E matic EGD078 7.85 Inch Tablet User Manual

E-matic 7.85 Inch Tablet Users Manual


User Manual 1

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Document ID2353633
Application IDfoRDr7iwfel/VCOoMlxP5Q==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 1
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize255.22kB (3190213 bits)
Date Submitted2014-08-11 00:00:00
Date Available2014-08-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-08-09 07:41:55
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2014-08-09 07:41:55
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorPScript5.dll Version 5.2
Document Author: Administrator

User’s Manua‘
Emauc 7.9" HD Dua‘rCove Tablet mm Andvmd'" 4.4, Knxam
since the tablet software updates regularly, the user
manual may not cover all aspects of new features
Important Notices
. The new battery will be in its best Conditlon after
being fully Charged and discharged 273 times
. while using earphones, if the volume is excessively
hi'gh it may cause heaving damage Please adiust
the Volume of the player to a safe level and mod
evate during use
' Do not disconnect the tablet suddenly when fore
matting or uploading and downloading which can
lead to program errors
. Do not dismantle the tablet by yourself, and do
not use alcohol. thinner or benzene to Clean its
- Do not use the tablet while driving or walk'ing
- The tablet is not moisture and water resistant
Please do not use it in a damp environment
' Do not drop or hit the tablet against a hard sure
face or the screen may be damaged or Cracked
- Do not upgrade the firmware by yourself The
tablet should be upgraded with the right firmware
and right methods offered by us If upgrade is
needed. please Contact us
Section 1 Tablet Overview
Taolet Overview
Screen EaSlcs
Toucn Screen Basics
Section 2 initial Setup
Turn on
Setting up your Copglew Account
Getting Started
Section 3 Vour Home Screen
Adding lcons
Moving lcons
Removing lcons
Take a Screenshot
Sleep Mode
cnange tne Wallpaper
Section 4 Network Connection
Turn On/Off W'l-Fl
Adding a wi-Fi Network
Section 5 Connecting to a Computer
Section S USan the Keyboard
Entering Text
Gesture Typing
Basic Editing
Keyboard settings
Section 7 Exploring Apps
included Apps
Unlnstalllng Apps
Section 3. eoogle Accounts
Why use a Copgle Account?
Add a eoogle Account
Remove a Copgle Account
Google Play”
Google Play recommendations
Google Piay Store app
Section 9 Googie Now
Google Now Cards
Location Access
Google Now Settings
Section 10 Voice Actions
Voice Commands
Section 11 Tabiet Settings
Section 12 Tips & Tricks
Extending Battery Life
Technicai Specifications
Customev Support
Limitations of Liapiiity Statement
Tablet Overview
card swat
How my 2 seconds
(0 mm on/on
91255 to swap wake JD
mm USR connechon
5 5mm Hume wk
Screen Basics
Searth Bakkevy
Volume Down Home Batk Volume Up
Recenl aPDS
Touch Screen Basics
Tap the screen once to activate or open something,
Touch and hold to move an ‘ltem by dragging
‘In many apps touch and hold can offer more options
“‘E $5
Zooming: Double tap quickly to zoom into a weboage,
picture, or map. Some apps allow you to zoom in
and out by touching the screen with two fingers, and
plnchlng them together
92 “’1-
TIP: You can Hick the screen with your finger to quickly
scroll through a long list, such as a library of music,
Tap a specific location on the screen where you would
like to enter text The on-screen keyboard will pop up.
Initial Setup
Fully charge your tablet for 6 hours before the first use
Use the lnduded USB wall
- Chavger
The battery lndlcator wlll show
that your devlce l5 charglng
Attention. Chalglng by connectlng to a computer will
be extremely slow. We recommend only uSlng the
lncluded wall charger.
Turn on
To start your tablet, press and hold the power key for
2 seconds. The Ematlc logo lndicates that the tablet is
Once the screen loads. choose your language and
connect to your wlrrl network. You wlll then be
promoted to slgn ln to your Google Account
Setting up your Google Account
Srgn in usmg the emaH address and password from
your Google Account wt you don‘t have one yet, create
An ernen address that you use for any of the fol‘uwing
counts as a 6009‘s Account
~ GmaH‘”
~ YcuTube‘"
~ Gaog‘e Apps”
~ AdWords‘“
~ Any other Google product
when you srgn m wrth a Google Account, am your
emaiL contacts, Ca‘endar events, and other data 357
socrateo wtth that account ave automatrcaHy synced
with your tab‘et You can a‘so aoo multip‘e Gucg‘e
Accuunts \ater
Getting Started
Once your tab‘et \Dads‘ you wm see e We‘come Screen
Tap OK to begm usmg your tab‘et Teo to Customs
‘25 your Home Screen wrth apps end widgets
YOU' Home Screen
Vou can m the home screen with any combmahons of
shortcuts. widgets. and rowers you \ike
When you power up your tamet for the hrst Mme, you‘H
see the mam home screen panel Thxs pane‘ rs typicaHy
centered, you can access eddrtronax pane‘s on ewther
s'xde of the mam one by swfpmg your finger lefl or
Battery Leve" The whfle banery ‘eve‘ md‘cator
wwl‘ decrease and change to red as (he battery
‘5 dramed
WVF‘ Signa\ As the WVF‘ swgna‘ sKrength de,
creases, the b‘ue bands wwl‘ Change to grey
AH Apps' Tap to vwew a” apps
Back' Go back to the prev‘ous screen
Recent apps Open a stt of recent apps Tap an
app to open or swwpe lefl/rwght to remove the
Home Go back to the home screen He‘d and
shde up to open Goog‘e Now
\ncrease Vo‘ume
Decrease Vo‘ume
Adding Icons
within the All Apps menu,
choose an app or swipe right to
choose a widget. Tap and hold
desired app or widget for about
2 seconds until the Home screen
appears, slide it wherever you
want and let go.
Moving Icons
Touch 8r hold the icon.
Slide your finger to the new position.
(To move between Home screens, slide toward the
edge of the screen. To bump another icon out of the
way, slide slowly towards it.)
Lift your finger to draw the icon into its new position.
Removing Icons
Touch and hold the app or
widget and drag to the X icon
at the top of the screen.
Take a Screenshot
Make sure the image you want is displayed on the
screen. Press the Power Button and the Decrease
Volume icon on your screen simultaneously.
You can also tap the Screenshot icon in your Quick
Settings by swiping down from the top right of your
The screenshot is automatically saved to your Gallery.
Sleep Mode
To save battery‘ you shouid put your tabiet in sieep
mode by turning off the LCD dispiay To do this. press
the power key and immedialeiy reiease it Do it again
to bung up the lock screen
Swipe down from the top right of your Home Screen to
View your Quick Settings
Swlpe down from the top ieft of your Home Screen to
View your Nonficauons.
Change the Wallpaper
Tap and he‘d your hnger on any open space on your
home screen. A hst of ophons appears
GaHery Choose a waHpaper from your persona‘ gaHevy
Live Wanoapers Choose from a scrourhg hsc of
ammated wanpapers
Photos Choose a waHpaper from your persona‘ photos
UHD Player Play yrdeos and View photos
Waupapers: Choose from thumphaus of oeramt rmages
Network Connection
WVF‘ can on‘y be used when \t Connects W‘tn a WIVFI
Access Pomt (AF) or a free unsecured WIVFI notspotv
Turn on Wi-Fi
1 2
Wrtnm the AH Apps Under Wrrexess & Networks,
menu, tap Settmgs tap the WIVFI swutch to turn rt
on and scan for networks
Your tablet wHI \Ist the networks \t finds wwtnm
range Tap a network to connect.
When Connected, the wlreless md‘cator apnears m the
Status bar. The wnlte hnes Ind‘Cate connectlon strength!
Turn off Wi-Fi
Tap the Wm ON swrtch under Wrrewess & Networks
Turn off Wth when you‘re not usmg rt to extend the
Me of your battery between charges.
Adding a Wi-Fi Network
Users may a‘so add a WVFI network under WkF‘ settmgs.
:‘mn ammam m
Forget a W Fi Network
In the Wi-F' settings screeh, tap the name of the het-
work, Tap "Forget" m the diatog that opens,
Connecting to a Computer
Connect to your
computer by USB.
The devlce dviver
w'lll lnstall
cnoose open
toloev to VleW
v ““7” - nles or select the
mommy“ n. removable dlsk
lg" WW...“— ~
m m we
m». w. M tsmmtl
You wlll now be
able to drag and
drop the files from
your computer
onto your tablet
lust as you would
Wltn a USB flash
zoom lsl
First, install the Android File Transfer application for
Mac. Go to android.com/filetransfer on your Mac and
choose download now.
3 Install the application.
4 . a.
The Android File Transfer application will launch
automatically when you connect your tablet, Drag &
drop files to transfer.
Using the Keyboard
Entering text
Enter text using me onscreen keyboard In most apps
it le open automaticaiiy. in others, open the keyboard
by touching wnere you want to type.
”Depending on wnat you are doing, some of the keys
on tne keyboard may iook ditierenr. keyboards A&E
appears wnen you are searcnrng or browsing tne net.
Keyboard c appears when you are wrrnng emaris,
documents, or messaging
Keyboard A:
insert numbcvs or raucrr a new to
symbbis type tnrs characiev
Keyboard B:
\nseri srnrieys
Keyboard c:
msen sweys
To make the keyboard 90 away, touch the modified
Back buttonv at the bottom of the screen
Gesture Typing
Sw‘pe your fmgev over \ekters you want to type‘ and Mt
after each word The keyboard wiH antmoate and pvedict
the next word in yam sentence
Basic Editing
Move the insertion point Touch where you want to
type The cursor will blink in the new position and a
blue tao Will appear below it Drag the tap to move the
Select text Touch & hold or doubleskap Within the text
The nearest word Will be highlighted and plue taps
with appear Drag tabs to edit selection
Delete text Touch a to delete characters or se
lected text
Insert Capital Letters Tap the 1} key once to insert
one capital letter 0r hold 1} key while you type
Turn on caps lock Doublestap 1} key it will turn into
1 Tap again to return to lowercase
Cut, Copy, Paste Select the text you want to
rnanipulat ,when highlighted, touch [3 CutTU
Copy‘ or Paste
Keyboard Settings
input languages Select different languages
to be included when typing
Android Keyboard Settings Edit keyboard
Setllngs such as Auto'capltalization. Sound.
Auto Correctlon, and lnpul methods & Styles

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