- 1. User Manual 1
- 2. User Manual 2
User Manual 1
lwmbnmnunqup_um1 ,- . EM-5200 Wireless TENS & EMS Unit Please read this user manual before using your devue — EVERYWAY |SOQDO1IISO13485 Telephone, [1272115270038 www everywawmedltallom lwmmmm-qup_uml goo/2m 14:12 mu can“ Compl-h will: 2mm.” tense. EMSUnit I : Mums TENS 3. EMS Rum. comm: I 1 Largo Bali sham mm x man 2x III-San Elatkndas 2 x usa [turning Lends I x Us: Mlmml E EVERYWAY 1509001I|SO13485 Everw-y Medal \nslrummu co. an (F. um Ln :5. s“ a. Beishen Ra .Shenkmq “51. um 'lyZZZUl m»... Tel oz-mz—nm F. nz-zm-ssu www.meryway- "radical mm -©- mmmuwymwe 14:12 Ems I Contents INTRODucTION 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 4 WARNINGS & PRECAUTIONS 5 INTRODucTION TO TENS s INTRODucTION TO EMS s GAUTIONS 10 WARNINGS 11 OONTENTS AND GENERAL INFORMATION 12 cNARGING THE REMOTE cONTROL é} AND MODULE 13 REMOTE cONTROL EUNcITONS 15 cONNEcTT NG THE ELEcTRO DES 16 STEP Rv STEP TREATMENT 18 PROGRAMME CHOICE AND TREATMENT REcOMMENOATIONs 22 WARRANTY 26 GRAPHIC SYMBOLS 27 COMFORMITYTD SAEETv STANDARDS 23 me INFORMATION 29 PATIENT AccESSORIEs 32 Telepllme: 02-2662-0038 IWiehas-Ianmnuaqup_Lnyot11 $06!st “:12 Page4 INTRODUCTION Thank you tor norchastng the wtretess TENs & EMS Untt Ills [he most advanced WIraLass SltmuIalor and ts mantttactured to the htghest etmedtcatstandards whtch IuIly cempty to the Medtcat Devtca Dlracttve 1M 0 DI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The wtretess TENS 5. EMS Um! davtca ts e rechargeahte battery operated Sttmutatorwhtch sands etectrteat tmpuIsas trom the remote centrot to the medote through a bloeteoth stgnet The etectredes are attached te the meduteustng snap connectors whteh are then eteeed over the paquL stte Thts sttmutates what are the nerves causing é the patnt whtch tn turn blacks the path stgnats to the bratn SKIN PATCH TEST It ts recommended that you carry out a patch test oetore anptytngyeur ttrst treatment To dn thts rem ova one etectrede trorn the packagtng and place on a part ot your bady whteh ts both Vlstha and easy to tnspect MIN 30 mmulast remove the etectrode and tnspect the area Ior any redness or trrttattons II no change ts noltcadt procaadwtlh your Itrst TENS treatment IoIIanng the User Gutda and tnstruettens provided ll 5km trrttetten has heen nattcad we reeemmended the use at sanstllve gaIaIectdeas www.muyway-medbdmm -©- wtteaesartenmnuethp_Leyom gee/2916 14:12 Pages ‘ WARNINGS & PRECAUTIONS PLEASE NOTE: It Is tmperalwe that paltents read andunderstend the warman and precaulmns balms usmg lhts davtce Du nut attuw your maehrne or etectrodes \o be used by anyoneetse. as lhayars destgned lor stngta paltenls use only I! ts recommended that proper medtcal advtce on [ha use of TENS ts sought [mm a Quatrtred Praclmonar[Physmtheraptsl‘ Deeter er Nurse) prmr \n uss‘ m order to ensuresete and etteetwe treatment ”ynu are takrng any medrcatmn ptease carry on as normat but seek advree trnrn yeur Doctor/H ealtneare Pretessrenat belere usmg \he dame WARNING! PATIENTS WITH FACEMAKERS MAY NOT BE TREATED WITH TENS - Do No! use durmg pregnancy except durrng labour [under msdtcatsuparvtsmn] é . Do No! ptaee electrodes over the Carotrd Srnus . Do No! use an broken or damaged 5an . me an pLaca electrodes class tn the eyes er rn the mouth . Do No! use TENS wnrtst drwrng er eperatrng machmary TENS is unsuih hln Ind should not h: usntl in thohllowing Sim-lions. . Parsons sulfarmg 1mm candtlmns where [he ctrcutalmn ts rrnparred . Eptiepsy‘ Heart Candmon er any term at Matrgnanay - Patterns Nth poorskm sansalmn and nan-compltanl paflanls who are