Universign Guide 8.8

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Universign Signature
Signature Service Guide
2003-2017, Universign. All rights reserved.
This document is the exclusive property of Universign and is protected by
its copyrights, branding, patents and any other intellectual or industrial property
rights granted to it in accordance with the laws in force. Except as expressly au-
thorized by Universign, none of the information provided in this document can be
copied, reproduced, published, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by
any means.
Any total or partial reproduction of this document, without prior express au-
thorisation from Universign, would constitute an infringement punishable under
French law.
Universign is a registered trademark of Cryptolog International SAS.
This is a technical document, it has no legal binding value.
5-7 rue du Faubourg Poissonnière
F-75009 Paris
Tel: +33 1 44 08 73 00
Fax: +33 1 43 56 50 42
1 Introduction 4
2 General Information 5
2.1 Signature modes ........................... 5
2.1.1 Document signature (server side) ............. 5
2.1.2 Contract signature (client side) ............... 5
2.1.3 Contract signature (client side) with signer registration . . 5
2.2 Protocol ............................... 7
2.3 Authentication and confidentiality ................. 8
2.4 Signature format and standard ................... 8
2.5 Services pre-configuration ..................... 8
2.6 Documents retention policy and documents retrieval ........ 9
3 Signature service API 10
4 Data objects 12
4.1 SignOptions ............................. 12
4.2 TransactionRequest ......................... 13
4.3 TransactionSigner .......................... 16
4.4 RegistrationRequest ......................... 19
4.5 TransactionDocument ........................ 19
4.6 SignatureField ............................ 20
4.7 SEPAData .............................. 21
4.8 SEPAThirdParty ........................... 21
4.9 TransactionResponse ........................ 22
4.10 TransactionInfo ........................... 22
4.11 SignerInfo .............................. 23
4.12 InitiatorInfo ............................. 25
4.13 CertificateInfo ............................ 25
4.14 TransactionFilter .......................... 25
4.15 StandaloneRegistrationRequest ................... 26
1 Introduction
This document explains general functionalities of the UNIVERSIGN Signature Ser-
vice and how to integrate it with existing applications.
This document is structured as follows:
section 2introduces the functionalities of the service;
section 3is a guide to the API used to configure and use the service;
the appendices contain more detailed references to technicals details such
as error code meaning.
While great care has been taken to make integration as simple as possible, the
reader is assumed to be familiar with programming concepts in the language used
for integration.
2 General Information
2.1 Signature modes
The UNIVERSIGN signature service proposes three modes of signature.
2.1.1 Document signature (server side)
This mode allows a UNIVERSIGN user to perform a signature on a PDF document,
using our web-service API. In practice, it consists in a single remote procedure call
which returns the signed PDF synchronously.
The used private key has to be previously uploaded to UNIVERSIGN by the
user, using http://universign.com website.
2.1.2 Contract signature (client side)
This mode allows one or more people to sign a list of documents. It implies the
intervention of two kinds of actors:
a single requester, who is a UNIVERSIGN user and creates a transaction
with the documents to sign, a list of signers and some options;
one or more signers, who are invited one after another to sign the documents
using a user-friendly web interface.
The creation of the transaction, the retrieval of the signed documents and the
retrieval of information on the status of a transaction are made through the UNI-
VERSIGN Web Service API by the requester. The requester also chooses which
certificate types are allowed for the signers to use.
The selection of the private key to use, the approval of the terms of the docu-
ments and the launching of signature process are made by the signer. Each signer
reaches the signature web interface via an URL containing a unique id. Each
signer receives his URL by mail, except possibly the first if the requester chooses
Those interactions are depicted with a very simple example on figure 1.
This mode has an extension which is described in the following section.
2.1.3 Contract signature (client side) with signer registration
It’s important to note that Universign is also a Registration Authority (RA), a
signer can register himself in order to obtain a certificate issued from Univer-
sign. This will make his identity certified by Universign and allow him to sign
acertified signature. In order to register his identity, a user should send his ID
documents to Universign RA, this can be done in two ways:
By using the API: when requesting a transaction, the ID documents of a
signer can be sent to Universign RA using the requester.requestTransaction
service and setting the idDocuments key of the TransactionSigner data
The API also allows a standalone registration of the signer using
requester.requestRegistration or requester.requestTwoStepsRegistration
By using the web interface: if a transaction was requested to use the
certified signature and if the current signer is not yet certified by Univer-
sign, then when he will proceed to sign the transaction he will be requested
to provide his ID documents.
The ID documents that can be used to register a user are:
French ID card.
French Passport.
Residence Permit.
European Driving License (New Format, issued since September 2013).
When registering his identity, a user will follow these steps:
Check his identity information by indicating his birth date and confirming it
and his phone number. The birth date may was already indicated when the
transaction was requested with setting the birthDate key of the
TransactionSigner data object.
Provide his ID documents. If they were sent when requesting the trans-
action, then they will be displayed and locked so that the user cannot edit
Validate his identity by agreeing to use Universign service by reading the
Universign Services Subscription Form document, which contains the
user information and indications about the subscriber commitment, and then
signing it.
Figure 1: Contract signature interactions
2.2 Protocol
In order to allow integration from many different platforms and languages, UNI-
VERSIGN has chosen to provide a Web Services type API, under the form of
XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Call). XML-RPC protocol allows the consistent
transmission of parameters from any platform and has built-in support in many
languages. For language with no support of this protocol, or if you wish to re-
implement an XML-RPC library, the XML-RPC language specification is avail-
able at http://www.xmlrpc.com/.
The following conventions are in use with the UNIVERSIGN signature service:
The URL for XML-RPC requests is: https://ws.universign.eu/sign/rpc/
All strings must be encoded in UTF-8.
For readability reason, we shall write byte[] in this document to denote
binary data, instead of the XML-RPC base64 type.
In the API, all parameters which are not XML-RPC predefined types are
XML-RPC structs (e.g. hashtables or maps or dictionaries depending on
your programming language). All keys in XML-RPC structs are case sen-
In the API, all methods for which the return value is not specified return the
integer 0.
In case of failure while producing a signature the server returns an XML-
RPC fault message with an error code and a string message describing the
cause of failure. The error code list can be found in the appendixes.
2.3 Authentication and confidentiality
All UNIVERSIGN signature services communications are over HTTPS to guaran-
tee the confidentiality of the data and the authentication of the server.
It is based on basic access authentication, with user name and password, as
defined in the RFC 2617[2] and is supported by a wide range of HTTP implemen-
tations in most languages. The confidentiality of passwords is guaranteed by the
SSL layer.
2.4 Signature format and standard
The UNIVERSIGN signature service API supports the creation of signed PDF doc-
ument according to PAdES signature profiles as described in [1].
The PAdES signature service does not produce PDF document but adds ap-
proval signatures (also called ordinary signatures or document signatures) to ex-
isting PDF documents.
Note that the performed signatures include a timestamp.
2.5 Services pre-configuration
As exposed in the API documentation 3, the UNIVERSIGN user has a great choice
of options and configuration parameters at request time. However, as to enable
or personnalize some features, the UNIVERSIGN teams are in charge of a part of
the configuration of the services, prior to their uses. The features that need such
activation or configuration are presented below.
The signature field needs to be activated and personnalized in size and content
to be used. The content can be a composition of images and texts.
An URL for status push in the client signature mode. A GET HTTP request will
be performed on this optional property each time a signature step is com-
pleted (i.e. each time a signer succeeds, fails or cancels its signature).Three
parameters are set to the request:
id : the id of the transaction
signer : the number of the signer who performed the last action on the
transaction. The count of the signers is 0-based.
status : the status of the transaction. It can be 0 for ready (waiting for the
next signer), 1 for expired (created but not completed after 14 days),
2 when completed (all signers signed), 3 when canceled by a signer, 4
when failed, 5 when pending a validation by UNIVERSIGN Registra-
tion Authority.
Elements for the web interface personnalization : a logo and a company name
that will be displayed on the signature web page.
Configuring those items is made on request by the UNIVERSIGN teams. All
these properties and options are stored in properties set called profiles.
2.6 Documents retention policy and documents retrieval
In the case of server-side signatures, neither the original or the signed document
are saved by UNIVERSIGN and the signed document is synchronously returned:
this section does not apply.
For client-side signatures, the documents of a transaction are kept by UNI-
VERSIGN for 30 days after the transaction creation date. During this period and as
soon as the transaction is completed (i.e. all signers signed), the documents can
be retrieved using the API.
