Dynabook PS460WL Wireless LAN User Manual WirelessLANcard final

Toshiba Corporation Wireless LAN WirelessLANcard final

Revised Users Manual

   Information to the UserWireless InteroperabilityThe Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card products are designed to be interoperable with anywireless LAN product that is based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS) radiotechnology, and is compliant to:¦The IEEE 802.11 Standard on Wireless LANs(Revision B), as defined and approved by theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.¦The Wireless Fidelity(WiFi) certification as defined by the WECA Wireless EthernetCompatibility Alliance.Wireless LAN and your HealthWireless LAN products, like other radio devices, emit radio frequency electromagneticenergy. The level of energy emitted by Wireless LAN devices however is far much less thanthe electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.Because Wireless LAN products operate within the guidelines found in radio frequencysafety standards and recommendations, Toshiba believes Wireless LAN is safe for use byconsumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientificcommunity and result from deliberations of panels and committees of scientists whocontinually review and interpret the extensive research literature.In some situations or environments, the use of Wireless LAN may be restricted by theproprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization. Thesesituations may for example include:¦ Using the Wireless LAN equipment on board of airplanes, or¦ In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or services isperceived or identified as harmful.If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wireless devices in a specificorganization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization touse the Wireless LAN device prior to turning on the equipment.
Regulatory InformationThe Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card must be installed and used in strict accordancewith the manufacturer’s instructions as described in the user documentation that comeswith the product. This device complies with the following radio frequency and safetystandards.Canada – Industry Canada (IC) This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.   Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference ,        and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause   undesired operation of this device.”   L ‘ utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux conditions suivantes : (1) il nedoit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’ utilisateur du dispositif doit étre prét  à acceptertout  brouillage  radioélectrique  reçu,  même  si  ce  brouillage  est susceptible decompromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.Europe – EU Declaration of ConformityThis device complies with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/ECwith essential test suites as per standards:¦ EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology equipment ¦ ETS 300 328 Technical requirements for radio equipment ¦ ETS 300 826 General EMC requirements for radio equipment.For outdoor usage only channel 10 (2457 MHz) and 11 (2462 MHz) is allowed.For private usage outside buildings across public grounds over less than 300m no special registration withIBPT/BIPT is required. Registration to IBPT/BIPT is required for private usage outside buildings acrosspublic grounds over more than 300m. An IBPT/BIPT license is required for public usage outside building.For registration and license please contact IBPT/BIPT.Gebruik buiten gebouw alleen op kanalen 10 (2457 MHz) en 11 (2462 MHz). Voor privé-gebruik buitengebouw over publieke groud over afstand kleiner dan 300m geen registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig; voorgebruik over afstand groter dan 300m is wel registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig. Voor publiek gebruik buitengebouwen is licentie van BIPT/IBPT verplicht. Voor registratie of licentie kunt u contact  opnemen met BIPT.België/Belgique:L’utilisation en extérieur est autorisé sur le canal 10 (2457 MHz) et 11 (2462 MHz).Dans le cas d’une utilisation privée, à l’extérieur d’un bâtiment, au-dessus d’un espace public, aucunenregistrement n’est nécessaire pour une distance de moins de 300m. Pour une distance supérieure à 300mun enregistrement auprès de I’IBPT est requise. Pour une utilisation publique à I’extérieur de bâtiments,une licence de I’IBPT est requise. Pour les enregistrements et  licences, veuillez  contacter I’IBPT.License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for procedure to followDeutschland:Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwendig, aber nicht genehmigungspflichtig. Bitte mit Händler dieVorgehensweise abstimmen.Restricted frequency band: only channels 10 and 11 (2457 MHz and 2462 MHz respectively) may be used inFrance. License required for every installation, indoor and outdoor installations. Please contact ART forprocedure to follow.France:Bande de fréquence restreinte : seuls les canaux 10 à 11 (2457 et 2462 MHz respectivement) doivent êtreutilisés en France.Toute utilisation, qu’elle soit intérieure ou extérieure, est soumise à autorisation. Vous pouvez contacterI’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommuniations (http://www.art-telecom.fr) pour la procédure à suivre.License required for indoor use. Use with outdoor installations not allowedItalia: E’necessaria la  concessione ministeriale anche per l’uso interno.Verificare con i rivenditori la procedura da  seguire. L’uso per installazione in esterni non e’ permessa.License required for outdoor installations. Check with reseller for procedure to followNederland Licentie verplicht voor gebruik met buitenantennes. Neem contact op met verkoper voor juiste procedure
