Dongdixin Technology IT300AB 3-in-1 Wireless Electrotherapy Devices User Manual

Shenzhen Dongdixin Technology Co.,Ltd. 3-in-1 Wireless Electrotherapy Devices Users Manual

Users Manual

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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize339.27kB (4240893 bits)
Date Submitted2018-06-13 00:00:00
Date Available2018-06-13 00:00:00
Creation Date2018-05-14 18:15:55
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Document Lastmod2018-06-11 08:34:52
Document Title1111-Manual-LT1102F-MDDX-180409_Final 04-23-CS6+修æfl¹è½¬æł²)_finalX.pdf
Document Author: Admin

I (E \
ISoothe ;_
3-in-1 Wireless Electrotherapy » 9
Drug-free Pain Relief Technology
‘\ 30"}; ‘y
Mode‘ iTaooAB / i
User Manual
Thls manual is applicable to lSoothe“ 3,.n,1 Wireless Eleclrolherapy Devlce Model ITBOOAB.
This inslruclion manual is published by lnnuvo Medical
lnnovu Medical reserves me right la updale Inis manual al any lime wilnoul prior notice.
Amendmenls may however be published in new edmons 01 mi: manual.
All RighlS Reserved Rev W .0 © 2018
introduction .. .
important safety precautions and wammgs.
How TENS works for pain reheL
How EMS works tor muscle conditioning
Package contents
Know yaur device .
Easy steps to get started wrtn iSoome" eiectrotneraoy
Cleaning and storage
How to manage your pain
Product/Battery dispesai .
Glossary of symhois.
important inlormatiori regaiding electromagnetic compatibiiity (EMC).
FCC Compiiance intorrnation. .
Thank you lor purchasing me iSooIhe” 37ml
wireless Electrnlherapy Device Model lTSOOAB
for your pain reliel soluiion
In order in use ihis eleciroiherapy device salely,
please read ihe user manual careiully peldre
Keep lhis user manual in a secure place or sldre
willi lhe device lcr fulure relerence
Indications far use:
TENS The dewce is designed lo be used lor
lhe lemparary reliel oi pain assecialed Willi
sore and aching muscles in line shoulder,
w3lsti pack neck, upper exiremilies (arms)
and lower exlremilles (legs) due 10 slrain lrom
exercise or regular housework.
EMS The device is designed lo he used to
slirnulale heallhy muscles in order m improve
and lacililale muscle perlcrmance
Devrce should be applied lo normal, healthy
clean and dry skin of adull users. Device is
designed to be used at home.
Package Contains llie lollowmg cemponenls:
Standard Parts:
No. Descripllon Quantity
A iTaouAa eleclroiherapy device lpc
B Elecircde padslllumm x 70mm
190mm x 95mm) was
0 lnslruciion manual m:
D MicrosUSE caple we
E Quick start guide we
F Elecircde placemenl guide we
It Is important that you read aH warmngs and precautmns Included In this user manuaI beIDre using the producl
They are Intended In keep you safe, prevenI imury and avoid a srtuatien thaI can damage the devree
Intimates a potehtrany hazardous srtuatron
which‘ II not avordeu. couId result m mm
or serious Injury.
Intimates a potentiany hazardous srtuatron
which i! not avmded, couId result m
senous injury and devme damage.
IndwcaIes a potentialIy Hazardous sIIuaIIon
which it run avorded, couId result m minor
or moderate mrury lo the user, or damage
lo the devroe or other propeny
Camlac pacemaker Implamed denbnnator. or
oIher ImplanIed metahe. [ads or electromc
EIecIronic Ixfersuppon eqmpmenl, such as
EIecIvonic medICaI devrces aItached lo the
body, such as electrocarmographs.
Usmg [ms eIeclroIherapy dewce with other
electromc medical devrees may cause erroneous
operation at those aevrees.
Consult With your physician oetore use. Deince
may cause lethal rhythm disturbances in certain
susceptible indiyiduals.
ll you have a cardiac pacemaker. implanted
defibrillator. or other implanted metallic or
electronic device Such use could cause electric
shock, ourns. electrical interierence or death.
II you are on a hie-supporting medical electronic
device such as an artificial hearl. lung or
In the presence at electronic monitoring
equipment (e.g cardiac monitors ECG alarms).
which may not operale properly when device is in
While connected to high—Irequency surgical
equipment. It may cause burn Wurles on skin
under the electrodes, as well as problems with
the device
In the vicinity ol shortwave or microwave therapy
equipment. This may alIect the output power oI
0n open wounds or rashes; oyer swollen, red.
iniected. inilamed areas; or skin eruptions (e.g.
phleoitis. thromoophleoitis. varicose veins). pron
top of. or in proximity to, cancerous lesions
Over areas of skin that lack normal sensation.
On the head since the elIects oI electrical
stimulation on the brain are unknown.
Pregnant women, cecause the saiely ot eleclrical
slimulation during pregnancy has ricl oeen
Children or iniants. oecause deVice has not been
evaluated lor pediatric use.
People incapable oi expressing their thoughts or
Bathing, showering or swnnming.
