Ecolab FAS1527 PSS Badge User Manual FCC Part 15

UltraClenz LLC. PSS Badge FCC Part 15


     Certification Exhibit     FCC ID:  Z9O-FAS1527 IC: 10060A-FAS1527  FCC Rule Part: 15.249 IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210  ACS Project:  13-2002   Manufacturer: UltraClenz, LLC Models: FAS1527-00, FAS1527-01, FAS1527-02     User Manual   3998 FAU Blvd. Suite 310 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: 561-961-5585  Fax: 561-961-5587
     Patient Safeguard System® (PSS)  Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide FAS1527 DFU  Revision 2          UltraClenz, LLC
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 2 Table of Contents  1.0 Healthcare Worker (HWC) Badge ..................................................................................................................3 2.0  How the Badge works within PSS .......................................................................................................................4 3.0  Installing the System ...........................................................................................................................................6 3.1  Healthcare Worker (HCW) Badge Installation .................................................................................................6 Appendix A - System Component Care and Maintenance .........................................................................................6 Cleaning the Badge.................................................................................................................................................6 Handling the Badge.................................................................................................................................................6 Battery Replacement...............................................................................................................................................6 Healthcare Worker (HCW) Badge ...........................................................................................................................6 Appendix B - FCC and Industry Canada Statements .................................................................................................8 Class B Devices: .....................................................................................................................................................8 RF Exposure ...........................................................................................................................................................8 Industry Canada Statements: .................................................................................................................................8 Warranty .....................................................................................................................................................................9 Revision History ..........................................................................................................................................................9
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 3 1.0  Healthcare Worker (HWC) Badge The  PSS  badge  is  an  integral  component  of  the  individual  reminder  system.    Badges  are  assigned  to specific healthcare workers (HCW) and may not be interchanged. It is worn by HCWs, such as doctors and nurses.  Healthcare  facilities  may  also  choose  to  assign  badges  to  therapists,  visitors,  students  or  any persons with patient contact. It is through the badge that the HCW is made aware, in real-time, of their hand hygiene  status.  The  badge  achieves  this  by  providing  both  visual  and  audible  status  alerts.  The  badge’s visual alerts are provided by three visual indicator LEDs located just behind the badge’s clear window (see Figure 1).  Only one visual indicator will flash at a time, with a flash occuring once every 1.5 seconds.   Each indicator LED (green, yellow and red) represents the current level or state of the HCW’s hand hygiene compliance.  Each badge has a unique programmed identification address.                  The   LED (see Figure 2) indicates a SANITARY state which occurs when a HCW has recently used a PSS enabled soap or sanitizer dispenser.   The   LED (see Figure 2) indicates a REMINDER state which occurs when a HCW is currently in a patient zone or has recently come in contact with a patient bed.  It may also indicate that the HCW has not used  a  soap  or  sanitizer  dispenser  within  the  designated  grace  period.  Please  note  that  this  is  only  a reminder  state  and  it  does  not  imply  non-compliance.  The  HCW  must  use  a  soap  or  sanitizer  dispenser before patient contact to remain compliant with the system’s hand hygiene requirements.  The   LED (see  Figure  2)  indicates an  ALERT state  which occurs  when  a  HCW  comes  in  contact  with more than one patient bed without using a soap or sanitizer dispenser between patient contacts.  It may also indicate that  the  HCW  has  not  used a soap  or  sanitizer  dispenser  within  the  designated  grace  period  after leaving a patient zone.  When a HCW’s badge is in the alert state (red flashing LED), it is possible that they may  have  already  spread  pathogens  from  one  patient  to  another.    They  should  use  a  soap  or  sanitizer dispenser immediately and avoid contact with everyone until proper hand hygiene has occurred.    The audible alert is generated by a piezoelectric sounder. The piezoelectric sounder is basically a very small speaker  that  produces  pleasant  sounding  beeps  and  chimes.    These  beeps  and  chimes  occur  when  the badge’s state is changing or when the badge is in the alert state.  Figure 2.  HCWs Badge LEDs: Green (Sanitary State), Yellow (Reminder State) and Red (Alert State)  Figure 1.  HCWs Badge -Visual Alert Location  LED Window
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 4 The badge can be worn at the waist, on a lanyard around the neck, on a chest pocket, inside a chest pocket or under a lab coat. However, the clear window is designed so HCWs and patients can view the current badge status. 2.0  How the Badge works within PSS When a Healthcare Worker (HCW)  begins their shift,  they will attach  their  assigned badge to  their  clothing  in a location  above  the  waist  that  is  clearly  visible  to  themselves  and  others.  The  badge  will  be  dormant  with  no blinking LED visible. This is normal because the badge will go into a “sleep” state to conserve battery power when not in use for a designated time period.  The first thing the HCW will do, after attaching their badge, is wash or sanitize their hands.  The dispenser beacon attached  to  the  soap  or  sanitizer  dispenser  will  communicate  with  the  badge  when  the  dispenser  is  activated. Even though the badge is in a sleep state, it is always listening and the dispenser beacon’s communication will wake it up. The badge will produce three quick beep tones with the second tone being lower in pitch than the first or  third  tones.  This  indicates  successful  communications  between  the  badge  and  the  dispenser  beacon.  The badge will then be set to the sanitary, or clean, state with the green LED blinking about once every 1.5 seconds. The HCW is now ready to begin their normal work routine.  When the badge is set to the sanitary state, the badge starts an internal timer. If there is no interaction between the HCW and a dispenser or patient bed, the timer will continue to increment. If the timer reaches the designated grace  period,  the  badge  will  automatically  change  from  the  sanitary  state  to  the  reminder  state.  When  this transition occurs, the badge will produce two quick beep tones with both having the same pitch. This indicates to the  HCW  that  the  badge  has  automatically  changed  state.  The  badge’s  yellow  LED  will  then  blink  about  once every 1.5 seconds.   The  reminder  state  does  not imply  a  violation  of  hand  hygiene protocol.    In  this case,  it is indicating to the HCW, and anyone else able to see the badge’s  yellow LED, that the HCW has not  washed or sanitized their hands for the designated grace period and that they may not approach a patient bed until doing so.  If the HCW does approach a patient bed while in the reminder state, this event will be considered a violation of hand  hygiene  protocol  and  the  badge  will  change  from  the  reminder  state  to  the  alert  state.  The  badge  will produce  three  quick  beep  tones  with  the  second  tone  being  lower  in  pitch  than  the  first  or  third  tones.  This indicates  successful  communications  between  the  badge  and  the  bed  beacon  located  within  the  patient  zone.  The badge’s red LED will then blink about once every 1.5 seconds. Immediately after changing to the alert state, the badge will produce a  rapid  burst of  four tones  with each  having  a  different  pitch.  This  will  be repeated  four more times over the next twenty seconds and will indicate to the HCW that they must wash or sanitize their hands immediately.  If the HCW approaches a patient bed while in the sanitary state, the badge will change to the reminder state. The badge will produce three quick beep tones with the second tone being lower in pitch than the first or third tones.  This  indicates  successful  communications  between  the  badge  and  the  bed  beacon  located  within  the  patient zone. The badge’s yellow LED will then blink about once every 1.5 seconds.  The reminder state does not imply a violation  of  hand  hygiene  protocol.  In  this  case,  it  is  indicating  to  the  HCW  and  anyone  else  able  to  see  the badge’s yellow LED that the HCW is currently in contact with a patient bed or has had contact with a patient bed within the designated grace period.  While the HCW is inside the patient zone, their badge will remain in the  reminder state. When the HCW leaves the patient zone, the badge starts an internal timer. If there is no interaction between the HCW and a dispenser, after  leaving  the  patient  zone,  the  timer  will  continue  to  increment.  If  the  timer  reaches  the  designated  grace period, the badge will automatically change from the reminder state to the alert state. When this transition occurs, the  badge  will produce  two  quick  beep  tones  both  having  the  same  pitch.    This  indicates  to  the HCW  that  the badge has  automatically changed  state.  Immediately after changing to  the  alert state, the badge  will produce  a rapid burst of four tones with each having a different pitch.  This will be repeated  four more times over the next twenty seconds  and  will  indicate to the HCW that  they must  wash  or sanitize  their  hands  immediately.  A  HCW may  contact  a  patient  bed,  leave  the  patient  zone  briefly  and  then  re-contact  the  same  patient  bed  without washing or sanitizing their hands. However, the HCW may not re-contact the patient bed without first using a soap or sanitizer dispenser if they are outside of the patient zone for more than the designated grace period. As long as
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 5 the HCW remains inside the patient zone, their badge will remain in the reminder state. When the HCW leaves the patient zone, the badge starts an internal timer. If there is no interaction between the HCW and a dispenser, after leaving the patient zone, the timer will continue to increment.  If the HCW then reenters the patient zone and the internal timer has not reached designated grace period, the badge will remain in the reminder state and the internal timer  will be  reset.  If the  HCW reenters  the patient  zone and the internal timer  has  reached  or  passed designated grace period, the badge will change to the alert state. The badge will produce three quick beep tones with the second tone being lower in pitch than the first or third tones. This indicates successful communications between the badge and the bed beacon located within the patient zone. The badge’s red LED will then blink about once every 1.5 seconds.  Immediately after changing to the alert state, the badge will produce a rapid burst of four tones with each having a different pitch.  This will be repeated four more times over the next twenty seconds and will indicate to the HCW that they must wash or sanitize their hands immediately.  A HCW may not go from one patient zone to another without washing or sanitizing their hands in between.  While a  HCW  is  in a  patient  zone,  their  badge  will  be  in  the  reminder  state. When  they  leave  the  patient  zone,  their badge  will  remain  in  the  reminder  state  for  a  designated  grace  period  beyond  which  time  their  badge  will automatically change  to  the  alert state  or until they  wash  or sanitize  their  hands, at which time their badge  will then  change  to  the  sanitary  state.    If  the  HCW  leaves  a  patient  zone  and  then  enters  a  different  patient  zone without first interacting with a soap or sanitizer dispenser, the badge will change from the  reminder state to the alert state.  The badge will produce three quick beep tones with the second tone being lower in pitch than the first or third tones. This indicates successful communications between the badge and the bed beacon located within the patient zone. The badge’s red LED will then blink about once every 1.5 seconds.  Immediately after changing to the alert state, the badge will produce a rapid burst of four tones with each having a different pitch. This will be repeated  four  more  times  over  the  next  twenty  seconds  and  will  indicate  to  the  HCW  that  they  must  wash  or sanitize their hands immediately.  Below is a table that compares the various badge states.  State Index Badge State LED Color Description Next Action 0 SANITARY HCW has recently used a soap or sanitizer dispenser. May freely enter a patient zone. 1 REMINDER HCW is in sanitary contact with a patient bed or has recently had sanitary contact with a patient bed but not yet used a soap or sanitizer dispenser. Wash or sanitize hands immediately after leaving patient zone. Do not enter a different patient zone. 2 ALERT HCW has had contact with more than one patient bed without using a soap or sanitizer dispenser between contacts. Leave patient zone immediately and wash or sanitize hands. 3 ALERT HCW had contact with patient bed, left patient zone for more than the designated grace period and then reentered same patient zone without using a soap or sanitizer dispenser between contacts. Leave patient zone immediately and wash or sanitize hands. 4 REMINDER HCW was in the sanitary state for more than the designated grace period without using a soap or sanitizer dispenser. Wash or sanitize hands before entering a patient zone. 5 ALERT HCW was in the reminder state for more than the designated grace period after leaving a patient zone without using a soap or sanitizer dispenser. Wash or sanitize hands immediately. Do not enter a patient zone. Table 1 - HCW Badge States
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 6  3.0  Installing the System 3.1  Healthcare Worker (HCW) Badge Installation A new badge is supplied with a pull tab to protect battery life during shipment.  Remove by firmly pulling this tab out and discarding before initial use. For best performance, the badge should be worn above the waist in a location that is clearly visible to the HCW as well as the patients and other healthcare staff.  The badge was designed to easily attach to a lanyard or a vinyl strap and clip.  Both attachment methods are commonly used by HCWs to carry credentials such as identification and RFID cards.  For convenience, the badge was also designed so that a HCW’s credentials may be attached to the base of the badge with a vinyl strap (see Figure 3).                 Appendix A - System Component Care and Maintenance Cleaning the Badge The badge should be cleaned by wiping with a soft cloth. The cloth should be damp but not wet. A pre-moistened alcohol swab may also be used. Only the exterior of each component may be cleaned. Do not attempt to clean any interior surface of a component as this will damage the component’s circuitry. Do not use abrasive cleaners or cleaning products in aerosol cans as they will damage the component’s finish.   Handling the Badge The badge is an electronic device and should be handled with care. Like other electronic devices such as a cell phone, the badge  must  be protected  from  extreme  heat,  cold  and moisture.  Avoid handling  the badge  with wet hands or exposing it to rain. Avoid dropping or tossing the badge. The shock can damage the badge’s sensitive internal electronics.   Battery Replacement Healthcare Worker (HCW) Badge  The badge is powered by a single 3 volt coin cell battery (CR2032). The PSS dashboard software monitors the badge battery good or low status flag to indicate when a replacement is required. The PSS dashboard software will  send  out  a  maintenance  email  to  a  designated  administrator,  alerting  the  email  recipient  of  the  low  badge battery  status  along  with  any  badge  assignment  information  to  locate  and  provide  a replacement  battery.  It  is recommended that only one badge battery is replaced at a time to avoid mixing up the identifier addresses that Figure 3.  HCWs Badge (ID Credentials can be attached at the bottom)
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 7 are  assigned  to  the  HCWs.    Take  care  to  return  the  badge  to  the  HCW  in  which  it  is  assigned  upon  battery replacement.  Tools needed to replace the badge’s battery: Quantity 1 - #2 Phillips head screwdriver      Step 1 - Using the #2 Phillips head screwdriver, remove the two back cover screws. Save the screws. Step 2 - Flip the badge over and remove the front cover to expose the pc board and battery holder. Step  3  -  Take  care  not  to  disturb  or  damage  the  antenna  on  the  left  hand  side  of  the  board,  or  any  of  the components  while  changing  the  battery.    If  you  need  to  remove  the  board  from  the  badge  housing  to replace the battery, hold the board securely from the right hand top and bottom edges only. Step 4 - Remove the battery from the battery holder and discard the old battery safely.  Wait 30 seconds to allow all of the remaining energy to dissipate from the old battery. Step 5 - Install the new battery with the "+" side facing the installer and slide into the battery the holder. Step 6 - Once the battery is installed in the badge, it will perform a power on self-test by scrolling through the LED badge states and emitting an audio tone when complete to indicate it is functioning properly.  If the audio tone is heard during the LED sequence instead of after, repeat the battery replacement process with a second replacement battery.  If there is still no indication of proper function, request a replacement badge immediately. Step 7 - Replace the board assembly with the battery holder face down, then the back cover and tighten the    screws into place.                                                       Step -1 Step - 2 Step 3
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 8  Appendix B - FCC and Industry Canada Statements Warning: Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by UltraClenz, LLC could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.  Class B Devices:  “NOTE:  This  equipment  has  been  tested  and  found  to  comply  with  the  limits  for  a  Class  B digital  device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,  uses,  and  can  radiate  radio  frequency  energy  and,  if  not  installed  and  used  in accordance  with the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment  does  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio  or  television  reception,  which  can  be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.  •  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.”    RF Exposure  “This  equipment  complies  with  FCC  radiation  exposure  limits  set  forth  for  an  uncontrolled environment. This  equipment should be installed and  operated with  minimum distance 20cm between  the radiator and  your body.  This  transmitter  must not  be  co-located  or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”  Industry Canada Statements:  Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen  that  the  equivalent  isotropically  radiated  power  (e.i.r.p.)  is  not  more  than  that necessary for successful communication.  Conformément  à  la  réglementation  d'Industrie  Canada,  le  présent  émetteur  radio  peut fonctionner  avec  une  antenne  d'un  type  et  d'un  gain  maximal  (ou  inférieur)  approuvé  pour l'émetteur  par  Industrie  Canada.  Dans  le  but  de  réduire  les  risques  de  brouillage radioélectrique à l'intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut choisir le type d'antenne et son gain de  sorte que  la  puissance  isotrope rayonnée  équivalente  (p.i.r.e.)  ne  dépasse pas  l'intensité nécessaire à l'établissement d'une communication satisfaisante.
Patient Safeguard System – Healthcare Worker Badge User’s Guide                                       UltraClenz, LLC Page 9  This  device  complies  with  Industry  Canada  licence-exempt  RSS  standard(s).  Operation  is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device  must  accept  any  interference,  including  interference  that  may  cause  undesired operation of the device.   Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique  subi,  même  si  le  brouillage  est  susceptible  d'en  compromettre  le fonctionnement. Warranty This device is warranted against defective materials and workmanship for one year from the date of delivery. Equipment  covered  by  this  warranty  will  be  repaired  or  replaced  in  the  United  States  and  Canada,  WITHOUT CHARGE, except for shipping and handling, by our Factory Service Center.  When  returning  equipment  for  warranty  service,  you  must  first  call  your  distributor’s  Warranty Service Department for your Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA), the RMA must be on your return label, also the shipping charges must be pre-paid and a copy of your receipt must be enclosed.  This warranty covers all defects incurred from normal use of the equipment and does not apply in the following cases: a. Loss or damage to the equipment due to abuse, mishandling, accident or failure to follow mounting instructions. b. If the equipment is defective as a result of leaking batteries. c. If the equipment has been serviced or modified by someone other than our authorized agents.  THE  AFOREMENTIONED  IS  IN  LIEU  OF  ALL  WARRANTIES,  EXPRESSED  OR  IMPLIED,  INCLUDING  BUT NOT  LIMITED  TO,  ANY  WARRANTY  OF  MERCHANTABILITY  OR  OF  FITNESS  FOR  ANY  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.    IN  NO  EVENT  SHALL  THE  VENDOR  BE  LIABLE  FOR  CONSEQUENTIAL,  INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OR LIABILITY, TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION OR SUBSTITUTION COSTS,  DELAYS,  OR  FOR  ANY  OTHER  DAMAGES,  COSTS,  OR  EXPENSES  INCURRED,  IRRESPECTIVE OF HOW THEY OCCUR.  THIS WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANY OTHER PERSON OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PUCHASER OF THIS EQUIPMENT OR THE PERSON FOR WHOM IT WAS PURCHASED AS A GIFT.  This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and  you may also have other rights, which may vary from state to state. This warranty is given with respect to equipment purchased in the United States.    Revision History Revision Date By Description 0 3/14/12 MES Initial Release 1 08/09/12 DLS Corrected TOC and replaced FCC class A statement with class B statement 2 01/27/14 KAS Updated to Directions for Use

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