E TECH NEW100 FM Handheld Transceiver(VHF) User Manual
E-TECH Co., Ltd. FM Handheld Transceiver(VHF)
User Manual
NEW-Series User Manual Amen na 7 7 7 Volume/Power Swilch ' Fucfion1 Button ‘3 LED Indicator P'l'l' Button \ ‘ "’*- Speaker Monitor Button _____ J FucnonZ Button ¥ ' "a Microphone ‘ ~~~ LCD Display up aunon \\ ”7 Down Bunon Menu Bunon E-TECH 60., Ltd. C E-TECH LCD fiiiTéiErT ”31.17997 lay & Icons \ Channel: 001 i Pfiifiifiifiifi# Symbol Ducnplmn Symbol mambo“ u “mumflmm... .,, 5m HL mum-m ‘Kimfim ‘L-mm. m 3mm, 8 Wm M. m m 1: . m m e V l mu...) wmnwm-m 1 mm.” WWW“ mm m, {l- Ban-Iv um D W D wmm o m WynuMuMmmvm 1. Package contents — Mam bady(NEW—Senes) - anum ion balmy . Daskfov mum manger . Amenna — Hand mp - Adap‘e' . as cllp - uw Manual 2-: Inmlnng mo 3mm - Th: wmanls may be changed on requasL -Tmu amneraummsm. . F1! me batery as shown m me above figuve am: pm. upmvd m anach. . AW auchmem‘ pm me calm many (0 mm me mm mm «slung ML 2. Getting Started 3 2-1 Tumlng Your R-dlu OnlOfl : -Tum me vulumalpmr much dodmse i m mm the ladm on. 1 .Tun me whine/paws! 9mm ecumen- 1 dCKlese Io Ium me mo all unnl you 1 near hdung sound. 3 7.2 Imbi ng m. Anunna -Tum the antenna dockvnse on me anlanni mnnscwr 9! h main body. .Tumoflmemdmflmson. . I! ma calm m locksd, push n yummy to unlock. -Pushmacawnmmemmumovnnuw m m (M binary dawnwlrd w “Dame w «om Ina devlca. Wh-Ith am- New binaries a! unuud mum forlung a'me should be charged before King M 1 radio. "me vuhage m banery IS reduced. 1 call dismnoo wll shaman. and me amino 1 arm work Its rul momma. 1 Please charge me haneqwnen n 15 In me: lollawmg me. -When you hmn on {ha from Slde a! me produd mums dunng hxnumssncn of mm (0.5: cych) .wmmmwlmmmmum — when m mm dim! sound 07 ‘Boup- Boar“ my: during use. Hum my 3 4mm charw mow m|o germ: 1 paw wlluL (M21 1»sz 3 -Yum ofllha mdm when ahfl'wflfi ma 1 radio attached wim battery. 1 -Yhe charge! has mu slots. The fmnkdm 1 can charge me mam anached mm me 1 usury, .nd the but am an ody 1 chi-gs a binary, 1 -Anar charging vs done, the green lamp u. 1 on, muddmand charging hr mm 10 1 minds. in connnued M camplma 1 charging. 1 - chugng disvhy lsmv 0mm scams Cdm Charging Red LED on Compiemd Green LED on Ermr mm Rad LED new: 3. Functlun 3-1 Mum "amnion cum g)" - Fumms an be changed wnmm mm bf Deflormnnu Implwamam mp Cmurm- m,— 3:2 Mllud C. LII! Iv mere he a cell unchecked, me away I; on.The Ist .5 saved by war mam. and me manual \s an we (ism. n smue Call I! set me slams ell hammhs When you have a all 1 )8 Menu. fig L.._J \_. 2) use (3 @ humus um: M455“ appeals. 3) sum 9 4) Use (3 a and mm M list. "more IS no missed cal. “Nut Found” 45 msphyeump m ~s cans can be sued, somanhe Wmcahssavedaflerme 19 Cal 5 deleled. n n ‘5 me sums call. "5' disphys. 5) sum (3 3-3 Contact US! The cor-lad lid is me cal reserved ”a Menu Comm 2) Use 8 (3 bulwns un ‘stsad' appears. 3) Sded B A) use Q [3 and mm meIIsL mm is m missed cal. "Mm Fuurvd' e dIsplayed.Up m we can an be mad. samaflhenmmissavedaflerme 1M cal I! dede. II II ‘5 the status call. "5.“ dllphyb. SWou can and cm In “1m when pushlng the PH mm. 3-4 8mm CII Llsl van can send the ahofl message. 1.9mm. 2. Use Q a banana unol 'svarus' appears. a. select a 4) Use Q (3 and choose me message you wanl lo send. at me: me PTI’ human, m ma mange semis 3-5 Loll- Walla! omen rm use 01 L009 Worm luncbon an be selected. ”9 Menu [i thoneka , Z)Use@@hnmwwltonewma’ nppeere. a) Select (3 4. Use Q Q m se| ON orCIFF. 