Driving. operating maoninery or in any aCIlvllleS
wnere electrical stimulation can out you at risk lor
it you have nad prior medical or physical
lrealrnent ior pain, consult Wiln your onysioian
belore using tnis device
ll your pain does not improve, oecomes seriously
chronic or severe, or conlinues ror more than five
days, stop using device and consult wiln your
Pain may be an indicalor of illness, If you are
sufienng lrorn any serious illness, consult win
your onysician pelore uslng deirice
Apply electrode pad only to normal, liealtnyclean
and dry Skin (oi aduk users). it may otherwise
disrupt tne Skln nealing process.
ll you experience any SKI" irritation or redness
alter a session, do not Conllnue electrotnerapy in
lnat area at ttie skin
Tne near: or any area DI tne face.
Tne lronl side ollne neck oi any area olllie
lnrcal because this can cause severe musole ®
spasms resulting in closure urine airway,
difficulty in tnealning, or adverse elleots on nean
rnylnni orolood pressure
Dotti sides oltne thorax simultaneously (lateral ®
or lront and back), oi across yourcnest tiecause
[he lntroducllun of electrical current may cause ®
rnyllini disturbances, whicn could to letnal.
Do not bend or told pad because it may prevent
pad irorn funcllonlng properly.
Place pad onto plastic lilm provided and store in
the sealed package when not in use.
Pad is preagelled and ready to use. It will adhere
to skin. No additional gel/icrmula is quulled
Do not apply ointment or any solvent to pad or
your skin because it will prevent pad Irorn
iunctioning properly.
To avoid damage to adhesive suriace oi pad,
place pad only on clean and dry skin or on plastic
Iilm provrded.
Always place clean pad in accordance with
illustrations provided (Reter to Electrode Pad
Placement Illustrations on page 20).
Make sure electrode pad is well connected to
device. Pad should be properly placed on part oi
the body you Wish to treat or the therapy Will not
be etiective
Do not place pad on your spine or backbone.
Pad should not touch any metal object, such
as a belt buckle, necklace or other yewelry rnade
Irorn metal.
Do not share pad wrth another person. Thls
may cause skin irritation or inlection The pad
is intended tor use by one person only.
Do not place or relocate the pad while
device is on.
Always turn the power oil belore removing or
changing location oi the pad.
Do not leave pad attached to skin alter treatment.
The lile ol pad may vary depending on the
lreouency olwashing. skin condition and
storage state.
II devrce is not Iunctioning properly or you
Ieel discomtort, stop using device immediately.
Do not use devrce while wearing electronic
devices such as watches as this may damage
the device.
Do not use device in the yicinity at a cellphone
as this may cause device to rnallunction.
Do not throw device into a are The batteries
may explode.
Dispose devlce and components according to
applicable local laws and regulations. Unlawtul
disposal may cause eninronmental pollution.
The size, shape and type of electrode pad may
anect the salety and etieetiveness ol electrothempy.
Usmg pad that is too small or incorrectly applied
could result in discornlort or skin ourns.Use deyice
only with the specially designed pad. Refills
can be purchased separately (iSootheB wireless
Electrode Pad Model iT300AGS. iTGUOAGrL).
The user is the intended operator.
The longaterm ellects cl electrical stimulation
are unknown
Do not use the electrotherapy deyice tor any
other purpose not described in this manual
Apply the electrotnerapy device only to normal,
intact. clean. dry and healthy skin
TENS is not effective in treating the original
source or cause ol pain. including headache.
TENS is not a substitute tor pain medications and
other pain management therapies
TENS does not cure diseases or inyuries.
TENS is a symptomatic treatment and. as such.
suppresses the sensation ol pain that would
othenwise serve as a warning mechanism
The etlectiyeness of etectrotherapy is highly
dependent upon the indiyiduat.
You may experience skin irritation or hypersensitiyity
due to electrical stimulation or electrical
conductive medium (gel) on the electrode pad.
if you are at risk or diagnosed With a heart condition
or epilepsy you should toltow precautions
recommended by your physician
Use caution it you are at risk or internal bleeding.
such as alter an iniury or lracture
Consult with your physician prior to using device
after a surgical procedure. Electrical stimulation
may disrupt the healing process
The device should not he applied to the aodomen
during pregnancy or menstruation.
The device should not be applied to areas oi skin
that lack normai sensation
Use device oniy With electrode pad and Micro-
usa cable recommended by manuiacturer.
Do not modiiy deyice Without authorization
irom the manuiacturer.
Do not use device or electrode pad it it is
damaged. The use of a damaged device may
cause inyury, improper resuits or serious danger
store deyice and components in a ciean and dry
Do not expose devrce and components to any
chemical soiyent, water, iint, dust direct sun or
high temperature.
Keep device and components out oi reach
oi young children. The came may cause
strangulation. SmaH pieces may be a choking
hazard. Contact your physician immediately
it ingested.
no not use device to treat one region tor an
extended period oitirne (more than 30 minutes
a session. up to 3 limes/day). This may cause
muscies in the treated region to become
exhausted and sore
You may experience skin irritation redness or
bums in the treated region.
You shouid stop using device and consuit
with your physician it you experience adverse
reactions irom using the device
What is TENS?
