Equinox Payments 010164-002A ICE 4000 User Manual Owners Manual

Equinox Payments LLC ICE 4000 Owners Manual

Owners Manual

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Document ID97877
Application IDvNDmLMrzQsbUMYuv9LhfGQ==
Document DescriptionOwners Manual
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Date Submitted2000-04-26 00:00:00
Date Available2000-05-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2000-04-21 10:58:48
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Document TitleOwners Manual
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

ICE 4000
Hardware and Installation Manual
Version 1.0
April 13, 2000
Hypercom Corporation
2851 West Kathleen Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85053
Corporate Telephone: 602.504.5000
Corporate Fax: 602.866 5380
Corporate Web Site: www.hypercom.com
Copyright 2000 by Hypercom Corporation.
Produced In the United States of America.
Hypercom Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.
Hypercom and the Hyprcom logo are registered trademarks of Hypercom Corporation.
Hypercom has attempted throughout this publication to distingmsh proprietary trademarks from descriptive terms by
lollowing the capitalization style used by the manufacturer.
This document is proprietary to Hypercom Corporation and is intended solely for use by Hypercom customers. This
publication may not be reproduced or distributed lor any purpose without the written permission of Hypercom
Hypercom Corporation reserves the right to make changes to the publication at any time and without notice. The
information furnished in this publication by Hypercom Corpomtion is believed to be accurate and reliable; however,
Hypercom Corporation assumes no responsibility lor its use. Any error in identilying or reflecting any proprietary marks
or notices is inadvertent and unintentional.
This document applies to the Hype/com [CE 4000 terminal.
' This deVice must not be installed on coin-operated telephone lines or party lines.
' This deVice (equipment) complies with the requirements in Part 15 of FCC Rules for a Class A
computing device. Operation of this device (equipment) is subyect to the following two conditions:
— This device (equipment) may not cause harmful interference, and
— This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
' If this device (equipment) is used in a residential area. it may cause unacceptable interference to
radio and TV reception requiring the operator to take whatever steps necessary to correct the
' Repair work on this device (equipment) must by done by Hypercom Corporation or an authorized
repair station.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital deviseI pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and it not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interlerence to radio and or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment oil and on, the user is encouraged to attempt to correct the
interference by one or more at the Iollowing measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver
' Connect the equipment into an electrical outlet on a circuit diflerent from that to which the receiver
is connected
- Consult the dealer or an experience radio or television technician for assistance
This equipment has been certified to comply within the limits for a Class B computing devise, pursuant to
FCC Rules. In order to maintain compliance with FCC regulations, shielded cables must be used with this
equipment. Operation with non-approved equipment or unsheilded cable is likely to result in radio and or
television interference. The user is cautioned that changes and modifications made to this equipment
without the expressed approval of the manufacturer, could void the user's authority to operate this
To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, this unit must be operated with a minimum separation
distance of 3 cm (1 1/8 inches) between its antenna and a person's body. The user". hand should not be
placed next to the antenna or at locations on the unit where the antenna is connezteu. A minimum
separation distance of 1.5 cm is needed to ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure limits lor the hand,
Table III Contents
“81 Of Figures
Document Organization .................................................................... xiii
Document Conventions .......................................................................... xiii
cllllllal‘ 1 Equipment lnlnrmatlnn
Terminal Information ........................................................................ 1-1
Features ................................................................................... 1-2
ICE 4000 Hardware Features .................................................................... 1-3
Transactions and Functions ............................................................. 1-4
Terminal Initialization ...........................................
Terminal Diagnostics .................................. 1-4
Application Program Changes .
Financial Integrity .