Afterward, and for an unlimited time, the documents are archived. At this
point, their retrieval is no more guaranteed to be synchronous, as a de-archival
process may be necessary. In this case, a first request for the documents will send
an error. A further request, once the de-archival process has finished, will return
the documents. A de-archival process can take up to few hours.
If a UNIVERSIGN user does not want its documents to be archived, he must
request it to the UNIVERSIGN teams, as part of the services configuration, as
exposed in section 2.5. In this case, 30 days after the transaction creation, the
documents are deleted from UNIVERSIGN.
In the particular cases of out-dated, canceled or failed transaction, the docu-
ments are immediately deleted from UNIVERSIGN.
3 Signature service API
byte[] signer.sign(byte[] document)
Signs a document, using the default signature profile and options.
byte[] signer.signWithOptions(byte[] document, SignOptions options)
Signs a document, using a set of options.
TransactionResponse requester.requestTransaction(TransactionRequest
Requests a new transaction for the client signature service. Sends the docu-
ment to be signed and other parameters and returns an URL where the end
user should be redirected to. A transaction must be completed whithin 14
days after its request.
TransactionDocument[] requester.getDocuments(String transactionId)
Requests signed and viewed documents (after their transaction is completed)
by their transaction id. See section 2.6.
TransactionDocument[] requester.getDocumentsByCustomId(String cus-
Requests signed and viewed documents (after their transaction is finished)
by their custom id. This method is very similar to requester.getDocuments(String
transactionId). It can be used if you do not want to store an external ID.
TransactionInfo requester.getTransactionInfo(String transactionId)
Requests information about the status of the transaction with this id.
TransactionInfo requester.getTransactionInfoByCustomId(String cus-
Requests information about the status of the transaction with this id. This
method is very similar to the previous one. It can be used if you do not want
to store an external ID.
requester.relaunchTransaction(String transactionId)
Refreshes the creation date for the transaction. The invitation email is sent
again if the parameters allow it (chainingMode equals email and in the case
of the first signer, mustContactFirstSigner equals true). This method can
be used to postpone the expiration date of the transaction.
requester.cancelTransaction(String transactionId)
Cancel a transaction in progress with this id.
string[] requester.listTransactions(TransactionFilter filter)
Requests the list of transactions matching the given filter. At most 1000
results are returned: to have more results, use multiple requests and ranges
in TransactionFilter.
TransactionResponse requester.requestRegistration(
StandaloneRegistrationRequest request)
Requests the standalone registration of the signer. Sends the signer identity
to be certified and returns an URL where the signer should be redirected
to. The registration process is similar to the transaction one but without
documents to sign.
StandaloneRegistrationRequest request)
Since 8.4
Requests a two steps standalone registration of the signer. This service
should be called by an operator after a face-to-face meeting with the signer.
It sends the signer’s identity to be certified including his identity documents.
Once the identity documents are validated by Universign, an email will be
sent to the signer with an URL where he can review his identity information
and agree to the Universign Services Subscription Form. This registration
process is similar to the transaction one but without documents to sign.
4 Data objects
In this section are presented the structure of the data objects used in the API.
All data structures are XML-RPC structs (i.e. dictionaries). The first column
contains the key and a letter which can be:
Mif the key is mandatory and must be affected a none-null value;
Oif the key is optionnal.
The second column is the type of the corresponding value. The third column
contains additional information about the parameter such as the optionality, details
about the data format. . .
4.1 SignOptions
The SignOptions data structure contains options for a document signature and
allows to specify a signature profile to use.
Key Type Comments
profile [O] string The name of the signature profile to use. A signa-
ture profile contains a private key and a signature
field. Signature profiles are set up by the UNIVER-
SIGN team. The default value is "default".
signatureField [O] SignatureField A description of a visible PDF signature field. If none
is provided, no signature field will be produced on the
signed document.
reason [O] string The reason for the digital signature.
location [O] string The signer’s location.
signatureFormat [O] string The signature format. The available values are:
PADES The signature follows the format defined in
ETSI TS 102 778-3 PAdES Part 3: PAdES
Enhanced - PAdES-BES.
PADES-COMP The signature follows the format
defined in ISO 32000-1 with the signing cer-
tificate attribute. This format is a compati-
bility mode with PAdES (same semantic than
PAdES with the ISO 32000-1 format).
ISO-32000-1 The default value. The signature fol-
lows the format defined in ETSI TS 102 778-
2 PAdES Part 2: CMS Profile based on ISO
Key Type Comments
language [O] string The language for this transaction. The valid values are:
bg for Bulgarian
ca for Catalan
de for German
en for English (default value)
es for Spanish
fr for French
it for Italian
nl for Dutch
pl for Polish
pt for Portuguese
ro for Romanian
patternName [O] string The name of the pattern for the signature field.
4.2 TransactionRequest
The TransactionRequest data structure contains informations and options for a
Signature transaction creation.
Key Type Comments
profile [O] string The name of the signature profile to use. Signa-
ture profiles mainly differ by the displayed com-
pany name and logo, and the pre-configured sig-
nature field stored within. Signature profiles are
set up by the UNIVERSIGN team. The default
value is "default".
customId [O] string A requester-set unique id that can be used to iden-
tify this transaction. If not unique, a fault will be
thrown. Note that UNIVERSIGN generate its own
unique id for each transaction and return it to the
signers [M] TransactionSigner[] The signers that will have to take part to the trans-
action. Must contain at least one element.
documents [M] TransactionDocument[] The documents to be signed. Must contain at
least one element. The size limit of each docu-
ment is set to 10Mo.
Key Type Comments
mustContactFirstSigner [O] boolean If set to True, the first signer will receive an invita-
tion to sign the document(s) by e-mail as soon as the
transaction is requested. False by default.
finalDocSent [O] boolean Tells whether each signer must receive the signed
documents by e-mail when the transaction is com-
pleted. False by default.
finalDocRequesterSent [O] boolean Tells whether the requester must receive the signed
documents via e-mail when the transaction is com-
pleted. False by default.
finalDocObserverSent [O] boolean Tells whether the observers must receive the signed
documents via e-mail when the transaction is com-
pleted. It takes the finalDocSent value by default.
description [O] string Description or title of the signature.
certificateType [O] string This option is used to indicate which certificate type
will be used to perform the signature and therefore
which type of signature will be performed. The
available values are:
certified Allows signers to perform a certified sig-
advanced Allows signers to perform an advanced
signature which requires the same options as
acertified signature.
simple Allows signers to perform a simple signa-
ture. The default value.
Key Type Comments
language [O] string The interface language for this transaction. The
valid values are:
bg for Bulgarian
ca for Catalan
de for German
en for English (default value)
es for Spanish
fr for French
it for Italian
nl for Dutch
pl for Polish
pt for Portuguese
ro for Romanian
handwrittenSignatureMode [O] int The mode to enable the handwritten
signature. There are three modes:
"0": disables the hand-written signature
"1": enables the hand-written signature
"2": enables the hand-written signature if
only it is a touch interface
If handwritten signature is enabled, the signer
is prompted to draw a signature on the web inter-
face and the SignatureField bean becomes manda-
tory for each of the TransactionSigners. This sig-
nature is added in his signature field, as an image
would be.
HandwrittenSignatureMode can not be enabled
against a transaction containing only document for
Key Type Comments
chainingMode [O] string This option indicates how the signers are chained dur-
ing the signing process. The valid values are:
none No invitation email is sent in this mode. Each
signer is redirected to the successURL after
signing. It is up to the requester to contact each
of the signers.
email The default value. The signers receive the
invitation email (except for the first one,
see mustContactFirstSigner) and are redi-
rected to the successURL.
web Enables the linked signature mode. In this
mode, all signers are physically at the same
place. After a signer completed its signature,
he will be redirected to the next signer’s sig-
nature page instead of being returned to the
successURL and the next signer will not re-
ceive an invitation mail. The last signer will be
redirected to the successURL.
finalDocCCeMails [O] String[] This option allows to send a copy of the final signed
documents to a list of email addresses. This copy is
send as cc for every final signed documents email ad-
dressed to a signer. For this option to be taken into ac-
count, the option finalDocSent must be sent to True.
twoStepsRegistration [O] boolean This option allows registration of signers via a two
steps registration process. When activated, the Regis-
trationRequest bean becomes mandatory for each of the
unregistered TransactionSigners, the certicateType
must be set to advanced, the phoneNumber and the
birthDate must be set.
Default value is False.
4.3 TransactionSigner
ATransactionSigner describes and contains options for a document signer.
Key Type Comments
firstname [O] string This signer’s firstname. Note that this field is mandatory for a
self-signed certificate.
When using validationSessionId, it must be set to the same value
than the one used in the validation request.
lastname [O] string This signer’s lastname. Note that this field is mandatory for a
self-signed certificate.
When using validationSessionId, it must be set to the same value
than the one used in the validation request.
organization [O] string This signer’s organization.
profile [O] string The name of the signer profile to use for some customizations. It
is set up by the UNIVERSIGN team.
emailAddress [O] string This signer’s e-mail address. Note that all users except the first
must have an email address set. The first user must have one
if he has to be contacted by e-mail, e.g. for authentication or
if the mustContactFirstSigner parameter of TransactionRe-
quest is set to true.
phoneNum [O] string This signer’s mobile phone number that should be written in the
international format: the country code followed by the phone
number (for example, in France 33 XXXXXXXXX).
language[O] String The language for the signer’s transaction. The valid values are:
bg for Bulgarian
ca for Catalan
de for German
en for English (default value)
es for Spanish
fr for French
it for Italian
nl for Dutch
pl for Polish
pt for Portuguese
ro for Romanian
role [O] string The role of this transaction actor
signer (default) This actor is a signer and he will be able to view
the documents and sign them.
observer This actor is an observer and he will be able only to
view the documents.
Key Type Comments
birthDate [O] date This signer’s birth date. This is an option for
the certified signature, if it’s set, the user won’t
be asked to provide it’s birth date during the RA
When using validationSessionId, it must be set to
the same value than the one used in the validation
universignId [O] string An external identifier given by the organization
that indicates this signer.
successURL [O] string The url to where the signer will be redi-
rected, after the signatures are com-
pleted. If it is null it takes the value of
TransactionRequest.successURL. If it is
also null, it takes the default Universign success
cancelURL [O] string The url to where the signer will be
redirected, after the signatures are can-
celed. If it is null it takes the value of
TransactionRequest.cancelURL. If it is
also null, it takes the value of successURL. If it
is also null, it takes the default Universign cancel
failURL [O] string The url to where the signer will be redirected, af-
ter the signatures are failed. If it is null it takes
the value of TransactionRequest.failURL. If
it is also null, it takes the value of cancelURL. If
it is also null, it takes the default Universign fail-
ure URL.
certificateType [O] string Indicates which certificate type will be used to
perform the signature and therefore which type
of signature will be performed by this signer. The
available values are:
certified Allows signers to perform a certified
advanced Allows signers to perform an ad-
vanced signature which requires the same
options as a certified signature.
simple Allows signers to perform a simple sig-
nature. The default value.
idDocuments [O] RegistrationRequest The ID documents to use in this signer registra-
tion. This is an option for the certified signature,
if it’s set, the user won’t be prompted to provide
its ID documents in the RA workflow.
Key Type Comments
validationSessionId String The ID of a valid ID Validation Session retrieved from a valida-
tion request (see universign-guide-8.8-ra.pdf). The documents
in this ID Validation session will be used and no need to pro-
vide idDocuments.
4.4 RegistrationRequest
The RegistrationRequest data structure contains information for the signer
Key Type Comments
documents byte[][] List of ID documents to use to register the signer. The number of these
documents is indicated in the following comment.
type String The type of the provided ID documents.
id_card_fr French ID card. Two ID documents should be provided.
passport_eu French Passport. Only one ID document should be pro-
titre_sejour Residence Permit. Two ID documents should be pro-
drive_license European Driving License (New Format, issued since
September 2013). Two ID documents should be provided.
4.5 TransactionDocument
The TransactionDocument data structure contains information about a transac-
tion document.
Key Type Comments
documentType [O] string This TransactionDocument type. Valid values
pdf The default value. Makes all
TransactionDocument members
relevant, except for SEPAData
pdf-for-presentation This value marks the
document as view only.
sepa Using this value, no PDF document is pro-
vided, but UNIVERSIGN creates a SEPA
mandate from data sent in SEPAData,
which becomes the single relevant mem-
content [O] byte[] The raw content of the PDF document. You can
provide the document using the url field, other-
wise this field is mandatory.
url [O] string The URL to download the PDF document. Note
that this field is mandatory if the content is not
fileName string The file name of this document.
signatureFields [O] DocSignatureField[] A description of a visible PDF signature field.
checkBoxTexts [O] String[] Texts of the agreement checkboxes. The last one
should be the text of the checkbox related to sig-
nature fields labels agreement.