TENS slams lor Transculaneous Eleetrreal Nerve
Sllmulatlon. TENS ls a cllnlcally tested, nun-Invasive
drug-free melhod a! managing paln. It uses tlny
eleclrlcal lmpulses sent through me skln to me
nerves (0 rellef pam. TENS rs hlghly recommended
by medlcal prolessrerrals as a safe and ellectnre
means for paln management
TENS dues n01 cure any physiolagical problem ll
only nelps Io manage paln Please note lnat uslng
TENs Io manage pam may not wurk lar all users.
How does TENS work?
Sclentmc theory suggesls lnat eleclncal stlmulatmn
lnerapy may work ln several ways
Tne gentle electrlcal pulses block “paln message"
earned by tne nerves lrom leachlng the brew.
Tne gentle electrlcal pulses lnduce an lncrease
In file producllon of endorphlns‘ the body‘s
natural pain klller
What is EMS?
EMS stands lor Electrrcal Muscle Slimulauon EMS
is wroely ulillzed as a muscle conortiomng lool. It
uses genlle electrical lmpulses senl through the
skln to the muscle, callslrlg ll to conlracl. mimicklng
physical exerclse. This allows your muscles to
exerclse passively even when you are sedentary.
EMS lacrlrtates muscle oerlormance, alds ln
strength lralnlng and recovery lrom mrnor muscle
Inlllrles and post exercise.
How does EMS work?
EMS device sends eleclrrcal rmpulses lhal mrmrc
lhe acllon polemlal lrorn the central nervous
syslem ll uses square wave pattern
(ladderrshaped) whrch ls ellectrve rn targellng
muscle motor neurons. When muscle lecelves
eleclrrcal srgnal. il llexes When electncal slgnal
ceases. u relaxes Thrs cycle ls repealed,
mlmicklng normal muscular actrvrty during physical
How dues MASSAGE work?
The MASSAGE eleclrolherapy program ls a type ol
low level EMS lhat provldes relaxrng vroratron lo
loosen lrghl muscles. ll mlmlcs manual massage lo
promote relaxation and reduce muscle tension.
{G ”E 3 ‘ “ ‘ " ’ E/‘fé
\TSODAB E‘ectrcde pads Micmusg cable
eledmlherapy device (110mm x 70mm,190mm x 95mm)
Instrumion manual QUICK start gulde Electrode p‘acement gulde
Channe‘s One channel
Tleatmem modes TENS 5 programs
EMS 2 programs
MASSAGE 2 programs
ompm Amphtude: Max. 45v (at soon load)
Wavelorm type: Symmetrical Bwphasic square
Control madam App comm (iOS or Andrmd} and
demos comm
® v rm
WWW _@
38 S
(D [was] hum
In standby mode:
. Shun press |a swrtcrr prugram frum1 «u 9
a Long press tn swmch tleaflnennlme IONIn/Zflmmflflmm
In wnrk mod '
- Shun press ‘0 decrease InlensHy
. Lang press to cpnunue decreasmg mtsrrsuy
[31"] humm
In standby mode:
. Shun press «p s|art «reatmem
In work made:
. Shun press «a rncrease mensuy
. Long press m cammue moreasmg rmerrsuy
@ Display treatment time
® Display treatment intensity
© Display treatment program
© Lock icon - wh-u device is in locked state, the icon appears; in unlocked state, the icon disappears
(3 Battery indicator icon -when device is charging. the icon displays in orange. When device is lully
charged, the icon changes to green
(IN/OFF button
. snort press to turn device on
. Long press (about 35) to tum device 0"
‘ in work made shun press to terminate treatment sessmn
® Lock/Unlock button
. Sheri press to lock/unlnck devlce
@ Micro-USE charging port
Using MlcrusUSB cable connecnhe
Mlcm-USB plug |o rhe Mlcro-USB ’
chargrng pan on devlce. Then‘ ‘s D
connecl lhe Slandard uss plug
of cable lo an appropriale power
supply source lhal can ou|pm
5v d.c. 3ODmA.
Whrle chargrng, the ballery mdicalar
lighl drsplays orange When ballery
ls lully charged, lhe rndrcalor lrghl
mms green.
Use only the Micro-USE cable lhal ls included
wlth the devlce
Devlce musl be lully charged prlor (a hrsl use,
ll |akes abeul 2 5 hours |o charge lhe devlce.
A lull ballery charge lypically allows up lo 4
30-mirlme lrealrnenl sessrons under normal
Please charge devlce lully before slamng
each sesslon. Olherwlse, lhe ballery may be
depleled before session ends. Nole devrce
canrlm be used whlle ll rs chargrng.
If ballery leaks and comes rnro conlacr wrlh 5km
or eyes, wash rmmedralely wrlh large ameunl
Drspose used banery safely rn accordance wlth
local regulalibns.
The lrre ora rechargeable barlery depends on the
number el rechargrnglrundewn cycles The
servlce Me or lhe rechargeable battery rs abeul
sou rechargrng/rundown cycles,
ll deVlce ls nel used lreouenlly. please recharge
ballery ar least once a rnonlh lo exlen d ballery
The i5oothe~ electrotherapy device can be used
with or without the mobile application (App). To
use with the App, start with Step 1. To use
without the App, skip Step 1.
