UG100: EZSP Reference Guide Ug100
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- 1 What's New
- 2 EmberZNet Serial Protocol
- 3 Protocol Format
- 4 Configuration Frames
- 5 Utilities Frames
- 6 Networking Frames
- setManufacturerCode
- setPowerDescriptor
- networkInit
- networkState
- stackStatusHandler
- startScan
- energyScanResultHandler
- networkFoundHandler
- scanCompleteHandler
- stopScan
- formNetwork
- joinNetwork
- leaveNetwork
- findAndRejoinNetwork
- permitJoining
- childJoinHandler
- energyScanRequest
- getNetworkParameters
- getRadioParameters
- getChildData
- getNeighbor
- neighborCount
- getRouteTableEntry
- setRadioPower
- setRadioChannel
- setConcentrator
- 7 Binding Frames
- 8 Messaging Frames
- maximumPayloadLength
- sendUnicast
- sendBroadcast
- proxyBroadcast
- sendMulticast
- sendReply
- messageSentHandler
- sendManyToOneRouteRequest
- pollForData
- pollCompleteHandler
- pollHandler
- incomingSenderEui64Handler
- incomingMessageHandler
- incomingRouteRecordHandler
- changeSourceRouteHandler
- setSourceRoute
- incomingManyToOneRouteRequestHandler
- incomingRouteErrorHandler
- addressTableEntryIsActive
- setAddressTableRemoteEui64
- setAddressTableRemoteNodeId
- getAddressTableRemoteEui64
- getAddressTableRemoteNodeId
- setExtendedTimeout
- getExtendedTimeout
- replaceAddressTableEntry
- lookupNodeIdByEui64
- lookupEui64ByNodeId
- getMulticastTableEntry
- setMulticastTableEntry
- idConflictHandler
- sendRawMessage
- macPassthroughMessageHandler
- macFilterMatchMessageHandler
- rawTransmitCompleteHandler
- 9 Security Frames
- 10 Trust Center Frames
- 11 Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames
- generateCbkeKeys
- generateCbkeKeysHandler
- alculateSmacs
- calculateSmacsHandler
- generateCbkeKeys283k1
- generateCbkeKeysHandler283k1
- calculateSmacs283k1
- calculateSmacsHandler283k1
- clearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey
- getCertificate
- getCertificate283k1
- dsaSign
- dsaSignHandler
- dsaVerify
- dsaVerifyHandler
- setPreinstalledCbkeData
- Name: 22TsetPreinstalledCbkeData283k1
- 12 Mfglib Frames
- 13 Bootloader Frames
- 14 ZLL Frames
- 15 Green Power Frames
- 16 Secure EZSP Frames
- 17 Alphabetical List of Frames
- 18 Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2
UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
The EmberZNet Serial Protocol (EZSP) defined in this document is
the protocol used by a host application processor to interact with
the EmberZNet PRO stack running on a Network Co-Processor
(NCP). EZSP messages are sent between the host and the NCP
over either a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) or a Universal
Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interface.
This document is up-to-date with EmberZNet PRO Release 6.1. See section 1, What's
New, for a list of what has changed since the previous release.
• Itemizes what’s new for EZSP since the
previous release of EmberZNet PRO.
• Defines the fields in an EZSP frame.
• Defines the protocol format, including type
definitions, structure definitions, and
named values.
• Provides details for all types of EZSP
frames: name, ID, description, command
parameters, and response parameters.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
What's New | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 1
1 What's New
The following sections summarize the additions, changes, and deletions made to EZSP from EmberZNet PRO Release 6.0 to
Release 6.1.
1.1 Additions
Structure Definitions
• EmberGpProxyTableEntry: added description details
Named Values
Messaging Frames
• writeNodeData
Security Frames
• sendTrustCenterLinkKey
Alphabetical List of Frames
• sendTrustCenterLinkKey
• writeNodeData
1.2 Changes
Networking Frames
• networkInit (Command Parameters, Response Parameters)
ZLL Frames
• zllSetRxOnWhenIdle (Command Parameters)
Numerical List of Frames
• 0x67 is assigned to sendTrustCenterLinkKey (was unassigned)
• 0x70 is unassigned (was networkInitExtended)
• 0xFE is assigned to writeNodeData (was unassigned)
1.3 Deletions
Alphabetical List of Frames
• networkInitExtended
Numeric List of Frames
• networkInitExtended

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EmberZNet Serial Protocol | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 2
2 EmberZNet Serial Protocol
All EZSP frames begin with the same three fields: sequence, frame control, and frame ID. The format of the rest of the frame depends
on the frame ID. Figure 1 defines the format for all frame IDs. Most of the frames have a fixed length. A few, such as those containing
application messages, are of variable length. The frame control indicates the direction of the message (command or response). For
commands, the frame control also contains power management information (SPI interface only). For responses, the frame control also
contains status information.
The host initiates a two-message transaction by sending a command message to the NCP. The NCP then sends a response message
to the host. When connected using the SPI interface, if the NCP needs to communicate a callback to the host, it will indicate this using
the interrupt line and then wait for the host to send the callback command. When connected using the UART interface, the NCP can
send callbacks to the host asynchronously as soon as they occur.
When a command contains an application message, the host must supply a one-byte tag. This tag is used in future commands and
responses to refer to the message. For example, when sending a message, the host provides both the message contents and a tag. The
tag is then used to report the fate of the message in a later response from the NCP.
Silicon Labs designed EZSP to be very familiar to customers who have used the EmberZNet PRO stack API. The majority of the com-
mands and responses are functionally identical to those found in EmberZNet PRO. The variations are due mainly to the timing differences
of running the application on a separate processor across a serial interface.
2.1 Byte Order
All multiple octet fields are transmitted and received with the least significant octet first, also referred to as “little endian.” This is the same
byte order convention specified by 802.15.4 and ZigBee. Note that EUI64 fields are treated as a 64-bit number and are therefore trans-
mitted and received in little endian order. Each individual octet is transmitted and received by the SPI or UART interface. See AN706:
EZSP-UART Host Interface Guide and AN711, EZSP-SPI Host Interface Guide, for more information about the UART and SPI interfaces
2.2 Conceptual Overview
This section provides an overview of the concepts that are specific to EZSP or that differ from the EmberZNet PRO stack API. The
commands and responses mentioned in this overview are described in more detail later in this document.
2.2.1 Stack Configuration
To ensure that the NCP and the host agree on the protocol format, the first command sent by the host after the NCP has reset must be
the version command. There are a number of configuration values that affect the behavior of the stack. The host can read these values
at any time using the getConfigurationValue command. After the NCP has reset, the host can modify any of the default values
using the setConfigurationValue command. The host must then provide information about the application endpoints using
the addEndpoint command.
Table 1 gives the minimum, default, and maximum values for each of the configuration values. Also listed is the RAM cost—the number
of bytes of additional RAM required to increase the configuration value by one. Because the total amount of RAM is fixed, the additional
RAM required must be made available by reducing one of the other configuration values.

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EmberZNet Serial Protocol | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 3
Table 1. Configuration Values
Configuration Value Min. Def. Max. Units RAM
Cost Description
5 24 packet
buffers 39 The number of packet buffers available to the stack. When
set to the special value 0xFF, the NCP will allocate all
remaining configuration RAM towards packet buffers, such
that the resulting count will be the largest whole number of
packet buffers that can fit into the available memory.
8 16 16 neighbors 18 The maximum number of router neighbors the stack can
keep track of. A neighbor is a node within radio range.
0 10 messages 6 The maximum number of APS retried messages the stack
can be transmitting at any time.
EZSP_CONFIG_BINDING_TABLE_SIZE 0 0 32 entries 2 The maximum number of non-volatile bindings supported
by the stack.
0 8 entries 12 The maximum number of EUI64 to network address
associations that the stack can maintain for the
application. (Note, the total number of such address
associations maintained by the NCP is the sum of
the value of this setting and the value of
0 8 entries 4 The maximum number of multicast groups that the device
may be a member of.
0 16 entries 6 The maximum number of destinations to which a node can
route messages. This includes both messages originating
at this node and those relayed for others.
0 8 entries 10 The number of simultaneous route discoveries that a node
will support.
0 0 16 bytes 1 The size of the alarm broadcast buffer.
0 0 16 bytes (C) The size of the unicast alarm buffers allocated for end
device children.
0 0 0 Specifies the stack profile.
EZSP_CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL 0 5 5 0 The security level used for security at the MAC and
network layers. The supported values are 0 (no security)
and 5 (payload is encrypted and a four-byte MIC is used
for authentication).
0 30 hops 0 The maximum number of hops for a message.
0 6 32 children 9 + (A) The maximum number of end device children that a router
will support.
0 3000 3000
0 milli-
seconds 0 The maximum amount of time that the MAC will hold a
message for indirect transmission to a child.
EOUT 0 5 255 2^(D)
seconds 0 The maximum amount of time that an end device child can
wait between polls. If no poll is heard within this timeout,
then the parent removes the end device from its tables.
MEOUT 0 20 quarter
seconds 0 The maximum amount of time that a mobile node can wait
between polls. If no poll is heard within this timeout, then
the parent removes the mobile node from its tables.
0 0 (C) entries 0 The number of child table entries reserved for use only by
mobile nodes.
0 0 3 0 Enables boost power mode and/or the alternate transmitter
EZSP_CONFIG_DISABLE_RELAY 0 0 1 0 0: Allow this node to relay messages. 1: Prevent this node
from relaying messages.

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EmberZNet Serial Protocol | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 4
Configuration Value
S_CACHE_SIZE 0 0 entries 12 The maximum number of EUI64 to network address
associations that the Trust Center can maintain. These
address cache entries are reserved for and reused by the
Trust Center when processing device join/rejoin
authentications. This cache size limits the number of
overlapping joins the Trust Center can process within a
narrow time window (e.g. two seconds), and thus should
be set to the maximum number of near simultaneous joins
the Trust Center is expected to accommodate. (Note, the
total number of such address associations maintained by
the NCP is the sum of the value of this setting and the
0 0 entries 4 The size of the source route table.
0 6 10 0 The units used for timing out end devices on their parents.
0 0 8 blocks 0 The number of blocks of a fragmented message that can
be sent in a single window.
seconds 0 The time the stack will wait between sending blocks of a
fragmented message.
0 0 entries 4 The size of the Key Table used for storing individual link
keys (if the device is a Trust Center) or Application Link
Keys (if the device is a normal node).
seconds 0 The APS ACK timeout value. The stack waits this amount
of time between resends of APS retried messages.
N 0 3 6 15.4 scan
0 The duration of an active scan. This also controls the jitter
used when responding to a beacon request.
1 60 seconds 0 The time the coordinator will wait for a second end device
bind request to arrive.
ORT_THRESHOLD 1 1 63 reports per
minute 0 The number of PAN id conflict reports that must be
received by the network manager within one minute to
trigger a PAN id change.
0 0 10 minutes 0 The timeout value in minutes for how long the Trust Center
or a normal node waits for the ZigBee Request Key to
complete. On the Trust Center this controls whether or not
the device buffers the request, waiting for a matching pair
of ZigBee Request Key. If the value is non-zero, the Trust
Center buffers and waits for that amount of time. If the
value is zero, the Trust Center does not buffer the request
and immediately responds to the request. Zero is the most
compliant behavior.
IZE 0 1 1 0 This value indicates the size of the runtime modifiable
certificate table. Normally certificates are stored in MFG
tokens but this table can be used to field upgrade devices
with new Smart Energy certificates. This value cannot be
set, it can only be queried.
GS 0 0 255 0 This is a bitmask that controls which incoming ZDO
request messages are passed to the application. The bits
are defined in the EmberZdoConfigurationFlags
enumeration. To see if the application is required to send a
ZDO response in reply to an incoming message, the
application must check the APS options bitfield within the
incomingMessageHandler callback to see if the
flag is set.
15 15 254 entries 6 The maximum number of broadcasts during a single
broadcast timeout period.
0 0 254 entries 2 The size of the MAC filter list table.

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EmberZNet Serial Protocol | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 5
Configuration Value
1 2 2 entries 72 The number of supported networks.
SLEEPY_ADDRESS 0 0 1 0 Whether multicasts are sent to the RxOnWhenIdle=true
address (0xFFFD) or the sleepy broadcast address
(0xFFFF). The RxOnWhenIdle=true address is the ZigBee
compliant destination for multicasts. 0=false, 1=true
0 0 255 0 ZLL group address initial configuration.
-128 -128 127 0 ZLL rssi threshold initial configuration.
_SIZE 0 0 126 entries 48 The maximum number of pairings supported by the stack.
Controllers must support at least one pairing table entry
while targets must support at least five.
0 0 16 entries 16 The maximum number of outgoing RF4CE packets
supported by the stack.
0 1 1 0 Toggles the MTORR flow control in the stack. 0=false,
0 300 6553
5 seconds 0 The amount of time a trust center will store a transient key
with which a device can use to join the network.
2.2.2 Policy Settings
There are some situations when the NCP must make a decision but there is not enough time to consult with the host. The host can control
what decision is made by setting the policy in advance. The NCP will then make decisions according to the current policy. The host is
informed via callbacks each time a decision is made, but by the time the news reaches the host, it is too late to change that decision. You
can change the policies at any time by using the setPolicy command.
A policy is used for trust center behavior, external binding modification requests, unicast replies, generating pollHandler callbacks,
and the contents of the messageSent callback.
2.2.3 Unicast Replies
The policy for unicast replies allows the host to decide whether it wants to supply the NCP with a reply payload for every retried unicast
received. If the host sets the policy to not supply a reply, the NCP will automatically send an empty reply (containing no payload) for every
retried unicast received. If the host sets the policy to supply the reply, then the NCP will only send a reply when instructed by the host.
If the reply does not reach the sender before the APS retry timeout expires, the sender will transmit the unicast again. The host must
process the incoming message and supply the reply quickly enough to avoid retransmission by the sender. Provided this timing constraint
is met, multiple unicasts can be received before the first reply is supplied and the replies can be supplied in any order.
2.2.4 SPI Interface Callbacks
Asynchronous callbacks from the NCP are sent to the host as the response to a callback command. The NCP uses the interrupt line
to indicate that the host should send a callback command. The NCP will queue multiple callbacks while it waits for the host. Each
response only delivers one callback. If the NCP receives the callback command when there are no pending callbacks, it will reply with
the noCallbacks response.
2.2.5 UART Interface Callbacks
By default, callbacks from the NCP are sent to the host asynchronously as soon as they occur and the host never needs to send
the callback command. The host can disable asynchronous callbacks by setting EZSP_VALUE_UART_SYNCH_CALLBACKS to 1
using the setValue command. Callbacks will then only be sent to the host as the response to a callback command.

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2.2.6 SPI Interface Power Management
The NCP always idles its processor whenever possible. To further reduce power consumption when connected using the SPI interface,
the NCP can be put to sleep by the host. The UART interface is designed for gateway applications and does not support power manage-
ment. In power down mode, only an external interrupt will wake the NCP. In deep sleep mode, the NCP will use its internal timer to wake
up for scheduled events. The NCP provides two independent timers that the host can use for any purpose, including waking up the NCP
from deep sleep mode. Timers are set using the setTimer command and generate timerHandler callbacks.
The frame control byte of every command tells the NCP which sleep mode to enter after it has responded to the command. Including this
information in every command (instead of having a separate power management command) allows the NCP to be put to sleep faster. If
the host needs to put the NCP to sleep without also performing another action, the nop command can be used.
In deep sleep mode, the NCP will wake up for an internal event. If the event does not produce a callback for the host, the NCP will go
back to sleep once the event has been handled. If the event does produce a callback, the NCP will signal the host and remain awake
waiting for the callback command. If the frame control byte of the callback command specifies deep sleep mode, then the NCP
would normally go back to sleep after responding with the callback. However, if there is a second callback pending, the NCP will remain
awake waiting for another callback command.
To avoid disrupting the operation of the network, only put the NCP to sleep when it is not joined to a network or when it is joined as a
sleeping end device. If the NCP is joined as a sleeping end device, then it must poll its parent in order to receive messages. The host
controls the polling behavior using the pollForData command. Polls are sent periodically with the interval set by the host or a single
poll can be sent. The result of every poll attempt is optionally reported using the pollCompleteHandler callback.
2.2.7 Tokens
Some of the non-volatile storage on the NCP is made available for use by the host. Tokens stored in the Simulated EEPROM can be
read and written using the setToken and getToken commands. Each token is 8 bytes. 32 tokens are available on the EM3xxx and
EFR32 devices when using Simulated EEPROM v2, otherwise 8 tokens are available. Tokens preserve their values between reboots.
The manufacturing tokens stored in the Flash Information Area can be read using the getMfgToken command.
2.2.8 NCP Status
The frame control byte of every response sent by the NCP contains four status fields:
• The overflow bit is set if the NCP ran out of memory at any time since the previous response was sent. If this bit is set, then messages
may have been lost.
• The truncated bit is set if the NCP truncated the current response. If this bit is set, the command from the host produced a response
larger than the maximum EZSP frame length.
• The callback pending bit is set if the NCP has one or more callbacks that have not been delivered to the host.
• The callback type field identifies a response as either an asynchronous callback (UART interface only), a synchronous callback, or
not a callback.
You can use the nop command to check the status of the NCP without also performing another action.
2.2.9 Random Number Generator
The host can obtain a random number from the NCP using the getRandomNumber command. The random number is generated from
analog noise in the radio and can be used to seed a random number generator on the host.

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Protocol Format | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 7
3 Protocol Format
Figure 1 illustrates the EZSP frame format.
1 byte Frame Control
1 byte Legacy Frame ID
1 byte
Extended Frame Control
1 byte Frame ID
1 byte Parameters
Figure 1. EZSP Frame Format
The first byte of all EZSP frames is a sequence number. The host should increment the sequence number each time a command is sent
to the NCP. The response sent by the NCP uses the sequence number of the command, except when the response is a callback. Callback
responses contain the sequence number of the last command seen at the time the callback occurred on the NCP. The second byte of all
EZSP frames is the frame control byte per Table 2. Starting with EZSP version 5, the reserved value of 0xFF for the Legacy Frame ID
byte is used to signify that the next byte is the Extended Frame Control per Table 9, which is followed by the actual Frame ID byte.
Table 2. Frame Control Byte Summary
Type Table Number Description
Frame Control Table 3 Meaning of this byte for command and response frames
Frame Control Table 4 Sleep modes
Frame Control Table 5 Overflow status bit
Frame Control Table 6 Truncated status bit
Frame Control Table 7 Callback pending status bit
Frame Control Table 8 Callback types
Extended Frame Control Table 9 Meaning of this byte for command and response frames
Extended Frame Control Table 10 Security enabled status bit
Table 3. Frame Control Byte
Bit Command Response
7 (MSB) 0 1
6 networkIndex[1] networkIndex[1]
5 networkIndex[0] networkIndex[0]
4 0 (reserved) callbackType[1]
3 0 (reserved) callbackType[0]
2 0 (reserved) callbackPending
1 sleepMode[1] truncated
0 (LSB) sleepMode[0] overflow
Table 4. Sleep Modes
sleepMode[1] sleepMode[0] Description
1 1 Reserved.
1 0 Power down.
0 1 Deep sleep.
0 0 Idle.

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Protocol Format | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 8
Table 5. Overflow Status Bit
overflow Description
1 The NCP ran out of memory since the previous response.
0 No memory shortage since the previous response.
Table 6. Truncated Status Bit
truncated Description
1 The NCP truncated the current response to avoid exceeding the maximum EZSP frame length.
0 The current response was not truncated.
Table 7. Callback Pending Status Bit
callbackPending Description
1 A callback is pending on the NCP. If this response is a callback, at least one more callback is available.
0 All callbacks have been delivered to the host.
Table 8. Callback Types
1 1 Reserved.
1 0 (UART interface only) This response is an asynchronous callback. It
was not sent in response to a callback command.
0 1 This response is a synchronous callback. It was sent in response to a
callback command.
0 0 This response is not a callback.
Table 9. Extended Frame Control Byte
Bit Command Response
7 (MSB) securityEnabled securityEnabled
6 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
5 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
4 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
3 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
2 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
1 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
0 (LSB) 0 (reserved) 0 (reserved)
Table 10. Security Enabled Status Bit
securityEnabled Description
1 Security is enabled.
0 Security is not enabled.

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Protocol Format | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 9
3.1 Type Definitions
Bool uint8_t Boolean type with values true and false.
EzspConfigId uint8_t Identifies a configuration value.
EzspValueId uint8_t Identifies a value.
EzspExtendedValueId uint8_t Identifies a value based on specified characteristics. Each set of
characteristics is unique to that value and is specified during the
call to get the extended value.
EzspEndpointFlags uint16_t Flags associated with the endpoint data configured on the NCP.
EmberConfigTxPowerMode uint16_t
EzspPolicyId uint8_t Identifies a policy.
EzspDecisionId uint8_t Identifies a policy decision.
EzspMfgTokenId uint8_t Manufacturing token IDs used by ezspGetMfgToken().
EzspStatus uint8_t Status values used by EZSP.
EmberStatus uint8_t Return type for stack functions.
EmberEventUnits uint8_t Either marks an event as inactive or specifies the units for the
event execution time.
EmberNodeType uint8_t The type of the node.
EmberNetworkStatus uint8_t The possible join states for a node.
EmberIncomingMessageType uint8_t Incoming message types.
EmberOutgoingMessageType uint8_t Outgoing message types.
EmberMacPassthroughType uint8_t MAC passthrough message type flags.
EmberBindingType uint8_t Binding types.
EmberApsOption uint16_t Options to use when sending a message.
EzspNetworkScanType uint8_t Network scan types.
EmberJoinDecision uint8_t Decision made by the trust center when a node attempts to join.
EmberInitialSecurityBitmask uint16_t This is the Initial Security Bitmask that controls the use of various
security features.
EmberCurrentSecurityBitmask uint16_t This is the Current Security Bitmask that details the use of various
security features.
EmberKeyType uint8_t Describes the type of ZigBee security key.
EmberKeyStructBitmask uint16_t Describes the presence of valid data within the EmberKeyStruct
EmberDeviceUpdate uint8_t The status of the device update.
EmberKeyStatus uint8_t The status of the attempt to establish a key.
EmberCounterType uint8_t Defines the events reported to the application by
the readAndClearCounters command.
EmberJoinMethod uint8_t The type of method used for joining.
EmberZdoConfigurationFlags uint8_t
Flags for controlling which incoming ZDO requests are passed to
the application. To see if the application is required to send a
ZDO response to an incoming message, the application must
check the APS options bitfield within the
incomingMessageHandler callback to see if the
EmberConcentratorType uint16_t Type of concentrator.
EmberZllState uint16_t ZLL device state identifier.
EmberZllKeyIndex uint8_t ZLL key encryption algorithm enumeration.