5) Salad 8 SvSTX Power TX power can be ”b51511. ”[3 mm. "’ 2)UseQ®mtor-su 1 appears. @5qu A)use@@laleGHovLOW. mama 3-1TX SubTono TX sub lone can be changed. 09mm: m (E v -\_TX SubTone .__._ J 2) Us: Q (3 muons umil ’TX Sub Tcne' appears. a) Sdeu (3 4) use Q m are! mum sub lone. 'crcss: om - 053' 'CDCSS 101 - 204 'CUSTDM. GUI - 073' swam (3 1 3-8 RX Sub Tone RX sub lone can be changem m3 Menu F” u} _ 2) Use Q bullons unol RX Sub Tune' appears. 3) 521m B A) use Q In set wanted sub mm. mass 001 - 0510! 120053.101 - 204- 3mm 9 i a Group Chlnnul 1 use 019ml) channdluncfion can be 1 semen. i ”8 Menu [—3.7— 3 L, 0'29 i 2) Use (3 (3 bul'ons unul ‘erp' 1 appears. 1 3) Salsa B muses lommetolhewlntod i gmup mannel. (chanmls. m - m) 3 5) Salem 8 3-10 Alon Sound Uia of Alan sound an be island. 08 MW Wig” : Men L‘ 2) Use 9 G mmunfimerr appeas. :05de omega mmONmOFF. 35¢!st 3-11 Koy Lock memlmmmnunmm. ”8 Mom: L _ 2)UseG@b\nwnsunl KayLodr appeals. :05de ouseGDIomoNoroFi $5de 3-12 Squolnh leol Squaw: um: can be adjustad. (Squaw. level is hem-sen 00 ~ 09.) ”8 Menu 2) Use Q Q buflons unol 'Squelm‘ appaers. 3) Salsa 8 4mm gammmmmmm (M 04) [0 me wan'Bd IBVBI. 5) Salsa E) 1.13.542" Use o1 scan woman an no mm 09 Menu 2. Us! Q G muons u spacers. 3) Salad 8 [Scan slam rlghl my) 4) Press me P11 Mon m mg 3-14 DTMF Use MDTMF (uneven can be sateen-2d. “BMW 2) Use Q Q bulwns until ‘DTMF‘ appears. 3) Salad [3 4) me Q l0 set Disam/ Encodevl Encoder v Dagmar. 5) Saba [3 msvox Us: utvox fimmn can In sebum. 08 Menu 7 appears. 3) 591m B o) Uu (3 IamoNeroFF. 5) 50W 8 3-16 vax Lml VDX debunk»: helcan be configured «)8 Menu rm (E L vox Level 2) Use Q [3 mums unll 'VOX-[zvel appears. a) sum 8 A) use Q Q yo move from damn Iawil (bvet an) m Iha wanted ml. (Range uwox ma 1: m - 15.) 5) Sam (3 3-17 Priority 5cm Use dimming mman mummy (funnel can be Seleaed. 1)@Menu 2) Use Q bulmna uml Scan' HEDGE”. a) Salad (3 AwseQQwsemNororF. 5)Selecl B 3-1! Prlorlty Scan Chlnnll Channel In be mum Mun using sum mnm‘cn an bewvmwm ”BMenu W7 E 1 L P Scan Ch . 2) Use Q (3 Mons fun-TE Scan cw Owen. J) Edam B A) use 96 tammemmechannmur which pnm'xy sax. isxo ha um 5) Sded [3 3-19 Pmr Sav- Us: .71 mama mode can be Salaam. ”[3 Menu appears. swam Q 4) me QB hwtON orOFF. 5)Sdac1 8 3-20 Thllumund Ula olekimund Vumnmn can b! “bond. ‘18 Manu LILHEuound 2) Un Q G mums unnl Tallumnd' appeals. 3)Sdsd (3 ”UngamulONuOFE 5)):qu 3-21 Plnword Us: afpau'wom lumen can ha “bust 08 Manu L. Fanwnrd 21w; 9 (3 muons urml 'Pamd appeals. a) saw (3 4) Use 8 5) Salad 6 to col ON or OFE 3-22 PIuwurd Chang- Famed can be chlngsd. (Old Pawovd \s '1234'.) ‘18 Menu r3: LPN Change _.._ J 2) HE G a bum unul 'm Change‘ awe-u. 3) sum [3 4) Use Q Q to when numbers and wars Move dunswim and emevme OH pm, '1234”. 5) Use G (in: semen med numbev (n - a) or flphmm (A - Z).sn|ac| B (m awgn) m1 mar naw pammu. Onca wan plum-1m m amend, me name aulmnahcaly emls lo menu mm Us: of LED indimwrllmv «mum can be sewed. ”8W0 2) Use Q Q muons unn LED Indulof apps-II. 3) Salem [3 QUsaQG |oset0NerDFE 3-2: LED Indicator 3 5) Select 9 1 3-14 Scumbh Sdfllng us. ad wimbla funcn'un can bu 9mm “(3 Menu my 5.: '] -‘_ Scramble 2) Use Q G humans unm Seamus mean. 3) Salad 9 MUuQG meNarOFF. 