Ecolab 92053066 HHCM915 BADGE ASSY User Manual Manual

Ecolab Inc. HHCM915 BADGE ASSY Manual


  © 2017 Ecolab USA Inc. All rights reserved. DOC1046-1117    All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.                                               Ecolab® Hand Hygiene Monitoring System  Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide (92053066)
1 Table of Contents  1. Badge Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Badge Set Up ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Powering the Badge on for the First Time ............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2 How to Wear the Badge .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. How the Badge Works ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Interaction with a Soap or Sanitizer Dispenser .................................................................................................................................. 3 3.2 Interaction with a Patient Bed (Patient Zone) ...................................................................................................................................... 4 4. Badge Hand Hygiene Status Levels ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 4.1 Green LED – “Clean” Status (State 0) .................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Green LED – Compliant Patient Contact (State 1) ........................................................................................................................... 6 4.3 Green and Yellow Alternating LEDs – Compliant Patient Re-Contact Status Level (State 1 Grace Period) .... 6 4.4 Yellow LED – Cue to Clean Status Level (State 1 or State 4) ................................................................................................... 6 4.5 Red LED – Non-Compliant Status Level (State 2, State 3 or State 5) .................................................................................. 6 4.6 Badge Status Level Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 5. Badge Patient Zone Detection Time ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 6. Badge Grace Period ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 6.1 State 0 Grace Period (Clean – After Washing or Sanitizing Hands) ....................................................................................... 8 6.1.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.2 Example 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.3 Example 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 6.2 State 2 Grace Period (Non-Compliant Patient Contact) ................................................................................................................ 9 6.2.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 6.2.2 Example ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 6.3 State 3 Grace Period (Compliant Patient Re-contact) ................................................................................................................. 10 6.3.1 Description ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 6.3.2 Example ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.4 Grace Period Summary ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 7. Badge Care and Maintenance ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.1 Handling ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 7.2 Cleaning ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 7.3 Battery Replacement ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.3.1 Tools and Supplies ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 7.3.2 Battery Replacement Steps ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Appendix A – System Badge States .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Appendix B  –  Ecolab  Hand Hygiene Program Compliance Monitoring  System                              Badge  Default Configuration ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Appendix C – Certification and Safety Approvals ....................................................................................................................................... 16
2                           Figure 1.  Ecolab Hand Hygiene Program Compliance Monitoring System Components 1.  Badge Overview The Healthcare Worker (HCW) Badge is an integral component of the Ecolab Hand Hygiene Program Compliance Monitoring System (referred to as the System throughout the rest of this document). Each Badge has a unique identification address that is assigned to a specific HCW and Badges may not be exchanged between HCWs. Healthcare facilities may also assign Badges to therapists, visitors, students or any other persons who may have patient contact (having physical contact with a patient, their immediate surroundings or being in close proximity to a System-equipped patient bed).   The Badge provides a real-time hand hygiene status reminder through both visual and audible alerts. The Badge’s visual alerts are provided by three LEDs (Light Emitting Diode) located just behind the Badge’s clear LED window (see Figure 2). Only one visual alert will flash at a time, with a flash occuring once every 1.5 seconds. Each flash (green, yellow or red) represents the current status of the HCW’s hand hygiene. The audible alerts produce beeps when the Badge status changes or when in the Non-Compliant Status level.               Figure 2.  HCW Badge LED Window Location LED Window
3 2.  Badge Set Up 2.1  Powering the Badge on for the First Time Each new Badge is supplied with a plastic pull-tab to prevent draining the internal battery during storage and shipment. Remove the pull-tab by firmly pulling it out of the Badge enclosure and discarding the tab. All three LEDs will flash in sequence as the Badge performs an internal power on self-test and the audible alert will beep for about 1 second. This is normal and provides feedback that all three LEDs and the audible alert are functioning properly. Please note that the Badge LEDs and audible alert will behave in the same manner when the battery is replaced.   2.2  How to Wear the Badge It is recommended that the Badge either be worn on a lanyard around the neck, or clipped on a chest pocket, scrub collar, or on a jacket lapel. This allows the user (HCW), other healthcare staff members and patients a clear view of the current Badge status. The Badge has a loop located at the top of its enclosure so a lanyard or the supplied vinyl strap (with clip) can easily be attached. For convenience, hospital credentials may be attached directly to the loop at the base of the Badge with a vinyl strap, if desired.   3.  How the Badge Works The System Badge is a wireless device worn by a HCW that detects and communicates with System equipped Dispensers and patient beds, stretchers and cribs. The Badge communicates with other System devices (Dispensers or patient beds) based on its proximity to the device. A proximity bubble is created around a Dispenser or patient bed by an attached or embedded Dispenser Beacon or Bed Beacon. The Badge will only communicate with a Beacon when it is within the Beacon’s proximity bubble.  The Badge is also responsible for maintaining the current hand hygiene status of the HCW. The Badge will automatically change or update the HCW’s hand hygiene status based on internal timers and interactions with other System devices. The Badge will then use its visual and audible alerts to inform the HCW of their current hand hygiene status or of any changes to hand hygiene status. 3.1  Interaction with a Soap or Sanitizer Dispenser When a Monitored Dispenser is activated, the internal System Dispenser Beacon will momentarily create a proximity bubble around the Dispenser. If the Badge worn by the HCW who activated the Dispenser is within the proximity bubble, the Badge will communicate with the Dispenser Beacon and then update its hand hygiene status level. If the Badge is not within the proximity bubble, it will not communicate with the Dispenser Beacon nor will its hand hygiene status level change. This will result in the HCW not receiving credit for using the Dispenser.    The default range of the Dispenser Beacon’s proximity bubble is approximately arm’s length in all directions but the range can be adjusted if necessary. It is important for HCWs to wear their Badge in a location that ensures it will be within the Dispenser Beacon’s proximity bubble whenever a Dispenser is activated. It is also important that only one Badge is within the proximity bubble when a Dispenser is activated. If more than one Badge is within the proximity bubble, the Dispenser Beacon may communicate with the wrong Badge, i.e., a Badge belonging to a HCW who did not activate the Dispenser. If this happens, the wrong Badge will change its hand hygiene status level and the wrong HCW will receive credit for using the Dispenser.  Every Dispenser Beacon is equipped with at least one user feedback LED. This LED will only flash when the Beacon has successfully communicated with a Badge. The LED flash will occur during or immediately after Dispenser activation. If the LED does not flash, the Badge may not have been within the proximity bubble or there was an error in communications. If this occurs, the HCW should move closer to the Dispenser and activate it again.
4  Please take the following steps to insure proper Badge communications and correct HCW credit when using a Dispenser.  1.  Verify that the Badge is being worn in a location that will be within a Dispenser Beacon’s 36" proximity bubble.  2.  Before activating a Dispenser, verify that other HCWs are not within the Dispenser Beacon’s 36" proximity bubble. If there are other HCWs near the Dispenser, kindly ask them to move away before activating.  3.  Verify that the Dispenser LED flashed when dispensing. If the LED did not flash, move closer to the Dispenser and activate it again. 3.2  Interaction with a Patient Bed (Patient Zone) All System-equipped patient beds will either have a Bed Beacon mounted to them, or during trial periods, a Bed Beacon mounted to the wall in combination with a Mat Antenna under the bed. The Bed Beacon creates a proximity “bubble” around the patient bed once a second. When a Badge worn by the HCW enters the proximity bubble, it will communicate with the Bed Beacon and update its hand hygiene status appropriately, dependent upon its previous hand hygiene status.  The proximity bubble’s default range is approximately 18" from each side of the patient bed. The range can be adjusted to be either larger or smaller, to accommodate workflow or for areas where patient beds may be in close proximity with one another.  The Bed Beacon’s proximity bubble is designed to emulate the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Patient Zone, so from here on, the Bed Beacon’s proximity bubble will be referred to as the “Patient Zone.” The Patient Zone is defined by the World Health Organization as follows:  “The Patient Zone contains the patient and his/her immediate surroundings. This typically includes the intact skin of the patient and all inanimate surfaces that are touched by or in direct physical contact with the patient such as the bed rails, bedside table, bed linen and infusion tubing and other medical equipment.  It further contains surfaces frequently touched by HCWs while caring for the patient such as monitors, knobs and buttons, and other high frequency touch surfaces within the Patient Zone. It has been assumed that  the patient flora rapidly contaminates the Patient Zone, but that it is being cleaned between  patient admissions.”                Figure 3.  Patient Zones in Typical Bed Patient Room
5  By creating a Patient Zone around the patient, the patient’s bed and the patient’s immediate surroundings, the Bed Beacon can accurately monitor moments 1, 4 and 5 of the WHO’s “Your 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene” (see Figure 4).                           Figure 4.  World Health Organization’s “Your 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene”  Please take the following steps to ensure proper Badge interaction with the Patient Zone:  1.  Avoid passing close to patient beds where Patient Zone entry is not intended.  2.  Avoid standing directly in the middle between two patient beds. Instead, stand closer to the bed of the patient you intend to work with.  3.  Verify that the Badge is at the green, “Clean” Status level before entering a Patient Zone. If it is not, perform hand hygiene and then enter the Patient Zone. 4.  Badge Hand Hygiene Status Levels By performing proper hand hygiene before and after each patient contact (i.e., when entering and exiting a Patient Zone), a HCW is proactively reducing the potential for the spread of harmful or even deadly pathogens. This proactive behavior results in a higher level of protection for both the patient and the HCW. The purpose of the Badge is to assist in reaching this higher level of protection by reminding or alerting the HCW of their current hand hygiene status level at all times. This is done, in real-time, as the HCW interacts with both System-equipped patient beds and Monitored soap/sanitizer Dispensers. The combination of colored LED lights on the Badge can represent one of five hand hygiene status levels. By checking the Badge’s current status level before entering a Patient Zone and after exiting a Patient Zone, the HCW will be reminded that it is necessary to perform hand hygiene, thus reinforcing good hand hygiene practices.   Sleep Mode: Please note that if the Badge does not interact with a Bed or Dispenser Beacon for a period of 30 minutes (default) or longer, it will go into a dormant or sleep mode, to conserve battery life. While in sleep mode, no lights are visible on the Badge. The Badge will “wake-up” in the same hand hygiene status level as when it
6 entered sleep mode, and the LEDs will again be active once the HCW has interacted with a System-equipped Dispenser or patient bed.  4.1  Green LED – “Clean” Status (State 0) A green LED light on the Badge indicates that the HCW is currently at a “Clean” Status, resulting from the recent use of a System-equipped soap or sanitizer Dispenser. When the green LED is on and the HCW enters a Patient Zone, this registers as a compliant patient interaction. The Badge will not remain in the “Clean” Status level indefinitely after performing hand hygiene. It has an internal timer that will eventually expire and change the Badge to the yellow or “Cue to Clean” Status level (State 4) unless the HCW performs hand hygiene. The internal timer, for the “Clean” Status level, has a factory default expiration time of 20 minutes, but this can be adjusted to accommodate a HCW’s workflow. Factory default is a Badge setting or parameter that is programmed with an initial default value by the manufacturer but may be modified by the healthcare facility. 4.2  Green LED – Compliant Patient Contact (State 1) When a HCW enters a Patient Zone with a Badge at the “Clean” Status level (State 0), the Badge’s LED will remain green while inside that Patient Zone. This informs both the HCW and the patient that the HCW has performed hand hygiene prior to contact with the patient. 4.3  Green and Yellow Alternating LEDs – Compliant Patient Re-Contact Status Level (State 1 Grace Period) When the HCW leaves the Patient Zone, their Badge will flash the green LED and then the yellow LED in rapid succession. While the Badge is flashing alternating “green/yellow,” this indicates that the HCW may re-enter the SAME Patient Zone without the need to perform hand hygiene again. The Badge will only remain at the “Compliant Patient Re-Contact Status” level for a limited time. It has an internal timer that will eventually expire and change the Badge to the yellow “Cue to Clean Status” level unless the HCW performs hand hygiene. The internal timer for the “Compliant Patient Re-Contact Status” level has a factory default expiration time of 5 minutes, but this can be adjusted to accommodate a HCW’s workflow. Please see “State 3 Grace Period” later in this document for more details. It is recommended that the HCW check the status of their Badge before re-contacting a patient to determine if performing hand hygiene is necessary.  Please note that when the Badge shows alternating “green/yellow,” the HCW may NOT enter the Patient Zone of a DIFFERENT patient without first performing hand hygiene. Going from one Patient Zone to a different Patient Zone without performing hand hygiene would be recorded as a non-compliant event, and the Badge LED would immediately display a red LED. (See section 4.5 below). 4.4  Yellow LED – Cue to Clean Status Level (State 1 or State 4) The yellow LED seen for the “Cue to Clean Status” level indicates that the HCW must perform hand hygiene before either entering or re-entering a Patient Zone. The “Cue to Clean Status” level occurs when the HCW has not recently performed routine hand hygiene (State 4) or when the HCW has recently exited a Patient Zone (State 1).   In the case of recent Patient Zone exit, the Badge has an internal timer that will eventually expire (6 minutes at default) and change the Badge to the “Non-Compliant Status” level (State 5), showing the red LED, unless the HCW performs hand hygiene.   The internal timer, for the “Cue to Clean Status” level (State 4), has a factory default expiration time of 20 minutes, but this can be adjusted to accommodate a HCW’s workflow. It is recommended that the HCW always perform hand hygiene immediately after leaving a Patient Zone. 4.5  Red LED – Non-Compliant Status Level (State 2, State 3 or State 5) When the red LED is visible, the Badge is at the “Non-Compliant Status” level. This indicates that the HCW has broken the proper hand hygiene protocol of performing hand hygiene before entering a Patient Zone (State 2 – Non-Compliant Patient Contact), before re-entering a Patient Zone (State 3 – Non-Compliant
7 Patient Re-contact) or after exiting a Patient Zone (State 5 – Non-Compliant After Patient Contact). At this status level, the HCW has the potential to spread pathogens from one patient to another. Both the HCW and the patients they are in contact with are now at risk. As soon as the HCW recognizes that they are at a “Non-Compliant Status” level, they should immediately perform hand hygiene, unless a critical patient need takes priority.  There are only four ways that a HCW can reach the “Non-Compliant (red LED) Status” level:  1. Failing to perform hand hygiene before entering a Patient Zone.  2. Failing to perform hand hygiene when going directly from one Patient Zone to another Patient Zone.  3. Failing to perform hand hygiene before re-entering a Patient Zone after being away from that same Patient Zone for more than 5 minutes (default); i.e., exiting and re-entering the same Patient Zone after being away for an extended time period.  4. Failing to perform hand hygiene after exiting a Patient Zone.   The simple steps below can be followed to prevent reaching the “Non-Compliant (red LED) Status” level:  1.  If the Badge is asleep, i.e., there is no flashing LED visible, perform hand hygiene at a System Monitored Dispenser to wake it up, and reset hand hygiene status to “Clean.”  2.  Check the Badge’s status level before entering a Patient Zone.  a.  If the Badge is at the green or “Clean” Status level, Patient Zone entry will be compliant.  b.  If the Badge is at the “Cue to Clean Status” level (yellow LED), avoid Patient Zone entry until hand hygiene has been performed, assuming that there is no overriding patient safety concern.  3.  Before re-entering the same Patient Zone, verify that the Badge is at the “Compliant Patient Re-Contact Status” level (green/yellow LEDs). Otherwise, perform hand hygiene before re-entering the Patient Zone.  4.  Always perform hand hygiene immediately after leaving a Patient Zone. 4.6  Badge Status Level Summary The following table (Table 1) provides a quick reference summary of the Badge Status levels.  LED Color Status Level State Action  Green Clean 0 HCW has recently used an Ecolab Hand Hygiene Program Compliance Monitoring System soap or sanitizer dispenser and may enter a Patient Zone.  Green Compliant Patient Contact  1 HCW has recently used an Ecolab Hand Hygiene Program Compliance Monitoring System soap or sanitizer dispenser and is currently inside a Patient Zone.  Green and Yellow Compliant Patient Re-contact 1 HCW has recently exited a Patient Zone. The HCW may re-enter the same Patient Zone without performing hand hygiene.  Yellow Cue to Clean 1, 4 HCW must perform hand hygiene before entering a Patient Zone.  If HCW has recently exited a Patient Zone, perform hand hygiene immediately.
8  Red Non-Compliant 2, 3, 5 HCW has not performed hand hygiene either after exiting a Patient Zone or when moving between different Patient Zone entries. Hand hygiene should be performed immediately.  Table 1.  System Badge Status Levels 5.  Badge Patient Zone Detection Time Badge Patient Zone Detection Time (or “bed attach time”) is the length of time a Badge must be inside a Patient Zone before changing from the “Clean” Status level (green LED, State 0) to the “Patient Contact Status” level (State 1). The Patient Zone Detection Time is programmable from 0 seconds to 30 seconds with a default time of 3 seconds.    NOTE: Patient Zone Detection Time only applies if the HCW’s Badge is at the “Clean” Status level (State 0) when entering the Patient Zone.  This feature is designed to allow the Badge to determine if Patient Zone entry is intentional or unintentional and thus prevent a brief, unintentional Patient Zone entry from changing the Badge’s status level (state). 6.  Badge Grace Period The System Badge is equipped with three programmable grace period that assist in maintaining a normal workflow. Each grace period is designed to make the System fit smoothly into a HCW’s daily tasks. Adjustable grace period also provide flexibility to HCWs with specialized workflows that may otherwise not be compatible with the System. 6.1  State 0 Grace Period (Clean – After Washing or Sanitizing Hands) The purpose of the State 0 Grace Period is to allow time after a HCW uses a System-equipped Dispenser, during which their Badge will ignore Patient Zones. 6.1.1  Description Immediately after using a System-equipped Dispenser, the Badge will ignore Patient Zone entry and maintain the “Clean” Status level (State 0) for the duration of the grace period. After the grace period expires, the Badge will behave normally and change to the “Clean” Patient Contact Status level (State 1) when Patient Zone entry occurs.  The State 0 Grace Period can be adjusted between 0 and 60 seconds. The factory default is 15 seconds.    6.1.2  Example 1 A HCW uses a System-equipped sanitizer Dispenser next to a patient room door. The HCW’s Badge is now at the “Clean” Status level (green LED, State 0). The HCW then enters the patient room, which happens to have two beds (Figure 5 step 1). The HCW needs to attend to the patient in the bed furthest from the door (Bed B). The HCW must walk past the bed of the patient closest to the door (Bed A) (Figure 5 step 2). Without the State 0 Grace Period, it is possible that the HCW’s Badge could detect the Patient Zone of Bed A as the HCW passes, turn to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1) and then turn to the “Non-Compliant” Status level (State 2) when the HCW approaches Bed B (Figure 5 step 3). With the State 0 Grace Period set to 15 seconds, the HCW has 15 seconds, from the time the Dispenser was activated (Figure 5 step 1), to walk past Bed A (Figure 5 step 2) without worry that the Badge will detect Bed A’s Patient Zone. When the HCW enters the Patient Zone of Bed B (Figure 5 step 3), their Badge will correctly turn to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1) when the Badge’s State 0 Grace Period expires.
9  Figure 5.  State 0 Grace Period Example 1  6.1.3  Example 2 A HCW uses a System-equipped sanitizer Dispenser next to a patient room door and then enters the patient room (Figure 6 step 1). The HCW’s Badge is now at the “Clean” Status level (State 0). The HCW enters the Patient Zone, their Badge changes to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1) and they attend to the patient (Figure 6 step 2). The HCW then approaches the hand-washing sink next to the patient bed, activates the Dispenser and washes their hands (Figure 6 step 3). In this example, the soap Dispenser location is within the Patient Zone. Without the State 0 Grace Period, the HCW’s Badge would change to the “Clean” Status level (State 0) after Dispenser activation and then immediately change back to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1). This would require the HCW to activate the Dispenser outside the patient room door to get the Badge back to the “Clean” Status level (State 0) after exiting the Patient Zone.  With the State 0 Grace Period set to 15 seconds, the HCW activates the Dispenser (Figure 6 step 3) causing the Badge to change to the “Clean” Status level. After activating the Dispenser, the HCW has 15 seconds to complete their hand-wash and exit the Patient Zone (Figure 6 step 4). All the while, the Badge is ignoring the Patient Zone allowing the Badge to remain at the “Clean” Status level.   Figure 6.  State 0 Grace Period Example 2 6.2  State 2 Grace Period (Non-Compliant Patient Contact) The purpose of the State 2 Grace Period is to prevent the HCW’s Badge from entering the “Non-Compliant” Status level if the HCW briefly and unintentionally moves from one Patient Zone to another. 6.2.1  Description When a Badge with a “Clean” Status level (State 0) enters a Patient Zone, it will change to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1). If the HCW wearing the Badge exits the Patient Zone and enters a different Patient Zone, the Badge should immediately change to the “Non-Compliant” Status level (State 2). However, in areas where patient beds are particularly close to one another, it may be unreasonable to enforce Non-Compliant bed-to-bed contact so strictly. To this end, the State 2 Grace Period allows a HCW to briefly enter a second Patient Zone without penalty.
10 The Badge’s internal State 2 Grace Period timer starts the moment a HCW exits the Patient Zone of initial contact. During this time, the HCW’s Badge will ignore other Patient Zones until the grace period expires (30 seconds for default setting). If the HCW enters a second Patient Zone within 7 seconds after leaving the first Patient Zone, the Badge will produce three warning beeps indicating the HCW has entered the second Patient Zone. Once the grace period expires, the Badge will change to the “Non-Compliant” (red LED) Status level (State 2) if the HCW is currently inside a second Patient Zone or enters a second Patient Zone. If the HCW re-enters the Patient Zone of initial contact prior to grace period expiration, the internal timer will reset and the Badge will remain at the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1).    The State 2 Grace Period can be adjusted between 0 and 60 seconds. The factory default is 30 seconds.  6.2.2  Example A HCW uses a System-equipped sanitizer Dispenser next to a patient room door and then enters the patient room (Figure 7 step 1). The HCW’s Badge is now at the “Clean” Status level (State 0). The HCW enters the Bed A Patient Zone, their Badge changes to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1) and they attend to the patient (Figure 7 step 2). The HCW unintentionally steps out of the Bed A Patient Zone and into the Bed B Patient Zone (Figure 7 step 3). Without the State 2 Grace Period, the HCW’s Badge would change to the “Non-Compliant” (red LED) Status level (State 2) and a non-compliant event would be logged by the system. With the State 2 Grace Period, the HCW’s Badge will ignore the Bed B Patient Zone until the grace period expires. If the HCW moves back into Bed A’s Patient Zone before the grace period expires (Figure 7 step 4), the Badge will remain at the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1) and no event is reported to the System. By re-entering the Bed A Patient Zone before the grace period expired, the Badge’s internal State 2 Grace Period timer was reset. This means that the HCW could repeat Figure 7 steps 3 and 4 indefinitely, as long as the grace period does not expire during step 3.    Figure 7.  State 2 Grace Period Example 6.3  State 3 Grace Period (Compliant Patient Re-contact) The purpose of the State 3 Grace Period is to provide a HCW with flexibility while working around a patient bed by giving them the ability to enter, exit and re-enter the Patient Zone as many times as necessary without having to perform hand hygiene before each re-entry. 6.3.1  Description When a Badge having a “Clean” Status level (State 0) enters a Patient Zone, it will change to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1). When the Badge leaves the Patient Zone, it will change to the “Compliant Patient Re-Contact Status” level (State 1) with green and yellow flashing LEDs (see table 1).  The State 3 Grace Period begins at the moment the Badge leaves the Patient Zone and will reset when the Badge re-enters the Patient Zone, unless the State 3 Grace Period has expired before re-entry. If the State 3 Grace Period has expired, the Badge will beep three times and change to the “Cue to Clean” Status level with only the yellow LED flashing. Now, the Badge will change to
11 the “NON-Compliant” (red LED) Status level (State 3) if it re-enters the Patient Zone unless the HCW performs hand hygiene prior to entry.  The State 3 Grace Period can be adjusted between 5 seconds and 6 minutes. The factory default is 5 minutes.   6.3.2  Example A HCW uses a System-equipped sanitizer Dispenser next to a patient room door and then enters the patient room (Figure 8 step 1). The HCW’s Badge is now at the “Clean” Status level (State 0). The HCW enters the Patient Zone, their Badge changes to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1) and they attend to the patient (Figure 8 step 2). The HCW then exits the Patient Zone (Figure 8 step 3), the Badge changes to the “Compliant Patient Re-contact” Status level (State 1), the green and yellow LEDs flash and the State 3 Grace Period internal timer starts. If the HCW re-enters the Patient Zone before the State 3 Grace Period has expired (Figure 8 step 4), the Badge will return to the “Compliant Patient Contact” Status level (State 1), only the green LED will flash and the State 3 Grace Period internal timer will be reset.  If the State 3 Grace Period expires, the Badge will beep three times and change to the “Cue to Clean” Status level (State 1) with only the yellow LED flashing. If the HCW re-enters the Patient Zone while at the “Cue to Clean” Status level (Figure 4 step 4), the Badge will change to the “Non-Compliant” Status level (red LED). When the State 3 Grace Period expires, the HCW must perform hand hygiene before re-entering the Patient Zone.   Figure 8.  State 3 Grace Period Example 6.4  Grace Period Summary The following table (Table 2) provides a quick reference summary of the System Badge grace period.  LED Color Grace Period State Default Timeout mm:ss Description  Green Clean 0 00:15 Prevents change of Badge from Clean Status level (State 0) to Compliant Patient Contact Status level (State 1) for duration of timeout.  Green and Yellow Compliant Patient Re-contact 1 05:00 Prevents change of Badge from Compliant Patient Contact Status level (State 1) to Non-Compliant Status level (State 3 – non-compliant Patient Re-contact) for duration of timeout.  Green Non-Compliant Patient Contact 2 00:30 Prevents change of Badge from Compliant Patient Contact Status level (State 1) to Non-Compliant Status level (State 2 – Non-Compliant Patient Contact) for duration of timeout. Table 2.  System Badge Grace Period
12 7.  Badge Care and Maintenance 7.1  Handling The Badge is an electronic device and should be handled with care. Like other electronic devices such as a cell phone, the Badge must be protected from extreme heat, cold and moisture. Avoid handling the Badge with wet hands or exposing it to rain. Dropping or tossing the Badge can result in damage to the internal electronics. 7.2  Cleaning The Badge should be cleaned by wiping with a soft cloth. The cloth should be damp but not wet. A pre-moistened alcohol swab or any common hospital cleaner may also be used. Only the exterior of the Badge may be cleaned. Do not attempt to clean any interior surface of the Badge as this can damage the circuitry. Do not use abrasive cleaners or cleaning products in aerosol cans as they will damage the Badge’s finish.  7.3  Battery Replacement Typical Badge battery life is about 1 year but this may vary depending on use. When a Badge’s battery is dead, it will no longer communicate with other System devices and the red LED will flash two times in rapid succession about once every 1.5 seconds. The System Dashboard software also monitors the battery level of each Badge. It will send an email alert to a designated administrator assigned by the healthcare facility when a Badge battery is low. The administrator should contact the owner of the Badge (the HCW) to provide a new battery and assist with battery replacement.   7.3.1  Tools and Supplies The following tools and supplies are required to replace the Badge’s battery:  1.  Flathead Screwdriver  2.  A Toothpick, Tongue Depressor or Similar NON-Conductive Instrument  3.  Energizer CR2032 3.0V Lithium Coin Cell Battery 7.3.2  Battery Replacement Steps The following steps describe how to replace the Badge’s battery:  1.  Using a Flathead screwdriver, slowly rotate the flathead screwdriver inside the removal enclosure slot until both enclosures separate.   2.  Lay the Badge face up on a solid working surface and remove the front half of the Badge enclosure. This will expose the Badge printed circuit board (see Figure 9).  3.  Use a toothpick, tongue depressor or similar NON-conductive instrument to carefully push the battery towards the edge of the printed circuit board until it can be grasped and removed from the battery holder (see Figure 9).  4. Install the new battery by sliding it into the battery holder with the “+” side facing up.  5.  All three LEDs will flash in sequence as the Badge performs an internal power on self-test and the audible alert will beep for about 1 second. This is normal and provides feedback that all three LEDs and the audible alert are functioning properly.  6.  Carefully place the front half of the enclosure to the bottom half.  7.  Firmly place both enclosures together until a notable popping sound is heard.
13 8.  Verify that both enclosure haves are securely attached. No visible gaps should be seen between both enclosure haves.   9.  Dispose of the old battery. Check with the healthcare facility for the proper disposal procedure.          Figure 9.  Badge Battery Replacement    Enclosure Front Printed Circuit Board Battery and Holder Enclosure Slot
14  Appendix A – System Badge States The following is a brief description of Badge states. Badge states are useful for analyzing and understanding Badge interactions with other System devices. However, it is not necessary for a HCW to be intuitively familiar with them.    State 0  Clean State    The HCW has recently used a System-equipped soap or sanitizer Dispenser.      The Badge’s green LED is flashing and the HCW is free to enter any Patient Zone.      The State 4 timeout timer is reset and restarted.    If the State 4 timeout expires, the Badge’s yellow LED will flash and the Badge will change to State 4.  State 1       or                 or  Compliant Patient Contact    The HCW has had compliant patient contact, i.e., the HCW was at State 0 when entering the Patient Zone.      While inside the Patient Zone, the Badge’s green LED will flash and both the State 3 Grace Period and Unsanitary After Patient Contact timeout are reset.    If the HCW steps outside of the Patient Zone, the Badge’s green and yellow LEDs flash in sequence and both the State 3 Grace Period and Non-Compliant After Patient Contact timer are started.     If the State 3 Grace Period expires while outside of the Patient Zone, the Badge’s yellow LED will flash and the HCW should not re-enter the Patient Zone without performing hand hygiene.    If the HCW re-enters the Patient Zone after the State 3 Grace Period has expired, the Badge’s red LED will flash and the Badge will change to State 3.    If the HCW is outside of the Patient Zone and the Non-Compliant After Patient Contact timer expires, the Badge’s red LED will flash and the Badge will change to State 5.  State 2  Non-Compliant Patient Contact   The HCW’s Badge was NOT at State 0 when the HCW entered a Patient Zone.    The Badge’s red LED will flash.  State 3  Non-Compliant Patient Re-contact   The HCW’s Badge was at State 1 and the HCW re-entered the Patient Zone after the State 3 Grace Period expired.     The Badge’s red LED will flash.  State 4  Unknown Hand Hygiene State After Timeout   The HCW’s Badge was at State 0 and the State 4 timer expired.    The Badge’s yellow LED will flash.
15  State 5  Non-Compliant State after Patient Contact   The HCW’s Badge was at State 1, the HCW left the Patient Zone and the Non-Compliant After Patient Contact timeout expired.    The Badge’s red LED will flash.  Appendix B – Ecolab Hand Hygiene Program Compliance Monitoring System                    Badge Default Configuration   Grace Period/Timeout (mm:ss)DefaultGrace Period/Timeout (mm:ss)DefaultGrace Period/Timeout (mm:ss)DefaultLED Brightness Off, Low, High Low Low LowPiezo Volume Off, Low, High Low Low LowBeep Code 1 Beep, 2 Beeps, 3 Beeps 1 Beep 1 Beep 1 BeepState 0 Grace Period 00:00 - 01:00 00:15 00:00 - 01:00 00:15 00:00 - 01:00 00:15LED Brightness Off, Low, High Low Low LowPiezo Volume Off, Low, High Low Low LowBeep Code 1 Beep, 2 Beeps, 3 Beeps 1 Beep 1 Beep 1 BeepLED Pattern Green/Yellow, Yellow Only Green/Yellow Green/Yellow Green/YellowLED Brightness Off, Low, High Low Low LowPiezo Volume Off, Low, High Low Low LowBeep Code 1 Beep, 2 Beeps, 3 Beeps, Alarm Alarm Alarm AlarmState 2 Grace Period 00:00 - 01:00 00:15 00:00 - 01:00 00:15 00:00 - 01:00 00:30LED Brightness Off, Low, High Low Low LowPiezo Volume Off, Low, High Low Low LowBeep Code 1 Beep, 2 Beeps, 3 Beeps, Alarm Alarm Alarm AlarmEnabled No, Yes Yes Yes YesState 3 Grace Period 00:05 - 06:00 05:00 00:05 - 25:00 05:00 00:05 - 25:00 05:00LED Brightness Off, Low, High Low Low LowPiezo Volume Off, Low, High Low Low LowBeep Code 1 Beep, 2 Beeps, 3 Beeps 1 Beep 1 Beep 1 BeepTimeout 10:00 - 60:00 20:00 10:00 - 60:00 20:00 10:00 - 60:00 20:00Enabled No, Yes Yes Yes YesState 5 - Non-Compliant State After Patient ContactLED Brightness Off, Low, High Low Low LowPiezo Volume Off, Low, High Low Low LowBeep Code 1 Beep, 2 Beeps, 3 Beeps, Alarm Alarm Alarm AlarmTimeout 00:30 - 25:00 06:00 00:30 - 25:00 06:00 00:30 - 25:00 06:00Enabled No, Yes Yes Yes YesSleep Timeout 10:00 - 60:00 30:00 10:00 - 60:00 30:00 10:00 - 60:00 30:00Number of Alarms 1,2,3,4,5 5 5 5Bed Attach Time 00:00 - 00:30 00:03State 3 - Non-Compliant Patient Re-contactOther Configuration OptionsBadge Revision 0.16Configurable ItemConfiguration OptionsBadge Revision 0.15 or LowerState 4 - Unknown Clean State After Period of Time (Timeout)Badge Revision 1.2 or HigherHCW Badge Default ConfigurationState 0 - Clean StateState 1 - Clean Patient ContactState 2 - Non-Compliant Patient Contact
16 Appendix C – Certification and Safety Approvals FCC Statement NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment causes harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Ecolab could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.   Industry Canada Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.  Conformément à la réglementation d’Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut fonctionner avec une antenne d’un type et d’un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approves pour l’émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de réduire les risques de brouillage radioélectrique à l’intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d’antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l’intensité nécessaire à l’établissement d’une communication satisfaisante.  This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.  This radio transmitter (IC: 10060A- 92053066) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.   Le présent émetteur radio (IC: 10060A- 92053066) a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les types d’antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible maximal et l’impédance requise pour chaque type d’antenne. Les types d’antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits pour l’exploitation de l’émetteur.
17 FCC & IC Label Information The  FCC  &  IC  label  information  that  contains  the  FCC  ID  Number,  IC  ID  Number,  Device  Model  Number,  and  FCC Statement  “THIS  DEVICE  COMPLIES  WITH  PART  15  OF  THE  FCC  RULES.  OPERATION  IS  SUBJECT  TO  THE FOLLOWING  TWO  CONDITIONS:  (1)  THIS  DEVICE  MAY  NOT  CAUSE  HARMFUL  INTERFERENCE,  AND  (2)  THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.” is located on the back portion of the Badge.                 Figure 10.  FCC & IC Label Information  FCC & IC Label Information

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