USA-Federal Communications Commission(FCC)This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation of the devices in a Wireless LANSystem is subject to the following two conditions:¦ This device may not cause harmful interference.¦ This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution: Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation.The radiated output power of the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card is far below the FCCradio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Cardshall be used in such a manner that the potential for human contact during normaloperation is minimized. When using this device in combination with Wireless LAN OutdoorAntenna products, a certain separation distance between antenna and nearby persons hasto be kept to ensure RF exposure compliance. The distance between the antennas and theuser should not be less than 2.5 cm.Refer to the Regulatory Statements as identified in the documentation that comes withthose products for additional information.The Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card is far below the FCC radio frequency exposurelimits.Nevertheless, it is advised to use the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card in such amanner that human contact during normal operation is minimized.Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installedand used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try andcorrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:¦ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.¦ Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.¦ Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris      connected. ¦ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Toshiba is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorizedmodification of the devices included with this Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card, or thesubstitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than specified byToshiba .The correction of interference caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution orattachment will be the responsibility of the user.
(Fig.2) Approved Countries for useThis equipment is approved to the radio standard by the countries  inFig.1.Caution: Do not use this equipment except in the countries in Fig.1.Australia Austria BelgiumCanada Denmark FinlandGermany Iceland IrelandJapan Luxembourg NetherlandsNew Zealand Norway SwedenSwitzerland UK USAGreece Italy FrancePoland Portugal SpainFig.1 Countries that have approved Bluetooth
         Using this equipment in Japan In Japan, the frequency bandwidth of 2,400~2,483.5MHz for second generation low-powerdata communication systems such as this equipment overlaps that of mobile objectidentification systems (premises radio station and specified low-power radio station).1. Sticker  Please put the following sticker on devices incorporating this product.2. IndicationThe indication shown below appears on this equipment.  (1)  2.4:this equipment uses a frequency of 2.4GHz.  (2)  DS:This equipment uses DS-SS modulation.  (3)    4:The interference range of this equipment is less than 40m.(4) :This equipment uses a frequency bandwidth from 2,400MHz to2,483.5MHz.                  It is possible to avoid the band of mobile object identification systems.3.  TOSHIBA PC Dial (Japanese Language Only)Weekday   : 9:00 – 18:00Weekend   : 9:00 – 17:30(Except Public Holiday and Dec. 31- Jan. 3)Tel: 0570 - 00 - 3100 (1) (2) (3)(4)   In the frequency bandwidth of this equipment, industrial device,scientific device, medical device like microwave oven, licensedpremises radio station and non-licensed specified low-powerradio station for mobile object identification system (RF-ID) thatis used in product line of factories,(Other Radio Stations)areused.1 Please make sure before using this equipment that no OtherRadio Stations are used in the neighborhood.2 In case that RF interference occurs to Other Radio Stations fromthis equipment, please change promptly the frequency for use,place to use, or stop emitting Radio.3 Please contact TOSHIBA PC Dial if you have a problem, such asinterference from this equipment to Other Radio Stations
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  About Toshiba Wireless Solution               1   Wireless LAN Network Scenarios  The Wireless LAN Card Kit enables you to: n Connect your computer to a Peer-to-Peer workgroup of wireless computing devices. n Connect your computer to a Local Area Network (LAN) Infrastructure that includes Wireless LAN Access Points, or other IEEE802.11 compliant LAN systems. n Expand the capabilities of your Wireless LAN Access Points, to support wireless devices that have been equipped with Wireless LAN Card.  NOTE: The internal Wireless LAN Card can’t be used with the “Toshiba Wireless LAN PC Card”.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Peer-to-Peer Workgroup  The Peer-to-Peer workgroup configuration enables you to quickly set up a small wireless workgroup, where the workgroup participants can exchange files using features like “Files and Printer Sharing” as supported by Microsoft Networking.  Figure 1-1 Peer-to-Peer Wireless Workgroup    You can use this option to setup a temporary or ad-hoc network in environments where no access points are available (for example in Small Office/Home Office (SOHO) environments). As long as the stations are within range of one another, this is the easiest and least expensive way to set up a wireless network.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Enterprise Networking   Figure 1-2 Stand Alone Wireless LAN   With the Wireless LAN Access Points you can connect to a corporate Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure  to have wireless access to all network facilities. LAN Infrastructures may either be. n Stand-alone wireless LANs as pictures in Figure 1-2 n Wireless network infrastructures connected to an existing Ethernet network as pictured in Figure 1-3.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started   Figure 1-3 LAN Infrastructure
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  It’s Easy  The Wireless LAN Card functions like any standard wired Ethernet card, but Wireless LAN does not need any wires! Where an Ethernet card requires a cable connection to a hub and/or patch panel, the cable physically ties you down to the location of the wired connection.  Wireless LAN allows you connect your computer to a Local Area Network (LAN) system from anywhere within the wireless coverage area. Expanding or re-designing your network is easy: Add or relocate Wireless LAN Access Points, power -up your (new) Wireless LAN computers, and you’re done!  Unlike Ethernet, Wireless LAN will enable you to roam throughout the network while remaining connected to the LAN.  NOTE: The Wireless LAN Card is a radio product. Refer to the flyer “Information to the User” for regulatory information that may apply in your country.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Wireless LAN Card Features  Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card is a wireless network card that fits into Mini PCI TypeIIIA.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Wireless LAN Card Types  The Wireless LAN Card is a wireless network card that complies with the IEEE 802.11 standard on wireless LANs (Revision B). The Wireless LAN Card supports data rates up to   11 Mbit/s.  n Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) certified by the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA). This means that your Wireless hardware will communicate with other vendors’ IEEE 802.11 compliant wireless LAN product. n Fully compatible with any other wireless LAN system based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) radio technology that complies with the “IEEE 802.11 standard on wireless LANs (Revision B).
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Wireless LAN Cards  The Wireless LAN Card supports the following wireless LAN features: n Automatic Transmit Rate Select mechanism in the transmit range of 11, 5.5, 2 and 1 Mbit/s. n Frequency Channel Selection (2.4GHz). n Roaming over multiple channels. n Card Power Management. n Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) data encryption, based on the 64 bit RC4 encryption algorithm as defined in the IEEE 802.11 standard on wireless LANs.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Finding Information  This document was designed to give you a brief introduction about the Wireless LAN Card.  n In this document you will find the most important information to get your Wireless LAN network up and running, with a minimum set of parameters.  Alternatively you can consult the on-line help documentation for the Wireless LAN drivers and/or tools by: n Clicking the [Help] button on your screen, or   n Pressing the [F1] function key on your keyboard.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Basic Settings for Enterprise Networks If you wish to connect to an Enterprise Network, use the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window to: n Click the start button from the Windows task bar. n Click on Settings, and then on Control Panel. n In the Control Panel window, double-click the Wireless  nNetwork icon. n Select to connect to an  Access Point.  n Set the correct Network Name.  Figure 1-4 Edit Configuration window
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  1. In the field  Network Name define the name  of the wireless network to which you want to connect. You can either use: n The value “ANY”  To connect to any wireless LAN network in the vicinity of your computer. n An “exact” value to connect to   Consult your LAN Administrator for the value that applies to your network. The Network Name can be any alphanumeric string in the range of  “a” to  “z”, “A” to “Z” and  “0” to “9” with a maximum of 32 characters (case-sensitive). 2. Click OK to confirm and return to the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window. 3. Click OK again to finish.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Basic Settings for Peer-to-Peer Workgroups If you wish to connect to a Peer-to-Peer workgroup, use the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window to:   n Click the start button from the Windows task bar. n Click on Settings, and then on Control Panel. n In the Control Panel window, double-click the Wireless  nNetwork icon. n Select to connect to a Peer-to-Peer Workgroup. n Set the correct Network Name and  Encryption Key.  Figure 1-5 Edit Configuration window : Peer-to-Peer   1. In the field  Network Name define the name of the wireless network to which you want to connect. The Network Name can be any alphanumeric string in the range of  “a” to  “z”, “A” to   “Z” and  “0” to “9” with a maximum of 32 characters (case-sensitive).  n If there is already a Peer-to-Peer group with this name available your computer will automatically connect to this workgroup.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  n If there is not yet such a group available, your computer will automatically start one with this name.  2. Click OK to confirm and return to the Add/Edit Configuration Profile window. 3. Click OK again to finish.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Working with Wireless and Windows           2   Introduction  This chapter provides general information about: n Using your Wireless LAN Card n View Other Computers n View Wireless Link Quality n View/Modify Wireless LAN Card Settings n Finding More Information
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Using your Wireless LAN Card  Radio Antennas The radio and antennas of your Wireless LAN Card perform best in an open environment with as few obstacles as possible. n To achieve the maximum range for wireless communications do not close the top panel and cover the top panel objects such as books or thick stacks of paper.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  View Other Computers When multiple Wireless LAN stations are up-and-running in your wireless network, you can use the procedure described below to display the other computers: 1. Start Windows Explorer. 2. Scroll down the list of files and folders to look for the item Network Neighborhood. 3. Double-click the Network Neighborhood item to display all stations in your Microsoft Networking Group. 4. To display other workgroups in the network environment, double-click the  Entire Network icon.  If you cannot find  other (Wireless LAN) networked computers, verify whether the other Wireless LAN computers are: n Powered up and logged on to the network. n Configured to operate with  identical Microsoft Network settings concerning: - Networking Protocol - Wireless Network Name - Workgroup Name  To view or modify the Station Name or Workgroup of your computer, proceed as follows: 1. Click the Start button from the Windows task bar. 2. Click on Settings, and then on Control Panel. 3. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Network icon. 4. In the Network Settings window, select the Identification tab. You can verify and change the Station Name or Workgroup parameters.  NOTE: You have to restart your computer before changes to the Network Settings will be effected.  To verify the radio connection with other stations refer to  “View Wireless Link Quality”.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Using the Client Manager  If you installed the Wireless LAN Client Manager you can use the Client Manager to: n Verify the quality of your wireless connection to the network. n View/Modify the configuration settings of your Wireless LAN Card.  The Client Manager will start automatically every time you power up your computer.  The Client Manager icon is displayed in the “System Tray” of your Windows task bar at the right-side on the bottom of your screen, indicating that the Client Manager programs is running. n Click the icon once with your left mouse button to retrieve a more detailed status overview. n Click the icon once with your right mouse button to display a menu with more options.  NOTE: If running the Client Manager, The function of “System Standby ” on Toshiba Power Saver can’t be effective under Windows 98SecondEdition. You have to exit the Client Manager, when you want use the function of “System Standby.   View Wireless Link Quality You can use Client Manager icon on the Windows task bar to verify the link quality of your network connection.  An overview of all possible icons is given in  Table2-1. When the Client Manager icon is not indicating excellent or good radio connection, act as described in Table2-1.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Table 2-1    Client Manager Icon Icon Description Color    Excellent radio connection Green    Good radio connection Green    Marginal radio connection: The radio signal is weak. Move closer to the Wireless LAN Access Point. Yellow    Poor radio connection: The radio signal is very weak. Save your files and move closer to the Wireless LAN Access Point. Red    No radio connection because: n Looking for initial connection, or n You have moved out of range of the network. Red    Peer-to Peer network connection Blank
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  View/Modify Wireless LAN Card Settings  If you would like to view or modify Wireless LAN parameters, for example  because you would like to connect to another network or type of network, proceed as follows: 1. Right-click on the Client Manager icon on the Windows task bar. 2. From the menu, select Configuration Profile (see Figure 2-1) and select: n Add/Edit Profile to add a new profile or to modify an existing profile. n One of the existing profiles (if present) to select a profile without viewing or modifying the settings. After selecting and another profile, the  Card will use the selected profile to connect to the wireless network.   Figure 2-1 Edit Wireless Configuration Settings
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  If your Client Manager icon is not visible, you have to start the Client Manager program again: 1. Click the start button from the Windows task bar. 2. Select Programs, and then select the  Toshiba Wireless Solution workgroup. 3. Next select Client Manager to start the Client Manager program.  Alternatively you can to change the  Card configuration via the Control Panel: 1. Click the start button from the Windows task bar. 2. Click on Settings, and then on Control Panel. 3. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Wireless Network icon. 4. (Optional) Change the parameters you would like to modify, and click n the OK button to confirm your changes, or n the Cancel button to ignore your modifications.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Finding More Information  If you are looking for more information than contained in this Wireless LAN Card  – please consult one of the following options:  n The on-line help system of your Wireless LAN system – for information about software and driver functionality. To View the on-line help system click the  Help button or press [F1] function key on your keyboard in any Wireless window.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Advanced Configurations                      3   Introduction  Although your Wireless LAN Card will work fine in most network environment with the Basic Parameters, you may wish to explore the advanced parameters options as displayed on the Wireless LAN Card’s Edit Configuration windows.  Only if connected to an existing network advanced parameters can be specified for an Wireless LAN Card. Consult your LAN Administrator for information about whether these parameters apply to your situation.   Encryption Parameters Tab The encryption tab enables you to define the encryption keys that your Wireless LAN Card should use to: n Decrypt wireless massages received via its wireless interface. n Encrypt data that will be transmitted via the wireless interface.  CAUTION: Encryption needs to be the same for all Wireless LAN stations.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started   Figure 3-1 Setup Encryption Parameters   You can identify up to 4 different key values to decrypt wireless data, and select one of these keys to encrypt wireless data transmissions.  Advanced parameters Tab One the Advanced parameters tab of the Edit Configuration window you can adjust a number of parameters.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started   Figure 3-2 Setup Advanced Parameters
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started   n Card Power   Management To extend the battery life of (mobile) wireless devices. n Interference Robustness Can be activated in exceptional cases when troubleshooting slow performance of the Wireless LAN network that could be related to in-band  interference from e.g. microwave ovens. n RTS/CTS Medium Reservation This parameter can be activated: - if density of Wireless LAN stations and access points is very low - as a result of poor network performance due to excessive frame  collisions at the access points   Admin Parameters Tab On the Admin parameters tab of the Edit Configuration window the following parameters can be specified.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started   Figure 3-3 Setup Admin Parameters   n Distance between Access Points Depending on the number of access points in a Wireless LAN network this parameter controls the network performance. n MAC Address Can be activated in exceptional cases when troubleshooting slow performance of the Wireless LAN network that could be related to in-band interference from e.g. microwave ovens.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Card Specifications                          Card Specifications                          AA    Physical Specifications  Table A-1 Physical Specifications Form Factor Mini PCI TypeIIIA Color   Black for Wireless LAN Card Dimensions   Weight   Temperature & Humidity Operation 0 to 55 C Maximum humidity 95%  Transit -20 to 70 C 15 to 95% (no condensation allowed) Storage -10 to 60 C 10 to 90% (no condensation allowed)  Although the  Card may still operate in the range of  –20 to 70 C, operation outside the range of 0 to 55 C may no longer be according to specifications.   Table A-2 Power Characteristic Doze Mode 45mA Receive Mode 250mA Transmit Mode 350mA Power Supply 3.3V
