Ecolab FAS1526 PSS Badge Configuration POD User Manual FCC Part 15

UltraClenz LLC. PSS Badge Configuration POD FCC Part 15


     Certification Exhibit     FCC ID:  Z9O-FAS1526 IC: 10060A-FAS1526  FCC Rule Part: 15.209, 15.249 IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210  ACS Project:  13-2146   Manufacturer: UltraClenz, LLC Model: FAS1526-00     User Manual   3998 FAU Blvd. Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: 561-961-5585  Fax: 561-961-5587
      Patient Safeguard System Badge Application Directions for Use For Use with FAS1526 (Badge Configuration Pod) and FAS1527 (PSS Badge) Revision 0           UltraClenz, LLC
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 1  Table of Contents  1.0 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................2 2.0 PSS Badge Application Main Screen ...................................................................................................................2 2.1 Menu .................................................................................................................................................................2 2.2 Pod Control .......................................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Badge Control ...................................................................................................................................................3 2.4 Badge Settings ..................................................................................................................................................4 2.5 Dashboard Settings ..........................................................................................................................................5 3.0 How the Application Works ...................................................................................................................................6 4.0 How to Use the Application ..................................................................................................................................6 4.1 Connecting the Pod to the PC ..........................................................................................................................6 4.2 Scanning for Badges .........................................................................................................................................6 4.3 Changing the Badge Settings ...........................................................................................................................6 4.4 Saving a Badge Configuration ..........................................................................................................................7 4.5 Downloading a configuration to a Badge ..........................................................................................................7 4.6 Setting a Badge or Badges to a New Sanitary State ........................................................................................7 4.7 Changing the Dashboard Settings ....................................................................................................................8 4.8 Changing the POD’s Mode ...............................................................................................................................8 Appendix A - System Component Care and Maintenance .........................................................................................8 Cleaning the Components ......................................................................................................................................8 Handling the Bed Kit Components ..........................................................................................................................8 Appendix B - FCC and Industry Canada Statements .................................................................................................8 Appendix C – Warranty ..............................................................................................................................................9 Revision History ....................................................................................................................................................... 10   Table of Figures  Figure 1 Main Screen .................................................................................................................................................2 Figure 2 POD Control .................................................................................................................................................3 Figure 3 Badge Control ..............................................................................................................................................4 Figure 4 Badge Setting ...............................................................................................................................................4 Figure 5 Worker’s Information ....................................................................................................................................5 Figure 6 Full Badge Settings ......................................................................................................................................7
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 2 1.0 Purpose The function of the PSS (Patient Safeguard System) Badge Application is to allow the hospital staff to quickly and efficiently manage both the settings of the Badge and the data related to the Badge normally accessed through the  PSS  Dashboard.  The application consists  of  one main screen  where most functions  are accessible and  a number  of  secondary  screens  used  for  specific  functions.  The  application  is  used  with  the  UltraClenz  Badge Configuration Pod (FAS1526.) and one or more Badges (FAS1527).  2.0 PSS Badge Application Main Screen (see Figure 1) The main screen has a menu and five sections with related functions grouped together.         Figure 1 Main Screen  2.1 Menu (see Figure 1) The Menu has three groups of items that can be selected; File, Tools, and Help. Under File there are three possible selections. The first selection is “Load Configuration.” This is used to retrieve a previously saved  Badge  configuration.  The  second  selection  is  “Save  Configuration.”  This is used to save a Badge configuration for future use. The third selection is “Exit” used to terminate the PSS Badge Application. Under Tools there are five possible selections. “Set Badge State” is used to set the sanitary state of a Badge or group of Badges. “Full Badge Settings” brings up a screen where all of the possible Badge settings can be viewed and changed. “Enter API Key” is used to enter a new API key that allows the application to talk to the Dashboard and retrieve or save the healthcare worker (HCW) information associated with a Badge. “Pod Mode Selection” is Badge Settings  Pod Control  Badge Control  Healthcare Worker’s Information  Menu
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 3 used  to  change  the  mode  that the  Pod  is  in by  changing  the  range  of  the  Pod’s  RF  transmitter.  “Connect  to Dashboard” is used to reconnect to the Dashboard if communications are lost for any reason. Under Help there is one selection “About” which gives information about the Application and the Pod.  2.2 Pod Control (see Figure 2) This section consists of four buttons that are used to control the PSS Badge Configuration Pod.    Figure 2 Pod Control   The Connect button is used to reconnect to the Pod if communications between the Pod and PC are lost for any reason. This button will display a green dot if  the  PC  is connected to  a  Pod and  a  red  “X”  if  the  PC  has  lost contact with the Pod. If  the  red  “X” is displayed, the remaining buttons will be disabled and the pictures will no longer be visible. The Scan button is used to update the list of Badges in the “Badge Control”. The Application will then display the first twenty (20) Badges that are in range of the Pod. The  Read  button  is  used  to  retrieve  the  configuration  of  a specific  Badge.  This button  will  be  disabled  until  a Badge is selected in the “Badge Control”. The Save button is used to give all of the Badges in range of the Pod the configuration selected  in the “Badge Settings.” Clicking this button also causes the Application to check the three grace periods for consistency before sending the new configuration to the Badges.  2.3 Badge Control (see Figure 3) The  Badge  Control  consists  of  a  list  box  that  contains  the  addresses  of  the  Badges  found  in  the  last  scan. Displayed  in this  box  are the addresses of the  Badges, their  firmware revision  numbers,  and the  battery  level percentage of  each  Badge. The Application  can display the information of  up  to  twenty  (20)  Badges.  A single Badge can be selected by clicking on its address. This will enable the “Read Button” in the “Pod Control” and will also populate the “Badge Address” displayed in the “Healthcare Worker’s Information.” Selecting a Badge will also enable the “Read From Dashboard” button.    Connect Button Read Button Scan Button Save Button
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 4  Figure 3 Badge Control   2.4 Badge Settings (refer to Figure 4) Badge settings are used to change the five most often adjusted settings that control the behavior of the Badge.     Figure 4 Badge Settings   Audio Volume consists of three radio buttons used to set the volume of the audio reminders for all states. “Off” turns off all of the Badge’s audio reminders. “Low” sets the Badge’s audio reminders to low audio volume. “High” sets the audio reminders to their highest level. LED Brightness also consists of three radio buttons but is used to set the brightness of the visual reminders. Off” turns off all of the Badge’s visual reminders. “Low” sets the Badge’s visual reminders to a dim visual level. “High” sets the visual reminders to their highest level. The Grace Periods  section  contains  three fields  for entering the  time  that  a grace  period lasts.  The  user can enter any length of time for each of the three grace periods; “Sanitary Patient Re-contact”, “Extended Time Away”, and “After Leaving Patient”. Set  to  Factory  Default  Button  is  used  to  return  all  of  the  Badges  in  range  of  the  Pod  back  to  their  factory settings.  Badge Area Badge Address Badge Firmware Revision Badge Battery Level Audio Volume LED Brightness Grace Periods Set To Factory Default Button
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 5 2.5 Dashboard Settings (refer to Figure 5) The  Dashboard  Settings  are  used  to  maintain  the  information  associated  with  a  Badge  that  is  stored  on  the Dashboard. This information is used to connect a Badge with a specific HCW and to help generate reports that show the compliance of a HCW or department. This section consists of four subsections and two control buttons.    Figure 5 Healthcare Worker’s Information   Badge Address displays the address of the Badge selected in the “Badge Control”; this is the Badge that the rest of this information is about. Healthcare  Worker’s  Personal  Information  contains  seven  fields  where  information  about  the  HCW  who  is assigned the above badge is displayed. Six of these fields can also be edited to reflect current information about the HCW who’s badge this is. “Department” has  an alphabetized list of the departments from which the  HCW’s department can be selected by clicking on the desired department causing it to become highlighted. The Badge Status consists of a pair of radio buttons used to indicate whether the currently displayed Badge is in the active or inactive state, this affects whether the Badge is used to calculate the compliance of the department the HCW is assigned. Leave of Absence also consists of a pair of radio buttons. They are used to indicate if the HCW is on a leave of absence. If the HCW is on a leave of absence, the Badge is not used to calculate the department’s compliance score. Save to Dashboard Button is used save the data entered in the “Healthcare Worker’s Personal Information” to the Dashboard for use in calculating the compliance score for both the HCW and the department. Read From Dashboard Button is used to get a copy of the information about the Badge that is stored on the Dashboard.    Badge Address Leave of Absence Save To Dashboard Button Healthcare Worker’s Personal Information Badge Status Read From Dashboard Button
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 6 3.0 How the Application Works At boot-up, the Application looks for the Pod at the last Com-Port (communication port?) in which it was located.    If the Pod is not there, the Application scans all the available Com-Ports (communication port?) looking for the Pod. When the Pod is found the Application then tells the Pod to scan for any Badges that may be in range. The Application then goes to the Dashboard to retrieve a copy of the Department list for the site where the Application is being used. The user can now interact with the Application by using the Main Screen and Menu.  4.0 How to Use the Application  This section contains instructions on how to perform a number of common tasks using the Application.  4.1 Connecting the Pod to the PC The Pod and PC communicate with each other via a standard A to B USB cable. If the Pod and PC are connected when the Application is launched, the Application will detect that the Pod is connected and display a “green dot” on the “Connect” button in the “Pod Control”. When the “Connect” button is displaying a red “X” this indicates that the Application has not detected the Pod (make sure that one end of the cable is attached to the PC and that the other end is connected to the Pod. Then click the “Connect” button to tell the Application to check again for the Pod.). If for any reason the Pod should become disconnected during use, the Application will stop detecting the Pod and change the green “dot” on the “Connect” button to a red “X”. 4.2 Scanning for Badges When the Application is first launched, it tells the Pod to scan for any Badges that may be in range. The user can have the Pod scan for new Badges at any time while the Pod is connected to the PC. A new scan is started by clicking on the “Scan” button; this tells the Pod to look again to see what Badges are within its range. 4.3 Changing the Badge Settings There are five different sources that can be accessed to make changes to the “Badge Settings”. The first source is the factory default. This is accessed by clicking on  the “Set  to Factory Default” button in the “Badge Settings”. This returns all of the settings of any Badge in range of the Pod back to their factory setting. The second source is to use the controls in the “Badge Settings” to adjust the most commonly changed settings. A set of three radio buttons are provided to adjust the “Audio Volume” of all of the audio reminders given by the Badge. The radio buttons can set the volume at “Off;” the Badge will give no audio reminders. The volume can be set to “Low;” this will give the audio reminders a minimum volume. The volume can be set to “High;” the volume of the reminders will sound  at  their  maximum.  Another  set  of  three  radio  buttons  are  provided  to  adjust  the  “LED Brightness”  of  all the  visual  reminders.  The  brightness  of  the  visual  reminders  can  be  set  to  “Off;”  no  visual reminders will be given. The “Low” setting will display the visual reminders at a minimum brightness. At the “High” setting the visual reminders will be displayed at their maximum brightness. Next in the “Badge Settings” are three controls used for adjusting the length of time given to the main three grace periods. There are three boxes where the desired length of time for the “Sanitary Patient Re-contact” grace period, “Extended Time Away” grace period, and the “After Leaving Patient” grace period can be entered. The Application will check each of the three grace periods  to  ensure  that  there  are  no  conflicts  in  between  the  various  Badge  sanitary  states  before  they  are downloaded to any Badges. The third source is a previously save Badge configuration. To retrieve a save configuration click on “File” on the menu bar, then select “Load Configuration”. A window will open were it is possible to navigate to the folder that contains  the saved  configurations.  Click  on  the  desired  configuration  file  to  select  it  then  click  on  the  “Open” button  and  the  application  will  load  the  saved  Badge  configuration.  It  is  also  possible  to  save  a  Badge configuration  for  future  use.  This  is  done  by  clicking  on  “File”  on  the  menu  bar,  then  selecting  “Save Configuration”. A window will open were it is possible to navigate to a folder were the configuration can be saved.
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 7 In  the  “File  name”  field  enter  the  desired  file  name  and  click  the  “Save”  button  to  save  the  new  Badge configuration file. The fourth source is to read the configuration from a previously configured Badge. Before the configuration can be uploaded from a  Badge  it  must  be  scanned  and  have  its  address  displayed  in  the  “Badge  Control”.  Select the desired  Badge  from  the  list  by  clicking  on  its  address.  Click  the  “Read”  button  in  the  “Pod Control”.  The Application will now retrieve the configuration from the selected Badge and place it in the “Badge Settings”. The fifth source for changing the  Badge configuration  is  to  use  the  “Full  Badge  Settings”. This should be used only by experienced Application users familiar with configuring  Badges. This is a part of the window that is not displayed when the Application is first launched. To make the “Full Badge Settings” visible, click on “Tools” on the Application menu bar. Then select the “Full Badge Settings” option and the Application will display the “Full Badge Settings” part of the window (see Figure 6). This is broken into two parts, a tree with the options for each Badge state listed directly under that state, and an “Option  Editing Area”  where controls for editing the selected  option will appear. The procedure for making a change to the Badge configuration is to select an option by clicking on the desired option, then using the editing tool that appears in the “Option Editing Area” to make the appropriate change to the selected option.     Figure 6 Full Badge Settings  4.4 Saving a Badge Configuration Saving a badge configuration for future use is done by clicking on “File” on the  menu bar, then selecting “Save Configuration”. A window will open were it is possible to navigate to a folder were the configuration is to be saved. In  the  “File  name”  field  enter  the  desired  file  name  and  click  the  “Save”  button  to  save  your  new  Badge configuration file. 4.5 Downloading a configuration to a Badge Downloading  a  configuration  to  a  Badge  or  Badges:  to  do  this  click  on  the  “Download”  button  in  the  “POD Control”.  A  word  of  Caution,  the  POD  will change  the  settings  of  all  Badges  in  its  range  not  just the  Badges displayed in the “Badge Control”. 4.6 Setting a Badge or Badges to a New Sanitary State To set a Badge or Badges to a new sanitary state select the “Tools” item on the “Menu” bar then click on the “Set Badge  State”  selection.  A  new  window  will  be  displayed,  select  the  desired  state  and  click  on  the  “Update Badges” button and the Application will change all Badges in range to the new state.  Option Editing Area Badge Sanitary State Selectable Configuration Options
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 8 4.7 Changing the Dashboard Settings The first step in updating the “Dashboard Settings” is to select the appropriate Badge in the “Badge  Control” by clicking  on  its  address.  The  Application  will  now  display  the  Badge’s  Address  in  the  “Badge  Address”  field  of “Dashboard Settings”, this identifies the Badge that the information is associated with. The next step is to click on the “Read From Dashboard” button to retrieve the information stored on the Dashboard that is associated with the selected Badge. The information displayed in the seven fields can now be edited. Note: the “Department” has to be  selected  from  a  list  of  available  options  by  scrolling  through  the  list  then  clicking  on  the  appropriate department; this will highlight the department selected. After all needed changes have been made click on the “Save To Dashboard” button and the Application will send the new information to the Dashboard for storage. 4.8 Changing the POD’s Mode Changing the  POD’s mode, this  is accomplished by selecting the “Tools”  menu item then clicking  on  the “POD Mode Selection” item. A window will pop up that allows the user to select either “Single Badge” mode designed to scan for Badges that are less than 18 inches from the POD, Ideally the badge will be placed on top of the POD. The other mode is for a “Batch of Badges” and  will allow the POD to find  Badges that may be  up to 36 inches away.  Appendix A - System Component Care and Maintenance Cleaning the Components The bed kit components should be cleaned by wiping with a soft cloth.  The cloth should be damp but not wet.  A pre-moistened alcohol swab may also be used.  Only the exterior of the components may be cleaned.  Do not attempt to clean any interior surface of these components as this will damage the component’s circuitry.  Do not use abrasive cleaners or cleaning products in aerosol cans as they will damage the component’s finish.  Handling the Bed Kit Components The bed kit components are electronic devices and should be handled with care.  Like other electronic devices such as cell phones, the bed kit components must be protected from extreme heat, cold and moisture.  Avoid handling the components with wet hands or exposing it to rain. Avoid dropping or tossing the components as the resulting shock can damage their sensitive internal electronics.  Appendix B - FCC and Industry Canada Statements Warning: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by UltraClenz, LLC could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  Class B Devices:  “NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide  reasonable  protection  against  harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:    • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.”
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 9 RF Exposure:  “This  equipment  complies  with  FCC  radiation  exposure  limits  set  forth  for  an  uncontrolled  environment.  This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”  Industry Canada Statements:  Under  Industry  Canada  regulations,  this  radio  transmitter  may  only  operate  using  an  antenna  of  a  type  and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.  Conformément  à  la  réglementation  d'Industrie  Canada,  le  présent  émetteur  radio  peut  fonctionner  avec  une antenne d'un type et d'un gain maximal (ou inférieur) approuvé pour l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dans le but de  réduire  les  risques  de  brouillage  radioélectrique  à  l'intention  des  autres  utilisateurs,  il  faut  choisir  le  type d'antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas l'intensité nécessaire à l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.  This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two  conditions:  (1)  this  device  may  not  cause  interference,  and  (2)  this  device  must  accept  any  interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.   Le  présent  appareil  est  conforme  aux  CNR  d'Industrie  Canada  applicables  aux  appareils  radio  exempts  de licence.  L'exploitation  est  autorisée  aux  deux  conditions  suivantes  :  (1)  l'appareil  ne  doit  pas  produire  de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.  Appendix C – Warranty This device is warranted against defective materials and workmanship for two years from the date of purchase. Equipment  covered by this warranty will  be  repaired  or  replaced in the  United  States and  Canada, WITHOUT CHARGE, except for shipping and handling, by our Factory Service Center.  When  returning  equipment  for  warranty  service,  you  must  first  call  your  distributor’s Warranty Service Department for your Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA).  The RMA must be on your return label and the shipping charges must be pre-paid and a copy of your receipt must be enclosed.  Equipment should be returned to UltraClenz Customer Service, 1201 Jupiter Park Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458.  This warranty covers all defects incurred from normal use of the equipment and does not apply in the following cases: a.      Loss  or damage  to  the equipment  due  to  abuse,  mishandling,  accident  or  failure  to  follow installation or use instructions. b.      If the equipment is defective as a result of leaking batteries. c.       If  the  equipment  has  been  serviced  or  modified  by  someone  other  than  our  authorized agents.  THE AFOREMENTIONED IS IN  LIEU OF ALL WARRANTIES,  EXPRESSED  OR  IMPLIED, INCLUDING  BUT NOT  LIMITED  TO,  ANY  WARRANTY  OF  MERCHANTABILITY  OR  OF  FITNESS  FOR  ANY  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.   IN  NO  EVENT  SHALL  THE  VENDOR  BE  LIABLE  FOR  CONSEQUENTIAL,  INCIDENTAL,
ProClenz DSP2000 Performance                                                                                                     UltraClenz, LLC Page 10 INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR LIABILITY, TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION OR SUBSTITUTION COSTS, DELAYS, OR FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES, COSTS, OR  EXPENSES INCURRED, IRRESPECTIVE OF HOW THEY OCCUR. THIS WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANY OTHER PERSON OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PUCHASER OF THIS EQUIPMENT OR THE PERSON FOR WHOM IT WAS PURCHASED AS A GIFT.  This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. This warranty is given with respect to equipment purchased in the United States.  Revision History Revision Date By Description 0 04/16/14 AJS Initial Release

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