STEP 1 Download the mobile application.
Download the App to your smartphone or tablet.
Go to App Store or Google Play
Search lor ‘lnrtnvo iSoothe'.
The App operates on ins and Android plattorms
(At least ios 8.0. Android 5.0).
STEP 2 Prep Ihe skin.
Clip excess hairlrom treatment area Remove
any yewelry that may come in contact With device
Clean skin with soap and wa|en and dry completely
STEP 3 Prepare the device.
Make sure device is off
Connect device to electrode pad
by pressing male snaps ol
electrode pad to temale snaps
oi device
STEP 4 Apply device and
electrode pad to treatment area.
Remove the clear plastic lilm trom adhesive side
ol electrode pad by peeling lrorn one end. Apply
adhesive side at pad to treatment area by pressing
down firmly to ensure lull contact with 5le See
page 20 lor placement suggestions.
Do not discard the plastic lilm it Will be used to
protect adhesive surtace of pad when not
in use.
The pad is designed to adhere well to clean.
dry skin Use oi additional medium (such as
electrode gel in a lube) is not recommended and
may damage the device.
You may need assistance when applying pad
to certain treatment areas.
Make sure device is 0" before connecting to
electrode pad.
Always connect device to electrode pad betore
applying to treatment area.
Replace the electrode pad it:
it is dirty. damaged or torn
it is past the expiration date.
it has lost its adhesiveness Never use bandage
or tape to attach pad to your skin.
when stimulation leels weak or uncomlorlable.
i.e. when you experience unpleasant stinging or
biting sensation
Use only electrode pad recommended tor this
device by the manulacturer.
Apply device and pad to treatment area
according to Electrode Pad Placement
illustrations on page 20.
Electrode Fad Placement Illustrations , , ARM PAIN
Nate: To lreel areas el shoulder or back
please use large SlZe electrode pad.
Skip Steps 5-9 if using device without the App.
STEP 5 Connect device Io App.
Ensure that aluetooth (A a)
connection is activated on your
smartphone or tablet Turn on
the App.
Turn device on by pressing
the ONIOFF button. App Will
automatically detect the device.
Select your iSoolhe’” device by
pressing ‘CONNECT' button
in case oi inactivity (more than
3 min]. device will switch olT.
Press the ON/OFF button again
to continue.
Device is now paired with the
App . screen shows your
iSootherv as ‘Connecled'. Press
arrow ‘>‘ on the right to continue.
STEP 6 Select treatment type and
treatment area.
Select treatment type by pressing
TENS. EMS or MAS (Massage)
Select treatment area accordingly.
Note ‘FRONT‘ and ‘BACK‘ show
available treatment areas (tagged
with bright circles)
You can select lrom your saved lavorite
treatment programs list by pressing the
heart icon at the top right.
STEP 7 Select your pain level.
Estimate the intensity or pain you are
currently experiencing in the treatment
area Selec| from a scale pro to ‘lU
(O-rio pain, iii—intense pain). Press
‘START' to continue.
A recommended program tor the
treatment area is preselected You
can switch treatment program by
pressing leh or right arrow .< >2
STEP 3 Start trealment session.
Press ‘+‘ button to start treatment.
Note that this increases intensity
level to 1 Press '+' button again 0
to increase intensrty to desired level.
Press‘ —‘ outton to decrease
You can pause treatment by
pressing ‘ii ' button. Tne countdown “000
timer will stop. Press again to 1
resume treatment.
Press ‘9 ' button to rock the
intensity controls for safety during
treatment You can unlock at any
time by pressing tne button again
it you experience any discomfort,
you can stop treatment session
at any time by pressing ‘STOP'
The default treatment time is set to
20min. You can select otner
treatment time from temin to 30min.
Prior to starting treatment press the
a -
'6‘ icon, tnen select accordingty. Press ‘OK'
to continue.
in work mcue. ueVice wrll lock automatically
alter 15 seconds cl nc operational activrty.
Pressing ‘0' button struts down demo and ends
treatment session
Prior to starting treatment you can switcn
treatment program oy pressing tne program
icon accordingly ttop cl page). Pressing tne
program icon during a treatment wrll eno current
session. To start anotrrer session. press -+'
— Decrease intensity
+ increase intensity
" Pause treatment
STOP Stop treatment
a Lock/Unlock
a; snot down device
G Set treatment tr me
STEP 9 End treatment session.
After treatment session is completed, you will be
prompted to select your satisiaction level Press
the icon accoldlngly.
You can also save treatment program to tavorite
by pressing ‘ADD THiS PROGRAM TO
Press ‘EXIT‘ button. Details oi the treatment
session is displayed Treatment session is also
storeo in treatment history.
Press Retry‘ to restart the same treatment
program on the same treatment area or ‘New
Session' to start a new treatment session
You can end treatment session at any time by
pressing the ‘STOP‘ button
Continue in Step12lolurn device off.
Fallow steps 10-11 if using device without the
STEP 10 Start treatment session using controls
on Ine device.
Note: Please reter to pages 1545.
Turn devlce on by pressing the ON/OFF button
Press [-/MODE] button to switch treatment
program horn t to 9
Long press [r/MODE] button to switch treatment
time trom 10min to 20min to 30min.
Press [HSTART] button to start treatment
During treatment. you can increase intensity
level by pressing [HSTART] button ordecrease
intensity level by pressing [-/MODE] oulton
There are t5 intensity levels.
liyou experience any oiseomion. you can
stop treatment session at any time by
pressing the oN/OPP button.
Press Luck/Unlock button to lock device.
This inactivates the [-iMODE] and [MSTART]
buttons to prevent accidental press during
treatment sesslon
to work made devrce wrll lock automallcally
after 15 seconds of no operetronal acllvlly
Treatment program list:
Fragrant type
1 common,
2 Acufittnnuve
3 Ems! lkNS
0 Hart:
5 Mndulmlon
s Streng'rmmng [M5
7 Eullulnfi
3 ”’7 Message
STEP 11 End treatmenl session using controls
on the device.
Alter treetrnent sesslon ls completed. devlce
wlll mm on automatlcally.
You can end treatment sesslun at any [true by
pressing the ON/OFF button
STEP12 Turn the device on.
Press the ON/OFF button on the devlce unlll ll
turns ott.
To turn devtce oft ustng App, go to the treatment
operatlon‘ page, then press ‘uy button.
Devlce le mm on eutematreelly alter a mrnutes
of no actrvrty.
STEP 13 Remove device and pad from (realment
area and store.
Remove electrode pad from skln by peeling
gently lrom one edge.
Remove devtce flom electrode pad.
Protect adheswe surface of electrode pad uslng
the clear plastre lllm
store device and electrode pad in cool and dry
place away from direct sunllgm
You can charge Ihe devlce ll necessary AMI
battery charge Is advlsable before slaning a new
treatment sesslon.
Cleaning the device
1) Turn device 0H. Remove MicrosUSB eaole il
device has been charging.
2) wipe device gently With slightly moistened, linta
lree sofl cloth
Do not use chemicals (such as thinner. benzene).
Do not allow any water to seep into the device
Device and accessories do not require
Cleaning the electrode pad
I) Turn device 0". Remove pad horn device.
2) Wash pad when adhesive surlace becomes
dlrly and/or no longer adheres well to shin.
Wash adhesive surlace of pad soltly With
lingertips under slow running cold water lor
several seconds.
Do ncl use sponge/clolh/sharp ooyeot like
lingernail an adhesive surlace.
Do not use detergent, chemicals or soap
3) Allow pad and adhesive suriace to air-dry
Do not Wlpe wilh tissue paper or cloth
4) Protect adhesive surlace oi pad using the clear
plastic lilm
The lile oi pad may vary depending on
lrequeney otwashing. skin condition and
storage state.
it pad no longer adheres to skin or it is
damaged/broken. discomlnue use immediately
Refills can be purchased sepaiately tiSoothei
wireless Electrode Pad Model iTaoUAGs.
Slare ereerrede pad m seared hag.
smre device and aeeessaries m com and dry
Keep devlce and acoessones um 01 reach of
u dewce is n01 used lor a hang penod 07 tune.
it rs recommended that you recharge we
battery at least once a warm.
Power Source 3 7v Ll-iorl
Power Supply lnpul 100724ov Ac. suleon.
D.ZA;Outpu15V DC. auumA
Frequency: 2Hz—132Hz
Pulse wldtn: 3Uus~250us
Waveform Blphaslc square wave
OlleutVollage max 45V(al§UU ohm load)
Output lntensrty Level u~1s levels
Operatmg CondlIlons 5°c~40“cr ao%RH—75%RH;
700hPa ~losonpa
Storage and transport condltlons (devlce):
1A°F~131‘F (-10”C ~55”C)‘1U%RH~90%RH‘
70mm ~1OSOhPa
Size mas 7x12.3mm (devlce)
WelgM 25g (devlce)
Servlce lrle el devlce 2 yEars
Sen/Ice Me dl electrode pads up to 15 uses
Applied pan Electrode
SlZe nIelectmde: Large: 190mm x 95mm;
Small 110mmx70mm
lP classlflcatlon system lPZZ
Maxlmum separatlon dlslance
10m (ln open enwdnment)
The recommended separallon dlstance: 3m
Description oi Ihe Wireless Funclions
and Technology:
2 MHz (-ZDdb)
RF flequency
Channel bandwidth
Operation voltage DC3 7 V
Types al spread speclrum DSSS
Modulation type GFSK
Number ol channel 40
Chanel spacing 2 MHz
Channel frequency 0—39 Channel
2 402-2 ABDGHz
An|enrla gain ZdBl
Bluekooth version V4.0
The momma device uses oneonrone connection
ol ELEM), and the device as a peripheral. responds
to the App‘s connemlon request passively.
establishing a Charonrone connection With the App.