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Networking Characteristics  Table A-3 Networking Characteristics Compatibility n IEEE 802.11 Standard for Wireless LANS (DSSS) n Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) certified by the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) Network Operating System n Microsoft Windows® Networking Microsoft Windows® 95: n NDIS3 Miniport Driver Microsoft Windows® NT v4.0: n NDIS4 Miniport Driver Host Operating System Microsoft Windows® 98/Me/2000 n NDIS5 Miniport Driver Media Access Protocol CSMA/CA (Collision Avoidance) with Acknowledgment (ACK) n High 11 Mb/s n Medium 5.5 Mb/s n Standard 2 Mb/s n Low 1 Mb/s Data Rate The cards use an automatic Transmit Rate Select mechanism.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Radio Characteristics  Radio Characteristics of Wireless LAN Cards may vary: n According to the country where the product was purchased. n According to the type of product that was purchased.  Wireless communication is often subject to local radio  regulations. Although Wireless LAN Wireless networking products have been designed for operation in the license-free 2.4GHz band, local radio  regulations may impose a number of limitations to the use of wireless communication equipment.    NOTE: Refer to the flyer  “Information to the User” for regulatory information that may apply in your country.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Table A-4 Radio Characteristics R-F Frequency Band 2.4GHz (2400-2483.5 MHz) Modulation Technique Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum n CCK for High & Medium Transmit Rate n DQPSK for Standard Transmit Rate n DBPSK for Low Transmit Rate Spreading 11-chip Barker Sequence Bit Error Rate (BER) Better than 10-5 Nominal Output Power 15 dBm Receiver Sensitivity -83 dBm -87 dBm -91 dBm -94 dBm Delay Spread (at FER of <1%) 65 ns 225 ns 400 ns 500 ns
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  The range of the wireless signal is related to the Transmit Rate of the wireless communication. Communications at lower Transmit range may travel larger distances.  NOTE: The range values listed in Table A-4 are typical distance as measured at the Toshiba Wireless LAN laboratories. These values may provide a rule of thumb and may vary according to the actual radio conditions at the location where the Wireless LAN product will be installed. n The range of your wireless devices can be affected when the antennas are placed near metal surfaces and solid high-density materials. n Range is also impacted due to “obstacles” in the signal path of the radio that may either absorb or reflect the radio signal.  Table A-4 lists the typical ranges when used indoors in  “office environments” that can be described as follows: n In  Open Office environments, antennas can  “see” each other, i.e. there are no physical obstructions between them. n In  Semi-open Office environments, work space is divided by shoulder-height, hollow wall elements; antennas are at desktop level. n In  Closed Office environments,  work space is separated by floor-to-ceiling brick walls.
 Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started  Supported Frequency Sub-bands  Subject to the radio  regulations that apply in your country, your Wireless LAN Card may support a  different set of 2.4 GHz channels (see Table A-5). Consult your Authorized Wireless LAN or Toshiba Sales office for information about the radio regulations that apply in your country.   Table A-5 Wireless IEEE 802.11 Channels Sets Frequency Range 2400-2483.5  MHz 1 Channel ID   1 2412 2 2417 3 2422 4 2427 5 2432 6 2437 7 2442 8 2447 9 2452 10 2457 11 2462 1   printed in bold are the factory -set default channels   When installing Wireless LAN Cards the channel configuration is managed as follows: n For wireless clients that operate in a Wireless LAN Infrastructure, the Wireless LAN Card will automatically start operation at the channel identified by the  Wireless LAN Access Point, When roaming between different access points the station can dynamically switch to another channel if required. n For Wireless LAN Cards installed into wireless clients that operate in an “Peer-to-Peer” mode, the card will use the default channel 10. n When inserted into a Wireless LAN Access Point, the Wireless LAN Card will use the factory-set default channel (printed in bold), unless the LAN Administrator selected a different channel when configuring the Wireless LAN Access Point device.

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