EnGenius Technologies EMD1 AC1300 Dual-Band Mesh AP User Manual 6709A3203160 EMD1 QSG 20180420 for
EnGenius Technologies AC1300 Dual-Band Mesh AP 6709A3203160 EMD1 QSG 20180420 for
- 1. User Manual EMD1
- 2. User Manual EMD2
- 3. User Manual (EMD1)
- 4. User Manual (EMD2)
User Manual EMD1
EnGenius Package Contents QuiLk iiisiaiiuio i Guide Quick in tallation Guide Rir4E EIi‘eiiiEt Cable ‘3’; Ii rcw Pack Securitythan EMDI Mesh A? Wireless Managed indoor Access Point Managed Access Point Installation with Wireless Management Switch in mi Teiiizi; i «on vi LiiiviLillrii.iitkLn(al mi in rar Fiharrir mm B) I: mar-n Ememeicanie rila'i'c LAN Ponci'T‘fl - 'ieEthernetPan ll"€‘ii‘if ml Va‘agcri-wri' (mimic iil‘tfliF _d'ie Iiiiiiiti il z i PoE wireless Management Switch Three Types Of Installation For Different Operation A) Wire ESE "lesi" N? irstaiiatii Minimum Requirements Broadband Internet Service with MR Eerie: Killers Dag; a) Viai‘agnii/«ri'es: 3w n‘iaiifi'iiii‘ii'ii'w\N‘WPRMFinPHEH’ C) Smi‘itirFine Aria; Piii’ii iiii'niiaiil’i Internet Browser EnGenius Mesh Router EnGenius Wireless Management L2 Switch my C N1 mm :Ju miiniv: {Eititliit iaii’eisadminnii we (ii: password Werner ”semi-m rm i-iinim ‘I'ampnmni'ii Swim and run rlir< Lugin {roam 'i rimmimpiLai ‘I57bJJNCill‘iIl’l , ,sai rm iii: is: “loss- M‘iiTmnn‘ H Um in" IE i e EomrollerState is gel in Enabled Wireless Mesh AP Installation with EMR Series Routers ‘: i‘i’lsiiLil‘DiCUi Au HI cmgi: my [re Enl‘leshfli’i’ at JDHE t7 nlu3i4eSWi€OLlel C) nzlri FMTi ‘IH “L-iimizl mi Tei‘iie‘ ge iiFi Nesli r: m EnMesh . Note: H’ll l swim" H Lip-iii \*\‘l m tiiiim \ my il‘iwiieiy "iei'iang'E I Detected :l arm r» Add .i-i m...” - an m Aim all rain m lulli » ,mnr: 5 Configuring Managed AP (Through Encenrus lrrlrreless Management Swrtch cull A) Configure Managed AP(s) through the cm rnterface lrom the swrtch tor WLAN settrngs under Device Management Cllck the “Deurce Name“ rn order to configure your Managed AP a) Add Managed AP(s) to a specrfrc AP Group to saue repetrnue connguratron tasks B) lr your PC rs already on network ensure war you have set rl la a stall: lF Address on me rnterlace [Example 192 168 1 wand the Supnet Maslt addresses 2552552550 rmmmvm—womnwmmm nae—m Dru—.mv-d-‘mm—tJ-u-h forum-rum- muslin—Am huh-”D“ no... o'er-us “my l .mwmv‘wu‘u— Ware."- Moo-e... mums—toad c) Users may create seueral groups srmultaneously to accommodate thert deployments under AP Groups 3 Access Point Setup A) Open a wep orowser on your computer In the address par of the web prowset, enter l92.1ss.1.1 and enter a) Alogrnscreen wrll appear By default the username or the Access Pornt rs admin and the password rs admin Enter the current username and password or the Access Polnt and men cllck Logirr c) The EnGenlus Access Pornt User interface wrll appear Thls deurce can operate rn Access Polnt operatrng mode . raur rrredel rrurnper nray pe drfrerent rn the wepurowserrntenace o) For drstrntt sertrngs, EnCenlUS Wlleless Management swrtches strll offer Indluldual Managed ACCESS PDlm CUSiDleailDfl for C‘USiEr mEmDErS such as dlffefent channels that pest adapt your local WLAN deployments 6) Upon successful connectron and setup user can reyrew sectrons of the web management pages and unleash more featUres for WLAN deployment and performance monrtprrng Access Point Anti-Theft Protection A) Use securrty charn to through the seturrty hole ol EMDl 3) Use screw to through the run hole or securrty charn and lasten the Ser on (he waH St aloneA cess Form In tallatlo 2 IP Address Configuration 1 Connecting the Access Point A) Connect one end or the Ethernet cable rnto the Ethernet port or the Access Palm and the other end to the Ethernet port on the computer B) Plug tn the EMDl In an eleclrrcal outlet and wall the LED flash blue L r Technical Support Country of I’urthas: Service Carter Service Intern-alien Nnflh Ameriu Canada rnamerrgerrustaalacmrr Weemr rarnaaaassraa no ror ups-so oar www Ense/llusmmmm Los Angeles. USA wreeraenrustemton m no 395 as raoo Local>557 reap EnGenrus' ma tut...“taemcmuueat.awromme rm”madam.“amutccruu oammt .oarmra"KarmaM.martrmrrror.momma“uremrmrurmaameuursrmuaramonsoon”, rmMmrmeaman. mm...“ my out opera mar." mamas“ rout.“ mamru sane pan-oaroanawm rangeoauurarecammmr. “New“ rmomumm Once your computer rs cnrsnsure that your TEP/lP rs set to on or Enabled Open Network connectons and tlrentlrtlc Local Area Connecton Select lntemet Protocol Version 4 rrcp/llm). o ;,.......,..r.._... 4'. .a...~~ ye. Federal Communlcaflon COMMISSION Interference Statement Thrsueyrte tamplres wrth Part 15 at the FEE Rules operatron rs (pr’t to the Itriinwllrgiw corrdrtrons (mhrsdeurtenraynottatrseharrnfulrnterrerenre andlzl thrs deyrte rnrrst or r ant any rnterference reteryednncludrng rnterrerenre that may cause trndesrred operatron Thrsequrpment hasoeen testedandlound tocorrrply wrth the lrmrts fora class B drlartal deurce, pursuant to Part 15 at the FEC Rules These lrnrrrs are desrened ts proyrde reasonabie proreclron agarnst harmful rnterterence rn a resrdentral rnstallatron Thls edurprnent generates uses andcanradrate radrorreduencyenerguand rtnot rnstalled and used rn accordance wrth the rnsrructrons may cause harmtul rnterference toradroconrrnunrcatrons HquVErr there rs no guarantee that rnterference nrll not occur rn a partrcular rnslallatran lf tnrs edurprnent does cause harmful rnterference to radro or teleyrsron receprron whrch can he determrned outurnrnr: the edurprnent on and on the user rs encouraged to trlr to correct the rnterlerence oy one of the followrng measures cRPollEllrurleictarPrhefPrelullrgante/rna slllrrease the separatron hetween the enrrrnnrent and rereruer sconnert the, enrrrnnrent rntn an outlet on a nrturt drherent front that m whrch the retewer rs connected consult the, dealer oran experrented lanlo’TV technrnan for help FCC Cautlon Any changes or rnodrlrcatrons nct Explassly atrprsrred lay the party responsrole lor ctrrnplrance could yard the users authorrty to operate thrs edurprnent rhrs transmrllcr must not he to located or speratrng rn tsnrunctrpn urlh any other antenna or lransnrrtter Radiation Exposure Statement: rhrs edurpmentcomplres wrth FLC radratran exposure lrmrrs set torrn tor an Untuns trolled Enulrunmenr rhrs edurprnent should pe rnstalled and operated wrth rnrnrrnurrr drstance zucrn oetween the radrator & your oady
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User Manual (EMD1)
EnGenius Package Contents QuiLk iiisiaiiuio i Guide Quick in tallation Guide Rir4E EIi‘eiiiEt Cable ‘3’; Ii rcw Pack Securitythan EMDI Mesh A? Wireless Managed indoor Access Point Managed Access Point Installation with Wireless Management Switch in mi Teiiizi; i «on vi LiiiviLillrii.iitkLn(al mi in rar Fiharrir mm B) I: mar-n Ememeicanie rila'i'c LAN Ponci'T‘fl - 'ieEthernetPan ll"€‘ii‘if ml Va‘agcri-wri' (mimic iil‘tfliF _d'ie Iiiiiiiti il z i PoE wireless Management Switch Three Types Of Installation For Different Operation A) Wire ESE "lesi" N? irstaiiatii Minimum Requirements Broadband Internet Service with MR Eerie: Killers Dag; a) Viai‘agnii/«ri'es: 3w n‘iaiifi'iiii‘ii'ii'w\N‘WPRMFinPHEH’ C) Smi‘itirFine Aria; Piii’ii iiii'niiaiil’i Internet Browser EnGenius Mesh Router EnGenius Wireless Management L2 Switch my C N1 mm :Ju miiniv: {Eititliit iaii’eisadminnii we (ii: password Werner ”semi-m rm i-iinim ‘I'ampnmni'ii Swim and run rlir< Lugin {roam 'i rimmimpiLai ‘I57bJJNCill‘iIl’l , ,sai rm iii: is: “loss- M‘iiTmnn‘ H Um in" IE i e EomrollerState is gel in Enabled Wireless Mesh AP Installation with EMR Series Routers ‘: i‘i’lsiiLil‘DiCUi Au HI cmgi: my [re Enl‘leshfli’i’ at JDHE t7 nlu3i4eSWi€OLlel C) nzlri FMTi ‘IH “L-iimizl mi Tei‘iie‘ ge iiFi Nesli r: m EnMesh . Note: H’ll l swim" H Lip-iii \*\‘l m tiiiim \ my il‘iwiieiy "iei'iang'E I Detected :l arm r» Add .i-i m...” - an m Aim all rain m lulli » ,mnr: 5 Configuring Managed AP (Through Encenrus lrrlrreless Management Swrtch cull A) Configure Managed AP(s) through the cm rnterface lrom the swrtch tor WLAN settrngs under Device Management Cllck the “Deurce Name“ rn order to configure your Managed AP a) Add Managed AP(s) to a specrfrc AP Group to saue repetrnue connguratron tasks B) lr your PC rs already on network ensure war you have set rl la a stall: lF Address on me rnterlace [Example 192 168 1 wand the Supnet Maslt addresses 2552552550 rmmmvm—womnwmmm nae—m Dru—.mv-d-‘mm—tJ-u-h forum-rum- muslin—Am huh-”D“ no... o'er-us “my l .mwmv‘wu‘u— Ware."