Echo Toys 91130 R/C Toy Car Transmitter User Manual 8

Echo Toys Ltd R/C Toy Car Transmitter 8


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Document ID52546
Application IDKdUDeLvGdL3E57Mf4qOluQ==
Document Description8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize8.99kB (112368 bits)
Date Submitted1999-08-06 00:00:00
Date Available1998-07-27 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-27 07:37:24
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
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Document Title8

, \ as eaEEw 3’ fig flF fi» fi BE 2 =J International Electrical Certification Centre Ltd.
‘ é” lrmnmal Son/ices in Elnclnral Product “Ming International Cemiltaliun it information
FCC ID: HAP91130 Agent of @
Nilmiled lahumlmy
Exhibit 5 - User‘s Manual
l Rom an int New lvlllilltg Ni Him Km, Tel {857} 2305 7am m i552) 2755 Mall
‘ Wmfsvzfiar ’-'“ 0152; 2405 2570 4M: [5321 2155 4480
Um nil? w
,O—1200.;m Page 1 Tuesday, March 3, 1993
2:53 FJ
ITEM NO . 91130
| Streetquakel
| Your Fladioshack '§w§etquake ‘ is
built to handle the road, whetherthe
“road' is the hallway in your house or
i the side— walk outside. Use the
Slreetquake's transmittartu make it
travel in any direction ycu cheese,
Nate: You need Six AA batteries (not
I supplied) ta power the Streetquake
and one 9-voll battery (not supplied) in
power us transmitter. ~ '
- Use only fresh batteries of the
required size and recommended
- Do not mix mid and new batteries,
different types at battan’es (stan-
dard, alkaline, or rechargeable).
or rechargeable batteries oi diller~
ent capacities
- Never leave dead or weak batter»
ies in the Triton.
- Dispose oi batteries properly; do
not bury or burn them,
Installing the Transmitter's
The transmitter requires one 9-vclt
battery for power. We recommend an
alkaline battary, such as Heflicsnnck‘
Cat, No. 23-553. ‘
Folicw the steps on the next page to
install the transmitters batter-yr Page 2 Tuesday, March 3. 1998 2:58 PM
1. Slide oN/nFF on the transmitter m | Installing the Streetquake's
OFF. Batteries
| The TrimnStreetquake requires Six
AA batteries tor powert For the best
pertarmance and longest life, we
recommend alkaline batteries,
You can also use rechargeable nickel—
cadmium batteries (Cat. No, 23-125)
with a battery charger (not supplied),
2- Slide the baltEW cumpartment available at your local Radioshack
cover in the direction of the arrcxw store.
to reche it.
Follow these steps to install batteries
in the Streetquake.
1. Slide ONIDFF on the bottom of the
car to OFF.
24 Slide Lock/Open beside the up
battery compartments Cover ti)
open. then litt Ihe cover to open it
3. Put the batteries in the compar‘b
3. Put the battery in the compart‘ ment according to the polarity
ment according to the pclarity symbols (+ and») marked insider
symbuis (+ and —) marked inside.
4, Replace the cover so it snaps
when the transmillafs range decreas-
es, replace its bat1ery.
Open beside the battery oom-
panment‘s Cover to lock it.
> {somootm Page} Tuesday, March 3, 1993 2:53 PM
It your'éfréétEuEiétmoves slowly or DRIVING THE Streetquake
not at all, replace its batteries, _
Warnlng: Never play with yourfieet-
Notes: '_quakejln the street
- lf you will not be using-the Street— ,
quake' for several Jays, remove the 1. $1th oN/DFF on the bottom otlhe
batteries. Batterles can last}, chemi- car 0 ON"
cals that can damage your car's 24 Slide ONJOFF on lhs transmitterto
electronic parts. ON.
1 - Your Strggquahgcan use 3, Use the transmitters levers to
rechargeable.nickeljcajrp'lum control the movement and direc-
baltaries. VAt thelend of the | lion otthe streetquake.
biattéries‘ useful lite,they must be
recycled or disgoseg 07 preperly.
Contact your [GELCQUHWV or
statg llaz dous waste mapggement
authorit tor information on
WES/Cling or disposal prggiams Fem,“ Q
A in your area. Sems options that 5|°P 1“,
Ll) rnight as available are: municlpal “kw“ ' T
curbsige collecrt’on, drop-alt boxes
at Broilers such as your local
Ra—dioshack stnré récmé ' ‘fl "
, , h
collection centers, and mail-hack Le“ swam ng '
programs, Left Contra] Lever ‘
- Push lonNard to move toward.
~ Pull back to move backward,
- Releasatc stop.
Righl Control Lever
- Push lento turn lett.
- Push right to turn right,
' Release to go straight.
N“ l j; | T
<1? UT, ‘ -~ g,
4. When you finish driving the Street-
quake slide oN/OFF on both the
car and the transmitter ta OFF.
It the Streetquake dues not gr: in a
straight line when you release the right
control lever, adjust the wheel alignment
control an the bottom at the Sleetquake.
Ratate the central to the left it the car is
pulling to the right, or to the right if the car
is pullmg tn the la".
. Control
The following hints help you get the
most enjoyment tram your Stréetquake
' Running your car continuously lot |
long periods causes the must
wear and tear on the motor‘ To
help keep heat levels down, when
your car’s battery power dies, let
the car cool at least 10 minutes
before installing new batteries.
- It the car moves slowly, and you
have installed fresh batteries,
check the wheel mechanisms
and remove any lint, thread, hair,
or dust you see.
' You cannot operate your car near
devices with transmitters that use
the same lrequency as your car
(27 MHz or 49 MHz), Check your
car's box for its frequency
- it someone uses a CB nearby, it
might interlere with control at the
car. lfthis happens, mcve the car
away from the CB,
Your Radiqshack iSfitreetquake is an
example of superior design and
craftsmanship.The (allowing suggestions (E,
will help you care tor your Streetquake \
sg ycu can enjoy it for years.
- Du not use the car on a wet lloor.
on sand, or in mud, rain, or snow.
Water can damage the StreetquEke
and its transmitten it they get
wet, Wipe them dry immediately,
- Do not expose the car to extreme
temperatures. Use and store the
Streetquake and its transmitter only
in normal temperature environ-
, Mdf'labfifl PageS T
ucséay, March 2.1998 2:53 PM
- Clean the cer and its lrensminer
a darn; clclh to keep lhem
Icoxlng new. Do not use harsh
chemicals, ‘ ning solvents, or
strong delergenls so clean them.
D; n:‘. lake the car or its transmitter
Egan. Modilying or la'npering with the
car or its lransm' er can cause a mal-
function and rn ,, nvalidale the war-
ranly and void ycur FCC author 1; n I
re operate ir. ll [he Streetnuake or l:s
trans miner does not w properlyy
le' it la your local RemoSnafi' store]
Ycur greetqugke or lransmiher might
cause T\’ or radio inlen‘erence even
when ll ls operaling properly. To
determine “h her yE—Lfr’Eafcr
transmilzer is causing the interference,
turn off your car and grensminerl lf the
‘lmen'erence gzes aJ/ay, your
Sneelquake cur transminar ls causing it.
Try (0 alrminete lhe interference by:
- Moving your Sgreetquakeaway
from the TV orradlc
-Contacfing your local Ra-
ll you cannot eliminate the interfer-
ence, the FCC requires the! yau slop
us‘lng you Streetquake.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.2
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:05:27 07:37:24
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Modify Date                     : 2001:05:27 07:37:26-04:00
Page Count                      : 6
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FCC ID Filing: HAP91130

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