Echo Toys 604197 R/C Toy Transmitter User Manual 8
Echo Toys Ltd R/C Toy Transmitter 8
FCC ID: HAP804197 fi!§§§” ufi EP ME |3E ”R 7 International Electrical Certification Centre Ltd. nfl Mammal 55mm in Eiecmcai onduci Teslmg In] emal-nnal Enmficalmn K iflifllmaiim Agent of @ Accredited Labmamry Exhibit 5 - User's Manual Mean Dflicz Uni 502505 an n Luk Vip Rum On ink Twpn mm m Hung Knng 1m 0151) mm 2510 m 1852) 2755 4480 a 5? FM ffii-fiflfiri‘ A “61602—6051 $39, (832) Auk, 75m «ms (352) 17554450 ® RadioShackm Cat. No. 60-4197 Survivor , YuurRadioShack Survivor is built to handle the road with style, whether the road 15 the hallway in your house or the sidewalk outside, You need two AA batteries (not sup- plied) in power your car, and one 8- volt battery (not supplied) torits trans mitter. . miner's batteryt INSTALLING'BATTERIES Cauticns: - Use cnly iresh batteries ml the required size and recommended type. - Do not mix aid and new batteries, ditterent types at batteries (stem dard, alkaline, or rechargeable), or rechargeable batteries of dif- lerent capacities. - Never leave dead crweak batter; | is; In the Survivor or the trans- miner, - Dispose cl batteries promptly and properly; do net bury or burn them. - It you will not be using the Sur- VinJr for a week or mere, remove the batteries Iron-t both the trans- | mitte.’ and the Survivor, Batter- ies can leak chemicals that can damage electronic parts. in the Transmitter ' The transmitter requires nne s-volt battery, For the best performance and longest lile, we recommend an aikm tine battery, such as Radioshack Cat. No, 23-553. Fallow these steps to Install the trans- 1, Press OPEN on the side oi the transmitter and slide the battery campartment cover .dcwn to remove it. 2. Put a battery In the compartment accordlng to the polarity sym- bnls (+ and —) marked inside. 8, Replace the cover and snap it shut. When the transmitter's range de creases. replace its battery. 9 less rundy Carpuratlan. Al! Highu Renewed. HadicShack is a register-d Ind-mar): used by Tandy Corporaticn. “47 {it} (it); In the Survivor The Survivor requires two AA bat- teries. For the best performance and longest lite, we recommend alkaline batteries. such as Cat. No. 23-557. Follow these steps to install the Sur- vivor batteries. Sim—ISA“: swncn |17ET 1.slide the Survivor's ONIGFF switch, on the bottom or the Phantasm, to OFF. 2. Us a coin to twist the Slot beside on the battery compartment cover on the bottom. Then pull Up on the cover to open It. Caution: The battery compart< ment's cover Is attached to the Survivor on hinges. Do not try to remove it. 3. Put the batteries in the compart- ment according to the polarity symbols (+ and —) marked inside. 4. Close the cover and make sure it snaps shut. DRlVlNG THE SURVIVOR We mtng: NeVSr play with your Sur- vivor In the street. Follow these steps to drive the Sur- vivor. 1. Pick up the Survivor and slide the ONJDFF switch to ON. The back tires spin in reverse. When you set the Survivor down. it | circles backward. 2. To drive the Survivor forward | and in a straight line. press and hold down the button on the transmitter. - ! ‘Releas's the button to circle backward again. | Nora: Your SurViVOr slaps , - You cannot operate your Sur- VlhEn it runs into anythiné, bur vivor near devices with transm'rr- l \he motor keeps running. When A tars that use lhe same 1requency lhrs happens. release rhe but» as the Survivor (49 MHz), ‘szz:;:53:*:::t‘irs°5.23: .., | ' ‘ and you have installed fresh bal- , 125m by hand terias, check the wheer mecha— ' 3. when you finish driving the nisms Ior any lint, thread. hair‘ or Survivor. sride the ONIOFF dusr. sw‘rlch to OFE CARE HELPFUL HINTS . To care (or your HaflraShack SUF- These hints can hs|p you gel the vivor so you can enjoyirforyears: "P“ enjoymenr from your 5m" - Do no\ use the Survivor on a “VOL we! flour, un sand, or in mud, - Running your Survivor contin- rainr orsncw These can damage uously m long periods gener- ‘ il. - 3155935th $23 Jggf‘znd’jjgfi - Do not mess the Survivor 15 r on (he motor. To help keep heat temperature extremes. levsls dawn, when your Sur- - Wipe lhe Survivor with a damp | vivor’s battery power dies, Ier clolh occasicnalry 1c: keep i! look the Survivor cool at least 10 Ing new, Do not use harsh chem- mirrutss belore insralling new icals in clean the Survivor. barteries. » Modifying or tampering with rhe Sur- _ . - . l ”me Survwors mnlnrruns but vivor's or the (ransmrnefs campa- the survwof “55 my respond nenrs can cause a malruncfion and to the lrarrsmrfier. move “E’s” to might inVaIidate the warranty and vold (he Survworandlry 59a“ your FCC authorizaricn to cpsrale ' II somesne uses a CB nearby. it (hem. II the Survivor dues ncl Work | mighrin'rerrerewith canlrolthe properiyr take it to your Irma] Ra- Survivor. H this happens, move droshask store for assistance, the Survivor away Horn (ha ' - “ca. (1941 (h
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