
—are designed to accept these standard thicknesses. PCB thickness,
however, is not confined to fractional equivalents. Utilizing various
lamination techniques, PCB thickness can be laminated up to any
reasonable thickness. Core and pre-preg materials come in a wide
array of thickness, but as thin as .0025[0.06]. It is possible to spec for
example, .016[0.41] or .048[1.22] as the PCB thickness and have it
produced by almost any supplier. Many suppliers can produce a PCB
with a tolerance range of +/- 10% for .039[0.99] thickness and greater
in addition to a +/-15% range for a PCB thickness less than .039 [0.99].

A designer may use a basic field solver or off-the-shelf impedance
calculator to determine trace widths and spacing to be used in the design
for impedance requirements. At the start of the layout, the designer
should do a feasibility check to select the optimal trace widths for
impedance-controlled lines; be sure to validate the values in the
stack-up with the PCB supplier. Designers should use care when
adding information to the stack-up detail regarding three of the four
variables mentioned above. Finished copper thickness is an important
consideration regarding the various conductors’ current-carrying
capacity. However, the values of trace width, distance from reference
plane, dielectric constant of the material (Er), and material sources
should be allowed to be adjusted by the supplier for best DFM.
Caution: Using the stack-up detail to ‘document’ the recipe for a
successfully performing PCB prototype may set a design up for
procurement challenges. This is because some custom hybrid materials
used by local prototype shops to “dial in” the impedance may not be
readily available off-shore.

Impedance Specification
Impedance-controlled designs require control of four physical
variables in the stack-up:
• Trace thickness
• Trace width
• Trace distance from reference plane(s)
• Dielectric value of the material

Fabrication Notes
Some common PCB process notes are included here as minimal
expectations for most manufacturing suppliers. It is up to the designer
to adjust modifiers in the notes accordingly.

1. Designate the primary side of the board.
The primary side of the board is the side the designer has designated
as such. The document pictorial shall show the board design oriented,
so the primary side is viewed from the top and all subsequent layer
views are oriented looking through the design (non-mirrored).
Example: Primary side of board is shown.

2. State manufacturing, qualification, and performance.
Manufacturing, qualification, and performance for class 2 (dedicated
service electronics) is described in IPC-6012, while acceptability
(inspection) criteria is covered in IPC-A-600. Both specifications fit
together in this note to define quality.
Example: Printed circuit board fabrication per IPC-6012, Class 2
Except as specified herein. Acceptability of printed circuit board per
IPC-A-600, Class 2.

3. Define materials.
Unless there is a good reason, it is best to allow the supplier to use
their preferred glass-epoxy resin system using any glass weave,
conforming to IPC-4101. Variables defined in IPC-4101 are glass
transition temperature (Tg) and delamination temperature (TD), which
have values acceptable for RoHs manufacturing temperatures. Copper
foil is rolled and annealed as provided to the PCB manufacturer.
During the plating process, electrodeposited copper is added to the
base copper. The base copper foil (finished = etched or plated) can
be noted in the stack-up detail.
Example: Materials: Plastic sheet laminated, glass base, epoxy
resin type FR4 series or equivalent per IPC-4101 with a Tg >/= 170
DEG C and a TD >/= 330 DEG C. Base thickness on all layers per
stack-up detail.

4. Define overall board thickness.
PCB thickness is specified and controlled in the notes. An acceptable
tolerance for boards of this thickness is considered +/- 10%. PCBs
are constructed in various ways and thickness does not have to be
held to the traditional .031, .062, .093 decimal fractional equivalents.
Core construction or foil construction using layers of pre-preg
material combined with sheets of copper foil can yield almost any
thickness requirement.
Example: Overall board thickness shall be .063 +/- 10% [1.60 +/10%].


5. Define UL rating.

7. Define an etching and plating tolerance.

Underwriters Laboratories (USA) flammability rating requires any
burning on a vertically-mounted test PCB stops within ten seconds.
This testing is required on PCB’s utilized in most industries.

A tolerance requirement helps to control the finished width of a
copper feature, while giving the supplier a range to work with when
compensating lines for impedance control. It is important to keep the
least material condition of this tolerance in mind when calculating the
current-carrying capacity for conductors. Allowing a supplier to add
thieving patterns to unused areas of the layer plane can help them
to accomplish accuracy and consistency throughout the etching and
plating process.

Example: Finished board shall have a UL rating of UL 94V-0.

6. Define impedance.
Identify the layer, line width, impedance value, and tolerance of a
trace to be controlled. Identify significant lines by assigning them a
unique width so they will not to be confused with uncontrolled lines.
A 6.1 mil wide line can easily be identified and will stand out from
numerous 6 mil wide lines when viewed in CAM processing software.
Example: Impedance shall be as follows (example):
Layers 1 & 6 – 60 ohm +/- 10% single-ended on .007 [0.15] wide lines.
Layers 3 & 4 – 60 ohm +/- 10% single-ended on .005 [0.13] wide lines.
Layers 3 & 4 – 100 ohm +/- 10% differential on .0045 [0.114] wide /
.0095 [0.241] spaced lines.

Example: Etching / Plating tolerance: +/- 20% from supplied
Gerber images .010[0.25] or less. +/- .002[0.05] from supplied
Gerber images .010[0.25] or greater. Supplier may utilize thieving
to compensate for low copper density on this design. Thieving
pattern clearance shall be as follows: Thieving to adjacent copper, all
layers: .100[2.54] min. Thieving to fiducials and non-plated holes:
.050[0.13] min.

8. Indicate copper plate holes and conductors.
This specification provides an adequate amount of copper plating for
average-sized holes in boards with an aspect ratio of 10:1 and below.
This is deliverable by most suppliers. It is very important to consider
this plating amount when determining finish copper thickness for
conductors. Make calculations for impedance and current-carrying
capacity based upon finished copper values.
Example: Copper plate indicated holes and conductors
.0010[0.025] Average—.0008[0.020] Minimum.


9. Include fabricator information.

11. Define finished hole sizes.

Vendor Option: The above may be added using epoxy ink on the legend
layer if board size or copper pattern does not allow for etching.
Fabricator information pertaining to note nine is traditionally added
onto the secondary side of the PCB, but may be added anywhere if a
location is not designated on the fabrication pictorial.

It is important to reference this chart as a drill chart containing only
holes (typically less than or equal to .250) which are drilled. It is a
common mistake to list larger holes requiring routing in this chart,
which confuses the machining operations. For designs requiring
blind and buried vias, it is important to incorporate a separate chart
identifying holes making layer-to-layer connections internally.

Example: Etch manufacturer’s name, date code, initial or trademark
(logo), followed by a code number or equivalent designation and UL
rating of 94V-0. Avoid all copper images and by .050[1.27] Minimum.

