E TECH NEP400 FM Handheld Transceiver (UHF) User Manual
E-TECH Co., Ltd. FM Handheld Transceiver (UHF)
User Manual
NEP-Series User Manual {Y \ Volume/Power Switch ‘ Fucliom Bunon ”W LED Indwcator PTT Button \ MonimrBunon \fi ‘ Sneaker Fucuonz Bunnn ,\“ \ Microphone LCD Display ~ Menu /Se|ect Key Down Button LCD Dlsplay & Icons fin Hf-Zfé7336?fl i ChannelZOOI \ g ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 Symbol Dllcflphufl Symbol Dllcflphon u Yr-mm-umwwnmsm 0 W HL mmxzmm 6 «mm :0 am O Snmlbv I mum.” T 57:31:":‘fmwmn-um (E mm m 0mm 1. Package contents . Mam body (Names) . Lifluum ion hamy . Desktop up“: charger . Amenna - Hand 51mg - Mame! - Bel dID - Usar Manual u mulling m. Bimry ' The nomanls may as changed on requasc. - Fume extensms at me bollom cur-e bmry m|o me slots 5| the venom cl me man's body — Press me In» pan o1 the ballary (awards me name unfil yuu hear a cum. 2. Gettlflfl Staneu 2-1 Turning Your Ruin anion -Tum me mwmr switch dumwise Iu mm m rad» on. .mm me volume/pom swimh mumm- dodxwlse m [um me radm wunml you hear hdvng sound. 2-2 Inmlling the Autumn .Tum «he anlenna dockvose on me amenna oonneclm uhhe mam may -Tum omhe mm, 11 u .5 turned on. . Side [he ballary Imam on {mm was ov me hanmy, mwam. - Pull me Inn pan onha nanery my «on. me man’s body, and (move me bakery. WIN-Wu Game New name: orumsad Damien var hug me should be merged hem using me name. I! ma voltage 91 banery vs reduced. call dun-nee wII moan. and me dwica onnnol work in ml performance. Please mange me banery when n is n he blowing emu. -When red km] on lhefrum side emre product «my: dunng warwnissim or reeepuen (m5: cyde) -WhenlhohfiltaryxmnmmeLCDfid(m -wmn|ounamaenn sumac! 'aeep— Beer‘ oeeurs during Ina. Hath any. i -lnm me answer Adapter are general 1 pawn! omleL (mmozww 1 -Tumofl\rwradlcvmenmru\rw£ho i rude mama vim emery. ; -Thecharge¢haslwu “.mmmsui can marge the mom washed wnh me 1 banery. and me hear sh can only ; charge a emery. ; -Aner waging is done, It»: gee" Lamp 5 1 on, m mammal charging for mm m: 1 mun-nee u man/mad cor mmplere 3 changing. ; - Charging am lamp 3 099mm sums Cola! chergrng Red LED on Complsied Green LED on Erroreewrred Red LED Vim 3. Functlon 3-1 Monu Navigaflon Chart - Funcfims m be manger: without name 651 perverrrunee Imprevemem 3-2 Mlsud CII Lin thm s-uu unchecked m -y. ou. Theislissaved tryoruavoiarrim andmreoenldlisunmemphy. n Slams Call is M ma sums ml Hummus when you ham 5 cal. 09 Menu appears. 3) Salem 8 A) Una a 9 and mm in. Isl. "Innis is no mism cal "Not Found‘ is displayed. Up w 16 eels can be slated, so |hi| if). 17m CI is saved ans! Ibo i i cal is damn. Ii ii )5 ma sinus can) "5" displays. 5) Salad 9 313 Donna ”It TM wnw list is in: oil nwa m1. 0% Menu 2) use 69 hmims unnlM appears. 3) Salad 3 4) Use 69 Ind chuck the Is). Whom is no misssd oil. "No| FWW' is disulayed.Up m 16 cds can be sinned, solhalme 17m ad is savedaflellhe 15‘ cal is deleted. II it Is the Siam! all) "5: displays. 