Emerson Ms Motor Starters Certificate
: Emerson Emerson-Ms-Motor-Starters-Certificate-679864 emerson-ms-motor-starters-certificate-679864 emerson pdf
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IECExCertificate of Conformity INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IEC CertificationSchemefor ExplosiveAtmospheres for rulesand detailsof the IECExSchemevisitwww.tecex.com Certificate No.: IECExLCI08.0023X Status: Current issueNo.:0 Certificatehistorv: Dateof lssue: 2008-12-',12 Applicant: A.T.X. E.l.N.rueAndr6DUROUCHEZ 80084AMIENSCEDEX2 France Electrical Apparatus: Optionalaccessory: Flameproofenclosure Typeof Protection: d,rD Marking: A.T.X..APPLETON Address:... Type:CF... SerialNumber:..,,;Yearof construction:.., Ex d llB or llc T6 to T4 or Ex d[ia] or d[ib] llB or llC T6 to T4 Ex tD A21 T80'C,T95'C or T130"C - DONOTOPENWHENENERGIZED WARNING AFTERDE-ENERGIZING, DELAYX* MINUTES BEFOREOPENING DO NOTOPENWHENAN EXPLOSIVE GASATMOSPHERE IS PRESENT(whena batteryis using) Cableentry temperature: ""C rEcEx Lct 08.0023x *: see descriptivenotice Approved for issue on behalf of the IECEx Cerlification Body: Page1 of 4 MaTcGILLAUX Position: Signature: (for printed version) 2008 0Ec, Date: 1 This certificateand schedulemay only be reproducedin full. 2. This certificateis not transferableand remainsthe propertyof the issuing body. 3. The Status and authenticityof this certificatemay be verifiedby visitingthe OfficialIECEx Website. Certificateissued by: Laboratoire Central des Industries Electriques (LCIE) 33 Avenue du General Leclerc FR-92260Fontenay-aux-Roses France ts IECExCertificate of Conformity CertificateNo.: IECExLCI08.0023X Date of lssue: 2008-12-12 lssueNo.:0 Page2 ot 4 Manufacturer: A.T.X. A.l.N.rueAndr6DUROUCHEZ 80084AMIENSCEDEX2 France Manufacturinglocation(s): This certificateis issued as verificationthat a sample(s),representativeof production,was assessed and tested and found to comply with the IEC Standardlist below and that the manufacturer'squalitysystem, relatingto the Ex products covered by this certificate,was assessedand found to comply with the IECEx Quality system requirements.This certificateis grantedsubject to the conditionsas set out in IECEXScheme Rules, IECEx 02 and Operational Documentsas amended. STANDARDS: The electricalapparatusand any acceptablevariationsto it specifiedin the scheduleol this certificateand the identified documents,was found to comply with the followingstandards: IEC 60079-0 : 2004 4.0 Edition: IEC 60079-1 :2O07-O4 Edition: 6 IEC 61241-0:2O04 1 Edition: IEG61241-1: 2004 1 Edition: Electricalapparatusfor explosivegas atmospheres- Part 0: General requirements - Part1: Equipment Explosive protection atmospheres "d" by flameproof enclosures Electrical for usein the presenceof combustible apparatus dust- Part0: General requirements Electrical apparatus for use in the presenceof combustible by dust- Part1: Protection enclosures "tD" This Certilicatedoes not indicatecompliancewith electricalsafety and pertormancerequirementsother than those expresslyincludedin the Standardslisted above. REPORTS: TEST& ASSESSMENT A sample(s)of the equipmentlisted has successfullymet the examinationand testrequirementsas recordedin TestReoort: FR/LCl/ExTR08.0020/00 Repof.t: QualityAssessment FB/LCt/QAR07.0008/00 IECExCertificate of Conformity IECExLCI 08.0023X Date of lssue: lssueNo.:0 2008-12-12 Page3 of 4 Schedule EQUIPMENT: Equipmentand systemscoveredby thiscertificateare as follows: The enclosuresare made of aluminiumalloy. The CF rangeis dividedin 2 families: - CF10to 70 B (groupllB) --> 7 types - CF10,30, 50, 70 C (groupllO) -> 4 types Eachtype,insidethe corresponding family,has its own models(e.9.CF11B,CF128...) These enclosurescan be jointedtogetheror with certifiedincreasedsafetyenclosures.These enclosuresmay be equippedwith actualorson cover or sides. Variouselectricalparts can be fitted insideeach enclosureregardingthe internalvolume. Detailsof the possibilitiesare definedin the manufacturer'stechnicalfile. Low voltageequipment(terminals,lransformer,contactor...): Umax = 1000VAC / 1500V DC High voltageequipment(lgnitionlransformer): Umax = 20kV Maximaldissipatedpower : 60W up to '1550Waccordingto each modeland its contents Insulatorfor highvoltageconnection:11kV For the generalor specificcontents,see manufacturerdocuments. CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION: YESas shownbelow: Accordingto the content,the dissipatedpower,the ambienttemperaturesranges,a dedicatedmarkingper type enclosureis definedin the attachedtables Temperature range: irouo of oas lTvoeof enclosure [emoeratureranoe -40'C to +55"C CFlOB -40"C to +55'C CF2OB -20"C to +55'C CF3OB -40"C to +55'C ilB CF4OB -40'C to +55oC CFsOB -50'C to +55'C CF6OB -20"C to +55'C CFTOB -40'C to +55"C CFlOC -40'C to +55"C CF3OC ilc -40"C to +55oC CFsOC -20"C to +55'C CFTOC The additionof intrinsicallvsafe elementsshall conformto the conditionsdescribedin lhe manufacturer documents. ru IECExCertificate of Gonformity IECExLCI08.0023X 2008-12-12 lssue No.: 0 Page 4 ot 4 Additionalintormation: BOUTINETESTS Each enclosureshall be submittedto an overpressureroutinetest for at least 10 secondswithoutexceeding1 minuteat the value which is in the followingtable: CF10Band CF'l0Care exemoted -20"Cto +55"C TEMPERATURE Surfacetempertaurefor dust applicationare directlylinkedwith the maximumpermittedsurfacetempertaureof the correspondinggas temperatureclass : TemDerature Clas! iurfacetemoerature T6 80"c T5 95'C T4 130"C The temperature tablesare in attachment"CLASSIFICATION TABLES'on IECExsile (www.iecex.com). Annexe: CLASSIFICATIONTABLES.doc
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Create Date : 2008:12:12 14:46:19+01:00 Creator Tool : Canon Modify Date : 2012:02:09 08:13:10-06:00 Metadata Date : 2012:02:09 08:13:10-06:00 Producer : Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:bd33c388-be55-4d1c-ba0a-996e71956c65 Instance ID : uuid:1f3d81fc-9cfc-4032-ae66-d2920711dd15 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Count : 4 Creator : CanonEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools