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How to use the CrIS Gap filling coefficients
All the CrIS-FS (Full-Resolution with equal interval of 0.625 cm-1 in all the LW, MW and
SW bands) gap filling coefficients have been put into a H5 file - ‘cris_fs.GapCoeff.h5’.
oP0is gap-filling coefficient matrix with a dimension of 1158(col) ×2211(row)
oC0is gap-filling constant vector with a length of 1158
oGAP_NUM: has 3 values which are 183, 647 and 328 representing the number of
gap channels (totally are 1158=183+647+328) in LW[1095.625~1209.375], MW
[1750.625~2154.375] and SW [2550.625~2755] spectral regions respectively.
There are 3 datasets inside the H5 file
The use of the H5 file
t observations
1158 gap radiances
t observations
2211 measured radiances
2211 coefficients
1158 gap channels
1158 gap channels
()= ()×(,)+()
Hui Xu
measured spectra
gap spectra
A Full-CrIS spectrum has 3369 channels, including a total of 2211 measured channels and 1158 predicted gap channels covering from 650 to 2755 cm-1 with a equal spectral interval of
0.625 cm-1. Due to the solar reflectivity and sun glint in the SW band, only nighttime data are used in deriving the gap-filling coefficients of the SW gap channels.

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