5)“ can lend I'Ia II! admd when pushing me PTr billion. :4 sum: c-I Lin You can sand me smn mass-9s I) <9 Menu (a; L Status 2) Us: 69 bimuns uim'i'sraiis' appears. 3) Sealed e 4) Useag amchocsememesage you wanl lo ma. 5) m the PT!’ human, imn the mags 5mm 3-5 Lon. Worm omion rm uu ofLma Workar luunhon can be sdected. I) 9 Menu m; 777] Lil-oncwurku 2) Use 69 humor: um! ‘Lona Worker appears 3) Salad 9 4) use 691mm»! «OFF. 5) salsa (a (: Lsrxpumr 7x mruanbasaluclad. 119mm awears. :1)de 9 A) use 59 laselHGH ovLonM 5) Select 9 1-1 TX Sub Yon. rx sub [am can ha mum. I] 9 Menu 2) Use 69 omens um: "rx Sub Tone appeals. :4)de B 4) Us. 69 m wwanbed sub Inna. 'crcss: om - 0532 mass 101 - 204. ‘cust: m1 - 073' 5) select (a 3-5 RX Sub Tom RX sub lone can be mung” 1) <9 MBrIu Fara". Lllx SuhTon: 2p Use 69 human: um: 'RX Sub Tone' swears. a) Select 9 4. use 59 m so! named sub 1mm 'cmss 001 - 053‘ or 'CDCSS, 101 - 204' 5. Salad @ 3-9 Group cnannul Us. aigrwp channd rumuon can be sewed. 1) 9 Menu {a}; 2) u” (39 Mon: unfl 'Gmup’ swam. $5.1m (3 4)Use 69 wmovemmewamed goup duannel. (Channels: m - 1o) 5) Salad 9 1-10 Alon Sound U» M filer! sound can be Mensa. 1p 9 Menu f 3-12 Squllch leol Squelch Iml on be now-m. (Squelm Iml rs between on - 09,) «)9Mem 2p Use 39 muons unnl'Nen' appears. 2) use 69 butters unhl Swat» 3) Selena @ awears. Ajuse @QKUMONOIOFF. inselaa B 5)Se|ec1 @ Muse 69m mova'vomddml Mamet D4) to m wanna level 5) Salad 9 u“ m w lock luncbm can be selected. u“ aim" lumman un bn moan. UQMBM 1)®Mem 2p Use 59 bunons unul 'Key Lock‘ imam. 3p sum 9 4) Use 69 mstN uOFF. 5) Salad 9 2) Use (39 bmtnns um! 'Scan' appm a) Selma 9 (Scan mm righlawayj 1.11 Kny Lock 3 3-13.5an i 4) Plan the Prr Man In mop 3-H DTMF um a1 DTMF (Manon can be sebum. 1| 9 Menu 2p um 69 mm unol amp imam. at Select 9 4) Us. 69 m u! DIIIHa/Enwder/ Em » 0mm 5) Salad 9 3-15VOX Ula avvox runwan can be nomad; 3)Seled @ um; 39 tonloNquF. SDSelsn Q Z-IGVOX LIV“ vox damn ml can be oonftgumd Us Menu (E ‘l 2) Usage buttons um: vox Lewd appears. 3) Select 9 4) use 39 to move 1mm dehull Milan! on) k: me wanted level. (Rangeefvoxlenlism -1s) 5) Select 9 3.17 Priority 5cm use 0! manmng lumum 601 nnmry channel can be selected. 1K9 Mann Cu; 2) use 09 mom um] PScan‘ appenm. 3’ Salsa 9 0qu9 mmonmori 5’sdea G 3-15 Priority Sun charm-l 1 3-20 Tnlumuml Channel m be lunnsd when using scan Ula alYlimund inmmon can be ”lemon. funcnon an be maligned. i 1) (9 Mom fit” ""‘I “9 ”5"" "7" 1 LTnnumunrl J! P S “ Ch : ‘ zlunQQ mn§§7§£fifi}uw 2) Use (59 muons unul 'P Scan Ch’ 1 am“ “We“- a) saw 9 (1)50th MUM aGmmoNquE A)Use@©wmwmdannel 5,3‘m9 forwhki‘WiMiB/smnismbewed. 5) Salad 9 3-19 Pow-r 5m- 3-21 Password U]: at pom um made can be aimed. me at puma lunchun can In “band. 1) 9 Menu fiii'fi 1 7 09 Mom. LED—war Snve > 2) Use? bullons unol va Saws awears. swam. 3)Selecl 9 313m 9 A)Use@©lnse40Noi0FF. ‘lUwaglomONwDFF. 515mm 9 35.1351 9 3-12 Pumord Change 3 3-24 Scnmhll swing Pawn can be chlngad. 1 m of was «mien can be mm. (on Pasmm )3 '12342) 3 I) 9 M...“ m7 E 1) 9 Menu WI’E'7'1 1 =\_ Scramyle L351 CELT") 1 2) use 69 muons urm'l‘SaamNe' 2) use mums urm P914 appears. Cnange‘ appeals. 3)se1ea 9 205913219 ‘AjuseaglosmoNovOFF. A) Llla 69 In salon number! and 5) Salad 9 WSMM mg-stm and enter the old pm. '1234". 5) Use 69 wuleaedwamed numbuKD - 9) av shrubs) (A ~ 2). Salem <3 1mm mm and mler new ammo, emu Admit password Is entered) "I! device aulomalicaly sun‘s m mmu ween. 3.13 LED Infllmor ‘ 3.25 Sum Mllud c LII: a! LED vmmlmrhmp «menu. can be new the mud ull IIsL “hand. I) a Menu 1) (9 Mom rui— (E— 1 L J LL55] "$9314: 2) Use 69 mums unnl 'Mm sem' 2) Use 69 mm mango awe“. Indium appears. a) Selecl @ assign B nu” 09 amchooselhelmyou 4) U» 69 to w ON a OFF. mm lo and. 5)Se|sm 9 5)Pmsmmm,mmmainms. 3-15 mm. mmu Call 1 3.2: Fr-qumcy Dilplwy You can delela Im mism Cd Nu. Vbu can disphy the lrequenw on the LCD ”9 Menu m; n (9 My... FIT E W 1 L.P‘_‘!.E‘.‘.e‘ ’ 1-ng Displiy 2) Use 69 humans unnl 1m Delew 2) use 69 mm: “,1.qu You can mm (he mama sonsifiwty. n 9 Menu appears. 1 Drspiay appears. 3) Salad 9 3 3) Salad 9 4) me 69 nnflchmamntyou 1 4) use 59 3mm wanna mm. 1 ‘On': Iraqmcy, ar '0”: mum 5) Select 9 3 3349‘: 9 3-11 Sand Vavllbk God-- 3 3-29 MIC Glln Send a ul wnh a pmrrangad code 1) 9 Menu fi'r'fi" Vanahle 2) Use 69 mums unul 'Varlafle‘ 2) Use 69 human: wit! me Ga aweirs. ,, mm. 3) Saba 9 run 3) Salad (9 : “Use aecnmmgamml 4) Use 69 (change numbers), (m5). 9 (mm digs). and se| me mde. 5) Sdea 9 5) Pressme PTT human. and then send the code. 340 Ron" 1 342 Complndgr Use or may sound lunclion can be 3 Use alcompander mnclian can be selsdad. 1 seladad. 119 Menu 3 09 Menu m "50] L" “39!, , i Lamp-"d: - 2) Use 59 humans unnl'Roger 1 2) u” 39 muons unnI'Compamer apps-Is. 1 appe- . 3) Select a j 3) Salem 9 4)Llsa69|oselONuOFF. 14)Uw6@«os€l0NuOFfi 5) saw (9 3 5) Select 9 3-31 E-mhono 3 3-33 LCD Coma-l (wnan marks are used) Use av ; LCD wnnsl can be aqusled. earphonehmaionmnbesakfledlo ”QM”. pfsvanl n hum-g has. 1) <3 Mm m: L 7 Conlrasl' a peas. 2) Una 69 muons un Earp 3) sum an appears. 4) Us 59 m «gun the cum-st. a) sum 9 5) 5d“ 9 4) Uu 69 w m Nomld / Eirphnns omy r Earphone Anna. 5)So|en1 9 it“ Raul U5! 0! rue! mnmm can be ”hand I) a Menu 2) Use Q9 Mons um mm appears. a) Sdsd (9 4) Use 69 Inseam «OFF. 5) sum 9 3-35 Inform-[Ion You can mm "H mlomunoll of the man: neMenu ITi' E W" i i_‘.'.‘r°'"‘_“f.‘fl' J: ‘ 2) use 69 Mons unnl lnbmmm 599685. 3% (a 4) Use 6 9 m 559. SM xxxxx Volaw mv NS Gamer xxx-xxx-xxxx CTCSS/DCS TONE cTcss No mumn NO rm. w) No mu (m no an um) am am n15 no.9 on um 04: ma 002 us an mu use «:52 cu was on: 74.0 M 1 nu nu an as 206.5 m 77.0 01: mo nsz zu1.5 nun 229.1 one m an 111.! nu my 041 154.1 on m an uu nu 2m nu HA] no? no nu was nu 225.1 MI was ca- [5.5 oz: um nu 212.: use ma on ms nu mu n51 2m 051 ‘71.: no u.- nu 151.4 nu mm «5: Mn n11 nu oz: 15m an 053.: as: my n12 mun an “7.2 nu: was: In a
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