User Manual For Factory Tool
User Manual:
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Page Count: 14
- 1. Brief
- 1.2. Main Frame
- 1.3. Menu
- 1.4. Log history
- 1.5. MAC input
- 1.6. Hint
- 2. Setting
- 2.2. Supervior
- 2.3. Test Items
- 2.4. Test settings
- 2.5. Statistics
- 3. Detail settings
- 3.2. Version
- 3.3. Sound Test
- 3.4. Key Test
- 3.5. Ethernet
- 3.6. WIFI Signal
- 3.7. LED
- 3.8. Voice Record Test
- 3.9. SD Test
- 3.10. UDisk Test
- 3.11. Burn data to speaker
- 3.12. FarField record test
- 3.12.1. Test environment
- 3.12.2. Steps
- 3.12.3. Settings
- 3.13. Far field reference test
- 3.13.1. Steps:
- 3.13.2. Settings
- 3.14. External seal test
- 3.14.1. Steps
- 3.14.2. Setting
- 3.15. Internal seal test
- 3.16. WIFI Throughput
- 3.16.1. Test environment
- 3.16.2. Steps
- 3.16.3. Settings
Wiimu Factory Test Tool Manual
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2016/12/23 Add far field test
2017/02/25 Add seal test
Add C02 version test
Add WiFi throughput test
Support English version
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1. Brief ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2. Main Frame ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Menu ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Log history ........................................................................................................................... 6
1.5. MAC input ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.6. Hint ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Setting ..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Supervior ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.3. Test Items ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.4. Test settings ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.5. Statistics ............................................................................................................................... 8
3. Detail settings ......................................................................................................................... 8
................................................................................................................................................ 8
................................................................................................................................................ 8
................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2. Version ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3. Sound Test ........................................................................................................................... 8
3.4. Key Test ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.5. Ethernet ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.6. WIFI Signal ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.7. LED ....................................................................................................................................... 9
3.8. Voice Record Test ................................................................................................................ 9
3.9. SD Test ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.10. UDisk Test ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.11. Burn data to speaker ....................................................................................................... 10
3.12. FarField record test ......................................................................................................... 10
3.12.1. Test environment ......................................................................................................... 10
3.12.2. Steps ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.12.3. Settings ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.13. Far field reference test .................................................................................................... 11
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3.13.1. Steps: ......................................................................................................................... 11
3.13.2. Settings ......................................................................................................................... 12
3.14. External seal test ............................................................................................................. 12
3.14.1. Steps ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.14.2. Setting........................................................................................................................... 12
3.15. Internal seal test .............................................................................................................. 13
3.16. WIFI Throughput.............................................................................................................. 13
3.16.1. Test environment ......................................................................................................... 13
3.16.2. Steps ............................................................................................................................. 13
3.16.3. Settings ......................................................................................................................... 14
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1. Brief
This tool can test Linkplay WiFi (A31/A28/A76/A88) modules and C02/C04 modules. To test WiFi
module, you need:
The computer of Win7 (or above version), with the WiFi support.
Scan-gun to input the MAC with QR-code.
The computer will connect to the WiFi module and finish the test items.
1.2. Main Frame
1.3. Menu
“Quit”:Quit the appliaction.
“Setting”:Set the test items and settings, read Chapter2
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1.4. Log history
All test logs include test process and result, will show here and be saved.
1.5. MAC input
You can input MAC address of the speaker here. Or you input the MAC address with the scan-gun
and the QR-code on the WiFi module.
1.6. Hint
Show the speaker information and final test result here.
2. Setting
2.2. Supervior
To change the test items and test setting, please input the supervior password
2.3. Test Items
Choose the test items here:
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2.4. Test settings
Note: All setting, please be careful of the input is case sensitive.
WIFI password:
The tool will control the computer to connect to the speaker WiFi, if the speaker has password,
please config to here:
Restore to factory:
If choosed, the speaker will restore to factory after test succeed. Suggested.
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2.5. Statistics
3. Detail settings
3.2. Version
If you fill the form, the tool will check the firmware version, project UUID, project name, MCU
version and C02 DSP version.
If you leave it blank, the tool will ignore the test.
3.3. Sound Test
Speaker (Test DUT) will stream from the tool and play the music (test.mp3)。
Please turn off the firewall and anti-virus tools.
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3.4. Key Test
To test the key of the DUT, if you choose the key. You need to press the key in the test procedure
and notification.
There is no press order for these keys. But we suggest you to press the mode key last.
You need to press all choosed key in 40 seconds.
3.5. Ethernet
The purpose is to test the ethernet.
The tool will try to get the Ethernet IP address from the DUT
3.6. WIFI Signal
The purpose is to test the antenna.
The WiFi RSSI suggest to set as -15 ~ -50dB
3.7. LED
The purpose is to test the LED.
The simple way is to light on all LED.
3.8. Voice Record Test
The purpose is to test the MIC.
It will record some voice from MIC in 5 seconds and then play it.
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3.9. SD Test
The purpose is to test the SD.
It will find the SD and get the SD information from the DUT
3.10. UDisk Test
The purpose is to test the UDisk.
It will find the SD and get the UDisk information from the DUT
3.11. Burn data to speaker
The purpose is to write some data to the DUT
3.12. FarField record test
3.12.1. Test environment
- Shield room or shield box
Shield(Silent) Box
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- Computer: WIN7 or Win10, has external WiFi adapter, and the WiFi antenna can put in the
shield box
- Hi-Fidelity Speaker
3.12.2. Steps
- The tool plays 1KHz
- DUT will reocrd and save it as wav file
- Stop the 1KHz playback
- The tool will download the record wav and get THD and the amplitude
- Check with the setting and show PASS or FAIL
3.12.3. Settings
For example:
3.13. Far field reference test
The purpose is to test the I2S reference to C02
The environment is the same as far field record test.
3.13.1. Steps
- DUT play 1KHz
- DUT will record the data from I2S reference
- Analyze the data
- Detect and show PASS or FAIL
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3.13.2. Settings
3.14. External seal test
The purpose is to test the DUT seal-ability
The environment is the same as far field record test.
3.14.1. Steps
- Seal the MIC and then put the DUT into the shield box
- Press “Continue test”
- Play 1KHz with a Hi-Fi speaker and the test tool will begin to record the voice data.
- Tool will popup a dialog, tell you to unseal the MIC and put the DUT into the shield box again.
- Press “Continue test”
- Download and analyze the data
- Show PASS or FAIL
3.14.2. Setting
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RF antenna
3.15. Internal seal test
The test is the same as the external seal test, the only difference is:
In Internal Seal test, the 1KHz sound is played by the DUT itself.
Int External Seal test, the 1KHz sound is played by the Hi-Fi speaker.
3.16. WIFI Throughput
3.16.1. Test environment
WiFi Shield Box or Room
A WiFi adapter of the computer, and the WiFi antenna can put in the shield box
3.16.2. Steps
- After scan and input the MAC address, put the DUT into the shield box, and then press
“Continue Test”:
- Testing, wait:
- Finish the test and show PASS or FAIL
Shield Box
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3.16.3. Settings
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