PDF United States Army Fm 4 30x13 1 March 2001 Part03

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Chapter 8
Fire Protection, Prevention, and Safety Awareness
This chapter discusses fire protection and prevention programs and
procedures. Topics covered include fire divisions, hazard classifications
and fire symbols, common safety violations and hazards, and
characteristics of munitions fires.
8-1. Every Army activity must have a fire protection program that includes
fire protection training, fire suppression, and fire prevention. The program's
objective is to eliminate the causes of fire and reduce the potential for loss of
life, injury, and property damage. This objective is consistent with peacetime,
combat, and SASO.
8-2. The commander's awareness and involvement are the most critical
components of an effective fire protection program. Preserving life and
property is a fundamental duty of all levels of command and supervision.
8-3. Each Army installation must establish a well-planned fire prevention
program that includes SOPs, fire prevention training, identification and
elimination of hazards, enforcement of fire regulations, and adequate fire
protection for facilities. This program requires strong command emphasis
and support.
8-4. Frequent surveys and inspections help to establish the best standards
and practices for preventing fires. Munitions fires are among the most feared
because of the potential for casualties, destruction, and loss of property and
equipment. Most fires involving munitions are preventable. Thus, fire safety
awareness and training in prevention practices are especially important.
8-5. The fire prevention procedures presented here are basic. They should be
supplemented by whatever other standards the commander feels are needed
to protect the ASA. At minimum, the unit SOP will contain the following
rules and procedures to be enforced by everyone working around munitions:
.Strictly regulate and control smoking in areas where ammunition,
explosives, highly combustible materials, or flammable items are
kept. If smoking can be regulated safely, designate specific locations
approved by the commander or safety officer and equip these areas
with proper receptacles for butts or smoking residue. Do not allow
smoking in vehicles passing through these areas.
Locate the smoking area at least 50 feet from the area containing
munitions and explosives if noncombustible walls do not separate
these two areas. Also ensure that at least one serviceable fire
extinguisher is placed in the area. Do not permit anyone whose
FM 4-30.13
clothing is contaminated with explosive or hazardous material to use
the smoking area.
Do not permit use of matches or other flame-, heat-, or spark-
producing devices in any magazine area or field storage activity. The
only exceptions will be by written authority of the commander or
safety officer.
Use only flashlights or storage battery lamps approved by the US
Bureau of Mines and listed by the UL or other recognized authority in
structures that contain ammunition or explosives.
Locate overhead transmission and power lines no closer to the storage
location than the height of the pole or 50 feet, whichever is greater. If
the cable is buried for at least 50 feet from the storage location,
existing storage facilities may be modified with underground
electrical service.
Use dry cleaning solvent, not gasoline or other flammable liquids, for
cleaning purposes. Ensure that adequate ventilation is available
when using solvent. See TB MED-502 for guidance.
Locate parking areas no closer than 100 feet outside storage areas.
Control these areas to reduce fire hazards and provide easy access to
Police areas on a daily basis for combustible materials left over from
operations. Stack and/or properly dispose of these materials. See
DA Pam 385-64 for stacking guidelines and distance requirements.
Use nonheat-producing equipment that will not exceed temperatures
of 228 degrees.
Control vegetation or undergrowth with weed killers or by mowing or
plowing. Livestock grazing may be used under special, controlled
conditions. Remove all cut vegetation and undergrowth. Ensure that
weed killers do not contain substances that might spontaneously
ignite in hot, dry conditions.
Carefully consider controlled burning to eliminate vegetation and
undergrowth. Allow no burns within 200 feet of any explosive
location. Firefighting equipment and personnel will be standing by
during these operations.
8-6. Any activity that stores or handles munitions must have an effective
safety program and prefire plan to help prevent and fight fires.
8-7. The fire plan serves as a tool for training and for implementing
prevention and firefighting rules and procedures. It must cover all munitions
areas and possible exposures of munitions to fire. The plan will describe the
.Emergency functions of responsible personnel.
Organization of firefighting teams and alternates.
Communications and alarm signal activity.
Responsibilities and emergency functions of outside agencies.
FM 4-30.13
8-8. Details of the plan may vary to suit the individual installation or field
activity. It must include training requirements for all personnel and establish
the following procedures:
.Reporting the fire.
.Evacuating nonessential personnel.
.Notifying nearby commands and locations of impending dangers.
.Extinguishing or controlling the fire.
.Using communications and alarm signals.
.Controlling the fire until firefighters arrive, and meeting and
instructing firefighters on circumstances of the fire (i.e., types of
munitions involved and hazards).
The fire plan includes a map that identifies storage locations, the road
network, and munitions hazardlhazards at each location (including fire and
chemical symbols). See AR 420-90 for additional guidance.
8-9. Training is a vital part of the fire protection and prevention program. All
personnel and firefighters involved with munitions must be trained in the
precautions and proper methods of fighting fires. Training will include an
understanding of individual responsibilities as identified in the fire plan. It
must also include instruction in the following:
.A system for reporting fires.
Procedures for sounding alarms.
Evacuation procedures.
Application and meaning of each type of fire and hazard symbol.
Type and use of appropriate firefighting equipment.
8-10. Fire drills encourage and increase safety awareness and must be
conducted at least once every six months. Although fighting munitions fires is
the primary responsibility of fire department personnel, munitions personnel
must be trained to act quickly and to extinguish and/or control a fire. Every
attempt must be made to control or contain a fire to prevent loss of life and
reduce injuries, minimize property damage and loss of munitions, and protect
mission-essential functions.
8-11. Instructions to supervisors and personnel will include steps that
increase fire safety. All supervisors must be thoroughly familiar with fire
hazards. They are responsible for ensuring that personnel are trained in
alarm procedures and firefighting equipment, and that they know the
locations of emergency exits other than the usual doors, gates, or roadways.
Emergency exits must be clearly marked with visible exit signs. Personnel
will be trained to use these exits automatically in case of fire or other
emergency. An unannounced fire drill that involves the response of a fire
department must never be conducted without coordinating with the fire chief.
FM 4-30.13
8-12. Serious consequences often result from the lack of training or failure to
follow instructions and written safety regulations and procedures. The most
common safety violations are as follows:
Carrying and using matches and other flame- or heat-producing
items in forbidden areas.
Tampering or playing with munitions, particularly grenades,
demolition materials, and pyrotechnics.
8-13. A fire in the ASA can start in any number of ways. Most often, fires
begin in vegetation and accumulated waste materials, wastepaper, scrap
lumber, dunnage, broken pallets, and boxes. Causes include the following:
.Unauthorized use of spark-producing tools.
.Use of defective MHE and vehicles.
.Use of faulty or unapproved electrical equipment.
.Failure to provide proper barricades.
.Failure to provide firebreaks/proper firebreaks.
.Use of improper grounding techniques.
.Failure to provide lightning protection systems.
8-14. A small fire involving ammunition or explosives may rapidly become
intense and lead to an explosion. While personnel must not be exposed to the
hazards of an imminent explosion, it is vital to attack a small fire at once
using authorized equipment and firebreaks.
Fire Extinguishers
8-15. Hand-held portable fire extinguishers can be used to fight small fires.
All fire extinguishers must be easily accessible and maintained in good
operating condition. See Figure 8-1 for the appropriate extinguishing agent to
use for fighting each class of fire.
Extinguishing Agent
Carbon dioxide, halon, foam, or dry
Carbon dioxide, halon, or dry
Dry powder.
Figure 8-1. Fire Extinguishing Agents
FM 4-30.13
Water Barrels and Sand
8-16. Water barrels and pails, sand boxes, and shovels provide a recognized
means of combating Class A fires in ASAs where the combustible material
consists primarily of grass, wood, dunnage, boxes, and empty containers.
Barrels must be covered to prevent insect breeding and evaporation and will
be winterized as necessary. At least two metal pails must be available for
each barrel. Water barrels may not be needed if the ASA is located on an
installation that meets the following conditions:
.Vegetation control measures are adequate, and the area is monitored
A fire plan and an organized firefighting force with the equipment
capable of combating grass and brush fires are in place.
Updated fire maps are maintained at fire stations and storage
areas. These maps indicate the location of each storage area and the
hazard at each site.
Storage area work crews are equipped with serviceable extinguishers.
Hand Tools and Other Larger Equipment
8-17. Rakes, shovels, picks, and other equipment needed to fight grass or
vegetation fires must be in adequate supply. Also, plows, graders, and
bulldozers should be available.
8-18. Firebreaks may be both artificial and specific. Artificial firebreaks
include roads, highways, cleared manmade areas, survey lines, and
transmission lines. Specific firebreaks are cut in advance and maintained to
prevent the progress of any fire. It may not be possible to cut firebreaks
during tactical operations due to METT -TC factors. General guidelines for
firebreaks can be found in DA Pam 385-64.
8-19. Depending on the materials involved, fires that occur in buildings and
magazines containing ammunition and explosives vary in intensity and
outcome. Certain explosives ignite on contact with a spark or flame or when
subjected to frictional heat or concussion. Some substances burn freely.
Others, such as solid or liquid propellants, explode while burning or develop
heat so intense that firefighting efforts are nearly futile.
8-20. Firefighters must be well acquainted with the hazards in each fire
hazard group. They must know which methods of fighting fires are most
effective for the materials under their protection. Also, they must be
proficient in using the personnel protective devices needed for fighting
various types of fires.
8-21. Ammunition and explosives are separated into fire divisions based on
the relative danger they present to firefighters (see Figure 8-2).
1 Mass detonation
2Explosion with fragments
3Mass fire
4 Moderate fire
FM 4-30.13
Fire Division 1 indicates the greatest hazard, with the hazard decreasing
with each ascending number. Fire Divisions 1 through 4 correspond with
Hazard Classes 1.1 through 1.4. See DA Pam 385-64 for further discussion of
the Hazard Classification System.
8-22. Fire Divisions 1 and 2 include the ammunition and explosives in
Hazard Classes 1.1 and 1.2 (excluding nuclear weapons). In a fire, these
materials can be expected to detonate with moderate to severe fragmentation
hazards. Make no attempt to fight fires involving Division 1 unless a rescue
attempt is being made. Attempts to extinguish a Division 2 fire may be made
if it is in an early stage, or to fight the fire until the risk becomes too great.
8-23. Fire Division 3 is comparable to Hazard Class 1.3 and presents a mass
fire hazard. Personnel in the area will give the alarm and fight the fire if
explosives are not directly involved.
8-24. Fire Division 4 consists of ammunition that presents a moderate fire
hazard. Fires that involve this type of ammunition will be fought by
firefighters with portable and mobile fire-extinguishing equipment until the
fire is brought under control. See DA Pam 385-64 for more information on
fighting fires.
Figure 8-2. Fire Divisions and Hazards
8-25. Each fire division is represented by a distinctive fire symbol. The
shapes and dimensions for each symbol are identified in Figure 8-3 and
Figure 8-4. These symbols enable firefighters to recognize possible hazards as
they approach the fire scene. The applicable fire division number is shown on
the symbol. To facilitate long-range identification, these symbols have
different shapes.
1Octagon 7690-01-082-0290
2 Cross 7690-01-082-0289
7690-01 087-7340
3Inverted triangle 7690-01-081-9583
4 Diamond 7690-01-081-9584
FM 4-30.13
Figure 8-3. Fire Symbol Shapes and NSNs
fIn!:: DIVISION :.::
i'"nm DIVISION 4
Background: Orange No. 12246 (Fed Std 595A or GSA Catalog).
Numbers: Black No. 170338 (Fed Std 595A or GSA Catalog 10 inches high and
2 inches thick.
NOTE: Small symbols may be used where appropriate. See DA Pam 385-64.
Figure 8-4. Fire Symbols
8-26. The fire symbol that applies to the most hazardous material present
will be posted at or near all non-nuclear explosive locations. Backing material
for the symbols will be made from a noncombustible material of the same
FM 4-30.13
shape. Symbols must be visible from all approach roads. When all munitions
within the ASA are covered by one fire symbol, it may be posted at the entry
control point.
8-27. When different HCID of munitions are stored in individual multicubicle
bays or module cells, appropriate fire symbols will be posted on each bay or
cell. Only one fire symbol is be displayed at the entrance of a row where
facilities containing munitions and requiring the same fire symbol are located
in a row or on one service road.
8-28. Fire symbols must be placed on entrances to arms rooms that are
licensed for holding and storing quantities of explosives. Also, the appropriate
fire symbol must be displayed on a locker or similar type container where
licensed explosive munitions are stored. However, symbols are not required
on the exterior of a building if the building is exempt from Q-D requirements
contained in DA Pam 385-64.
Exceptions When Posting Fire Symbols
8-29. It is not required to post fire symbols on locations having 1,000 rounds
or less of HCID 1.4 small arms ammunition (.50 caliber or less). Unless HN
symbols differ and, by agreement, HN symbols are required, fire symbols
must be used. The ASA commander may remove fire symbols for security
purposes. In this case, the commander must emphasize giving prompt and
exact information to the firefighters regarding any changes in the status of
8-30. If vehicles and aircraft are parked in a designated explosives parking
area, fire symbols need not be posted providing the area is described in a
local SOP or vehicle and/or aircraft parking plan.
8-31. Fire symbols are not required on individual structures used to store,
maintain, or handle nuclear weapons or components or on aircraft and/or
vehicles loaded with nuclear weapons. See DA Pam 385-64 for more
8-32. Chemical agent or agent-filled munitions storage and operational
facilities must be identified with appropriate hazard symbols as shown in
Figure 8-5. The type of hazard symbol selected for this purpose depends not
only on the type of chemical agent in the item of ammunition but also on the
absence or presence of explosive components in the item.
8-33. Appropriate clothing and equipment are essential when fighting fires
involving chemical agents. The protective clothing and apparatus in Figure 8-
6 are for firefighting purposes and do not necessarily apply to normal
operations. The symbols presented in this figure are described as follows:
.Symbol I, Wear Full Protective Clothing.
.Set 1. Red rim and figure. Indicates the presence of highly toxic
chemical agents that may cause death or serious damage to body
functions. Includes the M9 self-contained protective gas mask
with applicable hood, or approved equivalent (i.e., M40 series
FM 4-30.13
mask); impermeable suit; hood; gloves; explosives handler's
coveralls; and protective footwear, as applicable. A fire blanket
should also be available in case of a fire.
.Set 2. Yellow rim and figure. Indicates the presence of harassing
agents (riot control agents and smokes). Includes M9 series
protective gas mask or self-contained breathing apparatus,
explosive handler's coveralls, and protective gloves.
.Set 3. White rim and figure. Indicates the presence of white
phosphorus and other spontaneously combustible material.
Includes M9 series protective gas mask or self-contained
breathing apparatus, flame-resistant coveralls, and flame-
resistant gloves.
.Symbol 2, Wear Breathing Apparatus. Indicates the presence of
incendiary and readily flammable chemical agents that present an
intense heat hazard. This hazard and sign may be present with any of
the other fire or chemical hazards/symbols. Protective masks that
prevent the inhalation of smoke from burning incendiary mixture will
be used.
.Symbol 3, Apply No Water. Indicates a dangerous reaction will
occur if water is used in an attempt to extinguish the fire. This
symbol may be posted together with any of the other hazard symbols.
See DA Pam 385-64 for information on the types of chemical hazards
associated with the symbols in this figure. Refer to Table 8-1 to determine
clothing and equipment required when dealing with specific chemicals and
I """"'liUIM.i.&llIIll . ... """ 1'.liIn "R'1.!.rlil:n..,.,II¥
.I. Tli. Hln' .&.IIWllIL .,
' ,n,
All sym bols are 12-inch black letters on
24-inch yellow circle.
Colors Per Federal Standard 595A:
Black No. 17038
Yellow No. 13538
Figure 8-5. Supplemental Chemical Hazard Symbols
FM 4-30.13
Background in blue.
Figure & rim are:
Red for Set 1 protective clothing.
Yellow for Set 2 protective
White for Set 3 protective
clothing. UIIIIUL L
"'IAR rDLL.rllnrrr,TI'1" (wTIII'W'I"
Background in blue.
Figure and rim are white.
l\ 1'f'ltATU:S
Background in white.
Circle and diagonal line
are red.
Figures are black.
Note: Colors per Federal Standard
595A or GSA Catalog
Red No.11105
Blue No. 15102
Yellow No. 13538
White No. 17875
Black No. 17038
Figure 8-6. Protective Clothing and Apparatus
Chemical Full Protective
Agents & Clothing Apply
Fillers in Set Set Set Breathing No G VX BZ H L
Munitions 1 2 3 Apparatus Water
FM 4-30.13
Table 8-1. Chemical Agents/Fillers and Hazard Symbols
8-34. When chemical or pyrotechnic munitions are assembled with explosive
components, chemical hazard and fire hazard symbols are used together.
Chemical munitions without explosive components are identified by chemical
hazard symbols only.
8-35. Requirements for posting chemical symbols are similar to those for
posting fire symbols. Chemical symbols must be removed, covered, or
reversed as soon as chemical agents are removed from a location.
8-36. Personnel must take immediate action when fires occur in a munitions
area. If fire is discovered in grass or other combustible material surrounding
a magazine, structure, or FSU, the following steps must be taken as quickly
as possible:
.Sound the alarm.
Do everything possible, using available firefighting
extinguish or control the fire until firefighters arrive.
Evacuate nonessential personnel to a well-protected area.
tools, to
8-37. All nonessential personnel must be evacuated to the appropriate
emergency withdrawal distance as shown in Table 8-2. The commander is
responsible for alerting civilian authorities of any imminent explosive
accident that may affect the local community and for providing those
authorities with the correct emergency withdrawal distances. See DA Pam
385-64 for more information.
FM 4-30.13
Table 8-2. Minimum Withdrawal Distances
Unknown truck, tractor-trailer
and/or facility 4,000 ft (approx .75 mi) 4,000 ft (approx .75 mi)
Unknown railcar 5,000 ft (approx 1 mi) 5,000 ft (approx 1 mi)
HCID 1.1 (see Note 1) Same as unknown HC/D
above For transportation use:
.2,500-ft min distance
for 500 Ib NEW and below.
.5,000-ft min distance
for railcars above 500 Ib
.4,000-ft min distance
.4,000-ft min distance
for bombs and projectiles with
caliber 5-in (127mm) or
For facilities use:
.2,500-ft min distance
for 15,000 Ib and below.
.4,000-ft min distance
for more than 15,000 and
less than 50,000 lb.
.Above 50,000 Ib,
D=105W to the 1/3 power.
HCID 1.2 (see Note 1) 2,500 ft 2,500 ft
HCID 1.3 (see Note 2) 600 ft Twice the IBD with a 600-ft
min distance.
HCID 1.4 300 ft 300 ft
1. For HC/D 1.1 and 1.2 items, if known, the maximum range fragments and
debris will be thrown (including interaction effects of stacks of items, but excluding
lugs, strongbacks, and/or nose and tail plates) may be used instead of minimum
range given here.
2. For accidents involving propulsion units, it is not required to specify emergency
withdrawal distances based on potential flight ranges of items.
FM 4-30.13
8-38. When any part of a vehicle, other than its cargo, catches fire, try to get
the vehicle to a clear, isolated area and use a handheld fire extinguisher to
fight the fire. Also, ask someone to notify the fire department or engineer
firefighting force. Fight the fire until the flames reach the cargo. At that
point, evacuate all personnel and equipment to the safe distances listed on
DD Form 836. Give firefighters complete information about the cargo as
provided on DD Form 836.
8-39. Fire protection, prevention, and safety awareness during munitions
operations is every soldier's responsibility. Commanders are responsible for
command and technical supervision of a well-planned, effective fire protection
and prevention program at facilities under their command. Supervisors must
emphasize quality, routinely schedule training, and ensure that the
commander's policies are implemented. Demonstrated performance is the
quality control element of an effective fire protection and prevention training
Chapter 9
Munitions Storage Procedures
The purpose of field storage in combat and SASO environments is to
provide safe munitions storage for tactical units. This chapter contains
information on types of munitions storage areas. Also, it discusses
planning for and storing of munitions during combat and SASO, with
emphasis on meeting safety and storage criteria to the maximum extent
9-1. Peacetime explosive standards in DA Pam 385-64 must be followed if
possible. However, peacetime standards may not be fully met or maintained
because threat level, mission, mobility requirements, and physical condition
of facilities vary greatly among theaters of operation. Even with variability in
conditions, munitions can be satisfactorily and safely stored in the theater.
Regardless of conditions in the theater of operations, a single, basic tenet
must be followed; that is, take all measures possible to minimize risk to
personnel, materiel, facilities, and stocks.
9-2. Unlike permanent ammunition storage areas, munitions assets in a
tactical ASA are most often stored on the ground and on unimproved
surfaces. Munitions are placed in storage compatibility categories separated
from each other by the minimum Q-D. This is based on NEW; NEQ; or total
gross tonnage per individual storage unit, depending on the storage system
selected. Munitions are likely to be stored in one of four types of field storage
areas: TSA, CSA, ASP, or ATP. The different types of tactical ASA
compatibility categories, Q-D standards, storage systems, and storage
planning procedures are discussed later in this chapter.
9-3. The TSA is located within the COMMZ in the theater's rear AO. The
modular ammunition company's HLPs generally operate the TSA. These
platoons may receive added support from MLPs. The TSA is usually the
largest ASA in the TO. Its mission is to receive, store, and ship containerized
and break-bulk munitions. It also issues, inspects, configures, manages and
maintains theater reserve munitions. The TSA also provides area
ammunition support to units operating in the COMMZ.
9-4. To facilitate shipment, TSAs are located where there is direct access to
airfields, railheads, ports, road networks, and facilities. If this is not feasible,
the TSA should be located within a short line-haul distance of such facilities.
The TSA can be either a fixed, semifixed, or open outdoor storage area, or a
combination of these.
ASA Days of Supply Stockage Objective
TSA 30 Days 25,000 STs
CSA 7 Days 25,000 STs
ASP 3 Days NA
FM 4-30.13
9-5. In peacetime, the TSA may be a permanent storage facility (e.g., igloo,
magazine, bunker, or other fIxed or semifIxed explosives storage building).
Unless the TO has existing fIxed explosives storage facilities, the TSA is
usually an open outdoor storage area in SASO/wartime.
9-6. The area selected for the TSA should have as much hard surface as
possible. Also, it must have adequate drainage and a road network capable of
supporting heavy vehicle traffIc. It should be designed to move break-bulk
and containerized munitions onto and off of railcars, line-haul vehicles, and
PLS. Other logistical units (i.e., transportation and terminal support) may be
available to assist munitions units in conducting railhead and other
transload operations.
9-7. A TSA may expand to about 40 square kilometers to meet its stock age
objective (see Table 9-1). If the stock age objective exceeds 25,000 STs, a
second TSA should be established. The ASee and METT -Te determine the
stockage objective of TSAs. The TSA receives 100 percent of its stockage
objective from the POD.
Table 9-1. ASA Types
9-8. Munitions arrive at the TSA on theater transportation assets. They are
usually containerized but may include break-bulk or a combination of both.
Because a high percentage of TSA receipts are containerized, munitions and
transportation personnel must manage containers to guarantee
accountability and to retrograde them for reuse. See FM 9-6 for a discussion
of the flow of munitions in the theater of operations.
9-9. The eSA is located in the corps rear AO. The modular ammunition
company's MLPs generally operate the eSA. If the eSA is receiving
containerized munitions, HLPs may support the MLPs. The eSA mission is
to receive, store, issue, inspect, confIgure, manage, and maintain the corps
reserve munitions stocks.
9-10. The eSA supports the munitions requirements of all assigned or
attached corps units. It is also the primary source for the division's
munitions. It stocks 10 to 15 DOS to meet initial combat requirements;
thereafter, it maintains about 7 DOS. At least one eSA is required to support
ASP and ATP operations for each committed division. The eSA may be fIxed,
semi-fIxed, or open storage depending on the tactical situation. It is more
fIxed than the forward storage areas it supports. Usually in SASO or wartime
environments, it consists of open storage.
9-11. The eSA should be located near MSRs and railheads to allow easy
access for theater and corps transportation assets. The site must have an
improved road that can handle heavy vehicle traffIc.
FM 4-30.13
9-12. The CSA receives about 50 percent of its munitions from the POD and
50 percent from the TSA. These munitions may be in either break-bulk or
containerized loads. Munitions shipped from the CSA to an ASP may be in
single-DODIC, break-bulk, or configured loads. Munitions shipped from the
CSA to the ATPs are in MCLs.
9-13. The CSA can expand to about 40 square kilometers. When the stock age
objective reaches 25,000 STs, a second CSA should be established. The
COSCOM establishes the CSA stock age objective, which is based on projected
theater combat rates and METT-TC.
9-14. The COSCOM ordnance/corps support battalion analyzes workload
requirements and synchronizes operations with corps transportation assets.
See FM 9-6 for a discussion of the flow of munitions in the theater of
9-15. The ASP is another source of munitions for the division. It is located in
the division's rear AO. The modular ammunition company's MLPs operate
the ASP. The ASP provides munitions support to corps and nondivisional
units in the division's AO.
9-16. The ASP normally stores 3 DOS to meet routine, surge, and emergency
requirements of supported units. Tactical plans, availability of munitions,
and the threat to resupply operations are the basis for stockage levels.
9-17. ASPs should be considered as temporary, open storage sites. ASPs are
located near MSRs and rails (if feasible) to allow easy access for theater and
corps transportation assets. It is essential that ASPs have good road
networks that can support heavy vehicle traffic. Thus, commanders will focus
on locations that minimize the need for engineer support. The ASP receives
100 percent of its munitions shipments from the CSA on flatracks in single,
mixed DODIC, or configured loads.
9-18. The ATP is a temporary site from which munitions are transferred from
corps transportation assets to the organic vehicles of the big six combat units
(i.e., armor, aviation, infantry, artillery, air defense artillery, and combat
engineers.) The DAO controls all division ATPs.
9-19. Each maneuver brigade has an FSB that operates an ATP in the BSA.
The ammunition sections of the following units operate the ATPs:
.Supply company, FSB in a heavy or light division.
S&T company, support battalion in a separate brigade.
They support all units in the brigade support sector and receive mission
guidance from the DAO. Their mission is critical since they logistically
support the maneuver commander's tactical plan to ensure that munitions
are available for combat.
FM 4-30.13
9-20. The MLP (ATP section) of the modular ammunition company operates
an ATP located in the DSA of the division AO. It supports corps, divisional,
and non divisional units operating within the division support AO. The DAO
provides mission guidance to the ATP and establishes its priorities.
9-21. Using either unit vehicles with MHE (e.g., HEMTT), PLS, or organic
ATP MHE, munitions are transferred from corps trailers or PLS flatracks to
vehicles organic to the using unit. Departing empty tractors/PLS vehicles
backhaul the empty trailers and flatracks. Corps transportation should
always drop a trailer or flatrack and take one in return. This practice is
called one-for-one exchange and also applies to using units, tactical situation
permitting. Without this exchange, a shortage of trailers and flatracks occurs
that may critically impact resupply of munitions. S&P trailers or flatracks
are also used for retrograde of unserviceable munitions and CEA. Also, these
vehicles may transport fatalities and POWs, if necessary. See FM 55-10 for
more information.
9-22. Shipments from the CSA and ASP together make up 100 percent of the
ATP stockage level. About 75 percent of the ATP munitions requirements are
throughput from the CSA in MCLs. The other 25 percent are received from
the supporting ASP in single, mixed DODIC, or configured loads.
9-23. The ATP is located near an MSR or adequate road network to provide
access for corps transportation assets and combat user vehicles. The ATP
must be on firm ground with good drainage and offer easy access for vehicles.
Also, it must allow for easy recovery of pallets, S&P trailers, and PLS
9-24. The site must be large enough to allow MHE to maneuver. Flatracks
and trailers must be placed so the MHE has adequate space to transfer
munitions. As with any other tactical site, good cover and concealment are
extremely important. See Chapter 4 of this manual for a complete
description of ATP organizational structure and munitions operations and
9-25. The highest degree of safety in munitions storage will be achieved if
each item is stored separately. However, this is not feasible. Observing the
following principles will ensure safety of munitions storage regardless of the
type of facility:
.Balance safety, environmental, and other factors when storing a mix
of munitions. Certain munitions must not be stored together.
.Do not store munitions and explosives with dissimilar materiel or
items that present positive hazards to the munitions. Examples
include flammable or combustible materiel, acids, or corrosives.
.If compatible, different types of munitions and explosives may be
mixed in storage.
.Mix compatible munitions and explosives in storage when such
mixing facilitates safe operations and promotes overall storage
FM 4-30.13
.Do not store munitions with an assembled initiating device as they
present a significant storage risk. Exceptions include-
.If the device is packaged in a manner that eliminates risk of
accidental detonation.
.If fuzed items are configured/packaged to prevent arming of the
.If safety features prevent accidental initiation or detonation of
the item.
Protect munitions from the elements by providing appropriate
dunnage and adequate shelter and ventilation. This practice reduces
maintenance and ensures maximum serviceability and shelf life of
Place munitions in appropriate SCG or FSC and separate by
minimum Q-D as determined by DA Pam 385-64.
9-26. All munitions and explosives are assigned to an appropriate SCG for
storage at Army activities. See Appendix I for more on SCGs.
9-27. During wartime and contingencies, logistical considerations and combat
situations may warrant more risk-taking. When warranted, the MACOM
commander may authorize relaxation of storage compatibility requirements.
The FSCs listed below simplify field storage compatibility while maintaining
an appreciable safety level. Compatibility requirements do not apply when
storing configured loads in the theater of operation. Another safety element,
Q-D classification, further separates munitions and explosives into hazard
9-28. For storage in the field, munitions are segregated into primary groups
referred to as storage categories. Groupings are based on the desirability to
store components of complete rounds in adjacent stacks and consideration of
the hazards of propagation of explosion, range of fragments, spread of fires,
and chemical contamination.
9-29. Listed below are the FSCs of conventional ammunition. (See DA Pam
385-64 for more information on field storage.)
.Category A. Fixed and semifixed artillery munitions, except
incendiary and chemical.
.Category B. Propelling charges, fuzes, primers, flash reducers, and
separate loading artillery projectiles, including HE and AP but not
incendiary and chemical projectiles.
.Category C. Mortar ammunition and hand grenades, except
incendiary and chemical.
.Category D. All pyrotechnics and chemical ammunition, including
chemical-filled rockets; gas, smoke, and incendiary bombs; gas and
smoke artillery ammunition; incendiary and chemical grenades;
smoke pots; VX-filled mines; bulk-packed incendiary and small arms
tracer cartridges.
FM 4-30.13
.Category E. All demolition explosives, antitank and antipersonnel
mines (except VX-Ioaded), and components (i.e., blasting caps, firing
devices, detonating cord, and safety fuses).
Category F. Rockets, rocket motors, and rifle grenades, except
Category G. The following items of USAF Class V supply: all unfuzed
HE bombs, aircraft mines, aircraft torpedoes, and fragmentation
bombs; fuzes and/or primer-detonators for the above items;
fragmentation bomb clusters, fuzed and unfuzed. The remainder of
USAF Class V items must be stored in other applicable categories.
9-30. Q-D hazard classifications are designed to protect personnel and
property in areas adjacent to storage facilities, to limit the quantity of stocks
that may be lost in an explosion, and to reduce the possibility of any
explosion involving large quantities of explosives and munitions.
9-31. Q-D relationships for specific classes of munitions and explosives are
based on levels of risk considered acceptable for that item. During peacetime,
the Q-D tables set forth in Chapter 5 of DA Pam 385-64 must be strictly
followed unless a waiver is obtained. The tables apply generally to exposures
involving nonmilitary personnel, family housing, and health and morale
9-32. During SASO, contingency, and wartime operations, military
requirements may make full compliance with safety regulations difficult.
Compliance with Q-D regulations is of great importance to commanders since
their purpose is to minimize losses of personnel and stocks and to maintain
the full operational capability of facilities. Normal explosives safety criteria,
procedures, Q-D separations, and methods of application in DA Pam 385-64
apply except where waivers are granted.
9-33. To meet readiness requirements, certain units may have their ABL
uploaded on organic vehicles or stored near the unit in a BLAHA. DA Pam
385-64 defines Q-D requirements. BLAHAs outside and inside the US have
different standards, which must meet the Q-D standards of this publication.
9-34. Applicable Q-D terms for field storage safety purposes include the
.Storage subdivisions. Field storage areas are divided into storage
sections and further subdivided into FSU s and stacks to ensure
adequate dispersion for operational safety purposes.
.Dispersion. If assets are adequately dispersed, the ASP is not an inviting target
from the air. When possible, quantities of each type of ammunition should be
stored in two or three widely separated sections. If the contents of one section
are destroyed, the entire supply of anyone item will not be lost. When space is
not sufficient to disperse the ammunition, construct earthen barricades to help
reduce the hazard.
.Barricades. The effect of sympathetic detonation can be reduced using
man-made barricades constructed lAW DA Pam 385-64.
FM 4-30.13
.Interstack distance. Interstack distance is the minimum distance
between the near edge of adjacent stacks. Stacks are required to be
separated by minimum distance of 50 feet to inhibit the spread of fire.
However, be aware that interstack distances do not always provide
protection from propagation of detonation by blast overpressure or
missile fragments. Aggressive fire fighting usually helps to prevent
the spread of fire from one stack to another at this distance. The
greater the distance between stacks, the less likely fire will spread
from stack to stack. When possible, separate stacks by a distance
greater than that prescribed.