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Protocol Format | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 10
EzspZllNetworkOperation uint8_t Differentiates among ZLL network operations.
EzspSourceRouteOverheadInformation uint8_t Validates Source Route Overhead Information cached.
EmberNetworkInitBitmask uint16_t Bitmask options for emberNetworkInit().
EmberMultiPhyNwkConfig uint8_t Network configuration for the desired radio interface for multi phy
EmberDutyCycleState uint8_t Duty cycle states.
EmberNodeId uint16_t 16-bit ZigBee network address.
EmberPanId uint16_t 802.15.4 PAN ID.
EmberMulticastId uint16_t 16-bit ZigBee multicast group identifier.
EmberEUI64 uint8_t[8] EUI 64-bit ID (an IEEE address).
EmberDutyCycleHectoPct uint16_t The percent of duty cycle for a limit. Duty Cycle, Limits, and
Thresholds are reported in units of Percent * 100 (i.e. 10000 =
100.00%, 1 = 0.01%).
EmberLibraryStatus uint8_t The presence and status of the Ember library.
EmberGpSecurityLevel uint8_t The security level of the GPD.
EmberGpKeyType uint8_t The type of security key to use for the GPD.
EmberGpProxyTableEntryStatus uint8_t The proxy table entry status
EmberGpSecurityFrameCounter uint32_t The security frame counter
SecureEzspSecurityType uint32_t Security type of the Secure EZSP Protocol.
temporary security, which can be reset through
permanent security, which cannot be reset. Only temporary
security option is currently supported.
SecureEzspSecurityLevel uint8_t Security level of the Secure EZSP Protocol. Only

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3.2 Structure Definitions
EmberNetworkParameters Network parameters.
uint8_t[8] extendedPanId The network's extended PAN identifier.
uint16_t panId The network's PAN identifier.
uint8_t radioTxPower A power setting, in dBm.
uint8_t radioChannel A radio channel.
EmberJoinMethod joinMethod The method used to initially join the network.
EmberNodeId nwkManagerId NWK Manager ID. The ID of the network manager in
the current network. This may only be set at joining
as the join method.
uint8_t nwkUpdateId NWK Update ID. The value of the ZigBee
nwkUpdateId known by the stack. This is used to
determine the newest instance of the network after a
PAN ID or channel change. This may only be set at
joining when using
uint32_t channels NWK channel mask. The list of preferred channels
that the NWK manager has told this device to use
when searching for the network. This may only be
set at joining when using
EmberMultiPhyRadioParameters Radio parameters.
int8_t radioTxPower A power setting, in dBm.
uint8_t radioPage A radio page.
uint8_t radioChannel A radio channel.
EmberZigbeeNetwork The parameters of a ZigBee network.
uint8_t channel The 802.15.4 channel associated with the network.
uint16_t panId The network's PAN identifier.
uint8_t[8] extendedPanId The network's extended PAN identifier.
bool allowingJoin Whether the network is allowing MAC associations.
uint8_t stackProfile The Stack Profile associated with the network.
uint8_t nwkUpdateId The instance of the Network.
EmberApsFrame ZigBee APS frame parameters.
uint16_t profileId The application profile ID that describes the format of
the message.
uint16_t clusterId The cluster ID for this message.
uint8_t sourceEndpoint The source endpoint.
uint8_t destinationEndpoint The destination endpoint.
EmberApsOption options A bitmask of options.
uint16_t groupId
The group ID for this message, if it is multicast
uint8_t sequence The sequence number.
EmberBindingTableEntry An entry in the binding table.
EmberBindingType type The type of binding.
uint8_t local The endpoint on the local node.

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Protocol Format | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 12
uint16_t clusterId A cluster ID that matches one from the local
endpoint's simple descriptor. This cluster ID is set by
the provisioning application to indicate which part an
endpoint's functionality is bound to this particular
remote node and is used to distinguish between
unicast and multicast bindings. Note that a binding
can be used to send messages with any cluster ID,
not just the one listed in the binding.
uint8_t remote The endpoint on the remote node (specified by
EmberEUI64 identifier A 64-bit identifier. This is either the destination
EUI64 (for unicasts) or the 64-bit group address (for
uint8_t networkIndex The index of the network the binding belongs to.
EmberMulticastTableEntry A multicast table entry indicates that a particular
endpoint is a member of a particular multicast group.
Only devices with an endpoint in a multicast group
will receive messages sent to that multicast group.
EmberMulticastId multicastId The multicast group ID.
uint8_t endpoint
The endpoint that is a member, or 0 if this entry is
not in use (the ZDO is not a member of any multicast
uint8_t networkIndex
The network index of the network the entry is related
EmberKeyData A 128-bit key.
uint8_t[16] contents The key data.
EmberCertificateData The implicit certificate used in CBKE.
uint8_t[48] contents The certificate data.
EmberPublicKeyData The public key data used in CBKE.
uint8_t[22] contents The public key data.
EmberPrivateKeyData The private key data used in CBKE.
uint8_t[21] contents The private key data.
EmberSmacData The Shared Message Authentication Code data
used in CBKE.
uint8_t[16] contents The Shared Message Authentication Code data.
EmberSignatureData An ECDSA signature
uint8_t[42] contents The signature data.
EmberCertificate283k1Data The implicit certificate used in CBKE.
uint8_t[74] contents The 283k1 certificate data.
EmberPublicKey283k1Data The public key data used in CBKE.
uint8_t[37] contents The 283k1 public key data.
EmberPrivateKey283k1Data The private key data used in CBKE.
uint8_t[36] contents The 283k1 private key data.
EmberSignature283k1Data An ECDSA signature
uint8_t[72] contents The 283k1 signature data.
EmberMessageDigest The calculated digest of a message
uint8_t[16] contents The calculated digest of a message.
EmberAesMmoHashContext The hash context for an ongoing hash operation.
uint8_t[16] result The result of ongoing the hash operation.

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uint32_t length The total length of the data that has been hashed so
EmberNeighborTableEntry A neighbor table entry stores information about the
reliability of RF links to and from neighboring nodes.
uint16_t shortId The neighbor's two byte network id
uint8_t averageLqi An exponentially weighted moving average of the
link quality values of incoming packets from this
neighbor as reported by the PHY.
uint8_t inCost The incoming cost for this neighbor, computed from
the average LQI. Values range from 1 for a good link
to 7 for a bad link.
uint8_t outCost The outgoing cost for this neighbor, obtained from
the most recently received neighbor exchange
message from the neighbor. A value of zero means
that a neighbor exchange message from the
neighbor has not been received recently enough, or
that our id was not present in the most recently
received one.
uint8_t age The number of aging periods elapsed since a link
status message was last received from this
neighbor. The aging period is 16 seconds.
EmberEUI64 longId The 8 byte EUI64 of the neighbor.
EmberRouteTableEntry A route table entry stores information about the next
hop along the route to the destination.
uint16_t destination The short id of the destination. A value of 0xFFFF
indicates the entry is unused.
uint16_t nextHop The short id of the next hop to this destination.
uint8_t status Indicates whether this entry is active (0), being
discovered (1), unused (3), or validating (4).
uint8_t age The number of seconds since this route entry was
last used to send a packet.
uint8_t concentratorType Indicates whether this destination is a High RAM
Concentrator (2), a Low RAM Concentrator (1), or
not a concentrator (0).
uint8_t routeRecordState For a High RAM Concentrator, indicates whether a
route record is needed (2), has been sent (1), or is
no long needed (0) because a source routed
message from the concentrator has been received.
EmberInitialSecurityState The security data used to set the configuration for
the stack, or the retrieved configuration currently in
EmberInitialSecurityBitmask bitmask A bitmask indicating the security state used to
indicate what the security configuration will be when
the device forms or joins the network.
EmberKeyData preconfiguredKey The pre-configured Key data that should be used
when forming or joining the network. The security
bitmask must be set with the
indicate that the key contains valid data.
EmberKeyData networkKey The Network Key that should be used by the Trust
Center when it forms the network, or the Network
Key currently in use by a joined device. The security
bitmask must be set with
EMBER_HAVE_NETWORK_KEY to indicate that
the key contains valid data.

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networkKeySequenceNumber The sequence number associated with the network
key. This is only valid if the
EMBER_HAVE_NETWORK_KEY has been set in
the security bitmask.
preconfiguredTrustCenterEui64 This is the long address of the trust center on the
network that will be joined. It is usually NOT set prior
to joining the network and instead it is learned during
the joining message exchange. This field is only
examined if
the EmberInitialSecurityState::bitmask. Most devices
should clear that bit and leave this field alone. This
field must be set when using commissioning mode.
EmberCurrentSecurityState The security options and information currently used
by the stack.
bitmask A bitmask indicating the security options currently in
use by a device joined in the network.
trustCenterLongAddress The IEEE Address of the Trust Center device.
EmberKeyStruct A structure containing a key and its associated data.
EmberKeyStructBitmask bitmask A bitmask indicating the presence of data within the
various fields in the structure.
EmberKeyType type The type of the key.
EmberKeyData key The actual key data.
uint32_t outgoingFrameCounter The outgoing frame counter associated with the key.
uint32_t incomingFrameCounter The frame counter of the partner device associated
with the key.
uint8_t sequenceNumber The sequence number associated with the key.
EmberEUI64 partnerEUI64 The IEEE address of the partner device also in
possession of the key.
EmberNetworkInitStruct Network Initialization parameters.
EmberNetworkInitBitmask bitmask Configuration options for network init.
EmberZllSecurityAlgorithmData Data associated with the ZLL security algorithm.
uint32_t transactionId Transaction identifier.
uint32_t responseId Response identifier.
uint16_t bitmask Bitmask.
EmberZllNetwork The parameters of a ZLL network.
zigbeeNetwork The parameters of a ZigBee network.
securityAlgorithm Data associated with the ZLL security algorithm.
EmberEUI64 eui64 Associated EUI64.
EmberNodeId nodeId The node id.
EmberZllState state The ZLL state.
EmberNodeType nodeType The node type.
uint8_t numberSubDevices The number of sub devices.
uint8_t totalGroupIdentifiers The total number of group identifiers.
uint8_t rssiCorrection RSSI correction value.

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EmberZllInitialSecurityState Describes the initial security features and
requirements that will be used when forming or
joining ZLL networks.
uint32_t bitmask Unused bitmask; reserved for future use.
EmberZllKeyIndex keyIndex The key encryption algorithm advertised by the
EmberKeyData encryptionKey The encryption key for use by algorithms that require
EmberKeyData preconfiguredKey The pre-configured link key used during classical
ZigBee commissioning.
EmberZllDeviceInfoRecord Information about a specific ZLL Device.
EmberEUI64 ieeeAddress EUI64 associated with the device.
uint8_t endpointId Endpoint id.
uint16_t profileId Profile id.
uint16_t deviceId Device id.
uint8_t version Associated version.
uint8_t groupIdCount Number of relevant group ids.
EmberZllAddressAssignment ZLL address assignment data.
EmberNodeId nodeId Relevant node id.
EmberNodeId freeNodeIdMin Minimum free node id.
EmberNodeId freeNodeIdMax Maximum free node id.
EmberMulticastId groupIdMin Minimum group id.
EmberMulticastId groupIdMax Maximum group id.
EmberMulticastId freeGroupIdMin Minimum free group id.
EmberMulticastId freeGroupIdMax Maximum free group id.
EmberTokTypeStackZllData Public API for ZLL stack data token.
uint32_t bitmask Token bitmask.
uint16_t freeNodeIdMin Minimum free node id.
uint16_t freeNodeIdMax Maximum free node id.
uint16_t myGroupIdMin Local minimum group id.
uint16_t freeGroupIdMin Minimum free group id.
uint16_t freeGroupIdMax Maximum free group id.
uint8_t rssiCorrection RSSI correction value.
EmberTokTypeStackZllSecurity Public API for ZLL stack security token.
uint32_t bitmask Token bitmask.
uint8_t keyIndex Key index.
uint8_t[16] encryptionKey Encryption key.
uint8_t[16] preconfiguredKey Preconfigured key.
EmberDutyCycleLimits A structure containing duty cycle limit configurations.
All limits are absolute, and are required to be as
follows: suspLimit > critThresh > limitThresh For
example: suspLimit = 250 (2.5%), critThresh = 180
(1.8%), limitThresh 100 (1.00%).
uint16_t vendorId The vendor identifier field shall contain the vendor
identifier of the node.
uint8_t[7] vendorString The vendor string field shall contain the vendor string
of the node.

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EmberPerDeviceDutyCycle A structure containing per device overall duty cycle
consumed (up to the suspend limit).
EmberNodeId nodeId Node Id of device whose duty cycle is reported.
dutyCycleConsumed Amount of overall duty cycle consumed (up to
suspend limit).
EmberTransientKeyData The transient key data structure.
EmberEUI64 eui64 The IEEE address paired with the transient link key.
EmberKeyData keyData The key data structure matching the transient key.
uint32_t incomingFrameCounter The incoming frame counter associated with this
uint32_t countdownTimerMs The number of milliseconds remaining before the
key is automatically timed out of the transient key
EmberChildData A structure containing a child node's data.
EmberEUI64 eui64 The EUI64 of the child
EmberNodeType type The node type of the child
EmberNodeId id The short address of the child
uint8_t phy The phy of the child
uint8_t power The power of the child
uint8_t timeout The timeout of the child
EmberEUI64 gpdIeeeAddress The GPD's EUI64.
uint32_t sourceId The GPD's source ID.
uint8_t applicationId The GPD Application ID.
uint8_t endpoint The GPD endpoint.
EmberGpAddress A GP address structure.
EmberEUI64 gpdIeeeAddress The GPD's EUI64.
uint32_t sourceId The GPD's source ID.
uint8_t applicationId The GPD Application ID.
uint8_t endpoint The GPD endpoint.
EmberGpProxyTableEntry The internal representation of a proxy table entry
EmberKeyData securityLinkKey The link key to be used to secure this pairing link.
status Internal status of the proxy table entry.
uint32_t options The tunneling options (this contains both options and
extendedOptions from the spec).
EmberGpAddress gpd The addressing info of the GPD.
EmberNodeId assignedAlias The assigned alias for the GPD.
uint8_t securityOptions The security options field.
gpdSecurityFrameCounter The security frame counter of the GPD.
EmberKeyData gpdKey The key to use for GPD.
sinkList[GP_SINK_LIST_ENTRIES] The list of sinks (hardcoded to 2 which is the spec
uint8_t groupcastRadius The groupcast radius.
uint8_t searchCounter The search counter.

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SecureEzspRandomNumber Randomly generated 128-bit number. Both NCP and
Host contribute this number to create the Session ID,
which is used in the nonce.
uint8_t[16] contents The random number data.
SecureEzspSessionId Generated 64-bit Session ID, using random numbers
from Host and NCP. It is generated at each reboot
(during negotiation phase). Having both sides
contribute to the value prevents one side from
choosing a number that might have been previously
used (either because of a bug or by malicious
uint8_t[8] contents The Session ID data.
3.3 Named Values
bool Value Description
false 0x00 An alias for zero, used for clarity.
true 0x01 An alias for one, used for clarity.
EzspConfigId Value Description
EZSP_CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT 0x01 The number of packet buffers available to the stack.
When set to the special value 0xFF, the NCP will
allocate all remaining configuration RAM towards packet
buffers, such that the resulting count will be the largest
whole number of packet buffers that can fit into the
available memory.
EZSP_CONFIG_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_SIZE 0x02 The maximum number of router neighbors the stack can
keep track of. A neighbor is a node within radio range.
EZSP_CONFIG_APS_UNICAST_MESSAGE_COUNT 0x03 The maximum number of APS retried messages the
stack can be transmitting at any time.
EZSP_CONFIG_BINDING_TABLE_SIZE 0x04 The maximum number of non-volatile bindings
supported by the stack.
EZSP_CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE 0x05 The maximum number of EUI64 to network address
associations that the stack can maintain for the
application. (Note, the total number of such address
associations maintained by the NCP is the sum of the
value of this setting and the value of
EZSP_CONFIG_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE 0x06 The maximum number of multicast groups that the
device may be a member of.
EZSP_CONFIG_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE 0x07 The maximum number of destinations to which a node
can route messages. This includes both messages
originating at this node and those relayed for others.
EZSP_CONFIG_DISCOVERY_TABLE_SIZE 0x08 The number of simultaneous route discoveries that a
node will support.
EZSP_CONFIG_STACK_PROFILE 0x0C Specifies the stack profile.
EZSP_CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL 0x0D The security level used for security at the MAC and
network layers. The supported values are 0 (no security)

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and 5 (payload is encrypted and a four-byte MIC is used
for authentication).
EZSP_CONFIG_MAX_HOPS 0x10 The maximum number of hops for a message.
EZSP_CONFIG_MAX_END_DEVICE_CHILDREN 0x11 The maximum number of end device children that a
router will support.
EZSP_CONFIG_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT 0x12 The maximum amount of time that the MAC will hold a
message for indirect transmission to a child.
EZSP_CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT 0x13 The maximum amount of time that an end device child
can wait between polls. If no poll is heard within this
timeout, then the parent removes the end device from
its tables.
EZSP_CONFIG_MOBILE_NODE_POLL_TIMEOUT 0x14 The maximum amount of time that a mobile node can
wait between polls. If no poll is heard within this timeout,
then the parent removes the mobile node from its
EZSP_CONFIG_RESERVED_MOBILE_CHILD_ENTRIES 0x15 The number of child table entries reserved for use only
by mobile nodes.
EZSP_CONFIG_TX_POWER_MODE 0x17 Enables boost power mode and/or the alternate
transmitter output.
EZSP_CONFIG_DISABLE_RELAY 0x18 0: Allow this node to relay messages. 1: Prevent this
node from relaying messages.
EZSP_CONFIG_TRUST_CENTER_ADDRESS_CACHE_SIZE 0x19 The maximum number of EUI64 to network address
associations that the Trust Center can maintain. These
address cache entries are reserved for and reused by
the Trust Center when processing device join/rejoin
authentications. This cache size limits the number of
overlapping joins the Trust Center can process within a
narrow time window (e.g. two seconds), and thus should
be set to the maximum number of near simultaneous
joins the Trust Center is expected to accommodate.
(Note, the total number of such address associations
maintained by the NCP is the sum of the value of this
setting and the value of
EZSP_CONFIG_SOURCE_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE 0x1A The size of the source route table.
EZSP_CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT_SHIFT 0x1B The units used for timing out end devices on their
EZSP_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_WINDOW_SIZE 0x1C The number of blocks of a fragmented message that
can be sent in a single window.
EZSP_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_DELAY_MS 0x1D The time the stack will wait (in milliseconds) between
sending blocks of a fragmented message.
EZSP_CONFIG_KEY_TABLE_SIZE 0x1E The size of the Key Table used for storing individual link
keys (if the device is a Trust Center) or Application Link
Keys (if the device is a normal node).
EZSP_CONFIG_APS_ACK_TIMEOUT 0x1F The APS ACK timeout value. The stack waits this
amount of time between resends of APS retried
EZSP_CONFIG_BEACON_JITTER_DURATION 0x20 The duration of a beacon jitter, in the units used by the
15.4 scan parameter (((1 << duration) + 1) * 15ms),
when responding to a beacon request.
EZSP_CONFIG_END_DEVICE_BIND_TIMEOUT 0x21 The time the coordinator will wait (in seconds) for a
second end device bind request to arrive.
EZSP_CONFIG_PAN_ID_CONFLICT_REPORT_THRESHOLD 0x22 The number of PAN id conflict reports that must be
received by the network manager within one minute to
trigger a PAN id change.

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EZSP_CONFIG_REQUEST_KEY_TIMEOUT 0x24 The timeout value in minutes for how long the Trust
Center or a normal node waits for the ZigBee Request
Key to complete. On the Trust Center this controls
whether or not the device buffers the request, waiting for
a matching pair of ZigBee Request Key. If the value is
non-zero, the Trust Center buffers and waits for that
amount of time. If the value is zero, the Trust Center
does not buffer the request and immediately responds
to the request. Zero is the most compliant behavior.
EZSP_CONFIG_CERTIFICATE_TABLE_SIZE 0x29 This value indicates the size of the runtime modifiable
certificate table. Normally certificates are stored in MFG
tokens but this table can be used to field upgrade
devices with new Smart Energy certificates. This value
cannot be set, it can only be queried.
EZSP_CONFIG_APPLICATION_ZDO_FLAGS 0x2A This is a bitmask that controls which incoming ZDO
request messages are passed to the application. The
bits are defined in the EmberZdoConfigurationFlags
enumeration. To see if the application is required to
send a ZDO response in reply to an incoming message,
the application must check the APS options bitfield
within the incomingMessageHandler callback to see if
D flag is set.
EZSP_CONFIG_BROADCAST_TABLE_SIZE 0x2B The maximum number of broadcasts during a single
broadcast timeout period.
EZSP_CONFIG_MAC_FILTER_TABLE_SIZE 0x2C The size of the MAC filter list table.
EZSP_CONFIG_SUPPORTED_NETWORKS 0x2D The number of supported networks.
ADDRESS 0x2E Whether multicasts are sent to the RxOnWhenIdle=true
address (0xFFFD) or the sleepy broadcast address
(0xFFFF). The RxOnWhenIdle=true address is the
ZigBee compliant destination for multicasts.
EZSP_CONFIG_ZLL_GROUP_ADDRESSES 0x2F ZLL group address initial configuration.
EZSP_CONFIG_ZLL_RSSI_THRESHOLD 0x30 ZLL rssi threshold initial configuration.
EZSP_CONFIG_MTORR_FLOW_CONTROL 0x33 Toggles the mtorr flow control in the stack.
EZSP_CONFIG_RETRY_QUEUE_SIZE 0x34 Setting the retry queue size.
EZSP_CONFIG_NEW_BROADCAST_ENTRY_THRESHOLD 0x35 Setting the new broadcast entry threshold.
EZSP_CONFIG_TRANSIENT_KEY_TIMEOUT_S 0x36 The length of time, in seconds, that a trust center will
store a transient link key that a device can use to join its
network. A transient key is added with a call to
emberAddTransientLinkKey. After the transient key is
added, it will be removed once this amount of time has
passed. A joining device will not be able to use that key
to join until it is added again on the trust center. The
default value is 300 seconds, i.e., 5 minutes.
EZSP_CONFIG_BROADCAST_MIN_ACKS_NEEDED 0x37 The number of passive acknowledgements to record
from neighbors before we stop re-transmitting
KEY_TIMEOUT_S 0x38 The length of time, in seconds, that a trust center will
allow a Trust Center (insecure) rejoin for a device that is
using the well-known link key. This timeout takes effect
once rejoins using the well-known key has been
allowed. This command updates the

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EZSP_VALUE_TOKEN_STACK_NODE_DATA 0x00 The contents of the node data stack token.
EZSP_VALUE_MAC_PASSTHROUGH_FLAGS 0x01 The types of MAC passthrough messages that the
host wishes to receive.
The source address used to filter legacy EmberNet
messages when the
RCE flag is set in
EZSP_VALUE_FREE_BUFFERS 0x03 The number of available message buffers.
EZSP_VALUE_UART_SYNCH_CALLBACKS 0x04 Selects sending synchronous callbacks in ezsp-uart.
SIZE 0x05 The maximum incoming transfer size for the local
SIZE 0x06 The maximum outgoing transfer size for the local
EZSP_VALUE_STACK_TOKEN_WRITING 0x07 A boolean indicating whether stack tokens are written
to persistent storage as they change.
EZSP_VALUE_STACK_IS_PERFORMING_REJOIN 0x08 A read-only value indicating whether the stack is
currently performing a rejoin.
EZSP_VALUE_MAC_FILTER_LIST 0x09 A list of EmberMacFilterMatchData values.
EZSP_VALUE_EXTENDED_SECURITY_BITMASK 0x0A The Ember Extended Security Bitmask.
EZSP_VALUE_NODE_SHORT_ID 0x0B The node short ID.
EZSP_VALUE_DESCRIPTOR_CAPABILITY 0x0C The descriptor capability of the local node.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0x0D The stack device request sequence number of the
local node.
EZSP_VALUE_RADIO_HOLD_OFF 0x0E Enable or disable radio hold-off.
EZSP_VALUE_ENDPOINT_FLAGS 0x0F The flags field associated with the endpoint data.
EZSP_VALUE_MFG_SECURITY_CONFIG 0x10 Enable/disable the Mfg security config key settings.
EZSP_VALUE_VERSION_INFO 0x11 Retrieves the version information from the stack on
the NCP.
This will get/set the rejoin reason noted by the host
for a subsequent call to
emberFindAndRejoinNetwork(). After a call to
emberFindAndRejoinNetwork() the host's rejoin
reason will be set to
store the rejoin reason used by the call to
This is the reason that the last rejoin took place. This
value may only be retrieved, not set. The rejoin may
have been initiated by the stack (NCP) or the
application (host). If a host initiated a rejoin the
reason will be set by default to
application wishes to denote its own rejoin reasons it
can do so by calling
number corresponding to one of the app events
defined. If the NCP initiated a rejoin it will record this
value internally for retrieval by
EZSP_VALUE_NEXT_ZIGBEE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0x14 The next ZigBee sequence number.