5)Sdsc1 B 3-15 50nd “ISM C I Rama ma numd call list. ”8 Menu fi' 2) Use Q Q mums unul 'Mms Send appears. 3) saw 6 awn-:99 mmwwuulmw want I0 send. 5) Press me PTT Mon, meme I51 sends, 2) Use Q G humus umu 'MIC Gam‘ 1-23 balm Mluod all 3 3-23 qumncy Dlnphy You an «elm ma mined d m 3 van can ducky me mum on the LCD. ”BM!“ 13 UBMMD L m ”42...! a 2) Use (3 5 Mon: unhl 1m Dsiele' 3 2) Us. 9 Q mum unml Freq away appears. 1 appears. a) sum 8 3 3) Salad 8 4)UseGQ and mmwmwu 3 4)UuG. Ind mm'm'msqmrw. wanna debts, 3 or m chlnnd. 5) saw (3 3 5) Salsa (3 3-21 Sand Vll'llbk Cod“ 3 3-29 MIC Glln Send a M wi|h I pmnngw was 3 Vbu can adjufl (he miaophona sell WM. 09mm E1; ' 3 ”BMW. appears. appears. a) saw (3 3) Salad 8 4)Usu(3@mmmguinm 4) Use Q 6 (change numbers). (W05). (ma mgm and same mag. 515*!” B 5) Pans me FIT bunon‘ and then send me code. mu Rogor 1 3.32 Complndor un almger lwnd vuncmon can be 1 un alcomplndarmndmn an be seleasa. 1 Salaam. ”BMW: 3 0(3Manu —" 3 LETPWFL' A 2) Use (3 6 mm unnl Reg“ 1 2) Use (3 5 human: unnl Comnumel’ awe-I. 1 awe-n. a) salad [3 1 3) Sdecl B 4)UseGGlowONorOFF. 1 4)UsaQSLomoNoroFF. 5) sea 9 1 5) saw 9 3-31 Elrphonl 1 m3 Lcn Conn-n (Wm mamas are used) um 01 1 LcD mnlrasl can ha smashed. earphone Wm can be Sshdsd |o 1 ”a Man“ Iii" 77777 1 “W“ mm" b“ 1 Lucy: c mm 2) Use Q 8 mm unul LCD Camus! apps-s. $54.21 [3 A) Use (3 G to adjusl ma min“, 5) Salem (3 Orly I Earphone Anna. 5) Sded a 3-34 Rom Un vnwn function can be semi nQMenu WW; *"1 L,,l°£‘ , , 2) Una (3 Mom um] 'Ruat‘ appears. 315d” (3 4)UssGquonuroFF. sysdma 3-35 Informltlon Yuu an mm m unbrmmim Mme rldiu. ”BMWU m" a """ \ appears. 1!)de (3 4) use Q m see. SM ‘20.“) vnuga. mav NS Gamer Dal-62”!“ (.3242—3253134) CTCSS/DCS TONE cTcss No mum; No Fun (Mu No Fun (m1 no rm: M 001 am 01: mm on nu on: Wu an: me mu m no us: nu mu an: MA an m 5 I131 mu 045 206.5 nu mu m n ma n3: 201.5 «a 2211 an: m an 121.: as: 2an M7 254.! out as um um an 21- w no on m on 135.5 on 225.1 on was on: n5 «22 um nu 233.: osa ms am ".5 on us; an :4 u 051 177.: mu m .124 Isu n:- 2511.: as: may on m «2: 1557 as: use: 0:: mi «12 mm az- 152.2 mo usu nu M5 on 151.: w an au mu an w an “5.! Des mu can no No can No cm. ua cm. no cm In 02: 149 1:1 26! «55 m m 554 m 252 1a: 025 an m an m u: m «2 in 255 1a: 02G 12: 1 u: 265 157 «5 175 564 m 266 nu 031 121 ‘4: 1M) :71 m m us 703 In 214 m: on 12: ‘52 m we m as m 112 ms 32: 1o: m 12. ‘55 142 an m: m m 12: 1| 3:2 101 m 125 ‘56 m m :51 503 m m m 356 m as! m ‘62 an m m we m 132 m us we 054 m ‘65 u: m m 51- m 7:4 m 152 m ass 12: ‘72 ‘u m 154 5:2 1-: n: mu m m an 129 m m :54 :55 545 m 754 am 455 m an nu ms 14. w m as m as: n: «2 H: on 1:1 2:: u. :65 m soc us <22 2a: 52: m an 132 226 ‘50 m I I m 155 one mu 523 u: m m 2:: 151 m m m 1.1 "a m us 1:; 24A 1:: u: m: m m 212 117 us us 245 15: u: 171 an m 225 m «25 us 25¢ 154 m :1: an 1341 24s A... may m-m m mmmw. emu-mm. mm calm-m!“ :- .mmm w..