Emerson Radio ER1003 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth, USB User Manual
Emerson Radio Corp. Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth, USB
User Manual
@Ernersonr SmartSet ® Clock Radio, With Auto-Time Setting System, 1.4 " Cyan Jumbo Display, Dual Alarms, FM Radio, 2.1A USB Charge Out, Night Light and Bluetooth V4. 1 Speaker (SmartSet Patent No. 6,567,344) OWNER'S MANUAL ER100301 Alarm Clock Radio with Bluetooth, USB Visit our web site at www emersohradro corn WARNING TO PREVENT FIRE 0R SHOCK NAzARD, Do Not usE THIS PlUG WITH AN EerNstoN coRDREcEPrACLE 0R orhERourtEt UNLESS rNE BLADES CAN eE FULLV iNSERTED AND rnERE IS no ELADE ExposuRE ro PREVENT FiREOR SHOCK HAZARD Do not EXPDSE rhlsApptlANcE ro RAlN on MOISTURE ineiionrnineiirtnwinxnpe WARNING TOREDUCETHE intpupirnxnpiitoiriwiniii nuusyrnbni oiin neaui elem; ELECT“ SHOCK neouiieieraiinr oi. in iaieiaiinanoieis D0 Nor REMOVE covers lump in aipriin. our to anilineuszrdiein «on “cm W "Spa ireiiisseiieapiiiiiportpnt aiunmu an automotive opening and ntinienme piiiiiiiiiitprocuctsenciosurc sEnvlciAElE WTSINSIDE inor may he oi sti‘iicieni REFER SERVICING r0 ""“vaMMWm‘M‘ m n; QUALIFiED sERviCE ‘Q‘,Lf'j‘“,“_°“:‘f"“‘” oieiectiic shocklpperspns VERSONNEL ‘ a N" l WARNING. SHOCK HAZARD e DO NOTOPEN AVIS RtsotiE DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE , NE PAS OUVRIR 2 Caution Marking and rating plate was located at rearenciosure ollheapp aratus Averlissemenl La plaque signaietioueestsiluee a I‘arrtére del‘appareil 3 Attention should pe drawn lotne environmental aspectsoloalterydisposal. il convient d‘attirer l‘attentiorl sur les propiemes d‘ertvtrortnenient dus a la mise audechetdes piles, 4 Minimum distances iUcm around the apparatus lor sulricient venIIIaIiOi'ti distance rnrnrmaie loom autourde i‘appareii pour une aeration sutnsante. 5 The ventilation should not he impeded py covering the ventilation openings with items. such as newspapers tablecloths. curtains etc, ii convienl due I‘aération ne soi pas genee par I‘oDsIrtrc ion des ouverlures d‘aeraliorl par des ooiels lels que lournaux, nappes. rideaux, etc, o No naked llame sources, such as lighted candies, should he placed on the apparatus,li convientde ne pas placersurl‘apparellde sources deiiammes riues. lelies que desoougies allumees, r The use olapparatus in moderate climates si I‘aDpareiI estdestinea etre utilise sous un ciimaltempere el 6 To reduce the risk at llre or electric shock. do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture pour reduire le risque d‘iricendie ou de choc electrique, ne pas exposercet appareil sous la piuie et l‘hurntdtle s WARNlNe Do not ingest the oattery, chemical Burn hazard This productcontains a corniputton cell battery it the comiputton ceii halteryis swallowed. itcan cause severe tnternal ourns inlusl 2 hours and can lead to death Keep new and used palleries away lroin children it the oattery compartment does notclose securely, stop using the product and keep it awaylrom children llyou think patteries might have oeen swallowed or placed insideany portollne oody, seek immediate medical attention AVERTissEMENT Ne pas ingererla pite, Danger de oroiure chimidue iLa tetacomrnande lournie avec) Ce produitcontienl une pile oouton si la pile oouton est avalee elle peut provoouer de graves oruiures internes en 2 heures seuiement et peut entrainer la mort Conserver ies piles neuves el usees hors de porlee des