Alter lTSOOAE dewce connects to the App, it will
not be connected to or controlled by other wireless
devices. When the App connecls to peripheral
device, App will send command. When iTauuAB
dewce ensures this command is right il will open
lhe conlrol command. You can then control the
mains device Otherwise, the App cannot control
the mums device
When should the device be used?
ll ls recommended cnal you use me devroe as soon
as you experlence paln Slan wlth one lrealment
session and evaluale your pain level. Slanrng early
may prevent your paln lrorn becomlng worse or
even cnronrc. ll ls advlsabie lo slan managlng your
paln early oelore rl reaches a mu lnresnolo where
rl may ilmlt your oarly ac|lvltles
How oiten can the device be used?
ll ls recommended cnal you use me devroe once a
day (up to 30 mlnules) for each lreatment area.
Dependlng on your palm level, you may need to use
rl longer. Do nol exceed 3 lvnes a day (maxlmum
so rnrnules lolal).
Slarl wlih one lrealrnenl sesslon Keep track of your
progress by raung your palrl level lrorn o (no pain)
lo 10 (Intense oarn; before eacn lrealrnenl Stop
eleolrolnerapy sesslon il pain reduces or steps. ll
it does nor lmpmve and you experience soreness
from oversuse‘ refraln lrorn treating me affected
areas lor 2 days. ll thls reoccurs, reduce lrealmenl
tlme and lnlensily (or fulure treatment.
Setting the intensity level
Trealment rnlensny snoulo be based on your level
ofcomlon Always slan the lirsl session with short
lrealrnenl time and low lntenslty level wnen you
are lamilrarwnn lne eleolrolneraoy sessmn, you
can adjust lrearmenl lime and inlensrly accordlngly
Please pracllce caution when usmg devroe with
hlgh rnlensny Do not exceed your eomlon level.
Slap using the device under these conditions:
lr you experlence any adverse reachonl such as
5le rrnlalion/redness/ourns. neadacne or olner
oalnlul sensallnn‘ or il you leel any unusual
lfyollr conoltlon does not lrnorove. becomes cnronic
and severe or contlnues lor more than five days
lf you feel lncreasing oaln, dlzzlness‘ discomlort or
nausea. discontinue use and consult wlth your
nealtncara provlder.
What (ype of pain is [he deVice suitable for?
Electrolneraoy works best on acute oaln , oarn rn
one local area less than 3 montns lt lS not sullaole
to address onronlo oaln - paln ln more man one area
lastrno longer than 6 months cnronrc paln ls usually
caused by olner Issues lnat electrolnerapy
cannot address.
TENS does nol cure any onyslologleal oroolem ll
only helps to manage oaln Uslng TENS to manage
oaln may nol work lor all users.
The devlce dees nm paweron.
The ballery IS exhausted.
Charge (he delrlee.
Eleelneel sllrnulellon IS weak cl
eennol leel any slirnulellon
Electrode pad has drled cm or ls dlrly.
Replace with new elecvode pad.
Elemrede pad does not adhere to
sklrl well
Replace wml new eleclrede pad.
Eleclrlcal sllrrlulellerl IS
lnlenslly level ls too hlgh.
Decrease lne lnlenslly level
Devlce ls nol opereled acwrdlng le
Please read user manual before use
Eleclrlcal sllrnulellen ls
Improper electrode pad placemenL
Reposmon eleelrede pad
Consult your heallhcare pmvlder.
The Skin
becomes red
and/or you leel a
stabolng pain
Electrode pad is applled on the same slte
too oflen
Reposltion the electrode pad If you feel paln or
discomfort discontinue use lmmediately
EIecIdee pad Is not adhered Io skin
Ensure lha| electrode pad is securely adhered |o
Eleclrode pad is dlny.
Clean electrode pad according Io lnstructions ln
thls manual or replace wlth new electrode pad.
The surlace oleleclrode pad ls scratched
Replace with new electrode pad.
Output current
stops during
Electrode pad detaches lrom sklrl.
Turn delrlce all and reapply electrode pad. ll
necessary replace With new electrode pad.
The battery ls exhausted.
Charge the deylce.
Used and lully discharged oalterles must be dlsposed ol ln a speclally labeled oollectlon
contalner, at texlc waste collectlon polnls or through an electronlc retailer. Please
dispose oi the device ln accordance wllh local laws and regulations. _
Dtsposal m accordance thh Dtreclive
2012/19/EU (WEEE)
Type BF Apphed Fan (The applreu part rs
ttre electrode)
Refer ‘0 Insrmctmn Manua‘
Senal number
The first number 2: Protected agarnst sohd
torergrr objects of1Z,5 mm a: and greater.
The second number Protected against
venieauy lalhng waterarops when encrosure
trltea uplo15’.VerItca\ly'alllng drops shau
have no harmlul effects when the enclosure
rs med starry engre up in 15» an erther srde
loe ver|ica\
Transpanatren and storage lemperalure
(mm -10°Cm 55“c
Transportatron and storage mtmrmty Irmns
tram 10% to 90%
Transponatren and storage atmospnenc
pressure Iirrrrts Mm 700 hPa tmoeo rrPa
Use at accessories ther Ihan those specrned er
provrded by tne manufacturer nIIms eqmpmenl
could resutt in moreased electmmagneuc
emlsslons or decreased electromagnem: Immunlly
ct tnrs equrprnent and resmt m rrnpreper cperatron.
Use of the equrpmem adjacent to or stacked wdn
etnerequrpment snoutd be avaided because iI could
result in rmproper dperatrcn usden use rs necessary‘
[ms edmpment and tne other eqmpment shank} be
observed to venfy tnal may are operatrng normaHy.
