Tmva Instructions


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ROOT multivariate analysis package (TMVA)
TMVA package
The TMVA package performs a multivariate analysis on a number of input
variables and returns a single MVA variable
TMVA is included in ROOT versions 5.30 and above, the development version
can be found at
All source files and examples can be found under $ROOTSYS/tmva
The typical TMVA analysis is divided into:
TMVAClassification: training and testing of a MVA method with included data set
TMVAClassificationApplication: applying MVA cut to a data set
User guide:
Preparing for MVA
Example MVA:
$TMVAEX will from now on designate the folder where the above example is
extracted to
The above example trains and tests a neural network method on a data set
($TMVAEX/example.root) → check the contents of the file by opening a
TBrowser in ROOT
The data set should be saved in a ROOT file, where a tree holds input
Program structure ($TMVAEX/tmva_simple.cpp)
At the beginning, we open two root files – one for reading input variables, the
other to save the MVA output:
Tfile *ifile = Tfile::Open(“<input.root>”, “READ”);
Tfile *ofile = Tfile::Open(“<output.root>”, “RECREATE”);
Then we create a Factory class object that will take care of training and
testing (optionally, we can designate the MVA weights folder):
TMVA::Factory *factory = new TMVA::Factory(“<JobName>”, ofile,
(TMVA::gConfig().GetIONames()).fWeightFileDir = “./weights”;
Each variable that will be used in the MVA is then added (the last argument is
the variable type F for float, I for integer):
factory->AddVariable(“<variable name”, ‘<variable type>’);
Program structure ($TMVAEX/tmva_simple.cpp)
Each tree that will be used needs to be designated as signal or background
in the MVA, all signal trees will be combined together:
TTree *signalTree = (TTree*)ifile->Get(“<TreeName>”);
TTree *backgroundTree = (TTree*)ifile->Get(“<TreeName>”);
factory->AddSignalTree(signalTree, <weight>);
factory->AddBackgroundTree(backgroundTree, <weight>);
Both trees are then prepared for training and testing:
“<backSelectionCuts>”, “<options>”);
If preselection cuts are not needed, first two arguments are left empty
Some options:
nTrain_Signal, nTrain_Background, nTest_Signal, nTest_Background:
Number of signal and background events used for training and testing – if set to 0,
half of the events will be used for training and half for testing
SplitMode: Selection of events for training/testing (Random, Alternate, Block)
Program structure ($TMVAEX/tmva_simple.cpp)
Then we select the MVA method that will be used for the analysis – more
information on each can be found:
factory->BookMethod(<TMVA type>, “<TMVA name>”, “<options>”);
Some method types (with names):
Likelihood: TMVA::Types::kLikelihood (Likelihood, LikelihoodD,
Function discrimination analysis: TMVA::Types::kFDA (FDA_GA, FDA_SA,
Artificial neural networks: TMVA::Types::kMLP (MLP, MLPBNN,...),
TMVA::Types::kCFMlpANN (CFMlpANN),...
Boosted decision trees: TMVA::Types::kBDT (BDT, BDTG, BDTB, BDTD,...)
See $TMVAEX/def_methods.cpp for default options for a collection of
different methods
For classification, more than one method can be used (with additional
BookMethod definitions)
Program structure ($TMVAEX/tmva_simple.cpp)
Train, test and evaluate the methods, then close both files:
delete factory;
The output file can now be opened using a TMVA GUI with:
root -l ‘TMVAGui.C(“<output.root>”)’
./tmvagui <output.root>
Now we continue with the classification application part of the program
Wish to apply a MVA variable cut onto the data set – we create a Reader
class object and variables we will read values to:
TMVA::Reader *reader = new TMVA::Reader(“<option>”);
float obsvars[nrvars];
Program structure ($TMVAEX/tmva_simple.cpp)
We add all variables we wish to apply the MVA cut to and prepare the method
we used in the classification:
reader->AddVariable(“<variable name>”, &obsvars[0]);
reader->BookMVA(“<method name>”, “<path to weights XML
We now open the file that holds the trees and variables for our case and set
the MVA cut (can be determined from optimal cut from GUI):
TFile *ifile = TFile::Open(“<input.root>”, “READ”);
double cut = <cut value>;
Making a loop through all the trees, we set the address each variable (the
names here must be the same as variables we gave to the reader):
for(...) {
TTree *treeCur = (TTree*)ifile->Get(“<current tree name>”);
treeCur->SetBranchAddress(“<variable name>”, &obsvars[0]);
Program structure ($TMVAEX/tmva_simple.cpp)
Inside the existing loop, we now do another loop through all events in the tree
and check, if event is considered as signal or background:
for(...) {
TTree *treeCur = (TTree*)ifile->Get(“<current tree name>”);
treeCur->SetBranchAddress(“<variable name>”, &obsvars[0]);
for(int ievt = 0; ievt < treeCur->GetEntries(); ievt++) {
if(reader->EvaluateMVA(“<method name>”) >= cut)
// event is signal
// event is background
Make sure that the used MVA method has the classifier that above the cut is
signal and below the cut is background (some could have it reversed)
Plots from example

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