Inter-FSU distance. The inter-FSU distance, which is the distance
between the nearest edge of the nearest stacks in adjacent FSUs, can
also help prevent the spread of fire (see Table 15-2 of DA Pam 385-
64). When these distances cannot be met, use extra care in setting up
and maintaining fire protection, fire guards, and firefighting
Optimum safety distance. The optimum safety distance is the limit
inside which structural damage from a blast or missile fragments will
be serious. Consider this distance if ASAs, ATPs, or BLAHAs have to
be located near gasoline or other storage facilities, hospitals,
permanent radio transmitters, railroads, and highways.
9-35. Special storage requirements must be met for certain categories of
munitions. Safety and environmental considerations make it essential to
comply with the following guidelines:
.Nontoxic Chemical Ammunition. Store chemical-filled ammunition so
that each container, item, or bomb can be inspected and easily
removed. Keep projectiles containing phosphorus out of the direct sun
and store them bases down. Locate water-filled barrels for immersing
leakers within the toxic ammunition site.
Toxic Chemical Ammunition. Store toxic chemical ammunition in the
part of the ASP with the lowest elevation and at least 1 mile
downwind from inhabited ASP buildings or other storage areas. Make
sure no inhabited buildings or storage areas are within 2 miles
downwind of the storage site. Also, ensure maximum security for this
type area.
Rockets. Safety requirements for storing rockets are stricter than for
most other types of conventional munitions. Store small- and large-
caliber rockets and large-caliber, free-flight rockets on the outer edge
of any storage area. Point the noses away from all other stored
munitions and away from all inhabited areas. Locate the rockets so
that only their own containers are between the rockets and the
barrier. Do not make stacks more than one row deep.
Bombs. Category G ammunition (bombs) is usually stored and issued
by the USAF. In emergencies, however, depot and ASP commanders
may store bombs. For this reason, it is important to be aware of the
following restrictions:
.The FSU is the smallest storage unit authorized.
FM 4-30.13
.Fuzed fragmentation bombs in the same FSU may not be stored
with other bombs.
Components of bombs (i.e., fins, fuzes, primer-detonators) can be
stored between FSU s. If that is done, remember to protect fuzes
and primer-detonators from heat and moisture.
9-36. Safety and efficiency must be top priorities when selecting a field
storage site. Site selection and layout of an ATP are discussed in Chapter 4 of
this manual. It is essential that explosives experts be involved early in this
process to preclude possible future disruptive, safety-driven relocations of
established Class V facilities.
9-37. A primary and an alternate site should be selected. Alternate sites
provide relocation options in case the primary site is unavailable for
operational reasons, or if enemy action or the effects of weather on the
terrain make evacuation necessary.
9-38. A map and ground reconnaissance of the proposed sites should be made.
Reconnaissance ensures that the sites are suitable for performing safe
operations and providing efficient support to using units. A map recon
provides information on the terrain and the possibility of natural cover and
concealment. A ground recon supports the information gathered from the
map recon and further reveals terrain features. Also, it reveals other
conditions that may have changed or may not be identifiable on a map.
9-39. Based on reconnaissance information, site recommendations are
submitted to higher headquarters for approval. The sites selected may not be
approved for operational and/or tactical reasons. The selection process may
have to be repeated, or higher headquarters may identify an area for the
location of the storage area. See Appendix J for information on FARPs.
9-40. Tactical conditions and METT-TC factors must be reviewed to reduce
conflict between the tactical and safety requirements of an ideal site. Often,
these requirements are not compatible, and defense risks must be weighed
against the operational mission.
9-41. The tactical situation may require that procedures be modified or
supplemented. Other tactical considerations are found in FM 71-100 and FM
100-15. The following considerations apply to all storage and supply sites:
.Transportation. Sites should be located near the MSR and supported
units to allow easy access. The distance to supported units must be
reduced in keeping with security constraints.
Facilities. Sites should have ready access to (but be located as far as
possible from) hospitals, important military installations, airfields,
docks, factories, fuel storage and/or distribution activities, and
similar facilities. This is especially true for sites subject to enemy
attacks. If chemical munitions are stored, downwind distances to
populated areas must be considered.
FM 4-30.13
.Defense. Sites should be easy to defend against ground attack using
the fewest personnel and materials possible. The site must be large
enough to allow for dispersion of stocks to protect against heavy loss
by fire or explosion. As with any other tactical site, good cover and
concealment are critical.
Road network. In addition to access and exit roads, sites must contain
a good internal road network. Roads must easily allow large vehicle
passage under all weather conditions and should require as little
maintenance as possible. A one-way traffic pattern is preferred to
minimize confusion and congestion.
Railhead. Sites with potential for expansion into larger, more
permanent sites should have a railhead nearby.
Terrain. Sites will be established on firm, level ground. Drainage
patterns and soil conditions must be studied carefully. A level site
that does not drain adequately during wet weather may result in
unsafe and inefficient operations. The site must provide easy access
for using unit vehicles and for recovery of PLS flatracks, pallets, and
trailers. Natural barriers at proper intervals are desirable to
segregate field FSU s and categories of munitions.
Fire safety. The site must be inspected for fire hazards. A low level of
flammable vegetation and an adequate water supply are favorable
9-42. Once the site has been selected and approved, the selection of a
munitions storage system must be made. Four storage systems may be used
for field storage of munitions and explosives:
.Area storage.
.Roadside storage.
.Combination area/roadside storage.
.Modular storage.
9-43. Consider the following factors when choosing a storage system:
.Physical characteristics of the site.
.Location of hostile forces.
.Weather expectations for area.
.Time and resources available.
.Expected life of the site.
.Available space and type of operation that most readily comply with
Q-D requirements.
.Freedom of vehicle movement throughout the storage site. Vehicles
must be able to pass other vehicles being loaded/unloaded. There
should be no dead-end roads that require backing up or turning
.Roads should be improved, if possible, to withstand traffic up to fully loaded
trailers and PLS trucks.
FM 4-30.13
Area Storage System
9-44. The area storage system is divided into three sections and subdivided
into FSUs and stacks. Stacks of munitions are arranged in a checkerboard
pattern and spaced according to the Q-D requirements in DA Pam 385-64.
This system provides efficient use of the total area, but may require
significant road and pad construction and stabilization of earth.
Roadside Storage
9-45. Roadside storage allows munitions to be stored in stacks along the
edges of existing roadways. FSUs and sections are spaced according to Q-D
requirements in AR 385-64. Effective use of this method requires a larger
road network and more total area than the area storage system. However,
little construction is necessary.
9-46. A variation of roadside storage, known as "storage in depth," is very
useful if the existing road network is limited. With this method, one or more
additional stacks of ammunition is stored behind the roadside stack, away
from the road. The use of this system is restricted in wet climates or in areas
with poor soil conditions or heavy forests. Under those conditions, the stacks
of ammunition would be difficult to reach.
Area and Roadside Storage
9-47. A combination of area and roadside storage is often used to lessen the
bad aspects of both systems. It allows the most effective use of the existing
road network in a limited area. While this combination does not require as
much land as roadside storage, it does involve some road and pad
Modular Storage System
9-48. The modular storage system is used for storage of high-explosive bombs
and other conventional ammunition. Munitions are stored on pads within
earth-barricaded areas called cells. The cells are joined to form modules,
which may, in turn, be arranged to form module blocks. See DA Pam 385-64
for modular storage system requirements.
9-49. The modular storage system is used in a combat zone where limited
security and inadequate real estate/operational limitations make it
impossible to store munitions lAW Q-D and compatibility regulations for
area, roadside, or area/roadside storage. It may be the only solution for
storing large quantities in rear areas where there is insufficient real estate.
9-50. This system does not provide the same degree of protection for
personnel or munitions stocks afforded by regular Q-D dispersion. Before
deciding to use the modular system, compare its advantages and
disadvantages to those of the other field storage systems as defined in DA
Pam 385-64.
9-51. DA Pam 385-64 contains information on where, when, and how to use
the modular storage system. Also, it discusses physical and construction
characteristics, explosives limitations, barricade requirements, and site
selection criteria.
FM 4-30.13
9-52. Special Guidelines for Modular Storage. In peacetime, modular
storage is limited to HE bombs (fuzed or unfuzed, with or without fins),
similarly cased HD 1.1 ammunition (e.g., HE projectiles), and the following
contained in nonflammable or metal shipping containers: 30mm and smaller
ammunition, cluster bomb units, inert munitions components, and HD 1.4
munitions. By design, modular storage can redirect some of the blast
overpressure from an explosion but provides little to no protection against
fragment debris or the spread of fire. In a combat zone, there are no
restrictions on the type of ammunition authorized for modular storage. In
this case, mixing ammunition in modular storage is authorized.
9-53. Certain munitions require special storage consideration when stored in
a modular system. Ensure safe storage by complying with the following
.All storage and safety considerations will be followed for CS and CN
(riot control agents) chemical munitions and WP/PWP ammunition.
Cells containing these items must be in a separate module, away
from other types of ammunition.
.Chemical munitions (except WP/PWP and CS/CN) and rockets will be
stored in end cells of modules. Store rockets and missiles pointing
into barricades.
.Blasting caps can be stored in a separate bunker built inside the cell
containing all other compatible munitions. Ensure the bunker has
adequate side/overhead cover to protect other explosives in the cell.
.Propellant charges must be stored in a separate module. The module
may have one or more cells, depending on the required stockage.
.ICM must be stored alone in a separate module. The module may
have one or more cells, based on the required stock objective.
.Munitions and CEA awaiting destruction must be stored in a
separate module. The module may have one or more cells, based on
Urban/Built-up Areas
9-54. Structures in urban or built-up areas may also be used to temporarily
store or protect munitions. The possibility of setting up an ASA in a village or
other built-up area may be realistic and requires consideration when
planning wartime operations. With this system, the real estate could be in an
existing small city, a village, or a structure in the outlying countryside. The
physical configuration layout is based on the safety requirements for
munitions storage found in DA Pam 385-64.
9-55. Mter the site has been selected and the system of storage is known, a
storage plan and SOPs must be written for the operation. Good planning
helps ensure that operations are safe and efficient. The following checklist
will be used when developing the storage plan/concept of operations:
.What is the expected maximum tonnage of each SCG?
.What are the expected average daily receipts and issues?
FM 4-30.13
.How much time is available before the first munitions shipment
What is the expected lifetime of the storage area?
Which storage system will be used?
What physical characteristics of the terrain can be used as natural
barricades? What characteristics deny or restrict use of certain areas?
What natural cover and concealment are available?
What engineer construction and support are available or necessary?
What is the total stock age objective for the site?
What special security requirements are needed for classified and
sensitive items based on the CIIC? See the FED LOG or JHCS for a
detailed explanation of CIICs and the CIIC for any munitions item.
What section, FSU, and stack numbering system are needed to
ensure that location and retrieval of stocks are fast and accurate?
9-56. Fundamental rules apply to the layout of all types of munitions supply
and storage facilities. General safety procedures must be considered first in
any site layout. Basic operating procedures are also very similar. Munitions
survivability software is being developed by the Army and should be
available in the near future. This software is designed to assist the user in
preparing the safest storage plan possible for the designated terrain.
9-57.Key differences between CSA/TSA field sites and ASP/ATP sites are
that the CSA and TSA generally have larger, more stable storage areas and
better road networks.
9-58. All storage areas should be arranged into separate sections to enhance
safety. The arrangement of stocks in each section should make receipt, issue,
and inventory/rewarehousing/configuration as easy as possible.
9-59. Each section consists of a number of storage locations or modules,
depending on the type of storage system used. Storage locations within each
section are separated according to the Q-D requirements in DA Pam 385-64,
METT-TC permitting.
9-60. The following guidelines should be observed to maintain efficient
operations and prevent units from unnecessary waiting:
.Ensure signs are posted showing traffic direction, entrances, and
.Draw maps of storage areas and provide copies to using units.
.Ensure there is enough dunnage near storage locations.
.Arrange for one-way traffic whenever possible; when not possible,
provide turn-around points. Also ensure adequate space for vehicle
holding and assembly areas.
.Ensure the use of ground guides is strictly enforced.
9-61. Layout requirements for each site vary according to the tactical
situation, the terrain, the proximity to forward areas, and the type and
FM 4-30.13
amount of materiel handled. A good layout is one that achieves the following:
.Provides for easy, efficient work flow.
.Minimizes movement of munitions, tools, and equipment.
.Permits easy entry and exit for heavy traffic.
.Provides effective control of unit operations.
.Permits defense of the area.
Proper positioning of weapons, construction of defensive works and obstacles,
and organization of unit defense and security are other prime considerations.
9-62. A map overlay will be prepared to include the defense plan and
operational layout for the new area. If needed, a route overlay will also be
prepared. The advance, main, and rear parties use overlays, and copies must
be submitted to higher headquarters. When HNS is available, the layout will
incorporate coordination of services between US and HNS activities. See
Figure 9-1 for a typical ASP layout.
Figure 9-1. Typical ASP Layout Plan
FM 4-30.13
9-63. The operations office is the nerve center of a storage activity. It is
normally the control section of an ordnance company or modular platoon. It
should be located inside the main entrance where all incoming customers can
reach it easily. Also, it should be located near the administrative section but
a safe distance from the main ASA. Vehicle holding areas for inbound
munitions shipments and vehicle assembly areas for outbound munitions
vehicles will be within walking distance. The operations office must have
adequate parking for customer and ordnance company vehicles.
9-64. Parking for inbound, ammunition-laden vehicles or unit vehicles
scheduled for loading is provided in the vehicle holding area. It must have
enough maneuver room for large vehicles, and its size must be sufficient to
accommodate the largest convoy of vehicles that the site may expect to
receive. It is a transit area, and vehicles remain only long enough to be
processed for storage or issue.
9-65. The segregation area is a temporary storage area for segregating
ammunition turn-ins and mixed munitions shipments. It must be located
near the salvage area to allow convenient storage or usage of packing
9-66. Nonexplosive munitions, such as munitions residue and salvage
materiel, are stored in the inert salvage area. It should be located near the
segregation area and the surveillance and maintenance area.
9-67. The demolition area is set aside for the destruction of unserviceable
munitions. A good access road is necessary to facilitate the delivery and
unloading of munitions. Because S&P trailers and rough-terrain forklifts may
be needed to conduct demolition operations, both the road network and the
area must be able to support these vehicles. Land selected for the demolition
area will not be used for other purposes. Also, it will have scarce vegetation to
minimize the fire hazard. Demolition operations are to be conducted only
after munitions disposition instructions have been received from higher
9-68. The vehicle assembly area provides parking for all outbound vehicles,
including empty/loaded ammunition vehicles being assembled into a convoy.
The assembly area must be within walking distance of the operations office
and meet all requirements of the vehicle holding area.
9-69. Emergency aerial resupply operations are conducted at the sling-load
operations area. It will be located at least 1,800 feet or 550 meters from
munitions storage locations, working areas, and inhabited areas. When
planning sling-load operations, the allowable gross weight for cargo aircraft
must be considered. See FM 10-450-3, and TM 38-250, for more information
on sling load operations.
9-70. The bivouac area is the living area for personnel operating the site. It
must be located nearby but outside the fragmentation and blast areas. When
locating this site, personnel safety distances from the ASA and the physical
security of the bivouac area will be the primary considerations.
FM 4-30.13
9-71. Unit vehicles and MHE are maintained in the maintenance area. A
separate section within this area may be designated for refueling vehicles.
9-72. The surveillance and maintenance area is used for performing
munitions inspection, repack, and maintenance. For efficiency, it should be
located between the operations office and the storage areas.
9-73. Live munitions are stored in the ammunition storage area.
9-74. The captured enemy ammunition area is used to store all CEA turned
into the storage facility. CEA is always stored separately; once identified and
classified, it is stored using the same principles required for storing US
9-75. Munitions stacks should be positioned far enough off the road to allow
trucks to be loaded or unloaded without interfering with traffic. Containers
must be stacked so that munitions markings are visible and all containers
can be accessed easily. Munitions stacked on an inadequate or unstable
foundation may topple or sag. Inspectors should look for settling or shifting
stacks so that corrections can be made before damage results. See DA Pam
385-64 for more information.
9-76. Some units use a standard identification system to identify and locate
munitions. Such systems use lettered or numbered locations that always
contain certain types of munitions. For example: Sub-depots are designated
by letter; storage sections by number; FSU s by letter; and stacks by number
(i.e., munitions may be stored in sub-depot A, section 1, FSU-A, stack
1 [AlAI]).
9-77. Whenever a site is established and similar stocks are required, they are
placed in the same relative locations; however, ground features may preclude
this. When a standard identification system is used, a major road or
prominent landmark may be referenced. If a road or landmark is not
available, the system should follow a logical alphabetical or numerical
progression as personnel enter and move through a specific section of the site.
9-78. Lot number separation divides and stores all munitions by lot number.
The manufacturer numbers and identifies munitions by lot. The lot number
is vital for accountability, issue, and storage. Ensure individual lots are
segregated in each storage location, clearly separated from other lots.
9-79. Climatic considerations such as adequate shelter, dunnage, good
drainage, and good ventilation are necessary to protect stored munitions.
Tarpaulins can be used to protect munitions stacks from the effects of rain
and intense sunlight. Tarps must never be placed directly on ammunition;
doing this raises the temperature underneath the tarp. Ensure a minimum
18-inch clearance between the tarp and the munitions. Tarps can be used as
improvised shelters for VT fuzes and pyrotechnics. Cotton tarpaulins, 16 feet
by 16 feet, NSN 8340-00-817-2126, provide both shade and cover.
9-80. In desert and tropical climates, munitions must be shielded from the
direct rays of the sun. To minimize exposure to sunlight, position containers
FM 4-30.13
with long axes pointed in an east-west direction. Priority for shade is as
1. Guided missiles and rockets.
2. Propelling charges.
3. Fuzes.
4. Pyrotechnics.
5. Projectiles.
When containers are used for storage, doors may be left open or opened
periodically so that air can circulate. Blowing sand should not accumulate
around containers or pallets.
9-81. The proper use of dunnage increases stack stability. Generally, stacks
must be at least 4 to 6 inches off the ground to prevent munitions from
getting wet and to ensure adequate circulation. Empty munitions boxes or
ration boxes filled with sand or dirt may be used to elevate the stacks if
lumber is not available. Dunnage must be checked frequently for rotting and
deterioration. See DA Pam 385-64 for more information.
9-82. If drainage threatens to be a problem, ditches must be dug around
stacks of munitions. If propellant charges are stacked, lids will be turned
down slightly so water does not seep in or accumulate.
9-83. Storage of guided missiles and rockets requires special care. Guided
missile assemblies should be stored in permanent structures because the
missile bodies have delicate electronic components that must be protected. If
stored in the open, protect the containers with tarps or other suitable cover.
In either case, storage areas should have hard, level surfaces, and all
humidity indicators must be accessible. Guided missiles and rockets must be
stored on the perimeter of any storage location, with all nose ends pointing in
the safest direction, normally outward.
9-84. Security is a major concern when handling classified or sensitive missile
and rocket components. Classified or sensitive components must not be stored
with unclassified components. Guards and access control must be employed if
these components are stored in the open. An accurate check must be kept on
personnel who enter classified or sensitive storage areas or structures. See
AR 190-11 for more detailed security information.
9-85. Natural cover and concealment must be used whenever possible to
camouflage munitions storage areas. Camouflage requirements may conflict
with requirements for firebreaks and munitions shelter. The use of
camouflage must be consistent with explosive safety and munitions storage
procedures. See FM 20-3 for general information on the use of camouflage.
9-86. MHE is essential to the receipt, storage, issue, and maintenance of
munitions. The type of MHE available must be considered when planning
operations. Certain MHE may not be suited to the terrain. See FM 9-6 for
information on MHE assigned to ordnance units.
9-87. Unserviceable munitions are those either manufactured with defects or
made unserviceable by improper storage, handling, packaging, or
FM 4-30.13
transportation. Shipments of munitions received from other supply facilities
will be inspected for serviceability. Unit turn-ins not inspected at the time of
receipt must be stored in a segregated area for later inspection. Ammunition
specialists must be trained to recognize indications of unserviceability and
report them. Refer to Figure 3-2 of this manual for information on turn-in
9-88. Inspectors segregate unserviceable munitions from serviceable
munitions for safety reasons and to reduce rehandling. The munitions must
be segregated by DODIC and lot number, followed by serviceability
classification. Munitions that cannot be positively identified by lot number
are automatically classified as unserviceable. Exceptions may be made based
on the type, quantity, and condition of the munitions and METT-TC.
9-89. Safety precautions and principles that apply to storage of serviceable
munitions also apply to storage of unserviceable munitions. Proper records
must be kept on all unserviceable items stored at a supply facility.
9-90. Munitions that require maintenance must be segregated and marked to
prevent issue. While minor preservation and packaging are performed at field
locations, extensive maintenance is usually performed at a depot storage
9-91. The unit performs the packaging and preservation functions if that is
all that is required (see Chapter 10). Time permitting, reparable
unserviceable munitions are retrograded for repair.
9-92. Munitions abandoned by using units are treated as unserviceable until
inspected. The procedures that apply to unit turn-ins also apply to abandoned
munitions. Unserviceable munitions are reported through proper channels
for disposition instructions. Unserviceable munitions must be disposed of as
quickly as possible to preclude further deterioration and potentially unsafe
conditions. DA Pam 738-750 provides guidance in requesting disposition of
unserviceable munitions. Hazardous unserviceable munitions are reported
immediately through proper channels to EOD detachments for destruction. A
demolition area is designated and cleared for the safe destruction of
9-93. Specific lots of munitions and components are withdrawn from issue
when they are determined to be unsafe or otherwise defective. The problem
may be the result of a manufacturing defect, a firing malfunction, or the
deterioration of components. Storing munitions by lot number enables the
rapid withdrawal from issue of those items that are unsafe, defective, or
suspected of being defective.
9-94. The authority to suspend any lot of conventional munitions is vested in
the commander, OSC. However, the installation or area commander may
place a local suspension on a suspect lot of munitions. A preliminary report
and a later detailed report are forwarded through the supporting MMC to
theater army headquarters. The munitions remain in local suspension unless
higher headquarters changes its status. (See AR 75-1 for instructions for
preparing suspension reports. Suspended lots of conventional munitions and
FM 4-30.13
components are listed in TB 9-1300-385. Additional notices of suspensions or
restrictions are by QANET updates to ASIS or by other electronic message
formats as supplemental changes to TB 9-1300-385.)
9-95. Unless the suspension notice orders it, munitions lots that are stored
and later placed under suspension need not be moved to a segregated area.
However, stacks of suspended munitions must be clearly marked on all sides
using DD Form 1575 and DA Form 3782, or facsimile-formatted documents
(taped to the materiel), to show that the items have been suspended or
restricted from issue. When foreign nationals are employed, bilingual tags
should be produced locally. Suspended or restricted-issue items returned by
the firing units, or items received from other supply facilities, must be
segregated upon receipt.
9-96. Enemy ammunition is considered excess. lAW AR 381-26, one of three
options must be taken when munitions are determined to be excess on the
battlefield. These options are use, destroy, or secure and retrograde.
9-97. When an enemy munitions cache is secured for storage, it is first
inspected to determine condition, type, and caliber. It is then analyzed and
identified by EOD, QASAS/qualified military inspector, and technical
intelligence specialists to ensure that it is safe to transport or retrograde to a
rear storage area. Items of special interest are noted and quickly reported
through intelligence channels. Hazardous enemy munitions must be
segregated and disposed of.
9-98. If the cache is retrograded, corps munitions managers are notified to
provide QA/QC personnel and transportation assets to support the retrograde
operation. These personnel go to the cache to load and transport it to the
designated ASA. QA/QC personnel assist in segregating and loading the
munitions. The designated ASA places the cache into a designated secure
area. CEA must not be stored with US munitions. If possible, it will be stored
IBD from all other munitions. Information on the NEW or foreign munitions
can be obtained from military intelligence elements. See Chapter 12 of this
manual for more information on CEA.
9-99. Salvage material includes such items as boxes, crates, and steel
containers. Packaging material includes nose plugs, grommets, metal links,
clips, cartridge cases, and brass.
9-100. Based on METT-TC, salvage material is normally collected at ASAs
and shipped to designated points within the theater of operations for reuse or
retrograde. However, if salvage material is turned in at the ATP, the ATP
NCO arranges to have it backhauled to an ASA via available transportation.
Some salvage material may be used at field facilities to repack serviceable
munitions and components. Salvage material is inspected for explosives,
recorded on stock records, and reported to the MMC as directed by higher
headquarters. The MMC receives disposition and shipping instructions, and
gives the instructions to the storage facility based on these reports.
FM 4-30.13
9-101. When inert salvage material is shipped from any munitions facility,
the senior inspector must certify the shipment to be free of explosives. Empty
chemical containers, boxes, and packaging material must be certified to be
free of chemicals or chemical residue.
9-102. When BCMs are deployed to a theater of operations, the theater
commander directs their primary storage location. In wartime, effective
measures must be implemented to maintain strict control and safe handling
of BCMs. When in-transit, the nonlethal-component canisters are stored
separately until higher headquarters gives the release order. Separate
storage is imperative for the safety of personnel and facilities. Also, it
prevents the possibility of a lethal accident or incident that the enemy could
consider as first use.
9-103. BCMs must not be assembled until higher headquarters gives a
properly authenticated release order. From the CSA, BCM components are
normally shipped forward for assembly at the ASP. Depending on the tactical
situation, the assembled BCMs are uploaded for issue at the ASP or
transported to the ATP for issue. The tactical situation may dictate that the
munitions be assembled at the CSA and shipped directly to the ATP. Also,
under emergency conditions, unassembled BCMs may be issued directly to
the firing unit. Ideally, assembly of BCMs should occur as far forward as
possible. This minimizes handling and exposure to possible leaks and
contamination. Procedures for storing, shipping, handling, and securing
BCMs are discussed below.
Storing and Shipping
9-104. Storage considerations for BCMs apply to both CSA and ASP
operations. Commanders of conventional ammunition companies must be
prepared to assume custody of BCMs. Normally, the CSA receives BCMs
directly from the port and ships these components forward for assembly at
the ASP. The commander must ensure that the nonlethal-component
canisters are stored in separate structures within the same storage area or in
separate locations at different storage areas. Storage of BCMs must be IA W
Q-D requirements in DA Pam 385-64. During convoy operations from the port
to the CSA, and from the CSA to the ASP, the components are shipped on
separate vehicles within the same convoy.
9-105. Upon receipt of an authenticated release order, units generally pick up
their allocated BCMs at the same time they replenish their conventional
munitions. If the tactical situation changes and uploaded or issued BCMs are
no longer required, the units must return the BCMs to the supporting ASA.
Munitions specialists disassemble the BCMs and place the component parts
in their original packages. The components are then returned to a secure
storage location. If there is any uncertainty about the disposition of BCMs,
instructions must be requested from higher headquarters.
9-106. The fewest number of personnel possible must handle BCMs.
Commanders must ensure that their units establish SOPs that provide
FM 4-30.13
special handling procedures for BCMs. These procedures must emphasize
safety and, at a minimum, must include the following:
.Chain of custody.
.Required MOPP gear.
.Required chemical detector kits and alarms.
.Emergency procedures and assistance for accidents and incidents.
.Monitoring and surveillance requirements.
.Inspection requirements for BCMs and related chemical operations.
.Disassembly procedures for assembled BCMs.
.Specific area for assembly and disassembly operations.
9-107. When handling unitary munitions (e.g., CEA), the conventional
ammunition unit takes all necessary NBC precautions, especially if there has
been an accident. These precautions include dressing in MOPP-4 gear and
requesting EOD and chemical unit support from corps headquarters. See
FM 9-20 for more information.
9-108. Generally, physical security principles that apply during peacetime
apply during wartime. However, in emergency situations or intense combat
conditions some peacetime requirements may have to be waived. Regardless
of the degree of combat, commanders must ensure that qualified personnel
provide physical security whenever and wherever chemical munitions are
handled. From the time BCMs enter the theater, commanders are responsible
for their security during handling, moving, and storage operations. Security
personnel may include a combination of escort personnel, MPs, conventional
ammunition personnel, and designated personnel from the combat user.
Security personnel have the primary mission of preventing unauthorized or
uncontrolled access to chemical munitions. Unit commanders must develop a
detailed unit SOP that deals with the security of these munitions while in
their custody. At a minimum, the SOP will include the following:
.Personnel qualifications for those guarding and having access to
chemical munitions.
.Identification of authorized personnel.
.Security during transport of munitions. Details for security planning
for chemical munitions are given in AR 50-6, AR 190-11, AR 190-14,
AR 190-59, AR 380-67, and FM 19-30.
9-109. Rewarehousing is the art of using available space efficiently to support
receipt, storage, and issue of munitions with a minimum amount of handling.
Space layout planning is one of the most important elements of
rewarehousing. Consolidation, location, control, and conservation of storage
space are key to good rewarehousing.
9-110. During combat, ammunition units must be able to perform night
operations. With the added disadvantage of darkness, safety must be
FM 4-30.13
paramount in the completion of all issues, turn-ins, receipts, retrograde
operations, and shipments. Factors and considerations that affect night
operations include the following:
.Soldiers work slower in darkness. Allow more time than usual during
night operations.
A larger work force is necessary for night operations.
Emphasis on accountability increases. Ensure that soldiers serving as
checkers are familiar with the area layout and the locations of the
Safety must be stressed to all individuals involved, especially MHE
operators. Additional ground guides are needed for night operations.
Based on the tactical situation, commanders must decide how much
light discipline must be maintained. Ensure that proper batteries and
blackout filters are available for lights.
Use night-vision goggles as much as possible. Ensure that proper
maintenance is performed to keep them operational.
9-111. This chapter focuses on storage of munitions in combat/SASO
environments. In the future, it is likely that munitions units will be deployed
consistently for SASO where field storage conditions are prevalent. If
deployed into a combat environment, a unit's storage requirements and
considerations will be consistent with those identified in this chapter. Units
that support either SASO or combat operations from a CONUS installation
should consult DA Pam 385-64 for peacetime and wartime requirements.
Chapter 10
Munitions Maintenance and Surveillance Operations
Munitions maintenance encompasses all actions necessary to ensure that
stocks are either serviceable, or that unserviceable stocks are restored to
serviceable condition or disposed of properly. Maintenance
responsibilities are assigned to ammunition units based on the unit's
primary mission and the availability of skilled personnel, time, tools,
equipment, and supplies. This chapter discusses maintenance and
surveillance operations, procedures, and functions.
10-1. Munitions maintenance planning must be aligned closely with the
operational needs of supported units. Maintenance planners must be realistic
when considering the availability of supplies and maintenance resources. A
reduction in munitions maintenance increases the amount of ammunition
taken from the supply system. Conversely, the inability of the supply system
to replace unserviceable munitions requires a greater maintenance effort.
Proper maintenance, storage, and handling of munitions enhance readiness,
reduce replacement requirements, and conserve resources. The maintenance
planner must recognize the interdependence of maintenance and munitions
10-2. Units need a constant supply of serviceable munitions. Munitions
maintenance is a vital task that must be performed to sustain readiness.
Maintenance includes everything from minor packaging and preservation
operations (Le., cleaning, removing rust and corrosion, repairing boxes and
crates) to major operations (Le., complete renovation). Provisions must be
made to conduct as much maintenance as possible at the storage location. In
some cases, munitions must be retrograded for maintenance. Since the
movement of munitions requires transportation and personnel assets, it is
inefficient to adopt a maintenance program geared totally to evacuation.
10-3. DS, GS, and modular ammunition units assume a more active role in
conducting maintenance operations when operating in the corps and theater
areas during combat or SASO. The primary focus in hostile, forward locations
is issue and receipt activities; therefore, maintenance may be limited to
packaging and preservation.
CATEGORIES 10-4. Munitions maintenance is divided into four categories: organizational,
direct support, general support, and depot. Generally, Army munitions
personnel only perform the first three categories of maintenance.
FM 4-30.13
10-5. All activities that have munitions on hand perform organizational
maintenance (generally packaging and preservation) to prevent deterioration
from rough handling and exposure. Organizational maintenance in the using
unit is usually performed with the technical assistance of ammunition units.
Direct Support
10-6. DS conventional ammunition companies in the theater of operations
perform limited DS maintenance and surveillance of stocks under their
control. Limits are defined by the capability of the unit and METT-TC.
Besides packaging and preservation, DS maintenance may include replacing
readily removable external parts and components; these include fuzes of
artillery and mortar munitions, propelling charges and primed cartridge
cases for semifixed and mortar munitions, grommets, and nose plugs.
Maintenance at the DS level is largely due to turned-in munitions.
General Support
10-7. Conventional ammunition companies in the theater of operations that
have GS capabilities perform maintenance above the DS level. Modular
companies are designed with the capability to perform both DS and GS
maintenance. GS maintenance includes, but is not limited to, the following:
.Removal of extensive rust/corrosion; painting and stenciling of Class
V materiel; and fabrication of or major repairs to boxes, containers,
and crates.
Replacement of internal/external components that requires the use of
operational shields or barricades.
Demilitarization of ammunition, when directed.
10-8. All DS and GS companies with storage and issue missions are equipped
to perform maintenance functions. The tools, equipment, and supplies needed
to support maintenance at that particular level are included in each unit's
supply and equipment list.
10-9. Depots perform more complicated maintenance (such as modification,
explosive component replacement, or complete renovation) of munitions that
are packaged and/or evacuated.
10-10. Care and preservation are terms often used to describe munitions
maintenance at the organizational or DS level. Care stresses protection, and
preservation stresses maintenance but includes protection. Care and
preservation of munitions are essential for ensuring that stocks are available
for combat missions.
10-11. Munitions returned by units can be held in the segregation area for up
to 180 days. There, they are identified and segregated by type and lot
number, checked for hazardous and nonstandard conditions, and repacked or
FM 4-30.13
palletized. Q-D, explosive, and personnel limits must comply with DA PAM
10-12. Care and preservation lines may be established, if METT-TC and
capability permit, where loose or opened munitions are visually inspected and
properly identified. Containers are inspected to ensure that the contents
match the information on the outside. Contents are inspected for
serviceability, incompatibility, and hazardous conditions. Precautions must
be taken when handling depleted uranium items (see TB 9-1300-278).
Serviceable items are palletized. Unserviceable but salvageable items are
sent for repair. Disposition instructions must be requested for suspended and
nonrepairable items. Scrap material is placed in suitable containers and sent
to a salvage area.
10-13. If inspection results in the need to repair or replace a container, the
contents must be removed unless a new stencil or marking is all that is
necessary. Munitions are returned to the container with enough filler
material to allow a tight fit. Stencils or markings identical to the originals are
placed on the new container. Seals and bands are replaced, and the container
is ready for the palletizing area.
10-14. Munitions must be palletized IAW proper USAMC drawings and
appendices. Some drawings may be designated as DARCOM drawings. No
more than one lot is permitted on anyone pallet in storage. Once inspected,
pallets are transferred to a storage or shipping area.
10-15. If an explosive hazard exists, the destruction of unserviceable
munitions and packaging is carried out only by, or under the supervision of,
EOD personnel. Disposition instructions must be requested from higher
headquarters prior to destruction. See DA PAM 385-64, DA Pam 738-750, and
TM 9-1375-213-12 for more information.
10-16. All maintenance operations are performed IAW an approved
maintenance SOP. TM 9-1300-250 contains guidelines for preparing
maintenance SOPs and organizing maintenance activities. When local
nationals are involved in maintenance operations, the SOP is written in their
language as well as in English.
10-17. Munitions surveillance is the observation, inspection, and classification
of munitions and their components for movement, storage, and maintenance.
It includes the inspection of all equipment, facilities, and operations.
Surveillance activities are conducted by all theater activities that store,
maintain, dispose of, or ship ammunition and its components. Surveillance
ends only when munitions are expended or destroyed.
10-18. The TSC is normally responsible for general supervision of munitions
surveillance in the theater. The COSCOM is responsible for supervision
within the corps. The ordnance battalion and CSB or CSG supervise this
function in their commands. In established theaters, surveillance activities
are under the control of DAC QASAS who are assigned to the appropriate
FM 4-30.13
Army headquarters IA W AR 702-6 and AR 740-1. In theater ammunition
units, surveillance is performed by attached civilians and assigned military
10-19. Battalion commanders must administer a quality assurance
ammunition surveillance program that covers all munitions operations in
their command. The QASAS in charge is responsible for this program and
reports directly to the commander. Since the training required for the QASAS
is more extensive than that of the military inspector, QASAS personnel
perform most functional tests and the more complicated inspections. They
certify the results of inspections and tests performed by the military
inspectors. Some inspection results and functional test reports are signed
only by a QASAS. Surveillance in an immature or developing theater is
performed by 55Bs in aDS, GS, or modular ammunition company. Early
deployment of QASAS personnel will ensure full surveillance capabilities.
10-20. Munitions inspectors are responsible for ensuring the reliability and
serviceability of munitions. They perform their mission in plants, depots,
storage areas, and on the battlefield. The surveillance mission encompasses
the following duties:
.Inspecting storage facilities, field storage, and all types of storage
sites to ensure compliance with storage standards.
Inspecting surrounding areas for fire hazards and other nonstandard
Checking for conditions that could speed up deterioration of items in
Teaching surveillance and munitions safety.
Preparing and maintaining records and reports to cover all
surveillance activities. (Surveillance records and reports are
contained in SB 742-1.)
Observing, inspecting, and investigating munitions and components
for serviceability.
Monitoring storage, handling, and maintenance operations and
recommending changes to enhance safety and operational
Recommending controls needed to maintain standards.
Advising the commander on munitions surveillance matters.
Inspecting munitions to determine quality, safety, and deterioration.
Maintaining munitions drawings and specifications files and indexes.
Maintaining munitions suspension files.
Inspecting incoming and outgoing munitions shipments for
compliance with existing instructions and regulations.
Furnishing technical advice to the commander and supported units
on munitions safety and compliance with munitions regulations.
Ensuring that surveillance functions are performed according to SB
742-1 and applicable TMs and SBs.
FM 4-30.13
10-21. Munitions inspectors provide an invaluable service to the commander
and supported units. Inspectors assist in many activities including the
Investigating ammunition malfunctions and accidents.
Inspecting and testing lightning protection systems.
Conducting unit basic load inspections.
Preparing waivers for storage facilities.
Planning construction of storage facilities.
Planning field storage areas.
Monitoring uploading/downloading of ammunition to/from combat
10-22. Ammunition inspectors also help to plan, administer, and enforce the
explosives safety program. This program includes the review, evaluation, and
inspection of operations, procedures, equipment, and facilities used with
munitions and explosives operations.
10-23. An active surveillance inspection program is vital to ensuring
munitions reliability. lAW SB 742-1, the following surveillance inspections
are performed by QASAS and military inspectors:
.Receipt, including depot transfers, field returns, and CEA.
Periodic (cyclic).
Storage monitoring.
Munitions condition code.
Ammunition in the custody of units.
Serviceability Standards
10-24. The purpose of an inspection is to find deterioration and determine the
serviceability of items. The inspector must be familiar with all information on
the items, including components and packaging, as well as the characteristics
of the weapons in which they are used. Serviceability standards are contained
in SB 742-1.
10-25. Inspection procedures include observation, tests (such as gauging or
strength tests), and functional tests. As a rule, munitions must not have
defects that alter their characteristics, make them unsafe, or prevent them
from performing as designed. The inspector must determine if defects can be
corrected and at what maintenance level it must be done. Serviceability is not
assumed from the fact that the item can be fired in the weapon for which it
was designed. It must function correctly when fired.
10-26. The prime enemies of munitions are heat, moisture, and rough
handling. Deterioration is faster when moisture is combined with a rise in
temperature. Inspectors must look for indications of moisture, rust, or
FM 4-30.13
corrosion on projectiles and fuzes; corrosion and cracks on cartridge cases;
deterioration of propellants; loose closing caps; and moisture or dampness
inside containers.
Physical Defect Standards
10-27. Evaluating materiel that shows deterioration or damage is a decision
based on the training, experience, and judgment of the inspector.
Deterioration of materiel in storage is natural and varies depending on
protective coating, packaging, and storage conditions. Deterioration is
progressive. If maintenance is not performed, it progresses from an incidental
stage, to minor, to major, and possibly to a critical stage. These four
categories of deterioration are used to establish a uniform system of
examination for deterioration or damage.
10-28. Further guidance on classifying metal, plastic, and rubber component
deterioration; mixed ammunition; damaged packaging; and placing defects
into one of the four defect categories can be found in SB 742-1 and other
applicable SBs and TMs.
Guided Missile and Large Rocket Inspection
10-29. GMLR munitions, components, propellants (liquid and solid),
protective clothing, packaging, and packing materials are inspected and
tested using applicable SBs, TMs, drawings, and specifications.
10-30. Most mid-sized guided missiles are now certified as rounds and are
maintained by the contractor at contractor facilities. Unit maintenance on
guided missiles is limited to spot painting and replacement of items such as
wings and elevons. Missile items identified by lot or serial number are
inspected for serviceability. Materiel is sampled and inspected by individual
lots. Missiles are inspected using the inspection table in the appropriate TM
or SB.
10-31. Defects found in the sample are classified using the applicable SB, TM,
or other specification. Where defects are not classified in these publications,
the inspector classifies them according to SB 742-1. The results of the sample
inspection are used to make serviceability decisions about the lot or group.
10-32. A technical history of each lot, serial number, or group of munitions is
kept by surveillance personnel. This history includes results of all
inspections, tests, investigations, and any unusual or changing conditions
affecting the items. These records are used to evaluate the serviceability and
reliability of munitions. Therefore, it is important that all information
gathered be accurate and concise. The historical information needed for
maintenance is usually more detailed as to the extent of the defect and the
work required returning the item to service. The following information is
needed to evaluate the reliability of the stockpile:
.Condition of the materiel.
.Date of manufacture.
FM 4-30.13
.Type of storage.
Type of defects.
Cause of defects.
Results of tests.
10-33. Surveillance personnel are required to submit and maintain reports on
materiel received or in storage. SB 742-1 provides guidance for preparing the
following records and reports:
.DA Form 984, Munition Surveillance Report-Descriptive Data of
Ammunition Represented by Sample.
DA Form 2415, Ammunition Condition Report.
DA Form 3022-R, Army Depot Surveillance Record.
DA Form 3023, Gage Record.
DA Form 3782, Suspended Notice.
DA Form 4508, Ammunition Transfer Record.
DD Form 250, Materiel Inspection and Receiving Report.
DD Form 1575, Suspended Tag-Materiel.
DD Form 1575-1, Suspended Label-Materiel.
DD Form 1650, Ammunition Data Card.
SF 361, Transportation Discrepancy Report.
SF 364, Report of Discrepancy.
Munitions inspection and lot number reports.
Munitions suspension records, to include AMCCOM and MICOM
Equipment logbooks and maintenance logs.
Reports of explosions, chemical agent releases, serious accidents, and
nuclear incidents.
Small arms tracer reports.
Storage monitoring records (local format).
Others required by locallhigher headquarters.
10-34. Safety in munitions maintenance is covered in AR 385-10, DA PAM
385-64, and maintenance manuals for specific munitions items. Explosives
safety standards, the handling and storing of munitions, operational
precautions, Q-D requirements, barricades, operational shields, personnel
and explosives limits, and safety tools and equipment are discussed in
Chapter 7 of this manual.
10-35. This chapter has provided only general information and guidance for
personnel responsible for the maintenance of munitions. Detailed
maintenance and surveillance procedures for specific munitions items are in
TM 9-1300 series publications. Surveillance procedures are covered in SB
Chapter 11
Emergency Destruct Operations
When faced with the possibility of capture by the enemy, an ASA or ATP
may be called upon to conduct ED operations on part or all of its stocks.
This chapter discusses the reasons for emergency munitions destruction
and provides guidance in aspects of planning and conducting safe
operations. Also, it describes methods of destruction and elements of
required training.
11-1. Emergency destruction of munitions is conducted for one of two reasons.
The first is to prevent enemy use. The second is to prevent disclosure of
information about classified munitions. The object of ED is to render
munitions inoperable, destroy munitions and documents of value to the
enemy, and render what is left too hazardous to use. By reducing the
stockpile as much as possible, units ensure that the least amount of
munitions is destroyed. Quantities can be reduced in several ways. One is to
move as much of the munitions as possible to a safe location. Another is to
issue excess amounts to using units.
11-2. The authority to destroy munitions must be established in command
operating procedures. The applicable OPLAN or SOP must specify who in the
chain of command is authorized to order the ED of ASA or ATP stocks. Only
divisional or higher level commanders have the authority to order destruction
of munitions. The commander may delegate this authority to subordinate
commanders when the situation demands. Also, the command may dictate
when and how to conduct ASA or ATP ED, including the types of items
authorized for destruction and the destruction methods.
11-3. The decision to destroy, the method to be used, and the items to be
destroyed all depend on factors involving command policy and the logistical
and tactical situation. Some of the more important things to consider
.Tactical situation.
.Location of the ASA or ATP.
.Amount of ammunition and the time required to destroy the ASA or
.Security classification of the munitions.
Available materiel and trained personnel.
Safety considerations.
These factors are discussed in the paragraphs that follow. Also, added
precautions must be taken when depleted uranium munitions or armor must
be destroyed (see TB 9-1300-278).
FM 4-30.13
11-4. The current tactical situation provides input to the decision-making
process. The various ED methods require different setup and execution times.
Also, the different methods provide different possibilities for complete
destruction. With more time available, more complete destruction methods
can be used. If time allows, the decision to authorize ED must be made at a
higher command level. However, the senior person at the ASA or ATP may be
required to authorize ED to prevent enemy capture and use.
11-5. Where the ASA or ATP is located has a bearing on which method of
destruction is used. If an ASA or ATP is near a populated area, demolition
may not be practical. On the other hand, if the destroyed ASA or ATP would
create an obstacle to oncoming enemy forces, demolition would be useful.
11-6. The amount of demolition resources and the time required to destroy an
ammunition stockpile are directly related to the amount of ammunition to be
destroyed and its degree of dispersion. The quickest ED method is by fire
support. An ASA or ATP can be destroyed with an artillery or air attack. ED
by burning or demolition requires a lot of preparation time. Burning is faster
because demolition requires setting up and priming explosive charges and
setting up an initiation system.
11-7. A tradeoff may need to be made. With an artillery strike, the munitions
may not all be destroyed. By burning or explosive demolition, the possibility
of complete destruction of the ASA or ATP is much greater.
11-8. Classified munitions must be evacuated if at all possible. If not possible,
classified munitions will be the first to be destroyed. To ensure complete
destruction, classified munitions are destroyed by the most reliable
demolition method.
11-9. If the ASA or ATP has no demolition or flammable materiel, destruction
methods are limited. Also, demolition materiel may be more critical for
offensive purposes than for ASA or ATP ED. In this case, destruction must be
carried out by burning or other available methods. Only personnel trained in ED
operations and thoroughly familiar with the unit ED SOP should be pennitted to conduct
demolition operations.
11-10. Planning for ED must start immediately. It is difficult to establish
SOPs because tactical and logistical situations in each combat zone vary.
However, the methods of destruction are basic and flexible enough to serve as
SOPs in combat emergencies. The ED plan must be either an annex to the
unit SOP or a separate SOP. To ensure the plan is complete and feasible,
1 Classified and special (chemical) munitions; associated manuals, records,
reports, test sets, and equipment.
2 Munitions that can be used in immediate retaliation and deployed without a
weapons system (e.g., grenades, land mines, small rockets [AT4]); munitions
for which the enemy has weapons system capability.
3Casualty-producing munitions (e.g., HE, antipersonnel) not included in priorities 1 and
4Noncasualty-producing and pyrotechnic munitions (e.g., signal, illuminating
FM 4-30.13
staff it through technically qualified personnel and division, corps, or theater
staff elements (i.e., EOD, the safety office, G3, and G4).
11-11. The division, corps, and theater staff agencies must thoroughly
prepare for ED. Plans must address destruction priorities and procedures.
11-12. When establishing an ASA or ATP, the DAO and MMCs must plan to
push ED materiel to the site. ED materiel requirements can be based on the
expected daily push to the ATP (RSR for supported elements) or on the
stockage objective for the ASA. To support any increased munitions flow, the
MMCs or DAO must ensure that additional ED materiel is pushed to the
ASA or ATP. ED materiel should be kept on hand at all times during normal
operations, relocations, or evacuations. ASA and ATP personnel must be
trained in ED methods and procedures. All personnel must be thoroughly
familiar with the unit ED SOP and methods of destruction.
11-13. Priorities for ED are based on the tactical situation and the types of
munitions stored at the ASA or ATP. ED priorities must be established in
OPLANs and SOPs. Priorities may change based on the logistical and tactical
situation. Munitions vital to the defense of the unit will not be destroyed. See
Table 11-1 below for a suggested priority list for munitions ED.
Table 11-1. Suggested Priority Ustfor ED of Munitions
11-14. Observance of safety precautions is mandatory, regardless of the ED
method used or the urgency of the situation. Only trained, experienced
personnel may conduct ED procedures. Safety requirements determine the
number of personnel engaged in ED operations. Safety considerations include
the amount and type of munitions being destroyed and the size of the ASA or
ATP. A minimum of two personnel must be present during all operations.
11-15. Tactical situation permitting, coordination with and warning of those
units endangered by the ED operation must be accomplished to prevent
11-16. No matter which ED method is used, special care must be taken when
destroying ICM, rockets, missiles, and ejection-type munitions. ICM and
FM 4-30.13
ejection-type munitions may expel their payload when detonated or burned.
These sub munitions must be treated as UXO. Rockets and missiles will be
pointed away from friendly troops since they could be set off by accident
during the ED process and propelled in the directions they were pointed.
11-17. When using electrical or remote firing devices during ED operations, a
minimum distance of 400 meters must be maintained from radio
11-18. The type and quantity of munitions being burned determines the
radius of the danger area around the burning site. A minimum 1,000-meter
(0.6-mile) safe area must be established when surrounding units and
personnel are warned and under protective cover.
11-19. The type and quantity of munitions being destroyed, the
fragmentation hazard, and the protective cover provided to personnel in the
area determine the radius of the danger area surrounding the destruction of
munitions by demolition. The information in Table 11-2 is based on ballistic
data and field experience and should be used as a guide. If there is any doubt
about an item, the distance will be increased for reasons of safety. Distance
may be adjusted based on the tactical situation, terrain, and available
protective cover for exposed personnel.
11-20. Choose methods of destruction that cause such damage that the
munitions will not be restorable to a usable condition within the combat zone
by repair or by cannibalization. Destruction should be planned to impede
enemy troop movements without creating hazards to friendly troops.
11-21. The methods for destroying munitions listed below may be used either
singly or in combination. The actual method or methods used in a given
tactical situation depend on time, personnel, type of munitions, and available
means of ED. These methods include firing, concealment, burning, and
demolition, and are discussed below.
11-22. At the using unit, firing the munitions into enemy-held territory is the
simplest and most effective way of preventing enemy capture. Another ED
method is using fire support. An ASA or ATP can be effectively destroyed if it
is shelled or bombed. This method is particularly useful to ensure complete
destruction after burning or demolition. Also, it is quite useful as a primary
means of ED when there is no time to evacuate or set up any other ED
method. An advantage of ED by fire support is that it can be used even after
the ATP has been occupied by enemy forces.
11-23. Concealment is the least desirable ED method. It is viable when the
lack of time precludes using other methods. If the terrain provides adequate
FM 4-30.13
covering, or if bodies of water are available for dumping munitions,
concealment may be an excellent ED method. Puncture hermetically sealed
metal cans before throwing them into water if time permits. Concealment of
components such as fuzes can prevent or at least delay use by the enemy.
11-24. Burning is less time-consuming than demolition. However, it is not
recommended for all types of munitions because it rarely accomplishes total
destruction. When time is a major consideration, burning may be used to
destroy boxed munitions. When burning, munitions must be surrounded with
combustible/flammable materiel. To guarantee an extremely brisk fire, diesel
fuel, gasoline, paint thinner, or other suitable combustible or flammable
liquid should be used
Table 11-2. Minimum Safe Evacuation
Distance (in Meters) for Demolition Operations
Explosive Weight
Evacuation Distance
27 and less 300
30 310
~ ~O
~ ~O
45 360
50 375
100 475
150 550
200 600
250 625
300 675
400 725
500 800
1-When using this table, Pounds of Explosive equals the total NEW of the
munitions being destroyed plus the demolition materiel being used.
Example: 3 each Projectile 155mm HE, ADAM, 0501 (NEW=1.8885x3=5.6655
NEW), 2 each demolition charge blocks, M112 (NEW=1.3x2=2.6 NEW),
totaled 5.6655+2.6=8.2655 Total NEW, minimum safe evacuation distance is
300 meters.
2--When the munitions NEW is unknown, a general rule for estimating the
amount of explosives is as follows: Assume that 50 percent of the total
munitions weight equals the NEW.
3--When the NEW exceeds 500 Ibs, use the formula below:
100 x 3 Vpounds of explosives.
11-25. For maximum destruction, munitions-laden trailers should be pulled
close together. Fuel, wood, paper, scrap boxes, propellant charges, or any
FM 4-30.13
combustible materiel can be used for burning. Fuel is especially useful. Fuel-
soaked munitions boxes are excellent for ensuring a fire strong enough to
destroy munitions.
11-26. Combustible materiel will be placed under and over the munitions to
be destroyed. An initiation train of combustible materiel can be used to ignite
the fire; it must be 8 meters (26 feet) in length, long enough to allow soldiers
to evacuate to a safe area. If time fuse is used as the initiation train, enough
fuse must be used based on the burn rate to permit evacuation to a safe area.
See FM 5-250 for more information. An alternate initiation method is to shoot
a full fuel can with an incendiary bullet. If it becomes necessary to use
gasoline or other highly volatile, flammable liquid, extreme caution must be
taken to prevent premature ignition. For greater safety, ignition should be
made by electrical means or by a remote-firing device.
11-27. The way in which a demolition charge is placed can make the
difference between minor damage and complete destruction. For this reason,
ED demolition teams must be trained on basic demolition procedures and on
all available firing systems (see FM 5-250). Demolition materiel can be saved
when planning ED operations by using HE-filled munitions in conjunction
with demolition charges.
11-28. ED demolition teams must understand how and where to place
demolition charges on different munitions to achieve complete destruction or
to make the item unusable by the enemy. Demolition teams must be familiar
with the preferred procedures for destruction of munitions in applicable TM
43-0002-series manuals.
11-29. Placements of demolition charges vary for different types of munitions.
Also, placement of the charge may be different for items while in shipping
and storage configurations versus when they are removed from the
11-30. Rehearsal of responsible personnel in all phases of destruction is
mandatory with special emphasis on training in demolition techniques. The
training program should also include instruction in selecting sites, blocking
communication routes, and impeding enemy movement.
11-31. Demolition explosives afford an effective means of destroying
munitions to prevent enemy use. Demolition personnel must be familiar with
pertinent provisions of DA Pam 385-64, FM 5-250, TMs 9-1375-200/2 and 9-
1375-213-12, and TM 43-0002-series manuals.
11-32. Local EOD units can be contacted to provide technical assistance
during hands-on training sessions and to assist in developing ED SOPs. The
munitions unit commander must provide training munitions for all hands-on
sessions. The STRAC manual provides the munitions allocations for
demolitions training.
FM 4-30.13
11-33. The authority for ED, whether direct or delegated, must be identified
in the appropriate OPLAN and SOP. The decision to destroy munitions is
based on safety, logistical, and tactical considerations that may have
implications beyond what appears to be an imminent enemy threat. ED
operations should be considered as an option of last resort and should always
receive planning and safety emphasis.

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