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Document Author: jsoscia

User Manual
E56K External Data Fax Voice Modem
Installation guide
1 INTRODUCTION ................ 1
4 TROUBLESHOOTING..............................“,....m...............11
8 RESULT CODES ..........................................
1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase or this new Data / Fax 1 Voice Modem Whal you
have represents the very highest levels 01 technnlogy in terms of Data transmission
speed, With the added advantages or high lidelny voice and Video conferencing
As a Data Modem the device serves as a communication link between your
computer and a remote computer‘ allowmg you to transmit and receive data over
ordinary telephone lines, As a tax Modern. it enables you to use your computer as a
fax machine; transmitting and receiving data from other remote lax machines
TI x2 technology enables a transmission speed or 55900 bps with a throughput oi
115200 ops, and as a 14400 bps lax modern in addition to having lull Data/Fax
lunctlunsi this model also has a very userul voice reature enaoling you to enjoy
echo-tree voice eonrerencing While transmitting data simultaneously,
( For more inloririalion on this voice leoture, please read the communication
software instructions )
Thls booklet is intended to guide you through the installation procedure step by
step, and also Contains a lull list at A7 Commands and S-Regislers to allow YOU to
set up your modem to exactly your own requirements. Please read this thoroughly
belole starting installation or your modem, and try to ramiliarlze yourselt With the
steps you will be taking. If you do encounter a pmblemi then please do not hesitate
in calling your dealer lor advice
An enormous amount or research has been put into your Modern am we are sure
that it will give you years or enyoyment and sterling Service Thank you ror
purchasing this product; we think thal you have made the right decision
Note: This Guide assumes that this is the first Modem installation on your PC. If
you have previously installed a modem than you will have to remove both
the hardware and the sultware drivers 1mm your PC Please ask your dealer
for advice
2. Unpacking your Modem
This package snoulo contain the lollowing items, please unpack carefully and
inspect lor any damage that might have Occurred during shlpmenl Rough nanuilng
during Shlpplng is the cause oi mosl early modem lailuresl so if someltung appears
broken or damaged in any way ltren please do not try to install it; rather contact your
. This users manual
Communication sofiware package including manual
An RJHC telephone cord.
A 3 5" diskette or CDRDM cuntaining Wles lNF tile.
An earpnone lor the value feature
555 External Voice Data Fax Modem.
A av AC Power Adapter
Minimum system requirements:
nus modem nas a minimum PC level requirement which is listed below ll you are
rn doubt as to tire speciiieatlan oi your system then please eonlact your Dealer tor
advice belore starting Installation
- A 466 or abnve PCs
An inlel Penllum 100 MhZ or above CPU.
A (lee RS232 COM Pun.
Microsofl Windows 95.
Connector Sockets:
Power ( 9 volt lrnm me power adapm )
SPK ( Speaks! on!)
Mlc q Microphone in )
LINE1 To your Telephone wall jack)
PHONE ( To your lzlephnne set}
3. Installation: Quick reference guide
This Guide explalns how lo lnslall your Dale/FaxNulce Modern and lhen check lu
see that l ls wurking eerreclly
To lrlelall the modem. you need la lollaw lnese sleps‘
l Unpack ynur modem and make sure lrral all or me rlerns are inc|udeu and
z oenneel your modern \0 me pnune llne using me curd plovlded ll you
W|sh you can also cdnnecl a phone to lne modem
3 Connecl the speakers and mleruplrone mm (helr marked sockets. ( ll you
have decided In use the volce feature )
4 Using me RSZSZ cable eonnecl yuur system and medern
These are lne basic slaps lo lnslall your modern, but we will explain I" more
delail in the sections lhal lullow.
3.1. Insulllng your modem in your computer.
Please swlleh all your computer and any penpherale lnal you may have ccnneded
ll ls nol necessary to unplug your sys1em(s) from me eleelneal supply lusl lum ell
lhe power switches or bultnns‘ and make sure lllal all lrre puwer indication llgms
are a".
To lnelall lne external modem rn yeur cumpulev‘ begln ny connecklng R3232 cable
belween lhe modem and the com port el your enmpuler Plug the Ac adapter lnlo
modem power lack
3,2. Connecting your modem to the telephone line.
Once you have limshed tnstathng the modem in your cemputen please connect the
telephone line This is easy Just plug une end t betn are the same ) of the RJ-t 1 0
phone card mm the snake! marked LINE on your mndem, anu then plug the other
and into your tetepnone watt tack. Make sure that hath ends are secure by pressmg
hghtty on the ptugs, When ynu are saltslted‘ then you can prweed tn the next step.
3.34 connecting your modem to a lelephune set.
Now you have your modem connected to the wall Jack; what to do mm the
telephone? smple, ptug the telephone line into the socket marked PHONE, then
you can use it just as you novmatty do The modem has no ettect on the telephones
use Check (ha! \he phone has a dial tone, then you can go In the next step
3.4. Connecting speakers and micmpnone In your modem.
If you have decided in use an at the sDeCIaI Functions buttl into your modem‘ then
you thI need to connect the earphnne (m gwe you hands-tree ttstenmg ) and the
mtcrophcne Agatn this ts a simple step, lust plug the mtcrophcne iack mm the
socket marked MIC. and the Speaker jack MD the SPK socket. both an the back at
the modem Make sure that both |acks are secure, then you can go on to the net
3.5t Swrtching on the power.
once you have completed the cable installation, ll is lime to think about turning on
true power to your PC, and your new modem srmply turn on tne power or your PC
also switch the modem power on, and your computer will start up normally
3.6. installing the sonware package l.
Once you have your modem hardware installedr the next step rs to install the
soltware package We have included WIN 95 as pan at your package, and so we
will deal wttn installation at his type
In fact your modem is compatible wrtn most popular communications packages so
you can try another if you wisn‘ or perhaps change at a later date. You need the
communications soltware to operate your modem, so please try lo tollow the next
steps carelully,
1. When you restart your PC after insulting your new modern, you should see the
tollowing message: “New Hardware lound". and‘“ This wizard will now oomplete
installation at ESGKTVF'" Use your mouse to click on “Next" it you do not see
tnose messages tnen go to secltun 3 7
z. The computer wrll haw prompt you to insen the communications software, and
will then start copying the new files to your PC hard drive
3. You WI“ see the folluwl'ng message an your screen "Wlnduws lound thE
lollcwlng updaled driver Ior this devlce". Use your muuse lo cllck on "Flnlsh"
4. You wtll see "computer will copy tiles to men so please watt until the
percenlage panel is all plue and the next message oomes up
5. Vou wfll see ”This ward wfll now complete the InslaHation of wave device 1m
modem“. an your screen Use yam mouse to click on Next". and wait again (or
the files to copy
3.7. Inslalling me sukware package 11.
1. Use your muuse m chck on "My Compuler‘ on your screen men click on
"Comm Panelfi men chck on “Modem?
2. Vou should See "Modems Properties" screen Me" Click D" ‘Add ”
a. m me ~ Install New Modern" screen. Ignore the message “Don‘t detect my
modem ‘VVIH select H (mm a Ilsl then chck OH “Nan”
4. Wail unhl next screen (hat shcws ”Verify Modem” exxsls lhen click on
5. NEW you shun-Ad see "mstall New Madam" screen‘ then 12‘ch on “Have Disk"
5. The computer will plump‘l yau In msen the maflu'aclurel's mstallalion dwsk inlu
dnver selecled‘ (hen EIIDK Dr! “OK‘
7, Selecl ESEKTVF' m the screen shnwmg “InsIaH New Modem", then click on
8‘ Next, you wlfl see “VEny Modem" screen with the messages “You have
selected (he Vo‘luwing modem on commumcation POR(COM21M examplefl
and the driver you have selected‘ men click on "Nexf'
9. Now you should SEE "Updated Dewce Driver Wizard” Screen with the
message “Thws wizavd will camplefle (he lnslallallon of Wave Dewce for VOICE
Modem”. then click an “Next" and wait
10. You should See a message on ycui screen ‘Windows found [he [allowing
updated driver 10! this device E55KTVP'fl then click on “Finish"
11. Next. yuu will see “ Install New Modem" screen with the message “Your
modem has been set up successiully“ then click an "Finish“.
12. Next you will see i‘ Updated Device Driver wizard“ screen with me message
“This wizard complete the installation 0! . E56KTVP“. then click an “Next”
13. Next, you will see (he lullnwing message on your screen ‘Windnws Found the
iallvwing updated driver icr this device - E56KTVF", [hen click on "Finish"
14. Now yuu shnuld see the modem you have selecled shown on me list
That's il‘ yuu have Finished installation cl your new madam. NOW all that remains to
be done is in inn a couple a! quick checks iusl to make sure lhal all is OK’
3.8. Checking your installation:
1 Use your mouse in click on “My computer“ on your screen men click an“
“Central panel", lhen click on "Modems“
2. Check trial "ESGKTVP" is displayed on your screen, then click an "Diagnostics”
and make SUVE that the "Modem" section has'”ESfiKT\/P“ shown on the list
3. Click on “system", then "Device Manager', than “Modem‘fi and make sure lhal i|
lists "ESGKTVP’
4. Click on “ESEKTVP” Ihen “modem“ and set the Speed (0 |15209meri Click on
NOW use yuur mouse 10 cllck on “Suund and Vuieu Game Conlrollels“. and
make sure lhal 'Wave Dewee Iur Velee Modem” displays on yuur scleen ll
you du not see these messages (hen lulluw next elepe lo finish melallalion
6. Copy “35582 exe" 1mm the Driver Diskette No C \CWin95\Temp\and
execute “asssz axe"
7, You wlll see “unimodv ml" in [he same directory (hen select "unlmovaflf‘
and cllck on the amt buflon at your mnuse (hen cllck on “Install“
a. You wlll be requesleu (c reeoel your PC, men go through slepl vs agaln
You should see lnose mlsslng messages
Male; If you have experlenced any problems m inshllalion ( We hope yeu am not )
then please turn to me troubleshooting gulde.
Well done, you have completed Hardware and Software insmllalion and checked
yum updaleu system. Veu EVE new (leg to expenmenl and find nul me full lange nl
capanllmes olyuur new Data 1 Fax} Volce Modem We hape you enjoy in
4. Trouble shooting Guide
Communications is a highly complex subject, and inyotves many variables So, we
have designed this Data Fax Voice modem to eliminate as tar as possible
complicated installation and 5911th procedures lor you the user. ii any problems
have occurred during your installation then they are most likely clue to either
unsecured cahies‘ so this is always the lirst thing to check, or incorrect settings
Piease use this troubleshooting guide to try and identily any proolems lhal may
have arisen but also please remember that your Dealer is an expert on this product
and Will be more than happy to help you, lee hlm a call sometimes a quick oail
can save you hours or rrostration and head scmkchlng
4.1. Are the modem and the computer conumlnicating?
First check the came installation then it no problems are round use your mouse to
click on "My Computer' lhen “Control panel" tnen “Diagnostics" then "More inlo"
This Will display the AT commands that change some or the operations ol your
modem it not ‘ go to next section (4 2), olhelwtse go to HyperTerminaI and type
"at" then chler the command The modern should display an "OK“
4.2. The modern does not respond
ltthe modern does nor respond trorri last section (4.1), then check the lotiowrng
. is the modem properly installed?
Make sure that the modem is connected to a properly addressed COM port
Normally a modem is either assigned to COM pom (IRO4) or COM portz (IRQB),
and make sure you have enabled lhe COM ports wnh proper the number (Please
refer to PC users manuat) ll this is OK‘ then go to HypelTermtnal then type
ATdFawz " to reset the modern.
. Are the settings in your computer correct?
Redo section 3 s 4 and check if the speed is 115200
- Does the COM port sailing conflict Wllh znuther flevice?
Check that the com pan to which your madam is connected has not been
asslgrlEd to another devrce such as a printer etc "you find that another device has
been assigned. please refer to PC users manual to reassign the com port.
4.3. The modem responds bul..
Note: In this section ynu may need to use the AT commands
Tn execute these commands‘ just type lhe Command Ihen press ENTER Example,
AT ( command ) ENTER
llyour modern respunds, but does not seem to be working properly you may have
one oi the tellawmg problems
. characters you type are not displayed.
When you issue cummands to your modem during interactive mooe, it normally
dlsplays what you type it no characters are displayed you have to enable the "Local
echo”, by typing "ATEt'theh enter the cummand in the AT command set
l installation guide 3.7i 2 click on "More into” .
. Characters you type are displayed double.
it the characters you type are displayed climate, than ooth your modem and your
computer are echoing. You need to disable the local echo try typing. " ATEO "then
entering the command This will Eltmtnale the problem
(installation gulde 3 7, 2 click Dn. “Move lnh")
Note: Some software may label the local echo as. “ Hall duplex / Full duplex.“ in
this case you need to change the setting to'“ Full Duplex”
The modern does not answer incoming calls automatically.
RING“ is dlsplayed on your terminal screen type "ATA‘ then enter the oomrnarra
this will lcrce the modem to answer Another way is to type “ATso= t". this asks
the modem to answer calls other one rlng Vou need to type “ATEMI', to save this
setting to the non yolatilememom
. The modem will not dial a numher.
ll your modem displays the message “NO DlAL TONE“ then the modern cannot
detect a dial tone Frrst check your cable is installed and secure in both the rear oi
your modem, and the telephone wall lack ll this is OK‘ then connect your
telephone directly to your telephone well jack and check. it you do not hear a oial
tone, then your line has a problem and you need to contact your telephone
in some areas your telephone company PBX system does not generale a standard
dlal tone. in this case you can coniigure your modem to ignore the dial tone
altogether by typing ATXI then entering the commancl
. You can dial out, out cannot communicate property.
The modem you are communicating wrtn may have a pvcblem‘ or the internal
settings oi the two may not be compatible. In this case the best thing to oo is to
conlrrrn the settings ol the modem you are trying to communicate with, then lw
calling again
. Delays occur when communicating with error control.
it you are using a noisy line to communicate, then you may expertevlce delays as
the error control that causes blocks at data With errors to he retransmitted This is
only a very slight delayi and rs normal
. The data received is partially lost.
This sort oi loss generally happens when you are receiving an extremely large lile
The reason is that the transmitting modem is not responding to your modems llow
control and causes its own bufler to welflow If this kind oi pmblem is seen them
you need to make sure that both modems llow controls are the same
. You lose connection with me telephone line.
This can be due lo one or lhree common reasons.
|. Your modem rarls m cannecl with the remole modern
2 ll the earner lrom rhe remote modem is last.
3 ll the remote modern hangs up for some reason
ln any case (he only lhlng lo do is lo hy agalrr
. Your modem does not accept AT commands.
- Your madam does not respond with "OK".
This may have two passrhle causes
1 Vuur modem is rn quiel mode ( Type " ATQU " lo reslore the response, and
enter )
z Modem railure. ( Contact yeur Dealer ror lnslmclluns )
. Dial up hrlure. your modem displays:
"No Diallonz", or "no carrier Message“.
