Dorel Juvenile Group 08035T Clip N Go 49 MHz Baby Monitor User Manual users manual
Dorel Juvenile Group Clip N Go 49 MHz Baby Monitor users manual
users manual so much more "- On-the-Go Monitor Owner’s Guide flunkmfvrpmhasillgdldafig/ lstOlrthe-GuMorlim missasmwfirmnm lhataombl'nzs mafalemasrumauefiawmwalalybalymmaffim Mammlfidentl‘hatyauwillappmaavzik manyhyllijlakmwi/lmn Iaam Himammarymmflamm. The Parent’s Unit (Rewim) remains withpu wherever you ga mpivk up dieswnds that are pawn/M firm the My: Unit ltaonwm'erldy dips Wyourbdtorwsij'fiandson a table. Bath unisaleACpov/md TheACAdapwra/Iows the Parent's UnitandBalys Unitlv beplugedinw my standard elem-lea! outlet fizr use withpur household alactn'ay erodnveniem use without an audet, use a 9wlta/kaline battery fl?! the Parent‘s Unit One 47ch most mique/batwesabout this moniwris lilatitis mlfiiendly. Whetheryou aregulng an a trip orjnstsmu'hirg locations, the Parent’s Unit and the Bab/s Unitam be my clipped mgbherfiwrmmpact travel There/"s even a convenient carry handle and an inbemal wmparbnent that sums theACadapfiewsandm cords WeammMyWWiI/findfileOn-tile-GaMonilorwmenientandeag/mm EWMdlatyauMll Mfiomallofthegeatfiammflmwrmonimaflirx,ant/mmalaallelhatitisuwdpmperm w algeyoa bx Pleasemddlilmudiomanfilllybefinmhgdem.Kywhauanymmfiumw amblehooungupfiremomdommnnmdremm limiphnsecomadwr Consumer Relations Department at mafiylm, fax us at (300) 2D7—8182, of ml ammo) 544-1108. AGAU'I‘IOII: omMo-bmmlsmmmfihnphummlummptldun mpenmu. ‘Vllll shot“ Myanr chM‘saMynmulwlmv-Ismjflsmmr Mllml mmmnsummmflt A GAUI'ION: chIIE on mnnwmnlls 11) ms um um mum venom mm; mm. mmmwmmvunnl: M'smmmmmmmam This device complies with part 15 ofd'le FCC Rules, Operations is subject (0 the following two conditions: (1 )This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference mind including interference that may uuse undesired operation, The carrier frequ u‘ency on channel I I5 49 350 MHz and nhe carrierfi'equency on channel II ls 49 870 MHZ. The field strength IS 80 dB micrwolls per meter at 3 meters Salely Instructions wmmumumnfiwanummflioagmmrmew FIDDUCI'TOWATBIDRMOEI'IME HEB) WARNINCSLAlwunivpm th: Monimnnd openfiuginwudom should beamed m MlenwcrlomAlomfi-gimmmldbemw. WATBIANDMOSIUREWMDMMMMMMMm‘wmmphmaMMthh boM,Hudmsink,hnflymhinambmmmrasfimmiugpool,m \ vmrumomew-imrslmtd bephaflmmuisbafimmpmdosmmmpmper mmumm Foreanphitmdnmbem'uamdonabed,stfi=,mgwsiviarwrfaszay blockvuuian’on. ' HEA'nflwMonimrslmMhemmyfimnhmmmdmmdimshmnzmsmwm wmumm Acpowmswmcemwmmmbemmadml/mhuuapmswfiedvnmduum mmm:fl1epmmmm:houldbemomdsomitisnmzlidymbewdled onnrfindtdbyiunsfiandqumaragfluxkPypunkuhramnuhnmfihcmdaxmeflug nanmfiaau uwmkmmmmm Care and Maintenance QEANINQUseadwmldodlmkequheMmiwrfieefimeonUseWamd mmmmmmwmmwrsmw beunpluggadfiomdumdetmnunusedfwhng paiods offimgThe bamyshould also be unwed during the petiods ommnuqumsmm;Cashewbeam-memoqmsdomfalmmepmdnammmsm quflkdimminem$uumdvuughdwopumqp DAMAGE REQUIRING SERVICE A:The power supply cord or plug has been damaged; B: Objens have fallen or liquid has been spilled once the pmduct; e The Moniwrhas been msad to rain; mm Monitofdozs not appearm 0pm normally mamas a marked dung! in its performance; em Monitor has been dropped orche enclosure damaged. THE USER SHOULD NOT ATIWFTTQ SERVIG OR REPAIR THE MONITOR. ALL SERVIGM SHOULD BE REFEmEDTO SAFEI'V 1SI'CMISUMER RELATIONS: WWW-fun steam, FAX us A-r(soo) 107-3132 oRCALL us AT (mo) 544-1103. KEEP ALL PARTS or-rms MOer'OR ou1'or= REACH OF culLoRaNl D0 Nor MOUNT IN OR ON CRIB] CAUTION: m5 ON-THE-GO mourron IS NOT INTENDEDTO REPLACE PROPER ADULT SUPERVISION. you SHOULD CHECK VOUR CHILD’S ACI'MTVAT REGULAR INTERVALS As mus MONITORWILL NOTALEK'I' PARENTS TO THE SlLENTACI'leS OFACHILD. ' max Contents Parent's Unlt (Receiver) Baby‘s Unit (Transmitter) AC Adapter (2) Features and Components AC Adapter The AC Adapter is a low vollzge power source that allows you to use your household elem'icityw mn the Baby's Unit and Parent's Unit. 1: conned: to the AC Adapter Jack in the Baby's Unit and Parent’s Unit, and plugs into any standard elecciel outlet in your home mmmpwwasmadewifllaspedficdesignh the Safely/1st On-theclo Monitor, it cannot be used with any other appliance. Never use a different type of; adapur with this monitor. WARNING NEVERmudfieMofdletdepurmMm “mkw‘nmandeafiflimm Using the AC Adam u The AC Adapter should be used on the Parent’s Unit whenever possible to increase the life ofihe batteries and pnwide clearer umpuon, Unit will automatically comm to AC operation when used with the AC Adapter. It is not necessary to remove battery during AC operation. Unit will automaiially switch back no bamely power when disconnected from the adapten ~ Battery Installation $191 Runowmwfiwnbamrywva’on Palem’sUnitandremm/ewver. SI'EP 2 Insert a 9—volt battery into she bamrycompamnen: bysnapping the bawevycomcts inw the conesponding connectovs on die balmy cap in the unit, New The low bane-yincfiawr illuminates when the battery needs up be replaced. erp 3 Replace d1e bamrycwer and insert and tighten me saew. Operation Follomhese insmmions to operate your On-theGo Monitor. Reference the illumaoons prwided on pags 3 and 4 fonts location of all features desm'bed in these irwaua'mns. Baby‘s Ulil: m 1 Plug in; round end ofdme adapuer into die saws Unit.Then plug dievadapter into an elecwical outlet. Sr? 2 SQ the On/Ofl'swindi a: “On” position, PowerOn indium should be iIIuminabad, STEP 3 Set the Bab/s Unit to channel “l”. Ifyou aperience Mafia or noise We, switch to channel “II”, Forbstresults, placed»: Bab/s U ' WARNIN op “mangle-nape, nm pluefl'lemoneor'mdlec bor playpen Always pom-i an mnimr and m AC Adapter card an owl d's man To Position Baby's Unit (2 options): Table Mm: Simply position in; BaWs Unit on a flat stable sum, For best results, place the Bab/s Unit on a lahle facing an baby's had and adjust me antenna in the upngln possum, Operation (com) Alt-mum Ttlo Mount: Open the back door onhe Baby’s Unit and slide me looking tab all me weym the right. Baby's Unit will now mud upright. Pam's Unit: STEPI PlacemeParem's Unltatleast 3 ms (lofeet) from the Baby's Unit STEP 2 Plug the AC Adapter lmome Parent's Unit and then Into an electrical miner. . STE! SettrveParem'sUnitmsetflng“l'l lfmmmmamlselnm.wmh both units to seizing "II”. Non: Corflrm that the Parent's Unit and Baby's Unit am set tomesamesemng (l or II), Aqllmflwvolum soyoumn hearyour babyatallfimes. melmumnlm . The four (4) LED'sinu-reeermofmeParem‘s lJnnngm upwdlsplayrmsound level oomlng fromyourbaby.Thsemlwdlrldmsmprsalnflwfwyandmnmaflemdb/me volume sailing. Thlsfsaureanmywtoseemmauvevolmle Imlofyuurbaby's sounds, It Is mostefiediveifywaromanoisyerwiromnermndmayrmbeeblemheanhesoundsdeany. The loudermeswnd, the moreLED'swlll "ng ‘ To Travel - Lift back door of Bah/s Unit and nest AC Adapters. 0 Close door, wrap up em AC Adapter 00rd, and stralgmen amenna, 0 Dock Parent's Unit onto Baby's Uni! slide down until unhs are locked, cUsecomenier-twryhandletouanspm condom unn. Operating Tips oMakesuematbmhmnsereonmesi-memml Evenmighyoumayhearyoubeby‘s sounds, proper use ofmls system requires that both units mun be on the same manner. lf ma unirs are on different marines, the signals from the Baby's Unit may stlll be strong enough to be picked up by me Parem‘s Unit, buttherewill be a lot dfstemc. 0 When unit Is not in use, remove AC Adapterfrom electrical outlet and be sur‘ethe power dial ls "Orr”. 0 Use your Parent's Unlt AC Mapter when you wlll be In the same location for most ofths day. Use onne adapter provides maxlmum power to me unit and provides additional amenna length 0 When using the AC Adapter wlm household electricity, make sure the outlet has power. Some slewical ouljets are powered mrough a wall switch in the room, Ifthe Baby‘s Unit is plugged in and turned “On", the power indicator Ilght should be IIL If it is not, tryturning thaws" wvmdilnmeroomfini Operating Tips (continued) onnwhgyuwmitonmmanurmywnmiuwflhaimmmdmmy mmmvuwmnuyummmueymrmmrmm, candles Wam.wmmmmmmnmhm. Troubleshooting Prnhh’m 0PM“: minimum: mil tmmmmwmimm. .Pcmu'|-E) mnmmimafl. Summon MuyrndmmylnP-M'AUM Mmmllmmiswu’khg nmnmmmmmm pimp-1m omummmmwm- “MW 0 Parent's Una is making loud nah-s OBwy'sum'sUrisnuybom man-mum °Awumswmmmsmrmu mmbflocklwrrmlsim » OlMtnwyh-WMMIW owmmumhuu mioneqw-cymiumm mm tmmmmhwm mow-r OUnhsmmck-mwguru omny'summmofi OM-lommeHs-nmmm mmdflull) 'Tunvflll’nwllrnstmmaybe manglmnflm “ cumnmmmmm uliwormdfuyhls -' Omanwdmvgonbomhm whbyums 0P-nm‘:Unnlwswbcnlasl3 rims(10f~t)mylmmm “mum ‘CMdKIh-lbmhmlfimlumfldm OPa-w‘sUnmspiaum-pmum «anew-mu 0N|iwwsnuymnnbwjnmm mmm Ommwsmmmmw mum“) 3805511"th OUn’mnuybemolanym man-r nmmmpmnmry °M1wmmmwsumw|m Donal Juvenile Group, Inc. warrants to the origlnal purchaser that mls produamc mes-Go Monlmr, is » free from miai and workrncndup om when used under normal oondiuons for a period of one (1) mm the date of purmase. Should the productcomain defecls In mamrial or workmanship Dorel ile Group» Inc., will repalr or replace the product. at our option, free of charge. Purchaser wIlI be mponsibieror all was associated wnn packagng and shipping me prooud rc- Dom! Imanlle Group CormrnerRalations Dapwmmatnwadmm beiowandaii mnerrreigmorinsuranceoom associated with the return Dorei Juvenile group will bear ms mo! shipping the repaired or replaced promcr to me wchascr. Product should be mum in Its original package accompanied a proof of purchase, amicra sans Mptofomefpwofmalflw prodlmlswhhlnthewmamyperlodi mswan-smy lsvoldlfmecwnerrepslrsormodflesuwwoduamfliepfoducthasbeendamedasamwnofmlsme. Tnis warranryexcmas any Ilablllty cum-than mat exprasiy stated pfwlome, Including but not "wilted co, any imiasmai or Inconseqmnnal damages. SOME STATES DO HOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INéIDENTAL OR $8Nngl-(‘IUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMTATION OR EXCUJSION MAY NOT APPLY THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTSl ANDcYOU MAY Also HAVE OTHER" RIGHTS THAT MAY VARY FROM STATE T0 STATE. _ , Important Mm: Onry use me adapters simplbd for this monitor, Use ofomer adapters will void this vinarramy. rm 7 02003 Costa Management, rm; Swiss and cams may vary, Mm In CHINA“) Donal Juvenna Glenn. Inc.. qualiiy specifications Questions? 001mm? 00mm w Visit our web site a! wwmafcmsmm; Fax: (eon) 207-3132 Dore! Jnmlle Gmup. Ina. 2525 81813 811590. column», IN 47201-7494 (800) 5444100 In canadm12345 Albert-Hutton Blvd, Suite 100, MOWOaFMmh, (Quebec). Canada H1G 3K? (300) 544-1108 Doml UK Lat, New House, Snsnley Road, WWW, MWDS ITE UK +441sz 8236 0707 03/03 megs
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