10. Define location tolerance for smaller holes.
Locational tolerance for smaller holes (non-mounting or non-tooling)
is specified in this note. Expressed in the shape of a circle, the
tolerance diameter of .008[0.20] allows the hole radius to wander
.004[0.10] in any direction from its nominal center-point, relative to the
drill pattern’s 0, 0 origin. Holes larger than .250[6.35] are typically
routed (not drilled) and need tolerancing like those applied to a routed
board outline edge. A routed hole creates a board outline.

Example: Finished hole sizes are shown in the drill chart.

12. Designate the controlling performance specs for the
solder mask.
IPC-SM-840 is the controlling performance spec for solder mask.
Commonly applied over bare copper and referred to as Solder Mask
Over Bare Copper (SMOBC). The most common solder mask color is
green; however, it can be ordered in many colors and finishes. Class
specification is described as telecommunication (T) or high reliability (H).
Example: Apply green LPI solder mask, matte finish, conforming
to IPC-SM-840, Class T, over bare copper onto outer surfaces using
appropriate artwork.

Example: Drilled holes without lateral dimensions shall be located
within .008[0.20] Diametric True Position from nominal location
specified in drill data files.


CAD data will not
color the solder
mask to be blue
or the legend ink
to be yellow.

13. Define silkscreen manufacturing methods,
if applicable.
Commonly referred to as “silkscreen” the legend is applied to identify
components and mark other important information onto the PCB.
Silkscreen manufacturing methods are rarely, if at all, used anymore.
The process has been replaced by faster and more accurate printing
methods such as ink-jet technology.
Example: Apply legend onto primary / secondary surfaces as
required per supplied Gerber artwork. Color White.

15. Define internal corners.
The process of V-Scoring cannot cut curved PCB outline paths; internal
corners must be routed. Typical route sizes are .039 - .079[1.00 –
2.00] diameter. Tool size must be considered when specifying an
internal corner. A large radius is easily cut, but a small radius greater
than or equal to .039[1.00] will impact the suppliers options due to
tool availability.
Example: All internal corners .039[1.00] R Maximum.

14. Define finishing processes
The two most common methods of cutting a board edge are routing and
V-Scoring. Routing is performed by a cutter on a spindle machine,
resulting in an accurate, sealed edge of most any shape. V-Scoring is
performed by a saw blade and is limited to straight cuts. The V-Score
operation leaves a rough edge that can wick moisture, but is preferred
for volume production. The designer must be aware of the differences
between these two finishing processes when assigning tolerance
values to the board edge features. A profile tolerance of .005[0.13] is
considered acceptable by most suppliers using either process.
Example: PCB edge profile shall conform to supplied Gerber data
within .005[0.13].


CAD/CAM data has replaced the need for human contact with the
features comprising the finished PCB during manufacturing cycles.
Manufacturing stakeholders rely on data automation and machinery
to create some fine lines and complicated mechanical PCB features.
A problematic assumption made today is that manufacturing
processes and machinery create hardware which perfectly matches
the nominal design layout. This is not true. Due to manufacturing
tolerances, every manufacturing process is subject variants which
yield features which are under-cut or over-cut—under-etched or
over-etched. If the accumulation of tolerance ranges in an assembly
is disregarded by the designer the assembly may fail to assemble due
to interference or fail to align accurately due to too much clearance.

Therefore, the fabrication cycle still relies heavily on textual and
graphically detailed information provided on a comprehensive
fabrication drawing.
A sufficiently embellished fabrication drawing including the graphic
and textual information provided in this chapter will fill in the blanks
that embedded design data leaves out. And while CAD/CAM data
tells the supplier’s machinery what to do, graphic and textual
information provided on the fab drawing will guide the inspection
department in checking how well it did.

Design data has other short-comings. CAD data will not automatically
color the solder mask to be blue or the legend ink to be yellow.
Embedded CAD data will not automatically select RoHS materials or
automatically pull high temperature grade material into a stack-up
during the lamination phase.


Tips for Fabrication and Data Documentation
FFCAD data must be accompanied by textual fabrication specifications
which are best documented in an engineering drawing.
FFAdd common PCB process notes as minimal expectations for
most manufacturing suppliers. It is up to the designer to adjust
modifiers in the notes accordingly.
FFAdd process documentation standard details reflecting stack-up,
drill chart, v-score or tab-route if panelizing.
FFIf intentional shorts exist in the design, make sure to show the X,Y
layout location and net names using a table to answer the supplier’s
query before they even have to ask.
FFRemember every process yields a physical feature which will
vary in size from the nominal intent. Make sure to specify a
meaningful tolerance for every feature that must interface with
another at next assembly.

FFAdd impedance control specification as required by calculating the
trace width, distance from reference plane(s), and dielectric value
of the material using a simple impedance calculator. Check in with
the supplier to verify your values. Do not let the supplier adjust
traces thickness (z-height) as part of the equation because it can
have an adverse effect on current carrying capacity for that layer.
FFMake sure all required output data for fabrication is included in
the manufacturing data package.
FFInclude a complete fabrication drawing in the manufacturing
data package.
FFIf your company intellectual property rules allow, output formats
of IPC-2581, ODB++, or ASCII, and include the source design
database in the manufacturing database.
FFInclude Gerber data for all required artwork layers.

FFChoose an existing non-plated mounting hole in the layout or
add one in order to designate an X0,Y0 origin for the PCB layout.

FFInclude industry standard, Excellon drill files which reflect
finished hole sizes.

FFDesignate holes /= .200
to be routed. Drilled holes may be held to tighter tolerances.
Routed holes are in fact board edges and should match board
edge tolerancing.

FFAlways use a tangible naming convention for your manufacturing
files in the form of part number, revision, and file function.

FFSpecify board outline tolerancing as a profile tolerance in the general
notes. Work with mechanical stakeholders to allow a PCB thickness
tolerance of +/-10% for boards .039[0.99] thickness and greater
and +/-15% range for a PCB thickness less than .039 [0.99].

FFAlways check in with the supplier stakeholder regarding special
material processing and availability not only in prototype but for
production too.
FFKeep up to date regarding processes and capabilities by keeping
in frequent touch with your PCB supplier.