emoltonaHy dtslurbed w have dementta . Over metat rmatants er m eenrunstren wrtn steep apnsaer hear! momlors Vou sheutd be aware that TENS unrts prcvtda symptomatre retratonty and are net constdared curalwa Telenllme: 02-2662-0038 |wreleselenmnuathp_uyoat @061sz 14:12 was INTRODUCTION TO TENS Whit il TENS? Transculaneuus electrtcalnerve sttmulalten Is a path conlrul treatment It Is often called TENS torshorl ATENS unll Is a partable, packet-slzadr battery-powered device, The TENS unit uses mild. sate electrical signals to help central pain and dellvars the electricalslgnal to the bndythruugh sall- adheslve conductive electrodes Hnw dons TENS work! The mast common TENS program mes use htgh-trequencysttmulatiun, which ls the first cheice ler both acute and chronic patn. § HIgh-frequancy sllmulall en sends Impulses to the nervous systems ewn pain-Inhibiting mechanisms whlch block the pain.You can use tt 3 etten and es lung asyou like, but each treatment sheulcl last at least 1 hour. Anether typa etTENS Is law-treque ncy sttmuletten, Lew- lraquancy TENS treatment can alleviate paln by sllmulaling muscles to release the body‘s own morphlna-llka substances celled endorphlnsv www.may- "mica! mm -©- wreteeetanmnuequp_uyoa1 gee/zeta 14:12 Paga‘l ‘ INTRODUCTION TO TENS During (h. TENS trntmont ll yam muscLas stert te lwtlch‘ thts may mean that the TENS stgnets are [on strong er tee tast It ynu cannot teet any ttngttng at alL thts may mean that the stgnat IS [on wsak nr tee stew The etectredes sheetd be removed at teest ence a day .t the TENS treatment ts used araund lhectock The 5km under the etectrbdes must be checked to see tt tt ts red or tender The sktn should also be cteened and drted whtte the etectrodes are a” Apptytetten te your 5km where the etectredes were pteeed The eteetredes sheetd be epptted tea dtuerent area ter each new treatment Thts wttt hetp prsvanl lhaskm lrom hacommg red or sore TENS an In Us“ for TENS can be used to treat most types 0! path where the cause has been dalerrnmed tnctudtng . Arthrttts . Sheptder Pam - Back Pam pest Herpettc - steeptessness . Erulsmg Neeratgta . Knee Path . cett Slram . Lumbaga Muscle . Dead Leg . Stress . Ftbrbsttts Fmgar Pain . seerts Imurtas . Rheernettsrn - Tanms Etbew . Sctaltca . Neck Pam . Headaches . Neuralgla . Mtgrstnes . osteearthrttts Immune: 02-2662-0038 |wmmmnuuqxp_uyoai gee/2016 14:12 Pages INTRODUCTION TO EMS This EMS unit is used Inr muscle stimulation The device is pmvidedwith contrallable uutput channels. each independent of the other A pair pi electrodes can be cannected In each output channel An lndependenlswitch controls the intensity imi and settings. EXPLANATION OF EMS Electrical M uscle Stimulatiun is an accepted and pruven way all treating muscular Injuries, It works by sanding electronic pulses to the muscle injuries It wprks bysending electronic pulses to the muscle needing treatment this causes the muscle In cnnlracl. It Is derived from thesquare waveIurm. originally Invented by $ John Faraday in 1931. it works by directly stimulating motor neurons which cause muscle contraction. It is widely used in hospitals andsports clinics Iur the treatment oi muscular injuries and for the re-educatinn of paralyzed muscles. to prevent atrepI-iy in aIIected muscles and improve muscle tone and bland circulation. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Read lnstructinn Manual before nperation. a. sure to comply with all "CAUTIONS" and 'WARNINGS"in the manuals Failure to Iellew imtructinns can cause harm to user or device mmmay—medlcdmm -©- Wirelessvbnmnuaqup_Lnyoa1 @061sz 14:12 Pages ‘ HOW EMS WORKS 1. Relaxalmn almusclaspams 2. Pravanliun Dr retardation a! dlsusa alrnphy 3. lncraasmg Local blood ctrcutauan A. M uscle re-aducatlnn 5.1mmadtatc poct-surgtcalsumulatinn 1:! call musclas In pravenlvennus thmmbocrs 5. Maintaining or increasing rang. af motion The EMS unl‘s sand :nrnforlabletmpulsas lhruugh lha skln lhalslimulale the nervas In {ha treatment areawhen [he muscle recewas Ihls signal it contracts,As th. srgnatstrength tncraues. the muscle contracts as in phystcal axer:lsa.When the putsa caasas the muscle ralaxas and the cycle starts over agatn, [Slimulatmnr Contracllun and Relaxation], Powered muscle stimulamrs should unlyba used undar madical supamsron lur adjuncliva lharapy tor the Iraalmanl 0! medical dtseasas and :Dndlllclns, humus: 02-56240“ Iwreleeetenmnuequp_Leyoa1 $06I2016 14:12 Pegeto CAUTIONS 1 Seletyelpowered rnuscle sttmuleters tor use dunng pregnancy hes not been estebllshed 2 Cauklan should be used lal’ pallents with suspected or dlagnosad heart problems 3 Cauklan shauld be used ln the presence at [he lallowlng a When there ls a tendency to heernorrhege tellowmg ecute trauma m fracture. e Fellewmg recent surglcal procedures when rnusele centrectten maydlsrupl the heallng process. c Over the menslmallng or pregnant uterus. and d Over arefi el lheskln whtch leek nermel sensallnn A Same pallenls may experlenee sktn lrrttatlen er hypersanslllvlly due to electrtcel sttmuletten or electrtcel canducllve medlum Uslng an alternate conductlve medlumt or alternate electrode placement can usually reduce the lrrllallon 5 Electrode placement endsttmuletton sellmgs should be based on the gutdence ol the prascl’lblng pracllllonar d Powered muscle sttrnuleters should be kept out ol the reech otchtldren 7 inered muscle sttrnuleters should he used anlywllh the leads and electrodes recommended lor use by the menutecturer a Portable powered muscle sttmuletors should not beused whtle drlvlng‘ operettng meehtnery or durmg any acllvlly In whlch tnvoluntery muscle contractlens may put the user at undue nsk el tnlury mmuyway—medbdmm Wishes-mmnuaqup_Lnyoa1 $06I2m6 14:12 Page“ ‘ WARNINGS 1 Me long term elfecls ol chrome elecmceL shmulalmn are unknown 2 ShmuLelmn sneum not be eppued over the carotid smus narvas‘ parucutarly m pauants wuh a known sansmwty lo the carotid s.nus reflex 3 ShmuLehon sneuLe not be eppued over the neck or mouth Severe spasm e1 the laryngeaI end pheryngeeL muscles may oscur and [he contrasnons may be strong enough to close the airway ar cause dllhculty m breelhmg A sumutauen should not be seemed lranslhoramcafly .n that the mlroducltan of eleclflcal Curran! mlo (he hear! may cause cerdwac errhykhmwas 5 sumutauen should not be seemed transcerebrany 6 ShmuLehon should not be eppued over sweuen. mlecled‘ mllemedereas orskm eruplmns‘ eg‘ phLebms‘ ennembepnlebms varicose vems at: 7 ShmuLelmn sneum not be eppued over or m pmmmny lo :ancerous [as \ ons Cnntrlindicltinn Eisnlncaislwmuialars should no! he used on panents wwlh cerdwec demand pacemakers Adverse Ruckinns On rare occasmns 5km Imlehon and burns beneath the electrodes have been reported wwlh \he use 0! eleclmcat shmuielurs ll Irmetmn occurs‘ dwscontmue use and consult your HaeHhcera PralassmneI Tolenmne: m-mms Iwrehmanmnuuquuyom $002013 14:12 9.9.12 CONTENTS & GENERAL INFORMATION Plafis check careluliy the cantanis ml the WIraLess TENS 8. EMS Um! 1 Remote Comm Umt 2 TENS a. EMSUml Module] 3 TENS 8| EMSUml Module 2 6 USE Chargmg Leads x2 5 Sail Mhasws Electrodes 10cm x 5cm x2 6 Seu Adheswa Electrode 22cm n ‘Dcm ILumbarI 7 Instruchon 8. User Manual www.muyway-medbdmm —©~ wvete»tanmnuaqup_Layo¢1 gee/2016 14:12 Pagan CHARGING THE REMOTE CONTROL AND MODULE New; fully charge lheramulecunlrnL and both module belara usmg Ihe dame use Chargmg Pm use Charging Fan The usa cable only ms one way please do no! lame mm "13 sockels as this mu damaga the device. Iobpmno: oz-m-om lwmmmm-qup_uml goo/2m 14:12 pm." CHARGING THE REMOTE USING THE AC ADAPTOR Conn-d (|n smallnnd M (In USE clbla (o (In r-mnn and (In lug-r Ind (n (In USE paw-r purl Ins shown in Fig II During charging. lhalanar R will 'Ifih on (ha display. Thm bar; in (In ban-ry symbol 0 0 indicat- a Iully Chara-d balllryv o Q 3" “CD é ‘Charging (imu Irom I Ilal um Ipprox. 9O minulu. CHARGING THE TENS MODULE Conn-cl (In USE. as alroady dumb-d. (a (h: mndull Sn Fig 3. A rad light indicalu (In modulo arl in charg- modl. One. Iully chlrgnd (In lighl will (In gmn. Illn moduln clnrga (inn [mm a Iully discharg-d sun is lppmx. 9!) minullsI. www.may—nmlcdmm -©- wremmmnuaqup_uym1 goo/2016 14:12 was I CHARGING YOUR DEVICES VIA A COMPUTER USB PORT You may charge your TENS remain and TENS modulo through a computer by using (ha USE purl [See Fig 2], Nam note your :umpular must be switched on to perform this function REMOTE CONTROL FUNCTIONS The ramola control and Iunctlons are varyslmpla In operate. Wu have illustralad Ihis in Fig A below, Dru/DI! Burma —> $— Mantle 1 Intensity § Modal: 2 lnlansily annh Battery mam», £23m“ ay ModzIa Bestiary Indicamr tummy Up '77:.“ am only drsplayadwhan , Salas: Module 2 m. maml. .1. Q rum-dun ngmmma Button 531m Module 2 — MIDI-airy Dawn Tobpmm: oz-mma |wmmmnuaqup_uyoa1 gee/2016 14:12 Page16 CONNECTING THE SELF-ADHESIVE ELECTRODES $ The Wireless TENS 8. EMS UnIt Is supplied with 2 x 5cm x lflcm electrodes 1 x "km x 22cm Large Back Electrode WW To connect the module slmply press the module on to the snap connectors on your electrodesr Remove the plastlc film lrom the electrode and place dlrectly to the area ol the body to be treated. After each treatment please place your electrodes hack on to the plastic Mm prnvlded. www.moryWay-mlcaloom -©- Wimtanmnuaqup_Lnyom1 gamma “:12 Pegen ‘ ELECTRODE INSTRUCTIONS Tern someleter or: teetere epplytng er ramnvmg aledrndu Autknkn 1 Sktn sIIQ rrtuet he very eleen end dry Duty. flak or ally skln wlll preventeleehodee lrnm odhermg to lhaskln I nacessa’y, lflrn excess her wttheeteeere llskln tt otly wtpedown wtth en eleoholor elechode ekth prep prtor to epplteetton Be eure la wmh hende oetore hendltng eleetrodee 2 Remote electmdu trorn bag and reseel bag to protect rernenrnng decvodos 3 hsart laad wlre pm from the stimulator IMO fit- wlre mnneciof DI the eleetrooe melttng sum thet no here metal shows A Ompmg e any edge at the electrode peel end remote electrode lrorn the proteehue plastic lther Do not rumave by pdllng on the we connector Seueltner tor electrode storege 5 Flam elecuode onto ektn treetmmt ette lee recommended by your ehntetentoy Irmly applylng ham the centre at the elactrode to the outer edgee Adhnstm Imprms when electrodee reeeh 5km temperature A ll gel eppeere mereetteeted wtth etcgewe moteture or pereptretron. allow the electrode to alrrdry In e rafngm’alor wtth the gel etoe lenng up untl the el regam rte lack lithe oel eppeert dry. try eddhg e hw tons a wnlx la ”la gel and allow lo realm nduslrfree envtronment unttl the gel mgetns n5 tank ¢ Rmml an aim]. l Lttt e eerner el the electrode end elowly peel the electrode otl the elnn. luuchlng the edheewe gel as but. ee passlble 2 Pleee the eleetrodee back onto the saved protectwe plan: ltner 3 Whtle greeptng the electrodee connector wtth one hend, usa the other hend to gmlly twttt end dtseonneot the leed wtre pm lront the elechode eonneetor Do not pull on the alechzdl wtre eomeetor ee lhls my derneoe the electrode, 4 Return the eleeuodee backlnto theeterege beg end reeeel eghtlyte prevent dry-out 5 Store etreorn orcool temperetere end keep oototdreeteunltght e The ltle ol the electrode venee depend-rt on the condhons. amount et eee, etoreoe end climaln Electrode l. my be axlendad by cerelelly lellewmg the eppurehon. rernoveL end eterege tretroeteone Cuba t DO NOT pleee electrodee on hrakan elnn ll skln trrttehon dcvdops detonttnne nee Cmsullphyslclm Replece etettrodee whm may do no! Baler! of Men hamenl becuma uncum'orlable DO NOT uee untt whtle mung or operettng rneehtnery DO NOT weer eleetrodee when ehowenng. balftlng or swlmmlng DO NOT epptz eleehodee ecroee the heed or eeroee the heert or on the from nac Keep elemodee snparamd mnng treetmmt DO NOTramove electrode by pulllng on the teed wtre DO NOT ext-ed o 1 wette/ernz Using enmeteoon eleetrodee thet ere melt or Incarrncfly epplted :uul rut“ In dtscumlud or 5km burns ‘7 Latex Fru wa chew magnum-mm —©~ lwvelesmnmnuuqxpyyom gee/2015 14:12 Pegew INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE A STEP BY STEP GUIDE 515p Fully charge lhe benenee as descrlbad on pages 14 s. 15 $15,, 5mm on both the remote control and both mndule as Fig A. On/OIIBunor-s é Flu“ m!- When the anus are rml m use‘ all devices wlll aulomallcallyshul down afler Mu mmules Once (he ramole and module are switched on the displays wlll be as shnwn In Figs, Veu wlll see three hallary Indlcatnrs '/ 2 I—I. n = Remote central - III \\;_j R l—" bauery [Ila 1 Ifi. 1 = Module 1 contrnl H beuery live I H 2=Mudule chntrnl 2 flr battery me This Indicales the module and remote controls are Iuncllonlng and are ready [or us: www.may-mmlcalmm whaless-lenmnuaqup_Lnymt1 gee/2015 14:12 Page19 ‘ INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE A STEP BY STEP GUIDE 15;, Chnasin' "I. pray-mm: The ereless TENS 5. EMS Unll devlce has 15 elrnreally valnlaleel programmes le choose rrern 9 TENS programmes [1 -9l 5 M uscle stimulallnn programmes [A- F) To change prugrammes slmply press Ihe M hunnn ln the centre ol the remote Conlrnl ngramme Bulran Each press at the button wlll change lhe programme to lhe nexl programme, 515p We always recommend lhal you slarl wllh prugrammel Thls Is a genllaTENS lrealment and excellent paln hleck elleels and ls e good lntroductmn (a TEN S s Ilmulallon p Vuu are now ready to useynur devlce ler lhe llrsl (mm 1: Connect Module I to one of (he elaclmdas as prevlausly described and turn an Module 1‘ Nuw apply In lhe palnlulslle to he treated. Plll Inoloynu wlll feel nosensallnn unlll you Increase the lnlenslly whlch ls descrlbed ln slap 8. YOUD'IIM: arm-om vaeaesuenmnuuqxp_uyom gee/2015 «:12 Pegezo INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE A STEP BY STEP GUIDE 515‘, The dtsptey on your remete wttt be g shown tn Fug 7 sTEp Clrrla around 1 Indium: th modula Is connacradand needy Ieress Barlery mdvcaror far Madute 7 Is drsplayad whan the marble rs swrtched on Press the I on the remote central as shown below The N01 th flash mstda [he Prasanca ctrcte You can nowmcraasa the tntenstty by prassmg the up arrawksy It ts enty passthte te .ncreese or decrease the tntenstty whtlsl the number ts Itashtng wtthtn the ctrcte on your remote control Thts prevams eeetdentet Increase m thetntenstty Each press 0! thts key th tncreese lheoulpul by 1 It ts recommended that you tncrease the tntenstty to a teyet whtch ts pleasant but net encemtertehte The sensalmn you Ieet sheetd be e mttd sensatmn and notstreng Up armwkay Dawn armwkpy www.muyway-medbdmm wreaesawlanmnuuqxpyyom 606/2015 «:12 Page 21 ‘ INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE A STEP BY STEP GUIDE 15» Wllh manycondlllons you may need to use both modula I and modulal simultaneously. To do (his slmply lulluw the pruradura as dascrlbed lur module 1‘ and repeal the process byprasslng the number 2 as shown halowm Fig G, Pnus Once Press once In turn on Module 2 You wlll need In turn an Modulez bafnrs procaedlng,. Puss On:- sTE Ending your Ira-Imam All TENS pmgrammes run on a contlnuaus llmar. lo meal the rsqulramanls ml the clinically apprnved programmas humus: 02-56240“ IWIrehas—bnmnuaqup_Lnyo¢1 gee/2m “:12 may WHICH PROGRAMME SHOULD I USE? we always recommend you start wllh programme at as already mentloned tn your slep-by-slap gutoe The Wtreless TENS & EMS uhtt has 9 p rogrammes P1 to P9, Eaeh programme has been Shawn to reduce and btock path trt awlda range ot cehatttens, It ts very otttteult to knowwhlch programme ts has! loryou It ts therelore recommended that over a eertooot ttme you try all 9 program mes To help get you slarladt we haye tncluded some common condltlons thh suggested electrode placements trteluotrtg treatmertt ttmes and recommended programmes you may wtsh to try HOW HIGH SHOULD I TURN THE INTENSITY? Everybody reacts ottuererttly to TENS snmulatton so tt ts tmportant that you lncr'ease the tntehsttyIsensatton Ieeltngl to the eorreet leyel Increm the thtehstty to a sensattoh whtch ts cnmlortable and always pereeotttele, heyer tum up to alaval whteh ts strong and uncomlnrlahla You may use TENsttreoutree tar lnng eerteds ot ttme to cnmhal long term chrome pam, hows-wen elem remember to place the electrodes trt sltghtly dtuerertt areas around the oathtul sltat as thts thl help reduceskln trrttattort HOW LONG SHOULD A TYPICAL TREATMENT TIME LAST The most up to date research tn TENS treatment tlmes trtdteates that a mlmmum ett hour to w, hours ts reeutrea tor eHaclIvs pam reltet Yam TENS may be used tor much longer oertods and you may ttrtd lraalmanl ttmes ot 3 to!- hours may work best toryou Please remember that the trttertsttyleyel ts always kept at a pleasant sansallont never tncrease the tntensttyto uheemtortable levels as thts can possthly haye a detrtmehtal etteet on your results www.muyway-medbdmm —©~ Wirelessvbnmnuaqup_Lnyoa1 @061sz 14:12 Page 23 ‘ THE MED-FIT 2 PREMIER WIRELESS TENS PROGRAMS P1 - P9 1 hummus auuz mus Ideal hr irsuppuuwns al was hr no"! name and hang mm pl"! comma um, Stu-Alder, Elbow Pam, Rheum-In: Pun. Lunngn. Hip an. omumnn: Pun m m: km : mulls zuz Imps Mulalativ: b1 radium” am Iggs and deep mu: r pull (men-rfllific Pill in he Ml. Sdllicl Cenlul Pin 3 Hull“ TENS BENZ ”HOWE Pam reuzhmm a "mug: eflecl commons Nuishnulder. Show Pln‘ mzumnm Pnln‘ Lumhaqn anmll an. mp Pam. Oslzo'mnhc Fun In mung: ( III-i hummus mix/m mm mm men-mun: Pin in he knee. neck Min. saucer Pin. lemwl PlilL Cell fol Pain Lumhugo I find meyTEI‘ emu/2N: 18W; Ellecuvc pm nmmcs Io! long um use mm leduc nccummodaum lac-1r mums Oslenlllmhc Van Ill helmet. Neck Pam. Shoulda Pan. Mauslnld Plln, Emlnl Plln Lumhagn 6 lhllll “III! “all Smith-fly Inr hum-Immune: mask lumill pinch AWE! ml! ampunmlre pain as Hansen 1 mun/unam- an»: any; Reduced ulsewuum Idul Inr mung "ewe nL areas CWTenmn 1w: "mum. Flull Pm. um mu. Pnsmerpulz Nzurnlgla I 1|]! In! lldullinll Mr W mounds ION! Imps cannons um. smug. Ehnw mu. Rheumnli: Pan. Luntngn. Hamil-nu Pnil. mp Pnln. Cliolr‘flrilic Pam in me Km v was Rn: Madulnan war In umnds 5an any; commas Max summer. Elhow Pam‘ meumanc Pan. Lumnagn. Men .1 Pin. my Pan, Oshoarmnlc Pam m m Knee Ielepmne: (Ii-266241038 lwveleeelenmnuequp_uyom gee/2015 14:12 Pege 24 HELPFUL TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL TENS TREATMENT Onca you hava 'arnlllarlsed yuursal' wllh the cantrals and teaturas at your TENS devlca‘ It Is Important to place the TENS electrodes in a positian whlch gives the most pain rallal This may take 3w 4atlempts ta find the must senehle position oer maximum pain I'BUBL llyeu are uslng one mndule‘ place the electrode dlractlyonln the paln'ul area, The alternative mathad ls te use two madule surrnundlng the painlul eree. Sae examples below. The complale area helwean the alaclrodas wIll now be traaled when pasltlonlng thaalactmdas as shnwn. One Module mmmay-mlcimm WIreloso-bnmnuaquLLnyoa 1 607/2016 @218 Pug-25 ‘ MUSCLE STIMULATION The Muscle shmulalmn programmes are programmes A, E‘ C Dr Eand F Please see the chart below for more dalamd mtarmalmn These 5 mdmdeal electronic muscle sllmulalorIE M s) programmes have been cumsauy provan IN the lreatmank n1 1 Muscia Ra-Educallon 2. Muscle Trammg 3 Mrme Slranglhamng A MusclaTomng When using the musda shmulalnr programmes It Is Important to lake profassm nal advice wherever possrme m acmeve the best means § THE MED-FIT 2 PREMIER WIRELESS EMS PROGRAMS A - F Talent-me: oz-m-oma IWIreteas—tanmnuaqup_Lnym11 $06I2016 14:12 Pagezs LIMITED WARRANTY Everyway warrants to the tmttat Purchaser I ‘Purchasar 1 {and lo nu other person] that the product wtth the axctusmn al accessortas such as chargers rechargeahta batteries ataclmdss‘ lead wtres‘ setl-adhaswa ataclrodes and the component parts thereal. dtslrtbuled or manulaclured lor three years trorn the what date 0! purchase trarn Eyeryway I ‘the Warranty Parmd 'I Aseessenes mctudmg but not hrmted lo chargers reehargeahte hallartas‘ alactrndas‘ teed wrras and adhaswa eteetredes are excluded from the warranty and setd 'AS IS ' because lhetrstruclura t5 such that they may he easrty damaged hetore er durrng use Limit-d 91 Lil ins and Disclaimlr o! errlntius Everyway so te obhgatren m the case 0! any breach 0! H5 warranttes set 10th m the paragraph abova‘ shatt bar at Everyway nplmn‘ taraaatrar reptaae the Preduetwtthaut charge ta Purchaser er ta retund the purchase prtca at the Product In order to racnvar under thts Warranty, Purchaser must send Eyeryway wrttten nottce ot the dalacl [sallmg torth the problem tn reasonabte dalaM prtor la axptrattan of the Warranty Permd‘ and wtthtn an days at dtscovaryahhsdafacl www.cvu'yway-medbdmm wve‘esmnmnuuqxpyyom gee/2015 14:12 Page 27 ‘ GRAPHIC SYMBOLS ® Raler mmsmcncn manuaL/bcakm WEEE symboL Tms symboL mmcams mm when the end-user wwshes to «card ms producl‘ u must be 5m to separate cauecuon Vacmhas Var racoveryand recychng CompLy mm M DD 73/42/EEC rsqmramsnu as amended by ZDD7IA7/EC Nonfy body De| Norske Varuas [DNV] ER I331 Manulaclurer EverywayMedIcaHnslmmean Co‘ Ltd é 3F ‘ Na 5‘ Ln 155‘ Sec 3‘ 3mm Rd Shenkeng Dwsl. New Tawpew my 22203. mean Caulmn Read mstmcum; warnings and caulmns 9L FCC-Approved Eqmpmem Aulhaflzauon Labels 353 Yelepmua: 02-2662-0038 Iwremmmnuaqup_uyoa1 gee/2016 14:12 maze COMFOBMITY T0 SAFETY STANDARDS Tm; devlcas are m campllanca mm the lullowmg standards I IEC 60601-1 21105 Madlcal eleclrlcai aqulpmanl -Parl 1' Ganaral requlramanls lor baslc salety and assantlal performance I IEC AfléflI-I-Z 2014 Madlcai alaclrlcalaqulpmaM-Parl1-2 Collateral standard Electromagnall: compallblilly - Raqulramsnks and tests I RSlTTE [Radla and Talacommunlcallnns Termlnal Equlpmanl é Dlraclwa] l9?9/5/EC $ I Davlcas compllad mm regulallnns cl FCC Part 155 and Part 150 www.meryway-medlcdmm —©~ WimtanmnuaquLLlyoa1 gee/2016 14:12 mus ‘ EMC INFORMATION [he devlce tomplls with men! mt regulacms [he mac Irequemy ernsslons ad the deer ave ememely low and In all probability do not cause any Imefleveme mm other dewtcs .n [he uoxmlly It IS remm'nemled Hut you do not place the dance an [op 09 or (lose to other elezlmrlz dame; Cmdmte andrmmbflum’s dedualmn deflvmwellc 57155me m aunt‘s Inlendedlm use I\ m. dxltumgmx ammnmml spedmj below mummm a rm uszvoi on device should :55“: ”BI I! 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Maw mama-l uhwml wlugevmmmaan mm qusqde "mm: \llmunelme m. 1“wa (‘0 up w m n u m deuce veammzma la sang (501 a”. m) Wm mnngpw’! mm mm Iasqu mansion-Almearmmdedlml (m upmu) mm he awwuuwwqeanamn lazstwe (m. 4mm mum-almanac uwlya- «an mum. may (ms-«mm mm n.5, (mmwm : A/m la 5 I m. Vmuntv m lemue mt mum. (Sn/m m "Isn‘t: m In mm a 1 mm um |( m... vdlugepnal h nflluhm .4 "men m: magnum-25mm IWIrehaa—bnmnuuqumuymn gee/2016 14:12 maze EMC INFORMATION WIEDIE am rrlrlzle fli murmurs ZQJDNUI andlhe Wu The dawn: rslrtmded tar me In an eleclrarmgnetrt mvrranmenl m Mild! radaled Rf dstulbhmes ll! tullldled The (Islet!!! or III: use! cl “)9 devte m help News“ dedlumgrrdx rrrlefluerrce by mnmnnga mnrnrrndrstrrxe between panhreahd rndtrle a; mmnoumsewmem (lrarrsIMters) and the date as Iccomrrded new, occurring to rhe mmmrn outer! power at the comrnrrrrcurons ear-pm! ma mm Seams-oh drsnrnceacmrdrng In Irequemy ol transiting Isomzbswormz mam-swarm Numb-$156": rI- LZ‘IP d- 1.20: d- 2.30: 0,12 0,23 0,33 0,73 1,2 2 3 s a 7,3 12 12 23 the recommended separatrorr «stance In metres (m) can be estrrmt ed uslng Ihe equaum applrtable tn the hequemy ml the transmitter, where P Is the maxrmum omput pawer ratrng d the trarsmrtter In watts (w) attordrng tothe transmitter mantlatturer NO]! 1 At no Armand E00 M41, the separatron dslante tor the hgh er fiequerrty rangeapplres N01! 2 lhese gudellrres rmy not appry In all srluatlons Electra-nag netlc propagatron rs affected by absorptrm and rellectrm dram strut tues, abrects and penple é For transmtters rated at a manmum cum power not lrsled above, mrwa'yway-rmdlcdm katanmnuaqup_LIyo¢1 gee/2m 14:12 Fugue EMC INFORMATION The dame n mended In! use Ill m claiming!!!“ envllollnell sneaked bdofl The mflmlollhe L“! d Ill: devushmld Assule mu 1 Is used In mm an («unarmed Immune: lKlfltflHal (awn-mm Elulmqnllummmml gum“ Im‘ vex-bl: ma mile 3 ammu- mum mu be mad m :Iul Romy m 0! me «am .‘ndudm; mm "m m mmmssnm dame: alal mu m. metal-mm mum“ mm yummy m mm"- unmau sec-mm dw-u: 4. u 0 1m- 4. :6 mMqusmuMHx Isomlololm 4-110 ImMmmszsuH: mo sum...“ m mum, dlhenumnu n nulls m :aadlqh “fl“ nnmmummmummm n max n.2,; m autumnal-Ion 4mm m mm (m fidd‘r—ghhmludl mum“. “an“ a lndeemgflv: men—t [thin-runny ma Inhwflw :0 mm "-4.14th “lawn; w ((33) mm 1 Autumn mum pun. ”mummy“! wl‘s mm 1 "Me guddma my m .9." m .n um... ummmk gang-um. Menu by um andldlsnnnhmdmnua nb . Had many"- nomuuammmen, sum .3 use one": m mam «emu/(amen) mm.“ Ann M mama-dim mum “do, )4: u m magma-Aux m w mum: (rm! an unused mummy um nanny In mg m claim-gum ermmmtdue a ma ur mural-1, m «mu-gm ule 1m mum he nor-Mord n my. mum m “mm" m \ulanm Mum me acute u wed ems: he INK-N: r mama mu than, the device and be mum verily mm «mm m Annual-l palme is 9mm man-ml mum "by a. maul-y, m . m mailing a mums». An“: a m: n. quymge mm: lolande my». mm being max v/m magnum-mans WIrIloso-bnmnunqup_LIyo¢1 3002016 14:12 9.9.23 TelephoneJZibeZiflflEB www everywayimedual (am
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