E TECH EZ1-400 UHF Transceiver User Manual EZ1 1

E-TECH Co., Ltd. UHF Transceiver EZ1 1

User Manual

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Document ID2322370
Application IDMy5a2g/PYAy9h8wMkJGbZw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize207.29kB (2591079 bits)
Date Submitted2014-07-10 00:00:00
Date Available2014-07-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-04-27 11:09:30
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Document Lastmod2014-07-10 23:08:34
Document TitleEZ1 user manual-1.pdf
Document CreatorAdobe Illustrator 8.0.1

User Manual
n m i, i,
m elecHOUA no w
1. For Saie Operation
2. Features -
3. Appearance of Eli Series Radio
4. Operating E21 Senes Radio
5. Basic Operanon oi Eli Series Radio
5. charging the Battery
7. Operaling Instruc1icn ofEZ1 Series Radio
Thank you for purchasing ihe E21 Series radio.
1.When using the Radio, piease read me amused user guide in deiaiis
2 ms funcmns and specificanons am sunisa in he changed wilhom notice iorimprmemsm
oi me Radio pedorruanoe.
Adaptop/Chalgel Handstrap Batten/Paw aeiiciip Rama
xCempenems muid be changed by buyer requesi
www elecnzada w n
'. For Sale Operation
Donllmnemllwlln anlenna delaened lrumlne mdld ardem damage orchanue amenne lype
Smmg eleclmmc waves are emuled lrem lne mile and damages or changes to lne snlenna
may sued lne penumanee dune mdld, and u may cause he radium be defectlve and ml
covered underwenemy
Dun‘| disassemble lrle mdlo. Disassemhly loe radio may wuss a serms defecl m
malfuncuorl and not be wreled undelwanarny.
Dom use me euerlrequency exceplrerme pennmed frequency in elder none be
punisned by law.
~ Don‘t give an eccesslve shockmme Radio
- Don't place lne Radio wnele lne dlrect sunlgnl and/m lne nlgn Iempemure eceurs
- ll lne Radln ls placed for a lung lime ln car VI summen lne nel lemperalune in me car
may cause an mpldeien mneuery
- Don't make a damage In lne battery by a sham subslance and/er an exeesslle snddc
\n case OHile sresmal medlcs‘ equlpmems ale being usedl please uselhs Radio aflsr
discusslun WM! lhe equlpmem make! ulme relaled dude!
Please don't use the mail) at the place whale wmpuler or omev elerAIiC/eleclmnlc
devices are belng used, because we snang electrdmc wave lwm lne Redle can haw
an ewecl on lne equlprnents
. Please keep lne radio al least finch away lrpm me human body
- Don‘t give any damage lo anlenna
. When uslrlg earpnme, please reduce me volume to a low level llnel, unexpected mgr.
seund may have narmlul elleclle your ear
- Don‘t lducn the mnducllve melal onhe bakery ladle wall wel nands ll may cause
damage on your hands
. Please be carerul when putting me battery n a pocket ora bag
The E2! Senes Radm rs developed to be user mend‘y, compact desrgn and hgm weigm
and :0 have me srmflar commumcahon range n: ma indusmal Rama and me rams rs surname «or
lewsme and women due to much \Igh‘ wewghl compared‘ ww‘h lhe 00167 Radlos
The (allowing are the mam features loe EZI Senes Rama.
, we Gruups and 256 Channels are selemame
- Ca“ Guard Sque‘ch 01 standardrzed 53 cross / 203 DCS
- Compandev mum"
, Dua‘ Tone Madmanon Frequency (DTMF)
, Norma‘ Scan / Pnomy Scan
, vox
- BCL / sow
- Trmeom ‘fimer (TOT)
, Momtor
, Hrgthualily Audra Output (1W)
- DC + 3.7V Lr-rurr / 1800mAH mgr. capaclly Lr-ran Banery
- m step Squercrr wmmr
, Lone Worker
, C‘omng mucuon
, PC Programmrng came m use Iype
- Emelgency/ Swen
W emzee‘ w w
'. Appearance of E21 Series Radio
r Antenna
mama 3 ‘
r; On/OWaIume Comml
Bah C‘Ip
, Speaker Mp Jadx
Menu Bmtpnm \
Memtpr Bumm(M)
ownsuuonm EmerBulmn (<1 Up Menu)
Banery Lackey 451
Pack 4; We
Onloflvmume Comm‘
smus LCD
figure 3.1} Appearance m 521 Senes Rama
Key Luck Pviomy SCAN & Norma‘ SCAN
Nan cTcss & Dcs
Ham Lem macaw
Charme‘ 5- Slams
figure 12) LCD Indlcamn m E21 Senes Rama
n m t, i.
