Echo Srm 225 Owner S Manual

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Read rules for safe operation and instructions carefully. ECHO provides an
Operator's Manual and a Safety Manual. Both must be read and understood for
proper and safe operation. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
Grass Trimmer/Brush Cutter
Operator's Manual
X7722271104 X772000124
Copyright© 2010 By Echo, Incorporated
All Rights Reserved.
In t r o d u c t I o n
Welcome to the ECHO family. This ECHO product was designed and manufactured to provide long life and on-the-job
dependability. Read and understand this manual and the SAFETY MANUAL you found in the same package. You will
nd both easy to use and full of helpful operating tips and SAFETY messages.
ta b l e o f co n t e n t s
Introduction ................................................................2
- The Operator's Manual .......................................2
- The Safety manual ..............................................2
Safety .........................................................................3
- Manual Safety Symbols and Important
Information .........................................................3
- International Symbols .........................................3
- Personal Condition and Safety Equipment .........3
- Equipment ...........................................................6
Emission Control .......................................................6
Description .................................................................7
Contents ..................................................................... 9
- Plastic Shield Installation ...................................9
- Nylon Head Installation ....................................10
- To Advance Trimmer Line ................................10
- Nylon Line Replacement ..................................10
- Remove Nylon Head .........................................10
- Front Handle Installation .................................. 11
Operation .................................................................. 11
- Operation with Blades ......................................11
- Fuel ...................................................................14
- Starting Cold Engine .........................................16
- Starting Warm Engine .......................................17
- Stopping Engine ................................................17
Maintenance .............................................................18
- Skill Levels .......................................................18
- Maintenance Intervals .......................................18
- Air Filter ...........................................................19
- Fuel Filter ..........................................................19
- Spark Plug .........................................................20
- Cooling System Cleaning ................................. 20
- Exhaust System .................................................21
- Carburetor Adjustment ...................................... 23
- High Altitude Operation .................................. 23
- Lubrication ........................................................24
- Nylon Line Replacement ..................................25
- Sharpening Metal Blades ..................................27
Troubleshooting ....................................................... 28
Storage ..................................................................... 29
Specications ........................................................... 30
Warranty Statements ................................................ 31
Servicing Information .............................................. 36
- Parts/Serial Number ..........................................36
- Service ..............................................................36
- ECHO Consumer Product Support ...................36
- Warranty Card ...................................................36
- Additional or Replacement Manuals ................36
Specications, descriptions and illustrative material in
this literature are as accurate as known at the time of
publication, but are subject to change without notice.
Illustrations may include optional equipment and acces-
sories, and may not include all standard equipment.
t h e o p e r a t o r 's m a n u a l
Read and understand this manual before operation. Keep it in a safe
place for future reference. It contains specications and information
for operation, starting, stopping, maintenance, storage and assembly
specic to this product.
t h e s a f e t y m a n u a l
Read and understand this manual before operation. Keep it in a safe
place for future reference. It explains possible hazards involved with
the use of Grass Trimmers and Brush Cutters and what measures you
should take to make their use safer.
Read rules for safe operation and instructions carefully. ECHO provides an
Operator's Manual and a Safety Manual. Both must be read and understood for
proper and safe operation. Failure to do so could result in serous injury.
Grass Trimmer/Brush Cutter
Operator's Manual
X7722271100 X772000120
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 3
The safety alert symbol accompanied by the word
“WARNING” calls attention to an act or condi-
tion which CAN lead to serious personal injury or
death if not avoided.
I n t e r n a t I o n a l s y m b o l s
sa f e t y
m a n u a l s a f e t y s y m b o l s a n d I m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t I o n
Throughout this manual and on the product itself, you will nd safety alerts and helpful, informational messages pre-
ceded by symbols or key words. The following is an explanation of those symbols and key words and what they mean
to you.
Carburetor Adjust-
- Idle speed
Carburetor Adjust-
- High speed
Wear eye, ear
and head protec-
Fuel and oil
Carburetor Adjust-
- Low speed
Wear hand and
foot protection
Keep bystanders and helpers
away 15 m (50 ft.).
DO NOT smoke
near fuel.
DO NOT allow
ames or sparks
near fuel.
Choke Control
"Cold Start"
(Choke Closed)
Choke Control
(Choke Open)
Do not use
blades. String
line only
p e r s o n a l c o n d I t I o n a n d s a f e t y e q u I p m e n t
Users of this product risk injury to themselves and others if the unit is used improperly and/or safety precautions are
not followed. Proper clothing and safety gear must be worn when operating unit.
This symbol means the specic action
shown is prohibited. Ignoring these prohi-
bitions can result in serious or fatal injury.
The safety alert symbol accompanied by the word
“CAUTION” calls attention to an act or condition
which may lead to minor or moderate personal
injury if not avoided.
This enclosed message provides tips for use, care and
maintenance of the unit.
The enclosed message provides information neces-
sary for the protection of the unit.
The safety alert symbol accompanied by the word
“DANGER” calls attention to an act or condition
which WILL lead to serious personal injury or
death if not avoided.
Cutting Attach-
Physical Condition
Your judgment and physical dexterity may not be good:
if you are tired or sick,
if you are taking medication,
if you have taken alcohol or drugs.
Operate unit only if you are physically and mentally well.
Eye Protection
Wear eye protection that meets ANSI Z87.1 or CE requirements whenever you operate the unit.
Hand Protection
Wear no-slip, heavy-duty work gloves to improve your grip on the handle. Gloves also reduce the transmission of ma-
chine vibration to your hands.
Hearing Protection
ECHO recommends wearing hearing protection whenever unit is used.
Proper Clothing
Wear snug tting, durable clothing;
Pants should have long legs, shirts with long sleeves.
Wear sturdy work shoes with nonskid soles;
Keep long hair away from engine and air intake. Retain hair with cap or net.
Hot Humid Weather
Heavy protective clothing can increase operator fatigue which may lead to heat stroke. Schedule heavy work for early
morning or late afternoon hours when temperatures are cooler.
Extended Operation/Extreme Conditions
It is believed that a condition called Raynaud’s Phenomenon, which affects the ngers of certain individuals, may be
brought about by exposure to vibration and cold. Exposure to vibration and cold may cause tingling and burning sensa-
tions, followed by loss of color and numbness in the ngers. The following precautions are strongly recommended,
because the minimum exposure, which might trigger the ailment, is unknown.
Keep your body warm, especially the head, neck, feet, ankles, hands,
and wrists.
Maintain good blood circulation by performing vigorous arm exer-
cises during frequent work breaks, and also by not smoking.
Limit the hours of operation. Try to ll each day with jobs where op-
erating the unit or other hand-held power equipment is not required.
If you experience discomfort, redness, and swelling of the ngers fol-
lowed by whitening and loss of feeling, consult your physician before
further exposing yourself to cold and vibration.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 5
Do not operate this product indoors or in inadequately ventilated
areas. Engine exhaust contains poisonous emissions and can cause
serious injury or death.
Read the Manuals
Provide all users of this equipment with the Operator’s Manual and
Safety Manual for instructions on Safe Operation.
Clear the Work Area
Spectators and fellow workers must be warned, and children and
animals prevented from coming nearer than 15 m (50 ft.) while the
unit is in use.
Keep a Firm Grip
Hold the front and rear handles with both hands, with thumbs and
ngers encircling the handles.
Keep a Solid Stance
Maintain footing and balance at all times. Do not stand on slippery,
uneven or unstable surfaces. Do not work in odd positions or on lad-
ders. Do not over reach.
Avoid Hot Surfaces
Keep exhaust area clear of ammable debris. Avoid contact during
and immediately after operation.
Repetitive Stress Injuries
It is believed that overusing the muscles and tendons of the ngers, hands, arms, and shoulders may cause soreness,
swelling, numbness, weakness, and extreme pain in those areas. Certain repetitive hand activities may put you at a high
risk for developing a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). An extreme RSI condition is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), which
could occur when your wrist swells and squeezes a vital nerve that runs through the area. Some believe that prolonged
exposure to vibration may contribute to CTS. CTS can cause severe pain for months or even years.
To reduce the risk of RSI/CTS, do the following:
Avoid using your wrist in a bent, extended, or twisted position.
Instead try to maintain a straight wrist position. Also, when grasping,
use your whole hand, not just the thumb and index nger.
Take periodic breaks to minimize repetition and rest your hands.
Reduce the speed and force with which you do the repetitive move-
Do exercise to strengthen the hand and arm muscles.
Immediately stop using all power equipment and consult a doctor if
you feel tingling, numbness, or pain in the ngers, hands, wrists, or
arms. The sooner RSI/CTS is diagnosed, the more likely permanent
nerve and muscle damage can be prevented.
Check unit for loose/missing nuts, bolts, and screws. Tighten and/or replace as needed.
Inspect shield for damage and ensure that the cut-off knife is securely in place. Replace if either is damaged or miss-
Check that the cutting attachment is rmly attached and in safe operating condition.
Check that front loop handle and shoulder strap/ or shoulder/waist harness are adjusted for safe, comfortable opera-
tion. See Assembly Section for proper adjustment.
The 300 hour emission durability compliance period is the time span selected by the manufacturer certifying the
engine emissions output meets applicable emissions regulations, provided that approved maintenance procedures are
followed as listed in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
Moving parts can amputate ngers or cause severe injuries. Keep hands, clothing and loose objects away from all
ALWAYS stop engine, disconnect spark plug, and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete stop
before removing obstructions, clearing debris, or servicing unit.
DO NOT start or operate unit unless all guards and protective covers are properly assembled to unit.
NEVER reach into any opening while the engine is running. Moving parts may not be visible through openings.
Check fuel system for leaks due to fuel tank damage, especially if the unit is dropped. If damage or leaks are found,
do not use unit, otherwise serious personal injury or property damage may occur. Have unit repaired by an autho-
rized servicing dealer before using.
e q u I p m e n t
Use only ECHO approved attachments. Serious injury may result from the use of a non-approved attachment com-
bination. ECHO, INC. will not be responsible for the failure of cutting devices, attachments or accessories which
have not been tested and approved by ECHO. Read and comply with all safety instructions listed in this manual and
safety manual.
em I s s I o n co n t r o l (e X h a u s t & e v a p o r a t I v e )
EPA 2010 and Later and/or C.A.R.B. TIER III
The emission control system for the engine is EM/TWC (Engine Modication and 3-way Catalyst) and for the fuel tank
the Control System is EVAP (Evaporative Emissions) or N (for nylon tank). Evaporative emission may be applicable to
California models only.
An Emission Control Label is located on the engine. (This is an EXAMPLE ONLY, information on label varies by
engine FAMILY).
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 7
Shaft Decal
P/N X505001930
P/N X505002310
Hot Decal (near mufer)
de s c r I p t I o n
Locate these safety decals on your unit. Make sure the decals are legible and that you understand and follow the instruc-
tions on them. If a decal cannot be read, a new one can be ordered from your ECHO dealer. See PARTS ORDERING
instructions for specic information.
P/N X505002500
1. POWER HEAD - Includes the Engine, Clutch, Fuel System, Ignition System and Recoil Starter.
2. GRIP - Rear (right hand) handle.
3 THROTTLE TRIGGER LOCKOUT - This lever must be held during starting. Operation of the throttle trigger is
prevented unless throttle trigger lockout lever is engaged.
4. STOP SWITCH - "SLIDE SWITCH" mounted on top of the Throttle Trigger Housing. Move switch FORWARD
5. FRONT HANDLE - The Front (loop) handle is loosely assembled to the Drive Shaft assembly and must be posi-
tioned for proper cutting attitude and operator comfort.
6. DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY - Includes the Rear (right hand) Handle assembly, Gear Housing assembly, Front
(loop, left hand) Handle assembly, steel drive shaft and Safety Decal.
7. NYLON CUTTER HEAD - Contains replaceable nylon trimming line that advances when the trimmer head is
tapped against the ground while the head is turning at normal operating speed.
8. CUT-OFF KNIFE - Automatically trims line to the correct length: 5" after head is tapped on the ground. If trimmer
is operated without a cut-off knife, the line will become too long, the engine will overheat, and engine damage may
9. PLASTIC DEBRIS SHIELD ASSEMBLY - Included in plastic bag (co-pack). MUST be installed on unit before
use, see Assembly Instructions. Shield assembly includes the Cut-Off Knife. Mounts on the Gear Housing Assem-
bly just above the cutting attachment. Helps protect the operator by deecting debris produced during the trimming
operation. This shield must be replaced with the steel shield for blade use.
10. THROTTLE TRIGGER - Spring loaded to return to idle when released. During acceleration, press trigger gradu-
ally for best operating technique.
11. SPARK PLUG - Provides spark to ignite fuel mixture.
12. ARM REST - Provides arm rest during operation and protects arm from the hot engine.
13. RECOIL STARTER HANDLE - Pull handle slowly until starter engages, then quickly and rmly. When engine
starts, return handle slowly. DO NOT let handle snap back or damage to unit will occur.
catalytic mufer controls exhaust noise and emission. The spark arrestor screen prevents hot, glowing particles of
carbon from leaving the mufer. Keep exhaust area clear of ammable debris.
15. FUEL TANK - Contains fuel and fuel lter.
16. FUEL TANK CAP - Covers and seals fuel tank opening.
17. CHOKE - The choke control is located on the top of the air lter case. Move choke lever to "Cold Start" ( ) to
close choke for cold start. Move choke lever to "Run" ( ) position to open choke.
18. AIR CLEANER - Contains replaceable lter element.
19. PURGE BULB - Pumping purge bulb before starting engine draws fresh fuel from the fuel tank, purging air from
the carburetor. Pump purge bulb until fuel is visible and ows freely in the clear fuel tank return line. Pump purge
bulb an additional 4 or 5 times.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 9
co n t e n t s
The ECHO product you purchased has been partially assembled for your convenience. Due to packaging restrictions,
installation of the plastic debris shield, nylon line head, and positioning of the front handle are necessary.
After opening the carton, check for damage. Immediately notify your retailer or ECHO Dealer of damaged or missing
parts. Use the contents list to check for missing parts.
* Some Echo units may be factory pre-assembled. The nylon line head, plastic debris shield, and mounting hardware
shown in the contents list are pre-assembled to the unit. Assembly tools are not supplied with these units. The front
handle may need to be re-positioned for comfortable operation.
_______1 - Power Head / Drive Shaft Assembly
______ - 1, Operator's Manual
______ - 1, Safety Manual
______ - 1, Warranty Registration Card
_______ - 1, Safety Glasses
_______ - 1, Echo Power BlendX TM 2-stroke oil sample
* _____ - 1, Nylon Trimmer Head
* _____ - 1, T-Wrench
* _____ - 1, Torx T27 L-Wrench
* _____ - 1, locking tool
* _____ --1, Plastic shield
* _____ --1, shield plate
* _____ --3, 5mm x 16mm screws (shield mtg.)
as s e m b l y
p l a s t I c s h I e l d I n s t a l l a t I o n
(for Nylon Line Operation)
Tools Required: Torx T27 L-Wrench
Parts Required: Plastic Shield, Shield Plate, three (3) 5mm x 16mm
The plastic shield is for use with the Nylon Line Head only.
Install Metal Shield when using plastic or metal blades.
1. Remove plastic threaded shaft sleeve and adapter plate (C) from
PTO shaft (A).
2. Place the shield on the bottom of the bearing housing ange.
3. Place shield plate (B) on shield, align holes. Install three (3) screws
from bottom through plate and shield into gear case.
4. Assemble adapter plate (C) onto PTO shaft.
Read rules for safe operation and instructions carefully. ECHO provides an
Operator's Manual and a Safety Manual. Both must be read and understood for
proper and safe operation. Failure to do so could result in serous injury.
Grass Trimmer/Brush Cutter
Operator's Manual
X7722271100 X772000120
n y l o n l I n e h e a d I n s t a l l a t I o n
Tools Required: Head Locking Tool.
Parts Required: Nylon Line Head.
Wear Gloves or personal injury may result:
• Cutoff knife is sharp.
• Gearcase and surrounding area may be hot.
1. Be sure adapter plate (C) remains on PTO shaft (A).
2. Align locking hole in upper plate with notch in edge of gear hous-
ing and insert head locking tool (D).
3. Thread line head (E) onto shaft by turning it counter-clockwise
until head is tight against adapter plate (C).
4. Remove locking tool (D).
Semi-automatic nylon line heads must be used only with plastic
debris shield with cut-off knife. Using nylon line heads with metal
debris shield can result in trimmer damage, caused by operation
with excessive line length.
t o a d v a n c e t r I m m e r l I n e
To advance trimmer line, tap trimmer head against the ground
while the head is turning at normal operating speed.
n y l o n l I n e r e p l a c e m e n t
See Maintenance Section for nylon line replacement.
r e m o v e n y l o n l I n e h e a d
Do not disassemble nylon line head.
1. Align locking hole in upper plate with notch in edge of gear hous-
ing and insert head locking tool (D).
2. Remove line head (E) by turning it clockwise until head is com-
pletely off of shaft.
3. Remove locking tool (D).
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 11
f r o n t h a n d l e I n s t a l l a t I o n
Tools Required: Torx T27 L-Wrench
Label shows minimum spacing for front handle location.
1. Position front handle for comfortable operation and secure screws.
Moving parts can amputate ngers or cause severe injuries. Keep hands, clothing and loose objects away from all
openings. Always stop engine, disconnect spark plug, and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete
stop before removing obstructions, clearing debris, or servicing unit. Allow unit to cool before performing service.
Wear gloves to protect hands from sharp edges and hot surfaces.
op e r a t I o n
Engine exhaust IS HOT, and contains Carbon Monoxide (CO), a poison gas. Breathing CO can cause unconscious-
ness, serious injury, or death. Exhaust can cause serious burns. ALWAYS position unit so that exhaust is directed
away from your face and body.
Operation of this equipment may create sparks that can start res around dry vegetation. This unit is equipped with
a spark arrestor and a spark arrestor may be required. The operator should contact local re agencies for laws or
regulations relating to re prevention requirements.
Grass/Weed Blades Require:
Install Blade Conversion Kit, Includes metal shield
(A), barrier bar (B), and shoulder harness (C).
The Barrier Bar is used to restrict rearward movement
of the unit. The Barrier Bar is NOT A HANDLE and
should not be gripped when using or carrying the unit.
Brush/Clearing Blades Require:
Install U-Handle / Blade Conversion Kit, Includes
metal shield (A), shoulder harness with hip pad
(C), and U-Handles (D). A
o p e r a t I o n w I t h b l a d e s
Preparing the Trimmer/Brush Cutter for Blade Use
Blade use DEMANDS specic Brush Cutter conguration. Operation without specied shield, barrier bar or U-
handle, and harness can result in serious personal injury. Follow installation instructions included in optional kits.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 13
Choosing the Correct Blade
The type of Blade used MUST be matched to the type and size of material cut. An improper or dull blade can cause
serious personal injury. Blades MUST be sharp. Dull blades increase the chance of kick out and injury to yourself
and bystanders.
Plastic/Nylon Blades may be used where ever the nylon line head
is used. DO NOT use this blade for heavy weeds or brush!
8 Tooth Weed/Grass Blade (P/N 69600120331) is designed for grass,
garden debris and thick weeds. DO NOT use this blade for brush or
heavy woody growth, 19 mm (3/4 in.) diameter or larger.
80 Tooth Brush Blade (P/N 69500120331) is designed for cutting
brush and woody growth up to 13 mm (1/2 in.) diameter.
22 Tooth Clearing Blade (99944200130) is designed for dense thickets
and saplings up to 64 mm (2-1/2 in.) diameter.
Use Shoulder/Waist Harness (P/N 99944200200) Use of the Shoul-
der/Waist Harness is recommended for ALL Trimmer/Brush Cutter
use, not just Blade operation. The Shoulder/Waist Harness when used
in a trimming operation with nylon line head suspends the trimmer
from the operator's shoulder and reduces operator fatigue.
During blade operation, the same fatigue reduction is achieved. Safety
to the operator is also enhanced by reducing the possibility of blade
contact with the operator's hands and feet by restricting trimmer move-
NOTICE: Use of unmixed, improperly mixed, or fuel older than 90 days, (stale fuel), may cause hard starting, poor
performance, or severe engine damage and void the product warranty. Read and follow instructions in the Storage
section of this manual.
Alternative fuels, such as E-15 (15% ethanol), E-85 (85% ethanol) or any fuels not meeting ECHO requirements
are NOT approved for use in ECHO 2-stroke gasoline engines. Use of alternative fuels may cause performance
problems, loss of power, overheating, fuel vapor lock, and unintended machine operation, including, but not limited
to, improper clutch engagement. Alternative fuels may also cause premature deterioration of fuel lines, gaskets,
carburetors and other engine components.
Fuel Requirements
Gasoline - Use 89 Octane [R+M/2] (mid grade or higher) gasoline known to be good quality. Gasoline may contain up
to 10% Ethanol (grain alcohol) or 15% MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether). Gasoline containing methanol (wood alco-
hol) is NOT approved.
Two Stroke Oil - A two-stroke engine oil meeting ISO-L-EGD (ISO/CD 13738) and J.A.S.O. FC/FD Standards must
be used. Echo brand premium Power BlendX TM Universal 2-Stroke Oil meets these standards. Engine problems due to
inadequate lubrication caused by failure to use an ISO-L-EGD (ISO/CD 13738) and J.A.S.O. FC/FD certied oil, such
as Echo premium Power BlendX TM, will void the two-stroke engine warranty.
Echo premium Power BlendX TM Universal 2-Stroke Oil may be mixed at 50:1 ratio for application in all Echo en-
gines sold in the past regardless of ratio specied in those manuals.
f u e l
In case of Emergency, pull up on the Quick Release Collar to
disconnect the trimmer from the harness.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 15
Handling Fuel
Fuel is VERY ammable. Use extreme care when mixing, storing or handling or serious personal injury may result.
Use an approved fuel container.
DO NOT smoke near fuel.
DO NOT allow ames or sparks near fuel.
Fuel tanks/cans may be under pressure. Always loosen fuel caps slowly allowing pressure to equalize.
NEVER refuel a unit when the engine is HOT or RUNNING!
DO NOT ll fuel tanks indoors. ALWAYS ll fuel tanks outdoors over bare ground.
• DO NOT overll fuel tank. Wipe up spills immediately.
Securely tighten fuel tank cap and close fuel container after refueling.
Inspect for fuel leakage. If fuel leakage is found, do not start or operate unit until leakage is repaired.
Move at least 3m (10 ft.) from refueling location before starting the engine.
Mixing Instructions
1. Fill an approved fuel container with half of the required amount of
2. Add the proper amount of 2-stroke oil to gasoline.
3. Close container and shake to mix oil with gasoline.
4. Add remaining gasoline, close fuel container, and remix.
Spilled fuel is a leading cause of hydrocarbon emissions. Some
states may require the use of automatic fuel shut-off containers to
reduce fuel spillage.
After use
DO NOT store a unit with fuel in its tank. Leaks can occur. Return
unused fuel to an approved fuel storage container.
Storage - Fuel storage laws vary by locality. Contact your local gov-
ernment for the laws affecting your area. As a precaution, store fuel in
an approved, airtight container. Store in a well-ventilated, unoccupied
building, away from sparks and ames.
Stored fuel ages. Do not mix more fuel than you expect to use in
thirty (30) days, ninety (90) days when a fuel stabilizer is added.
Stored two-stroke fuel may separate. ALWAYS shake fuel con-
tainer thoroughly before each use.
Fuel tank
s t a r t I n g c o l d e n g I n e
The attachment will operate immediately when the engine starts
and could result in loss of control and possible serious injury. Keep
movable parts of the attachment off the ground and away from
objects that could become entangled or thrown.
1. Stop Switch
Move stop switch button (A) forward away from the STOP posi-
2. Choke
Move choke lever (B) to Cold Start Position ( ).
3. Purge Bulb
Pump purge bulb (C) until fuel is visible and ows freely in the
clear fuel tank return line. Pump bulb an additional 4 or 5 times.
4. Recoil Starter
Lay the unit on a at area and keep movable attachment parts clear
of all obstacles. Firmly grasp right hand grip and throttle trigger
lockout with left hand and fully depress throttle trigger to wide
open position. Rapidly pull recoil starter handle/rope (D) until
engine res (or maximum ve [5] pulls).
5. Choke
After engine res (or 5 pulls), move choke lever back to Run
( ) position. Hold throttle trigger and throttle trigger lockout
fully depressed, and pull recoil starter handle/rope until engine
starts and runs. Release throttle trigger, and allow unit to warm up
at idle for several minutes.
If engine does not start with choke in “Run” position after 5 pulls,
repeat instructions 2 - 5.
6. Throttle Trigger
After engine warm-up, gradually depress throttle trigger to increase
engine RPM to operating speed.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 17
s t a r t I n g w a r m e n g I n e
The starting procedure is the same as Cold Start except DO NOT close
the choke, and do not hold throttle trigger fully depressed.
The attachment should not move at idle, otherwise serious per-
sonal injury may result.
If attachment moves, readjust carburetor according to “Carburetor
Adjustment” instructions in this manual or see your ECHO Dealer.
1. Stop Switch
Move stop switch button (A) forward away from the STOP posi-
2. Purge Bulb
Pump purge bulb (C) until fuel is visible in the "Clear" fuel return
3. Recoil Starter
Lay the unit on a at area and keep movable attachment parts clear
of all obstacles. Rapidly pull the recoil starter handle (D) until the
engine res.
If engine does not start after 5 pulls, use Cold Start Procedure.
s t o p p I n g e n g I n e
1. Release Throttle.
Allow engine to return to idle before shutting off engine.
2. Stop Switch
Move stop switch button (A) backward to STOP position.
If engine does not stop when stop switch is moved to STOP posi-
tion, close choke - COLD START position - to stall engine. Have
your ECHO dealer repair stop switch before using trimmer again.
Your ECHO trimmer is designed to provide many hours of trouble free service. Regular scheduled maintenance will help
your trimmer achieve that goal. If you are unsure or are not equipped with the necessary tools, you may want to take
your unit to an ECHO Service Dealer for maintenance. To help you decide whether you want to DO-IT-YOURSELF or
have the ECHO Dealer do it, each maintenance task has been graded. If the task is not listed, see your ECHO Dealer for
s k I l l l e v e l s
Level 1 = Easy to do. Common tools may be required.
Level 2 = Moderate difculty. Some specialized tools may be required.
ECHO offers REPOWERTM Maintenance Kits and Parts to make your maintenance job easier.
m a I n t e n a n c e I n t e r v a l s
ma I n t e n a n c e
Moving parts can amputate ngers or cause severe injuries. Keep hands, clothing and loose objects away from all
openings. Always stop engine, disconnect spark plug, and make sure all moving parts have come to a complete
stop before removing obstructions, clearing debris, or servicing unit. Allow unit to cool before performing service.
Wear gloves to protect hands from sharp edges and hot surfaces.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 19
a I r f I l t e r
Level 1.
Tools required: 25 - 50 mm (1 - 2 in.) Cleaning Brush
1. Close choke (Cold Start Position [ ]). This prevents dirt from
entering the carburetor throat when the air lter is removed. Brush
accumulated dirt from air cleaner area.
2. Remove air lter cover. Brush dirt from inside cover.
3. Remove air lter and lightly brush debris from lter. Replace lter
if it is damaged, fuel soaked, very dirty, or the rubber sealing edges
are deformed.
4. If lter can be reused, be certain it:
• Fits tightly in the air lter cavity.
• Is installed with the original side out.
5. Install air lter cover.
f u e l f I l t e r
Level 1.
Tools required: 200 - 250 mm (8 - 10 in.) length of wire with one
end bent into a hook, clean rag, funnel, and an
approved fuel container
Fuel is VERY ammable. Use extreme care when mixing, storing
or handling, or serious personal injury may result.
1. Use a clean rag to remove loose dirt from around fuel cap and
empty fuel tank.
2. Use the “fuel line hook” to pull the fuel line and lter from the
3. Remove the lter from the line and install the new lter.
s p a r k p l u g
Level 2.
Tools required: T-Wrench, feeler gauge, soft metal brush
Parts Required: REPOWERTM Tune-Up Kit
Use only NGK BPM-8Y spark plug (BPMR-8Y in Canada) other-
wise severe engine damage may occur.
1. Remove spark plug and check for fouling, worn and rounded
center electrode.
2. Clean the plug or replace with a new one. DO NOT sand blast to
clean. Remaining sand will damage engine.
3. Adjust spark plug gap by bending outer electrode.
4. Tighten spark plug to 150-170 kgf • cm (130-150 in • lbf).
c o o l I n g s y s t e m
Level 2.
Tools required: Torx L-Wrench T27, Cleaning Brush, 25 - 50 mm
(1 - 2 in.)
Parts Required: None if you are careful.
To maintain proper engine operating temperatures, cooling air
must pass freely through the cylinder n area. This ow of air
carries combustion heat away from the engine.
Overheating and engine seizure can occur when:
Air intakes are blocked, preventing cooling air from reaching the cyl-
Dust and grass build up on the outside of the cylinder. This build up
insulates the engine and prevents the heat from leaving.
Removal of cooling passage blockages or cleaning of cooling ns is
considered “Normal Maintenance.” Any failure attributed to lack of
maintenance is not warranted.
0.65 mm
(0.026 in.)
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 21
1. Remove spark plug lead.
2. Remove air cleaner cover (A).
3. Remove 2 engine cover screws and engine cover (B).
(1 machine screw - handle side)
(1 tapping screw - starter side)
DO NOT use a metal scraper to remove dirt from the cylinder ns.
4. Use brush to remove dirt from the cylinder ns.
5. Remove ignition wires from clip for cleaning.
6. Remove grass and leaves from the grid between the recoil starter
and fuel tank.
7. Assemble components in reverse order.
e X h a u s t s y s t e m
Spark Arrestor Screen
Level 2.
Tools Required: Torx L-Wrench T27, Soft Metal Brush
Parts Required: Spark Arrestor Screen, Gasket
Exhaust Port Cleaning
Level 2.
Tools required: Torx T27 L-Wrench, Wood or plastic scraper
Parts Required: As needed: Heat Shield
1. Remove spark plug lead from spark plug, and remove mufer
cover (2 screws).
2. Place piston at top dead center. Remove mufer (A) and heat
shield (B).
3. Use a wood or plastic scraping tool to clean deposits from cylinder
exhaust port.
Never use a metal tool to scrape carbon from the exhaust port.
Do not scratch the cylinder or piston when cleaning the exhaust
port. Do not allow carbon particles to enter the cylinder.
4. Inspect heat shield, and replace if damaged.
5. Install heat shield and mufer.
6. Tighten mufer mounting bolts (or nuts) to 80-95 in•lbf
(90-110 kgf•cm).
7. Install mufer cover and attach spark plug lead.
8. Start engine, and warm to operating temperature.
9. Stop engine, and re-tighten mounting bolts (or nuts) to specica-
1. Remove engine cover screws (2) and engine cover (B).
2. Place piston at Top Dead Center (TDC) to prevent carbon/dirt from
entering cylinder.
3. Remove spark arrestor screen cover (C), gaskets (D), (E), and
screen (F), from mufer body.
4. Clean carbon deposits from mufer components.
When cleaning carbon deposit, be careful not to damage the cata-
lytic element inside mufer.
5. Replace screen if it is cracked, plugged, or has holes burned
6. Assemble components in reverse order.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 23
c a r b u r e t o r a d j u s t m e n t
Engine Break-In
New engines must be operated a minimum duration of two tanks of fuel
break-in before carburetor adjustments can be made. During the break-
in period your engine performance will increase and exhaust emissions
will stabilize. Idle speed can be adjusted as required.
High Altitude Operation
This engine has been factory adjusted to maintain satisfactory starting,
emission, and durability performance up to 1,100 feet above sea level
(ASL) (96.0 kPa). To maintain proper engine operation and emission
compliance above 1,100 feet ASL the carburetor may need to be ad-
justed by an authorized ECHO service dealer.
If the engine is adjusted for operation above 1,100 feet ASL, the
carburetor must be re-adjusted when operating the engine below
1,100 feet ASL, otherwise severe engine damage may result.
Level 2.
Tools required: Screwdriver, Tachometer (ECHO P/N
Parts required: None.
Every unit is run at the factory and the carburetor is set in compli-
ance with emission regulations. Carburetor adjustments, other than
idle speed, must be performed by an authorized ECHO dealer.
1. Check idle speed and reset if necessary. If a tachometer is avail-
able, idle speed screw (A) should be set to the specications found
on page 30 "Specications" of this manual. Turn idle screw (A)
clockwise to increase idle speed; counter clockwise to decrease
idle speed.
When carburetor adjustment is completed, the cutting attachment
should not move at idle, otherwise serious personal injury may
l u b r I c a t I o n
Level 1.
Tools Required: 13mm Open End Wrench, T27 Torx L-Wrench,
Clean Rag, Grease Gun
Parts Required: POWER BLENDXTM 8 oz. (P/N 91014) or
Lithium Base Grease.
Gear Housing
1. Clean all loose debris from gear box.
2. Remove plug (A) and check level of grease.
3. Add grease if necessary. DO NOT over-ll.
Drive Shaft
1. Loosen two (2) screws (B) and remove center locating screw (C).
Pull gear box and shield from drive shaft housing.
2. Pull exible cable from the drive shaft housing, wipe clean and
re-coat with a thin coating [15 ml (1/2 oz.)] of grease.
3. Slide the exible cable back in the drive housing. DO NOT get
dirt on the ex cable.
4. Install the gear housing and shield assembly.
Flat edge of washers (D) must be against drive shaft.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 25
n y l o n l I n e r e p l a c e m e n t
1. Hold drum securely. Push spool in, and turn clockwise until lock-
ing peg clicks.
2. Pull spool out of drum. Clear any remaining line or debris from
spool and drum.
3. Align pegs on inner drive (A) with grooves in spool (B), and
install spool onto drum. Do not push down on spool. Turn spool
counter clockwise until locking peg clicks into hole in spool (C).
4. Align arrows on spool with marks on drum.
5. Insert two ends of one 24-foot piece of .095 nylon trimmer line
into holes on sides of drum.
6. Hold drum securely, and turn spool clockwise to wind line onto
7. Cut remaining line loop to separate into two pieces.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 27
s h a r p e n I n g m e t a l b l a d e s
Three styles of metal blades are approved for use on the ECHO Brush
Cutter. The 8-tooth blade can be sharpened during normal mainte-
nance. The clearing blade and 80 tooth blade require professional
Before sharpening, CLOSELY inspect blade for cracks (look at the
bottom of each tooth and the center mounting hole closely), missing
teeth and bending. If ANY of these problems are discovered, replace
the blade.
When sharpening a blade, always remove the same amount of materials
from each tooth to maintain balance. A blade that is not balanced will
cause unsafe handling due to vibration and can result in blade failure.
Tool required: Flat le (preferred). Electric grinder if special care is
used. Round (rat tail) le for gullet (radius).
1. File each tooth at a 30 degree angle a specic number of times,
eg. 4 strokes per tooth. Work your way around the blade until
all teeth are sharp.
2. DO NOT le the 'gullet' (radius) of the tooth with the at le.
The radius must remain. A sharp corner will lead to a crack and
blade failure.
If an electric grinder is used, use care not to overheat teeth, do not
allow tips/tooth to glow red or turn blue. DO NOT place blade in
cooling water. This will change the temper of the blade and could
result in blade failure.
3. After sharpening teeth, check each tooth radius for evidence of a
square (sharp) corner. Use the round (rat tail) le to renew the
tr o u b l e s h o o t I n g
Fuel vapors are extremely ammable and may cause re and/or explosion. Never test for ignition spark by ground-
ing spark plug near cylinder plug hole, otherwise serious personal injury may result.
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 29
Do not store your unit for a prolonged period of time (30 days or longer) without performing protective storage
maintenance which includes the following:
1. Store unit in a dry, dust free place, out of the reach of children.
Do not store in enclosure where fuel fumes may accumulate or reach an open ame or spark.
st o r a g e
Long Term Storage (over 30 days)
During operation the mufer or catalytic mufer and surrounding cover become hot. Always keep exhaust area clear
of ammable debris during transportation or when storing, otherwise serious property damage or personal injury
may result.
2. Place the stop switch in the "OFF" position.
3. Remove accumulation of grease, oil, dirt, and debris
from exterior of unit.
4. Perform all periodic lubrication and services that are
5. Tighten all the screws and nuts.
6. Drain the fuel tank completely and pull the recoil
starter handle several times to remove fuel from the
7. Remove the spark plug and pour 7 cc (1/4 oz.) of
fresh, clean, two-stroke engine oil into the cylinder
through the spark plug hole.
A. Place a clean cloth over the spark plug hole.
B. Pull the recoil starter handle 2-3 times to
distribute the oil inside the engine.
C. Observe the piston location through the spark
plug hole. Pull the recoil starter handle slowly
until the piston reaches the top of its travel and
leave it there.
8. Install the spark plug (do not connect ignition cable).
sp e c I f I c a t I o n s
MODEL ---------------------------------------------------- SRM-225
Length w/o cutter head ------------------------------------ 1793mm (70.6 in.)
Width -------------------------------------------------------- 251 mm (9.88 in.)
Height ------------------------------------------------------- 328 mm (12.9 in.)
Weight (dry) w/o Cutter Head ---------------------------- 5.5 kg (12.1 lb.)
Engine Type ------------------------------------------------ Air cooled, two-stroke, single cylinder gasoline engine
Bore ---------------------------------------------------------- 32.2 mm (1.27 in.)
Stroke -------------------------------------------------------- 26.0 mm (1.02 in.)
Displacement ----------------------------------------------- 21.2 cc (1.29 cu. in.)
Exhaust ------------------------------------------------------ Spark arrestor mufer or spark arrestor mufer with catalyst
Carburetor--------------------------------------------------- Zama diaphragm model w/purge
Ignition System -------------------------------------------- Flywheel magneto, capacitor discharge
Spark Plug -------------------------------------------------- NGK BPM-8Y (Gap 0.65 mm (0.026 in.)
Fuel ---------------------------------------------------------- Mixed (Gasoline and Two-stroke Oil)
Fuel/Oil Ratio ---------------------------------------------- 50 : 1 Power Blend X™ ISO-L-EGD (ISO/CD 13738) and
J.A.S.O. M345- FC/FD, two-stroke, air-cooled engine oil.
Gasoline ----------------------------------------------------- Use 89 Octane unleaded. Do not use fuel containing methyl
alcohol, more than 10% ethyl alcohol or 15% MTBE. Do not use
alternative fuels such as E-15 or E-85.
Oil ------------------------------------------------------------ Power Blend X TM Premium Universal 2-Stroke Oil
Fuel Tank Capacity ---------------------------------------- 0.44 lit. (14.9 US . oz.)
Starter System ---------------------------------------------- Automatic Rewind Starter
Clutch-------------------------------------------------------- Centrifugal Type
Vibration Isolated System -------------------------------- Rubber cushion on engine mount (heavy duty). Rubber grip on
front handle
Operating Rod ---------------------------------------------- 25.0 mm diameter aluminum Tube
Drive Shaft ------------------------------------------------- 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) exible shaft
Gear Case Ratio -------------------------------------------- 1.4:1 Reduction
Rotating Direction ----------------------------------------- Counter Clockwise; viewed from top
Cutter Head ------------------------------------------------- Nylon line head (2-line) with .095 Crossre™ Line capacity 7m
(24 ft.)
Handle ------------------------------------------------------- Front - Loop, Rear Handle (w/o rubber)
Shoulder Harness ------------------------------------------ Optional
Idle Speed --------------------------------------------------- 2,500 - 3,000 RPM
Clutch Engagement Speed -------------------------------- 3,800 RPM
Wide Open Throttle Speed (W.O.T.) ------------------- 7,600 - 8,700 RPM
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 31
ECHO Incorporated’s Limited Warranty, provides to the original purchaser that this ECHO product is free from defects in material and workmanship.
Under normal use and maintenance from date of purchase, ECHO agrees to repair or replace at ECHO’s discretion, any defective product
free of charge at any authorized ECHO servicing dealer within listed below application time periods, limitations and exclusions. THIS LIMITED
parts and accessories replaced under this warranty are warranted only for the balance of the original unit or accessory warranty period. Any
damage caused by improper installation or improper maintenance is not covered by this warranty. All parts or products replaced under warranty
become the property of ECHO, Inc. This warranty is separate from the Emission control warranty statement supplied with your new product.
Please consult the Emission Control Warranty Statement for details regarding emission related parts. For a list of Authorized ECHO Dealers
refer to WWW.ECHO-USA.COM or call 1-800-432-ECHO.
To ensure trouble free warranty coverage it is important that you register your ECHO equipment on-line at WWW.ECHO-USA.COM or by ll-
ing out the warranty registration card supplied with your unit. Registering your product conrms your warranty coverage and provides a direct
link if we nd it necessary to contact you.
The owner shall demonstrate reasonable care and use, and follow preventative maintenance, storage, fuel and oil usage as prescribed in the
operators manual. Should a product difculty occur, you must, at your expense, deliver or ship your ECHO unit to an authorized ECHO servicing
dealer for warranty repairs (within the applicable warranty period), and arrange for pick-up or return of your unit after the repairs have been
made. For your nearest authorized ECHO servicing dealer, call ECHO’s Dealer Referral Center, at 1-800-432-ECHO or you can locate an ECHO
servicing dealer at WWW.ECHO-USA.COM. Should you require assistance or have questions concerning ECHO’s Warranty Statement, you
can contact our Consumer Product Support Department at 1-800-673-1558 or contact us through the web at WWW.ECHO-USA.COM.
5 YEAR WARRANTY - All units for residential, or non-income producing use will be covered by this limited warranty for ve (5) years from
date of purchase.
For two-stroke engine powered products, the electronic ignition module, exible drive cables, SRM solid drive shafts, and TC tines
are warranted for the life* of the product on parts only.
Cutting attachments such as, but not limited to, bars, chains, sprockets, blades, and nylon trimmer heads for residential or non-income
producing use will be covered for failures due to defects in material or workmanship for a period of 60 days from original product
purchase date. Any misuse from contact with concrete, rocks, or other structures is not covered by this warranty.
ECHO’s Rapid Loader String Head carries a lifetime warranty on the line locking system, parts only; no labor. Refer to your operator’s
manual for string head installation and maintenance instructions.
All SB-Series and PRO ATTACHMENT SERIES Split Shaft attachments carry the same warranty duration as the units they are
designed to t.
1 YEAR WARRANTY - All Chain Saws, QuikVent Saws, and Cut-Off Saws for commercial, institutional, agricultural, industrial, or income
producing use will be covered by this limited warranty for one (1) year from the date of purchase.
2 YEAR WARRANTY - All other units for commercial, institutional, agricultural, industrial, or income producing use will be covered by this
limited warranty for two (2) years from the date of purchase.
For two-stroke engine powered products, the electronic ignition module, exible drive cables, SRM solid drive shafts and TC tines,
are warranted for the life* of the product on parts only.
Cutting attachments such as, but not limited to, bars, chains, sprockets, blades, and nylon trimmer heads for commercial, institutional,
agricultural, industrial, rental, or income producing will be covered for failures due to defects in material or workmanship for a period
of 30 days from original product purchase date. Any misuse from contact with concrete, rocks, or other structures is not covered by
this warranty.
ECHO’s Rapid Loader String Head carries a lifetime warranty on the line locking system, parts only; no labor. Refer to your operator’s
manual for string head installation and maintenance instructions.
All SB-Series and PRO ATTACHMENT SERIES Split Shaft attachments carry the same warranty duration as the units they are
designed to t.
• Units for rental use will be covered against defects in material and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase.
* ECHO’s liability under the “Lifetime” coverage is limited to furnishing parts specied under the PROdUCT wARRANTy PERIOd section of
this warranty statement for “Life” free of charge for a period of ten (10) years after the date of the complete unit’s nal production.
wa r r a n t y st a t e m e n t s
This ECHO two-stroke engine power product is a quality-engineered unit which has been manufactured to exact tolerances to provide superior
performance. To help ensure the performance of the unit, it is required to use two-stroke oil which meets the ISO-L-EGD Standard per ISO/CD
13738 and JASO M345/FC/FD Standards. ECHO Power Blend™ Two-Stroke Oil 
ISO-L-EGD (ISO/CD 13738) and JASO M345/FC/FD Standards. The use of two-stroke oils designed for other applications, such as for outboard
motors or lawnmowers can result in severe engine damage, and will void your two-stroke engine limited warranty.
 that do not meet the ISO-L-EGD (ISO/CD 13738) and JASO M345/
FC/FD Standards. Engine problems due to inadequate lubrication caused by failure to use an ISO-L-EGD compliant and JASO M345/FC/
FD registered oil, will void the two-stroke engine limited warranty.  meets the ISO-L-EGD and JASO
M345/FC/FD Standard. Emission related parts are covered for 5 years residential use or 2 years commercial use regardless of two-stroke
oil used, per the statement listed in the EPA or California Emission Defect Warranty Explanation.
. Only use gasoline which
contains . Gasohol which contains a maximum
is also approved. The prescribed mixing ratio of gasoline to oil is listed on the ECHO oil label and covered in your operator’s manual.
 
engine speeds as listed in your operator’s manual.
 
of unauthorized attachments.
 
manual. Preventative maintenance as outlined in the operators manual is the customer’s responsibility.
 
warranty period.
 parts and other items are not warranted, including but not limited to: lubricants, starter cords, and engine tune-ups.
                     
 
 
with recommended grease or oil change intervals.
beyond recommended capacity.
 
failure occur, the product should not be used, but delivered as is to an authorized ECHO servicing dealer.
It is a dealer’s and/or customer’s responsibility to complete and return the warranty registration card supplied with your ECHO product or by visiting
ECHO servicing dealer for warranty service. Proof of purchase rests solely with the customer. Some states do not allow limitations on how long
an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or
Incorporated, 400 Oakwood Rd., Lake Zurich, IL 60047.
OR USE and any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 33
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the California Air Resources Board (C.A.R.B.) and ECHO Incorporated (ECHO Inc.) are pleased
to explain the emission control system warranty on your 2010 and later equipment/small off-road engine (SORE). New equipment/SORE must be
designed, built and equipped to meet stringent EPA and C.A.R.B. anti-smog standards. ECHO Inc. must warrant the emission control system on
your equipment/SORE for the periods of time listed below, provided there has been no abuse, neglect or improper maintenance of your equipment/
SORE. Your emission control system may include parts such as: carburetor, fuel-injection system, ignition system, catalytic converter/mufer, fuel
tank, fuel feed lines, fuel cap assembly, spark plug, air lters, and other associated components. Where a warrantable condition exists, ECHO
Inc will repair your equipment/SORE at no cost to you including diagnosis, parts and labor. The Emission Control System warranty is extended
to the original owner including all subsequent owners.
The emission control system is warranted for 2 years or the length of the ECHO Inc. warranty, whichever is longer. If any emission-related part
on your equipment is defective, the part will be repaired or replaced by ECHO Inc. or its Authorized Service Representative.
As the equipment/SORE owner, you are responsible for the performance of the required maintenance listed in your Operator's Manual. ECHO
Inc. recommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your equipment/SORE however, ECHO Inc. cannot deny warranty solely
for the lack of receipts or for your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance. As the equipment/SORE owner, you should be
aware that ECHO Inc. may deny you warranty coverage if your equipment/SORE or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance
or unapproved modications.
You are responsible for presenting your equipment/SORE to an ECHO Inc. authorized service representative as soon as a problem exists. The
warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If a warrantable condition exists and there is no
Authorized Dealer within 100 miles, ECHO Inc. will pay to ship the unit to the nearest authorized dealer. If you have questions regarding your
warranty coverage, you should contact ECHO Inc. at 1-800-673-1558, web site WWW.ECHO-USA.COM or contact Shindaiwa at 1-877-986-
7783, web site WWW.SHINDAIWA.COM.
ECHO Inc. warrants that your equipment/SORE was designed, built and equipped to conform with applicable EPA and C.A.R.B. emissions
standards and that your equipment/SORE is free from defects in material and workmanship that would cause it to fail to conform with applicable
requirements for 2 years or the length of the ECHO Inc. warranty, whichever is longer. The warranty period begins on the date the product is
purchased by an end user.
If there is a defect in a part covered by this warranty, any ECHO Inc. Authorized Service Dealer will correct the defect. You will not have to pay
anything to have the part adjusted, repaired or replaced. This includes any labor and diagnosis for warranted repairs performed by the dealer. In
addition, engine parts not expressly covered under this warranty but whose failure is a result of a failure of a covered part will be warranted.
Any applicable emission related part not scheduled for "required maintenance" will be repaired or replaced within the warranty period. The repaired
or replaced part will be warranted for the remaining ECHO Inc. warranty period.
Any warranted part that is scheduled only for regular inspection in the written instructions supplied is warranted for the warranty period stated
above. Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty will be warranted for the remaining ECHO Inc. warranty period.
Any emission related part scheduled for replacement during "required maintenance" is warranted for the period of time prior to the rst scheduled
replacement point for that part. Any such part repaired or replaced under warranty shall be warranted for the remainder of the period prior to the
rst scheduled replacement point for that part.
Any manufacturer-approved replacement part may be used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or repairs on emission related parts,
and must be provided without charge if the part is still under warranty.
Any replacement part that is equivalent in performance and durability may be used in non-warranty maintenance or repairs, and shall not reduce
the warranty obligations of the manufacturer.
Throughout the equipment/SORE warranty period, ECHO Inc. will maintain a supply of warranted parts sufcient to meet the expected demand
for such parts.
• Electronic Ignition System • Spark Plug
• Catalytic Converter / Mufer Assembly • Carburetor (complete assembly or replaceable components)
• Choke • Fuel-Injection Assembly (or replaceable components)
• Fuel Tank • Fuel Cap Assembly
Air Filter • Fuel Feed Line (and associated clamps/connectors as applicable)
Any failure caused by abuse, neglect, improper maintenance, unapproved modications, use of unapproved add-on parts/modied parts or
unapproved accessories.
This Emission Control Warranty is valid only for the U.S.A., it's Territories, and Canada.
n o t e s
Gr a s s Tr i m m e r /Br u s h Cu T T e r
Op e r a T O r 's ma n u a l 35
n o t e s
400 oa k w o o d ro a d
la k e Zu r I c h , Il 60047
8:30 - 4:30 MON - FRI C.S.T.
se r v I c I n g In f o r m a t I o n
p a r t s /s e r I a l n u m b e r
Genuine ECHO Parts and ECHO REPOWER™ Parts and Assemblies
for your ECHO products are available only from an Authorized ECHO
Dealer. When you do need to buy parts always have the Model Num-
ber, Type and Serial Number of the unit with you. You can nd these
numbers on the engine housing. For future reference, write them in the
space provided below.
Model No. _________________SN. ___________________
s e r v I c e
Service of this product during the warranty period must be performed
by an Authorized ECHO Service Dealer. For the name and address of
the Authorized ECHO Service Dealer nearest you, ask your retailer or
call: 1-800-432-ECHO (3246). Dealer information is also available on
our Web Site. When presenting your unit for Warranty service/repairs,
proof of purchase is required.
e c h o c o n s u m e r p r o d u c t s u p p o r t
If you require assistance or have questions concerning the applica-
tion, operation or maintenance of this product you may call the ECHO
Consumer Product Support Department at 1-800-673-1558 from 8:30
am to 4:30 pm (Central Standard Time) Monday through Friday. Before
calling, please know the model and serial number of your unit.
w a r r a n t y r e g I s t r a t I o n
To ensure trouble free warranty coverage it is important that you regis-
ter your ECHO equipment on-line at or by lling
out the warranty registration card supplied with your unit. Registering
your product conrms your warranty coverage and provides a direct
link between you and ECHO if we nd it necessary to contact you.
a d d I t I o n a l o r r e p l a c e m e n t m a n u a l s
Replacement Operator, Safety Manuals, and Parts Catalogs are available from your ECHO dealer or at www.echo- or by contacting ECHO Inc., 400 Oakwood Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 (800-673-1558). Always check the
ECHO Web Site for updated information.
Safety Videos are available from your Echo dealer. A $5.00 shipping charge will be required for each video.

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