Wifi Module (esp11)
User Manual: wifi module (esp11)
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ESP8266 WiFi Module Technical Manual Rev 1 r0 The ESP8266 Wifi module is a complete WiFi network where you can easily connect as a serving Wi Fi adapter, wireless internet access interface to any microcontrollerbased design on its simple connectivity through Serial Communication or UART interface. Input Supply: + 3.3VDC IC: ESP8266 Interface: Serial Communication PCB Dimensions: 21mm x 13.2mm FEATURES: 802.11 b/g/n protocol WiFi Direct (P2P), softAP Integrated TCP/IP protocol GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: Integrated low power 32-bit CPU SDIO 2.0, SPI, UART Pages 1 of 6 pages ©201 5 by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central ESP11 WIFI Module ESP8266 Major Parts presentation Figure 1. Major Parts placement of Wifi Module & its major Components. The WiFi module requires a 3.3V power supply *Note: do not connect the wifi module to the 5V, the wifi module does not have a 5V tolerant inputs. Table 1. Pin Descriptions Pages 2 of 6 pages PIN NAME DESCRIPTIONS VIN GPIO2 GPIO0 TX RX RESET ENABLE GND +3.3 V DC Input Supply Other Bootloader, for Firmware updates Transmit Received Reset pin Enable the Wifi (ActiveHIGH) Ground ©201 5 by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central ESP11 WIFI Module ESP8266 Controller Operation & Menu Settings FOR BOOTLOADING: 1. Use a PL2303 driver or FDTI driver. 2. Wiring connections: UART to ESP module RX to TX TX to RX GND to GND 3.3V to 3.3V or use AMS2950 IC 3. Dont forget to put a GND to GPIO0-bootloader. Before you start to download the firmware. Figure 2. WiFi module connected to a Gizduino microcontroller To connect the Wifi module to the Gizduino microcontroller: connect the red wire to VIN(3.3V) to the +3.3V power from the microcontroller. connect the black wire to the ground. connect the green wire to the TX of the Wifi module and microcontroller connect the yellow wite to the RX of the wifi module and microcontroller Pages 3 of 6 pages ©201 5 by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central ESP11 WIFI Module ESP8266 AT Commands Table 2. AT Commands for ESP8266 Commands Description AT+RST restart the module basic AT+CWMODE wifi mode wifi AT+CWJAP join the AP wifi AT+CWLAP list the AP wifi AT+CWQAP quit the AP wifi AT+CIPSTATUS get the connection status TCP/IP AT+CIPSTART set up TCP or UDP connection TCP/IP AT+CIPSEND send data TCP/IP AT+CIPCLOSE close TCP or TCP/IP AT+CIFSR Get IP address TCP/IP AT+CIPMUX set multiple connections TCP/IP AT+CIPSERVER Pages 4 of 6 pages set as server Type TCP/IP ©201 5 by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central ESP11 WIFI Module ESP8266 AT Commands & Examples AT+CWMODE AT+CIPSTATUS Inquiry: AT+CWMODE? Inquiry: AT+CWSTATUS? Test: AT+CWMODE=? Set: AT+CIPSTATUS Parameters: 1 = Status, 2 = AP, 3 = both AT+CIPSTART Test: AT+CIPSTART? Set: 1. Single connection (+CIPMUX=0) AT+CIPSTART=, , 2. Multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSTART= , , , AT+CWJAP Inquiry: AT+CWJAP? Set: AT+CWJAP = , Parameters: ssid = ssid, pwd = wifi password AT+CWQAP Parameters: id = 04, type = TCP/UDP, addr = IP address, port = port Examples: Connect to another TCP server, set multiple connection first: AT+CIPMUX = 1 connect: AT+CIPSTART = 4,"TCP","X1.X2.X3.X4",9999 Test: AT+CWQAP=? AT+CWSAP Inquiry: AT+CWSAP? AT+CIPSEND Set: AT+CWSAP = , , , Test: AT+CIPSEND=? Parameters: ssid = ssid, chl = channel, ecn = encryption Set: 1. Single connection (+CMMUX=0) AT+CIPSEND= 2. Multiple connection (+CIPMUX=1) AT+CIPSEND= , Examples: Connect to your router: AT+CWJAP = "YOUR SSID","helloword" Check if connected: AT+CWJAP? Pages 5 of 6 pages Examples: send data: AT+CIPSEND=4,15 and then enter the data ©201 5 by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central ESP11 WIFI Module ESP8266 AT Commands & Examples AT+CIPCLOSE Test: AT+CIPCLOSE=? Set: AT+CIPCLOSE= or AT+CIPCLOSE AT+CIFSR Test: AT+CIFSR=? Set: AT+CIFSR AT+CIPMUX Inquiry: AT+CIPMUX=? Set: AT+CIPMUX= Parameters: 0 for single connection 1 for multiple connection AT+CIPSERVER Set: AT+CIPSERVER= [, ] Parameters: mode 0 to close server mode mode 1 to open port = port Examples: Turn on as a TCP server: AT+CIPSERVER=1,8888 check the self server IP address: AT+CIFSR=? Pages 6 of 6 pages ©201 5 by e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central ESP11 WIFI Module ESP8266
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