m etemoon or: iv
.lperating E21 Series Radio
1. On] Off] Volume Control
Tums tne radio on and on and adjusts audio volume level
2. P17 Button (Push-To—Talk Button)
Radio transmission button it is recommended to taik 5~10z2m amylrdm the microphone lortne
best voice communication
3. Menu Button (P, Program Menu Button)
Enter into Menu mode by pressing the Menu bulton(P) lor 2 seconds.
The sequence oi menu mode is as foiiows.
[UnnF Eran? dinnr ' ‘SQUELEN _ [m
Compander Group DTMF sduelen Cail
new, * Sound , * Mrs: A ‘LDHE'U‘H‘ * _Ps[ ,
RogerBeep KBySound VOX Loneworker PawerSaveContmi
4. Monitor Button (M)
The monitor mode is enabled and disabled Ivy pressing the Monitor button(M) on the side.
Normal Mode During pressing the Monitor button(M) lei about 2 seconds, it is posslbie to check
trie receiving status
Continuous Mode During pressing the Monitor buttentMl lor more than 2 seconds the Radio will
make a "Beep" tone, which means the monitornindidn is malntalned and ryou
press the Monitor button(M) again. the monitor lunction Will be reieased
5. Channel Buttons ( V , A)
Channel Euttonstv, A) have 2 lunctions as shown in loiiouings
(i) Channel buttons(v, A) are to change channels.
at cnznnel huttons[v, A) are to soled menu at menu mode.
6. Emengency Button
In case or emergency situation. il you press the Emergency tiutton, a siren sound Will be neard
through the speaker in the Radio
W mum; w hr
7. Speaker Mic Jack
The Accessury Cuhhecmr is used when uslng an extemat speakermicmphmte ur dalng PC
ngmmmmg at maklng the Ciomng
8. Status LED
The LED is a lamp indicating the current status at the Radio and piease retertn the beliaw wntents
m) RX : Green Lamp
12) TX .Red Lamp
13) CTCSS, DCS Error Green Lamp blinks
14) Law Battery : Red Lamp biinks with "beep" sound
9. Speaker: 1 Watt Output speaker
'. Basic Operating at EZ1 Series Radio
Installation and Removel otthe Battery
> Installation of the Battery
Tb mstail battery, sitde up the battery towards the top at the Radio until battery iatch is locked
F Removing the Battery
Sitde the battery ialch iocated on the bottom to the radio oi the Radio tn
The open position as shown m figuve 51.
The battery is remuved by presstng it against and siiding it towards the bottom at the radio.
figure 51) instaiiatton and Remmi mime Battery
n m o, u,
m ereeraoon ee kr
“naming the Battery
> 6.1 Safety Notes
1) The radlu cl E21 serles reeerves powerlrcm hlghrperlormance LHDn
banery. Banery ls sale ol hrgh penormance and hrghly relrable.
and could be charged uery last.
_ The margrng onne endnsed Radlo on me omer makerls marger will cause
MM» damage to me banery and lhe Radrg
2) Please charge lhe ballery before usrng [he radro for has oerlerrnance and salery.
3r When you charge lhe oallery lhal ls rnsralled rn lhe Radro. please lurn cmhe radre hrsl.