Fast Response Times ...................................................................... 1-5
Reduced Communications Costs ................................................................... 1-5
Networking Efficrency ....................................................................... 1-6
Term-Master ............................................................................. 1 »6
Chapter- 2 Equipment Installatinn
installing the ICE 4000 Terminal ..................................................................... 2-1
Turning on the Terminal ................................................................... 2-3
Installing the ICE 4000 Paper Roll .......................................................... 2-4
Accessing the Battery Pack ............................................................. 2-5
Adjusting the Display Contrast.
sAozs4-oor Hypercom Corporation
list of Figures
Chapter 1 Equipment Inlnrmatlnn
ICE 40001erm|nal ............................................................. 1-2
fihalflfl‘ 2 Equlnment Installation
ICE 4000 under panel connections .................................................. 2»2
ICE 4000 side view .............................................................. 2-6
940254-001 Hypercom Corporation
This book. ICE 4000 Hardware and instaI/arion Manual, is a comprehensive guide to working with the
Hypercom ICE 4000 terminal.
Guide organization
This book is designed to provide you with information relevant to Hypercom equipment. This book is
divided into two chapters:
' Chapter 1 Equipment Information: describes the ICE 4000 terminal in detail
' Chapter 2 Equipment Installation: describes how to install the ICE 4000 terminal
Who Should Use This Guide
This guide is intended for terminal operators, technicians, or those who oversee the installation of
POS hardware.
940264-001 Hypercom Corporation xi
Guide Conventions
This section provides information to help you understand the procedures and concepts presented in
this guide. The following special terms and style conventions are used throughout this document:
Component names: Special bold text highlights certain items including the names oi window and dialog
box components. This text appears in instructions for specific actions such as clicking buttons, typing
in text boxes, and selecting from lists. Some examples are:
From the Main tab page of the Group Definition dialog box, click List,
Emphasis: Emphasis is indicated by indented text, as follows:
NOTE: A note contains neutral or positive information supplementing the main text. It is often information
that applies only to speCial cases.
IMPORTANT: Important statements draw attention to inlormation crucial to using the product successlully
Pay special attention to Important statements.
Procedures: Numbered procedures have a special graphic appearing in the margin of the text, The
words Step-by-Step also appear in bold at the beginning of the procedure.
% To perform a procedure:
1. Follow the steps outlined in the procedure.
2. Most procedures have at least two steps.
a. This is a substep.
b. Substeps must be completed in the order given.
Caution and Warning boxes: When you see a Caution or Warning message, read the information
promptly and carefully betore proceeding. The formats for the boxes follows.
Caution advises that a negative result such as a loss ol data may occur.
A1“ . a- ........ a---
Warnings prowds- information that I5 essentiz we salety of the user, the equipmtm r,” hoth, FaIIlJlF,
to do as instructed may result in physical damage.
ICE 4000 Hardware and Installation Manual 9402644701
Equipment Information
This chapter provides an overview of the Hypercom ICE 4000 terminal. Included are the features
and benefits of the device.
Terminal Inlnrmation
The Hypercom ICE 4000 terminal is a fully lunctional terminal that supports draft capture, check
verilication and guarantee, authorization, and debit.
When communication with the host is interrupted. the terminals support offline transaction
capture. These transactions are then communicated to the host before settlement. At settlement,
the terminal totals are matched with host totals. In the rare instance of
non-matching totals, automatic batch uploading allows accurate matching ol terminal and host
transaction details and provides rapid automated arbitration and balancing.
Settlement tunctions are either password protected for manual activation or are handled
automatically at a time pre-set to meet merchant needs.
The ICE 4000 terminal provides application-level statistical and diagnostic intormation to the
host at the end of each settlement period. This information enables the network operator or
processor to be actively involved in maintenance and service.
For software maintenance, the Hypercom ICE 4000 terminal uses application downloading lrom
the Hypercom PC-based Term-Master, terminal»to-termmal loading (fast loading)v or loading
from the processing host.
The Hypercom Term-Master software manages the ICE 4000 terminal. Term-Master is a PC
application that can store, retrieve, update, and transmit a custom configuration for any terminal
in a customer terminal population, Term-Master also handles terminal soltware loading usrng an
optional dial-up request and terminal operation statistics,
For initial configuration, you enter tern'sinalspecxtic inlormation using Term-luaster betore the
terminal goes onllne for lull initialization ol operating parameters from the processing host. see
tigure1-1 on page 1-2.
Chaptav I
Figure 1-1. ICE 4000 terminal
' Integrated thermal printer ' High-contrast 160 x 160 FSTN
_ 512K memory, optional 1 MB display-thh integrated 12-bit
and 1.5 MB available
' Full track 1 & 2 simultaneous card
' Inte ated PIN an inat e
gr dsg ur reader
capture pads
_ .. . .
_ Dial line operation Multi tasking operating system
_ . v
_ Smart card support Electronic receipt capture
_ Multi-host application support On-screen advertising available
1-2 "25 4000 Hardware and lnstallatlon Manual 940264-001
Equipment Inlormation
ICE 4000 Hardware Features
The lollowing is a list of the ports and features of the ICE 4000 terminal:
Comm Port
The R3232 comm port allows the ICE 4000 terminal to communicate wtth external devices such
as an ECFt (electronic cash register), OCR (optical character reader) wand, and a bar code
Power Port
The power port supports two types of Hypercom power packs: The Linear power pack is used
within the United States of America The Switcher power pack is used internationally.
Contrast Control DIaI
Rotating the Contrast Control Dial, located on the left side oi the terminal, changes the contrast
oi the display screen.
Terminal Modem
The optional internal modem, the Hypercom FastPOSW 9600, is compatible with the Bell 212A
modern and the com V22 interlace and provides for Asynchronous or Synchronous operation
at 9600 bps. The optional modem is suitable for both dial and leased-line operation.
Terminal Radio
The ICE 4000 supports tour radio types: CDPD (cellular digital packet data), Mobitex, GSM, and
the 900 MHZ.
Terminal Power Adaptors
Hypercom otters two types of terminal power adaptors: The Linear power adaptor is used within
the United Stated oi America The Switcher power adaptor is used internationally.
Transactions and Functions
The ICE 4000 terminal supports the full transaction set required lor authorization, draft capture.
debit, check verification and guarantee, proprietary cards, and mail and phone orders.
Term-Master supports automated terminal configuration, terminal interrogation. automated
program changes, and merchant installation.
940264-001 Hypercom Corporalien |-3
Chapter |
Terminal Initialization
Automated Terminal Configuration is downloaded from the host or from the Hypercom Term-
Master application. Term-Master terminal profiles are downloaded through terminal initialization
to meet the specific requirements of merchant categories such as restaurants fortips, retail,
supermarkets, and the hospitality industry
Terminal Diagnostics
Term-Master supports the reporting of status and statistics such as response time
measurements, communication errors, re-dials, card-read errors, and password review.
Application Program Changes
Program changes are automated and downloaded through either a host-resident process or
1-4 ICE 4000 Hardware and Installation Manual 940254-001
Equipment lnlormation
This section discusses many of the leatures oi the |CE 4000 terminal.
Financial Integrity
The ICE 4000 terminal generates automatic reversals to achieve total financial transaction
integrityl These reversals ensure that communications and processing errors do not result in lost
transactions, duplicate processing, or the Iailure of terminals to balance, The ICE 4000 terminals
also enable simple terminal balancing and settlement, while eliminating network overloads
caused by end-ot—day batch transfers,
St Response limes
The fast response time of the ICE 4000 terminal is the direct result of the efficient SDLC
protocol. which permits pre-dialing and message compression At a speed of 9600 bps, EFT
messages of 150 characters are transmitted in 0.8 seconds, increasing throughput tour to ten
times over traditional 300 bps Asynchronous terminals.
duced communications 30818
The ICE 4000 terminals reduce transaction costs by taking advantage of recent advances in
communications and networking technology Using an optional modem, the savings are
generated through short dial-up online times, local area networking, and concentration using the
Hypercom regional Network Access Controllers (NACs). reducing long distance costs and
improving network economics. These terminals actively interface through the Hypercom NACs
with SNA, X25, and BISYNC networks already in place
Hypercom Corporation 1-5
Chapter l
Networking Efficiency
The ICE 4000 terminals are totally compatible with the Hypercom family of Network Access
Controllers (NACs), providing end-to-end network optimizatlon and concentration to keep
communication costs low.