enlanls si ie compartimenl pile ne se rerme pas correctemenl casserd‘utiliserle produitettemrnors de portee des enlants En cas de doute concernent ie lait oue les piles pourraienl avoir ete avalees ou inlroduites dans une partie quelconoue du corpsconsuiter immedialemenl un medecin to When a plug on the unit is used as a disconnect device,this unit must remain readily accessrple iorsdue une prise placee sur i'appareli estuliiisee comme appareil de deconnexion,cet appareil doil demeureraisernenl accessipie, l1 rhe paileries (bauery pack or palieries insialledl shall not oe exposed to excer ssive healsuchas sunshine, nre orinelike les oattenesthioc de palteries ou batteries installees) ne doivenl pas etre exposées a une chaleur excessive teiteoueceile dusoleil,d‘urlleuou d‘urlgirie simiiaire 12 ATTENTION Danger or explosion ii the battery is not replaced correctly Replace only with the same type oreduivalenllype Dangerd-expiosion si la pile n-esl pas remplacee correclement Ne remplacei que parie meme type en un lype eouivaient la The appliance must not he exposed to water dripping or splashing and that no ooiecls nlled with liquids such as vases should be placed on the appliance 'appareii ne doil pas etre exposea des eguuflenterltsd‘eau ou des eciaooussures et de plus qu'aucun oolet rempti de ii guide tel oue des vases ne do. etre place surl'appareti lc Warning rnis device complies with industry Canada ticenceexempl Rss slandardls) Operation is suolect io the loiiowmg two conditions illtms device may not cause intenerenceand lzllhis device must accept any inlenerenoe including inlenerence that may cause undesired operation at the device La present appareil eel contorme aux CNR d‘lnduslrla Canada applicaolos aux appareilsradioexenipisdelicence L‘exvluflatiuneslaulnrise'eauxdeuxcundittans suivanles l1lliappareii nedoit pas produire de broutitage ellzi I‘utiiisateurde l-appereil dolt accepler tour orouillageradioelectrioue suoi inene si le prouillage est susceptipie d'en compromettre le ron ctionnernent RE warninoslatemenl rhe device hasoeen evaluated tomeetgeneral RFeXDost/re reouiremeril Tornaintaln compliance with RSSr’iUZi Radio FleuuencthF) Exposure guidelines, this eouipmenl should oe installedandoperaled with a minimumdistanceorzocmoelween ttie radialorand your oody ie disposilrlde a ere eyaiues a repenore gener ai rl exposition exigence pour maintenii laconlorniie avec les directives d‘expasilmn d u Rss.lu2 . Radio Fréduence tRE), ce materiel doileire installe ei exploiie a one distance minimale de 2p crn entre le radialeuret voire corps FCC Note FCC Part15,19warnlng statement THiS oEvrcE comptiEswnn PART 15 or THE rec RutEs opERurioN is SUBJECTTO THE FOLLOWINGTWO CONDiriONS ll irhis pEyrcE MAv Nor cAusE HARMFUL iNrEe rsRENca,ANplairnis DEVICE MUSTACCEFYANV iNrerERsncs Rscaivsennuun iNG iNrERrERENcE THAT mAv cAusE uNoEsiREo orERArioN FCC Part 15.21 warning statement NOTE rnE aRANrEE is Nor RESPDNSIELE FDRANVCHANGES on MDDIFICATIDNS Nor EprEsstvuppRoi/Eo By THE puRrv REspoNsiBtE roR COMFLIANCE SUCH MODiFiCATiONS COULD volp THE usERAurnonlrv TO OPERATE rhE EOUiFMENT Fcc Part 15.1n5 Warning Statement Note rms equipment has peen tested and round to complywrlh the limits iora class a digital devicepursuanl to part i5 or the FCC Rules rhese limits are designed to provide reasonaeleproieclion sgamslharniiul inlerlerence in presidential instella anon this equipment generates , usesand can radiate