A Comprehensive Guide To The Grammar Of Graphics For Effective Visualization Multi Dimensional Data Towardsdatascience.com M


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Dipanjan (DJ) Sarkar September 12, 2018
A Comprehensive Guide to the Grammar of Graphics for
Effective Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data
Learn effective strategies for leveraging a layered Grammar of
Graphics framework for effective data visualization
Visualizing multi-dimensional data is an art as well as a science. Due to the limitations of
our two-dimensional (2-D) rendering devices, building effective visualizations on more than
two data dimensions (attributes or features) becomes challenging as the number of
dimensions start increasing. We have extensively covered some strategies for effective
multi-dimensional data visualization in one of my previous articles, “The Art of Effective
Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data” with hands-on examples. In this article, we will
cover the layered framework which we leveraged to build these visualizations, called ‘The
Grammar of Graphics’. We will also explore essential concepts behind the layered
Grammar of Graphics framework and discuss how we can use each specific layered
component to build effective visualization on multi-dimensional data. Examples will be
shown in Python, however, if you are interested you can replicate the same in R with ease.
Data visualization and storytelling has always been one of the most important phases of
any data science pipeline involving extracting meaningful insights from data, regardless of
the complexity of the data or the project. Take a simple example of ‘The Datasaurus
Dozen’— twelve different datasets depicted in the following figure.
Can you guess what is common among these very different looking sets of data?
The Datasaurus Dozen — What is common among these diverse datasets?
Answer: Summary statistics for all the datasets are exactly the same!
This is a fun variant of the well known
Anscombe’s quartet, which many of you
might be very familiar with, as depicted in the
following figure.
Anscombe’s quartet — Different datasets with same summary statistics
The key takeaway from these demonstrations would be, “Do not trust your data blindly, and
start modeling on your data”. Summary statistics can always be deceptive. Always visualize
and understand your data attributes before moving on to feature engineering and building
statistical, machine learning and deep learning models.
Another very important source of motivation, particularly for effective data visualization,
can be derived from some excellent case-studies dating several centuries back when we
didn’t even have computers let alone Python or R! The first one is John Snow’s famous
visualization depicting the Broad Street Cholera Outbreak in London, England in 1854!
Visualizing the Broad Street Cholera outbreak which helped find the root cause of the
disease outbreak!
You can see how a simple hand-drawn visualization helped find the root cause of the
cholera outbreak in Broad Street way back in the 1850s. Another interesting visualization
was built by Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing practice, who had a deep-
seated interest in nursing and statistics.
Causes of Mortality in the Army of the East — Florence Nightingale
The above figure depicts a polar area diagram depicting causes of mortality (death) in the
army in the 1850s. We can see the visualization is definitely not simplistic, yet it conveys
the right insights — clearly showing the proportion of soldiers who died due to diseases
which were preventable, based on wounds or other causes. This should serve as enough
motivation for effective data visualization!
Understanding the Grammar of Graphics
To understand the Grammar of Graphics, we would need to understand what do we mean
by Grammar. The following figure summarizes both these aspects briefly.
Basically, a grammar of graphics is a framework which follows a layered approach to
describe and construct visualizations or graphics in a structured manner. A visualization
involving multi-dimensional data often has multiple components or aspects, and leveraging
this layered grammar of graphics helps us describe and understand each component
involved in visualization — in terms of data, aesthetics, scale, objects and so on.
The original grammar of graphics framework was proposed by Leland Wilkinson, which
covers all major aspects pertaining to effective data visualization in detail. I would definitely
recommend interested readers to check out the book on it, whenever they get a chance!
The Grammar of Graphics | Leland Wilkinson | Springer
Preface to First Edition Before writing the graphics for SYSTAT in the 1980's, I began by
teaching a seminar in…www.springer.com
We will, however, be using a variant of this — known as the layered grammar of graphics
framework, which was proposed by Hadley Wickham, reputed Data Scientist and the
creator of the famous R visualization package ggplot2 . Readers should check out his
paper titled, ‘A layered grammar of graphicswhich covers his proposed layered grammar of
graphics in detail and also talks about his open-source implementation framework
ggplot2 which was built for the R programming language
A layered grammar of graphics
A grammar of graphics is a tool that enables us to concisely describe the components of a
graphic. Such a grammar…vita.had.co.nz
Hadley’s layered grammar of graphics uses several layered components to describe any
graphic or visualization. Most notably, it has some variations from the original grammar of
graphics proposed by Wilkinson as depicted in the following figure.