The oenonudus rapld drscharge llor mmple. when makrng a shorl crrcun en lhe ‘e, :
lermrnals of banery by a melal substance) may make a lalal deleel and lhe baflery can
mm oe exploded Also. «can cause a hre
4r Uslng lhe onrrecl hanery le lmpmve lhe elhcrency and salely
> 6.2 The Time 0! Charging
Low ballery vollage wrll make lhe radro have less eeverage and also make the perlermanoe
wulse Please charge the gallery ln case uHuHawlngs.
ll When you lhrnk performance ollhe radro becomes lower
2)When the red lamp on Sralus Led blrnks durrng lransmrssron or reoephon
a) When lhe banery lcon blinks
A) When “beep" sound ls generaled whlle the radle ls ln use
> 6.3 How to Charge
ll Plug lhe Adaplor for desk charger rnm me eleclncrry power oullel
2) When chargrng the Radrownh (he banery rnsralled, please rum olllhe power ollhe
Radlo and place lhe RadlD on the charger (The charger has a sllde slot)
3) Aller complehon ollhe charging. lhe green LED on lhe charger wrll lrghl Heweuer, please
oennnue lhe chargrng lor more lhan 30 rnrnules fur lhe ogmplele lull charge
slalus Dunng charging Aner chargrng Delecling error
LED lndrcahon Red LEDlrghls Green LED lrghls Red LED olrnks
D 6.4 Charger
The charger ls desrgned lo charge only lhe Ll-lon gallery enclosed rn lhrs Radlo
Speclficalions o1 charger
~ lnpulVollage DC 5V. 7007M - Operallnrl Temperalule 'D‘C~+50'C
A Balmry . Slze 7BLW)x85(D)>a7(Hlm/m
A aurck Chargrng Tlme ln 4 and hall hours . okargmg Cuml :700mA(Fas|cha|glng)
/ \
W menznm w kr
'. Operating lnsiruniion of E21 Series Radio
> 7.1 Function Table
FunC‘flOH Button & LED Slams LCD Display
Linev art/on Power On/ott Voiume swrtctr
e W button r , .t E
2. Transmit rm Red LED (#55. :
3. Receive taxi Green LED
4. Channei
Salmon UF(A)/Dwn(vibul\on
in case oiemevgerw Wyatt mess the
5. Emergency Emevgency button a eren sound wru be
heavd through the sped/tar rn (he Rama.
To start Scan, Menutpt + Entert er)
6- 5“" When set in me PC Program
Murmur btmnn
7. Monitor Gwen LED
To enabie‘ Menu(P) . um) button
3- Key M“ To end Scent Jusi press Menu(P] button fH-G’J =
No change in my
. E i ci [1 N St
9 ca" " e" l “ °" We" 5 ) Tranemrte Can signai
10. Menu Mode Press Menu(P) over 1 sec Press Menu(P)over1 sec
Onglnai set 'Turn on the power
gimme pressmg P17 (-mn- Start cionlng by pressrng Enler button
(F, m Tm Cionmng set Tum en the power (4) on the ongmai set
5:: Dag ’ pressrrtg Menu(F] (.p,..g.) Reset the set attercempiete donrng
Connecl cabie
A m
W eianrmflfl so u
{1. Operating lnsiruniion of E21 Series Radio
V 7.2 Menu Function Table
Menu LCD in Menu Mode LCD in Menu Mode SUB
sgiwwgmmfiy raw 5’ [new n
1- CompandE' [W (a) Seied in using A‘thflan
Press Enlel( nunon lei Menu Mode
Seieu try Eniiaixau W i
2. Gmup pm (a) Seiem us using AthUnon
Piess Enter(< lbulton bf Menu Mode
5m W Em, my d‘innf u 4w n
3- ”W“: «W [Vi Seiem in using Aivbuflon
Pius Enieii d] union hiMenn Mode
5%? a
4. squash mm [SE‘fiWENe'Key Seiem s-s JsmgA v Mon
’ Pies: Enlei( e inunon bi Menu Mode
Seiem Squeiai senanMD Hign sensiuunu 3 inn sensitiniy)
Seiecinniei Key [an n d [m
5 Call u ‘4 IR [ELL y ‘7‘ {ELL i’ <‘ CELL
' Seiem a n using Aivhulion wnenseiewng u choosesuunflimm Ha
visas Enieii .g] union mi Menu Piess Enlel( ., i} bunon lei Menu Mode
rsru» u ,s us: it
e. Rogei Beep W, W [59‘3“WW KW Seiem 1n usingA‘thflan
V Press Enter( hi} nunon lei Menu Mode
Whenseiemg u ineie is heepwund aneimnipieie 1x
5W s 5W n
SeieniiryEnieery Seieci in using Aivmmon
7- 50“” we [-5) Piess Emeri
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