radio lreouency energy and, it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmlul interlerence to radio communications howeverlhere ts noguaranlee that interr lerence will noloccurin a particularinstaiialion illhiseguipment does cause harmtul interlerence to radio communications HoweverJhere is no guarantee that interierence to radio communication ll this equipment does cause narrrilul interrerence to radio orlelevieion receptionwhicn can oe determined eylurning the equipment oil and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the inierierence oy one or more ollhe tollewing measures ~ Reprienlorreloceie lhereceiying antenna ~ increase the separation oelween theeouipnienland receiver . connect the Equipmsnl into an outleiona circuiidillerentlrom thatio which the receiveris conneeie . coneuillhe dealeroran experienced radially technician icr help RF warning statement TnB device has peen evaluatedlo meelgeneral Rnexposurereduiremenl To maintain compliance with FCC‘s RF exposure guidelineslhis equipment should he installed and operated with a minimum distance oi 20cm oelween the iadialoiand yourpody 2 Important Safety Instructions 1 l Read these instructions . Keep these instructions Follow all instructions Heed all warnings 2 i Do not use this apparatus nearwaler 3i olean only with dry cloth 4i no not olockanyyenlilnlion openings install in accordance with the manufacturer‘s instructions 5 i Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heaters, stoves, orolherapparalustinciuding ampliliers) that produce heat a i Do not deleat the salely purpose olthe polarized or groundingrtype plug A polarized plug nastwo otadeswuh one widerlhanlhe other A groundinglype plug has two oiades and a third grounding prong rhewide oiade ortnelhird prong is provided loryoursalety ii the provided plug does not lit into your outlet, ask an electrician to replace the oosoiete outlet 7 i Protect the power cord lrom oerng walked on or pinched particularly at plugs convenience receptacles and the poinlwhere they exit lrom the apparatus a) only use attachments l accessories speciiied by the manutacturer a i Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms orwhen unused tor long periodsoltime 10 ) Reiereii servicing to ouniilied service personnel Servicing isreouiredwhen the apparatus has oeen damaged in any way suchas powerrsupplycordur plug isdamooedllduid has oeen spilled orooiects heveiaiien into the apparalus.the apparatus has oeen exposed to rain or moisture,does not operate normally, or has been dropped 11 i use only with the cart, stand, tripod,oracket,or taple speciiied oy the manulacturerorsoid wIII'i the apparatus Whenacart is used. use caution when moving the cartl apparatus combination to avoid iniuryirom uncover 12 who Ac adaptermust not he exposed to dripping orsptashingandnoooyecls lilied With liquids, such as vases,shait be placed on apparatus 3 )TheAc adapter is used as a disconnect device and it must remain readily accessiple during intended use in orderlo disconnectlhe apparaluslrom lneAc powercompleteiy,lhe AC adapter must oe removed troni the AC outletcompieleiv 14 llhe paltery must not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine lire, etc CAUTION: Dangerot explosion i1 battery is incorrectly replaced Replace only with the same oreouivalenl lype 3 Pre arat on F0 Use Unpacklltg And Set UP t nenipvelheradipironlhecartonandremoveaiipeckinonaleneiiromtne radio Save the packing materiainlpossiolenn case the radio ever needsto peserviced ortransporled The original carton andpacking material isthe only saleway to pack your radio to protect ittrom damage in transit - Remove any descriptive iaoeis orslickers onlhetronl orlop olthecaoinel Do not remove any labels orstickersfmni tile backarbaItom of tile cabinet ' Note tne Serial number an the bottom olyour radio and erIe this number inthe space provided on the Warranty page olthis manual ' Place your radio on a level surlace suohasa tabie,deskorstrell,oor\venient to an AC outiemut oi direct sunilgiltarld away lrom sources at excessheat, dirt,dusl,moisture.tiumidity, orvioration - Unwind the Line cord connecting lheAc adapter and extend it to its lull length The FM antenna is pull in to this cord it must be fully extended to provioelne oesl FM reception Protect Vour Furnlture rnis model is equipped with non—skid rubber'ieet‘tppreverit theproduct irpni moving when you operate the controls rhese'leet'are madelrom none migrating ruooer material specially lormuiated to avoid leaving any marks or stains on yourturniture l-towevercertainlypes oloii based lurniture polishes wood preservativesorcieaning sprays may cause the runner ‘leet‘ to sollen. and ieave marks ora rubber residue onttie furniture To prevent any damage to your lurniture we strongly recommend that you purchase small sell adhesive leit Dads available at hardware stores and home improvement centers everywhereand apply these padsto the bottom at the rubber‘leet' Belore you place the product on line wooden lurniture Fowor Source This radio Is designed to operate on normal 120V 60Hz AC power only Do not attempt to operate the radio on any other powersource vou could cause damage to the radio that is notcovered by yourwarranly This radio should be connected to anAc outlet thatts always'ilve' Do not connect it toarioutiet that is controlled by a wall switch When the powerto the radio is interrupted, the built in litnium halterytakes overlo maintain the time and alarm settings To maximize the lite otlhe lithium battery keep the radio connected to a 'iive‘ Ac outletal alltimes 4 Important Notes - Avoid installing this unit in places - Operate controls and swttches exposed todirect sunligntarciose to as descripee in tea menuai, heat radiating appliances such as t aetore turning on the power, electric heaters on top orotner stereo make certain Mal the AC equipment that radiates heat. piaoes “39‘” ‘5 “WWW ”mall“ lacking ventilation, dusty areas, places When "mine ”is same We suoiect to constant vioralion andlor ‘” "'5' d'sm’mec‘ "‘9 Ac humid Dr moistnreas adap‘e’ 5 Package Contents ~ ERldozuiciocknadioxl ~ Dwner'sManuai -Dia 35nlmAUXIN cattle x1 Q f 6 Location of Con ols and Indicators FRONTPANEL 3;; E'jl—lzf ’ _I°_I.I_I "1 a: 0090 Mn TOP PANEL 8869 9— ' $_| ° 1 ALARM l Radio/Buzzer indicators 14 VDLUME- DOWN Button 2 AM indicator ( ‘Orl :AM on =PMi 15 sErrruNE up Button 3 AUX indicator ls SOURCE(FM,BiueIootn,ALlX)Button a DAv olWEEK indicators t7 VOLuMEs up Button 5 LOW BAlrEnv indicator to Ac Adapter 5 MHZ (FM Radio)lndicator 19 EMAnlennaicaoiel 7 BT(Biuetooth) indicator 2p BACKUP BATTERv Compartment B ALARM 2 Radio/Buzzer indicators liocated on pack or unit) 9 POWER l ion/Standoyl Button 2t Night Light On/Dlt Button to ALARM llsroREtFMslationlBullon 22 usB change out 11 SLEEP/TIME ZONE Button 23 Aux lN Jack 12 PAUSE/sNoozE/DiMMER Button 24 ALARM leEtiiionlrl/i