This may have five possrble causes
1 You interrupted the call by accident.
2 Incorrect phone numberwas draled ( Try agaln )
3 The modem you dialed ls no! respondrhg
4 Modern lailure. ( Contacl ycur Dealer)
5. Local PBX has a non— recognized dialluha( See, "The modem wlll nut dlal a
number“. )
"me: we hope that you did not have any problems usrng clr rnslallrhg your modem,
il however you drd find a problem. then please call your dealer lrrsl The chances
are that he wlII be able lo help you clear up any problems qulckly‘ and wrll have
been happy lo have been or sen/lee
5. Setting your IRQ and COM ports:
Note: Vour new modem 15 equipped wun Mug and Piay. ( PnP ) This makes
lnslallalmn onhe software much eES|er and is strangwy vecammendedv If you
use the FnP lunctlon Ihen you do not need 10 sel me IRQ, Please make
sure that you knew wmcn com pun IS connected ( 1 ar 2 J and please make
sure Ihat you enter the correct part when prompied by (he mstallalion
5. AT Command Set
6.1Execuling Commands
Commands are accepted by the modem whiie it is in Command Mode, Your modem
is automatically in Command Mode untii you mat a number and estaoiisn a
connection. Commands may he sent to your modem trom a PC running
communication sonvrare or any otner terminal devices
Your modem is capaoie at data communication at rates of not mm 2400, um.
SGML 144mm 19mm 23300‘ 33400‘ 57500 and 11520!) bps Make sure your COM
port baud raie settings in your cummunicalimns software is sea to one or the above
“Command struclure
All commanos sent to the modern musl begin with AT and end wilh ENTER Ali
commands may be typed rn either upper or tower case, but not mixed To make the
command me more readabie‘ spaces may be inserted belwezn commands ii you
omit a parameter irom a cummand that requires one, it rs rust iike specriymg a
parameier oi o
This command causes your modem to hang up.
GAJCommands Set
in me (milnwing listings, all deiaufl settings are printed in bold lext
Command Function
A Manual answer
AI Repeat iast cumman
A> Coniinuously repeat last command
<~ (gs—iv
En El)
Hn H0
Ln L0
Mn M0
Anentmn characters
Selecl rru v 25 answer sequence
Selecl Be“ answer (one
Draw command (D-BA-D}! and')
Fulse maxing
Tone dlalmg
Wait for secund dlal lune
Wail for one or more rings. lulluwed by 5 seconds 07 swlence
Pause during dialing (pause time defined by regrszer sa)
Hook flash
Remm to command mode aner dialing
Dwa‘s one of up (a ruur le‘ephune numbers (n = 0 la 3) stored in Ihe
madem‘s nurwolame memory
Commands are nut echoed an screen
Commands are echnefl on screen
Escape command
Enable the modem lo ECHO transmitted data to lhe DTE
Transmmed data is echoed to DTE
Transmmed data is nut echoed to (he DTE
Madam gees unrhook (maaem hangs up)
Modem goes efl-neok and enlers command made
Dummy cummand
Lowest speaker vcrume
Lawer speaker volume
Memum speaker vexume
High speaks! volume
Tums the speaker a"
Tums me speaker on during dlal string execution until a earner ls
derecteu or mudem gees cnrhook
Turn the speaker on
Tums the speaker on aflev ‘asl dlgfl m ma! string Is (imam turns the
speaker I)" when a carrier is detached or umrl Ihe hme has elapsed
Returns the modem (0 a pYerDust eslabhshed connection
Q" 00
lssued when modem rs ofl-hcok and when 513 7 = 0 hr detectron of
escape mdemnlme command mode). The mudem remams on tine and
relurns h) a connected dala "ansYEr mode
Issued when modem Is “1 nnlrne command mode Causes (he madam
ta return to data made and at the same nme imtiates a retrarn
Pulse mating
Modem sends result codes to DTE
Modem does not send resurl codes (0 DTE
Modem does not send lesufl codes (0 DTE when in the answer mode
Read value at s regrster r
Set value or s register r to value n
Touch-(one mung
Result codes are transmmed as drgrts
Resull codes are transmttted as wards
Hayes Smanmudem 300 Compahble responses/blmd dialing
Same as X0. Plus a“ responses/blind drahng
Same as X1. Plus dlalr lune detection
Same as xt. Plus busy tone detectlun/blrnd dxalmg
NI responses with dra‘ whey busytcne and ling de‘lscllnn
AH responses wllh busy (one and ring detectron
Same as x0 Prus au vespcnses , d|a| lone, busy tune and rmg deteclon,
except 2400 cannecticn speed
Selects system profile
NVRAM conrtguratrcn o
NVRAM cunllguralrun 1
Factory configuration 0
Factory configuratren |
Factory configuratron 2
Reset lo either of the NVRAM semngs or (a the factory deMt
Luad the configuration lndlcaled by ATV commanfl
Reset and load NVRAM configuration 0
Reset and load NVRAM configuration 1
Reset and load factory conflgurauon o
Resel and load laclnry configuration 1
Reset and Iaad laclury Dnnfiguratiwn 2
Enables and disables a dlsplay or ARQ result codes
Disables IARQ connectlon result codes
Enables /ARQ connection resun codes
lndicates an addltlunal v 32 In result codes lor calls or 4800 bps or
ldenillles protocol oi call ' LAPMl MNP, or NONE
Selects a DTE literiace rate
Tba modern DTE lnterlace rate iollows tne DCE connection rate
Tire modern DTE interlace rate lollows tne DTE rale‘ regardless al the
DOE connection rale
The DTE rale ls fixed var ARQ calls and variable lor non-ARQ calls
Data camel dated (CD) signal always on
on signal lallows the state oi tile carrier
DTR is always ON
The modem enters the command "was on DTR lransllinnlu 3 Ice slate
|t returns onllrre when DTR returns returns to a high stale
DTR drop causes the modem to hang up Aulmanswer is inhibited
Drnpplng DTR terminates any active cell and causes modem to do a
salt reset
Load standard laclbry configuration
Lead lactary cnnflgurallcn 1 hardware new control
Lead lactary canfigumbon z saltware llcw control
Set guard tone (v 22 and v zzals mode only)
Guard tone disabled
550 Hz Guard tune
1800 Hz guard lone
Disables data flow control
Enables nardware llow cuntml lc‘rsl
Enables software llbw ccnlral using characters stored in ma 522
register lor xon and the 523 register lor XOFF
Enables hardware and saltware llow control
Enables software llow control optrons
Disables [law canlrul(XON/XOFF) Gl received dais
The modern respunrls to onlonF characters defined in the 322 and
523 registers respectively and passes characlers to the iemole DCE
Same as &i1‘ but does not pass me characters to the remote DCE
Enables Hewlett Packard hast made
Enables Hewlett Packard Ielmlnal mode
Enables special llow control
Enables MNP-S or V.42bl5 flala compresslon
Disables data compression
Dala compressiun is enabled if the DTE data rale ls greater Ihan the link
tale and Ihe remote DCE supports eflher MNP5 in (he MNP llnk requesl
Dr V 42bis ln (he LAPM link requesl
Enables dala compresslon
Disables MNP5 dala cnmpresslon
Enables MNP ermr control opllon
No error control The MNP or v.42link quues1 IS ignored
Amumallc seleclron between VAZ. MNP errnr central and nan-error
conimlled dala link
Error-Coniroled link. ll the remule DCE does not respond in V 42 or
MNP link request the modem discunnecis Ihe call
Selects variable Dr fixed DCE Gala rales
Vailahle rale
ace bps
1200 bps
2400 bps
4000 bps
7200 bps
9600 bps
14400 bps
19200 bps
23500 bps
33500 bps
56000 bps
61333 bps
Selects US/Canada make/break ratio of 39%/6|%
Selects U.K. make/break ratio a! 33%/67%
The RTS Slgnal is Ignored
The modem transmits data to DTE only lf the HTS is asseneu
DSR 7010211 on
DSR wwll became active after answer (one has been detecled and
inacnve afiev Ihe carrier has been lost
Eegms test mode
Ends testing