Mapping between components of Wilkinson’s grammar (left) and the layered
grammar (right)
You can see there are various components in the grammar which can be used to build and
describe a visualization. I have identified seven such major components which usually help
me build effective visualizations on multi-dimensional data. The following figure illustrates
it with some details about each specific component in the grammar.
Major components of the Grammar of Graphics
We illustrate the same using a pyramid architecture to show an inherent layered hierarchy
of components. Typically, to build or describe any visualization with one or more
dimensions, we can use the components as follows.
1. Data: Always start with the data, identify the dimensions you want to visualize.
2. Aesthetics: Confirm the axes based on the data dimensions, positions of various
data points in the plot. Also check if any form of encoding is needed including size,
shape, color and so on which are useful for plotting multiple data dimensions.
3. Scale: Do we need to scale the potential values, use a specific scale to represent
multiple values or a range?
4. Geometric objects: These are popularly known as ‘geoms’. This would cover the way
we would depict the data points on the visualization. Should it be points, bars, lines
and so on?
5. Statistics: Do we need to show some statistical measures in the visualization like
measures of central tendency, spread, confidence intervals?
6. Facets: Do we need to create subplots based on specific data dimensions?
7. Coordinate system: What kind of a coordinate system should the visualization be
based on — should it be cartesian or polar?
We will now be looking at how to leverage this layered framework to build effective data
visualizations for multi-dimensional data with some hands-on examples.
Grammar of Graphics in Action
We will now apply the concept we learnt in the previous section on some actual data. We
will be building all our visualizations in Python, but I would also recommend people to
check out the ggplot2 package in R, which is one of the most inspiring frameworks till
now for building nice and clean publication quality visualizations. We do have a
ggplot framework in Python which has been built by Yhat, Inc. However, if you check the
repository, no commits or updates have been pushed for the last two years, and
unfortunately, this causes some errors especially due to backward incompatibility issues
with newer versions of pandas . Hence, to emulate the true layered grammar of graphics
syntax in Python, we will use another interesting framework called plotnine .
A Grammar of Graphics for Python - plotnine 0.4.0 documentation
plotnine is an implementation of a grammar of graphics in Python, it is based on ggplot2. The
grammar allows users to…plotnine.readthedocs.io
Plotnine is an open-source Python implementation for a layered grammar of graphics
framework which is based on ggplot2 . Thus, using the previously specified components
in this layered grammar, we can build effective visualizations.
Start with the data
We always start by loading up and looking at the dataset we want to analyze and visualize.
We will use the famous mtcarsdataset available as one of the pre-loaded datasets in
plotnine .
The mtcars dataset consists of data that was extracted from the 1974 Motor Trend US
magazine, and depicts fuel consumption and 10 other attributes of automobile design and
performance for 32 automobiles (1973–74 models). The details of each attribute are
depicted in the figure above. Let’s build some visualizations now.
Visualize two-dimensions (2-D)
We can now visualize data up to two dimensions using some of the components from our
layered grammar of graphics framework including data, scale, aesthetics and geoms. We
choose a dot or scatter plot in this case for our geometric object to represent each data
We can clearly see from the above visualization that mpg has a negative correlation with
the cat wt .
Visualize three-dimensions (3-D)
To visualize three dimensions from our dataset, we can leverage color as one of our
aesthetic components to visualize one additional dimension besides our other two
dimensions as depicted in the following example.
In the above visualization, we depict the cars with different number of gears as separate
categories using the color aesthetic along with our other two data dimensions (variables).
It is quite clear that cars with a smaller number of gears on average tend to have higher
wt and lower mpg .
Visualize four-dimensions (4-D)
To visualize four dimensions from our dataset, we can leverage color as well as size as two
of our aesthetics besides other regular components including geoms, data and scale.
The visualization shows us how powerful aesthetics can be in helping us visualize multiple
data dimensions in a single plot. It is quite clear that cars with higher number of cyl
(cylinders) have lower number of gears and in turn, their wt is higher and mpg lower.
Alternatively, we can also use color and facets to depict data in four dimensions instead of
size as depicted in the following example.
Facets are definitely one of the most powerful components towards building an effective
data visualization as shown in the visualization above, where we can clearly see cars with
higher cyl count have lower gear count and similar trends as the previous visualization
with color and size.
Visualize data dimensions and statistics
To visualize data dimensions and some relevant statistics (like fitting a linear model), we
can leverage statistics along with the other components in our layered grammar.
This enables us to see linear model trends for mpg based on wt due to the statistics
Visualize five-dimensions (5-D)
To visualize data in five dimensions, you know the drill by now! We will leverage the power
of aesthetics including color, size and facets.
Here we use am as the facet where 0 indicates cars with automatic transmission and 1
indicates cars with manual transmission. The plot shows that cars with manual
transmission have higher number of gears as compared to cars with automatic
transmission. Also, majority of cars with a higher number of cylinders ( cyl ) have
automatic transmission. Other insights are similar to what we have observed in the
previous plots.
Visualize six-dimensions (6-D)
To visualize data in six dimensions, we can add in an additional facet on the y-axis along
with a facet on the x-axis, and color and size as aesthetics.
We represent transmission ( am ) as 0 (automatic) and 1 (manual) as a facet on the y-axis
and number of carburetors ( carb ) as a facet on the x-axis besides the other dimensions
represented using other aesthetics similar to our previous plots. An interesting insight from
the above visualization is that cars with higher number of gears have manual transmission
(am ) and higher number of carburetors ( carb ). Do you notice any other interesting
Can we go higher?
The pressing question is, can we go higher than six dimensions? Well, it definitely becomes
more and more difficult to hack our way around the limitations of a two-dimensional
rendering device to visualize more data dimensions.
One method is to use more facets and subplots. Besides this, you can also use the notion
of time if your dataset has a temporal aspect as depicted in the following example.
Hans Rosling’s famous visualization of global population, health and economic indicators
This depicts Hans Rosling’s famous visualization of depicting global population, health and
various economic indicators across all countries. This was also presented in an official
TED conference which I would recommend everyone to check out if they haven’t done it
This should give you a good perspective on how to leverage the layered grammar of
graphics to visualize multi-dimensional data.
Like I have mentioned time and again, data visualization is an art as well as a science. This
article should give you enough motivation and examples to get started with understanding
and leveraging a layered grammar of graphics framework towards building effective
visualizations of your own on multi-dimensional data.
All the code used in this article is available as a Jupyter notebook along with other content
and slides in my GitHub repository.
The art of effective visualization of multi-dimensional data -
I do cover how to visualize multi-dimensional data using state-of-the-art data visualization
frameworks in Python like seaborn and matplotlib on slightly more complex data. The
following article should help you get started on the same if you are interested.
The Art of Effective Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data
Strategies for Effective Data Visualizationtowardsdatascience.com
A major portion of these articles was covered in one of my recent conference talks in
ODSC, 2018. You can check out the full talk agenda and slides here . I will post the
YouTube conference talk once it’s out!
The Art of Effective Visualization of Multi-dimensional Data - A hands-on Approach -
ODSC India…
Descriptive Analytics is one of the core components of any analysis life-cycle pertaining to a
data science project or…confengine.com
Have feedback for me? Or interested in working with me on research, data science,
artificial intelligence or even publishing an article on TDS? You can reach out to me on
Dipanjan Sarkar - Data Scientist - Intel Corporation | LinkedIn
View Dipanjan Sarkar's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community.
Dipanjan has 6 jobs listed on…www.linkedin.com
Thanks to Durba for editing this article.

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