station) 13 sErirtiNE DOWN Buttons 25 TIME SET/FM Frequency Display Set ng the Time Zone Initial Default Setting at Clock Mode The nrst time you connect your new sinarlSetd clock radio to the Ac outlet the inlemal computervviii automatically set the time correctly tor the Eastern Time Zone, which is the ini|ia| delauit setting rhe display will scan tor a tew seconds and then show Illa correct Day and Time in the Eastern lone ll you live In the Eastern Time zone,trlere‘sno|ntrlg else to do vour clock is set correaiy and running ll you dn not live in the Eastern Time zone yflu must change Ihe delauit zone display to your own zone. vou only do this one time and the SmarISet'RWIII remember the new detauit zone setting and will always return to that selling alter power interruption There are 7 time zones programmed into your SmartSetdcicck radio as loiiows ZONE 1 rAtIaritic lime ZONE 2 Eastern Time tDetauit Settingl ZONE 3 rCentrai Time ZONE 4 'MDUI’lTBII’i Time ZONE 5 Pacific Time ZONE 6 rYukcrr Time zoNE 1 rHawaiian Time 9 snen press In 0R Press and hold Note Time Zone and lime Setting can only oe adiusted in standoy mode, where the lunction ol Radio Biuelooth and Aux are disaoiedlindicators ol ‘MHZ', Bl'and “Ale are cm 8 Set ng the T m Year,Date and Time Display To display YearDaIe and lime seouentiaily short press Short fess ril/iEsEronceloreacti /,//E p BE ’5 short press lorveartyyyy) snort press lorrimelnr mm) short press rorDateand) Manual Time Adjustments 0 year .9 Date .0 'me oPressand hold “TIME SET' until the vear Display blinks Then release the button eRress I4“ or wt loadiustvear 0Rress “TIME SET“ and the Month Display will plink OPress“K“ or “pt“to adiuslMonth ePress “TIME 5E and the Date Display will blink °Fress K“ or ’N ‘ lo adiustDate oRress ‘TIMESE and the Hour Displaywnlolink epress-ld“ or ‘N‘ loadiusthour opress “TIME 5E and the Minutes Display Will olink @Press‘N“ or >t‘ toadyustMinutes 0Press“TiMESET torinisn iine edlustments session Note To skip manuai adlustrrlents keep itidle lor5seconds to resume to clock display mode yl ght Sav ng and Leap YearAdiustmen All Dayllgnl Saying and Lean yearadiuslmenl are made auiomalically by The SmariSetfilnternai compulei asiollow: Start nfDayligM Saving lime: A12 00 AM on lne 2nd Sunday in March, Ilie Clock Will aulomalically advance lo 3 on AM End oinaylignl Saving lime: or 100 AM on lhe isl Sunday in November, the clock Will aUtOmaIiCaiiy resel lo2 00AM Lun year. Al 12 no Midnighl on February 28th, the calendar display will change Io”229" 10 Setting the Alarm Alarm can only be sel in slandby mode where lne iuncrion oi Rale,EiueiODth, and AUX aredisabledii e lndloalors oi “MHz ', “ DT' .arid “AUX' are OFF) Adjuslingiiiewak. uprimss Hou\r Nipples " HUB i OPress and hold 9 lo mov- Backward Am An snorlorlongprm STO or MEM, n \ codiaplaylnealarm l i , \tlrrleloreichseltmg l, \‘ /ue i \ OR ,' ,/ /ro move Forward T snorrdr long press DR , shoilprsssloseleclHour orMiriuies adiusimem Adjusling Alarm w. k Mod. Press and Hold “ALi-or-ALz‘lhsn press "A or v ‘10 adiusl WeekdayslMondaylo Fridayi, Weekends (Salurday and Sunday, or Everydays (Monday lo Sundayi Weekdays Weekends Snorl press ALi orALz Io Iurn ON the Alarm Mode Wnen Buzzer ‘ lignls on,lne wake up Buzzeraiarm will be ON Wnen Music .rs lignls on,lne wake up Radio alarm Will be ON To oomplelelylurn omne alarm. snon press AL1 oTAL2 until lire Buzzer‘ orRadio .oliglrl is OEF. Wake Te Radio and