Chapter 10

Assembly Data & Documentation, Process Overview


rom start to finish, Ian saw proper design consideration is
critical for supplying viable data and documentation to drive the
hundreds of steps involved in fabricating a PCB at the board
shop. With the help of the assembly and test stakeholders, Ian was
amazed to discover that the viable data driving the PCB assembly
processes after the PCB is fabricated is just as important.
After the PCB layout is complete and the data and documentation for
the PCB has been generated, the fabrication package has most likely
been released for fabrication. PCB fabrication cycle, or turnaround
time, can vary depending on whether the design is being considered
for quick-turn or standard fabrication. Quick-turn times for PCB’s
can be accomplished at specialized PCB fabrication shops and are
measured in days, sometimes hours. Standard times are typically
measured in weeks. Timing of the PCB fabrication cycle is mentioned
here because it is a good indicator of how much time a designer
needs to finish his or her final project design responsibility and
generate assembly data and documentation.
Data drives the process. It is very important a complete package
of data is supplied to the assembly stakeholder. As in any other
process, without complete and accurate data, the process will stall or
become confused, resulting in time-consuming queries between the
supplier and the customer. The following describes the main items of
a complete assembly data package.

The Bill of Materials File (BOM)
After investing so much thought, effort, and time into the layout it
is sometimes hard for a designer to consider that once the PCB is
fabricated, it will simply be treated as another component commodity
—one which must be ordered along with many other components.
This will then feed into the PCBA using the BOM.
The assembly process starts with the evaluation of all materials
published in a BOM report which is exported as data output from the
schematic end of the design and layout process. A BOM which lists all
PCBA components, their manufacturing part numbers, descriptions,
and corresponding reference designators is a powerful tool for use by
a supplier management purchasing agent. The sooner the component
information can be captured and sent to them, the better. Challenges will
arise and can include item costliness, long lead time, discontinuation,
and obsolescence. The ability to flag potential procurement problems
requires visibility.

The exported BOM must list all the electronic and mechanical parts
used in the assembly, including the bare PCB, all components, and
even mechanical hardware, adhesives, coatings, and wire. The EMS
planning department will start with this important list to check for two
very important attributes: availability and cost. If the EE has checked
for these two important component virtues during the front-end
design of the PCB layout, everything should go quite well and even
better if the EMS supplier negotiates volume purchasing discounts
for the components.

The Neutral Database File
Provision of a neutral CAD database is just as important to the
assembly provider as to the PCB supplier. A neutral database such as
ODB++ or IPC-2581 is leveraged differently by the assembly supplier.
AMEs base their BOM checks on comparisons with intelligent
manufacturing data provided in neutral formats such as IPC-2581 or
the widely-used ODB++ format. Once all the design for assembly (DFA)
checks are complete and the PCB assembly process begins, all the
parts are kitted and moved forward to be assembled onto the bare PCB.
Source data provides intelligent data, net names, etc. These can be
helpful in sorting out component placement, orientation anomalies, and
moving the design through the placement CAM setup process quickly.
Intelligent source database formats are best output in IPC-2581 or
ODB++ because they provide the most usable information to the
board fabricator and assembly processor.

Pro-Tip from Patrick Davis

“Everything is derived from from ODB++ data: Our MPI
(Manufacturing Process Instructions), DFM (Design for
Manufacturability analysis), Programming, AXI (Automated
X-ray Inspection), AOI (Automated Optical Inspection), Final
Inspection. All the work done on the SMT machines is first
analyzed for DFM by taking in the ODB++ data and the BOM
data. We compare the two together and make sure they
match. This foundational part of the DFM process will make
sure we can build the PCBA. In effect, the data allows us to
model a virtual preliminary build. It allows us to experiment
with different processes to determine which one of many
will yield the best results.”

The X,Y Placement File
The X,Y placement file, commonly referred to as a “pick and place”
file, is the output data which will be used by the assembly stakeholder
to program the placement machinery. The file output can be very
simple ASCII text data, but must include enough information for the
operation to run smoothly.
Placement output can vary regarding output format and order of data
columns. As with all things PCB and PCBA, check in with the assembly
stakeholder regarding their preference. For each part to be placed,
the X,Y placement file needs to specify a reference designator, side of
placement, X,Y location and angle of orientation.


Solder Paste Stencil Artwork file

Click to Enlarge

Pro-Tip from Mike Brown

“I am an advocate of supplying ODB++ or IPC-2581 files. It is
important to provide the manufacturer with some type of
comparison data to check their work against the design.
However, this practice is a two-edged sword—while helping
the fabricator or assembler by providing all of the component
information and pin information along with all of the
con­nectivity, you must trust that the design will not fall into
the wrong hands. There are software tools out there which
can easily use this comprehensive data to reverse-engineer
the design and basically convert the data back into a
CAD database putting your intellectual property at risk.
Regardless, if the design database is archived in a neutral
format there is a benefit that your company can update the
design in the future, even if they change layout tools.”

Before any SMT parts can be placed upon the board, the PCB must run
through a process which will deposit a thin layer of solder paste onto
the component footprint lands which have been etched and plated onto
the outer layer(s) of the PCB. This process will be described in more
detail later in the chapter, but to apply the solder paste accurately, a
thin metal stencil must be manufactured by a special manufacturer
which specializes in etching and electroforming thin sheets of stainless
steel. A solder paste stencil artwork file is usually output in Gerber
format from the source design layout and includes all the required
openings to allow solder to be screened onto the SMT lands.

Important tip for the designer: Provide 1:1 land geometry for each
intended SMT land. Do not attempt to compensate. Again, the PCB
designer does not know the EMS provider’s variable manufacturing
process criteria, so stencil opening definition, including compensations
and special “home plating” techniques are best left to the stakeholder
of the process.

Test Point Location File
If testability will be implemented on the PCBA, a file will need to be
included to define all the test point locations for the test fixture supplier
to build the equipment. Like the placement file, the test point output
file can be very simple ASCII text data. The file is output from the
source design layout and derives its data from test point lands which
have been specifically identified for test. The file needs to include net
names, side of access X,Y locations, and test point names if applicable.
It’s hard to believe, but all the automated machinery involved in
making a small prototype run of PCBAs, all the way to up to making
production runs of millions of PCBAs, can be programed to run by
using only the five data files mentioned above. However, as fast and
accurate as modern assembly process machinery is today, there
remains manufacturing variables like temperature variations, material
inconsistencies, component damage, and tool wear which can cause
perfect machinery to make mistakes. As has been echoed throughout
the context of the chapters within this book, nothing is perfect—
everything has a tolerance. There must be a vehicle to graphically
define the limits of acceptability for the PCBA. Like a bare PCB needs
a fabrication drawing to define these things, a printed circuit board
needs an assembly drawing and documentation to complete the
assembly and inspection process.


PCB Documentation is often one
of the most
disliked tasks a
designer has.

PCBA Documentation
Though data and machinery run the PCBA manufacturing assembly
process, complete, graphic PCBA documentation begins the process.
Tangible documentation reflecting what the data will produce is
critical for quotation and setup reference.
A complete PCBA document gives manufacturing stakeholders the
ability to view the finished PCBA and start the assembly process with
the end in sight. Additionally, the same helps to finalize the PCBA
manufacturing process by giving the inspection stakeholders views
and notation with which to evaluate the finished product.

By having the capability to access all the source layout data, the tools
can create extremely detailed, dynamic views of the PCB assembly in
which scaling takes seconds, special magnified views of very small parts
can be highlighted into a detail bubble, and even generate specialized
reference designators for the cause. The power of these next generation
documentation tools can now even access the inner layers of the PCB
to show traces which might need to be cut or jumped and perhaps
even a rework routine. Documentation tools which can reduce the
drafting time cycle while ensuring the quality you need to drive
successful manufacturing are worth checking into.
There are basically three elements of PCBA documentation:

As we have discussed, PCB Documentation is critical to manufacturing
success yet, it is often one of the most disliked tasks a designer has.
A few layout suites and third-party PCB documentation programs are
incorporating advanced documentation toolsets which are easing the
documentation process workflow.


The Schematic

Assembly Drawing

Documentation for the schematic is most likely the simplest act of PCB
documentation. Since the schematic served as the source design file
driving the layout of the PCB, the schematic becomes a “document”
by simply placing a proper format around it. How this is provided,
whether through a source file, paper copy, or PDF is usually dependent
on company culture. Formalization usually involves obtaining approval
signatures and submission to a company release and distribution
process. There are typically no extra details added to the schematic
at the time of formal documentation.

Like the PCB fabrication drawing explained in the previous chapter, the
PCB assembly drawing serves less to indicate how a PCBA is to be
manufactured and more to specify how the assembly shall perform.

The Bill of Materials (BOM)

Again, automated machinery does a remarkable job of executing
assembly tasks, until it doesn’t—sometimes automated machinery
fails. A part may be installed backward or tombstone. How will our
final inspection stakeholder know what is intended and what is
expected without a clear, pictorially-rich document which specifies
the design intent?

The BOM documentation is an official, formatted document which
may be embedded inside a complex, corporate data management
system. Documentation for the BOM is always output from the
source: the schematic document. The part line items are pulled into a
paper or electronic environment which allows for signature approval
and formal release for distribution to purchasing, manufacturing
assembly, and inspection stakeholders.

The job of the PCB assembly drawing is to show all the parts which
will be assembled onto its two outer surfaces. It is used as a guide for
placement programmers and inspection personnel to measure how
well the parts were placed on the board, how well the solder joints
were formed and how clean they must be at the end of the process.

To serve as a viable manufacturing reference, the complete assembly
drawing needs to include at least three key items to satisfy the needs
of the assembly manufacturing stakeholders:
• Assembly Pictorial
• Assembly Details
• Assembly Notes


This is often the
circumstance on
PCB assemblies
that are dense
with small parts.

Assembly Pictorial

Assembly Details

The pictorial starts with a view of the PCB outline showing all the
component outlines and their respective reference designators. The
assembly view can be imported into a 3rd party documentation tool
or created right inside the PCB layout. However, the designer needs
to understand the assembly document must be able to be printed
and read by any stakeholder at any time. The most important thing
to consider here is legibility. If the assembly is large and uses large
components, a one-to-one (1:1) scaled image may be all that is
required if the reader can see all of the parts, their orientation and
their reference designations. If parts are to be installed on two sides,
a secondary side view must be depicted. If the PCB assembly is
small and dense and contains many SMT parts, a larger scale of 2:1,
4:1 or larger may be used to show the assembly.

Assembly details are required when there is not enough information
provided on the main pictorial. This is often the circumstance on
dense PCB assemblies with small parts. Sometimes there is just not
enough space left over for reference designators to be printed on the
PCB. In this case, the reference to the parts must be documented on
a scaled assembly detail. Example:

However, there are often extra processes such as mechanical hardware
torqueing requirements and post-op applications of adhesives and
selective epoxy coatings which may need to be applied that may
require more detailed depictions.

Click to Enlarge


Assembly Notes

2. Define reference designators.

Some common PCBA process notes are included here as minimal
expectations for most manufacturing suppliers. It is up to the designer
to adjust modifiers in the notes accordingly.

Reference designators are commonly printed onto the PCB; however,
stakeholders can forget the printed alpha-numeric markings are
printed onto the PCB for reference. Sometimes, when there is no space
for them, they are not there at all. It is the PCB assembly document
which allows space for all of the assembly markings to be displayed.

1. Designate the primary side of the board.
The primary side of the board is the side the designer has designated
as such in the PCB layout. As designated in the PCB fabrication
drawing, the primary side designation should follow through to the
PCB assembly drawing for consistency. The document pictorial
should show the board design oriented so the primary side is viewed
from the top. If the PCB assembly includes parts on two sides (both
primary and secondary) an additional view showing the secondary
side shall be projected onto the layout view.

Utilizing the scalability of a good assembly drawing view, component
designators can be shown in their full glory. They must be legible and
positioned within the part outline to provide guidance to assembly,
inspection, and field service personnel who will be using the drawings
during their duties.

Example: Primary side of the board is shown.

Example: Components are identified by matching reference designators
in the parent bill of material and with those on the face of drawing.
PCB Reference designators are for reference only and may not appear
on the PCB or part.

Once the assembly image is documented, the markings become part
of the assembly and inspection process.


3. Specify Mounting Instructions

5. Note any specialized assembly methods.

IPC-CM-770 Guidelines for printed board component mounting is
a specification whose purpose is “to illustrate and guide the user
seeking answers to questions related to accepted, effective methods
of mounting components to printed wiring boards.” Including this
specification on the assembly drawing can add clarity between the
customer and supplier regarding industry-accepted methods for
assembly without micro-managing which process is used by the
supplier. Additionally, IPC-A-610 is included as a manufacturing
acceptance specification which—regardless of the assembly method
used—will define the acceptance criteria for all assembly operations.

Unless the PCB you are documenting is being used for military, space,
or other exempt criteria, the specified manufacturing processes and
material used on your PCBA will no doubt require specialized assembly
methods which are free of lead. The environmental specifications
and requirements for lead-free assemblies are usually documented
far upstream in the documentation channels such as the parent bill
of materials. The special marking method which is required for such
assemblies is defined in IPC-1066.

Example: Printed board component mounting shall conform to
IPC-CM-770. Acceptability of this electronic assembly shall conform
to IPC-A-610, class 2.
4. Specify Soldering Instructions
J-STD-001 serves as the authority for electronics assembly soldering
worldwide. It describes materials, methodologies, and verification
requirements for all aspects of creating high quality solder joints. The
J-STD-003 specification is the industry accepted standard for testing
all aspects of the practical contents of J-STD-001 and includes helpful
defect definitions and illustrations. The two specifications work
together within an assembly note to ensure quality interconnectivity.