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EZSP_VALUE_CCA_THRESHOLD 0x15 CCA energy detect threshold for radio.
EZSP_VALUE_SET_COUNTER_THRESHOLD 0x17 The threshold value for a counter
EZSP_VALUE_RESET_COUNTER_THRESHOLDS 0x18 Resets all counters thresholds to 0xFF
EZSP_VALUE_CLEAR_COUNTERS 0x19 Clears all the counters
EZSP_VALUE_CERTIFICATE_283K1 0x1A The node's new certificate signed by the CA.
EZSP_VALUE_PUBLIC_KEY_283K1 0x1B The Certificate Authority's public key.
EZSP_VALUE_PRIVATE_KEY_283K1 0x1C The node's new static private key.
EZSP_VALUE_NWK_FRAME_COUNTER 0x23 The NWK layer security frame counter value
EZSP_VALUE_APS_FRAME_COUNTER 0x24 The APS layer security frame counter value
Sets the device type to use on the next rejoin using
device type
EZSP_VALUE_ENABLE_R21_BEHAVIOR 0x29 Setting this byte enables R21 behavior on the NCP.
EZSP_VALUE_ANTENNA_MODE 0x30 Configure the antenna mode(0-primary,1-
secondary,2-toggle on tx ack fail).
EZSP_VALUE_ENABLE_PTA 0x31 Enable or disable packet traffic arbitration.
EZSP_VALUE_PTA_OPTIONS 0x32 Set packet traffic arbitration configuration options.
EZSP_VALUE_MFGLIB_OPTIONS 0x33 Configure manufacturing library options (0-non-
CSMA transmits,1-CSMA transmits).
EZSP_VALUE_USE_NEGOTIATED_POWER_BY_LPD 0x34 Sets the flag to use either negotiated power by link
power delta (LPD) or fixed power value provided by
user while forming/joining a network for packet
transmissions on subghz interface. This is mainly for
testing purposes.
EZSP_EXTENDED_VALUE_ENDPOINT_FLAGS 0x00 The flags field associated with the specified
This is the reason for the node to leave the network
as well as the device that told it to leave. The leave
reason is the 1st byte of the value while the node ID
is the 2nd and 3rd byte. If the leave was caused due
to an API call rather than an over the air message,
the node ID will be EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID
EZSP_EXTENDED_VALUE_GET_SOURCE_ROUTE_OVERHEAD 0x02 This number of bytes of overhead required in the
network frame for source routing to a particular
EzspEndpointFlags Value Description
EZSP_ENDPOINT_DISABLED 0x00 Indicates that the endpoint is disabled and NOT
discoverable via ZDO.
Indicates that the endpoint is enabled and
discoverable via ZDO.

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EmberConfigTxPowerMode Value Description
EMBER_TX_POWER_MODE_DEFAULT 0x00 Normal power mode and bi-directional RF transmitter
Enable boost power mode. This is a high performance
radio mode which offers increased receive sensitivity and
transmit power at the cost of an increase in power
EMBER_TX_POWER_MODE_ALTERNATE 0x02 Enable the alternate transmitter output. This allows for
simplified connection to an external power amplifier via
the RF_TX_ALT_P and RF_TX_ALT_N pins.
EMBER_TX_POWER_MODE_BOOST_AND_ALTERNATE 0x03 Enable both boost mode and the alternate transmitter
EzspPolicyId Value Description
EZSP_TRUST_CENTER_POLICY 0x00 Controls trust center behavior.
EZSP_BINDING_MODIFICATION_POLICY 0x01 Controls how external binding modification requests are
EZSP_UNICAST_REPLIES_POLICY 0x02 Controls whether the Host supplies unicast replies.
EZSP_POLL_HANDLER_POLICY 0x03 Controls whether pollHandler callbacks are generated.
EZSP_MESSAGE_CONTENTS_IN_CALLBACK_POLICY 0x04 Controls whether the message contents are included in
the messageSentHandler callback.
EZSP_TC_KEY_REQUEST_POLICY 0x05 Controls whether the Trust Center will respond to Trust
Center link key requests.
EZSP_APP_KEY_REQUEST_POLICY 0x06 Controls whether the Trust Center will respond to
application link key requests.
EZSP_PACKET_VALIDATE_LIBRARY_POLICY 0x07 Controls whether ZigBee packets that appear invalid are
automatically dropped by the stack. A counter will be
incremented when this occurs.
EZSP_ZLL_POLICY 0x08 Controls whether the stack will process ZLL messages.
EZSP_TC_REJOINS_USING_WELL_KNOWN_KEY_POLICY 0x09 Controls whether Trust Center (insecure) rejoins for
devices using the well-known link key are accepted. If
rejoining using the well-known key is allowed, it is
disabled again after
EzspDecisionId Value Description
EZSP_ALLOW_JOINS 0x00 Send the network key in the clear to all joining and
rejoining devices.
EZSP_ALLOW_JOINS_REJOINS_HAVE_LINK_KEY 0x04 Send the network key in the clear to all joining devices.
Rejoining devices are sent the network key encrypted
with their trust center link key. The trust center and any
rejoining device are assumed to share a link key, either
preconfigured or obtained under a previous policy.
EZSP_ALLOW_PRECONFIGURED_KEY_JOINS 0x01 Send the network key encrypted with the joining or
rejoining device's trust center link key. The trust center
and any joining or rejoining device are assumed to share
a link key, either preconfigured or obtained under a
previous policy. This is the default value for the
EZSP_ALLOW_REJOINS_ONLY 0x02 Send the network key encrypted with the rejoining
device's trust center link key. The trust center and any
rejoining device are assumed to share a link key, either

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preconfigured or obtained under a previous policy. No
new devices are allowed to join.
EZSP_DISALLOW_ALL_JOINS_AND_REJOINS 0x03 Reject all unsecured join and rejoin attempts.
EZSP_IGNORE_TRUST_CENTER_REJOINS 0x05 Take no action on trust center rejoin attempts.
decision. Do not allow the local binding table to be
changed by remote nodes.
Allow remote nodes to change the local binding table.
Allows remote nodes to set local binding entries only if the
entries correspond to endpoints defined on the device,
and for output clusters bound to those endpoints.
The NCP will automatically send an empty reply
(containing no payload) for every unicast received.
will only send a reply if it receives a sendReply command
from the Host.
not inform the Host when a child polls.
pollHandler callback when a child polls.
default decision. Include only the message tag in the
messageSentHandler callback.
decision. Include both the message tag and the message
contents in the messageSentHandler callback.
Trust Center receives a request for a Trust Center link
key, it will be ignored.
Trust Center receives a request for a Trust Center link
key, it will reply to it with the corresponding key.
Trust Center receives a request for a Trust Center link
key, it will generate a key to send to the joiner.
the Trust Center receives a request for an application link
key, it will be ignored.
the Trust Center receives a request for an application link
key, it will randomly generate a key and send it to both
EZSP_PACKET_VALIDATE_LIBRARY_CHECKS_ENABLED 0x62 Indicates that packet validate library checks are enabled
on the NCP.
EZSP_PACKET_VALIDATE_LIBRARY_CHECKS_DISABLED 0x63 Indicates that packet validate library checks are NOT
enabled on the NCP.

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EzspMfgTokenId Value Description
EZSP_MFG_CUSTOM_VERSION 0x00 Custom version (2 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_STRING 0x01 Manufacturing string (16 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_BOARD_NAME 0x02 Board name (16 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_MANUF_ID 0x03 Manufacturing ID (2 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_PHY_CONFIG 0x04 Radio configuration (2 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_BOOTLOAD_AES_KEY 0x05 Bootload AES key (16 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_ASH_CONFIG 0x06 ASH configuration (40 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_EZSP_STORAGE 0x07 EZSP storage (8 bytes).
EZSP_STACK_CAL_DATA 0x08 Radio calibration data (64 bytes). 4 bytes are stored for
each of the 16 channels. This token is not stored in the
Flash Information Area. It is updated by the stack each time
a calibration is performed.
EZSP_MFG_CBKE_DATA 0x09 Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) data (92 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_INSTALLATION_CODE 0x0A Installation code (20 bytes).
EZSP_STACK_CAL_FILTER 0x0B Radio channel filter calibration data (1 byte). This token is
not stored in the Flash Information Area. It is updated by the
stack each time a calibration is performed.
EZSP_MFG_CUSTOM_EUI_64 0x0C Custom EUI64 MAC address (8 bytes).
EZSP_MFG_CTUNE 0x0D CTUNE value (2 byte).
EZSP_SUCCESS 0x00 Success.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_FATAL 0x10 Fatal error.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_NCP_RESET 0x11 The Response frame of the current transaction indicates the
NCP has reset.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_OVERSIZED_EZSP_FRAME 0x12 The NCP is reporting that the Command frame of the current
transaction is oversized (the length byte is too large).
The Response frame of the current transaction indicates the
previous transaction was aborted (nSSEL deasserted too
EZSP_SPI_ERR_MISSING_FRAME_TERMINATOR 0x14 The Response frame of the current transaction indicates the
frame terminator is missing from the Command frame.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_WAIT_SECTION_TIMEOUT 0x15 The NCP has not provided a Response within the time limit
EZSP_SPI_ERR_NO_FRAME_TERMINATOR 0x16 The Response frame from the NCP is missing the frame
EZSP_SPI_ERR_EZSP_COMMAND_OVERSIZED 0x17 The Host attempted to send an oversized Command (the
length byte is too large) and the AVR's spi-protocol.c blocked
the transmission.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_EZSP_RESPONSE_OVERSIZED 0x18 The NCP attempted to send an oversized Response (the
length byte is too large) and the AVR's spi-protocol.c blocked
the reception.
EZSP_SPI_WAITING_FOR_RESPONSE 0x19 The Host has sent the Command and is still waiting for the
NCP to send a Response.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT 0x1A The NCP has not asserted nHOST_INT within the time limit
EZSP_SPI_ERR_STARTUP_TIMEOUT 0x1B The NCP has not asserted nHOST_INT after an NCP reset
within the time limit defined by STARTUP_TIMEOUT.

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EZSP_SPI_ERR_STARTUP_FAIL 0x1C The Host attempted to verify the SPI Protocol activity and
version number, and the verification failed.
EZSP_SPI_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_SPI_COMMAND 0x1D The Host has sent a command with a SPI Byte that is
unsupported by the current mode the NCP is operating in.
EZSP_ASH_IN_PROGRESS 0x20 Operation not yet complete.
EZSP_HOST_FATAL_ERROR 0x21 Fatal error detected by host.
EZSP_ASH_NCP_FATAL_ERROR 0x22 Fatal error detected by NCP.
EZSP_DATA_FRAME_TOO_LONG 0x23 Tried to send DATA frame too long.
EZSP_DATA_FRAME_TOO_SHORT 0x24 Tried to send DATA frame too short.
EZSP_NO_TX_SPACE 0x25 No space for tx'ed DATA frame.
EZSP_NO_RX_SPACE 0x26 No space for rec'd DATA frame.
EZSP_NO_RX_DATA 0x27 No receive data available.
EZSP_NOT_CONNECTED 0x28 Not in Connected state.
EZSP_ERROR_VERSION_NOT_SET 0x30 The NCP received a command before the EZSP version had
been set.
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_FRAME_ID 0x31 The NCP received a command containing an unsupported
frame ID.
EZSP_ERROR_WRONG_DIRECTION 0x32 The direction flag in the frame control field was incorrect.
EZSP_ERROR_TRUNCATED 0x33 The truncated flag in the frame control field was set,
indicating there was not enough memory available to
complete the response or that the response would have
exceeded the maximum EZSP frame length.
The overflow flag in the frame control field was set, indicating
one or more callbacks occurred since the previous response
and there was not enough memory available to report them
to the Host.
EZSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x35 Insufficient memory was available.
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE 0x36 The value was out of bounds.
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID 0x37 The configuration id was not recognized.
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL 0x38 Configuration values can no longer be modified.
EZSP_ERROR_NO_RESPONSE 0x39 The NCP failed to respond to a command.
EZSP_ERROR_COMMAND_TOO_LONG 0x40 The length of the command exceeded the maximum EZSP
frame length.
EZSP_ERROR_QUEUE_FULL 0x41 The UART receive queue was full causing a callback
response to be dropped.
EZSP_ERROR_COMMAND_FILTERED 0x42 The command has been filtered out by NCP.
EZSP Security Key is already set
EZSP Security Type is invalid
EZSP Security Parameters are invalid
EZSP Security Parameters are already set
EZSP Security Key is not set
EZSP Security Parameters are not set
Received frame with unsupported control byte
Received frame is unsecure, when security is established

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EZSP_ASH_ERROR_VERSION 0x50 Incompatible ASH version
EZSP_ASH_ERROR_TIMEOUTS 0x51 Exceeded max ACK timeouts
EZSP_ASH_ERROR_RESET_FAIL 0x52 Timed out waiting for RSTACK
EZSP_ASH_ERROR_NCP_RESET 0x53 Unexpected ncp reset
EZSP_ERROR_SERIAL_INIT 0x54 Serial port initialization failed
EZSP_ASH_ERROR_NCP_TYPE 0x55 Invalid ncp processor type
EZSP_ASH_ERROR_RESET_METHOD 0x56 Invalid ncp reset method
EZSP_ASH_ERROR_XON_XOFF 0x57 XON/XOFF not supported by host driver
EZSP_ASH_STARTED 0x70 ASH protocol started
EZSP_ASH_CONNECTED 0x71 ASH protocol connected
EZSP_ASH_DISCONNECTED 0x72 ASH protocol disconnected
EZSP_ASH_ACK_TIMEOUT 0x73 Timer expired waiting for ack
EZSP_ASH_CANCELLED 0x74 Frame in progress cancelled
EZSP_ASH_OUT_OF_SEQUENCE 0x75 Received frame out of sequence
EZSP_ASH_BAD_CRC 0x76 Received frame with CRC error
EZSP_ASH_COMM_ERROR 0x77 Received frame with comm error
EZSP_ASH_BAD_ACKNUM 0x78 Received frame with bad ackNum
EZSP_ASH_TOO_SHORT 0x79 Received frame shorter than minimum
EZSP_ASH_TOO_LONG 0x7A Received frame longer than maximum
EZSP_ASH_BAD_CONTROL 0x7B Received frame with illegal control byte
EZSP_ASH_BAD_LENGTH 0x7C Received frame with illegal length for its type
EZSP_NO_ERROR 0xFF No reset or error
EmberStatus Value Description
EMBER_SUCCESS 0x00 The generic 'no error' message.
EMBER_ERR_FATAL 0x01 The generic 'fatal error' message.
An invalid value was passed as an argument to a
EMBER_EEPROM_MFG_STACK_VERSION_MISMATCH 0x04 The manufacturing and stack token format in non-
volatile memory is different than what the stack
expects (returned at initialization).
EMBER_INCOMPATIBLE_STATIC_MEMORY_DEFINITIONS 0x05 The static memory definitions in ember-static-
memory.h are incompatible with this stack version.
EMBER_EEPROM_MFG_VERSION_MISMATCH 0x06 The manufacturing token format in non-volatile
memory is different than what the stack expects
(returned at initialization).

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EMBER_EEPROM_STACK_VERSION_MISMATCH 0x07 The stack token format in non-volatile memory is
different than what the stack expects (returned at
EMBER_NO_BUFFERS 0x18 There are no more buffers.
EMBER_SERIAL_INVALID_BAUD_RATE 0x20 Specified an invalid baud rate.
EMBER_SERIAL_INVALID_PORT 0x21 Specified an invalid serial port.
EMBER_SERIAL_TX_OVERFLOW 0x22 Tried to send too much data.
EMBER_SERIAL_RX_OVERFLOW 0x23 There was not enough space to store a received
character and the character was dropped.
EMBER_SERIAL_RX_FRAME_ERROR 0x24 Detected a UART framing error.
EMBER_SERIAL_RX_PARITY_ERROR 0x25 Detected a UART parity error.
EMBER_SERIAL_RX_EMPTY 0x26 There is no received data to process.
EMBER_SERIAL_RX_OVERRUN_ERROR 0x27 The receive interrupt was not handled in time, and a
character was dropped.
EMBER_MAC_TRANSMIT_QUEUE_FULL 0x39 The MAC transmit queue is full.
EMBER_MAC_UNKNOWN_HEADER_TYPE 0x3A MAC header FCR error on receive.
EMBER_MAC_SCANNING 0x3D The MAC can't complete this task because it is
EMBER_MAC_NO_DATA 0x31 No pending data exists for device doing a data poll.
EMBER_MAC_JOINED_NETWORK 0x32 Attempt to scan when we are joined to a network.
EMBER_MAC_BAD_SCAN_DURATION 0x33 Scan duration must be 0 to 14 inclusive. Attempt was
made to scan with an incorrect duration value.
emberStartScan was called with an incorrect scan
EMBER_MAC_INVALID_CHANNEL_MASK 0x35 emberStartScan was called with an invalid channel
EMBER_MAC_COMMAND_TRANSMIT_FAILURE 0x36 Failed to scan current channel because we were
unable to transmit the relevant MAC command.
EMBER_MAC_NO_ACK_RECEIVED 0x40 We expected to receive an ACK following the
transmission, but the MAC level ACK was never
EMBER_MAC_INDIRECT_TIMEOUT 0x42 Indirect data message timed out before polled.
EMBER_SIM_EEPROM_ERASE_PAGE_GREEN 0x43 The Simulated EEPROM is telling the application
that there is at least one flash page to be erased.
The GREEN status means the current page has not
The application should call the function
halSimEepromErasePage when it can to erase a
EMBER_SIM_EEPROM_ERASE_PAGE_RED 0x44 The Simulated EEPROM is telling the application
that there is at least one flash page to be erased.
The RED status means the current page has filled
the shrinking availability of write space, there is a
danger of data loss. The application must call the
function halSimEepromErasePage as soon as
possible to erase a page.
EMBER_SIM_EEPROM_FULL 0x45 The Simulated EEPROM has run out of room to write
any new data and the data trying to be set has been
lost. This error code is the result of ignoring the
The application must call the function

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halSimEepromErasePage to make room for any
further calls to set a token.
A fatal error has occurred while trying to write data to
the Flash. The target memory attempting to be
programmed is already programmed. The flash write
routines were asked to flip a bit from a 0 to 1, which
is physically impossible and the write was therefore
inhibited. The data in the flash cannot be trusted
after this error.
EMBER_ERR_FLASH_VERIFY_FAILED 0x47 A fatal error has occurred while trying to write data to
the Flash and the write verification has failed. The
data in the flash cannot be trusted after this error,
and it is possible this error is the result of exceeding
the life cycles of the flash.
EMBER_SIM_EEPROM_INIT_1_FAILED 0x48 Attempt 1 to initialize the Simulated EEPROM has
failed. This failure means the information already
stored in Flash (or a lack thereof), is fatally
incompatible with the token information compiled into
the code image being run.
Attempt 2 to initialize the Simulated EEPROM has
failed. This failure means Attempt 1 failed, and the
token system failed to properly reload default tokens
and reset the Simulated EEPROM.
EMBER_SIM_EEPROM_INIT_3_FAILED 0x4A Attempt 3 to initialize the Simulated EEPROM has
failed. This failure means one or both of the tokens
and the token system failed to properly reload default
tokens and reset the Simulated EEPROM.
EMBER_ERR_FLASH_PROG_FAIL 0x4B A fatal error has occurred while trying to write data to
the flash, possibly due to write protection or an
invalid address. The data in the flash cannot be
trusted after this error, and it is possible this error is
the result of exceeding the life cycles of the flash.
EMBER_ERR_FLASH_ERASE_FAIL 0x4C A fatal error has occurred while trying to erase flash,
possibly due to write protection. The data in the flash
cannot be trusted after this error, and it is possible
this error is the result of exceeding the life cycles of
the flash.
EMBER_ERR_BOOTLOADER_TRAP_TABLE_BAD 0x58 The bootloader received an invalid message (failed
attempt to go into bootloader).
EMBER_ERR_BOOTLOADER_TRAP_UNKNOWN 0x59 Bootloader received an invalid message (failed
attempt to go into bootloader).
EMBER_ERR_BOOTLOADER_NO_IMAGE 0x5A The bootloader cannot complete the bootload
operation because either an image was not found or
the image exceeded memory bounds.
EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED 0x66 The APS layer attempted to send or deliver a
message, but it failed.
EMBER_BINDING_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x69 This binding index is out of range of the current
binding table.
EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x6A This address table index is out of range for the
current address table.
EMBER_INVALID_BINDING_INDEX 0x6C An invalid binding table index was given to a
EMBER_INVALID_CALL 0x70 The API call is not allowed given the current state of
the stack.

