Users Manual
l. Tablet Overview From Camiva Em Cuhby Made App: / Games um wag; 595:1 channel Parent Ccntmls Rem Came" Headwhnne mu Mlcvc use “9535‘ few User Manual 5mm Regal Touch Screen Basics Orientation The GrSensav allows the tablet to detect screen rotation Von can vlew the home screen m ewther a \andscape 01 women fovmat as you use the apps. some functions in Spin“! vaby Tap: Tap and Hold: Mod: only display in lindsczp: hymn. up an m .0 mm m cm mm.“ mm m m to W. M m by MW Lock Screen Sllde the padlock Icon cwcle to the unlocked padlock . u to unlock the screen Zoommg: Sw1pe: loam m and an! by touching me screen Mm mo fingers, m: pmchmg them together Yo move Verl‘CaHy across the 5mm sxmply was your fingers left and fight Icon Glossary . aattory Level: The whlte battery level lndlcator Wlll decrease and change to red as the battery lS dralned Wi-F signal: As the Wl-Fl slgnal strength decreases, the whlte bands wlll change to grey Settings: Adjust your settlnos for thl, screen orlghtness, securlly settlrlgs, language optlons, and more Mum: Tap to reveal settlngs and optlons. 2. Initial Setup Charging Charge your Sprout Cubby for 6 hours before the first use Use the Included USE Charger. The battery lndlcator Wlll show that your dewce rs charglng Not-z Charglng by the USB port on your computer Wlll be slow. We recommend uslhg the Included wall charger Tum on To start your taplet, press and hold the power key tor 2 seconds Step 2: 5 Tap to Select your network. in Enter your password, c when connected. tap “Next" Step 3: 3, Setup Date and Tlme b Tap "Next" when done Step 4: 5 Enter a valld emall address b Enter a password c Tap “Register" Settmg up your Google Account Slgn ln uslng the ernall address and password from your Google Account If you don‘t have one yet‘ create one An email address that you use for any or the following counts as a Google Account ~ Gmall'“ - ‘(ouTutle'M - Google ADDS” ~ AdWordsm - Any other Google product When you slgn Irl with a Google Account, all your email, cons tacts, calendar events, and other data assoc-ated Wlth that account are automatically synced wlth your tablet Vou can also add multlple Google Accounts later Setting up your Sprout Cubby Step 1: Tap "Lets start!" to get started Wlth the setup process Step 5: a Select between “Email” or "Credit card" when to prove that the Informatlon ls submltted by a grown-up Email: o Tap "send" to send yen» neatlon emall to your emall address c Follow the lnstructlons on your emall Credit Card: p Enter your Credlt Card and bllllng Informatlon Note A Gnartlme nonres fundable fee of 50¢ will be charged to your credlt card c. Tap "cont In" Step 6: Enter your Email _ Address and Password 5‘9? 19- then tap ”Login” Select Cubby Mode then Tap “Always“ SW _ Enter Child's First Name. Step 11: Birth Date and Gender then Tap "Create” Follow the instructions for the next screen if child lock lS assigned to Launcher instead of Cubby Mode then tap “Continue" Step 3: You can your child's Avatar change the picture by ten- ping the “China. Picture" button Exiting Sprout Cubby Mode Drag the lock on the bar Step 9: below to exit Cubby mode Follow the instructions For the next screen then tap "continua” you can change the level of security by (aDDIng Block exit With Step 3: password. Tap Apps Exrt Sprout Cubby mode by entering the same password you used when registering Editing Available Apps Vou can edit your available apps by using the Parent Step 4. Control Dashboard and selecting or unselecting aDDs Uncheck or check the arms you want to remove or keep by tapping in the check box Step 1: To modrry apps, tap the Parent Dashboard icon at the bottom right Vou can download and install more apps using the More Apps or the Google Play Store. See the Downloading and installing Apps Section, Step 2: Enter your password to enter the Parent Dashboard o For more optlons tap the parent Dashboard lCOn More ADDS: Download addltlonal apps. .g‘.