Portame RF eommunreatrons equlpmenl (mdudmg
peripherats sucn as antenna cabtes and external
antennas) should be used no cldser Ihzn 30 cm
(12 incnes) In any pan DIIhe device, mcludmg
cables specined by the manMacturer. otnerwrse.
degradatren at me pertormance of tms eqmpmem
eeuld resutt.
Table 1
declamlmn , electromagnetlc emlSSlon
The devlce is inlended for use lrl the electromagnetic envlmrlmenl specified below. The customer or
the user ofdeVlce should ensure that it ls used in such an enVlronmenL
Emlssians lest Compliance Electromagnetlc enwunment - guidance
RF emissions Group 1 The devlce uses RF energy only for its inlemel
CISPR 11 function. Therefore, KS RF emlsslorls are Very low
and are not llkely to cause any interference in
nearby eleslroms equipmenl.
RF emlsslons Class B The devlce ls sullable for use In all
CISPR 11 establlsnmenls, lncluding domestic
Harmonlc emisslcns Cl A establlshmenls and those directly ccnnecled to
IEC 51000 —2 ass lhe public lowsvoltage power supply network lhal
‘ , s lles b lldln 5 sea for domestlc r uses.
Vollage llucluauonsl Complies upp u g u pu p
lllCKer emlssions
IEC 51000-3—3
Table 2
declaration , electromagnetlc immunlt
The device ls intended Var use lrl (he electromagnellc envlrorlmerll specllled below. The cuslomer or
Ihe user of dewce shuuld ensure Ihal ii is used in such an enVlronmeht.
lmmunlty Iesl
IEC 60601 lesl level
Compllance level
Eleciromaghehc ehvrrorrmehl -
discharge (ESD)
lEC 61000-4-2
:8 kV Contact
:2 kv‘ :4 kV‘ :8 W
:15 kV alr
:8 kV Contact
:2 kV‘ :4 le :8
kV, :15 kV arr
Floors should be wood, concrete
orceramlc tile. Iffluors are
Covered wltl'l Synthellc malerlal,
(he relatlve humldlly should be
al leasl 30 %.
Eleclrlcal lasl
: 2 W for power supply
: 2 kV for power
Mains powerqualily should be
llanSlenl/bum “Hes sul’p'y'mes Ihatofal roaleommeroral or
IE0 61000-4-4 :1kaorlnpul/uulpul :1kaDr ho “ law”) 8 t
llrles lnpul/oulput lines 5" a "W "m "-
Surge : 0.5kV, : 1 kV |Irle(s) to : 0.5km :1 kV . .
IEc 51000.4.5 Ilnes line(s) Io lines Mains powerquallly should be
: U.5kV.:1kV,: 2 kV
llne(s) lo earlh
: 0.5kV. :1 kV. :
2 kV lihels) in
that oi a typical commercial or
hospiial environment.
Voltage dips,
and voltage
variaiions on
power supply
input lines
IEC 61000-441
0 "/a UT‘ 0.5 cycle AH)",
45”, 90", 135”, 180°,
225”, 270°3nd 315“
0 % UT 1 cycle and
70 % UT: 25/30 cycles
Single pnase- at 0°
0 “/p UT‘ 250/300 cycles
0 % UTl 0.5 cycle
AID”, 45°, 90",
135“, 1801225”,
270°2md 3l5“
o % UT 1 cycle
70 % UT, 25/30
Single pnase at
0 "/a UT‘ 250/300
5 Cles
Mains power quality snauld be
that ol a typical commerclal or
hospilal environment Ii Ihe user
of lne device requires Conlillued
operallon durlng power mains
inierruplions, ii is recommended
thai ihe devlce be powered from
an uninierruplibie power supply
or a banery.
(50/60 Hz)
magnolia field
IEC 51000-4-8
30 Nm
30 Nm
Power lreguency magneiic fieids
should be at leveis Characterlstic
of a typical location in a typical
commercial or hespilai
NOTE: UT is (he a.c. mains voltage prlor to applicaiion cl ine test level
Table 3
declarallen - electromagnetic lrnrnunily
The devlce ls lnlended ror use m lhe eleelromagnellc envlmnmenl specllled below The cllslomer or
the user of davlca should ensure lhafi N Is used ln such an envlmnmem.
lmmunlly lesl IEC 60501 lesl Compllanee Electromagnelle
level level ehwonrnenl - guldance
Condueled RF 3 V 3 v Forlable and memle RF eemmumeahons
lEc 61000-445 015 MHz to 80 0.15 MHz tn emu-pnleflshould be used no closer to any
MHz 80 MHz pan oldevlce‘ lheh lhe recommended
. sepereuoh dls|ance calcula|ed from [he
5 V ‘" ‘SM 3”“ E V '" ‘SM equalloh appllceble h) the lrequerlcy or the
amaleur radle and amaleur vansmme,
bands between Vad‘O bands Recommended separatlon dlslance
3'3; ””1 am 5° $365308? {1 , | ,2JF «50 KHz lo so MHz
MHz .471 HP an MHzloauo MHz
where F' ls lhe maleum eulpul power ralmg
dune trans er in we“: (W) eeedrdlhg lo
E???“ R: 333%“: m 2 7 “MM me hansmmer manufacmrer and d ‘5 the
DU” ’3 GHZ ' recommended seperelien dislahee lrl melers
Field slrenglhs lrdrn llxed RF hehsrnmers, as
delermlned by an eleelremagnellc slle
surveyv 3should be less than lhe compllenee
level m each lrequency range.