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EMBER_COST_NOT_KNOWN 0x71 The link cost to a node is not known.
EMBER_MAX_MESSAGE_LIMIT_REACHED 0x72 The maximum number of in-flight messages (i.e.
been reached.
EMBER_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG 0x74 The message to be transmitted is too big to fit into a
single over-the-air packet.
EMBER_BINDING_IS_ACTIVE 0x75 The application is trying to delete or overwrite a
binding that is in use.
EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY_IS_ACTIVE 0x76 The application is trying to overwrite an address
table entry that is in use.
EMBER_ADC_CONVERSION_DONE 0x80 Conversion is complete.
EMBER_ADC_CONVERSION_BUSY 0x81 Conversion cannot be done because a request is
being processed.
EMBER_ADC_CONVERSION_DEFERRED 0x82 Conversion is deferred until the current request has
been processed.
EMBER_ADC_NO_CONVERSION_PENDING 0x84 No results are pending.
EMBER_SLEEP_INTERRUPTED 0x85 Sleeping (for a duration) has been abnormally
interrupted and exited prematurely.
EMBER_PHY_TX_UNDERFLOW 0x88 The transmit hardware buffer underflowed.
EMBER_PHY_TX_INCOMPLETE 0x89 The transmit hardware did not finish transmitting a
EMBER_PHY_INVALID_CHANNEL 0x8A An unsupported channel setting was specified.
EMBER_PHY_INVALID_POWER 0x8B An unsupported power setting was specified.
EMBER_PHY_TX_BUSY 0x8C The packet cannot be transmitted because the
physical MAC layer is currently transmitting a packet.
(This is used for the MAC backoff algorithm.)
EMBER_PHY_TX_CCA_FAIL 0x8D The transmit attempt failed because all CCA
attempts indicated that the channel was busy
EMBER_PHY_OSCILLATOR_CHECK_FAILED 0x8E The software installed on the hardware doesn't
recognize the hardware radio type.
EMBER_PHY_ACK_RECEIVED 0x8F The expected ACK was received after the last
EMBER_NETWORK_UP 0x90 The stack software has completed initialization and is
ready to send and receive packets over the air.
EMBER_NETWORK_DOWN 0x91 The network is not operating.
EMBER_JOIN_FAILED 0x94 An attempt to join a network failed.
EMBER_MOVE_FAILED 0x96 After moving, a mobile node's attempt to re-establish
contact with the network failed.
EMBER_CANNOT_JOIN_AS_ROUTER 0x98 An attempt to join as a router failed due to a ZigBee
versus ZigBee Pro incompatibility. ZigBee devices
joining ZigBee Pro networks (or vice versa) must join
as End Devices, not Routers.
The local node ID has changed. The application can
obtain the new node ID by calling
The local PAN ID has changed. The application can
obtain the new PAN ID by calling emberGetPanId().
EMBER_NO_BEACONS 0xAB An attempt to join or rejoin the network failed
because no router beacons could be heard by the
joining node.

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EMBER_RECEIVED_KEY_IN_THE_CLEAR 0xAC An attempt was made to join a Secured Network
using a pre-configured key, but the Trust Center sent
back a Network Key in-the-clear when an encrypted
Network Key was required.
EMBER_NO_NETWORK_KEY_RECEIVED 0xAD An attempt was made to join a Secured Network, but
the device did not receive a Network Key.
EMBER_NO_LINK_KEY_RECEIVED 0xAE After a device joined a Secured Network, a Link Key
was requested but no response was ever received.
EMBER_PRECONFIGURED_KEY_REQUIRED 0xAF An attempt was made to join a Secured Network
without a pre-configured key, but the Trust Center
sent encrypted data using a pre-configured key.
EMBER_NOT_JOINED 0x93 The node has not joined a network.
EMBER_INVALID_SECURITY_LEVEL 0x95 The chosen security level (the value of
EMBER_SECURITY_LEVEL) is not supported by the
EMBER_NETWORK_BUSY 0xA1 A message cannot be sent because the network is
currently overloaded.
EMBER_INVALID_ENDPOINT 0xA3 The application tried to send a message using an
endpoint that it has not defined.
EMBER_BINDING_HAS_CHANGED 0xA4 The application tried to use a binding that has been
remotely modified and the change has not yet been
reported to the application.
An attempt to generate random bytes failed because
of insufficient random data from the radio.
EMBER_APS_ENCRYPTION_ERROR 0xA6 There was an error in trying to encrypt at the APS
Level. This could result from either an inability to
determine the long address of the recipient from the
short address (no entry in the binding table) or there
is no link key entry in the table associated with the
destination, or there was a failure to load the correct
key into the encryption core.
EMBER_SECURITY_STATE_NOT_SET 0xA8 There was an attempt to form or join a network with
security without calling emberSetInitialSecurityState()
EMBER_KEY_TABLE_INVALID_ADDRESS 0xB3 There was an attempt to set an entry in the key table
using an invalid long address. An entry cannot be set
using either the local device's or Trust Center's IEEE
address. Or an entry already exists in the table with
the same IEEE address. An Address of all zeros or
all F's are not valid addresses in 802.15.4.
EMBER_SECURITY_CONFIGURATION_INVALID 0xB7 There was an attempt to set a security configuration
that is not valid given the other security settings.
There was an attempt to broadcast a key switch too
quickly after broadcasting the next network key. The
Trust Center must wait at least a period equal to the
broadcast timeout so that all routers have a chance
to receive the broadcast of the new network key.
EMBER_KEY_NOT_AUTHORIZED 0xBB The message could not be sent because the link key
corresponding to the destination is not authorized for
use in APS data messages. APS Commands (sent
by the stack) are allowed. To use it for encryption of
APS data messages it must be authorized using a
key agreement protocol (such as CBKE).
EMBER_SECURITY_DATA_INVALID 0xBD The security data provided was not valid, or an
integrity check failed.

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EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE 0xA9 A ZigBee route error command frame was received
indicating that a source routed message from this
node failed en route.
EMBER_MANY_TO_ONE_ROUTE_FAILURE 0xAA A ZigBee route error command frame was received
indicating that a message sent to this node along a
many-to-one route failed en route. The route error
frame was delivered by an ad-hoc search for a
functioning route.
EMBER_STACK_AND_HARDWARE_MISMATCH 0xB0 A critical and fatal error indicating that the version of
the stack trying to run does not match with the chip it
is running on. The software (stack) on the chip must
be replaced with software that is compatible with the
EMBER_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE 0xB1 An index was passed into the function that was
larger than the valid range.
EMBER_TABLE_FULL 0xB4 There are no empty entries left in the table.
EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_ERASED 0xB6 The requested table entry has been erased and
contains no valid data.
EMBER_LIBRARY_NOT_PRESENT 0xB5 The requested function cannot be executed because
the library that contains the necessary functionality is
not present.
EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS 0xBA The stack accepted the command and is currently
processing the request. The results will be returned
via an appropriate handler.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_0 0xF0 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_1 0xF1 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_2 0xF2 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_3 0xF3 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_4 0xF4 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_5 0xF5 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_8 0xF8 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_9 0xF9 This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.

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EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_10 0xFA This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_11 0xFB This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_12 0xFC This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_13 0xFD This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_14 0xFE This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EMBER_APPLICATION_ERROR_15 0xFF This error is reserved for customer application use.
This will never be returned from any portion of the
network stack or HAL.
EmberEventUnits Value Description
EMBER_EVENT_INACTIVE 0x00 The event is not scheduled to run.
EMBER_EVENT_MS_TIME 0x01 The execution time is in approximate milliseconds.
EMBER_EVENT_QS_TIME 0x02 The execution time is in 'binary' quarter seconds (256 approximate
milliseconds each).
EMBER_EVENT_MINUTE_TIME 0x03 The execution time is in 'binary' minutes (65536 approximate milliseconds
EMBER_UNKNOWN_DEVICE 0x00 Device is not joined.
EMBER_COORDINATOR 0x01 Will relay messages and can act as a parent to other nodes.
EMBER_ROUTER 0x02 Will relay messages and can act as a parent to other nodes.
EMBER_END_DEVICE 0x03 Communicates only with its parent and will not relay messages.
EMBER_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE 0x04 An end device whose radio can be turned off to save power. The
application must poll to receive messages.
EMBER_MOBILE_END_DEVICE 0x05 A sleepy end device that can move through the network.
EmberNetworkStatus Value Description
EMBER_NO_NETWORK 0x00 The node is not associated with a network in any way.
EMBER_JOINING_NETWORK 0x01 The node is currently attempting to join a network.
EMBER_JOINED_NETWORK 0x02 The node is joined to a network.
EMBER_JOINED_NETWORK_NO_PARENT 0x03 The node is an end device joined to a network but its parent is not
EMBER_LEAVING_NETWORK 0x04 The node is in the process of leaving its current network.

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EmberIncomingMessageType Value Description
EMBER_INCOMING_MULTICAST_LOOPBACK 0x03 Multicast sent by the local device.
EMBER_INCOMING_BROADCAST_LOOPBACK 0x05 Broadcast sent by the local device.
EMBER_INCOMING_MANY_TO_ONE_ROUTE_REQUEST 0x06 Many to one route request.
EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT 0x00 Unicast sent directly to an EmberNodeId.
EMBER_OUTGOING_VIA_ADDRESS_TABLE 0x01 Unicast sent using an entry in the address table.
EMBER_OUTGOING_VIA_BINDING 0x02 Unicast sent using an entry in the binding table.
EMBER_OUTGOING_MULTICAST 0x03 Multicast message. This value is passed to
emberMessageSentHandler() only. It may not be passed to
EMBER_OUTGOING_BROADCAST 0x04 Broadcast message. This value is passed to
emberMessageSentHandler() only. It may not be passed to
EMBER_MAC_PASSTHROUGH_NONE 0x00 No MAC passthrough messages.
EMBER_MAC_PASSTHROUGH_EMBERNET 0x02 Legacy EmberNet messages.
EMBER_MAC_PASSTHROUGH_EMBERNET_SOURCE 0x04 Legacy EmberNet messages filtered by their source
EMBER_UNUSED_BINDING 0x00 A binding that is currently not in use.
EMBER_UNICAST_BINDING 0x01 A unicast binding whose 64-bit identifier is the destination
EMBER_MANY_TO_ONE_BINDING 0x02 A unicast binding whose 64-bit identifier is the aggregator
EMBER_MULTICAST_BINDING 0x03 A multicast binding whose 64-bit identifier is the group
address. A multicast binding can be used to send messages
to the group and to receive messages sent to the group.
EmberApsOption Value Description
EMBER_APS_OPTION_NONE 0x0000 No options.
EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENCRYPTION 0x0020 Send the message using APS Encryption, using the Link
Key shared with the destination node to encrypt the data
at the APS Level.
EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY 0x0040 Resend the message using the APS retry mechanism.
Causes a route discovery to be initiated if no route to the
destination is known.
EMBER_APS_OPTION_FORCE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY 0x0200 Causes a route discovery to be initiated even if one is
EMBER_APS_OPTION_SOURCE_EUI64 0x0400 Include the source EUI64 in the network frame.

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EMBER_APS_OPTION_DESTINATION_EUI64 0x0800 Include the destination EUI64 in the network frame.
EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY 0x1000 Send a ZDO request to discover the node ID of the
destination, if it is not already know.
This incoming message is a ZDO request not handled by
the EmberZNet stack, and the application is responsible
for sending a ZDO response. This flag is used only when
the ZDO is configured to have requests handled by the
application. See the
configuration parameter for more information.
This message is part of a fragmented message. This
option may only be set for unicasts. The groupId field
gives the index of this fragment in the low-order byte. If
the low-order byte is zero this is the first fragment and the
high-order byte contains the number of fragments in the
EZSP_ENERGY_SCAN 0x00 An energy scan scans each channel for its RSSI value.
EZSP_ACTIVE_SCAN 0x01 An active scan scans each channel for available networks.
EmberJoinDecision Value Description
EMBER_USE_PRECONFIGURED_KEY 0x00 Allow the node to join. The joining node should have a pre-configured key. The
security data sent to it will be encrypted with that key.
EMBER_SEND_KEY_IN_THE_CLEAR 0x01 Allow the node to join. Send the network key in-the-clear to the joining device.
EMBER_DENY_JOIN 0x02 Deny join.
EMBER_NO_ACTION 0x03 Take no action.
This enables ZigBee Standard Security on the node.
This enables Distributed Trust Center
Mode for the device
forming the network. (Previously known as
This enables a Global Link Key for the Trust Center. All
nodes will share the same Trust Center Link Key.
This enables devices that perform MAC Association with a
-configured Network Key to join the network. It is only
set on the Trust Center.
This denotes that the preconfiguredKey is not the actual
Link Key but a Secret Key known only to the Trust Center.
It is hashed with the IEEE Address of the destination
device in order to create the actual Link Key used in
encryption. This is bit is only used by the Trust Center. The
joining d
evice need not set this.
This denotes that the preconfiguredKey element has valid
data that should be used to configure the initial
This denotes that the networkKey element has valid data
that should be used to configure the
initial security state.

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Protocol Format | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 35
This denotes to a joining node that it should attempt to
acquire a Trust Center Link Key during joi
ning. This is only
necessary if the device does not have a pre
This denotes that a joining device should only accept an
encrypted network key from the Trust Center (using its pre
configured key). A key se
nt in-the-
clear by the Trust Center
will be rejected and the join will fail. This option is only valid
when utilizing a pre
-configured key.
This denotes whether the device should NOT reset its
outgoing frame counters
(both NWK and APS) when
::emberSetInitialSecurityState() is called. Normally it is
advised to reset the frame counter before joining a new
network. However in cases where a device i
s joining to the
same network
again (but not using
it should keep the NWK and APS
frame counters stored in its tokens.
This denotes that the device should obtain its
preconfigured key from an installation code stored in the
manufacturing token. The toke
n contains a value that will
be hashed to obtain the actual preconfigured key. If that
token is not valid, then the call to
emberSetInitialSecurityState() will fail.
This denotes that the
has a value in it containing the trust center EUI64. The
device will only join a network and accept commands from
a trust center with that EUI64. Normally this bit is NOT set,
and the EUI64 of the trust center is learned during
the join
process. When commissioning a device to join onto an
existing network, which is using a trust center, and without
sending any messages, this bit must be set and the field
must be populate
d with the appropriate EUI64.
EMBER_STANDARD_SECURITY_MODE 0x0000 This denotes that the device is running in a network with
ZigBee Standard Security.
EMBER_DISTRIBUTED_TRUST_CENTER_MODE 0x0002 This denotes that the device is running in a network without
a centralized Trust Center.
EMBER_GLOBAL_LINK_KEY 0x0004 This denotes that the device has a Global Link Key. The
Trust Center Link Key is the same across multiple nodes.
EMBER_HAVE_TRUST_CENTER_LINK_KEY 0x0010 This denotes that the node has a Trust Center Link Key.
EMBER_TRUST_CENTER_USES_HASHED_LINK_KEY 0x0084 This denotes that the Trust Center is using a Hashed Link
EmberKeyType Value Description
EMBER_TRUST_CENTER_LINK_KEY 0x01 A shared key between the Trust Center and a device.
EMBER_CURRENT_NETWORK_KEY 0x03 The current active Network Key used by all devices in the network.
EMBER_NEXT_NETWORK_KEY 0x04 The alternate Network Key that was previously in use, or the newer key that
will be switched to.
EMBER_APPLICATION_LINK_KEY 0x05 An Application Link Key shared with another (non-Trust Center) device.

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EmberKeyStructBitmask Value Description
EMBER_KEY_HAS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0x0001 The key has a sequence number associated with it.
EMBER_KEY_HAS_OUTGOING_FRAME_COUNTER 0x0002 The key has an outgoing frame counter associated with it.
EMBER_KEY_HAS_INCOMING_FRAME_COUNTER 0x0004 The key has an incoming frame counter associated with it.
EMBER_KEY_HAS_PARTNER_EUI64 0x0008 The key has a Partner IEEE address associated with it.
EmberDeviceUpdate Value
EMBER_COUNTER_MAC_RX_BROADCAST 0 The MAC received a broadcast.
EMBER_COUNTER_MAC_TX_BROADCAST 1 The MAC transmitted a broadcast.
EMBER_COUNTER_MAC_RX_UNICAST 2 The MAC received a unicast.
EMBER_COUNTER_MAC_TX_UNICAST_SUCCESS 3 The MAC successfully transmitted a unicast.
EMBER_COUNTER_MAC_TX_UNICAST_FAILED 5 The MAC unsuccessfully transmitted a unicast.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DATA_RX_BROADCAST 6 The APS layer received a data broadcast.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DATA_TX_BROADCAST 7 The APS layer transmitted a data broadcast.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DATA_RX_UNICAST 8 The APS layer received a data unicast.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DATA_TX_UNICAST_SUCCESS 9 The APS layer successfully transmitted a data
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DATA_TX_UNICAST_RETRY 10 The APS layer retried a data unicast.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DATA_TX_UNICAST_FAILED 11 The APS layer unsuccessfully transmitted a data

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EMBER_COUNTER_ROUTE_DISCOVERY_INITIATED 12 The network layer successfully submitted a new
route discovery to the MAC.
EMBER_COUNTER_NEIGHBOR_ADDED 13 An entry was added to the neighbor table.
EMBER_COUNTER_NEIGHBOR_REMOVED 14 An entry was removed from the neighbor table.
EMBER_COUNTER_NEIGHBOR_STALE 15 A neighbor table entry became stale because it had
not been heard from.
EMBER_COUNTER_JOIN_INDICATION 16 A node joined or rejoined to the network via this
EMBER_COUNTER_CHILD_REMOVED 17 An entry was removed from the child table.
EMBER_COUNTER_ASH_OVERFLOW_ERROR 18 EZSP-UART only. An overflow error occurred in the
EMBER_COUNTER_ASH_FRAMING_ERROR 19 EZSP-UART only. A framing error occurred in the
EMBER_COUNTER_ASH_OVERRUN_ERROR 20 EZSP-UART only. An overrun error occurred in the
EMBER_COUNTER_NWK_FRAME_COUNTER_FAILURE 21 A message was dropped at the network layer
because the NWK frame counter was not higher
than the last message seen from that source.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_FRAME_COUNTER_FAILURE 22 A message was dropped at the APS layer because
the APS frame counter was not higher than the last
message seen from that source.
EMBER_COUNTER_UTILITY 23 Utility counter for general debugging use.
A message was dropped at the APS layer because
it had APS encryption but the key associated with
the sender has not been authenticated, and thus the
key is not authorized for use in APS data messages.
EMBER_COUNTER_NWK_DECRYPTION_FAILURE 25 A NWK encrypted message was received but
dropped because decryption failed.
EMBER_COUNTER_APS_DECRYPTION_FAILURE 26 An APS encrypted message was received but
dropped because decryption failed.
The number of times we failed to allocate a set of
linked packet buffers. This doesn't necessarily mean
that the packet buffer count was 0 at the time, but
that the number requested was greater than the
number free.
EMBER_COUNTER_RELAYED_UNICAST 28 The number of relayed unicast packets.
EMBER_COUNTER_PHY_TO_MAC_QUEUE_LIMIT_REACHED 29 The number of times we dropped a packet due to
reaching the preset PHY to MAC queue limit
DROPPED_COUNT 30 The number of times we dropped a packet due to
the packet-validate library checking a packet and
rejecting it due to length or other formatting
EMBER_COUNTER_TYPE_NWK_RETRY_OVERFLOW 31 The number of times the NWK retry queue is full
and a new message failed to be added.
EMBER_COUNTER_PHY_CCA_FAIL_COUNT 32 The number of times the PHY layer was unable to
transmit due to a failed CCA.
EMBER_COUNTER_BROADCAST_TABLE_FULL 33 The number of times a NWK broadcast was
dropped because the broadcast table was full.
EMBER_COUNTER_PTA_LO_PRI_REQUESTED 34 The number of low priority packet traffic arbitration
EMBER_COUNTER_PTA_HI_PRI_REQUESTED 35 The number of high priority packet traffic arbitration

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EMBER_COUNTER_PTA_LO_PRI_DENIED 36 The number of low priority packet traffic arbitration
requests denied.
EMBER_COUNTER_PTA_HI_PRI_DENIED 37 The number of high priority packet traffic arbitration
requests denied.
EMBER_COUNTER_PTA_LO_PRI_TX_ABORTED 38 The number of aborted low priority packet traffic
arbitration transmissions.
EMBER_COUNTER_PTA_HI_PRI_TX_ABORTED 39 The number of aborted high priority packet traffic
arbitration transmissions.
EMBER_COUNTER_TYPE_COUNT 40 A placeholder giving the number of Ember counter
Normally devices use MAC Association to join a network, which
respects the "permit joining" flag in the MAC Beacon. For mobile
nodes this value causes the device to use an Ember Mobile Node
Join, which is functionally equivalent to a MAC association. This
value should be used by default.
For those networks where the "permit joining" flag is never turned
on, they will need to use a ZigBee NWK Rejoin. This value
causes the rejoin to be sent without NWK security and the Trust
Center will be asked to send the NWK key to the device. The
NWK key sent to the device can be encrypted with the device's
corresponding Trust Center link key. That is determined by the
::EmberJoinDecision on the Trust Center returned by the
::emberTrustCenterJoinHandler(). For a mobile node this value
will cause it to use an Ember Mobile node rejoin, which is
functionally equivalent.
For those networks where the "permit joining" flag is never turned
on, they will need to use a NWK Rejoin. If those devices have
been preconfigured with the NWK key (including sequence
number) they can use a secured rejoin. This is only necessary for
end devices since they need a parent. Routers can simply use
the ::EMBER_USE_NWK_COMMISSIONING join method below.
For those networks where all network and security information is
known ahead of time, a router device may be commissioned such
that it does not need to send any messages to begin
communicating on the network.
Set this flag in order to receive supported ZDO
request messages via the
incomingMessageHandler callback. A supported
ZDO request is one that is handled by the
EmberZNet stack. The stack will continue to handle
the request and send the appropriate ZDO
response even if this configuration option is
Set this flag in order to receive unsupported ZDO
request messages via the
incomingMessageHandler callback. An
unsupported ZDO request is one that is not
handled by the EmberZNet stack, other than to
send a 'not supported' ZDO response. If this
configuration option is enabled, the stack will no
longer send any ZDO response, and it is the
application's responsibility to do so.

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Set this flag in order to receive the following ZDO
request messages via the
incomingMessageHandler callback:
configuration option is enabled, the stack will no
longer send any ZDO response for these requests,
and it is the application's responsibility to do so.
Set this flag in order to receive the following ZDO
request messages via the
incomingMessageHandler callback:
and UNBIND_REQUEST. If this configuration
option is enabled, the stack will no longer send any
ZDO response for these requests, and it is the
application's responsibility to do so.
EMBER_LOW_RAM_CONCENTRATOR 0xFFF8 A concentrator with insufficient memory to store source
routes for the entire network. Route records are sent to the
concentrator prior to every inbound APS unicast.
A concentrator with sufficient memory to store source
routes for the entire network. Remote nodes stop sending
route records once the concentrator has successfully
received one.
EmberZllState Value Description
EMBER_ZLL_STATE_NONE 0x0000 No state.
EMBER_ZLL_STATE_FACTORY_NEW 0x0001 The device is factory new.
EMBER_ZLL_STATE_ADDRESS_ASSIGNMENT_CAPABLE 0x0002 The device is capable of assigning addresses to other
EMBER_ZLL_STATE_LINK_INITIATOR 0x0010 The device is initiating a link operation.
EMBER_ZLL_STATE_LINK_PRIORITY_REQUEST 0x0020 The device is requesting link priority.
EMBER_ZLL_STATE_NON_ZLL_NETWORK 0x0100 The device is on a non-ZLL network.
EMBER_ZLL_KEY_INDEX_DEVELOPMENT 0x00 Key encryption algorithm for use during development.
EMBER_ZLL_KEY_INDEX_MASTER 0x04 Key encryption algorithm shared by all certified devices.
Key encryption algorithm for use during development and
EzspZllNetworkOperation Value Description
EZSP_ZLL_FORM_NETWORK 0x00 ZLL form network command.
EZSP_ZLL_JOIN_TARGET 0x01 ZLL join target command.
EZSP_SOURCE_ROUTE_OVERHEAD_UNKNOWN 0xFF Ezsp source route overhead unknown

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EmberNetworkInitBitmask Value Description
EMBER_NETWORK_INIT_NO_OPTIONS 0x0000 No options for Network Init
EMBER_NETWORK_INIT_PARENT_INFO_IN_TOKEN 0x0001 Save parent info (node ID and EUI64) in a token dur-
ing joining/rejoin, and restore on reboot.
EMBER_NETWORK_INIT_END_DEVICE_REJOIN_ON_REBOOT 0x0002 Send a rejoin request as an end device on reboot if
parent information is persisted.
Enable broadcast support on Routers
No Duty cycle tracking or metrics are taking place.
EMBER_DUTY_CYCLE_LBT_NORMAL 1 Duty Cycle is tracked and has not exceeded any thresh-
We have exceeded the limited threshold of our total
duty cycle allotment.
We have exceeded the critical threshold of our total duty
cycle allotment
We have reached the suspend limit and are blocking all
outbound transmissions.

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Configuration Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 41
4 Configuration Frames
Name: version ID: 0x00
Description: The command allows the Host to specify the desired EZSP version and must be sent before any other command. This
document describes EZSP version 4 and stack type 2 (mesh). The response provides information about the firmware running on the
Command Parameters:
uint8_t desiredProtocolVersion The EZSP version the Host wishes to use. To
successfully set the version and allow other
commands, this must be 4.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t protocolVersion The EZSP version the NCP is using (4).
uint8_t stackType The type of stack running on the NCP (2).
uint16_t stackVersion The version number of the stack.
Name: getConfigurationValue ID: 0x52
Description: Reads a configuration value from the NCP.
Command Parameters:
EzspConfigId configId Identifies which configuration value to read.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status EZSP_SUCCESS if the value was read successfully, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP
does not recognize configId.
uint16_t value The configuration value.

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Name: setConfigurationValue ID: 0x53
Description: Writes a configuration value to the NCP. Configuration values can be modified by the Host after the NCP has reset. Once
the status of the stack changes to EMBER_NETWORK_UP, configuration values can no longer be modified and this command will
Command Parameters:
EzspConfigId configId Identifies which configuration value to change.
uint16_t value The new configuration value.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
EZSP_SUCCESS if the configuration value was changed,
EZSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if the new value exceeded the available memory,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the new value was out of bounds,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP does not recognize configId,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL if configuration values can no longer be modified.
Name: addEndpoint ID: 0x02
Description: Configures endpoint information on the NCP. The NCP does not remember these settings after a reset. Endpoints can
be added by the Host after the NCP has reset. Once the status of the stack changes to EMBER_NETWORK_UP, endpoints can no
longer be added and this command will respond with EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t endpoint The application endpoint to be added.
uint16_t profileId The endpoint's application profile.
uint16_t deviceId The endpoint's device ID within the application profile.
uint8_t appFlags The device version and flags indicating description availability.
uint8_t inputClusterCount The number of cluster IDs in inputClusterList.
uint8_t outputClusterCount The number of cluster IDs in outputClusterList.
uint16_t[] inputClusterList Input cluster IDs the endpoint will accept.
uint16_t[] outputClusterList Output cluster IDs the endpoint may send.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status EZSP_SUCCESS if the endpoint was added, EZSP_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY if there is
not enough memory available to add the endpoint, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the
endpoint already exists, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL if endpoints can no longer be added.

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Name: setPolicy ID: 0x55
Description: Allows the Host to change the policies used by the NCP to make fast decisions.
Command Parameters:
EzspPolicyId policyId Identifies which policy to modify.
EzspDecisionId decisionId The new decision for the specified policy.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status EZSP_SUCCESS if the policy was changed, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP does not rec-
ognize policyId.
Name: getPolicy ID: 0x56
Description: Allows the Host to read the policies used by the NCP to make fast decisions.
Command Parameters:
EzspPolicyId policyId Identifies which policy to read.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status EZSP_SUCCESS if the policy was read successfully, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP does
not recognize policyId.
EzspDecisionId decisionId The current decision for the specified policy.
Name: getValue ID: 0xAA
Description: Reads a value from the NCP.
Command Parameters:
EzspValueId valueId Identifies which value to read.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status EZSP_SUCCESS if the value was read successfully, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP does not
recognize valueId.
uint8_t valueLength The length of the value parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] value The value.

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Name: getExtendedValue ID: 0x03
Description: Reads a value from the NCP but passes an extra argument specific to the value being retrieved.
Command Parameters:
EzspExtendedValueId valueId Identifies which extended value ID to read.
uint32_t characteristics Identifies which characteristics of the extended value ID to read. These are specific to the value
being read.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status EZSP_SUCCESS if the value was read successfully, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP
does not recognize valueId.
uint8_t valueLength The length of the value parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] value The value.
Name: setValue ID: 0xAB
Description: Writes a value to the NCP.
Command Parameters:
EzspValueId valueId Identifies which value to change.
uint8_t valueLength The length of the value parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] value The new value.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
if the new value was out of bounds, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_ID if the NCP does
not recognize valueId, EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL if the value could not be

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Name: setGpioCurrentConfiguration ID: 0xAC
Description: Sets the GPIO configuration and output values for the specified pin.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t portPin The pin to configure.
uint8_t cfg The new configuration value.
uint8_t out The new output value.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
EZSP_SUCCESS if the values were changed,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the pin was out of bounds,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL if the pin could not be modified because it is
required for communication with the NCP.
Name: setGpioPowerUpDownConfiguration ID: 0xAD
Description: Sets the GPIO configuration and output values to be used for the specified pin when the NCP is powered up and down.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t portPin The pin to configure.
uint8_t puCfg The new configuration value for power up.
uint8_t puOut The new output value for power up.
uint8_t pdCfg The new configuration value for power down.
uint8_t pdOut The new output value for power down.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
EZSP_SUCCESS if the values were changed,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE if the pin was out of bounds,
EZSP_ERROR_INVALID_CALL if the pin could not be modified be-
cause it is required for communication with the NCP.
Name: setGpioRadioPowerMask ID: 0xAE
Description: Sets the mask that controls which pins will have their GPIO configuration and output values set to their power-up and
power-down values when the NCP powers the radio up and down.
Command Parameters:
uint32_t mask The new mask.
Response Parameters: None

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Name: setCtune
ID: 0xF5
Description: Apply a new CTUNE value.
Command Parameters:
uint16_t ctune
The new CTUNE value. Valid range is 0x0000
0x01FF. Higher order bits
(0xFE00) of the 16-bit value are ignored.
Response Parameters: None
Name: getCtune
ID: 0xF6
Description: Retrieves the current CTUNE value.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint16_t ctune
The current CTUNE value.

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Utilities Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 47
5 Utilities Frames
Name: nop ID: 0x05
Description: A command which does nothing. The Host can use this to set the sleep mode or to check the status of the NCP.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters: None
Name: echo ID: 0x81
Description: Variable length data from the Host is echoed back by the NCP. This command has no other effects and is designed for
testing the link between the Host and NCP.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t dataLength The length of the data parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] data The data to be echoed back.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t echoLength The length of the echo parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] echo The echo of the data.
Name: invalidCommand ID: 0x58
Description: Indicates that the NCP received an invalid command.
This frame is a response to an invalid command.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus reason The reason why the command was invalid.
Name: callback ID: 0x06
Description: Allows the NCP to respond with a pending callback.
Command Parameters: None
The response to this command can be any of the callback responses.
Name: noCallbacks ID: 0x07
Description: Indicates that there are currently no pending callbacks.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters: None

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Name: setToken ID: 0x09
Description: Sets a token (8 bytes of non-volatile storage) in the Simulated EEPROM of the NCP.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t tokenId Which token to set (0 to 7).
uint8_t[8] tokenData The data to write to the token.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: getToken ID: 0x0A
Description: Retrieves a token (8 bytes of non-volatile storage) from the Simulated EEPROM of the NCP.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t tokenId Which token to read (0 to 31 for EM357, 0 to 7 for other NCPs).
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
uint8_t[8] tokenData The contents of the token.
Name: getMfgToken ID: 0x0B
Description: Retrieves a manufacturing token from the Flash Information Area of the NCP (except for EZSP_STACK_CAL_DATA
which is managed by the stack).
Command Parameters:
EzspMfgTokenId tokenId Which manufacturing token to read.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t tokenDataLength The length of the tokenData parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] tokenData The manufacturing token data.

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Name: setMfgToken
ID: 0x0C
Description: Sets a manufacturing token in the Customer Information Block (CIB) area of the NCP if that token currently unset (fully
Command Parameters:
EzspMfgTokenId tokenId
Which manufacturing token to set.
uint8_t tokenDataLength
The length of the tokenData parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] tokenData
The manufacturing token data.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: stackTokenChangedHandler
ID: 0x0D
Description: A callback invoked to inform the application that a stack token has changed.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint16_t tokenAddress
The address of the stack token that has changed.
Name: getRandomNumber ID: 0x49
Description: Returns a pseudorandom number.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status Always returns EMBER_SUCCESS.
uint16_t value A pseudorandom number.

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Name: setTimer ID: 0x0E
Description: Sets a timer on the NCP. There are 2 independent timers available for use by the Host. A timer can be cancelled by
setting time to 0 or units to EMBER_EVENT_INACTIVE.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t timerId Which timer to set (0 or 1).
uint16_t time The delay before the timerHandler callback will be generated. Note that the timer clock is
free running and is not synchronized with this command. This means that the actual delay
will be between time and (time - 1). The maximum delay is 32767.
EmberEventUnits units The units for time.
bool repeat If true, a timerHandler callback will be generated repeatedly. If false, only a single timer-
Handler callback will be generated.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: getTimer ID: 0x4E
Description: Gets information about a timer. The Host can use this command to find out how much longer it will be before a previously
set timer will generate a callback.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t timerId Which timer to get information about (0 or 1).
Response Parameters:
uint16_t time The delay before the timerHandler callback will be generated.
EmberEventUnits units The units for time.
bool repeat True if a timerHandler callback will be generated repeatedly. False if only a single timer-
Handler callback will be generated.
Name: timerHandler ID: 0x0F
Description: A callback from the timer.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t timerId Which timer generated the callback (0 or 1).

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Name: debugWrite ID: 0x12
Description: Sends a debug message from the Host to the Network Analyzer utility via the NCP.
Command Parameters:
bool binaryMessage true if the message should be interpreted as binary data, false if the message should be
interpreted as ASCII text.
uint8_t messageLength The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents The binary message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: readAndClearCounters ID: 0x65
Description: Retrieves and clears Ember counters. See the EmberCounterType enumeration for the counter types.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
COUNT] values A list of all counter values ordered according to the EmberCounterType enumeration.
Name: readCounters ID: 0xF1
Description: Retrieves Ember counters. See the EmberCounterType enumeration for the counter types.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
OUNT] values A list of all counter values ordered according to the EmberCounterType enumeration.
Name: counterRolloverHandler ID: 0xF2
Description: This call is fired when a counter exceeds its threshold.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberCounterType type Type of Counter

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Name: delayTest ID: 0x9D
Description: Used to test that UART flow control is working correctly.
Command Parameters:
uint16_t delay Data will not be read from the host for this many milliseconds.
Response Parameters: None
Name: getLibraryStatus ID: 0x01
Description: This retrieves the status of the passed library ID to determine if it is compiled into the stack.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t libraryId The ID of the library being queried.
Response Parameters:
EmberLibraryStatus status The status of the library being queried.
Name: getXncpInfo
ID: 0x13
Allows the HOST to know whether the NCP is running the XNCP library. If so, the response contains also the manufacturer
ID and the version number of the XNCP application that is running on the NCP.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_SUCCESS if the NCP is running the XNCP library.
uint16_t manufacturerId
The manufactured ID the user has defined in the XNCP application.
uint16_t versionNumber
The version number of the XNCP application.

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Name: customFrame
ID: 0x47
Provides the customer a custom EZSP frame. On the NCP, these frames are only handled if the XNCP library is included.
On the NCP side these frames are handled in the emberXNcpIncomingCustomEzspMessageCallback() callback function.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t payloadLength
The length of the custom frame payload.
uint8_t[] payload
The payload of the custom frame.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The status returned by the custom command.
uint8_t replyLength
The length of the response.
uint8_t[] reply
The response.
Name: customFrameHandler
ID: 0x54
Description: A callback indicating a custom EZSP message has been received.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t payloadLength
The length of the custom frame payload.
uint8_t[] payload
The payload of the custom frame.
Name: getEui64 ID: 0x26
Description: Returns the EUI64 ID of the local node.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberEUI64 eui64 The 64-bit ID.
Name: getNodeId ID: 0x27
Description: Returns the 16-bit node ID of the local node.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId nodeId The 16-bit ID.

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Name: getPhyInterfaceCount
ID: 0xFC
Description: Returns number of phy interfaces present.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t interfaceCount
Value indicate how many phy interfaces present.

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6 Networking Frames
Name: setManufacturerCode ID: 0x15
Description: Sets the manufacturer code to the specified value. The manufacturer code is one of the fields of the node descriptor.
Command Parameters:
uint16_t code The manufacturer code for the local node.
Response Parameters: None
Name: setPowerDescriptor ID: 0x16
Description: Sets the power descriptor to the specified value. The power descriptor is a dynamic value, therefore you should call this
function whenever the value changes.
Command Parameters:
uint16_t descriptor The new power descriptor for the local node.
Response Parameters: None
Name: networkInit
Description: Resume network operation after a reboot. The node retains its original type. This should be called on startup whether or
not the node was previously part of a network. EMBER_NOT_JOINED is returned if the node is not part of a network. This command
accepts options to control the network initialization.
Command Parameters:
EmberNetworkInitStruct networkInitStruct An EmberNetworkInitStruct containing the options for initialization.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value that indicates one of the following: successful initiali-
zation, EMBER_NOT_JOINED if the node is not part of a network, or the rea-
son for failure.
Name: networkState ID: 0x18
Description: Returns a value indicating whether the node is joining, joined to, or leaving a network.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberNetworkStatus status An EmberNetworkStatus value indicating the current join status.

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Name: stackStatusHandler ID: 0x19
Description: A callback invoked when the status of the stack changes. If the status parameter equals EMBER_NETWORK_UP, then
the getNetworkParameters command can be called to obtain the new network parameters. If any of the parameters are being stored
in nonvolatile memory by the Host, the stored values should be updated.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status Stack status. One of the following: EMBER_NETWORK_UP,
Name: startScan ID: 0x1A
Description: This function will start a scan.
Command Parameters:
EzspNetworkScanType scanType
Indicates the type of scan to be performed. Possible values are: EZSP_ENERGY_SCAN
and EZSP_ACTIVE_SCAN. For each type, the respective callback for reporting results is:
energyScanResultHandler and networkFoundHandler. The energy scan and active scan re-
port errors and completion via the scanCompleteHandler.
uint32_t channelMask
Bits set as 1 indicate that this particular channel should be scanned. Bits set to 0 indicate that
this particular channel should not be scanned. For example, a channelMask value of
0x00000001 would indicate that only channel 0 should be scanned. Valid channels range
from 11 to 26 inclusive. This translates to a channel mask value of 0x07FFF800. As a con-
venience, a value of 0 is reinterpreted as the mask for the current channel.
uint8_t duration Sets the exponent of the number of scan periods, where a scan period is 960 symbols. The
scan will occur for ((2^duration) + 1) scan periods.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS signals that the scan successfully started. Possible error responses and
their meanings: EMBER_MAC_SCANNING, we are already scanning;
EMBER_MAC_JOINED_NETWORK, we are currently joined to a network and cannot begin
a scan; EMBER_MAC_BAD_SCAN_DURATION, we have set a duration value that is not
0..14 inclusive; EMBER_MAC_INCORRECT_SCAN_TYPE, we have requested an unde-
fined scanning type; EMBER_MAC_INVALID_CHANNEL_MASK, our channel mask did not
specify any valid channels.
Name: energyScanResultHandler ID: 0x48
Description: Reports the result of an energy scan for a single channel. The scan is not complete until the scanCompleteHandler
callback is called.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t channel The 802.15.4 channel number that was scanned.
int8s maxRssiValue The maximum RSSI value found on the channel.

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Name: networkFoundHandler ID: 0x1B
Description: Reports that a network was found as a result of a prior call to startScan. Gives the network parameters useful for deciding
which network to join.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberZigbeeNetwork networkFound The parameters associated with the network found.
uint8_t lastHopLqi The link quality from the node that generated this beacon.
int8s lastHopRssi The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during the reception.
Name: scanCompleteHandler ID: 0x1C
Description: Returns the status of the current scan of type EZSP_ENERGY_SCAN or EZSP_ACTIVE_SCAN. EMBER_SUCCESS
signals that the scan has completed. Other error conditions signify a failure to scan on the channel specified.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t channel The channel on which the current error occurred. Undefined for the case of
EmberStatus status The error condition that occurred on the current channel. Value will be
EMBER_SUCCESS when the scan has completed.
Name: stopScan ID: 0x1D
Description: Terminates a scan in progress.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: formNetwork ID: 0x1E
Description: Forms a new network by becoming the coordinator.
Command Parameters:
EmberNetworkParameters parameters Specification of the new network.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

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Name: joinNetwork ID: 0x1F
Description: Causes the stack to associate with the network using the specified network parameters. It can take several seconds for
the stack to associate with the local network. Do not send messages until the stackStatusHandler callback informs you that the stack
is up.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeType nodeType Specification of the role that this node will have in the network. This role must not be
EMBER_COORDINATOR. To be a coordinator, use the formNetwork command.
EmberNetworkParameters parameters Specification of the network with which the node should associate.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: leaveNetwork ID: 0x20
Description: Causes the stack to leave the current network. This generates a stackStatusHandler callback to indicate that the network
is down. The radio will not be used until after sending a formNetwork or joinNetwork command.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: findAndRejoinNetwork ID: 0x21
Description: The application may call this function when contact with the network has been lost. The most common usage case is
when an end device can no longer communicate with its parent and wishes to find a new one. Another case is when a device has
missed a Network Key update and no longer has the current Network Key.
The stack will call ezspStackStatusHandler to indicate that the network is down, then try to re-establish contact with the network by
performing an active scan, choosing a network with matching extended pan id, and sending a ZigBee network rejoin request. A sec-
ond call to the ezspStackStatusHandler callback indicates either the success or the failure of the attempt. The process takes approx-
imately 150 milliseconds per channel to complete.
This call replaces the emberMobileNodeHasMoved API from EmberZNet 2.x, which used MAC association and consequently took
half a second longer to complete.
Command Parameters:
bool haveCurrentNetworkKey
This parameter tells the stack whether to try to use the current network key. If it
has the current network key it will perform a secure rejoin (encrypted). If this fails
the device should try an unsecure rejoin. If the Trust Center allows the rejoin then
the current Network Key will be sent encrypted using the device's Link Key.
uint32_t channelMask A mask indicating the channels to be scanned. See emberStartScan for format
details. A value of 0 is reinterpreted as the mask for the current channel.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

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Name: permitJoining ID: 0x22
Description: Tells the stack to allow other nodes to join the network with this node as their parent. Joining is initially disabled by
Command Parameters:
uint8_t duration A value of 0x00 disables joining. A value of 0xFF enables joining. Any other value enables
joining for that number of seconds.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: childJoinHandler ID: 0x23
Description: Indicates that a child has joined or left.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of the child of interest.
bool joining True if the child is joining. False the child is leaving.
EmberNodeId childId The node ID of the child.
EmberEUI64 childEui64 The EUI64 of the child.
EmberNodeType childType The node type of the child.
Name: energyScanRequest ID: 0x9C
Description: Sends a ZDO energy scan request. This request may only be sent by the current network manager and must be unicast,
not broadcast. See ezsp-utils.h for related macros emberSetNetworkManagerRequest() and emberChangeChannelRequest().
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId target The network address of the node to perform the scan.
uint32_t scanChannels A mask of the channels to be scanned.
uint8_t scanDuration How long to scan on each channel. Allowed values are 0..5, with the scan times as specified
by 802.15.4 (0 = 31ms, 1 = 46ms, 2 = 77ms, 3 = 138ms, 4 = 261ms, 5 = 507ms).
uint16_t scanCount The number of scans to be performed on each channel (1..8).
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

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Name: getNetworkParameters ID: 0x28
Description: Returns the current network parameters.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
EmberNodeType nodeType An EmberNodeType value indicating the current node type.
EmberNetworkParameters parameters The current network parameters.
Name: getRadioParameters ID: 0xFD
Description: Returns the current radio parameters based on phy index.
Command Parameters::
uint8_t childCount The number of children the node currently has.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
EmberNodeType nodeType An EmberNodeType value indicating the current node type.
EmberNetworkParameters parameters The current network parameters.
Name: getParentChildParameters
ID: 0x29
Description: Returns information about the children of the local node and the parent of the local node.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t childCount
The number of children the node currently has.
EmberEUI64 parentEui64
The parent's EUI64. The value is undefined for nodes without parents (coordinators and nodes
that are not joined to a network).
EmberNodeId parentNodeId
The parent's node ID. The value is undefined for nodes without parents (coordinators and
nodes that are not joined to a network).

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Name: getChildData ID: 0x4A
Description: Returns information about a child of the local node.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of the child of interest in the child table. Possible indexes range from zero to
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_SUCCESS if there is a child at index. EMBER_NOT_JOINED if there is no child at
EmberChildData childData The data of the child.
Name: getSourceRouteTableTotalSize
ID: 0xC3
Description: Returns the source route table total size.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t sourceRouteTableTotalSize
Total size of source route table.
Name: getSourceRouteTableFilledSize
ID: 0xC2
Description: Returns the number of filled entries in source route table.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t sourceRouteTableFilledSize
The number of filled entries in source route table.
Name: getSourceRouteTableEntry
ID: 0xC1
Description: Returns information about a source route table entry
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of the entry of interest in the source route table. Possible indexes range
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_SUCCESS if there is source route entry at index
EMBER_SOURCE_ROUTE_FAILURE if there is no source route at index.
EmberNodeId destination
The node ID of the destination in that entry.
uint8_t closerIndex
The closer node index for this source route table entry

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Name: getNeighbor ID: 0x79
Description: Returns the neighbor table entry at the given index. The number of active neighbors can be obtained using the neigh-
borCount command.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of the neighbor of interest. Neighbors are stored in ascending order by node id,
with all unused entries at the end of the table.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_ERR_FATAL if the index is greater or equal to the number of active neighbors, or if
the device is an end device. Returns EMBER_SUCCESS otherwise.
EmberNeighborTableEntry value The contents of the neighbor table entry.
Name: neighborCount ID: 0x7A
Description: Returns the number of active entries in the neighbor table.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t value The number of active entries in the neighbor table.
Name: getRouteTableEntry ID: 0x7B
Description: Returns the route table entry at the given index. The route table size can be obtained using the getConfigurationValue
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of the route table entry of interest.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_ERR_FATAL if the index is out of range or the device is an end device, and
EMBER_SUCCESS otherwise.
EmberRouteTableEntry value The contents of the route table entry.

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Name: setRadioPower ID: 0x99
Description: Sets the radio output power at which a node is operating. Ember radios have discrete power settings. For a list of
available power settings, see the technical specification for the RF communication module in your Developer Kit. Note: Care should
be taken when using this API on a running network, as it will directly impact the established link qualities neighboring nodes have with
the node on which it is called. This can lead to disruption of existing routes and erratic network behavior.
Command Parameters:
int8s power Desired radio output power, in dBm.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of the command.
Name: setRadioChannel ID: 0x9A
Description: Sets the channel to use for sending and receiving messages. For a list of available radio channels, see the technical
specification for the RF communication module in your Developer Kit. Note: Care should be taken when using this API, as all devices
on a network must use the same channel.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t channel Desired radio channel.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of the command.

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Name: setConcentrator
ID: 0x10
Description: Enable/disable concentrator support.
Command Parameters:
bool on If this bool is true the concentrator support is enabled. Otherwise is disabled. If this bool is false
all the other arguments are ignored.
uint16_t concentratorType Must be either EMBER_HIGH_RAM_CONCENTRATOR or
EMBER_LOW_RAM_CONCENTRATOR. The former is used when the caller has enough
memory to store source routes for the whole network. In that case, remote nodes stop send-
ing route records once the concentrator has successfully received one. The latter is used
when the concentrator has insufficient RAM to store all outbound source routes. In that case,
route records are sent to the concentrator prior to every inbound APS unicast.
uint16_t minTime
The minimum amount of time that must pass between MTORR broadcasts.
uint16_t maxTime
The maximum amount of time that can pass between MTORR broadcasts.
uint8_t routeErrorThreshold
The number of route errors that will trigger a re-broadcast of the MTORR.
uint8_t deliveryFailureThreshold
The number of APS delivery failures that will trigger a re-broadcast of the MTORR.
uint8_t maxHops
The maximum number of hops that the MTORR broadcast will be allowed to have. A value of
0 will be converted to the EMBER_MAX_HOPS value set by the stack.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: multiPhyStart
ID: 0xF8
This causes to initialize the desired radio interface other than native and form a new network by becoming the coordinator
with same panId as native radio network.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t phyIndex Index of phy interface. The native phy index would
be always zero hence valid phy index
starts from one.
uint8_t page
Desired radio channel page.
uint8_t channel
Desired radio channel.
int8_t power
Desired radio output power, in dBm.
EmberMultiPhyNwkConfig bitmask
Network configuration bitmask.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

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Name: multiPhyStop
ID: 0xF9
Description: This causes to bring down the radio interface other than native.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t phyIndex
Index of phy interface. The native phy index would be always zero hence valid phy index
starts from one.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: multiPhySetRadioPower
ID: 0xFA
Sets the radio output power for desired phy interface at which a node is operating. Ember radios have discrete power
settings. For a list of available power settings, see the technical specification for the RF communication module in y
our Developer Kit.
Note: Care should be taken when using this api on a running network, as it will directly impact the established link qualitie
s neighboring
nodes have with the node on which it is called. This can lead to disruption of existing routes and erratic network behavior.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t phyIndex
Index of phy interface. The native phy index would be always zero hence valid phy
index starts from one.
int8_t power
Desired radio output power, in dBm.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of the command.
Name: sendLinkPowerDeltaRequest
ID: 0xF7
Description: Send Link Power Delta Request from a child to its parent
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of sending the request.

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Name: multiPhySetRadioChannel
ID: 0xFB
Sets the channel for desired phy interface to use for sending and receiving messages. For a list of available radio pages
and channels, see the technical specification for the RF communication module in your Developer Kit. Note: Care should be tak
en when
using this API, as all devices on a network must use the same page and channel.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t phyIndex
Index of phy interface. The native phy index would be always zero hence valid
phy index starts from one.
uint8_t page
Desired radio channel page.
uint8_t channel
Desired radio channel.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of the command.
Name: getDutyCycleState
ID: 0x35
Description: Obtains the current duty cycle state.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of the command.
EmberDutyCycleState returnedState
The current duty cycle state in effect.
Name: setDutyCycleLimitsInStack
ID: 0x40
Description: Set the current duty cycle limits configuration. The Default limits set by stack if this call is not made.
Command Parameters:
EmberDutyCycleLimits limits
The duty cycle limits configuration to utilize.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the duty cycle limit configurations set successfully,
EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT if set illegal value such as setting only one of the limits to
default or violates constraints Susp > Crit > Limi, EMBER_INVALID_CALL if device is
operating on 2.4Ghz

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Name: getDutyCycleLimits
ID: 0x4B
Description: Obtains the current duty cycle limits that were previously set by a call to emberSetDutyCycleLimitsInStack(), or the defaults
set by the stack if no set call was made.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating the success or failure of the command.
EmberDutyCycleLimits returnedLimits
Return current duty cycle limits if returnedLimits is not NULL
Name: getCurrentDutyCycle
ID: 0x4C
Returns the duty cycle of the stack's connected children that are being monitored, up to maxDevices. It indicates the
amount of overall duty cycle they have consumed (up to the suspend limit). The first entry is always the local stack's nodeId
, and thus
the total aggregate duty cycle for the device. The passed pointer arrayOfDeviceDutyCycles MUST have space for maxDevices.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t maxDevices
Number of devices to retrieve consumed duty cycle.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the duty cycles were read successfully, EMBER_BAD_ARGUMENT
maxDevices is greater than EMBER_MAX_END_DEVICE_CHILDREN + 1.
uint8_t[134] arrayOfDeviceDutyCycles Consumed duty cycles up to maxDevices. When the number of children that are being moni-
tored is less than maxDevices, the EmberNodeId element in the EmberPerDeviceDutyCycle
will be 0xFFFF.
Name: dutyCycleHandler
ID: 0x4D
Description: Callback fires when the duty cycle state has changed
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t channelPage
The channel page whose duty cycle state has changed.
uint8_t channel
The channel number whose duty cycle state has changed.
EmberDutyCycleState state
The current duty cycle state.
uint8_t totalDevices
The total number of connected end devices that are being monitored for duty cycle.
EmberPerDeviceDutyCycle arrayOf-
Consumed duty cycles of end devices that are being monitored. The first entry alway
s be
the local stack's nodeId, and thus the total aggregate duty cycle for the device.

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7 Binding Frames
Name: clearBindingTable ID: 0x2A
Description: Deletes all binding table entries.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: setBinding ID: 0x2B
Description: Sets an entry in the binding table.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of a binding table entry.
EmberBindingTableEntry value The contents of the binding entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: getBinding ID: 0x2C
Description: Gets an entry from the binding table.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of a binding table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
EmberBindingTableEntry value The contents of the binding entry.
Name: deleteBinding ID: 0x2D
Description: Deletes a binding table entry.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index The index of a binding table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

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Name: bindingIsActive
ID: 0x2E
Indicates whether any messages are currently being sent using this binding table entry. Note that this command does not
indicate whether a binding is clear. To determine whether a binding is clear, check whether the type field of the EmberBind
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of a binding table entry.
Response Parameters:
bool active
True if the binding table entry is active, false otherwise.
Name: getBindingRemoteNodeId
ID: 0x2F
Returns the node ID for the binding's destination, if the ID is known. If a message is sent using the binding and the desti-
nation's ID is not known, the stack will discover the ID by broadcasting a ZDO address request. The application can a
void the need for
this discovery by using setBindingRemoteNodeId
when it knows the correct ID via some other means. The destination's node ID is
forgotten when the binding is changed, when the local node reboots or, much more rarely, when the destination n
ode changes its ID in
response to an ID conflict.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of a binding table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId nodeId
The short ID of the destination node or EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID if no destination is known.
Name: setBindingRemoteNodeId
ID: 0x30
Description: Set the node ID for the binding's destination. See getBindingRemoteNodeId for a description.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of a binding table entry.
EmberNodeId nodeId
The short ID of the destination node.
Response Parameters: None
Name: remoteSetBindingHandler
ID: 0x31
The NCP used the external binding modification policy to decide how to handle a remote set binding request. The Host
cannot change the current decision, but it can change the policy for future decisions using the setPolicy command.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberBindingTableEntry entry
The requested binding.
uint8_t index
The index at which the binding was added.
EmberStatus policyDecision
EMBER_SUCCESS if the binding was added to the table and any other status if not.

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Name: remoteDeleteBindingHandler
ID: 0x32
The NCP used the external binding modification policy to decide how to handle a remote delete binding request. The Host
cannot change the current decision, but it can change the policy for future decisions using the setPolicy command.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of the binding whose deletion was requested.
EmberStatus policyDecision
EMBER_SUCCESS if the binding was removed from the table and any other status if not.

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8 Messaging Frames
Name: maximumPayloadLength
ID: 0x33
Description: Returns the maximum size of the payload. The size depends on the security level in use.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t apsLength
The maximum APS payload length.
Name: sendUnicast
ID: 0x34
Sends a unicast message as per the ZigBee specification. The message will arrive at its destination only if there is a known
route to the destination node. Setting the ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY option will cause a route to be discovered if none is known
Setting the FORCE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY option will force route discovery. Routes to end-
device children of the local node are always
known. Setting the APS_RETRY option will cause the message to be retransmitted until either a matching acknowledgement is rec
or three transmissions have been made. Note:
Using the FORCE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY option will cause the first transmission to be
consumed by a route request as part of discovery, so the application payload of this packet will not reach its destination on the fi
attempt. If you want the packet to reach its destination, the APS_RETRY option must be set so that another attempt is made to
the message with its application payload after the route has been constructed. Note: When sending fragmented messages
, the stack
will only assign a new APS sequence number for the first fragment of the message (i.e., EMBER_APS_OPTION_FRAGMENT is set and
the low-order byte of the groupId field in the APS frame is zero). For all subsequent fragments of the same message, th
e application
must set the sequence number field in the APS frame to the sequence number assigned by the stack to the first fragment.
Command Parameters:
EmberOutgoingMessageType type Specifies the outgoing message type. Must be one of EMBER_OUTGOING_DIR
EmberNodeId indexOrDestination
Depending on the type of addressing used, this is either the EmberNodeId of the destination,
an index into the address table, or an index into the binding table.
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame which is to be added to the message.
uint8_t messageTag A value chosen by the Host. This value is used in the ezspMessageSentHandler
response to
refer to this message.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
Content of the message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
uint8_t sequence
The sequence number that will be used when this message is transmitted.

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Name: sendBroadcast
ID: 0x36
Description: Sends a broadcast message as per the ZigBee specification.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId destination
The destination to which to send the broadcast. This must be one of the three ZigBee broadcast
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame for the message.
uint8_t radius
The message will be delivered to all nodes within
hops of the sender. A radius of zero
is converted to EMBER_MAX_HOPS.
uint8_t messageTag
A value chosen by the Host. This value is used in the
response to
refer to this message.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The broadcast message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
uint8_t sequence
The sequence number that will be used when this message is transmitted.
Name: proxyBroadcast
ID: 0x37
Description: Sends a proxied broadcast message as per the ZigBee specification.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId source
The source from which to send the broadcast.
EmberNodeId destination The destination to which to send the broadcast. This must be one of the three
ZigBee broadcast
uint8_t nwkSequence
The network sequence number for the broadcast.
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame for the message.
uint8_t radius The message will be delivered to all nodes within radius
hops of the sender. A radius of zero
is converted to EMBER_MAX_HOPS.
uint8_t messageTag A value chosen by the Host. This value is used in the ezspMessageSentHandler
response to
refer to this message.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The broadcast message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
uint8_t apsSequence
The APS sequence number that will be used when this message is transmitted.

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Name: sendMulticast
ID: 0x38
Sends a multicast message to all endpoints that share a specific multicast ID and are within a specified number of hops of
the sender.
Command Parameters:
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame for the message. The multicast will be sent to the groupId in this frame.
uint8_t hops
The message will be delivered to all nodes within this number of hops of the sender. A value of zero
is converted to EMBER_MAX_HOPS.
uint8_t nonmemberRadius
The number of hops that the message will be forwarded by devices that are not members of the group.
A value of 7 or greater is treated as infinite.
uint8_t messageTag
A value chosen by the Host. This value is used in the
response to refer to
this message.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The multicast message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value. For any result other than EMBER_SUCCESS, the message will not be sent.
The message has been submitted for transmission.
- The bindingTableIndex refers to a non-
multicast binding.
- The node is not part of a network. EMB
The message is too large to fit in a MAC layer frame. EMBER_NO_BUFFERS -
The free packet
buffer pool is empty. EMBER_NETWORK_BUSY
Insufficient resources available in Network or MAC
layers to send message.
uint8_t sequence
The sequence number that will be used when this message is transmitted.

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Name: sendMulticastWithAlias
ID: 0x3A
Sends a multicast message to all endpoints that share a specific multicast ID and are within a specified number of hops of
the sender.
Command Parameters:
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame for the message. The multicast will be sent to the groupId in this frame.
uint8_t hops
The message will be delivered to all nodes within this number of hops of the sender. A value of zero is
converted to EMBER_MAX_HOPS.
uint8_t nonmemberRadius
The number of hops that the message will be forwarded by devices that are not members of the group.
A value of 7 or greater is treated as infinite.
uint16_t alias
The alias source address
uint8_t nwkSequence
the alias sequence number
uint8_t messageTag A value chosen by the Host. This value is used in the ezspMessageSentHandler
response to refer to
this message.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The multicast message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value. For any result other than EMBER_SUCCESS, the message will not be sent.
The message has been submitted for transmission.
EMBER_INVALID_BINDING_INDEX - The bindingTableIndex refers to a non-
multicast binding.
EMBER_NETWORK_DOWN - The node is not part of a network. EMBER_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG -
The message is too large to fit in a MAC layer frame. EMBER_NO_BUFFERS - The free packet
pool is empty. EMBER_NETWORK_BUSY -
Insufficient resources available in Network or MAC layers
to send message.
uint8_t sequence
The sequence number that will be used when this message is transmitted.

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Name: sendReply
ID: 0x39
Description: Sends a reply to a received unicast message. The incomingMessageHandler
callback for the unicast being replied to
supplies the values for all the parameters except the reply itself.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId sender
Value supplied by incoming unicast.
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
Value supplied by incoming unicast.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The reply message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status An EmberStatus value. EMBER_INVALID_CALL -
set to EZSP_HOST_WILL_NOT_SUPPLY_REPLY. This means the NCP will automatically send
an empty reply. The Host must change the policy to EZSP_HOST_WILL_SUPPLY_REPLY before
it can supply the reply. There
is one exception to this rule: In the case of responses to message
fragments, the host must call sendReply when a message fragment is received. In this case, the
policy set on the NCP does not matter. The NCP expects a sendReply call from the Host for
message fragments regardless of the current policy settings. EMBER_NO_BUFFERS -
enough memory was available to send the reply. EMBER_NETWORK_BUSY -
Either no route or
insufficient resources available. EMBER_SUCCESS -
The reply was successfully queued for
Name: messageSentHandler
ID: 0x3F
Description: A callback indicating the stack has completed sending a message.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberOutgoingMessageType type
The type of message sent.
uint16_t indexOrDestination
The destination to which the message was sent, for direct unicasts, or the address table or binding
index for other unicasts. The value is unspecified for multicasts and broadcasts.
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame for the message.
uint8_t messageTag
The value supplied by the Host in the
ezspSendUnicast, ezspSendBroadcast
ezspSendMulticast command.
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if an ACK was received from the destination or
EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED if no ACK was received.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The unicast message supplied by the Host. The message contents are only included here if the
decision for the messageContentsInCallback policy is messageTagAndContentsInCallback.

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Name: sendManyToOneRouteRequest
ID: 0x41
Description: Sends a route request packet that creates routes from every node in the network back to this node. This function should
be called by an application that wishes to communicate with many nodes, for example, a gateway, central monitor, or controller. A de-
vice using this function was referred to as an 'aggregator' in EmberZNet 2.x and earlier, and is referred to as a 'concentrator' in the
ZigBee specification and EmberZNet 3.
This function enables large scale networks, because the other devices do not have to individually perform bandwidth-intensive route
discoveries. Instead, when a remote node sends an APS unicast to a concentrator, its network layer automatically delivers a special
route record packet first, which lists the network ids of all the intermediat
e relays. The concentrator can then use source routing to send
outbound APS unicasts. (A source routed message is one in which the entire route is listed in the network layer header.) This allows
the concentrator to communicate with thousands of devices without requiring large route tables on neighboring nodes.
This function is only available in ZigBee Pro (stack profile 2), and cannot be called on end devices. Any router can be a concentrator
(not just the coordinator), and there can be multiple concentrators on a network.
Note that a concentrator does not automatically obtain routes to all network nodes after calling this function. Remote applications must
first initiate an inbound APS unicast.
Many-to-one routes are not repaired automatically. Instead, the concentrator application must call this function to rediscover the routes
as necessary, for example, upon failure of a retried APS message. The reason for this is that there is no scalable one-size-fits-all route
repair strategy. A common and recommended strategy is for the concentrator application to refresh the routes by calling this function
Command Parameters:
uint16_t concentratorType Must be either EMBER_HIGH_RAM_CONCENTRATOR or
EMBER_LOW_RAM_CONCENTRATOR. The former is used when the caller has enough
memory to store source routes for the whole network. In that case, remote nodes stop
sending route records once the concentrator has successfully received one. The latter is
used when the concentrator has insufficient RAM to store all outbound source routes. In
that case, route records are sent to the concentrator prior to every inbound APS unicast.
uint8_t radius
The maximum number of hops the route request will be relayed. A radius of zero is converted
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the route request was successfully submitted to the transmit queue,
and EMBER_ERR_FATAL otherwise.

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Name: pollForData
ID: 0x42
Description: Periodically request any pending data from our parent. Setting interval to 0 or units
generate a single poll.
Command Parameters:
uint16_t interval
The time between polls. Note that the timer clock is free running and is not synchronized
with this command. This means that the time will be between interval and (interval -
1). The
maximum interval is 32767.
EmberEventUnits units
The units for interval.
uint8_t failureLimit The number of poll failures that will be tolerated before a pollCompleteHandler
callback is
generated. A value of zero will result in a callback for every poll. Any status value apart
from EMBER_SUCCESS and EMBER_MAC_NO_DATA is counted as a failure.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The result of sending the first poll.
ID: 0x43
Description: Indicates the result of a data poll to the parent of the local node.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value: EMBER_SUCCESS
- Data
was received in response to the poll.
- No data was pending. EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED -
The poll
message could not be sent. EMBER_MAC_NO_ACK_RECEIVED
The poll message was
sent but not acknowledged by the parent.
ID: 0x44
Description: Indicates that the local node received a data poll from a child.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId childId
The node ID of the child that is requesting data.
Name: incomingSenderEui64Handler
ID: 0x62
A callback indicating a message has been received containing the EUI64 of the sender. This callback is called immediately
before the incomingMessageHandler callback. It is not called if the incoming message did not contain the EUI64 of the sender.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberEUI64 senderEui64
The EUI64 of the sender

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Name: incomingMessageHandler
ID: 0x45
Description: A callback indicating a message has been received.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberIncomingMessageType type
The type of the incoming message. One of the following: EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST,
EmberApsFrame apsFrame
The APS frame from the incoming message.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality fro
m the node that last relayed the message.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during the reception.
EmberNodeId sender
The sender of the message.
uint8_t bindingIndex
The index of a binding that matches the message or 0xFF if t
here is no matching binding.
uint8_t addressIndex
The index of the entry in the address table that matches the sender of the message or 0xFF
if there is no matching entry.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the
messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The incoming message.
Name: incomingRouteRecordHandler
ID: 0x59
Description: Reports the arrival of a route record command frame.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId source
The source of the route record.
EmberEUI64 sourceEui
The EUI64 of the source.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality from the node that last relayed the route record.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during the reception.
uint8_t relayCount
The number of relays in relayList.
uint8_t[] relayList The route record. Each relay in the list is an uint16_t
node ID. The list is passed as
uint8_t * to avoid alignment problems.

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Name: changeSourceRouteHandler
ID: 0xC4
Description: Change the source route entry in a source route table
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId newChildId
The source/neighbor for which the source route entry is changed
EmberNodeId newParentId
The parent of
the source/neighbor
for which the source route entry is
bool ourChild
Is the source our child?
Name: setSourceRoute
ID: 0x5A
Description: Supply a source route for the next outgoing message.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId destination
The destination of the source route.
uint8_t relayCount
The number of relays in relayList.
uint16_t[] relayList
The source route.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the source route was successfully stored, and
Name: incomingManyToOneRouteRequestHandler
ID: 0x7D
Description: A callback indicating that a many-to-one route to the concentrator with the given short and long id is available for use.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId source
The short id of the concentrator.
EmberEUI64 longId
The EUI64 of the concentrator.
uint8_t cost
The path cost to the concentrator. The cost may decrease as additional
route request packets for this discovery arrive, but the callback is made
only once.

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Name: incomingRouteErrorHandler
ID: 0x80
A callback invoked when a route error message is received. The error indicates that a problem routing to or from the target
node was encountered.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EmberNodeId target
The short id of the remote node.
Name: addressTableEntryIsActive
ID: 0x5B
Indicates whether any messages are currently being sent using this address table entry. Note that this function does not
indicate whether the address table entry is unused. To determine whether an address table entry is unused, check the remot
e node ID.
The remote node ID will have the value EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_UNUSED_NODE_ID when the address table entry is not in use.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t addressTableIndex
The index of an address table entry.
Response Parameters:
bool active
True if the address table entry is active, false otherwise.
Name: setAddressTableRemoteEui64
ID: 0x5C
Sets the EUI64 of an address table entry. This function will also check other address table entries, the child table and the
neighbor table to see if the node ID for the given EUI64 is already known. If known then this function will also set node ID. If n
ot known
it will set the node ID to EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t addressTableIndex
The index of an address table entry.
EmberEUI64 eui64
The EUI64 to use for the address table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_SUCCESS if the EUI64 was successfully set, and

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Name: setAddressTableRemoteNodeId
ID: 0x5D
Sets the short ID of an address table entry. Usually the application will not need to set the short ID in the address table.
Once the remote EUI64 is set the stack is capable of figuring out the short ID on its own. However, in cases where the application
set the short ID, the application must set the remote EUI64 prior to setting the short ID.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t addressTableIndex
The index of an address table entry.
EmberNodeId id
The short ID corresponding to the remote node whose EUI64 is stored in the address
table at the given index or EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_UNUSED_NODE_ID which indi-
cates that the entry stored in the address table at the given index is not in use.
Response Parameters: None
Name: getAddressTableRemoteEui64
ID: 0x5E
Description: Gets the EUI64 of an address table entry.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t addressTableIndex
The index of an address table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberEUI64 eui64
The EUI64 of the address table entry is copied to this location.
Name: getAddressTableRemoteNodeId
ID: 0x5F
Description: Gets the short ID of an address table entry.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t addressTableIndex
The index of an address table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId nodeId
One of the following: The short
ID corresponding to the remote node whose EUI64 is
stored in the address table at the given index. EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID
- Indi-
cates that the EUI64 stored in the address table at the given index is valid but the short
ID is currently unknown. EMBER_DISCOV
Indicates that
the EUI64 stored in the address table at the given location is valid and network address
discovery is underway. EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_UNUSED_NODE_ID
Indicates that
the entry stored in the address table at the given index is not in use.

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Name: setExtendedTimeout
ID: 0x7E
Tells the stack whether or not the normal interval between retransmissions of a retried unicast message should be increased
by EMBER_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT. The interval needs to be increased when sending to a sleepy node so that the
message is not
retransmitted until the destination has had time to wake up and poll its parent. The stack will automatically extend the
timeout: - For our own sleepy children. - When an address response is received from a parent on behalf of its child. - When an indirec
transaction expiry route error is received. - When an end device announcement is received from a sleepy node.
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 remoteEui64
The address of the node for which the timeout is to be set.
bool extendedTimeout
if the retry interval should be increased by
false if the normal retry interval
should be used.
Response Parameters: None
Name: getExtendedTimeout
ID: 0x7F
Indicates whether or not the stack will extend the normal interval between retransmissions of a retried unicast message by
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 remoteEui64
The address of the node for which the timeout is to be returned.
Response Parameters:
bool extendedTimeout true
if the retry interval will be increased by EMBER_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT
and false if the normal retry interval will be used.

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Name: replaceAddressTableEntry
ID: 0x82
Replaces the EUI64, short ID and extended timeout setting of an address table entry. The previous EUI64, short ID and
extended timeout setting are returned.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t addressTableIndex
The index of the address table entry that will be modified.
EmberEUI64 newEui64
The EUI64 to be written to the address table entry.
EmberNodeId newId One of the following: The short ID corresponding to the new EUI64.
EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID if the new EUI64 is valid but the short ID is unknown and
should be discovered by the stack. EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_UNUSED_NODE_ID if the ad-
dress table entry is now unused.
bool newExtendedTimeout true if the retry interval should be increased by
EMBER_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT. false if the normal retry interval should
be used.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the EUI64, short ID and extended timeout setting were successfully
modified, and EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_ENTRY_IS_ACTIVE otherwise.
EmberEUI64 oldEui64
The EUI64 of the address table entry before it was modified.
EmberNodeId oldId One of the following: The short ID corresponding to the EUI64 before it was modified.
EMBER_UNKNOWN_NODE_ID if the short ID was unknown.
EMBER_DISCOVERY_ACTIVE_NODE_ID if discovery of the short ID was underway.
EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_UNUSED_NODE_ID if the address table entry was unused.
bool oldExtendedTimeout true if the retry interval was being increased by
EMBER_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT. false if the normal retry interval was be-
ing used.
Name: lookupNodeIdByEui64
ID: 0x60
Returns the node ID that corresponds to the specified EUI64. The node ID is found by searching through all stack tables
for the specified EUI64.
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 eui64
The EUI64 of the node to look up.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId nodeId
The short ID of the node or EMBER_NULL_NODE_ID if the short ID is not known.

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Name: lookupEui64ByNodeId
ID: 0x61
Returns the EUI64 that corresponds to the specified node ID. The EUI64 is found by searching through all stack tables for
the specified node ID.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId nodeId
The short ID of the node to look up.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the EUI64 was found, EMBER_ERR_FATAL if the EUI64 is not known.
EmberEUI64 eui64
The EUI64 of the node.
Name: getMulticastTableEntry
ID: 0x63
Description: Gets an entry from the multicast table.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of a multicast table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
EmberMulticastTableEntry value
The contents of the multicast entry.
Name: setMulticastTableEntry
ID: 0x64
Description: Sets an entry in the multicast table.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of a multicast table entry
EmberMulticastTableEntry value
The contents of the multicast entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: idConflictHandler
ID: 0x7C
A callback invoked by the EmberZNet stack when an id conflict is discovered, that is, two different nodes in the network
were found to be using the same short id. The stack automatically removes the conflicting short id from its internal tables (
binding, route, neighbor, and child tables). The application should discontinue any other use of the id.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId id
The short id for which a conflict was detected

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Name: writeNodeData
ID: 0xFE
Description: Write the current node Id, PAN ID, or Node type to the tokens
Command Parameters:
bool erase
Erase the node type or not
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
ID: 0x96
Transmits the given message without modification. The MAC header is assumed to be configured in the message at the
time this function is called.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The raw message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: macPassthroughMessageHandler
ID: 0x97
Description: A callback invoked by the EmberZNet stack when a MAC passthrough message is received.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberMacPassthroughType messageType
The type of MAC passthrough message received.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality from the node that last relayed the message.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during reception.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The raw message that was received.

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Messaging Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 86
Name: macFilterMatchMessageHandler
ID: 0x46
A callback invoked by the EmberZNet stack when a raw MAC message that has matched one of the application's configured
MAC filters.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t filterIndexMatch
The index of the filter that was matched.
EmberMacPassthroughType legacyPassthroughType
The type of MAC passthrough message received.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality from the node that last relayed the message.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during reception.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The raw message that was received.
Name: rawTransmitCompleteHandler
ID: 0x98
Description: A callback invoked by the EmberZNet stack when the MAC has finished transmitting a raw message.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_SUCCESS if the transmission was successful, or

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Security Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 87
9 Security Frames
Name: setInitialSecurityState
ID: 0x68
Description: Sets the security state that will be used by the device when it forms or joins the network. This call should not
be used
when restoring saved network state via networkInit as this will result in a loss of security data and will cause communication problem
when the device re-enters the network.
Command Parameters:
EmberInitialSecurityState state
The security configuration to be set.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus success
The success or failure code of the operation.
ID: 0x69
Description: Gets the current security state that is being used by a device that is joined in the network.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure code of the operation.
EmberCurrentSecurityState state
The security configuration in use by the stack.
ID: 0x6a
Description: Gets a Security Key based on the passed key type.
Command Parameters:
EmberKeyType keyType
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure code of the operation.
EmberKeyStruct keyStruct
The structure containing the key and its associated data.
Name: switchNetworkKeyHandler
ID: 0x6e
A callback to inform the application that the Network Key has been updated and the node has been switched over to use
the new key. The actual key being used is not passed up, but the sequence number is.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t sequenceNumber
The sequence number of the new network key.

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Security Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 88
Name: getKeyTableEntry
ID: 0x71
Description: Retrieves the key table entry at the specified index.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of the entry in the table to retrieve.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_TABLE_ENTRY_ERASED if the index is an erased key entry.
EMBER_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE if the passed index is not valid.
EMBER_SUCCESS on success.
EmberKeyStruct keyStruct
The results retrieved by the stack.
Name: setKeyTableEntry
ID: 0x72
Description: Sets the key table entry at the specified index.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index of the entry in the table to set.
EmberEUI64 address
The address of the partner device that shares the key
bool linkKey
This bool indicates whether the key is a Link or a Master Key
EmberKeyData keyData
The actual key data associated with the table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status EMBER_KEY_INVALID if the passed key data is using one of the reserved key
values. EMBER_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE if passed index is not valid.
EMBER_SUCCESS on success.
ID: 0x75
Description: This function searches through the Key Table and tries to find the entry that matches the passed search criteria.
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 address
The address to search for. Alternatively, all zeros may be passed in to search for the
first empty entry.
bool linkKey
This indicates whether to search for an entry that contains a link key or a master
key. true means to search for an entry with a Link Key.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t index This indicates the index of the entry that matches the sear
ch criteria. A value of 0xFF
is returned if not matching entry is found.

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Security Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 89
Name: addOrUpdateKeyTableEntry
ID: 0x66
This function updates an existing entry in the key table or adds a new one. It first searches the table for an existing entry
that matches the passed EUI64 address. If no entry is found, it searches for the first free entry. If successful, it updates the
key data and
resets the associated incoming frame counter. If it fails to find an existing entry and no free one exists, it returns a failure.
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 address
The address of the partner device associated with the Key.
bool linkKey
An indication of whether this is a Link Key (true) or Master Key (false)
EmberKeyData keyData
The actual key data associated with the entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure error code of the operation.
Name: sendTrustCenterLinkKey
ID: 0x67
This function sends an APS TransportKey command containing the current trust center link key. The node to which the
command is sent is specified via the short and long address arguments.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId destinationNodeId
The short address of the node to which this command will be sent
EmberEUI64 destinationEui64
The long address of the node to which this command will be sent
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success of failure of the operation
ID: 0x76
Description: This function erases the data in the key table entry at the specified index. If the index is invalid, false is returned.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t index
This indicates the index of entry to erase.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure of the operation.
Name: clearKeyTable
ID: 0xB1
Description: This function clears the key table of the current network.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure of the operation.

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Security Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 90
Name: requestLinkKey
ID: 0x14
A function to request a Link Key from the Trust Center with another device on the Network (which could be the Trust
Center). A Link Key with the Trust Center is possible but the requesting device cannot be the Trust Center. Link Keys are opt
ional in
Standard Security and thus the stack cannot know whether the other device supports them. If
zero on the Trust Center and the partner device is not the Trust Center, both devices must
request keys with their partner device
within the time period. The Trust Center only supports one outstanding key request at a time and
therefore will ignore other requests. If the timeout is zero then the Trust Center will immediately respond and not wait for
the second
request. The Trust Cent
er will always immediately respond to requests for a Link Key with it. Sleepy devices should poll at a higher rate
until a response is received or the request times out. The success or failure of the request is returned via
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 partner
This is the IEEE address of the partner device that will share the link key.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status The success or failure of sending the request. This is not the final result of the
ezspZigbeeKeyEstablishmentHandler(...) will return that.
Name: zigbeeKeyEstablishmentHandler
ID: 0x9B
Description: This is a callback that indicates the success or failure of an attempt to establish a key with a partner device.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberEUI64 partner
This is the IEEE address of the partner that the device successfully established a key with.
This value is all zeros on a failure.
EmberKeyStatus status
This is the status indicating what was established or why the key establishment failed.
Name: addTransientLinkKey
ID: 0xAF
Description: This is a function to add a temporary link key for a joining device. The key will get timed out after a defined timeout perio
if the device does not update its link key with the Trust Center.
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 partner This is the IEEE
address of the partner that the device successfully established a key
with. This value is all zeros on a failure.
EmberKeyData transientKey
The transient key data for the joining device.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure of adding a transient key.

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Security Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 91
Name: clearTransientLinkKeys
ID: 0x6B
Description: Clear all of the transient link keys from RAM.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters: None
Name: getTransientLinkKey
ID: 0xCE
Description: This is a function to get the transient link key structure in the transient key table. The EUI of the passed in key structure
searched and, if a match is found, the rest of the key structure is filled in.
Command Parameters:
EmberEUI64 eui
The IEEE address to look up the transient key for.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The success or failure of getting the transient key.
EmberTransientKeyData transientKeyData
The transient key structure that is filled in upon success.

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Trust Center Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 92
10 Trust Center Frames
Name: trustCenterJoinHandler
ID: 0x24
The NCP used the trust center behavior policy to decide whether to allow a new node to join the network. The Host cannot
change the current decision, but it can change the policy for future decisions using the setPolicy command.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberNodeId newNodeId
The Node Id of the node whose status changed
EmberEUI64 newNodeEui64
The EUI64 of the node whose status changed.
EmberDeviceUpdate status
The status of the node: Secure Join/Rejoin, Unsecure Join/Rejoin, Device left.
EmberJoinDecision policyDecision
An EmberJoinDecision reflecting the decision made.
EmberNodeId parentOfNewNodeId
The parent of the node whose status has changed.
ID: 0x73
Description: This function broadcasts a new encryption key, but does not tell the nodes in the network to start using it. To tell nodes to
switch to the new key, use emberSendNetworkKeySwitch(). This is only valid for the Trust Center/Coordinator. It is up to the appl
to determine how quickly to send the Switch Key after sending the alternate encryption key.
Command Parameters:
EmberKeyData key An optional pointer to a 16-byte encryption key
(EMBER_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE). An all zero key may be passed in, which
will cause the stack to randomly generate a new key.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EmberStatus value that indicates the success or failure of the command.
Name: broadcastNetworkKeySwitch
ID: 0x74
This function broadcasts a switch key message to tell all nodes to change to the sequence number of the previously sent
Alternate Encryption Key.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EmberStatus value that indicates the success or failure of the command.

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Trust Center Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 93
Name: becomeTrustCenter
ID: 0x77
This function causes a coordinator to become the Trust Center when it is operating in a network that is not using one. It
will send out an updated Network Key to all devices that will indicate a transition of the network to now use a Trust Center. The Tru
Center should also switch all devices to using this new network key with the appropriate API.
Command Parameters:
EmberKeyData newNetworkKey
The key data for the Updated Network Key.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
Name: aesMmoHash
ID: 0x6F
This routine processes the passed chunk of data and updates the hash context based on it. If the 'finalize' parameter is not
set, then the length of the data passed in must be a multiple of 16. If the 'finalize' parameter is set then t
he length can be any value up
1-16, and the final hash value will be calculated.
Command Parameters:
EmberAesMmoHashContext context
The hash context to update.
bool finalize
This indicates whether the final hash value should be calculated
uint8_t length
The length of the data to hash.
uint8_t[] data
The data to hash.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The result of the operation
EmberAesMmoHashContext returnContext
The updated hash context.

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Trust Center Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 94
Name: removeDevice
ID: 0xA8
This command sends an APS remove device using APS encryption to the destination indicating either to remove itself from
the network, or one of its children.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId destShort
The node ID of the device that will receive the message
EmberEUI64 destLong
The long address (EUI64) of the device that will receive the message.
EmberEUI64 targetLong
The long address (EUI64) of the device to be removed.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success, or the reason for failure
Name: unicastNwkKeyUpdate
ID: 0xA9
This command will send a unicast transport key message with a new NWK key to the specified device. APS encryption
using the device's existing link key will be used.
Command Parameters:
EmberNodeId destShort
The node ID of the device that will receive the message
EmberEUI64 destLong
The long address (EUI64) of the device that will receive the message.
EmberKeyData key
The NWK key to send to the new device.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success, or the reason for failure

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 95
11 Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames
Name: generateCbkeKeys
ID: 0xA4
This call starts the generation of the ECC Ephemeral Public/Private key pair. When complete it stores the private key. The
results are returned via ezspGenerateCbkeKeysHandler().
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
Name: generateCbkeKeysHandler
ID: 0x9E
Description: A callback by the Crypto Engine indicating that a new ephemeral public/private key pair has been generated. The pub-
lic/private key pair is stored on the NCP, but only the associated public key is returned to the host. The node's associated
certificate is
also returned.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The result of the CBKE operation.
EmberPublicKeyData ephemeralPublicKey
The generated ephemeral public key.
ID: 0x9F
Calculates the SMAC verification keys for both the initiator and responder roles of CBKE using the passed parameters and
the stored public/private key pair previously generated with ezspGenerateKeysRetrieveCert(). It also stores the unverified
link key data
in temporary storage on the NCP until the key establishment is complete.
Command Parameters:
bool amInitiator
The role of this device in the Key Establishment protocol.
EmberCertificateData partnerCertificate
The key establishment partner's implicit certificate.
EmberPublicKeyData partnerEphemeralPublicKey
The key establishment partner's ephemeral public key
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status

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Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 96
Name: calculateSmacsHandler
ID: 0xA0
A callback to indicate that the NCP has finished calculating the Secure Message Authentication Codes (SMAC) for both
the initiator and responder. The associated link key is kept in temporary storage until the host tells the NCP to store or di
scard the key
via emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey().
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The Result of the CBKE operation.
EmberSmacData initiatorSmac
The calculated value of the initiator's SMAC
EmberSmacData responderSmac
The calculated value of the responder's SMAC
Name: generateCbkeKeys283k1
ID: 0xE8
This call starts the generation of the ECC 283k1 curve Ephemeral Public/Private key pair. When complete it stores the
private key. The results are returned via ezspGenerateCbkeKeysHandler283k1().
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status Note: The name of this command does not map directly to the source code func-
tion. The EZSP command invocation returns an immediate
EmberStatus to report, for example, "operation in progress." Subse-
quently, an
EZSP handler will report the outcome of the operation after it completes.
ID: 0xE9
A callback by the Crypto Engine indicating that a new 283k1 ephemeral public/private key pair has been generated. The
public/private key pair is stored on the NCP, but only the associate public key is returned to the host. The node’s associated certificat
is also returned.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The result of the CBKE operation.
EmberPublicKey283k1Data ephemeralPublicKey
The generated ephemeral public key.

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Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 97
Name: calculateSmacs283k1
ID: 0xEA
Calculates the SMAC verification keys for both the initiator and responder roles of CBKE for the 283k1 ECC curve using
the passed parameters and the stored public/private key pair previously generated with ezspGenerateKeysRetrieveCert283k1(). I
t also
stores the unverified link key data in temporary storage on the NCP until the key establishment is complete.
Command Parameters:
bool amInitiator
The role of this device in the Key Establishment protocol.
EmberCertificate283k1Data partnerCertificate
The key establishment partner's implicit certificate.
EmberPublicKey283k1Data partnerEphemeralPublicKey
The key establishment partner's ephemeral public key
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
Name: calculateSmacsHandler283k1
ID: 0xEB
A callback to indicate that the NCP has finished calculating the Secure Message Authentication Codes (SMAC) for both
the initiator and responder for the CBKE 283k1 Library. The associated link key is kept in temporary storage until the host t
ells the NCP
to store or discard the key via emberClearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey().
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The Result of the CBKE operation.
EmberSmacData initiatorSmac
The calculated value of the initiator's SMAC
EmberSmacData responderSmac
The calculated value of the responder's SMAC
Name: clearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey
ID: 0xA1
Clears the temporary data associated with CBKE and the key establishment, most notably the ephemeral public/private
key pair. If storeLinKey is true it moves the unverified link key stored in temporary storage into the link key table. Otherwise it discard
the key.
Command Parameters:
bool storeLinkKey A bool indicating whether to store (true) or discard (false
) the unverified
link key derived when ezspCalculateSmacs() was previously called.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status

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Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 98
Name: clearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey283k1
ID: 0xEE
Description: Clears the temporary data associated with CBKE and the key establishment, most notably the ephemeral public/private
key pair. If storeLinKey is true it moves the unverified link key stored in temporary storage into the link key table. Otherwise it discards
the key.
Command Parameters:
bool storeLinkKey A bool indicating whether to store (true) or discard (false) the unverified link
key derived when ezspCalculateSmacs() was previously called.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
Name: getCertificate
ID: 0xA5
Description: Retrieves the certificate installed on the NCP.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EmberCertificateData localCert
The locally installed certificate.
Name: getCertificate283k1
ID: 0xEC
Description: Retrieves the 283k1 certificate installed on the NCP.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EmberCertificate283k1Data localCert
The locally installed certificate.

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Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 99
Name: dsaSign
ID: 0xA6
LEGACY FUNCTION: This functionality has been replaced by a single bit in the EmberApsFrame,
EMBER_APS_OPTION_DSA_SIGN. Devices wishing to send signed messages should use that as it requires fewer function calls and
message buffering. The dsaSignHandler response is still called when EMBER_APS_OPTION_DSA_SIGN is used. However, this func-
tion is still supported. This function begins the process of signing the passed message contained within the messageContents
array. If
no other ECC operation is going on, it w
ill immediately return with EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS to indicate the start of ECC
operation. It will delay a period of time to let APS retries take place, but then it will shut down
the radio and consume the CPU processing
until the signing is complete.
This may take up to 1 second. The signed message will be returned in the dsaSignHandler response. Note
that the last byte of the messageContents passed to this function has special significance. As the typical use case for DSA s
igning is to
sign the ZCL p
ayload of a DRLC Report Event Status message in SE 1.0, there is often both a signed portion (ZCL payload) and an
unsigned portion (ZCL header). The last byte in the content of messageToSign is therefore used as a special indicator to sign
ify how
many bytes of leading data in the array should be excluded from consideration during the signing process. If the signature needs to co
the entire array (all bytes except last one), the caller should ensure that the last byte of messageContents is 0x00. When the
operation is complete, this final byte will be replaced by the signature type indicator (0x01 for ECDSA signatures), and the
actual signature
will be appended to the original contents after this byte.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The message contents for which to create a signature. Per above notes, this may
include a leading portion of data not included in the signature, in which case the last
byte of
this array should be set to the index of the first byte to be considered for
signing. Otherwise, the last byte of messageContents should be 0x00 to indicate
that a signature should occur across the entire contents.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
EMBER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS if the stack has queued up the operation
for execution. EMBER_INVALID_CALL if the operation can't be performed in this
context, possibly because another ECC operation is pending.
Name: dsaSignHandler
ID: 0xA7
The handler that returns the results of the signing operation. On success, the signature will be appended to the original
message including the signature type indicator that replaced the startIndex field for the signing) and both are returned via this callback.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The result of the DSA signing operation.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents The message and attached which includes the original message and the ap-
pended signature.

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Certificate Based Key Exchange (CBKE) Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 100
Name: dsaVerify
ID: 0xA3
Description: Verify that signature of the associated message digest was signed by the private key of the associated certificate.
Command Parameters:
EmberMessageDigest digest The AES-
MMO message digest of the signed data. If dsaSign command was used
to generate the signature for this data, the final byte (replaced by signature type of
0x01) in the messageContents array passed to dsaSign is included in the hash con-
text used for the digest calculation.
EmberCertificateData signerCertificate The certificate of the signer. Note that the signer's certificate and the verifier's certif-
icate must both be issued by the same Certificate Authority, s
o they should share
the same CA Public Key.
EmberSignatureData receivedSig
The signature of the signed data.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
ID: 0x78
This callback is executed by the stack when the DSA verification has completed and has a result. If the result is
EMBER_SUCCESS, the signature is valid. If the result is EMBER_SIGNATURE_VERIFY_FAILURE then the signature is invalid. If the
result is anything else then the signature verify operation failed and the validity is unknown.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The result of the DSA verification operation.