Example: Assembly shall conform to environmental requirements
in parent bill of material. Mark assembly with category (categories) of
solder material used in accordance with IPC-1066.

Fabrication Vs. Assembly Documentation
Compared to having to specify the thousands of holes, traces layers, and
processes involved with bare PCB documentation, the documentation
for a PCB assembly appears simple. The ones who will be finishing
and inspecting the PCBA are going to appreciate the time you spent
on the front-end. If you have successfully completed and ensured the
accuracy of your schematic and bill of materials, the efforts will have
served to “pay it forward” as they are fed into the creation of a clearly
illustrated, detail-rich, and simply-notated assembly documentation
to serve the needs of the assembly, test, and field service stakeholders.

Example: Solder per J-STD-001 and J-STD-003.


Since hitting the “send” button after completion of the PCB design
layout (as Ian did in our story) weeks, days, or only hours may have
passed before the send button will once again be hit to send the PCB
assembly data and documentation to the EMS supplier for the boards
to be assembled. The difference between Ian’s experience and yours
(as a designer who has learned from his mistakes) will be striking. Sure,
there will be phone calls before and after the data is sent, but they will
not involve the chaos and emergency of an assembly line shutdown.
Exposure to the information in this guide along with a willingness to
reach out to the people in the EMS industry who perform the work,
many phone calls will be positive and inquisitive from the designer to
the stakeholder as a pro-active means of preventing manufacturing
problems rather than fixing them.

As surprising as it is to find many PCB designers have never stepped
foot into a PCB fabrication shop, it is probably true just as many
designers have never walked the floors of an EMS supplier to get in
touch with how the PCBs are assembled. For the designer who has
not had the eye-popping experience of watching the PCB assembly
process, a brief overview of some basic assembly processes are
presented here. The topics mentioned here are by no means intended
as a substitute for witnessing the processes in action. As we’ve
encouraged throughout this text, visit the supplier. Shake hands and
learn by watching the actual process.

Pro-Tip from Mike Brown

“Find a mentor. A degree doesn’t mean you know it all. There
is always something to learn because PCB technology is
constantly changing. A PCB designer must be willing to
accept and deal with change. Stay in touch with the people
on the forefront of this technology—the fabricators and
assemblers. Establish a good relationship with them and
tour their shops. You’ll learn something new every time
you speak or visit.”


Manufacturing Panel
Every PCB designer needs to be aware that the PCB on their screen at
the time of layout will need to be multiplied into an array form (or panel)
for volume manufacturing. Modern assembly machinery is designed
with sliding rails which can accommodate PCBA widths of a few inches
to over 20 inches. This equipment can be very expensive. On a highvolume assembly line, the manufacturing engineers will try to optimize
the run time of an entire manufacturing lot of board assemblies, so
the machinery can be freed up to run the next job. It would not make
good manufacturing sense to run one thousand, 3-inch x 4-inch
PCBs down the line as “singles,” because of the time it takes to
perform each of the assembly manufacturing steps.

To reduce manufacturing time, the manufacturing engineer will
work with the PCB supplier to order the PCBs in an array form. A
manufacturing panel array will make it possible for many PCBs to be
processed together on a single manufacturing panel which will carry
all the PCBs down the manufacturing line together. An array of PCBs

organized onto a panel in a 3-inch x 5-inch configuration could yield
15 completed PCBAs after a single pass through the assembly line,
effectively reducing the manufacturing run time for the PCBA to 1/15
when compared to a single. This is a huge time savings to the
manufacturing engineering stake holder who measures success or
failure of process timing steps in seconds.

Besides a good overview of the PCB assembly process, what does a
PCB designer need to do to create the best manufacturing panel array
for the design? Surprisingly, very little. In fact, unless the design is
going to be processed by the PCB designer’s own company, don’t do
it. Assembly paneling is best determined by the assembly stakeholder,
based upon their manufacturing requirements. If the PCB designer does
not know where the PCB is destined to be built and knows nothing
about the provider’s equipment or capability, it is best to leave the
design as a one-up and let the assembly provider do the rest to fit
their process. The singulation method (sometimes referred to as
excising or de-paneling) of the finished PCBA must be determined
based upon the board outline shape. The process of singulation is
accomplished using one of three common processes—V-scoring,
tab-routing, and punching—each of which requires uniquely different
panel design specifications.


paneling is best
determined by
the assembly
based upon their

You may be wondering, if PCB designers have very little to do with
the creation of the manufacturing panel array, why do I need to worry
about it? Well, the fact is regardless of the excising method used, the
PCB assembly stakeholder will need space inside the board edge to
perform the operation. Therefore, it is important for the PCB designer
to understand the processes and requirements needed to create a
manufacturable design. For example, often overlooked is the IPC
recommendation to provide approximately .020 [0.51] clearance
between the nominal PCB outline and all copper on the PCB to allow
for successful assembly processing.

V-Scoring is accomplished by the machining of shallow, linear cuts
on both sides of PCB panel, each defining the edge of the rectangular
PCB. The depth of the cuts penetrates approximately 1/3 into the
PCB from each side, leaving approximately 1/3 of the PCB material
left to constrain the PCB in the panel during the assembly operations.
After assembly, the panel is moved to a “pizza cutter” type device
which utilizes a sharp, round blade to cut the remaining web material
in the v-score and break the PCB free.

IPC-2221 & IPC-2222 provides some excellent guidelines for
helping your EMS provider create manufacturable, cost effective
panels from your design. Since the main goal of this guide is to help
you have a basic understanding of the design process, below is an
overview of common excising processes and what information you
might need to consider when designing.


For PCB designs which cannot tolerate v-score, tab routing is an
excellent option for the assembly stakeholder. Tab-routing requires a
certain amount of space around the PCB outline to allow for a routing
operation to remove all the material between the board edge and the
panel. Without a web, as with v-scoring, the individual PCBs would
simply drop out of the panel if it were not for a few keenly placed
“tabs” which the panel designer strategically places around the PCB
perimeter to “tack” and constrain the PCB within the panel. The tabs
are formed by the high-speed routing tool exiting the route path for
a few millimeters and then plunging back in to continue cutting the
outline. Like the v-score webs, the tab-routed tabs remain in place
throughout the assembly process. In the case of tab routing, the PCBAs
are singulated using a pneumatic hook cutting-device, especially
designed for removing tabs. The hook cutter enters from the bottom
side of the PCB route and pulls downward on the tab, crushing the
material away from the PCB edge. Depending on the design of the
tab, this operation can leave a quite nasty burr on the board edge.
Most tab route details will include the provision of several small,
drilled holes added to the tab to further minimize the material in the
tab and yield a smoother break. When these holes are added to the
tab, the tabs are commonly referred to as “mouse bites.”

