Emerson Radio ER106002 Wireless Earbuds User Manual
Emerson Radio Corp. Wireless Earbuds
User Manual
fiE/‘nason. ER106003 um sum- 14 Inlroducfion Wireless Earbuds aluelaaln Mslal Ealpuas wan Premlum Sauna ans SWOT Buss Thankyouhrcmmlngmefiklflfimsmuflwhflem earplenee Tne marlullull nelp yw waslemmeuwhane! sale-y lulu l Please ldlleu lne eulpellnes eleeely ln no manual to ensure wursulmv eeloe oer-e me esnnanee 2 rnese eannonee pe nol mmnln any reusaole pans so please up no nedlnyerdlsnmllelnese “who“!edulng senayue-d ywrmrvumv and eeulo cause eeeme 5M: files 3 pp nel use any seem or eel-ale loulos o eean me eanrnenea e DO neluaelre elnlnane3 ln. nsapdeuslemon 2. Package cenlenls l Amulmm Enlhlms lAM-clnusechflmlrlg seals 2 a Pals lllenule pee ear sues l sell span slllmn ear-rues l a uuv euoe l Acnlrwlv eserel 32? (3529 6 . Controls and lnalcelers ugh: newer and Mlslepnpne 54TH volume A Huulunelen lllrl sullen anumz Crlnlge lmsdics RE WARlllllO STATEMENT anawu "awn" mum-o u nel qanesl er mean munnm rn. all, er a. PRoDucT usE AND PROTEchON neeumnMullenlnm.elnlelsenneaal.mlaela realms rm mamml n: lemma hymn a, ner Help a all, an ml ll a lens SAFEW ADVlsDRy p WARNING Do nor sullen... Asullne lizl-ll numn solemn panelln Ml. ln. un. l. lens realm n.lnl no menu Adm/mum ls on uEmRE uwvmv l n. male all,“ r.l_e ls an o la, neul ln unleal awn. u ln. unl ml nay lea ln. mm rna slaw ne ensln cranes lee, n papenlm fislmmnm e sweeps-esruuellel nlnl “mm llllnullufi emu nor ueueullalle..l even own ll mama" l salon s lrlmrvww new armuprnmmllns snarl eslrsnmnmnsyelra sameness-a SAFETV Tnls produel nas a llmlled llle span pluse and ellould ae replaced when n snows valeui srgns ol wear, Do nel modlfy or lemme any anglnal oompgnenl pans pl are ealpnones. Please axelclva care and qpedludpmenlymen using mess Earouds Always ensure mal yen earl near and be awale ol any polenllal hazards arpuno you. you snould always llProlzelly clean lrle Earouds prler lo storage, you snould never llNever charge me Eallwdi ll you susvem mler rlas enlersc lrre deylee Cnarglng a deylpe wlln wnlerlnslde oould pe polennally hazardous and lapse fire or a Spark. 2)Neyer use me Eamuds ln a wel eflwmnmenL 37Neveraltsmm lo lx mese Eareuds. 4.How lp use 4.1 General Puncllons Press me Mr mnenlorzeesondsurenlne deyleeeorl lTne hlueLED slowly lasnesand apaap mm la naalu l To lurn an lnpeu..allmpdeplaaa lhe‘MF' aulun and need an rel seerpslsn. us use and lid LED eulsslynssnsllsnelelysrd 2 seep saunas sen as nearer Enlel ale palnne mods lll palnna Mode uses aluemoln enaaleo maple plane or mner elueloeln Dense lo penemr me wanna asllon llerdelalle lellrla lna maplll aaaul palnnq > Palrmg Pleis‘MF'hullcn ls play whln lnedanes ls paused Press lllpaln us resume playaael ydulne up Pleas . lar yell. pleas. Veluma flwm Pee vnlume deeease Pleuldua Vress anp roll my prev-pus muen mack Nax Pleas sna neld . rel Peeslne ‘Mr- ouyanrera seeenpswnenele dense la en l Earpuda wlll laaue a seep sound and all lEDe are all l W" rep LED laanea PIHY/ pause x| nuale luck Turn ell Law aauery wammg 4,2. Palrlng to Blullomh do on Thus- yaurarueealn sees Hrwm ea yau nuslnnslly p-lrulsm WM . alueeelnanaum same one Wu e-pnanas er. pales la a sp-slls sane. nor will roman pal-d wnan may an nlnln lawn 4,3 Pall lwo fluvial nl The sum. film Ale. Dllnng lne lrsl pulse Ewlinh ml lne Ella-Km runalen an ole pause rn.n on an m- i-mnd dew. lo palr wllh ln. .arpnan.s anel 1m mans you esn aeled muse hum ellner peulse Pair g lo a Bluolpplll dew c- - eel ynurdeylceluselrallmsh node prulouelnexl lrsera 4 Charging your down Canned me Earoude re a Useenaree-erppn Mukesule meiamflsure lulrr armed lor sl leael 3 5 name [More lnllal use but" ene rrd pl wu- Usa sees no mechmworUSBuunar-u Pcand me uIMT end re me Mlaa USEmckevwmeEumllds Whllealnlvma nereplEDllanllepl wnen enarelr-l a epmplelel me arue LED llpm wlll seen 5. Technlcal speclllcatlons Plug lns mlufi use asaplerlp ma mlcm use when lne Ealhudsl men PM me use sdeplel lea sue mangle" aesnrpoleralen a use marvel Whendwwm me red [ED llanl ls an Press-ne ‘MFhunull loll eepsndumlelne elll ls lllmmlflw Pleisl’le ME eullpn lel l EOLOM m and all smells Answer call End 1le Press . a sure ssn-enme lelnansrerlne eall pemeen me name pnune s Earpupa durlnea ea Pmssme “MF‘ aullpnlarzsaaardeladedln. an lnoemlng ln elanpey mode flwhle dle me Mr sullen sen ledlel ysurlaeldellno nuneel lnalymede pleasandlldld -a.ld- allhe earnepms lnen Ealhudswlll reeellalne laelary serllng Tnanalsr a ralapnan. csll Deena e elll L350 numee- neolal Famry reeel CARE. MAlNTENANCE a PRECAUTlONS lllllne onll ls plaoed ln walerl waler may enler we use onll and veld your wanarlly am NOT use or ale-e lne onll ln places Wlln nlgn lempelalure 3JAVOID prolonged exposure lo ullraylplel radlallon luv sunllgm) and sodng magnella nelds AlPerledlcally olean lne mbhel earpuds Wlln a soll melsl oleln and ensure np ppleels suan as dln, nalrl or sand me an lne ruaper earpuds Do NOT use any elly selyenl or onemloalslor eleamng 5)Paw=r and l pr pnarge lne pulll-ln leanalgeaale panerylor Ponaole use oy Connemmfl me use ppm lo a ppmpuler USE oonneallen one an Ac pullel oslng lne AOlousa sold sv lA umradaplermlenped lor use wlm lrle unll slNolse and aualo plslprllorl may ooourwllen llle oallenee are nearlng end pl charge 7)Do NOT lemoye lrle hullHn pallety 7 Dalpery RemeyallDlspasal ypur produeloomalns sell-nee wnlen eannol as ulspused Hlln nomlzl nousellold wasle. Damp so may nann me Invlmnmam Phase lamlllarlze yoursell abomlne local eulnollly rules on me separale 00“le pl pallerles peeause pprrscl mspesal helps lo prevenl damage lo ms pnyllpnrnenl and nealln uMlTED WARRANTy Emelsen Radle cap warrans lnls produel In pe llee lrom manulaolunne pelecls ln engmal malerlall lneludlnq orlqlnal panel and workman!” under nonnal nprne use and opndlllons l‘manuladunnq deleol'l for a penod of mnery lsol pays lrem dale pl mglnal purchase ln. and ll used ln lne Unlled Slales Shwld seryroe pe necessary under lrlls wawmy, Emerson wlll prov-de lne lollprllpg al eur Relurn Repelr realllly prwmed me manulaolunng cereal ls yermep along Wlm lrle dale pl purorlase A Repalrseryloe Tor nlnely lea) days Tram dale olprlglnal puronase al menarge lerlappr and pans To Reeelyo Amnonzallpn lo Relum a Deleopye llernl please opnlael Emerson OuslemerSerylee al 1-300-399-9020 Have your Model numberl Senal Numperano calm Prpolol Purenase wllh you when ypu call dauleeleaumssullypalrad wllhnvvmms snlun man lheBlulwlh lunelpn on lnellrsleeulss earn eeulsee mwnmnezlealolmealpllmaso mum-fill Spa-Manna Blu-mhvsrslol 4 2 aluamn Pram. HsP HFP AzDP AyRoP ~Yumunwuvdc~ltxan¢ ensure le elusloos wncllan le amused RE Range elamllree ssaesl - run an n. Elummh Swen unnenes .nd gn re pelnne nap. mem Resume 2DHx—22KN1 -Arle. a law yacunds yaur aeulae wlll amuse lr.e sansnanes Speaker laled NWT 1) zv under Enloappa s.lsellsnd ymrdsvlnl lmsennrn lms p.lnrro — yau sen hit-Ma mussels any dn.raansranlmann.nlmm We SW m" ”35“! fl'ylu anler-nn all ma audlo moan 1m lannones You an smllel THD‘N so oar. erdeylce WllMM earpnolesonlnslele yuurne uppoynanl W Am Talmng ame Aaoul nears non. lull snares cnarglnd mn- Aaaul 2 mm" slandpy Tlm. Up la lap noun Dlnrens-on (LxWxH) looxzsxzol mm Welpnl luglpoToz Pamng to a eempuler: - lllnan la la elueuea runellal iuwflnep bywurnnmwluv a elueeeln aa.pl.. wlll s. mnulud camelessaeperlayeuwenpuerslemun ls elueeea mm ls senses - run an n. we gulDlhEb-wvg mad. - open ln. eluslaeln sense llamas an yeurenpuer ms asleellr. asaeKsyeureluslaalnma. lulalel eearlauau.u.ernslualame elueeeln sense lar nae lllanrellal - Allera lrw seeandslneealosopepll lslln aluelaeln emeeelyeer eo-nwlerae a dleeeeraelederee selesllnle leon snfldlck ngnl sullen elmouee la 5m 'pl!lrvvq'l lherlszlecl ‘cmrwclwllhBudladevlce‘wllh lne non. hum" on we moose ln me ever“ Ihe plsduel mus| oe relurrlefl Ia Emerson - Packma uml m e well—padded neavy eorrugalep box Please lnsore lne llern ls well padded lo ayold damage wlllle ln nansll hack lo ourlaelllly ll ms llem lneurs pamage, n wlll lloT ae replaoed and me eonsonler le pe respenslole lal relurn lrelgnl peels lo reeelve lrlelr same unll back Enelpse my check or money alder payable lo Emelsen Radlo m we amour-l el sl 0 lo cover Tatum smppmg and nandllng eosls Enclose a rlvle Wlln your name, adoress, pnene numoerl Relum Aulnellzallon nulnser and one reason Tor lelulnlng lrle unltl Enclose a copy olypur pmM slpurenase lwarrsmy 59le WNW} snlp lne unn prepalp via UPs or name! peel (sHlP INSURED and open a lraelong nulnaer) MOTE‘ Tms wallanly does nal eoyer lal Damage lo eoulpmem nol properly eenneeled in me produel lal Cos! lrlculled ln lne snlpplng or me praduel lo and Tron Emerson‘s Relum seelllly lsl Damage or lnlpreper operallon or unll caused by cuslomer abusel mllusel negllgenoe or lellurs re lollow opersllng lnslnleoons llneludlng cleanlng lnsllueuonsl pmwded um. lne prpouel Ordlnsfy adlnslmenls lo me prpduelwnlen pan pe penanned oy suelomerae oumned m are owners manual lel slanal leeepllan ploplenls eausel py exTemal anlenna Or eaole eyelems (0 Pmdusls nnl purenased ln me Unlled Slsles lg) Damage lo preduel ll used oulsoe lne Unlled Slates THlS WARRANTv IS NON—TRANSFERAELE AND APPuEs DNLV TO THE ORlOlllAl PURCHAsER AND DOES NOT ExTEllD TO SUESEOUENT OWNERS OF THE PRODUCT Ally APPUCABLE lMPllED wARRAllTlESl lNcLUDlNG THE WARme OE MEROHANTADlllTyl ARE UMlTED m DURAYION TO A PERloD OF THE ExPREssED wARRAllTy As. PROVIDEDHERElN DEOlNNlNO WlTH THE DATE OF DRIGlNAL PURcHAsE AT REYNL AND NO WARRANTlEsl WHETHER ExPREssED OR lMPllED, SHALL APPly TO THE PRODucT THEREAFYER EMERSON MAKES NO WARRANTY As. TO THE FlTNESS OF THE PRODucT EOR Ally PARTlOULAR PURposE OR use ls. FCC STATEMEN . rnls unwrammnlnwm en la en. Ecc all. meal ls use a la lawns m l nle We. rel naells. nsnrul nan-ale. ans ulnlelimlmelsllwmwe Memes we elmlllsllslmuéulgumlwluelmlmule leeuemume "xewxmeaneleflewunflaw mall,“ lunluelsew lel mausoleum”. lmlllslelellmlululellw selseseumluulel swam Ml,“uselslsumlelmeeleuse L‘ufi‘ffl‘r‘a‘ Q’fi‘n'fn’l Lfi'r‘al‘le'l" $1133.“ ‘f‘sTnfl'lfln‘ls'l‘r‘fa‘fu’fofi': $7513“ m n mu. maulmnllle slnlul mean THE ExTENT OF EMERSON RADlO CORPS uADluTv UNDER THIS uMlTED WARRAHTy ls THE REPAlR OR REPLACEMENT PROVlDED AROVE AND IN NO EVENT. SHALL EMERSON RADlo CORP s LlAPluTv ExCEED THE PURCHASE PRlCE PAlD Dy THE PURCHASER or THE PRODUCT UNDER NO ClRCUMSTANCEs SHALL EMERSON RADlO CORP BE LIABLE FOR Ally LOSS. DlRECT. lNDIRECT. lNCIDENTAL SPEClAL. OR CUNSEQUENTlAL DAMAGE ARlslllc. OUT OF OR lN CONNECTION WlTH THE usE OF THls PRODUCT THls WARRANTy ls VAUD ONLY lN THE UNITED sTATEs DF AMERch THls WARRANTy OlVEs yOU SPEClPlD LEGAL RleHTS HOWEVER. you MAy HAVE OTHER RlOHTs WchH MAy yARy FROM sTATE To STATE SOME sTATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON lMPUED WARRANTlEs OR EXCLUSION OF CONSEQUENTlAL DAMAGE THEREFORE THESE RESTRlCTlOllS MAy NOT APPLY TO you ic—w—MDZA The senal numper ean ae laund on me Dackaglng We soggesl mal you reeorp lne serlal number ol your unn m lne spaos oelow IOT allure relelenee Mwel Humper ERlpsrm Serlal Number Emsvson Pan No ERlchmszflfllDIE—flfl Pnnled m Chlna
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes Create Date : 2017:11:08 20:40:07+08:00 Creator : Adobe Acrobat 11.0 Modify Date : 2017:11:08 20:40:22+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03 Metadata Date : 2017:11:08 20:40:22+08:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat 11.0 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:68c25e1a-91de-444e-99d8-60a6b58eeaba Instance ID : uuid:33cb4e90-539a-4e9d-9fec-43919118f910 Producer : Adobe Acrobat 11.0 Image Conversion Plug-in Page Count : 1EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools