Electronics 1636372 E-Book User Manual Use manual
Electronics Co.,Ltd E-Book Use manual
Users Manual
Shif 3° LOOKBOQKWWireIess Reader |NSTRUCT|0N MANUAL LOOKBOOK Jr. POWERED EV kObqlw Please read Ims user manual and (he ‘imwlalion 0! habihty [More operatmg TECHNICAL SUPPORT (866) 204-4714 lookbook@k0bobooks.com WWW.mscustomercare.com/Iookbook a?) RECVCLlNG PROGRAM Certain components from your LookBock should be recycled rather than disposed of in the trash m order to protectthe env|ronrnent and comply wnh certam state laws. When you are prepared to dispose of your LookBookr please contact us so that we can arrange to recycle your LockBook tor you. Call us loll-tree to participate: (800) 374-2744 Please read the limitation nt liability prior to using your new Lnnannk'M. Keep this instruction manual as it contains important information for future returence. INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of LookBook’M Wireless Reader With its vibrant color screen. built-in bookstore, rechargeable battery, and expandable memory, ll will change the way you read! POWERED BY KDBO Your LookBook gives you access to over two—million books for downloading and purchasing through its built-in bookstore. The bookstore is powered by Kobo Books, one of the world‘s largest online bookstores 7 backed by partners Borders and Canadarbased Indigo Books (one of the largest bookstore chains in Canadat. Kobe provides enormous flexibility to its readers. Once you download or purchase content trom Kobo, you will be able to read it on all other Kobo-powered devices — on not just your LookBook, but also smart phones running Kobo’s tree eReading app and computers running Kobo's desktop software. Buy a title once, take it With you. and read ll on whatever device you choosel To download or purchase books, you erI be asked to create an account wrth Koho, lI you don't already have one.That account wrll allow you to access Kobo‘s store on your LookBook, online, and on other Koborpowered devices You can manage your Kobo account on the web or on your LookEook. UPDATING YOUR LOOKBOOK'” We are dedicated to ensuring that you enjoy your LookEooktor years to come As we develop new enhancements and ieatures, your LookBook wrll automatically prompt you to update. Please reter to the included quick smrt guide or page 10 ot this manual tor details on the update process. The most recent version oi these instructions will always be available at www rnscustomercare.com/Iookbook. TABLE OF CONTENTS navmmue vnun Luukuuuxw . Usmg the Drrecuorral Pad Usmg the Menu Button SETTING up vuun LOOKBOOK'“ ... Charge Vnur LaokBaak Exmore Vow LDakBDak Carmen to a Wrreless Neiwork Create 3 Kobe Account and Sign in ms I'M READING TAB ... Navrgallng‘muv I‘m Reamng Lrst voun BOOKS/LIBRARV TAB . Navrgalmg Vnur Books Lrsl Changmg the Banks Page Son Dmenng Soning VourTmes Remuvmg Trlles rrom Yum LunkBuuk Aomrrg Removed mes Back |o Vour Lnaanak READING nu voun LOOKBDDK'“ .............. Pagmg Navrgafing Vnur Book Changmg me memo and For“ 5m Bunkmarkmg sums TAB. Navrgafing me Buakstore Wrfi Networkmg uooarrng Vaur Locksmnk The Kubo Slave PURCHASINGA annx .... Srgmng rrr & Crealmg anAccoum Bleg lurormanon vrewrng vauercoum Preroronces Synmng Vour Library MANAGING vuun smmus ...... Overvlew Brightness Semngs Wrfi semngs Dare &Trme Semngs Advanced Semrrgs ADDING nouns. Sources my Bo Books rrom Kuhobuoksfium Banks |rom Vnuv Locar Lmrary Books trom other Seners Memuos fnrAddmg Bucks Add Banks Uslng the Kono Desktop Apphcalmn Add Books Wiroressly Add Books Usmg an SD Card Add Books by Draggmg and DmppmgThem ontavour LonkBouk Add Books Using Anomer Apphcatmn usma me sn cum: sun .. KOBO nesmw APPLICATION . LIMITATION or LIABILITV unsuszs - LEPL ..... GNU Lesser Generar Puorio License Preamme rormsano Commons ianopymg‘ Drstvmumn ano Mamhczlmn No Warramy LICENSES - GPL ................. The GNU Genorar Puono Llcense (a ) Preamore Terms and Commons for Copymgr Drstrmutron ano Moorncamon No Warramy LICENSES-MIT .......... 25 Expal XML Parser Lihxmlz Licenses - BSD renorar commonrcauon commrssron mten‘erence Stalement rnousuy Canada statement we Radrafion Exuosure Statemem .24 NAVIGATING YOUR LOOKBOOKTM llesel Bumn Reslens the dense wnen a panercllp ls lnserlea — Power Button < > mi"! < > Paging Buttons mm“ 0 Home 9 Menu Button 9 Back Button 0 DEL Button 0 nnreclmnel Fad (D-Pad) rower Jack Fol cnarolno your LonkBank Q Dismay sn cm smuge nous smrege capzclty using an — 0 Symbol Bun-m opilonai (not lnciuded) SD Memory Cam (up to 5 Gal. — 0 Cami-wk USB Port Connect: your LunkBDok to you! computer You can navigate your LookBook using the toIIowing buttons: Q DiuctionaIPadmrPad) Uselunav-oale upldownllefllandwm Thecemelbultonactsaskeiecl en|el"bufloll. < > Paglng sum": Allows you le move rerwem and backwards between pages Menu Button. Accesses your unmry System amt Dlsplay Semngs, and Help. Display Adlusl me bnonmessl font and fontsllefiisfll enoose me olsplay tfllmat oflne "Books‘/“leraly“ tan. Home Button' Relurns lo your “I‘m Readlng" lao Hack Button Returns back lo prevmus seellon or screen DEL Button: Deietes lne character lefl 471 lne culsnl Symbol unman' Opens a wnual keypad that allows you to selecl from a llsl of commonly used typograpnlc symbols Use lms lo access me @ symuol wnen wplno ernall addresses 0999009 Caps'Lock Toggles lne keyboard between lowercase and uppercase typing NAVIGATING YOUR LOOKBOOK'M (con 1 usma THE DIRECTIONAL PAD 0 WHEN (IN A HOME SCREEN TAB To select items, use the D- -F‘ad0 buttons to highlight your choice; then press the center button to select ' WHEN READING You can increase or decrease yourtontrsize by clicking up or down on the DrPadO. You can use the left or right buttons to move forward or backward, page by page. USING THE MENU BUTTON You can use the Menu button 9 to open and close the navigation menu, which has these options - I'M READING A list of books you have started reading ' LIBRARV/BDOKS A IisI oI books stored on your LooKBimk. ' STORE The bulttrln bookstore powered by Kobo - DICTIONARY Look up a word in the builtrin dictionary. - DISPLAY Adyust brightness, tontrsize and typeface settings white reading Change preterences tor layout at Library/Books tab. - SETHNGS Set date and time, change your wireless network settings or access advanced configuration options. - HELP Access the mini-m Help Page tor the tab that you are viewing. TIP You can ciose the “MENU” at any time by sticking ieIl on the Depart BRIGHTNESS SETTINGS To ensure a comfortable reading experience you can adjust the brightness of the screen to your liking and environment. There are two ways to adyust the on htness: it Press the Display button 6 and use the D-Pad to highlight and select ADJUST LEVEL un erthe Brightness heading in the menu. (On cerhin tabs, pressing the Display button 6 will take you directly to the brightness level selection menu) -0R- 12) Enterthe “0VERVlEW” section ot the settings page ésee top ol page. )Use the D- Pad a to navigate until Backlight Level is highlighted Use the left an right buttons to adyust brightness. SETTING UP YOUR LOOKBOOKTM I. CHARGE VDUR LOOKBDOK Using the supplied power adapter, plug in your LookBook to charge. Make sure you have charged your LookEooktor at least 6 hours betore tirst use. After charging. unplug the power adapter and begin enjoying your new LookBook! BATTERY WARNING o The deVice is not user serViceahle. Never attempt to disassemble the device for any reason 0 Built—in rechargeable battery cannot be removed - Do not overcharge the device. 2. EXPLORE VDUR LDIJKBIJOK Power on your LookBook and begin exploring using the D—FadOand Menu button 6 .As you explore. you Will notice three tabs at the top of the screen 0 I'M READING A list ot titles you have begun to read. (Details about navigating this tab can be lound on page 7) 0 BOOKS/LIBRARY A list of titles loaded onto your LookBook and ready to read. tDetails about navigating this tab can be found on page 8) 0 STORE The built—in bookstore powered by Kobo, with access to over two million titles. (Details about nawgating this tab can be lound on page to.) TIP You can access these tabs through either the Menu button 6 or by using the DrPadOto navigate to and selecting the tab you would like to open. 3. ENJDV YOUR FREE BOOKS Your LookBook comes With access to i 50 preselected treasured classics 25 of those titles have been preloaded onto your LookBook so that you can begin enioying them immediately. Vou'll lind these books under the “Books"/"Library" tab. When you create a user account and first login on your LookBook (details on page 12i, you will be prompted to select which or the additional 125 tree books you would like to load onto your LookBook 4. CONNECT TO A WIRELESS NETWORK Vour LookEook comes With a built-in bookstore With access to over two-million titles it‘s just like your local bookstore, but With more titles to choose trom! In order to access the bookstore. you will need to connect your LookBookto a wireless (WiFi) network Details about connecting to wireless networks can he tound on page it). 5. CREATE A KOBO ACCOUNT AND SIGN IN Downloading or purchasing titles couldn't be simpler. Just sign in with your Kobo account and start hrowsingl Details about creating a Kobo account and signing in can can be tound on page 12 THE I‘M READING TAB The I'm Reading tab shows you a list of titles you have started reading, and is ordered chronologically with your last-read title or subscription first. m cm me puma w h Fm a New um m" ' m“"“""““'“"“""" "“ THE I'M READING PAGE m; , 5 . mm.- “sham "ulna v mums v Turnly Thr'nund tux-m... 4 Nut), Thoma hum-s NAVIGATING VOUH I’M READING LIST Vou can use the up and down buttons on the D-F‘atho move through the titles on a page. Use the right and left buttons to move to the next and previous pages in the list. Clicking a title will open it. and Will bring you back in the last page were reading. YOUR BOOKS/LIBRARY TAB The Books/Library tab displays both purchased and free titles loaded onto your LookBook IOOKS PAGE icovERs AND TEXT ONLY) nous PAGE [COVERS ONLV VIEW) NAVIGATING VOUR BO KS LIST Vou can use th D- Pad to move around the list of titles or book covers. Use the center button on the D—Pad to ONE" the highlighted item Vou can naViga e tot e next page in the list using the paging buttons< >. CHANGING THE BOOKS PAGE SORT ORDERING you clan‘soit and litter yourtitles by clicking the Menu button 6 and using the D-PadQ 0 58 EC 0 BY TITLE Sorts Books alphabetically, by title. 0 BY AUTHOR Sorts Books alphabetically, by authors last name. . OPEN . Shows only those books you have started reading 0 NEW Shows newly—downloaded and purchased content Alternatively, you can access these same options on the sub- -navigation bar located underthe main navigation tabs. SORTING YOUR TITLES You can change the w the Books/Library section is shown by clicking the Display button 9 and using the D-Pad to select one ot the lollowing options: ' GOVERS AND TEXT Shows your library with covers, title, author and reading status in a concise list. ' GOVERS ONLV Shows your library with covers, using a visual bookshell REMOVING TITLES FROM YOUR LOOKBOOK Vou can remove titles from your LookEook by signing into your online account at kobobookscom using your computer's browser Once signed in. click “Library" to see the list of titles in your account. Vou can remove a title by checking the box associated With it and clicking “delete.“ The title Will be removed when you next synchronize your LookBook over Witi NOTE: Vour removed book is still saleAlthough it Will not be shown on your LookBook. it is still assoCiated with your Kobo account and can be loaded back onto your LookBook in the tuture. WARNING: II you enterthe Trash area on kobobookscom and click “permanently delete." titles will be permanently deleted trom your Kobo account and WIN not be able to be restored to your LookBook. ADDING REMOVED TITLES BACK TO YOUR LOOKBOOK it you have removed (but not permanently deleted) titles from your LookBook. you can restore them by signing into your online account at kobobookscom using your computer's browser Once signed in. click “Library" and then click “Trash" to view the titles you have removed To restore a title. checkthe box associated with it and click “Undelete " The title will be restored to your LookBooK when you next synchronize your LookBook over wifi. READING ON YOUR LOOKBOOK‘M PAGING While reading on your LookBook, you can use the paging buttons< >on either side oi the screen to go to the next and previous pages ol the book content. -> -> cite TIP Alternatively, you can use the right and left buttons on the D-PadO to go to the next and previous pages, respectively. NAVIGATING VDUR BOOK While reading. you can use the Menu button 9 to access the followmg options: 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Opens the Table of Contents where you can select a specilic chapter from the book. Selecting a chapterwill take you to the start ol the chapter. Vou can exit the table of contents and return to the current page by pressing the Menu button 9 ' NEXT CHAPTER Goes to the beginning of the next chapter. 0 PREVIOUS CHAPTER Goes to the beginning of the preVious chapter. 0 OVERVIEW Opens the book synopsis page NOTE Availability ol synopsis/overview information is subject to the software used by the text‘s publisher lt may not be available for all titles. With the synopsis open, you can start reading the book by clicking the center ot the D-Pad Q lf the book has alredady been open. clicking the D-PadQ returns you to the most recently rea page. CHANGING THE SCREEN BRIGHTNESS To ensure a comfortable reading experience you can adjust the brightness oi the screen to your liking and environment. To adlust the brightness, press the Display button 9 and use the D-PadQ to highlight and selectADJUST LEVEL under the Brightness heading in the menu This will open a submenu that Will allow you to choose a brightness level. CHANGING THE TVPEFACE AND FONT SIZE Vou can adjust the size ol the text and the typeface/font to your liking by pressing the Display tstuttgp ? Vou have a choice of five font sizes. Also, you can choose between a Serif or a Sans eri on . TIP in: Vou can change the fontrsize by using the up— and down— directions on the DrPad O TIP 412:ch can close the “DISPLA " menu at any time by clicking left on the D-PadO. NOTE Vou cannot change the text sizes on menus. or some tab screens. such as the I’m Reading tab or the Books tab. BODKMARKING Vour LookBook always bookmarks the page you last read When you open the book again, you are returned to the same place where you last left oil reading. When you sync your device over WiFi. or through the Kobo Desktop Application. your bookmarks Will be synced to your account and shared across all your other Kobo—enabled deVices 10 STORE TAB Your LookBook comes With a built—in bookstore Wilh access to over two—million titles It‘sjust like your local bookstore, but With more titles to choose fromI In order to access the bookstore. you will need to connect your LookBookto a wireless (WiFi) network Once connected to WiFi, you can browse the bookstore, purchase and download hooks. and synchronize your LookBook With your your Kobo accoun . Please note that il you navigate to the store before connecting to a wireless network, you will be prompted to connect NAVIGATING THE BDDKSTIJRE Once ou are connected to a Wireless network and have entered the store. use your DrPadOto move etween selectable areas within the store WIFI NETWORKING To connect to a Wireless network. 1. Press the Menu button 9 and then use the D-PadO lo clickthe “SEWINGS” menu On the next screen. click “ENABLE“ vi . A list of eteclable wireless networks will appear. Use the D-Pad to highlight and select the network you want to join. If you choose a secure network (indicated by a lock icon), you will be prompted to provide he password to your Wireless router NOTE Advanced WiFi settings can be adjusted from the Settings option accessed through the Menu button 6 .Demds can he lound on page M ot this manual UPDATING VDUR LOOKBDOK Sharper Image is dedicated to ensuring that ou enyoy your LookBooktor years to come. Once you connect to a Wireless network. you may be prompted to update your LookBook. To update your LookBook: 1. Once connected to a Wireless network, it an update is available, your LookBook will automatically notify you and prompt you to update. Click OK to begin the update process When your LookBook gromptsevou to tinish the update. click Restart. The update will take effect alter your Look ook res arts IIP Because updates may introduce new Ieatures. we encourage you to download the most recent version of these instructions at: www.mscustomercare com/Iookbook STORE TAB lcont.) THE KOBO STORE Use tne onscreen I|nks to access store functwns, such as. 0 BROWSE Browse the Kobe catalog through an organized "st of categories 0 FREE Select the Free tab in the Store to lind pupulartitles. all available forlree download. 0 MORE Displays lists of recommended bucks. grouped by a common tneme. or recommended by readers. - SEARCH Tfype a title utnor name or search term to receive a scned list of results. Use t e DrPad to new ate and sel ct tne onscreen search field Type tne Search term and press the nter banana 0 NEW RELEASES See a list of tnis week‘s new releases O TOP 50 View a list at tne Top 50 most popular eBouks at kubnbucks.cum (updated daily). 11 12 PURCHASING A BOOK Downloadinfl‘oréwurchasing a litle couldn't be si ler. Once connected to a wireless network, naVigate to e tore tah using either the D-Padgor Menu button 0 . Once in the Store, vou can click a title to learn more about it. To make a purchase, click the “BUV NOW" outlon._ Once your purchase is confirmed, it Will be automatically downloaded and available in the Books/Library tab. NOTE:T0 make a purchase, you will need lo log in using your Kobo account. if you haven’t gagged Owned in using an existing Kobo account, you Wi be prompted to Sign in when you click SIGNING INGCREATING AN ACCOUNT _ in order to purchase or download a book, you Will need to create an account and sign-in if you are not already signed in, you Will be promoted to sign in or create an account . SIGN IN If you already have a Kobo account, you can sign in using your existing username and password. 0 CREATE AN ACCOUNT If you are new to Kobo, on Will need lo creale an account. Simply follow e_onscreen instructions You Will be automatically signed in as part of E“ this process. “ TIP: When enterin an e—mail address. you can enler the @ symbo by pressing the Symbol key on our keyboard and then selecting the @ symbol mm the pop—up list. BILLING INFORMATION _ _ _ _ _ To completea purchase, ou Will need to enter your billing information.Vou Willonly he asked to enter your billing informa ion once. After that, a purchases become a single-click process. NOTE Once setup, you can change your billing information online at kohohooks com. VIEWING YOUR ACCOUNT PREFERENCES _ _ _ Vou can View your account preferences b clicking the Menu button 9 and nawgating to the “Accounts" page The “Accounts" page a lows you to change your password, view your purchase history and change your billing information. TIP To quickly change your billing information, log into your account at kobobooks.com SVNCING VOUR LIBRARY Once you have set up your WiFi connectiongou can synchronize your library. On your Books or l’m Reading pages, highlighl and select lhe ync button. a if you are logged into your account, you can synchronize your LookEook WlIh your Koho account. This Will download an purchases you’ve made online or on other Kobo dances and Will update our bookmarks to re ect Where you last left off reading, . Iyou haven't logged in you Will be prompled to either sign in or creale a new accounl (see ahove).Your boo s and bookmarks Will be synchronized after you perform these steps. MANAGING YOUR SETTINGS You can manage the settings for your LookBook by pressing the Menu button 0 and choosing “SETlINGS”.The Settings page is divided into subsections described below Use the DrPadOto highlight and click the subsection you would like to enter. OVERVIEW The “0VERVlEW” page shows uselul account and device status intorrnation The followmg items are displayed: ACCOUNT INFO This section lists your account details (or your LookBook . EMAIL This is the email address to which our LooKBook is re istered.Any content purchased trorn K_oho is associate with this account l there is no account associated to the device. options for creating a new account or signing in using an _existin account Will be available Details on how to associate your LookBook With ano er account can be lound in the Advanced Settings section or page M. DEVICE INFD Displays smtus inlormation for your LookBook. 0 BAGKLIGHT LEVEL Use these controls to adjust the brightness of your LookBook’s screen. See box below lor more details g, __ . ' ONBOARD STORAGE ' ~' > ~ - Displays the amount of space used to store books and documents on the device. 0 SOFTWARE VERSION ' HARDWARE VERSION 0 WiFi MAC ADDRESS The MAC address of your wireless hardware BRIEHTNESS SEI'IINGS To ensure a comfortable reading experience you can adjust the brightness of the screen to your liking and environmentlhere are two ways to adjust the hri htness: (1) Press the Display button 9 and use the D—Pad to highlight and select ADJUST LEVEL under the Brightness heading in the menu (On certain tabs. pressing the Display button 6 Will take you directly to the brightness level selection menu.) -0R- (2) Enter the “OVERVIEW“ section of the settings page (see top of page) Use the D—Pada to nawgate until Backlight Level is highlighted. Use the left and right buttons to adyust brightness 13 14 MANAGING YOUR SETTINGS tcont.) WiFi SETTINGS The WiFi Settings provroes you With options to adjust yourwireless preferences. The following items are available on the page: ' ENABLE / DISABLE WIRELESS NETWORKING Toggle wireless networking on or otl ' ADD NEW WIRELESS NETWORK Clicking this button allows you to manually add a wireless network. Use this it your network does not automatically appear. 0 RESCAN NETWORKS Force a manual rescan ol local W|reless networks 0 KNOWN WIRELESS NETWORKS A list ot networks to which your LookBook has already been connected. 0 UNKNOWN WIRELESS NETWORKS A list ot networks to which your LookBook has not yet been connected To connect to an unknown network. navigate to the specific network and click the center button on the D-l’ad Q You Will be prompted to authenticate, it necessary. DATE 81 TIME SETTINGS Setting the Date and Time accurately Will ensure the proper updating ol bookmarks between your LookBook and your Kobo account.The Date &flme settings screen displays the current Date, Time,Timezone and Daylight Sayings settings Vou can set these by clicking the “SET DATE 8. TIME" option and using your DrPada to change the values. ADVANCED SEI'IINGS The Advanced Settings screen allows you to perform a Factory Restore at your LookBook. Use this function to associate your LookBook with a different Kobo account. WARNING Belore pertorming a lactory restore. please make sure you that you understand that it Will: - Remove all purchased content. 0 Remove all third-party Books and documenm. 0 Restore all settings to their tactory delaults. - Remove all save Wireless networks. A lactory reset will not aflect your Kobo library or its content. ADDING BOOKS TO YOUR LOOKBOOK Most LookBook users will use the built—in bookstore to shop for and add books over a Wireless connection See pages 10—1210r more demils on using the built—in store. This section describes alternate sources oi electronic content and alternate methods tor loading content onto your LookBook. ALTERNATE SOURCES OF CONTENT AND METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS eBooks come in a range ol formats. When you look for books to read on your LookBook, Iooktor books that come in EPUB or PDF lormats, like those in the Kobo Store. Note that some books are encrypted or protected using Digital Rights Management (DRM) DRM prevents unauthorized copying and redistribution at books. and is otten used to protect the books you get trom libraries and booksellersThere are several varieties of DRM protection Vour LookBook can read books that are protected using Adobe DRM . BOOKS FROM KOBOBOOKS.CDM You can shop the Kobo Store irom any Web browser, by going to http://www kobobookscom. Once you've lound the pertect book, you can download the book (in EPUB format) to your computer. then transler it to your LookBook To download the book, log into your Koho account on the Kobo website, then go to your Library. Your Library lists any books that you’ve purchased. Clickthe Download EPUB button next to the book you want. After your computer downloads the ePub file, you can it to your LookBook in a variety of ways described in further detail in the METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS section that begins page 16. . BOOKS FROM YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY Many libraries let members borrow eBooks from their collections. If your library allows this, you may be able to read your borrowed books on your LookBook it they- - are provided in EPUB or PDF format ' AND protected by Adobe DRM Adobe DRM is a way of protecting borrowed books so that they can’t be copied, and so that they can only be checkedrout for a specific period at time To add these books to your LookBook, you Will need to install and use Adobe Digital Editions This application lets you download your library books and transfer them to your LookBook. For more information on using Adobe Digital Editions. see http://www adobe comlproducts/digitaleditions/ For iniormation on how to use Adobe Digital Editions to check out library books, please contact your local library. 3. BOOKS FROM OTHER SELLERS ll you have eBooks that you purchased from another book seller, you may be able to read them on your LookBook it the books are in either EPUB or PDF iormat To read books that meet these criteria on your LookBook, add them using one of the methods described in further detail in the METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS section that begins page 16. NOTE: In orderto read eBooks on your LookBook, they must either be encrypted using Adobe DRM, or not be encrypted or protected at all. DRM is a way of protecting purchased books so that they can't be copied and redistributedVour LookBook can read books protected by Adobe DRM, which is a very common and popular iorm or DRM. 15 16 ADDING BOOKS icont.) METHODS FOR ADDING BOOKS Once you‘ve iound compatible books that you want to read, there are a variety oi ways you can add them to your LookEook: i. a wireless lnternet connection 2. the Kobo Desktop Application included With your LookBook 3. an SD card 4. drag and drop 5. software irorn another manuiacturer Which method you use will depend on the type of books you want to add to your LookBook, and where they came from. Please use the table below as a reference. Where did your Try using... For details, see... hooks come irom'! The Kobo Store - Your LookBook, over 0 Add hooks using the Koho a wireless lnternet Desktop Application connection - The Kobo Desktop t.Add hooks using an SD card Application - An SD card Vou can increase the number of books your - Drag and drop LookBook can hold by adding an SD card oi up - Ado e Digital to 8 GB (not included) with books already stored Editions. Calibre, or on it. Books must be in EPUB or PDF iormat software irom another Please see page 18 ior more details on using manuiaciurer SD cards With your LookBook. - Add books using an SD card 0 Add books by dragging and dropping them onto your LookBook 0 Add books using another application A Local Library - Adobe Digital Editions - Add books using another application ln some cases you can use applications created by other manufacturers to add books to your LookBook. Two popular apglications are Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and alibre. 0 Adobe D' “tal Editions Use Adobe Digital Editions if you want to transier eBooks protected by Adobe DRM to your LookBook Adobe DRM is a way oi encrypting and securing eBooks. Vou can also use ADE to tranier non-protected books to your LookBook. Any books that you iransier must be in either EPUB or PDF iormat For more iniormation on using Adobe Digital Editions, see: http://www adobeconi/products/digitaleditions/ 0 Calibre Calibre is a popular openrsource application for managing libraries or eBooks Vou can use Calibre to organize eBooks on your computer, convert eBooks to EPUB or PDF formats (or a range of others). and transier books to your LookBook. For more iniormation on using Calibre. see: http://ca|ibre—ebook.com/ ADDING BOOKS tcont.) Where did your Try using... For details, see... hooks come trom'! other booksellers - An SD card - Add hooks using an SD card - Drag and drop 0 Add books by dragging and dropping them - Adobe Digital onto your LookBook Editions, Calibre, or - Add hooks using another appiicatiori sottware trom another manutacturer Other sources - An SD card 0 Add books using an SD card - Drag and drop - Add books by dragging and dropping them - Adobe Digital onto your LookBook Editions, Calibre, or 0 Add books using another appiication software lrom another manufacturer 1. ADD BDDKS WIRELESSLV You can add books by shopping the Kobo Store directly from your LookBook Vou’ii need a wireless Internet connection and a Kobo account to do this. Just set up a Wireless connection irom your LookBook, shop tor something you iike, then download your new book to your LookBook 7 it's that easy, and no computer required. For more information, see page 10 2. ADD BDDKS USING THE KDBD DESKTOP APPLICATION An easy way to buy and add books is using the tree Kobo Desktop Appiicatiori included with your LookBook.You can use this application to shop tor new books. transter your purchases to your LookBook. and manage your library. For more information. see page 19. 3. ADD BOOKS USING AN SD CARD You can increase the number 01 books your LookBook can hoid by adding an SD card of up to 8 GB (not inciuded) With books aiready stored on it. Books must be in PUB or PDF format Please see page 18 tor more details on using SD cards With your LookBook 4. ADD BOOKS BV DRAGGING AND DROPPING THEM DNTD YOUR LookBook Vou can add new books to your LookBook by accessmg it like a portable hard drive.To do this you wiii need: 0 a PC or Mac computer - the USB cable provided with your LookBook o the books you want to add to your LookBook, in EPUB or PDF tormat To add books to your LookBook using a Windows computer 1 Connect your LookBook to your computer using the USE cahie. Windows should automatically detect that you connected a new device 2 When prompted tor an action, select ‘Open folderto View files.’ A Window should open, showing the contents or your LookBook. 3 in another Expiorer Window, navigate to where you stored the eBooks you want to move to your LookBook 4 Drag and drop your eBooks into the LookBook Window. That's iti Vou can now disconnect your LookBook and read your new books To disconnect your LookBook: a. Open My Computer. 11. RIQhI'CIIGK KoboeReader. c Select Eject d. Unplug the USE cabie irom our LookBook and computer. Vou can turn on your LookBook and ind your new books They Wiii be in the BOOKS area it the files were EPUBs, or in the DOCUMENTS area it they were PDFs. 17 18 ADDING BOOKS tcont.) To add books to your LookBook using a Mac computer 1 Connect your LookBook to your computer using the USB cable. 2 Open your Finder application. 3 Select KoboeReader train your list ot devices. Finder should display the contents of your LookBook 4 ln another Finderwindow, navigate to where you stored the eBooks you Want to transfer to your LookBook 5 Drag and drop your eBooks into the LookBook Window. That's itl Vou can now disconnect your LookBook and read your new books To disconnect your LookBook: a. ln Finder, select KoboeReader from your list of devices. b. From the File menu, select “Elect KoboeReader“. Note: If you have an SD card inserted into your LookBook, you must eyect this too c Unplug the USB cable from your LookBook and computer. Vou can turn on your LookBook and find your new books They Will be in the BOOKS area if the files were EPUBs, or in the DOCUMENTS area it they were PDFs. 5. ADD BOOKS USING ANOTHER APPLICATION In some cases you can use applications created by other manutacturers to add books to your LookBook Two popular applications are Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and Calibre Adobe Digital Edi ns Use Adobe Digital itions it you want to transfer eBooks protected by Adobe DRM to your LookBook. Adobe DRM is a way of encrypting and securing eBooks. Vou can also use ADE to tranler non—protected books to your LookBook. Any books that you transfer must be in either EPUB or PDF format. For more information on using Adobe Digital Editions, see: http //www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/ Calibre Calibre is a popular open—source application for managing libraries ol eBooks.Vou can use Calibre to organize eBooks on your computer, convert eBooks to EPUB or PDF formats (or a range of others), and transter books to your LookBook. For more information on using Calibre, see http //calibrerebook com/ USING THE SD CARD SLOT Vou can increase the number of books your LookBook can hold by adding an SD card of up to 8 GB (not included) With books already stored on it. Books must be in EFUB or PDFlormat. It does not matter how those books are organized on the SD card fyour LookBook will scan the entire card and all folders/directories for books. EPUB files will be added to your BOOKS area, and PDFtiles Will be added to your DOCS area The LookBook Will ignore any tiles that it cannot read To add books on an SD card: 1 Load your EPUB or PDFtiles onto an SD card using your computer. 2 Turn oft your LookBook. 3 lnsert the SD card into the SD card slot at the top of the LookBook and push gently until it slides in 4 Turn on your LookBook. Your LookBook will scan the SD card tor books and documents, and update your library This may take ateW moments. Note' Your LookBook does not copy files from the SD card instead, it reads the tiles that are stored on it This means that you must leave your SD card inserted while you read any books stored on the card ll you remove the card you Will lose access to any books on it To remove an SD card, simply press it gently and then release it lt should pop partially out of the SD slot for easy removal. KOBO DESKTOP APPLICATION You can also use the included Koho Desktop Application to purchase and sync books from kohobookscom. Ensuring that your computer is online and connected to the Internet, connect your LookBook to your computer using the supplied USB cable The installation process should automatically begin. ' WINDOWS XPIVISTA/7 Follow the prompted instructions to open the LookBook folder. Open the “Desktop installers" lolder. Find the “Windows" folder and double-click the “Desktoplnstallerexe” tile inside. Follow the instructions to download and install the latest version of the Kobo Desktop Application. - MAC OSX The LookBook will mount in your Finder application Open the “Desktop installers” folder. Find the “Mac OS X“ folder and double—click the “Desktoplnstallerapp” file inside. This will download the latest version ot the Kobo Desktop Application tor Mac OS X. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the software by dragging-and-dropping the Kobo Desktop Application to yourApplioations folder. Open the Kobo Desktop Application and Create a FREE Account or Sign In to Your Existing Account: - CREATE AN ACCOUNT If you are new to Kobo, you can create an account. Simply lollow the instructions in the Create Account Window. - HAVE AN ACCOUNT? If you already have a Kobo account, you can sign in using your existing username and password - WANT TO GET MORE EBOOKS'! Simply click on the Store button in the Desktop Application to search or browse Kobe’s extensive catalog ot titles, including a huge selection oltree eBooks, best sellers, new releases, magazines, newspapers and more. 19 20 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY BY USING THIS DEVICE YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS ON THE DEVICE DISTRIBUTOR'S LIABILITY: T. MERCHSOURCE, LLC (”MERCHSOURCE") TS ONLY THE DISTRIBUTOR OF YOUR ELECTRONIC READTNG DEVICE (THE “DEVICE”) AND ALL CONTENT (INCLUDING BUT NOT LTMTTED TO ELECTRONIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS AND THE LIKE), DATA, INFORMATTON, APPLTCATIONS OR MATERTALS (“THIRD PARTY CONTENT”) FOR YOUR DEVICE IS PROVTDED BY THTRD PARTY PROVTDERS PURSUANT TO SEPARATE END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN YOU AND SUCH PROVIDERS. 2. MERCHSOURCE DOES NOT WARRANT OR ENDORSE AND DOES NOT ASSUME AND WILL NOT HAVE ANY LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY THTRD—PARTY CONTENT, OR FOR ANY OTHER MATERIALS. PRODUCTS OR SERVTCES OF THIRD PARTTES THE ENTTRE RISK OF USE OF ALL THTRD PARTY CONTENT, INCLUDING THE RTSK AS TO SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND ACCURACY OF ALL THIRD PARTY CONTENT, IS WITH YOU. MERCHSOURCE HEREBY DISCLATMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL THTRD PARTY CONTENT AND ANY SERVICES OF ANY THTRD PARTY. EITHER EXPRESS. TMPLIED, STATUTORY OR ARTSING TN LAW, CUSTOM, CONDUCT OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDTNG, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTTES AND/OR CONDITTONS OF MERCHANTABILITY. OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OF FITNESS FORA PARTTCULAR PURPOSE, OF ACCURACY, OF OUIET ENJOYMENT,AND NON—TNFRINGEMENT OF THTRD PARTY RTGHTS. MERCHSOURCE DOES NOT WARRANT AGATNST TNTERFERENCE WITH YOUR ENJOYM ENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT, THAT ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS, THAT ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, OR THAT DEFECTS IN ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT WILL BE CORRECTED. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATTON OR ADVICE GIVEN BY MERCHSOURCE OR ITS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATEAWARRANTY. SOME JURISDTCTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSTON OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LTMTTATIONS ON APPLTCABLE STATUTORY RTGHTS OF A CONSUMER, SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION AND LIMITATTONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 3. MERCHSOURCE HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE AVATLABILITY OF ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT FOR VIEWING ON YOUR DEVICE. THE CONTENT PROVIDER MAY CHANGE, SUSPEND, REMOVE. OR DISABLE ACCESS TO ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT AT ANY TIME. EVEN WTTHOUT NOTICE TO YOU, FOR ANY OF WHTCH MERCHSOURCE WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE TO YOU. 4. TN NO EVENT WILL MERCHSOURCE. BE LTABLE IN CONTRACT, IN TORT (INCLUDING FOR NEGLIGENCE) OR UNDER ANY OTHER THEORY (WHETHER IN LAW OR EQUITY) TNCLUDING STRICT LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES. INCLUDTNG. WITHOUT LIMITATTON, DIRECT. INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL, SPECTAL, PUNTTIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, INCLUDTNG, WITHOUT LIMITATTON, LOST PROFTTS OR REVENUES, LOSS OF USE OR SIMILAR ECONOMTC LOSS.ARTSING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE ANY THIRD PARTY CONTENT. APPLTCABLE LAW MAY NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LTABTLTTY OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THEABOVE LTMTTATION OR EXCLUSTON MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. TN NO EVENT SHALL MERCHSOURCE'S TOTAL LTABTLTTY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION WHETHER TN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDTNG FOR NEGLTGENCE) OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY (TNCLUDING STRTCT LTABTLTTY) EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR YOUR DEVICE LICENSES - LGPL lnts software was built using tne followtng tools tn awmdaftce to tlte ltcenses below ltbtcony t ill 7 LGPL— tndtrectltnktn dependency dettext t7 LGPL tndtrect ltnktng ependenw . Iglte zz GPL— ependenc vnlghexrdata server dhusrgllb lbtlshsfl t tz r LGPL — depen eney tor obex “assert/tel .o cnbb: seLGPLeoe crtdec Volbbcxrdata—scrvcr - a embedded—4.5 Zr LGP 7 na ltnked dependency . qllcmmpveswrrz 3 e LGPL e nard lntkeo dependency - dca—z o z r LGPL r nard ltnked dependency . ea-ossl - LGPL - nard ltnked depenoeey Lesser General Publte Lteense yerston zt Februa tees Copyrt nt it) met 999 Free Software Foundatton, lnc 59Temélle Place Sutte 330m Boston Wt Gztttrtzw uslt Everyone ts ermtt ed o egpy and dtstrtbute yerbattm eoptes ot tnts ltcense neumeftty btn enangtn tt ts not allowed nts ts me ttr released verston or the Lesser GPL lt also coune as tne successor or e GNu Ltbrary Publtc LlCEHSEt verston P‘ nenietneuerston numberz t 1 team e tne lteenses tor most software are destgned to take awa your freedom to snare and enange tt By contrast tne Gnu General rubllflt Ltcenses are tntended to guarantee your treedom o share and cnange tree stmwaleflto make sure the software ts free ora ts users. lntslicense tlte LesserGeneral Public Llcensetav ltestosome soectally destgnated software packages—twenty llhralies——0l tlte Free Software roundatton and otner etnnors w o dectde to use tt you can use tt too but we suggest you ttrst ntnk caretully about wnetner tltts ltcense or tne ordtnary General Publtc Ltcense ts tne better strategy to use tn any parttcular case based on tlte explanattons below. Wnen we speak ot tree sottwarel we are referrtn to treedom ot use not cur General Publtc Ltcenses are dest ned to make sure nat you naue tne freedom to dtstrtbu e coptes ot tree sottware and cnarge tor tnts serutce tt you wtsnl.t at you recetve source code or can get tt tf you want t tnat you can change tne so are and use pteces ol tt tn new tree programs and thatcyou are tntormed tnat you can do tnese tlnn s To prote your rtglts we need to make restrtcttons at laybtd dtstrtbutors to deny you tnese ngnts or loose you to surrender these ”qu Tnese restncuons translate to cenatn responstbtltttes for you tt you dts tbtne comes of tne ltbrary or tt you mo t y t . . . For example tt you dtstrtbute eoptes ot tne ltbrary wnetner gratts or for a “seagull must gtue tne rectptents all tlte ngnts tnat we gaye you you must make _sulel at tney tony recetue or can et tne source e e lt ou ltnk otner code wttn tne ltbrary ou must proutde complete obyeet ltles to tlte YeClDlEHlSt so tnat ey can reltnktnem wt ttte ltbrary atter maktng cnanges o tlte ltbrary and reeomptltng tt_ no you must snow tnem tnese terms so tney know tnetr rtgnts We protect your none wttn atwo—step metnod: tywe eopvrtonttne |IDVflWt and 42) we ofter you tnts llceflsey wntcn gtyes you legal permtsston to copy otstrtbute and/or moot rte ltbrary _ _ to protect eacn dtstrtbu we want to make tt very clear tnattnere ts no waflaltfifltmthe free notary Also, tl the ltbrary ts modnted by someone else and passed on, ttte fecgalert's snoulo know tnat wnatt e naue ts not tne ortgtnal yelsldn‘ so tnat tne ortotna autnor“s re utatton wtll not be attecte by problems that mt nt be tnoo used by otners Flltally, software paten_ se a constant tttreat to tne extstenoe at any ree program We wtsn to make sure tnat a company cannot effeettvely restnc tne users of a free program by obbttntno a restrtcove tcense from a fiatent nolder Tnerefore, we tasts‘t tnat any patent ltcense obtatneo tor a uerston on e ltbrary must be conststent wnn tne ll freedom or use specttted tn ts tcense. most GNU software tncluotng someltbmrtes ts coueyeo by tne orotnary GNU General puplte Lteense Thls llcense‘ tne GNU Lesser General Publtc Lteense appltes to cemm dest nated ltbrartes and ts qutte dtlterenttrom the ordtnary General Publtc Lteense We use tnts ltcense for cenatn ltbrartes tn or_er to permtt ltnktng tnos_e ltbrartes tnto non-tree rograms_ Wnen a program ts ltnked wttn a ltbrary wnetner stattcally or ustng a snared ltbrar ltne combtnauon o tne two ts legally speaktng a combtned works a dertuattve ot tne ortgtnal ltbrary tne ordtnary Genera Publtc Lteense tneretore permtts suen ltnktno only rt tne enttre combtnatton no to crtterta or freedom lne Lesser General Publtc Ltcense permtts more latt crtterta for ltnktn otner code wttn tne ltbrary _ We ca I tnts lteense tne “Lesser“ General Publtc Lteense because tt does Less to protect tne user“s treedom tnan tne ordtnaty Geneml Publte Lteense lt also proutdes otner tree software developers Less of an advantage over Gomgetlng nonstree Ernglams Tnese dtsadvantages are tne reason we use tne ordtnary General Publtc Ltcense for many lt rartes However tne esser lteense proutdes udvama es tn cenatn spectal ctrcumstances For example on rare occastons ere may be a spectal need to encourage tne wtdest posstble use ot a certatn ltbra ,sotnat tt becomes a deslacto standard l'o acnteve nus, non—free programs must be allowed to use tne ltbrary A more treouen case ts tltat a free ltbrar does tne same too as wtdely used nonrlree ltbrartes ln tltts cases tnere ts ltttle to gatn by ltmtttng tlte tree ltbrary to free so are onl t so we use tne Lesser General Publte Ltcense tn otner cases, ermtsston o use a parttcular ltbrary tn nonrlree rograrrts enables a greater number of people to use a lar e body of free so are. For example permtsston to use tlte GNU Ltbrary tn nonstfee programs enables many more people o use tne wnole GNu o erattn system, as well as tts vartant, tne GNU/Llnux operattng sys em Althou n tne Lesser enera Publtc Ltcense ts Less protecttve ot ttte users“ freedom, tt does ensure tnat tne user of a pro ram tltat ts tnked wttlt tlte lemry_has tlte lreegom and ne_wnerewttnal to run tltat pro ram ustng a mootlted yerston ot tne Lt rary lne prectse terms and condtuons tor copytngt dtstrtbutton and modttteauon tollow ay close attentton to ttte dtfference between a “work based on tne ltbrar “ and a “work tnat uses tne ltbrary“ tne former eontatns code dertyed trom tne ltbrary wnereas tne latter must be combtne wlfl'l the ltbra tn order to run. TERMSAND cuNpmaNs FDR cuPyWG DlSTRlBUT_0N AND MDDlFICATlOM o lnts Lteense Agreement appltes to any software ltbrary or otner program wntcn contatns a nottee Slaced bytne copvrtont nolder or otner autnortzeo pany sa tng t may be dtstrtputed under ttte terms ottnts Lesser General ubltc Lteense (also called “ ts Lteense‘ l. Eaten ltcensee ts a dressed as “you“ ltbrary“ means a collectton ot sottware tunettons and/or data prepared so as to be eonuententty ltnked wttn applteatton pro ams twhtcn use some of tnose funettons and data) or term ekeeubsbles. rte Ltbnaryu below refers to anysuon software ltpmry or work wnton nas been dtstrtputed under tltese terms _A “work based on tne Ltbrary“ means ettfter tne tbrary or an denyattve work under copyrtgm law tnat ts to save a work culllalfllflg tne Ltbrary or a ponton ot lt\ellhel verbattm or wt _ modtttcanons and/ortransla ed stratgnttorwardly tnto anotrter language tneretnalter translatton ts tncluded wttnout ltmnauon tn tne term “modtttcatton“ Source code“ for a work means tlte referred torm ot tne work tor maktng mo nteattons to tt Fol a ltbmry complete source code means all tne source code for a modules tt contatnst plus any assoctated tntertace deftnttton filest p us tne scum used to control comptlatton and tnstallatton of me llblfléy _ Acttvtoes otner tttan CDPylftgy dtstrtbutton and mo tftcatton are not covered by‘thls Llcenset tney are oumde tts scope. Tne act bt runntng a pro ram ustng tne Llhmry ts not lestflcted‘ and output from sue a program to covered only tt ns contents constttute a wor based on tlte Ltbrar (tndependent ot tne use of tne Ltbrary tn a tool for wrtttno tt) wnetnertnat ts true de ends on wnat tne Ltbrary does an wnat tne program tnat uses tne Ltbrary does. t nu may copy and dtstrtbuoe yerbattm coptes of tne Ltbrary“s complete source code as you recetve ttl tn any rrtedtum. provtded at you consptcuously mm appro rtatel publtsn on eacn copy an appropnate eopyrtgnt nottce and dtsclatmer ot warranty; keep tntact all tne nu ces tna re too ts Ltcense and to tne absence of any warranty; and dtstrtbute a copy of tnts Ltcense along wttn tne Ltbrary you may charge a fee for tne pnystcal act ot transferrtng a copy. and you may at your optton offer warranty protectton tn excnange for a fee 21 22 LICENSES LGPL (cont [ 2 you ma modrty your copy or copres or the Lrbrarv or any portron or it, thus tormrn awork based on the Lrorary, and copy and drstrr or: such modrtrcatrons or work under the terms o seetronr aoovc, provr ad that you arso mcct arr or these condrtrons a the mourned work must rtsert he a sottware rrorary o You must cause the rrres modrfied to carry’promrnent notrces statrn that you charmed the trres and the date or any change c you must cause the whole or the work to e rrcensed at no charge o all thrrd panres under the terms or thrs chetrse lt a tacrrrty tn the modrtred letaty reters to atunctron or a taole or data to he supprred try an applrcatron firearm that uses the tacrlrty, other than as an argument passed when the tacrrrty rs rnvoked, then ou must make a good tart e ortto ensure that, tn the evern an applrcatron does not supply such tunctron or table, the tacrrr sull operates, and pertorms whatever part ol rts purpose remarns meanrngrur (For examflre a tunctron rn a rrbtaryzto compute s uare roots has a purpose that rs emrrery werr—detrned rndependent ol the ap rrcatron ftrete'qte, Suosectron d re urres tha any apprrcatrotr;supprrefl tunctron or taore used by thrs tunctron must oe tog ronar: rr the applrcatron does not sugvd‘r rt, the square root lunctron must strrr cemrtfle souare roo s.r T ese reourrementa apply to the modr re work as a whore rt roentrnaore seetrons o that work are not derrved trom the Lrbrary, and can he reasonably consrdered rnde endent and separate works rn themselves, then thrs chense. and rts terms, do not appry to those sectrons when you orstn ute them as separate works But when you drstrroute the same sectrons as pan of a who e whrch rs awork based on the Lrora , the drstnoutron ol the whole must he on the terms or thrs cherrse, whose ermrssrons tor other lrcensees extend tot e entrre whore, and thus or each and every part re aroress or who wrote rt. hus, rt rs not the rntent ot thrs sectron to crarrn rr ms or coldest Hour rrohts to work wn en en rrery by you, rather, the rntent rs to exercrse the noht to eontror the drstnputron or errvatrve or co ectrve works oased on the trorary rn addrtron, mere aggregatron or another work not oased on the Lrlrrar wrth the Lrbrar tor wrth a work oasecl on the Lroraryr on a vorume or a storage or drstnoutron medrum does not Drlrrgpttre ot er work under e sco e or thrs meme 3 too may opt to appry the terms or the ordrnary GNU Generar uorrc chense rnstead or thrs rcense to a grven copy or the _ Lrbrarv.Ta do thrs you must arter all the notrces that reter to thrs chense, so that they reter to the ordrnary GNU General Puhllc rrcense, versron ,rnstead or to thrs Llcense trl a newer versron than versron z or the ordrnary Gllu cenerar _F‘uhrrl: chense has appeared, then you can specrty that versron rnstead rt you wrsh.r Do not make any other chan e rn these nouces. once thrs changers made ln a grven copysrt rs rrreversrore ror that copy, so the ordrnary GNU enerar Pubrrc chense apples to all subsequent co res and derrvatrve wor made trom that com thrs opnon rs use r when you wrsh _to cop part or the code a e lerary rnto aspmgram that rs not a lrhrary 4 you may copy and drstnoute the ulrrary or a ponron or derrvatrve or rt, under ectron z) rn oolect code or executaore form under the terms or sectrons l and 2 aoove rovrdeo that you accompany rt wrth the complete correspondrng "lemme—readable source code, whrch must he drstnouted un er the terms or aectronst and 2 above on a medrum customarr y used tor sottware rnterchangc _ _ rt drstnoutron or oolect code rs made by orterrng access to copy from a desrgnated place, then ottenno e urvarent access to copy the source code trom the same pace sanstres the regurrettrent to drstnoute the source code, event ough thrrd partres are no compelled to copy the source arono wrth the oeéect eo e 5 rt programthat eontarns no derryatrve or any o on or the Lrhrarg, out rs desrgned to work wrth the uprary oy pern comprled or lrnked wrth rt, rs called a “work tha uses the Lrbrary“ ueh a work, rn rsorauon, rs not a denvatrye work the Lrhrary, and theretore tarrs outsrde the scope otthrs tacense _ _ However, rrnkrw a ”work that uses the Lrorary” wrth the Lr a creates an executable that rs a denyauve or the Lrorary ypecause rt eo arns portrons ot the rrorayy ,_mther than a ‘ or that uses the rrbtary“ the executaore rs theretore covered oy hrs chense Sectron 5 states terms tor dr noutron or such execumores. When a “work that uses the Lrhmry“ uses materrar trom a header the that rs an or the rrorary, the ooleet code tor the work may he a denvaove work or the Lrorary even mouqtr the source code rs not. hether thrs rs true rs especrall sronrlrcant rr the work can he lrnkeo wrthout the Lrbtary, or rt the work rs rtsert a rrorary. The threshord tor thrs to ac true rs no preeraely detrneo or raw. rt such an oorect trre uses only numerrcar parameters data structure layouts and aecessors, and smarr macros and smalr rnlrne runctrons (ten lrnes or ress rn engtn), then the use or the oorectrrre rs unrestrrcted, regardless or whether rt rs legally a derrvatrve work (Execumbres eontarnrngthrs ooyect cooe plus portrons or the Lrorary wrrr strrr tarr under Sectlnn t ctherwrse, rr the work rs a derrvatwe or he Lrorary, you ma drstrroute the oolect code tor the work under the terms of Sectron o Atty executaores oontarnrn that work also tarr under Se ron 6, whether or not they are rrnked drrectry wrth the lerar rtsert a As an excepoon to the se rons above, you may also comome or lrnk a ”work that uses the Lrhrary” wrth the more o produce a work contarnrng portrons or the Lrora .and drstrroute that work under terms or your chorce, rovrded that e terms ermrt modrrrcatron ol the work tor the customer s own use and reverse englneemrg ror debuggrnfi suc moorrrcatrons ou must orve promrnent notrce wrth each copy or the work that the Lrbva rs used rn rt andt att e Lrbraty and rts use are covered oythrs chense you mustsupgryacopy or thrs chense hthewor dulrng exegutron drsprayscopynght notrces,you must rncrude the copynoht notrce tort e Lrhrary among them, as well as a reference drrectrng the user to the copy otthrs chense Armynu must do oneor these thrngs aLAccumDalry the work wrth the comwete corres ondrn machrne—readaore source code tor the Lrhrary rncrudrno whatever c an es were useo tn the work (whrc must he_ rstrro ed under sectronsr and 2 above), and rt the work rs an ekecutatrre rrnke wrth the Lrorary, wrth the complete machlhesreadabre “work that uses the Lrorary‘ , as oblect code and/or source code, so that the user can modrry the Lrhrary aha then rerrnk to reduce a modrtred executaole contarmng the modrtred Lrorary (rt rs understood that the user who chanoes the contents or d rnruons trres tn the Lrorary wrrr not necessarrry be able to recomprre tho apprreatron to use mc_modrtred dotrmtrohs) _ b1Use a sultaale shared lrorary mechanrsm tor rrnkrno wrth the mm A surtaore mechanrsm rs one that trr uses at run trme a copy or the rrorary arready resent on the user‘s computer s stem, ra her than cop’yrng lrhmry tunctrons rnto the executaole, and zr wrrr operate properywrth a modrtred yersron or the rr rarv, rt the user ursta s one, as one as the modrtred versron rs rnte ace-compatrore won t e yersron that the work was made wrth _ _ c Accompany the workwrth a wrrtten otter, varrd tor at least three years, to sue the same user the materrars specrtred rn uoseetron ea, aoove, tor a charge no more than the eost ot perrormrng thr_s drstrroutron dth drstnoutron or the work rs made or ottenno access to copy from a desronated place, otter eourvarent access to copy the a ove specrtred materrars trom the same prace _ ayerrty that the user has already recerved a copy at these matenars or that you have already sent thrs user a copy r an executaore, the re urred to_rm ot the “work that uses the Lrhrarx“ must r_nclude an _da_ta and utrrrtdv programs needed tor reproducrno the executor e trom rt. However as a specrar ekceptront e matenars to be rstnouted nee not rncrude anythrno thatranormarryorstnouted on erther source or ornary rormt wrt the mayoreompanentsteomprrer, kernel and so ml) or he operatrno system on whrch he executaole runs. unless that component reerl accompanres the execulah e rt may happen that thrs reqwrement contradrets the rrcense restrrctrons of other proprretary Ilhmrres that do not normarry accompany the operatrng system Such a contradrctron means you cannot use burn them and the Lrorary together rn an executaole that you drstrroute 7 too may prace rrbrary lac-lures that are a work based on the Lroraay srdesbyssrde rn a srnfile lrorary together wrth other rrorary taerrrtres no covered oythrs chense, and drstrroute such a comtnne rrorary, provrded that e separate orstnoutron or the work eased on the Lrhrary and or the other Ilbrary tacrlrtres rs otherwrse ermrtted. and grounded that you do these two (lungs a) Accompany the comprned rrorary wrth a copy of the same work ased on the Lr rary, uncomorned wrth any other rr rary racrrrtres hrs must be drstrrouted under the terms or the sectrons aoove _ or Grve promrnent notrce wrth the comlnned rrorary or the tact that pan or rt rs a work based on the Lrhlarv, and explarnrng where to the the accompanyrn uncomorned term ot the _same work _ a you ma not cop , modrty, su rrcense, lrnkwrth or drstnoute the Lrbtar except as expressly provrded under thrs chense Any attempt a herwrse_ copy modrry, suorrcense, rrnk wrth, or drstnoute the _rorary rs oord, and wr r automatrcarry termrnate your rrohts under thrs Llcetrse. However panres who have recerved copres, or nghts, trom you under thrs chetrsc wrrr not have then rrcenses termrnated so rang as such partres remarn rn turr comprrance LICENSES LGPL (cont [ 9 you are not requireo to accent tnts Licenset since you have not signeo tt. lloweuen notntng else grants you oemttsston to moony or aislnoute tlte Ltorary or its oertvatiye works Tltese acttoits are prontotteo by law it you do not accept this Ltcense Thelflflmt by mootfyino or oistriouttno tne Library (Oi any work baseo on tne Ltbroryn you tnotcate your acceptance at tnts License to do so. and all its terms and conditions tor coolrtnot otstrtbultrtu or moottying tne Library or wOlks based on it to Eacli time you reotstrtbute tne Library or any wolk oeseu on tne Ltoiaryn ttie reetptent automatically receives a license tiom tne original ltcensoi to corny distribute ltnR mm or moottytne Library subiect to tnese terms amt conditions you may not impose any further restrictions on tlte recipients exercise ot tlte rignts glanleo neretn you are not responsible tor entoretng compliance by tntio barties wttn tnts License tt il‘ as a consequence of a courl iuooment or allegallorl oi patent tnirtngernent or lor any olner reason (not ltmtteo to oatent tssuesl, conotuons are trnposec on you twnetnei by court oroen agreement or otnerwtsey tnat contractet tne eonotttons ot tnis Ltcenset tney do not excuse you from tne coitotttons of lnts License it you cannot atstitoute so as to sattsfy stmultaneously your obligations unoertnis License anc any otner pertinent obligations, tnen as a consequence you may not oistrioute tne uhmry at all. For eyamolet if a Datent license would not permit royalty—nee redistribution ot tne Library by all tnose wno receive cobtes oireetly or tnotreetlytnrougn you tnen tne only way you could sattsry botn it ano tnts License woulo he to refrain entirely lmm distribution of tne Library. it any purllnrl ottnts section is nelo tnyalto or unentoiceaule under any particular circumstance tne balance ottne section is tiiienoeo m abblyt ano tne section as a wnole is intended to anbly tn otner circumstances. it ts not the purpose of ms sectton to tnduce you to tnfitnge any patents or otnei property llgM clatms or to contest ualtotty of any sucn claims, tnts section nus tne sole purpose ot protecting tne integrity ottne free software otstrtbution system wntcn ts tmolemenleo by bubltc license practices Marty Deoole nave niaoe qeneluus contributions to tne Wide range ot software oistriouteu tnrougn tnal system in reliance on consistent application ottnal system, it is Up to tne autnorroonor to oectoe it He or sne is willing to distribute sottware tniougn any otner system amt a licensee cannot impose tnat cnoice. Tnts section ts tntcnoco to make tnorougltly clear wnat ts ocltcyeo to be a consequence at the rest at tnis License 12 ltlne oistributton and/or use of tne Library is restricteo tn certain countries eitnei by Dateno or by cobyrtgnteo tnterlaces. tlte ortgtnal cooyngln noloer wno places lne Lttirary unoerlnts License may and an explictt geograpntcal aislnoutton lnnttalton excluoino tnose couninest so tnat otstrtouuon ts permitteo only in or among countries not tnus excluoec in suen caset tnis License incorporates tne ltmtmlton as if written tn tne body at tltts License ta Tne Free Software Founoatton may oubltsn reytseo ano/or new Versions ot me Lesser General Public License from time to time Sucn new versions Will be similar tn sotrtt to tne Dresent Version, but may oiftei tn demtl \O address new Droblems or concerns Eaen Version ts given a otsttrioutsnino version number. it tne Library spectties aversion number of tnts License wntctt abbltes to tt ano “any later Velstnn‘fl you have tlte ootton ol tollowtng tlte lerrns ano eonotttons etlner ol tnatyerston or or any later uerston bubltsneo by tne Free Sottware Founoation lttne Library does not spectty a license version numben you may cnoose any uerstori euei ouoltsneo oytne Free software Foundation M it you men to tneoroomte oaris ottne Library tnto otnenree prugmms wnose otstrtbution conotttons are incompatible witn tnese, write to tne autnor to asntoi permission. For software wnicn ts cooyrtonted by tne Free Slmwale Fnundahunt write to tne Free Software FOllltdallOR‘ we sometimes maRe exceptions tortnis Dur oectston wtll be guided by tne two goals ot presenting tne tree status at all derivatives ot our free software anti at bromottrtu tne snaitrto and reuse ol software qenelaHy ND WARRANTy ts BECAUSE TllE UBRARY lS LlcEllsED FREE OF CHARGE THERE is NO WARRANTY FOR THE LlRRARy. TO THE ExTENT PERMlT'TED Ry APPLchRLE LAW EXCEPT WHEN DTREthsE STATED lN WRlTlNS THE cDPleSHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTlES PROVlDE THE LlRRARy “A5 is“ thROUT WARme OF ANy KWDt ElTHER EXPRESSED OR lMPLlEDt iNCLUDiNGt BUT NOT LlMlTED TO. THE lMPLlED WARRANTlES OF MERCHANTARlLlTy AND FlTNESS FOR A PARTlOuLAR PURPOSE THE ENTlRE RlSK AS TD THE QMUTV AND PERFORMANCE oF THE LlDRARy is thR yDU SHOULD THE LlDRARy PROVE DEFEchVE, yDll ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NEOESSARy sERVlclNOt REPAlR OR cDRREchON. to W ND EVENT UNLESS REDUlRED Dy APPLchDLE LAW DR ASREED To in WRlTlNS WlLLANy cchRlSHT HOLDER DR ANy DTllER PARry WHO MAy MODle AND/DR REDlSTRlDUTE THE LlBRARy AS PERMllTED ABOVE, DE UABLE To you FOR DAMAGES lNOLUDlNG ANy GENERAL SPECTAL‘ lNchENTAL OR coNsEauENTlAL DAMASES ARlslNS OUT OF THE USE oR lNAolLlTy TO USE THE uRRARy (lNOLUDlNO BUT NOT LlMlTED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEWG RENDERED lNAOCURATE OR LOSSES SuSTAlNED Ry yOU OR TlllRD PARTlES ORA FAlLuRE OF THE LlRRARy TO OPERATE WlTH ANy OTHER SOFTWARE) EVEN lF SuOH HDLDER OR OTHER PARry HAS REEN ADVlSED OFTHE POSSlDlLlTy OF SUCH DAMAGES 23 24 LICENSES - GPL Thts software was built using the foitowtng toots tn accordance to the ttcenses betow do t z 4 o , GPL communtcatron through tPcfnanted ptpes vra at Embedded o oo , GP —comrrtuhrcatton throu h tPc/named DIDes vta obex'dam server GPL , communtcatron throu h t cfnanted ptpes vra douset 2 a a data server — GPL , communtcatton hrough iPc/named otoes vta dbus—t z 4 o The arm ocncrai Puottc trccnse toPt) Verston zt June test cop rtght to teeth test Free software Poundatton, the 59 emote Pace, Surte 330, Boston MA omit—1307 USA Evetyofte rs permttted to cop and dtstrtbute verbattm coptes g'this't’i‘cenxe document, ou changtno tt rs not attowed. reanr e The ttcenses tor most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change tt. By contrast the GNU Generat Pubttc ttcense rs tntended to guarantee your treedom to share and change tree software-- o make sure the sottware ts tree tor att tts users. This Generat Puo tc Ltcense ao ttes to most of the Free Sottware foundattoh‘s software and to any other program whose authors _commtt to using it tSome o er Ftec Software Foundation sottware ts covered by the GNU ubmry oenerat Puottc Ltcense rnsteao ) you can ayuiy tt to your programs too When we speak ottree sottware‘ we are re errtng to freedom not prtce out oenerat Pubttc ttcenses atefiesta‘fted to make sure that you have the treedom to dtstrtbute cootes of tree software (and charge tor thts servtce ti you wtsh) at you receive source code or can get tt rt you want tt, that you can change the sottware or use pieces of tt tn new tree progmmst and that you know ou can do these thtnos To to eat your rights we need to make restrtcttons that torotd anyone to deny gnu these rights or to ask you to surrender the ttg ts These restrtcttons translate to certatn responsrbtttttes for you rt you dtstrt ute coptes of the sottware, or tf you modtt tt For examptet tt ou dtstrtbute coptes ot such a program whether gratts or tor a tee, you must grve the rectprents ait the no ts that you have ou must make sure that they too, recetve or can get the source code And you must show hem these terms so they ow thetr rtghts. We protect {our rrghts wtth two steps (1) copyrtght the software and tz) otter you thts ttcehse whrch gtves you tegat permtsston to copy; dts rtbute and/or modtty the sottware Atso t each author‘s protectron and outs‘ we want to make certatn that everyone understands that there ts no warran for thts tree sottware it the sottware ts modttted by someone etse and passed on we want to temtem to know that what hey have ts not the ortgtnat so that any probtems tntroduced oy others will not retiect on the ortgrrtat authers‘ rzpuwltons FinaHVt any free program ts threatened constantty by software patents We wtsh to avotd the danger that re tstrtbutors ot a free program wttt rndtvtduatty ootatn patertt ircenses, tn ettect maktng the program proprtetary To prevent thrs‘ we have made tt etear that an oatent must be ttcensed tor ever ane‘s tree use or not tcehsed at all The rectse erms and condttrons tor mpgltsgr tstrthutron and modtttcaoon toiiow TER SAND coNotTtoNs FOR contht t RtBuTiutt AND MODiFICATiOM u_ Th_ts Ltccnsc so has to any program or other work whrch cohtatns a nottcc ptaccd by the copyrtg'ht hotdcr sayrng it maybe drstrrouted under e terms ot thts Generat Pubttc tteense The ”Program betowt refers to an suc pro ram or work and a “work based on the Woman“ means etthe_r the Program or anydertvatrve work under copyrt tiaw tho ts to say a work contatntn the Program or a portton at it euher verbattm or wtt modrttcattons and/or transta ed tnto another tanpuaoe. wrap or trahstatton rs tnciuded wtthout ttnrrtatron tn the term “madi'icatmft” ) Each ttoensee rs addressed as you“ tvtbes other than Cflvymnt dtsbtoutton and modtftcattoh are not covered oythts LiCeHSEt they are oumde tcs scope. The act or ruhntng the Program ts not reslticted‘ and the output trom the Progmm ts covered orgy tt tts contents eohstttute a work loased on she Program findeoehdem ot haytng been made by runntng the Program) Wh her that ts true dEPeftds on what the to mm oes t ttgu may copy and dtstrtoute veroattm co tes of the ngram‘s source code as you receive tt in any medium provtded that you cons rcuous_iy and approprtatety pubtts on each capybfift approprtate oopyrtght nottce and dtsctarmer nfwatmhty‘ keep trrtact all he notrces that refer or thts Ltcense and to the a sence of any warranty: and grve any other rectotents of the Program a copy of thts trcense atong wtth the Program _ Vouhmav charge a fee for the ohystcai ac ot transferrtng a cooy. and you may at your ootton offer warranty protection tn m we or a ee z ttou ma modtfy your coPy or coptes of the warm or any Eamon ot ttt thus tormthg a work based on the Ptnrqramt and coor ahnd dtsbt “the such modtttcattons or work under e terms o ectton t above provtded that you atso meet at o ese con t rons a you must cause the modtfted tttes to carry romtnent nottces stattn that you changed the tttes and the date ot any change to Vou must cause arty work that you dtstrtbu e or fiubltsht that tn who e or tn part co arns or ts dertved from the Program or any artthereot, to be ttcehsed as a whote at no c arge to at thtrd pames under the terms at thts Ltcense c) f he_modttted program normatty reads commands tnteracttvety when run, you must cause it when started runntng tor such trrteractrve use tn he most ordtnary way to prtrrt or dtsptay an announcement rnctudrng an approprtate copyrt ht nottee and a nottce that there rs no warranty (or etse, saytng that you provtde a warrant? and thatusers may redtstrtbutet e program under these conditionst and tetttng the user how to vtew a copy of thts ttcense ( xceptton rt the Program rtsett ts tnteracttve bru does not normatty prtnt such an announcement your work based on the Program ts not re utred to prtnt an announcement) These reoutrements apply to the modtfted work as a whote if tdenttfiab e secttons ot hat work are not dertved trom the Program and can be reasonabty constdered rrtdependent and separate works rn themselves, then thts Ltcertse‘ and rts terms do not anoiy to those secttons when you dtstrtbute them as separate works. But when you dtstrtbute the same secttohs as part or a whote whtch rs a work hased on the Program the dtstrtou ton of the whote must be on the terms of thts License whose oermtssrons tor other |rcensees extend to the enttre whote, and thus he each and every art re ardtess ot who wrote tt. hus‘ tt rs not th_c tntcnt of thts scctton to ctatm rt irts or contest your rtgirts to work wrt en en rrety by you rather the tntcnt ts to exerctse the right to comrot the drstnbutton of ertvattve or co ecttve works based on the Program in addttton mere aggregatron of another work_not based on the Program wtth the Program tor wtth a work based on the Program) on avoiume ot a storage or dtstrtoutron medtum does not rtng the other work under the scooe of thts trcense. a ou may stay and dtstrtbutc the Program (or a work based on t under sectton zt tn obtect code or ekecutabte torm under the terms ot ecttorrs t and 2 above orovtded that you atso do one ot the fottowtno ayitccompahy ttwrth the comptete correspondrng machtne-readaote source code, whtch must be dtstrtouted under the terms o Secttorrs t and 2 above on a medtum customartiy used for sottware inteichaflqet on bysccompany tt wtth a wrnten otter, vattd for at teast three years to gtve any thtrd party tor a charge no more than gm” cost of P ystcatiy oertormtng source dtsbtoutton, a comotete machthe—reada te cooy oi the correspondtrrg source code to e drstrrbuted und_er the terms or Secttohs t and _2 above on a medtum eustomarrty used tor_sottware tnterchan st or a? Accomnan rt wtth the trrtormatton ou recerved as to the otter to dtstrtbute correspondrrrg source code (T rs atternattve ts a towed onty or noncommeretai dtstrt vtton and onty tt you recetved the progmm tn optect code or ekeeutapte form wtth such an ofter, tn accord wtth Suosecttorr o above.) The source code tor a work means the preferred torm ot the work for maktng modtttcattons to tt For an executahte work comptete source code means at the source code for at modvtes tt Contamst otus any assoctated trrterface dettnttton Nest otus the sort ts used no oontrot compttatton and rnstattatton of the executahte Howevet, as a spectat excepttom the source code drsttrou d need not thclude anythmg that ts normatty dtstrtbuted ttn etthet source or brnary totmt wtth the mayor components tfiompttenégrnet and so on) ot the operattng system on whtch the execumme must untess that component ttsett accompantes e execu e LICENSES GPL tcont ) lt drstrrhutron ot executable or object coders made oy otterrng access to copy from a designated place then ottering equivalent access to copy the source code trom the same place counts as drstrroutron ot the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source alono With the ooiecl code A you may not copy, mooity, suhllcense‘ or distribute the Program except as expressly provided unoer this License Any attempt otherwrse no copy modlty subllcense or drstrroute the meam is void and Will automatically terminate your rlohls under this License Howevel, panres who have reeerueo copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such names remain in tull comolrance 5 you are not required to accept this License since you have not signed it however nothing else grants you permission to modity or dislrihute the Program or in derivative worksThese actions are orohrorted by law it you do not acceotthrs License Theretore oy modifying or distrioutrng the Program (or any wan oased on the Plugram)‘ you indicate your acceptance otthrs License to do so, and all its terms and conditions tor coovrnor drstrroutrno or modltyind the Program or works based on it G Each time you redrstrroute the Plugmm (Di any work oased on the Flagrant), the recipient automatically receives a license lrom the oriornal lrcensor to my drstrroute or modlty the Program subiect to these terms and conditions you may not rmoose any tunher restrictions on the recipients exercise ot the rrglns gmnted herein you are not responsrole tor entorcrng compliance by lhrrd parties to this License. 7 lt as a consequence at a court iudgment or allegation ot patent rntrrngement or tor any other reason (not lrmned m patent rssuesl. condroons are rmposed on you (whether by court order agreement or otherwrsel that contradrct the condrtrons or this License they do not excuse you train the conditions otthrs License. lt you cannot drstrroute so as to satrsry srmunaneously your oolrgatrons under this License and any other pertinent oolrgatrons, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all For example it a patent license would not permit royaltyrtvee redrstrroutron ot the Program oy all those who receive copres drrectly or rnoirectly through you then the only way you coulo satisfy oath rt and thrs chense would as to relrarn entrrely trom drstrrornron ot the Program lt any porlron or thrs sectron rs held rnvalrd or unentorceaole unoer any panrcular crlcumstance‘ the oalanoe or the sectron rs rinended m aooly and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. lt is not the purpose or this section to induce you to rntrrnge any patents or other property right claims or to contest ualrdrty at any such claims; this section has the sole ouroose ol orotectrno the integrity ot the tree software distribution system which is implemented by puolrc license practices Many people have madc gcncrous coinrihutrons to thc wrdc range ot sottware distributed through that system in Tellance on wnslstem aoollcatron of that system; rt is uo m the author/donor m decide it he or she is willing to orstrroute sottware through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is oelreueo to he a consequence or the rest ot this License. is lt the orstnhutron and/or use ot the Program is restricted in certain countries erther oy patents or toy copyrighted lnlerlzces‘ the original conyrrgtn holder who places the Program under this License may ado an exolrcrt oeooraohroal drsorhutron limitation excluding those countries so that drstrroution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded ln such case this License incorporates the lrmroatron as it written in the body at this License 9 The Free Sottware Foundation may puolrsh revised and/or new versions or the General Puolic License nom time to time Such new versions will be similar in soirrtlo the present version but may stiller in detail to address new oroolems or concenis. Each uersron is given a distinguishing uersron numoer. lt the Program speertres a uersron numoer or this License which applies to it and ”any later uersron ‘, you have the optron ottollowing the terms and conortrons erther ol that version or of any later uersron puhlrshed by the Free Sottware Foundation it the Program does not specity a uersron numoer at this License you may choose any versron ever published by the Free Software Foundallorl lo lt you wrsh to incorporate oans ot the Program lrlm other tree programs whose distnhutron conditions are ditterentr write to the ainhorlo ashlar permrssron For sottware which rs oopyrrghted oy the Free Suitwale Foundatron, write to the Free Sottware Foundation, we sometimes make exceotrons tor this. Our decision will he guided hy ttie two goals ot preserving the tree status or all oerruatrves ot our tree sottware ano ot promotrng the sharrng ano reuse of sottware generally NO WARRANTY ll BECAUSE TRE PRDGRAM ls LlDENsED FREE DF CHARGE TRERE ls N0 WARRANTy FDR TRE PRDGRAM, TD THE ExTENT PERMl'rTED By APPLchBLE LAW ExcEPT WHEN oTllERWlSE STATED lN WRlTlNG TltE COP‘tRIGHT NoLDERS AND/DR oTllER PARTlES PRovtDE ThE PROGRAM “AS lS“ erltDuT WARRANTy oF ANy KlND, ElThER EXPRESSED oR lMPLlED, lNDLLlDlNG, BUT NOT LlNllTED TDr THE lMPLlED WARRANTlES oF MERCHANTABlLITV AND FlTNESS FOR A PARTlcuLAR PURPDSE TltE ENTlRE RISK AS To TRE DuALlTy AND PERFDRMANDE DF TRE PRDGRAM lS erR yDu SHOULD THE PRDGRAM PRDVE DEFEchVEr you ASSUME THE GDST OF ALL NEcESSARy SERVlclNGr REPAlR DR CDRREDTlGN. lz lN ND EVENT UNLESS REDulRED Dy APPLchGLE LAW DR AGREED TD IN WRlTlNG WILL ANy COPVRlGHT HOLDER DR ANy DTHER PARTy wtto MAy MDDle AND/DR REDlSTRlDuTE THE PRDGRAM AS PERNllTTED ABOVE BE LIABLE TO you FDR DAMAGES lNDLuolNG ANy GENERAL SPEClAL‘ lNGloENTAL DR DoNSEquENTlAL DAMAGES ARlSlNG ouT DF THE USE DR lNADlLlTy To USE THE PROGRAM (lNCLUDIMG BUT NoT LlNllTED To LOSS DF DATA OR DATA BElNG RENDERED IMACCURATE DR LDSSES SUSTAlNED Ry yDu DR TRlRD PARTlES DR A FAlLURE DF TRE PRDGRAM To DPERATE erR ANy DTRER PRDGRAMSL EVEN lF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTy HAS BEEN ADVlSED OFTHE PDSSlBlLlTy oF SUCH DAMAGES. 25 26 LICENSES - MIT ThTs Software was ouilT usin The ToTToan tools Tn aceordanee To the TTcenses heTow expalez OT —MiiT , TndTrect TnRTng depen ency iibxmiZ e M T Expat xML Parser Cflgwwhl (c) 1995 19951 2000 Then Open Source SoTTware Gonter LTd and Clalk Cooper. 3 Opylight (Ghzfldi‘ Ma 2003‘ 2004‘ zoos, 2006 ExpaT maintaTners PerstsTon Ts eleby wanted Tree or charge To any person Albumin? a copy olThTa snfiwale and assocTaTed documenmlun Tiles (me “Smrwave‘T O deal in the Smlwaie wlihuu reniitiinn inc ufling wi‘hOuK iimitaliuri the lights (0 use‘ m y mOdiYy‘ merge, PubiiShT deTniouTe, suoTTcenseT and/or seTT cooTes oT The Software and to permTT persons to whom The SD TurnTshed to do so suhTect To the ToTToWThg cpnthions _ The above cogyn ht noTTce and ThTs permission noTTce shall he included Tn aTT co Tes or supstanTTal oonTons oT The Somme THE SDFTWA I PROVIDED ”AS TS ‘,WITHouT WARRANTV OF ANV KTND‘ EXPR 55 OR TMPLIED TNCLUDIMG EMT NOT LiMiTED TO THE WARRANTTES OF MERGHANTABTLTTV FITNESS FOR A PARTTcuLAR PURPOSE AND NONTNFRTNOEMENT. TN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTNGRS DR CDPVRTGHT HDLDERS BE LTABLE FDR ANY CLAIM DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABTLITV WNETHER TN AN ACTTON OE CONTRACT TORT OR OTHERWISE ARTSTNG FROM, OUT OF OR TN CUNNECTiOM WTTH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR DTHER DEALTNGS IN THE SOFTWARE iibxmiZ Except where oTherWTse noTed Tn the source code Tee the TTTes hash c TTst c and The trTo NEST thch are covered by a sTmilar TTcence ouT wnh dTherenT Gopyn hT "Mines? all The TTTes are cuPerghl (CT 199872003 DanTeT eTTlard. AT RTghts Reserved Perstsion Ts hereh wanted Tree at charge To any person ODETVTTHP a eopy oTThTs sottware and assocTaTed documentaTTon Tiles (the “software T o deal Tn The SoTTwaTe thhou iesTncTTon Tnc udTno WTThout TTmTTalTon the nghts to use co y modify merge, puhiisih deTrThuTe, suhTTcenseT and/or seTT copTes at The Snfiware and to permTT persons to whom The So are Ts TurnTshed to do so subyemo the iOiioang condTOons The ahoye cO En ht noTTce and ThTs permission noTTce shall he included Tn aTT coETes or suhsTanTTal ponTohs at The Snfiware THE SOT-TWA I PROVIDED “AS TS T, WTTHOOT WARRANTV aE ANV KiND‘ EXPR SS OR TMPLTED iNCLUDIMG BUT NOT LTMTTED TO THE WARRANTTES OF MERCHANTABTLTTV FrTNESS FOR A PARTTOULAR PURPOSE AND NONTNFRTNGEMENT. TN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CUWRTGHT HOLDERS BE LiABLE EDR ANV CLAIM‘ DAMAGES OR OTHER LlABTLlTv WHETHER TN AN AcTTOll OF CONTRACT TORT OR OTHERWISE ARTSTNO FROM, OUT OF OR TN coNNEcTTOll WTTH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR DTHER DEALTNGS lit THE SOFTWARE Te Ts Licenses - BSD mm software was built using The Toiioynnq tools Th accordance To The iTcenses baiow T sz CoPyn hT (CT Tsssezooxh Dieter Baron and Thomas Kiausner The a hors can he contacted at him @nTh aT Redfilibution and‘use in source and inary Torrnsi with or WTThout rnodTTTcaTTon, are nermined RioVTded That the Toilewino con T Tons are me RedistributTons of source code mus1 retain The above copyright "WEST ThTs iTst oT conthTons and The Tollowino deciairnei RedeTTThutTons Tn binarymml musT reproduce The above coparsTohT notTce, thTs TTsT OT condThons and The ToTToWTng decTaTmeT Tn The documentaTTon and or other maTeTTals RTOVTde WTlh The T TioutTon NeTTher the name oT thenor The names oT Tta contaToulois may he used To endorse or promote products denved ivoin ThTs soitware WTThouT freci'ingioi ertTen eTstsTon THTS SOFTWARE iS PROVTDED BV T E Co RlSHT HOLD RS AND CDNTRTBllTORs “A5 is“ AND Am EXPRESS DR TMPLTED WARRANTTES iNCLUDiNG‘ BUT NOT LTTVllTED TO THE TMPLTED WARRANTTES OF MERGHANTABTLTTV AND FiTMESS FOR A PARTTCULAR PURPOSE ARE DTSGLATMED. TN NO EVENT SHALL THE cOPVRTOlTT HOLDER OR CONTRTBUTDRS BE LlABLE FOR ANV DlREcT TNDTREcT TNGlBEllTAL, SPECTAL EXEMPLARV OR caNSEOLTENTTAL DAMAGES iNCLUDiNG‘ BUT NOT LTTVllTED TO PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTTTUTE GOODS OR SERVTCEST LOSS OF USE DATA, OR PROETTS O BUSTNESS TMTERRUPTTON HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANV THEDRV OF LlARTLTTV WHETHER TN CONTRACT STRTcT LTABTLlTv, OR TORT TNGLUDTN NEGLiGEMCE OR OTHERWiSEleISiNG TN Am WAV OUT OF THE USE OF THTS SOFTWARE EVEN iF ADVTSED F THE POSSIBiLiTV OF SUCH DAMA E Fedevai OommuthatTon commission TnterTerence STatement This 9 ulpmenl has been Tested and iound in cOmpIy leiT The iTmTls igr a Ciass B dlgilfl fleViCEJ pursuant In Paii T5 oi the FCC Rules. hese TTmTTs are desTened m prodee reasonable oroTeeTTon against harmTuT Tn erTerehce Ili a resTdehTTal TnsTaTTaTToh.ThTs edqumenT genelates‘ uses and can radTaTe radio Treduency enerdiy and TT noT installed and used Tn accordance WTTh The _ TnsTrucTTohs, may cause harmTuT TnTerTerence To radTo wmmlmica ons Howeven There Ts no ouarainee ThaT TnTenerenee wlII noT Occur in apamculal TnsiaiialTOh Ii this edwmenl dues cause haimmi Thierierence (n iadiu m ieieVTsTOn recegnoh‘ which can he deTeraned AvTurnTno the eouTomenT and on, The user Ts encouraoed To try w correcT the Tntenerehce y one iii The hollow measures Renllen a! minute the receiving antenna. increase the separation Deiween the equipment and receTveT COnhect the Eflulvmem Trim an mAIEfi an a Ciicuil dT'i‘ererTi fmm mm m which the receiver is Gnnhemed COnstlil The dealer or an exoenenced radTo/TV TechnTcTan Tor heTo FCC GauTTon Any changes or modTncaTTons not expressly approved By the party TesponsTBle Tor compTTance could uon the usel‘s auThontv o operate tins egqumenT This device wmpiles with PM” u the FCC fillies Opelatlnn is smack in me Tullowllig lw_n Gondlnqhs ”This device may not cause harmTuT TnTenerence. and (ii ThTs devTce must accein any TnterTerence receTved, ncTudTnd mTe rence that may cause undesTred Opemlian _ _ _ _ ThTs eouipment com TTes wnh FCC RF radialTon exposure TTmTTs selTorth Tor an onconTroTTed eanronmenl To maTnTaTn compliance wnh EG RF Bxpusuve compliance TeduTTennenTs, please ayon dTTect contact To The Transmnhng antenna durin TransrnTttTn . indusTTy Canada TemenT The dance compiles thh Rssezm oi The Tndustry canada RuTes OperaTTon is subledln the iniiowmg two conthTons ThTs deche may not cause Tnoerleience end tins devTce must accepT any inlenerence, incTudTng TnTerrerence that may cause undesired operaTTon of The Time TMPQRTANT NOTE iC RadiatTOrT Ex osure statement This EQMIDmen compiles WIVi IC Yadiaiinn ex nswe limits SST Tomi Tm Ni Uncontmlled environment. Elid Users MUST foiiOw The specific operating TnsimclTOns fol SaTiSTyiVIg F exposure comgiaiance TD maTVTBTVT campiiance Wifll TC RF exposuie Compiiance reouTremems, please ToTTow ooeraTToh TnsTchTon as documen d Th The manual. TECHNICAL SUPPORT (866) 204—471 4 Iookbook@kobobooks.com www. mscustomercare.com/Iookbook sh'Lf’t.3 mom szcnSqwu uc AH WM: usemn smv-z me snms mm m LnokBonk ave lmflemzvkx and’m named lvaflemzvks m Mevchswvce‘ us Kuhn. knbnbnnk; cam and Veblen “was my: waden‘mks m m pmpmy 01 mm m cm” names and camzm m pmvmy 01 My vespzcx v: mm Dwsmnmwd Dy McvcnSaum mm “79th Ranch cwzsw PATENTS PENDWG m anwark and man mm; manuaw m Dmtected by us cnv‘lvqm hw and my nu! he venmduced mst'mutefl mxmzyea punhswefl m um (many pmpm mmm yuan-Mme" vzv'wssmn w W "m vzvmmgd m 3sz mm; m vwmflucg my nademavkx avcnpyngm name Ham mm mm Prmled m Chum
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