On very high volume PCBA runs, a punching method can be utilized to
shear the PCB assemblies away from the panel. This process typically
requires the use of non-glass and non-fibrous material such as the
CEM family of laminates. There are very exacting design criteria

which must be considered to provide allowances for the punch/die
equipment to perform properly. It is highly recommended to contact
the PCB supplier if there is any possibility for the punch excising
method to be used.

Like previously mentioned, while the designer does not have much
involvement in the creation of the PCB array, it is important you
understand what is involved so you can make sound design decisions.
This way when the design is ready for production, you will avoid any
manufacturing hiccups.

The best-case
condition for wave
soldering is when
all the parts are
mounted on the top
side of the PCB.

Programming the Placement Machinery
Once the parts (including the PCB panels) are purchased, the automated
assembly process can begin. The data required for this phase of the
manufacturing process is taken from a few valuable sources. While
the parts were being purchased, the manufacturing engineer was
evaluating the bill of materials to get a general preview of the parts
to be installed. For the manufacturing engineer, the BOM provides
a limited view of the requirements. Along with the BOM output, the
designer has hopefully provided an intelligent data format file for
the design. With this information the manufacturing engineer can
get a good look at the design intent and begin planning the order of
manufacturing operations. Invaluable to the process is the provision
of X,Y placement data output from the design database.

All the remaining through-hole parts which are not to be run in the reflow
oven process will be designated for secondary solder processing. This
can either be done manually by a soldering technician or by two other
common automated processes, wave soldering and selective soldering.
Wave soldering is widely utilized by the EMS provider to make solder
joints on the side of the PCB in which the through-hole pins protrude.
The best-case condition for wave soldering is when all the parts are
mounted on the top side of the PCB. Only the through-hole pins needing
solder and the secondary side of the PCB should meet the solder
wave. There are cases in which SMT parts can be wave soldered too,
but this special processing requires component bodies which can
withstand the heat of the molten solder wave and they be specially
glued onto the secondary side PCB surface prior to the operation.

Sometimes referred to as a “pick & place” file, the data can be fed
into process programming to help select the proper tape reel and
define the nominal location and rotation for each SMT part which will
be automatically soldered onto the board as required.
If there are SMT parts on both sides of the board, the placement file
will indicate this and the placement parameters will be divided into
two operations (the first pass and the second pass) to place and
solder the SMT parts onto their respective sides.
In many cases, through-hole technology parts can be automatically
assembled onto the PCB and run through the reflow process along
with the SMT parts utilizing a newer, “paste-in-hole” process. These
types of parts will need to be included in the X,Y placement file and
will be specially handled by the manufacturing engineer.

When SMT exists on both sides of a mixed technology PCB design, it
is far more common to process both sides of the PCB SMT passes in
the reflow oven. Then follow up with a selective solder operation for
the remaining through-hole parts on the assembly.

Seek out
design solutions
to reduce these
multiple process
requirements as
much as possible;
that’s just
good DFM.

Selective solder machinery can make very accurate solder joints
on through-hole component pins by positioning a small fountain
of solder underneath the selected pin and automatically raising the
fountain cup enough to make the solder joint. The process is highly
accurate, but is not considered “speedy” due to the nature of the
single-solder fountain head.

Applying the Solder Paste
All the SMT components which are to be placed upon the PCB during
the pick & place operation already have etched copper lands ready
to contact the contacts of the parts. The manufacturing material and
process to make this connection is called soldering and is accomplished
using several methods.
There is an automated process for applying just the right amount of
solder paste to each pin and land pair. The solder paste deposition
process utilizes a unique machine to position the PCB panel, so it can
meet a metal “stencil” with specially formed openings for the solder
paste material to squeeze through and become deposited onto the land.
Where does this stencil come from? After the PCB designer has sent the
PCB manufacturing data package to the EMS provider, the manufacturing
engineer looks for a pastemask or stencil artwork file in the package.
Like all the files in the design, the stencil file is provided one-up. At
this point, it is the responsibility of the manufacturing engineer to
push this file to a stencil manufacturer who will cut the stencil based
upon the artwork file and the array specification drawing provided by
the EMS provider.

Many important decisions must be made regarding solder processing
before a board ever begins to roll down the assembly line. It is important
for the PCB design engineer to understand that even though the EMS
provider has many options to address the manufacturing challenges
which cascade onto the planning department tables every day, the
goal of the PCB design engineer should be to communicate with the
manufacturing engineering stakeholder. Seek out design solutions
to reduce these multiple process requirements as much as possible;
that’s just good DFM.

When ready, the panel is loaded into the stencil machine and aligned
with the stencil using the panel fiducials added by the supplier. The
stencil has electro-formed markings accurately positioned to align
with the fiducial markings on the panel. The alignment process is
optically-based and very accurate. Once the PCB panel has been
screened with solder paste the assembly process must move quickly.


The solder paste deposition is inspected to look for a good “release”
of the stencil, forming just the right amount of solder deposition onto
the land. The solder paste holds its shape after stencil release because
it is composed of tiny spheres of solder suspended in a tacky flux
resin. This sticky solder paste serves as an excellent temporary
“adhesive” for attaching components to the PCB before they will be
permanently soldered.
During soldering, the flux resin will vaporize and serve to provide an
inert local environment condition for the solder to bond to the land
and the component pin cleanly.

Automated Placement
After solder paste is applied, the panel moves onto the placement line.
The panel is designed to include rails, which not only provide stability
to the panel structure, but support the panel on the conveyer as the
panel is moved into position for automated placement. The pick-andplace machinery optically calculates the exact position and rotation
of the panel, again by means of optical sensors which recognize the
fiducial markings added to the panel. Since the coordinate starting
point of the panel is known by the pick and place machine via the
placement file provided by the PCB designer, the machine can populate
all the components onto the panel with lightning speed. A placement
head races to a reel to pick up a specific part using a vacuum nozzle,
the orientation of the part on the nozzle is measured, and then while
moving toward the component’s X,Y location the nozzle is rotated to
match the exact angle of the footprint on the PCB panel image so the
part is accurately placed.


Moving Through the Reflow Oven
Once all the parts are placed onto the side under assembly, the PCB
panel moves along the conveyor into the assembly reflow oven to
heat the assembly, melt the solder, and form perfect solder joints.
(Ref: IPC-A-610.)
A few variables must come together well for solder joints to be in spec.
• First, the footprint land geometry must be designed properly with
enough toe and heal and side extension to allow for a perfect
solder fillet. (Ref: IPC-7351)
• Second, the optimal amount of solder paste must have been
applied to the land by accurately calculating the stencil opening in
relation to the stencil thickness and the type of solder being used
on the PCB.
• Third, the oven’s thermal profile (or heat zones) must be adjusted
just right so the PCB and components receive the proper thermal
ramp, soak, and cooling times, to allow the solder to flow and
solidify properly.

Second Op Assembly Processing
As mentioned, parts which are not suitable for the reflow oven must
be processed using different manufacturing practices. It is usually
up to the manufacturing engineer to determine how these remaining
components will be soldered. The PCB assembly drawing the designer
provides should specify the components be “soldered” without being
specific with regards to how. This is intended to allow manufacturing
flexibility for the owner of the assembly process (more on that soon).

There are through-hole parts which must be addressed specially with
alternative soldering processes such as wave and selective soldering,
but there are many other types of assembly actions required on the PCBA
after all the parts are soldered. It is important for these second-op
conditions to be carefully considered by the PCB designer during the
layout phase, hopefully in collaboration with the manufacturing
engineering stakeholder. However, since the design has been released
and all the parts have been procured, it is time for the manufacturing
engineer to have the latitude to adjust any processing based upon the
physical parts in hand. For instance, a tall capacitor may be getting
knocked around during a cable routing operation. The manufacturing
engineer will need flexibility to add a constraint material to the capacitor,
like RTV, to support the part and protect the solder joints prior to cable
routing to address this unforeseen issue. This is only one of many things
which will eventually be addressed in the PCBA drawing specification.
Ultimately, it is up to the design and engineering stakeholders to define
the performance requirements of the product. How the manufacturer
gets there is ideally left up to them. Here are some examples of other
items which can be addressed:
• Addition of trace cuts or adding jumper wires
• Adding any lap soldered wire harnessing
• Adding potting material around moisture sensitive circuits
• Adding conformal coating over the PCBA or in selective areas
• Adding special marking and labels for identification
• Adding mechanical hardware with any thread torqueing requirements


Assembly Test

Final Inspection (IPC-A-610)

Once all the assembly operations and processes have been run,
verification must take place in order for the PCB assembly to be
validated for performance. This is the point where all of the front-end
investment of time and expense to add test points and create fixtures
and software mentioned in chapter 6 is going to pay off. If everything
has gone according to plan, the PCBAs are taken from the line and
placed into the assembly test fixture. There is a program which will
be run in order to check for continuity between parts to ensure all
of the soldering and placement has gone smoothly. The tests are
designed to run quickly because cycle time is valuable. There are
checks for functionality which will supply power in order to light
LEDs and run displays. The test engineers have collaborated with the
PCB design engineer to make certain every function of the PCBA will
be tested and will perform within specifications.

At last, the PCBA is ready for final inspection. There are a few assembly
notes which may be deemed necessary on an assembly drawing.
Perhaps marking requirement notes, hardware torque tightening specs,
maybe a dot of RTV here or a tie wrap over there. None are as important
or carry so much weight and responsibility for measuring design
quality as IPC-A-610. Adding a simple note: “Acceptance criteria per
IPC-A-610,” says all the right things to your final inspection department.
The pictorial, easy to read specification covers basic conditions of
every basic process which your PCBA will have been exposed to during
its journey through the assembly shop. The point has been made
throughout this book—from Ian’s early experiences entering data into
a layout without any manufacturing knowledge, to the introduction
to the many stakeholders of the PCBA design and manufacturing
process—that the success of an entire project is based upon getting
electrons to flow through an automatically assembled circuit with
repetitive success. In summary, every topic and character description
in this book illustrates a relative interconnectivity between stakeholder
responsibilities interconnection to the design manufacturing and
assembly process.

What if a problem is found? Actually, this is good news! This is the
purpose of the assembly test process. If a problem is found such as a
mis-located part or even an incorrect part, the board can be set aside
for rework. After rework, the board will have to run through the entire
assembly test process again to ensure complete conformance.


There have
been literally
thousands of
things which
could have
gone wrong.

By the time a PCBA has reached the point of final inspection, many
hours of time and material have been invested. There have been literally
thousands of things which could have gone wrong. In fact, many things
probably did. However, because of the incredible inspection points
which are implemented throughout the many processes, the problems
were identified and corrected allowing material to pass through correctly.
IPC-A-610 and the many other specifications which are utilized to
compare manufactured hardware with conforming or non-conforming
criteria are invaluable guidelines for final assembly test technicians
to use to measure how each stakeholder has done their job. Once all
the solder joints are inspected, once all the parts are inspected, once
the PCBA is run through its required burn in testing and has passed,
the manufacturing process is complete and the PCBA is ready to
be shipped out to perform its purpose in the consumer or industrial
world. It is the hope of all the contributors of this book that its message
of collaboration, communication, and understanding will serve the
designer well as they assume an influential role as the hub of the
entire design and manufacturing process for the PCBA.

Within the PCB assembly process or any PCB related process, literally
tens of thousands of things can go wrong. That a PCBA can be brought
together with hundreds of other parts to be exposed to dozens of
processes and come off the final inspection line with “PASS” stamped
upon its board surface seems a jaw dropping miracle. However, to
those stakeholders who take the time to reach out – to communicate,
to collaborate – the result is not miraculous. It makes perfect sense;
it is a matter of perspective. The fully-engaged stakeholder knows the
processes inside-and-out and has learned from each assembly, each
cycle, and has made the required adjustments. So must the PCB design
engineer. If there is anything to learn from the disciplines of the
manufacturing and assembly floors it is that a process of checks and
verification must be in place at every step. Data and documentation
created by the PCB design engineer on the front-end must be clean.
Garbage in equals garbage out, as they say. We would be amiss not to
once again encourage the PCB design engineer to contact a local EMS
provider to schedule a plant tour to see for themselves the disciplines,
the order, the cleanliness by which PCBA’s are produced. Get out and
observe the causes of manufacturing success and failure. Learn from
your assembly manufacturing brethren to incorporate the tangible
causes of success into your own PCB design process.


Pro Tips
FFIt is very important that a complete package of data is supplied to
the assembly stakeholder including a BOM, neutral database file,
XY placement file, solder paste stencil artwork file and test point
location file.
FFThe sooner the component information can be captured and sent
to the purchasing agent, the better.
FFThe exported BOM must list all the electronic and mechanical parts
used in the assembly, including the bare PCB, all components,
and even mechanical hardware, adhesives, coatings, and wire.
FFAs with the PCB provide the assembly stakeholder with a neutral
database such as ODB++ or IPC-2581.
FFMake sure the X,Y placement file specifies a reference designator
side of placement, X,Y location, and angle of orientation for
each part.
FFIf the assembly will be implementing DFT, include a test point
report file which include net names, side of access X,Y location
and test point names if applicable.
FFPrior to release, always pull BOM information from the
source schematic.

