Dorel Juvenile Group 08039T Safe Glow 49 MHz Baby Monitor User Manual users manual
Dorel Juvenile Group Safe Glow 49 MHz Baby Monitor users manual
users manual
Safe Glow Two Receiver Monitor Owner's Guide ThsmwuibrpudlasinymeSafeg'hSafeCflomeReoewMurfimn Thisisasi‘atevf-me-an mummmdnmmmmwmmm Wealewfldent Mmmflawmbmmmmmwllmmmmmwmmm TheParufléUmsWeceimhynalmmeummwugumpuuwflummdsmm mmmefiabykMdtkadbsmmbe/tweeflb’mmam Tlletharent’sUnilsa/bwpal-smmnmmrrrwnmm 3 AllmisereACpouered TmACAmsmraI/owsdlePamlt's UnitamBaby'sUnitrabeplugyed mwmmemwmmrmwmmmwmmy menvenientusewim anamletmeagwltalkamlebamrybrmePamlt'sl/rfig's Omafflwmmtmmmusmflsmmmrbmefifeflowbgmmaflma 75mm flmermthalmshutom Tmbmammmflmmflmmm WeammuwtwumnmldmeSafeGmeRemherMmmmwmmm nmmquI/bmmmdunmfmmmtwmmm,wmmke mmkiswedprnperlywewgewum: HeenmdalimmmeamfullybefmlmgmMonnpr. Hymhevennqussons “moperathgnwmmndonotnmmhmemlrmmsewmw ComumerRelationsDepanmuvlatwwwsafetflsmfexus-t (800) 207-8182, or all us at (000) 544-1108. AGAII'I'ION: -mmflmmmmkmmmmnflmwmm mumnslpenlisim -m=huueneekymelfilwsaefimymegumsmmismnuwillml “mummmwawm AGAIN“: mummrmmmmwnmmvmnwm l Mllwmmmmmmmusm'summmommmlm This device complies with part 15 crime FCC Rules Operations Is slbjefito the following two conditions: (1) This device may rmcause harmful immense. and (2) this device mua accept any Interference received, Including interference that may cause undesired operation. The curler frequenq on channel I is 49.350 MHz and the carrier frequency on dental II is 49.570 MHz, The fish strength is so as mlcrwons per meter at 3 meters. SaIely Instructions WARNINGTOREDUGETIEHSKGFIREOREETRICALSHOCKDONOTEXPOSETHIS PIKJDUCTTOIMITERCRIMTURE HEDWARNINGSmnmnlngsmanmmwngbsvmmnmm FOIJBWINSTMTDNQMWWIWMMMM mTERANDMUSTURfiTMMmmMMNMMWMWMBWMM bummnlmmmmmmmrawmmwobm , VmTLATIONflmMmmmubapmslmmnshmflmwpuifimdourmmvfimm vuvw-fionformmin menmldmthamdamgwmluumuan-ay magnum. I mhmmwhwsmmmwmmummmmmum mmmm MMWMTmanWmumhmmwv/mmm FUNEROORDPRmEcrszTmpwusmmmmmmmdmmnkmlmmbeww mmmwmmuw‘wwxwmwmwmnhuw mam annpolmnemsfiunmemiww. Care and Maintenance mlmwadwmdmwmpwmmmmmMU9Wwfl mmnspummdmmmwmmbemugadmnmmmfam periodsaffimfimmymmmhemauirgmwbds OBIECTAIDUQUIDmmmummwmwfimmmmummmm"was“ mspilluflmmswlwnmfleupming DAMAGEREQUIRINGSERVICE: kTmpowerwppoycordorpmgnasbeenmmged; B: ObjecTsr-awulallmrx liquid has beensplllsd mmmaproduct; czTheMonfinrhnsbeenehposedtoraIm DszMoniwdoesnotappearmopa'aua nmmal'yormmlmsamrkeduwhhspeflomfime: ETne Monitorhas been dropped ormeencleswe damagad. THE USER SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE OR RE’AIR THE MONITOR. ALL SERVICING SHOULD BE REFRRED TO SAFETY 1ST CONSUTER RELATIONS: mmmamflsmom, FAX US AT (800) 207-8182 OR CALL US AT (800) 544-1103. Km ALL PARTS OF THIS MONITOR OUT OF READH OF CHILDREN! DO NOT MOUNT IN OR ON CRIBI CAUTION: THE SAFE GLOW TWO RECEIVER MONITOR IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE PROPER ADULT SUPERVISION. YOU SHOlI-D CHECK YOUR CHILD’S ACTIVITY AT REGULAR INTERVALS AS THIS MONITOR WILL NOT AERT PARENTS TO THE SILENT ACTIVITIB OF A CHILD. I’m-2 Co me his Parent's Units (Rama) (2) Baby's Unlt (Transmitter) AC Adapter (3) Features and Components AC Adapter TmACAdamuisamvoitagepowsoumeMalmvsym museyour household semidtymmntwy's Un’nanfl Parent'sUnfis. ltmmsmflieACAdapta'Jackhme Bab/s Unitand Parem’s Units, and plugsmarvymmard mumlnyulrmne CAUTIONH'hisa-flaptawasmadsmfilaspeciflcdedgnfor “SafetflstweGWTwoReeehfiMmmihcar-wtbe usedwim wmappiiaru. Never-seadiflermtypeofa gamma-mammalian WlmNEVERwu-mmammpmmm “mmamma‘mfizlm UsinghMAihm-r TmACAdaptersimldbeusedonmer’s Unlismmpcsibletoim'easemellfeofm banuisaridprwidedearermpfim. UniswluammnaficaiiywnmwACope-aumwm usadwm’itheACAdwl kisnmnmrywrenmbanaydinigACoperamn. Unirswill auwnuucallymmbackmbmmpwa-mndmd I‘romiheadapta. Battery Insiallaliun STE” Renmsuwmbauaymoan’sUnnsandremwva. STH’Z Imamwlmmmmwmwwmmmymmlm mmnuponding connectoisonmebamrycllplnd'le units. Nob:Mmimmllwmlnmyeiwwmenmebanerymedsmbereplwedl STEP3 Replaoehbaue'ywverand insenandtlgfmmesum Operation Foilowmse lrmaionsw operate you Safe Glow Two Receiv! Moi-nor. Rdmmueme Hum-a- fionsprwided onpages 3 am4l‘ormelomlondall feemradmined inmse lmtruaJons. Baby’s Um: STEP 1 Plugihs round end aims adapter Into the Baby's Uniti Then plug me edema into an electrical mma. STEPZ SamOrJOffummsitc-“I’ positim. PawerOnIMicai/ar should be lliuminaiefl greeni lefyouepeflememicormisemxfam,mmnw ‘lI' For best “suits, phasing Baby's Unit on a table manila ab iaclng the baby's headl WARNIN o pmem enunglsmmt, never rum tin monllor In (he playpen. Always poshlon the monllor mm It: AC Adapter cord out oi mu STEP3 SelflisPa'sm'sUnnsto -'l". Nah: |fyouexpefhrmstaflcornoiselmefiemrmswimbcmmns (- .' maPe-ram’sUnltsam BabysUnitalvsettnmesmemarnel (lull). quusnhevolumsoyw mlwyourbatqatalulms. mmwmm Theflve (5) LED'slnmemmeroime Paert's Units ligmipmdlsplaymeswnd level aomlng fromymrbaby.Tr&soundla/el mmmpresetlnflwfemryamamnmafiecmbym voiumeseulng.Trasfemmalmsyouwseemereiauvevuummeiofyw baby'ssounds. kis rnosteffsaivelfyou are Ina noisyemlmr-men: and maynotbeablewnearmssormcleany. Thelotnermesound. memoreLED’swill light up Sale Glow STEPl TneSahGiowlmhasa 15mmaummaucshmofr. rnorderm mummwsfimwymmmpam Baby's Unit S‘I‘EPZ In wanmofimeS-foGlowllgmmmmlSmmt-s, firmlypras topofme Baby's Unlugaln. NMTheSflthwIlgmmalulghshgmnvmidlisnctreplaoeaNel Cord Storage Compartment - IJR back door of Baby's Univ. wrap up ewes AC Adapter cord, and dose demand plug Into eieciriul outlet. Mm: Cord smtage compartment holds approximately 36" of areas cord. Operating Tips . Makesuvematbmhmilsareonmesamecnannal. Eventhoughyaumaymoryowbaby’s $0011de use onhis system requlras that how units must be on the same channeL lime units are on dmerent channels, the signals frum the Baby's Unit may flill be mng enough to be plcked up by me Parem's Units, mm will be a lot ofstatic. cWhen snotinuse,removeACAdapteHromelacmcallomletmdbasurethepGNer dial is l 0 Use your Parent's Units AC Adapter when you will be In the same locatlon for most ohm day. Use Dune adapter provides maximum power moths unit and provides addltlonal antenna length. 0 When using me AC Adapter with nmsenold elearicily, make sure me wrist has power. Some electrlcal outlets are powered through a wall swim in the room. lfthe Baby’s Un'u Is plugged ln and tuned to Channel ' r or ' II', the power indicator Ilghtshould be lI|umlnated green. If It ls not, try turning the wall switch In «is room On. , Pm 5 Operating Tips (continued) bWhenmiqyoumfiwnmmnbummmlfi-upuflic “mum-y Murmmmmmmmmmmm Mumqusmmmmdfmminm Troubleshooting Pr oblom 0 Pants moaning won-mm OLauhltlwylinnlslllumlrnnd. o Mir-alum! naminmnd, olnunmcswiyvorACMw-s Chuyn-jbeaumswkbamy mmunm Smmum lM-yn-nmnmymP-m’smn Ouhlgmwlwualsmkhg OMMMMMm-NM ohm": CSmlcorm-flmlmhflgul ans-um onumecemcfnnnds owmwfinwmmrm mmummmm omnmmmnmw owimmmm Mme-a/Whmvmr yummum OMm-ybnmof-rwm nB-by‘sum‘tUrmn-ybcm I comm OPumu’xumisr-ummwmls- mew-momma ‘Beb/sUmuundofl opmwnnbp' mmmbslrcm mmymxmmg Fm 6 QngMsmayhmah-bywmror own-5m Bummmm oumrsnmyumvumaymm sad-m UBaby'sl/mwmdw Osa-beOn/Oflmmacwm OM-nlwulvmmmmonfilm mammal» Odelduwl-mmmqybe mush-gm cmmdlwmwm mammliym ommlmonmw “la-mums oPm‘sUmmmMnlm-ll mausflOlezljnmnyfmmlm M‘SUM CCMMbommmn-nnmdm OCh-npbmhmmhxm dwvulflorll) CCMMW'MW OMovrnumnsclos-rmumm ommxaewwmummam ommmsmmmvmmh ne (1) Year Limited War Dorei Juvenile Group, Inc. warrants tome original pitchaser that mls productme Safe Glow Two Receiver Monltof, is iree ltom material and workmanship defects when used moor normal oonditiorra for a period ofone (1) year from me date of purchase. Should the product contain defec‘is in material or wontmansitua Dorel knenile Group, Inc, will repair or replace the produot, at our option, free oratarge. Pu'chaser will be responsible for all oosts associated with packaging and mlpplng the product to Dorei hmniie Group Consumer Relations Department who address noted below and all other treiyrt or insuranoe costs amlatad with tire rewrn. Dorei Juvenile group will bear the cost ofshlpplng the repaired or replaced productto rite purohaeer. Prooimsnould be returned in its original package aooompanied hiya proofof worraae, either a sales recalptof otter proof that the product is within the warranty period Thils warranty isvoid ifdtoownerropairsormodiflosmeprodutormepronut has beertdamagedese rusultcfmlsusst ntis warranty excludes any Iiabllity other man that expressly stamp previously, including out not limited to, any incidental or lmoneequentiai damages. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR $Nv3EUQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY THIS WARRANTV GIVES VOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS THAT MAY VARV FROM STATE TO STATE. Important "me: Only use the adapters supplied fortnis monitor. Use ofuthar adapters will void this warranty Pan 7 02003 Coscn Mmgemm, Inc. Styies and colors may vary. Mme in CHINA to Duel Jwenile Gimp, Inn, quality specifications. Questions? Com-new? Comm us Vislt all web site at mmsafelymxmn; Fax: (BOO) 207-8182 Datel Juvenile Gimp, Inc., 2525 Stale sum Cdumbus. IN 47201-7494 M0) 544-1108' In cm: 12345 AIM-Hilda" Blvd, Suite 1“), Mammal-Monk. (Quebec), Canada "16 SR? (300) 544-1103 Dom] W Lu!" Haflsmere House, Shelley Road, erflwflod. Hens WDS ITE UK ¢44(0)20 8235 0707 was Pups
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