- Moo-e... mums—toad c) Users may create seueral groups srmultaneously to accommodate thert deployments under AP Groups 3 Access Point Setup A) Open a wep orowser on your computer In the address par of the web prowset, enter l92.1ss.1.1 and enter a) Alogrnscreen wrll appear By default the username or the Access Pornt rs admin and the password rs admin Enter the current username and password or the Access Polnt and men cllck Logirr c) The EnGenlus Access Pornt User interface wrll appear Thls deurce can operate rn Access Polnt operatrng mode . raur rrredel rrurnper nray pe drfrerent rn the wepurowserrntenace o) For drstrntt sertrngs, EnCenlUS Wlleless Management swrtches strll offer Indluldual Managed ACCESS PDlm CUSiDleailDfl for C‘USiEr mEmDErS such as dlffefent channels that pest adapt your local WLAN deployments 6) Upon successful connectron and setup user can reyrew sectrons of the web management pages and unleash more featUres for WLAN deployment and performance monrtprrng Access Point Anti-Theft Protection A) Use securrty charn to through the seturrty hole ol EMDl 3) Use screw to through the run hole or securrty charn and lasten the Ser on (he waH St aloneA cess Form In tallatlo 2 IP Address Configuration 1 Connecting the Access Point A) Connect one end or the Ethernet cable rnto the Ethernet port or the Access Palm and the other end to the Ethernet port on the computer B) Plug tn the EMDl In an eleclrrcal outlet and wall the LED flash blue L r Technical Support Country of I’urthas: Service Carter Service Intern-alien Nnflh Ameriu Canada rnamerrgerrustaalacmrr Weemr rarnaaaassraa no ror ups-so oar www Ense/llusmmmm Los Angeles. USA wreeraenrustemton m no 395 as raoo Local>557 reap EnGenrus' ma tut...“taemcmuueat.awromme rm”madam.“amutccruu oammt .oarmra"KarmaM.martrmrrror.momma“uremrmrurmaameuursrmuaramonsoon”, rmMmrmeaman. mm...“ my out opera mar." mamas“ rout.“ mamru sane pan-oaroanawm rangeoauurarecammmr. “New“ rmomumm Once your computer rs cnrsnsure that your TEP/lP rs set to on or Enabled Open Network connectons and tlrentlrtlc Local Area Connecton Select lntemet Protocol Version 4 rrcp/llm). o ;,.......,..r.._... 4'. .a...~~ ye. Federal Communlcaflon COMMISSION Interference Statement Thrsueyrte tamplres wrth Part 15 at the FEE Rules operatron rs (pr’t to the Itriinwllrgiw corrdrtrons (mhrsdeurtenraynottatrseharrnfulrnterrerenre andlzl thrs deyrte rnrrst or r ant any rnterference reteryednncludrng rnterrerenre that may cause trndesrred operatron Thrsequrpment hasoeen testedandlound tocorrrply wrth the lrmrts fora class B drlartal deurce, pursuant to Part 15 at the FEC Rules These lrnrrrs are desrened ts proyrde reasonabie proreclron agarnst harmful rnterterence rn a resrdentral rnstallatron Thls edurprnent generates uses andcanradrate radrorreduencyenerguand rtnot rnstalled and used rn accordance wrth the rnsrructrons may cause harmtul rnterference toradroconrrnunrcatrons HquVErr there rs no guarantee that rnterference nrll not occur rn a partrcular rnslallatran lf tnrs edurprnent does cause harmful rnterference to radro or teleyrsron receprron whrch can he determrned outurnrnr: the edurprnent on and on the user rs encouraged to trlr to correct the rnterlerence oy one of the followrng measures cRPollEllrurleictarPrhefPrelullrgante/rna slllrrease the separatron hetween the enrrrnnrent and rereruer sconnert the, enrrrnnrent rntn an outlet on a nrturt drherent front that m whrch the retewer rs connected consult the, dealer oran experrented lanlo’TV technrnan for help FCC Cautlon Any changes or rnodrlrcatrons nct Explassly atrprsrred lay the party responsrole lor ctrrnplrance could yard the users authorrty to operate thrs edurprnent rhrs transmrllcr must not he to located or speratrng rn tsnrunctrpn urlh any other antenna or lransnrrtter Radiation Exposure Statement: rhrs edurpmentcomplres wrth FLC radratran exposure lrmrrs set torrn tor an Untuns trolled Enulrunmenr rhrs edurprnent should pe rnstalled and operated wrth rnrnrrnurrr drstance zucrn oetween the radrator & your oady
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