FFEven if you are not the one who will be doing the work, consider
how your design will be panelized for volume assembly.
FFConsider the importance of leaving space >/= .020 [0.51] clearance
between the PCB edge and any copper to allow for singulation of
the PCBA from the panel using v-score or tab-route options.
FFConsider the importance of biasing thru-hole components to the
top side of the assembly so the wave solder operation will have
easy access to component pins.
FFConsider it part of your design job to communicate often with the
assembly supplier stakeholder.
FFProvide 1:1 ratio openings on stencil artwork and allow the
stencil supplier to coordinate compensation and adjustment with
the assembly manufacturing engineer.
FFThink about implementing DFT at the layout stage. It’s probably
too late to begin thinking about it at the PCB documentation stage.
FFLeverage the power of IPC-A-610 to define the acceptance criteria
for your PCBA. It has stood the test of time as a comprehensive
conformance guideline.

FFConsider that the PCB assembly drawing is less of a how-to
document and more of an inspection document.
FFPCB Assembly drawing should include a pictorial view, component
outlines, reference designators, any special details and notes.

Chapter 42
The Future


an pushed the button on the side of his VR goggles. “Shutting
down” the screen read. Ian reached back to loosen the straps and
pulled the cowling from his face.

Ian waited a moment for his eyes to adjust. His experience using Old
Bob’s VR glasses to connect with project stakeholders seemed like a
three-day trip. He was tired and his temples were aching.
Ian had spent the last 24 hours communicating with the stakeholders
of the project. The short time he spent listening and learning from
Old Bob and the project stakeholders was very much like immersion
training. Ian now fully understood his role and could carve out a process
he could implement in the future. This not only helped get his part of
current and future projects completed on time, but also gave him the
confidence knowing it was done correctly. Ian could not be happier.
Ian reached for the old phone on his desk and dialed 42. He wanted
to speak to Old Bob to thank him for all his help. Ian heard a dial tone
and a couple of beeps on the other end. Just then, a scratchy voice
recording responded,
“Thank you for calling RoHaws EMS. Bob Gridmaster is out of the
office enjoying a well-deserved vacation on Planet X. Thank you and
have a nice day.”
Ian then hung up the receiver, wiped his brow with a towel, and began
designing his next project.

Preparing for the Next Electronic Generation
Ian’s story is an all too common occurrence amongst new engineers.
However, once these engineers become armed with knowledge and
couple it with the support of additional project stakeholders, they can
rest-easy knowing their design process has started off on the right
track. The goal of this book is to help empower engineers with the
knowledge needed to understand design fundamentals, effectively
leverage today’s technology, and learn from the mistakes others have
made in the past.
While the advent of automation and the latest software capabilities
have made it much easier for even the most inexperienced users to
“complete” full designs, like our protagonist Ian quickly found out,
lack of design fundamentals and collaboration can lead to major
issues later and make it almost impossible to leverage the technology
available to its fullest potential. We forget tools are just tools; they
don’t always solve the problems a designer can run into during the
design process. It’s the person operating those tools who does
this. Knowing what and why your CAD program does what it does,
coupled with expert knowledge of PCB design, will (usually) make for
a more streamlined and pleasant experience.
The future is driven by the constant evolution of technology. No
matter where you are in your career, this will always continue. To
be remain successful, designers are going to have to find ways to
quickly adapt. Ultimately, it is about adequately preparing for the next
electronic generation.


With emerging technologies such as 3D printing, artificial intelligence,
and machine learning becoming synonymous with daily life, its impact
on the design process is all but inevitable. The emergence of 3D
printers from companies such as Nano Dimension, Ltd., Voxel8, and
Siemens, has made the idea of 3D printed circuits a reality. “From a
micro-perspective, I firmly believe an engineer of the future is going
to be sitting at his/her desk and is going to click ‘file > print’ and over
in the corner there is going to be a 3D printed circuit board printer,
just knocking out a prototype board,” said Manny Marcano, CEO of
EMA Design Automation.
As we continue to look towards the future, we can see ECAD and MCAD
are slowly beginning to become synonymous with one another. This
convergence is causing the emergence of a new discipline called
Mechatronics, and its adaptation is going to change how engineers of
the future will work. We are heading in this direction already. The desktop
workflow of the future is going to be a mechatronics solution where
many of the individual disciplines we know today will be absorbed
into one consolidated engineering profession. Knowing how to
properly design a printed circuit board will provide engineers with the
foundation they need to be successful.

The Role of the Electrical Engineer is Changing
The process of PCB design is evolving and with that, so is the role of
the Electrical Engineer. What was once a highly segmented process
—a separate person in charge of libraries, schematics, PCB layout,
DFM, etc.—has now converged into a single job role. This new role,
the ‘PCB Design Engineer’ or whatever other title it might be called in
the future, requires one to not only understand every aspect of the PCB
design process, but the tools which will ultimately help accomplish
these myriad of tasks on-time and on-budget. Having a complete
understanding of the design processes will ensure utilization of these
evolving technologies to their fullest potential.
In addition, we are also seeing the convergence of the role of both
the Electrical Engineer and the Mechanical Engineer. Merging both
electrical and mechanical knowledge is slowly becoming essential to
creating a proper design at the Mechatronics level. Engineers must
adapt and become the reference point for the other specializations.
Few people will be doing the job of many, basing their design workflow
on automation and resources available on an industry-wide basis. Since
the electronics industry is already known for having a competitive
landscape, designers will have to constantly review trends and evolve
with them. Those armed with a fundamental understanding of design
and manufacturing process will set themselves apart from their peers.


Using this Book as a Resource
Ultimately, we wanted this book to be another resource in your toolbox.
At the end of each chapter is a checklist highlighting the key points
from each chapter. You can print these and use them as quick guides to
reference as you work. However you choose to utilize the information
within this guide, we are confident the information included will help
you to be successful while on your PCB design journey.

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish
No matter how you cut it, technology and automation are a requirement
today. However, since the tools don’t have the capability to understand
what’s in your head (yet) it is up to you, the PCB design engineer, to
define this. While it is important to embrace technology and automation,
it is essential to understand your design parameters to move forward.
This guide will help you do this.

The Hitchiker’s Guide to PCB Design by EMA Design Automation
225 Tech Park Drive, Rochester NY 14623
© 2018 EMA Design Automation, Inc.
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any
form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by
U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

As the role of the designer evolves into the hub of the entire design
and manufacturing process for the PCBA, it is the hope of all those
who contributed to this guide, that its message and content will serve
as a valuable resource.
Ultimately, everything boils down to having an open mind, so you can
quickly adapt as technology changes and learn how to apply lessons
from the past. Failure to do so could not only prevent you from
completing your design successfully, but it can also keep you from
reaching your full potential.
Simply put, all you need to be successful in this quickly-evolving
industry are this guide, a towel, and an open mind.



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