lnlerierence may occur in ttie vicinity or
eduiement marked wrtri tne rollcwmg symbol
(< D
NOTE I At 30 MHz and 300 MHz, tne bigner frequency range applles.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply to all situations. Eleclrcmagnetic bropagalibn is aitecled by
absorption and reflection tram structures, cbyects and peonle
a Field strengtns lrom lixed RF transmitlers, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
telepndnes and land mobile radius, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV
bruadcast cannot be predieied theoretically wilh accuracy To assess Ihe electromagnetic
environment due Io iixed RF transmilters. an electromagnetic sile survey should be
cansidered ll tne measured lield strengtn in me location in wnicn device is used exceeds tne
applicable RF compliance level above, device shuuld be observed to verity normal operation it
abnormal beriorrnance is observed, additional measures may be necessary. sucti as re-
orienting or relocating device.
b Over tne frequency range 0.15 MHz to 80 MHz, lield strengths should be less tnan 3 Wm.
Table 4
Recommended separation distances between
portabie and mobile RF communications equipment and device
The device Is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment In whlch radlaled RF
disturbances are controlied. The customer or the user of device can nelp prevent eiectromagnetic
Interference by maintaining a minimum distance between poriabie and mobile RF communications
equipment (transmitters) and device. as recommended below. according to the maximum output
power of the communications equipment.
Rated maximum cutpul Separation distance according to trequency of transmitter
power of transmitter m
W 0.15 MHZ I0 80 80 MHZtn 800 MHZ 80 MHZ to 2.7 GHZ
MHZ 4:1.2‘5 4:255
d :12fi
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73
1 1.2 1.2 2.3
10 3.8 3.8 7.3
100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not Itsted above, the recommended separatton
mstance d m meters (m) can be estrmated usmg the equation applicable to the trequency of the
transmttter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the Iransmiller in watts (W) accordmg
to the transmitter manutacturer
NOTE 1 At 50 MHZ and 800 MHz‘ the higher trequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelmes may not apply in alt sttuatiuns. Electromagneuc prupagatton is affected
by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
FCC Cumpliancn illIonlIaIiolI
Caution: The user is cautioned that changes or
moditicaticns not expressly approved by the party
responsible tor cumpllance could void the user‘s
authority to operate the equipment.
This deVICe complies with Part is otthe FCC Rules.
Operation is sublect to the tollowirig 2 conditions:
this device may not cause harrntul lntel'ferenCE,
this deVice must accept any lnterference received,
including interterence that may cause undesired
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and tound
to comply With the limits tor a Class B digital deVice,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits
are designed to proVide reasonable protection
against harmlul interlerence in a residential
installation This equipment generates, uses and
can radiate radio frequency energy and, it not
installed and used in accordance With the
instructions. may cause harmlul interterence to
radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interierence Wlll not occur in a
particular installation.
it this equipment does cause harmlul interterence
|o radlo or televlslon receptlon. whlch can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interterence by one or more of the tollowmg
Reorlenl or relocate the receivrng antenna.
Increase the separation between the
equipment and recelver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit diltererit trom that to which the receiver
is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced radiorlv
technician tor help
FCC Radiation Expusure Statement:
This equipment compiles With FCC radiation
exposure limits set kmh tor an uncontrolled
environment. Thls transmitter must not be
colocated or operating in conyunction With
any other antenna or transmitter.
Prease contact mnovo Mearcal In case or a dam
underlhe warranty. The rouowmg warranty terms
1) The warranty period for |he devrce\51 year
trom date of purchase In case of a warramy
alarm, me date 0! purchase has to be proven by
means a! a sales recerpt or mvmce.
2) Repairs under warranty do not extend the
warramy penod tor the devree or far we
replacemem parts
a) The «anawrng is excluded under tne warranty
All damage due to improper use,
6.9 nanobsewance of we user rrrstruatrorrs.
All damage due |a reparrs er |amperrrrg by
cusmmer or unauthorized thrrd parlies
Accessorres wrnen are subject to normar wear
and tear
4) Liabrhly {or dilect or indrrect Consequentia‘
losses caused by the umr rs excrudea even me
damage In Ine umt rs accepred as a warranty
Manulacmved lor
Innovo Medlea‘
10101 Slaflord Germs Dv Ste B
Staffovd, TX 77477
Phone +1-858-888-9781
AH R‘ghts Reserved‘ Rev‘ V1.0 © 2018

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Title                           : 1111-Manual-LT1102F-MDDX-180409_Final 04-23-CS6+修æfl¹è½¬æł²)_finalX.pdf
Create Date                     : 2018:05:14 18:15:55+08:00
Modify Date                     : 2018:06:11 08:34:52+08:00
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