Anawog loopback
Locaw Diguax Loopback
Enab‘es Remme Dlgital Lnopback
Fromm Remote Digilm Loopback
wmliate Remake Dugwal Lcnpback
Remote Dlgwal with self-(Est and em)! delemnr
Ana‘ug Luopback with se‘Hesl and error delemmn
Se‘ects mlmmum DCE conneclinn data rates
Variab‘e link rate
300 bps
|zoo bps
2400 bps
4300 bps
7200 bps
9600 bps
15500 bps
19200 bps
28800 bps
&U16 3360011135
131127 56000 bps
auzl 51333 bps
GrWll Writes current configuration to NVRAM templates
&W0 Stores In NVRAM pattern 0
BrWl Stores to NVRAM pattern 1
AV" Sets break handling
mo Destrucllve option
aw Destructive expedited
&v2 Nondestructive expedited
&V3 Reserved
un=s Stare telephone numbers to NVRAM at position n ( A3)
&Zn=L Stores last executed dial string to NVRQM at posillcn n (mu-3)
uh? Displays the phune number stored at posman n (mo-3)
&ZL? Display the last executed dial string
MR Select Baudrate
acID Caller iD Detection & Reporting
fiCLS Service Class
#MDL Identify Model
#MFR Identify Manulactum
mew Identify Reverston Level
wen Query Butler Size
WES Eils Per Sample (ADPCMi
WET Beep Yone Timer
WCI identrly Cumpressinn Method
wen Speaker Phone Receive Garrr
WGT Speaker Phone Tmhsmn Gain
WLS Vuice Line Salad
WRA Ringhack Goes Away Timer
WRN Rrhgback Never Came Gain
WRX Voice Receive
WSD Silence Deletiun
WSK Hillier Skid Setting
WSP Silence Detection Period
WSR Sampling Rate Selection
S‘Ienca Delectvon Tuner
DTMF Tone Repumng
Genemle Tone Signal
Vmce Transmn
7. S Reglsters
Your modem has 5 raglsters Table 4x shnws me registers, men mnclmns, and
their deveuu values some remsters can have «new values changed by commands w
you use a command m change a regnster varue, me command remains in elven unm
you Ium off nr reset your modem Vouv modem men reverts to the nperalmg
characteristics specmed m Rs nun-vowame memory To change a semng‘ use
ATSl=n command, where r is (he regwster and n VS a demmal value from D 7 255
(umess atherwlse mdicated).
Table 7-1 SsRegisters
Register FIJIIClIOfl Ranwils
SO Lama answw Hng 0-255 lrings
51 Ring coumer mzss /rings
32 Escape charader 0127/ASC1I
S3 Carnage relum character 0427 MSG”
54 Line leed Character 0-| 27 /ASCI|
S5 Backspaoe Charade! 0-127 /A5C“
36 Dial lane wall time 0255 /seconds
87 Remote carrier signal wawk time 0-255 Seconds
SB Pause lims lo! ma‘ delgy 0255 /seconds
39 Carrie! defied response Mme 0-255 M second
310 Carrier loss to hang—up time 0255 m second
511 Tune dialing dumllon and spacmg $255 / 001 second
5| 2 Examuard Olme 41255 / 02 seconds
L 513 Bit—mapped uglier setup 0255
S14 Reserved
515 ARQ Bil-mapped upllun setup 0-255
S16 Tesl mode Bil-mapped setup 0-255
317 Reserved
518 Duration Di modem lesis 0»255/secflnfls
S19 Durabnn a! mactlvlly timer U-255/minule-s
S20 Reserved
SZ' Breaks sent from madam to compuler 0255! 01seconds
$22 xON charader D»255/ASCII
$23 XOFF character 072550185”
824 Reserved
525 Deray To DTR 0-255 I 01 second
525 Reserved
527 Bn-maEped rsglsler setup 0—255
825 V,32 handshakmg lime 0-255/ 1 seconds
529 V2! answer mode lal‘hack Iirner 07255 (1 second
530 Resen/ed
$31 Reserved
332 Bil-mam reglsler Setup 0-255
533 Bil-mapped register setup 0-255
534 an-mamlster setup 0255
S35 Reserved
536837 Reserved
538 Delay bevove lorced rim-LID 0255/seconds
539-540 Reserved
8&2 ReserVed
8. Result Codes
20lCONNECT 7200 2|ICDNNECT1Z 000
QQICONNECT 24 000 103/CONNECT 26 400
107/CONNECT 28 800 |5NCDNNECT 31 200
155/CDNNECT 33 500 MiG/CONNECT 32 000
154/CONNECT 35 000 ISB/CONNECT 40 000
mil/CONNECT 49 333 ZMCONNECT 50 666
203/CONNECT 52 000 212/CONNECT 53 333
216/CONNECT 54 566 220/CONNECT 55 000
232/CONNECT 60 000 ZSG/CONNECT 61 333
Appendix A- Technical Spe '
Datalhroughpul. Uplu 115 200 bps
- Une cperalmg speed (bps).