Alarm Volume Settinfl - Press POWER builori lo iurn lne unii ON . Press SOURCE buiion io seleci FM Radio mode - Tune to or recall irom Memory the sialion ihal you Wisn lo near When lne alarm COmeSON . Press Vols or VOL lo sel lne maximum radio volume al wnicn lne alarm Will Teach gradually al wake up lime - Delaull alarm volume is UDE ior radio volume sei up belween HDD~UDE(belaTe lne unii LurTled OFF lo slandby model For a louder alarm , sel up radID volume above Una belore the unil luined OFF 5 n ooze Ala rm When me Alarm comes ON ,press SNOOZE bullon zr‘e lo pause lthr9 minules Snooze Alarm will nol repeal allerone nour To Turn oil Snooze AIarm mode .press lne POWER bullon once a Every Days 11 Listening to FM Radio Press the Fowerbutlono to turn ON the unitand press SOURCE button E to change") Radio Mode (“MHz ” On) Pcweron; A:5witchta Radio Mode [Press SOURCE bultnn) Press E 0 s\\\ B11un‘ g lo FM Slalion iEirlier press Tune Up or Tune Down lo yourdesired station) c: Auto Searching/Scanning FM Stations (Press lire Tune Up orTurn Down bulloniorzseconds and releasei Surchlng WIT stanat a slilion with accevlable reception l l u l ,i‘Press 2: ii and releait D: Staring Favorable smion Io Memory in slalions can be sloredi “\sirari press .Al Radio Mode PressTune DOWHHDTTUTTO Upbibullonlosearcn yourdesiredslalion .Presslne AL1/STO bullon, Program NUTleET“i-701“ Will be blinking on lne display,press Tune Down IdorTune UthD change Lne program number iiomani- lo "P20", once you selecled lhe desired program number, press lhe ALllSTo again and Ihelavorable station Will be slored Iolneseleoled program number E: Recall Favorable Slalion lo Memory / HFreSs ~Press lhe AL2IMEM buttan. Program nurnberwill be shown on lne display. press Tune DoWn MDT Tune Up Fl lo selecl your slored program number and listen Io yourlavorable sialion Nole Keep lne clock radio away irom olhereleolronicdeVices Io avoid radio inlerierence Forbeller ieceplion,iully eklend and adjust lne posilion Olttle FM anlennalcable) 12 Pairing Bluetooth Speaker .Press lhe POWER dulion To Turn The and ON ~ Press lne SOURCE bullonloseleci Dlueloolhiblimodei’DT'ilasnes Ior pairing) - Enable your aluelooln device and selecl ERido Irom ils AvailableiPaired devrce lisl Ailer pairng successiully, lhe uniIWill prompl and “ET“ Will become solid .Aulomalic conneolion Wilh your Bluetooth devices is possible irlney nave been pairedsucoessiully Wilh lhis Unit berore . Allerpairedyou can play your musicinrougn lnis Bass Doosled Eluslooln SpeaKer iaT PAIRi 13 Sleeping to MuSIchmer Press the Power button 0 to turn ON the un'trand press SOURCE button to select either FM Radio. Bluetooth orAUX modeto play radio or music Sleep rnode setting Press and hold - Press and noid lne SLEEP bulion Trie display Will Show lrie sleep iimer a Press Up or Down bulion lo cnoose your desired sleep limer ia2~sa minulesi - Release all bullons. lne sleep limei Will slail eounling doWn and lurn oil lbe unil wrien lne dos-red sleep Iimorelapsed ~ To display me sleep limer during counl down process, press lhe SLEEP bullori - To cancel lhe sleep timer during counl down process, press lhe POWER builon io soul on me unil 14 3 Level Dimmer Control Tne bridhlness oi lne clock display can be ser al Hidh/Medium/LoW level in siandby, Radio and Aux modes Wilh a press oi Wixl‘o bullon 15 NightLighting Press "12 NIGHT LICHT bullon la iurn lnecyannignilignl ON or OFF wnen needed 16 Enjoying