Echo Toys 604201R R/C Toy receiver User Manual 8

Echo Toys Ltd R/C Toy receiver 8


Download: Echo Toys 604201R R/C Toy receiver User Manual 8
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Document ID41235
Application IDGPnygewn1M5FTGfcROjMpg==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize11.64kB (145452 bits)
Date Submitted1999-06-09 00:00:00
Date Available1998-07-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-19 16:41:57
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-19 16:41:58
Document Title8

' Ffi E §§ £5 El“ ME [E Q a International Electrical Certification Centre Ltd.
‘ alllh if}? lvrllmcal 5mm lll llmlnml Praducl lusting international (Pnlllmunn it Inlmmaflnn
Agent of @
Ammnud umralnrv
FCC ID: HAP604201R
Exhibit 6 - User's Manual
um (mice
Ulll (Mans an n ink in Rnad On l/vk lclui Fdlllllli] Ni Hung Kunq Icl (W) ms 2570 Fax lfltz) mi; 4430
‘ ‘Y'trfszi l minim fins , m ;. (552) ms 2570 M H (£52) 2756 4480
kg) Kaaroanacxg
Cat. No. 60-4201
Your HadioShack ‘Streetquakej Is}
built Io handle the road. whether the
“road" is the hallway in your house or
the side- walk outside. Use the
Streetquake’s transmitter to make it
travel in any direction yau choose.
Note: You need Six AA batteries (nDI
supplied) to power the Streetquake
land one B-vnlt battery (not supplied) to
power rrsrransmit‘ler. '
- Use only fresh batteries of the
required size and recommended
' Do not mix old and newbatteries,
diIlarenI types oI ballsrie‘s (stan-
dard. alkaline, or rechargeable),
or rechargeable batteries 0! diller-
- Never leave dead cr weak batter-
ies In the Triton.
- Dispose at batteries preperly; do ,
not bury or burn lhernr
Installing the Transmitter's
The transmitter requires une Ewell
battery {or power. We recommend an
alkaline battery, such as RadicShack_
Cal. Nut 23-5534
Follow the steps on the next page to
install the transminsr‘s battery.
91995 Tandy Cbrpcradbn.
All Righls Rucrved.
Raiioshask r: n regixlelrd Irademarkuxrd by Tandy Curpurnlinn.
1. Slide ON/OFF on me lransmitter to | lnstalling the Streetquake's
oFFt Batteries
| The TritonStreetquake rEqulres Six ,
AA batteries tor power. For the bestt
performance and longest life, we
recommend alkaline batterles, such
as Radloshatk Cat. No. 236524 |
SWIM" You can also use rechargeable nickel-
cadmium batteries (Cat, No. 23425)
_ with a battery charger (not supplied),
2- We the battery compartment available at your lccal Radlashack
cover in the direction ol the arraw “we.
to remove it.
Follow these steps to lnslflll batteries
| in the Streelquake.
1. Slide ON/OFF on the bottom at the
car to OFF, . —
2. Slide Lock/Open beside the up
battery compartments Cover td
OPE", then lilt the cover to Open It.
3. Put the batteries in the compart-
3. Put the battery ln the compart- men! accordlng to the polarity
menr accordlng to the polarity symb0l5(+ and —)marksdin5ids.‘
symbols (t— and —) marked inside
4. Replace the cover 50 it snaps
when the transmitters range decreas-
esl replace its battery.
, \ l,
h // ‘ v
4. Close the cover and slide Lock/
Open beside the battery com-
partment's Cover to lock it.
lf your-étreetiugielmoves slowly or DHWlNG THE Streetquake
not at all, replace its batteries,
Warning: Never play with your §figel~
Holes: ‘ lguékkzlin the street.
- ll you will not be using‘the Street—
quake' tor several days, remove the 1' Slide ON’OFF 0“ lhe bottom Of lhe
batteries. Batteries can leak chemt- “He ON' n
cats that can damage your car‘s 2. Slide ON/OFF ontha transmitterto
electronic parts. ON.
' YUU’ 5“?§l.qua.ket55“ USE 3. Use the transmitters levers m
rechargeable:nickel-cadmium control the movement and direc-
gattsrles At thelend ol the | tlon cf the Streelquake.
batt seful lile.they mustbe
recycledgr disggsed 0! property.
Contact your local,°°UflM 0!
state hazardous waste managEment
authorities tor information in
recycling or disposal programs Forward g
in Your area. Some mrrtiérns that s“? m
' p Backward ' 3
might be available are: municipal
curbside collection, drop~oll boxes
at retailers such as your local
[Ra-dicShack store. recfiliho ' LB" szig-r: my,“
collection centers, and mail-back
programs. Left cbntrol Lever
- Push forward to mova lorward.
' Pull hackle move backward.
- Raleassto stop.
Flight Control Lever
~ Push left to turn left
-~ - Push rightto turn right.
v Release to go straight,
l 4, When you tinish driving the Street-
quake slide ON/UFF on both the
car and the transmitter to OFF,
i it the Streetquake does not go in a
straight line when you release the right
* central laver. adjust the wheel alignment
| con trol on the bottom or the Streelquake-
Rotate the control to the left it the car is
pulling to the right, arts the right it the car
is pulling to the lelL
t 7‘ Central
As . 9
The following hints help you get the
| most enjoyment from your Streetquake
- Running your car continuously tor ]
long periods causes the must
wear and tear on the motor. To
help keep heat levels down, when
your car’s battery power dies, let
the car cool at least 10 minutes
before installing new batteries.
- It the car moves slowly, and you
have installed iresh batteries,
check the wheel mechanisms
and remove any tint, thread, hair,
or dust you see.
- You cannot operate your car near
devices with transmitters that use
the same frequency as your car .
(27 MHz or 49 MHz), Check your .,
car's box tor its frequency, '
- lt someone uses a CB nearby, it
might interfere with control oi the
car. If this happens, move the car
away from the CB,
Your Radiqshock _S}reetquake is an
example of superior design and
craftsmanship. The following suggestions r
will help you care tor your Streetquake \
so you can Enjoy it tor years
- Do not use the car on a wet floor.
on sand or in mud, rain. or snow
Water can damage the Streetqugke
and its transmitter. it they get
Wet, wipe them dry immediately.
- Do not expose the car to extreme
temperatures. Use and store the
Streetquake and its transmitter only
in normal temperature environ-
wttn a camp cram to Resp mam
looking new. Do not use harsh
chemicals, cleaning solven:s, or
strang detergentstocleanthem. I
Do ha: take the car or its transmitter
apart Modiiying or tampering with the
car Gr its Iransmi =r can cause a ma]-
g‘uncticn and migh. lnvairdala the ar»
rflnly and void your FCC authcri lion I
to opsrale it. It the Streetquake or its
' trans mitter does not wait properly,
take it let your local FtactioSha:k store!
[or assistance.
Your§treetqu§ke or transmittsr might
cause TV or radio interference even
iwhen it 1: operating party. To
1daterr‘nina uh ther or
transmitter is musing the tn: defence,
(urn oft your car and transmitter. l! the
interference 53252. y, your
Stregtquake or transminer is causing it.
‘Try to eliminate the interference by: '
- Moving your Stréetquake away
Irom the TV Gr radio
- Contacting your [meat R3-
c‘ioShack store {or help -
ti you cannot Eliminate the intran‘er-
ence, the FCC requires that You stop
using yow Streatquaka,

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:06:19 16:41:57
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:06:19 16:41:58-04:00
Page Count                      : 7
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FCC ID Filing: HAP604201R

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