This attribute should not be used with docu-
ments of the type "pdf-for-presentation". Since
agreement for "pdf-for-presentation" is not cus-
metaData [O] Struct This structure can only contain simple types like
integer, string or date.
title [O] String A title to be used for display purpose.
SEPAData [O] SEPAData A structure containing data to create a SEPA
mandate PDF.
4.6 SignatureField
The SignatureField data structure describes the content of a PDF visible signa-
ture field. A default Pattern of signature is provided by Universign. This pattern
is customizable (see 2.5).
Key Type Comments
name [O] string The name of the field. If the PDF already contains a named signature
field, you can use this parameter instead of giving the coordinates (which
will be ignored). If the name of this field does not exist in the document,
the given coordinates will be used instead.
page [M] int The page on which the field must appear (starting at ’1’ for the first page).
Pages are enumerated starting at 1. The value ’-1’ points at the last page.
x [M] int The field horizontal coordinate on the page.
y [M] int The field vertical coordinate on the page.
ADocSignatureField structure have the same data of the SignatureField
structure plus the following:
Key Type Comments
signerIndex [M] int The index of the signer which uses this field. Signers are enumer-
ated starting at 0.
patternName [O] string The name of the pattern. May be used if more than one pattern
is set. The default value is "default". The magic value "invisible"
means that the field will not be visible in the PDF.
label [O] string A label which defines the signature field. This label will be printed
in the signature page if set. If a signer has more than one field on
the same document, label becomes mandatory.
4.7 SEPAData
The SEPAData data structure contains information needed to create a SEPA man-
date PDF.
Key Type Comments
rum [M] string A unique mandate identifier.
ics [M] string A unique creditor identifier.
iban [M] string The debtor International Bank Account Number.
bic [M] string The debtor Bank Identifier Code.
recurring [M] boolean Whether this SEPA mandate describe a recurring payment
(true) or a single-shot payement (false).
debtor [M] SEPAThirdParty Information on the debtor.
creditor [M] SEPAThirdParty Information on the creaditor
4.8 SEPAThirdParty
The SEPAThirdParty data structure is used to define information on both the
debtor and the creditor of a SEPA mandate.
Key Type Comments
name [M] string The full name of this debtor/creditor.
address [M] string The address of this debtor/creditor.
postalCode [M] string The postal code of this debtor/creditor.
city [M] string The city of this debtor/creditor.
country [M] string The country of this debtor/creditor.
4.9 TransactionResponse
The TransactionResponse data structure is the response sent after a request
for a transaction. This structure is used as a return value only, and will never be
instantiated by users.
Key Type Comments
url string The URL to the web interface for the first signer.
id string This transaction id.
4.10 TransactionInfo
The TransactionInfo data structure describes the status of a transaction. This
structure is used as a return value only, and will never be instantiated by users.
Key Type Comments
status string The status of the transaction. The existing statuses are:
ready Signers can connect and sign.
expired The transaction has been requested more than 14
days ago. It will no more be available to signers.
canceled A signer has canceled the transaction. Signers will
no more be able to connect to the service.
failed An error occurred during a signature. The signers
won’t be able to connect to the service.
completed All signers have successfully sign, the requester
can retrieve the documents.
signerInfos SignerInfo A list of bean containing information about the signers and
their progression in the signature process.
currentSigner int The index of current signer if the status of transaction is ready
or who ended the transactions for other status.
creationDate date The creation date or last relaunch date of this transaction.
description String The description of the Transaction.
initiatorInfo InitiatorInfo A bean containing information about the requester of a trans-
eachField Boolean whether the transaction was requested with requesting hand-
written signature for each signature field or not.
customerId String This id can be specified when creating the transaction request
and is used as additional information to identify the transac-
transactionId String This id is generated when creating the transaction request and
is the unique identifier of this transaction.
4.11 SignerInfo
The SignerInfo data structure describes the status of a signer. This structure is
used as a return value only, and will never be instantiated by users.