50000 33500 31200 20000 20400 24000 21500 19200 |6800 4400
12000, 95001 7200. 4300 2400 1200 300
Dynamlc fall-back and urn-forward
Adaptwe echo 0300111120011
0001 near-end and far—end echo canoeller
1111000011011 techniques
v.90 PCM
x21 PCM
v 34 made, Trellis code 1110001311011 (101111)
V,3201s mude' rem
v 32 made TCM and QAM
v 22015 mode OAM
vvzz ae11212A DPSK
V211 0011103 FSK
- Frequency uflsel‘ =7 Hz (1m Spec)
0 Carrie! Frequency,
v 32015 made 1000 31 Hz
v 32 made 11300 11 Hz
v 22015 made 1200 10.5 Hz vor (ow channel
v 22015 made 2400 20 5 112 for high channel
- Error correcuon prulccnl'
MNF class 2134
v 42011011111
Data compresslon scheme
MNP class 5
v 4201510112)
0 Character length 10 bus
- Termmsl Inlerlane:
05232 (001,11 00M21
Cummand larmal Standard and extended AT commands
0 Operating modesv
Flow comm.
XON/XDFF pass-through/nun-pass-{nrough
Telephnne line mler'ace RJ-| 1c
Transmvt level, 4 0 (15m (0 -15 dBm
Gmup 3 send/recews Iacsmile
v17‘ v 29, v 27m, vv2| ch2
Class L 2 commands
Voice vunczion
Vulce View
Full duplex speakerphone
- FCC Compliance
This equipment complies wnh Part 68 at the Fcc Rules. On this equipment is a
label that contains among other intermation, the FCC regtsuallon number and
Ringer Equivalence Numoer (REN) tor this equipment. Yau must upon request.
provide this lnlomlaltun to you telephone company
it your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone network the Telephone
Company may dtscnminue your seryice tempomrity it possible, they will notify in
advance But, it Emma notice isn‘t practical, you will be notified as soon possiote.
You will he inlormed at your right to tile a complaint With the FCC
Your telephone company may make changes in its tacilities, equtpmenl. operations
or procedures that could atlect proper uperation oi your equipment it they do, you
will be nutmed in advance to give you an opportunity Io maintain uninterrupted
telephone sen/ice.
The FCC prohibits connecting this equipment to party lines or coin-telephone
in the event that this equipment should tail to operate properly, disconnect the
equipment from the phone line to determine it it is causing the problem it the
problem is With the equipment, discontinue use and contact your dealer or vendor.
The FCC also requires the transmitter ot a FAX transmission be properly identified
tper FCC Rules Part 55, Sec 53 351 ta) ta»
- FCC Class B Statement
This equipment has been tested and iound to comply With the limits tor a ciass E
digital devrce. pursuant to Part is ol the FCC Rules These limits are designed to
pmvlde reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation This equipment generates. uses and radiates radio frequency enemy
and it not installed and used in accordance with the instructicns, may cause harmiui
intertererice to radio communicaltnns Howeven there is no guarantee that
intericrence will nm occur in a particular installation it this equlfimenl dose cause
harrniul intertererice to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment on and on, the user is encourageo to try to correct the
interierence by one or more at the ioiioiiiiing measures
Reprint or reiocate the receiving antenna
increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dittererit irom thattc which the
receiver is connected
Cunsull the dealer or an experienced radio l TV technician tor help
Notice 1) shielded cables, ii any, must be used in order to comply with the
emlssmn limits zi Any change or modification not expressiy approved oy the
Grantee oithe equtpment authorization could void the s authority to operate the
P/N 70502000115

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