‘ Apps: Select the Androld Apps ayallaole to use .119 from lnslde Sprout Cuppy Onlinl Content: Select wnlch websites to make ,s avallable to your child 0 ~ Time lelt: Set the dally usage time and dally tlme frame - a - Slcuvity: Change Chlld Safety features . : Account: Change your password, manage your _§_ Kid's Accounts, Delete Accounts, or change ' ' language ‘g' Terms of Us .Vlew the Sprout Cubby Terms of Serwce Privacy Pallcy: VlEW the Sprout Cubby Prlvocy r Pollcy 3. Common functions Downloading and Installing Apps Vow chlld can download more apps and games from a llst of oreopproyed Sprout Cuooy Apps Top the Mme Ann; icon Step 1- Tap the app you went to download Step 2: Tan lnstall Yip: lf you install too many apps you may run out of memory Von can unlhstall an app and download lt agaln later Uninstoiling Apps Removing Apps from Home Screen ln parent mode, touch and hold an app on the home screen and drag to the x icon Connecting to a Computer You must be m parent mode to connect to a computer Step 1: ln parent mode, touch and hold an app In the app menu and drag to the trash can lcon Vou can also unlnstall apps by tapplng apos ln the settlngs app Connect to your computer by use PC 5le to the next page lf you have a Mac‘, Step 2: choose open folder to Vlew nles or select the removable dlsk ’Ill '7"""'"" «var-r: w ~- m... I now muvr,. luau Step 3: Vou wlll now be able to drag and drop flles from your computer to your taolot lust as you would wnh a uss rlash dnye Mac Go to the prewous page lf you have a PC. Step Flrst, lnstall the Androld Flle Transfer appllcatlon for Mac. 60 to androld corn/metransrer on your Mac and choose download now. maze-a mmlb mun Wanam- Step . Install the applvcatlon, Step 4' The Android Flle Transfer appllcahon will launch auto- matically when you connect your tablet Drag & drop files to transfer Camera nr 3r ru. Photn we» pnata snuner prewous Plctur! I You can view your photos ln the Gallery app SWltch to from or rear camera Contlnuous snap mode Snap Mode Camera Effects Camera Settlngs Sprout Camera Toggle lront and back camera camera shutter Gallery You can Vlew your plctures by tapplng the Gallery lcon You must exl! Sprout Cubby Mode to edlt plctures taken Wltn the Sprout Cubby Camera vou can access them through the Gallery app m Parent Modes Settings Wl-Fl: Turn Wl-Fl on to see avallable networks and connect Soun Adlust the volume notifications, and alarm sounds nrsplay: Adlust bngmness. cnange your wallpaper, sleep settlngs, and tont Slze storagn: Provldes storage use data Battery: Prnvldes battery usage data Apps: Tap an app to force stop. unlnstall, clear data. move to SD card‘ or clear data. Location access: Allow Google to use data to determlne your locatlon tor Improved search results Stcurlky: adlust settlngs to make your tablet more secure Allow lnstallatlon al‘ non-Market apps Language a. input: Set language, spelling corractlon, keyboard and VOlCe settlngs Backup a. mt: Backup data and factory reset your tablet Accounts: Tap to add or remove email accounts Data a me: Set the date, tune, and tune zone Accessibility: Adjust Semngs for users wlth Door VISIOI’V. turn on/otf screen rotation About “bl": Madel number and general tablet lnformatlon Included Apps I IOEBMIHII All of a Kind cnica: Read Chlca stones, do puzzles, and match numbers Browser: Sprout mode Internet browser eaillou: Jom Calllou and hls lrlends as you explore dlffererlt rooms In hls blg plue housel Calculator: BaSlC calculator functlons. Calendar: Keep track of your schedule and set remmdels Captain cnlca nedcornta: Camera: Stlll and vldeo camera Chrome": Browse the web wlth Google chrome cups: watch clrps from Sprout Channel shows clack: Keep tune and set alarms color, Draw I. Sing: Bumbee lS here or now ll's up to you to fly her In tnrs never endrng adventure! IBIEItOIOIIB cut "I. Rope: cut the rope to feed Om Nom the candy he wants and catch stars along the way coloring Pages: Pnnt pages to color. arms: Fun craft gurdes Downloads: Manage your current downloads Dress cnlca: choose hats, masks, shlrts and accesorles for Ctha. Dvlvl: Share YDUV Google docs and flles Email: Sync your Emall accounts 'Ie Manager: Browse for flies to open, delete, etc Gillery: vlew and edlt your photos or play vldeos Games: Play Sprout Channel Flash games Gmall: Fast searchable emall flom GDDgle. Good nght Star: A fun, lrlteractlve game for you and your preschooler from The Good nght show on Sprout ill-BIIIOHE’A Googlo: Stay up to date wlth Gaogle Now cards Googlo settings: Edlt your Google Account settlrlgs. Gnugleo": Stay connected and snare we as ll happens wlth Google+ Hangouts: Oneconcone and group conversatlons wlth photos and free vldeo calls Kid: ABC Letters: Learn the letters of the alphabet Kids ABC vhonles: Leam the sounds of letters Kids Connect the nuts: Improve letter and number recognltlon Skllls, Kids Learn to Read: Practlce blendrng sounds together to read and spell srmple words Kids Numbers and Math: A fun