ELPRO Technologies ELP905K Spread Spectrum Radio Modem User Manual man FCC 905K 1 0

ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Spread Spectrum Radio Modem man FCC 905K 1 0

User manual

ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd,  9/12 Billabong Street,  Stafford Q 4053,  Australia.Tel: +61 7 33524533      Fax:  +61 7 33524577   Email:  sales@elpro.com.auWeb:  www.elpro.com.auUser Manual905U- K Radio Telemetry Module
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 2Thank you for your selection of the 905U-K module for yourtelemetry needs.  We trust it will give you many years of valuableservice.ATTENTION!Incorrect termination of supply wires maycause internal damage and will void warranty.To ensure your 905U-K enjoys a long life,double check ALL your connections withthe user’s manualbefore turning the power on.CAUTION!For continued against risk of fire, replace the module fuse F1 only with the same type and ratingTo comply with FCC RF Exposure requirements in section 1.1310 of the FCC Rules, antennas used with thisdevice must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons to satisfy RFexposure compliance.DO NOT:• operate the transmitter when someone is within 20 cm of the antenna• operate the transmitter unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors are properlyterminated.• operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphereAll equipment must be properly grounded for safe operations. All equipment should be serviced only by aqualified technician.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 3FCC Notice: 905U-K Wireless IO ModuleThis user’s manual is for the ELPRO 905U-K wireless module. This device complies with Part15.247 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference and2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that maycause undesired operation.This device must be operated as supplied by ELPRO Technologies.  Any changes ormodifications made to the device without the written consent of ELPRO Technologies mayvoid the user’s authority to operate the device.End user products that have this device embedded must be installed by experienced radio andantenna personnel,  or supplied with non-standard antenna connectors, and antennas availablefrom vendors specified by ELPRO Technologies. Please contact ELPRO Technologies for enduser antenna and connector recommendations.Safety Notice:Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC has adopted a safetystandard for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCCregulated equipment as a result of its actions in Docket 93-62 and OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 4Important NoticeELPRO products are designed to be used in industrial environments,  by experienced industrialengineering personnel with adequate knowledge of safety design considerations.ELPRO radio products are used on unprotected license-free radio bands with radio noise andinterference.  The products are designed to operate in the presence of noise and interference,however in an extreme case, radio noise and interference could cause product operation delaysor operation failure.   Like all industrial electronic products,  ELPRO products can fail in avariety of modes due to misuse, age, or malfunction.  We recommend that users and designersdesign systems using design techniques intended to prevent personal injury or damage duringproduct operation,  and provide failure tolerant systems to prevent personal injury or damagein the event of product failure.  Designers must warn users of the equipment or systems ifadequate protection against failure has not been included in the system design.  Designers mustinclude this Important Notice in operating procedures and system manuals.These products should not be used in non-industrial applications, or life-support systems,without consulting ELPRO Technologies first.1. For 905U modules, a radio licence is not required in many countries, provided themodule is installed using the antenna and equipment configuration complying with thecountry’s regulations..  Check with your local distributor for further information onregulations.2. For 905U modules, operation is authorised by the radio frequency regulatory authorityin your country on a non-protection basis.  Although all care is taken in the design ofthese units, there is no responsibility taken for sources of external interference.  The905U intelligent communications protocol aims to correct communication errors due tointerference and to retransmit the required output conditions regularly.  However somedelay in the operation of outputs may occur during periods of interference.  Systemsshould be designed to be tolerant of these delays.3. To avoid the risk of electrocution, the antenna, antenna cable, serial cables and allterminals of the 905U/105S module should be electrically protected. To providemaximum surge and lightning protection, the module should be connected to a suitableearth and the antenna, antenna cable, serial cables and the module should be installed asrecommended in the Installation Guide.4. To avoid accidents during maintenance or adjustment of remotely controlledequipment, all equipment should be first disconnected from the 905U/105S moduleduring these adjustments.  Equipment should carry clear markings to indicate remote orautomatic operation.  E.g. "This equipment is remotely controlled and may startwithout warning.  Isolate at the switchboard before attempting adjustments."5. The 905U/105S module is not suitable for use in explosive environments withoutadditional protection.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 5Limited Warranty, Disclaimer and Limitation ofRemediesELPRO products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of 2 yearsfrom the effective date of purchase.  The effective date of purchase is decided solely byELPRO Technologies.This warranty does not extend to:- failures caused by the operation of the equipment outside the particular product'sspecification, or- use of the module not in accordance with this User Manual, or- abuse, misuse, neglect or damage by external causes, or- repairs, alterations, or modifications undertaken other than by an authorised ServiceAgent.ELPRO’s liability under this warranty is limited to the replacement or repair of the product.This warranty is in lieu of and exclusive of all other warranties.  This warranty does notindemnify the purchaser of  products for any consequential claim for damages or loss ofoperations or profits and ELPRO is not liable for any consequential damages or loss ofoperations or profits resulting from the use of these products. ELPRO is not liable fordamages, losses, costs, injury or harm incurred as a consequence of any representations,warranties or conditions made by ELPRO or its representatives or by any other party, exceptas expressed solely in this document.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 6905U-K Radio Telemetry ModuleUSER  MANUALLIMITED WARRANTY, DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF REMEDIES -------------51OVERVIEW----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------81.1 AVAILABLE MODELS ..........................................................................................81.2 INPUT SIGNALS .................................................................................................81.3 POWER SUPPLY................................................................................................91.4 RADIO TRANSMITTER.........................................................................................91.5 CONFIGURATION ...............................................................................................92OPERATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 102.1 NORMAL OPERATION.......................................................................................102.2 WHAT INFORMATION IS TRANSMITTED OVER THE RADIO?....................................102.3 HOW OFTEN IS THE INPUT INFORMATION SENT BY RADIO?...................................102.3.1 Digital Inputs...........................................................................................112.3.2 Pulse Inputs............................................................................................112.3.3 Analogue Inputs......................................................................................122.3.4 Setpoint Status .......................................................................................132.3.5 Low Battery Voltage Alarm .....................................................................132.3.6 Communications Failure .........................................................................142.4 HOW TO DESIGN A REMOTE MONITORING SYSTEM ............................................142.4.1 Achieving reliable radio transmission......................................................142.4.2 How far will the radio transmit?...............................................................152.5 CALCULATING POWER CONSUMPTION ..............................................................163HARDWARE INSTALLATION-------------------------------------------------------------- 183.1 HOW TO MOUNT THE 905U-K...........................................................................193.2 ANTENNA INSTALLATION ..................................................................................193.3 CONNECTION PLUG.........................................................................................233.4 POWER SUPPLY INSTALLATION ........................................................................24
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 73.4.1 External Power .......................................................................................243.5 INPUT SIGNAL CONNECTIONS...........................................................................243.5.1 Digital/Pulse Inputs .................................................................................243.5.2 Shaft Encoder Connections....................................................................263.5.3 RS232 serial port....................................................................................264CONFIGURATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 284.1 I/O MAPPING ..................................................................................................294.2 UPDATE TRANSMISSION TIMES.........................................................................294.3 DIGITAL INPUTS...............................................................................................304.4 ANALOGUE INPUT............................................................................................304.5 ANALOG SETPOINTS........................................................................................314.6 PULSE INPUTS ................................................................................................314.7 NUMBER OF TRANSMISSIONS ...........................................................................334.8       PROGRAMMING CONFIGURATIONS TO MODULES................................................334.9 LOADING CONFIGURATION FROM A MODULE......................................................344.10 PRINT OPTIONS ..............................................................................................345TROUBLESHOOTING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 356SPECIFICATIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 81  OVERVIEWThe 905U-K radio telemetry module is an economical solution for the remote monitoring ofprocess signals.  The 905U-K can connect to digital, pulse or analogue signals from processtransducers, and transmit these signal values by radio.Although the 905U-K is intended to be simple in its application, it also provides manysophisticated features.  This manual should be read carefully to ensure that the modules areconfigured and installed to give reliable performance.  The 905U-K uses the 905U module as areceiver,   or repeater.  If you have not used 905U modules before,  please read the 905U UserManual prior to reading this manual.The 905U-K module is a monitoring only unit  -  that is,  it will only accept input signals anddoes not provide output signals.  The 905U-K has an internal radio transmitter; it does nothave a receiver to receive messages from another module.The 905U-K transmits the value of an input signal whenever the signal changes, and also aftera pre-configured time.  Each transmission message includes error-checking to confirm thevalidity of the message.  At each transmission, the 905U-K may be configured to repeat thetransmission several times to ensure that the transmission is received correctly.  This isimportant if the radio path is marginal (that is, the radio signal is not strong) or if there is a lotof radio traffic on the radio channel which may corrupt the 905U-K message.  The 905U-Ktransmits the input message to a 905U module, which sets an output signal to be the samevalue as the 905U-K input, or the 905U passes the input message to another device (PC orPLC) via its serial port.For more information on the 905U module, please refer to the 905U User Manual.1.1 Available ModelsThe 905U-K has a heavy duty painted aluminium enclosure, weather-proof to IP66.  Signaland power connections to the unit are made via a weatherproof connector at the bottom of themodule.  Antenna connection is made using a SMA coaxial connector at the top of themodule.1.2 Input SignalsThe 905U-K model provides two digital/pulse inputs and one analogue input for connecting toprocess transducers.Digital SignalsExamples: motor fault, tank overflow, intruder alarmPulse signals - use the same input as the digital inputExamples: electricity metering, fluid flow, raingaugeAnalogue continuously variable signals (0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-10mA, 0 – 5V)Examples: measured tank level, measured process temperatureTwo internal signals may also be transmitted to outputs in the network:
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 9• Setpoint Status (digital signal set or reset depending upon the value of the analogue signalcompared to a high and a low setpoint value configured in the 905U-K)• Battery Low Voltage (digital signal set when internal battery voltage is low).1.3 Power Supply The power consumption of the 905U-K is very small as it conserves power by reverting to“sleep” mode between transmissions. The 905U-K can be powered from an external 12V DC supply, or a 5.4 – 30V battery supply.The battery supply can be an external battery pack.  The  905U-K units provide an internalalarm on low battery voltage - this alarm may be transmitted by radio for warning purposes.The low battery alarm indicates that there is approximately 2% of battery capacity left.1.4 Radio Transmitter The  905U-K has an internal radio transmitter that operates on unlicensed spread spectrumradio channels in the 902 - 928MHz UHF band. It is suitable for use in utility industries such as electricity, water and gas, as well as a costeffective solution for short range applications in factories and industrial plants. The transmitter is preset in the factory to suit the unlicensed frequency requirements in eachcountry.  The maximum transmitter power is 1W.  In countries where there are no unlicensedradio channels, a radio licence may be required each time the product is used.  Please contactone of our worldwide distributors for further information. To extend radio range, 905U modules can be used as repeaters.  Up to five repeaters can beconfigured for each input-to-output link.  The configuration is done at the 905U-K modulewhere the input signal is - no additional configuration is required at the 905U modules.  Thetransmitted radio message will include the address of repeater modules - modules with theseaddresses will re-transmit the messages.1.5 Configuration Each module must be configured before it can be used.  Configuration is performed using a PC(or a laptop computer) connected to the module via the internal RS232 port on the 905U-K.905U-K configuration software is required and is provided with each order. Configuring a module requires the entering of “input mappings” and setting operatingparameters for each input.  An “input mapping” links an input signal to an output channel at aremote module (or a “destination address”).  An input mapping is entered for each input signal(external and internal) which is used.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 102 OPERATION2.1 Normal Operation Once configured using the 905U-K configuration software, the 905U-K module will normallybe in “sleep” mode to conserve power.  During sleep mode, the microprocessor controllerpowers down, and the analogue loop supply is turned off.  The microprocessor willautomatically “wake up” and revert to full operation if a digital/pulse input changes (on to off,or off to on), or every 0.5 seconds to check if a timed update transmission is due to be sent. Normal operation of the 905U-K is indicated by a brief flicker of the OK LED light on thefront panel approximately every 10 seconds.2.2 What information is transmitted over the radio? The 905U-K modules transmit the value of the input signal in a data frame. The data frameincludes a system address,  and the "address" of the transmitting (source) 905U-K module andthe receiving (destination) 905U module, so that each transmitted message is acted on only bythe correct receiving unit.  The system address is a common address used by all modules in thesame system.  This allows multiple systems to operate within the same radio range without"cross-talk" between systems. The user configures these addresses as part of the module configuration.  Each transmittedmessage also includes error checking to ensure that no corruption of the data frame hasoccurred due to noise or interference.   If repeater modules are being used,  then the addressesof these intermediate modules are also included in the data frame. The user can configure the 905U-K to transmit each message from one to five times to ensurethat at least one of the messages is received correctly.   Each repeat transmission will occur atrandom intervals between one and four seconds.2.3 How often is the input information sent by radio?• Change messages.  The 905U-K transmits the value of an input signal whenever the signalchanges.• Update messages.  The input value is also transmitted if the signal has not changed within apre-configured update time (configurable 10 seconds to 5 days).• Paralysis.  When a 905U-K transmits a message for a particular input, the 905U-K will nottransmit another message for this input within a configured time period.  This time is calledthe paralysis time, and may be used to prevent a lot of messages being transmitted if aninput changes frequently.  The paralysis time may be set from zero to 127.5 seconds foreach input.  For example,  assume the paralysis time on an input is 30 seconds.   If theinput changes, then the 905U-K will transmit a message, however it will not transmitanother message for this input during the next 30 seconds, regardless of changes to theinput signal.  Note that paralysis time does not stop re-transmissions of each message  -  ifthe 905U-K is configured to transmit each message three times,  then paralysis will notstop this. Depending on the type of input signal (digital, pulse or analogue), the 905U-K must determinewhat type of signal change is required to send a transmission:
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 112.3.1 Digital Inputs A digital input can be an external digital input or an internal status input (setpoint status or lowbattery alarm). The 905U-K will transmit the value of the digital input whenever it changes from off to on orfrom on to off.  A paralysis time may be configured to prevent another transmission within thistime.  The 905U-K will also transmit an update message if a message has not been transmittedfor that input within an “update time”. There are two update times for each digital input  -  one for when the input is on,  and one forwhen the input is off.  Each update time may be configured between 10 seconds  and 5 days.For example, a digital input may be configured to update every 1 day when the input is off, butupdate every 10 minutes when the input is on. If an update time of zero (or less than 10seconds) is selected, then no update messages will be sent. Overview:• Input value transmitted on input change• Update message if the input value has not been transmitted within the configured updatetime for that input (10 seconds - 5 days)• Separate update times for on and off status for digital inputs• After each transmission, further transmission for that input is disabled for the paralysis time(0 – 127.5 sec).2.3.2 Pulse Inputs Each pulse input is counted and the total count value is transmitted as a 16-bit value.  A“sensitivity” value is configured for each pulse input (0 - 32 000).  Whenever the pulse counthas increased by this value since the last transmission,  the 905U-K will transmit the new pulsecount.  In addition, an update transmission of the pulse count will be transmitted if the pulsecount has not been transmitted for the update time.  If an update time of zero is selected, thenno update messages will be sent. When the 905U receives the input count message, it will compare the input count to its ownoutput count (the count of output pulses),  and will then output pulses until the two counts arethe same. The maximum pulse input is 1000Hz (3 msec minimum on-time and off-time).  There is nominimum pulse rate.  For pulse rates higher than 1Hz, the power consumption will increaseslightly. For pulse rates higher than 10 Hz, the “Fast Pulsed Inputs” option should be selected.This increases power consumption of the module further. If the pulse input message is sent to a host device,  it is important to note that the count valuetransmitted is an absolute value.  The only time that it resets is when the 16-bit accumulator"rolls over" (exceeds 65 535). Overview:• Pulse inputs are counted.• Pulse count is transmitted when the count has increased by the sensitivity amount since thelast transmission.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 12• Update message if the input value has not been transmitted within the update time (10seconds - 5 days).• After each transmission, another transmission for that input is disabled for the paralysistime (0 – 127.5 sec). For the 905U-K-2, the two pulse inputs may be configured to control one count value, for usewith quadrature and incremental shaft encoders.  A shaft encoder is a transducer that measureslevel or displacement, and has two pulse signals to indicate change of level and direction ofchange. Both pulse inputs are read at the same time. If using an incremental encoder, the count is the value of Pulse Input 1.  This pulse input valueshould be used to send the true pulse count from a incremental encoder. If using a quadrature encoder, the count is the value of Pulse Input 2.  This pulse input valueshould be used to send the true pulse count from a quadrature encoder.2.3.3 Analogue Inputs The analogue input uses a “sample time” and “warm-up time” configured by the user.  Thesample time (1 minute to 20 days) “wakes” the 905U-K from sleep mode and turns on theanalogue loop supply.  The “warm-up time” (0.5 – 127.5 seconds) allows the transducer toreach rated accuracy before the 905U-K makes a measurement of the analogue signal. For example, if the sample time is 30 minutes and the warm-up time is 10 seconds, then every30 minutes, the 905U-K will turn on its analogue loop supply and after a further 10 seconds,take a measurement of the analogue signal.  After the measurement is taken,  the 905U-Kreverts to sleep mode. If the sample time is set to zero, then the analogue loop supply will beon continuously and measurement will be taken based on the warm-up time.  If the warm-uptime is 1 second, then a measurement is taken every 1 second. The same process occurs if an externally powered analogue signal is connected. The measurements have a resolution of 12 bit, and an overall accuracy of better than 0.1%. When the 905U-K takes a measurement,  it will transmit the analogue value if the value haschanged by more than the pre-configured sensitivity since the last transmission.   Thesensitivity can be configured from 0.25% to 100% (0.05mA to 20mA) with a default value of3% (0.6mA).  If the change in the signal since the last transmitted value is less than thesensitivity, then the 905U-K will not transmit the analogue value. In addition, an update transmission of the analogue value will be transmitted if the analoguevalue has not been transmitted for the update time (10 seconds - 5 days).  If an update time ofzero is selected, then no update messages will be sent. If the update time expires since the last transmission, then the last measured value will betransmitted  - that is, a new measurement will not be taken.  Normally the update time will bemuch longer than the sample time.  If the update time is less than the sample time, then updatemessages may transmit the same value as the previous transmission,  as a new measurementhas not yet been taken.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 13  Overview:• Measurements of the analogue signal are determined by the sample time and warm-up time• Analogue value is transmitted if the measured value has increased by the configuredsensitivity amount since the last transmission• Analogue value is transmitted if the input value has not been transmitted within the updatetime (10 seconds - 5 days)2.3.4 Setpoint Status The setpoint status is an internal status value, calculated by comparing the analogue input totwo configurable setpoint values.  The setpoint status turns ON when the analogue inputmoves below the low setpoint value, and turns OFF when it moves above the high setpointvalue.  The high setpoint percentage must always be greater than, or equal to, the low setpoint. The internal setpoint status will be determined every time an analogue measurement is taken. The setpoint status is treated as a digital signal and its value is transmitted according to therules for a digital input.2.3.5 Low Battery Voltage Alarm The Low Battery Voltage Alarm is a configurable set point determined by the type of batteryused to power the 905U-K. If the voltage of battery supply falls below the set point voltage,the internal battery voltage alarm will turn on.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 14 The Low Battery Voltage Alarm is treated as a digital signal and its value is transmittedaccording to the rules for a digital input. If the battery is not replaced at the point of Low Voltage Alarm, at a point of 95% of the setpoint value, the unit will be permenently put into ‘sleep’ mode to prevent damage from overdischarge to lead acid batteries.2.3.6 Communications Failure The 905U-K cannot provide an indication that its transmitted messages have not been receivedsuccessfully. This indication is however available at the receiving 905U by using the 905U Output Reset onComms Fail function.  To use this function, map an input that is not being used on the 905U-Kto a spare output on the 905U.  The unused input can be an internal input such as the LowBattery status or Setpoint status, or even the analogue input as this can also be mapped to adigital output.  Configure the 905U-K so that the digital output at the 905U is normally on -you can configure an input to output mapping to be inverted or direct. If you configure a reset time to the 905U output, then this output will turn off if it has notreceived an update message from the 905U-K within that time.  The 905U output is effectivelya "Communications OK" output  - on when communications are OK, and off duringcommunications failure.  Note that the maximum output reset time at the 905U is 32 minutes,so the update time for the 905U-K input must be less than this.  It is generally a good idea toset the update time to less than half of the reset time.  Then, the 905U must fail to receive twoconsecutive update messages  - it is possible to miss one update message because of randomnoise, but two consecutive failures means that there is a system failure.  For example, if youwish to have a failure alarm within 10 minutes of a system failure,  set the output reset time atthe 905U to 10 minutes and the update time at the 905U-K to 4.5 minutes.2.4 How to Design a Remote Monitoring System2.4.1 Achieving reliable radio transmission A system can theoretically have an unlimited number of 905U-K modules, but in practice, thenumber is limited by the amount of radio traffic on one frequency in the system.  When a radiochannel becomes unreliable because of radio traffic,  then a second radio channel must be usedto increase the size of the system.  This limit is not a function of the number of modules, butthe number of radio messages. A system comprises 905U-K and 905U modules  -  each can transmit input signals.  The 905Ucan "hear" other radio messages, and will hold off transmitting a message until the radiochannel is clear.  The 905U-K module cannot, and there is a possibility that an individualtransmission will clash with another transmission, and both transmissions will be corrupted.This possibility increases as the density of transmissions increases.  Configuring the re-transmitfeature (transmission of each message several times) will increase the chance of each messagebeing received successfully, but will increase the overall density of radio traffic. For large systems, a compromise is required between the number of re-transmissions,  and theupdate times for each input.  High priority inputs should have shorter update times than lowerpriority inputs.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 15 The peak transmission density should be calculated for large systems.  These values arecalculated by determining the number of transmissions from inputs changing value and thenumber of update transmissions per hour. The probability of success for an individual message depends on the transmission density andthe number of re-transmissions for each message. This is shown in the following graph: Probability of successful transmission0%10 %20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%01000 2000 3000Messages Per Hour12345Transmissionsper message This assumes that the radio path is reliable and that there is no other radio users on this radiochannel.  If intermediate repeaters are used,  then each repeated message should be counted asanother message. We suggest that you use two transmissions per message  -  with a higher number for a smallnumber of high priority inputs.In addition to the above comments,  you need to consider the affect of re-transmissions onother messages being transmitted from the same 905U-K module.  Once a 905U-K startstransmitting a message,  all transmissions for this message must be complete before anothertransmission can start.  The time between retransmissions of the same message is a randomtime between 0.5 and 4 seconds.  For example,  if a module is configured to transmit eachmessage 5 times,  then each message will take up to 16 seconds.  Another message cannot betransmitted until the previous message has finished.  In the above example,  the maximumnumber of messages which can be transmitted reliably is approx 4 per minute.  If moremessages are required,  then a lower number of re-transmissions should be selected.2.4.2 How far will the radio transmit? The  905U-K will operate reliably over large distances.  The distance that may be reliablyachieved will vary with each application and is dependent on the following factors:• Type and location of antennas (the higher an antenna is, the further it will transmit)• Amount of radio interference from other transmitters or radio “noise”• Obstructions such as buildings, hills or trees in the radio path• Maximum radio transmitter power allowed in the country The transmitter power level of each 905U-K is set in the factory to the maximum powerallowed in the country of sale.  The maximum output power of the 905U-K is 1 Watt,
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 162.5 Calculating Power Consumption The following information may be used for calculating power consumption.        mA Quiescent   0.10 Each radio  1.0 W  Radio  350 transmission     Analogue input  Externally powered transducer  10 measurement  Loop Powered Transducer - 12 mA average  22 (per measurement)  Loop Powered Transducer - 20 mA  average  30 Pulsed Input  0 - 10 Hz (Slow Pulsed Inputs)  0.0025 x f   10 - 1000 Hz (Fast Pulsed Inputs)  0.2 w-time = warm up time in seconds f = pulse frequency in Hz The overall power requirements may be calculated by using the above figures.Total power per day  = Quiescent+  Pulse input (if used)+  Analogue input per measurement  x  number of measurements per day+Radio transmission  x  number of radio transmissions per day There is no additional power required for digital inputs. Where an external battery supply is used, these figures can be used to determine the expectedbattery life.  Example:- An application has one digital input,  one pulse input and one analogue input.  It is powered by internal batterysupply and the analogue input uses the 905U-K loop supply.  Each radio message is configured to transmit twotimes. The total power consumed = power for transmissions + power for analogue loop supply + pulse input +quiescent Power for radio transmissions:- The configuration parameters, and estimated activity data,  for each input are: Digital input Update time, off state 1 day Update time, on state 15 minutes Input is expected to be on twice per year for 4 hours No. of change messages per year =2 (twice per year) * 2 (on to off and off to on) =4 No. of off update messages per year =364 (approximately)  No. of on update messages per year=2 (twice per year) * 16 (4 hours @ 15 min update) =32
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 17 Total messages for digital input =4 + 364 + 32 =400 Pulse input Update time   1 day Sensitivity   50 Average pulse rate is 1 pulse per hour, with peak rate of 20 per hour, for 10 hours, three times per year. No. of change messages (normal rate) =0  (time for 50 pulses is more than the update time) No. of change messages (peak rate)=3 (three per year) * 200 (20 per hr for 10 hrs) / 50 =12 No. of update messages per year =363 (approx) Total messages for pulse input =12 + 363 =375 Analogue input Sample time  1 hour Warm-up time  5 secs Sensitivity 3% Update time  1 day Average changes of >3% is twice per day No. of change messages per year =2 (twice per day) * 365 =730 No. of update messages per year =0 (always be a change message each 1 day) Total messages for analogue input =730 Total input messages per year =400 + 375 + 730 =1505 Power consumed in transmissions =350 * 1505 * 2  (2 per message) =1,053,500  µA-hour per year Power for analogue loop supply  (assume average loop current is 12mA) No. of analogue measurements per year = 365 days * 24 hours * 1(sample time) =8,760Power for analogue loop supply =17 (from above table) * 5 (warm-up time) * 8,760 =744 600 µA-hour per year Power for pulse input Average pulse rate is 1 pulse per hour (0.0003Hz),  so power required = 60 x 0.0003 per day =7 µA-hour per year Quiescent power Power for quiescent current =3600 per day * 365 =1 314 000 µA-hour per year Total power consumption per year=1053500 + 744 600 + 7 + 1 314 000 =3,112,107 µA-hour
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 183 HARDWARE INSTALLATION WARNING!      All connections to the 905U-K must be SELV only. 110/220/240V mainspower must NOT be connected to any input terminal of the 905U-K module! The  905U-K module is housed in a weatherproof enclosure with external power and inputsignals connected via a weatherproof connector at the bottom of the module. Wires of up to 0.75 sqmm may be connected by soldering to the female connector suppliedwith the unit.  The antenna/coaxial cable connector is a SMA at the top of the module.  Careshould be taken to ensure that this connection remains weatherproof, as the ingress of waterwill decrease radio performance.  If necessary, wrap the connection with weatherproofingtape. Before installing a new system, it is preferable to bench test the complete system asconfiguration problems are easier to recognise when the system units are close together. Following installation, poor communications can be caused by:• Incorrectly installed antennas• Radio interference on the same channel• Obstructions in the radio path• Radio path too long If the radio path is a problem, higher performance antennas or a higher mounting point for theantenna may help.  Alternately, use a 905U module as a repeater. The foldout sheet 905U-K Installation Guide is included with the product, with more detailedinformation in the following sections:
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 193.1 How to mount the 905U-K The 905U-K module is housed in an IP66 weatherproof aluminium enclosure.  To mount the905U-K, remove the four screws in the top plate, and carefully remove the cover.  The twomounting holes should now be visible.  It is important to effectively earth the unit to help prevent radio noise and static electricitydamage.  The preferred method is to earth the module using the mounting screws to connectto an earthed surface.  If this is not possible, use an earth lug in the mounting screw connectionand secure the other end of the wire to a good earth.3.2 Antenna Installation The  905U-K module will operate reliably over large distances. The distance that may bereliably achieved will vary with each application - depending on the type and location ofantennas, the degree of radio interference, and obstructions (such as hills or trees) to the radiopath. Where it is not possible to achieve reliable communications, a 905U module may be usedto receive the message and re-transmit it. This module is referred to as a repeater. This modulemay also have input/output (I/O) signals connected to it and form part of the I/O network.905U-K
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 20 An  antenna must be connected to each 905U-K module using the SMA connector thatprotrudes though the top of the enclosure. To achieve the maximum transmission distance, the antennas should be raised aboveintermediate obstructions so the radio path is true “line of sight”.  Because of the curvature ofthe earth, each antenna will need to be elevated at least 5 metres above ground for pathsgreater than 5 km (3 miles).  The modules will operate reliably with some obstruction of theradio path, however the reliable radio range is decreased.  Obstructions that are close to eitherantenna will have more of a blocking effect than obstructions in the middle of the radio path.Small whip antennas may be connected directly to the 905U-K module.  Other antennas maybe connected to the module via 50 ohm coaxial cable (eg RG58 or RG213) terminated with amale BNC connector. Connections between the antenna and coaxial cable should be carefullytaped to prevent ingress of moisture.Moisture ingress in the coaxial cable is a common cause for problems with radio systems, as itgreatly increases the radio losses.  We recommend that the connection be taped, firstly with alayer of PVC Tape, then with a vulcanising tape such as “3M 23 tape”, and finally withanother  layer of PVC  UV Stabilised insulating tape. The first layer of tape allows the joint tobe easily inspected when trouble shooting as the vulcanising seal can be easily removed. The higher the antenna is mounted, the greater the transmission range will be, however as thelength of coaxial cable increases so do cable losses. There are several types of antennassuitable for use on unlicensed frequency channels.  It is important that the antenna is chosencarefully to avoid contravening the maximum power limit on the unlicensed channel  -  if indoubt refer to an authorised service provider. Connections between the antenna and coaxial cable should be carefully taped to preventingress of moisture.  Moisture in the coaxial cable is a common cause for problems with radiosystems, as it greatly increases the radio losses.  We recommend that the connection be tapedwith a vulcanising tape such as “3M 23 tape”, with a secondary layer of PVC insulating tape. Where  antennas are mounted on elevated masts, the masts should be effectively earthed toavoid  lightning surges. Surge suppression devices are recommended if lightning surgeproblems are likely in the installation area. If the antenna is not already shielded from lightningstrike by an adjacent earthed structure, a lightning rod may be installed above the antenna toprovide shielding. The available antennas to be used with the 905U-K units are: CFD890EL 0 dBi Dipole antenna with 15’ of low loss RG-58 and SMA connector SG900EL 5dBi  Colinear  omni-directional antenna with N-type connector (useCC10/900 or CC10/900) SG900-6 8dBi  Colinear  omni-directional antenna with N-type connector (useCC10/900 or CC10/900) YU6/900 10dBi Yagi directional antenna with N-type connector (use CC20/900only)  The available accessory cables for use with the 905U-K units are: CC10/900 33’ low loss RG-58 cable, 3dB loss CC20/900 66’ low loss RG-58 cable, 6dB loss
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 21Dipole and Colinear antennas. A unity gain dipole is the normal antenna for use on unlicensed channels.  As it does notprovide any gain, then the power transmitted from the antenna will be the same as the powerout of the module.  Dipole antennas are only available with a 15 feet of coaxial cable and SMAconnector for mounting away from the 905U-K module.  Dipole antennas should be mountedvertically, at least 1 metre away from a wall or mast. For longer, more marginal radio paths higher gain colinear antennas can be used.  These mustbe used with either CC10/900 or CC20/900 cable. 4mm21mDIPOLE AERIALMASTEARTH CONDUCTORSHOULD BE 16mm2EARTH STAKEIF GROUND CONDITIONS ARE POOR,INSTALL MORE THAN ON STAKEMAX. COAXIAL CABLE LENGTHS CC10/900 – 33 feetCC20/900 – 66 feetINSTALL AERIAL ABOVE LOCALOBSTRUCTIONSGNDANT905U.KSURGE DIVERTERCOAXIAL CABLESEAL CONNECTORSWITH “3M 23” TAPESTRESS REDUCTION LOOP The 905U-K normally produces 1.0 Watt of radio power when an external DC power supply isused.  FCC regulations allow this power may be boosted to a maximum 4.0W by using ahigher gain antennas.  These higher gain antennas may also be used to compensate for coaxialcable loss.   The losses are 3dB for every 10m of RG58 cellfoil.  If 10m of RG58 cable is usedon a marginal radio path,  then a higher gain antenna may be used to cancel the losses in thecable and boost the transmitted power back to the maximum level. . YAGI antenna. YAGI antennas must only be used with a cable loss of 5dB or greater so the overall systemgain is less than 6dB.  So they should only be used with a CC10/900 cable. YAGI antennas are directional.  That is, they have positive gain to the front of the antenna,but negative gain in other directions.  Hence YAGI antennas are normally installed with thecentral beam vertical and must be pointed in the direction of transmission to benefit from the
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 22gain of the antenna. Also note that YAGI antennas normally have a drain hole on the foldedelement  -  the drain hole should be located on the bottom of the installed antenna. The YAGI antennas may be installed with the elements in a vertical plane (vertically polarised)or in a horizontal plane (horizontally polarised).  For a two station installation,  with bothmodules using YAGI antennas,  horizontal polarisation is recommended.  If there are morethan two 905U-K modules transmitting to a common 905U module,  or there is dipole orcolinear used in the system, then the YAGI antennas should have vertical polarisation.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 233.3 Connection Plug External power and input signals are connected using a weatherproof plug, provided with themodule.  For the 905U-K a 7 pin plug is used.  The plug needs to be assembled as per thefollowing diagram.  STRAIN RELIEFCABLE CLAMP(ONE MOUNDING SPLIT& USED AS 2 HALVESO-RINGCOVER LOCKING RING LINE SOCKETNOTE:  VIEW FROM SOLDER CONNECTION SIDE OF PLUGDN1DN2ANALOGUELOOP SUPPLYGNDEXTERNAL SUPPLYANALOGUE IN +ANALOGUE IN -905U-K
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 24Power Supply Installation3.4.1 External Power The 905U-K module will accept an external supply of 5.4 - 30.0 volts DC.  An external supplywith a battery and battery charger is suitable.  Negatively grounded or floating supplies areacceptable, however positively grounded supplies must not be connected.  The 905U-Kconnects the negative supply (COMMON) to “ground”.  Connect the external supply as perthe following diagram. ⊂⊂+-5.4 - 30 VDC 905U-K  EXTSUPPLYGND1 A⊂⊂+-BATTERYCHARGER905U-K  EXTSUPPLYGND1 A   12VBATTERYConfiguration of the module will not be lost when batteries are removed, so no specialprocedure is required when changing batteries of the same type.3.5 Input Signal Connections3.5.1 Digital/Pulse InputsDigital and pulse inputs share the same input channel.  Each input is connected between theDIN connector and COMMON.   Inputs can be voltage-free contacts, NPN transistorswitches, or a voltage signal (ON < 1 volt DC, OFF > 2 volts DC).⊂GND905U-KDIN1⊂⊂GND905U-KDIN1⊂⊂DIN2Inputs can be voltage free contact or open-collector transistorNPN
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 25Inputs do not have any surge protection.  If the sensor or switch is mounted a long way fromthe 905U-K module, external isolation such as a relay may be required for surge protection.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 263.5.2 Shaft Encoder Connections⊂⊂⊂COUNTDIRECTIONGNDDIN2DIN1905U-K⊂⊂⊂PHASE 1PHASE 2GNDDIN2DIN1905U-KINCREMENTAL SHAFT ENCODERQUADRATURE SHAFT ENCODERAnalogue input The analogue input has a positive and a negative terminal, and may be placedat any point in the current loop, as long as neither input rises more than 24V above COMMONor ground. A 24 VDC 30mA supply is provided for powering analogue loops.  The analogueloop may be powered from the internal supply or may be externally powered.⊂⊂GNDAI- 905U-K⊂⊂+-AI+905U-K⊂LOOP POWERED TRANSDUCEREXT POWERED TRANSDUCER⊂⊂⊂+-AI+AI-ANALOGSUPPLYShielded cable is recommended for analogue input loops to minimise induced noise and radiofrequency interference (RFI).  The shield of the cable must be connected to earth at one end ofthe cable only.  Each input has a loop resistance of 150Ω and zener diode protection againstovervoltage and reverse voltage.  Additional surge protection is recommended in highelectrical noise environments,  or if the analogue signal cable runs for a long distanceunderground before connecting to the 905U-K module.3.5.3 RS232 serial portAn RS232 port is provided for connection of a PC for configuration and diagnostics. Toaccess the serial port DB9 connector, remove the front cover from the module by unscrewingthe four screws in the front panel.  The serial port is a 9 pin DB9 male and provides forconnection to a terminal or to a PC for configuration, field testing and for factory testing.Communication is via standard RS-232 signals. The 905U-K is configured as DCE equipment withthe pinout detailed below.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 27Pin Name Dirn Function1- - Not Used.2RD Out Receive Data - Serial Data Output (High = 0, Low = 1)3TD In Transmit Data - Serial Data Input (High = 0, Low = 1)4DTR In Data Terminal Ready - used by 905U-K as a "wake-up" signal5SG -Signal Ground6- - Not Used.7- - Not Used.8- - Not Used.9- - Not Used.The DTR signal must be connected to the 905U-K to enable communications and “wake up” themicroprocessor.  This means that the DTR wire must be connected  -  the PC does not need tocontrol DTR.  When communications is established, the green LED will light continuously.The serial port communicates at a baud rate of 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit.An example cable drawing for connection to a personal computer is detailed below:E505  DB9 (M) Connector Computer DB9 (F) Connector1 1 Not Used - optional2 2 Receive Data3 3 Transmit Data4 4 DTR5 5 Signal Ground6 6 Not Used - optional7 7 Not Used - optional8 8 Not Used - optional9 9 Not Used - optional
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 284 CONFIGURATIONThe 905U-K module is configured by creating a configuration file on a PC and downloading tothe  905U-K via the RS232 serial port.  You will require the configuration software, and aserial cable  -  refer to the previous section.The configuration software is supplied as "free-ware" on the Product Catalog CD suppliedwith each order.  The configuration software for the 905U-K is the same as the software forthe 905U.  Please read section 4.3 of the 905U User Manual before proceeding further.Setup the project name and system address as per the 905U manual.  Enter the “units” as perthe manual.  Select “905U-K” as the unit type for 905U-K modules.Each 905U-K has a unit address and a secondary address.  Up to eight 905U-K modules canuse the same system address.  If you enter the same unit address for more than one 905U-K,the configuration software will automatically increase the secondary address.  The defaultdescription of a 905U-K module is 505-2#10_1 where 10 is the unit address and 1 is thesecondary address.  If a unit address of 10 is chosen for another 905U-K module,  it will havea default description of 505-2#10_2.  For small systems,  select a unique unit address for each905U-K module.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 294.1 I/O MappingEnter I/O mappings asper the 905U manual.In the followingexample, a digital inputat a 905U-K is mappedto DO1 of 905U#13.The analogue inout ofthe 905U-K is mapped toAO2 of the same module.The setpoint status of the 905U-K is mapped (inverted) to DO3 of 905U#14,  using 905U#13as a repeater.  The 905U-K AI is also mapped to AO1 of this module.  That is,  the AI ismapped twice.The mapping configuration for the 905U-K would be :4.2 Update TransmissionTimes   Each input signal has an updatetime.  If a change has not905K905U905U#14#3#4DIN1AINDO1 (DIN1 from #14)AO2 (AIN from #14)AO1 (AIN from #14)DO3 (SP inv from #14)
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 30occurred for this input within this time, then a transmission is set for this input after the updatetime has expired.  Each input signal has its own timer  -  when a transmission occurs for thisinput (either a change transmission or an update transmission) the timer is reset to zero.  If thetimer reaches the Update Time value, then a update transmission occurs.Digital inputs (both external inputs and internal) have a separate update time for their "off"state and "on" state.  This allows the input to be reported differently depending on its state.  Ifthe digital input is an alarm, then a user may wish the input to be updated more frequentlywhen in the alarm state than when not in the alarm state.  The analogue input and pulsed inputsonly have one update time value. Valid values are 10 seconds to 120 hours.  If less than 10 seconds is entered, the value willdefault to 10 seconds.  If zero is entered, then there will be no update transmissions for thisinput.4.3 Digital InputsApart from update times,the only configurableparameter for digital inputsis the paralysis time.  Thisparameter can be changed byselecting the Unit detailsoption.If a value of zero is entered,then there is no paralysistime.4.4 Analogue InputThere are three parameters whichmay be adjusted for the analogueinput.The  change sensitivity is theamount of change since the lasttransmission which will triggeranother transmission for thisinput.  For example, if the lasttransmitted value of the inputwas 55.0%,  and the sensitivity is1.2%,  then another transmissionwill occur if the measured inputvalue is less than 53.8% or morethan  56.2%.  If change messagesare not required,  then asensitivity of 100% should be selected.Each 1% corresponds to 0.2mA of signal.  The sensitivity should be set to be greater than thenatural "signal noise" of the analogue input.  For example,  if there is a signal oscillation of 1%on the input,  then a sensitivity of less than 1% will result in continuous change transmissionswhich could overload the radio channel.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 31The sample time is the timeperiod for each analogueinput measurement.Between measurements, the905U-K will operate in"sleep" mode.  When thesample time has expired, the905U-K will turn on theanalogue loop powersupply.  After a furthertime,  called the warmuptime,  the 905U-K willmake a measurement of theinput.  The warmup time allows the transducer to stabilise and become accurate after the loopsupply is turned on.The sample time may be entered in minutes, between 1 and 30 000 minutes.  If a zero value isentered, then the loop power supply will be always on.  The warmup time may be entered inseconds between 1 and 127 seconds.  If a zero value is entered, then an analogue measurementwill be made as soon as the loop supply is turned on.  If both the sample time and warmuptime  are set to zero, then an analogue measurement will be taken on every 905U-K cycle(every 0.5 sec).4.5 Analog SetpointsA high setpoint value and a low setpoint value may be entered.  The internal setpoint status isdetermined by these values in comparison to the analogue input value.  If the analogue input isless than the low setpoint,then the setpoint status is"on".  If the analogue inputis more than the highsetpoint, then the setpointstatus is "off".  When theinput is between the lowand high setpoints, thenthe setpoint status remainsunchanged.The setpoint values may beset between 0 and 100%corresponding to 0mA and20mA.  The low setpointmay be set to the same value as the high setpoint, however the low setpoint should not be setto a higher value than the high setpoint.4.6 Pulse InputsThere are several configurable parameters for pulse inputs.  The debounce value can beadjusted from the Unit Details selection,  as per Digital Inputs.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 32If either pulse input has an input rate of more than 10Hz, then the Fast Pulse Input optionshould be selected from the Pulsed Inputs selection.If the pulse inputsare connected to ashaft encoder(incremental orquadrature types),then the ShaftEncoder Inputsoption should beselected.The pulse inputsalso have aSensitivity value.  The pulse input sensitivity is the number of pulse increments since the lasttransmission to trigger another transmission.  For example,  if the pulse count at the lasttransmission for a pulse inputwas 1000,  and the sensitivityvalue is 10,  then anothertransmission will occur whenthe pulse count reaches 1010(provided there has not been anupdate transmission during thisperiod).  The sensitivity valuescan be between 1 and 32000.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 334.7 Number of TransmissionsThis  parameterallows you to selectthe number oftransmissions foreach message.  Forexample,  if 3 isselected,  then eachmessage will betransmitted threetimes.  The timebetween eachtransmission will be arandom time between0.5 and 4 seconds.The valid choices for this option are 1 - 5.4.8 Programming Configurations to ModulesTo programme a module :• Connect the cable from the PC’s serial port to the 905U-K serial port (see 3.5.4 for cableconnections)• From the Utilities menu, select “Serial Port Setup”• Select the appropriate serial port (COM1 - COM4)
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 34• Select the unit to be configured from the left-hand menu• Click on the “Program Unit” button.You will be asked to confirm if the module already has a different system or unit address.Each module will need to be programmed individually.4.9  Loading Configuration from a ModuleCare should be taken when loading a configuration from a module.  It is easy to lose thesystem address and unit address.  We suggest that you first view the system address and unitaddress  -  you can do this via the “Unit Options” menu.  Note these addresses before loadingthe configuration.When you upload the configuration,  the program will check if you want to load the addressesfrom the module.  If you do not,  then the system address and unit address will change.4.10 Print OptionsYou can obtain a print-out of each module configuration.   On each unit display,  there are“Unit Summary” and “Mapping Summary” windows.  Each of these will display a printableinformation page about that module.  The Unit Summary page will display the user optionsconfigured,  and the Mapping Summary will display the mappings entered for that unit.The printer may be selected from the Printer Setup option in the File menu.
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 355 TROUBLESHOOTINGSystem ProblemsMost problems relate to incorrect configuration,  or radio path problems.  Before installing the905U-K module,  "bench-test" its operation with the receiving 905U module alongside.  If the905U-K does not work properly in this test,  it will not work properly installed.  If problemsare found,  check the configuration.If the bench-test is successful,  however problems are experienced after installation,  check theradio path (refer to the 105 User Manual for radio path testing).The 905U-K provides the following diagnostic features which will help to identify problems.LED Indicators.Normally the green OK LED on the front panel will flash briefly every 10 seconds.  When theOK LED extinguishes a sleepmode state is indicated conserving the 905U-K's battery power.If the OK LED does not flash,   a  flat battery condition or an internal failure may exist.  If the905U-K module is located outside,  then it will be difficult to see when the LED indicators areon.  Remove the front lid of the 905U-K to see the LED's better.The yellow TX LED will flash whenever a radio transmission occurs.Table of indicator conditionsINDICATOR CONDITION MEANINGOK LED ON Flashes briefly Normal OperationOK LED OFF Continuously Battery Voltage lowCPU failureOK LED ON Continuously Analogue loop onConfiguration cable connectedTX LED ON Flashes briefly Radio transmittingDiagnostic FeaturesThe configuration software provides some diagnostic features to help identify problems.  Touse these features,  connect the 905U-K to a PC using a RS232 cable and run theconfiguration software.  The OK LED will light continuously once the module is inconfiguration mode.
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 36Note : The OK LED will generally not light continuously unless the cable is in place and theconfiguration software is running.Read InputsThis option provides a display of the measuredinput signals in the 905U-K, both internal andexternal.   Digital inputs (internal and external)are displayed as "ON" or "OFF",  the pulse inputaccumulated count values are displayed and theanalogue input value is displayed in mA.  Theanalogue input value is only updated when theconfigured analogue sample occurs.The displayed values will only update when youselect “Update”.Tone ReversalsThis feature turns the radio transmitter oncontinuously for radio path testing.  A series of 1 and 0 data bits is transmitted.  This feature isnot recommended for 905U-K-B versions as it will significantly reduce the life of the batteries.To do radio path testing,  refer to the 105 User Manual.Firmware VersionThe feature will display the firmware (software) version of the 905U-K module.6 SPECIFICATIONS
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 37GeneralEMC approval FCC Part 15Radio standards USA FCC Part 15.247Canada RSS-210902 – 928 MHz, 1 WattHousing 160 x 64 x 36mmIP66Industrial-grade paintedaluminiumI/O & Power Connection Weatherproof bayonetconnectorFemale P/N:Conxall 6282-7SG-522Suitable for 0.75 mm2 conductorsMatching female part suppliedwith unitLED indication Transmit, Operation OK,Configuration mode,Reading analogueOperating Temperature -40 to +55 degrees CPower SupplyExternal Battery supply 5.4 - 30 V DC Overvoltage, reverse powerprotectedCurrent Drain <100 µA10mA + analogue loopcurrent“Sleep” modeOperating modeAnalogue loop supply Included 24V DC Nominal, 30mALow Battery voltage status Monitored Can be transmitted to remotemodulesRadio TransmitterFrequency 902 - 928 Mhz 250 kHz channel spacingTransmit power 1 WattFrequency Stability +/- 10 kHzExpected line-of-sight range(subject to local conditions)20 Miles +@ 4W EIRP15 km @ 1W EIRPUSA/CanadaAustralia / New ZealandRange may be extended by usingup to 5 intermediate 905U
905U-K Radio Telemetry Module User Manual ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd 2001 Page 38modules as repeaters,Antenna Connector SMA coaxialSerial PortsRS232 Port DB9 female DCE 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits,1 stop bitData transmission- digital inputsOn change-of-state +after update periodelapsedUpdate time configurable 10 secs- 5 days. Separate, faster updatetime may be configured wheninput is ONData transmission- pulse inputs Transmitted as pulsecount Transmitted when count changeexceeds configured amount, or ontime elapsed since lasttransmission (configurable 10secs - 5 days)Data transmission- Up/down pulse input 2 pulse inputs may beconfigured to a singlecountSuitable for quadrature orincremental shaft encoders.Data transmission- analogue inputOn change-of-state +after update periodelapsedSample time configurable 10 secs- 5 days. Change of statesensitivity configurable 0.05 to20mA.  Update time configurable10 secs - 5 days.Protocol Addressed data framewith 16 bit CRC, synchronous DFSKEach transmission may beconfigured to be sent 1 - 5 timesInputsDigital Inputs 2 inputs Suitable for voltage free contactsor NPN transistor, inputdebounce 0.5 secondPulse Inputs 2 inputs Share digital inputs.  Max rate1000Hz,  min. pulse width 3ms.Analogue Input One 0 - 20 mA(suitable for 4 - 20 mA,  0 - 10mA & 0 – 5 Volts) “floating” differential input,common mode voltage 24V.24V DC for powering externalloops provided,  30  mA max.Resolution 12 bit, Accuracy <0.1%.  Transducer warm-up timeconfigurable 1 - 255 seconds.Analogue Input Setpoint Configurable high & low setpointmay be transmitted to remoteunits, allowing set/reset of remotedigital outputs
905U-K.MAN Rev. 1.1 January 2002 ELPRO Technologies Pty Ltd Page 39System ParametersNetwork Configurations Max. number of 905U-Kinputs is >20,000 if905U-C modules areused as receivers.905U-K is compatible with 905Uradio telemetry units which maybe used as repeaters, provision ofoutputs, or as network masterunit to connect to PLC or PCUser Configuration Windows Configuration SoftwareDiagnosticsOn board diagnostics Automatic check onstartup Microprocessor operation OKDiagnostics included inconfiguration software Input status, test transmissionsignal

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