ECARE ELECTRONICS TP-08 Wireless Dual Two Probe Digital Barbecue Meat Thermometer Set User Manual

SHENZHEN ECARE ELECTRONICS CO., LTD Wireless Dual Two Probe Digital Barbecue Meat Thermometer Set

User Manual

Download: ECARE ELECTRONICS TP-08 Wireless Dual Two Probe Digital Barbecue Meat Thermometer Set User Manual
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Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2015-12-14 00:00:00
Date Available2015-12-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-11-16 15:01:06
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2015-11-16 15:01:06
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorCorelDRAW
Document Author: windows7

Model No. TP-08
Congratulations on your purchase plthe TP-DB BARBECUE Thermometer, a programmable
radiolreouency iood thermometer Vou will now be ableto remotely monitorthe temperature
ot grilling toad and the temperature inside yourgrilltrom anywhere in your home
17 Receiver unit.
17 Transmitter unit
1, Detachable stainless steel BARBECUE probe With clip
3 17 Detachable stainless steel FOOD probe
5 27 Z‘AAA batteries
Receiver Features
TPeoa Receiver
Sort rubper ,,
\ Belt clip
Bairery Campanment
- LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 7 Displays all icons, temperature and time
. BATTERY COMPARTMENTa Holds 2AAA batteries (included)
- STAND e Swlngs out and allow you to stand the receivercn tabletop
1. HI/HR e in THERMOMETER MODE. press and hold until the digits Hash, pressto increase
the maximum BARBECUE temperature. Press and hold tor 2 seconds to increase 10
degrees persecond ln TlMER MODE, when the TlMER is stopped. press to set the hour
Press and hold for 2 seconds to increase in hours per second
2. LalMlNelnTHERMOMETER MODE. press and hold untilthe digits llasn, press to
lncreasethemmlmum BARBECuEtemperature Press and held torZseccndstamcrease
in degrees persecond lnTlMER MODE.whentherlMERis stopped. pressto setthe
Minute Press and hold lor2 seconds to increase 10 Minutes per second
3. LIGHTIMODE 7 Press to turn on the LCD back lighttors seconds Press and hold lor 2
4. HIICLEAR a in THERMDMETER MODE. press and hold until the digits llash, press to
increase the maximum FOOD temperature Press and hold VOrZ seconds (a increase 10
degrees per second. in TIMER MODE, when thetirner is stopped. press to cleerthe timer
setting back to u no
5. sum/STOP rln TlMER MODE. press to startorstop the tirnerceuntdowri orcourit up
a. ONIOFFIRESVNC 7 Press to turn ONIOFF the receiver Press and hold torz seconds to
synchronize with transmitter
7.ALERT. “0 PF press to turn ON/OFF the alarm Press and hold tor 2 seconds to switch
between “C and ”F display
Transmitter Features
_ Battery Compartment
Senwr wcket hole
- LCD (Liquld Crystal Display) 7 displays temperature or both FOOD and BARBEcuE
ltWill automatically sWiteh between FOOD and BARBECUE displays
- WIRE STAND Allows you to stand the receiver on tabletop or it can be reversed and
used as a hanger
- BATTERY COMPARTMENT 7 holds 2 AAA batteries
. 1 FOOD a Piugslrl lorstainless steel FOOD probe
. 2 BARBECUE rPiUgslrl (or stainless steel BARBECUE probe
“c ”FIONIOFFrPressand hold ror2 seconds to turns oN/OFFthetrarrsmiIter. Press
to select thetemperalure unit between “C and “F
Installing batteries
Open the battery compartment otthe receiverand insert two “AAA" batteries with correct
polarity Open the battery compartment olthe transmitter and insert two'AAA" batteries
with Correct polarity
Synchronize Receiver 8t Transmitter
1. Plug the stainless steel probe sensors into the corresponding plug in olthe transmitter
Note: The FOOD probe is 6 inches long With pointed end while the BARBECUE probe is
3 inches long with a grill rack clip
2 insert 2AAA batteries into the receiver battery compartment or press and hold Resync
on the receivertor 2 seconds irthe batteries were already installed The receiver viriii
emera Synchronization money which iasisZ minutes In lhls mode. the receiver is
searching (or registration signal rrom atransniiiter The displayshows “ and itis
3 When the receiver is in Synchronization mode, insertzAAA batteries intothe transmitter
battery compartment . The transmitterwill send a registration signal lo the receiver
This needsto be donewrthin 120 secondsrrom turning on the receiverin orderlorthe
receiver to receive the Registration Code lroni the transmitter.
4. Registration is completed when the unit beeps and the probe temperatures appearon LCD
Loss link alerl
ll the receiver is taken out or range or there is abnormal external interlerence or alter shutting
oFF the transmitter. the receiver may not be able to receive the transmission lrom the
transmitter lithis happens over4 minutes, the unit Will alertyou by beeping oncerorevery
A seconosto tell you the signal is lost Pressing any button on Receiverwill stop the Loss
Llrlk beep
To regain lrarlsmlssiari signal, move the receiverclose to the transmitter. the link should
be automatically restored and the temperatures should appearon the receiver display
In thermometer mode. the LCD Will showal FOOD icon inthe upperpartoltheoisplay and a
BARBECUE icon in the lower part orthe display you can «allow processes below to gain your
desired settings.
Setting HI (Maximum) FOOD Temperature
l Pressthe Hl/ CLEAR button to displaythe maximum FOOD temperature, which will only
bedisplayed lorssecorids The FOthemperature range is 32 “F . 572 "Fahd the
2 Press and hold the MI CLEAR button until the digits llash.
3 Press the HI/ CLEAR button to set yourdesired temperature ltWill increase one With
each press Press and hold the HI/ CLEAR button to last increase
4. Press the LlGHT/MODE button to conlirm the setting
Note: Press Hl/CLEARto read yourset maximum FOOD temperature.
To destroy harmiul bacteria like Salmonella and E Coli the UsBArecommends theiollowing
minimum internal temperatures
(Beer. Veal. Lamb Steaks d Roasts and Fish) to be 145 “F (Egg Bishes, Pork and Ground
BEEiVeai 1t Lamb) to be lSD“F (Turkey. Chicken &Duck Wholey PlecesfitGruundMa be
setting HI (Maximum) EAREEcuE Temperature
1 Press the HllHR button to display the maximum BARBECUE temperature. which will
only be displayed tors seconds The maximum BARBECUE temperature range is 140 "F
—572 “F and the delault setting is 176°F.
Note: The unilWill not allow you to setthe maximum BARBECUEtemperature below
the minimum BARBECUEtemperature
2 Press and hold the HI/HR button until the digits llash
3. Press the HllHR button to set your desired temperature ltWill increase oneWith each
press Press and hold the Hll CLEAR button to rast increase
4 Press the LlGHT/ MODE button to conlirrn the setting
Note: Pressthe HIIHR button to read yourset maximum BARBECUE temperature.
Setting Lo (Minimum) BARBECUE Temperature
1 Pressthe LolMlN button to displaythe minimum BARBECUE temperature, which will only
be displayed lor5 seconds. The minimum BARBECUE temperature range is 32 “F 7554 °F
and the delaultsettirrg is 50%
Note: The unitwill notallow youloseltheminimum BARBECUEtemperature above
the maximum BARBECuEtemperature
2 Press and hcid the LO/MIN button untiitheoigitstiash
3 Press the LO/MIN button to set your desired temperature it wiii increase one With each
press Press and hoio the LolMIN button tolast increase
A Press the tieHT/MODE button to confirm the setting
Note: Press the LOlMIN button to read yourset minimum BARBECUEtemperature
Ac ating the temperature alarm
You can press the/ALERT, sTARTlsToP button to activate thetemperature aiarmlor
BARBECUE and FOOD. The aiarm iconswiii appear beneath the FOoDand BARBECUE
The ieceiverwrii beep with the aiarm icon and probe temperature iiashing it
a)The actuai FOOD temperature has exceeded yourset maximum FOOD temperature (Beep
twice in every second)
biTheactuai BARBECUE temperamre has exceeded yourset maximum BARBECUE
temperature (Beeponcein everysecond)
c)The achiai BARBECUE temperature hasfeilen heiow yoursetmiriimum BARBECUE
temperature (Beeponce in every second)
Note: The minimum BARBECUE temperature alarm will not be activated until the
actual BARBECUE temperature goes above the set m mum temperature.
For example: Vou set the minimum BARBECUE temperature as 220 “F andpress the
ALERT. STOP/sTARTto activate the alarm The unit WIN NoToeep orilash even irthe
actual BARBECUE temperature is below 220 “F lt assumes thatyourBARBEcuE is not
up to temperature Only when the actual BARBECUE temperature goes over 220 ”F. then
Ialls below 220 °F, can the alarm be activated, the unit will beep and llasn
Note: The unit will retain [ourBarbecuI 5. Food alert temperature settings even after
the unitis turned nfl.
1 Press and hoid the tiGHT/MODE button to swuch the unit lronn THERMOMETER MoDE
toTiMER MODE. The timer 0,00. with a small icon TiMER Wiii be shown on the lower part
oithe dismay
2 Pressthe HilHR button to setthe hourano tOlMiN button to set the minute
3 Press theALERT, START/STOP button to start countdown, The icon “9“ wiii biink,
4 Press the ALERT, START/STOP button to stop the countdown The "9“ Wiii be soiid
5. Press the HIlCLEAR button to clearthe setting back 0:00.
Note: The minimum setting In! the timer is 1 minute and the maximum setting is 21
hours. it williie displayed as hours 5 minutes when the timer does not exceed iii
hours. Once it exceeds“) hours, only the hour can be displayed. When the countdown
reaches "0:00" the timerstarts counting up andit will beep Ior 30 seconds. The
“0:00” and “s" will blink. Press theALERT/lSTART/STDF button to stop the beep.
1 Press and hold the LiGthMoDE button to switch the unit irom ThERMoMETER MODE
to TIMER MODE The timero on. with a smaii icon TIMEReri be shown on the iowerpart
oithe display
2 Press theAtEAR. START/STOP button to startcountup Theicon-ewiiiii biink
3 Press theAtERT START/STOP button to stop the count up The “t “ will be soiid,
A Press the Hi/CLEAR button to oiear the setting back to n on
Note: When the count up timer reach-s 9:59, it will k In displaying as 9:59, meanwhile,
the unit be-ps with the “t icon blinking tor an slcnnds.
Note: The unit will retain your timer settings even alter the unit is turned air.
Temperature display formats
Press the °c PP button to switch between °c and °P
Using TIMER MODE iii TEMPERATURE MODE simultaneously
The TiMER MODE and TEMPERATURE MODE can be used simultaneousiy. This aliows you to
monitorthe temperature torboth FOOD and BABECUE in the TEMPERATURE MODE when
using the TIMER MODE to keep track otanother cooking task You can teli ditterent task by the
aiarm sound as weii as the icons
1 in the THERMOMETER MODE. when thetemperature is reached, the receiverwiii aiarm
you by beeping once in every second tor the BARBECUE temperature and beeping mice
in every second lor the FOOD temperature The aiarm icons and probetemperature Wiii
biink Biung with the aiarrn sound
2 in the TiMER MODE, when the timer is reached. the receiver WiH aiarm you by beeping
3 times in every second Eitherthe upward arrow (lor countrup) ordownward arrow (lor
countdown) wiii blink
Procedure fortyp al use in an outdoor BARBECUE
Theroiiowmo typicai exampies wiilguthruugl’i the stepsto have theTPrDB BARBECUE
aiarm you iia piece olrneat (Boston Butt) is booked to 160 °F ilyour barbecue temperature
iaiis beibw 225°Furgoes above 250%. and remindybutoeheckthesmbkerin 2 hours
Follcwthe registration procedure.
Place meat on the BARBECUE grill rack
lnsert FOOD probe sensorinto the centeroithickest portion orthe meat Avoid
touching bone or heavy rat areas
Clip the special BARBECUE probe to grill rack oibarbecue chamber
Position the probe sensorwires so they Will not come into contactwith flames and
exlttne barbecue Without being pinched/ crushed by the cover
Standlhangthetransmitterawayirom heat source oibarbecue DO NOT puttransmitteron
closed cover or under the cover The transmitter IS water proof lnr use in rain
Press Hl/CLEAR to displaythe maximum FOOD temperature
Press and hold Hl/CLEAR until the maximum FooD temperature ilashes
Press Hl/CLEAR repeatedly until loo °E appears (press and hold Hl/CLEAR button wlll
increase the temperature 10 degrees persecondl
Quickly press LIGHT/MODE to coniirm the tail “F setting
Press HllHR to display the maxlmum BARBECUE temperature
Press and hold Hl/HR until the maximum BARBECUE temperatureilashes
Press HllHR repeatedlyuntil 250“F appears (press and hold Hl/HR button Will increasethe
temperature 10 degrees persecondi
Quickly press LlGHT/MODE to coniirm the 250°F setting
Press LOIMlN to displaythe minimum BARBECUE temperature
Press and hold LolMlN until the minimum BARBECUE temperature flashes
Press LOlMlN repeatedly until 225"F appears (press and hold LOlMlN button Wiil increase
the temperature in degrees persecond)
Quickly press LlGHT/MODE to conilrm the 225 "F setting
Press ALERT, START/STOPlo activate the temperature alarm iorthe BARBECUE and FOOD.
Press HllHR twice to setior 2 hours so that 2:00 Will be displayed Press ALARM/START
lsToPto start the countdown
Press and hold LlGHT/MoDEto go backtoTHERMOMETERMoDE.
Clip the receiver to your beltor pocket and move up to aim ti awaytrom the barbecue Go
indoors ildesired. You are now remotely monitoring youriood and barbecue. The receiver
Will beep and ilash iryour meattemperature goes above loo “F orthe barbecue temperature
ialls below 225“F orexceeds 250°F.
Helpful Hints
. lithe receiverano lorthetransmitterdisplay LLL erHh instead oithe probetemperature
wait iorprobeto reach room temperature it LLL or HHH is still displayed oryou geta lalse
temperature squeeze the probeiacks harderintothetransmitterand tWist them back and
iorth so they make good contact lithe problem still persists it is likelytne internal probe
Wire has shorted out eitherthrough moisture or heat damage
. Do not immerse the probe in waterwhile cleaning.
. Do not allow the probe or probe Wire to come into contactwith ilames
. within the warranty period, return deiective probe to address below along with return address
and we will send you a replacement probe at no charge.
. iithetemperature displayed seems to read too high orthe temperature seems to increase
too quickly. check to make sure the probe tip is not poking through the food to outside.
Reposition the probe tip in the centeroithe thickest partoiiood Avoid touching bone or
heavy iatareas
l)Always weara heat resistant glove to touch the stainless steel probe sensors or Wires
during oriust altercooking. Do not touch with bare hands.
2) keepthe stainless steel probe sensors and Wires aWaylrom children
3) clean the stainless steel probes and dry thoroughly alter each and every use
A) Do not use the receiver in the rain it is NoT rain pmol‘ The transmitteris rain prooibut
not water tight. Do not immerse in Water
Si no not expose the plugs ol‘ the stainless steel probes orthe plug in holes ol‘ the transmitter
to wateror any liouio This will result in a bad connecting and iaulty readings
5) Do not expose the receiver ortransmitterto direct heatorsuriace.
7) Do not use stainless steel probes in microwave oven.
8) The Barbecue Thermometer registers temperatures as low as 32 ”F (0 "cl and as high
as 572°F(300”C) LLLWill bedisplayed below 32”Farid HHHwill bedisplayedabove
572 ”F Do notusethestalnless probesensorabove 572 “F Doing soWilldeteriorate
9) Not intended ior Use by Persons ages l2 and Under.
l)Always weara heat resistant glove to touch the stainless steel probe sensors orwires
during uriusl artercooking no not touch With bare hands
2) Keep the stainless steel probe sensors and Wires awayirom children
3) Wash the metal probe tips with hot soapy water and drythoroughly. Do not immerse the
probe in waterwhile cleaning
4) wipe the transmitter and receiverwith damp cloth. Do not immerse either in water.
Informanon to user
warning; changes or modifications to this unit not expressly engraved by the party
responsible lorcornpliance could void the users'authority to operate the equipment.
Note- This equipmenthas been tested and lound to comply with the limits fora Class
E digital device, pursue"! (a part 1501rne FCC Rules. These limits are designed (a
provide reasonabte protection againsttiarrnrul interference in a residential installation.
rhis equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ilnot
instilled and used In accordance with the lnstmctions, may cause harmful Interference
to radio communications
Huwever‘ there is no guarantee tnat interierence Wiii not occur in a partiouiar instaiiation
iltnis equipment does cause narmlul interlerence to radio or teieVision reception, whicn
can be determined by |urnmg tne equipment all and on‘ tne user is encouraged to try to
correct the interlerence by one or more oltne loHawmg measures
rReorient or reiocate tne receiiring antenna
-increase tne separation between tne equipment and receivers
-t:onnectttie equipment into an outiet on a circuit ditlerent lrom tnat to wnicti tne receiver
is connected
rCansuiHhe dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician (or heip
TnisdeVice compiiesiuitn part 15oltne FCC Ruies Operation is suoiect to tne loiloyiiing
two conditions (titnis devlce may not cause narmlui interlerence, and (2) ttiisdeyice
must accept any interlerence received, inciuding interleience tnatmay cause undesired
TnermoPro warrants tnis product to be tree oldelects in parts, materials and workmanship
lora period also days, lrom date oipurcttase
snouid any repairs orservicmg undertnis warranty be required, contact Customer Service
by phone or emai‘ lor instrucllcms on how |o pack and shlp the pruducl Ia ThermuPro
Teieprione 17877751577797(USKtCAunly)
Emaii seryice@ouytnermopro cam
Hours Weekdays 9 00AM 5 an PM EST
This warranty gives you specilic iegai righ|s and you may also have other rights wnion vary
lrom state to state
Meal Temperatures 8r Dcneness Chart Recommended by USDA
MEAT Rare MedRare Medium MedWell WellDone
gym taowriiiwc
aaei 150°Fl55‘0 iaoriiioc iaeriwc
yea 125°F/52‘T2 Mmrlemc t5a°rlsa°c isoriiioc 165°F/77“C
cow ”prim Mariam iasoriwc
part iaorriroc iaeriirrc iiorninc
acuity iasorimc
tam MOW/60’s MSW/63‘s iBO‘F/HDC iSS‘F/M‘C 17D’F/77'C
rat itsoriaoc
Program NSF/63%
FCC Statement,
This equipment has been tested and leund to comply With the limits lora Class
5digital device pursuant to part ‘lsloe FCC Rules, These limitsare designed
to proVide reasonable protection against harmlul interierence in a residential
installation This equipmenl generates. uses and can radiate radio lrequency
energy and, it not installed and used in accordance With the instructions, may
cause harmlul interference to radio communications
However there is nu guarantee that interterence wrll net occurin a parllcular
installation. llthis equipment does cause harmlul interlerence to radio or
television reception. which can be determined oyturning the equipment ott
and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interierence by one or more
olthe tollowing measures:
- Reorientorrelocatethe receiving antenna
- increase the separation between the equipment and receiver,
- Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit dinerent irorn that to which
the receiveris connected.
This devrce complies wllh part ts loe FCC rules. Operation is suoiect to the
following two conditions (1)This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2)Ihlsdevlce must accept any inlerference received, including inlerference
that may cause undesired operation
Note Modifications to this product will void the user's authority to operate this

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.5
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 6
Create Date                     : 2015:11:16 15:01:06+08:00
Modify Date                     : 2015:11:16 15:01:06+08:00
Producer                        : Corel PDF Engine Version
Author                          : windows7
Creator                         : CorelDRAW
Title                           : TP-08说明书20151116测试  转曲
EXIF Metadata provided by
FCC ID Filing: 2AATPTP-08

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