Audio Source via AUX IN Jack Presslne POWER bullon lo lurn lne unil ON Press SOURCE bullon unlii"AUX"appears on LEDdisplay,conneclyour audio or mobile device and play musiclnrougn lne unil wl earphoneiack lne 35mm 17 USBforCha ging Ou|pu|5V up lo 2 lAIorcnarging mobile phone,iabiel oi poilabledigilal audio player Nola cnarging currenldrawn Irom the unil may vary due Io dilierenl USS criarging cable condilion or ballery charging chaiaclerislics 18 Cha ging the Lithium Battery my add an 5‘3 '7 ~ Li M. indioalor ‘Fiashes‘. you snould criarrge irie ballery Trial is used ior backup clock and alarm selling as . il Will be On Wnerl you have changed lhe ballery in correcl / insiruciions CRzmziaw VDSirivEl‘i nccarivci i Tile ballery backup is inlended Iorsliorl poweroutages only Tne unit's primary Iunclions cannol run on me ballery backup alone Tliis unil uses a bullon cell battery that Will lasl up lo 1 yearand mainiains Inelime fl‘i WARNING DANGER OF EXPLOSION IF DATTERV IS INCORRECTLY REPLACED. REPLACE oNLv WITH THE SAME OR EQUIVALENT TvPE. DO NOT INGEST aATTERv CHEMICAL EHRN HAzARD Tnis producl ODniamS a ooinlbullon cell ballery li lne coin/bullon oell ballery is swallowed ii can cause severe iniernal bums in usl 2 Rows and Can lead Io dealn Keep new and used ballenes aWay irom cliildren Ii Lne ballem oomparlmenl does riol close securely slop using lne producl and keep it away irom children ll you Lnink ballenes mignl nave been swallowed or placed inside any pan oi lne body seek lmmediale medical allenlion The apparatus musl riol be exposed lo dripping orsplasliing arid obiecls iilled Wiln liquids, sucri as vases, musl noi be placed on lhe apparalus Triis marking indicales inallnis producl snould nolbe disposed oi Wilh olher house hold wasleslhrougnoullhe counlry To prevenl possible narm to lne environmanl or human healln irom unconlrollod wasle disposal,recycle lnis unil responsibly so as lo promole the reuse olmalsrial resources To relurn your used device, please use retUrTi and colleolion systems or conlacl lne relailerwnere lne _ produclwas purcnased asthey knoWhowlo saiely recyclelhis Druduct 19 Care and Maintenance Care Olcahinels lilns cabinel becomes duslyrwipe II Wiln a soil cloili lilne cabinel becomes smudged or dirly, clean ilWiIri a soil. slignlly dampened cloln Neverallow walerorany liduid lo gelinside lne cabinel Neveruse any abrasive cleaners or cleaning pads aslhese Will damage lne iinisri oi your radio Lirnium Dali-ry Proceullons - Dispose oilne old battery properly Do noi leave il lying around wnere a young cnild orpet could play Wiln orswallow il lllne ballery is swallowed, coniaela physicianimmedialely - Tne ballery may explode iimislrealed Oo nolallempllo recnarge iroi disassembled Do nbl dispose oi lhe old ballery in a nre 20 LIMITED WARRANTY Emerson Radio Corp warranls lnis producl lo be iree irom manulacluring deiecls in original malerial. including original parls, and workmansnip under normal norne use and conditions i‘manulaclurlng deiecl'i ior a period or ninely (eoi days irom dale oi original purcnase in, and ii used inlhe Uniled Sta|es Should service be necessary underlliis Warranly, Emerson Will provideine iolloWino ai our Relurn Repair Facilily provided lne manuraclunng deiecl is verined along wilh lhe dale oi purchase x Repair service ior ninely Teal days irom dale cioriginal purcnase al no cnarge rorlaborand parls To Receive Aulriorizalion Io Relurn a Deieclive