— www.mu 5...: gnu-“mum SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION Your FM radio generates RF electromagnetic energy during transmit mode. This radio is de- signed for and classified as “Occupational Use Only", meaning it must be used only during the WARNING course of employment by individuals aware of the hazards, and the ways to minimize such hazards. This radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Popula- tion" in an uncontrolled environment. This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF expo- sure limits for “Occupational Use Only," In addition your FM radio complies with the following Standards and Guidelines with regard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and evaluation of such levels for exposure to humans: - FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields. - American National Standards Institute (C951 — 1992). IEEE Stan— dard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields 3 kHz to 300 GHZ. - American National Standards Institute (09543 —1992), IEEE Ree ommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields — RF and Microwave. Restricted to occupational use to satisfy FCC RF energy exposure limits. See user manual for awareness and “m" control into. - DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, as this may damage the radio and may also cause you to exceed FCC RF exposure limits, Aproper antenna is the antenna supplied with‘ this radio by the manufactureror an antenna specifically authorized by the manufacturer for use with this radio. - DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty cycle‘). Transmitting more than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radio is transmitting when the “TX Indicator‘ lights red. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressing the “PTT” switch. ~ALWAYS use lcom authorized accessorles (antennas, batteries, belt clips, speaker/mics, etc). Use of unauthorized accessories can cause the FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be ex- ceeded. ~ALWAYS keep the antenna at least 2.5cm (1 Inche) away from the body when transmitting and only use the belt-clips which supplied when attaching the radio to your belt, etc, to ensure FCC RF exposure compliance requirements are not exceeded, To provide the recipients of your transmission the best sound quality, hold the antenna at least 5 cm (2 Inches) from mouth, and slightly off to one side. The information listed above provides the user with the information needed to make him or her aware of RF exposure, and what to do to assure that this radio operates wlthin the FCC RF exposure limits of this radio. Electromagnetic lnterference/Compatlblllty During transmissions, your lcom radio generates RF energy that can possibly cause interference with other devices or systems. To avoid such interference. turn off the radio in areas where signs are posted to do so. DO NOT operate the transmitter in areas that are sensitive to electromagnetic radiation such as hospitals. aircraft. and blasting sites. Any Chung-o or Mlle-Mon- to the equipment not mly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void unt‘a “bonny In untrue mo oqulpmom.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2016:04:29 17:56:46+09:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 10.1.16 Modify Date : 2016:04:29 17:57:11+09:00 Title : XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Metadata Date : 2016:04:29 17:57:11+09:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 10.1.16 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:04a47532-015f-4d2b-8e76-18b55b69662f Instance ID : uuid:ddf64bc0-408c-4582-8140-fd8fa02f8cd5 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 10.1.16 Page Count : 17EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools