Emerson Radio CKS1507 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth, USB User Manual
Emerson Radio Corp. Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth, USB
User Manual
E’fSOI—Im SmartSet ® Clock Radio, With Auto-Time Setting System, 1.4"Blue Jumbo Display, Dual Alarms, FM Radio, USB Charge Out, Night Light and Bluetooth Speaker (SmariSei PalenlNo. 6,567,344) OWNER'S MANUAL CKS1507 AIarrn cIock Radio wnh DIuewomIUsB VIsIl our web si1e al www emersonradio com WARNING To PREVENT FlRE OR SHOCK HAZARD, Do NOT USE THlS PLUG WITH AN EXTENSlON CORDIRECEPTACLE OR OTHEROUTLET uNLEss THE BLADES CAN BE FULLY lNSERTED ANDTHERE Is NO BLADE EXPOSURE TO PREVENT FlRE OR SHOCK HAZARD I DO NOT EXPOSE THISAPPLIANCE To RAIN OR MOlSTURE DOMOTOPEM MIlInglnIngllasthlllarmw' WARNlNG TOREDUCETHE Tn-urlamsxmnpainlwuhin noadsyhooi wIlnInaneouIe mp0; ELECWC SHOCK ansduIIennaI nIanqu s In IaieralirIangIeIsInienoedIo W NOT REMOVE COVER renoedioaIeIiineusmo eIeviIIieueeIiaInepIesenee (M “c M No USER we mm” a, WWW Diurwlslu ed'dan zIDusmla e I unhwhe‘prpvufliseneip‘svvie SERVICEAeLE PARTS INSIDE Dyersllng .ne nonienme mains, peersuirIsIenI REFER sERVIcINe ro gammyITF-wcilmm namnesiasanslnuieenax QUALIFIED sERvIcE *3 I“ “Huomvanw areIselrIaenaexiaaersans pgasONNEL IWWL‘ZW‘IMEL‘ 1 WARNING SHOCK HAZARD - Do NoTOPEN AVlS. RIsDUE DE CHOC ELECTRIOUE - NE PAS OUVRlR 2 Can ion MarkInp and Tallng pIale was Ieoaled al rearencIosure oIlhe apparalus AverlIssemenl La plaque sIgnalelIoueeslsiluee a I-arrIere de IIappareII 3 A11enlIon should he drawn 1o 1he enVIanmenlal aspesls or oallery dlsposal‘ II convIenldIallIrerlIallenlIon surIes prohIemes d‘enVImnnemenl dus a la inise au decheldes piles A Minimum dIeIances1ucm around lhe appolaluslor suITIcIen1 Ven|I|alIonI dIslance minimale 10cm aulourde l‘aDDareIl pour une aeralIon sumsanle. 5 The venlIIalIon shouId no1 be Impeded by coverIno1he venlIIalIon openInos wI1h Ilems. such as newspapers tablesclolhs‘ curtaInsI etcl II convienl que l‘aerahon ne soi1 pas genee par l‘ObsITuCtiOn des ouverlures d'aera1Ion pardes oblels 1els quejuumaux‘ nappes, rIdeaux. etc‘ 6 No naked IIanle sources, such as Iidhled candIes, shouId be pIaced on me apparalus: II convlenlde ne pas placersur IIappareiI de sources de nammes nues,1eIIes due des oougles aIIumees, 7 The use oIeppara1us In moderale eIImales si IIappareII esldeslinsa elre u1IIIse' sous un oIIrnal lempsre e1 3 To reduce 1he rIsk oITire urelecmc shock do nol expose 1his apparaluslo rain or moIslure pour reduIre Ie rIsque dIIneendIe ou de choo eleaquue ne pas exposercel appareII sous la pIuIe el I'humIdIle s WARNING Do nolingesl lhe bellery. ChemicaI Durn Hazard ThIs produolconlaIns a coin/bulron ceII hallery I1 lhe eoInIhulIon ceII oaueryis swallowedl I1can cause severe inlernaI burns Inlus12 hours and can Iead 1o dealh Keep new and used oallenes away Irom ohIIdren I1 lhe hallery eomparlrnenl does nolelose securely slop usInolne preduclano keep I1 awnylrom onIldren lIyou lnInk oalleries rnIghl have oeen swallowed orpIaoed Inside any parlorlhe body, seek Immediale medical allenllon AVERTIssEMENT Ne pas inderer Ia pIIe, Dangerde brqure ohimIque iLa1eIeeommande1ournIe aveoICe produIl oonlIenl une lee houlon sI Ia pIIe boulon eslavaIee, eIIe peul provoquer degraves orilIures Inlernes en 2 heures seuIemenl e1 peulenlrolner Ia mor1 conserver Ies lees neuves e1 usees hers de porlee des enIanIs sI Ie comparlImenI one no seIerme pas correolemenh cesserd'ulIlrser Ie produilel 1enirhors de porlee des enIanls En cas de doule coneernanl IeIaIl que Ies pIIes pourraIenl avoIr ele avalees ou Introdudes dans une parlIe queIconoue du corps consul1erImmedIa1emen1un medecIn 10 When a plug on me unIl Is used as a dIsconnecl devioeIlhIs unIl mvsl remaIn readIly accessIole Iorsque une prIse plaeee sur l'apparell estulIlIsée comma appareiI de deconnexIDn‘ cel appareii doll demeurer aIsemenl acoessIhIeI 11 The halleries Ioallery pack or hallerIes inslalledl shall nol be exposed lo excessIve heal such as sunshIrIe nre orlhe IIke Ies bal1eries1oIoo de ballerIes ou halleries InsIaIIees) he doivenl pas elre exposeesa une chaieurexcesslve IeIquue celle du soleIl‘ dIunIeu ou dIorIgIne siniiIaIre 12 ATTENTION Danger orcxplosIon Il lha pallery is nol replaced earroelly Rnplacc only wnh mp, samr‘, lype oreouivalanl lype Dangerd'explasmn si Ia lee n‘est pas remplacee correclelnenr Ne renIpIacerque porle memelype en un we equivalenl 13 The appIIanse musl nor be exposed la waler orIopInp ar splssnInp and lhsl Tm Oblecls nlled WIlh IIquIds such as vases should he placed on lhe appIIarIae IapparelI ne doI1 pas elre expose a des egouuemenlsdIeau ou des ecIabous sures e1de plus qu‘aucun objel rempII de IIquIde IeI quedes vases he doll elre place sur IIappareiI I1: Warning This devIoe complIes wl|h Induslrv Canada LIcencerexemm Rss slandardls).ODeralIOrI Is sublec1 1o 1he IoIIowing Me eendIlIons<1l1hIs devIoe mav nol cause Inlederence and Izhhis devIee mus1 accepl any Inleflerenoemcludmg Inlenerence 1ha1 may cause undesIred Operals Ion ollhe devIce Le oresenl appareII es1 conlorme aux CNR d-InduslrIe Canada appIIoahIes aux appareIIs radIo exemplsdellcenoe LIeproIlalIoneslaulorIseeauxdeuxcondihonssuIvanles <1lIIappareII he don pas produIre de brouIIIaeeI er IzllIuliIIsareurde IIappareII doIiacceplerloulorouIIIaoe TadIoélecmquesuhII nIeme sI Ie hrouIIIaoe eslsusceplIhIe dIen compromellre IeIoncl-onnemenl RF warmnoslalerneni The devme has heen evalualed lo ineel general PF exposure reouIrenIenl To mainlaIn oomph arise wIlh R5540? e RadIo Frequency IPFI Exposure guldelmes rhIs eoqunIenl should he Inslalled and operaled wIlh a mInImunI disianee or zoom oelween lhe radIalor and your body Ie dIsposIlIIde a ele evalues a reoondre general rIexposIlIon engence pour maInlenIr Ia eonlormIle avec Ies dlreclwes dIexposrlIon du R5571 oz , RadIo Frequenoe IPFI. oe malerIeI doIl eire InsialIe eieproIie a une dislance minimale de 20 cm enlre Ie radIaleur ei volre corps FCC Nole: FCC Pan15.19 Warning Slalelrienl ThIs DEVICE COMPLlEs WITH PART 150F THE Fcc RULEs OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FULLOWlNG TWO CONDITlONS l1lTHIs DEVlCE MAv NOT CAUSE NARMFUL lNTERs FERENCEIANDIZITHIS DEVICE MusTACCEPTANv INTERFERENCE RECEIVEDIINCLuDs lNG INTERFERENCE THAT MAv CAUSE UNDEsIRED OPERATION Fcc Part 15.21 Warning sralemenl NOTE THE ORANTEE Is NOT REsPONsIeLE FOR ANv CHANGES OR MODIFICATIoNs NOT ExPREsvaAPPROVED evThE PARTv REsPONsIeLE FOR COMPLIANCE such MODlFlCATIONS COULD VOID THE UsERAUTHoRITv To OPERATE THE EOUIPMENT FCC Pan 15.1 as warning sumo-m Nole This equipmom has been lesled and round Io comply w-1h1heIIniIls1ora eIass e dIgI1al daVIca.puTsuan|lo parl 15 o11he FCC RuIes These Iimi1sare stIgnafl 1o provide raasonaole prolecuon agains1harrn1ul In1er1ersncs In a resIdennal Ins1alIenon This equiremem oenara1asI uses and can radIa1e radio Irequeney energy aan Ir nnl InslaIled and used in aepprdance wilh 1heinslruc1ionsniaycause harquI In1sr1erance1o radio cpmniunicalions preverwhero Is no guaranlee lha1 in1erIerence wlll nol Occur In a parlieular InslaIlaqun ll lhIs eqqumen1dees pause harmrul InlerIerence lD rddIa eqmnIunIealIoris Haweverylhere Is no guaran1ee1halInler. Iererioe |O radIe oonInIunIeaqun II lnIs equIremen1dees cause harmruI Inlerrerence |O radIo or leIevIsIon recepllun‘wmch can be delermIned by \ummg lhe equIrenlenl oIIand on lhe user is encuulaged 1o liy lo oorrecl lhe InlerIeienoe uy one or more or lhe IaIIprng measures ~ ReorieniorreIoealeihereoerInoanlenna ~ Inorease1heseparalionbelweeniheequIremenlandreeeiver . eonneel lhe equIremenl me an oulIel on a eIrcuIl dIIIerenl Irom ihal lo which lhe reoerer Is oonneeled . eonsuhihe deaIerersn experIenced radIoITVieehnIeIan IorheIp RF warning s1arenien1 The device has been evaIua1ed1e mee1peneraI RE exposure requiremem TO maIn1aIn compIiancc wnh FCC“5 RF exposure ouidclinosmis cquippmcm shouId he Ins1aIIod and opera1ed wnh a mi mum dis1ance b12ncm be1ween lhe radia1or and your body Impo a t Safety Instructions 1,1 Read These inslruelIons Keep These rnelruclIons . FoIIow all inslruelIons Heed aII waTnIngs 21 Do no1 use This apparalus nearwater 3, CIean onIy erh dry eIolh A, Do nol oIock any venlIIalIon openlngs Ins1aII In accordance wuh 1he rnanuiaclu- Ter's Inslruclions 54 Do nol InslaII near any healsources such as radialors, healers sloves, or olher apparatuerncIudInp amplIlIeTs] 1ha1 produce heel 61 Do nol deIeal lhe sarsly purpose oIlhe poIarIzed OTgTDundIngslpr plug A pelarlzed plug haslwo bladeswilh one wIderlhanlhe olher Agrounding lype plug has Iwo bIades and a Ihlrd groundIng DIOrIg The wide blade or1he lnird prong is providedIoryoursaIely II The provided plug does nolri1Inloyouroullel,askaneleclrIpIan lo replace lhe obsolele ouIIeI TI Prolecl lne power cord Irorn balng waIked on or pinched parucuIarIy a1 pIugsI convenience reeeplaoIes and lhe qunrwherelhey exIlIrom1he apparatus 51 OnIy use a11achlhenls I accessories spesiIIed bylhe manuIaolurer 91 Uanuq 1hIs apparalus during IIghlnIng s1orms orwhen unusedror Iong perIods o11irhe In I ReIer aII servioInq lo quaIIIIed servIce personneI ServIcIng Is required when 1he apparalus has oeen damaged In any way,suchaspmwerrsupply cord orplug Isdamaged‘ liqUId has been spIIIed oroojeels haveraIlen In1o1he apparalus,lhe apparalus has been exposed 1o raIn or mOIslure‘does no1 operale nonnaIly, or has been dropped 11 I Use onIy Wllh The can slandI1npod,braeke1,or1abIe specllled by lhe manuraclureror sold wilh lhe apparalus.Whenacarl Is usedI use caulion when moving lhe carl/ appara1us edmoInalIon lo avoid InluryIrom “prover 12 lTheAC adapler iriusl no1 oeexposed lo drIppino qr spIashIng and no qblecls rIIled wIlh llquds‘ such as vases shaII be pIased on apparalus 3 )The Ac adapler Is used as a dIsoonnecl devIce and il lhusl remaIn readin accessIbIe durm Inlended use In Ordertu dIsoonnecllhe apparalusrrom 1he Ac power oomplelely,1he AC adapler mus1 be removed rrom lhe AC oulIel compleler 14 lTne oallerv musl no1 be exposed |o excessive heal such as sunshine IIreI elcv CAUTION: Danger o1 eprosion I1 oa1lery Is Incorrec1Iy replaced Replace OnlwatlI lhe same oreduivaIer-Ilype 3 Preparation or Use Ilnpac ng And Sel Up - Remove 1he radIorronr1ne earlon and remove aII packmg maleriaI Troin lne radIo save lhe packing malerIaIIII possIbIe.in ease lhe radio ever needs Io be serviced or Transpo- rled The orIeInaI carlon and paekIng maleriaI Is lhe only sale way lo pack your radIo lo pro1ecl IlIrom damagein lrarlsIl . Remove anydescrlollve Iaoels or suckers on lheIrorllorIop oIlhe cabinel. Dd nol remove any IabeIs or slIckers Irorn lne back or bauom ollhe cabInel e Nole lhe serial numberon lhe holloni oncurradio and erle 1his nunIoerin lhe space provIded on the Warranly page or 1hIs manuaI ~ Place your radio on a level sur1aee such as a table‘desk or sheII,convenienl lo an AC oulle1.eu1ordIrec1 sunIIghland awayrrem sources o1 excess healldlrl,dusl.moIsluTel numIdIly, orworarion ~ Unwmd The Line cord conneellnd lneAc adaplerand exlend I11o I1s IulI lengm Tne FM anlenna Is huIII In Io lhls cord Il musl be my ex1ended lo provide lhe hesl FM recepllon PruleclYuurFurnilure ThIs modeI Is eqquped wIlh nousskld ruober IleelI lo preven11he produclIrom muvIng when you operale 1he conlrols TneseIIeerare maderrom nonsmIgTalmg rubherinalerIaI speeioIIy lorrnuIaIed lo avoId IeavIng any marks orslaIns on yourIurnIlure However eer1ain1vpes or on based Iurnilure poIIshesI wood preservalivesI or eIeanIno sprays may cause 1he rubber IIeelI 1o so11enIand Ieave marks or a rubber resIdue on 1he rurnIlure To prevenl any damage 1o your IurnIlure we slroneg recommend 1hal you purchase smaII sellsadheswe Iellpaos, available a1 hardware slores and home lmpmVs emenl cenlers everywhere, and apply 1hese pads lo lhe oollom o1 lhe ruhoer-Ieel-oelore you pIaceIhe producl on Two wooden IurnIlure Power source ThIs radIo Is designed 1o operale on normaI12uvsonAc paweronIy Do nolallempl 1o opera1e1he radio on any olher powersource You oouId cause damapelo lhe radio 1ha1 Is nol covered by your warran1y ThIs radIo shouId oe conneoled lo an AC oullel lhal Is aIwaysIIIveI Do nol conneel I1 lo an ou1Ie11hal Is cenlroIIed hya wall szlch When 1he power Io The radio Is ln1errupled, lne bull: in Iilhlum ballery lakes over Io mainlaln lhe lime and alarm sellmgs To rnaxrnllzelhe Iile oIlhe Illhlum hallerv keep lhe radio connecled 1oa ‘lIvs'AC oulIel alaII limes 4 Importa tNotes - Avoid InslaIIInglhIs urII| In pIaces - Opera1e con1roIs and sz1cnes as expnsed in dlrecl sunllghl or Close lo descrlbed In lhe manual heal radialIng appIIances such as ~ Derore lurnIno on lne power, make cerlain eleclrIc healers on lap or olher slereo 1hal1heAc adapter Is properly inslaIIed eoulpmenl lhal radIales healI places . When mOvIng lhe seL be sure lo IIrsl IaekIng venlIlallOn‘ dusly areas, places dIsconneol lhe AC adapler sublec11o conslanl \IIblalan and/or mm or moisl areas 5 Package Contents - 91151507 clock Radiox1 ~ Owner‘sManual 6 Location of Con rols and Indicators FRONT PANEL 077i: /_‘ ‘1": ,9 3::3 _ ._—,.,_,l1: 3 °—— "I I “I IL: “I " — ° TOP PANEL 6366 @— ® 1 ALARM 1 RadIoIEuuerIndIcalors 14 VOLUMEEDOWN aunon 2 AM lndImlarl‘On=AM IolrePMl 15 SET/TUNE UP auhon 3 AUX IndIca1or 15 SOURCEIFMIDIue1ooIhIAU>1 II 1o adlusl Dale ePress ITIME sETI and 1he llour DIspIay wIII oIink ePressrnI or '>| II loadlusl Hour oPress ITIME SET‘ and 1he MInules DIspIay wIll hIInk @PTess'H‘ or '>1I loadlus1MInules 0Press IITIME sETIlo rInish 1Irne adIus1men1s session Nole To skip manuaI adIuslmenls, keep Ilidleror 5 seconds lo resume 1o Clock dIspIay mode Dayllg t Savmg and Leap Year Adjustments All Daylighr Saving and LeapXear adruslmeniare made auloniaiically by lhe SmaTISsIR inrernal compuieras rellow Slarrol Daylighl Savingrime: AI 2 on AM on rhe 2nd Sunday in March, lhe clock will aulomaiically advance lo 3 on AM End oIDaylighrSaving e- AI 3 on AM on rhe lerunoay in November, lhe clock will aulomaiically reselio 2 00 AM Leap Xear: Ai12 on Midnighion February zalh, lhe calendardisplay wrll Changem"? 29“ 1 Set! ng the Alarm Alarm can onlybeserrn srand med wh re rheTunc nOlRadID‘EluemulhjndAUX aredisabledlie indicaiars ol“MHz ‘ a yand'AUX‘ reOFF) Adiusling ihe Wake up limes OPress and hold 9 o move aaokuara arr AL2 shoriorrori press eras, nan III E \ \ rodiaplaylhaalarm i ‘ 'melorench earring lo move Forward shorr erloiig press 0 snaripressioseieanour annuasaepsmeri Adiu-rino Alarm Week Mode Pressand HOId"AL1“ orlALzliheii press ' A or X ”lo adrusi Weekdays lMohdayio Fridayi Weekends lSaiurday and SundaonTEi/erydays [Manday io Sunday) 47 I”! ~I‘l I'I ' ‘17 F! .-.uu uu LIL! l l | Weekdays Weekends Every Days Sheri press AL1 orALz lo iurn ON lhe Alarm Mode Wheh Duzzer v lighls on,ihe wake up Duzzeralarm Will be 0N wnen Music J: lrghis Onythe wake up Radio alarm will be 0N. To compleielyiurn oilihe alarm. shprl press AL1 crAL2 unril ihe auzzerv orRadiolilight is OFF, wake To Radio and Alarm Volume Serrliig - Press POWER oulion io Iurn lhe unii ON - Prscs SOURCE buiioii io selsci FM Radio mode . Tune lb or recall lrom Memory lhe siarion ihai you wish ro hear when rhe alarm comes ON . Press Volt or VOlr Ie sel lhe maximum radie volume al which lhe alarm Will reach gradually ai wake up lime - Delauli aiarm volume is um; Tor radio volume sei up oeiween ucn—uualbelore iha unll iurned OFF io siandby mode) For a louder alarm ,sei up radio volume abeve ups beiore lhe unii Iumed OFF Snuole Alarm When IheAlarm comes ON press SNOOZE buiron zz‘a lo pause ii Ior9 minules Sneeze Alarm will nol repsalarlarene hour To iurn eIISnooze Alarm mode ipress lhe POWER bulion once 11 Listening to FM Rad o Press the Power button 0 re rurn ON the unii and press SOURCE burron El ro change ro Radio Mode (“MHz " On) Poweron: A:Swirch io Radio Mode (Press SOURCE burroir) E: Tuning ro FM Slarion (Eilherpress Time Up orTune Down lo yourdesrred slalian] 0: Amp Searc ngcanhlng FM Smlons lPr-ssr a Tune Up orTurn D wn butlon Ior 2 seconds and release) Searchlngw slop ar a srai rr wrih acceprable recepiron ioring Favorable Slalion io Memory [20 sra ns can be stared) Shorl pres- . AI Radio Mode, Press Tune Down «or Tune Upruilon lo search your desired s|allonv - Press IheALl/STO bulion Program Number 'Pul' will be blinking on lhe display press Tune Dewnls orTune Upplio change lhe program numberlrom "Pm" lo 'qu'r once you selecred rhe desired program numbeT‘ press iheALi/STO again and lhe ravorable siarioh will be siored re lhe selecred program number E: Recall Favorable Slarlon io Memory v A, . Press iheAL2lMEM bullurl‘ Program number will be shown on lhe display, pressTune Down I4 or Tune Uphl re selecr yeur siored program number and lisien lo yourlavorable srairon Nole Keep lhe clock radio away Irom olher eleclronicdevices ro avoid radio inrerlerence Forbeiierreceplion,lully exlend and adlusi lhe posilion ol lhe FM anienna lcablel 12 Pairing Bluetooth Speaker - Presslhe POWER burlon lo lurn lhe unerN - Pressure SOURCE bulren ro selecl Dluereorh (bl) mode( "ET" llashesrer pa g) - Enable your alueroorh device and selechRSlSm lrom iisAvailablelPaired device lisl Allerpairng successlully, rhe uhiiwrll premprand “ET“ will become solid -Auromaiic conneciien Wirh yourDlueroerh devicesis possible may have been barred successlully wrlh rhis uhrl belere .Alrer pairedyou can play yourmusicihrough rhis Bass Doosied Dlueroorh Speaker, (31 PA Ri Press 13 Sleeping to Music Timer Press the Power button 0 lolurn ONlhe unil ,and press SOURCE bulton lo select either FM Radio. Bluelooth orAUX mode to play radioor music sleep mode seriing Pressand holo 'Pll‘~\AIl(l Iuilil ‘l rollPP Iniilrm Ihrulispliv ivill \Illlll'flll' i l‘l‘p iiii i~i - Press up or Down buiron Io choose your desired sleep iimer (page minules) -Release all buttons lhe sleepiimerwul siariceunlino down and lurn emhe unii when lhe desired sleepiimerelapssd - To display iho sloop iimar during couni down process press lhe SLEEP buiioii ATD cancel ihesieepiimerduring CODnIdawn process press ihe POWER burion re shuionihe unii 14 3 Level DlmmerCont 0| The brighiness olrhe clock display can be sei ar ngthediumlLew level in siandbyRadio and AuX modes wl|ha press or m 1ng bulion 5 NghtLg n Press ine NlGHT LICHT buiion ro Ium ihe blue nighilighi ON or OFF when needed 16 Enjoying Audio Source viaAUX IN Jack Press lhe POWER burioh Io lurh lhe uniloN Press SOURCE buiion uniil “Aux'appears on LED display, conneciyour audio or mobile device and play music lhrough lhe unii wrrh rhe 3 5mm earphonelack 17 USBforCh rging Oulpul 5v up lo1 sAloreharging mobile phone orporrable digiral audre player Nore Charging currenldrawn lrorn lhe unii may vary due lo dillerenl uSD charging cable condiiion er bailery charging cnaracierislics 18 C anging the Lithium Battery gang/sch 53’ U . When lhe clLow sAn indioalor ‘Flashes' you should change ihe bariery ihar is used Tor backup clock and alarm seiring as . ii will be all ‘ when you have changed ihe bariery in correci insiniciions CR2032(3\/) (-99 eesirquin NEEAYIVEH The bailery backup is iniended lor ShDTI powerourages Onlvahe unrr‘s primary Iunciions cannoi run on lhe bailery backup alone This unii uses a burien cell baiiery lhai will Iasl up lo 1 yearand mainiains lhe rime (ii I WARNING DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF aATTERv Is INCORREcTLv REPLACED. REPLACE ONLV WITH THE SAME OR EQUIVALENT TXPE Do NOT INGEST BATTERV CHEMICAL BURN HAzARD This producr conlains a oorn/bullon cell baiiegr Ii lhe oornlbuilon osll baflem is swallowed il can cause severe iniernal burns in usl 2 heurs and can lead ro dealh Kee new and used baiienes awa Trom children Ilrhe bails coni arlmenl dees ner close securely sleg using lhe producl and keep il away Irom children I ou lhink bailerres rhr hi have been swallowed or laced inside an an oirhe body seek immediaie medlcal arieniion The apparaius musi nol be exposed lo dripping or splashing and oblecls lilled wilh liquids, such as vasesi musrhorbe placed on lhe apparalus This marking rndicaies lhalihis producishould nor be disposed elwllh oiher household wastes rhroughoui lhe counrry To preveni possible harm Io lhe environmenl or human healih Irom unconlrolled wasie disposali recycle rhrs unii responsibly so as re promole lhe reuse oI maierral TeSOur rces Te reiurn your used devicer please use relurn and colleclion sysi- ems or conlacl lhe reiallerwhere lhe preducl was purchased as ihey knew how lo salely recycleihis producl 19 Care and Ma ntenance Care olcablhers ll lhe cabinei becomes dusry.wrpe rl wrih a sell clolh lr lhe cabinei becomes smudged or dlvly‘ clean ii wrih a SOIL slighlly dampened clolh Never allow waier or any liquid lo gel insidelhe cabinel Never use any abrasive cleaners orcleaning pads aslhess will damage lhe Iinish Ofyourradlu Lirhiom Dallery Precaulions - Dispose ollhe old bailery properly Do nol leave ii lying around wheiea young child or pelceuld play wrih OTSWaIlDwII lTihe ballery is swallowed, coniaci a physician immedialely - The baliery may explode ilmislrealed Do nolarlempl io recharge iloroisassemble ii Do nei dispose olrhe old baiiery in a hrs 20 LIMITED WARRANTY Emerson Radio Corp warranis rhis producl ro be Tree lrom manulaciuring delecls in original maierial. including original parls and workmanship under normal home use and oondiiions (“manulaclullng delecl“) Tor a period or hinely (sol days lrem dale oi original purchase in. and iTused in rhe Uniied Slaies Should service be necessary under ihis warranly, Emerson wrll provide lhe lollowlng ai our Reiuin Repair Faciliiy provided lhe manuiaclurrng dslecl is vsriIiad along wilh lhe dais ol purchase ~ Repair service lor ninery (90) days lrom dale oloriginal purchase al no charge «or laborand pans To ReceiveAuihorizalieh lo Reiurn a Delecrive liem, please coniaci Emerson CusioriierSsrvice al 17500739579020 Have yourModsI numbsri Serial Number and dared PTDOIDf Purchase wiih you when you call In lhe evehl lhe producl musr be relurned lo Emerson ~ Pack lhe unii in a wellrpadded heavy cerrugaied box Please insure lhe ilem is well padded io avoid damage while inrransii back lo our Iaciliiy llrhe riem incurs damage. ii will NOT be replaced and lhe consumer will be responsible Ier rerurh Ireighr cosis le receive iheir same unii back A Enclose your check or money order payable lo Emerson Radio in lhe amounr ol $1010 coverreiurn shipping and handling cesis r Enclose a nole wrih your name address, phone number, Rerurn Auihorizairon numberand briel reason lorrelurning lhe unii e Enclose a copy el yeur prool ol purchase lwarrahiy service wlll nor be provided wrlhourdalad prpolorpurchasel, x Shiprhe unii prepaid via UPS or parcel posrlsHlP INSURED and obrarn a rracking number) NOTE This warraniy does nol cover: (a) Damage lo egurpmenr nor properly connecred ie lhe preducr. (b) Cesl incurred in rhe shipping oi lhe producl re and irerh Emerson-s Reiurn Faeilily (c) Damage or impreperoperaiien olunil caused by Customerabuser misuser negligence orlarlure le fDllOw operaiihg ihsiruciions (including cleaning insrruclionsl provided wrlh ihe producl (lerdrnary adruslmenrs lo lhe preduciwhich can be per-Iormed by cusiomer as ourlrned in lhe Owner‘s manual (el signal receplien problems caused by exiernal anlenna or cable sysrems (i ) Preducrs nor purchased in rhe uniieo Slaies (9) Damage re producl il used oulside rhe uniled Srales. THlS WARRANTX lS NONrTRANSFERABLE AND APPLlES ONLXTO THE DRIGlNAL PuRCHASERAND DOES NOT EXTEND To SUDSEOuENT OWNERS OF THE PRODUCT ANXAPPLchDLE lMPLlED WARRANTIES lNCLUDlNC THE WARRANTX oF MERCHANTAalLITX ARE LlMlTED IN DuRATION To A PERloD OF THE EXPRESSED WARRANTXAS PROVlDED HERElN aEClNNiNC WITH THE DATE OF oRlClNAL PURCHASE AT RETAILAND NO WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR lMPLlED, SHALLAPPLX TO THE PRoDucT THEREAFTER EMERSON MAKES NO WARRANTX AS TO THE FlTNESS OF THE PRODUCT FOR ANX PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR uSE THE EXTENT OF EMERSON RADIO CORPS LlADlLlTX UNDER THIS LlMlTED WARRANTX lS THE REPAlR OR REPLACEMENT PROVlDEDADOVE AND lN NO EVENT SHALL EMERSON RADIO CORPS LlADiLlTX EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID DXTHE PURCHASER OF THE PRODUCT. UNDER NO CIRCuMSTANCES SHALL EMERSON RADlD CORP BE LlAbLE FDRANX LOSS DIRECT lNDlRECT, INCIDENTAL SPEClAL. OR CONSEDuENTlAL DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR lN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT THlS WARRANTX lS VALlD ONLX lN THE uNlTED STATES OFAMERICA THIS WARRANTV GIVES XOu SPEClFlC LEGAL RIGHTS HowEVER. Xou MAX HAVE OTHER RICHTS leCH MAX VARX FRDM STATE To STATE SOME STATES DO NOTALLOW LIMITATIONS ON lMPLlED wARRANTiES oR EXCLuSloN OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMACE, THEREFORE THESE RESTRlCTloNS MAX NOTAPPLX To Xou In-Sn-NDZA The serial numbercan be round on lhe back (ablnel We suggesi rhal you record rhe serial numberolyourunirin lhe space below TorTulure relerence Model Numbl CKS1507 Se aINiimbe . Emerson. s E n v r c E ropeoonom serge ca oeeaenncessisrencs PLEASE CALL iaooasmozo Fon cusToMER sERvicE rrEAsE E niAero .nirineierneisemadio oom oRWRrTE To Emerson Radio Corp Consumerkhars pen a univasiiv piers Suire 405 nacksnsack Nu oTsoi Emerson PariNo CKS1507-20170323-03 Prlnred in China
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