Key Type Comments
status string The status of the signer. The existing statuses are:
waiting The signer has not yet been invited to sign. Others
signers must sign prior to this user.
ready The signer has been invited to sign, but has not tried
accessed The signer has accessed the signature service.
code-sent The signer agreed to sign and has been sent an
signed The signer has successfully signed.
pending-id-docs The signer has successfully signed and
should send the documents to complete his regis-
pending-validation The signer has successfully signed
and is pending RA validation.
canceled The signer refused to sign, or one of the previous
signers canceled or failed its signature.
failed An error occurred during the signature. In this case,
error is set.
The status of the observer. The existing statuses are:
waiting The observer has not yet been invited to access the
document(s). Others signers must sign prior to this
ready The observer has been invited to access the docu-
ment(s), but has not tried yet.
accessed The observer has accessed the document(s).
error string The error message in case of failure.
certificateInfo CertificateInfo A bean containing information about the certificate the
signer used (or attempt to) to sign. If the signer has not
signed yet or in some cases if an error occurs during the
signature, an empty struct will be set for his certificatei.
url string The URL of the signature page.
email string The signer’s email.
firstName string The signer’s firstname.
lastName string The signer’s lastname.
actionDate date the action date (signature, cancel or other).
refusedDocs Integer[] List of refused docs indexes.
4.12 InitiatorInfo
The InitiatorInfo data structure describes the requester of a transaction. This structure is used
as a return value only, and will never be instantiated by users.
Key Type Comments
email string The requester’s email.
firstName string The requester’s firstname.
lastName string The requester’s lastname.
4.13 CertificateInfo
The CertificateInfo struct contains information about a certificate. This structure is used as a
return value only, and will never be instantiated by users.
Key Type Comments
subject string The certificate subject DN
issuer string The certificate issuer DN
serial string The certificate serial number
4.14 TransactionFilter
Warning: this object has an experimental structure. While it is considered production qual-
ity, it is subject to change in future versions.
The TransactionFilter struct is a filter on transactions.
Key Type Comments
requesterEmail string The returned list will contains only transactions whose re-
quester is the UNIVERSIGN user identified by this e-mail
address. If the current requester is not an admin, this field
will be defaulted to his own e-mail address (i.e. a non-
admin user can only list his own transactions).
profile string The name of the profile used to create the matching trans-
notBefore date The matching transactions will have been created after this
notAfter date The matching transactions will have been created before
this date.
startRange int An index, used together with stopRange, to define which
subset of the result will be returned. Default value is 0.
stopRange int An index, used together with startRange, to define which
subset of the result will be returned. Its default and maxi-
mum value is startRange + 1000.
signerId String The matching transactions will contain a signer whose id
matches this value.
notBeforeCompletion date The matching transactions that have been completed after
this date.
notAfterCompletion date The matching transactions that have been completed be-
fore this date.
status int The matching transactions will contain one of those sta-
tuses. The existing statuses are:
5Pending RA Validation.
withAffiliated Boolean The matched transactions of the affiliated organizations.
If this filter is set to true, the own transactions won’t be
4.15 StandaloneRegistrationRequest
The StandaloneRegistrationRequest data structure contains the information about the signer
to register and allows to specify a signature profile to use.
Key Type Comments
profile [O] string The name of the signature profile to use for the customiza-
tion of the registration page. Signature profiles are set up by
the UNIVERSIGN team. The default value is "default".
signer [M] TransactionSigner The signer that will be registered.
Error codes
73002 An error occurred when signing the PDF document.
73004 An error occurred when retrieving a stored private key.
73010 The login and/or password are invalid.
73011 & 73013 The requesting user doesn’t have a valid signing account or its signing account
is inactive.
73014 When retrieving the document, the transaction id is missing or wrong.
73020 Malformed request. Typically, an invalid value has been set, the TransactionRequest
misses some mandatory elements or has some incompatible elements. The message at-
tached to the RPC fault contain more accurate information.
73025 The used transaction id or custom id is invalid.
73027 Requesting an action on a transaction which status doesn’t allow this action (e.g requesting
the documents of an unfinished transaction).
73040 Internal server error.
73070 The requested document is being retrieved asynchronously from archival, it may take few
hours. A further request will return the document.
[1] Draft ETSI TS 102 778, PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures (PAdES), v0.0.17. Technical
Specification, May 2009.
[2] HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication
[3] Document Management - Portable Document Format - Part 1: PDF 1.7

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