The ICE 4000 terminals support parameter and software downloadingt Parameter downloading
does not affect merchant totals due to the sophisticated architecture of the terminal. Term-
Master collects Management Information System (MKS) statistics and can be interrogated online
for speedy problem resolution The PC-based Term»Master package supports software
download requests from terminals even when the PC is unattended, ensuring terminal software
is automatically kept up to date,
Using an optional modem. a merchant can install the ICE 4000 terminal through the menu-driven
procedure that identifies the telephone line profile ior tone or pulse. or PABX access code,
prompts for the telephone numbers for initialization and network management, and prompts for a
unique terminal identification number with optional check digit.
ICE 4000 Hardware and Installation Manual 940264-001
Equipment Installation
This chapter describes how to install the ICE 4000 terminal.
cnapier 2
The ICE 4000 underpanel connectors include power, PIN, battery and SAM chip panels, and line
Paper roll lock switch _—_——|
Line port
External antenna
PIN port connector tor radio
Power pon
SAM chip access panel
Battery pack panel
Figure 21. ICE 4000 under panel connectors
A When using the Mobitex and CDPD version, the user must ensure that the device is not
posrtioned in such a way as to put the side oi the terminal nearthe antenna and above the credit
card slot less than 3crn (t 1/3") from any part of the body for a period oi six minutes or more
Not complying with this Waring may expose the user or customer to levels oi elecrtomagnetic
radiation exceeding the FCC guidelines.
2»2 ice 4000 Hardware and installation Manual 9402544101
Equipment Installation
Turning “II "II! Terminal
The ICE 4000 terminal operates using a +12 Vdc power cable in conjunction with a 110-Volt
grounded power receptacle.
To turn on the ICE 4000 terminal:
1. Connect the +12 VDC power cable irom the AC adaptor lo the terminal power socket labeled
2. Plug the adaptor into a 110-Volt grounded power receptacle Be sure the connector is firmly
seated. When the power is connected successfully, the terminal beeps twice and then
performs a self»test and diagnostic routine.
A Do not use an adaptor, a power extender adaptor, a power extender cable, or an AC outlet that
does not have a ground connection.
Do not disassemble the AC adaptor. Only qualified service personnel should service the adaptor.
The AC adaptor was designed lor indoor use only. Do not expose to rain or snow.
Do not immerse in fluid.
The reliability ol electronic equipment IS significantly reduced when it is powered from an
underground outlet. A Iow»power AC adaptor connects power to the terminal. Connect only one
terminal to the AC adapton
NOTE: To fully charge the battery tor mobile use, plug in the +12 VDC power cable and turn the
terminal on. Leave the terminal powered up for 4 to 6 hours belore using.
940264-001 Hypeicom Corporation 2-3
Chapter 2
Installing the "E 4000 Panel- Roll
The ICE 4000 uses a paper roll for receipt printingr
To install the ICE 4000 paper roll:
Open the paper bucket cover and remove the paper roll.
Place the paper roll in the bucket so the paper feeds from under the roll, not over the top.
and has a straight-line path into the printer paper-ieed mechanism.
Feed the paper evenly into the paper teed slot at the rear of the ICE 4000 terminal.
When the paper appears, close the paper bucket cover. The printer is now ready to print
ICE 4000 Hardware and Installation Manual
Equipment Installation
Accessing the Battery Pack
The ICE 4000 uses a lithium battery pack.
‘jx V221 Step-by-Step
-l J '
d i To access the battery pack on the ICE 4000 terminal:
1. Place your finger on the top portion of the Battery Pack access panel.
NOTE: See Figure 2-1 on page 22.
2. Slide the access panel down.
3. Remove the battery pack. When replacing the battery pack, ensure that the battery is placed
label-side upt
9402644101 Nypercom Corporation 2-5
Chapter 2
Adjusting the Display contrast
The lCE 4000 uses a contrast control dial to adjust the display.
ell/214)" Step-by-Step
—‘ 3
4 1 To adjust the contrast on the ICE 4000 terminal:
1. Place your finger on the Contrast Control dial.
NOTE: See Figure 2-2.
2. Turn the Contrast Control dial clockwise to darken or counter-clockwise to lighten the
Contrast Control Dial
Figure 2-2. ICE 4000 side view
2-6 ICE 4000 Hardware Ind Installation Manual 9402544101
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Document Number 940264-001
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