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Name: dsaVerify283k1
ID: 0xB0
Description: Verify that signature of the associated message digest was signed by the private key of the associated certificate.
Command Parameters:
EmberMessageDigest digest The AES-
MMO message digest of the signed data. If dsaSign command was used to
generate the signature for this data, the final byte (replaced by signature type of 0x01)
in the messageContents array passed to dsaSign is included in the hash
context used
for the digest calculation.
EmberCertificate283k1Data signerCertificate The certificate of the signer. Note that the signer's certificate and the verifier's certifi-
cate must both be issued by the same Certificate Authority, so they should share the
same CA Public Key.
EmberSignature283k1Data receivedSig
The signature of the signed data.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
ID: 0xA2
Description: Sets the device's CA public key, local certificate, and static private key on the NCP associated with this node.
Command Parameters:
EmberPublicKeyData caPublic
The Certificate Authority's public key.
EmberCertificateData myCert
The node's new certificate signed by the CA.
EmberPrivateKeyData myKey
The node's new static private key.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
Name: setPreinstalledCbkeData283k1
ID: 0xED
Description: Sets the device's 283k1 curve CA public key, local certificate, and static private key on the NCP associated with this node.
Command Parameters:
EmberPublicKey283k1Data caPublic
The Certificate Authority's public key.
EmberCertificate283k1Data myCert
The node's new certificate signed by the CA.
EmberPrivateKey283k1Data myKey
The node's new static private key.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status

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Mfglib Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 102
12 Mfglib Frames
Name: mfglibStart
ID: 0x83
Activate use of mfglib test routines and enables the radio receiver to report packets it receives to the mfgLibRxHandler()
callback. These packets will not be passed up with a CRC failure. All other mfglib functions will return an error until
the mfglibStart() has
been called
Command Parameters:
bool rxCallback
true to generate a mfglibRxHandler callback when a packet is received.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
ID: 0x84
Description: Deactivate use of mfglib test routines; restores the hardware to the state it was in prior to mfglibStart() and stops receivi
packets started by mfglibStart() at the same time.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: mfglibStartTone
ID: 0x85
Starts transmitting an unmodulated tone on the currently set channel and power level. Upon successful return, the tone will
be transmitting. To stop transmitting tone, application must call mfglibStopTone(), allowing it the flexibility to determine its ow
n criteria for
tone duration (time, event, etc.)
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: mfglibStopTone
ID: 0x86
Description: Stops transmitting tone started by mfglibStartTone().
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

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Mfglib Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 103
Name: mfglibStartStream
ID: 0x87
Description: Starts transmitting a random stream of characters. This is so that the radio modulation can be measured.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: mfglibStopStream
ID: 0x88
Description: Stops transmitting a random stream of characters started by mfglibStartStream().
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: mfglibSendPacket
ID: 0x89
Description: Sends a single packet consisting of the following bytes: packetLength, packetContents[0], ... , packetContents[pack-
etLength - 3], CRC[0], CRC[1]. The total number of bytes sent is packetLength + 1. The radio replaces the last two bytes of
packetContents[] with the 16-bit CRC for the packet.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t packetLength
The length of the packetContents parameter in bytes. Must be greater than 3 and
less than 123.
uint8_t[] packetContents
The packet to send. The last two bytes will be replaced with the 16-bit CRC.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: mfglibSetChannel
ID: 0x8a
Description: Sets the radio channel. Calibration occurs if this is the first time the channel has been used.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t channel
The channel to switch to. Valid values are 11 to 26.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Mfglib Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 104
Name: mfglibGetChannel
ID: 0x8b
Description: Returns the current radio channel, as previously set via mfglibSetChannel().
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t channel
The current channel.
Name: mfglibSetPower
ID: 0x8c
First select the transmit power mode, and then include a method for selecting the radio transmit power. The valid power
settings depend upon the specific radio in use. Ember radios have discrete power settings, and then requested power is rounde
d to a
valid power setting; the actual power output is available to the caller via mfglibGetPower().
Command Parameters:
uint16_t txPowerMode Power mode. Refer to txPowerModes in stack/include/ember-
types.h for possible
int8s power
Power in units of dBm. Refer to radio data sheet for valid range.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: mfglibGetPower
ID: 0x8d
Description: Returns the current radio power setting, as previously set via mfglibSetPower().
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
int8s power
Power in units of dBm. Refer to radio data sheet for valid range.
Name: mfglibRxHandler
ID: 0x8e
Description: A callback indicating a packet with a valid CRC has been received.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t linkQuality
The link quality observed during the reception
int8s rssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during the reception.
uint8_t packetLength
The length of the packetContents parameter in bytes. Will be greater than 3 and less
than 123.
uint8_t[] packetContents
The received packet. The last two bytes are the 16-bit CRC.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Bootloader Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 105
13 Bootloader Frames
Name: launchStandaloneBootloader
ID: 0x8f
Quits the current application and launches the standalone bootloader (if installed) The function returns an error if the
standalone bootloader is not present
Command Parameters:
uint8_t mode
Controls the mode in which the standalone bootloader will run. See the app. note for full
details. Options are: STANDALONE_BOOTLOADER_NORMAL_MODE: Will listen for
an over
air image transfer on the current channel with current power settings.
_BOOTLOADER_RECOVERY_MODE: Will listen for an over-the-air im-
age transfer on the default channel with default power settings. Both modes also allow
an image transfer to begin with XMODEM over the serial protocol's Bootloader Frame.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: sendBootloadMessage
ID: 0x90
Transmits the given bootload message to a neighboring node using a specific 802.15.4 header that allows the EmberZNet
stack as well as the bootloader to recognize the message, but will not interfere with other ZigBee stacks.
Command Parameters:
bool broadcast
If true, the destination address and pan id are both set to the broadcast address.
EmberEUI64 destEui64
The EUI64 of the target node. Ignored if the broadcast field is set to true.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The multicast message.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Bootloader Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 106
Name: getStandaloneBootloaderVersionPlatMicroPhy
ID: 0x91
Description: Detects if the standalone bootloader is installed, and if so returns the installed version. If not return 0xffff. A returned
of 0x1234 would indicate version 1.2 build 34. Also return the node's version of PLAT, MICRO and PHY.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint16_t bootloader_version
BOOTLOADER_INVALID_VERSION if the standalone bootloader is not
present, or the version of the installed standalone bootloader.
uint8_t nodePlat
The value of PLAT on the node
uint8_t nodeMicro
The value of MICRO on the node
uint8_t nodePhy
The value of PHY on the node
Name: incomingBootloadMessageHandler
ID: 0x92
Description: A callback invoked by the EmberZNet stack when a bootload message is received.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberEUI64 longId
The EUI64 of the sending node.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality from the node that last relayed the message.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during the reception.
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The bootload message that was sent.
Name: bootloadTransmitCompleteHandler
ID: 0x93
Description: A callback invoked by the EmberZNet stack when the MAC has finished transmitting a bootload message.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value of EMBER_SUCCESS if an ACK was received
from the destination or EMBER_DELIVERY_FAILED if no ACK was re-
uint8_t messageLength
The length of the messageContents parameter in bytes.
uint8_t[] messageContents
The message that was sent.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Bootloader Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 107
Name: aesEncrypt
ID: 0x94
Description: Perform AES encryption on plaintext using key.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t[16] plaintext
16 bytes of plaintext.
uint8_t[16] key
The 16 byte encryption key to use.
Response Parameters:
uint8_t[16] ciphertext
16 bytes of ciphertext.
Name: overrideCurrentChannel
ID: 0x95
A bootloader method for selecting the radio channel. This routine only works for sending and receiving bootload packets.
Does not correctly do ZigBee stack changes.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t channel
The channel to switch to. Valid values are 11 to 26.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
ZLL Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 108
14 ZLL Frames
Name: zllNetworkOps
ID: 0xB2
Description: A consolidation of ZLL network operations with similar signatures; specifically, forming and joining networks or touch-
Command Parameters:
EmberZllNetwork networkInfo
Information about the network.
EzspZllNetworkOperation op
Operation indicator.
int8s radioTxPower
Radio transmission power.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: zllSetInitialSecurityState
ID: 0xB3
This call will cause the device to setup the security information used in its network. It must be called prior to forming,
starting, or joining a network.
Command Parameters:
EmberKeyData networkKey
ZLL Network key.
EmberZllInitialSecurityState securityState
Initial security state of the network.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: zllStartScan
ID: 0xB4
Description: This call will initiate a ZLL network scan on all the specified channels.
Command Parameters:
uint32_t channelMask
The range of channels to scan.
int8s radioPowerForScan
The radio output power used for the scan requests.
EmberNodeType nodeType
The node type of the local device.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
ZLL Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 109
Name: zllSetRxOnWhenIdle
ID: 0xB5
Description: This call will change the mode of the radio so that the receiver is on for a specified amount of time when the device is idle.
Command Parameters:
uint32_t durationMs
The duration in milliseconds to leave the radio on.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: zllNetworkFoundHandler
ID: 0xB6
Description: This call is fired when a ZLL network scan finds a ZLL network.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberZllNetwork networkInfo
Information about the network.
bool isDeviceInfoNull
Used to interpret deviceInfo field.
EmberZllDeviceInfoRecord deviceInfo
Device specific information.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality from the node that last relayed the message.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during reception.
Name: zllScanCompleteHandler
ID: 0xB7
Description: This call is fired when a ZLL network scan is complete.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
Status of the operation.
Name: zllAddressAssignmentHandler
ID: 0xB8
This call is fired when network and group addresses are assigned to a remote mode in a network start or network join
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberZllAddressAssignment addressInfo
Address assignment information.
uint8_t lastHopLqi
The link quality from the node that last relayed the message.
int8s lastHopRssi
The energy level (in units of dBm) observed during reception.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
ZLL Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 110
Name: setLogicalAndRadioChannel
ID: 0xB9
Description: This call sets the radio channel in the stack and propagates the information to the hardware.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t radioChannel
The radio channel to be set.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
ID: 0xBA
Description: Get the logical channel from the ZLL stack.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
uint8_t logicalChannel
The logical channel.
ID: 0xBB
Description: This call is fired when the device is a target of a touch link.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberZllNetwork networkInfo
Information about the network.
ID: 0xBC
Description: Get the ZLL tokens.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EmberTokTypeStackZllData data
Data token return value.
EmberTokTypeStackZllSecurity security
Security token return value.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
ZLL Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 111
Name: zllSetDataToken
ID: 0xBD
Description: Set the ZLL data token.
Command Parameters:
EmberTokTypeStackZllData data
Data token to be set.
Response Parameters: None
ID: 0xBF
Description: Set the ZLL data token bitmask to reflect the ZLL network state.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters: None
Name: isZllNetwork
ID: 0xBE
Description: Is this a ZLL network?
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
bool isZllNetwork
ZLL network?

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Green Power Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 112
15 Green Power Frames
Name: gpProxyTableProcessGpPairing
ID: 0xC9
Description: Update the GP Proxy table based on a GP pairing.
Command Parameters:
uint32_t options
The options field of the GP Pairing command.
EmberGpAddress addr
The target GPD.
uint8_t commMode
The communication mode of the GP Sink.
uint16_t sinkNetworkAddress
The network address of the GP Sink.
uint16_t sinkGroupId
The group ID of the GP Sink.
uint16_t assignedAlias
The alias assigned to the GPD.
uint8_t[8] sinkIeeeAddress
The IEEE address of the GP Sink.
EmberKeyData gpdKey
The key to use for the target GPD.
Response Parameters: bool gpPairingAdded Whether a GP Pairing has been created or not.
Name: dGpSend
ID: 0xC6
Description: Adds/removes an entry from the GP Tx Queue.
Command Parameters:
bool action
The action to perform on the GP TX queue (true to add, false to remove).
bool useCca
Whether to use ClearChannelAssessment when transmitting the GPDF.
EmberGpAddress addr
The Address of the destination GPD.
uint8_t gpdCommandId
The GPD command ID to send.
uint8_t gpdAsduLength
The length of the GP command payload.
uint8_t[] gpdAsdu
The GP command payload.
uint8_t gpepHandle
The handle to refer to the GPDF.
uint16_t gpTxQueueEntryLifetimeMs
How long to keep the GPDF in the TX Queue.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Green Power Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 113
Name: dGpSentHandler
ID: 0xC7
Description: A callback to the GP endpoint to indicate the result of the GPDF transmission.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
uint8_t gpepHandle
The handle of the GPDF.
Name: gpepIncomingMessageHandler
ID: 0xC5
Description: A callback invoked by the ZigBee GP stack when a GPDF is received.
This frame is a response to the callback command.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
The status of the GPDF receive.
uint8_t gpdLink
The gpdLink value of the received GPDF.
uint8_t sequenceNumber
The GPDF sequence number.
EmberGpAddress addr
The address of the source GPD.
EmberGpSecurityLevel gpdfSecurityLevel
The security level of the received GPDF.
EmberGpKeyType gpdfSecurityKeyType
The securityKeyType used to decrypt/authenticate the incoming GPDF.
bool autoCommissioning
Whether the incoming GPDF had the auto-commissioning bit set.
bool rxAfterTx
Whether the incoming GPDF had the rxAfterTx bit set.
uint32_t gpdSecurityFrameCounter length
The security frame counter of the incoming GDPF.
uint8_t gpdCommandId
The gpdCommandId of the incoming GPDF.
uint32_t mic
The received MIC of the GPDF.
uint8_t proxyTableIndex The proxy table index of the corresponding proxy table entry
to the incoming
uint8_t gpdCommandPayloadLength
The of the GPD command payload.
uint8_t[] gpdCommandPayload
The GPD command payload.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Green Power Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 114
Name: gpProxyTableGetEntry
ID: 0xC8
Description: Retrieves the proxy table entry stored at the passed index.
Command Parameters:
uint8_t proxyIndex
The index of the requested proxy table entry.
Response Parameters:
EmberStatus status
An EmberStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
EmberGpProxyTableEntry entry An EmberGpProxyTableEntry struct containing a copy of the requested proxy en-
Name: gpProxyTableLookup
ID: 0xC0
Description: finds the index of the passed address in the gp table
Command Parameters:
EmberGpAddress addr
The address to search for
Response Parameters:
uint8_t index
The index, or 0xFF for not found

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Secure EZSP Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 115
16 Secure EZSP Frames
Name: setSecurityKey
ID: 0xCA
Description: Set the Security Key of the Secure EZSP Protocol.
Command Parameters:
EmberKeyData key
The key to use for the Secure EZSP Protocol.
SecureEzspSecurityType securityType
The security type to be used for the Secure EZSP Protocol.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
An EzspStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: setSecurityParameters
ID: 0xCB
Description: Set the Host-side Security Parameters of the Secure EZSP Protocol.
Command Parameters:
SecureEzspSecurityLevel securityLevel
The security level to be used for the Secure EZSP communication.
SecureEzspRandomNumber hostRandomNumber
The Host-side random number to be used for Session ID generation.
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
An EzspStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
SecureEzspRandomNumber returnNcpRandomNumber
The NCP-side random number to be used for Session ID generation.
Name: resetToFactoryDefaults
ID: 0xCC
Resets security key and security parameters of the Secure EZSP protocol. Node leaves the network before doing so for
security reasons.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
An EzspStatus value indicating success or the reason for failure.
Name: getSecurityKeyStatus
ID: 0xCD
Description: Get the security key status on the NCP: whether the security key is set or not and what the security type is.
Command Parameters: None
Response Parameters:
EzspStatus status
An EzspStatus value indicating whether the security key is set or not.
SecureEzspSecurityType returnSecurityType
The security type set at NCP for the Secure EZSP Protocol.

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Alphabetical List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 116
17 Alphabetical List of Frames
283k1 0xEE
dutyCycleHandler 0x4D

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Alphabetical List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 117

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Alphabetical List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 118

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Alphabetical List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 119

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Alphabetical List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 120

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Alphabetical List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 121

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 122
18 Numeric List of Frames
0x00 version
0x01 getLibraryStatus
0x02 addEndpoint
0x03 getExtendedValue
0x04 -- unassigned --
0x05 nop
0x06 callback
0x07 noCallbacks
0x08 -- unassigned --
0x09 setToken
0x0A getToken
0x0B getMfgToken
0x0C setMfgToken
0x0D stackTokenChangedHandler
0x0E setTimer
0x0F timerHandler
0x10 setConcentrator
0x11 -- unassigned --
0x12 debugWrite
0x13 getXncpInfo
0x14 requestLinkKey
0x15 setManufacturerCode
0x16 setPowerDescriptor
0x17 networkInit
0x18 networkState
0x19 stackStatusHandler
0x1A startScan
0x1B networkFoundHandler
0x1C scanCompleteHandler
0x1D stopScan
0x1E formNetwork
0x1F joinNetwork
0x20 leaveNetwork
0x21 findAndRejoinNetwork
0x22 permitJoining
0x23 childJoinHandler
0x24 trustCenterJoinHandler
0x25 -- unassigned --

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 123
ID Name
0x26 getEui64
0x27 getNodeId
0x28 getNetworkParameters
0x29 getParentChildParameters
0x2A clearBindingTable
0x2B setBinding
0x2C getBinding
0x2D deleteBinding
0x2E bindingIsActive
0x2F getBindingRemoteNodeId
0x30 setBindingRemoteNodeId
0x31 remoteSetBindingHandler
0x32 remoteDeleteBindingHandler
0x33 maximumPayloadLength
0x34 sendUnicast
0x35 getDutyCycleState
0x36 sendBroadcast
0x37 proxyBroadcast
0x38 sendMulticast
0x39 sendReply
0x3A sendMulticastWithAlias
0x3B -- unassigned --
0x3C -- unassigned --
0x3D -- unassigned --
0x3E -- unassigned --
0x3F messageSentHandler
0x40 setDutyCycleLimitsInStack
0x41 sendManyToOneRouteRequest
0x42 pollForData
0x43 pollCompleteHandler
0x44 pollHandler
0x45 incomingMessageHandler
0x46 macFilterMatchMessageHandler
0x47 customFrame
0x48 energyScanResultHandler
0x49 getRandomNumber
0x4A getChildData
0x4B getDutyCycleLimits
0x4C getCurrentDutyCycle

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 124
ID Name
0x4D dutyCycleHandler
0x4E getTimer
0x4F -- unassigned --
0x50 -- unassigned --
0x51 -- unassigned --
0x52 getConfigurationValue
0x53 setConfigurationValue
0x54 customFrameHandler
0x55 setPolicy
0x56 getPolicy
0x57 -- unassigned --
0x58 invalidCommand
0x59 incomingRouteRecordHandler
0x5A setSourceRoute
0x5B addressTableEntryIsActive
0x5C setAddressTableRemoteEui64
0x5D setAddressTableRemoteNodeId
0x5E getAddressTableRemoteEui64
0x5F getAddressTableRemoteNodeId
0x60 lookupNodeIdByEui64
0x61 lookupEui64ByNodeId
0x62 incomingSenderEui64Handler
0x63 getMulticastTableEntry
0x64 setMulticastTableEntry
0x65 readAndClearCounters
0x66 addOrUpdateKeyTableEntry
0x67 sendTrustCenterLinkKey
0x68 setInitialSecurityState
0x69 getCurrentSecurityState
0x6A getKey
0x6B clearTransientLinkKeys
0x6C -- unassigned --
0x6D -- unassigned --
0x6E switchNetworkKeyHandler
0x6F aesMmoHash
0x70 -- unassigned --
0x71 getKeyTableEntry
0x72 setKeyTableEntry
0x73 broadcastNextNetworkKey

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 125
ID Name
0x74 broadcastNetworkKeySwitch
0x75 findKeyTableEntry
0x76 eraseKeyTableEntry
0x77 becomeTrustCenter
0x78 dsaVerifyHandler
0x79 getNeighbor
0x7A neighborCount
0x7B getRouteTableEntry
0x7C idConflictHandler
0x7D incomingManyToOneRouteRequestHandler
0x7E setExtendedTimeout
0x7F getExtendedTimeout
0x80 incomingRouteErrorHandler
0x81 echo
0x82 replaceAddressTableEntry
0x83 mfglibStart
0x84 mfglibEnd
0x85 mfglibStartTone
0x86 mfglibStopTone
0x87 mfglibStartStream
0x88 mfglibStopStream
0x89 mfglibSendPacket
0x8A mfglibSetChannel
0x8B mfglibGetChannel
0x8C mfglibSetPower
0x8D mfglibGetPower
0x8E mfglibRxHandler
0x8F launchStandaloneBootloader
0x90 sendBootloadMessage
0x91 getStandaloneBootloaderVersionPlatMicroPhy
0x92 incomingBootloadMessageHandler
0x93 bootloadTransmitCompleteHandler
0x94 aesEncrypt
0x95 overrideCurrentChannel
0x96 sendRawMessage
0x97 macPassthroughMessageHandler
0x98 rawTransmitCompleteHandler
0x99 setRadioPower
0x9A setRadioChannel

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 126
ID Name
0x9B zigbeeKeyEstablishmentHandler
0x9C energyScanRequest
0x9D delayTest
0x9E generateCbkeKeysHandler
0x9F calculateSmacs
0xA0 calculateSmacsHandler
0xA1 clearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey
0xA2 setPreinstalledCbkeData
0xA3 dsaVerify
0xA4 generateCbkeKeys
0xA5 getCertificate
0xA6 dsaSign
0xA7 dsaSignHandler
0xA8 removeDevice
0xA9 unicastNwkKeyUpdate
0xAA getValue
0xAB setValue
0xAC setGpioCurrentConfiguration
0xAD setGpioPowerUpDownConfiguration
0xAE setGpioRadioPowerMask
0xAF addTransientLinkKey
0xB0 dsaVerify283k1
0xB1 clearKeyTable
0xB2 zllNetworkOps
0xB3 zllSetInitialSecurityState
0xB4 zllStartScan
0xB5 zllSetRxOnWhenIdle
0xB6 zllNetworkFoundHandler
0xB7 zllScanCompleteHandler
0xB8 zllAddressAssignmentHandler
0xB9 setLogicalAndRadioChannel
0xBA getLogicalChannel
0xBB zllTouchLinkTargetHandler
0xBC zllGetTokens
0xBD zllSetDataToken
0xBE isZllNetwork
0xBF zllSetNonZllNetwork
0xC0 gpProxyTableLookup
0xC1 getSourceRouteTableEntry

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 127
ID Name
0xC2 getSourceRouteTableFilledSize
0xC3 getSourceRouteTableTotalSize
0xC4 changeSourceRouteHandler
0xC5 gpepIncomingMessageHandler
0xC6 dGpSend
0xC7 dGpSentHandler
0xC8 gpProxyTableGetEntry
0xC9 gpProxyTableProcessGpPairing
0xCA setSecurityKey
0xCB setSecurityParameters
0xCC resetToFactoryDefaults
0xCD getSecurityKeyStatus
0xCE getTransientLinkKey
0xCF -- unassigned --
0xD0 -- unassigned --
0xD1 -- unassigned --
0xD2 -- unassigned --
0xD3 -- unassigned --
0xD4 -- unassigned --
0xD5 -- unassigned --
0xD6 -- unassigned --
0xD7 -- unassigned --
0xD8 -- unassigned --
0xD9 -- unassigned --
0xDA -- unassigned --
0xDB -- unassigned --
0xDC -- unassigned --
0xDD -- unassigned --
0xDE -- unassigned --
0xDF -- unassigned --
0xE0 -- unassigned --
0xE1 -- unassigned --
0xE2 -- unassigned --
0xE3 -- unassigned --
0xE4 -- unassigned --
0xE5 -- unassigned --
0xE6 -- unassigned --
0xE7 -- unassigned --
0xE8 generateCbkeKeys283k1

UG100: EZSP Reference Guide
Numeric List of Frames | Building a more connected world. Rev. 3.2 | 128
ID Name
0xE9 generateCbkeKeysHandler283k1
0xEA calculateSmacs283k1
0xEB calculateSmacsHandler283k1
0xEC getCertificate283k1
0xED savePreinstalledCbkeData283k1
0xEE clearTemporaryDataMaybeStoreLinkKey283k1
0xEF -- unassigned --
0xF0 -- unassigned --
0xF1 readCounters
0xF2 counterRolloverHandler
0xF3 -- unassigned --
0xF4 -- unassigned --
0xF5 setCtune
0xF6 getCtune
0xF7 sendLinkPowerDeltaRequest
0xF8 multiPhyStart
0xF9 multiPhyStop
0xFA multiPhySetRadioPower
0xFB multiPhySetRadioChannel
0xFC getPhyInterfaceCount
0xFD getRadioParameters
0xFE writeNodeData
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