way for klds to learn numbers and bulld baslc math skllls Kids Preschool Puzzle: Educatlonal fun wltl'l colorful puzzles Laurla Barknor Band Arm: Enloy muslc & Vldeos from the Laure Barknev Band Lanyown: Move the world wlth Lazy Town G? :1 Maps“: Flnd dlrectlons and locatlons MloGlnius: Access to hundreds of read-along backs wlth MeeGenlus Movie studio: Edlt yldeos and create your own movles Music: Muslc player Photos: Share photos and back them up on Google Play Books: Read you! favovlte e-books Play Sam-s: Dlscover new games Track achlevements and scores play Mus YOU love :Dlscover, play, store and share the musrc play Newsstand: Read magazrnes and the latest headlrnes. play Store: Shop for musrc, books, magazlnes, mowes, TV shows, games and apps Poppy Cat: Fly wlth Poppy cat Puffin Academy: chked fast Moblle Flash Browser for K42 students, teachers, and parents Recipes: sorout Channe‘ character themed vec‘Des. Settings: Adtust setungs on the Sprout Cubby Sing with the wiggles: 5mg and Record wnh The WIgg‘es Sound necoruer: Make audwo recordmgs sorout: Your mobne destmatwon ror run epwsodes of your rayonte sorout shows sprout Mode: The pnmary mterface for the sprout Cubhy wnh educatwona‘ content, games, and more soroutlet Weather Report: Report the weather wwth the fish: or Chxca a» ‘- Videos: Pre‘oaded sprout v-deos Voice Search: Search the web oy speakmg mslead ot typmg Vudu Movies: Get mstant access to aH \atest movwes and TV shows wallpaper: Change your sprout Cublay's background Val-Tube: stream your favontc wdeos on the web Tap what kmd of account you want to add and swgn m Remove o Google Account 1- 2 Tap Sethngs under Accounts, lap Goog‘e Tap the account that you want to remove Tap the Menu \con and then Remove account Google Play Google Play onngs together aH oi your fan yorne content m one p‘ace Access mowes, TV shows, muswc, hooks, magazmos, apps, and more when you swgn .n wwth your Gear 9‘6 Account you can a‘so shop for more games, books, magazmes, and more m the Google Play store aoo t unatt- ., ,t Google Services Why use o Google Account? Google Accounts ‘6! you organize and access your Devsona‘ mformatwon from any computer or moone dewce sync a. Back-up: Whether you draft an eman, add a contact. or add an event to your ca‘endav, your work cantmuous‘y gets backed up and Synchromzes w-th any computer wwth the same Google Account Accesslblmy: Check your \atest emans, events, or text messag' es wherever you are on any computer or moone dewce Securrty Goog‘c works round the dock to CnsuVC your prwatc mformatwon stays secure ShoDDIng: Connect your Googlc Account wnh your 6009‘s WaHet‘" to easny ourchase muswc, oooks, apps, and more on eoogle Play and other onhne stores Semces: your 6009\2 Account 350 mu you take qu advanr tage of other 6009‘s apps and serwces such as VouTube, Sour 9‘5 way, Hangouts, 6009‘s Maps, Messagmg, and more Add a Google Accouni Tap Settmgs Google Play My warary Dwsp‘ays your most recermy used books, muswc, and so on Tap any or the \mages to VIEW your Cement Recommended Apps Recommends apps that you can add to your home screen AH Goog‘e P‘EE/ Vecommendahons work the Same way *3 toyuwrsguum Google Play Purchase muswc, games, books, magazmes, mowes, TV shows, and apps on the Google may store app V l wnh Google Way, shop the wor‘d‘s largest cBookstorc now thh over 5 mrII-on booksr oyaname on web, tamet, and phone may soaks Wnn Googlc may Newsstand, dwscovcr more or the news and magazmes you love thh a newsstand made for you ‘myNewastarfl Choose from thousands of mowes and TV shows on 6009‘s Way and stream them mstanl‘y on your Androwd phone, tab‘et or the web “yew,“ w Buy now, listen now, sync never, With music on Google Play any Muxlc Google Now” Gongle Now uses contextual data from your tablet and from other Gooole products to supply you with lust the right information at lust the right time Tap the Google search bar on the Home screen or SWlpe up from theQ icon to open Googie Now Google Now Cards Google New displays cards when they've most likely to be useful and relevant based on the Current time and your current location Find oul what the weather IS like, how much traffic to expect befoie you leave fol work, or how your favorlke Spoils team IS doing, To dismiss a card from the Google New screen. swipe it away The card Wlll return the next time its relevant, which may be hours or days trorri now You can turn Google Now cards on or off at any time To do so from the main Goagle Now screen go to Menu < Settings < Geogle Now and choose a specific card You can then check or uncheck when you would like that card to appear, Location Access Find out What the weather Is like or how the commute to Work will be by confirming yam home and wovk locations. Smmfllsli ta . Google New Settings in order to get to your Goagle Now settings from the Google Now Main Screen, touch the Menu icon at the bottom right of the screen Then touch Settings 4 types of settings will be available Google New. These settings allow you to turn Google Now On or off it Wlll also take you through a brief introduction to Gear gie Now and you will be given the chance to opt in From the settings screen you can also change the priority of cards and also sound settings for notitications Voice settings Voice settings control different aspects of speech input anoi output ~ Language: Select a language to use for Voice Searches, The voice Search language can be different from the language displayed by your tablet. ~ Speech Output: select Handsefree only to turn on speech output only when using a headset . Block offensive words. Check to ensure that search results with offensive language are blocked - Hotworo detection when this is checked. you can say “Goo- gie" when viewmo the Google New screen to initiate a voice Search or action Tablet Search Select which apps in your tablet are included in Google searches Privacy 8. Accounts Control searchsrelated privacy options for your Google Account - Manage location hls‘my' Opens Googie Maps settings, where you can turn location settings and location reporting on or off - Location seryices Allows you to turn location access by all Googie apps on or off. - Show recent searches Check if you want search suggestions based on your recent searches. - Manage Web History View your Web History after signing in Voice Actions After Installing the Google Search EDD you can use Voice Ac- tions to get directions, send messages, and perform a number of other common tasks. To inmate a VOICE Action you can. - Tap the Microphone in the Google Search Bar on your Horne Screen - Tap the Microphone in your keyboard Next. speak the Voice Action you want to use Here are some typical examples "Set alarm for 330 a m" "Send erriaii to Marcus Foster. Subiect: Coming tonight? Me? sage Hope to see you later" "Navigate to Mike‘s Bikes in Palo Alto" As you speak. Voice Search analyzes your speech and initiates the action if Voice Search doesn‘t understand you, it lists a set of possible rneanirigs Just tap the one you want Some Voice Actions, such as "send email” and “note to self," open a panel that prompts you to complete the action by speaking or typing more information When prompted you can - Touch any text already tn the panel to add, or edlt the text by typlng (Vou can tap the Mlcroohone lcon agaln to cont-hue Speaklng lnstead or typlng> - Touch underllned words ol phrases, drag across multlole words to ylew a Inst of alternate transcrlptlons. or edlt by Speaklng or typlng - Touch a button at the bottom of the Wlnaow to add any ooe tlonal tlelds (you can also speak the name and content of ally of these tlelds) - when you are done, touch the button approprlate to com plete the actlon, such as Send Voice Commands ' To lnltlate a Volce Actlon touch the Mlerophone lCOl'l ~yolce Actlons WlH only be avallable alter downloadlng the Gooele Search aDD Some handy volce commands are: Say Followed By Examples [Words you want to Sedlch lorl ”blkC shoes" ’Map 0f" Address, name, ouslness name, or other destlnatlon Naylgate to Unlon Square" or ‘l299 Colusa Ave, Berkeley, CA‘ Tips and Tricks/FAQS Screen Brightness lh the settlngs tap Dlsolay Tap Brlghtness Tlp: Lower the erlghtness at leM ‘0 extend your battery llte Use the slloer to adlust the brlghtness Then tao OK Apps won't install lrl the Senlllgs app tap Securlty Be sure “Allow lmstallatlon of non-Market apps“ ls Checked Vou must allow lrlstalled apps to be accessed lrl the FuhTab Parent Dashboard See the Edltlrlg Ayallable Apps sectlorl Won't Connect to Computer Try a dlfferent USB port on your computer and/or restartlng your FunTab 2 The battevy may be too low and the Computer ls not pvovldlng enough power by USE Use the wall charger to charge your FuhTab for 30 mlnutes then reconnect to the computer “GD tn" Search strlng or ”so to Geogle com“ URL ‘Nmemsew Message text ‘Note toselt remember to buy ml‘k' "Deflne' Word to derlne Derlne calnhanlle "Weetllel‘ toeatlen ‘Weather Detrolt" "Mm/la” Movle locatlon and “Mole, tos Angeles, Lone Moyle nanle don After Mldnlgm” “Plcturcs ot" Toplc "Plctures ol cats” “Translate to" Language 5. Phlase ”Translate to Hench, Where ls the restroam’” lA lnath phrase] 75 dlylded by 6" Tablet Freezes sometlmes your Sprout Cubby may freeze 'The reset button ls located on the back or the unlt Reset the deylce by oresslng the button Wlth a small oblect such as a paper cllp Factory Restore Select BackuD & reset ln the settlhgs app to restore factory settlngs Thls will erase all data on the tablet Care The Sprout Cuhby ls an electronlc deylce and can be damaged lt used lmprooerly - Don‘t expose your deylce to lloulds, water or extreme humldlty - Don‘t try to dry the sprout Cubby uslng a heat source such as a dryer, mlcrowaye, or oven - Don‘t charge your tablet or use lt lh ehylrohmehts above 95": and below 32°F - Don’t expose the Sprout Cubby to dlrt or sand ~ Use a clean, dry cloth to clean your tablet Do not use chemlcals or water - The sprout Cubby can be damaged by shock from dropplng Specifications CPU ISGHz Quad-Core RAM lGB Memory. 1663 Microsp Card Supported up to 3263 Resolution l024x600 Battery Rechargeable LIsPalymer Record Built-in Microphone Operating System Android 4 4, KitKat video Formats: WMV, MKV, MO, AVl, RM/RMVB, MFEG-2/4 Music Formats' MP3, WMA. APE. FLAC, AAC, AC3. WAV Cusiomer Support Visit ematic us/support for customer support regardlng your device. To submit a request. fill out the required information online Vou Will be provided a ticket number regarding your issue, whlch you can refer to when contacting us further, Caution - Electric Device As vvith all electric products, precautions should be observed during handling and use to prevent electric shock Attentio : Important Safety Information All charging functlons and mechanisms (AC adapter, car char- ger) are intended for adult usage Children should not use this device while charging Section 15105 Information to the User NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply vvith the limits for a Class a digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide Ieasom able protection against harmful interference in a residential in- stallation This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance With the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications, However, there IS no guarantee that lnterfers enoe WI" not occur in a particular installation if this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television recep- tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer- ence by one or more of the following measures. — Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna — lncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver 7 Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected, — Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ Tv technician for help Statement This device complies wlth Par! l5 of the FCC Rules Operation lS subject to the followmg two Condltlons (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interrerence that may cause undesired operation Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment 533 Information The SAR limit of usA (FCC) is l s w/hg averaged over one gram of tissue Device types 7inch tablet-Cubby (FCC lD wacueavi has also been tested against this SAR limit The highest SAR value reported under this standard during product certification for use on the body is 0.324 W/kg This device was tested for typical body-worn operations With the back of the handset kept l 5cm from the body. To maintain compli. ance With FCC RF exposure requirements, use accessories that maintain a o 5cm separation distance between the user's body and the back of the handset The use of belt clips, holsters and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its assembly The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not comply With FCC RF exposure require» ments, and should be avoided Section l5 21lnformation to user Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : samuel.peng Create Date : 2014:09:03 18:04:49+08:00 Modify Date : 2014:09:03 18:04:49+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : User Manual.pdf Creator : samuel.peng Producer : Acrobat Distiller 10.1.9 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:80f62cdc-07fc-4207-bde9-9c477615c214 Instance ID : uuid:ae76d39a-ae95-466e-903c-cb7728e5542e Page Count : 10EXIF Metadata provided by