Ilem, please conlacl Emerson CuslomerSeryice al 17800789879020 Have yourModel number Serial Number and daled Prooioi Purchase win you when you call in lne evanl lne producl musl be relurned lo Emerson s Pack lne unil in a weiirpadded heavy corrugaled box Please insure lne ilem is Well padded |o avoid damage wnrle in lransil back To our iacilily li lne ilem incurs damage, il will NOT be replaced and IneconsumerWill be responsible iorreluinlreignl coslslo receive Ineirsame unil back Enclose your crieck or money order payable lo Emerson Radio in line amounl oi $10 tO cover return shipping and nandling Costs Enclose a nole Willi your name, address, phone number, Reiurn Aulhanzallon numberand brieireason iorrelurning lne unil s Enclose a copy oi your prooioi purchase (Warranly se Wilnouldalad orooioipurcnasal x Snip lne unilpiepaid via UPS orparcel posl (SHiP lNSURED and oblain a tracking number) NOTE Tliis warranly does nol cover iai Damage tO equipment nol properly connecled Io lhe producl lb, Cosl incurred in lhe snipping oilhe producl lo and irom Emerson‘s Reluin Facilily ic) Damage or improper operalion oi unil caused by cuslomer abuse. misuse negligence or iailure lo iollcw operatmg insliuclibns [lnciudmg cleaning lns|ructions) provided Wiln lne producl id>Ordinary adiuslmenis Id The producl which can be periormed by cuslomer as oullined in lhe Owner's manual lei Signal receplion problems caused by exlernal anlenna or cable syslems ii lProducls riol purcnasad in lne Uniled Slalas igl Damage lo producl ii used oulside lne United Slales EWill nol semi/Dad THlS WARRANTY lS NONTRANSFERASLE ANDAPPLIES ONLv To THE ORlSlNAL PURCHASER AND DOES NOT EXTEND TO SUSSEQUENT DWNERS OF THE PRODUCT ANVAPPUCABLE IMPLIED WARRANTlES, lNCLUDlNC THE WARRANTV OF MERCHANTADlLlTv ARE LIMITED lN DuRATlON TOA PERIOD OF THE EXPRESSED WARRANTYAS PROVIDED HERElN EEGINNiNG WlTH THE DATE OF ORlClNAL PURCHASE AT RETAlLAND No WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR lMPLlED SHALLAPPLv TO THE PRODUCTTHEREAFTER EMERSON MAKES NO WARRANTVAS TO THE FITNESS OF THE PRODUCT FOR ANY PARTlCULAR PURPOSE OR USE THE EXTENT OF EMERSON RADlo CORPS LiARlLlTv UNDER THlS LlMITED WARRANTY IS THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT PROVIDEDADOVE AND IN NO EVENT. SHALL EMERSON RADlO CORPS LIADlLlTy EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRlCE PAlD By THE PURCHASER OF THE PRODUCT UNDER NO ClRCUMSTANCES SHALL EMERSON RADlO CORP SE LIABLE FOR ANV LOSS, DIRECT, NDlREcT.lNClDENTAL,sPEClAL,ORCONSEQUENTlALDAMACEARISINC OUT OF OR iN CONNECTiON WlTH THE uSE OF THlS PRODUCT THlS WARRANTV iS VALID ONLV iN THE UNlTED STATES oFAMERicA YHIS WARRANTV GiVES you sPEClFIC LEGALRlGHTs HOWEVER, vou MAV HAVE OTHER RlCHTs WHICH MAV VARY FROM STATE To STATE SOME STATES DO NDTALLOW LlMlTATlONS DN IMPLlED WARRANTlES OR EXCLUSION OF CONSEOuENTlAL DAMAGE, THEREFORE THESE RESTRlCTlONs MAv NOTAPFLY TO you ia.9a.14n2A Tne serial number can be found on lne back rabinel We suggesl that you record lne serial numberoi your Umtln lhe space below ioriulure reierence Model Number: ERlunznl Serial Numbo EErnason sERVlce~~ roambimuu sEruP OR cPERarinanssisiM PLEASE ceLL i eoapsesbzo roacusndnsa SERViCE Pcsesscainuro lrilemei®emersonradlo com 0R wane ro Emerson Radlc corp ConsumerAHAlri pen 3 Universiry Piau sun. dDE Harkensark NJ orsbi Emerson Parr No ERi Maui .201 70408-01 Primed in Crime
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